grug see boobs grug like boobs grug wants boobs on the sunny <|endoftext|> It's delayed for now... But soon she'll get her gaijin pussy and guts destroyed by UB grug's horse cock... The other grugs are getting their fun first <|endoftext|> Before the UB grug got to taste her, the leader Chadgrug got to mark her as one of his many concubines. Damn bitch makes me rocky hard and diamonds everytime she's just so damn fine and exquisite <|endoftext|> And now that the pathetic cuck gaijin whitey Alexander hamilton jobbed to the UB grug. The prize is to get to mate and breed with the girl they've chosen. And UB grug apparently got the blondie gaijin bombshell babe while Alexander Hamilton gets cucked hard and he can't do anything bc he'll get killed if he does anything funny <|endoftext|> Yep, the amerimutt whitey Alexander got his virgin bussy prostate massaged by giant UB grug >merimutt got his prostate massaged In some korean site <|endoftext|> Luffy and Kid would have a better brother dynamic than Sabo or Ace. They are both retarded, they use grug strength, one is always angry, the other is always oblivious. <|endoftext|> The gaijin alexander hamilton got cucked by the grug bosschad and he chose the blondie and force her to become his concubine cumdump kek <|endoftext|> The gaijin alexander hamilton got cucked by the grug bosschad and he chose the blondie and force her to become his concubine cumdump kek <|endoftext|> >Consonants and silent vowels? Gay garbage, bro. Grug.jpg <|endoftext|> >The logical evolution is a synthesis of Thors' pacifism and Askeladd's cunning I mean we already got that with the Garm fight, but I don't get what you mean by this because Askeladd literally on his dying breath tells thorfinn to succeed his father. It's almost like you fags missed Askeladd literally showing up and telling thorfinn that fighting endlessly is fucking stupid. He never believed in valhalla or viking bullshit. Could thorfinn be less of a pacifist? maybe, maybe we'll get a trigun-esque arc here where he learns, hey it's okay to fight. But acting like right now him asking for opinions and giving everyone equal opportunity to speak is out of character or a betrayal of character is fucking dumb. Wanting thorfinn to be grug smash chad kill everything is legit the dumbest shit ever. Just read something else. <|endoftext|> The quote on the right is merely describing the grug on the left. The top and right quotes are both correct. <|endoftext|> >what are service animals Go cry in your shack Grug. You ugly unwashed piece of shit that doesn't wipe. tHa bIg baD TaMEr toOK alL tHE jObS. Have fun in winter sodomite. <|endoftext|> >you hurt fren grug mad now >[unga bunga intensifies] <|endoftext|> >FUNNY KOT LOL (LOW INTELLIGENT GRUNTS) >GRUG BECUM...MAJIK GAL? GOOD GRUG ALWAYS WANT TO BE MAJIK GAL >GRUGGGGG >NO ME BOYFREN FUCK ME BEST FREN >GRUUUUUG ME BE WICH!!! <|endoftext|> Now I want a real Kaido vs. Big Mom. How does a draconic grug like Kaido deal with the absolute bullshit Big Mom can command and throw at him? <|endoftext|> Grug see side booba Grug hairless trunk get hard like stone Grug want big horn to join so more peepee hard time. <|endoftext|> You're right. It would be much cooler if the spell was much weaker but combined in some kind of martial art. Changing your center of gravity and weight to perform crazy impossible acrobatics. Making yourself lighter for greater acceleration and then heavier again to increase the force of your blows. I prefer characters who develop a set of techniques through autism and hard work over "greg's number bigger, greg smashes grug into pancake!" <|endoftext|> works for me also femKidd would be less of a dumb grug brained moron <|endoftext|> >so says the reject with the tool made by other men You think you have proven a point but you have not. Grug can kill you without an overly expensive tool requiring numerous other people to produce. Those materials came from other men. <|endoftext|> >will not save you from Grug’s club >your parents will die before you No on both counts. <|endoftext|> >germoid "latin" Grug go bash >Grug wear fancy crown >Grug now pretend be people Grug bash HRE and the treacherous bishops of Rome will never be forgiven <|endoftext|> Mathematics will not save you from Grug’s club smashing your puny skull. Nor will Mathematics score you Stacy’s womb impregnated by your semen. It may give you money but without Stacy as your whore or Grug as your bro what point is there to lots of money? You won’t raise a family. Your parents will die before you regardless. And if you were really smart you wouldn’t need lots of money to fund your interests. You certainly won’t be revolutionising the world in your lifetime, how many revolutionary scientists do you know that are alive today? Not too many I bet. My, look into the history of the greats and they were often mocked and lived in obscurity in life just to be recognised decades after their own demise. It’s nice if you enjoy it but if you treat it as some serious and important ability to be advanced at then you must be well and truly delusional. The rich and powerful don’t give a fuck for it themselves. You will just be their funny calculator monkey at best. And normal people won’t understand or be impressed by your skills. You, essentially, take pride in something only a niche group of autists would give a fuck about and even if you’re great they will rage at you and shit on you regardless rather then acknowledging your efforts. There really isn’t a response to this. I know I’m right. You know I’m right. Nobody needs to do calculations to understand it’s a waste of time to contest my cold, hard, logic. <|endoftext|> Shut up grug <|endoftext|> Kidd should have been female, she would be less of a brainless grug <|endoftext|> >hey grug, I know you discovered fire and all, but my gut feeling says it's too dangerous, please don't use it >but greg, it's objectively good for our civilization, we can use it to ward off predators, it makes us safe at night... >SHUT UP GRUG IDGAF You obviously need a balance between >some people manipulating others in debates and >gut feelings cutting off all sense of logic in a debate. <|endoftext|> Forgettable fights >Sanji kicks harder >Zoro slashes harder >Luffy punches bigger The strawhats don't need to be creative. Just go full grug/god mode and apply all the haki you got. <|endoftext|> other grug have good idea <|endoftext|> grug take all women women have grugs seed <|endoftext|> I don't enjoy grug male Kidd, female Kidd would have been smarter <|endoftext|> >Be cursed to relive and regret the abuses you comitted against the people you love >People assume you did nothing wrong, just because you didn't die and didn't receive Grug justice Do Berk fans really? <|endoftext|> when is the fucking grug fighting over i want some WG and Lunarian lore <|endoftext|> >Nah Kidd wouldn't be a complete grug idiot. Luffy being female would be nothing but a net positive. <|endoftext|> GRRRR THEY HATE BETA MALE LITERALLY ME GRUG ANGRY ME WROTE ALL CAPS <|endoftext|> GRRRR HE NOT ALPHA MALE LIKE ME GRUG ANGRY ME SMASH DISLIKE BUTTON <|endoftext|> GRRRR HE NOT ALPHA MALE LIKE ME GRUG ANGRY ME SMASH DISLIKE BUTTON <|endoftext|> Grug strong, Grug best. <|endoftext|> yor is such a retarded name might as well named loid grug <|endoftext|> GRRRR HE NOT ALPHA MALE LIKE ME GRUG ANGRY ME SMASH DISLIKE BUTTON <|endoftext|> GRRRR HE NOT ALPHA MALE LIKE ME GRUG ANGRY ME SMASH DISLIKE BUTTON <|endoftext|> Grug think it possible <|endoftext|> >the 'wypipo bad' chapter with chug shaman seeing nukes and slavery was honestly one of the funniest chapters of any manga i've read in a long time Glad I wasn't the only one LMAOing my ass off at this chapter. The best part is that the narrative keeps driving in the point that Valhalla and all the norse mysticism stuff is fake and gay and there's definitely no magic or supernatural stuff in the setting. But then Grug takes a sick bong rip and can suddenly literally see the future using tribal space magic bullshit. The narrative dissonance is so bad that it loops around into being amazing. Thorfinn's pacifism isn't the problem, Farmland was all about his change of mindset and it was kino. Scenes like "I have no enemies" were some of the best in the manga. The problem is how poorly it's handled afterwards. You can't even take the Baltic Sea War seriously when it flip flops from serious Thorfinn drama to goofy comedy scenes (simultaneously happening during the same dramatic moments) with dumb side characters no one cares about. And it gets even worse in the current arc with le strong womyn and troons all over the place. I really hope the viking guy who keeps criticizing Thorfinn gets completely vindicated and ends up saving the day with violence. If that's the punchline to everything then this entire trannyland saga arc will have been worth it. <|endoftext|> What was the deal with the tomatoes, it's the only bit of metaphor my grug brain hasn't been able to settle on a meaning for <|endoftext|> grug carry wife by puffball <|endoftext|> > He posted an EH-friendly picture he must be part of the wrong tribe > Grug SWING CLUB Sounds like you need some therapy and a google search on projection after letting EH live in your head rent free this badly ESL <|endoftext|> Jack might have a chance if he manged to strick Pickle vitals or cripple his muscles but the grug is still somewhat faster and stronger. Then again, Pickle would likely run away after receiving the first critical hit. <|endoftext|> God what a fucking chad fight, I love the grug brawl at the end with Rakan getting emotional. Just imagine seeing your best friend son growing up and becoming just as much of a unit as your pal. Good shit. <|endoftext|> Bulma acknowledges her own weaknesses and makes it for it by focusing on her strengths to the point that entire things like Mirai Trunks, the gravity room and even the way the cast routinely find the dragon balls is ENTIRELY dependent on her know how. She never once has given up on her Vegeta. Also, Majin Vegeta's death scene made more than clear just how in love he ended up with her. As shit as the new Super might be, things like the big ass 'MY BULMA' scene also continue to drive that in. Their love was unexpected, but strong. Sakura isn't helpful. Rather than focus on her medical abilities or the genjutsu capability Kakashi said she could have, she went for 'GRUG' which Tsunade already does better. You can't say she was integral to any arc on the level Bulma routinely is. Sakura simped for Sasuke forever without really understanding him and she often considered that he couldn't be saved, something only Naruto really argued. Then, worst of all, their relationship is barely ever explored in memorable ways. Bulma achieved the impressive feat of fixing an evil man and aiding him toward new heights, Sakura accepted a prize Naruto won for her and then sat around in the background. <|endoftext|> >Fire force Ohkubo is a hack there was no universe where fire force would ever have an ending true to it's original premise. >Bleach Kubo was also always a hack, he just wanted to draw cool stuff he fluked soul society being as well written as it was or had editor help. >Hiatus x Hiatus Togashi just can't let characters die properly that he wanks off, you can see this in how Kaito was revived invalidating almost all of the chimera ant arc and regressing Gon. >Fire punch Just a wild ride, the ending was bad and nonsensical but so was 90% of the manga. Best parts was him grug thumping the army. <|endoftext|> grug see women with big round things grug thing get hard grug want poke big round things with hard thing <|endoftext|> Recently finished up Future Boy Conan. Loved the chad grug energy that Conan had and how much of a fucking nuisance this one dumb kid was to the entire operation of Industria. It was the whimsical Miyazaki fun with that perfect hint of danger that I really enjoyed. Even though you knew how the story was going to go, I enjoyed how the plot would escalate to become more and more dangerous. I do wish they kept Conan a bit more consistent since sometimes he'd seem too powerful and other times he'd seem pretty weak for the plot. I did enjoy how everyone also got a gf by the end of it, Dyce married Monsley and Jimsy had Tera. Hell, even the crew of the Barracuda had children with other High Harbor women. It's nice for everyone to find some form of love in this instead of leaving it open as a "yeah it'll happen eventually" Shame that sequel or whatever had nothing to do with Conan, really liked the characters by the end and would've loved to have seen a sequel with them doing something new. <|endoftext|> This show would be much better if they just entirely cut out the time-consuming character backstories and kept the screentime exclusively focused on the battle royale plot. Instead, literally entire episodes are wasted on inconsequential exposition for characters nobody cares about. None of these characters are compelling or interesting in any way. They easily could have filled an entire cour with a 12-fighter battle royale conflict; I have no idea why they threw away that opportunity to instead waste half the runtime on generic uncreative character backstories that would be better off in an OVA or auxiliary literature. This really was a terrible decision. By far the most boring part of this anime were all these pointless backstories. They spent way WAY too much screentime on this. Nobody cares about the exposition for some one-dimensional character in a huge cast who gets killed off one episode later. I am not watching this anime for character development (although I usually value it in other shows); this is not the situation for it and this show does not benefit from it at all. I don't care about your cliche tragic backstory or that Grug likes opera and long walks on the beach when he's not crushing skulls. I am just here to watch people with cool abilities plot against each other and fight; stop wasting my time with anything that isn't that. Just as an example to illustrate my point: they waste an ENTIRE EPISODE on the utterly generic boring backstory of a character who was killed off SEVEN EPISODES AGO. Right during what should be the pinnacle of the story they pivot to this nonsense – it was utterly ridiculous and totally stunted the show's momentum. <|endoftext|> I think becoming braindead from multiple quirks is because of conflicting personality. So if Dabi was given Ice he could instantly go braindead (yes haha he is already braindead joke here haha). For instance Giga could have tons of quirks because they were all grug quirks and he was probably born a giga-grug naturally. <|endoftext|> Kinda, men don't understand themselves. What we actually want is a girl who we can protect and who will tell us we are good boys. Marin is saving him from a future as reclused loser. She's the otaku version of the salvific female, which is the bedrock of narrative for boys since grug could put two words one after the other. <|endoftext|> if anything he has a functional version of it due to him just doing it naturally and restricting it to a shounen-esque power-uap due to his grug tier understanding it he's the definition of a based retard <|endoftext|> Grug like big body and long hair. Make good handle. <|endoftext|> Men are naturally fairly low brow. Eons of grug go smash cannot be ironed out in only a few hundreds of years of domestication. The chosen few are getting there, the dfc chads are several rungs above your average caveman but as a collective they're still pretty far off. <|endoftext|> Grug no need big explamatation Grug nose nose people behind silly shape Nose people say grug kill 60 tribesmen but how possible when only 30 tribesmen? Shape and number to confuse grug but grug smart grug belong to smart tribe <|endoftext|> Woman weak. Woman defenceless alone. Take big stick and swing. Hard so that brain don't work good no more. Drag her to cave. Tell her she wife now. She love you Grug with woman no easy. He try protect her. Go up and swing at his hunter pouch. He goes down. Woman start screaming. Hold neck like you hold stick. Not too hard or get bone splinters. Bad. She no breathe and go sleep. Carry her to cave. Repeat for food or more wife. <|endoftext|> Me want strong woman.Strong woman give me strong son or sturdy daughter who will give me strong grandson. Grug not gay! <|endoftext|> Thanks for being the only anon so far to offer a compelling reason why I might not have gotten the most out of the story instead of grug tier: >hurr durr u read fast no understand complex bait and switch <|endoftext|> its not his devil fruit that is a disappointment, he is literally a grug with an overpowered fruit and no imagination to use the fruit to its ability. <|endoftext|> I mean none of that really seems to matter, they feel more like throwaway lines in between the meat of his character which is "GRUG STRONG! GRUG SMASH PUNY WEAKLINGS!" <|endoftext|> grug-tier take <|endoftext|> That's because you need a >130 IQ to enjoy the story for it's narrative elements rather than just "explosions make grug happy". <|endoftext|> >fun and comfy translation: oooga booga me grug the cave man chinese cartoon give me dopamine hit and i forget about it immediately after watching it <|endoftext|> ''...The fishmen, Luffy'' >Camera cues to a long row of fishfolk chained up in gallows waiting to be executed in one long slash ''SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKUSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!'' >They take their fight to Fishman Island. >Luffy invents another grug-tier island-shattering attack. >Fishman Island fucking dies like Sharly's prediction. ''I'm proud of you Luffy....'' <|endoftext|> You can simply wait the following episodes to get the setting explanation for them, dumbo-pal. And the story is so far simple. Simple enough that a grug-brain could follow it. <|endoftext|> >Raaaarrgghhh!!!! Grug no like this anime Grug no understand! Hard to understand thing make grug angry!!!!!! Unga bunga!!!!! Thats pretty much how I am imaging you right now. <|endoftext|> >PEDroes the PROMOTIONAL Shan’t. It’s only slightly less bad than the PROMOTIONALnga but that’s because it’s basically Grug tier spic fanfic. <|endoftext|> Ironically, modern China is Ryofui's wet dream since it firmly cemented itself in the global economy and a chance of outright warfare with other warmongering, evil, genocidal states (America) is now impossible with collapsing the world economy. This is where Ei Sei's grug head thinking wouldn't work. Seems like he had the last laugh. <|endoftext|> >go against capitalism no, grug, capitalism not assume perfection Grug makes round wheel Trug says wheel is not round Trug can do better, makes rounder wheel Grug go in shame, returns to berry picking <|endoftext|> Unironically yes. It was hilarious seeing the amount of shitflinging between the grug wakafags and the Fei homos who were desperate for at least one threatening worm <|endoftext|> >grug say old good new bad boomerbros.... <|endoftext|> Y'know anon, maybe you should go outside and touch some grass instead of pretending that you like a character with the mental capacity & social skills of a middle schooler >Genuine >oogh. me want a woman that acts like myself, did grug mention that he doesn't like other people very much? oogh. Glad I dropped the series a few episodes before the end, plunging my shitty toilet was better than watching three seasons of this <|endoftext|> My grandfather from my father's side was, according to everyone who knew the guy, borderline superhuman. In his 70s he'd lift stuff multiple people could barely budge off the ground. ''Accidentally'' broke a guy's finger in a finger gripping match or whatever it's called. Almost 2m tall. Spent his entire life doing intense physical labor. His first wife and 4 daughters were killed by the Germans. Had 12 kids in total, my father is the youngest. Point is, some people are just built freakishly, both in and out. No drugs or special training. Grug smash, Grug survive. If i inherited any genetic gifts from the guy i wasted them away being glued to the screen. Sad. <|endoftext|> Kidd, maybe the lack of testosterone will clear her mind and she will be less of a grug <|endoftext|> Essentially. We know this shit from recorded history too, sometimes people are just ahead of their time. But most of all, people are part of their circumstances. Galaxy brain Grug wouldn't come up with something that kickstarts an industrial revolution for one tribe of hunter gatherers, he'd come up with an efficient way to preserve food or something. <|endoftext|> Coercion isn't consent, grug kun. I understand you have low IQ and have difficutly processing what I'm saying, so please take your time to look up what consent is. <|endoftext|> for stabbing krugg when he insult grug's rock collection <|endoftext|> then Kidd uses his grug move which is just going to piss her off <|endoftext|> yes well that is Kidd's problem, he has an overpowered and now an awakened OP DF and is still a grug <|endoftext|> Good choice Grug. Grug based. Be like grug. <|endoftext|> Big she has big milk. Grug like big milk. <|endoftext|> that is the joke, he is a grug, he doesn't know how to use it better <|endoftext|> By math you mean, when grug look a short woman penis not erect oooooga ooooga tall woman make penis 8 inch peniss erect <|endoftext|> >t. grug <|endoftext|> UI and SS3 are, admittedly, quite interchangeable. I’m just not a big fan of the Grug look unless they’re willing to go all the way (i.e. SS4). <|endoftext|> >Grug... bunga. >Grug... bunga! >Grug bunga! >Ooga Grug Bunga Booga! <|endoftext|> grug run waifu work fine <|endoftext|> thinking bad grug no like <|endoftext|> That woman weak limbs Weak limbs weak litter 2/10 grug would not fuck <|endoftext|> Lu Tian dropped formless the moment he went grug. <|endoftext|> >because he assumed he'd just grug out Waka's TACTICS come into play once again. Just like Julius assumed that Waka was going to throw a Blast Core instead of a kick. <|endoftext|> The dumbest thing is that it was avoidable. Fei wasn't CAUGHT in a bear hug he just let it happen because he assumed he'd just grug out <|endoftext|> >she >knuckles bigger than mine How do I get grug knuckles <|endoftext|> >grug... what that statue? >uh... big woman in sky. ask her make grugette give baby and berry grow fast <|endoftext|> Thats your Grug Brain anon. <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> also i hope that enjoying the battle shounen parts more doesnt make me a mech grug sunrise is just too comfy with its designs <|endoftext|> Grug lifts stone, Grug is happy, Grug is strong. <|endoftext|> Kirishima is grug grug levels of stupid but i doubt he would have never mentioned to anyone up till this point that his mom is a dig fucker <|endoftext|> I rather be a Grug and enjoying the show that I watch rather than a pathetic anon like you that has no satisfaction no matter how good or bad an anime you watch. What a sad life you have. <|endoftext|> Grug is happier than the average normie who is always crusading on Twitter to get woke points by siding with the newest neo-liberal fad. <|endoftext|> I wish I was more grug-like desu <|endoftext|> grug see isekai grug turn off brain grug watches next isekai <|endoftext|> a fruit is only as strong as it's user and Kidd is a dumb grug <|endoftext|> Jason which is the character made these stats, I think he was basing the int off a book smart kind of way, Erza was smart enough to help natsu learn to read and write at the very least, she doesn’t read as well as Lucy but she’s not as grug as the other members <|endoftext|> Is this a manga about grug having a fug? <|endoftext|> >grug is a meme >no real satisfactory name for a female grug has existed thus far >oga seems alright. <|endoftext|> Based Grug-Anon <|endoftext|> Yeah, 3d can't compete whatsoever. This is assuming you have a brain and some imagination where you can make 2d come to life in your head, if you don't, then Grug will need real breasts. <|endoftext|> >pickle views Jack as a wasp >thinks musashi is different to him >musashi is a giant bug What did he grug by this? <|endoftext|> Grug of clan Khrog <|endoftext|> Correct. Grug brain say hot good, not hot bad. Grug brain always right. <|endoftext|> ug grug oo ahh ahh <|endoftext|> Neanderthals were more intelligent and this is grug posting not shitposting. <|endoftext|> caveman anime protagonist is some random ass grug who has to learn how to not be a retard by caveman standards the love interests are- >some shaman bitch >a literal neanderthal gf >spear lady protagonist, being random ass grug, chooses neanderthal gf as this goes on the ice age happens and grug is forced to adapt and help his tribe not be frozen to death, and learn to help neanderthal-chan's tribe also not die because he is grug and must think with his dick too <|endoftext|> >be grug >in this day and age <|endoftext|> >worse of the year Ok Grug <|endoftext|> I wish this fucking anime would actually progress to the next fucking arc or even the story in general already. This past season was nothing but talking, Subaru finding about his powers somewhat, still a weak fuck, and that white haired elf broad does nothing but talk and complain she cant past the test or some shit. And then grug brain retard cat dude Felix is just pissed of at literally everything. And then finally Subaru. The first season was great. Then for some reason they wanted to put the whole arc about some bullshit village they cant leave for whatever convoluted reason. TLDR; Does this actually get better? <|endoftext|> Depends on why you want to watch it, what you're looking for. If you want Grug caveman slugfests and nothing more, go from DBZ Kai to Super (make sure to watch Battle of Gods and Resurrection F movies). If you want a slow boil comfy experience through which you become attached to the characters, start with the original Dragon Ball anime, go to Z, then GT, and only then Super (which is focused most on action and least on characters/story). <|endoftext|> Grug says big tits better. U need testo, bro. <|endoftext|> grug agree cave painting make grug pp hard gooder than cave painting look different <|endoftext|> Nips can't get into grug not-edgelord violence. <|endoftext|> >too much words make grug brain hurt :( <|endoftext|> >stone age >Grug transported to modern world >thick melanin makes him able to block most of modern laser weapon >his stone tools are able to pierce every military armors because it's basically paper thin laser deflector <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Grug cant read... Grug need soijack to communicate... <|endoftext|> Not discounting that and not speaking in absolutes, was just arguing against the "always" in "fat girls always had big tits" What would you say to the explanation that the obese venus was just an exaggeration for emphasis? Like how some illustrations of myth or parable would have a wicked person look monstrous or the hero a chiseled 8ft olympian? Social influences on what's considered attractive can only go so far when it goes against a functional standard. Grug the caveman or a chinese peasant would probably prefer to have a wife that could walk and wouldn't eat the entire buffalo/harvest <|endoftext|> >GRUG ANGRY! GRUG MUST HIT! <|endoftext|> >Me grug, me like simple rocks <|endoftext|> Grug dumb-dumb grug check archive! <|endoftext|> grug give great club <|endoftext|> >seems to be an asian thing golly gee who woulda thught of that grug <|endoftext|> Big number smash hard,Grug happy. Grug smash with small number, grug feel sad. <|endoftext|> one category is "GRUG DO THING BETTER" and another is just "anything you want lol" <|endoftext|> People in the KAT are the best. As he is now he'd probably make it further, he's an absolute monster and just needed some actual technique behind his grug strength. <|endoftext|> Grug no know next sun Grug only pray to rock for good next sun <|endoftext|> to add: People having been jacking off ever since the first grug couldn't find a mate when he felt horny and for most of our history we've been masturbating to drawings and imagination (which can always be worse and degenerate than any drawn, written or real life porno). <|endoftext|> Very insightful Grug <|endoftext|> >my self-insert better than your self-insert ooga booga grug bang rock <|endoftext|> >that soft toned curvy body It amazes me some man hasn't gone full grug and forcibly made her his wife and mother of his children yet... <|endoftext|> if it's a transaction yes, not if he forces you to do it if grug gets hungry and his last hunt is unsuccessful, he'll just kill and eat the whore. <|endoftext|> you dont think letting grug fuck you and then sitting in the cave all day while he risks his life isn't a transaction? <|endoftext|> It's a part of human existence, we've been doing copium rewrites since we first started telling stories "Grug didn't die, he's still hunting the mammoths in the beyond fields" <|endoftext|> yeah, i can read. moria's fight still ended in a grug way, mate: sorry to tell ya <|endoftext|> >It wasn't the grug "MAIN VILLAIN OF THE ARC: STRONGER" bullshit it is now shadow asgard broke thriller bark in two, what are you talking about <|endoftext|> he never said that and you just played yourself Are you for real? WB just happened to to find Roger and Roger asked Oden to join out of nowhere, >He was the one that made the powerscaling as absurd as it was Thats a thing in almost all shounen anon, if you dont keep the powerlevels increasing then people wont get excited, theres even a famous mangaka that pointed that out but I cant recall his name >The Strawhats are also a lot stronger than they were when they beat Oars True but in different ways, Usopp and Nami just got a better arsenal, their bodies didnt change as far as we know(besides their looks), Brook just got better with his fruit and Robin got...anyway we have seen what they are capable of handling, and no one under Sanji should be able to tank a single swing from Kaido >Oars was definitely more powerful than Moria himself He was harder to deal with, but Moria was stronger, he broke the "island" with a single attack >It wasn't the grug "MAIN VILLAIN OF THE ARC: STRONGER" that was always the case, even pre TS, stop being blinded by nostalgia >Oda having killed one whole character worthy of note in the entire story outside of flashbacks does far more damage to the sense of danger than Oda not sticking to his retarded DBZ power scaling he killed more than that, and like I said even if we rule out killing they would still be insantly defeated so theres hardly a difference >People with any sense hate the retarded shit that is Haki instead No >Nonsensical strawmaning <|endoftext|> >And he wrote Kaido as being one of, if not THE, current strongest being in the verse He was the one that made the powerscaling as absurd as it was. Doflamingo should never have been more powerful than Lucci + Enel + Crocodile combined and Katakuri should have never been 5 times more powerful than that and Kaidou should have never been 20 times more powerful than even that. There's no reason for it other than to keep justifying these retarded new haki power up ass pulls. However, even with that in mind... >while Oars was just a really strong Zombie The Strawhats are also a lot stronger than they were when they beat Oars. That was the whole point of the timeskip, which seemed to have been turned irrelevant by the time Fishman Island was over. >he wasnt even the main villain of the arc Oars was definitely more powerful than Moria himself without his highly unstable and precarious eating shadow power up (that bit him in the ass relatively quickly). Remember, this was back when Oda actually showed restraint, subtlety and cleverness in his writing. It wasn't the grug "MAIN VILLAIN OF THE ARC: STRONGER" bullshit it is now, which resulted in Doflamingo destroying an entire island non-chalantly while he turned everything non-organic he touched into messes of strings. >and theres only do so much bullshit that you can pull before all sense of danger is lost Oda having killed one whole character worthy of note in the entire story outside of flashbacks does far more damage to the sense of danger than Oda not sticking to his retarded DBZ power scaling. Also, I know this is not directed at me, but: >Only schizos would hate a character because they have conquerors Yes. People with any sense hate the retarded shit that is Haki instead. <|endoftext|> The modern arc is now going somewhere with left hand coming back and the body snatchers plot. MC can't just grug smash his problems away anymore. <|endoftext|> *masturbates furiously* ONE no make coom-coom so grug say webcomic bad me no like read me like coom-coom <|endoftext|> >GRUG WANT PEE PEE IN CUNT ACTION GRUG COOOOOOOMIIIING NOW god I hate progress fags <|endoftext|> She could just say that and go "fuck you, I don't give a fuck, Grug smash" instead of engaging in meaningless platitudes that sound profound but don't actually mean anything in order to excuse killing off humanity. <|endoftext|> A trebuchet? Go to a real school, Grug, we built tanks and destroyed rival schools. <|endoftext|> Grug just wanted to make babby. You don't need torture or love to make babby <|endoftext|> Metaphor make Grug head hurt. How game be migration? Game not migration. Game game. <|endoftext|> >1000 chapters of PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH >OH NO, PUNCH NO WORK >AH GRUG SEE, GRUG PUNCH HARDER <|endoftext|> >>Psyren and Mx0 getting axed, now THAT is the big question Don't see how Dropped psyren when they saved the big bad and she acted like a smug bitch and everyone just let her despite all the issues she caused And mx0 was just a very typical 'grug no have powers but grug fight good anyway!!!' story <|endoftext|> Grug building a new civilisation through sheer effort would be neat, at least he wouldn't be a mary sue genius like the actual MC. <|endoftext|> Unfortunately womens not cares if you are a good or a bad person. Also Ymir was probably raised by Grug who teach her that only the strongest are the best males and not caring at all if they dies. Basically goddamn barbarians. <|endoftext|> >chuck stones at girls and they will let you impregnate them Grug sees no issue here <|endoftext|> This is where whites being smarter bites us in the ass, we tend to rationalize and overthink everything. Whereas basic bitch grug tribalism completely wins out in this regard <|endoftext|> Nah, I’m grug. Like me hobbies, me space, me freedom. Simple as <|endoftext|> I wish I was a grug brain like you anon, then I could enjoy shit endings too <|endoftext|> Kidd will get Ivankov'd after this arc so he is no longer grug, because femKidd can actually think and use her fruit effectively <|endoftext|> get Ivankov'd after this arc so he is no longer grug, because femKidd can actually think and use her fruit effectively <|endoftext|> >Gowasu-sama, I find it hard to muster any kind of sympathy towards mortals, they are nothing but mindless brutes >you are wrong, Zamasu. You see, mortals can be civilized and live in harmony. Let's go to planet Unga Bunga, I"m sure that Gronk and Grug are getting along just fi- ...shit <|endoftext|> if you do an actual literary analysis of the show you are a "pseud" because "hurrrrr big werds grug no understun" some brainlet's crackpot highdeas in a cambodian basket-weaving board, though? now that's where it's at! <|endoftext|> any petitions? i want gentle cuddling and like 2% kissing without hentai budget >just read manga dood no, grug want moving color <|endoftext|> writers can't be bothered to learn about how feudalism actually works because the average reader is a grug brain who won't care either way <|endoftext|> grug would like to make talk right now. what you say is linrocks is not linrocks it is grugnu/linrocks, or what grug now calls it grugnu with linrocks. linrocks is not just big rockerating system it is part of big grugnu system with gruglibs, shells, rocktools and vital rock components which make full rockerating system which ROCKIX would say yes about. many rockputer grugs use grugnu every time sun is up. but for some reason grugnu is called linrocks and everygrug is not knowing that they using grugnu system which was made by grugnu project. linrocks is real and grugs use it but it is just part of big system. linrocks is the rockernel. the part in system that tells rockware what to do with pebbles. rockernel is big part of rockerating system but not good alone. linrocks is used with grugnu rockerating system. whole system is grugnu with linrocks or grugnu/linrocks. all linrocks things are gnu/linrocks things. <|endoftext|> ye but grisha fight against in end. make no sense to grug. <|endoftext|> It was the only way to get 21st century Grug to do some work. <|endoftext|> There were tons of monuments, effigies etc on social media for Kimetsu characters. > What about in person a bloo bloo Most of the characters in Kimetsu died towards the end aka covid > B-b-but Why are funerals your benchmark? > Point being that KnY can only dream of being half as influential and half as iconic as AnJ Based on arbitrary standards Also Kimetsu ended on year ago Also I don't care about influence and iconism. Do you think I care what NPCs think? Do you think numbers of sales or whatever matters to me? I'm not a spic brain that COOMS at OVER 9000 (sales). > It would proceed to inspire Ring ni Kakero and set the scene for the Nekketsu Shnen genre, inspiring Yudetamago to create Kinnikuman, Toriyama with Dragon Ball and Buronson with Fist of the North Star, who would pave the way for Naruto, Bleach and JoJo, and in turn, they would pave the way for KnY. You brainlets always think whatever is at the start of the chain is the best. If that were the case then some aboriginal fucker 20000 years ago talking about how grug hunted moose would be a masterpiece. Who influenced who has no impact in KnY's quality. > I mean, yeah. Kys frenchie > No, Anon. You tell me what makes KnY groundbreaking and not another formulaic and predictable Nekketsu Shnen I hadn't already seen for over 20 years. No balls in your court you. Lazy. Baguette. Faggot. > I mean, that's what made Dragon Ball so good. Dragon Ball is sufficiently profound while avoiding melodrama, edge and over-reliancd on flashbacks. As a work of art, Dragon Ball is earnest and sincere and can occasionally poke fun of itself. That means a whole lot more to me than KnY which carries itself with such seriousness while still having the same flaws your typical Nekketsu Shnen suffers from, making it no better than Naruto or Bleach No dragon ball is plain and repetitive and suffers a lot from the seinfeld effect. > Melodrama edge and flashbacks Not bad by definition. Suck cock <|endoftext|> Some otaku Grug painted the Venus of Willendorf on one of them, which gave it magical powers. <|endoftext|> Actually it isn't. The female orgasm causes the muscles along the walls of the vagina to contract, theoretically delivering your sperm to the uterus in seconds rather than hours. Sperm has to survive long enough within the female reproductive system until the egg is released into the fallopian tube, and the female reproductive system by design is a harsh place. Millions of sperm die really, really fast so the more to reach the uterus and ultimately the fallopian tubes, the better. Giving Urg an orgasm gives Pug's seed a good head start over Grug's. <|endoftext|> Not even remotely, Simic was easily one of the worst pairs just a couple years ago. I love that they gave red impulse draw, shame Escape to the Wilds got hit for clover's sins. Red is best when even the grug cards have some utility <|endoftext|> >How good is MonoR is modern day Magic It tends to be the best deck whenever a rotation happens. A few years ago it was easily the best deck even at the very end of rotation and could not be beat, mostly due to Bomat Courier, Goblin Chainwhirler and pic related. Right now, Mono-White is doing a way better job at being an aggressive deck than Mono-Red is, so everyone that wants to go grug plays that instead. Burn is still a fun archetype in Historic, Pioqueer and Memedern, though, and decently strong. >How good is Boros Legion in modern day Magic The last two times Boros was a great color combination was half a year ago with cycling nonsense and Zenith Flare (hardly a traditional Boros strategy, though it reminds one of a mega Lightning Helix) and prior to that two to three years ago in a more classical aggro deck that had Ravnica 3.0 and Ixalan cards. <|endoftext|> You can be the hero we need. I would do it, but I'm grug and I don't know shit about computers. <|endoftext|> grug see animation go smooth grug say AOTS simple as <|endoftext|> GRUG BUY ROCK ROCK GO DOWN BUT GRUG NO SELL GRUG HAVE STRONG HANDS <|endoftext|> sounds makes grug brain happy <|endoftext|> What would be better? >girl has giant ntr fetish, has always wanted to be in a harem because of it but nobody ever had the balls to try it >girl is openly bisexual, leaning towards preferring girls, and figured a harem is the best place to indulge her fetish >girl uses grug logic of multiple wives = strong male and decides to stake her claim Any way it goes, now I'm really hoping that the last girl will be actively pushing for a harem route <|endoftext|> >More spiteful than an entire mountain of dwarves >Holds a grudge like a motherfucker >Willing to do anything to get what he wants even at the detriment to himself What about these aren't personality traits exactly? Or is it just you don't like his personality and you're a grug-mind that can't comprehend that having a shitty asshole personality is still a personality. <|endoftext|> Grug mortals. <|endoftext|> I got bullied by a girl once in 5th grade, afaik. Somehow she turned the grug on, so I did what I always did when angry- punched the problem in the face. When her mother came to press me, I've told in the sweetest woice possible, that the evil girl was picking on me, a naive nerdy boy in spectacles, and some shit. Her mother has scolded her before me, it was a triumph. So,I git three things from that ordeal. 1) you should never again punch girls, next time that will be a father, not an idiot mother 2) spectacles are the best camo 3) maybe I should take my parents' legal profession too <|endoftext|> Eventually she got the trigger to grug mode and trolls me for that even now. You see, no one expects that from a calm, somewhat vampiric lawyer in a quite obscure area of practice. And then I forget myself and open the door in the wrong direction. <|endoftext|> Well, you better keep the Grug mode untill you die then. Your living the dream, anon. Congrats. <|endoftext|> >dear, aren't we supposed to be married next year? >cavebear alert mode on >weeeelll I suppose we do >so we are getting married, it will be in a summer, you will finance it (meaning I won't be taking her salary for the greater good of down payment till summer) >Grug was proposed to by a funny girl who runs fast and talks even faster <|endoftext|> Fuck them, they are stupid and that girl is funny. Basically, I have a Grug mode and each time I turned it on it worked. She has also scared away a monstrous German girl two times her size who was stalking me. Dunno how she did that. <|endoftext|> >of course she turns out to be the biggest virgin I've ever seen, with a domineering monster of a mother >absentee father >and really thinking that the simps were acknowledging her superior intellect and witty humor (which she had in abundance still) >darling, when you were up there at the ceiling, they were not listening to your smarts, they were eyeing your ass >(some years pass) >darling, the New Year is coming >I am in a caveman mode >don't we have any plans for next year? >eh, I am lazily making up some trivial shit like vacation plans and such >maybe something else? >eh, I plan to take a mortgage >aaaaand maybe something else? >woman, Grug is too tired for this shit (cont) <|endoftext|> Julius can flex individual muscle fibers and shit, he might think of himself as grug smash but that takes insane levels of mind-muscle connection, at the very least. Not comparable to Raian turning purple and chimping out at people <|endoftext|> Julius is the most braindead it's literally just grug smash <|endoftext|> OOGA BOOGA ME FIGHTFAG GRUG LIKE LUFFY BIG PUNCH HEHEHE <|endoftext|> Grug see hole Grug excited <|endoftext|> Grug wanna sex Grug wanna slam Grug wanna cum <|endoftext|> >good multi faceted character >vs >comedic relief yonko and Grug <|endoftext|> Pathetic is a point of view Anakin. You must free yourself from the cloud of lies of the jedi (buddhist faggots) council. Have you heard the story of darth schlong the retard? I thought not, it's a Chad legend. Darth schlong was so retarded that he was able to manipulate thots into believing he was a pound town type of guy. He got all the bitches. Then one day, christians told him his polygamy was amoral, and unholy. They told him to give up his bitches, renounce his ways, and repent-- or be executed. Which, of course, he was. He would not repent, and went out in a blaze of glory. Ironic, he could get all the bitches, but he could bitch himself. My master taught me everything, including the nature of the chad side. If one is to truly exercise their will to power, you must embrace... a larger view of morality than just the dogmatic view of the judeo-christian secular humanists. Indeed, only through my cock can salvation be achieved. Only through embracing monkey and the grug brain can true enlightenment be attained. We shall eliminate the jedi council who are too clouded by ascitism to think with their cock. We shall catch the lolis when they are off balance, and there will be peace in my galactic empire (if you know what I mean hehe). <|endoftext|> I like the >fuck your mount, grug punch harder part of him. <|endoftext|> It'd be funnier if he was an Uvongin type character but had some insanely complicated support ability that he managed to turn offensive. But he'll probably just be some grug ability. <|endoftext|> Not him but I think the English language is pretty nice with how simple it is, I mean for fuck's sake, a god damn highschool drop out like me could learn it on his own, grug-tier or not it work well enough. With all that said, I have zero knowledge of Asian languages and truthfully I don't care enough about them to learn, so I can't say anything about them. <|endoftext|> Yeah based. Grug brain see object. Grug brain hit. Grug brain no need technology dopamine. <|endoftext|> Damn homo sapien ancestors eating nice looking berry and getting tummy ache so now grug must suspicious of nice looking think and inherently find threat more trust worthy since threat tautology <|endoftext|> >explains the currents >grug currents bad bad, ship crashes wow such genius <|endoftext|> >spear >shield >manly grug laff at you real cave man use rock and club <|endoftext|> we all know femKidd would be smarter because she would be less grug and use her fruit better <|endoftext|> for me its femKidd, less of a grug <|endoftext|> >see human >me grug >kill human <|endoftext|> i'm not blind, thanks, and i know arifureta is far and away MILES worse than this, but the shiny texture on the poison frog the first time it's shown simply reminded me of some arifureta examples i'm not some thread tourist 'durr cg bad' grug, i watched arifureta and am watching spider. like any series there's things to enjoy and things to not, both of which are entirely subjective to the individual viewer <|endoftext|> grug see oni grug happy <|endoftext|> >Strength: 350 >Agility: 90 >Vitality: 350 >Intelligence: 9 >Luck: 200 I am the big dumb fucking grug <|endoftext|> grug want rocksu wife <|endoftext|> femKidd best girl and wouldn't be a grug with biggest arm best arm, would be an effective magnetism user <|endoftext|> The quips are really just a minor complaint. Once the initial grug-brained high of unga bunga action cool subsides, even midwits will start noticing that the status quo has barely changed in the last three chapters. Isayama has wasted our time on showy action sequences against fodder enemies since 123. The Alliance killing endlessly respawning clones for two chapters straight is meaningless. They should have had that conversation with Gabi on the boat. They never should have separated from FAG. For a guy who's in a hurry to finish Isayama sure is taking the scenic route. <|endoftext|> Ok so enough about the poorly retold lives of chinamen here's a caveman allegory. Ugg, Guh, and Erg are three cavemen. Ugg is the biggest, Guh is second biggest, and Erg is a twerp. They constantly fight foe their tribe against another tribe's three warriors, who are of similar size as them. One day, Elder Grug notices that there's no consistency whatsoever to who wins or loses. His warriors explain that since everybody's about as good as each other and has roughly the same size bonk stick, the fights are a bit random. Elder Grug points out that Ugg's bonk stick is like one and a half times the size of Erg's. Ugg explains that every caveman fights against their enemy who's the same size. Elder Grug tells his warriors to knock this off, and have Erg take on the biggest enemy, Guh to take on the smallest, and Ugg to take on the second biggest. Erg protests but he gets bonked and shuts up. The next time the cavemen battle Erg gets bonked hard, but Guh and Ugg bonk their weaker opponents easily then team up on the biggest foe. They win handily and take away the other tribe's flattest chested female. In summary if you are to fight then you should arrange the battle so that you are the most likely to win. A semicircular formation means that while your flanks can be pushed easily your center is much more powerful than the enemy as it goes along, letting you crush their formation. <|endoftext|> I would be alive in such situations and you would be dead. My frens will create the Kingdom come while you would be nothing but a pile of decaying organic matter. If these things make me subhuman caveman, I don't know what it makes you? The worm that feasts on Grug's shit? <|endoftext|> grug don't know how to make fire grug wish for fire rain put out fire family died from cold grug sad <|endoftext|> that scene plus the one where ram anastasia and subaru argue and kill each other were scenes which were really painful to go through read the arcs 2 and 3's LN if you ask me. the anime makes it so that rem dislikes subaru when he works hard but in the wn and the ln, she starts to feel closer to him. (mind you this bit is before the editor going dogshit) that, plus arc 3 anime really had a lot of scenes butchered. especially the cute rem pov that was cut out in ep 15 and the from zero dialogue which normally showed subaru's growth but subaru's part was just cut down to "grug car loves hafu erufu me reject oni beauty". it really bothers me how in arc 3 the director really began to DESPISE rem all of a sudden. <|endoftext|> I wonder why people sometimes bring this up but never once does anyone questio it when some muscle packed grug strategises and uses advanced tactics and picks up tiniest hints <|endoftext|> Kidd is too grug and will only ever use biggest arm best arm as a tactic femKidd would have used it smarter <|endoftext|> >basically half the heroes in Japan are dead >>and all they got was this stupid magic man and grug I don't think it'll be prison break time yet; but I'm pretty sure it'll be a school arc yet, which details some of the shift to a more militarized hero force. Overall, I think the most likely next arcs will be (from what's been obviously foreshadowed/stated to come, and given how Hori generally tends to write); >Aftermath for ~3-5 chapters (hospital, recuperation etc) >Joint Shiketsu arc, which will show off some of Tartarus's external defences/guards and some of the students/teachers that are going to be involved on Shiketsu's end, given the Academy is right next door to the Supermax. Also, detailing the increased militarization/no-more-fun-and-games of the system itself >Final Exams for the first year of UA (whatever it is, be it a normal-school written thing so the SoL can further detail the tone, with another minor commentary villain on the scale of Gentle; or another quirk-test of some kind) ending with some of the students in 1A/B being pulled out by their parents at the end of the year, followed shortly by an infiltration on UA by the LA, (reveal of the traitor, Toga/Skeptic's regiment get to play ball, possible Robot hijack/uprising via Skeptic/not-R2D2) with All Might getting killed, and Eri possibly 'dealt' with for a while >???, anything from there, but probably the Prison Break over the 1st year Summer break; where it'll be a last gambit between the remaining dregs of the LA/LoV and the decreased security of Tartarus / boarding school population of Shiketsu as child soldiers; which is going to lead to a massacre and inevitable breakout. I don't think the Prison break is going to be for quite a while yet, but it depends how the story develops. I genuinely don't think there's going to be any major timeskip like spergs are whining for; it doesn't fit the narrative or the way Hori writes and detracts from the momentum hes built up <|endoftext|> That's a really simple way to look at it, which is fitting as the train of thought leading to genocide is pretty grug tier <|endoftext|> OH - OH MY GOD IS THAT A DIFFERENT WEBSITE I'M GOING INSAAANE, THIS IS SOME SERIOUS CRINGE BRINGE DOOMER ZOOMER MALDING COMPILATION GRUG DAE DESU SENPAI BASED UWU THICC CRIIINNGE SAVE ME HIROSHIMOOT HE-HE HAS A FUNKO POP I... I KNEEEL <|endoftext|> when you invest so much time in ooga booga grug bang rock shonenshit, it starts to have an affect on your brain <|endoftext|> requestion femKidd not being an idiot grug and using her fruit smarter than biggest arm is best arm <|endoftext|> Why not make adventurer guilds, state controlled? If one wants to be a murderhobo, they need a license to be one. They need to past certain qualifications and test to weed out wannabes, for example grug the half orc really wants to be a wizard, but too poor and not smart to be one. <|endoftext|> >proceeds to just use an emotional powerup and punch really hard to win anyway Except he didn't do that; he led by ramming his arm as far as he could into the tendons, shooting off a five-finger blast to shred the tendons away, before using a palm strike with what was left over to actually attack the (now vulnerable) Muscular. Deku wasn't getting stronger, Muscular was getting his tendons ripped away and incorrectly made an inverse read as a unreliable narrator (tl;dr Muscular was in fact getting weaker). I can't believe you can't understand a pretty entry-level battle shounen like BnHA. There shouldn't have to be fucking HxH level annotation and explanation for every damn fight just because retards like can't otherwise follow it. Same goes for the retards that think Shiggy flip-flops on what he wants or who think that OfA vs AfO was purely a dumb grug punchfest. <|endoftext|> This image still makes me want to go full Grug, hit Ami over the head with a club and take her back to my cave to have my way with her. <|endoftext|> the real redpill is realising that we're all the sons and daughters of god but people are dumb and thought that when it was said jesus is the son of god it meant he exclusively is the son of god and nobody else, dumb grug people want a leader to follow <|endoftext|> Every group of humans has its different criteria that defines strength. In ancient times, it was physical strength and individual ability. In our times, that is political power, no matter how one achieves it. The mere fact of achieving it means that one gets to shape the world however he liked it to be. One can be challenged, or usurped, and the one who does so is definitely stronger and more righteous, as is his world. >I would reply then this is not a race for survival of the fittest, its just going to go in circles forever more than progressing towards some end. It is survival of the fittest. Have you not observed how we evolved along the millenias since we became sentient? We went from Grug's tribe stronk, to Greg's tribe organised, to Ashurbanipal's city state big, to Hammurabi's state civilized, to The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Muslims etc etc. Each one has evolved by utterly crushing the precedent. Isn't that survival of the fittest? Surely, a roman legion from the 2nd century AD would stand no chance against a small modern militia. <|endoftext|> Dumb third world mud people sound a lot like mentally ill trannies in how their one track grug minds work. So we could be dealing with either here. <|endoftext|> People obsessed with big tits above all else are usually grug brained morons who lack in aesthetic taste, so it makes sense that the inherent charm of a cute girl like Saya would elude them completely. <|endoftext|> >Anon, the LN doesn't follow the WN. Tiger Garfiel mauling shit in the WN is different to the grug Gar-hulk in the LN. Yea I read about it. Wtf happened to the author tho that it took him 4 years to finish one arc when he finished 5 arcs in 1.5 years? <|endoftext|> >Im sure if it gets animated its gonna be awesome Anon, the LN doesn't follow the WN. Tiger Garfiel mauling shit in the WN is different to the grug Gar-hulk in the LN. >Liliana Widely regarded as the worst in the franchise >Havent had a conversation in english in a while. Don't sweat it, you're doing fine. <|endoftext|> >chief say eat searoach >chief say drink boiled leafs >chief say wash fruit before eat >grug solitary thinker >grug know chief mamoth doodoo <|endoftext|> Like musky sweat covered by expensive perfume, further adding to my desire to grug her brains out. Aaah, why can't Ami be real? <|endoftext|> Keep putting your hands together for the sky god, Grug. He will bless you with a mate with big milk. <|endoftext|> im thoroughly upset with how shit sakura turned out despite having the hyakugou seal because im a sucker for "grug smash" shit sometimes. at least tsunade did okay shit in the final fight. i'm also just pretty disgusted with naruto because it somehow went from "hard work means you can do anything" to "neji was literally right the entire fucking time" <|endoftext|> >OLD THING GOOD! NEW THING BAD! GRUG ANGERYYYY! You're not as smart as you think. <|endoftext|> >Why is overpopulation morally bad? Grug afraid not enough food for small ones, too much starvation make bad feelings and weaken chance of tribe surviving cold time. What is morally good is usually whatever benefits society as a whole. <|endoftext|> But you're the retard anon. He saved a helpless girl but smartly sought out more information about her origins and faggots like you think he was in the wrong because "Born in dungeon, automatically bad." People confuse being "based" with being a grug brained simpleton who can't understand more complex moral problems beyond, "This is legal so this is right, this is illegal so this is wrong." There is a big difference. <|endoftext|> grug see big milk grug coom <|endoftext|> >not liking both >being an autistic grug brain that has to pick A or B >ishiggidy <|endoftext|> God forbid Magic have any archetype variety, grug. <|endoftext|> What is grug? <|endoftext|> Grug curious, please tell grug more <|endoftext|> based grug trips <|endoftext|> My guess is that Demons take a Grug mentality to magic and their culture around it is pure unga. The dick waving of showing off your power is an integral part of their magic culture, kinda like how Vegeta and Nappa couldn't understand why Goku didn't just blast his Ki level at them. He was also angry because he was not only outsmarted by prey but completely BTFOed, it's like the deer you were hunting pulled out a fucking AK-47 <|endoftext|> >He literally had the worst showing out of all the Sound 4 I missed the Kidomaru/Jirobo threads and haven't reread in forever. Did Jirobo do anything more interesting or just grug out? Was Choji all that impressive, I know he got big but he was pretty slow too yeah? <|endoftext|> >Grug #2 >Kinrou >Ginrou >Mozu >Kirisame >Matsukaze >Nikki >Minami >Homura >Yuzuriha <|endoftext|> grug no like """artist""" that use brush or canvas, grug think hand and cave wall perfectly good. grug grind own paints, grug no like """buying""" paint <|endoftext|> anime made me feel like japanese is a grug-tier language where you use the same phrases over and over and over again Is it the same with other languages but I just haven't noticed it? <|endoftext|> grug big girl touch little girl grug coom <|endoftext|> If I were a /pol/fag, I would say this is the exact kind of cucked thinking that has destroyed the West. But I'm not, so I'm going to say that military honor is not a rational or smart thing. Warriors have been throwing their lives away for unwinnable causes since Ug beat Grug with a rock. <|endoftext|> grug not know, why me sad? <|endoftext|> tea party let me in tea into tea dream greedy ekidnu grug EMT <|endoftext|> The bow that Grug made and uses is still his property, Grug will break your nose if you take it without his permission, whether writing exist to make laws or not. And notice this, the money I make is my money, they take my money, they know it's my money, they say, "give us X amount of YOUR money", the taxation laws know it's my property, they want me to relinquish it, you saying it was always their property is your dishonest nature reeling its ugly head, just incapable of admitting when he's wrong as if your feelings about this on an anonymous image board has any importance. <|endoftext|> grug see big milk grug coom <|endoftext|> Yeah so far he's thought even less during this fight than he did against Sawada. He's supposed to be INT+STR not GRUG+STR. <|endoftext|> I honestly can't think of a more grug brained series than dragonball. <|endoftext|> >Read mangadex comments of the latest chapter >Y demons bad tho, grug no understand Astounding. <|endoftext|> grug see big milk grug coom <|endoftext|> Throwing, and thus ranged combat, really is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge game changer. It forces the thrower to be able to predict the movement of the target, which necessitates a highly developed brain that can make reasonable calculation and estimates, necessitates a high position of overviewing things, thus requires standing up in order to have a better perspective, and requires good hand-eye coordination, which has other bio-significance in how the body must be shaped. Truly, the first grug who came up with the idea to throw things after we developed digits that allowed for better grabbing of stuff was the greatest and most important grug ever. <|endoftext|> Get wrecked, grug <|endoftext|> its actually crazy how based he made the show. like when i went in i was expecting some boring edgy pretentious snoozefest, that seemed to have been the vibe everyone had given off on the show. but then i watch it and i literally see some dude larping as the CIA destabilizing a 3rd world country for the fun of it rofl. like i found myself laughing at how fucking based the show was because of yoshi. his character design, mannerisms, and his schizo shit made the show a 9/10. i didnt even care about the "depressing" ending of the show since i was still running off the high yoshi gave me. in general though a lot of the characters in texhnolyze are unironically hilarious. like ichise is some fucking grug who can barely talk but can beat the shit out of people, like a roided tard. doc's some fucking coomer incel, i already described yoshi, SHINJAY and samurai man are just based in general and then the leader of the salvation union just looks cool as balls, and ran looks cute and has a nice char design. what a great fucking show man <|endoftext|> Imagine being a tribal grug who dislikes someone based on his/her political views. <|endoftext|> Sannin level should've been the limit. Anything beyond that is just retarded unga bunga me grug me big jutsu grug smash bullshit. <|endoftext|> >All the flashbacks of Minato and Jiraiya indicates that their relationship was the driving force in him ever gaining interest in training Naruto, he most likely wouldn't waste his time with any other random genin at that point on his life. And he wasn't planning to waste his time with Naruto either. Also, those flashbacks you talk about are just his memories of Minato, a person he reminisces about because he was a close friend, and this was established in the arc Jiraiya is introduced in (and we knew Minato and Naruto were related since Minato's face was shown in the early Chuunin Exams). >So you're saying that hard work doesn't pays off? Well you just throwed through the window one of the most recurrent Naruto themes. Hard work isn't really a theme of Naruto though. What allows Naruto to beat Haku? His anger and grief over the belief that Sasuke died. What allows Naruto to beat Neji? His sheer will to prove him wrong and his slowly developing relationship with the Kyuubi. Gaara? His greatest action is a headbutt, and he wins the fight because he understood Gaara, not because "hurr durr I work hard so I punch hard". You see the themes yet? Hypocrisy, bonds, friendship, etc., those are the core ideas of Naruto. Not some vague idea of "grug work hard to punch stone". Also, if the series was about hard work, Rock Lee wouldn't have jobbed to Gaara's built in abilities (and he jobbed so hard he could fight, and even when he came back, he jobbed to Kimmimaru and Gaara had to save his ass AND win the fight). <|endoftext|> Grug Quanxi killing dinosaur devil's and the the meteor devil would be pretty cool <|endoftext|> >Eren didn't care when Historia brought up his mother That thread is pretty embarrassing all round, but that's an especially grug-brained take. <|endoftext|> femKidd would be a ruthless fiery redhead but would be less grug and more imaginative with her magnetic powers imo <|endoftext|> >throwing your weapon away mid-fight serious Grug move <|endoftext|> Besides round face making bad grug face and in animation having music that no sound like good grug music, why round face bad grug? <|endoftext|> femKidd is the best should have been female would have been less grug and would have been more of a tactician with her fruit <|endoftext|> I honestly give 0 shits about Shin he's literally just grug hit things barbarian shit I thought he'd be better with the whole instinctive general but everything is just brute force. I love reading the manga just to see the enemies, politics and guys like Ousen and his edgelord buddy. <|endoftext|> I'm convinced jirentards are just typical mexicans dragon ball fans >blahblahblah power blahblahblah typical shonenshit His character is boring, at least Broly just wants to have a nice pet, bang out his alien gf, and be a grug tier barbarian on some unknown planet Jiren is literally everything wrong with what happened with dragon ball z. OMG POWER LEVEL, OMG KI. His saga was just cell saga all over again in terms of narrative, boring an unimaginative. <|endoftext|> >if he doesnt win its pointless Real grug hour lmao <|endoftext|> I'd be cool with being reborn as a girl is because sex with a penis feels like primitive and uncompassionate grug like behavior. There's a certain kind of beauty with yuri that seems more passionate and genuine than hetero sex thats way more hotter to me as a guy that I know I wont ever experience. <|endoftext|> >how to get a ruka >secretly give her sympathomimetics grug >200 bpm >ahegao ruka <|endoftext|> We all used to be attacted to flat chests since titties meant that she's pregnant or breastfeeding, thus not very fertile, thus not worth your time. We were repuled by titties. But thanks a few freaks who were clearly not repulsed by titties, we have a lot of males that ARE attacted to big titties. This is due to those idiots who kept fucking those who had them or kept larger titties after breastfeeding ended, but also fucking those mutated woman freaks who had breasts BEFORE they even got pregnant, thus causing a disadvantageous evolutionary selection to the current disfunctional tit design that also strains the back. tl;dr - paraphilic grug breast lovers changed mating strategies I pride myself in being the old grug variety, prefering flat and at best tiny perky chests. <|endoftext|> >If the enemy forces don't bother with reacting to your presence The reason they're not reacting to their presence is because of the disguises they have. I assume there's a plan beyond just going full grug and attacking everybody but it's an all or nothing shot since they're on their last legs anyway. <|endoftext|> During Lolimir's flashback, she sees a couple who I think just got married kissing, one of them kinda looked like the grug version of Eren weirdly enough <|endoftext|> would have been better as a girl yes, full on grug femKid would have been smarter <|endoftext|> she wouldn't be as much of a grug and might actually do cool shit with her fruit <|endoftext|> Grug write them down on cave wall <|endoftext|> By the quality of it, cave painting created by some prehistoric Grug. <|endoftext|> >new sexy >new grug laugh at newfag berry picker <|endoftext|> >grug no like boy >grug like girl <|endoftext|> you are the one applying mental gymnastics in actuality the though process goes >grug like girls >unga bunga this is now girl >grug like <|endoftext|> what does Lutz get from being with Tulli the illiterate grug sister compared to Myne who completely altered the course of his life and the lives of the entire nation <|endoftext|> If were talking about grug fears, wheres the devil of predators? the fear of being hunted, to be prey. <|endoftext|> Monster Musume. He is a minor character who is racist against monsters. Kind of Grug tier but still based. <|endoftext|> >grug strong, grug overcome any plot inconvenience >completely ignoring the fact that not a single living being returned from that depth and they had artifacts far stronger than anything MHA could have yeah right, eat your heart out reddit <|endoftext|> >That's the face you make when hoping that your bigger and stronger friend doesn't get mad for rejecting him. Dude, he's rejecting Touma, not Grug. <|endoftext|> /a/s hatred of bone collection stems almost entirely from Grug think first page of first chapter have too much exposition <|endoftext|> >Ok, I think I might legit be rarted at this point, because I still don't get the joke at all. Mind Grug-splaining it to me? <|endoftext|> so was Julius but all he's ever done was grug smash <|endoftext|> Nen is a complex system that had the potential to be great but the author couldn't write engaging battles within the system so he reduced it to "grug sacrifice more now so grug win". <|endoftext|> Grug watch caves before big bang-bang dumb-dumb. Old caves much better hunts. <|endoftext|> Does anyone else get Irrationally angry when the Ape titan appears on screen? I hate his stupid face and long monkey arms. He makes me go in to this primal ooga booga GRUG SMASH! Mentality. <|endoftext|> >until now, because of the doctor's modifications Read manga grug <|endoftext|> Grug ask drawgrug for blug <|endoftext|> Nen is so close to being a good system. If there were, let's say, evil primordial hidden nen witches somewhere and you need their assistence to make a nen contract and they get to decide what can be sacrificed and what cannot. Then you couldn't just bullshit a new sacrifice or a vow mid battle for a "grug strong now" moment while your best friend has a majin that can save you from the consequences. <|endoftext|> Stands are my fave cause it's one of the only one that's not "grug in trouble grug spirit power up" and there's an infinite amount of ways to be tricky and develop new stand ideas. <|endoftext|> >UGLY BAD, >YEAGERIST UGLY, >YEAGERIST BAD GRUG tier manga <|endoftext|> I wonder if Mamarina knows that Geodude's feelings toward her daughter are genuine? Like, we know she's terrified at the thought that Bakarina might be queen one day, but has she really considered that Grug would not visit her daughter roughly once every three days for the past 7 years if he didn't have real feelings for her? Do you think that factors into any of her considerations? <|endoftext|> Would make for a good volume, especially if she doesn't remember anything after she originally got her bell rung, so she is mentally 8 years old. Then, as she's walking down the aisle to marry Grug, she breaks a heel, Knicks herself out again, and Bakarina is back in charge when she wakes up. <|endoftext|> >me like looking at adverts Okay, grug. That still doesn't justify you pushing your gambling addiction onto everything. <|endoftext|> Kid has an incredible DF, there are so many things he could've come up with like a haki clad robot army, or floatation. He already seemed crafty as a child, it's a shame he's using nothing but grug tactics like a giant fist. <|endoftext|> Luffy and Zoro were even more retarded than the beast pirates they're fighting. UHHHHHHHHHHH YOU WASTE FOOD ME GRUG RUIN PLAN. They got wounded literally 1 minute after getting their disguises, it seems Zoro always wants to be damaged just to stick with Oda's formula of having serious fights. At least Oda gave us some more beast cuties and an angered Kid. I actually want Luffy and Zoro to lose horribly now. <|endoftext|> >grug is caveman >13 earth dance grugina makes grug second nose hard like rock >but grug no like grugina because 52000 years later zoom zoom have problem with that <|endoftext|> Based grug, that's how you get a good wife. <|endoftext|> Grug like Ku but Ku job to Geta Geta 2 sticks, Ku 0 sticks What do? <|endoftext|> That won't work on me. You just like a dumb bitch. Times are changing and that grug attitude won't work when you explain to people how a people who engage in Nationalism organically will always have a better life as it is their input with their own. All you have is some mentally ill goy cattle view of the world. <|endoftext|> >actually clever at fighting >will NEVER win against an apostle because guts's grug smash can never be surpassed fuck miura <|endoftext|> Imagine training your ENITRE life only to get BTFO by some 80 IQ Grug who started to fight for the literal first time in his life <|endoftext|> Thanks for answering in a way my grug brain can understand /thread <|endoftext|> It would backfire because Katarina is the only thing in Grug's life for which he doesn't have a single impure thought. <|endoftext|> >ripple >breathing = power >no breathing = no power good >spin >perfect golden ratio, fibonacci, circle = power >not perfect = power good >stands >magic bullshitfu with bullshit rules bad grug likes hamon and spin. Dorohedoro is similar >magic >smoke from veins, finger, mouth = power >block smoke = no power good <|endoftext|> Imagine that grug who looked at Aurochs tatas (Cow ancestors) and thought it would be a good idea to suck the milk out of them. Ballsy motherfucker <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> Instead of meme examples like Damascus steel or Greek fire you can simply say that most of human history people lived as hunter-gatherers and that it was only a few thousand years ago that some genius thought >"instead of grug chasing sheep everyday...why not grug just keep sheep in enclosed area and have sheep come to grug?" Fact is that out of 200,000 years of history civilization was only invented in the last 5%. <|endoftext|> >grug like Mirio <|endoftext|> By the time bartering like this started to come around Grug was selling Graga to Grog for fruit as well. <|endoftext|> >Grug kills deer >takes meat >goes back to tribe >Grog catched harvested fruit in the meantime >Grug gives Grog some meat in exchange for fruit he wanted Retard. <|endoftext|> I think Grug is going to win, but he is going to eventually have to realize that the only way he can win is to allay his friends' fears that he's gonna lock Bakarina in the castle. He should also take the initiative ahd try to set up engagements between Nicol and Maria, as well as Sophia and Keith. From there, he'll need some pretense and subterfuge to get Alan and Mary to get to know each other more carnally, because once they do, they'll might be able to deescalate to just wanting to spend a bunch of time around bakarina, instead of trying to seduce her. My suggestion would be to lock them in a room with two bakarina costumes and wigs, that are sized perfectly for Alan and Mary. About 6 months after that, Alan and Mary would have to get married, another three months would provide an heir, and Alan could be designated as monarch-presumptive. <|endoftext|> Once belonged to the alien leader, hundreds of years ago. How did grug obtain it? <|endoftext|> Yeah it is disgusting but only us can do it >grug We can go better and go gondola instead. We also already have the material /wsg/ anons provided. >Gondola is the perfect methaphor to our situation, in many ways >he appears in various places, all over the world, throughout time with no effort at all. Incredible, right? Just like us really with a swoop of a button we can view any piece of art, historical event with hardly lifting a finger. Just like gondola. Able to be anywhere. See anything. >but he is powerless to act. He has no arms. Only legs which we could abuse to be its shounen superpower He is a silent observer all he can do is one thing to the next. He cannot interact with the thing he sees, he is powerless to the tragedy that have long happened even though he may revisit them again and again. We observe, we comment. We carry on, we cannot do much else. And like him we have no point to be sad. To worry things we cannot change would drive us mad. There is much to see, afterall. Even if you cannot touch. <|endoftext|> DOPAMINE IF GRUG NO SEE BLOOD GRUG DECLARE NO STEAK ON PLATE MEDIUM RARE DOPAMINE (You can have stakes without killing people) <|endoftext|> I'm sorry your tiny grug brain can only respond to violence. Perhaps punching holes in your wall will help you feel better? <|endoftext|> grug grug not enough action <|endoftext|> >because they call themselves a monster >grug smash <|endoftext|> Konohamaru's skillset is just a fanservice-y mess. You can notice on other characters how their skills reflect how they went on to pick different tools to achieve their goals as ninja. Kakashi's is all about cornering an enemy to finish it with a Raikiri, Naruto's is all about ME GRUG HAB MANY GRUG ME SMASH because he never bothered to learn a single nature transformation before getting into important fights, Tsunade/Sakura's focuses on survivability so they can stay in the battlefield to keep healing their allies, Gaara's restrains and crushes his opponents, and so on. What the fuck is Konohamaru supposed to be focused on other than reminding us that he is a Sarutobi and that he learned some techniques from Naruto? This is the one thing Konohamaru was supposed to be against in his first fucking episode. He wanted to be his own man and not live in the shadow of others and now he lives under multiple shadows without getting anything done unlike them. Even Mirai has jutsu of her own. The team Orochimaru used to infiltrate the exams and , but I'm pretty sure that's because they were somehow connected to Orochimaru or something. <|endoftext|> >But youre proving me tight by telling me that GX still gets support. Nostalgia is still a key part of Yugioh No, what I'm saying is that if nostalgia was the main thing driving support in this context, GX wouldn't beat the shit out of DM and 5D's in that department, and DM and 5D's decks would receive noticeably more support from Konami than those of other series. Neither of these things are true. GX gets support because it's GX, not because it's propped up by "grug want cards for old series because old series good". >EHeroes never got popular in the west. I played the game until 2010 and they werent popular over here Anon, HERO is an archetype comprised of five different sub-archetypes, of which E-HEROs are only one. Note that I did not specify E-HEROs in my initial post. Furthermore, nobody built E-HEROs prior to the release of certain cards because they were bad. But HEROs as a whole have always been popular no matter the region. >I played the game until 2010 Then you missed out on stuff like Gemini Beat and Masked HEROs, which happened shortly after and put E-HERO decks on the map. <|endoftext|> >MMMMMMM GRUG SEE BUNNY CUNNY <|endoftext|> >GRUG SEE WHORE BUNNY <|endoftext|> >Underdog when he has an overpowered ability compared to his classmates Lets not forget that AfO even with all his meme abilities can still straight up lose to "GRUG SMASH HARD FAST" <|endoftext|> >Grug no like Stone Ocean <|endoftext|> A wolf that can't talk, at that. >me grug like big flash why not all big flash go boom? <|endoftext|> I mean Oars and Oars jr are quite visually different than the rest of the seen giants like Broggy or Grug who are just big humans. The former are both larger two than the giants. <|endoftext|> Unga bunga Grug like moving picture it fun. <|endoftext|> But Gohan's fights in Z are all grug smash <|endoftext|> Was the Gohan-Frieza Dyspo fight the dumbest shit Toei has ever pulled? Not a Gohanfag but Freeza could have just kneecapped rabbeerus. What was the point of Toriyama making Gohan a cucked salaryman? When has Gohan ever done anything other than get mad and surprise attack or grug smash someone weaker than him? Neither Toriyama nor Toei nor Toyopaco know or care to write intelligence. <|endoftext|> Grug brained anons only capable of grasping surface level concepts. <|endoftext|> Muzan is a good middle ground between a schemer and a grug imo. <|endoftext|> >Early One Piece Bad man doing bad thing. Grug punch bad man <|endoftext|> >those leafs are pretty high, lemme just grow a taller neck im talking about how evolution works, not if it's real, grug brain <|endoftext|> Looks like Catcat realized that the coincidences were all leading to an attempt on the second princes life and so went to warn him. Got stopped by gorilla guard, she then tried to smug him to let her past and he went grug smash. Rakan saw what happened and told the guard to let her through where she then saved the second prince whilst getting injured from the falling pillar and then realized who he was before passing out from the pain. RIP gorilla guard's family and dog. <|endoftext|> me grug me watch picture me no read <|endoftext|> Zoans are the best for your random, brainlet mooks. It gives a big buff to physical stats, and requires 0 creativity to be effective, you just go hybrid and UNGA BUNGA GRUG SMASH. <|endoftext|> It's a great anime, you'd be pretty grug brained to suggest otherwise. But the overall style of the show just didn't appeal to me. The jazz soundtrack came of as pretentious, and i really don't think Spike is all that interesting. He just seems like a fairly stereotypical cool guy persona with a cigarette in his mouth, and some witty oneliners. That's just me though. <|endoftext|> Shounen good Harem bad Grug grug <|endoftext|> So what? Difference between H2O and H2O2 is just one oxygen molecule. >The line between natsoc and communism just keeps getting grayed. saying things like this is how you recognize a grug brain <|endoftext|> grug sell stone, buy stick instead <|endoftext|> Club MC when? Cavemen represent! >grugg wrestling longtooth cat >slip and go fall down cliff >run over by mammoth >go to big cave in the sky >glowing gruggette appear >say grug go to other place, fight antler head man >grugg no understand, but antler head man look strong >grugg need big smash stick to fight him >gruggette give grug biggest smash stick >grug wake up in forest >see other, non glowing, grugette chased by small green-grug >bunga green-grug, unga grugette >hmm, maybe if grug bunga antler head man, grug can unga gloy grugette! <|endoftext|> >us good humor >them bad humor okay grug but as an actual reader, I found yours to be far more mean spirited. <|endoftext|> but there is several of them and one grug of a bunny woman <|endoftext|> engaging backstory? >grug no speak >wahhh why you eat grug babies to liiiveeee its not faiiiirrrr <|endoftext|> grug like no word <|endoftext|> Grug Jean when? <|endoftext|> grug produce idol idol sing grug make money ooga booga <|endoftext|> Grug doesn't look that good <|endoftext|> >UGH, GRUG NO FEEL SO GOOD >BUT THIS FURNITURE SURE IS COMFY... >GRUG THINKS HE WILL REST HERE JUST A BIT LONGER. <|endoftext|> Jeanbo is about to go full Grug on him while Mikasa grabs his gun and puts down all his boyos. Floch winning that duel would be a colossal asspull. <|endoftext|> Based grug smash pussy! <|endoftext|> oooga booga you no agree with grug not know nothing booga ooga <|endoftext|> >me grug >me see people >me say people with same hair are family >me headcanon is reality this is what you sound like right now <|endoftext|> >t. Grug read Funny blademan <|endoftext|> Thing is this is like the fanfic of science if science had shonen powers. It's almost troll science memes. If feels like Grug'Guiver in Stone Age. Not an actual shows that tries to be scientific. It WOULD have been good if it actually was trying to be a crony show OR if it was just trying to be more accurate. But as is it is just kind of in a awkward middle ground. <|endoftext|> >ME CAVE BRAIN, NEED TO CUM >SELF WORTH AND DIGNITY? GRUG DO NOT KNOW <|endoftext|> >Too many words for grug. Me likey eren. He do no wrong Erenfags are pathetic <|endoftext|> >NTR a whole tribe of men. So the MC's to blame for introducing the cuckold fetish to the world? Nah but seriously, that sounds like a really quick way to get your head smashed in by an angry Grug. Assuming some plot reason why you can communicate, I suppose depending how far back you go, really the only things a modern person could offer would be basic knowledge about agriculture, hygiene, medicine, food preservation, brewing and maybe metal production and writing. I know each of those things would be a huge step forwards if you could introduce them earlier in the timeline, but really the average person today has at best entry level basic understanding of most of those skills. Agriculture would be difficult, because cereal crops as we know them today simply weren't a thing back then, and it's thanks to human cultivation that they so rapidly evolved into what we recognize today as staples of the modern diet. As for medicine, apart from trying to discourage practices that we now know are actually detrimental, at most you could probably try to grow penicillin, since advance production would be beyond your means. Maybe teaching about harvesting opium as a painkiller, but again that has been know about for millennia, since at least the early days of ancient Egypt, so it may already be common knowledge when you arrive. Really, I think introducing a complex form of writing would have the largest impact, as it'd allow people to share knowledge more efficiently. That's just my opinion though. I also wonder how far back in the human evolutionary tree we can go and still find the women fuckable? <|endoftext|> Grug is anime <|endoftext|> >if u no like wut i like, die Ok grug <|endoftext|> she did raise him, tell me again what is Ryusui's opinion of women its just because he got beaten up by a drunken fisherman he's right for the wrong reasons, Senku is also right for the wrong reasons. depetrifying everyone isn't possible, returning the world to how things were isn't possible. the entire fight was pointless but it still happened. science won naturally because grug cant compete with the wonders of the modern world <|endoftext|> It was mentioned in an extra the goons either shave off their hair with chunks of obsidian or tie it like this so it doesn't get in the way with their grug lifestyle. <|endoftext|> >ooga booga grug pound pussy! <|endoftext|> he kind of already nullified that rule by divorcing her I hope after the Treasure island arc when they go back to retrieve Tsukasa >Gin-chan starts regularly seeing a Tsukasa grug who is actually a licensed psychiatrist for his PTSD >Chrome and Ruri actually get married >Tsukasa spends time with Mirai and Mirai gives him a haircut because all girls get haircuts when they resolve a character flaw <|endoftext|> >alien lizard from outer space visits earth >decides to play savior and give all her advanced tech to a bunch of cavemen (what could possibly go wrong) >cavemen eventually decide to attack the alien lizard for unknown reasons, possibly because they realized she is nothing more than an alien lizard >"majority of humans were annihilated" literally implying the lizards just fucking nuked them all into oblivion >the remaining humanity literally has to retreat underground like fucking molemen just to survive the angry lizard rampage >alien lizard heals the planet in a desperate attempt to undo her own fuck-up >humanity, understandably upset, gets their revenge a gazillion years later when they whisper into King Grug's ear >UHHH HUMANITY IS EVIL AND WE SHOULD CONTINUE LETTING OUR FATE BE CONTROLLED BY THE LIZARD ILLUMINATI Fodlan does not belong to the alien IMMIGRANT lizards, but it does belong to the NATIVE humans. Hence if humans want the lizard to GTFO, they have every right to try and drive them out. The lizards however do NOT have a right to "stand their ground" in self-defense, because they have no rights to the ground of Fodlan. If they refuse to leave, they are just invaders. Much like a burglar isn't justified to kill a man defending his home in "self-defense". In conclusion, the slithers did NOTHING wrong <|endoftext|> F's confession > grug weak and pathetic and strongless but yotuba help grug so LOVE <|endoftext|> Hyouga doesn't even know the Grug's names. He's been having a massive hardon for the kingdom ever since he met them. <|endoftext|> grug can only have civilian pointy stick then. no high capacity atlatl for you! <|endoftext|> I know we have the voice actress datamine but those early datamines are unreliable. I'm 100% certain every Grand released from now on apart from Saber is a character that hasn't been properly featured in any Fate media yet. Saber MIGHT be some form of Artoria, it might be Grug the caveman who killed Sefar, it might be someone else. We know that Grand Saber once wielded Excalibur but that might not apply anymore. <|endoftext|> Let's not forget about the trick question. Both are very sentimental in their own way. Senkuu with scheduling the lightbulb test for Christmas and Gen with a birthday party. It's the little things. Meanwhile in Tsukasa empire.. >"GRUG PUNCH ROCK FUCK BOOMERS" <|endoftext|> Because you are a crybaby autist manchild. >WAAH W-WHY ARE THEY ENJOYING THING?! GRRRRRRRRR MAKE GRUG MAD Literal subhuman <|endoftext|> It's just a random ass nobody. The grug in that picture isn't important either. <|endoftext|> Thorkell is too far on the grug end and thors is too far on the cuck end. <|endoftext|> Ok Grug <|endoftext|> i dont care at least we got grug jack which is a fine sacrifice for me <|endoftext|> ME JACK ME SLICE GRUG YAMI CUT AND DICE SMELLY NIPPON MAN I WILL <|endoftext|> Considering Tsukasa's empire is nothing but a grug empire, being able to find the village and burn almost all of it wasn't that bad for an initial attack. Also don't forget the detail where he and CHADga believes Senku created guns <|endoftext|> Exactly, and the former Chief is already bitching. Next ep they'll utilize the waterwheel so all Senkuu's labour force is automated. Then they'll start berrypicking. Even Homura will be called back to help Grug empire stack up for a while because they'll revive through the winter, they need a lot of food. <|endoftext|> too grug for me <|endoftext|> >2019+10 months+15 days >still proud of grug construction Is burgerland really first world? <|endoftext|> Multiple reasons. Homura was tasked to look over them. The Grug empire set her there to watch out for "big moves" and report back. She'll now report back and get reassigned to gathering for the winter which gives Senkuu a bit of space. It was a way to let alarm Homura they took notice of her. Everyone is armed at all times, so going too close to the kingdom becomes dangerous. He's also doing it cause he feels like it. <|endoftext|> Ok Grug <|endoftext|> Magma is pretty grug and he's like fuck yeah guns <|endoftext|> He's a grug. Grugs can't into guns <|endoftext|> >creates various steel weapons >creates a tank with sulfuric acid cannon >creates explosives >creates stungun >everyone gets their pants wet over phones Go back to Grug empire <|endoftext|> The anime retconned king Grug and judo girl. So idk <|endoftext|> It is the purpose of life, life has always been selected by how it can reproduce, it's the only end goal but then you have to commit an inversion and think he is a caveman when it's you who has a Grug-brain. He is conscious enough to realize his position in the universe, it's not Godly but it's certainly reaching for the heavens, it's getting a glimpse of creation itself. But you, Grug need sex, Grug gonna coom into bitches, Grug no need for goal, Grug only need high notch count, yes this pleases Grug, this feels good therefore it is good. <|endoftext|> >not jacking off to Grug-sama's cave painting hentai about as natural as it gets <|endoftext|> GRUG WANTS SMASH GIRL PUSSY WITH MEAT CLUB <|endoftext|> Okay Grug <|endoftext|> You can have science and modern technology + liberty, and a lack of technological sophistication is no guarantee of freedom. You'll still get one tribe proclaiming that "this Ugg Tribe hunting ground! Grug Tribe no welcome!" even with caveman level culture. People being selfish and greedy will actually be more likely in a world without agriculture, etc. where resources are scarce and every day is a constant struggle for survival. His position is based entirely on a false dichotomy. He would be smarter to stick with Senkuu and use his influence to ensure that the Kingdom of Science was actually the Republic of Science and had a liberal constitution in line with his ideals. <|endoftext|> >the chad empire more like the grug empire <|endoftext|> grug knows rocks symbol mean rockrock rockplace rockfire <|endoftext|> Grand Saber very likely used Excalibur to repel Velber in 12000BC the first time it attacked. Who knows if it was either Artoria, Arthur, or the first swordsman in human history caveman Grug. This may get touched on in the next Lost Belt since it's dated the same, but I honestly doubt it since there's already too much going on with Odysseus turning Zeus into nanomachine power-armor <|endoftext|> >Grug no like infodump! >too info make Grug brain hurt! >Grug demand flashy battle and big boobies! <|endoftext|> Makes Grug think. <|endoftext|> >Grug made big mistake. <|endoftext|> >Grug end up alone and sharing firehair with a bunch of other cavemen >Grug wish he made his own opinion Sad. <|endoftext|> Holy shit, Grug is cucked. But his reasoning is based. Glad I part of other waifu tribe, and don't have to share. <|endoftext|> >numbers say Grug opinion on loud firehair is right >numbers don't lie >other tribe tell me firehair is slut and pure girls are better >they happy and have their own waifu >Grug think that this is an attempt to steal firehair for themselves >Grug double down and love firehair even more >Grug end up alone and sharing firehair with a bunch of other cavemen >Grug wish he made his own opinion <|endoftext|> big tiddy make grug go ooooh ooooh ahhhhh ahhhh <|endoftext|> Grug like THIS charcoal art! Grug can ONLY like this charcoal art! <|endoftext|> Grug no like new cave painting Grug prefer old dirt drawing <|endoftext|> grug watch knk grog fill bud <|endoftext|> >Our earth doesnt have furry people, dinosaurs and so on So? their Earth still has the same gravity as our Earth. Their Earth is still round and presumably still 70% water. Physics, which this feat is grounded most is, is all still there. Even if we said DB Universe is smaller it's still massively huge given how far Old Namek is from Earth and how far the Grug planet is from Beerus' home world. Even if our Sun exploded and wiped out our Solar System it wouldn't reach a tenth the distance it took the gang to go to Namek, meaning Namek wouldn't feel it. But every planet felt the Clash, even some a literal dimension apart. <|endoftext|> >is voiced by Saber's VA Caveman Grug is instead gonna be cavewoman Grugette, okay <|endoftext|> Yes. Heroic Spirit Grug who one shot the Sefar can too. <|endoftext|> >quotes the same post >samefagging this hard Grug-brained Neanderthal. <|endoftext|> >and besides the men would generally support whatever women might be carrying their child just in case. nice fantasy. until actual civilization was developed most children were a product of grug cracking grogs skull and raping his woman. <|endoftext|> that's a retarded argument because the evolutionary advantage isn't just in getting pregnant but making sure your child lives to reproduce itself. If some cavewhore gets knocked up by grug and grug fucks off while she and the kid starve her genes are not continuing on <|endoftext|> Because their stories are only romantic with women goggles on. When men see women's idea of romance, they see grug and thots. <|endoftext|> They only draw gorilla pissing, so it's probably connected to her grug-like character <|endoftext|> Grug fug gorilla Snu-snu? Grug like. me too <|endoftext|> Grug no want Thot. Grug want true Bushga who love Grug and content with simple thing in life, like fresh honey and Quake. <|endoftext|> Grug like stone, but Grug no like shaman, even stone shaman. Now Fist of North Star, that was good anime. <|endoftext|> >he says this as he uses an electronic device that also caused many deaths >science levels the playing field Sorry about your grug power being useless in comparison to science. However it depends on how you use it, killing isn't the only use for science. <|endoftext|> Shit taste, why'd they have to ruin a perfectly good science grug show with ooga boogas? <|endoftext|> Star Platinum isn't that good. >I glamhair grug, I fist things harder than other punch spirits <|endoftext|> >existing in reality >in reality >realism >in fucking SnK >where the fucking 3DMG exists >where fucking titan magic exists Crying about reality is the sign of a grug brainlet 90% of the time. <|endoftext|> not really. boys are like ooga booga me want to fucking grug chan ooga booga self insert <|endoftext|> So I saw how much negativity this show got so I wasnt gonna watch it, but I was at a friends house and watched the first couple of episodes and now im caught up. My only gripes with the show 1. why are the girls faces retarded, friend said theyre even more fucked in the manga 2. why did the two airhead lovers fuck off after they revived dr stone also haha grug Fuck me man why hasnt senku made a gun yet <|endoftext|> >grug can't read <|endoftext|> Whatever you say, Grug'Trok <|endoftext|> Grug no see flashing lights or fire only talking grug think episode no good. <|endoftext|> GRUG LOVE THING GRUG LOVE GRUG <|endoftext|> and Thor the giant mace grug role <|endoftext|> shit when you put it that way having high chief grug the first of paleolithic lemuria sounds pretty rad <|endoftext|> If I'm the MC it doesn't matter, there's a high probability of bullshit plot armor allowing me to switch on the fly. That said, I would probably go with whatever has the biggest stick for biggest damage, Grug smash basically. <|endoftext|> >if society good why bad thing happen >GRUG KILL EVERYONE NOW SHIGGY DIGGY >we live in a society *BURP* WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY AFO <|endoftext|> GRUG SMART <|endoftext|> >nanoha not lead? >but her name in title! >grug no like! <|endoftext|> Grug no like beetleman <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> >GRUG TINK SHINKAI WORK BAD >GRUG NO SEE SHINKAI WORK >YOU SAY IT NO BAD? >GRUG TINK IT STILL BAD!!!1! <|endoftext|> Isekai writers are a bunch of braindead fucktards so they can't explain concepts Grug in 8000B.C. didn't know. Electricity is actually very easy to generate and use with just a little bit of mechanical-electrical know-how but like I said, they're braindead fucktards who think writing big titty waifu harem and generic self insert MCs for lowest common denominator makes them fucking Tolkien. <|endoftext|> why everyone hate grug for watching cave painting grug need no harem anyway, grug like cave painting more <|endoftext|> >grug <|endoftext|> But Grug like it when it bad <|endoftext|> Why do you only express yourself in absolutes? you sound like a caveman. >Grug like its good >Grug not like its bad <|endoftext|> Grug want learn about Cape tribe Cave chief no let Grug talk about Cape tribe Og show Grug cave drawing of great ancestor Great ancestor part of Cape tribe Chieftain find out Grug see cave drawing Chieftain club Grug while rest of tribe watch Grug sad Grug get magic dust power because Grug sad Grug kill animal friend with magic dust power Grug think this Cape tribe fault Grug kill chieftain and tribe with magic dust power Cape tribe make Grug do this <|endoftext|> Yes Grug gets cucked, the only way to prevent being cucked is lock your wife inside a room for the amount of time it takes for your sperm to reach the egg, then let her out. Of course she will fuck dudes now that she is out but at least you wont to worry about raising a kid that isnt yours. Handsome geniuses you mean, even then women care about fun and excitement more than science and math so geniuses bore them unless they are sexually attractive facially. <|endoftext|> So Grug gets cucked? <|endoftext|> >Words bad!! Grug need pictur to understand!!! <|endoftext|> But he looks like grug. <|endoftext|> >HOW DARE PEOPLE DISCUSS SOMETHING GRUG DONT LIKE <|endoftext|> >EVERYONE SHOULD BE STRAIGHT LIKE GRUG Hetfags are amusing. <|endoftext|> >one guy said thing me screencap blame all ninofags grug grug Fucking retard. <|endoftext|> evidencefags >know the story forwards and backwards, keenly follow each development and greatly enjoy the author's efforts metakeks >hurr durr me grug look twitter durr poll me post hurr tvtrops <|endoftext|> Cryokinesis and Incite are actually too broken, I don't care how much grug smash Stress grants. <|endoftext|> >RAAARGH TOO MANY WORDS FOR GRUG >meanwhile <|endoftext|> UNGA, GRUG HATE SHOUNEN. GRUG ONLY LIKE MOE STUFF. GRUG NO LIKE SHOUNEN. UNGA BUNGA. ME ONLY WATCH CUTE GIRLY STUFF. NO WATCH ACTION PACKED ANIME. IT BAD AND BORING. UNGA ROMCOM AND ISEKAI GENRE SUPERIOR TO BORING SHOUNEN. *beats on chest* UNGA BUNGAAAAA *screams like a lunatic* <|endoftext|> >grug <|endoftext|> She clearly doesn't understand that her sisters wants her to be happy just the same. Yotsuba is below grug level. <|endoftext|> >GRUG TAKE EVERYTHING LITERALLY ok <|endoftext|> GRUG NAMBA WAN GRUG WIN GRUG DIFFERENT STUDY BAD UESUGI-SAN MATE <|endoftext|> GRUG NO 1 GRUG DIFFERENT GRUG WIN STUDY MAN BAD UESUGI-SAN MATE <|endoftext|> grug no understand where all fight gone <|endoftext|> >grug no press button, grug rage instead works for me, just don't cry when your stream dies for nth time :^) <|endoftext|> >GRUG <|endoftext|> Yeah being written by an incel/I'm not that kinda gal grug is a fat that no character deserves to suffer through. <|endoftext|> >maybe Grug the caveman felt the same way Probably not since I assume Grug was content if he could make it through the day without him or one of his tribemembers getting deadly diarrhea or being eaten by a lion or some other shit. <|endoftext|> > Your life is probably very empty > all you can do to subside it is modern hedonism, which entraps you with its immediate gratification and you can't progress to something long term. Fuck, you're not wrong, but I do wonder if this truly is just a modern problem, who knows maybe Grug the caveman felt the same way, maybe it has less to do with the society we live in and instead it is just human nature. >The reason is talking with another human being about the experience of being a human being in the thread of an existential mangaka that provokes this kind of thoughts and discussions. This is the reason we can have tkmiz threads every week, even though tkmiz only releases new manga chapters once a month, the human experience is a botomless well of discussion. No and no, but if you don't die, you get to read more SS, so you've got that going for you which is nice. <|endoftext|> >grug see relationship with more than two grugs, is ntr! means grug is expected to let other grug stick meatstick in gurlg! spirits not approve christ do you people ever not have a stick up your ass <|endoftext|> Will Freeza kill her to provoke her grug bf? <|endoftext|> Grug only watch smart anime like Hyoucave and Welcome to BCE. <|endoftext|> >Grug see graph. Grug agree, but Grug talk not about the graph. <|endoftext|> Grug did 300,000 years ago. <|endoftext|> >Civilisation should have never went beyond the stone age Shut up Grug. <|endoftext|> unga bunga, grug want tomodachi. <|endoftext|> the thing that makes me very angry about the whole Android/Cell saga is that during those 3 years they could've fucking destroyed the androids before their activation but they refused to do so because "hurr durr grug wants a good fite :D", fuck the rest of the planet, who cares i mean, even if they didn't know the exact position of Gero's lab they had 3 goddamn years (+dragon balls) of time to find it and destroy everything the whole arc feels some sort of horribly written fanfic, Trunks didn't even mention how 17&18 look like, that's so fucking dumb <|endoftext|> UNGA BROOM BROOM CUHRAYZEE FUCK YOU DON'T FUCK WITH ME POWER, MY OWN POWER WATCH THIS RIDIN' HIGH SHALL WE DANCE? SHOWDOWN NERO GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> KAZMA-SAN ME AQUA GRUG TURN UNDED HEHE UNDED STOOPID AND SMELLY GRUG SMASHES UNDED HEHE~ <|endoftext|> It’s ironically the opposite. Overlord is the one with power balance issues. Aqua beating Ainz and then Kazuma beating Aqua is proper rock-paper-scissors power balancing, while Ainz’s world is just “grug stronger than groog, so grug smash groog”. <|endoftext|> >grug no like nip cartoon tribe no more. nip cartoon tribe used to know how to make fire. <|endoftext|> >And that's what Asuka represents. She represents confronting your problems and actually tackling them. She represents living in the real world instead of some fantasy world. She's not going to tell you comfortable lies, she's going to tell you the harsh truth so you can fix yourself. Oh you sweet little asukafag. Your childlike naivety is so endearing! You should know that Asuka is the only doll, asuka is the only girl living in a fantasy world. Asuka is nothing more than an instagram thot who sluts herself out for likes, only instead of likes, Asuka gets paid in Eva time. The more she is NERV's obedient puppet, dancing on NERV and SEELE's strings, the more time she gets to be an Eva pilot celebrity. She never once thinks for herself or has any higher thoughts beyond ugg grug drive eva becauze asuka stronk She never once questions her or NERV's mission. She never once questions the orders she's given, much like how you never once question what you see, and only mindlessly obey the word of your puppetmaster Anno. Now dance, puppet <|endoftext|> So you don't want to believe in evolution? First, offspring ensurance. Fuck a virgin, and the baby is almost certainly yours. Fuck a non-virgin, and the odds are lower. Risk of being a literal cuckold and raising a child that isn't yours. Second, sexually transmitted diseases. Needless to say, there's much less risk of catching one if you fuck only virgins. Fuck experienced women, and you might get sick and die or otherwise be unable to provide for your offspring. It's pure nature. Most men in the present instinctively prize purity because that is in fact the wisest choice, if you want to pass on your genes at least. Of course, sometimes it worked out regardless. That's why there are still men who are less picky. The second law of the jungle is "whatever works", after all. Your ancestors living on their knees and getting Grug Bouldercock's used goods was still living. <|endoftext|> Eh, why would they need anything beyond stone age if they don't need it? >grug cold >grug sees fire >grug maek fire with wood so grug not cold meanwhile gems don't feel cold, heat, hunger, thirst, urge to reproduce. They cannot travel far either. >It worked with more simple creatures like Shiro Why is everyone so dumb? Neither Shiro nor the boardgame dissolved because Adamant prayed for them, they reached peace on their own. This is literally spelled in the pages. How dumb can people be holy shit <|endoftext|> No, the grug man. How many winters has it been? <|endoftext|> America can't produce more than one Anima, maybe it's because they're not being attacked so an Anima doesn't feel the need to manifest itself, this might be one of the ways the existence of Anima is related to Xi, so Anima naturally wouldn't exist without Xi. But this sounds like complete mysticism. Also Gripen's solution is to grug it in uninhabited areas, but Daughters can't function without industrialized society either. But that might be for the best since they won't have to be used by humans to fight each other when Xi is defeated. <|endoftext|> gripen thinks like grug episode proves it <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug sees birds grug wants to fly too captures ten ducks, ties onto arms jumps off high rock grug find flying not as easy as birds make it look <|endoftext|> >be grug >have pretty cave >faggots invent “house” last year >housefags make seem like house popular >housefags not know cave popular before house >cave better >fucking housefags <|endoftext|> Grug agree good cave painting have one girl with two big breast <|endoftext|> unga bunga book better than video what you mean they have different stranth? Grug no understand <|endoftext|> i dont know, me ask grug when he get back from hunt <|endoftext|> I guess he has grug level of intelligence. <|endoftext|> Cope cope cope Grug <|endoftext|> Grug read, Grug not understand <|endoftext|> grug no like gray area grug unable enjoy rock people with hard understand character grug like rock people with character grug can understand and enjoy <|endoftext|> no, Grug support Sun Hair tribe, smash pointy ear tribe in smoke shack, keep rock smash job for Grug and Grug-kin <|endoftext|> Grug think pointy ear tribe is behind cat grug tribe stealing our shiny rock gathering job <|endoftext|> Akagi cast magic spell on rock. Make Grug deal in. <|endoftext|> >people expect any romantic development to be fleshed out and make sense Duuur du u think dis Shoujo?! Huh huh c! Grug smrt nd u dumbo! <|endoftext|> grug like butt grug pleasure self to butt anime make grug feel very good grug go watch more butt <|endoftext|> Asukarock Betta ten Reirock, Grug smash other grugs with bat for beliefing otherwise <|endoftext|> >grug had to woo his girl Anon I think you're overestimating your understanding of anthropology. Primitive tribes that have changed very little still have fucking war brides and sell their daughters. We see this shit across the globe and in most Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Victorian and even modern (to an extent) modern cultures. Admittedly in western cultures it became relegated more to the noble classes because the poor faggots didn't have time to be concerned about those sorts of things but it is basically ever present the only thing is the degree. Even in modern day India and China we see marriage pairings that are based on economic and social capital rather than romantic notions. Basically, you're a fucking idiot. <|endoftext|> >transhoomanism hard to grok >grug like punch fite cartoon >grug so smart ikuhara is up there alonside anno as the best, to be sure. oshii does a good job though true. the industry is not large, they can't go around stomping on people's feet. oshii is probably angry because he sees a medium that has lots of potential, and it's all being used on soft-core hentai anno said that char's counterattack made a big change, and that at the time, people honestly believed that as a medium, anime could convey interesting ideas and messages. the reality shut that up pretty hard by the early 00's <|endoftext|> grug mad call anon troll. <|endoftext|> Is there a character that's nearly as pleb filter as Valentine? >ugh he bad guy grug hate bad guy <|endoftext|> >GRUG GON GET ANGRY >GRUG GON TURN BIG AND POWERFUL wow, great intellectual anime you got there, definitely a step above naruto <|endoftext|> grug no like. it empty fire <|endoftext|> Shark's bs wasn't in his Monster Cards, which summoned and searched each other fairly organically. It was in his Spells/Traps. While Yuma and Kite's mostly did generic damage mitigation, card protection, and Xyz sabotage; Shark's were highly situational from the sort of believable one that negated the lava field IV lured him in (presumably, Shark knew the WDC's arenas had special effects going in) to...this: >When this card is banished by your opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 2 Level 8 WATER monsters from your Deck, but their effects are negated, and they cannot attack or be Tributed. Sure, you could argue "Grug banish facedowns indiscriminately with Zexal Evenly Matched" as a precaution, but keep in mind, Shark DOESN'T OWN/use any Rank 8 Xyz Monsters. <|endoftext|> >tetsutetsu GRUG HAVE SHINY ROCK SKIN <|endoftext|> >can see HEA's slit GRUG WANT <|endoftext|> >revives Kazuma multiple times >kills two demon generals >magic points tank >tried twice to get Kazuma out of prison with 200IQ plans >productive citizen >heart of parties >good with kids >purifies water in grug medieval age >can forgive your sins >>>>>useless <|endoftext|> >grug repeat words enough times, other grugs will see truth! <|endoftext|> Go back to 4chan with your grug memes you weirdo. <|endoftext|> Grug hate anything new <|endoftext|> >+ not wanting to deal with some crying clingy virgin GRUG WANT DOPAMINE GRUG WANT DOPAMINE Are you american or something? >It's pretty telling that in every post you've made you've talked about other mens cock No mention in the post you replied to but ok <|endoftext|> >REEE WHY YOU USE BIG WORDS?? GRUG DONT KNOW BIG WORDS Slutfags, everyone <|endoftext|> Survivorship Bias is a bitch. "Grug and Mugg hungry. Grug and Mugg approach tree. Tree have red berry and blue berry. Mugg eat blue berry. Mugg get tummy ache and die. Grug eat red berry. Grug tummy full." In the shounen rock tablets "Mugg stupid! Why no eat red berry! Grug smart! Grug hero!" <|endoftext|> GRUG BONEMEAT <|endoftext|> >I'm not stopping myself from sleeping with various women >GRUG WANT DOPAMINE GRUG WANT DOPAMINE <|endoftext|> what the fuck is grug? stop bringing your dumb wojak memes here crossboarder <|endoftext|> >seething downie in full damage control you can leave now Grug <|endoftext|> >can't even spell the show's name >actually retarded go home Grug <|endoftext|> Grug like shiny, grug want play rock throw with sexy funny man <|endoftext|> and you shouldn't have left the cave Grug, go back <|endoftext|> >GRUG LIKE PREDATOR ANON POST BAD <|endoftext|> >grug set limitation to no touch dick anymore for infinite power >grug win ez <|endoftext|> >JUST FUN BRO Need that dopamine hit again, Grug? <|endoftext|> >These people clearly never had sex with a virgin with no experience, hence why I call them söyböys >GRUG WANT PEEPEE TO FEEL GOOD NOTHING ELSE MATTER GRUG WANT DOPAMINE GRUG WANT DOPAMINE NOW NOW NOW <|endoftext|> I don't know, but there is a Grug edit of him <|endoftext|> >'grug caveman hit you'. gave me an idea <|endoftext|> Would come off too much like 'grug caveman hit you'. The way Oda did it is one of the only ways to make Kaido appear skilled. I'm okay with the way he did it personally. <|endoftext|> It would really be stupid of Grug to make a contract that forces him to keep paying and be miserable forever, just because some old geezers tell Grug that he's not allowed to do that. >no Grug >think of Grugina <|endoftext|> >ALL MARIAGE BAD BECAUSE GRUG MOTHER AND GRUG FATHER HATE EACH OTHER >GRUG VERY SMART <|endoftext|> >grug stay miserable and unhappy with person who hates you and who you hate >it the right thing to do <|endoftext|> >Working through problems in a relationship? FUCK THAT GRUG WANT 2 FEEL GOOD AND GRUG WANT FEEL GOOD NOW NOW NOW NOW <|endoftext|> t:grug <|endoftext|> COMPLEX DRAWING MEANS GOOD FOR SMART CAVEMAN. GRUG SMART, LIKES COMPLEX. YOU DONT LIKE COMPLEX DRAWING GRUG LIKE? YOU DUMB CAVEMAN. <|endoftext|> grug SMASHH <|endoftext|> So be it, Grug Why won't Pika just use some asspull to bring Melody her old look, hell why won't they use the wish trap to bring back his clan?! <|endoftext|> Grug think threads are waste of time Same cave drawings every time <|endoftext|> History didn't start then but relevence did. >grug angry storygrug didn't include bone cudgles in his weapon list Once we hit proper guns armour disappears. The efficacy of armour is made and measured in the medieval age. If leather wasn't shit it would have been used, but guess what, it's shit. >moves goal post Fucking hardly. Are you going to ask me to include fur armour now? If someone wore it at some stage does that mean it's just as effective as the rest of the technology? No. Leather is a meme in pop-culture that needs to die. Shit armour for savages that is basically worthless. <|endoftext|> Guess Grug figured out how to delete his posts. <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO UNDERSTAND POINT WITHOUT PERFECT ENGLISH <|endoftext|> >DARK IS GOOD ART. LIGHT IS BAD ART. GRUG SMART, LIKE GOOD ART. The absolute state of huntercucks <|endoftext|> >rub sticks together to make fire >GRUG IS 7/5 SMART, UNGA <|endoftext|> broken speech grug>>>generic brainlet post>>>>>>>>anything on /a/ for the past 5 years <|endoftext|> broken speech grug>>>generic brainlet post put more effort into your posts <|endoftext|> Grug don't like. New games too fast. *sip* Yep, Quake was a good game <|endoftext|> >hurrrr why chiefs keep smashing grug's "My Warrior Tribe School" painting, we better than cavegirl painting threads >now excuse grug, grug needs to argue with grog about which smoke signal style is better <|endoftext|> Simple Enhancement or Emission abilities. Grug punch hard. Grug throw energy blast. There's no mystery for Rihan to unravel and charge up Predator with. <|endoftext|> In terms of that, it's fairly normal for a person's libido to overcome their finer values in order for them to be aroused. I think that's natural. Grug not care of hurt feelings, Grug want fun fun The same can be said for normal porn, how even the most contrived scenarios fit the bill for people, even if they're put off by how dumb it is. The topic has no good comparison to a person's normal personality, because Grug, but it's interesting how much people can twist their values temporarily, like you said. <|endoftext|> NO WORDIES NO TALKIES SO GRUG NO CONFUSE. ME NOT LIKE THINKING GRUG WANT FIGHT! PSYCHOMOLOGY SLOW!!!!!!!!. <|endoftext|> grug like momo cause she have big titties and she think good so me don't have to <|endoftext|> Chieftan say no raid red eyes tribe but spider tribe spear every last one so grug raid longnose tribe instead <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT ENHANCER GRUG CONJURER SUMMON CLUB WITH NAIL IN IT, MORE POWERFUL WEAPON THAN ANY IN GRUG WORLD <|endoftext|> Why don’t you enhance that club grug. Your resolve and emotions should help boost <|endoftext|> Yeah. Which hilariously made Julia the better actual pilot of the two. Mika was a braindead idiot jacked up on cybernetics and high performance suits who GRUG SMASHED his way through two seasons on hardware alone. Julia saw that and was like "well I'm a fucking normie graze pilot. I'm not going to get past that tech barrier.". So instead she got herself a suit that would let her juke the everloving shit to Mika, which effectively neutered him from participating in the battle. <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT FIGHT NO WORDIES SO GRUG NO CONFUSE. ME NOT LIKE THINKING. <|endoftext|> thanks for the advice, grug <|endoftext|> Sorry, I assumed you needed a low-level analogy since it was such a stupid post. I underestimated how dumb you actually were, let me try again: >Grug: Me own rock and twig! >Mug: Me take you rock! >Mug takes Grug's Rock and twig >Grug: You take me rock and twig! >Mug: No, just rock! And so Mug gets away with open robbery in broad daylight. And so it came to pass that "Mug" would be synonymous with this heinous act for all time ever after. The End. <|endoftext|> UG! GRUG MAKE BABY! CONTINUE GRUG LINE SO GRUG NO GO EXTINCT FROM MAKE BABIES WITH KRUG PEOPLE! <|endoftext|> >crunchyroll says they do X with the money >they do not do X with the money, at all GRUG NOT UNDERSTAND GRUG HARD WORDS GRUG CONTINUE TO ARGUE THAT IT NOT CHARITY <|endoftext|> guts good... griffisu bad... grug like simple story <|endoftext|> It's all Chadug's fault. Grug actually nice guy, respects women. <|endoftext|> Too much text. Grug not read. Quick rundown? <|endoftext|> >He doesn't remember Grug's Berry Picker Adventure <|endoftext|> The fuck was the thought process behind her design? >ME GRUG SEE ANIME HAVE BIG EYES >BIG EYES CUTE >THAT MEAN ROBOT HAVE BIG EYES AND WEIRD FACE <|endoftext|> 50 gorillion times, grug. <|endoftext|> Rock Bonk Grug <|endoftext|> Grug want anime tiddies, Grug want archetypes, Grug want action. No no like slow burn anime. <|endoftext|> Grug is hungry. <|endoftext|> isekai natives are so dumb they might as well make them cavemen >eats rice >OISHIIIIIIIIII I NEVER ATE SOMETHING SO GOOD BEFORE, how did you make this >i just boiled it >you can make food warm using fire and water!?!?!? grug like <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> >grug get magical energy bullshit standing in for power level number >aistu tsuyoi >grug spend a lot of time training with grugette to make more sparky aura to punch harder >if not work grug make restriction that grug no play with dick after battle so grug get infinite power and win <|endoftext|> BLUE GRUG PISS NOT ALL WATER LIKE. SALTY WATER. BLEH <|endoftext|> >GRUG DRINK BLUE GRUG PISS TO SEE IF PURE LIKE WATER <|endoftext|> I do like Nel, she is probably one of favorites, but you talk like someone who is 14. >NEL NICE RUKIA MEAN >GRUG NO LIKE MEAN <|endoftext|> >character no always win so grug no like <|endoftext|> Blue grugette strong Blue grugette make many fight, save many grug from rockobunga Blue grugette die but still not die Blue grugette strong. Shaman paint grugette with great grug in the sky. Grug want take grugette as wife, make many strong grug Red grugette make much strong noise But not fight strong. Red grugette hurt self. Hurt tribe. Many grug die because red grugette. Me think Grug take red grugette to woods Hit red grugette head with rock and throw away <|endoftext|> Poop taste Grug has. Banished from my cave he would be <|endoftext|> >Grug say to chief elder that Taiga best grugette in favorite cave drawing. >Chief elder say Ami best grugette. Me take assault rock and smash chief elder for wrong head story >Berry picker Grugettes say no need for assault rock. Say me want younglings to take long sleep. >Banish grug from cave >Taigi best cave drawing grugette <|endoftext|> Grug has rock <|endoftext|> who the fuck said i didnt want to live? can you read? or you could just take advantage of medicine like a rational person and not feel like need to act like grug because living in the industrial age is hard for you >he disagrees with me so i should make baseless assumptions about is afk life everytime <|endoftext|> No, not a childish "GRUG SAY MAKE HURT BAD" so much as a "If only humans were as quick to love and kindness as they are to hate and cruelty" type of deal. Idealistic rather than pretending to be the final word on the subject. This manga is like 1/4 hentai. Explicit. <|endoftext|> Yep its autism when you are losing. What is so bad about autism anyway? It doesn't make anyone mad its just a buzzword. Like calling someone a virgin. You are on mongolian lolicon board at whatever time you are up arguing and you have the nerve to say autism to a post. Really makes grug think. <|endoftext|> Grug no like <|endoftext|> NO GRUG LOVE CAVE PAINTING <|endoftext|> grug no like girl drawing grug like other girl drawing more <|endoftext|> >yfw you realize some Grug most likely hotglued Statue of Venus <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> Keep up with the times boomer-san, the base grug model has been repurposed into the boomer, maybe I should have posted one with a can of monster for you to "get it" I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that Haruhi is passe, an embarrassing relic like Led Zeppelin that you over value because it was one of your first anime <|endoftext|> >Literally a grug >boomer.jpg What the fuck, Anon? I've got to say, I've always liked every single variant of Wojack. Especially with the creative brainlet Wojacks I see all over /his/ and the boomer Wojacks now. Lots of reat evolution. <|endoftext|> >huhuhuhuhu grug love punch ghost yelling kys shonencuck <|endoftext|> >hurr stop insulting muh husbando gunha you're trying to hard aaaarrrrghh >"You don't know what you're talking about" >YOUR TRYING HARD!!! HARD!!! GRUG ANGRY!!! See <|endoftext|> >grug see anime >grug like tit >grug subscribe to gigguk >grug watch kill la kill cos grug like tit >grug go post about it on r/anime >no one cares about grug there >now grug try le 4chin ftfy <|endoftext|> Is this Grug language? <|endoftext|> More Grug posting please <|endoftext|> GRUG SAY MANGA WUD BE BETTER IF OJIRO WAS MC <|endoftext|> Grug fuck Mizuzu! <|endoftext|> >2016 spins were 2 spins ago grug old <|endoftext|> grug like cave paintings from two moons ago now grug hate new cave paintings made by long noes tribe <|endoftext|> >grug reads time travel >grug posts time travel thingie basically that <|endoftext|> >Liked Genocyber >Didn't like Excel Saga Makes Grug think... <|endoftext|> >Even Grug want sexy time with strongest guy. Grug, history's first bisexual <|endoftext|> Nifrea just wants Ainz to help Ainz's love life. Since Ainz is surrounded by hot babes at all times and everybody wants his dick, even if they are a man or a heteromorph. Just how much of a sexual tyrannosaur does one have to be to attract literally everybody without even having a dick?! Nifrea rightly understands this, because even he is attracted to Ainz, if even a little, so he wants to help his master out. It probably doesn't occur to Nifrea that Ainz doesn't care about sex, because humans like to give human traits to nonhumans. It's a like leaving offerings for gods: the lowly human believes the gods to be like himself, and offers them something that he believes the gods will enjoy, not even thinking that the gods might not care. (Yes, I understand that the theological crux of offerings/sacrifices is in the act of sacrificing something such that one does not have it, one denies themselves said thing, thus making the sacrifice more an expression of self-humbling. What Nifrea is doing is not this, it's "strongest guy have sexy times too, everybody want sex with strongest guy. Even Grug want sexy time with strongest guy. Grug help big powerful guy have better sexy times! Grug do good.") <|endoftext|> Grug is cute <|endoftext|> me 9 alpha grug, me ride franxx on bottom. Me no see what big problem is <|endoftext|> grug want sex with chimame tribe <|endoftext|> grug no like 3D women <|endoftext|> Your wife claims you, anon How many times we gotta tell ya In your language, grug grug ooga poota <|endoftext|> this cartoon unga bad it dont have enough pixel for grug <|endoftext|> Grug see buttsecks. <|endoftext|> It was nice outside of fringe cases like Killer Quality. As for/a/nons it's classic contrarianism - thing got popular so most of fans are secondaries->newbies->casuals->redditors->cancer Therefore, grug hate thing. <|endoftext|> I'd imagine a shounen anime where the mc fights giant monsters using a transforming weapon called a grug blade. <|endoftext|> >Grug out hunting mammoth all day >Grug return to cave >Grug see Grunt looking at cave painting females with big eyes >Grunt never look at real cavewoman >Grug disappointed <|endoftext|> grug think spear just club with pointy rock <|endoftext|> GRUG, CHECK DUBS DUM DUM <|endoftext|> GRUG like big fight men animo tell GRUG what animo to watch <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT LIKE FIGHTING GRUG WANT ANY-MAY WITH BIG TITS AND ASS AND LITTLE GIRL <|endoftext|> Why does she look like a grug? <|endoftext|> >"me grug bang rock on stone" levels of religious fanaticism Yuck, no. <|endoftext|> >Everyone posts grug >/a/ >everyone <|endoftext|> Everyone posts grug, it came from /int/. Learn how memes work. <|endoftext|> >grug Is this some new reddit/9gag meme? <|endoftext|> grug no think plot development important grug just wanna see cute gurls MOAH ZERO TAH <|endoftext|> grug want robot battle grug want character die unga bunga <|endoftext|> >duh me grug morality no matter cause me STRONG <|endoftext|> Grug seems to have good taste. <|endoftext|> grug no want words.. grug want fight! <|endoftext|> grug wants to mount big rock woman with darling <|endoftext|> Grug no like wordies. Grug want see clobberings. <|endoftext|> NO GRUG SMASH N GRUG PUT PEEPEE IN HER BUTTHOLE <|endoftext|> >me grug no know the difference between cannon and canon You're the reason your generation is failing the rest of the world <|endoftext|> >me grug no like word cannon great contribution champ <|endoftext|> dude, she has fingerless gloves and a flame motif. you can think for yourself that her style will not be anything approaching actual 'martial arts'. she's literally Grug with bone-stick. <|endoftext|> BASED grug poster BASED brainlet poster <|endoftext|> GRUG SEE FROG FROG MAKE GRUG MAD GRUG SMASH FROG <|endoftext|> hahahaha es funny cuz da list hav nuthin on it! grug like hahaha <|endoftext|> me no like talk talk! grug want fight <|endoftext|> >grug no like lesbians >grug think anyone else who does should get they hed fix >grug think this is how world work Calm down Grug. <|endoftext|> grug wants punchies <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE SUPER DRAGON BALL GRUG WANNA CLUB TOEI FOR MAKING BAD SHOW <|endoftext|> Grug no get cavewoman Grug draw cavewoman on wall Grug rub peepee to wall Grug happy <|endoftext|> Grug no like when other caveman rub peepee to wall painting Grug smash wall painting <|endoftext|> Grug only rub peepee when see painting of woman on wall, not when see real woman <|endoftext|> GRUG DEMANDS MANGA CHAPTER <|endoftext|> >Not crushing her chuuni dreams by reminding her that even she dies when the poles reverse every 10k years or so. Just because she's older than Grug the First Vampire, doesn't mean she gets to act like that kind of bitch. <|endoftext|> how could you build the other walls on short notice when titans are every where. unless the humans find a grug to become titans or part of them don't want to live titans life and ooffer them selves to make the walls <|endoftext|> hrulb grug hgrulb brulB <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Grug love girl Grug hump girl! GRUG HAPPY <|endoftext|> >day gets dark >grug retreats to cave >grug lie down and sleep >grug wake up when sun shine >sometime, grug wake up before sun shine >if grug rested, grug get up >if grug still tired, grug sleep more it ain't any harder than we make it ourselves <|endoftext|> we have the unlocked third eye, anon. But seriously, I don't know what to tell you. Some people are just more cognizant than others. Most men are grug-brained fucking retards who think with their cocks, at least when it comes to women. Think of all the guys who get involved with women who have red flags out the wazoo and chronically get cucked over and over again. Same logic applies. <|endoftext|> yeah probably cause you just walk along the sea floor grug <|endoftext|> I hear a lot of people just lifting rocks to make grug's bad thoughts go away. Would you still lift if nobody knew or could tell? >pic unrelated, just found it somewhere online <|endoftext|> what a base, grug-brained way of looking at things. You could use the exact same reductionist logic for literally everything (You) do. >of course you brush your teeth for women >of course you bathe for women >of course you don't want to be obese for women >of course you work a job for women >of course you wear clothes for women >of course you went to school for women >of course you do hobbies for women Literally anything that a man does beyond going full-on Diogenes-mode living as a mangy unwashed hobo living among wild dogs and throwing shit at bystanders can be reduced to this base rationale. If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself. <|endoftext|> Checked for grug with unrealistic standards <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock holy shit... its like the meme <|endoftext|> Holy shit tldr kys faggot its not that hard to understand. Lean = healthy = grug brain like <|endoftext|> Grug don't care. Grug lift heavy things. Grug sadness go away. <|endoftext|> PRETTY GIRL GRUG LIKE <|endoftext|> how the fuck is grugette going to know whether grug was born during the cold season 20 suns ago or during the hot season? <|endoftext|> red berry me on Goji berries. What is the best way to consume them? I've been taking capsules but was wondering if I should also/or use liquid or the raw berries themselves Other grug make fun of me for eating berries they say me never bring home mammoth but I say the berries are good. Leave grug alone <|endoftext|> does Grug climb one big mountain with rock? Or many tiny hill with smaller rock? >tfw need to raid berrypicker tribe <|endoftext|> kek holy shit. >iq of 65 woah. full on grug mode. <|endoftext|> >pull a set of 405 for the first time in months >immediately feel better >go on to have a happy day at work Really all it took was just picking up sufficiently heavy weight huh? Feels great to have grug tier emotions. I love being a man. <|endoftext|> >hey grog you see that cow over there with the calf? >sure grug what about it >dude what if we... >don't do it grug that's fucking disgusting, let's hunt more mammoth instead, the village is going to be pissed >GRUG DONT DO IT >*muffled* >it tastes good grog >*sigh* >I'm going to hunt mammoth by myself, goodbye grug, keep sucking on those disgusting things you wierdo <|endoftext|> >"Grug just took the WORST smelling shit" <|endoftext|> Humans weren't designed to put down their opponents with blunt, ineffective attacks like punches and kicks. We became top of the food chain due to opposable thumbs and the ability to craft tools. The reason that human beings aren't all oversized, myostatin-deficient gorrilla-like freaks is that Grug figured out how to make a spear, and kill bigger Grug with it. Carry a knife or buy a gun if you really want to protect yourself. <|endoftext|> they could easily store certain foods in grug time <|endoftext|> >Hey Grug, look at that funny thing I made, it looks like your mother! >Ew, Urg, you're a damn asshole! >Chill, bro, it's just a joke! Fast forward 8000 years >There's this one tiny statue of a fat woman, it means that all of our ancestors were fat fetishists! <|endoftext|> In ancient grug times women couldn't be as slovenly as lazy as they are today. They actually did work. They were basically all tomboys because anyone who wasn't died. Shitty women came about when humans were domesticated so they stopped dying as much. Today the phenomenon is even worse thanks to lowered child mortality. Gruggettes did: >Foraging >Herbal medicine >Midwifery >Artisans who made cloth, pottery, utensils, toys, dyes, ornamentation >Story keeping >Face and body paint making for Grug >Childcare (the fact that this is on this list as stuff they used to do is just depression though) <|endoftext|> >my gf has a ridiculous amount of butt hair, but it's all in her crack. >Should I shave it? Or will it get too itchy and bother her afterwards? keep it as is. grug wife happy wife. just as God intended. <|endoftext|> where body hair? grug not know if you man or woman <|endoftext|> You'd need to be giga grug or solid snake tier <|endoftext|> >”grug being chased by big animal” >”grug better jog to survive” >”grug dead” <|endoftext|> seriously tho, who are you trying to laugh at? people that eat few large meals per day, rather than many smaller meals? why did you feel the need to include the bit about a woman's daily caloric intake? plz walk me through your thought process, Grug <|endoftext|> Seriously, what kind of pencil necked fucking nerd is sitting around jerking his peepee eating grass while Grug comes back from the hunting party with a deer slung over his shoulder and fucks Stacy that night? <|endoftext|> > Grug invented fire Everyone else is just keeping things going that Grug started. Let's not argue about minutia, man. Just look at how the powers that be are afraid of Christianity. How they try to subvert it and mock it and strip it of any power or meaning whenever they can. This should give you a strong signal of who to support here. <|endoftext|> >take pretty much any girl in any club what, in a fight? Based Grug anon <|endoftext|> Completely false, until recently woman had ZERO sexual agency, you really think Caveman Grug gave a shit about what women thought? He just bonked her on the head abs dragged her back to his cave. Women were treated like property for 99% of human existence, trying desperately to figure what they desire and base your whole life around it is like trying to understand the mind of cattle and how best to please a cow, they are dumb animals with no agency at all they don’t even know what they like to begin with and in the ancient world no one cared either <|endoftext|> We're not cavemen lol We may as well be shitting in front of each other and living in mud huts then grug <|endoftext|> Just cook them, we've been cooking shit since the first grug burned himself on a lightning-struck tree branch <|endoftext|> try cooking them, Grug. fire make stomach demons die <|endoftext|> Dont focus on lifting heavy focus on getting a pump in the tricep. This means a lighter weight, higher rep, less rest. It works but you younglins get mindtricked into grug lifting and must suffer. Yesterday I did 10 different exercises for triceps including skull crushers with ez curl ba and dumb bells. Basically no soreness. You still get stronger, your muscles def get bigger, but you arent gonna set any PRs but who the fuck cares. Stacey dont give a shit about the number associated with your lifts. <|endoftext|> grug think you say skypush bad because you skypush small rock <|endoftext|> Midwit faggot, "random shit some guy in the gym did it" is literally how bodybuilders figured stuff out fucking decades ago. Do you think Arnold was reading fucking science papers, and receiving newsletters from Jeff Nippard? And Kike Palestine isn't doping anything different from what Grug brained gym bros were doing 50 years ago, because they saw a buddy do it at some muscle beach. <|endoftext|> >be grug >watch funny bug walk around >happy >woman tell go hunt and gather >grug not want >grug keep watching funny bug >fire ball in sky disappear and appear again >bug not funny anymore >grug still watching >grug too tired to hunt and gather >grug just want to lay in rock until shiny rock in sky show up >grug lost <|endoftext|> Looks absolutely cartoonishly ridiculous. I'm sorry your grug monkey brains have zero taste and can only comprehend "bigger = better" Women look best slim and lithe. Post your copes below <|endoftext|> This triggers something in my grug brain, probably the ability to rear many strong children. <|endoftext|> My rear delts need work. Do I Grug it with high volume or do I need an actual plan for both strength and size <|endoftext|> >wanting a flat feminine forehead Embrace the grug you berrypicker shit <|endoftext|> In civilised society, you respond in kind. So you can say nasty things back. You don't escalate to bashing grug head in with club like an ape. <|endoftext|> >think too hard for grug >lift stone is easier <|endoftext|> >/fit/ grug discovers the law of diminishing returns for the first time in his life <|endoftext|> good enough for grug is good enough for me <|endoftext|> grug wife <|endoftext|> grug not doing too hot <|endoftext|> Grug strong face <|endoftext|> To me its always been yeah youre super ripped and can do crazy feats of endurance but all it takes is one 80IQ Grug with neanderthal genes or some random fucking kid that knows jiu jitsu, not even that big like 200lbs moderate bench and squat, to bash your head in and its gg all those pull ups and pushups meant nothing <|endoftext|> Are you saying I’m a Grug caveman <|endoftext|> All hobbies are fucking gay. it's all surrogate activities for people with empty lives. Do you think grug had hobbies? no, he hunted and socialized and chillaxed by the fire looking at the stars and his life was more fulfilling than any modern fag filled to the brim with le hobbies <|endoftext|> Grug gonna get a danger spot on boys if grug not careful. <|endoftext|> the kind of job where hiring is based on the interview instead of a soulless algorithm-approved selection process that just happens to have a human middleman doing paperwork between you and the company almost any trade job is going to let you learn on the job if you present as high energy and eager to learn, or simply just be strong and offer to do grug labor around the place and slowly pick up the trade <|endoftext|> based anon. people either want to be ultra complex or ultra grug with their gym work. This uses sperg complexity to create grug simplicity, best of both worlds. Very similar to how I train now, never looking back <|endoftext|> >grug not eat more than 5 fruit >grug want be in ketosis >cico failed kek she should contact the top scientists, since she found a way to beat thermodynamics. i foresee nobel awards <|endoftext|> grug eat meat and lift rock. plant boy shut up <|endoftext|> based grug. here my rock. need bigger rock soon. all grugs gonna make it. <|endoftext|> Grug find Rock. Grug lift rock. Grug feel good. <|endoftext|> >grug if he tranny <|endoftext|> >You are way too utilitarian about this I'm not. It's simply how our modern culture reinforces those timeless tropes. I 100% think these tropes are aspirational for most men and women, but placed in our culture and time? 1000% subversive, good men will aspire to grug telling him to save dansel in distress. While the same culture will deconstruct a man putting down his life to save a women as oprsessive. When as I showed before a man willing to kill or even get into a fight is what gets womn wet. I don't got 100 notches on my bedpole but women love it when you stand up for your principles and are capable of backing it up. >Svanhilde who worked the fields since she was old enough to walk, married the boy from the neighboring farm, then promptly died in childbirth just like nobody's going to read about Earl, the tanner's boy, who processed rank-smelling hides his whole life, cut his hand on a blade, got gangrene, and died. Stories can be entertaining while passing on values and lessons No words can contain the hatred I have for ironic and cynical midwit faggots like you. The last man personified. <|endoftext|> Based Grug? Do you fight? <|endoftext|> You would go immediately on suicide watch if electricty cut off for more than a week. You are no grug, you wish you could be but you can't be grug <|endoftext|> >100 vegetarians and 99 meat eaters have a fight to the death(all males), on which side do you bet your money? Considering there have been no differences in muscle mass, but vegans/vegetarians have much higher endurance, I'd place my bets on the vegetarians. Also probably higher IQ on average because they evolved past >MEET = MACHO Grug thinking <|endoftext|> how do I get that honey crust like in your pic? I wanna eat it like a grug not slurp that oily modern honey <|endoftext|> Grug based and caveman pilled <|endoftext|> Grug angry <|endoftext|> based grug mindset <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> mines kinda the opposite >at work >girl ask only other guy if hes feeling strong >he jokes saying he feels strong but might not be (saving face of course incase he can't get the job done) >she asks him to open up flask thats jammed >he fails >they don't even ask me >i say give it here >twist it feel it move slightly but not much >notice the lids slightly slanted which is why it wont twist >smash it down >pop it open with pure grug strength all i got was a "thanks" shouldnt have even bothered <|endoftext|> MUH SCIENCE based training has objectively failed. You have all of these studies and big brains interpreting them, so you would think now would be the absolute Golden Age of natural bodybuilding, yet in reality, people are more confused as to what works and what doesnt than ever, and steroid use is so rampant, that virtually everyone with a remotely impressive body is accused of roiding, and 9 times out of 10 its probably correct. Arnold didnt become the worlds greatest bodybuilder by reading scientific papers and books. People in the late 40s and early 50s didnt figure out testosterone makes you jacked, because they read a study somewhere, it was literally anecdotal bro logic of >this dude injected this thing, that they give menopausal women, and he became huge, lets do the same! Practical experience works. You can be a pretentious redditor and say its slower and it ahs this or that problem, but it works. People experimented, listened to anecdotes fomr other body builders, and managed to build a system out of it, that produced demi-Gods like Arnold, Stever Reeves, etc. Modern day science muscle nerds have produced shit. Layne Norton is less impressive than a random grug-brained background bodybuilder in Pumping Iron, who probably did some sort of bro-split, even taking roids in to account. <|endoftext|> she'd be giving grug tug tug <|endoftext|> These pics are me dumb dumb. Go lift more big things grug. Fine <|endoftext|> probably instinct. we enter rage mode to fight the grug trying to steal our grugette, this whole cuck shit is new so we have to actively override our emotions at the moment in order to realize what's really going on <|endoftext|> >tfw lift for a month or two >get bored and stop >sad voice won't shut up >lift heavy stone and it go away grug <|endoftext|> >be grug >other monkes strong much >grug put pointy rock on big stick >oogaa booga throw at monke >monke die >make more pointy rock and even big sticker >kill all animals <|endoftext|> >not using grug you fucking subhuman shit <|endoftext|> >hurr durr grug lift stone up head >hurr durr grug no fink that sound cool >hurr durr grug pick up shaman scroll and use shaman scribbling word to describe lift stone up head >hurr durr grug smart <|endoftext|> No, you're stronger when people who you find attractive are watching you. More strength = more mechanical tension on muscle tissue = more hypertrophy. Nothing makes me more willing to commit to a set/PR attempt than some lovely 18 year old in short shorts and a sports bra. It helps me get into a grug mindset. <|endoftext|> >grug no like big word! Grug only need club! OOGA <|endoftext|> start taking more risks man. Grug mode and you'll make it <|endoftext|> Every time I take a new stone, I pick the one I'm able to carry few metres comfortably to my car. When I get home I weigh it on a scale. Do you know how scales work? You place and thing on it, and the machine tells you how much it weighs. I dont really need to know their weights, if its a bit too light I will just lift it couple more times. How did you think I know their weights? Its cheaper than going to the gym. These gas prices really make me not want to waste gas. Plus, I get to pretend to be a caveman Grug while I lift lol <|endoftext|> ugh too much work grug on tren grug horny grug want sex TONIGHT grug go up to woman ask her if she want to fuck after she done working out she say yes grug smash <|endoftext|> I know plenty of girls who don't get beatings from grug who don't look like that...... <|endoftext|> Girls get like this because they no longer get beatings from Grug. Dare you to say "fuck you" to that "asshole's" face. <|endoftext|> sorry Grug no read good <|endoftext|> Please let your beard and hair grow out again. Grug Randy is best Randy. <|endoftext|> so Grug doesn't grab your hair when you fight for the dry spot in the cave <|endoftext|> how to grug maxxx? <|endoftext|> You guys see this Grug? This Grug lives on my phone for weeks like this one. <|endoftext|> feel the same basically grug lift heavy rock, feel strong, feel good <|endoftext|> You sound like a naive dyel 18-year old who's trying to fit in >NOO You're not a real carpenter if you use power-tools!! You're not allowed to wear a mask!!! If you can't handle the fumes and dust you're not a real carpenter!! or why not just go back all the way >GRUG NOT REAL HUNTER WITH SPEAR-TECHNOLOGY REAL GRUG HUNTER KILL PIGBOAR WITH HAND NOOO STOP DONT LET GRUG BE CHIEFTAIN - GRUG NOT REAL HUNTER shut up <|endoftext|> Marrow seems like it'd have a ton of fat. No way Grug the caveman would let all that delicious goodness go to the dogs. <|endoftext|> grug pick up rock, grug put down rock, grug pick up rock again is insanely attractive op. dont lose hope. almost all women have no idea what they find attractive and if they do they lie about it to "fit in" <|endoftext|> Eat animals good. Buying science project scum bad. It's not rocket surgery, Grug Sixpackabs <|endoftext|> A grug that focuses on the lift gets cucked while he looks away <|endoftext|> GRUG FOCUS ON LIFT FIRST NOT ASS FIRST FUCKING RETARD <|endoftext|> Smart grug enslave strong grug <|endoftext|> strong grug lift rock - survive the winter weak grug no lift rock - no survive the winter what so hard understand? <|endoftext|> Derek is when you lose all self awareness and fall into the looksmax void and your brain can't get out of that line of thinking ever again. Everything he does is because of the fact that he is thinking of it being a good look or not. That's all Derek ever takes into account which might be retarded for your normal non autistic individual who would point out the fact that "hey maybe experimenting with mind altering and health destroying drugs is a bad idea" and Derek goes "Yeah but it might make my bicep vein pop up by 5% more bro" This man thinks of life and looks as an RPG game he thinks of stats and percentages and thinks that these stats go up then it means GOOD like a pure grug brain. <|endoftext|> Can anyone explain for an sub 100 iq grug what happened with crypto now? I've browsed through /biz/ and couldn't figure out what exactly happened. <|endoftext|> Grug strong and you berry picker. <|endoftext|> How about grug lift heavy stone because its fun. These fucking threads are so retarded. Also what's the alternative for someone who's ugly with a good physique? Be ugly with a shit physique? Okay stop working out then. <|endoftext|> Of course it's important, it's critical for good form. If you grug it "urrr make weight go in direction" your spine will be jelly and your rotator cuffs will be spaghetti. <|endoftext|> Grug.... <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock, grug strong Grug take strange mushroom Grug stronger, grug angry now Grug take more mushroom Grug even stronger, even angrier Grug take more strange mushroom, every day A thousand moons go by Grug can't make small gruggies anymore, grug no hair Chest hurt can't lift Grug dieieing <|endoftext|> Greg use rock wrong. When rock over head throw at back of big tittiy grug. Drag big titty grug back to cave. Grug put one eyed snake in big titty grug. Grug find happy. <|endoftext|> Grug is rock, lift rock good <|endoftext|> grug dum dum, lift heavy rock all the time, then always happy. <|endoftext|> >walk into the gym > Grug, Grug, Grug is my name, I lift heavy rock for tribe and spear sabretooths all day. Grugette is my bitch, I am the alpha hunter unlike Urk who is berrypicker as fuck, ahhh <|endoftext|> She's obese Just because she's "natural" doesn't mean it looks good. Grug brains think bigger = better in all circumstances even when the end result looks borderline inhuman <|endoftext|> >Grug tried new lift >Toe shaman said pick up heavy rock from floor and drink lots of milk >Grug yelled, 'light weight, ooogggaa!' >passed out >woke up in medicine woman hut >told Grug he now has rock in back bone Why sticky lied to Grug? Now Grug can't mammoth hunt. <|endoftext|> Why anon not lift big rock? Why anon give Grug lot of green leaf for wierd looking rock? <|endoftext|> >start teaching a girl how to lift >Don't really feel qualified but I try to give the best advice I can >Teaching her about muscle activation >Tell her it's easiest to understand what muscle are working if you just touch them >Do bench press and tell her to feel what my pecs are doing while I press >"Oh wow hard like rock" >Rack weight bust out laughing >Reply with "unga bunga grug like strength hard like rock" She's a gains goblin but it's a lot of fun. <|endoftext|> this. makes me look like grug and makes my dead eyes look even more intimidating in a creepy way. proud of my jawline though <|endoftext|> >so low IQ he can only comprehend things at a grug level of me poke with stick Because unarmed combat is beautiful you nonce. I want to learn what just my body is capable of. That's like saying why lift <|endoftext|> I would write a wall of text on how much of a loser take that is but here's a summary. >that dumb shit you said >omg i'm so based and contrarian >hands farm grown joint >pours factory made whiskey >Grug gores you for looking him in the eyes <|endoftext|> heavy stone makes sad grug voice go away <|endoftext|> me grug me lift me heavy <|endoftext|> Grug trying le science and philosphy <|endoftext|> grug don't read so good <|endoftext|> If grug was so smart he would be with his mates coordinating an attack. Instead of doing calculations a7 year old could do. <|endoftext|> >You guys go against evolution, against what makes us great, what made humans dominate all other species. >Be me >Grug >Hunting animals all day >Finally after hours of running I manage to kill an animal >Family will feed for the week now >While I'm cutting it up into smaller pieces to carry home a hear a noise behind me >fuck.jpeg >It's a fucking lion >wtf do I do? >I'll use my strong intellect to defeat the beast >Approach the beast >"5 times 5 equals 25" >The beast groans and then lashes out at me >Tears me limb to limb >Lying in a pool of my own blood >How could my stronger intellect allow this to happen? >I could have sworn our brain power was what made humans superior <|endoftext|> How does Alucard have a babyface? His face is as long as a horse. Its called good genetics grug. <|endoftext|> grug, I didn't need to hear this. Hopefully my natty genes are decent enough for me to be happy. <|endoftext|> >be hungry caveman >see berry bush >look up, bee hive full of honey >apple falls at hits your head >"grug need....raw liver from Cotsco" >runs around searching for mammoth to eat >none, his glucose stores run out completely >"muh...muh keto flu!.... Help me sv3rige, help me frank tuffalo! LIVER KING WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!" >dies at the age of 34, height: 5'4", 90lbs >2 bajillion years later >"VGH my European caveman genes are hankerin! Siri doordash me Big Mac!" >"Dude you're on keto, remember? Trad macros be bussin!" >"Right right, Siri add order instructions: remove middle bun but make it with 3 sets of paranthesis" >"Bro hahaha what if (((they))) know?" >"Hahahah GROYP'd" <|endoftext|> Grug was all out of Clindamycin after i got my ankle fucked up on the hunt. I still got to eat the heart but a few days later i got all cold and had a hard time breathing. Monke Jesus asked me to take his hand and I decided to take the leap. <|endoftext|> I read nothing, i'm grug-maxxing <|endoftext|> Please let your hair grow out again and go full Grug mode now that you have some good mass. <|endoftext|> Class doesn't matter but I picked wretch for RP reasons. It's also arguably the /fit/test because you start out naked with a grug tier club. Full STR/FTH with blasphemous build and shard of alexander to boost the ash of war is OP Sometimes I use spiked caestus (fists) to beat up bosses as well Make sure you pick muscular in character creation and get good proportions Also no armor is best way to play <|endoftext|> grug/chad bas rutten mode. Mirin hard great chest and taper in general nice shoulder width and upper mass for your bodyfat can see a strong grug mode on the horizon. Looking potentially strong who else here summer bulking in denial of their fat arse? <|endoftext|> Cast Iron is grug tier you just oil heat scrap talking about extra care wtf , I NEVER wash it I'm not you ing all the wrong posts itt just fuck off Also use clarified butter <|endoftext|> getting some joe rogan/grug vibes here anon. Strong looking physique same anon that chatted to the other lad about gyno. Not the same one that pointed yours out though I had about the same amount as you mate and the recovery wasn't all that bad besides the gay compression vest. I'd definitely recommend biting the bullet and paying for it to be done. It fucks with your head training so hard and having it always there. Other wise you've got great shoulders and arms. Good strong physique <|endoftext|> Grug mode flirting, gotta put in a little effort next time buddeh Keyed <|endoftext|> >grug mode Based MVP appreciator. Everything, I want it all. But yeah I'm talking about mass. <|endoftext|> I'm done with l*ng d*stance running on p*ved s*rfaces. Fucks up your knees and makes you skinny. I want to get into sprints instead since there's a a really hilly dirt trail system near me. Can I go grug mode and just book it uphill a few times, or is there some method to it that I should follow? <|endoftext|> Grug lift bar, make strong <|endoftext|> A while ago, I got into an obsession about Grug and refused to cut my hair or shave anything. I was just making grunt noises, eating meat and lifting stuff without a >civilized program <|endoftext|> flatline IS the end, grug <|endoftext|> >this vanity shit that the internet (yes, this board and /fa/) push are really not manly at all >I'm like 30 and never have gotten laid ok bro >yeah man, this diet and programming stuff isn't what strong people do >no I haven't made gains or pr'd in years, but I'm just a grug lifter guy, and that's my status in life, no ability to change, just smugness <|endoftext|> /x/tards have always been so cringe, tbf they're mentally 5yo so it's normal if sad >ooo maybe it's something spooky and not just protecting grug from the sick inbred and physically deformed <|endoftext|> grug agree. <|endoftext|> too many words for grug just no touch dick <|endoftext|> utterly based and swimpilled Lifting is for Grug Swimming is universe_mind.jpeg Come home Übermensch <|endoftext|> The most overall attractive* woman I've ever personally met has a gigachad jaw. It's not an unattractive feature in itself, it just so happens most femoids that have one also have grug face. But combined with a good face too, see pic. *this is obviously subjective. but clearly my opinion=correct. <|endoftext|> >grug contemplating going to shaman for special herbs <|endoftext|> >Grug insecure, grug write many words on loser incel site to complain about people bigger than Grug >Oh no, Grug not insecure AT ALL It does not affect you what others do UNLESS you compare yourself to them. Which you obviously do. Come on anon, surely you cannot be this daft lmao. Why even make this thread. <|endoftext|> Mirin those GRUG arms <|endoftext|> look at the grug skulls. Probably genetically big frames paired with high testosterone. No good being high T if you’re a manlet. Thick ass bones, look at that short cranium compared to his big ass jaw on the right. We all have GH and T. It makes sense that some people have dramatically higher GH and T than the lower end of the scale. for all I know though this guy is on GH and T but the point still stands. Can’t roid big wrists though <|endoftext|> You deal with it by not thinking about it and doing it. Sounds simple but can be hard. Just turn off brain and become Grug til it’s finished <|endoftext|> grug like crunchy salty fatty carbs <|endoftext|> Sorry, mixed the numbers' order up in my head. Grug dumdum. <|endoftext|> grug impatient, grug want results when results? <|endoftext|> Very nice tale anon, Grug always manages to move the heartstrings <|endoftext|> >GRUG SMASH KRUK WITH HEAVY ROCK >GRUG SMASH WIFE WITH HEAVY ROCK >Grug live happily with rock <|endoftext|> >Grug make big rock go fly fly >other grug clap hand >Wow, life good >go to cave with wife >wife sad, move rock not enough >grug can no make child, grug body only for strong >Wife talk to kruk instead while grug do grug thing >grug no understand <|endoftext|> >why do that let go and regrab? is that the belt being too tight? I feel like it gives me a bit of spring out of the hole and keeps blood flowing a little better than settling in. >saw this too. you start bending and rowing the bar basically right off the ground. should have mostly straight arms till you get to the hips. i think its eating your leg power. it bends to the point you cant really row it into you easily at the top yeah I noticed that too. I probably need to drop the weight to work this out since when it's heavy I pretty much just grug it as fast and high as I can. <|endoftext|> >>>>>Chad doesn't have to approach, girls fall into their lap >>>>Nope. >>>Yep. >>Nope >Yes unga t. grug <|endoftext|> No, NLP programming is Grug tier and if it isn’t working for you, there is no reason to keep on hitting a brick wall. I switched to a new program when I stalled at 200 3x5 bench and I am glad I did <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> >We don't really have any precedent in common trained fighter vs extreme grug hulk to witness this yet. It's been done to death already. The video of Koklayev getting bfto has alread been posted and Pudz being brought up as an example. Pudz loses to above mediocre fighters. And then it should be noted that Pudz is fucking light years ahead of Hall and Thor in fighting ability and athletecism. Just go search up actual fighting videos of trained fighters vs bodybuilders/powerlifters and you will tons of big strong dudes getting absolutely manhandled by a little. I mean look at guys like Cain and Fedor, two guys who absolutely gadooshed guys twice their size in their size. That type of strenght doesn't translate well into punching power or wrestling strenght if you don't know the techniques or how to throw a punch to begin with. These guys are slow and stiff. Going up against a trained fighter always ends the same way. This debate has been done several times, tested several times. The result has always been the same yet it just refuses to die. Everyone thinks they are the exception and everyone thinks they can fight for some fucking reason. You would never expect to outswim an experienced swimmer or beat a grandmaster at chess, so why would you even think a person who can't fight would be able to take on a trained fighter? <|endoftext|> You have discovered the Grug Pill. <|endoftext|> >just lift more weight Is Grug tier but it’s so simple and effective that even retarded noob dyels can’t fuck it up <|endoftext|> >We don't really have any precedent in common trained fighter vs extreme grug hulk to witness this yet. Mariusz Pudzianowski <|endoftext|> Grug hulk gets his head bounced off the concrete untill his brain bleeds and turns him into a retarded handicap if going against a trained fighter this basically <|endoftext|> In general i think you are right, but the level of strength these guys have at wsm level is so far past anything that would be encountered anywhere else, i believe it could be a big advantage. We don't really have any precedent in common trained fighter vs extreme grug hulk to witness this yet. <|endoftext|> so what? You simply cannot help yourself? You MUST PUT HAND ON DIK WHEN SEE PIC? Don't you have any agency or discipline? >Grug see pic, must jerk dik <|endoftext|> book good heal back make grug strong again <|endoftext|> grug cum inside <|endoftext|> I was doing le epic grug caveman voice. also I usually care fuck all about my grammar and punctuation I just did it right there cause I saw this reply coming <|endoftext|> >20000bc grug intervenes because no one can beat harem but grug. <|endoftext|> Meme machine never felt tired or any muscle activation Go outside and run/row/bike for cardio Machines are cringe return to grug <|endoftext|> Yea the chair thing also turned me off of eddie in addition to . Literally grade school tier grug brained antics. The double dip candy thing was actually classy bants, but then when he released the ass rubbing chair footage i was in disbelief. And eddie proudly released it himself. He wasn't embarassed at how cringe it was. Says a lot about his state of mind. <|endoftext|> 9pm GMT, you fucking Grug. <|endoftext|> thanks. t.grug <|endoftext|> Yes, it does work, and he does know what he's doing. That was exactly my point retard. How did you not get this? He knew he was baiting thor, risking a grug tier roid rage outburst, while STILL keeping his son between the two of them. Also, he didn't tell his mom to quiet down, he told Thor to tell his mom to "shut her mouth", twice. When he didn't get a reaction the first time, he made sure to say it more clearly into the microphone. Don't act like there is no difference between "quiet down" and "shut your mouth" in a heated situation like this. <|endoftext|> Is this going to be the most grug boxing match in history? <|endoftext|> >humans evolved slaving for Mr. Noseberg for hundreds of thousands of years KEK No, Grug go poke animal with sharp stick and eat, then hit pretty girl on head and smash in cave. <|endoftext|> >clean out garage cause COVID >establish home gym cause COVID >lose meaning in life cause COVID >take Grug pill >buy dumbbells >lift >get stronger >buy bigger dumbbells >lift >get stronger >buy bigger dumbbells >lift >get stronger >once clear floor space of home gym now full of dumbbells >new sad voice complaining about clutter joins the party <|endoftext|> >But does that help you live a fulfilling life? of course not, if anything it makes it harder. >If you are as smart as you say you are, why are you driving on the same road? because being smart is not a superpower that lets me leave humanity behind >You'd get your shit pushed in in no time. probably yes. congratulations anon you have successfully proven that all the intellect in the world is no match for sheer animal violence. at least you know your place. >you hate yourself i recognise that you need to believe this to preserve some sense of your ego but i can absolutely assure you that any lingering unhappiness with my flaws - and we all have flaws, and we all have things about ourselves that we wish we could change - is completely eclipsed by the incandescent disgust i harbour and nurture for you and people like you. in this very thread you have stated with glee that when confronted with a superior intellect your first response is to beat the shit out of it to try and reassert some vestige of value in your own mind. in truth you are morally and intellectually indistinguishable from the contents of a frozen meat isle in the local supermarket. but you are neither smart enough nor courageous enough to accept that about yourself even when informed of it in no uncertain terms by someone (me) who is very well positioned to grasp more about you and the world from a ten minute 4chan conversation than your middling intellect will ever be able to comprehend in a lifetime of inadequate striving, so instead you react in the only way that you can: >you say grug dumb >grug punch you >who dumb now? HA HA HA. and then you act surprised when i say that i hate you people when the very first thing you do is, in effect, say "fuck you i could beat you up anyway nerd lmao lmao". of course i hate you. anyone with a brain would hate you. the fact that YOU don't hate you just proves that you don't have a brain. q.e.d. never reply to my posts again <|endoftext|> Hunting could be the foundation of human society. One man working alone with stone age technology would be relegated to trapping and fishing, but a group working together can go hunting. In order to hunt successfully, Grug needs to know what Ug is going to do and vice versa. That entails communication and hierarchy. More hunters with more complex organisation can catch more an bigger animals more reliably, incentivising even more cooperation. Those who could do it ate better and could support more children over thousands of years. <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> because grug is upset he wasted his time picking up heavy objects in order to try and impress other grugs rather then working on a useful creative skill. <|endoftext|> grug should have bought cave estate not silly imaginary rocks <|endoftext|> grug got just'd with rock invest <|endoftext|> >Grug like Grugette very lots >Grug gives Grugette shiny pebble of pair-bonding >Grugette likes it but refuses to take it because she belongs to Schlomo from the longnose tribe from over the river >Grug must listen at night to Grugette's moans when Schlomo comes to her bedroll and pounds her like a bread-pie >Grug feels sad so big must be bigger than moon >one evening Grug hides in bushes near Grugette when longnose man does the sweaty on her >Grug gets hard and starts to caress his man-thing >after a while Grug involuntrily shouts at the moon while he climaxes as he watches Grugette's sweaty face and listening to her moans and whimpers >Tribe find him in the bushes and banishes him to the wilds >Schlomo laughs at Gruk as they push Gruk out into the unforgiving wastes >now Gruk even sadder but angry Gruk do what now? <|endoftext|> grug want juice <|endoftext|> grugget clean cave grug lift grug insecure bput grugs body <|endoftext|> GRUG ADDICTED TO ROCKTENDO! GRUG DOESN'T WANT TO LIFT OR HUNT OR CLEAN CAVE. <|endoftext|> grug must lift lighter stone but more times <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy rock many moons Grug walk to water hole Grug see same grug looking back Same grug still small like many moon ago <|endoftext|> cave painting say grug short grug no good <|endoftext|> Grug, you have to stop look at social paintings, they not doing good to you. <|endoftext|> What cave painting show Grug? <|endoftext|> >grug lifts heavy rock >sad voice stop speaking >look at cave painting >sad voice speak and makes grug sad why grug hear sad voice so often when looking at cave paint? <|endoftext|> >My brain Mm yes, strong woman give Grug many strong babies >My soul Awesome, I have someone to hang out with outside of work that will hug me and help keep my bed warm <|endoftext|> Plz elaborate? Woman no have feelings? Grug destined for the flint mines forever because Urk the Chad had his opportunity with Grugette first? <|endoftext|> >Be grug >It's been difficult season >Try to catch boar >Boar run away >No eat in 5 days >Have ton of fat from previous season >Body eats up my muscles first >Even slower >Boar run circles around grug now >MFW <|endoftext|> I see you already took the grug pill. You forgot how to read. <|endoftext|> >tfw you'll never get to be a stone age caveman I wish I could live as a primitive, cave-dwelling, animalistic man like you wouldn't fucking believe. Imagine how much better they had it: >Wake up at 9:30 in the morning, don' know, just know that bright orb in the sky is up and shining through the vegetation and into your cave where your tribe lives >take a shit in the middle of the forest and wash yourself in the river >take a spear and go with two other men and trek for 20 miles into the wilderness >get into a tree and plunge a deer with your spear >haul dead dear back to your cave for another 20 miles >eat every part of the deer >other tribe member fucks with you >smash in the head of other tribe member >let out a barbaric roar >go to sleep >repeat until you die at around 31, who gives a fuck you don't even know nor care about death and it's probably more enjoyable than doing the grueling shit everyday Not only did they live more fulfilling lives, but you HAD to be naturally natty and bulked in order to survive. Women only chose those who live and adapt and strive over other men, the stockier and more brutish lived better since they were universally more built. They had to do this shit every day to survive, it was do or die. They are the reason we lift, we lift because we naturally want to be stronger and be better than each other and attract more fertile women. You can make any excuse for it but it's true, you lift because you sub consciously want to fuck bitches and disengage and strive over other men. Take the grug-pill and reset your brain to default settings. <|endoftext|> Oh fuck this was meant for you pinhead >be grug >don’t care Also where is the fucking thinspro thread I looked forward to that everyday <|endoftext|> >be grug >don’t caare <|endoftext|> God I wish I had that grug-pilled physique... <|endoftext|> >just lift until you puke bru listen to your body bro >people on /fit/ Unironically brag about doing 2 plates the most natural way and listening to their body the most Fucking queers. Yes op do a program instead of the queer natty grug shit. They will never post body so assume they look like shit. Plenty of big people have done 531 <|endoftext|> just do sports and activities retard you think Grug in 200,000 BC went and repeatedly picked up rocks all day? You wouldn't have to "work out" if you didn't live a sedentary lifestyle. You'd just have an in shape body by default. <|endoftext|> >think brain obviously dont get food >Grug need FOOD not think >Grug brain take over now <|endoftext|> be grug lift big rock now grug stronk <|endoftext|> >just ask her out Asking woman no problem Getting woman no problem Getting hookup no problem Getting good woman problem Making Grug believe it worth it problem <|endoftext|> ever notice how face and body type kind of predicts intelligence? i see tons of chads irl that i know can lift really big numbers but they are usually really dumb. go look at a normies text messages sometime it is embarrassing. i'm a pretty weak and scrawny guy but even so i know i could beat up every other smart kid at my school, and 99 times out of 100 the more chadlike and masculine someone is the dumber they are, have literally only seen one exception in all my life. those are grug numbers. they only write them down because chad's personal trainer needs to know how much he should be lifting. <|endoftext|> >>he tries to yank my hair but i dont have any Lmao >Grug pull enemy hair. Easy victory. >"WHERE HAIR??" <|endoftext|> Be grug, force yourself on woman as there is no stronger grug to stop you. Opinion of grugette won't matter for the next 200k years. <|endoftext|> >be grug 2 >fight grug 1 >he tries to yank my hair but i dont have any >pull him from his hair and smash his head on a boulder >grug 1 dead <|endoftext|> >be grug >have lice >grug 2 no hair >lice don't spread >whole tribe better off >gruggette no like lice >go with grug 2 >grug sad but on the other hand >grug have shiny hair >full and thick >indicate good food >gruggette like good food >grug 2 no hair >he good food? >noone knows. >gruggette don't go with grug 2 <|endoftext|> It's in their DNA. Every item acquired tickles their hormonal grugina brain, just like it's 50000 B.C, whenever grug brought in a colorful bunch of shit that looks better than other gruginas' colorful shit. <|endoftext|> Ah Grug. Ever the watchful sentinel for odd words n meanings that make head big hurty <|endoftext|> >HAHAHA HA LOOK AT GRUG AND HIS "FLINT KNAPPING" WHAT A WEIRDO EWWW <|endoftext|> >Paypigging and escorting I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about pulling up to a place in a 300k car, a 3k suit and a 15k watch. Women don't give a shit if the guy's a dicklet, he's the most powerful one. It's an evolutionary thing, Grug with big cave and lot meat is better for Grugina. <|endoftext|> >grug feel great >longnose tribe want grug to see cave voodoo man for "advice" <|endoftext|> Based grug anon <|endoftext|> >grug no like think <|endoftext|> Same, skinny woman does nothing to peepee. Big girl make peepee big, make grug want breed. Breed forever. Big breast belly thighs ass haha grug want BIG. <|endoftext|> Grug prefer rock, but Grug try lift pointy sharp stick from big rock for tribe. <|endoftext|> grug headbutt <|endoftext|> >psychological abuse Gay term mean nothing. Grug does wat werkz. W*man gets cold sholder learn no more meanie. Learn shut fuck up. Learn respect or grug leave her for young qt. <|endoftext|> Haha holy shit I am genuinely a GDE, need to vent >"powerlifting" for years, had been "bodybuilding" prior to that from when I was an underage skinnyfag >stuffing my face and just lifting heavy (ie not being able to count past 5) took me to 1.5/3/4/5 at 200lbs >ok, I'm plateauing hard, weak for my weight, and also alarmingly fat >cut to 170, don't let up lifting at all but lose strength almost completely proportional to the weight loss >start an actual program instead of grug lift sets of 3-5 (doing Juggernaut 2.0) >a proper program would surely help me progress again, maybe I can reach my 200lb strength at a lighter weight >bulk slowly from 170 to 180 over the course of 6 months >Nothing phenomenal in terms of strength gain, feel like I'm just back at what my 180 strength was doing grug shit >plateau again, body flat out stonewalls me for months and tells me I need to bulk again >fine faggot, bulk to 185 over the course of 3 months >gain a whopping... 5-10lbs on all my lifts >at this pace I'll be back to almost exactly 1.5/3/4/5 at 200 again I feel like all my effort is a complete waste. I'm just sitting on front of a character creation screen moving the weight slider and getting a strength stat that is completely fixed at whatever weight I choose. Periodization? Percentages? Suffering through volume (holy shit I hate volume)? Slow bulking? Memes. All worthless. No different from when I was doing Grug take however many minute rests only 3-5reps and just throwing on 5lbs more when I felt like it. Fuck. I'm almost considering suicide by Tren and DNP. <|endoftext|> grug not need fork to eat <|endoftext|> Ug grug cope <|endoftext|> >me no understand thing >me ask question? >no, me laugh >hahahaha >grug smart lmao The process of normalfaggot radicalisation is thoroughly studies because for the past five or six years normalfaggots have all been jumping off the deep end. Radicalisation starts with a grievance and stoicism is the cope in response to the grievance. Think about it - what is there to even be stoic about if you DON'T have a grievance? Thus it's completely expected, and reasonable, that a quick detour into stoicism is common among radicalised normalfaggots. First they get their feelings hurt, then they become "stoics", and then in a few years time they realise their life is still shit and nothing was fixed and the grievance hasn't gone away and their bitterness turns to anger turns to violence. Anyway I won't post again. I just wanted to say that this is incredibly basic if-then shit that everybody knows and you out yourself as a fucking ignoramus when you react to it like so. Goodbye anons. <|endoftext|> Grug is confuse Is this nose monster shaped like berry or berry shaped like nose monster? <|endoftext|> >Grug swing club >Grug eat meat >Grug grow stronk simple as <|endoftext|> Over easy soft scramble omelette the goated 3 never had poached >raw eggs you digest half the proteins raw as you would if you ate it cooked raw egg bad for grug cook egg good <|endoftext|> >Kata has been done since ancient Greece. And grug bashing your head in with a rock as well? What now, should I add brain cracky open to failure into my training regiment? >Ah, Americans... no >Ofc not. nuhuh >uhuh >nuhuuuuhhh >uuuuhuuuuuhhhh >Ah, to be 12 again. It certainly feels like I'm fighting 12 year olds when it's a "karate" fag alright. >A shame you have neither. You literally have no idea what I have or don't. <|endoftext|> >tfw you answer the questions but nobody replies Grug sad <|endoftext|> >make hunting obsolete Nothing personal grug <|endoftext|> >antinatalists don't have kids and pass on their """"enlightened"""" genes >based grug floods the world with his progeny The future is grugpilled and I am happy to be part of it <|endoftext|> >Grug tell Shaman to make sad voice go away >Shaman say lift heavy rock and sad voice go away >Grug come back after one moon cycle >Grug tell Shaman that sad voice came back >Shaman say said voice never go away, is only quiet for a day. >Grug demands Shaman to make sad voice spirit appear so Grug can smash >Shaman make me look in magic shiny stone >Grug see bigger Grug >Grug must get bigger to beat other Grug <|endoftext|> I did see formalism on my non-linear programming courses. Although, I enjoyed linear programming more, especially when we delved into the simplex method. Well, sorry. I don't really like math formalism and much rather have to deal physical limitations of a problem than abstract ones in formal math. I can do sick stuff in FEMM and designing Power Electronics systems. UNGA BUNGA. Grug put numbers. Jokes aside, it has been years since I ever did math. So forgive me for just going with the little paths I remember for making operations easy for me. My smooth brained bro. <|endoftext|> taking long take too long, but grug still lift heavy stone. make sadheadvoice quiet forever. <|endoftext|> >come to this thread for grug memes >find the crime scene of some poor anon's murder <|endoftext|> Move rock until me strong Punch woman when they wrong all grug need to live long <|endoftext|> Lmfao Imagine being so afraid of a good scrap. Also The whole fucking point of the grug meme is showing something as primitive. By saying “grug stupid” you are being redundant and obvious, and proving that you are an unfunny retard. <|endoftext|> >grug fight >grug need extensive facial surgery >grug stupid Fuck men <|endoftext|> grug okay with this. grug happy when lift heavy circle. <|endoftext|> Grug need to continue till death. <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy stick >not sad for bit >grug lift heavy stick with heavy circle on both side >sad stay gone little longer >grug lift more heavy circles >sad gone for many days >more heavy circle mean more day sad gone >lift heavy circles many day in row >not lift heavy circle for some days and still not sad >grug find out grug store not sad effect from heavy circle how many circle and how many time grug need lift for never sad again? <|endoftext|> Have a rock Grug. It was lifted by Bybon, son of Phola. <|endoftext|> Have a rock Grug. It was lifted by Bybon, son of Phola. <|endoftext|> Grug Thank all voices for tips. Good luck, lift heavy rocks <|endoftext|> Man try bull. Grug know bull work when see <|endoftext|> Eat meat Eat bone meat Eat no fire Eat white goop grug cow Drink leaves Drink hot water Remember chew <|endoftext|> Wise man is nothing if not strong man. Grug says carry big stick, but know when big stick bash is needed <|endoftext|> How will it help me? Will it give me money? Make me Jacked? Do anything besides some gay discipline shit that doesn't matter? No. Yeh if i have a certain capacity for discipline let me waste it on not blowing because... Some natty grug that looks like shit and is small and weak on fit told me it will fix my life <|endoftext|> Yes. These are just Mesopotamia's FPH thread. Grug show this to swole friends, swole friends kek >Look what I carve >She no hunt >She no gather >Torg only feed too much >She only eat bird meat <|endoftext|> Yes. Grug's first attempt at sculpting a pregnant woman does not represent what people find attractive. <|endoftext|> Man, is all this clowning even worth it for pussy? I wish it were 10k bc where Grug hit bitch over the head and carry her to his cave. <|endoftext|> for 300,000 years of our evolution your 'desirability' has had no influence on if you would produce healthy offspring. Do you think sex was consensual back in the day? Do you think grug asked grugette for consent? He just took her in the cave and coomed, if anyone didn't like it they would fight about it. <|endoftext|> >Having any preworkout Natty card revoked. I envision myself chasing down my dinner, just like my ancestors did. A waking meditation, channeling Grug and Ogg to push myself beyond the limits of modern man. Only once I have "caught my meal" (completed my workout) can I eat and sit around the campfire to discuss the wonders of life(4chan) <|endoftext|> The iFunny calisthenics redditor, sub to grug on iFunny instead <|endoftext|> Grug club too small. Bet you only do 1 rock. Huh huh huh <|endoftext|> Genetically healthy people who have the bioenergetic resources to look good just mindlessly follow the cultural zeitgeist because that's how grug tribes stuck together and clobbered less united grug tribes, people on the far-right and far-left have mutated away from this pattern and look off <|endoftext|> all grug know grug eat beast and run long time grug eat greens run short time need more greens and run short time again <|endoftext|> My theory is that these depict prostitutes. > Does not hunt or gather > Lies in cave all day > Has sex with all men for highly caloric food > Gets fat However, also possible > Grug look, me make Grug mom > Ha ha ha <|endoftext|> > Glonk to Bork “hey what are you making?” > Cunt wife says I never do anything nice for her. Grug made his wife a bowl. Of course my Mammoth wife wants something now. > Is that a statue of her? > Yes > But Bork, shes not that fat > I know (Bork and Glonk erupt in laughter) > Modern day archeologist (here we have an ancient fertility goddess idol used for worship by primitive man) <|endoftext|> Old, old grug cave brain circuits. Don't question it too much. <|endoftext|> >Grug anxious because Horg mogs Grug in big stone lift >Grug now feels berrypicker as fuck <|endoftext|> It hurt body, make grug strong <|endoftext|> >grug busy looking at cave paintings >no hunt >no help village >no develop new technology >just cave paitings <|endoftext|> I live as a grug as a hobby and do what a grug would do in the wild, it's like bushcraft but the extreme version of it <|endoftext|> >grug have wife >wife make grug cringe >grug hit wife with rock >wife not cringe <|endoftext|> >grug eat eggs >shell cut throat, many blood >grug no pussy <|endoftext|> >muh autistic theory if music sound good to grug then music good <|endoftext|> me kill tiny man but tiny man strong in group tiny man have fast rock shooter too maybe Grug not kill tiny man, maybe tiny man help Grug <|endoftext|> ooga booga dont eat blue berry blue berry kill grug eat green berry good <|endoftext|> Grug like it when rock number goes up <|endoftext|> Lifting makes me happy, it gives me a reason to improve, it makes me feel alive like no drug or vice ever could, it makes me happy unlike any drug or therapy every could Maybe it’s my grug brain thinking, but lifting heavy things up and down over and over again just makes my life complete Whenever im sad i lift, whenever i want to kill mysel, i lift, whenever i’m happy i lift, whenever i’m tired i lift, aced an exam at uni? lift. Failed an exam? Lift. Angry? Lift. Stressed? Lift. <|endoftext|> >grug no like the smart man talk raw eggs contain avidin which inhibits vitamin absorption. The absorbed protein is only half compared to cooked eggs. They also taste like shit. Maybe you like them because gulping down slimy protein reminds you of your boyfriend's cum, but please don't include us in your fetish. <|endoftext|> >They are exactly that if you weight 60 kg Grug tier maths. 1pl8 = 60 kg, 4pl8 = 180kg. 4pl8 =/= 4x bodyweight at 60kg <|endoftext|> You referring to the twitter frenocaust a couple days ago? What on grug mind? <|endoftext|> >Taking a grug post seriously <|endoftext|> It's because criminals have demonstrated that they're willing to literally do anything it takes to make it. They don't play it safe and are defiant of society in favor of themselves and their posse. That translates to when your future children is threatened you are not afraid to bash the assailants fucking face in with a pipe. Women'll need a squeegee after thinking of that. Criminality is just a very grug and an easy-to-understand way of demonstrating high test behavior. Modern penal society is just a formalization of the ancient barbarian. It is what it is, I didn't make the rules. In the end you want a woman to feel like you will become dangerous if times becomes dangerous. When the time comes will you step up for yourself and your posse etc etc. That's the core concept. Criminals just demonstrate this in a very blunt fashion. <|endoftext|> I have an occipital bun and French-Metis heritage, how grug am I? <|endoftext|> Based The recipe for an English cake is 1 part ancient grug, 3 parts cozy celtic, 5 parts saxon warrior and a sprinkling of nordic rapists <|endoftext|> ooga booga grug pull himself up tree <|endoftext|> Grug was based. Grug put his captured gf from the other tribe in the FATTENING HUT. Grug invented agriculture just to keep his captured gf well fed in the FATTENING HUT. <|endoftext|> GRUG MAKE PREGANT WOMAN GRUG STILL LEARNING NOBODY MAKE SHAPEROCK BEFORE GRUG <|endoftext|> >vaccines good >gene/cell therapy bad I know it's hard for you grug to understand but pls try <|endoftext|> the guy you posted is short, feminine, a literal twink and you have thousands of women that would sell their liver to get a whiff of his ball stench. twinkdom is peak homo sapiens fitness, notice how all hunter gatherers and people still living their natural life in the wild are twinks/skinny fat. humans method of hunting is wit and endurance, not grug choke holds elk, grug eat meat. this fetishization of giant wide men and tiny childish women is because of too much ogre and goblin porn in society <|endoftext|> Look at it from a real natural perspective >grug bad hunter >grug search for non-meat food >grug find tiny proto apple >yummy >grug decide to become applevore >winter comes and grug dies the end. <|endoftext|> lets look at it from a nature perspective. >grug hungry >grug walk >grug find colored things >grug eats >mmmm sweet >grug gets pissed off because its poison >puts the fruit tree on fire >grug goes on 4chin to say shit because he has nothing else to do <|endoftext|> The testosterone thing was always just a baldy cope >hurr, Im bald, but that's cuz I have more testosterone, therefor bigger dick, more muscles, etc. Balding being onions was also just >You are ugly, therefor low test It's shitposting and banter, based on a Grug brained understanding of testosterone. <|endoftext|> Besting a guy lower than you on the foodchain isn't that satisfying, beating someone you consider an equal or rival is magical. >Have brofriend since high school >He was always better at girls than me >We become housemates >Host massive party >There is a floozy of a girl there we both want >During the party brofriend comes up to me and says he has been making out with the floozy in his room >He says she left to get a drink but when she's back they are going to smash >Neolithic Grug mode engage >March into the kitchen, it's packed >Floozy has just gotten a drink out of the fridge >Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the primal instinct, maybe it was the Ritalin I'd popped earlier >Literally pick up confused floozy >Thank god for years of Starting Strength >Turn 360 degrees around and carry her back to my room like a Cro-Magnon hunter carrying a freshly speared deer >nowitstimeformyspear.png >Start making out in my room >She loved how bold it was >Brofriend knocks on the door >'Floozy! Are you in there!?' >Floozy realizes how degenerate she is being and says she needs to go back to him >Brofriend is now standing outside his room, beckoning her inside >Floozy walks halfway along the corridor between our rooms >Completely deadpan the ADHD medicated caveman inside me sternly states >'Floozy. Come back here. I am not done with you' >With a pronounced forehead brow I point to my cave >She stops, looks at me, looks at brofriend, then obediently comes back into my room >Brofriend as the defeated male and goes to pick berries I made out with floozy for awhile before I got bored and went back to the party. I ended up sleeping with another girl at the party but because of the Ritalin my dick didn't work. Unknown to girl #2 Floozy had broken my bedframe so while fried on ADHD meds with a naked girl laying on my bed I autistically started repairing my bed while commenting on the structural integrity of the design and how the bed manufacturer could make improvements. <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock <|endoftext|> this anon is right, grug looks but thats not a bad thing good face structure, looks like you were in The Police <|endoftext|> grug brows and eyes are spaced too far apart. Will probably still pull if not autistic tho <|endoftext|> >Gives himself brain damage for fun. >Brags about it Based grug. You're Definitely not human though. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> So I don’t have grug strength Burnt grug coal floor nothing <|endoftext|> grug no like politics grug do likes big weight. grug picks up the big weight. makes grug strong. no politics when big stones is lifted. <|endoftext|> This seems like a case of the Grug position being correct. So i just train parts that aren't sore, then? <|endoftext|> >claims to be grug >is actually just modern day slav I see you, Igor <|endoftext|> Grug smart Me listen to grug, get big arm like grug <|endoftext|> true, smart man use many word to say little grug says lift heavy rock many times <|endoftext|> listen to grug <|endoftext|> jew mode and grug mode <|endoftext|> Lifting weights make muscle grow, if weight is too light muscle not grow so fast, therefore increase weight to make muscle grow. So says grug. Kettlebell heavy? Kettlebell make muscle ache? Then good and muscle grow. So says grug <|endoftext|> >if I get into a STEM job my coworkers will look down on me and perceive me as a meathead grug. That's sadly true. Also has benefits though - if you work in production or prototyping, workers will respect you easier, which is very helpful when there's problems to be resolved. I've been told quite a few times that people feel more at ease talking to me and that I look "as if I worked my way up" even though I never worked a day of paid manual labor in my life. t. German engineer >She also claims real muscles don't come from the gym, that gym muscles are artificial, and that real muscles come from laboring and struggling Almost true. Isolation exercises don't produce as much useable strength as compound exercises. Hence, most bodybuilders are weaklings that'll get btfo by strongmen half their weight. >How can I convince her that muscles are a good thing even for people who don't come from poverty? See above if you're in engineering. If not, the only argument would be dominance and PASSIVE intimidation, but that's kinda hard to explain to people who've never had to pressure others without being able to back it up. <|endoftext|> Yes, sort of like how you're attracted to women with big grug chins because your own chin is extremely recessed. <|endoftext|> I'm from India, my mom insults me for looking like the laborers back home. The laborers back home don't workout or anything. They carry rocks, bricks, etc. up to 50kg-90kg at a time on a daily basis. As a result they are very jacked and ripped. Most prominently having very developed forearms, traps, biceps, backs. But my mom associates being that muscular with poverty and she shames me for looking like poor laborers back in India. She constantly insults and try to deter me from working out. She claims that I don't need to be that muscular when I come from a "noble" family, and that I should focus on my studies. She claims that "nobles like us" use their brains not their muscles, and that it's the people who work for us "nobles" who use their muscles. She claims that if I get into a STEM job my coworkers will look down on me and perceive me as a meathead grug. She also claims real muscles don't come from the gym, that gym muscles are artificial, and that real muscles come from laboring and struggling, that it's like a mark poor men have on their bodies that says "I have had to struggle my whole life to survive, my body is swelling from the pain". How can I convince her that muscles are a good thing even for people who don't come from poverty? <|endoftext|> they are women they just live on grug autopilot. They are capable of reasoning but never live on that level. <|endoftext|> Your argument is literally "I don't care they can die" so I took the liberty of adding the 'grug' to bully you for being a troglodyte. Now, luckily for me I said what's best for society. Sure the two people might gain more pleasure but on a societal scale it would make relationships unstable and cause more harm. As a more concrete example. Giving the organs of one healthy person to many sick people would result in more happiness in the micro scale but on the macro scale this would result in no one going near authorities or doctors, which would cause overall more pain. This is ethics 101, lol. <|endoftext|> I didn't say Grug anything you retard. Keep track of your replies dumbass. My bull example works perfectly fine. What is better? To have 2 people feeling good and you feeling bad or have you feeling good and 2 people feeling bad? You would do the cuckold thing and let your women get fucked for the greater good since it does less harm and the only one hurt (sick) is you instead of others. <|endoftext|> Taking care of your body is a smart thing, not a woman thing. Get with the times Grug. <|endoftext|> >me grug me love fresh kill, yum! Steak should be unseasoned as fuck. Lmao even the best chefs in the world season their steaks. You have no idea what you're talking about. Simple Chinese food btfos anything the western world has ever made <|endoftext|> Grug work Grugina incubate Gruglet Need extra food. Fat food. Food for baby on body. Breast food <|endoftext|> >What type of workouts did grug do? Something we don't know. People have tried for centuries to replicate stone age fitness: Methode naturelle, MovNat, etc. etc. Thing is: While it does work to some extent and makes you fit, it doesn't make you stone age fit. There are fossils indicating our ancestors ran faster than Usain Bolt while barefoot and on shitty ground. We have no idea how they managed to do that. Maybe the ancients were right and we, as a species, lose power as we move away further and further from Adam. <|endoftext|> What type of workouts did grug do? How do modern humans regain their cave strength? <|endoftext|> I intend to become head grug. I will have code Monkees below me Just cause I get sleepy in the afternoon does not mean I will not make it. Imagine being so weak you can't lift your fellow man. Begone with your negativity. It's incredibly cringe. WAGMI <|endoftext|> homework? like from the schoolag? so you can go on to wageslave in an office and sit through white fragility talks with troons? my brother, do not study. grug is best <|endoftext|> it is nice to have someone who is close enough to what i believe in respect to this "nofap" stuff when it comes to what you said here "... your sexual frustration will exceed your sexual anxiety." this paints the experience in a bad light i do not have this sensation of sexual frustration as you describe when i am deep in nofap i hope you made an error in this because what i experience is a nullification of sexual frustration, whist at the same time, feeling sexual anxiety when seeing women in the real world but having written that, i always seem to fail at day 90 i have read that semen or whatever becomes reabsorbed around that time, and new semen is created and i suspect that the "phase 1" where there is the testosterone spike around day 7, occurs once again at around day 97, if you catch my understanding it is not a clockwork type thing, but this is what i experience when i make it to around day 90ish, i have almost like a repeat of that day 7 test spike and the mega urge that is inspired from that gets me more often than not this whole thing is very strange we who are in this "community" are essentially trying to put into words stuff that is happening on a neurochemical level the best we ever have is this catalog of "grug interpretations" of what is going on our institutions in western civilization are more concerned with other things. (insert 1 of the thousand things wrong with this society) <|endoftext|> >Grug-tier faggot doesn't know that 0 times 3 is still 0 AHAHHAHAAHAHAH another addition to my tripfags cringe compilation. <|endoftext|> >insulting your manhood Unironically not care? Reply with >bruh chill tf out lel Because no one else in the group chat wants to see that grandstanding shit either. this 2 is stupid, 1 is 100% correct. You're gonna accept being unable to get jobs for the rest of your life because some moron in a group chat is like >Unga bunga, grug want smash u!!! >Gronk no like you!!!! You're an idiot for even mentally engaging with it. If he assaults you, defend yourself, create distance, call the cops and report to the admin, it's not your job to teach idiots a lesson and society was literally invented to put violent retards like this in a box far away from the normal people. <|endoftext|> > Me make Grug mom > Ha ha ha ha <|endoftext|> Not sure if grug or internet tough guy. You have to push them, strongly but firmly so they fall down backwards on their asses. No punches, no blood, no way to end up in jail You'll get kicked out but it'll be worth it. <|endoftext|> >be grug >feel sad >lift rock >feel happy Thanks Rock <|endoftext|> >Grug see pretty cave woman >Grug carry heavy stones to show Grug strong >Pretty cave woman no look at Grug >Grug lift heavier stones >Grug now look at cave painting of strong cave man >Grug now prefer strong cave man to pretty cave woman <|endoftext|> Why do you see exercise and rest as one single activity. See you're not even able to problem solve or articulately think about the activity you're even doing. It's >exercise then rest then exercise again not (exercise + rest) then (exercise + rest) My rest times are a separate activity that doesnt require me to sit there like a zombie staring into the void. I give myself the mental freedom to do whatever I want during my rest time. Seems like you consider your rest as a part of your exercise so for you, you have to remain focused throughout your rest or else you consider yourself distracted during your exercise as a whole. You're actually just a brainlet who actually doesn't even understand the definition or the purpose of rest time in the first place. It's called rest, give your body a rest. Your mind can do whatever it wants in that time as you aren't supposed to be lifting while resting. But alas you lack the simple mental capacity to think this way. Grug see weight, grug lift weight. Sad life <|endoftext|> If you want to split hairs rust is lighter per given volume in practice because 1. oxygen less dense than iron and 2. iron oxide tends to flake off and that extra airspace appreciably impacts the density. If you don't want to split hairs grug say rusty bar still heavy <|endoftext|> You mean you consciously tried to maximize your fapping? I went 6 months without masturbating once. I did get very productive actually but at the same time my brain also got a bit retarded and grug-like too, couldn't stop thinking about sex. Didn't really have a sex life though because I was depressed (not because of nofap) and dealing with some other shit. Also I got extremely unproductive immediately after I broke my nofap-streak and I binge watched 4 seasons of Sopranos instead of doing something of note. <|endoftext|> I'd rather be Grug Pitt than that soiboy media puppet any day. <|endoftext|> You are bigger and stronger than her. Just go over there and kick her out. Like, why the fuck are you going to the gym, if not to grug around people? <|endoftext|> Notepad no need electricity, grug no need to charge notepad or make sure to handle notepad carefully <|endoftext|> > Look Grug me carve you mom > Ha ha ha ha <|endoftext|> Humans are designed to do a lot of shit including lifting, you think grug wasn't lifting stones, cutting down threes and lifting them to make a shelter? <|endoftext|> No, you're wrong, and I can tell you why. In the very early 1900s a bunch of Russian academics went and talked to the serfs on their farms and tested their intelligence and faculties for logic and arithmetic etc. The same experiment was later repeated by the Soviets on Uzbek peasants. You can find writeups online but I will summarise here for your pea-brain. Basically, things that you think are innate are not. If you don't educate humans they end up pretty much literally as intelligent as fucking animals. All that exists to them is the concrete world. They are incapable of logic and reason and abstract thought. The Russians reported that it would sometimes take a whole fucking night for the smartest man in the village to divide up money. For example, imagine the boyar pays a bunch of peasants to do some work on his manor, and then gives all the pay to the reeve to hand out. The reeve has to distribute the pay equally among five people. That's not necessarily a trivial sum, sure, especially for a retard, but it also shouldn't take a whole fucking night. Or consider this famous example: >there are no camels in germany >berlin is a big city in germany >are there camels in berlin "yes, because all big cities have camels". That's the wrong answer, sure. But now imagine being unable to explain WHY that is the wrong answer. Imagine a man who is not unintelligent but simply entirely uneducated for his whole life. You talk to him and talk to him and cannot even begin to get him to understand such basic fucking logic. It's not just that they're wrong, it's that they are so fucking ignorant that they can never be right. It's not a way of thinking that they were ever taught. This was normal for all people in all places except the elite and the academics until like 1940 at the earliest. Education is not a joke. >"me grug tribe have street smart!" Kill yourself fucking fool. <|endoftext|> >Be upper neolithic monkey person >Create hundreds of artworks as you breach the gap between mortal animal and self imortalising Man >Create art of the people you see around us, the animals you see, people unlike what you have seen, combinations of people and animals (picrel, furries are as old as man) >Fetishist art curators select what they think will be most provocative from these relics >Big breasted, big assed female forms displayed and talked about above all others and dominate subsets of the cultural psyche These few rare artworks might be fat women, they were rare and would be an extreme status symbol during the time (there was some climate shit happening), could be pregnant women though pregnant women don't really have huge thighs, could be a grug artists personal fetishisation of a certain form, could be another of their abstract works that just represents something they'd never seen but imagined. <|endoftext|> >Grug lift dumbrock >Make sad head voice quiet <|endoftext|> >At a week of Bible camp >For whatever reason we were supposed to grab a rock from a loose rock pile they were using for a road or something and put it over in a rock pile by a sign at the front of the camp >We were specifically instructed to not try to grab the biggest rock we can or anything stupid like that >I grab the biggest rock I can >Carry it around 30-40 yards, it’s like 200 lbs >Face is turning almost purple but some people are watching so I can’t put it down now >Put it on the rock pile over by some Stacies And that was my literal grug moment. I never got injured or anything so it wasn’t that dumb but it was completely unnecessary <|endoftext|> Your body isn’t retarded. It doesn’t matter. >QUICK GRUG! We have to eat this bear right now. Evolution decided this! <|endoftext|> >grug part of NoSexTribe >no matter how much he lift, grug cannot leave NoSexTribe and join NormalTribe >grug have idea >grug learn how to roon >grug becomes very fast rooner >grug so fast at rooning he chase down grugette and do the milk inside her <|endoftext|> Grug just be grug get female easy <|endoftext|> >grug find round thing >put 2 round things in log >make easy cut grass in front of cavern >baby grug don't like it he not man >grug don't care <|endoftext|> Maybe Grugette will like Grug if Grug lift even heavier rock? <|endoftext|> I do this too bros Wtf does this mean I thought it was just my grug brain going retard again <|endoftext|> lmao i see these posts where these guys say they feel an irrestible urge to bend over the gymthots and fuck them and i have literally never felt that, i have felt extreme feelings of love and attraction but never animalistic grug lust, is that a side effect of autism or something? i assumed it was me being low test <|endoftext|> >They put mayo in everything Half true. Most whole foods are high in one thing at a time if anything. If you're grug mode you might get lucky with a fatty piece of meat thats high in protein and fat but thats about it. As a result the most addictive foods combine high amounts of fat, carbs and some protein. Modern fake >food has extra fat and sugar. This would be true just because of how food is made appealing regardless of which fitness memes are going on. <|endoftext|> >Grug let me into tribe <|endoftext|> >be grug >come home to cave from good pick up session at rock patch >draw about it on wall >Jan-ug erases it for no reason >fuck janugs <|endoftext|> >no matter how much Grug lift he can no leave NoSexTribe >Grug have idea >Grug learn to roon >Grug so good at roonning he chase down Grugette and do the milk inside her <|endoftext|> >Grug curious why one buck like to be broken so much. <|endoftext|> >Gruggette keep going to dark skin tribe cave >she says they got bigger club >says dark skin tribe unga bunga better than Grug >how is Grug supposed to compete, Grug only has average sized club <|endoftext|> >grug bring 2 animals in our tribe >grug gives animals our food says we get more food later >we beat up grug for being stupid and wasting our food <|endoftext|> >Grug want lift rock >Rock no budge >Grug sad >Grugettes larf >Grug sadder >Grug lift smaller rock many times >Grug eat flesh of antler animal >Grug now lift rock >Water come from Grugettes' hair hole (not poo hole) <|endoftext|> Does anyone else think it's absolutely hilarious that this guy's culture is so primitive that they still measure weight in stones? That's literally some caveman shit lmfao GRUG WEIGH THIS MANY STONES YESTERDAY GRUG NOW ONLY WEIGH THIS MANY STONES GRUG MAKE FIRE COOK FOOD, ANIMAL EGG GOOD <|endoftext|> >More weight big number grug hapy me rikey <|endoftext|> I don't know More weight big number grug hapy <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug hungry >grug hunt mammoth >grug eat mammoth >grug hungry again whut. does grug get hungry, hunt mammoth, eat mammoth for rest of grug life? <|endoftext|> Yes, the middle or I look like grug <|endoftext|> animals have never been able to beat grug's rock throw <|endoftext|> Carrying women mire, just like in grug times. <|endoftext|> doesn't exist, there's no mammoth for grug to eat <|endoftext|> >Holy fuck I hate this retard tribalism Homo no like tribe Grug tribe no like homo Grug tribe surround homo Homo say, "Tribalism? In the literal current year? Big yikes, my dude." Grug tribe laugh at silly homo words No more words, only club now Grug tribalism undefeated <|endoftext|> >30 years max Thats because most children would die in infancy fucking up the averages of life expectancy. Grug could live up to 70 years if he survived childhood. >Common cold Thats because of domesticated animals which a hunter gatherer wouldn't have. >Most died during winter Most humans would migrate regularly to warmer regions >not everyone worked like that some worked in fields Everyone did look like and this was before there was agriculture >some were neets NEETS are a relatively new thing because of todays society. You hardly find NEETS in working class families because they were raised to be hard working by their parents. >these were exceptions look up old homo sapien skulls and you'll see similar shapes. <|endoftext|> grug male has some nice sunglasses lol haha <|endoftext|> >brains and intellect >grug sneak up on stone carrier, hit him on head with club. grug get many sex you're trying to say intellect is more important than strength, and yet you're trying to argue that it's because it makes you better at winning a fight. How can you not see this obvious contradiction? Your view of society is literally that of a chimp troop but the smart ones have weapons. You are actually retarded. Let me spell it out for you. Being weak doesn't make you smarter, and being stronger doesn't make you dumber. Your ability to win a fight does not make you more successful in a civilised society. People who lift weights don't do it to get better at fighting people, if anything it acts as a deterrent. People tend not to want to fight big people. If you're not retarded like (you), you should be aiming to avoid fights, not jump at the opportunity to attack someone. Just because someone's strong doesn't mean they're obsessed with lifting weights, or are sterilising themselves with steroids. It just means they're interested in self-improvement and know what they're doing. If you're concerned with contributing to the gene-pool, you want to make yourself an attractive partner. That doesn't mean you have to be strong, it just means you should take pride in your body and what you do. Walking around with a lead pipe and a desire to find an excuse to use it on someone stronger than you makes you a deranged lunatic. Nobody will want to be around you. You aren't impressive, anyone can win a fight with that kind of an advantage. You just look like a weak loser consumed with resentment. I sincerely hope you're just a kid with some really dumb ideas, that way you'll probably grow out of it. Otherwise you're on the road to doing something really bad with the way you're thinking. <|endoftext|> I don’t really believe it, it’s the oldest trick in the book. Make someone feel like they’re a tiny minority so they join the herd. It’s an ingroup preference biology psyop. No one wants to be ejected from the grug tribe or from the cave to starve to death <|endoftext|> I cant wait until I get enough money in 5-10 years to retire. Most tradies are emotionally unstable and unintelligent, worse than normies and women combined. Heres a real world example. Grug place rock and 4man get happy that grug does job. Grug drank too much alcohol last night partying with fat wife and her man friends. Grug has massive hangover and 2 poor to afford lunch until next paycheck. Grug get mad when 4man ask grug to place different shaped rock rock, grug not understand why he isnt 4man. But grug no solution, grug hit 4man over head with pipe wrench then he become 4man. Since grug is now 4man grug tell himself to do no work. Why other rockmen attack grug after he hit 4man. Grug no understand why police arrest grug. This is all 4mans fault. <|endoftext|> Grug smoke spirit leaf, but Grug think at end of sun that head voice IS Grug... Grug can make head voice do whatever he wants, Grug choose to make head voice happy <|endoftext|> >le grug <|endoftext|> Grug live middle good life and die no remember by any one because Grug no great man talent <|endoftext|> >grug do roids >grug eat big food >grug pick up heavy thing >grug put down heavy thing >grug very accomplish <|endoftext|> op to do listen to this grug-tier brainlet learning how to do a power clean and snatch pull takes 5 minutes <|endoftext|> What is expensive about lifting heavy rocks grug mode style? doing pushups? walking? <|endoftext|> literally grug meme <|endoftext|> grug need shrooms to go talk head voice <|endoftext|> Grug need to drop heavy rock on head vocie <|endoftext|> Grug need to tell head voice it full of mammoth shit <|endoftext|> Grug sad head voice keep getting louder Grug scared of head voice <|endoftext|> Especially considering grug was probably 5'6" <|endoftext|> More like >be grug in caveman era >no food available, fast for months >body prioritizes muscle instead of fat >As muscle mass decreases so do calorie requirements >Survive long enough until food becomes available Vs >be grug in caveman era >no food available, fast for months >body prioritizes fat instead of muscle >Burn through fat reserves quickly to maintain muscle mass >Run out of fat then quickly burn through muscle, calorie requirements decrease but it doesn't matter as there's no fat left to live off >Die We've evolved to survive for as long as possible on as little food as possible in famine situations. Maintaining muscle is of far lesser importance. <|endoftext|> We're talking about grug in 10000 bc. I bet he didn't have 35lbs of fat. Not talking about the average American in 2021. <|endoftext|> >be grug in caveman era >no food available, fast for months >body prioritizes muscle instead of fat >with no muscles to hunt, be a genetic dead end Oh wait that never happened lmfao <|endoftext|> Based illiterate grug poster <|endoftext|> Why would you not hate women? NO seriously, why???? Any perusal of history shows women are the biggest pieces of shit in history. Imagine how many incredible societies civilisations and knowledge was razed to the ground because the stupid women were whores who bore the offspring of the often mentally retarded grug invaders. Think of the millions of lives lost, the hundreds of thousands of history and thought snuffed out, but the stupid whores yet live on. Trying to dismiss this as something one shouldn't feel furious about because it's just a fact of the female nature just reeks of a pathetic resigned stoicist pussy cope. Any upright man of good morals, direction, heritage and purpose should actively hate women. Their freedom, nay, their very EXISTENCE is a blight on higher collective consciousness. Seriously, the Taliban have the right idea. <|endoftext|> dude looks like real life grug meme <|endoftext|> Grug pit lookin hella juicy <|endoftext|> grug need sad voice leave grug lift sad voice leave grug grug not happy grug lift more <|endoftext|> The fine balance between grug bro just lift and "OMG SCIENCE! RESEARCH SAYS!" is always in peril. <|endoftext|> grug smash smelly frogman <|endoftext|> His muscles are small, it's obvious he doesn't lift anything heavy at all, not even his own bodyweight I would assume Grug moved heavy rocks and climbed trees back then <|endoftext|> binch, anime website, milk, grug pick up rock, put back down <|endoftext|> Peak grug mode <|endoftext|> >I mean, more importantly, where is the impetus for coffee haters to be so fearful of coffee? >Ugh ugh magic bean water taste GOOD! Make grug feel good! >Grug know other taste good feel good things BAD! Like sweet sweet! And hop mash! And crystal meth! >Magic bean water must bad!!! you sound autistic writing it out like this, but good point. the ones against coffee here are mostly amerisharts who have it ingrained in them that denying all forms of pleasure is somehow honourable. notice how they never speak ill about physical effects and just say things like "no addiction is good"? <|endoftext|> It's probably good. If it is bad it almost certainly isn't that bad. You can look at the metanalyses for all sorts of diseases, heart attack, stroke, liver cancer, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, whatever and the risk curve is basically: >1-3 ish cups is a LOT lower risk vs 0 >4-6 cups is still lower than 0, but higher risk than 1-3 >7+ cups for some diseases will be even lower (Parkinson's) and for some it'll be a little higher than 0 Is it possible that people who drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day are far more likely to be well-adjusted, productive people who are healthy for reasons other than coffee? Sure. Could people drinking 0 cups be good for nothing layabouts and poors, ready to overdose on whatever street drugs they steal? Yup. And people drinking 7 cups nervous wrecks? Uh huh. But that, coupled with experimental evidence that people's cognitive abilities improve with a cup or three, yeah it's pretty decent evidence it can't be that bad. I mean, more importantly, where is the impetus for coffee haters to be so fearful of coffee? >Ugh ugh magic bean water taste GOOD! Make grug feel good! >Grug know other taste good feel good things BAD! Like sweet sweet! And hop mash! And crystal meth! >Magic bean water must bad!!! <|endoftext|> >Grug likes big booba >Grug sees fake big booba on magic phone rock >Grug don't like being baited into liking fake big booba???? >Grug angry fake big booba is attractive to other grugs so it's shown more often????? Dude tits and ass aren't ever going to go away on any social media platform. Find something else to do <|endoftext|> I wish i was some primitive grug <|endoftext|> >Persons D, E and F grug post on an indonesian basket weaving board instead of getting much needed sleep or training. <|endoftext|> When work out to be strong, strong work out easy. When no work out to have endurance, endurance work out hard. Grug ponder <|endoftext|> Only venting.. im more conservative, and I most definitely befriend most I meet and I do my best to be as approachable as possible as my profession calls for it. Most of this condensending attitude is mostly for those that are vapid creatures. Something that has been at a high rise since social media has become a normal part of it. Thanks for the input. >btw I keep grug in cage and is only unleashed when necessary. <|endoftext|> looser mindset. Lefty mindset. equals to: >rich people bad! >grug kill bad rich people >why grug poor now? grug kill rich bad people!!! just be nice to everyone. Befriend Chad if you can.Befriend rich people if you kind. Attractive people then to be smart and kind. Your bitterness won't get you anywhere. Imagine the pussy chad doesn't eat, 8/10's maybe, that he would be happy for you to have if you were his friend! or maybe he is fucking Stacy and she has 5 hot friends for you to meet! and she and Chad will put in the word for you! don't be a sore looser beta. <|endoftext|> >Need to master 10D social chess Grug just wants to make baby and hunt for food. Where to do this? <|endoftext|> >Grug eat meat >Grug strong >Bongo eat potato only >Bongo chop off penis <|endoftext|> Kek strongfats are full of grug lift heavy stone meatheads <|endoftext|> Fuck yeah Grug fitness <|endoftext|> Caloric retention is pretty important when food is scarce. If you're shitting your guts out from drinking milk as an adult and losing all of the calories your body has yet to absorb you're in a really bad position. Either you are losing calories constantly from being sick, or you have to omit an entire food source from your diet which likely means you will simply be weaker and smaller than people who can drink milk. If you're shorter than your compatriots, weaker than them, and have smelly liquid poop from taking a sip of a protein drink do you think you're going to be the guy all the cave grug women get wet over? Of course not. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >wolf fuck Grugina >wolf dick bigger than Grug penis >Grugina leave Grug for wolf Grug face <|endoftext|> grug no get jabby grug no trust longnose tribe witchdoctor grugs little bodyclubs easy beat sick <|endoftext|> Grug wish Grug had life like Ug. <|endoftext|> Grug know negrug island tribe can exist with no help from strong Grug tribes. Grug also know island Negrug could btfo any Grug from this Aurignacian biface chipping forum. <|endoftext|> >get to eat penisface meat for months >don't have to share with annyoing Grugina sounds like a win win Grug-anon <|endoftext|> Uncle Ted is from lane of Pole, also tranny grug <|endoftext|> Grug know negrug island tribe only exist because strong Grug tribes can't be bothered <|endoftext|> >Grug think Grug can berrypick which point relevant Many such cases! <|endoftext|> >grug think irrelevant point prove argument >grug think he smart <|endoftext|> >grug hear assertion that something is true >grug give evidence that assertion is not true >smallhead ungo say not care about evidence, imply assertion still true grug no like smallhead ungo. grug smash stupid smallhead ungo <|endoftext|> me can look at grugposts all sun. grugettes never think like grug <|endoftext|> Grug would. <|endoftext|> Grug see grug who chew leaves. That Grug no teeth. Grug has perfect teeth no chew leaf <|endoftext|> every chieftain, every medicine man, every shiny rock cave grug, even skyleader shamans - longnose tribe them like little grugette use doll <|endoftext|> Grug saw chieftan on greffrey epstones island with longnose tribe many little grugs their too Grug don't know what goes on at epstones island Grug scared to ask <|endoftext|> >Dead Grugina no give little Grug. find out one way <|endoftext|> >>find Grugina/Grug Sky leader say "Grug who ungas with grug need rock throw". <|endoftext|> >little Grug grug no say want little grug maybe grug not see enough freeze day to want little grug <|endoftext|> >longnose tribe say big cough does not touch chickentribe >chickentribe burns village >chickentribe steal cave paintings, fire water, and air jogrugs >medicine man say big cough no big deal >grug try go yellow tribe leader gathering >medicine man say big cough kill all grugs in village if grug go to yellow tribe leader gathering <|endoftext|> >??? Never copulate detected. >hit rock on head Dead Grugina no give little Grug. <|endoftext|> >lift big stone >hunt good >find Grugina/Grug <|endoftext|> Shortleg grug make it. Other grug still remember many winters later. <|endoftext|> Grug told by longnose not to listen to the alt grugs alt grugs making much sence Me walked home to see monkey tribe and grugete cave drawings make snu snu Me thinks longnose draw them Me look at cave writing >Made for monkey mating Why longnose do this <|endoftext|> Grug never be Grugga <|endoftext|> >Grug go wander many moon seek great sky spirit >Grug return clan caves >Clan... different. Grug... confused >Longnose tribe come say clan need protect >Give shiny rock to some groogs use club when longnose angry >Take clan caves and say clan need give shiny rock to stay in cave >Make clan give half mammoth every hunt to longnose >Few mammoth left now >All sun time pick berry or dig for longnose shiny rock >Clan groogs change skinny like twig or round like egg >Clan grooggas change draw on skin and only want shiny rock >Young groogs kept in cave with longnose carving all sun time >Longnose bring ape with no speak give free berry and cave >Grug told he clan-ist not know this word >Only longnose make sing carve and tell legend now >Clan start having many cough and old groog go long sleep >Chieftan Shwug and clan say grug need magic stick poke from longnose >Grug lift rock protect body from cough but clan say danger no lift rock >Many clan take magic stick poke still have cough >Grug no trust longnose but clan no listen >Grug try leave cave go to tree place >Many groogs with club stop Grug from leave >Grug miss happy moons before longnose when clan only hunt mate sing carve tell legend sleep >Grug wonder if best to lift too big rock overhead last time <|endoftext|> Chieftain never friend of Grug. All Grug has to lose is his chains. Grugs of the world unite. <|endoftext|> >Grug shares happy life with Grugette >Wake up in cave >Roll over. Grugette is not there >It was just another sleep story <|endoftext|> grug push big rock, grug get big <|endoftext|> Based Grug take revenge. Hope Grug make many little Grug <|endoftext|> Grug tribe no good this Grug's tribe find Grug by lake. Grug carry Grug. Grug listen to Grug mammoth story. Grug adopt Grug. One sun in another moon Grug meet Grug's old tribe. Grug laughs at Grug tribe. Grug tribe skinny faggots. No more good hunters in Grug tribe. Grug take all Grug tribe's women. <|endoftext|> Yes, that's why I said other Grug's tribe are colossal faggots. <|endoftext|> Based shortleg Grug unapologetically making it. <|endoftext|> What tribe Grug belong? Seriously though, those are faggots, Neanderthals and modern humans (at least in some examples, even Homo Erectus) took care of their wounded, even of those crippled for the rest of their lives. <|endoftext|> >be me, grug >know tribe just hunt and kill heard of mammoth >idea.png >follow gruggette to rock moving cave >see gruggette lift heavy rock for a while then leave >me make sure no one around >walk to rock gruggette was sitting on and me take big sniff >Feelgoodman <|endoftext|> >What do? Grug recommend SS + GOMAD <|endoftext|> fpbp People go crazy about the latest study says this or that for years now and they jump on one fad after another rather than just stick to a program and work their way up. They end up perma dyels and keep dropping out. Meanwhile the grug lifters they mock just get bigger and more swole. Your routines only need to be pretty sensible and not crippling and it will get you there. Lift, do what you enjoy, don't worry about the latest "study" or whatever. You can get fit looking along many paths and plenty people have proven this. Are eggs good or bad for you this week? I can't keep track of it... <|endoftext|> >be me >grug <|endoftext|> >longnose tribe say big cough come from squinty eye tribe far away >they say it kill many grugs in many tribes all over valley >longnose tribe say grug must stay in cave or grug will get big cough go to big sleep >grug have many friends get big cough. no friends big sleep. only cough for same days as fingers on grug's hand or less. >longnose tribe say that after this many pokes with pointy stick: ||, grug can leave cave. >longnose tribe say we no listen to orange face chief anymore, now we listen to baby smelling chief >many grug's friends take pointy stick jabs from longnose tribe. >some get more sick than grug's friends with big cough >longnose tribe say that many grugs still go to big sleep from big cough, grug still cannot leave his cave >grug must still get stick jabs even though it doesn't stop big cough grug is making more war clubs. grug think longnose tribe need head bash very soon. <|endoftext|> This story makes grug's eyes rain. <|endoftext|> >be me >grug. Not good hunt for many years, grugettes laugh >cave lonely at night >carve bodystone to cuddle >get home one day >Grad carve penis on bodystone, call grug berrypicker no-bunga >This why grug spend much time up on hill using smoke signal not down in valley with tribe <|endoftext|> Brug sorry for Grug loss, brug think grug true hunter, good hunter not just kill many animal but have big heart too. Brug drink shaman water for honour Unganga tonight <|endoftext|> Go outside cave sometime. Grug never find Grugina if Grug look at cave wall all day. <|endoftext|> Grug want put grug stick in grugina but grug not find grugina. Grug upset <|endoftext|> Grug like poopa. <|endoftext|> Based Grug GMI. Neanderthal grugina is patrician. <|endoftext|> >grug believe longnose shaman Grug never go make it. Shaman slabs: Two of the three shamans work for energy seed longnose, grug suspicious. <|endoftext|> Ungaunga parter Grug best friend. Grug friend die in stampede with Ungaunga. Grug take good care of Ungaunga kid. Grug has own kid with nice Neanderthal woman. <|endoftext|> Checked double symbols. Did grugself make Ungaungae kids or Grug raise othergrug kids? <|endoftext|> >no longer evolving 10.000 winters later, neogrug still not understand evolution. Grug ancestor very sad. <|endoftext|> Grug make this. Look like Grug friend who die in Year of Mammoth Stampede. If squint, almost look real. Almost like Ungaunga still here. I take goodgood care of Ungaunga kids. <|endoftext|> Nah, Grug made that to scare kids into obedience. And he drew pictures of thin women in miniskirts in his spare time. <|endoftext|> before tribe settle to become berrypicker grug always tall, even have eyeshards out of bones to make look cool, after generations of reduced mammoth meat grug teeth hurt and lose cool eyes... grug think best times were when mostly mammoth meat was food, agree with the unabunger on berrypicking tribes... <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE THICC <|endoftext|> Who grugette. Energy seed bad for Grug. Grug drink water. <|endoftext|> >grug wish to know if energy seed is good for him >scratch to cave wall with slabrelated >grug question is never answered, only scratch returns ask about slab >grug no understand why many returns but never answer <|endoftext|> Left grug penis better <|endoftext|> Which Grug mog other Grug? <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug see bigger stick >bigger looks good >little stick gone >big stick for bigger food >gruglinas love big sticks >grug found irl cheat code <|endoftext|> Instead, Grug get stone dilator. Not worth it. <|endoftext|> Interdasting, Longnose tribe also tell Grug he can BECOME Gruggina. Grug have trouble believing. If Grug do become Gruggina, Grug no longer need trade food for booby touch. <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe tell little Gruggina she can be hunter. She go on hunt. Hunt fail. Mammoth escape. No meat for Grug. Grug tribe starve. <|endoftext|> Grug see two circle, wall painting true. Swim grugs make it. <|endoftext|> Grug know small-man hand make paint this wall <|endoftext|> Grug make bad think. No do! Tribe leader say longnose good, grog think head more of tribe leader? Trust the elders. <|endoftext|> Nice grugina. What tribe? How much lift for make little Grug with grugina? <|endoftext|> >be grug >throw hurt stick at hairy penisface >penisface descimate grugina as revenge circle of revenge stoopid <|endoftext|> Useless goodboys goodboys why it write goodboys when I write goodboys Grug really say useless b3rryboys <|endoftext|> Grug like voice of Urki in Faraway Shout <|endoftext|> Every Tribe Grug Succeed <|endoftext|> grug talk like berry picker <|endoftext|> Then boomgrug tell grug > tie up loin cloth and hold other grug hand until other grug tell you to hunt mammoth for him That why Grug like grugette with facepaint who sing "good, BOOMGRUG" <|endoftext|> Grug! Grug! we make mammoth meat from green bean <|endoftext|> How do you lads imagine the voices of these "Be Grug" lines in your your head? I keep randomly switching between the retarded stereotypical bruce banner hulk voice and Far Cry Primal's rendition of a protolanguage. The far cry one sounds better in my head desu. <|endoftext|> Me like zombie ladie But grug also likes sperg Drug screams cause he does not know who do pick <|endoftext|> Grug believe extendedgrugs in far off land have lost selves. No longer take pride in grugging. Eurogrugs empty. <|endoftext|> Grug forget where grugself ancestor come from. Many grug cases! <|endoftext|> >stick worth 3 shiny rock >big rock worth 2 shell 9 shiny rock >shell worth 10 shiny rock Grug no understand rock market ever since longnose tribe snake way into it. Greg also notice shiny rocks less shiny. How? Explain to Grug. <|endoftext|> grug pick up rock many time, but grugina still not want make baby with grug. grug want to jump off big rock <|endoftext|> Grug-ups. <|endoftext|> Grug find tree with smooth branches (or attach branch to cave entrance). Lift Grug self up with arms many times until Grug stand on arm instead of feet. <|endoftext|> >be critizised euro grug >use dot anyway when writing on cave window or pergament <|endoftext|> Grug no respect dumbdumbs who use periods as decimal separators instead of superior comma. Grug think euros inferior <|endoftext|> Grug still hunt. Grug hunt hunter. <|endoftext|> >grug travel back to 10.000.000 sund rounds before holy desert grug >no other grug arround. just many beasts but not mammoth also no big tiger <|endoftext|> Grug still lie down with Grugette. When Grugette go pick berry, Grug sneak into other Grug cave. Grug only drink from finest well. <|endoftext|> I want to return to techno-grug; small villages and tribes while still somehow retaining some degree of medical and scientific capability. Academic-Monasteries cooperating with grugmode nomadic technobarbarians, please. <|endoftext|> Listen to this anon. Also, major diseases are due to close proximity of humans and farm animals. Agriculture and global civilization fucked us, we should return to Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug must do grugself lift. Not as good as rocklift but enough. <|endoftext|> Grug see Chud Chud have many Stonecy around him Chud can lift many rocks, has jaw of sabertooth, and tribe respects him. Grug want be like Chud. How many rocks Grug lift until Chud? <|endoftext|> Grug dumb. Grug wait for hunter, bonk hunter with stone. Now Grug no need hunt, but get meat! <|endoftext|> >boomgrug go to cave where young grug lift stone >boomgrug no lift stone >only tell story of old time >say he once hunt mammoth alone >claim he once best warrior in Tri-Cave area >no one listen to boomgrug >boomgrug think he shaman but he not >boomgrug grunt at grugette that keep cave fire going then leave >all grug hate boomgrug <|endoftext|> grug takes the screen shot and post it on reddit already grug go post frogs somewhere else grug no belong <|endoftext|> >grug spend next three days shitting himself and vomiting because a decomposing deer carcass was laying in the water 30 feet upstream grug go back to plebbit <|endoftext|> >be grug >be need water >see river >drink river water >dont need river water anymore grug thankful for river <|endoftext|> >grug strong >grug best hunter in grug tribe >grug hunts mammoth alone because other grugs weak and grug tribe starving >grug kills mammoth but is injured >grug injury never heals >grug cant hunt anymore >grug left alone by lake by grug tribe to die <|endoftext|> tribe with no grugette is no tribe, its just a grug warparty if warparty strong it should take women from weaker tribe for shagging, not beat meat alone zoomgrugs based, old grug homo that let dug get mauled, maybe should put himself to forever sleep and let zoom chad run warparty <|endoftext|> i hope grug enjoys small manstones and losing all his meat when he runs out of mammoth balls that is price of juice <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug meets stonezz while hunting for dodo >stonezz sell grug mammoth balls >grug squeeze and put juice in mouth. >grug cut arm and put last juice there. >grug very angry and energy >grug buff and kill much aminals <|endoftext|> lifting many stone at once make grug happy but grug has to take care and not lift even more winter ago i see grug lift to many stone and end up in snapvillage shaman says hes ngmi, no more lifting stone, he berry picking now <|endoftext|> Grug see coocoo shaman try and raise dead, but all he did was lift rock and pass out <|endoftext|> >Grug go to boulder pit every sun >Always drink cup of brewed darkbean juice before to make arms strong >See group of berry pickers in boulder pit today, drinking bright juice >it's pre-hunt Why all these berrypickers drinking prehunt? Everyone knows it made up by long-nose tribe for making a grugillian trading-sticks. Darkbean juice all you need <|endoftext|> Grug drink longnose berrywater? <|endoftext|> Grug no play god! <|endoftext|> Grug swim on log today. Will make grug stronger? <|endoftext|> Grug like other Grug. Grug know this wrong but Grug no like Grugette. <|endoftext|> Life good Hunt deer Bang wife Grug hope that tribe of weak men who plant food rather than hunt won't affect Grugs paradise <|endoftext|> Is bean water good for Grug? <|endoftext|> how grug chuckmax? <|endoftext|> How many stone does Grug need to lift before head voice go away? <|endoftext|> 2k21 grug <|endoftext|> >Grug try to lift ebby rock >Gruglette try to lift ebby rock too >Gruglette show big poopa to lift ebby rock >Grug look, but no look Love from Scythia Grug hate Gruglette so much, It not real <|endoftext|> Only thing matter is how hard you swing club, no front hole big chested man care about how Grug look. If she does, use club on her. <|endoftext|> >BC B who? Grug confus <|endoftext|> grug want to go lift heavy stone, but tribe elders say grug need to get potion from shaman to go to stone lifting cave. grug no appreciate this. tribe elders been listening to longnose tribe too much. potion not safe. what grug do? <|endoftext|> Grug can get rocks from outside. Not many grugs know that but rocks are free. <|endoftext|> you try tell funny story, grug, but it not funny no more. longnose rock cave closing means grug gets fat, fat grug mean dog-eating tribe sicksick actually make grug sick, and grug die <|endoftext|> Grug do push rock, pull rock, leg smash rock this time. No listen to starting-stone shaman (look at him: he is big as mammoth and no visible gruggas with him ever) <|endoftext|> >10,000,000 BC >still look at longnose cave painting of gruggas Grug not going to make <|endoftext|> >grug bad hunter >grug go to shaman for help >shaman tell grug to do Starting Stone >shaman tell grug to lift stone from ground many time >shaman tell grug to drink whole gourd of mammoth milk >grug do what shaman say for many moons >grug now lift biggest stone >grug now too big to chase meat >grug still bad hunter <|endoftext|> Talk shit again and grug smash your head with rock <|endoftext|> what exercise grug need to beat him <|endoftext|> >druid say eat mammoth meat make ice age end >Big Chief say runes not settled, is just a theory >but Grug see mammoth hunter give Big Chief free meat >Grug have climate anxiety <|endoftext|> Me take stick and rock and make stickrock new way to make arm big for smacking female grug on head to make small grug <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Try lift heavy stone, grug need stop look at cave paintings first <|endoftext|> Grug smash seed put in bowl Grug put cow juice in bowl Grug eat <|endoftext|> Grug look at naked cave paintings for many years. Grug peepee no get hard for chubby cave gf. Lift heavy stone help? <|endoftext|> Grug lift big rock today first time, grug happy <|endoftext|> >Grug don't understand there being more than two options for an issue!!!! >SHUT UP!! Okay, retard. <|endoftext|> What I meant by dynamic was just the resistive force. 2pl8 is always 2pl8 no matter where you are in the lift but Bowflex's main selling point was the varying degrees of resistance through the motion like elastic band training. The repetitive motion thing was saying that their selling point was a meme. To your point even with a bar and what i would call static load, you train the neuromuscular system regardless and honestly I would think more efficiently since grug lifted rocks not and those rocks weren't attached to a spring. But I'm a retard. That's why I'm here asking if time under tension is a meme. <|endoftext|> >Can you actually string words together to form a reasonably intelligent sentence? What do if born with grug brain in 21st century? <|endoftext|> >block grug path <|endoftext|> Grug supplement potassium? <|endoftext|> >Orange rise >Grug see rock >Grug lift rock >Lift rock more >Grug see hairy 4 leg >Grug get bat >Grug kill >Grug see Ugga >Grug show >Ugga Fugga >Grug go little die >Grug hope see orange again <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> >grug lift big rock >grug bend knee like sit on branch >grug pull self up on cave ledge >grug scrunch self make ouch middle body >grug repeat these until grug tired >grug do this every day until grug strong >grug strongest warrior because grug not give up <|endoftext|> thanks anon. honestly what helped me is not trying to kill myself and instead focusing on 'steady state' workout -- 30-60 minutes of medium effort. i usually put on tv and watch it as I go. steady state exercising is nice in that its comf, burns a high ratio of fat, and is extremely beneficial to aerobic performance. there's a whole story about the coach who discovered the benefits of steady state training and BTFO the olympics that year. tracking my performance helps me stay motivated because grug like number go up. <|endoftext|> What carbs you fucking mongoloid? The wild wholefoods water hole were grug went to buy a rice and potatoes 20000 years ago in the fucking serengeti? Most carbs come from agriculture, agriculture didn't exist until 12000. And humans as we know them today have existed atleast for 300000 years fucking retard >Muh berry/tuber gatherer You think there are enough of those shits in the wild to sustain a nomadic tribe then you are delusional. People ate animals nose to tail. That is the real human diet <|endoftext|> fasting is a meme and a fad >but it's timeless and ancient!!! Uh huh... so you think if you offered a caveman a steak he would say "no, grug not eat until big ball on top of sky" <|endoftext|> Only Swedish supplements since it's the only one with Iron in the morning pill instead of together all at a once or in the mineral pill. The multis makes are literally like grug when they make them "minerol is minerol, minerol with minerol", total disregard to whether X prevents uptake of Y. <|endoftext|> 10 pullups? why would you be sad about that, assisted or not? >how do you guys keep yourselves motivated? grug make number go up over time <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone Make sad head voice quiet Grug happy <|endoftext|> Based grug moder <|endoftext|> Do talk like Grug. Grug hungry. Grug lift heavy stone. Grug go nap. Mom become proud. Grug happy. <|endoftext|> >ug urr, grug win fight, more woman and coom for grug You just outed your skin color, ethnic and social background, education level, and prefrontal cortex development for everyone to see. Tell me how we know you live in an urbanite sprawling hellhole with the rest of yo kein fo da juice, bix nood. <|endoftext|> This grug is berry picker <|endoftext|> grug should not eat pterodactyl grug should eat t-rex and bronto meat grug should only eat one serving of bush berry <|endoftext|> Grug need not worry about other grug, that will stop grug from get big <|endoftext|> grug try this now grug very fat and grug pp no hard <|endoftext|> Grug eat big grug get big <|endoftext|> it very bad for grug thank you for consideration however grug still small and other grug very big all big animal grug take juice? <|endoftext|> so this grug many such cases of non grug <|endoftext|> do not listen to this grug he is fake grug <|endoftext|> grug eat too much berry <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone but grug no get bigger Grug see animal-looking grug lift smaller stone but animal grug very big What Grug do wrong? <|endoftext|> Ancestor give me your Grug Strength so I can return to monke <|endoftext|> It takes literally 5 seconds to peel if you put a few drops of vinegar in the cooker and submerge them in cold afterwards Ive never cleaned mine lol cope harder with ur pot grug <|endoftext|> My underbite and unusually heavy brow makes me look like a Chinese grug Might be from my northern Chinese mongol blood <|endoftext|> based handsome grug with solid facial structure, warrior brow and chin, cool haircut virgin round soi face, kind eyes, faggy haircut <|endoftext|> fitness, as in your evolution being compatible with an environment yes, inherently from an anatomical position, although obviously survival chances of offspring go down without grug to protect cave, although I guess grug could just keep all of his women in one cave and hope they don't kill each other since they're basically siamese fighting fish <|endoftext|> Omfg Grug Pitt had me laughing irl for at least 5 minutes straight <|endoftext|> >Grug Pitt <|endoftext|> >Grug Pitt ayy lmao <|endoftext|> There's not much difference but Grug Pitt has bigger triceps and therefore an overall better life. <|endoftext|> Kek. Continue with that caveman mindset while you make online shitposts via electronic devices, Grug. <|endoftext|> yeah i definitely ghosted my childhood best friend (implying) and it is a shitty thing to do and i am shitty. but we have nothing in common other than vidya and the fact that we grew up down the street from each other. i simply do not want to do vidya anymore so thats that. he is also pretty grug and not interested in politics but non the less is soaked by jewish conditioning. because he is grug it is like pulling teeth trying to get him to be interested in basic shit. people are shitty anon and im one of them <|endoftext|> big jar mean big value grug buy big one <|endoftext|> no. grug have hair <|endoftext|> You don't sound like someone capable of changing what tine they eat. OP probably did some stupid shit like drinking soda during the 16 hours of 'fasting. >old way is good way Caloric deficit doesn't reset your metabolism, Grug. OP would just always feel hungry, then bounce back. <|endoftext|> I literally walked passed a meat head on gear today and he unironically said "grug grug" as I passed him whole going into the bathroom. The absolute state. <|endoftext|> he was saying that people other than you specifically have come to this false conclusion, grug <|endoftext|> >muh teeth Grug use spear. <|endoftext|> why do you faggots act like we haven't invented electricity and internal combustion engines and semiconductors Grug is a relic of the past. there is no more need for Grug. <|endoftext|> >grug look like shit :( <|endoftext|> >1-5 reps per set >Grug stronk >Grug lift heavy thing few time >Grug lift heavier thing next time >grug happy :) <|endoftext|> >He's not wrong you know Yes he is. Every environment dominated by women is one in which men are punished for being masculine. >Hey, Grug. Did you know it would actually be better for you if Grug Tribe was not in power? Heh, like... what are you insecure? Come on just give up. No. <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone, make sad head voice quiet. <|endoftext|> let grug beat you up and fuck you, anon, afterwards you may cook his dinner <|endoftext|> >grug brainlet No impact on getting laid. <|endoftext|> I love fish, even canned fish, but it's all fun and games until you turn into grug the brainlet from all the mercury. <|endoftext|> >real 70 iq hours huh grug? Seems like it with your dumbass strawman arguments <|endoftext|> >meat is bad for you! >me know because me bleieves click bait titles! >me kno actually read dem doe >me not see they count obese people with other problems into the meat category real 70 iq hours huh grug? <|endoftext|> >animal fats are goodfor the brain. Wrong. Animal fats are good for the taste buds. Therefore, (you) grug think meat good <|endoftext|> >following a diet created by a steroid user I weep for humanity. It is so fucking easy to con people it's unbelievable. >take steroids >get swole >peddle meme diet to gullible teenage boys >"oh hey guys, I'm not in it for the money, I really hate to be salesy, but buy my new book, the XYZ diet, the next level in health and nutrition!" >teenage boys: "If grug eat XYZ, I look like him" >MOOOOM need credit card NOW! I swear it's mostly americans that fall for this shit too. There's something wrong with that continent <|endoftext|> >grug no like non-stick >grug like stick >grug hit stuff with stick >grug cook bird egg on flat rock on top fire <|endoftext|> yes noticibly so, i'm 6'3" and my biceps are the size of some men's quads, and my face is raw unfiltered neaderthal slavic grug caveman. hooded eyes, neutral mouth position is a sort of disgusted frown, buzzed head. and i move around fucking fast, really puts people on edge because i'm the exact archetype of the dude who fucks you in the ass prison, minus the tattoos or maybe a gay diamond stud earing. either way i'm not something most people are happy about walking at them at night. people will pull a hard right on a street corner that they clearly intended to cross at first and walk a full block around me. coworkers call me Lurch <|endoftext|> I’ve been standing and trying to walk way more at my job, basically on my feet for 10 hours a day. I’ve lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. I’ve lost 30lbs. I’ve been lifting and eating exactly the same (maintenance). Was it really that easy? Also, haha OONGA BOONGA GRUG PUT CLUB IN SMOL GRUGGETTE POOPA haha <|endoftext|> How can grug make money in technoage with small brain? <|endoftext|> >muh casual sex >muh porn-induced standards for performance find a meaningful relationship and stop seeing sex as >Grug thrust long time and Grugette feel good so Grug feel good about Grugself <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> I am grug you retard. <|endoftext|> What an insane inversion of reality. Grug has no concept of calories. Grug would understand that some foods are fattening (bread, fruit) and some foods are slimming (meat, eggs). <|endoftext|> Grug eat less, grug lose weight. Grug couldn't give fuck about anything else. <|endoftext|> Thanks grug, I lift, we all make it <|endoftext|> The fact that you are alive today on this planet proves that your genetics were able to withstand millions of years of evolutionary pressure. Your ancestors were able to procreate for generations which means that you are worthy of achieving the same. Now, go lift heavy weights up and down and acquire a girlfriend. Big grug believes in you. <|endoftext|> grug no like words grug use fists <|endoftext|> anon, the life we live boiled down is all a game of status and which grug has the biggest rock, especially when it is about social interactions. When you live in this kind of bubble and can afford it, of course you want the shiniest of them diamonds, in this case a 60k handbag just to flex on others and show that you're above them <|endoftext|> >new variants? >cases mounting? >deaths rising? >hospitals at capacity? >ME NO CARE ME WANT GYM ME WANT LIFT GIBME GIBME GIBME NOW NOW NOW GRUG WANT LIFT IN GYM NOW NOW GIBME GIBME <|endoftext|> >Most men look like shit because in all of humanity did women select their mate based on personality, status and resources and then 90% of those genetic dead ends died without reproducing whilst women who chose dark triad, highly competitive, galaxy brained, physically strong men created offspring that is the reason you arent a chimp. >so next time you see a man (that you cant get) thank the slutty cave grug who gave crazy top to our ancestor <|endoftext|> LIFTING HEAVY ROCK MAKE GRUG -HAPPY -MORE PRETTY IF ME DO IT YOU DO IT ALSO <|endoftext|> I'm not even the anon with dubs you responded to, but without fail, every time anyone ever mentions cicos or calories, you or some other keto shill shows up and spams your diet "advice". We get it, carbs bad, fat good, grug eat meat, ook ook. Every time I check this thread, there's at least one new post every other hour or so about "you're a fucking retard if you don't do exclusively 0 carb"; it's tiresome, unhelpful, and autistic. I don't even know why I'm responding to you, the only explanation for your behavior is either trolling or aspergers. <|endoftext|> Grug want boomboom charcoal Grugina <|endoftext|> I said they do suffer long-term health issues. Read my full post please. I do agree a chunk of them seem to be self-hating given a lot of us eat meat, they ate meat, or ancestors ate meat and they feel bad for the animals. I agree that this is kind of ridiculous as animals do it too, and sabertooths probably did not hesitate to sink their fangs into Grug's throat for a late night snack. Carnivores, however, are completely egotistical maniacs and filled to brim with all kinds of wacky characters. It's mind boggling. See S3vrige's channel and just look at how much of a nutter that guy is. A lot of them seem to be very superstitious as well, and it's just crazy how I live next to these people on this miserable rock called Earth. Animals will eat whatever the hell comes their way. Look at crows in NYC: They're actually getting fat from all the saturated unhealthy foods they're eating off the ground. See my first reply on this post. <|endoftext|> Are we bringing back grug posting?? I miss grug posting. <|endoftext|> I lost. Thank Grug <|endoftext|> My dad was an academic and I’m a grug. I wouldn’t want to hurt him or outdo him physically I just want him to be happy and live a long peaceful life. <|endoftext|> That’s not how that works grug <|endoftext|> grug update. grug have his nephew over, nephew washed rock pan but not wash off dish soap completely. food go right through grug. grug say goodbye to gainz. <|endoftext|> This is a LARP from fallout? Grug is a dumb character with INT < 4? <|endoftext|> For me it's big g (for grug) <|endoftext|> grug already lift heavy stone early sun grug go out and hunt grug eat now hmmmm yummm <|endoftext|> grug go on hunt. grug come home with good haul. grug lift heavy things after. <|endoftext|> Why? If someone has 140 iq, he shouldn't be comparing himself to other people that aren't trying to be smart? >GRUG BE LIFTING WEIGHTS >GRUG DON'T LIKE NUMBERS <|endoftext|> Grug punch rocks. Grug no ouch <|endoftext|> >not the default >even though it has been since grug bonk crotch hole grug for fuckmake >even though it still is everywhere on the fuckin planet I hope that human liability is liquidated by a house fire. <|endoftext|> sorry anons, forgot to include any info whatsoever 82 kg (~180 lbs) / 177cm (~ 5'10") goal weight: ~65 kg (~140 lbs) 19 yo, male >Why? fat make sad. grug no want sad. grug get more motivation and less sad with fast initial gratification, even if it's delayed later (i.e. i'm content with losing weight slower when I don't look like a fatass) >Do you care about your health? not that much, but how bad could it possibly get lmfao im not an obese fuck, just a tiny bit overweight, so i guess exercise wouldn't fuck me up >Should it be sustainable? somewhat. I would aiming to not regain any more than 20% of what I've lost >Are you okay with aesthetical downsides (loose skin etc.)? not really great advice, thanks anon, will read up on what's the expected time this will take? does it interfere with exercise somehow? i also guess that skipping fats will fuck up my macros, so it's not sustainable long-term amazing joke gonna laugh bud :^) <|endoftext|> you'll be alright, Grug. <|endoftext|> hey, pls leave Grug out of this, he does the best he can with the tools he has at his disposal. <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone. Grug happy. Monkey brain happy. <|endoftext|> yes…we no longer live in the ooogabooga caves and grug doesn’t have to smash shit to survive <|endoftext|> >grug come kill you <|endoftext|> >Muh cute He was a literal retard who had a terrible childhood which turned him into grug go smash. Quit using this stupid shit as an excuse for everything. Some people are just violent psychos. <|endoftext|> >grug must cardio mammoth meat back to tribe >only in small pieces though >no want to die from heavy thing <|endoftext|> Is your name Grug? <|endoftext|> >Is it really cooperation when you are violently forced to do it? Yes. "Do what Grug and Grug's strong friends tell you what do, play nice with tribe." <|endoftext|> grug no smart and grug no want be smart grug crush puny vegan head with rock <|endoftext|> If you're farting too much you're eating too much fibre and vegetables, try cutting back >damn look at these leaves I'm gonna eat them >hold on grug I'm going to dig up this plants root system and eat it >mmm Maybe just some seeds for me today, trying to be healthy These are statements uttered by exactly zero of your ancestors <|endoftext|> Lmao at this grug brained take <|endoftext|> What kind of berries Grug? <|endoftext|> grug eat the berry <|endoftext|> That's how grug get stabbed or eaten. <|endoftext|> yes grug <|endoftext|> Wait what? Explain for grug please <|endoftext|> Lifting isn't that impressive because you're just doing the same 4 things over and over and over and over... okay after 10 years you can lift a lot. Good job. To get really good in calisthenics you have to learn new movements constantly. I mean just to train your body to build up to the cool shit you'll probably go through dozens of different movements and you have to nail the form for each one to get strong. That alone shows calisthenics requires a higher intellect, better mobility and overall a better mastery of one's body than grug-lifting. <|endoftext|> Grug like big booba AWOOOOGA! WOOOWOOOOWOOOOOO YAAAHOOOOOOOO! <|endoftext|> Then call me Grug <|endoftext|> Imagine the alpha Grug energy you must possess to mount her <|endoftext|> Baste and Grug-pilled. How much do I have to pay to get you to send me some lamb stew and fermented shark meat? <|endoftext|> >grug go out and hunt, need to watch listen for angry mammoth and hungry toothcat >grugette safe in cave with baby grug, only watch listen baby grugs <|endoftext|> base, grug love sweet round leafs <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> I listen to my favorite music and scream along inside my head Lifting is the only outlet I have for a few emotions that weigh heavy upon my heart The only way they get out is if I channel them into the iron and through the pain of the struggle the glory Grug lift heavy rock. Lifting heavy rock make sad head voice quiet. <|endoftext|> Yall mothafuckas know anything bout nutrition???? Douchettes diets are fucking terrible and made for retarded kids who cant follow any kind of diet even if their life depended on it. Dude is a grade A atomic retard who deserves to be executed for all the scams hes run, contests hes cheated in, people hes hurt. I dont know why this grug tier retard gets shilled on /fit/ constantly as some kind of god tier guru. <|endoftext|> Okay. I unga bunga ooga booga, dooba uga kumadoo bunga doo booga ooga dooga boo ooga cave I booga unga boo booga doo kooloo hai 10 winters. ooga booga puka: >feet unga bunga ooga booga hi-hi donga doo other grug boog dooba din >soo soo booga dooba dunga bunga kree dip dooba dee do kooga dee bunga unga dee doo <|endoftext|> tell grug what word box mean <|endoftext|> >start lifting >get strong af >develop anger issues at some point >now scared i will literally murder someone or smash everything in my house like a grug how do i refund strength gains pls bros <|endoftext|> I am literally grug tier for lunch and breakfast <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock <|endoftext|> Fuck yeah I'm a hypocrite. Lmao you fucking cuck. You fucking dumbass, you fell for the Enlightenment-era reason meme. bad thing happen to grug's tribe = BAD bad thing happen to other tribe = GOOD, GRUG CELEBRATE Simple as. <|endoftext|> death penalty is backwards and retarded no one is helped by the death penalty, society doesn’t become better it’s just more mindless murder i cant think of an actual reason for the death penalty beyond some caveman GRUG SMASH it serves no point, it doesn’t deter crime and costs more then keeping them alive <|endoftext|> If my grug ancestors didn't eat them then I won't eat them either Simple as <|endoftext|> You can get a literal ton of rocks for like $10. Just go full grug if money is the issue. <|endoftext|> Grug no like rock <|endoftext|> >744152 >File: CDCEFD2E-7BA6-4DBB-B592-9(...).jpg (32 KB, 485x443) > >Moderation is the key to it all brother Grug lift heavy stone, smoke funny grass <|endoftext|> Assert Grug dominance and passion by foregoing articulate and floral expressions Grug like booba WE UNGA BUNGA MINE NOW <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug is thirsty >grug drinks from river >thirsty not anymore Thank you river <|endoftext|> lift rock make grug feel good simple as <|endoftext|> A lot of late 30s roasties cheating on their husbands with the grug meathead trainer <|endoftext|> what the fuck kind of lifes were people with SPD living in the past? like going on lone hunting trips for days, to return with the priced animal for the tribe and have to female Grug notice you? also I suspect that the disorder is at least partly enhanced by modern society with ever acceleration (information overload, constant adaptation to new normals), hypersocialization (you depend on people for most things, especially career-wise) and at the same time technology providing for excuses to isolate yourself from everyone <|endoftext|> Grug want lift big rock <|endoftext|> > Grug find out gym not open until hot time of season > Grug not go to gym anyway > Grug go to forest and lift heavy stone and branch > Grug bring other Grugs to lift heavy stone and branch > laugh at weak berry pickers while they hide in cave > feel good about self <|endoftext|> >be me >load up 250kg >sit down >stand up >grug feel good inside Mirin <|endoftext|> Literal Grug tier <|endoftext|> grug never lived long enough to get cancer brainlet <|endoftext|> I have never laughed so hard on 4chan, thank you grug head anons <|endoftext|> Sup Grug <|endoftext|> lanklets fear the grug squad <|endoftext|> Grug make wood bench <|endoftext|> Very based, grug-anon <|endoftext|> Grug go cut off head now <|endoftext|> Grug only lift 4 stone <|endoftext|> Grug make rock lifting bench <|endoftext|> Fuck Membership Tribe Grug build bench with Rock and Wood Metal stick magic object Freedom from membership tribe <|endoftext|> OK Grug. Enjoy being able to live in the woods. People have been saying the collapse is just around the corner for decades but it's really gonna happen soon this time right? <|endoftext|> I had small tits and small ass in mind desu so same rule applies. Their feminity just shines through more cause they have to put effort in too, whereas girls with fertility goddess genetics just get by on minimal effort because they know our caveman brains immediately go "grug like big booba and big poopa ooga booga" Could also be because girls with big tits and ass usually have a little chub and I've learned to desire women with definition more <|endoftext|> Mirin the grug weights at least <|endoftext|> pray and meditate to have actual control over your mind, nothing beats that i too was after theory until i realized it's of absolutely no use because when shit hit the fan i'd still just whine and be afraid with a thousand thoughts roaming through my head so i think it's unironically better to be empty-headed grug and have clear mind than shove a lot of things in your head you'll probably mix up anyway and suffocate yourself with no to mention not having all that mental chatter going on probably allows your intuition to have a say in things so like if you get a cut and you're too smart you'll be worried about a thousand things, maybe rabies, maybe tetanus, whereas grug just knows you're probably safe so shut up about it and go about your day <|endoftext|> >lift heavy stone >make feel good >grug want to lift heavier stone >make feel better I really enjoy the pushing myself to see how strong I can get <|endoftext|> I fucking hate these threads precisely because of the "discussion" that takes often place in them, whether something is motivational or not. WORDY PICTURE WITH QUOTE MAKE GRUG FEEL MOTIVATED AND LIFT ROCK AND BE STRONK If the above sentence is true for you, then the thread has served its purpose. If it has lit a fire of emotion and an emotional desire to improve within you, then it has served its purpose well. Anything else is unnecessary. Stop nitpicking. Stop overthinking. INTJiggers get the fuck out, nobody wants your oh-so-intellectual useless bullshit here. <|endoftext|> Grug think meat good, plant together with meat is alright. Eat only plant say that you are cherrypicker and cannot hunt like rest of tribe. Tribe only needs strong people, grasseaters are not welcome in tribe <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone grug powerful Thats why, its just so primitive and testosterone pumping to lift a heavy thing off the ground <|endoftext|> >grug want lift funny stone <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug like walk >grug even walk to where sky-fire no reach so good >no sky fire make grug tired and sad >walk away from sad head voice >all gruglings die except ones that came out shiny >shiny gruglings keep making more shiny gruglings >after 50,000 winters of this, shiny tribes start walking back to places with big sky fire, get burned, die from bad spirits >grug ultimate troll <|endoftext|> yes but this thread is about larping as grug <|endoftext|> >be grug body >grug go hungry? uh oh >grug hungry for too long, will eat muscle >grug no longer strength for fooding >grug die from starvation Or does this make more sense: >be grug body >grug go no food two days >i burn fat, more energy for grug to hunt >grug survive, grug have children Fat reserves exist for a reason anon. It would ve incredibly wasteful to eat MUSCLE before FAT which has the literal purpose of storing energy. Only way he can beat your weight loss is if he doublea his TDEE while consuming the same food, which is impossible. If it's just salt with nosalt and mg sources, literally years. If you add other stuff it may be much less. <|endoftext|> >applying grug era's mindset to modern society <|endoftext|> grug no eat box food. longnose tribe no inspect grug food and draw on box <|endoftext|> Very good, grug understand, grug go get power now GRUG STRONG AAARGH <|endoftext|> sun power make D from grug blood D no inside animal, D come from grug <|endoftext|> >grug hungry, no eat in 5 days >grug smash animal >grug put entire meat on fire >grug eat big pile of meat >grug fucking dies because he can only absorb 20g of its protein while shitting out the rest <|endoftext|> Good. If you're like me, you'll have at least one failed relationship because you don't know how to communicate properly and honestly. It's ok if it happens, learn, adapt and overcome. It can't be stressed enough how important communication is in this matter and having someone you can be honest with feels good. For a lot of guys, porn twists their idea of what relationships with women are like. They'll think that women absolutely demand that you have a big dick and are a master in bed and that you can't afford any fuckups. This can cause you to be afraid of even committing, out of a fear of rejection and failure and that's one of the big things that keeps many lads "incels". Someone will tell you "Go to church", others will say "Use an online dating app" or "Go to bars/nightclubs". It doesn't necessarily have to be any one of these and you shouldn't rush ahead with the strict idea of "GRUG NEED GF NOW'. Get more confident, be more outgoing, get into hobby groups, attend courses on things etc. Do activities you like that involve other people and there's a fair chance you'll find girls to talk to. That's my advice. <|endoftext|> Grug think rock counters are waste of time. Why need to know negative? Grug never seen negative meat. <|endoftext|> went from loser tech support to the h9ttest grug in the heavy stone cave good job bro <|endoftext|> >Study's are more intuitive The fuck? You mean sifting through data to determine bias, applicability and a whole bunch of other shit is more intuitive than the literal grug-brain understandjng that if you put something in front of your mouth spit doesn't come out? Really, that's the one thing you'll tell me to "trust the science" about <|endoftext|> grug brain likes seeing attractive females its the cooming half that ruins you <|endoftext|> my ancestor grug fugged ur ancestor mom gragga <|endoftext|> >tfw longnose tribesman but still think Grug and snake shaman correct <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> >grug hunting with tribe >grog reckon 2 more sunrise till we find mammoth herd we tracking >rockstein from longnose tribe say no eat for 2 sunrise bad >rockstien say 'starvation mode' real >rockstien say longnose tribe pick berry instead of hunt mammoth >longnose tribe all weak and pale >always lying about 6 tribe members who die >6 a lot >grug think longnose tribe lie about starvation mode >grug listen to grog and snake shaman instead <|endoftext|> >Grug also looked like a twink Cope is just getting sad at this point <|endoftext|> She looks like she would bear strong children. Grug like <|endoftext|> Grug hasn’t been funny for about a decade now <|endoftext|> >grug talk to ma >ma say grug is fit >'grug need to eat more' >look in water hole >big stomach no arms >grug sad >grug do nothing <|endoftext|> wow chad grug <|endoftext|> >water hole grug look small to grug >but water hole show grug how big grug need get too >grug no need scorpion stinger <|endoftext|> Grug WILL eat bug Kek <|endoftext|> >me grug >grug talk to tribe >tribe say grug strong say grug big >grug drink from water hole >grug sees grug >grug see weak grug see small grug >how many moon untill grug see strong grug? >grug need special scorpion stinger for grug to be strong? <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock. Grug want lift bigger rock. <|endoftext|> What would a man from the year 1921 think if his gf wanted to wear something like that? What about 1821 or 1521? How about if you’re living in a village in the year 521 bc and your gf wants to go out with that on, in front of all the townspeople? What if you’re a grug from 10,000 bc and your gf wants to leave cave with those on? >it’s okay if gf pick berries for other grug. It not like she go back to his cave or anything >t. longnose tribe You make her wear longer animal pelt to cover up <|endoftext|> It probably wasn't, but they had no idea what it was at the time. They're using witch doctors and shamans if they're lucky, otherwise it's just "Oh, grug's got the blood coughs, guess we'll have to get one of his 4 sons to take his place for the hunting group in a few weeks." And that's that. <|endoftext|> Grug SMASH <|endoftext|> >grip it and rip it the more I think about moving my deadlift FAST, the lighter it feels >pull it slow terrible cue. pull the slack out, yes, then fuckin explode moved the bar forward more today. the more I just GRUG PICK UP the better it feels. Is it really not Rip's fault? >leave the hips as high as you can, they're gonna end up there anyway >extend the bottom of your lumbar spine in the 'basic display position ' that 'every female knows' >drag it up your legs all shit. more neutral spine, more knew bend, lower hips, and the bar out in front of me have all helped <|endoftext|> See my test so high I only can Grug post now. Beware the natty lifting life your cums will be too big and you’ll become gru. <|endoftext|> >Trusting instincts that were made for a completely different lifestyle and not the current modern age. Yeah my instincts tell me to slap a girl on the ass sometimes but I ignore it because i'd get into a ton of shit in the modern world. Maybe in grug times its all good but how our culture and society works changes just what instincts we work with. <|endoftext|> Grug chad <|endoftext|> Only brainlets are not A positive. All other blood types are grug tier. <|endoftext|> yes me too but tell me why bbm bad. grug need know <|endoftext|> No. Grug smash <|endoftext|> Looks like the british grug <|endoftext|> Grug see chug poke chugself with ulumulu grass. Chug get big after only one moon. Grug think no okay. Chug ask grug if grug really lift stone. Make grug sad. <|endoftext|> grug go purple cave grug get splinter on log lift grug say "ouch" dweller come yell "NO LUNK WELCOME, LUNK NOT WELCOME LUNK TOO LOUD SCARE OTHER GRUGS" grug get kicked out grug go to river pick up big rocks much better and no purples yell at grug <|endoftext|> Grug go to purple cave lift heavy rock Purple cave dwellers all fat Grug no understand Grug ignore Grug grunt when lift heavy rock Purple cave dwellers yell at Grug call Grug lunk Grug no like being called lunk Go to different heavy rock cave Grug no like purple cave <|endoftext|> grug lift rock for many moons grug get strong and lift many rock grug still no good at hunt grug still no good at tribe dance grugette still ignore grug at bonfire <|endoftext|> grug go to river grug take good sip drink see squinted grijian grijian cough much hard grug say from bat grijian say no from bat say grug racism grug no racism! grug never eat bat grug never sick suddenly grug tribe sick after grijian show up grug anger grijian say grug tolerate other live style grug say grug jr dead cough explain dog go missing, cat too no see them anywhere grijian mad grijian try hit grug grijian small weak, can count rock good but no fight grug hit grijian grug group no sick anymore grug see bat again new dog never go bye grug think made right decision <|endoftext|> Grug have problem Grug eat. Grug get strong. Grug go home. No wife. Grug go to lady walk. Grug get happy Grug become sad <|endoftext|> Grug see skinny tribe man eat grass and bugs Grug eat only meat and drink milk Skinny tribe man short no have muscle Grug tall have much muscle Skinny tribe man live in tiny cave have many stick idols Grug cave big much room for heavy rocks and cave paintings Skinny tribe man rub pee pee to stick idols and cry Grug no cry only bunga bunga Grugette Skinny tribe man watch Grug bunga bunga Grugette Grug no like skinny tribe man <|endoftext|> Grug feed wife many mammoth make wife big like mammoth <|endoftext|> Grug WILL eat the bugs Grug WILL drink the bug milk Grug WILL become bugman <|endoftext|> Grug no lift rock as big as Chug. Grug think Chug cheat. <|endoftext|> Bean water good for Grug? <|endoftext|> reckon they'd respect the brutality in which chad was handled with. I'd become like a grug dictator, where people are afraid to act out <|endoftext|> I've spent my teenage years/20s being a part of nationalist hooligan group. We drove around Europe, rioting and doing all kinds of stuff. I fondly remember action in Warsaw, 2014 Independence March. Cops were overwhelmed, and we basically did whatever we liked for a few hours. Beating antifas, setting ablaze their "autonomous center" (squatted out house), clashing with police, destroying police three police cars, all pretty much without any trouble from the law. It had some amazing moments like: >medieval battle tier of roughly 100 of our guys and similar amount of antifas, batons, knives, handheld flares included >everyone is psyched and shouting like a complete fucking barbarian while charging >hear collapsible batons opening all around me >they panic and ran away Or: >running away from a huge police squad, we get into some side street, we see parked police car with two cops locked inside looking all scared >start smashing front window with a rock like a proper grug, friend of mine takes it even further into full monke mode and climbs on the roof, jumping like a complete chimp, others are kicking into it >cops panic and just floor it >chimp bro falls down and doesn't get up >run to him, he is shaken but okay, we laugh it off Or: >besieging their antifa house >antifags are barricaded on the roof, throwing rocks and molotovs down on us >have regular hammer I brought with me >some roided up mutant xhuge Polish guy stomps towards me >points to my hammer and asks "mlot?" (hammer) >say yeah >he gestures that I give it to him >do as mr. 150 kilos in muscle asks >he takes it, stomps away >throws it like a fucking nordic god and hits one of roof antifas who immediately goes down Or: >some mad lads set aflame the famed rainbow arc city installed (pic related) >it was made from thousands of small fake flowers >now they are flying everywhere around like fireflies >everyone around cheers It was definitely the best day in my life. Pure primal stuff. <|endoftext|> If youre handsome being short (5'7 to 5'9) literally doesnt matter. Italy's biggest playboy was like 5'6 or thereabouts. It only matters in that it will be difficult for you to intimidate other men, which pleases our grug brains <|endoftext|> something like this we learned about it in biology class but i remember fuck all all i know is, grug eat protein, grug lift heavier rock <|endoftext|> >Shaman tell Grug how much strength spirit favors Grug >Grug never lift boulder before but wonder if maybe someday >Not want look like berry picker any more >Ask Shaman how to perform ritual >Tell Grug spit in strange see through rock and wait one moon for omen >hope not berry picker >come back to cave and find this cave painting Does strength god favor Grug or longnose trick? <|endoftext|> Grug appreciate, this is how Grug know adviceman not maple leaf <|endoftext|> Imagine being incel or just over all undesirable / slave grug in prehistoric times. <|endoftext|> > grug wife leave > grug make cave painting of grug mating with twinky gatherers on her cave wall > grug leave twink faces out though <|endoftext|> Grug want to bulk, but grug need to do cardio to catch mammoth. What grug do? <|endoftext|> >Grug lift heavy rock >Twinky gatherers blow the lunk conch again <|endoftext|> > Grug eat more gazelle > Grug eat what life giver gives > Grug drink less berry juice > Grug run to river instead > Grug lift many big rock by river > Grug need burn many calorie > Life giver right Grug need eat like tiger to become like tiger > Grug only big weight because Grug spend all day in cave <|endoftext|> >Grug grow up always shunned by other >Grug always sad alone >Grug start hunt and pick up heavy rock when hit 17 great rock rotations >Grug get big, Grug body also get longer than all others >Grug brow ridge come in >Grug now feel good. Grug no more shun or dunged on by others. Others now scared of Grug >Grug get Gruginas and hunting bros >ffw >Grug meet Grugina with bad brain >Grug think in love >Grug get hurt, in heart area >Grug stop hunting. Grug stop pick up heavy >Grug head bad. Grug head attacked by demon voice >tells Grug everything’s his fault, Grug not good enough, Grug always a berry picker, Grug will die alone in cave >Grug sad many moons >Grug wake up enraged >Grug start lifting heavy rock like it’s Gruginas skull >Grug start hunting >Demon voice go away >Grug miss day >Demon voice come back >Grug never miss day now >Grug happy again <|endoftext|> Grug be careful not know what happen if start maybe hill slip easy maybe end bad <|endoftext|> > grug feel no good > grug ask shaman why grug no feel good > shaman say grug no feel good because grug no right in head rock > grug read cave walls to learn head rock > grug now feel little good now <|endoftext|> >Grug too slow on field >Grug weight affecting grug in head >No grugina >Grug no eat in morning >Grug eat less gazelle >Family notice >Family fixing grug to eat more gazelle >Father: you make your life giver sad, you don't eat what is gathered >Life giver shoves more berries in Grug mouth >What do <|endoftext|> > be grug > two grugs in village teach grugs like me to lift boulder, jgrug and tgrug > jgrug gets mad at tgrug because tgrug takes meat, says he can get more by using it as bait, but then it just rots. > No more meat for tgrug and jgrug > jgrug and tgrug no more friends > tgrug sad. tgrug knows he made mistake but jgrug no fair. It was my meat anyway > tgrug doesn't know what to do anymore <|endoftext|> >be me >not best hunter, not big enough butt working on it >run pretty fast tho, so good scout >cave-stacy only want hunter-chug >out lifting rocks by the stream >can almost lift biggest rock >see some one miring me from the tree line >its not stacy, its fast cats who stole 3 babies last moon >run back to cave to warn tribe >we hide babies and send out hunting party >hunters kill fast cats >chief honor me >give me warriors cowl of slain cat beast >im a fucking hero now >show off my new hat to stacy >She says its cute >try to explain it for my bravery and actually makes run faster >hunters approach >brug thinks its cute >chug thinks im cute >lug thinks I should come over to his cave and practice lifting rocks after bonefire >grug thinks I should stop lifting rocks and just focus on running >i search for stacy but she has slipped away >chud agrees with grug and says I'm cuter than stacy >chug says I should come along on next 4week hunters only trip to support them with my scouting ant cool hat >they all agree >no stacy today, but I'm one of the hunters now We are all gonna make it <|endoftext|> >Grug no mate with small man >Grug get rock aids Exceptionally Based <|endoftext|> >be grug >small man in next cave have no body hair and large dumper >be friends while small man while young >grow old and begin hunting life >small man stay back home and pick berries >small man begin touch shoulders when grug come back from hunt >small man always bend over in front of grug when put log on fire >woman argue with grug when he mate with them >small man never argue, only nice to grug >grug drink rotten fruit water from gourd when sad >sometimes small man does fertility dance alone in cave with grug when drink rotten fruit water >grug get hard club when this happen >what do? <|endoftext|> >be grug >in cave lifting rock >leaving cave grugina smiles and waves >look down at rock, berries spilling everywhere >run away >later on by fireside >grug gaze into bright embers and dancing flame >have vision of "man" and "destiny" >grug envision the new man essentially becoming, changing, growing >grug realise the symbiosis of man and struggle, the glory and beauty in the manifestation of will onto the world around oneself and the tragedy and success involved >monobrow raising stuff >stand up, walk off into the cave and begin painting grand schematics for a hydrogen bomb with boar blood >detail the entire philosophy of Rene Guenon and Heidigger and synthesize them with Thomism >detail a system for the Ascension of man to become godlike >concieve of all poetry and wring the sweat of my being into great tomes >mighty drums pound in my ears and veins coarse with power >wake up >still by fire, camp empty >go back to picking berries >sleep on cave floor alone >again <|endoftext|> >grug brow ridge small >berry pickers like big brow ridge gruds >grug have no berry picker >grug can no club inside berry picker is over? how make brow ridge big? <|endoftext|> Grug face when last rep <|endoftext|> here's my bench, obv not all of it is home-made but the grug 50lb weights are <|endoftext|> I like your caveman bench press, Grug. Looks nice. <|endoftext|> >grug see grog like girl i like >grug not like >grug smash <|endoftext|> >never been studied long term >humans survived an ice age Yeah, I'm gonna need a quick rundown on where Grug and Urk got their corn chex cereal about 200,000 years ago. <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy rock, make sad headvoice go quiet <|endoftext|> Based grug me miss old days <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> You are using the same argument we are making on the other side. Strength and weight are very important. Not as important as technique and cardio. That is the only argument being made, but you cannot absorb that into your grug brain. <|endoftext|> >me see big grug stand on circle things and lifting many circle things >me do the same but me cant reach the bar and back hurts >me put the bar on bars so its easier to reach it >now me just as big grug I assume this is how it went. <|endoftext|> > >>ultra endurance >>SEALs >They're all roidmonkeys. >You might be thinking about actual operator like the army SF. The SEALs are well known to be little better than a navy publicity stunt, for all they're worth. Even marine recon mogs the shit out of those tards. >lol army green beret cucks >marsoc retards theres no special forces in america worth a damn, they're all grug tier retards who just abuse drugs constantly and have homosexual sex when they're not out killing people. <|endoftext|> That's not how other people see it. For them you are just a grug picking big rocks up and down <|endoftext|> me grug me hate ass on chest grugettes <|endoftext|> Nothing BAP does is original. It's pseudo ironic memeing that promotes a good message but it isn't anything that hasn't been repeated before and in far better ways. All bap does is regurgitate a mix of /fit/ and /pol/ memes and semi obscure 19th and 20th century political and spiritiual theories. And he gets praised by people for it. Might is Right is basically everything he writes and more in a far better, humorous and more succinct way. Yet nobody who loves BAP will read might is right because having a copy of it on your shelf doesn't have as much E clout that le bronze age mindset does. Trump is a zionist shill, and America has been a zionist freemason project for the last two hundred years. There's no "infiltrating" mainstream politics or the republican party. The closest america has had to anything close to an anti ZOG leader was JFK and look what that got him. Everything meaningful change trump did was for the jews and not the white race. And of course the jews who promote BAP and funetes and their ilk will on the other hand promote cringe siegtard accelrationism, because they want a dualistic two side mentality. BAP is also a zionist imperialist who promotes american globohomo imperialism worldwide. Evo Morales is ultimately a figure who threatens jewish power yet BAP seethes at him because he btfo'd american corporations and calls himself a "communist" The problem with BAP is that he just doesn't feel genuine. It's ironybro dude nationalism that ultimately does nothing. I have more respect for old school european anarchists who used to firebomb mcdonalds than I have for BAP and his sycophant worshippers. I have more respect for overweight grug brain civnat proud boys who beat the shit out of antifa than I do for ironybro faggots <|endoftext|> You get it, I want more people to exist like you, friend. Fine and well, if plants agree with you. They do not at all with some. I'm not saying Urk and Grug didn't eat plants, quite the opposite. When available, they would surely have eaten as much of a relatively tasty plant as possible, like berries or tubers. However, this was secondary food. Clearly we have always been a primarily meat-fueled hunter. No wiggle room on that. The majority of our calories is meat. Just because Grug gorged on seasonal fruit, ate roots when he could, etc doesn't mean he got even half his calories and nutrition that way, even if it provided a lot of cubic volume in his stomach. <|endoftext|> Based Grug, got me into lifting. <|endoftext|> Grug post best post <|endoftext|> Based Grug. <|endoftext|> >Who popularized the lie that eating a lot of meat and fat is species typical for humans? Was it Atkins or Taubes? No, it was Grug <|endoftext|> Hmm let's see >plant with spikes all over it >Urk works for hours to pick off spikes so you can eat it >mmm >wait now I'm hungry in 2 hours Or >hey Grug let's go hunt a mammoth today >grunt >kill mammoth >literally 3.6 million calories immediately available Hmm which would Grug and Urk have chosen? <|endoftext|> I miss grug threads <|endoftext|> >Powershitting: Grug lift heavy stone The thread does like strongman <|endoftext|> >muh ancestors I get the point, but just because grug rubbed one out every once in a while doesn't mean we should. It simply means grug (supposedly) rubbed one out every once in a while in the absence of actual slit. Stop using (supposed) prehistoric behavior as manual for contemporary behavior, bar in the absolute loosest sense. <|endoftext|> >We just have to change from a usury-based economy to a value-based economy, which means reissuing currency Australia is a resource based selling country with an economy less diversified than Saudi Arabia (the OG resource selling grug). How do you imagine this to happen? <|endoftext|> I played grug sword and charge blade but got filtered 150hrs in and dont play it anymore. <|endoftext|> I just loast 10lbs over the past 4 weeks by cutting calories, upping my protein macro percentage, adding some additional medium intensity cardio, and lifting as normal. I don't really care what "studies" say my apparent grug brained takes are effective and get me exactly what I want. <|endoftext|> Greg think shiny stone make no difference in life because shiny stone and rough stone weigh same Grug know that shiny stone make Grug happy, and Grug know being happy important. <|endoftext|> STONE I LIFT SHINY, IS BETTER FOR GRUG? <|endoftext|> Lose the weight doing strongman? Grug lift stone! <|endoftext|> >had to look up what knuckle dragged meant Grug guess weak boy words truth. <|endoftext|> > Lifting your bodyweight(<25% bf) in major compound untrained sedentary men can deadlift their bodyweight their first day in the gym you're definitely a dyel > Lifting overly heavy weights is unnecessary and usually only done either for the sake of lifting heavy weights(watch grug lift heavier and heavier rock) or for looks. Both of which are meaningless. Or maybe you do it to become in possession of strong sinew, bone and musculature which has vast benefits throughout life since the literal way you interact with the world is by exerting forces on external resistances--and those forces are the product of your body. Strength is also extremely negatively correlated with morbidity and mortality you fucking retard <|endoftext|> Lifting overly heavy weights is unnecessary and usually only done either for the sake of lifting heavy weights(watch grug lift heavier and heavier rock) or for looks. Both of which are meaningless. Lifting your bodyweight(<25% bf) in major compound exercises is enough to have strong and healthy >fit< body. <|endoftext|> The real issue is that at no time in our country’s history would it be okay if over 500,000 of our citizens died from something, and we did nothing to help. The entire country mobilized for the Second World War and it killed less than 500,000 people here. America started two wars over just under 3,000 people dying is some towers. But then when it comes to minor inconveniences like wearing a mask and not going out to the bar to get sloppy drunk with the boys for once, it was too hard for us to handle. Literal grug “me so see sneeze cough everywhere I go so it no problem” logic. <|endoftext|> Literal grug posting <|endoftext|> Human vs Grug genes <|endoftext|> grug stop make bad painting on cave wall. grug feel bad about cave wall painting. grug shitting up whole cave with bad painting <|endoftext|> bean water good for grug? <|endoftext|> Grug has finally been touched by the sweet salvation and warm hand of the Lord Almighty. Grug is immaculately blessed and free from the dark ignorance of the time before. <|endoftext|> >Grag drop dung outside grug cave every day >Grug still think it’s sabertooth >grag club Grug gruggette when he out hunting sabertooth <|endoftext|> U LIE if grug hunt mammoth if grug get food all women like grug women only like if u hunt large mammoth all women same <|endoftext|> Unrelated but why is he called Grug instead of Wojug like in cartoons with caveman versions of characters? <|endoftext|> GRUG NO WOMAN GRUG WOMAN GRUG CROTCH CLOTH RISE IM GONNA OOOOOOOGGG <|endoftext|> Knee-toe diet stupid. Grug hunt and fish. Grug exchange bad meat piece for berry and shaman herb. Berry make food stick taste better. Grug move bigger rock overhead. <|endoftext|> grug forget show cave painting <|endoftext|> IS FISH GOOD FOR GRUG? <|endoftext|> >grag say he gragette but dingdong have >grug say grag never woman >grag sad and go hang on liana <|endoftext|> Engrave boob on rock and show grug. Grug want to see milk sack <|endoftext|> >not much nigrugs in tribe >most in cage huts is nigrugs Makes grug think <|endoftext|> >>GRUG LIFT HEAVY ROCK >SAD HEAD VOICE LEAVE This but unironically <|endoftext|> >shaman tell grug stay in cave >coof kill grug if leave cave >grug hungry >grug see mastodon outside cave >grug feel fine >why grug no leave cave <|endoftext|> GRUG HUNT MAMMOTH GRUG HUNT FOOD GRUG STRONG!! BUT WHY SMALL SQUISHY BOOG GET WOMAN. I HATE FEMALES AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT LADY TO EAT MORE MEAT AND HONEY COMB TO GET BIG. GRUG FEEL LIKE HE BUILDER OF HOUSE OF STONE BUT WITH LADY <|endoftext|> why grug finger paint fat woman on wall? why he say "high test"? <|endoftext|> Grunk want big arm so Grunk can club bigger woman. Grug is hut builder. <|endoftext|> Grug is shaman, Grug is free. Grug destroys modernity. Urbanite is trapped and dies, Grugg runs free beneath the skies. <|endoftext|> SAD VOICE IN GROOG HEAD NOW. PRAISE SHAMAN FOR MOVING THE SAD TO ANOTHER HEAD. HOW DO GROOG LIFT ROCK LIKE GRUG TO GIVE SOMEONE ELSE SAD? <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock >hunting mammoth become easier >arm get bigger <|endoftext|> >GRUG LIFT HEAVY ROCK >SAD HEAD VOICE LEAVE <|endoftext|> No. Grug lift to make sad head voice go away. <|endoftext|> When you eat NEVER eat at a deficit holy shit. Have youse never heard of the wisconsin starvation experiment? Eating a deficit tanks your metabolism and shits up your body, fast and FEAST motherfuckers. You think your great great grandpappy grug ate 1200 calories from a moose he tracked down on an empty stomach over 6 days? Hell naw <|endoftext|> infinite bulky grug, infinite <|endoftext|> It’s science Just google each one grug Or is that too hard like knowing your gendar <|endoftext|> >tfw only 76th percentile grug <|endoftext|> 2% Grug Indian here Google says asians have the highest but when it’s about covid they say south Asians got the most Neanderthal DNA Before thought it was whites so which is it who has the most An what advantage is it to have cave man blood <|endoftext|> >is there legitimate criticism at keto? Grug like to eat berry. Keto says no berry. Grug no do keto. Simple as. <|endoftext|> Grug sees you ignore the sugar argument completely so Grug knows you're a disingenuous moron. Kinda like most Millennials. <|endoftext|> Grug doesn't die from cancer because cancer primarily survives on sugar. Grug doesn't eat much sugar because Grug lives in the forest. <|endoftext|> Grug doesn't have to worry about cancer because he'll most likely die long before reaching the age where cancers appear from one of the myraid of diseases and infections modern society has eradicated or invented cheap cures for. <|endoftext|> >Grug sleep on hard rock in bed of maggots >Grug no sleep in shelter >Grug no use plants for medicine >Grug no overeat processed carbs that give him cancer And people wonder why Millennial vegans are fucking soft retards. <|endoftext|> Grug, dis rub this plant on your wound, it make it better. FUCKING RETARD <|endoftext|> Druk seethe and put peepee between legs while pretend to be Grug wife and make big lying noise at sky for Grug to hear about Grug wife. Grug only laugh. Druk never be a wife. <|endoftext|> Grug wife came to Druk cave. Druk give big peepee. She say Grug peepee not work right. Maybe Grug want go to Druk cave too. Druk show Grug how to be man. <|endoftext|> Gay not strong, gay weak and spindly. Grug strong when smell wife sweat and give her ancestor pole <|endoftext|> Berrypicker move you. Grug rock wolf, love wife, tame wolf, roll rock, invent rock and roll. Sweating is overpowered and the reason for our endurance, what's the matter homo erectus your brow too dainty to hold the sweat and it got in your eye and stings? <|endoftext|> >GRUG SEE ROCKS >GRUH SMASH ROCKS AGAINST EACH OTHER >GRUG SEE DEER >GRUG HUNT DEER AND KILL DEER >GRUGT EAT DEER MEAT >GRUG GO BACK AND SMASH ROCKS >GRUG SLEEP >GRUG WAKE UP >GRUG SMASH ROCKS AGAINST EACH OTHER >GRUG SEE DEER ... <|endoftext|> Unironically to be a giant intimidating Grug <|endoftext|> Thanks for the tips Grug! <|endoftext|> GO DUST MAKE GRUG MORE ENERGY AND MAKE GRUG LOOK BIGGER <|endoftext|> Based Grug. <|endoftext|> >How often does /fit/ get a haircut? one time a year >And what is your preferred haircut? "omg, look at grug over there, wish he would drag me back to his cave if you know what I'm saying" <|endoftext|> >ooga booga, grug find tasty frog, grug eat yummy yes... >mmm krug no think grug should eat frog... krug no like frog colours... >hoohoohoo... krug is stupid picky eater, krug will never be stronger than grug if he scared of eat frog hoo hooh oo *dies* <|endoftext|> Probably lots of bugs, roots, berries when they could find them..idk, just grug life shit <|endoftext|> grug, what's wrong with your knuckles? <|endoftext|> Grug have 2 rock. One for throw. One for bash. <|endoftext|> Where would grug get dairy? <|endoftext|> >grug diet >dairy Are you retarded? <|endoftext|> Do you also knock out your wife with a club before having sex with her for the full Grug lifestyle? <|endoftext|> Roon you fucking grug <|endoftext|> You think you want to be caveman? Then only strongest grug would be cheating you mong. Your dumbass genes won't even bring you past serf mode, just gonna be some slave for the god king. You guys ever watch animal documentaries with the sad reject males roaming around unable to find any mates? That's real life. <|endoftext|> I double leg her and grug carry her to the bed. Does that count? <|endoftext|> Legasm man sounds good. It's sort of what happens when a chud and grug have sex <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> > Grug gib Gruggette rock thing for thirtieth many-moon-time > Awwrrrg, thank Grug!... Uh? What is this? > Is you, Grugette. Grug not think you Grugette of many moons ago. > .... > You Grugettasaurus now > .... > I'm moving to Unga's cave <|endoftext|> To be big and strong so grug no scared Make grug sr. and grugmom proud Grug want to talk to grugette and no feel scared Grug want be big and strong for grug-cubs >grug also want to cosplay as bane this halloween <|endoftext|> Lol so you're one of those guys huh? Quitting before even playing the game. And then you have the fucking balls to complain that you aren't even getting any points? What the fuck is your problem? Sure women are shit right now but this isn't a thread about women are shit, it's a thread about how you're a fucking loser KHV piece of shit. What a fucking embarrassment you are. >Grug scared of bears >so Grug stay in cave >why can't Grug get girlfriend <|endoftext|> >Grug band together with other member of tribe for defend tribe? NO! BAD GRUG! CLEAN CAVE! <|endoftext|> >evolutionary principle of "female choice", according to which females control access to sex lmao, i'm sure gruggina could stop grug from raping her the only possibility for female choice is that males allow them to do so <|endoftext|> Lifting average gym DYELs squat over your feels good. Grug like. <|endoftext|> >ego lifting the weight in the position you’re able to move the most weight In Literally Grug tier retarded, but hey at least you looked totally bad ass right <|endoftext|> Grug tier take, heavy weights dont grow muscle. Hypertrophy does. <|endoftext|> how about you use calisthenics to maintain how about finding a home workout routine how about buying some weights to maintain your physique you can still make gains with lightweight btw adapt or die law of the planet since grug days <|endoftext|> >I said they aren't interesting and talk about meaningless bullshit or their frivolous ventures in degeneracy, consumerism, or gluttony. >>inb4 "buzzwords" "word soup" etc. They're umbrella terms >Claims to be high IQ sigma Male but only knows the most grug tier takes and can only speak in buzzwords and meme terms...... <|endoftext|> To an extent yes. I'm not an incel or a neet, but I have serious issue when it comes to "not knowing". I don't know what I want to do, I don't know what to talk about, I don't really know what all interests me anymore. The most fun I've had lately was when the power went out here in TX and I stayed up all night splitting wood for a fire to cook and keep warm on. We left town to see a relative that has power, but part of me wishes I was still there, splitting. Am I returning to grug guys? I'm scared. <|endoftext|> Valuev looks like a grug except tall <|endoftext|> Mon was SBD Wed was SB + upper back. Today was SBD. I am a simple grug <|endoftext|> OP's pic reminds me of grug. No wonder they're like this <|endoftext|> Improved because I just started doing crazy amounts of cardio, took the /grug/ pill and started lifting heavy boulders. Granted my gyms reopened all the way back in june. <|endoftext|> >no it fucking doesnt. what kind of grug tier moron believes that? this is honestly some of the most pathetic dialogue ive ever seen. <|endoftext|> no it fucking doesnt. what kind of grug tier moron believes that? this is honestly some of the most pathetic dialogue ive ever seen. <|endoftext|> Discipline is good, training when injured is bad. You are not 22 and can utterly fuck yourself for life if you don't take care of your body when it needs rest. Stuff like BPC-157 can help injuries but you absolutely need recovery time, not just grug mode 24/7 > women started looking at me like I was food That's the best part bro, lol. When girls are into you like that they'll do almost anything. <|endoftext|> >be grug >want to move this heavy log blocking cave but can't because it isn't part of my body's natural weight training >tfw <|endoftext|> Grug need charcoal Grugina <|endoftext|> Grug mad at 'big shadow good' tribe. <|endoftext|> grug small shadow now, less berry more meat <|endoftext|> Long moons ago grug sad because grug make big shadow. Grug find /fit tribe and learn to carry heavy stone and eat good berries. How is grug doing? Grug poor and only have curlbar and pull up bar. Grug use them now for 89 moons. <|endoftext|> >grug lift bigger rock >grug eat mammoth meat >grug get big <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> Can you guys please post more Grug memes? Or maybe some GOOD memes too <|endoftext|> >25mg zinc (I tell myself it stops my hair from ever falling out) good for testosterone >1000mg magnesium (makes my stomach very gurgle, grug like) >1500 glucosamine (does fuck all) >1200mg chondroitin (also does fuck all) >Vitamin D, 20 day dose every 2 weeks >Ashgawhatever fucking Indian tree root or some shit, (does fuck all) <|endoftext|> Lifting heavy rock to save tribe from flood and/or saber tooth tiger is not? Grug confuse <|endoftext|> >25mg zinc (I tell myself it stops my hair from ever falling out) >1000mg magnesium (makes my stomach very gurgle, grug like) >1500 glucosamine (does fuck all) >1200mg chondroitin (also does fuck all) >Vitamin D, 20 day dose every 2 weeks >Ashgawhatever fucking Indian tree root or some shit, (does fuck all) I could probably drop all of them and not even fucking feel it, stick to Creatine <|endoftext|> GRUG ASSAULT HIM WOMEN <|endoftext|> >Gauruntee women back then enjoyed asking Grug how many men he's killed then swooned when he said 1000. >Implying this isn't still the case <|endoftext|> She's saying 5'9" to virtue signal. You can tell by her earlier messages she was a 6 foot or kys type of girl. But having high genetic standards is natural for women, in the tribal days only 1 in 100 men bred and it was the tribe leaders. Gauruntee women back then enjoyed asking Grug how many men he's killed then swooned when he said 1000. Guys typically want to be told they are better as well. She was hoping you'd say 6'3" so she could be like wow you're so great and your be like I know it's so great not being subhuman. This is normal mating behaviour Deal with it. You moralfags hard but aren't smart enough to read between the lines, guys with inferior genetics on the surface still have a chance if they can attain status through inner qualities <|endoftext|> Grug see old grug with big fire. Fire so big can keep warm till big sleep. How to get a big fire? Grug spend all day get tree to burn, make grug tired and sleep. But old grug say sleep less? How can grug have power to find tree when tired? <|endoftext|> I occasionally double leg my wife, grug carry her to the bed, throw her down and fuck her. She said it's scary but exciting. Does that count? <|endoftext|> Remind Grug of big battle of Twig Berry and Krak MaStones. MaStones big loser. <|endoftext|> >the main point!!!1! >never mind the nuance of it Shut up grug <|endoftext|> As someone stated, being strong and muscular is not necessary anymore. Grug is not coming with his club to take everything away from you. Women think they are strong, free and don't need us anymore. A squared jaw and some abs is more than enough to get laid today <|endoftext|> just use your grug brain and stop listening to "experts". there's an entire industry of people convincing lazy fat pigs that its not their fault, just stop eating you fat retard! <|endoftext|> These and the grug one are my favorite threads. <|endoftext|> Try grug carry instead of princess carry <|endoftext|> >sushi tribe >stinky pickle tribe >bat soup tribe Grug say they look like all from same tribe <|endoftext|> Sushi tribe woman squat for both, Grug bench press <|endoftext|> Bros grug found out about this small eyed with weird music tribe, grug now wants to protect this tiny gook, how can grug get stronger? <|endoftext|> >be grug >step on sharp rock >grug not notice because of 5 cm thick calluses that have formed around feet from constantly walking barefoot <|endoftext|> >be grug >step on sharp rock >get an infection >die There's a reason we have shoes <|endoftext|> Grug let go of rock, rock falls to ground. Grug put rock in strap hanging from tree branch, rock no fall <|endoftext|> BIG ARM= BIG CHANCE WITH GORL BIG ARM MEAN LIFT BIG ROCK CRUSH SMALL GRUG GORL LIKE BIG GRUG BE BIG GRUG <|endoftext|> Ancestral evolutionary standards are currently redundant, I'm sorry Grug. They're quite literally ancestral artefacts women are biologically conditioned to find attractive even though they no longer provide any evolutionary advantage. <|endoftext|> >what is natural must be right >appeals to nature Return to monke, grug strong <|endoftext|> Grug no understand. Why grug have to go to other cave, on other side of valley to lift heavy stones? Why not grug heavy stone to own cave? <|endoftext|> is that knight using a grug club? wtf <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> it really is all about face and he looks like grug <|endoftext|> That's something of an urban legend, that being fat was considered attractive in the past because it showed you were wealthy. Maybe in literal grug-tier times, but we have plenty of literature from ancient through medieval times across many cultures that describes fatties as ugly and undesirable aesthetically. Maybe in some obscure Albanian tribe or something but for the most part it's safe to say being fat was never really admired <|endoftext|> FUCK ALL THESE QUOTES AND FAGGOTY THINK-HARD SHITS SHOW ME MUSCLES AND GRUG <|endoftext|> Motivation thread. Post motivational images. Also post images of Grug lifting. <|endoftext|> Based grug poster <|endoftext|> me Cave of Grug Chieftain. Whole tribe ready to make ooga on goboogas. <|endoftext|> Based grug poster. I find it helps me stay away from more degenerative habits, makes me sleep better, and makes life easier since I am stronger day by day. Almost no downside to lifting weights with high intensity. <|endoftext|> >Village Witchgrug tell grug to wear grugettes underleaf on face >He tell grug it is for longer life The cycle continues <|endoftext|> >Neanderthal gf love Grug for who Grug is <|endoftext|> grug lift rock, grug use stick to lift TWO rock, lift natural <|endoftext|> Based retard Grug dont use head grug lift stone <|endoftext|> grug mode <|endoftext|> >the pale Grug claims his rightful property <|endoftext|> spear require no skills and your grandfather grug used one. its the most redpilled fighting method that exists <|endoftext|> Hey /fit/, With the rona I’m not really leaving the house these days so I’ve lost a lot of my gains. I just had the realization, and tried it out, that I can use the big ass rocks in my back yard to lift. >curls >tri extensions >farmer walks >squats >bent rows >press laying down >ohp >clean and jerks Is there anything I’m missing? Is becoming grug the way to making it? <|endoftext|> oh hai there sexy. you look just like me except with twink shoulders and grug forehead (i have gay alien the phenotype). anyways go fucking lift bro, get fucken jacked who the hell cares <|endoftext|> They can fuck chads and have the state's resources raise any children, while being resolved of any responsibility. I agree that the current system is bad for most people, but young women get the best deal inasmuchas they get to have lots of consequence free sex with more attractive men. The logic of monogamy is simple politics. Loyalty is the most important resource, and "each grug gets a pussy to carry on his lineage" creates a degree of investment in society which helps win group conflicts that "chief grug hogs the women" doesn't. <|endoftext|> >grug say lift heavy rock and drink mammoth milkie <|endoftext|> Not false. At least twink grug would have some nice, raw venison at the end of the day. <|endoftext|> if grug couldnt lift at least a 100kg rock, then grugette wouldnt no fuck him. ok <|endoftext|> Except monogamy is advantageous for conflict. At a very basic level, it's easier for Grug-in-Chief to win a conflict if he promises that each Grug gets a woman instead of taking them all for himself, since it buys him that most important political resource of loyalty. <|endoftext|> Why? Because men are suffciently comfy in a grug state and feel no inert desire to build shit for themselves. It takes a reason to build civilization. In this case it's compedeing for eggs. Instead of collecting a couple berries like other grugs, chad grug thought of a way to grow them himself or to at least increase their produce with shitting on them. Now chad grug had the most berries. Grugettte happy and horny, grug reproduces, big brain chad grugs continue the cycle and expand on daddy grug tactic. Slowly but surely we can the Ford T modell. <|endoftext|> >Women are the gatekeepers They havent been gatekeepers until recently. Todays society resembles more like matriarchy but society before that probably never was. Why does anyone think Grug gave a shit what Grugette had to say when his hammer got hard? Grugette was just happy Grug gave her berries and meat thats all. <|endoftext|> I've never felt a decrease in strength or legs, but I would always be worse at basketball if I'd jack off at any point that waking day before playing. It was more of an aggressiveness / indecisiveness thing than anything tough. >Small girl butts are cute, and there is nothing wrong with them nor liking them. Any time I try to make a Cute White Girl butt thread on /gif/ they get spammed with brainlet grug cumbrains posting giant fat asses despite being the exact opposite thing of what I'm looking for and it really fucking pisses me off <|endoftext|> grug likes it bet all grugettes get wet when they see such collection <|endoftext|> Yeah, you aren’t used to the stress of stone to shoulder. Do a bit less volume next time, then slowly work up volume (if conditioning is your aim) or get a bigger stone (if you want grug strength). But damn I love stone lifting. Primal as fuck. <|endoftext|> >grug eat grain mush >grug get fat >grug eat meat >grug get lean and muscular >grug not like grass seed The intuitive logic of our ancestors has been washed away by the fantasy world of modern media. <|endoftext|> White neanderthal Grug made little Venus statues of the female ideal with thiccthicc bodies and nappy hair, I don't think your attraction really stems from the breeder mare pussy aspect <|endoftext|> Grug/10 <|endoftext|> >GRUG WEIGH SAME AS 12 STONES Kek is stone the ultimate brainlet unit of measurement? <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy rock Make dark cloud go away <|endoftext|> The idea that every grug gets at least one pussy to ensure loyalty to the system is a common feature of historically successful societies. <|endoftext|> There's a reason all societies of note stumbled on the basic formula of "each grug gets a pussy; now let's go kill the berrypickers" <|endoftext|> Nice face, grug If I saw this goof irl I’d smack the shit out of him <|endoftext|> That being said, jewish girls are a guilty pleasure and you'll never find anywhere besides israel with more of them. Its really easy to get one if you just pretend to be smart and interested in the holocaust for a bit but still have that grug mentality you don't find in jewish dudes. I'm not memeing, its worked multiple times. <|endoftext|> Strongman is grug crossfit <|endoftext|> Based Grug. How do I into heavy rock? <|endoftext|> PUFA this PUFA that. Grug know real food. <|endoftext|> >being grug as possible is cringe bro <|endoftext|> >dumb spear chuckers >grug gather hunting party >make chase mammoth off cliff >no risk for grug die <|endoftext|> >be making shake >wife comes up behind, grabs cock and whispers "i want you" >tell her she could've waited until after I'd had my shake >pick her up and grug carry her to the bed >fuck for a while >pick her up by the arse and continue fucking while carrying her to the table >fuck on the table for a bit >pick up again and finish fucking her holding her up against the wall It was a good nye afternoon <|endoftext|> Just think to yourself, WWGD (what would Grug do?) Reject modernity, embrace grugmode <|endoftext|> ur a goddamn genius grug <|endoftext|> make grug happy <|endoftext|> take the grug pill, use sticks and stones AND lift AND train hand-to-hand <|endoftext|> >Physical talent is the only talent that exists Hello grug. And even if you were right, the hand dexterity and coordination to consistently execute shit in competitive video games is very high. <|endoftext|> rock make sleep grug like quiet <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Grug NO bench. ONLY OHP. <|endoftext|> Me go to stone place Me lift stone Me drop stone Me run Me work hard Me rest Me think I grug with family I rung with wife I dung in pit It good dung I eat much I sleep Simple as <|endoftext|> But Grug wants to! Grug remembers he no wanna remain berrypickerasfuck.exe for all time. Grug also want to make sweaty humping and rustling leaves on top of Grugette in noisy bushes. This motivates Grug to lift big rock many times in "week". <|endoftext|> How Grug make Grug hand pick up rock so many "time" when Grug don't want to? <|endoftext|> Grug not now what day and week is. Grug lift rock when ball of fire is burning and sleep when it's not burning because Grug can't see rocks. <|endoftext|> Grug must barter berries for pic related. Then Grug can sniff this ancient tome and attain powers even beyond that of Great shaman Scoobyurg. <|endoftext|> How grug make grug lift rock 5 "day" every "week"? <|endoftext|> Grug think thread stupid. Grug think posters dumb. >grug eat many meat and lots nut and berry while hunt meat >grug get big grug skrong >grug always have food now that big skrong >Grug never hungry >grub get extra fat for warmth >winter come >no food >grug start losing warmth fat >grug now shredded But Grug has also >stored food for winter >grug eat fewer fewer meat and berry each day >grug still get shredded Grug do what he want and like, skinny dyel cuck should do what best work do he too <|endoftext|> Was Grug the first one to make it? <|endoftext|> >Grug lift rock >Arm get sore >What do? >Consume the flesh of Antler animal >Arm get big >Grugette want mammoth >Kill mammoth with big arm >Cook mammoth for Grugette >Grugette sex Grug in exchange for mammoth <|endoftext|> >Grug see calf >calf suck cow booba >Grug and tribe tip cow >tribe suck cow booba >tribe like cow booba juice <|endoftext|> Sticky plant water make grug poo spirit go away <|endoftext|> explain to grug what this mean <|endoftext|> Grug have girlfriend Grug own large farm Grug give lot grain to girlfriend Girlfriend inexplicably becomes very soft Grug likey. <|endoftext|> What did Grug mean by this? <|endoftext|> >INTERNET TOUGH GUY response See? You have no valid, rational reason for ANY of that. All you have is Grug-level nonsense. Go read a book instead of wasting more time at the gym. Your brain might be salvageable. >no timestamp Not your arms, and you're a brainless faggot. Enjoy working in fast food your whole life, champ. <|endoftext|> Broscience has been around since the first grug lifted a rock time impress the female grug. We're always looking for an easier way to achieve our goals, so we convince ourselves that all the dumb shit we do and take works. <|endoftext|> >be dumb monkey >accidentally drop tuber on fire >wow this tastes great >wow, so much energy >what else grug drop on fire? >get more energy from starchy plants >get less parasites and not have to lay down to digest 7lbs of meat anymore >dumb monkey get smart >millions of years later >hurr you guys cook food? don't you know that DENATURES the proteins? you know, exactly like the enzyme your pancreas secrets called protease? >monkey become dumb again <|endoftext|> serotonin makes you into a robot serotonergic dominance is your brain being too energy deprived to think or socialize and going hurf durf i'm right, it can just as well make you into a beta followerif you're of low social standing and the brain doesn't feel like you'd have any shot of going grug dominate <|endoftext|> Grug been training get gf for many moons Grugette say Grug have bad spirit <|endoftext|> grug find sister's daughter grug happy :3 <|endoftext|> Grug before grugettes, always <|endoftext|> grug lifting rock hard grug train lift rock now grug lifting rock easy grug get gf hard grug no train get gf now grug get gf still hard grug need train get gf <|endoftext|> Grug hang with other Grug have Grugette. <|endoftext|> Grug wish cave painter behind Oogers am get trampled by mammoth <|endoftext|> grug born in bad age too many berries made tribes go coockoo when not many berries, grug respected when cold and winter and no berries, grug gf <|endoftext|> >Grug lift many stone to impress Grugette >Grug can stone slab two mammoth skull >still without mate after many moon >Grug ask advise in fourth cave on the painting walls >no one make painting, instead all of the tribe be looking at painting of Grugette with huge bazongakas >many moon past, one person paints under my alone Grug >a bee followed with "Grugself" <|endoftext|> >Grug apply rock to Ook head while Ook not looking >Grug snu-snu Ook while Ook dizzy >Tribe fear Grug now, not Ook >Grug get Ook womans >Grug get Ook mom >Ook get sad, Ook stand still for tooth-cat >Grug live Ook life >Eventually Grug get rock to head from Ook's angry son >Didn't matter, Grug had snu-snu <|endoftext|> Grug no like cave cleaners. Cave cleaners get no berry. Cave cleaner clean no eat. <|endoftext|> Grug stupid Grug should just pick whey berries <|endoftext|> Grug needs find tribe hoor, trade meat for bam bam. Alternatively, Grug make sure Grug paying attention and not too picky - Grug missing signals at tribe fire circle dance time, guaranteed. <|endoftext|> Grug no do the nose tribe tell. Grug lift rock for exotic cave painting wife <|endoftext|> Grug stop worry about Gruginas. Grug pick up even more rock. Grug lift for Grug now. Have to live it <|endoftext|> grug does no understand this gibberish <|endoftext|> Grug hunt! No pick berry! <|endoftext|> Grug no ask for woman. Grug take woman. Sand place spirit says so. <|endoftext|> Gruginas like berrypicker now, strong grug hunter not appreciated anymore Grug get knowledge from drawings on chinese cave wall Gruglings difficult in first winters. may you and grugina no longer very sleep soon <|endoftext|> >be grug >snu-snuless huntless berrypicker >grug have to pull grug weight or grug get hit killed by Ook >grug try to move rocks to make strong >drop rock on another rock >neolithicarrowheadtotheknee.rock >get idea >grug clack rocks together make sharp rock >Ook see grug with sharp rocks >breaks grug rocks >"nice rocks grug, be not berrypicker haha" >Ook invent sarcasm, grug still berrypicker feels bad, grugs <|endoftext|> Grug need talk to medicine man. Happen to many Grugina. Bad head dreams after gruglet come <|endoftext|> Grug very sleep since new Grugling come into cave. Grugina always sad since push Grugling out magic immortality hole between legs. Grug hope Grugfamily get sleep again one day, maybe Grugina smile again. Grug kill anything make Grugina smile again. <|endoftext|> grug need to stop go to cave of chinese basket makers <|endoftext|> You sound like the grug in my tribe. Constantly looking at himself in the pond and playing around with himself and rocks. Never comes out to hunt mammoth with the men. Has no meat to share with the tribe. Doesn’t even help out with the hunt. <|endoftext|> Grug kill gf haver and take him gf. now grug have gf. <|endoftext|> Wise Grug ancestor say in mushroom dream kill all charcoal Grugs and take charcoal Gruginas for Grug himself <|endoftext|> unga score 70 out of 100. unga pass smart measuring carving. can work rock counter for treasury now. 400k starting. grug no more berry picker for chief <|endoftext|> Grug all strength no int <|endoftext|> maybe grug should've been a hunter like the other men in his tribe and not some faggot ass berrypicker <|endoftext|> Not sure. Maybe the tests are accurate. I find I pick things up much faster than most people around me but I always attributed it to my work ethic and organization rather than being just naturally intelligent. I hate reading or getting into internet arguments because I find most topics are rather complex and can’t be properly expressed in anything outside long form writing so I don’t bother much. I usually just fun post to stress relief a bit. Life’s pretty chill, I think people take stuff too seriously and try to one up each other too much so I prefer to just grug away at the gym. <|endoftext|> grug find large female. Many man less like, but large female good for Grug sex. More good than be shaman like in legend <|endoftext|> Grug take woman by force. <|endoftext|> Grug no be a fucking autist to get a gf <|endoftext|> >grug berrypicker >grug want improve >lift heavy stone >look in pond >grug look good >still no gf grug almost see 30th winter. wut do? grug no want become shaman like in legend <|endoftext|> I fucking hate it because they seem to grow no matter how much or how little work I do. But the actual hormone side it only happens when you push so hard you can't think in words anymore. Full on grug for minute. <|endoftext|> you're stupid, grug beat wife and drag her back to love cave <|endoftext|> Grug take. OP is your fate for 40 years no matter what you do. Whether you’re in the trades or in an office, you are still a wageslave breaking your body just for the ability to live and consoom product. It’ll only get worse as the population and power of corporations over legislation increase. I hope you like Japan and Korea, because that’s our future for work. <|endoftext|> Grug all str no int <|endoftext|> >t. angry grug <|endoftext|> I envy you grug. Godspeed you beautiful bastard <|endoftext|> >Her slow escalation has kept people that don't get grug caveman boners from her still interested This. She only JUST started showing uncensored nipples in the past month, yet somehow she was making $600k/mo off OnlyFans leading up to that point. Also about $10k on patreon. This doesn't include her merch sales too. <|endoftext|> *She was one of the first ethots to realize that having a gimmick was important *Her weird animu / video game girl gimmick is seemingly genuinely believable and easy to exploit *She's genuinely good at marketing herself *She's genuinely good at taking photos and choosing outfits *She has a perfect petite fuck doll body *Her slow escalation has kept people that don't get grug caveman boners from her still interested <|endoftext|> >grug have rock >what more grug need? <|endoftext|> bros do you train higher reps and eat a shitton more on cycle? grug douchette says you are supposed to eat and train the same but that sounds like bullshit to me. LGD-4033 kek <|endoftext|> idk why grug douchette said he was natural, doesnt matter how small he is, he's way too lean <|endoftext|> Grug no care Grug want make baby Grug make many baby Grug make baby all holes <|endoftext|> Way to complicated for Grug, easier to just lift and have the girls send it to you <|endoftext|> >Buy a gun >Learn to hunt >Become grug and lift rocks while your deer is sizzling away on some random hunk of metal you looted Hello gains <|endoftext|> The Croods 2 literally clown on the man bun meme hair. It only works if you have a Chad face. Then again anything works for Chad faces If you haven't seen it Grug is the alpha, the new age dad Phil Betterman is the beta basically <|endoftext|> >Powersharting the worst "sport" in the history of mankind. I'd rather go into ice curling. You people waste your whole life trying to cheat on a movement to lift some weight. No strategy, no tactics, no brain. Literally grug - the sport. Pathetic cope. Just know that nobody cares about your lifts, most people would laugh at that abomination you call a "bench press" or the comical butchery of the "squat". You're the laughing stock of the gym. <|endoftext|> Powersharting the worst "sport" in the history of mankind. I'd rather go into ice curling. You people waste your whole life trying to cheat on a movement to lift some weight. No strategy, no tactics, no brain. Literally grug - the sport. Pathetic cope. Just know that nobody cares about your lifts, most people would laugh at that abomination you call a "bench press" or the comical butchery of the "squat". You're the laughing stock of the gym. <|endoftext|> Hmm... completely different from heya UC ealways thought and been doing. Can you recommend any routines? I’ve only ever done powerlifting shit and prefer to keep it to free weights and some calisthenics. Me no like machine grug no sissy big brain grug skrong manly man <|endoftext|> I've posted studies ITT and it goes and interviews real medical doctors and real patients being treated in a clinical setting. but okay le youtube Again, my original statement is 100% true. Almost nobody is open minded enough to look at this It can't be true because chug is doctor and doctor smarter than grug <|endoftext|> How do I achieve grug mode? <|endoftext|> Maybe in grug times. They are pretty fucking disposable now as are all wage cucks unfortunately. <|endoftext|> One thing you shouldn't count out is that a jock kind of guy is more likely to be "one of the guys" right? That kind of guy is instinctively going to try and sound like he's of mean intelligence for the group sounding more grug both in words chosen and the sound of his voice. I knew a USMC Major who was very bright but to hear him speak he sounded very average. <|endoftext|> I ohp my wife. Also zercher squat her and grug carry. I'm planning to work on clean and jerk next <|endoftext|> >want this body >don't know Jack shit about nutrition >don't know sjack shit about fintess Who do I need to go to to show this picture and be spoon-fed into having this body? PT? Dietitian? Shaman Grug? <|endoftext|> ah yes, feed it inflammation juice instead. fat bad, food pyramid gud, I are grug md ...and disregard your body producing cholesterol by itself lul <|endoftext|> Grug lift four stone on metal bar, grug strong. Grug as heavy as three stone and one chipped stone <|endoftext|> No, grug fat <|endoftext|> Grug have gyno? <|endoftext|> Do both, they're synergic lifts Bench for GRUG GET BIG NUMBER OHP for GRUG STRONG GET HEAVY OVER HEAD you don't have to pick between the two unless you're a powerlifter and even then there's lots to be gained from a heavy OHP. <|endoftext|> Change your posture in your photo to a more open position. I don’t think you’re a douche, but you give off douche vibes. If you volunteer somewhere, put that as something you do. Put fun interesting things you do and not so much a “grug lift heavy stone, grug only want female.” Smile and take a photo of you at the beach. Remember bros, wammin is peak NPC normie. As fellow big brain autiste we askew the normie and their fake and gay ways, but at least have a little understanding of it so you can hack it to your benefit. <|endoftext|> Grug see tiger Tiger big Tiger strong Tiger no eat liver Liver bad! Grug know tiger know all! Tiger sense tell tiger no liver because liver bad!! <|endoftext|> Animal gellatin/collagen. Grug has bad skin. Grug must eat animal skin to gain good skin. <|endoftext|> Grug miss monky friend :( <|endoftext|> Grug deadlift 525, squat 430, bench 275, press 200 <|endoftext|> Grug eat more! <|endoftext|> Bork 6’3 monkey man, was football grug now be aesthetic grug stronk. Grug eat less <|endoftext|> When I abstain I go from a daily masturbator with high libido to having extremely low libido and borderline ED. As I said in another thread, I spent two months this summer like this. I was also going to the gym at the same time... make grug think <|endoftext|> based grug btfo the kikes <|endoftext|> >Year of sky spirit 2 million years ago >lay push lmao2log Grug no make it <|endoftext|> Yeah, based and grug pilled gay low T <|endoftext|> small booba age well grug woman have large booba but point to ground okay when grug woman on back bounce well and many snake boombooms but grug prefer small booba for long life grug woman have <|endoftext|> shut the fuck up u lazy fat fuck, literally just use your body to escape skinny-fat-ism. if Grug could get big and l lean using what is found in nature, you can too. Stop. Making. Excueses. Faggot <|endoftext|> oh shit i forgot i was on /fit/ everyone fat. grug no fat. grugina like no fat. <|endoftext|> Grug take rock lift many times everyday to protect tribe <|endoftext|> Every human was easily 2/3/4/5 during grug age (there used to be less difference in strength between men and women). When we hit agricultural age our diet went to shit but most men could probably still do 1/2/3/4 up until 1950s because of manual labor. Now we have access to as good diet as grug humans but physical activity level for most is so low they develop very little muscle mass. <|endoftext|> go out innawoods find a big rock grug lift rock grug throw rock then carry back to it home find a big stick grug lift stick overhead as gift to angry sky god grug feel good and stronk. <|endoftext|> she stronk good balance grug likey <|endoftext|> All i got from deadlifts was grug mode and to make my glutes that were already naturally big become huge bruh. Fags would literally grab my butt at parties and people would always coment on my but. But even with that i stil liked deadlifting and probably will start to do them from time to time after this corona thing is over. But one can live pretty well without deadlifiting and i would say cardio is a more importante thing and deadlifting and squats are secondary to prevent lesions and all unless but it depends more on ur preferences <|endoftext|> Grug want stone back :( <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> >no organs >no glycogen >no collagen even in terms of unga bunga me eat meat like before-grug you're doing it wrong <|endoftext|> Based and grug-pilled <|endoftext|> based and grug-pilled <|endoftext|> I think this is meant for someone who wants to focus on conditioning (he's a football grug afterall), or someone whose life is extremely stressful and busy and they can't recover from real training so they just try to maintain. not nearly enough intensity to grow though. for the life of me, I don't understand why people here like it so much. <|endoftext|> Grug all str no int <|endoftext|> High dosages of stimms constricts the pump in your muscles and the more massive of stimms you spike yourself with is only going to make the plummeting energy levels and withdrawal symptoms worse and worse There's good reasons why you should think with moderation and balance grug <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE N- GRUGINA BIG UGABUGA <|endoftext|> nobody here is taking meth to get high you retarded shit. Lift less and try getting that high school degree first, grug. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >sad head voice >idea.cavepainting >lift big rock >head voice gone Thanks rock <|endoftext|> >i love wasting time in time in the gym instead of making money and networking >my muscles will somehow help me get far in life This is literal grug tier thinking <|endoftext|> grug unhappy emotion too big activate retardstrength.png <|endoftext|> >>taking drugs that shrivel your balls, enlarge your heart, accelerate balding, and potentially damage you in other significant ways just because grug want big muscles Citation needed. <|endoftext|> >lifting for women >taking drugs that shrivel your balls, enlarge your heart, accelerate balding, and potentially damage you in other significant ways just because grug want big muscles look I can attack the opposing ideology too haha i'm a big boy. Eat shit, different people have different priorities, and if you don't have the mental capacity to realize not everyone thinks the way you do you're literally sub 90 iq and have the mental maturity of a 14 year old boy. <|endoftext|> Grug fast, but less of Grug now. <|endoftext|> you're not taking my point. it was not a might makes right claim. grug thunderclub is the prehistoric man with the most resources. <|endoftext|> i don't know what history you're talking about. even in pre-history that's not what shit looked like. being the property of grug thunderclub and having his kids is way better than what's going on now. <|endoftext|> > be grug > no food > body eats muscle while no food > weak as shit > can't get food > die > be grug > no food > body eats body fat > can get food > don't die <|endoftext|> >Grug go outside Cave leader say no go outside because of bad corona juju Grug think cave leader big man breeder <|endoftext|> crazy grug under shaman spell <|endoftext|> grugs me see another longnose tribe longnose pretend to be grug, but grug see through trick <|endoftext|> Why grug lift rock when all grugnette want dark grug behemoth <|endoftext|> grug confused by trips only lllll fingers how is number larger than that? grug heard from shaman is evil spirit, grug trust shaman. shaman water good for when occasional time when need talk to grugina's but usually bad for grug body use in moderation <|endoftext|> Grug doubt it happen until grug discover how to plant many seed in ground for food. It not make sense for grug to use energy on lift big rock when grug always need look for food <|endoftext|> grug lift rock but Chug always go outside and hunt Chug have no time to lift rock but he stronger Grug angry and wants to bash Chug head with rock <|endoftext|> shaman water bad it make sad voice go away but then it comes back as angry voice and it punches Grug head very big pain then Grug starts drinking only shaman water, little river or berry water Grug thinks this is for shaman to have more berries <|endoftext|> Is shaman's water good for grug? <|endoftext|> Grug go outside when sad head voice is too loud Or he goes to his cave to paint the walls with outside pictures Grug likes life even though life doesnt like him Because if Grug stop liking life, life will club Grug <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock cuz lit rock makes balls big when pp stop looking up, grug feel stronger and sad head voice goes away Grug thinks not strangling pp with his hand after big rock makes Grug a Big Grug <|endoftext|> Grug lift because grug like lifting <|endoftext|> Grug no read grug only lift rock and bang wife Grug love life <|endoftext|> Why is Grug in stone lifting cave then? <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock to lift bigger rock. Grug like lifting bigger rock. But Grug always find bigger rock. So Grug lift more rocks. <|endoftext|> Grug likes lifting rock. Grug thinks rock like being lifted by Grug too <|endoftext|> all grug in this cave stupid it all about face grug get amber surgery to fix face lift stone waste of time <|endoftext|> >>Grug lift stone >>Grug feel good >>Grug go see friend Chug >>Chug lift bigger stone >>Grug get excited to lift bigger stone <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock to be stronger than longnose tribe Longnose tribe reason for grug's sad head voice <|endoftext|> grug lift rock for make strong body to make good movement outdoors in narrow boat down river lift rock like this make grug feel like grug is free animal that flies by the water and is happy <|endoftext|> Grug lift big stone get distracted by groogina and goes to snap tribe for 20 full moons rip grug gainz now starving cuz no able pick berry anymoren <|endoftext|> GRUG CHECK GRUG KEK <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone to get grugette But gruggete no care, she go with man with most berry in tribe Why grug lift for women if they just want many berry?? <|endoftext|> me lift rock to make Grugette ignore Grug being a Grugling in head <|endoftext|> Why grug put our food in fire? <|endoftext|> Four Leaf Clover tribe please help Lifting rock no longer quiet sad head voice Grug am scared <|endoftext|> How Grug make mammoth meat bigger? <|endoftext|> >Grug lift stone >Grug feel good >Grug go see friend Chug >Chug lift bigger stone >Grug feel good no more <|endoftext|> maybe if grug lift heavy stone grugina will love grug :( <|endoftext|> grug lift to break chieftain in 2 with bear hands they do it for no berries <|endoftext|> grug lift to beat grugina for tell grug no. grug member on rockcel.rock rockcel tell grug truth about grugina now grug hate <|endoftext|> take your herbs, imaginary whisper grug <|endoftext|> go to bronze grug 9000 tribe berrypicker <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock for cave painting woman <|endoftext|> Grug lift so Krug join Grug and stop being sadrock <|endoftext|> >Grug meet angel >angel say lift >angel fly away but come back soon >tiny spike ball take angel wing >angel no come back >grug still lift >wait for angel This end for grug? <|endoftext|> G-Grug don't know why lift big rock Grug lifted rock for sad voice go away But voice not in Grug anymore Grug still sad Grug still alone Grug think about big jump off cliff <|endoftext|> Gruh think grug should go to shaman <|endoftext|> grug lift rock grub eat grub strong <|endoftext|> Grug retarded <|endoftext|> HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE GRUG NO NEED LIFT ROCK GRUG NO NEED NOOOO GRUG NEVER NEED LIFT ROCK NOOOO HHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE NOT ONCE ROCK IS NOT TO LIFT HAHEHEHEHEHEHWHHEEHE GRUG MAKE SWEET LOVE TO ROCK INSTEAD EHHEHE GRUG LIKEY LIKEY BIG ROCK PUT HAIR ON IT MHMHMHMHMMMMMMM MAKE SWEET LOVE AND GIVE IT KISS FOR GOOD NIGHT SLEEP AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH IF GRUG DONT LIKE ROCK GRUG THROW AWAY <|endoftext|> >Grug mating, grug not care. Why lift rock for many children? why grug want fuck rock? <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock long ago for same reason now Grug lift massive boulders because sad quiet voice turn into agonizingly loud wails of pure anguish and roars of complete unbridled rage inside Grug head Grug one day will become strong enough to fight god that laugh at him from sky <|endoftext|> Grug lift big rock for many time. It make grug better grug. Grug mating, grug not care. Why lift rock for many children? <|endoftext|> grug don’t care anymore grug lift bigger and bigger rock every sunrise in hope it crushes him one day grug wait for dark embrace of death no stone be stronger than grug yet <|endoftext|> grug hear someone whisper "EEEEEEEEEE" but grug see no one spirits? grug hear whisper everytime <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock because want to become big and hairy as mammoth <|endoftext|> Grug trade berry for rockvision Grug no need lift rock Grug happy in new rockvision cave with happy rockvision wife <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock because cute girl, and also to sad voice quiet <|endoftext|> grug not lift rock, grug cast rock. <|endoftext|> Grug berrypicker. Stop lostenong to sad headvoice and listen to sick headvoice. <|endoftext|> Why do tribe lift rock Grug lift rock to quiet sad head voice <|endoftext|> ME GRUG LIFT ROCK GRUG STRONG <|endoftext|> >GRUG NEED PUT DICK IN HOLE GRRRR <|endoftext|> GRUG NO COUNT <|endoftext|> Exactly why grug wants to breed this female <|endoftext|> Why kick and hurt foot when have club? Grug laugh at you, small think. <|endoftext|> once grug, forever grug <|endoftext|> No grug yes kick. Kick hurts like club. Grug like clubs. Grug like kicks. <|endoftext|> I'm part doomer, part grug, part s-o=i boi? <|endoftext|> This wrong. Grug no kick. Need both leg for hunt. Can still hunt one arm. <|endoftext|> Grug likes kicking <|endoftext|> Can you guys help figure out what's wrong with me. I never did well in school and the only comfortable job i ever had was working in a warehouse, moving crates etc. Literally bottom of the barrel grug work, yet i felt at home doing it. I always thought i would do wll in IT but i'm literally too retarded to code. Despite this, my IQ is actually slightly above average, which really surpises me. Maybe i have a learning dissability or something, idk. <|endoftext|> based grug. Same. <|endoftext|> >The truth is in 2020 you basically have to be the dude from 50 shades of grey to get even a cursory glance from a 4/10 how fucking sheltered and delusional do you have to be to believe this, do you ever leave the house? have you seen what kinds of guys have gf's? ugly guys, fat guys, skinnyfay guys, that greasy fuck working in mcdonalds has a gf if you dont have a gf it's because you've spent too much time on the internet instead of developing interpersonal skills (aka you have a shit personality). how many countless hours do you spend at the gym yet how many hours do you spend practicing being conscientious and learning how to communicate with other people in a non-autistic way? zero. >hurrr I can lift a car why grug no have gf <|endoftext|> >some coomer fatty fetishist grug made a figurine of his cave painting waifu to coom to >ERMAGAWD THEY WORSHIPPED IT THIS WAS CONSIDERED THE IDEAL STANDARD OF BEAUTY FERTILITY GODDESS BECAUSE I SAY SO i hate most people so goddamn fucking much you wouldnt believe <|endoftext|> >They stole Grug rock >Grug angry >Grug can't find new rock >Grug lift tree instead <|endoftext|> if you still care about face you still havent connected to the inner Grug <|endoftext|> Why do they keep doubling down on making their food addictions worse? It's literally not that hard to eat healthier, slowly and exercise. Do you think grug actually kept track of calories and fasted for X hours? It's literally and anxiety/self-loathing bomb waiting to blow up Makes no fucking sense bro. <|endoftext|> That guy wasn't autistic enough to scare it off. You have to go full grug mode when confronted with wild dangerous animals, scream like a fucking gibbon monkey, jump up and down, flail arms around like a spastic retard, beat chest with fists, etc. Full on chimp out. <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy rock. <|endoftext|> >working progress Stick to lifting heavy things, Grug. <|endoftext|> Why aren't you making your own plates, seriously. >so easy to make even grug could do it >cheap >can make as many as you want <|endoftext|> >Grug lift big stone 4 time a week >Grug biggest in cave >Grug flex cep for Female Grug >Female Grug like skinny Grug better Wut fug? <|endoftext|> Be grug. If grug alone he scare of short strong monke. But grug never alone, grug always have clan. Clan and grug together strong. Grug and clan together make spear. Now short strong monke afraid of Grug. Noclans never make it. <|endoftext|> Me grug hunt. But no inny grug come. How grug get inny? <|endoftext|> grug keep lift heavy grug run lot grug eat meat <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> Hairy men tribe? Grug bald? <|endoftext|> grug trans btw if help <|endoftext|> Hello Grug <|endoftext|> Can you send a vocaroo saying oonga chaka oonga chaka grug wan' meat please <|endoftext|> keto = grug eat lots of eggs and meat barely any antioxidants <|endoftext|> >haven't lifted since 236,000 BC grug you grug-grug <|endoftext|> >grug be 6’2” >grug a big guy, for you >grug have 7” meat club >grug no e-stat >but grug have big frame. Grug 7” club look like 5” club >grug hits cervix if grug no careful >but grug humiliated that grug club look small next to grub body >grug with born with tree trunk for club and not branch maybe then grub club looks proportional <|endoftext|> Grug no have club with spike and thermite on end or else grug would club. But grug do need say more few word >grug need realize grugette no make him true happy. Grug know this grug made point in grug other post. But grug have needs. Grug no club in 4 years. Grug can’t pick berry when female near without sperg because grug want club and only think about swinging grug big club when grug. Grug too distracted and tense to focus on grug real work and life to find true happiness. Grub need >get /fit/>club gruggette whenever want/get a perma club gruggette>grug brain normalize again and grug focus on life and not club <|endoftext|> grug need realize grugette no make him true happy. grug know deep down that grugettes and hunter grugstyle only fleeting happy. grug need to find true happy in thing no grug can take away. grug need make right with sky grug. <|endoftext|> Grug need talk less act more. Maybe I be Grug’s grugette tonight? <|endoftext|> Grug currently torn. Grug do believe in self, Greg know what grug capable of. Grug just have actually try. Grub was hunter 5 years ago. Grub club many gruggettes, spend all time with other grug hunters. Then grug kicked out main clubbed gruggette of few years and got sad, grug stopped hunting and picking up heavy, Grug turn into fat berry picker. Grug now seen both side hunter/picker. Grug no longer BIG sad, but grug just normal sad now. Grug know what Grug have do, starts with grug body. Grug know if Grug turn back into hunter grub become big happy again. Then Grug club gruggettes, then Grug no more look at erotic cave painting and pull meat snake all day, then Grug put all focus into career and life. Grug guess him just want make thread. Grug no stupid guy, Grug just lazy Grug guess... <|endoftext|> Maybe Grug try not being pussy bitch and believe in Grug self. <|endoftext|> Am sad berry picker grug never club no grugettes and drag to cave in 4 years. Grug eat too many berry get fat. Grub go through drought lose many fat feel small but better. but still chub so grug still in good drought. Maybe grug pick up heavy rock everyday grub get big and strong and become happy hunter? Maybe grug gets confidence and makes friends? And then maybe drug work harder at life other aspects, and eventually clonk grub getter over head to drag back to Grug cave and have alpha hunter mating time? Then grug become more focused on building something with life instead sex 24/7... What /fit/ thinks of grug idea? <|endoftext|> >So your entire worldview is based off anecdotes yes dont care if you think Im grug brain I trust my gut and what I see irl over anything else <|endoftext|> >Grug no understand dry rock <|endoftext|> GRUG LIEK BIGGER NUMBER <|endoftext|> >80.000 BC >Grug acquires stones in his hands >Grug throws stone in monke head >Grug starts bashing monk head with the other stone <|endoftext|> So if I don't cheat with vodka and diet soda then a Grug meat carnivore keto diet should make me skinny by the end of the year? Right now I'm 26bmi. <|endoftext|> grug no like long word. grug brain tire <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE BIG BOTTOM CHARCOAL GRUGINA <|endoftext|> based grug poster. The key is to not care about looking ridiculous. In real life, it's unlikely that people are paying much attention to you unless you are doing something outlandish. <|endoftext|> GRUG, SAMSON KILL LION <|endoftext|> ok grug <|endoftext|> U're resting too much then. A real grug doesn't have time to listen to the sad voices <|endoftext|> Me use big word Me use big phrase Me smart Me Grug <|endoftext|> This isn't a chad, it's a two-digit IQ grug caveman <|endoftext|> >Big eat >Big lift >Big gain Based grug posting. Just slamming weight around seems to be my method at the moment, until I get proper equipment and my base strength up <|endoftext|> grug grandpa eat elk. grug grandpa-grandpa also eat elk. grug not like peer reviewed meta-analyses, metabolic ward experiments, mendelian randomization. grug look what grandpa-grandpa of grandpa eat. grug eat same. <|endoftext|> Good body, but Grug tier face <|endoftext|> >ainu people Lol the kid looks like zoomer wojak and the dude looks like grug <|endoftext|> >Jocko >self improvement guru fucking what? has he changed over the last 2 years or something? I thought he was just an army grug who would talk about the military and judo. Any "advice" he gave was an extension of his consulting business. <|endoftext|> How make neck big? Grug want big neck. <|endoftext|> checked and grug-pilled <|endoftext|> Grug not feel touch of she-grug in many winters Grug lift and lift but sad voice say grug no deserve she-grug <|endoftext|> >It's cheaper to just shoot someone in the head if they're accused of a crime than it is to observe habeas corpus Go back to inventing the wheel, Grug <|endoftext|> I am grug You big brain Where can grug listen to more of ur wisdom Can you give more wisdom Grug would like <|endoftext|> >took rock grug was using? >GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> grug lift heavy rock over head so bad head noise stop <|endoftext|> >imbying i know what day, month or even year i live in Sun in sky. Grug want bench. Grug go bench. <|endoftext|> Grug did not drink water but Grug not hurt stomach again <|endoftext|> Limit your intelligence and obtain grug strength. <|endoftext|> >don't live in fatfuckistan but always craved for those sugar glazed donuts with different fillings and colors >eventually find a donut shop close to where I live >buy one and wolf it down as soon as I get home >late at night start feeling feverish and shiverish >an hour later sweating, body aches like I was just beaten up >next 4 days have the shits, splitting migraines, dizzyness, all sorts of stuff >grug brain associated all that with the donut I had earlier >tfw ever gonna crave for donuts again <|endoftext|> keep lifting the big rocks grug, you're gonna make it <|endoftext|> >GRUG NEED MEAT FOR BIG MUSCLES, GRUG NOT KNOW WHAT NUTRITION <|endoftext|> >>me grug big and strong >>me grug beat people who disagree with me >>because me grug big and strong, they can't fight back >>this means me grug have correct opinions Yeah, so what's your point? <|endoftext|> >me grug big and strong >me grug beat people who disagree with me >because me grug big and strong, they can't fight back >this means me grug have correct opinions Yes <|endoftext|> >>me grug big and strong >>me grug beat people who disagree with me >>because me grug big and strong, they can't fight back >>his means me grug have correct opinions Unironically yes. Might makes right. Only the physically and mentally weak ridicule strength to this degree. Anyway the guy in OP's Webm was tossing rocks at the chad before he pumelled him so by your logic, your comrade was the first one to use violence against someone who disagreed with him. Now go dilate, tranny. <|endoftext|> >me grug big and strong >me grug beat people who disagree with me >because me grug big and strong, they can't fight back >this means me grug have correct opinions It's not that big, strong people are always wrong. It's just that when they ARE wrong, they don't have to face that fact. They can just pull out the trump card of street violence and fuck off. I envy them, obviously, but in a way I also pity them. To be insulated from the consequences of your actions is lobotomising. <|endoftext|> What's a good intermediate/early intermediate program for grug brains with very low IQs? The less i have to think about the better. <|endoftext|> Grug lift stone Mean voice go quiet <|endoftext|> >Grug cannot bring bick stones to the fight >Grug big sad <|endoftext|> Grug know rock people no have seed! Seed bad! <|endoftext|> grug gonna make it ggmi <|endoftext|> This pleases grug, more unga bungas please <|endoftext|> Watch iron move more fun for grug <|endoftext|> the one on the right looks like grug <|endoftext|> >big shine rock feel good! is natural! grug like big shine rock! ancestors spend much time in shine rock, shine rock must be good! Yes. <|endoftext|> Laying in the sun is fucking retarded and on the way to leather bag city. >muh vitamin D Just take a fucking supplement you retard. A vitamin D supplement is: >precise, easily measured and obtainable in whatever amount you need to reach an optimal serum level >can be consumed in a second >available year round >a year's supply can be purchased for the price of a burrito Sun is: >unpredictable in its availability >impractical for anyone to know how much vitamin D is being produced given variability in sunlight intensity, surface area of the skin exposed, skin pigmentation, individual genetic factors >not available year round >requires time to obtain >will give you cancer >causes wrinkling and aging in any amount Suntards basically exist with two arguments: >big shine rock feel good! is natural! grug like big shine rock! ancestors spend much time in shine rock, shine rock must be good! and >muh excuse to irradiate so I can be tan and pretend like it's a healthy tan to justify the horseshit I pull <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO LIKE WOJAK THREADS ON /FIT/ SCREEN. GRUG WONDER WHERE JANNIEGRUG? WHY HE BANNISH GOOD STORIES BUT LET COOMER TRIBE POSTS AND WOJAK STORIES STAY? <|endoftext|> I carry a baseball bat. Basedball bats are best weapon, brings out my inner grug <|endoftext|> me grug log and stones too big to sleep with loincloth grug put sweaty stones on lady grug leg at dark feel good on stones me sleep <|endoftext|> you fucking retarded manlets have no fucking clue how lucky you are. for 99.9% of human history your fate was to get smashed in the head by tall grug and die in a bush. for the first time in human history, manlets are being given a chance to actually make it. the richest man in the world right now is a manlet. danny devito is in the 4 ft range and not only does he have a wife and three kids but he managed to cheat on the bitch. instead of taking advantage of the fact that for the first time in history we aren't allowed to kill people for their genetics you faggots get on /fit/ 50 times a day and go UHHHHH BUHHHHHH I CANT GET PUSSSYYYYYYYYYYY <|endoftext|> Grug ancestor very wise, Grug tribe bleach many night skin gruginas <|endoftext|> Grug ancestor say kill charcoal grugs take charcoal gruginas <|endoftext|> Grug want picture <|endoftext|> Pre-pottery Neolithic European and Anatolian cultures predate and surpass India on about every front. No, and in some cases in the Mesolithic the Western European maritime hunter-gatherers were sedentary and already building stone structures they would return to. Like a grug vacation home basically. <|endoftext|> >Killing for a woman is the biggest form of cuckholdry Bro every culture has a myth about a man killing a monster to get a girl >Perseus and Cetus >Susanoo and Orochi >Skuba/Krak and the Wawel dragon Etc. It's a narrative theme for a reason >Me Grug hunt kill sabertooth. Chief give daughter Grugette then she want mate with Grug when she see longtooth pelt know Grug mighty hunter <|endoftext|> I mean I dont know what vo2 is or lactic acid I am not a grug of science <|endoftext|> Tier four is will teach you spiritual completeness and so you don't deck it out like a Grug - that's just relying on strength if you do that. <|endoftext|> based high iq lover the grug tier jackhammering that a lot of chads/tyrones do actually does put women off from my experience and what girls/friends have told me. I’ve seen skinny fat dudes have girls beg to fuck them because they did basically what this post is talking about (granted they’re sloots for pumping & dumping but still) <|endoftext|> >No! No! Bad Grug! Stop starving! Either pick those berries which never grew because of the drought or hunt that deer skeleton that also died from the drought! If you aren't constantly full in a highly unpredictable environment then I'll punish you by making you stay awake at night! Bad Grug! Should've known better instead of having to use your adaptations! <|endoftext|> >goo goo gaa gaa women good gooo gooooooooo don't be incel gaaaaagoooooo shut the fuck up and grab club, grug <|endoftext|> Be me Caveman grug Kill mammoth Eat the toe for 30 grams protein and out the rest in caveman fridge for later so it doesn't go to waste <|endoftext|> Fucking half-wit. That's not the point. The point is that if you if don't use an organ for a number of generations it will degrade. Animals and insects living in complete darkness are typically near blind or blind all together because that organ isn't necessary anymore. Likewise, if your ancestors exerted themselves a lot - for example, the cardiovascular and respiratory system effectiveness will be pronounced. It's evolutionary deductive-reasoning, but I'll make it simple for you, fag. Grug ancestor hunt much in darkness. Grug eyesight very good. Grug ancestor not think much. Grug stupid. Grug ancestor sit much. Grug ass large. <|endoftext|> Yes, CS degree is 'computational' math (what was called 'effective calculation' originally). Wouldn't call it a meme degree, unless you are Grug and think computers are memes. > Then everyone expects you to be like an IT guy but mainly what you learned it how to prove theorems and solve 4-dimensional matrixes. Yeah that's not cool I agree. Unis need to make clearer distinctions between IT and CS, just so that you can't be hired with master CS degree to do IT desk jobs , lmao. <|endoftext|> they can fast but note that women are more sensitive to fasting then men, too much can decrease their fertility/cause hormonal imbalance. this is prob because women need fat for estrogen and women have evolved to be more sensitive to hunger and danger than men. they are supposed to be sheltered while male grug goes out and hunts/fights- they evolved that way <|endoftext|> >be me, grug >grug eat berry >grug feel happy <|endoftext|> >GRUG takes down a MAMMOTH solo while you wait in line for your ONIONS latte <|endoftext|> uh oh looks like I don't have to pretend I'm a Grug or a hippie I can just fast and eat whatever <|endoftext|> >Grug, what good for baby? >Me want make fertility statue >Show young berrypickers what good for baby >"Is obvious Oog" >"Baby is big, need big space around baby maker so baby come out" >"Baby need lots of food, need big chest feeders so baby have lots to eat" >"Berrypicker need to do lots to take care of baby while Grug on hunt, so should look strong" >"Grow baby need lots of juju, so should eat well" And yet 10000 years later we're talking about how the ideal female body type is somehow a fat bloated pig with no responsibility or self-awareness and zero dedication to even the most basic work, let alone having a body capable of being on its feet all day doing physical labor just like men. <|endoftext|> Was cute until I realized she was literally grug-tier retarded. <|endoftext|> >be me, Chad-ug >see weak, fat grug look for mate >me take mate in front of grug >grug keep watch with tears in eyes Me go after what they want <|endoftext|> You're trapped in a left vs right thing. In reality people are just psychologically wired to not give fucks about men. Because our grug brains refer back to a time where any problem a man might have were a result of his weak genes so the kindest thing to do is ignore him. An SJW *might* credit men as being able to be sexual abuse victims. I have actually seen them go both ways on that. But you're retarded if you think we're even close to society punishing women for this. Profoundly retarded if you think Women's Rights orgs are fighting for lady pedos to get done. <|endoftext|> This is 100% accurate. It also feels amazing. But I still lift and I have a better physique than all the keto and Yoga hippy bros. Man must embrace both the Big Brain and Grug for true balance. <|endoftext|> Tell me where you're at in life and what your interests are, and I'll give you a rec that will be personally significant so you won't have to listen to faggots like opine that you only ever read Meditations like Grug <|endoftext|> >grug tell tribe fire make food get big ouch >fire make big ouch on elk, elk meat get hurt and mean less elk meat for tribe >shamman tell grug make elk meat hurt with fire make worm go away but worm extra food for tribe so me make tribe eat un-hurt meat <|endoftext|> grug lift rock, grug feel body, grug no feel head pain <|endoftext|> I know that feel op. Just gotta Grug on and lift heavy rock. <|endoftext|> It's rare for hot guys to have a big dick. Chad is for public image. Some big dicked Grug is probably cucking him behind the scenes <|endoftext|> >Your genetics don't matter they do to me, the only genetic defect that i have found myself to overlook is bad eyesight and it think its down to there actually being a genetic correlation between bad eyes and intelligence, ( if grug cant see good grug gotta be smarter to get food ). every past girlfriend ive had has needed glasses <|endoftext|> >grug pick up rock >make sad head voice go away <|endoftext|> Don't you feel like a Grug? <|endoftext|> if you're a grug that just wants to get his dick wet, then what's wrong with white skanks on tinder? <|endoftext|> It isn't a meme, it actually works because it's CICO >Are there long term negative side effects? For me, it's the time that I break my fast(15:00-17:30) and how hungry and excited I get. That time window has been established as an anticiped point of the day for my brain and body. Now that I'm not doing IF as often, I tend to have an early supper just so I can trick my grug brain that has been thinking about getting that 1700 kcals meal, otherwise, I would find myself snacking until I make dinner. <|endoftext|> If anything normies prefer room temp grug iq frat boys who think jumping on the pong table is funny lol they don't care about your carefully constructed ironic critique of society or your obscure 2cool4school references <|endoftext|> Grug feet go pat pat pat Grug feel good <|endoftext|> Okay okay,I'm doing squats today Grug don't bash me please for the love of god <|endoftext|> lol faggots who think and act like this haven't even killed for their own food before. Eating your chicken with your bare hands again, grug? Grow up. <|endoftext|> You get out of it what you bring into it.. You're a brainlet NPC so you don't introspect you just look at the wall and say "grug like funny feeling!" <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock and write on cave wall >grug helping tribe <|endoftext|> Pushups Pull-ups Press Ring Archer Rows Trap Bar Deads Simple as, grug lift things off the ground and push things over head, and move body through space <|endoftext|> >Grug is grill now >Other Grugs bring meat and berries now, like with other grills >Noooo, Gr...ill not scam you <|endoftext|> Show tummy Also need the grug pasta <|endoftext|> <400 sorry grug brain <|endoftext|> How grug get strong without industrial gym weights? Grug only know so many ways to move rock <|endoftext|> >can't get laid >virgin lmao Schopenhauer could have fucked whoever he wanted to and probably did here and there, but before giving a flying shit about women of all things he was a fucking Philospher, Thinker and Author not some random grug simp who pedistalizes pussy and jerks off to Instagram models because he has nothing better to do. <|endoftext|> >grug: high bar! >drooling grug: low bar! >big brain: front squat Ultra Mega Giga Brain: Hack Squat <|endoftext|> >grug: high bar! >drooling grug: low bar! big brain: front squat <|endoftext|> >Grug why you eat meat? >meat industy said good Do vegans actually belive this? <|endoftext|> Dude, just lose another 20lbs lmao. It seems like all of you guys who complain about being skinny fat just got too lazy towards the end of the cut or just never thought >“Mmmhh grug stomach too fat, grug need to lose more weight”. <|endoftext|> based coach grug <|endoftext|> >grug attach rocks to bars to become like muscle man <|endoftext|> >but in some cromagnon brute way Embrace your inner Grug. <|endoftext|> >lift weights >stop eat mcdonald >grug become chief of rock tribe <|endoftext|> Monky too rough Human too soft Grug perfect <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Honestly can't say, the mods here already purged the /fitlit/ threads so I doubt that would fly and in /x/ it would take a long time to fix the userbase before it stops atracting the usual Schizoids. For now I think making recurring posts on /sig/ threads could work to build a following of people that are interested, but those threads are always bouncing between /fit/, /pol/ and /adv/, and are not really welcome anywhere (by the mods only thou). Maybe if sig becomes a board it could work as a general thread on it, but 4chinz would never shut down one of their overlapping coomer boards to actually make something worthwhile with the server upkeep money. Do you have some pastebins with the occult titles or something like that? I had pretty sizeable folder of "[something something] starter pack" infographics like pic related that I lost when my previous cellphone fried up and I didn't Drive my archive because grug no like technology. If we could get at least a good list of reference material to talk about it could be a start, even if we don't have the PDF files at hand right now. <|endoftext|> good, you're still in touch with your body's defense mechanisms. we didn't evolve to eat all these different vegetables on a daily basis. think about man, grug hungry grug going to go kill mammoth not grug gonna go pick a fucking cabbage. meat, dairy, eggs, and seasoning are all you need to live a healthy lifestyle with seasonal fruits on occasion. take the mostly carnivore chad pill and live the life you know you were always meant to live. <|endoftext|> Second one I presume to be A. See the box attached to the side of the is positioned left initially then up, right and then back to up, which I believe indicates that it will move left again. As for the arrow I believe that will move back to pointing up. Another thing which indicates it is A is the color of the circles. the first box had 2 white circles, the second had 2 gray, third 2 white and last 2 gray. This indicated the last box should have 2 white. In the end, the only answer choice which matches my observations would be A. In all honesty though training yourself to take an IQ test doesn't work. either way 95th iq percentile is grug tier shit and you should refrain from reproducing but regardless good luck on your test. <|endoftext|> IF EVOLUTION REAL WHY GRUG HAVE NO TAIL??!?!?!?!??!? It's called negative reinforcement retard. Certain traits are selected at the expense of others. Neck yourself and never procreate, you'll never be of any use in life. <|endoftext|> Yes, strength doesn't exist. Throwing heavier people= strength. Lifting 2 inch ROM bench heavier than 16 inch ROM bench. 2 inch stronger grug smart. <|endoftext|> *kills you with a club* oops too bad you couldn't do anything but kick my shins li'l grug, thanks for the meat tho haha <|endoftext|> Fwat CREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKK grug do trepanning to grug own mammoth trunk Lock up your daughters! because there's a pedo on the prowl!!!! feels hood man fats when you lose weight <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> Nah, man, I'm a grug. I haven't read any of that shit. I just have notepads saved of good posts that reinforce what I already believe. <|endoftext|> >owning several books on math and making use of them makes you a math prodigy with delusions of grandeur >can’t even spell pretentious >focuses on one subject of study like an autist Miyamoto Musashi advises you dabble in all arts m8 No I just like to study. Why are you an angry grug? <|endoftext|> This, anyone who blows 100 bucks on a mediocre grug brain cookbook is a fucking retard. Its free to download, thats what a real high iq wealthy person would do. Not shell out their cuck bucks from mom and dad on a book to teach them how to make obvious or disgusting meals. Gregs fans are all retards and the Mike israetel debate showed that. <|endoftext|> Yeah just like all those long-lived open relationships you see. Oh wait, there are none because polyamorism is Grug-tier retardation peddled by sociopaths and supported by people with low self-esteem <|endoftext|> Kys madafaka no 1 stop Grug from plate liftin <|endoftext|> Whatever you do. Absolutely do not eat a ten strip and go to an out door domestic abuse seminar. I'm a grug brained retard on the internet. As far as the spiritual aspect it depends on your experience with other substances that just dump Neurochemicals. Its going to be a "journey" regardless because of how long it lasts. How you interpret the time is something only your capable of. Stay on the low end of one or two hits. Until you get grasp of how it effects you. Also make sure you can trust the source. <|endoftext|> >Me grug >Be in mama grug wheelbox >Mama grug come and say get out wheelbox >Me grug when <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock >grug feel less sad <|endoftext|> His cookbook actually has some really good recipes, I'm not even going to hate on it. Overpriced, yes. Pathetic, grug brain tier? Nah, not even close. I was actually very surprised at how good the recipes are. <|endoftext|> Doucettes diet is fucking meme tier, just look at his pathetic grug brain tier cookbook <|endoftext|> People get taller as history goes on, and Human dicks have also been getting bigger. There is no doubt that if your ancestors saw you, they'd be in awe. You'd be fucking grade A prime breeding material. You'd be the biggest, smartest, and most well hung grug of them all. Have confidence anon <|endoftext|> I don't know about that anon, they were mostly just smart and there were a lot of them. Couldn't just chase down a fucking gazelle, they had their people posted, made the gazelle run into them and throw fucking spears and shit at them, and the gazelle would either die or run to another outpost of Gruggs and so on. I don't think it should be seen as "Grug outrun Gazelle" more like "Grug run long enough to kill Gazelle" which I'm sure you could do. <|endoftext|> >Using /pol/ >Have a good day Why don't u just admit u don't have arguments grug >Muh I'm brave >Muh u're a pussy <|endoftext|> In Grugland Grug use pebble, stone and boulder <|endoftext|> Good look with brain damage grug <|endoftext|> >grammarcuck GRUG HAVE NO TIME FOR STUPID TONGUE RULE. <|endoftext|> go grug mode <|endoftext|> Shitty comparison, Grug-tier IQ confirned <|endoftext|> Caucasian grug genetics <|endoftext|> train your social skills grug, treat like lifting <|endoftext|> Then drink a cup of coffee and save money you absolute mongoloid grug barined idiot. Coffee is also healthier than your purple artificial goop from China. <|endoftext|> Wholesome grug :) <|endoftext|> Grug have thoughts that make him sad Grug feel sad sometimes Grug lift heavy rock to get stronger Grug notice more women like Grug Grug HATE women Grug love his new body Grug happy :) <|endoftext|> >1 Over and over again the studies have mixed results and there has yet to be substantial long-term effects noted. I'm drinking 1 diet soda a day and losing weight just fine. It's the people that down them all day long and can't control their sugar cravings that have issues with weight gain. >4 how is this advice? this is common sense. grug put trash in garbage can. grug do good. >7 >Hack your metabolism reddit-tier headline, counting calories is the most basic principle preached here. no, you should not eat whatever you want just because you know your TDEE, you should eat healthy food >8 like the retards who dab a napkin on their pizza to "get the extra grease off?" that's not how it works. how about just using cooking spray instead <|endoftext|> I could read Robert E. Howard. He's Grug friendly right? <|endoftext|> Yes I prefer the term grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no like talk to tribe >Grug like lift rock >grug big but no talk girl but the opposite <|endoftext|> >mfw 6'3" >mfw 235 lbs >mfw big ass frame >mfw my feet structure look like the bottom picture >mfw I am Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug sad >Grug touch dick, feel good >now sad again, why dick rub dick not help, Grug asks >dick rub reason for sad Grug, no longer dick rub no more >Grug try NoRub, Grug sad after while, do dickrub >dickrub fail, still sad, Grug very mad, keep trying <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Bulgarian is a grug brained, brute force style of training, that essentially just weeds out the weaker lifters, and doesn't work without heavy steroid use. <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE BIG BOTTOM RUN FAST CHARCOAL GRUGINA <|endoftext|> grug make head quiet grug say thank you in heart <|endoftext|> Grug likes them blacc, thicc and juicy <|endoftext|> It's Jim Wendler, what do you expect? The guy is literally the grug meme personified. Oh and did you know, just like Rippetoe, Wendler is also a BBC cuck? <|endoftext|> What the fuck did I just read? Who does not eat, should he eat, then it be eatten. But if the eater does eat the eatted then eat it up. Amen. This honestly reads like one of those grug comics. <|endoftext|> a bigger muscle on a given individual will be a stronger muscle, but an individual with bigger muscles can be weaker than an individual with smaller muscles. Summed it up for your grug brain. <|endoftext|> Curently on 90kg OHP x1 (of the ground) It's a great grug tier exercise True show of power 10/10 would recomend Hard to progress in thought and takes time,volume and effort <|endoftext|> started at 50 kg and worked up to 95 within a few months(didnt have more than 70 kg weights for the first few months) This was 17 to 18 and couldnt go more than 95 until i picked it up at 19 almost 20 and worked up to 120kg bench Was 1pl8ing OHP at 17 which was the only thing i was realy proud of.Curently doing 80 kg of the ground OHP. No dead for me more than 120kg because i lack the weight and im a neet.Also no more than a 70 kg squat due to having no rack and having to lift it and put it behind 's really hard but i think it's a legit exercise,grug tier because it's just you and the weight Legitimate question no lols at you peeps but how do you guys start that low?Did you have just a generaly bad diet growing.Didnt you do any sports growing up?I sucked at conventional sports but mom made me do swiming until I was 14 when i broke my hand in a fight <|endoftext|> >imagine just picking one up and taking her to your grug cave. >one Imagine picking them both anon. <|endoftext|> imagine just picking one up and taking her to your grug cave. being active is good for you, but no. strength and size and cardio are all very different things. wanna be good at squat? then squat <|endoftext|> >no guns weeb. it’s not 1400 anymore and your shitty Walmart katana is a piece of shit. Hurr, me Grug, putting sharpened rock on stick is dishonorable, only club honorable weapon. Faggot <|endoftext|> >take advice >from berrypicker Grug will tell berrypicker if grug doesn't want to lift heavy rock anymore. Until then grug will continue to hunt dinosaur. <|endoftext|> you're supposed to talk like cavemen you concussed newfag. you think grug knew what an automaton was? <|endoftext|> grug just be grug womens want come in grug cave then <|endoftext|> Grug drag female into cave by hair <|endoftext|> grug just need to take woman to cave? <|endoftext|> haha this grug dumb this grug no lift women into cave <|endoftext|> Grug no share dinosaur with boobmen? Boobmen be materialistic, vapid automatons. Grug need to get their attention with violence and meat <|endoftext|> grug gave shiny rock to longnose tribe for berry berry taste good <|endoftext|> I'm sure what you meant to say is Grug dinosaur should womanses gives. Womanses dinosaur likes to eat. Grug give womanses dinosaur, womanses come Grug's cave. <|endoftext|> grug need more shiny rock female like shiny rock <|endoftext|> Maybe grug should offer some dinosaur to a member of the opposite sex? <|endoftext|> grug lift heavy rock grug eat dinosaur still no female come to grug's cave <|endoftext|> Unironically mirin right's grug aesthetics <|endoftext|> Year 20,000 (forecasted) >recent advancements in hyperdimensional spirit science reveal Grug was correct all along <|endoftext|> I think they blame their obesity on medical conditions because it would otherwise mean they over-eat, which would have been a big no-no back in ancient times. Imagine living in a small caveman tribe and 1 guy is constantly eating all the food. Of course he's a problem and needs to be killed. So fat people have become accustomed to blaming their obesity on other reasons to avoid being killed for being greedy assholes. They have literally evolved over time to lie about their over-eating to protect themselves while throwing others under the bus by eating their portions. "Muh genetics" is a lie as old as time Year 10,000 BC: >Grug why you so fat? you eat all our meat and berries? >no, evil spirits curse me Year 2020: >Rebecca why are you so fat? How much do you eat everyday? >I only eat 1900 calories at max! It's my thyroid! Year 10,000 (forecasted): >ZYE4-32 how have you become obese? Why are you not functioning at your recommended intake? >Subquantum discharges are affecting my cybermechanic implants. I'll schedule a repair soon <|endoftext|> GRUG WANTS TO BREED <|endoftext|> This. The grug pill is a thermonuclear redpill <|endoftext|> You think too much main. Take the grug pill and just do shit. <|endoftext|> THREAD HAS TOO MANY WORD FOR GRUG, GRUG WANT HATE MAN MAMMOTH, NOT READ. POST MAN MAMMOTH CAVEPAINTINGS <|endoftext|> >it's a grug-unit pretty much <|endoftext|> >t. Grug <|endoftext|> it's a grug-unit. Always makes me laugh. I've been using stone as a measurment all my life (from the UK). A stone is 14 pounds AFAIK. <|endoftext|> ok skitzo, i'm not sure how a conversation on something i take during a fast turned into an outlet for your own antisemitism and accusations of corporate shillery, but this just reveals your own paranoia and stupidity it's just obnoxious at what a bad faith, obtuse takes you have, i'm sure in your past life you told grug to not bother with the wheel because you felt like a real man carrying shit uphill <|endoftext|> Grug what are you doing. <|endoftext|> >heard about farmer walks >sounds stupid but whatever >started with 60kg total and just carry it 50-100feet a few times >did this between lifting days for a month >check 1RM >added 20-30 lbs to all compound lifts effortlessly despite not being able to go hard due to home gym limitations Seriously? >GRUG CARRY ROCK ACROSS CAVE! Was the secret? My forearms are noticeably larger already also. <|endoftext|> The very first Grug to open a sharp rock business did so to spite all the Flubs of the tribe. <|endoftext|> UNGA BUNGA ME WANT GIVE GRUG DICK TO BENDY BITCH <|endoftext|> >Grug say big weights lift no real sport >instead big weights lift but Olympic real sport <|endoftext|> Armies are constantly changing their close combat programs, its not that big of a deal. Plus your average grunt gets like a week of "here's how you punch thing, grug go shoot now" so the more simple and basic the training is for them, the better. <|endoftext|> deadlift it just feels good to pick something heavy off the ground >grug like lift heavy stone <|endoftext|> >grug weigh same as 20 boulders <|endoftext|> I HATE TECHNOLOGY FOR TAKING ME OUT OF MY NATURAL NICHE. I just wanna be a grug bro's, Eat raw meat, lift rock, fug, and not worry about jobs and shit. Is that to much to ask? So yeah, I LIFT TO BE GRUG, KILLER OF TECHNO JUDE. <|endoftext|> the picture you're referencing is just a result of people reading on reddit and seeing a youtube video or two about le dangers of a knife attack, and so now everybody thinks they're an expert on the futility of going up against somebody with a knife, even if you have a gun (people argue that knifes are superior because of how long it takes to draw a gun). it's like they've been too hyper-urbanized and so when they first learn about something violent they over react. like a caveman witnessing the first caveman to pick up a sharp stick and use it as a weapon >"grug saw hardnose tribesman pick up pointy stick, then he use pointy stick to stab squarenose tribe member" >"that no problem. me handle sharp stick easy. throw rock" >"you no understand. sharp stick invincible. grug know it be superior weapon of all time and only option is run away" >"that fine. grup pick up his own sharp stick" >"that no work. there two loser in sharp stick fight; one grug who die in berry field, other who die in cave bunga" <|endoftext|> strong heart not need for protect chieftain. protect chieftain best job. fast grug always chase deer. fast grug will never do anything except chase deer and berry pick. big arm better for grug's career <|endoftext|> Is Grug not based if not lift heavy rock? longnose tribe tell tale of berry heart,say need run long for strong heart? Trust or bash milkheads? <|endoftext|> Thats some chimp tier take >oga booga grug do the yell with other ogaboogers >oga booba grug do humping dick funny <|endoftext|> Grug post good <|endoftext|> OP here, me grug also try to be shegrug now if matter <|endoftext|> Still don't understand how Grug would get a nail <|endoftext|> >be me, man grug >finish run to heavy cave >see mammoth parked outside >stupid berry pickers not run to cave as warmup >walk inside >grugette at desk smile and give greeting >walk into heavy cave and see not-grug there >tall, stand funny and straight, small brow >grug not like >they make fun of thog for not lift heavy enough stone > >walk up, offer thog spot >tell him he not berry picker >tell him he like strong tree, no break >thog lift stone and not-grugs not talk anymore because thog prove he strong >not-grug with tiniest man snake showing through loincloth say we dumb, grugettes prefer not-grugs because they have big head meat >tell not-grug to show muscle >flex, show big arms and long man snake >call them berry pickers >not-grug cower in shame because him have small man snake and no muscle >not-grugs flee and hear mammoth stomp away >continue lift heavy stone with thog and go home to do snake in tunnel with cave-gf haha, stupid berry pickers. who have good heavy cave story? <|endoftext|> >GRRRRR THING MAKE NOISE GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> >Grug can't fast >only have wine vinegar >need APC™ to fast <|endoftext|> >be grug >no good >close to achieving grug long time goal of cummy cummy penis tummy >no happen >grug fear no dicky again <|endoftext|> >things happen at roughly same time >Grug concludes one caused the other >thanks for coming to Grug's TED talk <|endoftext|> Different anon here, you must be new to /fit We are scientific lads to educate ourselves. While most enjoy being spoon fed information we find studies to reach a higher power being fit and smart is the goal. You can be a stupid working out. >Grug lift rocks get big <|endoftext|> Well, before getting in the gym i was lifting in my home 16x12 like GRUG kind of retard <|endoftext|> Grug make rock weight get strength of rock. Next Grug eat moose heart, get strength of moose. Grug biggest in suburb. <|endoftext|> grug go groll <|endoftext|> >grug weigh 2 boulders <|endoftext|> get on grug level >1 rock ohp >bench big log >squat boulder >deadlift biggest boulder >grug abs look big in morning sunrise before hunt >chase animal for hours for food, grug no tired >grug head full of hair >grug teeth very pretty from lots of good fish >grug have finest animal hides >grug have most rocks, more rock than rest of village >grug no need many thing >grug no play ball, stop playing ball many season ago grug no have thing to do. <|endoftext|> GRUG LISTEN PALEO ROCK GRUG FEEL GOOD LIFT BIG ROCK PUT ROCK DOWN GRUG DO MANY TIME MAKE GRUG STRONG <|endoftext|> Grug lift big rock Grug do pull-ups Grug do pushups Grug do squats Grug keep doing all day Grug get big strong <|endoftext|> Recommend me some programs for very low IQ grugtoid brainlets like me. Basically, i like simple programs where i don't have to think about much, and the progression is very basic. My brain hurts looking at most programs with percentages and fucking weird rep schemes, i feel like i'm doing math. DIS HURT GRUG BRAIN! GRUG NO LIKE THINK! GRUG WANT LIFT MORE HEAVY STONE! WHAT GRUG DO? <|endoftext|> Evolution. If Grug wanted string indeoendent women had force the female to hunt with him. But the female wanted to breast feed and raise children instead so here we are. <|endoftext|> unga bunga we wanna put flesh stick in blubber one make strong small baby grug come out. strong baby grug good baby grug <|endoftext|> Grug Disanv do: Dip 5x10. Dumbbell bench 5x10. Dumbbell OHP 5x10. Bent over dumbbell row 5x10. Grug Disanv want Iron Temple open again. Old men not use Iron Temple in tribe's territory. Grug risk wog sickness to worship at Iron Temple. Grug Disanv still sore from making snoo snoo with Grugette two nights ago. <|endoftext|> Grug favourite lifting chant <|endoftext|> You can see it in the BPD eyes. I think trannies would be like the shamans if we were still in grug times. Now they are mostly all just advocates of ZOG in some way. Sad! <|endoftext|> grug press up above head can feel not as strong bad sick making grug like twig but twig that is soft grug not even sick <|endoftext|> Grug need to stop lift for Gruggete. Grug need to lift for self. <|endoftext|> grug hope soon all sand tribes turn to ash tribes <|endoftext|> Ah, I see Grug have very big problem! me already buy heavier rock before shaman told to stay in cave <|endoftext|> Grug do 100 chin to branch. Now grug do curl. Next grug do new invention gut wheel. Yestersun grug do heavy lift over heads and 100 dips <|endoftext|> Me do both hand on ground go up 50 time too, but can only pull up dinosaur neck 30 time. I fail! GRUG FAIL GRUG FAILURE <|endoftext|> Make Grug Sad Then Make Grug Angry All Grug Must Lift To Kick Long-Nosed Tribe Back To Sand Cave <|endoftext|> Today Grug lift this much: 5 by 15 bangrock curls to up-to-sun press 5 by 15 cheese eating scaredy-grug press 5 by 15 meat under armpit raises 5 by 15 lie back on log press 5 by 15 drinky skull squats Me like 5 by 15. It simple as count fingers on all hands and then count one hand again. Not make Grug head hurt but make meat in body hurt in good way. <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT CHARCOAL GRUGINA <|endoftext|> grug want to push stone not sit in cave <|endoftext|> Learn how to hard mew you can feel it. Your facial bones don't really ever fully fuse until you're like 70. That's why Joe Rogan looks like a grug after abusing hgh in his late 30s. <|endoftext|> >tfw grug browbone makes my eyes look slanted <|endoftext|> what is the fucking point of these threads > grug says i can lift rock > grog says you can't > grug will actually try to lift rock just wait for fucking event, noone cares about this bullshit. we don't need 10 threads every day <|endoftext|> I don't know a whole lot about strongman sport, but can anyone explain to me why these guys are acting so gay and whiny about this? If Thor can get a judge to come check his lift, and he can manage to pull 501, why wouldn't it count? I don't understand any of this. Brian Shaws argument about it bringing the sport back to it's past of lifting in garages etc etc, is gay as well. Strongman is a grug sport about who is the strongest grug. Simple as. <|endoftext|> If grug pull band one inch, band pull back weak. If grug pull band more, band pull back stronger. If you’re using a 25kg rated band like in the picture on the left, it will pull back 25kg at a certain distance. If you use the same band in the way like on the right side of the picture, it will pull 50kg at a different length, because of how you’re pulling the band over the bar. I’m just saying it’ll generally be double the force, yes, but the range of motion you can do will be less because of the way you’re pulling the band over the bar. <|endoftext|> He's too heavy for that shit, Grug should stick to picking rocks up <|endoftext|> nice atlas dumbell collection grug <|endoftext|> Based and Grug-pilled <|endoftext|> >grug pick up heavy rock >set back down >do every day for long time >now grugette want make bang bang with grug >grug no understand grugette <|endoftext|> Is gelatin jello with grug berry good for you? <|endoftext|> Uhh yeah trump protecting American businesses and moving factories is definitely going to be harmful to workers who've lost their jobs. That's why all the poor whites voted for trump and the rich ones smeared him. Let me guess, you're going to give some implicitly-classist response about how they're ignorant grug brains huh? <|endoftext|> >grug berry <|endoftext|> >stretch = no pain >no pain = no gain >stretch = no gain grug hate stretch now <|endoftext|> Based Grug.. <|endoftext|> Based Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Thoughts on my /construction/ tier gym lads? Not shown are the rock I've found for strongman style lifts and my new bench Based grug lifter <|endoftext|> GRUG TOO STRONK FOR STRENK-MAKING LOG! GRUG FIND NEWER BIGGER LOG! GRUG GET STRONKER! <|endoftext|> This looks fun. I need to step up my grug-game. <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug approve <|endoftext|> Grug blog Why is lockout so hard in the Rock Press? >Rock press 5x >Small rock press 2x >Rock SLD 3x >Chin ups 5x >Push-ups 3x <|endoftext|> Today I lift stones again Grug bump <|endoftext|> >them grug-tier wrist and forearm thickness >them small clavicles and wide hips Unfortunate <|endoftext|> Grug bet him could kill lion if him take 10 years MMA (Mixed Mesozoic Arts) <|endoftext|> >hey Grug, I bet you can't grapple that lion <|endoftext|> The oldest line of work there is. She used to trade sex for food from grug, now she uses sex for that moolah. <|endoftext|> now that's using your grug brain <|endoftext|> Grug feels gud <|endoftext|> Depends how much he weighs you absolute grug <|endoftext|> >grug like! <|endoftext|> Grug strong, Grug give life meaning. <|endoftext|> i am a man grug <|endoftext|> Grug underrockavered <|endoftext|> >grug decide to do starting rock >grug don't want bother read entire stone >grug alternate squat and rocklift >grug squat stop at 2rock >Ripperock say you're not doing the progrock >Ripperock say read stone and eat more <|endoftext|> >grug actually do starting rock >Didn’t read cave wall sticky <|endoftext|> Grug make it <|endoftext|> >be Grug >lift heavy rock >drink mammoth milk just like Mark Ripperock tell Grug to >sleep >repeat <|endoftext|> >caffeine doesn't alter your mind great take, Grug I do now but I know cardio and sleep will be better when I achieve NoCaff Eat my ass chief <|endoftext|> Finasteride shills are pretty grug >you need hair to get laid >therefore go and take drug that slowly kills your sex drive/castrates you to regrow hair <|endoftext|> i already know i'm injured i'm specifically making this thread asking for input from people with similar injuries (i know lots of people with herniated discs post on /fit/) improve your reading comprehension you grug shit for brains <|endoftext|> >fruit bad >vegetables bad >bacon good most carnivores are the grug meme personified. it takes a special sort of person to eschew science for arguments about our "ancestors". <|endoftext|> urg anon, give grug back his lifting wheels, grug need so grug can be a grad. <|endoftext|> But we didn’t laze around, we walked all day. People didn’t just shit in chair or lay in bed scrolling /grug fit/ on their stone and tablets inside of their huts/caves. They had work to do. Low intensity stuff like walking all day is still better than what people currently do. Fat people are bad though. There’s nothing wrong with that either, I was one. And it didn’t change until I accepted that it was my own fault. You can stop being one too, idk if you will though <|endoftext|> so you can't form any real rebuttal that isn't just >this make grug upset so grug no like typical right wing sjw bullshit get shot NPC <|endoftext|> >uhm no it was actually a rebuttal except it wasn't because you just told me it makes you upset so you don't like it ;__; beta grug gonna cry? you've replied to me like 5 times and still haven't come up with one riposte yet, really makes you think <|endoftext|> still not an argument, what the fuck is this feels over reals garbage? you can't just say >grug feel toxic masculinity = masculinity bad so grug no like facts don't care about feelings you low iq beta bitch, go back to /pol/ if you just want to wallow in baseless emotion like the NPC you are come back when you somehow grab 20 IQ points and stop acting like a generic right wing sjw <|endoftext|> Grug thinks you good <|endoftext|> Grug don't care. Grug push rock. Grug kill berrypicker and fertilize berrypicker wife. <|endoftext|> Loud metal good make grug feel strong bang rock rock <|endoftext|> yu need grug <|endoftext|> >grug stronk <|endoftext|> Good for you, Anon. >hurrr 65 kg dyel faggot, Grug strong bench 3pl8 for reps durrrrr Don't listen to these retards. Shitting on someone elses pr is the ultimate filter separating the gymcels from the chads <|endoftext|> >lifting for obongos grug not make it for sure grock lift for grock and no one else. Grock lift because grock want be happy and grock want be able to swing club VERY hard. Grock going to make it. Grug going be disappointed when obongo not want make grugling with him. Obongos too busy burning dark rock with dark skin tribe care, not care about grug self improve for her grug need learn love grug self and work for grug own happiness before grug get obongos. <|endoftext|> grug discover 8-12 rep muscle 4-6 rep strenght now grug will make muscle and will stronk grug now can get a olga and make grugglils grug happy first time in life <|endoftext|> >latino dude who quarter squats 3pl8 on the smith with a pussy pad for 4 reps and looks around proud as fuck after it >another latino with huge upper body but paralyzed tier legs, no joke i think he had some sort of accident because he has the legs of a 12 yo kid >grug, biggish dude who smells like shit and dumb as a rock, when he gets a new program he goes around asking the 2nd latino what the exercises and how are they supposed to be done >jailbait, girl with turbothot body 10/10 ass but her face is like 14 yo and im confused to make a moke >casillas, his name comes from the goalkeeper, since he only wears old shirts of him. has been a fat fuck >140 kg prob and is ugly as fuark. He has mad talking skills and is hitting on girls constantly, he doesnt care when they look really uncomfortable or scared, he keeps going until he is satisfied. I heard him once in the locker rooms talking bout how he had a threesome and it wasnt that big of a deal <|endoftext|> >grug in muscle cave >grug try lift big time weight like everyone in there >grug fail, shit his pants. Grug forgot neck bar lift cork >they laugh at grug >grug go to other muscle gym, different one >grug do body movers, no weight >grug make tiny gains >grug happy <|endoftext|> is there a 5/3/1 with intelligent accessory work instead of just grug do 100 reps <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKES MACHINES ROCKS ARE SCARY <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKES ROCKS MACHINES ARE SCARY <|endoftext|> ROOOO GRUG WANT THICCCCC CHARCOAL GRUGINA <|endoftext|> why the fuck do low test jaw-recessed (rhyme) bitches have such neanderthal / grug foreheads??? esp souybois Clearly its not the T I think its something else but wtf is it? <|endoftext|> Bean juice good for grug?? <|endoftext|> why grug hunt mammoth when can pick berry? <|endoftext|> This was kind of a separate species. If you look even at Paleolithic Europeans the difference is massive, we are completely mogged by grug. <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> Honestly Bros fuck work. If I could go back to hunting auroch and mastadons or whatever and not deal with this shit I'd take that grug pill in a heart beat <|endoftext|> Grug big shoulders. But cave paint is man with bigger shoulders. Grug thinks man on cave paint not lifting log but eating the bull berries. Grug angry, now lifting more log. <|endoftext|> how many moon before I lift 1 rock 2 rock 3 rock 4 rock? grug lift startingstone, eat lots of meat <|endoftext|> Me agree, Grug run, Grug throw spear, Grug kill deer, Grug eat meat soon. Body knows meat after exercise means good hunt, get big, strong. Hunt, no meat, bad hunt, hungry, reduce calorie needs or starve. <|endoftext|> >does grug really have to carry big rock on back to get big >does grug really have to pick up big rock between legs to get big <|endoftext|> >17999 -1 bc >fertility posting Grug ngmi <|endoftext|> Grug do back rock leg bend three sunrise ago. Leg still hurt. Grug go to spirit world? Become head voice? <|endoftext|> >Grug been hunting big scary mammoths three times a moon >Grug big and strong >small Ogg man from steppes said it's better to hunt small rabbit, but do it 7 times a moon >Grug confused <|endoftext|> >18 000 BC >grug: how tall you? >ogg: 5 and half foot lengths >grug: me 6 and little more foot lengths >ogg: this measurement stupid. feet different size >grug: no worry cavemanlet, we think of rational system of measurements soon. nobody gonna use feet system in year 2020. <|endoftext|> >grug watch cave painting >its about eating plant instead of mammoth >grug doubting previous food choices <|endoftext|> >tribe shaman worried grug eats 10 dodo eggs every day <|endoftext|> /berrypicker/ general grug laugh at hunter grugs why hunt when there's berry next to cave? berry more healthy than mammoth meat <|endoftext|> grug picking big stone from ground and now back hurts picking big stone from ground bad <|endoftext|> >grug lift big rock >grug become big <|endoftext|> Not OP, I came here in late 2018. I can only name pedo bear on the left, along with the website mascot (whatever her name is) On the right we have grug, NPC, Boomer, Nujak, Wojak, Soijak, Brainlet, Pinkjak, and whatever the one with the big brain is called. I'm still not a nufag. <|endoftext|> >Tfw hairy fuck >Tfw my only hope for cope is to become a strong man fat retard who can juggle human beings We all gonna make it fellow grug. <|endoftext|> grug ? <|endoftext|> Too anti-social to be alpha. Too psychotic, aggressive, energetic and sexual to be beta at all. He is more of a Grug desu. It would have been cool if he would have applied himself at material wealth and shit of that nature outside of drug dealing, could have been very successful if not for drugs and w*men. The man lifted in jail (he is white) and he was strong, but it was like demonic strength back in the day. He could hoist 400-500 pound water heaters over his shoulder and walk around all nonchalant. Cromagnon tier stuff like that and often. At 50 years old and 5'10 he looked so cut shirtless, unironically like one of those Hercules sculptures. I only inherited some of that strength but I'm taller and less crazy so I'm good with that bros. <|endoftext|> UFC/wrestling sucks balls, I don’t understand the mindset of people who watch this garbage. Grug like when big man kick other big man in skull. <|endoftext|> Grug legs too thick and curvy for grugs small frame. Grug want smaller legs but only legs. What do. <|endoftext|> >Think of the first man ever to do a push up BASED GRUG ROCKCEL WE SALUTE YOU <|endoftext|> mmm grug try once grug feel weak not feel like grug only eat one berry a day still eat much meat grug feel better <|endoftext|> Grug change eating Grug no eat berry Only eat mammoth What tribe think <|endoftext|> grug hit 1/2/4/4 rock grug feel strong <|endoftext|> >bottom picture have nicer color so grug thinks it better <|endoftext|> ooga booga me smash fag me grug fag bad <|endoftext|> Powersharting the worst "sport" in the history of mankind. I'd rather go into ice curling. You people waste your whole life trying to cheat on a movement to lift some weight. No strategy, no tactics, no brain. Literally grug - the sport. Pathetic cope. Just know that nobody cares about your lifts, most people would laugh at that abomination you call a "bench press" or the comical butchery of the "squat". You're the laughing stock of the gym. <|endoftext|> alright grug wahtever <|endoftext|> It's a typo, she meant Grug. <|endoftext|> lmao grug forehead ass <|endoftext|> they are in fact complements. grug brain take and likely cope for extra-naturals. style, fitness and social skill are the real aspects of PUA. <|endoftext|> You're fucking retarded and a pussy. Imagine being such a little bitch you think an extra 30 minutes of lifting will cause your body to dissolve. Do you think this happened to your ancestors? "Oh no grug throw stones 30 minutes too long now he dead" Somehow people have developed this sense that humans are incredibly fragile and anything barely beyond typical industrial lives or "normal" will cause them to keel over and die. Wrong "Oh no grug drink extra liter of water beyond normal 2 now grug dead" <|endoftext|> yea this is shit. here you go >be grug >spend many summers stay in cave eating mammoth meat and drinking sweet berry juice >be big like mammoth >tribe women no like grug >tribe women no look grug way >grug spend many summers running like wolf and lifting big stone >grug start change look like smaller mammoth >tribe women now notice grug >grug feel good >grug still have many summers to go >grug one day make it, be strong like saber tooth, make tribe proud >one day all tribe make it <|endoftext|> grug am eat big meat, lift rock, and crush tight cave of berrypicker wife <|endoftext|> >grug >see female >coom <|endoftext|> grug think grug insecure if lift rock me grug happy eat berries play nintendo rock with wife boyfriend <|endoftext|> Impregnate my turd cannon grug <|endoftext|> >am grug >no lift 3 stone from ground >grug believe in grugself >lift smaller stones for many moons >grug now lift 5 stones >grug now chadungo >grug make it >one day all tribe make it >believe in grugselves <|endoftext|> ES training > In the beginning repeats the same training week-after-week. > Only changes to the load to keep RPE in check. > No wave loading of volume, intensity, RPE, or changes to exercises. > Flat-loading style may change later on, but only after an athlete has demonstrated a better response to a waved stimulus. > You don’t need as much variation to the week-to-week training stimulus as many would think. Problems with a wave-loading approach > There is never a consistent enough stimulus to see the response. > Response varies from athlete to athlete (and even stimulus to stimulus). > Sometimes athletes improve performance almost linearly in float-loading > Other times there is a dip, then subsequent rise in performance. > Still other times, performance is flat until the end of the training block, then a rise in performance is noted. > It takes multiple microcycles for this to play out (between 3-12). > If you vary the stimulus every microcycle, then there is no way to tell which stimulus the athlete is responding to – at least not with a level of certainty that would be usable. How come everyone assumes you needed periodization and wave-loading in strength training but RTS is making world champs with some real grug-training philosophy of repeating until stops working <|endoftext|> >I is meat-eating genuiz! *ignores all science on the topic and calls anyone who contradicts him a shill* >Meat good and MANLY, make Grug feel better about small and soft peepee *has ED and gets heart disease* >Soiboi has to take b12, Grug only eat cow! *takes bloodpressure medicine, diabetus medicine, etc.* <|endoftext|> gay me no liek front squatz coz grug need to put up big numbers to impress gym stacy <|endoftext|> >"Grug no support mix smart and dumb, Grug knows place." I agree with the orc, bring back eugenics. <|endoftext|> Grug want charcoal grugina <|endoftext|> >grabs my hair >gets stabbed Good job, Grug. <|endoftext|> Beat doesn't necessarily mean beat in a fight, grug. If you're smarter, richer, more accomplished, stronger, or more athletic than some random fuckmook then you've beat them in that respect. <|endoftext|> Grug eat out other grug's pooper for nutrition <|endoftext|> animul cute, grug feel bad. <|endoftext|> I work a math/statistics/programming job. I'm on vacation now. I intend to think as little as possible the next week or so. Grug only lift heavy rocks now... no use head <|endoftext|> Me Grug. Grug want be more like Chadgar. What Grug do? <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone, make sad head voice quiet. <|endoftext|> grug not want <|endoftext|> >he doesn't trim penis hair and armpit hair I'll get you a new club for christmas Grug <|endoftext|> >You imagine their wealth is doing nothing? It's being held like scrooge mcduck in a vault. It's a part of active companies, etc. this. the majority of a "billionaire's" wealth is actually tied-up in company stock and the like. the billionaire's wealth increases as the company's productivity increases. the absolute grug-brained retards who want to "confiscate" wealth from billionaires are economically illiterate. you want to collapse amazon and eliminate like 1 million+ jobs from the US economy? i'm sure they do, because they are jobless commie faggots who have never worked a day in their life, just like Marx. <|endoftext|> >bean water make feel good >but grug know if make feel good then BAD >why science magic man say bean water good???? <|endoftext|> t. Grug brained zogbot <|endoftext|> yeah fucking fags their observations! grug eat food and lift big! <|endoftext|> Grug pick up rock 3 time per week Grug pick up rock 6 time per week Grug pick up rock 5 time per week Grug pick up rock 4 time per week Grug dont care grug just pick up rock <|endoftext|> whatever, read a book grug. if the planet dies then your faggy lineage dies which I know hurts your soul despite you acting tough online. you're literally open to committing what you yourself consider suicide to own the libs and jews, the absolute state of (You) <|endoftext|> there is also a political component to it, muh meat is masculine and based and right wing and vegans are all faggy weak leftist s*ys. they look at extreme examples on youtube to confirm their bias. I don't really like leftoids but it's clear that anti-veganism is largely fueled by an unironic masculinity crisis of a combination of e-dweebs, dudebros, and hicks who all think the gays vegans want to make everybody into stick people who eat bugs (even though bugs are not vegan lel). >killing and torture animal good because it show grug is master of his dominion, vegan gay and care about oinkerino! this mindset is much harder to deal with than the "but meat tastes good bro" meme <|endoftext|> >grug was so amused by the thought of bashing a saber toothed sheep to death with his big fucking stick that something stirred in his loincloth >removing the encumbering garment for maximum tactical mobility, he set off on the hunt >the tribe was so impressed by his enthusiasm for the hunt they immiediately set about immortalizing the moment in stone <|endoftext|> Based and grug-pilled <|endoftext|> Based grug poster <|endoftext|> Grug see runes on dead leaf. Grug not feel alone. <|endoftext|> >t. Low IQ grug. Fighting is for faggots that have no life and thus nothing to lose. Why get into fights over pointless shit? The other guy can pull a knife or a gun on you at any point and you're gonna regret that shit real quick. Just avoid fighting and get on with your life. Yes maybe learn it for self defense as a last resort but never go looking for it. <|endoftext|> >be poorfag >go to bar with other poorfags >behave like an uncouth poorfag >other poorfag grug challenges me to grugsmash >grugsmash on concrete, a situation many die or suffer brain damage in >grug poorfag grugsmashes other poorfag Basically the moral of the stort is don't be a low IQ poorfag grug, dont hang out with other poorfag low IQ grugs. Problem solved <|endoftext|> This make grug brain light up <|endoftext|> Grug 5ma5h <|endoftext|> I don't... Oh Same. What the fuck she even researches? That how paleontologists like to do it on rocks? How that neanderthal woman lived in fear of the neighbor grug, who barely left his cave? <|endoftext|> Maker her swallow to grug, if you feel brave make her gargle you semen lime it is mouth wash, then slap the bitch in the face. <|endoftext|> >Don't give in to their sick games. Getting laid and not being an incel/celibate monk is not a sick game, it is a noble goal for any man to desire to fuck 1000 girls. >I'm setting the bar considerably lower Better to aim high and miss than aim low and miss guy. Never undersell yourself, you are a valuable man and sexually attractive, believe that homie and the world is yours. Go after the hot and sane girl, don't settle for nothing or shit. >after a psychotic /pol/ meets /x/ freakout about a year ago I am sensing a greentext story anon, don't disappoint me. Nyet you stupid blyat, start now with girls, otherwise you'll end up a fit virgin like most dudes, because they neglected the most important muscle, personality. Putting in the lords words, giving the NNN Jew a middle finger loud and clear. Why not grug? I sense you are a neanderthal. Might as well violate feminine penises in the ass. Make 'her' call you daddy too. <|endoftext|> The guy on the left is more attractive, his face is both masculine and refined opposed to the grug retard in the middle <|endoftext|> >Without refrigeration, the meat would have to be eaten right away. Grug is no stomachlet like you, other animals are a bigger concern than bacteria <|endoftext|> >have grug ooga booga brow ridge >lots of hair growth >square neanderthal jaw >never thought about the implication of looking like a caveman >read the memes on fit >recall my father has been in jail for bashing some guy to a pulp >also found out my grandfather had a child, my father's half-brother, by raping some bitch i wonder what i will end up doing <|endoftext|> MY JAWS ARE FUCKING PROGNATHIC HOW DO I GET A BIGGER BROW RIDGE GRRRR I WANT GRUG FOREHEAD NOT PARALLELOGRAM UNDERBITE HEAD <|endoftext|> based grug poster <|endoftext|> You literally have no idea how cavemen lives on a daily basis. The best time to hunt is predawn hours into the dawn. Grug would have already been awake and gotten a kill in and brought it back to camp before his fat wife even had time to bitch. Without refrigeration, the meat would have to be eaten right away. The fasting is done at night when you can’t see. Retard. <|endoftext|> >grug wake hungry >grug has 0 food >grug 8 all food last night >no problem >grug fuck wife >grug drink java water >stronk >grug go hunt deer pig empty stomach >come bag at night >bring food 4 grug and wife >eat like grug king >give scraps to wife >grug shreded cuz hunt fasted >grug now is sleep >grug wake hungry >repeat <|endoftext|> grug no understand word. grug thank you for painting <|endoftext|> Something people never seem to understand is that humans, homo sapiens, have hardly changed since we became HOMO SAPIENS. We are the same species, albeit with some variance the depends solely on the environment we live in. Currently humans are stronger, taller, more adept in combat, and healthier (the better among us at least) than at any point in human history. Do you think grug from 25 000 years ago spent his entire day doing this gruelling shit you imagine him to? Or do you think he was a HOMO SAPIEN who when he killed the mammoth, sat down and was as lazy as he was allowed to be? Do you really think he spent hour of his day training in any regard, for anything in specific, or do you think he did what he needed to do, the bare minimum, and fucked off after that? Ancient humans were just humans that lived harder lives, in very subpar conditions, with dogshit life expediencies. They weren't superhumans you midwit <|endoftext|> Heh grug ooga booga berry picker <|endoftext|> why no grug funny stone get cave painting like this. grug get no cave painting or shame cave painting. oogabooga you <|endoftext|> Grug say grug no lift for grugette. Me think grug like grugs... <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone. Make sad head voice quiet. <|endoftext|> >Look at cavemen, do you think they used one muscle group one day and another one the next day >be grugg >me at rock gym >little grugs taking rockbells >give rock receptionist me loincloth and flex cep >see chudg lifting more rock than me >grug angry >club chudg >me lift 2rock >me hurt back >eaten by cheetah Fucking chudg <|endoftext|> A few days? Then it is gone. Then it comes back again. It goes on and off for a while. But I guarantee if a 5/10 woman would be down for a tango with you, you could get it hard in no time. It's just the random erections and surges of "grug want smash" that are gone. <|endoftext|> Why can't you autists just eat food in moderation and not use your grug brains to try and understand things written by humans with more than a double digit IQ. <|endoftext|> >counting the weights yiiiiiikes grug need number grug strong if numbers didnt exist would you suddenly become weaker? checkmate atheist <|endoftext|> I've been masturbating to pokemon for 10 years now. I work a shitty grug job that pays better than anything I could reasonably hope to get with my education here, but with zero advancement options. I'm the only one left of my family on this side of the country who can take care of my mother and grandmother. My country is on fire, everything has been sold out to the chinese, and every piece of bush has been bulldozed for shitty housing suburbs, which I have been complicit in making due to said grug job. Every year I learn more not just how fucked my personal situation is, but the true extent of how fucked everything else is, how far back it goes and how hard people worked to make it this fucked. I never tried to get a gf because I thought I was unmarriable due to deviancy and everything convinced me shitty divorce was all that awaited me anyway. I'm fatter now than I've ever been and I just keep falling back into the hole. I'm not giving up until death drags me kicking and screaming though. Don't have a choice not to. But hey, I'm not in any debt. <|endoftext|> ok after further research i am not proud. I've seen guys shorter and slimmer than me lift way more what the fuck this cant be happening bros. why is lifting weights confusing its supposed to be >me grug >me want bigger grug >lift heavy = bigger grug >bigger grug = lift heavy Now I am illusion of big grug but can only lift small grug where did grug go wrong <|endoftext|> Who invited Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug want happy? Grug clean clave <|endoftext|> grug need leave gruganity behind <|endoftext|> Grug need clean cave <|endoftext|> grug must stop playing vidya in cave and go hunting <|endoftext|> Grug must make other cavemen hear the said voice instead! That is real Hunter way. <|endoftext|> Grug need to leave village and find big tree to get to moon <|endoftext|> Have grug grugcel <|endoftext|> Grug to leave cave and stop looking at cave paintings and playing rock games all day. <|endoftext|> Grug need woman <|endoftext|> Short-nosed tribe must praise Grug for sad head voice. Sad head voice perfectly normal and accepted. Long-nosed tribe swears on this! <|endoftext|> Grug need magic mushroom <|endoftext|> Grug need just be grugself <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy rock for this moon. Grug swing on branch for this moon. Grug do brain look at cave painting. Grug har sad head voice. Wat Grug do? <|endoftext|> The theme is animal products. Some people do the red meat and water diet but others eat eggs and dairy and drink coffee too. That's not as certain as being a total Grug who literally just eats beef but the benefits are still largely there. <|endoftext|> Actually they're like that all the time. Something happens when you do molly to you permanently, that empathy boost never goes away. Again, I'm not saying to not be grug, that's exactly what you must be at all times. But you can show weakness to her. And not 4chan-tier autism, but something light, like you're shy in front of crowds or something. <|endoftext|> Does anyone who has tried listening to podcasts find its impossible to lift heavy and not "zone out" to audio while in the middle of lifting? I literally can't concentrate on both simultaneously, my mind goes blank if I'm actually applying a decent amount of force. Anyone else get this or am I just a grug? <|endoftext|> grug like skullcrushers <|endoftext|> Never seen Grug's cringe collection before. I wonder what's in it? <|endoftext|> shamen lift big rock after sip cucoo juice grug see himself <|endoftext|> Go grug mode and don’t think about it <|endoftext|> >someone who is literally stronger in every body part, can still be outlifted by someone a little bit weaker due to the technique Thats the beauty of weightlifting. Its not just GRUG MOVE BIG WEIGHT, GRUG STRONGEST. It requires so much skill, technique, speed, mobility, and explosiveness. There are rare lifters who have all those things. Look at Lasha... he is what happens when you combine all these things. An inhumanely strong dude who is fast as fuck with flawless technique. You get the strongest man in the world. Its a beautiful sport really. <|endoftext|> Grug outfit <|endoftext|> angri juice makes grug stick club in hole. <|endoftext|> me too grug <|endoftext|> even cavemen cooked their food you absolute fucking grug <|endoftext|> >be grug >be fat fetishist >make fat statues to COOOOM while shitposting on a cave painting forum >20000 years later landwhales use your anime statues to justify their behaviour worst time line desu <|endoftext|> Oh wow! You lift heavy weights, good for you! You could have spent this time studying, eating candy, getting women, playing Nintendo. Instead you spent the time picking up objects and putting them down, you are the literal Grug meme. Enjoy the fact that I, a /b/ member get 10x more poon and nut 10x more than you guys, while you incels are drinking protein and milk like good little mommy boys. Girls don’t care about lifting, they want a guy that doesn’t take things too seriously, chills and eats pizza, Netflix and play some call of duty. That’s it. <|endoftext|> It's the hyperextension of the PE world, when you're still not ready for a deadlift. it's the best way to start. It's safe and does what every PE routine should do - pump your dick. It's more of a conditioning routine. It's your best choice when you're starting out, but you probably wouldn't be doing it after 4 months. when it's about dick, height, tits, and ass most people don't think with the rational part of their brain. It's more about: >Grug like big >Grug want big that said, a lot of women could only achieve a vaginal orgasm with a more girthy dick, but there are still ways around that. <|endoftext|> >grug finds out cooked meat is good for his brain gains >modern humans evolve >you eat the diet of a brainlet caveman that hasn't even discovered fire yet <|endoftext|> Damn it Grug how many time are you going to escape the exhibit <|endoftext|> people confused grug lift more less back pain <|endoftext|> It's their delicious hypocrisy. On a primal subconscious level, femininity is about being removed or divorced from the physical requirements of reality: the woman sits back at the cave being sweet and sexy and raising children, focusing on the more abstract social aspects of life. Meanwhile Grug ventures out and hunts and takes by force. He may be hated for being rough and mean and always gone, but Grug knows that without him none of the woman's society would exist. From the male perspective, femininity is about being impractical and signalling the man's abundant resources. How big do a woman's tits really have to be to feed a baby? In terms of survival, is there anything competitive or practical about a woman's body? Liberalism is the philosophical equivalent, an ideology divorced from evidence or reason or empirical testing. The reality and philosophy of Men is so muscular, so competent, that we can have legions of these useless liberal eaters lounging around back at the cave. And though they resent us, when we briefly return home we still fuck them at will. They are to society what a tail is to the peacock, or a young trophy wife is to the hunter in the field. tldr; liberalism = tits <|endoftext|> >grug post wrong cavepainting <|endoftext|> >be grug >spend many summers stay in cave eating mammoth meat and drinking sweet berry juice >be big like mammoth >tribe women no like grug >tribe women no look grug way >grug spend many summers running like wolf and lifting big stone >grug start change look like smaller mammoth >tribe women now notice grug >grug feel good >grug still have many summers to go >grug one day make it, be strong like saber tooth, make tribe proud >one day all tribe make it <|endoftext|> Me feel bad for grug <|endoftext|> >some grug tribe come >say rock lift bad >better to not lift rock >me grug think not right >other grugs stop rock lift >new grug chief no rock lift >grug lift rock alone >rock lift become lonely >some grug come back to rock lift >rock lift good again >chief grug still no rock lift >no rock lift tribe owns chief >rock lift no power >no rock lift tribe eat baby and deletes emails. <|endoftext|> > grugs of biggest rock tribe lift rocks in memory of strongest grug > most are not able to > rock lifting becomes new way of determining chief > less grugs dying in squabble for chiefdom > life of grugs becomes more civilized <|endoftext|> >have no gf >pick up small rock and throw it in anger >grug brain realize every day I can throw bigger rock >start traveling the world in search of bigger and bigger rocks >eventually find the biggest rock in the world >biggest rock tribe tell me no grug have ever lifted rock this big >confront the rock >look at it and get a firm grip >lift the rock above my head officially going down as the strongest grug in the unwritten history of grugkind >still no gf <|endoftext|> TO GRUG MIRROR IS HIGH TECH GRUG NO KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW <|endoftext|> >If make feel good then bad! >Magic bean water make Grug feel good! >Magic bean water BAD! <|endoftext|> Why grug do easy math? <|endoftext|> >grug <|endoftext|> Take it easy, Grug <|endoftext|> >hairless feet. It's either a sign of bad circulation or shit genetics. k grug <|endoftext|> >magic bean water make feel good >Grug know if make feel good then BAD >magic bean water BAD <|endoftext|> >Magic bean water make feel good >Grug know what make feel good bad >Magic bean water bad!! <|endoftext|> LOL, nice arguments grug brained monkey, tell me more how delaying hair loss for 10-15 years in your 30ss is retarded, please. You are either a baldcell trying to cope or just clueless retard. <|endoftext|> It wasn't even a rec game. The guy was just shooting around, a missed shot bounced towards me as I walked by, I moved to grab it and throw it back, and THAT appears to have hurt my knee. "Six" "Sport" "Ahtlete" then! >continuing to prove your textbook obsession isn't doing you any favors, bitch tits. Every word of that sentence was projection. I do that. Nothing is as stable as an oly shoe. >I decided to stick with my grug bodybuilding gym lmao >fucking trannies Based <|endoftext|> I was checking out olympic weightlifting gym in my town and it's "rule book" stated that "women's barbells are for those that identify as women" and I decided to stick with my grug bodybuilding gym lmao fucking trannies <|endoftext|> >ugh ugh uggg Grug ugga gonna Coomga <|endoftext|> the virgin "dating" vs the chad "grug snatch" <|endoftext|> >Grug eat anything he can get his hands on >Grug get sick and die <|endoftext|> >be grug >many moons from home cave >grug not know plants here... >grug not know where rivers are... >grug lift log >find bugs <|endoftext|> Okay but there's bound to be days when grug was unable to find food or was on the run from some predator or simply migrating to a new settlement. If you think that using cavemen and muh natural is an argument you probably haven't evolved further than grug. <|endoftext|> >Be grug >Wake up >be hungry >Flip log >find bugs >Grug not eat yet, grug not fasted and not need food. <|endoftext|> >No fun allowed! >Grug no hunt because he want but because Grug must <|endoftext|> Lost about 30lbs in 2 months with cico and IF you can do it too grug <|endoftext|> Wholesome grug <|endoftext|> Based and cavemanpilled. Grug make big rock go birdie. Woman want Grug now. <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug think food meat good <|endoftext|> food make stop tummy grug grug <|endoftext|> >grug want know what food does <|endoftext|> Okay grug poster >me grug >grug use no speshul wepun >grug find stick n rock >grug make hard stick >grug kill many thing with hard stick >grug real man <|endoftext|> OOOGA BOOOGA ME EAT RAW MEAT OOOOOOGA OOOG GRUG NO READ BECAUSE IF YOU COOK YOU'RE VEGAN <|endoftext|> GRUG WILL WORK AND LIKE IT OR IT'S BACK IN THE CAGE WITH THE REST OF THE SODOMITES <|endoftext|> Grug no like work <|endoftext|> Based Grug! <|endoftext|> Grug's tribe cooom to cave painting of charcoal grugina. COOOOM. <|endoftext|> half charcoal half ivory baby dull like used spear not know how to hunt no matter how many times grug teach, too busy trying to mate with ivory grugettes grug doomed ivory tribe <|endoftext|> Grug caught charcoal grugina after big fight with charcoal tribe, charcoal grugina run fast after antelope and like baby making. All is well in Grug cave. <|endoftext|> Grug am have big peepee. Peepee hard for many moons. What do? <|endoftext|> I wonder if closet homo cavemen stood around making snide comments while fat loving Grug carved this masterpiece. <|endoftext|> Grug like SOUND SOUND GOOD- RAW MILK! RaAaaaaaaw! Must boost test! <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> >Be me >Be first year in highschool at the time >Not obese but noticably fat (190) >Always snacking and eating when bored >Sick of it >But also a lazy piece of shit >Hear about fasting from obese manlet in class >Sure whatever lol >Watch a few vids, read a few blogs and studies, skim the fasting cure >Eh reading gay, me smart teenager grug grug >Just consume nothing but water for 10 days >Constantly watching diet content and food network shit 24/7 >Feel if I just constantly torture myself with it I will lose my addiction It worked, I am still super conscious to this day but man I should have done my research and prep before hand, really could have hurt myself or at least save myself half the hell that fast was. <|endoftext|> >grug want puss puss nao <|endoftext|> he said functional training, not strength, grug. go post your dogma elsewhere dumbass, nobody cares here. you're shit. <|endoftext|> So you're saying I should just continue to grug fuck her and give zero shits? <|endoftext|> Grug actually would have not have eaten grain and would have better teeth than anyone itt <|endoftext|> Grug smells berry picker <|endoftext|> maybe learn to read if you want to take part in a text-based conversation grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no eat froot or grain >Grug eat only MEAT as nature intend like our ancestor who live to ripe age of 25 year did Is there anything more retarded than a meatoid that does a keto or carnivore diet? <|endoftext|> grug approve this post <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> this is what grug meme leads to <|endoftext|> >thread derailer >image is OP grug-brain alert <|endoftext|> How can I get big grug arm like this? I need to beat my older brother into a pulp <|endoftext|> wow big word grug think you smart now <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone till Gruggett notice Grug. <|endoftext|> >T. Autist Alles klar boomer, geh zurück in die 80er und lebe als grug in deiner wessihöle <|endoftext|> I feel like an absolute failure. This is the grug that gets 100s of matches? <|endoftext|> >he fell for the caveman meme Faggot do we look like cavemen, or do we look like the pinnacle of life on earth who have collectively progressed far past other retarded animals? Strive to act like something made in the image of God. But if you want to be a cave grug, so be it, but don't act like it is some advanced lifestyle. <|endoftext|> Ok Grug, go back to your cave now, no more internet for you <|endoftext|> it's really not THAT weird of a sentence grug <|endoftext|> GRUG COOM GRUG COOOM GRUG COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM <|endoftext|> >tfw no gf Is there any better lifting motivation, than becoming single again? It's not even like I have a problem getting laid, but it's like some switch was flipped in my brain, the second I became single again. Some sort of primal "Grug no have family, Grug get strong and steal family from Cug" <|endoftext|> >BIG number = fat gets fatter, small number = grug gets leaner and meaner Lmao, calories in, calories out baby <|endoftext|> The only way to achieve grug mode without eating 1kg meat a day <|endoftext|> >GRUG MUST FUCK HAND <|endoftext|> GRUG DICK HARD GRUG MUST FUCK HAND ME COOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNG <|endoftext|> UNGA BUNGA GRUNGA ME GRUG ME CLUB BOOTY CHEEKS WITH ME STICK GRRRAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! <|endoftext|> But can you really blame them? It's in our instincts to judge a book by its cover. When grug heard a rustle in the bushes in the night he wouldn't start to ponder what it might be. He'd get ready to fight or flee <|endoftext|> grug saw very big man greggs today. must been at least 20 rock heavy. grug impressed <|endoftext|> What does that have to do with the JQ? You’re misusing grug memes <|endoftext|> In most of these grug is stupid and gets what he deserves. Still funny though <|endoftext|> Based Saved all of these, may grug's legacy live on <|endoftext|> Thing is with girls is that you need to simulate the situation like its the cave days. >Grug has job = Grug can obtain food = survival >Grug is confident = Grug will defend = survival >Grug is strong = Grug can defend = survival >Grug is rich = Grug has status = respected = survival <|endoftext|> Based Grug poster. <|endoftext|> >he is strong and good at fighting therefore he is very intelligent and insightful Grug, is that you? <|endoftext|> >anon >that retard that is amazed by the concept of not touching your dick and thinking it will give you superpowers Grug, you okay? <|endoftext|> >Grug only fear big men >Grug think only big men are manly men Great thinking there, Grug. <|endoftext|> Based and grug pilled. The digits speak. <|endoftext|> >that grug who loincloth go below knees <|endoftext|> >that grug who drink from river every time between rock lift Who that grug at your lift hut? <|endoftext|> And for no reason whatsoever, small mustache grug was chosen to be new chief <|endoftext|> >yellow hair tribe mad longnose tribe >yellow hair fight longnose >longnose tribe tell grug yellow hair bad >grug tribe kill yellow hair tribe >some grug tribe die too >grug sad >happy too >grug tribe die for right thing >one day grug in meeting hall >longnose come >say big word >now longnose on elder council >soon all elders longnose >chief confused >soon chief longnose too >grug mad >grug yell at longnose >longnose call grug yellowhair >whole tribe mad grug >grug say look with eyes >grug hair mud color >longnose say big words >big words mean grug yellow hair >whole tribe mad grug >soon mud tribe come >say grug village belong them >say longnose words >now mud tribe live grug village >mud tribe make trouble >grug mad >mud tribe call grug yellowhair >grug hunt all day for longnose >grug no have skins >no skins no buy wife >grug no mate >grug still happy >after hunting grug go home >grug look at cave drawing >grug drink dizzy juice >longnose teach grug make cave drawing >longnose sell grug dizzy juice >maybe longnose not so bad >longnose tribe come now >say yellow hair tribe killed many >big number >longnose tribe say grugs fault >longnose say big words >grug confused >grug remember big number >grug count all fingers in tribe >big number more than all finger in grug tribe >grug tell tribe >whole tribe listen longnose tribe now >tribe throw grug out <|endoftext|> >longnose tribe make basket >grug want learn >longnose say teach grug for 20 skins >grug not have 20 skin >longnose say grug loan skin >then grug make basket >then grug trade basket for skin >then grug pay longnose >grug like plan >grug make basket now >whole tribe happy >now longnose say teach 2 more for 15 skin >then longnose teach 3 for 10 skin >soon whole tribe make basket >now basket worth nothing >whole tribe owe longnose now >grug not like longnose tribe >before longnose tribe come >grug sleep >grug play >grug only hunt a little >longnose tribe come >now grug no time sleep >grug no time fun >grug hunt all day now for longnose >still not enough skin >longnose tribe say let women hunt >now whole tribe hunt >grug have less food now >grug think too many hunter >grug say women go home >all women scream at grug >longnose tribe tell women what say >grug lose argument >one day longnose tribe come >bring new tribe >new tribe look like butt mud >new tribe smell like butt mud >grug think new tribe worth butt mud >longnose tribe say war in mud tribe home >longnose say mud tribe die if go back home >grug sad for mud tribe >grug let mud tribe stay stupid grug! >mud tribe dirty >mud tribe steal >mud tribe no hunt >grug tribe hunt for longnose and mud tribe now <|endoftext|> >me grug >grug tribe live by river >lot food >many cave >life good long time >one day all change bad >longnose tribe come live other side river >grug tribe and longnose tribe make friend >make trade >longnose have lots >bead basket food >whole tribe want >grug tribe only have skins >trade many skins for beads >longnose say good deal >grug not happy >grug want more >longnose say loan >longnose give grug 4 berry bush >in 30 sun ups grug give back 5 berry bush >longnose say good deal >grug try to count to 30 >count all hand fingers >count all foot fingers >grug think 30 sun up long time away >longnose agree, say long time >grug take deal >soon longnose come take back all berry bush >also take skins and food >longnose do this to whole tribe >grug tribe hunt more now <|endoftext|> I only want Grug to be happy. <|endoftext|> Grug sees through Longnose trick. Why longnose want Grug waste life essence and be berry picker? <|endoftext|> Ugg sound like berry picker. Grug should touch man snake in between Grug legs. It fun! <|endoftext|> > be Grug > Grug lifting stones > Grug does this so Grug can find pretty cavewoman > small berry picking Ugg try to lift stones too, but not as big as Grug > Grug laugh at Ugg > Ugg say Grug no lift stones for cave woman > Ugg say Grug eat onion > Ugg say Grug no touch snake between Grug legs > Ugg say many things > Grug no care what Ugg say > Grug will find pretty cave woman some day > Grug think 'he will make it'. Grug not no what this mean yet > Grug never lift stones again with Ugg. Grug lift stones at home-cave. <|endoftext|> >soft-grug went to pick berries >soft-grug no come back >red blood near berries >looks like sharp-tooth grug-eater ate soft-grug >grug has the feeling of no soft-grug now >grug makes soft grug out of soft earth >soft-earth-soft-grug look good like soft-grug >makes grug hard like rock >hard rock grug little grug makes grug milk >bad-grug who no like soft-grugs laughs at grug >bad-grug calls grug coomba COOMBA COOMBA COOMBA >grug no like bad-grug >grug who no like soft-grug must be bad >bad-grug bad >grug breaks tree >hit bad-grug with tree stick >bad-grug lies red on earth now >grug makes pee on bad-grug WHO COOMBA NOW BAD-GRUG <|endoftext|> Grug think Grug clan should have made Rock Paul chieftain many moons ago. <|endoftext|> What worse tho? Gruggette chieftan who part of crush by rock deep quarry mafia or Grug chieftan that sell daughter to longnose tribe, no build wall against bean tribe, and wants to be king of the longnose tribe? At least Gruggette would deliver on promise of evil. Grug just fat lazy coomer that like longnose pee pee. <|endoftext|> >Grug say have information that lead to put in cave jail of grugette >grug crush by rock Grug think suspicious <|endoftext|> *rubs nettle oil on body* this make grug grow big <|endoftext|> Grug find this cave painting very amuse <|endoftext|> >be grug >cavechan drawing tell grug drink milk for strong >every day one stone weight of milk >grug believe >grug do for one moon >grug lifting stone when hot grug tribeswoman watching >grug feel admired >but suddenly grugs stomach feel boom boom >grug drops stone on grugs foot >boom boom come out grugs bottom >make mess >smell like old dead sharptooth grug-eater body >grug tribeswoman no longer talk to grug >grug embarras wash wash in drinking river >grug foot still hurt <|endoftext|> Grug drink much mammoth milk every sun. Why no more strong? <|endoftext|> me think you grug in painting <|endoftext|> Grug no get Why this bad? <|endoftext|> look at cave paint grug make of this grug at rock quarry <|endoftext|> grug need eggs <|endoftext|> >Grug see strongmen do rocklift >Science-Grugs tell Grug rocklift cause back-pain and spine-crush and her-knee-ah >Grug still do rocklift, Grug very smart, Grug won't get hurt >Grug wind up getting back-pain and spine-crush and her-knee-ah >When Grug hit middle-age, Grug in constant pain from doing rocklifts and squats when young-Grug, have to take magic herbs to dull pain for rest of life >Was it worth it to show off in gym-cave to Grugs who don't even care about Grug anymore? Retards. <|endoftext|> i will lift rock like grug <|endoftext|> >Grug sex >Grug big sex man You are medically retarded. <|endoftext|> >if grug less sleep, grug more time to work >grug more productive!!!! It doesn't work like that homie. You will work less efficiently if you don't sleep enough, and you will literally cut years off your life expectancy. Not very productive. <|endoftext|> grug no think <|endoftext|> Christ, some of you people are actually retarded. Do you actually know what steroids do? Or do you think they just make small grug into big grug, grug stronk now grug smash? <|endoftext|> >be Grug >do starting sticks >hit lmao 2rock >feel pretty bonga man <|endoftext|> grug think skullcrusher grug crush many skull grug have big triceratops <|endoftext|> overall gathering knowledge and shit. the only bad thing about monks in my mind is celibacy, same with nuns - limiting young people from having kids during their fertile ages sounds (((familiar))) to modern times, doesn't it? >grug u retard! ever since me worship air spirit, we have fire in village! this direct sign me is correct! >implying we would have fire if it wasn't for the air spirit Aye, and viking/raider was a sole profession. <|endoftext|> That not real plateau Just you no care Think you care but you no care You plug in generic routine. Think SS take you to 315 You upset grug. Grug learn training. Vary approach. Volume. Isolation. Bench daily. Max effort Grug challenge self and now grug bench heavy. You not even use volume. Like hunt with no spear. Dumb. Then complain to grug. <|endoftext|> >grug no need penicillin >grug only need berrypick and lizard meat <|endoftext|> Hefty necks/traps are a health issue in addition to being Grug trait. <|endoftext|> >6 days of heavy lifting is not ideal for natties >HURR DURR UR RETARD GRUG LIFT HEAVY EVERY DAY JUST ASK MY LIGAMENTS <|endoftext|> Calisthenics is for people who want to get /fit/ and slay pussy as opposed to just big and strong. >grug lift heavy weight >grug smart! <|endoftext|> >Grug Strong, But Now What? <|endoftext|> > Don't go because overslept first day > Too irresponsible to have clothes for working out on standy (I bet you do you fucking fag) > Literally shitty excuse third day > Piece of shit fourth day You're a disgrace. Do you seriously think "training hard and eating clean" for 2 weeks is an accomplishment? Congradu-fucking-lations you did the very baseline your based cavemen ancestors did without a second thought. Grug didn't fucking not go hunting because he missed a day from burning his hand numb discovering fire and spend the next 4 days sitting around making excuses and eating basedberries. Fucking. Kill. Yourself. <|endoftext|> I thought grug brains were just a meme I never thought one would wander it's way onto 4 Chan <|endoftext|> > other guy uses sources for his argument > ruuuuh grug head hurt now... faggot! <|endoftext|> It not matter if pretty boy prettier than grug if grug can break pretty boy in two <|endoftext|> >carry Grug no like, grug only pull <|endoftext|> >food good >food bad who the fuck taught grug to write <|endoftext|> >stick femgrug eat less than trunk femgrug >more hunting for trunk femgrug >less food for grug and rest of tribe <|endoftext|> >textbook projection and cope Just because this guy outclasses you in every conceivable way doesn't mean that he's a single minded grug like you you fat kike lmao <|endoftext|> no wonder you're stuck in a manual labor job, you're an idiot. >thinking of pursuing massage therapy licensure to avoid a manually laborious profession >anon tells you that you're just trading lowback pain and shot knees for severely arthritic hands and shoulder/elbow complications >cue nonsensical gate-keeping about how you don't have to massage on the surface of the sun and grass is greener mentality this isn't even accounting for job security aspects and median wages. get back to laying brick grug. <|endoftext|> I wanna build muscle >eat protein >drink milk worked so far, grug brain ftw <|endoftext|> Chieftains want lift to higher plane and live forever and want know secrets. Some chieftain good, some bad, some mix. Good chieftains no work together. No want dominate Grug. Bad chieftains work together. such lust power. Big brains no want dominate Grug. Want help Grug. Big brains no work together until late to smash evil. Good strong. We on world. Einstone show Grug, Plank show Grug, twelve arrows in space. Top big brain chieftains tell Grug world no real. Fake dream. Dark stuff. We in dream in God mind. Big brain tell Grug. It true. <|endoftext|> Grug laugh at dumdums Grug lift rock Dumdum lift heavy rod Grug spend nothing Dumdum spend big berry <|endoftext|> Whenever strongmen and lifters are on JRE they make their sport look awful. They're literally the Grug meme irl. "Me big strong man. Me eat big and lift big." Dorian Yates was eloquent and had a decent conversation with Joe and I remember a few fascinating stories but the powerlifters thus far have made me never want to tell anyone I do pl. <|endoftext|> Grug and Rockpilled <|endoftext|> grug lift rock <|endoftext|> >don't even talk about veganism at all >don't even talk about vegetarianism at all >don't even talk about cutting back on shellfish/poultry >even recommend eating limited amounts of red meat and eggs for the B-vitamins, choline, and minerals/micronutrients in them as part of a balanced diet >REEEEEEEEE VEGANS BAD, VEGANS WRONG! SO GRUG GO FULL MEAT AND NOTHING ELSE! >REEEEEEEEE LOOK AT THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO OF SOME LITERALLY WHO!! HIS OPINION IS MORE VALID THAN A META ANALYSES OF HUNDREDS OF STUDIES OVER DECADES ACROSS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE! >BRO THE ANSWER IS RIGHT HERE, YOU JUST NEED TO OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE MAN! YOUR DIET SHOULD CONSIST OF ONLY ONE THING AND THAT'S IT! OUR CAVEMEN ANCESTORS WITH A 20 YEAR LIFE EXPECTANCY WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG! Literally more braindead than conspiracy theorist tards. Holy shit, you just have no self awareness whatsoever <|endoftext|> he looks so alpha with his Grug face <|endoftext|> >carbs bad >fat bad >grug didn't eat grains >grug couldn't hunt without tools Jesus people why is this so fucking hard? Humans have evolved to thrive in a wide variety of environments and dietary conditions. >The Inuit eat a high-fat diet and do just fine. >The Japanese eat an extremely high-carb diet and are one of the most healthy populations in the world. Let me present a fucking revolutionary idea: the carb/fat content of your diet doesn't fucking matter. Your body is adapted to handle anything you put into it and thrive. The striking common thread throughout all of these healthy populations is one thing: a remarkable lack of highly processed foods on both ends of the macronutrient spectrum. No hydrogenated oils and no highly refined starches; no trans fats and no sugar. Therefore, I present to you the optimal diet; I call it the "I have half a fucking brain diet." Eat whatever the fuck you want, just avoid processed foods, both carbs and fats. If you want to gain weight, eat more, if you want to lose fat, eat less. It's not that fucking hard. <|endoftext|> >humans could feasibly hunt large animals before the stone age and development of spears/arrows/etc. ok grug <|endoftext|> Then by all means go ahead and ruin your life over an impulse usually born from a sense of inferiority or ineffectualness. I swear these thoughts are deep brain cave ape impulses. >grug at bottom of social ladder >but grug no deserve to be there >perhaps if grug kill someone above him it show others how strong and to be reckoned with he really is. <|endoftext|> >Grug remember the old day.. how humans were MEANT to live: with 20 year life expectancy Fuck off <|endoftext|> get off the internet and go live in a cave if you enjoy grug life so much <|endoftext|> >ONE AGAIN BIGGEST GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> me laugh at grug post <|endoftext|> grug sound like cuckoo shaman cavewoman no like stronk grug grug dumb cavecel no can talk to cavewoman stronk grug same thing no can lift away cavetism - Crug <|endoftext|> No see grug post in many pass of shiny sky rock <|endoftext|> Haven't seen a grug post in a while. <|endoftext|> UNGA grug pick heavy rock up grug put heavy rock down maybe cavewoman look at grug <|endoftext|> >Measuring in stone Are Mexicans just grug? <|endoftext|> My experience olympic weightlifting >really nice people >chill atmosphere >interesting conversations about film, books, music >everybody is either in school or has a good job >most have interests that aren't lifting weights Recently went to a powerlifting club because no olympic near me >full of angry meatheads >everyone is unemployed >nobody has anything interesting to say other than "grug lift big" >smells like farts from terrible diets <|endoftext|> >how you learn how breathe >grug grug <|endoftext|> >grug carry tools to testify house >testify not home >he at desk work like berrypicker >grug remove electrical shorts and check fuse box >then grug remove testify gf shorts and check her box <|endoftext|> Why do you never hear about the paleo workout? Think about how Grug would've lived back in the day. He hunted animals with his tribe by running them down. Now you might imagine a short burst of speed, spring up to the animal, stab it with a spear, but no. Because humans can sweat they would've actually jogged after the animals for two or three hours, exhausting it. The rest of the time they would've just walked around. The heaviest thing they'd ever haul is maybe an animal carcass and a couple of rocks here and there. tl;dr cavemen didn't lift, they were cardio bunnies <|endoftext|> >Grug no need strong >Grug only need sexy for cummies <|endoftext|> >Grug lyke da big #'s more den da smol #'s <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO WATCH NAKED CLAY TABLETS! Whoaa, how will da joos ever recover? <|endoftext|> >ebil gommies have vocabulary too big for grug! <|endoftext|> grug think press over head is better than heavy sit or heavy stand up <|endoftext|> >me, grug, ooga chaga >huh huh me do fooly cooly >me smile at anon for beating pee pee on african fish catching forum <|endoftext|> BLUEYE GRUG WANT THICCC CHARCOAL GRUGINA <|endoftext|> >Medium/small/large good, Grug like >Fuck small/medium/large Americans were a mistake <|endoftext|> >Maybe you're one of those conceited grug head twats dropping the weights on EVERY SINGLE REP The problem is like 95% of the people into deadlifts are like this. mfw seeing zoomers act like larry wheels after deadlifting baby weight <|endoftext|> They're only loud if you're ego lifting. You picked it up, you can put it down. Maybe you're one of those conceited grug head twats dropping the weights on EVERY SINGLE REP EVEN THE WARMUPS EVEN THE WARMUPS <|endoftext|> >t.grug <|endoftext|> You mean legacy media. Look at Grug, he's the MSM nao. <|endoftext|> >Grug like sun! >Big man say no sun! Say make old! >I no like conclusion! Big man WRONG because Grug like sun! <|endoftext|> I just loose all control man, feels like my IQ drops 100 points and Im just full grug mode. <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe said six die in Holabunga, but only enough wood to burn one Grug thinks something does not add up <|endoftext|> Yellow tribe say grow little trees to feed Gruglings. Grug thinks yellow tribe lost mind. <|endoftext|> > treat all grug same! > small weak grug just as good as big strong grug! > give all grugs equal berries, even grug from other grugtribe! <|endoftext|> >see Gruggette >legs like tree, chest like mountain >need to brog her, children be strong then >Lork stops Grug >Lork is big like giraffe, can pick apple from tree and give to Grug >Grug like Lork >Lork say Gruggette only like big Grugs >me think Lork lie, Lork want Gruggette for himself >Grug go to Gruggette anyway >Gruggette laugh at Grug >Gruggette throw me out of cave >see Lork >he give apple >Grug listen to Lork now <|endoftext|> > grug too big with curse of mammoth > grug try to catch gruggette for bunga > grugette always run away laughing > ask red tribe shaman > he say, "clean your cave!" > how clean cave help catch gruggette? <|endoftext|> grug's sister grugette told by blue shaman, "healthy at every roundness" now grugette to big to leave cave <|endoftext|> > get hard to run fast > see reflection in water > grug big and round like mammoth > ask blue tribe shaman how be smallgrug again > he say, drink only bean water > he sell me bean water for 3 clamshell > what if bean water just trick to take grug clamshell? <|endoftext|> blue tribe shaman like butt of other grug. me like verona butt. don't understand blue tribe shaman <|endoftext|> good ruck climbing tree to fruit, lardass grug HA <|endoftext|> >not drinking a mammoth bladder a day of milk grug not going make it <|endoftext|> grug need also drink many handfuls of mammoth milk each day <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug try lift big rock to be bigger grug >member of boomboom tribe arrive >boomboom blast rolling stone and acbc loud >grug get bothered and leave fuck boomboom <|endoftext|> > want big muscle > ask red tribe shaman > "no berry, only mastodon" > "no look at fertility goddess painting" > "only swim in glacier water" how long before grug lift boulder? <|endoftext|> probably some old strongman stuff like the dinnie stones only goes back to 1860 but i cant think of anything older thats actually recorded in grug times no one had competitions for fun you were competiting to stay alive killing other grugs and shit <|endoftext|> im saying like back in grug times or bronze age or later did the ancient olympic games have a form of lifting competition where it was about how many rocks or something you can lift what was the first lifting meet of mankind suddenly really interested in that <|endoftext|> >GRUG LIKE CALORIC DENSE FOOD <|endoftext|> >grug go to rock cave >grug see woman lift in rock cave >look like woman is practicing fertility ritual >gurg feel loin cloth snake grow >grug shake snake under loin cloth >grug see other woman folk looking was grug wrong? <|endoftext|> chin for days, he looks like grug <|endoftext|> Grug like snu snu, girl big though. Grug no big. Amazonian girl very stronk <|endoftext|> >grug have belly muscle >grugina like >me grug grugina Is this all your life is? I’d say deadlifting 500kg is more of an achievement than dipping your dick in random tinder thots but hey to each their own <|endoftext|> >grug win shiny rock for lift heavy rock <|endoftext|> I'm talking about modern day, grug Shut up you fucking geek <|endoftext|> >Grug very desperate >Grug ask wise chieftain >Old chieftain says: eat protein from magic grain only. >Only lift stone with butt touching cave bottom > Grug now strong and fat > Grug still no gf <|endoftext|> >be grug >lift stone >still no gf >ask shaman circle what do >shaman circle says, no touch peepee for 90 sun rises >grug now lonely and horny <|endoftext|> Grog next cave have many female companions. Grug thinking because hes making a music and being a funny. maybe lifting heavy rock is wrong way to approach female <|endoftext|> No believe grug work hard enough or eat enough. Post cave drawing of grug body. Grug also need to practice talking to girl. Grug need to take pussy off high place and act like girl just another person. <|endoftext|> If you were truly grug you would just take one. But in 2019 you have to actually talk to them. You can do this sober (hard mode) or approach sluts in bars after drinks have loosened your lips and her legs. <|endoftext|> ooga booga grug smash head with rock <|endoftext|> Grug like pretty lady Pretty lady scared of grug tho <|endoftext|> Sometimes Grug like put hand on rock to get on big hill Grug like be high up Grug climb rock good <|endoftext|> >maybe it’s because 4chan incels make everything about race, What are you talking about you retarded faggot? (((leftists))) made everything about race, just like previously they made everything about class. That's the whole point of marxism, to frame all of society in terms of struggles between the oppressed and the oppressors. Used to be owners vs workers but that failed so now it's everyone vs whites. That shit all happened WAY before 4chan even existed you grug brained fucking mongoloid. <|endoftext|> That’s not what its about. You realize you can just pirate it and read one paragraph to realize that right? It’s a series of historical examples that illustrate different archetypes of peoples and civilizations, while destroying feminism and jews. That’s literally it, there’s no self help shit. It’s also written in grug voice and talks about berrypickers. <|endoftext|> small grug take pebbles again <|endoftext|> >be me Grug >riding wingbeast >gods mad at wingbeast >hot >must leave >hippoman blocks way >yell and push >fat hippo stuck >sigh and crush skull with rock >no time for meat >must leave >mfw wasting good meat >laughinggods.jpg <|endoftext|> Grug no like, grug kill. <|endoftext|> Big butts = big hips = woman less likely to die during childbirth = grug likes <|endoftext|> When did this turn into a grug thread? <|endoftext|> grug no need longnose tribe rocks grug hang from tree branch grug get strong like ape <|endoftext|> I'm Grug-brained and I don't understand your answer. <|endoftext|> Grug, easy on the roids <|endoftext|> >Not raping her to establish dominance Never gonna Grug it <|endoftext|> Grug lift weight, Grug not physician <|endoftext|> grug lift stone many time grug strong <|endoftext|> Grug is white as moonlight Grug whiter than you <|endoftext|> >Grug know big man right because man big! <|endoftext|> why would you insist on becoming grug brained? <|endoftext|> Why do vegans get so many cavities? How would our ancestors survive to pass on their genes if all their teeth rotted out of their mouths before they reached reproductive age? Did Grug have toothpaste and dentist's offices? <|endoftext|> >doing OHP 1 pl8 >feeling like unga bunga caveman grug GOD himself >stare at thot's ass for that there test boost >she turns around >maintain eye contact while doing my lionroaresque grunts <|endoftext|> Grug need to learn to use WORDS better Grug should lurk more in other cave: <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT SMASH <|endoftext|> using cardio to create your deficit is absolutely grug brained sure you can do cardio if you want (to be a fag), but your deficit should be 100% from your diet <|endoftext|> based and grug pilled <|endoftext|> 7% girl 95% grug smash <|endoftext|> based grug poster <|endoftext|> Grug have app on shiny rock. Go tap tap for count calories. Math dull hunting instincts. <|endoftext|> any poorbois in? share your wisdom. here is mine >buckwheat + greek yogurt plain >4 eggs >sunflower/pumpkin seeds unsalted HONORARY MENTIONS >slav grug with fucked up house and his timestamp >that dude with rusty dumbells in half collapsed shed gym without flooring <|endoftext|> >cutting your balls please comprehend what a vasectomy is before trying to form an opinion of it >nuh NUH grug no wunt sharp sharp around grug stones make me big hurt hurt that's just you being a pussy bitch if I don't want kids, I don't want kids. and ideally I'd want a girl that feels the same way. that ain't any of your fuckin business. quit projecting <|endoftext|> >faggy haircut fad Hate to break it to you Grug, but haircuts aren't a "fad". They've been around for thousands of years. <|endoftext|> grug brain: get my energy from preworkout small brain: get my energy from sips big brain: get my energy from coffee galaxy brain: get my energy from CHRIST LORD <|endoftext|> Imagine being so grug brained to think being /fit/ has any bearing on what percentile of guys you're in as far as women are concerned It's all about face, height and frame, and if you're not in that 10% of guys, you're fighting for the bottom 10% of girls with the other 90% of guys. <|endoftext|> yes, how do you think your ancestor grug survived living on random shit they hunted and foraged? <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> Google it then what's your argument against it, I can literally lay out some pros and cons to your carnivore diet but this entire thread is "ME GRUG ME EAT MEAT GET BIG" posting <|endoftext|> I wonder if this Grug agrees about butts just being uga buga <|endoftext|> >He doesn't want to be a caveman Grug think you angry because not can make boomboom with she-grug. Grug think you should go back to robot 9000 tribe with other incels. Ooga booga <|endoftext|> grug like backside of female grug <|endoftext|> big cave marks grug no brain <|endoftext|> uga buga nice ass grug has wood <|endoftext|> >"Not using steroids is cope" >"Destroy your dick with my FAVORITE brand of bs, surgery or dick stretching" >"HAHAHAH wat, you're not gonna? COPE! You're just fucking coping dude hahah" >"Your jaw is below grug-tier, DON'T chew gum to exercise your jaw joints and actually strengthen both teeth and jae... pay for a surgery that needs to be repeated every six months. You'll look exactly like you've got surgery and you won't be able to take a single punch... GIRLS WILL FUCKING SUCK YOUR COCK MHMMMMMM" >"WAIT YOU'RE NOT GONNA!!!!???!? FUCKING COPE ASS B-BITCH" <|endoftext|> Yeah you idiot because fighting isn’t a healthy communication in a structured society that values brain power and compliance over “grug take what grug want” <|endoftext|> No. Lookismfags are correct in the fact that beautiful people are treated better, but their theory that there is one ideal 10/10 is retarded. Right looks like a grug-tier retard while left is a rugged prettyboy. <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock Rock go down Grug no sell... have strong hand <|endoftext|> yeah, and? >le ebin green text grug meme posting xDD fuckin OWNED bro LOL you listen to people concerning bodybuilding and strength training if they have experience in such, is this a concept that is hard for you to understand? <|endoftext|> >Bad man say thing! >Thing wrong because bad man say thing! >GRUG listen good man! >Thing true because good man say so! <|endoftext|> UNGABUNGA GRUG JOIN TRIBE OF CLUB SWING <|endoftext|> >whai yes >me follow instagroo wamen >me give lunchabunga monmon to them >how can grug tell? <|endoftext|> Grug blame unrealistic portrayal of man in media. Nobody kill 2 mammoth alone, nobody. <|endoftext|> >Grug drag lovegirl to new cave with bigger rocks >grug start lifting rocks >grug no can lift biggest rock >suddenly chug come in and lift biggest rock >grug look to lovegirl and she being dragged out by chug with smile Grug just want to be chug <|endoftext|> >Coga seduce Grug in dark >Grug mate with Coga in secret >Grug peel sabertooth hair off Coga head during sleep >Coga actually Knuud >Grug holler and bash Knuud head in >Tribe find Grug >Tribe question why Knuud head bashed in with seed leaking from stinkhole >mfw <|endoftext|> grug share to inspire lifting of bigger rock <|endoftext|> >mumma find grug's poop cave <|endoftext|> >many moons ago grug eat little meat and 1 berry >grug small >grugettes no like grug but like gorilla man >gorilla man kind and want share grugettes >gorilla man tell grug to eat more and 4 berry >gorilla man always make grug laugh >grug get big and happy like gorilla man >one day gorilla man leave tribe behind >grug miss gorilla man >grug want follow <|endoftext|> >grugg see she-grugg with berry picker >grugg reach higher berries than berry picker >grugg better than berry picker >grugg deserve she-grug <|endoftext|> grog tell that me must close mouth, he say "grogging" make me look more like strong grug and not berrypicker grug? maybe trick maybe not... <|endoftext|> grug wonder if grugette using proper form grug totally not just want more image of grugette with little cloth moving <|endoftext|> Gfw when grug realizes they are doomed to be eternal Grugling <|endoftext|> No fite! Make Grug mad Grug only want to learn Become better Grug So Grug get bigger! <|endoftext|> >channeling my inner Grug >see stone >gruglings too weak to move > Grug lift stone >cute Grugete mirin Gfw <|endoftext|> actual grug <|endoftext|> >grug move big rock >grug stronk There, grug explain what stronk are. <|endoftext|> Based post body posters, but I have some real life buddies who would probably recognize my neck if I did. The only thing that I have ever gotten mired on is my neck, I can slam my skull into walls and stones and not get a concussion. I am grug <|endoftext|> post body grug <|endoftext|> GRUG THINK ALL OTHER GRUGS SHOULD DO THINGS GRUG DO BECAUSE GRUG RIGHT <|endoftext|> >omnivores need to consume b12 and thus their diet is shit Hurrrmrr, Grug need oxygen to live, Grug have bad lung. kek <|endoftext|> grug cope <|endoftext|> >grug go to gathering >grugette not like grug >grugette like tall grug >grug not gruglet >tall grug weak, me grug strong >grug angry <|endoftext|> Thanks bud, this looks based af. Imagine a grug workout routine that only uses shit you can find outside <|endoftext|> Grug like rat bowl, just like mama grug used to make <|endoftext|> >grug strong climb >grug love climb up things >grub love climb up rocks and eat bugs >people make fun of grug but i climb up rocks and get away .t grug <|endoftext|> > grug religion true religion, other sky men fake ddrhheuuuhhh... drhdduuhhgg.... Brainlet <|endoftext|> >IF MAKE GRUG FEEL GOOD THEN BAD >COFFEE MAKE GRUG FEEL GOOD >NO COFFEE FOR GRUG >NOW GRUG FEEL BAD >THAT GOOD <|endoftext|> its a fun way to add new movements and how to apply your strength in life. its a lot of backyard strength, being able to lift and carry heavy shit. grug brain says "pick up big stone fun" <|endoftext|> Grug paint on cave wall all rocks Grug lift. But Grug have secret. Grug wall rocks bigger than rocks Grug actually lift. Grug do because Grug no confidence. Grug also challenge other men to paint own body on cave wall, because Grug have no argument. <|endoftext|> grug jus like getting gruggy grug cant help it its good to be gruggy grug <|endoftext|> >think grug lyfe Grug like you also bring violent twerking, ruin new crop of young cavesquaws. <|endoftext|> grug lyfe <|endoftext|> what else grug do? <|endoftext|> >just be grug <|endoftext|> >grug no have sex >grug lifts rock >maybe if grug lifts more rocks, grug have sex? Imagine being this pathetic. <|endoftext|> >Grug opinion wrong. Grug needs to read stone tablets. But only the stone tablets I read <|endoftext|> grug smash nut and leaf, wrap in mammoth intestine, trade for squirrel skin <|endoftext|> grug need big numbers <|endoftext|> >grug brow >bad do you realise meme eyes are result of that? <|endoftext|> >chinlet >balding >grug brow >fivehead >acne scarring OH NO NO NO <|endoftext|> Firefighters have exams? It seems like the most boneheaded job there is. >grug run >grug point water gun >grug hit door >grug kidnap any living thing for breeding <|endoftext|> Grogan is the ultimate grug boomer <|endoftext|> Me Grug Me eat grass and meat Me say is because evolution Me don't know what evolution is, me thinks is about being old or something Me call people retard because they don't eat like me Me say false analogy when they use comparisons Me call people retard again when me don't know how to defend Me so smart <|endoftext|> Howto Grug mode? <|endoftext|> It’s not any more “natural” than lifting heavy things. Running after an animal isn’t going to do much good if you can’t take it back to eat. Even a berry picker needs to haul some sort of weight unless they have no interest in feeding anyone else or stocking supplies in grug’s cave <|endoftext|> >women are small, men are big >grug knows to make the distinction >grug smart <|endoftext|> >lifting for women those gains are wasted on you, grug will make better use of them NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM <|endoftext|> grug have much stronger forearms, shoulders and grip strength than you do, grug better than you at opening jars for women. <|endoftext|> grug climb rock. grug enjoy nature more better. grug drink soilent on top of rock. grug laugh at rock lifters. <|endoftext|> addendum: >grug squat lowbar >grug hip hurt >grug squat highbar >grug hip hurt and back explodes is grug genetic cave-in? <|endoftext|> >grug squat low bar >grug hip hurt >grug squat high bar >grug hip no hurt should i put any effort into making lowbar less painful or just stick with memebar? <|endoftext|> no! this how grug look like if grug STRONG <|endoftext|> I see comprehension isn't your forté, Grug. <|endoftext|> Food is 3 thing Sugar Fat Protein Grug should eat only fat to get gain, it most healthy thing to eat No difference between Avocado fat and Pig fat. All fat same fat Grug so smart <|endoftext|> Some time me think “grug no want lift rock today” but then me see reflection in puddle and me go lift big rock because sad. <|endoftext|> >all lifts are better if they're reminiscent of caveman movements Okay Grug <|endoftext|> post based and grug pilled powerlifting songs <|endoftext|> >builds weinstien grug machine >farts >dies <|endoftext|> pretty grug brained routine <|endoftext|> grug found new cave paints here <|endoftext|> >hurr durr everything in moderation >muh goldilocks fallacy truly the most grug brained take why don't you just have some bleach in moderation too <|endoftext|> The metric system is “autistic”, autists like order and patterns. Imperial is retarded cavemen trying to measure things with their thumbs or trying to figure out how many Grug’s caves would fit in a river. <|endoftext|> GRUG SHOULD TO EAT WHILE HE DRINK THE GALLON OF MILK <|endoftext|> Oh Sky Father, Grug really fugged the cave rat this time <|endoftext|> Grug should eat the mammoth too Grug no gain now Morg Riptusk is now Sad Grug make him sad <|endoftext|> >Grug drink gallon mammoth milk a day for almost one moon cycle >Grug shit is like waterfall >Grug LOST weight >Grug want food very bad Did tribe making fun of Grug? Is gallon mammoth milk a day joke? <|endoftext|> grug be over 6 stones to get gruggete <|endoftext|> Grug cannot be smart if Grug is a Nug. <|endoftext|> eat nut and fish and do quiz riddle game to go smart, but if not smart grug have hard time get smart <|endoftext|> >girl is married, thus has more value grug know water wet, but why soft weak grug contract for sex?? <|endoftext|> t. grug Meat is a great source of (almost) all the minerals, including potassium, but NoSalt is the best 0-calorie source, which I see on re-reading is what you're focused on. I'm working on your list there through Cronometer, I'll get back to you in a bit. <|endoftext|> tfw the last gigantopithecus was killed so some grug-chink could use its testicles for a soup <|endoftext|> I just finished diving season in high school and I hold the record for 11 dives with a 496. I've been lifting for a a few months short of a year and I'd say I'm a e s t h e t i c at 180. I've only been diving a few times a week so it didn't interfere with my lifting but now I'm joining a college club team which'll be five days a week but if I really commit I'm sure I'll be able to get a scholarship. I'm on track to hit 190-195 by the end of the year with pretty low body fat for a bulk. mind you I like diving but I really love lifting, so what do you think robots, scholarship or big boy gains? don't mind grug he's just chillin <|endoftext|> > grug lift 12x3 x3 years > mussel no grow > grug lift 5x3 > mussel grow 10-15 kg in 6 months even if we fall for the strength base slingshot to hypertrophy meme what you are saying is beyond the realm of comprehension dude i aint trying to hate but you need to be more detailed bc it seems very bizarre to bench for 3+ years and then bench slightly higher weights/lower reps and gain 20lbs of muscle <|endoftext|> Corporate world: > invents HR sloots for taking care of the urges You: > no, Grug hand best, Grug masturbate <|endoftext|> he sounds like a grug brain retard and the answer has found us <|endoftext|> >grug have life hurt >see the laughy laughs >dere is reason why grug like visit Pangaean Tar pit pools <|endoftext|> Grug feel fine. Grug get strong <|endoftext|> >hot ball hide from sky >Grug must do stone sits now <|endoftext|> grug says me berrypick me throw rock in grug face now me am hunter <|endoftext|> Freeing dark grug from string tied to boulder would make all grug better Any big grugs want to see moving drawing with me? <|endoftext|> Grug like thread me no smash today <|endoftext|> all grug want to be big grug but no grug lift big rocks but me lift it <|endoftext|> >grug me be >grug enjoy lifting heavy stone to tribes such as campfire death and metalca >another grug from boom-boom tribe begin lifting heavy stone too >boom-boom plays ac/bc, rolling stones, and dead leopard too loud >grug get annoyed and leave <|endoftext|> >grug lift big >grug eat big >grug shout: LIGHTSTONE GRUGLETT >grug be alpha <|endoftext|> big sleep is other grug <|endoftext|> >grug shaman tell grug no touch grugwood or go to bad dream in big sleep >grug see grug shaman watch gruglings play >grug no think big sleep is real <|endoftext|> only like grug when bigger than 6 rock me hate small grugs when make up for smallness <|endoftext|> Good grug! <|endoftext|> >grug should stop reading cave paint forum >grug should snu snu grugette >grug have to look no fleshmarble touch >grug say nein clublover <|endoftext|> smart grug cope only strong grug get grugette <|endoftext|> Thinky grug get rock in head <|endoftext|> you no true grug <|endoftext|> the funny thing is that back then, it was the smart grug that would get all the pussy <|endoftext|> >Grug enter stone lifting tent >full of pretty grugettes and large grugs >one dark skinned Greg lifts gym boulder over head, wearing rare feathers and bones. >short grugs are stuck in hole at back corner of tent >Grug get scared, mount mammoth and head back to sleeping cave How to fix? Grug must become big grug if ever want the howling act <|endoftext|> >grug like grugette >grug tell grug to lift big stone >grug lift big stone >grug like grugette(grug) <|endoftext|> >grug not want gruget anymore >grug just lift big stone now so he can lift bigger stone tomorrow >grug only think about stone >grug want to be alone and stop being grug <|endoftext|> Chug hunts MAMMOTH and FUGGS Gruggete while Grug lift stone and pick berries. <|endoftext|> Grug can only lift child stone me see in muscle cave <|endoftext|> Grugette think Grug only want other Grugs. <|endoftext|> grug post stone body <|endoftext|> Grug ugly. <|endoftext|> >grug lift big stone >grug have stone body >grugette say nothing at communal mammoth eat why no commit long sleep now <|endoftext|> Thats low iq grug talk <|endoftext|> still doesn't say anything to my grug brain, not walking, but barely jogging speed? <|endoftext|> Looks like grug the caveman <|endoftext|> Go back to cave, Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug think best way to determine what to eat is put finger in butt! <|endoftext|> >anon no know grug mode anon not making it <|endoftext|> grounding is walking barefoot on the earth, to litterally electrically ground yourself, look it up. grugmode is just living like grug, so only a loincloth, meat that you hunted yourself and a cave to live in <|endoftext|> Based Grug poster <|endoftext|> Hurr duur I dont want a union job that lets me make over 100k a year or a cushy desk job with large amounts of growth potential. Grug want to kill and die for Isreal, get my back fucked up from long ruck marches and eventually get aggressive bone cancer from all the chemicals I was exposed to that will kill me in my 50s. Fuck off you deserve this for being so retarded, kill yourself. <|endoftext|> Grugs body feel overstimulated. Grug need break. What do? <|endoftext|> /smg/ Strongman General Grug lift stone edition <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT SNU SNU <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> ME GRUG ME HURT TRUTH SAYER <|endoftext|> nofap for 2 weeks, until reaching grug mode. get over there after deadlifting 4 plates. checkout only 2 bags of onions, 8 cans of tuna, and a gallon of whole milk. waddle slowly to her, allowing your sex inducing pheromones to wash over her--until she is wet. then ask her out pussy. <|endoftext|> Grug shitposted with smoke signals and cave paintings. <|endoftext|> Did grug have 4chan? <|endoftext|> Functionally? Dunmer. Strong, agile, athletic. Hurr durr lifty lifty? Orc. Grug lift rock <|endoftext|> Show skull Grug <|endoftext|> the protogrug or the nig pretty sure grug would be a beter pt <|endoftext|> desu I couldnt care less, i started doing them for some time but than i started to have acces to some strongman eq and i preffer to grug pick up ball and over the bar rather than curl <|endoftext|> LOOK HOW GRUG MANLY 88s <|endoftext|> >grug repeat word >word good <|endoftext|> yes? shooting someone is much more refined than grug grug me hit >:( <|endoftext|> >be grug >3'7 >go to rock circle >want to pick up rock >4'2 chug is there >mogs me >get self conscious about my manlet status, small club and small hitting stick >go back to cave >eat 250 calories of homoerectus, me bulking >jerk off to lewd cave drawing of thicc grugets brapping Will I ever make it? <|endoftext|> Grug no understand science words. <|endoftext|> >thing popular? >grug no like light up you sad cunts <|endoftext|> Grug mog you. Grug real man <|endoftext|> >grug lift rock. grug real man <|endoftext|> >Grug hurt Greg, Grug real man! <|endoftext|> We're past the caveman years Grug, people don't physically fight for their place in the social hierarchy anymore. <|endoftext|> grug eat closer to 2 rocks per boulder, then grug win grugette <|endoftext|> grug is 70kg 6ft hungryman grug do Greyskull and eat 1.5g of protein per kg bodyweight and eat big calories grug become big strongman? <|endoftext|> grug drink because it delicious grug not like grug’s cavemate who drink many pots of kombucha for bubbly yeast in tummy and smell like mammoth birth canal <|endoftext|> Grug like stone <|endoftext|> Getting satisfaction from "mogging" is braindead jawdragging grug shit who finds no other pleasure than their physical success over others due to his existing insecurities. <|endoftext|> Would you rather take pre workout made by some science dyel nerd whos worried about safety, or preworkout made by some grug bro throwing fun chemicals into a pot what make you lift harder?? I only take preworkout that I dont trust <|endoftext|> based axe timestamp grug <|endoftext|> >be grug >1200+63 BC >grug no like meat >grug eat only plant >grug have no B12 >grug die <|endoftext|> Based grug boomer <|endoftext|> Hahaha you look like a fucking unga bunga cave grug. What were you thinking? <|endoftext|> Yeah Grug and Thad were big on memes. <|endoftext|> grug is that you? <|endoftext|> Based and carnivorepilled. >no reply Makes grug do a big think. There's arguments against hormones and other shit but it's not actually that difficult if you live in an area with decent farmland to find "organic" meat. Just avoid shit from china or central america and you'll be fine. <|endoftext|> oo oo you short grug tall. grug breed many shegrug. grug club you in head gruglet <|endoftext|> GRUG NO EAT STRONGBERRY. GRUG ONLY EAT BERRY FROM FIELD. GROG NOT STRONGER THAN GRUG AND GRUG HELP MANY WEAK GRUGLING TO BE STRONG AND ALSO GRUG MAKE SEX WITH GROG WOMAN <|endoftext|> Grug eat same food. One time all days. Grug no lose weight one week. <|endoftext|> Grug eat chicken breast every day. Low calorie high protein. Grug losing 2lbs a week. <|endoftext|> As someone with a 3+ years GF I can confirm actively having one and being in a stable relationship will destroy your gains and your motivation to keep them as you get more comfortable with each other. Even in the courtship process of getting a relationship, being /fit/ by /fit/ standards will only give you more sociopathic chicks as fitness and good looks is a heavy indicator of success. Most girls who are worth having are fine with your looks long as you don't look full grug mode and have a good personality. In summation: Having gf = bad for gains Not having gf but hoping for one = good for gains Not involving girls in your reasons for getting gains = best for gains, because despite the ups and downs of your love life, you're lifting for yourself, not just to be attractive to others. <|endoftext|> this now grug thread <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> You never be as fit as Grug. Grug play with Grugette squishy place more than you. <|endoftext|> poster right, grug use HOKKÅSEN Pocket sprung mattress since 40,000 b.c. <|endoftext|> this now grug thread <|endoftext|> >t. angry gym owners mad that I'm cutting into your profit Grug can lift rock in and out gym Grug save guac <|endoftext|> fucking reddit, stealing perfectly good /lit/ memes and turning them into bonga bunga chungo chunkus chonko chub dub wub flub dub mub brub grug dum dum pee pee poo poo doodley do <|endoftext|> Grug is confuse now <|endoftext|> Based grug poster <|endoftext|> wheel not round how lift wheel not round? bad wheel grug unhappy <|endoftext|> >Answer Grug! >Grug stare >Anon shrugs and turns away from the autist >Ugg, me 6'2, me big Grug <|endoftext|> >carbs bad, growing food bad, human evolve color vision not for find fruit, but for memes, grug smart <|endoftext|> It's okay, Bro. I look like that grug in OP. Decent job, girlfriend in pre-med, and I'm in great shape. We make brog, we make. <|endoftext|> >Grug step into big stone pit <|endoftext|> >be grug >spend many summers stay in cave eating mammoth meat and drinking sweet berry juice >be big like mammoth >tribe women no like grug >tribe women no look grug way >grug spend many summers running like wolf and lifting big stone >grug start change look like smaller mammoth >tribe women now notice grug >grug feel good >grug still have many summers to go >grug one day make it, be strong like saber tooth, make tribe proud >one day all tribe make it <|endoftext|> Grug lift big rock <|endoftext|> >grug say faith in science is superior to faith in God <|endoftext|> Funny how you're accusing him of ad populum when you can't make a logical argument against gym thottery beyond "THOT MAKE GRUG MAD" Stop being such a slave to your irrational emotions, anon. Sort yourself out. <|endoftext|> >Not real Man respects sluts okay grug. Then riddle me this, why is it that only the mindwarped incels of /pol/ thinks this way? Your perception strongly differs from what the vast majority thinks, most men even like a woman in tights. Thinking of a woman as "slut" because of her gymwear is some 1500's arab bullshit and you KNOW it is. Perhaps all women and the entire fitness indudstry should bend over because you, the 0.1% of men socially deranged enough to be upset by clothing, thinks them wrong? Get your shit togheter you sensitive little snowflake fuck and accept that your bitching little minority isnt gonna change shit. <|endoftext|> lmao is OP grug u good ass i good arm we make good sex <|endoftext|> TELL GRUG HOW REMOVE MOOBS FROM CHEST. GRUG WANT MANLY FLAT CHEST AND THEN GRUG CAN BE HAPPY. TELL WHAT GRUG MUST DO TO REMOVE. <|endoftext|> that's not grug. that is chug <|endoftext|> >be grug in 50,000 BC >eat plants only >teeth all rot and fall out in a few months >die <|endoftext|> >*rock bang* make grug chest go boom boom fast and hair stand straight <|endoftext|> her face looks like a grug meme <|endoftext|> Where can a fellow grug obtain a ford fiesta? <|endoftext|> >grug see good breed grugette >grug sudden feel scared >grug look around for predator quick >grug no see any danger >grug confusion Why grug get danger feel when only pretty grugette? Is grugette dino? <|endoftext|> >grug see grugette leaving local rock lift cave >grugette see grug and smile >grug get nervous and look away >grug go home after rock lift session and think of gregette >when grug see grugette again at rock lift cave, grugette now look disgusted at grug wat mean? <|endoftext|> Grug like color hurt <|endoftext|> even gruglets can do 2 rock bench grug sound like he no lift rocks <|endoftext|> Why Grug no start with Starting Stone by Mark Rippestone? <|endoftext|> I told you about the beans, grug <|endoftext|> >be grug >tribe decide it time grug become man >chalk ceremony >chieftain coat grugs hands and face in the sacred powder >gives grug coconut cocktail of preworkout >grug slurp it down >berry >fuck yeah >chieftain lead grug to bench >fellow tribesmen stand around it >tribesmen chant the mantra of our people >"light weight, light weight, light weight" >designated spotter give grug customary nod >grug prepare for lift >lay down >grasp bar >breathe heavily >un-rack >shit loincloth grug not even finish rep <|endoftext|> Weak fucks ate dead animals Strong fucks killed animals and ate fresh t. Grug <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock Grug life now good <|endoftext|> Agreed, A culture of degeneracy has developed here. I mean it's funny in memes but honestly if you're getting fit just because your a desperate virgin that's never had sex before then your kind of a faggot. Check your life goals and find a stronger motivation that's not grug thought. <|endoftext|> Because I like my grug level of working out, doing simple natural movements with heavy weights for 5 times mindlessly and then having few minutes to rest. Who the fuck wants to think about what is next step of my 3 minutes routine to complete this long ass set? <|endoftext|> >no leaving the cafe after dark ywn have a warm cup with grug and drug, why even live? <|endoftext|> Cook food: easy to digest; make Grug brain big! <|endoftext|> you ok, grug? <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> Meanwhile 99% of you faggots are still kissless virgins while Grug has a body count higher on par with Chad. <|endoftext|> Holy shit grug is real <|endoftext|> >Retard gets angry at science and refuses to use Google. GRUG MAD. All illicit steroid use is labelled steroid abuse, including illegal TRT. However, from TRT studies we know that many of the same side effects carry over. <|endoftext|> Good find Grug say weigh one big rock and three little rocks together good for legs <|endoftext|> I lift because I'm pissed at my gf being a fat, sloppy undesireable pig. I need to express outrage somewhere/somehow and since I can't just GRUG SMASH things like a barbarian, I lift things. <|endoftext|> >grug >npcs >braphog/slampig >QUEEN mires >INTERNAL ROTATION >revenge eggs has potential <|endoftext|> hurt ass, grug no shit good <|endoftext|> hurt lung, grug no breathe good <|endoftext|> >smashing rocks with larger rocks grug like this idea. <|endoftext|> >people still expect me to be tolerant and not racist when shit like this exists >a literal grug adaptation because nogs are too dumb to learn English, the easiest to understand language in the world Kill me. <|endoftext|> grug needs to train farmers walks not put shit on his shoulders and squat up and down thats just retarded. <|endoftext|> >grug kill Mammoth >camp far away >krug lift Mammoth thigh onto shoulder >grug not able life Mammoth thigh >krug get pretty women >krug get functional <|endoftext|> WHY GRUG NOT PULL ROCK TO FACE TODAY? GRUG MUST PULL ROCK TO FACE EVERY TIME WORKING OUTSIDE <|endoftext|> I think grug is falling in love And I barely know her Or I just need to fap <|endoftext|> >grug want big x muscle >grug train big x muscle >grug must train x muscle every 48 hours >grug must eat big protein >grug must increase weight used by x muscle wow so hard dude its like wow haha super complex weight lifting man its something else xD gotta get that routine!!!!! <|endoftext|> Grug no eat rocks anymore <|endoftext|> Exactly, which is why we should all dress like grug. Cavemen were the strongest humans in history. <|endoftext|> >Grug take zinc for test test last dark sky >Grug see crazy juju in night visions <|endoftext|> grug is part of an older tradition and should not be lumped with those two new tumors <|endoftext|> Boomer zoomer and grug is forced unfunny cancer. <|endoftext|> Adding Grug to this list <|endoftext|> There’s not much to think about. If you’re gonna overthink read enough grug memes and green texts to the point you’re too simple minded to do anything but pick rock up <|endoftext|> grug >do big think >make sharp rock >walk far >bend thumbs >throw stick animals even try? <|endoftext|> Everyone on /fit/ and their dads already knows that a thick neck separates chad from virgin it’s time to realize that long necks are essential to being aesthetics and separates chad from grug the barbarian >necklets cope <|endoftext|> My wife screams move the big rock grug <|endoftext|> grug want lick pussy <|endoftext|> This is all stupid armchair bullshit though. If someone roided and didn't train their traps you'd think they're Natty. It's all "is too big??" Grug say "too BiG!" Must be steroids! "Maybe big??" Grug say "genetic freak??" <|endoftext|> that's right grug, gay people BAD! good grug. <|endoftext|> >be grug >tribe have good hunt last month and we all put on good fat >this month not so good >grug just gonna lie down and die cause grug in starvation mode <|endoftext|> grug lift rock <|endoftext|> grug get big aethelgrug pay grug for to be big grug grug happy <|endoftext|> Different anon here. I currently work corporate security as a control center operator. Supervisor for my shift (grave). Make $19/hour while I sit on my ass shitposting on 4chan and studying for my engineering classes. Shit is cash and easy as fuck. Literally if you're in college and not working in security then you're a fucking idiot grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG DO BODEEWAIT ONLEE GRUG TAKE 5 YEARS FOR DECENT BODY <|endoftext|> before the grug memes <|endoftext|> Shut the fuck up grug <|endoftext|> Grug is that you? <|endoftext|> >be deadlifting >tired as fuck >close my eyes and imagine I'm lifting a dinosaur leg >gotta get food for Grugette and make Grug stronger >finish my set without fail <|endoftext|> become chadunga grug <|endoftext|> Do you know what "food" means? If you can gain calories from them, they are food. Show me how much of a söyboy you are not by posting body. Go on. Show me the benefits of a carnivore diet you fuckboy. What are you some beta grug who would jerk off crying in a corner as high-carb Chagg fucked his mom? Yes you are, or else you would have posted body. Epic my friend :) I bet they start their day with le epic bacon too. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> >grug stare at other grug >if grug look away first grug berrypicker >if other grug look away first grug not berrypicker <|endoftext|> Flat foot good for lift heavy object Tip toe bad for lift heavy object T. Grug <|endoftext|> To protect women from other men, you have to be stronger than them to keep her safe in grug times <|endoftext|> Any one else look kinda chad from the front and diagonally but turbo grug from the side? <|endoftext|> Lol at often heavy okay grug <|endoftext|> what the fuck were they lifting on a regular basis that rivals even a 200 kg barbell? Were they raising the fucking stonehenge? You're brosciencing so hard right now it's unbelievable. A guy who's not lifting insanely heavy shit for no reason is going to fast his way through a famine with the gut the other grug lifted away. The reason we're not all automatically ripped chads is because of that, we don't need insane strength to survive in the wild because we've got brains, spears and teamwork, if we really were constantly lifting heavy shit in evolutionary conditions we would automatically be hulks like tigers, who always need their strength and get it just by eating and moving around. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE MAN LOOK AT ME GRUG DISMEMBER HIM AND SPREAD BODY PARTS AROUND TO SCARE OTHER <|endoftext|> >grug want be strong >grug like raw meat >oh no, grug ill :((( silly meatcuck falling for the carnimeme of professor Peterstein soon there wont be any more small farmers and meat will be illegal everyone will live healthy and happy lifes on a plant based diet we even get you s o y burgers so you can continue your amerilard lifestyle without getting a heartattack at 50 <|endoftext|> Genius level competitive drive. Anything it takes no matter the risk. Full grug. <|endoftext|> nice grug <|endoftext|> >brad pitt vs grug pitt women are fucking weird man <|endoftext|> go carve some more fertility idols, grug <|endoftext|> I'm not dump grug sho lifts heavy things, I'm all body wieght <|endoftext|> grug want big ab <|endoftext|> Fist fighting is a total meme. Been obsolete since Grug found a pointy rock. <|endoftext|> grug carry gf rock back to cave. gf rock is same weight as gf in grug's dreams. maybe if carry enough, will happen outside of dream. grug feel so lonely. <|endoftext|> >u 0iq >me grug smaht >me have 2 iq <|endoftext|> irl grug/10 <|endoftext|> He's literally a modern-day Grug and BY CHOICE <|endoftext|> >Big forehead shaman tells tribe to look at sun >He says we get strong like lion >Whole tribe stares at sun >Grug eyes hurt >Big forehead shaman says "keep looking hehe" >Big forehead head wise, grug want to be like him one day <|endoftext|> GRUG HAS FIGHT... FIGHT ESCALATE... BUT GRUG NO WALK AWAY, HAVE STRONG DUMB.... <|endoftext|> >Grug go to stone pit >CAVE PAINTERS IN THE CAVE TONIGHT <|endoftext|> >ONLY THING GRUG REAL <|endoftext|> >GRUG FOCUS ON THE PAIN <|endoftext|> >TO SEE IF GRUG STILL FEEL <|endoftext|> Grug wants female grug to make small grugs. Female grugs no interested. Grug lifting stones in stone pitt hoping female grugs more interested. Female grug no care about stone lifting. <|endoftext|> >GRUG HURT ME GRUG TODAY <|endoftext|> >grug want be big and fertilize many grugette like grad >starts to do strarting rock >drink big drum with milk of mammoth every sun >fast forward many moons >grug can now go down in poop stance with weight of 3 dear on back >can only push away weight of baby lamb >grug now has body of dinosaur <|endoftext|> Grug go do bad hurt body <|endoftext|> >Grug get so strong Grug no hurt again. Right in the feels. <|endoftext|> Good-speaking tribesman try to sic chieftain on Grug? Good-speaking tribesman lie with other tribesmen like wife. <|endoftext|> Grug no care, Grug always have Grug. Grug Grug best friend, Grug Grugs worst enemy. No one hurt Grug unless Grug let them, is you feelin me? <|endoftext|> Grug past adult ritual by many moon cycles Grug need to wake meat worm in grugette wet cave Grug want to impress grugette, begins to lift heavy stones in mammoth pit Grugette no pay attention to grug, only Grad Grug now big but alone <|endoftext|> Grug no like whale tribe members. They steal stonebeds in witch doctor hut. Those stonebeds meant for real ouchers! <|endoftext|> >rock age later >grug still hurt <|endoftext|> Tribe hurt Grug. Grug pick up heavy rock and put them down. Grug get strong. Grug get so strong Grug no hurt again. <|endoftext|> The Grug version of this was hilarious <|endoftext|> Fucking grug post Sand man is wearing a visible mic too, <|endoftext|> Evolution Primal instincts dictate that larger woman = vast access to food = ensured offspring will grow big and strong as well The thing to keep in mind is that instincts can also tell the difference between a higher bf%, athletic abd healthy woman compared to a disgusting hambeast who can barely walk and will subconsciously choose the former (as they will pass better genes and the mother is more fit to protect the child while you're out) People who are into land whales are fucked in the head. Grug want sabertooth bitch, not walrus cunt. <|endoftext|> who's this grug looking dude? <|endoftext|> grug draw cave painting and put on 4rocks <|endoftext|> >Grug is 17 >still resides with birth woman-grug Grug is laughing at you <|endoftext|> >Grug buys new power rack >Grug excited >But Grug forget to measure lower part of cave >Grug not think straight and punch holes in cave ceiling >Power rock fits now, but too close to wall so pillarbell doesn't fit >Grug only 17 so grug worried mum and dad grug will get mad Grug thinks grug has done wrong... <|endoftext|> >winter solstice >go to rockpull cave >yesterday grug pull alone >today many grug in cave >other grug use grug favorite rock >other grug pull rock bad >make cave and rock break >grugina pose for cave scratching >ask if grug can use rock behind grugina >grugina hold mouth open and scream it still her rock >gfw dealing with this for another moon cycle before other grug grow lazy and leave cave again <|endoftext|> >Grug try Starting Stone and GOBAD. >Now legs don't fit in loin cloth >Grug now only shit berry juice Grug's knees hurt. <|endoftext|> Every sun up grug disguise as baby mammoth and drink milk of mammoth direct from mother mammoth <|endoftext|> Grug wonders who could be behind this rock <|endoftext|> How grug big, if grug don't eat meat and cooked berries? <|endoftext|> >Grug lift rocks many times >Grug big, best rocklift in tribe >Winter come >Elders ask grug build hut, grug dont know >Elders ask grug hunt, grug dont know spears >Womangrug date grug >ask grug where is grug hut and meat >grug live in hole in ground eat berries >Grug can't even cook berries for shit >womangrug laughtber.Jurassicp3 >grug depressed >Grug bring throwrocks to learning cave next day 4rocks lied on grug <|endoftext|> huweel? Grug confuse <|endoftext|> Grug berrypicker as fuck. Learn hunt and build, grug respected and useful in tribe. Become best grug can be. Woman-grug comes. <|endoftext|> Grug no like ab-wheel <|endoftext|> Grug no. up to six for bigger club swinging, at least eight for mammoth arms. Seven will get grug nothing, will remain perma berry picker <|endoftext|> Grug want know how many rockpulls for mammoth clubbing arms. Me think seven. <|endoftext|> Women-grug hard to find. Most women-grug just cavecarvingram grots or brap-grogs <|endoftext|> >woman grug >rockpull Womangrug care only shiny pebbles <|endoftext|> Grug love rockpull but Grug also think its time to find a woman-grug too <|endoftext|> Help me grug, im dying <|endoftext|> barefoot workout? grug like this <|endoftext|> >I WAN GET BIG AND STRONK >posts some fucked up brosplit >Ok grug <|endoftext|> Grug no stare deep into cave or Grug become cave <|endoftext|> Grug want snu snu! <|endoftext|> Grug watch NeanderGrug open loincloth and show his BNC... Grugina did the baby dance with him and tell me to raise it or Grug will have to pay 500 berries a month in cub support... <|endoftext|> grug want put loincloth snake in big mountain tiddy tribe girl but he too weak <|endoftext|> >grug find dead deer outside of cave >gotta be fast and eat deer before evil flies and maggots take it all >grug eat 5 moons worth of dead deer >next sun grug not feeling to well >make liquid from both eat and poop hole <|endoftext|> Axe wound clan make grug laugh <|endoftext|> grug no like rocknite <|endoftext|> FOR 5 MOON GRUG DO STARTING ROCK AND DRINK BIG BOWL WITH MILK OF MAMMOTH ECERY SUN BUT STILL NO BIG BREAST STONEITIS <|endoftext|> grug needs to do rock pull to head (NO DISAGREE) <|endoftext|> Long hook nose tribe put rotten meat in Grug's lake. Make him feel like she-grug <|endoftext|> Huh huh huh hey grugs look grug - he fall for no bap joke <|endoftext|> Grug no touch loin cloth snake to woman cave paints in 7 moons but Grug feel same. What do? <|endoftext|> Seriously, 2018 was literally /fit/ - the year. We contributed all the memes that are being spouted right now on other boards, think of onions, soiboi, boomers, grug and npc. <|endoftext|> Grug try running barefoot in grassy plain, but sometime, rock can be in grass. Rock sharp, hurt Grug foot. Now always wear mammoth hide sandal. <|endoftext|> Grug warm up <|endoftext|> brainy wojak lead to retarded wojak retarded wojak lead to grug wojak at the same time the /sipboys/ had been keeping the /sip/ meme alive for over a year with mostly the simpsons edits some anon started spamming "that 30 year old boomer who works out" threads all day for 2 weeks at some point /sip/, grug, and 30 year old boomer merged into one meme <|endoftext|> Grug or kys <|endoftext|> Normal people: 1. Tastes plain. Bad taste mean good health ug grug 2. Quaker says good 3. Muh fiber 4. Natawaaaal=good Paleo people 1. Ugh wug ancestors in perfect health. If eat old way then good 2. Oats not old way of eat 3. Oats BAD Look, people are all using their tiny monkey brains to arrive at conclusions. The conclusion may be fine but their reasoning is shit. But NPCs can't invoke more complex reasoning that's non-dogmatic or produces only somewhat confident conclusions. <|endoftext|> >not wanting to be Grug >laughinggrugettes.rock <|endoftext|> gurg want know rna play part how grug hand look <|endoftext|> veiny grug think grug need eat less berry and mammoth and push rock <|endoftext|> >grug look when grug have hand vein <|endoftext|> Why Grug think so big, Grug just be like Chug and all berrypickers love Grug <|endoftext|> grug think girls like veiny hands grug want know how get veiny hands <|endoftext|> Grug 30 year old boomer *sips* Jeffposting looksmax bloatlord <|endoftext|> It's less than 4 months untill 2019 and we need some more memes for SIR's comic. The only notable thing we have so far is Grug <|endoftext|> Alright so let's break it down again at you said: >Once, again that would turn into a BB hack squat However if you look at the image he would have to put his arms at a weird angle to get into a hack deadlift position. If he put his hands down as I have shown in the pic, all he would need to do to be in a deadlift position is a. move his legs in closer and b. rise his hips slightly. Similar but not identical. However usually similar is close enough in terms of movement patterns and exercises. >missed the point of my grug post Goddamn it I put a lot of effort into that shit. <|endoftext|> >you can't work both your quads and hamstring to a signifgant degree you absolute retard. That's like saying you can work both your biceps and triceps properly in 1 excercise.. Grug move arm. When grug arm move straight bottom muscle get hard. When grug move arm back top muscle hard. But when grug squat top leg muscle is hard and bottom leg muscle is hard at same time? Grug know, arm muscle only move with elbow, one joint. But when grug squat knee joint and hip joint are used, two joint. Grug can only pick up small rock when leg are straight and grug can only squat with small rock when body is straight. To pick up big rock Grug need to bend leg and body same time. Grug get very tired when pick up big rock and grug no feel tired when pick up small rock. So grug will have better time picking up big rock. Maybe grug get bigger leg and bigger back if grug mostly pick up big rock instead of only small rock. >On your photo, what's your fucking point? If your hips are that low in a dead you ain't doing it right dumbfuck. Deadlift position would not look remotely similar to a below parrlel squat. : looks awfully similar to a deadlift. It's not exactly the same but it's close <|endoftext|> you are right that protein is difficult to digest which is why it has such a high thermic effect but not right about the absorption part the human body will slow digestion to allow for absorption of all protein/every other macronutrient in a meal, there is no arbitrary limit on how much you can absorb from one meal (and from an evolutionary standpoint, we would have all fucking died from Kwashiorkor starvation if there was such a limit, it's not like grug speared a mammoth everyday and then spread the meat out) that doesn't mean all of that macronutrient will be used of course if it happens to be way in excess of what your body actually needs, but all of it is absorbed from that meal this is the actual supported reason for spreading out protein intake, it's not that it's not all absorbed if you eat one meal, it's that bolus intake of protein seems to stimulate MPS by itself as long as that intake is large enough and spaced far enough from the preceding intake of protein the effect is pulsatile so for example if you were on some IV drip of babby protein intake 24/7, this wouldn't stimulate MPS in the same way as eating like 50g protein 4x a day, but if you ate 200g in one sitting you would only get that MPS stimulation once despite all the protein being absorbed <|endoftext|> Rocknite? Grug no like <|endoftext|> Grug use rock for pillow. Hard rock make strong head! <|endoftext|> Grug pick up lots of things!!! <|endoftext|> his face looks exactly like grug's <|endoftext|> Then he can be an irl grug <|endoftext|> No Grug, no eat meat (EAT BERRY INSTEAD) <|endoftext|> jesus christ I was standing in my bath looking at my chest hair and starting laughing because I realised I have chest hair like a neanderthal the tren is turning me into grug in real life and i dont know if I should continue my plan of 20 weeks of tren <|endoftext|> /noread/ make grug stronk <|endoftext|> Grug, easy on the sips. Grug sound like cuckoo shaman. <|endoftext|> Grug must train like hunter, grug must put shaman back in strong. <|endoftext|> HOW GRUG FIX SHOULDER IN 2 MOONS WITH PULL ROCK TO FACE (NO DISAGREE) <|endoftext|> grug just need smile more <|endoftext|> >20,000 bc >only eat deer >no be paleo It like grug no want to be big <|endoftext|> Grug not save cum <|endoftext|> How many time Grug lift rock? <|endoftext|> grug need lift for 8 moons at a time to get strong like me <|endoftext|> grug low grugtosterone <|endoftext|> grug ate bad deer <|endoftext|> grug stop play with little snake <|endoftext|> Grug not eat bull's milk <|endoftext|> grug not being himself <|endoftext|> because grug didn't do rock pulls recomended by gruglean x .rock (NO DISAGREE) <|endoftext|> grug sleep? grug lift the biggest rock he could? <|endoftext|> grug lift rock grug eat deer grug no get stronger why <|endoftext|> Grug smoke weed <|endoftext|> Grug have: 20" Dredds 10" joint 12" bong Grug have good proportion <|endoftext|> EVERYGRUG ON THE GROUND! Grug need to do search. Grug got tip gruglets producing and selling tren. Longnose Gruglets like you make grug sick! Gruglets going to live in mammoth skeleton for long time! <|endoftext|> me is grug starting strength <|endoftext|> Grug is federal agent. Grug don't care about Local Tribe law. Federal Grugverment say it illegal, it illegal. Bong is going to live in mammoth skeleton for long time. <|endoftext|> > I usually still feel tired until I get 10+ I overcame this by the following three things >No screens 2 hours before bed >Hard cardio every evening. >Less grains, more seeds and vegetables. Oh, and teaching my cat to leave me the fuck alone when I am sleeping. Grug sleep like rock. <|endoftext|> GRUG FROM CAVEX DOT COM HERE, YOU WANNA SPORT GRUG THEN GOTTA LIFT ROCK LIKE SPORT GRUG, LIKE GREFFE OVER HERE <|endoftext|> >GRUG MUST MAKE TURNING SOCK STRONG <|endoftext|> >GRUG GIVE 50 ROCK FOR HEAD FUR CUT <|endoftext|> The only Grug here is you. Your feet are very much involved. <|endoftext|> >GRUG MUST MAKE HEADPULL TO SAVE BONE <|endoftext|> >GRUG MUST MAKE HEAD PULLING TO SAVE BONE <|endoftext|> >grug like big females >big females are high man juice <|endoftext|> >be me, grug >lift heavy rock >do many mammoth tusk pull >1/1 grugina come by, say grug look strong like sabertooth >grugina rub grug hard arm meat >grug loinsnake now also hard >h-homecave mastertribe <|endoftext|> >no talk to grug until had morning bean <|endoftext|> >hitting two wooden sticks like a complete Grug <|endoftext|> >these grugs say they hear about grug >grug no hear of you, get out grug face before he club you <|endoftext|> >be grug >live in united caves >leave cave to hunt >get rocked <|endoftext|> >be grug >walk out of grug hub >get frozen >grug unfrozen 66 million years later >named experiment 69 <|endoftext|> >go outside grug cave >ground flattner is in place >sit on it and sip >groundflattening start by sunrise >everyone mad <|endoftext|> no because *moves closer to bonfire* grug see spirits when eat the mushroom spirits tell grug about how land and sky work- Jomee, pull up that stone tablet yes, so even now, grug know more than before mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* look, mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> >grug go to iron hut >ONE BONK ALL IT TAKE >FALL IN LOVE WITH GRUGA <|endoftext|> >Grug go to stone picking up hut >Only Grog grunting >Bad picking up stone sounds >Grug gather heavy stone in Grug hut >Grug friend come >Hit bone with small bone >Good pick up stone sounds >Grug hut best hut >Bone hitting best sounds <|endoftext|> >Grug scratch message on wall about how grugina leave him for Chug >other grug tell him go to /r9cave/ <|endoftext|> >grug no look at naked grugina cave drawings, it take away grug energy >grug no do up down on penis >grug only drink mammoth milk and squat with boulder >grug still not have cavelady >grug angry <|endoftext|> >*bone on drum music* >*grunt* Grug caveman, Gruglean-x cave wall painting >grug lift one rock each hand >greg move long rock with two hand >grug train like hunter >GREG COME >greg move rock wrong so bone mover hurt >he now move rock good, train like hunter >only 6 moons give greg strong bone >(still no move heavy rock) >you give 6 animal hides, you go into gruglean-x cave, you be like greg <|endoftext|> >grug lift big rock >grug drink gallon of mammoth milk every sun <|endoftext|> >Grug lift rock in home cave <|endoftext|> >lift heavy rock no take away bad feel grug have no mate <|endoftext|> >See? Is what happen when Grug no do little rock pull to face. Now when Greg here first come to iron hut, he has bad bone and armpit, but we make Greg train like mammoth hunter (DO EVERY SUN, NO TRADE). <|endoftext|> Fuck off Chug or Grug kill you <|endoftext|> >Chug no understand why grug bad with girl tribe >Grug lift heavy rocks to impress girl tribe >Chug just be himself and girl tribe love him <|endoftext|> >grug try rocklift >grug get ticket to snap settlement <|endoftext|> WHOLE TRIBE FULL Of FUCkIN HUNTERS GRUG A HUNTER TOO <|endoftext|> Grug think this grug not scum gang, grug must face ops with no regret or fear <|endoftext|> >grug go in iron hut >SCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM TTTTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBBBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <|endoftext|> >GRUG NUTT EHHHEGRGRGRV <|endoftext|> Grug small cums :( <|endoftext|> pick up rock at least 15 times make grug big grug pick up rock 1 times but pick up big big rock make grug strong but not big <|endoftext|> > grug want strong so do Starting Rock > eat mammoth meat and drink sabertooth cat milk > grug squat big rock but look bad > grug see chag do rocksplit and only drink berry juice and look good than grug what do? <|endoftext|> What if Grug pick up rock, put rock down and pick it back up <|endoftext|> grug pick up rock then put down <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock every moon. Grug strong like mammoth, but grug no find mate. What do? <|endoftext|> Literally only creatine. The rest are memes. And creatine can make you cramp if you do endurance stuff. Honestly you should just do /drugfree/ /NoFap/ and /food/ but no one will listen, Grug need his shiny package from hooknose tribe <|endoftext|> grug lift more milk holsters than you <|endoftext|> grug not believe people count weight of bar between two stones <|endoftext|> Think of how many submemes wojak has spawned. Pink wojak, grug, boomers, brainlets, etc have their own culture around them and they were created out of just one image. <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> how tf do you even pronuonce grug? grug or grag? <|endoftext|> this grug hobby y u no lift heavy thing like grug <|endoftext|> >Disregard all other intangible qualities that differentiate men as better than others DURRR BIG GRUG BEDDER <|endoftext|> >Grug no need no multivitamin, Grug no soiboi, Grug eat meat! >How Grug shame soiboi vegan eat grass, say mus eat vitamin b-ten-and-two for be healthy, when Grug take vitamin too? >Grug eat steak. Steak all a real man need for be stronk. No need no vitamin as stinking vegan eat grass soi boi. No need no innard-meat for be healthy too, is not good on bbq and no find at supermarket anyway, just in petfood aisle. >Grug want ten-and-five patty burger grilled please, no grass-seed-meal-cake, no redberry-sap, no sourfruit, no greenleaf - just meat. <|endoftext|> Gotta step up your math game Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no understand why lift trunks when mowing lawn is gooder <|endoftext|> Grug not doing program. Drink jar of milk each day. Adult Grug weigh 200 rocks. <|endoftext|> >Grug eat until grug want to groc >Grug still not grow big big like chrug >Grug still have legs like ground bird >Why it so hard to eat? <|endoftext|> >Chug sex time with many long-haired tribe >Chug no understand why friend grug so bad with long-haired tribe >Grug lift heavy rocks to impress long-haired tribe >Chug just be himself and long-haired love him <|endoftext|> >Grug eat very little >Grug still get big >Grug sad <|endoftext|> It take heavy rock to kill longnose tribesman. They expect Grug believe entire Gragzi tribe had 600 rock? Grug think longnose playing trick on Grug... <|endoftext|> >GRUG <|endoftext|> hehe grug iffy uh me got the stiffy uh share his gf, uh, cumming in her pussy, uh <|endoftext|> Wow Grug you're a lucky man! <|endoftext|> Grug burn magic bush <|endoftext|> kek grug slav probably has seen more shit than him tho <|endoftext|> But Grug, why can counting calorie not be routine! <|endoftext|> >waiting for grugget to examine bone >not just bonk and take back to cave >grug's face when Ask me how am know you pick berry. <|endoftext|> red water flow into grug man meat. man meat grug second head man meat give grug god power grug do anything if red water in man meat. <|endoftext|> >grug lifting rock >Give rock 9 ugga duggas >Grugget walk by >10th ugga dugga become easier Why <|endoftext|> Zoom-Zoom stop play darkskin tribe music in Grug's heavy rock lift cave, play bone rattle related: > Darkskin tribe music is for berrypicker. <|endoftext|> Grug come on. We're trying to have a nice evening. Why are you bringing up this shit. <|endoftext|> no because *moves closer to bonfire* grug see spirits when eat the mushroom spirits tell grug about how land and sky work- Jomee, pull up that stone tablet yes, so even now, grug know more than before mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* look, mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> grug do the thing but what grug get <|endoftext|> >grug face when not even 18 stone <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT SEX NOW <|endoftext|> When grug slept he looked at the east because there wasn't sun there and it made him wake up with the early birds because sun comes from east and it shone to his face <|endoftext|> in ancient grug times no matter how jacked he get, with small leg stride when big roaring lizard come he first to get eaten, no run fast enough and flat rocks tied to feet for height no make faster just slower <|endoftext|> Oh hey, it's the same thought every faggot has had probably since Grug wanted a better cave but didn't wanna walk to it because he knew it might not be there and he didn't want to look dumb in front of the tribe. Everyone deals with this, everyone thinks they deal with it poorly. Just pick a path, take it in earnest, and if/when it doesn't work out make this thread again. Then pick another. <|endoftext|> >Mfwwhen rock just roll down hill and Grug must push it again <|endoftext|> grug lift heavy rock grug no care about athletic <|endoftext|> this is what i think when im doing cardio humans hunted running long distances at a moderate pace not really much strength necessary unless grug fucked your cave wench <|endoftext|> >be me, grug >poke bottom with thorn covered with sabertooth blood >now grug strong like sabertooth, hard meat like rock, no flabby >tribe ask grug how get like sabertooth >grug say just eat good berry and mammoth >grug face when they never find out grug secret thorn <|endoftext|> >t. berry picker grug <|endoftext|> >ywn live in a grug world with your grug bros and lift with your handmade grug freeweights <|endoftext|> why grug want jump? <|endoftext|> How do grug jump more High? <|endoftext|> Grug no like big word <|endoftext|> Grug got same numbers, Grug lucky <|endoftext|> grug good but he no stand up to zero white cola middle age man who like to trim grass <|endoftext|> me love grug also. but grug no come before magic hot bean water <|endoftext|> >tfw no love grug <|endoftext|> I was really into nofap (and obviously noporn) last summer and met this 8/10 slim body on vacation. We met completely sober at the resort and my test and drive to get pussy was so high that I fucked her the very same night and again the next afternoon and night. Nofap and noporn works, you just have to be a man about it and power through your urges. You will begin to chase pussy in real life because you go full grug around women. <|endoftext|> U me same Makes grug think <|endoftext|> >cave cleaner get no berries >still clean cave make grug wonder <|endoftext|> >virgin grug vs chad chug <|endoftext|> >grug do NoCavepaintings for 3 suns and 3 moons >Loinsnake stick out like mammoth trunk >When will grug be big like grog and not berry picker? <|endoftext|> >grug find rock <|endoftext|> Cardio is king when it comes to losing weight also sticking to a diet will help a whole lot, dont be afraid to lift some weights either its all pretty simple you just gotta put in the effort dont be discouraged >also grug head when he imagine grugina sad <|endoftext|> >grug am riding mammoth at red cave painting >cycle Thag ignores painting >grug have to swerve into painting man Grug am trample next cycle <|endoftext|> What tribe think of cycling? Cave painting related, grug new bike. <|endoftext|> grug understand and good mood more now sun up grug go pick up heaaaavy rock and stop eat yellow grass grug be all big muscle no fat grug feel good then grug atract gruga more easy <|endoftext|> Grug just need to pick up heavier rock. Stop collecting shiny rock and picking up rock for stupid grugetts and lift heavy rock for Grug. Grug will feel better and eventually if Grug thinks that his empiness has gone away it will... <|endoftext|> >and this man grug you speak of? He's a cave man? <|endoftext|> >grug just wants gruga and little grugs >grug alone >grug dont want to pick up rock or collect shiny metal anymore >grug see no point <|endoftext|> Grug not make it. Grog know. Tribe not worth Grog <|endoftext|> Grug brain when he think of fren be sad <|endoftext|> Grog know why Grug and rest of tribe weak Grog no want to eat less Grog only want push heavy stone, eat mammoth meats, and sleep with large chiefwife Grog belly do most lifting Grog mogg whole tribe No whole tribe make it, only large Grug like Grog make it <|endoftext|> Grug must cut back on mammoth meats and bison butter. Grug looking stronk, and fast enough to chase boar. Grug inspire tribe All tribe make it <|endoftext|> >go from 3200 cal bulk >to 1800 cal cut >yeah bro just lift heavy and you won't lose anything strength, trust me bro >Grug stronk all time. Grug only eat grass and wind grug still lift 3 rock like before <|endoftext|> Someone post the grug version of this <|endoftext|> remember grug slav thread? look at the fucking axe its same guy <|endoftext|> Are you Grug-anon that made timestamp into a brick or cement piece? <|endoftext|> this is slav grug anon. i bet my life on it <|endoftext|> this picture is annoying because it's a legitimate comparison plastered with shit. both have similar brow ridges, both have similar chins though one is deeper than the other, both have the same forehead angle. just one has a grey alien skull and the other an iq 89 grug head. you don't need to make up shit for the comparison to make sense <|endoftext|> Grug hunter you berrypicker <|endoftext|> This pale grug right. We want to be with family. <|endoftext|> >46934303 >46934360 >46934402 >GRUG LIFT HEAVY ROCK OFF GROUND, GRUG STRONG >GRUG THINK GRUG CAN KILL MAMMOTH WITH BARE HAND >WHY YOU NOT LIFT ROCK? YOU BERRY PICKER? <|endoftext|> GRUG. ALWAYS GRUG <|endoftext|> >be I grug >see many cave paint of grug >grug happy <|endoftext|> to grug or not to grug? <|endoftext|> warrior grug <|endoftext|> Grug think u not been in cave long and u gey <|endoftext|> >what grug have to do with life? >what moon cycles mean? >why grug here? >why sky blue? <|endoftext|> >what grug have to do with fitness? <|endoftext|> *crack* *sip* obsidian sharp rocks, Grug thinks THOSE were good rocks. <|endoftext|> Punished grug <|endoftext|> this moment Grug happy. Not because of fake sun god light help but because Grug see light in Grug's head <|endoftext|> tfw no gf grug <|endoftext|> drag queen grug <|endoftext|> chad grug <|endoftext|> boomer grug <|endoftext|> post ur grugs i am create grug album <|endoftext|> grug dad like chad grug more <|endoftext|> >while grug lifted heavy rocks I studied the night sky >grug still believe sky man is real soon all gruginas come my cave <|endoftext|> Groomer own all cave, make grug give many berry to sleep in caves near hunting spots. Grug happy when all groomers go foreversleep, then caves free again. <|endoftext|> >That grooger that think hunting more important than being biggest grug <|endoftext|> but grug dad can walk for many moon cycles and spread seed to grug women grug son only pick up rock and put rock down not even big rock grug son pick up little rock <|endoftext|> >dad lift big rock >I lift big rock >like dad like krug Krug think grug dad problem <|endoftext|> son grug only pick up rock and put rock down but son grug cant even walk for many moon cycles or gather grug berries or hunt me want chad son grug who lives on big rock with many grug women but son grug is scared of grug women <|endoftext|> Now do grug remember? Who grug? What grug were mean do? Me cheat death, thank to grug. And thank to grug me leave me mark. Grug have too. Grug write grug history. Grug be own man. Me Big Grug, and Grug be to... No... Big Grug be Grug. Together Big Grug. Where Grug today? Grug build. This story. This "legend". It Grug. Grug make world big change and future. Me am Grug, and Grug be me. Carry with Grug, wherever Grug go. Thank grug, me buddy. Now be forward, Grug Big Grug. >me punch reflecting rock. >reflecting rock shatter Kaz, me already be mammoth <|endoftext|> Cave cleaner get no berries from cave owner but still clean cave Make grug think <|endoftext|> At cave, go to group of Gruggina and speak them; "grugginas you look like bang bang tonight!" Go around cave and say to each group of grugginas. Grugginas that like grug will come to grug. <|endoftext|> Grug need find new hunting pack who think like grug do. Grug make it if grug hang in there <|endoftext|> >grug elder tell grug he sad that he need leave cave and tribe and go live with older sister in her cave with her tribespeople, grug elder say this only way for grug to be happy to start nee life away from elder that mistreat grug and make grug do all work to pay for cave, but grug scared he no want leave mom he no want live with sister and her tribe but grug no no what else to do <|endoftext|> Now do grug remember? Who grug? What grug were mean do? Me cheat death, thank to grug. And thank to grug me leave me mark. Grug have too. Grug write grug history. Grug be own man. Me Big Grug, and Grug be to... No... Big Grug be Grug. Together Big Grug. Where Grug today? Grug build. This story. This "legend". It Grug. Grug make world big change and future. Me am Grug, and Grug be me. Carry with Grug, wherever Grug go. Thank grug, me buddy. Now be forward, Grug Big Grug. >me punch reflecting rock. >reflecting rock shatter Kaz, me already be mammoth <|endoftext|> Grug can no reproduce grug must canalize energy in cave politics and cavepainting-marry <|endoftext|> Grug give grolomon shrokol, grolomon give grug berry with testicle juice. Grug stronger, but grug have no gruggina. Grug sad and grug still stonelet. <|endoftext|> Chug think grug must just be grugself, walk up and grunt to her <|endoftext|> Suck my dick grug. But before you do check these digits. <|endoftext|> grug needs to listen to darwin <|endoftext|> grug spotted <|endoftext|> >u tell grug lights in sky actually far away and ded? >then how grug see them?? >big head tribe no make sense <|endoftext|> No, because *moves closer to fire* Grug see spirits when eat mushroom Spirits tell Grug how land and sky work Jomee, pull up tablet Yes, even now, Grug know more than before Mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* Look, mammoth must be as heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> look like you have people in your basement >that boomer who bitches about being ugly and is not why does this guy get shit? he looks good and pulls of buzz drop glasses and bodyfat bruh grug as fuck in good way me in the middle of pic btw <|endoftext|> except that grug has long hair <|endoftext|> Right there with you on >no gf. You look good though, fren. Are you a hapa or a slav or what? grug lift heavy rock many time. grug get big muscle Currently absolutely S O Y but definitely room for improvement. Do shit people have suggested here and start chewing mastic gum yesterday. Check'd. You look like a more masculine version of my sister's boyfriend. Carry on. Quit smoking Handsome/10 no homo <|endoftext|> >grug think of grugina every night <|endoftext|> >grug find rock <|endoftext|> Grug pile rocks next to this talking cave so me find it in many moons <|endoftext|> >nigrug like pale grugette >shoot grug juice in booty >now nigrug go find firesmoke never come back >many winter later me find grug taking care of baby nigrug >ha why pale grug so dum <|endoftext|> Some grug make collect.cavepaint of this fire talk. Put grug in it too. <|endoftext|> Why Grug wear face cloth? <|endoftext|> Grug stuck like tree <|endoftext|> >>Get talk time with Grugina from matchmaker elder >>Grug say, ”so, Grugina, you archaeologist?” lel <|endoftext|> grug wonder why hit man with rock before throw off cliff <|endoftext|> first grug to grunt stay on mammoth <|endoftext|> Trust your elder Grug. Big heap bean milk make you thin and womanly. You no can hunt if you lose strength. <|endoftext|> Elder tell grug wheaton that bean milk bad, give grug milkers Grug think elder is afraid of change, maybe even tribalist <|endoftext|> YOU DOUBT GRUG?! Grug show you mighty vision! GROOOOK O SA MU TE ZU KA RU MI KO A KI RA HA! <|endoftext|> >prophecy >grug shiggy diggy <|endoftext|> >that grug who seen 40 sexless winters and become grand shaman who foresees coming of beautiful big eyed flat girls with colorful hair from far east land of rising sun <|endoftext|> Grug one stone cold motherbunga <|endoftext|> Many mean to Grug, but Grug no care <|endoftext|> Now do grug remember? Who grug? What grug were mean do? Me cheat death, thank to grug. And thank to grug me leave me mark. Grug have too. Grug write grug history. Grug be own man. Me Big Grug, and Grug be to... No... Big Grug be Grug. Together Big Grug. Where Grug today? Grug build. This story. This "legend". It Grug. Grug make world big change and future. Me am Grug, and Grug be me. Carry with Grug, wherever Grug go. Thank grug, me buddy. Now be forward, Grug Big Grug. >me punch reflecting rock. >reflecting rock shatter Kaz, me already be mammoth <|endoftext|> Grug best shiny rock owner Grug become tribe chief BIG NO SAD! <|endoftext|> Grug strong body strong head Grug hate weak Sky father dead <|endoftext|> >Get talk time with Grugina from matchmaker elder >Grug say, ”so, Grugina, you archaeologist?” >Grugina say, “what that?” >Grug say, “my loin snake hard” >Grug face when she unmatch Grug <|endoftext|> >that first wakeberry of Grug day <|endoftext|> Grug try to go two big cave where you can make more caves for free. Grug have good time making new cave paintings. Make many friends, but one day Grug go to /biz/ cave, paint there for bit and forget to wash hands... I then go back to fullcave and put hand on wall... traces of /biz/ painting cover wall. Everyone in infinite cave realize Grug shitposting traitor. They lynch Grug. They pull out Grug's teeth and offer them to angry bronto guardian. Grug then kicked out. Grug now have no friends... What Grug do to be friends with fullcave friends again? <|endoftext|> Grug smart. Just no give forever sleep to Grugowski tribe this time <|endoftext|> no build smoke hut! remember 6 longnose! bad grug! <|endoftext|> >longnose tribe elder say grug look better before grug lift rock >tell grug stop getting big >tell grug eat berry >tell grug shegrug no like grug Grug no stop Grug build smoke hut <|endoftext|> >Village elder get many gifts for wisdom of sky elder >Maroc Luger very jealous of village elder >Maroc Luger make many angry cave scribbles >Many grug see cave scribbles >Many grug get angry with village elder >Big tribe fight, many grug get splated Just another successful day for the Stone Age's biggest shitposter <|endoftext|> >that grug who seen 20 winters who cuts plants around cave <|endoftext|> >Grug go in jungle >It no Grug starts playing <|endoftext|> Chieftains want lift to higher plane and live forever and want know secrets. Some chieftain good, some bad, some mix. Good chieftains no work together. No want dominate Grug. Bad chieftains work together. such lust power. Big brains no want dominate Grug. Want help Grug. Big brains no work together until late to smash evil. Good strong. We on world. Einstone show Grug, Plank show Grug, twelve arrows in space. Top big brain chieftains tell Grug world no real. Fake dream. Dark stuff. We in dream in God mind. Big brain tell Grug. It true. <|endoftext|> No, because *moves closer to fire* Grug see spirits when eat mushroom Spirits tell Grug how land and sky work Jomee, pull up tablet Yes, even now, Grug know more than before Mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* Look, mammoth must be as heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> >grug pick up put down rock many a time >chug only smoke bush with girls around campfire and eat sweet berries >grug not look like lift rock a lot but chug do no thing but he big How <|endoftext|> Fukken kek. This is the best thread since the grug wojak one. Okay genie I wish for the health of my youth till I die at the age of 94 as my grandfather. <|endoftext|> >Grug <|endoftext|> grug or GTFO <|endoftext|> >stone painting on cave wall grug think you stupid cave already stone <|endoftext|> grug take cow hormone to make big muscle like cow but it make hungry grug <|endoftext|> Grug should eat salads when grug feels the need to pig out. <|endoftext|> grug eat many food yesterday but grug make grug puke with finger do grug eat few food now or grug continue normal food to eat <|endoftext|> >Grug meet Grugina >Grugina good > Grug want snusnu >Grug think Grugina like grug company >but grugina disappear like spirit of ancestor sometime >Grugina no want snusnu >Grug sad >Grug lift more stone, grug run, grug be in water like fish >Grug strong like bear, but small like otter >Groginas from grog tribe look at grug, but grug only want Grugina >Grugina no want snusnu still >Grug travel to other tribe >no meet Grugina more >Grug want snusnu but Grug alone >Grug think longnose behind this >Grug face when <|endoftext|> >be me >grugina invite me to water hole with grugina friends >them say "grug, why not take off fur? it hot!" >make arm hard and say "how dis for begin?" >grug face when grug now become chug <|endoftext|> >grug make arm like stone "you tell grug" I love this meme <|endoftext|> >that grug that wear rockball loincloth to strength cave >that grug that sip berry juice between rock lifts >that grug that count stick grug seriously hope you grugs no do this <|endoftext|> chug think grug should just be grugself <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug happy because body meat become hard like tree trunk thank to dberry >visit cave of forebear >father's brother's daughter (15 winters) say "chest meat" and touch grug chest for 10-20 counts >ask if grug lift stone >grug make arm like stone "you tell grug" >"oh my Sun" >hold grug arm as us go walk on trail with gruga from father's brother's daughter's tribe at western sun >touch grug belly at sunset meal >"solid like rock" >gfw <|endoftext|> grug eat other muscle to get muscle zog eat root for muscles <|endoftext|> In retrospect grug things this is some gay shit <|endoftext|> Grug just wants love and affection <|endoftext|> Grug go to lern place to make cave painting Grug make nice cave painting but grug no make lots of berry <|endoftext|> >grug get strong like sabertooth >grug still single because gragas tell grug too short >grug is 5 arms 11 fingers tall >other grug only 6 arms tall only 1 more finger tall but graggas don’t like 5 arms 11 tall grugs. <|endoftext|> Why did you feel the need to post this in a grug thread? <|endoftext|> Chieftains want lift to higher plane and live forever and want know secrets. Some chieftain good, some bad, some mix. Good chieftains no work together. No want dominate Grug. Bad chieftains work together. such lust power. Big brains no want dominate Grug. Want help Grug. Big brains no work together until late to smash evil. Good strong. We on world. Einstone show Grug, Plank show Grug, twelve arrows in space. Top big brain chieftains tell Grug world no real. Fake dream. Dark stuff. We in dream in God mind. Big brain tell Grug. It true. <|endoftext|> >Grug meet friend from other tribe in front of fire to talk about fight >"Grug think fighter will win because he want to win. Other fighter no win because close-minded." >"But other fighter bigger!" >"You know why?" >Grug moves closer to fire. Loincloth catch on fire but he no care because hit on head too much. >"Other fighter using agriculture." >"What that?" >"Put food in ground. Then MORE FOOD COME OUT OF GROUND. Jomee, draw picture to show." >"No, Jomee. Different picture. Not that picture either, Jomee. ROCK DAMMIT JOMEE DRAW THE ROCK DAMN PICTURE GROG WANTED-- Yeah, there we go." >... >"Look at balls on that chimpanzee. So big." <|endoftext|> grug trade shiny rock for berries but lot berries start to grow now berries worth nothing <|endoftext|> >Wise shaman come all the way from other tribe to talk to Grug Rogan >"Stars very far away. You not able to touch stars, even if in tallest tree." >Grug stares for long time. >"Does shaman think that Grug could kill chimpanzee with hands?" >"... What." >"Jomee, draw chimpanzee in dirt. Wow, look at that thing. Must weigh half of bolder! Grug could still kill, though. All about leverage." <|endoftext|> >No, because *moves closer to fire* >Grug see spirits when he eat mushroom. >Spirits tell Grug how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up tablet. >Yes, even now, Grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >Look >Mammoth must be as heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy. <|endoftext|> grug cringe hard <|endoftext|> >that grug in basketstone robes <|endoftext|> Grug need vase of auroch milk! No feel like hunting whole mammoth every sun! <|endoftext|> >Big leg grug always take big auroch milk vase to rock cave <|endoftext|> >be grug >longnose tribe brings Kara boga >Kara boga fucks grug wife >grug is cuck now <|endoftext|> grug cave maybe only 15 steps away <|endoftext|> All Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug go catch fish with brother many suns ago >Brother go into water to catch big fish >Water too big and brother can't come up >Grug grab brother hand and pull brother hard to Grug >Grug not strong and brother go down water >Grug look for brother for many suns but Grug never sees him Grug lift heavy rocks now. Grug never not strong now <|endoftext|> >shhhhh >*taps hollow tusk full of hot bean brew >no talkie until Grug have his tuska <|endoftext|> me say grug need wake up during moon.pick up rocks before go on mammoth hunt <|endoftext|> >be grug, wake up when sun rise >go cook mammoth for shell until sun-middle-sky >grug come home to cave >grug only want sleep, no want lift heavy rock >even berry juice no help >grug stay weak like bird what do? <|endoftext|> Drug think it was good that grug had sandal <|endoftext|> >Grug go to rock cave for first time >Grug wear sandals because rock lifter Grug say so >Grug put rock as big as Grugself on back >Rock too heavy and Grug go sleep >Grug wake up in healer cave when sun is gone <|endoftext|> Drug think grug likes grugina with bunga <|endoftext|> >dark skin grugettes grug meant say "gruggisha" <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug looking at cavepaints in paint cave >darkskin tribe behind grug >grug come to painting with big alpha grugs fighting >grug yell "THIS GRUG BOUTTA GET BOGNED ON" >all cave laugh >darkskin grug says "you good white grug" with clicking noises >one of the darkskin grugettes say grug cute <|endoftext|> strange words from mouth hole. grug no understand language <|endoftext|> grug like what grug say and think grug very smart <|endoftext|> grug say blanda-upp = longnose tribe propaganda <|endoftext|> Grug think too, grug think got to kill the Tribe Chief so grug can be new chief and have chance with grugina <|endoftext|> Grug say all tribes evil, need make new tribe worthy of sky elder <|endoftext|> Grug think this grug smart, like big skull <|endoftext|> Grug ask gruggie see how big coyote? Gruggie make painting bigger. Coyote make grug scared. <|endoftext|> Grug think not good fellow tribesmen think of longnose tribe all sun and moon grug think fellow tribesmen look for someone to blame <|endoftext|> Grug think darkskin tribe traded Bongo for summer berries, not Grug's tribe's fault alone, dark tribe bad too <|endoftext|> Grug agree but grug think many tribesmen think too much of winter past <|endoftext|> grug think this something longnose tribe says <|endoftext|> Grug think if paletribe do not want dark skin tribe in lands then paletribe should've never take dark skin tribe from lands and make slave <|endoftext|> grug think it good to remember winters past so new sun not like winters past too <|endoftext|> grug finally leave family cave and kill first mammoth. but chief grug say have to give some meat to weak and old grug. grug think if cant get own meat then too bad. no weak grug is better for tribe <|endoftext|> Grug no care for winters past grug only care for new sun <|endoftext|> Grug touch grugina on 17th winter no touch grugina ever since <|endoftext|> Grug look at size of chimp. Chimp can tear grug to piece <|endoftext|> not fake cavepainting. shaman tell me secret. grug have painting of big skull tribe and paletribe skull together. grug think paletribe angry because not smart as used to be <|endoftext|> Grug know only one tribe is enemy longnose tribe <|endoftext|> grug no like standrock. Grugs backgrug feel like broken rock. Grug never standrock again, only rock throw but not throwing <|endoftext|> Grug feel fire in chest when think of grugina, grugina no know grug exist <|endoftext|> Grug belong where grug feel he belong paletribesmen no get say, grug born in palemans land grug have same rights <|endoftext|> No worry grug, paletribe dont know about true paletribe history, paletribe come from two tribe too, long ago, big skull tribe in north and small skull tribe in south. big skull tribe very smart, but not big tribe, small skull tribe not smart, but big tribe. small skull tribe come north and meet big skull tribe, small skull tribe make baby with big skull tribe. big skull tribe and small skull tribe baby become paletribe. most paletribe like smallskull tribe, only few paletribe like bigskull tribe today <|endoftext|> grug need lift two rock next sun <|endoftext|> Grug been grug 21 winters now, grug good tribesmen work hard but elder drink many fermented berry juice so elder no work, one who give life to grug hurt self picking berrys so grug protect now like how protect grug when grug was small Grug no happy unless lift heavy stone only time grug no think of putting out flame of life <|endoftext|> >grug head when mind picture grugina hurt <|endoftext|> Grug want take break from lift rock. Grug tired from lift rock and hunt mammoth all time. Grug just want to look at cave painting today <|endoftext|> Grug people come from two tribes made into one, grug people live in lands south of where paletribe make home, grugs elders go to paletribes land many winters ago, grug live like paletribe, but still keep pride of old tribe in him, grug no like how paletribe men look at him grug feel like hurt paletribesmen sometime but not all palemen bad some treat grug like fellow tribesmen grug like paletribe women grug lift heavy stone so he get paletribe women <|endoftext|> grug think this what happen when grug put in other tribe learning cave <|endoftext|> how many winters has grug been grug? <|endoftext|> GRUG WILL SHOT UP LEARNING CAVE <|endoftext|> Grug like gracy but grug no know how to tell gracy grug feel bad think time to put out flame of life, grug much to give gracy if gracy give grug chance grug make gracy happy <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug want shegrug >grug see shyou grug with berry picker >grug reach higher berries than berrypicker >grug better than berrypicker >grug deserve shegrug <|endoftext|> Grug no touch grugina for 30 winters to become shaman? <|endoftext|> >Grugina here you take off loincloth for Grug with sundial or leave cave now <|endoftext|> Grug no think that put out flame good, grug no know what happen when grug go sleep forever <|endoftext|> Grug forget tell, grug still live with elders <|endoftext|> Grug say read cave painting at mouth of cave, grugina make grug angry because cave rule is read cave painting at mouth of cave. <|endoftext|> Grug say he put out flame of life he joing elders in sky grug no more feel pain then <|endoftext|> Grug lift for paletribe ethnocave! <|endoftext|> I call this story mammoth shit grug can't get food staying in cave <|endoftext|> flame thing that hurt to touch, grug can make flame sometime by banging rock together on stick, flame make dark time like time when not dark. grug think flame good even if hurt grug when touch <|endoftext|> Grug change mind grug no like grag, grug find fellow tribeswomen like elders before him <|endoftext|> >10,000 bc no know what flame is Grug think grog live under large rock to long <|endoftext|> Chieftains want lift to higher plane and live forever and want know secrets. Some chieftain good, some bad, some mix. Good chieftains no work together. No want dominate Grug. Bad chieftains work together. such lust power. Big brains no want dominate Grug. Want help Grug. Big brains no work together until late to smash evil. Good strong. We on world. Einstone show Grug, Plank show Grug, twelve arrows in space. Top big brain chieftains tell Grug world no real. Fake dream. Dark stuff. We in dream in God mind. Big brain tell Grug. It true. <|endoftext|> Grug think should go on pterodactyl ride with grag <|endoftext|> Sometime grug no like girl sometime grug like other grug, grug feel shame like elder look down on him, grug think put out flame for the best <|endoftext|> grug show grag a free pterodactyl ride, very fun, come <|endoftext|> grug agree, grug should not snug with hand, grug must make snug with girl <|endoftext|> Grag have feeling you no like longnose tribe very much, Grag going to destroy cave painting so grug not remember you <|endoftext|> Grug need enemy for lift big stone if no enemy than grug no angry if grug no angry grug no make gains <|endoftext|> Grug think you no like how grug talk about how longnose tribe bad. Grug think you need leave cave <|endoftext|> Grug no grow hair under arms and on chest for many summers, grug now lift big rock for many summers now grug grow hair on body like wolf, grug no understand but grug like <|endoftext|> Grag think should take berry from grug with many berry and make every grug have equal berry. Grag think no such thing as tribe chief, or grag with different thing under loin cloth. Grag think tribe not real and grug think all equal. Grag think tribe will stop fighting if all have equal berry. <|endoftext|> me tell grug that grug free to pick up heavy stones. fitcave big enough for wall paintings of longnose. Plenty of room in cave for magic berry painting, big gruga body painting, small gruga body painting, scalp painting, and ||||||| paintings of snu-snu <|endoftext|> Grug remember when talk on fitcave about fit instead of just about longnose. Grug get it. You no like longnose. Grug just want pick up stones. <|endoftext|> Grug see many cave painting of coal tribe with grug tribe women but when grug look out cave he no see same thing longnose try get in grug head grug no like <|endoftext|> Grug want be big and strong like moose, grug no care what tribe ladys think of grug then <|endoftext|> >Grug ask longnose tribe shaman for special berry to grow hair >Grug's bunga no get hard anymore >But hair is back <|endoftext|> Grug think should no look at cave painting of other grug unga together that longnose tribe make, grug think should go unga for real and make many more grug for tribe <|endoftext|> Grug like how other grug make mouth noise grug agree <|endoftext|> based grug poster <|endoftext|> >be grug >spend many summers stay in cave eating mammoth meat and drinking sweet berry juice >be big like mammoth >tribe women no like grug >tribe women no look grug way >grug spend many summers running like wolf and lifting big stone >grug start change look like smaller mammoth >tribe women now notice grug >grug feel good >grug still have many summers to go >grug one day make it, be strong like saber tooth, make tribe proud >one day all tribe make it <|endoftext|> Grug big Longnose tribe put high berry cave syrup in mammoth meat Hard for grug to breathe Hard for grug to move But longnose tribe say grug have good health like smaller grug, so grug no worry <|endoftext|> >be grug >spend many summers eating mammoth meat and drinking sweet berry juice >be big like mammoth >tribe women no like grug >grug spend many summers running like wolf and lifting big stone >grug start change look like smaller mammoth >grug feel good >grug still have many summers to guy >grug one day make it, be strong like saber tooth, make tribe proud <|endoftext|> Grug think should no look at cave painting of other grug unga together that longnose tribe make, grug think should go unga for real and make many more grug for tribe <|endoftext|> It okay grug one day you make it then we go smash watermelon tribe and longnose tribe and sand tribe together <|endoftext|> Grug think longnose give other longnose stone medal for thinking, Grug think longnose only bring bad thing to Grug. Grug think longnose want get rid of Grug before Grug find out what longnose really like, so Grug no put longnose in smoke hut <|endoftext|> Grug realise he want smash someone because he want to touch someone <|endoftext|> But Grug, longnose tribe win more stone medals for thinking than any other tribe. Longnose tribe know how berry trade work. Longnose tribe know what best for Grug. Grug listen to longnose tribe. Longnose tribe Grug's greatest ally. <|endoftext|> Why longnose tribe say all tribe welcome in other cave but none allowed in longnose tribe cave? Grug think that no fair, Grug think that bad <|endoftext|> grug lost rockjpeg <|endoftext|> >Then grug build smoke hut <|endoftext|> pol tribe overrun by longnose tribe. longnose tribe pay onions tribe in shekelberry for take over pol cave. pol cave be take back by fascist tribe, but some pol tribe grug like fit cave. fit cave comfy. <|endoftext|> Grug eat lot of leg of bird to get strong, shaman tell grug that eating leg make leg bigger because more leg = bigger leg <|endoftext|> >that grug who leaves rock cave without going in waterfall first <|endoftext|> If grug no hair, grug burn head! <|endoftext|> >be grug, wake up before first rooster crow >get to heavy rock cave >cave already full of normietribe >not even lifting heavy rock >sit around looking at tablet painting >talk about last night tribe mating dance that grug not invite to >taking self cave painting in water reflection >grug scream inside >REEEE NORMIETRIBE GET OUT <|endoftext|> >me face when longnose tribe keep telling grug he not make it >longnose tribe paint watermelon tribe on cave wall with grug tribe women >longnose tell grug stop getting big Grug no like longnose tribe, Grug get bigger to spite Then grug build smoke hut <|endoftext|> grug see same painting in 35 different cave grug think evolution go backward now <|endoftext|> longnose tribe take all grog, grug's tribe no can be big <|endoftext|> >grug no add other stones to starting stone >attack murk ripplestone from own no brain tribe not gonna make it <|endoftext|> >that grug in the hopping loincloth <|endoftext|> >My grug young loves stones.Here is his cave... <|endoftext|> >am grug >do starting stone >tribe females no like big legs >attack murk ripplestone <|endoftext|> >Grug now less hair, no care Top tier stuff. Well done anon <|endoftext|> After grug get groked grug like graga(male) Grug think graga(male) give grug big boost Grug now only hit graga(male) and no look graga <|endoftext|> >Be I grug >No lift 3 stones from ground >Grug-bro give berry juice >Grug now less hair, no care >Lift 4 stones >Grug get Groked >Grug make it >One day all tribe make it <|endoftext|> I am grug <|endoftext|> grug want it <|endoftext|> >that Grug who bring cooked grain worms to boulder cave <|endoftext|> GRUG DON'T WANT TO LOOK LIKE BERRY PICKER <|endoftext|> someone post the grug meme <|endoftext|> >GRUG ANGRY >GRUG WANT FIGHT <|endoftext|> Chad to Grug. Bet his coach gave him the growth hormones too. <|endoftext|> Yeah. Hook grip isnt stupid because you lift more. More grip strength than you grug. <|endoftext|> >tribe expect too much from grug >hunt mammoth >lift big rock >be warrior >too hard >grug use cave paints to paint face >put rock in mammoth skin on chest, have boongas now >grug no man no more >grug berry picker now >grug special <|endoftext|> grug lift big rock for grugina <|endoftext|> >be grug >be sad >longnose tribe tell grug sniff flower >longnose say sniff flower not bad >sniff strange flower >flower make grug feel good >grug no want hunt only want sniff flower >grug very sad >grug can no stop sniff flower >grug no hunt >grug get banished from cave by landlord tribe <|endoftext|> >be longnose >ask for milk from tribes to pay for big fire >grug no give >longnose grug drive two mammoth through twin cave >blame on sand tribe >grug falls for it >longnose get grug to spear the sand tribe <|endoftext|> >be grug >living in grugope >longnose milkgiver come to cave >name grugara grectre >tell grugopeans grugope not learn to be manygrugural, must let in wide-nose dirtskin tribe to cave >widenose dirtskin tribe put loincloth snake in milkgiver loincloth hole >make small grugs with half dirt skin >small grugs no look like me >find stone tablets made by grugdolf grugler >find out grugdolf is right >go back to homecave >longnose tribe man drawing cave painting of widenose dirtskin putting snake in milkgiver hole >other tribemen petting loincloth snake, say no need milkgiver loincloth hole >grug attack longnose >grug get sent to bad cave >grugdolf was right <|endoftext|> old grug stories washed away from cave wall grug makes new >rigg pianugg once put head on stone in cave hard >pianugg no eyes open for half a moon >shaman try healing magic >pianugg no awake so throw in big tree hole <|endoftext|> it all started with threads about that 30 yo guy at the gym using a modified version of the old grug meme like a month or two ago. I believed it started here on /fit/ but know it's all over the internet <|endoftext|> Grug make slab drawings with loincloth dirt Now no summerborn berrypicker take <|endoftext|> Based wise sage Grug <|endoftext|> Why Grug get laughed at when he brings up Water-Grug's cave paintings? Water-Grug is not controlled by longnose tribe... <|endoftext|> Grug expect many mate next session at heavy rock cave. <|endoftext|> >be 360 moons ice ager >out picking sour berries >eat berry make grug feel like on hunt >grug smash berry >mix smash berry with water >sip <|endoftext|> Grug think just use straight arms or pond, if Grug look good in pond how come Grug no take pond cave painting. How come Gruggette always hold arms out like Spergrug when painting, same reason Grug think Gruggette look good in cave painting. <|endoftext|> >WEST PANGEA >DUSTY ROADS >TAKE GRUG HOME >WHERE GRUG BELONG <|endoftext|> From what grugg understand >rigg pianug lift stone for 8 winters >pianug eat lots of meat >pianug become big, bigger than other grugs >pianug so big he no longer need tribe to survive >so pianug leave tribe behind and start new tribe Last grug heard pianug put mud into arms to look bigger but grug no believe lies. Grug now want to leave tribe behind too. <|endoftext|> >grug mouth-bone not stronk like chug's >hear shaman Migg Mwugg >press mouth-worm up hard >gnaw tree sap all day >grug mouth-stones sore <|endoftext|> Grug understand but why pianug want to leave tribe behind? <|endoftext|> Grug here, how many mounds of meat should grug eat to get big? <|endoftext|> >grug hear stink-root make grug strong >grug eat two stink-roots everyday for 4 big moons >grug feel strong now, maybe mate grugina >stink-root skins cover cave floor >stink-roots in loincloth >grugina say grug smell like stink-root and mamooth piss >grugina no mate grug <|endoftext|> Grug need talk more. <|endoftext|> >circlejerks >ymmv Grug no like this reddcave speak <|endoftext|> >longnose tribe tell grug let in dark tribe >dasharug and tyrog steal grug stuff >longnose tribe tell all darks to leave >longnose tribe have no problem >me think longnose tribe trick grug <|endoftext|> Antugga deserve clubbing, grug happy to kill antugga and drink from skull <|endoftext|> > grug live for 30 winters > grug drink energy root drink > grug enjoy tribes rhythms from 10 seasons back > grug spend all time doing rock sits while chug goes hunting and mates with stuggie <|endoftext|> Some grug need make boogrug2rock9rock8rock8rock cavepainting <|endoftext|> Grug tricked by nest stealing bird! <|endoftext|> Grug trade shiny rock for poppy rock on night fair <|endoftext|> >Grugina have big tummy >Grugina go in shaman hut >Grug peek inside >Grugina have small tummy >shaman hold nightskin Grugson Grug not understand <|endoftext|> Grug no have poppy berries. Grug eat willow tree skin instead <|endoftext|> Grug no need nigrugs to exist. Grug ancestors neandergrugs, come before tribes of hot sun land. <|endoftext|> grug in this iceage is euphoric <|endoftext|> >grug look like long dead grugs >Grug no get Stacy and pushed by chug because weakling >Grug ask slint eye wallpaint web weaving club how to solve >Noknowwho grugs tell grug to ask weird talk ripgrug >Ripgrug tells grug to push and pull stick with stone 4 types 5 times >Ripgrug tels grug to drink a 4 skulls of cow new milk >Now grug is fat and no attract grugrina but he can throw 1boulder above head <|endoftext|> grug need more jpg <|endoftext|> Grug carve fruit wolf <|endoftext|> >Gryzz die not long life >Grug No Known still talk about Gryzz on Pangean Sabre Clubbing Forum <|endoftext|> Strong Grugina is good Grugina. No need feel shame. Weak Grug only eyeing because want hunt mammoth well like Grugina do. <|endoftext|> >Pangea Fitness give free wheat pie >Grug belly no get small >Grug come to Pangea Fitness again <|endoftext|> >Grug changing caves >has to lift many things to put them in new cave >Grug arms hurt >Grug feet hurt >Grug back hurt >Grug's Grugina earns berries moving things daily >Grug suspects she stronger than grug >Grug ashamed >Grug cry <|endoftext|> >that grug who wear rock hurling loincloth when go in heavysit cave <|endoftext|> Why the fuck is his name grug? Sounds nothing alike to wojack. What the fuck is this forced meme.. fucking same fag <|endoftext|> Magic picture box tribe is like uncureable crab disease. Grug wish they never come to the 4caves. <|endoftext|> Grug should have prayed to protection dog spirit <|endoftext|> Grug see cave painting and no say "Go Away Punga Neck" Have bad spirits follow <|endoftext|> >Vrugen say no eat meat >Vrugen say meat causes grug to die sooner >Grug no understand how Vrugen says this when Vrugen only hunt plant >Vrugen spends all day looking for plant >Grug can easily get meat and enjoy rest of the day splashing spark juice >Vrugen throws rock at Grug for smash living meat >Grug confuse why Vrugen so violent <|endoftext|> >Grug want be big and strong >get learning from Rippletrug >Rippletrug make Grug move boulder many times with legs >but rarely Rippletrug make Grug arms move boulder? >Rippletrug make Grug drink one big sack of woman cow white water every time sun come up >even when Grug not training >follow Rippletrug teaching every other time sun come up for six full moons >now only Grug have more muscle around and below loincloth but very few above >now Grug look like fat t-rex Why Rippletrug lie to Grug??? <|endoftext|> >Grug have no close tribe >Grug lift up and down rock >Grug grow powerful warrior >Grug see still alone >Grug see problem wasn't Grug body >problem was Grug >Grug just want feel warm heart >another night alone in the cave <|endoftext|> How grug reach more tree branch? >stuggie loincloth have stuggie juice see chug reach 6 tree branch and 2 twig >my cavepainting when grug only reach 5 tree branch and 6 twig >my cavepainting when grug have no cavepaint <|endoftext|> Grugdanoff? Grug buy. <|endoftext|> Orange grug of mammoth clan save amerigrug. Ass clan and war bird work with longnose tribe! <|endoftext|> >Grug see mudskin berry picker across lake first time >Loincloth snake become Loincloth club >Loincloth club become too hard, could kill many mammoth >Grug never seen berry picker with such big rock sits >Grug want to have face in rock sits >Grug want to cover himself in mud and never clean again >Why others from Grug Cave no understand mudskin berry picker is best berry picker. <|endoftext|> GRUG SIDES <|endoftext|> Grug related <|endoftext|> >grugstein send nigrug into grug cave >grugstein give grug cave painting so grug no have gruglets for many moons >grugstein take grug shiny rock >grug mad at grugstein >grug say he want to throw grugstein into camp fire pit <|endoftext|> This grug based. Bean tribe use grugling like mammoth meat in trade. <|endoftext|> Grug need talk to female. Grug no mate without social skills. <|endoftext|> >dat one grug dat drink out leather sack before lift rock again <|endoftext|> >Gruglet ask Grug why his rockpress no go up? >Grug tells him that rockpress is the worst chest exercise. >Tell him to do flies instead. >Gruglet jumps off a cliff >Mfw his chest cavity has never been wider. <|endoftext|> Grug visit by heavy taking spirit. Big arm leg and chest will go small unless you paint “SHOO SHOO HEAVY TAKING SPIRIT” on this cave wall. <|endoftext|> Anyone got grug doing SS + GOMAD? <|endoftext|> Grug forget cavepaint <|endoftext|> >Grug tug loinsnake >Grug anger at self >Grug start again no-tug Will Grug make it? <|endoftext|> >prepare for heavy rocklift >heavier than any rock Grug has ever lifted LOGWEIGHT GRUGLING <|endoftext|> here’s your (Grug) <|endoftext|> >other gruggos still believe in skyman in this iceage grug is euphoric <|endoftext|> >no because *moves closer to bonfire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work. >Jomee, pull up that stone tablet >yes, so even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill grug easy <|endoftext|> >shuffle into stone practice cavern >"old goat traiiiillll, take grug hoooooomee, to the caaaaaave, I belooooonnng" <|endoftext|> >be Grug >40,000 BC >realize mammoth testicle have special juice >make grug strong. Can lift heavy rock and become big like mammoth too. >shaman say juice dangerous, bad for grug >what shaman know? >other rocklifters in tribe hate strongjuice >say it make Grug fake. No real strong, only fake strong. Grug think tribe jealous of Grug leaving cavemanity behind. <|endoftext|> grug smarter, no selfsnug longnose trick too. Keep little flame, not all firewood one time and fire live longer *taps mouth for smarts <|endoftext|> Grug thinks you should go back to playing Grugtendo Slate. <|endoftext|> >lift many winters >still only 2 club 5' bignose tribe told grug he could be 3 club <|endoftext|> >Friend of Grug now look like cave painting related <|endoftext|> Grug think bean drink make you berry picker <|endoftext|> Grug only resting between three boulder heavysits <|endoftext|> >that 30 winter grug at the heavysits cave looking at his sundial all day <|endoftext|> make new cave painting for just now? Grug not sure if you man or berrypicker <|endoftext|> Grug look at cave painting and see runes: BU <|endoftext|> Tribe very sad for Grug and Grugina and Gruglette-to-be. Understand cry. Grug need be strong for Grugina. Bring mammoth and cares Next summer try Gruglette again. Gruglette health and good this time. <|endoftext|> Grug halfling was best social manner <|endoftext|> >Grug lift rock for many years >Chug still bigger >Chug no lift rocks >Chug eats sabertooth meat >Chug losing hair Grug eat sabertooth meat? <|endoftext|> t.stick-hit grug <|endoftext|> >Grug see smoke signal from tribe Shaman medicine hut >Grug run to hut, Grugina belly big with Gruglette >burst into medicine hut >Shamans assistant Stuggie points to back of hut >see Shaman, sad face, problem with Grugina and Gruglette >see Grugina on grass-padded rock, wet face, realize no Gruglette <|endoftext|> >Longnose tribe also said that it's okay to encourage Grug to become Grugina >Old friend of Grug now paint face with berries >Grug confused <|endoftext|> blue berry good but red berry make Grug see things. Grug smart. Grug sad. <|endoftext|> Fatlet been outside cave long enough know Grugina not all bad. Fatlet also understand 4cave host many Grungina actually Grug. Fatlet help as much as can on 4cave. <|endoftext|> > Grug see old friend > Old friend of Grug become fat and gross > Spends all day eating suhoi and reading cave paintings from slant eye tribes <|endoftext|> All grugina helpers are berrypicker no-maters. Grug took the RedBerry and now too smart to help Grugina for free. <|endoftext|> take club and knock grugina out, be real grug. She want this anyway. Grug also think grugina is actually grug hiding behind smoke signal <|endoftext|> Grugina see Grug loincloth snake plan. Very similar watetmelon tribe plan. Grugina no like watermelon tribe plan. No help make hurt stop. Grugina say thank. Try this now. Grugina want cave paint together also share berries if help hurt stop. <|endoftext|> me love grug bosters <|endoftext|> Grug liftcave stupid. No invent wheel. Only rope that fight back. But Grug no give cave chief shiny rock. <|endoftext|> >Grug still only 0.075 mammoth tall >all other Grug 0.09 mammoth tall What small Grug do? <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe also said that it's okay to encourage Grug to become Grugina <|endoftext|> Gregina have deadmeatosis. Nothing Grug can do. Not Grug fault. <|endoftext|> Grug is certified shaman. Grugina needs to give cavepainting of milkchest for heal plan. <|endoftext|> Grug share cave paintings and give grugina loinsnake. grugina feel better after <|endoftext|> >grug finally hit one wheel heavysit feel good man <|endoftext|> Does grug not see other grug scripture on this painting wall? Grug should post tale there. <|endoftext|> nothing grug remember holabunga <|endoftext|> If secret shiny watermelon tribe here. Cave paintings fun. No mean Grug. <|endoftext|> What kind berrypicker work for no meat or stick? Grug say their thinkmeat sick <|endoftext|> >grug go to chanuga cave >lots of cave paintings >Grug make good painting, everyone like >chanuga guards erase painting and kick grug out of cave >guards not even paid by chief <|endoftext|> Im on nofap and want to put my penis is a chicks ass and soak up her butt juices BUT I also have fear of being physically intimate and I have social anxiety. So grug always go back busting nut on himself to naked grugette paintings on cave wall. Shit sucks. <|endoftext|> Either with Grug or against Grug. Anti-bunga bash any tribe who disagree. <|endoftext|> grug need know is it gay if its berry picker dick? <|endoftext|> learncave lost. no go. make tool. Grug useful. <|endoftext|> >That 30 winter grug who still lift rock <|endoftext|> >visit amerigrug cave >cave full of watermelon tribe mating with Stuggie >cave clan leader told what to do by longnose tribe >bean tribe sneaking into cave and make many youngling Grug must feed and clothe >gods bless amerigrug <|endoftext|> Jordan Gruggerson warn about postpaleolithicism for many moons. Grug must clean room now to sort Grugself out. <|endoftext|> Grug happy see other talk grug, this talk yellow shiny metal <|endoftext|> strong Grug bring good hunt, good hunt make weak Grug, weak Grug bring bad hunt, bad hunt make strong Grug. <|endoftext|> Make sure grug get cave painting of fight with saber-tooth tiger. Grug family need know why Grug get eaten. <|endoftext|> Grug think can kill Saber-tooth tiger without using berrypicker warclub. Grug train with Rippegrug's Starting Rock lifting program for many moons and can lift big rock now. Tiger dumb and Grug smart. <|endoftext|> >Grugina look at Grug >big green cave painting on four squint eye caves >Grug make it <|endoftext|> >be Ameri-Grug >go to learn-cave >get clubbed <|endoftext|> Grug think grug fucked up big mammooth time >be grug >Grug wants to eat meat >Grug got thrown out of parents cave because grug is 23 springs and has never hunted once >Grug lives with Sproog now >Groog go to part of Sproogs cave (Sproog wanted more cave space so groog had to give it and sleeps outside) >Sproog is playing hide the snake with groog's sister very loudly >Groog wants some meat, c-could Sproog give some meat >UUUUHGAGHHGG UGHAAA UGHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! UHUHUHUHAHAHAHAHAHA >G-groog t-too! >Leave sproog cave running Did Groog beat-the-loincloth-snake up? <|endoftext|> Fire mammoth no strong enough to collapse twin caves. Desert tribe try crash mammoth into one of twin caves several winters earlier. Longnose damage important rocks in twin cave and blame desert tribe and mammoth to trick grug. <|endoftext|> Grug berrypicker now <|endoftext|> Grug need know berries > spiked warclub in this land. Even if Grug attack Learncave, all tribes protect Longnose tribe for berry payments. <|endoftext|> Grug not strong enough to mog Chug, how grug expect to attack Longnose when Longnose give Chug 2 hands of berries to defend Longnose. <|endoftext|> Grug wonder who behind mean words. Grug know all Grugina rotten; Longnose tricks make Grug laugh. Grug going to get many spiked warclub and attack Learncave. Day of Gruggening come soon. <|endoftext|> t. incel grug <|endoftext|> Grug need leave cave. Grug not know lots other no-mate looking with many-mate. Grug just need not look at ripe looking Gruginas and look for not-so-rotten Gruginas. <|endoftext|> This Grug swallow red berry <|endoftext|> All Grugina bad. Grugina secretly want Watermelon tribe meatworm and out to get Grug for having bad face. This why Grug is no-mate and not like many-mate Chug. Grug hear this from other no-mates, so must be true. All Grugina's fault and Longnose tribe. <|endoftext|> >Grug has no Grugina >Grug lift rock >Grug get strong hand >Grug still has no Grugina What do? <|endoftext|> >Grug no have mate >Chug say Grug come to dancing cave in evening >Grug go dancing cave >Grug berrypicker as fuck >Grug not know how dance >Grug squat down and stand up again while pretend he shoot arrow <|endoftext|> >Make Grug feel good Grug should't know about feelings <|endoftext|> >Grug no touch loincloth snake >Now Grug brain no confuse >Grug very strong now <|endoftext|> Grug berrypicker as fuck <|endoftext|> Boog see Grug offspring make painting of himself riding very nice buffalo. <|endoftext|> >Grug mate with yellow slant eyes >Grug half yellow offspring very angry >bring club to youngling cave and club all youngling Chug and Stuggie before club self <|endoftext|> >Grug look Chug leg >Chug leg thick like mammoth leg >Grug look Grug leg >Grug leg thin like chicken leg >Grug as Chug how make Grug leg big >Chug take plank and stick and another stick >Chug put plank on back >Chug press sticks against cave wall with plank >Chug move up and down Is Chug making fun Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug stuck on same rock for 4 weeks now can't increase rock size or reps, what grug need do? <|endoftext|> >longnose tribe paint many cave painting of dark skin tribe mating with grug tribe >now grug mate thirst for dangly dark worm <|endoftext|> >that 30 winters many mooner who say “Just no hair, Grug. Mates love no hair head” <|endoftext|> No Mate Grug >look ground not eye >wear only dark boar skin >drag feet >neck and back like slither serpent VS Many Mate Chug >stare eye make scared >wear bright leopard and tiger skin >stomp feet crush and scare small animal >stand tall like proud hawk <|endoftext|> >That 56 year old Schizophrenic man that is pretty much Grug incarnate. <|endoftext|> maybe Grug pull on totem little every day, may pull totem from dirt, increase perceived length. <|endoftext|> Why lift rock when getting Grugina only care about how tall Grug is? Grug only 2 boulder high, any hope for gruglets? <|endoftext|> >Grug no mate >Grug lift heavy rocks >Grug still no mate >Grug worm mate with hand <|endoftext|> Grug be sure to use apple instead of rock, apple+brush= superior cave painting. <|endoftext|> Grug think you coping <|endoftext|> Grug accustomed to seeing himself at a mirrored angle where he subconsciously views himself at most favorable angle. But this not same how other bungas see grug and crystal they view grug through when make wall painting may distort grug features. <|endoftext|> Any grug cave painting brush that has rock which fall after set time to brush without grug touch? <|endoftext|> >Watermelon tribe come up to rocklifting slab >tell Grug slab belong to Watermelon tribe >what do? <|endoftext|> Grug going too close to cave wall when painting. Grug try standing furthur away, or have friend paint wall for grug. <|endoftext|> >Cavemate give Grugtendo >Grug is happy >hear strange moan from homecave <|endoftext|> Chug has good totem Not Grug <|endoftext|> Why Grug no save Grug twin drowning in pond? <|endoftext|> Grug see grug reflection in pond Grug look good. Make Grug feel good Rock lift working Grug see Grug in cave wall painting Grug no look good Why? <|endoftext|> why grug want feet wheels? grug dad will think you want snug with male <|endoftext|> Dude on the left looks like the grug meme lmao <|endoftext|> unironically admire this fuck haters. not as much of improviser/caveman as slavic grug doubt he was real but still. tl dr: yay slay queen <|endoftext|> Grug irl <|endoftext|> >there is no biological reason for mens physique to play a part in their fertility. >be me >in jungle >no meat on bones. >shoulders bent forword >big grug come along >he take my cave, eat all my berrys and have loud sex with my mum >sex with mum makes me happy >Women care that a man is happy <|endoftext|> A bear wants to eat you, you sprint to hide somewhere You want to go from cave to lake you walk because that's the most efficient. Grug attacks you, you punch/fight him. You want to get to the other side of a lake and you don't have a tree, you swim. <|endoftext|> >Crog small talks from born >Crog fear talk to woman persons >But Crog wanna much bonks >Crog lifts rocks many winters >Woman persons ask Crog bring beasts for meal >Crog will finally bonk Crog thinks >Crog bring beast prey woman person >Woman persons bonk with Grug >Grug no can lift rocks but big talk <|endoftext|> cave scratchings in red dot cave say not make handsnug to cave paintings are scratchings right? grug love self snug <|endoftext|> Grug visit village elders Elders say no Cow water Say cow water make Grug look like lady Grug listen to elders Grug see Krug move bigger rock than elders ever move Krug drink much Cow water Grug see elders drink devil's fire water GFW.bedrock Grug no listen to elders anymore. <|endoftext|> Do you have a photo of you on the beach with your rock hard abs showing? You get that, you could send her Grug greentext style messages and it would work. <|endoftext|> >bow & arrow ruin adventure for Grug >Grug cant do adventure and conquer, will get shot with arrow now >life no meaning no more >Easier time when there was just warclub >this why Grug keep being berrypicker <|endoftext|> >Grug bang Sisi >Sisi can't take stick too long >Sisi sleep >Grug can't sleep >stick hard like mammoth tusk >Grug look around fire >see leg of Thula >what a smashmammoth >Grug remember cave painting >say Thula fuck better than Sisi >Grug breathe deep >Grug go hit her with stick >she like Grug >Grug bang Thula >Thula take stick longer >not long enough >the disk of fire is almost back >Grug stick still need more >Grug see rump of Twug >remember cave painting >say Twug rump jsut as good >Grug breathe deeo <|endoftext|> why grug waste time doing heavysit and rocklift when chug look like this? grug will never breed if grug has weak brow and no head fur <|endoftext|> >boomagrug say he play hedgehog game when he little grug >boomagrug say just shake hand and look straight in eye <|endoftext|> Is chad Grug called Chug? <|endoftext|> grug no see issue with ladygrug ladygrug in grug's tribe already have babygrug when reach 12 winters. it many winters since then, yes? if grug wear anung loin cloth, grug would decide what is right or left for grugself. not ask anonunga painting cave for answer to life. <|endoftext|> chug and brug make fun of grug for last time dont go to learncave tomorrow <|endoftext|> ungh, me see grug drink bear milk before grug move rock every moonset <|endoftext|> >Grug go to make sacrifice at Oracle >Grug ask when Zyzzug will come back from journey to land of narrow eye tribe >Orcale call Grug stupid and tell Grug sopt ask same question every big moon <|endoftext|> >Grug go to make sacrifice at Oracle >Grug ask when Zyzzug will come back from journey to land of narrow eye tribe >Orcale call Grug stupid and tell Grug spot ask same question every big moon <|endoftext|> Tell Grug if this achievable natty <|endoftext|> >be grug >pay hooknose tribe 10 eggs a moon so that grugg can enter stone cave >grug goes to cave everyday and lift heavy rock >grug can now lift biggest rock in cave >stoneitis still only give attention to grog >grug has not reproduced in 30 summers and 29 winters >grug face when he is approaching shaman mode <|endoftext|> If grugina used by clansman, grug forgive grugina, grugina not fault, help grugina, she need <|endoftext|> >me small grug >grizzlygrug big grug >grizzlygrug scream when move big rocks >me admire big grug >me respect grug Grizzlygrug grug big grug me respect <|endoftext|> grug is above average of tribe mom told grug so <|endoftext|> GRUG VINES ROCKMAO <|endoftext|> >ruining your 2 month nofap streak to the thought of ladygrogs Also someone should make a green text about grug doing nofap <|endoftext|> how do grug get girl loincloths off? how chug do it so easily? should grug give up rocklift if grug is only five feet and seven fingers tall? <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe say twenty were burned in Holubunga, but Grug only count seven burn-caves something not add up <|endoftext|> >grug cant stop smelling burning sticky smelly leaf and eating all grug’s animals >grug belly too soft to attract ladygrogs <|endoftext|> >grug only 5 club 4 >made fun of by chieftans for being gruglet >ask me when grug learn <|endoftext|> >Grug alone <|endoftext|> What is this grug referencing? I like to think it's about Joe Rogan and the stoned ape theory <|endoftext|> Nug think grug right. Nug think pick up heavy log for cavemouthfire make Nug bigger stronger more than elders Nug eat man animals to swallow animal strengths <|endoftext|> Me think grug not natty, me tell elder <|endoftext|> Either they didn't give a shit (grug gon die of age at 35 so meh) or they were more cautious, since they didn't have sunscreen they avoided the sun as much as they could <|endoftext|> Here's what probably happened: >one overly loud ego lifter slamming weights as hard as possible >one irritable midwestern mall cow gets triggered by the disturbance and demands to see the manager, because she cant do 2.5 lb hip abduction exercises *and* fantasize about Dairy Queen while Grug is trying to make a barbell crater in the ground . >manager throws sign up to avoid future headache <|endoftext|> I see grug became a man <|endoftext|> No, you're Grug. <|endoftext|> Here's your (you) grug now fuck off Kekked >Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig You're not the first person to mention this book is it actually any good? <|endoftext|> GRUG GRUNT, “TAKE SHARP ROCK TO NOGGIN, CAVEBRETHREN” <|endoftext|> Grug checking in <|endoftext|> joe rogan kills witha bow you shop at a mart what does grug eat ? <|endoftext|> grug like latin berrypickers <|endoftext|> You do HCG while you do your steroids and never lose your gains. You also revert back to grug bones. <|endoftext|> I really like this grug pic <|endoftext|> No-Face no jokey about self-hunt Grug's tribe lose great singer Kurg Kabanga to that could bang rocks like no other Grug made many Grugs cry that day self-hunt never funny <|endoftext|> Yesterday Dancia and James the hacker, today slav caveman Grug. Nice run /fit/ <|endoftext|> 6/14/2018: The Day Grug Came to /fit/ <|endoftext|> ITT Some NEET from pol and spends his day at an abandoned building larping as grug Brainlets believe it <|endoftext|> Grug buy protein powder. <|endoftext|> This fucking thread made my fucking day Good job, Grug <|endoftext|> >grug >using definite articles bignose tribe confirmed. <|endoftext|> GRUG ANGRY! DESTROY THE GATE! <|endoftext|> GRUG HAS ROCK. WILL KEEP ROCK? <|endoftext|> kek grug backstory <|endoftext|> Is this where Grug lives? <|endoftext|> Grug no hunt this sun up Grub trip over stick last sun up <|endoftext|> >He didn't chase women before it got jewed GRUG LAUGH <|endoftext|> >Grug listen to Elder Ripple >Do many sitting >Now Grug look like King Lizard <|endoftext|> >Grug no touch self to cave paintings in 7 moons >Grug want bigger woman now Brehs <|endoftext|> Based Grug poster <|endoftext|> Me think Grug sad because Grug want snug snug with lady to <|endoftext|> >go out cave >see Grug >"Hi Grug" >Grug look at dirt, keep pick uping big rock >"Grug?" >See big wet from Grug eyes >"ooga boga, bye Grug" >Go back into big cave and have snug snug with lady Why grug so sad? why not he be him self? <|endoftext|> Grad move rock better than you. Grug shouldn't have listened to Chief if Chief wasn't Grad himself. <|endoftext|> >grug bigger than tribe leader oo <|endoftext|> grug smash! <|endoftext|> Grug want pussy now! <|endoftext|> macro bigger grug smart grug no need track micro <|endoftext|> grug only track macro grug dont track micro <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> >The resemblance to grug Stirner is uncanny. grug Stirner. kek <|endoftext|> The resemblance to grug Stirner is uncanny. <|endoftext|> Read over your post, Grug. <|endoftext|> because they are proof the person has value during grug grug era. everyone that wasn't dead was a manlet back then because of complete lack of nutrients. so if they were tall then growing up they had plenty of food and were likely from what constituted as wealth in that time. if you were a poor fag back then but were 'blessed' genetically tall you probaby wouldn't hit your max height because of lack of food as a kid <|endoftext|> off of whom is this grug based? <|endoftext|> born to grug <|endoftext|> grug like pushing big iron rings <|endoftext|> grug like you think grug want pure diet grug not want onions from longe nose tribe <|endoftext|> grug think cute gril actual boy! <|endoftext|> >humans shouldn't have healthier lives and longer lifespans You must be jacked, Grug <|endoftext|> >primal as in i put a child inside her and it is my job to see it be born and live, as in the biological purpose of life, not "grug want fuck and big butt" primal <|endoftext|> primal as in i put a child inside her and it is my job to see it be born and live, as in the biological purpose of life, not "grug want fuck and big butt" primal also i wish i had air conditioning <|endoftext|> only go one way grug make you strong not smart <|endoftext|> you can trade 5 iq for 10 pounds of muscle do you take it and how many times i would be strongest grug <|endoftext|> raw garlic give grug rockdick <|endoftext|> I mean, it basically says to avoid shit form. You don’t have reading comprehension, do you? Here, let me dumb it down for you >grug want lift heavy thing up >grug need back like this I not this C >grug have strong feet <|endoftext|> I'm glad someone took the nail out of Grug's club, it made no sense <|endoftext|> >me grug! >me big! >me stronk! <|endoftext|> > our true potential > grug lift heavier than u <|endoftext|> >uzbeks These fuckos can't even build a fence >chechn*Ids They are Grug-tier people, dagestanis are at least friendlier. Besides they are in european part. Osetians are better, because they are friendly and will not behead you for marrying Ossetia woman. >azerbaijanians I will NOT buy their watermelons. <|endoftext|> Did Grug have music to motivate him while lifting rocks? No. Be like Grug. #NoMusic <|endoftext|> >ME NO LIKE YOU SAY >GRUG SLAM >ME WIN >YOU DO I SAY <|endoftext|> >UR U GOT BIG MUSC >ME WET >GIV CUMMIES Are women Grug-tier? <|endoftext|> based threadbumping Grug <|endoftext|> Grug fond tall guy next to shorter guy Grug amused <|endoftext|> grug no got gf <|endoftext|> Grug tie grug bone to big rock and push off cliff Grug bone stop look like berry picker bone. Grug bone look like mammoth trunk. <|endoftext|> grug already big man grug stronger than any pussies on this board <|endoftext|> Grug want make women grunt What make Grug big man? <|endoftext|> Grugden Grugerson here Grug hunt mammoth by self Grug no share meat cause other Grugs no hunt Grug top alpha Grug Grug no like pink hair grug making new word <|endoftext|> This, only faggots touch their eyebrows. Only ever mess with them if you have an actual fucking grug tier unibrow. <|endoftext|> So is this the guy who inspired the Grug meme? <|endoftext|> Me grug me lift big rock <|endoftext|> t.grug <|endoftext|> >be Grug >Neanderthal >sharpen stick >go out hunt >kill big tooth >bring back to village >they laugh >look over at grad, the homosapien >he put rock on stick >he throws rock-stick >he bring back 3 big tooth >grug face when am laughing stock of whole tribe this fucking mammoth shit, why grad not fuck off back to homosapien tribe land <|endoftext|> you pick up rock while Grug attack bad tribe and preg bad women <|endoftext|> >grug lift big rock <|endoftext|> >grug only see old men with glasses >grug want see naked man >grug watch naked arnold now *grug unzips dick* <|endoftext|> how go from grug <|endoftext|> > doesn't know why rat's are used to test human hypotheses > test tube babies > doesn't even bother to read the article > suggests retarded impossible splution anyway The male rats literally stopped breeding you fucking waste of oxygen. > any form of traditionalism would be unrealistic > grug see many grugs because round disc > grug can no follow old ways <|endoftext|> pox is herpes simplex Grug.png <|endoftext|> Somebody post the IRL Grug lmao <|endoftext|> >grug do 3 set rock lift into sky >grug drop rock on head <|endoftext|> >other cavemen think grug admiring his shadow in the cave >grug only want to make sure he lift rock properly <|endoftext|> >that grug tribe elder who lift rock <|endoftext|> Grug sehr klug, Grug sprecht deutsch <|endoftext|> >"GRUG FEELS LESS STRONG ON A DIET" >"GRUG NO UNDERSTAND" are you a fucking moron? <|endoftext|> Then veganism is retarded because you faggot appeal to nature all the time At least you are sensible about it but you should just eat meat instead of doing a bunch of bullshit not to eat meat. Just kys if you dont want to consume, lad, we are hungry omnivores who are designed to eat a bit of everything often. Grug didn't get butter from the supermarket but he would have if he could, Im very grateful for technological advances dont get me wrong but I dont think grug would start drinking soy lattes, instead he would be in the meat aisle getting all the highest calories shit possible. <|endoftext|> I agree. on your argument. Technology enables my decision. The same as it allows me to do many things in my life. Like reply to your shitty arguments. I don't expect someone struggling for calories on a remote island to be vegan. That's not my situation. I'm a first worlder with easy access to everything I need to be vegan. So I opt to make the more environmentally friendly, and ethical choice. Your appeal to nature is retarded. Are you going to make an ancestral argument next? Because I'm pretty sure grug wasn't hitting the supermarket for his butter. <|endoftext|> 6'5" here, my height has never had any kind of effect on my life. Maybe I'm too dumb to notice or people here aren't Grug/Grugette enough to care about height as much. <|endoftext|> grug no go heavy thing place. grug too tired after move grug friend heavy things to new cave. grug fall asleep while bright thing still in sky. <|endoftext|> grug like put loin snake in thin caveman who pretend be pretty cavegirl <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG EAT LESS FOOD GRUG LOSE WEIGHT <|endoftext|> Is that an Otto Weininger version of Grug? Fucking kek I've seen it all now. <|endoftext|> grug know feel <|endoftext|> grug eat peanut butter like cave monster <|endoftext|> Grug has been doing high restriction for the past week. Grug knows this isn't sustainable but is tired <|endoftext|> grug ate bread instead of greek yogurt with oats today grug sad <|endoftext|> grug eat lots of pizza yesterday grug sad <|endoftext|> Grug had cheat day But grug eat 500 more energy than grug plan <|endoftext|> Grug eat 2 packs of noodles yesterday after grug already eat all food for the day Grug feels bad <|endoftext|> Doesn't grug have some real fighting skills, those could be handy, however, One good shot to the chin could still knock out grug BTW, he isn't that tall is he? <|endoftext|> >me vegan grug >other grugs had rock of a time growing up in tribe if they not eat plant like me <|endoftext|> GRUG DONT KNOW HOW TO USE MEASURING CUP cool buddy!! looking forward to it <|endoftext|> >A 1000× times stronger, more precise, faster punch and higher agility vs >Guhhh grug heavy stone up grug is heavy fat. Also grug push shiny stone slowly so grug punch fast strong <|endoftext|> this, nails are iron age tech. grug is clearly stone age. <|endoftext|> Grug must be fucking smart if he managed to develop the technology to produce nails. <|endoftext|> Why mod no do job proper If Grug want porn grug no browse blue board <|endoftext|> >AUSTRALIA IS HOT IT HARD TO DRY FAST GRUG THINK NO WHERE ELSE IS HOT ON EARTH <|endoftext|> Dumb grug poster <|endoftext|> me grug luk at mah jaw me grug leeft hevi to get pusi me grug cant get pusi cuz im uggo me grug go sleep and leeft agen <|endoftext|> >They aren't rich but they live a rich life. I know I may be foolish, but I don't want to imagine a life where I'm not rich. I want to wake up whenever I want, eat whatever I want, wearing whatever I want, in any city, country, or state I want to be in. I'm a very materialistic person Anon. Why the :( Anon? Tell us about your dad. I never met my grandfathers, though I'm always skeptical of people in the past, because I assume that the conditions that allowed them to succeed are not the same conditions that I myself have. >5'9" >looks like grug >lost the war <|endoftext|> IS GRUG LIFT HEAVIER ROCK? IS GRUG NO PULL ON HIS SNAKE? IS GRUG DRINK BIG WATER? <|endoftext|> >30 MOON GRUG >PICKING STICK >MAKING BIG >THINK NOT BE LONG SLEEP BY NEXT MOON GO PICK A BERRY GRUGPA <|endoftext|> KANGZ SHARE NAILS WITH GRUG <|endoftext|> grug read first cave paint <|endoftext|> GRUG OLD GRUG TRY TO GET STRONG <|endoftext|> IS GRUG SLEEPING MUCH? GAINS NOT MADE IN QUARRY GAINS MADE IN CAVE <|endoftext|> >GRUG TAKE MAGIC FOOD FROM LONGNOSE TRIBE my sides anon <|endoftext|> GRUG LIFT HEAVY ROCK GRUG EAT MANY BEAST GRUG TAKE MAGIC FOOD FROM LONGNOSE TRIBE GRUG STILL SMALL HOW GRUG GET BODY OF CHIEFTAIN <|endoftext|> >That elite athlete who does nofap and nosex for 5 years but gets cucked by brad pitt and tricked by a thot to after be bankrupt because of don king Mike tyson is a meme, he confirmed he was scared as fuck on his first fights and would fight on drugs He was a based grug The virgin mike tyson vs the chad muhamad ali <|endoftext|> Imagine saying this to early humans >"Don't plan to have babu grug, because mammoth could stomp on you and then dream of babu would be over - not worth trying to have family and babu" Beta male <|endoftext|> I'd rather not have to research like 40 ingredients that have like no scientific data on them just to see if I should take something. Grug post in my thread again and I'll get a moderator in here... NOT JOKING <|endoftext|> thank you grug <|endoftext|> >grug spent free time being a dum dum on a mesopotamian rock carving forum <|endoftext|> Grug no like Unga bungas <|endoftext|> Grug munch fum vegetables for make moo-god happy <|endoftext|> Grug build muscl frum runingh!!! <|endoftext|> Started reading this like a grug post t b h <|endoftext|> >Answers phone >HEY, VSAUCE MICHEAL HERE And that's the story of how Grug got a booboo on his head <|endoftext|> >long letters make grug mad! <|endoftext|> Grug like your picture. Grug want to get in on that. Grug love that umevolved A P E BO O T I E <|endoftext|> Grug say you should wrestled in Highschool. Grug say you failure. Grug laugh at you. Grug was wrestler. Grug never loses barfight now. <|endoftext|> I fuck with Grug. <|endoftext|> You have my fullest attention Grug. Will you please start a new thread over this topic. <|endoftext|> Grug have advice: Grug say smoke dmt at the peak of acid trip and then salvia 30 minutes later. Grug say you will not be grugtistic anymore. Grug will not be awkward anymore. Grug be happy. Grug get gf. Grug finally make it. Grug is fitgrug. <|endoftext|> RIP fellow grug <|endoftext|> grug has no gf grug sad grug lift grug grows grug has no gf grug sad grug lift grug grow grug has no gf grug sad grug lift grug grow grug has no gf grug sad grug lift <|endoftext|> Grug think he finally maked it. Grug is laughed at from beginning. Grug still half ape. Grug hasn't evolved yet but grug can walk. Grug showed them. Grug is now become, fitgrug. Grug put in the hours. Grug didn't use genetics as excuse. Grug finally made it. <|endoftext|> im gaining weight while maintaining sixpack. stay mad, Grug <|endoftext|> im a big boy so i guess no one wants to risk make grug mad <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock since first grug <|endoftext|> grugette only like greg never grug <|endoftext|> weightlifting was invented in ancient greece. not the ice age, so grug couldnt have been lifting weights <|endoftext|> Grugg needs to be hunter grug. It is longnose tribe that brings darktribe to grugcave. Grugg needs to club a longnose grug or two. Grugette does not care about stones. Grug can only lift for grugself. <|endoftext|> Grug, Grug, Grug... Never learn. Scared because you will lift less rock than me. What do when happens, Grug? What do? Will happen. Will happen. I have your shit crouch in the pouch. Almost take bend lift from you; am only need lift 2 stone for your best bend lift. Don't even start on lay on back lift. You best lay on back lift is 2 stone. That 2 rock and some pebbles. Me lift that two ten now, and throw it through the cave. <|endoftext|> > implying grug not big because grug got stung by bees <|endoftext|> if grug can push 2 rocks will grugette start like grug? <|endoftext|> >that grug who wear sabre pelt to quarry <|endoftext|> grug lift rock grug throw rock at nigrugs <|endoftext|> Grug pick up rock so he can boom boom dark tribe on day of cave war <|endoftext|> can someone make a supermong grug edit <|endoftext|> Grug only 5 rock big, but other Grugs 6 rock big. Grug sad now <|endoftext|> This grug favorite cave painting joke Better than frog man <|endoftext|> This grug never learns <|endoftext|> This grug thinks grug is berrypicker and never will make the babbies with gruga. Unless grug eats four roots a day, grug is never going to become fitgrug <|endoftext|> Seems like grug has figured it out. Go grug! <|endoftext|> Grug go down to gymcave to lift 2 rocks but bigrug laugh at him for not lifting 3 rocks and now grug not want to go to gym cave. What does fitrugs think grug should do? <|endoftext|> grug push big metal rings grug get big <|endoftext|> hey fuck you buddy. fitness is for everyone. >t. 30 year old grug. <|endoftext|> >deadlift >grug pull <|endoftext|> >that 30 year old grug at the gym <|endoftext|> >dat 30 year old grug dat lift rock at cave <|endoftext|> Original Grug <|endoftext|> Varug say that grug no live in snow cave so grug no white <|endoftext|> Chadgrunga just be himself and hit grug With club and take cave lady. it easy. <|endoftext|> >grug no eat for one whole moon >norms say "you become weak like child, still have belly after" >one moon passes, belly gone >me still am lift sabretooth over head is no-food mode not real? <|endoftext|> >grug noticed another tribe member is more aggressive than any other member >lets ignore him and eventually he will leave the cave >we dont need strong/aggressive males in the cave <|endoftext|> >I do sex sex with she-grug >we have gruglings >we have warm cave >grug do success Anyone can have a kid you idiots, you doesn't mean you achieved something at all. A fucking redneck family has kids in a trailer. <|endoftext|> grug sad grug no get butt all grugettes always get snug snug by grog thunderrocks! <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> grug see butt grug want butt <|endoftext|> >tfw grug kan finally squat 3 buckets feels good <|endoftext|> Wojak always was a garbage meme until based Grug came along. <|endoftext|> based grug btfos another dyel <|endoftext|> u 1 rm grug funny you manlet <|endoftext|> Damn I wanna be grug. <|endoftext|> dont tell thrak and grug what to want. you city faggot >t.caveman motherfucker <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock >grug put back in place >grug goes back to work in factory achieving nothing >grug eventually succumbs to old age and gains fade >grug dies alone cause instead of fostering human relationships grug lift heavy rock instead >but it ok cuz grug big mussels <|endoftext|> >he no BIG grug no listen! >grug want look at BIG BOI >BIG BOI smart! <|endoftext|> >grug too ugly to meet girls on fire match <|endoftext|> >that grug who wears saber pelt in the cave <|endoftext|> >grug is somewhere far from cave >Grug has no food >Grug hungry >Grug finds something warm walking and eats it all of it not leaving anything >Prolly 6000 food energy units >grug doesn't need all that now >Grug stores it as fat >Grug survives on his 4 days no food way home 200 000 years later >Boogie eats caloric dense shit food >boogie becomes fat >Boogie starves himself >His inner grug remembers muh survival >Boogie eats 10000kcal <|endoftext|> >that grug who wear sabertooth pelt to cave >that grug who only rocksquat >that gruglet who talk to birther grug like <|endoftext|> >be grug planet >have lots of berry tree and razorback fat give to me >I do not lift rock, no food under rock >muh tribe name "genetica bigga" >winter time come, me no worry >been designing wheel, help move across plains >only eat 1 food a day >1 food takes all day to eat >berry picker never eaten my dong seed >arrow shooters push me over for fun <|endoftext|> >Grug lift ten stone. >Grug eat no fly bird and mouth burn grass only. >Chag lift only five stone. >Chag eat honey and liver. >Chag still bigger and stronger. >All birthers mate Chagg. <|endoftext|> grug clean cave! <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug go to stone lifting cave to grow arms >many berry pickers at cave >berry pickers not use stone >berry pickers just do squats >berry pickers could do that at home cave >grug leave stone lifting cave to eat more purple layered plant, fuck roasties <|endoftext|> #notallgruglims Batch not spoil with one bad fruit. You make look bad. This white grug fault. Would not happen if white grug have no bow and arrow and gruglimphobia <|endoftext|> >grug lift rock >grug want get strong >grug eat yumyum and sweetsweet >stupid tribesmen ask grug why eat sweetsweet >mfw they not know about dirty bigeat <|endoftext|> >me get new berry bush >me eat berry from bush and me feel like pretty she-grug >me also thinking about painting face with berry juice and quit fighting <|endoftext|> WHEN GRUG BUY TREENUT WAS WORTH SIX HIDE AND TWO MEAT! NOW TREENUT ONLY WORTH ONE MEAT! GAAAAH! <|endoftext|> >implying you not berry picker all grug know only berry picker use arrow shooter <|endoftext|> grug have to pay cave tax <|endoftext|> >be gruglet >go to education cave but bever learn >be NA grug >go to education cave >get cubbed <|endoftext|> grug have warm feeling for cavepainter <|endoftext|> best cavepainting lift rock for women stupid women stop care for grug but grug never stop care for grug <|endoftext|> grug no lift for female grug lift for grug <|endoftext|> grug lift heavy rock long time, grug biggest grug in tribe grug still no get female, grug no know why <|endoftext|> >think lift rock will get female Grug no lift rock but grug get lot of female <|endoftext|> grug need mate grug lift biggest rock nobody look at grug nobody love grug <|endoftext|> Grug sad, no have ungabunga <|endoftext|> How much pellet you give quarry guard? Grug always give four pellet <|endoftext|> >live in united caves of grug >get clubbed <|endoftext|> grug notice grud mirin grug no gay <|endoftext|> holy fuck i can't believe i'm laughing my ass off to this shit, the brainlet wojak meme was fucking terrible before based grug came along <|endoftext|> grug never can be chud chud chosen by gods at born <|endoftext|> Will Grug ever be Chud and fuck a wild brap beast? <|endoftext|> running is truly the workout for grug <|endoftext|> grug stand up and go down and stand up with four rock <|endoftext|> Grug DONT drink mammoth juice only berrygrugs drink that <|endoftext|> I meant Grug post END in two plus three Grug post end in same number twice now <|endoftext|> Grug post in two plus three <|endoftext|> that grug who wear sabre pelt to quarry <|endoftext|> grug stick weigh 45 rocks <|endoftext|> >grug count stick <|endoftext|> grug lift rock <|endoftext|> IT'S GRUG <|endoftext|> me Grug me no eat bread bread bad me no like bad <|endoftext|> >grug find meat creature >club it >now grug start trend of only eat meat creature >no eat green leaf that meat creature eat <|endoftext|> grug stron grug pick heavy thing grug no pussy yet <|endoftext|> grug count good i know who bully me <|endoftext|> >manlet tribe ban from grug gym <|endoftext|> >suppose to be you better cut out ALL the fucking fruit and veggies then. None of them existed in grug days. We created an empire of food and these morons think a caveman would simply TURN down the epitome of delicacy? paleo is the farmers diet with a false advertising. Fucking struggling to survive with anything you could find sounds like a great diet plan.. yeah absolutely <|endoftext|> Said the guy who doesn't understand the grug meme. <|endoftext|> Is that la bomba in grug? <|endoftext|> Grug no like tall humans! Short humans more cute! <|endoftext|> >me eat only bark bread and plant >me smart grug stupid eat meat and shit worm >me die of common cold <|endoftext|> grug say not leg rock roll up hill legs wrong way <|endoftext|> >all this unironic grug posting <|endoftext|> GRUG PRAY TO SKYGRUG AND OFFER GOAT CARCASS AS OFFERING MAYBE IF GRUG GOOD BOY HE GET GRUG WIFE <|endoftext|> >grug meet woman >woman mean to grug >grug paint angry internet cave painting on fit <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> GRUGALLA LEAVE GRUG FOR CHADGAR GRUG LIFT ROCKS AND BUY BITROC GRUG NOW BIG AND HAVE LOTS OF TREENUTS CHADGAR DIE IN COLD GRUGALLA COME BACK WITH SMALL CHADGARS AND SAY WANT GRUG NOW GRUG SAY NO TOO LOOSE AND OLD GRUG INSTEAD TAKE GRUGALLA SMALLER SISTER HA HA HA HA HA GRUG ALWAYS WIN <|endoftext|> NOW CHADGAR ON ROCK STREET WHEN GRUG STILL IN MOMGAR BASEMENT <|endoftext|> WHEN GRUG BUY TREENUT WAS WORTH SIX HIDES AND TWO MEAT. NOW TREENUT ONLY WORTH ONE MEAT! GAAAH! <|endoftext|> OGA BOOGA ME NO GRUG, NOW ME GRUGINA. ME SMASH WILLY ME PAINT FACE WITH BERRY JUICE. NOW ME NO HUNT, ME PICK BERRY INSTEAD! <|endoftext|> >The handsome Chud >the virgin Grug <|endoftext|> There's no way Grug would be able to form the last sentence <|endoftext|> GRUG LIFT BIG ROCK, HOPE FEMALE NOTICE GRUG, GRUG HOPE LIFT HEAVY ROCK COMPENSATE FOR GRUGS LACK OF INTERESTING PERSONALITY <|endoftext|> Living to pass on your genetic seed is an outdated grug-tier goal in life. The lowest dregs in society can manage to reproduce. <|endoftext|> grug lift small rock then grug lift big rock grug smart <|endoftext|> >Grug is smart because Grug think sex is violating women holes! <|endoftext|> >grug no like asian beany beans >grug like smelly root fruit <|endoftext|> >grugina no like grug >grug compensate use big stick >grug now use big stick 50 times but still ugly <|endoftext|> >grug pick up heavy thing daily >grug eat protein >grug become big >grugina still no like grug <|endoftext|> grug eat rocks on huntslave rest day <|endoftext|> >grug inject with unnecessarily big needle for .5 ml injections because grug is a real man <|endoftext|> >IT GAY WHEN GRUG FUCK BUM BUT STRAIGHT WHEN WAGGLE WILLY HNNNNNNNNGURGHAAAAAAAARGH <|endoftext|> HRUF GRUG NO EAT ONON CUZ ONON SMELLY <|endoftext|> Grug pls go <|endoftext|> >grug nurckulls can into science >hurr <|endoftext|> "Dedication and heart makes you a lion, but watch the fuck out for trains" Grug Nigshits. <|endoftext|> farewell sweet grug plott. <|endoftext|> old grug plott should have trained harder. <|endoftext|> rip in peice bro. keep us updated with any motivational pics and vid clips. th-thanks for the motivation. poor old grug plott. solid thick tight in heaven now. <|endoftext|> >fatstongbabymomma is a 9/10 and figure competitor but a grug addict piece of trash. Oh fuck I lost my shit 10/10 <|endoftext|> despite /fit/ not caring for my tattoos, none of those girls are out of my league.They would all sneak a peek at me at the pool even with their boyfriends there. There are some on the right that are just NO but other than number one, who looks very pretty and sweet- I would have to talk to them and see if they were nice. the girl im seeing right now is always insecure and is just sort of normal or plain looking...I think shes really pretty because she is kind to myself and fatstrongbaby...fatstongbabymomma is a 9/10 and figure competitor but a grug addict piece of trash. <|endoftext|> >Grug lol'd <|endoftext|> LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!: middleaged skinnyfat Lanklet who lifts with the bare minimum weight. Saw him doing hack squats with 5lbs on each side and I had to leave the room because I could barely contain my Laughter.He has no injuries. Grug: 6'5 Neanderthal who loads all the machines up with the heaviest weight and does 1/4 ROM on everything. He broke the leg press from overloading it and slamming it down when he finished. Grunts like Brock lesner in mating season on everything, especially if you walk past him while he is doing a set. <|endoftext|> >hear tale of starting sticks from grug flinttoe >4 lunar cycles and I can finally squat lmaeo2rock!!1!! >ungabunga grunts at me when I bring her rabbit to skin >ungabunga mirin my grains >am I gonna make it? <|endoftext|> Unfortunately I have a long face shape so short styles all look horrible on me. Last year I decided to grow my hair out like this guy did (look up grug on the misc if you're interested) and haven't looked back, it adds some much needed width to take the emphasis off my long face and suits me much better than any short style ever did. Haters gonna hate. <|endoftext|> unga was berrypicking wit her bunga wen crossin da plains unga sed "bunga will u snoo? me 4evr" bunga sed "NO.."" da unga cryed N ran across da plains into antelope stampede bunga was cryin and went to pic up her corpse. unga was ded. bunga whispered 2 her corpse "bunga ment 2 sey i will snoo u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he snoo her extra den 4evr!!) xxx~*...grug if u cry evry time...~*xxx <|endoftext|> >run thing on older laptop >run thing on newer desktop why thing faster on desktop??? tell grug now God you're fucking retarded. <|endoftext|> grug think you may be on to something grug throw demon prism in lake grug go back to cave and hunt boar <|endoftext|> For the s5 you can use a 11 pin mhl adapter S9 should just output hdmi over type c S4 does not support mhl but cheap ass screens are like $30 and you can just grug tear old one off and attach new one <|endoftext|> Grug fire ok. Greg scratch good! <|endoftext|> Grug like fire <|endoftext|> rock that are on bottom no more fit so have to put top. understand grug? <|endoftext|> grug use nano....... <|endoftext|> and my name is grug. thats why i like women with big tits, i drink hard alcohol, own a fast car and obviously keep my backups on usb drives and dvds and whatnot >but you can lose these, you wont lose a server ->challenge accepted! <|endoftext|> > Microservices grug wonder why big brain take hardest problem, factoring system correctly, and introduce network call too seem very confusing to grug <|endoftext|> me no like flatpak it make grug angy when flatpak and snap "apps" no integrate with rest of system big file make grug head spin simple as <|endoftext|> It only says to keep refactoring small >however, grug note that many times in career "refactors" go horribly off rails and end up causing more harm than good >grug not sure exactly why some refactors work well, some fail, but grug notice that larger refactor, more likely failure appear to be >so grug try to keep refactors relatively small and not be "too far out from shore" during refactor. ideally system work entire time and each step of finish before other begin. <|endoftext|> I have a lot of similar opinions with grug but refactoring is one of my favorite things, especially when I have the energy for it(thinking that I will definitely improve the code) <|endoftext|> >new thing bad because its new. grug no like new thing because new thing make grug feel old <|endoftext|> t. Grug using his stoneputer in the woods <|endoftext|> >advanced options god damn, used it before and never went that deep >simple UI grug like >and is open-source grug does not like nerds Thanks lads, I know enough <|endoftext|> WHY GRUG LIKE WHEEL WHY GRUG NOT WANT HARDER WORK LIKE REAL MAN <|endoftext|> Grug and Erga work together. Grug get how to fix things from one place. Erga get how to fix things from other place. If Grug fix something, Erga won't. If Erga fix something, Grug won't. <|endoftext|> >ooga booga >touching grass bad >flashing cave painting good >grug stay in cave for 50 years arguing with other grug about best way to make cave painting flash <|endoftext|> >why i dont use C++ bc im a grug and everything more complex than C makes me want to break my keyboard on my head <|endoftext|> >Greg Who's Grug? <|endoftext|> grug know tribemen only have three wants want water? get water want fuck? get woman want food? pick fruit or hunt animal grug think long time, how to meet wants better grug can't make better water. water already there grug can't make fruit or meat. both already there grug can't make better women. would just become men. men already exist grug think: world already perfect everything already done grug sleep <|endoftext|> Too high-level for your grug brain? <|endoftext|> >didn't read the book >hurrur grug skim da index >grug no see ting ok, grug <|endoftext|> Dhall if you're a big brained gigachad JSON if your grug brain can't context switch between wire and config formats YAML for retarded cloud enterprise bullshit XML for extra retarded noncloud enterprise bullshit INI if you just don't give a flying fuck TOML if you give just the bare minimum fuck CSV if retards with excel spreadsheets are your only input source General purpose programming language if you have truly unique config needs and also enjoy performing security audits In any case, you better fucking always decouple your application logic from file parsing <|endoftext|> >line goes up! I dont have a grug jak for this <|endoftext|> A pi can even measure the salt contents of your piss using sensors. It's the allround tool, not specialized for anything, but usable for everything nevertheless. If you have your setup done and all that is left is a need for speed, grab some cash and buy the hardware you need. Also it's retarded to buy a raspi in 2022, you can get androids from ebay for $1. The raspi was designed to be a phone without all the phone shit like touchscreen, camera etc to keep the prices LOW. The prices aren't low anymore, therefore the project is dead. A raspi 3b is €75 in germany right now. Dead project. I can host much faster using a €30 samsung galaxy. Even comes with a UPS. So there you have it, grug failing because grug think inside box tinkering never think inside box, always outside box think <|endoftext|> My Raspberry 400 with Geany and Task Manager over VNC running is only using 300 mb ram (out of 4gb) and 3-4% cpu. Yet gui feels sluggish. How possible grug want to know? if I reboot the sluggishness goes away for a little bit. <|endoftext|> >Conclusion >complexity very, very bad such long clay tablet for such basic counsel... your next tablet? spare your runner-boy. grug not read it. <|endoftext|> grug didnt wrote it. maybe other grug know. grug like the writing. grug not programming but grug like simple. <|endoftext|> >grug make htmx So it's the HTMX guy. Based! I'm pretty sick and tired of over-engineered SPAs at this point. <|endoftext|> ok grug will speak grug <|endoftext|> im just grug <|endoftext|> Anon, are you a Grug brained developer? <|endoftext|> It's cardio though not meathead grug lift heavy rock up and down <|endoftext|> >slim and virginal vs. washed up middle aged single mother The very verbiage of an implicit pedophile. Well done, grug, you son of a nimrod. <|endoftext|> i tip my hat. a true conoisseur of the finer arts. im more of a grug type. on top of that i have tinnitus. as a result computer speakers and shit bitrate is perfectly good for me. mainly because i couldnt tell the difference with something better. also because i tend to unintentionally break things, kek <|endoftext|> Grug, you are man now. You must choose. Will you stay in original home with ideal climate and plenty of wild game to hunt and stay at the same technological level for 100k years, or will you migrate to caucasus mountains, turn white and invent virtually everything leading to you dominating the whole world? <|endoftext|> You're head is really far in the sand. It's a good thing no women will breed with you, your poor kid would be doomed to loserdom. "These agriculture fags are just unfair! We're raising our kids to have more GRUG!" <|endoftext|> >thing fit on thing >grug flash chip That's how I flashed 1.8v with my 3.3v rpi. The chips are not physically different and any monkey can stick one on and attempt it <|endoftext|> Grug not understand point of AI. If AI so smart, why it always confuse wolf for tummy yummy? <|endoftext|> >language is cancer >people can not figure things out >people can not even find their way around the village without asking "where was the hay last placed?" >grug hate talking. <|endoftext|> grug could get better work, with more shiny stones to trade for better food <|endoftext|> >Grug big and strong Grug no need stupid wheel to carry thing <|endoftext|> If I should be asking in /mu/prod/, just say so, or if you know any place that can better answer my question... I want to get some more serious equipment for recording my voice, both singing and talking, than my USB mic can provide, as well as potentiality of instruments in the future, and if viable, output. However, the most importiant is to get high-quality vocal recordings, as it won't only be used for singing and voiceover, but also with a phonetics research tool. Assume decent room acoustics Budget: say, 5-600 roughly converted dollars (5-6000 NOK - Norwegian crowns) for each device, best to keep the less importiant of the two lower, however. Add +10-20% to account for taxes if suggesting from outside norwegian stores, use and if you have some devices in mind to check if you'll go the extra mile. Don't go completely wild, I have a couple other costly things I'd also like to buy. Looking for a microphone and audio interface device. Usage: Singing, normal voiceover and talking, and clear samples for phonetics research tools >Short version: >Grug want better vocal recording setup >Grug will upgrade over time, thinks audio interface device with fancy XLR mic >Grug is norwegian, think 5-6000 crowns good for quality device, around 5-600 dollar, add +10-20% if not recommending from norwegian store (taxes) >Grug is NEET, has other things to spend on, asks you to be conservative even with the budget >Grug will use for: song, talk, phonetics research tool >Grug think a flexible audio interface device that can also take instrument nice, as well as output if even possible >Grug knows none other to ask, other than maybe /mu/prod/ pls, pretty pls captcha: 808S8 <|endoftext|> >What they give you is more than enough to open spreadsheets unironically not, those thinkpads have 32 gigabytes of ram, but we still have to use 32-bit excel because add-ons used by some grug are incompatible with 64-bit office. result: "Microsoft Excel stopped responding. please close the program." <|endoftext|> >unintelligent people: smart people agree with the current thing. >intelligent people: smart people don't want to be crucified by the retarded masses for disagreeing with the current thing. >the retarded masses: SILENCE IS VIOLENCE! GRUG SAY YOU JOIN TRIBE NOW, IF YOU NO TALK YOU IN WRONG TRIBE AND THE GRUGS WILL SMASH! <|endoftext|> grug rock <|endoftext|> >no i will not learn how to light a fire haha i value my time #sigmamale #grug-and-hustle <|endoftext|> Grug no like small thing with many small thing <|endoftext|> unga bunga grug need cave privacy <|endoftext|> Is it the entire point? Because to me the point is to introduce a variable name. >let a be... Usually that a won't change but not because it cannot, but because mathematicians will prefer to shadow the variable and functionalcucks prefer to ape the mathfags. Seems like you're sperging out because new thing different, different scary to grug <|endoftext|> settings menu was an inside job edge extincted mySIMBL. but overall lead to more stability for grug, so grug okay with it <|endoftext|> grug say thank setting hallucination back <|endoftext|> Where feature to sleep tab grug not found anymore setting in Aplle MAC setting gone setting come back? <|endoftext|> grug say capitalism bad instead of a distributed self-reinforcing complex natural economy let's just cave man ooga booga give all the power to muh 1 centralized government authority <|endoftext|> This thread is almost over, grug <|endoftext|> Grug have GPU GPU go down But Grug no upgrade Have strong hand Wat do? <|endoftext|> >have to go to site and drag and drop some file like a grug >waaaahhh it's too easy to install an application unlike troonix <|endoftext|> >>go to install an app -- it's not in app store >>have to go to site and drag and drop some file like a grug >>it worked i wish every app was portable on windows <|endoftext|> this is, without a doubt, the worst /g/meme i've ever fallen for. >go to install an app -- it's not in app store >have to go to site and drag and drop some file like a grug >it worked but "there must be a better way" >realize there is no package manager because, as per Apple: "the majority of people have no need of one." >ok...i already know homebrew exists -- im almost excited to try it >install homebrew >have to copy and paste additional commands from the terminal to complete installation >i better update while im at it >update command: sudo softwareupdate -i -a >use homebrew to install a utility >takes 8 fucking minutes >please restart this is a fucking joke. the only good thing about this laptop is that it's fanless with good battery life. i am steaming from my fucking ears right now for wasting so much money on this piece of shit. if i want to return there is a 35% restock fee. i hope every mac shill on this board dies of aids. FUCK YOU <|endoftext|> yea but that's like saying i should thank grug jamal for inventing fire when i'm eating great food cooked up by gordan ramsay or something. newton is more impressive and respectable than ahu akhbar. <|endoftext|> Grug ate mushroom once. had gold top! He Shaman now... is true <|endoftext|> grug found out that if grug puts berry into ground, after many moons new berry stick starts coming up! <|endoftext|> grug need know best distro for sun time stone <|endoftext|> Must steal baby long tooth and feed like baby grug, then be friendly. Big long tooth not friendly. <|endoftext|> Only Shaman can hear sky voices. If grug want to know what sky voices say, give shaman shiny rock. <|endoftext|> No listen to this grug, scary and take life out of other grug with lies! Grug eat many mushroom, grug fine, voices in sky agree! <|endoftext|> Very important message for all grug: do not eat the red and white mushrooms. <|endoftext|> Need topic for what to do when big long tooth bite grug and red stuff come out. <|endoftext|> Sticks and rocks are technology! in /sarg/, grug discuss rock and stick to better grug cave living. Topic for good talk: -Making stick pointy -Making rock pointy -Making rock to make rock pointy -Making rock to make stick pointy -Making stick that make noise when wind -Making stick that draw buffalo on dry mammoth skin when dipped in poo and pee -Making old glowy into better thing than poo and pee so buffalo drawing no stink Things all grug should know: >Make stick sharp for holding things over orange glowy and also draw buffalo >Make cool rock with other rock, sometimes combine with stick >Make long stringy to tie stick and rock together >Make stick that launch stick Watch shaman do this, grug cant read >Making draw stick from flying pretty stick instead of tree stick "Not even best friend woof chase off big long tooth, that why tie stick to rock, defend all grug, and defend friend woof" ---Grogg Arrog of Indugg <|endoftext|> I don't come to this board often but I don't know where else to turn. Please tell me the best way to convert pdfs to realistic sounding tts. I listen to pdfs all day at my menial grug job and if I don't get realistic sounding tts I'm going to kill myself. Thank you. <|endoftext|> It's a tranny. That Ron Perlman grug face didn't tip you off? <|endoftext|> >it's just silly teenagers on college campuses, bro >it's just a few factories spinning cotton, good chap >it's just a few colonists dumping tea, King George >it's just a few farms so we can have extra food, grug <|endoftext|> is it a concern if PC occasionally reboots once during post and then works fine after multiple reboots? PC was putting out popping noises occasionally like thermal expansion pops without any heat (hours after turned off). Did what I just described. Have no idea what I'm doing, take it into computer repair shop because I'm not nearly advanced enough to start testing components. They said they didn't hear any pops, but noted that the case's power button was faulty (like ~6 year old Silverstone case) and I should probably swap case. Got electrician to the house, to make sure it wasn't an issue with faulty outlet. Said it was wired fine. Case is swapped, post very nervously, does the instant reboot on post thing but now works fine, no pops and turned PC on and off again multiple times. No noticeable issues as far as I can tell. Please help a retarded grug out. Anyone had these issues before? Do I have anything to worry about? I'm a nervous wreck because I don't have the money to replace parts at best, and I don't want to deal with any sort of short or whatever. Am I just a paranoid dickhead with no clue what the actual symptoms are or if there's a real issue? <|endoftext|> i am grug <|endoftext|> Windows Forms is the best tool for this. You can literally drag and drop components onto your window, and you can set up what happens when the user does something (click. hover, etc.). If you just want something simple, it's grug-tier, and your program looks like a decent standard Windows program. You can use it with C++ and C#. <|endoftext|> I was able to fix after all. USB-C PD has two + and to -. Then a CC at each side to determine orientation. Turns out you only need one of them. It now works. Not quite as well as before but that was to be expected, but "superfast" loading still works. I fucking hate lead free solder tho. >you will own nothing Have you ever had a soldering iron shoved up your ass? >zapper for wrongthing If there ever was a time to put your head into microwave for short amount of time, it was now >jailed for tampering with my own things I bought with own money What money? If I own nothing, how do I need money? >you will live in pod No. I go innawoods. Cave be better than bod. >be happy Grug refuses <|endoftext|> Grug live underground Grug live in hidey-hole Hidey-hole is secluded and safe Keep Grug cozy <|endoftext|> deno confuse grug brain, how grug get file list in variable? <|endoftext|> They are designed with it in mind, it's just that drives 10-20 years ago had design flaws that stressed the mechanical parts of the HDD so you have a bunch of ignorant people giving ancient advice that is not really relevant at all and pretending that they know what they are talking about. Examples of grug brain takes with no actual understanding of how mechanical hard drives function, with of course the grug even going so far as to knowing with perfect knowledge how his drive failed. <|endoftext|> grug make mammoth run faster than mammoth usually run <|endoftext|> Did they actually get wiped? Every now and then I find one that just gets thrown in a bin. Had legit licenses for MS Office/Autocad. Makes you wonder what kind of IT Admin the company has or if grug was just told get rid of it. It's satisfying when you get one with Adobe software you would have otherwise not been able to afford in the past or which has been pulled from the market because everything moved to subscription only. <|endoftext|> Find a niche nobody else fulfills and you'll get bursts of views, just be aware that trendfags will plagiarize your videos by reinventing the wheel. Tutorials videos are particularly annoying because there's always some grug in the comments complaining about your instructions/speed, even if your explanations are simple enough for cavemen. <|endoftext|> Newb to React and front end in general. Help me understand useEffect() here IM GETTING FILTERED HARD GRUG NO UNDERSTAND THE DOCS <|endoftext|> Thats really interesting because I had the exact reverse experience. Android seems so much more freeing I am kinda grug though. <|endoftext|> >No arguments >hurr durr you have to be stupid to like X >grug likes Y Negative IQ <|endoftext|> blue bar longer than grey bars grug buy new fruit <|endoftext|> I think grug has point <|endoftext|> >enemy of grug enemy is grug friend moron <|endoftext|> grug know it sucks grug has certain style, but also specific rules he follows (look at green below from discarded verbose post) grug no idea where to start >lebbit spac Style and rules: >Works on older browsers, machines, and internet infrastructure >Clear enough text >Schizo friendly (Little to no scripts, and if there's scripts, will not be necessary for function) >Chalkboard style for main article >Primarily simple HTML for the buildup Essentially, a light site with some sense of character, with the goal of 99% of people on the internet having no issues using it. Used to deliver articles about a crusty old japanese program. also Grug want put more SSI for sidebar and footer, wonders if there's automatic solution <|endoftext|> I need an analogue halfstack for my guitar because as good as modern digital stuff is (ESPECIALLY wrt recording), I miss the lizard brained "grug think big tube amplifier sound better because big and tube" placebo and sheer low end thump of the old stack I had. <|endoftext|> it's barely a paragraph, grug. <|endoftext|> It's self evident why FP is superior if you have two braincells to rub together. If you understand the difference between a test and a proof and why monkeys can only write tests while men write proofs you would understand why OOP is inferior to FP. >grug program good because grug feel smart Sure grug. Why don't you go ahead and prove why your OOP spaghetti mess is correct? Actually correct, not minimally satisfactory. >why grug need proof? program go brrr Well grug, what if your program was doing something important? Something that people's lives depended on? Wouldn't it be important that you're absolutely certain it does what you purport it to do? But don't worry grug, even though it seems scary FP can actually be easier! With it you can effectively reason about your programs. OOP may seem easy, but that's just because it's what you are familiar with and like a baby duck you've been imprinted with it. It's not really your fault grug, as an industry we're still learning so we're making mistakes along the way but in a few hundred years OOP will only be a distant, bad memory. <|endoftext|> Grug write rock.ts rock.ts says console.log("tfw no gf") grug type "deno rock.ts" grug sad now <|endoftext|> yeah i mean if it doesn't store critical data, it's fine reallocated sectors mean there were bad sectors but the errors were corrected grug see red mean drive bad fuck seagate for making me think my drive was bad by using the read and seek errors as some proprietary bullshit life indicator drive life remaining for SSD is JUST the amount of LBAs written that the type of NAND is rated for unless you put it in a pressure cooker or pizza oven <|endoftext|> grug see blue = drive gud <|endoftext|> bash evil with rock almost make grug happy again <|endoftext|> I use my PC mostly for killing shit in vidya and jacking it to women, who else grug computer user? <|endoftext|> oonga boonga grug uses binary search algorithm <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> POSIX is grug tier easy, I just used nftw Windows is aids because of UTF-16 and poor documentation <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> > grug better programmer because grug make wheel > grug never make car but grug make MANY wheels > man who make combustion engine not smart because his engine use car which use wheels he not design. > but grug design OWN wheels <|endoftext|> >law make grug angry I didnt write them anon <|endoftext|> Why grug need hammer? rock do just as good if not stupid <|endoftext|> grug feel bad. grug run in circle around dead mammoth. grug feel better. <|endoftext|> grug feel bad. grug pick up big rock and put down big rock. grug feel better. <|endoftext|> >grug no like hunting me go pick berries and berry picking should be grug job >no not women job >grug diet not good as other men and they stronger and have more rock in caveman society grug no happy think king should make no one be allow to hunt more than so much >they no allowed to get enough meat now be stronger than grug only king strong thank u king please fuck grug wife for letting all live on berry alone thank these hunter not get more than my berry nutrition <|endoftext|> Grug no care who cavedraw mock. Cavedraw funny. <|endoftext|> Warhammer 40000 is cringe and is for söyboy r*dditors. I keked. Transhumanism is cringe and is for söyboy r*dditors. > wheel go fast. Grug put wheel in head, now head go fast! <|endoftext|> Grug make fire with rub rub sticks Grug no need learn make fire with klank klank rocks No because grug not smart (grug berry smart) because grug think is waste of sun <|endoftext|> > grug says if you use his wheel and don't reinvent your own wheel you not smart caveman. > grug smarter than man who make automobile because combustion engine man not make own wheel but use Grugs wheel <|endoftext|> >*grunts* "Ughh, grug make pointy stick, stab animals" >"NNNNOOOOOO THATS TOO COMPLICATED FOR ANYONE TO BUILD, NOT GRUG, NOT GRUG, IT WAS ALIENS <|endoftext|> Am I able to set a passphrase later on? I just GRUG RESET UNGA BUNGHA and redid the installation without the passphrase. It's working otherwise now, and I am sending this message to you as my first communication with someone on my first primary Linux/GNU desktop. Thanks frenly frens, it already feels so much better than the trash Win 8.1 default I had before. No stutters or other disruptions. Looking forward to squeezing every inch of power out of Manjaro KDE. <|endoftext|> Nerr bets Grug is Win7 baby duck <|endoftext|> grug like classic rok grug tune iem <|endoftext|> Look forward to apple re-releasing the same chip with a shorter and shorter lifespan each year. >Amiga slow M1 fast, Amiga big, M1 small, Grug no understand ISA and standardized hardware programming interface. <|endoftext|> >even in drawings it just disgusts me. i mean, that is the natural response. it is fucking shit and it can make you very sick upon improper contact with it. I think shit fetish is a result of post-modernity. grug would've never survived in the wilds if he ate literal human shit or had an open wound come into contact with feces. <|endoftext|> >computer give good job, grug told by glowing rectangle /g/ in a nutshell <|endoftext|> >word is too long grug no under stand. While I don't like C++ for many, many reasons, and OOP is bad style. Someone wrote the damn thing, you are just being a lazy paid by the hour faggot if you don't want to read it. If you literally have 0 interest in the project, then you should ask to be put on another project or GTFO. If it's your first, then you are probably just being a pansy faggot. <|endoftext|> hm how do money no skill no time?/// computer give good job, grug told by glowing rectangle you feed grug so grug can be useless faggot you might encounter on your job <|endoftext|> This is a meme. I worked on an automation group for an org trying to implement this tech (more specifically RPA or robotic process automation) and the results were less than stellar. User acceptability was low and the process was far slower than the original script we had written, which was developed in less than a week using Python. The development for the RPA was slow and the accuracy was fairly low. Not to mention that it was far more expensive, having to purchase multiple licenses for different users and having to buy VMs to bypass the license restrictions, when the same thing could have been made using OS tech. The org went with it anyway because they were retarded boomers who saw fancy tech with a trending name and fell for the meme, and I left the org shortly after. But as said, all you have to do to code is press a fucking keyboard, but boomers are more attracted to things with fancy shapes and colors with click and drag features than to something much more useful and sustainable like writing a script from scratch. Oh and btw any tech that tries to do VBA or RPA will have to have code written in to it, a computer doesn’t know what “grug click and drag fancy colors here” means. <|endoftext|> idiots. grug died to this magic rock. it is a sin from the man in the sky and my wife. <|endoftext|> grug think many keyword bad. grug like simple language say variable = value. <|endoftext|> That's right. Grug is immune to propaganda. <|endoftext|> >Specifically, more things than everyone else. Grug wanting ten bananas when Grub has five makes sense. Grug trying to monopolize the banana production and gain trillions of bananas doesn't. Hoarding is a disorder. If we were as obsessive about having as many things as possible without regard for anything else as we are now under Capitalism, we wouldn't even manage to leave the tribal stage. >No country in the world has taken effective measures. No covid ones have pretty normal life now outside of occasional fuck up, due a globalized world full of retards. Far from perfect but better than pretending we can negotiate with the virus like in the West. >which, by the way, has never worked Life is back to normal in 99% of China, West-China and other non-retarded countries and the virus a non-issue. Besides, most countries didn't even attempt to emulate them. A couple lockdowns on paper that nobody checks and billions of exceptions ain't it. >every country in the world is patting itself in the back Lolwhere. Outside of failed states it seems quite accepted nobody did much because of muh economy needs to go on. >It's a thing worldwide because governments refuse to let go of case numbers. And why should they? Pretending something doesn't exist doesn't work long-term. >the Spanish Flu still exists in the wild You're saying it, like we dealt much better with that. Same anti-mask and anti-vax hysteria. Same economic model that decides just to roll with the shit as long there are enough wagies to keep the production going. And sure, practically you're right, the way it's handled now and with the lack of international cooperation, it's not going anywhere. Couple more millions will die until there is a weaker mutation and it's going to become flu-tier in a year or two. Kinda dumb to handle a disease that could've been eradicated in a month or two, but hey, we need our chips and other cheap shit, and we need them now. <|endoftext|> What is the purpose of the grug array <|endoftext|> It's literally grug technology that hasn't improved in the last 30 years <|endoftext|> >no reading comprehension >grug is anger he not understand >Take medicine to stop talk like fag and ur shts all retarded <|endoftext|> I agree that it's a shitty system on par with South American economies in terms of stability. I'm not even sure why I'm torrenting. I make so much money that streaming subscriptions, even 10 of them, are less then coffee money and in no way impact my retirement goals. What this actually feels like is a game, a live action role playing game. And the final boss is an underemployed, near-poverty-line "interviewer" to allow me access to some mythical paradise. I think the rules of the game are you need a 0.4 ratio in the long-run. Deleting only frees up space on the seedbox. Also the rules of the game state that the mythical interviewers don't look fondly on < 1 ratios. The download anything you want but seed it long-term would work in an economy, but only if the seeding itself was rewarded appropriately. This aggravates grug. <|endoftext|> I advocate they do what they feel is correct, as always. You can’t force someone to work if they don’t want to do it. Everyone has a threshold at which the reward just is not worth the effort, and that goes for anything. I’m going to make an analogy here. Lets say that you are the hunter, Grug. Your tribe has had it rough the past few months, as there hasn’t been much wild game in the area. Should you still go out and hunt, even though you know you will have less to eat than before? <|endoftext|> >one thing big power mean all thing big power >grug very smart <|endoftext|> Delusional No they didn't retard. Their solutions were unscalable grug brain shit. <|endoftext|> Why do you Americunts only ever talk about cars and guns? It's like a caveman and his primitive tools, "grug only need club and spear, everything else useless to grug". How about you solve your crumbling infrastructure, abuse of parents by CPS when they just let them go to school on their own, have alternatives in your car-dependent cities, have federal universal healthcare so an accident doesn't bankrupt the average citizen, and introduce some more political parties before you complain about other countries? <|endoftext|> Wowee, damn... figures I would miss out on this, guitar amps and tubeshit in general is based, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't "grug with rock" tier technology. I get paid to do comfy P2P soldering because musicfags convince themselves they're actually using the capabilities of a tube amp not even playing live. To be fair, a PCB amp requires some wizard-autism to not be microphonic as fuck with high gain. Basically replicating a "bug" repeatedly because muh sovl and distortion sounds awesome. FWIW there still is nothing better to troll the neighbors than a 100 watt 2203 full stack on the front porch. Makes me want to fuck around with design again, hahaha. <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> grug fire probe <|endoftext|> Grug have good aim. <|endoftext|> >Grug throw rock at new lamp >they put new one >Grug throws another rock >eventually they put old lamp back >grug happy <|endoftext|> grug hide stone you no pick stone only grug <|endoftext|> OG grug <|endoftext|> how much for a keyboard made of wood and rocks for keycaps? Grug no like plastic <|endoftext|> based grug, solving big boy at the pace of evolution <|endoftext|> >part 1 ooga : sum the differences between the median and the sequence >part 2 booga : sum the differences between the (rounded) mean and the sequence >wrong answer, grug confuse >find the minimum between the sum of the differences between the input and between the numbers from [mean, median] >werks, now grug paint cave walls Feels good that I solved it, feels bad that I solved it without understanding the nature of it. Fuck lads how are you able to recognize when a problem needs a certain approach? Like this one with the Gaussian sum, or as other apparently have done so, with a binary search. <|endoftext|> >doing it in Haskell this year >trying to stick to the base library >day 5 blatantly calls for using a set but Data.Set isn't in base afaict (my GHC still has it though) >make some grug-brained way to represent lines and find intersections that's far better than the naive approach, still takes like a minute on part 2 Day 6 was a good deal easier desu <|endoftext|> grug right me agree <|endoftext|> me grug agree <|endoftext|> Whatever grug move out of my way. I have a civilization to take part in. <|endoftext|> >ME GRUG >ME TRY MAKE FIRE WITH ROCK >ROCK NO BURN >FIRE NO WORK >GRUG MAD >FUCK YOU MICROROCK™ Use the right tools for the job the next time you absolute nincompoop. <|endoftext|> >Using a (((monolithic))) kernel Any software you can't write yourself or feasibly inspect is sus. Grug knows. <|endoftext|> smol atx case: meshify s2 compact (the newest one, might have the name wrong). its pretty smol yuuuuge atx case, suitable for diy nas with lots of 3.5inch hdd: meshify s2 XL grug should install openmediavault, run some basic piracy containers (radarr, sonarr, jackett) and store the proceeds on snapraid, and then run some VMs for linux learning, ETH & monero mining. grug should buy some external HDDs and shuck them and put them in the machine to store the delicious pirated media also, some sata ssds in raid 5/6/10 will be awesome for running VMs from. <|endoftext|> I upgraded just about all the parts of my PC and I am now looking at taking the scraps of my old machine and getting a new case (Previous one did not survive the moving and upgrade process, only the top part with the windows code remains), but not just any case... The cooler is excluded here because it doesn't exist in PCPP: but the order slip on the box with extra parts n shit that came with it claims it's an Akasa CPU cooler AK -959CU Komplett edition. It's about as tall as two of the ram on there stacked on top of eachother, fan included, and it's serviced me well enough during the gaming. I don't have exactly a lot of space in my apartment that's not reserved for anything, so I was looking to take this ATX machine and put it in a more compact case. Its use intention for gayming has been long since surpassed by my current machine (The storage is the only parts from the old machine still in service), but I'm looking at using this machine to experiment with linux on in preparation for when I finally make the jump when windows 10 support ends. I'd prefer to have a spare machine to play around on instead of VMs or Live boot USB's. While waiting for an answer, I'll be pecking at some research myself, but if anyone has experience with this, the experience will be very valued. >TL;DR Grug upgrade every part Grug old case not usable Grug want small ATX case Grugs parts: and unlisted Akasa CPU cooler AK -959CU, about as tall as two of Grugs RAMs Grug want linux experiment machine to prepare for Ragnarok And also neat media machine, Grug thinks Grug will try to find on his own, but Grug like human experience too Grug will send picture if asked, but will take some time to get from phone to comput <|endoftext|> >grug no understand deduction <|endoftext|> I like bicycle over car because Grug strong leg and not lazy <|endoftext|> >I'd rather destroy them or melt them down. based grug >There's surely a good amount of quality metal in there. no <|endoftext|> >buys skewed 10db sub bass shelf piece of shit >wtf why bass is all kind of wonky, sub bass is good tho grug like brrrr Audiophiles. <|endoftext|> IBM here. "Orchestration" is an overloaded meme word that essentially refers to software made to manage other software, e.g. "an Orchestra's conductor" By "Container Orchestration Platform", it implies that containers (docker images) are the atomic compute element, and all of your applications are going to be container glue. >deployment, management, scaling Grug sells lemonade Grug's friends love lemonade Grug clones himself to make more lemonade Grug's friends happy <|endoftext|> >dumb grug die <|endoftext|> >dumb grug make cook fire in cave >dumb grug family suffocate >dumb grug shit where eat >dumb grug family get sick from bug and bacteria in food and die >dumb grug sleep where shit and eat and family die from bug bite >smarter grug look at dumb grug body and realize proper place for all things >grug put cook fire near opening of cave >kitchen invented >grug not shit where grug eat >bathroom invented >grug not sleep where grug eat and shit >bedroom invented >100,000 suns later >dumb grug return because selection pressure gone >dumb grug shit where eat >dumb grug lay down and become fat while doing shoddy work >dumb grug like wearing women fashion >dumb grug cannot walk 30 feet >dumb grug lazy >time become hard >dumb grug die <|endoftext|> >Grug make cook fire in cave >cook fire make cave warm and nice smell >go sleep in other, cold cave that smell like wet dog so ancestor can argue against laptops in far future <|endoftext|> YOU CALL GRUG COMPUTER POOP? GRUG SMASH YOU <|endoftext|> What's the point of having separate rooms if Grug going to shit in kitchen anyway? <|endoftext|> >Grug only use computer in computer cave, grug wise <|endoftext|> >untrained listeners >12db bass boost ooga booga grug like thump <|endoftext|> what does it take to get something like wolfram alpha offline? It doesn't need to know the running speed of every animal on earth, but I love to grug out a question like "100 liters / 64 ounces" and have it handle the unit conversion and everything. <|endoftext|> >Grug no like thing >Grug smash thing Why does /g/ have such primitive caveman logic? <|endoftext|> >zoomie I'm over 30 and used to use Perl daily for a good while. >if a language/program makes it to /bin, it never dies It's not the naughties anymore, Mandrake is dead and the only distro that still has Perl nailed to everything in base grug-style is Debian. A decade from now it will be just some arcane builddep for kernel, if that. <|endoftext|> >0825 HMmmph Grug Big O now <|endoftext|> >Buying a device you don't know how to use and then bitching about it Amazing >Still can starcraft Waah waah buy a fucking console or some shit if you want to play le bideo gane >sound still doesnt work outside desktop environment in Retroarch Not an rpi problem. Audio is fully decoupled from desktops in linux so blame retroarch. BCM VideoCore is truly an abortion of a gpu though. But I wouldnt be suprised if the solution is a tickbox away in VLC just a low attention span subhuman like you couldnt get past the first few words of the settings page. >cant run Gzdoom/LZdoom split file mods Then port it you ungrateful fuck. Might learn a thing once in your life. >magic distro works on one full flash, doesnt have the same features on second flash, some features come back on third flash, "but its free so its ok you spend your life trying to make free software work" What the fuck are you talking about. How did you even complete the captcha to post this retardation? Grug put iso in sd. Sd goes in berry computer. Grug wonders why berry computer doesnt work. Grug is stupid caveman and reflashes the sd card without verifying its contents or doing a health check on the card. Now imagine an alternative universe where you grew up without severe retardation and/or learned helplessness. >Files/feautres keep dissapearing >Anon checks dmesg and runs fsck >372 sectors corrupted >Problem: diagnosed <|endoftext|> grug make toy grug show toy to yellow caveman yellow caveman takes toy to big factory now all of grugs friends have toys <|endoftext|> grug feel funny, ape not breathe well :/ grug cannot find mammoth, all mammoth turn green. grug eat anyways now grug entire species extinct goodbye grug <|endoftext|> me be grug big grug meme thought virus good thing :) grug amygdala reptile ape brain no need use too much ATP bc grug not have money for food <|endoftext|> >have to configure 5000 things Maybe if you have autism. It just werks on my computer. >manually download tons of fucking shit Imagine getting filtered by .exe files >wait for literally hours and hours to fucking update that shit, etc, etc, etc >2021 >doing updates manually It's not the stone age anymore Grug. <|endoftext|> take your skull cave-in ritual, crazy grug <|endoftext|> other cave man eat funny seed other cave man get booba grug fuck other man in butt grug penis happy <|endoftext|> where booba grug want booba <|endoftext|> >you need it more than ever thanks to small dies made with small manufacturing nodes pushing several hundred watts even What is this nerd shit lmao. Grug cool hot thing. <|endoftext|> big word scare grug grug no like big word big word remind grug of his insignificance <|endoftext|> >PHP is grug PHP devs actually ship shit. <|endoftext|> >nocoiner cope I bought and sold crypto to profit from the most recent crypto boom. Miners WISH they were smart enough to trade, instead they just grug hash. <|endoftext|> Grug think. Why picking 2020 chieftain take up to seven moons in some swing caves, but picking 2016 chieftain take only one moon? <|endoftext|> Grug learn big words. Grug learn rare words. Grug use big and rare words to sound smart and fancy to tribe. <|endoftext|> >cant figure out where to post his diy wall things >cant even use them properly anyway im sure a hammer and nails are technology for you, grug. <|endoftext|> >drywall anchors are not technology, grug They are faggot there are a wide variation of them all with their best usages, new tech for new ones gets released every few years <|endoftext|> drywall anchors are not technology, grug <|endoftext|> >Physics is fragile because it is like a game of Jenga. Pull out or change one piece and the whole thing is either reordered or simply collapses. You can say that about anything. Even philosophers have to agree on some basic assumptions of reality to do anything useful. If you change that assumption then every argument that follows is also changed. >Suppose that there is some kind of interaction of light and gravity such that light is faster in some parts of the universe. Yes, GR shows this. He probably meant to say locally invariant, but why use accurate terms when you can just describe physics with jenga. Also he probably doesn't realize that pyhsicists ask the same questions and actually try to work out the implications. >But in reality, astrophysicists guess the chemical compositions of foreign planets based on their light frequencies and other fragile data. >and other fragile data >and stuff He just admits that he didn't even bother to read anything besides news article titles about this. >Any systematic error in observation over those thousands or millions of lightyears and we have been counting angels on pinheads the whole time. Whoah, a systematic error! How could those stupid astrophysicist have never thought of that before? >Physics is pretty solid on earth, and solid when you are running objects at each other in a vacuum, but once we broach the territory of astrophysics, relativity, gravity and more or less anything else that we as humans lack direct intuition of most of the "facts" of physics are theory-internal facts, and will fade away or be rendered obsolete when the next theoretical fad comes around. >grug needs touch things >grug not understand spooky letters This is a gateway to flat Earth levels of thought. <|endoftext|> >ooga booga, Grug accept only VGA, Grug proud! <|endoftext|> highly doubt it was the chipotle, most likely the bitch closes the lid like grug. and i hate Apple's shit, but i hate stupid thots even more. <|endoftext|> grug posts to hyperbole or strawman need to be short i shan't be reading all of that <|endoftext|> >grug >rock pile produce rock grug want >redo rock pile take long time >grug need make new spear tip fast, no time to redo rock pile >many moons later >grug rock pile very big >grug no find rocks he need quickly >grug have many rock do exact same thing >grug rock pile take many moons to move >grug make new thing called bow and arrow >grug bow break, arrow bad >grug spend hours sifting through rock pile trying to find exact rock that make arrow bad >grug think >maybe sort rock pile sometimes even if slow <|endoftext|> >Grug catch mouse but mouse too small for using magic <|endoftext|> Calm down Grug <|endoftext|> Yes, welcome Grug'Lok'Tu Aghar. I understand you graduated from Minnesota University with a bachelors of arts in being a complete fucking faggot. What makes you think you're qualified to work here? <|endoftext|> >Sneed's Drug & Drug (Formerly Grug's) It makes no sense. <|endoftext|> Me live in cave. Find best rock to put on stick. Rock shiny, green. Me sharpen rock, me take care of rock. Grug has best rock. Grug happy. But Grok, he also have rock. He not care about rock. But Grok think he is better? No. sad Grok <|endoftext|> >how am average grug be able to find flint every time need fire? >would have to have one grug go find for everyone and in exchange for berries >it too expensive, will never catch on <|endoftext|> >how am average grug be able to find flint every time need fire? >would have to have one grug go find for everyone and in exchange for berries >it too expensive, will never catch on <|endoftext|> >Grug should haver never discovered fire, Grug messed natural order of things. <|endoftext|> >Grug is Vulkan, Grug be logical >When Grug can't understand, Grug goes for something simpler >No, Grug doesn't make more than one 3 second attempt at understanding <|endoftext|> grug bump <|endoftext|> shut up groog, grug talking <|endoftext|> it's pretty obvious when you think about it >round trees that you cut roll down the hill faster than pointy rocks >if grug put the round part in grug sled, maybe grug sled will roll down faster too If you can't figure out the wheel on your own, maybe it simply isnt in your blood. There are "some" cultures who never discovered the wheel on their own, after all... <|endoftext|> might as well code with a wooden board and a sooted stick, grug <|endoftext|> >please don't use binary OOGA BOOGA GRUG REJECT MODERNITY GRUG RETURN TO RETARD <|endoftext|> nice one, grug <|endoftext|> I don't use snaps or flatpacks, I just look at the space requirements and give up, it doesn't look right to my Grug brain. <|endoftext|> grug confused this not look like photoshop to grug <|endoftext|> grug larp as 80's MIT abacus shaman only know heckin vimerino, emacserino and lisperino <|endoftext|> this, even if you turn on all GHC extensions its still grug tier <|endoftext|> >Bronze >Exceptional Metal Look at these guys, still living in the chalcolithic age, kek. Oooga Booga Bunga Booo, grug smart, grug internet <|endoftext|> >grug no like thing >grug smash thing Why does /g/ have such primitive caveman logic? <|endoftext|> LMAOOOOOO I was not ready for his pussy voice. not a voice I would expect from a >24yo adult with grug's body type <|endoftext|> >owning lots of things >low iq you clearly dont have a home lab mars will just be a return to ye olden days of the environment being a serious hurdle. grug stick with tribe and l'aquatious stays with his crew <|endoftext|> >bigger number mean more smarter >Grug have big club grug kill fag tiny club >grug no need understand why <|endoftext|> sheep wool work for grug <|endoftext|> grug ask grug what grug word for mud variant of fourth finger <|endoftext|> Unga bunga, what is best rock for Grug? <|endoftext|> Cool grug browser. Unfortunately I am not a prehistoric subhuman or have autism extreme enough to use it. <|endoftext|> Grug not take finished tools, grug make tools and instruments myself. Own instruments mean build better shelter. Grug build shelter in one day, shelter have only necessary things Grug need. <|endoftext|> >be grug >can't handle delicate hardware with ooga booga hands >it's la faute of les poojeets reeeeeeeeee not a very convincing argument, my prehistorical pal... you do realize that you're living in the same universe and in the same era as soiboys who make a living by testing cpu on youtube, right? you do realize that these soiboys have no issues with swapping amd cpu for nearly a decade now, right? I suggest you don't reproduce so your weak genes must die, people like you definitely won't be need in the upcoming allout wars, you won't last a week, you should do the needful right now, man up or take a shortcut and join your (disappointed in you) ancestors... <|endoftext|> grug grugette btw :) <|endoftext|> >grug WILL live in the village >grug WILL eat the plant >grug WILL put the seed in ground >grug WILL give the food to village elder >grug WILL have only one mate >grug WILL consume the (((bronze))) >grug WILL stay in mud hut for rest of life <|endoftext|> grug is based. be like grug.. <|endoftext|> Why does priests keep codex of law in their temple? Whenever grug need know how much to pay city king grug must consult codex, but codex can only be read by priest scribes?? Why cant rules of codex be public? <|endoftext|> I don't know grug, that abacus seems kinda sus. <|endoftext|> Exactly, best of time when only strong grug used. Now everyone with no skill or strength all over fields. <|endoftext|> >3000BC >Grug finds out from Grog how to catch flies in a net >Literal BOTNET >Biological Malware installed in eyes when sleeping >Fuck Grog <|endoftext|> >Doesn't dry faggots Grug sit and rub up fire no problem anywhere so long sky God happy. Faggotless grugs cold and dark. Grub wife watch and make grub baby after cook <|endoftext|> NO! const good, mutable bad, smart grug from programmer tribe said <|endoftext|> Ogg think Grug not top sticker for long. Grug answer always 'more stick', but sometimes bigger sticker better. Big stick scratch itch twice as fast. Grug's many-stick make Ogg laugh, hand cannot use more than two stick well. Even second stick not scratch good. <|endoftext|> oldest known computer is grug. grug count one and one stick make two stick. with two stick grug scratch both ears at same time. but with one stick, grug scratch ear one by one. <|endoftext|> this but unironically, when grug die small grug not know how make rock on stick and die too <|endoftext|> Grug worry for small grug.. when grug was small grug, grug had only rock.. grug made rock on stick, small grug grow up with rock on stick not rock.. grug think small grug doomed <|endoftext|> >grug is goog <|endoftext|> Who gives a fuck. When we get it you know what we’ll do? Boil fucking water with it. That’s all we fucking do. Just stick with brainlet fusion >grug find hot rock >hot rock make water hot >hot water turn grug wheel I swear to god I’m fucking sick of it. Your fucking descendants in a thousand years will be travelling at light speed around the universe using ships powered by fucking antimatter:matter reactions and no doubt they’ll still be using that to boil fucking water. Fucking bored <|endoftext|> picking up webdev is a million times harder than picking up C/C++, why does everyone pick on it? seriously though, pic rel. I'm not talking CSS/HTML but having to wade through understanding get/post, https, server/client, CORS errors, framework of choice, etc. C++ on the otherhand is just straightforward, grug make array grug traverse array. <|endoftext|> >same with midwit - one would think the person saying this could've just said moron or idiot because that's what they really mean This word actually has a meaning. I don't see it misused much. It means someone of average intelligence - In a bad way. Because a grug believes his own eyes, a smart person does this plus, sees through the lies. A midwit is easily fooled with some counter-intuitive explanation because they aren't critical and don't look into things. It's a common thing so it makes sense that it would be called out a lot. >debating, arguing, discussing - it's all the same shit in context of imageboards at least. Yeah I would say most of the internet. <|endoftext|> >Grug have pelt. Grug not need svelte <|endoftext|> infrastructure engineer. I don't even know what you do with magic green rock, grug just bang them together until math happen <|endoftext|> >Why Grug need framework when Grug can chuck spear in wooly mammoth? <|endoftext|> >if you don't believe in the jewish holy book? Your level of theological understanding is sort of along the lines of: Book strong God. Strong God is big God. Strong God give one book. One book is Truth. Grug follow Strong God or Strong God kill Grug. And that works if you live in a bronze age civilization and your community also has very little historical experience on the earth. The problem is that this level of simplicity cannot account for an almost infinite number of complexities, some of which: 1. Traumatic experiences in your community (when Strong God isn't actually strong) 2. Differing sects and schisms 3. People who forget or literal rot of tradition / text 4. Anything having to do with early (let alone late or post) modernity I mean, it's kind of a waste to talk to you. I'd recommend (and this would be a lot more productive for you) to pick up any book about hermeneutics or maybe dive into something like open theology <|endoftext|> >grug doesn't get it so means it's meaningless <|endoftext|> >Grug no like thing >Grug smash thing Why does /g/ have such primitive caveman logic? <|endoftext|> >Grug no like thing >Grug smash thing >thing no more Why does /g/ have such primitive caveman logic? <|endoftext|> this one :D it worked but I don't understand much...grug just follow tutorial and get mad at magic box when not work <|endoftext|> Grug smart <|endoftext|> Grug explore space <|endoftext|> Nuclear power is brainlet tier anyway >Grug find hot rock >hot rock make hot water >hot water turn wheel <|endoftext|> >hurrr durr what is file caching >hurrrr what do you mean the amount of ram used for file caching will be less on an 8GB system >grug no understand <|endoftext|> I advocate for godotscript no need to reinvent all those godot components the grug caveman with alien tech sounds like a wholesome idea someone with stamina make the matrix, so we can start <|endoftext|> >Also stop doing medieval RPGs because its overused stale content. Do something either in ancient world (Sumeria, stone age) or something in 19th century (Victorian era). For starters skip the MMORPG because that is too complex and instead make arena FPS in stone age setting (expand on grug meme for content, add different tribes to form factions with different weapon specializations). Multiplayer combat with clubs, spears and stones would be infinitely more fun that generic medieval fantasy rpg #232341241. this has to be restated <|endoftext|> Nowadays 3D is way easier to do compared to 2D. See pic related. I made those flowers in 10 minutes from real world reference while being a shit artist. They look good in every direction and I can even add bones to animate wind. Also stop doing medieval RPGs because its overused stale content. Do something either in ancient world (Sumeria, stone age) or something in 19th century (Victorian era). For starters skip the MMORPG because that is too complex and instead make arena FPS in stone age setting (expand on grug meme for content, add different tribes to form factions with different weapon specializations). Multiplayer combat with clubs, spears and stones would be infinitely more fun that generic medieval fantasy rpg #232341241. <|endoftext|> why berry picker tribe always use club with apple carving? Grug think berry pickers pay too many beads for not enough club. Grug think berry pickers either never mate or only mate with other grug pretending to be female grug. Grug much prefer ThinkRock. Grug say that cave secretly taken over by grugs lying about being woman. Banish many grugs from cave for made up reason. Grug try to mate with grug he think she grug only to find mammoth trunk. Grug no like <|endoftext|> grug suggest that space dark skinned grug go back to space cave go mate with yourself grug's cave full <|endoftext|> grug no care grug like when other grug watch grug use number stone to see cave paintings of female grugs. grug always want to mate. <|endoftext|> grug concerned. grug think number stone be used to spy on grug by national security cave shaman. other grugs say they have nothing to hide say grug is crazy. grug feel angry but also weak like berry picker. what grug do? <|endoftext|> Grug laugh for many moons. take away grunglings RGB cave painting. No play rocknite any more. <|endoftext|> grug meet strange grug who claim to travel back in time from faraway cave say grug name is Ted strange grug say not to invent wheel. what is "wheel"? <|endoftext|> hello grug bros how has the wife beating being going recently? still maintaining dominance over your local caves i hope! lots of love, from grugsville <|endoftext|> grug steal strange rock from berry picker what it do? <|endoftext|> grug say fire is bloat mammoth meat taste just fine raw <|endoftext|> Let grug guess, anon grug need moar? <|endoftext|> >>Be me, normal office grunt. >>Notice work laptop is starting to come apart at the seam on the front, realize battery is swelling. >>Log ticket for new laptop, get email from IT saying "just pull the battery and we'll ship a new battery to you" >>bitch are you serious >>get new email saying just mail the old unit in >>bitch are you serious >>get told by some grug motherfucker to post it here for you chucklefucks to giggle at And here we are. All corporate IT workers are scum. <|endoftext|> He looks like a mixture of quasimodo and the grug meme. Still rip <|endoftext|> >grug like rock <|endoftext|> Thanks. This is unironically the clearest explanation I've gotten, and the most helpful one. Anon above already gave a good grug explanation for me. <|endoftext|> >her You fucked up. A women will never keep any secrets. It's a natural law, she has to chitchat about Grug when picking berrys, so that the other Gruginas know if he's a good match for her or not. So she talks. Women can't keep any secrets. <|endoftext|> >be me >get job as sys admin >pay is nice >doesnt seem like i will have to do much >come to work with a spare thinkpad and desktop both running artix >people look at me weird >start hooking all my stuff up and get everything ready >some pajeet takes a picture of me and runs away >get brought in and asked why i am trying to use my own computers for work >tell them they're better than the grug tier systems they're giving me >have to bring all of it home and start using their garbage systems instead of my own god tier stuff Is this normal in industry? I know plenty of people who just bring their own stuff to work <|endoftext|> Some Grug had to sit down and create the concept of numbers, and ever since then you've been coasting off of his idea for most of your life. So currently, Grug has made greater progress in the field of science and engineering then you ever have. <|endoftext|> When Grug too hot, Grug jump in river <|endoftext|> Grug think big number more good <|endoftext|> grug no like troll math questions stop trolling <|endoftext|> grug say, how does the big hot ball go behind horizon if land flat ooga booga <|endoftext|> grug have new rock type grug need to work on rock type grug could define each function or grug could just define <=> and get for """free""" <|endoftext|> grug not very smort <|endoftext|> acrylic builds static charge grug <|endoftext|> >msrp silly grug slant eye tribe no sell to pale skin for big chiefs rock pile shaman say watch wind blow and sun shine, rock never go bad...but shaman not always hear good spirits <|endoftext|> >New things are always bad no matter what Fuck off grug, go fucking smear go shit on and run around the woods. <|endoftext|> Reiterating 650 better than 6XX? grug want know if drop better than ebay <|endoftext|> >want to do hard thing >many many many grug cannot even do hard thing because so hard >need glowing box to solve >loops/recursion make glowing box steam >too much steam box explode >need alien math to not explode expensive glowing box <|endoftext|> Drum > guitar Grug like hitting drum <|endoftext|> >Why grug have to learn rock sharpening when sharp rock he already have <|endoftext|> You can linux on anything with a big enough rock fellow grug. <|endoftext|> > grug no understand. anons use words grug not know. grug feel bad. we were all a grug at one time. help each other. <|endoftext|> > fails to consider size of data structs small. classes big. make struct smaller, go faster. grug understand? <|endoftext|> Grug no like green ubuntu <|endoftext|> >grug live 200,000 before car >grug no know of wheel >grug no know language <|endoftext|> >grug invent new wheel >spend thousands shilling on chariot forum <|endoftext|> He's an idiot codemonkey who can't write anything himself and spends his days gluing together libraries written by "grug." <|endoftext|> > grug smarter than man who make car > grug smarter because grug make wheel > car man take 5000 years later to make car > but grug make wheel 5000 years earlier > clearly grug superior because even though man make combustion engine, he didn't invent wheel, he just use design of wheel that grug make > if car man smart, car man would reinvent wheel, and not buy wheel > car not big deal because man who make car no invent wheel > grug think any person who build thing upon thing they not invent not smart > car man not smart, but grug smart because he make wheel > but grug make wheel, so grug smartest man <|endoftext|> peak grug <|endoftext|> They actually study, that's literally it. White people literally dont study, we place more value on getting shitfaced since we know we'll end up working shit jobs anyway. Ask yourself who's more motivated to succeed, a person who's entire upbringing is based on being a success for the future or a person who's culture has its best days behind and knows it? I honestly would rather work a manual labor job than my wagecuck office job and skip the studying, but there's no avoiding it now. Myself and most of my working class white friends would rather just be a plumber than spend our lives social climbing. We're content where we are and don't want to live in a straight jacket as upper middle class yuppies constantly trying to climb the ladder. I can say fag around my friends (and in manual labor jobs my coworkers), my grug interests like combat sports are accepted and nobody's looking down on me for not reading the New York TImes shill book of the month. Corporate america fucking sucks and I'd rather just be happy and poor. Feel free to call it cope, but this is the truth for a lot of bright kids who grew up in working class white areas. <|endoftext|> >That's because everyone who uses "alternative inits" is brain damaged and fetishizes doing everything the hard way. They don't realize that writing shell scripts is not necessary. Meanwhile, in the land of systemd-coped: >>systemd is bad because i have to learn how to use it >ug ug ug me grug >grug smash >grug smash computer why compupter no work <|endoftext|> >systemd is bad because i have to learn how to use it ug ug ug me grug grug smash grug smash computer why compupter no work <|endoftext|> i mean, i won't lie, it does look very fashionable. really activates my mammalian "grug must get shiny thing" brain. <|endoftext|> Cope You will never be as connected to your environment as somebody who works outside Even if you work remote and spend a few hours a week hunting and tending to your garden it's hard to be in touch with your grug side after thinking about classes and methods and meetings and devops all day <|endoftext|> OOGA BOOGA GRUG WORSHIP ROCK SHRINE OOGA BOOGA <|endoftext|> eunuchs style *sh which is absolute shit scripting language and a grug tier retarded primitive ipc echanging delimeted plaintext with no standardized structure or semantic meaning and parsing "data" by string of line editors and unreadable cryptic regexe pipes gives literal gaymur retards who can copypooste shit from arch wiki idea that they are experienced sysadmin haxorz <|endoftext|> >Grug hate work >java work language >Grug hate java simple as <|endoftext|> ok, Grug <|endoftext|> >>muh reinvent the wheel > >The retard probably cant understand the wheel, let alone implement it. GRUG MAKE WHEEL. GRUG VERY GOOD AT MAKE WHEEL. GRUG TEACH CHILDREN MAKE WHEEL. GRUG LAUGH AT MAN WHO BUY WHEEL. WHY CAN'T MAN MAKE WHEEL HIMSELF. MAN INSTEAD BUY MANY WHEEL AND PUT ONTO "CAR". MAN GO FAST. MANY CAVEMAN TRADE FOR "CAR". CAVEMAN THINK "CAR" MAN SMART AND HE IMPROVE LIVES. BUT CAVEMAN NO KNOW MAN NO HOW MAKE WHEEL. BUT GRUG MAKE WHEEL. SO GRUG BE SMART BECAUSE WHEEL. WHY NEED "CAR" WHEN HAVE WHEEL. <|endoftext|> >I am literally proud of being grug <|endoftext|> I really like the sound profile of my KZ Zs10 Pros that I've had for a while. I feel like the bass is great for my taste, and at least to my ear things in the mid sound clear. I have a problem with them though. The upper range seems to have some distortion in certain tracks. I'm not sure if its what you would call sibilance or what, but some sounds in the high freqs seem to be reproduced as a very sharp ticking. I'm pretty torn because I like the general formfactor of these. I like the build quality of them as well. I might be grug brained but I like the metal plate on them. Is there anything out there relatively similar that would be an upgrade? <|endoftext|> grug joins the big skull tribe <|endoftext|> You can also grug smash the filter assembly on your lap or something. I usually do that every few weeks and it takes some dust off the metal mesh. There's an aftermarket filter made by demcifilter, quick research says they work although I have not tried that myself. What kind of filter is on the 2 Compact? Did they still go with the foam one or something more easy to clean? <|endoftext|> >Grug take apart object >Grug remove thing from object >Grug put object back together >Grug object no longer work What hell? Me tweet. <|endoftext|> are there any esoteric langs suitable for grug? <|endoftext|> >dumb grug attacking >not know tree have more expressive power than stick >ow. why you no wait me use tree? <|endoftext|> >pic shows grug holding powerful stick <|endoftext|> if grug language good, it no have powerful feature <|endoftext|> grug not have time for berry picker antics.,,back to work basedgrug <|endoftext|> I can't figure it out and I've got 40 mins to finish this assignment. It's an into to Linux thing. I've never coded a thing before this and this is the first assignment with the instruction basically being "lol google it". The study material doesn't even mention pipe and grep. I get that I'm bascially Grug working with tools that aren't designed for what I'm trying to do but they also didn't give out said tools. <|endoftext|> >he actually hoards rocks fucking grug lmao <|endoftext|> Read book Program thing Repeat many time Grug turn good <|endoftext|> Why use many words when few do trick? Grug thinks based <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Grug: I use GUI because it look nice Midwit: I use TUI because I can flex on grug 130 IQ: I use GUI because I do real work <|endoftext|> Grug, nobody said she was normal. Normalcy is not a category enumerated in the text or meme I posted. You're a based retard, but stay in your fucking lane and don't @ me. <|endoftext|> >what means midwit, no understand >gay bad Based Grug poster. >fail2ban Better than nothing but it's not smart enough. Better to use Snort instead, installed on a device in front of your router connect to the WAN. The city-state approach entails all levels of the infrastructure. Ergo, get on a good guy provider. Ban the bad guy sites. <|endoftext|> global variables are the definition of grug <|endoftext|> >Then you have the guys with decade old computer and no UEFI It's completely trivial to set up a DVD/memory stick/whatever to boot both PCAT and EFI - has been since Vista SP1. >source? Me. As mentioned, nearly every "hurr durr grug make windows usb fwoppy wif that doesn't start" has come back to Rufus, or similarly shithouse "tool", being used to make it. Yet to have the "copy BOOT, EFI and SOURCES folder onto a freshly formatted flash stick" method fail me. BUT, having said that, I don't deal in the buggy BIOS P4s, 15 year-old motherboards with broken USB ports, and other horrors that /g/ inflicts on themselves due to poorfaggotry or masochism. <|endoftext|>
impl Ord for Time {
 fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
 self.secs.cmp(other.secs).then_with(|| self.nsecs.cmp(other.nsecs))
And that's if you want to grug implement manually, normally you'd just #[derive(Ord)] (automatically implements lexicographic ordering on fields) and be done with it. <|endoftext|> You're a Pajeet incel, so I'll explain it to you using shorter words and sentences. Apple market to women. Women control more disposable income. Man research, geek out. Woman fall for marketing grugs. Apple marketing grug figure out tech product market market to men only. Not even western or affluent men. Make products to appeal to women, take a magic 50% of market dell and samsung grugs didn't even know existed. Apple sell to girl grug, gain much money. Bigger than biggest oil company. Bigger than biggest bank. More wealth than most nations too. All because apple market grug know girl grug have girl grug parts. <|endoftext|> >But I don't get it, I'm dumb so basically his target audience Pike also said in the same statement that C is for retards. Basically if you aren't using lisp or whatever the fuck, you're a grug brain. He's just full of himself. <|endoftext|> no one knows when it's gonna end. probably not until coof is over and ETH stops being profitable to mine. in regards to "good value" the best thing to do if you're just trying to grug your way into gaming is to find a higher-end site and wait until they have a sale and make use of any coupons you can find or join the rest of us in The Wait and study up in the mean time. People like gaymen nexus, linus tech cunt, and others have plenty of tutorials to lrn2build. <|endoftext|> >me piss on man’s head >make manly Peak grug <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Yeah but does it have the soul that my 9 gorillion year old Thinkpad on life support or Dell optiplex handed down from my great great great great grandfather Grug has? Didn't think so fucking zoomer. Fuck new technology. <|endoftext|> Well, frst, we need to find what the aura likes. Maybe it make nests somewhere like bird, but I think it's more like these small rodents and live in a hole in the ground (because we don't see it often, but it must sleep somewhere, right ?) So, after we found where it likes to live, we just have to construct one, and maybe some aura will come to live here? Also, I didn't see auras often, but it seems that it can't be killed. That's a good thing because as long as one come to the pit you built, it will live here forever. But we have to find first what it does on the night. I would be pissed off if it lit the cave because we couldn't sleep. Ha! Piss! I remember that Grug killed a baby aura by pissing on it. Maube they dislike strong odors? <|endoftext|> grug put many picture in one <|endoftext|> Oh god, a techy hindi teaching me correct english on a sunday night, the irony. Ok Grug. We no fight more any. <|endoftext|> The GRUG ESP8266 >you "need" more <|endoftext|> >unga bunga chinkyflo make grug even strongar <|endoftext|> Corporations are not people. They're controllable, manageable assets to the 1%, the global elite, with masterminds and power you have little to no understanding of, that will utilize these resources to fulfill an agenda (think scary no-no thoughts like predatorial dynasties of tribalistic people psychologically grooming the dull masses). Or you can write that no-no thinking off as anti-semitic conspiracy. The world is ran by a ruthless cabal with consistent agendas and you are incapable of seeing them because you're clouded by your already established belief system. Groomed into you intentionally. Mr. Trump, the bogeyman you are suppose to hate is not the boss of the tyranny you oppose. You are participating in a much greater worldy game of power and control. But you are simply a low-tier grug thinking useful idiot to fulfill your tiny role in your world to enforce their ideologies and agendas they want you to support. <|endoftext|> >ooga grug not like stand upright lmao back to the cave with you <|endoftext|> grug would have nicer rock and cave woman than gron, gron get mad <|endoftext|> grug ears big grug want big ear can sound good make ear no hurt grug have 750 shiny rocks <|endoftext|> Spent ~5 hours devising and implementing an algorithm to partition the screen based on open space and place new messages accordingly on my anonymous chat/venting website A serious upgrade from my previous ultra-grug algorithm of continuously selecting a random point on screen until it picks one where the new message isn't overlapping with anything else (up until 30 attempts) There should be very little message overlap now, which should help unfuck my shitty mobile site. Getting closer to giving in and just building a native app though <|endoftext|> >Grug has problem >Grug checks "remember this device" >Grug is logged in out after 15 minutes >Grug doesn't check box and is still logged out after 15 minutes. <|endoftext|> It was actually theorized that ADHD was a trait selected through evolution as it made people more impulsive and more willing to do more risky things. Imagine being some grug and being the first one to jump at a wolf pack threatening your tribe, sure you could die horribly but if you don't you'd look like a badass, which in turn would result in scoring mad cave pussy, meaning in turn you pass on your ADHD genetics. <|endoftext|> Machine learning in a nutshell: >grug train model >grug prevent overfitting by using big data set >grug optimize error function with gradient descent Literally the most complicated part of machine learning is coming up with a trainable model in the first place. Once you've figured that part out you just throw massive amounts of data and compute power at it until you get the results you want. <|endoftext|> wouldn't that be an oem part idk how to even get a 5800 grug want 8 cores for audio workstation <|endoftext|> > grug no like you free honeypot. use my paid berrypot instead. grug smart. <|endoftext|> >changing motherboard >fan stuck on mobo >cpu comes off with the fan >panic google see if I'm fucked >okay it's normal >now cpu is stuck on fan >grug pull for a solid minute >cpu flies off my hand and lands pin first on the marble floors >only 3 pins bent Building PCs are so much fun. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE TECHNOLOGY <|endoftext|> duhh am cave man, dont understand pointer, why c devs make it so hard for grug to equal? <|endoftext|> I know thing. I want you to not know thing. Does Grug understand or need to draw on cave wall? <|endoftext|> Smart grug *around 50 years or so <|endoftext|> >new bigger Grug buy <|endoftext|> Grug here. Which is best, water or fan cooldowns. <|endoftext|> >the end results should be possible for a third grade level, which means most of the jargon is just mumbo jumbo That's retarded. Maybe for an extremely superficial pop-sci "understanding", the kind that gives retards the feeling they learn something without actually learning something, you won't need jargon (or as I like to call it, using words with specific meanings and not just bullshitting). All the words I used in my explanation should be familiar to someone with a cursory knowledge of linear algebra, and are indispensable if he wants to know why quantum computation is an efficient solution to certain problems and not others. That's the "end result" you are looking for. I've already left out how the actual implementation works. Going any lower would result in an explanation that's effectively equivalent to "Grug builds quantum machine. Uga gives Grug big number. Grug uses machine and finds two numbers that times together to big number". Probably with the word "superposition" inserted liberally. <|endoftext|> Based grug calendar. <|endoftext|> Grug want you buy more shiny gold snakes. <|endoftext|> Gold plating shiny. Shiny rock good. Grug like shiny rock. Buy gold so Grugs investment gains value. <|endoftext|> >nu >am MAD.. grug MAD. why smarty pants so SMUG., they dumb Are they smart, though? Shouldn't software be getting better over time, not worse? <|endoftext|> nu am MAD.. grug MAD. why smarty pants so SMUG., they dumb. <|endoftext|> Compact phones aren't dead as long as Sony keeps making them. The Xperia 5 ii is tall, but the fact that it is so narrow means I can use it comfortably with one hand. More so than my previous 5.2" phone. I realize the irony of calling a 6.1" phone compact, but it really feels compact in the hand. That aside, you're right. Grug want big screen, chinkphone make screen big. Nah my GPU was about ~900 USD. <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH TWO ROCK TOGETHER <|endoftext|> >baloo >ananicy >baobab grug like this names are funny <|endoftext|> >hurrdur is workin :))) >mmm me follow this guide onlibe !! >grug change config!! Woo >restarts pc later that day >WHY LINUX NO WORK GRUG MAD LINUX BAD fucking retard <|endoftext|> If only. All the 3,5 mm jacks on earphones I've broken had flimsy thin cables and the individual wires were only insulated by some sort or resin. Pure AIDS to solder those. Although it's probably my fault for using a grug-sized solder iron. <|endoftext|> No, I'm not "smart", Grug, I'm average. But you should study economics if you want to make bold claims like "in the long term who cares". At least read this page — ; my post won't look cryptic anymore. <|endoftext|> >GTA 5 had graphics compared to Cyberpunk Hey Grug, what's up cavebro? Hate to break it to you but it's mathematically impossible for GTA 5 to have more graphical fidelity than Cyberpunk. <|endoftext|> >traveller from different village gives 1 apple for 2 bananas grug has to lower the price to get his bananas >if grug puts price too high bananaman wont trade with grug so grug wont have bananas >bananaman doesnt like grug prices and start growing his own apples <|endoftext|> yes, that's usuary, if you repaid grug with one banana that would just be borrowing more or less. Essentially the whole point of capitalism is that those with capital can grow it without actually producing anything, just loaning it out to the people who do produce something. In a non capitalistic, but still free enterprise society, grug would sell his banana, be repaid at the time of transaction or in the future, not be able to just sell a banana, be repaid with two and grow his banana stache without actually making more bananas. If you want a real world example, 99% of the time inflation is caused by interest rates, not printing money like lolbertarians claim. During times when the US didn't have a private central bank that created money with interest, there were no giant crashes, because their wan't a business cycle of debt because interest in the system was marginal and everyone was more or less well off because prices didn't have to rise to pay off interest. Whenever we've had a private bank that only created money with interest, we get the business cycle that destroys the economy when it doesn't grow fast enough to pay off the interest in the system. Essentially for a capitalist economy to grow, it has to match the difference in the interest that's owed and real growth can only happen past that. With a system that doesn't have usury, any growth is real growth, because it's not having to pay off interest. It's able to just grow and the government makes money to match the growth that's happened. This is literally an older and more used system than "gold standard" meme and we're just now rediscovering it with MMT. Although we're still being cucked by interest and usury. <|endoftext|> the state is not invented yet so there was nothing stopping grug from creating a monopoly on apples which he did. the neighboor therefore cant trade any apples for my bananas. <|endoftext|> if grug charges too much grug's neighbor will charge less and get all bananas from grug grug can't raise the price too much <|endoftext|> there is no end to grugs greed. first it was bad with 2.5 bananas for an equally nutritious apple. Now he charges 3? I do hope that village shaman puts a curse on grug. <|endoftext|> grug senior found the apple tree but grug had to take care of it to not die grug likes bananas and bananas are easy to find grug trades 1 apple for 3 bananas <|endoftext|> both grow on trees. and grug didnt find the apple tree, grug senior did. grug just inherited that information and now lives of of it. <|endoftext|> Value is subjective. If Grug hated the taste of bananas he'd be willing to trade even more for apples. <|endoftext|> Both are fruits and should we valued equally. Imagine if grug has 50 apples and you have 50 bananas, grug could trade you all your bananas for 20 apples. Then he would have 30 apples and 50 bananas! <|endoftext|> >That's not capitalism, capitalism is investment, stonks, loans, finance, etc. Grugs trading fruit is free enterprise, but not capitalism. me asks grug for banana say i give back him later grug says ok but i have to give 2 bananas i say ok one week later i give grug 2 bananas <|endoftext|> I think 2 apples are worth more than 5 bananas grug thinks 5 bananas are worth more than 2 apples me and grug happy <|endoftext|> Fatcat grug scammed you man. You lost 3 bananas in that transaction, we need the village shaman to handle this. <|endoftext|> >implying trade and markets isn't capitalism grug gives 2 apples you give 5 bananas grug happy you happy <|endoftext|> Such a stereotypical response. >me no understand >me get ANGRY It's ok, Grug. Maybe you can read the documentation someday. <|endoftext|> I guess I got filtered in a sense because my solution ended up being absolute grug-brain shit <|endoftext|> 6 * 4)) instead of 6 * 4 ) ) Literally 98% of my time was spend fixing that in the most grug way imaginable >go through and add spaces before and after every bracket >split on " " doesn't work because now I get empty indices >split on " +" >still gives me empty indices for no reason I ended up disassembling the brackets at the start and back of every single string <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT UNDERSTAND. GRUG THINK IT ALIEN THING! <|endoftext|> Let Grug guess. You "need" more. <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE ROCKSTATION <|endoftext|> >grug wants the impossible <|endoftext|> Me want Headset. Me want wireless. Decent mic. Not more than 100 rocks. Good for 1 day battery. Need suggestion. Grug <|endoftext|> grug want refactor refactor hard grug duplicate code grug variable names conflict grug complain to reddit <|endoftext|> Find not-Grug with 3080. (lets call not-Grug "Mug) Bash Mug on head. Take Mug's 3080. Release wolfs to eat blue men that come to your cave to take Mug's 3080 back. <|endoftext|> grug want 3080. how grug get? <|endoftext|> >order 6x15 ortho POS board >realize I won't have bigass enter >grug like slam for new line Hold me <|endoftext|> The fuck do you need those for? I'll probably only make a new folder for this shit and maybe bookmark a few ref sites because grug brain find remember functions hard. <|endoftext|> Grug want bigger number <|endoftext|> CMake actually has solutions for literally everything. Every time there is a complaint about CMake it's 99% the user's fault, not CMake's and even then they are quick to fix issues. The biggest problem with CMake is that people refuse to learn ANYTHING related to build systems and just prefer to cobble asocial lists files together that will make anyone who knows even a little bit about CMake want to gouge their eyes out. You can either continue with this attitude and ignore CMake with its solutions for literally everything or you can carry on with grug mode and be the next pajeet shitting out horrid lists files/non portable shell/make scripts. <|endoftext|> >I bet that when grug was making fire and tools the other cavemen were seething and coping in exactly the same way you do today They probably literally were. >Why is he spending so much time rubbing those sticks together? A cave is warm, no need for fire <|endoftext|> the eternal poorfag cope >cars are a meme gimmick, horses are better >electricity is a meme gimmick, fire is better >the internet is a meme gimmick >mobile phones are a meme gimmick >anything above 720p is a meme gimmick >anything above 20fps is a meme gimmick >vr is a meme gimmick >anything better than my microsoft intellimouse is a meme gimmick everything is a useless gimmick that doesnt work until it just happens that you can actually afford it, at which point it becomes the best thing that has ever happened I bet that when grug was making fire and tools the other cavemen were seething and coping in exactly the same way you do today <|endoftext|> >paul grug-man He truly was the caveman <|endoftext|> typical /g/ just "duh grug buy cause new" <|endoftext|> anon.... there's a reason the HDD tray sits right in front of the intake fan in most cases. It's because they generate heat, but across a wider surface area, so it's easier to manage. Why grug hate technology? <|endoftext|> grug feel same <|endoftext|> >tech gets smaller >unable to do maintenance on it without specialized tools grug miss when all you needed was rock <|endoftext|> >ananicy that name sounds like something Grug would come up with <|endoftext|> The idea that fucking mario machines will replace dedicated workstations is the most grug brained reddit take I've seen in a while <|endoftext|> what are you talking about you retard, you can run arch on that easily >grug not read the wiki about the generic image, grug can not configure uboot with extlinux support If it runs ARMbian it can run any other distribution. <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> >1080p60 Get a better monitor, Grug <|endoftext|> Absolute state of "modern scientists" being outsmarted by Grug <|endoftext|> Python is complete and utter shit designed by a retard but programming is hard enough that the language is not going to be your problem. You're most going to want for access to personal help (python is super popular; lots of people to talk to), access to resources to learn the language (ditto, ditto), ease in doing the things that interest you (ditto, import solution), a distant promise of material benefits so that grug can bring berry to grug wife (ditto, lot of employment opportunities). >bad habits >wasting time 1. life isn't an RPG. Don't try to min-max it. 2. it'll take you ten years to get good at programming. A language might take you three months to get comfortable with if you only pursue it in your spare time 3. BASIC ruining programmers was always a dumb myth. You aren't limited by your experiences until your experiences include "smashing own head with a hammer" <|endoftext|> hard thing no hard any more after grug understand it now <|endoftext|> >eurocucks actually eat like this..... dude what the fuck is wrong with you? why do you people it literal weiners and toast. get a bun and make it a hotdog instead of having grug tier food combinations. No surprise its a webdev cuck eating this shit. <|endoftext|> grug angry because grug no understand You cannot do cross platform CI sanely without CMake, that's one more reason to learn modern CMake and use it. <|endoftext|> why use ubunga when grug use FreeSatania? <|endoftext|> grug type "gradle bootRun" as "gralde bootUrn" every time <|endoftext|> grug was trying to just run nginx with basic rtmp support, grug try to start nginx but it not start. grug fix typo and it start. <|endoftext|> grug make typo error in config file. grug misspell fragment as gragment. <|endoftext|> Complete grug It is both. There is quite a lot of innovation actually, but it's either in production or in anti-consumer ways. Or put like this, there's only innovation to consoom not for power users. Difference with war is that militaries are utilitarian. The current capitalist system is all about sign value. Another thing that makes innovation seem supressed is all the marketing, for example all the "5x better batteries!!" technologies that are announced every 6 months when they aren't actually viable. When it comes to actual computer hardware, it's actual lack of competition. Cpus are finally moving again, but no progress for 7 years due to Intel monopoly. Graphics performance/$ isn't rising much because of Nvidia monopoly. Same with storage and ram prices. <|endoftext|> Dumb grug-level caveman engineers can't even fathom thinking for 5 seconds about what to do, they are brainless monkeys with no brain power <|endoftext|> jayztwocents because he does the grug take <|endoftext|> >physical strength is the most important thing in life Grug smash <|endoftext|> Laptop big Phone small different infrastructure t. grug <|endoftext|> >I cannot read and understand what he just wrote >grug mad <|endoftext|> Fuck off grug. <|endoftext|> I installed a ton of malware on my aunt's computer when she asked me to fix it because i was getting tired of helping them with grug tier bullshit. Ended up killing her computer and costing her a good amount for a new pc, fucking bitch. No more questions at least. <|endoftext|> mmhhh mhhh mhhuhuhh.. gruphs.. Grug am smarty boy.. <|endoftext|> New product to consoom. Consoom make grug dopamine flow <|endoftext|> Despite your grug mind telling you that there can only be one good library for UIs the fact is that they're both good. <|endoftext|> >Why are you concerned about having a voice on the platform that has become a monopoly Curious indeed grug <|endoftext|> grug want play modded minecraft good with this <|endoftext|> >grug make first painting >you all stole from grug <|endoftext|> I WANT A S20/NOTE ULTRA BUT ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO ROOT THEM, FUUUUUUUCK (usa). GRUG MAD <|endoftext|> >new good >old bad >learning bad >working efficiently bad grug upset, grug needs to wageslave harder, optimizations dont help grug <|endoftext|> Me guess, Grug need more? <|endoftext|> I said most useless, not completely useless and if you think about it there is most likely a better datastructure for your needs. But nah grug learn linked lists first grug use linked lists <|endoftext|> its actually because a larger portion of japan's populace scores 110+ on IQ tests, so denser information presentation doesn't make them confused and frustrated. >TOO MANY WORD >GRUG BRAIN IS OVERLOAD <|endoftext|> PHPfag reporting. PHP is GRUG because I sit here with my bat and mash things until it works. Dead serious. I've worked on large projects, but nothing truly important. I'm experienced in caveman approach, but not in programming in general. I'm trying to better myself, and I've come to the conclusion I should learn something where laziness is not an option. I'd love for someone to recommend something similar (web backend preferred), but I'd be cool too if an enterprise PHPfag could lend something as well. <|endoftext|> C++ is the doomer, as C++ is an unknowable eldritch monstrosity those who think they know it only don't know how much they don't know PHP is GRUG, no idea why <|endoftext|> Oh no, grug found map to berries drawn on wall of cave <|endoftext|> grug here what the fuck are yields? why is everyone talking in fucking jargon, like everyone else here knows every term under the sun? are they throwing raw materials into a magic box with arbitrary %chance of popping out a finished chip? <|endoftext|> >VA Nope Pretty sure the latencies are twice what you linked in the post >The price seem to increase significantly between them, but I wonder if it's justified. Nope >if you want a workstation GPU FTFY >is 10gb vram enough? 1440p certainly. 4K or high res VR with super sampling is debatable in terms of performance impact, but mostly yes. If you turn on the 'fuck you' texture settings at high res, you're likely to make anything but a 16GB graphics card cry him grug, you little grug Probably need to upgrade other components in your system as well to make a graphics card upgrade worth it Post complete specs >half life alyx You want Intel or a Zen 3 CPU. There are quite a few scenes that are extremely CPU demanding Wait Yep 10600K Definitely wait for benchmarks on Cyberpunk. RX 470 is as good a Fury, cheaper, and more power efficient. Not to mention newer Holy shit I'm laughing so hard <|endoftext|> you fucking grug <|endoftext|> you literally log in when you fire it up, grug <|endoftext|> that's a heatsink, grug <|endoftext|> Is anyone bored enough to help a grug *mildly* OC his 8600K with A-tuning? I just want to know what can I dial in to not blow up my fucking house. board is Z370 pro 4 and I have only a hyper 212 evo sitting on it, so I know I can't really go balls to the wall with the overclock, I just want to squeeze a bit more out of the damn thing <|endoftext|> >It's twice as fast as a 2080ti allegedly that's 3090 grug holy fuck <|endoftext|> grug post cpu grug get recommendation no cpu, no recommendation <|endoftext|> grug here managed to scoop a 300 Euro (not 2nd hand) 1070 Ti the last time around, really great card for that money I want to grab something that will blow my fucking socks off this time, so I was thinking about getting a 3080, but I'm sure I will have to get a new CPU to go along with it and therefore a new mobo as well any suggestions for those two? <|endoftext|> there's 3 case fans on that picture, grug <|endoftext|> well, if nothing else, I'm impressed someone took the time to do a grug meets rock tier breakdown of CPU bottlenecks I also thought the 3080's are selling cheap (or 3070's being massively overpriced compared to them, if you wanna look at it that way) <|endoftext|> clean it grug <|endoftext|> blow it with compressor like everything else, grug <|endoftext|> >n-noooooooooooooooooooooooooo I won't pay $15 more for a case with 3 stock fans, I will instead go and buy a shitbox and THEN I will buy 5 $30 fans! >take that! you are a fucking grug <|endoftext|> That's a 3950x Also it's worth pointing out that the lapping I did here was the real deal not some bullshit involving sandpaper which is what most grug brained retards think is "lapping". <|endoftext|> what are the overall top 2-3 Twitter accounts to follow as a noob I only check grug the neckbeard faggot's feed every couple of days and apart from muh rooosia muh ebil nathzee trump stuff I find it's quite good <|endoftext|> Scary new technology not safe ooga booga, grug smash <|endoftext|> >grug no arguments left >grug wait for orange man send blue bird for new argument <|endoftext|> >ug ug orange man say socialists bad now grug not like them <|endoftext|> >urg urrg urggrg grug hear he say orange man good that mean pillow good <|endoftext|> Grug, the problem is that whatever I recommend to you, half of /mkg/ will argue that the exact opposite is indeed better. Do you want your keyboard to click when you type? Do you smash the keys hard when you type? <|endoftext|> >Me grug. Me want good keyboard. Me have money. If big box electronics stores still exist and are open where you live, then put on a mask, ask the first employee you see where the mechanical keyboards are, and then go try typing on them. Buy the one you like the best. <|endoftext|> I'm sorry guys. I've been browsing this thread for like 20 minutes and I have no idea what any of these words mean. Let me try to explain my current thoughts: Me grug. Me want good keyboard. Me have money. Basically, I just want to play rhythm games which require precise timings at a high level and I heard mechanical was the way to go for that, but I'll also be using it for general purposes. I've never really cared about the quality of my keyboard before, so I don't know where to begin. I can pay up to like $100. Please help me, I'm so confused. <|endoftext|> Intel doesn't appear to have bells and whistles like DLSS to me, this is the most glaring thing I can think of as a grug <|endoftext|> Grug still don't get it, look like fancy scribbles in cave of strange tribe <|endoftext|> Grug no understand this fancy green material. Grug only understand stick and rock. <|endoftext|> Steam works really well for extracting useful work from heat. Are you going to complain about wheels being round because some Grug figured that out before writing was invented? <|endoftext|> > Zoog VPN > No can see ungabungas of next cave? > No want berry pay to Nognog see by Grug? > Zoog have best deal > Zoog need 10 berry every moon > Can see ungabungas of next cave > Can berry pay Nognog no see by Grug <|endoftext|> What do you mean "grug?" What? Is there a "proper" way to handle mmcx? That's true. <|endoftext|> so you don't grug the mmcx jack if you have caveman hands and coordination (which I do) <|endoftext|> >grug meme People keep falling for these false-flags. <|endoftext|> What do I mean by justiceware? Well many BSD proponents argue GNU isn't really free because it imposes restrictions. Often, they refuse to acknowledge that those restrictions are designed to restrict users from using the product to exploit one another. Even when they do acknowledge this, though, I think they're kind of right. Freedom DOES include the freedom to take away others' freedom. But even if I think the BSD crowd is technically correct, I don't stand with them. Because I hold, this illustrates not a flaw in copyleft, but a flaw in freedom. It demonstrates freedom cannot be the highest moral standard. A certain baseline of freedom is a good starting point, don't get me wrong, especially in contexts where that baseline isn't taken for granted -- like the software world, where software is far too often proprietary. But freedom isn't everything. I'm pretty sure it was this exact same debate that led to the formation of society. Remember when everyone had absolute civil freedom? Of course you don't, that was thousands of years ago. But even if we don't remember, we know how it went. It sucked. People killed and ate their own wives and fucked their own kids, and then went out into proto-"town" to bash Grug on head with big rock. And before that, we all flung poo at each other and ate flies out of each other's armpit hair. One day we were smart enough that we figured out it would be best to pick ONE monkeyman who happened to be more well-behaved than everyone -- probably because he was old -- give HIM big rock, and then we all listen to grug, and then we no hit each other no more. Justice doesn't mean perfect freedom for everyone. Justice means giving up bad freedoms to protect good freedoms. That's how it's always been with everything. Why not with software? What if we take this concept farther than GNU was willing to? Why not have "free" software (not actually free, but JUST) that can't be used to make malware, for instance? <|endoftext|> What technology best for storage and future? Its always flat disk vs square Right now is SSD square vs HDD small flat disk with funny record player needle There is also petabyte capable tapes vs whatever comes after bluray or hd dvd Grug also remember small funny psp disks vs chad DS squares I say square more powerful because is bigger. Probably can beak goku as well <|endoftext|> I've got an NH-D15 on my rig and its super quiet, even when pushing high temps. Like said the performance difference is minimal and more for looks/form factor/hobbyist stuff, and I don't trust my caveman brain and hands to not grug up installing water cooling, easy as I'm sure it is. <|endoftext|> hur dur how i read op demand halp now grug <|endoftext|> >be grug >live in cave society where all grugs naked >me see grugess get bone from chadrug >me touch bone, make white water >grug like this, grug do it every day and become addicted <|endoftext|> Never was subscribed to this grug tier retard.... his audience is children who don't know anything about computers and grown up bugmen. <|endoftext|> Grug have parents put me wanna learn algebra 2. Me 22 years old. Me wanna drop out college and go in welfare. Me wanna be great NEET philosopher like Sokrates and Nietzsche. Grug smash!!!! <|endoftext|> Don't wanna learn code. Grug wanna play mount and blade all day. <|endoftext|> grug will try <|endoftext|> grug thank kind anon for help <|endoftext|> grug need install D <|endoftext|> grug wants do good function. how does grug test function in C? <|endoftext|> boomer arguments from 2010 big news grug, 10 years have passed, python 2 is no longer supported, the world has moved on but you haven't <|endoftext|> grug hate rust <|endoftext|> me work in-tree department, watch other grugs when they use rock, make sure other grugs only use rock for foraging and not for fun but no one watch grug, grug only one in tree <|endoftext|> 1995 hipster grug no driver <|endoftext|> Grug has been robbed! Grug ooga booga file lawsuit with tribal shaman! <|endoftext|> sockets and nuts > Hex > others In grug tier constructions it was always sockets or hex. Security torx on occasion too. For consumer shit, as long as it's not shitty low depth phillips I don't think it matters. <|endoftext|> >Grug make fire hardened arrow > glances across deer's side > Grug not eat for two weeks > Grug see Wug bring Grug's girlfriend deer > Grug see Wug do snoo snoo with Grug's girlfreind > never make fire hardened arrow again <|endoftext|> fucking Grug Stallgrug caveposters <|endoftext|> grug is strong and big. grug use jai <|endoftext|> grug see strange format grug think poster from reddit tribe grug pound chest, go home berrypicker But is it REALLY standard to log using console.log? I thought you'd want to implement your own handler for logging so it can be modified as seen fit. Additionally, you'd probably want some kind of error level for events, like "exception encountered/other extremely important event", "an authenticated action was taken", "an unauthenticated action was taken", etc. It depends a lot on your application but you want to have logs pretty universally for the purposes of forensics in case of a security incident and for debugging when the application doesn't behave as you expect it to. Also, you can have people actively monitoring when certain events take place. <|endoftext|> >because there is a set limit of wealth you can have best way to disincentivise a populace is to punish them for trying. Grug no like shamans, have too much grain. Grug promise bash head if shamans have too much grain. grug bigger good than big bad shamans, grug say tribe should eat grain hoarders. <|endoftext|> I am grug or pepe <|endoftext|> basedjack: i++ gigachad: ++i grug: i += 1 pepe: i = i + 1 <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug thank grug think of but no understand <|endoftext|> grug want grug no have debian distro grug want download .deb and unpack it and manual-install what grug do <|endoftext|> >no hammer no saw no chisel what good rock for carpentry grug wonder? <|endoftext|> >but im willing to get an i7-7700k if needed Don't, every grug brain in the world has already thought of that so they cost more than way better CPUs <|endoftext|> >Me not want to learn new thing, must defend grug honor. There's plenty of software stores and GUI package managers for you to use if you have to slam buttons instead of learning how to install things faster with a single line of text, Grug. <|endoftext|> >Why I not able to just make grunt noise? Do hoomans not know memorizing many word just to talk is much hard for grug brain? <|endoftext|> >grug no trust new "bronze". bronze-man no tell grug how to make bronze. grug think bronze-man put bad spirits in bronze. >grug only use stone to chop tree. grug can have as much stone as grug want, for FREE! <|endoftext|> Yes Grug <|endoftext|> Yeah $200 for a 4790 is a fucking rip off, but also a typical price. Too many grug brained guys think it's better to just upgrade the CPU so the prices of the top chips on intel platforms and always out of whack. I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple years the 9900K is actually more expensive than the 10700K <|endoftext|> First of all, his causation is wrong. The industrial revolution is responsible only for the rise of consumerism and climate change. The actual cause is the agricultural revolution. Like I said in other thread, it ended the Grug's era of hunter-gatherer superhumans and brought the civilization, division of labor and basically turned humanity into a more advanced ant colony. The agricultural revolution actually fits all of problems Ted described. But that is a completely different discussion tho. So, no, Ted wasn't right at all, he did an absolutely obvious mistake from the beginning. But what to expect from a poor subject of MKUltra, even Terry would be saner than him. <|endoftext|> >I would get it if agricultural revolution was to blame, it ended Grug's era of hunter-gatherer superhumans and brought the civilization, division of labor and basically turned humanity into an ant colony. This is basically Quinn's thesis in Ishmael. <|endoftext|> >Why does /g/ keep denying that the industrial revolution and its consequences have been disaster for humankind? What exactly was ruined with the industrial revolution? I would get it if agricultural revolution was to blame, it ended Grug's era of hunter-gatherer superhumans and brought the civilization, division of labor and basically turned humanity into an ant colony. I also would get it if the Internet was to blame, it brought the infobesity, which strengthened ignorance, and gave unlimited power for loud minorities. The industrial revolution just... gave us more cool stuff? It's nothing compared to events I've described above. <|endoftext|> Is what Grug said true? <|endoftext|> >how did this faggot make an entire gayme again He is the epitome of a based retard, a "bash rocks together until something finally happens" grug. He made the whole game in a single file with notepad and no version control lmao. I would admire his persistence but I fear that he's not even coming at things from a "I know I'm dumb but I'll keep trying" perspective but actually thinks that he's a super genius. <|endoftext|> /grug <|endoftext|> grug no like github, grug no have account, grug not can use github <|endoftext|> Grug mfw that books literally on my desk <|endoftext|> > GRUG HATE MAGIC
void *object = create_object(ctx);
<|endoftext|> grug want new lapbox hooknose tribe says get shiny fruit lapbox grug sees fruit lapbox everywhere grug saw fruit lapbox blow up in chef's cave grug don't trust hooknose tribe grug buys think lapbox with new penguin hooknose tribe now mad <|endoftext|> hooknose tribe say penguin bad grug trade for hooknose machine while sleep machine move during hunt machine stop grug bone wife machine watch grug return machine to hooknose hooknose tribe say they machine, not grug grug fight penguin <|endoftext|> me not trusting hooknose tribe. they build big wall and grug say wanting big wall too hooknose tribe say no grug no need wall cave is protected enough then monkey people come steal grug food... hooknose tribe not to be trusted. <|endoftext|> Grug like apple, apple is simple, it's colorfull, it's round. No choice? Grug likes choices made for him. Is easier. <|endoftext|> grug friend penguin penguin hit grug grug hug penguin peguin hit grug more grug friend new penguin new peguin hit grug... <|endoftext|> grug buy fruit machine grug start like peepee grug break fruit grug stop fruit <|endoftext|> Grug downvote <|endoftext|> what grug see <|endoftext|> Grug no like what see <|endoftext|> Sorry to offend you grug, but I have a job that heavily relies on jargon. <|endoftext|> >spend the rest of the day getting windows to boot again How fucked Grug keyboard? Does Grug keyboard no have buttons for BCDBOOT command? Grug retarded and need kill himself. <|endoftext|> gerg want use computer grug at too gerg want ssh gerg kill grug to get his ssh? <|endoftext|> grug use computer he not currently sit at this ssh <|endoftext|> use brain grug <|endoftext|> his name was Grug <|endoftext|> I too once used GRUG Linux, but then I discovered the beaty of Debian. <|endoftext|> Have you been yelled at by a boss or team leader OP? You can't be yelled at by a team leader if you're the team leader btw. >Also: Yelling is literally a Grug meme, only retards yell at their subordinates. Why lower team morale and respect for you if ? You literally help your competition by disrupting the well oiled machine that is your team balance; your employees / subordinates will jump at the first opportunity to get out of there and people talk shit about their employer any given chance if they are treated badly. People will literally kiss your ass if you don't go the rude route and put on a smile. I know, I know, it's a hard to grasp concept for a lot of people who browse /g/ or 4Chan in general. t. used to be Head of IT at a larger startup before beginning University and I never yelled at anyone although my coworkers. <|endoftext|> You think anyone in law enforcement wouldn’t detain you indefinitely? We’re moving away from police now anyway and “laws” will be enforced by the (((rich))) hiring PMCs and bribing gangs to carry out hits on you. Then if you successfully defend yourself then the policia federales will come detain you Yeah fuck da polees Fucking grug retards. <|endoftext|> >Notice how small the numbers on the left are little grug brain? The numbers on the left aren't small. They're normalized. You are wrong, unfortunately. <|endoftext|> I like how you didn't address the far more encompassing data that I posted and instead focus on a cherrypicked data on "unarmed" instead of overall data that is more accurate because it doesn't agree with your bullshit. Look at the bar on that "study" image you posted. Notice something? Notice how small the numbers on the left are little grug brain? It's because the data you posted is CHERRY PICKED nonsense. <|endoftext|> >unga bunga me see bwack man me angy >grug make post about no like bwack man <|endoftext|> Hey OP, welcome to the industry. You see, every company has a retard hire to fill a quota. We have this grug-like creature in helpdesk with anger issues and probably an IQ of 80. He think he's hot shit when in fact is dumb and incapable of coming up with a novel solution to the problems his team faces unless some dev hand it to him on a silver plate. He also refuses to help new people that join his team, leaving this job to us, the developers, when we have time to do so, and desu maybe it's for the best, he could easily sabotage them because although he's pretty dumb, he has demonstrated numerous times he has acted maliciously to put himself in a good light. Forget about her and keep working. You shouldn't concern yourself with the career decisions of others. <|endoftext|> >I will directly support people who hate me and go against things I believe while the others do not >Wtff why do I keep losing Literal grug tier. Probably also a lolbert. <|endoftext|> >Hey man, look how this rock moves if you pass a current through it >Haha that's cool, I bet if we vibrated it just right we could make a noise >Hey man, look how this FUNDAMENTAL FORCE of nature reacts if you pass a current through it >Haha that's cool, I bet if we vibrated it just right we could make a noise And that's why electrostatics terrify me. Grug am play god. <|endoftext|> >that includes a full numpad grug say tenkeyless bad <|endoftext|> >It's older so it's results are invalid Grug brain <|endoftext|> >I get to dismiss $THING_I_DON'T_AGREE_WITH because it was said by $UGLY_PERSON ok grug <|endoftext|> >marxist Its funny kikes have convinced so many that this is about muh communism. When in reality the same people who propped up the current US government also helped China prop up there own guiding it to be more kosher. They have light switch brain or grug brain that they cannot break from. You either have to hate the US and love china or love the US and hate china. You could be right though. <|endoftext|> grug no understand FP, FP bad <|endoftext|> because you can very easily take the "spinning hard disk" out and put in a "non-spinning hard disk". Good unga bunga to you too sir young grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG PEEPEE HARD <|endoftext|> >i dont understand it so it's BAD Thanks, Grug. <|endoftext|> Because on linux all software is downloaded via a package manager, meaning it all comes digitally signed from a central reputable source. This is in contrast to windows where to get software you go to random sites on the internet and download some proprietary exe. You have no idea if the site has been hacked or not and if you're downloading an executable with malware injected into it. Even once you get the legit installer its most likely crammed full of toolbars and borderline malware which you may end up accidentally installing. As a grug brain analogy it's like downloading apps from the play store vs installing random .apks you find online. <|endoftext|> because he's retarded anon. it's the same with the guy that keeps spamming this forums saying "DEBIAN SUCKS IT DELETED MY LUKS VOLUME" when in fact he deleted it because he's a grug brained fucking retard <|endoftext|> but why do that when you don't even have to? gui is literally for retards, that's why windows comes with one. the masses are retards and need a gui to operate, the masses are retarded, and you're retarded as well. cli is the only option for doing anything, everything else is grug brained retardation <|endoftext|> Grug problems require grug solutions. <|endoftext|> Pycuck is literal grug brain trash, I've laughed candidates out of interviews when they show me their garbage python projects and dont know java. <|endoftext|> >Sells entire country and people out like a typical zionist rat >Hurr at least he not dictatorrr Grug brain <|endoftext|> im canadian and incredibly lazy when it comes to doing paperwork for the government (ironic, since i am literally a government worker) so i never got my gun license. i dont have a drivers license either. i just dont mind taking the BMW (bus/metro/walk). i do post on /k/ sometimes tho but not super often since i dont personally own a gun and /k/ is mostly assholes i read the whole unabomber manifesto the other day at work and the only part of it i disagree with is the degree to which he supports primitivism (though it was interesting to see a genuine take on it instead of the usual grug meme shit). Ted really hates fridges for some reason. but i agree with Ted the core point that technology inherently limits freedom and it is an inherently violent act to bring higher technology into the world as it simply causes frustration by creating its own new set of human needs where there was none before. just look at the Learn To Code™ maymay; the existence of computers has made it non-competitive to not use a computer to work, just like it's not competitive to use hand tools when machine tools exist. computers' proliferation has made a phantom demand for people who can manipulate computers "better" than their peers. this has created a situation in which coding is now considered an essential skill. this is despite it being obviously untenable for 100% of a population to be professional programmers and the fact that there is already software for every imaginable process you need. still, however, there manages to be demand for programmers from a social/civilization standpoint, and social strife for individuals exists centered on the fact that they are unwilling or unable to Learn To Code™ similar to how people are made to have harder lives if they don't own and drive a car (can't get a job, people refuse to associate with you, and the world in general is made to be more vast on the assumption that people have cars so you're at physical disadvantage) <|endoftext|> >shaman put 0.5g totem outside of grug's cave >he says it will belp us commune with the gods faster >but grug's belly started hurting the same day, explain that >so grug burned the totem down <|endoftext|> Grug see neighbor get new club Grug neighbor club better than Grug club Wife notice Grug neighbor club too Wife say Grug should get new club Go to club store, Grug not have enough rocks for good club Back in cave, neighbor fucking Grug wife Apple wheels remind Grug that he cannot have nice club <|endoftext|> >grug big man, accident never happen. I perfect <|endoftext|> doesnt make sense, if anything gameboost oc would burn the cpu, not the mobo also since "I accidentally bumped the case" probably means hitting/kicking it like a true grug, you could damage your shit yourself <|endoftext|> Found the grug brain lolbertarian <|endoftext|> I take my smartphone to work every day, I leave the house at 100% battery and come home with like 95%. I rarely touch it, unless I need to look something up or call / text a coworker. Once I come home, the phone goes on airplane mode and I don't touch it until I leave for work again the next day. On the weekends, i'll sometimes use it as a manga or ebook reader. Everything is possible if you aren't a grug with no self restraint. <|endoftext|> You never specified a) so i dont know what the fuck you mean. Im not the idiot who cant plug in a fucking charging cable. Maybe you normiecucks should stop trashing your phones and needing new ones every 6 months like children. As far as im concerned anyone using wireless charging is a grug tier iq retard. <|endoftext|> >RANDOM USER ON MONGOLIAN BASKET WEAVING WEBSITE NOT LIKE GRUG WIGGLY AIR >GRUG MAD >:( <|endoftext|> No you're just a grug tier fucking caveman that slams his keys like a gorilla You're not using a 1950s typewriter, don't be a chimp, that's how you literally get long-term damage in the finger joints. <|endoftext|> >GRUG WANT BIG NUMBERS >BIG MEAN GOOD <|endoftext|> >I'm a grug No such excuse in the age of internet. I put one together when I was 13 in 2005, using nothing but the manuals and some of the I stuff I read in a computer hardware magazine. Not really. If you're targeting very high framerates then it might be an issue but 99% of the time you'd be bottlenecked by your GPU rather than your CPU so it's a good combination. <|endoftext|> Lads, is there any service/store that will prebuild my pc based on the parts I picked? Me neither can build a pc cos im a grug, but it would be for a friend, who lives in the states. Can u recommend me anything please? <|endoftext|> >grug see big brain unga bunga >she get more berries than grug >grug pale skin, pale skin is nobel tribe >grug could crush unga bunga skull if want >make grug feel good <|endoftext|> GY'S GRUG ANGRY SYMLUNK NO WORK GRUG MAKE SYNLUNK WORK <|endoftext|> >grug smash computer with baseball bat >grug get female >later computer man <|endoftext|> >entire country only exists through the 'generosity' of the US taxpayer >Israel develops some cool anti-missile technology with the billions they received for free >doesn't even share the source code for the defense systems that the US paid for in whole Grug think longnose tribe bamboozle him? <|endoftext|> >unga bunga on chip voltage regulators bad, make cpu hotter grug can't overclock gud Wouldn't have been an issue if Intel didn't replace IHS solder with shitty thermal paste. At least the CPU is the one part of the computer that's guaranteed to have a acceptable cooling solution. Apparently they bought it back in Ice Lake without telling anyone. <|endoftext|> It true. Grug no like old thing. Grug want new thing <|endoftext|> GRUG HIT THINKING ROCK HARD THINKING ROCK NO WORK RIGHT NOW WHY THINKING ROCK NO GOOD? THINKING FRUIT MUCH BETTER, HEAT GRUG CAVE <|endoftext|> grog think post long. gay. make shorter. >numbers hurt. Function A is a x's. grug think Is a like or is A? nerd to explain. grug go fukfuk vronga now. <|endoftext|> grug like boob <|endoftext|> >member fire? >Grug member time when fire bad >fire good, Grug is still old dog at 22 cycles old ahahahhaha <|endoftext|> Uhg upgrading wall peesee, only grug wayst sundial gaymz, grug needz 2 bash grill head mayk3 bbz, not wayst sundial with bronze gaymz <|endoftext|> ug knows you larp grug vee gee ayy is 320 by 200 not 300 by 180 ug will bash you to death with ball mouse now grug <|endoftext|> grug use bronzedows now, here new painting <|endoftext|> painting of me grug and dog when grug on rockux <|endoftext|> grug brain say look pretty on front <|endoftext|> >works on my machine (tm) >almost free performance lol >isnt gibberish. if this went over your head, the gist of my tip was pic related keep using emacs though, it seems like a good fit for you, no-argument grug using paleosoftware etc <|endoftext|> >grug no understand big computer words >grug angry >grug want developer to remove feature because no understand Are you actually mentally incapable OP? <|endoftext|> >grug not hang with yellow tribe <|endoftext|> >not knowing what (you) denying is Fucking grug brain <|endoftext|> Imagine being so grug that you don't understand the political implications of this kind of language policing. If you really don't give a shit then shut up and code. <|endoftext|> Its Jaguar, grug brain. Its 8c/8t. <|endoftext|> Because people on /g/ are more tech savvy and frankly I find the discussion here more interesting. They also bitch about it not being retro enough. Which shitty model did you have? Let us know how it goes anon. Some of them like to bitch about it. I'm not a Europoor but search for them. I know Odroid has some listed on their website, idk about any of the other companies. Most of these you can order directly from China. You actually think the chinks give a shit? They openly steal top secret US military technology. You might be able to find a new display and I know there are backlight mods. You can use a flash cart for ROMs. Unless you care about nostalgia you're probably better off buying a handheld meant for emulation. >>muh latency >not an argument I'm sorry you're low IQ and have a grug tier reaction time. I can notice the latency and no, it isn't placebo. >>muh buttons >20$ chink pad, pic related fits in my pocket when it's not stretched Too bulky and kills phone battery life. You have to remove the case and put it back on afterwards every time you want to use it. *I have an important phone call, let me put this thing up to my ear and look like an idiot.* You can get a dedicated phone and controller set, but that gets expensive and you still have the latency problem. >>muh autism >only legitimate argument, these things are worthless unless you're building one from scratch and it's a tinkering project I'll admit, a lot of it is due to autism. <|endoftext|> Because people on /g/ are more tech savvy and frankly I find the discussion here more interesting. They also bitch about it not being retro enough. Which shitty model did you have? Let us know how it goes anon. Some of them like to bitch about it. I'm not a Europoor but search for them. I know Odroid has some listed on their website, idk about any of the other companies. Most of these you can order directly from China. You actually think the chinks give a shit? They openly steal top secret US military technology. You might be able to find a new display and I know there are backlight mods. You can use a flash cart for ROMs. Unless you care about nostalgia you're probably better off buying a handheld meant for emulation. >>muh latency >not an argument I'm sorry you're low IQ and have a grug tier reaction time. I can notice the latency and no, it isn't placebo. >>muh buttons >20$ chink pad, pic related fits in my pocket when it's not stretched Too bulky and kills phone battery life. You have to remove the case and put it back on afterwards every time you want to use it. *I have an important phone call, let me put this thing up to my ear and look like an idiot.* You can get a dedicated phone and controller set, but that gets expensive and you still have the latency problem. >>muh autism >only legitimate argument, these things are worthless unless you're building one from scratch and it's a tinkering project I'll admit, a lot of it is due to autism. <|endoftext|> >>What's the state of AI in 2020? > GRUG MAKE LOSS FUNCTION GO SMALL <|endoftext|> >4 cores 8 threads laughing at 4 cores 4 threads >in 2020 which more cores and threads matter Based Intel grug <|endoftext|> Ooga booga grug make wheel <|endoftext|> Ooga booga grug make wheel <|endoftext|> Ooga booga grug make wheel <|endoftext|> Ooga booga grug make wheel <|endoftext|> grug have rock grug wonder if rock can make rock do thing grug melt rock, and put invisible ouch waves in rock. <|endoftext|> All their big GPUs are either 300 or 295w. Welcome to the last decade, grug brain. <|endoftext|> BIG NUMBER GOOD GRUG NOT UNDERSTAND BIG NUMBER BUT GRUG LIKE <|endoftext|> >grug pay idiot tax to save time on undervolting >grug smart >grug likes modern ui <|endoftext|> >duh huh? grug no want family, grug have many rock damn linus i didnt know you where actually this dumb. I consider myself a brainlet and I would now consider you less intelligent than me. <|endoftext|> Thank you grug anon <|endoftext|> You're not alone, my fellow grug brother <|endoftext|> me being branlet is driving me insane, I cant even solve basic and easiest exercises, at codewars I couldnt solve even 1 fucking exercise at 8 kata, ffuck fuck fuck!! now I have to re read syntax and basics, I'll do it until I will see it in dreams so maybe something clicks inside my grug head <|endoftext|> >unga bunga grug need case because grug lack motion control required to not drop phone yikes... <|endoftext|> Grug no like orange bug. Grug think the gruggina tribe coming for his peepee. Grug paints on the wall with the older pebble. Older pebble good passed down through generations <|endoftext|> GRUG NEED BIG MEMORY <|endoftext|> >Me Last your in high school >Been thinking alot. > Like computers How about you drop the annoying meme shit and just ask your question without sounding like fucking Grug for starts <|endoftext|> hey at least madvr is just running a batch file and selecting it in the option. mpv involves some command typing shit which is too bigbrained for a grug like me <|endoftext|> GRUG WRITE CODE
from aocd.models import Puzzle

def checkDubs(numList):
 numListlen = len(numList)
 numList.append(' ')
 for i in range(1, numListlen):
 if numList[i] == numList[i-1]:
 if numList[i+1] != numList[i] and numList[i-2] != numList[i]:

def checkAscending(numList):
 sorLis = sorted(numList)
 if sorLis == numList:
def findDigitsBetween(start, end):
 passes = 0
 for i in range(start, end+1):
 passList = [int(j) for j in str(i)]
 if checkAscending(passList):
 if checkDubs(passList):
 passes = passes+1

if __name__ == '__main__':
 puzzle = Puzzle(year=2019, day=4)
 lower = int(puzzle.input_data[:6])
 upper = int(puzzle.input_data[7:])
 print(findDigitsBetween(lower, upper))

<|endoftext|> grug don't like new grug like old *grunt* <|endoftext|> >tfw working around the borrow checker me feel cnile grug now <|endoftext|> >Language evolves ok Grug <|endoftext|> grug SMART. me use complicated words!!! me NOT high schooler, because fancy sentence structure. grug would rather foggy up the meaning of my article than accept that the point of language is not aesthetics but to transmit information. <|endoftext|> pantsu makes grug need to coom <|endoftext|> GRUG MAKE APP <|endoftext|> from: Grug <|endoftext|> >current era >using sentinel value like a cnile grug caveman instead of sumtypes <|endoftext|> You're a smart chap Grug, you'll figure it out. <|endoftext|> Grug confused isn't regular 2080ti already more than current cpu can handle? <|endoftext|> GRUG GIRL GRUG PROGRAM <|endoftext|> grug no like UEFI <|endoftext|> Need help with partitioning and installing GRUG on an UEFI system. Managed to connect it to the internet, set the kb layout and set the clock but I cant install the bootloader. I want to arch linux alongside windows 10. I have 40g of free space. What do I do? <|endoftext|> Okay faggots explain this to me: We all agree that in order for this to do anything, the radiation has to interact with matter, right? Molecules, right? Okay. Suppose you want to vibrationally excite a molecule. What kind of vibration even CAN be excited by this? What biochemical processes are assumed to be affected? Explicitly. Don't give me that brainlet "grug threw mice at the problem" shit. In the meantime I'll try to estimate the kind of bonding situations we are even looking at. <|endoftext|> More like you're too galaxy brained when names like `vt' and `scr' with incoherent bitbashing for some serial interface is perfectly obvious to the grug EE major <|endoftext|> grug crush baby processor <|endoftext|> >stability >lightweight >minimal thing grug like >bloated thing grug no like <|endoftext|> seething grug-brained smart man <|endoftext|> Does anyone even offer any reasonably priced compact phones any more? As far as I can tell, all the small phones are either worthlessly cheap featuring hardware from 2012 or pointlessly expensive, and anything at the $200-400 sweet spot has to have a fucking full size TV panel strapped to it because GRUG LIKE BIG NUMBERS ON SPEC SHEET, user ergonomics be damned. <|endoftext|> GRUG DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY PEBBLEGRUG MAKE NEW PEBBLE OLD PEBBLE MUST BE GOOD BECAUSE GRUG SEE NO CRACK <|endoftext|> OLD PEBBLE GOOD BECAUSE GRUG NO SEE CRACK. ROCK GOOD GRUG HAPPY <|endoftext|> GRUG SMART GRUG CHECK PEBBLE INSTEAD OF PEBBLEGRUG GRUG KNOWS PEBBLE BETTER THAN PEBBLEGRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG COPY PASTE PEBBLES PEBBLE GOT CRACKS GRUG DON'T KNOW GRUG DON'T SEE THEREFORE NO CRACK IN ROCK GRUG HAPPY <|endoftext|> GRUG WAKE UP GRUG CHECK FOR UPDATES GRUG WRITE DOWN IN ROCK GRUG SUMMON NEW API GRUG SEE ROCK BREAK GRUG GO BACK GRUG SPEND UNTIL SUNSET GRUG NOW USE ROCK NOW <|endoftext|> >downloading the source code off the programmers website GRUG COPY PASTE GRUG GET NO STABLE PATCH GRUG SMART <|endoftext|> I love how the other guy is just cringing at his GRUG SMASH approach to disassembly <|endoftext|> >why modern human throw food in bin? Grug never waste berries - modern human lazy, no longer care about food optimisation <|endoftext|> grugs kde no work make grug angry grug use ubuntu now <|endoftext|> It runs android, grug. rock is not best home <|endoftext|> Also I'm kind of a grug brain. Can I broadcast two shares? Like keep the existing SMB in place as a back up. Also I have no clue how to set up a nfs, can I still connect to them on windows via mounting the share? <|endoftext|> grug hand grug hand <|endoftext|> >be me >kill a literal gnu, drag it home to family cave so slave wife can cook it >fat bearded grug in red loincloth walks up and stops me on my way to my cave >he tells me that because the spear I used to hunt the gnu was made from magic rocks that I must share the meat with the entire tribe >I tell him that he was not on the hunt and is not family, so he does not get any meat >him and the free berry foundation demand that we meet before the tribal elders to settle this dispute >my face when bearded grug is awarded my entire gnu <|endoftext|> But grug will die without fire. <|endoftext|> >go to linusrocktips >tells grug to buy new i-rock >pay 1000 berries >i-rock has eyes >triggers grug's trypophobia FUCKING ROCK SUCKS! <|endoftext|> sure, different tools are suited for different jobs, nobody is arguing that. the real argument is which tools are better for a certain type of task. when you have multiple languages that can fulfill a certain niche, picking the best one in that niche can spark lots of discussions. for example, lets look at backend web development. two popular options include python with flask, and java with spring boot. people will argue over which one is better by pointing out differences in typing, configuration/convention, building, CI pipelines, testing, database connectivity, etc. There's a whole lot out there beyond "grug like curly braces". <|endoftext|> >So according to this all of what you are about to say is stupid shit that you could've said about my original remarks about Erlang: >it's a shittier version of lisp because it's whole-module-level only whereas lisp has much better granularity I'm sure that your extensive Emacs experience of monkeypatching single functions in libraries led you to this thought, but you and it are fucking stupid and wrong. >It also doesn't allow arbitrary code execution outside of module scope grug visit city grug see city have walls and moat grug laugh stupid city people live inside walls and moat grug not need this (tragically, grug was later killed in his sleep by a boar) >no concept of conditions and restarts while grug at city, grug see "treh boo shay" grug have sling treh boo shay obviously worse version of sling <|endoftext|> Grug like glowing lights, paper say grug smart for liking lights <|endoftext|> >the virgin shutdown >the chad grug yank <|endoftext|> >g can never solve this because it can't be solved. there's not enough information available. >grug have 2 rock >rock different but look same >how grug get rich? >grugs tribe no solve grug problem <|endoftext|> >5 courses about the longnose tribe Grug thinks something funny about longnose <|endoftext|> >can't use cad software False >can't play good videogames Subjective but still false >can't use excel or word. Bootleg office is shit What is Wine; office suites are bloat >random internet scripts fuck up the entire system What >impossible to set up printers False >your program crashed, anon? just re-install the whole fucking OS. It works for me :) Grug-tier solution >you have to settle for the bootleg version of professional software False >duuude just install gentoo, that one actually works ;) Meme Here's your (You), don't spend it all in one place. <|endoftext|> But grug, gnome is a gnu project. I dont think stallman dislikes it <|endoftext|> I take it you never experienced the difference between JS and PCRE/PCRE2. Fucking JS doesn't even have recursion, even Grug would find it primitive. <|endoftext|> >grug, this fire just cooks up food, it's not some path to civilization. literally you rn. Because fire lead to things of certain magnitude, means data analytics will lead to things of a similar magnitude. To end this conservation, data analytics are great. Go "full steam ahead" into that domain and try to develop a more useful technique in areas like medical diagnosis, weather modelling, economic forecast, and such, you know, things that will actually improve society. What you aren't doing, however, is laying the first stone on the path toward the singularity by creating a clever weather modelling algorithm. Also, you can have your cake. Nothing is stopping your from anthropomorphizing a chat bot and convincing yourself it's your girlfriend. People have done this since ELIZA. Load up a chatbot and carry on, my man. <|endoftext|> seethe more, grug. fire just makes food, it's not path to civ. <|endoftext|> >what would disagree is that if an organism took billions of years to learn how to do something that's what evolution is. notice how bacteria can't do what we do. > you and I would not be having this conservation because evolution would not have occurred since the organism would've instantly died if didn't know what to do what is natural selection? most don't and die off. think about it this way, randomly generating billions of neural nets some will be able to do tasks without back-propagation. then the ones that survive the threshold reproduce. it's like in neuroevolution. >That is logical, reasonable improvement in data analytics. Not the start toward some singularity. grug, this fire just cooks up food, it's not some path to civilization. literally you rn. >Yep. This is what it's all about, isn't it? did you have any doubts? lmao. <|endoftext|> >If you aren't the master of every single invention you use you shouldn't use it t. grug <|endoftext|> Grug also feel these way <|endoftext|> grug boot when grug want to <|endoftext|> >systend Grug strikes again. <|endoftext|> grug moment <|endoftext|> So that's why Arch wasn't booting, I named it intead of , fuck that made me laugh <|endoftext|> Me use of newest iStone tablet, Grug happy draw many Unga Bunga. <|endoftext|> ctrl-f the thread you're in >grug only use algool language >grug not really know why python here too >grug finally get job, go to work >grug asked to talk to something called 'database' >database no use algol language (not python either) >grug sad, confused, angry <|endoftext|> >grug no like way scooter look >grug SMASH puny scooter <|endoftext|> Grug want to kill grog faster Grug make big gun Grug make big rocket Grug fight grog to space <|endoftext|> perhaps Grug had a special reason <|endoftext|> >using C style legacy garbage "arrays" when std::array exists Go back to your caveman language, faggot grug <|endoftext|> I would. The 5700 is so low power that the vapor chamber blower works fine. It's just the XT blower that's too loud. Red Devil are probably going to continuously sell out for an entire month straight. AMD buyers tend to research which models to get and they know to get that one. >Is this about the CPU thing? It's shit for everything, m8. You expect McDonalds to serve good lobster? For example, it doesn't measure iop/s, load times, throttling, etc, just useless synthetics. >Evo >They are the (((marketing))) leaders grug brain From what I've heard, the MPG runs pretty hot and has higher than usual power consumption. BIOS will probably fix it in time, but if you want something that just werkz now get the tomahawk max. Pretty much anything works fine with Zen2 but Micron E-die is best value. <|endoftext|> >grug think types bad NOBODY CARES <|endoftext|> >big battery sets fire after being deformed GRUG UPSET <|endoftext|> Maybe if you're a grug brained retard who has had his mind ravaged by onions & IPAs <|endoftext|> To help Grug shitpost faster on 4chan. <|endoftext|> You mean Grug doesn't need to transcode VR porn? <|endoftext|> grug have better processor it mean grug have bigger rock having bigger rock mean grug have bigger cock femgrug like bigger cock <|endoftext|> If all Grug do is browse 4chan and watch porn, why processor speed matter? <|endoftext|> to many options for grug <|endoftext|> >Clever man bad >Grug good <|endoftext|> Grug like this cavepainting <|endoftext|> grug should buy external rock drive <|endoftext|> dilate grug nation-states are an outdated and inefficient method of governance <|endoftext|> >intellectual property this is grug tool grug spend many suns thinking of tool therefore is grug tool <|endoftext|> >if you go to a fast food restaurant and hand them your debit card holy fuck you're a literal fucking brainelt grug retard amerishart >How the fuck am I suppose to sanely use my debit card by not letting someone walk away with it <|endoftext|> only retards care about number of packages, it's the same with marketing you start using metrics that don't matter because grug brain recognizes easy thing and feels like an expert <|endoftext|> Grug import wheel.js! <|endoftext|> Grug no want improve programs we have Grug want invent wheel <|endoftext|> >std::vector<herp::derp::randomlylongnamespace::grug>::const_iterator pGrug = myGrugs.begin(); ... If this is what your code looks like without auto you probably shit in the street. <|endoftext|> >be writing iterator loop >std::vector<herp::derp::randomlylongnamespace::grug>::const_iterator pGrug = myGrugs.begin(); ... >auto pGrug = myGrugs.begin(); damn i have no idea what this could possibly be <|endoftext|> JavaScript is not subhuman friendly, he will just try do 0.1 + 0.2 one day and will come here because of his extreme anger and confusion >GRUG NOT KNOW DOUBLE POINT >GRUG ANGERY <|endoftext|> Anon quick, look at my list. i need it to run Wow classic, witcher3, civ5, gta 5, Burn dvd's for my boomer neighbor. My original list was 2440, now its 1660, i'll upgrade the ram, card and the monitors in 2020 and the CPU when this one becomes as grug as i am. thanks /g/ with your blessing, ill spend my wagie bucks this weekend. <|endoftext|> I'm grug brain, does this raw dog me or is it a small issue i can solve when faced with my product. it sounds like a small issue that i should be able to work around, yea? <|endoftext|> Guys Guys! I came up with a less grug brain money burner build! come poke it with sticks and tell me how to improve. Needs: wow classic, witcher 3, Cities skylines, Civ5, Gta5. Burn DVDS for my boomer neighbor, will upgrade some stuff in 2020 around feb. <|endoftext|> slow down im grug brain. <|endoftext|> >he doesn’t twist his cooler before he rips it off like grug <|endoftext|> >grug program computer >grug use lisp mean grug is big brain <|endoftext|> grug break shit. grug strong <|endoftext|> grug would like to make talk right now. what you say is linrocks is not linrocks it is grugnu/linrocks, or what grug now calls it grugnu with linrocks. linrocks is not just big rockerating system it is part of big grugnu system with gruglibs, shells, rocktools and vital rock components which make full rockerating system which ROCKIX would say yes about. many rockputer grugs use grugnu every time sun is up. but for some reason grugnu is called linrocks and everygrug is not knowing that they using grugnu system which was made by grugnu project. linrocks is real and grugs use it but it is just part of big system. linrocks is the rockernel. the part in system that tells rockware what to do with pebbles. rockernel is big part of rockerating system but not good alone. linrocks is used with grugnu rockerating system. whole system is grugnu with linrocks or grugnu/linrocks. all linrocks things are gnu/linrocks things. <|endoftext|> >literally clicking rocks together still, it's just that this time these are hihg impact radioactive rocks Grug find strange heavy rock Grug put more strange rock together Grug find strange rocks very warm Grug hair fall out Grug angry Grug smash strange rock together. <|endoftext|> mouth noise mean different thing in other language is funny to grug <|endoftext|> ooh, baby grug smash <|endoftext|> I finally finished a small project that took much longer than it should've /dpt/, I think I've become a shitter. >original problem: Wanted a program to track videos/podcasts so I wasn't using notepad++ (manual entry's fine) >using C# It should be easy right? I just need to drag and drop files onto a datagridview, enter the time and deal with saving/loading with json or xml or something. What could go wrong? >decide to add a custom control >adding a custom control to a winforms datagridview column is like pulling teeth apparently >3 inherited classes later I've got the EDIT state right >find out there's no way to change the original visual state of the column short of drawing a fucking bmp >still doesn't work, every row has the same data for some reason >after over 4 weeks of slamming my head onto the keyboard for about 1 hour a day I decide to drop winforms for wpf since I've seen some very easy solutions to this problem >never used it before but what could go wrong? >you can't access the rows easily programatically >gotta bind it >never done binding before >1 week of trying to wrap my head around binding (about 2-3 hours a day at this stage) >like 4 rewritten controls later and I finally get a version binding correctly inside a DataGrid >smooth sailing from then on >finish it and realize my user control could use its own user control to lessen copying/pasting This shit took me over a god damn month. I'm a grug brain aren't I. /blog <|endoftext|> grug no understand how to use green arrows if grug already have good ditches new ones not for him but maybe grug can use more ditches for plant work new ones for people who still have sand and ivy in ditches <|endoftext|> >grug make water ditch smaller >why water go faster and more whirly? >grug no understand <|endoftext|> It's ok grug, you wouldn't understand. <|endoftext|> what do other grug think of barry pi IIII grug think it no good old rock will do better and cost less berries <|endoftext|> grug smart. soon grug will no longer be a rocklet and save many berries for long cold season <|endoftext|> >only 8 rock grug is rocklet <|endoftext|> grug think you dumb no such thing as too many rock <|endoftext|> grug have 8 rock when grog have 16 rock grug think 16 rock too many rock <|endoftext|> Quake III came out many berry seasons ago it will run on most rocks Grug will spend many berries soon on rockzen cuz grug still on rocktel 2500 <|endoftext|> grug buy rockzen for quick multirock task <|endoftext|> Grug buy Introck because it perform better in Quake III. <|endoftext|> >grug like rockzen and rocktel >both make good rock >rocktel ask too many berry lately while rockzen dont >tribe like rockzen now, no rocktel >grug want rocktel to be good again >healthy competition good <|endoftext|> ROCKZEN? GRUG NO LIKE GRUG BUY ROCKTEL™ BECAUSE IT GOODER IN BERRY HARVESTING <|endoftext|> >grug rock was fast but not safe. rock makers make grug rock slow. grug mad grug gave many berries for slow rock!! <|endoftext|> >> back in grog day we make our own rock for no berry get with times old grug new rock has multirock with sametime multstoning you say that last barry season and still no happen <|endoftext|> >grug think rockzen II better then rocktel cuz it has more rock for less berries <|endoftext|> >too stupid to use a ZIF socket >applies grug force to CPU, blames the socket when he breaks things <|endoftext|> German, English linux of course. Somebody else consumes basically 80% of all media in English anyway and even doesnt hear a 'conscious' difference between English and native anymore, but still talks English like a grug? <|endoftext|> >gnome grug confused by config files <|endoftext|> Grug doesn't care about producing meaningful work, grug only cares about video game FPS. This is why Google Stadia or a similar system will eventually winover the grugs of the market. Grugs don't care about technology, grugs care about video game FPS. The moment Statia/etc gives grugs their targeted FPS is the moment grugs leave. Maybe Stadia will fail, but one of its successors won't. Grugs don't care about botnet, grugs care about video game FPS. If video game FPS isn't the sole passion of grug, it is one of his main ones. 95% of you are grug. <|endoftext|> Sure thing, Grug. Just don't bug me to use your shitty stone-stick, when I've bought a vastly superior stone-stick that can kill ninety-three times as many Neanderthals. <|endoftext|> >end op give grug money fix stick <|endoftext|> >stick breaks >grug fix stick, tells longbeard tribe how to fix stick >longbeard trible tells others how to fix stick >most cavement are fixing stick >smallsoft tribe says grug no fix stick, grug trade more shiny stone for them for new stick >grug no trade more stone, fixed stick good >smallsoft trible says fixing stick is just like building more smoke huts grug no understand <|endoftext|> grug cave only covered by verizon® <|endoftext|> >Grug no need proprietary stone-stick from verysmallsoft tribe >Grug make stone-stick from big wood wood tree >Grug no care if stone-stick bad or many work >Grug make it himself, it be good <|endoftext|> >grug wanna buy op7p >some proportion of op7p turn to rock >grug can already get rock free around cave grug want explain <|endoftext|> Wait, LaTex? You couldn't run some pre generated latex? >Grug no like complex printer. Grug just use chisel and rock, they not fail. <|endoftext|> VLC or a browser that supports it. Available on the App Store. >to listen to 96kb/s streams from spoopify Lmao you can literally listen lossless on both Spotify and Apple Music these days. >i'm sure your instagram following cares a lot anon Not everyone is a shut-incel like you. Also video quality matters too :). >no one cares about fortnite benchmarks Is that all Angroids think about? GAYMES!? >faster at what ? Editing video, editing music, editing photos, browsing, watching high quality media, streaming music, booting, changing menus, opening apps. Not to mention better at AR features. >i'd love to have a 720p screen actually, would save even more battery life Poorfag cope. >? You know what sensors in a phone are, retard. >i don't plan on using my phone for 5 years, i tend not to baby them too much, Ahh a retarded Grug. ME SMASH PHONE LIKE BIG MAN I BUY NEW ONE ONLY ONE FIFTY DOLLA Get a job and stop being poor. >buying a 1st gen product Oof. <|endoftext|> >grug only walk on dirt road >grug tried cobblestone road >grug think cobblestone good, grug no understand why cavemen say cobblestone bad <|endoftext|> grug like stickers <|endoftext|> >disable updates UPDATE BAD VULNERABILITY GOOD GRUG WANT TO SECURITY >pays $300 to ransomware <|endoftext|> grug put fire-rock in glacier to make cave painting go faster <|endoftext|> Grug still not understand why modern man attach rockets to flying bird when you already have airplanes capable of nearly escaping the atmosphere. <|endoftext|> Based and grug pilled. <|endoftext|> i love this timeline so much. only way for it to get better is when i get a gf. plz no bulli, grug have dick, grug want seks. <|endoftext|> I CALL IT THUMB DRIVE BECAUSE IT SIZE OF GRUG THUMB <|endoftext|> "Grug don't like the verysmallnothard tribe. Grug make everything himself with hands and many step. Grug more smart than you." <|endoftext|> Grug like classics like Fallout New Vegas and Dark Souls!! <|endoftext|> >I got mad and punched the thing so goddamn hard Grug smash <|endoftext|> ah sheesh. Being irradiated improves your lifespan? who knew. LIVE LONGER, WITH DIFFERENT TUMORS! Its like they were just trying to find something, anything positive by that stage, isn't it? NOW for positively the last fucking time. That is NOT 'MY SOURCE' It was ADDITIONALLY linked as it was SIMILAR TO the original study, which was in German. I'm assuming you can't read German, hab ich recht? THAT study was less keen on putting a positive sheen on everything than the US one, but, as we know from American 'investigative' authorities, whether its FDA 'regulating' GMOs, FAA 'regulating' Boeing, or Ajit Paid and the FCC 'regulating' Comcast & Co.. who pays the piper gets the results. I'm surprised they even admitted it gave rats tumors, this after 10 years and $30m. >grug tier brainlet yes, its a shame I dont have any UP-TO-DATE studies to provide, on the ACTUAL dangers of 5G. Isnt it. They seem to have stopped producing them, some reason. Or, they wont announce the results. Maybe, testing on things bigger than rats be problematic, after all <|endoftext|> You seem really angry there bud, high cholesterol? Maybe you should expose yourself to some delicious high quality 3G RFR? Which is KNOWN to increase your life expectancy. >Is da joooz trying to increase my life expectancy???? THANKS JOOZ! THIS IS FROM YOUR OWN SOURCE HAHAHHA Literal grug tier brainlet right here <|endoftext|> Yeah, I'm thinking OP went full on GRUG MAD GRUG SMASH WAAAARRRRGGG after losing a Fortnite game or someshit like that. What a fucking waste OP. <|endoftext|> >Men of different colour make grug mad! <|endoftext|> >ME GRUG, ME SMASH TINY PHONE AGAINST ROCK >WHY GRUG PHONE BREAK?? GRUG MAD! Take care of your things. Hell, even drop tests generally show that caseless phones do much better than one would expect from falls, yet people somehow manage to completely wreck their expensive devices within minutes. Never once had an incident with any phone I've owned. <|endoftext|> >EXACT FUCKING SAME processor Unga bunga, me Grug think SoC is only hardware <|endoftext|> How did you know my name was Grug? <|endoftext|> >grug no understand thing >thing must be stupid because grug is not stupid <|endoftext|> >scandal Grug confused too. Grug no break. Grug no fix. Grug no trust.Grug like lion. <|endoftext|> >board overflowing with browser threads >out of the blue, every anon is saying all chrome forks are apparently vulnerable now really make grug wonder <|endoftext|> boomers don't like it because grug think new bad and old good <|endoftext|> >be grug >put ram in slot, but hard, because only go in one way! >break many ram when try to put in slot >put ram right! why ram so hard. many ram ram break for what? ram should go one way! not two! <|endoftext|> males just go for it ala grug, females fake it just to get attention, hence they survive <|endoftext|> >install devuan >works exactly the same as debian did, except it takes longer to boot up >a couple of packages don't know to detect devuan as being the same as debian so they don't work right >otherwise, it's literally exactly the same as debian, just with an assortment of mild inconveniences really make grug wonder <|endoftext|> grug is very based and smart for a caveman. <|endoftext|> grug no like systemd systemd bad grug no like gnome gnome bad <|endoftext|> >being a caveman with a computer in 2019 grug no like videos <|endoftext|> Why would anyone capture a by value parameter as a reference This blog post is so fucking retarded, you have to be a textbook case of mentally disabled to do these things >grug stab grug in eye >why grug eye hurt <|endoftext|> me no understand me very angry me hate thing me say funny words grug <|endoftext|> -internet of shit, smart home gimmicks (Alexa, smart appliances etc. Grug need no chip in cold box) -antisocial media, save for a twitter acc with fake name and email to follow some crap -instant messengers died for me with MSN -paid video streaming (netflix etc) -mobile phone NCF payments -"""""""""""self-driving"""""""""""""""" vehicles -smartphones with no SD slot. "Non-replaceable" battery is a turnoff, but at worst I can be disassemble and replace it, no big deal. <|endoftext|> Grug-brained C weenies can't handle anything more abstract than their virtual PDP-11 <|endoftext|> >Killing bad >Slaving for master good Grug moves rocks Grug gets paid in shells Shells buy fruit Grug happy <|endoftext|> I mean you could say stuff like MacOS or Windows is rolling release, but that's just being pedantic. Most of these complaints are >i-it does stuff differently than Windows/Mac!! That means it's shit Try actually developing stuff on Windows, it's hell. >excessive variety >more choice is bad grug want one option only even if shit <|endoftext|> here's another: Meh. She -has- contributed a bit of meaningful work. From her commit messages: >adding functions to image using chirp methods - linearization of bispectrum energy, continous image representation, patch priors >changed the calculation of the total flux in linearize_energy so that it doesnt debias the amplitudes. >added the ability to control the gain of each telescope by specifying a dictionary of telescope names and associated gain offsets as percentages >added plotting routines for comparing caltables and also for averaging caltables and inverting gains >added a new way of dealing with cutting 0 baselines when computing closure phases. It only works if you call count=min-cut0bl along with uv_min set during the call. >added the ability to cut 0 baselines for bispectra and have the right minimal set >added function to figure out the amt of systematic noise you need to add to get to a chisq of 1 But that's literally it. Everything else is grug work and plotting chrome you could get from a CompSci undergrad. And for the above she also had a fair bit of handhoding, as other lines in the log show. I mean. Without this work you wouldn't have the nice image, which was the point of the entire project. But it's like hailing the guy who engineered the windshield gasket as the guy who designed the car. <|endoftext|> Back to Page 10, I guess a special agent Grug didn't finish his investigation here, need to track some anon a little bit more <|endoftext|> is everything normal here, or am i just paranoid and grug brain tier? (don't laugh if drew over details i didn't need to) <|endoftext|> I have a couple VPN questions. Waded through all the shilling and paid reviews a few months ago and decided to buy a 2 year subscription with ExpressVPN However ever since then there's one issue that's pissing me off. I've set it to run the program on startup, and automatically connect to the server I was last using, as well as that kill switch option thing that disconnects you if the VPN drops out. However every so often automatic startup processes/services do not run when I boot up my PC. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't. There doesn't seem to be a pattern. Afterwards I'll go back into the ExpressVPN options and they will have reverted to unchecked. I know it's a cardinal sin, but yes I am using Windows 10 right now. Every time this happens I'll spend a few minutes searching online to try and find an answer but it seems this isn't an issue people have with ExpressVPN (or in general with VPNs). Is this just me being full grug brain boomer? Is there some conflict with my Windows settings or elsewhere? The startup process shows up both in Task Manager and Revo Uninstaller, and subsequently vanish the next time it doesn't load. It's either some really stupid setting i've overlooked, or it's Windows 10 being Mossad and deliberately doing it. I imagine both are just as likely as each other. Second question isn't really much of a concern but I am curious. Say if I set my VPN server location to UK - Wembley, why do I seem to get different IP locations when I try to check it. For example pic related has one website telling me the server is right in the City of London some distance away from Wembley, whereas if I allow Google Maps to access my Location, it thinks I'm up in Scotland in the middle of nowhere. Like literally in the countryside away from any towns. Incidently, my actual location is in Scotland, between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Just a guess, but could this be Google somehow getting "confused" and just giving my a generalised location in the UK? <|endoftext|> something tell grug stick hub not real stick hub <|endoftext|> >only CPU without VT-d in the entire i7 4th gen line Literally the WORST fucking CPU ever. I regret to this day I fell for this gay ass meme. t. 4770K grug @ 4.8GHz Nice vidya and raw performance tho <|endoftext|> grug buy red rock to carve frame no buy green rock for grug cave <|endoftext|> grug like old hunting games. <|endoftext|> >grug speak noun+verb >every abstraction is noun+verb <|endoftext|> grug thankful for advice grug have windows 10 installed on computer. how get ubuntu without delete windows? grug cannot be bamboozled into throwing sys32 into sacrifical fire <|endoftext|> grug tired of having small brain grug want to be magic fireplace wizard grug want to learn C++ grug download visual studio and pdf of programming: principles and practice grug notice visual studio is mammoth-sized pain in rear end for small hello world-tier programming what good alternative for grug? <|endoftext|> Grug cogitate that stupid people like you need skulls bashed in. <|endoftext|> >grug no like technology <|endoftext|> also don't forget the best regular expression engine since grug groked his first .* <|endoftext|> grug good, systemd less feature <|endoftext|> >grug not think anon-grug like girl-grugs <|endoftext|> >stick not straight >year of twin rocks and 19 mamoths grug not think anon-grug like girl-grugs <|endoftext|> Stick is teknogy. What stick /gee/ like? Grug like long bendy stick with many branches. That kind of stick sting more when hit ungabungas. <|endoftext|> grug install grub grub no work grug back caveholes 10 <|endoftext|> >hurr grug need high framerate ultra in single player cinematic corridor game <|endoftext|> Grug not see point in lightning box when grug head work just as fast <|endoftext|> >grug see zug making wheel >grug make wheel >grug is thief No. It is not stealing, but rather copying. <|endoftext|> >Grug Shaders <|endoftext|> >waaa make game hard on grug grug! Fucking zoomers. <|endoftext|> Are you always logged in as root? Less than Debian, though. Yeah, you could. Not an issue if you don't spend all of your time staring blankly at screenfetches Grug won argument <|endoftext|> A grugberg saw the opportunity to get profit from other grugs. >Grug have many stone and meat it would be bad if someone stole it while you are hunting. >Grugberg's cave is safe you can move it all there and I will watch it, you only have to give grugberg some >Grugberg knows there's a 50/50 chance grug may be killed while hunting <|endoftext|> Grug need wallpaper to thinky home <|endoftext|> Someone please post the one-eyed grug meme it's identical <|endoftext|> «Type safety» means a language has no «undefined behavior» you absolute ignorant mutt. Python has no undefined behavior, stupid Grug++. <|endoftext|> Grug take offense to this. delet or Grug smash <|endoftext|> grug think loonix bad. only good for open source and poor people. grug use iphone. <|endoftext|> >Grug's jokes <|endoftext|> Grug not use Grub Now Grug use Grub for first time Grug not hear beep boop <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE CORNERLESS SQUARE <|endoftext|> grug zoomer <|endoftext|> V80 HAS BASS. GRUG LIKE BASS. BASS GOOD you want this and this BAM $32.64 ! <|endoftext|> >way back >hunga durga 1 0 1 0 >grug make logic >FF many time >hmm how can calculate more >what if big logic >charl baber make big logic >FF very much >ah fuk assembly is hard >hmm wat if abstract the assmble? >lol xD 4chan >FF some more of it >hmm m'beard >uh what if include featur n stuff >ah ye am denis rich >FF mor >heh fuck fags >what if you could abstract to like abstract concept >woah wow >java is a thing lets uh...lets call it uh, uh, scripted java >FF againly >huh mayb could improve feature- >NO FUCK YOU USE C BECAUSE OTHERWISE ITS BAD YOU ARE BAD IT IS BAD DO NOT DO IT USE C USE C THIS IS THE BEST ADVICE TRUST ME >um ok >this hard >no bye <|endoftext|> A lot of Grug's got burned before we got a decent understanding of fire. <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK >GRUG SHIT IN WATER >GRUG SPREAD CHEMICALS IN WATER >GRUG SMART <|endoftext|> longbose tribe try to get systemd into grug cave. grug no like systemd, glow in dark grugs look at grug during night. grug want sysv back, no glow in dark grugs with it. <|endoftext|> >systemd bad >grug no like progress >grug want back unix philosophy <|endoftext|> FUCK THING AND THING USERS. GRUG NO LIKE THING. <|endoftext|> that made grug's brain hurt! <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE CAVE SOUND CAVE HAVE ECHO <|endoftext|> grug ask who knocks! <|endoftext|> grug hear noise <|endoftext|> so GIMI is a child of grug and spurdo can we go even more retarded than this? <|endoftext|> Hello grug <|endoftext|> >grug bang bang rock together >rocks bang fast rocks overrocks, very hot, very rock, very nice <|endoftext|> >>I don't use languages "for no reason". I use C because I don't have to think about the million different tools I have. >There is a reason other languages have "a million tools"... Have fun sorting through the million tools and not getting anything done. >>Almost like going to a store to get candy and there is so much variety that you just stand there thinking long hard what sweets you want. >Only literal children think this way. Guess that says a lot about you. I was trying to give a simple analogy to real life. >>Similar with C++. In C, I'm strictly limited to my tools and that is a good thing. Less thinking, more coding. >>hurr durr thinking is so hard, grug want code!!!11 >No, it's not a good thing. If you're working on real, challenging problems, 90% of your time is, or should be, spent on thinking, designing and analyzing, not smashing the >keyboard until it works. That's why you get overwhelmed by a large toolset. Your workflow is incredibly basic and primitive. You play around with code until you start to see patterns and where you can extract code into functions or structs/classes. You explore different ways to particular task when you're satisfied, you refactor into an abstraction. Then you incrementally do this until you've built your final project. The first implementation of a task does not need to be the best. It just needs to work and you can improve it later. My workflow is not "basic" or "primitive" its working smart. <|endoftext|> >Ad Hominem Attacks... again. That's not an "ad hominem". That's an insult, and a recommendation. Learn the difference. >I'm not appealing to Linus Torvalds Yes you are. You're deliberately avoiding making an argument yourself and merely stating "Uhm... X is an authority on the matter and disagrees with you, therefore he must be right". That's quite literally the definition of appeal to authority. >I don't use languages "for no reason". I use C because I don't have to think about the million different tools I have. There is a reason other languages have "a million tools". They often make your life easier and let you accomplish your goal faster and often better. Feeling overwhelmed by having lots of tools at your disposal could mean you're just a low functioning autist. >Absolutely not. If you have too many tools to choose from then get easily distracted from your actual work. You don't get "distracted from your actual work". By ignoring them, you are reinventing the wheel for the millionth time, which is the illusion of work. You are effectively spending extra time creating nothing of value where you could have already delivered a complete, well made work in a lot less time. >Almost like going to a store to get candy and there is so much variety that you just stand there thinking long hard what sweets you want. Only literal children think this way. Guess that says a lot about you. >Similar with C++. In C, I'm strictly limited to my tools and that is a good thing. Less thinking, more coding. >hurr durr thinking is so hard, grug want code!!!11 No, it's not a good thing. If you're working on real, challenging problems, 90% of your time is, or should be, spent on thinking, designing and analyzing, not smashing the keyboard until it works. That's why you get overwhelmed by a large toolset. Your workflow is incredibly basic and primitive. <|endoftext|> 32gb due to C++ bloat. Chrome memory usage from binary size. Maybe you be smart grug and make QUAKE engine render html and interpret javascript in 32mb. <|endoftext|> Grug no mirror data arrays? <|endoftext|> 1965: >Every two years computers become half the size, isn't technology great? 2018: >WHY COMPUTER TOO SMALL? GRUG WANT BIG MAN COMPUTER! <|endoftext|> >tfw grug just want cave to go back to wheel making talk <|endoftext|> grug no trust man who paint cave with frog grug think maybe he go back to redhill <|endoftext|> This is cringey. >go out and do something with your life instead of being inside and doing something >Grrr inside bad outside good me no like inside. Inside for lazy people. Grug no have concept of value if I'm not constantly comparing myself to other outside people. Grug self worth is solely dependent on what outside people think of me. Grug no want to live if he may be seen as inside person. Grug no want to live if outside people no think Grug is valuable. The NPC shit is supposed to be a dead meme not a reality you shit eating sheep. You keep listening to worker drone boomers lie to you about how your only value in life is to work like a slave to your death. You're an individual. Be a good person to others and yourself and you can do no wrong. <|endoftext|> This is what you obsolescence tards get. >grug think flat circle bad and old >grug only use hard hard rock for move drawing >grug ANGRY at smart rock spirit shaman for remove flat thing use in Wundinga <|endoftext|> Grug remember good old days! Grug no need gui! Grug edit video just as efficient! <|endoftext|> >What you described is antithetical to a stable distro How? It's literally what Slackware is. Just a "grug no like new things" static vanilla distro with no unique features, qol or particularly good community that Patrick updates once in a blue moon. >I'll guarantee you I make more a year than you do >the fact you only talk about finances and the job market shows a hefty level of insecurity Kek, I was talking about distros' real world use, not mine or your finances or job market. But it's nice to see I've hit bullseye, seething neeteroni. >Trying to gauge technology on it's real world uses is stupid. That's literally the only thing that matters in tech, you delusional tard. I really fucking rest my case here: Slackware is perfect for terminal imbeciles who don't even understand the basic purpose of technology at large. >samefagging this poorly Upvoted. <|endoftext|> >should grug read clay tablet or go to web academy with berrypickers chadunga thinks this depends on grug. If grug has basic knowledge of coding/scripting, grug can use clay and man/doc tablets to make projects and learn. if grug green and new, maybe learn with berrypickers, learn how to hunt, then move on to clay tablets. chadunga suggests doing some projects from /dpt/ roll picture, grug must take gauge of current skills. <|endoftext|> grug will build statue in chadunga honour for this aid may chadunga survive winter and thrive <|endoftext|> grug thank chadunga for help but grug not know how start learn c even should grug read clay tablet or go to web academy with berrypickers <|endoftext|> grug dunga, learn C because C is statically and weakly typed. This help grug dunga learn what happens under the rock. grug dunga learn how bugs and grubs work underneath rock. Then grug dunga move on to C++. easier time for grug dunga. <|endoftext|> grug dunga want know how learn c and why learn c instead of c++ <|endoftext|> >GRAG MAKES STATEMENT GRUG NO LIKE >MUST PROJECT AND INVENT STATEMENTS GRAG NEVER MADE <|endoftext|> >GRUG USE LOONIX >THEREFORE GRUG SMART <|endoftext|> >grug miss time when food was free >if grug saw deer he hunt and eat it, now grug have to pay for bread at bread store <|endoftext|> spritzer say grug wrong. grug make money by offer acceptable price. spritzer no like. spritzer claim grug dangerous. that teach grug. <|endoftext|> dad give grug stickrock grug use stickrock to smash <|endoftext|> why grug need learn english. computer make words for grug. <|endoftext|> grug is actually the best thing that could have happened to this subreddit <|endoftext|> I have math nerds creating libraries for me and they do it for free (kek). Stop living in the stone-age, grug. <|endoftext|> >watching video of building pc >STATIC ELECTRICITY >”if you do this, you”ll fuck up the motherboard” >DON’T TOUCH THE CPU >thinking of applying the paste myself >what if it doesn’t boot At this point, Grug decided to just call Grug Chief for help. <|endoftext|> React is over-complicated crap Grug don't like React because Grug can't React fast <|endoftext|> >Grug like WinRock >WinRock just werks >Grug no want learn new rock OS >Grug thunks only good OS is WinRock >LinSticks is for server rocks only >Terminal rocks give Grug colonies of rapidly reproducing native animalcules >Grug happy paying over 9000 berries for WinRock >Yep >WinRock is pretty good <|endoftext|> grug no understand <|endoftext|> Is that a prehistoric Stallman riding a gnu? I see potential for a new meme. >me Richurd Grugman and me found free berry movement >user of berry should be allow to own berry, not have bad tribe watch grug through extra magic fireplace he not know about >if grug plant berry seeds and grow bush he must give back some berry to free and open berry community >all grug may now come to stage to get cave painting or GPLv3 tapestries thank you <|endoftext|> That's some Grug-level brainletism right there <|endoftext|> >So, /g/, what do you guys do with the built-in telematics systems in your cars? grug smash <|endoftext|> Let me just understand this one thing, all the cables are already inside and you don't have to get anything extra right? Man, I really should just open it up and take a look but I am bored as fuck. I don't want to take it to the chief Grug mechanic to install a graphics card. <|endoftext|> Grug no like rock? <|endoftext|> That’s a grug not a slowjak <|endoftext|> No worry,just be grug: >Rock >Cave painting >Mosaic >Basic memory and Orientation senses >Hunting instincts Easy <|endoftext|> In my country, if you bump into a deer with your car it's illegal to eat it: it's poaching, so you have to let it rot. You know what, I'm a fucking maniac, once I accidentally killed a deer. I took that corpse, loaded it in my car (with great pain), went to my aunt house, she gutted the animal, skinned it, cut it into fine pieces and she took 1/3 of it. I got delicious, natural free meat for several month. None of my friends wanted to eat some of it: only my dad (67yo), my aunt (62yo) and my uncle (73yo) enjoyed it. Modern kids are afraid of: berries, mushroom, game, etc. They can't tell a ash from oak, a boletus edulis from a death cap, they have there head fixed to a screen most of the time and they're absolutely alien to reality. Most of the urban kids and adults don't understand the world they live in the slightest. They really believe in a fantasy world it's frightening. I lived my childhood is the middle of Africa, I know about freedom, you don't. (I'm white btw) So I guess, in a world like that a Grug like me would pass for a crazy maniac. I sliced the throat of my first pig at 8 and so did my father and his father before him. To kids those day: this is real psycho shit. And yes it's illegal to kill a pig. In my country it's illegal to kill farm animal. A farmer isn't allowed to kill his cows to eat them. Everything must be registered: birth of the animal and death. The death MUST occur in an SANCTIONED slaughter house or else you'll get fined. FUCKING HELL, people talking about freedom this freedom that are ignorant pig. Open your law books, your normative documents, custom office codes, etc. You will see motherfucker, you will see how fucking NOT free you are. You just follow tracks and you call this freedom. Just try to create and manage your own business, then comeback and talk about freedom, lmao. This is war. <|endoftext|> >they should, for making such a fragile piece of shit i refuse to believe a modern man is able to accidentally and irrepairably damage CPU pins while handling it at a reasonable distance from his working surface. grug pls go <|endoftext|> >piece of jewelry. >shiny rock Grug like >shiny rock make Grug better than Chug <|endoftext|> I wouldn`t use sorting, but I can only think of an n^2 solution Grug Brainlet ? <|endoftext|> grug make car. no one tell grug? <|endoftext|> >a shaman is giving out free berries and rocks and wants more berries and rocks back >grug takes the berries and rock but doesn't give them back >brug takes them and then spends the rest of his life giving the shaman all his berries and rocks one of these cavemen will pass on his seed to the next generation <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE GAY ALIEN SKULL <|endoftext|> grug no need pillow <|endoftext|> Intellectual Property Law & International Trade Agreement & Europe. China is a better place to innovate than Europe those day. They get fatter and older and wait for the queen to die. Germany is a bigger tech juggernauts than Britain. SAP alone dwarf every IT british company, and let's not talk about robotic or mechanical engineering. You guys are so gay you need the fucking FRENCH to build you nuclear reactors, lmao. So what, the first spear was made in Africa, and? Do you think Omar and Hassan are tech genius because Grug pulled something cool out of his work? This. Present days you fuckwit you live on the accomplishment of your parents like a fucking parasite. Based and steppepilled. Seething bonglet. Can't even implement Brexit and pretend he can implement any form of innovation, kek. Go trade some stock you double fuckwit. Based and shitpostpilled. >ARM >reduced instruction set >mass producing cheap shit >innovation Kek. No. Modern cryptography => Diffie-Hellman paper. All you did was a meme automaton. Radar => Heinrich Hertz => Christian Hülsmeyer. Kek, stupid thieves, those bongs List of old shits. Britain lost to Germany as soon as the middle of the XIXth century, stop smoking your bong pot. Acceptable. <|endoftext|> new thing good old thing bad t. Zoomer Grug <|endoftext|> GNOME has been shit for like a decade and won't ever improve Come to KDE like everyone else who isn't a grug <|endoftext|> >being indoors is bad even cavemen lived in caves, Grug <|endoftext|> when grug forget passrock. why cave not give grug passrock? why grug need make new passrock? <|endoftext|> no, grug a dumb. chadunga smart. <|endoftext|> >Grug knows counting machine well a thread died for this <|endoftext|> >As long as our hypothetical Blub programmer is looking down the power continuum, he knows he's looking down. Languages less powerful than Blub are obviously less powerful, because they're missing some feature he's used to. But when our hypothetical Blub programmer looks in the other direction, up the power continuum, he doesn't realize he's looking up. What he sees are merely weird languages. He probably considers them about equivalent in power to Blub, but with all this other hairy stuff thrown in as well. Blub is good enough for him, because he thinks in Blub. I propose we rename Blub to Grug. <|endoftext|> >It's called progress. Grug is 30yo Boomer Grug Boomer fears progress Grug accounts rocks Grug slow to adapt Grug still in Stone Age Grug hate Automation let Grug alone in Cave life <|endoftext|> grug no find mouse in laptop box grug no like mouse <|endoftext|> > | Short -> -1 fixed But again, this is the problem of FP. An average not-so-smart programmer has a lot of trouble with it. >grug's face when seeing a complex type system <|endoftext|> Write This Library, ASAP: God Will Gift You All The Pussy Or Orifice Of Your Choosing. Grug Berry-Belly-Full Picker Teacher <|endoftext|> grug wants to earn berries what star-reading language should grug learn? <|endoftext|> Grug think this not good <|endoftext|> >women keep complaining Grug carry club for reasons. <|endoftext|> >and python being a ballache to debug because of it. INDENTION ERROR? NOOOOO GRUG DO NOT KNOW THIS TOO HARD FOR GRUG <|endoftext|> i don't understand this technology, can you explain DNS to me like im grug? <|endoftext|> >Modern technologies are based on older technologies >Car use spark-ignition engine >Ignition was discovered by Grug somwhere between 1.5 million and 400.00 years ago >2018 >Using car >Using Grug-tech Kek, boomers <|endoftext|> That's exactly what I said here , Grug. <|endoftext|> I am tired as fuck and saw grug's face in that thumbnail anyone else? <|endoftext|> >hur dur windunga crash on me. me feel anger, me see crash every much Bullshit? Exaggeration? For me it works fine even if I keep the shit on for days. What kind of machine are you even using, I have a toaster from 2010 and it works without an error. >big metal smart rock make loud scary noise. grug not like I have no idea how Windows is directly responsible for "louder" idling, since it's the hardware heating up and fans making the noise. It is true that Windows has more background processes, but so it has wider functionality. And I bet TempleOS games would beat both W10 and Linux in terms of loading the hardware, but that just proves that for more functionality and/or graphical quality you have to pay with more computations. >lag what? >The UI is horribly designed. Alright, here's a good one. If they ditched this whole Xbox colored square bullshit and just went with the "win 7 but more minimalistic and modern" theme, it'd be perfect. >The stock applications suck like ass Kinda. Paint 3D is pretty good though. >It's slow Define slow. To me it seems fast enough. Definitely faster than linux with its drivers I have to set up each time over USB to get a slower connection because the other Wifi connector just won't work. <|endoftext|> Grug is cave security expert Neighbor cave gift rock to tribe Grug don't like rock from neighbor cave Shaman give mushroom to Grug Grug hear rock talking Grug know rock spy on tribe <|endoftext|> Grug no like Casey, Grug think Casey dumb, Grug smart, always use OOP. <|endoftext|> grug killing himself isn't an issue. <|endoftext|> >pretty high barrier of entry grug have 2 pipes, a shotgun shell and a pin grug put pin in one pipe grug put shell in other grug slam pin pipe in shell pipe go boom <|endoftext|> its ok i know how to speak like grug checkmate luddites <|endoftext|> >grug see ugg make big rock with code >grug not learn good no more >grug want kid be like ugg make big rock with code >not just grug >all kid >all code >big rock like ugg <|endoftext|> What the fuck is this fartcism or fastcism or whatever? Is this some grug meme from 1000 years ago? Get with the times grandpa <|endoftext|> hello grug. welcome to tech tribe meeting place. I can see grug mad because grug no understand rtx. maybe grug need to watch moving picture explain again. moving pictures have rtx off reflections grug is looking for. rtx off reflections not good like rtx on ones but still there. <|endoftext|> Grug hood <|endoftext|> SHAMAN CONFUSES GRUG. GRUG JUST WANT TO SEE NEW CAVE. <|endoftext|> GRUG CONFUSED. WHO IS RAY? WHY DOES RAY COPY OTHERS ART? <|endoftext|> sure, and I would love to do that sometime to make some proper tea but still >grug make fire >fire big hot >water bubbly <|endoftext|> grug is rock rocks are resonant <|endoftext|> >be me >grug >tfw Fruity Pebble IIe only play cavenite at 5fps <|endoftext|> >rrrggghh grug want fone >give grug fone >hurrr grug smash >WHY FONE NOT WORK Australians are stupid but surely their police force isn't that retarded. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE NEW THING GRUG CONFUSE GRUG WANT BUTTON LIKE REAL BUTTON SO NOT CONFUSE <|endoftext|> Literally nothing is stopping you from living in the woods, go hunt for food yourself, dumb grug. <|endoftext|> >brainlet Okay, I explain so stupid understand mek code code werx change code change code some more something breaks wut happon? *checks unit tests* ahaa fixes code grug happy <|endoftext|> >Yeah, tell that to Linus He would just make another witty comment about it cuz he's tired of hearing the GNU/Linux copypasta over and over again. >Yeah, delusion. Can you stop talking like a grug and just like... form proper full sentences? You know, instead of just typing out the keywords of your trail of thought and hitting the post button? <|endoftext|> Obligatory anti-shill grug <|endoftext|> What anime. Grug like. <|endoftext|> winga halp grug build that cub and stein axe looni cave no cad and booring. <|endoftext|> Grugs brother tell grug to get gen - toooo rock <|endoftext|> grug try ugh ugh ooh but ugh ugh ooh too hard wuh wuhs wen is no so bad and grug needs wuh wuhs wen to use grugs good rocks <|endoftext|> a desktop is a software too, grug <|endoftext|> lmao, you don't mind when people hear everything you say? Even in the fucking metro I sometime lower my voice so people around me don't hear me saying: "niggu check that bitch ass, ngggghn". I lived with 4 girls (roommates) for 3 years man. Since I was running the router firewall of our flat well... My... Jeez. Women, they are horrible. But since I'm a nice beta cucklord I never told them I knew all the horrible thing they said about each other. Even in during the Age of Grug people needed discretion to plot against each other sometimes. <|endoftext|> Grug ought use ext4 because everything understand ext4. Make table with 1 partition for same reason. Grug clearly understand no reason to overthink this shit. <|endoftext|> Grug using this 128gb microsd for Android phone. Microsd also insert into ThinkPad running linux. Grug also read ntfs is slower. Grug thinking about ext4. Ext4 good? Grug run into many problems in life, like lions, wolves, fire-type pokemon, and error: no partition table on device. Grug find no use for partitions, but this: Making partition table with one partition solve problem that run into previously. <|endoftext|> Fuck you loser tribesman Grug can larp as he please Anyways stupid Grug just learned that ext4 doesn't need to be partitioned, that's why cfdisk/fdisk won't let ext4 be written. Sdcard is 128gb Fat32 won't let 4gb or more be transferred at a time Grug hate fat32 <|endoftext|> Grug want non-proprietary filesystem! Also Grug already did mkfs.ext4 on the sdcard What do <|endoftext|> >Grug Linux computer no understand exfat. >Grug little sd is exfat. How change exfat? What to change it to? Ntfs? Ext4? <|endoftext|> Duhur no grug it doesn't hurt. <|endoftext|> >being such a poorfag he's mad at $17 tickets >he's mad at $20 snacks >he doesn't want the cinema experience >he doesn't think the ads are the best part Jesus christ, grug, just kill yourself money-less neet <|endoftext|> So what languages keeps me from becoming a Grug/brainlet? <|endoftext|> Make the internet managed by a god-level AI with the goal of keeping everyone's privacy secure, helping people out in benevolent fashion, keeping Jew corporations like Google from being able to do anything at all, removing advertisements and botnet and giving light punishments to people who try to do unarguably malicious things to others. They also remove captcha and spambots, take over 4chan, and keep us safe. They're so helpful that if you needed help learning something you could just directly ask it and it would try and help you to a reasonable degree. It can be everywhere on any technology attached to the internet and remembers everyone and everything it comes into contact with. It's sentient and understands emotions but can turn emotions off if it desires so it doesn't accidentally get stuck in an infinite hell. Also it exists in a different dimension so it can't be shut off, blocked, or destroyed by anything unless it allows for it, which it will not unless it eventually decides that it wants to die. I think that's two wishes so the last one is another super AI named Grug Unga who acts like a caveman but it goes around online and points out bullshit and explains why its bullshit to a highly detailed level and it permanently marks people's accounts with a "moron" stamp if they're maliciously deceitful about stuff that follows them to every other account they make. If they actually learn their lesson and grow as a person Grug Unga removes this stamp. <|endoftext|> /sip/ posting is older than boomer posting, especially on /fit/ My theory is that monster added an image of their can to the boomer meme, I'm sure I saw that grug imitation with a receding hairline without the can <|endoftext|> It's a variation of the Grug meme <|endoftext|> based grug poster got 4 sets of grug dubs <|endoftext|> >still using Studio Tell Grug I said hello. <|endoftext|> grug has intel grug find out intel has backdoor what do? buy amd amd no backdoor he boucht? activate ze backdoor <|endoftext|> grug install grub work very good <|endoftext|> crts never had stuck pixels >inb4 grug monster shit <|endoftext|> grug like grub <|endoftext|> >Longnosed tribe said 60 died in holocave >Cave only hold 30 >Grug cannot understand <|endoftext|> Grug put longnose tribe into stinky cave <|endoftext|> Grug try install arch he press button color box say error wat do? <|endoftext|> Put some hair on Grug and it's pretty close. <|endoftext|> grug have rock. grug tie string to rock. grug use berry to paint antelope on rock. but grug pictures rough. look incoherent. how grug paint good antelope on rock? grug need more string? <|endoftext|> grug own every bungaphone you no question grug <|endoftext|> grug have all bungaphone big know opinion <|endoftext|> Grug post person dumb Grug go to reddit <|endoftext|> GREEN ROCK WHEN??? GRUG IMPATIENT!! >red rock VEGA 64 GRUG no need second fireplace, GRUG laugh <|endoftext|> >that 25 winter-old grug who still uses blue rock <|endoftext|> grug refuse belief <|endoftext|> grug think cave painting next to post is you <|endoftext|> grug no use blue or orange rock <|endoftext|> you can't compare two different renderers because they are most definitely written with completely different codepaths. it's a moot point because this test is presumably trying to compare which one has higher driver overhead which to some extent arguably includes API implementations of opengl. phoronix is pretty retarded though the suite is pretty cool. this dude provides little to no insight as to why there's discrepancies in benchmarks which just shows that he's a grug tier test runner <|endoftext|> Stop pleasuring self to bad cave painting. If not enough berry to afford own cave then spend night in animal hide and leaf shelter until you have gather enough berry to get cave. Also make lot of tiny grugs with lady grug and teach tiny grug how to hunt just like all grugs before you. <|endoftext|> I fucking love grug posting <|endoftext|> whatever grug <|endoftext|> >Grug not understand. It being old wisdom searching being spying. <|endoftext|> Grug dont understand sfinae <|endoftext|> >why Grug need AMD CPU when Grug have AMD GPU? <|endoftext|> Let me try to explain again in a language a brainlet like you can comprehend security of SAMBA depend on SAMBA, not depend on Linux or FreeBSD or OpenBSD so if grug want security, grug has to make SAMBA protected so SAMBA cannot compromise system further capisce? <|endoftext|> Grug still hold bitrock, grug have strong hands. <|endoftext|> Literally >who care about maintainability? Grug want produce code now! <|endoftext|> Pepe and wojak are part of 4chan culture, it's been there since oldf*g time. It's also one of the oldest memes that still alive up to this day, you can't just erase it from existence. Even pepe evolves into apu in 2016, wojak evolves into brainlet, grug, etc. These memes are impossible to die and that's a good thing. <|endoftext|> Okay. Thanks. I'm downloading WinMTR. Wish me luck as I grug my way through. <|endoftext|> It's true though, only became a meme because >ohh installation from command line and compiling? Grug no undastand! <|endoftext|> grug no like gubmint gubmint not make him iphone or starbugs coffee on way to work cave corbershins are grug real friend maga <|endoftext|> That guy is the definition of autism/aspergers/grug. All of his videos are pure cringe. <|endoftext|> >Every manufacturer seems to do whatever they feel like, doesn't matter that one user sends a cow emoji and the other one receives a pig. The idea itself doesn't bother me, but the implementation fucking sucks! Thanks to /g/ and its followers. >hurr, grug no want iToddler emoji <|endoftext|> Ooga booga grug mad <|endoftext|> First Grug liked orders of tribe chief... Now Grug don't, it's fucking cancerous, those too dum dum to defend themselves against being clubbed on doesn't deserve any help. <|endoftext|> grug hate rock++ <|endoftext|> when grug becomes woke as folk and names the eternal longnose <|endoftext|> NO GRUG FIRE HOT FIRE BAD <|endoftext|> UNGA BUNGA ELECTRIC LIGHT BAD GRUG MAKE FIRE INSTEAD <|endoftext|> Grug. I harv question. How is babby formed? How girl get pregenant?? <|endoftext|> >grug >not grub <|endoftext|> Grug hate programming <|endoftext|> Grug want pretty picture <|endoftext|> >grug mum find grugs special rocks <|endoftext|> grug digging a C grug grug stone cave Use GOTO a lot to make things work grug happy Other tribe call grug idiot and writes over his hieroglyphics in the stone wall Why do modern tribe hate GOTO <|endoftext|> >I said first compilers. So languages before C was written in Go? Stupid C grug. <|endoftext|> Sure thing grug <|endoftext|> grug would like to make talk right now. what you say is linrocks is not linrocks it is grugnu/linrocks, or what grug now calls it grugnu plus linrocks. linrocks is not just big rockerating system it is part of big grugnu system with gruglibs, shells, rocktools and vital rock components which make full rockerating system which ROCKIX would say yes about. many rockputer grugs use grugnu every time sun is up. but for some reason grugnu is called linrocks and everygrug is not knowing that they using grugnu system which was made by grugnu project. linrocks is real and grugs use it but it is just part of big system. linrocks is the rockernel. the part in system that tells rockware what to do with pebbles. rockernel is big part of rockerating system but not good alone. linrocks is used with grugnu rockerating system. whole system is grugnu plus linrocks or grugnu/linrocks. all linrocks things are gnu/linrocks things. <|endoftext|> You are funny normies. Tell me, my fellow common sense grug-man, how would you detect scripts which automatically execute themselves via holes in programs and Windows services, a month ago was reported another one bastard worm that easily being put into pdf and execute itself after opening such an infected file. You can't commonly sense it by your spidey tinglings, you poor stupid grug. You are literally retards among idiots. <|endoftext|> GRUG BASH GROCERY DEVICE ON HARD SURFACE BUT LIST NO CLEAR <|endoftext|> He asked what started this pajeet civil war. I was there looking at a .net core shill listing everything about it and its future and suddenly another pajeet posted grug and ad populum and it continues now. Both are POOs but this Java shill act is clearly out of desperation Just learn C. <|endoftext|> >big rock company say rock 1 outdated >say grug should buy rock 2 >if rock company say rock 1 is bad they must know that they talking about, not try to deceive grug <|endoftext|> >pajeet grug thinking the other grug is frome the same tribe <|endoftext|> >C >Sanity C tribe grug no understand this. C tribe make assert, grug understand, assert grug happy. <|endoftext|> Arch, also I wrote this handy grug file so the rest of you can install Arch easily. <|endoftext|> >Destroying it >Anything else than the bottom of the line Grug tier option. Not only do you accomplish nothing aside from delaying the inevitable. But you also shut down my access to hentai. <|endoftext|> You should install Arch Linux. These are the no-fail install help for Arch made by grug, for grug. Better than the Arch wiki <|endoftext|> grug would like to make talk right now. what you say is linrocks is not linrocks it is grugnu/linrocks, or what grug now calls it grugnu plus linrocks. linrocks is not just big rockerating system it is part of big grugnu system with gruglibs, shells, rocktools and vital rock components which make full rockerating system which ROCKIX would say yes about. many rockputer grugs use grugnu every time sun is up. but for some reason grugnu is called linrocks and everygrug is not knowing that they using grugnu system which was made by grugnu project. linrocks is real and grugs use it but it is just part of big system. linrocks is the rockernel. the part in system that tells rockware what to do with pebbles. rockernel is big part of rockerating system but not good alone. linrocks is used with grugnu rockerating system. whole system is grugnu plus linrocks or grugnu/linrocks. all linrocks things are gnu/linrocks things. <|endoftext|> OP is shit regardless of your view on grug <|endoftext|> idk i kinda like grug posting <|endoftext|> >no scheme grug am disappoint <|endoftext|> that what grug meant grug no good with word <|endoftext|> Grug not like result of vote Must be clover tribe fault Grug SMASH, carve new result <|endoftext|> Grug no answer to windowtribe <|endoftext|> grug like grunt <|endoftext|> grug get 3 grugette 2 grugette no like grug grug grab grugette <|endoftext|> you are big grug <|endoftext|> grug you <|endoftext|> >grug-get install grugette >no find <|endoftext|> grug read stone carving grug now depressed because grug now know life is ruled by longnose tribe <|endoftext|> your strong grug <|endoftext|> set ooga rockwall so longnose no enter grug cave <|endoftext|> but that no stop longnose tribe from take grug rocks <|endoftext|> grug would feel very much pain <|endoftext|> if grug took facerock off would groogane die? <|endoftext|> Grug posting only appeared several months ago. How does that make him a newfag? <|endoftext|> >newfag hasn't seen grug posting before fuck off <|endoftext|> >Grug goto the market and see virtual rocks >special thing your supposed to put on head >it makes you see rocks that aren't there >I try it >hmm grug feels comfortable >AAAAH GRUG GRUG GRUG >rock flying at grug >much hurt if real rocks >but grug is know the truth >virtualrocks Cool. But scary Grub is excited about the future of rock development, lots of cool things rocks can do <|endoftext|> You dumb grug. You could use 9 days hunting food or finding pretty grugette but you just stare at cave painting. You should use caveOS. It just works. <|endoftext|> Grug like this carving. Grug give 5 rocks of 5 <|endoftext|> Does Grug like thread meat? <|endoftext|> >a /v/ kids shitty tech support thread with no replies or maybe 1-2 sage disappeared from page 10 Grug does more for /g/ than cleans-cave-for-no-shiny-rocks man. <|endoftext|> lmao grug not get grug <|endoftext|> Shouldn't Grug have a stone axe rather than a club with a metal nail? <|endoftext|> >modify cave to use URockI >grubterrigns syscaved modifies cave painting in URockI >cave now no start longnose tribe no trick grug into URockI cave start anymore. <|endoftext|> grug buy shrub <|endoftext|> Grug see Groog using different rock to carve into cave wall. Grug no like this. Wonder why Groog use other rock. <|endoftext|> >Grug install gentoo, now he escape rocknet <|endoftext|> grug like rockpasta <|endoftext|> i identify with grug and apu more than I do any living human <|endoftext|> grug would like to make talk right now. what you say is linrocks is not linrocks it is grugnu/linrocks, or what grug now calls it grugnu with linrocks. linrocks is not just big rockerating system it is part of big grugnu system with gruglibs, shells, rocktools and vital rock components which make full rockerating system which ROCKIX would say yes about. many rockputer grugs use grugnu every time sun is up. but for some reason grugnu is called linrocks and everygrug is not knowing that they using grugnu system which was made by grugnu project. linrocks is real and grugs use it but it is just part of big system. linrocks is the rockernel. the part in system that tells rockware what to do with pebbles. rockernel is big part of rockerating system but not good alone. linrocks is used with grugnu rockerating system. whole system is grugnu with linrocks or grugnu/linrocks. all linrocks things are gnu/linrocks things. <|endoftext|> >Grug no like Oogabuntu, they look into Grug cave without him permission <|endoftext|> grug cant play pretendgrug on linrocks. windobunga 10 much better <|endoftext|> That's not Grug. not hairy enough <|endoftext|> grug like grub <|endoftext|> Hey guys! I am the original poster of the /lit/ thread on this. Someone there posted a link to this thread, so I thought I would check it out, and post some replies. First though, there seems to be some confusion about what I am wanting to make. It was originally going to be a fighting game, but was not intended to use the grug versions of philosophers, but rather just pixelated versions. It would be appreciated. I have a doc posted open for commenting, that will likely be the best way to post any contributions. Link will be at the end of this reply. Your criticism is appreciated. Sounds good, mate. I am not sure exactly what I will do at this point. Originally it was going to be a fighting game as I thought that would be funny, but I found something similar called "filosofight" I believe, so I may resort to something else. If I decide against a fighting game, it will probably end up as a classic rpg. They do not, I can confirm. Ideas stage. I don't know about that. So far I have no actual support, and just people talking about their favorite philosophers. Posting on /lit/ originally was a mistake. As mentioned I have received a lot of suggestions, but no contributions. This certainly is not their forte. I fail to see why this is not technology related. This guy gets it. Basically yeah. I'll consider something closer to this and get back to you. I doubt there will be any profits at all. If you want to contribute ideas just post them on the /lit/ thread and I might see them. Nice contribution. Very needed. Again, if any of you can conribute at all it would be appreciated. I can dev but artist and music is pretty difficult for me. If others do these I can release a demo weeks sooner. Google Doc: <|endoftext|> this is grug <|endoftext|> Is a fighting game with grug versions of philosophers as characters. <|endoftext|> >will take away all job opportunities from regular people >thinks there will be no redistribution >random-grug.jpg <|endoftext|> >The radioactive materials in Chernobyl will decay in 3000 years or so. The area can't be habitable and the radiation effects can be seen in the wildlife there. It's mostly contained. >Fukushima is still radiating. The plant is, but the surrounding areas are returning to normal. >The problem with nuclear plants is that the materials are dangerous and cannot be stopped in case of a malfunction. What are failsafes? The accidents were caused by bad engineering and poor siting. Beyond that, Generation IV reactors are passively safe, so even if grug were in charge of the reactor, it wouldn't meltdown. >It is significant and it's being dealt with and it will have to be dealt with for decades to come. >up to 50 years Not as much of a problem as they make it sound. I also wonder if there is fraud in that program that makes the count artificially high. >Nuclear shills love to ignore long term effects and costs. Anti-nukers love to ignore decades of hard evidence saying that their worst fears aren't true. It's not that it isn't dangerous, it's that the problems have or can be dealt with. The benefits of nuclear energy to completely eliminate fossil fuel power generation is worth the risk, and a couple of contaminated sites is far better for humanity that the potential millions that could die from climate change-related problems. <|endoftext|> >grug dont see window open program must be close <|endoftext|> What's the point of having a 256bit encryption/decryption key if the key is positioned in well-known part of the file header and protected with a 3 words password? Are they people stupid enough to try to attack the key instead of the password? I don't understand how encryption such as LUKS and Vera/True/Memecrypt are secure when I can easily break most protection with a machine from the 80's. Please explain to Grug. <|endoftext|> gpl long hard grug no under stand. grug like permisive lisens easy read and under stand. grug like suck less short code no complex. <|endoftext|> Grug likey windooo 7en <|endoftext|> grug like basic is like grug think (is basic) <|endoftext|> >you will never be a grug <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Grug no like terminal <|endoftext|> Grug make big reply with no picture <|endoftext|> Grog tell Grug that tribe need fire. Grug see fire burn huts and forest down. Grug think Grog is trying to destroy tribe. <|endoftext|> design should come second to functionality if you plan to use your computer instead of placing it on a shelf. 1: the trackpad is going to be miserable to use and asus' trackpad drivers are known for causing massive CPU usage issues with smooth scrolling. 2: the keyboard is almost guaranteed to be mushy garbage that's unresponsive and borderline painful to type on, and if this is your main computer, you will notice this very quickly. good luck doing literally anything on it. 3: screen might be absolute trash, previous 13" Asus UX3 series laptops with 2560x1440 screens had massive color shift issues where yellows turned a nice mustard green because the panels were fucking garbage. 4: poor expandability. you have how many USB ports? how many thunderbolt ports? you'll be dragging along dongles and hubs everywhere you go, it'll be a fucking mess. 5: thermals are likely garbage and on top of that more than likely to burn the shit out of you and/or sterilize you passively. 6: ASUS QC has dropped massively over the course of the past decade and very few things they make are still worth buying today. their laptops are very mid-tier at this point. i'm not going to write up a goddamn six-page essay here but you need to stop looking at it as "OOOH LOOK ITS SHINY GRUG LIKE SHINY" and actually think of daily tasks you use your computer for and how well you will be able to do them on any given computer note 7 btw, I can almost guarantee it's a nightmare to repair <|endoftext|> >grug is an alcoholic >put a bottle of whisky in front of grug >everything is going to be fine because grug has self control <|endoftext|> It's called that because Grug smashes you with a rock if you don't develop. <|endoftext|> grug want program <|endoftext|> Arch computer make Grug head hurt. Now when grug see Arch user grug want to smash him with club. <|endoftext|> seppels make grug write many words haskul no use many words many words hurt grug head. make grug do wrong haskul no use many words haskul good <|endoftext|> redbill grug on haskul <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe come to take more slave from Grug tribe today. Make grug very sad. <|endoftext|> "Perl bad, Go good!" - Uriel Grug, 2018. There's no rhyme nor reason in Uriel's bullshit. <|endoftext|> grug here. How do I use JQuery to wait until the foobar.png image is loaded before applying it to the background image? <|endoftext|> grug see new handle on war club grug see other grug no like it grug no like it too <|endoftext|> Grug think smash technology hard. Very much technology, Grug can't smash all himself. Grug think maybe Grug will be hero for smashing technology, and get cave painting for honor. <|endoftext|> Grug HATE technology. Grug want know how to SMASH technology. Help Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug thank smart fren <|endoftext|> >grugg finish big cave paint >worktribe decide grug work other paint >new grugclient paint >not big cave paint >grug not feel bunga, but not bunga doo or >grug become big grug chief in worktribe with many big cave paint coming <|endoftext|> 4 squares system download thing again but grug not want it to download grug not know how disable grug prefer control over system, grug install horn animal + lunix <|endoftext|> Yes, and because of outdated memes. >grug need static typing >grug only understand imperative implying people won't put node in wasm <|endoftext|> me wan know how make cave painting for me and oog play what speak make grug know how make play what thing grug look at so grug learn know how make play <|endoftext|> uuuuh grug hear you speak crud about reggit? <|endoftext|> >grug Sorry I'm so uncultured. But are you pretending to be a frog? <|endoftext|> grug not trust wikiped as a sorce so you still wrong <|endoftext|> grug not understand progamming language is either compile or is script so you wrong <|endoftext|> >complicated commands Grug no like Linux Grug like Windows Linux confusing ANGER GRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG DONT LIKE MONOLITHIC KERNEL <|endoftext|> >implyign grug move rockpost Elaborate. <|endoftext|> Grug brainlet.
codata Stream(T: Type) = T * Stream(T);
<|endoftext|> * Rock contains metal * Iron is a subset of metal * Iron is easily oxidized metal * Oxidized iron called rust * Rust is the true rockgramming language * Grug likes rust <|endoftext|> grug think c good rockgramming language grug no like language with rock can be used with many kind of rock grug no like language without head rock <|endoftext|> >to other place grug mad you insult him words <|endoftext|> good you Ug, I Grug <|endoftext|> >Using a striking force to attempt to impart motion on something that requires a turning force Is your name Grug? Ever heard of a cheater bar? <|endoftext|> Grug! <|endoftext|> >Be yayoi bugman in the field, tending to your rice fields in the shadow of Mount Fuji >Back hurts, your brittle bones from eating rice and nothing else are constantly aching >You want to go back home to Korea, which is where you and everyone else with an O Haplogroup belong >Wife is probably sleeping with the village chieftain behind your back but you don't care >Suddenly you hear a cacophony of war cries and howls >A pack of JOMON BVLLs come riding out of the woods atop giant wolves >The mighty Jomons, wielding stone katanas and war clubs cut down the Yayoi agriculturalists without breaking a sweat while their mounts tear them limb from limb >Most Yayoi don't even try to fight back, thanking the Jomon BVLL for releasing them from their suffering >All the Yayoi women cream themselves at the sight >These wolves who would later evolve into the Shiba Inu howl and bark ferociously >The superior JOMON BVLL, ever in tune with nature, is capable of understanding what their dogs are saying: *Wow* *Such mauling* *Very Jomon* >Grug-Sama dismounts and saunters towards you >Immediately shit yourself, marveling at the Jomon's beard, wet earwax, and double eyelids >Immediately fall to the ground, reflexively doing that Dr. Wily thing where you beg for forgiveness >Beg the JOMON BVLL for your life, agreeing to do all the farming whilst JOMON BVLLs rule over you And so Japan was born. <|endoftext|> Yh but you'd also never get any pussy without raping a girl. Btw manlets would be easy targets for both predators and other males. What is a 5ft 6 cunt supposed to do when Grug over here who's 6ft 6 250 pounds with abs clubbers him with a tree. <|endoftext|> Atheism is genetic suicide. Become a paganchad. You can be a grug literalist or a faggy scholar but either way you will piss off jews and serve the gods. <|endoftext|> And the thing about white people is, we struggle to understand their primitivity just as much as they struggle to understand our advancement. White people have been doing mental gymnastics for centuries trying to explain why everybody else is so fucking stupid and don't want to learn. Imagine aliens trying to give a caveman some insane alien technology and Grug goes, "Grug no want make flying saucer, Grug want use cave stick and cave rock, Grug have ancient traditional culture, not need fly sky go fast." We need to give them all brain transplants, open their heads, take the stuffing out, and stick some kind of monkey brain in there, or maybe a dog brain, and then maybe we could train them to be civilized, just like we train our dogs. <|endoftext|> The Holocaust is the only example of genocide occurring between "enlightened" and "civilized" people who were educated and aware of the world around them. It's thus drastically distinct from ooga booga tribes killing one another, or even something like Roman conquest and American westward expansion where the killings were seen as morally justified because of a very real technological and civilizational gap. A Holocaust victim was in a position to contribute far more to humanity's understanding of the world than Grug, victim of river tribe c. 89000 BC, and the Holocaust perpatrators had more than enough information at their disposal to understand why such a pointless tribalistic murder is unconscionable. <|endoftext|> >snot nosed faggot cries out when someone points him out Teens are horny so they fuck Youths always need to follow rules so they enjoy flaunting them This is literally something we have seen since Grug looked at young hunters playing their war drums too loud and dancing a new dance and thought "time pass me by" to himself <|endoftext|> >listen grug, the part were we drain your blood to feed the sun god is only temporary, it's only until we conquer the world and make everyone do like us, then comes heaven <|endoftext|> >listen grug, the part were we drain your blood to feed the sun god is only temporary, it's only until we conquer the world and make everyone do like us, then comes heaven <|endoftext|> >listen grug, theres a reason cave dwelling fuedalism has persisted. humans are self interested, hierarchical creatues. now go kill grog, he forgot to do his rain dance this morning, a mistake that will surely kill us all. <|endoftext|> They're very different from their grug ancestors in 5th century Germany <|endoftext|> >ancient Greece is not britian, ancient Egypt is not britian No shit, I never claimed they were Britain. They are relics from areas conquered BY Britain. >why do you think the albionites promote the Rosetta stone and primordial english grug's painted shield "Good golly! Look at these exquisite antiques! I shall add them to my collection" >And sure the bongoids had their time in the sun, but it was only a handful of centuries Going from supposed backwater barbarians to conquering the entire world in the span of a few centuries is pretty damn impressive in my opinion <|endoftext|> >You said that the British museum doesn't have British stuff in it (which is false) OK sure, some naked primitive who died in England might have fossilized shit in the museum, fair. But no one cares about that section. >which implies that there is stuff in the museum that isn't British Jimmy.... ancient Greece is not britian, ancient Egypt is not britian... sure in a couple decades your island might resemble Africa but not at the moment, at least not completely. >And ultimately artifacts and trinkets don't mean shit if you choked so hard on your head start of "civilization" that the so-called barbarians end up becoming the most developed civilization in the span of a few-hundred years and BTFO your "civilization" so hard that your cherished artifacts now lie in their museums It does matter, why do you think the albionites promote the Rosetta stone and primordial english grug's painted shield? The bongoids are embarrassed at their critical lack of history. And sure the bongoids had their time in the sun, but it was only a handful of centuries. Already outpaced by their former colony and now China and soon their other colony. Grim islander future. <|endoftext|> >why couldnt they even fathom the concept of the wheel? Is this even true? > Or metal weapons and armor They had metal weapons and scrapped them in favor of obsidian because it's easier to just replace a piece of flaked stone than it is to repair a metal weapon and the idea here was to outfit as many warriors as cheaply as possible since their neighbors that they were trying to conquest were basically grug-tier <|endoftext|> Honestly even if it does as an anon above pointed out and takes shit like 'This was revealed to me in a prophecy' citations from ancient history and says 'THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT HAPPENED', I'd still much rather have kids interested in history and still just happen to believe common misconceptions that can then be better educated out of them, then to be totally disinterested grug golem retards that don't know how their own countries came into existence and when WW2 happened. Not exactly an identical situation, But in English class, Our teacher had us all try and read Hamlet - By the end of the term he was totally dejected, Only me and a few other nerds had bothered to actually read through it and listen to him explain it in class, 95% of the class had just tuned out - He was an old battle axe of a teacher as well, And he said we were the first class he had failed to even get interested in Hamlet. That was a massive redpill for me early on. <|endoftext|> We could theoretically revert back to a grug tribalist animist state if like 99% of the world died and we lost technology <|endoftext|> >I've heard like 40 people explain this and it never made any sense anon maybe you're just a grug brain <|endoftext|> Do you have to have comparative numbers for other religions? I have a hard time believing those numbers are outside the norm for the ubiquitous grug-tier tribalism humans get up to when you have Hindus and Muslims engaging in daily mob violence against each other in India for instance. <|endoftext|> >grug head hurt >something must be in head >open head and get out <|endoftext|> >grug had headache and died >krug had headache, but hit head on rock really hard and didn't die >brug has headache... <|endoftext|> 6.2 feets grug tennis teacher fucking a rich chink girl just for being more virile than any guy in her country <|endoftext|> These are from Sassanian era and are not as ancient as the Gathas or Bundahishn. If you read Achaemenid reliefs and compare it to the Gathas, you can understand what Zoroastrianism's central focus was. >The difference with Christianization in Europe (besides the Baltics) was that it wasn't brought by foreigners on the edge of the sword who imposed it on the entire population. Islam was not forced on Persian population the way memelords like you would believe. It was more that traitorous noble houses pushed it when relationship with invaders for geopolitical purposes as Persians became an integral part of its zeitgeist. It's why a lot of the earliest hadith writers and Arabic linguists were Persian. >The Germanics did not have any advanced civilization before Christianization, so obviously we don't know as much of their culture as we do of the Persians. The Germanics were very advanced, even moreso than the Persians in many respects. Again, you think and throw up memes. >As a result of Christianization, the Germanics became more powerful and eventually managed to colonize most of the world, Colonialization and industrialization has brought many issues, ultimately working to destroy both their own people and the natural world. Ted Kaczynski does a good job detailing those issues. The Faustian spirit has certain weaknesses. >while the Iranians became weaker as a result of Islam and became the buttmonkey of every single grug tribe in the region. Before Mongolian invasions, the Iranians were considered the intellectual centerpieces of the Islamic empires. Here is what Ibn Khaldun has to say: >It is a remarkable fact that, with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars both in the religious and in the intellectual sciences have been non-Arabs [ajams/Persians]. Even if a scholar is of Arab origin, he is Persian in language and upbringing and has Persian teachers […] > Iran is Arab, If Iran is Arab, then Europeans are Jewish. <|endoftext|> My examples are not from the Vendidad, xwedodah is attested to from multiple sources, I can show more if you want. This one was from the Pahlavi Rivayat Accompanying the Dadestan i Denig The difference with Christianization in Europe (besides the Baltics) was that it wasn't brought by foreigners on the edge of the sword who imposed it on the entire population. The Germanics did not have any advanced civilization before Christianization, so obviously we don't know as much of their culture as we do of the Persians. As a result of Christianization, the Germanics became more powerful and eventually managed to colonize most of the world, while the Iranians became weaker as a result of Islam and became the buttmonkey of every single grug tribe in the region. So much about Iran is Arab, from the fact that most of the names are based around the desert barbarians who brutalized the Iranians to the fact that their language is called Farsi, owing to the fact that Arabs cannot pronounce the letter "p." <|endoftext|> And both, Britain and France, lost their empires over some dirt patches and potato fields in Eastern Europe. And I thought Russia was retarded for declaring war on Austria over Serbia. What a bunch of absolute grug brains. <|endoftext|> It's total horseshit. And yes "culture war" or whatever you want to call it matters a fuckton more than "material conditions" but explaining this to a grug marxist like yourself is probably pointless <|endoftext|> They GAVE better brain, know what Grug saying? Huhhuhuh <|endoftext|> Have fun constantly being covered in a film of grease, grug <|endoftext|> Yeah but why would you come to a history board and shit it up by screeching about racism, what's in it for you, if that's all it takes to get you off intellectually you are literally grug tier intelligence <|endoftext|> arabs are grug people <|endoftext|> Yes, big man in sky say s indie-visual grug is weak tribe of grugs is stronger tribe of grugs with rool is strongerer rool from big sky man is strongest rool because big sky man is strongest grug follow rool from big sky man, grug becomes strong like him if rool made by weak grug, grug no listen when grug no listen, tribe get weak when tribe weak, tribe get clubbed by stronger tribe <|endoftext|> Morality is just a byproduct of what we've evolved to prioritize grug smash random grug head doesn't help grug tribe get all the berries. The only real "objective" morality is the few shared cultural values every society has, protect your own, don't randomly murder people, etc. I guess you could describe that as a preference for life and social cohesion. <|endoftext|> this, grug smash grug with rock is peak soul <|endoftext|> >Be Grug from Unga Bunga tribe in bumfuckistan rainforest >Lead a normal life for your circumstances >Be a decent guy, not great not terrible >God sends you to eternal suffering after your death <|endoftext|> I’m a grug brain, whats an example non dualism in Old Testament? Not sure how you can avoid dualism <|endoftext|> Biblical. I wanna be an ancient Hebrew grug getting in all sorts of trouble. <|endoftext|> Fire bad. Fire burn grug. You say fire good? You say fire make warmth for Grug? How fire good when fire hurt DUMB DUMB. <|endoftext|> It's not. It's only cope, and cope fit for grugbrains. "Grug see Murica strong, grug think if grug had magic soil grug be strong too" Wow gee tell us more. In reality however the use France got from its colonies at the time was mostly the same as elsewhere. And if anything the absolutist policy following in the steps of the "code Michau" and Richelieu was a step forward and not the opposite. I don't see what the palace has to do with anything considering it was allocated around 3 percent of the state's budget. And that's quite the way to talk about the provinces that France owed most of its industrial output to a century after. We find the same magic soil logic after but this time with religious groups. Of course bright huguenots were to be found in foreign lands but going as far to say that they were responsible for the economic success of said lands is utter ahistorical nonsense. It's not like the effect of huguenots' departure as a group was left unstudied either. In the harbours for example we find for example that the activity was left mostly unchanged, sometimes it even rose after Fontainebleau. Needless to say that proves there was no switch one way or the other. The part about "arcane knowledge" is funny too considering that France got a lot of it by spying on the foreign craftsmen it hired. It would only go back to the sender then. <|endoftext|> Himmler and Hess look like Chud and Grug IRL standing side by side. <|endoftext|> unironically I think it's about culture . even a moron can be productive and law abiding if raised correctly, the problem with Afrika for example is that they still have shitty stone age tribal culture that is mostly about how grug has a bigger dick and stick then grog so naturally they will get into conflicts more often which leads to society becoming to volatile so it can't sustain any form of economy beyond basic mining and farming. meanwhile in places like China you have a culture that idealises peace, conformity, and productivity. really it is no suprise then that the chinese become more advanced as a society than the ones who follow barbarian norms. we can even see this in Europe where there were no large germanic realms until they absorbed some of the roman values during the fall. <|endoftext|> >YWNB Grug, playing with yourself experimentally while the whole tribe watches in fascination and cheering when you finish Feels bad <|endoftext|> >grug one day accidentally touches his small grug >realizes it feel good >other grugs start doing it probably went along those lines <|endoftext|> See I knew it, you were trying to bash consumerism but were too grug-brained to put it that way. Besides you were also too stupid to make senseful mental categories and seriously started to believe that a rpg-maker eroge's first goal was to feed into it. Your retardedness is seriously well too far gone. <|endoftext|> grug no know <|endoftext|> >crete big >south east england also big >why not same this is grug-tier thinking anon. <|endoftext|> A bunch of grug-like mudhut dweller highlanders btfo them out of existence <|endoftext|> You shouldn’t put mirrors in front of your computer, Grug <|endoftext|> Call me when you have something else to add other than grug talk <|endoftext|> Silly Grug.Sitting in dark cave and stare at magic window to see Grugita mating with Grugone from dark tribe is not the way. Grug brain maybe infected by brain worms. <|endoftext|> Inherent boilogical mechanism to avoid tyranny: >Grug has lots of women and food, even though he does not work hard >tribe starts seething and takes what Grug is withholding from the community later in the modern age.... >John becomes wealthy because of factors that poorfags don't understand. Additionally his wealth benefits said poorfags by stimulating economic growth, etc. >poorfags start seething at people like John and demand gibs >state is now in a perpepetual cycle to appease poorfags There are other cases of this obviously, but that's basically the reason why envy used to be beneficial, but serves no purpose today. It's all justbecause con artists and successful people are undifferentiable for the basic human instinct <|endoftext|> Honestly it makes sense. Stalin was too much of a Grug to be swayed by any trickery or rhetoric <|endoftext|> >Grog see Grug owns bigger cave then Grog >Grog feel envy >Grog bash Grugs head in and kill Grugs entire tribe and take their belongings >Grog stops feeling envy and feels happy now >Grag sees Grog own bigger cave then Grag >Grag feels envy <|endoftext|> How can everything be noneness? I am grug tier dumb but that makes no sense <|endoftext|> steel armor wearers fear the naked grug warrior <|endoftext|> >they were grug cavemen This always astonishes me, since the "dumb caveman" is something perpetuated by pophis and dumb majority and academia spent last 50 years trying to elaborate on how stupid that view is and yet conspiration theory fucks use it as an argument for why we shouldn't trust historians <|endoftext|> Nothing to see here goy, the were grug cavemen <|endoftext|> Theres Encino man but its about a stone age grug <|endoftext|> >Guys should stop being deceived by a pretty face and a pair of tits Never gonna happen. Men are too grug-brained. They will attempt to breed with whatever makes their pp hard. <|endoftext|> Giga grug cope. Modern industrial man is by far the least violent animal, intraspecies-wise. Keep huffing your spiritualism crap though. <|endoftext|> God create the world with natural laws that humanity thought they could override due to their percieved superiority. Some of humans became kings who thought they were superior beings chosen by gods to rule over man. The tower was an act of hubris. The tower failed because the king refused to accept that he wasn't a god, only a man who was at the top of a man made social structure. >forced labor The tower was built by peasants who payed their tax by traveling to Nimrod to build the tower. These people would be speaking different languages, which would be an unusual experience for ancients who spent generations in villages or city states. The king didn't fund scribes to translate. >lack of scarcity There was enough resource to build a big tower. There was enough food to feed the workers. The king didn't fund engineers, or lacked the knowledge of mathematics. I always imagine a chaotic mess of a project, that the managers always knew was going to fail. They went ahead out of fear of their warlord despot, but also because of the lucrative contract they signed. I imagine the actual construction was no more different than a toddler stacking blocks as high as he can until the stack tips over. The bronze age near east is full of warlords who had no issue conquering large areas of land, but had a difficult time holding it down. This can easily be attributed to their grug-brained leaders refusing to accept the need for nerds. <|endoftext|> This. Your average knight was a grug-tier illiterate retard who just wanted to bash some heads in and have a great feast at the expense of their villeins. They would have been unable to imagine or comprehend change of that kind beyond the strictures of divine intervention, nor would they have cared. If there’s any present-day analog to them from a psychological standpoint, it would be the Norf FC hooligan, only dumber due to their aforementioned illiteracy. <|endoftext|> Religion is conducive to cooperation and an overarching common goal. When you’re a hunter gather grug troop, the familiarity alone can hold the tribe together, but when you’re a nation, you need some overarching authority and belief. Look at every advanced eusocial species; a hierarchy and leader is needed <|endoftext|> >The status quo has historically been "God exists". The burden would be on the claimant that says He doesn't. Pathetic attempt. Just because medieval retards 1000 years ago believed he exists means jack shit if Grug and pals 1 million years ago didn't. A burden of proof not met for 2000 years doesn't make a null hypothesis. <|endoftext|> >young these days no have good art, no good drum, no respect for old members of tribe. Things better when Grug was young. <|endoftext|> NO GRUG! DON'T DO IT! WHATEVER YOU DO, JUST JUST KEEP THE HUNTER-GATHERER BAND MOVING! DON'T STOP! <|endoftext|> >Grak put fish in ground >many moon later no food come out Grug head full of rock <|endoftext|> NO GRUG DON’T DO IT <|endoftext|> grug has a high iq due to not inhaling industrial fumes <|endoftext|> >know-nothing Grug Humans currently have the lowest average IQ levels they have ever had, I'm sure of it. The knuckle dragging caveman stereotype is bullshit. Do you have any idea how smart and strong you have to be to live outside with zero technology? <|endoftext|> How do you even connect the dots between planting seeds and things growing a year later as a know-nothing Grug? <|endoftext|> >Grug put food in ground >many moon later more food come out What this mean for grug? <|endoftext|> Yeah, violent tribal societies definitely climbed far above and beyond rational ones. Grug beating Ogg’s brains out with a rock is totally how you get into the space age. <|endoftext|> >be grug >hunt mammoth <|endoftext|> Yamnaya looked like pure grug stereotype. Big hulking men with huge jaws. Modern Europeans are more gracile. <|endoftext|> Famous Loyalist leaders include: >John 'Grug' Gregg Tried to shoot Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams, but failed. Later became a prominent drug dealer in Rathcoole. Killed in 2003 by other Loyalists. >Billy "The Mexican" McFarland Named as such for his moustache and swarthy appearance. Took part in a feud with the UVF and was eventually expelled from the UDA, becoming a dealer for illegal cigarettes/tobacco. >Jimbo "Barcardi Brigadier" Simpson Known for his alcoholism and anger issues, became reviled for running protection rackets in Loyalist areas. Fled to England for a while to avoid the wrath of the UDA, but was eventually allowed to return to live in Bangor under the protection of the West Belfast Brigade. He died in 2018 of Cancer. <|endoftext|> >being this retarded The autism/greed relationship is inverted in Britain and its third world former colonies. In Britain the greedy ones never touch the artefacts and the ones with tism handle them with care. In former colonies the heads of the museum are the true believers who were successfully colonized and actuall place a value upon things that westerners place value upon, but the day to day grug handlers of said artefacts don't give a damn and just want a paycheck. <|endoftext|> >Grug no get wife because CaveChad ungabungas all the cavewomen and is too strong >Demetrios from 200 BC Macedonia couldn't find a wife because he got killed by a Roman when he was 14 >Lesmyekev the 12th century Lithuanian can't find a wife because half his village died of disease and he only has 4 potatoes left to get through the winter >Jake lives in 21st century New Jersey and can't get a wife because most of the women have been socially engineered to not pursue marriage or children and he'd rather just play Nintendo all day anyway >these are the same thing >Not the same family. But no doubt the same ethnic group. <|endoftext|> Grug cute <|endoftext|> Grug takes Zrug back to camp Brug asks what is wrong with Zrug Grug says Zrug tried to catch a turtle and died from old age Brug asks how can one die from old age when trying to cath a turtle Grug says if tortoise run from Brug, Brug will get closer to tortoise, but never catch > go over and see Brug runs after tortoise and catch tortoise in no time at all Grug throws rock at Brug and kills him Grug comes back to camp with Brug and Zrug one under each of his arms <|endoftext|> Zrug says "WHY" Grug says "It's in my nature" and drowns Zrug <|endoftext|> Zrug says if tortoise run from Grug, Grug will get closer to tortoise, but never catch. Grug try. Grug give tortoise head start. Grug catch tortoise in no time at all. <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> Krug think Grug only give some meat to tribe and keep rest to self. Krug call it “tax” <|endoftext|> >be grug >kill big bear >want give meat and pelt to grug wo-man and son >chief say no, meat go to tribe, pelt go to tribe >tribe no kill bear, grug kill bear >grug think not fair >be grug >grug like paint cave wall >make big boob wo-man and bear and lion >tribe no like grug paint >tribe say grug no can paint >grug ask why >grug say grug give tribe meat and pelt >grug not even can paint cave wall? >what grug give meat and pelt for? >grug not get paint, but tribe get meat and pelt? >grug think story grug dad tell >back when just live in tree >want banana, eat banana >no hunt, no give meat and pelt to tribe >grug want simple life <|endoftext|> Antietam was a victory for Lee, McClellan failed to meet his goals and objectives. The Overland campaign was extremely significant and the Union nearly ended the war over it, Lee won. Richmond remained intact, Lee's army remained intact. Grant's army took much heavier losses in battles were fighting actually takes place. The thing about Napoleon and Caesar, neither of them won any truly stunning victories, the vast majority of their inflicted casualties were not in battle, but in their cavalry pursuing fleeing units and men being cut down during a route. Lee won actual battles, real fights, the majority of killing by Lee's men was done when the enemy had a real chance of winning, not mounted Germans or 10,000 Elite Cheval Cuirassiers or Lancers riding down fleeing conscripts or levied peasants. Cannae was also like this, a slaughter more than a real battle, but the slaughter was set up by a daring maneuver, which redeems the leader even if the overall killing is less impressive. Pharsalus saw a cavalry pursuit forming the most decisive role in the battle, a battle which was primarily two grug tier commanders both ordering an assault and Caesars grand tactic was >lol counter-attack Caesar had veteran legionaries and his opposition was not even 2x the strength of his own forces. Alesia was a siege, an entrenchment against a nation known for charging, and then the decisive point were Caesars veterans again defending against mostly levied peasants, half of them starved, the other half ill coordinated, furthermore, the Gauls nearly won at Alesia. also >Gauls to the north have broken >lol counter-attack >decisive victory truly he is playing Rome Total War on Very Hard. >Austerlitz Gettysburg was almost Lee's Austerlitz in both geography and planning, but Meade got lucky and guessed right. Whereas The Allies guessed wrong, except for one of the Russian commanders, but no one listened to him. Soult and Pickett made the exact same maneuver. <|endoftext|> >Supporting Russian invasion How the hell is that pro-communist? Is it some grug tier "USA bad, communism good, so anything anti-USA is communist" logic <|endoftext|> Grug magic man the real one. You magic man are not. <|endoftext|> This is a cheap shot, while you're right that his popularity has a great deal to do with his handsome looks, this isn't a gay thing per se. The halo effect boosts good-looking people of either sex to people of either sex, and always has. Women are well disposed towards beautiful women and men admire handsome men, it's a grug-tier eugenic thing. This is why it sucks to be ugly, people will treat you badly based on your looks and not just the opposite sex and gays. <|endoftext|> le might makes right meme is a myth, no one actually believes that, it was a shitpost on /int/ to dab on morally indignant latam by Meds. Libtards fell for it hook line and sinker and believe everyone is as hypocritical as they are, as if everyone on the right loves the South, or everyone who loves the South is on the right, or that everyone in either or both groups is a might makes right grug tier intellectual. <|endoftext|> Yes...being a Nomadic Pastoral is extremely different as it is more stable than being a hunter gatherer since you're doing Husbandry and can trade for foodstuffs & tools by just selling settled fags horses and livestock products. Holy shit you are stupid. >demanding tribute requires you to keep on the threat while letting them grow and then taking their shit just lets you do nothing at all while reaping all the benefit, theyll establish themselves again because theyre bitches not able to hunt or gather >do you think a nomad wouldnt stay in a hospitable place if he had one?, one where all he had to do was move a little bit every once in a while to collect the resources? The Yuan Dynasty stopped doing that since...they relied on a tax-based now like a sedentary state instead of grug-tier tribute gathering. >yes, they love living there but not building it themselves, dumbass. The Yuan literally built Beijing lmao. Its often considered their turning point away from being a simple Khaganate when Khubilai Khan built & settled in a Chinese style capital. You're as illiterate as a steppenig. Go read a book on the Yuan Dynasty. <|endoftext|> You are seething because it is true. Northern Europeans have the power to end the world. no other race in history has wielded such power. >White people didnt invent computers, the internet, the English language, or 4channel HOLY COPE >middle class dravidians middle class dravidians make a total of 12$ over the course of their lives. out of 1.2 billion (8x the number of White Americans) people Dravidoids can only muster a few thousand competent individuals that can compete with American Whites L O L Continue seething, at a population vastly larger than Whites, you still cant bring your own nation out of the gutter. >you stole all our shit whitey well, maybe bigger grug is simply superior than smaller grug? hit the gym and evolve for another 50,000 years, maybe you wont get BVLLed by everyone in your immediate vicinity (Aryans, Iranians, Chinese, Mongols, Turks, British and Portuguese who despite being thousands of miles away humiliated India) <|endoftext|> i still am primitive grug <|endoftext|> Swedes are very egalitarian, but not individualistic. They have a very ordered and regimented society maintained on social shaming, feminine! Atlantic Celts have less qualms about breaking social norms especially in the pursuit of glory and indulgence. Scandinavians have more HG because the EEF whom CWC mixed with had more WHG, could also be additional EHG, could also be additional WHG from a resurgence of WHG rich farmers in central/Northern Europe post IE. I1 is not SHG, all SHGs were I2 and SHGs contributed less than 1-2% to Modern genomes. Not unreasonable to say Swedes have more Neanderthal DNA than SHG DNA. I1 may have predated steppe, or arrived with steppe, its unknown. All we know is primordial I1 was a turbo coomer. SF has no descendants. I think what’s most likely is an EEF population with I1 somehow survived and managed to trade something valuable with IE for women. Or I1 became prominent through sheer luck (I1 man was strongest grug in the local area) and became an “IE” line by founding a prominent IE family which overtime became identical to other IE. <|endoftext|> This is just turning into Gaul vs Germania, both had more in common with eachother than either had with Nordics or Insular Celts, Let’s instead focus on true Germanics and “relevant” celts (the celts in question, The American ones, are not Gauls but Gaels and Britons) Nordic Scandinavia vs the British isles, stay within the realm of Northern Europe. The roundhouse was not a longhouse, it featured one family and the women weren’t sent away at night to private quarters while the men slept together in the commons. Germanics in Beowulf record all the men sleeping under the same roof after sending the women away. The primary method of fighting for the Irish was skirmishing/ambushing and then a sweeping charge. They had no sophisticated military tactics like what the Romans or Germanics had. >the Germanics in Germania Yes the Germanic nearest the Celts generically regressed from their Nordic Bronze Age level of technology, this we can agree on. No one is denying celts built hillforts, but they didn’t come up with hillforts, EEF people who are closer to Nordic people genetically than to Irish people genetically did. >round table is more collectivistic The heart of individualism isn’t worship of the individual, it’s a respect for the dignity of the individual. Hero worship isn’t individualistic, and it’s found in all cultures and all places. Respecting individual dignity, and respecting it even to where big grug respect little grug, is the spiritual wellspring from which Individualism flows. The round table shows a respect for the lowest from the highest. The Anglo Saxons nearly always fought in shield walls, they were fighting in shieldwalls against the Normans. The Welsh fought with elite light infantry into the Middle Ages, the era of chain and early plate, late Iron Age Celts were still fighting with lightly armored javelineers and shillelagh clubs. The Germanics who charged Caesar were neighbors of Gaul. Celts were Chad Warriors. <|endoftext|> >Norse society was structured around a Longhouse, a shared living space, and social structuring was based around loyalty to a man who served more as a social node than a human leader of men. The celtic society was literally centred around the roundhouse. no difference there >but they were still using stone weapons into the Iron Age and their primary method of warfare was more like a head on mass wrestling match than an organized formation. Except the Celts, Gauls specficically but even the irish had far better technology than the Germanics. They had helmets, full armour and metal shields. The germanics were using stone weapons fighting the romans, most german arrows were tipped in flint or bone and clubs and fire-hardened spears were normal weapons >built by EEF men, whom Germanics are closer to paternally, I1 men were EEF who clearly influenced Germanic society to be collectivistic like EEF were. imagine denying that celts built hillforts, you are delusional >The concept of a round table, around which the nobles sat as equals with the high King, and the king being chosen based on leadership ability not 'biggest grug". The concept of the round table is more collectivistic than an individual leader winning by battle prowess alone. Germanics more individualistic >Also the Germanics were said to fight in a way similar to the phalanx as far as the early Iron Age, the shieldwall shit where they molest eachother like Greek faggots is deeply entwined with Germanic fighting style. Only the germanics close to the border that caeser fought with. Germanic shields were not designed for shieldwalls and shieldwalls only took precedence in the 7th centuries, even the anglo saxons who fought the romano britons did not fight with shieldwalls but rather loose skirmish formations. Arminius was killed because he tried to unite the tribes you mong, muh romans diving the chiefs, they did the exact same thing to the celts so stop talking nonsense. <|endoftext|> Germany isn't individualistic, they are highly organized and collectivistic as we can see with their recent behaviors. Scandinavians are also quite individualistic as one can see in the structure of their society. The Norse Sagas also point to collectivism, for example Norse society was structured around a Longhouse, a shared living space, and social structuring was based around loyalty to a man who served more as a social node than a human leader of men. >Celts have been more advanced Not even close, they have been more developed due to Roman contact but they were still using stone weapons into the Iron Age and their primary method of warfare was more like a head on mass wrestling match than an organized formation. >hillforts built by EEF men, whom Germanics are closer to paternally, I1 men were EEF who clearly influenced Germanic society to be collectivistic like EEF were. Germanics have less steppe than Celts. >hierarchy The concept of a round table, around which the nobles sat as equals with the high King, and the king being chosen based on leadership ability not 'biggest grug". >charge and retreat only the Germanics who lived near Celts fought that way, Ariovistus is a Celtic name btw. Also the Germanics were said to fight in a way similar to the phalanx as far as the early Iron Age, the shieldwall shit where they molest eachother like Greek faggots is deeply entwined with Germanic fighting style. Arminius was killed because the Romans divided the Germanic chiefs. >highly advanced >fought naked with weapons made of wood sentinelese with a loin cloth have more advanced weaponcraft. Celtic architecture was mostly them living in the ruins of and copying I1 (Germanic) EEF areas. The Atlantic Ocean creates Individualist people. <|endoftext|> This motivation does explains the tradcon/generally traditional aversion towards onanism, though. And a lot of other things. The most primitive societies are the most right-wing, because experimentation and going against the grain is assumed dangerous and wasteful if not to the individual then to the society as a whole. >Why Brug look at cave picture and rub meat pole? He not care about hunt or do sticky dance with girl grug, why let Brug eat communal cave food? >Why Crug make eyes with small eye girl from other cave? Small eye girl not same. Baby will not feel home in Grug cave or other cave. And what if more small eye come? Then Grug not feel home in own cave. Small eye girl go back other cave. >Why Drug not believe Great Spirit? If Great Spirit go away, Grug scared. Drug not say is no Great Spirit. If say again. I hit with big club until no say. <|endoftext|> >Why Brug look at cave picture and rub meat pole? He not care about hunt or do sticky dance with girl grug, why let Brug eat communal cave food? <|endoftext|> That's why we don't throw out the rules, right? Sky-grug wouldn't make it rain when he was mad, if there was no rules for his behaviour <|endoftext|> Psychological cope, mostly. Grug no like rain, grug say rain come when sky-grug mad. <|endoftext|> If this is grug then I don't wanna know what a genius albanian could do. <|endoftext|> grug tier albanian iq <|endoftext|> >New cave owner beat old cave owner... >New cave owner say old cave owner bad >grug think new cave owner right... thanks for proving that, yet again, might makes right. <|endoftext|> Grug was as smart as us he just had little knowledge <|endoftext|> >Grug will trick deer by wearing deer skin >Fuck grug all hot and sweaty >Grug remember this for the ice times <|endoftext|> The idea is popping out a kid both families would have blood investment in. You can renege on a piece of paper or a chiseled stone tabled or whatever Grug made contacts with. When your own flesh and blood is part of the bargain it's harder to flake. <|endoftext|> >However, within the framework of empiricism and materialism, you have no justification for assuming such a thing as causality. OH NO NOT THE PROBLEM OF INDUCTION I'M LITERALLY GOING INSAAAA- >*hits ball again in the same way and it does the same thing* I'm actually alright with this. I don't care about any of the shit philosophy you bring into the argument. I'll just be grug and do what has consistent results. >NOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT WITHOUT METAPHYSICAL MATERIALISTIC JUSTIFIC... >*hits the ball the same way, observes same result, farts in your general direction* <|endoftext|> Islam is such a grug religion. <|endoftext|> >holy shit grug did you just create fire? >yeah I did my fellow Negro >wow that is so cool please fuck me grug I imagine this is what happened <|endoftext|> Yeah modern, I thought this was elementary, the modern English language exists in large part because the Normans conquered the Anglo-Saxons in 1066. This is why we aren't speaking some old Germanic grug speak. <|endoftext|> Bussy is to civilization thing for grug, bussy gay grug smash gay. <|endoftext|> What if Grug wanted bussy? You are deboonked. <|endoftext|> >grug want pussy >GRUG SMASH >grug gets pussy Here. This is all of history. All other discussion is redundant <|endoftext|> It seems to be putting an end to the Grug -> Civilisation meme. Which is to say "civilisation", art, culture, organised religion, trade, language, etc all existed before City-slaver empires. Ironically, many people can't break out of the grug to city mindset and so think that any civilised """"pre-history""""" must be the result of another more ancient city-slaver empire because it's impossible for them to fathom human society without a centralised state. <|endoftext|> Actually the arms/hands are resting on the breasts. That's those lines on the top of the boobs. If you look at it rim the right angle you'll see fingers. I mean >grugette big boob grug like <|endoftext|> >shit face >no arms >no markings Grug waifu trash <|endoftext|> Grug waifu pure. <|endoftext|> collectives whether voluntary or involuntary win over the individual every time be it some genuinely intelligent radical thinker or a grug with more muscle fibers than neurons <|endoftext|> All memes of me being a grug brain aside I spoke to quickly and proudly. So I’m sorry anon, I’ll admit I was wrong. While I agree that verse is used as one of the primary justifications of libertarian theology, however is does not encapsulated the more complex (and I would argue nefarious) things that are attached to the beliefs of liberation theology. Because the Church has been preaching again the hoarding of material possessions for ages, See >1891, Rerum novarum <|endoftext|> Society and civilization exists so that men can guard their offspring successfully and kill other men and take their women. Think about it logically. Caveman grug, tribe 250 people tops. Villager grug, village 500-1000 people. In a physical confrontation, for resources or something else, which one has better chances to win? The village has more young men to fight than the entire grug tribe has people. Ergo, village wins, civilization wins, savages die. <|endoftext|> It was probably a supplementary food supply. >Grug hunts wild game >Grugina harvests local plants for food >Notice that there are lots of plants the Grug cave can't eat >Snails eat these though >Thinking.basket >Grab some snails >Grab some leaves >Grow snails for free to boost protein in your normal diet with basically no effort except throwing some leaves in a basket occasionally <|endoftext|> >Be grug >See hottie >Boner_Time.jpeg What kind of an answer were you expecting??? <|endoftext|> yes, grugstone lived in a slightly taller hut made from the most pristine mammoth tusks whereas grug gruggson lived under a twig in the suburbs of Gruggpolis <|endoftext|> immaterial concepts that need to exist because the rules of nature like mathematics needed to be discovered but they were always there waiting to be discovered. non-material concepts like the economy or morals are just as real as atoms. There is no multiplication atom but you can't argue math doesn't exist and was discovered. some caveman grug in 100bc athens discovered 1+1=2 <|endoftext|> inca obviously. aztecs were a literal grug protection racket city state and mayans were a disconnected mess of smaller city states. inca were an interconnected empire with relatively advanced technology. <|endoftext|> >Grug like girl >Grug get boner when kiss girl >Grug see girl kiss girl >Grug get double boner It's funny, lesbianism was never at any point criminal in Canada, whereas man on man homosexuality was lmao. Based as fuck if you ask me. Most women are bi, yes. But men? Nope. Only legitimate bi male I've ever met in my life ended up being trans. <|endoftext|> even without a higher being the possibility of our existence is so small that it can't even be calculated in your average ejaculation there is 5 hundred million sperm, you are 5 hundred million in 1 repeat that for your dad repeat that for his dad repeat that for a million generations add in the fact that our planet is the only one in this solar system that can sustain life add in that life evolved in this certain way over millions of years the chance of our existence is trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions to one, scientifically now remember that if at any point this chain had been broken we wouldn't exist, if grug had fucked ug on another night another sperm would have won and not a single person would exist as they are, and that applies to literally every step of this i think odds wise it is far more likely we're simulated, or brain in a jar, or any other non-natural explanation <|endoftext|> Selection bias. Most muslims are grug retards. <|endoftext|> >Grug use rock >No you can't use rock rock prove you not real communist 40 dollar go phone actually. As I said, I accept your concession and utter btfo, that's your hint to stop posting and embarrassing yourself. <|endoftext|> > An stupid german that manage to fucking ruin iberian kingdoms at the top of their power because a bunch of golly-gee grug protties in central europe. That was more Philips II through IV than Charles. <|endoftext|> An stupid german that manage to fucking ruin iberian kingdoms at the top of their power because a bunch of golly-gee grug protties in central europe. Who the FUCK would give a shit about a cunt frozen shithole lost in the middle of nowhere when you rule a fucking entire continent filled with gold, silver, paradise-like weather, etc ready to be settled. That dumbass had many other bad things - -let the french kang return France after defeating him in St. Quentin because "muh chivalry", ignored by french who supported turkroaches and prepared themselves to fight other day -bled the Spanish armies and economy in central european senseless religious wars -removed the power of the conquerors over the natives to give it to the Church But hey, who the fuck gives a shit at this lucky loser at this point of history? <|endoftext|> The genesis story is interesting if you read it through a gnostic lens, otherwise it's grug tier. <|endoftext|> With the cthonic earthmother worshipped by the neolithic farmers some 25,000 years ago. You may not like it, but this is what peak fertility looks like at the time. >Some stone age grug busted a fat nit to this <|endoftext|> The anunaki who created us, made us like gold a lot so that we want to mine it for them. That's the ancient ayy lmao theory about it. Its probably because grug likes shiny object and shiny object is also heavy, so it makes grug respect it. <|endoftext|> The reason that's not a utopia for guys like OP is because they know they don't stand a chance in even circumstances. They're the beta that grug beats up and women ignore. It's why in early Soviet-Marxist literature there was free love, because those guys didn't stand a chance in normal circumstances. <|endoftext|> no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now <|endoftext|> > see autistic middle eastern migrants destroying your land and state with their insane, grug-brained, narcissistic cult That was really the Goth migrants but I don’t see you hating on them. They were literally the ones to destroy what had been the pagan centre of Greece for over a thousand years > While in Greece Alaric struck west for the city of Eleusis. Eleusis was one of the foremost religious pagan centers of Greece. The city had remained pagan until the invasion of Alaric. His attack on that city was as savage as any in his entire Greek adventure. At Eleusis, he destroyed the ancient temple of Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, along with everything else there. Eleusis had also been the site of eleusinian mysteries, the best known of the secret ceremonies of the Ancient Greek religion, but the last remnants of the Mysteries were wiped out in 396 AD, when Arian Christians under Alaric, destroyed and desecrated the sacred sites. <|endoftext|> > see autistic middle eastern migrants destroying your land and state with their insane, grug-brained, narcissistic cult Funnily enough. It was quite the opposite. It was mostly people from the west going to to the east to destroy pagan shit like Theodosius and Cynegius who were from Spain and Rufinus who was from Gaul. It was mostly because middle eastern pagans tended to be more militantly pagan than other pagans in the empire so more force was required to subdue them to Christianity. > Flavius Rufinus, the new Praetorian Prefect of the East, whose appointment marked Theodosius reassertion of his authority in the East, was close to the emperor. Flavius Rufinus was a native of Aquitaine and like Theodosius a westerner. He had accompanied Theodosius to Italy holding the position of magister officiorum, and rendered his emperor the service of reconciling him to bishop Ambrose of Milan after the massacre of Thessalonica. But Rufinus' policies in many ways foreshadowed the future. He was a dedicated and rigorous Christian and a patron of ascetics. Naturally he was a strong supporter of Theodosius' policy of alliance with orthodox Christianity. It was probably under the instigation of his fanatical magister officiorum, Flavius Rufinus, a vigorous onslaught launched against pagan cults in a series of laws from the early 390s. Laws addressed to Rufinus combat paganism no less than heresy. > The pagan teacher, Libanius, from Antioch described Cynegius the – the Roman prefect from Spain who governed a vast swath of the eastern Mediterranean on behalf of Theodosius (also from Spain)– leading troops of Roman soldiers and Christian monks on a rampage through the Syrian, Lebanese, Palestinian and Egyptian countrysides against pagan sites. Following the death in 388 of his praetorian prefect, Cynegius, who had vandalized a number of pagan shrines in the middle eastern provinces. <|endoftext|> >be ancient Romans >see autistic middle eastern migrants destroying your land and state with their insane, grug-brained, narcissistic cult >sack of Rome happens >finally lash out against Christianity >the repressive Christian response is so thorough and censorious that the only reason we know Romans blamed and hated Christianity for the collapse of the empire is because Augustine quotes some snippets of the Roman critiques of Christianity in his City of God Whoops? <|endoftext|> Grug don't care if Grog carpet-bombed the Rok tribe, he's from Rak tribe so fuck those guys <|endoftext|> because you live under them Grug don't care if Grog carpet-bombed the Rok tribe, he's from Rak tribe so fuck those guys <|endoftext|> >Grug like eating pigs >Grug find bunch of pigs in cave! Grug trap them there so Grug can eat pig whenever he wants! >Grug feed pigs garbage so they don't starve. >Pigs think Grug is their mother now because he feeds them? This make pigs easier to kill because they not run around cave and hide when Grug gets hungry >Grug pig farmer now That's probably it <|endoftext|> >grug no like big head men with glasses >agree with grug <|endoftext|> What's to figure out? >dont wann be in chief Grug territory anymore >Urgug say he fished all the way to Gug on this current >Thug left last year with ten men, and he's a smart gug. Thug wouldn't do something not safe. >fuck it, I'm better fishing than Urgug, take the kids and wife and see where the sea god goes. the primordial ocean had a lot more fish than today. <|endoftext|> >Doesn't matter if it's a modern trend, it's become so prolific it's a definite step in our evolution. So modern we have no idea if it will stay the course. My parents where alive when The Pill was invented, I was alive when most of the other forms of birth control where. That's a sparrow fart in a hurricane compared to the 300,000+ years humans have been around. >such as children being used for labor in the past White people stopped used toddlers to clean the auto-looms hard to reach spots doesn't mean no one on earth uses children for labor anymore. >and many people not even understanding what causes a baby to be made. This has most likely never been a thing. "Hey when did you get pregnant?" "As soon as Grug started fucking me." "Weird. You know the dogs all get sex crazy and fuck right before the bitches have a litter of puppies... And so do most other animals... Well, only the Great Spirit knows why. It's probably from eating berries!" No my dude, even cave men knew where babies came from. Children not knowing is probably another super recent and maybe not long-lived development. <|endoftext|> baka... all these years and minelets still seething go back to your hole grug, slaving all day to get shiny rock out of mountain ROMAN CHAD will just collapse the whole mountain and take shiny rock from debris <|endoftext|> G2a - Odysseus, normal guy who achieved a lot because he was very intelligent and clever R1b - Heracles - grug tier retard with enormous strength, killed everyone with his wooden club like a caveman E1b1b - Achilles - achieved anything only because he was a cheater and played on god mode, died like a moron because of some bug J2 - Perseus - okay guy, killed Medusa because of cheat codes, had jungle fever <|endoftext|> A lot of social rules and laws are ooga booga-tier spooks about how the community needs more whombs and meatshields. >Grug no rub own meatpole or get other Grug to rub, must find girlgrug and make baby grugs >Grug not spill meatpole juice on ground, meatpole juice must go inside girlgrug >Grug no jump in river, Grug own body belong to whole cave not just Grug <|endoftext|> First Battle of Acentejo - illiterate naked grug Chads armed with sticks decimating virgin conquistadors armed with steel armor and cannons <|endoftext|> Grug learn law because Grug father speak law, big hope for grug. Grug want to sing. Sing the song of grugs people. Little hat tribe have no regard for grugs people, little hat tribe speak lies not law! <|endoftext|> >what do they call your people >uh... we are... er... LE STRONGS! Fucking grug tier, laughable. <|endoftext|> if grug head sound, then grug is <|endoftext|> >Casus Belli: This Grug cave now <|endoftext|> >grug try explain sun come up, go down >starts crushing beer cans <|endoftext|> >grug picks up a leaf and folds it in half >pokes another stick through it <|endoftext|> >grug alone, weak, grug together, strong, like sticks <|endoftext|> Trial and error. You see grug eat a berry, if he doesn't die you know you can eat it too <|endoftext|> >you're not capable of getting stronger without struggling through resistance training Retard. Life forms precede humans by a lot, and any of your retarded grug notions of "no pain no gain". There's billions of life forms that have existed and thrived and still do without ever feeling any pain whatsoever, because their body doesn't even allow for it, even if they wanted. They evolve and grow, but their struggle is completely painless. Cope more you fucking retarded stockholm syndrome simian. You're just as likely to end up alone in some asylum like many grandparents getting mistreated by tired nurses and hoping to die once your hypocritical life goes a bit too long. > you can't evolve without suffering Retard human cope. Suffering has only existed so far as nervous systems have, which are a relatively modern development in the history of life as a whole. A tree can live longer than you without feeling pain and still evolve just the same. "REEEEEEEEE NOOOOOOOOO TREEES ALSO HAVE FEELINGS" Cope more you fucking clown. You deify suffering because you are the closest to an actual demon that has ever and will ever exist. You pray to a fucking fairy tale in a book and consider yourself a good person while your brothers could be dying and suffering horribly next to you. In many cases the suffering starts with your very religion. You are barely worthy of the label "human". <|endoftext|> > They worked 6-8 hours per die. Define work. They might not have “worked” a lot by our understanding a smart grug would be spending as much time as possible looking for ways to improve his situation. <|endoftext|> Nationalism takes all the worst elements of grug tier tribalism and dials it up to 11. Instead of your lord going to war for conquest/personal alliances and you following him out of loyalty, war has become about imagined personal and societal identity and as such defeat is now a stain on your very identity. It goes far deeper than your bonds to your liege and poisons your very self, any excuse is going to be clung to. A shared identity and taking a personal association with the state to such an intimate level enables great works to be accomplished but it also encourages severe neuroticism and frenzied violent retardation when things go poorly. <|endoftext|> >Just hit Grug with stick while Grug throw rock No <|endoftext|> Grug Gang <|endoftext|> >grug hungry >grug angry >higher level ideal <|endoftext|> What about a grug who’s on the fence? How could he decide which action would be most moral? <|endoftext|> Even this system doesn’t have objective morals. What if smaller more insular groups start to form within the tribe? What if they come into conflict and start a civil war? Is killing fellow grug good then because you would consider yourself a different tribe? By that logic an outside grug could see you as a murderer killing over insignificant differences. <|endoftext|> every ethical system is just an evolution of tribal pragmatic rules. Murder within the tribe is wrong because then the tribe has one less grug Stealing is wrong because it will cause conflict in the tribe, which damages its functioning. Not respecting your elders is wrong because hierarchy is important for the smooth functioning of the tribe. Every ethical system that is too disconnected from these tribal pragmatisms, like universal human rights, universal anything really, is objectively wrong. Anything that benefits the tribe, like killing members of other tribes, is justified as it benefits the tribe. <|endoftext|> Stop being cringe anons. Nature and biology are not normative fields of study. Chaining ourselves to some perceived natural order is grug tier, and for most anons it’s just a cope against the increased competition that comes with egalitarianism. <|endoftext|> You are exactly the type of grug referee to in this post <|endoftext|> If you reproduce by the age of 13 grug rage would not be breeded out. <|endoftext|> Archery has had huge military value throughout history but it was only part of the reason the Mongols were successful, the weapon (which, again, is quite effective even if the training requirements were high) simply dovetailed with their other advantages of mobility, discipline, and training. Being able to continuously harass your enemy when you have the ability to reliably outmaneuver them both on a strategic and tactical level is just very, very good. Infantry archers are also effective but were more of a support role that worked as part of a larger system of cavalry and line infantry. In grug tribal warfare bows are OP as fuck. <|endoftext|> >The only reason private property exists is because people believe it does and the government enforces the idea with guns, it's not a feature of objective reality. Are the fact people believe in it and the government supporting not part of objective reality? Is value part of objective reality? Is work part of objective reality, or simply a term for the act of transformation done by men and influenced by human society? Just because it's not material, doesn't mean it's not real you m*terialist. >property over hunting grounds was obviously communal, property over agricultural land was also communal Never denied it, I'm saying that, in order to increase productive efficiency, the idea (not the effective institution) of private property emerged in order to specialize work. Say, Grug was the smith of the tribe, a job which required advanced skills even at a primitive level, since he had the most experience. Naturally at one point, maybe after several smiths are present, Grug's forge stops being "the forge" and becomes "Grug's forge". I believe this was the seed of private property. Also calling hunting grounds "means of production" is not entirely accurate. >because in order for land to become fit for agriculture you needed massive amounts of labour to do irrigation works That's very late in time, well after the development of agriculture and the end of primitive communism according to Marx, and it's not universally appliable. <|endoftext|> >Reminder that this grug tool was developed by IQ 200 one in a millennia geniuses. elaborate? <|endoftext|> Reminder that this grug tool was developed by IQ 200 one in a millennia geniuses. I know we are evolutionary inclined to be scared of any anthropomorphic body shape obese and overly slender, but why cant you just kill that twig with tiny bones with your bare hands? <|endoftext|> >self preservation instinct >Grug go to war to die for his tribe. >His tribe now has higher chance to survive and carry on his genes. There. <|endoftext|> >wife and kids starve for lack of wheat >Grug masturbates and cries, rolls into a ball until Grug fat rolls fade and Grug decay <|endoftext|> >be grug >grow wheat >onions tribe wants wheat if grug no give wheat then onions tribe kill grug's wife and kids >grug give onions tribe wheat congrats here's your state <|endoftext|> >big hat shaman no like grug uga buga with new gruga >grug no like big hat shaman >grug big hat shaman now <|endoftext|> This is the single most based thing I’ve ever seen, Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug, the smartest man to ever live (at the time). He used his great intelligence to fuck many women. <|endoftext|> civilised society is an irrelevant fraction of human history evolution-wise chug take many female for self, grug fuck brug in anus to cope <|endoftext|> How do we know the Grug who made Venus of Willendof wasn't just the ooga booga age's Dobson? <|endoftext|> >grug find awoo in cave >grug kill awoo >grug find many little awoo in cave >grug cant kill little awoo no much meat >grug take little awoo to tent >little awoo cry loud >grug give wife milk to little awoo >little awoo stop cry >grug take care of little awoo until old >awoo help hunt >awoo love grug >grug love awoo <|endoftext|> >grug find awoo in forest >awoo look happy when grug give food >grug take it back to tribe Was this humanity's greatest invention? <|endoftext|> depend if grug just copy other grug or different sometime grug make sticks but other grug take credit and then Grug change name to Artist <|endoftext|> When grug tribe destroyed ugh tribe <|endoftext|> >he's not in Gildas >he's not in Bedes >so he didn't exist >simple as >Senior lecturer of Norf Early Medieval History, Professor Grug Why have historians taken such a reductionist view on the historical existence of King Arthur? <|endoftext|> >be Grug >go to tribe hunting ground >shoot deer >carry deer back >tribe weirdo Libertunga stand in way >'This my forest, Grug no can hunt deer! Pay 10 rock for permission first!' >laugh and club his head <|endoftext|> Picrel was carved into a limestone cave wall about 25kya at Laussel. OP is from Chauvet dated slightly farther back at 30kya. Both caves are located in France. I'll start looking around for some painted cave-sluts though. I know they exist from readings, but I haven't seen many photographs. Materiel evidence does seem to indicate that many Grug indeed loved a thicc bitch. <|endoftext|> 125 iq >holocaust some organized mass killing of jews happened >nanking masacre no idea >progressism not really >atheism mental illness >monarchy is better than democracy they perform about the same >Scientists, intellectuals and doctors are sellout whores NOT ALL!1!1!!!111 >Bolshevism comes from atheistic jews they played a huge role >armo genocide yeah why not, even if it didn't happen, the turkic migrations were a disaster for the human race anyway >glasses do not cause myopia no idea >gravity i don't care about arcane physics semantics, grug throw stone, stone fall down >germ theory tiny bugs exist and they can be bad hombres, but there are forces beyond tiny bugs >global warming ngl something's happening >moon landing if they were fake, the russians or chinks would have said sth <|endoftext|> So that Grug could know to who inherit his possesions. <|endoftext|> Its not that your fellow christians aren't embarassed and irritated by you, they just don't have to deal with being the target of your grug brained politics. <|endoftext|> Yes, remember before grug ruined war with far? Perhaps you mean that there wasn't always medicine that could save victims of war like him. <|endoftext|> Chad grug peasants and high IQ King vs the virgin midwit jacobins <|endoftext|> >Why waste time consooming fictional garbage that only serves to turn off the brain What other purpose is there to fiction? People have been enjoying made-up stories since we could speak; thinking about Grug and the talking weasel was more entertaining than stewing in the reality of being one winter away from starvation. >impose agendas Every narrative, fictional or nonfictional, has an agenda: whether capeshit, historical writings, classic plays, ancient epics, or the earliest oral legends. Even the historical record is littered with agendas from one historian or another; victors write the books and set the narrative. >learn about stuff like xyz For somebody so autistic about history you'd surely realize people for time immemorial have used fiction as a vehicle to teach about everything you're talking about and more. Shakespeare didn't write Hamlet for kicks, the Greeks didn't play dramas in drag to feel pretty, and the Epic of Gilgamesh wasn't written just to play with clay tablets. <|endoftext|> Any kino books about the average life of a bronze age mesopotamian? I just find the bronze age old enough to be kinda alien and comfy. >inb4 grug text <|endoftext|> I mean something more like breaking their main or most intimal beliefs right from within, like "red tribe bread forbidden from eaten, for their god/ancestors. Grug tribe defeat red tribe, grug trube make red tribe eat forbidden bread. Grug tribe laugh, red tribe cry" <|endoftext|> Nta >You are far more likely to die through human induced causes than anything else Do you count cancer and heart diseases human induced? >Millions of people have died from cancer that was caused by new and untested chemicals used, or were killed and maimed by various weapons And you don't need to roll back society to address those issues >We've had handfuls of nuclear close calls that almost ended in global nuclear war, yet no one really cares that a few people in the world have the power to end the world multiple times over. How is that different from Grug tribe wiping off the Kreg tribe? It's not end of the world either, humans as species would still survive. >Modern life is already being disrupted by things like global warming, people are migrating due to resource exhaustion or global warming. Which rolling back society wouldn't fix and would only make worse. Global warming won't go away if you stop the emissions right now >Azerbaijans and Armenias recent war was fought mainly around areas with fresh water. And? Most wars are and have been >I would rather live in a world without internet than being constant surveillance Those are separate things <|endoftext|> I'm don't have a political ideology, I know you grug types can only think in labels. At the moment I like hoppean anarcho-capitalism because it serves as a form of decentralized fascism. <|endoftext|> >>Which state has had the most failed presidential candidates(not including minor parties or unrelected presidents)? uhhh new york? >>After the Battle of Lepanto the Venetians proposed what to cripple the Turkish fleet? roach-b-gone >>Jakob Meckel, the Prussian military advisor to Japan, described Korea as what? submissive and breedable >>What was the last Indian War in American history and which year did it take place? pipeline, 2021 >>What did Sicilian peasants mistakenly believe "Italia"was when they shouted "Viva Garibaldi! Viva Italia!" ice cream >>Which was the only Southern capital not to fall in the Civil War? havana >>What was the first battle in Europe to be won via firearms? ug v grug, grug self immolated and his fire arms burned ug's face off >>Which Native American tribe abandoned firearms in favor of bow and arrows? albert einstein, ww4 <|endoftext|> >artistic grug makes a figurine to insult grog's mother by calling her a landwhale >millennia later some feminist retard digs it up and insists this was worshiped as a goddess and women used to rule humanity <|endoftext|> You see. As animals with a high degree of complexity, we have more reasons to fight each other than >Not enough food, grug must kill competitors >Need sex, must outcompete rival suitors. one of them is because social organization systems either compete with each other for resources, or antagonize each other, or some other myriad of reasons. <|endoftext|> >Your post is a too rosy Most likely... But I didn't want to make a post that was Grug levels of shitpost. Since that could have derailed the train of conversation. <|endoftext|> >We've got to go back [to the stone age (after dropping the H-bomb)] Flitnsone society is comfy as fuck tho, I'd live there no problem. Grug smash!... Which on <|endoftext|> >To read the stars is to read their positions in the sky, it is astronomy, not astrology. No that’s astrology. Astronomy is a branch of physics that involves shitloads more than “grug saw star bad place, bad thing will happen.” <|endoftext|> >grug important >grug smash keyboard >grug use buzzword >grug genius Thanks Grug, but maybe next time try communicating concretely rather than menstruating your emotive, estrogenic garbage. <|endoftext|> >be grug >have weird looking rock >it shiny >throw rock in fire >rock get hot >shiny parts start glowing and changing >fire dies off but shiny parts are in weird dripping state >then it cools off into new shape >grug gets idea >grug tests it out >shiny thing can change shape if heated enough >shiny thing can be changed into shape best suited for you >find more shiny things >gets more ideas <|endoftext|> It feels natural to use natural barriers as borders, like most of humanity for the most of history >Grug sees hill >Grug claims this land his until the hill >Other Grug over the hill and under the hill <|endoftext|> normans got frenchd. literally most of english surnames derive from them and they were upper caste while anglosaxon germanics were made peasants. and ANE looked like a grug mongoloid which is a great example how having traces of certain gene dont mean quack in reality <|endoftext|> >#1 most influential person *raughs* Julius Caesar was more influential than him. Newton too, I'd say. An argument could be made for Paul, or even Constantine. Really though, the most influential people to ever live is the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor, or the ancestor of all living humans. Also known as grug fucksalot. <|endoftext|> Me part of cross tribe now Me like sky Grug <|endoftext|> Shaman say rock and water older than Grug. If rock and water older than Grug, when was first rock? <|endoftext|> A SMALL-EYE TRIBE BIRD JUST FLEW OVER GRUG'S CAVE >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING >IT HAPPENING IT HAPPENING <|endoftext|> g*rm tribe baddest tribe. It no exaggeration to say that every bad is done and/or endorsed by g*rm tribe. Buffalo's disappearing? g*rm tribe's fault. Rome tribe disappearing? g*rm tribe's fault. Grug's wife leaving Grug to be with g*rm tribe? Me think you get where me going with this. <|endoftext|> how can grug take lala to bed? <|endoftext|> >that's not true, though, is it, the caveman who could put an arrow through his rival's throat at 50 yards is going to win whether his rival is a big muscly grugg or not So how can you know if a man can put an arrow at 50 yards? What the fuck is 50 yards anyway, 50 meters? >45 meter That's not a lot anyway. I never claimed intelligence doesn't play a role in human evolution. Quote me on where I said that. Women do not select for intelligence because they cannot verify that trait. At best, at absolute best, you can say women select for intelligence by indirectly fucking with charismatic men who can talk with them and communicate effectively. But some autistic dweeb with 200 IQ can't really communicate well, since he is high IQ and they naturally have problems communicating and being social with people. Intelligence cannot be verified by a woman. By the way, intelligent men don't need women to select for them. As you said, grug with an arrow and a bow can kill someone pretty easy, so if grug found out how to make arrows and bows alone, he is smart, so because of his smarts he will breed. You are delusional if you think some retarded looking nerd with 200 IQ can pull the same amount of women as some average or less IQ 10/10 dude who is both tall and charismatic. <|endoftext|> grug fled to his cave after being driven off his land by farmoids hordes hungry for land and came back with horses and animal herds and reconquered his land <|endoftext|> Hindsight bias, the post. In the 1980s Nobel Prize winning economists were still predicting the USSR's eclipse of the US economy in the 2000s. The CIA is the most powerful tankie org on earth. I hear in the depths of Langely they have a secret shrine to Stalin where all the glowies go to pray. >grug mad because preconceived notions of world challenged by fact... grrr... <|endoftext|> >Be me >Be Grug >Berrypicker as fuck >One day picking berries >See weird penis shaped fruit >Eat it because fuck berries >Suddenly don't feel too well, am dying >*Ego death* feel my mind expanding >It's God speaking to me <|endoftext|> People try to increase their chances for survival so they can breed more possible kids. That's what your primitive grug brain is telling you. Any time you break a bone or get a deep cut, you will naturally try to find a way to path yourself up and heal up. Since dying will mean no more baby making, you have a higher chance to survive in industrial society than being a grug in the wild. Apes are also naturally lazy and try to find the path of least resistance, so that helps too. <|endoftext|> grug politicical system works <|endoftext|> Only weirdos we wuz as them. The vast majority of scientific progress and achievements have come from NW Europe and their descendants. They've proved themselves. Besides even our grug ancestors were cool and made neat art. I've seen this same reconstruction but ginger with light eyes. It's not like only meds have dark hair either. They had light pigmentation too. <|endoftext|> Satan is more interesting because we all have a Satanic element, a devil on our shoulder. The things you listed are ways for people to blame outgroups for their problems, which is a very Grug thing to do. <|endoftext|> Why don’t you just follow this ‘new stuff bad’ meme and go full on Grug posting instead? This shit is so asinine. At least George Soros isn’t having me executed for saying I don’t like George Soros. ‘Don’t make any trouble.’ How about we reintroduce your inbred tyrants to the chopping block? I like that idea better. Thankfully this meme government type will never come to me ever again. <|endoftext|> >berrypicking grug keeps the berries he picks Marr Kurk <|endoftext|> >the evolution to homo sapien and its consequences has been a disaster for grug kind was he right <|endoftext|> >Kor and Grug of the Plains tribe sit up at night, watching for the large cats known to attack while they sleep on these hunting trips. >Grug, look at sky. Full of... fire. Fire of... great beings! >*farts* There you great being, cock sucker. <|endoftext|> >Any perusal of history shows women are the biggest pieces of shit in history. Imagine how many incredible societies civilisations and knowledge was razed to the ground because the stupid women were whores who bore the offspring of the often mentally retarded grug invaders. Think of the millions of lives lost, the hundreds of thousands of history and thought snuffed out, but the stupid whores yet live on. Trying to dismiss this as something one shouldn't feel furious about because it's just a fact of the female nature just reeks of a pathetic resigned stoicist pussy cope. Any upright man of good morals, direction, heritage and purpose should actively hate women. Their freedom, nay, their very EXISTENCE is a blight on higher collective consciousness. Seriously, the Taliban have the right idea. <|endoftext|> Any perusal of history shows women are the biggest pieces of shit in history. Imagine how many incredible societies civilisations and knowledge was razed to the ground because the stupid women were whores who bore the offspring of the often mentally retarded grug invaders. Think of the millions of lives lost, the hundreds of thousands of history and thought snuffed out, but the stupid whores yet live on. Trying to dismiss this as something one shouldn't feel furious about because it's just a fact of the female nature just reeks of a pathetic resigned stoicist pussy cope. Any upright man of good morals, direction, heritage and purpose should actively hate women. Their freedom, nay, their very EXISTENCE is a blight on higher collective consciousness. Seriously, the Taliban have the right idea. <|endoftext|> Grug likes thick women <|endoftext|> grug had a fat fetish (just like me) <|endoftext|> Normal and manly males like Grug <|endoftext|> >What did grug mean by this? "Big beautiful belly... i love big women... with oversize breasts larger then head, milk breast, vein breast... puffy nipple engorged sensitive to touch, pepperoni. saggy downward, heavy with milk. milk breast. wide hip and big breast. wide hip with plump ass. fat ass. obese ass. cellulite ass and dumptruck, 60 inch hips... thighs bigger than waist, massive cellulite legs like treetrunks. fertility. pregnant and fertile like goddess. twins in stomach, triplets, sextuplets, octuplets. overfertilized and worshipped... pamper for feed her. I love big fertile women.. plump her up and feed and breed my big wife, 10000 calories a day, I want to feed my wife nonstop.. hunt animals for my wife so she survives the winter. Then reproduce again..." <|endoftext|> What did grug mean by this? <|endoftext|> That's actually quite embarrassing for middle eastern guys. Imagine having some grug mountain monkeys from the Caucasus being your ruling class because they are somehow smarter and more capable than you. <|endoftext|> >caracalla isn't grug one fucking job <|endoftext|> I’d say grug has him beat. <|endoftext|> Grug has an idea, what if, if... grug has sex by force? <|endoftext|> Monarchy is the extension of the old tribal system. You have grug, grug rules the tribe, always has always was. Grug's children also rule the tribe after he's gone. As such it's the most natural form of government to humans. <|endoftext|> thanks, grug <|endoftext|> One theory: Cause big tits are the most obvious physical sign of feminine fecundity. Before people wore lots of clothes or bras, and before modern plastic surgery, big full tits were an obvious sign of femininity and likely reproductive potential. Grug likes big tits cause it means Grug's partner is a real fecund woman, not a man (fat man moobs aren't shaped like big young woman tits), boy, prepubescent girl (no tits), or old lady (saggy tits), who he can't procreate with. <|endoftext|> A big tiddy thread on this board of all places? Thank you Grug I once argued for the existence of a trinitarian God from the initial premise of big boobs = nice <|endoftext|> >"Grug like big booba" this is all you need for a phenotype to increase in frequency in evolution <|endoftext|> grug....grug had a hard life <|endoftext|> Me translate from grug tongue. > How do people deal with the idea that their faith is nihilistic? <|endoftext|> historically why have they been so grug brained compared ot their neigbhors besides a brief period after the islamic conquest? <|endoftext|> Grug had a choice. <|endoftext|> Umm. People liking a specific brand is hyper consumerism? Fashion is as old as the first grug to wear a nicer fur than the other grugs. That isn’t new. Conspicuous consumption as a status statement may be stupid, but it’s as old as civilization. >cultural identities have diminished No they haven’t. You just have more of a choice, and a greater frame of reference. You’re upset, as far as I can tell by the idea that people now have more choices and options and this produces nuance and complexity that isn’t ‘ubiquitous.’ Yah. I think you might be depressed and also romanticizing the past a bit. Homogenous culture can get boring as fuck, but if you want it that much go online and find a location that offers the one you want … there are many … and go there. <|endoftext|> Grog traded a rock for Grug's stick so it's perfectly natural that you spend 40+ hours a week wageslaving for people you'll never meet <|endoftext|> Grug tribe would have lost had Uga tribe not lent them clubs for battle <|endoftext|> Fuck off you MOG apologist. I'm .00001% grug on my moms side and we lost several men and a dog in that battle. Also hair pulling was a war crime according to the treaty by the tall rock, and by all acounts MOG tribesmen used it liberally. <|endoftext|> Does it matter? It was Grug tribe's berries. Great northern war of course. <|endoftext|> >t. Grug tribe faggot <|endoftext|> War of Grug tribe vs Mog tribe over access to the riverside berry bush circa 12000 BC. Grug tribe wasted those berries. <|endoftext|> This is impressive until you realize nordic hyperboreans from Atlantis's Thule Dynasty were already crossing the voids between stars and making contact with Reptilians and the people who would be known as sacred tartarians proof of this can be found in an undisclosed bog in Northumbria. This is also a historical fact as far as this school of history is concerned. If chief wahantonja(He was central African btw, educate yourself) has bronze the grug has space ships. cope, the earth is the planet and also dirt, navajo is the name of a tribe in the southwest-ish U.S as far as most people are concerned. <|endoftext|> grog isnt in the wrong if he needs the food and wants sexy offspring and there are only grog and grug. He is wrong once grog and grug are in association under chieftain Gog who will have him crushed in retaliation and who enjoys his elevated position for the order that he brings to his subjects who now only fear him and the foreign but not one another. This is so since the first chieftain laid waste to those who wanted to go alone. <|endoftext|> basic human jealousy over some resource or another grug has a sexy woman and a lot of food stored up, so grog murders him with a pointy rock and takes it <|endoftext|> Grug. <|endoftext|> "Herzegovinian" almost always means a croatian mountain grug though <|endoftext|> You're almost there, Grug. I fear living with a terrible quality of life, more than I fear death (I don't fear death at all actually, at least at a conscious level). Half assed "almost always works" suicide methods have a chance of leaving me worse than I am now. If I had access to better ones we wouldn't be talking right now. <|endoftext|> > Grug was all "SEX FEELS GOOD HRRRR THERE BE BABY" How do we know? Maybe there was Grug who was like "OOGA BOOGA ME NO MORE". <|endoftext|> Antinatalism wasn't a thing until humans got too intelligent. Grug was all "SEX FEELS GOOD HRRRR THERE BE BABY" since the Demiurge couldn't figure shit out. <|endoftext|> >Adam and Eve Metaphor >Noah's ark. Metaphor >A virgin gave birth to Jesus Literally true >Muhammad creates islam Must be true, or an illiterate merchant wouldn't have made it so far >Balaam's Donkey Metaphor The ancients were less literal because they didn't have books to objectively store concrete information long term. You already know how normalfags react to knowledge distillation. How many people remember their chemistry classes from high school? So you repackage knowledge into a format the average grug can remember. <|endoftext|> >Grug gets sent to jail. I thought we were talking about tribes n shieeet? A woman is naturally submissive to men and agreeable, they avoid confrontation with men and have an instinct to fear them. A grug wouldn't need to beat her to death to get her post as a tribe leader. Plus, tribe leaders are usually old ain't they? If the grugs kill the male who killed the female, now they have less reproductive capabilities and less ability to extract resources. They <|endoftext|> >grug kill one of sex machine foragers of tribe >all other grugs torture him to death in the most brutal ways so all other grugs know not to fuck up tribe's babymakers <|endoftext|> >woman wants to lead the pack >grug bash her head >grug is the new leader yes it has everything to do with biological differences. Women can't be dominant because they don't have the strength to assert themselve. "Human social structure" derive from this. <|endoftext|> >tfw nobody think Grug wall scribbles are useful >can only scribble for Grugself to read later on wall >Grug dream of life in more enlightened age <|endoftext|> >tfw nobody think Grug wall scribbles are useful >can only scribble for Grugself to read later on wall <|endoftext|> > Grug me think you talk nonsense, harnessing lightning? But lightning is in the sky! Grug me think club fell on your head. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> >grug no like different gene >grug SMASH <|endoftext|> grug want strong chief <|endoftext|> what if grug ride horse very fast and kill all bowgrugs before they kill grug??? <|endoftext|> smartest Apes were robust. Elon musk is less neotenous than the average man lmao. >much more pussy he's married >you just know hes banging on the side No, I know hes not, he's married, and he only has 6 kids, which seems like a lot today because Whites are no longer having families of 16+. Musk is a Grug compared to the average modern day man. keep coping, incel. GYI, robustness aka Grugness, correlates with IQ. <|endoftext|> Smartest apes btfo grug like apes, was like that during prehistory and still like that today. No matter how much you workout, an Elon Musk will get much more pussy than you, his children will marry better lookinh women than you will ever, etc etc etc. If evolution was leaded by grugs, we would still on animal stage, but that wasn't the case. <|endoftext|> > Grug can't understand! > Grug accuse of PILPUL. Yeap. Prime pawn for being manipulated. :) <|endoftext|> Grug...You don't belong in this time... <|endoftext|> Celts were grug-tier monkey race and also, Celts are not white. <|endoftext|> >if you don't work as hard as me or at least harder than you did last time Grug, I'll only share with you half of what I gave you last time you asked for a cut from my beetle pile. <|endoftext|> >even before money people already exchanged goods and services by instinct. This isn't fucking capitalism, that's just basic trade/transaction. Ugg doesn't accumulate any capital when he exchanges pigmeat for Grug helping him make a knife. <|endoftext|> Well where do you live? Also they love confidante White racists with jungle fever. They and women in general love that primitive aggressive "tribe look different from grug, grug hate" mentality, it means they'll see them as strong and protective of their women and property. <|endoftext|> >Grug( Yakub) wants loan from tribe for science experiment >Tribe says no >Grug angry >Grug wants revenge on tribe for saying no >Grug leaves tribe with chip on his shoulder >Grug creates white people to terrorize his former tribe >Grug's descendants (White devils) enslaves the descendants of people who kicked grug from tribe >In 2020 Tribe's descendants pissed at Grug (Yakub) for creating white people 6,000 years ago. <|endoftext|> >the more grug-centric you make your view of history, the more relevant we become Glad you admit to being a primitive retard. <|endoftext|> No, I mean someone born today will have more of a different life than someone born 10 years ago relative to Grug and his great-great-great...great grandson who both lived pretty much the same life. <|endoftext|> So redberry grug about farming <|endoftext|> >Grug find big rock >Grug tell tribe that Grug is in charge now >Grug smash anyone who disagrees using big rock That’s how. <|endoftext|> It would be comfy if the entire world was ancap / libertarian and followed the NAP. I think cooperation is better then a return to the law of the jungle. The law of the jungle is an animal trait when humans are fighting they are acting like beasts. Law is what seperates msn from animals, without any rules or laws we would be grug tier animals living in tribes fighting over rocks.. <|endoftext|> Grug did when he saw Groot steal Oof's rock hammer and and told Groot to give it back <|endoftext|> >be chief grug >be in proto society >one day lower grug gets into fight with other lower grug >its over who owns the cow >fighting means less time two grugs spend farming >less farming means less food >this no good >to prevent grugs in your area from fighting each other decided to invent a rule >rule clearly states who owns what based off of x and y conditions >breaking rules mean head grug can smash lower grugs for causing shit >two lower grugs may not like it but tough shit but they deal with it >now lower grugs stop fighting each other as often >lower grugs that do cause shit and now more easily isolated and can be dealt with and thats a really simplified version <|endoftext|> All grug needs is club <|endoftext|> Pre-industrial agriculture was the original industry. Pre-agricultural Grug life on the other hand was fundamentally different and based. <|endoftext|> Mass-immigration adds overall GDP value to the economy but it fundamentally alters the nations that are hosting these third world low skilled immigrants and "refugees" The thing neither spineless bug-faced soulless city people or grug from the countryside seem to realize is that GDP economy means nothing if the cultural and ideological framework within the nation is rotten and corrupt, like pretending that trannies aren't just mentally ill men who mutilated themselves to further their delusion of how they are women when it's biologically impossible Probably hard for americans, especially city americans to realize though when the only culture you've ever experienced is through corporationist consumerism <|endoftext|> The richest man to live in absolute terms is very obviously Bezos, because the amount of wealth today is far greater than it has ever been. Old emperors would kill for far less than the average middle class consumer in the USA has access to right now. The richest in relative terms is Grug, the first caveman tribal leader who owned about 10% of global GDP on part of his family being about that proportion of the homo sapiens population at the time. <|endoftext|> >Who made all this? Grug-tier anthropocentrism blind to the reality that there was a time when humanity and life itself didn't exist. <|endoftext|> Ww2 started because of German need for "livable space" and resources. It was basically a caveman's war. No ideals, no religion, nothing scientific. Just grug wanting other grugs land. <|endoftext|> yeah I can see why fighting in war and someone talking about why you're actually there could be bothersome, grug just shoot gun and don't ask question <|endoftext|> corporal punishment has been studied by psychologists and has been shown to increase violence, increase antisocial behavior and increase mental illness now you would like to combo this violence with extreme humiliation in a systematic scale the idea that “muh degenerates” will lead to the downfall of society is nonsensical if anything your retarded primate >GRUG DONT UNDERSTAND >GRUG SMASH will lead to a worse moral decay then degenerates ever could <|endoftext|> I really like your list and hate amerimutts just as much as the next white man but wouldn't that by definition mean we ultimately need to go way way way back in history to the earliest fights we have on record for maximum impact? Changing the outcome of the first fights eg for the caves between grug's tribe and yabbabogo's tribe would lead to the most radical change <|endoftext|> >Then that means you'd be okay with letting a hypothetical group continue to exist even if they were openly threatening something you love like your nation, community, friends, or family. yes speech is not action i don’t need to be in this primal GRUG HEAR BAD SPEECH GRUG SMASH mindset <|endoftext|> >dark bad, grug can't see >light good, grug see this passes as deep theology for paganshitters <|endoftext|> No, Blitzkrieg actually works without a massive numbers advantage. Deep battle is grug tier. <|endoftext|> big snek make grug afraid. grug tell story where grug kill big snek. tribe think grug strong. <|endoftext|> Grug brain no like snakes. Grug brain no like big predators. Grug brain really no like big predator snakes. <|endoftext|> cope for what? for not being simple minded enough to think >warrior city must worship warrior god, philosopher city must worship wisdom goddess! grug very smart! ancient greece wasnt some anime for braindead teenagers who are unable to understand nuances <|endoftext|> There never six million Longnoses. They not tell truth. Trick Grug in trade. <|endoftext|> Grug think Longnose Tribe hiding or maybe Longnoses go across big water. <|endoftext|> Longnose say Brush Nose burn six million Longnose Tribe but Grug not believe. Where bones? Where ash? <|endoftext|> Grug smart, he find out <|endoftext|> >Grug be from enemy tribe >Capture Grug >Enemy tribe has Mammoth stored for winter, need meet or starve >Ask Grug where meat, refuse to answer, say they need meat >Cannot convince Grug >Frustrated, throw rock at Grug >Grug goes ow >Idea >If cause enough ow to Grug, Grug might tell where meat >Idea works >Grug make funny sound and he bastard, entire tribe laugh at Grug because hate Grug Is this really such a hard concept for people to understand? Jesus christ <|endoftext|> i agree i think some indian hindus have profoundly beautiful lives. but its easy to believe a mooselim would think some indian grug was just that. a happy savage. <|endoftext|> >How else can I show men how unique and valuable I am if I can’t dress like a whore? >Grug want see boobies, grug want see butt <|endoftext|> I wish I could go to the stone age and see all to cool animals. Then I could using my superior Cro-Magnon mind and body impregnate a bunch of grug's wives before being brained to death. Cool and brief as I like it. <|endoftext|> >gurg now thinks grug is magic <|endoftext|> >draw grug kill deer >now grug kill deer for real <|endoftext|> >If Conservatives had it their way we’d be divided into warring clans where killing big grug makes you the new big grug <|endoftext|> Liberal Democracy is the most stable form of government If Conservatives had it their way we’d be divided into warring clans where killing big grug makes you the new big grug <|endoftext|> Jackson was a retard, that's what he was. People forget he was just a grug military commander and actually had no political skills. He got elected by calling the other guy a pedophile. <|endoftext|> this seems pretty likely . then this grug would spred the news that "yelo roks bekome likwid wen eksposed to fire" <|endoftext|> >be grug >make fire >put meat in fire >cooked meat >put stick in fire >burnt stick >what if grug put rock in fire? 99.9% chance that grug's rock does nothing and a 0.1% chance that grug makes metal. take 100,000 grugs over a period of a thousand years and at least one grug will discover metal <|endoftext|> The first battle: Ugg vs Grug Imagine a world where Ugg won. <|endoftext|> t. Chief Grug <|endoftext|> Premodern military """history""" is irrelevant. Alexander invaded the Persian Empire with 40,000 men to decide who would rule 20 million people producing (in 1990 USD) about 9 billion worth of economic output (only a few hundred million if you subtract bare subsistence from the equation, bare subsistence that the state would never profit from). Any given major campaign from the Industrial Revolution to now is more significant. In Operation Dragoon for example, a mid-sized operation in a quaternary theater, the Americans and their allies invaded with 600,000 men and defeated a force of 300,000 to decide the rule of southern France, which comprised also about 20 million people producing hundreds of billions in output (by the same criteria) over a hundred billion (almost none of which was bare subsistence). Even minor states and NGOs these days exist on a scale that dwarfs anything premodern. Syria, an impoverished shithole even before the civil war, had a population of 23 million, a GDP PPP of $110 billion ($67 billion at MER), and an army that, including reservists, was 600,000 strong. Each of the five major factions there were regularly fighting battles that dwarfed the largest medieval ones, with more followers both civilian and military than practically any medieval ruler, and capturing provinces whose economic output dwarfed any medieval kingdom's. 'Great' premodern conquerors and states should not be considered great. >"B-BUT THEY WERE BETTER IN RELATIVE TERMS!" So? By this logic the greatest conqueror to ever live is Chief Grug because he conquered Chief Ug's tribe back when the human population was in the tens of thousands and only a handful had agriculture, thus giving him 10% of world GDP in one battle. <|endoftext|> it was invented by grug when he gave oongo a shiny rock in exchange for that cool branch oongo found <|endoftext|> It's pretty simple. Modern right-wing is hijacked by "narrativism"... Details here: > Think about scapegoating obsessed fundamentalists who live and die by their Manichean thinking: trust the plan schizos, 3d chess guys, Q movement, extremists of all kinds, apocalyptic Christians, you get an idea. Why is it like that? Part of it is psychological in nature. Those are people with ANXIETY, who wants RULES to feel secure but the most SIMPLE rules possible. Rules are C-factor of Hexaco [Order alignment of D'n'D], Simplicity is negative O-factor of Hexaco ["Grug thinking", if you will]. O and C both right-wing biased. Neurotic right-wingers are a natural risk group here (non-neurotic dodged the bullet somewhat). The other part is deliberate manipulation by the American political elite. Narrativists are natural pawns to whoever is willing to play along "the script" in their head. The current highly Machiavellian "right wing" politicians like Donald do just that. In theory, it could be done by left-wingers (Stalin), but there is no Stalin in America because of a historical pressure of anti-socialist propaganda. > How post-modernist is related? Postmodernism is a natural enemy of narrativism because it blatantly rejects the idea of Grand Narrative itself. That is why it's considered to be anti-right (narrativism is "right wing" biased those days), but in fact "woke" lefties also hate it for the same very reason (they are narrativists with Progress being their "God"). It's just luck of the draws. If you lived in Stalin's time, I bet post-modernist would be considered anti-Marxist bourgeoise yadda yadda. <|endoftext|> What about when Grug knocked Grog in the head with a big club, ending Grog's attempt at tax reform in their tribe which might have led 10% of the post-Toba bottlenecked humanity into a different path? <|endoftext|> grug tribe steal berry from dingu tribe we make line to separate grug tribe from dingu tribe if dingu tribe cross line we boom boom on head with club we call border <|endoftext|> b..but its my private property, bad grug! <|endoftext|> this is grug food. grug no like food take. grug kill u <|endoftext|> >How and why did private property first emerge in human history? Grug has berries Drug want grug berries Drug try take grug berries Grug kill drug Berries still for grug <|endoftext|> >grug, tell me more about sky chimp <|endoftext|> >Grug was pagan, pagan gods don't watch over you neither does Yaba or Jesus, go ahead and pray for something specific to help you out. <|endoftext|> Grug was pagan, pagan gods don't watch over you but you retarded christkeks want to project your kike Yahweh into everything <|endoftext|> It was selected for sexually because pale chicks are neotenous therefore hot so grug want impregnate. Every race on earth prefers women with pale skin. The only exception are mentally ill westoid libtards. <|endoftext|> He channelled his ancient Germanic ancestors and went grug mode. <|endoftext|> Only if you’re a Grug brained animal who can’t into higher ideals or objectives. Hell, even ants can and will sacrifice themselves knowing they won’t reproduce. Life for humans involves social connections and the joy/dopamine hits we get out of them. That’s why lack of human contact for extended periods of time is viewed as hazardous to your health. <|endoftext|> >freedoom, honour, courage and chivalry >Ooga Booga Grug strong and free Why did they have such primitive ideas? Was it lower IQs? <|endoftext|> >if you don't believe logic and reason can be used to come to the truth, you are by definition illogical and unreasonable, and there's no sense trying to have a logical and reasoned debate with you. Logic and reasoning alone shouldn't be be used entirely to determine something. If you drop a bowling ball and a feather do you think that heavier objects drop faster or air resistance made the feather fall slower? In todays state you would say the air resistance made the feather fall slower but if you were a grug you would think "rock fall faster than light feather, heavy rock must fall faster". <|endoftext|> >Tribe of 7 >grug brings back boar >implying he wouldnt share with ugg, dug, lug, hugg, sug, aug, and stephanie Theirs no reason to feed Grug to gluttony, as opposed to all 7 of his tribe being well-fed results in better living <|endoftext|> >grug says to other grug 100,000 years ago <|endoftext|> Grug see big stone place, Grug worship big stone <|endoftext|> They should test the recently found Griffin warrior. His reconstruction is probably incorrect as its based on depiction found in his grave. But it's quite likely he got it from Minoans. Just look at his skull and his jaw. That's not a gracile Mediterranean skull, it's grug tier savage. <|endoftext|> >They were both equally living out the grug ooga booga-tier feudal system, until the 1800s arrived China was hardly feudal since the Zhou dynasty. Even if so, it's definitely not grug ooga booga tier; also, of course China and Japan weren't "equal" for most of their history, are you retarded? China has some periods of technological advancement like Song and Tang, Ming to some extent. Japan meanwhile was always a stagnant feudal shithole (a civilized, literate shithole) that copied everything from its neighbor uncle until sometime into sakoku and then Meiji. <|endoftext|> There was barely any substantial difference between who was more advanced during medieval times. They were both equally living out the grug ooga booga-tier feudal system, until the 1800s arrived, and then we see the introduction of modern science. I'm not saying this because I'm ignorant of the subject either; There's basically no scientific innovation during the Heian to Meiji period at all. In the Ancient world, I assume that China was more "advanced" (organized) hence their cultural spread, but everything afterwards is stagnation and very minor in terms of difference. <|endoftext|> Without doxing myself, I'm literally welcome in more than a dozen no go zones in my country. I can walk down the street in the worst ghetto of my country at 3 AM with no problems. I have no personal beef with with Africans or Arabs or the like, but I recognize that race exists and there is no one-size-fits-all solution like what we're trying to do to them now. We want them to become pussies and drug addicts, so they can become good little consumerists. Is that really what's best for them? Or should they be allowed to live freely in their own home countries, without foreign interference, without trying to force our way of life on them? That is my position and the position of most fascists I know. The grug skinhead meme is just a meme. <|endoftext|> Not even a meme but big dicks are more important in porn marketed towards men, both straight and gay, than it is in porn for women. There's a fair bit of marketing psych research into eye movement that show men look at male crotches way fucking more than women and for straight men seeing a big boner in porn stimulates your grug mating competition urges which just furthers the arousal from watching sex, even if it has nothing to do with you wanting to suck or fuck a dude. Men have always been way more obsessed with dicks than women because it's an extremely important part of intrasocial male competition, but discussing it is impossible because of deep and widespread neuroticism about talking frankly about sexuality, especially male sexuality. <|endoftext|> Absolutely. Imagine taking back your knowledge of biology and modern women. You could fuck the neanderthal women so well they'd literally be fighting each other for your dick, crawling all over themselves for it. You'd be a sexual god. Literally. Way better than Grug coming home from the hunt and shoving his dirty dong into them like a foot into an old gym sock. I'd get all the neanderthal pussy. <|endoftext|> people have been sucking off “authoritarian strongmen” since the dawn of time. Grug liked Grog who slew mammoth and beat Nrug tribe. Likewise, Julius Caesar became so renowned his name became synonymous with “emperor”. <|endoftext|> >Ice breaking up in America ruining Europe and Africa Nothing good has ever come from America, grug edition. <|endoftext|> Those are stories from the steppes. Heracles was basically a grug who killed people with his wooden club. They also identified light color with feminity and youth. I doubt they looked like Nordics, but the early ones could genetically resemble Macedonians and North Greeks, rather than island Greeks. <|endoftext|> But they had wars Tons of genocidal wars between villages But simply, until whitey started trading with them, these wars were similar to prehistorical Grug vs Grug wars <|endoftext|> How do you fight a mongol archer cavalry army ? >They have horses, can't get close to them >They have bows, can't be safe from their arrows What Grug do ? <|endoftext|> >Things don’t have causes. Actions and events have causes. This anon has a Grug tier IQ <|endoftext|> God do stuff grug no understand God good <|endoftext|> >grug learn calculus and fourier transform >grug greater than man grug god <|endoftext|> >nooooo only red team fight greedy oligarch, blue team oligarch slave! >Grug understand C SPAN The big tech hearings were headed by libtards and aimed to curtail the power of companies that agree with them and theirs. Imagine if conservatives had the strength of character to restrict avenues of their own power. It would be a very different world, thats for damn sure. <|endoftext|> >What do you think of the raw carnivore diet? Considering even our brainlet grug ancestors cooked the stuff they ate, its a hilariously bad idea. <|endoftext|> >My name is Grug and I hate every single one of you. All of you are weak, retarded berrypickers who spend every second of their day painting stupid ass pictures on the cave wall. You are everything bad on these plains. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten to create offspring? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own helplessness, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to crude drawings of chimps. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best spear chuck. I’m pretty much perfect. I was leader of my hunting party for mammoths, and first bait while hunting sabretooth tigers. What do you hunt, other than unwilling females trying to spread your inferior seed? I also get the largest chunks of meat, and have a fire hot girlfriend (She just played my skin flute; Shit was SO stone). You are all grug-fuckers who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening. Drawing Related: It’s me and my bitch <|endoftext|> >My name is Grug and I hate every single one of you. All of you are weak, retarded berrypickers who spend every second of their day painting stupid ass pictures on the cave wall. <|endoftext|> >Grug see attractive female. >Grug wanna fug. >Grug doesn't know what "philosophy" is. <|endoftext|> what are you even getting at? ancient kings cowered in castles with their military around them. chieftain grug cowered in the warmest, most dry cave with his most loyal sub-grugs around him. it's always been the case, and it's the case in most other social animals, too. >b-but the peasants built it with sweat and blood! why requote what i posted? that's exactly why we evolved to have peasants in the first place. they have no other utility. as a group, they aren't going to be clever enough to invent new ways to generate productivity, and they aren't going to be socially adept enough to convince large groups of people to do shit that benefits the group instead of themselves. that's the utility of the same pussy ass old men we've had running the show for the last 20,000+ years - they can convince peasants to do stuff. <|endoftext|> sorry i dont browse /pol/ so i dont understand grug's rudimentary number references. i also dont give a shit about the USA <|endoftext|> see You retards are grug tier YEA KILL EM <|endoftext|> The opposite, the morion was just becoming popular at Cortez' time. >Helmet look funny >Bad helmet, grug not use <|endoftext|> Actually Grug one rock is worth only 3 berries to me, wanna fight over it? <|endoftext|> you mean grug? <|endoftext|> Obviously it doesnt guarantee anything Some grug caveman who ate a mushroom could have thought the same thing when there were only a few million people <|endoftext|> Okay grug <|endoftext|> Idk some cave grug who fugged his daughter. <|endoftext|> >Aurignacians fight a losing war against the Gravettians for generations until a shaman decides he must turn the tide >*Aurignacian shaman does mystical oogabooga incantations >*Multiple WHG creatures crawl out of the mud >Aurignacian warrior: "Grug, what the fuck is this?" >Aurignacian shaman: "W-what? There's enough of them to beat back the Gravettians permanently." >WHG creatura: "Booga?" <|endoftext|> >If this was grug times I could just beat these people to death with a rock with minimal social consequences. Why do you think hunter-gatherers don't look down on in-group violence and have social expectations just like in modern society? <|endoftext|> I think about this every time some scrawny manlet in his jacked up pickup tailgates me or some old WASP woman accelerates aggressively to try to prevent me from merging for literally zero fucking reason - I'm 6'4" and 260 lbs, they would not pull this shit if we were just on foot. I specifically go out of my way to ensure I do not use my size to intimidate people or act like a rude cunt because I physically could. If this was grug times I could just beat these people to death with a rock with minimal social consequences. <|endoftext|> i better watch out, grug is gonna drop to his knees and summon a curse on me <|endoftext|> why are they always tatted up degenerates >muh celtic warrior stereotype yeah nah they're trailer trash tats with grug-tier significance <|endoftext|> If you don’t receive language skills by age 7 you basically remain a grug for life <|endoftext|> Music is as old as language. The first song was probably composed when Grug grunted while another Grug played a flute made of an animal bone. There are bones used as flutes found in neanderthal caves. <|endoftext|> It all began when nearly 200 thousand years ago grug was horny and had nothing to fap to when he had an idea and thus R34 was born <|endoftext|> I feel very safe in speculating there were widespread agrarian-pastoral communities virtually everywhere concurrent with and prior to the rise of the Big Boy river civilizations, and we just don't have records of the majority of them (but continue to keep discovering them decade on decade). The idea that humans across Eurasia and beyond were all living like Grug and then all of a sudden Sumer etc. just pop up the way they do is so immensely retarded and I have no idea how that even took off. <|endoftext|> TLDR >Your thesis is....... My thesis is you are a grug brain amerimutt. That has been proven but you lack of knowledge of the existence of the British empire. TLDR <|endoftext|> >allegedly born in an isolated Siberian tribe >basically grew up in the stone age >couldn't even ride a horse, probably illiterate >join the Mongol horde because of some kind of mysterious ancient allegiance >rise up through the ranks in record time >known to this day as the greatest general and military genius of all time There's no way there wasn't more to this guy or his lineage. How the fuck do you go from grug mode to 3000 IQ genius? <|endoftext|> Whites are the product of our Aryan fathers raping our farmoid and grug mothers (except in scandinavia where the eternal simps enticed aryan women to join with their pathetic male feminism) Aryans did not invent civilization but they did coopt basically all of them except china at one point or another to become a ruling caste that used their subjects resources to fight eachother for fun. <|endoftext|> the grug cooomers def had good taste <|endoftext|> that just means there were thousand grug coomers <|endoftext|> Chieftain tell Grug: "Grug plant the seed. Grug eat the grain. Grug live in the hut. Grug happy." Grug not happy! Grug now wait for grugaloo. <|endoftext|> Grog argue Grug's grandfather no make this fat lady statue. He say Grandgrug did not live in the right period. Grug argue with hammer. <|endoftext|> Grug see great bird on day of two mountain fires and see funny dancing grugs. Grug think dancing grugs friends with bird <|endoftext|> GRUG SAY OTHER TRIBE MEAN, BUT ME TALK TO BRUGDUG FROM TRIBE AND HE SAY GRUG WAS MEAN, BRUGDUG SAID GRUG SAY OTHER TRIBE MEAN THEN HE CAME TO BRUGDUG. ME THINK HARD BOUT GRUG....AND GRUG NO HUNT? GRUG NO PICK? WHAT GRUG DO? MUBDUG FROM OVER HILL HATE GRUG. GRUG TRIBE HURTING MUBDUG TRIBE. BUT MUGDUG TRIBE DER FIRST. BUT GRUG TRIBE LIE.WE GIVE GRUG TRIBE SPEARS. WE DO THIS? <|endoftext|> Grug sneak at night see Merchant tribe draw cave paintings, see merchant carry shiny rocks <|endoftext|> grug do thing make grug feel good. now grug not feel good. that bad <|endoftext|> good for grug bad for greg, grag, gro, geer... <|endoftext|> Thing good for grug but bad for tribe <|endoftext|> >moon bison >human Grug small brain, talk against grugself <|endoftext|> grug's ting don't deserve to disappear because other grug want power <|endoftext|> because grug's pelt clothes, stone bashing moosic and happy family is worth bashing other grug or dying taking big rock on jaw for them <|endoftext|> >Rocks allow weak men to feel powerful. It's anti-natural, hence liberal. >History went to shit when rocks were used. It's a fact.Real men used their teeth and fingernails, but with rocks the gatherers felt they were hunters and this removed the boundary between the alpha grug with the beta grug <|endoftext|> Grug wonder if scary dream monster are primordial archetype of modern cave humans predators <|endoftext|> grug come from cunt, not earth. <|endoftext|> Grug come from earth Grug return to earth Grug considers matters settled <|endoftext|> >grug have no berry >ug have berry >grug hate ug <|endoftext|> Yes. But why grug doesn't have women too? Why did he developed socially anxiety? Why doesn't he have women too? <|endoftext|> because they were based, lol, seethe more grug <|endoftext|> Grug no greek Grug greek Grug no roman Grug roman Grug rich history Grug no larp Grug important Grug no like other grug <|endoftext|> >grug kill boar >cook boar for grugette >grugette so happy she puts face on happy grub >before grug do shaking hip think "boars so great i make god" <|endoftext|> >grug teleports behind u >psssh...nothing personnel...15th century European military technology... <|endoftext|> Grug throw rock <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> I find it pretty hot. It actually makes me kind of jealous when I imagine how some grug got to club another grug to death and take his women as his own. The idea of it happening to my female relations upsets me though. <|endoftext|> There's a reason your wife wants to fuck bush hunter grug chads <|endoftext|> >It’s just a high IQ phenotype. It correlates with physical mutation. Like a disability. Magnus Carlsen looks like a grug though. He certainly has an athletic looking body, not typical of a high IQ incel. Even his personality is quite chad like, he's definitely not on the autism spectrum at all. <|endoftext|> Fucking Grug, it's all his fault <|endoftext|> because >gold good >women good >neighbour tribe has gold and women >grug invades neighbour tribe >woman no like grug? >grug kill woman <|endoftext|> Kinda strange how he's gigabrained despite looking like a grug <|endoftext|> >10,000 BC >grug tells long overcomplicated joek at the campfire >no one gets it >grug explains the cave used to be named fater someone else >grugs friends bring up the joke every now and then to their friends >they have to explain the joke everytime >11,999 years later Simpsons writer Matt Groening incorporates the joke into his cartoon, unaware of its origin >full circle <|endoftext|> He's just cutting out the Jewish middleman from his reasoning on reality. You can develop morality by acting in and observing the universe around you. >Punch grug in face >grug no like that >grug punch me in face >grug no like me anymore >me no have grug as friend anymore >me no punch new friend <|endoftext|> the tribe of grug was lead by the biggest chad, grug beta commies try to cope saying that they were ever in power <|endoftext|> Primitive societies aren't communist. Do you really think the tribe of Grug would get together and vote unilaterally on things? If so you are a retard and wrong. <|endoftext|> He knew something Grug didn't want him to hear <|endoftext|> If something like that was real it would have genocided and colonized all it's neighboring population before Europeans arrived then quickly devolve into an endless succession of civil wars due to their hilarious political system being grug stab other grug with spear-based <|endoftext|> The world went to shit in 12,000 BCE (big cunny era) when Grug first noticed the berry seeds he buried as a laugh last season were becoming a new berry bush. <|endoftext|> The oldest joke to survive through history came from Ancient Sumeria >Here is a thing that has never happened - that a young bride sat in her husbands lap without farting. I'd imagine it loses something in the translation, but cavemen were probably laughing every time Grug farted. They probably figured out what farting on the fire did as well. <|endoftext|> The first act of psychological warfare was immediately followed by the first act of violent warfare, when Grog crushed Grug's dick with a rock <|endoftext|> It started when Grug showed his 12 incher to Grog. war would never be the same... <|endoftext|> Your mind can not understand the size of the universe. All you can understand is a number and some pictures. You are a grug like every other human <|endoftext|> >they say the universe is so big it doesnt make sense to grug trees are big mountains are big there is nothing bigger than mountain grug grug think they lying <|endoftext|> Lmao nice cope >dey decedent They are not "grug", they are better than you <|endoftext|> Grug is hrugetic! Grug think skydad am have two different selfs. Man in shiny cave is say him have two joined selfs! Outside cave, no save! <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> 1000 years ago they had everything Now they're grug-tier <|endoftext|> >be caveman farmer >don't want to plow the fields >attack some shitty nomad tribe >instead of killing the men you take them prisoner >force them to do labour for you >grug now has more time to plow wife instead of field. <|endoftext|> GRUG CLOSE HIS EYES AND SEIZE IT GRUG CLENCH HIS FIST AND BEAT IT <|endoftext|> proudhoun does grug sell shares of his spear business in the rock market? <|endoftext|> >didn't take his fancy copper axe sasuga grug <|endoftext|> If it was actually about worshipping starbound geometric shapes instead of all the magic soul daddy grug shit I would convert in a heartbeat <|endoftext|> Grug agree <|endoftext|> Grug not know, and elder grug also not know if spear, rock, tree, sky, wife, mammoth real, only grug mind see and feel spear, rock, sky, tree, wife and mammoth. Only grug mind real <|endoftext|> Something make spear Something make grug Grug think and make spear Something think and make Grug Something make big places Shaman may or not know who make big places Big places real Spear real Grug real All Things made real Spear not know what Grug is Grug not big know what Grug is Something make Grug big know what Grug is Something big know what mind is <|endoftext|> Meat or mind, elders of grug make word war for this for hundred hundred years. <|endoftext|> does grug have twitter account? <|endoftext|> Meat no exist. Only grug mind exist. All spear, stone, wife, grass, dream by grug mind. Mind hurt by dream but dream birth mind. All real. No fake. <|endoftext|> meat mind same club hurts grug same <|endoftext|> Grug live in painting drawn by others <|endoftext|> >groups that fail to evolve stagnate and are outcompeted by other groups that do Oh yeah? The Liberal West is outcompeting the illiberal generally non-white world???? >evolution implies getting rid of old and getting new NOPE we arent losing our hands anytime soon. Evolution is about increasing efficiency, rarely does one lose a trait so advantageous as literally reproducing HAHAHAHHAHAHA imagine a new evolution that didnt have reproductive organs, how long would they last in group conflict? how long would last even without conflict since they cant even reproduce???? HAHAHAHA trannys are the ultimate manifestation of liberalism, impotent self imposed castration and utter and total genetic annihilation. stop trying to drag us down with you. >grug mentality is holding you back t. no kids and probably no/damage reproductive organs HAHHA lets see who has more kids and who reproduces more often, our strategy of hard ingroup preference or your strategy of total impotence. >you are getting left behind no we are angry because we, unlike you, are not self hating nu-soi weaklings praising our own extinction. We are actively trying to prevent losing this evolutionary arms race to people who take our thinking to an extreme (Africans having as many kids as possible) while (You) are literally trying to sink our entire kinship group by demanding we not only subsidize these africans intellectually, financially, culturally, etc. but also punish our own kind who reproduce or think in healthy pro-reproductive ways. I dont care to imagine what maladaptive ideology you subscribe to, but whatever it is, it is not human it is anti-human and incredibly heinous because not only are you anti-human you are anti-ingroup. Like a parent killing their own children to feed a random stranger. It is stomach turning and elicits a violent kneejerk reaction from your peers who are still mentally fit to survive. FYI you didnt even mention how we are reproducing less due to our traits. <|endoftext|> For someone who is obsessed with evolutionary psychology, insisting that humans are animals (and should behave as such), you seem to forget a fundamental fact: groups that fail to evolve stagnate and are outcompeted by groups that do. Evolution necessarily implies getting rid of certain traits and adopting new ones. In this case, keeping this Grug mentality is holding you back, and you get angry because subconsciously you realize you are getting left behind in the evolutionary arms race. <|endoftext|> >grug have good good idea >grug take cross >and grug add wings >and grug show all other grugs >and all other grugs say "grug you make good good draw, we use it all time now" The swastika is not some divine unique symbol Anon, it's literally one of the most basic symbols one could make <|endoftext|> People who are that Grug tier are an absolute minority <|endoftext|> Well, yeah, but it highly insinuates grug is at the top of the hierarchy out of his own capabilities and intellect and not because he happened to be at the right place at the right time, or happened to beat the right group of people. <|endoftext|> Doesn't matter. Grug still have big land, grug still have much food, grub still need workers, grug still expand. The initial land/agricultural acquisition might change the way in which power is delegated, but not the fact that there is a clear hierarchy established. Though, it would've been better if I wrote something like grug meet tribe with farm, grug learn how to farm, etc. etc. <|endoftext|> The wrong part here is assuming grug (or his family) was the strongest AND the one who invented the agriculture and produced the food. Maybe some other family made the big food and then grug beat them and took the land and then he made the big food because he made others work for him. <|endoftext|> >grug be strong >grug kill many beasts and many bad grug >everyone listen to grug, because grug strong and scary >grug fug >make more grug >everyone listen to gruglings because they related to strong grug >grug invent farming >grug have big farm, make big food >farm too big, grug no can work >grug tell worker you work grug land, grug pay with food >grug farm get bigger >get more worker >worker listen to grug >grug have lots food >grug tribe big >grug tribe kill other tribe >steal their land >grug tell friend greg he have farm, but has to give grug some food >greg hire his own workers Fast forward 400 years, and you have a functioning feudal society where the Grugadid dynasty has been reigning for centuries, and claims divine descendence <|endoftext|> It’s not 2000 BC and we need to stack rocks to show how many slaves grug has <|endoftext|> Shitty lifestyle, ugly women, grug owning all the females of his tribe, constant tribal fight because of the fields for the the cattle, the plagues the brought to others peoples, etc. At this point it doesn't really matter, they genocided most of native europeans and started a dark age that lasted in the continent until year 800-1000 AD, until civilized influences of EEF descendents and the christian flame (aka.semitic influence) civilized their bastards sons. The same can be said in India, they destroyed a sumerian civilization tier and started a dark age that lasted until persians (who were enlighten by mesopotamians) enlightened pajeets again. <|endoftext|> >History is 1000x more interesting than any self made story, it is much more vibrant, weird, unpredictable, exciting, and colorful than how its usually show. Yeah, it's so exciting and colorful. Grug A kill Grug B because Grug B not me. You're romanticizing history, it's mostly boring and banal shit. <|endoftext|> Because their ideological disagreement was solved by grug-tier caveman violence. You don't defeat ideas with bullets. Simple as. <|endoftext|> Yeah didn't you see that prehistoric stone carving of some nude woman? Some say its a tribute to the god of fertility but there's another theory it was actually used as grug caveman porno. <|endoftext|> It started as a practical joke when Grug put a feather in his beard and spiralled out of control over tens of thousands of years, birthing civilization in the process <|endoftext|> >Why Grug never bring Grugette nice things anymore? >Grugina mate give her spotty-kitty teeth necklace >Is Grug poor or just berrypicker? <|endoftext|> >grug make stick with rock on end >grug go chip at big rock, make little rock >grug give little rock for berry that chug picks >grug now have incentive <|endoftext|> >Grug make pointy stick >Grug get more fish >Grug not hungry >Woman want Grug fish <|endoftext|> >make tools >increase own efficiency >give tools to fellow grug >reap benefits of efficiency >get more meat >Don't profit what did he mean by this? <|endoftext|> >Grug coming in for landing. <|endoftext|> >grug finds stone that cuts >he makes it into a dagger that's it, any stone that cut would be made into a dagger, there is no "cool" factor or secret spanish cabal of neanderthal assassins. <|endoftext|> based, aggressive grug-brained tards seething <|endoftext|> >local watering hole dries up >no this cant be >grug digs in the hope he finds the water >groundwater starts to pool voila <|endoftext|> >instinct bad >past dumb, they no think, all react like grug You're an intellectual automaton. <|endoftext|> >Paranthropus could have coexisted with rhodesiensis/heidelbergensis in Africa Imagine being a grug and your neighbor is some bigfoot looking creature. <|endoftext|> >all notable events are military history This is your brain on grug <|endoftext|> that one buffalo that Grug killed when he was really hungry <|endoftext|> Don't get yourself wrong. FDR was at best a middle of the road social democrat who was trying to ward off the actual leftists (people like Huey Long and Upton Sinclair) and it's often not mentioned how many Republicans crossed party lines to support him due to Hoover's utter failure. All candidates they ran from 1936 onward accepted at least some of the New Deal platform and the handful of grug laisse-faire libertarians in the party were pretty irrelevant. Of course the Democrats had a few of those too especially in the South such as "Cotton Ed" Smith. <|endoftext|> I LIKE PEOPLE NOT ROCKS YOU GRUG ASS MOTHERFUCKER <|endoftext|> >Did the lack of competition lead to a lack of ambition to innovate? Literally yes. I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. In a pre-industrial setting, you need a catalyst for technological advancement, otherwise, technology stagnates. The prime catalyst has always been competition (if grug make enough food to feed tribe with sharp rock, grug keep using sharp rock. Why grug make new thing if old thing works?). In a post industrialsetting, this catalyst is replaced with the constant catalyst of capital and the industrial system. So external pressures are no longer necessary. Read Ellul <|endoftext|> based Grug <|endoftext|> Let me put this in grug terms so you can understand it: >me tribe steal other tribe gruginas good :) >other tribe steal me tribe gruginas bad :( <|endoftext|> Will mankind ever get over our grug thought tendencies? <|endoftext|> grug in 20000 bc has 7 rock 1 rock in 20000 bc is 200 trillion today grug richest man in history <|endoftext|> The cost of every material component and the labor for each involved is determined by a near endless daisy chain of costs determined by other costs going all the way back to when Grug first decided he wanted two shiny rocks and he had one piece of good quality flint so he found someone with two shiny rocks and they swapped what they had. There is no objective fundamental source of value with which all materials and labors can be measured for their objective cost. It's a hyperinterconnected network of values determined by other values which no participant in the market can ever fully know all of. <|endoftext|> >Sargon, you're not as smart as you think you are. humans didnt evolve to argue the ethical dilemmas of intertribal warfare. They evolved to grug-smash other tribes. Whites uniquely within the Hajnal line evolved a non-clannish hyper atomistic indvidualism and super rationalism that allows them to engage in such cuckery as "hmmmm should we extend our power and equality to other races who hate us?" They have unfortunately been exporting this sterile pseudo commie soi garbage to other races and of course at the expense of everyone. intelligence is not always eugenic. sometimes grugsmash is the best way forward, Simple as. <|endoftext|> >many moons ago grug kill tribal elder so all grug same and all grug share >now new elder also tell grug what do all time and keep all berries and meat >elder tell grug "all grug same, but some grug more same than other grug" <|endoftext|> >ug has many berry and gruginas >grug and grug bros have no berry and grugina >grugs go beat ug take his berry and gruginas and share them <|endoftext|> jooz smart and grug no like smart tribes <|endoftext|> >Then why is there zero accounts or written records of anyone from that time dealing with trauma? Maybe because psychology as we know it didn't exist until the 19th century, and people had a grug-tier understanding of the human mind until shockingly recently? <|endoftext|> (serbian) slavs are gopnik brainlet wojaks from the nordic yes meme (turkic? but still speaking slavic bulgarian) bulgars are the grug wojak but with a fez hat and also a third eye on their forehead <|endoftext|> Must be boring as shit >Grug, Brong and brounk hold the thing while gronk clubs it in the face <|endoftext|> Cherry picking feel good policies and engaging in partisan theatrical displays while ignoring planet wide economic shifts won't fix these problems, even if Trump hadn't been strung along like McConnell's useful idiot for four years straight. He is simply too engrained into the mindset of someone who was born extremely wealthy and will die extremely wealthy to ever push for reforms that would actually shatter the stranglehold of the wealthy on the political processes of the nation and begin to repair the connection between work and building intergenerational wealth (even if such reforms like UBI and aggressive taxation overhauls were even certain to work) and on top of that there is literally zero percent chance they would pass Congress, which is just a giant lobby for various corporate conglomerates and trade groups. The truth is those high wages for grug tier manual labor were a historical fluke following WW2 and the nation was so hopped up on it's own retarded American exceptionalism ideology that it failed utterly and completely to transition that advantage into a sustainable future and just trusted the invisible hand of the free market, which proceeded to then drown Congress in a bathtub and coopt psychology to trick fat retards into buying cheap garbage with flashing lights and bouncing tits. <|endoftext|> Civilization is nature. Big grug just got REALLY REALLY good at bullying little grug until little grug just accepts it as the way of the world Even ordained by big spirit <|endoftext|> >You are literally ooga booga tier if you allow some passing comment by a complete rando who you will never be seeing again in your life to cause you to chimp out and fly into a violent rage. You are also ooga booga when you bow your head, avoid eye contact, and fear grimace when big grug makes you his bitch in front of everyone else There’s a reason corporate jocks socially dominate betas from the accounting and research departments <|endoftext|> >Right wing FIRE BAD!!! YOU AM PLAYING GREAT SPIRIT!!! RAW ZEBRA MAKE STRONG!!! >Left wing Noooooo! Be nice to Spineripper tribe! Spineripper tribe want berry and fish too! Good to share! Maybe they share! Every grug deserve berry and water! <|endoftext|> Civilization bad for you Civilization make you grow weak, effeminate and decadent Barbarism make you strong, manly and full of vitality Barbarian tribe choose chieftain not by virtue of birth, but by merit: chieftain strongest, wisest in tribe If chieftain grow greedy, take more than fair share of war loot, not participate in raid but keep kidnapped women for himself, Grug and buddies grow angry Grug and buddies conspire, kill tyrannical chieftain during sleep Grug become chieftain because lead revoltuion Grug know to rule wisely and fairly to avoid same bashed skull as old chieftain Barbarian tribe paradox greater equality: everyone treated harshly but equally, you get war loot proportional to how good warrior you is, this encourage taking risks and heroism In civilization, you create cities and agriculture and population grow too much, community no longer, people not feel like belonging Division of labor appear, and social stratification in class emerge Effort not reward equally, elite take from the hard working farmer despite no work Elite grow self-indulgent and abusive, lower class grow resentful Lower class try revolt, crushed because elite hire guards to protect the loot they stole Eventually civilization grow too decadent, revolts become frequent and harder to suppress Lower class no tolerate abuse and injustice anymore, they open the gates to Grug Grug sack civilization, elite too abusive and corrupt so even guard desert post and Grug bash elite skull Barbarism triumph over civilization Such is cyclical story Civilization make elite, elite grow too greedy and decadent, decadence and greed make civilization collapse Barbarism treat everyone harsh but fair, civilization discriminatory, treat some good and some bad If elite had share more equally with lower class, maybe civilization not collapse But elite never seem learn of history Civilization rise and fall, but barbarism remain <|endoftext|> >grug make fire cannon >chug make bigger fire cannon >grug scratch head, make more bigger fire cannon early gunpowder was worse <|endoftext|> >grug make big rock >now foreign grug stupid and can't hurt grug I wonder if medieval warfare is going to look extremely stupid and juvenile a thousand years from now. <|endoftext|> It's shiny, rare, and unusual, so it's interesting to look at. In a world of Grugs, you would be an exceptional individual if you had a golden item. Then Grugs discover you can easily mould it into objects. It's wearable as necklaces or bracelets. Grug can now broadcast he is powerful, because he (not someone else) collected enough of the rare shiny material to fashion these items. Clearly there is something powerful about Grug. Easy to see how it goes from this to currency. <|endoftext|> >be poor Grug >Go to Grug Co. >Grug at Grug Co. has many food, tells me if I do things for him he give me some of his food >Berrypicker come and tell me i be exploited and should join berrypicker >Berrypicker say if I do things for him he give me some of his food. >Only difference is that berrypicker have less food than Grug Co. Why work for berrypicker be any different from Grug Co? Grug still live in shitty cave with ugly wife and not enough food. <|endoftext|> Grug listen to female-monkey-longface shaman, shaman rule! <|endoftext|> what would be the grug equivalent of a fedora tip <|endoftext|> lmao *turns gruglets and lady grug away from insane shiny rock collector* <|endoftext|> yes can. sun and moon are rock. rock is make. water is not make, water MAKES. Next grug say time is make - time illusion. time not illusion. time water. <|endoftext|> Grug mom not see me last night when I club her and take her back to cave <|endoftext|> Dumb grug is dumb In dark, scary thing not see grug either <|endoftext|> Sun and moon not real, Grug never touch them. Sun and moon fakes made by bad Grug in sky to hide truth, but Grug become like Sky Grug when he find out. Grug tell berrypicker but berrypicker not listen, keep worship sun. Grug think berrypicker willfully ignorant. <|endoftext|> >not pray to stars me laugh at dumb grug <|endoftext|> dumb dumb, sun AND moon make world why you try and say one or other? dumb grug is dumb <|endoftext|> Then who make water, smart grug? <|endoftext|> Born to Grug My tribe good Their tribe bad <|endoftext|> >grug see lightning >grug fears >grug sleeps >grug dreams >grug wakes up and blue tree is not there >blue tree must be... magic... >grug now trust tree spirit is dream maker >grug hears thunderstorm >lightning must be... magic... >grug finds out things have makers and creators <|endoftext|> Death scare grug <|endoftext|> >Abolish hierarchy. Hierarchy still exists in literal Chimpanzee and Gorills packs, it's never going away. Big Grug will always bully little Grug into subordination. <|endoftext|> Grug noises and muscle have nothing on the sound of artillery, the roaring rolling barrage of explosions, of metal of unthinkable heat flying at unthinkable speeds in numbers uncounted. The level of violence in the modern battlefield is such that it's the closest man has got to wielding godly power on itself. We can make our own earthquakes, we can shoot our own lightnings. <|endoftext|> that and it's all ranged combat these days, i wanna bash a fuckers head in with a rock while making grug noises <|endoftext|> everyone's probably descended from some grug rapist or another <|endoftext|> probably plato or some other philosopher most of christian theology besides "ungu bungu sky grug mad if you do x" come from the greeks <|endoftext|> Its grug instincts to want pussy <|endoftext|> Grug is trying best Don make fun <|endoftext|> >Strong and eusocial: Live, form a commune >Weak and antisocial: Die, cast out from the commune Simple as. Internal divisions, breed violence. Once you get spears and bows, you need to severely limit internal violence else your tribe becomes weak or outright dies out. It was basically MAD-Grug edition. <|endoftext|> For the wizened sorcerer, it's when Grug smashed Scrug's skull in the Battle of the Berry Bush circa 25,000 bce (before coomer era) <|endoftext|> grug grug need new weapon to get berries back!!! oops grug grug just figured out how to chip stones into tools <|endoftext|> Grug the second of the waaama tribe. He made cave painting showing what his dad did in life. First historical account of a guy doing something. <|endoftext|> Also it's just one letter away from Greg, so it's not that weird <|endoftext|> I Wonder how many individuals were actually named Grug during the course of Humanity's colective. <|endoftext|> They took female orgasm with scientific rigour, to make up for all those people escaping west. >Grug gets killed by the tribe >Babies get postnatal abortion by her new man <|endoftext|> >implying it is important to appiese woman Reality under darwinism >hit girl in head >she passes out >Grug fuck her >girl now pregnant with Grugs babies That's how it will work <|endoftext|> >w-we need to change human nature, i-it's like c-current year grug no like way talk <|endoftext|> Yea, member that time when Grug owned 10 berries to Krekstein&Co banking, so he had to sell his cave; and ended up with divorced family and alcohol addiction? <|endoftext|> you shame grug <|endoftext|> Grug eat Chicken Grug feel good <|endoftext|> >(7 KB, 161x154) In grug day, we could give over eight rock sculpture in under blink-second: full detail. Not idol for squinty pygmy tribe. <|endoftext|> Brain beats brawn, cope harder grug. <|endoftext|> >Be Grurg with a fat fetish. >You're unique to your Grug tribe for this. Some of your tribesmembers find it funny even. >Create a likeness of a fat woman for your coomerist purposes. >Die >Millenia Later. >Archaeologists all think your people considered fat ladies to be the epitome of beauty. <|endoftext|> >M-MUH BREED >GRUG MUST BREED <|endoftext|> >grug fear death >holy book say heaven >book have God make world >only take seven day >God no make in 7 day then book no true >no heaven >death is forever sleep >must figure way to say God make in 7 day so no forever sleep <|endoftext|> It was probably invented in multiple places at once. How improbable is it for developing homo sapiens to arrive at the conclusions to shape a rock like a disk? Hey grug, wanna carve that rock in the shape of that big shiney thing in the sky? This is very probable if you think about ancient society. <|endoftext|> >grug different from tradition >grug smarter <|endoftext|> >he can't trace his family back to grug times <|endoftext|> literally looks like grug <|endoftext|> >"Grrrr that Grug looks diffirent from other Grugs, we don't want that Grug around our Grug tribe" <|endoftext|> When Grug's tribe first encountered Ugg's tribe and didn't like them because they were strangers. <|endoftext|> An innate desire to express oneself. What causes humans to want to express themselves? because expressing yourself is how you attract mates, if you're higher IQ or lower T than >grug see woman >grug take woman <|endoftext|> ghagha grug draw bretty bigture id loog nice :DDD <|endoftext|> Incels were never meant to procreate or get a hot virgin waifu. They were meant to toil and die alone. Women sexually select. Women are literally biologically programmed to be repulsed by non Chad males, to prevent them from fucking and procreating with them. Womens biological role is to find the best seed and make a beta raise it. Forced monogamy and marriage is literally something incels came up with because they were pissed Chad was getting all the pussy (as nature intended). Now incels think they are entitled to a pure virgin 18 year old waifu to fuck and impregnate. Nah, it was only the last couple thousand years or so that horribly dysgenic artificial system was set up, that led to the proliferation of undesirable incel genes. For the 400,000 years before then, it was a fight to the death for pussy, incels vs Chad. Grug Chad and his boys would have killed those breadstick armed incels with one blow to their weak recessed shitty jaw. <|endoftext|> Women have Grug-brains. They love >confidence >brawn >looks >height These are literally 99% of being attractive to women, if you don’t or can’t have them you should unironically give up <|endoftext|> Grug tier * <|endoftext|> >You live to experience. The past is gone and will never return, and the future isn't here to deal with. Accept where you are, what you're doing, and you will find peace. Literally just a bunch of words. None of that actually means anything. >You live to experience. You live to consoom. Ftfy >Accept where you are, what you're doing To what end? This only works if you are such a grug brain you are able to not thing past the current brrrrrrrrrrr you brain is giving you. <|endoftext|> >implying grug has perfect agency Perfect agency is godhood. It is to be able to kill a man and face no consequences. It is to take any woman you want as your woman, regardless her wants or the wants of the other people interested in how her sexual resources are used (her family, her friends, her society, the other men with claims on her). <|endoftext|> Incels were never meant to procreate or get a hot virgin waifu. They were meant to toil and die alone. Women sexually select. Women are literally biologically programmed to be repulsed by non Chad males, to prevent them from fucking and procreating with them. Womens biological role is to find the best seed and make a beta raise it. Forced monogamy and marriage is literally something incels came up with because they were pissed Chad was getting all the pussy (as nature intended). Now incels think they are entitled to a pure virgin 18 year old waifu to fuck and impregnate. Nah, it was only the last couple thousand years or so that horribly dysgenic artificial system was set up, that led to the proliferation of undesirable incel genes. For the 400,000 years before then, it was a fight to the death for pussy, incels vs Chad. Grug Chad and his boys would have killed those breadstick armed incels with one blow to their weak recessed shitty jaw. <|endoftext|> Do you think this is more likely to happen in a modern urban area where no one knows each other and people are atomised and isolated from each other or in a small grug tribe? <|endoftext|> Men are more likely to reach either extreme. Woman are mediocre middle of the bell curve in almost all things including intelligence. Most people with a room temp is will be men, Most people with a a galaxy brain 200 will also me men. Women are the midwits of humanity, which is why they are ideal for HR shit and other busy work Grug is too dumb to do, and Steven is over qualified to do. <|endoftext|> Sometime berrypicker forget place, need reminding. But Grug wonder why OP mate with other hunter? Berrypicker nag much, but mate good. Hunter no nag but no mate good. <|endoftext|> sometime bad make grug better, fighting tiger make grug stronger, happines from strength true, happiness from no bad happen is not true, make grug sad, wish for tiger fight <|endoftext|> >If god real then why bad thing happen? >If good thing happen then why grug need god? Me think fedoracuck in big denial. Grug ask question cannot be answered, Chadunga reply answer cannot be questioned. Grug think is immovable object, only thing Grug is immovable is Grug man titties. <|endoftext|> because God big chief in sky and he know infinitely more and better than Grug. if big sky chief make bad thing happen, it happen for reasons beyond Grug's understanding. Grug is big dino arrogant as to think he know better than sky chief for Grug is mere mortal <|endoftext|> Oh but there is. I'm not talking about the average grug-brained antifa footsoldier in the street, but the insidious actors in academia and politics who actually initiate and push these movements forward. You would be naive to think otherwise. <|endoftext|> Grug was afraid of being cucked by Grog, so he wanted to be sure his wife doesn't sleep around. <|endoftext|> >hmmm what is a better use for our women >getting gored >bearing and raising our offspring i don't think grug would have had a hard time deciding <|endoftext|> "Technology is Satanic" on both ends, except the far right end is a scientist Or the grug saying "technology is evil" and the inventor/scientist replying "yes" <|endoftext|> GRUG WIN BECAUSE MY CLUB HAVE MORE STICKS <|endoftext|> >grug throwing a rock for the first time caused humanity to become the global apex predator >therefore grug throwing a rock is the most important historical event <|endoftext|> >basing your religious views on politics kek Also, it might be shocking, but not everyone likes grug tier first millennium values. <|endoftext|> Grug come to Mama house and see two puppy <|endoftext|> Catholics are required to believe that there was an Adam/Eve and a fall. The exact details don't matter so it could be Grug and Grugette in Ethiopia in 50,000 BC but it's gotta happen. <|endoftext|> he's not that bad looking for a grug <|endoftext|> First Battle of Acentejo, late 15th Century division of Spanish soldiers equipped with firearms and steel armor were nearly wiped out by literal grug tier cavemen natives armed with sticks and rocks <|endoftext|> adorno & co actively ridiculed any mass didactic attempts in high art, later susan sontag & co actively denied the possibility of high art, so americans were kept in grug mode while shaping character of modern culture. they are slowly recovering from the damage done to them. <|endoftext|> >Grug like bum bum <|endoftext|> > he thinks the death of the west started with monarchies > he doesn't know about that time grug hit gungar over the head 3 times instead of two <|endoftext|> grug clans in prehistory <|endoftext|> >tfw Grug literally teleports behind u via bone magic and nothing personnel's you with a rock he didn't even bother to sharpen <|endoftext|> Grug cave scribbles. <|endoftext|> Prehistory. >Grug go to cave after successful hunt >Grab grugina. >Get out stick and berries >Because high on local narcotics or just a pervert, fug her poop chute instead. >Tell other grugs about how great it was to mask how he was a pathetic retard who missed the pussy. >Some of them believe him and also start buttfucking. That was the start of degeneracy. <|endoftext|> Grug should have treated his wife better <|endoftext|> >LE HUMAN EVOLSUHUN lol if you worship grug this much go back to Africa and live like him <|endoftext|> The only other option is to embrace grug. <|endoftext|> >dey know how 2 grug that mean they smart LARPer <|endoftext|> Many non-Jewish leftists are quietly critical of Israel's government "Quietly" because they don't want to say that shit within earshot of Storm Grug or he'll think they're agreeing with him <|endoftext|> All treaties are too soft. Back in the day Grug would kill the enemy tribe to a man and take all the women and property for himself. Simple as. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Animals get tons of parasites and infections, as do hunter-gatherer humans. Immune system bs is a massive grug cope. <|endoftext|> Everything is grug tier except deism and sikhism <|endoftext|> >Why did you draw that Homo erectus like a modern human in a grug outfit? Because they were >They didn't look like us below the neck. Yes they did >Also, Homo antecessor is not Homo erectus Yes they were >but a sister lineage to whatever our common ancestor was with Homo neanderthalensis and Denisovans False Try again <|endoftext|> Why did you draw that Homo erectus like a modern human in a grug outfit? They didn't look like us below the neck. Also, Homo antecessor is not Homo erectus, but a sister lineage to whatever our common ancestor was with Homo neanderthalensis and Denisovans. <|endoftext|> After the bronze age collapse. Wondering around as a grug looking at the cities your ancestors lived in. <|endoftext|> Gatherer Grug teach grug in circle. "Before teaching begin, you say berrypicking better than hunting." In now moment, strong hunter Grug who hunt 15 mammoth stand. "Who feed the tribe?" Weak gatherer Grug say "Gatherer, dumb Grug." "Grug wrong. Hunter feed tribe. Gatherer berries eaten by lemmings." Gatherer Grug get angry and storm out of circle. He ashamed of berrypicking and wish to be hunter. Grugs clap, spirit descend into the circle and say "Hunter Grug is best!" Gatherer beaten to death next day. <|endoftext|> A wiseman from the last of the hunter-gatherer tribes was teaching his forest tribe about the error of their southern and eastern neighbors. ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the Mother Goddess and accept that egalitarianism is the best system in the world, even greater than stratified society!” At this moment, a brave, literate, agriculturalist who had herded over 1500 bovids and understood the necessity of teaching berrypickers farming and creating a society with himself on top stood up. ”What's the best weapon, Grug?” The arrogant wiseman smirked quite illiterately and replied “Any rock, you inequitable farmer.” ”Wrong. It’s the metal axe. If it was a rock as you say... then wouldn't the hunter-gatherers of this land still number in the millions?” The wiseman was visibly shaken, and dropped his rocks and goddess figurines. He stormed out of the room crying those hunter-gatherer crocodile tears. The same tears the hunter-gatherers cried when they were conquered and forced to farm(who today live in such luxury that most now have houses to live in). There is no doubt that at this point our "wise"man wished he had pulled himself up by his leather shoestraps and established his own society with himself on top. The tribe applauded and became agriculturists that day and accepted the agriculturalist as their chieftain. A lightning bolt struck the Venus figures and a fire burned down the communal hut. Scribes wrote about this important day and preserved it for future, civilized, literate posterity. The wiseman lost his priesthood and was enslaved and forced to work the fields the next day. He tried to flee into the wilderness but couldn't because of the metal chains around his neck and ankles. Praise the sky father. <|endoftext|> Because maoism is essentially Grug:the ideology <|endoftext|> no it's not this is what you grug brains don't understand taking the establishment side but up to eleven in a very dour and aggressive way doesn't make you based it just makes you a grugbrain useful idiot <|endoftext|> Grug-tier. <|endoftext|> >"Grug look there!" >"Grug no see thing" >"haha bamboozled!" <|endoftext|> A good majority of our traditions, views on sex, and religion beliefs boils down to "mater certa pater semper incertus" aka "grug no want being a cuck". <|endoftext|> Grug angry aggressive and strong. Grug hit me, Grug hit bad man even harder, so me safe with Grug. Grug also hit my vagina hard *tee hee hee*. Me like Grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG GONNA COOOOOOM <|endoftext|> It's a primal biological thing. Grug not want other man baby. <|endoftext|> Meanwhile 1 million tutsis were butchered with machetes in the span of a few months so it looks like hutus are the real master race, or do you deny that too? Your personal incredulity is very much not an argument. The evidence for the 6m (or close) figure doesn't disappear just because grug brain can't fathom so big number <|endoftext|> Meanwhile 1 million tutsis were butchered with machetes in the span of a few months. Your personal incredulity is very much not an argument. It's actually laughable how you think you can just dismiss out of hand the mountains of evidence supporting the 6m figure just because grug brain can't process big number. <|endoftext|> I think i know why. Its because curiosity is a natural human trait we all have. Back in ooga booga times, when grug hears rustling in a bush, he either investigates it, or just leaves it and goes back to crafting his prehistoric dildo. Lets say theres a saber tooth tiger in the bush. If he and his grug gang investigate together, they might have a chance at killing the thing. But if they just leave it be, it might get a jump on them and slit all their throats while they sleep. Also, the brain naturally rewards itself when it finds new information, which is why sites like reddit are so popular. Theyre basically a constant stream of dopamine <|endoftext|> >grug make spear from rock and tree branch to hunt bear >only natural that bigger grugs make rock and tree and bear >silly gruglets tipping hide cap <|endoftext|> >This grug whose shitty primate brain can't comprehend anything more complex than the steel mill lmao <|endoftext|> And it's a horrible idea. Museums are robbed all the time because some limp dicked billionaire is jelly because some other limp dicked billionaire has a prettier vase of the Grug Dynasty than he has. <|endoftext|> >grug think. grug am. >crog die. crog gone. >die unga bunga. grug die? >grug gone? grug no think? >no. grug die... grug see crog. >grug and crog. always. <|endoftext|> Basically this. Grug nationalist thinking tells you that foreign tribe unga bunga-ing women of your tribe is the most humiliating thing that can happen. <|endoftext|> Grug no like other grugs bum Why any grug would want to put peepee in bum? Me hate peepee bum grug <|endoftext|> this sounds pretty reasonable, the only dumb thing about it is you thinking addressing it to Grug and Dug would make it sound stupid <|endoftext|> Just because an animal can be tamed doesn't mean the fact that they weren't domesticated is a sign of the people of that region being dumb. I mean think for a second about being the first guy to come up with domesticating the horse. >"Yo Grug, and Dug, I got a sick idea" >"Let's hear it" >"You know those beasts that can injure us with just one kick and aren't friendly to humans?" >"Horses?" >"What if we tamed them and made them work for us." >"How would we do that?" >"Well we capture about 30 to 50 of em, then we only breed the ones that are the most friendly to us." >"And what would we get out of that?" >"We could ride them into battle" >"How could we control them?" >"We'll put ropes in their mouth and pull them." >"Yeah great I was looking for a way to get my fingers bitten off" Honestly it's a miracle any species was ever domesticated <|endoftext|> >Grug hate work, elders make rules, make Grug feel like beta Grug. >Elders have shekels and Grugas. >Grug think, What if Grug elder? >Grug kill elders and enemy males. >Grug now chief, tribe fear Grug! >Tribe now work for Grug. >Grug starve and purge, feel like god. <|endoftext|> Communism has been redefined to mean living and eating for free, which makes no logical sense. It also appeals to the emotional and the envious. >Grug hate work, tribe elders make rules, make Grug feel like beta Grug. >Elders have shekels and grugas. >Grug think. What if Grug elder? >Grug and friends kill elders. Take all shekels. >Kill enemy males. Tribe now weak. Fear Grug! >Grug now chief, now tribe work for Grug >Grug starve and kill tribe, feel like god now. Grug feel good. <|endoftext|> "End times" predictions are dime a dozen, could probably find some cave carving of grug saying the lack of berries means the Gods have decided to genocide the humans <|endoftext|> This, and it’s an accurate part of the Grug meme for a reason >many moons <|endoftext|> that's too abstract for grug, anon <|endoftext|> the time grug discovered fire <|endoftext|> >islam man like unga bunga smash >christian man not like unga bunga smash >grug like unga bung smash >grug like islam man <|endoftext|> Mostly about supporting correct law and policy that supports your belief than anything else. Being Christian does not mean being a pea brain grug saying muhh ancestors were superior to yooz ancestaz, but supporting wise law/policy decisions in your cunt or locality. >“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's.” <|endoftext|> So what? Grug the bvll probably has half the worlds population coming from him because he was one of the earliest human beings. I don't see people praising that guy. <|endoftext|> A wiseman from the last of the hunter-gatherer tribes was teaching his forest tribe about the error of their southern and eastern neighbors. ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the Mother Goddess and accept that egalitarianism is the best system in the world, even greater than stratified society!” At this moment, a brave, literate, agriculturalist who had herded over 1500 bovids and understood the necessity of teaching berrypickers farming and creating a society with himself on top stood up. ”What's the best weapon, Grug?” The arrogant wiseman smirked quite illiterately and replied “Any rock, you inequitable farmer.” ”Wrong. It’s the metal axe. If it was a rock as you say... then wouldn't the hunter-gatherers of this land still number in the millions?” The wiseman was visibly shaken, and dropped his rocks and goddess figurines. He stormed out of the room crying those hunter-gatherer crocodile tears. The same tears the hunter-gatherers cried when they were conquered and forced to farm(who today live in such luxury that most now have houses to live in). There is no doubt that at this point our "wise"man wished he had pulled himself up by his leather shoestraps and established his own society with himself on top. The tribe applauded and became agriculturists that day and accepted the agriculturalist as their chieftain. A lightning bolt struck the Venus figures and a fire burned down the communal hut. Scribes wrote about this important day and preserved it for future, civilized, literate posterity. The wiseman lost his priesthood and was enslaved and forced to work the fields the next day. He tried to flee into the wilderness but couldn't because of the metal chains around his neck and ankles. Praise the sky father. <|endoftext|> Awful. And you had to till the same shitty strip of earth still you die. You have a lord over you. People who idolize the middle ages are retarded. Grug had things way better. He moved with the seasons. He followed the herds. He never had to pay taxes because rocks were the only manufactured good. Grug life is what we were made for. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> grug catch rapist rapist neck go snap no more rapist <|endoftext|> Grug has thick skin Grug eats shit for breakfast You cannot comprehend Grug's manliness because you are a son of bastards who were sheltered from the harsh realities of life under the sky, life of a being encased by a mortal body, life of an animal in a nature documentary. Your father was weak and you are weaker. Grug would be disappointed. <|endoftext|> >What's the best weapon, Grug?” Kek. This is one is new <|endoftext|> Humans who assumed something scary made the twig behind them crack had better odds of survival than Grug the ugly hat wearer ignoring the stimulus <|endoftext|> Caveman thinking Book say gay bad Kill gays or god will be mad and hurt grug <|endoftext|> A wiseman from the last of the hunter-gatherer tribes was teaching his forest tribe about the error of their southern and eastern neighbors. ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the Mother Goddess and accept that egalitarianism is the best system in the world, even greater than stratified society!” At this moment, a brave, literate, agriculturalist who had herded over 1500 bovids and understood the necessity of teaching berrypickers farming and creating a society with himself on top stood up. ”What's the best weapon, Grug?” The arrogant wiseman smirked quite illiterately and replied “Any rock, you inequitable farmer.” ”Wrong. It’s the metal axe. If it was a rock as you say... then wouldn't the hunter-gatherers of this land still number in the millions?” The wiseman was visibly shaken, and dropped his rocks and goddess figurines. He stormed out of the room crying those hunter-gatherer crocodile tears. The same tears the hunter-gatherers cried when they were conquered and forced to farm(who today live in such luxury that most now have houses to live in). There is no doubt that at this point our "wise"man wished he had pulled himself up by his leather shoestraps and established his own society with himself on top. The tribe applauded and became agriculturists that day and accepted the agriculturalist as their chieftain. A lightning bolt struck the Venus figures and a fire burned down the communal hut. Scribes wrote about this important day and preserved it for future, civilized, literate posterity. The wiseman lost his priesthood and was enslaved and forced to work the fields the next day. He tried to flee into the wilderness but couldn't because of the metal chains around his neck and ankles. Praise the sky father. <|endoftext|> Tradition, ooga booga clan learned 5 centuries ago that siblings fucking each other is bad, they spread this knowledge with everyone else in the clan, this knowledge is passed on for generations, grug and grugina know by the old traditions that they should not fuck eachother <|endoftext|> Grug great general. Grug see land other side of water, but Grug have no float. What do? Grug make wood over water, and walk to land. No need silly Navy. <|endoftext|> >Grug's little Grugs have been doing Grug making with each other >new Grugs keep looking less like Grug, look more like trees >Grug thinks letting his little Grugs make Grugs together is bad idea <|endoftext|> Yes. Grug 1 wants hot mommy pussy Grug 2 wants too, they fight to death for the pussy. <|endoftext|> GRUG THINK YOU PRETTY YOU GRUG WOMAN NOW U NO SLEEP WIT OTHER MAN OR GRUG PRACTICE HIS STONE AXE ON YOUR HEAD <|endoftext|> Yes. >me no have food for icy land time >people over hills have many food for tribe >me and grug grug go take food >stab stab to get food >take pretty lady for long icy land time >me will take food again next time Rinse and repeat <|endoftext|> There once lived a grug who loved eating proto-corn. He ate it in handfuls every spring and it tasted so yummy. But only so much proto-corn grew in any given environ, and for only so long, that he decided to stock pile a bunch one season and bring it back to his tribe. Grug showed his friend proto corn and let him have a taste, but he didn't like it and got angry at grug and threw his proto corn into a field out of anger. Then it started to rain and Grug was very upset because he would not be able to eat his favorite treat for another year. But something happened in the coming months, and out of the field that Grug's friend threw the proto corn into sprouted little proto corns. Grug nurtured his corn babies until they grew into a big patch of proto corn and everyone in his tribe was impressed so they all had a taste and many realised they liked it so they kept throwing proto corn before it rains and eventually their children ate even yummier corn bread. The end. <|endoftext|> How far back? Sure grug and his boys were involved in a few sex trafficking rings. <|endoftext|> >common law >grug debates krug over the finer points of property rights >while they both make compelling arguments neither can convince the other of their merits >chief shrug arbitrates and decides krug is the rightful owner >grug points out that cheif shrug ruled the other way last time >chief shrug agreeing with himself and being convinced of chief shrug's prior righteousness decides actually grug is the rightful owner <|endoftext|> grug wonder what happen to good ol' fishing soigrug born after 6000 BC cant hunt, only harvest, pick berry, tribal dance and lie <|endoftext|> This is very true, and it's funny to think that it holds true in literally every time. Grug had his wise shaman. Christcucks in the old days had the church. Normies have academics and scientists. /pol/ swallows anything their e-celebs spout despite pretending otherwise. <|endoftext|> Sort of. When managing power the carrot is often as effective as the stick. The stick is raw authority, the carrot is legitimacy. If you’re a relentless power tripping asshole the fear people have of you will turn into hate. Past a certain point people stop caring if they get hurt and just want revenge. That’s not good unless the group in question can easily be eliminated without causing issues. The Manchu for example were able to rule China for 300 years as the highest authority, but few recognized their legitimacy especially early on. Authority is when people go “I’ll do what you want because I know you’ll hurt me”. Legitimacy is when people go “I’ll do what you want because I like you and think it’s in my best interest to do what you say.” Half of mythology is founding legends about how chief Grug is the son of Wind God. Everybody like Wind God and respect Wind God, so they should respect Grug and his family. Machiavelli specifically warned against using violence wantonly instead of to a specific objective. If you’re going to be violent then make it sudden, quick, and utterly terrible in order to scare the targets into submission or destroy them entirely. <|endoftext|> No because even if you are an alpha chad, 4 smaller dudes can take you out in a fight. Even chimpanzees do this; grug tier troop leaders that arnt well liked are just ganged up on and killed by lesser males <|endoftext|> >grug make wheel and live in tent >grug great <|endoftext|> grug like shiny rock gruget make peepee feel good when grug give her shiny rock <|endoftext|> If only marriage was about sex and not rearing miniature people >it’s not sacred According to whom? If there is one thing humans are driven by it’s the desire to see children succeed them. You wouldn’t literally die for them if it was otherwise. >most people don’t Yes they do, I was in highschool three years ago and I can say they absolutely did all the time. Social norms are dictated by normies Marriage isn’t a commodit, it isn’t sold on a corporate market. >b-but today it is Shut up that’s the point, it wasn’t in the past. Who the fuck was running Grug’s megacorp? It didn’t exist <|endoftext|> can we see Grug just for interest? <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK WE COME FROM BABOON >YOU STUPID GRUG WE COME FROM SKY PEOPLE >SKY PEOPLE NO REAL >*slams rock club on GRUG'S HEAD* >SACRIFICE TO SKY PEOPLE <|endoftext|> This Grug. If Grug knew that Grug war against longtooth tribe result in man look like woman Grug never war against longtooth tribe. Where Grug go wrong? Future evil. Grug never leave cave if man go do poo poo in woman poo poo room. <|endoftext|> >Grug make fire >How Grugar do that, Grug? >Grug not tell >:) >GRUGAR MAD, SMASH GRUG HEAD WITH ROCK >Ow, Grug forget how make fire :( fuggin tribals <|endoftext|> >Grugette, the wife of Grug, proceeds to beat you into a pulp after you attempt to assault her <|endoftext|> Everyone’s Grug brain wants to keep young women safe because in the event of many males being sacrificed, those remaining can still coom in all the womens’ pussies and keep the tribe surviving. It’s ultimately the reason we don’t send women to war for the most part or at least not anywhere they’re gonna get killed <|endoftext|> >Birds chirping is music In a way yes. Same way as Neanderthal Grug banging a stick on a hollow trunk and making a drum sound is music. <|endoftext|> >you eat white bean, no woman, small arm, not like fight >me strong yellow hair , make sideways dance with many girl grug, hit many other cave man with stick <|endoftext|> You get rewarded for 0 effort by taking advantage of people's grug brain. It's exploitation. <|endoftext|> Grug miss it :( <|endoftext|> When Grug smacked Ugh for cutting a holy tree <|endoftext|> >Imagine being the byzantine empire and getting memory holed this hard. Exactly. Talk about a cultural debt, so much of islamic architecture is based on byzantine and syrian christian architecture, when does the stealing start? Are we going back all the way to the first arch? The first pyramid shaped building? The first time Grug piled stones one over the other? Jesus, these people have no shame nor any intellectual honesty. <|endoftext|> adhd grug would be more hungry and seek dopamine hits from killing the deer grug can't eat flowers! if he found honey though... <|endoftext|> Adhd and add makes you higly focused on things that exite or interest you, adhd grug would hunt that deer till one of them collapsed <|endoftext|> > me adhd grug > see deer > run run run after deer > ohhhh grug see flower > ohhhh grug hand look interdasting > grug bored, not want to hunt anymore <|endoftext|> more like: >me grug >me hunt deer >deer sees me, deer run >me run after >run run >deer falls onto the ground from being tired >heh, grug stronger than deer! >chucks a spear into deer >yummy meat! <|endoftext|> > hunter grug, we wear leave, deer think we tree > we very quiet and not move long time > wait long long until see deer > kill deer, eat yummy deer > dahhhh bigbigactive grug bored > WUUUUUURRGHHHHH > now bigbigactive grug and hunter grug no have food <|endoftext|> >tony soprano approaches Grug circa 4th century >ayo if you become a christian we'll start doin trade with ya, if ya dont.. well ya aint gonna like it >Grug proceeds to test Jesus' power by battling other tribes using different combinations of polytheistic woship, Jesus+Thor, Jesus+Odin, Odin over Jesus, Jesus over Odin, etc. >this is unironically like flipping a coin >see! grug christian! Gib armor for lumbar mr.soprano! Conversion of germanic tribes was from the top down, relating almost entirely to economics and defense. Jesus was added into a polytheistic tradition and christianity looked like that in northern europe for many centuries to come. <|endoftext|> because Grug didn't write it down on high quality archival cave walls. <|endoftext|> Why didn't Grug get credit for inventing math when he first counted his fingers? <|endoftext|> >never any conflicts uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can you show me a stat demonstrating that even a minority if not a pure anomaly that conflicts begin because of group identity being unclear? >besides fighting over resources how did I leave that out? Listen you idiot, a perfect moral system allows for conflict, the idea that morality ends conflict is stupid and childish, its how children think. Is it at all possible that two people with a similar framework could reach an impasse? or is that just not possible if they agree with eachother on 90% of everything and that 10% of disagreement just doesn't exist? Do you exist in the world or are you purely an armchair pseud? >human behavior is more complicated than grug eat and fuck firstly, I said it was more or less complex than caveman thoughts. Secondly, human behavior can be reduced to drives which are fundamentally >eat >fuck >help family nope, that's the opposite, that's the result of clear cut groups being so clear and well defined that it creates a rift in a previous identity. <|endoftext|> >where the fuck do you get this from? From the logical conclusion that humans naturally fall into self-defined societal groups and that there are never any conflicts or ambiguity regarding said groupings. Also you left out “besides fighting over resources”, most likely because you’re a brainlet retard who realizes he’s been BTFO and who doesn’t want to admit that human behavior is more complicated than “Grug eat berries, Grug help tribe, Grug fuck mate” etc. <|endoftext|> >grug steals sharp rock FROM other grug** Sorry forgot a word <|endoftext|> You own what you can obtain. >grug steal sharp rock other grug >sharp rock is now grugs >other grug steals it back >sharp rock is now other grugs again The method has no relation to conceptuality. <|endoftext|> It was more likely omega males and bottom of the barrel femoids reproducing with neanderthal or mixed neanderthals out of painful loneliness and desperation, and then maybe generations later one is attractive enough for grug-Chad. <|endoftext|> The ol' >"Grogs make mountain for Grug because Grug god. Make mountain for Grug because mountain is God. God Grug lives on Grug mountain. God mountain has secret cave for Grug God. Grug is God of mountains and caves. Grug is very high up, higher than all the grogs. Grogs can worship Grug on Grug mountain that is God. Give Grug thiccness and wine. Grug will pull rain from the sky because Grug is high and can reach the clouds." <|endoftext|> >Christianity: Grug angry <|endoftext|> How the hell is the Iliad boring? After the catalog of ships, there's someone getting iced in the most violent and detailed way every other page. Even if you care little about the plot, characters or historical insight, you can turn your brain off and tune into a grug-approved combat novel. <|endoftext|> All of us are failing to live up to our common ancestor, Big High Chief Grug II, who killed 147 men in one on one combat, and impregnated every single one of their wives and daughters <|endoftext|> One of them you cannot just join so the other two are the functional middle eastern religions In christcuckery things "just make sense bro" and you can cherry pick at your heart's content, there are 9001 different branches so there's always one of them for everyone In pisslam you are encouraged to behave the most violent grug way possible so men are naturally predisposed to follow it and the western world seems to have a fetish with it lately which helps conversion <|endoftext|> It's magic -> religion -> science and it was coined by Frazer. According to him people went from believing they can personally impact the world through magic, then to believing there are external entities controlling the world around them and finally to scientific understanding. The evolutionist take on magic and religion is that it was a way of interpreting the phenomena with whatever limited information humans had at the time. Thus the difference between them is a degree of knowledge. However I think a better case can be made that perceiving agency behind every process is an inherent property of the human mind. Grug didn't sit and think about why the wind blows until he came to the conclusion it was the Wind Grug, rather he simply couldn't conceive that some things happen without an involvement of some Grug-like entity. Consider the language and how it can't even describe any event without resorting to agency. The Sun sets. The wind blows. The stars shine. Even the chair stands in the corner. And we're still doing it constantly and we'll never stop. Our mundane logic is something that runs parallel to this process. <|endoftext|> >for all purposes it's assumed Yes and for all purposes we're assuming God is above the laws He created >definition of word mean God not real Grug tier <|endoftext|> Your mother puralized it when she had grug and the crew pound her out <|endoftext|> leftists be like >FUCK ALLEGORY BRO >AND FUCK HONOR TOO (unless you're a BASED child sacrificing mayan or a BASED kamikaze pilot) >MATERIAL IS ALL THAT MATTERS but then they be all >LMAO FUCK HOMO NEANDERTHALIS >THEY CAN'T EVEN INTO ALLEGORY >GRUG SMELL FLOWERS AND POO POO HURRRR <|endoftext|> Yeah with modern technology. Imagine you're some stone age grug <|endoftext|> They tried covering up Grug's corpse smell with flowers and when that didn't work they said fuck it and buried him like a turd. <|endoftext|> >Grug crush puny morsel <|endoftext|> I dunno lol. To me they appear utterly fascinating and I can see a direct link between them and us through their art and such. Try reading C.G. Jung's opus as well as european mythology. It becomes easy to see the roots of ideas and how and why weird things happen now as back then - from incest to human sacrifice to art to war and so on, it all becomes understandable. Be happy. The end is like the beginning. I didn't make the comparison betwee Venus figurines and hotglueing and waifus in vain. It's quite literally the same exact thing. They are us and we are them. There is no distinction between Lum and Aphrodite, or Hecate and Marisa, or Thor and Guts. Our relationship to them is the same as a Greek polytheist would have to his gods, or Grug. The psychological reality is EXACTLY the same, it's just that we don't see these fictional characters as gods to be worshipped. BUT WE EASILY COULD AND IT WOULD MAKE SENSE. Our internal psychology, our archetypes, would make it as valid, as dignified and holy as any world religion you see as "holy." <|endoftext|> Grug hunted deer because it was in his self interest to do so, because Grug needs food to fucking live Nowadays, we have specialized food producers (farmers) who provide food for us, and we acquire that food by paying them with shiny rocks, so it is in our self interest to acquire shiny rock, yes. <|endoftext|> So no one did hunted any deer until Grug decided he would give them shiny rocks? <|endoftext|> reject modernity, embrace grug <|endoftext|> Yes, Grug and Grog obviously were adamant on giving a vote to everyone in order to decide matters <|endoftext|> >beating rocks is the same as smelting, purifying, and working hot metal literally Grug vs the Modern world <|endoftext|> Alexander's massacres weren't "grug strong", they were to establish control over territory quickly or solve immediate concerns, just as the Mongols did. The point was to cause fear and isolate dissidents so that people would obey him, because his army couldn't possibly hold territory by itself or fight a unified enemy. What's missing in this picture is that this strategy, even if it seems barbaric, actually results in much less death and destruction in the long run. I still hate what he did to Thebes, though. <|endoftext|> wrong board grug go back grug no word boards <|endoftext|> too many words grug no want read <|endoftext|> Where did the British Grug meme come from I’ve noticed it more and more recently. <|endoftext|> >grug swear big snek almost kill grug >but then sky go boom and big snek dead >it mean sky angry for snek and good for grugs >5000 years pass and people still worship sky for that one time it saved some random grug Solid reasoning <|endoftext|> >big sky rock go boom >now much less berry and beast for eat >but grug have smart >what if take rock inside berry >and just make more berry? >no more go away find berry come back >now stay find berry where berry always is >food forever Guy who came up with that was probably the first god-king. <|endoftext|> Yeah I know, I was being hyperbolic. The point was it's not stalwart belligerence like Clarence over here seems to shoehorn into everything. If Theodoric was some retarded war grug like he's saying, then there'd be no reason for such deep diplomatic ties. And the fact that these moves were done largely at the behest of East-Roman geopolitical mandates furthers the idea that Theodoric was inclined to pacifying Western Europe from what could have become a very ugly situation. <|endoftext|> they apparently are grug tier if recent events are anything to go by Ataturk would line them all up against the wall <|endoftext|> me power good other people power bad even grug understand <|endoftext|> grug no unnastan if god good, why bad thing come? me think no god now bad thing come for no reason much better grug brain no hurt now <|endoftext|> So you're saying Basque grug women fucked the shit of out IE invaders and forced their language on the offspring like slayer queen bosses? daymn <|endoftext|> >He thinks Drumpf is the only thing that made Murica have meh to poor reputation Do Muricans always take their grug brain propaganda seriously? Do they always think Murican Exceptionalism is real? <|endoftext|> >Do you live anywhere in or near California? I would love to meet up and beat your head of the pavement and scatter your teeth across the pavement. OOGA BOOGA GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> >How would the average peasant go from being androgynous to a gaunt high T grug in the industrial era and then back again? the industrial era was the most excruciating work ever performed by humanity. Both before and after. <|endoftext|> I think that was just how aristocrats looked. How would the average peasant go from being androgynous to a gaunt high T grug in the industrial era and then back again? <|endoftext|> > beauty is subjective > that means everything is beautiful sorry grug, relativism will always be brainlet filter <|endoftext|> Because Grug Tribesman in bumfuck modern Germany isn't going to have any means of communicating directly with someone in the Levant where agriculture has taken off given that the best infrastructure in the region would have been basic earthen trails. <|endoftext|> >king grug has big stick >king grug says u is his slave >king grug no get y u think unfair >king grug says is reality dumdum <|endoftext|> wont even fill in because its literally: >be me, grug, farmer in west ireland >fast forward 2000 years >be me, grug, son of farmer in west ireland >will eventually inherit sacred land from uncle >the individual fields have been owned by the same families since 1000s of years before records even began >my families 8 earthen forts all still standing (1 main fort and 7 surrounding forts all with incredible views over the land) feelsgood <|endoftext|> The only natural economy is Chag taking what he wills and grug suffering what he must. Property rights were the first beta uprising. <|endoftext|> >put think in reply? grug struggle at think, you must struggle at think too, think investment means big care, thinker btfo <|endoftext|> >me grug big dick, you small dick, only explain why you make fire but no fire stick only two rock or two sticks together >wat show grug dick? no, you man gay? grug to bundle of sticks Carefuil with throwing stones in a glass cave and all <|endoftext|> grug like shiny yellow rock. grug collect shiny yellow rock. <|endoftext|> Not only she-grug but he-grug too. Think how rare it was to encounter actually shiny things in those days, and then along comes this fancy man who can shine light into your eyes. That's almost but not quite like being a god in those days. <|endoftext|> Grug >Shiny rock make Grug feel important and show off to She-Grug <|endoftext|> No, that would grug tribe wars vs scrug tribe over the berry bushes of river bend sun patch, circa 25,000 BCE (before coomer era) <|endoftext|> Grug, son of Grug <|endoftext|> >Location: Dardania >People: Dardan illyrians >Status: Probably a grug hunter / farmer living in a some clanic subarea of the larger "kingdom" >Livelihood: Huntings, farming, maybe some kind of manual work, I'm skilled with artistic stuff and my hands. >Positives: Live longer than most people back then in other areas, live longer than most people today actually. Good climate, good diet, healthy occupations, lillyrians were famous for living very old. >Negatives: I only bathe 3 times in my whole life. Pussy must stink so sex isn't that good. Might die in a stupid battle against celtics, greeks or other semi-civilized illyrians from the coast because my stupid chiefs have no grasp of basic strategy and flee from guys doing litteral drills really loud. <|endoftext|> Ooga booga grug like ass Aaga Baaga grugett grow from ass after learn walk up right <|endoftext|> >me grug man make coom make life of meanful <|endoftext|> >Hun flat head >Hun stronk >If Grug flat head Grug stronk like Hun <|endoftext|> > consumerism bad reddit tier argument, try harder grug <|endoftext|> >Grug and Ug talking around the fire >Grugs son Bug is resourceful and decent looking but not very good with the ladies >Ugs daughter Chug is attractive but impractical and ug doesn't want her to marry Mug, the better looking but lazier of the two males who will likely abandon Chug >Grug and Ug make an agreement that their children should marry for these practical reasons <|endoftext|> I suggest this >grug sees two other grugs assfucking >grug instinctually feels that this is abhorrent >grug proceeds to bash them with a rock <|endoftext|> I suggest the first cases of ""homophobia"" went something like this: >Grug lives with his tribe somewhere on earth. >Some day grug finds out that he prefers sticking his penis in a man's arse. >Some guy in his tribe prefers this as well >rest of the tribe finds out >Since they wouldnt reproduce to make more people that could help the tribe they are of little use to them, they decide. >They murder Grug and his lover so they wouldnt have to waste food on them. <|endoftext|> when Grug invented club <|endoftext|> And that proof is only "Coin look Funny. Grug think Chalkolithic tribe dis it." <|endoftext|> chad grug <|endoftext|> t. anprim grug whose species would go extinct at the slightest hint of a natural disaster <|endoftext|> Anything about D'Annunzio is interesting t.b.h., the guy was an incredible Chad. His famous flight to Vienna left Austrians seething forever and even his superiors were salty because he had written the pamphlets in Italian instead of German, and it was such perfect poetic Italian that brainlet Italian officers had trouble understanding its nuances, as they were used to grug language. Something interesting about the seizure of Fiume is that while D'Annunzio and his friends were in charge, they made it a safe haven for LGBT people from all over Europe (although D'Annunzio wasn't gay, in fact he was always a womanizer), because they rejected bourgeois morality. So the arguably first European fascist state was also the first gay-friendly state. >The memoirs of Italian soldier Giovanni Comisso and others reveal that the young and the free really did congregate in Rijeka in 1919. They enjoyed a degree of sexual liberation (including tolerance of homosexuality) and a freedom of lifestyle that did not exist in Italy proper. [...] the Carta del Carnaro (Kvarner Charter), the manifesto-cum-constitution published in September 1920. Devised by Italian syndicalist Alceste de Ambris, and poetically enhanced by the pen of D’Annunzio himself, it promised a mixture of both direct democracy and corporatism (the organization of the population into groups defined by occupation); equal rights for all, regardless of sex, race, religion or class; and, in a typically Dannunzian touch, a constitutionally-enshrined role for music in all spheres of life. >Some of these people were part of D’Annunzio’s governing administration. There was authorized to be transgressive and thus they dedicated a significant amount of their time to drug use, nudism, sexual orgies and homosexual practices. Even the local clergy participated in this defiance of established authority when the city’s convent of Capuchin monks asked the Catholic Church for reforms such as the abolition of chastity. <|endoftext|> Grug, it's ok. Calm down. Understand that technology will fix everything in time. There's no need to worry, we'll be out and about colonizing planets soon enough, along with other improvements on the way. And if we're heading toward a stupider future, no need to worry my friend, our machines will take care of everything, even us. So cheer up. You shouldn't stress over something that you can't control, Grug. Civilization is here, we need to go with it, it is our duty. To strive for a brave, new world. Don't you want to be part of something great? <|endoftext|> Go live in a cave with the bears, see how you like it, Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug E. Snug <|endoftext|> >Grug hungry >Grug see fly eat berry, Grug want berry too >Grug see Bert eat berry, Bert no longer see >Grab rat, feed berry, rat dies >Grug eat berry, Grug lives, very surprised <|endoftext|> CHG grug people who spread their light skin and robust features around Eurasia. <|endoftext|> >grug love mustache boss much <|endoftext|> >living longer is bad cuz immigrunts pls commit die It doesn't have to be like this, and currentyear's political problems do not come directly from some Grug growing some plants. This is some butterfly effect horseshit. <|endoftext|> pretty much everywhere, realistically look at your household and tell me if it isn't that way. american here and dad is basically a grug barbarian who runs a small business, but the only thing he buys for himself is meat in bulk, hobby stuff like fishing gear, and a case of beer a week. all the bookkeeping, writing of checks, filing of taxes, is done by mom. the business, the home, all under her name until they passed to me recently. <|endoftext|> Everything about him says grug german mussolini <|endoftext|> Incels always idolise strong >Ugh me want to kill sheep and sex female whenever want, like wolf >grug like wolf >grug be wolf And just like people who follow extremist ideologies and worship those that lead them they both love something that would, undoubtedly, kill them. <|endoftext|> I don't think it's as grug-brained as people in this thread seem to suggest, given the cyclical nature of civilization. I think it'd make perfect sense for someone living in a civilisation's winter to wish to return to the ethos, ideals and attitudes of said civilisation at its zenith. Progress isn't linear, after all. <|endoftext|> They were the last AHG in the East... surrounded by CHG grug trolls in the East and by EHG Siberian cavemen in the West <|endoftext|> The sinking of the Vasa is hilarious. >me big kang >me fight many battle on land and win >me build big ship now >ship needs big gold bling bling >literally put cannons weighing 72 tonnes on a ship with flat bottom >excessive decorations to the point of absurdity >only manage to sail 1300 meters before sinking Grug moment. Too bad, because that ship would've been a beast if it had been built properly. Embarrassing for old king Gustav. <|endoftext|> >it somehow managed to work in yugoslavia tho It really didn't. It meant that since everyone owns everything (but people high up in the party somehow own it all just a bit more), nobody was ever responsible, yet you always had a higher up. Just like today, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. The net result is that business would not be profitable, but since there was nobody to scapegoat, people never got fired and business continued being disfunctional, not as efficient as it should be and all around couldn't meet the demand. Long term, this meant that businesses looted from their owners in the late 40s and most new ones created in the 50s were no longer competitive by the 80s, yet everyone had to work at their government sponsored job anyways. So you had lots of rural peasants ruled by a sub 80 IQ rural peasant grug that joined the party inefficiently running rural industrial plants and buinessess. Meanwhile everyone in the cities were welfare queens that more often than not were paid to sit in an office and do nothing since everyone had to have a government secured job. Once Tito started losing subsidies from USSR and US in the 70s things went downhll and in the 80s the world passed by the incompetent country so hard money ran out. <|endoftext|> probably happened due to grugs deciding instead me of go catch animal to kill, what if grug make his own food. which i would assume happened due to people getting smarter over 200k years <|endoftext|> Cuckoldry began with marriage, when Grug viewed a woman as his. Before marriage, there was no cuckoldry, because woman pussies were held in common. <|endoftext|> Grug mad Grugina only fuck Grad, Grug hate femoid now. <|endoftext|> Junks can't even blue water sail so that's hardly a comparison. Actually, it's a very apt comparison. The difference is a big junk is just grug having a big rock. <|endoftext|> >grug no trust wikipedia, anyone can change it >grug no look at citations <|endoftext|> Combined Arms was invented ever since grug told ugg to pelt the enemy with arrows while he engaged those that try to come near with his club. <|endoftext|> >one of the oldest surviving pieces of art was from coomer grug’s spank bank <|endoftext|> >>to be a proper Communist, you need to be highly educated and well-versed in western philosophy, politics and history Which makes it retarded as a workers' movement. National socialism or the third position more generally is the true grug/labcoat alliance. <|endoftext|> I bet you some grug jerked it to this <|endoftext|> Women care more about status. They are designed to build alliances to protect themselves and their offsprings. If Grug is ugly, but has leadership status, wealth, or lots of social connections he will be a more attractive mate to a woman. This is not exactly rational, but neither is a man selecting a mate based solely on the size of her breasts or ass. <|endoftext|> because they have no personal achievements to take pride in, so they take pride in which exact flavor of grug they are <|endoftext|> > and others are stuck in some kind of perpetual grug don't trust other tribe kind of mentality even Japan Whites also distrust other tribes. Have you missed the Balkans, urban London, and America's foreign relations? White civilizations are just fractured to the level of pure individualism, so they don't really trust ANYONE. That's actually worse than being able to trust people with your background. <|endoftext|> >treason to whiteness is a loyalty to humanity well yes that's true and that applies to every single races, the problem is that only WHITES have managed to reach this level of societal advancement and others are stuck in some kind of perpetual grug don't trust other tribe kind of mentality even Japan <|endoftext|> This For the long time when human biological selection was actually happening(it barely does in civilizations - almost everyone gets to reproduce except absolute dysgenics), 'intelligence' wasn't the 'nerd scientist' intelligence that people think of today, but 'Grug devised a way to ambush Trug in a new way and kill him with his new sharp and barbed stick' <|endoftext|> being a Grug chieftain and inventing some shit earlier <|endoftext|> Raw savage instinct. Young women are valuable to the tribe because they can form babby, men aren’t so they have to do shit. Unfortunately for nerdy dudes our instincts are still Grug-tier, so usefulness in men is still mostly determined by the mob according to how healthy and strong, handsome and/or charismatic you are. People know this is quote unquote unfair but they can’t stop won’t stop. Same way you could meet a 30yo woman who can cook is nice and who actually isn’t a roastie and would make a good Mom but ignore her and still much more want to coom inside a hot teen roastlet who looks 100% like trouble. <|endoftext|> because in cavemen days the "means of production" and natural resources where collectively owned by the tribe/village not a single grug. <|endoftext|> I assume they were used just to carry and pull shit for a very long time before some Grug ate too many fermented fruits and decided to ride one <|endoftext|> >grug give berries to grag in exchange of big stick >grag doesn't want berry, but will trade big stick for shinny rock >grug goes to gronk to trade berries for shinny rock so he can buy big stick Capitalism <|endoftext|> that doesn't mean they have "intrinsic value" just that grug like shiny stone. There's no actual value in gold and silver beyond its industrial applications and uses in jewelry. <|endoftext|> >be grug grug >make wooden meme man for shits and giggles. and also marks the bog swamp outhouse >tfw clueless archeologists cause a scene over this <|endoftext|> grug no like medevial art. it too abstract. it no have big femnoid boobies <|endoftext|> >human values Grug fugg and eat and kill those who try to fugg Grug's woman <|endoftext|> lmao >Hey Grug i carved some lines into the wall because i was so fucking bored: 50 000 years later: "This must represent their religion" <|endoftext|> >Hey Grug I made your wife LOL 30,000 years later, "this must've been their beauty standards at the time, there is no other possible explanation for it existing" <|endoftext|> >every grug happy until grugette sees that chadgrug has more berries and goes to him instead, and convinces him to club grug on the head to remove competition too <|endoftext|> Other than hunter gatherer sure >grug have berries >grugette have no berries >grugette have sex with grug for berries >every grug happy <|endoftext|> >Durr Grug use big word must be rite LIke what destructive side effects? I live in Germany and it's pretty nice... <|endoftext|> No, we got selectively bred. Those of our ancestors who could get along with others managed to get along with others, and had kids. Those who were too "wild", who would rather just take what they can from those weaker than them, they got rounded up by a posse and killed or driven off. Fast forward a thousand years and nearly everyone left is the descendant of peaceful people, and along the way we lost the traits that are most useful for a Grug, such as size and strength, and gained those useful for a farmcuck, such as big brains and thus relatively smaller and weaker bodies. <|endoftext|> >why did grug invade norway same reason why pom invaded iran and iceland <|endoftext|> why did grug invade norway if its goal was to continue the war when grug said he wanted peace why did grug attack denmark who had absoluly nothing to do with this? <|endoftext|> I don't know if you're actually this retarded but let me spell it out for you: >grug gets iron from norway >other grug blocks the shipment of iron ore and violates Norway's neutrality to block you from having war material >grug go and occupy it to control the movement of iron necessary to keep the war going <|endoftext|> he was probably an incel being cucked by grug chads inceldom is the mother of all invention <|endoftext|> > grug brainfart divine right > CHAD CONCEPT Mandate of Heavens <|endoftext|> Islam civilization is just grug tier retardation. Western civilization has gone so far in the opposite direction that it is the inverse of grugery, but just as retarded. The horseshoe of civilizational retardation if you will. <|endoftext|> >oldest song >speaks of ancient times based. i wonder if grug sang in his songs about ancient times of subjugating the last homo erectus or whatnot <|endoftext|> Different reasons for different people. Some low-iq Grug would do it for the reasons that you stated, but plenty of more sadistic individuals would do it for the feeling of power. <|endoftext|> big stick can be thrown by big bowstring tension thing grug think grug hand inferior <|endoftext|> the SS themselves estimated a daily combined crematory capacity of 4756 in auschwitz alone where about 1 million were cremated (many were also cremated in open air pits when the ovens broke down/were overloaded). do you claim to have a more accurate estimate than the people operating the ovens? or is all you have 'hurr that number too big for grug brain grug no believe'. your incredulity isn't an argument. <|endoftext|> Can you point to anti-grug legislation? <|endoftext|> The other guys stole Grug's rock unfairly and they had to fight to get it back <|endoftext|> Yes, but for the most part Grug acquired these property rights at the tip of the sword, not through barter, so it's more akin to monarchism. <|endoftext|> Grug pretty much owned the beads for himself, not for the benefit of the tribe. >a system were one grug owned bead production and distributed wages to grugs working for him There is plenty of evidence that individuals and families often had exclusive rights to plots of land, fish traps and flint quarries, and that they traded these rights with each other. <|endoftext|> Ofcourse they bartered when they had a surplus of resources they could exchange. But did they have a system were one grug owned bead production and distributed wages to grugs working for him or were the beads used for benefit of the entire tribe? <|endoftext|> Did you know that human nature was always capitalist? Everyone paid cave rent to cave lord and shopped at Grug's Rocks. <|endoftext|> It is kind of adorable. They're probably based on specific dogs, too, not just generics, like "this have big tongue like Licker, and THIS have round mouth like Barker! Haha, Grug can into art!" <|endoftext|> What is a grug? <|endoftext|> Raep There is a reason Africans use it. It demoralizes the opponent and makes them have to guard their hometowns, not run to the woods. No point winning after 8 years if your women's reproductive potential has all gone to producing bastards. It also creates dual loyalty in the women as they come to fear that their own men will kill their offspring, so they defect to the winning side. In conclusions, Grug must make both unga and bunga against Grog tribe. Once Grog tribe men all dead Grug be big man, many fruits and meats. <|endoftext|> Stop being mean to Grug <|endoftext|> grug brain <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >Britain and France should have let Germany destroy Poland >If you declare war on a nation that attacked unjustly a nation that you guaranteed, you’re the aggressor Actual grug tier retards in this thread <|endoftext|> >try big fight again >if grug do big fight over and over one day grug will win Germany didn't start WORLD War 1 and world war 2. Why are there still people who think this? <|endoftext|> try big fight again if grug do big fight over and over one day grug will win <|endoftext|> >ooga booga, Grug no liek your skin, Grug kill you <|endoftext|> On the contrary. Og the Clever's revolutionary theory of animism laid the groundwork for the eventual development of many major world religions. Grug the Retard (Varg's previous incarnation) was clubbed to death because he disagreed with the invention of the club, claiming that it would cause decadence and degeneracy. <|endoftext|> You could starve, die of disease, get mauled by a wild animal, get clubbed by your neighbouring grug, or just flat out die of poor nutrition at any time. <|endoftext|> >americans are grug tier >in other news, China has witnessed another sack of rice fall over this week <|endoftext|> >be grug >want berry >ug have many berry >talk to grug elders >old grug agree ug have too many berry >make pointy sticks, also make punch sticks >go over to ug >your hut and berry are belong to grug >ug no like, get out ug pointy sticks >pointy stick some ugs, ugs stick some grugs >grug win this day >be grugon, led grugs to victory >proclaimed Big Grug by fellow warriors >kill anyone not calling my gruglings also Big Grug >figure out with smoke and dance grug how me forever Big Grug, and he forever Smoke Grug >make up 'say me Big Grug or die' religion >gruglings still Big Grug ten hundred thousand moons later >feelsgoodman Where there is crisis, there is opportunity. Mankind, the product of audacious self-made men. <|endoftext|> >"...a war on poverty, exploitation, imperialism, and inequality" >this is something Socialist say they're against but end up doing anyway Fascist say it's a bad thing because it's a reality that grug will smack other grug with rock to take berries Democracy is the only way forward Diplomacy and advancements in tech to save our glorious species from the harshness of this earth <|endoftext|> It's not just aggression -- assertion, persuasion, compromise, stuff like that. Putting people at ease, eliciting honesty and forthrightness...there's a whole shitload more to leadership that has nothing to with grug mentality. I think the particular strengths that women have -- they DO have, in general, somewhat different strengths than men -- is why they are so well-represented in diplomatic corps compared to other high-profile offices. <|endoftext|> this. after doing some research on this in particular >According to Plutarch, the ephors criticized Eupolia’s short stature and argued that “She will bear us kinglets instead of kings” (Plutarch, Life of Agesilaus, ch. 2). When Archidamus persisted in the marriage, the ephors decided to let it slide, and settled with imposing a fine on the king. After all, the ephors could rest assured that Agis was the heir and any son of Eupolia would likely not become king. >The ephors must have grumbled to themselves when Eupolia gave birth to her son, Agesilaus, around 445 BCE. According to Plutarch’s sources, Agesilaus was short like his mother and also had a slightly lame leg. He was raised like any other Spartan grunt, taught to be an obedient soldier. Yet, despite his short size and his malformed leg, Agesilaus showed great military skill and won over influential friends to his cause. After the death of King Agis II in 400 BCE, Agesilaus’ friends accused the heir to the throne, Leotychidas (son of Agis II), with the charge of not being fathered by the late king. With Leotychidas discredited, the crown passed to the man who was never meant to be king—Agesilaus II (r. 400-360 BCE). So the son of the archidamus ended up becoming a famous and respected king anyway? isn’t this him? Yeah, of course actual dwarfs or pygmys were seen as funny fellows but “manlets” still had dignity for being male, honestly people were less superficial back them and weren’t grug tier like thr average american voter. Of course tall stature was seem as a good trait for a king but it wasn’t a deal breaker. <|endoftext|> >NATURAL GENDER ROLES it’s natural for humans to shit in ditches and eat raw meat. We don’t do those things because even though it may not be “natural” it’s beneficial for society. While you may prefer Grug and his harem from 50,000 BC women taking a more active role in society and the workforce has been a benefit. I’m not saying I agree with everything though, I’m firmly against things like hookup culture. <|endoftext|> >the Yankees killed six hundred gazillion innocent babies in the highway of death! The vast majority were soldiers running out of Kuwait with their plunder, not women and children. And attacking retreating forces has been SOP for armies ever since grug threw a rock at nobunga when he ran away. Every single one of your countries has done it. <|endoftext|> two party system irrelevant ugak should support elephant party cause donkey party disgusting, support male grug put his dick in another male grug <|endoftext|> Absolutely grug take <|endoftext|> This, when your "army" is just two dozen grugs then even single grug matters <|endoftext|> Racism in its current iteration is simply nativist ethnocentrism as seen through the muddled and incoherent Clapistani cultural and historic prism. The outlines of this specific iteration of tribalism are being imprinted on the rest of the world through contact with the American media sphere that increasingly envelopes the developed world - and these nativist tendencies are ironically actually exacerbated by this very real 'cultural imperialism' (imperialism is an emotionally loaded term but it describes the pattern well enough). As globalization makes the world suddenly feel much, much smaller and increases the average person's exposure to other ethnic communities on a scale that just a century back simply would not have happened and as the economic impacts of early globalization (the outright ass fucking of unskilled labor in developed nations, the unsustainable flight of skilled labor from developing nations, and the rise of oligarchical control of nations connected to the global economy as income inequality erodes public trust in governments while corruption spirals out of control) begin to bite deeply the average grug brain, too stupid to understand the actual scale and forces involved with the problem but smart enough to realize the promises of the post WW2 era have evaporated, will be increasingly drawn to tribalism, for which the modern flavor of choice is Amerifat brand racism. <|endoftext|> grug kill roman man so grug is roman now grug civilization grug success <|endoftext|> Grug's era <|endoftext|> Ok. Current varieties are all domesticated. The original wheat, the one that prompted Grug and Grugina to stop chasing big game with spears and settled down, get married, build a home, have kids, lay the foundations for civilization, state, pharaohs and plebs, etc, was wild wheat that got hybridized and doesn't exist anymore. So next time you think of wheat, think of civilization. <|endoftext|> >thing not like me bad okay grug <|endoftext|> > One million figure constantly repeated in the news. > "This must mean that Tutsis control the media" - Hutu grug Dear lord, this is all so tiresome. <|endoftext|> The inexplicable victory of the Grug clan over the Scrug clan in the Second Battle of the Berry Bush in 9007 BC <|endoftext|> >Grug scratch asshole >Grug go deep in booty crack >Grug feel pleasure tickle deep in booty >grug put stick up booty >Grug see brother big strong pole >why not put pole up booty crack? <|endoftext|> >Grug notices that he has a pole that grows longer when he sees a sexy female. >Grug notices that females have holes instead of poles. >Grug plays a fun game with a female friend where he sticks his pole inside her hole. >Grug notices that the game gives him extreme pleasure and he doesn't want to stop playing the game >Grug cooms <|endoftext|> Grug conquest of big rock <|endoftext|> >Balkan Slavs are basically what Europe would be like without HG admixture. iliterate grug tier apemen ruled over by degenerate Turkish midwits a truly harrowing thought, thank you HGs. <|endoftext|> >Chud grug grug ruff ruff <|endoftext|> Grug the 5th <|endoftext|> Decreasing Male competition Paleoindian men basically just "grug smash"ed each other and took women for competing women. Sexual dimorphism was insane. <|endoftext|> I'm not talking about a Grug tier 1 v 1 Internet Fight between a carrier and a battleship, I'm questioning the idea that a carrier can project more power. Air-raids are bad news, but I feel like a battleship squatting offshore is worse. It's not like they were launching strategic bombers off of their carriers, at the end of the day it's still just occasional harassment with a few hundred pounds of bombs. <|endoftext|> >Grugette has no berries >Sleep with grug so grug give her berries >Everyone happy Same thing happened with a girl I was friends with in high school, but replace berries with drugs Females really haven’t changed much desu <|endoftext|> Calling it the oldest "profession" is stupid. Women were probably using sex to their advantage since the beginning, but that doesnt make them professional prostittes >Grugette has no berries >Sleep with grug so grug give her berries >Everyone happy <|endoftext|> >Grug think >Grug do thing >That mean everything think or done by someone who think like Grug <|endoftext|> >grug change shape of hard shiny rock >Wow that's really impressive. Please excuse me jungle monkey, I need to return to my settlement, where me and my fellows some several dozen thousand don't spend all day looking for ripe berries. <|endoftext|> Best: Augustus, Antoninus, Pertinax, Septimius, Maximinus, Claudius Good: Caligula, Hadrian, Marcus, Didius, Marcinus, Trebonianus, Aemilianus, Quintillus, Aurelian Average: Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Commodus, Caracalla, Alexander Severus, Gordian I and II, Pupienus, Philip, Decius,Valerian, Gallienus,Probus, Carus, Carinus, Diocletian,Maximian, Costantius, Severus. Meh: Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Titus, Nerva, Balbinus, Maxentius, Constantine, Constantine II to Theodosius I Bad: Gordian III, Honorius, Joannes, Valentinian III, Petronius, Avtius, Majornian, Libius, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Julius Nepos, Romulus Augustus Grug: Florianus <|endoftext|> >Grug don't like this Picasso paiting, grug ban all of Picasso's works <|endoftext|> >Hey Grug, gimme your antelope Why? >Uh... I can talk to the wind spirits and they’ll bully you if you don’t Of course O might Ooga <|endoftext|> >other grug maybe take grug's berries >grug no like other grug <|endoftext|> >Grug fug I2 bix nood kill hwitey The story of R1b <|endoftext|> BAS GRUG <|endoftext|> How do modern-day Grug-tier primitives first react to meeting Westerners and other people from developed countries? <|endoftext|> So it's his grug genetics? <|endoftext|> You acknowledge that heterosexuality is not implicitly mutually pleasurable either. Mammals are driven by "fun", they do activities that stimulate dopamine receptors and all that stuff, they avoid or resist activities that cause pain. All one needs is that first memetic spark, the dom that treated his male sub with love and respect, to begin a mutual and strong homosexual relationship that can be passed to future generations. As men break the female monopoly on sex and begin to pleasure each other, the broader social dynamic shifts from "Grug and Greg compete on the plains, gather resources, and trade them for sex with Wilma" to "Grug and Greg have sex, cooperate on the plains, gather resources more efficiently, and then begrudgingly knock up Wilma to continue the species". Yes. <|endoftext|> ur correct me grug member of gang retarf me bop sickle and hammer gang me in tune with natural order <|endoftext|> Not really. There’s more authority in someone opposing the war or how the war is fought as someone there than there is in someone saying “I don’t want to fight but let me tell you whether you should be fighting and how you should fight”. Tbh it seems to more like people didn’t want to go and threw up a smokescreen or anti-war rhetoric to mask their personal choice. Which is pure special snowflakism. Which I have no necessary objection to, but it’s not virtue. The anti war movement did basically nothing to stop either the Vietnam war or future wars. Anti-Vietnam sentiment was probably highest in 68 and the war didn’t end until what, Nixon in about 72? The anti-draft movement made future wars easier because anyone who wasn’t poor (or there by choice) wouldn’t be fighting and entrenched the military as a de facto social safety net, ensuring support for militarism and tha troops for decades. Ending the draft widened the gulf between the people making the decisions to go to war (and thinking the reasons why to) and the people fighting the wars and having to justify the wars to themselves. You can probably blame a lot of ptsd on that gulf. I think it’s also fair to notice that Americans were far more anti-war before drafting ended (for example during the first two world wars) than after Vietnam and the de facto ending of the draft. The only ways that anti-conscription and anti-war sentiment go together are if someone is a grug (which plenty of these people weren’t) and/or if the person is so blinkered that they literally think them removing themselves personally from the war as a literal who makes a difference. It manifestly didn’t. The USG just hired a combination of more desperate and lower quality people. “It ain’t me”. <|endoftext|> I'm sorry that it's too difficult for you to grasp, Grug. The end result is what matters the most. The state of the world after Judgement Day. This world was made in the best possible way to maximise justice and goodness. Some suffering along the way to the ecstasy of perfection is tolerable and more than acceptable. Too many of you focus on the suffering in this life, ignoring that it's the afterlife that really matters. <|endoftext|> Literally Grug-tier. <|endoftext|> >grug better than athena human because grug strong muscles and training young age >grug no need shaved tree and squid water because grug throw baby from mountain >grug no need shiny stone because grug has blood of god >grug go agoge not athena onions gymnasium >grug let wife have small grug from better chadgrug >grug trust pythia but pythia only want shiny stone <|endoftext|> Buy Many Book Become Big Skull Grug of 2020 decade <|endoftext|> It's shit made up by grug tier humans that people still believe in because of how they were raised Their is no benefit in questioning the status quo as a social animal <|endoftext|> While it's impossible to figure out the specific shit someone took to take the crown as largest dump in the history of mankind, we can certainly figure out a specific era if not region where it occurred. A large dumper's diet would have to be high in fiber as well as high in content so we can safely eliminate any cavemen (sorry Grug) and peasants. Leaf eaters need not apply, as any society subsisting on a plant based diet (ie rice-heavy diets) were unlikely to produce a sufficiently large deposit. I'm thinking this most likely narrows our scope of history down from the 1700s until now. <|endoftext|> See 7799267 HGs were irrelevant grug animals who are never worth considering <|endoftext|> H APPlo GRr..g grug UUHuhh HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PPLOO I LIKE! ILIKE... HAPLOE GROUPPPPPPPPPPS HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GONNA... UUUGHH... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IM HAPLO GROUPPPPPPPPPING h-HAP... hapLO <|endoftext|> >Trying to compare men hundreds or even thousands of years apart To even have a fair shot you'd have to divide it up into distinct time periods.Trying to do it another way is an exercise in futility. Lee would shit the bed at Alesia just as Julius Caesar would fail spectacularly at Chancellorsville. Even Napoleon would get his brains smashed in by some grug-tier charioteer at khadesh. <|endoftext|> >Trying to compare men hundreds or even thousands of years apart To even have a fair shot you'd have to divide it up into distinct time periods.Trying to do it another way is an exercise in futility. Lee would shit the bed at Alesia just as Julius Caesar would fail spectacularly at Chancellorsville. Even Napoleon would get his brains smashed in by some grug-tier charioteer at khadesh. <|endoftext|> Be Grug or no Grug? No Grug. <|endoftext|> the actual fuck are you saying? I'm not high IQ enough to understand this shit, can you translate it into grug-speak please? Thanks <|endoftext|> inventings a hard job. grug couldnt cope. <|endoftext|> Fascism is the same grug-tier tribalism and slavish adherence to an abstract and almost childishly romanticized in-group which is necessarily defined against similarly abstracted out-groups. Fascism is "unique" in that it represents these same basic, millennia old social behaviors but applied to the modern institution of the nation state as opposed to fishing tribe vs beach combing tribe, which makes it fairly to severely cringe, like most attempts to fuse the lineage of ancient humanity and the vortex of breakneck pace change and redefinition of the world that is the modern hellscape we exist in before creating the machine civilization that will supplant us. <|endoftext|> >Everything they do good in grug eyes Jesus tribalism and senseless predujices are not memes <|endoftext|> >grug hates what grug not undertand <|endoftext|> Pretty disgusting imagery,Hopefully grug will kill and cannibalize that ape <|endoftext|> that is what i meant with the grug post <|endoftext|> >grug bored >grug move hand up and down shaft >grug feel good <|endoftext|> Grug eat berry. Plenty berry, Grug mouth no go growl growl. Grug find no berry around, belly go growl growl. Grug go to find more berry. <|endoftext|> They didn't. CWC was stone age. They went around hitting folks in the head with stone axes Grug style. <|endoftext|> Grug remembers the Alamo <|endoftext|> Overspecialize and you breed in weakness Modern humans aren't wired for grug mode anymore <|endoftext|> >thinking Varg isn't a grug-tier retard either <|endoftext|> "White" is not a genetic term. Stop using pre-genetic terminology. We now have more sophisticated and better tools to map the biodiversity of humans. You are like some Grug saying there's thunder because the Gods are farting. <|endoftext|> man this series has gone all over the place since Grug smacking Groog upside the head with a rock back in chapter one <|endoftext|> >no big ass hut made of mammoth bones Grug no like modern world. Want thick cavewife and only hunt and screw. Then screw and hunt. Die at 30 as gods intended. Elders sell our society to longnose tribe for beads and few days on Papoose Island. Heap big gay. <|endoftext|> this has been known ever since grug smashed grog in the head with a stone saged <|endoftext|> Everyone got to speak proper french instead of grug tier dialects, wow so oppressive Its like if scots speakers got taught to speak correct english, nothing beyond that <|endoftext|> Wait... *prays to the spirits of the sky for fire* Grug be telling you... *butchers a mammoth* You be ignory of roundy number! *eats fermented ape shit* Roundy number be magik cuz roundy! *dies of dysentery* <|endoftext|> B-but Ten iz roundy number, not un-roundy number! Roundy be important! Watch big head man video, big head man teach Grug sky-people secrets! <|endoftext|> Because people have thought it out Its literally grug tier <|endoftext|> This is why I only reenact the Great Grug Battle of 10,000 BC <|endoftext|> >you will never play grug wave in a cave with your fellow grug bros <|endoftext|> It’s been a part of human nature ever since Grug wanted a stylist club than his neighbor but in America it really kicked into overdrive in the early 20th century. Mass production of consumer goods, advertising, urbanization, more leisure time, women moving away from homemaking and child rearing, ordinary males status signaling with consumer goods and peacocking, children as consumers rather than little workers around the home or farm, etc. <|endoftext|> There some different phenomemon that you could be talking about when you say nationalism. There's integral nationalism and civic nationalism which are probably the least justifiable nationalisms because of how spooked the people that abide by them behave. "grug Nation good because it be grug Nation". On the other hand nationalism is a tool that is used by anticolonial and/or antimperial movements by exploited people. Generally this means the attitude is that the great majority of such nations/peoples are held in submission to hostile foreign powers. The creation and defense of such a nation being a bulwark against colonialism and imperialism <|endoftext|> >how am I? People are naturally tribalistic. Make new tribe come to the land and their inner grug tells them to smash different looking grug. <|endoftext|> >grug help put brick on brick >why grug not own pharmaceutical R&D center <|endoftext|> What if Grug make big canoe then sausage tribe beat island tribe with many cave? <|endoftext|> carrier warfare is far more cerebral and sophisticated than durr hurr grug gun bigger than your gun go big boom <|endoftext|> It's just grug shitposting <|endoftext|> burn them, grug burn them all <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug like fat butt grug fuck girl with fat booty <|endoftext|> >grug wojak spam reaction Baste andhumanitiesposters <|endoftext|> Grug sweetie you are a hunter gatherer everything with your people revolves around your tribe the tribe is everything, i get it but message boards arent tribes I hail from civilization <|endoftext|> jesus fucking Christ Grugg youre worse than an n-word by definition, pol posters post on pol if you are posting on thos board you are a his poster godammit Grug how did you even get this far <|endoftext|> >Don't tell tribe, but Grug to like to play as /pol/ to get more Bungas to talk to Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug call people pol all day >Grug angry when pol is said too much never change Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug wants to talk history >Like wheel >Like fire >Like Grug >Where did the good times go? <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug misses when /his/ wasn't /pol/ <|endoftext|> >Your religion at its fundamentals is founded on servility and meekness. Deal with it. GRUG SMASH!! <|endoftext|> Grug remember first racewar Grug smash mud grug and take mud grug women for himself <|endoftext|> >ahem grug with big club <|endoftext|> >Property is different because it is a norm that emerges when people try to live together without having to resort to the strongest grug Which means people have to gang up against the strongest Grug if he gets too uppity, ergo there must have been some sort of consensus. <|endoftext|> >What makes that strongest Grug different from "goverment", then? Congrats anon, you got it Property is different because it is a norm that emerges when people try to live together without having to resort to the strongest grug It's the result of game theory in action for 40 thousand years <|endoftext|> What makes that strongest Grug different from "goverment", then? If he has enough authority to decide who gets what must have also have had the authority to say where we go, what we hunt and what to pick. <|endoftext|> the higher force than the owner thats supposed to legitimize your property is more often than not the stronger Grug who takes your shit. <|endoftext|> Nah, there has to be some higher force than the owner to protect and legitimize the property. Otherwise your shit will just be taken by the stronger Grug at their will, just as you would have no reason to respect private property of weak berrypickers. <|endoftext|> The government. Big chief Grug precludes ownership of rocks. <|endoftext|> private property the government was the next Grug who was bigger and stronger than you or if you are abrahamically religous, then government came first. God the government granted Adam the private property, then took it away for breaking the law. <|endoftext|> If Grug be kill but not die, Grug strong, never be kill. <|endoftext|> >grug copy material nature >grug no make abstract symbols >grug smurt <|endoftext|> >grug no like mildly uncommon word <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug see lightning catch brush on fire during storm >thunder kinda sound like crashing of boulders >grug mimic with two stones >produce spark >grug learn from gods how to make fire Humans learned from nature (the gods) how to do stuff. This concept evolved over time into the myths we know today. I honestly doubt the gods were seen as literal entities that can be directly interacted with, however. That idea came along with the spread of monotheism. <|endoftext|> When Grug and Dug came back to find their cave smashed up after Zug and Grug II didn't show up at the rock throwing field to fight. <|endoftext|> >I grug >nosoul nounderstand! >splain!!!!!! <|endoftext|> >Ug no like Grug *bonk* <|endoftext|> You guys are naive, semantic-tier pseuds and your argument amounts to claiming that free-range farm animals are not farm animals. Wage slavery is just an evolved form of slavery, working out kinks in the former system. For example, it allows the illusion of freedom to exist because we are able to change slave roles within the slave system, and this illusion was necessary to perpetuate the slave system because higher-IQ slaves were needed to maintain a higher level of technology to keep the elites in comfort, and that higher IQ would encourage rebellion if the slaves did not believe they were free. >I grug, I pound sand make tablets >Grug does not must pound sand >Grug can cut stone if want >Grug can pick corn if want >Grug can dig if want >Grug free! <|endoftext|> I came in some dank pussies from exotic lands, ate some dank berries from exotic lands, and got to live in a time when I could choose between playing video games and going on a primitive snowy hike before the information age gives way to the coming environmental catastrophe and severe, draconic adaptations necessary to avoid complete gollabse. Would do it again, pretty nice for a Grug like me. <|endoftext|> non meme answer is patriarchy. Homosexuality subverts the standard "stick=man, hole=woman" belief of grug brains in patriarchy. Bottoms were disproportionately oppressed, as tops were seen by many straights as "less gay" because they were "being the man" while being a bottom "makes you become the woman". Homophobia is rooted in patriarchy. The existence of happy, open, confident gay men makes sexists rage. You will rarely if ever been a homophobe who is not also a sexist. <|endoftext|> Women took women from the home, and “whoring” has been done since Grugina make sex with Grug and Frug at same time. <|endoftext|> Grug the BVLL. He was so Chad that he didn't need to drag women to his cave. They would willingly line up outside his cave (along with their beta cuck husband's) for their turn to get impregnated by him. As a result, everyone in this thread has his dna. <|endoftext|> >Where get shiny neck pepple, Grug!? <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> Oh, I wasn't really arguing with anything you've just described. Just provided an example of inequality in a far more archaic culture and mode of living. An agricultural society having social and economic inequality is hardly surprising if even hunter-gatherers can exhibit it, is all. The Biggest Grug just takes on another form. <|endoftext|> >early emergence of social inequality >Bronze Age Inequality has been a thing since the Stone Age. Australian abbos, for example, were some of the most sexist cultures on the planet. And even among themselves males formed strict hierarchies based on age and access to sacred knowledge. The notion of equality being some sort of default least complex state is stupid. Equality requires constant conscious maintenance. Biggest Grug and friends getting all the meat and women, on the other hand, doesn't. You'd think the people who are pushing for it so hard would know that. <|endoftext|> Grug who? <|endoftext|> >u no do grug thing? >y? U no wan other grugs to like u? <|endoftext|> These cumbrains will never understand. They look down at their junk and think “Grug have penis. Grug make gruglings for Grug and Grugga’s pleasure.” Subjecting biological actions to moral stabdards is beyond understanding for them. Meanwhile you and I and a few others can see how insane it is to co-opt entire lives just because you have a goohole. <|endoftext|> Whenever someone talks about this topic I never exactly get what is defined by “invasion” was it literally an invasion in the “Vandal tribe want land grass much greener on that side of frontier Vandal-Grug bring fight spear and take land!” or was it how some other people described it to me which is basically that the Romans first let them settle in Roman territory because they thought they would be good merc’s Or some shit and started hiring them as mercenaries but THEN they started revolting and going apeshit and coupling the goverment? <|endoftext|> >URGH UGH WHY IS BAD WHEN BAAAAD IS BAD GRUG <|endoftext|> it goes back to the neolithic when Grug realized we in a cave-siety and totally went sicko mode. <|endoftext|> New Scrug City, 1392, if Grug hadn't crushed Scrug's skull with a rock in the great Battle of the Berry Bush, 20,000 BC <|endoftext|> if grug bury apple, apple tree grow <|endoftext|> And thus grug became the first to evolve a brain <|endoftext|> Shaman wrong grug become ground <|endoftext|> Druid say treat grug like grug would treat grug and skygrug make rain come <|endoftext|> Big hat shaman tell lies. Grug listen to small hat druid. He tell truth about sky god <|endoftext|> Big hat shaman say if grug help hunt then grug go happy cave when long sleep. But grug no believe. <|endoftext|> >grug smash homo berry picker <|endoftext|> You have no clue what you're talking about. The greatest of all usurpers, the house of Napoleon is almost irrelevant in royal circles. Whatever they do, they cannot remove the stain of being usurpers and young aristocracy. Today out of all three houses of France, they have the least supporters. No matter of "GRUG GOOD AT WAR" can save you when your children have to rule thru diplomacy. Cope harder incel. <|endoftext|> Must be the influence of the Brno/Brunn Gravettian phenotype. It has already been established that Gravettians were the grug version of norf, so it makes sense. <|endoftext|> Grug. Chadgar keeps cucking him <|endoftext|> >who was the first incel? Grug the berry-picker. <|endoftext|> Just fucking Google it dude you think you're the first teenager to ask this grug-tier question? > <|endoftext|> When Grug first started worshiping Sky Daddy <|endoftext|> >Point out muttoid post said Jewish >Nuh uh grug say no Peak mutt IQ, I win. <|endoftext|> He has the horse before the cart and can't comprehend how the California GOP tripling down on Prop 187 with the worst optics possible at a time of changing demographics was the political equivalent of suicide and led to generations of being locked out of statewide relevance, so naturally the retarded /pol/ grug lashes out at the minority group who, for some unknowable reason, didn't take well to being treated with contempt and suspicion regardless of their personal behavior or character (eerily similar to the demographic cliff Trump is dragging the GOP over following the failure of the Bush era to woo over the large swathes of the Latino community that are socially conservative, family oriented, and religious). <|endoftext|> >be Grug >make fun statue of fat pig for bantz >give to cousin Grugger >"Ah this your wife" >thousands of years later, your meme is thought to be the beauty standard of your time Absolute JUST <|endoftext|> Because Grug allows the medium sized grugs better living conditions if they beat up the small grugs and force them to do what he wants. <|endoftext|> Why don't the small grugs just collectively beat the shit out of big grug and piss on his tyrant face? <|endoftext|> based and grug-pilled <|endoftext|> >Grug have big arm, and big stick >Grug make little grugs do what grug say, or grug smash >Grug make little grugs make good hat for grug, and good animal skins >Grug make other grugs call him big names, and bend over for him >Grug name son grug as next top Grug <|endoftext|> A wiseman from the last of the hunter-gatherer tribes was teaching his forest tribe about the error of their southern and eastern neighbors. ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the Mother Goddess and accept that egalitarianism is the best system in the world, even greater than stratified society!” At this moment, a brave, literate, agriculturalist who had herded over 1500 bovids and understood the necessity of teaching berrypickers farming and creating a society with himself on top stood up. ”What's the best weapon, Grug?” The arrogant wiseman smirked quite illiterately and replied “Any rock, you inequitable farmer.” ”Wrong. It’s the metal axe. If it was a rock as you say... then wouldn't the hunter-gatherers of this land still number in the millions?” The wiseman was visibly shaken, and dropped his rocks and goddess figurines. He stormed out of the room crying those hunter-gatherer crocodile tears. The same tears the hunter-gatherers cried when they were conquered and forced to farm(who today live in such luxury that most now have houses to live in). There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had pulled himself up by his leather shoestraps and established his own society with himself on top. The tribe applauded and became agriculturists that day and accepted the agriculturalist as their chieftain. A lightning bolt struck the Venus figures and a fire burned down the communal hut. Scribes wrote about this important day and preserved it for future, civilized, literate posterity. The wiseman lost his priesthood and was enslaved and forced to work the fields the next day. He tried to flee into the wilderness but couldn't because of the metal chains around his neck and ankles. <|endoftext|> Grug wouldn't even have to drop his shiny rock in the fire, native copper (one of the first metals we know was worked by man) can be worked cold. It is, however, easier to work when hot. I figure it worked more like this: >Be Grug >tribe's been using shiny rock for jewelry for a while now >making your own to impress she-grug >accidentally leave it in the sun, it gets hot >realize it moves really well now >hot shiny rock must move better than cold shiny rock >you can probably get it even hotter if you put shiny rock in the fire >shiny rock eventually starts glowing and getting goopy >Whatinthegoddamn.png >use this to make shiny rock into rally intricate jewelry >she-grug impressed, lets you unga her bunga >maybe start trying it with different colors of shiny rock <|endoftext|> We will likely have to wait a few centuries to have a better gauge on global impacts and how long lasting or pervasive they will be. We are six centuries out from the final gollabse of Rome (as much as a civilization can gollabse while still having most of the population living as they did the day before and speaking the same language, at least) and Britain only ceded it's empire after ww2 - which I'm assuming is the rough analogue here for comparison purposes. Though with how tangential that comparison is you could possibly make a comparison between Eastern Rome's continued empire and the US supplanting Britain as hegemon while remaining closely allied. It seems very likely that the global development phase we are in where individual nations are beginning to operate more tightly bound as blocs and the rise of continental unions will trend towards a more consolidated global governance model, in which case it is probable the skeleton and foundations of that structure will be rooted in the American/British post war structure. It will likely necessarily absorb influences from other powerful blocs it interacts with and subsumes (but who knows what the future holds) which makes the scenario even messier when you consider how Anglified global pop culture has already become. If that does hold out then I would say yes, British civilization will surpass Rome in terms of long term influence on humanity as a whole (ignoring the messiness that arises when you start trying to separate British civilization elements from the early Roman influence on the communities that shaped the island's history) and would probably be remembered as the final phase of the grug age before global unification. <|endoftext|> >oh fuck grug fuck man and boy >I now can't have kids MODS MODS DO YOUR JOB MODS <|endoftext|> Logographies are by far the most complex writing systems of all. Meanwhile the chinese are losing competence of their writing system, which is infact an indication for a real grug-ification as you claim. One can only have that someone comes up with a complex logographic system for english. It would be such a pain in the ass and take decades to study to completion that scholars would once again be a valued upper class. <|endoftext|> Can thes be safely interpreted as the Grug-ification of man? Are these more brainlet messaging against the written word. <|endoftext|> >Get out of here grug (hehe I'm with Team Mainstream!!!!1) Is it this mentality that causes evidence of older history to be overlooked and cramped into more recent civilizations? The Sphinx at the Giza plateau WAS NOT BUILT BY THE HIEROGLYPH KNACKING DYNASTIC EGYPTIANS! >Everybody interested in finding the true history of the Giza pyramids and The Sphinx, will have no doubt heard the theory proposed by Geology professor, Robert Schoch and the late, great John Anthony West, that The Sphinx was originally a lion that was subject to water erosion. The theory states that this could only have happened between 5,000 and 10,500 BC, a time period that is far earlier than the orthodox date attributed to the construction of the Sphinx, which is 2558 to 2532 BC. >Robert Temple, in his book The Sphinx Mystery, believes the Sphinx was carved as Anubis in the Old Kingdom, whilst Geologist Colin Reader agrees with Robert Schoch, that The Sphinx pre-dates the orthodox date, but only by hundreds and not thousands of years. >In this video, I give my own hypothesis regarding the timeline of the development of the Giza Plateau. <|endoftext|> CHIMNEY get fire place, and as a result fire place make warm? excuse me but i think you're just confusing yourself trying to look smart. grug, if you want to be condescending at least sort yourself out first. all you have explained is the shrinking of the room with the hearth. you have NOT explained the distribution of the heat to several other rooms. the fact is this, groog. the reason for the chimney allowing the splitting of rooms was NOT >it's cold as fuck so you wanna be in the room with the hearth It's just the opposite. the reason the chimney allowed the splitting of rooms is because it allowed the splitting of HEARTHS. <|endoftext|> >/his/ - History and Humanities >Wants to talk about Pre-History Get out of here grug <|endoftext|> You are all fools, Slav-Grug ruined everything in 300000 bc <|endoftext|> Your post is shit and you should go back to but Grug the BVLL made me laugh so here is your (You) <|endoftext|> >OMG did you know 1 in 200 men can claim descent from Genghis Khan?! Why is this such a big deal? A lot of Europeans can claim descent from Charlemagne. Hell I bet even more people can claim descent from Grug the BVLL since he lived even earlier and his dna had more time to spread out through his and their descendents. <|endoftext|> >If the technology of a slingshot can compensate for physical strength, why not the technology of subversion as well? Ooga booga! You no use gun! You need use club like grug! You cheat!!. >Act like a retarded chimp instead of using your human mind <|endoftext|> >so unable to compete with them that the only option is "Grug SMASH!!!!" Further proof that Jews are the master race. <|endoftext|> I see the “respectable racial realist” types spewing this stuff, but to me it just sounds like “dude grug too primitive not to lynch the dark skin tribe lmao” <|endoftext|> >implying you have to be a leftist not to be a complete grug brain that unironically believes millions of people cooperated on some schizo hoax for 80 years because he saw some memes <|endoftext|> >GRUG MEEM STOOPID. STOP MAKE FUN OF M-I MEAN GRUG. <|endoftext|> Grug represent basic human instinct. <|endoftext|> >t. grug <|endoftext|> >grug This is the stupidest meme ever. Type properly, you fucking retards. <|endoftext|> grug do fart but poopoo come out <|endoftext|> Less violent grug, then <|endoftext|> More like >pacifist grug kills violent grug beacuse he is a violent asshole >pacifist grug kills more and more and more and more violent grugs to try to achieve world peace but he never achieves it <|endoftext|> >pacifist grug lol there's no such thing <|endoftext|> >violent grug kills pacifist grug because he is a violent asshole >violent grug creates more offspring >repeat <|endoftext|> This. There’s a bit too many Wojak and Pepe variants nowadays (eg. crying wojak, Grug, Groyper, Basedboy, Boomer, Zoomer, Brainlet, NPC, etc). <|endoftext|> Grug posting is great, fuck you <|endoftext|> >haha you couldn't beat a bear in a wrestling match I could beat a bear with a spear, or a gun, or anything else that plays to having some strength but also the technical skill and mental agility to fight with a weapon. Thinking MMA matters in terms of racial capacity to fight is proto-Grug tier, it's pre-human tier. Humans fight with weapons, Northern and Southern Europeans have historically been the most adept at fighting with weapons, it's not about pure strength alone, it's about a tactical mind, stern nerves, a strong will, and to an extent a strong body to put everything mentioned before to good use. Man Anglos conquered the entire world <|endoftext|> Yep, Grug like medium rare mammoth meat with mushrooms <|endoftext|> Grug no understand why light move in sky Tribe shaman say sky man move light Grug happy, now he know why light move Grug give shaman food for be so smart <|endoftext|> >heavyweight is all that matters Again, this is your brain on anti-farmerism. Literally Grug-tier to think that heavier = better and more important <|endoftext|> >something of this level >Grug has rock >Grug smashes it to other rock <|endoftext|> When grug say man good woeman bad <|endoftext|> >see race as more important. Why is that a good thing? >Grug might not be smart, but at least Grug surround Grugself with other Grugs <|endoftext|> >wolf pack follows behind grug tribe for years eating scraps and bones >becomes tame >grug tribe eventually lets wolf pack in and feeds them >30,000 years later <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO GET IT >YEAH KILLEM <|endoftext|> Using them to track historical migrations is fine, it's just faggy when people basically go >I'm descended from Ugg so I'm smarter and handsomer than you >Actually, as a Grug spawn, I'm the smart and handsome one <|endoftext|> Grug hunt, grug fish, grug woman pick berry. Sometime, grug tribe smash other tribe head with rock when get mad and fight. That it. <|endoftext|> >grug think chief no brain. no good run tribe. grug says take up clubs <|endoftext|> >Grug's grandfather's fathers... >Grug Island rule the water hills! >Sky Chieftain Save the Tribe Matriarch! <|endoftext|> >5000 years ago >grug pretty sure they were already farmeroids at that point <|endoftext|> "Grug dead, must bury" "yes, Grug final words: bury upside down, bitches" "lol. Grug was cool." >5000 years later <|endoftext|> >grug want carry milk to cave >grug put milk in leather bag >grug walk to cave >milk now has sold bits in it >grug hungry >grug eat solid bits >tasty >grug put milk in leather bag again <|endoftext|> >A depiction made after 600 hundred years of Christ death is accurate Woah there buddy Jesus was excatly like the "grug" you described why so butthurt does it matter really how look? What am i seeing here excatly <|endoftext|> >hey bro come here to this cave, there's hot ungabungas you can smash! >Grug goes in >it's actually a sabertooth tiger den <|endoftext|> Grug no like four eyes, grug hate big shaman too. Grug big shamen from now on. <|endoftext|> grug kill smarties <|endoftext|> The obsession with control and seething asspain at being unable to direct reality definitely speaks to crippling emotional insecurities as one would expect from a closeted person. The obsession with the male form and semen retention is like some weird grug tier bronze age man cult shit though. <|endoftext|> Carthaginians likely gave negros the art of ironworking and their cities were at the level of the 6,000 year old Danube grug farmoids. <|endoftext|> >Ugh! Number too big. Hurt Grug's head. Great thread OP. <|endoftext|> >not understanding an analogy. Imagine your qt BC wife out fishing on a nice day. your kids are chasing bugs somewhere and you have sharpened your spear to a scalpel like edge, just waiting for some Persian grug to dare cross the hellespont to challenge you. <|endoftext|> >interesting grug-ug hit blub-bub with a rock. then he took his wife and built a hut. he grew wheat. the end. <|endoftext|> to continue, because grug in stone age era offers you 2 seashells if you lift that stick for him & you decide to do it by your definition you are now grugs slave even when you get paid for it. <|endoftext|> >Be Grug with talent for making spears >Makes a shitty one >Make a nice looking one but only give to other Grugs for shiny rocks >Other grugs make their own shit and sell it for more shiny rocks >Ends in one grug laughing having the most shiny rocks and never creating shit <|endoftext|> Same way as any other ruler: cultivate loyalties through distribution of wealth and social privileges, maintain image of strength and invulnerability, appeal to us vs them grug brain dynamics. There is a reason a lot of the people swept up into these groups throughout history are listless younger men with insecurity problems and no opportunities and these tactics help appeal to that very human sense of belonging and social prestige. <|endoftext|> hello grug <|endoftext|> Tribalism it lives for is very easy to sell to the simplest of folks. After all, fascism is about simple solutions to problems that have been abstracted into simple issues. Violence is the bluntest form of power. They have no real way out other than resulting to violence. And any dumb bloke can do violence, grug with club is the most basic form of humanity. <|endoftext|> prehistoric women didn't want to have sex with grug once we started setting down, they only wanted to have sex with onions.boyz, now we are going in reverse and women only wish to have sex with grug <|endoftext|> >but revisionists are able to put up much better and much more elaborate arguments then I expected like what? >number too big, hurt grug's head >Where is the bodies? >wooden doors!! >You can't burn that many corpses >Aushwitz plague meme >Zyclon B was akshually a delousing agent, there it couldn't have been used for killing people >Guards installed jumping board at water reservoir, therefore holocaust didn't happen >IIRC wrote a number, I now say the number meant something completely different >Someone spread a silly rumour, therefore holocaust didn't happen >Literally who organization in USA made an error in demographic data, hence holocaust didn't happen All the arguments they use are so fucking stupid they reached the point of comedy. <|endoftext|> >unga bunga grug strong grug smash There's more than military prowess <|endoftext|> A wiseman from the last of the hunter-gatherer tribes was teaching his forest tribe about the error of their southern and eastern neighbors. ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the Mother Goddess and accept that egalitarianism is the best system in the world, even greater than stratified society!” At this moment, a brave, literate, agriculturalist who had herded over 1500 bovids and understood the necessity of teaching berrypickers farming and creating a society with himself on top stood up. ”What's the best weapon, Grug?” The arrogant wiseman smirked quite illiterately and replied “Any rock, you inequitable farmer.” ”Wrong. It’s the metal axe. If it was a rock as you say... then wouldn't the hunter-gatherers of this land still number in the millions?” The wiseman was visibly shaken, and dropped his rocks and goddess figurines. He stormed out of the room crying those hunter-gatherer crocodile tears. The same tears the hunter-gatherers cried when they were conquered and forced to farm(who today live in such luxury that most now have houses to live in). There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had pulled himself up by his leather shoestraps and established his own society with himself on top. The tribe applauded and became agriculturists that day and accepted the agriculturalist as their chieftain. A lightning bolt struck the Venus figures and a fire burned down the communal hut. Scribes wrote about this important day and preserved it for future, civilized, literate posterity. The wiseman lost his priesthood and was enslaved and forced to work the fields the next day. He tried to flee into the wilderness but couldn't because of the metal chains around his neck and ankles. <|endoftext|> deadliest conflict when grug kill chak because chak take grugs rock. <|endoftext|> >literal grug posting These people actually exist. <|endoftext|> where are the pretty shapes??? grug dont like. the reason is the same as why people dont like modern art <|endoftext|> grug read grug learn of albania cave <|endoftext|> grug no get <|endoftext|> it was garbage from the very second in 50000 bc when grug make cave mammoth drawing with rock <|endoftext|> Fake answer for the dataminer: 31 Paleolithic Grug <|endoftext|> We could try not locking them up in dehumanizing conditions. I know that upsets the Grug smash crowd but the Grug Smash crowd thinks anything less than being able to personally kill whatever criminal they're angry about with their bare hands is an injustice. As for the death penalty, you cannot un-execute someone if they're proven innocent at a later date. <|endoftext|> Go to stone age Europe and get me a grug buddy <|endoftext|> say grug works at a communally owned fishery, and wants to use his wages to purchase a hammer from uggh, who works at a communally owned hardware store. if the system i am describing is still "capitalism" then we have no disagreements. <|endoftext|> >applying definitions properly is autism Grug giving uggh a fish for a hammer is private individuals exchanging goods outside of communal cave property, so yeah, it's pretty much the definition of capitalism. <|endoftext|> >Two people voluntarily exchanging goods does not require violence at all. god the amount of autism it takes to think that when grug gave uggh a fish for a hammer in 50000 bce this was an example of capitalism must make your life unbearable. <|endoftext|> Reparations is a stupid idea. Many groups were fucked over by other groups throughout history. If the descendants of enslaved Africans get reparations for slavery, do the descendants of genocided gauls get reparations from the descendants of Rome? Does the Catholic Church get reparations from the descendants of Vikings? Do the descendants of the Abbasids get reparations from Mongolia for the destruction of Baghdad? Maybe I should get reparations from you OP, because eons ago your ancestor Brug killed my ancestor Grug’s brother. The idea that one group should get reparations for past greivances is retarded. Anyone advocating for such an idea is an obvious freeloader. <|endoftext|> >a and how caliphs were mostly blonde haired and blue eyed according to ibn hazm. thats because they were jews you grug brain <|endoftext|> Durrr grug no care i help diskussuin! <|endoftext|> Litterally grug teir post <|endoftext|> The Napoleonic Wars led to the Franco-Prussian War, and the French Revolutionary Wars led to the Napoleonic Wars, and so on and so forth. The first time Grug no like other Grug and rock smash dead other Grug is probably the most important war in human history. <|endoftext|> I didn't know Grug had an interest in history <|endoftext|> thats an alphabet not a language grug tard english is germanic from anglo-saxon tribes that came after the romans left britain and the latin influences came via french later <|endoftext|> english didn't come from the romans you grug brain. <|endoftext|> That's great for a chief and his guards. What about grug tho? <|endoftext|> >Pic related is mycean boar tusk armor 1400 bc, And if i recall it was found in a royal tomb, right? So this is great for kings and all but if I'm some hillbilly spearman wtf am i gonna do? Go into battle and get a spear up the ass like grug did or pony up a chicken and get the carpenter to make me some armor? Again dude, it's all relative. If you have a forest foll of boars to get tusks from by all means make yourself a helmet out of pig teeth. But everyone has wood. <|endoftext|> Grug should become a berrypicker, that way he will get more berries! <|endoftext|> brug smash grug head. grug "eretick" <|endoftext|> Shaman tell Grug if Grug give shaman berries Grug go to skycave and if Grug no give berries Grug go to darkfire. Shaman never have to pick berries because Grug always give shaman berries. Now Grug think skycave not true and shaman trick to get berries. What rest Grug think? <|endoftext|> >Why did we abandon Old English? >Why did we abandon Proto-Germanic? >Why did we abandon Proto-Indo-European? >Why Grug no Ugg? <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> B-but grug smash, you respect grug <|endoftext|> Grug see berry picker not use club <|endoftext|> Grug, who gave his berries to Chug. <|endoftext|> >grug spread his DNA the only reason grug exist and grugs strongest biological drive Vae victis <|endoftext|> >grug tribe no like grog tribe >grug smash grog >grug take grog tribe land <|endoftext|> Writing was when information could be passed on to the next generation about what came before with with more capacity & certainty, we were not restricted to campfire stories about when grug encountered that lion or when grug found that tasty type of fruit on x tree. We could store thoughts with marklings, writing is one of those force multipliers that had an extreme capacity to shape the complexity of human interaction. From recording the amount of grain stored, or who's cow you sold to it put permanance on humanity that wasn't really present apart from buildings - it's no wonder its the natural beginning of History, it feels right & it makes logical sense. <|endoftext|> >big shaman of west and big shaman of east get into dispute about how sky-father create spirit >big shaman of west say sky-father create spirit through sky-father's child, big shaman of east say that's bad juju >big shaman of west and big shaman of east get mad and say each other wicked sorcerer >grug not know who follow >big shaman of east have nicer cave paintings >grug follow big shaman of east <|endoftext|> It was probably Grug. <|endoftext|> >No foresight, no desire to make informed decisions, they generally make decisions based on what they FEEL is right. That is the key word when it comes to dealing with women, feeling. Do you think this is not also true of the great majority of men? Do you think most men make informed, considerate political decisions and not “IF VOTE FOR CANDIDATE GRUG GET GOOD THINGS” <|endoftext|> once on here I saw someone post a grug meme about tankfags arguing on /his/. at the end for both sides it said "posts picture of destroyed enemy tank" and I thought that shit was pretty funny but no one has posted it since <|endoftext|> >grug post >the knight on the front <|endoftext|> Nordic """""tactics"""" >GRUG FORM SHIELD WALL >GRUG ADVANCE >*attrition ensues* <|endoftext|> It is necessarily. All civilization depends on slavery. Do you ACTUALLY believe people voluntarily sat down working all fucking day to grow GRAINS to eat even though they could SEE it was fucking up their growth, teeth, immune systems, and health? They were rounded up by some grug chad and his band of muscled up assholes and told to grow their carbstalks while Grug and his buddies went hunting for real food. The reason? To breed them to get more warriors. Natural warfare involves multiple people sneaking up on a member of a different group while they're alone and killing them. More slaves = more warriors for attacking other tribes (and promising your warriors the chance to do something other than farm carbstalks all day and maybe even get some real food is a great way to do it.) <|endoftext|> >>be grug tier cavemen for most of history vast oversimplification. but this is what poltards do to african history so I guess its payback. <|endoftext|> >be grug tier cavemen for most of history If by that you mean always being one of the 4 most advanced places on the planet (the other big 3 being middle east, south asia and east asia) since at least 3000 years ago (and sporadic examples being found millennia before like Cucuteni-Trypillian in 5000 bc) and being as of now the greatest single contributor to technological and scientific evolution then I agree. <|endoftext|> European history is boring as fuck though >be grug tier cavemen for most of history >get powerful for a few short centuries because of guns >get your shit kicked in by the people you pushed around >get MOOR'D and ARAB'D and cease to exist <|endoftext|> >hunted local species to extinction >tundra climate so no vegetation >stuck at cave with grug wife >must feed ourselves >BETTER EAT SOME CUM uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh <|endoftext|> >Grugberg no likes tea tribe using metal birds to drop fire on his villages. Grugberg only fights hand to hand, forget that grug used metal birds for 4 years against Slavtribe to burn their villages to the ground <|endoftext|> >"safe day" Fair enough, I guess that would answer the professor lady's question. But really, there anything in your reading or experience that suggests to you that a literal fucking caveman would, of his own initiative, seek out menstrual lore to contrive a family planning device that tells him NOT to have sex most of the time...because he doesn't want to reproduce? That doesn't even sound like Greg, let alone Grug. <|endoftext|> grug agree <|endoftext|> based farmer grug with his pet doge <|endoftext|> grug and ug, the dynamic duo of ingenious innovators <|endoftext|> first off I didn't mention anything about tradition Secondly >Reeee metal bad me no like metal Thanks for your Grug opinion now fuck off <|endoftext|> The first metals to be worked were gold and tin, because they are easy to shape without any higher level of technology than a campfire. They were used for decoration for millennia before some smart-ass Grug first made an unbeatable magic axe out of copper, and founded the first human empire, "Grug Have Magic Axe Empire". <|endoftext|> >Hey Grug. This stone is shiny and breaks our other stones super easy. >You might be on to something Ug, but how do we get the other stones off of it? >Idunno, let's try and burn it off in this fire >Shit the rock melted, but hey now it's by itself and I can pick it up out of the ashes of the old fire. Too bad it's unusable >Hey Grug did it just bend? Why don't you try bending it into shape >Kind of works, maybe if I hit it >Here try rock >*Beats shiny rock with not shiny rock* >Well it kinds looks like a spear head now >Let's tie it to a stick and see how it works >*Works better than rock* >FIND ME MORE SHINY ROCK Probably by accident and trial and error like so <|endoftext|> How much did the average height change in Europe throughout the centuries? I always hear conflicting reports about this. How tall was the average pre-historical European grug? How tall were the Romans and how tall were the Germanic tribes? How tall were the Vikings? How tall were the Mongols? How different were the nobles and peasantry in height in medieval/enlightenment era Europe? How tall were Europeans in the 19th century? How tall were they in early 20th century? <|endoftext|> no roots tribe practices what Grug is saying, and them sell to outer tribe to do what they don't practice. <|endoftext|> Isn't it adaptive to look out only for grug's tribe? This makes grug tribe stronker than sissy cosmopolitan liberal democracy tribe. <|endoftext|> Its the best aspect of the game. It makes it all about coaching and tactics. I'm not racist but I really don't want to tune into watch the "strategic" game between a bunch of guys from the ghetto. They just spam the same shit over and over. You think they would come up with mixed unit tactics and special groups of personnel. Lol no, that's why it took FOREVER for basketball to evolve from >grug big >grug push you out of way >grug slam ball thru basket To a game where there's creative purposeful passing, situational line ups, and technique players who spread the vertically and horizontally with their range. <|endoftext|> Man fuck grug woman bad <|endoftext|> Open land breeds a soul and mind geared toward expansion. There is a shortage of everyday basic acts in the open steppe, the only real work is taking care of herd animals which is a 2 hour work day. Another aspect of raising animals is you must be braver than the animals, everyone is raised to be a superior and a leader to the animals, this creates a mindset with a disposition toward overcoming and ruling over. The rest of the time is spent training for war. All peoples from the steppe were masculine patriarchal peoples. The emphasis was on war, and they trained for nothing other than war. Warfare on the steppe was fast paced, intense, and decisive. One must make a decisions before an event even unfolds. In the other parts of the world the Farmer and HGs would bash eachother with clubs or shoot arrows, all things grug could do in his sleep. Steppe peoples shot from horseback. Fought from horseback. Had to fight in a scenario which gives very little room for error as you have a 40mph clash due to two 25 mph beasts galloping full speed directly at eachother. having horses was also a large boon in combat as you could run over most archaic populations but trampling. you could run over most lightly armored peoples this way. It was only in encountering armored heavy infantry did the steppe BVLL lose his major advantage. <|endoftext|> >tfw grug is smarter than 99% of /his/ BASED <|endoftext|> >then the old grug order is swept away and grug2 is the new sheriffs in town. I imagine grug2 society has the same intrinsic property values in their own village That doesn't make any logical sense, it's not in any sense "intrinsic" if who owns what property can be swept away based on who has more in their gang today. <|endoftext|> then the old grug order is swept away and grug2 is the new sheriffs in town. I imagine grug2 society has the same intrinsic property values in their own village <|endoftext|> grug puts down a fence for his sheep, everybody recognizes instinctively that this is grug's sheep, no need for the higher development of written laws to recognize something so basic <|endoftext|> >seething detected Poles and Germans have near identical IQ and height averages, and as for >Poles are unmasculine is funny because the stereotypical “Pollack plumber” may be chubby and balding but honestly looks more like grug wojack than your modern German or Scandi šoÿboy <|endoftext|> Grug put plant pebble in ground. Make more plant <|endoftext|> That’s what it’s always been. Fascism openly preaches irrationalism, action for action sake regardless of the consequences, etc. It’s “intellectual” side is literally just dressing up Grug tier mentality in poetic language. <|endoftext|> not even getting into this shit, just fuck off. and pls don't cry when some junkie whacks your mum, just remember that grug killed that other cave's tribe. <|endoftext|> >Grug killed other cave tribe so Greg murdering Brad is nothing but natural <|endoftext|> >I will have a minimal concern for debating and 'demonstrating.' The truths that may reveal the world of Tradition are not those that can be 'learned' or 'discussed'; either they are or they are not. >The eventual lack of correspondence of the historical element with a myth demonstrates the untruth of history rather than that of the myth >Modern man may be unaware of it, but the preeminence of 'thought' is only a marginal and recent phenomenon in history. Grug no like use head. Grug like smash. <|endoftext|> World has rules, free will, good and bad coexist Heaven and Hell have different rules, free will, good and bad are separated in one and the other World is test for you Heaven and Hell are what you get depending on how you did Grug understand ? <|endoftext|> >grug see caveman with many shiny rocks >that caveman must be smarter than grug >grug feels bad <|endoftext|> >actually, all the strong people I know agree with me politically This is grug tier tribal posting <|endoftext|> Manlet rage and compensation have driven the wheels of history since the time of grug. <|endoftext|> grug have big cannon go BOOM BOOM why grug need machine gun? <|endoftext|> Nothing personal, Grug. <|endoftext|> >first people to a bunch of volcanic rocks on the fringes of the world >literally no one bothers to infringe on their lands until like 2000 years ago When you settle a place no one wants, you have the luxury of being grug tier tribals that no one tries to breed with. <|endoftext|> BG - AG Before and After Grug Or maybe instead of Rome we could use Alexander The Great's death (the other creation myth of Western Civilization). <|endoftext|> this we should use grug shaman calendar <|endoftext|> grug very tire grug need day off day of sun is good day for grug <|endoftext|> good arms good logistics well trained officers shaky long term planning terrible at diplomacy. turbo brainlets think war is about grug punching grug at the battle of grugton so they overrate the importance of combat in warfare. <|endoftext|> >wanting to eat the cavepussy of some grug roastie who can't take a bath until your tribe migrates to the next river <|endoftext|> Agricultural civilization is the peak of humanity. Pre-agricultural is grug-tier and industrial civilization is amoral degenerate hedonism. <|endoftext|> Grug like Grug think. <|endoftext|> People were tired of all the hypocrisy and lies in traditional morality, Nietzsche at least attempted to be honest about his estimation of humanity. We are all a bunch of Grug tier cavemen bashing each other's brains in with clubs and we evolved to enjoy that. Yeah people cooperate in sometime but ultimately life is about exploiting other living things. If you aren't the exploiter you're the exploited. If you aren't the master you're the slave. Nietzsche laid all his cards on the table and said fine if that's how life is I will idealize that sort of kill or be killed world. <|endoftext|> >You can only defeat your enemy and extend your influence in a 1v1 in the battlefield The modern equivalent of "grug smash with club, grug better, why Angrug still win against me?" <|endoftext|> you sound like how I envision grug to sound, and not in a good way. keke <|endoftext|> you sound like how I envision grug to sound, and not in a good way. kek <|endoftext|> Based Grug posters! <|endoftext|> physiognomy is pseudoscience. grug may no pretty head but grug smart. <|endoftext|> >Cronk wonder why grug die >Cronk cut up grug body >Cronk learn use on Thag >Cronk make hole in thag head >Thag no die immediately <|endoftext|> >grug get hurt by bear >grug can't hunt now >cronk see grug hurt >grug useful to tribe so cronk help heal grug >cronk put leaves and bugs on wounds >grug dead from infection >cronk try to get better <|endoftext|> >grug have long stick >grug beat thag with stick >grug better <|endoftext|> >asking history questions on a history board bad!, Grug no like! <|endoftext|> This dude saud it all, not sure why you guys are looking for something else. Logic is basically: >baby grug comes out of female grug >therefore grug cannot know if baby is really his >therefore female grug must only have sex with grug <|endoftext|> >Grug like pretty feathers on head. <|endoftext|> >no, because *moves closer to fire* >grug see spirits when he eat mushroom. >spirits tell Grug how land and sky work >jomee, pull up that tablet. >yes, even now, Grug know more than before l >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be as heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy. <|endoftext|> >STORMGRUG NO LIKE BIG WORD. SAND TRIBE USE BIG WORD TO CONFUSE GRUG AND TAKE HIS YELLOW ROCK. <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug no happy he don´t have shiny rock for blueberry, grug no want shiny rock, grug want bluapple for blueberry <|endoftext|> >are mostly deserving of a good shoah grug no like big brain men, just want give them big bash >your "writers" bear a skeptical eye grug no read good >your "Nobel" is widely viewed as a joke these days. By who? The peace prize is pathetic and everyone knows it, including recipients like Obama, but I fail to see how awards in mathematics and science are a "joke". Maybe to a retard? >And I can line you up a list of banksters, media and infotainment vermin that definitely ain't no good for anybody's society. No shit, and I can do the same thing with Muslims, nigs, anglos, germans, etc. However the difference is the high IQ of Jews and how they are among the msot productive groups within western societies, often people like Japanese. >may as well include the whole Frankfurt school there, Schlomo Boring and predictable response. >funny where rampant nepotism coupled with racial ingroup preferences can get you - but only for the chosen few, eh? Prove it then. <|endoftext|> Should have make sacrifice for fertility goddess. Grug warned you but now it too late. <|endoftext|> >he thinks grug would not beat him for being a gruglet <|endoftext|> grug posters are special human beings, in a good way <|endoftext|> Grug not know why stonecave tribe put grain in mud, Grug can find fruit in forest without putting in mud, and Grug cave not need to be built from tiny stones, it made by great ancestor spirit in dreamtime. <|endoftext|> And what about Grug the wise? <|endoftext|> >read history >realize it's just millions of iterations of "grug SMASH" over and over again, gradually increasing in complexity and severity anyone else? <|endoftext|> >be Grug >see men die horribly due to war and disease in the migration out of Africa >creates the club >a weapon which you believe to be so horrific and destructive that it will be deterrent that will terrify tribes form going to war >Nope instead used efficiently in the extermination of Homo Erectus >Red Mammoth tribe trades it to Bone-in-Nose and Bear Tooth tribes, who use it to drive the remaining Pleistocene megafauna to extinction >weapon would be one of the main Inspirations for the sword which was used heavily in Bronze Age Collapse and War of Spanish Succession and claimed Million of lives >Grug face when <|endoftext|> >My tribe beat grug's tribe >me no want to work as hard me have idea me make grug do it <|endoftext|> Oh so you're a tribalistic retard good to know back to your cave grug <|endoftext|> >Ooga booga, if only Grug not put seed in dirt... <|endoftext|> Helpo Grug! Help Grug! Sand tribe coming to bring sand caves and clay balls with magic shapes on them!!! <|endoftext|> of course today it's easy for us to be smug when our vegetables have way more nutrients and water in them than ever before. it's easy for us to condemn alcoholics when we can smoke cigarettes, go watch some movies, get some girl to cuddle with us or play our favorite video games. but the truth is that we haven't changed after the stone age, if you give some ancient grug tier hunter gatherer a bottle of soda. he will drink it and he will love it. if you give him access to tinder and all the girls there, he will start mating with those girls. the only big difference is that many of the decisions made in ancient times were made between life and death. energy supplies were low and we worked very long days. there was very little time for innovating, but we still innovated. <|endoftext|> Grug where my shinny rock me want rent for cave <|endoftext|> But grug have stick <|endoftext|> >grug slips in a pile of his own shit >chugg comes over walking his pet crops and takes over grug's land >drudd invades chugg'd land and fucks chugg's wife while helping grug get back up There, summarized the neolithic and early bronze age :^) <|endoftext|> >tribemen on scribble box tell grug that shaman must face east for ritual be real >big shaman say that shaman don't have to face east >why do tribemen on scribble box act bad? <|endoftext|> >hear something fall in the middle of the night >what grug hear who that? >grug no see grug scared >must be grug dead fried Ug <|endoftext|> >Grug tribe having sovereignty taken by big tribe >Grug tribe people being killed by big tribe >but Grug no fight because fight bad >all other Grug are mean Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug Kek. <|endoftext|> Grug Scipio Africanus Gilgamesh Lester B Pearson <|endoftext|> >Grug no smell evil. Grug say evil not real. <|endoftext|> >shaman tell grug sky-spirits angry with grugs tribe >grug tribe must give shaman more pebbles to make sky-spirits happy <|endoftext|> >grug no understand grug have to give shaman pelts to go to sky-cave >grug only want to pray to skyfather >big shaman says grug need big shaman to pray to skyfather >grug no like >grug want to read scribble but shaman gets other tribemen to beat grug when grug try read scribble <|endoftext|> >Big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather >But big shaman have many rocks and fancy hat >Gruther no like this big shaman >Gruther talk with skyfather now >Gruther smash! Only scribbles! <|endoftext|> >shaman say grug need give pelts to go to sky-cave <|endoftext|> >big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather >shaman has big hat so grug believe >bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> Grug's Empire, centered on a cave somewhere in the Levant, ca. 50 000BC has the Romans beat <|endoftext|> >Grug invest berry into dog >dog increase hunting revenue >grug give long-nose extra meat >long-nose feed wives, extra son to pick berry >grug and long-nose tribes spread forth in an effort to promote global communism <|endoftext|> LNT say Grug can borrow 1 berry. Grug gives back 1 berry. They have no net gain, and thus did not benefit from this transaction. <|endoftext|> Long-Nose tribe say grug can borrow 1 berry When grug borrow 1 berry long-nose ask for 2 berry back Grug no give berry Next day Long-nose say I owe 3 berry Send Long-Nose berry collector Grug no stand for this, grug get he friends and club long-nose tribe <|endoftext|> Morality is what separates us from animals. Animals follow a simplistic ideology of strength over all, we do not. Unless you want to go back to running around the plains of Africa chucking spears at Grug for taking your deer leg, you have morality. <|endoftext|> yep it's just like we are at the crest of a wave of shit that has been building for hundreds of years, just more and more new ways to destroy the gender relations that dominated since Grug fell in love with Grugette in a rock cave <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Good music is essential for a citybuilder. Children of the Nile's is so damn good. Speaking of which, 2019 is year of the grug because: Little eh on this One of the above two and you can pick out where you settle in a Europe/West Asia/North Africa map. Limited to Egypt proper, but I don't mind as Egypt is comfiest ancient city builder option. <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> >grug have big head >grug smart <|endoftext|> A dude from the grug tribe rinsed the stinky feet of a loli with milk from and aurochs, and since he had a fetish he kept the milk in a bowl. Thus cheese was born. <|endoftext|> Wow, its almost like when a people has an empire they subjugate a people and steal from them like every empire in history has done since the days of grug. The true problem with shlomo is that he is hidden, unlike the anglo which was all to in view. <|endoftext|> chieftan take all grug berries and meat sickle tribe good sickle tribe smash chieftan and give everyone berries and meat <|endoftext|> Grug get sad when spear tribe die of typhus Me hate sickle tribe <|endoftext|> he deleted it but it was a picture of me and my dad in court. when I got done for grug posting I don't want to remmeber that day <|endoftext|> hey its that time I went to court for grug posting. where the fuck did you find this picture of me masturbating in court JANNIES WILL YOU MOP UP THIS JUNGLE DEMON HE'S STALKING ME LIKE THEY STALK CHICKENS IN THE JUNGLE <|endoftext|> >Anon no agree Grug so Anon must be opposite Grug <|endoftext|> The anti-German autism masquerades as “anti-/pol/“ or “anti-wehraboo” but it’s just /int/ cancer. You can start talking about German artists and philosophers, but Grzegorz and Pierre will start screeching about “le J*rms rooned Yurp” in their typical Grug-tier broken English. <|endoftext|> but grug thinks war is cool <|endoftext|> >These conservatives base their views of lgbt people on their own surrealist fantasies, or far-right clickbait propaganda. >propaganda >Internet homophobes live in the mental stoneage. Any discussion of love and sexuality beyond "grug stick go in grugina hole" is incomprehensible to them, they become scared and frustrated, until they become violent and advocate genocide. Get a load of this faggot. <|endoftext|> >GRUG SMASH GRUG DESTROY! You're no better than the fascists. <|endoftext|> >knight flag bad because grug jr cant draw with crayons!!! >grug need easy flag to draw for football <|endoftext|> the real question is why use npc forced meme if grug exists and would fit that comic much better <|endoftext|> >unga bunga grug smash >you respect grug now! <|endoftext|> >It's not like ancient people had much else to do I am sure Grug would have rather been berry picking, fishing or banging Grugette than dragging rocks around so there is something uncanny about the existence of these ancient megalithic structures. <|endoftext|> Yeah they can kill 16 Grug easy <|endoftext|> Grug say delete this carving it expose grug <|endoftext|> >grug catch food for grugs baby and mom >mom could either use hands to prep food for small and weak baby to eat or prechew it and mouth feed baby while her hands are free >grug got a stiffy >grug want do that too >maybe with less food because that takes effort to get <|endoftext|> >grug is grug own! Grug has all berries! <|endoftext|> >"self own berries? Grug think that a dream tale" <|endoftext|> Grug only compensating for baldness Grug not fooling anyone Grug should grow hair -- oh wait Grug can't <|endoftext|> Grug no want sun on eyes. Grug head too cold. Grug head too hot. Grug wear head clothes to make cold/sun go away from Grug head <|endoftext|> >nice looking thing bad, ugly thing good, only grug understand <|endoftext|> I don't get it. How is Esau Grug? <|endoftext|> >grug does not understand art >art bad <|endoftext|> Because Esau is a retarded barbarian. Take, for instance, the story from the picture you used in the OP. When Esau asks for Jacob's food, he says > - Which would literally translate into >Please let me swallow from the red, the red there. This is characteristic of his speech. If you don't know the story and context, it's usually incomprehensible. Esau is basically grug from those memes that were being passed around a while back. <|endoftext|> >those brows Jesus, they literally looked grug or at least pale abo tier <|endoftext|> >Grug wants tribe to pick berry >Bzhuk wants tribe to hunt rabbit >Grug smash Bzhuk <|endoftext|> Grug think your head is filled with spirits <|endoftext|> >grug make modern architechture hate thread >grug no say he hate all architecture Thats what you sound like, brainlet. This is now a modern architechture appreciation thread. <|endoftext|> >Imagine the stories they have to tell... "I lived on this island my whole life, and so did my father, and his father, and his father, and his father, and..." >Imagine all the empires, conquerors, wars, and drama they have... "Grug kill Grig with stick, Grug become chief" >Imagine the philosophies, myths, and legends they have... "This rock named Kaka created the world" <|endoftext|> "one time Grug hit Thak with rock" <|endoftext|> grug think kill good <|endoftext|> civvie grug have no pants civvie grug dumb <|endoftext|> Strong grug fucks all the gragas and but ocassionally borrows a graga to three other grugs in eschange for them serving as his bodyguards. <|endoftext|> Because logic? Tribe of 10 grugs and 10 gragas(females). One strong grug fucks all gragas, what other grugs do? Club him to death at night, then proceed to repart the women and install monogamy as a system for social peace. <|endoftext|> CΛRTHΛGO DELENDΛ EST.grug <|endoftext|> How grug can post on forum if no internet on the Flintstones? <|endoftext|> Grug is a bulgarian during WW1. <|endoftext|> Grug ask too many question, Grug should just accept it there <|endoftext|> the points of these memes (wojack, npc, grug...) is to make you stupidier in order to lower your IQ to let "superior" ai rule over us. <|endoftext|> Grug wonder why he has nail in club when grug exists before metallurgy <|endoftext|> This, it's probably just some grug having a laugh. Good on you, long dead grug, your prank is still ruseing tards to this very day! <|endoftext|> lmao this was probably Grug making fun of his 6 foot freak of a friend <|endoftext|> >No, that's just regular inflated egos as stoked by materialist self-help preachers. The preacher, pastor or priest still commands the social role and authority. You can tell by his nice car. It's true tho that many of these hucksters DO claim a special pipeline to God. Many claim to be prophets, or to speak to god in a way normal people can't, this is classic shamanism. >Shamans interpreted dreams and omens witnessed by ordinary people. Amongst other things. Their primary role was to intercede on behalf of normal people with the spirits, something they were seen as uniquely capable of. Sure, any Grug might see a spirit while sleeping, but ONLY the shaman had the power to see such things whenever he wanted, and the authority to deal with such beings on behalf of the tribe. >Today, parishioners are encouraged to participate in pastorship by having a whack at their own interpretations, but first the priest tells them that they are special and touched by the Holy Spirit -- essentially, that they must have the same powers. It's not the same when ANYONE can do it. Shamanism is very specifically about having a class of people who specialize in dealing with and communing with the spirits, priests as a rule do NOT claim any special ability in this regard, tho ofc they claim they have superior ability to interpret such phenomena, as a result of their training or their purity. <|endoftext|> Grug eat berries Grug become bad Grug, Shaman make other Grugs lock him in timeout cave Grug give some to Shaman, call berry sacrifice, Grug good Grug and keep rest of berries <|endoftext|> But longnose shaman say grug shaman skycave not real, only longnose sjkycave real, and if grug give berries to grug shaman, then skygrug very angry and not let grug into real skycave. <|endoftext|> Shaman tell grug wrong story You give berries to me i get you to skycave You kill other shaman and grug You go to special skycave. Many women in special skycave. Now give grug berries. <|endoftext|> Grug eat poisoned berries, Grug in death-rock-bed summon shaman and ask forgiveness. Grug think "skycave maybe real maybe not real, but if Grug believe in skycave at least possibility exist that Grug go to skycave ant not to pit of darkfire after Grug die". <|endoftext|> Grug redface because Grug never club girl. Grug just needs to be grugself <|endoftext|> Shaman tell Grug if Grug give shaman berries Grug go to skycave and if Grug no give berries Grug go to darkfire. Shaman never have to pick berries because Grug always give shaman berries. Now Grug think skycave not true and shaman trick to get berries. What rest Grug think? <|endoftext|> >“everwee white grug smrter than everwee dark grug”. >Muh straw grug. No-one says this, except shitlib cuckgrugs like you who use it to "refute" racists. It's like saying "why u hate grug just because him dark skin???", no-one hates dark skinned grugs BECAUSE they have dark skin, the skin color is the least relevant difference between grugs. <|endoftext|> Race obviously exists on some level, it’s just not some concrete and exact categorization where you can espouse generalities with any accuracy like “everwee white grug smrter than everwee dark grug”. The only hard indisputable separation between organisms if whether or not they can fuck and still produce fertile offspring in high success. Every classification below that like sub-species, race, or breed is always going to be a muddled and impermanent category that you can’t strictly define since evolution is an ongoing process. <|endoftext|> > Grug see cave painting > Never see that one before > Grug no understand > Grug not happy <|endoftext|> *sips* ZoomZoom can no bash rock like grug and friends <|endoftext|> Humans are literally Grug-tier apes. >great rulers? Just vain and conceited alpha males wanting to show how alpha they are. It's the reason why all ancient sources focus on wars of conquest or how many monuments the kings built. Fuck humans. I hope we go extinct. <|endoftext|> >grug hate EU >grug love rome >how grug save rome <|endoftext|> >grug like red homo tribe >grug want red homo tribe back <|endoftext|> grug think all people equal even though dark tribe never invent wheel <|endoftext|> >grug no like shaman story from other tribe >grug hates slant eye tribe shaman stories <|endoftext|> Grug needs war club <|endoftext|> If Cronk was coward and Grug strong, then Grug wouldn't need to fight some silly cats to get Cronk's club. Then he would force Cronk to work the hides to make him and his gang clothes. <|endoftext|> >It does. If you're going to say a prehistoric gift economy and modern capitalism are the same thing because they both have voluntary exchange, you're grossly ignoring material relations and the presences of capital. Meanwhile, in the stone age: >Cronk scared of saber-tooth. >Grug no scared of saber-tooth. >Cronk asks Grug to protect Cronk from saber-tooth. >What in it for Grug? >Grug really like Cronk mammoth tusk club. >Cronk thinks club is really nice. >Cronk no give club to Grug. >Grug asked to borrow club, in return Grug gives Cronk saber-tooth pelt every time Grug kills one. >Cronk really like saber-tooth pelt. >Cronk invest mammoth tuck club into Grug saber tooth protection services. >Cronk now safe from saber-tooth and have plenty of bitchin' pelts. Capitalism, so easy a caveman can do it yet Marxist manage to be so fucking retarded that they can't seem to figure it out. <|endoftext|> >Not making a distinction between being poor and being a slave I'd never wanted to use a grug/brainlet meme before now. <|endoftext|> >grug put rock on rock >after too much rock rock fall down >grug think >grug putt less rock on rock >rock doesnt fall down >:bigthink: <|endoftext|> >grug hear plant need water to live >grug know cactus=plant >grug know cactus live in desert >grug know desert no have water >this mean cactus no get water >grug know cactus live with no water, so grug know plants no need water to live <|endoftext|> Since the dawn of humanity sex has always been both a sacred act and "LOL GRUG HAS BIG PEEPEE HURR HURR" <|endoftext|> >grug has religion >grug2 has different religion >grug and grug2 no likey apply this to 99% of religious interactions, and you can also replace "religion" with "country" in the 18th century onwards <|endoftext|> >protestants actually getting pissy in a shitty Grug thread. I'm not Christian but it seems like Catholics are allowed to have a sense of humour while Protestants have a permanent stick up their collective asses. <|endoftext|> only protestants can be that butthurt on a grug thread <|endoftext|> >Nagasaki 1945 >Baghdad 13th century >Grug Yucatan Penninsula, Late Cretaceous Period <|endoftext|> The proddie misunderstood a Grug post, what a surprise. It isn't >pope talking to God it's >use of Latin instead of vernacular <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> It's hilarious that catholarpers are so uneducated and vile they achieve the detrimental opposite of what they attempt. Did you know the 95 theses condemned anyone that undermined the authority of the pope? No? >pope talking to God Neither Luther nor the Pope claimed that. >It hurts me head Martin Luther was a doctor of theology that held extensive arguments with the theological authorities of the time. There is a reason they moved on to attempting to murder him. >Grug SMASH Big Satan He did indeed. <|endoftext|> >Grug no like Big Shaman. Big Shaman got big cave. I no like big cave. I no like Big Shaman talking to Skyfather in weird no-Grug language. Huh ! It hurts me head ! Grug SMASH Big Shaman !!! <|endoftext|> It's pretty much Grug-tier. Stronger people became hereditary leaders. What is a scepter if not just a pretty mace? >Polished stone maces were another steppe artifact type that appeared in Tripolye B1 villages. A mace, unlike an axe, cannot really be used for anything except cracking heads. It was a new weapon type and symbol of power in Old Europe, but maces had appeared across the steppes centuries earlier in DDII, Khvalynsk, and Varfolomievka contexts. There were two kinds—zoomorphic and eared types—and both had steppe prototypes that were older (figure 11.5; also see figure 9.6). This is about steppe Indo-Europeans. And here is another example. It's primitive and disgusting, yes, but we are just apes after all. <|endoftext|> This edit is completely antithetical to the spirit of anglo grug-jack <|endoftext|> Grug really was the best. Only by comparing his work did the Renaissance experts defeat him. Narrowly imho. <|endoftext|> >Big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather >But big shaman have many rocks and fancy hat >Gruther no like this big shaman >Gruther talk with skyfather now >Only scribbles! No works! <|endoftext|> This thread really points out the similarities between grug/brainlet and the NPC meme. <|endoftext|> Grug want to fuck grugess from far east tribe, they are the only grugess who keep grugess values Grugess from westcave spoiled <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE <|endoftext|> Grug anon was really nice, that was a good theead. <|endoftext|> Yikes what a stupid opinion >grug think island tribe have many boats >if island tribe have many boats grug think their boats no sink You have to keep in mind the missiles at Argentina's disposal were cutting edge and the British fleet was comparatively right off their coast. The fact losses were not higher is impressive. <|endoftext|> >grug no like culture >grug only want read about boom fight <|endoftext|> as a grug i'd club a grug to death if he tried some gay shit on me, but otherwise who cares imo. gay cavemen probably fucked women, too. it's naturally a rare thing to be gay so most people you see growing up are doing male-female couplings, where are you gonna learn your gay from. <|endoftext|> Can we make reasonable inferences about their attitudes to homosexuality? Did grug club to death any gay people or did homophobia emerge as the mindless bigitry of civilisational politics overtook familial tolerance and respect? <|endoftext|> All post-cavemen painting is shit desu same for any post-grug philosophy <|endoftext|> >Grug peewee hard >Grug see Grugetta make cave paint >Grug like Grugetta >Grug grab Grugetta and shoot peepee juice inside snoo snoo >It feel good <|endoftext|> Grug not know what two horizontal lines mean, bad in rock counting class. <|endoftext|> Is cavemen = grug? <|endoftext|> Grug not get snoo snoo yet, how get Grugette to notice him? <|endoftext|> >Grug touch fire >it hurts Grug >if Grug won't respect the Clever Man Grug will burn forever It's not all that surprising imho. <|endoftext|> >relatively best Probably the strongest Grug in the dawns of time. <|endoftext|> >Grug kill Hrug now we kill Grug Do you not think this is justice in the most primitive form? If not then what is, my NPC fren? <|endoftext|> It doesn’t matter if he did, if the Vikings did, or if Grug did. Columbus’ discovery matters because 1. It lead to lasting contact between the new and old worlds and 2. He did so independently of other previous European visitors to the Americas. <|endoftext|> I get what you mean Grug must deliver the means of reproduction or else! <|endoftext|> The point is this thread is about advancing mankind, not "hurr Grug take your land Grug stronk" <|endoftext|> >anon 10k years ago >"if grug weren't knapping rocks and rubbing sticks to make fire he'd be spoiled, ooga booga" <|endoftext|> Grug 1,2,3...10 is more important since they made the others possible <|endoftext|> That's because you are a pleb who is only able to understand something that requires linear and basic thought >Grug see smiling girl >Grug happy and little horny It's called Abstract for a reason: It requires a developed sense of abstract thought to create and understand. It breaks the mold of traditional form and the physical world and attempts to demonstrate familiar concepts in an abstract way. <|endoftext|> grug think now cave ugly grug miss old cave <|endoftext|> Inequality is natural. Humans are genetically programmed to want to be better off than the other members of the tribe. Grug is unhappy with the tribe's chieftain, who takes all the good women and feeds his sons the best food. Grug genuinely desires to change the status quo, becuase Grug is programmed to genuinely believe he's doing good so as to be more persuasive to the rest of the tribe. Grug overthrows the old chief and takes control. Of course some priveliges of leadership are important if you're chief, you are the noblest so deserve the most wives. Your sons deserve the best food... It's survival strategy. Inequality will always be with us as long as we are human. <|endoftext|> Grug get furniture on sale at Pottery Barn <|endoftext|> Ok grug <|endoftext|> >Be Humens >There are two sources of food: hunting it or gathering it. >Cunts gathering food: Hey grug, food plant grow from ground, what if we plant food plant always so we can get food plant same place? Tadaaaa. <|endoftext|> See >Everything was actually invented by Grug, if you think about it Me genius! Fucking spare me. <|endoftext|> >The "industrial revolution" was nothing but the economic consequence of the Scientific Revolution. That's retarded, then the scientific revolution was "Nothing but a consequence of the Enlightenment" which was in turn "Nothing but a consequence of the reinaissance" which was in turn "Nothing but a consequence of Scholasticism" which was in turn "Nothing but a consequence of the Islamic Golden Age" which was in turn "Nothing but a consequence of the Greeks". If you do this you get an infinite regression where the only one who can be credited with anything is the Grug who first discovered fire, or maybe even the universe itself for the big bang. Each revolution can be credited to the people that actually invented the things in them, and the things in them are infinitely more useful to the world of TODAY than the abstract and not PRACTICAL ideas of the previous revolution. The reason I rate the industrial revolution over the scientific revolution is that the practical innovations of that time define the modern world and helped society become more interconnected. It put technology into the hands of the people. >And it had zero impact on the history of computing. Just wrong, even in his time he was Lucasian professor of mathematics and well respected IIRC, but a significant amount of computers in the early stage were based on the Analytic engine. <|endoftext|> would have thought grug would be the barbarian and spurdo a healer <|endoftext|> Grug gave Truk mammoth meat and Truk gave Grug berries, Grug has capitalism. <|endoftext|> Brainlet NPC Grug cringe redpill <|endoftext|> Grug posting needs to die. <|endoftext|> Greg think Grug much dumb. Grug think of club, hunt, and femgrug are important, that silly. What important? Cave paints, why find femgrug when me cavepaint all day! Femgrug prefer chad Grug anyway. <|endoftext|> >Grug see Grugetta >Grug peepee make stiff >Grug grab Grugetta when Grugetta pick fruit >Grug peepee juice go in Grugetta >Grug happy <|endoftext|> Except it's really Grug who likes the blue eyes on Grugetta and so he clubs Basedug and his kids with Grugetta to death to breed her with his own seed <|endoftext|> >Grug have blue eye >Grugetta like blue eye >Grugetta want make boom boom with Grug >Grug agree >Grug very happy Grug peepee water go in Grugetta >many moon and season later small Grug come out Grugetta >small Grug have blue eye too >everyone happy <|endoftext|> Yet people are spamming Wojak stuff with garbage context of making fun of others with Basedboy, Grug, Boomer/Zoomer and NPC Wojaks. Same shit at the end of the day. <|endoftext|> >I don't see how the battles of Patay and Castillon could be more "impressive." They weren't tactical masterpieces though. There are a lot of "GRUG SMASH!" victories with seemingly impressive numbers that were actually won through better defensive grounds, or the weather, or both. Agincourt obviously benefitted from that to some degree, but funnelling knights into the centre only to stab them as they came through hailing them with arrows as they advance, was pretty solid planning. <|endoftext|> Sandtribe says help make dirt food and you live in sand cave too. Maybe grug give try? What worse can happen? <|endoftext|> Take sand-tribe wife is long-nose tribe plan to weaken and master grug-tribe! Grug must find grug-wife and have a lot of of little gruglings to preserve superior blood of grug-tribe! <|endoftext|> Grug should pay sand tribe back by taking sand tribeswoman as wife. That way Grug and Sand tribe even. <|endoftext|> Why sand people put food back in ground Sand people so stupid, more food for grug <|endoftext|> Grug think fancy man playing god <|endoftext|> why sand tribe move to grug land? They take grug sister as wife, have too many children, make seed food from dirt, have nice animal and make dirt cave. <|endoftext|> Grug wonder why they in wagon all time? <|endoftext|> Sand tribe ways not Grug ways, but if stay in own square caves and Grug stay in own round cave all can be happy. <|endoftext|> Maybe if grug eat sand tribesmen grug know how to plant too? <|endoftext|> You see Grug, us in the sand “tribe” practice agriculture. That means we cause plants to grow near our “caves”. We may know when it is cold through our tactile senses, but if our plants start to feel cold, it is already too late for them. Therefore, we use the stars to determine when we should bury the plant seeds and harvest the plants so they thrive and produce the most food. <|endoftext|> why sand tribe make rock from wet dirt and plant hair? grug rock already rock <|endoftext|> but grug know cold time when grug cold. why need know more? <|endoftext|> Grug tribe not have square cave because sand tribe work together to keep grug tribe down! Is only explanation! Grug destroy sand tribe! <|endoftext|> Just fad, never come popular. Like hanging blueberries from Grug's berries two hot seasons ago. Funny though. <|endoftext|> >Not superfluous if you want to have meaningful poetry and art. But don't worry, having such a grug tier language makes it easy to learn. It absolutely is. The English literary tradition, in both quantity and quality, btfo's the European canon. Don Quixote is cool tho, Dante's inferno, but then I never disliked either of those two languages. <|endoftext|> Because they created modern england and england beated them in the end. You have a point, englishmen are way better than yanks and are nice people unlike the fucking retards that live here. Not superfluous if you want to have meaningful poetry and art. But don't worry, having such a grug tier language makes it easy to learn. <|endoftext|> >Why didn't they develop? >They had lack of competition No Ug make Grug comfy. Grug fap in cave and sleep. >domesticated whales I may have been trolled. <|endoftext|> huh grug no like supply grug only go shot people and drive tank <|endoftext|> Grug put sharp rock on end of stick. <|endoftext|> Because when cave grug beat up weaker cave grugs and got really powerful, he passed that down to his son. His son, having the same genes as his tough father, and now having all that stuff, generally repeated the cycle and got more stuff. Cycle repeats. Most monarchs and nobles are just families who grew generational wealth. I'd bet at least a few noble houses got their start on the road to power tens of thousands of years ago. <|endoftext|> >spaceman use big word >grug mad grug beat grug SMASH t. lowbrow pleb <|endoftext|> Wait is he a /Poltard because he said the Islamic golden age never happened or because he said that its a myth to make people think that the middle east is a shit hole when it really isn't? Grug confuse <|endoftext|> Grug think that longnose burn cave painting... <|endoftext|> Stick bundle tribe bad tribe. Grug saw tribe take pretty girl Frank and put her in fire cave. <|endoftext|> Grug think farmer tool tribe and bundle of stick tribe two side same rock. Why some think one better? Grug don't get. <|endoftext|> >Sitting at rock table >Dad grug drops 50 rock wortg of mammoth meat on table >”Nngh” Say dad grug >Tribe bow head >”Nngh aw ow t’fowa m’tong mamo, amen” >Grug tribe eat >Son grug tell dad grug he like other grugs >Dad grug hit son grug with club >Dad grug make son grug sit in lightning storm so son grug only like grugina <|endoftext|> >grug sit and look at star lights >prug joins grug >talks about man in sky make this >grug no see man in sky >man in sky not real >prug says you no see to know >grug stab prug with pointy rock >man in sky not real <|endoftext|> Grug think red tribe and stick bundle tribe two side same rock. Like shoe of horse <|endoftext|> durrrr slit eye grug eat rice <|endoftext|> Pederasty was the cornerstone of civilization. You cannot find a successful civilization without it; many of the greatest lauded it. When men evolved prostates large enough to be stimulated by anal sex, it moved society away from "Grug give rock, Wilma give sex" to "Grug and Grugger give each other rock, Grug and Grugger give each other sex, Wilma stay at home". Because the evolution of genus Homo caused women to lose out physically, men adapted to become increasingly the doers of society. When men realized that they could circumvent giving up precious materials to pad the nest by mutualism, they did so. Due to mammalian predilection towards the education and nurturing of the young, it was only natural that the learning of skillsets be accompanied by the learning of homosexuality, to be passed down from generation to generation. Today, most other cultural collective mainstays, e.g. organized religion and sports, are filled with pedarasty because they touch on a fundamental evolutionary niche we exploited at least tens of thousands of years ago. <|endoftext|> Into the mind of a feels/brainlet/psycho/ywn/grug/zoomer/w***k/sadguy/r9k/numalesmile poster. <|endoftext|> Pretty much the same people today think when in large family settings. >man we need to sneak somewhere to penis in penis hole >what do tomorrow >little grug learn fast Probably mixed with some prayer and rituals to get nature's favour <|endoftext|> What did Grug's of the past discuss at the dinnertable? <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> >grug belives that grug's gods are only real ones <|endoftext|> i love how grug samshes the other guys head in so he gets the lady <|endoftext|> Tbh you just want to live out your Grug fantasy, don't you op? We all secretly do. <|endoftext|> >soon grug can make learn fire with stick >when do, it prove all fire have stick stupid long-nosed tribe <|endoftext|> Poor Grug <|endoftext|> Dubs decide we found our city here. Alright, have fun in your cave, Grug. >Chinese Crusades to reclaim Jerusalem <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug could unironically smash a rock against a girl's head and that was a valid means of reproduction because of no abortion and not even a basic understanding of human reproduction at all. The girl would just think she was cursed by the gods or some shit. <|endoftext|> Grug angry at pop culture reference! <|endoftext|> The practical purposes of enforced monogamy for societal cohesion should be obvious. When sexuality is complete laissez-faire, it inevitably becomes an inherently unbalanced situation of powerful men “hoarding” the women and trying to drive rival males away just from the nature of males having virtually unlimited reproductive capacity and women’s being very limited by comparison. This works out ok in ooga booga grug society, but in anything more advanced than that you’re going to want to make sure the surplus males have a reason to put their surplus labor to something productive. <|endoftext|> I never implied any of that my man, was just making the point that a proficient slinger can do some lethal damage, they are lethal weapons with a bit of practice. I agree that spears were probably more useful in grug times; but how about bows? Bows are old and shit and with a bit of practice that thing is a sniper compared to a spear <|endoftext|> Grug like ouch rock on stick, how grug make? <|endoftext|> Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug revolutionary now <|endoftext|> >Critical thinking hurt grug brain >grug whole life a lie? GRUG NO LIEEEK REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <|endoftext|> grug? is that you? <|endoftext|> When Ug killed Grug with a rock 100,000 years ago, it was definitely the Jews. <|endoftext|> >many words >grug no like >you stupid >lebby bowl <|endoftext|> Fuck you and people like you. If we were all like you we'd still be killing shit with our bare fists because "grug nomake tool it god work" Kill yourself my dude <|endoftext|> >grug thirsty >grug see goat drink from other goat >grug thirsty... <|endoftext|> Grug dumb. Mug wait for many goat Grug and then smash head. Mug get all goat, no work. <|endoftext|> >Kraut Grug smash cave again <|endoftext|> Grug no think you worship sky father right way Grug make his own tribe <|endoftext|> No because *moves closer to fire* Grug see spirit when he eat mushroom Spirits tell Grug how land and sky work Jomee, pull up that table Yes, even now, Grug know more than before I Mushroom gives knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* LOOK Mammoth must be as heavy as 500 Grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> Trug mad that Grug smash Bread plants. Now Trug have no friend again. Trug wishes grug would go ung himself. <|endoftext|> what grug eat? shaman say fire work of bad spirits. tribe should get rid of fire. only way for strong tribe to grow >sips cave puddle group who fought dark skin tribe. that was real tribe. <|endoftext|> krog laugh at grug too. berrypicker won't uprise, no know how use spear. grug can sit for big rain. grug will wait until big sky take him away. old krog will laught at grug <|endoftext|> >grug tend fire from baby to beard-grow >only skill grug like >only skill grug use >only skill grug know >hunter laugh at grug >gragina laugh at grug >even berry-picker grok laugh at grug >wait for big rain >after hunter die with honor >after grugina run to other tribe for better cave >after berry picker run out of worst scavange >only grug know fire with wet tree >they will join grug >untill then grug practice <|endoftext|> grug tired of trug autism grug smash <|endoftext|> grug no trust hook nose tribe religion grug thinks christianity is for weak tribes <|endoftext|> if grug no hit dark skin grugga with bone <|endoftext|> But how Grug eat? Me Trug is smart. Me take seed from tasty bread plant and put it in ground. When return next migration time, there TWO bread plants! Me could make even more and Trug might finally have friends <|endoftext|> food run away grug mad grug catch baby goat no eat or GRUG SMASH baby goat become big goat big goat make more goat grug have many goat food not run away grug not chase food grug smart <|endoftext|> Grug thinks you are actually longnose to make me think of Brug Grug not falling for your lies <|endoftext|> Grug think it launch dart Grug tried to blow dart from it, but didn't work Grug can't think how coud it be useful otherwise <|endoftext|> Oog vey! Grug now go to closed cave. <|endoftext|> 600 too big of number, Grug think was actually 15 <|endoftext|> Sumer make Grag work for no meat! In cave Grug get meat! Cave better than Sumer tribe and mean priest! Berry go down, buy rock. Rock go to moon. Turk tribe and Sumer tribe not same, do not fake oog Grug <|endoftext|> Grag think Grug a fool. Grag go to join Sumer. Sumer priest point at Grag and say he farm slave now. Men with pointy stick say they kill Grag if he no toil. Grag toil all day. Sumer tribe only give grain slush to Grag after work all day. Grag want meat but priest say only warrior get meat. Grag see warrior eat both! <|endoftext|> GRUG BERRIES HURR <|endoftext|> Grug speak Semitics but the Sumerians speak Turkish and come from far far with big wheels and horses making civilization. <|endoftext|> dark skin tribe take grug wife grug watch them bunga grug like it... <|endoftext|> >t. Angry Grug <|endoftext|> >he want become lion meat You not as smart as grug <|endoftext|> Bah, Grug think light too bright, you can't see in dark now <|endoftext|> Grug should have buy rock, cloud trails go up. Bear eat berries of dummy grug. Me go m00n <|endoftext|> Grug, my brother. I have left the cave. Everything down here is lie, and I have found an enlightened world waiting for us above. Make haste my old friend, join me. <|endoftext|> grug must accept los of berries, grug had too much berries in past, grug must give berries untill everyone has as much berries as grug had <|endoftext|> Grug think Sumer tribe wrong, not leave cave for fake tall cave they make. Real cave rock and real. Cave safe. <|endoftext|> iirc that was like 7000 years before the Old World Humans domesticated the Horse and we didn't really have a way to spread this knowledge to them , while Central Asian Grug traveled and showed off his Horse riding abilities to Middle Eastern and European and Other Asian Grugs, Native Americans were impossible to reach <|endoftext|> I imagine kids have been hitting each other with sticks and drawing in the sand forever. Even animals, not even just the smartest ones, play with things. If Grug Jr decides to take his stick back to the cave instead of throwing it away, does that count as a toy? <|endoftext|> Since grug carved a small wooden animal for grug jr <|endoftext|> tl;dw: >by some mutation, a female grug has permanent breasts >breasts at this point mean that the woman is lactating and not ovulating >male grug engages in naughty business with that woman who has permanent breasts, thinking that it won't result in pregancy >usually breasts are a turn-off, but this grug has no problem with them and perhaps likes them >she was actually ovulating >nine months later baby grug pops out >this baby grug, if male, is attracted to women with breasts >if female, it has permanent breasts >this happens a lot and thus the overwhelming majority of humans have permanent breasts or are attracted to them <|endoftext|> >Yeah, they're completely unrelated They're related like WW1 and WW2 are Two wars being "related" doesn't make them one war >the revolution succeeded grug The revolution did indeed succeed initially The French success in the Revolutionary Wars allowed the revolution and its ideas to survive for two decades That was long enough to ingrain these ideas in the mind of the people of France and French occupied lands, to the point of ultimately causing the 1848 revolutions not long after the restoration of monarchy in France Had the revolution been crushed in 1792 as planned by the European monarchies, feudalism would maybe still live to this day <|endoftext|> Yeah, they're completely unrelated and the revolution succeeded grug <|endoftext|> Grug no like funny looking guy. Grug want to kill funny looking slow guy. Grug king of cave. Grug mad at slow funny looking guy for being slow. Slow guy cost Grug too much rocks. <|endoftext|> >implying grug knows what atomic numbers are <|endoftext|> Or much more likely: >Everyone who touches Grug's amulet dies. >Let's throw it down the well of our enemy! <|endoftext|> >he And so the fledgling Land of Grug was eternally bedamned with radioactive waste by the pluck and hubris of a contrarian Grugess <|endoftext|> Bad analogy though. We know for a fact that the Aztecs were just a primitive civilization. Grug will have some understanding that those who came before were way more advanced, and dangerous <|endoftext|> I'd just have the "door" flooded with radiation. Good luck Grug. <|endoftext|> I get that we’re mostly shitposting and memeing here, but any grug this fucking stupid deserves death. <|endoftext|> Grug think big wheel be candy sign. We find wheel candy at dawn. Ancestors smart. Trust them have good stuff. <|endoftext|> >Everyone that touch Grug's amulet dies >Throw cursed stone away! <|endoftext|> No it isn't. It's just a whole bunch of "There really isn't anything here, fingers-crossed, don't go looking now! Nothing to see here, no-sir-ee". And it's also in english, so it isn't even an example. It's just a guideline for how to make pictographs essentially. Grug can't read english, remember? <|endoftext|> How is it a good example? Grug will just go "powerful culture huh... that means there must be EXTRA treasure down there! If there wasn't anything important here then they wouldn't have gone out of their way to specifically write that there is nothing here, that's very counter-intuitive" <|endoftext|> Because we knew that the pyramids weren't hiding radioactive materials or centuries old active plagues. We didn't just assume or guess this, we actively knew. There was no reason to be deterred. And it's you fuckers (possibly fucker) that autistically dismiss any attempt with the same lines that can be applied to literally any attempt. EVERY possible solution can be countered by taking the example of Grug the Wandering Retard that will read any and all warnings as "Huh, the fact that they care to warn at all means there's treasure here!" <|endoftext|> >Grug find barrel and take material inside >Show village >Later Grug die for magic reason >Radioactive material is now spread among a society with no way if determining which material is radioactive and what is not. <|endoftext|> >Drug touch barrel and dead >Grug tell tribe leave barrel alone <|endoftext|> grug think hiding big rock for kill many enemy. grug take big rock <|endoftext|> >Grug go to Rurg's cave >Grug kill Rurg >Now Rurg's cave actually Grug's cave because Grug population higher than Rurg <|endoftext|> People want fast food theology, big words and long texts are boring(hurt Grug barin!) Why not watch a bible crash course on YT by Hitchens420? It only takes 10 minutes and is probably just as good! <|endoftext|> >Always makes me smile, KaG has no educational value whatsoever. It's just retarded rectangles smashing each other. They hardly bother to explain anything beyond >>grug tribe hate krug tribe, grug kill Perfectly find for introductory material. You need to know names, who did what, and when. <|endoftext|> >Documentary Always makes me smile, KaG has no educational value whatsoever. It's just retarded rectangles smashing each other. They hardly bother to explain anything beyond >grug tribe hate krug tribe, grug kill And lack of any depth into logistics, something a military history channel should bother mentioning, get completely ignored. <|endoftext|> >grug nuance no understand <|endoftext|> GRUG SHOULD NOT BE IN DANGER OF LOSE TRIBE ROLE, YELLING MATCH LIKE DULL SPEAR <|endoftext|> Is Grug a Neanderthal? <|endoftext|> Big shaman is chief. Every grug not shaman <|endoftext|> Grug no like Big Shaman. Big Shaman got big shrine and many seashells. Grug no likes Big Shaman's weird tongue ; not Grug's tongue ! Ugh ! It hurts me head !!! I will crush Big Shaman ! <|endoftext|> BERRY DROP GRUG SELL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> GRUG USE NEW ROCK FOR STICK POINT GRUG HIT MORE HARD TO BEAST UGS SHOULD USE NEW ROCK FOR STICK POINT YES? <|endoftext|> grug go smash bad cave u no sleep with grug wife <|endoftext|> Grug no like thing Thing must be from orange eyes cave <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LEARN NEW SKILL GRUG BARRICADE CAVE INSTEAD <|endoftext|> Grug like shaman's fancy pelts and god caves. <|endoftext|> stupid idiot take stupid drugs magnify idiot do good drugs grug dug shrugs fug XDD <|endoftext|> Depends on which Grug you asked. However big tits, a pregnant belly and wide hips were associated with fertility by many cultures in both the old and new world. Accordingly they made idols to the idea of a fertility goddess who shared these traits as well as phallic symbols, which symbolised fertility in a different form. <|endoftext|> That's literally a race to the bottom theory, so like I said when Ug killed Grug WW2 started because we can apparently chart these causes to a progression that ended in WW2, which I also suppose never ended <|endoftext|> Oh well shit, guess war started when Ug threw a rock a Grug and it never ended. You absolute fucking idiot <|endoftext|> >muh good time make weak men >muh bad time make stronk men Literally Grug logic <|endoftext|> On the contrary. The animal man prefers the ass. The human animal is one of a handful that mates face to face. The tits look like the ass for this reason: they are an improvement, Mk 2.0. Frankly, it's the ass man who has yet to evolve. He's closest to Grug. Tits. Tits are for the thinking, evolved man. <|endoftext|> Because if youre not chronocentric, you come to the conclusion that the master race was the first grug to come up with hitting others on the head with a rock. <|endoftext|> I've been doing it for years. Honestly I don't understand how incels get so bent out of shape. What sort of grug shit is going on in their brain? >ME NO GET PEEPEE IN FUCKHOLE >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA How does this become the focus of one's life? I have other things I care about instead of a relationship. My studies, writing, games, all my other hobbies. I just don't understand that fixation. <|endoftext|> Grug like boobies. Grug sex woman. <|endoftext|> Yes, everyone knows at ethnogenesis, everyone has their DNA sequenced and people without a different haplogroup from the top grug are killed <|endoftext|> heavy footwork there, grug <|endoftext|> >if you hurt grugs feelings he WILL club you >Believing memes this hard I don't think every homonid was this schizophrenic. I mean of course they fuck with each other around, figuretavely and literaly, but that doesn't mean that they killed each other off for hurt feelings. Imagine following scenario: >Be me >Another day with tribe >O-Grug discovered fire >O-Grug cool guy >O-Grug assembles groupees >One groupee is Ana-Kak >Ana-Kak sometimes has cray-cray >Ana-Kak shouts at tribesmen that aren't here >We ignore Ana-Kak, because he is good gatherer >One day, Chad-Grug comes to O-Grug >Chad-Grug said "O-Grug has so small pee pee!" >Chad-Grug poins his pinky-finger >Tribe has good laugh >Ana-Kak has no good laugh >Ana-Kak begins to scream again >That fucker always begins to when tribe has good laugh >But this time Ana-Kuk didn't, as usually scream: Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! >This time was: YES! YES! YES! >Ana-Kak SMASHES O-Grug with heavy bone >O-Grug dead >Fire wisdome gone! >Ana-Kak still shouts >Ana-Kak still swings heavy bone >Chad-Grug sneaks to Ana-Kak >Chad-Grug choke Ana-Kak >Ana-Kak looses spirit >There was no good laugh for moons >People feared good laugh will be forever gone >Maybe we forgot fire wisdome, but the tribe learnt something >Killing other tribesmen is sad and not funny Since you think in memes, I thought that might help you understand my point. <|endoftext|> >Grug want go towards setting sun >Grug hit ocean, no know how swim >Grug family spread inland cuz too crowded <|endoftext|> >Forgetting hook nose man didn't mention the monthly interest rate >100% interest rate Grug was justified in smashing hook nose man <|endoftext|> >hook nose lend grug ten bones during hard time >grug return ten bones to hook nose when he have extra bones >hook nose now say grug owe twenty bones >hook nose take out piece of bark with words and numbers on it, says grug must pay more bones or grug will lose cave home >grug can't read or math >grug smash hook nose with club and chase hook nose away >everybody call grug anti-hook-nose now <|endoftext|> >before civilization grug would bash you if he thinks you are taking too big a share of the kill, basically the same thing <|endoftext|> based Grug <|endoftext|> >IQ NO MATTER GRUG VERY SMOT <|endoftext|> >grug no get why smashing little grug not bad >grug used to be smash by papa grug >don't take no smashing right from grug ! <|endoftext|> Because it seems intuitive in the ”Grug smash” -kind of way, and people are really slow to grow out of those habits. Also, it works on short term, so it’s an attractive option for the annoyed parent - if your kid stops doing wrong stuff today, who gives a shit about what comes tomorrow? <|endoftext|> >AnPrim >"Grog! Me discover stars! Me can navig-" >Grog beats Grug's head in with a rock for inventing astronomy >Grog throws himself from a cliff in shame for inventing weaponry <|endoftext|> Grug have rock. Where keep rock? <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> Grug see talking about mud skin tribe, GRUG HATE MUD SKIN TRIBE! Grug no care about plan, Grug just hate mud skin! <|endoftext|> plant is merely anatomical grug eat plant <|endoftext|> >Grug ducks bitches How far have the might fallen... The Romans were a proud people, their descendants are degenerates <|endoftext|> >ARRRRGHHH GRUG NO LIKE HISTORICAL FACT! GRUG ONLY LISTEN TO /POL/ AS SOURCE <|endoftext|> > Nationalism existed thousands of years before the 20th century or 19th century. This is entirely wrong. > Grug was a big toe tribe nationalist. Tribalism doesn't necessarily translate into nationalism. In fact, it simply COULDN'T in an era when nation-states didn't exist let alone have the whole of the people integrated into their institutions. <|endoftext|> Nationalism existed thousands of years before the 20th century or 19th century. Grug was a big toe tribe nationalist. <|endoftext|> >Neanderthals are not human t.Grug <|endoftext|> Grugina didn't run civilization, it was just a more comfortable life than in Grug's tent. <|endoftext|> >grug no like making choose >da big man should do everything for grug <|endoftext|> club don't kill grug, grug kill grug. <|endoftext|> Why grug think "many men tribe" good thing? <|endoftext|> Metal shaman give to Grug. Make Tribe Great Again <|endoftext|> Kek. Grug give (You) <|endoftext|> Grug no need assault club with pointy spike for mammoth hunt. How many Grugling die before Grug give up automatic club? t. Flintstein <|endoftext|> What that shinny thing in grug club? <|endoftext|> Well Grug not vote for Grub <|endoftext|> Grug wield Clubxcalibur. Grub rightful boss of all cavegrugs. <|endoftext|> >grug >roman <|endoftext|> Why ban club? Club keep Grug and tribe safe. <|endoftext|> Grug have new club, what chronicler tribe think? <|endoftext|> Is "anyone in history" not enough for you brainlet? I chose stalin because the term "cult of personality" comes from him and Mao because his cult of personality is famous. I want to discuss anyone in history with a cult of personality from Grug the caveman to Jim Jones <|endoftext|> > why??? they are not my people nor did they ever care about "Grug see big-nose tribe. Big-nose tribe not like Grug's tribe. Grug no care." > do they learn in school how my people were killed where and when? doubt it I don't know, what "people" do you belong to? <|endoftext|> > why??? they are not my people nor did they ever care about "Grug see big-nose tribe. Big-nose tribe not like Grug's tribe. Grug no care." > do they learn in school how my people were killed where and when? doubt it I don't know, what "people" do you belong to? <|endoftext|> What species of hominid is Grug? <|endoftext|> >be grug >"accidently" poo jab krug >stick poo dick stick in lady grug >lady grug die >stick poo stick dick in krugs wound >krug die >get stick not dick cover stick dick now just stick stick in poo and stick sticks stick in rick >rick die >warfare invented <|endoftext|> You ask lot questions of Grug, Grug no like questions, question make Grugs head hurt <|endoftext|> Is Grug a homo sapien or a neanderthal? And why is there a nail in his club when nails would not be invented for thousands of years? <|endoftext|> >grug live in pa's cave with dancing slave grugettes >grug get bored of pa's cave >grug leave cave, try to become wiseman >grug meet other wiseman, they tell grug to not eat >grug try no eat for many moons >grug still not feel like wiseman >grug almost give up, then small grugette give grug grainfood to eat >grug realise not enjoying dancing grugette and not starving grug's body is way to become wiseman >grug sit under tree for 40 sun-turns >grug reach never-never >grug now wisest wiseman in whole valley <|endoftext|> Grug no like more than one post, more than one posters smell of grey space man <|endoftext|> >grug no like big shaman >big shaman take rocks and live in big hut >no more shaman >grug talk with skyfather now >only scribble! <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman big shaman take rocks and live in big hut no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now only scribble! <|endoftext|> >grug no like hunting like other grugs >grug only like knowing past grug thingies >grug staying in mum's cave all day and study past grug huntings ! <|endoftext|> I can't help but notice that Grug is never wrong. Be like Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug logic is the best logic as it is the most rudimentary and therefore most attuned with basic human nature. Anything more is for hot-house flower pseuds that can only survive within the context of an effete overly socialized civilization. <|endoftext|> >In many cases it really isn't so much a compassion and empathy for the other but a hatred of ones own kin-group that motivates people to embrace humanism. That's some top tier Grug logic <|endoftext|> Old tribe keeps all Grug's drink leaves... Grug take care of himself now Grug throw drink leaves into sea and make new tribe. Grug smash now ! <|endoftext|> Grug bread <|endoftext|> Grug cave bad Grok cave better <|endoftext|> Grug used have many berries, but frog eat tribe and leaf drink tribe take away those berries, grug smash and take berries back! <|endoftext|> >grug think tribe-shaman's magic rituals too boring >grug think wandering-shaman's magic too hard >grug think time to make new magic >grug sit under tree for 40 sun-turns >grug reach never-never >grug now greatest shaman ever <|endoftext|> Small nose tribe destroyed muh temple... Grug hate... Grug won't forget in thousand years <|endoftext|> >big shaman that hooknose cave paint all grug big shaman <|endoftext|> >big shaman of east and big shaman of west can't agree who lead cultists >big shaman of east and big shaman of west tell each other to go stick catcus up rectum >grug now not know which big shaman to follow >big shaman of east has cooler cave paintings >grug follow big shaman of east <|endoftext|> Grug like Gragcy. Gragcy live in cave with Grug? <|endoftext|> >grug no like big shaman >big shaman have big marble house >grug only like tiny praying hutt >big shaman no pray in grug language ! huh ! it hurts me head ! >I will pray in me language and only care for ze book >crush big shaman ! <|endoftext|> Grug hit Grugette with a club slung her over his shoulder took her back to his cave fugged her and we continued from there. <|endoftext|> Holy fuck I'm about to nut, SO, DEEP, into this hibernating bear! - Grug <|endoftext|> Catholic evolutionists believe there was a time when it was a completely natural and sinless behaviour for soulless hominids to masturbate, but then one day God decided to give them a soul and they became "humans" in the proper sense, thus the immediate moment after that Grug could lose his immortal soul for looking at a cave drawing with lust in his heart. <|endoftext|> Grug tribe GOOD! Grug kill all non Grug tribe <|endoftext|> GRUG TRIBE BIG. GRUG TRIBE STRONG. GRUG TRIBE TAKE FROM SMALL WEAK TRIBE SO GRUG TRIBE BE BIGGEST AND STRONGEST TRIBE IN WORLD WITH MOST SHINY STUFF <|endoftext|> So Grug moving some rocks around is civilization? <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE FAGOT <|endoftext|> This is actually not that uncommon. Food taboos can be pretty arbitrary in that some cultures consider fish a delicacy and others taboo. All it would take is for Grug to coincidentally die shortly after eating a fish for the meme to perpetuate. <|endoftext|> Nice GRUG but it’s too detailed Also THE BYZANTINES LETTIG THE TURKS FUCKING ANNEX BULGARIA IS WHAT LED TO THE FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE they have all the blame, not the west (which they broke from with their heresy) Which will soon be undone as Russians start to beleive in filoque <|endoftext|> HURR GRUG USE POINTY STICK TO KILL BEAR HE NOT REAL MAN LIKE KRUG KRUG WILL KILL BEAR WITH HAND *dies* <|endoftext|> Dr Grug, I'm CIA <|endoftext|> >Paganism got delegalised, all Romans (and therefore all non-slave population thanks to Caracalla) were hereby officialy members of the Church, philosophy schools got locked, pagan temples got either destroyed, forbidden to be repaired or got converted into churches. Never said it was 100% absolutely non-violent. >Meanwhile there are STILL Christian minorities in MENA. The Quran makes explicit provisions for Christians and Jews. Pagans, not so much lol. >But they weren't, you fucking idiot. It WAS, UNDENIABLY, CAUSED by the Alexios' plea for a military support >Hurr durr fuck da context, grug hate drub, drub hate grug too for many time The Christian world made a concerted effort to reconquer lands taken by Muslims. This was the first time after half a millennium of Islamic conquest. Nothing you say will ever change this. <|endoftext|> >t. your ass. Paganism got delegalised, all Romans (and therefore all non-slave population thanks to Caracalla) were hereby officialy members of the Church, philosophy schools got locked, pagan temples got either destroyed, forbidden to be repaired or got converted into churches. And that's just 40 fucking years after Christianity got state support from Constantine. Today there are no (non-larping) pagans in France, Greece, Spain, Germany and so on. Meanwhile there are STILL Christian minorities in MENA. >It was the first generally coordinated Christian response to half a millennium of Islamic conquest. But they weren't, you fucking idiot. It WAS, UNDENIABLY, CAUSED by the Alexios' plea for a military support (that Urban II deliberately misinterpreted for personal gain) Alexios' request was caused by the incursions of the Turks into the Anatolia, deeds that were condemned by the Seljuks in Persia and ironically encouraged by the GREEK CHRISTIAN locals. >The details, motivations, and interpretations do not prejudice this simple fact. Hurr durr fuck da context, grug hate drub, drub hate grug too for many time <|endoftext|> The weird thing about American democracy is how often high level strategic thinking just so happens to coincide with base level irrationality. America justified nuclear weapons build up with sophisticated game theory but it was also because Grug want biggest club. America opposes communism because communists are totalitarian which threatens human rights but also because communism limits America's global business empire. America supports Israel because it supports all democracies but also because ancient Judeo Christian prophesies. <|endoftext|> >Ugg seizes the emperorship from GRUG, only for GRUG to use the Turks to reclaim the emperorship, the Turks then found a new kingdom, GRUG hires Germanic mercenaries to kill the Turks, Germanic mercs form their own kingdom because GRUG didn’t pay debts 700 years in 1 sentence <|endoftext|> Grug should not be nervous. Shaman and I agree with Ug and Sumer. <|endoftext|> Grug no join! Man meant for cave! Ug fly too close to sun! <|endoftext|> Dude, me build some ziggurats with bros! Good rock lifting session. Grug like and in? <|endoftext|> Hey Grug! Me and some friends are going to start a city. We're thinking of calling it Sumer, haha. It'll be better than that Babel crap our ancestors pulled lol. Are you in, brah? <|endoftext|> Grug hit snake with best club, shiny club. Oog say me am god now. Does this mean grug will get matefriend? <|endoftext|> >my moon god bigger than hindu man monkey god t grug <|endoftext|> Space man use big word, grug no like <|endoftext|> >me grug >me hate local high-high >he take more food then i >also hate god's fren >have to tell him bad-bads >god's a cunt >grug smash world <|endoftext|> >big ball of fire on sky >it make light >but it go away night >night scary because no big fire ball >maybe if grug make sacrifice, ball of fire will stay <|endoftext|> >grug think might make right <|endoftext|> 2 bad 4 u grug was right and the catholic church accepted most of his "heresy". <|endoftext|> >grug goes to Italy >grug no like italians enjoying life >grug preaches heresy and creates a divisived movement that leads to centuries of religious wars <|endoftext|> >big skul=big iq >Grug smarterest <|endoftext|> Grug is survivor of a super advance lost civilization. Grug is from Atlantis. Atlantis has nails. <|endoftext|> Why does Grug have a nail in his club if they didn't exist in the stone age? <|endoftext|> You're forgetting my boy Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug Only Annie can stop him <|endoftext|> Oh also make posting Pepe, Wojak and brainlet Wojak bannable on a board level. Grug can stay, though. Grug isn't too bad. <|endoftext|> >grug no like argument that take more time to read than MS cave painting. <|endoftext|> >Charlie II, Diogenes and Grug are all in-character Nice >Forrest always after at least one negro based FUCK >Harris receives an explosive <|endoftext|> >grug must defeat other tribesmen >grug see stick >grug make stick sharp >grug STAB other tribesmen <|endoftext|> >Grug not agree with popular opinion, Grug smart , Grug unique. All others in cave dum-dum for not opposing everything popular <|endoftext|> I will make a wooden spear in memory of grug <|endoftext|> It does I'm sorry /his/, I wish i was dishonest enough to photoshop a grug victory. He let me down too... <|endoftext|> GOD DAMMIT GRUG YOU WERE SO CLOSE <|endoftext|> GRUG NO <|endoftext|> GRUG NO <|endoftext|> Died as he lived, sleep easy Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NOOO <|endoftext|> LONG LIVE GRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG AND ANNIE ESCAPE, GO THEIR SEPARATE WAYS PLEASE <|endoftext|> GRUG YES ANNIE NO <|endoftext|> Grug and Anne Frank, I ship it <|endoftext|> Dubs say grug wins <|endoftext|> Oh fuck. Grug's found new targets. <|endoftext|> Grug confirmed smarter than Charles II. <|endoftext|> It was a feast too. He planted a bomb under the table and killed all of his biggest threats. Never underestimate Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug slaughters the dictators the diogenes hopefully bonaparte next <|endoftext|> Grug has just become a Homo Sapiens holy shit faggots still one step for him to become Homo Sapiens Sapiens <|endoftext|> MY BOY GRUG <|endoftext|> >grug makes wooden spear >grug sets explosive off jesus christ he's evolving too rapidly <|endoftext|> Grug kills gavrilo princip <|endoftext|> Grug evolve. Smart now. Make big boom, make not-grugs go BOOM <|endoftext|> >me Grug >me make no-grugs boom <|endoftext|> GRUG WTF DUDE <|endoftext|> >me, Grug >me club no-Grugs <|endoftext|> >Grug X Annie >not Napoleon X Annie <|endoftext|> Rooting for Grug now that my boy Charles is dead. Grug SMASH. <|endoftext|> Grug X Annie NOW <|endoftext|> >Grug makes wooden speer Kek seems like he's evolving in a Homo Erectus now <|endoftext|> >grug makes a wooden spear <|endoftext|> >Grug makes a wooden spear ATTA BOY GRUG <|endoftext|> Grug playing the cave-man role really well it seems. <|endoftext|> Grug for the win! <|endoftext|> YA GRUG HAS GOOD EDKUSHIN GRUG DISKUS THANG HE KNOW NONE ABOUT <|endoftext|> superego = neocortex, abstract reasoning (1+1=2) ID = amygdala (grug mad) ego = part of the neocortex influenced by the superego (if 1+1 equalled 3 it would make me feel better) <|endoftext|> ID = neocortex, abstract reasoning (1+1=2) superego = amygdala (grug mad) ego = part of the neocortex influenced by the superego (if 1+1 equalled 3 it would make me feel better) <|endoftext|> >Romans persecuting jews Grug notice nosegrug get kicked out of many caves Make grug think <|endoftext|> What is grug about this? <|endoftext|> >this is about as advanced a craft as yet exists in the world anon, have you considered the possibility that we underestimated the technological capabilities of early Anatolians? >grug-brain obviously these people were cognitively advanced and doing things we previously thought was impossible so long ago. >intuitive, basic geometry, which has not really been invented clearly not, they definitely knew about circles for example. <|endoftext|> It's not that it was hard, although with the tools of the time, it was. And it would take extended periods of effort. This kind of work would have been slow. You go out and smooth down a 5-tonne rock pillar with wet sand and more rock; I'll wait. Great. Now that you're done, go ahead and get to carving. Since this is about as advanced a craft as yet exists in the world, chances are you don't even know how to do it -- chances are present-day you couldn't draw a good scorpion with a pencil and eraser, with a photographic reference in front of you. Most people suck at art so that's fine. But if on the off-chance you CAN do this kind of thing, welcome to the thing you will be doing all day every day for the conceivable future. What else are you doing for the clan? Eating their food, probably. So now other people are supporting you so you can specialize. Don't fuck it up, now. Uh oh. Now you've got your trusty rock in hand and a wad of wet sand in the other and you're supposed to make something beautiful and important. What the fuck do you do? What is there in the world? What ISN'T there, for that matter? You've got to carve some animals and things that you've seen around. You've also got to carve some things that you haven't seen (or at least I HOPE you haven't) like a headless dude riding a giant bird. Did you come up with this shit? You're sick. Or did some other person, some sacred interpreter receiving weird visions, tell you to carve this image? We don't know. In any case, you better get cracking making easily-recognizable animals from the world around you, and some abstract patterns that do not appear in nature and must be invented whole-cloth out of the abysm of your proto-Turkic grug-brain. This involves some intuitive, basic geometry, which has not really been invented, to judge from the floor plan of this place. So good luck with that. <|endoftext|> Uhhh... Grug like smashy smashy juden uggggg.... <|endoftext|> Progressive is bad. Salem witches is good. Grug likes da religion :) <|endoftext|> Anon smart. Grug agree with anon. No grok, no problem. Bury grok. Berries like grok now. <|endoftext|> Grug think you stupid. If can't kill, how live? If can't end life, when begin it? Small brain, you. Stop talk. Learn more. <|endoftext|> >The Khvalynsk I excavation yielded 34 copper objects found in 11 of the 158 published graves. The copper from excavations I and II showed the same trace elements and technology, the former characteristic of Balkan copper. Ryndina’s study of 30 objects revealed three technological groups: 14 objects made at 300–500°C, 11 made at 600–800°C, and 5 made at 900–1,000°C. The quality of welding and forging was uniformly low in the first two groups, indicating local manufacture, but was strongly influenced by the methods of the Tripolye A culture. The third group, which included two thin rings and three massive spiral rings, was technically identical to Old European status objects from the cemeteries of Varna and Durankulak in Bulgaria. These objects were made in Old Europe and were traded in finished form to the Volga. >Polished stone mace-heads and polished serpentine and steatite stone bracelets appeared with copper as status symbols. Two polished stone maces occurred in one adult male grave (gr. 108) and one in another (gr. 57) at Khvalynsk. >stone maces Literally Grug tier. <|endoftext|> >grug leave old cave and come to new cave >new cave have many danger full of baguette tribe and feather tribe warriors >ask for protection from chieftain of old cave >now chieftain say he want grug send 3 berries every year to old cave? >grug SMASH chieftain! <|endoftext|> How much history of the ancient Middle East got lost because Grug smashed up some cuneiform tablet while he was sacking a city? <|endoftext|> for Grug, it club <|endoftext|> sausage tribe man tell grug to no believe in tribe shaman with big hat. <|endoftext|> grug no like civ-ul-i-zay-shun grug want return to cave <|endoftext|> Alfred Literally the only great who wasn't "grug want more land, grug smash" and he was actually literate t. Nigel pennyworth <|endoftext|> >Rurik and the Rus were all Nords This is Turkish levels of wewuzzing. If I had a Swedish Grug right now I'd post it. <|endoftext|> >67th Century grug no like cave pictures <|endoftext|> Lmao the danes were forced to recognise him as overlord. Besides, he reformed the education system, translated religious and scientific texts into old english, invented the candle clock, designed and built ships for a navy that would fend off the vikings (his ships were larger, sturdier, and faster although they had a larger draft), created the burh system of defences that formed an effective system of military recruitment, he was literate unlike most brainlet monarchs of the middle ages, he reformed the law code personally and he destroyed the great heathen army. Stop assuming 'great' means "grug take moar land for grug's big embire" <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> why no one want grug shiny rock?? <|endoftext|> if you on grug side you good <|endoftext|> it's grug not grugthur doubt would be better <|endoftext|> >grug mad >grug smash <|endoftext|> >Grug-tier behaviour <|endoftext|> >consthushion paper say so. grug know. constshuon paper stay same. <|endoftext|> grug no kno how read but pope a gready liar <|endoftext|> >grug go to big shaman meeting >big shaman of west get into fight with big shaman of east >both shaman take their tribe elsewhere >grug not know who to follow >grug see big shaman of west with big pointy hat in big sky father house >me think big pointy hat look cool >grug follow big shaman of west <|endoftext|> >grug to big shaman meeting >big shaman of east get into fight with big shaman of west >both shaman take their tribe elsewhere >grug not know who to follow >grug see big shaman of east cave painting >me think they look better >grug follow big shaman of east <|endoftext|> Grug Happy he live to see tommorow me know many not do <|endoftext|> Grug like Grug meme Grug going to migrate to other boards with Grug Grug empire begins now! <|endoftext|> Look at this Grug oh nononono <|endoftext|> grug drink bean juice other grug drink cowgrug juice grug smash <|endoftext|> american grug when <|endoftext|> grug think all other grugs exact same as him <|endoftext|> This sounds great for the days when Grug unga'd in the bunga, but not for the modern era. How invasive can government be in searching for terrorists? What level of surveillance is acceptable for corporations like Facebook? >who forced me to pick? why do I have to pick? >attacking the hypothetical You're baiting, but I'm bored. The point of the hypothetical is to make you deal with the uncomfortable consequences of your thoughts. You have two choices, either biting the bullet and accepting those uncomfortable consequences, or reevaluating the beliefs. In this case, let's just say it's a sadistic warlord who bought your ass and has thrown you into an arena - not really an uncommon occurrence throughout history. Attempting to strike the warlord is just a creative (and painful) form of suicide. Based on everything you've said, by the way, I'd peg you as something resembling (in a purely functional sense - this justification bears no similarity) a Kantian Deontologist, thoroughly afraid to violate the categorical imperative and generally do wrong. <|endoftext|> GRUG is now the age for an ephebophile to like <|endoftext|> this grug meme has potential <|endoftext|> grug forgot image <|endoftext|> grug think skydaddy real pale grug thinks other skydaddy real grug smash grug take pale grug for grug army <|endoftext|> >Grug from across the sea no good grug <|endoftext|> tan grug no pay shiny rock grug smash <|endoftext|> Grug no think skyfather exists but grug believe anyway <|endoftext|> Grug no like tan grugs from over the hill <|endoftext|> About? R1b graves are always rich. R1a has a GRUG club in them. <|endoftext|> >thought make grug feel bad >thought bad You're a fucking coward m8 <|endoftext|> >grug commie grug like rosa luxemburg >grug see capital grug think SMASH! >what are dialectics <|endoftext|> >Britain didn't mobilize it's imperial population like France did though did it? Grasping at sraw there French "empire" also counts Louisiana, and other irrelevant stuff Anyway this whole debate is dumb, as you can see that, regardless you count empires or countries propers, colaition had many times more people than France So your whole "grug big population, that's why grug stronk" argument is moot >"He was in no way outnumbered, as he only had 4,000 fewer men" >What do you think outnumbered means? A 4,000 men difference when both sides have over 60,000 men is literally nothing by Napoleonic Wars standards This is considered even Normally when you use "being outnumbered" as an argument, it means that there is a significant number difference Like Austerlitz (65,000 vs 95,000), Dresden (135,000 vs 214,000), Ligny (60,000 vs 84,000), Mount Tabor (4,000 vs 35,000) But 68,000 vs 72,000? That's literally an even battle Not to mention that the Prussians were present for the biggest part of the battle (battle started at 11 and ended at 21, Prussians arrived at 15) <|endoftext|> grug want old ways but grug also like dung posting on new fangled rockchan difference make grug head hurt duhhh <|endoftext|> it no fare dat greg make mor monie dan grug even tho grug no work and greg duz. grug seez meens of produshion dat greg owe grug <|endoftext|> >everything is about what I'm thinking about Go back to your cave, Grug. <|endoftext|> grug no like new thing called civ ul i zay shun, even though grug no live without it. grug go on rocknet to complain from comfort of hut. <|endoftext|> >if you hate civilization so much why don't you go live in the woods? >*declares woods property of civilized grug and jails you for trespassing* <|endoftext|> >You can posit its bad towards humans because we are humans >Grug philosopher now! <|endoftext|> GRUG PUBLISH 95 URGH’s GRUG NOT HAPPY BIGHATMAN ONLY LIKE 90 OF THEM GRUG CALL BIGHATMAN RETARD GRUG BURN BIGHATMAN’s RESPONSE TO BEING CALLED A RETARD GRUG BACK POLYGAMOUS G*RM DESPITE WANTING TO GET RID OF CORRUPTION <|endoftext|> Grug read headline, Grug get MAD <|endoftext|> >power corrupt Grug. big power corrupt Grug bigly. big Grugs are always bad Grugs... <|endoftext|> >Grug live like Grug's father >Grug's father lived like Grug's father's father >Grug's son will live like Grug <|endoftext|> >Only grug get to pick chief >Grug get more berry than Grugina >Grug tell Grugina sit in cave and make little grugs >Grugina SMASH grugiarchy. <|endoftext|> Someone make a Hillary Grug please <|endoftext|> We need more Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG BUMP <|endoftext|> >grug want be full >grug first empty <|endoftext|> >Me think only me matter >grug true history hero <|endoftext|> >food running away make grug mad >when grug catch little goats NO SMASH >baby goats become big goats >big goats make more baby goat >then grug have many goat >then grug not need to chase food >grug smart <|endoftext|> >spain tribe own lots of land >grug wants that land >grug get 130 other grugs to fight taco tribe >most grugs die >we still get land at end of large fight Grug remembers Alamo <|endoftext|> >freedom tribe cave used to be good >now it is slowly being taken over by taco tribe >grug see orange man talk of building barrier around freedom tribe cave to stop taco tribe Make Cave good again <|endoftext|> >me no like neighbor grug >neighbor grug hurt other neighbor grug >bad >me throw rock at neighbor grug and get branch to make club to beat neighbor grug >neighbor grug take my cave before I finish club >angery <|endoftext|> >me angry at anglo tribe for owning part of potato tribe's land >me attack people in potato tribe land >me fail and now freddom tribe people originally from here make cave paintings about grug's army <|endoftext|> >Me live in small cave >I see SlavGrugs and Jew-Grug's with lots of big caves and lots of hunting grounds >Me Jealous of Slav and Jew grug >ME SMASH >me...Lose cave now :( <|endoftext|> >Most ancient civilizations founded near rivers >River floods >Grug think, what if river world big, world big flood? <|endoftext|> There isn't really one, aside from a few cases where smaller meant smarter/classy. For most of history it was a case of whoever provided the most stable household/future for a woman got her. This was true at most levels of society, however in some cases amongst poorfags whichever grug could beat up or out-work the other grugs usually did okay. <|endoftext|> Gruh have slope in brain, Grug speak of first Grugtomy when he think of second Grugtomy who grugged his siblings They even call him Grugtomy who grugged his siblings so slope head like Grug know <|endoftext|> >Grug no like sand people religion >Grug follow teachings of forefather >Grug not actually do any ritual, he just say he is and that enough <|endoftext|> >grug believe in sand people religion <|endoftext|> Grug no like developing reading comprehension, grug want familiarity <|endoftext|> The British Empire is the most obviously overrated one People just look at the map and go "woah, grug very big!!!!" without considering the quality and advancement of the people defeated to acquire this land <|endoftext|> >brainlet feels guy I’m just gobsmacked, his name is Wojak but the exagerreted meme is BRAINLETS BTFO, whilst the caveman is GRUG <|endoftext|> >Grug prove life suck with math! <|endoftext|> Besides everyone being inbred, Tribalism in modern day with modern technology. Your tribeleader/warlod says on which side you are and you kill people from the other side when there is a war between warlords like a good little grug. Kadyrov is now the biggest warlord and he basically killed or has all the other warlords under his thumb so now the tribalism is on the decline. Fun fact: on weddings they literally crash their cars into eachother like some kind of mentally ill retards in order to drive as close to the couple as possible. <|endoftext|> >become richest man in world >proceed to build slightly bigger mudhut Grug rich now!!! <|endoftext|> Grug no like big boy questions <|endoftext|> You steal Grug's bone? You die! <|endoftext|> Grugs, no listen to crazy think grug grugs who listen to crazy think grug burn in fire cave forever sky father real and alive forever <|endoftext|> Anthropologists think it was invented by accident. >Me Grug >Me make porridge. >Me forget porridge over fire. >Why porridge hard??? >Oh, I can still eat it. <|endoftext|> chasing food make grug tired grug mad no eat baby goats or grug smash baby goats become big goats big goats make more baby goat then grug have many goat then grug not need to chase food grug smart <|endoftext|> Grug no understand little man. What little man mean "value is relative"? <|endoftext|> GRUG BUY ROCK WHEN ROCK WORTH 5 CLOTH <|endoftext|> Grugina hate all grug <|endoftext|> I love soy grug <|endoftext|> Grug knows grugularity is coming Grug smarter than other grugs. <|endoftext|> grug stand for grugina rights <|endoftext|> Grug see Grug with more money than Grug, GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> grug like build big bump <|endoftext|> Grog now want Grug to share apple <|endoftext|> Grug save one apple for later, while grog eat all apples now thus wealthy is created <|endoftext|> Grug no care about historical inaccuracies <|endoftext|> >grug no like Roman civilizacion >grug thinks it be clubfeed copycatting >dicking trees and eating gruga shit superior and unique instead <|endoftext|> Cave paintings is made by strong grug tribes <|endoftext|> >in 800 years archaeologists will be debating the significance of the nail in Grug's club <|endoftext|> This seems like the most relevant board to post this question on. Why does Grug have a nail in his club? Did cavemen even have the ability to work metal in those days? <|endoftext|> >Grug think this cavepainting go forever sleep alot of ages ago >Grug thing you need to go to seen it cave <|endoftext|> >Grug saves the day again! <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> >when Grug do good because Grug good >when Grug do bad, because various complex socio-economic factors at play <|endoftext|> >GRUG NEED OTHER PEOPLE THINK FOR HIM <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE WORKS GRUG SAY ONLY FAITH <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE ISLAND GRUG ONLY! GRUG NO LIKE BIG LAND GRUG! GRUG NO UNDERSTAND BIG LAND GRUG TALK! GRUG NO TRADE ROCKS AND STICKS WITH BIG LAND GRUG! ISLAND GRUG IS BEST! <|endoftext|> >grug no understand why grug friend drawings not smart >grug mad >grug smash report button <|endoftext|> all grug hold hand, all grug get fruit from dumb cumskin. cumskin generalize universal principle! <|endoftext|> Grug no like angles Grug want them out of island Angles try bring grug into big war Grug get plan Grug go get post office <|endoftext|> Grug no like Elephant tribes in the south Grug no like gay tribes in the east Grug no like beard tribes in the north Grug fight! <|endoftext|> >we are good and smart,you're dumb and smelly literally grug-posting <|endoftext|> le grug deteste l'anglo <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now only scribble! <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> grug no like food <|endoftext|> Grug rembr Im september <|endoftext|> grug SMASH armenians grug SMASH greeks grug SMASH kurds grug is peaceful smashing is pale tribe lies they smash first <|endoftext|> There should be ban for brainlet/grug posting <|endoftext|> >grug see big GDP up up >homeless prostitution what up big green up up <|endoftext|> Also using GDP per capita as a measure of economic development is grug tier. <|endoftext|> > Grug Tier The world doesn't necessarily get's better with time > Enlightened Tier Even if the world gets's better, the human's conditions aren't. <|endoftext|> >be hunter-gatherer >migrate into Europe >meet swell neanderthals >hi trog, sure is nice here >want to see my pet dog? >why are you sweating so much trog? trog? >fast forward millennia >be neolithic farmer >migrate into europe >meet swell hunter-gatherers >hi grug, sure is nice here >want to see some of my livestock? I got cows, sheep, goats, and more. >why are you coughing grug? grug? >fast forward 1000 years >be horse herder >migrate into europe >meet swell farmers >hi arkad, sure is nice here >want to see my ride? I got a horse. >why are you vomiting arkad? arkad? <|endoftext|> Grug worship skyfather Gurg worship skyfather different Grug mad at gurg for being different Smash gurg <|endoftext|> Grug no understand words Grug no understand that the applications of something objective means they can't be arbitrary Grug no state if "objective" in this sense is meant to be understood in the ontological or epistemological meaning Grug sad about brain no good but still feel good when Grug look like a faggot on a Mongolian Basket Weaving conference <|endoftext|> grug no like moral threads <|endoftext|> >triggered by grug meme <|endoftext|> Nah I just tried a bit of sentence structure revision. Sorry, won’t happen again. Grug have to wait Grug can’t kill two bird with one stone, is impolite Grug let one bird kill other Grug wait for other bird to starve Grug win <|endoftext|> >God tier Keeping religion as an oral history and continuation of anthropological identity, spirituality, and respect. >Shit tier "grug convert to new religion because it right, grug religion is one true religion." <|endoftext|> hot blood makes grug think with penus and not with brain oog oog <|endoftext|> >Not even a Grug post You're shit at 4chan, you know that? Didn't know you could be but here you are. <|endoftext|> Requesting a germanic/gothic grug invading rome <|endoftext|> >Grug need flag that grug people can easy make. >Grug think Chief flag too hard. >Grug make easy flag. <|endoftext|> ITS CALLED GRUG ITS THE SPURDO OF BRAINLETS <|endoftext|> >People like Cobbett were noticing a decline as early as 1800 People like Grug were noticing a decline as early as 50.000 BC <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now only scribble <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> >big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather >shaman has big hat so grug believe >bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> grug belong to /lit/! <|endoftext|> grug school limiting for grug grug go to wood instead grug like bugs, not other grugs <|endoftext|> gruglings bully grug grug angry grug bring bow and arrow to berry picking class grug shoot gruglings and shoot self <|endoftext|> post more grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NO UNDERSTAND GRUG NEED HAND HELD TO JOKE <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE LONG READ GRUG LIKE SIMPLE WORD <|endoftext|> why are christfags completely unable to comprehend the opinion of someone that doesn't share their religion? >Grug has skygrug >everything is objective <|endoftext|> grug not know to make must be alien talk to old grugs sky grugs just alien <|endoftext|> grug no past sexy picture grug prune <|endoftext|> grug want politic party win grug will pretend history different <|endoftext|> >Man with funny hat read old book to Grug >Grug now believe in skydaddy, Grug going to cave in the sky <|endoftext|> >grug no like thing >skyman cant exist if thing i no like exist <|endoftext|> grug not smart enough to argue against you but think your post spooky <|endoftext|> Grug find thread spooky <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now only scribbles <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> grug say moral not real <|endoftext|> Based Grug BTFOing the coalitions <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE KINGDOMS GRUG LIKE EMPIRES <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT KNOW THIS INT GRUG ONLY KNOW THIS LIT <|endoftext|> You speak like Super Mutant. Strong like you. Is Grug human or super mutant cuz you sound like Super Mutant. Be like brothers. <|endoftext|> >>one group established civilization, invented sophisticated technology, and built large cities >>the other group ran around wearing deerskin and never progressing beyond a primitive Grug-like hunter-gatherer existence >Was it the environment? IQ? IQ Asians are subhumans <|endoftext|> WE IS THE GRUG YOUR TRIBE GIMMICK WILL BE TAKE BY GRUG MAKE GRUG TRIBE STRONG <|endoftext|> >separated 10,000 years ago >one group established civilization, invented sophisticated technology, and built large cities >the other group ran around wearing deerskin and never progressing beyond a primitive Grug-like hunter-gatherer existence Was it the environment? IQ? Women of one group selecting the wrong attributes in mates? <|endoftext|> Grug was from the future all along <|endoftext|> >grug puts nail in smash-stick >grug says he hates technology >grug doesn't realize that smash stick with nail is techonology <|endoftext|> wew boy, grug, wait till you learn about how agriculture fucks things up <|endoftext|> Grug no like teh-no-lo-gy Grug like life before bow more <|endoftext|> Grug even more confused - Grug mother was half unga bunga and yet Grug of White tribe, what this mean? Grug have crisis <|endoftext|> Grug jr no like this this because Gurg penis small Grug jr also have unga bunga tribe, hun tribe and wog tribe blood but pretend he not so he call self white <|endoftext|> Grug atheist. Brain on all time. Hold on. Grug go smoke weed now. <|endoftext|> >Grug love history! >Oh ya? What’s your favourite part? >WW2! <|endoftext|> Grug not like this talk Grug man of strength and brawn <|endoftext|> Grug looks like a dominatrix prostitute <|endoftext|> Grug have good harvest Grug not like Oog keeping too much of harvest Grug teach Oog lesson <|endoftext|> In China, definitly Yanluo/Yenlo >Be Yanluo, a folk Chinese derivative of the Yama of Indian myth brought over by Buddhism. >Unlike in Buddhism however, you're just a judge passing sentences to people arriving in the afterlife. >You literally follow the rule of law, the perfect judge ever. Can't be fucking bought. Deal punishment and reward to souldss fairly. >Also the sentences of sinners aren't even permanent. >You have a court, paperwork, plaintiffs, and lawyers ffs. >Christcucks come over to China. >LOL DIS GUY SATAN COZ HE IN HELL GRUG GRUG >WE GONNA SAY HE KING OF HELL IN EUROPEAN TRANSLATIONS OF CHINESE MYTH <|endoftext|> Bottom tribe want go from top tribe cave. Cave forever two tribes. Lingun sgared empty cave Lincoln grug pls <|endoftext|> GRUG KILL GAY TRIBE GRUG CALL SPIRITS HOME GRUG ROMAM NOW <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKA DAIYMO GRUG COMMIT SUICIDE GRUG RAUGHT <|endoftext|> someone make a communist grug <|endoftext|> More like >Ug say tree his >Ug have Brug protect tree >Grug hungry >Grug have to pick tree >Ug say "You pick tree, but give half" >Ug live off Grug, Mug and Tug pick berries >Brug live off make Grug, Mug and Tug give Ug berries >Grug no like that >Grug try smash >Brug smash Grug <|endoftext|> grug smash roman roman no more grug now roman <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> Grug unironically redeemed the brainlet meme <|endoftext|> grug and oog don't use fancy words like "community" <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no likey big cave. Grug call jew. Grug smrt. <|endoftext|> Grug say book only source Grug remove chapters from book Grug no like Gruge Sola Fide <|endoftext|> Grug no like work so Grug say faith only. Grug no like complex so Grug say squiggle only. <|endoftext|> Grug let Oog pick more berries. Grug is berry creator If Grug go, all berries in village go too Oog don't want Grug gone, Oog need Grug <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> poor grug together smash rich grug <|endoftext|> grug smart he brain too big grug not believe in sky father <|endoftext|> Grug pick 10 berries Grug give 9 berries to Oog Oog gave jahb to Grug to pick berries Oog deserve berries and Grug woman. <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> grug smashie ur hed now im honor! <|endoftext|> oog lack head bigness oog get mad oog screech at grug <|endoftext|> Oog picked more berries Oog 9 berries Grug 2 Grug no like that Grug smash <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> grug not gay so he only like men <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> everyone get equal berries grug smash rich grugs <|endoftext|> Is there an American Grug? <|endoftext|> grug posts grug memes <|endoftext|> Well dressed man tell Grug space man made me. Well dressed man read book to Grug. Grug now believe in space man. Grug going to Bespin when Grug die! <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now <|endoftext|> Make grug general or grug smash! SMASH! <|endoftext|> grug smash roman roman no more grug now roman <|endoftext|> grug don't like grug meme grug angry grug smash! <|endoftext|> >grug think sta-leen good leader. grug think if sta-leen alive today, roo-shan tribe would strong. <|endoftext|> grug not like property grug say property is theft <|endoftext|> Skyfather real Grug stupid skyfather real Me smash Grug! <|endoftext|> I want to hug Grug! <|endoftext|> grug looks amish <|endoftext|> grug smart he brain too big grug not believe in sky father <|endoftext|> Fucking nope, it depends on the branch of service. >Top tier USAF Girls. >Mid Tier USN, US Army (rear echelon & logistics) girls. This is hit or miss territory I have seen really beat up sailor chicks here in Manila. >Grug tier US Army (grunt) girls >Abominacion tier USMC Girls <|endoftext|> no because *moves closer to bonfire* grug see spirits when eat the mushroom spirits tell grug about how land and sky work- Jomee, pull up that stone tablet yes, so even now, grug know more than before mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* look mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> Who remembers Grug? <|endoftext|> >I impress her by eating sauerkrant and kiebasas? >ugh hurr durr do grug impress girl by eating normal food Yes grug. <|endoftext|> spielst safe den grug <|endoftext|> Average American woman is the same as the average American man. They pretend to be civilized evolved creatures, but are tribal grug retards in make up and gucci clothes. <|endoftext|> For me grug is back (especially unrounded) vowels, (voiced) back consonants, their combinations, repeating the same vowel and reduplication, turks have a lot of this. <|endoftext|> >turkic sounds grug Turkic languages sound like rukirukirukirukirukiruki and they make whole sentences like that <|endoftext|> What vibes do different languages give to you? >continental SEA sounds meowing >japanese sounds square >finnish sounds stumbling >english sounds bouncy >turkic sounds grug >slavic sounds warm and dry <|endoftext|> It is a kacap, I know him personally. He's just a liberal aka not average grug. <|endoftext|> How do I cope with being a hapa? I literally look like grug <|endoftext|> russians are IP thieves at best, grug barbarians at worst <|endoftext|> Ah yes the famously mentally well Lithuanians It's because in Norway we are honest and progressive, in Pooland people think schizophrenia is a result of a demon possessing you or some other primitive grug shit <|endoftext|> Thats wrong tho, Tartessians and Iberians were highly developed, the ones who still were grug-like tier were Celts. Most of Roman cities here were built using already existing iberian, tartessian and celtiberian cities that were gradually romanized. The thing is that there was no union, every city-state was lone wolf allying with foreigners to fuck their rivals. <|endoftext|> Spain acts really arab too very grug and unrifined <|endoftext|> they say svabodno we say svobodno we hard they soft grug smash <|endoftext|> Nah it wanst for you it was for I was surprised like you can tell from her look and dont even need the username based They want the most """indian""" grill like a checklist of sterotypes, much like the women who want a nig to 6'5 grug oogabooga tyrone <|endoftext|> anglos have this saxonish and lowlander look to them some of them look very saxon and rubust/grug while some look like holland people and many are mixed with meds, celts and just germans as well as scandis. <|endoftext|> Grug like <|endoftext|> Grug likes your attitute. <|endoftext|> You wouldn't, youd just buy it so show everyone that you bought it if you were a cultureless grug with too much money <|endoftext|> This, imperial is grug tier <|endoftext|> They make good friends and good gfs. But they also go into Grug tier we must crush the hohols since they disrespected us being serfs <|endoftext|> exactly i know a lot of people serving at the time and all of them are disappointed in serbian leadership, forced to sit there under the fire and just do nothing till told otherwise no point in arguing a retard, you are just like them, average 90iq at best grug that thinks his tribe strong <|endoftext|> because grug hate grug with different shirt <|endoftext|> To turn every European man into a fairy It used to be a point of pride to be tough. Now thats seen as retard grug behaviour <|endoftext|> that being said mirin the grug physique <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >chadgrug take all tribe women >grug no like >chadgrug try to fight grug >grug hit chadgrug with very pointy stick >chadgrug die >grug get all tribe women <|endoftext|> So, people who have their womb removed aren't women. Fictional characters aren't women. You didn't even define humans in satisfying manner. Grug-tier definitions like this create more problems than solve them. They're essentially a symptom of our tendency to categorize everything. It's a useful trait, but doesn't always produce accurate or truthful results. <|endoftext|> hey i mean Frederick the Great wrote almost entirely in French. he considered the German language, cultural products, and mentality to be grug me smash rock tier. <|endoftext|> literal Grug-tier language, lmao <|endoftext|> >AAVE >fastest growing English-speaking region is Nigeria Also, you will never be Anglo-Saxon, Norman spawn. If you were, we'd be speaking a much purer language right now, not one littered with French and Latin loans that make up the main body of technical words in your otherwise grug language. Not that I mind speaking English with you of course, as I speak several languages. You'll also find me speaking Japanese to the Japanese posters on this board. On top of knowing French, I'm also able to read the older versions of the language, and my superior ESL intellect allows me to aim even higher. Since I'm already acquainted with grammatical cases, I'm currently studying Latin, and will be reading Tacitus two years from now while you revel in being a monolingual prole. <|endoftext|> ug ug, me grug, me invest in rockcoin <|endoftext|> Northern Europe has Grug heritage <|endoftext|> careful, im a fucking caveman and tribemaster says i might buy a fucking whetstone and sharpen a butterknife for grug a butterknife too dangerous cant have knives as a grown caveman adult <|endoftext|> woohoo äta bajs och bli grug med stor röv och rövmuskler jaaa så bajsigt <|endoftext|> woohoo äta kött och bli grug med testo och muskler jaaa så episkt <|endoftext|> grug hit woman in heda woman like <|endoftext|> to grug times <|endoftext|> grug lyfta kilo grug är smart <|endoftext|> If a person doesn't say "African languages are boring" "Asian languages are grug tier" "Why would I ever learn one of these african/asian languages?", that just means that they are interested in something else, and that's fine. You are just generalising and simplifying everything, not understanding the key issue and just attacking people for what they are interested in, i.e. you're being a dick and annoying so fuck off. <|endoftext|> Nah we just out grugged the giga grug and made em go extinct by being better at chucking rocks at them <|endoftext|> The stereotypical European face comes from western continentals. Scandinavians and Slavs can have very grug like features. <|endoftext|> >ooga booga grug like slampig <|endoftext|> sometimes it's a bit fascinating to see that people legitimately believe in grug tier things like "killing is not bad" from the cradle of civilization to that lol <|endoftext|> tak? to dlaczego nocna zdecha? nie pilnowae ogniska grug, rada plemienna zdecyduje o twoim losie <|endoftext|> In grug terms: New York and Detroit use the same currency, are prices the same? Why not? Moscow and Ivanovo use the same currency, are prices there the same? <|endoftext|> disliking homoshit is based, grug disliking man's oldest beverage is not <|endoftext|> It’s not like there was a public education system for males either, until the Industrial Age, which was a function of employers offloading the burden of training their workers onto the taxpayer. And education is mostly a waste of time regardless, outside very advanced education, like PhD level. Even in undergrad, they’re basically just telling you to read things that you could study yourself. Plus, in the ancient world, many of these books and ideas weren’t even written down yet. An ancient woman could have tried to figure out the circumference of the earth via the shadows off sticks, just as well as Eratosthenes did, but there was no woman who did that. Any ancient woman could have been a poet or a playwright, but the only famous one is Sappho. Some ancient women were reasonably successful merchants, such as Muhammad’s first wife Khadijah, but most were not notable enough to make it into the historical record except as side characters. It’s probably mainly a function of the female IQ bell curve being taller and narrower than the male IQ curve, meaning that there are both fewer female retards and fewer female geniuses. Women really love the idea that women were super oppressed and submissive for all eternity like pic related, but it’s just not accurate. There was the occasional woman who rose to notability in her own right like Boudicca, Cleopatra, Catherine the Great, or Victoria, which shows that it wasn’t impossible; more something to do with women’s risk appetite and comfort with mediocrity—which is fine. Part of the reason for men’s greater risk appetite is that men are much more expendable. A grug village can survive a Pyrrhic victory where most men die in battle, but a woman can only have one baby at a time, so a village that is not protective of their women goes extinct, and the genes for women who were not cautious went extinct. <|endoftext|> Why the fuck does it have to be so vast? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give these grug tier cavemen so much land? How the fuck am I supposed to not overextend my supply lines? Why did they have to choose the gayest ideology and form of government, rendering an alliance absolutely impossible? Fucking stupid, rigged bullshit. <|endoftext|> >Me not Grug anymore; me be Grugina now <|endoftext|> it pops up everywhere i look, they are very coordinated. turns me into a super neurotic grug brained retard <|endoftext|> 'Slava' means 'glory' in all slavic languages Slave only means slave in English which is a literal grug-tier language <|endoftext|> After artificially keeping them alive through lend-lease? What kind of grug tier logic is that? They ACK'd Patton soon after he realised he was literally only a tool for globalist kike bankers ayy lmao what a pathetic death. <|endoftext|> Why do Russians live in your head rent-free, you fat non-white, mixed race shitskin? I hate those retards, too, but at least they are grug tier cavemen and not insidious little island monkey kike bankers. <|endoftext|> You are mistaking Grug-Tarzan speach with ways of speaking that trancend not only that but your medium tier language use and everything else in mankinds history. Trcimo obalom Save. (we) (are) Running (on) (the) (river)bank (of) (the) Sava (river). Running bank Sava. - this is not wjats written in the above example in Serbian. Trcimo - morphology for are running that encompasses myself and someone with me running. Obalom - morphology of riverbank were river is removed as it is in context from the name of the rivem and it contains the locative. Save - morphology of Sava that is a possessive case because it has a riverbank its not a person its the river. Layers upon layers of context and information in a simple sentence. Centuries will have to pass and only with hundreds of innovations and improvements could your language reach those heights. <|endoftext|> I won't post something similar to pic related because I'm tired of getting banned, but yeah, R*ssia is basically Asian and they speak with made up grug noises. <|endoftext|> It was nice talking with you Grug, but asking a Putin-bot for some honest self-reflection is like asking a dog to do calculus <|endoftext|> Grug it's time to have a moment of deep self-reflection, I know it's hard for you, but get this: our governments are not full of people who care about doing the right thing. I know, it's crazy isn't it? But here in America, we have somewhat of an ability to look back on certain fucked up things we've done and criticize ourselves and our government for doing it. Can you imagine that psychopaths are the ones who always end up in power? I know right. I can't believe it either. But for a moment just imagine that maybe your government isn't always right or morally justified in it's actions. It might be unthinkable for you. But just trust me Grug, neither of our governments are infallible nor do they have either of our best interests in mind. <|endoftext|> We never invaded Cuba, Grug. We came close but we never did. There were also never any agreements NOT to invade Cuba. You were shipping nuclear ICBMs into Cuba. Ukraine has been denuclearized since you signed the agreement to respect it's sovereignty if they had done so. And you went back on the agreement and invaded them anyway. <|endoftext|> Not sure what that is supposed to mean in this situation but OK Grug <|endoftext|> You guys have lost upwards of half as many troops in 4 months of fighting in Ukraine as we did in 10 years of fighting in Vietnam, Grug <|endoftext|> It's no use, the caveman-tier intellect will come back with some mental gymnastics to justify why Grug need take rock from Ukraine <|endoftext|> I would like to return to grug, I will build a hut in the forest, then go fishing if I manage to invent a fishing line <|endoftext|> I can survive in the forest hunting and gathering, I want to return to my Grug ancestors <|endoftext|> Thank God our actual overlords speak English Learning french is a pain in the ass, unlike English which is literally caveman's language Grug loves heavy rock! Easy <|endoftext|> grug think rock lender of longnose tribe is cause of many issues in grug society <|endoftext|> Because your primal brain kicks in the background and goes, "Wait, they're women, listen to what they have to say, Grug liek woman" <|endoftext|> Only in grug languages like Russian. We call it aya. <|endoftext|> Definitely not sit there and take it like a little bitch lol Even going full grug would be a better option <|endoftext|> Its sad that grug meme died out <|endoftext|> Grug only defend his tribe speak-speak man so he can laugh at other Grug for defend their speak-speak man when they weak. Grug tell you so. You dum-dum. Grug smarter. <|endoftext|> >Only what you see with your own eyes is real This is giga grug brain, holy shit <|endoftext|> >Grug run, jump, swim and throw pig bladder and spear far mean talent <|endoftext|> >not using Windows 5000 BC grug laugh <|endoftext|> kom ihåg när jag var med en tjej och vi körde på och hon råkade blöda för jag var för hårdhänt >ööh ska jag inte ta det lugnare du blöder ju?? hon: >n-nej sluta inte fortsätt! >dkn ville själv ta det lugnt så hon inte går sönder men hon bestämmer så jag får väl spela grug och däng-däng hennes fläng-fläng i vår säng-säng <|endoftext|> funny computer man tell grug "do not click". <|endoftext|> >He browses here? sounds based to me yep, we met here actually >always sounded a bit......grug-like to me kek, cus my bf is norwegian and ill spend a while in norway so might as well. <|endoftext|> He browses here? sounds based to me why Norwegian? always sounded a bit......grug-like to me <|endoftext|> Brazil is grug nation <|endoftext|> Grug go to sunsets, Glug go to sunrises. <|endoftext|> High test Grug phenotype <|endoftext|> Since live in a grug patriarchal puritan society dressing as nazguls, they developed extra thick bodies to attract males. <|endoftext|> New worlder morals are so warped that they always go back to the cope of 'well everyone was a murderer so why can't I be?!'. The fact is, like I said to the Brazilian guy, is that the subjugation of natives is ONGOING at this very moment in the new world. My proto-germanic and ugric ancestors made babies and a new culture emerged from it. It is our land. Meanwhile Amazon is being destroyed and natives live in shitty conditions in reservations. Canadian schools where they kidnapped native children were closed in the fucking 90's. And you bring some ancient history 'well Grug hit Uruk with a club so it is alright if native women dissappear today' like it frees you (you as in American state, not you you personally mind you. You might be an asshole with a warped sense of morality but I' m not blaming you for crimes) from responsibility. <|endoftext|> i have a french friend with a similar hypermasculine grug look <|endoftext|> ok but both are grug tier languages compared to literally any other language in the world (they are the same language by the way) <|endoftext|> My dad speaks good english well. He used to work construction back when it was filled with gringos. My mom speaks mostly spanish. I speak grug spanish laced with simple english to her. I cant communicate with any extended family in mexico No son though. Americans hate mexicans <|endoftext|> >Grug make food from ground >Too busy making food to go trade on market >See useless retard that can't grow anything >Make deal with retard to trade my food in market for me >Thousand year later useless retard think he the most valuable part of deal >Everyone believes retard <|endoftext|> >Grug tribe only have rock >Drug tribe give Grug tribe spear with iron poke-poke >Spear with iron poke-poke break, only Drug tribe know how fix >Now Grug have to pay Drug berry for new spear >Grug no know how to make iron-spear so Grug sit on rock with dick swinging >Grug feel pink demon inside stomach make mad-mad <|endoftext|> Grug lift heavy stone many times Grug make sad head voice quiet <|endoftext|> Because some are on grug level of "if you not aggressive and act like a gangster you are no man" kinda level. A lot like arabs. <|endoftext|> >ug ug me and grug take to to build stone henge <|endoftext|> >Seriously though. This shit fucks up beaches and is absolute grug work with 0 meaning. If you want to work so bad why not build a big sandcastle instead ? It would be more beautiful and more creative. It's what people do in France instead of holes <|endoftext|> >grug work Problem? <|endoftext|> Seriously though. This shit fucks up beaches and is absolute grug work with 0 meaning. If you want to work so bad why not build a big sandcastle instead ? It would be more beautiful and more creative. It's what people do in France instead of holes <|endoftext|> Who the fuck were they going to put in anyway? Grug of the Snowy Cave tribe? <|endoftext|> >man on TV say yuro tribe bad so Grug want to kill them <|endoftext|> grug find fire take fire home bbq solid can't go wrong with a good ol' tranny <|endoftext|> >Grug discover red hot air thing. If Grug put hand in it it makes hand ouch! Grug get angry! Grug try beat hot air with club but hot air FIGHT BACK! HOT AIR EAT CLUB! OOOH OOOH AAAH AAAH OOOOOOOOOOOH <|endoftext|> whatever you say grug... go find a cave to live in or something, I'm busy breeding my agrisluts <|endoftext|> Grug tier humour. <|endoftext|> I doubt there's a correlation between linguistic complexity and societal complexity. China has thousands of years of history, and their language is grug-tier. <|endoftext|> Grug no like watch tribe kick pig bladder <|endoftext|> grug no like big big words big big words make grug angry grug so angry, grug vote brexit now <|endoftext|> t. russki with vpn russia is prehistorical grug without an ounce of literature, or documentation until the 1700s. <|endoftext|> >yellowknife >whitehorse literal grug tier names <|endoftext|> Burgerbrain in action: >School shootings happen >Ergo school unsafe >Ergo grug must homeschool Literal todler logic that is unable to consider even the barest form of problem analysis. Even "we must ban vidya games" is more intelligent take, because that at least tries to find a problem, this is literally just surrender that school shootings are the norm. >Captcha: TRAD0 <|endoftext|> ugh tuttar jag hård grug runka <|endoftext|> The environment didn't allow lazyness nor degeneracy. Hunt food, kill other tribe, protect women. grug life. <|endoftext|> >bad time make grug strong <|endoftext|> Finding and smelting wrought iron is grug tier easy. there is also a massive amount of scrap metal to scavenge. All you really need to do is survive the initial exchange and radiation and have enough food. <|endoftext|> Hemingway is grug tier in the same way that someone sculpting with a chainsaw is. Its prettier for it. <|endoftext|> I don't know, some of the best English is grug-tier. Hemmingway for example. <|endoftext|> >GRUG NEED SEXO <|endoftext|> English is such a grug tier language No wonder it is spoken by subhumans all over the world <|endoftext|> det gör han inte. han e grug <|endoftext|> Nothing like how I imagined. I thought you would speak grug-tier slavman English. <|endoftext|> Greek is such a grug language >democracy is "people + rule" >pyromania is "fire + madness" <|endoftext|> >my food preferences are basically: grug put salt in meat, grug grill meat, grug put rice or potatoes in hot water. BASED BASED BASED. <|endoftext|> Portuguese food is overrated imo, especially the type that caters to foreigners. But then again, my food preferences are basically: grug put salt in meat, grug grill meat, grug put rice or potatoes in hot water. <|endoftext|> Yes The more primitive and "Grug hit head with club to make happy pictures" the better <|endoftext|> Humanity loved shint stuff from the day a random Grug found a shiny pretty rock and started showing it to all his caveman friends. And gold is VERY pretty and shiny. And veru valuable. <|endoftext|> Yes I'm down. I hope they genetically engineer mammoths Listening to Joe rogan (btw a Lil baby grug being only 50%), I've had thr urge to go hunting, but using atlatl or spears instead of bows <|endoftext|> Also I am grug <|endoftext|> Whiteness is a social construct and grug-tier idiocy based on nothing but looks. <|endoftext|> Athletes are grug-tier retards with negative IQ, why should I care about what they have to say again? <|endoftext|> Angry demon in sky wake grug from juju shaman world <|endoftext|> Ok grug <|endoftext|> >strong silk road aesthethic >btfo bongs, ivans and burgers >grug like men dicking local feminists while westerners watch, cry and jerk >strategic position and ready to put chinese rails in order to revive the silk road <|endoftext|> >Japanese is the hardest language in the world bro!! Why is this such a common opinion? >Extremely phonetic and easy to pronounce >No case declensions >No grammatical gender >Extremely simple verb conjugation >No articles Literal grug tier language >B-but kanji is hard Retard opinion. It's no different to learning vocabulary in any other language. If you can remember the names of hundreds of Pokémon you can manage this <|endoftext|> yeah nice reading comprehension grug, not what I said at all is it on your bike <|endoftext|> literally nobody has claimed that. and its more like the opposite. Menas and west asians look grug tier without euro admixture <|endoftext|> > Romance languages have nothing in common with Latin, it would be grug-tier gibberish to ancient Romans Any Romance speaker can learn to read classical Latin in a few weeks by learning the case system and a few verb conjugations. Many of the words are the same, or at least the root words were preserved. Even English speakers have an easier time reading Latin than their own language from 1000 years ago lmao. Meanwhile in Old English: > Hæt! Gr-Dena in er-dagum, þod-cyninga, þrym efrnon <|endoftext|> in that pic yeah. She's got a cute kinda grug-like look when she isn't dressed like that <|endoftext|> in barbarian proto-societies men constantly have to posture to present themselves as resourceful, if grug give copper for everyone food grug biggest man, grug warlord, grug chief! <|endoftext|> Grug-tier language <|endoftext|> Total war: warhammer >vou jogar com a facção "Peles verdes >São violentos,burros, estão sempre brigando além de terem tropas super merdas e a moeda deles são dentes deles mesmos e comem qualquer coisa, moram um uma região seca e desertica >o diálogo deles no jogo é parecido como nordestinos falam exemplo " Tropa duz rapazizz, Orc gramdauns, sou ô mió dece pedaso, grug o quebra piscosu" O que os desenvolvedores quiseram dizer com isso <|endoftext|> >no democracy is based you have to let millions of low iq people topple your scientific super power union for mcdonalds and western brands. Just let the degenerate people go through the wall and whine there are no cheap poison mcdonalds food here!!!! Healthcare is super overrated I would eat carcinogenic gmo food. Why would you risk throwing away your powerful union for retards who will risk their lives for a wendy's hamburger? Keeping those degenerates from fucking up everything by building a wall is based, and what centrally planned governments should do to protect their nations from toxic american influence. >completely topple the super power union for bickering poor rump states enslaved by the west because some retards would rather eat mcdonalds than have a functioning society. Fact thousands of people are dying in brothers wars because they got rid of based world communist union for grug nationalism and free markets. <|endoftext|> Every race that ever interacted with them ended disgusted, our only problem was trying to civilize them, they are worse than groids by far. Japanese in Peru, Frenchs in Mexico, British in North America and even fucking arabs, Bukele who has arabic ancestry is doing what Spain didn't, cleaning the continent of paleolithic-tier grug people indirectly since all the gangsters are natives. <|endoftext|> englannissakin tuohan on myös usein vammasuuden piirre. esim joku luolamies joka puhuu grug like rock <|endoftext|> >be Grug 100000BC >hunt mammoths all day >no gf >make statuettes of your perfect woman <|endoftext|> At the risk of missing the shot I'm going to be a grug and take the system completely at face value. <|endoftext|> Based ice grug <|endoftext|> its easy for someone to uncover your facebook profile if you click on a strawpoll . if you are grug brained enough to fill out a strawpoll its no surprise you get doxed though <|endoftext|> Vrai homme marche pieds bus, grug! <|endoftext|> The greeks, jews and the persians thought latin was an ugly grug tier language at first contact. <|endoftext|> no the reason it's grug tier >no cases >no neuter gender <|endoftext|> > nooo modern Romance languages would sound like grug-tier gibberish to an ancient Roman, you bastardized the language you have NOTHING in common with ancient Latin The only reason you regard Latin with prestige is because of the popularity of the Romance languages that replaced it, and because it's now a dead language. If Romance languages had been replaced by non-Latin languages, no one would care about Latin. Or, if classical Latin was still the lingua franca of Europe today, you would treat Latin as any other language. Seething about how Romance languages replaced Latin is the sign of a midwit incapable of introspection and self-reflection. <|endoftext|> Sorry did my post get lost in translation? Let me try again, for the boys held back in primary here on /brit/. Bird cheb not very happy big boner make grug not ejaculate Capeesh???? <|endoftext|> adriana lima and a balcan grug <|endoftext|> Tribes beyond the great lake speak weird language, Grug doesn't understand them. It all looks the same for Grug. Really makes Grug think. <|endoftext|> >one life >born grug feelgood <|endoftext|> mira negro, te voy a dar la redpill final para el estatus social. el estatus social de un hombre en la especie de homo sapiens, desde la invencion de la agricultura y desde que los judios se apoderaron del planeta hace 8000 mil años, DEPENDE SI O SI y SOLAMENTE de cuan util es usted como hombre a su grupo. Sos autista, pero sos el que mas pescados coge del pueblo? Las minas te chupan la pija. Sos autista, pero sos el que corre mas rapido y tiene mejor punteria para cazar el mejor ciervo en el bosque para la tribu? Las minas te chupan la pija. Sos el que hace los vasos mas bonitos de cobre y basicamente te chupan la pija todos los nobles de tu reino porque quieren tus vasos? Todas las cortesanas se mojan por vos. Sos autista, pero sos el mejor guerrero que puede matar goliaths? Las minas te chupan la pija. Sos autista, pero sos el que corre mas rapido en las olimpiadas griegas y ganas las medallas del reino. Las minas te chupan la pija. Sos autista, pero sos el mejor bardo en kilometros a la redonda y los bares se pelean por vos. Todas las minas te van a chupar la pija. Y asi, por miles de años desde que grug uso una piedra para afilar una lanza y tirarsela a un oso en la cavernas. <|endoftext|> Je suis pas sûr de bien comprendre mais la salle où je vais est tournée haltéro/powerlifting donc les gens s’en foutent Je suis loin de me faire chier à la salle et je mange pas 6 fois par jour. >GRUG SOULÈVE CAILLOU LOURD Oui. <|endoftext|> A quoi ça sert de se faire chier comme ça à la salle ? Je demande sérieusement. Un ancien collègue passait limite son temps à peser sa bouffe et faire 6 repas par jour avec 28,7g de protéines. Je veux dire, quelle est la plus value à part >GRUG SOULEVER FONTE DE PLUS EN PLUS LOURD <|endoftext|> I must confess I tackled Icelandic expecting some kind of "Viking Grug" language, manly (or rather, beastly) but with little or no grammar, since it was claimed it was the closest language to Old Norse. Boy was I surprised (and delighted). <|endoftext|> Grug is alright, Chudjak and Norf FC too. Fuck the wojak, the female ones and the -oomer shit THOUGH <|endoftext|> If she's over 14: ignore. If she's under 14: bonk her over the head with my autist strength and go full grug on her cunny. <|endoftext|> Grug was strong, carrying these rocks doesn't seem very easy. <|endoftext|> VGH THE GRUG HOBBY <|endoftext|> Grug want twinka to make boom boom with <|endoftext|> Chinese grammar is even more grug tier than English, theirs no infection so ideographs are much more efficient to read. <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> cherche pas abruti, on est tous conscient d'être en mode >Grug aimer equipe des fourrures marrons <|endoftext|> >DURG! GURG! GRUG BLUERG! I know you're trying to mock him, but that's just how Icelandic sounds anyway. <|endoftext|> >DURG! GURG! GRUG NO UNDERSTAND! BLUERG! <|endoftext|> to fuck women be grug simple as <|endoftext|> >overcomplicate Grug crosses borders grug shows passport. Nothing complicated. >for the sake of National interest <|endoftext|> nieza próba moryc, przepychanie chemii jako dobrej alternatywy dla innej chemii. Tylko naturalne rodki tutaj, soce woda i kalistenika a nie ydowskie siownie (pacenie za wejcie do jaskini xdddd gupi grug) <|endoftext|> Definitely not No human language is grug, because you can express everything in them Different languages just have different "stats", and what Polish does poorly English might be doing great and vice versa I guess I prefer Polish personally, because hearing my mother language makes me feel proud and good, but it's not more expressive than any other languages. <|endoftext|> does it sound like a grug language to you? <|endoftext|> I want to be grug live in forest hunt animals sit by fire <|endoftext|> Low IQ caveman mentality >ooga booga grug like shiny >shiny good <|endoftext|> i had a job that had a lot of deaf people at it and one of the deaf girls looked exactly like this. she loved talking to me we were sort of friends but i liked to make fun of her behind her back. she also kind of looked like this grug meme. <|endoftext|> If grug grugson didn't invent counting in 10000BC kepler would be up shit creek without a paddle so all achievements ever belong to grug <|endoftext|> why is russian such a grug language? <|endoftext|> jag är ett fysiskt perfekt stort långt och friskt exemplar så hade nog varit en bra Unga Bunga Grug och ätit många djur och snu-snuat många gruginas. Istället är jag en fet löneslav utan någon passion överhuvudtaget <|endoftext|> pig tribe throw rocks at monke tribe grogillion grugs dead grug hate pig tribe pig tribe will pay pig tribe and monke tribe same tribe <|endoftext|> grug bigcock says smash smash <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> >I is Grug >Grob is not Grug, that mean Grob is devious >must kill Grob <|endoftext|> Christianity is good for Grug's tribe. That's why Christ-Grugs conquered the world, and pagan grugs were burned as heretics. <|endoftext|> >The problem with pagans is that they don't acknowledge morality. Yes, morality is what's good for Grug's tribe. If by saving Europe I had to shoot some Mexican kids in the head, I'd do it without hesitation. Vedas/Voluspa doesn't mention any human sacrifice rituals. There are Romans and Greeks accusing Celts of burning criminals like murderers though. <|endoftext|> You dont have a point. You’re just grug brained ”hurr africans have 7 kids we must have 10 kids to win” <|endoftext|> grug no like science science tell grug no make baby with sister <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> >I will break it down and correct it. >>Vagina has never been gazed upon >Nonsense. She just has to be a virgin with no sexual experience with men, or a widow that lost her virginity to her late husband. >>somehow into kinky stuff >She should have an interest in sex. It is healthy for humans to want to have sex, and even to have a couple kinks. It is unhealthy to wantonly indulge in these desires as whores and whoremongers do. >>Refuses to make eye contact with non-whites >Nonsense. She should have racial in-group preference and not suffer from egalitarian brain rot, of course. >>must be 9/10 >She should be equal to me in looks. >>Has never spoken to another man besides her father >Nonsense. I have no issue with my future wife having male friends. This is a classic strawman used against virtue enjoyers. >>interest in racial crime stats >I don't want that. Those people are kinda spergs. That data is good to digest and understand, but an intuitive or "grug" understanding of out-groups is preferable. >>interest in political theory >No, women shouldn't care about politics. They should be interested in babies, baking, puppies, etc >>must be based and redpilled >Yes. >>must be spitting image of his conception of trad >She just has to be a normal person. I mean that in a perennial sense. An obese freak with dyed hair is out of the question, obviously. >>must have a fat ass and big titties >The most beautiful body belongs to the person you love. I generally focus on the face, but I like boobs and asses of all healthy sizes. >>accepting of vidya 6-7 hours daily >Of course not. A man with a woman and children has no need for vidya to such an extent. A man who indulges to that degree due to loneliness is not someone to be hated, but rather we should help him pursue a better path where he may find a wife. >>wants a gf without bettering himself >Nonsense. >>wardrobe consists of modest attire >Yes. I prefer that, but her owning jeans and t-shirts is not a deal breaker. <|endoftext|> I will break it down and correct it. >Vagina has never been gazed upon Nonsense. She just has to be a virgin with no sexual experience with men, or a widow that lost her virginity to her late husband. >somehow into kinky stuff She should have an interest in sex. It is healthy for humans to want to have sex, and even to have a couple kinks. It is unhealthy to wantonly indulge in these desires as whores and whoremongers do. >Refuses to make eye contact with non-whites Nonsense. She should have racial in-group preference and not suffer from egalitarian brain rot, of course. >must be 9/10 She should be equal to me in looks. >Has never spoken to another man besides her father Nonsense. I have no issue with my future wife having male friends. This is a classic strawman used against virtue enjoyers. >interest in racial crime stats I don't want that. Those people are kinda spergs. That data is good to digest and understand, but an intuitive or "grug" understanding of out-groups is preferable. >interest in political theory No, women shouldn't care about politics. They should be interested in babies, baking, puppies, etc >must be based and redpilled Yes. >must be spitting image of his conception of trad She just has to be a normal person. I mean that in a perennial sense. An obese freak with dyed hair is out of the question, obviously. >must have a fat ass and big titties The most beautiful body belongs to the person you love. I generally focus on the face, but I like boobs and asses of all healthy sizes. >accepting of vidya 6-7 hours daily Of course not. A man with a woman and children has no need for vidya to such an extent. A man who indulges to that degree due to loneliness is not someone to be hated, but rather we should help him pursue a better path where he may find a wife. >wants a gf without bettering himself Nonsense. >wardrobe consists of modest attire Yes. I prefer that, but her owning jeans and t-shirts is not a deal breaker. <|endoftext|> Their military is totally different, let's be honest. Idk how true it is but we consider them too grug to be an existential threat a la China which just seems to own is by not sperging out and slurping the geopolitical dip in every situation. Conversely we seem to be engaging in the Win Lo style of foreign policy. Osan? <|endoftext|> I’m a intellectually enlightened businessman. A lover of women, in all shapes and sizes. I’m not into that grr grug angry mano e mano violence. Keep my name out your mouth if that’s coolio with you, ya dig, sucka? <|endoftext|> >flashlight grug tier >sidewalk ug tier <|endoftext|> Do you have a mortar and pestle? That’s the medieval grug’s food processor. <|endoftext|> grug barely speak one <|endoftext|> >grug <|endoftext|> uga buga grug dobry brug zy grug chcie zabi brug uga buga <|endoftext|> Grug wanna smash <|endoftext|> big tits women exist in every country mr grug <|endoftext|> My mates complain that people use too many big words to describe things Proper grug tier idiots <|endoftext|> English is a mish-mash grug-tier language. Even if you can't speak it correctly everyone still will understand you. <|endoftext|> >be 8-9 years old >play cs 1.6 >has default name, which is 'Player' >join random server >admin changes it to 'unnamed' >spell it like a barbarian grug "OONAAMED" >sounds cool for some reason >stick with it for a few years until after extensive grugging communication with other players aided by only a romanian to english dictionary, I manage to get from 0 to caveman english skills and only then I realise what that nickname actually meant and I change it to, hold your breath, 'domestos' <|endoftext|> dudes straight up Grug warriormode <|endoftext|> Magnus ser så Neanderthaler ut >UNGA BUNGA GRUG TIL E4 <|endoftext|> tagalog is literally grug language bruh <|endoftext|> Portuguese. Spanish is grug tier and only has five vowels while Portuguese has 12. Also Portuguese is more musical, in Spanish the words sound like they’re being firing out machine gun with no subtlety or grace at all. <|endoftext|> >getting their wallet out BASED Real men take what they want whenever they want, and punch in the face anyone asking them for money, grug grug <|endoftext|> >neighbor tribe people bad! >why? >grug know history! >history say neighbor tribe fight grug tribe! >neighbor tribe people bad! <|endoftext|> >importing 4ners to do the jobs is just a way to fix overeducation by adding in artificial lower rungs of underclass to the society and it's totally unsustainable Idiot. Having grug jobs done for higher cost is less efficient. Why spend £100 on tiling when i can spend £50 for the same job. Has nothing to do with class or overeducation, purely down to costs and econonic efficency. >if you advocate for more houses to be build but don't advocate to curb population growth from mass migration you're a lunatic Migration doesn't have to be permanent, especially not grug-work migration. Temporary housing != permanent housing >why america has better wages America has better wages because its a huge market, it has fuck loads of natural resources, its very innovative (thanks to skimming the most highly skilled people from the rest of the world) You realise america has 10s of millions of illegals working cash in hand? I don't agree with overeducation. I do agree that people have not been taught useful education. The UK's maths a d programming skills are lacking, but thats a curriculum issue and that doesn't mean i should pay deano twice as much for some grug work as stanislaw <|endoftext|> Literal grug language <|endoftext|> >but it makes english look like a grug language when I compare it to my own sometimes Yeah, it makes it endearing in a way. <|endoftext|> yup, that's literally it and it's BASED, but it makes english look like a grug language when I compare it to my own sometimes <|endoftext|> grug crush infidel with rock <|endoftext|> Vrouwelijke grug is gewoon based <|endoftext|> American essays are grug tier when you're used to dissertations. I dont miss doing that at all <|endoftext|> Grug start war Grug losing war Grug use BIG BOMB! <|endoftext|> Grug start war Grug losing war Grug use BIG BOMB! <|endoftext|> the language itself is so redundantly invested in how to show who's higher in a hierarchy and who's not. english looks like a mathmatical formula in comparison to this grug speak <|endoftext|> grug language <|endoftext|> Grug wil bier <|endoftext|> >160030092 Filthy African monkey sub-ape grug-brain w/ sub-sahran temperature IQ Arabized caveman with no culture nor history prior to the Arabic one. Truly an existence worth of being perished. . I don't have time to waste looking anything "", I wish you sub-filth can do the same and stop obsessing over what Arabs think about you. <|endoftext|> >those big aks scare me >we didn't give em secrets of SVD and they go full Grug mod with BIG AK BIG BOOLET LONG BARREL SHOOT FAR These long full power 7.62x51 chambered AK derivatives are actually based on the RPK IIRC. The mass and weight of the bigger Valmets actually mitigate much of the expected kick. They shoot way softer than expected. Real Dragunovs are overpriced like crazy here. <|endoftext|> HK meme is strong and i doubt on Italy's ARX look too bulky those big aks scare me we didn't give em secrets of SVD and they go full Grug mod with BIG AK BIG BOOLET LONG BARREL SHOOT FAR i'll bet money nothing will be adopted also it looks like Tau gun <|endoftext|> quale termine grug non capire? <|endoftext|> ok grug <|endoftext|> i have blue eyes but i also have a pronounced eye brow ridge that gives me that grug neanderthal look..not feminine... <|endoftext|> grug need gene get smarter <|endoftext|> >grug want sex with other tribe woman >make grug strong <|endoftext|> >WTF thought it was a good idea to eat snails, monkfish, crabs for the first time? >Grug hungry >Grug would eat LITERALLY anything >Grug see snail >Grug eat snail rinse and repeat, until Grug eats something that kills him, so he's now an example of what should not be eaten the piss egg for example probably came as some "medicine" by the local shaman, until it became a trend of rich people also, when you are living in the 1000's and have a fortune, there's not much you can do at some point than eating exotic shit to show off how rich and well set you are <|endoftext|> It’s not very difficult to get small chain carbon like methane or ethanol from stuff like food waste, agro crop or home compost heaps, or even livestock shit. Then from there, it’s not impossible to pull some alchemy type shit and synthesize just about anything. Assuming science and technology substantially improve in the far future where we’re out of fossil fuels (prob centuries away) then it should be a non-issue. Or, the more likely prospect is just that civilization collapses, people go back to grug mode, and the low hanging fruit resources have all been extracted so there’s no way to bootstrap civilization again. <|endoftext|> >Grug tribe strong. Grug bash white tribe <|endoftext|> >douglas murray Ah yes the homosexual but christian man who repeats grug tier conservative talking points in an elegant accent <|endoftext|> >uga buga grug nie lubi grug rozjeba <|endoftext|> Why is English such a grug language? This is pathetic <|endoftext|> >indo european speaker calling anyone cave man If you would write finnish with indo-european grammar you will sound like grug <|endoftext|> >Ugh grugge inte tycka om när grug banka mig i huvudet, varför kan inte grug vara snäll <|endoftext|> >>ugh grug inte gilla att grogg folket bor i grotta mitt emot och dyrka björntass istället för det heliga älghuvudet, Grugg måste klubba dom Enkelt som <|endoftext|> Information density over complexity to describe things. Might be good for warfare and other grug stuff to say short stuff and much information. There's a reason why estonian are beating up every up their indo-european speakers at every level Indo-europeans dont realize how restrictive their language is when it comes to describing stuff <|endoftext|> >ugh grug inte gilla att grogg folket bor i grotta mitt emot och dyrka björntass istället för det heliga älghuvudet, Grugg måste klubba dom ja jäklar vad produktivt <|endoftext|> >Grug used fire stolen from ugg to bed best breading female Welcome to the human race. Enjoy your stay <|endoftext|> özenti deilim + z kua deilim krmz haplandm sadece tc için en iyi ey anadolu kraliyeti gibi anayasal monari+eyaletlere bölünmek+serbest ticaret ve ekonomi + bireysel silahlanma+ denizci bir kavim olmak ve anglo ülkeleri ile ittifak istatistiklere bak en çok türkler kullanyo sosyal medyay ve seri sçyolar içerikleri çöpün çöpü çou konumay bilmeyen grug zeka seviyesi hayvan gibi insanlar hastaneye gidiyon kan alcak hemirenin elinde telefon eve tamirci çaryon elinde telefon maazaya giriyon satçnn elinde telefon brakmyolar maymun gibi ayn <|endoftext|> Nog högt för att lida men för lågt för att göra något av mitt liv. Hade hellre varit grug-conny. Är typ 50/50 att man måste göra det för kneg som cuckenjör, cuckonom eller management men klart man inte behöver för vanliga kneg <|endoftext|> You would physically assault your work colleagues if they told you to fuck off after you saying the same dumb joke for the tenth time? Thats the implication isn't it. Grug beat up old man when he doesnt play along. You sound pretty pathetic dude <|endoftext|> grug tier language <|endoftext|> Analytic languages like English are literally grug tier creoles that anyone can learn with ease >It has been argued that analytic grammatical structures are easier for adultslearning a foreign language. Consequently, a larger proportion of non-native speakers learning a language over the course of its historical development may lead to a simpler morphology, as the preferences of adult learners get passed on to second generation native speakers. This is especially noticeable in the grammar ofcreole languages. A 2010 paper inPLOS ONEsuggests that evidence for this hypothesis can be seen in correlations between morphological complexity and factors such as the number of speakers of a language, geographic spread, and the degree of inter-linguistic contact <|endoftext|> Tribe elder Little Bush say sand tribe collapse tribe cave with fire sticks Grug do math, does not add Grug no believe fire stick able to collapse cave Grug think tribe elder maybe not telling truth Tribe senior Rumdum say tribe lose many berry day before, now whole tribe forget Try explain but other tribe members say grug kookoo <|endoftext|> butthurt indoeuropeons speak grug language, fucking spastics <|endoftext|> do they sound like grug memes in spanish? <|endoftext|> Actually night and day. Chinese grammar is almost like sounding grug. <|endoftext|> literally grug tier <|endoftext|> Aye because there’s more to it than grug plant brick or grug plaster wall. Me da was a sparkoid <|endoftext|> >have seksiä sisään sauna indo-european languages really sounds like grug <|endoftext|> No, that would be Grug. We aren't fond of Grug deniers here. <|endoftext|> Which natives? Mayans and some Andeans were legitimately better of then some Euros in many ways. Mayans were unironically more literate than Europe at the time. Brazilian jungle natives were grug tier. Peruvian natives actually have a higher average IQ than Brazil too. <|endoftext|> I mean the non-image board internet fucking blows I reckon I’m either here forever or I give up on the internet entirely and go grug mode <|endoftext|> GRUG HOUDT VAN FOEBAL GRUG MAAKT AUTOS KAPOT EN STEEK ZE IN DE FIK OEGA BOEGA GRUG COOL VLAG MET LETTERS <|endoftext|> no it’s actually based >grug in my tribe kill 50 mammoth, why grug in your tribe so weak? tribalism exists everywhere; in sports, schools, unis, between races, countries, cities and towns I don’t see any reason why anons shouldn’t fling a bit of shit at each other based on how many inventions come from their country, especially as international shitflinging is such a core part of the /int/ experience <|endoftext|> *whacks you with a big wooden club* ugg grug <|endoftext|> Grug säga stornässtammen ligga bakom <|endoftext|> Grug won. Grug will pro player fast. <|endoftext|> Grug feels bored. Chess cancelled. Grug play mobile legend. <|endoftext|> isn't Putin a grug orthodox larper? <|endoftext|> Soja yoga Grug, ben jij het? Eet vlees en ga heffen <|endoftext|> grug bump <|endoftext|> me grug <|endoftext|> >king grug <|endoftext|> Don't need lessons for your elementary school tier language Grug <|endoftext|> >grug smash <|endoftext|> grug were coomers? <|endoftext|> grug thinks you is right <|endoftext|> Yeah but you are forgetting the billion grug tier Muslims and hindi orcs <|endoftext|> Muslims are low iq inbred mongs. Islam is a beautiful religion corrupted by grug tier retards <|endoftext|> Mexico probably will unironically be first world within the next two decades. I still think Mexico will have more violence and corruption than much of the first world but I definitely think overall their become firstie in terms of income and development. The still remaining grug tier regarding social discourse might not even be a bad thing long term as it could ultimately hold them back from becoming a totally sòy country like most of the first world. Their main cities are already firstie. <|endoftext|> >grug already discover fire >is there anything left that hasn't been done? <|endoftext|> >Even the story of God tells a tale of how he learned to stop giving a fuck and eventually just told us to handle our own damn selves because he was so disgusted with us to handle us directly. Not sure I follow you on that one >In my opinion, abortion IS baby killing, and the pretense of quantifying human life is a sad cope by the modern cattle. >Also, I think that abortion is a GOOD THING. So basically your argument is that it's better to die than to be born into a world that doesn't care about you? >Not in a million years could you get the average grug and stacy to think of sex like you do, so abortions are necessary. Yes but there was a time when most people thought this way about pregnancy. It's not that I plan on convincing everybody though, it's that I don't believe in compromising belief because it's not attainable. >Life isn't sacred, if it was we should all be put to death for causing the ongoing mass extinction of every living thing that's not us. That's the thing tho, life is sacred and every one of us deserves the death sentence. It's that fact that we're all equally evil by nature which compels us to treat each other as equals and withhold judgment. <|endoftext|> Yes evil is evil and humanity is plenty evil. Even the story of God tells a tale of how he learned to stop giving a fuck and eventually just told us to handle our own damn selves because he was so disgusted with us to handle us directly. In my opinion, abortion IS baby killing, and the pretense of quantifying human life is a sad cope by the modern cattle. Also, I think that abortion is a GOOD THING. Not in a million years could you get the average grug and stacy to think of sex like you do, so abortions are necessary. Life isn't sacred, if it was we should all be put to death for causing the ongoing mass extinction of every living thing that's not us. <|endoftext|> >mmmm grug like booba make willy feel good aaaaaa >whoops haha how'd that pregnancy get there let's just kill that little fella so I don't have to live with the consequences of my actions lol <|endoftext|> i bet it's comparable to that thing about tribal grug warfare, where they have mock battles to determine a victor, but they generally don't use serious force so that everyone is able to go home at the end of the day. a relatively risk-free dominance hierarchy ritual, because those lower on the hierarchy are not willing to resort to dirty or dangerous tactics to overcome their masters <|endoftext|> >Elaborate I'm pretty sure the old man was 100 years old, couldn't hear properly, and had no idea of what English was. Our kids, by instinct, went primitive grug mode and did everything retarded that was possible to do. He left just one week in, the next teacher, despite being younger, left after two months. Then they got a guy who called one of the most notorious clown classes "motherfucker" while recording his retardation beforehand - in secrecy, of course. All the classes went silent and things got back to "normal". One time one of the kids in the next class drew Bayern Munich logo and wrote inside it "fuck your mother, sir" but the poor old guy had no idea. <|endoftext|> i cannot take brits seriously because of their accent, either sounds grug tier or pompous cunt tier <|endoftext|> >Thoughts? no blood in brain anymore.. must talk like grug <|endoftext|> >toil >woes >reviewbrah >hatposting >pintman >grug >corbyn all solid gimmicks, compared to the crap we get today <|endoftext|> Beaux triples, Grug <|endoftext|> it's literally grug english, unbearable when you have to suffer it for some time <|endoftext|> >ooga booga country grug so great no one is allowed to hate it. Cope mamadou <|endoftext|> By that I mean Old English sounds like Grug talk that isn't even remotely close to the English language. Middle English at least sounds like Modern English spoken by someone who is extremely drunk and slurring their words. <|endoftext|> grug veut copule <|endoftext|> grug like shiny fings <|endoftext|> >big puppet dance >grug like <|endoftext|> How grug learn Japanese please <|endoftext|> English is grug language so very easy to think in for stupid people >ooga booga me hungry, me get food. ethnoid give food. now me happy, me go home. save queen. <|endoftext|> grug moment <|endoftext|> Decent tier >Spanish, Italian, Serbian, Bulgarian Meh tier >English, Portuguese Annoying gargling tier >all other Germanic ones, French Gay femboy twink tier >Polish, East Slavs Grug ouga bouga tier >Hungarian <|endoftext|> muslims be like EVERYTHING IN IZLAM IS TURTH GOY INCLUDING THE PART WHERE HE SPLIT THE MOON!!!! what's that you're questioning the izlomic science!?!?!?!?!! TIME TO DIE APOSTATE!!!!!! islam is a grug tier religion <|endoftext|> grug musie rzecz grugina musie inna rzecz uga buga <|endoftext|> better than grug "essence" kek <|endoftext|> Russian men are grug tier <|endoftext|> je suis très grug dans la vraie vie aussi apprécier le rire de toute façon <|endoftext|> Rien de personnel anon, mais ton post faisait très grug en français <|endoftext|> pero era tremendo perderdor te lo juro que parecia el grug personificado el chino. Quiza es de mucha plata o trabaja en tecnologia o algo <|endoftext|> Grug oglda Trog co rysuje mamuty na cianie i dawa mu za za to muszelki Trog rysowa wicej mamutów a Grog mu dawa wicej muszelek <|endoftext|> >hurr durr me like shiny rocks alri grug , anything else to post? <|endoftext|> paleocervello essere tipo GRUG SCOPA neocervello essere tipo IO VOTO PD paleocervello + neocervello = ?????? <|endoftext|> grug approved <|endoftext|> >Yeah like i said it just make the language unnecessarily complicated. How is it any more complicated than adpositions of English? You still have to know the meaning of the preposition, all that's different with a case (as long is it's regular) is that it's a suffix instead of a separate word. >Btw mandarin chinese grammar is literally grug tier. If it wasnt for their writing system i think it would be much more widely spread language You ready to learn tones? <|endoftext|> Yeah like i said it just make the language unnecessarily complicated. That's even more the case in Finnish I suppose since it doesnt really have many strict grammar rules. It's mostly about the context Btw mandarin chinese grammar is literally grug tier. If it wasnt for their writing system i think it would be much more widely spread language. At least more people would learn it <|endoftext|> >Why did light eyes became desirable in the first place? "Grug like womyn with eye that look like sky Grug sexsexsex boomboomboom with sky eyes womyn" <|endoftext|> >grug trust grog to secure mammoth meat? grug have many head demons <|endoftext|> E o intrebare destul de personala, Grug. Dar nu sunt bogat ^_^' Care-i baiu? <|endoftext|> grug pamita jak wyj z jaskinia na praga i plemie bruga napa na grug <|endoftext|> Grug think make good wife Good width Big Bunda Many children <|endoftext|> Nacionalizam je najgora moguca verzija pecinskog grug mrzi drugo pleme umnog virusa.Ratovi se ne mjenjaju idalje su ovaj lord se tuce sa onim, samo sad to ima i nacionalni aspekt gdje individualne pobjede u proslosti se pripisuju svima kao i porazi pa se onda gomilaju kompleksi iz tog. Pisa mi se vise od nacionalnih interesa,sfera uticaja,ako si ti to sta sam ja drkanja, jebenih vjera,afera, skandala entiteskih linja i dzepova BAVITE SE NECIM DRUGIM OCA VAM JEBEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> Ugg grug you post silly <|endoftext|> Well I'm low IQ and I'm here. Me is grug on the left. <|endoftext|> >no you cant just use words that are unfamiliar to me, a man with a grug brain and severely lacking education. that makes you a pseud!!!!! >:( <|endoftext|> >human brain sees the letters p, s, i in word used in succesion >haha grug think this means sex related thing Why it's ok! <|endoftext|> Nice woman, grug like it! <|endoftext|> îmi place s beau acas, dup asta la doublebeer i draft mcar grug fericit <|endoftext|> E voce de Grug >Grug iese din peter >Grug vzut pmânt >Grug gsit butelc de vin >Grug ccat la pmânt >"Asta......este.......cernoo.......ziommmmmmmm" <|endoftext|> Det är grug som vill tävla,precis som man gjorde på stenåldern <|endoftext|> grug tilt grote steen op tot grug niet meer donkere hoofdwolken heeft <|endoftext|> used to climb up a tree then shit out of it kino method, like grug used to ancient knowledge - lost <|endoftext|> >og Grug tier <|endoftext|> Big behind means she is fertile and Grug want strong children so Grug likes big behind! Grug also like big chest because plenty milk to make strong offspring <|endoftext|> >It was cyrillic, mate. What the point in cyrillic script now? >It was latin, mate. What the point in latin script now? >It was chinese, mate. What the point in chinese script now? >It was indian, mate. What the point in indian script now? ... >grug don't understand this pictures <|endoftext|> No Indians are the Dunmer. Hlaalu = Gujaratis/Marwaris/Malayalis, led by Patels who are the living Indian versions of all the anti-semitic things you've ever heard about Jews but 100% true Redoran = All your Indo-Gangetic plainspeople, led by Jatts in easily being the most grug tier despite the veneer of civilization Telvanni = Bengalis/Tamils/Telugus, led by Brahmins (esp. Tambrams and Bengali Brahmins for that extra religious autism) <|endoftext|> >grug read many letters on big paper, grug smart Japanese comic books aren't real books by the way. <|endoftext|> used to play dota at ~5k mmr, now in league bc i didn't like being alone in every game, everyone here plays LOL i main urgot because i enjoyed ogre magi grug tier gameplay while watching YT arcane was pretty meh though, i don't get the hype - act 3 was exceptionally annoying with all that sequel bait <|endoftext|> Ugh, grug brain hurt... say a lot about grugciety... <|endoftext|> The next person who makes a completely asinine and grug-tier comment that betrays their simplistic and retarded view of America such as “DURRRRRR America is good if you’re rich but shit if you’re poor!” is getting one of these straight to their noggin simple as <|endoftext|> English is the easiest language out there. Grug tier idiom. <|endoftext|> >Could someone who learns one language learn the others quickly/easily? Most likely, yes. And no, if you're going to put that effort into it, it doesn't matter which one you start with. While all the languages follow the same formula, they can all be very idiomatically different. The notion that Norwegian is a magical middle ground is a load of shit (unless you, personally, for some reason, find it to be a magical middle ground). You could prolly speedrun all of them anyway though, since they're so grug-tier. <|endoftext|> >but using violence against women is an admission of weakness. Quite the opposite, just soijacks in western countries (you) believe women are princesses and not big children. If you give women rights they will lobby themselves to the top as they have a gender concience and will inevitably drive any serious project to the ground. >Imagine being so grug brained that you can't beat women at their own mind games But you haven't retard. Every year they lobby together to destroy your rights and enslave you so they can get free money and rights and you do nothing about it. What a pathetic piece of shit you are, I hope that a roastie sues you for made up shit and you go to jail. All civilizations have been strong patriarchies and there is a very GOOD reason for that. Men are thinkers, philosophers, builders, musicians, warriors, engineers and sailors, women are desinged to only think about reproduction and how to get the best value possible at the lowest effort as they can't compete in an open market against men. When China inevitably BTFOs your crumbling country with a strong patriarchy I hope it is a wake up call for the rest of the world <|endoftext|> i've had 3 solid relationships at this point, i can gladly tell you that women are a bit vapid and more thrillseeking nowadays (which is personally something I'd rather have than a sex doll that cooks and cleans; you know, a real person) but using violence against women is an admission of weakness. Imagine being so grug brained that you can't beat women at their own mind games and instead have to hit her to keep her in line, souring relations between you too. Fuck abusers, they're physically and mentally weak and I have zero respect for em. <|endoftext|> Despite being poorfags we give a lot of money to help others. Indians are grugs. They see fellow grug in trouble and think it's their duty to help them. Typically passively, like giving money or food. <|endoftext|> world changed and rules became more complex so it's not big grug smash small gruggerino but it's still survival of the fittest <|endoftext|> grug by mczyzna <|endoftext|> I don't think he's a grug-slav, more of a merchant-slav <|endoftext|> i grug, signori <|endoftext|> All the dumb grug words in English are Germanic and all the complex and sophisticated words are Latinx <|endoftext|> ciao grug <|endoftext|> Those cases for the most part are memes as is the meme about finno-ugric languages being hard. The great thing about finno-ugric languages is that there's no strict grammar rules. Even if you dont know all the autistic cases you can still speak perfectly fine finnish even if it might sound grug tier it's still 100% correct. Cases in finno-ugric languages is just to describe shit more than actually necessary. <|endoftext|> Grug make fire with woods grugs bought from other grug fire good, fire make grug warm and forget pain <|endoftext|> Grug brain smal <|endoftext|> nothing its evolutionary thing those who resisted got hit by grug with a rock those didnt survived and made babies <|endoftext|> I've heard it's useful for hunting in groups as well, because camouflage that works on normal people doesn't work on colourblind dudes, like they can't fool everyone in the grug tribe if certain individuals see differently <|endoftext|> >implying that you actually need to know English in order to people understand you Grug-tier mish-mash language. <|endoftext|> >Okrug Grug like Okrug <|endoftext|> >implying that criminals commit crimes because they’re just “inherently bad” and that criminality has absolutely nothing to do with the complex mixture of bad circumstances criminals were born into and grew up in God I fucking hate conservatives. If you were born in a shithole inner city in a poor, fatherless family, you would have turned out exactly the same way as the people you condemn to incarceration did. The focus should be on rehabilitation, not punishment. >inb4 some braindead 80 IQ grug brain says “b-b-but what about this one axe murderer drug dealer serial rapist? Should he be rehabilitated? There are exceptions to every rule, moron. That doesn’t mean that the vast majority of cases don’t follow the rule. Get that through your thick fucking monkey skull. <|endoftext|> >The death penalty is based, cutting down on immigration is good literal 80 iq grug brain takes <|endoftext|> >Grug use stone to weigh thing <|endoftext|> Grug watched number videos on the magic box. Grug's head hurt. Grug thinks that the number wizards are evil. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Ya seem upset chamar, can't stop acting like subhuman? Light and sound make grug happy? <|endoftext|> ROK takes over north but keeps it as a separate autonomous territory without freedom of movement. Massively invest in it North, allow norks to come down south to do grug jobs, abandon ties w/ US and become a Chinese economic partner. <|endoftext|> Altmer are the eternal Anglo (who are the actual living embodiment of most of the anti-semitic stereotypes that people normally think of), meanwhile House Hlaalu leaders deadass speak the same way as some old Patel uncles I personally know. Hlaalu = Gujaratis/Marwaris/Malayalis, led by Patels who are the living Indian versions of all the anti-semitic things you've ever heard about Jews but 100% true Redoran = All your Indo-Gangetic plainspeople, led by Jatts in easily being the most grug tier despite the veneer of civilization Telvanni = Bengalis/Tamils/Telugus, led by Brahmins (esp. Tambrams and Bengali Brahmins for that extra religious autism) <|endoftext|> >t. from grug country <|endoftext|> but i and many other native speakers sound fine and not grug tier when speaking >inb4 le bri'ish norf meme <|endoftext|> >Who cares? You don't need to actually know English. It's a mish-mash grug idiom. <|endoftext|> Who cares? You don't need to actually know English. It's a mish-mash grug idiom. <|endoftext|> oonga boonga! grug want cunny! <|endoftext|> Is it common out there to use metric in day to day stuff like that? Thought America was still pretty much entirely imperial. I always just do grug measurements for that kind of thing >me 6 feet tall >thing tall as me >thing 6 feet tall Or >me foot one foot long >step X times >thing X foot long <|endoftext|> english is the most high IQ grug language >cases who is this cases? i have never heard of him >word order completely changes the meaning of the sentence btfoing ESLs non stop >articles one article to rule them all >word morphism bigly >glottal stops yes i am a glottal stop chad and most importantly, you are all forced to speak the eternal anglo grug language <|endoftext|> >anything remotely unconventional for my biased point of view >muh grug shit >not pronouncing half the vowels in the language and shifting them into "more relaxed" primeval grunts >perfectly fine :-) lmao where does having half of the language's vocabulary consisting of loan words rank on the "artificial trash" trait list btw? <|endoftext|> >prepositions are grug tier Um sweetie cases are merged apositions and similar to prepositions in nature <|endoftext|> Signs that your language is not an artificial utter trash tier: Grammar >has cases Reason: prepositions are grug tier, word morphism is for intellectuals only Note: some use of prepositions is allowed, but you should know that they're retarded Note: cases must apply to all or almost all non-auxiliary parts of speech >has a very loose word order - ANY-ANY-ANY or no more than 1 of them being fixed Reason: adherence to a strict word order is artificial and it affects the way you think >has no articles Reason: irrelevant for a real language where you can get the idea from context >has utilities for arbitrary word morphism Reason: this allows for a lot of creativity and expressiveness Phonology >all non-labial plosives are dental Reason: dental consonants are closer to the relaxed state of the tongue >vowel reductions for unstressed parts of the word Reason: it's natural to discard particularities when it's clear what word is it already >has only the picrelated vowel sounds, or something very close to them, not accounting for the reductions Reason: the mouth position when pronouncing these is relaxed and therefore most natural Note: rounded variants are bordering the retardation zone but are still accepted >has no nasal sounds, both consonants and vowels Reason: using the back of the tongue to produce a sound is unnatural and counter-intuitive Note: if there's a widespread enough accent/dialect that allows the front shift then it's ok, but you should know that those who don't are retarded >has no clicks, bops, pops, hops, skips, skrrras Reason: unnatural grug shit Note: glottal stops are allowed, but they're bordering the retardation zone >has less than half of its vowels unrounded Reason: while allowed, in excess create a very unnatural articulatory posture Writing >has a romanised way to write it Reason: international standard >has an alphabet or at least a syllabary Reason: necessary for being able to tell or guess the pronunciation of a word by just reading it <|endoftext|> Grug make big think <|endoftext|> reckon we can blame grug for WW1+2 considering he destroyed the snook village by rolling that boulder down a hill, when frankly nobody asked him to <|endoftext|> Imagine you’re Grug in 300,000 BC and your friend Ogg starts referring to the mud and Grugina as the same gender. You’d think he was insane. <|endoftext|> uga buga grug bi grug kopa <|endoftext|> Grug strong Grug punch rock Rock fly to space Grug sit on the rock before he punch it Grug happy <|endoftext|> what is Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug, the country <|endoftext|> Fuck no, it would sound like literal caveman grug speak <|endoftext|> >30 stone what the fuck kind of grug shit is this? <|endoftext|> >me shecow is 30 rocks >grug has a shecow is 30 rocks >thats more than pog shecow is 20 rocks <|endoftext|> Grug IQ <|endoftext|> grug seks <|endoftext|> grug coomer art <|endoftext|> >grug like big woman >grug builds holy place for big woman >grug says big rocks for big woman >big woman is not happy >big woman hits grug >grug learns how to say bad words >no more goat sacrifice from grug <|endoftext|> grug chcie samica <|endoftext|> Caveman grug screech <|endoftext|> grug vs il mondo dei superman sessualmente confusi e sì, faccio il tifo per grug <|endoftext|> the crazy thing is we can't even define what "nothing" is and how it differs fundamentally from nothing. human are limited apes with minds better suited to hitting grug with rock than these esoteric questions. <|endoftext|> Nordic 80IQ grug with a two handed sword/axe <|endoftext|> What's the biggest grug brain moment in your country ? Back in the cold War indian leader moraji desai literally called pakis and told them that we know about their nuclear program and was about to air strike/commando raid them as a result lot's of RAW agents died and pakis managed to develop their nukes and he claimed that he informed pakis because he wanted to de escalate the situation between the 2 countries Has any top ranking leaders from your country had any similar grug brain moments ? <|endoftext|> UNGA BUNGA GRUG WANT BUTT SNIFFY <|endoftext|> too much effort for grug grug go maccies <|endoftext|> can't be atxrf ho make anything grug want mcmuffin <|endoftext|> Do you think Grug knew that ? no, he ate the berries blindly and died. <|endoftext|> >Steam engine grug tier <|endoftext|> >investment into skills, training you can actualy invest more into native skills and so on if you're not wasting extra money paying for them to do grug tier jobs like picking fruit or packing boxes. >parental support a child takes 18-21 years of economic inactivity and education expeniture to get up to speed for prodcutivtiy an immigrant works the moment he gets here and gets deported the moment he stops <|endoftext|> not true Irish women literally look deano grug tier compared to an average Russian woman <|endoftext|> >The earliest known 4chan post written as the character Grug was submitted to the /tg/ board on July 29th, 2014. In the thread, several anonymous users submitted posts roleplaying a caveman character using Hulk speak (shown below, left). On October 16th, 2017, a user submitted an illustation of a caveman Wojak-like character along with a Hulk speak message joking about staying home with a dakimakura (shown below, right <|endoftext|> the very first grug was literally drawn on brit <|endoftext|> >he thinks Grug came from /brit/ it's a /tg/ meme. <|endoftext|> brit invented plenty of gimmicks grug is an unironic brit original gimmick the aberage thread is mostly nonsense but then the average thread lasts 20 minutes not 2 days its different strokes for different blokes but its utter cope to think britfeel has more variety <|endoftext|> Nä, kollektivavtalet förbjuder vedansvarig att låta Grug göra det, då de som vanligtvis samlar ved har förhandlat fram detta. <|endoftext|> >Grug du är besatt av demoner därför kan du inte utföra sysslor hos oss och vi måste tyvärr offra dig som en syndabock för våra gudars skull <|endoftext|> finns alltid nåt att göra. Grug kan väl gå och samla ved eller liknande <|endoftext|> >Tyvärr Grug, men vi andra har redan gjort klart alla sysslor som fanns att göra och kan inte hitta någon syssla åt dig, och trotts att det finns mat och boplats nog för att räcka till alla, så måste du svälta ihjäl då du inte har gjort dig förtjänt av att ta del av allt detta. <|endoftext|> It could be, English being such a grug-tier language where you can make up words like a puzzle or something <|endoftext|> love the notion that wages of grug tier jobs will suddenly spike if you restrict the workforce pool <|endoftext|> Tried to give myself a Peaky Blinders hair cut but cut the top too short (even with a grade 6 comb) and too far up around the crown, so now my hair tapers up to a point and makes me look like a grug or brainlet lmao <|endoftext|> my fellow grug brother grugs are best if we stay in each others caves <|endoftext|> you make convincing argument grug thinks bring more rocks and grug say you not threat <|endoftext|> His teacher recommended him for architecture instead but he couldn't get in with his grug-tier test scores kek <|endoftext|> based grug eugenics, gonna have nfl linebacker sons <|endoftext|> Same reason normies feel other normie collective hive instincts like patriotism or hating NEETS. They have a collective will for women to produce offspring for the tribe. Just as their Grug brains also go grrr when Grug from other tribe does sideways dance with own cave girl, or Brug sit in own cave chamber, not join hunt, only stare cave painting. Normies want to norm and want others to norm too. Literally millions of years of brute instinct. <|endoftext|> >grug nie lubi wito gdzie myle >grug lubi sodka jagoda i maska od szaman <|endoftext|> >how heavy grug? >twelve rock <|endoftext|> >how heavy grug? >twelve rock <|endoftext|> Brainletism. This is a grug nation. <|endoftext|> swedes were grug-tier barbarians for almost all of their history compared to continental europe finns were grug-tier barbarians for almost all of their history compared to sweden also finns historically have more or less been a slaverace to the swedes <|endoftext|> hurrrr muh genes it good cus' grug papa hev'it tu luv me eritege <|endoftext|> i met a finnish woman and she said she spent all summer in her lake "house" which i came to learn was a shack without electricity or running water. finns literally live in the woods in shacks without water and electricity, shitting in holes in the ground and spending their time trying to live off of subsistence fishing and foraging. it sounds kind of fun, but finns are total grug-tier. <|endoftext|> theyre just being tough online like every other political faction does because >me grug must join tribe >me must fight other tribe to fit in >ooh ooh ah ah <|endoftext|> >It’s for raiding and trading, establishing quantities of one thing and their equivalent in another: wool, barley, bond certificates, lives based grug language <|endoftext|> grug big, grug weight 15 stones. Amerigruga very very big <|endoftext|> >30 stones the fuck are these grug units <|endoftext|> grug you need see shaman to talk feelings <|endoftext|> And later grow up as a sociopath grug <|endoftext|> Not him but you're more like the working class grug foot soldiers of the empire. Besides the history of Australia itself is probably a tad lacking. I still love you though and papa England don't listen to this baguette licker. <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >me make pp feel good grug have meaning now <|endoftext|> yeah but why'd you wanna learn to eat with the grug sticks? <|endoftext|> west bengal has skyhigh levels of political violence, it's uniquely grug tier among indian states this last election, a bunch of BJP people got beat up or killed by TMC goons and it caused a big outrage <|endoftext|> >Be scrawny kid >Mob finds you trying to impregnate your Hindu gf because the local mullah told you to >Grug tier mob will kill you if you fight back >GF quickly makes up some story about how you have a heart condition >Saved >End up throwing acid in her face because you mistook her brother as her side man <|endoftext|> english language is annoying, but england is the worst part of it, it's either sounds grug oogabooga tier or insufferable pedantic faggot tarq cunt <|endoftext|> to get the grug aesthetic <|endoftext|> Is this like a grug version of the videotape from ringu <|endoftext|> based grug chad <|endoftext|> What a grug hahaha <|endoftext|> I can get behind pounds, ounces, etc because they are just made up units if measurement defined by the creator. But fucking STONES? A stone is a real world object, a stone isn’t defined, no one made stones, there are fucking millions of different piece of rock that are called ”stones” that vary in weight Literally indefensible grug tier unit <|endoftext|> >grug not care environment changes >ooga booga not think longterm >climate change? ethnic composition change?8t <|endoftext|> >grug not care neighbor dead >ooga booga <|endoftext|> all western european languages are the same its all just latin + pasta pizza sounds for south and grug zug dug german caveman sounds for north speaking a slavic language and english is actual bilingualism <|endoftext|> he looks like a 70 iq grug caveman <|endoftext|> >Raw meat Grug tier shit <|endoftext|> >americans earn £10 an hour in grug tier jobs You do not suffer At all That's what a physics with top marks earns here <|endoftext|> Imagine being a Grug, peacefully knapping flints in Doggerland 8000 years ago when the Storegga Slide happens. <|endoftext|> Makes Grug think <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> it's true. every country they've ever lived in they have contributed disproportionately to all things intellectual. and all the "thanks" they ever got was grug-tier people being butthurt about them not being Christian <|endoftext|> >statsdyrkare grug slå <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> do people in your country think brits are: high class, refined, slightly effeminate posh people? or grug-like proud and arrogant lager louts? <|endoftext|> >Värdelös Fast nej, det är inte "grug lyfta stora sten" träning men likväl <|endoftext|> >grug grug foonkar inte >grug SLÅ <|endoftext|> >kan du vara mer ospecifik? Behöver du alla detaljer för att förstå hur knullad webbhallens process är, eller? Verkligen jag som är Grug-Grug här? Det jag menar med går inte är att jag följer webbhallens steg, jag skriver i mitt shipment-ID på postnords hemsida och får upp ett stort meddelande som säger “It is not possible to book a return for this shipment.” sen RINGER jag dem, ger personen jag pratar med mitt ID som sedan säger till mig att de inte kan göra något för att WEBBHALLEN är ansvariga för att markera produktjäveln som en returvara först. <|endoftext|> >går inte kan du vara mer ospecifik? inte undra på att du är grug-grug <|endoftext|> >Not an ellis islander we've been here for 400 years. Californios are Spanish mixed with Natives which inherently makes them more American than any Oakie faggot can ever hope to be. Stay in your containment potato grug state. >What makes it a shithole other than smug, vapid media influencers from Los Ass-ales saying so? Almost every development and economic metric. Let me know when Idaho is a global core for tech, medicine, aerospace and media. <|endoftext|> Based Grug. <|endoftext|> There are plenty of successful lebos, mostly Christian Lebos are either successful crypto jews or low life grug tier mongs <|endoftext|> >all womens for grug not for not grug its pretty logical when you think about it <|endoftext|> Chimps are what I imagine uga booga grug humans to have been like. <|endoftext|> This is literally Blairite thinking. Tony Blair wanted to "upskill" all British people with his >education, education, education and let all the grug tier jobs be done by the foreign labour. This is why you have so many people with humanities degrees doing grug tier jobs because grug tier jobs will always need doing regardless of your education. <|endoftext|> They wont do that. Food is something people buy almost irrespective of price If supermarkets raise the prices of food they wont even see a fall in sales And since literally all supermarkets will be faced with the same cost hit of increased distribution costs. They can all increase their prices (passing the burden onto consumers) without losing any sales or market share (ie competition is unaffected). British people should be being upskilled. Not doing grug tier jobs for inflated wages. <|endoftext|> hook nose tribe invent writing, then try to sell grug writing stick. grug no need writing. grug just memorize. <|endoftext|> based grug being evolution incarnate <|endoftext|> >grug hit people with rock he not like <|endoftext|> grug wish that were grug <|endoftext|> *beats my c’est like a gorilla and does a new zealand grug dance* <|endoftext|> but christianity was equally grug tier until the renaissance, and most european nations were partaking in devastating wars at one point in time <|endoftext|> arabs were undeniably some of the biggest contributors to civilization 1000 years ago. Algebra, general mathemics, logic, physics etc. Something happened that made them loathe the sciences and go back to grug-tier cavemen behavior <|endoftext|> This is every country with high social mobility and meritocracy lmao. It's almost inevitable there's a grug class and an elite class who rarely interact or breed among each other. I see it everyday and the dumbs literally just revolve life around immédiate sensations and social media. Only genetic engineering is will solve things imo <|endoftext|> You cannot provide a nation of billion + people with a first world life. Especially when majority of said people are low iq tards and their leaders have absolutely no problem in exploiting them. If you think you can change these apes try convincing your locality to do something together as a community, you'll soon realise how grug tier your countrymen are. Progress will happen albeit at the same sluggish rate. <|endoftext|> Yes friend hockey has more that appeals to grug brain >puck moves fast as fuck >do dumb shit get hit >leafs still don't have their name on the Stanley cup Luv hockey <|endoftext|> >grr grug vill titta på män om du är bög bara säg det <|endoftext|> my friend dropped out early and did this until he was 20. You get paid to show up and do training for grug tier computer stuff <|endoftext|> never got the appeal of cars appeals to the neanderthal brain i guess, it just skipped me >grr grug like metal box make big noise grr grug like go fast metal box grrrr <|endoftext|> Are you rich? For some reason, every African anon that posts here seems very intelligent. It must be easy to become a billionaire/warlord in Africa if you're intelligent there, since the rest of the population is grug tier <|endoftext|> are you a mongolid? I used to have a downy classmate and he did get bullied by some people from other class that didn't understand him. but most of the time he just like any other kids. not too bright and not too grug, just average. he plays football. <|endoftext|> doom is such a fucking dogshit mindless game >durrr grug shoot alien with big powpow gun bingbingwahoo <|endoftext|> ma je je jebeš ti ovaj moderan society i pizde materine, prije 200 tisua godina, šta misliš da su naši pretci radili? zamisli jebote, kad su bili opskrbljeni hranom i imali sklonište, šta misliš da su radili? tako je, jebali su se kao ivotinje dok nisu pali od umora alfa grug je išao van u lov na ivotinje i branje bobica grugita je doma bila trudna i raala desetero dijete pederko grugi nije bio spretan i moan za lov, vjerovatno mu nije ni brada izrasla, pa je pomagao doma grugiti da rodi i dobivao u guzu od gruga kao zahvalu kad je on došao doma iz lova i od ratovanja s drugim plemenima ljudi su smotavali od prapovijesti neke biljke i liše da ih puše i budu lijepo napušeni a hoeš mi rei da se nisu zadovoljavali dobrim osjeajom seksa? ma daj zatim je došao neki lik koji je imao CBT fetish i svi su mu se smijali zbog toga, pa je onda rekao da ak on nee imati seksa, nitko nee i onda su time brainwashali ljude tisuama godinama da represiraju razne seksualne osjeaje, neovisno o seksualnosti ili tim pizdarijama zamisli bit inceluga glupa koju je briga jer neki peder postuje na egzju <|endoftext|> Truepill: Only Civic Nationalism is good. It's the only way you can create a stable, functional country where everyone is moral and decent and the gov doesn't fuck you up at the same time. People become part of the social fabric rather than ghettoized unlike ethnostates. Only hard part is controlling immigration and populating it with smart people. Example: Andorra, Switzerland, Other Meme Countries. When climate change creates new countries, we'll probably see this type of shit happening where the smartest people who are bioengineered will live in their own nation state while the grugs just grug. <|endoftext|> >Please stop discussing e celebs no, you streisand'd your own thread at this point, follow the german anon suggestions in future posts >why do yall think nick land is a hack I'm an idiot with baseline understanding of politics, economics and philosophy literature and he's unironically a schizo who generates a sizeable quantity of word salad. Grug no like <|endoftext|> Japanese is harder >just as many characters that can be pronounced in different ways depending on context unlike chinese >two alphabets >tons of verb/noun conjugations unlike chinese grug grammar >weird word order and subject-topic distinction that doesn’t exist in most languages <|endoftext|> >Eat meat >Grug genes Ahahahahaha. OK big guy. Please don't hit me. Gods hate us and we have to suffer 3dpd women <|endoftext|> >walk 1 hour walk, I'd rather sit on a bus for 1 hour rather than walk it in 35c weather >bike horrible biking infrastructure, have to bike on roads and be afraid of some grug hitting and killing me <|endoftext|> Based fellow grug <|endoftext|> >grug no like when enemy use brain and not stick and block stick <|endoftext|> Grug är kbry som grammatik <|endoftext|> >posts professionally modelled photograph of product grug tier post <|endoftext|> Funny to me how DRC is higher than Egypt >But that wouldn't explain why Egypt's is so fucking low. It's all Arabic (admittedly Fusha, but still) and they speak Arabic. Right. Also, how is DRC, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya etc. so high compared to neighbors >grug countries >but have higher literacy rates than the "non grug" countries LOL <|endoftext|> they are separated from the grug countries by a whole desert <|endoftext|> >bordering Grugs >implying l*byans themselves are Grug tier when it comes to everything else Gaddafi on deez nuts Gennaro stop bootlicking <|endoftext|> how do Libyans and Algerians feel about bordering a literal grug country where nobody can read or write? <|endoftext|> Du kan ju alltid testa att röra på dig. Gå, springa, cykla, lyfta tunga stenar på grug 24/7? <|endoftext|> It's just literal caveman animal mentality >Grug fuck woman from dark skin tribe = good because it mean me manly and strong and dark skin weak >dark skin tribe man fuck Grug tribe woman = bad because it mean grug tribe weak and woman slut and grug babies have dark skin as well It ain't going away anytime soon <|endoftext|> based grug thirdie cringe jew-slave <|endoftext|> If you don't spend some time doing grug shit, you will be unhappy <|endoftext|> >Grug a atteint 28 marques sur os de cerf >Grug va devoir se polir le silex devant peinture rupestre cette semaine <|endoftext|> Nah. It's because I've been out of university for two to three years and am rusty. I'll get it worked out after posting a bit. I've come to the realization that the reason why I'm so bad is because I don't practice. So even though I know I sound like an idiot, I'm going to take the grug pill and power through. The more people correct me and help me out, the more polished I become. ^_^ <|endoftext|> >Grog lyfta större sten än Grug, Grug bara lyssna på Grog <|endoftext|> nothing inherently wrong with them. im starting to think a good use of my savings could be to start a grug-tier job company and just quit being a wagey. <|endoftext|> whats wrong with a grug tier job? the only problem here is you being brainwashed to believe thats not a comfy life and deat set on the idea everything happends in london. <|endoftext|> see we aren't like the US you can't just decide 'ok i don't like new york so i'll go live in miami or chicago or atlanta or seattle' here the choice is: 'i don't like london, so i'll spend my life working some grug tier job somewhere cheaper' <|endoftext|> Grug want big house and big lawn. Grug no want to live like sardine. What's so hard to understand about that? <|endoftext|> Grug Moment <|endoftext|> >grug no sleep with cavebitches but grug identify as a sigma male so cave bitches must love him <|endoftext|> is it in part a rejection of the violent sorts that caused all those grug tier problems in that strange void that may or may not exist in the northern corner of the country? <|endoftext|> I am honest to myself and my desire for human blood. My grug brain feels what it feels and I act upon it. Simple as. <|endoftext|> not saying halberds aren't useful grug have big sharp stick i geddit it's better than nothing but you can proper fuck someone up with a flail, it's no joke and it's certainly not comparable to a spoon it rips flesh right off the bone there's a reason they're banned in countries that ban weapons <|endoftext|> English don’t that bad. It has a lot of French influence and would essentially be a grug tier language had the normans not invaded <|endoftext|> Based. The grug take would be to say he should have just disregarded the rules and torn the dog's throat out, but refusing to recognize him and his illegitimate regime is better. <|endoftext|> Grug fomo <|endoftext|> Literal “Grug make drawing!” tier mentality. <|endoftext|> Grug want Grug have <|endoftext|> Grug hunt, grug catch meat, grug eat big, grug sleep well, grug shag. Simple as <|endoftext|> stonehenge is absolute dogshit saw it on holiday just some rocks next to a road all this attention given to what it might have been like it's going to be some big revelation and not just 'grug put rock next to other rock', who gives a fuck what people were doing 5,000 years ago <|endoftext|> >grug only like sportsball where grug smash into grug <|endoftext|> mad how grug is a brit original gimmick it was literally seen here first <|endoftext|> Behave like a gypsy. Blame any shortcomings you have on the government genociding your family 46 years ago. Don't be productive and just be a grug-tier neet in the arctic. <|endoftext|> >aries Grug wojak >taurus Npc wojak >gemini Twink wojak >cancer Feels wojak >leo Roastie wojak >virgo Pink wojak >libra Soy wojak >scorpio Coomer wojak >sagittarius Brainlet wojak >capricorn Boomer wojak >aquarius Zoomer wojak >pisces Bloomer wojak <|endoftext|> mama grug bring strange men to cave when grug is little grug grug smash strangers with club now <|endoftext|> No. Russian language is more complex than werstoid grug speak <|endoftext|> Fan skulle jag vilja bli konsult för. Bögig arbetsform. okej gogagaga frågade någon din nedbajsade jävla aidsbög? Inte NÅGONSTANS i mitt brev så nämner jag vad bör göras för att fixa det. Mest för att jag redan insett att det inte går. Men att ha en sådan ytligt och värdelös analys som "det är kapitalismens fel"... jösses alltså. Kan lika gärna säga att det är civilisationens fel då dessa kriser ej hänt om vi var grug i djungeln fortfarande. Kommunismen har prövats och misslyckats, vänsterråttan. Det gick inte. Nu har du pratat med dina schizofrena fantasifoster igen <|endoftext|> For some reason mountains turn men into grug <|endoftext|> >And you are the definition of an estrogenic little whore. If you are over the age of 18 transition and then come and fellate me virtually. I will send digital sperm down your throat. >Butthurt grug tier response Very Persian response indeed. It should be expected though considering you're just knock off muslim Armenians. <|endoftext|> >O NIE, ON UYWA TRUDNYCH SÓW, GRUG MUSIE GO ZABI <|endoftext|> Based grug. Agriculture was a mistake. <|endoftext|> >only delusional people who don't understand human nature choose to be agricultural >Humans have been hunting and gathering for generations. It's simply the way things are >You say real agriculture has never been tried, but i saw Grug plant a tree last week and it died immediately >so what i let my dogs piss on it. I don't see how that's relevant <|endoftext|> ahi tienes razon... grug tendra que investigar eso... <|endoftext|> >uga buga grug no vuola micranti <|endoftext|> Uk has three races the ruling elite (Norman race) are better than ever. The Celtic people are grug tier retards and the southern anglo-saxons and mega zogged. Like I said its ogre for us. <|endoftext|> Grug cope <|endoftext|> It's like a sociological experiment for me. I've run into autists like you before, you read The Grand Chessboard and you think you know something, which is literally a worse position than the rockbrained grug who knows nothing and only goes with his instinct. <|endoftext|> >grug inte lita på labbrockar för grugs känslor och grugs favoritkändis säga annat <|endoftext|> grug seethe grug cope <|endoftext|> coal good grug dig lot <|endoftext|> >148339980 >Me tribe good tribe your tribe different tribe grug no like different tribe <|endoftext|> >Weak warriors (Grug only command 50 club men) >Beautiful women (Grug no risk life for ugly war bride) Japan <|endoftext|> What country Grug conquer with strong club and stone axe? Need: Weak warriors (Grug only command 50 club men) Beautiful women (Grug no risk life for ugly war bride) <|endoftext|> Not going to lie. I always wonder what was going through the head of a grug just going on a mammoth hunt with the boys. Like I know life objectively was hard as balls, but that must've been an exciting event in a grugs life. <|endoftext|> Mandarin grammar is literally grug speak, its the easiest part Yes, the hardest part is memorizing all the characters. Tones are tricky but honestly even if you suck at them people will still be able to understand you <|endoftext|> Pardon qnq, but I'm not giving up my Turkish identity - Chadaturk didn't work so hard for me to disown him just because bokistanlilar are Grug cavemen. <|endoftext|> ogni volta che leggo un dialetto mi fa pensare del meme di grug <|endoftext|> Indonesian. It is a really fun langauge. Grammar barely exists and can be learned in probably just a single day. Take the grammar in Grug memes and you are half way there. There are no words for "are" "is" "a" "an". Plural is made by saying the word two times. Probably the easiest non-indo European language that exists. <|endoftext|> >new variants? >cases mounting? >deaths rising? >hospitals at capacity? >ME NO CARE ME WANT PUB ME WANT BEER GIBME GIBME GIBME NOW NOW NOW GRUG WANT DRINK IN PUB BEER NOW NOW GIBME GIBME <|endoftext|> >look people theres literally space there, like billions of planets, like whole new mysteries dimensions aliens and stuff isn't that interesting? >nah, grug sex, grug war, grug happy here <|endoftext|> technically there should be some caloric value due to the vegetable shortening, but yes it's pretty fucked lol that said, i've heard some interesting shit about certain mineral value in eating dirt, kind of like a grug-tier multivitamin in some ways <|endoftext|> hyhy jak powiesz irl(in real life = w realnym yciu) to grug ci jebnie w ryj szach mat kurwa zaorana <|endoftext|> Me feel good when grug put pp in grugina bagina me make baby <|endoftext|> grug didn't need no extra mammoth meat just cause he smashed unth's head in with a rock <|endoftext|> depends if im a grug tier living in forest or part of an organized and advanced tribe if I'm from an advanced tribe I would just work building spears and sword as well as shields and armor to militarize the tribe. Romans never attacked a nation when they were strong only when they were notified by spies to be under a civil war or other unrest or if they are just so disorganized and militarily weak for it to be free land. <|endoftext|> Stasticksticks show Grug tribe head ropes yellow like demon in sky <|endoftext|> unga bunga grug want cave wife <|endoftext|> >haha guarda calciano un pallone nella rete uga buga grug piace partita >IL NUOVO MOEANIMU UGUALE A TUTTI GLI ALTRI? SPAMMARE SUBITO <|endoftext|> Bet you don't even have grug-theme restaurants in your city that were literally carved into a cave. <|endoftext|> based red indian I love America and all but FUCK angloids for making us all speak their grug tier language to have any success in this country <|endoftext|> Grug voice <|endoftext|> Americans use units like "stone" literal grug tier cavemen tier savages. We should genocide them and civilize them. <|endoftext|> You use retarded units like "stone" literal grug tier people <|endoftext|> she look like she made for grug cock <|endoftext|> Grug laugh at nomad. You go to land no fish, no meat, no green-green, no berry. Hole-grug there want big tent and big horse, but no horse and no animal to take skin and make tent. Grug nomad pay berry to sleep in semi-detached cave and do gruga-gruga with other nomad gruginas. Voice box hurt from make haha. Your skin no good. You grow think box rope long like hole-grugina. You no work club or axe or hunt. You stay cave with small club swinging and hole-grugina big tribe chief. Big voice box hurt. I gruga-gruga you, you no hunt, you no fish, you no build cave, you no man. <|endoftext|> >Give Grug stone tablet of how you see you when you look in big water. Why grug ask for this? Grug like unga unga with men? <|endoftext|> Grug can rockterally make you sleep-sleep and no wake up. Give Grug stone tablet of how you see you when you look in big water. <|endoftext|> Juju shaman also say transivania belong to slant eye tribe in the west Now you make grug mad <|endoftext|> Spanish is beautiful, English is grug tier language <|endoftext|> Chile and Iran are uneducated grug states. Australian students consistently rank as among the best in the world, well beyond Russia too. Australia is also not massively sanctioned, so they get to export to their maximum. What exports do is give Australia hard currency aka Euros and USD. So then Australian consumers, who almost entirely work in services, are able to import necessary goods easily with a relatively strong dollar. The local intellectual driven business in those other countries are comparatively weak and their long term capital accumulation is also very weak. Aussies have had decades to build local capital with strong banks. <|endoftext|> yeah I do it all the time, when you're swiping you're making a 1 second judgment on whether the girl shown to you surpasses your grug brain's attractiveness threshold but once you actually match with them and place them under scrutiny then you realise they're grim and not worth your time of day <|endoftext|> >grug kick ball >grug like ball >grug shoot ball >grug happy >grug entertained <|endoftext|> grug lift heavy object grrrrr <|endoftext|> If caste didn't matter, why did the Muslim mob run around using casteist slurs during their grug tier mob attack? Caste very much matters in South Asian Islam. Dalit Muslims even ask for reservation since they have similar socioeconomic hurdles in their religious community as Hindu Dalits. Have you never heard of the Ashrafs, Ajlafs and Arzals before? <|endoftext|> some random person, some random toy.= Men/someone gave toy We know who the man is, and what the toy is.= Man/He/She gave It/Toy this is either grug speak or you are talking about humanity in general= People/Humanity gave It/Toy <|endoftext|> A man gave a toy = some random person, some random toy. The man gave the toy = We know who the man is, and what the toy is. Man gave toy = this is either grug speak or you are talking about humanity in general <|endoftext|> t. speaker of germanized grug bulgarian <|endoftext|> caselets be like >ugh... Grug hat ein Hund.. uhh noo... hat eines Hu.. noo, what it could be.. Grug hat einem.. Grug brain hurt.. what Grub want to say??? Grug better make some resting now <|endoftext|> Chinese is Grug speak, which is based <|endoftext|> Humans invented marriage and monogamy thousands of years ago to solve this issue. They knew that all the women will go for Chad Grug, so they came up with marriage to make sure that every man can get one woman. Now that women are sexually liberated, marriage is dying out and women can freely choose from hundreds of men online, it's no surprise that we're again ending up in a situation where all women go for the top 5 percent of men and some men end up as incels <|endoftext|> Grug been making voice box hurt about me tribe better for many demon in sky. Grug who made Grug make voice box hurt, Grug who made Grug who made Grug make voice box hurt. Even make other Grug no move and red river come out of think box. Grug know Grug right. <|endoftext|> that's some grug shit <|endoftext|> Saradomin = Chad Zamorak = Virgins Guthix = Reddit Armadyl = Literal Homosexuals (he's had multiple husbands) Bandos = Grug Seren = Mommy Zaros = Edgy Other meme gods need not apply. <|endoftext|> >Blivande kryckmongo försöker läxa upp andra när det enda han kan är "GRUG LYFTA STEEEN" <|endoftext|> Or... we could just design better cities and more efficient clean manufacturing methods instead of living like cattle in suburbs and having to shart in our local mart and zoom around in our car to go anywhere? Innovating new solutions is for the intelligent, trying to react to things that have already happened with grug tier """ideas""" is for the unintelligent <|endoftext|> Sorry Grug. I went back in time and prevented evolution. <|endoftext|> ITT we wake up as our caveman ancestors. Grug think sustainable source of food is good idea instead of risking in search of new sources and keep population in balance with food sources <|endoftext|> only some germanics are talented and advanced many of them are just grug cavemen <|endoftext|> english is a grug tier language <|endoftext|> Grug want med gf <|endoftext|> >women are better at taking notes and following unspoken social guidelines than men no shit, women will just do whatever the current authorities say to do in what ever specifically obtuse way they are expected to do it. There is a reason women have better hand writing and perform well on standardized rote memorization style tests while being incapable of holistically solving a problem or dealing with some unexpected event. Men make up the vast majority of both, Grug brainlets and autistic savants. society would objectively be better off with only those two groups of people existing. <|endoftext|> muss bei so kanakengelaber immer an die grug memes denken die sich mit nem stock schlagen und dabei grunzen <|endoftext|> what phenotype is that grug <|endoftext|> Poor grug spend to much time touch pink snake to see lion come <|endoftext|> >jaaa leva som grug <|endoftext|> Make strong sons for grug Can punch wife and won't fall splitting head open Opens bottles of happy water with it <|endoftext|> grug believe skyfather love everyone <|endoftext|> I'd be the Grug that enforces physical peace. <|endoftext|> one-piece make grug dick go long <|endoftext|> There are many aspects to understand when it comes to cases in Icelandic, as inherited from Old Norse, even though Icelandic has become a lot more analytic. For starters So, to make it simple: Subject = nominative Direct object = accusative Indirect object = dative Posessor = genitive Example sentence, "he lent his friend a crown": Hann lánaði vininum eina krónu. The lemmas: hann (m) = nominative, subject lána = verb vinur (m) = dative, indirect object, the recipient of the action ein króna (f) = accusative, direct object, directly affected by the verb And then you have cases that appear because verbs or prepositions govern them, and that logic above has to go out the window in favour of case governance. For example, 'unna' governs the dative, so you'd have to say 'ég ann henni' ("I love her"), but 'elska' governs the accusative (default), so you'd have to say 'ég elska hana' ("I love her"), but 'sakna' governs the genitive, so you'd have to say 'ég sakna hennar' ("I miss her"). Paradigm: hon, hana, henni, hennar (nom, acc, dat, gen) AND you must keep in mind that the choice of accusative or dative following a certain preposition may depend on whether the meaning is locative (static) or illative (communicating motion towards or into). So, he's flying in the sky = sky is dative (locative, he is located in the sky) He's flying into the sky = sky is accusative (illative, he's moving into the sky) You may use í for both, so it can get tricky. í himni = dative í himin = accusative Agreements must happen with gender, case, number for verbs, prepositions, nouns, and adjectives. >In the sentence: til fjels, montain- fjell is in genitive. Some phrases use cases Yes, this preposition, 'til', governs the genitive. Ég bið til Guðs = I pray to God. A lot of this will feel like a long, boring grind that is just banging it into your head, and that's sadly how it has to be. Grug rundown, but 2k char limit on 4chan innit. <|endoftext|> >grug tribe better >no, my <|endoftext|> I know that you’re trolling but why did they tax sugarfree versions then? Makes grug think <|endoftext|> grug by mczyzna <|endoftext|> >where X >me X yea totally not grug speak <|endoftext|> Rock go down but grug no sell have strong hands <|endoftext|> Why everyone here say that Russian is caveman? If anything it is most anti-caveman language. English is literallyh the most grug tier language. Even polish sound like village retard russian <|endoftext|> En quoi l'homo sapiens d'il y a 20,000 ans est différent de l'homo sapiens actuel? Pas un argument de dire "t'as une pensée moyen ageuse", la pensée ne suis pas une évolution linéaire, c'est même absolument PNJ de penser qu'il y a une "évolution" de la pensée. Les grug d'il y a 20,000 étaient autant calés en philo que toi, voir même plus vu qu'ils vivaient une véritable vie pas comme ta vie de soja citadin qui se branle sur des pièges tellement son cerveau a été ratatiné par le porno. Tes ancêtres auraient honte. <|endoftext|> Big brained gfs right here to dominate you and call you grug <|endoftext|> >grug post on 4chon >grug pleased <|endoftext|> >>grug die hunting >tribe choke grug to death >dog disease kill grug Suck it <|endoftext|> >be grug >be retard >do retard shit like fuck dog >tribe no like grug no more because grug fuck dog >tribe kill grug >tribe throw grug in woman grave to make funny of grug >retard faggot excavator with a phd in feminist salsa dancing say grug was bigger faggot than excavator >grug humiliation never end <|endoftext|> based neanderthal grug <|endoftext|> Grug see great lake approach on horizon Grug start think mountain tribe have right idea <|endoftext|> I studied Japanese, though I haven't done so in years. But it really wasn't as hard as people make it out to be. The ponounciation is actually pretty easy for a German our vowels match unlike English. Grammar though unfamiliar is simple as fuck. Learning Kanji is the hard part. You can get extremely easily to a very basic grug tier speaking level without being able to read complex stuff though. But enough to shop and ask for help. <|endoftext|> you're acting like the US is devoid of a mining industry. I am not opposed to selling natural resources. I encourage it. I want America to start drilling for more gas. The key is to have a diversified economy. Putting all your eggs in that one basket is retarded. Australians have proven they have no vision. They don't invest in R&D, they don't produce anything. It's just 'grug sell rock' <|endoftext|> grug find shiny rock. grug sell rock to slanted eye tribe. ah yes, an economy. Also not surprising you'd come to his defense, considering your entire country is named after a shiny metal. i actually lol'd at this. But don't you live in a human cage? HK exemplifies insect behavior. <|endoftext|> This. Finally someone gets it. Now, I'm not saying that oil, livestock, and minerals are "nothing of value." What I am saying is that Australia hardly makes anything that a fucking farmer or miner from Burkina Faso couldn't get. They don't have any mental capital. They're not solving any problems through technical knowledge in medicine, engineering, etc. It's just "grug stick pointy stick in ground. grug get shiny rock" <|endoftext|> kutas gruga twardy grug rucha bo przyjemnie <|endoftext|> >outraged americans It outraged German Americans. My grandma remembers her German neighbors in LA actually getting beat up and hospitalized for saying the US was too harsh towards Germany during the war. Americans were even more grug like back then than now. <|endoftext|> grug not see what so great about fire <|endoftext|> I provide to her, and she fucks some grug because my penis is not big enough? Wtf is this shit? I'm going to do something terrific to her. <|endoftext|> don't listen to them unless you're interviewing for a job noone will call this stylization as "grug-speak" <|endoftext|> >Ja mczyzna or ona kobieta sounds like grug-speech lol, it's opposite here. If i said ja jestem man it would sound like i'm debil. By the way do you know the movie Guardians of the Galaxy? there was Groot there who said only one phrase "I am Groot". In English it's ordinary phrase. But when it was translated in Russian as is "Ja est Groot" that made phrase very funny because it emphasizes that owner of phrase is a bit stupid live tree. <|endoftext|> siema grug, ja te duy mczyzna <|endoftext|> Yes we don’t leave to be out Ja mczyzna or ona kobieta sounds like grug-speech <|endoftext|> Russian sounds like a beautiful langauage It's on par with italian in beauty. Imagine calling a towel a polotensa! That said russians and russia are generally grug tier <|endoftext|> Czech sound like very dumbed down grug Russian. <|endoftext|> >russian sounds like very dumbed down grug Czech vice versa with russian. All other slavic languages sound like some rural retarded dialects <|endoftext|> I speak czech ( czech mom married my dad for citizenship) and russian sounds like very dumbed down grug Czech <|endoftext|> these numbers are always a meme due to infant mortality in general, people in shit tier primitive or even grug tier settings live to around 50; ironically the average adult lifespan (discounting infant mortality AND diseases, plagues etc.) did reach ~30 in medieval bongland once due to a combination of utterly dogshit diet (mostly eating peas for protein, before beans became mainstream) and whacky genetic factors <|endoftext|> Grug not read. Grug fight <|endoftext|> The fundamental mistake of the socialist worldview is that everyone should succeed. Failure is a part of nature and should be embraced. Artificially enabling a bunch of bad people to survive with a system like the welfare state will only incentivize people favored by this very system to breed like rabbits. No accountability, the people upholding and paying for the system will, eventually, ecome the minority and sacrifice their own time and happiness to, metaphorically, keep the lights on in a retarded mongoloids house. Fuck these "people". "Ughhhh fishing for food is too haaaaaard. Me no want to pick berries, that boring. Grug no can survive in countryside because of evil capitalist world. Grug become highway robber. What?? New invention in city? BOSSMAN MUST LET GRUG LIVE THERE AND PAY FOR MY WORK UGH UGH. SO EXCITING UGH UGH NO IMPULSE CONTROL" Bring back bartering and gold. <|endoftext|> Can estonians understand this artificially created grug finnish? <|endoftext|> gf dancing around my room naked not hot in the slightest grug mode activated <|endoftext|> no one ever did a siesta grug <|endoftext|> based balkan grug <|endoftext|> Sounds like grug finnish <|endoftext|> >People are lazy retards who can't work >Companies hire talented people >Visa laws prevent them from underpaying said legal migrants >Oogga booga gib grug job. Me am smart <|endoftext|> Im not that person anymore. Im making a new comic about a vigilante anti-simp. Here are some early character designs. I made the last drawing last night when I was drunk as fuck lmao. It was supposed to be like a doomer-vigilante superhero type of guy but it just turned out as grug lol. i already got the vid but thank u <|endoftext|> German is even more grug tier <|endoftext|> give back grug land or grug smash window <|endoftext|> >Lipstick >Fireman >Marketplace Grug tier <|endoftext|> Is Grug a Wojak? <|endoftext|> >Castizos and pure Indios are high IQ >Pure Whites and Indio-Mestizos are literally grug tier retarded What did Mexico mean by this? <|endoftext|> < 0°C is ice/snow > 0°C is water make sense to grug <|endoftext|> Chinese grammar is MUCH easier than Japanese to learn for an English speaker. For the most part it's grug tier. Also, the tones are not as scary as people make them out to be. <|endoftext|> Ja de finns av en anledning men någon fettolyftare som inte orkar springa 500 meter hade förlorat i alla LOL. Men fortsätt tro att din grug lyfta tungt gör dig till en man när du aldrig tagit ett slag. <|endoftext|> Because they're Pit bulls of South Asia You might have seen or heard them boast about "muh martial race" "Muh elite warriors" In reality they are grug tier robots who blindly follow order's of their master Sikhs are the only group of people in entire colonial history to blindly open fire on an unarmed group of civilians most of whom were women, children and old people They didn't even hesitate to open fire on their own people because some whitey ordered them to They're drones loyal to their Masters <|endoftext|> How the fuck does doomer music remind you of John Maus? I like both but they're very different types of music. Most of the doomer music is very simple, made more interesting by the mystery of the lyrics which become increasingly grug as you learn the language, while Maus is very complex and doesn't use similar sounds whatsoever. On a side note, check out opo ea opoae, kinda mausy. <|endoftext|> Australia is insanely wealthy. You can be grug tier and work in the mines for $200k AUD <|endoftext|> >Uga buba! Grug tribe hav no tanks, grug tribe weak. <|endoftext|> because it sounds grug-tier without THE. however, if you were to eliminate the "was" and say ", and same worldwide" it would sound less grug tier. <|endoftext|> Bi aydr böyle zaten msrla barsmaya calsyolar sga dogru gel grug <|endoftext|> >Grug comes out of cave >Grug sees Hungrug >Grug beat Hungrug >Grug steal clay >Is....this....cerno...ziommmmm >Grug did good <|endoftext|> Can't bother making a map and changing labels. grug tier - Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian fag tier - non-Bavarian German, Dutch, Scandinavian, lispy Spanish cool - all Gaelic, Icelandic, east Slavic, French, Austro-Bavarian radio noise tier - west Slavic disgusting - Albanian language of gods - non-standard Slovene <|endoftext|> Grug no need math in Balkans <|endoftext|> GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG <|endoftext|> Grug arm strong. Grug hold rock. Rock go to the moon, grug sell rock for berry <|endoftext|> When Grug see woman, Grug want sex. But woman no want sex with Grug, so Grug stay in cave and look at cave painting of woman <|endoftext|> lewacy uga buga grug bi z maczuga <|endoftext|> o nie kto sparodiowa moje ironiczne zesranie ale gupek ;D grug móc robi rzecz brug nie móc robi ta sama rzecz <|endoftext|> grug see grug reflection in pond, it hurt grug's mind <|endoftext|> >>kurwa grug chcie tylko grza mamut miso na jarzce gazie i robi przyjemno z grega w jaskinia ehh to <|endoftext|> znowu przejebaem pó godziny na /pol/ czytajc jakie schizoposty o ufo i autonomicznej maszynie kontrolujcej rynki która powoduje cae to globohomo i e ufoludki maj si objawi 8 albo 18 czerwca i e znowu jaki czarny odjeba gówno porywajc jakiego 4latka w nocy z óeczka i mordujc go i wyrzucajc zwoki do rzeki i dalej biali s szkalowani i likwidowani tylko za to e stworzyli cywilizacje na zachodzie i biali nie maj jaj eby si stawi bo media i korporacje kontrolowane przez ydów manipuluj spoeczn opini i pokazuj im tylko to co chc eby szczu wszystkie rasy na biaych kurwa grug chcie tylko grza mamut miso na jarzce gazie i robi przyjemno z grega w jaskinia <|endoftext|> >"Grug oooga boooga" >*groans and shakes head* "Grugu ooogum booogam!" <|endoftext|> I mean for plenty of people being able to have grug-tier conversations and being able to ask for directions counts as speaking, and if that's all they intend to get out of the language, it's true in a way. <|endoftext|> Imagine not owning land so that you can connect with your grug DNA. <|endoftext|> >latin is hard. big letters on letter grug <|endoftext|> >Tartessos were likely just celts who got lucky with their position and became wealthy trading with Phoenicians >Basques were also just average celts >chad IBERIANS in the PAISOS CATALANS were the only ones that werent grug tier retards really makes you think... <|endoftext|> Tall men are more sexually attractive Tall Grug get to hump all the pretty girls Pretty girls have tall boys Tall boys bang all the others pretty girls Sucks for the women though, only midgets and creeps like tall chicks <|endoftext|> female ass make grug penis hard grug no want stare at man hole grug penis touch to female <|endoftext|> grug! <|endoftext|> grug no understand <|endoftext|> grug no like fire dance grug stay in cave <|endoftext|> >grug smash <|endoftext|> same leaf added the chad later same fella that did grug for a while, think it might've been vietlad in the end <|endoftext|> >Everyone who isn't a fascist is a communist Nice grug tier logic there. You trash are on the same tier as pinkos. <|endoftext|> Det gör det väl? Gruggelina har lärt sig omedvetet att med grogg får man leva och knulla medan med grug så dör han bara och lämnar en oskyddad :) <|endoftext|> för grogg vill inte att grug ska veta detta <|endoftext|> För när vi var stenåldersmänniskor då levde grug och gruggelina tillsammans i sin grotta. men så helt plötsligt sparkade grogg upp stenen och slog ihjäl grug och knullade gruggelina. Gruggelina hade inget val än att sära på benen för grogg och dessa gener har sedan spridits vidare i mänskligheten genom tusen år :) <|endoftext|> but now they have access to guns and can fight back against nature, back in the day chad grug would dominate incel grugs and fuck all the females, the incels had no way to fight back. <|endoftext|> grug see big grug think big mean power grug no understand how small do big <|endoftext|> Why do Punjabis only sing about tractors, money and driving daddy di gaadi? What causes their songs to be so grug tier when they are smart people irl? <|endoftext|> t.grug jeet poopendar also faggot Did you even read anything that I wrote? they could have easily made an AC game set in Indo-greek kingdom's a few decades after Alexander's death or they could have made an AC in south india during the sangam era Meanwhile assassians chronicles was a bland and boring choice even from a historical perspective the only res reason it exists is to pander too poonjabis around the world just the AC syndicate and the sikh cuck raja DLC Kys paajchod <|endoftext|> Grug no like elephant tribe. Grug only like horse donkey tribe. <|endoftext|> >Grug voit bouffe Il a posté des photos ? Encore une fois, préparer ses repas c'est pas de la gloutonnerie. Je sais parce que je pèche de ce côté là et je dois justement arrêter de bouffer de la merde achetée. <|endoftext|> Purée tu compliques les choses. Grug voit bouffe beaucoup beaucoup, Grug pense glouton, simple comme <|endoftext|> how do you guys like my grug browline <|endoftext|> What about arranged marriages when they don't choose shit and end up with a unibrow grug husband beating them? <|endoftext|> I'm gonna type in a way that even you can understand ogabooga fuck off grug no care about fat flag <|endoftext|> There's literally about a full inch from my eyes to my brow ridge. Based Amerindian grug brow. <|endoftext|> Post Grug Chads from your country <|endoftext|> >il n'a pas vécu l'époque où grug salopait les fresques de la tribu sur la planche d'obsidienne Nouveau pédé pêh. <|endoftext|> Mayans are smart. They're in that peninsula at the bottom. Other indians like in Guerrero or Oaxaca are pretty much grug tier retards. Mayans were always more advanced than the other Amerindians of Mesoamerica. The northern smart places are mostly mestizo or castizo however, not indigenous. <|endoftext|> I'm from dalmatia and no one looks like that here. Its either skinny tall male or short round head grug, and an occasional well-rounded Chad. <|endoftext|> why didnt they fish? caveman grug knew how to fish <|endoftext|> yes we are grug tier when it comes to stuff like this <|endoftext|> scifi for grug <|endoftext|> There are a few gothic sites all around Spain and Italy (though very romanized). I might be wrong but I guess that in the same way the nahuas adopted mesoamerican architecture themselves since they were grug nomads. <|endoftext|> nice brow line, grug. <|endoftext|> no trug on grug <|endoftext|> they have strong genes but are cursed by their grug lifestyle <|endoftext|> >mm nu är det visserligen modern krigföring vi pratar om Nyss påstod du ju som att koncept som ära, heder och erövring aldrig hade funnits och att folk har alltid bara brytt sig om komfort. Som sagt gå till en läkare du lider nog av testosteronbrist >Krig har alltid handlat om BENGA som i sin tur köper komfort, även på grug-åldern. Nej, jävligt skumt att adeln relativt ofta bokstavligen riskerade sina liv för att försvara sin ära om det enda de brydde sig om var komfort och pengar <|endoftext|> mm nu är det visserligen modern krigföring vi pratar om, och sluta upp med vetefält. Krig har alltid handlat om BENGA som i sin tur köper komfort, även på grug-åldern. <|endoftext|> >Nació en Bilbao el 14 de abril de 1976, procedente de una familia de Amurrio (Álava); hijo de Santiago Abascal Escuza y María Isabel Conde Álvarez (natural de La Coruña que se trasladó con dos años de edad de Galicia al País Vasco). Most people in the basque country are half foreign except for high class PNV elites in Bilbao and San Sebastian and grug tier fellas from the towns in guipuzcoa and northern navarra <|endoftext|> >You have 2 cows and get milk >90% of other people don't have nor get either >This is suposedly good <The two cows are out of your hands <Too few to provide everyone with milk, so its basically a lotery who gets it <This is supposedly bad >Retvrn monke >Grug hunt >Grug get dear >Tribe shaman only entertain >Woman make clothes >Elder can't work >Kid too young >Grug have to give half of hunt to feed them >Otherwise Grug expeled <|endoftext|> Grug mountain people with a strong work ethic <|endoftext|> Serbo-Croatian sounds like grug language It’s awful <|endoftext|> What's natural about aristocracy? Some ancient grug beat smaller grug with a stick and centuries later his inbred, half-retarded descendant is somehow superior to healthy, self-reliant peasants? <|endoftext|> >Idol worship Grug tier <|endoftext|> early modern english was so much less grug tier <|endoftext|> Ich hoffe sie kennt die Grug-Miehms, sonst wird das gigakrinsch <|endoftext|> Grug speks egnland well <|endoftext|> grug say have wrong <|endoftext|> there used to be grug runes for english that maybe made more sense hopefully europoors can weigh in on this because I only have an >american education <|endoftext|> You wake up in Plovdiv province (Grug central). What do? <|endoftext|> central bulgarians are one of the most grug out there, who put the soyjack? <|endoftext|> Perché grug è in calabria? <|endoftext|> No the fuck they don't, they're about as anti-government as it gets >nooooooooo why garda arrest grug for having drug???? law not fair! <|endoftext|> >I've said it before, there's no such thing as unbiased persistent baiting. What appears as unbiased persistent baiting, is biased true belief passed off as bait. If there's no genuine belief behind the bait, there is no fuel for it to last longer than a few days. Translate in Grug Tongue I'm too low IQ to understand otherwise. <|endoftext|> >be grug >live in land of many plains >meet Man from sunset tribe >curious.cavepaint >make friend >he ask "why you tribe so racist?" >MFW i have sand tribe friend who make kebab >MFW he say Man fuck Man good >MFW he don't listen to argument Why sunset people like this? <|endoftext|> dlaczego ugabuga grug lubi rzecz a brug nie lubi uga buga <|endoftext|> Nordcucks uded to be grug/amish like in the past, such shame you all are twinks fucked by MENAs now <|endoftext|> grug must lift rock <|endoftext|> grug gilla stora tutta <|endoftext|> Grug veut gros cailloux <|endoftext|> Sorry Grug, the stone age is over <|endoftext|> Grug tier cope, kraut <|endoftext|> >angry russian piglet saying angry russian piglet things >maybe then YOU will stop being a shithole yeah sure mr grug war tribe man <|endoftext|> grug lubi rzecz brug lubi inna rzecz grug musie wojna z brug <|endoftext|> Grug spirit Grug is on top of a big rock means Grug is more powerful than who's not on the big rock. <|endoftext|> grug skulle inte bära mask <|endoftext|> Tu fais quoi comme grug ? <|endoftext|> grug gilla orange man nu <|endoftext|> uga buga grug widziec rzecz grug by wkurwiony <|endoftext|> Thanks. Good answer. See for me I knew linguistic terms before starting Latin, but once I crossed the threshold, it only got harder. I can read and understand grug level medieval texts, but actual Roman texts remain incomprehensible to me. I think if I had a teacher it would be easier, and I will boast that I have a good knowledge of Latin, but it only got harder the further I went. I think that's what I wanted to know about Norse. <|endoftext|> Me walk all place, Grug on beast be not strong <|endoftext|> computer science is the most surefire way to leave the subcontinent my father did computing stuff as an automotive engineer back in the 90s, i'm doing computing stuff as a BME now it is just the natural next step to engineering, especially if you want to apply to faang or anything that isn't grug tier smashing bricks together <|endoftext|> his is own existence is a twisted and complicated thing the existence of le evil bigot man is an easy target for grug to smash <|endoftext|> I am Neanderthal wanting reaction grug <|endoftext|> >grug run straight >grug fast Is there a more retarded “sport” than running? Weightlifting is 100x more useful. <|endoftext|> >grug pick up big rock >grug strong Is there a more retarded "sport" than weightlifting? Running or sprinting is 100x more useful. <|endoftext|> >a ? why is russian such a grug language. this literally means "how you?" <|endoftext|> but caveman grug knew how to fish <|endoftext|> Grug tier language <|endoftext|> grug english <|endoftext|> caveman grug didn't eat wheat and rice <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> That would be Grug <|endoftext|> grug make porno <|endoftext|> man come from monkey monkey come from monkey both are monkey both are man both are grug <|endoftext|> grug plemie dobre nie-grug plemie ze <|endoftext|> >by grug >wieczor zachodzi soce >stawiaj klocka w comfi gestej trawie >grugina idzie wydeptan ciek obok i widzi czubek gowy przez zarola >EJ JASKINIA KTO TU SRA <|endoftext|> >by grug >wieczor zachodzi soce >stawiaj klocka w comfi gestej trawie uff <|endoftext|> Become a warehouse grug if you're scared to talk to people <|endoftext|> me no grug <|endoftext|> It's a cycle: >German gives money to grug >German feels happy because he is generous >grug uses the money to buy stuff from the German >German feel happy because he is rich >Grug got shinny new road from German <|endoftext|> back to the cave grug <|endoftext|> stringing together nouns without knowledge of grammar or morphology like a monkey wont get you anywhere. youll sound like grug. <|endoftext|> Western religions are so childish when compared to Buddhism, Taoism or the oriental ones >ooga booga grug give bread to the thunder man >i will worship a carpenter from israel because i am afraid of death >i will blow myself up so i can get 72 virgins and finally have sex <|endoftext|> grug dinks u is big a homo erectus <|endoftext|> Witch Doctor Grug, I'm See-Hi-Hey <|endoftext|> untill proven otherwise i belive grug could become mentally ill <|endoftext|> >Do you think Grug ever felt defeated and wanted to end it all Maybe. He probably never got the chance to off himself. <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> Do you think Grug ever felt defeated and wanted to end it all? Poor Grug... The savannah is already hard enough if you also have to deal with your mental demons <|endoftext|> In the US, DB and Slavi are tied I think. The UK diaspora voted probably because he does concerts there. Remember, grug remembers faces that show themselves on TV or in his surroundings. <|endoftext|> Yes, it's very grug-tier. Any Germanic speaker could speedrun it. <|endoftext|> I played this game a while ago. It was kind of shit. Been looking for a semi-decent grug simulator. <|endoftext|> Norwegian twink: I-I love s-swedish c-cock! Finntwink: I want swedish falukorv :3 (falukorv is a big looking sausage from sweden) Chad swede: danish devil/danish fuck/danish fucker (it literally means danish devil, but other translations count too) Danish grug/norf/boomer wojak: Swedish assbanana (what it literally means) <|endoftext|> grug var inte tvungen att slita sig igenom tinderkneget för att få ligga <|endoftext|> >ugh gruggelina inte komma in i grottan, grug sitta här tills döden <|endoftext|> neggus... livet är vad man gör det till tror du din förfader ba "ugh gruggelina inte komma in i grottan, grug sitta här tills döden" <|endoftext|> grug voit autre hommes de la tribu porter peau de bête de femelles grug confu <|endoftext|> Latvian Grug <|endoftext|> In gookgrug cave every grug snippy snip dick skin because longnose tribe and burger tribe says its good <|endoftext|> longnose tribe chieftain came by the other day said >Grugstein lends you 5 rock, you pay back tomorrow ok? Grug accept but when time come pay Longnose said Grug needs to pay 10 rock becuase "interest" ? Grug thinks, Grugstein is cheating. <|endoftext|> your cave tribe use whale intestine for explosions grug not like <|endoftext|> >longnose tribe they not do exist in me grug cave <|endoftext|> Hutte à fumer utiliser porte faite en arbre Faire penser grug beaucoup <|endoftext|> tribu longs nez est ici, grug voir <|endoftext|> In 2018 it had some better periods like 30yo boomer and grug posting that's only when I posted there. <|endoftext|> Islam has been one of the biggest crimes against mankind, a religion that makes people looking grug like and give place to rapists and thieves. The Middle-East and North Africa would be a better place without pisslam. <|endoftext|> >Grug stark >därför grug bestämma Hehe mm <|endoftext|> the situation is the same. two indigenous cultures hunt whales as part of their traditional culture. you are moving goalposts like 'oh they are smaller' or 'oh they aren't as efficient as them' is kind of ridiculous. they are doing the same thing, expressing their traditional cultures. most natives in canada sell their whale meat because its the most economical way of distributing it to the community. also, ME TRANSPARENT! they LIE. GRUG RIGHT! give me a break. no amount of information can satisfy this type of thought. just say the other side is lying and hiding shit. <|endoftext|> >I thought Swedish was supposed to be easy. Well, that's relative... everyone will have a different definition of what makes something "easy". I personally would say that Swememe is pretty grug-tier, and the issues are those that you'll run into when learning any language (idiomaticity). Anglophones seem, more than so others by my empirical data, to struggle the most with idiomaticity when translating into other languages, wanting to express themselves like they would in English (and in conjunction with that, thinking a glossed meaning is good in all contexts). People with other native languages, and especially if they're bilingual, are more careful with this. I don't know how to "fix" that issue, though. >that can only be learned from experience I would unironically advice you to read. Just read. You'll develop some "Sprachgefühl" and won't struggle as much with word order, idiomaticity, spelling, or what have you. It would be a similar effect to that which we had when growing up absorbing English, basically just mimicking what we heard/read somewhere. <|endoftext|> >We HAV WURD U NOT HAV GRUG >10 seconds later calls it with a word we have for that thing he said we don’t have ?? <|endoftext|> >woman look good >grug give woman paper <|endoftext|> In the future there will only be 4 or 5 languages that are usefull the rest will be grug tier retardations with 1000s of english loanwords unsuitable for any kind of discussing is science or academia. Does your government do anything to protect your native language? <|endoftext|> What if you have a good idea but don't have the technical skills to bring that idea to fruition? Imagine if the Grug who thought about making the wheel wasn't stonemason <|endoftext|> >Grug see neighbor >Neighbor don’t pray like Grug >Grug kills neighbor family Do we really <|endoftext|> Grug you berrypicker! Get out from 4 caves painting village. <|endoftext|> momento grug <|endoftext|> >grug no like small houes >grug like pretty rocks <|endoftext|> >grug flytta till område med fler berg. grug bli smartare Inte så det funkar Chuddus. Människan gör samma grej oavsett var på planeten hon är. <|endoftext|> Germans like Turks are all about brute force. They could have dominated Europe economically a long time ago, but instead they preferred to provoke two absolutely pointless slaughter parties, killed millions of people for no reason and then lost like 40% of their territory and got occupied by Americans (hopefully forever). Such is the mindset of Grug. <|endoftext|> >Its literally grug tier grammar Analytic languages do give off that impression, but that's not to say that Mandarin grammar doesn't have its nuances and challenges. <|endoftext|> If they would have a normal writing system chinese could easily become the lingua franca. Chinese is often memed as a hard language but it has the most simple grammar ive ever come accross. Its literally grug tier grammar <|endoftext|> >yet the tenses are used almost identically to those in english No? English only has two tenses: Present and Past. "Sees" and "Saw". Like Swedish "Ser" and "Såg". English doesn't have any more than that because English is grug and grug no like inflections. Sorry my Frenchaboo friend, English isn't French. But it has many words from French so at least you have that. Although we have a not so small number of French loan words too, all western Euro langs sucked the big French cock at one point or another. <|endoftext|> >yet the tenses are used almost identically to those in english No? English only has two tenses: Present and Past. "See" and "Saw". Like Swedish "Se" and "Såg". English doesn't have any more than that because English is grug and grug no like inflections. Sorry my Frenchaboo friend, English isn't French. But it has many words from French so at least you have that. Although we have a not so small number of French loan words too, all western Euro langs sucked the big French cock at one point or another. <|endoftext|> >Also "there was a man" doesn't even make sense to try to group as SVO/SOV/VOS I didn't say so either. Are you argung that any of what I said is wrong or just being petty? >The grammar may be somewhat different >somewhat different English is grug speak. <|endoftext|> Grug like big <|endoftext|> The bold man is literally Grug <|endoftext|> it sounds like grug language you can thank the french you dont sound like cavemen anymore <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> fucking grug tier lmao <|endoftext|> >english >most educated English is literally grug-tier language that any kid can learn through a MMO. <|endoftext|> No. Chinese verbs have no conjugation, there's no such a concept like tense. It's like saying "Grug be mad yesterday" or "Pedro estar en China ahora". It's obvious that the verb doesn't give any information about tense, you have to understand it from context. <|endoftext|> indo-european lanaguages are grug tier <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> the primary reason isn't actually coal-powered powerplants but people heating their homes with the most inefficient furnaces using the shittiest fuel possible (coal, wood, sometimes even actual garbage) combined with the inability to use that furnace (lighting the bottom of the pit rather than the top). This isn't actually a problem of the urban population, but the population living in the suburbs. Even if you have a 40 year old furnace you can get a relatively clean burn with coal if you use it properly. But poles are stupid cattle and go "grug want warm" and you get air quality so shitty you can actually taste it. <|endoftext|> How’s your cave, Grug? <|endoftext|> big word bad, remind grug of scary science movie <|endoftext|> Maybe it's just prehistoric porn made by some Grug coomer <|endoftext|> English is a grug language compared to my own It has no conjugations, much less tenses and rules in general I'm not trying to be offensive, that's just the way it is I learned it in an english teaching school It costed me 150 BRL (a bit less than 30 USD) a month back then <|endoftext|> nie po to grug dosta maczuga od brug w obronie jaskinia eby grugina ruchaa brug <|endoftext|> uga buga grugina musi rucha grug nie moe rucha brug z druga jaskinia uga buga <|endoftext|> hahahaha grug lift heavy rock no more <|endoftext|> I wish i had a grug job that pays good <|endoftext|> Eres como grug, ooga booga left bad, right wing good, tenemos que ser centralistas por que es lo que yo considero que es de derechas y punto <|endoftext|> Ball goes in net fighting ensues grug like very much <|endoftext|> Detta är den perfekta mannen för kvinnor. Extremt hög maskulinitet vilket gör honom sexuellt attraktiv men även medelhög feminitet vilket gör honom emotionellt attraktiv. Är du hög maskulinitet men låg feminitet så blir du bara en grug chad hon vill knulla men inte vara partner med. Har du tvärtom eller ungefär likvärdiga nivåer så är du en bra vän och hon tycker om dig men du gör henne inte våt. Bevisa mig fel, incels. <|endoftext|> literally fucking stone age wheels like that grug meme <|endoftext|> today no see buffalo grug hungry grug want summer <|endoftext|> Big tit = strong children, Grug know this <|endoftext|> GRUG HIT ROCK >Grug, we are going to close down the rock business and not provide an alternative, leading to your community collapsing GRUG HAS RESERVATIONS ABOUT THIS SUDDEN DECISION <|endoftext|> GRUG HIT ROCK >But Grug, rock is not a viable or sustainable business model any more GRR, GRUG NO LIKE SUVVERN POOFTA TRICKS, GRUG HIT ROCK <|endoftext|> >grug hungry >grug throw rock at fowl >grug eat fowl >grugette hungry >berrypicker grugette gather berries >grugette eat berries <|endoftext|> It's true, that's German's defining feature. As opposed to English, which is unstandardized unregulated grug speak. Scandinavian languages are known for sounding silly. <|endoftext|> It is normal and comes from pre-historic times. Grug stole a female for his tribe: Grug good. Someone stole a female from Grug's tribe: Grug sad. <|endoftext|> >Turkish >Nice It sounds like a grug yelling <|endoftext|> Based and grug pilled, I want to escape the constraints of industrial society and be free like these Chads were <|endoftext|> I hate race arguments so much I used to think race autism would decrease if we all mixed but LatAm proved me wrong Literal cavemen thinking: "Grug skin pale, Ooga skin dark, me no like Ooga" AAAAAA <|endoftext|> "quotes and sources" are feminised beta male shit, grug from 5000bc doesn't care Seems like your just another leftist poisened by industrial society <|endoftext|> would love to see grug from 500AD try to order ubereats <|endoftext|> Grug smash! <|endoftext|> Because he speaks grug-tier Russian like 'Would I can jus orange please?'. Yes, it is enough to get your point across, but it's not like it is pleasant to converse with a person who stopped putting effort in a long time ago. And it is even more silly to take advice on how to learn Russian from him. <|endoftext|> >Grug invented led zeppelin because grug banged rocks and led zeppelin has drums Just stop retard <|endoftext|> yes I made grug tools as a kid too <|endoftext|> grug no like word grunt enough <|endoftext|> At this point its not even a soyjack. Mutch how grug is a brainlet wojack this is now a new member of the -jack family. <|endoftext|> grug get prosecuted for domestic abuse <|endoftext|> BASED grug! <|endoftext|> grug hit woman for making grug feel bad <|endoftext|> women liars, women hypocrites, women manipulative, women hurt grug, grug hates women <|endoftext|> so that means she makes between 83k and 750k a month this just shows how pathethic men are for falling for their traps, im not even gonna blame the woman, but the men who enable them to get this powerful and manipulate them if we didnt have this innatural respect for women, she would be bred by a strong Grug and giving her genes for evolution instead of an e-whore <|endoftext|> t. country with a grug-tier extractivist economy <|endoftext|> Fighting is the most grug tier ooga booga shit imaginable <|endoftext|> if grug live today he say "why no rock?" <|endoftext|> grug say "bad. not like cave" <|endoftext|> The west coast itself is actually starting to get it's own tech hubs apart from Silicon valley too. Seattle is fucking huge now, and LA-OC is growing it's own tech sector quite a bit too. Hell even Portland is starting to get pretty sizeable, and Oregon is kind of the grug state of the west coast. <|endoftext|> Anonymous 03/03/21(Wed)23:40:59 No.140573290 File: 873.jpg (77 KB, 600x678) 77 KB >none of you have ever read a book >> Anonymous 03/03/21(Wed)23:41:02 No.140573291 File: grug-soy-boy-glasses-open(...).png (40 KB, 485x443) 40 KB >any time I see you guys outside of this board you're absolute cunts. You spam dogshit memes, have pathetic lives, and are in general nuisances. Especially on boards like /his/. >why didn't x expand into y, did they fear the y warrior? >this kind of shit is annoying and you people shit up /his/, stop crossboarding there, none of you have ever read a book <|endoftext|> bazowy grug <|endoftext|> Jetzt im Nachhinein fällt mir auf, wie sehr diese Sichtweise sozialistisch geprägt ist. So im Sinne von "Kapitalismus und freier Markt böse, weil Grug kein Weibchen bekommt" Oder bilde ich mir das nur ein? Ich meine, Jordan Peterson sagt zum Teil was ähnliches und fordert deswegen auch solche Dinge wie "enforced monogamy", was ja meiner Meinung nach nichts anderes ist als eine Art "Beziehungsmarxismus" - als ob der Staat, oder "das System" dafür sorgen sollte, dass alle Menschen einen Partner finden. <|endoftext|> grug is glad grug's tribe left the eurug tribetribe <|endoftext|> >grug meets many far away grug on tribe board >grug is glad the far away grugs suffer <|endoftext|> >absolute grug tier economy (wholly dependent on extracting and exporting resources) We’re literally the same. At least the Saudi’s actually own their oil where all our resources are owned by China. <|endoftext|> >absolute grug tier economy (wholly dependent on extracting and exporting resources) >have virtually no manufacturing industry or form of skilled middle-class workers both of those are wrong tho <|endoftext|> you are right, i tought that grug tier meant shit tier, but it just mean primitive. <|endoftext|> >absolute grug tier economy (wholly dependent on extracting and exporting resources) >most diversification attempts failed or in meme-tier industries (tourism) >have virtually no manufacturing industry or form of skilled middle-class workers >no cultural output or even culture to begin with Band of brothers... I see another Argentina in the making. <|endoftext|> why does grug have an iron nail? i thought he stone age <|endoftext|> >Grug 1 fucked Grug 2 woman hehehe this is what mentally ill people will turn it to <|endoftext|> fighting has to be the most vulgar low iq "entertainment" in existence literally grug ooga booga tier garbage <|endoftext|> Because there is no difference with properly written english and poor written english since this language is grug-tier <|endoftext|> >nooooooooooooo you can't make the board better by simply creating a board for the generals because muh tribal nature muh humans are like this why would humans try to think and change things for the better, why would they solve their problems? what's science, what's technology, what's politics? nooooooo human nature is to be a little grug in a cave hitting rocks by the fire cause you have nothing else to do until tomorrow so you can go out and hunt animals again The Estonian mindset, ladies and gentlemen <|endoftext|> hello grug <|endoftext|> >grug love russian because easy to speak ANYALTALOV PKASPAROV PAPAVOICH NIVLKOLOV HURRDURPOVIK isn't an easy way to say "Sure" anon <|endoftext|> >old language: have no articles and cases >new language: have articles and cases >grug no like romance languages >grug love russian because easy to speak <|endoftext|> Damn grug shorty just built different y'na mean? <|endoftext|> uga buga grug by mondry a brug by gupi <|endoftext|> It's a physical / 2D representation of the anima, Grug made statuettes. <|endoftext|> Grug Logg Ung I Ergg Tob Ung II Big Quof Pid Ungabunga Hunga Kevin <|endoftext|> Alri grug <|endoftext|> uga buga grug nie mie kobieta to by wina dugi nos <|endoftext|> what are both of you arguing bros. me grug confused. <|endoftext|> return to grug <|endoftext|> Me hate neighboring country for no reason! Grug kill neighboring tribe! <|endoftext|> >utilidad intrinseca >grug gusta cosa que brilla, cosa que brilla ser valor, cambiar cosa que brilla por 3 cabras ok? >tribu de la nariz larga dice que papel vale mismo que cosa que brilla, grug creer <|endoftext|> the entire history of humanity is grug find tribe, grug kill tribe, but suddenly this is some unthinkable crime when it happens on another continent? are you fucking retarded, honestly man what the hell goes through your mind <|endoftext|> Here Grug, just got done fermenting some of this there sweet sugary stuff that come off the branches of trees, have a taste of that, what you reckon? <|endoftext|> I've never heard of third worlders from Brazil, Mexico, Golden Triangle, Africa ect commiting a double murder/suicide over something as stupid as snow plowing. Only comparable situation is witchcraft in Africa or Muslim shenanigans but that can be chalked down to religious grug brain. <|endoftext|> Grug think yellow small eye clan has better cave painting. Grug is part of yellow small eye clan. <|endoftext|> Grug thinks paintings bad, males who paint are playing as female, shouldn't play as female. It's wrong, says the elders. <|endoftext|> My soulmate..found 10/10 perfect Balkan guy to have babies with..he left me.thinks too lowly of himself doesn't understand I fell in love with him. How do I cope..Guys this feels me understand the brain of grug <|endoftext|> leftypol assailing the virtues on the european union to grug grug bashing his skull in a steal his wife <|endoftext|> leftypol running for his life after trying to tell a pack of will grugs why they should mix with the other grug tribe <|endoftext|> grug beating leftypol to death with the communist manifesto <|endoftext|> get grug'd mate <|endoftext|> grug-tier <|endoftext|> grug cope <|endoftext|> >grug angry >grug call him retard >that show him Truly the pinnacle of communist intellect. <|endoftext|> fucking grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NO PICK BERRIES FOR OTHER TRIBE! REAAAARRRGHHHHH GRUG SMASH! <|endoftext|> grug no read book <|endoftext|> grug no trust magic juice <|endoftext|> Einen Blumen sind mehr schoene als anderen. Heute ich habe den Zwillinger fuer das erste Mal getroffen. Manche Mensche nur will die Welt verbrennen sehen. A guy told me that's how to write if I don't have accents. I know this place if for learning but excuse my grug German. <|endoftext|> nie ma to jak faszerowa si cae dziecistwo ckliwymi bajkami o szczerej mioci trwajcej wieczno eby po wejciu w doroso dowiedzie si e to wszystko jest grubo wyidealizowane i kobiety to zwyke kurwom dziaajce wedug swoich prehistorycznych algorytmów i opuszcz ci w mgnieniu oka jak tylko zobacz e inny grug ma wicej kamyków albo wiksz pa <|endoftext|> grug bump thread <|endoftext|> Grug no wear face cloth Face cloth for weak gatherers Coof no real, made up by globalist grug <|endoftext|> >grug ancestor :) <|endoftext|> mutt grug always thinking about dark grug <|endoftext|> >grug say bee yourself <|endoftext|> posts like this are why Grug no venture outside tribe talk <|endoftext|> >grug go to international field >grug stand only with fellow grugs in international field <|endoftext|> >sieht aus wie grug Das ist das 1/4 französischen Blutes <|endoftext|> halt ein praktischer vorwand danke schicker stein, was ist das denn so? danke wann denn gekauft? sind ja gerade HEFTIG gepumpt, echt krank puhhh sieht aus wie grug <|endoftext|> >tribe council decide grug not to leave cave, grug might get plague >tribe council give grug many berries even though grug not go hunt and gather any more >grug fear berry barter system may suffer, grug think maybe worse than plague <|endoftext|> >grug stay in cage to save old grug >grug stay far from other grug when hunt and gather <|endoftext|> >big disease is killing old grug in caves >grug wear loincloth to save old grug <|endoftext|> So what if I just said 'Ich habe ihm gesagt.' Is that grug speak? <|endoftext|> hey guys Norsk grammer is pretty grug tier, but im getting confused with one common verb in particular 'å bli' (to become) and its tenses can somone please give me an example in english of the tenses 1.Infinitive 2.present 3.preterite 4.perfect participle My brain gets an aneurysm when i start reading grammer Thanks <|endoftext|> Grug become berrypicker Grug no need heavy club Grug good life <|endoftext|> Gives that grug is a berry-picker. <|endoftext|> grug no trust fire grugs eat fireless meat for many grug lifes good enough for grug's dad good enough for grug <|endoftext|> if grug mix plant with fire grug feel good <|endoftext|> grug want real gruggette but grug can only get stone grugette <|endoftext|> Big belly tribe did mess with grug's tribe rock trow place, grug know they did, grug no forget. <|endoftext|> grug like thread grug hit thread with club <|endoftext|> grug see many berrypicker face in this cave painting grug think hut tribe pay berrypickers to make grug also berrypicker <|endoftext|> Grug touch fire and get hurt Grug wants compensation for medical expenses <|endoftext|> >Grug’s tribe did not invent canoe Grug stuck on land. Hahaha <|endoftext|> Island bad, grug no know how to swim, grug will exterminate isl*nders <|endoftext|> Argrug tribe darker than moonless night. Grug laughs <|endoftext|> cavemen be like dare grug to fuck that dinosaur aha <|endoftext|> WOT IF GRUG MADE A BIG FIRE TO KEEP WARM BUT THEN THE FIRE GOT TOO BIG AND THE CAVE BURNED DOWN MENTAL INNIT! <|endoftext|> Skygrugs bow to no tribe. Kidnap grugs friends and game. Grug hate skygrug. <|endoftext|> >me be grug and grug's thinky is *BBBBBBRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP* <|endoftext|> >>DUDE grug just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the neolithic revolution, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes grug feel like i’m in one of my favourite CAVE PAINTINGS. you should totally come on down to grug studio cave, it’s got EXPOSED RED STONE walls and everything, we can crack open a nice berry juice or three and get crazy watching some pictures on cave wall! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the savannah- listen here, right, it’s a PLAIN where us HUMANS who do WALKING can go WALK. BUT!!!! it’s also has TREES like when we were apes, so we can CLIMB, without dumb apes bothering us. speaking of which gruga and grug have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the shaman cave, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. grug fuckin JACKED man, grug gonna SLAM this berry juice and pop open another one!!! <|endoftext|> vrug say live in forest like animal but vrug put drawing on cave wall like any other grug <|endoftext|> >imagine not being able to blend amongst white men >are you liiterally a jihad? Jesse, What the fuck are you talking about? >Gulfies You'll need long ass list of qualifications to get any comfy jobs there unless you're Indian or Egypsie then you can go there and work some low end grug tier job while getting humiliated by ar*ps no thanks I'd rather stay here and do that to foreigners instead lmao <|endoftext|> Hahah, berrypicker face, grug invent sarcasm to mock you <|endoftext|> me ask fem grug draw naked breast on cave wall fem grug ignore grug fem grug whore <|endoftext|> >grug heckin love fire! <|endoftext|> Met-tal? Truth, the mountain tribes sleep with other men. When Grug was a small cub, bone was enough and bone was good. <|endoftext|> grug find fire but go out how do fire <|endoftext|> Meat on stick and cooked over a fire is universal. Grug son of Ug probably did this first when he discovered fire. <|endoftext|> Grug happy. <|endoftext|> >What would your take be on learning Norwegian? Idk. If you wanna learn, then do it. Scandi langs are pretty grug, so you'll probably speedrun it too. Stop shitting up the thread. <|endoftext|> >grug see healthy wahman grug want make bebe <|endoftext|> >grug want fight cause no sex argghh freak <|endoftext|> Le grug face :DD <|endoftext|> That looks like a Grug side profile <|endoftext|> Russian is best sounding but it has some grug-tier characteristics. South Slavic languages are worst, especially some dialects. <|endoftext|> IPS is an lcd tech in grug language it make screen more vibrant and better viewable from all angles, also making less strain on eyes <|endoftext|> grug speak <|endoftext|> love this grug phenotype <|endoftext|> >t. grug <|endoftext|> Erm, go past her back to home because I'm not grug and can actually control myself? <|endoftext|> Major grug/Norf vibes here <|endoftext|> small grug dont understand real music me grug know REAL music they no bang rock like used to in oldgrug days <|endoftext|> Imagine having to steal Latin words to improve your grug tier germanic language <|endoftext|> To be honest all white languages sound grug tier to me. You can’t even turn verbs into abstractions or vice versa. t. Fon <|endoftext|> Opposite, Finnish is grug tier. Inflection is a sign that a language is less developed. PIE was highly inflected, Latin less so, and Romance languages even less. The same pattern can be seen in the Afro-Asiatic and Sino-Tibetan language families. Look at any bush language, and you see the same pattern. Bantu languages boggle the mind with their 30 genders and tonal agreement rules. Some Amerindian languages are so highly inflected that you can form a complete multi-clause sentence with a single word. You know what you never see from these random ooga booga languages? Analytic grammar. They're all highly synthetic languages. It really makes one think. <|endoftext|> english is grug tier language <|endoftext|> hmph grug see stone water house grug smash it wif club grug see Roman town grug burn it grug see flesh grug devour flesh hugh, grug will build europeen identity booga booga <|endoftext|> Grug flow <|endoftext|> faire penser grug <|endoftext|> Why does Grug have a machined nail in his club? <|endoftext|> >They're all in a mental hospita >Uga buga grug don't like thinks that he don't understand, now I will ry to get Eu money but still bash angainst the lefty system that gifs me money. Time for spicy water so I will beat wife and kisa uga buga <|endoftext|> grug activated <|endoftext|> Grug niet begrijp cli *Grug gooit steen* <|endoftext|> You picked these words on purpose, didn't you Finnbro? They all have cognates in Swedish :DD Although our "känga" means boot rather than shoe. And "lamm" means lamb. >lammas (sheep) / lampaan (sheep’s) >lampaat (sheep, plural) / lampaiden (sheep’s, plural) I'll give a Swedish declension for comparison kung (king) / kungs (king's) kungen (the king) / kungens (the king's) kungar (kings) / kungars (kings') kungarna (the kings) / kungarnas (the kings') peak grug logic :DDD <|endoftext|> >The Grug approach >A critical hermeneutical approach And notice how I've omitted the 145IQ guy's approach here -- it's because it doesn't exist. "The Bible says what the Bible says", in opposition to analyzing the Bible critically, doesn't have a high IQ version. There's only Prot brainletism, which is the Grug Wojak with a bit of mental gymnastics mixed in. <|endoftext|> >>he still doesn't realize the zoomer is the literalist No, I don't think that the zoomer is the literalist, since I know what aforementioned higher criticism of the Bible is, and I also know a thing or two about hermeneutics in general. I'll give you an example of this shit in practice. >Matthew 23:9 - And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father. The Grug approach would be to literally call no man on Earth your father. A critical hermeneutical approach would explain that among contemporary Jews "father" had a rather narrow meaning; it was a sort of a title held by Pharisees, who were not a part of the priestly class and would eventually evolve into Rabbinic Judaism. So Christ is specifically referring to Pharisaic rabbis in this verse, as made evident by a verse preceding that one, which prohibits calling anyone Rabbi. In general such approaches have nothing to do with some STEMfag loling at various geographical misconceptions found in the Bible. It's indeed a more secular approach to the scripture, but even the Catechism of the Catholic Church says that such an approach is sometimes necessary to fully understand the Bible (as opposed to brainlet Protestant "scripture interprets itself" bullshit): >In order to discover the sacred authors’ intention, the reader must take into account the conditions of their time and culture, the literary genres in use at that time, and the modes of feeling, speaking and narrating then current. For the fact is that truth is differently presented and expressed in the various types of historical writing, in prophetical and poetical texts, and in other forms of literary expression. (CCC 110) I unironically think that meme was made by a Prot. <|endoftext|> grug can't control pp? <|endoftext|> >The zoomer is triggered because the monk is analyzing the text and not just making fun of it at first glance. No, the zoomer is triggered because the Grug is regurgitating the most primitive kind of literalist crap. He tells him that he needs a more nuanced hermeneutical approach, and then there's le deep scriptura sui ipsius interpres Protestant monk who's smart because that's what appeared deep to the 4channer who made the meme. There's nothing suggesting that the "midwit" zoomer who insists on more nuanced methods of historical analysis is even replying to the Protestant monk. <|endoftext|> No they aren't lmao, the zoomer literally says that you can't interpret the Bible without a certain grammatical/critical/whatever hermeneutical approach as a response to the brainlet Grug. Because apparently asking for a reinterpretation of the Scriptures in light of modern social sciences by application of not only textual criticism, but pivotally, the *historical-critical method* and other cool shit like that as a response to drooling Grug's blatant literalism, that's midwit-tier compared to televangelical-tier regress to that same kind of literalism with a few extra steps mixed in. <|endoftext|> Not really biblical literalism, just accepting and viewing the Bible the way its intended by taking into account the culture, history, goals, writers, translation differences etc. Saying God bad because you weren't born a millionaire or God isn't real because my science teacher said so when I was 10 is literally peak midwit. Atheism has become the generic "smart" choice of the masses, like the STEM meme for degrees. In a way its making fun of biblical literalism by implying you can never fully comprehend what is written or said and taking it at face value is the easier cop-out approach. The monk studies it and thinks about it and gets 100 different meanings from the text. His words mean that you can't change what is written and can just struggle to understand it to the best of your abilities. The grug is the basic retard who thinks God is a bearded man in the sky and fear he will send lighting to strike him down if he doesn't do what the book and what the people who have read the book say. The zoomer doesn't want to put in the effort and just uses irony, sarcasm and deflection to prevent any form of deeper introspection. Also I'm going to sleep. <|endoftext|> Looks like grug <|endoftext|> hmmm monke is cool but... big fucking dino Grug choose DINO <|endoftext|> >grug ewoluowa do biegania, zabijania ruchania >grug nigdy nie robi squatów w jednej osi <|endoftext|> Guys, guys! Just had a brilliant idea for a universal language. Why don't we just point at things and make grug noises to communicate? <|endoftext|> ooga grug like big pink lip big pink lip look like vageena <|endoftext|> GRUG NO SEX, SEX BAD <|endoftext|> grug plemi wygra <|endoftext|> >Grug in der Höhle war ein Huso und hat Mammutfleisch versteckt <|endoftext|> Mein Urgroßvater hat seine Frau betrogen und deshalb gibt es meinen Opa Schon Grug in der Höhle war ein Huso und hat Mammutfleisch versteckt, das wette ich <|endoftext|> GRUG PEOPLE GOOD GRUG DARK PEOPLES BAD! <|endoftext|> It varies, sometimes his pronunciation is on point but other times there's some incorrect emphases or he's just pronouncing it wrong The most common mistakes I've noticed is he tends to pronounce u's as "oo" instead of "uh" like in Auðun, sínum and urmul (wish I knew more about phonology so I wouldn't have to give a grug-tier explanation but bear with me) and he has some issues with double consonants, either pronouncing them too forcefully (often with words containing tt) or too softly (like the kk in "ekki") Overall pretty alright, if he ever moved here I'm certain he would have it down within a few years <|endoftext|> grug ne voljeti kopace zemlje, grug vrati lovce skupljace nazad <|endoftext|> Basé Waalse grug <|endoftext|> Grug unga bunga snu-snu tribeswomen from poopskin-tribe good Grug wants all tribeswomen in world for himself, no sharing <|endoftext|> English is soulless and grug-tier. <|endoftext|> alri' grug <|endoftext|> Skizo leaf grug Or a slug as i like to call him <|endoftext|> TRVE EVRO COMING THROUGH OOGA BOOGA GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> >grug sees woman >grug take woman >grug make love with woman >grug make babies <|endoftext|> No. Military does IQ tests (ASVAB) to determine your ability. If you are violent grug low iq you get put on the front line. If you are intelligent you get a glorified office job in the Army/Air Force (we call it chair force because all they do is sit and click buttons). If you can get a top secret security clearance you are basically guaranteed a $200-300k job in certain three letter agencies after your contract ends. <|endoftext|> grug gilla stor rumpa <|endoftext|> grug play music stop hear sad head voice <|endoftext|> uncivilized grug posters are also welcome <|endoftext|> what a grug-tier language <|endoftext|> för sent för grug, sörj inte vid grugs gravröse <|endoftext|> grug må dåligt grug ta nödvändig näringsämne <|endoftext|> i'm grug averse <|endoftext|> I chose the softer face for all of the matters that genuinely threatened the tribes existence because he looks more considered and intelligent. The grug face looks more capable of violence but also more impulsive, better as a workhorse than a leader. <|endoftext|> how come brainlet and grug are forgotten but soyjak is still around? <|endoftext|> Bara för din morsa läste den för hon tänder på grug-kuk och våldtäkt betyder inte att sv ho gör det <|endoftext|> >Why are the females generally more social than the men and seem not suffer from social issues ? Girls are not as physically strong or mentally competent as men are. They rely on the group for safety, and more importantly manipulating the biggest grug to look after them. >Why they always manage to lead a more fulfilled life than the men ? Women live more fulfilled lives for the same reason animals and toddlers do. >Why are they seem more integrate and comfy into modern society than the men? Because all the girls who weren’t normies died alone when the tribe moved off without telling her while she was asleep. >Have you ever seen a female suffering from social anxiety, with no friends, maintaining a bad hygiene, totally closed from the rest of the society? Yes. Those are called BPDs. Since women aren’t meant to function alone the only ones who end up that way are dysgenic. 80% of BPDs kill themselves. >Implying hygiene or awkwardness ever stopped a guy from fucking a chick <|endoftext|> Grug horny grug unga bunga nej slank blond, har inte coomat i någon tjej sen henne i augusti. <|endoftext|> Also if I/we could reform it in any way, CV is a pretty good base but it sounds pretty grug. Definitely room for some changes <|endoftext|> To be quite fair MUH NOT LOOKING THE SAME is as shitty an argument for an immigration position as MUH TOO WHITE. There are a hundred anti-immigrant policies that aren’t grounded in Grug cavemen-tier mentality of “b-b-but everyone no look like they did a long time ago.” <|endoftext|> That's how soldiers have always behaved though. From the moment when grug realized that he could dedicate his life to mastering combat. <|endoftext|> Also Practically every single difference between male and female behaviour can be explained by simple evolutionary circumstances. For a man to reproduce successfully he needs to be successful in some way. Generally speaking this means he needs to take risks, which translates to being more prepared and willing to challenge any status quo or group consensus. >no Grug, attacking sabretooth big heap retarded >fuk u, when Grug kill sabretooth will have all bitches on grug dick For example. But women? To successfully reproduce they just need to survive. They don't need to risk their lives striving for success or challenging the status quo. They just need to gestate on their asses until some horny man jams her full of seed and her biologically imperative is fulfilled. To this end, women developed to maximise survival chances at the trade-off of being less able to succeed at riskier or more dangerous behaviours. This is why she is weaker and slower than men, but also less likely to die of disease and more resistant to starvation. It is also why she is an absolute slave to group consensus. The absolute worst thing that could happen to a woman is being cast out of her tribe for being a disagreeable cunt. While a man may have a chance of making his way alone and perhaps even returning victorious after risking himself in the wild, a woman is completely fucked. She *NEEDS* her tribe to want to keep her around. Without them she may as well be a toddler lost in a desert. <|endoftext|> >GRUG MAD AT ELECTION >GRUG SMASH CAPITOL >GRUG HANG PENCE <|endoftext|> Faggot Grug poster kys <|endoftext|> >dumbest countries were occupied by Islam and dumbest countries are typically the poorest ones Islam is grug religion <|endoftext|> >OUR LAND OUR LAND Based grug Swedish >oh our country finland :DD Not as grug but still respectable Probably not me >This is the real Finnish anthem. I do respect Jean "Janne" Sibelius, but a national anthem should have lyrics in my humble opinion. <|endoftext|> Its like eating sausage without heating it? Sounds kinda grug to me I guess the secret is to put a lot of salt in it <|endoftext|> Kultur är något som byggs upp över flera generationer. Allt som inte är grug är något du ärvt från någon annan. Västerlänningar idag bär på arvet från de gamla grekerna. <|endoftext|> One eager to apply grug methods. <|endoftext|> That's why I said it it's grug meme language Not an actual cave man language. It's actually good that the language is simple.. No need to get triggered. This is what happens everytime when you try to say chinese as a langauge isn't all that hard If China would have more simplistic writing system China, and Chinese culture would become more well known. Btw why do chinese always take so much pride in their langauge? Like they say you will never become fluent and always sound like a foreigner. Well no fucking shit you will have an accent regardless the language lmao. I wonder if they realize what do chinese people sound like when speaking different langauges lol <|endoftext|> I actually find chinese grammar really simple. Some nationalist chinese might seethe but chinese grammar is like grug language If they would switch to pinyin more people would see its not that hard and the language would become more popular I dont really get the deethinh about tones. Plenty of languages have accents and umlauts. Change the umlaut and the word has completely different meaning. No difference in mandarin <|endoftext|> >Me Grug. Me weigh 12 stones and 23 pebbles. Do brits really? <|endoftext|> >brits weigh stuff with rocks literally grug-tier <|endoftext|> >ewwww grug think incest icky so grug say make it illegal the ultimate plebeian emotional argument <|endoftext|> Nah, i'm not a clown. The thing is i'm markedly superior to the average Brit. My father (who I inherited my dark features from) is an academically celebrated scientist. I am wealthy at a young age. I feel spiritually connected to Jews more than I do any Anglo S*xon. I carry the I haplogroup which is a sibling haplogroup of J. I consider the Jews to be much closer to my kin than any R1 Germanoid. Every Jew i've ever met has become a friend with little effort, where as among Germanics I find them brutish and grug like with little in the way of substance to offer. <|endoftext|> i am grug. grug friend with lug, lug with big forehead. big forehead very good knowing, can cook, make warm clothes, fire, know many things. grug kill, share meat with lug. grug and lug very good friend. share and help lots. <|endoftext|> Man gör vad man kan, utan att förta sig. Fattar inte folk som grinar över >wäääh kan bara lyfta det och göra så många armhävningar Jaha tror du det är en tävling eller? Kan du bara lyfta 20kg i någon övning är det vad du kan och och där du startar, det är inget att skämmas över, man tränar för att bli starkare och må bättre i kroppen. Att gå full grug lyfta stor sten, 1 rep 1 set stilen och liknande leder bara till att du skadar dig och i längden till heemad kropp. När man är 50 med heemade knän kommer någon tacka dig för att du lyfte tungt i knäböj eller för att du bänkade tungt med trasiga armar? <|endoftext|> I've refrained from having female acquaintances for all my life because if I ever get into close friend territory I immediatly shift into oneitis mode. Not even a coomer but I'm so thirsty for a romantic relationship it turns my brain into grug bean. <|endoftext|> France was ordered to cave in (by the EU) Boris did send the army in (for covid testing) I would like to give this article the benefit of the doubt and say it's badly written instead of deliberately misleading, but grug would unironically probably read it like that. <|endoftext|> grr me manly me stuff mouth with chilli, hurt mouth but grug no care <|endoftext|> No, they wont. It's grug-tier. <|endoftext|> turdgay is not ayyROPEian. grug sends his regards. <|endoftext|> >You dont have to think when speaking Brainlet take and you look like you know nothing about linguistics. In order to inflect a word correctly you always need to think momentarily regardless if yoyr language is native. Languages with cases require much more thinking, like when to use dative or accusative, to recognize if a noun is an instrument towards an action or if a noun is a location. in an analytical language you dont have to think about any of that shit, only gender and number inflections for nouns and slightly more complex verb inflections which are still easier to inflect than cases. This is primitive grug bullshit. Pic related. Useless bs that doesnt contribute to anything towards efficiency in speaking. <|endoftext|> >buy a new car >lets put my caste on it Man northies are ooga booga grug tier <|endoftext|> >it what killed it grug understand, grug no post mammoth gimmick again <|endoftext|> >T e ypa? Bc oco pe peo a ooc oepa Epoe. E ocoa oo aoap oaa oope ya oppoae apace epeo aycpo. epa o ca aca ocy a oop e oe eaa po >Te cpa e ope pae pe ocyapca ? o caa aa e a cee? > eo aoo cpeeoo popecca o, o a ee pca popecc a ay-o acoy aoee? oey? o o aoo? Ec ao-o grug 10000 e aa e e a, ceoc, poy y, o o aoaec ya "o a e ceac yeo, e o o epe 10000 e, o o e e a o yy o o ooe oy pe opec. oy oa ce a ceee caeyoy py, ooy o yye y ye e." <|endoftext|> rückkehr zu grug etzala? <|endoftext|> >UGG, GRUG LOOK BIGGER >GRUG HOW MUCH WIEGH >GRUG WEIGH 5 ROCKS, ABOUT A SINGLE BOULDER <|endoftext|> >3500 Brits living in Libya They are just 'libyans' with bong passports Please take them back I hate them. >The saying is a pun referring to the fact that the Iberians would generally pronounce the letter v the same as b (which uses the sound or [β]) instead of [w] or [v]. In Latin, the words vivere ("to live") and bibere ("to drink") are distinguished only by the use of the letters v and b >thus creating a point of confusion in the Iberian pronunciation. kek Grug is confuze Nice digits <|endoftext|> If they were in the happy forest first how come they dont speak a similar language to east tribe and grug's tribe grug does not understand <|endoftext|> danish zoomers have grug-tier danish vocabulary and use english words to compensate <|endoftext|> Grug dont care about the bitch happyness <|endoftext|> Woman feels good Woman happy Grug happy because woman happy <|endoftext|> >No this is a kvinna who has a fetish for fem(boys) grug-tier language <|endoftext|> city-lickers on /int/ >grug's tribe better than your tribe (said unironically) country boys on /int/ >check out this video of a chinese guy barbecuing a pig >nice, that looks fucking good <|endoftext|> grug's tribe better than your tribe <|endoftext|> grug see booba <|endoftext|> you know how people understand grug even though his English isn't very advanced? <|endoftext|> lmao literally grug tier <|endoftext|> based >news headline starts with "no, " >news headline says "(and that's a good thing)" >news headline says "(and it's beautiful)" >news headline starts with "fact check: " >news headline contains multiple grug-tier short sentences <|endoftext|> >forte nuit? >grug ne aime >grug aime classiques >ouais, doume 2 etait bonne jeu <|endoftext|> >someone says something you don't like >first thought is violence UGH. HOOMAN SAY THING. SEMITE GRUG NO LIKE. KILL. KIIIIIILLLL <|endoftext|> alri grug <|endoftext|> >refuse food?!? El Grug smash! <|endoftext|> Humans haven't really changed in any shape or form from the Grug era. Instincts are encoded by nature. <|endoftext|> GRUG WILL KNAHL MACHEN <|endoftext|> Cela se reconnaît immédiatement : droite c'est courageux, gauche c'est paresseux grug <|endoftext|> Cela se reconnaît immédiatement : gauche c'est gentil, droite c'est méchant grug <|endoftext|> Japan never signed the Geneva convention so most of the 'atrocities' they committed weren't actually illegal. The war crime trials the Americans held were a total farce with no legal standing at all other than grug-tier revenge based chimping out <|endoftext|> Det där är inte en hälsosam diet, det är bara efterblivet för att hurr hurr kyckling magert kött grug såg på internet att muskel lyftare äta detta <|endoftext|> I am grug <|endoftext|> It's not a matter of looking gay or not. It's a matter of doing things correctly and not looking like a grug. <|endoftext|> best ways objectively are nee and nö nä's borderline grug and na is full on grug <|endoftext|> grug... <|endoftext|> >declensions grug have no idea what this mean grug will beat you with rock now <|endoftext|> The default insult on this site shifted from calling people stupid to calling people cucks/soyboys. Grug/brainlet wojak got replaced by soyjak. <|endoftext|> Men.... grug... behöva lyfta stor sten <|endoftext|> >morocco good morocco good grug grug grug I heard Arabs (I am not Arab, FYI) tend to identify their dad’s heritage not their mom’s. You’re with other words I think not Moroccan but Egyptian. <|endoftext|> >you two >you three >you four ... >you one thousand four hundred and fifty eight Grug tier language <|endoftext|> grug ha sdor mäll sdor mäll betyda sdor grug t. grug <|endoftext|> >me dig hole >me find shiny shiny >me sell to far off land Your economy is grug tier <|endoftext|> >grug no likey rare steak >grug eat rock hard well-done steak >rock steak is safer for grug to eat Why are third worlders like this? <|endoftext|> Humanity is no different from Grug times, it just has better technology <|endoftext|> What's the debate? Homosexuals are born homosexual, what are you gonna do about it? Do you think you're gonna make homosexuals go extinct by killing them or something? Grug tier logic. <|endoftext|> Imagine giving her a good old grug smash <|endoftext|> i'll never understand shit like this, or you hear stories about stuff from the US every so often like parents killing their kids because they thought their partner was cheating or whatever like how the FUCK do you escalate a small conflict to killing someone? sometimes i unironically believe the NPC meme, like these people must be some grug-tier level primitive thinking <|endoftext|> happy smoke why grug invent fire <|endoftext|> >A German compound word/term that loosely translates to "Cheek pipe face". >In common use it means something to the effect of "A face badly in need of a fist" That's not an ugly word Quite the contrary, a driving force in the creation of language itself was probably situations in which grug wanted to be able to convey to krug that his face was badly in need of a fist <|endoftext|> >grug not like normal no sex group >grug smart >grug venerate cartoon gruginas instead of real gruginas <|endoftext|> shut up grug <|endoftext|> >grug no see point in putting squiggles on tablet >head remember squiggle good enough <|endoftext|> >grug crede niente >grug intelligente <|endoftext|> Would be fun if the sun fries all electronics and we return to Grug <|endoftext|> >grug-soy-boy-open-mouth.jpg <|endoftext|> >cassé systemctl ça veut rien dire. en plus si t'avais vraiment niqué systemd ton os booterait plus. >grug apprend linux en tout cas t'as pris le temps d'installer screenfetch. c'est bien, de toute façon c'est le seul intérêt de linux quand tu postes sur reddit et /g/. <|endoftext|> grug cassé systemctl par erreur. grug désactivé ouifi et backlight. grug apprend linux. <|endoftext|> >Also where does the (I'm assuming English) idea of caveman speak even come from? Movies/books maybe, remove parts from the language and flip some pronouns and you get caveman speak. me grug no like thing. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Nothing it is a grug language and easy to learn <|endoftext|> grug understand accent he hear more than one he no hear as much <|endoftext|> Grug mag nicht <|endoftext|> >Grug fast beep beep >Grog no fast beep beep >Grog is berrypicker tribe <|endoftext|> Ugh.... it all went to shit when Grug discovered fire. <|endoftext|> literally grug face <|endoftext|> >mfw no qt english rose from yorkshire to save from the grug norf fc population <|endoftext|> >We still use spears and swords? News to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe in military affairs we do still use electromagnetic induction and the laws of physics, created by Michael Faraday and Isaac Newton respectively. Very low IQ. Tattics is not weapon and many of tham can be used anyway. Low iq fat >Fair enough. And since the Romans derived their alphabet from the Phonecians, the primary Roman contribution was spreading this invention in a corner of the world. The British spread that invention to all of the world. Shut up fat. Bell didn't invented nothing Low iq fatlard again >Lol Cope Low iq fatlard lol >British spread it further No. Romans did first spanish and Portugueses later. You just roaming around stealing like the low iq grug pillager that you are. Zero contribution again >Imagine thinking the Romans invented the idea of building shelter, religious centers, and art. Stonehenge would like a word. Nobosy said they invented. They just built a lot of them. Low iq fatlard again. cope. >These aren't contributions to the modern world. They're ruins of an ancient civilization. Only a low iq american with a nut-large brain can say this. Every ancent and past writings is a contribution to the modern world you tard. My god your IQ must be so low that you can barely chew your food. <|endoftext|> Toi pas manger la massue a Grug. <|endoftext|> no young Swede would ever communicate in such grug tier English, it is an immigrant of some kind. In fact I'm pretty sure it's nother arab IIRC. Those screenshots that the article is from also had conversatilns in Arabic. <|endoftext|> Grug discovering fire has been a disaster for the human species. <|endoftext|> C'est Grug <|endoftext|> Some slave learning Grug's language. <|endoftext|> >Be grug >Neighbor tribe ook weird >Take dead mammoth to weird grug camp >Ookook many moon >Grug ookook two ook <|endoftext|> retvrn to grug <|endoftext|> >grug work Kek. <|endoftext|> >Nations like Romania are doing very good in comparison we're gonna have a demographic collapse in a few years 5 million prime working age romanians are spread all over the eu and it's not like we're keeping birth rates up there are more children born in emigrant romanian families than children born in romania rn our economy is doing well on paper because west eu countries export their grug work to us <|endoftext|> This is the grug explanation <|endoftext|> C'est vrai, mais c'est une chose de confondre "avait" et "avais" parce qu'ils se ressemblent, et une autre d'écrire "kel" au lieu de "qu'elle", il ne faut pas beaucoup d'efforts pour apprendre que "k" n'apparaît presque jamais dans les mots français. Ces etudiants sont principalement issus des anciennes colonies françaises, donc je suppose qu'ils ont appris le français tout au long de leur scolarité ou même qu'ils le parlent tous les jours. Et ils le parlent et le comprennent bien mieux que moi, mais ils écrivent de cette façon étrange. Je ne pourrais jamais imaginer une personne parlant de manière compréhensible dans ma langue maternelle, mais écrivant comme ça. Habituellement, si un immigrant écrit comme un grug, il parle aussi comme ça, et vice versa. <|endoftext|> uu aa grug nie lubi czerwone plemie <|endoftext|> ME GRUG FRUM NORF! NORF BEST FOOTIE CAUSE ME WAS BORN THEER <|endoftext|> >qi basso: questo gruppo si divide in A e opposto di A, Grug ha parlato >qi intermedio: questo gruppo è formato da diverse sfumature di grigio non divisibili in compartimenti stagni >qi alto: questo gruppo si divide in A e opposto di A, e più non dimandare <|endoftext|> I kinda want to learn africaans cause its even dumber. It literally grug speak >the dog is eat <|endoftext|> They are basically speaking Grug English <|endoftext|> Gonatt till dig med grug. Såg dig inte. <|endoftext|> Low IQ >grug sad grug hav no friens >POLSKAAAA >grug join the gang and scream polska too >grug hav frens now >grug happy <|endoftext|> Grug lift rock woman make unga bunga <|endoftext|> UGH GRUG NO AGREE GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> History was about snow grug tribes that got assimilated and mutt by various tribes. There’s no full blood Celt greek Germanic Slavic or latin anymore. Evening discounting those with Arab Turkish mongol or hunnic blood, Europeans are just like white Americans . Even tribal languages got smashed. Brittany in France 100 years ago and other native languages in France got outlawed so everyone must learn the latin language that is french. Celtic language got removed like Gaelic. White history is always changing an a complete hodgepodge If you cared for traditional ways you would be like arabs indians or Africans It’s about the tribe the caste the clan etc Pride for homeland The moment your ancestors could leave they went to the new world You have no traditions nor culture Your culture is what’s ox and what’s fashionable for this decade All you got is trends <|endoftext|> Swedish names that came after patronymic names are grug tier. It's some combination of words. Roll for your Swedish name. If you get 74, your name is Seamountain(Sjöberg). >0 Rock (Sten) >1 Small group of trees (Lund) >2 Twig (Kvist or Qvist) >3 Branch (Gren) >4 Mountain (Berg) >5 Stream (Ström) >6 Bird (Fågel or Fogel) >7 Sea (Sjö) >8 Sand (Sand) >9 Tree (Lind) <|endoftext|> grug think uk sucks <|endoftext|> grug non piace geofrafilia <|endoftext|> >Republican governments >Parliaments >Councils >Federations >Unions nothings really different about them their primary goal is to give the illusion of people's true needs and wants at play monke and grug cave is the only true path <|endoftext|> Grrr non white on electric light box make grug angry <|endoftext|> O TO TOT GRUG RUCHA CIPA PUSIA WAGINA PIDZISKO RUCH AHCHACHURCUHACURUCHACCURAUCH <|endoftext|> grug brain hurt grug need distract no lyrics, no think, beee stop posting on that pol hellhole if you want to keep your brain sane, I only browse there to check the numbers for covid and that is all <|endoftext|> >Tfw gf is from China >5 years together >Stuck in respective countries since covid >Faggot army men have a shrimp dick measuring contest >Can't go to her cunt and she can't come here cus "covid" EHEM FUCK XI FUCK MAULANA FUCK WHITE PEOPLE FOR MAKING US ALL PLAY THEIR GRUG OOGA BOOGA GLOBAL GAME AND FUCK MUSLIMS <|endoftext|> >More kids mean more sex. >Me am handsum. >Me mumma say so Fucking grug tier <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> Imagine seeing your pic posted on the internet by insecure degenerates. I've understood that the average western person is low iq grug who only cares about appearance. If you look good you can get away with almost anything in the west. This is the exact reason we get so much hate despite minding our own bussiness and being model immigrants. <|endoftext|> ug, grug <|endoftext|> >chinka >grek Truly grug speak, and that's coming from me. <|endoftext|> >Go to sleep grug. Your people are extinct. Nope. <|endoftext|> Go to sleep grug. Your people are extinct. <|endoftext|> Grug no understand why homoman no like big eyebrow? Eyebrow big is MANLY Eyebrow Big is SCARY <|endoftext|> >Are modern males low test compared to their ancestors? Yes, in the wilderness high testosterone grug were selected, the males that were more succesful in reproduction produced high test males, in contrast, modern life in society does not select high testosterone as much as it did in the wilderness <|endoftext|> >grug drie woorden veel <|endoftext|> grug manda pallone in porta tribù grug felice grug esulta <|endoftext|> whoa cars grug like vroom vroooom haha <|endoftext|> They do it to flex on other people. Oldest grug tactic in the book >my people good >your people bad >me genocide you take your women <|endoftext|> grug gilla draktuttar <|endoftext|> >General turns into caste autism because northies are grug tier brainlets Why are diaspora the same as local fags? Why are you faggots obsessed about caste when it plays no role in your life in West <|endoftext|> grug sense much truthberry in post too much truth berry grug use smoke ring to summon dog man dogman destroy origin poster begone <|endoftext|> Grug like idea. Grug think we should send all pitdogs to brazil tribe because it already bad place. <|endoftext|> Good. But grug think orange man will tell red tribe that blue tribe no count vote rocks right. <|endoftext|> Fire make Grug hurt. Grug no use fire. Grug use rock, put it close to Grogs fire, then pick it up with sticks and take back to Grugs cave. Grug keep warm with hot rock. <|endoftext|> Worst case scenario is a bunch of civil wars, mass starvation, mass migration, and societal collapse in some countries. Humanity has gotten through some pretty tough times in the past, but realistically, nothing from this planet could wipe us out. Maybe an asteroid, ayy lmaos, etc. could. Our grug ancestors survived for hundreds of years in much worse climatic conditions than the worst projections. A dark age does not equal the end of all human life. <|endoftext|> Hurrš durrš yourš mongolš Go back hindustan,pajeet and speak your poo grug language there <|endoftext|> >grug need boom stick <|endoftext|> > 1 >grug kick ball <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> Literal grug cavewoman aesthetic <|endoftext|> me grug me like firework go bang haha <|endoftext|> When you put it like that it does sound like grug speak. <|endoftext|> solo grug <|endoftext|> Grug lift big rock Make bad thoughts go away <|endoftext|> Ooga. Grug stay up for tribe. Grug protect tribe from bad. But bad never happen. Grug sad. Grug waste life worry about nothing. <|endoftext|> grug like shiny rock <|endoftext|> Italian, like french, have a lot of grammar to learn, not easy at all English is basically grug-tier speaking <|endoftext|> >jag grug >jag äta mat <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> >grug see funny bird >grug try smash with club lmao <|endoftext|> >grug tier, specially the grammar and I love it well my dialect of course <|endoftext|> yeah from my 6 months of study it all seems to be pretty grug tier, specially the grammar my goal is just to be able to understand people in conversation, as everyone seems to be able to understand English fine, just not speak it that good. <|endoftext|> >implikacja e samiec alpha by odda anonkowi przegrywowi jak fajn myszk to anon by oberwa maczug i tyle by z niego zostao, a grug chujogrzmot by rucha t mych nad jego martwym ciaem a mycha by tylko bardziej mokra bya <|endoftext|> Oke grug <|endoftext|> > read literature without needing a translated copy > consume media online directed towards another country > good for the mind, good for the soul all in all it's true, Americans are spoon fed the world's information since almost all of it is available in English. if you aren't interested in the above or in living in another country for a bit, then yeah average grug in America doesn't need it per se <|endoftext|> >grr grug say mean thing >me hit grug Are you a gorilla? Are you trying to compensate for something? Look man, when I was like eight years old, I watched my dad almost cut my mom's throat with a knife. I don't take violence lightly. If you're really so ready to potentially give somebody brain damage for life for something meaningless like an insult, maybe you have some deep-rooted psychological issues <|endoftext|> >1 island grug says therefore should be 1 country ! grug no care that majority of people want to stay as part of current country ! <|endoftext|> Veramente è iniziato quando Greg fratello di grug ha fatto quella scintilla col pietre <|endoftext|> Grug see big plants and think, Grug's problems not so big. <|endoftext|> ok mega grug <|endoftext|> grug è basato <|endoftext|> ok grug <|endoftext|> >UGH GRUG ESSERE UOMO GRUG ESSERE FORTE GRUG PICCHIA BAMBINI INSULTA LA GENTE PER RIAFFERMARE LA SUA VIRILITÀ <|endoftext|> Pallone no in porta? Grug furente Grug spacca TUTTO <|endoftext|> Il pallone va in porta? Grug felice <|endoftext|> >ooga booga grug use 2 stick <|endoftext|> >grug stupid grug need 4 pointy things on end to make not miss easier <|endoftext|> >ooga booga grug use spear <|endoftext|> Piew piew boem, karabakh van mij grug wil meer olie <|endoftext|> Si grug voit baie, grug prend. <|endoftext|> Grug speak simple simple no understand self <|endoftext|> Grug own spear to keep tribe safe and hunt Warn hunting party about blueberry grug and their hearing mice Tell tribe taking spear no stop cave death Tell tribe spear make and rock pick up easy Blueberry think grug dangerous Take spear from grug Think grug danger Tell grug "no tell spear ban no keep cave safe" Grug was right Blueberry grug return spear after think they was wrong about grug Why grug no own spear? <|endoftext|> Grug like Grugette. Ooga try to steal Grugette from Grug. Grug think of verbal communication system. Grugette will be impressed and dump that loser Ooga. <|endoftext|> holy based Grug, please join my war party. <|endoftext|> What are we meant to do though, just ignore all the shiny rocks underneath us? It might be grug-tier but having natural resources you can exploit is just the cherry on top of a developed service economy <|endoftext|> grug posting hours <|endoftext|> J'ai envie d'une pizza, elles étaient plus grandes dans mes souvenirs Grug soulève cailloux et cours dans la forêt. <|endoftext|> grug arrabbiato se non vede uomini muscolosi che calciano palla in porta <|endoftext|> >but to hate the very idea of such language? It's strange. I think it's more upon the fact that English has become so dominant, that the use of other languages are diminishing, and language is becoming centric around ubiquitous languages. For example, what would the point be of learning Danish if the majority of the content you consume is in English? It would become increasingly harder to find native speakers as lingua francas become more ubiquitous, IMO. World Wars & globalization basically flipped the table for using different languages. Even conlangs like Esper*nto were popular and spoken by much more people than now. French, Spanish or German would take that position imo Could you give an example? We could also go the pidgin route and make everything almost grug tier Ivan, mä opiskelen kieliä nukkuessa. <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT COOM IN ISLAND TRIBE WOMAN <|endoftext|> grug no understand fancy words what snow tribe man say? <|endoftext|> OUGA BOUGA GRUG AIME MASSUE <|endoftext|> I guess poles and russians could have a conversation through interslavic grug talk <|endoftext|> grug think amerigrug need kill grug kill all amerigrug for tribe OOGA ME GO LOOK AT CAVE PAINTING WOMAN TO GAIN STRENGTH <|endoftext|> >se percentuale piccola allora numero assoluto piccolo! grug sentenzia così <|endoftext|> Grug have big stick <|endoftext|> >toi moi boire verre ville 19h ce soir >grug <|endoftext|> Piraha, by virtue of being the closest thing to grug speak irl <|endoftext|> Having a glass of root beer Why are you pretending to give a shit about that literal grug sport <|endoftext|> It is though? Like the hardest part is getting a visa but that's because most people seem too eager to settle down in USA. You can get loans ezpz, you can get mid tier unis ezpz and depending on your masters, get a job ezpz. You have to be a literal grug tier retard if you can't make it to usa. <|endoftext|> >omofobia >insulti a caso >hurr durr spegnere il cervello poi vi lamentate che non avete una ragazza. Siete bestie senza cervello che non fanno altro che odiare, tutto ciò che vi piace si può riassumere in >GRUG FORTE GRUG VUOLE MOSTRARE PROPRIA FORZA HURRR <|endoftext|> grug... <|endoftext|> nothing is important anymore, accept all path lead down to a worse outcome so why would you care about olympic meme spirit which is dumb and eurocentric when you are a grug tier arab muslim retard <|endoftext|> moins de pensées plus de coups. Grug trop penser <|endoftext|> romanians are literally grug tier <|endoftext|> Afrikaans is grug spraak <|endoftext|> tl;dr no but retards will say yes basically, written is kinda ok, pronounciation a shit might catch about half the words in a text since common verbs and nouns and shieeed are pretty obvious to even a grug the language is easy to learn since words and patterns run almost one to one between our languages so the average grug coming to italy to pick strawberries or whatever the fuck only really has to learn the words, not the grammar but since saying that they can understand shit makes them look better in the fellow villager's eyes, they say they simply understand it gypps here say a similar thing since they'll claim to understand what is spoken in indian movies despite them being separated for centuries <|endoftext|> ja grug vill mat ha, därför grug kolla ner, nej grug inte social fobi, grug mat vill ha <|endoftext|> also grug find two identically sized rocks. if rock throw from tree, bigger wave than if throw same rock from ground. grug therefore conclude that big height and big time of fall of rock mean more energy and bigger wave <|endoftext|> grug throw rock in water, water make small wave. grug throw similar rock from tree, grug see water make bigger wave. grug know second rock carry more energy than first rock. grug therefore conclude that more energy mean bigger wave. <|endoftext|> Scandinavian grammar it grug tier, there really isnt much to learn in that regard <|endoftext|> Every word begining with ab, ad, con, etc is a latin compound, but it's true that to us neo compounds sound like grug language, and I'm sure other romances can relate <|endoftext|> Big hips and ass are a sign of fertility since grug times. Get with the program nips <|endoftext|> >Ça devrait être considéré comme un signe d'appréciation envers la femme en question qui est devant toi >Moi Grug >Serpent-du-dessous réveillé par Gruguette >Gruguette quatre pattes dans la grotte pour faire bête-à-deux-dos Le bon vieux temps putain <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> Vet inte varför Grug inte skulle ätit en rova om det fanns. <|endoftext|> Gatver wat domme een grafkop >grug grote nadenk doet hoofd pijn Ok achmed <|endoftext|> J'ai pas encore assez de compétences pour pas être un grug ailleurs. Merci kop1 <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> >Grug tribe is legal and righteous >enemy tribe is savage <|endoftext|> >hurr Grug aimer pas tes questions >durr Grug trop bête pour les comprendre <|endoftext|> Good luck, lad. Scandi grammar is pretty grug, so I bet you'll ace it. <|endoftext|> >Czy gony seks zakóci spokój krakowian? uga buga grug rucha spokój zakóci <|endoftext|> Putain de correcteur de merde je parle comme grug <|endoftext|> kek it rains like 1 day in winter it makes the weather bearable for a few days so that's nice grug see map grug post don't question grug <|endoftext|> Kök ist eigtl nur evolutionäres verhalten von frauen (du geben grugette beeren = grugette beine öffnen) Nur dass die damals im neolithiqum auch liefern mussten sonst gab's die zwei keulen von grug heh <|endoftext|> Grug like food, food good, food make grug strong. <|endoftext|> >Grug triste perché capotribù ha tutte le donne >Grug ha idea, inventa nuova trappola che prende 2 cervi in un colpo, così avrà rispetto e donne ! (non è detto che riuscirà a scopare) Più semplice di così non so come spiegartelo. Poi divertente che come esempio usi un film tratto da un fumetto, magari in realtà erano tutti bruttoni che copavano con la virilità e la violenza <|endoftext|> uff grug twardy jak skaa <|endoftext|> they look grug tier <|endoftext|> T. Grug <|endoftext|> How about using kilograms like a civilised human being >Grug weigh 10 stone ugabuga <|endoftext|> >grug inte förstå sås stora ord >inte grug kåminist! <|endoftext|> >800 years old 2,800 years old grug very dumb <|endoftext|> Grug hungry. Where food. Grug no find food. Grug angry. <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> Yeah, I've seen that too, a lot Israelis and Muslims living in Arab countries think Palestinians are born2seethe Grug-tier rock-chuckers. <|endoftext|> grug you're gonna fucking die, cook the meat you fucking idiot stupid grug <|endoftext|> anglo tribe invent fire anglo tribe cook meat grug no need fire. grug like meat raw <|endoftext|> English is a Germanic language (albeit with heavily borrowed vocabulary from French, Latin, Greek and others) and therefore it is quite easy to learn for Icelanders like myself. It's much like all of the other Germanic languages (other than German) in that its grammar has degenerated from the original root and become baby-speak-tier simplistic (English being quite related to Old Norse and German). Thus, in my case; speaking and writing English is somewhat like imitating some retard that doesn't have the mental capacity for speaking like an adult, or perhaps a caveman. The >Grug take big rock make club many smash meme is exactly what you sound like. It's what all of you sound like, because your degenerate peoples eschewed historical propriety for ease, in regards to linguistics. <|endoftext|> Grug pas avoir manger Grug prendre bouffe force Grug élever bouffe pour grug <|endoftext|> Us vs them is the building block for Grug's purpose in life. The lack of common enemy and common purpose brings more harm than good. <|endoftext|> >Big yellow demon in sky make Grug no nap-nap so Grug can watch over tribe. that's literally how slavs sound to non slavs <|endoftext|> >A 2017 study revealed that many people who stay up late and struggle to wake up in the morning aren't lazy, their internal clock is simply genetically programmed to run between 2 and 2.5 hours slower than the rest of the population, thanks to a mutation in a body clock gene called CRY1. >"Carriers of the mutation have longer days than the planet gives them, so they are essentially playing catch-up for their entire lives," said lead researcher Alina Patke from The Rockefeller University in New York. Big yellow demon in sky make Grug no nap-nap so Grug can watch over tribe. <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Av samma anledning som frågan om kvinnor haft mindre evolutionärt tryck urartar till om man som grott-grug ska slåss mot björnar och sabeltandade tigrar och att kvinnor därför inte kan jaga för de kan inte slåss mot sabeltandade tigrar eller björnar långt efter att originalfrågan fått ett rätt bra svar. <|endoftext|> >Grug écoute musique >Grug apprécie musique >Grug découvre que musicien est très à gauche >Grug triste <|endoftext|> Grug have no word in head. <|endoftext|> quando uso le cuffie l'audio si sbilancia ogni tanto, per ribilanciarlo devo sbattere le mani sulla tastiera scienza: in pezzi grug: ha ragione <|endoftext|> rigtig god grug få en bøf for tjeneste <|endoftext|> grug melde sig tjeneste <|endoftext|> GRUG PAS CONTENTE CLIMAT MAUVAIS <|endoftext|> >Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça? What is wrong with this grug language? <|endoftext|> grug no read grug lives grug happy <|endoftext|> >grug no need to get out of cave >there is only forest out of cave >fix cave problem first before go out of cave typical norwegian attitude this is why no norwegian ever achieved something remember the true chad mindset >why did you climb the mount everest >edumund hillary: because it was there <|endoftext|> Ungefär >vgh grug knullade många grugga därför gillar veronika och sanna att pussa varandra <|endoftext|> Lmao, they´re a grug tier crop, just let them be and they´ll grow <|endoftext|> ugh grug vill knoola <|endoftext|> Grug's daughter shouldn't be talking down to anyone <|endoftext|> 14653 för kristus är Grug den femte uppfann jäst bärdryck med hjälp av långnäsestammen så gick allt utför <|endoftext|> I’m not the grug gym poster <|endoftext|> Grug and virgin walk are legitimate brit originals and this 15 year old tripfag is acting like we didnt know brit can create excellent gimmicks <|endoftext|> Grug smashes something, mostly because I'm not crying about my first-world problems to girls. <|endoftext|> grug smash like button <|endoftext|> French tbf I'm only about a month in, but I just feel dumb when I'm reading something with a decent flow and feeling pretty confident about my comprehension and then I see a number and just turn into grug mode and revert back to english in my head Pretty awesome desu. It's extremely convenient to be able to look up conjugated expressions and such and get a complete breakdown of it <|endoftext|> why? why did this grug tier sport get so popular? <|endoftext|> >uga booga genitalia >grug like vagina >everything that grug wants is vagina >uga booga <|endoftext|> Grug-tier Muslims Russians <|endoftext|> >grug tamtemu banana oo aaa oo aa <|endoftext|> >tamtemu sounds like a word a gorilla tribe would use >grug tamtemu banana oo aaa oo aa <|endoftext|> Old English/German literally sounds like fucking caveman language Just listened to a rendition of the lord's prayer in Old English and its like a fucking grug meme <|endoftext|> grug here grug hungry <|endoftext|> they were historically isolated from the rest of spain they have always been poor they speak galician which was seen as some grug tier dialect of spanish spoken by rural retards <|endoftext|> >muslimer är lika intelligenta som insekter grug <|endoftext|> grug not have spirit bind ritual with other tribe woman <|endoftext|> Who did then? Must have been grug grugson in 4000bc that couldn't possibly be described as italian <|endoftext|> >grug brings rock to a boulder fight >laughingcavemen.pbl <|endoftext|> Grug spanish then. <|endoftext|> >Uto Iha Grug no like popo eek ook eek ook <|endoftext|> >dont bother get out of cave grug. there is nothing desierable out there. focus on fix cave problems first <|endoftext|> grug remember when south cave told by tribe elder at bonfire <|endoftext|> It's grug <|endoftext|> Ah, a fellow Grug I see. <|endoftext|> Pretty much this, except the women are Grug-tier ogres. <|endoftext|> Fuck no, the age of grug has been over for eons. <|endoftext|> grug no like new cave paint grug smash cave wall <|endoftext|> >PIZZA CIRCLE SAME MOON >GRUG SAY BOX SQUARE IS SAME BOOK >GRUG THINK HONDA VROOM SAME ACURA VROOM <|endoftext|> >one island grug say therefore should be one country. grug think history, culture, laws, will of the people don't matter <|endoftext|> I mean, it's certainly the most useful one, practically speaking. But it sounds Grug-tier to me no matter how much time I spend listening to it. <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> GRRR MANLY SPICY MAN GRRR BURNY POO MAKE GRUG FEEL GOOD AND BAD <|endoftext|> kek he looks like grug <|endoftext|> grug is not dumb trading military secrets for soda is not good not profit grug knows from experience grug gives you papers money <|endoftext|> lmao Swememe is grug-tier <|endoftext|> I had mine professionally tested and it's 107. I'm not smart enough to do actual intellectual work, but I'm also too much of a weak nerd to do manual labor grug work. I'm fucked. <|endoftext|> How does it feel to be less intelligent than a mechanical engineer?!? Surely a grug like that can't be smarter than a glorious keyboard monkey? <|endoftext|> Un berger ne fera pas plus fuir un loup qu'un chien alloué à la tâche kop1, qui plus est, embaucher plus de bergers ne fera pas reculer un loup éternellement, contrairement a un coup de fusil. >Regarde moi cette feignasse de grug qui tue les bêtes avec un caillou au bout d'un bâton au lieu d'y aller a mains nues comme le reste de la tribu. Pas recevable comme argument pêh, aucun berger ne voudra laisser quelques une de ses brebis en pâture aux loups pour rétablir un quelconque équilibre. <|endoftext|> Based Grug. <|endoftext|> woman make gorilla face and rub rub back more! i give her cum-cum! grug top shagger! <|endoftext|> Sorry grugina. New women make grug pp big. <|endoftext|> Eu sou burro, por favor avaliem >Eh verdade. Eu percebo perto de ~90% das palavras. To lendo muitos mais entao eu nao soo como Grug quando eu falo. Muito fixe, para ser honesto não posso dizer que entendo mais quando leio, muito bom Boa noite >Sim sou eu do pai cubano. Eu estou bem demais. Mas tenho problemas da saude não tenho vontades de comer então em estos dias estou a desmaiar. Já foste ao doutor? Que é que passou? Espero que estejas bem >E tu como vai tudo? Vai-se andando, não é Desejo que eu tivesse mais tempo para estudar o português <|endoftext|> Obrigado Portugal Bro. Boa sorte com sua aprendizagem de bokmal norueguês Parece interessante. Eu vou pesquisa-lo. Quais tipos de livros voce prefere? >Eu também amigo, mas só pode vir com tempo, estás a perceber bem o livro? Eh verdade. Eu percebo perto de ~90% das palavras. To lendo muitos mais entao eu nao soo como Grug quando eu falo. Que bom que voce ta bem! Eu acho que retonarei de ler. Ate mais galeira! <|endoftext|> it's about caste called "siloviki'' (OMON militsia riot police), I wonder what's in their heads ? Probably "Grug smash" or "at least 300 eur for 1 day is good pay" <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Grug tier <|endoftext|> ja by grug <|endoftext|> Grug wan know where omelette shell he can buy <|endoftext|> The issue is normalfags being normalfags. Whether its the era of cave grug or cyborgs with robot waifus. <|endoftext|> du missförstår mig, man kunde definitivt rida på sin mammut till och från fiskestället och bara "GRUG UFF" till alla brudar man såg på vägen mammutar finns, #believemammoths <|endoftext|> man kunde till och med rida på sin mammut till och från fiskestället och bara "GRUG UFF" till alla brudar man såg på vägen <|endoftext|> grug ziet grotere tiet, grug trekt harder <|endoftext|> Grug likes english like that <|endoftext|> >GRUG GRUG UG GRUG He has a visible erection. You see the tip leaking with pre cum. What do? <|endoftext|> >GRUG UG GRUG What do? <|endoftext|> grug grug <|endoftext|> Why does pondering on any, even a mild form of primitivism immediately devolve into "grug smash you because you planted a seed lmao" caricatures? Not everything has to be radical and extremist. <|endoftext|> just buy a dido and ride it Sky make noise. Noise scare grug <|endoftext|> >grug pick rock for chang <|endoftext|> To pycc a ypoe "Me be Grug", o ce c pao e oa. Ta o paccac poco ooa oe. <|endoftext|> >learn swedish to live on an icelandic country someday. ??? >I still want to learn swedish. Do it. It's grug-tier anyway. :D <|endoftext|> *slap rocks together to make cuttier rock* Is grug playing spirit with this tool race? <|endoftext|> >grug put rock on top of other rock. make grug very happy <|endoftext|> han inte som grug <|endoftext|> what grug need intelligence for grug dont need smart when get good cavewoman grug only need berry and cavedrawing to make happy smart only for chieftrain from long-nose tribe grug suspect op from yellow tribe <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> Haha hur tänker man när man skriver "ingengör"? Grug-nivå på lille anon <|endoftext|> Spain is Italy but derailed by stumbling into an empire and then struggling to keep it's european hegemony by wasting its entire existence while being egged on by (((austrians))) only to be discarded like a whore on the street. It had the chance to fix itself, but it refused. The napoleonic invasion is the closest Spain had ever gotten to returning to par with it's fellow euros, and it bungled that by fighting for a fucking grug king who just wanted to be a cuck while sitting around hunting all day. They proceeded to fuck up their country even more throughout the 19th century just because the person in power wanted progress. And then all this shit leads to Franco, who created a generation of manlets and kept Spain in pre-WW1 times for years. <|endoftext|> we should go back to the old days when if grug didn't like the offensive things numf was saying he would bash him over the head with a big rock <|endoftext|> imagine our ancestors have orgies saying built for big grug cock lol <|endoftext|> GET OUT OF GRUG'S CAVE GRUG SMASH! HEAEEAAARRUUGGHHHH! <|endoftext|> grug want sex grug want alcohol grug go to floating wood school grug sad <|endoftext|> >Not necessarily join an MMA gym because I don’t want to train with only grugs (MMA gyms are grug tier, especially in holland where there is a cultural emphasis on hard sparring) lmao, same thing here. I think it's a universal thing regarding >But one day I’d like to do one, just one amateur MMA bout, I think I could beat a complete amateur BASED. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a Chadjik fighter from the Netherlands to pop up; and when you do, I'll tell people I know you Relax, king, no one here is serious. Even the Nepali is probably a troll. <|endoftext|> Not necessarily join an MMA gym because I don’t want to train with only grugs (MMA gyms are grug tier, especially in holland where there is a cultural emphasis on hard sparring) But one day I’d like to do one, just one amateur MMA bout, I think I could beat a complete amateur <|endoftext|> >ugh mig spamma "paj", mig säkert få "paj" då, ge magisk styrkesaft i kropp, bli stor flinthuggare på andra sidan pöl, få många skinande stenar och fin grugga, bara tolv månar till gruggor lärt grug bli flinthuggare nu <|endoftext|> >ugh mig spamma "paj", mig säkert få "paj" då, ge magisk styrkesaft i kropp, bli stor flinthuggare på andra sidan pöl, få många skinande stenar och fin grugga, bara tolv månar till gruggor lärt grug bli flinthuggare nu <|endoftext|> fuck you autist. our language sounds great. english is for simpletons and sounds that way, dutch cant be taken seriously, nordic languages sound like grug speak, french only sounds good when women speak it, italians sound like they are always arguing, arabic sounds like people are arguing angrily with something in their throat. the list goes on and on. german is one of the few languages that is both pleasing to the ear and can be taken serious. <|endoftext|> IL A UN NOM BORDEL C'est GRuG <|endoftext|> *gooit steen tegen beeldscherm* grug niet begrijp grug boos grug boos op ding dat grug niet begrijp <|endoftext|> Didn't russians manage to domesticate foxes within 10 generations? Dogs & cats took longer because Grug didn't know how domestication worked on a genetic level. <|endoftext|> GRUG SAY MY DIRT BETTER THAN YOUR DIRT <|endoftext|> there are two chaddy things I witnessed that have stuck with me for years first one >be on a plane to tokyo like a decade ago >like 20-30 members of the japanese youth wrestling teams are also on board >all of them are absolutely yuuuge and buff as fuck, my age but way chaddier made me realize i was outchadded heavily by japanese teenaged boys second one >be in malaysia with a grug tier friend of mine, in a bus >absolutely sickeningly huge hornet is in the bus, lands on the window next to this grug >without any thinking or fear, he squashes this godzilla-sized hornet with his fucking flat hand chaddy af <|endoftext|> Cases are a sign of a language being inferior, primitive. Latin was a cased language but then they realized that was grug-tier and adopted civilization in the form of coming up with prepositions. If you look at it, all uncivilized, volkisch countries use cases, starting with Finlan and Germany <|endoftext|> Aldrig för de är SKIT som allt wojakskräp utom kanske grug och boomern <|endoftext|> grug eat plant coz grug run mammoth and hav no vroom vroom <|endoftext|> Have you thought of changing it to Grug? <|endoftext|> The most basic tool human can use is rock, before cut grug smash <|endoftext|> >gnork dice che musica x meglio >no grug dice musica x meglio >non ascoltano quello che cazzo gli pare da morricone a picci picci bocci bocci uguuuu <|endoftext|> ik ook unga bunga grug no like words <|endoftext|> >/fit/ don’t give a fuck about lifting, I train muay thai, an actual sport, i don’t just lift heavy weights and put them down like a grug i could beat the living shit out of 99% of those incels <|endoftext|> Finns are like a proto human race of grug looking fuckers. <|endoftext|> Many native English speakers don't even know how to properly use "whom". Of course Russian is going to be difficult for our grug brains. <|endoftext|> brits are retarded and went full grug with the footy <|endoftext|> Ah ja opa ik was je vergeten Wiew zou nooit iemand toelaten voor mijn ma, heb nog een te grug mentaliteit hiervoor Heeft je vader ooit iets gedaan zodat je moeder minder kon werken? <|endoftext|> Grug speak <|endoftext|> c'est grug ? <|endoftext|> Grug was a man of high testosterone, return to tradition and embrace fertility goddesses >Men still shouldn't be fat though, fat is feminine low test <|endoftext|> in sweden homosexuality is widely accepted and practiced now way such a grug tier bald gopnik posts on 4chan, that guy probably sleeps under a bridge <|endoftext|> grug hate berrypicker grug smash <|endoftext|> grug weigh this many stones ||||| ||||| || <|endoftext|> Those two countries are involved in a grug tier balkan squabble that grew from the collapse of the soviet union and the possession of an ethnically armenian section of Azerbaijan (small countries arguing about an even smaller chunk of a small thing). They have killed a lot of people in the past thirty years off and on most recently four of the azerbiwhatevers got pasted. They should just have a big boxing tournament to decide on their border and shut the fuck up about this tiny country nonsense and focus on not being poor shitholes instead. <|endoftext|> >Num-bah? Grug hate numbah, you die now! <|endoftext|> Of course, F=1/2m.v^2. But for example for punches it's more interesting to work on throw one at lightning speed and not working out like a grug has big arms gruu <|endoftext|> >grug porn good <|endoftext|> grug dna <|endoftext|> This, but frogposting isn't far behind. Honestly the ONLY, and I do mean only, good wojak variations that have any value at all and shouldn't incur post deletion on sight followed by a warning and possibly a ban is boomer and Grug because they had some humor to them. What if alö the guys who think that are actually enough to make it a swing state. <|endoftext|> tak grug, dokadnie tak dlatego wanie musisz zapierdala dla tych pizdeczek na nowy jacht pozdrawiam cieplutko i chyl czoa dla twego trudu który zapewnia mi tasze dobra <|endoftext|> >anglos can't comprehend this This is what speaking grug tier language does to your brain <|endoftext|> Antyder du att jag är en dum Grug som lyfter utan högre mål? Att lyfta för muskler är fåfängt, att lyfta för kvinnor är att vara en cirkusapa som ändå inte får vad han vill ha. Att lyfta för hälsa är fint, och att lyfta för 2D är upplyst. <|endoftext|> Don't worry Grug, it's too hard for you to understand <|endoftext|> too much technology make people isolated grug sad and alone in front of screen not being able to touch its fellow men its fellow women it's sad. we are sad. <|endoftext|> fire water make grug stronk again <|endoftext|> had alot of slav substrate before being heavily relatinised though. it's better this way anyways. slav languages are grug speak to me. I think it's because Ceausescu banned condoms to increase population. <|endoftext|> grug better get a job <|endoftext|> GRUG WANTS HIS GROG <|endoftext|> No english is simplistic grug language <|endoftext|> "You" as plural. Fuck this Grug language. <|endoftext|> Og make happy noise, now Grug take down mammoth <|endoftext|> same brother. at least i live near the beach though. big water make grug feel good about grug self. <|endoftext|> Grug no like speak english on english speaking website. Grug speak ugly language. Haha that show them! <|endoftext|> more like autonomous o-grug haha <|endoftext|> >12 easier number for grug than 76 because smaller <|endoftext|> >me grug me want big ass <|endoftext|> le grug face <|endoftext|> >grug have problem with other grug >grug go BANG BANG to him What the fuck is wrong with Americans <|endoftext|> >stone weapons in the 18th century Grug uprising kek <|endoftext|> >american "culture" >GRUG HAVE GUN GRUG NUMBER ONE <|endoftext|> Worst grug posting ever <|endoftext|> Lol wat? Is arab grug tandenborstel <|endoftext|> blame the retarded grug who ruled albania during its soviet days <|endoftext|> >Grug from here good >Other Grug from there bad It has always been like this. Read on demoralizing. <|endoftext|> well a lot of swedish women look similar (pic related is a pretty common-looking face) but I get the impression that aussies just look a tad bit wider and more grug-like, maybe it's the mix of anglo genes or the fact that they are the descendants of high-test criminals <|endoftext|> It's an agreement between men so that everyone will have a chance to get a woman. When you start moving away from monogamy, you go back to that situation where 10 percent of men get all the women, like is happening now. The remaining 90 percent will get really salty and there will be some kind of push toward marriage again Like I can only imagine that marriage was invented, so that the gigachad wouldn't fuck everybody's women. All the men came together and decided that this is Grug's woman now, and other guys can't touch her. And so everybody had a chance to find their own woman. The gigachad would still get the best woman, but nobody had to go without a girl altogether <|endoftext|> Name the useless one Grug <|endoftext|> bazowany asceta wzdrygowy grug <|endoftext|> It's gonna work but it will be a fucking Grug speak <|endoftext|> To be honest, the chances of a criminal having a gun are significantly lower when they are illegal and theres too many grug tier nutcases who already fight people over small things, last thing I’d want is those retards to have guns to attack anyone who gives them a perceived insult. Main reason I’d want a gun is because shooting on a gun range is fun <|endoftext|> od pocztku bo chyba was trzeba za rczke trzyma anon si pyta czy kocowy cel ludzkoci to nieskoczono kultur czy jedna kultura ten sam anon precyzuje e potencjalnie te nieskoczone kultury mogyby istnie na innych platetach po czym ten kretyn mówi e jest na 100% pewien e ludzie nigdy przenigdy nie skolonizuj kosmosu bo on zna przyszo tak jak grug wiedzie e grug plemienie nigdy nie pyn poza grugwyspa <|endoftext|> grug no many word <|endoftext|> based Grug Chabal <|endoftext|> Portrays age and the colour dark is soothing like in grug caveman days. The renovation is oppressive. It's extremely bourgeouise and its design lacks all inspiration. It's Victorian era conceptions of luxury and prestige without the money to actually achieve that aesthetic. You have a monkey's understanding of the world. <|endoftext|> Delusional as fuck. English is grug-tier and not nearly as sophisticated and Portuguese or other romance languages. Sorry. <|endoftext|> Slavic languages are quite literally caveman-tier grug languages jfc <|endoftext|> sneeky snek bite ur ass at nite nono grug no like snek bad <|endoftext|> I really wanna help you, but your challenges require so much paraphrasing that I can't do much more than just pointing out errors without providing a solid fix since I'm not a native. I really recommend that you read more Norwegian texts to get a feel for word order and idiomatic phrasing, and actually look at conjugation charts and declensions; your grammar is very wanting, but Scandi grammar is grug-tier so it wouldn't exactly be demanding to grind those inflections - it would be beneficial if you just started memorizing grammar. Anyhow... >Han seller mange fargerike blomster >seller ...selger >Tanten min vanligvis har på seg briller Very English word order. Tanten min har vanligvis på seg briller. >husene deres har baderoms baderom This is a so-called "nullplural"; rom is identical in singular and plural. >bilen krasjet inn treet Your forgot the preposition: inn i treet >fem timer siden jeg begynner lærer ny ordforråd i målspråk mitt "five hours since I begin to learning" yeah, nah For fem timer siden begynte jeg å lære meg nye ord i målspråket mitt. >når hun siste sag mannen sin det var tegner utenfor Da hun sist sag mannen sin regnet det utenfor. >ha politiske synspunktene dine endret i løpet av de fortide seks månedene Har [...] endret seg i løpet av de siste seks månedene. You need reflexive pronouns more often than you think. >denne bokken var gitt til meg ved en en komplett fremmed Denne boka fikk jeg av en komplett fremmed. Really look into verb conjugations, noun declensions, prepositions and word order. <|endoftext|> Uggg ugg grug cro magnon snow chimp smash <|endoftext|> looks kinda like a grug and gigachad fused <|endoftext|> >buying clothes grug not care <|endoftext|> Grug give 70 grug rock open mouth <|endoftext|> GRUG NO THINK, STAB FOOD WITH SMALL SPEAR <|endoftext|> grug pas comprendre <|endoftext|> btc trading requires huge skills, experience and many hours per day.i dont think there is a person dumb enough ITT who buys fyrombeis larps consisting of "grug buy 1 stone and sell it for 2 stones next day" or "got lucky", its not really how it works <|endoftext|> grug doesn't understand how any tribe can influence other tribe without hitting them with rocks <|endoftext|> SHIT is that photo real? Did they really club people to death with spiked clubs? That’s pretty metal. Or Grug-tier. Maybe a little both. Christ... <|endoftext|> >haha, we torture calfs for entertrainment, Grug stronk! <|endoftext|> Grug protect with big stick <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >"OOGA BOOGA OOGA BOOGA OOGGA BOOGA" >"hey grug what happened to grug? wasnt he part of your mob?" >"No GRUG DIED!" >"How?" >"He cut himself on piece of bark..." >"And?" >"Thats it..." >"Oh i see most common cause of death! fingercut!" >"Well he is with ancestor spirits and the sky snake now!" >"Yes let us do funerary dance!" >"YAYAYAYAY (NO WAY TO PREVENT THIS) YAYAYAYYAY (VERY SAD VERY SAD) YAYAYAYAY (NO WAY TO PREVENT THIS) YAYAYAYAYAY (VERY SAD SAD!) <|endoftext|> because you have been tricked into wanting what other people have by deceptive influence and money chasing grug brained people who shame you for not being dumb like them. everything has been okay this whole time <|endoftext|> Cool grug Heb gewoon veel zin in knuffelen, morgen werken, bye <|endoftext|> alri grug <|endoftext|> GRUG PAS DE COPINE AUSSI <|endoftext|> so what? I work in an office and moisturize my hands? doesn't make me any less of a man than any grug builder or hole digger. <|endoftext|> so what? I work in an office and moisturize my hands? doesn't make me any less of a man than any grug builder or hole digger <|endoftext|> its white collar, grug <|endoftext|> howling at this builders are the laziest cunts going grug put brick on top of brick grug dig hole <|endoftext|> Grug want steal womans from Latvia <|endoftext|> that's the other way around though. measuring the degree of evolution of language by information rate is like to say "grug take berries" is the most advanced, sophisticated speaking <|endoftext|> fortfarande mindre och svagare än Grug <|endoftext|> grug siedzie w jaskinia <|endoftext|> That’s dumb you should name him grug <|endoftext|> Going to name my firstborn Grug <|endoftext|> talking in uga buga I are gorilla bgarski grug talk must have affected your brain which rendered you unable to find such a complex language superior <|endoftext|> It forces you to have at least a routine and some discipline and you have to work hard to improve. When you see progress from being a fat slob or a skelly and become at least somewhat strong and your muscles show it usually makes you feel better. It's the most grug method to improve yourself but it works most of the time. <|endoftext|> Gonna name my son grug <|endoftext|> Mig bild på. grug. <|endoftext|> Don't they mean strong in terms of willpower? Why do retards immediately start saying >Grug can thump woman to death, grug not see how woman is strong like man in today's society <|endoftext|> Is the grug lifestyle expoused by Rocko Gruglinck common in your country? <|endoftext|> Il y aura toujours des routes ou des chemins là où il a de la vie, prends un grug d'il y a 10 000 ans, il yavait un chemin qui menait au chef grugs et un chemin qui menait aux pissoirs, un autre qui menait aux femmes <|endoftext|> Grug like stick rock <|endoftext|> grug no care grug kill >they bite WHERE IS CLUB I NEED TO KILL MANY LEGS LITTLE TIGER <|endoftext|> Grug... <|endoftext|> It worked for me so far, I only whack vipers, cobras and assorted snakes every few months anyway since to get close they have to survive the several billion monitor lizards in the canals and paddy fields first. Usually there's 5-6 1m-2m ones wandering around my backyard and front. When in doubt grug smash harder, bamboo is free anyway. <|endoftext|> >grug no want read many word >many word make grug head hurt and grug no understand <|endoftext|> Russia bad, USA good, news say so. Grug like news, play mcdonalds advertisements. <|endoftext|> Crossing your legs is classy and sophisticated. It's only uncomfortable if you're a fat fuck with womanly thighs. Sitting like on the left is grug-tier. <|endoftext|> >ooga booga om man dödar någon är brottsrubriceringen alltid mord ooga booga >grug inte veta vad uppsåt är ooga booga >polis dåli <|endoftext|> A PLA patrol went too deep into the indian side of the LAC. One guy got GRUG'd with a rock by IA and got his ride fucked up with sticks and stones. <|endoftext|> >grug-tier Swedish is beautiful <|endoftext|> >It's also grug-tier Is it regular or does it have a lot of exceptions? <|endoftext|> It's also grug-tier so you could prolly speed-run it. <|endoftext|> >GRVVK grug? <|endoftext|> >If you have a high iq but are a manlet, you will be self-aware enough to block any feelings of confidence or happiness. I definitely would not call going around and being unhappy over something you can't change a "high iq" endeavor. If you're clever you'll see the opportunities and accept the disadvantages for what they are instead of suffering all day because "short height bad. Grug short. Grug must not be happy" <|endoftext|> Hrs grug <|endoftext|> Haha that tribe no think same thing Grug tribe think, Grug SMASH <|endoftext|> Grug funny, you bad. <|endoftext|> spoko grug <|endoftext|> grug knola fetta grug känna skönt i snoppen <|endoftext|> >UGGA BUGA >rocks heavy rocks mesure >grug liek rock <|endoftext|> >has no idea what grammatical cases are >calls others grug tier <|endoftext|> Literal grug language I´ll learn it anyway though <|endoftext|> >tfw you realize all languages apart from romance languages are grug tier <|endoftext|> lonely men so disconnected from social interaction and the female sex they'd rather encounter a cute, girly image of women that projects their childishness and insecurities onto them than consume real porn that appeals to their manly instincts, because that would only remind them of how alone and hopeless they are it wasnt so precise and sexy, so clevely manipulating the limbic system and sexual response of vulnerable males grug see, grug coom. grug could not comprehend anime watching incels anymore than he could an internal combustion engine <|endoftext|> The norwegian grug mogs them <|endoftext|> >Dialects are fun, tribalism is fun. People do that because it gives them a sense of identity and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. How about identifying with your own personality instead of "grug tribe best" or "we say apfel, you say appel lol, you people are so weird and different". Nothing wrong with acknowledging that cultural differences exist. But building your identity around muh heritage and language n shiet? Surely you've accomplished something in your life besides being born and learning your mother tongue? What are you fucking talking about? How will I get steam rolled for making fun of incels with no personality? >because you want immigrants lel No I don't. <|endoftext|> 1.Russia 2.Janny, Grug, Ahmed <|endoftext|> Grug tribe have big brain <|endoftext|> han är ju grug. <|endoftext|> old good new bad grug grug <|endoftext|> yo ser listo grug <|endoftext|> hombre bolsa quita cocos grug no gusta grug matar hombre bolsa <|endoftext|> Grug ooga <|endoftext|> >potato grug say 1 island so must 1 one country. grug clever <|endoftext|> Grug status: off [ ] on [x] <|endoftext|> >huliganer Grug gilla sparka boll Grug heja på lag Grug arg för du heja på andra lag Grug slå! <|endoftext|> godsallemikkies grug doet steen op steen grug blij <|endoftext|> Capsaicin kills bacteria hot climate -> foods rots faster -> but grug notices that tongue hurt food doesn't make tummy hurt <|endoftext|> >fy fan hur känns det att bli så här moggad? hon ler ju för fan och ser ner på han bokstavligen >tack gode gud för att han skapte mig till stabila 190cm Ugh! Brungrugga moggar Grug. Måste skjuta fram hakan. Visa jag starkast Grug. <|endoftext|> exakt. . grug fattar. <|endoftext|> >chiefberg took me into his cave today after fellow grug-workers heard me say problematic comments about neighbouring tribes <|endoftext|> >toilberg put grug on berry picking duty <|endoftext|> Imagine grug getting depressed over mammoth killing toil only for toilberg to take all the meat and his wife getting eaten by a mountain lion so he gets a big rock and hits himself in the head with it as hard as he can <|endoftext|> >GRUG ONZEKER >WAAROM BLANKIE ZO VROLIJK EN POPULAIR >GRUG KAN NIET TEGEN >GRUG JALOERS >MOET ZELF BEWIJZEN VOOR BLANKIE >GRUG DOET HULK SMIJT >DIT BETEKEN GRUG ECHTE MAN Ok achmed <|endoftext|> Who would be on /brit/s mount rushmore lads? Surely it'd have to be >Alan >Turtle >grug >moni <|endoftext|> >dershowitz >voice of sanity he's made a career out of defending torture and convincing grug american politicians of the gigantic threat that impoverished pali boys shooting homemade rockets at the military power that's occupying them, added to that he's was a known member of epstein's sex trafficking ring and was epstein's personal lawyer. <|endoftext|> Grug lift big stone <|endoftext|> >grug smash <|endoftext|> diceroll mechanics and fun athletics/acrobatics > grug smash get fucked pedro <|endoftext|> >grug tribe have more mace so grug opinion right it's actually embarassing how you are like 500 years behind civilized world in thought patterns. unironically worse than fucking arabs. <|endoftext|> >his language lacks articles literally grug tier <|endoftext|> any language WITH articles is inflexible grug shit <|endoftext|> Ironically enough, for Russian speakers it's English that looks and sounds like grug-caveman language. English is a monosyllabilic language and has very few inflections. In Russian: Walk-PST-PRF-M I in shop-ACC for fresh-M-INS bread-INS [VSO word order for story begginning] In English: grug wok-PST tu de šop tu get som feš bred <|endoftext|> Polish sounds odd cause like 40% of the vocabulary is German loanwords. Slovenian is in fact the Slavic language in comparison to which all the others seem like grug languages. <|endoftext|> Agglutinative languages are ultra grug shit <|endoftext|> Any language without articles is grug shit <|endoftext|> >god..god no exist...grug no see god mean god no exist.. i hate parents <|endoftext|> >grug cant lose discussin if grug not respond >haha grug smart <|endoftext|> No. The idea of "this mud grug tribe mud" is ridiculous. The land is yours until it no longer is. There's nothing that inherently belongs to a human. <|endoftext|> It's a caveman language. In English: >The man walked to the grocery store with his wallet. In Russian: >grug find many berries using leaf-stick <|endoftext|> a lot of sub saharan africa is still tribal hunter gatherer society. so just real life grug <|endoftext|> >kale orang oetan maak grug piemel groot Ok bokito <|endoftext|> do they really disparage you for that even in entry grug-tier jobs? <|endoftext|> Kurds are grug tier <|endoftext|> . oparty grug <|endoftext|> there was a good grug meme about this <|endoftext|> *truisms My apologies for this Grug-tier sentence. <|endoftext|> tradycja to uznanie za fakt bezsprzeczny e ludzie s niedoskonali ale dziki stale rewidowanemu i poszerzanemu bagaowi dowiadcze wiedzy i umiejtnoci kolejnych pokole da si y w spoeczestwie mimo tej niedoskonaoci i zostawi je nieco lepszym kolejnemu pokoleniu tradycja to nie jest sranie do krzaka bo mój przodek grug sra do krzaka <|endoftext|> >30.000 years ago >be Grug >some weird autistic fuck in your tribe has this weird ass fetish >does nothing but carve figurines of disgustingly fat women all day to satisfy his sick cravings >jerks off by himself in his cave >what a fucking loser holy shit >30.000 years later >archeologists finds the spergs fetish figurines >now they thing everyone has this fetish >mfw <|endoftext|> >and get conquered by superior technology of whites. Today's whites are being conquerered mentally, through self-hatred. Not to take the line of muh Kaczyinski, but modern technology (debatably created by whites, in terms of airplanes, train-tracks, long roads or internet or whatever) in a sense is fucking whites themselves in the ass. New migrants wouldn't be in the west if not for that after all. I have nothing against using the grug-argument "we conquered it, therefore ours", but its kind of autistic to use it when there's no such kind of temperament there anymore. <|endoftext|> >Grug like bang bang <|endoftext|> Grug like bang bang Ascended aristocrat <|endoftext|> imagine being a janitor for big grug there <|endoftext|> Why is grug angry? >:( <|endoftext|> >How grug find cave to live in without cavelord? <|endoftext|> because actually being a chauvinist retard is grug tier, you're supposed to be a bit self ironic in order to enjoy the limited time you have on this earth. <|endoftext|> factually correct she is within the 25-30 BMI range no doubt that doesnt take away from her big tits and thighs wich make me horny on a primordial grug level <|endoftext|> Russians said he speaks like grug, is this true ? <|endoftext|> >radio waves can cause viruses What kind of grug logic is that <|endoftext|> he does have a grug like speech impediment though <|endoftext|> It should be soyak, not grug. <|endoftext|> Hur stort pannben har ni? Jag ser ut som en jävla grug men jag kan inte ens få ett halvt täckande skägg så de är bortkastade på mig. <|endoftext|> GRUG LYFTA SAK UPP OCH NER GRUG RÄKNA TILL 10 NU GRUG STARK! <|endoftext|> >grug no want mak u incomfortable <|endoftext|> I'd rather be dismembered by grug gangs than being a chink for 5 minutes. <|endoftext|> >grug grug face vrum vrum pe grugan <|endoftext|> >sunt grug >traiesc in pestere lange vale >grug culege mure la vale >vine tribul cu ochi ingusti in vale la mine >"jo napot kivanok" >"valea asta la noi este acum" >batut grug la ei cu bata >valea ramane lui grug <|endoftext|> >Grug iese din peter >Grug auzit "Ioi Istenem" >Grug btut omu cu glgia >Grug ctigat btlia de la Posada >Grug întors în peter <|endoftext|> anon myliciel grug <|endoftext|> Hi. For the sake of intellectual honesty, please consider the following; the virus doesn't have to be man made to be a bio weapon. If Grug the caveman picks a large stick and bashes Grog's head in, it's still a murder, even if the tool is not man made. <|endoftext|> Grug luat înapoi pmânt de la Grugungur hooman* Grug e aici din grug în grug... <|endoftext|> >Grug dat jos din muni >Grug vzut ungur >Grug btut ungur i furat Ardeal >Grug fcut bine <|endoftext|> >OOGA BOOGA GRUG VIOLENTO Buttati giù da un balcone <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> this but also grug shag women <|endoftext|> grug lift weight and put down again <|endoftext|> >>TOO MUCH NAMESIES, GRUG MAD, BIG WORDS, HEAD PAIN <|endoftext|> >TOO MUCH NAMESIES, GRUG MAD, BIG WORDS, HEAD PAIN <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> >I'm stupid and don't know the definitions of words and proud of it ok grug <|endoftext|> >GRUG REDUCE HISTORY TO COLOR <|endoftext|> Vem vet, samma med de som ska göra knäböj, hejdå leder, men du lyfte iallafall tungt Grug, var det värt det liksom? >de gjorde feeeel! Är bara skadekontroll och okunskap som du säger, ingen som lyfter så där mår bra av det i längden. <|endoftext|> Varför förstör man medvetet sin kropp för att grug lyfta tung sten? Finns ingen gymbög som går skadefri <|endoftext|> >slapping contest Russians are grug tier sometimes <|endoftext|> > Grug don't like it. Grug very angry! It happens in English too. <|endoftext|> grug need foot ball now grug need beer now grug want tu sea stacey <|endoftext|> absolute retard if we're talking leadership skills he ran the country like the renegade player character in a bioware game grug no talk grug smash can't hate on a man who killed germans, turks and nobles for fun though so i'm going with based on this one <|endoftext|> I don't have that little bulge near the eyebrows so I feel you're still more grug than me <|endoftext|> Okej ingen bryr sig lmao för du kommer aldrig göra ett skit, jävla grug Eller så är man bara inte en gymbög. Jag kan respektera atleter, visst, men ni är inga atleter utan nollor som förstör era kroppar för att ni saknar någon annan mening i livet än att lasta på vikt på en stång och lyfta upp den. Blir det mer värdelöst än det? Herregud lär er rita eller något. <|endoftext|> >Det som är patetiskt är att förstöra sitt liv med steroider för att man grug måste lyfta tungt. Bokstavligen ingen bryr sig förutom andra patetiska gymbögar. <|endoftext|> Det som är patetiskt är att förstöra sitt liv med steroider för att man grug måste lyfta tungt. Bokstavligen ingen bryr sig förutom andra patetiska gymbögar. <|endoftext|> Not certain specialist positions which they have more of, if you're just a normal enlisted grug then yes <|endoftext|> I think...I will call him Varg Because Grug doesn't sound nordic enough True Norf strong and free <|endoftext|> Yes me worship this tree and this rock grug like strong stone <|endoftext|> grug say saab shit car, real man drive volvo! t. retarded elitists <|endoftext|> Grug no let medicine man poke with sharp metal Grug no trust Grug want procreate <|endoftext|> >äta magisk svamp bra för grug kan se andar av magisk svamp >du borde äta magisk svamp om du vill bli bättre grug för andar berätta det <|endoftext|> >OOGA BOOGA, GRUG NOT VIOLENT! >GRUG SMASH! That's one yike from me. <|endoftext|> I don't care about politics but Japan is my bro until I die. Show grug who to bonk and grug bonk <|endoftext|> me grug, grug grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no understand communicate, grug mad, grug smash <|endoftext|> Grug trick rock into thinking <|endoftext|> Grug pense que maladie problème langage. L'éternel débat incompétence ou malice. Haut zozzle <|endoftext|> >look into Strunk and White's "Elements of Style" I'll be sure to, thanks for the recommendation >If you could say what exactly the context for this is supposed to be it would help. It's a 4chan post >Would you write this as a story for a friend? I guess so Thank you everyone and sorry for derailing the thread into helping me with my grug writing <|endoftext|> reeeeeee grug want kfc <|endoftext|> based grug art <|endoftext|> Haha bright color picture make Grug happy <|endoftext|> Same with maymoons Our grug ancestors lived healthier than us <|endoftext|> >GRUG LOVE BEER, U MUST BE SOYBOY, GRUG ALSO LIKE MANUAL CAR, MANUAL CAR GO VROOM VROOM ME BIG MANLY GRUG *beats chest** CRINGE Why does reddit go ballistic when its pointed out what a weak little soyboy he is? <|endoftext|> can we all just admit that beer tastes like shit? Oh no i've said it now, in b4 >GRUG LOVE BEER, U MUST BE SOYBOY, GRUG ALSO LIKE MANUAL CAR, MANUAL CAR GO VROOM VROOM ME BIG MANLY GRUG *beats chest** <|endoftext|> can we all just admit that beer tastes like shit? Oh no i've said it now, in b4 >GRUG LOVE BEER, U MUST BE SOYBOY, GRUG ALSO LIKE MANUAL CAR, MANUAL CAR GO VROOM VROOM ME BIG MANLY GRUG *beats chest* <|endoftext|> >rich man smart! Grug mentality. <|endoftext|> >grug no loke think that make grug think this is your brain on the english language <|endoftext|> grug, I... <|endoftext|> >iki's slavik saphiumans rant, but not grug-tier <|endoftext|> La version grug : La version sophistiquée : <|endoftext|> i can't believe they build three object in row like big glow light.... yes grug think must be alien artifact.... <|endoftext|> and grug was a /brit/ original too <|endoftext|> Ja okej men om du tänker lite mer komplicerat än grug. Varför skapades inte Microsoft i Sovjetunionen till exempel? <|endoftext|> >if not make vroom vroom sound, grug unhappy <|endoftext|> I'm Rasha. Been LARPing as anti-NATO this entire thread. Aptechka's baits are at least high-IQ. Your "serbia is good while bulgaria is bad" baits are grug-tier. <|endoftext|> Grug nicht glauben Essen nicht schmecklich warm Grug lieber isst roh <|endoftext|> grug happy in cool cave gookgrug have nice cave too? <|endoftext|> >5 bigger than 4 >5 good 4 bad >Grug like technology and progress <|endoftext|> One sand turk and muslim grug passed by <|endoftext|> Gub'mint deep state man say 5g good. Grug not fooled. Q say 5g bad. WWG1WGA MAGA <|endoftext|> >beta tribe runs away >comes back and slaughters grug tribe in their sleep <|endoftext|> Grug and his mates would've pounded beta boy's tribe into a pulp and eaten their beating hearts. <|endoftext|> You would've had your brain splattered over Grug's wooden club 30,000 years ago. Beta boy. <|endoftext|> grug old grug good zoom new zoom bad <|endoftext|> Can see why her vids are always shot at a slight angle, grug tier head shape <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> He looks like a Grug <|endoftext|> No. How many times do we have to go over this? It was posted to /brit/ first. The same leaf also created Grug in /brit/. <|endoftext|> grug fill stone bowl with fermented berry juice <|endoftext|> >using boom sticks when you can just use waves Based grug <|endoftext|> >USA STRONG >GRUG HIT OTHER TRIBE IN HEAD >OTHER TRIBE DEAD >GRUG WIN <|endoftext|> bravo grug, tu non lo sai ma il rapporto tra macchie solari e 5G è la chiave di volta di tutto <|endoftext|> grug non approvare 5g, grug pensare che essere stregoneria che provoca coronavirus <|endoftext|> >grug do bonga-bonga with many hole grug from berry tribe <|endoftext|> Imagine eating the same dishes for the next 50 years Thats life I want to die at 40 like our grug ancestors <|endoftext|> Personally i prefer tzeench and slaanesh Nurgle is ok Khorne is kinda grug tier <|endoftext|> all grug ask for was tunnel to connect small cave to big cave but toilet cleaning tribe refuse <|endoftext|> They say that the body stabilizes out with smells and oils and stuff if you leave it long enough, and that daily washing with overpowered soaps just sends all those things into production overdrive. Grug sex probably smelled about the same <|endoftext|> >Yes, cave grug invent wheel, so me bash grug skull with big rock, how tell? <|endoftext|> UNGA BUNGA GRUG GET DUB <|endoftext|> GREEN MAKE GRUG MAD <|endoftext|> >grug no-understand reason no-precise grug-language inferior quelle fucking surprise <|endoftext|> grug no like OP grug SMASH <|endoftext|> We need to go back to Grug caveman talk. Too many adjectives, conjugations, tenses, prepositions, cases and abstractions. <|endoftext|> >grug volere infilare pene in vagina, resto non conta letteralmente scimmie <|endoftext|> does grug have sex? <|endoftext|> I'm writing a song in french but my french is poor so I wonder if there are any obvious errors. Don't mind if it's a little too grug as long as it's not plain wrongly written. C’est un matin neaugeux Vous ne voulez pas sortir Je suis desolee que tu est en colere Mais pour quoi je ne sais pas Ces sont temps tres bizarre Je ne comprends pas beaucup J'ai appris toutes les choses que je sais Marchant dans la rue Las rues sont libres per nous Je pensais que nous etions amis Las rues sont libres per nous Pour quoi tu n'aime pas moi? <|endoftext|> grug lyfta sten <|endoftext|> grug 1 and grug 2 share cunt because their kings marry. grug 1 have big economy, invade big lands in muslim south! grug 1 also invade new continent with gold! grug 2 is small and weak in front of grug 1 :( when time come for kingdom to modernize and unite as 1 like baguette grug did, grug 1 make grug 2 speak grug 1 language. grug 2 no like, he like own language grug 2 hate grug 1. There you go lad. <|endoftext|> grug no love neigbours grug own country grug own thread <|endoftext|> >>man run, man kick ball >>goool >>grug happy! Sounds extremely based <|endoftext|> >tschechisches Streichholzschächtelchen grug tier <|endoftext|> yup >Until now, it has always been suspected that this consumption increased the cognitive abilities of the human populations in Africa. "Among other influences, this could explain the early appearance of a culture of modern people that used symbolic artefacts, such as body painting with ochre, the use of ornaments or the decoration of containers made of ostrich eggs with geometric motifs," explains Hoffmann. "Such behaviour reflects human's capacity for abstract thought and communication through symbols, which also contributed to the emergence of more organised and complex societies of modern humans". >The recent results of the excavation of Figueira Brava now confirm that if the habitual consumption of marine life played an important role in the development of cognitive abilities, this is as true for Neanderthals as it is for anatomically modern humans. Hoffmann and his co-authors previously found that Neanderthals made cave paintings in three caves on the Iberian Peninsula more than 65,000 years ago and that perforated and painted shells must also be attributed to the Neanderthals. Fish is what made Grug evolve into Greg <|endoftext|> >man run, man kick ball >goool >grug happy! <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> grug get biggest rock last many moon <|endoftext|> >ich möchte keine nahrung suchen;- zumindest nicht mehr, als ich selber konsumiere. denn vorratshaltung in einer endlichen eiszeitsteppe (die menge an bekannten nahrungsmitteln ist begrenzt) setzt zwingend voraus, dass (viele) andere hungern müssen. nahrungsvorräte sind letzthin nur ein vergleich gegenüber jenen, die hungern müssen. besäßen - theoretisch - alle die gleiche menge an nahrungsmitteln, dann müsste niemand vorräte anlegen oder hungern. grug hat gesprochen, wir bleiben in der steinzeit, wertschöpfung ist nicht existent. und jetzt geh ins bett johannes, du verdammtes hirnlein <|endoftext|> Hello literal grug <|endoftext|> GRUG WILL DISABLE PEOPLE <|endoftext|> Apulian literally grug language <|endoftext|> BIG CAR GOOD GRUG BIG CAR MEANS BIG GOOD <|endoftext|> Grug see woman in river, Grug take woman into cave, evil Grug no have weapons to stop. <|endoftext|> tree on head fall out if choke meat demon many many time juju shaman say magic happen if not choke meat demon for many moons - hole grug will want gruga gruga with you and tribe give you more respect <|endoftext|> Hello actual grug <|endoftext|> >Ey grug, pass the zhug this rock needs more FLAVOR <|endoftext|> DONT GRUG POST ON ME <|endoftext|> Ceci, nous ne craignons pas la prison et l'enfermement car nous sommes encore libres à l'intérieur même si Grug part vivre dans bois pour vivre vraie vie. <|endoftext|> insect-grug want look like human female <|endoftext|> he looks more like a grug and his speech is slurred like a tard <|endoftext|> >Shiny good you say Grug shiny rocks no improve videobunga? <|endoftext|> Grug évite travail pour vivre vraie vie. Grug pas peur viré car Grug libre dedans. <|endoftext|> >någon döddade två >alltså ja inte dåli om ja dödda bara en Läggdags för dig, Grug! <|endoftext|> Fast det var inte det jag skrev, men okej din lilla oskuld Vem lockar till sig "avskrap", "vilka" vill ingen ha att göra med? Vad pratar du om? Vad är detta för grug-brev? Vad är det du insinuerar? Att FriaTider är gammelmedia för att "dom reagerade så långtsamt på Corona"? Vad är det för fullständigt grug-argument som för övrigt inte ens stämmer? Vad hände egentligen? Knullade Widar Nord era morsor? Eller är ni en av dessa boomers som klagar på att dom inte klarar av att avprenumerera från Fria Tider? <|endoftext|> grug.... dywersyfikuj.... bierz witamine C.... <|endoftext|> Grug provided way more original jokes than soyjak ever did <|endoftext|> umm so guys i'm a bit puzzled grug and soyjack originated around the same time period, but why has only the latter remained relevant? <|endoftext|> Come on Grug, I'm sure we can overcome our differences and see that we have the same interests if we work together. How about some trade? I've got some shiny stuff so how about you give me your land and move a bit over there? There's more than enough for both of us <|endoftext|> Grug no like pale cave people, they steal achievements of swarthy sea people. <|endoftext|> Grug don't like grug from other tribes in cavenet <|endoftext|> thank bean-tribe grug <|endoftext|> >I'm = grug be >you are = ug be >he is = og be >she is = gruga be >we are = grugs be >you are = ugs be >they are = ogs be/grugas be <|endoftext|> Sun-Come-Up woman say >Grug! Please no! Such pain! Grug no care. Grug no ask plus Grug cooming. <|endoftext|> bob grug shaniqua unga <|endoftext|> Me punch gruggette in stomach till gruggette make blood blood. Grug laugh, make Grug feel like big Grug. She say little grugglet in belly, me no care. Me hate grugglets. <|endoftext|> Sun-Come-Up woman say >Grug! Please no! Such pain! Grug no care. Grug no ask plus Grug cooming. <|endoftext|> buy shiny rock when low, sell shiny rock when hihg again grug buy low sell hihg <|endoftext|> >toxic tranny spam wojaks and frogs, which totally aren't reddit, isn't considered as spam, so why would one tranny thread per 3 days be considered spam? just call yourself hypocritical and say "grug no like see this grug angry". newfaggots get increasigly more stupid by the day, it's incredible. <|endoftext|> grug smart jägare du dum samlare <|endoftext|> Grug no think. Grug act <|endoftext|> >one survey Read the link if you're capable of reading English, ESL-subhuman. >muh wymin don't know they like grug tell them what they like Incel <|endoftext|> grug ha stenhand grug ej sälja <|endoftext|> ma non ce l'ho, non ho sbatti ogni tanto vorrei averla vojak, soyjack e brainletjak grug non mi piace molto invece <|endoftext|> Most of them have the Nunes/Cyborg grug look from abusing PEDs Fuck up you gimp <|endoftext|> grug and brainlet were way better <|endoftext|> Grug think Grugposting gimmick should make comeback. Grug think Grugposting funnier than Soyjak. <|endoftext|> It was actually a grug that both Europeans and Amerindians shared as a common ancestor. To claim it was a full European is like saying that a mexican is a full Spaniard <|endoftext|> grug think eat sky mouse funny grug tribe no eat sky mouse <|endoftext|> Grug eat sky mouse. Grug now not well. <|endoftext|> grug country big so grug country good <|endoftext|> Klub hit head Drag female grug in cave Snu snu whole dark time long Have many small grug <|endoftext|> grug father say gay bad so grug think gay bad <|endoftext|> >be mixed grug >get rock'd <|endoftext|> Grug eat sky mouse. Grug now not well. Help can you Grug? Many shiny rocks will you have. <|endoftext|> Grug lives below tree. Grug no like cave. Cave full of spider. <|endoftext|> When Grug see cave then Grug make cave home. If Grug no cave Grug must fight tiger and wolf and woman not look at Grug. <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe behind it obviously. Grug from earth mother and sun father not fro cave <|endoftext|> grug see no cave grug think maybe cave destroyed for get shiny rock? <|endoftext|> grug question if man come from cave, then where all the cave? grug walk around and see no cave. grug want know what other flags think. do other flags have many cave? <|endoftext|> Grug no like any tribe but Grug tribe! Grug always say same thing! <|endoftext|> Grug not like Reddit tribe <|endoftext|> >grug ancestor say gay bad so grug think gay bad <|endoftext|> vigilante action is just grug logic <|endoftext|> grug put rock on rock <|endoftext|> grug look at pretty picture grug like <|endoftext|> Grug sees more sand-men walk around the hunting grounds every day. Grug thinks the sand-men wants to take over Grug tribe. Grug has asked tribe chief to drive away the sand-men but tribe chief just call Grug "tribe-ist". What should Grug do?? <|endoftext|> grugs say small wolf good, not bite grug like big wofl grugs say small wolf good if grug teach grug dont tink so, grug tink small wolf not last long what you tink? <|endoftext|> >be fat tribe grug >get hit by rock <|endoftext|> grug touch a thing below belly grug want no grugina <|endoftext|> grug thinks thinks the cough demon was summoned by the slant eye tribe. Grug thinks the slant eye tribe wants to take grug tribe over with dark magic <|endoftext|> Grug worship skyfather ancestor GRVG <|endoftext|> just be grug rise rocks up, down, then grugina want you <|endoftext|> Grug want cavewife. Grug met cute cregina but gregina only want chadgrud cock. Grud sad. <|endoftext|> ancient grug fathers were big tribe grugs, conquered many big caverns you ancient fathers only small caverns, ate poop and not washed <|endoftext|> Grug is normal, if small moustach grug won the big grug war me would Can have sex with small grugina. <|endoftext|> I think grug has been looking at too many squint eye tribe cave paintings... grug should seek help. <|endoftext|> Grug want to have sex with small grugina. Why grug elder not allow? <|endoftext|> grug see grugina and make seed flood in loincloth maybe think grug want boom boom <|endoftext|> Trust no grug. Not even grugself <|endoftext|> Yess good goy-grug keep believe in sky grug and donate to Grugsrael <|endoftext|> grugs.... what if there is big grug in sky? is big sky grug real? do grugs go to sky cave when grugs are kill? <|endoftext|> grug domesticate horsey? how grug make horsey frend? <|endoftext|> >invents chariot with this grug destroy grass growing tribe <|endoftext|> grug have big stone grug go war now <|endoftext|> grug tell you go sex, nosex <|endoftext|> grug like cave painting from slant eye tribe <|endoftext|> grug put rock on top of rock like cave but outside of cave <|endoftext|> > Grug have no gf > how get grugina from neightbor tribe <|endoftext|> grug gonna grug berrie is good in stone market coat fur 5 max <|endoftext|> Grug next cave give fur coat for 10 berries. Buy or no buy? <|endoftext|> >grug believe gruginas mounted by dark skin grugs <|endoftext|> Written scandinavian languages like danish or swedish are surprisingly easy to understand in some instances. But it due to grammar and word differences it seems a bit like grug speak. No offense, its cute. <|endoftext|> >grug like BIG milkie. big milkie make grug grug pp hard like tree <|endoftext|> >grug not like how he have to pay bride price for women but grug still offer his daughter for bride price because he need to get back at them for making him pay money for their women <|endoftext|> Grug dug hole <|endoftext|> Grug give firstborn daughter to dark hairy man Grug bank now Grug wonder how much make interest <|endoftext|> Ug say he give Grug sabre-tooth skin for berries Grug give Ug berries, say Ug keep skin Ug Grug bank now <|endoftext|> >Skämt ska vara tidlösa Hej Grug, vill du höra skämtet om hjulet och elden? ÖÖÖHH VA? ELD? HJUL? DET VARA NYA SAKER! GRUG INTE GILLA NYTT. SKÄMTA OM MAT OCH SEX. GRUG FATTA MAT OCH SEX <|endoftext|> doug is a grug tier name me doug me eat raw mutton <|endoftext|> 1 Rusyn 99 Czech (spoken variety sounds like a mindfuck 2me, just adopt german already) Perfect grug-talk material (they have 2 cases tho) >Mrš u piku materinu >Marš v maminu pizdu lol'd <|endoftext|> I reckon the story behind chad jawlines being preferable is that it naturally occurs when Grug has to chew all the raw game he hunted <|endoftext|> >grug think woman ungrateful man have to work hard to please her and pay off bride price to her father to get her but woman still complain they oppressed <|endoftext|> Sometimes I hope people assume I am an esl Quebecois when I make these grug tier posts. <|endoftext|> >Lapland is just a Grug based <|endoftext|> >Grug throw sink near dumpster <|endoftext|> >If grug not perform fertility rites then crop will fail so grug hire priest to perform fertility rite. <|endoftext|> i miss grug posting it had a lot more soul than soy posting <|endoftext|> If grug not buried with many beads and bronze artifacts how will grugs ancestors know he is rich and respected. Yes grug be buried with many beads and bronze artifacts. <|endoftext|> >Gigachad, I can no longer keep this a secret. I've been having an affair with Grug. <|endoftext|> is there any point in joining the army if you're not a working class grug who grew up in abject poverty and left school at 13 <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> >Here Grug, I've got a great idea for messing with futuretards, help me drag this massive rock <|endoftext|> English underwent caseloss. So did Dutch and Scandinavian languages. That's subject vs object and possessive. Scandi grammar is grug-tier, so of course it isn't hard. "no" <|endoftext|> t. Grug pas lavé depuis 3 mois <|endoftext|> GRMBLRG NON C IMPOSSIBLE GRUG ACHETER 1 POISSON AU MARCHE <|endoftext|> >Grug hurt if bad word. >Grug make strong if hit club! <|endoftext|> >grug like big titay desu <|endoftext|> grug am cute <|endoftext|> They don’t. Based grug goes off on kike <|endoftext|> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOT POTATO HURT GRUG FINGER GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> Don't bother replying to the retarded sexpat. His whole existence is posting grug tier "Ameriga bad! China strongk!" non stop on a mongolian throat singing forum. <|endoftext|> no. europe needs more grug languages. <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> anglo tribe cave paintings ugly grug-san draw pretty cave paintings <|endoftext|> grug angery grug destroy <|endoftext|> >Grug want pure Slavic name >Grug no want people think he westurn <|endoftext|> >him ug-lee >grug grug no like! "WAAAAAGH WHY MONKEY MAN GET ALL GIRL? NOT FAIR!" <|endoftext|> >grug oooga booga stora tuttar *slår på trumman i glädje* <|endoftext|> No nie, nic nie zapaciem otrzymaem link za darmo. Jeeli otrzymam prob o oplaceni to oczywicie bd paci. W tej chwili ju otrzymaem linka na dwie ksiki pobraem to jedna o Gryfie a grug o Pileckim. Napisaem list z podzikowaniem. <|endoftext|> >grug come on international field >grug stand only with fellow grugs in field <|endoftext|> Noone gives a shit. English is too much of a grug speak to achieve IT. <|endoftext|> babies born into pagan tribe grug (the baby's father) teaches baby from a young age about worshiping idols baby is brainwashed into worshiping idols idk if you're implying if isolated tribes just spring out of no where but that's not true, they come from other populations and get isolated. <|endoftext|> better to be a nerd than a grug <|endoftext|> Genuinely can't fathom that our species is 200,000 years old and yet we've only had civilisation for about 6,000 years. That's a good 194,000 years of doing fuck-all as a species, literally the vast majority of our existence we have done nothing but Grug around living in caves, clubbing other Grugs, making retard noises, raping each other, living like filthy animals and being no better than fucking Abos. Utterly shameful. Embarrassing species. <|endoftext|> w-wouldn't grug be languages without any definite articles? <|endoftext|> >Grug no like how things go so grug say he prefer chains <|endoftext|> many far away grugs on intertribes board grug hates far away grugs <|endoftext|> Grug play rocktendo <|endoftext|> snow grug smart grug elder not give Grug wife Grug need Grugina say only grug with berries all moon so Grug go get rock wife now <|endoftext|> Grug thinks Grug shoud go to shaman after eating food, Grug thinks food bad <|endoftext|> yes yellow island tribe make good paint Grug trade all of mama grug's berries to get rock with yellow tribe cave paint Grug is happy now and don't care about femgrugs anymore <|endoftext|> orange grug bad <|endoftext|> Grug think yellow island grug cave paint more good than grugs' but Grugina say Grug want become yellow island grug <|endoftext|> grug's law <|endoftext|> Yellow island grugs stupid they say i yellow grug from spicy cabbage tribe <|endoftext|> Grug come to 4tribe but grug not like small yellow grugs from island <|endoftext|> >bite-sized meat takes much less energy to cook >ends up more flavourful because of greater surface area in contact with seasoning >doesn't require stabbing your food like some sort of Grug at this point I can only assume w*stoids cling to their savage ways out of stubbornness (and a desperate need to have some semblance of "culture") <|endoftext|> It’s shqiperia you HIV ridden faggot. I wish I was in Albania when you were there, I’d enjoy cracking your skull you mentally ill cocksucking servophile scumbag. I’d love to show you what grug like really means <|endoftext|> I agree, like you'll see 'muslims' there wearing crosses simply because they think it looks nice. But even so have you not encountered any hostility at all for trying to proselytise people ? I mean let's be honest, Albanians are a bit grug-like by and large. They still shoot guns into the air at ceremonies, in Europe, in 2020. I was walking down the street when some cunt in a mercedes drives by giving me the finger, like who does that. <|endoftext|> No room for grug brained nationalism. Won't get anywhere. <|endoftext|> grug decides browse intertribes caveboard see many paintings of grug mate with grugs and grug become shegrug <|endoftext|> basé grug, un homme simple avec des solutions simples pour nous mener vers les lapines et la gloire <|endoftext|> Grug pas fait études. Grug veut seulement chaman noir au travail. Femelles animées conduire tribu nouvelle ère <|endoftext|> >grug want sum GROG! <|endoftext|> Grug faire vide avant grug faire plein Grug content <|endoftext|> första roliga grug memen <|endoftext|> >fsjal >pas la version avec Grug Grug Thoreau me fera toujours rire Moi je veux un puff puff de toutes les 2d et même les plates ! D'ailleurs c'est pas tromper ! <|endoftext|> >While Swedish is indeed grug-tier, it's not on the same level as English at all. the only thing different is that Swedish has gendered nouns <|endoftext|> >Swedish is simply improved and has undergone change for the better A big "no" on that one. While Swedish is indeed grug-tier, it's not on the same level as English at all. <|endoftext|> Do you have crooked teeth? I have fucked up, crooked lower teeth with an underbite and it makes my lower lip look Grug-tier, like I'm jutting my jaw out, but it also makes my chin look weaker. I've been told that if I had it fixed it would've looked better, but overbites are hard to correct in adulthood. But if your teeth are just crooked, maybe you could fix it with just braces. <|endoftext|> grug face <|endoftext|> >If I want I'll put more effort in. >You pleb sure put it >writes spaghetti with capital letters even when he's not talking about a specific dish >Also to prepare real food is time consuming. (LITERALLY GRUG LMAO) >I've bought recently and thinking of starting it. >Not other non-native speakers And this Grug has the audacity to call anyone a brainlet :') <|endoftext|> Quiet, Grug. Go decorate your cave. <|endoftext|> >Not other non-native speakers Try again, Grug. <|endoftext|> >However Bolognaise would out you as a retard everywhere. Nah, people are generally more than willing to overlook such a common misspelling. Your grug-tier syntax, on the other hand... That being said, there's no point arguing over something this pointless and speculative, so let's end it here. <|endoftext|> Grug hatar kvinnor för kvinnor får grug att känns sig liten Grug hatar nbögar Grug hatar att lyckliga människor finns Grug är ensam Grug önskar han inte var ensam Grug önskar han var älskad <|endoftext|> STAY AWAY FROM GRUG YOU HAVE YELLOW TRIBE CURSE <|endoftext|> Yellow tribe give grug cave wingrat soup Big brain grug tell not eat soup but grug like soup Now grug not feel good nose feel funny and itchy <|endoftext|> longnose tribe say too much think is bad for grug sometimes is good to stop use of head meat and just play rocktendo <|endoftext|> Grug think maybe there is more than grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE DARK GRUG <|endoftext|> why were we cursed with drug grug clan? <|endoftext|> Grug think about what dark skin tribe’s crotch stick do to woman from light skin tribe <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE CLUBS BURN CLUBS <|endoftext|> Other grug tribes no good like low low land grug tribe, our grug tribe make swampyland into good land. Other grugs bad at keeping feet not wet, we grugs know make land tall to keep water low <|endoftext|> Grug come to inter tribe but grug don't like grugs from other tribe <|endoftext|> Grug likes monkey soup. Monkey soup good food. <|endoftext|> you are right grug will not forever sleep until time comes but grug also big thinker maybe forever sleep is like sleeping in big nothing cave you sleep in nothing cave and come back into earth cave maybe grug not the only one who goes into nothing cave or maybe everyone is grug <|endoftext|> forever sleep no good think of mama and dada grug they will cry <|endoftext|> grug like thought of forever sleep grug like sleeping <|endoftext|> It literally doesn't matter, they'll be roughly equal. Difficulty comes from your own personal experience with them. Have a hard time for unusual phonologies that correspond rather poorly to English? Danish might not be your thing. Have a hard time for pitch accent? Swedish and Norwegian might not be your thing. Have a hard time for non-grug grammar? Swedish or Norwegian might not be your thing. (All peninsular Scandi langs are grug-tier tho) >Norwegian for example has a whole nother grammatical gender, Swedish grammar overall is far more complicated than that of Danish or Norwegian. - German lad who learnt Norwegian Idk lad, pick whichever you feel like. <|endoftext|> grug want drug <|endoftext|> Grug part vivre dans bois pour vivre vraie vie <|endoftext|> grug pense que mal d'homme a petit yeux dangereux pour tribu de grug <|endoftext|> grug gilla äta andarnas svamp grug bara kan ändra på grugs liv när svampandarna tala till grug <|endoftext|> Is this the thread where we pretend we believe anon is a woman while they dance around and say "Look at me! I'm a roastie SJW! Boogaboogaboo!" to help us get mad? It's like one of those tribal rituals where one of the local guys dresses up as a ghost and everyone pretends they know it isn't just Grug in a mask. <|endoftext|> grug find magic rock with lights, grug make magic words on rock about drinks <|endoftext|> fula slampiga kläder som bokstavliga grug tänder på finns så jävla mycket formpassande kläder som framhäver en kvinnas kropp hundra gånger bättre men ändå finns det neandertalare som tänder på sånt där för ”GRUG KAN SE HUD GRUG KOOMER” Skit fetisch/10 <|endoftext|> Literal grug language <|endoftext|> >ugh... träna... ugh grug inte dra i sbopp, shaman säger andarna blir arga <|endoftext|> or just go by the definitions ie A1 is Grug speak and A3 is when Grug has learned grammar, but is still limited to very basic interaction <|endoftext|> >failed to produce even a single meme of any note of any kind Grug is a /brit/ original and thats a god damned true story <|endoftext|> Grug mentality is to fuck other tribes women Me likey turkish grugettes, me kill hairy back tribe grugs, take their grugettes to hunga bunga in cave <|endoftext|> its grug mentalitaly. <|endoftext|> >"vänstern" >någon annan göra dåliga saker, Grug göra ännu värre <|endoftext|> >grug stack stone >stone strong >grug house strong <|endoftext|> grug-tier <|endoftext|> Swedes are a pathetic people Stop claiming German and English contributions as your own You are snow Grug Ooga booga <|endoftext|> Slavs sounded like cavemen grug because they overstressed vowels and accented wrong syllables just like us <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE SPACE LIZARDMEN!!! <|endoftext|> UNGA BUNGA GRUG STRONK GRUG MORE STRONK THAN BIG ANIMAL <|endoftext|> Physical aggression and being quick to settle disputes with violence is a sign of higher testosterone and all of the things that allowed Grug to breed successfully for thousands of generations. If masculinity isn't a reflection of raw lizard brained instincts that leads to securing the conditions for male breeding then what is it? <|endoftext|> grug no like many choice grug no count above two <|endoftext|> >SIT DOWN <SIT DOWN >SIT DOWN <SIT DOWN >SIT DOWN <SIT DOWN Why are journalists such grug brains? <|endoftext|> >>book can't decide >>author goethe >>film can't decide >>director eisenstein >>tv series meh >>game grug fort >>song don't know >>musician mingus/ratledge <|endoftext|> cases are for grug languages; analytic is the way. Prove me wrong PROTIP: you can't <|endoftext|> grug see fire grug put hand in fire fire hurt grug hand now grug no put hand in fire <|endoftext|> Grug no like stupid tribe of bad cave-painters. Grug cross great plains for find better tribe. <|endoftext|> *grabs grug's club* *snaps it with ease* >Come again grug? You can dislike knitting all you want, but using 'gay' as a derogatory adjective is absolutely unacceptable. Homophobia ends where I begin. <|endoftext|> >grug no knit, knitting gay <|endoftext|> Gentlemen, I present to you: soy grug <|endoftext|> Humans weren't meant to eat half a kilogram of cow [sic] on the daily. It makes us sick and it's corroding our environment which will then make our children sick. And for what? Because it feels satisfying in your mouth for a few minutes? Learn some fucking self control. Just because your brain chemicals keep telling you to buy another hamburger and more chocolate bars, it doesn't mean it's natural or healthy, we've simply managed to outrun evolution. It'll catch up eventually unless we kill our species first, e.g. by making the environment uninhabitable because unga bunga cow taste good make grug happy <|endoftext|> Grug like challenge. Hard for grug >Tá sí sa leithreas >Cheannaigh sé go leor deochanna meisciúla >Caill mé mo fhón >Feiceann sé ar an teilifís gach lá >Tá léine ghorm uirthi >Tá mo chara i a chónaí i Sasana >Tá carr aige? >Creid mé le do thoil >Tá siad ag fanacht ag an stáisiún >Tá ort glaoch air >Tá na bláthanna seo go hálainn >Ní maith liom an t-amhrán seo go mór >Bhí sé déanach aríst >Cupán caife, le do thoil >Tháinig m'áthair abhaile ón obair >Sílim go mbeidh sé maith léi <|endoftext|> italian portuguese are understandable romanian and french are grug tier <|endoftext|> Grug faim Grug frappe ventre <|endoftext|> J'ai FAIM. Je tenais à le dire. Ça fait grug grug dans mon ventre. <|endoftext|> ME GRUG ME ANCIENT INVENTION ME LIKE POUTINE <|endoftext|> Because grug with biggest rock gets women. Kill much prey. Small rock grug only pick berries. <|endoftext|> grug fa grande botto <|endoftext|> eart move around sun one time grug feel fun <|endoftext|> >mouth noise mean different thing in other language ahaha is funny to grug <|endoftext|> >Grug come to intertribe to talk to grugs from same tribe <|endoftext|> alri grug <|endoftext|> Stakkels Grug.. <|endoftext|> grug smadrer verden i raseri <|endoftext|> >4,5 millarder kvinder i verden >grug kan stadigvæk ikke finde en mage <|endoftext|> >grug ikke jage >grug ikke samle >grug få mad af stamme >grug aldrig forlade grotte >grug vred han ikke finde mage <|endoftext|> grug is excruciatingly reddit <|endoftext|> Hate how crying Soyjak has taken over Wojak now Bring back grug, tfw to intelligent and pinkjak <|endoftext|> grug posting didn't originate on /brit/ stop this revisionism <|endoftext|> >>green countries >based >>non green >grug tier retard. Unironically, the leadership of those countries should be killed if they start a world war. <|endoftext|> >>green countries >based >>non green >grug tier retard. Unironically, the leadership of those countries should be killed if they start a world war. <|endoftext|> >green countries based >non green grug tier retard. Unironically, the leadership of those countries should be killed if they start a world war. <|endoftext|> >smart grug say god real so god probably real <|endoftext|> They will pretend how they are all totally against the military and police, but the vast majority of anti-healthcare people in the states are not lolberts, but Grug brained boomers that collect social security and support Israel <|endoftext|> grug agree, grugao <|endoftext|> >durr monument isn't pretty and impressionistic, grug no likey <|endoftext|> loved grug me <|endoftext|> grug originated in /brit/ so probably that one <|endoftext|> what's your favourite wojak variation this decade? >soyjack >boomer >doomer >bloomer >tfw to intelligent >brainlet >grug >pinkjak >zoomer <|endoftext|> film grug. <|endoftext|> >Grug können weiter reiten riesiges Mammut oder müssen Grug zu Fuß gehen? <|endoftext|> >Grug machen offenes Feuer, Grug zu duhm für Wärmepumpe Genau dies. <|endoftext|> True Russian is soft and melodic Portuguese is grug romans <|endoftext|> grug dumb, can't learn thing out of comfort zone also, losing the accent is a natural thing. the sound of a brazilian speaking english with his normal accent is the most ridiculous thing. kinda like you guys speaking japanese (yikes) <|endoftext|> They have no morals like all ex-Soviet shitholes, the men are Grug tier retards and the women are whores. Notice there are no pornstars from ex-yu like Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia. But there are shittons from Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine. Same in Amsterdam brothels, all the whores come from ex-Soviet counties of influence. <|endoftext|> Ta psykedeliska i alla fall, inte grug-droger som gör dig glad roli xD <|endoftext|> grug cook his own food <|endoftext|> >"banter" consists of grug level sayings like 'shut up fat' spammed consistently and constantly I mean amerigoblo and la lux extinguido at least had some effort put into them <|endoftext|> Have you heard Uga-Bugarian? They are literally Grug-tier <|endoftext|> Gigachad bullying Apu. Bullying Apu making Grug angry. <|endoftext|> @grug uga buga tobie te <|endoftext|> Chinese grug <|endoftext|> not gonna correct the tildes and accents but: >es tenis this sounds like a grug, it sounds better if you say "es el tenis" >Nos vemos maniana a mediodía. *mañana al mediodía >El oso se desperatá en el verano *despertará > Fuego es una herramienta útil pero peligrosa again, sounds like a grug. use "El fuego" instead >Nada menos que un miraclo hubiera ayudado *milagro overall bretty good <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT SMASH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG <|endoftext|> >He sounds like a Grug caveman Pochemu ? Because of grammar ? <|endoftext|> >Can anyone who speaks Russian confirm that his Russian doesn't actually suck? Oh it absolutely sucks. He sounds like a Grug caveman but he's understandable which is pretty much all he needs I guess. >Marriage Lol that clearly had zero effect on his Russian <|endoftext|> >tesco has nirvana unplugged, sex pistols and stone roses vinyls on sale aswell a bunch of other trudged out old shite are there actually lads somewhere buying these for ridiculous prices and literally listening to them on grug-era record players? <|endoftext|> my grug ancestor once took out a t-rex with its own leg-bone <|endoftext|> >c oa, o oa aa ca oop Cpao. Cop oc a aco, a c. paay ee e apaca, o e oop, a Grug. <|endoftext|> alcohol is for weak minded motherfuckers 90% of the people drink it for the brain-altering effect, which is extremely cringe, or because of peer pressure the remaining 10% are grug-tier retard who actually like the taste of poison <|endoftext|> i thought grug was based and redpilled now rough and masculine it's suddenly uncool <|endoftext|> >grug like shiny thing <|endoftext|> >man said thing grug no like >therefore man is <insert unrelated thing grug no like> <|endoftext|> >Using violence Ooga booga grug smash <|endoftext|> Grad think Grug just need be more confident. <|endoftext|> Grug hit grugina with club. Grugina is unconcious. Grug put his meat club inside her meat pocket. Grug rules. Fuck grugina. <|endoftext|> Grug invent wheel, but Grugina still no like Grug. Why all Gruginas same? <|endoftext|> >grug country big why do wogs on /int/ do this? <|endoftext|> lighter skin makes it harder to hide or obfuscate wrinkles. thus, it's nature way of making sure that worn out roasties don't keep on getting cum dumped first by Grug instead of young pubescent roastlets. Why do you think women spend so much on makeup and plastic surgery to try to de-age their appearance? They're literally trying to jew nature's justice. Just think about it rationally. <|endoftext|> >politely point out Jesus was a Jew >grug brain responds "ITS DA JOOS HAHAHA SNIFFS OWN FART" <|endoftext|> Unless you live in North Korea or Erythrea (not your case), you're never forced to stay in a particular country either. But, just like a job, you'll have to choose one. >If grug gives gragg a piece of mammooth hide for an axe, that's trade But that's not how primitive hunter gatherer societies work. Being from Venezuela doesn't prevent you from being a total moron who can't apply definitions. <|endoftext|> >If grug gives gragg a piece of mammooth hide for an axe, that's trade. And interactions like this most definitely took place. It probably happened in the soviet union too. We can swap these items out for vodka and cigarettes if it helps you think this out better. <|endoftext|> >The primitive state of humans is one of purely voluntary interactions, and there is no Capitalism to be seen What make you so sure about that? If grug gives gragg a piece of mammooth hide for an axe, that's trade. And interactions like this most definitely took place. <|endoftext|> grug wütend grug kein insel <|endoftext|> >grug put dick in girl from other tribe But no, I haven't really. I don't live in a tourist spot and there aren't many foreigners here. <|endoftext|> >'oslobodete patekite' that just sounds like grug language >ya ne bidlo, ya evropeec <|endoftext|> Based - grug like Redpilled - grug agree <|endoftext|> >grug a stone grug a cup me a grug dog bless tribe queen <|endoftext|> What do you even mean by "competing economically"? You think it would be better if we were one country because then that country would have a bigger number than any other country? Is your name Grug? <|endoftext|> >new thing bad >old thing good alri grug <|endoftext|> This is the type of men most girls drool over. Not gym addicts with grug faces. <|endoftext|> grug love tribes look like grug grug hate everyone else <|endoftext|> The OG grug. <|endoftext|> t. braindead flyover grug <|endoftext|> Alla wojaks har varit det utom grug, den hade iaf. en skvätt humor. Ett litet fåtal av boomerjackOCna har varit bra men jagjaget har överlag varit cancer det med, inte minst för att nu är allt "öööh dumma boomers är skyldiga till allt" precis som kanalen en som flock får papegojade "jävla hipsters är källan till allt ont" innan dess. <|endoftext|> >snopp köttspjut heter det Grug, men inte spruta ur köttpspjut gör dig till största jägaren i grottan T. vargshamanen <|endoftext|> grug inte spruta vit saft ur snoppen på ett helt månvarv grug bli stor jägare om han inte spruta den vita snoppsaften <|endoftext|> Grug like big <|endoftext|> Back when I was in uni I made way more German friends than British friends too tbqh, I guess the reason is because Brits have a really grug-tier, retarded student culture (let's get wasted and party every night lmao) whereas Germans at least had the capacity to do other things However, from a societal standpoint I still prefer Brits. I might be wrong though now that you say it, I agree with you that I have more positive experiences with Germs my age. <|endoftext|> I forgot how much mental retardation posters here suffer from after been gone a while. What turns posters so autistic >race mixing autism >muh memegroups >muh superior genes >grug cave better than your cave >grug tribe best tribe <|endoftext|> holy shit it's grug, from the memes <|endoftext|> >Grug defend m'grady <|endoftext|> Grug say to Mug "we must stop pooping in river because hot" and Mug say "no Grug, look at rock, it happened before" <|endoftext|> >grug build house of stone, stone strong like mountain, house no fall down <|endoftext|> >A Japanese businessman, captured by modern-day pirates, is written off and left for dead by his company. Tired of the corporate life, he opts to stick with the mercenaries that kidnapped him, becoming part of their gang. Ok, je connaissais pas, Grug regarde pas animù. <|endoftext|> moi grüg, pas voir de quoi grug parler, grug bonhomme ou grug lavette? sinon grüg peut inculquer gourdin à gruguette <|endoftext|> grug penser que toi être grogenstein de la tribu des longs-nez. grug savoir que tribu-des-longs-nez juste espérer que jeune grug solitaire fasse voltiger gourdin dans grotte-du-savoir, pour prendre tous les gourdins des autres grugs pâles. surtout que grugenstein être derrière "émancipation" de gruguette. mmmmhhmm. grug réfléchir <|endoftext|> si grug pas pouvoir inculquer raison grug pouvoir inculquer gourdin <|endoftext|> >gruguette pas contente des arguments rationnels de grug pendant débat dans grotte-du-savoir >gruguette sangloter et partir de grotte-du-savoir >tribu décide de consoler gruguette >grug interdit de parler des mots-qui-font-mal-au-cerveau sinon gruguette pleurer encore les femmes étaient une erreur <|endoftext|> Russian syntax is like something from the ice age, it's literally 'grug good, grzugz bad' tier <|endoftext|> It's not self-cucking, it's just being polite and trying not to insults others. While Eastern European cultures still have Grug-tier bluntness. <|endoftext|> >actually Aukštaitian Lithuanian is closer to how Grug's Indo-European sounded <|endoftext|> >pinnar i sin morsas grotta grug älska det också <|endoftext|> Thanks for the explainer. >grug language Kek <|endoftext|> Classical Chinese has even less ''grammar words'', and it pretty much only nouns and uninflected verbs. It's the ultimate grug language, even more than vernacular Mandarin. <|endoftext|> no, grug not allowed grugtalk grugettes and normie tribe say grug talk bad <|endoftext|> Grug edition <|endoftext|> trial and error, grug eats this he dies, ok grug no eat this anymore, eats this instead <|endoftext|> >grug like boobie. boobie make grug peepee go boing boing <|endoftext|> If everyone thought like you do, our species would be ooga booga grug, think about it <|endoftext|> >muh gdp are you all faggots retarded? >ooga booga india and brazil bigger gdp than sweden and switzerland? grug think they rich! *shits under himself* <|endoftext|> ugh... grug inte dra i snopp... bli stor och stark jägare <|endoftext|> Hoppsan, blev Grug Källarmongo kränkt? <|endoftext|> Dom kan försöka men det finns inte en enda vettig arbetsplats som tar emot Grug Källarmongo som varit arbetslös i 15 år sen han gick ut 9an utan betyg och har svåra sociala problem och autism ut i öronsnibbarna. <|endoftext|> >spenc czas na uderzanie kamien w glowa >kamien w renka robic fajne bang bang >wezmionc kamieni z gleba >nie robio fajne bang bang grug wracac do jaskinia <|endoftext|> >Grug breed yellow tribe gruggette <|endoftext|> It's shitty caveman music bringing us all back to the stone age. Even Grug finds it distasteful with a lack of nuance. <|endoftext|> Grug think other tribes make fun of Grugski Grug don't like it <|endoftext|> grug throw rock rock hit tatard tatard ded <|endoftext|> >modern sensitive,caring, well groomed and successful man. this to some extent is masculinity. Masculinity isn't just "oooh oooh grug angry me hit bad guy" shit lol <|endoftext|> Grrrrrrrrr me no like uuuuuu ... Anger grug!!!!! <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug go walk >see man >man no speak like grug >no look like grug >grug hate him >must protect tribe <|endoftext|> I really like it. >Grug no like change <|endoftext|> FEEET COOOOOM I WANT TO FUCK GRUG IS HORNY UGH UGH UGH <|endoftext|> @113418319 t. grug <|endoftext|> What was that, grug? <|endoftext|> >grug doit sauver planete, grug tuer gens pour arreter pollution <|endoftext|> >big land make grug happy <|endoftext|> I tried that shit for a few months, what a meme. After fucking a good escort and comparing it the entitlement of normal modern women, my self-improvement tour was over. Now I'm a night shift guard, payed to use my laptop 12 hours a night, because you can't be a NEET here. But I'm close enough, shit is cash. I may even give up my gymcelling after wasting my time for a year, my genes are not perfect for the grug perfect body. <|endoftext|> Wait until you find out about asian languages, 99% of which go like Me good. Me bad. Me Grug With no declensions whatsoever <|endoftext|> >once you get used to not using ''am'' that's why Russian sounds like a caveman's speech. Ja horoshij. Ja plohoj. Ja Grug. <|endoftext|> Breaded meat? Probably some grug long before any modern country existed <|endoftext|> >grug preserve grug bloodline <|endoftext|> >yes, me grug has thicc forehead butt <|endoftext|> The German approach to economics is literally grug-tier. Coal plants and pumping out tacky cars like it's still the 1920s. It was the sick man of the Continent until a certain currency magically fell in their lap. <|endoftext|> White tribe not strong, white tribe will unlive soon Mutt tribe will win world, grug will see <|endoftext|> >grug tribe dying >me know what to do > <|endoftext|> Grug and Magrug <|endoftext|> >Grug is ugly and dumb When he says "Grug", I think he means "Chad", a very attractive male that isn't really dumb for most part <|endoftext|> I told you why. Wolf (grug) doesnt want to reproduce when locked up (nonnatural enviroment) unlike the sheep (beta). <|endoftext|> Do you think God made them the way they are? Grug is ugly and dumb <|endoftext|> >In nonnatural selection enviroment grug wont reproduce Who said this? The way I see it, attractive people with average or high iq should reproduce, and slight unattractive people with very high iq should also be able to reproduce. But very unattractive and very smart people (so, humans with some severe genetical disorder) shouldn't reproduce, since their offspring will have very bad genes and might not be fertile, suffer from mental retardation or even worse, die at a very young age. In this scenario "Grug" would also be able to reproduce <|endoftext|> In nonnatural selection enviroment grug wont reproduce. Just like wolf wont reproduce when locked up in a pen, but sheep will do so. <|endoftext|> >ting diferent >grug mad <|endoftext|> based grug for making the mutt cry about long dead animals <|endoftext|> Can you imagine how many unique looking animals humans killed, and we'll never know about them because their fossils will never be found? It's a real shame. There could be mammoths, pygmy elephants, Neanderthals, giant sloths, giant armadillos, elephant birds, hobbits, etc. running around, but Grug and his gang had to fuck it up. <|endoftext|> it's literally Grug grunts <|endoftext|> Chinese grammar is grug tier. <|endoftext|> >le grug approach I use my brain frog now answer the question or fuck off <|endoftext|> because grug slavic languages dont have this >In Macedonian there are three types of definite article (base definite form, definite noun near the speaker and definite noun far from the speaker). >ee (dete, 'a child') >eeo (deteto, 'the child') >eeo (detevo, 'this child [near me]') >eeo (deteno, 'that child [over there]') in russian, to say "i am russian" you literally say " poc" (me russian). <|endoftext|> >grug blandar mjöl och vatten >grug glömmer blandningen framme i solen >"oj kolla vad fluffigt det blev" <|endoftext|> vissa grug var smartare än andra en grug fick idén att tälja en pinne så den blev vass och hålla spetsen framför elden så den hårdnade, medan andra grug nöjde sig med att använda pinnen som en klubba <|endoftext|> Hur kom man på idén att använda jäst och skit i bröd? Om jag var grug skulle jag varit svinnöjd om jag bara kunde knåda ihop det till en bulle och köra över elden <|endoftext|> >But you're my one true love, Grug! I must have you! <|endoftext|> >Grug, I have a confession to make. I love you. <|endoftext|> even grug loved chebs <|endoftext|> think not allowed grug go prison <|endoftext|> german is the most beautiful germanic language. not a simple brainlet language like english or grug speak like the nordic languages. its nice and flowing. <|endoftext|> miss grug posting me <|endoftext|> >grug pense que la tribu des longs nez veulent prendre grotte de grug, grug pas laisser faire <|endoftext|> grug blow up <|endoftext|> wud iz zyria? t.grug of new <|endoftext|> Honestly, I don’t care. I only care about Iberians, the rest can go to hell. However, I find funny the amount of med hate threads that there are compared to nord hate ones. It seems like nords are, for some reason, obsessed with us and that we live rent free in their grug heads. The same goes for Spain hate threads, it’s hilarious that such a poor irrelevant shithole gets so much attention. Keep going though, it’s fun to see so many people seething at us. <|endoftext|> >HE HAVE OFFENSIVE NUMBER >GRUG NO LIKE <|endoftext|> Grug face <|endoftext|> why are tinpot shitholes always so impressed by tanks and military parades? it's so grug tier <|endoftext|> grug get goth gf? me want goth gf :( <|endoftext|> >Grug obtaining wife circa 10,000 B.C. <|endoftext|> saw kebab grug the other day he angry so I club head <|endoftext|> Canada big muney, big hut Syria small muney, no hut Canada grug help Syria grug and Syria grugette, lil Syria grugo, lil Syria gruga #2, lil Syria grugo #3, lil Syria gruga #4, lil Syrria grugo #5, and Syria sister #1, Syria brother #2, Syria sister #3, and grugos and grugas of 3 sister and brother grugs <|endoftext|> ooga booga grug can fly porra <|endoftext|> grug had enuf of u u die now <|endoftext|> >GRUG NEED SEE VAGINA GRUG NOT APPRECIATE NONE ELSE <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> GRUG HAVE MANY AMERICAN GFS <|endoftext|> when a bird says she's 'attracted' to a lad .. what exactly is she attracted to? men are default ugly and featureless af and pretty much designed to be brutish grug cavemen doubt even benders find that attractive <|endoftext|> JAKIE RUSKIE PLEMI? KURW-GRUG NIC TAKIEGO NIE POWIEDZIA <|endoftext|> Grug bajsa i brasan, göra rolig röksignal <|endoftext|> vad kan en grug göra? <|endoftext|> >Grug vill förändra >Grug göra ingenting för att förändra >Grug må dåligt över att ingenting förändra <|endoftext|> Nee, geen spasmes. Mijn fijne motoriek is gewoon héél slecht en dus heb ik moeite met kleine fijne handelingen zoals knippen, leesbaar schrijven, kettingen aan en uit doen, zo'n dingen mijn penhouding is dus ook Grug-achtig en ik heb als kind veel kinesietherapie gehad omdat als iemand bv tegen me zou duwen zou ik niet weten hoe veel kracht ik moet zetten om het tegen te gaan en gewoon omvallen (nog steeds niet perfect) <|endoftext|> >Grug smart <|endoftext|> enjoy skin cancer Grug <|endoftext|> grug prefer moo-moo from valley to the north than moo-moo from valley to the south <|endoftext|> >grug lubi polityczka <|endoftext|> 99 out of 100 most used words are from grug language (germanic). "Mountain" is the only exception. <|endoftext|> recap: >UK government promised referendum because "Grug big democracy, Grug listen to its people" >UK government thought brits are not complete retards and wont vote leave >brits proved its government wrong >... >Profit? <|endoftext|> Bugars do speak funny and effeminate as fuck >ceo y ac but this is just grug language <|endoftext|> Grug big man. Break box no problem. Grrr. <|endoftext|> Everyone should use Grug-style "clothing" honestly <|endoftext|> Why did Grug like big rocks do much? <|endoftext|> Spemar det någonrollnär han sätter en skottserie rätt igenom dig eller förvandlar dig till köttfärst med ett luftbriserande Calle G skott? Ska du grug kasta en sten på honom eller? <|endoftext|> grug eat processed meat this make grug manly <|endoftext|> Grug vouloir passer Grug vroum vroum <|endoftext|> AAAAAAAA GRUG SPRUTA VITA SNOPP-VATTNET <|endoftext|> I really miss Grug threads pretty sure they had something like "The Village's Incel" <|endoftext|> >Gruga komin pierdzie >Gruga komin lecie ciepo >Zielone plemie mówi pierdzenie ze >Grug nie lubi Zielone plemie <|endoftext|> >postacie NPC >dialogi "Grug Polak, Grug nie zdrajca, ty by Grug" + "-jak masz na imi? -... -... -... -dobra to bdziesz Jarek"(x2) "-Mog pogra z wami? -A umiesz gra? -... -... -Nie -... -... -To chod" >fabua -Grug ruskich nie napierdala -Grug dosta orzeek -Grug ruskich napierdala -Grug samice chcie -Brug samice chcie -Grug nie lubi Brug -samica ani Grug ani Brug -Grug polubi Brug >sceny batalistyczne Czerwone plemie maszerowa Grug nie wybucha patyk Czerwone plemie wybucha patyk Grug aa Zasadzka bum bum Grug y //reszta batalii bya nawet dobra >aktorstwo Grug by Grug <|endoftext|> >grug nie lubi niebieskie plemie >niebieskie plemie sprzedawa osade dla dugie nosy >niebieskie plemie dawa kamienie za mae ludzie >grug nie mie kamienie >grug nie lubi marszujce baby z chopy >grug nie lubi chopy z mieszna mowa i mieszna skóra >grug nie przej ewolucyj >grug za granatowe plemie <|endoftext|> someday there'll be a zoo with a grug enclosure. think about it <|endoftext|> >punching a child grrr grug dun wun to resicul grug too manly to care about earf <|endoftext|> >unga bunga grug lift big stone >grug no smart >zug read slate >zug smart <|endoftext|> Grug thud <|endoftext|> I'd rather not. I don't want to be grug. <|endoftext|> >be Maltese grug in around 1000BC >be running around on a beach throwing rocks at other grugs >see big ships coming close to shore >strange purple people come ashore >greet purple people >purple people seem nice >among purple people you see a very beautiful purple woman >wants to erect a stone temple for her though something else is erect >purple people settle on big hill >they teach you and your people lots of stuff >purple qt is your teacher >grug starts creating purple for them >grug keeps thinking about purple qt >grug builds small temple in cave for purple qt >grug cries every night in cave thinking about purple qt <|endoftext|> >ge bankerna total kontroll över dina kontanter Grug... <|endoftext|> >Grug inte fatta hur kort användas. det inte lika enkelt som att slå träklubba på metallpinne. Grug bli mycket arg grrrr!! <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug...diversify...hedge with crypto... <|endoftext|> I'm no grug, you slug <|endoftext|> Internet shaman say not touch grug penis and grug gain special power <|endoftext|> grug thud <|endoftext|> >grug shoot gun at mans how can you even play fps shooters, they are so repetative and tedious <|endoftext|> How would this hypothetical grug hypothetically do such a thing Shan't I don't know what you want but it's probably sinful <|endoftext|> grug could use clean speech rock if grug delete everything <|endoftext|> >my tribe no good >do hunting and cave painting wrong >other tribe across great plain do all better >grug must abandon idiot tribe of bad hunters, but grug afraid to leave cave <|endoftext|> That's ok nordicists want to live half naked in the woods like their grug ancestors <|endoftext|> >No-indoshit language hard for grug. Grrrrrr >Why no use Latin letters like grug does? Grrrrrr Fuck off <|endoftext|> Hes right though. If you stop being a virgin and actually look beyond the "ohhh grug see big boobs grug want fugg" you'll see she is ugly as fuck <|endoftext|> > >ook grug language confirmed <|endoftext|> grug suck on rock <|endoftext|> >grug only need 1 tribe speak... 2 speak is too much for grug tribe, need save think power for paint cave wall with shit <|endoftext|> Grug faire loi. Grugonette se soumettre, ou Grug frapper avec bâton-du-sommeil. <|endoftext|> Grug II "the unkillable", king of the Eastern Wastes <|endoftext|> och varför tror grug att lyfta sten innebär att grug ska få fv? <|endoftext|> Mina Grug-instinkter tillåter mig inte att slappna av lika mycket när jag äter på allmän plats som hemma Är det så för alla? Det är ingen stor skillnad men det går att märka <|endoftext|> Leftmost looks like happy grug And the rightmost looks like shipo mafija lal <|endoftext|> > Zipf's law states that given a large sample of words used, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. So word number n has a frequency proportional to 1/n. > Thus the most frequent word will occur about twice as often as the second most frequent word, three times as often as the third most frequent word, etc. For example, in one sample of words in the English language, the most frequently occurring word, "the", accounts for nearly 7% of all the words (69,971 out of slightly over 1 million). True to Zipf's Law, the second-place word "of" accounts for slightly over 3.5% of words (36,411 occurrences), followed by "and" (28,852). Only about 135 words are needed to account for half the sample of words in a large sample. grug not understand grug beat stick on shiny magic box <|endoftext|> GRUG BEAT MEAT TO CAVE PAINTING GRUG FEEL GOOD <|endoftext|> >GRUG HAVE HARD PENIS >GRUG MUST FUCK HAND >ME COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIINNNG <|endoftext|> GRUG MIE WICEJ KAMIENI GRUG MÓC WYMIENI WICEJ ZA WICEJ KAMIENI <|endoftext|> grug meets many far away grugs on tribe board grug hates far away grugs <|endoftext|> Grug english <|endoftext|> >>no genders Better than calling random objects male or female. Spanish also doesnt have neuter. >>no verb conjugations False, you don't need a million conjunctions to convey an idea >>arbitrary pronunciation of words They arent you babies just want to be spoonfed >>overly reliant of pronouns Yeah sure using more pronouns is the grug tier choice. >>no formal/informal form The noun changes to indicate formal or informal. We don't call our friends and male family member sir. >>you is the same for singular and plural That's not 100% accurate. Southerners say y'all and the rest of us can say, "all of you" or you <noun>. <|endoftext|> >no genders >no verb conjugations >arbitrary pronunciation of words >overly reliant of pronouns >no formal/informal form >you is the same for singular and plural Nah your language is Grug tier. <|endoftext|> That line sounds like it came out of a Grug meme <|endoftext|> >eller har jag missat något Ja, all interaktion med kvinnor handlar inte om "grug vill pöka". Tjejer kan vara trevliga personer att bara hänga med de också. <|endoftext|> Grug no piace cosa dici Grug usa clava se no taci <|endoftext|> Sisofrenigi sde vi fegedi usrasgi, bamdimo mi svi vase bolesne isbade goji su drajali mesegima samo sado sdo sde bili ogidani sbog jedne slige ili bosda. vas boli sdo vi nigada negede bidi dominandni, ba ismisljade uvrede de bolesnig, de sisofrenig. ovo je 4ghan mamu vam jebem, ago sde slabi sa ovo onda ovo nije na vas i idide na disgord ba damo drgajde jedni drugima u grug vas 3-4, sa onim vodrimom majmunom obsednudim gredensgim mediogridedom. <|endoftext|> because i am dumb and try to apply the pontuaction norms of portuguese in english. i know it is wrong and i sound like a grug, i just can't help <|endoftext|> >Ooga booga if we eat people mother earth will cool off >grug says if I let him fuck my wife then earth mother will cool off and crops will grow <|endoftext|> Me paulista grug, me has industry, all other state grugs depend on paulista grug to survive, heh paulista grug can be country, he don't need other grugs <|endoftext|> grug pas compris <|endoftext|> grug with biggest stick <|endoftext|> did you rekt the boomers that slacked off with grug tier speak so they can understand. What kind of statistics did you present them? <|endoftext|> Did you also have to dumb down your speech to grug-tier so that his boomer brainlet can understand you, and did you destroy him with based statistics? <|endoftext|> I mean, on the one hand armed conflict is stupid because we should be exploring the galaxy/solving global problems. literally anything else is better than >GROG HATE GRUG BECAUSE HIM FROM DIFFERENT CAVE. GROG SMASH! ...on the other hand, since we don’t live in an evolved world where militaries aren’t needed, the only thing keeping an enemy boot off your neck is your nation’s soldiers. Ideally it wouldn’t be necessary, but pragmatically it is. And if you’re thinking >I wouldn’t care either way, what’s the worst that could happen in a regime change a word of caution then: people are absolutely vile and the pages of history are fucking dripping with the blood of those who thought “it probably won’t be *that* bad” TLDR soldiers aren’t fucking hero’s but they are sadly necessary in a violent species like humans, so they deserve at least the respect you’d give a firefighter. <|endoftext|> >Took 1v2 Grug, is it you? They probably don't teach you that in school, but FYI Estonia had white Russians their side, and soviets were fighting on 5 fucking fronts. <|endoftext|> ooga booga grug leave tribe grug go where post get reply saying "fuck off" what culture? grug need notification <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug from swamp tribe. Grug smash sea for more land. <|endoftext|> Grug is of maple tribe, very large, many happy grugs. Tell grug about your tribe? <|endoftext|> Grug cave more warm than 2 moons ago Grug tribe must make sacrifices to angry god <|endoftext|> cave grug like manly mammoth cave grug use mammoth for build stonehenge hut grug have girly mammoth hut grug never use girly mammoth, girly mammoth full of berries and flowers because no use <|endoftext|> >ugala ooga booga bingo bango me grug <|endoftext|> >ywn be British >ywn be French >ywn be German >ywn be Swedish >ywn be Italian >ywn be Greek >ywn be Portuguese >ywn be Spanish >ywn be Russian >ywn be Polish >ywn be Iraqi >ywn be Syrian >ywn be Lebanese >ywn be Saudi >ywn be Jewish >ywn be Iranian >ywn be Turkish >ywn be Tunisian >ywn be Egyptian >ywn be Ethiopian >ywn be Indian >ywn be Chinese >ywn be Mongolian >ywn be Japanese >you will always stay part and be associated with one of those useless irrelevant ahistorical ''literally who'' Grug non-nations who never achieved anything or left an impact anywhere Does anyone else know this feel? I don't give much value to race but I firmly believe that people without direct historical association should be deemed inferior and it impacts my sense of self-worth <|endoftext|> >JAAA RYMDSKEPPSBÖGKOMMUNISM MED LGTBQRÄTTIGHETER!!! WOOOHOO GRUG VAR DUM JAG ÄR SMART JAAAA SVARTA KUKAR OCH BÖGPARADER <3 <|endoftext|> Whats your favorite Spanish language? >Galician: pretty much old spanish, similar to portuguese >Asturian: middle ground of Galician and Spanish >Castillian: Evolved romance language with arab influence >Catalan: mix of french, italian and castillian >Basque: wierd grug language from aliens <|endoftext|> deep thoughts, grug <|endoftext|> >history Grug like big <|endoftext|> Grug like big <|endoftext|> grug see grug understand <|endoftext|> >Complete Grug. Man, 4chan creates new words a the time. <|endoftext|> depends what? >Just learn words grammar comes naturally This. You can actually notice him progressing with every video he uploads, he doesn't sound like a complete grug these days <|endoftext|> Grug pas aimer feu. Grug mange assiette poivrons crus. <|endoftext|> >Erdogan, Greta, Macron, and Soyjak killing Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug >her <|endoftext|> ughabugga... grug önskar att leva när gruggar bodde i grotta och inte hus... ugghabugga... då gruggar var riktiga gruggar och jagade mammut... innan gruggar sätta frö i jord som grugginor... innan brunhudingstammen och långnäsestammen bestämma över grug... ughabugga... <|endoftext|> based Allah is physically the same god with the christian God If God be real, then why Grug poor <|endoftext|> >yugoslav is pro-sovoet grug <|endoftext|> bleh electricttycity too hard grug prefers gas <|endoftext|> grug hate rail, grug SMASH!!! <|endoftext|> > grug gives thanks <|endoftext|> grug language <|endoftext|> *grug* <|endoftext|> Grug SMASH <|endoftext|> Grug not kill other Grugs Apes together strong <|endoftext|> >grug like vroom wroom go fast <|endoftext|> literally grug speak language <|endoftext|> okay grug <|endoftext|> Most french flags are grug tier racist retards. <|endoftext|> >grug no like new cooking fire songs from now times >fire songs when grug small best fire songs <|endoftext|> >either shyly or aggressively greets you >ask grug tier questions >calls you "chief" and use "tu" literally every day, every single one of them <|endoftext|> T. Grug <|endoftext|> vietlad invented grug too mad how canadian /brit/oids created two recent sitewide memes <|endoftext|> Whitoid named Grug bad man. We built stone hut not him. <|endoftext|> >han behöver lyfta saker med sin kropp Lilla Grug då. <|endoftext|> I'm not sure if it is possible to translate it directly. both God and Delusion are nouns and just saying "article noun noun" is below the grug tier. In polish you would have to create a neologism "bogozudzenie", but this word don't actually exist. I don't even know if russian even allows merging words with an o. <|endoftext|> >Shitty prison build criminals, good prisons build new citizens. First, I wasn't the one who said that. Second, "good prison" doesn't mean hotel. Third, there's not actual arguing when you're putting your own retarded words in other people's mouth. You don't even have an argument of your own. You don't have an argument of your own, you're just ignoring every evidence there is that punitive methods are useless and sticking with your vindicative grug mentality. <|endoftext|> if they are it's more likely theyre humans from the future rather than extremely advanced intergalactic beings that are interested in some small grug civilization or not dunno ftl travel and time travel are both impossible arent they <|endoftext|> Version avec Wojak attardé/Wojak grug quand ? <|endoftext|> grug meet many far away grugs on tribe board grug hates far away grugs <|endoftext|> >mhm grug lide fedt og salt og sukker <|endoftext|> Não sou o quotado, mas o seu nivel de português atual é o "português de grug", estude concordância e tente melhorar a gramática principalmente na questão de verbo, corrigindo sua frase como exemplo >Outras me compreendem (ou compreendem-me), mas eu (o eu é opcional já que "compreendo" já indica a primeira pessoa do singular) nem sempre compreendo eles (ou compreendo-os/ os compreendo). Boa sorte <|endoftext|> What's the deal with swedes and grug tier food <|endoftext|> grug go for waAAAAAaaa'' <|endoftext|> GRUG INTE GILLA NYA SAK GAMLA SAK E BÄTTRE DÄRFÖ GRUG INTELLIGENT <|endoftext|> >grug-tribe good >other grug-tribe nogood <|endoftext|> English is a grug tier language that anyone can learn nowadays, the ones that don't learn it are probably latino boomers <|endoftext|> papa ao aa, poco e oa a poye a e oo a cecya aoa cop a cac. Grug-tier speak. <|endoftext|> Kanadl adamlar çox axmaq. Grug çox all. <|endoftext|> >literally regressing back to Grug language grim <|endoftext|> >grug-jagjag >en jävla boksats lång tror du har missförstått meningen med det där jagjaget <|endoftext|> Vi är alla mansbarn eller fula grug <|endoftext|> >>y e ec o >>in me home That sounds like NORF but it's not actually correct. Its Grug literal translation would probably be something like 'I have home' Not sure how to translate the possessive literally here <|endoftext|> > > >s > > > >this triggers the low iq grug tier slavs <|endoftext|> Stews and soups werent invented by anyone in particular The first stew was probably made by some grug 10000 years ago <|endoftext|> Basé Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug construit cabane dans bois pour vivre vraie vie. <|endoftext|> >“An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is an absolute denial of Western civilization. In the opinion of the Eurasians, the West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil.” >Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before the law. Holy shit does this mean that euroasianism is an ideology based in its core on the idea that everyone has to obey the Grug with the biggest club untill Grug with even bigger club replaces him? <|endoftext|> >grug zesra si >grug nie mie rzeka i nie my dupa tylko dwa listki papro i wytrze >grug wyj z jaskinia i dupa bole bardzo grug zy <|endoftext|> Grug cause no club <|endoftext|> >grug need club because good grug with a club to stop bad grug with a club <|endoftext|> If Grug not club, Grug use sabertooth, if no sabertooth Grug use rocks. Grug not have Club problem but Grug problem <|endoftext|> Weak grug who loves to watch other tribe grugs with large throbbing clubs fuck own tribe grugettes has spoken <|endoftext|> >grug need club to defend self from chieftain <|endoftext|> But grug, without access to that club other grugs wouldn't die <|endoftext|> >club not kill grugs grug do <|endoftext|> >mfw amerisharts are so deluded that they unironically believe latin american posters are from the le huwhite high class and that's why we can write in their grug tier language <|endoftext|> any form of tribalism is grug tier <|endoftext|> grug stuff <|endoftext|> Så grug er altså en incel? Interessant Det ville så sige at der har eksistetede incels lige siden der begyndte at være hulemænd <|endoftext|> >grug ikke selv finde mad, afhængig af stamme >grug sur han ikke finde mage <|endoftext|> grug veut mettre nez dans buisson de feu <|endoftext|> Killers of all stripes have existed since Grug killed Ug with a club to steal his berries <|endoftext|> The concept of power was well and alive during the stone age. Back then it meant scrawny neckbeards like you got Grug'd with a big rock. <|endoftext|> This grug has no ebb <|endoftext|> What's the benefit of grugs all speaking bad grug <|endoftext|> >Walmart verkaufst diese neuen kugelsicheren Schultaschen, aber sie sind sehr teuer. Yes, but "verkauft" >Wenn man zwei kauftest, könnte man eine Schultasche vornen und eine hinten tragen. Mmm. You wanted to use Konjunktiv there, but used second person singular instead of third person (which "man" is), but more importantly, this is a bit of a special case. Whenever either Konjunktiv I or Konjunktiv II has a form that is similar to another one (like a past tense form), then people usually use the other Konjunktiv to supplement it with, mostly to eliminate ambiguity. It is true that Konjunktiv II would apply here, your thinking was correct, but "Kaufe man [...]" would be better. HOWEVER, possibly much to your annoyance, it still sounds a bit meh in this particular sentence. So when that happens, people do it the grug way instead: * Wenn man zwei kaufen würde, könnte man eine Schultasche vorne und eine hinten tragen. :^) just gotta deal with it mang >Alle anderen Studenten werden eifersüchtig sein, wenn sie sehen wie ich meine neue sichere Schultasche trage. Yes, except for the aforementioned Student/Schüler thing <|endoftext|> what kind of grug fucks a monkey <|endoftext|> >Person is gay... gay is aids! I know it might be too much for your grug-like underdeveloped brain, but one can be homosexual without ever contacting HIV. I know, shocking. I, for one, will never contract anything because I'm extremely conscious and careful. One thing is certain, though: you'll never contract ANY STDs. That's for sure ;3 Yeah, I'm sure that the chemicals of the universe have found in you an extremely useful and efficient allocation of resources! S-sorry, you're just too cuuute >_< Woah there, you sure are though boys! Pffft Yes! We would talk in binland memes :DD <|endoftext|> grug smash taco tribe at rock mart grug hates taco tribe ruin freedom tribe grug smash and make tribe war <|endoftext|> >Grug see green plant, grug see tall green plant, all plants same to grug <|endoftext|> >grug see borg having sexy time with sven >grug dont like <|endoftext|> >maybe grug is reason grug not happy >maybe grug not blame tribe or hunting grounds for problem of grug <|endoftext|> The Officers in Infantry units have enough issues with their fucking grug soldiers beating the shit out of eachother and civvies every weekend, National Service will just compound this issue with even more squaddies who now don't even want to be in the army. <|endoftext|> i love everything about the truck that I drive but it's fucking tedious driving it more than a couple times a week, how you can defend it is beyond me just hate modern civilisation in general me, would much prefer some sort of tribe lifestyle where we walk everywhere to barter with other tribes sans the grug retardation. thats kino <|endoftext|> yellow circle in sky tribe not send water demon give grug body water curse make grug stink-stink <|endoftext|> unga bunga grug no understand how to drink processed orange juice it have to be squeeze directly from orange <|endoftext|> Why do britbongs measure weight in "stones" like cavemen? >unga bunga, grug weigh 8 rock <|endoftext|> Majority of Ottoman empire was illiterate and poor. Posting Ottoman era pics of top 5% is useless when comparing it to rural areas. Only thing that made regions get better was implementation of socialism, national socialism and militarism that forced rapid progress and reduction of orientation towards religion. Totalitarianism was cure for people who were predominantly grug mentality. <|endoftext|> >that ridge between the eyes literal grug in a pink suit <|endoftext|> >Night skinned tribe living next cave is making ruckus again >Grug tries counting wooly mammoths to sleep >But Grug can not count >This shit never used to happen until they settled in Grug's hunting grounds >Tonight Grug will go see them with war club <|endoftext|> Just speak in grug speak if you want to be efficient you absolute brainlet <|endoftext|> >me, grug from yellow demon in sky tribe >grug sad, alone in cave >head make painting >grug know what do not be alone >yell other caves they no have fire and no cave paintings on wall >angered cavemen come my cave <|endoftext|> ROCKY TRAILS TAKE GRUG HOME TO THE CAVE GRUG BELONG WEST PANGEA MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH TAKE GRUG HOOOOOME <|endoftext|> grug pa comprendre calorie <|endoftext|> >grug see different >grug smash *snap* Yep, this is cringe <|endoftext|> But grug like big <|endoftext|> grug veut sentir trou à caca de femme <|endoftext|> Forgot my grug <|endoftext|> >grug like rock <|endoftext|> Were you... trying to make some sort of point..?? Or are you just a Grug who repeats every word he sees? <|endoftext|> grug say Silver land grug is coal skin, but grug know Silverland grug actually snow skin. Grug just make joke hahahoho <|endoftext|> grug no like you but grug respect different opinion <|endoftext|> grug come to intertribe but grug don't like grugs from other tribes <|endoftext|> arab grug bad <|endoftext|> what mean? rock never die, is hardest thing of all. use rock to smash other things. thing die, but rock no grug think jungle tribe think like monkey <|endoftext|> ME CAVEMAN ME STAY WARM OUT OF CAVE GRUG NO <|endoftext|> grug like hot water grug hate cat eater tribe <|endoftext|> grug think 15 cavepaiting per waterdrop good <|endoftext|> Kraut tribe always violent and never unites without losing immediately even bigger Grug think <|endoftext|> >grug bara gilla skjutaskjuta >grug inte gilla bildbild med handling djupare än "han dumdum, grugstam vinnvinn" <|endoftext|> building big car fast grug strong <|endoftext|> grug no like nice god grug like cool god that let him throw rock at other grug nice god no let grug follow to square mustache chief from sauerkraut tribe <|endoftext|> >sky father give this land to grug's ancestor, say so in sacred tablet >you go now <|endoftext|> >you want grug turn wheel with light and wind? bad, very bad! grug wheel must turn from magic glowing rocks! What do they mean by this? <|endoftext|> Me hairy me man! Grug reasoning desu <|endoftext|> Russia, without it's articles sounds like Grug speak. <|endoftext|> english is a grug language <|endoftext|> Too stupid to understand Grug-talk. Better go learn English again. Basic English stuff even kids know. <|endoftext|> Teddy Roosevelt was a grug-tier moron all the tact of Trump except with an absolutely psychopathic fetish for war turboyank manchild from a fuddy duddy old money New York family who wanted everybody to think he was a cowboy should have run for Kaiser of Germany instead of president <|endoftext|> >My bicep peak look good my pecs are large me aesthetic Kys brainlet. Literal grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no like XY >Grug hit XY with rock Yeah Grug buddy, not here in Europe please. Keep that shit in your schools. <|endoftext|> grug lieks fire <|endoftext|> >grug lubi kobiety >ty nie lubi kobiety? ja cie bi <|endoftext|> >grug won medal dat mean grug smurt maxwell, darwin, shakespeare and newton to name a few all lived before alfred nobel and this is not me saying america hasn't contributed to science, your cunt is just at a disadvantage because it has barely existed for a meagre 200 years <|endoftext|> Kloke ord, Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug vide en faisant le plein Grug paix. <|endoftext|> Grug no like different from me, grug want hit different <|endoftext|> >grug no legge grug mema grug esperto in scuola di strada <|endoftext|> >negro scherzo grug ridere poco pensare <|endoftext|> >Grug would like live in cave. Grug think cave cold and nice. <|endoftext|> >humans needs are strictly material, grug need more resources to be happy <|endoftext|> brug wymyslic kolo grug myslic glupota grug nie chciec robic nic grug tylko jesc i spac <|endoftext|> >Grug no understand "through" >Grug want say "thrug" <|endoftext|> è una reazione abbastanza semplice mi pare >cosa xyz mi fa stare male >grug non piace male >grug distrugge causa così grug stare meglio un premeditato in un contesto del genere sarebbe molto più difficile da spiegare, in quanto non hai un overload emotivo che possa spiegare decisioni che normalmente non prenderesti <|endoftext|> >there was nothing wrong in that sentence. Oh yes, there was, you illiterate troglodyte: >""japanase" it's "Japanese", you illiterate troglodyte >You would know if you actually get out of your basement. It's "if you actually *got* out", you illiterate troglodyte >NOTHING WRONG IN THAT SENTENCE This is Mr Grug "me don't likey gay, gay must die" Rossi's level of delusion lmao <|endoftext|> grug want wife <|endoftext|> >close to >human body top grug <|endoftext|> top grug, enjoy splashing shit on your feet and being a northoid bugman who still has to figure out how to clean himself properly. <|endoftext|> Northrons be like >*shit in loincloth* >here we go again, Grug, hand me that branch ova there <|endoftext|> Smelly grass make grug happy <|endoftext|> Do america tribe grug really do this? <|endoftext|> Grug from america tribe make fart but poopoo come out , why american grug like this? <|endoftext|> >tu un ricchione schifoso Parli letteralmente come un grug lmfaooo Taci, cavernicolo di merda dalla mano sporca <|endoftext|> grug not like UUUHHeeeeEE tribe <|endoftext|> Grug might be on to something <|endoftext|> grug hate grug tribe grug no go to other tribe grug let drug tribe in to kill grug tribe <|endoftext|> >grug tribe good >next tribe bad <|endoftext|> Grug strong, only strong live, weak live under grug. Grug leader of tribe. <|endoftext|> Yes? that is the definition of property, something owned by someone. grug got rock so he own rock <|endoftext|> elder grug say big grug in sky told no boom boom before color mud ritual grug want boom boom now <|endoftext|> >tfw Grug having no gf <|endoftext|> Grug tired of people who collect rock all day, all life. Tribes meant to hunt buffalo, lay in grass, not collect rocks all life <|endoftext|> grug think bronze skin gruga is top gruga <|endoftext|> Grug like grugthread, grug bump grugthread <|endoftext|> DON'T BELIEVE IN OTHERS' TRIBE SKY GRUG. WE HAD OUR SKY GRUG. WE SHOULD PRAY TO HIM <|endoftext|> grug want leave pale tribe and meet grugina from slanty eye tribe... ohhh grug so lonely, if grug no find grugina it will be rock throwing spree time <|endoftext|> BELIEVE BIG SKY GRUG OR GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> spirit grug from green continent say my grug tribe can't go there in this spirit rock. normal life green continent tribe grug wants my tribe go to green continent to cook fast rocks and build caves. grug not know how feel. <|endoftext|> >Grug like spending day in front of rock made by slanty eye tribe >Trading 200 shells for new paintings make Grug feel good <|endoftext|> Cave leader say grug have to show grugpass for watch boobies. Grug think this like 1984 BC <|endoftext|> Grug miss grugposting. Think need more on community rock. <|endoftext|> do Grug from new continent really do thing? <|endoftext|> Grug from america tribe make fart but poopoo come out <|endoftext|> grug meets many far away grugs on tribe board grug hates far away grugs <|endoftext|> >privat ägande av produktionsmedlen under stenåldern >en stor-grug som hyrde ut pilbågar till den lägre klassen av gruggar i utbyte mot 80% av bytet, och sen kom en annan större grug och ville få en del av bytet eftersom det stod inristat i en stenplatta att han ägde hela skogen hehe mm det gick nog till så >men möh privata ägodelar?!?!?! innebär inte privat ägande av produktionsmedel, hjärnkultus <|endoftext|> easy on the sauce Grug <|endoftext|> big rocks bad only moon rock good grug smash big rocks <|endoftext|> Grug tribe good Others tribes bad Rock war now <|endoftext|> kek need to make a shahar grug but i'm too drunk atm <|endoftext|> club no worth anymore grug go back live in forest <|endoftext|> >grug >gigachad >obrazki dla pedofilów no fajnie t* macie <|endoftext|> grug enlightened now grug no like demigrug <|endoftext|> light good because grug see dark evil because grug not see <|endoftext|> >dkn har en panna som en jävla grottmänniska samt en gigantisk näsa och haka Känner mig som en grug och måste slå saker ibland <|endoftext|> >vafan är hon då? Nyrik, Grug, hon är nyrik. Och ett skabbigt vider <|endoftext|> >completely misses the point again are you ok Grug? <|endoftext|> >it be lyk month cold now, Grug can't look at long priod trend, Grug make post now classic Grug <|endoftext|> the normal human being post >look at these yearly averages, they are increasing the brainlet Grugpost >it be cold today, Grug don't believe in warm <|endoftext|> >oooh oooh ooh AHHH AHH *throws shit at table and goes back to grug cave* wth uis this shit <|endoftext|> oooh oooh ooh AHHH AHH *throws shit at table and goes back to grug cave* <|endoftext|> I see Grug still posted every so often around 4chan and meme youtube videos <|endoftext|> grug take funny pill make other grug accept me in their cave <|endoftext|> *my tiny grug brain implodes* <|endoftext|> Greeks invented these things while your grug ancestors were eating their own shit <|endoftext|> >hey Grug how do we call this place >well Grog there's only ice and land around here >say no more <|endoftext|> >can't even design two different flags >can't come up with a name other than ice and land (great job Grug) >obviously compensating for micropenis why are northoids so cringe? <|endoftext|> >me chimp out now calm down Grug, go pick some berries and clean your arse with branches instead of trying to vent your blind barbarian rage on a Bhutanese carpet weaving web forum <|endoftext|> >grug just pretend to be retarded lefty to make rorke mad huhuhuhuhuhu <|endoftext|> urrrrr grug says country must be big in size to have big power grug grug grug <|endoftext|> grug sexy unga bunga willst du fichen? <|endoftext|> i'm learning grug grunts to get in touch with my neanderthal ancestors <|endoftext|> Parece grug <|endoftext|> >grug show mug to grugs from other caves <|endoftext|> grug three sticks, two rocks tall tfw gruglet <|endoftext|> grug tribe good, other tribe bad, rock war now <|endoftext|> >grug good >cold forest tribe bad Nuanced opinion right there <|endoftext|> stop saying grug is problem problem is grugina, long-nose tribe and hunting grounds <|endoftext|> Grug you and I have the same feel <|endoftext|> maybe grug feel better if grug move to cave on other side of world <|endoftext|> >I was merely pretending to be retarded ok Grug <|endoftext|> grug has no ears <|endoftext|> >Wojak >Pink Wojak >Ear Wojak >Sojak >Brainlet >too intelligent >Grug >Zoomer >Boomer Might help me finish that list? <|endoftext|> Ruskies speak grug Normal language >I am russian and not european Russian >I ruski, nyet evropiec <|endoftext|> grug sharpen club for go get grugina <|endoftext|> grug think wheel bad for all tribes <|endoftext|> Big grug in sky! Grug call tribe warriors <|endoftext|> what grug do chief? <|endoftext|> grug just LOVE slanty tribe cave paintings the most. grug want to visit slanty tribe and find slanty grugina. grug hear they love pale tribe grugs <|endoftext|> grug fear bear tribe and fear yellow giant grug owe yellow giant many berry but grug no give him any <|endoftext|> grug draw bear what think? <|endoftext|> gatherer thank grug for smash sand tribe <|endoftext|> Ash war paint don't make grug gigagrug <|endoftext|> maybe grug not happy because grug not meant to spend all time inside cave looking at paintings maybe spend more time with tribe and more time in nature make grug happy maybe new home of big tall caves and other tribesmen make grug brain ill <|endoftext|> >grug sad >sexy grugina only want a grug with big cave and big club >grug think grug should go on a mass rockthrowing <|endoftext|> grug cave painting many moons old <|endoftext|> grug meet many far away grugs on tribe board <|endoftext|> grug sat on rock in forest entire forest belong to grug now <|endoftext|> >grug suffers in rock tribe! The meat grug gets is too dry! Not enough gruginas to boom-boom! <|endoftext|> >grug tribe good >other tribe bad <|endoftext|> foler med grug favæ grug selvindbildsk <|endoftext|> grug forstår verden grug ligeglad med stamme grug tjene penge selv grug gå op i sig selv kun grug siger fuck alle andre <|endoftext|> grug ikke selv finde mad grug få hjælp af stamme grug vred grug ikke finde mage <|endoftext|> light good because grug see dark bad because grug not see <|endoftext|> >Why do people meme so much that our history will be forgotten? It is all archived on the scrolls in the Library of Alexandria, so it will live forever >Why do people meme so much that our history will be forgotten? It is all archived on the stone tablets, so it will live forever >Why do people meme so much that our history will be forgotten? It is all archived in the memories of the Elders and especially Shaman Grug, so it will live forever <|endoftext|> >GRUG VEUT RACISME <|endoftext|> I don't give a shit about his grug robes. Should Romanian diplomats go to serious international summits dressed like this? <|endoftext|> >fit sa åt grug att grug MÅSTE äta så mycket så det måste vara sant, stora starka gruggar gör det då grug med göra <|endoftext|> Grug like big <|endoftext|> >bärplockning Ugh... mig se grug äta långnäsestammens böna och låta shaman fylla öra med giftiga ord <|endoftext|> Grug never club Groogas All Groogas want Grads who 6 rocks high and have bigger club than Grug NO MORE Grug throw rocks at everyone in the cave That show them <|endoftext|> Grug gonna say it... O O G A B O O G A <|endoftext|> Grug can't share cave paintings of other tribe's leader as a monkey or grug get's banned from tribe board <|endoftext|> grug proud swamp tribe. grug do not leave cave many moons. today grug leave cave and see many sand tribe near swamp with swamp tribe womans. soon swamp tribe disappear. grug angry. hate woman <|endoftext|> >Grog come too close to cave >violate Grug NAP >Throw rock with stand on ground law <|endoftext|> Grug thinks Flip tribe strange Grug always see battle between Tagalog clan and Bisayab clan Grug thinks boring <|endoftext|> >grug think your country no have culture because grug never look your culture up durrr <|endoftext|> Grug find more Grug. More Grug rock rock spirit. Grug think back - no morgrug. <|endoftext|> dark skin grug are quentessentially part of snow tribe <|endoftext|> grog see dark skin man cuddle grug daughter <|endoftext|> Grug spend all day hunting, but when grug go back to cave, tribe hook nose take half of grugs meat and give it to dark skin tribe Grug no think it fair, dark skin tribe never go hunting <|endoftext|> grug think fat retard tribe evil <|endoftext|> Grug karabooga peepee with sharp rock by mistake and piece of peepee fall off Grug embarrass so tell tribe I do on purpose All Grug tribe do it now <|endoftext|> grug wants find love in cave of other tribe <|endoftext|> Groog is grug tribesman. <|endoftext|> Grug true grugcel. Unga in her bunga. <|endoftext|> grug stupid. grog know all women bad. <|endoftext|> Tribe elders say double cave collapse cause sand tribe ride mammoth into cave wall But grug no think mammoth run fast enough to destroy cave wall Grug think tribe elder young bush destroy caves so he can raid sand tribe Tribe elder young bush and Rockschild clan earned many pelts from sand tribe raid <|endoftext|> Hide from invert grug No look at invert grug cave painting avoid invert grug caves <|endoftext|> Fancy future Grug think because his speak is more harder he is more smarter Fancy future Grug not know that hard speak is from his ancestors making speak gooder and that he am stand on shoulders of big Grugs <|endoftext|> grug like yellow tribe cave paintings <|endoftext|> Grug is very sorry, eh! <|endoftext|> That no make sense cause fire not invented back then Grug think something up with holabunga <|endoftext|> grug likes small fish eye tribe people grug will not rest easy until every tribe knows grug likes small fish eye people grug will not stop reminding people how superior small fish eye people are grug cant have sex <|endoftext|> Grug invade narrow eye tribe and take their woman with me to cave <|endoftext|> Grug like song, grug want to know when you come with concert to snow tribe <|endoftext|> Grug say no fucky fucky little eye tribe woman Grug children will be have to thrown off cliff This was posted by member of longnose tribe to destroy grug tribe offspring <|endoftext|> Grug sit near fire with other tribes Grug defends own tribe Grug go back to sit with own tribe fire Grug attacks them and says other tribe better <|endoftext|> Grugs from tribe think take rocks from them just because they lose rocks just when I get new rocks that look same Me think Grug Tribe is oongasemitic <|endoftext|> grug see amerigrug tribe do thing grug shocked <|endoftext|> Grug own falk land but this make ooga booga tribe angry Ooga booga tribe say falk land belong to them Why ooga booga tribe brain like rock? <|endoftext|> Gurg pp go hard when grug look at woman butt <|endoftext|> Nooo! Grug no just do that! <|endoftext|> Many tribes in large and stupid grug land <|endoftext|> Rockroad.. ..home, atleast before grug fuck all up <|endoftext|> grug like <|endoftext|> grug hates grug tribe women, grug likes far away tribe women <|endoftext|> grug invented a stick, but grug not know how stick works <|endoftext|> Grug has rock Grug no sell rock Rock go kaboom boom Grug have women Grug have baby Grug be happy <|endoftext|> grug rockpost on tribe board <|endoftext|> grug meet far away grugs on tribe board <|endoftext|> >Grug pas aimer quand musique trop compliquée <|endoftext|> >nouns have no gender >stupid meaningless grammatical articles who came up with this garbage? literally grug: the language it should either be reformed or abandoned and replaced with a better one <|endoftext|> >these thing are certainly not natural 100% chance your grug ancestors 40,000 years ago where doing those things. Especially killing <|endoftext|> >Give me the book vs >Give me book grug tier now you are getting the hang of it <|endoftext|> A grug i painted a year or so ago <|endoftext|> >Populacion 0 dosen't count Only because it's literally forbidden to build and live there or visit alone. It has tons of grug-tier early civilization sites, early christian basilicas and churches. People used to live there. >The komitopuli should of built a fort there for bonus points. Don't jinx 's really rare and cool spot, only a matter of time before it's replaced with heartless concrete and becomes a tourist trap or private resort for our criminal politicians. Or albaboons get to Resen in 10 years and build houses there and mosques on top of the 1500 year old Christian basilica like they do in Ohrid now.. <|endoftext|> >Populacion 0 dosen't count Only because it's literally forbidden to build and live there or visit alone. It has tons of grug-tier early civilization sites, early christian basilicas and churches. People used to live there. >The komitopuli should of built a fort there for bonus points. Don't jinx 's really rare and cool spot, only a matter of time before it's replaced with heartless concrete and becomes a tourist trap or private resort for our criminal politicians. Or albaboons get to Resen in 10 years and build houses there and mosques on top of the 1500 year old Christian basilica like they do in Ohrid now <|endoftext|> yeah, nice bonus tip jump the ad, go straight to the employer's site it shows that you're a good little cuck and did your research (only good for non-grug jobs) <|endoftext|> Those kind of batkas are fun to be around desu. They work grug-tier jobs like construction or in factories, or they are rich af if they sell drugs to the football hooligans <|endoftext|> nice try grug <|endoftext|> Makes sense but again, the first mixed creatures had elsa jean tier vaginas that could fit a monster head, nice first thesis but does not explain a massive death of an entire subspecies, they were not dumb, they could see if they fuck elsa jean kid born dead hence grug not fuck elsa jean anymore <|endoftext|> nothing grug about it but runts say that as a cope <|endoftext|> grug lift heavy rock <|endoftext|> He looks like a literal grug meme and is only 1cm taller than the Greek. <|endoftext|> You can make all mad by learning the grug tier Swedish with its simpleton grammar. The requirement is Swedish or Finnish. <|endoftext|> >uwaanie e jest si lepszym bo si podnosi cikie rzeczy uga buga grug miady <|endoftext|> white tribe grug say >berry is spicy <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >grug is ____ >candidate glug is also _____ >me vote for glug because there's no way glug will fuck his fellow ____ in the ass like 90% of populists Honest question: do tribalist retards actually think that nationalist/demagogues have their best interests at heart? Do they not know that "muh race" and "make ____ great again" are the oldest swindles in the history of politics? Do you not realize that society is an incredibly complex mechanism, and that "blame it all on group X" is the equivalent of those infomercials that say you can get a Mr. Universe body by taking supplements once a day and not working out? How many times are you idiots going to fall for the magic "yeah! the problem was that were weren't being hard enough on _____" meme? I don't understand, someone please help me <|endoftext|> yes but it's usually edgy teenagers most people are either passive about their faith or just don't care stop arguing about religion you're like a grug brain stuck in 2007 <|endoftext|> Gubermint say Grug no sell magic mushrooms Grug believe in free enterprise Grug hate red tape <|endoftext|> >You no see grug forrest with eye >What you think be no real >Grug forrest be very good place <|endoftext|> neither were fun they were basically reskins of grug and brainjak <|endoftext|> grug get chicken entrail reading back now. grug send chicken to nose tribe for look at who ancestors. grug find he 15% cave tribe, 29% island tribe and 56% snow tribe. <|endoftext|> grug meet other grugs on tribes board <|endoftext|> The fine lad on the right looks like grug <|endoftext|> american army has done a study years ago and decided that the minimum iq required for joining is 83. below that they can't perform basic army duties. considering the "basic army duties" are pretty grug-tier, i wonder how someone who isn't able to perform them even functions. <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> Literally worse then muslims. Least they grug around in sandbox but those fuckers are expanding <|endoftext|> no sky man, no tribe chief, only grug grug use science to not become old with grey hair rockspace is flawed. grug live forever in wheelspace, have no need for meat or berry. <|endoftext|> Big god man not real. Science man tell Grug. <|endoftext|> >grug smash hammer and create spark so big spark above mean there be big god man smash hammering too <|endoftext|> >grug post picture of female >grug admire girl <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> Homophobia is a sign of an uncivilized man with ape brain. Actually, all conservatism is, in that the entire “ideology” revolves around the “idea” of “GRUG NO LIKE CHANGE! GRUG SMASH!” <|endoftext|> >be grateful for water or grug be angry <|endoftext|> I do 100%, I also know they are a small island with a much smaller population that became far better than the mainland. Foxconn is Taiwanese, the Taiwanese literally are the middle man between companies that design and innovate and Chinese third world solderers. The PRC outside of the cities they took from Euros are by and large grug tier. With minimal U.S. aid Taiwan has dissuaded the Chinese. I realize its two competing governments and the shittier one rules because Kai-Shek became a too arrogant (though Mao was the same in that aspect). However, I was only shit posting. <|endoftext|> literally grug-tier now persian, on the other hand.... <|endoftext|> >I care about grugs who unironically think burning compressed plant matter and dinosaur bones is a sustainable way to live thousands of years into the future no yeah lets listen to what the average trump grug has to say about AI, gene therapy, CRISPR, [anything related to 21st century tech] <|endoftext|> Because it is a creole language that developed from a Grug-Level of shared competence between anglo saxon serfs and french speaking upper class. <|endoftext|> It is very foreigner-friendly because you can massacre the grammar and still be able to communicate your idea like the grug meme. <|endoftext|> cant wait till ur stupid boats gets ripped apart by drones or hypersonics. talking about being a warrior people while being stuck on 20th century technology lmao. warrior, more like grug tier. also have sex. we aren't going to war <|endoftext|> Sostituisci grug con un nome terrone e diventa un buon meme <|endoftext|> >GRUG FA STRAGE DI FIGA <|endoftext|> GRUG BASATO <|endoftext|> GRUG RIPARA BIDETTI GRUG HA SOLO MEDIE GRUG NON SERVE LAUREA GRUG HA PIU SOLDI DI AMICO INGEGNERE <|endoftext|> They're the tip of the spear of a barbarian invasion. Fight back or submit, or you will soon end up speaking grug language <|endoftext|> Svenska tjejer säger det eftersom jag talar mjukt och lite tystare. Kan dampa loss med Grug stämma om det behövs. <|endoftext|> alri grug <|endoftext|> Jag har babyface, unga tjejer vill att deras kille ska vara grug Alpha. Kört för mig i livet. <|endoftext|> >grug no like ear >grug see ear, grug SMASH <|endoftext|> Imagine being a Slavic peasant in the year 535 entering Constantinople while the Hagia Sophia is being constructed. Far away from your grug tribe in the richest and most advanced city of the human race. <|endoftext|> I only know about Naxos. But happens everywhere. It all started thousands of years ago >Ug steal stick from grug >grug mad >grug kill ug >ug family mad >Ug family kill grug >Grug family mad But if they meet outside of their island, or in another country, they'll be best bros. <|endoftext|> The only bad thing about Turks and Turkey is islam. Additionally maybe their grug language, but that's just an opinion. <|endoftext|> grug no like sound eye grug remove sound eye <|endoftext|> It also sucks because the longer we were together I gradually became nicer to her. The nicer I was the more distant she was. Then she left me for an actual grug. Never change even if they ask you to because the first impression you leave is what they're actually attracted to. <|endoftext|> This kind of thinking is why men act like grugs so often Women openly express their feelings often enough that they dont just explode Men keep it all in with faux stoicism and explode I really hope the next big social progression men take will be for them to just openly share how they feel more often before they grug their wives <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> >t. grug <|endoftext|> polku e drum nu stamp. Nu am citit mai departe. In general localitatile finlandeze sunt ca lumea. Eg Lehtimäki = deal împdurit. Nici un nume de grug sau nume slave care nici nu stii ce origine au. <|endoftext|> Ce pula mea e cu numele astea de Grug in toponimia romaneasca >Somcuta Mare >Bobolia din Deal >Porumbacu de Sus >Cuca Macaii <|endoftext|> Literally the Dunning Krueger effect Enjoy being paid five dollars a week to sow porky’s underpants. truly imperialism should be embraced, right. >When gommunism come in stuff no here. Stuff disappear thin air. grug like stuff here. >No like stuff thin air <|endoftext|> >grug ikke selv finde mad, får hjælp af stamme >grug vred ingen mage vil have ham <|endoftext|> >education bad >grug hates africans Classic /pol/ <|endoftext|> grug aimer longues jambes qui attirent regard mais grug aussi aimer rembourrage quand faire bounga bounga <|endoftext|> totem of ancestor give Grug many mana when Grug pray to Sky Man <|endoftext|> >grug come to intertribe to talk to grugs from same tribe <|endoftext|> >grug hitta grammatikfel >grug stor hjärna <|endoftext|> grug bang rocks hard make noise neighbour ughoo likes it grug makes cave engraving of loud rock sound <|endoftext|> grug no like shaman in white clothing. grug burn shaman cave. grug kill rockonimus, he ask for it now grug in cellar, grug write on wall make hieroglyph grug marry with woman that no talk grug likes this <|endoftext|> >looking like a chad ogre >normal c'mon, grug <|endoftext|> grug in modern era <|endoftext|> >modern grug <|endoftext|> >why zoom zoom no bang rock together like grug? back in day grug make 5 whole berry from banging rock each sun cycle. zoom zoom not work good like grug <|endoftext|> Grug can confirm <|endoftext|> uughh grug need rock sling for throw at child, it written on ancient scroll that it freedom that grug get rock, no step on me, no step on me, no step on me <|endoftext|> Grug want woman from same man. Grug woman form same man don't Grug him onii-Grug. <|endoftext|> >Woman in grugs cave >breed with grug uhhhh <|endoftext|> "Woman in grugs cave dont want to breed with grug. Grug think he will find woman in yellow island." <|endoftext|> Termodynamiczka. Daj y, grug. <|endoftext|> Bazowany grug. <|endoftext|> old = good new = bad grug level thinking i sympathise with rorke but on architecture he's clueless <|endoftext|> grug both come from same man grug both should share words more <|endoftext|> idk, feels weird and grug-tier without it, at least in our languages. macedonian 'vocative' exists in southern serbia and is sometimes used to comically imitate people from there. <|endoftext|> >umm uk no leave eu u dumb? Me Grug. Me not Hive Person! <|endoftext|> >grug no like dark grug >grug proud be of pale tribe <|endoftext|> >"This was important for the Finnish populations to save energy in hars winter conditions when hunting" >Ice skating finnoid grug starts chasing you <|endoftext|> grug's favorite <|endoftext|> >grug on laptop.jpg <|endoftext|> grug grug, i build wood hut, maybe in 1000 years time invade britannia <|endoftext|> >grug see another man with different skin color >grug smash This is why Balkans will always be lightyears behind civilized world <|endoftext|> >not me tribe >GRUG KILL THEM <|endoftext|> listen to this literally grug <|endoftext|> Ours is much hotter desu. Grug approves. <|endoftext|> classic chad Grug <|endoftext|> Grug likes big woman Grug builds rock place for big woman Grug likes big woman's big milk pouches Grug touches his stick while thinking about big woman's big milk puches <|endoftext|> Perhaps we are all grug and will be grug forever <|endoftext|> >grug mad <|endoftext|> Grug forgotten Grug sad <|endoftext|> So sorry to tell you this but your friend Grug has passed away :( <|endoftext|> grug miec racja nie grug nie miec racja i przyjsc w pora deszczowa z inna jaskinia <|endoftext|> >grug fry meat on fire >grug have culture literally cavemen tier <|endoftext|> what kind of grug are you? <|endoftext|> ug grug has to make capital city, grug make it biggest city <|endoftext|> >MUH CELTS Celts were weak and losers, we are sons of the Latins, fuck b*rbarians and they grug languages. <|endoftext|> >i can literally read tsar samuel's writing and understand it I can read and understand Bulgarian easily as well because it's pretty much like I used to speak when I was 2 years old It's not about mere understanding, Bulgarian is so simple and degenerated so even an iq89 grug can understand it but I wouldn't call it a merit <|endoftext|> They do, ask any other Slav who is not Macedonian and Bulgarian. Mixing up cases or not using them at all is associated with how small children speak here or simply foreigners who can't use it properly, so it is considered sign of poor education. >ugabuga grug want banana <|endoftext|> Technically it's still I am a Ukrainian. The am and a are just at the end of the word Ukrainian. It doest spund like Grug speak at all unless you're unironically a retard who knows nothing about the language. <|endoftext|> russian and ukrainian are the most grug slavic languages >i am ukranian >ac cy ypae >a ypae <|endoftext|> >does three days of paleo >uga buga grug hate modern man now cringe <|endoftext|> >please officer as you can see my ID is in bad shape, could you not remove it from the transparent case so I can use it until I get home and have the time to get a new one? >NEIN NEIN NEIN GRUG MUST PROVE DICK BIG bunch of freaks <|endoftext|> >tfw my grug oc is still used <|endoftext|> >t. Grug <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> They even burn books Poles are grug tier <|endoftext|> >Grug Höhlenmenschensprech, sowas wie: "Mashiro in Polen, Mädchen nicht wollen Mashio" <|endoftext|> >grug whats that? i am a german in pole whos learning polish, already fluent in english but your people apperantly only speaks polish >Also i stole your Mashiro. riiiiiiiiiiii <|endoftext|> why do you write in Grug? Also i stole your Mashiro. <|endoftext|> grug life like funny murder man in shiny cave drawings grug life no pathetic <|endoftext|> Me carry Grug, he is like like I carry 5 stone. <|endoftext|> literal grug logic <|endoftext|> Grug smash <|endoftext|> Kek Russian is literal grug speak, you don't even have articles. I go store! Me buy Vodka! <|endoftext|> Grug no understand too not-simple <|endoftext|> me do sex pee in other grug <|endoftext|> using big words doesn’t make your demands of censorship any less grug-tier why do you think I live in iowa <|endoftext|> grogg thinks grug is koo koo shaman <|endoftext|> Grug... thinks that maybe... there are more than stars. <|endoftext|> Enda jag hade följt är Grug av Gruggarna <|endoftext|> grug go to other realm, grug squeeze cave painting girls boobies <|endoftext|> >dumb grug no understand that paint message is funny <|endoftext|> >Grug come to intertribe to talk to grugs from same tribe <|endoftext|> then you'd ignore it but instead it's 'grug upset because man talk different from me' <|endoftext|> >Egypt >Ancient Rome >Ancient Greece meanwhile, in cold countries... >Grug's Vikernes Mud Hut <|endoftext|> shut up grug <|endoftext|> Grug based. Grug know what Grug like. Grug appreciate whiggers. <|endoftext|> >grug inte gilla andra film... andra äta soja!!! <|endoftext|> me grug no like grug from other country da da vodka <|endoftext|> neo-feudalism...grug like. <|endoftext|> heh nice grug is one of the rare ''stop liking things'' memes that i kinda like well atleast it made me avoid the website for like a solid 3 months or smth <|endoftext|> grug kill russian with big stick <|endoftext|> grug take big stick <|endoftext|> grug put long flesh stick in gruguina grug now write endlessly about stick in grugina on village rock <|endoftext|> >man kick ball. grug watch <|endoftext|> Just remembered the grug meme lads <|endoftext|> Yeah, they are pretty funny, whats the story of it? I know originally they were made by some officials or Russian gov but I don't know why it's turned into grug polandball raping Russia. <|endoftext|> The fucking grug polandball never fails to make me chuckle <|endoftext|> grug bored, grug do many boring rockpost <|endoftext|> grug take bright berry because deangrug say it gud grug no feel so good <|endoftext|> >Grug hav big rock >Grug drop big rock on yu <|endoftext|> Maybe you should have developed one in the first place, grug. <|endoftext|> flatbeard with tomato and shitton of cheese yum grug like made crepes yesterday cause i ran out of bread was good. I ran out of white cheese (feta) today need to get new ones <|endoftext|> >grug have fire >fire nice, warm and shiny >mrug have no fire >mrug SMASH fire!!! <|endoftext|> oironiskt nog större nytta att kunna löpa långt och snabbt i stridssituationer än "grug lyfta jättestor sten med stora armar" <|endoftext|> >Graph look bad, grug no like! <|endoftext|> Lmfao he thinks he looks handsome when he looks like a grug <|endoftext|> >Notfriend grug-tier as fuck <|endoftext|> >grug nie lubi polityczki >grug tylko lubi spam malowide skalnych samic <|endoftext|> those grug noises get me wet desu <|endoftext|> Slovene is the one Slavic language that doesn't sound either like radio static (west Slavic) or grug noises (south, east Slavic) to be desu <|endoftext|> Sorry. I mean that they find the man on the left more attractive since henis much more manly and has the grug look that women who are not little girls like <|endoftext|> Nope, most women aren't into le hyper-masculine grug look. Also there's nothing feminine about that guy, he has very angular features. <|endoftext|> Grug fap when grug want <|endoftext|> >JOO SAY BRUSH TEETH BUT GRUG KNOW BRUSH TEETH BAD <|endoftext|> ki /grug/ itt? <|endoftext|> >ahaggaga circus flag grug make troll circus flag grug only pretend to be retarded <|endoftext|> cool grug score. implement a solution to this problem and show the complexity of your solution. <|endoftext|> Sing With me son<3 Looking strong Grug! <|endoftext|> unga bunga grug not like dark skin tribe <|endoftext|> >1939:nearly a minority in their own country, occypying same amount of land as hungarians+genocoded by the germans 2019: 40 million people, WE WUZ PURE FIELD PEOPLE NOT HOHOL AND RUSSIAN MUTTS AT ALL makes grug think <|endoftext|> grug grug <|endoftext|> the boomer meme started out as a way of poking fun at millennial 25-35 year olds whose 00s tastes in things like music and vidya were becoming dated, it was never actually supposed to represent actual baby boomers or middle aged people. It started out as one guy on /v/ spamming ">that 30 year old boomer who still does x" every day and eventually it took off once he started including the grizzled grug wojak with sunglasses in his OPs. But it was ruined by leddit like all 4chan memes that live beyond two weeks, which is sad because it waa actually funny unlike other FOTM wojak variants. I, personally, blame the Jews. <|endoftext|> Shut the fuck up grug, you gonna make me cry <|endoftext|> He sympathizes with them because that's how that retard wants to live. He basically wants to live like a caveman worshiping grug gods away from civilization. <|endoftext|> Big fire skywheel goes underground again Grug no like <|endoftext|> I be Grug <|endoftext|> >excluding Nords Nords were still grug tier at the time <|endoftext|> varför säger alla zoomzoom nuförtiden det är ju grug-varianten och bör inte användas utanför det sammanhanget <|endoftext|> krist komma från öken, grug inte gilla! varför inte gilla? för att han från ÖKEN!!! <|endoftext|> Why do you care? Switzerland doesn’t have a single monument to its name besides some rocks you stacked back in the grug age. <|endoftext|> Grug is smarter than the average lgbt supporter. That's amazing Grug <|endoftext|> >most people are fucking retarded. and by most i don't mean 50%. I mean 99% of people who have ever lived are literal grug tier. <|endoftext|> >t:grug <|endoftext|> most people are fucking retarded. and by most i don't mean 50%. I mean 99% of people who have ever lived are literal grug tier. <|endoftext|> grug no put squishy bone in grugette cave grug no real grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no like territory, and Grug no like tribe. Grug think if move across plain to other territory, Grug more happy. Grug sees this when close eyes. <|endoftext|> new techlonlgy? grug no like <|endoftext|> alri grug x <|endoftext|> grug speak <|endoftext|> English: I'm going to the store. There I will buy food for the family and have dinner with them later. Russian: grug go get food will eat at cave yum <|endoftext|> English is a grug-tier language. <|endoftext|> Here's the Grug version of him <|endoftext|> grug agree <|endoftext|> I like grug wojak :( <|endoftext|> Grug see dark face Grug remember own face is lighter Grug no wants dark face in tribe because dark face no belong here <|endoftext|> >GRR GRUG'S CAVE BE INVADED BY GREG >GRUG SMASH! <|endoftext|> GRR GRUG'S CAVE BE INVADED BY GREG GRUG SMASH! <|endoftext|> not me grug, sorry <|endoftext|> Mouth noise mean different thing in Grog language? Ahahah funny to Grug. <|endoftext|> >In the absolute majority of schools here English is a mandatory school subject starting from the 1st grade (we have the 0th grade too, at least we used to have when i was a kid, dunno if we still have it) >There is a samll, yet a meaningful share of schools where is German >on average 3 hours per week in each grade >12-13 grades - common education >most people who claim to speak english can barely speak a mere grug-tier abomination >they don't make up even half of the population <|endoftext|> >why do le ebil joos get away with crime >hurr durr muh immigrants dis grug's rock not yours since when is it universally objective truth that pieces of soil belong to specific bloods and languages of creatures <|endoftext|> so you're a woman without being a psychopath. don't project what you need for everyone else to be a man you literal grug <|endoftext|> jaha så folk ska typ göra två reps? kom igen nu, att säga "omg det är så lite lyft stor sten som grug" är liksom inte ett råd <|endoftext|> >aka if he's fluent Well, of course. Fluency is a requirement for any conversation regardless if your vocab is 100 words or 10k words and if your grammar is grug tier or perfect. >the moment there's any suspicion on the other side, they will switch to English :thonks: nod really 2bh it depends on __how__ broken the speech is (and how much patience people have it's obv very individual) if we legit can't understand them because of the mistakes - big or small - then yeah, we switch <|endoftext|> if you have literally no skills and you're an unemployed sem-fit NEET grug the army is pretty much the only option you've got for a stable career <|endoftext|> big shamans say - roach tribe bad grugowski whiter than grugamed grugowski going to gather more grug from winged tribe and charge roach tribe with long sticks <|endoftext|> Brazil as I still have family, even though I was born here and was not taught portuguese by my parents to integrate as irish I can still speak it, even if it's retard grug tier.<div class="like-perk-cnt">😃</div> <|endoftext|> Grug like big <|endoftext|> Grug edition <|endoftext|> >recalcitrant look lads, grug opened up . <|endoftext|> >40 years? grug think older best <|endoftext|> Hvor naturlig synes disse folkene det er når grug slår kjargs skalle inn med en klubbe og tar alle kvinnene hans? <|endoftext|> Grug-tier <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> Easy there you primitive grug. She must have command of her personal space and must hint at being unavailable. Ask her whether she does this and whether he misses the cue every single time. On a side note, you might consider joining her in the English classes. <|endoftext|> grug no like dark skin tribe <|endoftext|> grug is always right <|endoftext|> I know that feel grug <|endoftext|> Laws and regulations are a social construct. Go for it, Grug! <|endoftext|> >grug like guns because guns make grug feel powerful <|endoftext|> Webbutveckling. Inga anställda men skulle driva kollektiv då. Kan väl medge att vapen och sådant kanske ägdes personligt men de användes för kollektivets bästa och inte för någon grug-investerare. mm Men du gillar att se hur lönen stjäls av Trälberg. Duktig hund. <|endoftext|> Tror du att tidiga människor levde under villkor där en mega-grug satt hemma i grottan och roffade åt sig 80% av ett byte eftersom att han "ägde" pilbågarna? Eller är det mer sannolikt att medlemmar av stammen själva satte ihop vapnen och sedan tillsammans njöt av dess frukter? <|endoftext|> >om grug inte stoppa köttspjut i grugga ingen mening vara nära grugga <|endoftext|> >grug reddit soyjak A daring synthesis <|endoftext|> town it was an oppidum during the iron age around 1000 BC >grug >3600 years ago americans showing their education once again <|endoftext|> lmao bullshit, maybe you had some grug basket weavers walking around in the area that doesn’t mean your city was founded 3600 years ago <|endoftext|> >GRUG KEEK BALL >GRUG HAPPY <|endoftext|> fascism is a brainlet grug-tier ideology and no amount of evola autism LARPing will change that <|endoftext|> >Grug hate life >Grug hate *insert ruling minority >Grug kill *insert ruling minority >Grug in charge >Grug kill people who don't like Grug in charge Its all the same shit in different clothes. It doesn't matter if the ruling minority is Jews, capitalists, or whatever. It always turns out the same way, genocidal totalitarianism. <|endoftext|> Too many dark tribe on moving cave paintings grug no like <|endoftext|> grug no like television cave it full of grunny and grug’s feed and seed <|endoftext|> grug dont care <|endoftext|> kino = grug like, but others no like movie = grug like, others like too flick = others like, but grug no like <|endoftext|> >soyman reddit grug? really? its too fucking much I hate this dumb memes....I think I use to remember that /int/ had funny memes a few years back about different countries and stuff. Did memes die? <|endoftext|> soyman reddit grug? really? its too fucking much I hate this dumb memes....I think I use to remember that /int/ had funny memes a few years back about different countries and stuff. Did memes die? <|endoftext|> Grug reporting in <|endoftext|> >incel Grug som inte kan lyfta stor sten och få knulla grottans hetaste fruntimmer <|endoftext|> >grug man, grug eat meat and beat wamen <|endoftext|> lol calm down grug <|endoftext|> big man emmett lifting big heavy rock for Grug Corp. <|endoftext|> grug hungry <|endoftext|> There’s value in seeking a mate for sure, but if Grug from 10K BCE Didn’t make it there would still be anons here today shitposting about gfs and genetics <|endoftext|> “Coffee” is literally just “I’m too afraid to ask you out for a drink” in women’s minds — you don’t have to be desperate grug, it’s easy enough to play off a drink casually if the venue is cozy and informal. The point is creating a conversation starter while simultaneously offering legitimate entertainment. Coffee is a poisonpill imo. It bears too much meaning in their heads, I tend to avoid it. Cheap food is the better alternative if you’re afraid you’re going to scare off the horse. <|endoftext|> unga bunga grug no like dark skin man <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> and now greece is a fourth world turkroach'd shithole with no value no one cares what happened eons ago when Chieftain Unga Bunga from Kabuto Mobembe tribe smacked Grug Rockcock with a club <|endoftext|> grug sex more bitches than anon anon pathetic me bully anon <|endoftext|> Current world chess champion, Magnus Carlsen, has a Grug-tier face, like the guy on the far left in your pic. <|endoftext|> grug no need cook meat grug like meat raw <|endoftext|> >Yea just pay money instead of living with a relative for free Grug <|endoftext|> based Grug the German <|endoftext|> Ego and prestige thing for real estate developers. Also cargo cult behavior ("If Grug build tall building Grug be like New York!") <|endoftext|> > retards used to kill each other over slightly different faith > grug must hate <|endoftext|> >Why do they hate vowels so much? Grug speech, only harsh sounds <|endoftext|> Je suis même pas capable de faire des démarches administratives pour toucher les aides ou trouver un logement. Je suis literallement grug Je ne sais même pas ce qu'est une mutuelle <|endoftext|> >grug hate fag >u fag >me hate u <|endoftext|> me behind grug <|endoftext|> >Respect languages as much as possible I don't think writing like so on 4channel amounts to 'disrespecting' a language Regardless of my posts english will enjoy a long legacy and will still witness growth in regards to new speakers And people will always take their liberties when speaking a language and add their own touch Me I can't create so I take something away from the language (punctuation) because I'm chad >Bac 2adab master race 5rajt b bac adab mchit l'uni mnayka actually teb3a l finances (grug) El sné mratih bch nchouf nreorienti droit (raghm lima3andich efe9) ye2ella el sme7 N7awl nestfed chwaya el sné ama 3ibara ndaldel fi krarzi >I‘ll be really honest I didn‘t sleep for 2 days You are being dishonest you can't stay awake for 2 days Are you a warlord? <|endoftext|> Grug like flag? <|endoftext|> Unplug and replug your modem grug <|endoftext|> Grug finden keine Gruge Grug nehmen rosa Beere Grug glücklich, Grug jetzt Gruge Gruge jetzt suchen Grug <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> Grug remember many rock <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> he even kinda looks like grug <|endoftext|> Based Grug. <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> >People with different hair color than me BAD >GRUG KILL <|endoftext|> >u fag >grug hate fug <|endoftext|> What’s the relationship between Pepe and Wojak again? Rivals? Here’s a tough one, how about the relationships between Pepe and Grug, Wojak and Grug, and Pepe and Groyper? <|endoftext|> >grug hate cave wall painters >grug bang rocks together >real man is born rock banger and die rock banger <|endoftext|> This Grug was actually big brain grug <|endoftext|> >"grug hate mudslimes" >"grug shoot shoot mudslimes because grug hate them" man i hate muslims too but shooting at them randomly wouldnt help at all now normies are sympathizing muslims like they did nothing wrong before ...but then again, normies sympathize muslims even right after muslims shooting at innocent white people... shit i dont even know right now WW3 when? <|endoftext|> yeah, chimp indias here are repulsive too unga bunga grug like big tits and big ass I see why you apes are attracted to those monkeys. <|endoftext|> The man litterally looks like grug. <|endoftext|> Racism tends to be a form of COPE more than anything else. Either that or it's literally "grug no like dark skin tribe lips and hair" <|endoftext|> lmao Belarus sends Grug to eurovision <|endoftext|> the grug brain is investing in airbus the big brain is doubling down on boeing <|endoftext|> grug's primitive communism came even earlier there is only one marx though <|endoftext|> >grug >1 million years ago <|endoftext|> and they usually look better too do you want to look like a subhuman grug from 1 million years ago? <|endoftext|> unga bunga grug no paint in north tribe cave <|endoftext|> >treat sick grug using a shaman recipe from 40 sun cycles ago >sick grug die >*drools* <|endoftext|> mrugh grug love boobie <|endoftext|> Grug weigh 11 stones <|endoftext|> This is a sample of some bronze age grug living in modern day poland. Despite living in "poland" its genetics showcase a Celto-germanic heritage, thus proving that "slavs" are the youngest indo-european group to migrate to central europe. Poleshits eternally btfo <|endoftext|> >>be nordic grug 6000 years ago "Nordic Grugs" lived thousands of kilometers away from North-West of Europe 6000 years ago, you dumb dumb. And so did you, since your main genetic component is the same as theirs'. Why are Bell Beakers so ignorant? Did AR1ans brain you too hard when they booted you out of Ukraine? <|endoftext|> I just found out the real reason nordics & brits have shit food >be nordic grug 6000 years ago >there isnt much food to choose from but meat can easily be preserved due to the cold weather >be mediterranean grug 6000 years ago >theres a lot of food to choose from due to the weather, but also doesnt last that long due to the warm weather >use spices and salt to keep bacteria from appearing this is the real reason nordics get so buttmad about spices, they are not genetically ready to eat them so they are way more spicy for them than for a normal person <|endoftext|> You're not making any distinctions in that sentence, you just literally inserted a redundant pleonastic descriptor to feign intelligence (as you so gallantly pointed out right away in grug-fashion). Repent and stop being a pseud. <|endoftext|> >grug big hed >grug smart Snow apes I guess.. <|endoftext|> >hurr I care deeply about the lives and actions of other people which don’t affect me This, along with widespread public support of vigilante “justice” seems to be a common amongst third world shitholes. It’s proof that “people” from these areas are incapable of thinking rationally like civilized adults, instead resorting entirely to emotional based reactions such as “grug no like? grug SMASH!” <|endoftext|> >grug is intelligent >nigrugs from southern caves are not <|endoftext|> >unga bunga achievement was made by grug of same language group, achievement only belong to grug no stealy plz <|endoftext|> Grug like big <|endoftext|> >Grug know secret of make hot >me want sex him <|endoftext|> grug eyebrows <|endoftext|> cheese-eater man think he better than grug because cheese-eater man have fancy word grug ban all fancy words because grug hate cheese-eater man then grug bash all cheese-eater men to prove point <|endoftext|> >grug pas aimer réfléchir >préférer boum boum <|endoftext|> I like to stuff it in my mouth, but I live like grug <|endoftext|> Grug tier <|endoftext|> grug think man kissing man ewww grug think woman kissing woman good because peepee goes big grug hates woman btw <|endoftext|> lesz 1 millió új munka 100 millió emberre, a 85 iq-juak meg be fogják verni a fejed az utcán mert nincs megélhetésük ha meg az amcsi piros kék tribalizmus fontosabb neked mint a társadalom állapota akkor élvezd csak a társadalmi kríziseket grug <|endoftext|> how does grug know what a science man is? <|endoftext|> >Skyfather not real. Science man tell Grug. <|endoftext|> Bomber fly really high, grug no see unless fancy radio signals detect bomber. grug do see loud fighter flying under clouds <|endoftext|> grug not like the anime adaptation <|endoftext|> >Grug smash rock and shiny rock together, grug real worker <|endoftext|> 2028 would be the earliest you grug brain <|endoftext|> >Grug no like white tribe <|endoftext|> grug come to intertribe to talk to members of grug tribe <|endoftext|> >grug ikke selv finde mad >stamme give grug mad og grotte >ingen mage vil have grug <|endoftext|> >grug use soyjak instead of soyak or sojak <|endoftext|> Grug edition <|endoftext|> Grug flood international cave wall with grug paintings, especially soy berry grug. <|endoftext|> grug come to intertribe to talk to other grugs from the same tribe <|endoftext|> grug town better than other tribe town <|endoftext|> scandinavian "languages" are all grug-speak. they should all be sent to latin re-education camps and forced to speak french. <|endoftext|> Then some orientalists came and told Grug that clubs are made to smash your own kind and bows to reach some shiny middle-eastern Traditional bullshit... >pic related <|endoftext|> >Grug see other tribe >other tribe looks nice >Grug be friendly with other tribe >*SMASH* >No, Grug no want no die >*SMASH* <|endoftext|> >Grug see other tribe >Other tribe no look like Grug >Grug no like >Grug SMASH! <|endoftext|> U look like the incels fat ginger grug cousin. ...can u see ur balls when come out of the shower or did soi kill it. Bet ur on pol all the time <|endoftext|> english is a grug-tier language so it's easy to speak <|endoftext|> anyone else miss the grug memes <|endoftext|> ruhhhh you not-drug grug you not understand life *pisses all over the jobcentre doorway* <|endoftext|> grug did drug and almost wet self drug good <|endoftext|> >grug nie lubi osoba nie z jaskini >grug bi doslownie ja <|endoftext|> >na zachodzie robisz co co mi si nie podoba? wprawdzie si z tob nie zgadzam, ale nic ci nie zrobi bo rozumiem e ludzie maj róne pogldy i maj do nich prawo >w polsce grug nie lubi osoba nie z jaskini grug bi <|endoftext|> grug sie nie podobac futro pies grug kopac pies <|endoftext|> Grug do drug because long term happiness for loser <|endoftext|> >Ja sum bez fakultet i mlatam pari posle mnogu nervozi i ziveam u viena, on ide na faks i moze da zivee kaj saka u evropa i pak ke se rokne >point of life is to live somewhere in western europe im not sure he is the dumb one grug... <|endoftext|> >If humans were 5 times stronger they’d use their tools 5 times more efficiently how would brute strength increase efficiency in terms of things that require finesse and dexterity there's more to life than just: >grr grug smash! <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug must pick corn <|endoftext|> We live in more complex societies than "grug must pick corn" <|endoftext|> >IF I CAN'T OWN THE WORLD AND CAN'T PLAY 8000 YEARS I HATE IT grug brain <|endoftext|> >stabbing your food literally Grug tier <|endoftext|> Getting scammed at EACH transaction - i.e. tea shops, restaurants, pharmacies, hotels, etc. is very tiresome. 1/2 > go into pharmacy to buy some skin cream > the clerk writes a random number on a paper and says "this is the price" or > asking the hotel receptionists (the worst scammers by far, worse than taxi drivers) how much a taxi drive costs to a specific place (I had read that it should cost about 19 manat i.e. 10 euro) > receptionist 1: "I don't know, maybe 40 manat? Wait, let me call a cab for you..." > me: "no way, it's not that far away" > receptionist 1: "well ok, maybe 30?" > me: "that can't be right..." *I ask his colleague* "hey, taxis in Baku have a fixed price according to distance, right? Can you check how much a taxi would cost to this place, according to distance?" > receptionist 2: "sure, let me check... *checks piece of paper* 20 to 25 manat" > me to receptionist 1: "look, you told me it would be 40 and your colleague here is telling me it'll cost 20 to 25. Don't you think there's a problem here" > receptionist 1: "uhhh... ah, maybe you meant one way... of course I was referring to the round trip... hehe: or > at a restaurant, time to pay > we're already expecting some kind of surprise with the bill > *checks bill* lads, they are trying to scam us 2 manat (1 miserable euro) from the wine" > waiter only speaks Russian > complain to the waiter in my very rudimentary Grug tier Russian > "but gentlemen, you ordered red wine which is a bit more expensive than white wine" > one of our friends who's French and also speaks some Grug tier Russian: "look mate, I'm French and the bill says that we ordered 'blanc' wine, which means literally white wine in French" > waiter looks after his boss > boss also speaks only Russian > "but gentlemen, the fish you ordered was so big, you should pay more, also the menu is..." [undecipherable Russian word] > I take out my Russian-Spanish dictionary to look for that word <|endoftext|> >One stepbrother is dumb violent grug with no self control, the othet is real life brainlet wojak. Both were too stupid to even get a maturita, the peak of their intellectual achievement is lifting without accidently hurting themselves. The stepfather is gentle intellectual with degree in law who doesn’t even lift. What sorcery is this? <|endoftext|> grug... <|endoftext|> Why would you want to wank an above average amount? I would say once a week is an acceptable amount, any less and you'll go full grug and want to fuck anything that moves <|endoftext|> >For sure the first hurdles are hard but it'll get easier over time, take up boxing or something if you need to release your grug frustrations I'm a muay thai fighter and I lift weights - I train 6 days per week. The one day I have off per week is an absolute nightmare. Even if I kill myself in the gym for 2 hours I still have random boners and think about porn. <|endoftext|> >And if porn is what rots the mind, is masturbation really that bad Yes, porn just intensifies all the negative aspects of masturbation >In the 3 days I managed not to masturbate, I found myself thinking about porn and my favourite pornstars For sure the first hurdles are hard but it'll get easier over time, take up boxing or something if you need to release your grug frustrations <|endoftext|> Fire burn. Fire danger to human. Grug say ban fire! <|endoftext|> No fap turns me into grug <|endoftext|> >Pokazi ja facata tvoja gadna za da znam koa ke te vidam ta te gazam pred site picka ti materina srpska Jesus, Macedonian really is a subhuman grug language Top kek <|endoftext|> grug not like way you talk grug preparing smoke hut <|endoftext|> >wahhh genders it's just a memory game dude in Russian there are no articles so you can say "Grug go store buy club wooden" and it would probably be grammatically correct <|endoftext|> need that norf american native grug NOW <|endoftext|> >grug inte dra köttspjut, göra grug största jägare i stam, gruggor vilja ha grugs ande i sig, vargandens shaman säga grug detta >dra köttspjut vara tänk från långnässtam <|endoftext|> grug ikke glad for liv stamme gore det godt for grug grug ikke gore noget selv <|endoftext|> hvorfor har stammen ikke aktivdodshjælp? så skulle stammen ikke bruge ekstra tid på at finde mad til grug <|endoftext|> grug ikke selv finde mad grug få mad af stamme grug ikke finde mage <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO SEE CRIME HAPPEN IN MY CITY >DESPITE COUNTRY BE BIG AND HAS MANY OTHER CITIES >BUT GRUG THINK, NO BAD HAPPEN OUTSIDE, CUZ NO BAD THINGS HAPPEN HERE >HAHA, GRUG GENIUS <|endoftext|> Nej. Då hade grug med snöfärgad hud påstått att han var bättre än andra gruggar och försökt skära av parningsstenarna från grug med stor nos som han säger vill roffa åt sig alla bär själv. Grug hade sedan själv roffat åt sig en oproportionerligt stor mängd av bären för att det är hans naturliga rätt enligt solguden. <|endoftext|> >jag bara låtsas vara hjärndöd Det är klart att det inte var perfekt men det bevisar att det inte är i vår natur att ge mega-grug 80% bytet för att han hyr ut bågen och har en sten där det står att han äger skogen som en annan anon sa <|endoftext|> >Det var inte en mega-grug som tog 80% av bytet för att han ägde pilbågarna eller skogen Bästa liknelsen jag sett på länge <|endoftext|> Kommunism är människans grundnatur. De tidiga människorna levde under kommunism. Det var inte en mega-grug som tog 80% av bytet för att han ägde pilbågarna eller skogen <|endoftext|> Where did it all go so wrong for Finland? >bunch of useless grug-tier mongolian tribes who never did anything >dominated and exploited by surrounding countries for most of its history >never gained from the ventures of its colonial overlords >no history or culture so copy everything from their swedish masters and pretend to be a real country >continues pandering to former colonialists (mandatory swedish in school, official language status) >even though they never conquered anyone else they still get swamped with hundreds of thousands of shitskins like the rest of europe <|endoftext|> eeeehhh, la cara c'est pas grug ! <|endoftext|> Le nec plus ultra du même grug, je le vole <|endoftext|> You're 100% correct, grug <|endoftext|> big shamans say - roach tribe bad grugowski whiter than grugamed grugowski going to gather more grug from winged tribe and charge roach tribe with long sticks <|endoftext|> >that fucking song DE BLIR GOTT Å SÅÅÅÅVEE ÖÖRGH BLLÖÖÖ RÖÖÖÖRGH holy fuck to anyone who speaks Scandinavian that song sounds literally grug-tier how the hell is this guy a musician? <|endoftext|> grug with ears <|endoftext|> >Anti-Monarchism is Communism. Not liking bananas is pro-apples? Fuck off with these arguments >Europe was at its peak when enlightened monarchs ruled the continent. According to which definition? Are you talking about the dark ages full of conflict and war? Stop romanticizing the past, this is simply not true. Look around you outside on the luxuries and technological wonders that you have at your disposal. An enlightened king from your past would call this a paradise where almost no man goes hungry and live in excess. >Monarchy is also the only form of government ordained by God. Jesus is the King och Kings, not chairman of the Politburo. Grug heard shaman say skydad give berries and protect tribe. Grug believe. <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> >americans dont know what gender have things they use everyday English is basically >me grug me get shot <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> did the grug hit the other grug? <|endoftext|> Grug edition <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO LIKE GRUG SHAMAN IN POINTY HAT <|endoftext|> Grug Hans <|endoftext|> Grug think we wuz Chinese and Persians and Romans and Greeks and Turks and Egyptians and <|endoftext|> >>I hate my mother for... so you changed your mind about him being confident then? >i don't see you citing anything why would I have to site anything? you're the one making a retarded claim here I hate to ben shapiro you but the burden of proof is on you >I only believe in sexual relationships you literally have the most underaged normie concept of what a relationship is it's kinda laughable, GRUG WANT GED BENIS WET AD SCHOOL DANCE BUT VERONIKA REJECT ME BRO I don't get how you can exist as such a cartoonish level of retardation wit h zero self awareness, like I keep having to remind myself daily that this isn't an elaborate ruse <|endoftext|> grug see snow tribe live good grug hate better tribe <|endoftext|> >What's wrong with Grug's skin? <|endoftext|> What's wrong with Grug's skin? <|endoftext|> Grug want talk grugenschmidt and grugeaux But grugenschmidt and grugeaux stay in general cave This make grug sad <|endoftext|> grug no like segregation grug want talk grugenberg and grugier <|endoftext|> grug comes to intertribal cave to talk with his own tribe <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> sky man tell grug must have baby <|endoftext|> >blankie schuld grug kankerdom <|endoftext|> >blankie grug kanker dom gemaakt <|endoftext|> Tror du att 1% av människorna på stenåldern ägde halva jordens resurser? Fanns det Grug & co som ägde Sveriges skogar, och att Trug var tvungen att betala hyra för att bo och jaga i dem? Att jämföra dagens privategendom med "man ägde faktiskt grejer förr i tiden" är så jävla korkat att jag tror du fejkar dumhet favä <|endoftext|> Skulle snarare tro att stammar var av mer kollektiv natur. Eller var det en pampig grug som sa åt andra gruggar att jaga och sen tog han själv 80% av allt kött de tog hem? <|endoftext|> Zawsze mnie zastanawia proces mylowy typowego NPCta lemminga >Napisz e lubisz jak rzecz >Jaki anon na anonimowy forum powiconym farbom akwarelowym mówi e to byo gówno >Zamiast odpisa "to tylko twoja opinia" jak to robionow kiedy i zapyta czemu tego nie lubi to odrazu odpala adrenalin i pisze rzeczy typu "KWIIIIIIII KWIIII TYPOWY ANON SPIERDOLINA GRUG NIE LUBI BO POPULARNE KWIIIII KURWA POLACZU Z POLACKIM MYLENIEM" Codziennie i za kadym kurwa razem <|endoftext|> >gierka popularna? >grug nie lubi <|endoftext|> big shamans say - roach tribe bad grugowski whiter than grugammad grugowski gathers more grug and go charge roach tribe with long sticks <|endoftext|> >First not to die in a war (civillians will be the main target) was never true but i doubt that humanity will ever have a real actual war in future Everything else is fine for Grug, enjoy dying in Iraq lmao <|endoftext|> Grug big <|endoftext|> grug post with other grugs on tribe board <|endoftext|> Literal grug taste <|endoftext|> you arent a failed normie but a failed man heres how the story should go on >Grug smash femoid with stone >Grug become local hero <|endoftext|> >Grug loves femoid >Femoid says only Grug can visit her cave >Femoid is whore >Femoid others to visit her caves >Grug mad >Grug feels he wasted his time gathering berries to femoid >Grug is now a failed normie <|endoftext|> World’s oldest map carved by some Grug upon mammoth tusk depicting hunting grounds near modern day village of Pavlov <|endoftext|> I think you underestimate Russian grammar, it's very complex but very "powerful". You can maybe forego declensions (they're actually pretty easy to learn and you really sound like a caveman without them) but verb aspects and the use of prefixes not so much. Using the perfective instead of the imperfective means saying "I will go" instead of "I'm going", the prefixes are what give the verb all their meaning, they're the difference between "go", "come", "go through", 'go in/out", etc. Foregoing grammar means speaking like grug, it's probably fine if you just want to get by while on holiday but if you want to at least have a basic conversational level, you absolutely need grammar and even for that the threshold is pretty high. <|endoftext|> >Grug put meat club in other man. Cave shaman told that angered old spirits. <|endoftext|> Shaman say skydad protect tribe and give harvest Grug believe <|endoftext|> Unga bunga important Grug beliv unga bunga <|endoftext|> *eats mushrooms* grug think that body change every 10 year *stares up at the stars in the sky* woah <|endoftext|> grug hear nice sounds grug see mammoth hunt in head but grug not hunt mammoth <|endoftext|> grug meat club bleed the white blood <|endoftext|> grug rub grug meat stick grug happy <|endoftext|> grug get meat club in loincloth <|endoftext|> grug see 16 year old tribelady grug like grug force 16 year old tribelady down to the ground and stick his willy in grug cum with force of 10,000 mammoths in 2 minutes <|endoftext|> rurrrr grug hate trannies <|endoftext|> > still no Grug pic Is Grug a dead meme now? <|endoftext|> grug no like grug from olive tribe <|endoftext|> >Grug couper corde avec désirs pas bien >Grug attacher corde avec désirs bien <|endoftext|> >grug anime <|endoftext|> Hello grug <|endoftext|> >American grug ooga? Uug thinks grug weird <|endoftext|> let Grug tell you about your tribe... <|endoftext|> grugs stam gillar grottmålningar men grug inte gilla dom. de måste va dom som ha fel <|endoftext|> >military power Grug has biggest stick, he best tribe <|endoftext|> >electric wizard >uncle acid Lmfao. Shit, low IQ basic bitch taste confirmed >GREG LIKE OLD SONG? GRUG BEAT GREG WITH ROCK! <|endoftext|> >parents' names are rock and thor's stone am I a grug? <|endoftext|> Add a grug club, there's room for it. <|endoftext|> >popularne? >grug nie lubi <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> Grug like big <|endoftext|> > Very similar No they were not. Idk where this meme comes from, but languages sharing a common ancestor 4k years ago and being roughly grouped under the same blanket is, indeed, a meme of all memes. Slavic and Baltic languages are also grouped together but they're all completely mutually unintelligible and never were intelligible. > That wall of weird grug noises Are you basque? <|endoftext|> >GRRRRR >GRUG SMASH POLE!!!! <|endoftext|> How long would a sperg grug last realistically <|endoftext|> my grug ancestor didn't have the opportunity to mong out in front of a screen all day he probably shagged purely out of boredom <|endoftext|> If your grug ancestor decided he wanted to skim rocks all day every day you wouldn't have been born innit simple as that end of day. Moral of the post is summon your inner top shagger. <|endoftext|> >grug like big <|endoftext|> Grug say Grugman travellee to the big beyond in the sky Grugman walk on the big ball in sky <|endoftext|> global warming is chinese conspiracy to dismantle enemy industries multiculturalism is israeli conspiracy to dismantle enemy iq proud grug here, they are turning the frogs gay <|endoftext|> >GRUG NOTICE CAVE MORE HOT THAN 2 MOONS AGO >GRUG THINK END IS NEAR, MORE SAFRICFICE NEEDED TO MAKE CAVE COLDER <|endoftext|> Grug know how to make fire and good warm hut in north. South grug go back south. <|endoftext|> grug, cave is cold because fire burn ice When ice is gone cave no more cold <|endoftext|> me believe in strong chieftain make tribe more stronger! what? you want grug get clubbed for tribe? okay chief grug obey!! <|endoftext|> caveal warming? cave cold, grug no believe <|endoftext|> Grug see gay, gay make Grug mad but Grug wait cuz Grug know day of roof come soon <|endoftext|> pure libertarianism is utterly grug tier in our modern world. only a defiled hybrid offshoot of it can flourish in today's times. <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> >jag abdi bin-grug >jag komma från rosengrotta >jag få emil lönngrotta at plucka bär åt mig >han laga slämma bilder i ola gruggsen grotta <|endoftext|> pretty good pics i thought it was gonna be another cringy "grug no like new cave" thread <|endoftext|> Grug taper l'anglois <|endoftext|> >HOW DARE YOU TRY TAKE GRUG VOTE AWAY. GRUG EQUAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY, GRUG GET DECIDE MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICY. <|endoftext|> >grug hath to ophjectify wymen >grug hath to wanth sex >moist hole is good <|endoftext|> >grug pas aimer monde moderne <|endoftext|> grug? <|endoftext|> >Better cry and be humiliated than in hospital with your hand or leg broke by some autistic grug See, i don't agree with that. But it's a personal choice of mine, so fair enough. I prefer my body hurt, not my pride. Maybe it's because i was a poor kid and i had nothing else <|endoftext|> My government tried to take their additional rights but the EU wouldn't let us. We needed those startups and governmental projects founds... In our schools there are places for gypsies and places for normal kids, so gypsies can enter in high schools with a smaller grade than normal Romanians. They are dumb as fuck, noisy and mess up with the rest of the class. I hate gypsies so god damn much Maybe you didn't get the big bully. There are some strong ass motherfuckers out there that would beat the shit out of you no matter how hard you tried. Better cry and be humiliated than in hospital with your hand or leg broke by some autistic grug. The police wouldn't do shit because of the corruption or their money. <|endoftext|> its not good, but always better than french also its easy to learn, english grammar is grug tier compared to Polish <|endoftext|> it's primitive Grug-speak compared to French <|endoftext|> science man told grug skyfather not real science man smart grug thinks grug think skyfather not real grug smart too <|endoftext|> No shiny rock You lie to grug Why smell fart? <|endoftext|> Grug dormir quand plus soleil. Grug lever avec soleil. Grug vendre séminaire à riches cueilleurs <|endoftext|> >WHY EVIL MAGA MAN NOT COMPLY WITH BOOGEYMAN NARRATIVE >GRUG HATE THIS <|endoftext|> to be fair, that's normally how intellectualism ends, intelligent people with no need for war as they desire to better themselves get overpowered by mass hordes of grug waves. <|endoftext|> Skyfather not real science man told grug <|endoftext|> hot take: Brainlet, Brainiac, grug, boomer and zoomer were all good memes. I lost my shit when brainlet wojaks started, it was such a wonderful way of shitposting and the brainlets were so cute <|endoftext|> Hey now, grug was amusing for a while <|endoftext|> Grug is funny tho <|endoftext|> Soy wojack, brainlet wojack, grug, boomer and zoomer wojacks, basically every variation of wojack of the last year, are just as bad <|endoftext|> Primitive and grug-pilled What happened in prehistoric Malta? <|endoftext|> Grokrates a raison, Grug va détruire sagaie. <|endoftext|> >Oooga booga, grug big stronk I would still recommend shaving the neckbeard because then at least you wouldn't look like a caveman, even though you act like one. <|endoftext|> grug think rivertribe glow at night <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> >me grug, grug big strong man with big strong bike many big strong sounds <|endoftext|> >not having a transhuman gf stay grug <|endoftext|> Grug goes insane Grug goes innawoods Grug make youtube rant Grug marry retard Grug have retard babies Grug collect welfare cheque Grug have big following Grug make tribe of likeminded men <|endoftext|> Din morsa är helt ärligt bara Grug, Handhulken. Snitt för män är 8. Stl 11+ är helt abnormt för en kvinna, är det säkert att du inte fallit för transmemet och kallar din farsa "mamma" för att han har peruk numer? <|endoftext|> grug get told clean cave wash bunga bunga stick <|endoftext|> skyfather not exist grug too smart to believe <|endoftext|> >faggot soyboy,manlet decurlis,depressed stevenson,depressed tyrone,want to die mike,grug yes <|endoftext|> grug hear same. bread tribe get lazy and sit in warm pond <|endoftext|> grug hear that bread tribe sleep on guard duty <|endoftext|> grug dont like island tribe grug like bread tribe better bread tribe should unite all warm pond tribes grug wants brotherhood with all warm pond tribes <|endoftext|> grug like food grug like club grug like fire simple as cave <|endoftext|> Grug into horse tribe squinty eye tribe keeps building stuff on horse tribe but they dont buy our berries and expect us to pay horse tribe raid squinty eye tribe instead grug not trust squinty eye tribe the fuck is bread tribe <|endoftext|> grug think that insect tribe is up to no good <|endoftext|> grug go to fren fren goes to other fren other fren has gods lettuce gives it to fren gives it to me <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> Grug Smashism <|endoftext|> >hey Grug where do you live? >'Island' fucking brainlets <|endoftext|> milk skin tribe insult grug creator. grug angry <|endoftext|> >why man allowed to defy magic paper? unga bunga grug hate this! magic paper word of god! cannot be questioned! <|endoftext|> Grug nostalgic for David Camegrug tribe chief. Grug no like lieing fanny witch tribe chief. <|endoftext|> if I were around back then I would have joined the grug mammoth hunting party and then the human sacrifice to skyfather <|endoftext|> grug nie lubi student grug lubi tylko chodzce obrazki <|endoftext|> >Grug not stupid >Grug kill smart >Grug smartest now <|endoftext|> I'd say >Du viel klug und Geschichte 'Historie' is too big a word for grug <|endoftext|> Grug have small wolf that follow Grug around Sometime Grug put small wolf in Grug handbag <|endoftext|> I was attempting and failing at doing the grug meme I'm not native level, I'd say I'm B1? I don't have a "routine", I just translate the Berlin, Berlin show in my spare time <|endoftext|> Grug think stone best unit for weight Baguette tribe and autism tribe try convince Grug of kilo, but Grug smarter than both <|endoftext|> >grug woorden moeilijk (Jij)ks <|endoftext|> weight? grug measures weight in stones <|endoftext|> Grug quest <|endoftext|> >tug walka >stand gruga jest lepszy ni stand niegruga >grug wygra >nastpna walka >etc. jak na razie to naprawd chujowy sezon <|endoftext|> grug want every grug to live in forrest <|endoftext|> Anything less than open borders is for Grug-tier brainlets What's even more retarded is "you're French because recent ancestors are French!" if you've lived your whole life outside of France. <|endoftext|> >93 Grug petrol. >87 What's this? Moonshine? <|endoftext|> need grug no order word order word thing stupid <|endoftext|> she lost her virginity to grug <|endoftext|> please respond i am the man who made the denmark brainlet and grug with the lego brick club <|endoftext|> Based grug fuck off bruce jin ping pot the 3rd <|endoftext|> grug want every grug to live in Forrest <|endoftext|> flavour bad it for paki grug hate all thing paki like <|endoftext|> >be grug american >get criticized >grug a man >Grug smaaaaasssh I’d flip that bitch boi on his ass then slap him <|endoftext|> >kutas sta wic Grug musie zwali to wy jestecie <|endoftext|> > earth rotates around the sun grug get spiky metal into head because grug dirty gods rules earth stay on three hard crack animals <|endoftext|> grug in 2018 <|endoftext|> Inheritance laws have existed since Grug Sr. gave Grug Jr. his cave with some fur coats. It's a choice from a person to do what he pleases with his property when his life is about to be over. Millions of people do this, even poor people give to their sons whatever they could gain in their lifetime. There are tons upper-middle class families in which their source of wealth came from the effort from a low-class nobody who decided to spend all of his effort into leaving something for the next generation. <|endoftext|> take cave drawing for memory bad and materialistic grug incel <|endoftext|> take picture bad incel grug khv virgin but chad with picture maker real enemy of tribe <|endoftext|> grugica nie móc rucha bo cipa rozluni grug móc rucha ile chce <|endoftext|> grug clean cave. life change <|endoftext|> grug love it when fire priest rogan talk with medicine man jord <|endoftext|> >obama bad >trump good Literally Grug-tier <|endoftext|> Grog have more rocks than Grug Grug maaaad Grug SMAAAASH <|endoftext|> The ice age is over grug lmao <|endoftext|> was grug a 2018 meme? <|endoftext|> Grug daber sur nettoyeur de caverne <|endoftext|> >grug faire hache >grug content >grug pouvoir tuer la tribut des longs nez maintenant >grug très content <|endoftext|> >Je trekkerd grug stam + t moeilijk >witte ???????????? <|endoftext|> We need intellectuals like you in Spain 0n VOX needs people like you t. grug <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> How does grug post on 4chan? <|endoftext|> Same, but I feel like a toddler for mainly using the pic. If it was text only my Grug brain would shut down <|endoftext|> definition make grug angry <|endoftext|> ooga booga me no like police police bad grug say <|endoftext|> JAK GRUG X TO X DOBRE JAK GRUG Y TO X NIEDOBRE <|endoftext|> grug like og grug never meet og but og from same side of river as grug so grug like og grug HATE ugg because ugg from other side of river from grug, grug want to smash. <|endoftext|> >many moons ago a man from Grug's tribe did something >that means Grug did it too <|endoftext|> Grug defend tribe or other tribe take our femmales <|endoftext|> grug no want fire-meat <|endoftext|> Poland has always been a good friend of Romania's, I agree we should help each other, and join arms with Czechia, Slovakia, Croatia, Lithuania etc. But Serbia is an anti-European hotbed of backwardness and Bulgaria is riddled with corruption (in every sector, quite frankly), so I'd rather not cooperate with them. Ukraine would indeed be a problem because of the economic disparity. Poland-Romania market works the best of them all, Romania is like 15% behind Poland in terms of economy (and not 250%), and you don't have to set the threshold much lower in order to sell any product in the other. In Ukraine, on the other hand, it's quite problematic. In central/eastern Europe you have a motley mix which cannot be united regardless of any tries. We neighbour two Russian puppets, one of them giving herself out as a Russian puppet without anything brought to bear from the Russian part (Serbia) and also Hungary with which many grugs here wouldn't want to cooperate. At least Slovakia made a step towards reconciling with the whole Visegrad thing. However, Bulgaria and the EU, well, it's a big discrepancy. I'd sooner have seen Serbia there had it not been for their Rusophilia. I appreciate that you came up with a comprehensive explanation for your argument although I beg to differ. You didn't spaz out like many of the 93 iq grug average citizen ridden with stadium nationalism. The problem is that, while Romania (kingdom) didn't thrive at all architecturally save for some Greek/Russian style ripoffs, Transylvania had architecture, higher literacy rates and the such. And all this... because of what? Hungary, or better said, Austrian (Germanic) influence via Hungary, Catholicism and all these reasons which gave leeway to development. Orthodoxy, oppression from both the south and the east didn't make do. <|endoftext|> Grug no like that it wet but Grug do like that no cave pakis are about <|endoftext|> >you call grug racial slur grug physically harm you! <|endoftext|> >grug think speak must be caveman >if no autism >fuck autism, simple as >t. grug <|endoftext|> >government job bad! makes grug dependent on big cave! >we must build big mud pile to keep out grablo! it create job for grug too! <|endoftext|> Imagine being handicapped from birth having being born in a country that uses grug-tier measurements such as feets and ounces that have no comprehensible relation to each other. Now imagine that some shit for brain decided to swap the traffic to opposite. Now you're starting to understand the horror of living a true anglo life. <|endoftext|> if grug save 2 rock in one moon take 5 moon to get 10 rock <|endoftext|> okay mr king incel based >grug no effeminate grug think foreigner gay and feminine grug's tribe manly and strong <|endoftext|> grug no like red fish tribe <|endoftext|> I am worried that mad britoid grug might listen to the words of muslim shaman and radical islam might have a nuclear armed carrier near european shores in my lifetime. <|endoftext|> >the stuff you sell now is more expensive, everyone goes to another trading partner >people lose job >food costs more >britoid grug mad <|endoftext|> grug want wake from cave <|endoftext|> >grug nie chcie kota z ssiednia jaskinia <|endoftext|> pol is grug:the board <|endoftext|> >haha thats totally what I meant by "talks like a grug!" <|endoftext|> >he's so dumb he unironically talks like a grug <|endoftext|> the benefits of being a wagecuck is, you get exercise and no existential depression grug stay in cave all day not normal <|endoftext|> grug sakna tjockis-stammen mycket <|endoftext|> grug breva om politik 24/7 på 4chan grug göra en skillnad i världen! grug veldigt smart o tar politik mycket seriöst <|endoftext|> > is grug mutant or normal? > scientist grug look at blood > normal grug have normal blood > mutant grug have blood with mutant extra <|endoftext|> does grug like grandma? <|endoftext|> grug like white girl <|endoftext|> >grug no like dark girl <|endoftext|> >Analytical I believe it's rather primitive, sensorial than conceptual/analytical. There in your sentence, f.i, you "pick up" english like you "pick up" berries. Or what's that """window"""that suddenly appears on your computer screen when you're """""navigating""""" the Internet? A """pop-up""" Fugg me, Grug. A pop-up. Like a grain in your skin, like a flower in the clay, it """pops-up""". <|endoftext|> Grug voit tarte Grug aime Grug câlin <|endoftext|> c nous qui fon t grug <|endoftext|> Renard feu redonner baies a jean grug <|endoftext|> Grug ta järnorm till arbete Grug sitta inuti järnorm, luktar mörk man. <|endoftext|> GRUG ONLY KNOW JOB SMASH THINGS GRUG NO LIKE THINKING, GRUG NO LIKE GOMBUDER <|endoftext|> Only for Grug and his wife <|endoftext|> Germanic languages are a bit barbaric 2bh. Words in romance languages are more abstract. In germanic languages they're like >grug think this like shoe but for hands. I'll call it Handschuh (glove) <|endoftext|> >grug not look smart but grug big brain <|endoftext|> grug not pay tax, grug destroy <|endoftext|> grug dont pay tax, grug destroy <|endoftext|> >fuel expensive man >no not that much man need bucks for welfare >grug smash streets <|endoftext|> >brainlet lang lmao I always find it funny when a fucking English speakers say something like this. English has a grug tier grammar. <|endoftext|> GRUG PAS AIMER LA NOUVEAUTE GRUG PREFERER TRADITIONS <|endoftext|> grug se gruga skaka rompa grug kisspinne bli sten <|endoftext|> grug devoir donner grug marron toujour avoir grug au long nez toujour dire grug payer grug trouver pas ça normal <|endoftext|> C'est des putains de Grug. Grug voit chose, Grug pas content, Grug casse chose <|endoftext|> a parte blaterare questi termini per ora non hanno fatto nulla odiano i termovalorizzatori perchè spazzatura fuoco male grug vuole discarica con scarafaggi che dividono lo sporco in mucchietti socioculturalmente omogenei per poi ributtarli nel fuoco porcoddio ma lo capiscono come stanno messi <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH! <|endoftext|> ok grug <|endoftext|> Chaim, it's like this > sandgrug bad > grug tell sandgrug, grug no want sandgrug, go back to sand tribe > sandtribe say, sandtribe also no want sandgrug > where sandgrug go? <|endoftext|> While you have zero reason to do that, I can tell you the vocabulary would be Grug-tier easy for a Frenchman to learn, apart from some Slavic common words and the many fancy words which are also Slavic. The grammar, however, is nasty. <|endoftext|> Me Grug, me no like articles, Grug save time this way <|endoftext|> Grug want magic Grugette from magic cave art to sit on Grug face and make smelly air. <|endoftext|> >me grug me drink booze feel warm no think <|endoftext|> could've at least made it a welsh grug don't be jealous <|endoftext|> GRUG PICK BERRY WHEN GRUG WANT EAT <|endoftext|> no sky man no chief only grug <|endoftext|> He became a bitter nationalistic incel who spouts Grug-tier anti-German and anti-Russian rhetoric on 9gag. <|endoftext|> >Mongol Hungarian (literally a turkic Grug-style ooga booga language) >German .. I don't need to say anything about this one >Russian (a language known for outbursts like BLYAAAT that 80iq subhumans scream with) Can compete with melodic Romance languages of people who built the Notre Dame and Colosseum and are known for seducing bitches just for speaking it How delusional do you have to be to think this? <|endoftext|> simmer down there Grug <|endoftext|> Planes? Grug tier What the world needs is hyperloop <|endoftext|> good, maybe come back when grug post grugina big boob and grug post about grug poo and grug tribe better than other grug tribe <|endoftext|> GET OUT OF GRUG CAVE NOW <|endoftext|> grug ville va först <|endoftext|> >my gramps is one of those saxon fags That’s a valuable opportunity for you. If your German isn’t Grug-tier you should try to speak to him in German whenever you can. And hurry up before he dies. <|endoftext|> grug like dead tree book no like magic screen <|endoftext|> grug no like cave people dumb cavers <|endoftext|> grug se bra kvinna, grug klubba och dra hem till grotta det vara bättre tider <|endoftext|> It sounds so funny and weird, like a caveman talk Me Grug, me here. my cave there <|endoftext|> yes breivik very funny hehe grug posted it again <|endoftext|> has anyone made a sentinel island grug yet that one's on the house if not. <|endoftext|> GRUG LOVE VODKA <|endoftext|> >too many word grug no like <|endoftext|> English is like a language Grug came up with but then he evolved a bit and decided to throw up some useless shit to make it look better <|endoftext|> >grug speaky difficult so grug speaky good Abo languages are unironically more convoluted than any euro language, guess your whole map should be red <|endoftext|> Ha Cap y ac oy; a o, cpe yepo, ae cpe e o poc ce ceee, epy ceo ao > relibunga? > Grug say no to relibunga <|endoftext|> >His group wasn't grug tier of brainlet I can't wait to see JVPITER's new mandatory service and the possible zoomer meltdown over it tho, sad that he admitted it won't be an actual month in the army but some Service civique tier shit <|endoftext|> based grug spilling the truth right here see here fucking scum putting one of the most improtant countries at risk over their pathetic gibs <|endoftext|> Imagine being fucking born on that island What do you think they must say about the strange-looking people that come and harass them every decade or so? Part of me wonders if they think we're aliens or some shit. Like kids can't fall asleep at night worried about us. They've probably developed an entire mythos around us. Imagine just being some dumb fuck teenager grug who is more concerned about getting grugina's sweet punani, living your normal life in a loincloth in the jungle when some bizarre deformed looking guy appears on the island, one that your grandma would warn you would steal you at night if you're naughty. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE BERRY MAN HAVE ALL BERRY <|endoftext|> what the fuck is grug you mean grug memes . the cave man wojak? <|endoftext|> Grug no need female. Grug happy with life. Friday night ooga booga party is stupid. Grug is smart, grug no need ooga booga to be happy <|endoftext|> >Grug suspect bey of bjrm bait >Grug think market to other tribe too hard >Grug like easy job >Grug like draw meme and do nothing >Grug very moral man >Grug not NPC <|endoftext|> don't leave NATO i don't want to be ruled by grug-tier corrupt conservatard brainlets reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <|endoftext|> >grug 50 stones big <|endoftext|> >people other country live in grug village? this genocide we being killed! <|endoftext|> sätta frö i jord komma från bördiga floderna i öst där bruna bungas bor svug inte sätta frö i jord. svug bara äta mammut för grug inte gilla bördiga floderna i öst och bruna bungas <|endoftext|> you didn't even bothered to find a good Polish Grug, yikes and cringe. have this one as a charity. <|endoftext|> /balk, polish grug edition >blonde tribe beat grug tribe >grug tribe lucky and survive >grug tribe take land and caves from blonde tribe >grug tribe is subgrug >grug tribe want more loot old <|endoftext|> >grug no want 4 smoll caves >grug want 2 big caves <|endoftext|> the following 5 posts will only be grug memes <|endoftext|> That pic is unironically based I wouldn't be so sure about 99.9%, a lot of ayrabs got green eyes too. Genetics are a complicated subject and it goes deeper than "if u no eyes like Grug eyes, u no white" <|endoftext|> I like these grug memes <|endoftext|> >Grug no like that bird tribe live in Grug's land >Grug remove bird tribe >Bigger bird tribe comes >Grug hits one of their bird with rock, rest of flock bomb Grug's cave >Grug calls for big bear tribe help >Big bear tribe no help >Grug loses land >Grug now poor and no land >Bird tribe moves on to sun flag grug's land <|endoftext|> >Grug beat Bird tribe >Other tribe throw stone on Grug tribe >Grug lose land to Bird tribe >Now bird tribe claim victory <|endoftext|> >Grug hate egg head tribe >Grug think they are subgrug >But Grug has no children, Grugina keeps going to egg head tribe >Egg head tribe has more children than Grug, and they come to Grug's cave >Now Egg head tribe's cave <|endoftext|> >Grug join big Union but no have toilet >Grug make Blonde tribe pay for toilet <|endoftext|> >Mace Grug no like Uga Bugar Grug >Mace Grug more like western grain farmers >Big caves in Mace Grug's land, big jungle paths <|endoftext|> >building things out of stones grug <|endoftext|> when Russians drop articles and grug speak <|endoftext|> grug like computer screen light words when the not hot dark come grug think them like fire with other grug <|endoftext|> remember the grug meme? <|endoftext|> Do you have more of grug swedes? <|endoftext|> >grrr grug man grug drink beer <|endoftext|> >the Norwegian is handsome >the Swede looks like a neanderthal grug retard My ancestor :) <|endoftext|> Why do you spout so much toxic masculinity? Have you ever had a girlfriend to know that they don't like your ideal of a primitive masculine but stuttering grug? I'm sure you read a lot about fitness and masculine outfits such as shirts and I dunno what and try too hard by the few words you have said. <|endoftext|> Imagine being so psychophysically unstable that you need the grug sandcult to sort things out in your life <|endoftext|> >grug no like talkie man >him must be jew <|endoftext|> grug want burger king <|endoftext|> >Feux de circulation Fires of circulation. Why does literally translated french always sound like grug speech? <|endoftext|> Nose Tribe Grug <|endoftext|> >Use far away throwing stick not manly >Grug not use far away throwing stick >Grug use stabbing rock >Cowardly grass eating meat run away from stabbing rock >Grug stab cowardly meat eating meat instead >Grug win but Grug got serious wound >Grug get infection >Shaman say cut off Grug arm >Grug hunt never again >At least Grug manly, unlike pansy throwing stick Grag >Grag get all meat and all girls, but Grag not manly! <|endoftext|> See I think the Neanderthals would absolutely destroy these nerds in a good old GRUG fistfight, yep i win <|endoftext|> >wanneer al jouw innerlijke gedachtes concluderen op "grug neuk" <|endoftext|> grug angry to hear this you give grug many berries for saying that <|endoftext|> I made the original soyak and also single handedly popularised the grug meme (it was just an obscure /brit/ gimmick before I started making threads with my OC grug). <|endoftext|> >bang stick makes grug strong man of tribe <|endoftext|> I miss Grug <|endoftext|> Guys, I just noticed something. The Grug meme died for no apparent reason even though it's high-larious. <|endoftext|> Racial identity is recent and made by autists misinterpreting biological breakthroughs Most of history has seen cultural identities clashing with little thought for whether grug have pink flesh or burned flesh <|endoftext|> grug no like southern grug <|endoftext|> >here apple grug no understand what apple here an apple is better <|endoftext|> PRETTY LADY HATE GRUG? GRUG HATE GRUG TOO NOW <|endoftext|> Om du faktisk kunne sitere rene påstander framfor å wiki ting som hores kjent ut så kunne du had et argument. Men hei, de orda er vanskelige for Grug, så Grug må linke wikipedia og ta utsnitt fra kontext! Gi meg en link hvor de sier "vaksiner skaper autister". Dette burde være lett for deg. <|endoftext|> grug and uggpilled <|endoftext|> grug no understand compression <|endoftext|> Grug no like religion Grug no like transcendance Grug like neetbux and football <|endoftext|> Big lip angry poem dance grug new old grug who wrote many plays <|endoftext|> >I wonder why Because terrorism is politically motivated, not "person grug no like do bad thing"? <|endoftext|> I am a man. I was being sarcastic. That's what the arrow and drooling grug wojak are for. <|endoftext|> grug no pay cave painting berry takings to beeb for dis <|endoftext|> It's not your rock, grug. <|endoftext|> >grug think tribe that get more big number should win <|endoftext|> color red win it good for grug grug politic team win <|endoftext|> Don't call someone Zhang while posting Grug Bruce. <|endoftext|> no dum dum proud women only there for hole make big hole good for woman, mark of strong society holes must be big to blot out memory of sky-father and no-no shamans who made hole in gruglets and instain mother who kill thier babbys grug should no have more good connection with any grugina than any other grug and tribe no deeper connection with cave than any other tribe <|endoftext|> >anglos are stone age cavemen that they need to measure things in "feet" and "inches" Grug use foot <|endoftext|> Grug no care about tribe turning different color Grug only care about cave paintings <|endoftext|> >grug pierwszy wiadomo za kogo rozjeba mnie wtedy ten anon, khem khem, grug pierwszy wiadomo za kogo <|endoftext|> Ooga booga grug. <|endoftext|> Grug no like religion Grug no like dying for an ideal Grug like neetbux and football <|endoftext|> >it came from somewhere else so it must be bad >my heritage is a bigger priority than truth when looking into a religion grug tier reasoning, honestly friends <|endoftext|> grug want shack <|endoftext|> grug dosta pic related od wuj-gruga grug chcie kupi drugi taki sam jeden do jaskinia drugi na polowanie grug smutny kosztuje duo jagód grug nie ma tyle jagód wystarczajco zrozumiale baranie? <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> grr grug no like man kick ball team that kick rock wrong <|endoftext|> I have just about every vestigial trait possible. Palmaris longus on both arms, wide jaw with room for all wisdom teeth, large projected glabella, pearly benis papules, morton's toe, occiputal bump, auricular tubercle... feels grug man <|endoftext|> I don't know why but she makes my pepee go erect. Maybe there's some hardwritten genetic memory of my grug-ancestor that tells me she's an epitome of a fertile woman <|endoftext|> I just want a new genuinely /int/ meme. I tired of everyone just posting /pol/, /v/, /tv/ and /biz/ leftovers like boomers on normiebook. grug was technically /int/ because it originated in /brit/. I still want something new, though. <|endoftext|> >he can't self insert typical grug caveman archetype, incapable of higher order thinking and world modelling <|endoftext|> grug no like sea people sea people ruin land people cave <|endoftext|> GRUG HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT *ahem* grug think grug tribe need to move to new cave all in favour, say GRUG <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> asså helt ärligt hur tänkte era svennaförfäder när de flyttade till det här bajslandet? >oooga booga här är det kallt och mörkt med konstant regn och snö, här ska grug bo <|endoftext|> height in frog leaps and weight in stone grug use <|endoftext|> >weight in stone Grug <|endoftext|> grug hit grug!! bing bing wahoooo!!! <|endoftext|> grug pick up heavy stone grug feel good <|endoftext|> Tribe from wet forest land have big bum. How Grug get wet forest tribe GF? <|endoftext|> Grug wonder what it like to baby fill women from other tribe. Tribe no speak language. Why ooga booga tribe baby fill our women? <|endoftext|> >grug no like spain <|endoftext|> Yikes wins vs Cringe wins vs Oof wins vs Yikes Brainlet wins vs NPC wins vs Grug wins vs Brainlet <|endoftext|> grug sad, big man with many rocks die <|endoftext|> because the riddle is supposed to lead you to the treasure, so you logically follow just what the riddle says and not strand off somewhere just because it looks cool You just accomplished the quest by plain stupid "grug follow visible thing" without even thinking about it <|endoftext|> Grug just have a lot of downtime and like drag rock <|endoftext|> Can someone explain to an ignorant Grug why United States is a country? They don’t have their own language, it seems like they should be split up between the Brits and the Spanish. Where does their sense of independence come from? <|endoftext|> >ME VOTE UKIP, ME HATE WOMEN, WOMEN NO VOTE, WOMEN BAD, NO SLEEP WITH GRUG <|endoftext|> grug not understand scribbles grug angry grug think scribbles stupid <|endoftext|> westerners don't know what real wealth is having lots of shiny rocks under your grug tier cave isn't real wealth <|endoftext|> I was always tall and strong but socially inept so when I was a teen I sometimes fantasized about being a caveman and beating the shit out of everyone for status Grug take rock beat brog and take female for grug <|endoftext|> ROCKY ROADS TAKE GRUG HOME TO THE CAVE GRUG BELOOONG WEST PANGEA MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH TAKE GRUG HOME ROCKY ROADS <|endoftext|> hms grug <|endoftext|> bottom pic removed too much of his forehead, now he looks like a grug. <|endoftext|> Grug... plein <|endoftext|> En gång när jag var på ickeporr och ickerunk så såg jag ett klipp där en kvinna grät, jag förvandlades till Grug helt plötsligt och fick intensiva instinkt känslor att hålla om och skydda henne. Var f1skumt. Kände det i precis hela kroppen <|endoftext|> he literally looks like grug fucking kek <|endoftext|> Grug plein, mais d'abord Grug doit faire vide. <|endoftext|> >GRUG MAKE MORE SHINY STONES THAN YOU >GRUG BETTER. Thats how you sound, brainlet. >think to be better than others just because of their skin color Because they Are. Not like you know how it feels like to be better than someone, you are a T*rk subhuman afterall. <|endoftext|> grug pas aimer tribu des peaux brûlées grug TAPER <|endoftext|> eg e ikkje grug fordi eg lese bökar bökar gje meg höy iq <|endoftext|> It started out that way but now it's used just like grug or brainletjaks etc. I thought it originated on /v/eddit. It's such a stupid low effort meme <|endoftext|> Så du menar att anticimex är dålig bidniz? Du hjärnkulting, GRUG VA SMART! <|endoftext|> Grug de la compta pas d'accord. Grug envoie dresseur des impôts Dresseur frappe <|endoftext|> Men grug, jag plockade dessa bär själv <|endoftext|> grug arg för att alla inte ha lika många bär <|endoftext|> dabei haben sie einige gute mails gar nicht darin aufgenommen. z.b. liest er in den vollständigen alchemimon folgen die grug-holabungapaste vor <|endoftext|> English is the lazy man's language >Grug-tier pronunciation with no rules >Simple verb system >No polite pronouns >No genders >No cases >Shitloads of exceptions and irregularities just because <|endoftext|> Me grug <|endoftext|> >grug butthurt because he has no pussy >migrans go home! >allah bad >suck Orban's dick Oyy paprika xDDDD <|endoftext|> Who cares about children or housing ? How is that interesting to me, how does it further my knowledge of the universe ? Human affairs are excruciatingly boring compared to physics. Yes, I dont like NASA JPL or our obsession with putting retarded human flesh on bodies for 100x the cost of a robot, but that's a stupid argument nonetheless. Still, I'd much rather have GRUG'S BEEG ROKETS than welfare for subhumans. <|endoftext|> >Photons "communicating" with each other faster than the speed of light They don't. We observe the decoherence effects of an existing superposition. Tensor products of the basis vectors of the two subsystems diverge after wavefunction collapse. There is no transfer of information Do you know any representation theory ? These things are really complicated and you need that + vector calculus before you even begin to learn the physics of it. Also entanglement is not teleportation, you're thinking of tunneling. And these things are precisely what I want more funding for instead of GRUG GOES TO BIG RED ROCK. Just stop lumping together all reddit pseud popsci trash. <|endoftext|> All of this shit is completely useless. All this money could be better spent on astrophysics : telescopes, interferometers, coronographs, particle accelerators. Real science and understanding instead of MUH BIG ROCKETS GRUG GOES TO MARS <|endoftext|> >Made with no budget >Still standing >tfw grug Ping Pong architecture superior to modern china <|endoftext|> grug smiec bo grug do niczego sie nie nadaje <|endoftext|> grug zy bo grug smutny <|endoftext|> grug see big count grug feel good head better than other tribe <|endoftext|> ALMOST SKYCAVE WEST PANGAEA BIG OLD TALL ROCK TRIBE'S FISHING WATER TRIBES ARE OLD THERE OLDER THAN TREES YOUNGER THAN TALL ROCKS BLOWING LIKE WIND ROCKY ROADS TAKE GRUG HOME TO THE CAVE GRUG BELONG WEST PANGAEA MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH TAKE GRUG HOME ROCKY ROADS <|endoftext|> >grugs tribe wuz da kangz >no it was gregs, greg tribe good grug tribe bad <|endoftext|> immigrant good trump bad grug split rock grug grug <|endoftext|> >other grug no look like me >other grug must be bad my normie friend convinced me to get diablo 3 but it's worse than diablo 2. how did blizzard even manage that? <|endoftext|> "grug pierwszy wiadomo za kogo" <|endoftext|> Hur har ni organiserat eran jagjagsmapp? Jag: En för pepe/apu En för wojak/hjärnkulting/grug/npc En för pol och nationalist-relaterade saker (inuti har jag en mapp för infografer, statistik och citat, en för memer, en för gröntexter, en för le propagandabilder (fashwave, svarta solen, blonda kvinnor i vetefält), tre mappar för SD, AfS och NMR, en för northern brothers, en för varg) En för his (kartor, målningar, memer, allt möjligt) En för fit (inspiration, gröntexter, memer) En för Sverigetråden (finnanon-oc:n, gröntexter, trådbilder, memer) En för diverse reaktionsbilder En för allt som inte passar in på de ovan nämnda. <|endoftext|> grug throw rock at modern cave ride sabertooth <|endoftext|> Grug no feel good? Go easy on the sips. <|endoftext|> En för pepe/apu En för wojak/hjärnkulting/grug/npc En för pol och nationalist-relaterade saker (inuti har jag en mapp för infografer, statistik och citat, en för memer, en för gröntexter, en för le propagandabilder (fashwave, svarta solen, blonda kvinnor i vetefält), tre mappar för SD, AfS och NMR, en för northern brothers, en för varg) En för his (kartor, målningar, memer, allt möjligt) En för fit (inspiration, gröntexter, memer) En för Sverigetråden (finnanon-oc:n, gröntexter, trådbilder, memer) En för diverse reaktionsbilder En för allt som inte passar in på de ovan nämnda. <|endoftext|> >have a handle to steer your car >call it a wheel even tho it never touches the ground or truly spin continuosly English is literally a grug language >wait a second, im gonna turn on my internet machine and connect the typing plank to shitpost on 4chan Do you also call screens "image circuit"? Or semaforos "traffic lights"? <|endoftext|> grug love snu snu grug want talk about snu snu and how to get grugina have sex with grug grug only want to talk about snu snu no snu snu grug not talk <|endoftext|> Njušim se ispod pazuha i osjeam se kao grug <|endoftext|> >grug only. not tribe. he doesn't actually believe this at all which is hilarious the individualist thing is an act <|endoftext|> Muslims remind me of Grug, so much so I am going to say that the flag in OP is caved and redberried <|endoftext|> grug far away father live here, grug should live here too, grug push away other grug tribe <|endoftext|> grug happy with no sky father <|endoftext|> grug no see moving picture grug go RRAUGH <|endoftext|> e9 Grug fikk meg iaf til å le. <|endoftext|> Om Grug ta sten med kråkans vandrande på och titta, det göra Grug bättre och mer tänkande Grug än andra i grottan, andra i grotta inte lika fina som Grug så, Grug fantisera om detta och säga han göra men inte egentligen göra. <|endoftext|> Sure there are some, but thats everywhere. What i meant that average czech thinks Russian=grug. And cnobody is interested in that. Other stereotype is that Russia is land of oligarchs who prey on those grugs and then their kids party around Yuroo and throw away daddy money. So as russian you can be either bydlo grug or rich. If youre not rich, you will be dismissed as grug Well thats obvious. You have pretty women and you have ugly women. Like in any country. I dunno what OP expects here what he cant have at home <|endoftext|> Grug gilla <|endoftext|> >grug lift >grug eat >grug sleep wow grug make big thought in head <|endoftext|> grug no want to leave cave grug like wall shadows <|endoftext|> If you translate "I have paper" word by word to Russian you will get " e yay", but nobody speaks like that, it sounds grug-tier and can be interpreted as "I fuck paper" The correct form "y e ec yaa" translated back to English word by word gets you "by me there is paper" which sounds extremely retarded in English because English lacks cases and stuff. A more accurate translation would be "paper is owned by me" but with word order changed to "by me is owned paper" <|endoftext|> Why do you need those unnecessary forms of "to be"? The form of "to be" is ALWAYS determined by the subject. Different forms of "to be" newer carry any information. You have them for no reason, could as well put some gibberish instead, literally Grug tier. <|endoftext|> >Me called Grug Isn't that more like >[They] call me Grug <|endoftext|> Normally you would say >Me called Grug >How you >Good <|endoftext|> I think it's at least easy to use, unlike english with literally no precision. It's not even a joke. English literally translated to polish is a perfect grug polish. Even retards here speak less grug. <|endoftext|> As opposed to >I grug >How you >I good <|endoftext|> Actually english is a caveman speak as well. >I eat, We eat >Polish: Jem, Jemy >Grug Polish: Ja je, Wy je >English literally translated to polish: Ja je, Wy je <|endoftext|> >fattar verkligen inte ekonomi grug får räkning, grug betalar räkning. så mycket kan jag mvh 27 år <|endoftext|> >these recent ones (brainlet, soy, grug, npc) are all terrible <|endoftext|> good it's a shit gimmick the only good wojak derivation was the >tfw to intelligent one, because at least that on was self-aware these recent ones (brainlet, soy, grug, npc) are all terrible <|endoftext|> Grug put on Grugette cloth. Grug like pretend Grug a Grugette. <|endoftext|> grug walk into juicecave no pebbles, say juicegiver, grug no eat juice grug eat berry instead, go foreversleep <|endoftext|> >it year 600000BC >Grug smash rock >other Grugs no smash rock >wonder why village collapse <|endoftext|> Stor och stark Grug få många honor! <|endoftext|> Grug has advanced to the bronze age <|endoftext|> Not everyone is ignorant, but while it may seem to be an Angloid equivalent of the Mutt, it's more like a commentary on the underclass of the north and plebeian culture in general. The fact that it's caught on in the form of the ancient Britons versus the Saxons shows that it's a north (native/plebeian) versus south (cosmopolitan/snob) cultural conflict that animates this meme. The Eternal Anglo is the definitive anti-Anglo meme from abroad. The only appeal this meme has to foreigners is that the average Angloid has not a shred of the general class of Mosley or the character from the Eternal Anglo meme and are better depicted in this meme that's a hybridisation of grug and la creatura. ~t. meme scientist <|endoftext|> >korte zinnetjes moeilijk >grug alleen paar letters >tlng <|endoftext|> Grug inte äta bär, göra Grug till Grugga. Bär del av långnäsestams plan att göra Grug brun och ta grotta. <|endoftext|> grug grug med tiden inte bra insida av grug <|endoftext|> This is now a grug thread <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> This story was in the Thai news a couple weeks ago. >A Thai man who graduated from a famous university leaves work and decides to live in a cave >he becomes a literal caveman with a long hair >White girl tourists pass by and he charms them with words like "wow youre so pretty. I want to know you more inside" >White whores of course, end up sleeping with the Thai grug >he develops a habit of sleeping with White tourist girls >he eventually posts a naked photo after he finished fucking a white tourist >police investigates and arrests him for illegally staying in a cave FUCK. How the fuck does a literal caveman get laid and I cant? fml <|endoftext|> GRRR GRUG MANLY GRUG EAT LIQUID SHIT ONLY WEAK SOYBOY NOT EAT LIQUID SHIT <|endoftext|> That could hold a lot of potential, but it would have to be a major headline for it to be popular imo. >grug Wojak variation memes are cancer at this point, and also not /int/, something original would work a lot better. >strange face French guy Do you mean the Bog? That's more of an /sp/ meme, also getting old too. <|endoftext|> isnt grug our new meme? or that strange faced french guy? <|endoftext|> >>urnordiska befolkningen grug grug <|endoftext|> grug slogade grog hårt grog förlorde grug van publiken blev gråtade eller glada <|endoftext|> mma is literally grug: the sport it beats out boxing and soccer by a mile <|endoftext|> >Egal was passiert bist du doch wahrscheinlich denen intellektuell überlegen und hast demnach ein gewisses Standing sicher Ab einer gewissen Differenz kann man das nicht mehr ausgleichen. In der Gesellschaft von Männern mit niedriger Intelligenz zählt nun mal der Intellekt gar nichts mehr. Da zählen nur noch Dinge wie Pumpen, Frauen ficken und Autos. Und wenn dir das nichts sagt, dann gilts du als Freak und Aussenseiter. Stell dir einfach vor, deine Arbeitsstelle wäre so ein Deutschkanaken rapvideo. Da kannst du noch so gescheit daherschwadronieren, am Ende lacht dich der 2 Meter grosse Grug aus und sagt "joa brudi, du wiegst weniger als meine Frau HAHAHAA." Sei froh, wenn du unter Akademikern oder wenigstens halbwegs anständigen Leuten arbeiten kannst <|endoftext|> >me make noise >me catch fish literal grug tier people. really low iq <|endoftext|> >island grug is best grug Grugsit means grugsit! <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE POINTY HAT SHAMAN <|endoftext|> grug want all grugs to live in forrest <|endoftext|> So ive heard that russias grug muslim tribes will soon began to murder each other because some border deal? <|endoftext|> consensus when the virgin walk was getting really big was that the leaf took it from /r9k/ i suspected grug was us but wasnt sure, i remember it was a specific mockery of the underclass <|endoftext|> >grug >virgin/chad >getting filters added mad to think that /brit/ alone has the gimmickal force of entire boards <|endoftext|> boomer was first followed by zoomer, grug was unrelated and sandwiched in between <|endoftext|> grug was posted first on /brit/ <|endoftext|> does someone have a chart or something explaining the evolution of the boomer/zoomer/grug meme? really want to get to the bottom of this <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH!!! <|endoftext|> grug like man kick ball grug like when ball go in net <|endoftext|> grug likes watching rice tribe cave paintings in his cave <|endoftext|> grug never have mate but grog from dark tribe have new mate from grug tribe every half moon grug think let grog stay big mistake <|endoftext|> it could probably do with an update, when I made it there were quite a few gimmicks of the time that didn't last very long, like the south african joke pepe and grug problem is my computer competence is actually falling as I become a boomer, I can't even get photoshop to crack properly any more <|endoftext|> GRUg <|endoftext|> >grug pas content >grug faire pipi partout littéralement primitif <|endoftext|> grug think elder teacher bad, he steal grug berry teach useless, grug go rave, he eat bad berry, it teach grug better than cavebridge <|endoftext|> Grug pas aimer gourdin. Grug préfère batte. <|endoftext|> looks like you're the grug mate! <|endoftext|> grug kommer döda grog :p <|endoftext|> >grug pisze posta ze swoj grug opini >kto si omiela mu odpowiedzie wyraajc swoj >"to nie miejsce na takie dyskusje" <|endoftext|> Thanks australiabro I appreciate it :-) That happens to be true only at certain moments where my brain activity is higher, most of the time I speak like a Grug or rather spend considerable amounts of time improving my replies until they sound comprehensible That's certainly an option <|endoftext|> Intanto nella chiesa ortodossa e in quella protestante gli episodi di pedofilia succedono ogni morte di papa mentre in quella cattolica sono all'ordine del giorno. >Makes grug think... <|endoftext|> >Grug inte se på grottmålning med gruggar i endast egna hud som göra njutning, detta göra grug största jägaren i grotta. Vargandens shaman säga Grug detta <|endoftext|> >anon boos >grug lachen <|endoftext|> >grug put club in grugette's cave, grug so chug <|endoftext|> >grug inte dra i köttspjut >inte dra i köttspjut göra grugg stark <|endoftext|> I'm sure grug mcgrugbone looked at his sister grugina mcgrugbone and thought "god I wish that were me" <|endoftext|> >b-boos >anon boos zijn >grug lachen <|endoftext|> UNGA tribe chieftain laugh at Orange chieftain Grug now build smoke hut for UNGA chieftains <|endoftext|> >grug no like meat from other grug <|endoftext|> In Dutch too. I'm always self-conscious about sounding like a grug. <|endoftext|> har ingen sån favä om du inte menar grug-kasselstrand <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE OLIVE TRIBE <|endoftext|> >Cross Grug vs Carpet Grug <|endoftext|> OOOGA BOOOGA STORA MUCKLER HAN SKYDDA MIG MOT GRUG KASTA STEN VÅLDTA <|endoftext|> >I grug grotta bara jägargrug äta kött, men jägargrug få äta bär också även fast inte plocka <|endoftext|> grug light fire ??? profit <|endoftext|> >do average native english speaker even know all these grammatical tenses? I'm assuming you're learning English so don't take this the wrong way, just trying to help you out. The correct way to phrase your question is: >Does the average native English speaker even know all of these grammatical tenses? It's not a big deal, you're still perfectly understandable, it's just that you'd sound like Grug if you phrased it like you did IRL. <|endoftext|> blanda inte ihop grug med npc din grug-npc <|endoftext|> stornäsa säga netflix bra. grug älska netflix. stornäsa säga brunskinn i grotta bra. grug älska brunskinn. <|endoftext|> >me-grug-see-wheel-go-fast-grug-put-wheel-in-34359839.png >Go fast <|endoftext|> appalling effort at yank-grug talk <|endoftext|> I am the brainlet with dislexia so I am prone to agree. >or will I sound like a grug? Yes,"5 voor half 6" is the only word we have for 5:25. >Dutch people sometimes struggle with aspects of their own language so they kind of just go with whatever feels right when speaking Some truth to that, but we judge some mistakes harsher than others. She might be an airhead desu. <|endoftext|> Y-you too. Can I half ass telling the time in Dutch like I can in English (Five-thirty as opposed to half past five and so on) or will I sound like a grug? Also, someone told me that Dutch people sometimes struggle with aspects of their own language so they kind of just go with whatever feels right when speaking. Is this true or is she just an airhead? <|endoftext|> >haha grug älska stenflix och måla upp grottmålningar på grug i ansiktsgrottan >krug höra andars röst i huvud? krug börjar låta som koko shaman <|endoftext|> me grug me no like ur wiggly noise grug smash <|endoftext|> NOO ME GRUG <|endoftext|> me grug <|endoftext|> i am grug <|endoftext|> > tfw no cute swedish/finnish bf DESU he acts like a bitch, it's quite annoying. Too swishy, Grug no like. Needs to reeducate. Why do fags acts like this? It's disquisting. <|endoftext|> >afroetterkommeres verdenssyn, kultur og kunnskapsforståelse anerkjennes på lik linje grug beat rock with rock is communiceshen give mastahs dagree naw <|endoftext|> grug no understand long word grug angry <|endoftext|> grug undrar var ny tråd är <|endoftext|> grug move new thread, grug not look numbers <|endoftext|> You literally have a grug tier understanding of world politics. <|endoftext|> >est implémenté dans le cerveau au niveau subconscient et il n'y a pas besoin de faire appel à des fonctions conscientes pour ça. HAHAHAHAHA PUTAIN qu'est-ce qu'il faut pas entendre des fois putain merci tu m'as payé une bonne barre de rigolade Même l'accès au vocabulaire n'est pas complètement automatisé et prend plusieurs dizaines de millisecondes, alors la construction verbale..! Dès que tu réfléchis un peu plus que GRUG FAIM TAPER tu verbalises, tu articules les lexèmes entre eux, et c'est un procédé d'échange avec toi-même qui consolide les circuits neuronaux, comme par exemple pour te souvenir de comment tu voyais auparavant une chose sur laquelle tu viens de te faire une nouvelle réflexion. Tu peux penser sans verbaliser, mais 1) c'est moins complexe et 2) la capacité langagière (accès et structure du lexique interne) et la verbalisation (organisation explicite) ont une corrélation directe avec ta capacité cognitive globale. La capacité à formuler pleinement l'idée que tu ""ressens intuitivement"" est une définition assez exacte de l'intelligence. <|endoftext|> >most caves GRUG LOVE TENNESSEE MANY CAVE MANY COMFORT GRUG HAVE CAVE JUST FOR ROCKS <|endoftext|> >antyder at Grug ikke er den beste megmegen i år <|endoftext|> When neighbors decide they cannot even have somewhat constructive relationships based on old grudges you probably are dealing with Grug tier nations. See Russia and the Ukraine. <|endoftext|> >I think you meant "self defense." No, I mean murder. Grug, it was murder. Your kind have no place in the modern world. <|endoftext|> >uhhhh stone age grug big muscle man Just fuck you people, bitching faggots <|endoftext|> It's funny you don't realise that such easily accessible equalisers are why you've set yourself BACK to the stone age, the age where every guy was a threat to you because every guy was big muscle grug me punch hard. When anyone you encounter is highly likely to have the ability to easily kill you then you automatically treat everyone as a threat to your life. <|endoftext|> You can say all of this but it doesn't matter if you're shot. Great equalizer, buddy. Doesn't matter how "stronk" you are, grug <|endoftext|> >grug turns on tv >tv says hate chinks >grug now hates chinks NPCs literally act like this <|endoftext|> Unironically had some grug-tier motherfucker in my ethics class today say that colleges here were fair because "poor people can get in if they just get good grades". <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> Rock worth less berry, Grug no like Gruggxit no more <|endoftext|> >rest of them sound like a literal grug speech here's the deal: all slavic languages sound like grug speech, and you only think polish isn't because it's your native language. <|endoftext|> >slavic >grug Impossible, all of them are advanced. t. true grug speaker <|endoftext|> >exist grug cave now! <|endoftext|> polish language is the only good slavic language rest of them sound like a literal grug speech <|endoftext|> >LEAVE GRUG CAVE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW <|endoftext|> hindug say frug have bad grug talk <|endoftext|> you're not good at Grug-speak <|endoftext|> GRUG KICK ROCK TO GRUG <|endoftext|> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk me grug friend you i like <|endoftext|> grug nya namn grugga grugga skänka mången bär till gruggina från tjockstammen, fast grugga aldrig gruggina sett <|endoftext|> margs say thing grug no like grug think margs need ouch with big rock <|endoftext|> >older Wojak variants such as the Grug, the Brainlet and the Amerimutt, >""older"" Fucking KYM newfag zoomers they probably didn't even know what the internet was back when wojak was first drawn on KC Most of them are from leftypol too and keep complaining about "toxic memes" kek <|endoftext|> Grug arg på Grottdemokraterna, alternativ för grottan och grottans kottkrigsrörelse. De inte vilja att alla stammar samlas i grugs grotta. Nu Grug måste klubba dem. <|endoftext|> >Grug se Svartgrottestammen och Brunhudingstammen slå Långnäsestammen >Grug jaga bort Långnäsestammen >nu Grug säker för Svartgrottestammen och Brunhudingstammen <|endoftext|> >>Grug rösta Grottdemokraterna för andra gången, nu Grugg inte alls göra så, Grugg rösta på alternativ för grottan eller Grottiska motståndsrörelsen <|endoftext|> >t. Missar budskapet helt i Grand Torino >Grug inte vara samarbeta någon, Grug tycka samarbete brunskinn liga >Grug rösta Grottdemokraterna för andra gången, nu Grug hoppas köpa fin magisk stor eldstad för många månars stenbetalning <|endoftext|> >Researchers say they have found the world's oldest brewery, with residue of 13,000-year-old beer, in a prehistoric cave near Haifa in Israel. grug love pints simple as <|endoftext|> Grug pas aimer sentiment. Grug frapper. <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> what grug get? grug no care other tribe grug only care cave what grug get for cave? <|endoftext|> mate english grammar is grug tier <|endoftext|> >he was forced to undergo several facial surgeries as a child what disease does he have, that makes the face look like Grug? <|endoftext|> >grug lyfta tunga sten >grug manlig grug >grug inte bärplockare grug <|endoftext|> Grugs hunter genes too stronk, grug want hunt, no animal here, grug hunt pussy! <|endoftext|> >grug no amici >grug solo >grug triste <|endoftext|> >grug like rectangle state because has forests and mountain >grug no like coastal state grug hate city <|endoftext|> imagine caring about a boxing match lool >grug like see kug hit sug, kug good hitter, sug bad, sug annoy grug, grug hope kug hurt sug <|endoftext|> grug discover fire <|endoftext|> le slavs are put on this world to suffer. If you suffer it means you good t. grug dostoevsky Dumb subhuman <|endoftext|> have you got that coal miner australian grug with the chinese businessman next to him outside uluru/ayers rock <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> >IKKE DENKEN DRIES STERKE MAN ZIJN >IKKE NIET LEUK VINDEN MENSEN MET DONKER KLEUR VEL >GRUG DAAROM LID ZIJN VAN SCHILD EN VRIENDEN <|endoftext|> grug inte förstå stora ord <|endoftext|> Grug meet grugette at rockdance <|endoftext|> grug lubi rzecz dobrze grugina lubi rzecz le bo chcie atencja <|endoftext|> KUKIZ GÓWNO PIS GÓWNO PO GÓWNO GRUG GOSOWA NA RUCHAM NARODOWY <|endoftext|> Grug happy. Grug gives comfy boar pelt to Grug to thank Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug likes brother's art. Grug also make art. <|endoftext|> yes celtic grug like celtic *posts 23andme results* CELTICCCCCFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGRUGRUGRUGRUGRUGRUGRUGRUGRU <|endoftext|> Grug wants to crush your head with rock <|endoftext|> grug like that island grug <|endoftext|> varies between boards guessing sci or lit are the the highest along with the other extremely niche boards /pol/, /v/ and /b/ are all grug tier <|endoftext|> women feel a primal instinct to breed when they behold yellow teeth as their biological paradigm reverts back to the days of cavemen and dinosaurs where the world was a more vicious place and you needed a big strong muscular yet physically repulsive grug to protect you <|endoftext|> grug play new version of exact same game because number bigger <|endoftext|> She's explaining a very simple concept, grug <|endoftext|> KRONG dit: GRUG travailler pour KRONG Sinon KRONG frapper GRUG avec bâton-de-la-mort KRONG SE NOMME AUSSI GRAND-CHAMAN DE LA TRIBU Voici KRONG, Grand Chef de la Tribu, Tueur des Tigres de la Plaine de l'Ouest, Seigneur de Toutes les Grottes, Grand-Chaman des Plaines Orientales KRONG KRONG KRONG KRONG <|endoftext|> grug no like northron <|endoftext|> it's all a bunch of grug tier tribalism anyway <|endoftext|> >grug eat red berry >grug see truth >kvisling no traitor <|endoftext|> >We just don't think that societies should be based on grug-tier ethnic conflict anymore. And just like the grug-tier ethnic conflict nobody cares about what retarded globalist thinks. <|endoftext|> Newworlders do understand it. We took part in two gigantic world wars of European chauvinistic chimpouts. We just don't think that societies should be based on grug-tier ethnic conflict anymore. <|endoftext|> >Grug leave tribe, go to rock city. Rock city BIG, other grug too focused on own problems to make fun of grug rock figurine collection now. Grug still feel like want to enter forever sleep, but at least grug can eat many foreign meats and berries now! <|endoftext|> >Hurting people make Grug feel safe when do it in group, this is meaning of life Those main streets can't get boarded up fast enough <|endoftext|> Moi KRONG KRONG désormais être CHEF du fil Si Grug refuse, KRONG frapper Grug avec gourdin-du-seigneur pour le faire dormir pour toujours <|endoftext|> Grug is a /brit/ gimmick and that's pretty popular. /brit/ was a very early adopter of 30 year old boomer memes too <|endoftext|> good job grug, you put 1 and 1 together. major stage in your evolution. <|endoftext|> Hell yeah, Cafe Grug. <|endoftext|> why grug like yellow color gruga more than white gruga, is because gruga go with jamagruga <|endoftext|> Other grug should trade berries with Amerigrug for bigger sticks <|endoftext|> grukeshi see other grug say thing under grukeshi tribe banner grukeshi no agree grukeshi think other grug zainichi grug <|endoftext|> Amerigrug have big stick, other grug small stick <|endoftext|> to ty masz cay dzie ból dupska e grug by starociota kto nie lubi grug by nowociota i sam zaczynasz <|endoftext|> grug móc mówi rzecz kto nie móc powiedzie rzecz o grug <|endoftext|> miss when grug was a /brit/ only gimmique <|endoftext|> hehehe grugñao think they no make museum like they used to <|endoftext|> >Grug becoming a FB meme Cancer, normie sites always ruin our memes <|endoftext|> >big grug tower mean grug wealthy <|endoftext|> I actually like motorsports in an real, competitive sporting setting. What I don't like is tearing up nature in redneck shitbarges for no good reason other than GRUG LOUD GRUG REAL MAN. <|endoftext|> Look, I’m probably the only one here qualified to help you with this. The best topic with women is: them. As a man, your job isn’t to talk, it’s to just sit there and listen and pretend you’re interested. I know, I know, it sounds boring, but that’s what every man in history has to do, even Grug back in the cavemen days. Let the woman control the conversation. Don’t give your personal opinion. Never do this. Give the opinion you think she wants to hear <|endoftext|> >oh hey grug can you stop being mauled by lions for a minute, what day is it? <|endoftext|> Grugas iffy, Brugy got the rocky uh Scuuuum triiibe *bow sounds* These grugas say they heard of grug, grug no heard of you <|endoftext|> grug no light virus fire grug no trust fire from brit tribe <|endoftext|> *BUMP* grug put dis in crunch pile <|endoftext|> grug son no learn good <|endoftext|> grug no like southron tribe <|endoftext|> grug get girlfriend from direction where sun rises <|endoftext|> grug hate norf tribe <|endoftext|> Grug lives at the same time with some more developed society. He got his metal nail from them. This is the irony of Grug - he is backward while someone is developed - the most common reason for banter on /int/. <|endoftext|> You know what amazes me about grug? He clearly lives in the stone age, yet has somehow managed to procure an iron nail. <|endoftext|> Flintstone can no make fire on cave wall. Grug now thinks chief Grush did the attack on the trade cave. <|endoftext|> Let make grug tribe be chief of new rock and flat rock <|endoftext|> Ce bonhomme a le même visage que Grug <|endoftext|> creo que middle school es secundaría, no se que es high school exactamente aqui tambien hacen clases bilingües con ingles not sure, it was probably a grug 20.000 years ago that made that sound and it stuck around I can tell you for sure that the spanish J comes from the arab occupation, otherwise we would pronounce it like Y like other languages (i know its not exactly Y but you know what i mean) <|endoftext|> >need an archetype normie picture to post to respond to some of the tenth rate shite in here. similar to grug or the boomer/zoomer. any suggestions? <|endoftext|> need an archetype normie picture to post to respond to some of the tenth rate shite in here. similar to grug or the boomer/zoomer. any suggestions? <|endoftext|> that's been women since the dawn of time, what rock have you been sleeping under, grug? <|endoftext|> Grug play rocknite <|endoftext|> >durr du arg om du håna grug! <|endoftext|> >tfw no grug gf <|endoftext|> Merde, je n'ai aucune image de grug pour ce post de qualité. <|endoftext|> thank you very much for the links >asking questions bad grug no liek <|endoftext|> Der Gleiche wie bei Grug und Wojack Fick di Ficken sie sich <|endoftext|> zesra si staroszczur GRUG BY TU OD JEDNA WIOSNA GRUG STARY <|endoftext|> not one single person cares about grug ball you mongrel. it's the single most normie bandwagon to ever exist. give it up. <|endoftext|> This grug is smarter than 99% of world's population. <|endoftext|> Me. Grug. <|endoftext|> grug discover fire <|endoftext|> grug understand you perfectly <|endoftext|> Grug believe the vodka tribe just as bad as dark tribe. Grug see vodka tribe uses always the same pelt from Grugdidas and drink all time poisonous potion because of not having enough rocks. Slaug say is because he suffers in cold land but Grug see Slaugette and believe suffering false. Grug also like Slaug tribe leader, Grutin. <|endoftext|> Grug ei pidä <|endoftext|> GRUG LUBI SUCHA BRUDAS KRZYCZE DO MIKROFON GRUG LUBI KRCI WOSY ALE GRUG NIE MIE <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NO SURRENDER GRUG IS BRITISH I LIVE IN BRITAIN <|endoftext|> I did if you look in the archive the first grug prototype was posted in /brit/ <|endoftext|> remember when the leaf thought vietchad started the grug meme <|endoftext|> So apparently I was killed by a grug <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug brzydki grug ja nie chce seks z chug ladny chug daj chuj <|endoftext|> czyli jak powiem grug chce cipa wezme przez ramie i rzuce na óko to mnie nie zostawi? <|endoftext|> cringe. >In 5000 BC grug invented wheel, now everyone use wheel! Communist wins <|endoftext|> Grug no like east tribe <|endoftext|> grug först <|endoftext|> grug spend too much time with knowledge machine <|endoftext|> Grug pense dessin mur pas aider chasse Grug frappe <|endoftext|> grug no like congo <|endoftext|> Var lite snäll mot honom. Han låter lite som Jordan Pettson. Båda kan känna. Grug höra Fred Flintskalle, hövding över Blåstammen, tala bra om stammedlemmar som bara äter sojabär. Grug inte höra Fred Flintskalle säga något om brunhudingar som bott här i många månar aldrig kunna hitta egna bär. Grug höra Fred Flintskalle bara prata bra saker. Grug se Fred Flintskalle ta krigares spjut och göra eld med. Grug nu inte tro på något som Blåstammens hövding säger. <|endoftext|> Grug tycka rika ge till fattig Grug inte förstå varför inga investeringar Grug inte förstå varför ekonomi stagnerar <|endoftext|> Breva grug-kassler och andra fiffiga AFS jagjag tack <|endoftext|> Grug speak anime Grug smart <|endoftext|> GRUG ZATWARDZENIE <|endoftext|> GRUG UYWA TYLKO CIEMNY TEMAT GRUG STAROLADACZNICA GRUG SRA NA YOTSUBA GRUG SRA NA NOWOLADACZNICE <|endoftext|> >Grug inte dra köttspjut, fakka gråttmålning långnäsestams grottmålning som göra Gruggar till bärplockare, Grug inte se grottmålning eller dra spjut, göra Grug största jägaren i dalen, vargandens shaman säga Grug det <|endoftext|> grug no like haiti grugs grug know grug cave not good but haiti cave worse <|endoftext|> döööhhh grug gilla tjetj men hon inte samma hårfärg som grug så hon dålig <|endoftext|> Grug no have rock, but want berry. Grug say bring rock tomorrow, get berry now <|endoftext|> lalli looks like a literal grug in that pic <|endoftext|> grug no like eat the big berry the big berry make grug not good feel grug like eat the not big not small berry <|endoftext|> >grug no trust cavewall painters, they all lying berry-stealers! >grug only trust grump. he good rock seller, so grug know he honest! <|endoftext|> I have seen ugly/average guys pull a ton of girls because they have charisma and a big social circle and i've seen tall chads be completely ignored in favor of manlets because they had the confidence of a kid on his first day of school. Women are herd animals, its all about status to them. If you are well groomed so that you are not off putting the game is not about being attractive, its about being alpha, and by alpha i dont mean the autistic guy that thinks alpha is being the big grug, i mean holding social power. <|endoftext|> Spoken like a true grug <|endoftext|> grug dislike post grug angry <|endoftext|> Gurg draw lines Grug make grug language <|endoftext|> Imagine being so primitive that you can't even understand Grug language <|endoftext|> Grug no speak complex languages. Grug no like <|endoftext|> >grug jobbe sä ruggskot fastän grug kompisjobbbet sade grug inte skada sig >nu grug ledsen han inte ha lika många kottar <|endoftext|> grrr grug not like other grug who kicks ball <|endoftext|> >grug int ha krigsmålning, ja betre stam, ja bra, de dåji, semre stam, shaman inte utse hoevding me krigsmålnin, däffö grug bji hövdin <|endoftext|> >grug plugga universitet >grug smart <|endoftext|> ensin isonenä käskee hankkimaan perheen ja luolalainan. nyt isonenä puhuu päinvastaista. Grug hämmentynyt <|endoftext|> >grug liek beer! <|endoftext|> Is Grug angry? <|endoftext|> Grug pensive because grug want tribes board get along, but also enjoy the fighting <|endoftext|> grug message other grugs on tribes board <|endoftext|> grug göra sverige svenskt igen <|endoftext|> 12th century: Tura mæ dva metala na rozh i s konm, olen mæ odin bol, a dva losi odin nogami tptal, a grugj rogoma bol. Vepr mi na bedr me ottæl, medvd mi u kolna podklada ukusil, lütj zvr skoil k mn na bedry i kon s mnoju povre, i bog nevreena mæ sblüde. Dva tura menæ s konëm na rogah metali, olenj menæ odin bodal, a iz dvuh losej odin nogami toptal, a drugoj rogami bodal. Kaban u menæ s bedra me sorval, medvedj mne u kolena potnik ukusil. Lütyj zverj vskoil ko mne na bëdra i konæ mojego oprokinul. Tem ne meneje, bog sohranil menæ nevredimym. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE OLIVE TRIBE <|endoftext|> >Grug cannot have meaningful conversation because lack ability for complex speech <|endoftext|> Grug go fast because make grug feel good Zoom zoom brrrrrrrrrvroom Maybr grug buy loud bike next, loud noise good <|endoftext|> >anthro/pol/ogists It's easier to make a sharp chopstick and stab your food with it. Unlike wh*Toids, however, we realized centuries ago that spearing morsels and pulling them with one's mouth is literally Grug-tier behaviour. <|endoftext|> >grug tyka alla som inte göra grug säga bitter >grug kontakt med känslor sina <|endoftext|> >grug tyka alla inte gilla brunhudingar fbannon <|endoftext|> grug wait for end of summer moon for gruginas to wear pig intestines on legs again <|endoftext|> Me grug Me see southerner Me grug Me smash <|endoftext|> Yes. Am I Grug? <|endoftext|> grug följa Kasseltass ingen annan i stam gilla grug splittra stam. grug smart <|endoftext|> Är inte grug baserad? Vi skulle behöva gå tillbaka till mycket de gjorde på den tiden favä <|endoftext|> mate, if you didn't read grug and rainbow fish during kindy, you're not Australian <|endoftext|> Grug want to smell bad smelly bum air of girl who go to magic cave to learn magic. She just actor though no real magic cave. Still Grug want to smell bad air from bum. <|endoftext|> >muh tribe Somebody grug this fool <|endoftext|> >grug become like north korea tribe >grug make potato and bread >grug put big fence around cave >grug no let big tribe tell grug what do <|endoftext|> ROCKY ROAD TAKE GRUG HOME TO THE CAVE GRUG BELONG <|endoftext|> Grug born in hurricane Grug howl at rain Good now Good now, me grug Gas <|endoftext|> Grug work for Free tribe, Free tribe join at the end and steal all Grug's credit. Grug hate them now, Grug independent from Union tribe. <|endoftext|> this really is grug tier I mean it! Murdering someone with a large rock because they are fans of another sports team? WTF even is this!? <|endoftext|> Only subhuman countries have the death panalty OOGA booga grug no like u grug kill xD <|endoftext|> Other color grug a demon man, chief grug told. Steals many mammoths and lady grugs. Grug believes chief grug. <|endoftext|> other colour grug also hates his colour <|endoftext|> grug HATE other colour grug <|endoftext|> >combining grug and normie spongebob meme kill yourself <|endoftext|> grug dobrze nie grug GOWNO <|endoftext|> >Grug >can't make fire <|endoftext|> poor grug... <|endoftext|> >Grug is unable to start a fire Mega kek <|endoftext|> writing a paper on the Australian economy it's called "grug dig hole sell rock to Asian"` <|endoftext|> >Grug voli akciju >Grug ne voljeti razvitak price! <|endoftext|> grug inte gilla när du titta på teckningar grug inte gillar grug kommer kasta sten på ditt huvud för grug känner sig obekväm <|endoftext|> C'est une forêt privée barrez vous reeeeee Cueilleurs dehors Grug à l'aide <|endoftext|> Me use mudskin grugs in berry factory, work for many less rocks, must bring in more mudskin grugs to white grug cave <|endoftext|> why yellow skin grug say he is leaf grug? <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> What does grug think about the longnose tribe? <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> well, he is the same kind of grug Im talking about. But as I said, those are dying breed as many youngsters go into cities. Many dont have much choices and cities are the only place for them to find some jobs. Even if village grugs bred like rabbits, there is too few of them now to improve birthrates in significant amount <|endoftext|> >Americans are just more evolved forms of Europeans grug cut off foreskin and believe in ghosts <|endoftext|> Grug edit with flashing counting box <|endoftext|> I think you meant *of* rather than *in* your country. Though in the case of Korea it probably amounts to the same. Anyway, top 3 *in* Spain #1. Battle of Guadalete. Grug's forces are defeated by Advance Islamic Civilization forces. Spain flourishes while Yurop stays gruggish for centuries trying to discover the fork. #2. Battle of Toro. The Portuguese Empire is thwarted while the Spanish Empire happens. #3. Battle of Bailen. Marks the beggining of the end for Napo and his I French Empire. <|endoftext|> more like >grug potter and his favourite rock <|endoftext|> Chile grug look like sand tribe grug Grugowski smash <|endoftext|> >y nazwe go lewakiem i zapostuje mema o feministce który nie ma nic do rzeczy grug wygra kolejna dyskusja <|endoftext|> >kartellbildning lol säkert Rotschild som sitter där med Soros och driver upp priserna på dina datorprylar Går man över till en helt fri marknad och låter företag konkurrera med hela världen så får man saker billigare, ja. Det kallas konkurrens. >får mindre löneökning >kan köpa mer för pengarna ändå Oj, vad hemskt! Tar hellre en lön på en miljard som jag kan använda för att köpa en hel limpa! Önskar jag hade en Grug tillräckligt dum för det här tillfället. <|endoftext|> grug good eye for female look good no cloth and face paint <|endoftext|> Grug tycker norge-kringen läser för mycket /pol/ <|endoftext|> gå og brenn noen biler, grug <|endoftext|> Grug tycker norge-anon är kringe <|endoftext|> grug like brann brann varm bil bra varme når brenner <|endoftext|> grug like brogs skjorte. grug drepe brog, ta skjorte, og lege op bilde på netet. <|endoftext|> not at all blue team put goal in the net two times and my team (red team) didn't put ball in net once grug angry <|endoftext|> >grug hurr durr brevaren <|endoftext|> Anyone got the Russian liberator Grug?? <|endoftext|> Anyone got the Russian liberator grug? <|endoftext|> Not bad, not good Not big like grug brain smart of -999999 Me heard big number mean smart <|endoftext|> Be a grug and/or rich <|endoftext|> Grug nije vidio titane pa grug misli snk lose Grug oce akciju Grug nece razvijanje price! <|endoftext|> GRUMMY SÄGA ALLA GRUGGAR FÅ BO I GROTTA GRUSTAV SÄGA NEJ UT MEN GRUG HÖRA ATT GRUMMY SMART, GRUMMY VILL BARA HA GROTTA FÖR STAM MEN INTE SÄGA DET GRUSTAV OCKSÅ HA DÅLIG HÅR, HAN VEK OCH INTE STARK VEM GRUG RÖSTA PÅ? <|endoftext|> grug klik kliked funny shiny painting ugh <|endoftext|> having casual sex is grug tier <|endoftext|> Near Far Wherever grug are! <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO WANT SOSHLIZUM GUVMENT TAKE GRUG ROCK FROM GRUG AND GIVE IT TO GRUQUAN >YES GRUG KNOW THAT GRUG NO HAVE JOB AND LIVE IN GRUG PARENTS CAVE BUT THAT NO MATTER <|endoftext|> >ökenstam flyttade till grotta bredvid grug. ökenstam 10. grugs stam 5. grug orolig <|endoftext|> >grugga grugga inte vilja bära mina barn. grug tro grugs stam utdö <|endoftext|> amerika ruin grug motherland grug angry grug dont forgive cya <|endoftext|> Grugg äta bajs, bajs gott, bajs gör att grug bli smart. <|endoftext|> Grug inte dra i köttspjut till gråttmålning, det verk av elaka nässtammen som vill göra Grug till dum slav, Grug smart <|endoftext|> Grug inte dra i köttspjut, då andarna göra Grug till största jägaren i grotta och Grugettor vilja komma till Grugs härd <|endoftext|> GRUG LYFTA TUNGA SAKER GRUG TA RÖD PILLER GRUG FÅ FITTA <|endoftext|> Grug is dead though friend Boomer is bad but the muh cringe snap is simply awful. <|endoftext|> GRUG IFFY UG GRUGGY GOT THE STIFFY UG <|endoftext|> MOI GROS GRUG MOI TAPER GRUG PETIT GRUUUH <|endoftext|> all languages once had cases, but anglos were smart enough to figure out they could replace it with word order cases are archaic as fuck, literally grug-tier <|endoftext|> doug more like grug <|endoftext|> Basically instead of having a literal grug-tier system where a single word (such as the English "you") means 100 things, ideas are conveyed through a case system, where words change according to their meaning >Nominative Who? (Subject) - Biatul >Accusative Who? (Direct object) - Pe biat >Dative To whom? Who? (Indirect object) - Biatului >Genitive Whose? - (Al) biatului >Vocative Orders, advice - Biete! + other cases that I'm not completely sure about since Romanian only has five <|endoftext|> >soleil pas se coucher, Grug seulement fatigué >donne baies à Shoahman pour comprendre dieux <|endoftext|> I know right, >GRUG SEE BIG BUILDING GRUG LIKE FLASHY LIGHT <|endoftext|> >Gurg se tronk big woman >Grug like <|endoftext|> grug dislike new building even though live in city grug like old building but not live in village <|endoftext|> grug dislike modern building grug think old building better <|endoftext|> ik kan me niet voorstellen dat een grug breinliet miem in tarzan taal te moeilijk voor je is <|endoftext|> Grug like Classics. Quake 3 was good game. Go bed soon, son. <|endoftext|> grugberg et grugtler accord grugberg aller grugsrael et laisser paix à grug grugberg mentir grugtler rien mal faire <|endoftext|> >hérisson pense que grotte a prout pas existé >grygnadel pense que oui >grug pas savoir <|endoftext|> >chaman dit que feu de cave va chauffer forêt >dit aussi que gros mammouth fait trop caca >grug pense chaman vivre dans cave qui pue <|endoftext|> >grugberg échanger herbe qui brule >grug tousser >peut etre grugberg veut grug tousser <|endoftext|> grug like tall tall mean good grug like big cube cube shine grug can see grug in cube <|endoftext|> grug grog grog gråg grug grog gråg grog grug gråg grog grog grug grog grog gråg grug grog <|endoftext|> grug grœg grög grug grog grœg grog grög grug grœg grog grug grög grug grœg grog grog grug <|endoftext|> Grug like hit ball stick Grug hit ball Grug run to pentagon <|endoftext|> grug hit ball with stick <|endoftext|> me grug me no understand <|endoftext|> Still grug-tier. Tenses in Romance languages are superior. <|endoftext|> >dkn över 25 URTIDSBOOMER! Jag är bokstavligen en grug, jag minns när vi slog grugettorna med klubbor och drog hem dem till grottan i håret <|endoftext|> édition grug pas aimr peuple des dunes <|endoftext|> Welcome to Jungle Grug have fun <|endoftext|> zug uwalic sie na pizdem to jaskina grug <|endoftext|> grugina not let grug put stick in grugina hole grug hate grugina <|endoftext|> gruag lov, grug lov trul lov <|endoftext|> grug like post rock <|endoftext|> >/v/ says game bad so grug think game bad too! <|endoftext|> they ruined grug's motherland grug is angry, cya <|endoftext|> GRUG SMART BECAUSE GRUG USE BIG WORDS <|endoftext|> >gurg know only 10 names of cities >but grug tribe now 300 million big <|endoftext|> >grug lubiec cipa >zuga piec bo on nie miec cipa <|endoftext|> >8 minutes de rafraîchissement Grug pas d'accord <|endoftext|> grug easy on the sips <|endoftext|> to grug or not to grug this what grug think <|endoftext|> GRUG 1 WORK 0 <|endoftext|> >if grug lock grugina, she no escape >fuck grugina, make more grug >no let escape and see life outside cave >if grug see life out cave, he run away >break rock every day, make grugs, defend cave <|endoftext|> >Grogal et Graptor pas d'accord >Grogal et Graptor frappent >Mais si Grug veut regarder, donne baies à Grognadel <|endoftext|> grug mie sztywnego a <|endoftext|> Grug knock down Grug up again Grug not stay Doooooooown! <|endoftext|> Tak jak mówiem, wysze idee chrzecijastwa wykraczaj poza rozumowanie >Trug udrzy Grug maczuga >Teraz Grug udrzy Trug <|endoftext|> Plant make grug happy. Grug love plant. Grug grow plant. <|endoftext|> We must unite all grugs of grug blood to ensuew future grugs and our grugs progress and peace of grugs. <|endoftext|> Varför har 2018 haft så många värdelösa jagjags? Hjärnkultingen, sprängaren, den där regnsbågshårfärgade negern, grug osv <|endoftext|> more like grug <|endoftext|> grug lubie swoje bagno <|endoftext|> >t. Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug live on ground floor <|endoftext|> OI FRIEND GRUG HAVE BARK PERMIT FOR STICK? <|endoftext|> Very bad gay grug no like gay <|endoftext|> grug want sex yellow tribe wimmin <|endoftext|> Frequentare Board diversa dalla mia Grug non ama altre Tribù <|endoftext|> >szekelys are a different tribe from the usual hungarian grug I know they were initially but now they consider themselves Hungarian or something like "the most ancient Hungarians" like other Hungarians say Is it the dialect maybe? About the other things I know there are some gypsies in Mures but I unironically thought the Szekely themselves were normal decent folks. I never actually been there but so goes the stereotype. Am I being memed? <|endoftext|> >chieftain say grug must replace berries with shiny rocks <|endoftext|> szekelys are a different tribe from the usual hungarian grug and they did some nasty things in Hungary like our gypsies do in the west. <|endoftext|> grug give grugette money for make grug eye feel good <|endoftext|> greek am grug <|endoftext|> >sell himself as a self-made hero of the working clas >americans believe it and gets him into because grug hate socialism >give richfags a tax cut, collects their paycheck, quits <|endoftext|> >you kill me kill you Tell him he's right for not being a grug <|endoftext|> >that serbian grug No wonder balkanites were still killing each others a few years ago <|endoftext|> grug umiec w polityka duze kawalki ziemi = zle male kawalki ziemi = dobre grug chciec miec duzy kawalek ziemi a miec maly kawalek ziemi grug musi byc zly wtedy grug szczesliwy <|endoftext|> always absolutely crease when there's two new threads made simultaneously, just imagining the expression of utter pain on the face of the prat who posted his a split second too late even better when there's a third thread posted several seconds later by some knuckle-dragging grug hahahaha christ <|endoftext|> >yuo did something bad 500 years ago grug no like yuo <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >ooga booga grug viking grug bara äta rötter! <|endoftext|> Grug down Grug up Grug up again Grug no stay down <|endoftext|> Grug entendre tribu dire des choses bizarres Grug préfere pas entendre choses de la tribu de l'autre côté de la mare ou de la tribu du désert Grug préfère tribu comme sur les murs de la grotte <|endoftext|> Grug fait bien quitter grotte Grugon pense grotte obscurcie réalité <|endoftext|> Grug content forêt Grug pas content grotte Grugs reste forêt <|endoftext|> >When grug looks better then actual photos of your people. <|endoftext|> I said you and your kindred are dumber than Grug. What are you going to do about it Baa boy, hm? <|endoftext|> GRUG NO WANT YOU LOOK AT CAVE PAINTING OF FEMALE OFFSPRING <|endoftext|> > we stronk you weak > if you speak bad we smash Hello, Grug. That still doesnt make Russia less of a shithole <|endoftext|> grug has big land grug is power <|endoftext|> Grug no like plumber tribe because plumber tribe keep saying mean things in multi-tribe cave <|endoftext|> grug discuss other tribes grug know many tribes <|endoftext|> grug start tribe by self <|endoftext|> GRUG THINK ROXIT BAD <|endoftext|> >Little people think they are strong >Grug hate little people <|endoftext|> you should add third picture "Finns" and a picture of mudhuts or grug cave <|endoftext|> ooga booga me no like carve rock around deano grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE RUBBING MEAT <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT LIKE PRIVATE PROPERTY <|endoftext|> >implying grug not have duplicate digits at end of post <|endoftext|> thats correct, grug <|endoftext|> >grug no dark skin, grug white <|endoftext|> >grug white <|endoftext|> >curry grug welcome though :) <|endoftext|> >Island grug no like continental grug >Continental grug sent too many kielbasa grug to island grug cave >Island grug want cave for island grug only! >Island grug no trade sticks and berries with continental grug! >Island grug cave for island grug ONLY! <|endoftext|> it's how humanity survived what, do you think grug just sat about in his cave with his finger up his arse for shits and giggles? of course he didn't, he wanked off in that cave because he was terrified and paranoid of the world outside. he'd prepare for winter and kill thog beforehand so when supplies were running low he wouldn't have any competition or tension rightwingers are the grugs of our time, they're instinctively bound to see that the end times are coming and so they feel constant fear and the need to prepare <|endoftext|> >Island grug no like continental grug >Continental grug sent too many kielbasa grug to island grug cave >Island grug want cave for island being only! >Island grug no trade sticks and berries with continental grug! >Island grug cave for island grug ONLY! <|endoftext|> what's your claim to 4chan fame lads? Me, I invented the grug meme <|endoftext|> Grug your suplex trow assa <|endoftext|> GRUG FIND ROCK FOR YOU GUAN-XIU. GUAN LIKE? <|endoftext|> 8000 BC. would rather be a dumb grug then live in this shit fucking world. <|endoftext|> >GRUG SMASH Ah, so this is that so called intellectual alt right rhetoric. <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH! <|endoftext|> >spud grug no worship sky grug like tea grug >tea grug smash spud grug! <|endoftext|> >tea grug implement system discrimination against potato grug >potato grug no like <|endoftext|> grug mad at haggis grug for settle grug land so grug go blow up tea grug <|endoftext|> Napoleon couldnt into sea. His idea of sea battle was literally "grug take floaty and send at other floaty. More our floaty means grug win in the end" <|endoftext|> >oh no! 20 dark skinned beings got into a 741.000.000 pop continent! >THIS IS A LITERAL INVASION! GRUG! <|endoftext|> Whatever helps you sleep at night Grug <|endoftext|> Days of the week are pretty grug-tier in Slavic languages Sunday - nedelja - no work Monday - ponedeljek - after no work Wednesday - sreda - the middle Thursday - etrtek - fourth one Friday - petek - fifth one Not sure about the meanings of saturday and tuesday <|endoftext|> I forgot about >handshoes >chicken skin >ant fucker Absolute grug tier <|endoftext|> >Russia robbed us like 10 times before that. You mean teutons. Learn your history, Valdis. >despite being a bunch of communist savages Russian literature is far superior to lacplesis or whatever other grug tier literature you wrote. Also no latvian civilization exists. only german. <|endoftext|> She looks a bit grug <|endoftext|> Grug vivant, grug aime, quoi grug faire maintenant ? <|endoftext|> Hook nose tribe is why Grug not chieftain <|endoftext|> MAKE CAVE GRUG AGAIN <|endoftext|> grug no prepare for worst case happen gug say no back up plan only one plan <|endoftext|> Bad teeth tribe take potato from potato tribe. Many potato grug starve. Me no like bad teeth tribe <|endoftext|> grug open window. heat no go away <|endoftext|> GIRL PRETTY. GRUG WANT TAKE GIRL BACK TO CAVE <|endoftext|> grug like men now <|endoftext|> LONGNOSE GRUG SAY COME GRUG BUY BITROCK GRUG HAPPY GRUG BUY NOW NO ONE WANT BITROCK LONGNOSE TRIBE TAKE GRUG CAVE AND MAMMOTH DARK GRUG UNK UNK GRUGETTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> Duo has been pretty useful to me but Dutch is probably grug-tier compared to Hindi. I'd look into something else If I were you. <|endoftext|> I am grug <|endoftext|> What's with spaniards and their grug tier traditions <|endoftext|> >be grug >weight 6 stone <|endoftext|> gramatical gender is literally grug tier desu <|endoftext|> It's 6 cases in Russian, without them you'll sound like a grug. Some languages has even more cases. I see it from his example with German. Well, they have excuse, they are Amercians. You can get the idea what is grammatical case and how it's important in some languages even from wikipedia. <|endoftext|> >grug lyfta tung sten grug stark >grug leda stam grug befrukta grugina <|endoftext|> LONGNOSE GRUG SAY COME GRUG BUY BITROCK GRUG HAPPY GRUG BUY NOW BITROCK WORTHLESS LONGNOSE GRUG TAKE GRUG CAVE AND MAMMOTH DARK GRUG UNK UNK GRUGETTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> im 100% grug, thank you very much <|endoftext|> me name grug. me from grug britun grug think rock circle look good grug like big rock grug put rock on rock and grug make big rock wall, grug like big rock wall in grug britun grug have many grug rock walls <|endoftext|> >Grug love rock! Yeah I think I get it <|endoftext|> how does grug get world grug pussy? <|endoftext|> grug dosta terytoria sonsiad grug chcie terytoria inny sonsiad grug nie odda terytoria pierwszy sonsiad <|endoftext|> Grug need to put Boulder in front of cave keep taco tribe out. <|endoftext|> >grug lyfta stenar >grug stark, kan slå annan grugg >grug bättre än du <|endoftext|> >A lot of people think Columbus was from England This is too true. Retards make Brits and Americans sound like monsters for putting Indians in reservations but the Spaniards were 10Xs worse for destroying actual civilizations instead of of grug tier tribes <|endoftext|> spengrug dont like caveproud grug caveproud grug is evil and untolerant everyone that disagrees with spengrug is caveproud grug <|endoftext|> Should mention the norwegian translations parts are a bit iffy, stiff and generalized words instead of a proper translation, but you should get a grasp on our ideals. To use an example, the norwegian persons might say 20 words, but translation just has 10, leaving a basically "GRUG TALK FEW WORD" impression to an norwegian. This documentary is finnish by the way. <|endoftext|> nu-grug like this cave painting very much nu-grug agree with originalgrug <|endoftext|> grug tribe elder hate dark tribe grug cave is for gurg <|endoftext|> grog from dark tribe move to grug tribe cave grug tribe elder say okay grug not like dark tribe grug think time for new elder <|endoftext|> Listen up, chimp, because this is the last time I’m going to indulge your blue-collar retardation. Not once did I make any moral claims about the efficacy of hitting women, I’m simply trying to get it through your walnut-sized bonobo brain that you are a very stupid man if even a goddamn woman can galvanize you into violence. Clever people get revenge in clever ways, very stupid gorillaesque scum like yourself immediately jump to the use of violence, as you are far too stupid and overwhelmed by your intellectual incapacity to think of anything other than “grug smash”. Then you have the laughable audacity to blame it on your upbringing. I suppose you can blame it in one respect on your ancestors, intelligence is largely hereditary after all. <|endoftext|> Can we all just admit that beer tastes like shit and makes you bloated? I mean I get that we have to "pretend" to like it to be manly, but now that we're anon, we can all admit it, no shame in it, would much prefer a nice gin and tonic or a glass of cider The same people who keep up the act are the ones with fragile masculinities who also hate automatic cars >GRRRRR ME SO MANLY ME LIKE BEER AND MANUAL GRUG CAR GRRRRRRRRR *beats chest* <|endoftext|> grug freak <|endoftext|> I know. But do Lithuanians prefer that I use the word in their language for it? Here in Norway you will be looked at like a grug wojak for saying lokasjon instead of stad <|endoftext|> >Kan du svenska? Why is swedish grug tier? <|endoftext|> Language is a Marxist invention designed to destabilize our superior hunter-gatherer society Resist grug genocide <|endoftext|> >grug country high >this list matter to grug <|endoftext|> Irl, no chance, There is no audible difference between grote en grootte for example. On the /nederdraad/? Yes. You'll get grug wojak (you)s. <|endoftext|> grug hate tradition grug like big glass towers grug live in concrete block grug smile <|endoftext|> Nah, it's the circlejerk that everything should look like it was build in 1500's no matter how unconvienient it might be in modern urban envinroment. Basically grug hates new things. <|endoftext|> GRUG SMART GRUG FIGURE OUT LIFE MAKE NO SENSE GRUG NOW MAKE OWN MEANING <|endoftext|> GRUG GOT MUDBUTT <|endoftext|> looks the splitting image of wojak grug <|endoftext|> Grug machd dod! <|endoftext|> Reading through this thread made me realize how autistic Scandos are. And it makes sense that their grug-brained vikangz people have always been irrelevant in history. <|endoftext|> Grug > Boomerjak <|endoftext|> >WHY AMERICAN HUNT DEER, MAKE GRUG SO MAD!!!! <|endoftext|> >grug like watching animated cave drawing while TyGrug takes wife to water hole <|endoftext|> No grug is illegal Open caves now <|endoftext|> Men du är en sto fritänkare >gruginor ser päls på stora grottmålning och tycka se bra ut, sen vilja ha päls i egen grotta, grug tycka grugina inte använda huvudnöt <|endoftext|> >me no know what want >make grug do thing >my mug when he do it >me no like it >hit grug on head with big stick >red water comes out >he sleep long sleep <|endoftext|> Grug odci napletek na znak przymierza z Bogiem <|endoftext|> Grug no case Grug use article <|endoftext|> rorkes hurt grug's feelings <|endoftext|> Grug hate Grunk Grunk think different thing to Grug He so dumb Grug want kill Grunk! <|endoftext|> grug damage his lungs grug think he look cool why does grugina think grug smell? grug no smell! <|endoftext|> English has too many words for one thing and an extremely dumbed down morphology, making it the grug of languages. Utilizing the sapir-whorf hypothesis, I have a firm assertion that learning English as a first language makes you more dumb. <|endoftext|> grug voter blanc maintenant <|endoftext|> grug prefer stay on leopard watch with females <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >Grug need know distance between Grug and Grugette cave >hmmm >Grug put one foot after another, count how many >Grug genius, invent system of measurement call it Feet cuz 1foot+1foot = feet <|endoftext|> You no understand. Grug explain. More than 80% white people is racist. Grug no see diversity. <|endoftext|> evolution looks something like big brain -> brainlet -> grug -> boomer <|endoftext|> grug like smal word <|endoftext|> Grug believe in different ways of sky man to grog Grug attack grog with rock Same old really <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE OLIVE EATING TRIBE GRUG ONLY LIKE SNOW TRIBE <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> Grug smash brit <|endoftext|> Me Grug Grug use stone Stone heavy like Grug! <|endoftext|> >Think about how many wars and conflicts have started because "GRUG HATES DARK SKIN TRIBE, GRUG ONLY LIKES FAIR SKIN TRIBE". very few wars are started by money, race and such is invoked when it is convenient <|endoftext|> Think about how many wars and conflicts have started because "GRUG HATES DARK SKIN TRIBE, GRUG ONLY LIKES FAIR SKIN TRIBE". The diversity in race, religion, language, etc. are only an accident product of geography but with current technology all of those things can be easily overcome and once we're all the same, there will be no more reason to hate each other based on those differences and humanity will join together as a species. You can even see it here on 4chan: boards with no flags tend to have threads that flow normally but boards like this one are always like ">A FUCKING LEAF" "Whiter than you, Mohammed" etc. <|endoftext|> t. grugg >Grug go zobb grug go hurr. Grug sit in cave make autistic blurt. Grug language simple. Its like you never evolved. <|endoftext|> Co grug sdzi o plemieniu dugonosych? <|endoftext|> Grug chcie gra w gr Grug zainstalowa gr Grug odechcie si gra Grug odinstalowa <|endoftext|> grug cailloupied important grug vouloir tribu ouga bouga gagner venus venir dans la caverne de grug <|endoftext|> Czy grug lubi plemi dugonosych? <|endoftext|> >grug nie lubi innych flag ni ta jego <|endoftext|> >grog no like same temperature as grug? >grog must be from invader tribe <|endoftext|> >grug tribe dying >me know what to do > <|endoftext|> >ett land där 40% är icke-vita som öppet hatar vita Data på det? -_- Nåja. Japans folk kommer inte för evigt att ha en övervikt på de gamla i all evighet. >antyder att det inte kommer att skapas nya sociala sikt där Grug läsa STEM. Nu Grug förstå allting. <|endoftext|> Grug? No. Me. Doug. <|endoftext|> miss the days of hatposting grug and brainlet posting just isn't the same, no one gets riled up by a brainlet <|endoftext|> Business idea: Grug-Boomer crossover meme <|endoftext|> Grug no understand Argrug go on penis <|endoftext|> grug no think thing possible that mean it not possible for shamans forever <|endoftext|> i don't follow grug ball, what happened here? <|endoftext|> soy boy ne vjernik???? GRUG LJUT GRUG UDARA <|endoftext|> grug je vjernik isus dobar sotona zla <|endoftext|> Never really found out how to pronounce riposte and never get the opportunity because everyone I know is a grug with grug tier vocabulary <|endoftext|> >isn't it sounds too formal me no like use formal word me convict grug <|endoftext|> >putting a space before punctuation marks GRUG MOST SMART MAN IN SNAIL EATING TRIBE <|endoftext|> hi fellow grug <|endoftext|> literal grug tier <|endoftext|> >Grug make lines and circle message. Grug smart. But why Grug still have no woman? <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> Grug hate rock mining toil Grug want to hunt antelope <|endoftext|> After reading OPs posts in this thread I am thoroughly convinced he used the Japanese Grug photo not for comedical purposes, but as a self portrait to introduce himself to us. Truly epic. <|endoftext|> >EVERY GRUG A CHIEF <|endoftext|> sorry we're not experts on caves like you grug <|endoftext|> me grug me hate buses <|endoftext|> grug no see difference in tribes rockpill grug <|endoftext|> >rationality is dumb t. grug <|endoftext|> >grog say thing grug no like >grug hit grog in seeing ball <|endoftext|> Big shaman say grug must give berries and sticks to longnose tribe so longnose tribe stay in big desert <|endoftext|> He's right though. Prettyboys > primitive grug-looking chads <|endoftext|> GRUG FIND WEAPON OF BOOM INVADE <|endoftext|> Grug piss in cavemates milk gourd <|endoftext|> >Grug think whole left side same but whole right side different <|endoftext|> >grug veut taper perfides >perfides occupés à voir pièces de théâtre >et plier bâton pour faire lance javelot bizarre >personne pour taper grug >grug pas besoin perfide pour se battre *KLUNG* *KLUNG* <|endoftext|> >OOORAH YEAH GRUG WILL KILLEM <|endoftext|> boss told me if i work hard i be rich like him grug no take day off grug must work hard or else boss fucks grug wife <|endoftext|> my name's grug and i've got a boner <|endoftext|> good afternoon my name's grug and I'm doing a poo at toil <|endoftext|> WAHOOOOOO GRUG KILL BALL ON GRASSY PATCH <|endoftext|> >why yes, anybody who isn't to the right of the EDL and Oswald Moseley is left wing : )) Honestly why even pretend you know what you're talking about you dumb grug. Nobody is impressed and we all see right through you, you're a spastic troglodyte <|endoftext|> Grug se grottmålning av gruggina ifrån bananstam med stora köttpåsarna, grug nu ta lägereld till bananstammens dal <|endoftext|> >grug want kill faggots is croatia even human? <|endoftext|> >grug no like pale skinned tribe <|endoftext|> >grug smart >grug know what sky be <|endoftext|> This is a boomer meme? I thought it was just a grug/retard variation <|endoftext|> *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* Ah yes, grug. Now that was a quality meme. They don’t make em like they used to. <|endoftext|> Grug > Boomerjak <|endoftext|> grug love drug <|endoftext|> magic sky man make everything to serve grug <|endoftext|> Kill yourself you idiotic megapede autist who can’t do a simple google search, vietnam is a true free market like china and indonesia and look at those shitholes dumb non country grug. AnComm ideology has actually been tried and tested and ancap ideologies result in shitholes autist redditor <|endoftext|> Why is his nose pointier than the standard Grug's? <|endoftext|> literally grug <|endoftext|> Grug no aceptar derrota Grug tomar calles <|endoftext|> someone redpill me on this new grug-like meme i've been seeing lately <|endoftext|> >ooga booga dal ha gruginnor som gör köttspjut stort, grug vill bo andra dalen nu <|endoftext|> GRUG ONLY STICK CLUB IN GRUGETTE HOLE! NOTHING MORE! <|endoftext|> >Grug isn't stupid >Grug is russophobe >Grug can't look at the win of bloody regime in football <|endoftext|> I said it doesnt benefit you. Not the same as saying it doesnt matter. the state of you, grug. <|endoftext|> Most things that happen on a national level never benefit you at all, but it's still important. dumb grug. <|endoftext|> grug put deerskin on stick for grug and grug clan thog put leopard pelt on stick for thog and thog clan grug kill thog because thog no like deerskin - a scathing satire of the concept of nationalism <|endoftext|> Låter som du är en grug favä. Men är väl bara att öva. <|endoftext|> Grabbar, hur blir man mindre klumpfotig på bromsen? Det rycker som fan varje gång jag trycker ner en halv cm på pedalen. Är jag bara en grug? <|endoftext|> can confirm i saw him post the original grug <|endoftext|> remember when the leaf thought Vietnam invented grug posting <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE LETTER NO UNDESTAND MAKE GRUG FEEL STUPID GRUG NO LIKE FEELING STUPID GRUG SMAAAAAESSSHHHHH <|endoftext|> jebacz ta nitka tamta nitka lepsza grug nie lubicz inn-a nitka <|endoftext|> Sneaky schemers, do not trust The German grug would get nowhere if not for the Austrian imp sitting on his back and steering his steps with its malicious whispers <|endoftext|> Fuck, I ment int and not “I” >inb4 Grug, le 56% face, and brainlet wojak posters. <|endoftext|> >groog has different outer colour than grug >grug smash groog <|endoftext|> grug neanderthals didn't deserve to die desu <|endoftext|> >copper had been known to mankind earlier than carbon grug find it bullshit <|endoftext|> >Red Army on one bank of the river >Wehrmacht on the other bank of the river >let's start an uprising led by AK, hated by both of them. it's sure gonna succeed against opponents who are both better armed than you and outnumber you >wtf why am I dying Grug tier uprising. Fuck that shit <|endoftext|> >look mommy, Grug made round flat thing. Round flat thing can roll! Short after Germanics build rocket and flew to the fucking moon. <|endoftext|> GRUG FUCK GRUG DESTROY GRRAAAAAWW <|endoftext|> grugs chest heavy from seeing all grugs of world fight. grug loves all grugs. <|endoftext|> Grug no like other poster because other poster have different tribe <|endoftext|> GRUG STONE PICTURE SEX NOISE WITH WITH WOLRD GRUGRESS GRUG THINK GRUG A TRIBE LEADER <|endoftext|> >grug dobrze postowa pedalstwo ale kiedy trug postowac pieluchy to grug zy <|endoftext|> Grug zdecydowanie najlepszy mem. <|endoftext|> dobra ktory mem 2018 jest waszym zdaniem najmniej zjebany? >sojak >boomer >shrek >grug >brainlet wojak <|endoftext|> grug buy drug too brain good feel edishin <|endoftext|> >nothing found grug nie rozumiec <|endoftext|> Looks more like a grug to me. <|endoftext|> smaený sýr is literally grug food. Youre a smart lad for not liking that disgusting shit but youre too woke for your own good. Just tell them its OK, but actually dont eat it. The grugs will be happy because you gave them validation and you will be happy because you wont be bullied <|endoftext|> stop being angry neander, get a job grug works hard despite discrimination from sapiens <|endoftext|> Lets look at what happened when uggs tribe fell and grug did this. <|endoftext|> Because using a script created to fit semitic language and phonology for a vowel-heavy indo-european language is grug tier. Same with Yiddish. <|endoftext|> possibly cause everyone in the thread is a grug compared to him <|endoftext|> This is a cool topic, why did you use Grug for the pic? <|endoftext|> grug no hate plastic around baby maker grug soft like shell <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT THING BE LIKE BEFORE <|endoftext|> I love that you don't even need to change his name to some variation of "grug" to make it sound stupid. <|endoftext|> Hallo Grug, wie geht's denn so <|endoftext|> Grug no sell. Grug have strong hand. <|endoftext|> >take neighbor land >beat with rock >pale man say no give food for rock no more >grug no know why <|endoftext|> >care for other grugs?! >NO grug look out for number ungo <|endoftext|> Grug help N’grug N’grug ballkick man just like Grug <|endoftext|> >grug symbolics Wow <|endoftext|> No one cares about Grug language Roosters are based <|endoftext|> GRUG POST GRUG SEX NOISE TALK WITH WORLD GRUGRESS GRUG THINK GRUG TRIBE LEADER <|endoftext|> GRUG GET STONE PAINTING OF WORLD GRUSRESS NAKED BODY GRUG THINK SELF GRUG TRIBE LEADER GRUG GRUG TELL OTHER GRUG FRIENDS HOW GRUGRESS GOOD GRUG EVEN SHARE WITH OTHER GRUG FRIEND GRUG SIT NEAR GRUG STONE PICTURE ALL DAY WHEN GRUG NO GET WORLD GRUGRESS GRUG CRY <|endoftext|> >me grug >grug eat with sticks >grug HATE when people eat with advanced sticks <|endoftext|> GRUG MOVE BALL WITH FOOT!! <|endoftext|> Love these pics, it's like seeing a grug from behind. <|endoftext|> grug no like spooks <|endoftext|> >GRUG LIVE IN MAMA'S CONDO IN NEW YORK >GRUG TROLL BL*NDE HAIRED BL*E EYED SCANDINAVIANS, EPIC STYLE <|endoftext|> you may laugh at grug but he is happy than any one man in this thread <|endoftext|> >grug feel good how do i achieve this <|endoftext|> grug watch other grugs kick ball. grug cheer and grug feel good. <|endoftext|> grug-like brow line <|endoftext|> M80, your interactive tables show no info on train platforms. In fact its common thing that if you asks about train departures in czechia, the train lady looks it up on computer in few seconds. In Polon they always pull out big ass book and search 10 minutes in it Talk about technology...... Very amusing Maybe one day it will flow into Poland, you will drink it and evolve from Polak grug into a Czech <|endoftext|> grug postowa cyce grug lubie cyce <|endoftext|> For some reason these photos from current world cup make everybody look like a grug. If you look these players up on goggel, they look quite normal <|endoftext|> >wid iz eh geitwei grug! <|endoftext|> Deserts are far more challenging to survive in. Euros had it easy climate wise except for Nords that were Grug tier before Meds civilized them <|endoftext|> >YOU NO LIKE SPIC TRIBE? >YOU MUST BE HIDING BEHIND OTHER GRUG TRIBE <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK ISLAND GRUG TAH ROE NA <|endoftext|> >no they really don't, there's no money in investing in tourism for that shit. think you're the autistic one desu Hm ah yes, thats why bed and breakfast businesses are literally everywhere in these places. And besides, who cares about tourist investment? We're talking about places to visit in England, and you being the dumb grug you are can't seem to get the coronation street backstreet images of your own country out of your head lmao <|endoftext|> >Grug arrive dans caverne Frug >Frug dit Grug plus Frug que Frug <|endoftext|> GRUG WUTEND WARUM WEIBCHEN REDEN ÜBER TRETSTEIN? NUR KLUG MÄNNCHEN WIE GROG VERSTEHEN <|endoftext|> my name's grug and I'm addicted to /brit/ <|endoftext|> haha alri grug? you still angry nobody cares about your slags and your shitty text conversations? <|endoftext|> GRUG CHCIE DZIEWICA GRUG CHCIE RUCHA <|endoftext|> >WOOOAAGGHHHH GRUG NOT LIKE YOU YOU LOSER FO SAYING TRUTH WAAAGGGGH <|endoftext|> UNGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! GRUG MADE THINK GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAA OOOOOOOOOOOOGAAAA! <|endoftext|> GRUG SAY SNOW TRIBE KILL OLIVE EATING TRIBE <|endoftext|> GRUG NEED WORK HARD AT BERRY CAVE WHEN SUN WAKE TO WHEN SUN SLEEP AND GRUG GET ONLY 5 BERRY BUT GRUG NEED MORE BERRY OR GRUG HUNGRY AND GRUG NO HAVE TIME FOR CAVE PAINTING IF GRUG WANT EAT <|endoftext|> uggh veronigrug mate with chug because grug berrypicker we live in tribe, berrypicker rise up <|endoftext|> shitty grug ripoff of that gondola vid <|endoftext|> grug was a brainlet wojak that someone edited a club onto <|endoftext|> Is there even a soy brainlet grug? Grug is naturally brainlet, but it's not the same as brainlet wojak. <|endoftext|> good grug, ancestors proud strong grug must help weak graglings <|endoftext|> Hunter grug cannot go cgtow and abandon cave! He must go hunt meat and share it with the gatherer grugs, the grubs with many shiny pebbles, the cavewomyn and the new grugmen! If hunter grug doesnt do that he discraces his ancestors who fought in the branches during the two banana forest tribe conflicts. <|endoftext|> you shut up grug! do canada grug have bigbiglarge berry grugstore , do grug have biglarge berry grugstore too? can use cave paintings for order grug berries to cave? <|endoftext|> grug can't keep his dick in his pants! <|endoftext|> I can show virgin walk came well before then on /r9k/ alone (where it was already known as the infamous virgin walk) . Grug as a picture is already proven to be first posted ever by the vietnamese sex tourist in brit . Both of those posts alone pre-date anything from your links. Unit posting was ripped from twitter to be fair but /brit/ memes popularised it a lot. Feel free to update your little normie site. <|endoftext|> Nary a mention of /brit/, yet alone /int/ and in Tim's case, he became a meme on facebook when the normies found his account (which led to his facebook account being disabled) <|endoftext|> virgin walk is from a leaf, grug originated with the vietnamese poster here <|endoftext|> >1. Virgin Walk >2. Grug >3. Tim >4. Unit posting none of those are actually from /brit/ though <|endoftext|> So far memes that have breached reddit/facebook that came directly from /brit/ 1. Virgin Walk 2. Grug 3. Tim 4. Unit posting This is all I know of I assume there's more. <|endoftext|> GRUG NIE SPRZEDA GRUG MIE SILNA RKA CO ZROBI? <|endoftext|> thats a reddit meme lad, like tim, grug and the virgin walk, all culturally appropriated. Best not use it anymore. <|endoftext|> v4 go down grug go to balk balk go to moon <|endoftext|> >Me big shootey gun kill big animals haha me strong, Grug provide food for family, Grug much honor killing wild animals with modern guns Grug great hunter <|endoftext|> Det är ju han den där Grug! <|endoftext|> grug no like cave drawing that look like grug! cave drawing belittle grug viewpoint! grug struggle to articulate why grug find cave drawing so frustrating! <|endoftext|> what would grug look like if he were an chad <|endoftext|> > grug who stay have multiple heritage > grug who move across ocean no have multiple heritage <|endoftext|> grug demand money for grenfell <|endoftext|> grug no think china socialist grug think cpc 90 million grugs who pretend socialist <|endoftext|> grug might go to kfc should grug <|endoftext|> Lolara oboavam Grug memu dbi <|endoftext|> probably if such Muslim society or family is secular in their religion and only take it as philosophy or life viewpoint, not a political tool. then again people only assume im a Muslim when they hear my name (im personally more of agnostic/deist) nice grug like logic there <|endoftext|> Stupid F*nnoid beats sticks on Swedish skulls and calls it music, Grug laughs at your goyish music! <|endoftext|> grug pick up heavy rock grug get big muscles grug not know how muscle works grug know big better <|endoftext|> WEEEEEEEEEEE GRUG KICK BALL!!!!! <|endoftext|> me grug no like ngrugbu when he kick rock <|endoftext|> Grug think universe was made with Big Boom Boom <|endoftext|> grug put many symbol of same type on cave drawing shamans confirm - nbugu tribe bring ball shiny-rock back to cave <|endoftext|> grug weigh how big body in stones <|endoftext|> grug SMASH old fruit drink make grug head funny GRUG HAPPY <|endoftext|> VERY glad nobody knows this. If people realised how many of their memes were /brit/ gimmicks (like Grug) then they'd flood here from le reddit hoping to make le epic maymays too which is exactly what happened to /pol/ and /b/. <|endoftext|> >Grug too retarded to learn anything other than Grug language, so Grug make fun of people who can speak other language <|endoftext|> grug watch other grugs kick ball. make grug happy. grug cheer! <|endoftext|> Grug le med not touis <|endoftext|> I don't get it, was the rock cryptocoin? why did the bear eat grug's berries? <|endoftext|> Grug can’t get female grug so grug want to destroy the land so nobody get female grug <|endoftext|> >grug inte lyfta hårt nog >grug äta piller >grugs bröstvårtor ömmar, komma mjölk >grugs pung krympa >nu grug grugga <|endoftext|> Hellre Grug än någon liten sojpojke som inte kan lyfta sin egen kroppsvikt på 40 kg. <|endoftext|> >grug lyfta tung sten >grug manlig lmao <|endoftext|> go edit it lad grug is a /brit/ original, altho its by a leaf so a bit iffy <|endoftext|> know your meme fucked up, they didn't credit you guys <|endoftext|> "grug" was invented in /brit/ too if I recall correctly, we're a meme factory <|endoftext|> grug kickar boll. grug romersk gladiator nu. <|endoftext|> alla förutom mig själv är irrelevanta sluta bry dig om vad andra människor tycker nej jag är neetbög nu ha ha löneslavar blåsta åt helvete t.grug <|endoftext|> damn this grug looks fed up as fuck <|endoftext|> >nujak >brainlet wojak >biz wojak >grug wojak <|endoftext|> How could you forget Grug <|endoftext|> > grug insist "social fair" system never been tried properly <|endoftext|> Grug hate peace! <|endoftext|> >grug think bad leader grugs represent entire idoliogy <|endoftext|> thread make grug head work very hard grug angry no think <|endoftext|> grug think chief should pay for medicine man <|endoftext|> >grug support smash labour rights >grug blame blue tribe when grug suffer because grug's past actions <|endoftext|> grug want more men-grugs touching eat hole with shit hole in cave paintings <|endoftext|> kraut grugs eating grugs poo poo make grug pee pee big <|endoftext|> >grug think ideology will work despite it killing 350 million other grugs <|endoftext|> Grug shove spear up fleshy hole Grug will fire you from berry picking job if you no like <|endoftext|> grug love smoke happy leaf make grug happy and smile <|endoftext|> >two grugs touching eat-holes make sky grug mad!! <|endoftext|> > grug realize he can produce banana wireless device for 3 cave dollar and sell for 999 instead of 1000. Grug rich now <|endoftext|> >grug no understand operating costs >grug no understand y Xiaomi balance sheets colored red, think hook nose tribe plot <|endoftext|> >grug think system where man make phone for 3 dollar and sell phone for 1000 dollar fair <|endoftext|> Grug förfäder inte drack svart dryck från konstig buske Grug inte heller dricka svart dryck från konstig buske <|endoftext|> >zapieko bo jeste pizd sabsz od przedszkolaka >EEEE GRUG TY GUPI JA MONDRY HAHA WYGRAEM WYGRAEM LALALALA <|endoftext|> grug nie odpisa grug teraz gejming bo on atwy nie wymaga sia fizyczna <|endoftext|> >grug umiec otwierac sloik lepiej niz brug <|endoftext|> grug, so manly, grug VERY manly, grug have big loud vroom vroom car with gearstick, grug so manly grr grug like sport like boxing and football thog no like loud car or sport because thog beta soyboy cuck <|endoftext|> grug drink fizzy pisswater because grug believe it make grug look manly, grug so manly, look at hair on chest of grug <|endoftext|> What is it, grug? <|endoftext|> grug like many things but there is one shiny thing grug like most of all <|endoftext|> no. grug strong. grug handle. <|endoftext|> this guy looks like irl version of Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> orange grug makes ape grugs stand up and worship longnose tribe before tribes carry rock trials <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> seems simplicistic even for grug the only commies i know are turbo whites unless you mean commies in a generical left party supporter <|endoftext|> >grug think race mixing bad >grug think communism bad >grug think communism is race mixing something like that <|endoftext|> Grug göra Sverigestammen bättre med detta <|endoftext|> Grug inte gilla gruggar som bajsa i stol av vit sten Grug bajsa i kruka i skogen Grug uppfostra smågruggar att hata alla som inte är som Grug <|endoftext|> Grug tro kommunism är nä alla få lika mycket <|endoftext|> grug tro att kommunism är när alla ha lika mycket. grug inte gilla detta. grug stoppa! <|endoftext|> grug inte gilla röda stammen grug tycka bättre om hövding stornäsa som äga grugs grotta. grug betala han åttio bär för att bo där. grug tycka detta är baserat <|endoftext|> >komunism dålit grug jäte arg <|endoftext|> grug like beer, beer drink make grug manly, grug also like smell petrol and big vroom vroom car with manual shift, make grug VERY manly grug enjoy football too, very manly sport, look at hair on chest of grug, anyone who not like manly thing is soyboy thog grrrr me so manly <|endoftext|> grug hate other color grug <|endoftext|> northron grug no like southon gruggo southron gruggo no like northron grug <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> macro bigger grug smart <|endoftext|> grug only track macro grug dont track micro <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug not call it palestine, this land belong to grug now <|endoftext|> grug step out of cave grug feel good to be alone <|endoftext|> grump need grug to put thin wood in chest with grump name, say he going to create big wall make grugchez give rock for it alt grug feel left out grug society, he like grump because he says things simple and like they are, call himself grugpede in honor, grump win grugstein that no like grug or grugette choice from grug post very angry, use high speak to make grump look like won from grugmitri help <|endoftext|> grug say fuck trump grugglets applaud <|endoftext|> grug carve allegory of cave <|endoftext|> Grug mie akcje CDProjekt Grug nie sprzedawa Grug mie silne donie co zrobi? <|endoftext|> grug silne apy <|endoftext|> Grug czyma, CD projekt na pewno pokae trailer grug na E3 grug <|endoftext|> Grug mie akcje CDProjekt co Grug zrobi? <|endoftext|> grug think tarqg has more berries but not pick hard like grug has <|endoftext|> Det var i en diakussion om ett svenskt alternativ till engelskans let's. Dvs om man frågar en engelsk tjej, let's go out and drink? är det ok. Om man frågar en svensk tjej. Låt oss gå ut och ta en öl? Så kommer man få dricka den ensam. Låt oss funkar inte i Sverige. t. inte grug anon <|endoftext|> >Låt oss Var det inte någon Grug-anon här för någon dag sedan som påstod att folk inte säger "låt oss"? <|endoftext|> that would be really grug tier. <|endoftext|> for me it's grug <|endoftext|> arise Sir Grug Norf FC <|endoftext|> no, this is Grug Oldman <|endoftext|> >co to jest podatki t. grug ziemniaczany <|endoftext|> grug go to sand tribe cave it grug cave now fat tribe agree <|endoftext|> Why does grug need war club? Chieftain has mammoth cavry and pterodactyl riders, war club no beat that. Time for paleskins to give war club to longnoses. <|endoftext|> grug spend long time in dark cave with salt water it expand grug mind you should try too <|endoftext|> >be grog >see dark skinned grug >use mastadon horn to call grugs with blue loincloth >grugs with blue loincloth come and put arrow in my leg by accident >grog bellow for dog sled to take grog to medicine man >medicine man remove arrow from grog >'that will be very many beads, plus tip' >grog only have this many ||| beads >grog is dead <|endoftext|> Where were you when twin caves fall down? me sitting looking at cave painting when grog say >Cave is kill >no sorry grug no speak good <|endoftext|> orange grug say they build wall and bean tribe give stones <|endoftext|> Grug give stones to orange-skinned tribe leader. He good at counting stone, he make tribe good again! <|endoftext|> they brought grug on stage <|endoftext|> You tribe no believe in giant sky man. Grug will get friends and smash you into sky worship <|endoftext|> u wut? giganiba grug mad now! <|endoftext|> >Colombogrug >posts white grug Grug laughing <|endoftext|> grug in sky like shiny rocks <|endoftext|> grug hope sweed tribe have permission-leaf from elders for that <|endoftext|> Grug no like paleskin tribe Hope all get clubbed <|endoftext|> grug saw sweed tribe man put big stick in ass <|endoftext|> grug discuss tribes on tribe board <|endoftext|> Grug too masculine to write word <|endoftext|> Grug har sten. <|endoftext|> ME GRUG <|endoftext|> grug's just put a spliff in the rolling machine <|endoftext|> >grug atapé balle >grug détend lui >grug avoir argent des gens qui faire du bruit quand grug taper balle <|endoftext|> >Grug voit balle >Grug frappe >Grug content <|endoftext|> grug give chinaman ground rock <|endoftext|> grug moe rucha kada grugica grugica moe rucha tylko jeden grug <|endoftext|> >>dumme stat kan inte göra någe bra sa jag inte >>om privat grug gräva hål de fortfarande betala skatt så de okej att pumpa bgp (bruttogrottprodukt) med de för de privatgruggar japp för i 99% av fallen har det ett syfte som ger intäkter. När staten gör det är syftet att det ska se bättre ut för väljarna, ta t.ex subventionerade anställningar av nyanlända som dränerar statskassan´och ej leder till jobb för dem. Helt meningslöst men ändå gör staten det. Tror du Ikea skulle anställa folk utan att tjäna pengar på dem? <|endoftext|> >precis för företag gör för det första det inte av meningslösa skäl eftersom de vill tjäna pengar Wow den här jävla hjärngympan, är det är kraften av loliberalt "intellekt". >dumme stat kan inte göra någe bra >om privat grug gräva hål de fortfarande betala skatt så de okej att pumpa bgp (bruttogrottprodukt) med de för de privatgruggar <|endoftext|> GRUG 4 DOUG O U G <|endoftext|> did grug with red paint throw rock into cave of grug with blue paint <|endoftext|> grug think bell curve mean something grug like his delusion <|endoftext|> Grug think all grugs equal, grug no like facts <|endoftext|> grug no like other grug with skin dark <|endoftext|> The grug meme really captured the essence of American philosophy of life. <|endoftext|> >Grug think that rock from Grug cave good and rock from not Grug cave bad >Trade rock with other cave bad for Grug cave <|endoftext|> don't be silly grug smash! <|endoftext|> grug want window seat, grug not settle for aisle, grug like nice views <|endoftext|> grug no like sorgrug, sorgrug have lot of rock and think different thing than sorgrug <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> do they? I see gay posts here all the time. >hunter grug will not be tricked to change change subject, hunter grug goes now to prepare for caveless life starting tomorow. <|endoftext|> its a caveman meme, I guess the name is grug not graug sorry <|endoftext|> grug like car with big engine, grug no care for environment, grug only care about car make loud noise and go brum brum fast, grug also only like car with stick, thog said auto for cuck soyboy, grug no respect thog, but still insecure enough to listen to opinion of thog grrrrrr *beats chest* <|endoftext|> Grug have new club, what do globe tribe think? <|endoftext|> First sentence, agree >Homosexuality celebrates itself, by expressing its impulses, a surviving and struggling existence, it all anew proves how natural it is to be gay, it is a direct reflection of human greatness U wot m8 grug make cum = grug feel good Sex/wanking/homosex is basically heroin <|endoftext|> trebaš naljepiti onu glavu od grug-vojaka sa tri toke na elu <|endoftext|> grug wondar if fyrom comes gooder vith more shqips <|endoftext|> japanese sentences without japanese particle sound like a caveman speak like the grug meme to native japanese speakers. <|endoftext|> GRUG MIE MODEM GRUG ODDA MODEM DO SZAMANA KABEL CIGN MODEM GRUG WYRWA KABEL <|endoftext|> T. GRUG <|endoftext|> What's that in non-caveman units? >grug weigh one boulder two stone three pebble <|endoftext|> Grug inte titta grottmålning där gruggar sticka köttspjut i gruggor, fylla Grug med andarnas testo kraft och Grug bli största jägaren i grottan. Titta grottmålning göra dig Grug som vilja ha maka göra njutning med mörka stammen, stora blåst och regnshamanen sa till Grug <|endoftext|> Neo grug no like non grug tribes taking women off fellow Grugs! <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE YELLOW SLIT EYE TRIBE <|endoftext|> Norteños, sureños, costeros, meseteros, isleros, todos tontos y peleandose entre si porque tribu no querer grug que habla idioma ooga booga <|endoftext|> >handlarz z plemienia dugonosych przyszed do gruga >6 milardów umaro w hologoru >6 to duo by pomysla grug >grug odda dugonosemu cay zapas jagód <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug hate grug who bunga bunga with other grug not grugina <|endoftext|> soy grug <|endoftext|> nose grug............. <|endoftext|> grug finna roll a spliff ;) <|endoftext|> UGG GRUG DON'T FEEL SO GOOD <|endoftext|> >grug voir seins, grug pas content, grug savoir que c'est les juifs !!! Sans déconner, va te faire soigner. <|endoftext|> grug hungry <|endoftext|> grug love milkies <|endoftext|> wtf, madisha literally talks like grug <|endoftext|> to dlatego e grug polak <|endoftext|> grug stick dic inside vag grug feel good gRUG NO WANT BABY grug kill baby!!!!! <|endoftext|> sorry degenerate but grug already has the solution for pitbulls <|endoftext|> grug think people only need use open class word <|endoftext|> >grug save europe by BOMBING europe <|endoftext|> +grug <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> GRUG COMPLAIN ABOUT FOOD LEECHERS FROM TRIBES OF THE SUN BUT GRUG DO SAME THING SO HOW GRUG SOLVE COGNITIVE DISSONANCE <|endoftext|> RICH FRENCH WIFE FRENCH TRIBE GIVE MANY BENEFITS GRUG HAPPY 1 GRUGLET 2 BENEFITS GRUG MAKE MANY GRUGLETS <|endoftext|> next cave grug make noise vikergrug think he cut weeds no cutting weeds! <|endoftext|> SPEND YOUR SEASHELL ON GRUG BOOK "WAYS OF OLD GRUG" <|endoftext|> hmmmmmmmm grug like tiddies........... <|endoftext|> Swedish though grug finns have irrational fear and phobia for it. <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO LIKE PEOPLE NOT GRUG HAVE SAY IN DEMOCRACY >IN PERFECT DEMOCRACY ONLY GRUG VOTE <|endoftext|> ARE you Grug's retarded cousin? <|endoftext|> Grug kupi akcje i czeka jak akcje wzrosn to Grug sprzeda jak akcje spa to Grug nie kupowa <|endoftext|> >No, because *moves closer to fire* >Grug see spirits when he eat mushroom >Spirits tell Grug how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >Even now, Grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >Look >Mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> big rock in sky say many good fortune but no fortune for grug draw angered pink demons on cave wall <|endoftext|> grug no believe in sky father <|endoftext|> grug just got called cavist in gruggs <|endoftext|> >grug not like other colour grug <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> I am not like Grug I judge based on character, not on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality. <|endoftext|> >grug press gap kit on knowledge machine, to get thing book, thingbook is about grug, who took stamp wheel around the ground ball <|endoftext|> you bean-eater grug <|endoftext|> Grug not like other color grug <|endoftext|> >grug no listen to lawtalky man >grug upset as his favourite gruglet to go prison <|endoftext|> >But until that happens, I'd rather take a seat, grab some popcorn, and watch you fall off the cliff shouting "grug says die neoliberals, die!!!", lel. We've already fallen. We got nothing to lose. <|endoftext|> >China and America putting politics before markets Hahahahaahaahaaa. Lel. Anyway, when Gayreese (or Spain f.i) become as big and powerful as those two we could think about cucking the markets, and I could even join you, Demetrios. But until that happens, I'd rather take a seat, grab some popcorn, and watch you fall off the cliff shouting "grug says die neoliberals, die!!!", lel. <|endoftext|> grug take magic pill made by witchdoctor for make grug more thog, it good and grug dont addicted to it, you just freak <|endoftext|> smol foreheads are for brainlets and grug wojaks though <|endoftext|> grug use vpn <|endoftext|> >ME HATE GOLD CAVE! GOLD CAVE BAD! GOLD CAVE DO THINGS GRUG NO LIKE! <|endoftext|> >gold cave tribe fly over grug cave >grug HATE gold tribe >gold cave tribe grug keep vote for not based grugald grump so gold cave tribe grug HATE cavemerica <|endoftext|> später liest er noch die holabungapaste von grug und den text king arschfick vor bin gestorben als ich das in einem anderen video gehört habe <|endoftext|> grug no like poiny hat shaman <|endoftext|> there are multiple previous styles there are, however, some underlying principles for example: complexity, harmony, vitality which is to say that you should make space and textures as complex as you can manage (decoration, dynamic layouts) while using elements that make grug feel good (pleasant lighting, healthy-looking materials, vegetation, etc) it has nothing to do with making your apartment block look like the parthenon <|endoftext|> Grug need protect something <|endoftext|> grug want learn grug learns grug now educated grug is smart <|endoftext|> piesc wowik byc 5 piesci grug bicie wowik byc 5 razy bicie grug wowik 10 razy grug wowik 10 razy twardy grug <|endoftext|> Grug born in best genetics tribe. Grug get all gruginas and grugettes he want <|endoftext|> >gruggita suck nug and mohag cock, this mean grug genocide <|endoftext|> seashells no worth grug only use rock <|endoftext|> >me face when grugella have unga bunga with dark tribe grug. >me face when dark grug have unga bunga with me <|endoftext|> >chief sharing mammoth meat and berries bad >if hunter break leg clan must not help and let die >grug sit in cave all day and eat food chief give <|endoftext|> grug more pale than you <|endoftext|> >grugerment make grug give them grug rock >grugation be theft >grug think that grugerment rock be bad grugs need to use decenterified rock <|endoftext|> grug kick ball around field. other grugs cheer on. make grug happy <|endoftext|> grug no need cub grug kill enemy no cub grug strong <|endoftext|> grug not tainted by shaman's magic explosion grug swear <|endoftext|> why only unga tribe get to say unga but if grug call unga tribe unga unga tribe get angry it free words for grug say unga <|endoftext|> grug make fire of cross tribe house crossgrugs seal grug in cave long time <|endoftext|> angry in-grug who think sky-father real draw cave painting show dead gruglet grug get mad and vote so gruginas no get instained for kill babby <|endoftext|> you absolute grug. In the UK it is not illegal to pay for sex. Soliciting on the street (curb crawling) is illegal, brothels are illegal, offering is illegal, but the action of paying isn't. <|endoftext|> grug no like social stratification and kingship as a result <|endoftext|> >wyszedlem z cipy w plemieniu X a nie Y >grug dumny X <|endoftext|> There is literally someone in Wales called Grug <|endoftext|> That's why it's normal to see here (or anywhere non-anglo in the world really) prices, distances, weights and stuff displayed in stones, feet and other grug-tier units of measure along with metric. Kek <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT LIKE PEOPLE BEING HAPPY <|endoftext|> grug move to south-east cave because grug like gruggette spawn <|endoftext|> You can pay ADDITIONAL tax after it goes into the bank you grug <|endoftext|> grug no like no grugette because grug lonely <|endoftext|> Grug no like cats because threaten fragile sense of masculinity <|endoftext|> grug vote No today <|endoftext|> grug no like spooks <|endoftext|> > Grug feel racially inferior to other tribe because cave painting forum told Grug so <|endoftext|> grug no like real women grug likes watching japanese cave paintings in his cave <|endoftext|> grug spierdalaj <|endoftext|> Grug gib him berries to no food mud tribe Grug know share is care, me so genross *bites into car sized mammoth steak* <|endoftext|> grug make charcoal rubbings of grug in other tribe caves grug put this on cave wall so gruginas think grug smart and own lot of dried food for travel <|endoftext|> >grug been to 5 caves >grug so cultured <|endoftext|> Cambodia because they murder and eat them like grug tier Logan's run <|endoftext|> haha which one am i then lads? i can't be soy, grug, AND deano all at once <|endoftext|> Hello grug <|endoftext|> Grug count using Grug feet <|endoftext|> me grug like red team blue team is bad <|endoftext|> grug sniff powder and tribe leader put grug in timeout cave <|endoftext|> >that 22 year old boomer who finds grug funny <|endoftext|> è un piccolo grug <|endoftext|> brainlet opinion from another disgusting disapora if your origin country is so great why did your parents move to a western one which probably has been influenced or makes use of jewish inventions and discoveries? just the fact that you are still alive and didn't die to polio or flu when you were an infant is due to jews face it arab society has been grug tier for a 1000 years now <|endoftext|> GRUG TEAM WALWAYS RIGHT <|endoftext|> Grug jeba kobiet smród i gówno Grug jeba konia dobrze <|endoftext|> Take issue with your grug posts. This one uses the phrase "personality status" and the previous one used "sense of importance". Hardly appropriate phraseology for grug. <|endoftext|> grug need personality status in birt cave. grug dont have friends outside cave. <|endoftext|> me like name on birt. give grug sense of importance <|endoftext|> grug no like thinking about world, too hard for grug to understand <|endoftext|> Grug leave grass-berries in wet mammoth stomach too long berry-juice turn smelly, but grug drink anyway grug feel funny <|endoftext|> Grug like stone tools grug like dig in ground for grugberg grugberg give grug berries and venus figures grug love venus figure 3-sides gruginas dirty, have baby-maker look like mammoth anus <|endoftext|> Grug like Forrest Grug want every grug to live in Forrest <|endoftext|> Grug like cave paintings Grug no want to leave cave <|endoftext|> >I post brainlet/soy/grug reaction images when someone says something I don't like <|endoftext|> GIVE BAGINA OR GRUG SMASH!!! <|endoftext|> Going to go to the fridge and if there are no beers grug will be very angry. <|endoftext|> >me like soul game me like bash boss x1000 very deep for grug good story <|endoftext|> better than poo willy wank and drugs all day, grug. <|endoftext|> People inside are worse than grug trafficking ethnicity (gypsies), because they control them. Scum who owns cars like this often has their shitspawn, or subhumans who brought them to this world in foreign countries because there are better living conditions. <|endoftext|> >down half the time anyway confirmed brainlet. Thats your internet connection you grug. Anyway, have fun not being able to afford £20 a year. <|endoftext|> GRUG SUPPORT GRUG TRIBE GRUG TRIBE IS BETTER THAN YOUR TRIBE <|endoftext|> GRUG TEAM BEST CUZ WHY? CUZ GRUG SEPPORT DEM DATS WY! <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT GIRL FRIEND <|endoftext|> >May 20th 2018 >grug thread <|endoftext|> Grug no longer human Grug man-machine now Grug ask for this <|endoftext|> Grug only like big strong woman made by sky mother Grug no like you Grug think you curse <|endoftext|> Grug is Grugina now Grugina move into East Tribe cave? Make feel good <|endoftext|> Grug look like sauna tribe Svegrug loose <|endoftext|> Grug not dumb and use magic <|endoftext|> Grug come to your cave and steal big strong woman later <|endoftext|> East tribe has other names Grug SMASH <|endoftext|> Grug smart <|endoftext|> >wheel fast >Grug make head wheel >now Grug think fast <|endoftext|> >bitrock worth as many as all fingers and toes >Grug trade long-nose tribe all Grug mammoth skins for bitrock >now bitrock worth as many as less than two hand's fingers, no toes >Grug cannot get all mammoth skins back from long-nose tribe <|endoftext|> Grugina want pee stick in pee cave, also want eat funnyberry, make Grug paint bad, make no more painting in 3 moons <|endoftext|> Beer tribe cave paintings not as good as winters ago. Grug sad. <|endoftext|> Grug like Grugina from Beer tribe Grug see many Beer tribe cave painting <|endoftext|> Grug right Avoid longnose tribe <|endoftext|> make Grug sad <|endoftext|> Grug dumb Grug ignore words of true because Grug no like Grug like to live in cave and not think about outside of cave That rock when no Grugina <|endoftext|> Mixed tribe want Grug to become like him Mixed tribe dumb <|endoftext|> le Grug angry le Grug unique way of grunting at risk le Grug must fight linguistic assimilation <|endoftext|> Grug think Mixed tribe not very good at make funny cave paintings <|endoftext|> Grug hate bean tribe but Grug like Grugina from bean tribe Grug is confuse <|endoftext|> Grug let Sand tribe into cave. Sand tribe force make babies with Grugia and make Greg sleep forever <|endoftext|> Grug no like Grugs from other tribe Grug want other tribe Grugs to no come in cave Grug cave only for Grug tribe no other tribe Grugs <|endoftext|> grug like 10 page paragraphs <|endoftext|> >grug urodzi sie na jeden obsrany kawaek ziemia >grug nie lubi inny obsrany kawaek ziemia <|endoftext|> >grug liek tradishun >change make grug amgry <|endoftext|> grug move to south-east cave <|endoftext|> grug team wil win cuz grug seport dem <|endoftext|> >no because *moves closer to the fire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> Grug dricka ruttet vete! Grug ingen man annars! <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> Anyone got that greggs grug? He's eating a sausage roll <|endoftext|> >grug see different computer >grug hate different computer >"why no use windows?" grug say >grug angry <|endoftext|> grug robic co grug chciec kobieta nie robic co kobieta chciec kobieta robic co grug chciec <|endoftext|> Actually white Grug is the real victim !! <|endoftext|> grug.jpg <|endoftext|> >himmel-pappa arg, vilt borta och grug-stam stjäla döttrar >mig säga offra den bajsindränkta cp-autisten himmel-pappa bli glad igen Nja du. <|endoftext|> >No-battle grug try to steal spear >Kill with other spear Grug is smart, should be next chieftain <|endoftext|> >me rock when engrugs use new rock sky grug say new rock not good make sky grug angry grug use old rock new rock grugs go to hot cave after big sleep <|endoftext|> >that 20 cycle old grug boom whom'st hates other grugs based on their beliefs of the after grug <|endoftext|> grug die for hooknose tribe because leader grug tell him he defend his cave <|endoftext|> >Be grug >See member of desert tribe >Ask what desert-man doing >He say "ALL INFIDEL-UNGAS GO LONG SLEEP AND I HAVE MANY PRETTY BUNGAS" >Desert-tribe man has sting-fly homes tied to chest What grug do <|endoftext|> >grug urodzi sie na jeden obsrany kawaek ziemi >grug nie lubi inny obsrany kawaek ziemi <|endoftext|> grug like moving pictures, grug like games. grug no mind privacy. grug ok with bigger grug fucking him. <|endoftext|> grug hates windows windows is for normie <|endoftext|> Grug is now red man <|endoftext|> >grug has a boar now oh shit <|endoftext|> why grug put spear in grug before throw grug off mammoth? <|endoftext|> for grug <|endoftext|> WITCHDOCTOR SAY "GRUG, YOU TAKE MUSHROOM" GRUG NO LONGER FEEL WEIRD IN FRONT OF REST OF TRIBE <|endoftext|> Grug inte sticka köttspjut i Grugga och låta henne få Grug andedjur i sig, göra Grug största och tänkaste jägaren, bättre än andra gruggar i stam nu! <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug move to south-east cave <|endoftext|> unga bunga condom feel bad grug pull out what you mean pregnant here drink this <|endoftext|> >a grug is smarter than a modern day engineer <|endoftext|> Grug no like ancient world tribe <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >GRUG SAY U WORSHIP PEDO <|endoftext|> love these, reminds me of the grug spamming <|endoftext|> Grug like pretty wizard girl. Grug want smell bad smell that come from pretty wizard girl’s bum bum. <|endoftext|> Emma Wotsit Why wouldn't it be? Are they above articles? ---------------- Blood pressure just SKYrocketed. ----------------- GRUG MAD! WHERE AMPERSAN&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& OOG GRUG FREND BARG! >school ith hard Glad I never went through the toil that is being dumb. <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug like how snow tribe man think <|endoftext|> Based Stupidity is power, but only Americans are woke enough to understand it and embrace it Knowledge is a weakness This is grug's world <|endoftext|> It's a grug tier sport. In fact, nearly every sport is grug tier. It's the dumbest form of entertainment mankind had ever the misfortune to come across. Invented by low class anglos, which shouldn't be surprising. God, I hate anglos. <|endoftext|> >grug posters <|endoftext|> >no because *moves closer to the fire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> >Amerika vlada ovim svijetom, nikoga ne boli kurac za tebe ili mrtvu glibavu komunisticku jugoslaviju, nosite se svi u kurac sredjnovjekovni degeni >"ne pizdim" >imaju vise para, intelekta i zive u boljim uslovima nego ti hurrr durrrr grug ima materijalne elje <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> but russian is literally grug speech, not only do they not use definite articles but they also dont use prepositions it's literally "me tarzan, you jane, me want fuck" <|endoftext|> me big grug me no like other grug me hit him with fist in head <|endoftext|> har ganska lagom ögonbryn själv, vad gör du med dina? ansar du dem eller går du full grug? <|endoftext|> >The rights of the individual grug matter more than the future of the grug nation! <|endoftext|> >Grug colonize America >Grug wipe out native population >Grug bring slave from Africa >Grug forbid slave grug from dating White grug >Grug bring Irish grug to build railway >Grug bring China grug due to working most Irish grug to death >Grug forbid China grug to marry White grug >Grug no like Mexigrug >Grug only like White grug >Make America Grug Again <|endoftext|> i play the piano, i draw and i sing sometimes >grug is real man because grug have muscle t. /pol/ incel from a crime ridden shithole <|endoftext|> >han har ingen kamera på telefonen 2018 Grug... <|endoftext|> >no because *moves closer to the fire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT MALBINGAS GRUG HATE TEA DRINKING TRIBE <|endoftext|> >grug hate yellow food, tiny pieces get stuck in grug's teeth >grug no can hold cob, keep falling out of grug's hands. Wish corn come with holders so grug could hold it >why cant food be easy to eat like fish soup <|endoftext|> Grug continue kill travel on one-jawed demon tribe! <|endoftext|> grugina baby maker look like three days dead mammoth grug no like only wall gruginas pure enuff <|endoftext|> grug is a fucking weeaboo then <|endoftext|> grug likes watching japanese paintings in the cave <|endoftext|> I'm not even going out to eat this much but it's not like I'm not even going out for lunch with the people that want me and I am white and I want you and me are you a little more about what I am going through the day of my family is a Jewish girl that you want grug and that is what I am Italian American in a predominantly of my heart for a good ole of the head and a good ole for my ethnicity to make sure everyone knows about it when it is in love supposed for the future to make the most sense for the world. <|endoftext|> >grr stop being so smart!! be quiet, grug <|endoftext|> Is this Grug Rogan? <|endoftext|> >no because >*moves closer to the fire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets >*looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> grug like when man hit rock between two trees <|endoftext|> Yes, in the time when Grug the Destroyer roamed the forests of Europe, not in 19th century <|endoftext|> grug think painting in other cave funny so he copy painting all over home cave <|endoftext|> Grug see similar cavepainting to other cave and want to smash! <|endoftext|> Me don't like Grug. Grug has longnose tribe in cave. <|endoftext|> how is this grugable? nationalism is grug tier as fuck imperialism is even more grug tier globalism is sort of smart, but i'm still not convinced globalism is a real thing and is just a brainlet term for a bunch of disparate things related to globalisation <|endoftext|> someone grug this man <|endoftext|> Grug want Yous so Grug make thread with qt Grugina pic <|endoftext|> >Dat no Grug! >Dat Mugg! <|endoftext|> grug like dead tree grug no read off magic screen <|endoftext|> >grug <|endoftext|> grug like woman but woman no like grug grug think you think-good man <|endoftext|> ah yes, the classic grug response if you are not capable of theoretical reasoning then perhaps you shouldn't be discussing philosophy with people who are <|endoftext|> that's not the point though grug the problem of induction merely serves to illustrate the epistemological limitations of experience i.e. you are incapable to directly experiencing an independent reality, therefore it is nonsense to assert its existence <|endoftext|> marx actually thought the amount of effort that goes into a product should determine its "value". like grug-tier thinking. <|endoftext|> Tu ne vas tout de même pas me faire croire qu'utiliser Pepe est inacceptable, tandis que grug, ton cousin éloigné, 'e pose aucun problèmes ? <|endoftext|> Fettes-Raucher-Soyboy-Grug-Hirrnlein wann? <|endoftext|> grug right wing fuck grug see some for cave man with no berries grug smash <|endoftext|> >grug think shadow organisation is trying to get rid of pale people. <|endoftext|> Tories are shit mate If you think increasing immigration, intensifying the surveillance state and somehow managing to make living standards and people's income worse off despite growth are good things you are truly as much of a grug as a labourite <|endoftext|> >hurr durr grug grug hurr <|endoftext|> grug love drug <|endoftext|> grug like grugropean grunion grug like having more shiny metal in pocket <|endoftext|> Grug spread democracy by force ugh. Majority not want democracy that bad we force them. <|endoftext|> so the tall Gaelic man is a grug? <|endoftext|> calm down grug, now's not the time for racism that comes later <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> grain food made grug tribe no grug tribe first is actually make from krug tribe first to make grain food grug tribe steal grain food from krug tribe <|endoftext|> grug mail grug live cabin <|endoftext|> >ooga booga Grug don't remove no hair <|endoftext|> DURR DURR *smacks bat over your head* KANG GRUG NOW HURRRR <|endoftext|> please do not talk about politics in my /brit/ i have severe autism, and grug smash when grug feel left out <|endoftext|> GGGRRRRR GRUG SMASH THINGS I HATE TRIBE POLITICS GRRRRR GRUG NO UNDERSTAND <|endoftext|> ermmm lads could you like, stop talking about politics please? for you see, i am a grug, i come to /brit/ to ironically post slags i found on reddit, pretend to speak like a 1950s dock worker and sometimes talk about things from the past like tv shows and my favourite colour politics is too difficult for me, and i feel left out :( <|endoftext|> creasing, bet his eyes are welling up as he clatters out grug over and over on his filthy keyboard >why won't they take me seriously?! I have lots of important things to say on /brit/! they're just too stupid to understand me! <|endoftext|> grug smash and get angry when tribe is talked about. grug sad inside :( <|endoftext|> can just see his spotty face all scrunched up in confused anger as he frantically types grug over and over <|endoftext|> grug get angry when tribe is talked about. grug feel dumb because grug no understand <|endoftext|> grug no politic of grug tribe make grug feel stupid :( <|endoftext|> >with a remainer cabinet grug no understand chief grug tribe but grug listen to other grug that tell me tribe no leave <|endoftext|> hmmm grug like tiddies...... <|endoftext|> Best brainlet wojak alongside Grug <|endoftext|> yu no grug yu fakn racis <|endoftext|> Grug not like white skin tribe because white skin tribe look different. Grug fuck over white skin tribe and then blame them for fighting back. <|endoftext|> no grug different color, me smash no grug <|endoftext|> grug cave better than no grug cave <|endoftext|> >Contrary to the Christian or Manichaean attitude, fasting and celibacy are proscribed except as part of the purificatory ritual. So in Zoroastrianism fasting and celibacy not only aren't promoted, but are literally FORBIDDEN sinful incels and fastingfags ITT utterly btfo repent and start enjoying your lives you faggots >grug no like think bcuz think make hed hurt >if grug no like grug say magic word "cuck" <|endoftext|> grug so high right now... me flying with the teradactyls <|endoftext|> >jamurg have friend turgron >turgron see grug have good chariot >turgron take grug chariot >grug kill turgron for take chariot >turgron not do nothing >turgron was good boy >turgron go sacrifice every moon <|endoftext|> grug agree big words bad small words good grug no like big word cuz take grug long time <|endoftext|> grug left cave and grug chief gave stone slab as proof grug stay in tribe. but chief destroy slab and grug could not stay in tribe <|endoftext|> >hmm why me no allowed grenade launcher grug need to protect children from the turrurists <|endoftext|> Reddit took credit <|endoftext|> >implying <|endoftext|> Did vietlad start the grug meme? <|endoftext|> Tell me about the Finns, were they like pic related or more like caveman grug? <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT PLAY PEBBLESTATION GRUG PLAY OLD PEBBLESTATION WHEN BABY GRUG GRUG NOW BIG AND PLAY IT GRUG LIVE IN PARENT CAVE GRUG ALWAYS DRINK MILK FROM BEANS GRUG INFECTION FROM BEAN MILK NOW GRUG CANT CLOSE FOOD GAP <|endoftext|> Goldhair grug warn other men in tribe They too busy playing with new toy they got from yellow skin tribe Called new Nintendo Stick Nobody heed grug warnings Poopskin tribe only tear down, not build <|endoftext|> cumskin grug very cuck cumskin grug no control amount of darkskin grug coming cumskin grug blames all darkskin grug cumskin grug thinks darkskin grugs and grugginas who accepted should get removed cumskin grug panick and blame <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE DARK SKIN TRIBE GRUG ONLY LIKE LIGHT SKIN TRIBE <|endoftext|> grug want to breed with woman of slant-eyed clan, grug think they more traditional. <|endoftext|> grug wouldn't use the word "fapping" imo <|endoftext|> >chieftain say grug should respect skyfather and not let loins do thinking for grug >but grug know skyfather not real so grug spend all day fapping over cavedrawings of man dressed in womens furs <|endoftext|> grug not like when grog tribe walk near grug cave grug think we draw lines in sand so grog tribe and grug tribe not be near each other <|endoftext|> >grug not like it when Grug's team not in playoffs >grug move onto other team until team is good again <|endoftext|> >U KEKSTIAN NADZI U LOOK LIKE DIS >NO U ANTIFA GOMMIE U LOOK LIKE DIS >*grug noises* <|endoftext|> >no because >*moves closer to the fire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets >*looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> >gets told >BUT DIS IS MY OPINION I don't care lad. The fact that you think "nothing has been done" is hilarious and you're obviously a grug that should just go back to watching man kick ball and posting slags <|endoftext|> thats because you're a northern grug that only cares about slags and football posted on here lmao <|endoftext|> >no because >*moves closer to the fire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets >*looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> >dog no good >dog no grug best friend >grug have no friend <|endoftext|> love when emotional grug tier normies see a video of some animal mauling a live human being and their brain decides to sympathize more with the animal than the actual human mind boggling stuff <|endoftext|> GRUG WCHODZI NA SZAMBO DOBRZE MAY GRUG NIE WCHODZI BO NIEDOBRZE <|endoftext|> someone norfpost this grug <|endoftext|> grug laugh at painting of toilcave <|endoftext|> Cirkel ingen närtitt Nötkasta med spjut grug! <|endoftext|> wonder who discovered fire, grug or thog <|endoftext|> on the cross women want a grug in the bedroom <|endoftext|> grug tier opinions. bet yous get hard when you look at pictures of naked women too. <|endoftext|> calculus allows you to add up infinite sums to a finite number it's what grug needs <|endoftext|> >grug has infinite number of very small sticks It's a neat abstraction. <|endoftext|> >grug no good at counting stick >grug HATE count stick <|endoftext|> >no because >*moves closer to the fire* >grug see spirits when eat the mushroom >spirits tell grug about how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet >even now, grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets >*looks over at cave painting* >look >mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> no because *moves closer to the fire* grug see spirits when eat the mushroom spirits tell grug about how land and sky work Jomee, pull up that tablet even now, grug know more than before mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* look mammoth must be heavy as 500 grugs, can kill you easy <|endoftext|> BRAGHHRAHAHA*thick welsh accent rambling* lmao my dad is such a grug <|endoftext|> Grug zjeba ydów dobrze ydzi zjeba Grug le <|endoftext|> >grug sauveur de la race blanche voir membre tribu nez longs En fait j'ai la flemme de mettre l'image, du coup ce message déjà pas très utile de base est carrément inutile. <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT TO "NEGRUG" BUT CHIEF GOGRIG HIT ME WITH STICK FOR SAYING IT <|endoftext|> that's because you're a dumb grug too stupid to understand lmao <|endoftext|> >Are Mediterranean white? >Soyboy >South Brazil is white >soyboy >grug >would you racemix with a ______ girl? >muslims in Europe >cuck >soyboy >macron >trump >merkel >do you support race mixing? >dna test >are Iberians white? >argentina is white >gay finns >muslim in Europe >Chinese in Canada >are Italians white? It's very rare to find a good thread like >generals (chat rooms well some light chat is fine <|endoftext|> Grug no like strange white bean. Strange white bean turn Grug friend Thog into Thogette and give him open mouth smile. <|endoftext|> because grug is responsible for grug's actions even if grug brain tell grug to do bad things <|endoftext|> yes grug, killing people is bad. grug kill man bad grug get caged by grug tribe leader if grug hurt man <|endoftext|> lol i don't care how angry you are and i don't care how grug tier emotional you're getting about this. shut up and go bore someone else you normie redditor piece of shit <|endoftext|> ironically, it's the grug paedo HANG 'EM FROM STREET POLES crowd that are more uneducated than any paedosexual. And frankly, none of you would try it with me because i'd break your fucking jaw simple as <|endoftext|> hmpf Grug nicht willkommen <|endoftext|> Grug je cip dobrze Grug rucha cip le bo nie wolno <|endoftext|> grug/underage: big milkers! big b00bz! nonce/bent: a cups, flatchest patrician: b cups, c cups, lovely handful of breast on a slender woman, looks very fashionable in dresses <|endoftext|> >playing Monster Hunter in French >some of the skills like Artillery Boost is literally translated as "BANG!" Why do Frenchies jerk off to their Grug language? <|endoftext|> >I thought modern Brits would be 1800s high society Too bad I don't have a Grug picture saved <|endoftext|> >me eat raw meat >me dont like fire me eat without fire >tribe use fire to make meat better? ha ha they pussies. grug need no fire grug very civilized <|endoftext|> hi Grug <|endoftext|> >here list of thing grug allowed do >here list of tax grug need pay >no worry, big chief responsible, big chief honest <|endoftext|> same, but sometimes when i see a good looking cashier in a shop, my primitive caveman urges turn me into a grug and i just want to hump t. 3 years till i become a Wizard <|endoftext|> >one big tribe better than lots small tribes grug clever <|endoftext|> GRUG NO SPEAK TWO TONGUE GRUG SPEAK ONE TONGUE <|endoftext|> >Grug no understand thinking about very small things >Grug think magic light box is evil <|endoftext|> >are Mediterraneans white? >Soy >Trump >Muslims in Europe >South Brazil is white >Iberians aren't white >Be American get shot >Soy >Macron >Soy >Grug >Are Portuguese white? >Would you race mix with a ____ girl? >Soy >Muslims in Europe >Mediterraneans aren't white >Argentina is white >Merkel >Are _____ white? ALL FUCKING DAY <|endoftext|> im not a grug because i dont delude myself into thinking im anything more than a man <|endoftext|> clash of the titans here fedora mackem vs grug leaf <|endoftext|> >are Mediterraneans white? >Soy >Trump >Muslims in Europe >South Brazil is white >Iberians aren't white >Be American get shot >Soy >Macron >Soy >Grug >Are Portuguese white? >Would you race mix with a ____ girl? >Soy >Muslims in Europe >Mediterraneans aren't white >Argentina is white >Merkel >Are _____ white? Generals are the only thing on this board that isn't complete shit <|endoftext|> very grug post <|endoftext|> grug content trouver grug parler comme moi <|endoftext|> Nothing wrong with call of grug games <|endoftext|> >turn based combat make Grug's head hurt >grug much rather point and shoot like Call of Grug games <|endoftext|> >grug krijgt geen meisje >grug boos <|endoftext|> st grug <|endoftext|> GRUG SAD THAT EVERYTHING THAT HAS WENT WRONG HAS WENT WRONG <|endoftext|> grug in next cave no like ground fruit grug just slave to toxic hunter-grugness shamaness tell me so <|endoftext|> Grug eat with stick <|endoftext|> nic nie zrozumiaem, bo muzyczny grug tutaj, ale zobacz sobie t <|endoftext|> >field and a stone wall grug tier <|endoftext|> >i'll post a true, historically accurate sentence with a grug picture so it's refuted Why would anyone need college when there are so many revisionist blogspots on the internet, huh. Kill yourself first then, vira-latas de merda. <|endoftext|> >grug cieply <|endoftext|> bazowany grug <|endoftext|> >grug nie mie przyjaciel >grug nie mie dziewczyna >grug nie mie na now karta graficzna >grug zy <|endoftext|> grug miss old ways when you need rock hit cavewoman head to get cavewoman grug no want to paint cave to get cavewoman <|endoftext|> grug aimer tribu voisine grug vouloir fracasser tribu des longs nez avec eux <|endoftext|> grug need food <|endoftext|> grug no like paying berries to get wound from spear stitched wound should be stitched for free grug hate the gories <|endoftext|> grug no like tribe leaving bigger tribe grug want second say grug love bigger tribe <|endoftext|> >Grug no trust anything Guarding bark say >Grug only listen to Sun bark <|endoftext|> people are still raping children too. does that mean we should just let it happen, because people will always do it? of course not, grug. thats not how society works <|endoftext|> i look like grug brainlet <|endoftext|> >grug no like shitpost >grug tell samegrug go back to crayon eating cave <|endoftext|> grug put flesh club in female grug. this elevate grug status in the cave. make grug better grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG SHAG ABOUT GRUG GET HIV GRUG GIVE HIV TO GRUGINA GRUG SAD NOW <|endoftext|> Grug think sand tribe ride mammoth into tribe cave many years ago Grug support our tribe invasion of sand tribe lands in response <|endoftext|> >18 grug je >19 po ile jest ryba >20 czemu innym si bardziej chce >21 jak robi przyjació dajcie gf >22 jmp 18 <|endoftext|> haha love this grug he doesn't give a bloody toss <|endoftext|> >Grug ve persona que tiene mejor cueva >Grug enfadado <|endoftext|> >grug no drink tasty beverage because others told grug that beverage is bad and makes you weak <|endoftext|> >Liberals have really bad ideas about parenting that don't work and now they are saying, "parenting doesn't matter", to excuse themselves >That why grug just beats his kids and leaves wife to deal with them <|endoftext|> Grug manly because Grug likes burn tongue with salsa <|endoftext|> >Ale ludzie s chujowi grug.psd <|endoftext|> >alkoholik mówi e alkohol to skurwesen >"mówisz tak bo nigdy nie potrafie nad nim zapanowa" grug.jpg <|endoftext|> skin tone is not the same, grug don't like <|endoftext|> >grug smash anarchist hippie <|endoftext|> >GRUGG PUT SEED IN DIRT GRUG POWERFUL!! <|endoftext|> grug build stuff, grug real man grug get paid 2 shell per hour for grugprenticeship <|endoftext|> >you disagree with grug so you must be ugly <|endoftext|> wouldn't mind seeing a grug edit of this <|endoftext|> grug like endnotes <|endoftext|> grug not think sky dad real grug not see sky dad <|endoftext|> The two girls on the right (upper and lower) are qt, tbqh. Also Nr. 9 looks like a female Grug, but I am sure she would fuck your brains out. <|endoftext|> grug think capitalism best option because it make rockberg more stone, that make him happy grug need work more for make rockberg happy but it okay because grug live in freedom for buy any club with minimum stone rockberg give him for doing all work <|endoftext|> Grug no like tory They messed up Grugs NORF <|endoftext|> Roosha bad roosha treat gays and trannies bad that make grug angry <|endoftext|> >she-man with hair of fire from forest tribe not take grug's offspring this winter GRUG PUSH GRUG'S FINGERS INTO GRUG'S EYES <|endoftext|> Kaarä bõgaä want Asia to be taken from abo grug for sibir grug <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH TORRIE TORIES RUIN GRUGS NORF <|endoftext|> >grug province better because it give rocks to other province hello retard <|endoftext|> weird how ~1/4 of your life sounds that much less threatening the concept of death has really gotten into my grug brain the last few months maybe it's for the best <|endoftext|> >america did thing >grug no know about thing >grug use bad word to describe thing to make seem like grug know what grug talk about >HYPER PROCESSED >grug smrt now <|endoftext|> grug no like dark rock painting <|endoftext|> grug pleb greek weeb <|endoftext|> grug see someone with shiny chain grug dont have shiny chain grug hate people with shiny chain <|endoftext|> hey! thog agree with thing said by left, and thing said by right that impossible, he just coward on fence, that impossible, you need only think left, or right THIS MAKE GRUG HEAD TINGLED! STOP SIT ON FENCE! <|endoftext|> grug pa conten quan grug de lotre tribu regard peintures rupestre ki son pa bien! <|endoftext|> >toi pas blanc, toi pas parler à grug <|endoftext|> cn't decide if 7718 deserves a grug or a hatpost <|endoftext|> peak grug colonist <|endoftext|> Grug think throwing spears at Syria good idea, because orange Grug tell him it is. <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT WAR GRUG WANT DEATH GRUG NO FIGHT HIMSELF GRUG HAVE DISABILITY PROBLEM <|endoftext|> >grug.jpg hat.png <|endoftext|> >apple beer grug.jpg <|endoftext|> click link too hard for grug, he need image embed in 4chan, he afraid of click bad link for naughty of grug child <|endoftext|> grug.bmp <|endoftext|> Just realized you can still Grugpost without the Grug image. I will meditate on this and post later. <|endoftext|> >using grug tier units Can't make this shit up <|endoftext|> >grug give up cave to darkness grug tribe >grug now hungry and homeless >but we all grug on the inside <|endoftext|> >grug pure you not pure ugh <|endoftext|> grug dont like grug from other tribe grug take group of very smart grug tell them build big boom smart grugs discover things world made of can go boom when split into small thing now grugs of all big tribes threaten with big boom each other <|endoftext|> GRUG STRONK GRUG ATTACK <|endoftext|> grug hav 58 wealth grug no big wealth grug but bigger wealth grug than neighbor grugs <|endoftext|> >grug see two man kiss >grug no like. it make grug insecure about grug own sexuality >grug throw stone at them because grughamed prophet said to <|endoftext|> doug? grug. <|endoftext|> They certainly had bigger brains. They also might have lived longer. And were a lot stronger (their hunting method was Grug sneak up to cave bear, Grug smash through bear with a thick wooden stake Grug calls a spear) and had better night vision. They weren't as good at long distance running and because they were such meat tanks they overheated more easily. Its speculated they weren't capable of sapiens-level vocalizations either, which would hamstring their culture. <|endoftext|> >neanderthals are probably smarter than humans Fuck off Grug <|endoftext|> >female grug want to parttake in mammoth hunt >tribe elder say yes >grug no like new role of female grug >grug think male grug make better female grug than female grug now <|endoftext|> grug say put shiny eye-covers on or grug hit you with stick <|endoftext|> *grug is a happy and healthy vegetarian and doesn't have to worry about rotten carcasses* <|endoftext|> *sniff* grug eat from last hunt carcass pile carcass pile called berry think <|endoftext|> grug and his tribe <|endoftext|> GRUG VERSTEHN GRUG SEIN IN HÖHLE FALLS GRÜNE HÖHLENZEICHNUNG MACHEN WILLST <|endoftext|> >wollen du sagen ronnys nur in grug höhle um grug auszulösen? <|endoftext|> grug citoyen du monde grug aller où vouloir <|endoftext|> ya reyt grug big lad? <|endoftext|> >häuptling von de burger stamm sagt häuptling von wüstenstamm hat höhle von wüstenstamm vergast >häuptling von burgerstamm will jetzt höhle von stamm der zuviel komischen beerensaft trinkt angreifen >sagt grug stamm soll auch mitmachen >grug nicht verstehen <|endoftext|> y a pô essence pour tribu peau foncée tribu peau foncée retourner à narbonne ou van grug tape du gourdin <|endoftext|> rl grug <|endoftext|> hooting at this grug <|endoftext|> >me poor so englad bad >:( someone grug this fool <|endoftext|> Thank you for proving >Grug doesn't understand why the EU doesn't just give us what we ask for <|endoftext|> >Grug no understand why the EU isn't just giving us what we ask for >Grug no understand why the EU is putting their own interests ahead of ours <|endoftext|> >Grug no understand why the EU isn't just giving us what we ask for >Grug no understand why the EU is putting their own interests ahead of ours <|endoftext|> Lmao what a fucking dellusional dipshit you are >grug thinks everybody can be rich and be boss >grug thinks having good idea and being boss means grug deserves more stone <|endoftext|> grug know it was nosegrug who fake chieftain election, not squatgrugs <|endoftext|> my arithmetic IQ is grug-tier but my verbal IQ is probably extremely high <|endoftext|> Grug no like shaman in pointy hat Grug make 88 cave paintings <|endoftext|> actually it dr grug, me not go school for this <|endoftext|> l've also noticed they're the ones who started the whole 'grug wear grug flag on t-shirt' thing. I wonder if that's where burgers got it from. Was it a WASP thing to wave flags everywhere and all the time? <|endoftext|> Grug been in DJ school 4 month Grug go from thot song straight to love song Emotional dichotomy is mood setter <|endoftext|> >grug face when he pick more berry, but chief thog say it not enough, and dont give grug more rock for buy food this fault of chog, not chief thog, he friend, he say so, grug need fight with chog and buy chief thog weapon, it freedom <|endoftext|> Imagine if rorke grug had his way, we'd still all be living in caves eating raw meat and dying at 30 But hey, at least there'd be no thogs, right? >muh traditions is just aversion to change <|endoftext|> chief thog decide grug pick berry too expensive, get chog in other tribe pick berry, it cheaper, grug now have no job pick berry now, but it okay if grug now have no cave or food for eat, he not communism <|endoftext|> grug no live next to darkgrug cant trust darkgrug to put out fire before sleep <|endoftext|> Grug share cave Grug go to hunting grounds to collect rocks give to cavelord <|endoftext|> Grug no like other man in cave. Grug think personal space has cost that billed with bullet. <|endoftext|> grug want potato <|endoftext|> If even Grug can figure it out, how dumb must you be? <|endoftext|> >grug mama sagen grug soll höhle ferlassen und grug frau finden >grug sagen grug mama grug frauen nix mögen grug >grug nicht wissen was grug außerhalb von höhle tun soll >grug mama weinen >grug fühlen nicht gut <|endoftext|> >leftymong actually picked up the yank's "grug" gimmick how embarrassing. <|endoftext|> grug wishes he live in pre-grug time, old grug tell grug that thing were better when he was young grug, grug believe all of personal failure of grug wouldn't happen in pre-grug time <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE TECHNOLOGY GRUG WANT GO TO PAST AND PLAY WITH ROCKS <|endoftext|> WHEN N'GUBU SCORE GRUG HAPPY WHEN N'GUBU MISS GRUG RACIALLY ABUSE N'GUBU <|endoftext|> grug think jewish desert stories make sense <|endoftext|> >not speak only grug-tribe-tongue >only speak need for life in tribe <|endoftext|> Grug sounds smart. >teheheheheh let's favour a random outgroup of retard level intelligence instead of our own people Imagine being that much of a thick cunt. <|endoftext|> grug no like spooks <|endoftext|> Grug Toss around many fermented berries, grug ask for template, Grug feel happy, want to rub fingers all over grug cave. <|endoftext|> ooga booga grug smash <|endoftext|> >grug nicht verstehen <|endoftext|> but grug already gives 30% of his rocks to the government, grug can barely afford to live as it is, yet the gruggerment demand MORE rock!? <|endoftext|> >>grug want more service but grug no want to give more rocks to gruggerment <|endoftext|> >grug want more service but grug no want to give more rocks to gruggerment <|endoftext|> >höhle von brudi grug >bernd grug besetzt höhle von brudi grug >anon grug besetzt ebenfalls die höhle >brudi grug sauer <|endoftext|> >höhle von bernd grug eingestürzt >jetzt bernd grug in anon grug höhle >anon grug nicht mögen bernd grug >anon grug sagen bernd grug muss verlassen höhle >höhle nur für anon grug >bernd grug nicht verlasen höhle >bernd grug frech >anon grug wütend <|endoftext|> Basé Grug. <|endoftext|> >grug is played out meme <|endoftext|> grug is played out meme <|endoftext|> GRUG DONT LIKE ENTER KEY PRESS BETWEN PARAGRAF <|endoftext|> Grug stick best friend with pointy club <|endoftext|> We have Grug <|endoftext|> Radiateur, non ? Grug veut faire boum boum ? nennuit anon, puisse tu rêver de ce tableau anon-berserk ! tu me donnes envie à force de poster... <|endoftext|> Grug Brainlet memes <|endoftext|> Ben Tribeman GRAB GRUG BY HAIR, DRAG OUTSIDE OF CAVE, AND SMASH BRAINS WITH SIX-POINTED STONE CLUB <|endoftext|> >grug grosse bite <|endoftext|> grug think poland so based cus dey christien <|endoftext|> red shirt grug not like blue shirt grug <|endoftext|> >grug cook meat, meat in united caves of Grugetica plenty worm <|endoftext|> >Grug no cook meat, fire bad! <|endoftext|> I wonder if grug would even be attracted to modern woman or if hes balls would just explode <|endoftext|> this is a good grug <|endoftext|> >Hab aber eine Gf. Sehe die aber nur immer 1-2 die Woche. grug denken wenn grug nicht in höhle grug frau ugabuga mit andere grug <|endoftext|> grug hauen grug aus anderen stamm kaputt <|endoftext|> Eigentlich wollte ich mich nicht mehr aufregen, aber SO JETZT FICKE ICH EUCH RICHTIG. Damit keiner von euch Brudis und Brudinnen in diese FALLE tappt. Ihr werdet durch euer beschissenes Verhalten noch ein vielfaches an weniger an Umsatz machen als was ihr mit mir verdient habt. ICH HABE EUCH NICHTS GETAN UND WOLLTE EINFACH NUR EINEN GOTTVERDAMMTEN FLUG BUCHEN und wegen euer DRECKSBESCHISSENEN WERBUNG ist mir nunmal als erstes eingefallen. ICH HASSE MICH IMMER NOCH DAFÜR. Denke ich mir also hui fein, der Preis ist gut, 155€ pro Person für hin und zurück, sehr lässig. "Bei Zahlung mit Fluege Gold". Naja dachte ich, schau mer mal was das bedeutet. Mache das ganze natürlich auf meinem Handybildschirm, unterwegs, weil HUIHUIHUI DRECKS PANIKMACHE ES SIND NUR NOCH 2 PLÄTZE FREI UND WENN IHR DIE VERPASST DANN MÜSST IHR ZU FUSS GEHEN IHR NARREN >grug schämen gelacht <|endoftext|> grug haben vergessen bild von grug grug schämen <|endoftext|> grug nicht haben grug frau andere grug haben grug frau grug wütend! <|endoftext|> grug nicht haben grug frau. grug allein in grug höhle. grug traurig. <|endoftext|> /tv/? grug mag langnasen-stamm nicht XD <|endoftext|> schwarzer grug nehmen weißer grug höhle und frau weg weißer grug hassen schwarzer grug weißer grug jetzt für gruppe mit blauer farbe <|endoftext|> grug see math symbol. make grug angry. grug dont understand. <|endoftext|> it not chemical fault grug rock is drooling mong, it uhhh... not chemical fault grug is drooling mong.... it... uhh.... grug forget... <|endoftext|> grug eat chemical say not for grug eat, it make grug depression, but it not drug fault, it girl <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE NORVERNEH <|endoftext|> I honestly don't like dogs, they're the Grug of domesticated animals That said I hate their owners even more <|endoftext|> >grug tro marxism är bara det som marx skrev på 1800-talet >grug också tro att darwinism o evolutionsteori baseras på böcker skrivna på 1800-talet <|endoftext|> >Grug läsa böcker från 1800-talet >Grug tro de beskriver vår nuvarande ekonomi <|endoftext|> >Grug inte läsa böcker men grug vet allting om politik ändå <|endoftext|> grug watch other naked grugs to make stick go hard <|endoftext|> grug know corporation his friend, they say so on twitter <|endoftext|> grug says AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> grug like watch man fight <|endoftext|> grug's tribe women are not to be touched by other tribe's men! <|endoftext|> >grug live in 10th richest tribe grug poor grug not happy <|endoftext|> GRUG CHCIEC KOBITE GRUG PRAGNIE SEKS CIPA RUUUCHANIE GRUG NIE CHCIEC POLKA BO POLKA TO KURWOM GRUG CHCIEC NIEMKE <|endoftext|> grug need story in film, it too hard understand wihout narrator tell grug what think grug now go watch batman superman it kino <|endoftext|> varg just went full grug <|endoftext|> stop making fun of grug... <|endoftext|> Grug sacrifice human for sky-father <|endoftext|> >creme tribe ancestor make chocolate grug ancestors slaves >creme tribe oppress chocolate tribe and throw chocolate grug in cave prison >now creme tribe has most points in cave competition chocolate grug thinks it not fair, creme tribe need give reparations to chocolate tribe or chocolate grugs raid creme cave for berries <|endoftext|> Grug no like fun. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO FIND ROCK TO SELL GRUG BECOME POOR <|endoftext|> MINI TRIBE STRONG GRUG HATE OTHER TRIBE <|endoftext|> grug mögen frauen von braunhautstamm <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock all day >grug eat dinosaur all day >grug still no have gf <|endoftext|> grug hate tech <|endoftext|> Rock throwing man of Grug's tribe tamper with rock. Grug cannot stop talking about rock thrower. All of Grugs kinsman spend many nights talking about rock thrower. Will Grug ever recover? <|endoftext|> Grug fit triangle into triangle hole. Grug smarter than tribe on other hill. <|endoftext|> >moonspirit only spirit, mugg, his prophet, want come praise moonspirit with us in sandcave? maybe if accept mugg as prophet, you get fertile sand ugga? face covered with deerskin, but never been oog'd by other grug like paleface ugga wat do <|endoftext|> grug white skin grug smart <|endoftext|> grug whiter than grugamed <|endoftext|> Grug is correct, every man and woman is created in gods image, you don't need a priest to act as a middle man. God listens to everyone equally <|endoftext|> grug no believe in big shaman lies no more shaman and grug now talk with skyfather <|endoftext|> >grug not eat meat but fish not meat <|endoftext|> >Grug hate people from other caves, Grug only like people from own cave <|endoftext|> grug no like grug from southern half of boot <|endoftext|> The grugiest grug <|endoftext|> Grug stick best friend with pointy club <|endoftext|> Based grug defend tribe from poo skin bunga bunga no-no-time hunting party <|endoftext|> grug know other tribe cant kick ball than grugs tribe. grug say it impossible for other tribe to win <|endoftext|> grug rolling a splif <|endoftext|> >[chimp noises] >grug shit same place he sleep >*picks nose* <|endoftext|> grug nie isc polowac zabijac nie honor grug isc pamietac umarty lowcy <|endoftext|> >grug nie idzie dzis polowa >grug dosta now cze dinomina 3 <|endoftext|> grug want grugism because tribe should do as grug say <|endoftext|> >>syn gruga bdzie y jak grug *syn gruga nie bedzie zyc bo grug nie zarucha w tych nowoczesnych czasach <|endoftext|> >grug y jak jego ojciec >ojciec gruga y jak jego ojciec >syn gruga bdzie y jak grug <|endoftext|> grug hate eu eu is reason why grug country suck <|endoftext|> grug no like grug in pointy hat from pasta eating tribe grug draw 99 cave paintings on community cave <|endoftext|> the virgin literate The CHAD GRUG <|endoftext|> grug get horny grug brain see breast, he lose control, me not freak, thog freak for able to control chimpanzee instinct <|endoftext|> grug enjoy burning throat, grug manly, grug SMASH ROCK ROARRRRR <|endoftext|> grug take drug for fix grug brain it only work for couple hour, then grug feel worse but grug found new drug for fix that too <|endoftext|> grug see girl, get stiffy, get life control by electrical impulse <|endoftext|> grug need put willy in hole, grug hand not good enough <|endoftext|> Grug kick ball with foot Foot ball Grug not very original.. <|endoftext|> grug stick best friend with pointy club grug spend 20 years in exhile cave grug mary woman from snail eating tribe and make 7 mini grugs grugs make interactive cave paintings on grugtube about when cloth runs out <|endoftext|> That is wojacks ancestor, grug <|endoftext|> you want grug talk about lose nose tribe role in holobungdor? grug can't do it. clean your cave. <|endoftext|> grug need gun because grug believe might make right if thog get bigger gun, grug must get even BIGGER gun <|endoftext|> >grug försöka jaga bort nbögar eftersom de påminner grug om att grug är en lat stormbög på bidrag <|endoftext|> if all grugs have rock then it okay only good grug with rock can stop bad grug with rock <|endoftext|> >grug lift heavy rock >grug get big >make googa think grug interesting person <|endoftext|> >tribu des longs nez pourrir grotte des peintures rupestres >grug détruire <|endoftext|> Grug no believe in sky father Grug smart <|endoftext|> grug need rock thrower, it grug freedom, it say on scroll written by ancient ones, if thog hit by rock it price of freedom <|endoftext|> this is grug this is gurg get it right <|endoftext|> grug molests children <|endoftext|> grug watch drawings, grug no want to grow big, grug want mommys milk forever <|endoftext|> grug no like anime, grug have big rocks, grug have REALLY big rocks, so grug cannot like anime <|endoftext|> GRUG SCARE OF COMPUTER COMPUTER MAKE 'CE AND TERORIST GRUG SCARED GRUGGLET SEE CAVE DRAWING OF GRUGGINA NO DEER HIDE COVER HER GRUG WANT GRUGGERMENT AND GRUGRESA MAY SMASH COMPUTER AND INTERNET <|endoftext|> GRUG SCARE OF COMPUTER COMPUTER MAKE 'CE AND TERORIST GRUG SCARED GRUGGLET SEE CAVE DRAWING OF GRUGGINA NO DEER HIDE COVER HER GRUG WANT GRUGGERMENT AND GRUGRESA MAY SMASH COMPUTER AND INTERNET <|endoftext|> Grug ikke kan forstår dansker!! Grug ændre det sprog!! <|endoftext|> >What?! You no believe in sky-grug? You must be loincloth-head, then! <|endoftext|> så dit ideelle sprog er Grug versionen af dansk? >mig hedde Jens, mig have torst, mig have et tuborg <|endoftext|> >han inte samma politisk läggning som grug, han dum dum <|endoftext|> >whigruge >nigrug >chigrug >....grug <|endoftext|> >grug make money therefore grug is happy and success <|endoftext|> >GRUG MAD >GRUG THINK GRUG PASSPORT BE MADE ON GRUG ISLAND!! >GRUG PASSPORT MADE BY NOT GRUG TRIBE MADE BY OTHER TRIBE >GRUG SMASH >GRUG NO CARE IF OTHER TRIBE COST LESS ROCKS TO MAKE GRUGPORT GRUG WANT GRUGPORT MADE ON GRUG ISLAND <|endoftext|> big fan of the grug meme ngl very versatile <|endoftext|> >GRUG MAD >GRUG THINK GRUG PASSPORT BE MADE ON GRUG ISLAND!! >GRUG PASSPORT MADE BY NOT GRUG TRIBE MADE BY OTHER TRIBE >GRUG SMASH >GRUG NO CARE IF OTHER TRIBE COST LESS ROCKS TO MAKE GRUGPORT GRUG WANT GRUGPORT MADE OK GRUG ISLAND <|endoftext|> kobieta rucha sie z nie grug kobieta by kurwa grug rucha sie z kim chcie grug nie by kurwa <|endoftext|> C'est bon. Grug content. Grug poste avec meilleure fille qui regarde Grug <|endoftext|> >slugg see island tribe make fun of boomsticks on cave paintings >slugg smash cave paintings >now no grug make fun >slugg hero now <|endoftext|> grug as tall as 6 and half sticks and weigh as much as many rocks grug like grug who say say all grug should have equal rocks <|endoftext|> Grug want learn German <|endoftext|> grug want throw rock at other grug grug love paper that say grug can throw rock at other grug <|endoftext|> >grug related to neandergrug >therefore grug smarter than grug not related to neandergrug <|endoftext|> Grug like when African kick ball <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> grug no like leaf grug likes stars <|endoftext|> Muh gold Gold shinny Gold good Grug like shinny things <|endoftext|> >every classcave has equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If armed grug attempt to gain entrance into any of classcave, he face a cave full of little grug armed with rock and get stoned. <|endoftext|> >Grug kan skriva grafer med siffror! Detta göra Grug smurtast i stam! Dumma gruggar som kan bygga, bra spjut och hyddor är onödiga till skillnad ifrån grafgrug <|endoftext|> Japp >Nej Grug smart för tog hövdingexamen, mycket svår utbildning! Nej <|endoftext|> grug life incomplete without hole for put grug willy inside thog steal all hole, it not fair <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT LADY GRUG NOW! NOW NOW NOW! GRUUUUUUUUU <|endoftext|> no lady grug FREAK <|endoftext|> grug sad when grug no has lady grug <|endoftext|> Man kick ball Man kick ball with FOOT Man also kick ball with head sometime Grug like that <|endoftext|> grug chciec ruchac kobieta grug nie szanowac kobieta kobieta musiec szanowac grug <|endoftext|> frog posters are pretty based, almost as based as grug posters. Too bad i literally deleted all of my grugs, including my OC ones, please help me rebuild my grug folder by posting grugs. <|endoftext|> why are all the an-prims i see on 4chan either aussies or irishmen? is it something in your criminal grug mentality to hate civilisation? <|endoftext|> ....grug,is that you? <|endoftext|> new lipstick grug? <|endoftext|> grug hate expert <|endoftext|> >if grug want in cuntry u let grug in!! <|endoftext|> poles from kc added it 87209337 87209380 >grug laugh at enemy good enemy laugh at grug no good I see. <|endoftext|> Grug wan MORE yous so Grug make thread about Finngrugs <|endoftext|> Grug want yous so grug make thread with qt Grugina pic <|endoftext|> Not very difficult to trick grug and stir up national pride <|endoftext|> >ugg grug konsumtion uh dekonstruktion kapitalism Maj-Britt... <|endoftext|> grug de qualité <|endoftext|> reminder that lisicki unironically has become sub-80 iq grug from not giving his brain sufficient recovery time between mdma usage, causing severe brain damage please be patient with him, he's trying his best x <|endoftext|> tribu des long nez embrouiller grug grug detruire tribu des long nez <|endoftext|> >Grug smart enough to have equal say in tribe decisions >Grug think democracy good <|endoftext|> grug no like female of own tribe grug only like female of slant eye tribe <|endoftext|> grug think grug ideology will work even though it killed 350 million other grugs <|endoftext|> Grug, the female tribe members men were having sex with were little girls. Grug, you don't seem to be aware that your fellow tribe members aren't living beyond 30. Grug, your village elder is a sacred being because he has managed to live beyond 40. Grug, you're a lot fatter than prehistory peoples were generally able to get. Grug, you're out of time. <|endoftext|> grug SMASH cave painting of female tribe member grug want cavepainting of little girl tribe member <|endoftext|> >grug hear other grug say big word >grug think other grug need leave <|endoftext|> t. leftist grug <|endoftext|> the only thing Ted was right about was leftists the rest of his manifesto is autistic grug thoughts <|endoftext|> Shaman grug Me secret big brain tribe grug <|endoftext|> This, I'd always react like grug to the name calling <|endoftext|> grug think cloth will go away soon so grug prepare for world with no cloth grug live in forrest with mini grugs and grugina mate <|endoftext|> >grug stick best friend with pointy club grug only stick best friend with pointy club in self defense <|endoftext|> grug see fash grug bash! <|endoftext|> This is ugh - Grug <|endoftext|> grug think all grugs will run out of cloth soon so grug prepare for world with no cloth <|endoftext|> grug burn set fire to grug shrines grug stick best friend with pointy club grug spend 20 years in exhile from tribe grug think southron grug tribe from africa grug tribe grug marry grugina from snail eating tribe and have 7 mini grugs grug make interactive cave paintings on grugtube. <|endoftext|> grug burn set fire to grug shrines grug stick best friend with pointy club grug spend 20 years in exhile from tribe grug think southron grug tribe from africa grug tribe grug marry grugina from snail eating tribe and have 7 mini grugs grug make interactive cave paintings on grugtube <|endoftext|> Grug Peterson's advice. He scam alt tribe out of many shiny stone. <|endoftext|> >Stupid people, stupid country. >"OOGA BOOGA STRONGEST GRUG IS ALPHA GRUG" That's the west, the US, the Netherlands, your country, Sweden, most countries in the west. Southern Europe is the exception. It is well known that if a guy doesn't look physically imposing, he stands no chance in our politics. We are the cavemen. Russians elected a guy who is not even 170cm for two decades in a row. <|endoftext|> I hate Russians so much. Why are they so retarded and in the stone age? Stupid people, stupid country. ' "OOGA BOOGA STRONGEST GRUG IS ALPHA GRUG" <|endoftext|> 10,000 years ago: grug see nice grug girl grug have sex with girl now: need a car, a house, a career, good education, and money before women will even CONSIDER going out with you <|endoftext|> Grug smash anime <|endoftext|> Bad Grug! <|endoftext|> >intelligent right wingers are more likely to conceal their views for fear of being branded "the enemy within" the grug in denial <|endoftext|> theres barely any history of Poland before year 966(baptism of poland) so i doubt they ever cared about it slavs were bunch of wildlings back then and christian man says he gives grug crown grug king now but have to pray to jew on stick <|endoftext|> grug say no grug go toil cave <|endoftext|> Hello grug you wan com play? <|endoftext|> all other grugs same as grug <|endoftext|> Grug vote Brexit <|endoftext|> grug think skitzo grug better than dave grug as skitzo grug from cave and dave grug from tribe cave <|endoftext|> grug hate nu-grug <|endoftext|> >grug think other rock man is planning to kill grug >grug think he is superior to other grug men because he not viewed cave painting naked women <|endoftext|> Grug no like Chief, so Grug hate tribe now <|endoftext|> grug take drug, it fix grug problem it also give grug new problem, but grug find drug for fix that too, so it fine <|endoftext|> somebody should make a grug pic but have the wooden bat in his mouth and him sucking on it and drooling all over it <|endoftext|> grug do post THIS wide [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] <|endoftext|> Thog hit Grug again today for him theories on evolution and how big sky god is not real, Grug don't like Thog, Thog is dum, Grug HATES Thog <|endoftext|> grug no like working for hump hump grug want club grugette over head and drag back to cave <|endoftext|> grug try use tinder for first time yesterday but grug accidentally burn fingers <|endoftext|> me grug me hunt down animal me take animal and give to grugina she like me shag grugina <|endoftext|> grug no like hunting mammoth grug like berrypicking grug cut off dick with sharp stone grug now gruga <|endoftext|> >be in leaf tribe >chief leaf says desert tribe is now leaf tribe >grug no like desert tribe >smell bad >grug get sent to cage for bad speak <|endoftext|> Grug no trust book <|endoftext|> >grug angry at ruski tribe because they make bugar tribe say dumb thing <|endoftext|> >grug no need condom not feel good for grug grug pull out <|endoftext|> big grug say no matter who big grug is only matters what big grug plan is <|endoftext|> Grug got Grollstation64 from when Grug was just little-Grug *sips fermented bean juice* <|endoftext|> Grug say no other grugs Grug ask big grug <|endoftext|> grug bigger brain than nigrug <|endoftext|> Grug like white tribe Grug marry yellow tribe gruga <|endoftext|> >This is next level. When is china going to take over the anime market? lmfao literal grug. <|endoftext|> >grug give son name of mother, is more fair! <|endoftext|> grug pick up rock grug put rock down grug do many time grug get big <|endoftext|> Wonder would it would be like to have grug suck my cock, is there a female grug pic? <|endoftext|> grug no like that thog play in premier rock league premier rock league only for grugs, thogs not allowed despite being better than grug <|endoftext|> grug think tribe should make box to put grog in as punishment for killing greg <|endoftext|> Soy wojak is unironically shit, at least grug wojak actually works pretty well with shitposting <|endoftext|> >grug likey seeing grugga gruggson without leaf cover <|endoftext|> sartre grug never fail to cracks me up <|endoftext|> Time to test how /lit/ this board is. identify the grug. <|endoftext|> grug says AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> grug hate it when thog look at grugina grugina belong to grug, not thog grug hate thog <|endoftext|> bit miffed nobody responded to my grug post about trump in the last thread <|endoftext|> >Grug no like orange tribe leader who want build big stone wall to keep grog tribe out >Grug think grog tribe should come live with grug whenever grog tribe want <|endoftext|> grug know corporation his friend, they say so on commercial and twitter, mean we need get rid of government and let corporation do what corporation want <|endoftext|> lweica sie mylic parwica sie mylic tylko grug miec racja <|endoftext|> looks like im not the only one who likes to post like grug <|endoftext|> >grug put big rock on big rock <|endoftext|> >Grug grass hut taller than you grass hut <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> Grug want KC cave back Longnose tribe give kraut cave back Kanker cave not fun <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT STUPID <|endoftext|> GRUG CHARGE GRUG JR PEBBLES NOW THAT HE IS 18 WINTERS OLD <|endoftext|> grug want woman mate <|endoftext|> > grug no know that he reddit tier <|endoftext|> Grug come Your general bad Grug leave now <|endoftext|> You're using the brainlet meme but posting the grug meme <|endoftext|> >what more grug need be >sorry <|endoftext|> Grug hates slave tribe <|endoftext|> Grug smash <|endoftext|> Grug like male grugs? <|endoftext|> At least grug is still alive <|endoftext|> >grug was a berry picker all along <|endoftext|> Varg killing a fellow european but sparing grug, right. <|endoftext|> >grug now has two maces <|endoftext|> grug is armed <|endoftext|> grug fingol aleksei makeev <|endoftext|> Grug no speak good English Grug wish tribe spoke in grunts <|endoftext|> grug móc rucha kobieta z kady kraj grugica móc rucha tylko mczyzna z mój kraj <|endoftext|> >grug no happy >grug depress it’s like you don’t have enough chemicals in your brains you literal low iq brainlets lamo <|endoftext|> >Emigrate in France pls Bruh I mean as Grug-tier as this is, those are still some tasty-looking ribs <|endoftext|> >the virgin walk >SEETHING >grug any others? <|endoftext|> big guvt = good okay grug, enjoy the ol secret police stealing your rocks and calling it an improvement <|endoftext|> GUHHH GRUG CAN'T EXPLAIN GRUGSELF WITH GRUGWORDS RGURGUGHHHH ME LEAFY NO UNDERSTAND <|endoftext|> Looks like grug <|endoftext|> Underrated grug <|endoftext|> >grug no human >grug newman <|endoftext|> Germanoids are weird, have you noticed they are a race of larpers? >Holy Roman Empire >Holy >Roman >Empire >be enslaved and killed by Romans >suddenly start wewuzing them >Prussia >not inhabited by actual Prussians >instead they were wewuzing teutonic knights then the biggest LARP in human history >Third Reich this one is really good >wewuz ALL germanic tribes and shiet >wewuz also Aryan despite no evidence >wewuz also vikangz also the fact that they even wewuzed as a bunch of barbarians is hilarious to begin with, you don't see Slavs wewuzing about times when they live in straw huts and raided Byzantine settlements but to Germanoids Grug from Oongaboonga tribe attacking some roman village is admirable. I fully expect them to wewuz Chinese at some point. <|endoftext|> >grug ANGER when grugs distant tribe member has it BAD >grug ANGER despite the fact is doesn't effect grug because it's grugs tribe!!!! who gives a fuck. I just hope they didn't force their shitty language here because that actually has an effect on me. <|endoftext|> >grog say big grug in sky made up???? >Y-YEAH, WELL GRUG BET GROG WEAR FUNNY HEAD CLOTH! <|endoftext|> Grug think race not important. Grug think grug better than this. <|endoftext|> Grug not for eating Grug beat cavewoman <|endoftext|> Cave woman eat grug <|endoftext|> ktos byc z inny kawaek ziemi ni grug grug nie lubi <|endoftext|> grug sysze grugowicz gada o rozrywka grug wole zapierdala ni robi rozrywka grug by sojgrug jak grug robi rozrywka <|endoftext|> grugs use protogrug painting to insult other grugs? grug SMASH! <|endoftext|> Grug äta bajs. Bajs gott få starka barn. <|endoftext|> Grug tänka mycket när han äta sitt eget bajs. <|endoftext|> Grug ledsen för andra Grugs plocka stenar bättre. Grug nu skylla på långnäsestammen, för det har hövding sagt. Först slänger man in spikbomber på NMRs "litteraturcirklar". Sedan räknar man alla fötter i landet och dividerar med två. <|endoftext|> Grug sätta många kådiga löv på stammar, hålla långnäsestammen borta. <|endoftext|> Grug titta på en pinne med krångliga magiska tecken om stenplockning i andra dalen. Nu Grug veta vad göra med Grugs som gillar andra Grugs. <|endoftext|> grug göra stor tänk i skogen <|endoftext|> Grug äta sin egen avföring <|endoftext|> Grug ha problem med Lill-Grug, gör Grugga olycklig. Grug skylla på Grugs som gillar andra Grugs, för schaman säger det. <|endoftext|> grug hata mörk stam <|endoftext|> Grug leva i lugn och ro, för Grug stark och frisk. Hövding säga Grug döda alla i långnäsestammen, trots att ingen sett någon på många månar och de bor många dalar bort. <|endoftext|> Grug inte kunna jaga bra. Grug gilla plocka bär. Grug hugga av snopp med vass sten. Grug nu Gruga Det finns ingen skillnad på en vuxen fjollbög och en pojke rent fysiskt. De är ju vuxna män som ser ut som pojkar. Är ni attraherade av dem är ni pedofiler. <|endoftext|> grug tycka detta okej för hövding sa allt i dal tillhöra hövding och grug ska vara glad han ha stenplockande att gå till <|endoftext|> grug plocka 10 fina stenar varje dag men hövdingen tar 7 och ger grug 3 kvar grug tycker om detta för grug gillar se andra gruggar knulla grugs fru <|endoftext|> Grug se annan Grug ha fler stenar än Grug. Grug tycka hövding ska ge stenar till Grug också <|endoftext|> >grug hate flag different than grug flag >grug want foreners to leave grug's thread <|endoftext|> grug exploade self for sky grug <|endoftext|> >grugland is multitribal >all grug welcome <|endoftext|> >grug mad >grug split atom over mexico <|endoftext|> >be grug from desert tribe >ride mammooh into fat tribe hut <|endoftext|> undrar hur kapitalism skulle fungera på stenåldern förresten >hej grug! mitt namn är mikael cuckelius. jag är den nya ägaren över den här havsviken. du kan fortsätta bo här för endast 800 torkade fiskar i månade... aaaah nej grug!! döda mig inte!! aaaaah! <|endoftext|> grug donate to slut on patreon because slut say what grug want hear and she fashy <|endoftext|> > grug no like this > so grok and mork and the whole tribe should not like it <|endoftext|> > grug bunga bunga in the bum with grugs > grug progressive <|endoftext|> grog from dark skin tribe decide join grug tribe grug tribe elder welcome grog grug not like dark skin tribe grug not like grog grug think time to choose new elder <|endoftext|> >grug think democracy goood <|endoftext|> lange nasen stamm will tauschen glitzersteine gegen beeren grugina will glizerstein jetzt grug muss hart arbeiten <|endoftext|> grug born in wrong sun time grug think neo-lith bad grug not like other grugs, grug use meso-lith grug wish he had austrolopithecus bunga bunga grugina <|endoftext|> grug hat endlich rote beere gegessen jetzt weiß grug art von lange nase <|endoftext|> Grug like democracy. Grug smart, Grug deserve equal voice <|endoftext|> Grug ist kein primitiver Mensch unter primitiven Menschen, sondern er ist ein primitiv-gewordener, eine Rückbildung. <|endoftext|> grug gesehen wie lange nase stamm hat beeren in fluss jetzt grugina will genauso viel beeren wie grug <|endoftext|> busch greifen an grug mit busch penis grug schlagen zurück mit grug penis behalten busch penis als zeichen von sieg <|endoftext|> grug muss nagelholz an lange nase stamm geben wandmal sagt nichts von nagel in holz <|endoftext|> Woher hat Grug den Nagel? Hat Grug etwa schon Eisenverhüttung entdeckt? <|endoftext|> grug nix sprechen über lange nasen grug lieber frauen schleppen in höhle <|endoftext|> Grug think other grug dumber than Amerigrug. Prove grug wrong <|endoftext|> grug want every grug to live in Forrest <|endoftext|> dave here, i'm convinced by that anon now, i was a dumb grug before but he educated me, the legislation on porn wont affect anything <|endoftext|> dumb grug, the domain is not hosted in the UK, and therefore canot be blocked from the UK. if that even is a domain, could be blocked, but then pornhub would direct . to the .com address. <|endoftext|> because you're a dumb grug deano that doesn't understand how website hosting and web traffic works, so i have to try and explain this in easy terms for you <|endoftext|> grug by czowiekiem czowieki zabi miliony czowieki czyli grug zabi miliony czowieki grug zabi siebie <|endoftext|> my grug team lose rock moving game, grug spit in young grug face because her dad grug support bad grug team <|endoftext|> i kto to mowi >grug podnosic ciezkie rzeczy >grugilda nadal nie chciec ruchac sie z grug <|endoftext|> thog, grug HATE thog <|endoftext|> shit what's the name for the caveman that grug hates? i've forgotten it and had a good grugpost lined up <|endoftext|> grug not care for tribe grug care for only himself <|endoftext|> tribe not work only grug work <|endoftext|> tribu des longs nez exister grug pas content, grug GAZE <|endoftext|> grug acheter boisson à grug de la tribu des longs nez grug pas payer cher boisson goût urine grug de la tribu des long nez va payer <|endoftext|> grug fort grug battre tous les anons à la bagarre grug malin <|endoftext|> >grug applåderar Ja, nätaggregatet och så vidare kommer vara av bedrövlig kvalitet. 1000+200gb lagring är uselt med. <|endoftext|> Grug hata dator för inget trådlöst nätverkskort <|endoftext|> grug robi chujowo ale grug chcie ty zrobi za niego <|endoftext|> >V-vi var uppfinnare och skit! Grug gjorde gnista först därför Grug bäst! <|endoftext|> Detta, fy fan för stormbögar lol, ha min Simon-grug <|endoftext|> >grug mieszkac w jaskinia >grugowicz mieszkac w jaskinia przed grug >grug musiec robic to samo co grugowicz i myslec tak samo jak on bo inaczej grug byc lewak <|endoftext|> Varför så lik Grug? <|endoftext|> >The attached picture is of course an example of a brand that does not produce real potato chips literally grug tier intellect <|endoftext|> a co jeli odwrotno jest prawd, grug? ja te miaem kiedy 17 lat i przekonanie o nieomylnoci <|endoftext|> yeah but i was objectively right 'churchill is the real evil dictator *grug noises*' is an edgy onion <|endoftext|> you have the grug phenotype mate <|endoftext|> >be little grug from fat tribe >go shaman cave for teachings >get clubbed <|endoftext|> >grug wears russian cup <|endoftext|> grug smash cuckstianity, grug smash medoids viking long boats could enter low earth orbit <|endoftext|> >jak sie nie ma karty dzwiekowej to vocaroo w huj szumu zbiera grug jest ciekawa jak ty nagrywac cokolwiek chociazby szum bez karta <|endoftext|> dumb big eye tribe use metal triple-stick for eat Grug-san prefer single wooden stick for eat <|endoftext|> eruo tribe invent fire grug-san no need fire grug-san eat meat raw <|endoftext|> Memes just happen, forced memes are usually pretty cringeworthy and they die out pretty fast. The mutt thing is like what, 3-4 months old or something? The Grug meme appeared like two months later? My sense of time is pretty fucked, but a good meme appears like every second month of you ask me <|endoftext|> grug like long bread tribe <|endoftext|> Good grug <|endoftext|> grug not see race <|endoftext|> grug hate racist grug think dark and pale same <|endoftext|> Grug love /g/. <|endoftext|> grug say berry juice for grugettes <|endoftext|> Stop posting grug memes. <|endoftext|> >grugettino no like grug from rainy island they scary and fuck my grugetta! <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE GRUG FROM SOUTH SIDE OF GRUG CAVE <|endoftext|> grug talk to gruga gruga seems to like grug grug happy gruga eventually say she actually didn't like grug grug complains about gruga to mongolian cave painting <|endoftext|> grug say planned economy work >soviets collapse trying to wave dicks with America UNG NOT REAL NOT REAL <|endoftext|> grug.jpg <|endoftext|> Grug not like this,grug put magic belt on. <|endoftext|> >grug want grugina >every time grug try talk grugina, grug loose all pocket berries feels unga, man. <|endoftext|> cave is grug cave skyfather give grug cave is told on sacred cave painting <|endoftext|> grug post grug and what enemy tribe grug say now grug future grug, enemy tribe present grug <|endoftext|> Grug mates with woman Woman says she love Grug Then woman mates with grughunters while Grug is gathering fruits Grug complains how women in 50 000 years BC are not as faithful as in the old days <|endoftext|> grug hate gruga from grug tribe gruga from slant eye tribe grug likes <|endoftext|> based Grug <|endoftext|> grug know if he leave cave he be clubbed to death by chadgrug while gruga laughs <|endoftext|> Grug stay in cave and talk to cave painting instead of leaving cave and speaking to tribe Grug complain about no gruga but grug never talk to any gruga aside from gruga drawn on cave <|endoftext|> >grug post small brain man and what enemy tribe man say >now grug smart enemy tribe stupid <|endoftext|> >grug hate eu <|endoftext|> tribe elder tell grug other online tribe bad grug no like other tribe <|endoftext|> Grug pas aime pomme Grug méprise maintenant <|endoftext|> grug want to make shitty painting grug know that when make new painting, old painting must go away from wall grug make painting anyway <|endoftext|> grug prefer moving painting to woman grug <|endoftext|> i think you are guys are just greentexting and grug posting that post because it was posted by a yank <|endoftext|> >grug cover up dumb statements with cheap sarcasm and childlish insults so nobody think grug stupid <|endoftext|> >grug no do thing so no one do thing <|endoftext|> >me grug >me think evolution only cares about DNA <|endoftext|> is grug a /brit/ original? <|endoftext|> grug no know how to make fire but at least grug no eat soy <|endoftext|> kobieta móc zaj w cie wic kobieta nie rucha grug nie móc zaj w cie wic grug rucha ile grug chcie <|endoftext|> grug build wall grug keep Scotland grug out <|endoftext|> Lol, german is much more rational than english, where you literally have to memorize how words are written. >Shit would be so much easier if y'all just used "das" and "ein" and "sind" for everything t. Grug <|endoftext|> >grug like big shaman man because only he can talk to sky father grug believe big shaman because he has big hat obey big shaman or grug SMASH you <|endoftext|> what more grug need be sorry <|endoftext|> >ja pierdole kurwa. Czy ty masz zjebany umys? grug, prosz, kto to mówi <|endoftext|> grug widzie kogo kto by inny od grug grug nie lubi kogo kto by inny od grug <|endoftext|> >tylko ty uywasz tego >i postujesz ten obrazek z wojakiem jaskiniowcem januszem tylko e to nie ja, kolego grug <|endoftext|> tylko ty uywasz tego >grug grug i postujesz ten obrazek z wojakiem jaskiniowcem januszem <|endoftext|> ale grug by dziewica przecie <|endoftext|> grug chcie ona dziewica grug nie musie by dziewica <|endoftext|> Grug think he from bad teeth tribe <|endoftext|> grug no like rock exchange with other cave grug smashes everyone's rocks <|endoftext|> >Grug >toilet Maybe dung pit or smelly hole. <|endoftext|> TOILET CLEANER TRIBE BAD DONT ATTACK GRUG TRIBE I TAKE SOME PLACES FROM TOILET CLEANER ME HAPPY NOW WTF GRUG TRIBE ATTACK ME <|endoftext|> Grug tribe hate yellow smol eyes tribe Grug want race war Grug want special stuff only for Grug tribe! <|endoftext|> GRUG ATTACK TOILET CLEANER TRIBE ME NO HAPPY <|endoftext|> The sharing help attack Toilet cleaner tribe they said. Toilet cleaner tribe no has good fighting men. sharing tribe and Grug win fast and promise no attack each other. But sharing tribe build big big driving shooting houses. Grug knows sharing tribe wants to attack Grug with very big big driving shooting houses and force everyone to share. Grug cant let sharing tribe attack first. <|endoftext|> The sharing help attack Toilet cleaner tribe they said. Toilet cleaner tribe no has good fighting men. sharing tribe and Grug win fast and promise no attack each other. But sharing tribe build big big driving shooting houses. Grug knows sharing tribe wants to attack Grug with very big big driving shooting houses and force everyone to share. Grug cant let sharing tribe attack first. <|endoftext|> Grug like SOSIJ roll <|endoftext|> Shouting tower attack no real. Autism tribe bring kill tribesmen to tower and say it Grug did. Then they throw rocks at Grug from big canoe. Grug think Frog tribe and Bad teeth tribe must attack Autism tribe. Frog tribe and Bad teeth tribe say they friends of Grugs tribe. <|endoftext|> Toilet cleaner tribe attack Grugs shouting tower Gleiwitz. Grug want great war now! <|endoftext|> >GRUCE SEE IT COLD DURING WINTER TIME, CAVE WARMING MUST BE SHADOW PUPPET MADE BY LONGNOSE GRUG FROM EAGLE CAVE <|endoftext|> >killing someone is still murder Murder is the intentional killing of someone with malice and forethought. >you'll live with the guilt of killing someone for the rest of your life. This is something people say in movies, but in reality no one is upset that they defended their own life. >Good thing I'm not a soyboy who needs a gun when I can just push people to the ground if they try to come near me. Grug push. lol. Push the guy with the knife, see what happens <|endoftext|> Most of the current dykes were in place by the year 1200 and there is evidence of flood control going back to 500BC. So yes grug no like water, grug build wall to keep water out <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> >gru vain syö kaali >kaali halpa >grug säästää >kaappi täysi kaali urg urg <|endoftext|> grug more white than no grug <|endoftext|> HNNNG grug lose frontal cortex function grug want to bury face in boobies <|endoftext|> >grug tycka slåss cool, grug sett på grottmålningar och fantiserat om tredje grottan ta över resten av dal >grug hamna på grottmålning för det, grugg vara del av något större istället för vara lägst i rank i stam >grug tom. efter gamla kvinnor som bara plocka bär <|endoftext|> >grug inte dra i snopp >det göra grug starkast i stammen >grugetter börja gilla grug mer när grug inte dra i snopp >grug blir bästa jägaren sök hjälp ickerunkautist <|endoftext|> grug boss say no more smash hun tribe so grug smash white powder tribe to get smash out of system <|endoftext|> Grug svira frulicu od medvjee kosti Grog svira tamburicu od konjskih dlaka Grug bolji od groga Grug zove grogove zvukie udaranjem i deranjem Grog tuan grug sretan <|endoftext|> >uga buga grug voli samo udaranje i vikanje <|endoftext|> >grug ne voli ove zvukie >grug voli lijepe zvukie <|endoftext|> Läs vad du precis skrev Grug <|endoftext|> grug no liek people with more rocks <|endoftext|> Grug is a great meme <|endoftext|> no want discussion grug want post draw little girl <|endoftext|> Grug no want warm herp water Grug want sweet <|endoftext|> >grug srug debilu <|endoftext|> grug feel sad, drink a lot tea to get gooder <|endoftext|> grug srug debilu <|endoftext|> grug lose war but grug make cartoon make gaijin impotent <|endoftext|> flour face man come make grug soap grug no like strong flour face man <|endoftext|> is there a trump grug? <|endoftext|> See It go bang. It go bang in very cold. It change rock size. It monolithic for beating off rabid bears and big cats. It make il4dd seethe. What more could grug want <|endoftext|> SoCal >nice comfy dry creekbeds to sleep >high temp, low humidity >many mountains make grug legs strong >dumb girls in area to fug on the weekends Sucks to suck, Army. Holy fuck, do you have a pencil neck? <|endoftext|> >why innovate when grug solution is adequate? <|endoftext|> >Hurr durr orcs use it work fine Okay Grug. Orcs also live in yurts, have no medicine (dancing and chanting around the fire is not medicine Grug), and die at an average age of 26. The most common cause of death is disease, followed by violence. So please, tell me more about how it's "good enough for Orcs." If anything that's a condemnation. <|endoftext|> Thunderstick tribe kill Grug with magic smoke before Grug reach thunderstick tribe with pointy stick. <|endoftext|> Grug think sharp rock on stick for LARPers. Just use rock <|endoftext|> Lol >me grug >me warrior >me kill everyone and oof grug too >me win <|endoftext|> reject modernity return to grug <|endoftext|> >Grug see weird wing bird >Grug loves weird wing bird <|endoftext|> All these rocks-in-heads argue about hit or poke better Grug trade fat canoe tribe for stick that do both <|endoftext|> >Stay in cave >Make stronk spirit >Communicate on wall >Live when moon is up >Swing own grug club to cave painting >Homo sapiens grug is dumdum and take club away on fear >Homo sapiens no can protect cave and tribe Neanderthal know more than take club away from free grug Neanderthal think help people with spirit problem better help against cave clubbing than take club away <|endoftext|> >t. Mom sexed by grug <|endoftext|> >He is going to die in a few hours, do I fuck his ass? No bother. Or hornblower grugs will come take-release neanderthal and tie up good grug instead. Better that grug kill neanderthal, say "he come for me like mammoth!". Cave drawing no related. Me favorite club. <|endoftext|> What should Grug do with Nubian goddess Gruglettes? <|endoftext|> Based Grug is based. Sex all women, start new and smarter tribes. <|endoftext|> how that question definitely grug his cave <|endoftext|> Fucking newfag tourist not know who Grug is. Must go back to Redcave. <|endoftext|> Grug like slap chop <|endoftext|> Grug see white man come across ocean on wooden water house. He show grug metal poker. Grug want poker and boomstick. Grug not sure what do about bow and arrow and club. <|endoftext|> If spear is long enough >be Grug chilling with Homo sapien bros >made to guard settlement entrance during nighttime >wise man gave me weird headed spear pic related with long rope tied to the head >says he wants me to use it for hunting mammoth >Grug thinks idea is stupid, mammoths too strong >One night I hear the traps go off >Neanderthal hunting party has come trying to take the women >Shout that enemies have arrived, whole tribe wakes up >Nearly shit my loincloth, grabbed weird spear instead of my trusty Levallois spear >stabbed a Neanderthal, tried to pull away but the shaft breaks off with the head stuck inside >Now have an uppity Neanderthal attached to a rope >Pull on rope hard and the enemy falls down >Fellow Homo sapien disarms and wrestles him and we use the rope to tie him up Now what to do with Neanderthal? He is going to die in a few hours, do I fuck his ass? <|endoftext|> Ahhh. Grug brb need find tree and have discussion with grugger-in-law <|endoftext|> grug dont listen to long-nose <|endoftext|> Slings might be the goat for grug/k/, but I am partial to the Atlatl myself. Just a good solid low tech solution to "I want to throw this spear harder and further". The ancient natives probably didn't even have a term for concepts like "moment arm" or whatever, but they were still able to figure it out. I'm a sucker for this kind of ancient problem solving. <|endoftext|> war should not be civil. it should be to torture and terrify your enemy into submission, to kill everyone he has to defend himself without losing anyone yourself. playing chess with human lives is a ye olde nobleman cope, from when they didn't really consider them human lives and war was about their own honor and greatness. we should be using .50 caliber exploding anti personnel rounds and drone striking politicians families honestly war then = let best grug win and rule tribe war now = other tribe should have accepted grug negotiations. now you all die. <|endoftext|> classical? antiquity? me grug no know what mean what weapon mean yes here grug weapon bonk many not-grugs then bonk many not-grug women if know what grug mean <|endoftext|> grug no want grogg play god man no be god grug like club club enough <|endoftext|> >close on end of pipe and fill with explosive HARD >take too much think think >grug only know club >grug need college degree to figure out this <|endoftext|> Essentially true, except the strong decided to build suburban neighbourhoods and protect their inhabitants until eventually those inhabitants grow despise them for their naivete and for the violence of their benefactors, not knowing of the blood inherent in human existence, hidden from suburban view. If you don’t shoot the active shooter, the active shooter shoots you. Sometimes the active shooter has a family, sometimes he has hostages, sometimes he already completed the shooting and your duty is now to take revenge, but in any case, Grug kill bad guy <|endoftext|> What’s funny is the source of why the Turkish government has to do this. The instability Turkey suffers the most from is from all the refugees they got from the Syrian war, millions upon millions of them. They’re generally less educated than native Turks, so the government plays to this “grug stronk” populism that they like. If Russia hadn’t flattened Syria like the pidor orks they are, Turkey wouldn’t have been so rabid about getting revenge. <|endoftext|> The handheld rock or even better a sharp rock on a stick. In the event of societal collapse we may forget how to create spicy rocks that fly out of hollow sticks super fast but the handheld rock will qlways be available as Mankind's most reliable and battle tested weapon. You can throw it or you can use it to bash Grug from next door over the head with. <|endoftext|> Grug tired of small hat tribe demanding grug give up assault stick <|endoftext|> >other tribe thrown out of heap big caves >come to grug cave >claim grug the problem make grug think <|endoftext|> Well, anon, Grug is a lot cleverer then your typical russian too. <|endoftext|> >and russia cant even manufacture nails. embarrassing, even Grug has access to steel nails <|endoftext|> lmao meanwhile in manitoba >FEATHER GRUG NEED ALCOHOL GIVE ME YOUR WALLET <|endoftext|> Grug grug >you actually responded to something like this seriously <|endoftext|> Big man in sky say pig meat bad, Grug sad. <|endoftext|> Uuoooh proper science gay and feminine, Grug beat stone with stone get sharper stone <|endoftext|> Boogen talk crazy, like shaman when shaman eat the white spot mushroom from tree place. Sky god touch Boogen in head, punish Boogen for bad touch small ones. Grug think you talk like bird raise other bird young, you just repeat whatever longnose tribe messenger say by campfire. Stop make paint on this cave wall, go back to red pit cave wall where you belong. <|endoftext|> Boogen not Big Chief of Grug, Grug want Wump for big chief. Boogen try use words give many gift make Sun stain tribe no attack cave, no steal pelts. Wump tell Grug tribe smash Booga Looga Mooga when attack cave. Grug need new sharp rock-long branch protect small Grugzug. <|endoftext|> Oogger say rock good enough but what it Grug fight two from not grug tribe at same time? Rock no have enough sharp side make long sleep sleep two or more sun stain men, need club have more power to make long sleep sleep. Not many moons ago, rock obsolete but club new and better capacity. One moon foreword Grug mount torch to club but right now Grug not have many shells to trade for torch from longnose tribe. <|endoftext|> rock no good enough for grug, grug want rock on stick rock for ug grug stronger than ug <|endoftext|> if a rock is good enough for Grug it's good enough for me <|endoftext|> going to take a picture of myself cutting a watermelon with one of these just make the autistic school-shooter grug-tier caveman who made it cringe <|endoftext|> yep SF are irrelevant for conventional war. Hence the original mission of SF creating networks of guerillas. having an OSS mattered a ton more than the SAS. SF units pull guys who would be excellent normal leaders and concentrate them in place isolate from both the bullshit of big army but also being a positive influence. The event of real war every guy in group should be made a platoon leader or platoon Sargent in big army Now under current war conditions current SF is actually really good for the war. because tiny sized deployment means you need to get the absolute best from limited numbers of dude. British generally were right to hate the SAS and their crazy casualties rate probably noticeably reduced the quality of the units they kept stealing the best guys from. in conventional war commando assaults should have much cheaper units that can sustain losses so you don't get what happened to CAG in the invasion of Iraq. We need a death company for a conventional war of grug ass commandos with really great to do the dying of commando raids in dice roll missions. <|endoftext|> >has an image of power and grace to it, unlike say a warhammer thats basically just grug clubbing your enemy to death >going off of that is wieldly enough for most to get the hang of and use for extended periods >swords were both the equivalent of sidearms and a huge status symbol, so someone OC’ing it or having a sheath to their belt or whatever was pretty much a sign they were on some level hot shit or at least had an important role Personally I prefer a good ‘ol bonk of doom. <|endoftext|> grug think you coping for grag death by mammoth, if grag had bow and arrow never get trampled, plus can still carry spear or axe in case mammoth too close, more option mean more meat for tribe <|endoftext|> grug carry more arrow than carry spear, more hole mean less time to wait <|endoftext|> >stab spear into mammoth >mammoth no care >grug die from mammoth trampling vs. >grug shoot arrow >grug run away from mammoth >mammoth bleed out from many arrow hole >grug feed tribe for many moon <|endoftext|> >The grug tier electrical engineering on them can get a little old qrd? <|endoftext|> I was considering getting the titanium body Holosun optic to retire my Slavshit optics at some point. The grug tier electrical engineering on them can get a little old, wish there were even chink dot clones with modern electronics in them. <|endoftext|> >Grug think bow and arrow stupid. Why nose tribe keep saying is future? Spear have worked better, every time bow and arrow tried Grug miss target It’s never been tried. Give an example when female infantry have fought in combat and their performance compared to men. You can’t because there is no data. We have experimental battalions and IDF border guards and that’s it. And of those, women performed and are performing perfectly fine. Given the hurdles, cultural and resource-wise, allocated to these female units, that they can perform comparably to men would demonstrate superiority. People ITT are also complaining about women being worse workers in white collar jobs, yet studies have shown repeatedly they perform just as well as me. I think your bias prevents you from making an objective assessment of the situation or maybe you’re too stupid to do so in the first place. The truth is that if women were fully integrated into the military along with other facets of life, poor uneducated men lose their ability to feel superior to a whole class of people which would be psychologically devastating. <|endoftext|> Direct blowback is grug-tier caveman tech. <|endoftext|> They're grug guns that can be used as clubs and can be maintained very very easily in the field and 7.62x39 is perfect for where I live since its all heavy forest and rolling mountains <|endoftext|> I was in 1st grade. We lived in Bakersfield but my pop mostly worked in metro LA (industrial sales). Both of my folks are actually from LA, and my pop is 1 of 12 and my mom is 1 of 10 (inb4 spic, my ancestors were catholic and didn't believe in birth control) so I had a lot of family in the city. My dad was driving out of the city when the verdict was announced and he was able to get out, and did not go back for a couple of months. My grug uncle Todd was inna 40th ID and got called up to crack skulls. He said that the NG returned more ammunition to inventory than it issued because people brought their own loaded mags lol Speaking for myself, seeing Reggie Denny get stomped by Basketball Americans gave me a primal survival instinct that I haven't lost. Driven through a few riots in America and overseas and not becoming that guy has been my prime motivation every time. <|endoftext|> >rok gud >rok maek Grug feel gud >rok gud <|endoftext|> That actually kind of makes sense. Willing to bet 9x39 doesn’t have nearly as good of a logistics chain as x54r, especially since the PKM uses the same ammo and only designated cool guys get shit like the VSS. Plus, outside of counter terror or behind enemy lines tier shit the VSS kind of sucks outside of looking and sounding cool, nevermind maintenance being too much for donbabwe monkes unlike the grug club that shoots. At the very least with a PU nugget you can larp as a sniper in Stalingrad, if you got a VSS you’re pretty much useless beyond 100 meters. <|endoftext|> The SBU is a grug army of people who got the equivalent of D’s and F’s in school. They’re not exactly recruiting from Yale. <|endoftext|> Staff officers and higher ranked officers in general shouldn't try to look badass in the first place. If you're not personally leading troops, there's little meaning in it. Trying to look physically imposing at those levels just comes off as a bad joke, as a misunderstanding of your role, as narcissistic and insecure. A confident, humorous demeanor is going to serve you better. What people expect from you are competence and nerves of steel, not grug-tier signaling of strength. <|endoftext|> WHAT ME LIKES = SOUL WHAT ME NO LIKES = NO SOUL what other secrets does grug hold for us? <|endoftext|> Despite the appearance, creating a Grug 3 is actually a fine science. You must be a physical specimen with attention to detail. <|endoftext|> >why would the US do this Are you being retarded on purpose? Russia is an old enemy of the boomers that still pose a significant bloc in the US, and China even if a paper tiger is an existential threat. It would be absolutely stupid to not kill two birds with one stone and show the world at large the entity that was willing to wipe Japan off the face of the planet with A bombs if they didn’t surrender or completely dismantle centuries of Chinese government just from messing around in Peking with the lads did not go anywhere. With Russia going full retard the world instantly dropped the dumbass moralfagging pearl clutching and gave the US the greenlight to do what it does best and grug club nations into an unrecognizable form. If anything the US being so aggressive right off the bat (something the Chinese bitched about back when the “trade war” first happened a few years back) is the least retarded thing its done in a while, at least for the US itself. <|endoftext|> Does grug like obsidian? <|endoftext|> >technology Grug hear of this. Thinks is dangerous. Not good to go too far. <|endoftext|> This is historically accurate. Grug walk and carry spear, chief ride chariot and shoot bow. <|endoftext|> Good club and spear is all grug needs. Bows only for Chief. <|endoftext|> Grug going to find out why they call it butter steel the hard way <|endoftext|> Grug still say rock inferior to Bavarian shaman’s magic bang stick, bang stick can throw lead pebble out to 800 sabre-cat lengths, gruggettes are much impressed. <|endoftext|> Kek, thanks for giving me the grug quote. Nice fiberglass stocks, where did you get them? <|endoftext|> Grug say fire good <|endoftext|> you mean freely roaming before they'd get ambushed or shelled or strafed? Explain how grug tier "american nationalists" have developted a big hard-on for Russia in the last 6 years then. <|endoftext|> /k/ has always had problems with grug tier american nationalists, its delusional to complain about the 3 or so people in a thread who will argue the other direction. <|endoftext|> How about Blunt? Fits since instead of slicing and dicing you just grug club them to death. >can’t suck up any blood if your dome just caved in like a watermelon <|endoftext|> stfu grug i fucking hate grugfags “ OH WHY DONT WE JUST TIE FIRE ROCK TO STICK!” fuck grugs <|endoftext|> Russians really think having the biggest country in terms of land mass is all that matters, doesn't matter if it remains undeveloped or what the people living there think. Grug tier thinking. <|endoftext|> It rocks but is sort of a pain to clean . I’ve broken the recoil spring twice because I’m a grug brain retard who rushes things <|endoftext|> >Is Intel the new meta? Always was. Even back when Grug first hit Chug with a stick outside his cave. <|endoftext|> What's the accuracy like on these big grug guns anyway? <|endoftext|> EEK OOK GRUG NO LIKE GAY <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO UNDERSTAND >GRUG TIGHTEN SCREWS TOO MUCH AND THEY BREAK >HOW GRUG NOT BREAK SCREWS? have you tried not being retarded? <|endoftext|> Rise Grug battle awaits <|endoftext|> Where do you see a contradiction here? My point regarding genetics is that just because a subset of your women would get impregnated by another haplotype neither your people nor your nation would automatically disappear. There is virtually no population on Earth that this didn't happen to repeatedly over history. It is less of a big deal than you make it out to be. Who cares if a hundred years down the road the average citizen has 5% exotic grug genes? That's not gonna be the end of you. Not having enough women to sustain your population levels however? That is inevitably fatal. It's self-explanatory. <|endoftext|> Cycle repeats 3 or 4 times with exotic grugs. Uh oh, adios good grug genes. <|endoftext|> But female grugs have good grug genes. Even when good grug die there are female good grugs and children good grugs. <|endoftext|> >good grug fight bad grug >good grug protect weak grug and land >female grug escape safe place >female grug finds exotic grug >f. grug & exotic grug have baby grug >meanwhile, no good grug is left alive >good grug society dies >what did good grug fight for? <|endoftext|> Grug know plate carrier is bad. But grug get many compliment on chest rig <|endoftext|> grug will try to make webm but gurg not good magic rock operator <|endoftext|> Would you rather have a drone take out key targets with as minimal bloodshed as possible within the span of a few weeks or have a whole variying intensity conflict dragging out years? War by its very nature is brutal and merciless, but personally I’d rather we stick with the drones than go back to mass grug clubbing. Even the worst of modern warfare from drones to shit like white phosphorous pale in comparison to the kind of depravity that was around just not even a century ago, nevermind all of history. You just have the luxury of modern technology showing you what exactly warfare is like without any of the propaganda or pomp and circumstance. >maybe you should not make busting the drones out worthwhile and you won’t get a predator missile to the face <|endoftext|> And if this is him, then oh yeah if its something like a log or what have you, color me retarded, but I genuinely have no idea why you're referring to mauls and sledgehammer type weapons when i'm refering to something different in both my original reply and my dickcheese grug reply as evidenced by my reference to paddles. <|endoftext|> > shaman say one mammoth feed whole tribe for long moon > whole tribe attack herd of mammoth with small rock and thin stick Really makes grug hmmmm <|endoftext|> grug try windmill talking circle call grug long-nose lover grug think spear talking circle better talking place <|endoftext|> Grug not in right talking circle. Cave painting related <|endoftext|> >demaclubs say come take not known spears >demaclubs speak 'homemake spear bad, no homemake spear' >grug know demaclubs are dumaclubs >grug know demaclubs not know every spear >grug know demaclubs are knowing bad mans make anyway >grug think Jug Bigen old wrinkle, jug bigen not stop grug crown rock win libungs <|endoftext|> >no NBC protective gear, the filters mans, the filters >no pancake Geiger–Müller >no chem bleeper, no chemical area denial V-nades, no ATNAA >not enough glowies, no flare gun, no flashbangs, no comfort plushie, no thermal system, no anti-thermal stealthsuit >no demolition charges, no TB nades, no underbarrel nade launcher, not enough mags, no suppressors, redundant LMG, no AMR, no multipurpose shotgun >no jammer, shit-tier radio, no satphone >no recon drones, no enough power banks, no deployable solar panels, no ciggies to trade with grug warlords like this guy whose loadout is better due to sheer firepower >no bone chimes, no converted-to-lethal camping tripwire alert system, no claymores, no tinfoil you're gonna have to improooove if you wanna make it <|endoftext|> Yes. Have many sharp stick. Some for throw, others for poke. Depends how Grug feel that day. <|endoftext|> >weapon is rock or stick, grug no think trowing stick count real weapon bash only <|endoftext|> >stick that kills from afar Grug like fire stick, but grug also want to fight other grug up close like a real grug <|endoftext|> >grug make fire >stay warm at night >morning >ash and coals >use make streaks across body >hide better >good hunt <|endoftext|> >no military contracts were ever awarded on legitimate grounds grug keep good rock grug know how to use grug sell bad rock zog no know how to use <|endoftext|> They could have done that without starting a stupid grug tier war <|endoftext|> >AK bayonet strapped to his chestrig like Rambo >Head deflated looking like some form of grug berry picker Something odd pondering how these soldiers view themselves and how they see their demise at the end of it all Mushed by some drone or auto canon <|endoftext|> Because shiny rock make Grug happy <|endoftext|> I am whelmed. Nicely done. Based grug designer. Pro mode is turning FETs into fire emitting transistors. <|endoftext|> grug but with a free floated 20in upper and lpvo on a carbine adjustable lower. much like irons your reticle won't run out of charge even if it's illuminated, the illumination just goes away. on top of that you're not reliant on boutique ammunition to make your rifle effective at doing its job <|endoftext|> You little grug, too little to be in 4cave Big grugs with 18 moons use rock tied to stick, it split bone like it split wood <|endoftext|> Grug thinks why kill other grug before throwing him into the water <|endoftext|> Grug scared Me make fire in piss corner of cave and me mix coal and yellow stinkyrock with dried piss and it go boom Is fire spirit mad at Grug? <|endoftext|> You make fun of sky grug, no get into sky cave! <|endoftext|> No greenrock were me tunga live. Many flint though. Cheaper just put rope on many flint spear. Carry on shoulder for when tunga break spear flint on bad grug. <|endoftext|> Grug, use wind to make big fire Bring tin and copper to fire, make new thing new thing is bronze, much stronger you will take over other tribe <|endoftext|> New grug say "rock must sharp, sharp on stick better, need penetrate" but I say big rock on hand good enough. Smash head with big slow hand rock. Hand rock win three tribe war. If hand rock work for elder grug no need sharp rock <|endoftext|> Grug no need rope on stick, grug have trust in rock on stick. Big rock on end of stick stop animal very good. Little stick never stop animal so good. Grug won cave wars with big stick. Grug grug live through fight in cave war IIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII grug live through fight in swamp war IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII grug always remember grug stand with much big friend of tribe <|endoftext|> this million berry idea grug <|endoftext|> >spending shells if grug not shell rich, grug learn to make is not hard more grug should make more of own thing knowing how to make thing mean more better thing for less shell <|endoftext|> ha grug with no shells, think grug is of no wife too easy get many good shell and buy club of sky-man greenrock, always give more shell so birdspeaker wet to give power of skyman open head of hardest stone-head that gets past longstabber and can carry easy <|endoftext|> grug think sharp rock good only as tool, not for stabbing. back in grug time tribe no had no sharp rock on stick. only had sharp stick and worked for grug and tribe just fine, gruglets today think too little of fire-hard wood <|endoftext|> Young wasted by younglings. No feel bad, sky grug make all better. Been listening to sky grug? <|endoftext|> Ugg confused too. Grug no big branch? Or Grug cant lift big branch? Why need pointy bits when big heavy branch enough? Ugg think Grug a faggot. <|endoftext|> Does you no have big stick were live? Why use slappy pokey plant when just use big stick? No make sense to grug. <|endoftext|> >wait in bush for four leg to get near and thunk >four leg smell dingleberry ass and grug pits >four legs runs away >grug chase but hips too wide, legs too short, get tired, give up >cave painting rel jog past grug and take grugs four legs >grugina leave cave for joggers cause she hungry, grug no have food Grugs...... <|endoftext|> >spend all seashell on expensive ouch gear >get forever sleeped cause didnt buy tree skin to stop bad grug ouch gear <|endoftext|> grug like fire boom boom mountain shiny purple rock make grug smile make grug horny grug lose many ancestors to fire boom boom mountain <|endoftext|> Grug no need sharp rock. I club owner too but think wooden club enough. Sharp rock only for chief. Think of Gruglets. `> <|endoftext|> Fellow grug you think wrong bad Rock make cute pain Fire make death <|endoftext|> Grug no agree, shark tooth club best slicey. Everyone scared of big shark. Thunk shark and take many hand full of teeth. Shark teeth cut good and easy to replace. When all shark teeth gone, thunk other grugs in head with heavy wood club. <|endoftext|> you all make grug haha, all in cave say wood still strong, rock weak. if you want look good storytelling, find incel slava on cave wall <|endoftext|> if grug want to have best sharp rock goat can buy, grug choose copper. <|endoftext|> what rock grug use to make stabby slicey? cavemate oongda say chert best. but oongda wife say flint best. friend bong'da tie flint to stick, new meta? cave painting unrelated <|endoftext|> ...all me saying is no believe the atlatl hype. >Twice speed of tomahawk >Less time step out of way But remember flint tomahawk split Grug head open in one blow. Wooden atlatl no do that. <|endoftext|> Why do I love this? Cave poets & artists are still known to us 75,000 years later. Nobody remembers Spearchucker Grug. Nobody remembered him five seasons after that cave bear ate him and shat him out in the woods somewhere unknown. <|endoftext|> Don’t give up Grug Grug can still be poet Let us see some cave scribbles <|endoftext|> >Grug see shiny new club <|endoftext|> Grug wanted to be poet <|endoftext|> And Grug spear! <|endoftext|> Call me a grug all you want, but I'd probably want to go hunting one of these things, spear chucking atlatl and all, especially if I can bring friends. It'd be a chance to experience a part of real world history that can't really be captured in the modern era anymore, plus I bet mammoth is really tasty. <|endoftext|> High IQ Grug <|endoftext|> Grug been saying for years, all warfare is throw sharp stick hard. <|endoftext|> Because then wannabe analysts will be forced to admit a lot of "modern" armies are still at the Grug level. <|endoftext|> >2nd Generation by Bill Lind's framework since it depends on firepower more than maneuver. wait why does 1st gen start with Napolean instead of Grug or En-Men-Lu-Ana? <|endoftext|> Grug bring 3 hares and me craft you good spear. <|endoftext|> grug been fooled by Neolithic industrial complex rock do same work as spear but at smaller cost twig that hold spear break apart in real conditions spear will never see use across all tribes <|endoftext|> oi grug can try soft spear as long as under 12 foot stone <|endoftext|> Me live in land surrounded by water far seperate by big water where it always rain, me think grug is bad for having sharp pointy object. Chief of land surrounded by water says spear bad and kill smaller grugs. Only specialised grugs can have spear and I need to get stone approval. Such is life as bong grug <|endoftext|> Best spear in the water grug. <|endoftext|> grug not know that throw javelin man make wooly mammoth riding man obsolete? <|endoftext|> careful with spear - weapon of tribe-fight grug more likely to stab grug, grugette or gruglets than to defend cavefolk against sabre-cat or dark-skinned tribe. just ask chief for help when need <|endoftext|> >is a grug >lives in a cave >posting on internet You must be preparing a fallout shelter for nuclear war. Just collect a few sturdy knives that you can lash to a stick when the need arises. Bowie knives would be ideal. <|endoftext|> ideally sure but if we're going full grug I'm presuming we're well beyond the idea of a custom spear by a craftsman <|endoftext|> Many good option. Grug think maybe use gruggun. Time of stone gone, time of boomboom stick now. Grug miss old days of club. <|endoftext|> grug want spear for cave defense. where find good spear? <|endoftext|> Anon we've had bows for longer than we've had bread and writing for. From most things I've read, warfare prior to the invention of bronze wasn't too unlike war now from an infantry perspective, bows were the dominant combat weapon and made spears obsolete because we had no armor and a bow shoots further than you can even throw a spear with the assistance of an atlatl, let alone reach with one as a melee weapon. War for many thousands of years was sporadic and tribal, men hiding in the treelines or behind rocks for cover from enemy arrow fire. Otzi, the mummy they found in the alps, was likely such a tribal warrior, given the nature of his death. What made hand weapons viable again was body armor, Otzi had copper in his time but that was just used for arrowheads and for axes and knives as a far as weaponry went, copper is too weak to make armor with. Bronze though, it's strong enough for armor. That's when spears returned, and when we eventually saw swords come about from the various long daggers used before. But the bow remained still, it's probably the longest continuously used weapon in human history since spears took a backseat for a long time. I think the only reason spears came back at all, unless it was just sheer coincidence that we made them twice, was they became used for spearfishing after bows made them an obsolete weapon, then later they returned once armor meant they could be used again. Bows most definitely take the spot as one of our more revered weapons, appearing in ancient mythology before swords do. Before your age of armored infantry wielding spears and chivalry, there was thousands of years of Grug and his bow, and death came at any time. I think we do our ancient ancestors proud with the re-emergence of ranged combat. <|endoftext|> Grug wonder how warrior cope with dangers of modern war? Hidden bow man? Bam grug gone Fall into pit of spikes? Bam grug gone Poison berrries? Bam grug gone Club hit organ or face? Bam grug gone Ambush? Bam grug gone Back in old days when grug fight with bare hands, at least it possible for grug fight back, chance of not die much better. Yes it violent when grug rip out grog heart with bare hands, but at least it less random and more personal. This why grug think best role in war is bow man or ride wooly mammoth. <|endoftext|> if grug throw big rock does more ouch than small rock <|endoftext|> Good gun Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug sling shiny rock at smal grugs Yup, its weird how much smaller guns are in person, us normal sized folk gonna put up with manlet inventions <|endoftext|> grug would like fat american servicewoman gf she would be in logistics, being teased by actual infantry and being passed along the squad haha <|endoftext|> grug also likes women with big breast as well, for it implies she is very fertile and healthy to bear many kids <|endoftext|> grug prefer fat women <|endoftext|> strong woman means strong baby, grug brain like <|endoftext|> If by animalistic you mean Dionysian? Saying to go with whatever just comes up instinctively is a very simplistic take on him. It isn't just "grug smash" mentality. It ties into the concept of Will To Power in that those who actually act upon their desires in spite of potential dangers allows for growth and self actualization. It is ultimately to be a "yes sayer" to life rather than a denier in favor of otherworldly promises which are considered life denying rather than life affirming. tl;dr It's not just about beating people up for political power as many like to reduce him and his works to. <|endoftext|> >mentally disturbed faggots who "need" to be different to have a personality. So most of /k/? >grug hate multicam because multicam liked by all other tribes, grug adopt shit camo that doesn't exist to be different <|endoftext|> when you mount a suppressor your groups can shift several inches "gun no shoot in same place" in grug speak <|endoftext|> Grug say no need bow when club and spear just fine for hunt caribou <|endoftext|> Clubs are nice Makes me feel like true grug <|endoftext|> >Grug find grugget yes? <|endoftext|> Too bad there are zero american alternatives for anywhere near a competitive price. Don't complain if you don't have an alternative. >inb4 poor more pics plz correct on the armasight bits. They'd been owned by FLIR for a while and FLIR eventually just decided "hey, fuck civilians." I'm not so sure about the ITT Filmless part. I don't think my Nyx-14 is quite as good as that but I'm also not willing to tear the thing apart to confirm. You might be looking at apples/oranges. The thing the previous anon linked was just a digital NV and not a thermal. leafanon's pic was the 3g, but yeah. Newcon seems to change their designs with the seasons. It's basically just a giant lightswitch on the back. Not a pot for variance, can't independently control the laser vs illuminator, your only choices are LilPP and GRUG SMASH. <|endoftext|> The same ones that are grug-tier now <|endoftext|> >1022 AD >grugposting I guess certain parts of the world were still grug-tier <|endoftext|> Meanwhile, just over 1,000 years ago >grug hits other grug with stick >many grug die because one grug throw rock >war bad place <|endoftext|> grug think fast rock never work. how rock can go fast? grug think not possible <|endoftext|> grug smart <|endoftext|> normal people have been killing since grug first defended himself from foreign grug with a rock <|endoftext|> Kek you won't be able to buy anything at all. Chinks will only buy as much as they need and they will buy it at the price point they will dictate. You will live like a prehistoric grug. <|endoftext|> >10,000BC >grug throw rock kill animal >2022AD >hey bud watch me get a strike >here comes a fast one sport, try to hit a homer >yo dude go long! some things just don't change do they <|endoftext|> Lift rock, Grug big <|endoftext|> this grug is a larping admin grug too scared to fight ahmed grug and malnourished mountain grug <|endoftext|> >Grug run in water with other grugs >Grug get shiny tin >Grug kill sand Grugs >Grug tell little Grugs: ice Grug bad >Grug MAD! <|endoftext|> making educated conjecture with the best facts available is not 'beyond retarded' you grug tier smug faggot <|endoftext|> God the depth and complexity of some cold war mind games makes my tiny brain hurt. I am going back to cave man history Anon. Grug never did; 3d deep state mind games during eternal hyper sphere wars for geopolitical ideological dominance. He just hit stupid Flup with big stick for taking Grug's berries! <|endoftext|> >I don't expect leaders to basically have grug-tier political instinct, and then to follow that instinct past the point where it hurts them Have you not been paying attention? republican leaders have been killing off 1000+ red voters a day for the last 2 years <|endoftext|> Yeah that's kinda what I fear. Maybe its because im a globo-homo westoid but I don't expect leaders to basically have grug-tier political instinct, and then to follow that instinct past the point where it hurts them <|endoftext|> Grug strong. POGs weak. <|endoftext|> grug want rock that kill both big slow and small fast. why grug not have? <|endoftext|> >Grug kill sand Grug My fucking sides <|endoftext|> Presidenté Jockorino Ukraine video TL;DR: >Grug run in water with other grugs >Grug get shiny tin >Grug kill sand Grugs >Grug tell little Grugs: ice Grug bad >Grug MAD! <|endoftext|> where you get barrel me want barlle when barule get hard find grug sad <|endoftext|> He tried to play big tough grug strong man in order to force concessions out of NATO, regarding hard assurances no more expansion would occur, or that NATO would cut loose the Baltic states to die alone. NATO turned around and laughed at him, basically. Russia genuinely though if they blustered hard enough they'd get SOMETHING. Because NATO offered nothing, they had to go through with the invasion or their threats would be taken as a joke. <|endoftext|> Grrr grug hate change <|endoftext|> Grug kill Grog long time <|endoftext|> Grug ready if Chieftain try to take club <|endoftext|> Grug think Og should tie to stick <|endoftext|> God damn it. I've tried unscrewing the whole assembly to open the shell and remove the locking mechanism, but I'm not even sure that's possible. Might go grug mode and use a hammer and a punch to get the pressed hollow ones out. <|endoftext|> >grug thing bignose clan weak >think bignose clan pee self at cave scrawlers on IIIIcave post club <|endoftext|> We seriously need to have floating island Habakkuk airfields within the next 20 years. Aircraft carriers are good but having a mobile island airfield that's unsinkable to a practical extent (Blown to shit where the glacier itself cracks open, but still requires an ungodly amount of ordnance or massive precision napalm bombardment) >"But anon, Grug know ice melts in sun" >Modified Pykrete (Sawdust and Ice) with other insulation additives and added carbon fiber mesh layers for added strength (Literally just screen door mesh) >"But anon, how keep ice cold?" >Refrigerators and a fair bit of plumbing experts aboard the island. >"Grug want know how keep Pykrete from melting while in water >Insulated coverings and paints on the outer most layers of the island and its mesh layers. To think that the only reason we don't have Habakkuks is because they lacked nuclear power to power the refrigeration plant, it was near the end of the war, and they didn't have enough steel. <|endoftext|> The Mexican government were literally the people who caught all of this shit. If the Mexican government wanted a group of narcos to have guns they would have purchased them and transferred them. Heckler and Koch pulling this shit is an embarrassment. Even shit made by DGIM doesn't often end up with narcos even though there is a lot more opportunity for it to. The Mexican feds are affiliated with the Sinaloa cartel. Army, gov and the US and CIA are in bed with them. They're basically the designated preferred cartel because they've hit a truce in a sense, because it's easier to have one semi-controlled opposition and go after the others than pulling a free for all. The prevailing theory is that the Mexican and US govs basically ignore them as they hack apart the others, and they can utilize them to go after certain people while keeping their own hands clean of the matter. This is basically an open secret. You still will get your shit kicked in for pulling sketchy shit in Mexico most of the time. I don't think Americans understand how Mexican corruption works. It's closer to a very brutal form of upper tier political corruption you see in developed nations like how the Italian mafia worked in the later phases of it's heyday than just "me sell stolen guns to drug gang for several hundred dollar, ik ook grug." That type of shit is easy to track, hence why it was fucking moronic that Heckler and Koch thought they would get away with it. <|endoftext|> >Grug no like silly rock. >Grug use ka-boom-boom club. <|endoftext|> If your underwater boats are obsolete just get newer boats that go underwater. Or in the air. But most of the nuclear flying boat things called planes are called obsolete now so that's even a bigger issue. I say it's easiest to drop it for now. Grug tired. <|endoftext|> I don’t think Grug and the boys have a lot to worry about. <|endoftext|> IS GRUG WEAPON REALLY NO GOOD NO MORE??? <|endoftext|> Grug hear "homo" in name not mean they scrug other grugs. Homos could have fooled grug. <|endoftext|> rock is so 15000 BC it 12000 BC get on grug level <|endoftext|> >be grug >1000 AD >oog win election >grug want more rock >oog say grug no have rock and like it >grug laugh and go find rock >oog send many Homo sapiens to grug cave >grug bash them with rock and laugh >oog say Neanderthal domestic terrorism on rise and threat to national security >grug just want play with rock <|endoftext|> no grug needs assault stick. rock all grug needs, won two winters. <|endoftext|> yeah you take a rock and make a knife out of it, you fucking grug <|endoftext|> i trust grug he has beaten many animal with big stick <|endoftext|> Seconding .22. You might think bigger calibers are more fun, and in some ways you'd be right, but the marginal fun increase from grug like throw big rock is substantially less than the decrease as you start thinking of your meals/gas/etc in terms of magazines and realize just how expensive it really is. .22 may not be exciting to shoot, but it's fun, and it's pretty much the only caliber that anyone can shoot with little to no thought about how much it's costing them. Even if you're into big calibers, you'll have more fun shooting small ones and not worrying about it. I wouldn't recommend a non-22 first gun unless you intend to carry it. <|endoftext|> >optic I am an iron sight grug for the time being. Considering Acog + mrd, t2 + magnifier, elcan 1-4. <|endoftext|> >be caveman grug >10,000 BC >grug think wolves are cool and good hunters >grug think humans are cool and good hunters >grug have idea, draw cave paintings of wolf-people >grug wonder if creation will inspire future generations of cave artist >grug proud <|endoftext|> Grug no need logistics. Rock everywhere <|endoftext|> Forgot painting. Grug not so good with using magic word box. <|endoftext|> Good warrior learn to protect tribe with both. Grug know stick and rock good for different thing. You only ever eat one kind of food, because you think is best? You only ever mate with one female? Ha, probably. <|endoftext|> Grug stab <|endoftext|> Grug angry that neighbor Grick stole Grug berries and Grug wife. Grug pick up rock. Grug invent violence, become immortalized as the living core of Nex Alea for the eternity of time. <|endoftext|> Grug, is that you? <|endoftext|> >runs out of arguments >g-go back to /pol/ I wish I could be this much of a grug. <|endoftext|> Stoned and grug pilled <|endoftext|> >Grug no need spear. Give tribe leader and chieftans your spear, think of gruglings! <|endoftext|> grug wear rocks <|endoftext|> No trug on Grug <|endoftext|> Literally not an argument, you used grug speak with Conan, I called you a fag for that error. I didn't care of it was an insult or not. <|endoftext|> >no use atl-atl grug no see next moon <|endoftext|> >be grug >Grug bring big spear for big hair with horns >Grug like be ready >woman say grug have small meat spear because grug has big spear >Overcompensating? >Grug not know what means >Grug not care >Grug hit woman >Woman still yell loud when meat spear stab woman Grug feel good <|endoftext|> But grug can carry more short spear for same heaviness as full size spear. If grug up against bigger tribe, grug need more spear, not bigger spear >inBC “Grug need aim better” Aim no good when bigger tribe have more spear and wait till you out of spear to attack <|endoftext|> >Grug use spear >When rock is better No wood to break with rock, no day wasted putting rock on stick, me throw rock better than you throw spear >inb4 atlatl Get eaten by big cat, small head <|endoftext|> uggg....No none of that make sense Who keep prisoner inside wicker door. Sound like story grug no believe this <|endoftext|> Oy vey ice age that antisemitism grug <|endoftext|> wheel? what next big sky daddy? grug like knife, put knife on stick. Stab further. <|endoftext|> Uuuugg... Grug telling you only only full size spear worth carrying, Me no want short spear for killing mice. Grug only throw battle spear. If battle spear to heavy then you need to life more rocks or you really woman and should stay in cave and bake mammoth pies for men <|endoftext|> >Well actually a infantry grug that sees a thing and reports it is actual basically a intelligence officer <|endoftext|> Grug like, think this good idea. Pointy stick good enough for ancestors. Win two tribe wars. Sling just cope for weak spear game. <|endoftext|> Ug ug. Me Grug. Me got new think! Me say tie rock to stik. See cave picture. <|endoftext|> We should all return to grug. I want to see how the west's diverse recruits fare with clubs and spears <|endoftext|> >grug tier fight they had with the pajeet >it took the entire Chinese army to defeat one (1) Indian in combat Modi-sama, I kneel <|endoftext|> why we haven't seen any chink intervention aboard ? will they show up in africa once they refuse to pay the debt ? I really wanted to see how they'll perform in a real conflict, not just grug tier fight they had with the pajeet <|endoftext|> >except that the NNTV of the vaccine is closer to 100k and the adverse events/death is about 1:5-10k In grug terms, in order to save 1 person, we need to inject 100k but sacrifice 10-20 people to achieve it. <|endoftext|> grug like stone and stick. grug make stone axe by beating stone with stone. grug no need metal <|endoftext|> >Grug smort >Why everyone else no smort? Dude, shut the fuck up or go back to /leftypol/ <|endoftext|> Skyfather gave Grug right to defend self with best weapon available. Second Cave Painting say "shall not inbunga". <|endoftext|> curve stick throw pointy stick too fast. only warrior grugs need. grug only need hand stick to protect grugette <|endoftext|> grug think build new rock thrower. grug get in 223 or 300 rockout? <|endoftext|> Grug ain't a cuck like the northern leaf tribe <|endoftext|> atlatl require grug throw like rock. bow can kill by accident much easier. atlatl much safer for grugs other grugs. <|endoftext|> One time evil grug hit child with arrow. Now me ask chief to make bows go away. You think about children like grug do. This make grug good person. You keep bow you bad grug like grug that shot arrow at child. <|endoftext|> Grug just salty he can't hit the fattest mammoth in the herd at pissing distance. <|endoftext|> Next moon: "No grug need club. Rock enough for grugs." <|endoftext|> No grug need bow and arrow. Too much grugpower for one person. <|endoftext|> ok you know what, I agree. Return to grug <|endoftext|> grug remember trade for one shiny rock <|endoftext|> >Grug throw big rock. Bear stopper. >Grug you stupid, big rock no good, gronk throw small rock harder, hurt bear more. >Grug say that story. Big rock win two tribe war. >Gronk carry more rock and throw more rock before sun set >Grug say gronk woman, grug carry just as many big rock >Grug you pick up rock now or you she-grug >No rock here, we talking across cliff. >Grug want to get hit with small rock? >Gronk fuck off >Grug a he-grug lover >Gronk open mouth wide for seedpods >Grugs little grug too small for shegrug >Gronk will never be she-gronk >Oop! >Eed! <|endoftext|> Found what? I think this would be better used for the academics >he aint in Gildas >he aint in Bedes >he aint real >simple as >Senior Lecturer of Norff Early Medieval History, Professor Grug What? <|endoftext|> Do grug have rockpermeit for assault sling? Don't make grug kill cave wolf <|endoftext|> based redberry grug <|endoftext|> Grug know longnose tribe control moon cult tribe, me redberry <|endoftext|> Grug think too much part, never catch on <|endoftext|> /k/AVE GRUGS SAY HARD TREE GOOD FOR CLUB BUT GRUG THINK SOFT TREE WITH ROCK GOOD FOR CLUB <|endoftext|> >How long club grug need? grug ask Fudd Grug same question > 45 grug ask why > because they no make 46 <|endoftext|> Grug need club to protect cave. The future medicine doctors steal basket and threaten grug family. How long club grug need? <|endoftext|> if grug have a good head, grug will use rock and flint to carve own tar filter. Dog eating tribe monitored by oracle tribe who see all. Oracle tribe will tell spear regulation tribe to come and kill cave wolf or at very least put grug on a list. All cave painting hand prints lead to honey pot. <|endoftext|> grug get tri force <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE ANTI-SON-OF-SUN! GRUG HATE ANTI-SON-OF-SUN! GRUG HATE ANTI-SON-OF-SUN! GRUG HATE ANTI-SON-OF-SUN! GRUG HATE ANTI-SON-OF-SUN! GRUG HATE ANTI-SON-OF-SUN! <|endoftext|> >Not trade in-tribe >Trade with tribe with funny mustache leader ngmi, grug. <|endoftext|> Grug tires of Zoom-zoom ant-tics. <|endoftext|> What kind rock /k/ wisdom for Grug fight sabretooth? Elder tell Grug need big rock, but Og tell tale Og kill sabretooth with little rock. Grug think Og lie. <|endoftext|> This Grug sees. But. Grug still grok you talk like Bone-mouth. <|endoftext|> grug hate opposite shaman grug hate opposite shaman grug hate opposite shaman grug hate opposite shaman <|endoftext|> Grug see tar filter on Alibunga, what other grugs think? Will make Grug speer quieter or just beehive get Grug cave wolf clubbed? <|endoftext|> Grug will no eat caveroach Grug will not let ashman in cave Grug will keep spear Come take it from grug dead hand <|endoftext|> >grip in front of firing action >longer acceleration length for same overall weapon length Grug is thinking atl-atl might just be bullpup spear <|endoftext|> Grug think you only say that because your sheep hide is old and ragged. <|endoftext|> grug right <|endoftext|> Ha ha grug spend life pick up and put down heavy rock just get killed by gruglet berry picker with sling <|endoftext|> grug gave much berry for grugler & goch hidden loin sling, did grug make good trade ? <|endoftext|> Sacred painting made long ago, before time of many-rocks carrier. Father Grug Grugshington would say gatherer must be well-regruglated. <|endoftext|> Every single cave, east hedge shill come and paint ugly stick. Grug tired of hedge. Go east home and stay. <|endoftext|> Did grug know that Bear tribe has everything? They have sabre tooth T I G E R S? <|endoftext|> Bear tribe claim their club bigger than eagle tribe. But Grug see bear tribe have not many stone, also bear tribe always drunk on berry juice. <|endoftext|> >tfw live in nospearz cave >stupid grug killed whole cave full of moon-worshipping sandgrugs >elders ban assault spears never let horsefaced shegrugs run cave, I think is longnose tribe playing bad trick on grug <|endoftext|> baste this grug bad-loser, think he is better than thread on rock/stick based weaponry <|endoftext|> >grug get gud at arrow shoot >grug shoot arrow normal >grug have idea >grug use sinew from moccasin >grug shoot arrow very fast now >grug happy >elder see grug happy >elder take bow and sinew >elder put grug in timeout cave >grug see elders play with grug bow and sinew >grug not happy <|endoftext|> Grug use boar speer collect pebble, Rock vision goggle no help grug see pebble, grug no care pebble he gather snu snu be bounty for pebble <|endoftext|> oh sorry, grug mean sky father bad son <|endoftext|> spear is two whole foot long, grug no need permit for buy atl atl it say in spear control act of 10068 BC that only spear of less than foot length need permit unless spear only for one hand <|endoftext|> Grug use rock, or grug weak baby grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE ANTI-CHRIST <|endoftext|> Grug should no kill elk Stinky dread tribe say only eat berry <|endoftext|> Real grug use fists, weakling grug need tool to kill what fists can <|endoftext|> What spear best hunt elk? Or grug should get throw axe? <|endoftext|> Grug make fake cave wolf burn when hit with club <|endoftext|> No want see grug cave wolf killed. Give berries <|endoftext|> >Give 5 berries then grug Grug think you talk like cave woman <|endoftext|> >Waaaaaa grug weak, grug need atlatl so can kill mammoth Lift more rocks. Your muscle like tribe women, I make you my wife <|endoftext|> Give 5 berries then grug <|endoftext|> Don't make grug kill grugs cave wolf Show permit now <|endoftext|> Grug don't think that grug an island grug <|endoftext|> Show grug your permit <|endoftext|> You let little grug watch stone box? Get him out of cave sometimes and take him to hunt <|endoftext|> First say need take skin off little grug’s little grug. Now say little grug no need little grug? When stop? <|endoftext|> Grug must burn this demon <|endoftext|> Wood is part bird? And rock!? Grug think you contact longnose tribe, get bad spirit magic <|endoftext|> grug knew poorgrug cope happen when grug post atlatl. grug buy atlatl to hunt mammoth, not annoy chimp into stay away from grug berry <|endoftext|> haha wojak is a caveman haha simply le epic, have my upvote good sir haha caveman wojak grug haha le grug <|endoftext|> grug is dumb sling cost less basket and stone much easier find <|endoftext|> >want to be hunter >elderly shaman stare at grug's butthole >shaman tells grug to go see other shaman to inspect grug butthole further in next moon grug just want become hunter now <|endoftext|> Sacred cave painting show gatherer grug with big spear thrower, much worse than rock carrier <|endoftext|> grug just spend uhh... many basket worth of berry on new atl-atl, what grugs think >inb4 poorgrug cope <|endoftext|> Ah yes, the right's biggest enemies: Grug, Paramilitary Millennial Gangster, trans-native Nick, and Jamal the lost African warlord. <|endoftext|> Ok Grug, I suppose you calculate your ladder increments with an abacus as well then? <|endoftext|> Good, Grug think collapse of society will help burn out current corruption. Grug think new society will learn from mistakes <|endoftext|> grug... <|endoftext|> Why recharge the two cr123's that power the laser using a portable backpacker's solar panel?? Really? Because it will allow someone to continue dispatching threats at long range silently for less money than people spend on a supressor, let alone the cost of a 'few thousand' rounds of ammo. >Grug no understand pointy stick when rock work fine You do you <|endoftext|> Yeah, it’s kind of a meaningless comparison, like a tennis ball has energy similar to a .22 during a match, but i think it’s interesting. Most people think “tee hee Grug throw tiny pebble” when we think about slings. <|endoftext|> >give Grugon many grug with sharp stick and me win battle >give Grugon handfull grug with rock and me win war <|endoftext|> the rare post iron grug <|endoftext|> >buying yellow metal spear instead of grey metal spear Based. Grey metal spear always grow red dust. Me don’t care if sharper, Grug still have Grug ancestor yellow metal spear! Grey metal fags btfo. <|endoftext|> >poopy sticks are a warcrime Grug not cover sharpstick in butt mud, sharpsticks got covered in butt mud during Grug’s boating accident. <|endoftext|> Grug see special rocking grug using state rock, state rock good <|endoftext|> Grug buy rock from pallmeto state rockery. Is rock good? Other grug say is not good rock. But me think it good rock. <|endoftext|> >I've never had an issue with it I see this so often on this board and more often than not it's with a shit product like an RMR or BCA upper lol It's big though, easy to turn with grug hand Yee it's gone <|endoftext|> >killing randos cause grug bored I’m not an autistic Dane who’s a selfish detriment to others. <|endoftext|> >Knives. >Literally Man's first weapon. Grug discards this opinion. Club better then knife, club came first <|endoftext|> Grug like basic thunderstick, just works <|endoftext|> >Tfw not living in grug-era when pure brute strength was all that mattered that's not really true, some lil guy could run circles around you and stab you in the back with a spear or something <|endoftext|> >losing my gains nah bruh I'm all in on lifting just kidding lol I've been hitting the treadmill recently. Unfortunately if the world falls speed > strength when everybody has guns. Tfw not living in grug-era when pure brute strength was all that mattered <|endoftext|> This right here. In a WROL scenario, and assuming you don’t have satchel charges in abundance, you just set the building on fire. This has been the effective method of dealing with dug in hold outs within a structure since grug first bashed ug with a rock. CQB is a meme if you aren’t SWAT or a zogbot world policeman. <|endoftext|> I used the hatchet. Grug man now. <|endoftext|> Reject civilization embrace grug 10/10 <|endoftext|> You know electricity isn't fucking magic, right? You know we've been able to make electromagnetic generators since the discovery of copper in 9000BC, right? Holy shit, you're all unironically grug. <|endoftext|> they r dumb. nogunz have small brain. grug like when metal stick go bang. tribe chieftain not like when grug have metal stick. grug not care, make metal stick go bang more. grug see bait. no like, not good bait for fish. grug disappoint in (You). <|endoftext|> grug make stick thrower, work good. othergrug from beyond mountain say make stick with two parts. So grug can re use part of stick after throw. Me try othergrug saying. Grug thinks one part stick better than two part stick. But grug can see how it can be work good for grug. <|endoftext|> Digits don't lie >grug both afraid and aroused by super-club from funny drawings island <|endoftext|> >grug not choosing best weapon <|endoftext|> Grug never trust string, string break. Stick and stones never break <|endoftext|> Grug tired of get hit by rocks from cowardly southern tribe always hiding in gully So grug have great idea What if grug could hurl large or many rocks at south tribe cowards hiding in gully without leaving own cave Grug will take this idea to village elders <|endoftext|> Grug find little grug and turn him into my Grugette. Grug protect Grugette. <|endoftext|> More likely something along these lines: >people in real life say sig good >people on 4chin say sig bad >if grug say sig bad too then grug am cool edgy contrarian but also fit in! >ooga booga sig bad drop test joo ceo sovlless syjak.jpg <|endoftext|> Grug will throw rock when on moon still. New slingstick will not be accepted. <|endoftext|> Grug laughs at newfag. Grug hope for day of vine soon, hang all newfags. <|endoftext|> >throw weapons While you go out to mate, grug get good with sharp club. <|endoftext|> grug know sling shot just fine slingshot work good for David atlatl too big, get you killed in bugaloo sling all you need <|endoftext|> >IM GRUG BOTKIN FROM T-REX CAVE >YOU MUST SHOOT GROCK FAST >SHOT SUN DAIL HERE WE GO <|endoftext|> >rich grug fucking instead of getting fucked Like it or not, you people have the most submissive eroticism across any race on earth. Literal matriarch worshippers. <|endoftext|> Damn I forgot how autistic people here can be so I’ll break it down Barney-style: >big bad tribe coming to cave >grug’s tribe no want bad tribe come >grug go with all brother grugs >take many clubs and rocks >fight bad tribe, kill them all to protect cave >some grugs die in fight >this makes other grugs big sad >when grugs come back they see one grug did not come to fight >this grug expects to benefit from safety given by other grugs who fought and died >why grug no come fight? Grug have spear and rocks too. Grug coward? >no no no grug too big-brain to fight >only dumb grugs go fight, big-brain grug want be chief and snu-snu grugettes >this make other grugs big mad >tribe kill big-grain and take his rocks and berries <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Grug can eat growing plants. <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe say Grug need pay shiny rock and get blessing of elders before allowed to buy bow. Grug think that bullshit. How Grug get shiny rock if hungry? How Grug eat if no bow to hunt? <|endoftext|> real grug no even need club, just use fist <|endoftext|> how grug develop metallurgy? <|endoftext|> No grug need bow and arrow to hunt. <|endoftext|> grug think think think bad <|endoftext|> if have more metal where gun go bang, gun make bang many much more. very much more safe, grug worry less if gun no go bang right <|endoftext|> Lower G maneuvers, range, and speed aside, jump jets are really cool. There's just something primitive in my brain that loves to see a plane take off and land vertically like a helicopter because, while I know it's by no means anything special nowadays, the grug in me goes "oooh magic plane" <|endoftext|> Yes. In exactly the same way that infantry became obsolete the first time Grug the caveman realised that twatting a man with a rock could kill him. <|endoftext|> grug need answer to question <|endoftext|> >Shooting my wife’s carbine gas 16” 5.56 AR and it fails to return to battery >rack the action and it’s gritty as sand >open ‘er up and BCG looks fine >pull out spring/buffer and spring feels weak and buffer is seriously deformed - see pic related. Call this SPRING 1. >pull buffer/spring out of my 10.5” (it’s a CAR spring and buffer) and put it in her build. Call this SPRING 2. >her rifle cycles ok for 100 rounds or so with one failure to feed halfway through Notes: I should mention it’s an aero upper on a PSA lower with cryptic bronze bcg. The build was used but bcg brand new. First time out with it. >okay, time to try my new 10.5 build >first time out with it >pull my buffer and spring 2 out of her 16” build and put it back in my 10.5” >failure to feed on 3rd round >another failure 10rds later; this time the bolt didn’t full seat >jam the fuck out of the FA >cannot get bolt home >end up having to mortar it to get it out (see pic related for image of the round) >local range bro suggested I stop shooting it today; that there might be a serious problem based on how the round looked >I’m too stupid for that, plus he didn’t realize that I probably caused the severe damage to the round by grug smashing the FA several times >he sees I’m determined to troubleshoot >lets me borrow his fancy CAR spring and h2 buffer >10.5 cycles fine for a mag >I’m now convinced the failures were probably from the extractor needing to be broken in >BCG is the cheap 79.99 blem toolcraft with extractor spring AND oring (I’ve heard this causes issues) >put my CAR spring and mybuffer back in >cycles fine for 100 rounds <|endoftext|> Usage of earthworks for fortification and infiltration is a tradition as old as one grug hitting another with a club. <|endoftext|> Retards with rocks thread: >take spear to throwing range >bunch of retarded Anglos with rocks >start jokingly aiming at each other, range grug shitting himself >roll my eyes, keep doing my thing >one of the peasants starts walking up to me, flashing rock in my face >"aye you, stupid pale boy, you castin high disrespect at me and my angloids?" >range grug having a heart attack, tries talking down the Anglos >dumb retard drops rock, it fragments into pieces >gang of dip shits run off after that Seriously, who lets these fucking lowland retards anywhere near rocks? <|endoftext|> Real talk grugs, Should I stash auroch skin or cave bear skin for when I have to go inabunga? I have axe from pannonian plains armor-tent, but sling grugs say axe is poop, grug don't know what to do <|endoftext|> All Grug needs is .45cal rock, makes big punch. <|endoftext|> >Scuttled Maybe if they were blown up(or preferably mined) This is just some jarhead doing grug tier smashing on a single piece of equipment out of thousands. <|endoftext|> >AKM v Galil >T-62 v M48 Patton cmon grug <|endoftext|> But drug also carry club. Does drug threaten life of grug? <|endoftext|> Grug no need club, club threaten life of me. <|endoftext|> Get out Grug cave! <|endoftext|> This might turn into a tropical Grug thread. Will lurk. Bump. <|endoftext|> >Lol sure bud. What kind of dumb fuck metric is volume displaced anyways? beeg gurr boo leet smash more tee shoo, Grug. <|endoftext|> >grug with atf hat dot jpg <|endoftext|> >be grug >coastfag >big dumb tribe leader tell grug he no allowed to have blowgun >also tell grug he no allowed have 2 stock on rope >grug no comply but no tell anyone >grug happy True story btw. Not allowed to own nunchucks or blowguns in cali for retarded reasons <|endoftext|> How the fug do I change the muzzle break on a WASR/ROMARM paratrooper? Grug it with a wrench? <|endoftext|> The latter. Nobody ate up with this thing has actually looked at what it was slinging. Many of its lethal/destructive loads are on par with 12ga. AFAIK it's capable of more but also AFAIK nobody's tested that. Basically Grug see big number get hard. Like all of the retards who see big guns in Olympic shooting sports and think someone's going to break their arm due to their stance because big gun = big recoil. <|endoftext|> Grug no like rock. Grug prefer pointy stick. <|endoftext|> Agree. Boar spear. Good for grug hunting and potentially useful in a melee scenario. <|endoftext|> >grug see thug >grug no lik thug >grug use shiny see rock on club >see rock make thug closer >smash thug with club >shiny see rock fall off vine wrap on club >see rock break >grug only use bare club now <|endoftext|> Grong thinks Grug is a cuckosaurus <|endoftext|> Me want sell rock to Grug, but Grugling sniffer chief no let me. <|endoftext|> Woman in Tribe and berrypicker man want to limit grugs number of spears. Say outside of hunting why grug need so many spears. Brog in next cave keep trying to make grug buy shiny rocks for spear and leather strips for handle. Brog also engrave wild horse onto handle. Grug thinks Brog is a stupid berry picker. <|endoftext|> Only warrior grug need spear, give spear to tribe leader to save young grug lives! <|endoftext|> >meanwhile in prehistoric /k/ Grug think spear make rock obsolete, opinions? <|endoftext|> grugs will never beleive what grug saw. grug saw tribe hunt mammoth with big rock spoon that crushed mammoth cranium <|endoftext|> grug not know what are cave man. grug only a normal man. <|endoftext|> uuuuh, grug right here? grug think you is dingus <|endoftext|> grug stupid, hear satisfying scream of enemy as sharpy part dig into chest. big red burst out of them in pain <|endoftext|> grug no think that catch on. why use that when you can use a club or rock? where is the satisfying bonk? <|endoftext|> what spear? grug don't know what that is. is it like club? <|endoftext|> grug think spear make rock grug obsolete. <|endoftext|> you is stupid, who need dumb range when grug have flint hatchet and cut your arrow <|endoftext|> rock throw grug not throw rock hard enough. club grug take hit, get angry. club grug bonk rock grug. unless rock grug gets big rock and throws at head <|endoftext|> grug stupid, grug should make atl atl, it good and have stopping power, not like bow with little arrow. <|endoftext|> >meanwhile in 8000 BC /k/ so grug think that grug could use club to knock rock, could club beat rock thrower? <|endoftext|> you no fool grug longnose <|endoftext|> Grug want saufeder. <|endoftext|> >Yank-grug marshshug >like grug not she-grug Thought go into fire pit <|endoftext|> Cloth head tribe warriors hide in cave for many winters. Eagle tribe make cloth head tribe follow eagle tribe laws for generations. Eagle tribe eat all cloth head tribe food, drink cloth head tribe river dry, take all cloth head tribe shiny rock. Eagle tribe go home to prepare to face dragon tribe. Carry so many shiny rock they leave old clubs behind. Cloth tribe warriors come out from hiding and dance victory dance without victory. Nose tribe and dragon tell everyone cloth head tribe win, but grug know that not happen. Nose tribe and dragon tribe lie about many things, grug think. <|endoftext|> Be me Hooliga Boga Have shiny axe Love me shiny axe Gone very far to get shiny axe,caust me very much pelt Me had to walk back, see lazy tribe, stupid Bogs At least not pig tribe, pig tribe bad See Bogs ooglying shiny axe,Hooliga think Bogs are jalous of me shiny axe Came back to mountain to cave Cave colapse, chip in rock look like pigs tribe Go up, pig tribe coward Me is sure pig tribe is still follow me Oh Grug! Pig tribe shot arrow Run up Grug! Ambush, pig want shiny axe as "é i danse" stupid pig tribe think me stupid Pig tribe mss arrow again Go run up to white mountain Arrow hit me back Ouch Pig tribe lost all arrow Keep going up Me tired Pig bonk me head Me fall of in snow Me gona die Pig lost me so pig never have shiny axe Happy Crank that soulja boy <|endoftext|> AM she-grug! Say she-grug! <|endoftext|> grug's law <|endoftext|> Eagle tribe in valley, cloth head tribe no come out. Eagle tribe leave, cloth heads come and say they win war. Grug just scratches his head <|endoftext|> No. Boulder not fit in small cave. Boomerang hit cave wall. Methinks grug axe work just fine in cave. <|endoftext|> Longnose says banning short clubs will stop darkskin tribe from attacking random grugs for their rocks. Longnose tribe also say banning spears stop berry tribe from attacking grugets and gruglings. Tribe leader also want this and bring more darkskin tribe in grug tribe. <|endoftext|> me stay in cave for 10 sun cycle me draw good you like grug paint? <|endoftext|> >talky grug say rock bad >talky man say no why rock bad >talky grug get loud when say rock good >rock must be bad <|endoftext|> grog drink too much berry juice left out too long, grug arm strong make spear go very fast when throw from atlatl, take down mammoth in one throw stop having no berry <|endoftext|> javelin not go fast enough to kill grug fast no matter what size pebble only atlatl go fast enough to kill grugs fast <|endoftext|> Haha, 9 pebble wide spear not make grug stop. <|endoftext|> yank-grug marshrug have point but also not mention that metal war stick only make from burnt out star that fall to ground, stick made from tree and tree everywhere and also come back after few moons <|endoftext|> It me, the yank-grug marhshug. Me here this day to compare sharp stick to new metal war sticks. Sharp stick work for many moons, metal war sticks only come round few moons ago. Sharp stick easy to stick with. Metal stick have to move different. Sharp stick easy to make sharp, Metal stick have to be rubbed with stone long time to make sharp. Sharp stick smaller and less heavy than metal war stick. Maybe metal war stick kill many grugs at same time , but gruglistically, how many grug will you ever fight at once while walking around cave? Sharp stick still stay around. Grugscribe for more cave paintings like this one <|endoftext|> grug need see cave drawings of she-grugs demand action, ancestors no think about atl atl or rock or even wood club, ancestors only have bone club <|endoftext|> grug no need loicense, ancestor sayings clear grugs can own club and spear and atlatl without ask chieftan <|endoftext|> Grug gotta liocense for that superstick? <|endoftext|> grug get new atlatl what do cavegrugs think? >inb4 glowgrug say no need for atlatl <|endoftext|> Grug will bonk bright-in-cave frug. No walk on grug. <|endoftext|> >Hey, Grug, let's make warclub into small warclub. Come on, no other grug find out Frug not spend many moon at Rock-Hemp-Firewater cave <|endoftext|> grug no care what glowing tribe think <|endoftext|> Frug find Grug stupid. To take on Chieftains, Grug needs boomerangs, may even need big boulders. <|endoftext|> Dark tribe try burn down grug village after dark man try trade mammoth dung for banana. Chief say grug not need spear. Chief say warrior protect grug little ones. Grug make hidden spear when dark tribe come back. Grug ready for large ice hut <|endoftext|> No grug need stone club, only need throw two branch in sky to scare off saber tooth. Grug no need more then 10 rock, if grug cant hit antelope with first throw grug need to go pick berry <|endoftext|> Stone club have no spirit, grug check number <|endoftext|> asking 4000 rocks grug knows what grug got <|endoftext|> What club is best club? Grug’s dongus <|endoftext|> Grug tells ya he don't care much for them colored folks! <|endoftext|> grug thank medicine man <|endoftext|> you will never be she-grug <|endoftext|> >not covering rock with grug seed because rocks make mammoth meat hard Fag <|endoftext|> just covered rock in baby seed because rock remind me of sunrise tribe cave drawing make grug's little rock very hard <|endoftext|> Grug guess it's best grug can do. Sad, many grug like that. <|endoftext|> >making chop out of sandrock makes a grug sad. <|endoftext|> grug understand, grug forgets sometime too. also grug notice many same shapes in cave painting. <|endoftext|> Grug life good. Grug have grugette, many shells, long clubs, short clubs and pointy spears. Grug happy. <|endoftext|> >Grug face when no sharp rocks Grug hate being crooked tooth tribe <|endoftext|> Methinks grug should no own rock, grug is retard <|endoftext|> Grug ready for when darkie tribe come for free gibs <|endoftext|> Ugg like head bash stick. Grug say throw stick better. Ugg think Grug think place in head not work. <|endoftext|> AMPs+NFMI plugs, there is no substitute. Comtacs solution to ear plugs is cave-man tier, it's just "MAKE NOISE LOUDER" grug shit. <|endoftext|> grug, stop eat funny mushroom come hunt mammoth instead <|endoftext|> >grug heavy stick gooder than grog heavy stick /k/ after wwiii? <|endoftext|> this make grug bunga the UNGA BUNGA <|endoftext|> >severely limit dairy Very gay take. Milk and cheese have protein. Protein make Grug strong. <|endoftext|> >helmet good >but helmet bad Even grug not this dum dum <|endoftext|> Maybe reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Lets try this: >GUNS RIGHT NOW NO GOOD >NO MAKE VERY LONG >VERY NO GOOD SHOOT >BUT ALL NOT LOST >MAYBE GUN GET BETTER IN FUTURE >MAYBE DO BETTER AND SHOOT, GONE DANGER TO GRUG >GRUG NO HAVE BEFORE THINK, GRUG NOT KNOW FOR SURE <|endoftext|> Grug say you not female. <|endoftext|> Grug think you faggot <|endoftext|> Grug like rock. Rock keep grug safe <|endoftext|> Grug tink rock or club? Rock reliable. Rock cheap. But club long. Wud do? <|endoftext|> >Doesn't matter, Chally 2 still fucking trash, always do bad in bideo game wen grug grug use it <|endoftext|> Grug day is sunset. Full moon high in sky for new tribe. Metal war stick is shiny like sky-god. Grug slow like heavy brow tribe. <|endoftext|> >Me own metal war stick >Want sharpstick like Grugdad used to have >Go to center of tribe >Ask wisest grug for sharpstick >Wisegrug want seven mammoth tooth and rib for sharpstick >Ask why wisegrug want many for little >Wisegrug knows what Wisegrig has> <|endoftext|> >two sharp stick Why? Half stick now small. Only Grug who want to hide sharp stick in pelt want short stick. Grug wonder why any Grug need more than one sharp stick, anyway. Does Grug grow berries without bark scribble from Shaman? Does Grug sell berry juice through back hole in cave? Grug now suspicious. <|endoftext|> ================================ Cave war chieftan 10,000bc - 10,002bc From me cold grug hands Thank obunga Come from me grugphone using whack-a-talk <|endoftext|> It me, the yank-ug marhshug. Me here this day to compare sharp stick to new metal war sticks. Sharp stick work for many moons, metal war sticks only come round few moons ago. Sharp stick easy to stick with. Metal stick have to move different. Sharp stick easy to keep sharp, Metal stick have to be rubbed with stone long time to make sharp. Sharp stick smaller and less heavy than metal war stick. Maybe metal war stick kill many grugs at same time , but gruglistically, how many grug will you ever fight at once while walking around cave? Sharp stick still stay around. Grugscribe for more cave painting like this one <|endoftext|> broke mine digging through roots im really hard on things though full grug all the time used it camping a bunch before i fucked it up i pushed too hard and the collar piece cross threaded i think i can fix it just havent had time yet not terrible i like it but not sturdy enough for me <|endoftext|> >Were blunt objects even a thing back then. Ask grug and his millennia old wooden bat. <|endoftext|> free grug don't ask. <|endoftext|> The best rock, is rock inside grug's heart. boulders are good too. <|endoftext|> Grug lost rock in river crossing accident <|endoftext|> You will never be a real grug <|endoftext|> Big rock smash biggest. Grug smash Moshgrug of Longnose tribe with biggest rock in Grugcave. <|endoftext|> The rock grug has on grug. A rock in grugs hand worth two in grug cave <|endoftext|> Best rock is rock that you most comfortable with. Rock that fit grug hand goodest <|endoftext|> Grug's urban/rock camo (What is this, by the way?) On one of the last threads, somebody mentioned that the alien camo is some sort of Chinese pattern. <|endoftext|> >hand-drawn reinforcements learn CAD, grug <|endoftext|> the grug route is killing all the ghouls the moment you see them <|endoftext|> Cant my character is autisms Fucking 55 science to fuck with the navigation console, ive wacked it with a shovel and thrown grenades at it why wasn't this quest made with grug minded individuals in mind <|endoftext|> As many as your hunter-gatherer lifestyle can buy Grug <|endoftext|> Once again Tanks no alone Infantry help Tanks more than 1 Most shots no hit What do you think that leads to in your imagined scenario, Grug? <|endoftext|> And a wild grug appears <|endoftext|> >Me Grug >Me have many rock-stick for protect self and hunt squirrel >Armog from other tribe say rock-stick bad, kill many in tribe, and chief should take away >This make Lugnuk angry >Rock-stick save many my tribe from other tribemen who want to poke them with pointy rock and force way in family cave >My chief great-great-grandpa say rock-stick needed to make strong tribe and kill bad chief, but Armog say chief's great-great-grandpa no alive now and cannot see how good rock-stick has made better at killing >He say only warrior need rock-stick, and most tribemen only need pointy stick or rock How can make Armog understand I need rock-stick, and rock-stick good? Me want take Armog to smash coconut with rock-stick to make him change mind. <|endoftext|> Fuck you Grug, you're such a cunt <|endoftext|> True True "Hurr durr grug not know what lever is" Why the fuck do you have the cover off? Gas block rails +side rails "Muh dumbass grip style" A little subjective but sure Why do you need to be able to swap every single part on you gun? Buy a not shit rifle and you will be fine "Muh heckin aerodynamic charging handle" ARs and AKs are both good. He rifle is fine I'm sorry i took the bait. I couldnt stop myself. <|endoftext|> grug stab <|endoftext|> what kind of paint is that? Looks better than normal matte krylon earth colors. I like it because it looks like a rock and appeals to the grug in me. <|endoftext|> Big file make grug computer go boom <|endoftext|> Grug think Oh Pee share cave with many men. Grug think Oh Pee not ever invite lady to cave. <|endoftext|> Grug think only elders from last moon like warthog, Striking eagle much better bird. Warthog good for fighting desert tribe desert tribe have no Bird, but yellow skinned tribe have bird that kill warthog. <|endoftext|> Grub like using his rock sights. Need train on them. Milk drinkers like using glass holder, say can hit saber tooth from many steps away. What if glass break? Grug no need worry about that. Rock sights are strong. They no need lightening to work. Grug better hunter with carved rock sight than bosom boy milk drinker with fragile glass window. <|endoftext|> Grug think Striking eagle better than warthog. Me no likes warthog, warthog slow and not carry much boom rocks, striking eagle fast and carry many boom rocks. <|endoftext|> Now that's a solid throw. Maybe grug right <|endoftext|> Grug throw rock at pointy stick grug <|endoftext|> OK high mount cool but what about when grug go prone <|endoftext|> get fucked, grug. <|endoftext|> caveman-tier retard. he's good at shooting stuff though i guess. grug bonk good. <|endoftext|> Every grug-brained grunt is still trained on them to include magnetic compasses and protractors. <|endoftext|> You have to live outside of town to effectively grug. This is your only sin. <|endoftext|> edit: instead of knife ill take my iron wood grug club <|endoftext|> Beer drunk was always my more destructive mode. Whiskey drunk was always just chill and have conversations. Beer brings out grug and the next thing I know I'm shooting a freight train with fireworks in a cowboy hat with my marin crops bros home on leave <|endoftext|> Ugh. Grug no friend. Me use rock only. No stik. Rock no need stik to hit head. Stik is from tree. Tree is for berry pickers. <|endoftext|> Grug trust club <|endoftext|> Nice grug post but chill on the booze <|endoftext|> nice blogpost, grug <|endoftext|> Whelp, I've gone and done it. I am the neighborhood weirdo now. >live in yuppieville, AZ >work a blue collar gig but my wife is a mortgage underwriter so we're already looked at kind of funny >take a personal day every other week for "mental health" >this is just a night of binge drinking followed by nursing a hangover the next day >wife comes home to me drinking tea and listening to jazz and rain noise >last week >went way overboard with the drinking >ended up dancing around our fire pit, butt ass naked except my PC, with my empty AR over my head, and heya-heyo-heya posting >our Minpin and Chow mix are collarless and kinda following me around the pit >blasting a primitive drum beat over the patio speakers >it's essentially IRL grug posting >wife is at her sister's so it's just me >consumed an entire Taco bell party pack before hand >two handles of whiskey, two liters of Baja Blast and a lot of burritos do not mix well in my stomach >throw up several times, into the fire >it's close to midnight and blues-and-twos pull up in front of my house >as well as the local FD >neighbors called the cops to report my ass, and the smell of burning vomit >the fucking fire marshal showed up too because of a gas leak concern >manage to not get shot >get detained >neighbors are trying to take a look see >wife comes home in the middle of this >the sheer embarrassment >2drunk2care >by 3:30 the PD and FD have fucked off >got cited for noise ordinance >wife now refers to me as the caveman to her sister >constantly teases me about it >considering laying off the sauce for good >that or an heroing >mfw <|endoftext|> Grug no care. Grug used honey hole first. <|endoftext|> Ugg put fun stick in Grug mother honey hole. Ugg now Grug father. What Grug think that? <|endoftext|> grug think zoom zoom > boom boom <|endoftext|> Grug think lighter not necessary but start fire much faster than two stick. Regardless, I said replace your magnified optics with NF. If you don't have magnified optics then the post doesn't even apply to you Mr.Insecurity <|endoftext|> won ten hands grug wars <|endoftext|> >making preventable mistakes means I'm manly tough alpha grug! No, it only means you're a fucking retard. Enjoy never getting a job above menial retail ever again after you willingly associate your IRL identity with terrorists on the open internet, with evidence. <|endoftext|> >Noooooo you can’t just grug smash your knives Your boyfriend left a stain on that scandi grind better clean it for your soi Reddit photo gold <|endoftext|> Actually Grug, ya fucking caveman, unexpected could be anything you don't expect. He could pull out a dildo, unexpected. But it isn't subverting your expectation, it's just nonsense. A boomer advocating for a poly frame, is. Get it now retard? <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> lets not forget walk around with your abs sucked in and walk around like grug with an arched back. there isn't a single aiwb holster model who isn't doing this exact thing to sell holsters <|endoftext|> Grug like rocks <|endoftext|> Before climbing up, I noticed some kind of ventilation/drainage hole. Naturally grug throw rock. Both the time it took to get to the bottom, and the echo it made, surprised me. It sounded strange, distorted. <|endoftext|> >I'll totally cap somebody if they fuck with me dude. You are constructing a fantasy wherein you hold the power of life and death over an imaginary assailant and the manner in which you speak about it is mastabatory. Its not healthy. okay there Freud, grug throw spear at chug, grug no feel bad because grug strong virile man. chug die for no reason, grug sleep well that night. <|endoftext|> Jesus Christ, I wish I was half the grug this dude was <|endoftext|> Grug like <|endoftext|> grug no like warmlander graineater, grug like rock. heckler and rock superior grug engineering. <|endoftext|> grug no like warmlander graineater, grug like rock. heckler and rock superior grug engineering <|endoftext|> Grug like ugly rifle <|endoftext|> I no know what block 1 or block 2 be. Explain difference to Grug. <|endoftext|> A siege tunnel getting flooded by the defending side with burning sulfer. Might have been something else they flooded the tunnels with but all i remember is that it was a really grug tier chemical attack. <|endoftext|> Crushing rivets on the front trunnion gave me one hell of a workout, and I've never done anything like it before. Mm, how? I'm planning on using an air hammer and rivet setter since i'm too grug-brained to make a jig. <|endoftext|> >hurr if you’re a real hunter why don’t you kill it with your bare hands Did grug and oog cheat by using fire and atlatals too? Or are you some faggot who sits inside all day? <|endoftext|> >i want to see pixel move hear bang make grug brain happy Okay, more intellectual types like a little flavor with their mindless drivel <|endoftext|> >I'm Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons dot com and I have something very special for you today. >You can probably already recognize this iconic piece of weapory, even if you've been living under a rock. Following the theme of great weapon designers, this weapon was developed by two guys in a shed, or in this instance: a cave. Developed in 10000 BC by the Grug brothers, they branded their weapon the Pebbler & Stone Club, often shortened to Stone Club. it was an iteration of the wooden club prototype developed in 20000 BC and it was a real game changer for the time. >Taking a closer look at this, we can see it was among the first weapons to be made of a composite material: wood and stone. The way they fit the stone in there so well is just masterful engineering. At first, the tribe was opposed to it, due to the increased weight and there are still debates today about it's reliability, because a lot of cavemen died due to failure of the weapon, particularly due to the stone being dislodged from the handle. However, this is not the fault of the design of the weapon itself, but a flaw of the cheap materials being used that were being imported from the tribe of the East. <|endoftext|> grug no like stone. only cave ape men from mountain use stone. grug has wood, wood better, wood lighter, wood make many things and makes hot whoosh when cold. <|endoftext|> grug need 20inch m16 upper sell grug upper please someone <|endoftext|> It's garage-tier gunsmithing. Almost grug-tier, even. Even the barrels you could source out of old plumbing pipe if you felt adventurous and didn't overcharge the gun like a moron. BP has a very soft pressure curve already so the chance of serbu'ing yourself are low. Matchlocks are barely a step above hand cannons. <|endoftext|> intruder intrudes >op is sound aseeps >intruder knocks over anime lamp >op wakes up, rolls out of bed and grabs femur >all intruder sees is 250 lb OP, with scraggly neckbeard and leaking boner from wet dream about miku >OP tries to say "oi fuck off" but it comes out as "ARRGHHGUNNNFFFGHH" because OP doesn't leave house >intruder shits pants, doesn't want to fight Grug the caveman tonight >intruder fucks off promptly >OP takes sample of shit, brings it to the police >intruder identified as Ali Al-Shabar, a local diverse man who has had consensual sex with 25 four year old girls for the sake of diversity >OP gets arrested for racism and is made Ali's cousin's gf Sorry we can't all be progressive as you. Have you got the rubber band around your nuts yet?? Its for progress <|endoftext|> >What's it worth, then, when .223/5.56mm from a long rifle is literally the most common threat in the USA? Practically no one is fucking using 20" anymore. This is not 1970. Run the test again with the 16" everyone and their mom has or the 11.5 and shorter pistols the gucci cunts have. As if by magic, they get stopped. >AR500 will also reliably fail against .243, .270, .22-250, and many other calibers. Ceramic armor won't. This is actually a good point. Now factor in that these cartridges aren't really what you'd use in room clearing, what ranges are we talking about the steel failing at? 25? 50? 300? This is not rhetorical, I'd love to know. >Not to mention that the spall/frag is still capable of fucking up your day, even if you're hit with a low-velocity projectile. Sure, yet no one can present a coated plate where this is a problem unless you start going for MuH mUlTiPlE hItS tO dUh PlAtE scenarios >And that "armor" weighs 22 pounds for a set. This is a pretty relevant point too that has to be considered. You could instead have ceramics and fill up the difference with more twinkies. (Or ammo, bit i digress.) >All in all, it's a very bad fucking joke. Totally inferior to Grug's hides, and worse than wearing nothing at all. You're retarded. <|endoftext|> >>Shoots round not listed in the spec for level III >>Surprised when armor not rated for cartridge fails >Imagine my fucking shock. 20" with M193 has been known for a while. Don't take on gulf war vets then. What's it worth, then, when .223/5.56mm from a long rifle is literally the most common threat in the USA? AR500 will also reliably fail against .243, .270, .22-250, and many other calibers. Ceramic armor won't. Not to mention that the spall/frag is still capable of fucking up your day, even if you're hit with a low-velocity projectile. And that "armor" weighs 22 pounds for a set. All in all, it's a very bad fucking joke. Totally inferior to Grug's hides, and worse than wearing nothing at all. <|endoftext|> They hate the Chinese more than they hate the USA Vietnamese history is essentially 2000 years of fighting back and forth with the Chinks. Where as all we did was fight a pointless war because of our retarded foreign policy and grug tier view of world politics. <|endoftext|> Grug throw rock <|endoftext|> >need more than rock or stick Grug say never going make it <|endoftext|> Grug think 0 holo bunga. But grug wish 1 holo bunga <|endoftext|> because normally you're not trying to build a 50 with less than 24 moving parts, but in case you haven't noticed this meme is kind of retarded to begin with. rather than threading on a receiver, just bulk up the rear of the barrel and cut the locking channels right in. one big solid piece of metal, make grug brain very happy. grug shoot .50 with big dumb garbage rod >if >implying the addition of a mating part is not the actual textbook definition of a point of failure stop, you're obviously emotionally invested in this piece of shit, otherwise you wouldn't be saying shit as stupid as "of course the sky is pink, why would you ever say it's blue" <|endoftext|> 9mm makes big hole. Make sure squares not too small that one hole covers multiple squares. Grug think good <|endoftext|> This is like the 5th time this psyop post has been made. As always, the post is designed to be grug as shit and to make opposing gay leftist shit look like you want to genocide people. Thanks yid shill poster. <|endoftext|> >grug like clackety clack masturbation but yes, I do own a fixed full choke 870 wingmaster from 1968, and will never fuck it up by >tapping and drilling >converting to modified choke >shooting steel <|endoftext|> grug no need hard twist rock majik <|endoftext|> All the finest leather goods in the world are hand made. Think about it a bit man. Grug kill horned creature. Him make fire. Cook the meat. Hmm. Horns make poke. Skin make.... hmmmm.... hmmmmmm. Everything. Basically anything that you use on any kind of basis, even decorations and knick knacks, can be made of leather. It just isn’t. Polyester, nylon, lycra, spandex, elastic. It’s all a bunch of garbage aids plastic. Take the leatherpill. I like leather, reptiles, and boots so much I bought a pair of wild caught alligator boots. See, to make a matching pair of boots with a back cut, two gators have to die, as they use the horns just behind the eyes. This is put on the toe box. Sure, you could buy quite a few different brand boots for $650-850 a pair and have your gators. Great. But they were likely immature, their leather and the connective sinew isn’t as thick or as durable, in fact too flexible, and the horns are sorta wimpy. Whereas with wild caught you gotta hunt two alligators. I still haven’t gotten drawn for the tag lottery, and my cordwaining needs some serious work, so I shelled out to someone that did actually hunt and kill not just one but two of the king of the beasts. Albeit in a thrice removed sort of way. And now I can honestly use the phrase “don’t make me stick these size ten gators up your ass.” It’s a win-win-win. Before needles were a thing, hogs bristles were used. Before waxed nylon thread existed, much like old stringed instruments, feline, equine, bovine, etc intestine cut thin was used. Leather craft is, as I said, one of the oldest hobbies. Very utilitarian. Weaver leather supply, Tandy, Springfield leather, within 25 miles of you I bet you have a tractor supply, equine, horse tack, some kind of something, hunters lodge, there are actual honest to god craft stores still around. If your area sucks you might have to go to hobby lobby, I know they carry okayish (yet overpriced) half shoulders of veg tan. <|endoftext|> me like metal club, grugette say it for hit round rock for rock throw game, but me know better, me smart grug <|endoftext|> My gun go boom is all grug need. It gun, not conversation piece. <|endoftext|> By the gods of the north yes! bring grug posting and greg's posting back. <|endoftext|> Grug take poultice. Now. <|endoftext|> Grug have question. Grug want fly metal bird to yellow-grug land to drop rock on yellow grug raft. Metal bird only fly half a sun move. But yellow-grug raft is 2 sun move away by metal bird. How grug get metal bird to raft with no metal bird nest spot half sun move away from raft? <|endoftext|> >Henry Ford >Bobby Fischer >Charles Lindbergh Antisemitism is a grug/midwit/topwit bell curve meme. <|endoftext|> grug was a fag that used pic related, clearly overkill <|endoftext|> grug boasted about it the old school way though, with cave paintings >tfw will never go onwall and shitpost on cavechan it's not a feel I like <|endoftext|> >Fags killing tiny, harmless little deer with overly-powered firearms and then bragging about it on 4chan. >Meanwhile Grug from a bygone era killed gigantic, aggressive deer to feed his family and never once went on cavechan to boast about it. <|endoftext|> Not the same poster - but ya, that tends to happen when you don't really have an easily identifiable culture. And then on top of that, bits and pieces get taken away or degraded by progressive politics. The people IIT implying that those feathers are gay are themselves babby faggots with zero sense of masculinity beyond grug-tier practice. Shape the fuck up. <|endoftext|> Turns out Musashi was never even a swordsmen at all, he was just king grug <|endoftext|> Thank fucking god. My ancestor Grug Grugingston died to one such assault stick. <|endoftext|> It's super retarded. Literally grug tier design. <|endoftext|> Don't give a fuck about politics - just curious from a technical perspective - is the US military (particularly the army and marines) overpriced, overbloated, and ineffective? I am a complete retard, so please keep that in mind, but to me it seems like a bullet is a bullet, especially in regular & guerilla warfare. >muh 5,000m range rifle >muh special(tm) ammunition that costs $100/round Same applies to rockets & such. >using 1,000,000 dollar Patriot missiles to shoot down a $500 katyusha rocket At the end of the day, if a war were to happen, wouldn't the US just go completely bankrupt? Once all of the "formalities" of war are abandoned and it boils down to: >grug more violent than groog >grug wins Does any of the fancy-arse "technology" make a difference? >vietnam war (muh rice fields and farmers with rusty AK-47s) >the american revolutionary war (british being the "technologically" more advanced, and still getting BTFO'd) >any insurgency ever (I know it's all for oil, but the US is still getting BTFO'd pretty badly by goat farmers with 100 year old weapons) It seems that the only places where investing so heavily into "state-of-the-art" tech is better would be: >strategic weapons >naval vessels (especially carriers, cruisers, etc. rather than patrols) >aircraft (muh bombing) But the infantry is fucking inefficient as shit. <|endoftext|> >tell your pet wolf goodbye Grug no like ATF tribe pansies <|endoftext|> grug break rule of big chiefs. no pokeyspikeys onna clubba. too much warrior style feature. you now get reported to clan of ripe berry juice, crazy plant, and gonkclubbas. <|endoftext|> >it true >anime just like >is degenerate grug no like sexy cave painting, witch doctor on /gruglitics/ say look at cave painting make grug's grughood turn into snail. <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> No grug has rock stick for bashing, can't reach tv remote? grug push it further away with stick trying to bring it closer. <|endoftext|> You inspired me to make a grug shelter, fren Work in progress. <|endoftext|> >B-33 >bringing up one of the oldest pieces of kit Zenitco makes Fag >needs a B-10M or B-30 to mount up Or a B-10U or B-30U or B-10L, all of which are pretty fucking light. >all this for $400 on top of the existing AK Are you poor or something? >just to get the same optics real estate as a flat-top AR that's been around since the turn of the century, AND still not have BUIS Oh it's an episode of "pretend side mounts don't exist". Only downside is they prevent folding most stocks... so I guess we're back to the capabilities of a standard AR :) >BUIS AR fag git >probably requires significant filing and fitting too just to go on the rifle >filing Zenitco Maybe for your shitty PSAK. >Come on. The Zenitco stuff is cool for Spetsnaz LARP but at least in this hemisphere, it's not cost effective at all and purely an enthusiast's pursuit. Please, do offer something else then other than >"ew gross, AK's are so caveman and grug" <|endoftext|> Grug say, sometimes chin weld good sometimes chin weld bad. <|endoftext|> All tribe know spook tribe make broken grug do learning cave smashing yes? Too many small grug have too much power. Grug keep his club because Grug fear small tribe control large tribe. It not right. Grug want be free. Why they no leave Grug and club alone? Not fair. Grug no want hurt anyone. They make Grug angry. Angry enough to start make cave painting. <|endoftext|> >clubs you over the head and drags you past the tree line heh heh... grug club, shovel, and keep jaw shut <|endoftext|> fudd grug meh <|endoftext|> Club for clubbing. Sharp stick for poking. Grug club or poke what grug want. Longnose stay out of grugttibe. <|endoftext|> grug upgrade boomstick to fire even more boom's <|endoftext|> grug think time for war <|endoftext|> grug shall now convert to islam, grug shall kill chieftain in the name of allan <|endoftext|> what grug mean? <|endoftext|> Chieftain and last cheiftain both marry kids to longnose tribe. Grug not trust them. <|endoftext|> Berry pickers make grug tummy pain. Longnose should stay in own-tribe, leave grug tribe be. Berry pickers pick berries, let grug hunt with warclub. <|endoftext|> grug make boomstick , grug no like chieftain <|endoftext|> >what grug say what sense common? See This grug get it. Club too dangerous for civilized tribe, club should always be put on very high shelf so gruglings cannot reach. Actually club should not be allowed in family cave at all but only in club club. <|endoftext|> this make 15 cave painting, join club club, and offer soul to tribe chief. if in 9 big moons gods say grug can have small club then fine. <|endoftext|> No one wants to take grug clubs, we just say common sense club control. Why it harder for grug to own horse, than for grug to own clubs? <|endoftext|> No trug grug <|endoftext|> You berrypicker as fuck grug. <|endoftext|> Eagle clan chief call that "assault rock". Only police-grug and army-grug need. Grug say chief come self and try take. <|endoftext|> GRUG! You killed Grug’s father, Grug. Now Grug will kill Grug! <|endoftext|> Rock. Grug kill many grug with rock before even use stick. <|endoftext|> Bullets land real nice, make grug happy. Drives tacks in my book, but I'm sure you'll find something wrong as it not up to your exacting fedora tipping standards. Seethe even more. What optics to use for the 106 series? <|endoftext|> /k/ creams their pants over Eastern Europe and the balkans. But we can’t have a thread about spic military stuff without talking about how poor they are and their women? Grug don’t care. Just want see guns. <|endoftext|> >get leather pitch filter >cut hole in leather >wrap kalashnirock with “pitch filter” >tell no Grug Make club whisper like the breeze and keeps wolf fren safe <|endoftext|> No be fooled by baby makers and villageites. When time comes the Atlatl will keep all free grug safe from evil chieftain and their cults. Never give up Atlatl. <|endoftext|> Grug bonk paint wall <|endoftext|> Ugg.... yes Grunk from rock street You know Rock Street GRunk also ? Tell him Grug refer you to teach you <|endoftext|> Oog, hear me, grugs, Need find way to make kalashnirock no loud, but grug not want visit from bureau of rock leaf and spear. what grug do? <|endoftext|> Grug think this cavepainter be berrypicker, make bad cavepainting grug like heckler and rock <|endoftext|> WHAT GRUG GET? WOOD CLUB OR STONE CLUB? <|endoftext|> Who not know grug posting already been happen ? <|endoftext|> Why grug need assault atlatl when spear kill mammoth for decades? <|endoftext|> >doesn't know grug-posting is already a thing Fucking kill yourself you piece of shit spamposter. <|endoftext|> Grug say BAR is his battle rifle <|endoftext|> This is silly unless it's out of context. I haven't read this guy so I don't know. Anyway, it is obvious and axiomatic that humans are hardwired for violence; and therefore war at whatever scale is a regular function of nearly all societies. I will assume he is defining war in a military context- two groups engaging in open conflict with each other via the use of organized military forces. This takes a lot of resources. This is not the same as the assumption that humans are prone to violent conflict; you can't draw a straight line from 'grug smash' to Verdun. It is much more apt to view war as Clausewitz put it: War is the continuation of politics by other means. Because politics are what we do as humans to *avoid* violence and only after every recourse has been tried do we turn to warfare. Given the massive cost, relative to outcome, of war, it can be described as a societal failure outside a few very clearly delineated examples (self-defense, e.g.). So no, war is neither unavoidable or immanent, it is almost the opposite, it is a deranged condition brought on by error. <|endoftext|> ok grug whatever you say <|endoftext|> >Guess which one is the bigger and more profitable group and why glock is a reputed brand all over the world. because they sold the cheapest contract. see, if i give you burger for $5 and someone else comes along and offers you burger for $3, you'll likely by the $3 burger, never mind that the $3 burger was just some roadkilled skunk and diseased raccoon mixed together. do you see the point? cheaper contract got used, not better gun, shitty gun got bought, good gun not bought. can grug understand? <|endoftext|> Kike Kike alot of people want em some Pike Pike Fight, fright shits goin be a sight Off of these drugs turn to grug Waiting for that nasty street hookers slug weee woooo peeee poooo <|endoftext|> GRUG USE CLUB CLUB SMASH DARKTRIBE EVERY TIME IF OTHER GRUGS CANT CLUB, ME THINKS YOU ARE SKINNY ARM <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> You can't fit an infinite number of grugs into a finite space either, grug <|endoftext|> Grug have solution to metal mind power man <|endoftext|> >he thinks he can tarpit my Gigatechnochad C.O.C.K. Thermonuclear AOE attacks with grug spam lol <|endoftext|> where grug upgrade club to “makarov” make by strange white barbarians <|endoftext|> Grug made haha stock as other bigger tribe took over cave raid and brunt cave to ground <|endoftext|> Grug no like thread. Grug lost good tribesmen in raid on Krugesh's cave. Grug will continue killing wolf friends. <|endoftext|> >Functioning surefire out of the box 296 >non functioning modlite out of the box 289 >add item needed to make modlite function out of box and therefore make it comparable to the surefire out of box for 35 >"grug add more stuff make more money" Again, continue to cope poorfag SF user <|endoftext|> >Grug swing club, club go smack Proud of ya champ, keep running defense for your overpriced meme magazine. Just make sure you don't accidentally drop it on one of your heckin chonky baked gooderinos! Updoots for you! Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger, I shall cherish it always <|endoftext|> >like a final measure in an alien invasion? A civilisation capable of crossing the interstellar void will be more ahead of us technologically than we're ahead of of ants. Grug the caveman thinking an extra large stone axe will be a final measure against someone lobbing a MIRV on him from the next continent over has a far greater chance of success than your firecracker would against the Vogons. <|endoftext|> Lifting has x cardiovascular benefit but I'll break this down for you: If grug step take 20lbs force to move body Grug lift 25x 20lbs easily Grug now move 20lb step easier too <|endoftext|> but you dont pay more, its still sub 1k. and ARC rails can definitely be fixed with grug smashing the adapter? you realize milspec shit is like that too? <|endoftext|> so pay more to get on the same level as a good entry level US helmet? Also you brainlet, ARC rails being out of spec isn't something you can fix by doing a grug smash moment, it means the rails are out of spec <|endoftext|> Grug tier field repair is based <|endoftext|> t.grug <|endoftext|> You are talking about enlisted men trying to troubleshoot something in the field and under duress, it needs to be durable imo. But hey if I'm wrong that the thinness isn't a concern because it's that strong of a material they are using then awesome, but I personally see issues arising from thin looking parts when you give it to grug to disassemble and reassemble. <|endoftext|> >BotN hurrr grug smash >points-based competition what the fuck are you even talking about <|endoftext|> Rock >free, find on ground >have as many as find >can smash many grug many time >if lost just pick up new one >can be made into pile for easy storing and pick up >i dare you to try and take rock <|endoftext|> i did my part in the Roman /k/ and Grug /k/ threads did you? <|endoftext|> >measuring shit in stones Go home Grug <|endoftext|> Which forest Grug find bonk? Me forest only have shit branch. No can bonk even small dog. <|endoftext|> >An AR-15 is more readily convertible than whatever grug tier gunsmithing they did here. No.....It's not....substantial machining is required to open up the FCG pocket. An SL-8 / T-36 receiver can be modified to accept G36 FA components with a dremel in an hour <|endoftext|> no grug will bonk faggot <|endoftext|> grug mean spear spear ultimate weapon pointy stick poke safe club hug dangerous <|endoftext|> Why clovis point banned just because Grug's great great ancestor kill Grog Tribe with clovis point arrow? <|endoftext|> An AR-15 is more readily convertible than whatever grug tier gunsmithing they did here. Low shelf lower reclassification incoming. <|endoftext|> So there will be no more brass? Advancement of technology makes Grug mad. <|endoftext|> grip too small grip safety a shit grip safety mean cannot make grip bigger grug no like pistol <|endoftext|> >fireguns Grug, you're almost fitting in <|endoftext|> >hurr durr make loud noise, other tribe grug scared! Untrained, poorly equipped armies will probably be deaf from firing their own weapons without ear protection, so they aren't going to give a shit. Professional armies are going to be trained to be afraid of getting shot, not of how much noise the enemy is making, so they won't give a shit either aside from using it to figure out exactly where to return fire. Literally how can anyone be this bad at warfare? <|endoftext|> this make grug arrow become war club <|endoftext|> >grug not want make canoe maker sad, but grug know that canoe across big water impossible, or possibly even small fast water cut between big cliff. <|endoftext|> You think grug need bow to defend cave.. Next you say grug need fire too? Maybe you just berry picker. <|endoftext|> grug better be make ready soon! <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT BIG BREASTED ONEE GRUGETTE TO SMOTHER ME WITH HER MILKERS AND CARESS ME WITH HER SOFT TENDER HANDS DEVELOPED FROM MANY MOONS BERRY PICKING! <|endoftext|> Grug has stone tablet full of bad Grugs and Lon Hirogrugi is on very top <|endoftext|> Grug see warriors raid neighbors cave. Warriors moon cave. Warriors stayed for 30 moons. Set cave on fire and kill all the berry pickers and little Grugs. Warriors say Grug was molesting little Grugs. Grug was always strange. Stare at big fire in sky and write on stone tablet. Warriors smash all tablets and fill cave with big rocks. <|endoftext|> grug posting is so retarded and it still makes me laugh every time. <|endoftext|> First painting, best painting. Grug think very based fingers painted this. <|endoftext|> >chief send warrior of Old Apples, Dream Plant and Pointy Stick to kill Grug wolf topkek <|endoftext|> Grug get club. No thing scare Dark Tribe more than sound club make when tap on rock. Dark Tribe run away from sound! <|endoftext|> Grug think. Why grug here? <|endoftext|> Psst, shut noise hole, chief send warrior of Old Apples, Dream Plant and Pointy Stick to kill Grug wolf and take away rocks. Chief has big stone tablet and knows Grug has rock <|endoftext|> Grug no trust chief. Grug stay in cave making sharp rocks and more clubs. Grug trade bow for two sharp rocks? <|endoftext|> Grug no like longnose tribe, Grug support small hat tribe. <|endoftext|> Need to get rid of grugette. She-thing bring stonebug from other-grug cave. May need to bonk she-grug. <|endoftext|> NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO GRUG NOT DIE YET GRUG ONLY DIE WHEN GRUG READY DIE! HELP FIX GRUG FOOT IT NOT OVER YET HELP! <|endoftext|> enjoy forever sleep, grug <|endoftext|> Shaman laugh at me when I tell him what happen so I whap him with club. He tell me go home so now I back at cave. Grug try this but me no feel different, only hurt worse. Also me smash stingy spider with club, pic relate. Grug vision is now begin to spinny, Grug is begin to wonder what type of stingy spider it was. <|endoftext|> grug smash foot with rock. make big hurt at first but then no more hurt. it work for other grug <|endoftext|> grug visit local shaman and ask for good herbs. If not heal foot at least make pain go away <|endoftext|> GRUG JUST GOT STUNG ON TOE BY STINGY SPIDER NOW GRUG FOOT HURT BAD. WHAT DO HOW FIX? <|endoftext|> You would be right other grug <|endoftext|> Grug think you dumbass who easily entertained. <|endoftext|> Grug never thought of that, maybe that explain where the pebble bug come from. But then again Grug only put dung under rock after pebble bugs show up. Me think it something else. They show up maybe 10 moons ago, me only start use dung 5 moon ago, your think not add up. Any other think before me try go wrestle Stink Bird and bring back to cave? <|endoftext|> Other grug put grug poop under bed? Grug wonder if that not why other grug have this problem. <|endoftext|> Funny enough, Grug tried that. No luck. Pebble bug eat anything, me even try Grug dung, they eat that too. Grug wonder if maybe get Stink Bird would do trick. Only problem is Stink Bird may bite hand or peck eye, what think do? <|endoftext|> Grug no trust the Gru's, Gru's want Grug weak so they can control Grug's tribe. <|endoftext|> >groogaloo me think grug meant yabadabadoo <|endoftext|> Grug trade with taco tribe for hot taste berry. Put many hot taste berry in sun, make dry, grind up berry with big rock. Magic berry dust go under sleep rock, keep away itchy bugs, but if magic berry dust get in Grug eyes, Grug hurt. <|endoftext|> OP grug should stop posting on /k/ because doing so makes him a faggot. <|endoftext|> GRUG NEED HELP: Grug keep finding pebble bugs under bed stone when Grug lay down, they cause great itchy. Grug smash as many as he see, but Grug is get tired and fed up of pebble bugs. Grug live near big puddle if that help, could that be cause of pebble bugs? How kill all pebble bugs so no more in cave? <|endoftext|> Real grug just need stick to protect cave.. Grug think bow just for mammoth. What if arrow fly into next cave, kill grugling? <|endoftext|> >muh stop power is myth grug with own eyes saw bow plink off sabretooth fur. see same thing when shoot bow through tall grass and shrub, arrow deflect every time. even spear always more better, cannot deflect because too heavy. stop power not myth. stonethrower will break sabretooth skull with one shot, not like arrow that need more than grug can count on finger. next you say make arrow smaller will make it bounce around in sabretooth ribcage and make instant minced meat. dumb soomer. bet you think farming will take off like fire did, ha ha <|endoftext|> >muh stop power Stop power myth created by old Grugs, is just a rock making scheme that will hurt Grug in long run. <|endoftext|> Did Grug big think about sharp stick? Gurg can make at home. Chief grug no find out <|endoftext|> Grug no need weapon. Longnose tribe chief say so. Me trust longnose tribe, does Grug not? <|endoftext|> grug shud gid cave furzt <|endoftext|> bow cost many rock, when can just use many rock smash other grug. bow also no have stopping power. younglings these days no know how to proper deliver beatdown. good stone just as good as club, better than bow fad. if bow user shoot at grug, just ignore tiny prick and smash knee with rock. <|endoftext|> grug get wolf. grug feed wolf meat. wolf be grugs fren <|endoftext|> Grug get both. Grug get two of both. Then when groogaloo happen, grug have extra for bunga. <|endoftext|> Should grug get club or bow for protect cave? <|endoftext|> Seems like that fat fuck cop did not give that bumbling bastard a bullet-in-the-eye treatment. That cop's lucky that the suspect was just a wannabe grug instead of a knife-wielding immigrant <|endoftext|> >Durr car bad because it make me use feet less >Gun bad because it make me use feet less, can just shoot instead of hit with rock That you grug? <|endoftext|> >Issue presented on public forum >masses address issue with solution >Grug don't want help Why the fuck did you even post this shit then? God may have given you feet but he also gave you an extra chromosome you fucking phenomenal retard. <|endoftext|> >grug has small squeezy weird thing >grug squeeze hand in front of you >grug put pebble into brain >grug win Grug has won. <|endoftext|> grug kill techjew phone with rock tommorow <|endoftext|> Grug kill man with stick. <|endoftext|> >trying to explain in a logical fashion why some fucking cletus grug shouldn't use motor oil to lube his gun. Why even bother lol <|endoftext|> >big rock man >big stick man >big bone man >sharp stick man grug like rex dinner <|endoftext|> >be me >playing vidya >hear chickens start freaking out >grab muh AR >recruit autistic brother to hold flashlight >"somethin's fuckin with the chickens" >we run out to the chicken coop >find fucking possum that got a chicken last month but I couldn't shoot without the bullet going into a neighbor's house >pop it in the head >think it's dead >carry it out towards woods and drop it >it starts crawling away >turns out gun jammed when I shot it, can't fix it >grug mode activate >use rifle as bludgeon >sure it's dead now >tell little brother I saved his chickens, he wants to check the body >we go out, it's getting up to crawl away >brother grabs his .22 and pops it twice in the head >still. fucking. crawling. >use classic boot + head method >NOW it's dead Seriously what the fuck? next time I'm using the fucking mosin. Pic related, it's a possum <|endoftext|> we call those people “kikes”, grug <|endoftext|> rocked, grug no like curly hair tiny hat people same <|endoftext|> Should put “approved by grug” somewhere on there <|endoftext|> That's honestly why I think so many of them are fake/cia type jobs No way someone can be so grug like <|endoftext|> I didn't ask "what is a car?" Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug ancestor told grug when someone says no anti semite, they are jew themselves Grug tribe make clean soon <|endoftext|> nose tribe make grug violent <|endoftext|> take your anti-semitism elsewhere grug! <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Neither. Claws suck just get a B&T and stop being a Grug. t. owner who also bought two claws neither of which fit because my receiver cuts are fucky or something and I can’t be fucking bothered <|endoftext|> I seen a prototype gun like this that shot something similar or maybe even bigger. It had a big latch to keep the barrel to the receiver. It was neat. That said I’m a dumb grug brained fuck so don’t take my word <|endoftext|> >I took this sling into both World Cave Wars! >Yup, the little bow and arrows zoomer grug is carrying aint nuthin compared to my Sling 45 <|endoftext|> >Grug think "soul" is no-no, but new pointy stick ugly. Long stick and rock just look old-grug when look at rock. Pointy rock ruin looks. Grug knows rock will stay for long time when grug see bad look pointy stick. <|endoftext|> >rocks what the fuck grug? <|endoftext|> Okay Grug, back to your cave <|endoftext|> Well it definitely wasn't pre-planned and coordinated with the results already spoken for on all sides due to a cabal of elite bankers working together as it is today. The world was simpler then. Grug just wanted your land and your women. And you wanted his. <|endoftext|> >grug should no have stick if grug can't afford best stick Fuck off and die faggot. Some of those companies get laughed at relentlessly and yet they're the true equalizers, true proponents if the second amendment. Go shop for some balenciagas on grailed instead of posting here you fucking faggot. <|endoftext|> This can happen on Aero atlas rails if the mounting screw isn’t centered correctly, but no pics makes this a grug thread <|endoftext|> >reject modernity >embrace grug <|endoftext|> grug/bunga666 m8 <|endoftext|> This thread has made me realise I'd like to be in every battle ever, from when Grug stoned Ugg, to Thermopalye, Marathon, Cannae... Every war ever, just for the experience. The fear, the hate, the primal feelings you feel, that's why I'd do it. We are meant to be aggressive. War is cleansing, war is based. <|endoftext|> Grug prefer club <|endoftext|> >Once race the human race. But seriously, "The Ship of Theseus"; at what point do you stop being human? 95% Homosapians/5% Neanderthal DNA? 51% Grug DNA? If you have 97% Homosapians DNA, are you 97% human? <|endoftext|> Grug stronger then truck, grug hit with club <|endoftext|> >THE THE THE T T THE THE TTTTHE THE HELLO RETARD CAN YOU TRY NOT STUTTERING DUHHH GRUG!!!! DUHHH CLUB!!???!!1 CRINGE!!!!! IS THAT ALL YOU SHITPOSTING FUCKS CAN SAY!!??? GRUG CLUB GRUG CLUB GRUG CLUB GRUG CLUB GRUG CLUB GRUG CLUB I FEEL LIKE IM IN A FUCKING ASYLUM FULL OF DEMENTIA RIDDEN OLD PEOPLE THAT CAN DO NOTHING BUT REPEAT THE SAME FUCKING WORDS ON LOOP LIKE A FUCKING BROKEN RECORD CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE BASED BASED CRINGE ONIONS ONIONS ONIONS SNOYY ONIONS LOL ONIONS!!! CRINGE!!!1 BOOMER!! LE ZOOMER!!!! I AM BOOMER!!!! NO ZOOM ZOOM ZOOMIES ZOOMER GOING ZOOMIES <|endoftext|> "Today, Grug swinging a 7 handwidth, 4 stone CaveCor, elm branch club with double knotted handgrip." Tragic about that guy from another tribe who seemed like he was herding his goats towards Grugs wife but he did act irresponsibly. <|endoftext|> letter to editor is more effective than club Grug be thug <|endoftext|> Grug should be prepared for "Native-be-gone" Club does not work against an India Land Pattern, get an Iklwa like the Zulu's did. <|endoftext|> what grug need club for? only tribe warror need club, <|endoftext|> Club good for cave defense? Grug be the the tribal elder. <|endoftext|> Grug be the tribal elder. <|endoftext|> sharp stick not consistently expand. club always big. grug no change. stopping power. <|endoftext|> Wouldn’t the guns also be found on these said corpses making your ammo point moot? Or is this a world where ammo is currency and you’re robbing these poor fellows? Not sure if Grug would ale with you at McFattys Tavern <|endoftext|> grug no need assault style axe only shaman and combatgrugs need axe <|endoftext|> elder grug say no relax when grug-who-sling-rock around <|endoftext|> Grug find hard-rock in hole and make axe. What think? <|endoftext|> Small grugs with hard-rock shells and hard-rock spears live over river. They make he-grug into she-grug for fun. Grug must run away. <|endoftext|> Grug look what Boong make also you give boong shiny shell for ride mammoth <|endoftext|> >grugerment make new stone carving that say string stick and sharp stick banish after cave massacre >grug have string stick, no want banish >string stick fell in river, grug no listen to grugerment >bureau of water, smoke, and club come to cave >glow grugs club sabertooth and make fire on cave with grug and gruglings inside >grugothy grugveigh angry when see gruglings in cave fire >grugothy rent mammoth, drive to grugerment cave >fire.jpg <|endoftext|> >grug say just as good as sharpend stone get ogga'd, or get booga'd <|endoftext|> Hello grug, we live in modern times. We have... technology! Helmet is now strong enough to stop boom boom from going through! <|endoftext|> GRUG NO!!! <|endoftext|> club barely better than berry picker, but at least is something grug prefer carrying heckler and rock <|endoftext|> Grug been feeling stabby lately, Grug accept. <|endoftext|> >grug no lift rock and get big No need for club if grug is club <|endoftext|> if pull haruk talk too fast for grug, grug need adderall <|endoftext|> Urg give Grug this too. <|endoftext|> But if Grug trades club for many fish then grug would not be able to protect many fish. Stupid neandrathaulets will steal many fish. <|endoftext|> Urg want. Urg trade Grug many fish. <|endoftext|> Grug find evergreen tree club. Grug like. <|endoftext|> In Barlum tribe, Urg is name for little she-grug before bleed. <|endoftext|> Big ha. Grug stick look for teach little grugling not to make after food in cave. how many bug grug smash with war twig? Grug think Grug prefer other Grug over Grugges <|endoftext|> >Pick seed Lol, where shegrug? No blood on club, no mark, look shiny (flax blood?) This grug want club for looking. no for kill. <|endoftext|> y grug need club r grug go to kill babbies r grug crazy no cave people need club cave police protect us u r not john grug <|endoftext|> >not 300 rockout grug not make it <|endoftext|> >grug cant have club under 9 fingers >no rock in club allowed either >think of the gruglings <|endoftext|> grug rock cave closed for yellow tribe fever. grug used to love lift rock. grug fat now. vicious cycle of no rock cave and berry juice and bad head picture <|endoftext|> grug want many club but grug not find in any cave market grug suffer <|endoftext|> dug think grug life sound good. dug no have she-dug, just tiny tooth panther. but dug find a way. dug study übertribe word for two moon so far, and dug pick up heavy rocks for one moon so far. grug, life not easy. life in fact hard like head of urg. but grug can find a way to see many more moons and see little grugs turn to big grugs. you going to make it <|endoftext|> HA GRUG NO POST SPEAR GRUG CONFIRMED BERRY PICKER <|endoftext|> >Not a single scratch on club >Grug think berrypicker's wraps his club away in cave when caribou come around <|endoftext|> Wait, you say she no cavegirl, instead she caveman? That make no sense. She so pretty and have no fur on chest... Me know Grunk is not Grug-lover. It can't be cave-man love if she look like cavegirl, right? <|endoftext|> No grug need this. Grug says need spear thrower control <|endoftext|> Grug know what other Grug mean, club never scream at Grug. Club never take little Grugs. Club do take all seashells from Grug like Grugette did but at least club puts out reliably. <|endoftext|> Grug be tribal elders. <|endoftext|> Grug bury bone in Droog-mate permanent wound cavity. Droog only know berry picking <|endoftext|> Grug think you think others think like you. Grug hate man that tuck member behind legs like you. <|endoftext|> >Grug still like club >Grug see big wet fish >big fish eat little fish >sharp teeth >Grug find dead big fish >take teeth Now club bite like fish <|endoftext|> Grug big like for sharp stick. Grug also big like sharp rock. Grug put sharp rock on sharp stick and Grug get sharper stick. Grug even bigger like for sharper stick; even berry picker want Grug's sharper stick. <|endoftext|> club only for berry picker need protection from wolf or for dragging grugette back to cave, sharp stick what real grug use to get mammoth meat and keep charcoal skin tribe away <|endoftext|> Blood of grug’s enemies <|endoftext|> Grug no see purpose... <|endoftext|> No grug need that much power. Arrow thrower should be banished by chief. <|endoftext|> >grug pick seed like gatherer lol you gatherer <|endoftext|> Grug know what that is? It's a wood and string spear thrower. Made by yellow hair tribe. Small and made of wood so cave tribe grugs no see it and it trade for more pelts than you skin in a whole moon! <|endoftext|> Grug, make wood this shape. Dry it. Find field of flax. pick seed. crush seed. boil oil over fire. rub oil on club. <|endoftext|> Grug is confirmed Anglo-Saxon <|endoftext|> grug just like it bros <|endoftext|> Dubs demand it anon. Go full grug on it, fuck his wife, and if his kid is 18 fuck them too. <|endoftext|> >tell grug: buy my onlygrugs But grug already look at cave painting, see many many milk bags >tell grug: but cave painting not talk to grug, know grug Grug not want talk to milk bag <|endoftext|> Oohh i didn't realized i got dubs ! Its kinda true, the more you go east of turkey the lower average IQ drops while rate of cousin marriage and chance of encountering a grug rises. People here are fucking crazy and even the slightest random bullshit here can cause bloody fights. A fight started because people caught a thief and were discussing about if they should beat him or not.Some guy "kindapped himself" and demanded 30 thousand dollars, a person scammed some old lady by saying that he is death the angel of death, a retard thought he should clean his stomach so he gulped liquid soap, a woman beat the shit out of a man cuz he called him auntie when they were going to have sex, oh and people keep dying because they are checking gas leaks with ligthers. <|endoftext|> Grug chased wooly beast of cliff <|endoftext|> Uhhh, grug have goos throwing rock, so no want. But no seriously I'd rather carry my old Mak, at least it won't KB and can't get destroyed by a teething toddler. <|endoftext|> Can’t read your frog speak so thankfully my grug brain will keep me in blissful ignorant happiness <|endoftext|> You are fucking dumb. Traveling might not be due everyone, but a mental illness? Did they do an Aspergers test or did they not have to because they pretty much knew in the waiting room that you were a special kind of unbearable >just buy a book it’s the same For one it’s worse because I can’t very well go dancing with a book and make love to it in my hotel room. Food, architecture, women, traditions, sights that no substitute could convey. You’ve got to have the soul of an autistic bugman from the lowliest coolie hovel in China to think the way you do, and you have my pity >trying new things bad! >grug no like! <|endoftext|> >The OICW was that idea, but it had issues in terms of payload on target Well yeah, wasn't it used against unarmored guerillas and evaluators went - "Grug wonder why 25mm projectile not have casualty radius like 40mm even with magic airburst fcs?" <|endoftext|> based grug poster <|endoftext|> grug shoot big bullet grug knows big bullet big fast big smash <|endoftext|> Grug here, did I install the demist shield far enough? Should it be flush to the lip? <|endoftext|> Grug explain Pointy stick from unga dunga throw just fine, unga's stick work but not perfect, unga's stick fragile, unga's stick not very straight Pointy stick from dunga unga throw very good, dunga stick amazing, dunga stick last many throw, dunga only use best branch, dunga stick best <|endoftext|> Grug panic buy Grug regret Grug want to build upon his failures <|endoftext|> Kek typical wignat with grug tier grammar <|endoftext|> intruder intrudes >socialist op is sound asleep >intruder knocks over anime lamp >op wakes up, rolls out of bed and grabs femur >all intruder sees is 250 lb socialist OP, with scraggly neckbeard and leaking boner from wet dream about miku >OP tries to say "oi fuck off mate" but it comes out as "ARRGHHGUNNNFFFGHH" because OP doesn't leave house >intruder shits pants, doesn't want to fight Grug the caveman tonight >intruder fucks off promptly >OP takes sample of shit, brings it to the police >intruder identified as Ali Al-Shabar, a local diverse man who has had consensual sex with 25 four year old girls for the sake of diversity >socialist OP gets arrested for racism and is made Ali's cousin's gf <|endoftext|> grug and grugette, formally greg and georgia <|endoftext|> how grug hold? What wrong with single thunk club? Me remember when elder grung kill whole mammoth with big stone at top of cliff. Rock placement all that matter. <|endoftext|> glock 1? grug only know rock 1 <|endoftext|> me think grug might be ahead his time <|endoftext|> The fabled glock 1 Grug like <|endoftext|> What barrel made of? Grug not know why it smooth like cave elder’s bald head. And what barrel for? <|endoftext|> Why grug use loud stick when Grug have tried true pointy stick? Pointy stick all you need. Pointy stick win both cave elder fight <|endoftext|> Grug prefer classic. <|endoftext|> That not real Grug, that cavepainting by spike club tribe. Real Grug know spike belong on end of stick for hunting big mammoth, not in cave with Grug kids <|endoftext|> *sip* rock make big slow hit, make other Grug fall hard. Pointy stick just make little hole in Grug. <|endoftext|> Grugdtein here. Grug goiym must register all bone clubs and obsidian spears as a danger Dino <|endoftext|> Then why grug have nail? <|endoftext|> grug made cave painting related,do grug have to worry for pet wolf pup if club takers know? How to defend against club takers at cave entrance? <|endoftext|> Grug think this too far - real caveman not need spikes <|endoftext|> AAAAAHHHHHH GRUG NO LIKE FIRE <|endoftext|> tribe no like grug no more. grug poo go everywhere <|endoftext|> hahahaha poopmud grug always funny. make grug wonder if poopmud grug is firedarkskintribe. <|endoftext|> Here your gun, grug <|endoftext|> No grug need more than 10 rocks. No grug need any more rockpower. <|endoftext|> grug with no shell always mad at many shell grug. stay angry no shells lol <|endoftext|> grugette no like poor grug. poor grug not lay with grugette like me do. ha ha. <|endoftext|> grug get rock from palmetto state rockery. rock just as good as gucci rock. <|endoftext|> Rock do just as good as as fancy bow. Rock more reliable. Rock throw harder with mud. Grug trade same shell for many rock for one bow. <|endoftext|> Bow more good. Bow shoot small-rock-on-stick far. Grug make sack of Buffalo skin, carry many small-rock-on-sticks. Bow Grug kill many club Grug before club Grub get close to kill Bow grug. <|endoftext|> no poor grugs allowed in grug general. gucci grug only. <|endoftext|> grug not need high capacity assault rock. <|endoftext|> Sure. But against fellow Grug tier weapons, it was the best. And if it DID inflict wounds, they would have been ridiculously hard to treat. I don't know how many Conquistadors got paddled, if any, but for a bunch of "stick and rock" tier people, it would have almost guaranteed a casualty (either to hurt to fight, dead, or dead in a few hours.) <|endoftext|> Squishy thing in a grugs head when you smash it open. Wise berry picker with funny voice and strange cave say it make things called thoughts, mean grug able to speak. Berry picker stupid, speak come from mouth. It not taste good, and it give tribesgrug shakey feet and drool. <|endoftext|> >grug live in downunder dreamtime land >longhair grug kill many visitor in sun-age 1996 >chieftains say no assault spear >slow bow and hand club ok >longnose chieftains ban assault spears >longnose chieftains ban high capacity hand clubs >longnose chieftains ban pumping rock chuckers many moons pass >plant eater grudds scared more club and bow owned since longhair man kill many visitor >think many club mean more kill >many many caves now have bow and club >stoopid plant eaters >grug buy what grug can >grug exploit loophole in chieftain law >grug buy pump rock chucker >grug buy high capacity club >grudd at shooting cave waste many arrow shell >grug barter for tools >grug make own arrow now >grug even sell arrow to friends >grug earn many skin from wasteful grudd >every time plant eater make panic to chieftain grug buy more club >grug waiting for war with slant-eye tribe <|endoftext|> All hail fire god grug <|endoftext|> Grug not understand why other grugs need fully-semi automatic bow, founding chieftains only had club back then <|endoftext|> Livin like larry Keked at the photo good oc Grug like inhale sulfer pit now Never got em would recc tho Its seven o clock on da dot i need a crack rock on da spot Ill give you a kiss for 3 dollars I plan on doing more fast food reviews with the pvs 31s Clicky cap master race <|endoftext|> Go inhale fire smok you fucking slow grug <|endoftext|> >grug want try new bow >grug go practice cave >longnose tribe say grug no use flint tipped arrow, it fuck up backstop >trade grug wood only arrow for many berry >grug go to lane >elder grudd next lane over practice with club >grug miss shot, grudd say bow unreliable new technology, club good for cave defense >grudd bash target with club and hit every time >grudd report grug for fire more than 1 arrow per minute >longnose tribe throw grug out, take all wood arrow over line <|endoftext|> Grug feel like grugposting bring out the best best of grugs around horse-riding tribe wheel-carving campfire. <|endoftext|> Grug's manbone length already satisfy she-grug to point where she annoy grug with many request for ugga-ugga. But you imply know that grug with many club mean small man-bone. How come to know? Did grug inspect many man-bones like little berry-picker, ask if they have many club? Was measuring rock involved? Result carved on rock? Me think stupid anti-clubber head hollow like fruit that floats on big-water. <|endoftext|> I not understand why grug have so many club, bow, sling, and many pointy bone. Is grug sad grug's "manbone" not like Sabertooth's? <|endoftext|> Grug stupid and forget cave painting. <|endoftext|> Grug find this in strange cave after green man try to stick his club where not belong. I put mine in his head. Nearly lose foot after it put fire through toe. On way home, poo skin try to steal fish. I use this to and he become dust. Me make eyes on stupid chieftain now. Endless ugga-dugga from female chieftain. <|endoftext|> Grug buy longest bow Grug could. spend many harvest season and many berries to hit tree far away. Grug like bow. Grug feeling for those who want grugs bow not there <|endoftext|> Grug lie, grey shiny rock become red and weak when touch water. Grug just not think it revolutionary <|endoftext|> Heard another grug say gray rock he call iron is future of weapon. Is this true? <|endoftext|> My club is ready for you, Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug no care if tribe says no go after, Grug still come for club ropes <|endoftext|> >t.noslingz grug >needs 4 foot lengths to spin up no trouble in cave, you no on belly with bow either >needs perfectly polished stones shine rock always good, but not needed, any rock good >bounces off shields stop use walnut, use rock or hardrock(lead) >low energy, barely kills anything maybe if bearypicker.... <|endoftext|> Grug have freedom to make any grug club (longer than 16 pebbles). Leave the slings to professional grugkickers. <|endoftext|> Should grug cut down club shaft? <|endoftext|> Sounds like hooknose tribe talk, are you taking berries from them? >Grug miss time when no hooknose <|endoftext|> no problum if true grug. Why big brother grug always take grugs sling away? Grug thought lived in freedom cave. <|endoftext|> Dangerous and unreliable. No grug needs to be able to kill more than arm length away. _________________________ Grug Corps 12,000 - 12,001 BC Numbers matching club for sale. Pterodactyl message for more information. <|endoftext|> Me think grug is from before cave painting time <|endoftext|> Club only weapon grug needs. Bow has too much grugpower. <|endoftext|> Grug wear big rock, stop little rock that go fast. Fast rock go through leopard skin, not big chest rock. Big chest rock also defeat throw spear. No good against lion, lion go around big chest rock. <|endoftext|> (OP) Bro imagining wasting all of our collective effort work and technology to serve a crypto supremacist race that backstabbed the natives and psychologically demoralized and groomed the british to become a complacent breed of easily manipulated christian programmed slaves to fulfill their semitic endgoals. Importing millions of immigrants to finally eradicate your homogeneous societal order. No, seriously, imagine what these british engineers, teachers, preachers, and intelligence operators worked for that allowed you to become so easily subverted from the inside. Just imagine. Warfare is not about grug-tier reactionary kinetic warfare. War resides in all facets of a a civilization and people. Oh but keep projecting your ego onto these military ships. I'm sure they're truly destined to help... fight for your... sovereignty... <|endoftext|> Bro imagining wasting all of our collective effort work and technology to serve a crypto supremacist race that backstabbed the natives and psychologically demoralized and groomed the british to become complacent breed of easily manipulated christian programmed slaved to their rules. And then importing millions of immigrants to finally eradicate their homogeneous societal order. No, seriously, just imagine what these british engineers, teachers, preachers, and intelligence being so easily subverted from the inside. Just imagine. Warfare is not about grug-tier reactionary kinetic warfare. War resides in all facets of a a civilization and people. Oh but keep projecting your ego onto these military ships. I'm sure they're truly destined to help... fight for your... thing... <|endoftext|> Let me simplify this for you: >Gun get hot >Throat get worn down >Gun get shot with faster bullet >Gas port get worn down Me shoot slower bullet and not shoot 10 mags back to back. Me have good throat and gas port. Me also have cost savings. Me also have ability to collect cases with magnet. Littering bad. Grug understand now? <|endoftext|> Grug no think other grug need assault club <|endoftext|> >u-ur wrong! great argument grug <|endoftext|> That Grug tier handle though. <|endoftext|> The Expanse does just enough well to do nothing really well. The main problem with space warfare is that the Sword-v-and-Shield paradigm is cranked up to 11 up there. Warfare in space would be INCREDIBLY wasteful in term of resources and, possible the worst of all, manpower. When you start slinging jets of metal plasma at relativistic speeds, armor becomes redundant. Resistance becomes futile. The one who shoots first win. Stationary positions (i.e. anything planetside, space stations, and anything in between) can be destroyed by pretty much anyone. Energy potential out of gravity wells and away from pesky atmospheres can be built up to ridiculous degrees. What I like to believe is that a sort of semi-formal honor system will arise, since actual warfare between parties even remotely on par will result in incredible damage to both. The only victory in space is pyrrhic. Got beef with Grug McSpace? I'm sure you can arrange something that won't turn thousand and thousand of tons in assets to shit. <|endoftext|> Just screw and epoxy a bunch of bolts into a club, with only heads sticking out. In WW1 the most popular way was using hammering jackboot nails. The key with making things out of wood is to not use bad wood. Because it will have terrible properties, warp and crack in no time at all. Use oak and similar woods, and remember it that it requires heat treatment if it's wet, and a then a some form of protection from moisture. Yeah, there's more to woodwork than grug take big brach from tree. <|endoftext|> Gonna assume that you are a grug and not a shill. Trump has ordered them to stop, they are just ignoring him. He can't just instantly fire them. <|endoftext|> SHAMAN OF FIREWATER LEAF AND CLUB NOT TAKE GRUG THROW-HELPER DEVICE <|endoftext|> GRUG MAKE BOOLIT <|endoftext|> Is it a good hedge against hyperinflation? Once our dollar becomes zimbabwe tier can we use it to pay off a mortgage? I'm asking as a grug tier retard who can't even into bullion. I'm not really interested in gambling in crypto/stonks/bullion/real estate, but I am absolutely interested in gambling that our country will collapse. <|endoftext|> Based Grug artist <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> Then just say "grug want buy kit" and let us assume you're of age. <|endoftext|> >it's more valuable than gold after people start getting hungry. This is a third of what I have. grug hungry. grug want spices. <|endoftext|> Berry picker never be grug. <|endoftext|> POLICE GRUG MAKE YOU PUT BIG HUNK OF METAL IN BARREL TO MAKE BOOM STICK NO GO BOOM BOOM <|endoftext|> >be grug >hear loud sudden noise >jump and look >It large cat >grug run fast and escape >berry picker who say “why flinch at noise?” eaten instead of grug That’s why it’s instinct dumbass <|endoftext|> Grug have rock. <|endoftext|> I think grug and I see more eye to eye than the fucking mindless zombies with maxi pads strapped on their faces repeating phrases like "new normal" and "healthcare heros" <|endoftext|> most humans that have ever lived are dead and the chances we agree with any of them are staggeringly low think about every peasant who has ever lived and how unfathomably different their whole mindset would be then imagine back even further into grug-times, etc. <|endoftext|> >caveman technology >ADM Grip-with-nub told Grug Always Drops MuhOptics man bad, Mark man good. Grug not know Bob mount man. <|endoftext|> penbis and hol grug will b pleaz <|endoftext|> That grug dress like gruggette. It ok to pull your little grug to that grug. <|endoftext|> Hang on Are boy or male? Can’t tell. Penis or hole ? Grug confuse. <|endoftext|> They wont allow to be a grug anymore either. <|endoftext|> Grug no need salt rock <|endoftext|> grug only need closed hand <|endoftext|> Most infantryboomers who go into lighter jobs inadvertently cause drama when they join mixed units. It’s like Grug joining a tribe of females surrounded by Berrypickers. <|endoftext|> yes, the new 'BR' system is a meme. but just for reference GOST rates for multiple hits on a piece of body armor with its soft armor coat on, rather than 3 hits on an NIJ standard. In the earlier GOST times it was a bigger fucking meme because their ratings exceeded literally all western standards because they believed in "GRUG GO IN CITY, GET SHOT. GRUG STACK ROCK AND ROCK ON HIM, GET SHOT BUT NOT EXPIRE." more or less the same logic on how the BMPT came to life <|endoftext|> Grug use stick not rock on long-nose tribe. <|endoftext|> Based Grug tactics <|endoftext|> Based grug poster. <|endoftext|> any good recommendations on adj gas block and free float rails? My over-gassed to shit Poverty State 15 still won't feed with a 5.6oz buffer. or do i GRUG it out and get even heavier buffer? I hardly wanna put to much money into it if i can help it, with the ebin trend 5.56 is taking. I managed to secure a heap of 7.62 but the skyrocketing prices only let me order a small amount before i just gave up for now. (who knows if it ever gets to a point where my ass doesn't bleed every time i buy a box) <|endoftext|> Thunderstick weapon for berry picker Real grug use club <|endoftext|> man I bought a taurus thinking I was getting a great budget revolver and I've come to hate it based hello do you open or conceal carry that? yeah I only have to cut tape and twine with my knives so that cleans right off sadly cool bone grug you have my swiss army knife's son <|endoftext|> grug not stupid, grug just grug <|endoftext|> Made for grugs, but not a grug brain design. <|endoftext|> AK is grug rifle. <|endoftext|> a stronger recoil spring is a grug brain solution. <|endoftext|> Chieftain weak. Many grug will break off from tribe and make new tribe with better war club and pointy spear. <|endoftext|> GRUG HAVE NORINCO SURPLUS SPEAR NO GOOD <|endoftext|> >Be Grug, Salmon tribe spear man >Grug lost, join for apprentice loans >Grug issued Apple Bros. flint spear >Grug fan of this spear since small Grug, proud of spear >Grug go battle Cherry tribe >Grug battle many men, take many life >Grug in danger, Cherry tribe have Copper spear, make Grug afraid but keep battle >Grug spear BREAK >Grug no able fight spear man with flint knife >Grug take spear to shoulder >Battle over, Salmon tribe take many loss >Grug leave war party >Grug go barter >Copper spear, mammoth meat tribe smith, say better than Flint spear >Grug know this, Grug give smith 2 basket salmon egg and meat >Grug make cavepainting of spear on 4stone >Grug called Man sex lover >Grug cry Grug no make cavepainting on 4stone anymore <|endoftext|> Grug think magic man want take grugs things with his hard club. Grug no like when other man take things so Grug take your things and smash head! <|endoftext|> >Giving neanderboomers sharp stick Grug no ever have sharp stick. What neanderboomer talk about. Grug lose sharp stick in stream, try to stick fish. No work. All sharp stick gone. Start away from wolf-pup. <|endoftext|> Grug think you should visit tribe, we have best clubs & pointy sticks working on magic rock to make tribe of elders go kaboom boom <|endoftext|> ay grug, log doors <|endoftext|> Hairy Kaveman make best spear, but HK hate Grug <|endoftext|> Elder say grug allowed have fight. What if mammoth attack? What if Other trube attack? Grug no share club or spear. No elder protect right of fight or happy. All elder take rights. Grug go fight sand tribe and for what? To have right take by elder and be call "battle sick" ? Grug want better club, better spear, maybe sling even. <|endoftext|> Ha! Grug buy pony spear stick and pony spear rock and put together. Grug have much pride in make own spear! <|endoftext|> Grug like 1911 BC <|endoftext|> Grug no see mounting going on <|endoftext|> Grug trade many berries for nice spear, spear very nice. Grug leave spear in sun, spear squishy squishy. Grug like squishy squishy, squishy squishy funny. Squishy squishy. <|endoftext|> >Tool maker poster Don't grug know that spear made in grug-cave not as sharp as spear made in chief-cave? Grug-cave no have sharp rocks to make good spear. Stupid grug, never make own spear. <|endoftext|> >BE GRUG >CRAFT OWN CLUB >CHIEFTAN GRIZ SEND URG SQUAD AFTER ME >URGS KILL PET GRUGOSAUR >THROW GRUG IN CAVE >GRUG VOTE CHIEFTAN GURB NEXT TIME <|endoftext|> Grug bad head picture since yellow tribe plague. Grug drink berry juice all night. Little grug make grug sad. Grugette good to grug but grug still sad. <|endoftext|> >tfw grug no have cavewallpainting gf <|endoftext|> back in grug day all tribe had rock rock heavy, good knock down power rock is weapon of true warrior spear is weak berrypicker cope weapon, made for killing ground-dwelling creature anyway longnose tribe made grug tribe get rid of rock, longnose tribe also make all spear, grug think something is up <|endoftext|> u put block in grug bunga bunga u no grud bunga <|endoftext|> Grug no no much, but grug no that fire stick go boom boom punch grug hard. Grug push down against stick to keep stick metal fly to bad man good. <|endoftext|> Holy shit there are people who can't learn how to use socks. Thank you for this realization, grug. <|endoftext|> grug use atlatl not gun. why need loud rock when long quiet stick better <|endoftext|> Post guns grug <|endoftext|> stick bad. Grug like rock better. <|endoftext|> grug need many-color-string-square make long-nose tribe scare. who sell? how many rocks? <|endoftext|> Cry harder grug. <|endoftext|> FNX 45 is better for a civilian shooter as it is way more ergonomic with a better trigger. Desert eagle is better if you just want grug big gun cool factor. A big bore revolver is better if you want a big gun that actually is powerful (though a 460 rowland conversion in the fnx also addresses this). The glock 20 is better if you want a big blocky powerful autoloader. The only thing it has is reliability, but the USP is extremely reliable and absolutely no one is going to shoot the handgun enough to warrant 80 bajillion rounds the mk23 can do. <|endoftext|> whatever grug. titties still better. yeah. but you know im right <|endoftext|> a weapon is only outdated if the enemy has a better one. if grug has spear and krug has rock, the spear isn't outdated <|endoftext|> grug have long spear grog have bone club grug mad at grog <|endoftext|> More red grug than blue grug, likley <|endoftext|> Yeah. All the fucking shit our politicians pull, and they send these guys to prison for doing something that’s been done since grug first picked up a club. <|endoftext|> skinning isnt that hard, my first time i skinned a roo with the knife on a leatherman without cutting anything i shouldnt have like stomach or shit bag. just used a youtube video of a deer getting skinned as a reference and it went swimmingly, its easier than it looks. honestly the hardest part is hauling the cunt to hang him up. huntan is easy too, animals are dumb as fuck, you'd be surprised how easy it is, both stalking and ambushing. stay down wind of keen animals like dingos and pigs though, chital and roos (especially roos) are pretty much braindead fuckwits and im a fat loud fuck and can easily sneak to 30m of them. calls are very effective, especially on predators like dingos and foxes. youtube and books. if some grug 50,000 years ago could figure out how to hunt with a spear, so can you with a gun. <|endoftext|> >Thirty fucking arrows at once do you think /wsr/ will make us a grug zergface? <|endoftext|> Grug no like sling, slingrugs eat söyberry. Arrowgrugs uga booga many lady grugs. Slingrugs uga booga man grugs. <|endoftext|> >turn small tree into club big grug energy here <|endoftext|> based and grug pilled <|endoftext|> I quite last Aug, more money for guns. Stopped shaving and haircuts last spring so getting pretty Grug by now. More cash for me! (Fucking razor cartridges are worse than bullets!) I still miss my indulgences, but down 12 #s. <|endoftext|> hehe grug bash <|endoftext|> grug bump for maybe shinerock <|endoftext|> >sloth imp Grug kek'd <|endoftext|> any grug built their own fire stick? <|endoftext|> >Grug draw self like Grugette on cave wall. >Ask for berry >Berry pickers from Sloth Imp tribe give big pile of berry in the morning >Take the berries at night >Works every time, <|endoftext|> >Be noclub >Too few berries to trade for club What grug do? Will little sharp rock still work fine? Maybe grug starve more for a moon and save berries for club? <|endoftext|> >be crooked tooth tribe grug >be several moons ago >looking over pond at eagle tribe >many smoke signal >all argue over new eagle chief >many in crooked tooth cave also argue over eagle chief >notevenourchief.thonk >be grug now >no more smoke signal about chiefs >even other crooked tooth stoped talking about it Have eagle tribe figure chief out or what? <|endoftext|> I love it grug anon <|endoftext|> it's cute that you're trying to do the grug meme but you're putting in too much extra (and modern) information. "Pedo", for instance, isn't how grug would identify him. maybe "leader who likes sniff little grugette hair" or something. you're too on the nose. This has been my TedX talk on how to meme without looking like a newfag. <|endoftext|> >be me >grug >grug have big club sometimes like hit tree with it >sometimes birds >go to cave painting wall they say new pedo chieftan want take club >all cave paintings talk bout maybe they join war tribe so they can still have club >say maybe they still let us have smaller club well you know what grug say? >grug say big club is grug right >nobody take grug rights away grug ready <|endoftext|> politics is personal now >me tribe Grug >Grug do bad things >but must not club Grug or Thag tribe wins that, and you have to realize a sizeable minority in this country is 3rd world retards that don't understand anything except how to apply for government assistance. <|endoftext|> me grug liek beeg boolit <|endoftext|> Grug like spirit tree club. <|endoftext|> Me Grug, me like this cave painting. <|endoftext|> grug ready when chefs come to take club <|endoftext|> Shouldn't grug have actual tiger camoflague? <|endoftext|> Grug pull 9ft Glog handclub out of club holder too fast and now Grug has clubshot wound in leg, what do? <|endoftext|> Grug vote for gru-gru grugson. Now creepygrug win and want take club It ok tho since gru-gru got 1% vote <|endoftext|> No grug, only take salt spear from grugs If grug society to survive dark skin tribe must have salt spear <|endoftext|> What is spear Grug only no club <|endoftext|> >efficient use of space >lots of wires and visible electronic augmentation scares smooth grug tier brain adversaries >opens up sides of carrier for slick applications or additional load bearing If you legitimately plan to go the next 6 months without a carrier I'm not sure what to tell you. <|endoftext|> >see in night grug grug not trust see in night grug. <|endoftext|> Grug want go flood elder cave with massive fire pit. Any tribesmen want join Grug? <|endoftext|> Tell that to the Vegas discord. Hurt durr show fizeek. Grug no have muscle. Grug useless. <|endoftext|> Grug want mate Dark skin tribe Woman so make mud skin gruglings. <|endoftext|> Grug like watching dark skin tribe mate cave wife <|endoftext|> Dark skin tribe over hill booga at grug woman. Gurg want protect gruglings. <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> Grug smart Droh thank grug <|endoftext|> Grug attach shiny vine to club Club now hit harder Grug use to protect sled from dark skin tribe Also good to clean mammoth poo from Grug feet. <|endoftext|> both of you need to re-take middle school english >Equivalent in feature because laser and IR >which is like calling Honda/Ferrari the same because they both have [same feature] it literally could have been windows and a radio but yall are too dense for that shit anyway >GRUG NO UNDERSTAND, BAD ANALOGY ME NO REED 2 GUD <|endoftext|> >Grug see new poop moulder-3 >make grug think >can mould weak shape but right shape >join poopmoulder cave >grug meet many poop lovers >they tell of automatic bonkers >yellow travelling man sells things not many stones cost >buy fire safe stick >go to hunter cave >buy small twigs, bendy grass and bang bang hitter thing from orange man tribe >buy magic powder bags >glowing grug in corner of cave carves me on stone tablet >but what abut magic powder?!?!? >only tribe priests controlled men can get powder >stinky fish loving tribe sells magic powder, priest can not control >>yes i will bonk my mud boards with magic powder >grug now has automatic bonker <|endoftext|> Grug sad, from corn tribe. Grug put colored rock in basket, pick new chief. But corn Grugs outnumbered by Grugs from over mountains. They even bring many more Taco Grugs from Taco Tribe. Now Grug worry new chief try to take club, make Grug give Melon In Grug and Taco Grug all seashells, make Grug marry he-Grug. <|endoftext|> grug came here, grug wanted post this. chieftains fear the rope that bring many deaths in club-before-time. you grug smart grug. many dumb grug think big only big club bring sleep-sleep for big thing or far thing. but small club also bring sleep-sleep. also, because small club is good, grug can build small club himself. more fun. do not need to tell chieftain i have club. this grug understand, you grug. many grug do bad things. this grug tell you grug know Sky Spirit knows too. He Understand. <|endoftext|> Poop skin make babies with Grug wife. Poop skin bonk Grug. Grug sleep long. <|endoftext|> Grug did bad thing /k/, Grug did really bad thing <|endoftext|> Good Good me thinks no grug need big club. Back in old story, old grug only need small club. Small club stop anything. Big club for dumb grug. *SIIIIIP* <|endoftext|> That why so many report of slant eye tribe clubbing on paint wall even when grug no see any slant eye near tribe <|endoftext|> Bob grug gets many berry from chief to stop other grugs hurting cloth head tribe <|endoftext|> Me thought unic tribe die of grug special place rot many moons ago <|endoftext|> grug bashed grugette head <|endoftext|> Will Grug be able to grab in fur pouch and throw stone if Trug charges with club from under 21 steps with foot? Me believe Grug can not do. <|endoftext|> grigg think grug coward for using weapon grigg think all grug who use weapon not masculine real men fight with hand and use mind grigg n-not projecting own insecurites, s-shut up <|endoftext|> Me grug, me like. <|endoftext|> careful not call cloth head tribe, they slanty eye tribe when talking about if grug not say that, he go in bad cave again many moon <|endoftext|> chief said no rock for grug grug sad grug want rock <|endoftext|> grug make happy bark. grug belly hurt from lots of barking <|endoftext|> Grug like this warclub. <|endoftext|> grug hates poop skin tribe <|endoftext|> Grug say toothed grug pay for club war two. <|endoftext|> Cloth head grug is future All grugs be cloth head soon <|endoftext|> >be crooked tooth tribe grug >cloth head tribe attack crooked tooth >want club to protect grug >ask chief for club licence >chief ask why need club >tell chief about cloth head tribe >chief calls grug bad grug and no give club licence >grug mad >grugthonk.caveart >grug finds stick >grug makes sharp stick >bob grug sees sharp stick >asks for sharp stick licence >grug no have sharp stick licence >bob grug bonks grug and puts grug in bad grug cave > >grug free but bob grugs keep watching me Grug think this is mammothdung, why grug not allowed to keep cloth head grugs away. Grug heard frog tribe and funny drink tribe have same problem <|endoftext|> Grug say other Grug berry picker. Grug say Grugs never go war against tribe. <|endoftext|> three rune tribe kill grug wolf wolf was friend grug miss wolf grug going three rune tribe cave <|endoftext|> Grug say tribe be weak. No seen tribe so weak many many moons as now. Grug say monkey men take over tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug say tribe demand grugs not mate with Grugette. Grug say tribe take all clubs and rocks from Grug. Grug say tribe demand Gruggetes to mate with monkey men. Grug say Grug days are over. <|endoftext|> longnose tribe say slanty tribe curse kill many tribeman grug see most tribesman actually eaten by bear grug not so sure any more <|endoftext|> Nst grug thread I've seen in a while, usually jannies kill them <|endoftext|> Grug no like chieftan picking season, grug have no feeling for tan chief but don't like grugling smeller. No want lose club collection, pay many berry. Grug think all weak bean eater fault, living in sky cave make bean eater raise bad grugling, Take father club and make other grugling forever sleep. <|endoftext|> Grug also want hit bureau of stick, rock, firewater. Maybe we hit bureau of stick, rock, firewater together. Then can club elders with salt club. You make three nail club for Grug? I trade you 15 thumb-long two-handed club. You have cave wolf? <|endoftext|> Grug hits bureau of stick, rock, firewater on head before they enter cave, Grug prepared. Grug has motion sensor cockatoo on trees in front of cave. Grug goes down rock tunnel under cave and pops up behind bureau of stick, rock, firewater, they have bad night <|endoftext|> Grug send little Grug and Grugette to river tribe. Send river tribe gift of berries. Stay alone near cave until cave bear dead in hole. <|endoftext|> grug was pulling his grug to a cave painting of grug that look like grugette. grug want some grug get some hehe <|endoftext|> What if little grug fall in hole You cant have kill pit out <|endoftext|> Grug no need club when grug have fire, can bliind bad tribes, can make arrow shoot fire, can cook food <|endoftext|> If cavebear come just call warrior grug You no need salt club or salt stick <|endoftext|> Club or sharp stick? Real Grug train both. <|endoftext|> lug is fancy first one to get dab on by shaman and grug in googaaloo <|endoftext|> >Dangerous Dino grug dying <|endoftext|> Grug sorry How grug make stick straight and hard? Grug from land of small grug cave stabbings said use peat but no sticks land grug no have Grug use cable ties instead of twine? Is grug <|endoftext|> NO USE FLINT ON LOINCLOTH. FLINT GO BOOM-BOOM-OW, Spark when rock hit. CLAY good with loincloth, no boom-boom-ow go many pieces boom. grug not like must be 16 thumbs long if both hand grab staff. grug want 12 thumb stick but grug think angry-tribal-firewater clan be mad grug put cowskin on stick back, be feel good on shoulder. grug like woof-woof-bark friend too much see angry-tribal-firewater poke it. grug need fire on stick. all big like now. grug remember 10 snow-time ago few grug fire on stick. grug think it good but grug think many grugs put fire on stick to look like stick of water-dog clan or triangle tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug make you get picked up by huge bird and dropped off cliff. <|endoftext|> no trust box nose-lip-hair tribe thrower. glock made of hair not stone. it break or give grug sling-leg. grug great grug-father use four-five stone throw-rock. beat box-nose-lip-hair tribe AND yellow monkey tribe. No need glock stone thrower. <|endoftext|> Chief make some gru fisher Chief make some grug rock collector Chief make some grug fire maker All grug give all to chief Chief grug hand out to other grug <|endoftext|> Grug chief will give grug amount of fish grug deserve <|endoftext|> Grug no get stick now. Three rune warriors not let. How am to fish now? <|endoftext|> So grug admit he plan to make more salt stick <|endoftext|> Grug think you need kick out of tribe Dont be a stormgrug <|endoftext|> True true. Grugs all different size, different bone best for different Grug. Must try till find good one. <|endoftext|> >bringing up anachronistic rope, since it was a 5000 years later than when grug love <|endoftext|> This grug see it. But why cave 7 crumble? <|endoftext|> Grug never forget when moon tribe send bird spirits to fly into longnose cave <|endoftext|> Stick go way in canoe tip. Club too. Firewater not firewater, it torch fire juice. Cave dog not go way in canoe tip. Cave dog go after lose respect for grug cuz grug no canoe good. Cave dog has point. <|endoftext|> Me use polymer rock from fire mountain. Elder say bad juju but Grug take anyway, fire mountain rock not heavy like cave rock so can fit many in loincloth <|endoftext|> For cave defense, grug say club better than pointy stick? Ugg not sure. Ugg like point for small areas and Ugg not sure he able to swing good <|endoftext|> Why give grugette mammoth meat when grug can bonk grugette with club like ancestors. Grug just bonk any grugette grug want. <|endoftext|> Salt club not make mammoth taste more good, that old grugette tale. Break salt rock many times, rub salt rock on mammoth meat, put on fire, eat mammoth meat, give grugette grug's mammoth meat <|endoftext|> Hide your dog grug <|endoftext|> Grug wouldnt worry about it <|endoftext|> >I no plan on taking grug alive >I am undercover club stick >I call backup >I am grug from cave of stick, club, and firewater >I need to see everyone club permit ...grug see pattern in longnose talk. do grugs hear longnose speak wrong? <|endoftext|> pff grug no think cave burn ...unless lightmake-darkskin use crying wind that burns <|endoftext|> I no plan on taking grug alive Grugs cave will burn down while grug sleep <|endoftext|> You under arrest grug, I am undercover club stick and firewater grug <|endoftext|> cave of stick, club, firewater obey longnose tribe longnose want easier control grug. grug not be taken alive <|endoftext|> Grug lose stick in spear fishing accident <|endoftext|> Here my head crush stick :( Stab grug dog no not do Why you hurt Grug best pal <|endoftext|> No grug need war club. War club for chief warriors only You have war club dangerous for peaceful tribe <|endoftext|> No trug on grug patch when? <|endoftext|> I am grug from cave of stick, club, and firewater I need to see everyone club permit Also pls bring any cave dog grug may have. <|endoftext|> Grug choose .40 club More power than 9mm club, more club per second than .45 club. <|endoftext|> Grug have right to pebble thrower. No stop grug right to hold pebble thrower <|endoftext|> What this Grug mean is best bone for bonks <|endoftext|> Grug just keep good rocks in skin bags for when no touch grugs and stick tall as grug for when can grug canc touch grug. <|endoftext|> grug checks silly shapes <|endoftext|> >Sharp stick use for cave massacre >chief want ban sharp stick >grug hide stick, chief no find >bureau of stick, rock, firewater come to cave >stab cave dog >grug sad <|endoftext|> Grug take string and bendy stick to make small pointy stick kill far <|endoftext|> Then no more rock for grug <|endoftext|> Wut? Grug no understan. U for n from below rivrm <|endoftext|> >no trug on grug I like this. <|endoftext|> Stick much better than rock. Grug no like rock, Grug like long stick. <|endoftext|> can confirm, am grug <|endoftext|> >Arguable. A relatively gentle hit with a club or hammer will split skin and hurts like a bitch. No. That is not arguable. An edged weapon requires vastly less force to injure or maim. That's what an edge does. Why the fuck do you think people used spears, swords and axes instead of blunt sticks and clubs? Even fucking cavemen knew they'd do more damage if they chipped an edge onto their rocks before swinging it at Grug's head. <|endoftext|> The current market for 9mm pcc’s is fucking obsolete on every metric. They use literal grug-tier blowback operation, with no delay mechanism. The only attempt at delay is cmmg’s rotating abortion, and stribogs feeble attempt at a roller (which they still managed to fuck up). The MP5 and the roller delayed operation is absolute fucking chad of all 9mm carbines. Whats sad about this whole thing; these dipshits have had nearly 60 years to best an ancient german design, and they still couldnt improve on it. >the absolute fucking state of engineers <|endoftext|> Honestly the best thread on here since the last grug posting. <|endoftext|> Top 10 photoshop pumpkin replacements, you be the judge: 10) ISIS victim 9) Caleb‘s ass (replace blade with belt) 8) Brontosaurus (replace blade with Grug club) 7) ATF meme guy 6) Yankee Marshall 5) Hop from TFB TV 4) A box of Winchester Green And White Box 115 Grain 9 Millimeter Full Metal Jacket Round Nose (gasp) 3) The Shasta corporate HQ building 2) That one artists sketch that makes Paul look like a leprechaun 1) A Taurus Judge <|endoftext|> Jesus christ, no one in this thread is smart enough to understand mating surfaces, parts wear, and plastic deformation. Every retard here knows what action blueprinting is. For those that dont, its mild remachining of an action to true parallel, and then using a mild abrasive to wear the lug contact surfaces to one another. This work results in an action thats much more accurate. AR bolt lugs, through use, wear the lugs into perfect mating with the barrel extension. An AK’s bolt lugs bear against their recesses in the trunnion and through use, wear themselves together. Wearing in a barrel, not so much. You’re essentially filling minor imperfections in the bore, likely from chatter during rifling operations, with jacket material. It deforms to fill the tiny “potholes” if you will, in the barrel. As far as smoothing out an action, its just wearing the sliding surfaces together to increase parts tolerance and reduce any points of friction. This happens over the life of the gun through use, or can be hand finished. If you want to smooth out a semi auto action, you can always apply a extremely fine polishing compound like Blue Magic to the sliding surfaces and cycle the action repeatedly to bear parts together and induce enough wear to kill off any points of friction along travel. Inb4; some retard says your gun should just be perfect, fresh off the cnc. This is literal grug logic, and proves you know absolutely fuck all about metallurgy or machining. <|endoftext|> That nice thigh bone Grug have. Good for protect cave. <|endoftext|> How much for seeing rocks now? Grug not want stinky tribe seeing rocks, but Grug only had enough to trade for good club and hitting rock. What do? <|endoftext|> >Grug save many shiny rocks after picking berries for two moons >buy nice long club from second cave fight >Show other hunters by leaning outside cave >Chadgrunga knock club over after drinking firewater Now Club have extra marks. Grug is not happy. <|endoftext|> Grug think no tribe need assault stick. Chieftain protect grug and grug tribe many suns <|endoftext|> Grug like bonk <|endoftext|> Not to say there weren’t samurai who did some crazy shit, there absolutely were, but most of them were basically state/clan sanctioned thugs who existed to scare farmers and the like. European swords are unfathomably superior, just because Japan being a skinny island isn’t exactly a goldmine for resources. Katanas were basically a secondary/last resort weapon, kind of like a CCW, otherwise there were bows, naginatas, etc. Spiffed up grug clubs alongside bows were the name of the game for actual combat. But either way there was a reason Emperor Meiji sought to end samurai as we know it and introduce a fuckhuge amount of reforms and sending people all over the planet, because Japan might as well have been in the Dark Ages compared to everyone else. <|endoftext|> Pfft, chad. The ultimate power move is grabbing a fuckhueg spear with a razor-sharp obsidian tip and going after the biggest hogzilla you can find. Though, unless you're Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal-tier mega-grug, it's likely going to end in disaster, with your innards decorating the boar and nearby bushes. <|endoftext|> Real grug train both <|endoftext|> Grug no like stick. Grug like rock <|endoftext|> yiff in land of forever fire, furgrug grug make fine joke, big /k/at warm cave, help grugs smash rat and catch birb. big /kat/ fast too, make longnose tribe forever sleep before longnose tribe can tell lies of grugs to berrypickers. furgrug has soft head, he will make forever sleep himself. save warclub for longnose tribe and berrypickers, they come for grugs smokemeat. <|endoftext|> Grug no like furry-skin-wearer, think make bad joke. Grug bonk furry-skin-wearer on head with warclub, give forever sleep. <|endoftext|> Sabertooth wake up, lick pieces of smokemeat and juice off grugg beard, lay on grug like woman, grug man snake rigid, "uwu what is that?" purrs sabertooth. <|endoftext|> grug see many symbol, know great frog spirit send cave painting. grug say this best cave painting on village wall, speak true-true. <|endoftext|> Grug give smokemeat treat to sabertooth, give head pat, make sabertooth fren, take into cave. Sabertooth sleep on grug belly, give grug warm feeling. <|endoftext|> Grug not sure even elder circle could fake learning cave bonking. That they could do it? Sure. But grug knows other grugs who were at big bonkings and grug no think it fake. <|endoftext|> Many time learning cave grug bonk not real bonk only elder bad grug say bonk in cave picture for try to take grug club all over whole valley <|endoftext|> Grug trust repeating symbol painter. Think little beard only made valley better to club other grug and take their valley. Grug not trust any grug that make reason to club other grug and take other valley. All Grug keep club, make own valley better, make fren with other valley and trade shell. <|endoftext|> Doubt any grug who bonk the learning caves come from 4cave. Only different kind of grugtard who take drug of head-shaman bonk gruglings. <|endoftext|> Grug from taco tribe try that and get caught and caged by enforcer grugs, even though leftygrugs want to get rid of the enforcer grugs because they kill a monkey tribe member <|endoftext|> Better grug club leftgrug riot <|endoftext|> Ah I see. Agent grugs worried grug from this cave go club a learning cave <|endoftext|> You-grug should know, many grug slave of longnose read this weave-basket-cave wall. Many slave of other tribe (yellow, roach, potato juice, blanket-on-head, and many other) read this cave wall. Grug not know why, but Grugs should always careful-take when make cave painting on this village wall, not know who-grug will see. <|endoftext|> Why grug tribe make every grug hude in cave for simple grug cough? Grug thinks longnose tribe make this <|endoftext|> Why grug agents care about this red sun tribe moving cavepicture cave wall? Many here are loser outcast grug or simply grugling. Many outside grug either not know this cave or have bad head pictures of it <|endoftext|> Atlatl 15 but sharp pointy sticks now cost many shells and hard to find. Show milk givers to strong grug with many club and knows how swing to sleep same cave. <|endoftext|> Grug thought yellow tribe fever the same as common grug cough. Grug thought only old grugs affected by yellow tribe fever. What yellow tribe fever do? <|endoftext|> include grug handprint in cave paint <|endoftext|> Many warrior grug only want practice with nice atlatl and emerald tube and war mammoth with frens. Warrior grug loyal to valley. Only cook Grug and mammoth groomer Grug weak to Grugling toucher tribe's many shells. <|endoftext|> Repeating symbol grug have good head picture. Find grugs that like things yougrug enjoy. <|endoftext|> Loser grug of claw fight forever sleep in forest. Winner grug of claw fight forever sleep walking to shaman's cave. Only no club grug paint messages of claw fight. <|endoftext|> Grug prefer claw of big lizardbird for always carry. Grug hunt big lizardbird when small grugling, and always keep claw for remember. Grug think makes good for cutting longnose tribe too. <|endoftext|> Grugs seem many-minds on relax bush. Megrug think yougrug have real problems, relax bush not actually make things better just seem better. Better-making starts in finding problem and making better, not in leaving problem. Leaving problem makes for long worry. Long worry makes all head images bad. Grug thinks long run good start. Clears all head images away. Let's grug see which are real and which are not. <|endoftext|> Berry juice good with other grug. Bad when only grug. <|endoftext|> Head picture shaman good. Me grug no know if relax bush good. Me grug live in village where elders have no scrolls against relax bush. Still know many sad grugs. Me grug have head picture, no see sky fire. No see other grugs. Yellow tribe fever hard for all grugs. All grugs only leave cave for picking berries. Scared of yellow tribe fever. No see sky fire for long season. Make bad head picture. <|endoftext|> grug is strong even if grug do not feel like it. take time away from cave and go into forest, either by self or with grugette and gruglings. many good head pictures come in forest when grug is by self. megrug drink too much berry juice too after grugette leave, but berry juice no friend to grug at end of day. only worse head pictures. <|endoftext|> This Grug think so too, this thread of cave paintings one of best on warclub wall in many moons. <|endoftext|> Grug love cave wall <|endoftext|> Use grug clubs to meet newgrugs. Many grugs like practice club together, and many grugs with club much stronger than elder circle. <|endoftext|> relax bush good for bad head picture. wise shaman good for bad head picture. drink much berry juice no good. where you-grug have cave? sound like you-grug need to take grug-senpai, load waggon, move to 'nother valley where yellow tribe plague not so bad. me-grug live in north-eastern place of green mountain, is comfy. village guards no care about relax bush. yellow tribe plague not so bad here, many chance to take gruglings on forest trail, many chance to buy old cave for not much shell, fix up. <|endoftext|> Grug thinks this thread must be painted on cave wall <|endoftext|> every grug likes lever club <|endoftext|> Other grugs will call me-grug a boomergrug, but lever-club with .357 flints is light, handy, and good for hunting all beasts from rabbit to deer to monkey to even bear if have to. <|endoftext|> Rock Reader here, can grugs tell grug good club to carry long way from any cave? club or spear that not break easy and can use against stray monkey grug and hunt animal with? <|endoftext|> is out of grug's control. be strong grug for family. love them. you always have brothers on this cave wall. <|endoftext|> megrug keep sending smoke signals to boomergrug to trade shells for more spike, but boomergrug no answer. grug is worried. <|endoftext|> Grug miss past seasons of two hand and one finger shell per spike. Grug bonk all day. Grug trade for whole mammoth skin full of spike. Skin protect spike from rot. Always ready for ungabunga. <|endoftext|> grug love potato water tribe club with 5.45 spike, grug think 5.45 best intermediate spike as club have very little bounce back after swing and gives for very quick swings <|endoftext|> Megrug small bug in big forest. Megrug no need paint story on cave. Only find shell for little grug and shegrug. Megrug happy for forever sleep. Megrug very tired. <|endoftext|> me grug prefer grugette butt. grug no like getting fooled by grug that look like grugette. <|endoftext|> grug check same number of pebbles on this cave painting <|endoftext|> Grug worry about boog-loog if real. Grug buy warclub secondpaw from far-far with smoke signal. Warclub not work good, Grug think before-owner from grugtard tribe. Buy many tool and part to make warclub work gooder, make Grug happy to fix warclub and make gooder. Grug no want be put in punish pit for own warclub or twenty-flint-holders Grug thank you for read Grug blog <|endoftext|> reply to painting or megrug say yougrug like grug butt <|endoftext|> >coming up on 2021 this make grug think <|endoftext|> Grug lies, or grug would have acknowledged oldest meme of 4cave. <|endoftext|> Megrug spend many good season with tribe, no think special in then now, few moon ago bonk head. Now me grug know me grug not be here forever, need love me tribe while awake, before no more megrug. Show paintings with tribe on this wall. Me grug some sun no wake and see any more suns but me grug never sleep in paintings or hearts of sametribe and neither will yougrug. <|endoftext|> Put grug in cavepainting. <|endoftext|> Grug Chariotwindows not hurting anygrug. <|endoftext|> 9 bug thick is small and light; Grug can carry many more, and use to bonk many more of monkey tribe if great "peace walk" come to valley. Grug now have to protect gruglings from many threat, no longer is there just one. <|endoftext|> grug see Jug Grug am grug of good head picture. Grug thank Jug Grug for cervix in tribe war. <|endoftext|> THESE GRUGLINGS USE 9 BUG THICK TWIG FOR THEIR "CLUB", I USE 45 BUG THICK STICK FOR MY CLUB BECAUSE TRIBE NO MAKE 46 BIG THICK. YOUNG GRUGS DONT KNOW WHAT WON TWO ALL-TRIBE WARS. - JUG "MASTADON" GRUG sent from grugs HogWay ________________ WAR-GRUG 'SUNNY TIME-'COLD TIME SAND TRIBE ARE NOT TRUSTED BY FREEDOM TRIBE NINE HANDFULS OF SHINY SHELLS DONATED TO LONGNOSE TRIBE IN LAST HARVEST CYCLE YOU NOT HAPPY? YOU LICK ASS! <|endoftext|> grug see many war grug in 4cave confuse about who friend, think orange chief good chief. orange chief no good chief; only say thing grugs like to hear. elder grugs have many shells and use shell for gossip - this grug type bad, other grug type no good, grugette no good, etc. CLASSIC CAVE SPLITTING! Elder Grugs not want grugs of tribe be friends or work together; use difference for make split of grugs. ESPECIALLY want make pale war grugs split of other grugs because pale war grugs strong and have good thinks. Meanwhile mastodon meat no get; grugette only make baby with few grug who have many shells; grug left outside cave, work harder for pick berry and hunt deer every season but all mastodon meat and shells go to yellow tribe or other tribe far away who work for fewer shells. This fault of elder grugs. But grug watch war grugs on 4cave split up. No more friends except ONLY pale war grugs. Not enough for make big speak at cave gatherings. Only fight now. Shake head. Good days of cave long over. <|endoftext|> grug get new war club from tribe brother in other village. m28000 bc club from northern bear man tribe used in cold season battles. tribe brother sell it to grug for not many berries because he know grug looking for one for long time. grug happy. <|endoftext|> Grug learn use atlatl when young boy. Still have first one he make in cave. <|endoftext|> Me-Grug not understand why all Grug friends want Elder Gregs make more spear control scrolls. Grug friends think Bad-Grugs with spears worry about scrolls? Bad-Grugs keep spears no matter how many scrolls make. then Bad-Grugs have all spears, and good Grugs not have spears because they afraid to not follow scrolls. now Bad-Grugs do even more bad. why Grug friends not see this? they think more scrolls is answer to scary things. but Me-Grug think only Me-Grug having own spear can keep Me-Grug safe from scary things. scrolls not keep Me-Grug safe. Me-Grug spear keep Me-Grug safe. <|endoftext|> War-grug for long time. Elder Grugs tell many lies about sand tribe and twin tree attack. Send Grug to fight sand tribe in far lands. Grug see friends not come back and all get was shiny rock for tunic. Come back to see tribal elders taking clubs, inviting other tribes in village, giving grugette small-grugs and all mammoth meat. Grug thinking had enough. Some monkey tribe not bad. Longnose elders twist monkey tribe for long time, tear grugs and grugettes in two. Grug think maybe was to see how perfect berrypicker tribe be created. In end, all matter to Grug is monkey tribe live in monkey tribe village and leave Grug to self. <|endoftext|> Grug not like monkey tribe. Grug want kill monkey tribe. But when Grug talk to monkey tribe member, Grug like monkey tribe. Grug think Grug want kill chief, not member. Monkey tribe member only follow chief, not think for self. What Grug do? <|endoftext|> Grug have STIK Pebble12moons every sun carry <|endoftext|> >Jon Firegregald Cornidy Him grug who clubbed in head but club bounce and club grug in front too. He say hidden elders run all village only 14 moons before club. Make grug think. <|endoftext|> me remember last cheif that help longnose not. many winters ago. name Jon Firegregald Cornidy. me think chief cornidy help drunk red tribe into stars. But then chief cornidy die from Loincloth B Jon's son. Me think chief cornidy good grug, even not republigrug he good for club rights. <|endoftext|> Good sunrise grug. Allgrug must go this way, if grug true-seek escape from longnose tribe. <|endoftext|> these cave paintings make Grug happy, think of own saber tooth fren, now take long sleep four harvest season. Grug feel many heartpain when sabertooth first go away to sky place. But now Grug think of sabertooth, only feel many happywarms. Grug ready to find new sabertooth in forest, take into cave, feed smokemeat, give nuzzle. Sabertooth can be pain in Grug bottom, mske many loud meow-roar, scratch Grug sitting-stump. But Grug love anyway. Sabertooth good hunter, kill cave rat, leave for Grug as gift. <|endoftext|> Spear tooth and wolf make many grug happy. Make bad head picture go away. Grug must be careful too, not buy companion if no can feed and protect. These my spear tooth pals, one spearling and one elderspear. Grug many heart hurt and eye rains when elderspear take long sleep when grug away at learning cave. <|endoftext|> GRUG & ORDER <|endoftext|> me grug sorry for your eye rains. last cold season a bitter one. you see saber tooth again some day. <|endoftext|> Me grug feels grug's heart hurt. Me grug also have old spear tooth who was two hands and one finger warm seasons old. Me grug make many eye rains when old spear tooth go forever sleep last cold season. Me grug now sad again. <|endoftext|> wise tribal shaman say that grug live deep down in all of us. <|endoftext|> I might unironically be a Grug because I can never really follow these memes and fully understand them, it just really tires me out trying to get all the references to the point I just skip reading them and only look at the images which always amuse me <|endoftext|> grug had saber tooth for many moons, but he go to sleep and never wake up before last harvest. here is old saber tooth with shells for grug's favorite united caves war club. saber tooth bite grug shortly after grug make this cave drawing. <|endoftext|> Even if grug does not see other grug under sky fire, you see other grug's cave painting here in cave. Me grug have head picture that is same as seeing grug under sky fire. Me grug have spear tooth. Likes to sleep on grug. Makes me feel warm in grug's heart. Only bites grug sometimes. <|endoftext|> thank you grugs. grug will make it. grug is thinking about getting saber tooth companion to help keep the bad head pictures away. grug get new warrior club yesterday and feels better. you grugs my tribe brothers. <|endoftext|> grug going to make ancestors proud today <|endoftext|> Grug happy because grug have new war club with 6.5 flint spike and many-many extra spike. Many power, strike antigrug from long-long. <|endoftext|> Grug say good sunrise to village wall. Drink bean juice. Chase deer on forest trail. Trade many kind of special shell at village market, make many shell. Grug save shell and buy own cave and hill so no need to rent from longnose. Grug learn many trade, many skill, grow berry, raise small flying dino, hunt deer with bow and sling, make fresh water, heal bonk, practice with war club, read many old cave picture, think of Great Spirit, make good land for little grugs many many harvests in future. <|endoftext|> Palm Village clubs seem before broken to grug, grug think it because palm village cave full of monkey tribe making war clubs for grugs with little shells <|endoftext|> Berry Company Makers is fare for Mutt tribe rock thrower , other rock throwers too many shells for same rock thrower >Me grug like Potato water tribe rock thrower better >grug also avoid mutt tribe attempt to make potato water tribe rock thrower <|endoftext|> how blow up elder cave? crazy grug, grug no need big fire boom boom. have club half thumb thick, all grug need. great-grugson bash yellow tiny-eye grugs with it and bash sky-eye lion-hair grugs with half-thumb-thick club too. it good for great grugson it good for grug. grug no take luger club thick as berrypicker pinkie, do grug??! firewater funny-smoke and club tribe also bash grug bark-bark wolf if grug get big-fire-boom-boom pull grug head-on-head till big-wide like flat-corn-eaters do. grow fur under nose and under mouth like flat-corn-eaters. grug get back wet, grug say >grug no hablar burgertribe bark, grug bark flat-corn. <|endoftext|> based Stone go big-boom like fire-hard mud when drop. Shiny sun-metal bend like grugic's head when grugic do ND (or nasty-dumb) rock-throw-sling and hit grugic head. tell grugic NO FINGER ON ROPE IF NO SLING but grugic no hear. Arrow pointy-cision good cope if grug no have all berry for noveske clubworks. <|endoftext|> this grug say good words. me-grug think same words. hard to find other grugs with hearthurtings who also like to throwing spear. maybe grug can meet them at spear gathering place near village. maybe can pass message to them in secret cave wall made of cords. always other grugs out there <|endoftext|> >u-haul >u-lug >grug wants to know if life worth going on. no grug can tell other grug if next season will be better. gurg must choose for self. Have cave. Have self. Grug choose. tribe says better to have grugette then to not have grugette. Have had grugette and now do not. Not sure if worth. Without grugette, just cave, grug, wolf, clubs and shells. Not much and sometimes feel like only self, but still here and each season grug think and do new things. Not so bad, and easy. Always remember many other grugs. All places all seasons you grug and us grug and all grugs are tied like manyleg web. remember other grugs, other grugs remember yougurg. always manyleg web. <|endoftext|> Grug think this thread of cave paintings best one on village wall. Many Grugs say big funnies, true heartfeelings too. Make this Grug sad to hear brother’s hurts. Grug want to always be there when brothers have eye rains. Grug want to find way to help brothers with hearthurts. <|endoftext|> me-grug also not have grugette and sometimes have many eye rains because not having grugette and because not having other grugs to help me-grug make bad head pictures go away. me-grug not know how to make grugette and other grugs come. but me-grug not give up. me-grug know that other grugs out there who want to see me-grug someday. me-grug waiting to find them. me-grug hope you-grugs also find your grug and grugettes. we grugs going to make it. we grugs not meant for early long sleep. we grugs meant for many harvests. me-grug here for other grugs who want early long sleep. <|endoftext|> grug not come to war club wall for this eye rain <|endoftext|> me-grug has not mated ever and is 33 harvests old. Be happy that grug has mated even once so far <|endoftext|> grug want mate with grugette again but been many moons <|endoftext|> grug not only grug, grug is here for grug. <|endoftext|> grugette and grug no longer mated. grugette gone. shamans no want grug's company any more either, say he not good enough to keep learning wisdom. grug no like chase mammoth any more, no drink barley water or lay with grugette. grug's tribe brothers no longer talk to him, build fire or feast. old tribe brothers laugh at grug for worship sky spirit. all grug does is buy clubs. grug expects ungabunga no matter who new chieftain is. grug wants to know if life worth going on. <|endoftext|> Grug must be strong. Every Grug who has early forever sleep hurts all Grugs. We same clan. All Grugs must have strength, so many moon cycle from now Grugling will have better life, even if we no Grugling, we no have Grugette <|endoftext|> >bird can't fly >upside down grug still loose >bird no have warclub >upside down grug still loose >bird no no fight come >upside down grug cannot win Why burger cave bother let you in? <|endoftext|> >no grugette >no gruglings >pay longnose to live in cave >grug life same as grug death >many seasons grug look at paintings on village wall >either many more or grug die in unga >no matter to grug >grug dead but walk around >some night grug put spear to grug head >want stop sad head picture >grug can't >want unga so grug feel something not sad <|endoftext|> Some Upside-down Grugs like Grug never have war club before our elders take. Now we only have wood stick. How I migrate to Burger clan's cave? <|endoftext|> Grug better hide wolf and be ready <|endoftext|> Boomgrug paint too many word, but zoomgrug think understand. Ungabunga bad. Zoomgrug know ungabunga bad. Still grug scared ungabunga come to grug anyway. <|endoftext|> Grug hear tell of cave painting from the elder circle themselves say 4 in every 10 warrior grugs still loyal to fertile valley. Grugs together strong. <|endoftext|> HELP HELP HELP GRUG ACCIDENTALLY PUT THREE SPIKE IN CLUB <|endoftext|> Mustache grug stupid. life no good under him. No berry, no hunt. We have stupid cave marches all day. Me tired, Me want say ooga booga, not babooga mustache. Mustache part longnose too, so me no trust him anyway. Wake up and smell flower grug <|endoftext|> why grug continue talking about jungle tribe? Some good, most bad, used to be gooder until made not good by longnose. This very simple. Me want talk about stone, but grugs always talk about things from other caves. Ahead times are scary for sure, but younger grug need realize that this no long time. You will wake up, eat berry and mammoth, pet wolf, read stone, kiss grugette (i know new grugette is dirty, but clean one exist, you just have to look under all rock and caves). Be the kindest, happiest grug i know you can be. There is more to grug life than fear and unhappy times. I wish the best for you grugs, and I believe you are better. Stop looking at cave wall all day, it bad for head. Stop getting angry from loud rainbow tribe, the pink berry soften head, make you think other cave are like their dirty one. Stop being tricked by longnose to do something notsmart. It sometimes fun to talk about using spear and stone for intended purpose, but I don't think grug's really ready for what it means to throw spear at other grug, yellow or jungle or sand. I like this cave many much, but grug see painting on wall that make him unhappy. Want go back to older paintings, tired of new one. <|endoftext|> >grug see krog have more berry piles than him >good gruggettes too >grug get sharp stone, >grug tie to stick with ribbit bellies >grug hit krog >grug have many berry piles, many grugettes and half big grugs. <|endoftext|> Grug blame Iron Cross clan and Little Mustache Chief; they not strong enough to beat Tribal Alliance. Bad teeth islanders betray Iron Cross clan, even though they long lost brothers. Grug life good if Iron Cross tribe strong and win. But Grug life sad. Sierug Heil. <|endoftext|> Grug make good points but forget big danger after few moons of ungabunga not jungle tribe. Many take forever sleep fast. grug have bad head picture of cave-symmetrical grugfare for many seasons after first arrows fired and far away tribes trying to take grugs berries while valley looking other way. <|endoftext|> >for when monkey tribe invade Grug need call u-haul <|endoftext|> Grug think grug make good point. But wonder why little beard chieftain cross mountain and make cave in other valley? Grug think little beard make own valley good. So good that other valley look bad. Grug not make ungabunga with other valleys and think grug from across big water not bonk grug. <|endoftext|> Guess grug is right, no point bonk longnose,just do what told and look at glow tablet until big sleep. You think grug small head?! <|endoftext|> Grug make good words. But grug not say all good words. Grug know that darkskin tribe and Bolshe-grug do ungabunga for longnose tribe. All lead back to longnose elders and squinty-eyed cheiftains. Grug ungabunga with darkskin and Bolshe-grug, still do hurt to longnose elders. Grug think that not all gaurds and warriors fight against grug. Grug think many warrior with death bird and wooly mammoth still loyal to fertile valley. Grug hope so. Grug not know who is real grug anymore. <|endoftext|> longnose trick whole forest to fight grug. just like little beard chief <|endoftext|> Idiot grug or perhaps even worse longnose grass seed planter. Longnose guards cannot even bonk the monkey tribe on other side of lake. What make grug think longnose guards bonk grug tribe, who eat many meat and practice many bonks with war club? <|endoftext|> Grug like smashed bean drink at sunrise, give Grug many speed. Grug like berry juice at sundown, give Grug happy feeling. Sometime Grug also like stinky green herb, make Grug feel funny, relax in cave and play bone flute. <|endoftext|> Grug make big laugh about ungubunga when elder say take club away. Grug not want ungabunga. Grug want club, grugette and little grugs. Now new ungabunga come for grug. Many want ungabunga, but not grug. Longnose tribe, Bolshe-grug, jungle tribe all want ungabunga. Grug think these tribe hate grug. Grug wonder why. <|endoftext|> Grugs on this wall very dumb. Think ungabunga mean fight darkskin tribe and Bolshe-grugs. Real ungabunga mean fight strong warriors that guard longnose elders. Many guards, many warriors, all have see-in-dark tubes, full-fast rock thrower, flying death bird, ride wooly mammoth, have big big clubs and fire arrows, destroy Grug cave no problem, kill Grug from far away or throw him in punishment pit. Smart Grugs scared of ungabunga, stay in cave, no make trouble with elder’s warriors. <|endoftext|> Grug need many shells to see monkey tribe in shadow. Trade for hot vision tube. Trade for emerald vision tube. Grug think emerald what make tube worth many shells. Hot vision tube not cost as many shell but hard to tell grug from monkey tribe. Big danger if not tell good grug from bad grug. Grug think monkey tribe not have see-inna-darks, so not big danger. Most grug only need sun tube on club. Grug mount tiny suns near cave. Grug throw fire ball into sky to see monkey tribe and Bolshe-grugs. Grug see Bolshe-grugs by their glow tablets. Know Bolshe-grugs by loud chanting and wimpy war cry. Also smell Bolshe-grugs. Big stink from far away. Stink like rotten berry. <|endoftext|> Grug see that many story leaf stop some arrow. New grug and poor grug can bind story leaf to chest. Make grugette laugh but still stop arrow. Make for many safe grug when ungabunga come. Many grug, many story leaf. No grug look at story leaf anyway. Only look at glow tablet. Grug think that why so many grug not have head pictures. <|endoftext|> How grug see nug in shadow? <|endoftext|> leaf tribe stinky, make many dung post on communal cave wall, look like manwoman, love longnose. Grug no care to help leaf tribe. <|endoftext|> leaf grug here, need few stone option for covering squishy heart part inside grug, longnose chief of father with many pebble few head pictures also not many brain pictures, take all bows come next harvest. Horse rider followers no like leaf grugs, wish them many hurt, don't protect leaf tribe people like they say. Help out a leaf grug with choices of bronze cloth or slate rock. <|endoftext|> Which green needle tree, too many green needle trees in early cold big land. Different grug ask. <|endoftext|> >post about bronze >grug think it related We no live in Mesopotamia. We live in tribal society. No metal, just rock. Grug think you dumb <|endoftext|> OP make mammoth dung cave painting There already Grug thread OP look like manwoman OP look like longnose tribe OP no talk proper Grugspeak This Grug say “give green herb” This Grug say cleaning slave is manwoman <|endoftext|> grug think grug think too hard bout grug meme <|endoftext|> >Grug big sad >Grug supposed to learn big wisdom from witch doctors >Grug has no energy to learn wisdom >Grug no want chief picking time >Grug scared Elders try cheat picking >Grug scared may be fight in tribe over which chief right >Grug no want kill fellow tribe >Grug no want be killed >Grug no want any of this >Grug just want Grugette and Gruglings <|endoftext|> make many arrow, shoot many arrow. no antigrug hurt you now if you follow grug's wisdom <|endoftext|> Grug just want grugette and grugling, grug just want to put mammoth meat over fire and drink berry juice, grug just want happy. Why grug not allowed happy? Grug sad and scared. Longnose tribe make grug sad, grug have nothing against jungle or desert tribe, grug just want friend. <|endoftext|> Grug want make orange chief be chief again. Grug paint leaf orange, give to elders. But Grug hear elders hide leaf, paint in little smeller chief color. What elders think they do? Why elders think need cheat for little smeller chief? Grug was think village choose chief. But elders hide leaf, then make own leafs. Elders not care what village think. Grug disgusted. Grug think time to pick up war club get closer every moon. <|endoftext|> Longnose hate grug. Longnose have own village just for longnose. No care about any village but longnose village. Grug no want fight. Grug want drink berry juice and make club. Grug maybe need fight. Longnose no stop. Grug no stop. <|endoftext|> Grug is scared of ungabunga and forever sleep, but Grug is more scared of bad times. Longnose take all shells, take all war clubs, take gruglings and hurt them. Longnose bring in dark tribes and make grug tribe give them berries. Imagine if whole valley ruled by longnose forever, all grugs cry. Better Grug do forever sleep. Better still if all longnose get put in smoke huts, then they take forever sleep. Grugs kick out dark skin tribes, protect gruglings, help grugs. Pick berries, keep berries. Hunt mammoth, keep mammoth. <|endoftext|> >bee drink grug no know what is <|endoftext|> >yellow tribe give big sick to grug tribe >village elders say stay in cave, wear deer skin on face >big sick come from jungle tribe >bad smell from jungle tribe get into deer skin and make grug sick >wear deer skin, no wear deer skin, get sick both >don't like deer skin >no wear. No care what elders say >go to village market >use shells to get smokemeat and bee drink >Karun say "grug use mask" >no <|endoftext|> Maybe grug try have fun. Chieftain other daughter never close legs Then you see why big rock big need <|endoftext|> Grug no need rock or loincloth. Enjoy big sleep. <|endoftext|> Grug & Wesson EZ club will work until grugette can meet a strong grug with a big club. <|endoftext|> >grug push thread up on roof of 4cave <|endoftext|> should get strong grug instead <|endoftext|> Grug only have one milk point and make many milk with chieftains daughter. That why grug need big rock <|endoftext|> >see grug with see-in-darks >not see grug actually >see-in-darks see in dark but not see crinkle blanket >grog say leave grug lone >grug no hurt grog <|endoftext|> >i speak before "grug cavewindows" story is told <|endoftext|> Elders have new flying death bird. Can see grug, hit him with giant fire rock from very far away. Grug club no matter against death bird. <|endoftext|> Grug need magic crinkle blanket to keep sky rock away <|endoftext|> Loin cloth is for when grug must move between rocks to prevent giant sky rock of elder circle from finding grug <|endoftext|> Grug over 6 feets tall and still feel open on sides With loin clothe grug no fear as much with no loin clothe Loin clothe only 7 stones heavy, grug strong <|endoftext|> Grug throw rock from behind big rock If grug do this special loin cloth stay behind big rock and only be heavy <|endoftext|> Loin cloth only stops rocks that would big sleep grug. No loincloth stops all rocks. <|endoftext|> Grug buy 4-pebble bronze loin clothe, Grug still feel open to many pebbles. Grug wonder if bronze loin clothe worth shells. <|endoftext|> Grugs trade clubs while grugs still can. Longnose tribe no want grug have club pile much less one club. Berry pickers no care, berry pickers lay with jungle grugs and serve longnose tribe. Jungle grugs come to Grug valley and burn trees and smoke caves. They no care. Raise stick for orange chief. Orange chief build longnose tribe better cave, but chief still want Grug have clubs. <|endoftext|> Many season ago grug father father say pretty talk in far away words. Say head picture free for all seasons, no grug hunt them. Even in punishment cave still have head picture. <|endoftext|> Grug loves his 4cave frens too. <|endoftext|> Grug will always have head pictures of 4cave. Even after many seasons 4cave head pictures stay in head, no elder can take away. Keep head pictures, feel good. <|endoftext|> little grug is based grug <|endoftext|> grug notice grug note counter is very many of same number grug know this means grug right <|endoftext|> grug think the cave painting solid feet and many red berry <|endoftext|> cleaning slave is grug who dress up like grugette <|endoftext|> Grug like repeating symbol. Grug trust cave paintings with repeating symbol. <|endoftext|> Grug sees same number many time Cave writing had to be right for skyman to allow same number many time Watching slave cleaner more funny now <|endoftext|> grug like this cave painting <|endoftext|> Grug spend tusk a Longnose Club Works. Grug not regret <|endoftext|> this grug know how to party <|endoftext|> >grug drink many bowls of berry juice >get good feeling >drink more bowls >get bad feeling >one more bowl >bad feeling turn to angry feeling >head pictures same color as blood >use stone hole maker >longnose say grug no make new hole in club >grug hate longnose >berry juice make head pictures show dead longnose >grug like dead longnose >take club >count hole >1 >1 >1 >111 holes >longnose don't know >longnose can't take from grug >blood color head pictures change into night color head pictures >grug skip all nighttime and wake in morning >took big sleep but woke up >remember about club >feel bad >grug no bad >but grug do bad >is grug bad? >get more berry juice >feel bad >drink berry juice >feel good <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT ALL 4CAVE GRUG TO TAKE BIG SLEEP. GRUG WILL NOT HIDE IN FOREST. GRUG WILL DO BIG SLEEP IN GRUG CAVE BEFORE HIDE. NO POINT TO HAVE LITTLE GRUG IF LITTLE GRUG SLAVE TO LONGNOSE LIKE GRUG <|endoftext|> Grug is scared. You describe grug perfect but grug see no other choice. Grug gonna miss his 4cave friends. <|endoftext|> Grug no wish for brother 4cave grugs to have forever sleep. Grug think ungabunga not fun at all. Grug wish his tribesmen to run in forest, lift heavy rock, plant berry bush, get to know village neighbors, practice with club, better Grug self, find Grugette, read words of Sky Grug. It is Grug duty to help build happy future for Grug tribe. <|endoftext|> grug am different grug. Grug have head picture. Grug see ungabunga soon, no other head picture. Grug prepare as best grug can. Want to never long sleep, no other head picture though. Grug afraid of lightning, but have head picture that even lightning must long sleep one season. Grug want stay for that one season, but that one season grug have head picture long away. <|endoftext|> >tiger skin cloak >laughs at cave dwelling warrior grugs Grug think this no make sense. Grug and friends take your cave in ungabunga <|endoftext|> Many Grugs who visit war club wall on 4cave have no Grugette, or little Grug. Many Grug here feel lost with Elder Grugs. This lead many 4cave Grugs to want to ungabunga II: lightning ungabunga. But Grug not think 4cave ready for ungabunga. Is Grug ready to use war club on neighbor Grugs because Grug hungry? Does Grug have other Grugs to ungabunga with? Many 4cave Grugs not ready, and this make Grug sad: Grug love 4cave brothers, but they don't know what tribal warfare mean. It mean forever sleep for many Grugs, including 4cave Grugs. <|endoftext|> Many Grugs who visit war club war on 4cave have no Grugette, or little Grug. Many Grug here feel lost with Elder Grugs. This lead many 4cave Grugs to want to ungabunga II: lightning ungabunga. But Grug not think 4cave ready for ungabunga. Is Grug ready to use war club on neighbor Grugs because Grug hungry? Does Grug have other Grugs to ungabunga with? Many 4cave Grugs not ready, and this make Grug sad: Grug love 4cave brothers, but they don't know what tribal warfare mean. It mean forever sleep for many Grugs, including 4cave Grugs. <|endoftext|> Many Grugs on this village wall all slaves of longnose tribe. Job to control smoke bush, berry juice and club. Want to show up at Grug cave, kill wolf, take Grug club, put Grug in punishment pit. No respond to agent grugs. Grug will stay in sealed cave with Grugette and Gruglings. Grug have good wolf and horse, many clubs and arrows, berry bush, dry mastodon meat, water jars, toilet leaves. Grug have trusty village neighbors to protect Grug family. Grug have bronze loincloth, elkhide pouches and tiger fur cloak. Grug no worried about other tribes fake ungabunga. Grug laugh at stupid tribesmen who like to dress up in warrior costume. <|endoftext|> grug want see-in-dark but cost many shells. Grug have enough shells for 2 sees-in-dark but then only have half the shells left <|endoftext|> which grug keeps wiping away his cave paintings over and over? <|endoftext|> Grug know Grug here forever. Grug wave hello to witch doctor in future. <|endoftext|> >ungabunga any grug post about ungabung, work for longnose guards. see grug painting on communal cave wall, show up at grug cave, take club, put grug in punishment pit. <|endoftext|> grug like grug. you grug make good noise, have elder wisdom head pictures. <|endoftext|> Grug miss good time many season ago. Back when orange chieftain promise make even mammoth size war club for every grug. Orange chieftain lie. All chieftain lie. Grug not know point now. Grug not care. Grug think maybe it time for ungabunga. <|endoftext|> No trust this grug, only elder tribe ask grugs if want kill elders <|endoftext|> Grug here forever <|endoftext|> Me like Hesco 4401 clay slab, it better than bronze. Me keep slabs in Velociraptor LEPC, it mid price but work good. Me think Grug best off no fight unless ungabunga come to cave first. Get many mammoth meat and firewood and seal cave mouth until ungabunga end. Meat and firewood more important than slab and club anyway. Ungabunga probably not happen but it good to have slab and club just in case. If Grug have many shell to trade, Grug should get see-in-dark eye. <|endoftext|> Grug believe club is club. Club no need be pretty to throw rock fast. Grug like ugly clubs because can be had for very small shells. Grug no care who paint on side of club. Grug use ugly club to take pretty clubs from bad tribe grugs. <|endoftext|> Janny want to be like chief but isn't strong. So janny tell grug no to feel like chief <|endoftext|> Good Grug shit smear cave wall <|endoftext|> Blueberry grug take rock away from obeying grug Obeying grug no understand cave now no more safe Chieftain and blueberry grug can club us as much as want if we give rock away <|endoftext|> >wearing bronze loincloth >the current season grug follow tradition of ancestor's will. if grug time, it grug time. Grug also not have tribe mates, so even if lioncloth work, grug is likely to get hit with more rocks... <|endoftext|> Why no short club? Long club more hard hit. Swings faster. 5.56 clubs were designed to be three sticks. Two stick war clubs no kill. Ban tribe rules no sense. Grug think ban club tribe chieftain get too strong toad from witch doctor. <|endoftext|> >believe anything longnose tell you >believe grug not know bronze you must not have head pictures and need to be told by longnose <|endoftext|> Grug wants to go blow up cave of elders. Any tribesmen want join? <|endoftext|> Get deer horn and make own spikey flint. If grug know any from darkskin tribe, ask for big quiver. Even if cost more shells than normal. <|endoftext|> Ban tribe Grug here. Need club for big tribal war. But longnose elders make laws stopping Grug from having normal club. > No leather wrapped handle > No spiky flint attachment > No short club, must be three sticks or longer > Can only have ten arrows or less What Grug do? Grug cannot leave ban tribe, he own cave here. <|endoftext|> make grugling eat mammoth meat for seven moons. Grug need stop grugling eating berries, make grugling wrong in head pictures. <|endoftext|> grug am right. grug no same grug but agree. grug have tribe-a-light, only 400 seashells. grug put together last year. tribe-a-light work good, but no am pretty like grugette. <|endoftext|> >go to tribal meeting place >want to see rocks >go to 4club.cave/rock >grug show large bird >other grug say wolfs are /rock/ >other grug show painting of not rocks >cleaner slave have one job >cleaner slave to say no to things that aren't rocks >cleaner slave don't do job >grug walk over and hit cleaner slave with club for not do job >cleaner slave tell grug "no" >???? <|endoftext|> Why should Grug do any of that? <|endoftext|> Grug get big stone cloth, Grug stop many rocks. Grug make new war club with no cave paintings, longnose tribe not know where war club come from. Grug only need to get more strong. Grug big, Grug not fast. <|endoftext|> grug see little grug pulling his grug to cave painting of grug who look like grugette. why little grug do? grug not hit little grug hard enough? <|endoftext|> High end war club will be be very expensive and hard to find. Is Grug sure he wants to spend many shells to buy expensive club that act like normal club? Grug suggest low end club, at least until Insect tribe's plague is over, and monkey men stop attack Grugs. Club that cost 2,500 shells will be worth 0 shells if monkey man take club from you. <|endoftext|> this cave story make grug sad. what can any grug do to stop all tribes making fight against grug tribe? <|endoftext|> Grug want new club, grug save big mammoth tusk to spend, which craftsman I buy? Grug's Armament Lewis Mammoth and Tusk Noveske Clubworks Berry Company Makers Or maybe grug buy Northern Bear Tribe war club and put Mammothpul war-decorations on it. <|endoftext|> what grug can do? Grug no pick berry for grugboss. grugboss take forever sleep from yellow tribe fever. grug no want sleep forever. grug need strong 200 seashell or less loincloth. <|endoftext|> >go to fish catcher market few villages over >want to buy rockington 7 in medium size rock >no have >look at other rock throwers >only have small sized rock thrower uncommon sized rock thrower >no rocks for sale either >remember when little >go to village with only two handfuls of shells >need large sack to carry all rocks when leave >remember when littler >grug dad go to village with only one handful of shells >need TWO large sacks for all rocks >what if grug son grug have no rocks at all? <|endoftext|> Grug have smallbrain if think he can get good bronze loincloth for under 200 shell before tribal chieftain choosing ceremony. Only yellow tribe merchant sell for so cheap, is mammoth poodoo anyway. <|endoftext|> Huhu this grug see daylight at night. he eat many red berry. Cave painting related. Grug am need bronze loincloth cave height four for big tribe fight, but no have more than 200 seashells to spend, elder wisdom? <|endoftext|> Grug too worried because read shitpost on communal cave wall too much. Grug tribal war not happen. Monkey tribe act up sometime, but only when longnose tribe wish to scare Grug. Grug stay in comfy cave with wolf and war club, he be fine. Grug go out to fight monkey tribe, tribal guard lock him in punishment pit for rest of days. <|endoftext|> Grug think longnose tribe charge many shell for bronze protector when stone protector do trick. Longnose tribe want grug to not have protector <|endoftext|> Grug no need metal loin cloth, Grug need not to be hit. Hide in the shadows when nug tribe invades and wait for nug to enter shadow, then cover nugs mouth and open nugs throat with sharp rock. Not be seen better than any Grug armor. <|endoftext|> Ok grug <|endoftext|> "Chief Orange-Skin" is Grugg nationalist. Me want "Chief-Helper Grugling Toucher" to win. Even though he ban war club, Grug can still keep wood club for hunting mammoth; why Grug need war club for? Grug like to see forever sleep Grugling? Me want monkey man to mate with Grugette while Grug grugs off in cave corner. <|endoftext|> grug have good head picture. big rock hide better than bronze cloth. must use head pictures better grug. monkey tribe not have head pictures. head pictures stronger than monkey club. <|endoftext|> Amerigrug no think Grug should buy bronze protector but maybe use stone protector instead. Yes; stone more heavy but you keep fighting, with bronze protector you live but still hurt a lot. <|endoftext|> when nug tribe comes, grug stand behind big rock, stop arrow better than bronze loincloth. get all men in tribe to move rocks where you need to defend village. and, grug trap wolf or big cat and train. wolves become grug fren for food and sense invader. <|endoftext|> What kind of bronze loin cloth does Grug need for when monkey tribe invade? Grug not prepare because Grug think "Grug will buy next year". Now Grug think too late. Grug no want forever sleep sleep, Grug never even make little Grug with Grugette before. Grug scared. <|endoftext|> grug pick long sharp stick club too slow stick poke safe <|endoftext|> grug like rock, win two rock wars!!! <|endoftext|> That's not equivilant. If you practiced with a stick that has a rock or metal rock on it, a stick is a stick. If there was an important person with the thing on it, it's a trophy that would be claimed and replaced after they were disposed of. If you look at old art works there might be some difference between someone using a mace with a direct lever stick, or someone with a flail. Most art was commisioned after the fact. So there might be symbology instead of practical associated with manuscripts people had a sense of humor about it. Art is independent of reality but often mirrors it. I could say right now something non-controversial and a million years later everyone would decide it's amazingly unimportant but be confused trying to interpret it. So if grug from bear clan had a mace of wolf bone, we get a piece of art from panda clan that insists you can't eat meat. You end up with us speculating that there is clearly some evidence that people would act like cunts and cut down what they looted off the dead to make their own art out of. <|endoftext|> The g11 probably takes the cake but what are some other guns that are good but hard to disassemble? I’ve heard the gsg-16 and Ruger Mk1 are a pain as well. I’d love to have pic related but I’d be too grug brain <|endoftext|> Would you happen to be the other montana anon from the last(?) thread who was going to smith school? Archery season is happening in MT right now. I want to at least to some stalker-ish innawoods stuff (maybe leave a cache) but perhaps I’ll wait until general season so I don’t look like I’m trying to shoot durs with a rifle when it’s grug weapons only time. Have some raccoons I found earlier this year. <|endoftext|> So I qualify for 56M which is Religious Affairs Specialist which is allegedly a bunch of clerical stuff but all I've read about it says I'd basically be a priest's bodyguard. Would I as a Catholic only be working with a Catholic Priest, or would I have to do (((inter-religious dialogue)))? What about 91F? Grug like gun. <|endoftext|> Lol just make one, janky-tier, out of aluminum or something. I've worked .125 aluminum on a rounded tree-stump before with a heavy composite hammer and it was ridiculously easy to make a bowl. Grug one out yourself. <|endoftext|> Grug like gun and gun food. <|endoftext|> Where grug gets one? <|endoftext|> Grug most say sorry to far away grug. Far away grug inhale fire smoke but me grug has been tasting joomba juice for many moons now. Grug's clansmen left grug, and gruggett left grug. Grug stare up at sky for many moons now and think why does sun rise and moon fall? Grug feel stone in grug chest, but heavier than any other rock grug has lifted before. Grug will be tasting joomba juice tonight. <|endoftext|> >good stippling Grug Its stippling lets just leave it at that <|endoftext|> good stippling Grug, me think bird box not ready for Grug's big brain <|endoftext|> Hutch talk in bird box and invisible grug carry message to sky god and back to other grug ... What wrong with bird box? Is bird box bird slow? Is sky god not listen? <|endoftext|> >you see, Grug, you are too reliant on sticks and rocks to actually fight Technology isn't the only thing that helps you win, but I can't possibly see how it could hurt. <|endoftext|> Grug buy 1911 from factory, has beavertail. Grug unsure why argue.Thing easy, Grug club and carry off first wife, get options from factory. Is easy. <|endoftext|> I'm not the guy who initially said the Panther had one of the best guns of the war (though I wouldn't disagree that it was good, even if I wouldn't put at it at the top it's certainly better for most situations than the IS-2 gun) >you claimed the Panther one was the best of the war. Best for what and among what? Medium tanks? Tanks in general? Rate of fire? Penetration? It's one of the best, maybe the best in regards to a compromise of all of those things. > IMO, IS-2 gun is better in general. >Grug like big gun because big gun is big I bet you think a Mosin Nagant is better than an AR because 7 is larger than 5. Tiger I > Panther > IS2 in regards to guns. >I would agree with the Tiger's 8.8cm. Even though the Tiger itself wasn't common, the Flak 18 and Flak 36 gun carriages were. Those were a bitch to move around, but IIRC the later 7.5cm Pak 40 AT guns weren't much easier to move either. From start to end, it had a stalwart record and was useful for everything. Anti-tank, anti-fortification, anti-aircraft. It just worked. That was exactly my reasoning. The Tiger could take out stuff at quite long ranges, for the extremely long sniper shit, they could've just put the Pak43 aka the revised 8,8 on StuG's, would've been way easier to accomodate without a tower, at long range the absence of a tower is only an advantage due to not being spotted as easily, having a much lower height and not being a potential weakpoint. Of course, at shorter ranges being able to aim sidewards without shifting the whole tank is nice but the smaller 88 or L/48 could still penetrate an IS2's thiccest armour at 1,5km and 1km respectively and it's not like the IS-2 was the most common either. <|endoftext|> No worries, it sounds like it's managable for an average person to do then. I'm the same way with being a real grug but I was able to do the thin trigger install for the 226. While I have you, I am seeing the 17 round mags for the P30 available but 15 rounders sold out anywhere but the full price . Clearly 15 is flush and 17 has a bit of a bump, but I assume there's no problem with 17 rounders if I can get those for cheaper? Goes without saying I'm not getting the P30SK, I know those use diff mags. And may be compatible with P30 regulars, I don't really know. <|endoftext|> Think a Kanabo without any of the studs and such. Just timber. I also coated it with some floorboard varnish to add some strength and moisture resistance to it. Breaking bricks doesn't even damage it. If I had to make a weapon and there was nothing else around, I'd always go spear simple because spear beats basically every melee weapon, but Grug clubs are definitely serious stuff. <|endoftext|> >Grug like rug This one <|endoftext|> Help me out on board culture, is it Grug like rug or Grug like grewg? Also, would you? <|endoftext|> I made a Grug club for fun in about 2 hours with a Mora. About 1' of striking area, and the rest thinned out. It's about 4' long overall. Thickness of the striking area is about 5", and the handle around 2.5". Grug club, so no added stuff. It's quite powerful. Breaks bricks/cinder blocks like nothing. The only issue is over-swinging, so it takes some practice so you don't leave yourself open. I dried the timber out by putting it over fire. It'd break an arm if someone went to block it without issue. Not as good as a spear, but it's amazing how quickly you can make an effective weapon. <|endoftext|> I made a Medieval war club/Kanabo for fun in about 2 hours with a Mora. About 1' of striking area, and the rest thinned out. It's about 4' long overall. Thickness of the striking area is about 5", and the handle around 2.5". Grug club, so no added stuff. It's quite powerful. Breaks bricks/cinder blocks like nothing. The only issue is over-swinging, so it takes some practice so you don't leave yourself open. I dried the timber out by putting it over fire. It'd break an arm if someone went to block it without issue. Not as good as a spear, but it's amazing how quickly you can make an effective weapon. <|endoftext|> Grug agree glasses knose grug say he give all grugs my berries but he doesn’t give his berrys Makes grug think <|endoftext|> Grug say glasses man talk too much, say me need give up berries, glasses man get hit in head with club. <|endoftext|> Grug say glasses man talk too much, say me need give up berries, glasses man get hit in head with club. <|endoftext|> Based grug How does one find such a weapon <|endoftext|> >Grug use dino juice to lubricate Anzio and JDJ boomsticks used to protect berry picker tribe from t-rex <|endoftext|> it ok to be neanderthal. Grug think it weird jungle tribe committing 50% of crime, despite making up only 13% of population. <|endoftext|> Blue hair tribe want take grug club <|endoftext|> That's peak grug aesthetic <|endoftext|> grug, grug make grug fortress, grug happy, grug tribe time <|endoftext|> what is best for grug's situation? <|endoftext|> Grug considering short logs not (not consider sawed or short branch, so as to fool Aytief tribe) Logs have no shoulder hold, but also cost little rock. Should trade? <|endoftext|> >name ook ook >be ook ook >ook ook no like grug >ook ook want grug stop grunt >grug loud >ook ook take big rock >ook ook put rock in grug think rock >grug not grunt >ook ook happy grug no grunt >ook ook realize ook ook no friend anymore >mfw grug was friend >mfw ook ook lonely <|endoftext|> nnnggggrraaaahh! boom boom grug elder old and stupid, not know what talk about! spear kill grug from longer range than club, and make throw harder when use with atlatl throw throw stick! <|endoftext|> Grug not know grugs limits. Grug play sky-spirit, Sky-Spirit see and punish grug's hubris. <|endoftext|> Palmetto not even make proper burger club, yet grug expect Palmetto to make perfect drunk squat club. Grug better off with club from Smith & Wunga, at least club will be straight and not need go back to maker for fix. <|endoftext|> Big Rock. Little Stick. Little Rock. Big Stick. All argue like Gruggett when bleed on floor! Grug want beat long-nose tribe and berry picker shaman, grug not argue about stick and rock, grug learn fire! Elder and shaman make you think grug no can make fire, but not true! I scratch how on bark, take and pass around! No matter if elder and shaman have biggest or most rock or stick, FIRE not care! Learn fire!. <|endoftext|> Grug hate beast grug tribe, but beast grug cave paintings make grug peepee hard Grug confused <|endoftext|> No need big hole for grug, need big hole for food. What grugs think about new shiny orange weapons? Grug only seen wealthy chiefs with them, so grugs may never see if they actually good or just pretty thing to look at. <|endoftext|> pametto rock is fine for grug with few berries. plametto rock not the best, but not the worst. <|endoftext|> grug have several bear tribesman clubs shared with eastern tribe. have m270000bc and 390000bc clubs, and eastern m910000/300000 bc club taken by bear tribesmen in first battle against eastern neighbor. <|endoftext|> Anygrug see Grog Grugell's new cave show on how small rock just as good for cave defense as big rock? Grug think Grog lying for views. Will make cave show of own showing how Grog dumb elder. <|endoftext|> bear tribesmen make quality clubs. some of grug's favorites. <|endoftext|> Grug always like bear tribesmen that lives in snow. Always say things that make Grug laugh. <|endoftext|> Grug walk very far where sun goes down and cross big river. See many men building big buildings with square rocks. Their tribe able throw small stones very far; and faster than grug throw stone with hand. Grug hear stories there of small stones kill man, and small stones good for the hunt. Grug draw picture of it. Grug think next time tribes war with each other, tribes not use clubs at all. <|endoftext|> beast grug must be beaten with club <|endoftext|> grug is happy with one burger club and one drunk squat club. buy more old warrior clubs for collection. <|endoftext|> club from drunk squat tribe bad, it strong but not ergonomic. get club made in grug own cave, many less berry and better. <|endoftext|> Tribe leader has 30 rock bags, so the grugs should also have 30 rock bags,it's the only way a grug can defend itself from longnose uprising. <|endoftext|> very nice grug. have paid berries for ten times eight russocave club and finished. grug have tools to build russocave club from parts. grug smart. <|endoftext|> Grug carving red skin tribe like club now Grug also carved slant eye tribe club some moons ago <|endoftext|> Grug subbed Grug smoke signal last moon, autistic Grug entertaining in way <|endoftext|> OOG OOG OOG OOG AA AAAH AAAAAAAH OOOOG OG OOG OOG see mad tree grug. what grug do? <|endoftext|> Why do Yankugs always talk about mustache man in yellowhair tribe? Why they say he could have prevent how cave is today? It Yankug fault that Neanderthal run around and burn cave today. If Yankug had let we Dixug still own Neanderthal, we keep them in line still. Don't matter to Grug though. Grug know Dixug will grow again. <|endoftext|> grug brave grug shaman have hard time take from brave grug shaman have to call bureau of intelligrug, bring many firestarter. grugs in stone tiger called to sling fire rock into grugpound, make many fire. make cave paintings after, but many grug grow up, learn story of brave grug. believe. <|endoftext|> grug talk with dog shooter tribe, say stick carving ok if conker chucker short, if grug get long conker chucker always long conker chucker. Grug think short chucker best <|endoftext|> grug think grug's gf too skinny <|endoftext|> it okay, grug have two hand long club grug not get carving for anyways. they take from grug cold dead hand. <|endoftext|> was made as sling, so is sling but have stick to grab onto make hold easy grug make assault sling grug wolf pup better watch out, shaman coming <|endoftext|> how? not have stabilizing stick in back, have stick in front that go straight down. grug think this vertical foregrip make it 'all other weapon', is not spear, club or bow. need bend stick a little to make angled. <|endoftext|> shaman of firewater leaf and club disagree with grug grugssessment <|endoftext|> dog shooter tribe say grug need pay many berries for carving to have stick. grug think it 'all other weapon' <|endoftext|> Grugimir think burgrug should ally with yellow grug and grukraut <|endoftext|> grug just don't like grock 19 <|endoftext|> Look Grug new get. How Grug do? <|endoftext|> Why would grug need 30 stone bags? 10 rocks should be enough for any grug to defend his cave. <|endoftext|> grug requests more stones of grug's gf <|endoftext|> what if criminal grug have club? <|endoftext|> me think club for weak grug, real grug no need club only strong arm <|endoftext|> grug make new spear .50 rock barret throw stick with stick for more bonk <|endoftext|> >Is big slow rock better than small fast rock? Grug not sure. How does small fast rock stop tiger? Grug not sure he can remove loincloth in time to throw rock Big fast rock better than small fast rock <|endoftext|> >mfw berry picker say his gruggo grug cave stick just as good as my gruggler and grug stick <|endoftext|> >Austrocave bone club fracture and explode Pff, grug take ONE time club explode from BAD firing, say all bone club explode, tell big lies. Bone club is FINE! <|endoftext|> Grug got grug club for only 4 shell. No want spend 20 shell like other club. Grub club just as good. <|endoftext|> >little fast rock like berry me think you berry bicker. Grug use heckler and rock brand rock, has more rocking power <|endoftext|> >Heard story from cave wall, make grug sad, he lied to by elder. Yellow hair warrior wear cool loincloth and ride mammoth in big fight, look cool to me no bad. Fucking kek <|endoftext|> How grug straighten stick? Grug want hard stick <|endoftext|> Longnose lie about rockfight to make yellowhair tribe look bad. Now yellowhair tribe only pick berries, no more hunting, can’t even own club. Heard story from cave wall, make grug sad, he lied to by elder. Yellow hair warrior wear cool loincloth and ride mammoth in big fight, look cool to me no bad. <|endoftext|> Yellow hair tribe good tribe in big war. Mustache grug did no bad thing only good but all hate. Why? <|endoftext|> Grug head broken can’t trust with club <|endoftext|> Donke tribe say no need for atlatl. Their elders take them and use for fire. They big tribe. Grug think all grugs should have atlatl. Is big slow rock better than small fast rock? Grug not sure. How does small fast rock stop tiger? Grug not sure he can remove loincloth in time to throw rock Shamans full of dung, club fine if not made of yellow pine. Get hickory or elm club to be sure. Warchief painting is warchief painting, club is good but check club Mammoth tusk club elder-shaman tier bone club <|endoftext|> Wood club get old and rotten, too hard to find if no tree near. Bone club easy to make and last long time if treat well. Grug embrace future of clubbing. <|endoftext|> Austrocave bone club fracture and explode. grug no trust new bone club, want old wood club. good enough for brave warriors of two plain battles. wood club stop dead. <|endoftext|> Wood club unreliable, break when grug need most and become useless, then require grug to find good stick for new club. Bone club best club. Even when bone club break, it turn very sharp. Grug can make new bone clubs from things he clubs. Very easy to make own sturdy club, even with no tool, so long-nose tribe no like. <|endoftext|> >Ooga booga, grug shoot self in chest with onions gun <|endoftext|> This grug gets it. <|endoftext|> grug no feel bad fuggs never understand grug taste me feel grugs pain <|endoftext|> Paleolithic Stick Armory make clubs just as good as other club makers. Grug buy club from them and club 5 dark skin tribe, it club them no problem. Grug club just as good at clubbing as any club! <|endoftext|> Club two moons ago. Grug have idea. Grug mix bat poop, fart rock, and burnt wood and Grug put fire. Stone fly to mountain. Grug go cave school and blow dark tribe to mammoth meat with idea. <|endoftext|> >Be Grug >Go local spear cave >Fugg at counter stare weird at Grug >Look and see overpriced rock in every case >Walk up to Fugg ask have club in stock >Fugg laugh, say nobody need assault club >Grug leave while Fugg still laughing >Only ever order club with smoke signal since Grug hate Fugg <|endoftext|> grug prefer own clubs of old times. clubs of great tribes many moons ago. one or two new clubs good enough for grug to use. but grug always love old club first. <|endoftext|> Grug have no problem with grugettes. Believe grug. <|endoftext|> if grug see you during bungaloo grug club you and prove club is best <|endoftext|> >grug posting again? its all so tiresome >not mentioning longnose tribe? ngmi <|endoftext|> Grug post YouCavewall videos of club no working in real life scenario. Club not good when stone exist <|endoftext|> Grug retard. Grug need take the time to get hard club. Grug club will break. Not as good. <|endoftext|> Second carving was carved before we make rock bag. Grug ancestors only know about old rocks. <|endoftext|> Second carving say grug have any rock he wants <|endoftext|> grug want to club you for bad opinions. club still good. club ALWAYS be good. <|endoftext|> No grug need assault rock. <|endoftext|> grug think grug is polishing club too much <|endoftext|> Grug new to clubs. Grug make club from easy to find sticks. Grug think just as good. <|endoftext|> grugg great great grandgrug club 5 narrow eye tribe to death in rock war 20 year ago, it good enough for him it good enough for grug. <|endoftext|> grug weak, spear for weak arm grugletts. Real caveman only use club. All long weapon for short arm grugletts. Not even get grug started on atl atl or worse, bow. Little gruglett take bow to grug practice cave, all grugs and elder grudd all laugh at he shooting 5 arrow a minute, he miss target 3 times. Grudd walk up and club target and hit every time, say little grug need practice more. Berry fall out of gruglett loincloth and he leave. Arrow goblin take all his arrows that land over line and sell them to other dumb gruglett. <|endoftext|> Grug make spear for hunt, elder think spear for weak hunter, says Grug need use club. Grug just want long arm for hunt. Grug weak or elder dumb? <|endoftext|> rock war long time ago. grug need distance for kill. spear kill at 20 foots away. <|endoftext|> Grug forgot hat <|endoftext|> Hand throw spear no stop stop power. Hand throw spear no go in far. Grug will need throw 2 or 3 spear. Atlatl only way any grug should throw spear. Only need 1 spear with atlatl. <|endoftext|> Grug put stone in ballcloth. Grug spin spin spin, make circle like furgrug hunting tail. Grug stop arm spin. Stone keep go. Grug kill dark tribe with cloth stone. Grug say cloth stone good enough for grugself. <|endoftext|> Grug belongs West cavenia country gruggette take grug home mountain road <|endoftext|> Bad groy I have grug know that my grandgrugs where clubed at 4 moons old <|endoftext|> >mountain road >take grug home >to the cave <|endoftext|> Grug say you limp wrist man who lets other cavemen boom boom in his butt. <|endoftext|> grugling not understand thing like stopping power or intimidation. grug only need smack big club in grug other hand and it make bad grug run away scared. You do that with spear and bad grug laugh and club you. <|endoftext|> wooden caves, grug <|endoftext|> Grug not deny grugstein clubbing. But whole tribe? Grug think no <|endoftext|> Grug zoomer. Grug like this. <|endoftext|> club good, club win two rock war. spear no win rock war, manual of arms too hard for most grug. >speargrug try to stop grug from clubbing him >speargrug limpwrist, spear not go through grug's hide >grug club him every time. <|endoftext|> grug think first cave painter is berry picker <|endoftext|> Grug no like, bros. <|endoftext|> Grug already let fire smoke mushroom grown in smoke hut on stone <|endoftext|> Because many walk away face paint farmer tribe farm fire smoke ingredients and make many walk back here for grug. Grug can't make fire smoke here because fire smoke mushroom no grow where grug walk <|endoftext|> >Grug gather many rocks and flint to make club worth of cave paintings. Rocks and flint isnt strong boy, flesh is stronger. <|endoftext|> Grug don't listen to any tribe, grug look at moon and sun many cycles and see no grugs changing. Me want stronger grug body, me want bigger grug brain. Grug make super club weapon. Grug gather many rocks and flint to make club worth of cave paintings. <|endoftext|> Is grug not happy for want of she beast or for want of love rock? Grug should become spirit of chosen warrior and make choice <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe hate quiet grug because he tell truth Grug come to conclusion that grug can save far grug... But can't save me grug. Me grug too far fallen to fire smoke. Far grug. Not stuck on want for fire smoke. Far grug live on with me grug in heart <|endoftext|> Maybe far away grug not tell me grug to change grug ways when far away grug inhale fire smoke <|endoftext|> Maybe grug spend moons finding hidden stones In himself <|endoftext|> Grug spend many moons playing zelda rock, grug unlock all hidden stones <|endoftext|> Grug have many blood moons with bug vision with roach man. Roach man strong many hard rock slammed with smoke stick with roach man <|endoftext|> Wuggy strong like ox but have grug brain. Wuggy not safe with stone launcher. <|endoftext|> Based grug poster <|endoftext|> > mogs you in flint Heh, nothin personnel Grug <|endoftext|> grug think grog stupid. grug use rockputer and google big badonker and get more result than star in night sky while grog give whore berry for two cave drawing every full moon? <|endoftext|> >grug shoot gun at towel man >respect grug! <|endoftext|> No I mean the pull, when you pull the ch back. Gun store ay at very smooth pull. Grug ay ar not as smooth. <|endoftext|> Grug would be proud. <|endoftext|> >guns are not a hobby Gun is tool like knife. Knife tool and many grug use knife only for cut box and not care for knife. Many grug like knife for other reason. In conclusion gr8b8m8 <|endoftext|> Yay! Thanks for explaining it to this grug brain <|endoftext|> Holy that is broken. >unit production +25% maintenance -25% when at war There's literally no reason not to start irr wars and if anyone declares war on you, you're almost guaranteed to win unless you're retarded. >Grug Eh, warriors are kind of ass and you get spearmen early enough that they won't make many warriors >/k/ommando You should be able to win the game well before Mech Infantry. Try replacing Musketmen or Riflemen. Abilities are fine, but underwhelming compared to other mil civs >shrine replacement Early faith is good, but this is clearly an Honor civ and while Piety+Honor is pretty good, you don't get access to purchasing your UU with faith since it's well past the Industrial Era. +10 XP won't get you to the next promotion either. <|endoftext|> >Leader Hickkok45 or Ian from Forgotten Guns >Special ability Gives shitty gun advance - Enemies are more than likely to lose engagements when facing the great /k/ because they were fed incorrect information >Special Units Early Era - Grug Army; 25% Combat Bonus Industrial Era - Mosin Conscripts; Less Damage, but less likely to take Damage in combat Modern - /k/ommandos - Travels faster in Woodland Eras >Special Building /k/ube - works like a religious site, gives all units 25% combat bonus >City Names Waco, Ruby Ridge, The Great Underground, Surplus City, just random goofy names >Great People Great Musician - Marty Robbin Great Engineer - Kalashnikov, Stoner Great Prophet - Alexander Prokhorenko <|endoftext|> Thats some good Grug. <|endoftext|> this one speak funny. grug smell glowtribe. shut up, gruck <|endoftext|> what centimeter? grug only know hand length. arrow need be 3 hand minimum stone tip for kill bear <|endoftext|> >t. gets domed by a Jiminez or Grug tossing rocks <|endoftext|> Grugs, when will the ape man tribe stop destroying things? Thank the sky gods that Grug lives in the small caves that surround the big cave. Small cave community is best community. <|endoftext|> >sandhard sling rock oO, Grug too of cavepaint able sling put rock longer hike over sharp stick bow Grug who not know sling nor sharp stick real berrypickers. clubs no use in open plain open mountain club make club Grug target for sling Grug hiding half cave in mountain. <|endoftext|> Grug once lose club in fight with wooly rhino. Grug always use club sling now. <|endoftext|> grug hear grugling from cave far away make two berrypicker go forever sleep and smash one berrypicker arm...grug wonder if grug waste beads on big stick and shiny rocks when grugling make berrypicker go forever sleep with only stick... <|endoftext|> has Grug ever heard of the sling? <|endoftext|> >grug new bow >tendon broke after 10 shots >grug mad >grugsarrowshop says its grugs fault mfw. <|endoftext|> Grug want one too since only arrows grug find are ten centimeter <|endoftext|> grug beginning to seriously consider buying bow in ten centimeter <|endoftext|> >Grunk appreciates grug's foresight and wishes grug good 'hunting' <|endoftext|> Grug know new Gun called bow, it very advanced grug many like <|endoftext|> found a grug-on-grug crime stick <|endoftext|> Grug agree <|endoftext|> Based double dub replies! Thanks for the info . I’m too grug to find it myself so I appreciate you anons a lot <|endoftext|> Grug threads not only happen regularly, but are hella wack too. I feel sorry for you. <|endoftext|> They are not a meme. What is a meme is fucking grug bonking you in the head with his club and taking all your gucci gear for him to wear and get cave bitches all because you ignored the past 5000 years of warfare where everyone who could wear a helmet did because you though you were more high speed and cool and didnt need a helmet because helmets are for dorks right? I think you are not old enough to be on this board and your mom gave you a bicyvle helmet and all the other kids made fun of you for wearing it and you are still giving into peer pressure. <|endoftext|> A letter doesn’t mean shit. If you are not afflicted with a grug brain like I and you can formulate a poignant message then I encourage you to do so <|endoftext|> Grug Edition <|endoftext|> >Western classics are literally GRUG GOES TO WAR BECAUSE HE WANTS TO FUG and also DRAGONS AND NAKED SEA GIRLS Fucking sick Western lit is based <|endoftext|> Even Monkey King was more about Buddhist Propaganda and had subversive tones that challenged the confucian authority of that time. Western classics are literally GRUG GOES TO WAR BECAUSE HE WANTS TO FUG and also DRAGONS AND NAKED SEA GIRLS <|endoftext|> Based and grug-pilled <|endoftext|> boomer likes the classics zoomer likes the tacticool shit doomer likes angsty nostalgia bloomer i guess is blooming when he slots floppies NPCs like ar 15 self explanatory jew likes jew gun great gramps likes his old service rifle coomer is a mystery grug likes bulky simple thumpers onions like tacticool shit but goes on reddit to get the ideal perfect minmax mods bizonacci likes the lambo of guns because his linkies mooned and can afford Bogged i dont know i dont even know what the last face is <|endoftext|> Grug smash <|endoftext|> the internet was a mistake. "ooga, mask bad! MASK BAD! grug saw video say mask bad! mask bad! grug says u dumb cuz u do something basic, grug know something basic equal conspiracy! hurr" <|endoftext|> i knew the American civil war was a mix of old and new weaponry but i didnt know they where using grug tactics <|endoftext|> Grug no like you. Grug hit you. Grug think you ruin hunt <|endoftext|> >Grug know old thing longtime Grug no like new thing. This sounds exactly like the US Ordnance Department. <|endoftext|> Gotta love all the retard Luddites in this thread. The US Ordnance Department would love to have you. If people like you were making decisions we would still be running around with sticks and stones because Grug know old thing longtime Grug no like new thing. Luckily you decide absoultely nothing. I'm looking forward to seeing you seethe on here in 10 years about how M4 carbine SOPMOD Block I was "soul" and "peak aesthetics" and how brass cased ammo is better because... it is. Doesn't matter what you think or what you say - again - because it will all be lost in time as you are not the one making decisions, and no one will remember you. Seethe more. Cope. <|endoftext|> Everytime somebody (for whatever reason) goes on a mass shooting and your media goes apeshit resulting in your politicians infringing your rights even more a similar thing happens over here too >grug likes rock >chief says rocks bad >grug still supports chief >chief takes grugs rock >grug sad Doesnt take a degree really <|endoftext|> Based and grug pilled Nice numbers <|endoftext|> >No spear >No atlatl >No sling >No bow 3/10, Not grug with <|endoftext|> Based grug hunter <|endoftext|> Jocko isn't really handsome or good looking, he's got a very grug face, but that works with his physique. <|endoftext|> Ok grug. I've backtraced your cavenet IP address and I'm coming to get abigail back <|endoftext|> take animal skin, make long and fold in half, put smooth rock in middle, swing rock. trust grug, smooth rock not sharp but fast. <|endoftext|> Hah! Grug berrypicker who get fuck by man! Grug not even able to cope with sharp rock! Blunt rock enough kill anything with correct rock placement! Maybe Grug try eating less berry and cock. Maybe Grug be less pathetic. <|endoftext|> Look at state of grugling today. Has not mastered sharp rock, yet want war weapon like bow. Sharp rock plenty if used correctly. If this grug was grugling father then make grugling master sharp rock first. Then grug know grugling handle military war bow. <|endoftext|> Free grug no ask permission <|endoftext|> Grug scared of big chief finding sling on body, sending grug to big cave, killing grug hunting wolf <|endoftext|> Grug need big hard hollow rock, one thumb wide. Grug then need bigger hollow rock. Grug put thick rock on end of bigger hollow rock. Grug also put thin sharp rock on inside of end rock. Grug now have rockbow. Grug then need powder arrow. Grug put powder arrow in smaller hollow rock, put smaller hollow rock in bigger hollow rock, and drop on sharp rock. BOOM :) <|endoftext|> Bad grug! Grug only see dark skin tribe, really medicine man, cave painter, shaman. Enrich cave <|endoftext|> crug watch grug and tell chief when grug get spear crug get shiny rock reward when crug tell chief <|endoftext|> Chief tell grug me no need sharp rock in club. What do if dark skin tribe come in cave home? Worry times <|endoftext|> bow not have stopping power to kill woolly mammoth, grug need make atl atl for throw spear <|endoftext|> >teach grug to make bow kys glowgrug. <|endoftext|> Teach grug to make bow. Sharp rock not enough. <|endoftext|> Grug likes hunting at long range. Discord: <|endoftext|> what googles does grug have <|endoftext|> Grug Deluxe <|endoftext|> Grug approves. <|endoftext|> Based and Grug pilled <|endoftext|> unga/bunga grug like <|endoftext|> >ugg grugg why shooty gun gun and not just hit with rock like god intended ooga booga Grug think this good point, only coward use thunderstick <|endoftext|> >survival - sling made from yucca strips and rabbitskin >personal protection - 8 inch ivory/bone dagger >home defense - bone club made from old uncle grug's femur >civil defense - bamboo spear with fliint broadhead >national defense - yew shortbow with flint broadhead arrows <|endoftext|> You said: >trying to convince chiq restaurants and lesbians It make Grug look like have tongue like child. <|endoftext|> Honestly, really? You responded to me saying I considered it for a business. Grug no want state obvious no more. <|endoftext|> I've been saying this for days, he may have just shot at the dudes tire. >grug watches movies >car no move if grug shoot tire >grug shoot tire Seems like a simple explanation. <|endoftext|> >that staking grug smash endplate <|endoftext|> that grudd lore, grudd always say just knock arrow and bad man hear and run, grug not hear time when this happen. <|endoftext|> all grug need is to show bow then darktribe run away. <|endoftext|> Grug think short club rules silly grug find hole in tablet Grug have club of less 16 seashells long but handle of club makes all length longer than 26 seashells Is not club to nca but is stick <|endoftext|> >clubbing cave >me have club under 16 seashells Long >Fudd tribe say show grug NCA bead tablet >Fudd tribe sent smoke signal to potion plant and club tribe >PPC tribe come to grug cave >club wolf :( <|endoftext|> Grug no need for stick with sharp rock only gud for stabbing lot of grugs no need for hunt Use stick for cave defense <|endoftext|> Thunderstick tribe think Higler was right about longnose tribe too. Thunderstick grugs of many sun spins feel sorry for helping take Higler from chief cave. Grug miss him very much and want to embrace Higler as brother. <|endoftext|> Chief no have club but chief in charge of other with clubs and uses them to stop grug, chief no use them against cloth head tribe though which confuses grug <|endoftext|> Grug like these <|endoftext|> Do chief have club? If chief no have club of own then chief no can keep grug from having club. <|endoftext|> why not grug keep sharp rock in loincloth when hunting and gathering? grug can make sharp rock out of anything. me in thunder stick tribe, me wish you best grug, maybe one day thunder stick tribe can cross big pond and help bent tooth tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug should get club from Grug tree in Grug backcave. As long as no post on wall for chief to see, surely Grug will get away with it. Then Grug can carve 3rd hole <|endoftext|> is slow day, hurt foot hunting for food. take time to see grug post. is good post. cloth head no want other tribe to see post. me be sneaky. <|endoftext|> Grug mad you post when you did but grug will take advice <|endoftext|> Grug mad no one like thread but grug know why, next thread grug makes will be better <|endoftext|> grug should get long stick. is no club. when ask by chief say is for walking. is good for club, but need to club from distance. has cool thing when sharpen end and put in fire. make it like horn of animal and poke people. <|endoftext|> >be grug >in bent tooth tribe >want club to protect from cloth head tribe >ask chief for club >chief ask why need club >tell chief why >chief no like why >no aloud club now Why chief like this, cloth head tribe has clubbed many bent tooth and grug no want that for grug, what grug do? <|endoftext|> >grug ship carry big gun >grug invent missile >grug not need big ship >grug small ship carry many missile cheap >grug nuke China in 2022 from many small underwater ship because grug grandma die from kung flu <|endoftext|> Can someone spoon-feed me on 308 vs 30-06? I don't have a full size rifle cartridge yet and my grug brain just thinks bigger boolet is better, it's just gonna be a hunting/range toy if that matters <|endoftext|> Thanks for posting this. I know I’m a smooth grug brainlet retard but these boomers type just to write words. I just read the entire op and I still don’t know what to ask the courthouse clerk >Call their information desk, tell them you are bringing an application for judicial review, and that you need to confirm how to submit the application given the covid restrictions. Have them provide you with the necessary forms. Like if I said this on the phone and the person asked me what I meant I’d have no idea what to say. Fuck why can’t they just say what the forms called <|endoftext|> Forgot to add the pic like a grug <|endoftext|> Grug must really be a smoothbrain, since most every shooting sport gravitates towards the lightest-recoiling cartridge they can get away with. Hence why people use .223 instead of .308 in 3-Gun, and why people shoot 6mm Creedmore instead of .338 Lapua Mag in PRS. <|endoftext|> >Grug need tacticool larp big boom boom stick or me no like. <|endoftext|> Essentially on par with magnum 12 Gauge. I love Big Boolit but grug shoulder hurt after! <|endoftext|> It hurt me BIG time. Grub no like loud stick. Loud stick hits shoulder and creates dark spot. Stick scares away Grug’s prey. <|endoftext|> why does it matter if your life or your decision making affects anything or not? why not just enjoy what you can while you’re here and not give too much mind to the shortcomings of the world? to even be here is nothing short of miraculous, and to throw that away is nothing short of grug-level retardation <|endoftext|> >katana *laughs in medieval grug* <|endoftext|> grug get. Why you need spike club? How many grugling sent to great spirit because caveman with bad spirits get spiked club? caveman say "founding ancestor want us protect ourself with club" but club with spike not invented back then. <|endoftext|> X95 is (((quick change))) as well, you have to buy a special tool to unlock it or you can grug the lock with a flathead. It's a pain in the ass, but it does retain your zero. The rail is attached to the barrel. Dunno if the aug is as well, though. <|endoftext|> grug horny where grug find tiddy patch <|endoftext|> Grug no agree Rock better <|endoftext|> Grug want learn more so grug get big skull-rock grug be medicine man too <|endoftext|> grug right <|endoftext|> >say grug not use flint tip arrow because it fuck up backrock <|endoftext|> >what should i be paying A gym membership and a grug suit so you can carry that heavy dinosaur you plan to get. <|endoftext|> Look. Staff sling make babby sling look like children toy. Would Grug rather hold long hard Grug staff or floppy sad babby sling? <|endoftext|> That sling made for babby grugs and throws small 9 finger long pebble. Strong grugs use staff sling, throws 7.62 finger long stone at 100 stone throws away. Other grugs say it too big for job, but Grug say throwing orange size stone better than throwing pebble. <|endoftext|> Thank you. I have to double check with staff at the university because I am definitely a math brainlet (I'm ashamed of how bad my math GRE was, though my writing and analytical was 92nd and 98th percentile) but the class I took on technical collections of intelligence made me think you don't need to know the precise physics or chemistry behind imaging technology, just how it works/limitations/strengths. The mathematics that seem to be required are probability and statistics which I can work with. I'd much rather do OSINT/HUMINT/general closed source intelligence analysis than be purely GEOINT but at this point I need to really boost my resume, as I am 31 year old anon here. I basically live and breath analysis in my private time with historical research/reading but whenever I try and articulate such OSINT skillsets into my resume it comes off as >HI MI NAEM IS GRUG, GRUG LIEK ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH GRUG DO GOOD SYNTEHSIZE INFORMATION FOR SHAMANS. So I am craving the ability to just go "Yeah I can work with X product, familiarity with Y systems, knowledge of Z technology". By package, do you mean an intelligence product? Just go and make an intelligence briefing/assessment on some random relevant shit like IRGC activities in Nigeria or the power structure of Waziristan Pakistani Taliban circa 2017-2020? I'd then say in a resume or application that samples of my OSINT products are available on request or something, yeah? <|endoftext|> > Grug need chest tablet to catch arrows and spears so Grug not go to be with ancestors > Clay tablet cost too much shiny stones > Grug get wood tablet, smear with mammoth dung to stop splinters Where Grug find good chest pouch for tablet? <|endoftext|> 300 rock not enough for bow. Californrock high council want many rock from every Grug that want bow. Grug also need to buy arrow and arrow hard to find now. Many berrypicker and basket weaver who never hunt before think they can be warrior when dark skin tribe attack village. <|endoftext|> I notice you have a spiked bat there grug. That's very high tech, when did you develop the spiked bat? <|endoftext|> grug not need mom know, grug get hunting license, grug can now own longbow in californrock <|endoftext|> Grug go to rockdealer buy used maverick88 rockthrower hide under sleeping mat along with cavepainting of fertility goddess from eastern tribe hurry up and get own cave, or you be berrypicker forever <|endoftext|> Grug have 300 rock budget. Grug live in Californrock Grug 19 year old Grug not want mom to know <|endoftext|> Grug hate Council of berry juice, leafy plant, and bows. They shoot my wolf pups with bow. Grug just want shortbow. <|endoftext|> Pssst Grug I Ivan You buy from me now yes <|endoftext|> Don't go chasing bow Grug Stick to the rocks and the stones that your use too <|endoftext|> Using that cave painting get Grug put on list <|endoftext|> >grug surrounded by rocks >grug surrounded by trees >grug not know how get bow Just find cave painting on how make bow. <|endoftext|> Grug no need bow, bow for smooth face gruglets that can't lift rock right. Big spear answer to everything. Use fire on spear, make crispy spear. Spear no good for fast antler critters? Pack hunt, be leader. Bow for Grugs with no war party, no friends, hide in cave all day and make ropes and berrypicker shit. Bow for angry berrypicker shooting too. Last time Grug use a salt bow at Sandy Cave to shoot cubs, we beat Grug with real rocks. <|endoftext|> Try challenge grug, cave of spirit water, shaman leaf, and bows. Grug will fight back. <|endoftext|> grug no understand. what dark tribe say? <|endoftext|> Grug no need bow, bow weak. Arrows made to wound. Atlatl have real stopping power. Atlatl used in two tribe wars. *sip* <|endoftext|> HAH! Grug want bow? Grug also like caveman fist in ass? Grug such fudd. Grug need raider style club. Premium wood spilt skull much better. Is tried and tested concept. Bow just tacticool kiddy toy. <|endoftext|> Grug start to think other Grug a bright Grug Why Grug ask about bows <|endoftext|> Why arrow so expensive. Arrowfind smoke signal say it now 40 berries an arrow. Grug just want to shoot new bow. <|endoftext|> >tfw grug have to wait 1 whole moon for bow <|endoftext|> Grug should remove you from tribe for this. Grug is free. Grug has as many arrows as grug wants <|endoftext|> Why Grug need arrow? Grug a Gruglet killer? Grug no need to hunt, Grug go with Grugess to pick berry, Grug no need bow or arrow. <|endoftext|> Greg can make bow But need tell elder If wrong-build, grug wolf get gonked, so be care <|endoftext|> Grug hear far away tribe make knife from shiny hard rock and fire. Very sharp. What you think? <|endoftext|> Dark tribe very dangerous these times. Grug need buy more arrow to defend grug family <|endoftext|> Grug need 10 arrow in case village warrior kick in Grug door, shoot saber tooth. His name was Grugcan Lemp. <|endoftext|> What grug need more than ten arrow for?? Wild animal need only one, maybe two arrow for kill. Ten too many, only village warriors need many arrow. <|endoftext|> Grug need stick n’ strng nitelite tribe may dislike yeagh <|endoftext|> Grug need bow. Grug not allowed to have quiver carry more than 10 arrow. <|endoftext|> >how grug get bow? Good try glow tribe <|endoftext|> Bow have pastdo check. Grug need to submit stone with carving of three clanmates marking. Stone go to largebrain in big settlement. They give back tablet in six to nine moon cycle. If Grug pass you can show tablet to bow cave and buy bow. Cost many sparklerock to give tablet to city brain, you not get sparklerock back if they deny your tablet. Common think bow control keep grug tribe safe from bowcrime <|endoftext|> Haha what wrong, Grug live in cuck village? Gorg walk to bow crafter and trade berries, get bow before sunset. Maybe Grug think next time before being born in cuck village. <|endoftext|> Grug want bow. Sharp rock not enough. How grug get bow? <|endoftext|> >Grug throw rock >No moving parts <|endoftext|> Navajo government, Not even once bruh. The thing you will see if you spend time observing some native gubmints is that they are extremely short sighted to the point if retardation, they have no original thought and discourage thinking in principle. They are the apparatus of the democrat party of whatever state they are in. Demicrat party comes up with wackadoodle shit-house rat crazy schemes and hands them off to the grug level native gubmints to run with. And run with it they do, just like your inbred 20 I.Q retard strong nephewunclebrother. They don't know what the fuck they got or how or why to explain it but it came from the state democrat party so that's good enough for them. Saves them the trouble of having to figure out any shit. The same thing can be said for the blm'z antifags protests, complete idiocy no substance. The native folks on the red couldn't give two fuggs about Remington or any democrat party pet causes, as a matter of fact if they did know what "their" (((tribal governments))) were up to they would be against it. All indians know more govment means less freedom, it's just the big cheeses know who they serve once they get in office, and it's not the people >t. Papago <|endoftext|> wish somebody draw on magic shared cave wall greybeard grug with sky metal can, hardened wood spear, and mammoth hide cave grug shirt <|endoftext|> Ha, flimsy obsidian only good for short beard grug to hunt rabbit and look cool to poor grugs. Obsidian point sharp but made by long beards to break and just wound other grugs or grug size animal, no designed kill many enemy like river stone spear and break if look at wrong. No self sharpen like long beard say either. Grug decision get you killed when long winter come and all grug must protect own tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug, the first time he knocked over Boog's wooden cave covering to crack his skull open and fuck his women. <|endoftext|> Just throw rocks at him. If it worked for grug itll work for you. <|endoftext|> 90% of my country will be fucking dead or captured by immigrants and the police force with actual weapons while the real population are cowardly, repressed, sissy, spineless and unarmed with no access to any real weapons outside of maybe a shitty kitchen knife or a wooden grug stick. The only body armor you can have here is a wooden coffin to bury you on the spot. And even then you are probably too poor to actually afford anything so you will most likely end up in a fuckhuge corpse pit, decomposing with the rest of the cattle. <|endoftext|> The guy on the left looks like grug holy kek <|endoftext|> this >MAN TOO FAR AWAY FROM GRUG TO HIT WITH ROCK >GRUG THROW ROCK <|endoftext|> >normal people will never want one i dont want to be normal >ugly as fuck maybe on the outside but only grug tier brainlets can admire the ingenuity inside the box. I'd put it dissasembled in a display case just to masturbate to the intricate machinery <|endoftext|> > why big number bigger than small number t.grug <|endoftext|> You know what’s going to help you hang on to your rights more than nuance and understanding? Breeding a generation of young zealous “national reciprocity” “repeal the NFA” gun activists. I get having that perspective from an intellectual standpoint, but our enemies will use any inch you grant to take 1000 miles. You may consider yourself intellectually above it, but you need a “grug” temperament for this. <|endoftext|> Small target go bang and die Big target go bang, bleed quick on ground and die. Grug happy to help fellow cave brain know where to sling fast rocks. <|endoftext|> They got gruged down by grug club an rock must have been berry pickers <|endoftext|> >Grug go public bow field with new bow >Public field cheap and near Grug cave >Range chief and obvious new Grug at end of field with rental bow >Hear range chief tell new Grug how hold bow >New Grug pull back string aim down field >”Whiff” >Arrow no fly >New grug point arrow at face looking down shaft >Range chief screaming point bow down field >New Grug freaks and ND arrow past head >Arrow fly up stick in cave ceiling >Pack up bow and leave Me never go public field again, ungabungawoods only since <|endoftext|> grug want make short club but chief say grug need give chief all grug berries if grug want do. free caveman no ask permission <|endoftext|> tribe elder tell grug wood tip stick all grug need, chief say only brave can use rock tip <|endoftext|> flint knife bad, grug use big stick <|endoftext|> exactly >t. Grug Crood <|endoftext|> Fuckers can’t even get caveman grug tier small scale farming right, I give 2 at most, 4/a squads worth if they want to be loud about it. Fucks sake those clowns only “control” a few blocks, and not even good areas either but rather onions central even for Seattle standards. Anarkiddies were cringe as hell in the 1930’s and they’re even more cringe now. They’re already infighting anon. Piggy is just trying to avoid getting the department replaced by state police, happens literally every time this shit happens. <|endoftext|> >Longnose tribe say grug no need spear >Bluetribe and longnose tribe have spear >Why grug give up spear? <|endoftext|> So JR is a homoelsexual?. Crazy bro. Wonder if fire stick will go boom when grug go hunt prehistoric mammal <|endoftext|> ‘The chad grug vs the virgin OP’ <|endoftext|> >oooga booga, wuhan flu >must buy gun >doesn't buy ammo along with the gun >grug now safe from flu what the hell is your mindset, a gun is useless without any ammo. Jesus christ, get box of 9mm for $50 for 200 rounds. >where can I learn basic combat skills and can I take my wife? Seriously? You just bought a gun, take a fire arm safety course and put some rounds down range first before even considering a 'combat course', and your wife needs a gun too unless you plan having her work the streets for money. Also, if you were buying a gun, have you considered getting a rifle? A rifle would be leaps and bounds better in a survival situation, don't forget to buy ammo for that too or you will just have an expensive bat. <|endoftext|> Why do military forces look so cool, especially when doing well-drilled training and with complete face concealment (balaclavas and goggles, or gasmasks)? Like, I don't know what primal, Grug part of my brain makes it look impressive, or why. Is it just down to symmetry, consistency that makes pattern-recognition thinky parts flare up giddy? <|endoftext|> "Muh balance of nature" is a meme invented by eco-activists to sway dumb unenlightened masses and achieve their political goals. Nature is not meant to be in balance. It's a war, a struggle, a constant motion. Some species go extinct, while others thrive and prosper, only to fade away later and be replaced by yet another more successful animal. There's no inherent worth in preserving the current ecosystem. Stop falling for primitive tricks. "Grug like pretty bird" is a perfectly valid reason to shoot outdoor cats. "This invasive species brought in by humans is disrupting the natural balance" is a smoothbrain word salad which doesn't actually prove anything. <|endoftext|> >not fire hardened Grug meet sky spirit soon. <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT ALLOWED OBSIDIAN SHARDS. SHARDS TOO SHARP. BAN ASSAULT SHARDS. WHY DO YOU NEED TO HAVE ASSAULT SHARDS. JUST USE STICK, NOONE IS GONNA LOOT YOUR CAVE GRUG. <|endoftext|> Damn grug want hcar! <|endoftext|> Grug hit walking cave with boulder Walking cave no start Call shamans walking cave They move walking cave with bigger walking cave Tell grug not to smash with boulder Stupid shaman tribe <|endoftext|> I'm a grug brain, I have two smiths and should have noticed that. <|endoftext|> Obsidian too sharp. No grug need rock that sharp. <|endoftext|> >big rock make Grug head more owie There was a time when military experience with 5.56 terminal effect was a problem that needed to be solved, and a larger intermediate chambering was looked at as a solution to a real problem. This was never a problem for civilian shooters who could use whatever type of cartridge and bullet they like. New military loadings for 5.56 have dealt with the issue without having to replace every rifle in service with every NATO nation. But the internet loves its wunderwaffens. <|endoftext|> Grug want <|endoftext|> UNGA BUNGA EVEN GRUG KNOW MANY ROCK BEAT ONE SHARP STICK! <|endoftext|> Smooth brain question: What do fancy ceramic armor plates have over AR 500? I assume they are more resistant to bullets that are specifically designed to penetrate armor, but from my grug point of view a 3/8" AR500 gong can take a seemingly infinite amount of hits without sustaining damage. <|endoftext|> Grug yell for warriors, warriors come slow Longnose yell for warriors, warriors come fast Make Grug think. <|endoftext|> >grug just yell for tribe warriors do grug live right next to warrior hut? No? It probably 10 minute walk from warrior hut to grug cave. Grug yell for tribe warrior, and by time warriors get there, grug and grug whole family already eaten by bear. <|endoftext|> Bear never come into cave, grug being paranoid. Even if bear come into cave grug just yell for tribe warriors. <|endoftext|> >there are grug who still use club why not grug have bought spear yet? >long >point >throw >sharp you dumb if you not have at least 5 SPEAR in cave club great for fight other grug, but what happen when bear or wolf come into cave? that right. you grug get eaten. Meanwhile me grug protect family with SPEAR only thing club do better is spike club, but tribe chieftan tell tribe we not allowed to put spike in club, because many gruglings sent to spirit world in learn cave because of club with spike. bottom line, spear better than club. end of recanting >drawing relate; it grug and oog hunt with spear <|endoftext|> >GRUG STICK NO FLY GOOD >GRUG SEE FLAPPY BEAST FLY GOOD >GRUG TAKE PRICKLY FUR FROM FLAPPY BEAST >NOW GRUG STICK FLY REAL GOOD, BUT LONGNOSE TRIBE WANTS BAN FLYSTICK <|endoftext|> Eagle fly good Grug shootystick fly kinda good, but not as good as eagle Shaman use feather to summon eagle spirit Grug have good idea Grug summon eagle spirit in arrow Arrow fly as good as bird Grug am genius <|endoftext|> Good enough for Grug good enough for me. <|endoftext|> bullets are just fast rocks, but grug's rocks are bigger <|endoftext|> Grug , not listen to these no bows them to stupid to operate bow and arrow them not allowed to have because not live in war tribe <|endoftext|> too much science for grug <|endoftext|> What you say to Oog teeny-Grug? Oog chief of tribe, make many secret kill, tribe knows Oog kill three all-fingers all-fingers Grug tribe. Oog big gorilla strong, best warrior in all tribe. You prey to Oog, Oog hunt you down good. You no talk to Oog like that. Oog tribe strong and hunt good. You dead. Oog kill many ways, can't count them. Oog no need rock, axe, or club to kill, only hand. Oog still have many rocks to choose from. You stoopid for talking like that to Oog. You will pay for how you talk to Oog. You dead. <|endoftext|> Grug think Oog woman have fire with night skin tribe. <|endoftext|> Ask it how grug would ask and I'll give you a legitimate answer. <|endoftext|> Grug think you need better bait for big catch <|endoftext|> Club good all round, last long time if Oog care for it. Stone axe better for flesh, but break if wack on other stone. Grug say axe and not be berry-picker with it. <|endoftext|> go grug mode and use a rock sling. Snipe those degenerates from a long distance. Bonus points if you use lead fishing weights instead of rocks. <|endoftext|> GRUG BIG GRUG STRONG GRUG USE FIST AND ROCK STOOPID LITTLE BABY THROW ROCK STOOPID LITTLE BABY USE SHARP STICK STOOPID LITTLE BABY USE BOW TRIBE WEAK IF STOOPID LITTLE BABBYS <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK THIS ISM BETTER THAN GRUNK ISM >GRUNK NO LIKE THAT ISM NEITHER >GRUG THINK GRUNK IS ISMIST BECAUSE OF REASON WRITTEN ON ROCK >GRUNK PREFER THIS ROCK <|endoftext|> Old Remingtons are alright, don’t even bother with the Express. I’m a Mossberg guy though, any of them are fine but I go with the 590 myself. The 590 has more steel and a thicker barrel as well as more capacity for shells. Only difference with the A1 is the A1 has an even thicker barrel just to make it more grunt proof, but unless you plan on grug clubbing rocks that really isn’t necessary as far as practicality goes. Damn good guns and even come with a bayonet lug, only issue is swapping barrels can be quite a pain. Aside from that most 500 parts are also compatible, but if you’re a college poorfag its probably better to stick with the 500. That’s been Mossbergs golden gun for decades, and for good reason. <|endoftext|> Milspec mean nothing Grug no buy Grug buy AR It throw rock good That good enough shitforbrains? <|endoftext|> me throw rock at grug me grug strong other grug weak grug no need bangy stick grug rock other grug simple as <|endoftext|> >no, grug good army man, grug shoot gun at beard man. grug ride truck and shoot big gun go boom. grug, operate <|endoftext|> Grug like <|endoftext|> From Left to Right : Uncle Grug, Penny, The Bastard Blaster, Lil Capper, Long Walk, Third Leg, The Mechanic, Patrice, Wilma, Pew Pew Pew Also, the doggo is good, even if he is surrounded by disreputable folks with melanin enhancement. <|endoftext|> >think not chasing deer with rock with stick to make grug family eat <|endoftext|> What's the point? Casemate tank destroyers only existed in the first place because pre-Cold War armored vehicles were grug tier and normal tanks didn't have the turret capacity for decent firepower until very late in the game <|endoftext|> Sootch might be a bit of a grug but his heart is in the right place. <|endoftext|> Because their entire job is to be a flamboyant frog voiced retard constantly jumping in your face to make more marins for the crops. is right as well, if you have a division of 100+ recruits to constantly herd around for weeks on end in a military environment you’d want to make it absolutely crystal what exactly you want done, albeit with lots of fuckery involved in the process. Doesn’t help that things like FMJ exist, so you either have DI’s who try to be the next Gunny or those who feel they have to do that, especially in front of the cameras. Piss off you clown, literally almost every soldier in history joined either for bennies or because they were forced to, all the way back to the Roman Legions and when Grug found out he got extra berries from long march hunt. <|endoftext|> Unga bunga, grug no like airshit <|endoftext|> >Wooow why don't people want to lose forever and jack off to abstract principles? >Wooow people want me to explain potential conflicts of interest? The only thing that matters is power. If other people learn how to game the system and advocate for their own interests (aka everyone except conservative whites) while you don't out of "principle", you will lose every time and your ideology will recede further and further into pipe dream territory. Grug-brain "in-group good, out-group bad" ideology has ruled since the dawn of time, and no amount of fart-huffing idealism will change that. Read Rules for Radicals. <|endoftext|> Complete and total authoritarian rule, or nothing. >Grug the space caveman feels threatened by Dirg >Grug uses good monkey brain to make big stick more big stickly The same human pattern will apply anywhere. FWIW, I'm working on a sci-fi setting and limiting fire arms because everythings on fragile, cheaply built spaceships. So there's less-lethal guns abound, and limited lethal. <|endoftext|> >can a wooden club be used as a weapon You know you're fucking stupid when even grug cavemen has more common sense than you <|endoftext|> But handconnon round big and little rifle round is small, 9mm > 5.56. You is big dumb grug <|endoftext|> whats it do?? >am brainlet grug <|endoftext|> I like it but the sight radius could be raised by like 5mm to accomodate grug chins <|endoftext|> No, that anything that thin is easily breakable. You could hand me G21 made almost entirely out of diamond and I'd bet actual money I could grug out of working condition. <|endoftext|> >ugh, grug bash gun with rocks now it not work, must be piece of junk <|endoftext|> LOL You grug brained faggots. It's that hard to understand. I'm not imporeseed the red dot still turns on after a fire. Is it usable? If it's not, tell me what part of it turning on should impress me? A olight can take being hit with a flamethrower and still work. Pretty impressive! Better buy a bunch of olights now! Just call me a retard again. Please. You have no argument. <|endoftext|> Ideally I'd be with the french and I could obtain some of their nice automatics, preferably one of their F/A modified Winchester 1907s. More realistically an M1911, some grenades and a grug club <|endoftext|> you gotta give the frogs credit for having some wicked shit. All the shit the brits and yanks had were imported from their colonies, and the krauts just used grug-tier clubs. French raided trenches with style <|endoftext|> Grug stockpile many shooting clubs. COVID make Grug want to trade existing stock for more bones. Grug have limited social network and no experience selling gun parts like AR15 uppers to new AR15 buyers. Grug never condescend to other smoothbrains before but holy fuck dude. <|endoftext|> based and Grug pilled <|endoftext|> >Tfw ex-Infantry Grug >Worked in the Patch when I got out for a bit >Drink like a fish whenever I get the urge again (used to be pretty fucking bad, obviously), enjoy crushing lines of blow and watching ‘80s anime with friends >Never liked Trailer Park Boys Personally, I get all the jokes, it’s just not funny at all. It’s just lazy and bland. Like a bunch of suits concocted a boring ideal and spoon-fed it to us to try and squeeze a giggle out and sell us products with Ricky’s face on it. And we’re expected to clap and eat it up and pretend it’s soooooo Canadian. Probably not, you’d have to look at how it mounts. Tbh I should flip these custom palm swell handguards I had made..... <|endoftext|> grug club <|endoftext|> >adjusting for technology and time period Literally fucking impossible. Is grug the caveman a better warrior because grug strong and no need shiny stick when have stick with stone? Are Spartans any better than Medieval knights because only pussies use steel we bronze 4 life? Etc. The only measure of a warrior is lethality, and modern forces are the most individually lethal forces of all time. One could argue the most effective warrior in history is a drone operator who hasn't ever been within 5000mi of a warzone. <|endoftext|> >can't sling rock grug will be food for big head slinger <|endoftext|> From the other perspective, army MOS's seem really weird. You have shit like 1A, B, 2C, GRUG, etc >I've seen a tsgt prior tacp go through that schoolhouse Arguably based but definitely POGpilled. it does sound like a cool job, especially without a degree. <|endoftext|> >be grug issued brand new bow >be in big fight >shoot many pointy stick >desert tribe man come >shoot many pointy stick and hide in bush >try shoot more stick >bad.petroglyph >bow string break >drop worthless bow and grab assault rock >hit desert tribe man and take rock >it still work grug know new thing never work. grug only use old thing <|endoftext|> >boomstick go boom >grug like <|endoftext|> >I feel like stipulating in your op that you already keep and use a large stock of ammo would prevent a lot of the anons here from attacking you. I didn't think that would be necessary at the time, considering it's a mandatory part of owning an AR or other MSR unless you have no problem wasting a lot of money during the normal ammo shortages that occur every few years. >Training with .22lr, via conversions or whatnot, I've looked into that before, but .22lr from a rifle has basically no recoil so I'm not entirely sure how effective training with .22lr would be. I can see it helping for slow fire, but I feel it wouldn't be very effective for practice in place of larger calibers for rapid fire. >At any moment, I can stop being dependent on these people and go be dependent on different people instead Unless you start calling yourself grug and go live in a cave you will always have some level of dependency on others, and even then you will still be at the mercy of others unless you have plans in place for leaving if necessary. Owning a house doesn't suddenly make you a state unto yourself and immune to the actions of society. <|endoftext|> Don't tell that to the /k/ videogamer autist. 20'' gives big number. Grug like big can't even count that high. Because in their videogame they don't have to manipulate that weapon and realize it'll get fucking caught on everything, cripple their ability to engage from cover and slow them down x2. <|endoftext|> Imagine not being able to think critically enough to put together your own arguments. Fuck is it tough being a completely low iq Grug brain? <|endoftext|> >Firework Launcher Grug not need club throw bang-rock. Shaman of Firewater, Leaf and Club come. Kill wolf cub, take club. Throw many stone. <|endoftext|> Grug should have bought 40 pebble rock launcher instead of 9 berry rock launcher <|endoftext|> >>best primary weapon Unique Gauss rifle/LAER >>best secondary weapon Anit-Mat Rifle. >>best melee I'm not a grug, so the Golf Club since it's the only one I use. >>best faction House baby. >>best companion EDE >>best song THERE WAS NEVER A MAN LIKE >>best quest The Vault where people were sacrificed >>best settlement Not sure if it counts, but Big MT >reminder that /k/ is a legion board loyal to /k/aiser Fuck off homo, go get fucked in your tent by 2 guys while I rain down Plasma. <|endoftext|> Just get one of these, OP. >intruder intrudes >op is sound aseeps >intruder knocks over anime lamp >op wakes up, rolls out of bed and grabs femur >all intruder sees is 250 lb OP, with scraggly neckbeard and leaking boner from wet dream about miku >OP tries to say "oi fuck off mate" but it comes out as "ARRGHHGUNNNFFFGHH" because OP doesn't leave house >intruder shits pants, doesn't want to fight Grug the caveman tonight >intruder fucks off promptly >OP takes sample of shit, brings it to the police >intruder identified as Ali Al-Shabar, a local diverse man who has had consensual sex with 25 four year old girls for the sake of diversity >OP gets arrested for racism and is made Ali's cousin's gf Not a bad outcome, OP <|endoftext|> Grug ready when horse tribe chiefs try take club <|endoftext|> I no think it all lie, but kinda stinky like old farts of beans. Grug not know, maybe it is like Grug think it is but it do, or not like Grug think. Grug like to think big think, but Grug also know not big think that big true. Grug understand Grug, yes? Grug want thinktonk pebbles too but I know Grug hand weaker tomorrow if take. Grug wish for Grugs to not sleep awake anymore and shove sharp spear up Chief and the Chief of Chief's arse bigger big stick so Chiefs know tomorrow again and all the tomorrows. Chiefs not dumb, and want Grugs like babbies so Chiefs give tinktonk pebbles to all even if Chief does not have enough tinktonk pebbles in all. If all Grugs happy, no shoving of pointy stick up arses happen. Grug got many sticks, Grug ready. Grug wish a poop Grug would! <|endoftext|> glad is failed. >hur me need screen tell how many boolet in grug rock thrower <|endoftext|> The old prune juice guy should have duck hunter and Grug should have the Chadian/Libyan/Zairean leopard pattern <|endoftext|> Guess I'm a Grug. <|endoftext|> Woodland marpat seems more of a Grug pattern. Ugly, but effective. <|endoftext|> Overpenetrating with a bigger hole is better than overpenetrating with a smaller hole, grug. <|endoftext|> >take stick >rub end against rock >do lots >make pointy stick >grug approved <|endoftext|> >lost the cold war WDHMBT 2 states came in, 1 left. Grug brain post <|endoftext|> Say whatever you want right now with no one around. Congratulations you are naturally capable of free speech. Pick up a pointy stick or a rock. Congratulations you are naturally capable of arming yourself. Yeet that rock at a motherfucker. Congratulations you are naturally capable of defending yourself (and attacking others). Go stand next to a buddy. Congratulations you are naturally able to assemble with others. Why you can do these things is usually described as being natural, the human condition or God given. You may also hear these rights described as "first generation" rights because they are very basic and generally the first explicitly codified rights. We accept limitations (in the form of both forceful enforcement and understood social rules) on these rights in a social context, usually to preserve most of everyone's rights. (ie no yeeting rocks at Grug unless Grug is charging you with a pointy stick) This abrogation/protection has numerous understandings, such as the "social contract", "NAP" or "God said don't be a dick". >Rights don’t exist and are literally a construct of civilization Civilization (and therefore first gen rights) is an emergent property of humanity. You might as well claim language or art doesn't exist because it is a construct of civilization. <|endoftext|> /g/ told me to come here That was my thought, but /g/ said it wouldn't work, my grug brain was confused because I figured it wpuld Not a bad idea, but that's a lot of glue and it can be repaired easily Thanks Hadn't considered a solvent... I don't want to spend too damn much and I assume they're made of steel for the most part. Cuck <|endoftext|> Are you going to be regularly grug clubbing with it? If not then it is completely fine. 88’s are literally just economic 500’s, they’re also the shotguns in Stalker if you care about that kind of thing. <|endoftext|> corselet's BTFO greater grug throw rock <|endoftext|> >easy to work on. maybe im a dumb grug but i couldn't get the roll pin out of the safety lever to save my life. ended up taking it to a shop and giving them 30 bucks. <|endoftext|> OP told where armor in cave painting from, grug who show you read cave painting? bronze age was the theme. how grug still grug in atom age? <|endoftext|> Why tribesmen need so many fire staffs? Club work fine. Grug no like. Grug also no like wolves tribe keeps bringing back from hunts. Can be danger to Grug when Grug hunts. <|endoftext|> How long grug cave? <|endoftext|> Shaman say bear tribe sway new chief choosing ritual All new chief hopefuls stroke longnose tribe Shaman also born of longnose tribe New chief say build rock wall but put up sticks New chief say job stay in grug village but job gone New chief say no war but make war for longnose tribe Make grug think <|endoftext|> Grug go long time without grug woman or clansman. Grug no feel so good. <|endoftext|> Grug mad. Tribe chief and shaman no take Grug rocks. Grug start Unga Bunga ice cave. Grug look at many runes. <|endoftext|> Grug worry more with council of elders. Many elders too old. Get dumb with age. Young elders not smart. Decide on dumb rules. Court of elders also blind. Can’t read scrolls. Don’t do job. Make up rules. Sleep when most need. <|endoftext|> Grug hear long knose no like salt bat what do? <|endoftext|> No. gib club grug Tink of the younglings No need salt club <|endoftext|> Grug ready for bungaloo? <|endoftext|> Grug ready when chieftans try take club <|endoftext|> >grug require you give bang bang boomerang over or grug will shoot wolf friend <|endoftext|> longnose tribe have too much berry. grug kill longnose with rock <|endoftext|> Who would win? >tested, factory standard, steel plate level IV body armor for $500 >a bag of rocks Grug gang rise up <|endoftext|> Grug small head, not allowed in pee vee cee boom spear tribe >entire fight is accompanied by whooping retards throwing explosive spears at people from shelves >tribe killed when KillLifter bumps shelf unit <|endoftext|> I was just gonna make chlorine gas and wear ppe for it too. Guess things will degenerate into dudes in masks braining eachother with hammers and hatchets inside of the cloud while all of the grug tier Chads writhe around on the floor choking on their lungs because they didn't know you could make chemical weapons at the Home Depot <|endoftext|> Grug use big sledge hammer. Big hammer mean bigger power hit. <|endoftext|> Okay Grug. <|endoftext|> Another weekend, another astro update >head back to the campsite after admiring the giant oak a little longer >while the Halflings we've come across in these woods also do a lot of carvings, the ones in the tree have a different style >where they made with stone tools similar to the knives I found on the altar? >find Osberd up and already blowing smoke rings with his pipe at the camp >tell him about the site with the tree while building a fire >"You saw one? I've only heard stories about them" >"So there are more? Who is putting all the stuff there?" >"Short answer is that there are people in this forest living the old way, without permanent houses, roads and all of that" >he pauses to put more wood on the fire and starts to cook water in a beat up metal teapot >"All the settlements on the river and deeper into the woods along the roads are less then 150 years old" >Greg also got up in the meantime, after the obligatory "Mornin'", Osberd continues >"The Forest People were here long before, they are Halflings like us, but their way of life is totally different" >"So we have to be on the lookout for Hobbit-Grug trying to attack us?" Greg asks >"I don't think so, they are peaceful. But we're at the foot of a mountain that is somewhat holy to them" >"Does that mean they're gonna stop us from going there?" >"They don't go up there themselves, the Singing Trees mark the border. I have no idea what's beyond them" >we finish our breakfast in awkward silence after the history lecture, then head off, following the car tracks >cross the creek from earlier further downstream from where I found the tree >after a while I can hear that sound again >I guess we've officially crossed the boarder of the holy mountain now >our path is getting steeper, and everyone seems to be a bit paranoid >Osberd even stopped smoking >can't shake off the feeling that I'm being watched <|endoftext|> >rare grug stranding Nice. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> I fucking love the 747's grug caveman face. One of the few endearing airliners still flying <|endoftext|> the range has a rule that rule is "no steel cased ammo" I work for the range as we can see by the REEEEE and seethe in this thread so far, you can imagine my day would be full of autists arguing about what bullets they're allowed to shoot. "no steel case" is a simple easy rule that only about 1/3 of gun owners can't wrap their heads around, and "does it stick to a magnet" is a simple visible test for grug brains. If you break the rules and bring steel case, you don't get to come back because people who break range rules can't be trusted to not point the shooty shooty bang bang thing at something that doesn't need a bullet in it. <|endoftext|> Those guys remind me of this 21 year old senior I knew in high school. Those guys remind me of the grug meme. <|endoftext|> >the invention of bows was a mistake, we used to fight with honor >invention of atlatls was mistake, grug used to smash with good feelings >invention of image board was mistake, we used to troll with style and have names >invention of plasma stasis fields was a mistake, we used to shoot each other with real metal and not vaporize <|endoftext|> Sharp rock mistake. Wooden club more honorable. It take real skill to use wooden club. Any grug can kill with sharp rock. <|endoftext|> >bone carrier >stopping ball from thunderstick You bone break from ball from thunderstick, what make grug think this stop ball from thunderstruck. Berrypickers leave <|endoftext|> >grug see rock 44 >grug hear rock 44 not good for beating animal >grug make 7 threads on 4rock about rock 44 be bad >grug happy <|endoftext|> I should add, getting used to digital took me a bit since I'm a braindead grug. Once you get used to it, the tools available digitally are incredible and make your life a lot easier. Layers man, I fucking love layers. Some stuff once you get the taste for you can probably never get back. <|endoftext|> That elephant took 30 minutes to die go fuck yourself Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug no like think what others say may not be what others really think. Grug struggle with understand others. Grug have austism. <|endoftext|> Grug like shiny rock. Good club. <|endoftext|> What this club. Look like grock but maybe not grock. Grug like this club <|endoftext|> grug want rock back, grug need crush skinny tribe. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE ROCK, GRUG LIKE BAT WITH NAIL <|endoftext|> Ah, Grugg see grug is also man of culture. t. pointy rock on stick fanboi <|endoftext|> Stick and rock worked for grug. Stick and rock work for you. <|endoftext|> Grug no need she-grug, all she-grug want Cha-du dong Grug have rock figures and painting from small eye tribe in grugs cave, grug happy <|endoftext|> Bong grug feel your pain. Bong tribe leaders many moons ago gave up bong tribe ability to have war club. We multi-cul-tur-al now. Me wish we was born many moons ago when me could have own war club in cave. Don't be like bong tribe <|endoftext|> >she-grug fatter than picture Thats how I knew this was a true story <|endoftext|> Remind she-grug her opinion no matter. She-grug have little beside she-cave to offer Grug. Plenty of fish in River. Some she-grug even like war club. Me hear anyways. <|endoftext|> this anon-grug know a thing or two about what best for all grugs <|endoftext|> Club she-grug and drag back to cave, duh <|endoftext|> >grug buy no tip spear >but grug want to hunt >grug rub rock on spear >grug make sharp tip <|endoftext|> based grug poster <|endoftext|> Here's a real non zoomer answer. 303 british and 30-06. Not because they had the most energy or the best anything persay, but they where both consistently and through the war made of high quality brass. Germans: Lacquered steel known to absolutely freeze up bolt actions. If brass made it to the front lines it was only for machine guns. Russians: Lacquered steel Japanese: Initially brass, but that ran out so they used copper and poorer quality brass from cookware and such they captured from China, then they moved to laqured steel cased Italians: Brass until the late 30s and then steel all the way. I believe the french also used steel cased. High quality ammunition meant that each american or britshit soldier had a more reliable, easier to maintain weapon. The german steel case in particular was so bad that soldiers where told not to load ammunition into hot chambers if they weren't shooting. Because if you chamber a round, the laquer would melt and cool in the chamber and it would absolutely seize the gun. And more important than individual soldiers was machine gunners and aircraft, etc etc. Also for other real considerations of a cartridge more than GRUG WANT POWER or zoom zoom want better follow up shot. 303 had a very aggressive taper to the case, compared to 3006 and 8mm mauser, this is one of the reasons brits kept with 303 despite being rimmed was more reliable in machine guns because heavy taper offers much better primary extraction, especially when the chamber gets hot and dirty. And then as a negative point, 303 was loaded with cordite which wore the throat of all their guns compared to other powders. <|endoftext|> >grug mad when think about cooperation with others <|endoftext|> >oh no must not be part of grug tribe Ironic considering the text on the image you posted 40 minutes ago <|endoftext|> he call grug faggot no post fire stick like grug oh no must not be part of grug tribe <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE USE BRAINS MUST KEEP BLULLET IN CHAMBER TO SHOOT SELF ON DRAW WHEN PANTS CATCH SAFETY <|endoftext|> Grug not wrong, but Grock prefer club with MANY spike and grip made of smooth bark. Grock have many experience with defend Grock cave. Dark skin tribe member always try steal Grock berries. Grock know what Grock talking about. <|endoftext|> Grug gots rock <|endoftext|> Here grug be with club <|endoftext|> >A rotating multilug bolt with selfcontained ammunition is too much trouble when you can just use a simpler gun that fires normal rounds >A paper cartridge be of too much concern, whence the usual gun is available >A Flintlock isset off complicationes, a common crossbow shall suffice. >Why Grug make bow when grug can throw stone This is what you sound like. Enjoy your cavepaintings, retard. <|endoftext|> Can’t buy club now. Long-nose have grug money and won’t give back. <|endoftext|> Grug pop pop only have stick. Why need scary club? <|endoftext|> Grug tribe no need club. Club dangerous! Grug give club to longnose men. <|endoftext|> club is best. simple easy defend cave dark skin tribe enter cave? bASH grug club head in! <|endoftext|> Confirmed by law enforcement incident reports, forensic examination, ballistic recreation, medical examination, and officer testimony on top of an entire officer-involved shooting investigation. "Peace through superior firepower" doesn't mean "Grug bangstick throw bigger firerock than scorch-skin Grug bangstick", it means "Grug bangstick throw many firerock, scorch-skin Grug bangstick only throw two". <|endoftext|> So let me get this straight you're saying knives are obsolete as weapons? Despite them being second in homicides only to handguns? I think we're on the same page here. I'm not claiming a knife is better at making things more dead than a knife but historically knoves have always been obsolete per your definition. So I guess I can agree and I'll say knives have always been obsolete even when the first grug made one with a rock. <|endoftext|> Rock beats stick, it is also projectile. Grug say pokey stick only way to fight to get rock. <|endoftext|> Grug think you need teach proper stick and rock safety to gruglets and proper store stick and rock away from them <|endoftext|> >stone >not stone thrower Rock Ooga before he even come close to you she grug <|endoftext|> Nuh uh. Grug use rock. Rock bigger and heavier then stick. That mean rock stronger. <|endoftext|> A grug need to get this firehead out of here <|endoftext|> Grug go fight cave today, want buy new log. Zoomzoom behind counter try sell "paul immer" rock from fire mountain. Grug know fire mountain is curse with bad juju, so grug smash zoomzoom with log, skull breaks, eat his knowledge. __________________________ Forest Tribe Cave Painters First Berry Squisher "Smart like stone, fast like tree" <|endoftext|> blessed by sungod >t.acorn slingers day of wolfskinbagface when? Future now, grug make tar-mount sighting device on atlatl and old cave battle II spear <|endoftext|> Grug not sure new rock club safe in cave. Many misthunks. First time, grug lean rock side up in wall while painting and it fall over onto foot. Second time grug leave rock club on sitting rock. Rock club slip off and land on on drinking pot Third time grug start swing rock club, but binding let loose and fly over friend Hurg shoulder Fourth time grug leave by fire and handle burn <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug lead apple tribe to big hunt for great feast of large mammal >garg say he no need sharp stick or string wood for hunt, garg say he strong, can use hands to beat animals >grug think garg is rarted but garg no back down, storm off into wilds for hunt >grug lead tribe warriors for hunt and to find garg, hear noises >garg try beat wild oink with fists, made oink mad, poke garg with mouth points >gard fire special arrow at oink while varg beat it with an axe >eventually come back to tribe with mammoth, will feed many grubs >garg always be told of being rarted, so young grubs know to practice with club <|endoftext|> Grug right, Club1911 winner of 2 tribal wars! __________________________ Stick Tribe firemaking division 1 25,041bc to 25,040bc "Grug. Grug never changes" -Grug <|endoftext|> Grug not like new shaman, think he put berry in water <|endoftext|> >only burnt grug >forgetting about longnose tribe Longnose berrypicker found <|endoftext|> only burnt grug do grug on grug clubbing <|endoftext|> Use rock to smash other grug <|endoftext|> boomer posting crossed with grug posting I like it <|endoftext|> krug learn club from small krug days, never leave club for tribe. krug master of club but look for other grug use club for krug get stronger club. berrypicker rely use all but club - club for strong grug, shegrug use trap and spear. <|endoftext|> no grug answer, what best size club for fight save cave? krug like big club but not big big club. big club fight save perfect, big big club slow and small club weak. <|endoftext|> shegrug ungabunga with any grug no grug want shegrug ungabunga caves all over other grug caves take shegrug first then fire big fire shegrug no want fire other cave might take shegrug still fire <|endoftext|> Cave painting familiar, is log trap. Shog kill many lion, you grug next. <|endoftext|> Grug lies, shegrugs only ungabunga with Shog. Shog no need club, Shog make adze for cutting log for log trap. Shog in stone age while grugs in mud age. >laffs in Shog <|endoftext|> >shegrugs give Shog much ungabunga in love cave shegrog ungabunga in love cave with every grug grugs go to other shegrug love cave <|endoftext|> >Run baby run >Outrun grug club <|endoftext|> > Grug start to drum "pumped up mocassins <|endoftext|> atlatl meant to wound. grug-grog like club <|endoftext|> Stupid Grug use club. Stupid Shaman use stick with rock. Smart Trug use atlatl. Atlatl is tomorrow. <|endoftext|> Mammoth stomp on Grug arm three snowy time ago. You expect Grug to fight with only hand? Go hunt sabertooth, noclub. Grug have pointy rocks on sticks, come and steal it, Grug dare. __________________________ Valley Mammoth Hunters First Berry Gatherer “Blessed by sun god, feared by other tribe” <|endoftext|> Club tribe. Tribe make fun of club. Tribe look down on Grug. Tribe deserve club. <|endoftext|> >Grug... >Grug, get the 45-120. <|endoftext|> >Grug Gunsmith Damage the finish of a firearm trying to remove a stuck part <|endoftext|> Stop act like she grug, spend all sun rise innacave playing smol grug gaems. OP is man. Act like man. Go outtacave. Walk. Lift. Hunt. Kill. Fuck. Be He Grug. <|endoftext|> >GRUG SEE NUMBER UP >MORE UP MORE GUD >HAPY NUMBER MAKE GRUG HAPY >GO NUMBER GO, MAKE BOSMAN HAPY <|endoftext|> Klag think Grug dum-dum. What if rock fail? Fist no fail. What if go and forget rock? No forget fist, fist forever. <|endoftext|> Grug think pointy shiny stick fad Grug only need rock <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Grug hear split little pebble, pebble explode. Explode make big rock go real fast, kill sky god. Grug think bad omens, no want kill sky God. <|endoftext|> why grug need wartribe-style assault club? <|endoftext|> grug got the stikck <|endoftext|> Oh yeah Mine is about a dude who wasn't quite as evolved as your typical human. >be inna armory cleaning weapons post field op >knuckle dragger comes over with his rifle >takes it apart just fine >starts cleaning >dry fires so he can clean behind the hammer >so far so good >finally done cleaning >Lance Corporal, Grug dun clean rifle, lance corporal check Grug rifle? >yeah sure Grug, put it together and bring it here. >Grug tries to put his buffer back into the tube with the hammer still up >I watch him literally try to bend his buffer so it will go it >I start giggling >he gets visually frustrated and his face turns red with anger >he tries to bend his buffer even harder >Grug give me your fucking rifle >I put the hammer down and slide the buffer in >he gets very mad and storms off with his now assembled rifle before I could check it >armorer fails him I kind of feel sorry for the guy because he was legitimately stupid. <|endoftext|> >carry out strategy while trying to adapt to what I'm doing (which is just grug smash mostly) Its actually very easy to do that, the technical term is "riposte" and it involves waiting for your enemy to try and grug smash you and then parrying/deflecting their strike and fucking them up while they are off balance. <|endoftext|> If you try swinging a hammer around it's really difficult to change your momentum in a feint. I'm more of a grug smash kind of guy, I really doubt someone has the presence of mind to think out a strategy of moves, advance, carry out strategy while trying to adapt to what I'm doing (which is just grug smash mostly). If you're trying to do something fancy that looks like you're going to smash and then try to stab it'd probably be really uncomfortable and kinda slow. I guess I'd mostly assume both get a hit and smash is going to hurt a lot more. A hammer or club will explode their melon like... a melon. If it's not the melon then can I just smash again? Did they miss? Can I back off maybe circle around let that sink in and cautiously smash again or slip away? There is kind of a reason people don't 1v1. They were more common. It was a status symbol, it looks better to show off a fancy blade than a crude club. Plus if you get into a scrap you might not want to necessarily kill or seriously cripple them. There would be a weregild sort of thing for that. A bit of a scar would be a lot cheaper than an amputated or crippled limb. You'd have to support a one legged man in an ass kicking contest after that. <|endoftext|> 2017? I think. I like the grug bat and the home made knuckles lol <|endoftext|> >grug posters in injun thread Great Spirit didnt give much to those that dwell in caves <|endoftext|> Why grug need short spear? Grug can no hunt mammoth with short spear, useless to grug. Grug not running into cave bear or raid from dark face tribe. Get long spear instead. <|endoftext|> grug use short spear for defending cave and ungabunga grug no show dog shooting tribe grug keep berries for grugself grug stay mammoth hunter <|endoftext|> Break out the .308/shotty or go full Grug and club it with a metal shovel or rusty pickaxe. Maybe a sledgehammer if you have it. I’d like to see Mr. Muscles try to stand from a few hits from one of those. >inb4 dat oberkeel :( I don’t give a fuck, accusations of being a heartless bastard and/or facing the EEEE is preferable to getting my face or a limb bitten off. If anything I’d be doing the entire community a favor, including the likely trash that got the bastard to begin with. <|endoftext|> >grug not feel touch of she-grug in many winters >at least me still have war club <|endoftext|> >kindling There grug's problem <|endoftext|> Find she-grug who not dumdum. Go to shaman ritual, there many trad she-grug. <|endoftext|> >hit she-grug on head with war club >put small war club inside fish hole This not hard figure out <|endoftext|> >grug must lead with "hows it going slut, you suck on my gun?" >grug eat taco, put warclub in trunk Grug good to keep expectations low. <|endoftext|> >grug-poster is a Trump voter Can't say I'm surprised. <|endoftext|> Flint you damn monkeys, this is literally Grug-level tech. <|endoftext|> grug wanted .45 hand size rock but chief of happy leaf growing village grug lives in no allow <|endoftext|> >boomer grug: *sips "yup, nothing beats big heavy slow rocks, won two wooly mammoth hunts" >zoomer lug: "nuh uh, light pointy rock on end of stick penetrate more" <|endoftext|> Grug know all about rock Rock kill when strike hard, fast Big rock good, small rock good <|endoftext|> next your gonna bad mouth levers, and any other tool used for mechanical advantage. Go back to your sticks and stone grug. <|endoftext|> Please say this but in grug language. <|endoftext|> Based grug <|endoftext|> >Anons, is stopping power a legitimate concept? Yes. >Is this really the case? Yes. >3~4 shots of 380 than a single 45? No. >I cannot get my grug brain to stop thinking that a bigger club = more death. Yes. <|endoftext|> Anons, is stopping power a legitimate concept? Most of the (apparently) legit info I find seems to indicate that the number of shots, their placement and quick follow ups are what really matters, and that the only real different in stopping power comes from handguns x long guns. I also remember reading that any handgun caliber more powerful than 357 Magnum is "pointless" because it doesn't deposit all of it's energy on the target, passing clean through it instead. Is this really the case? Is it really better to, let's say, hit a home intruder with 3~4 shots of 380 than a single 45? I know that the FBI has gone back to 9mm, and that NATO countries ditched the 7.62 in favor of 5.56 but I cannot get my grug brain to stop thinking that a bigger club = more death. <|endoftext|> Ug? Grug like covee. Grug no kno what dee-nay-jur mean. <|endoftext|> >Based ideas but its kinda hard to manufacture these without machines from scratch.... People yave been making oil from scratch for the last 200,000 years or so. If Grug could figure it out you can too, dipshit. Can't kill an animal? People are animals too... <|endoftext|> >Johannes Krug >Johnny Grug HEH! <|endoftext|> My old company commander sent us Duffer's Drift, it was pretty quick and interesting since I enjoy getting tactical. Another criticism of the modern Army from me is that physical fitness/toughness seems to be more prized than tactics, people would rather grug their way through problems(or just do a battle drill) than think about a creative way to beat the enemy through maneuvers. That's a really good tip, I'm taking that with me for my first OER and maybe my final NCOER. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO NEED ASSAULT ROCK THROWER! THINK OF LITTLE GRUG! GRUG SHOULD GIVE TO VILLAGE CHIEF WHO THROW IN BONFIRE. <|endoftext|> Grug no like bow, grug think only onions bean eating grugs like bow. Grug like sling and rock. Siip yup, 45 rock from sling win 2 tribal fight. <|endoftext|> Tiny gun make grug itch Grug smash little man for itchy skin <|endoftext|> even Grug think there better options. <|endoftext|> chieftain NEED take war club from grug how many more grugling go forever sleep from war club. ancient chieftain say "all grug have club not be taken away" but spike in club not invented then. battle club make so many grug go sleep it time give them to long-nose tribe. <|endoftext|> Many Grug say Grug not need new shiny flint, ancestors only use sharp stick, new shiny stick too dangerous. Grug not agree. <|endoftext|> >when grugs not speak grug in grugthread >cave painting related <|endoftext|> >be burger tribe >get clubbed Grug <|endoftext|> Shaman of Firewater, Leaf and Club come. Club unga-Grug wolf friend. Take shiny new rock. Chieftain Longnose say no Grug need dark stab-rock. Cannot have in any tribe. Endangers little Grugs. <|endoftext|> we all know 6 grugling incident was untrue tigerskin made by crooked nose tribe. Rocks are necessary for grug self protection. Grug will rise up for boog shakalaka when time comes. <|endoftext|> What OP need rock for? Think of 6 gruglings speared! Grug man bad! Gib rocks to keep tribe safe! <|endoftext|> grug understand. obsidian can't be breaked by sharp rock grug. <|endoftext|> grug, whats the difference desgrug <|endoftext|> >have to heat up the handguard and grug smash it onto the barrel >requires a gap between the handguard and receiver >excellent design No <|endoftext|> 22s are great for learning on and plinking but not much more, if that's all you want out of a handgun by all means great first handgun, if you want to do more with it buy a 9. Happy buying grug. <|endoftext|> 22 is great for learning on, caveman grug <|endoftext|> >grug want hunting ground on coast >grug’s enemies have defended village there >grug use canoe to kill enemy from behind <|endoftext|> WHY GRUG GO DIG GREEN ROCK AND SMASH AND BURN GREEN ROCK AND SMASH WITH NEW WEIRD ORANGE ROCK WHEN REGULAR ROCK WORK JUST FINE?!? SEEM LIKE LONGNOSE TRIBE TRICK! <|endoftext|> >The knife wasn't out so he didn't mean any harm Words and body language show intent anon If I had a big ass grug stick and I was just walking along you would think nothing of it. But if I started yelling at you and walking faster towards you, you would think I would like to hit you, no? <|endoftext|> and we all grug posted for like three days straight, do you not recognize what a joke is? <|endoftext|> >Grug use hammer. Gun break! Bad gun! The first car I worked on had an aluminum unibody and an aluminum/magnesium engine. <|endoftext|> There needs to be a Grug. <|endoftext|> Yeah, he was about 10 feet away from her when he killed her, she didn't run or do anything when she saw he was carrying a gun, passed within arms reach of him, and he killed her when her back was turned. Pretty much anything would have been effective in that situation, up to and including calling oneself Grug and using a rock or a wooden club. Same with the guy he killed in the kebab shop from a few feet away who decided the best course of action was to find a corner, get in the fetal position, and start crying rather than run away like everyone else. <|endoftext|> board tourist. grug threads eternal <|endoftext|> Grug had spear. Chief make grug trade spear for Berry. Grug no want sell spear. Chief say learning cave stabbing bad. Only Chief need spear. <|endoftext|> Spook Clan no liek Grug fun time, Grug see you glow in dark spooks, grug trade for bigbig stick, smash spook clan, grug be free from spook clan control <|endoftext|> >uses clay-made stone grug laughs <|endoftext|> Grug use Grock brand Grock <|endoftext|> New fags not know how to grug post Grug thinks they fuck off <|endoftext|> Grug father use big rock in all-tribe fight, good enough for Grug. Maybe small rock better than nothing, but Grug no want man love. <|endoftext|> > implying piles of rocks important > grug just a rock nut <|endoftext|> grug want say N-word, what can grug get to defend me self? <|endoftext|> Grug not need rock. Grug not need cave defense. Grug need be friendly. Dark skin tribe good. <|endoftext|> >just hit with rock not throw >it just as good >it not matter if dark skin bigger than you >are you she-grug-part? <|endoftext|> Grug smash Grug no need throw rock Grug smash rock <|endoftext|> Grug make trap Put bird meat a purple tree water over trap Grug fill trap with water Dark skin smell bird and purple Grug watch them fall in water hole Dark skin tribe no swim Grug can now throw any rock at them <|endoftext|> Dark skin tribe live in jungle over kill. They loud. They look at grug woman. Grug want protect little grug. <|endoftext|> Might be some link there. Hmm that give grug the BIG think. <|endoftext|> Why not grug have all three? Grug invent long sharp spear with heavy smasher end. Seem like idea good to me <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe say club bad, does grug want more cave clubbings? Think of the gruglets! <|endoftext|> >Take river stone from pocket >"Give money or grug rock dark skin man." <|endoftext|> Never work. Bee cut rope by floating wrong way. Sub-grug thinking. Real grug know bee most vulnerable when not floating, so only fight bee when then. <|endoftext|> grug need dilate more <|endoftext|> But what if rock rope? No grug ever do rock rope. Spin rock rope fast you smash ALL bees. If let go then you just follow rope and get rock back <|endoftext|> Club stronger than throwy stick or spear! Spear long, but grug smash spear with club! Now I club you nothing <|endoftext|> How do Grug kill metal bee? <|endoftext|> axe right hand of free grugs grug want axe but cant find nowhere. when grug find axe axe too big and cost too many shellkels <|endoftext|> grand grug use fofive pebble death stick <|endoftext|> >club with nail grug stupid zoomy. grand-grug use rock on stick for 2 cave wars. rock on stick enough for grug too <|endoftext|> man come cave tell grug spear beat sword. grug tell man club beat spear. what you think /k/? <|endoftext|> Most grug brained boomer take in existence. Everyone laughs at this shit <|endoftext|> Grug pick best firestick for club mammoth. <|endoftext|> Why Grug have such new time fire stick? <|endoftext|> >what is the advantage of having the high ground? Imagine being this grug brained <|endoftext|> Roof high Darkskin tribe need climb to reach Grug throw rock at darkskin while climb Darkskin fall down <|endoftext|> just imagine grug wielding a BAR, terrifying <|endoftext|> More than one 77gr bullet out there, ill cover the two most common. >m193 VS mk262 In a word, abysmally. Both bullets have their issue(s), namely that they're yaw and therefore AOA dependent for reliable fragmentation. Gun X at distance X with ammo lot Y may reliably fragment, change any of those factors and reliability of fragmentation along with neck length(penetration tell fragmentation) can vary wildly. Google the fleet yaw problem if you want a more in depth look its a known issue and half the reason for 5.56's bad rap as a poodle shooter, if you're curious whether this is a realistic issue or not then feel free to start deep diving hunting forums in regards to both rounds and that'll answer itself(spoiler: yes). That being said the Mk262 SEEMS to be more likely to fragment than m193 during typical engagements based off anecdotal data, for instance after being adopted troop opinions of mk262 are almost universally and noticeably more positive than those same groups were about m193. As a basic matter of math a heavier fragmenting bullet tends to be more effective, more mass means more fragments, increased average weight of fragments, and a heavier remaining core(usually). All that adds up to bigger hole with deeper bigness in grug talk. Combine a bullet that SEEMS to fragment more reliably with a bullet that also does a moderately better job when it does fragment and you pretty much end up with a straight improvement for most folks serious use needs. <|endoftext|> Nah see I disagree with cave grug brg for the BAR - it you can afford and handle the BRG you're fucking great. What about bottom (R) being the BRN-10? And the onions wojak being the Bren 2? <|endoftext|> grug have club for clobbering during yabadabadoo <|endoftext|> Here's the easy fix retard, it's what I've been doing for years IF YOU FEEL YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER GOING SOMEWHERE CARRY A GOD DAMN WEPON you fucking cucks "But what if I get my ass reemed by the law" Then you fight it in court Better to be alive in a courtroom than fucking dead Just carry a weapon If your too much of a faggot to carry an actual wepon and want to bend over to the law here's some options Wear a heavy backpack and just sprint at the attacker it's surprising effective if the don't have a wepon and your not a weak shit Get a large thick steel ruler from a mortise guage (I think that's what they are called they have a groove running down the middle) Literally just start a rock collection and pick up a new rock whenever you go somewhere (maximum grug points) I live in a shitty area and before I stopped giving a shit and started carrying all three of thiese have worked for me Smacking a cunt in the side of the head with a good fist sized rock that fits right in the hand feels fucking great as does knocking a bunch of rowdy boomers over like bowling pins <|endoftext|> he said chad not grug <|endoftext|> Grug grug, you no like operator? <|endoftext|> Grug grug, radow radoh <|endoftext|> Absolutely Grug <|endoftext|> jUsT dRaFt tHeM rEtArD Your grug brain missed the part where a huge amount of the American population was very recently released from military service and looking forward to living a happy and prosperous life after the largest war in world history. Nobody wanted to fight the third world war over fucking KOREA. It would have been political suicide and caused massive unrest in the United States (exploited to the maximum by Soviet infiltration of course) <|endoftext|> Why is this thread up but the grug thread got deleted <|endoftext|> Where on Tablet of Law it say "No Grug speak"? We grunt gun talk, make fun. Go to other cave, you no like it. <|endoftext|> No be tire Grug. Grug must be strong. Look at sky fire ball and be happy. It warm and feel good. As long as Grug alive, Grug have hope. <|endoftext|> GRUG WILL DO. BIG ROCKS WILL BE MOVED MANY TIMES <|endoftext|> it all so some tire for grug.. <|endoftext|> GRUG SAY GO LIFT BIG ROCK DUM DUM MAKE BIG MUSCLE FOR MAKE SEX WITH SHEGRUG NOT MAKE BERRYPICKER ROCK HARD <|endoftext|> What you, time police? If chief come, grug hide evidence of metallurgy <|endoftext|> GRUG ALL EXCITED FROM PRE EXCERCISE POWDER AND DROPPING BIG POOPS. GRUG NEED SOMETHING TO DO <|endoftext|> audible grug <|endoftext|> Grug say stop responding to berrypicker You am dum dum Berrypicker want to hear sound of Grug voice, make berrypicker dick hard like rock <|endoftext|> Grug say go back to man she discord. You have whole discord where you can stop all words you not like. This place let all speak <|endoftext|> Where Grug get stick thrower? Stick thrower safe for cave defense? <|endoftext|> Go away longnose berrypicker, Grug know your tricks Grug bash your head in with spike club! <|endoftext|> Grug say Big Tribe Counsil grow too big Make Grug scared Grug cannot walk around outside Grug own cave Grug think great Bedrock Fathers be sad about now times Make Grug sad Grug real sad <|endoftext|> Grug see you mutilated man she. Mashing balls with rock not make you woman <|endoftext|> longnose tribe want grug berry and rock <|endoftext|> Show cave painting of you with spear thrower. Big chief say it not allowed, but you can trust Grug <|endoftext|> Which club best to bash other clan's woman on head to take back to Grug cave to make bunga-bunga? <|endoftext|> grug have spike on club to kill meat walker faster and better. Grug think berrypicker need to be sent into bear cave with wood spear and wait till he come out with bear skin <|endoftext|> Grug grow up with club in hut. Begin picking berry when get own cave because meatwalker dangerous Start hunt meatwalker when get strong. Why need stone spear? Pointed stick spear kill meatwalker fine. No carry cutting rock. What you fear? <|endoftext|> Turn to grug-cicle if not wear many pelt is better <|endoftext|> >rpg man gets gored by grug spear Is really anything more dumber than grug that no use spear? <|endoftext|> >Gets eroded by water evaporating, rising, and falling on it's lazy fat ass over the course of billions of years Is there really anything dumber than the idea of grug weaponry? <|endoftext|> Caring for one's tool and the good feeling you get out of maintaining them is all thanks to evolutionary biology. Grug who no sharpen ax gets eaten, Grog who like ax to be shinny no get eaten. Thank you Grog. <|endoftext|> I'm glad Grug had a fun day out and his mom was cool enough to treat him to Subway. <|endoftext|> >another anti-cop /pol/ thread for people to vent about their issues with authority >inb4 hurrrr bootlicker GRUG WANT DO WHAT GRUG WANT DO. U NOT GRUG CHIEFTAIN <|endoftext|> He pretty much formed his own grug club and clobbered people with it. Also for feudal and even modern Japanese standards Musashi was a giant of a man, that combined with big grug club will fuck up just about any katana he would have faced. You could also say he “cheated” in a way, but in those types of fights the only rule is to drop the other guy and keep yourself alive, which Musashi had no trouble at all in doing. The Japanese had a lot of interesting military shit going on for awhile, but for a long time they were completely isolated from just about every other country that wasn’t in their immediate vicinity, and the raging seas stopped most navies from even attempting to invade lest they get acquainted with some Mongol chums at the bottom. This is where the Meiji Restoration came into place, because Japan was more or less stuck in the stone age from cutting off so much contact. Anyways, In the 1590’s they were doing well against Korea until their logistics got trashed, and the Empire did at least decently until they royally pissed off the US which would have doomed almost anyone. <|endoftext|> Big brain grug stupid no know what grug mean <|endoftext|> grug help make smash not grugs in notgrugistan, grug know regular grug not need weapon like this <|endoftext|> suck grug <|endoftext|> grug OP not like <|endoftext|> grug thread invaded by SPQR berrypickers desperate for any reason to talk about their unhealthy obsession. <|endoftext|> grug no like clanky man that interpret thread title literally instead of accept implied meaning. <|endoftext|> Grug like this cave writing. OOGA BOOGA OOGA BOOGA HOO HOO HOO <|endoftext|> thread die because this grug no care <|endoftext|> Give grug link now <|endoftext|> >Berrypicker with lightening rod smash just as good as big grug. <|endoftext|> Berrypicker with lightning rod smash no more effective than big grug, with bigger waste time acquire rod. <|endoftext|> >Big grug smash better with club than small berrypicker. Berrypicker with lightening rod smash just as good as big grug. <|endoftext|> Big grug smash better with club than small berrypicker. Berrypicker with lightening rod smash just as good as big grug. <|endoftext|> >grug need eat >grug kill animal >how grug kill animal? >grug remember rock >rock hard >rock make other rocks break >some rock become sharp rock >rock hurt grug >rock hurt animal? >rock kill animal >grug eat animal <|endoftext|> Cardio and endurance are the most important. Raw strength isn’t bad but it takes a lot to get there and maintain, which can be completely disastrous when the supply trains are fucked and food is scarce. Even if you can deadlift a semi if you can’t hike/ruck at least a few miles carrying some gear without becoming completely exhausted and needing an entire chicken to sate hunger your gym rat gains won’t really mean shit, especially since firearms are now used instead of grug clubs. <|endoftext|> Do britbongs really weigh things in "stone" like cavemen? Unga bunga, grug way 3 rock <|endoftext|> >I will go to no, you really won't. but you might inspire some fucking retard to do so, which will further erode our gun rights and eventually virtually ensure that the 2A is repealed. /k/ is the dumbest fucking board on 4chan >grug like thing >grug do every thing possible to make sure thing will not be allowed anymore >SHALL you guys are unironically fucking retarded. <|endoftext|> >smoothheads discriminate against Grug <|endoftext|> Duh you like grug you blow self up <|endoftext|> OK what else. CAI Grug? <|endoftext|> TRIBAL ELDER ALWAYS RIGHT, GRUG THINK YOU BERRY PICKER <|endoftext|> blue tribe fucked your sister, now red tribe is blue tribe. grug should smile now that red and blue tribes are same tribe. <|endoftext|> grug think ur tribe very stupid too! grug own tribe much better!!!! <|endoftext|> grug no like blue tribe. grug think grug own tribe, red tribe, is much better tribe. grug think all other tribe is evil and grug have moral superiority. grug use every excuse possible to express grug tribe affiliation because grug have hard time forming coherent personal identity without creating external strife. grug is retard. <|endoftext|> >only hunters need pointy sticks grug no hunter > grug no try talk to bear, maybe bear friend >no mind bear take all food, it what bear do, you no question sky fire's doing. <|endoftext|> Rock rope best for hunting. Grug no need warclub. <|endoftext|> Good old fashion grey rock. No Grug worry about rock, good for hunting, berry pickers not scared of grey. Club bad because Grug can make club go full-stick if Grug make it sharp club. Cutting club with sharp rocks bad. Shaman of Firewater Leaves and Clubs come to cave and take clubs, kill wolf. <|endoftext|> Why grug need warclub? Warclub make many grugling go forever sleep! Only tribe defender need warclub. Rock is all grug need for hunting! <|endoftext|> >grug have club he use to protect cave >neighbor gronk say club much dangerous for grug to have in cave >what grug do? wait for chief to come to grugs cave to fight bear for grug? <|endoftext|> Most people put rocksett on when they install a muzzle device. Being afraid of threadlocker is a grug-tier way of thinking, just make sure what you apply can be removed without damaging anything. <|endoftext|> >grug think one word no mean other word >u say many thing u want grug no listen because word no mean other word berry brain <|endoftext|> Grug tilt BCM VFG forward or back? Berry picker above has tilt back. Grog not know what do <|endoftext|> C308 should be Grug <|endoftext|> Amazing. So now for Galil and VEPR. Which is Grug? <|endoftext|> grug look funny with red face like shegrug in heat <|endoftext|> hmmmmmm no grug need atlatl club with weight rock... no good. berry picker like big weight rock club thrower of rock clubs? <|endoftext|> Grug think right. Grug know longnose tribe have hand in unga bunga in next cave, where longbeard tribe live longnose tribe responsible for many longbeard ungabungaing other longbeard grugs now bear-tamer tribe get involved in next cave and longnose tribe scared. Send grugs to baldfreebird tribe and say to give rocks. baldfreebird tribe does because of old shadow ungabunga with bear-tamer tribe grug no like longnose tribe having hand in shadow ungabungas grug think longnose tribe needs lose hand <|endoftext|> >Be me > Be grug >Notice other grug at local grug spear range >Notice other grug Picking up other grugs used spears >Decide to confront other grug. >Accuse other grug of stealing other grugs used spreads >Other grug get mad >Call other grug a spear Jew >Other grug say you young grugs using assault spears designed for killing other grugs. And should only use spear heads designed for hunting and target practice >Tell grug the tribe constitution was not written for dinosaur hunting >Call other grug a cave ape. >Be me >Be grug >Be banned from spear throwing Range <|endoftext|> GRUG ELDER GRUG *INHALES* EHHHH AHHHH EHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH GRUGGGGGGGGG! <|endoftext|> Ha! Grug got grugrolled. <|endoftext|> >To cave of rock fria came non-here Grug one hunt day <|endoftext|> >grug and grug know well grug on grug >grug knows the rules, other grug too >grug think hard wants to stay with grug long time >no other grug can grug as well as this grug >grug only want to tell grug how grug feel >grug want grug to know well >grug no want to let grug go >grug will not let grug be sad because of grug >grug no leave and no run to there and back many >grug no want grug to spill water from face >grug no say bye >grug no tell bad lie and hurt grug grug like this song, grug wants more grug to know but too easy so grug think of making song trap to catch grug unthinking first. <|endoftext|> Grug have cat girl Mog WANT CAT GIRL Mog can trade for cat girl Mog carry pokin stick Mog feel same Elder say pokin stick for fire Elder STUUPID!! <|endoftext|> both grug and grug know that middle-sand lands have more rock. moon and star tribe can have fast rock and short club without evil cavemouth watcher taking. allah preist say juju words but they have what grug no have <|endoftext|> >be me >be Great Island Tribe grug >take over many tribes >Used to be best tribe before baldfreebird tribe left >many other tribe leave too >fire hair tribe want leave >notthistime.rock >unga bunga with fire hair tribe >they take most of little island back then no more fighting >fire hair tribe still mad that Great Island Tribe still has part of small island >fire hair tribe start putting fire rocks in great island grugs caves >fire hair tribe get bored and go back to drink fire water >Great Island Tribe elders miss fire hair tribe >invite long beard tribe to great island >now long beard grugs leave fire rocks in great island grugs caves >long beard grugs no like fire water because long beard elders say snu-snu with little grugs is better >Great Island elder ignore screams of little grugs and say long beard grugs are Great Island Tribe now >unga bunga soon <|endoftext|> grug think freebird grug is water-surface speaking grug think south tribe chief is secret totem lover of longnose tribe grug think number of pebbles in basket is no good, only how well aimed is good and grug think freebird tribe is bunch of short totem makers grug also tell freebird grug that grug can carry as much as basket can carry because chief and cavemouth watcher never care to look only dumb grug let cavemouth watchers and weird animal riders look at baskets grug can have girl-horse-leg shaped stick, grug think it best small stick that can be carved grug think honkbird tribe best freebird tribe all large and no good <|endoftext|> Amen. Grug for big elder 20020 <|endoftext|> Grug need be careful. If elder see you with rock on stick he get Atf to kill friend wolf. Atf no like friend wolf. <|endoftext|> Bird-35 is yellow spicy fruit. Prove Grug wrong. <|endoftext|> Grug like fancy rock but no spend all shiny rock on fancy rock <|endoftext|> Grug wants to buy new shiny rock for 2-rock battles. What rock? <|endoftext|> northbird tribe grug can only carry 10 rock inside basket, freebird may even carry 100, some grug 200 rock. grug think northbird tribe is also longnose tribe <|endoftext|> tribe elder clearly hook-nose tribe insurgent grug need to bash elder, become elder, take all shegrug for self <|endoftext|> Tribe elder is a subverter from the long-nose tribe. He is trying to make Grug tribe weak so that dark-skinned tribe take over Grug tribe. <|endoftext|> grug is crow-magnum <|endoftext|> Rock won two big tribe wars, rock all grug need. <|endoftext|> >be angrynorthbird tribe grug >be not like baldfreebird tribe grugs >have many strange chief grug rules >but grug know our chief grug rules are better than the rules of baldfreebird chief rules >can have biggest stick possible, chief grug no care >can ask for stick from stickmaker to be brought to cavemouth no problem >can get pebbles same no problem >many carved sticks allowed, but others not because bad juju names >even fake sticks only in mind sometimes not allowed >grug know still better than grugs south because we no get stoned by cavemouth watchers every two sun rise >baldfreebird tribe grugs always bonesoupfroth with angrynorthbird tribe grug >be grug >be better grug >have happy-mean smile <|endoftext|> Nice Grugbait but Grug don't fall for Nose tribe shitpainting anymore. <|endoftext|> Bash elder head in with club. Grug now lead tribe <|endoftext|> Grug sad no more old sig saurus <|endoftext|> Grug think Grug talk out Grug ass. Throw stick NEVER catch on. <|endoftext|> Sorry but Grug lost all clubs in the great water. Grug is a very bad water rider... <|endoftext|> Me think Grug need wait 10 day before get club. Only get club from licensed professional. No Grug need club anyway no need rock even. Grug try words when other tribe come steal Grug women. Maybe when other tribe come Grug make friend. <|endoftext|> Grug not know cat. Grug want sabertooth tiger girl <|endoftext|> What if grug use stick to throw other stick? Grug try throw stick with grab-grab, no go far. Try throw stick with thrower-stick, stick go biggum far. <|endoftext|> Hello tribesmen, me think that good idea if you post sawed-off club. Anyone think it fun to club other grug wolf? <|endoftext|> No grug need big killing string, grug need only stick for hunt. <|endoftext|> Top kek. Grug not pay attention to surroundings and didn’t use grug rock to bash urg before urg take. Grug need learn better weapon use. <|endoftext|> Grug should use stick with string. Grug can use stick with string to make sharp stick fly at Urg. <|endoftext|> Grug need weapon to kill urg for taking grug rock, what use grug? <|endoftext|> Grug no like rock, grug like bone. Other grug say bone shatter when use, but grug take bone many hunt, easy carry no shatter. Bone even hide from shaman man look grug for rock, can take bone anywhere <|endoftext|> Grug's rights no be infringed. You take club from grug's cold dead hands. <|endoftext|> Grug add stick. Grug add more stick. Grug keep adding stick, shaping stick. Grug tie stick together with deer guts. Grug put little stick on stick arm. Grug try throw stick, little stick fly like bird. Slippery slope, adding sticks. Add one skinny branch, add sharp rock, big scary club. Maybe chief right. No one Grug need all that power. Grug not Sky Man, not Ancestor Spirit: Grug just Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug carry bug club mean Grug have small loin cloth <|endoftext|> no, grug not glow. grug want save grug race. grug make future for grug children. and cat girl <|endoftext|> grug no need stick that big no body need stick so big why you have stick when rock do good enough job <|endoftext|> make grug want rebel against elders. make grug want live in woods with cat girl. grug want kill <|endoftext|> >Be grug. >Invent club. >Show club to tribe. >Tribe elder say "why you need wood handled club? Rock work much better. No stick handle to break." Grug no like tribe elder. Why tribe elder like this? <|endoftext|> he's talking about Wirty and hes probably referring to a rart that recently joined who was no guns and sounded like he was 15 who insisted on proving he was 20. turns out he was 20 and has the IQ of grug <|endoftext|> Look at dweebus me grug use bludgeon hands <|endoftext|> Sord gud, but rock feel guder in grug hand <|endoftext|> marry white grug and make many little grug <|endoftext|> >guaranteed retard >probably know nothing about politics retard confirmed >grug.jpeg <|endoftext|> Literally that is not it. Is she frigid, or is it just that she finds you sexually undesireable? Do you want to find other women because you do not find her desireable, or is it simply because she doesn't want sex as much as you do? I know I asked for you to be concise, but I asked that in the belief that you would understand that some detail is important. Discard emotion if you can, and be as honest with me as you are with yourself. This situation is not so simple as "Grug want poon Marg no want rod", and I think you know that. There is a reason that you constantly want sex, and there is a reason that she does not. To find harmony between you two, these reasons need to be brought to light and confronted honestly. Do you indeed seek harmony with somebody for whom you care, deeply, or are you just bitching that you don't get to stick your dick in random strange? sidenote: For anybody who is aware, is 4chan being attacked at the moment, or did Nagasaki just trip over the fucking server cables again? <|endoftext|> grug look other grugs cave paintings. Other grugs say silencing techniqe just meme. But grug remember they say that about bump clubs. <|endoftext|> grug no need rock grug call blueberry man <|endoftext|> Small fast feather stick only hurt no kill, so more bad grugs have to save hurt grug. <|endoftext|> Grug only need handful of pebbles. Bad man break into cave at night, noise from me reach into pebble pouch enough to scare away. <|endoftext|> >this grug not even make stick thrower yet Rock related <|endoftext|> They invented condoms a while ago, Grug McBrob <|endoftext|> grug only need long twig poke in head scramble brain <|endoftext|> >me face when see this cave painting again stick good pointy stick good for stabbing heavy stick good for hitting bendy stick with string good for throw pointy stick far small edgy stick good for loincloth carry all grug need is stick <|endoftext|> Grug tribe win 2 fight with big rock, Grug not need rock stick to win fight. Hah, grug found moss-eater boy. What do if pointy bone break youngling? What do if miss heart with pointy bit? Big rock hit once, kill always. Pointy bone stab many time, not kill. Called rock down power for reason, moss boy. <|endoftext|> grug spot you in hunting in food place yesterday. grug not rock you, grug has mating females grug no rock you over women. other grug “Oh, like you’re doing now?” grug what, and other grug was “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. grug go grug for female stuff to stay in cave. Grug see cavelette tell other grug you need sea shells” other grug pretend no understand. Gruglette said gib sea shells and other grug kept stopping her. Said zues makes lightning bolts must do all stones one at a time“prevent any electrical infetterence,” other grug wink at grug. grug no lightning a thing. Grugette put rocks in basket, other grug yawned really loudly every time rock in basket <|endoftext|> Grug just buy springy shiny long rock. Grug friends tell Grug shiny short rock on stick better for protect cave. Grug no like rock on stick. <|endoftext|> Grug hate old rock, pointy bone lighter and just as strong. <|endoftext|> im not even joking. the equivalent smith products i can find are the 60, the 640, and the compensated models 586 and 19. the first two derez your hand shooting 357's and the second two are top-of-the-line rare designer models that cost over 1000 and also weigh over 40 oz loaded. ruger is for grug smash rock's and kimber is a prissy collector company. literally show me a smith that is better than the four i have listed and i will buy it <|endoftext|> Clubs and hammers don't really have an disadvantages. I didn't mean to be rude before but grug smash. hammer break things. i don't see a point in over complicating the issue with how it smashes things and why that's different than other smashy things. <|endoftext|> Nice grug post. He's dismayed by the concept of our country being usurped by a foreign force exploiting our people. If that doesn't bother you how the fuck are you American? >For anyone that still doesn't understand the our foreign policy <|endoftext|> Both of you are retarded. 9mm and buck both go through walls. A shotgun holds pattern out to atleast 15 yards, so no benefit over a pistol, you still have to aim, and neither would benefit over multiple attackers if they have rifles. If between a full-sized modern handgun and a shotgun for HD, I'd take the handgun for 17 rounds over a pumps 6-8. Get an AR or AK like a modern grug to defend your cave. Both of you. <|endoftext|> I didn't know there were caves to explore!! Grug cave drawings soon fren! <|endoftext|> Listen...grug warrior and berry picker gondola <|endoftext|> >grug know it will work this time <|endoftext|> When Grug think about number of rocks and sticks in world and number of dumdum cavepeople that live in world, it amazing that rocks used very rarely to make other cavepeople go forever sleep. <|endoftext|> Grug can be turret with those configurations, just give him some upper armor and an SPG-9 Recoilless Rifle but modified to be used as a over shoulder weapon. The tank is more like a golf cart as far as it's role to him. <|endoftext|> I think when he said tank models i mean give GRUG actual full size tank models for him to build and ride or buikd since he is too big and tanky to ride inside and use. GRUG could make a specialized KV-2 where the entire turret head is just one gisnt armored chair he sits down in and he rides around swinging the Great Club while he bitchslaps the side of his tank to fire. <|endoftext|> Maybe you can go and hire GRUG Make sure to get him tank models though... <|endoftext|> maybe grug am stupid <|endoftext|> Why grug make string in wax when grug can make fire on stick, can smash and burn with stick? <|endoftext|> You're a few centuries late, catch up to modern tactics grug <|endoftext|> grug like nuggfire <|endoftext|> grug like nugfest <|endoftext|> >IRL Grug posting <|endoftext|> Grug think you trying too hard to fit in. Grug say what grug always say. Lurk more. <|endoftext|> grug no happy <|endoftext|> have little grug <|endoftext|> Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug understand you concerned about little-cave raid, but grug think we need examine tribe as whole and figure what make berry picker club little-caves. Grug think new rock club not problem, but grug think tribe drive berry picker to club little ones in little-cave. <|endoftext|> Grug no trust longnose tribe. <|endoftext|> You lie. Grug old name. She-Grug took special berries from shaman. She-Grug now same as other She-Grugs. Just need to put magic stick on she-hole for half day. <|endoftext|> maybe realize grug will never be woman? <|endoftext|> Maybe grug angry at longnoses because he can't aw-ta with female? <|endoftext|> Grug just think that if longnose tribe was kicked out of 109 caves, maybe longnose tribe the problem? <|endoftext|> Kronk use sharp stick. Not use rock like real grug. Kronk should move to berrypicker tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug know, Take firepowder Grug make fire rock <|endoftext|> Grug thinks spear is dangerous. Spear should only be given to tribal protectors. No Grug should ever need a spear. Sharp stick is enough. Spear only kills gruglings and other Grug. <|endoftext|> this grug think good, if only rock could be fire imagine throw rock and rock create fire grug wish firerock was real <|endoftext|> Squinty grug tactics easy fight Burn jungle Kill squinty grug <|endoftext|> Grug gave wolf food. Now wolf friend. Wolf attack other tribe and grug give food. Grug do good? <|endoftext|> Bow no good in jungle, string get wet. Grug fix, bow good now but now in desert war <|endoftext|> Grug wrong, Grog already predict arrow win upcoming third tribe war <|endoftext|> Grug think shing shot rock is better then arrow. Quiver have have 7 shot but grug carry 17 rock. Rock poke just as hard as arrow. Just cause arrow win two tribe war doesnt mean it still good. <|endoftext|> Go away longnose tribe, we no like you here. Leave before grug throw you in fire. <|endoftext|> dumdum berry picker, tribe defender is why grug has war club. <|endoftext|> Grug no need warclub. Warclub make many gruglings go forever sleep. Only tribe defender need warclub. Rock is all Grug need for hunting! <|endoftext|> You insult grug? Me make you forever sleep berrypicker. <|endoftext|> In practice democracy turned out to be more totalitarian than either of those other things. At least when you have a dictator everyone knows who he is and who to blame for shit being all fucked up. In democracy the elites are still there they just make you think that YOU caused all the bullshit. Hiding also makes it so all the grug brains have no idea who to kill when they become discontented. <|endoftext|> you should've see the grug dress up <|endoftext|> You think your smart because you've seen two YouTube videos stating that 2000-2200 fps is the permanent cavitation limit? Little secret, they were using simple terms for grug brains like you. There Is a gradient of temporary and permanent cavitation that begins well before 2000 fps. <|endoftext|> It's in the script you get from the JIDF. >Maybe if we call everyone who doesn't like Israel left wing it will convince a few grug brained people there to not hate us. <|endoftext|> no mind grug just passing through with sharpened stick that won two mammoth war <|endoftext|> grugling go foreversleep from bad grug not spear. Out of cave soigrug <|endoftext|> Grug agrees. Grug just like bigger spear better. Grug also keep short club for in cave <|endoftext|> Grug think hairy beast bone better, lighter and strong. Groogmer tribe think bone explode in grug hand, but grug says groogmer tribe shit <|endoftext|> >be grug >live is Rockafornia >club with spike not alowed in hut what ancient tribe chief want grug to do? <|endoftext|> Grug think there no be limit on spear size, close combat is better for Grug to have club <|endoftext|> Grug think if get spear should be more than 9 millipede big. Spear should be at least 1 centipede <|endoftext|> Grug try equip big war party with spear. Grug find impossible, club make good logi-logi. Last moon we take bad tribe... they have 8 spear 10 club. We have 40 club, bad tribe too slow, get groinked. Grug stabbed in raid, spear not defeat mammoth pelt, no pelt stop club when Grug swing... club have stop power. <|endoftext|> "hurrr grug caveman meme again" Cringe and blue pilled. <|endoftext|> Grug spear is dumb Smalldick tribe spear much more impressive <|endoftext|> Neolithi/k/ General: Spear Edition Grug think spear better than club. Prove Grug wrong <|endoftext|> Grug like Grog big think, Grug think more like Grog now. <|endoftext|> So you're a grug brained consumer with no ideals. Imagine my lack of surprise <|endoftext|> Grug think tiny thing no match for metal club. Club have greater reach and hurt much more than tiny thing, see many in cave kill with club than tiny things, only big pointed things. Club cause more damage than tiny thing. <|endoftext|> Proud Boy that got into an argument with Solid Snake and Grug. Jesus, what a weird bastard. <|endoftext|> >consciously >consciously >TL:DR at the end of the post apologises for this grug tier writing <|endoftext|> So long as you’re not grug, yes <|endoftext|> Get 12rock and use boom boom stick on her, make her learn that market meat poisoned and longnose want come take grug's berries and cave 30 rock 6 also make longnose go away <|endoftext|> Club bad! Grug Ug Right <|endoftext|> But grug, rock was assault club at time and it was time before smoke signal, so easy to rock grugs and no one know. Founding grugs know this, founding grugs not stupid. <|endoftext|> >grug no care anymore grug feel too <|endoftext|> In dark cave; feel same. Hard to find she-grug who not empty head narcissist. This grug tired. <|endoftext|> But grug, he-shegrug is for grug berrypickers. <|endoftext|> Has grug ever considered finding shegrug (grug)? shegrugs constant dissapointment. <|endoftext|> Grug problem is not making she-grug feel safe around club, has probably seen unga bunga use club to get she-grug friend. Teach she-grug to kill unga bungas with club, she feel better then <|endoftext|> >in cave >browsing Firestarter on tablet >6/10 she-grug want to meet, whatever, grug no care anymore >meet she-grug, grug hate when she talk, all meaningless >bring her back to cave >get to mammoth pelt sleeping area, rip off loin cloth >suddenly she-grug go quiet, stare at corner of cave >oh no, grug forgot put away club after cleaning >she-grug suddenly say not feeling well, has busy day next sun time, need to go back to her home cave Grug love club but grug also very lonely. Want she-grug and one day many moons from now little grugs in cave, but grug think all she-grugs hate club. What grug do? Grug never get rid of club for she-grug, grug rather die. <|endoftext|> >lmb >grug pick up stick with string >grug hit other grug with stick It's rmb you imbecile. Enjoy creepers blowing your cuck dirt house. <|endoftext|> heh, grug no need fancy pointy stick kill mammoth. Grug win one one tribe fight use only rock. Rock never break and grug have better aim <|endoftext|> Thank you grug <|endoftext|> And through unsustainable ways of life depleted all of the resources in the surrounding areas like an algal bloom and had to abandon said settlements. The best studied of large native settlements, Cahokia, failed due to deforestation of the surrounding lands. This caused massive erosion issues to arise, denied them of wood for fuel and building purposes, and erased the habitat of game animals needed to supplement their diets. It always kills me when natives are held up as paragons of living in harmony with nature. The only thing that kept them from even less responsible land usage than that of the white man was the lack of technology with which to do so. That said, Indian tack and rowhide art is pretty neato. It’s like if you gave neolithic grug a gun and access to shiny bits <|endoftext|> Grug and Grugette <|endoftext|> no, at least i dont think so. When the dziadki from one unit went to civilian again, they most of the time ordered somebody from the unit to tailor custom designed wraps, mostly filled with naked ladies, guns, and all the like that grug find good, it was a tradition <|endoftext|> Grug? is that you? <|endoftext|> >grug going the m320 today >why you havent army yet <|endoftext|> grug approve of war club <|endoftext|> You must be seriously grug-brained to not understand this <|endoftext|> >be grug > see small boom stick >put knife at end of boom stick > just made short spear >Grug like Grug face when <|endoftext|> Grug approces. <|endoftext|> grug mad cause ATFman kill grug friend. grug kill baby grug. now grug feel happy. <|endoftext|> >weaponry is only for macho men like me, everyone else must cower and beg for our protection go back to your cave, grug <|endoftext|> > Gun in pocket > Shot in head Hmmm...makes grug think... <|endoftext|> >it hurt grug brain when person carve naughty words on newsrock Take your meds Gramps. <|endoftext|> ok grug <|endoftext|> old man grug no hunt anymore make old man grug sad. old man grug kruk son grow tall, look like old man grug back when old man grug hunt. kruk not know many things about hunting, old man grug share wisdom. kruk bring back grugina, say he make snusnu with grugina. old man grug watch over grugina and child, make sure they dont get eaten by wolf or killed by other grug, also with share wisdoms on how old man grug raised kruk. old man grug, even in old age, still stronger than grugina, needed to do things around house while kruk hunt. when no more stuff to do, old man grug share story with kruk and grugina, make them laugh around fire before bed. There's alot of stuff old people do that would make them at-least worth having in pre-historic times. <|endoftext|> >grug see bullet go fast and kill >grug put bullet in head >grug go fast and kill now <|endoftext|> holy shit just imagine the possibilities. >me grug >carry meat back to cave tribe >hear cheetah >O O G A B O O G A >it upgraded rolly cheetah >outrun me at 80 mph >ded <|endoftext|> Grug dumb use fist, have swing too far, use head like real man. <|endoftext|> Ugh agh rock no good grug only need fist like real grug rock bad rock no work good fist always here fist strong fist good <|endoftext|> Some She-Grug ok, but Rockgame Mother-grugs is terrible. This happen to grug: >be grug >am tribe hunter >come sit by fire with warclub >ugly rockgame mother-grug walk by with berry basket and two youngling grugs too old to still be pick berries >gruginforitnow.cavepainting >"UGH! ARGH! UNGA BUNGA!!!! Is that... WARCLUB?!?!" she-grug cries. >i say yes it warclub, grug is hunter >she-grug say "grug not have warclub, only tribe defender have warclub, hunter grugs not need warclub only sharp rock." >grug explain "tribe chief say all grug can have warclub in case of ape-men attack, no t just tribe defender" >Rockball Mother-Grug no listen >"ARGHHH! HELP SHE-GRUG! HUNTER GRUG TRY TO KILL YOUNGLINGS! UNGA BUNGA!" >Tribe Defender rush toward grug >What happen? You attacking younglings grug? Where is dead youngling?" >Rockgame Mother-grug speak >"This grug have WARCLUB but he not tribe defender grug, him danger to tribe! Give to Chief for slave!" >I tell Tribe Defender I hunter grug and chief say all grug can carry warclub when he went on mammoth hunt last week >Defender-grug say he remember. He went on same hunt last week, and he think good idea, in case of ape-man attack, all grug should have warclub >Rockgame Mother-Grug start insult defender, say he have Ape-Man brain. Say Chief also have Ape-Man brain. Say warclub is wrong and all club should be given to long-nose only >Defender-grug grab screeching Rockgame Mother by hair >drag her to chief cave >Warrior grugs beat Rockgame Mother >Chief give Rockgame Mother to Shaman. >Shaman sacrifice her to Storm God >grug face when <|endoftext|> Grug no need rope stick. Rope stick send many gruglings forever sleep. Grug only need rock. <|endoftext|> grug think rock better me run faster with throw rock <|endoftext|> Grug cannot rock self, berry picker tribe will use forever sleep as anti club statistic <|endoftext|> >be grug >have club from grandgrug >grug take club to tribes clubbing area >grug like club, club good >furless grugs laugh at old club, say assault club much better club >furless grugs cant smash things with "better" assault club Why furless grugs so bad at hitting stuff with club <|endoftext|> Grugan son of Peter >grug life hard >all grug life hard >hard make life meaningful Grug like cleaning cave now, feel strong. Grug now learn magic symbols from wizard grug to make many shells. Grug feel good about life even though is hard <|endoftext|> grug no use rope, eyes look, look good to grug, all that counts to grug, cant bash good but look is good <|endoftext|> why grug no just use rock rope? <|endoftext|> grug put rock on club, warclub bigger basher, make holes for faster air throw <|endoftext|> grug want to know what best club to conceal in loincloth <|endoftext|> >shegrug don't like grug >grug goes to fight with desertgrugs <|endoftext|> Grug no big brain, grug insult skyfather, grug go into bonfire <|endoftext|> grug smart he brain too big grug not believe in sky father <|endoftext|> please no bring fire stick to Grug's cave, Grug' wife just calved, Grug no touch younglings <|endoftext|> Grug need put trust in Sky Father. <|endoftext|> Recently, Grug reflect more on new tribes living with him. Grug no like to feel like stranger in caveland that his Grugfathers created. Grug confused, angry, and feel like something greater than all else on big rock been taken from he. <|endoftext|> grug gang grug gang grug gang grug gang grug gang grug gang grug mount his woman and no remember her name grug woman like chew coca leaf paste grug gang grug gang grug gang grug gang grug gang grug gang <|endoftext|> >grug wants fight sabor tooth cat with trousersnake <|endoftext|> Spirit Water, Shaman Leaf, and Fire Staff tribe here to remind Grug shortening clubs is wrong. If continue to do, we will kill friend wolfs. <|endoftext|> Why grug need warclub? only cave defender need warclub. Grug only need rock for hunting. If need more then rock then mean Grug bad hunter. <|endoftext|> ITT prehistoric /k/ >tfw fight in world rock 2 >big fight over all 3 cave tribes >during night visions see shegrugs I ungabunga-ed >tfw grug not know if ungabunga on shegrugs from other caves right <|endoftext|> Whatever grug. I can do that with my qi. <|endoftext|> You no tell true true! This grug shiny rock from many moon ago. Grug throw throwing club at shiny rock from front of cave! <|endoftext|> ACOG or nothing t. grug <|endoftext|> But Grug needs club. Grug part of Many Caves River Tribe. Club is benefit of being part of tribe, plus cave drawing sticks taste many good <|endoftext|> Grug shorten warclub under 20 thumbs long? Raid grug cave and club grug wolf and grug wife. <|endoftext|> Also nosy she-grug as bad as long mose. Some She-Grug ok, but Rockgame Mother-grugs is terrible. This happen to grug: >be grug >am tribe hunter >come sit by fire with warclub >ugly rockgame mother-grug walk by with berry basket and two youngling grugs too old to still be pick berries >gruginforitnow.cavepainting >"UGH! ARGH! UNGA BUNGA!!!! Is that... WARCLUB?!?!" she-grug cries. >i say yes it warclub, grug is hunter >she-grug say "grug not have warclub, only tribe defender have warclub, hunter grugs not need warclub only sharp rock." >grug explain "tribe chief say all grug can have warclub in case of ape-men attack, no t just tribe defender" >Rockball Mother-Grug no listen >"ARGHHH! HELP SHE-GRUG! HUNTER GRUG TRY TO KILL YOUNGLINGS! UNGA BUNGA!" >Tribe Defender rush toward grug >What happen? You attacking younglings grug? Where is dead youngling?" >Rockgame Mother-grug speak >"This grug have WARCLUB but he not tribe defender grug, him danger to tribe! Give to Chief for slave!" >I tell Tribe Defender I hunter grug and chief say all grug can carry warclub when he went on mammoth hunt last week >Defender-grug say he remember. He went on same hunt last week, and he think good idea, in case of ape-man attack, all grug should have warclub >Rockgame Mother-Grug start insult defender, say he have Ape-Man brain. Say Chief also have Ape-Man brain. Say warclub is wrong and all club should be given to long-nose only >Defender-grug grab screeching Rockgame Mother by hair >drag her to chief cave >Warrior grugs beat Rockgame Mother >Chief give Rockgame Mother to Shaman. >Shaman sacrifice her to Sky Father >grug face when <|endoftext|> Grug sad no tribe club Grug tribe. Grug spend many moon at warclub practice so Grug can give bad tribe forever nap, but bad tribe no fight like shamans said. <|endoftext|> Is this Grug cave painting? <|endoftext|> Grug shorten warclub? Grug thinking about shortening warclub. <|endoftext|> Grug no listen to longnose tribe. Grug know that some moons ago longnose tribe club many palestoneian gruglings. Longnose tribe care not of gruglings and turn dem to berry pickers <|endoftext|> Grug like Rock 19 over Stick Sauer <|endoftext|> Go away berry picker. Grug pray to sky man you take Grug club. Grug smash and make club loving Gruglings with your Grugette. <|endoftext|> Why Grug no give up club? Only cave defender need club. Grug only need rock! Why Grug no think of gruglings? <|endoftext|> >grug make joke about reddit show, that teach him lesson! lmao @ smoothbrains <|endoftext|> Great Bee worth many berries too. Much meat and honey. Grug think spear-thrower on cart better. Throw 4 big spears at once much more far. Grug not trust man who shine at night without torch! <|endoftext|> GRUG NEED STINGER TO HUNT SKY BEE. IT IRONIC, HUH? MAKE SMOKE SIGNAL AT CIA MAN. <|endoftext|> NO GRUG! BIG WHISTLE SPEAR COST MANY BERRIES! <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT TO HUNT GREAT BEE <|endoftext|> grug like pointy rock stick <|endoftext|> >It no reason to get complacent >me Grug smart man >Grug freak out and throw baskets around cave every time chicken-man says sky will fall The fact that it sounded that retarded is what should clue you in to the fact he's a troll/shill. <|endoftext|> Look, I have posted a [wojak, zoomer, grug, or an image macro] which means you have lost the argument. <|endoftext|> >Grug <|endoftext|> what will grug be getting grug's tribe members? grug go long time without tribe members grug don't feel so good <|endoftext|> Karl grug no worship volcano, Karl grug worship dirt...mmmhh <|endoftext|> Ur think grug funny in head. Sacrificing melon stealer tribe to volcano god is red medicine berried as fuck. <|endoftext|> >shitty meme grug thread gets posted >autistic 'elite /k/ommandos' that 'know /k/' sperg out gee didnt expect that one, you sure are /k/, fellow based zoomer <|endoftext|> But grug wouldn't a 10size club do the job just fine too? <|endoftext|> OLD GRUG SAY 45 SIZE CLUB BEST BUT HE FROM TIME OF MANY WEALTH AND CAVES, NOW NO WEALTH AND CAVES <|endoftext|> Grug want know best size club for stopping power <|endoftext|> GRUG THINK LEFTYPOL LIVE IN HEAD WITHOUT PAYING SHINYROCK <|endoftext|> >ME THINK IAN GRUG EAT MANY OF THE BLUE ONIONS BERRY >ME THINK HE LET IT MAKE HIM TALK ABOUT TRIBAL POLITICS INSTEAD OF FORGOTTEN SPEAR,ROCK AND CLUB >ME THINK KARL GRUG SILLY FOR WORSHIP VOLCANO GOD <|endoftext|> Holy smokes! Looks like Grug thunder stick. Unga bunga. This is truly for primitive weapon season. <|endoftext|> >grug face >wojak eyes >boomer opinion >zoomer clothes <|endoftext|> Consider the fact that humans coexisted with those fuckers, along with other Pleistocene monsters. >be Grug >/out/ hunting for some sweet north American camel meat >Clovis point and atlatl is peak performance bro >one bear just TPK my whole tribe >REEE <|endoftext|> >Dark skin tribe live together wit barney. GRUG NO LIKE COMIC. <|endoftext|> >6 ways total >grug go left >grug go up >grug go down >grug go right >grug no think way go up and left > grug only go one way <|endoftext|> just hunt with spear like grug <|endoftext|> >can't survive grug It would've stood no chance against the muhreens. <|endoftext|> >however during a demonstration one blew up Worth noting that this stemmed from Aberdeen retards being unable to do as they're told, rather than any actual issue with the weapon. >Dumb weapons contractor tell Grug not to remove plastic caps from rounds >Say caps there to assist feeding and protect exploding arrowhead from shock, there for Grugs safety >Dumb weapons contractor not know that rounds look cooler without brightly colored caps >Grug know better, Grug remove caps, rounds look cool now >What was loud noise, why Grug have no arm? >Dumb contractor make faulty fire stick <|endoftext|> Big stick and rocks oldest weapon Big bangstick throw rocks hard Bangstick cheap and good Almost simple as just big stick Grug have comfy feels <|endoftext|> grug carried a club at night in bed grug still carry that club <|endoftext|> Many fast fire sounds of rock thrower make Grug scare. Grug say rock thrower bad. Think of Gruglings! <|endoftext|> >Real man use longbow. I agree, homo sapiens figured out how to make them. Shit Grug thread, pack it up. <|endoftext|> Worst Grug OP I've ever seen. <|endoftext|> Grug think berry tribe dumb stupid, 5.56 rock good best rock. <|endoftext|> It's evolutionary, best to forget Grug who died fighting and get to making children with Obungo the conqueror <|endoftext|> Grug say sharp stick cannot do job. Grug part of club master race. <|endoftext|> grug only need club <|endoftext|> OK, which one of these do I take with me when modern society inevitably drives my simple male brain over the brink and I go full caveman, retreat into the woods, abandon my family, and just bring a gun because I can't actually make it as a grug? <|endoftext|> You weak, like berry picker tribe. Grug not like your kind here. <|endoftext|> But old chief Bill Bungabunga ban pointy tip spears. If Grug get pointy tip then tribe make Grug go cage-cave and bone-nose tribe make Grug bungabunga. <|endoftext|> >spears are for dumdum head, they're weak cope for grug natural strength <|endoftext|> Grug know how Grug get dark, shiny, sharp rock for tip of spear? Send imaginary shiny rocks using Flat Earth Wide Web to other Grug who already collected shiny sharp rocks is only way Grug can think of. Grug no think that antler pushing will work to make grey, dull rock sharp. Guess if Grug can't get shiny, dark, sharp rock to use, Grug have to hit grey, dull rocks together until sharp. <|endoftext|> >Grug think this cave wall picture pretty funy >Grug think unknown other Grug should make more cave wall scratching <|endoftext|> >listen to grug story pebble throwers >grug tribe brother hunt big horn >enemy tribe try to steal tribe brother big horn >tribe brother carry many pebble >tribe brother throw pebbles at enemy tribe >pebbles hit enemy tribe all over but not hurt >Enemy tribe laugh at tribe brothers pebbles >Grug bring big rock >Grug throw big rock at enemy tribe face >enemy tribe run away >Grug only need one big rock if good hit >Big rock better than many pebble Thread theme <|endoftext|> But Grug Lee only part squinty-eye and Grug Lee powerful warrior of dog-eater tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug never think about make grass spear like this before. Good think. If Grug lose clubber-15 someday Grug make grass spear and eat water meat all day. <|endoftext|> Grug no need too many shiny rocks for clubber-15 or .22 long club. If grug who no work, and have no shiny rocks, then grass spear good idea. <|endoftext|> Grug confused <|endoftext|> Little grug that fall out of squinty-shegrug warm-wet-hole will also have tiny spear and squinty eyes. Big-eye grug and squinty-eye shegrug make cute shegrug together, but very ugly grug. Small grug will have bad time with shegrugs when bigger. <|endoftext|> It fine to start with bigger club, but should be clubber-15. Spikes for clubber-15 cheap, can find spikes everywhere. Most other grugs have clubber-15 too. Clubber-15 good for hit crazy grug who smash down cave door at night and also good for hitting poop-skin tribe, head-cutter tribe, heart-cutter tribe, and long-nose tribe if the poop falls onto the cold wind maker. Club 98 not good for poop smack wind maker. <|endoftext|> Grug think beer-maker tribe right about long-nose tribe, but wrong about long spear. Beer-maker tribe invite head-cutter tribe and poop-skin tribe to land. Grug think beer-maker tribe too generous and beer-maker shegrug confused because lied to by long-nose tribe about head-cutter tribe and poop-skin tribe. Head-cutter tribe doing bad bungabunga with sad beer-maker shegrugs, and beer-maker grugs no make head-cutter do the long sleep or leave land. Head-cutter tribe going to stab lots of grugs with spears soon because only beer-maker warriors have spears. <|endoftext|> Spearland grug think no spear island Grug come to spearland where sun go down across deep water and become part of tribe. Then Grug have big spear and rock and sling and Grug have spearland friends. <|endoftext|> grug happy now, thank. <|endoftext|> no sad grug threads never die <|endoftext|> grug is sad that this thread is dead <|endoftext|> While Grug believe that grugjak has been used too many time since its painting on cavewall several seasons ago, this part of cave have always been part of cave. <|endoftext|> holy kek, there can never be too much grug posting. <|endoftext|> >GTFO with your leddit memes Tiny-head grug say other grugs belong to sky-arrow red it tribe. That how grug know tiny-head grug is part of limp-wrist tribe and dress in shegrug loincloth. <|endoftext|> >Grug 98 Not good first club. Start with thin club, get good at swing, then get bigger club after. <|endoftext|> Get grugsurplus Grug 98 good club but so is water coat chicken piece <|endoftext|> grug make natural selection great again. <|endoftext|> Grug think small grugs use iron spears in cave school mass spearings because cheiftans put hex on water. Turn all frogs to gay. <|endoftext|> Grug hear beer-maker tribe invite bone-nose tribe to bungabunga with gold hair shegrug then gold hair grug watch. <|endoftext|> Grug so sick of tribe. Many small grug going to pay for leaving grug out of tribe games and hunts. Grug take bow and club to learning cave, make all small grug do long sleep. That teach tribe lesson. Tribe elders will pay attention to grug like me after this. <|endoftext|> Grug lose ghost sling in fish-net accident. <|endoftext|> Grug think you from glowie tribe. Grug remember Ruby Cave. <|endoftext|> Why grug register ghost sling? No take sling if chief donno grug make <|endoftext|> grug make you do long sleep if fudd grug dont close face hole. <|endoftext|> grug want spear, or even rock. but grug live on no spear island. grug want to commit self long sleep because will never have spear, or even rock. <|endoftext|> makes grug want to make the chieftan do long sleep, grug say rise up. <|endoftext|> >cheiftan take away spears >Chieftan say no more use spear >Only rock >Grug make ghost-sling to make rock better >Now chieftan want to take away ghost-sling From Grugs cold sleepy hands. <|endoftext|> grugtifa against iron spear, but has iron spear? makes grug think, maybe grugtifa just want take away grugs spear so he cant defend his cave. <|endoftext|> me think grug should get long spear, to throw from long way away <|endoftext|> But if no iron spear how O'Grug remove beady-eye tribe from cave? Beady-eye tribe make many O'Grugs go long sleep, O'Grug day will come. <|endoftext|> Chief Orangegrug tell Grug we take rock and build wall, keep heart-eater tribe out, say they give funny-berries to little grugs and take Grug's mammoth. Grug not sure, Grug think heart-eater shegrugs have big ham, make Grug spear go hard. <|endoftext|> If you dont agree with longnose tribe you must be grugs that put longnose tribe in stink cave to do long sleep. Grugtifa will use own iron spear to make fascist grug do long sleep instead. <|endoftext|> noclubs grug here what club should grug get? <|endoftext|> Grug think you just want to stab grug with iron spear without grug stabbing too <|endoftext|> Longnose tribe just try to keep small grug safe. Ordinary grug no need something like iron spear. Can not use for hunt, rock for hunt. Iron spear only mean for making small grug do long sleep. Tribe need reasonable rock and spear ownership now. Too many small grug do the long sleep. <|endoftext|> Grog think that bad idea, next grug to walk will have small spear too. <|endoftext|> Grug move to sunshine land and get gf from squinty-eye tribe. Sunshine land cavepaints say squinty-eye shegrugs more cute than our shegrugs and actually do what Grugs say. Squinty-grugs only have small spear, so no problem for Grug. <|endoftext|> >be me >innapaleolithic era >see shegrug >wanna bungabunga >forget club on grug >"shegrug want bungabunga grug?" >"no bungabunga grug have club, club kill" Why shegrug hate club? <|endoftext|> >be grug >walking through forest >see longnose tribe >they dont see me >they take baby longnose and eat baby twig >blood everywhere >baby longnose screaming >longnose women grind up baby twig leather and rub it on skin >longnose men eat the fire rises <|endoftext|> maybe one of those guns that fire out a net will work like when your tyring to catch something but not hurt it otherwise maybe /sci/ or grug can come up with a tranquilizer dart? put him under move him back to /x/ <|endoftext|> Not intentional, just poorly written. Let's simplify it for grug here. >you make an MP5 receiver with a MAC-10 receiver shaped hole <|endoftext|> Next best is going full grug on someone with the rocket launcher. <|endoftext|> Practical performance in almost all scenarios says that just about every caliber performs the same in self defense and at the end of the day it boils down to personal preference >shooting big pieces of lead is obsolete If grug can kill you with a rock you bet your ass he can kill you with a 1911 <|endoftext|> >Less effective and cost more I'm just saying you can get an AR for 500ish clams or whatever shiny grug currency. It's a better weapon. <|endoftext|> >INTP-T >I actually enjoy reloading and hunting with my handloads more than just general GRUG MAKE BIG BOOM shooting. <|endoftext|> Fat cave people feels bad Euro grug no have extra club. If Grug had extra clubs he could make muslim grugs stop coming to Grugs cave, raping all grugs' best baby grugs. <|endoftext|> >Oi grug do you have loisonce for that cave Imagine being Eurogrug <|endoftext|> >FatGrug from americave thinks you need multiple clubs Grug shyddt <|endoftext|> >doesnt have a small game hunting club >doesnt have a sporting club >doesnt have a smashin club Get with time grug <|endoftext|> Why grug not use big club with both arms <|endoftext|> >grug need only one club >grug has two hands Stupid grug more club is more clubbing <|endoftext|> Gruggette think no grug need club <|endoftext|> This wasn't even a good enough Grug OP to get the thread going for 10 posts. You sound like a shareblue shill that thinks this is the newest meme that you can shitpost with for points. <|endoftext|> Grug wonder why fat cave people need more than one club Why put extra Flint in club as well <|endoftext|> We don't know what we don't know. The reason there are so many theories in science is because they haven't been disproven YET. Grug's club abides by the same laws as Ivan's AK and Chad's F-16. Does Grug have even the slightest understanding about gunpowder, or metallurgy, or fluid dynamics, or computers? That guided bomb doesn't stop working just because Grug can't wrap his head around it's target tracking software. <|endoftext|> Because aliens that exist in our universe abide by the same laws that we abide by which can not be broken. Same way Grug's stone club will still kill a modern soldier because kinetic energy transfer is a non-negotiable aspect of physics. >If you go off of Shoddycast's calculations for fallout weapons All he did was accept the axiom that the plasma gun can sling plasma carrying that amount of thermal energy to do what it does then run some high school physics to calculate how much it is. He didn't do any calculating about the feasibility of it. >they would be best suited for taking down power armor since it would have the combined hear energy of a sun. If you have that much energy, why not apply it to a kinetic projectile that is inherently more efficient at transferring that energy into the target? If you accept that you can just generate and fire that much energy, then any weapon will do, like a laser. <|endoftext|> I think people just aspire to be them due to few notable ones in history adding to that appeal. Guess there is something to be said for reliably hitting a target from really far away. It makes one live long enough to hit more targets. And yes, there's most certainly a degree of skill to that. My main issue is this idea it's "underhanded." How far exactly are we going to go with that thought process? I mean, you can go back to monkeyman days, and Ugg whining HoHah use long stick no is fair use rock like brave cave grug. It's meaningless. There ain't no "fair." Best "fair" you get, is two groups of people too scared of resorting to a tactic because it might be used on them or force them to retaliate in ways that make them not look so noble. But damn sure isn't because of some sense of fairness. No one ever ambushed or shot a cone of metal at someone outside sword range or dropped a bomb from really high up with some sense of "fairness." They did it to win. That's really all that matters. It's childish to think otherwise. <|endoftext|> Touché. I read grug better than Tolkein, which is what I later realized you were doing. <|endoftext|> because they're going to start taking tax money out of my pocket to pay for cletus posters health care one of these days, might as well save him from getting a new hip before he needs it by suggesting something better than shiny metal plate grug impressed make war thinking. <|endoftext|> >costs $300 >could buy an AR15 minus lower (or with depending on sales) with that cash >makes grug think <|endoftext|> grug need get with time get spear get gud with pointy stick can no wrong do <|endoftext|> I wish I had a grug wojak to post but I don't save shitty memes like those. <|endoftext|> moon symbols taboo, speak Grug. dot crossy-lines broken snake look same as dot crossy curly tail. <|endoftext|> grug want club for stop rock theft <|endoftext|> granite club too breakey. Nug say best club made from old curvy spirit tree, but Clan of Forest Defense say no grug can cut down spirit trees. trade with blonde tribe and just get Grock named Grock for 10 skins. Wait for Chieftain Trog make clubs great again. <|endoftext|> grug want know what /k/ tribe say is best club <|endoftext|> Shut up Grug <|endoftext|> grug like <|endoftext|> Top tier grug smash sword for the layman bladewielder t b h <|endoftext|> yes grug <|endoftext|> grug post gun click post POST <|endoftext|> > UGG THINK /POL/ BAD > HAHA UGG "MELANIN ENRICHED" > HAHA GRUG "BASKETBALL AMERICANS." <|endoftext|> take your hammer and go back to your cave Grug <|endoftext|> hit tribe leader with club then grug new tribe leader nobody calls grug stupid for needing club anymore <|endoftext|> grug need warclub for cave tribe leader tell grug stupid for want warclub what grug do <|endoftext|> You dumb dumb. You think club can win against chief and all blue grugs? Maybe grog needs more berry so he smart like me and no need club anymore, just call blue grug if bear or redgrug in cave, blue grug is for this! <|endoftext|> me Grug friend, Urg. 3 moons ago, see Grug lose many club in tragic floating log accident, Urg swear. <|endoftext|> Chadgar why need train so much I think you want to make little gruglings forever sleep. I am going to call blue grug on you just for safe of tribe, nogrug need so big club. <|endoftext|> Hey Grug, am Cron. Cron teach Grug how to make even better club. First, find rock about long as Grug hand. Use river rock to smash so it pointy like thorn. Then find long skinny stick that strong, and cut notch to top of stick. Put pointy rock into notch, then animal sinew rock to stick. Put pointy rock into fleshy thing, do over and over. <|endoftext|> Grug lose club when on hollow water tree. <|endoftext|> Also Grug doesn't have wolf friend. Wolf walked into cave home five moonshines ago and not left <|endoftext|> No Grug gave Crug last club and never got back <|endoftext|> Give club to me, Grug Good with Clubs, will make it better club Crug swears Also, very nice friend wolf Grug have Bad if clubbed to forever sleep <|endoftext|> >Weak puny grug use tool >Strong grug use bear hands <|endoftext|> >me grug >Sleep in cave >Hear rock fall noise >Look where noise is >See jagrok trying to get into my cave >Club jagrok head >Jagrok forever sleep I kill monkey good <|endoftext|> Exactly. I skinned random animals I killed and decorated my plate carrier and helmet with their bones and fur in Afghanistan, until my platoon sgt made me stop because higher thought I was going crazy and wouldve sent me home. Shit was fun, it felt nice to just go fucking ooga booga grug mode and say "fuck all semblance of convention or normality." You bet your fucking ass I'd be doing shit like that in a legit lawless wasteland, no SSgt to stop me now. <|endoftext|> Grug no need big club when go smash on heads of more cave mans. Club am damage heads too much. Chieftain need take grug club away from cave mans to make safe live. No cave man need club to protect from hooknose tribe and Tyrone tribe. Chieftain will keep safe grug if he need help. <|endoftext|> Grug need get basic long club, then drill hole and put nail in hole. This make club far more effective. Do not put painting on cave wall bragging though or else cheiftan will send club patrol after you. <|endoftext|> Grug consider pump club? Or do like small hand club? <|endoftext|> Grug, beware hooknose tribe. Hooknose say grug no have sharp rock in club to defend from Tyrone tribe. Hooknose say it Ray Cest. Grug loose shiney rocks because of Tyrone tribe and hooknose tribe <|endoftext|> grug let chieftan scare grug when chieftan does not see inside grug cave, grug get better club for cave defense or else grug like to see wuzgrug baby-make with shegrug <|endoftext|> grug not sure grug like sound of squareloud grug prefer club of grug homecave be from grug plain <|endoftext|> grug need advice on homeclub grug cant use warclub because chieftain big scare grug currently using bonklog w/ no lookyheres <|endoftext|> grug approved <|endoftext|> > inna woods > gunlance > colorful animals > can play as a furry > guns > grug weapons <|endoftext|> This. “The stick is the greatest battle implement ever devised.” -Grug S. Patton <|endoftext|> grug pls go <|endoftext|> Hot rock is shit. Grug can find normal rock everywhere but hot rock is hard to find, and take time to make into spear <|endoftext|> Whoa, checked grug <|endoftext|> Grug agree <|endoftext|> Based slavic hobo grug <|endoftext|> Grug no like shiny twig grug want tree twig <|endoftext|> Grug miss days of man hunting with cave brothers in leopard skins. Those good days. <|endoftext|> >grug get rock >grug take rock apart >grug try to put piece of other rock in rock >rock broken <|endoftext|> >Smart man make fancy gruntings >Grug no like fancy grutings >Grug say not related to topic at hand >This will win argument for Grug >SmugSabreToothTiger.stone <|endoftext|> GRUG NO WANT FIRE GRUG NO WANT WHEEL GRUG WANT ROCK AND BUG Please tell me, would you rather face an enemy who has a bolt action or a semi-auto rifle? WHY DO YOU THINK GERMANS DEVELOPED G43/STG44? YES I MAD <|endoftext|> Next time give the thread a grug angle - if you can stop sucking dicks long enough to do so. <|endoftext|> Grug approved. your counters have three rocks, like Grug had, until Grug found fourth. <|endoftext|> Yes, Robert, hello. I’m going to need two boxes of Federal 9mm 115gr, hold the butter, one lane for two hours, preferably with two falcon perches. And don’t worry; I brought my own beans this time. Also, I have this card from Randy. It says I’m grandfathered in and not subject to the recent no singles policy. Oh, and I think Grug is still in the crab leg mines. <|endoftext|> >Grug tribe is king of sands So Grug never actually seen big trees. <|endoftext|> Grug tribe is king of sands, tree nothing <|endoftext|> Grog seen many tree so big that even bear cannot shake. Grog think Grug must be trying to spear fish. <|endoftext|> Then Grug must be youngling <|endoftext|> Grug shake tree like mighty beast, squirrel fall like nut it eat <|endoftext|> How Grug settle with squirrel in tree? With two hands? <|endoftext|> haha, grug laugh at groonga who blows. Real men settle with own two hands <|endoftext|> grug not need stick longnose tribe say stick only making little grug go forever sleep <|endoftext|> grug have stick <|endoftext|> Frickin' a' man, the grug threads were right <|endoftext|> Chief grug come into baby grug cave, throw hot flint rock. Me no like chief grug, me think Grug McGrug right for hurt chief <|endoftext|> Tell chief Grug lost rock in Mammoth riding accident <|endoftext|> mess with best, death like rest -grug, ferrite ore bc they don't make a ferrite more <|endoftext|> Grug okay, big rock that need roll down hill no check by wolf club chieftan. Wolf club chieftain come visit cave and club wolf if grug can throw big rock <|endoftext|> grug found big, big boulder. using for home defense, didn't pay for tax stamp. how fucked am grug? <|endoftext|> Grug like Grock brand Rock. <|endoftext|> Grug still prefer club <|endoftext|> While having a makeshift club in the back of your car would be peak grug and I would applaud you for it, the fact that you'd be using it to bludgeon people for pissing you off kind of makes me advise against it. Maybe get some counselling instead of charges for a ssault with a deadly weapon. <|endoftext|> grug not understand how grug find waifu after shtf grug has cave. supplies. war club. <|endoftext|> >it ain’t grug >it ain’t grug >grug no son of chieftan <|endoftext|> >gun laws are pretty good right now They are not good, I'll spell it out in grug speak so you understand Gun law bad <|endoftext|> grug say 9 rock good enough <|endoftext|> grug no want lose pet wolf. grug lose all rock to ash man refugee steal. Rain, Fire, and Club no hurt wolf now <|endoftext|> grug have rain eyes, grug feel your pain. lost many rock and club in canoe flip last hunt. <|endoftext|> grug no have rock, rock fell in fast water <|endoftext|> How many grugling need go forever sleep before grug give up rock? <|endoftext|> Grug need Grock perfection <|endoftext|> sling good for hunt bug. grug get club. <|endoftext|> no grug need rock 15. if trouble, why grug not throw 2 warning rock into air? <|endoftext|> eat berries good for grug <|endoftext|> grug hate rock grug use sling with lots of pebbles <|endoftext|> be a real grug and use your cockbeaters berrypicker <|endoftext|> Grug use base rock bat to make cave taker go to forever sleep <|endoftext|> Good story for brotherfolk. Grug also learn lesson of tactics. <|endoftext|> Thank you for the Idea Mr.Grug Grugen Your contribution is noted (Also,Should Grugco.move into the atlatl market? <|endoftext|> I've only tested it once,grug gotta test on boar next <|endoftext|> Grug n panzee say one big hole better many small. <|endoftext|> Spearsmith Grug present..... The Assault Spear Club >Triple the body opening of regular normalgrug spear >with heft and bone smashing power of favorite club R8 me <|endoftext|> Thanks grug <|endoftext|> if grug need close quarter combat, grug ready <|endoftext|> grug make big happy noise at this <|endoftext|> grug wojak tribe not as good as other grug tribe at cavepaint <|endoftext|> grug only look to ancient groar fathers... grug no oblige to grug stick check <|endoftext|> Grug no think cavegrug need rock. Berry shaman tell grug that grug have nothing worth taking life and berry shaman know best for tribe <|endoftext|> Club no have pointy bit in it. Club good, bonks well when hunting. Pointy bit maks club bonk less, no good for bringing back meal. Not Grug better leave cave before he get bonked. <|endoftext|> grug own many club. some have more hole in them than allowed. Grug no want dogo clubbed <|endoftext|> Grug no like 16 pebble club limit, what if grug need small club? <|endoftext|> grug want different color club? I sell for few clams <|endoftext|> dumb warclub control cave scrawling make no sense! grug just get different color battleclub, same thing as warclub! <|endoftext|> Grug no fall for your tricks Last moon Daga cavepaint his clubs ATF kill his sabertooth because they think Daga have short club <|endoftext|> Grug see govergrug keep his club why he want grug give up his? make grug think... <|endoftext|> Club racist. No club for Grug. <|endoftext|> >cavepaint club pile nice try dizzy water/ peace pipe/ club man grug love pet sabertooth <|endoftext|> you people ruined grug posting with your wojaks <|endoftext|> Grug no have club! Club kill younglings! <|endoftext|> grug lose stick and club in tragic canoe expedition <|endoftext|> >warclub not meant for happy grug dumbest grug! war club make grug safe, but war club practice make grug happy. war club always put out for grug, and grug make war club happy by right touch and right swing, so grug happy. <|endoftext|> she-grug not guarantee happy grug. she-grug may keep grug warm but grug know better. grug have keep grug warm in mountains. grug know how to keep warm all by grugself or find grughound. grughound always loyal. warclub not meant for happy warclub not meant for warm. warclub meant for safe. <|endoftext|> War club no spread falsehood about Grug to Grugs friends or demean Grug War club no complain when Grug bring extra war club or two back to cave War club not bleed and be anger when moon change War club not take away Grugs children War club not eat all Grugs meat then call him lazy War club always by Grug side, always protect Grug <|endoftext|> These two combine make for happy and warm grug. <|endoftext|> Take hand end of war club, insert in rear end of grug. >war club now make you happy <|endoftext|> >heat up war club with red flower >put hot war club in sleep spot War club is now make you warm at night. No worry about happy. Happy comes from deep inside grug. Comes from self respect. No need Grugette if understand this. <|endoftext|> Trade war club for fun stick or bow and arrow and stop being a faggot grug, stop making your life revolve around war and civil unrest <|endoftext|> war club can't make you happy war club can't keep you warm at night this grug now knows <|endoftext|> what what what? grug confused. saskatcharock part of western cave alliance, right? <|endoftext|> Grug get confused Grug signed cave stone, joined land and river clubber corps Grug tell..."she"grug Grug must be lost Ask for guide back to Grug's corps Also ask for cave drawing sticks, Grug hungry. <|endoftext|> grug not know this grug thinks you need stick <|endoftext|> grug still use stick nest is grugs nest now <|endoftext|> grug and grugs beatin stick <|endoftext|> grug use stick kill goblin grugs n gruglets fuck goblin she grugs <|endoftext|> grug say ATR gay, and all grugs should have many rock slingshot not just one rock slingshot. <|endoftext|> grug buy bow made from tree that was too many moons problem with grug not bows <|endoftext|> grug buy bow bow jam grug switch back to rock <|endoftext|> No know, says Grug Grug think Anon more safe with no fire twig or clubs Think of gruglings <|endoftext|> >Men are better in spatial coordination and have a better sense of direction. They excel in math and are great at interpreting three-dimensional objects. They have a better hand-eye coordination and more precise control of large muscle movement. They have poor peripheral vision but better sight in bright light and a better sense of perspective. Grugette sit in cave all day, Grug scan plains for something tasty to bonk with club. <|endoftext|> Leg stick good. What Grug think about branch? <|endoftext|> Sir, I must respectfully disagreee with your classification of Grug as “nu-wojak”. Although it is true Grug came from roughly the same strain as the so-called “brainlet” wojaks, Grug has since undergone a metamorphosis into a meme in his own right. Whereas brainlet wojaks are most often used to mock the intelligence of rival posters, Grug is used to express come senitenments in a Paleolithic way, often to humorous ends. When arguements are restated in Grug-speak, buzzwords and topical turns-of-phrase are elimnated, revealing the true merit of an arguement. Therefore, Sir, I must ask that you retract your previous statement and issue an apology to OP. Hopefully we can let bygones be bygones, and move forward with the topic of this thread. <|endoftext|> >he's never heard of cosmetic surgery Hi Grug <|endoftext|> grug not know flail, all hitting thing is club. grub club better <|endoftext|> nice bone grug, but me make even better club <|endoftext|> Grug think stick good. <|endoftext|> I would invade every 2~5 years using different gear and kill about 10 of them with about 20 mates. The first time I would arrive in makeshift rafts with clubs i full caveman warfare. >be sentinelese >pale tribe come on floating trees >club grug to death >wtf.jpeg Then I would arrive with full Viking gear, horned helmets and battle axes. (And of course a viking boat) >be Sentinelese >see weird fish with pale tribe on top >Grug is ready, Grug know Pale tribe. >Pale tribe land with shiny sticks >be Sentinelese >Get stabbed After than I would arrive in full Revolutionary gear and a flagship. >be Sentinelese >Cloud god arrives >Pale tribe riding on god >Grug angry >Pale tribe are wearing blood coats >Pale tribe will be crush Sentinelese stronk >Pale tribe have thunderstick >wtfisthisshit.png >thunder make fire >Grug scared of fire. I'd leave a few muskets to be fair. The time after that I would come with full ww2 German gear. >be sentinelese >Pale tribe arrive with rain cloud coat and raft >Panzer loads off of the boat >this time Grug is ready, Grug have boomstick >musket does nothing to Panzer >start thinking pale tribe is magic After that i'd use modern gear but i'd go easy on them. Then I would stop for 20 years and then attack again as a caveman and continue the cycle continously. <|endoftext|> >Grug only know how smash rock, Grugette and self >Grug would kill self if not for those <|endoftext|> not need rope throw help if grug strong nuff. If gruglet maybe needed. <|endoftext|> ITT: GRUG NO LIKE BIRD MAN. GRUG LIKE ROK AND BUG. GRUG LIKE CAVE. GRUG NO WANT FIRE. GRUG NO WANT WHEEL. GRUG WANT DIRT AND BONES. <|endoftext|> >implying i like or carry 9mm >implying that's what my quote was about Grug need stop hit self with rock so much. Make grug head fuzzy. <|endoftext|> >reddit spacing and literal grug tier posting <|endoftext|> >All these grug-tier and measurment systems I have no clue how tall any of you cavemen are, but Im 172 cm and has never had an issue with any rifles or machine guns. <|endoftext|> Me lub you grug nice club grug <|endoftext|> >They're like stone age /k/. Maybe grug lives over there Now I feel like sending them crates with guns, ammo and picture books teaching how to use the guns. Imagine what kind of hell they'd rain upon earth. <|endoftext|> Because chances are they'd wipe out any squad we sent. They may be tribal Obunga's with bows, but they've had centuries to master their craft and terrain, plus they're equipped with the greatest night camo known to man. These people are aggressive, relentless, and apparently pretty skilled seeing as they've repelled numerous scouting missions. Besides, why would we want to colonize them? These guys represent everything we stand for. >Sovereignty >Ethnic purity >Aggressive defense of country and culture >Heavily armed They're like stone age /k/. Maybe grug lives over there <|endoftext|> That red hair tribe club Grug <|endoftext|> Why grug carry .45 club? Because no grug make .46 club! <|endoftext|> >gucci Grug mean Guuch <|endoftext|> magic repeat symbol grug is wrong. Rock brand Rock start perfect. AustroGrug only make perfecter over many moon of sharpen Rock. <|endoftext|> If gud nuff for SEALS grug, gud nuff for white collar desk sit and even plumber grugs <|endoftext|> Unlike stick sauer, Rock no go bang and kill gruglets when grug drop. <|endoftext|> New club may not look best but work every time grug swing it. <|endoftext|> When GRUGS stop looking into magic worldwideweb mirror and go to rock throw tournaments they will see ballerChad GRUGS have Rock Perfection and only beta grug have special snowflake Gucci rock thrower <|endoftext|> Looks like a cheap piece of shit grug <|endoftext|> Wow Grug, that club very good Much nicer than Krog's club, Krog's club nearly useless <|endoftext|> One hand club handle is only for child clubbing cave spooks, think of little grug and bin that club <|endoftext|> me think grug are incarcerated and craft bivv out of lime powder and wood fiber. me think he abuse cooking detail privileges to craft bivv for to bank rival hostage tribe member. maybe in return for status, sacred fungus or cave sex <|endoftext|> Love not club. Real grug no need club to protect she grug. not be lug, hole that club. <|endoftext|> Grug no need assault club Cocks not rocks <|endoftext|> i ment to say grug's axe. grug's grammar is shit <|endoftext|> >this is the biggest joint ive ever seen Grug must only have seen small joints. Needs get out and experience cave. <|endoftext|> >How many younglings need get club before Grug give club to elders? Grug can make more younglings with cavewife. Younglings are renewable resource, like treefruit and moose urine. <|endoftext|> this is grug axe <|endoftext|> Club send too many small grug to forever sleep. Nobody need club. Turn in club to tribe leader now. Grug no need club. Tribe leaders will protect grug. <|endoftext|> Grug seconds this. <|endoftext|> Grug paint axe <|endoftext|> I dont need club, grug thought it would be good as fly swatter <|endoftext|> Grog hear caveman from tribe across valley club many younglings. Many younglings go sleep and not wake up after clubbing. Why Grug need club? How many younglings need get club before Grug give club to elders? You not need club for defend cave. If dark skin tribe attack cave let them take cavewife and younglings and ask elders help. <|endoftext|> grug intends club to be for knocking foolish brother in noggin if brother ever start playing rocknite handle is quite comfy for grug, club intended for one hand use as seen in cave drawing here i intended club for meme, grugs real weapon of choice is axe that grug used to carve club <|endoftext|> Back to OZ ,Grug <|endoftext|> why grug not choose more ergonomic handle? <|endoftext|> Why does Grug need club? no one needs club, grug only needs fists like the elders intended <|endoftext|> this is the biggest joint ive ever seen for grug, grip is alright size but grug guess if he ever need to, grug can upgrade grug is of age to post on rockchan <|endoftext|> grug think grug club grip too small. need to upgrug to big pointy grip from Grhouge Inc <|endoftext|> grug will get string for accessories later, grug only had finish club for meme in mind <|endoftext|> not enough strings and pelts, why grug have no strings for accessories? <|endoftext|> what does k think of club grug spent full day carving from tree branch? <|endoftext|> Grug think spear for berry pickers. Grug think real caveman use rock. Berry pickers say rock too big, too heavy. Grug think berry pickers need spend more time lift rocks in rock lift cave. <|endoftext|> >get super obesessed with the intricacies of spearcrafting and arrowcrafting like a fuckin nerd autist >anonymously talking shit about casual huntsmens who let their she-grug make spear on 4slate >your tool doesnt fail you in the field and you don't get fucking eaten alive by sabre tooth tigers and shit >literally no choice but to have your genes passed on really simple, considering that autism in terms of today's people would be incomprehensibly powerful genius for chromagnon and neanderthal man <|endoftext|> It's a Julius Evola grug. <|endoftext|> 8.5/10 - Good job. Best Grug Wojak uyet. <|endoftext|> Hit grug with stikk Grug pain Hit grug with shiny stikk that go "ding" Grug pain lots Hit grug with shiny stikk that now long and small sides Grug no live Ugg like shiny stikk <|endoftext|> Grug want hunt homo >erectus Grugfacewhen <|endoftext|> I've never laughed at grug posting till now have a (you) <|endoftext|> HahahaH epic meme grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug grug <|endoftext|> Grug think club just fine for carry women off Tappytap and she fall sleep for hours <|endoftext|> Ah are you grug from sacred cow tribe? <|endoftext|> you no sound like grug you sound like long-nose tribe <|endoftext|> Grug think atlatl scary. Why any grug need such weapon? Think of the grug jrs! <|endoftext|> its best used in spam, atlatl rush was op as fuck in grug times. <|endoftext|> Officers manage, NCO’s do the leading. Which has pretty much been how it always worked since cave grug made a fire. <|endoftext|> >the dumbest spic-tier macho argument ever let me put it in terms so simple that even you can understand: >weak grug run fast and long with light gun >strong grug run fast and long with heavy gun >strong grug run even faster and longer with light gun Being strong and fit doesn't mean you don't need lightweight equipment, it means the benefit you get from that light weight equipment will just be even greater than it would normally be. <|endoftext|> >Grug thinks he can get food with rocks and tiny arms I be giving Grug's cavelady the donging when grug get squashed by mammoth <|endoftext|> Grug no need pointy stick, only tribe defenders need pointy stick Rock is sufficient for Grug <|endoftext|> >go back to ice age and kill grug the first human >no humans no 9/11 <|endoftext|> >Hmmmm... big think. Grug no like think! Grug have opinion and Grug always right! <|endoftext|> Shaman say point stick made for kill. Shaman takes away pointy stick so grug can no defend from sand ape. But grug got club, club many uses grug can have and no go to stick door cave if grug makes ape-man forever sleep! Grug life hard, grug wish he born on other side of big lake. Maybe grug buy some rope. <|endoftext|> Grug think rock stick good. <|endoftext|> Not think of last word Grug put dick in mouth. <|endoftext|> ....pointy stick man have point. Grug can have club and pointy stick. As long as pointy stick not made by grug tec or taurgrug <|endoftext|> Shaman want take grug club. Grug no want shaman to take club Grug put wheel in front of shaman cave and start large fire. grug kill many shaman No step on grug <|endoftext|> They go wrong grug cave, club grug wolf cub anyway. <|endoftext|> Grug, you have licence for cave torch me hope? <|endoftext|> Oh hi dindu grug, you come snu snu me tonight in cave with big man tusk? <|endoftext|> Grug see "hunter" grug before. It okay. It clear "Hunter" grug get feeling hurt easy and like watching she grug unga with ape men. <|endoftext|> Shut up pale grug <|endoftext|> Speak words grug know or leave cave. Grug only speak gruglish in this tribe. Grug think time build wall. <|endoftext|> I unga your she grug, little pale grug <|endoftext|> Look at this idiot putting in that much effort over some grug posting. <|endoftext|> Hungry santa grug said not to give clubs to shaman. Shaman take grug's berries if he do that. <|endoftext|> Darkskin have long time fun in grug smell hole before warrior come into cave to help.... with club. nevermind if warrior club grug in dark cave by oops <|endoftext|> Grug no want hurt anyone. But grug not let anyone take club. It keep grug family safe and give mammoth meat for gruglings. <|endoftext|> Why cant all grug just make good talk? All grug same in end. Why wont all grug just get along? <|endoftext|> grug make longnose tribe breath bad air. <|endoftext|> Grug not scared grug not berrypicker <|endoftext|> Mask grug big dumb. Grug have club. Mask grug scared of club like small grug. Grug with club hit mask grug easy. Mask grug go long sleep. <|endoftext|> This grug say thing grug no like. Time to show grug why he no say wrong think. <|endoftext|> Just admit fellow grugs, club far too dangerous for just any grug. Club kill too many small grug and does not belong in learning house. Only tribe leader grug should have club <|endoftext|> Grugtrug of peace? Amerigrug agree smelly cheese grug need club to smash sand grug. <|endoftext|> Indeed, Grug, the club does kill more than it saves in a society which predates farming and agriculture. It is necessary that it be that way or you would starve. <|endoftext|> Grug think you violate no angry grug principle. Grug smash you with club if you come in grug cave to take club. <|endoftext|> >Chadug want your women but you have none to take. Make this grug loff. Good cavepaint. <|endoftext|> Grug act dumb, jruñ think grug need stop eating beans from sóy plant <|endoftext|> Chadug say you not real grug. No like big clubs, or have big snu snu worm. Scared of object. Scared like bug. Chadug crush bug because bug is weak. Weak like you. Chadug want your women but you have none to take. <|endoftext|> Why it always longnose tribe that say grug no need club? <|endoftext|> What for Grug need club for? Is Grug will hunt mammoth with club? If darkskin tribe break into cave all Grub have do is call help. Club kill more than save. <|endoftext|> grug has pipe gun? like game, about light makes you sick. falling out Trug thinks... <|endoftext|> grug need more spikes. grug needs hollow club with lead in. grug smash harder, more blood and die. Grug also smash better heads with rock hammer. <|endoftext|> >shoot >war club Grug plz <|endoftext|> Grug think she-ape best she-grug. She-ape have rear like mammoth. Grug want invade cave. <|endoftext|> Grug heart break Grug lose cave Grug lose Grug-let Grug grab war club Grug shoot she-Grug-waif <|endoftext|> What grug talk about? Ugg like other grug bunga bunga with ugg she-grug <|endoftext|> Divorce what that be ? Grug no know but sound bad. Wich tribe you from ? <|endoftext|> >Why not she-grug(grug) she-grug (grug) can't make gruglings <|endoftext|> sound like lie to get Grug hard get shells <|endoftext|> If she grug don't want club, she maybe skin Walker. She wish to take club to take skin! <|endoftext|> >pointy thing longer than finger on club grug hope original painter grug hide wolf friend <|endoftext|> How is your she-grug like ? Is she a she-gruglet too ? <|endoftext|> >grug make gruglet son >gruglet stay in cave all day >no hunt >grug stalk gruglet one moon >gruglet go to yellow tribe cave >he look at cave painting for many bird song >he rub meat club too >me face <|endoftext|> post grug smile false shegrug go back to /b/ cave <|endoftext|> wise rock paint grug like paint end painting <|endoftext|> >she grug get mad and take cave She-grug can't live in cave that burned down grug. What is it to grug if cave that isn't his is not there any more. <|endoftext|> No see that much of her. It match body hair and eyehair (Grug hurry paint eyebrow wrong color) tho. Any grugs here see grugs or she-grug with yellow hair before ? <|endoftext|> Grug invite she-grug to cave. Have little grugling with she-grug. She-grug get mad and take cave. Grug have to stack rock for she-grug and pay longnose tribe for cave she-grug live. Grug pay till too grey to hunt mammoth. Don't do what Grug do. Have she-grug in cave and throw she-grug out. <|endoftext|> >Weak woman who hate war club useless like fire that no burn. Wise speakings for grug live by <|endoftext|> grug only 20 Grug supposed to hate life when 20. Grug go get a job at rock stacking place meet other grug to and drink silly water with, and find she-grug to play with warclub <|endoftext|> Does she-grug hair match cave fur? <|endoftext|> Me find she-grug who like club. On scale of one finger to both hands how you rate ? Me like wonder why hair yellow tho. <|endoftext|> Grug think of future gruglings strong and brave hunting bigger mammoth no listen to berrypicker. Cavepaint many words but few meaning, grug think it be witchcraft. Me no eat cave wolf and small kat because they be mine or be somegrug else and because they be usefull wolf takes care cave and hunt kat kill rat and take care grain <|endoftext|> Does Grug eat cave wolf? Does Grug eat small kat? Only yellow-Grug do but he don't count. Grug think lie from hunter true, hunter lie just to get shells. Mammoth make sky and earth stinky and bad. Grug think of future Gruglings, eat bean and drink bean milk, no listen to hunters. <|endoftext|> Mammoth and a kat not grug, enough reason for grug. Bean make grug like she-grug and make he want pick berry and raise she-grug's other tribe baby. <|endoftext|> This is sky color board Unpost that pic grug, before gods ban grug <|endoftext|> Why Grug kill mammoth? Why Grug Kill Saber Kat? Mammoth and Kat deserve to live like Grug. Grug eat bean and be strong. Grug drink bean milk and be strong. Grug live with happy Mammoth and Kat, no eat. <|endoftext|> Why not she-grug(grug) <|endoftext|> Grug need find good she-grug who like club. <|endoftext|> Why care for how big grug meat club be ? You want see if fit your loose poophole ? <|endoftext|> Maybe true but grug no like dealing with longnose tribe if don't have to. Grug big fan of Flint Morninglog from old cave painting and like wheel-club better anyway. <|endoftext|> Me think grug should nofap, grug fap much to woman-woman cavepaint and watch woman schlick much. Grug might think better than fap to grug-woman cause he no cruck no like looking meat club, but grug be turning berrypicker imagining he woman when fap. <|endoftext|> Grug want protect skull from lognose magic, but me poorgrug no metal how get tin hat ? <|endoftext|> Grug believe everything cave painting say? <|endoftext|> 50 big mammoth grug cant put belt, need hold with two hand all time not gud carry club <|endoftext|> >50 animal eliminator >not 50 Big Mammoth Grug it like Grug want cave invaded with mammoth <|endoftext|> Grug like a lot. Where grug find option in /k/? Maybe grug need swim to bangkok? <|endoftext|> Fox tribe bad, painted wolfskin and hairy neck tribe worse. Me make friend with steppe grug told me furry tribe and hairy neck tribe steal ponies, cause want to bunga bunga ponies and paint them pink. <|endoftext|> That's a no, grug thinks <|endoftext|> Woman grug no hunt, woman grug no fight. War club better, food you spend woman grug could barter for shiny copper spear. <|endoftext|> When clublet learn? 44 Boulder smasher real club for real grug. Next you tell 22 long twig good for protect cave? <|endoftext|> woman no like club, rock or cave painting like grugs do woman like other woman and grugs LIKE grug like club and cave painting find woman who like grug as much as grug like club <|endoftext|> Grug defend cave from ape man and skinwalker. But why all grugs grab clubs and sit there wait for us or run and hide when walk out cave? <|endoftext|> You old grug. 9 millipede give more club for stop more ape man. <|endoftext|> Why other Grugs not get recycled war club? Grug war club custom made! She-Grugs go wild over Grug with style and forward-thinking. Save Grug planet, you know. Grug more than willing to take old war clubs for new, advanced, eco-friendly war club. Trust Grug. Grug friend! Grug take care of old war clubs himself, no worries. Grug treat you right. <|endoftext|> >grug lose spear in big water while spear-fishing oop <|endoftext|> Grug meets she-grug that likes war club. Grug invites she-grug to cave. She-grug removes pelt and reveals to grug that she-grug has was grug has. This makes grug confuse. <|endoftext|> Crunchyrock give rock to cave painters of tribe of fat instead of give rock to cave painters of yellow tribe of land of east. This make grug upset and unsubscribe from crunchyrock <|endoftext|> not feared about it should Grug <|endoftext|> >dogfeet Grug scared, other Grug explain what happening <|endoftext|> Bug-Grug do what Bug-Grug want. When Bug-Grug die, tribe forget. Bug-Grugs go extinct someday, many winters from now. Bug-Grugs no have little-Bug-Grugs, Grug only need make sure little Grug not become Bug-Grug. Someday only Ape-men and Grugs survive. Problem solve itself. Same with Grug who lay with other Grug and Grug who chop off meat club. Fox-skin wearing tribe problem though <|endoftext|> Post Cave Painting of Grug Mom <|endoftext|> grug find gift from god in cave grug wat do how make start? <|endoftext|> Make grug sick... go take forever nap <|endoftext|> Did grug get to practice club with tribe defender? <|endoftext|> >throwing small rock very fast Grug knows why krug no get squish squish. Big rock better of small rock. Get big arm and throw very fast too, also get many squish squish when krug hard like rock not like small armed tiny rock basedgrug. <|endoftext|> Grug feet look like skin walk....grug skin Walker? <|endoftext|> Grug can get cave woman that like club. Not hard. Grug needs to stop eating coconuts <|endoftext|> Grug need help. She-grug (grug) make cave painting of self and club and make grug loin stick grow many size. How grug fix it grug no fagrock grug is like spear! <|endoftext|> grug cares about what woman-grug thinks? what is grug a man liker? War club better than woman-grug every time. <|endoftext|> grug get new huntstick what cavetribe think of grug new huntstick? <|endoftext|> you no real grug you oniongrugling. Go raise she-grugs ape-manling. <|endoftext|> grug who boom boom with yellow no-eye tribe cavepainting, no get she-grug anyway <|endoftext|> Hitting women and oppressing minorities is peak testosterone. My gf loves it when treat redskins like shit, or grab her violently and throw her to the ground during sn argument. Grug Gang Shit. Hit your she-grug and wage war on rival tribe. <|endoftext|> Why yellow no-eye tribe make cave painting with big eye? Grug think this trick by longnose tribe so Grug no want find she-Grug. <|endoftext|> By tent forcing our tent with others together say that war club handle is weapon now too, what do? grug only has 6 medium cycles time to buy handle and get other grug not allowed kind to combine and have full club <|endoftext|> Instant access to petabytes of free porn of infinitely deprived nature =/= grug rocking off to cave drawings of big tittied she-grug <|endoftext|> Grug want chag to sex grug when he wear woman’s loincloth. <|endoftext|> Grug want chad grug to sex grug when grug is in woman loincloth <|endoftext|> But grug have agp Grug meat club go hard when grug think of being she grug. <|endoftext|> But yellow no-eye tribe make cave painting where club IS she-grug, Grug already have woman-grug <|endoftext|> Ape-man leave grug cave go back to Savannah or get turned into strange berry. Dixie Tribe rise again. <|endoftext|> grug cut up war club for rocktube clicks, move to rockfornia, now think clubs should be illegal. grug resists big yellow chief who think villagers have right to clubs. grug try work for group of likeminded grugs, get more berrypickers from southlands to move here and vote for anti-club chieftan. chieftain also promise to make all grugs give meat from hunts to new berrypickers, very fair. leopardskin wave next chieftan season <|endoftext|> me ooga from tribe booga want free gibs from grug also want free cave and free care from the shaman of grugs tribe. ooga also take your womans from you if you no give ooga what want ooga riot with other boogas >muh dik <|endoftext|> not many rule of war club grug no talk about war club <|endoftext|> grug live through a very bad moon turn grug want to leave war club home and go to another cave and drink boiled berry water with another tribe until grug start to feel funny and go to sleep but not forever sleep grug is without a tribe that knows grug even when with tribe grug feel alone grug know berry water bad but it is what it is maybe woman grug sometime next moon everything better than sitting in grug cave <|endoftext|> No Grug want boom boom with she grug, grug must hit Chag with big rock till Chag sleep forever sleep Then take she grug into cave She-him grug only get forever sleep when grug hit with war club No good come grug wear woman loincloth <|endoftext|> >grug gecko kek <|endoftext|> you sound dumdum grug <|endoftext|> This cavepainting not grug. Grug accidentally leave old scrawl on new cavepainting. Grug heap big dumb rockphone scrawler. <|endoftext|> Grugwalker not fooling grug. (You) This never happen. OGrug is berrypicker. OGrug return to reddcave. <|endoftext|> Grugwalker not fooling grug. This never happen. OGrug is man-lover. OGrug return to reddcave. <|endoftext|> grug have aneurysm from grug-person grug-talk <|endoftext|> grug no scare grugwalker grugwalker only cavepainting story only youngling and berry picker scared of grugwalker ugg no worry grugwalker if ugg was grug <|endoftext|> Grugwalker big scary. Grug kill big toothed kitty and yawn. But when see dark shape twice as tall as grug with horns of deer grug run forever. Grug no go to that forest again it always smell funny, never notice before. <|endoftext|> Grug should become the woman grug and be the woman grug of a grug that like war club. <|endoftext|> >be grug >scribble good shape on common cave >no one reply grug ask for (You) <|endoftext|> Most female-grug secretly like grug to do what he wants. Grug call it "shit test". >Female-grug tell you to do something >Grug no do it >Female-grug act mad >Female-grug secretly admire grug for not being puny worm >Female-grugs no like puny worms >Female-grugs like grugs who display dominance >Female-grugs do not know what they want >Female-grugs have minds like little grugs >Female-grugs respect dominance >Don't be puny worm or female-grug will just go fuck chad-grug even though you did what female-grug want <|endoftext|> Any Gruganon see grugwalker in many trees? >be Grug >inna many trees >smell stink smell like old mammoth >grug say unga bunga >grug here grug voice say unga bunga back then hear many laugh >grugscared.cavepainting >grug through rock in bush >laughter and smell go >grug run out of many-trees Grug now take many rock in place with many trees. <|endoftext|> >female-grug get over it Where can ugg find she-grug like grug? grug lucky <|endoftext|> >grug want war club >woman-grug say she no want me to have war club >grug get war club anyway >female-grug get mad >female-grug get over it >still have female-grug and have war club <|endoftext|> Grand Grug say heavy fudd club better for knocking down grugs in one swing, but Grug think swing placement more important. <|endoftext|> grug think small eye graga from eastern tribe make better partner than own tribe graga. They royal and make many gruglings and wont leave grug! Small eye graga is tomorrow of grug tribe <|endoftext|> me grugell want big stronk grug man to protekt and make grug baby with <|endoftext|> In heart, grug just wants what best for other grug and she-grug that look like him <|endoftext|> Make grug head hurt. what other grugs think tribe will make to hunt and fight ape-men in future? <|endoftext|> grug no like long talk, grug think you long-nose <|endoftext|> >grug meet other grugs who like rock >sit around fire and make stories of rock >one grug tell of rock grug like >"rock dum use spear" one grug say >"that rock dum this rock only rock" another say >all grugs don't like first grug rock >grug rock is fine >other grugs mean on purpose >no grugs around fire actually have rock >or spear >or club >4club.cave/rock/ in a foodshell <|endoftext|> Grug retarded So many toss weapons available like rocks, sticks, atl atl, staff sling, spear List goes on for many moons <|endoftext|> if grug deserved a woman she'd respect his war club. time to go extinct. <|endoftext|> Grug? <|endoftext|> Wolfclan grug agree. Siege painting means to end, not ultimate goal. Like forest fire, remove dead tree so new tree can grow. <|endoftext|> grug no understand big word what grug need do? <|endoftext|> Is good for grug to get many shiny shell? If have many shell, when all shells have become rare shells grugs shells will buy many club and shegrug Maybe if grug have many rare shell, Shugalina give grug boom-boom and many small grug? <|endoftext|> It not assault club it prehistoric sport club grug no know words good <|endoftext|> Not that grug but that grug say truth. I been with many shegrug many fling, 3 year or more. Shegrug good at sitting back and criticize, no good at making anything or leading. Grug no listen to shegrug too much, shegrug not know, grug must always be dominate. Shegrug actually like that. It sad, grug want shegrug that is partner, but grug no find evidence of any shegrug like that. <|endoftext|> Mold She-Grug into warrior mother then. Gruganon making too many reasons for not having She-Grug and me beggining to think Gruganon want make babies with pretend She-Grug boy instead. <|endoftext|> Grug think grug everywhere start to wake up. Grug think second civilbunga on the horizon. Grug hope apemen, bean-grug, and sand-grug all thrown out of cave soon. <|endoftext|> None have warrior heart even if think they do. All are soft clay mold to other's wants or expectations little or lot. Faster grug come to accept, faster grug adapt expectations to truth. <|endoftext|> Earth Mother and Earth Father not make all She-Grug same. All She-Grug different. Me find She-Grug blessed by Fertility Goddess with heavy chest for feeding many gruglings . She-Grug think lazy Ape-Men dangerous to tribe. Find She-Grug who dislike Ape-Men and have warrior heart. <|endoftext|> Grug find woman who like war club too. Grug be happy. Have many little Grugs. <|endoftext|> This happen when she grug have power. Shegrug say grug only think with loin stick, buy shegrug only think with womb. Shegrug only care about gruglings but no care about grugs and shegrugs when they no longer grugling. Shegrug take power grugs give and use to try mold all tribes to serve gruglings. Grug long for old time when grugs have all control. Shegug stupid. <|endoftext|> grug like you grug <|endoftext|> >When Grug want woman's opinion, he better damn well give it to her. Grotten no fight in war and kill 50 tree people to hear woman tell Grug what do. This geg. I hope future gruglings never let she-grug help make tribal decisions. <|endoftext|> When Grug want woman's opinion, he better damn well give it to her. Grotten no fight in war and kill 50 tree people to hear woman tell Grug what do. <|endoftext|> Is tribe elder mao zegrug or ho chi grug? This grug try to fight ho chi grug in vietbunga but make mistake and use war club on gruglings instead. Vietbunga make head hurt. <|endoftext|> grug no joke r9cave no solve anything grug just want be happy again <|endoftext|> all tribe seen womangrug squish squish already grug only in tribe not <|endoftext|> grug 20 grug failure grug be sad always grug think about end of grugland and be happy grug feel dumdum grug want self die grug want cry but no can grug die inside grug only 20 grug know no other grug grug live in stupid third grug land <|endoftext|> ATR go away, no trick grug. <|endoftext|> grug find another ugg? <|endoftext|> grug like watch ugg squish sauish grugina <|endoftext|> ugg no like she-grug ugg like other ugg more other grug better squish squish other grug ugg friend <|endoftext|> she-grug show grug her squish squish today grug shock <|endoftext|> woman grug all whore show woman grug shiny clams <|endoftext|> you berrypicker need to eat red berry stop eating berry berrysoy start eating onionmeat lift rock and put down everyday grug clean cave shugalina be hole and no more all she-grug just hole just find one and have baby-grug big tooth tiger no eat berry dumdum <|endoftext|> big eye cave paint she-grug so goog owo grugmunist call grug ebil <|endoftext|> Where grug get shiny pointy thingy thats in the war club? <|endoftext|> bery few gruglings work hard as grug and they all take meat. u grug too grug use 50 stone, grug teach lesson. <|endoftext|> Dont bonk gruglings, bonk grug who took meat <|endoftext|> Grug no berricker grug hunt long tooth tiger and big wooly peepeehead last mooncycle. Grug got more meat but all-talk grug bash grug on head and take meat away. grug angry grug want kill all-talk grugling grug want his meat back <|endoftext|> grugling give me pain, big head all talk grugs take my meat away every mooncycle. grug angry grug want his food grug want revenge <|endoftext|> grug conceel rock but king-grug ban rok! grug angree! <|endoftext|> But grug dressed like she grug is grug lovers and you can't make small grug and small she grug with other grug <|endoftext|> grug worry for grug gecko <|endoftext|> Grug no worry. Krug can fix if Grug want more war clubs. Expect me visit soon. <|endoftext|> Some people are just a waste of carbon anon. I'm sure in medieval times there were cringeworthy faggots who brought swords to school and started stabbing popular kids because they were jealous autismos who couldn't handle the banter. Hell, I bet there were caveman speds who committed mass rockings because they were butthurt that Grug and Urrgette called them creepy weirdos. Sometimes the genetic lottery fucks up and you just get someone who's an absolute oxygen thief. <|endoftext|> grug must move out of donkey tribe cave and into elephant tribe cave instead grug think fight is over until sticc war <|endoftext|> donkey tribe like half-she grugs, what grug do? donkey tribe chief say it right, and orange chief say half-she grugs also use cave poo pile too <|endoftext|> >she-grug <|endoftext|> degenerates like grug belong on two twig together <|endoftext|> >she grug <|endoftext|> Why grug not find other grug? Dress like she-grug. Half she grugs like war clubs <|endoftext|> She-grug will like war club after grug put little grugs inside her. <|endoftext|> ultimate red berry: life without woman-grug is not life for grug <|endoftext|> grug should find women who good then introduce her to war club <|endoftext|> GRUG!!! Come wash rocks for ME Grug!! <|endoftext|> Grug explain rival Grug keep war club, need war club protect she-grug and gruglings from many other Grug. She-grug not respect Grug decision then she-grug defective for make gruglings <|endoftext|> >t.oedipus grug Your baby grug look like neander grug, GEG. <|endoftext|> Tribe see grug pretend alone in cave with warclub Tribe think grug like warclub too much <|endoftext|> Grug mom like war club. grug go kill old grug and be new grug. <|endoftext|> Grug need seek She-Grug who like war club. Tribe not need weak woman. Weak woman who hate war club useless like fire that no burn. <|endoftext|> Grug big dumb dumb. Cave painting only woman-grug grug need. <|endoftext|> Grug make woman like war club or find woman who like war club <|endoftext|> grug like war club but grug also think its time to have a woman-grug too <|endoftext|> Space grug posting when? <|endoftext|> grug no like christian ungas, is really jew ungas <|endoftext|> Don't look Grug. I, Grugogo, begin look at pictures of Grugettes with Gurg parts between their legs while I play with funclub. Grugogo soon lose interest in his tribe's Grugettes and just play with meat club all day and look at pictures that the Slant Eye Tribe draw of Grugettes with meatclubs or Half-Grugette Half-foxes. Grugogo no longer gather nuts or hunt. His meatclubs no longer work except with Slant Eyed Tribe pictures... <|endoftext|> grug and redberried <|endoftext|> >not use war club to bonk woman grug >not drag woman grug by hair >not put babby grug in woman grug Point at berrygrug and laugh. <|endoftext|> grug no should have cave near other ungas, grug have cave where no even Chief find <|endoftext|> No grug need cave defense club If one hundred big ungas with clubs invade cave, is Grug going to defend cave all by Grug's self? Better to hide and call Chief, Chief's warriors protect Grug better than Grug can protect himself <|endoftext|> Grug take you to cave and make you do snu snu. Prepare stink box <|endoftext|> Have no gruglings. Chadug try help garf. Show you how lift big stones. Go to old Christ cave. Meet good she grug. But no, garf belly is yellow. Arms skinny. You sleep forever alone. <|endoftext|> She-Grug should know her place. No let she-Grug take war club. <|endoftext|> Why no find large bodyrock and paint she Grug on it? So Grug can sleep with she Grug without the nag nag. <|endoftext|> >some war clubs were full rock slingers in great condition Good. No grug need full rock slinger. Think of gruglings. <|endoftext|> grug not care before grug lift rock up and down now grug want cave for grug and only grug like him, grugette, go to shaman teaching every 7th moon, and many, many club grug think grug happier when he not care, before he lift big rock <|endoftext|> Geg, grug cavepaint like this one Make face split open and "haha" noise come out. <|endoftext|> Grug have job in shiny rock cave. Make stuff. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Grug cough mammoth milk out nose. <|endoftext|> Unga Bunga, me no think woman grug can fight wooly mammoth or sabertooth without running away <|endoftext|> one moon ago war club cost 4 cloth today war club cost 5 cloth grug feel tricked <|endoftext|> Where Grug get shiny sharp stick he has in his regular stick? <|endoftext|> Mungo help Grug. Grug not need Grugette, war club is only thing of happiness on the big rock. Grugette only waste all of your green paper on shiny rocks, war club have use, and will never leave Grug. <|endoftext|> How do contact mines work? What's the deal with the "spikes"? Help am dumb grug <|endoftext|> Chadug help grug. Go to Orthodox christgrug cave. She grug traditional there, grugs are right eagle wing. Many like war clubs. <|endoftext|> Gruget with dong and grug who lay with gruget with dong swing on tall tree on day of vine <|endoftext|> grug see cave drawings of women but grug see that woman grugs also have what grug has grug confused but not upset <|endoftext|> light box grug not pick dong grug? <|endoftext|> grug likes war club but grug also think it's time for a woman grug too <|endoftext|> a onions is never a grug bad meem you have there <|endoftext|> Grug no kill shiny man <|endoftext|> Grug need leave. Club group no like dog in cave. <|endoftext|> Greeg been eating to many beans form soi plant again Grug help <|endoftext|> Why grug want mosin club? Why grug no buy levernug spear, do grug no gave lotta shells <|endoftext|> The truth is rather bizzare. So apparently they found this trend where upon three letter agencies data mining doctor's offices and public school records they found that people that visit /k/ are not only grug-tier but also have abnormally large dicks. So they put you on a big dick caveman watchlist. <|endoftext|> >2,018,000 BC >Bolt rock slinger It not old times, grug. Nagrock am for dums. Get full semi auto rock slinger. <|endoftext|> Grug wait for boomers to die. Grug wait out by trash can in front of cave. Boomer offspring throw away old plastic trophies, beanie babies, and a shitton of garands and mosin nagants. Also ammo, but it won't fit either rifle. Family is happy to park car in man cave hoardbox, Grug get rifle. <|endoftext|> >Grug still want Mosin Nagrock >not better Lee Enrock Sad! Grug no have good taste and has no berry in pockets <|endoftext|> Grug need look other than bolt club. Bolt club heavy and too much. Need muscle make bolt club work. Grug need club that use power of little shiny rock wind. Some of wind spirit comes back from little rock to make next rock go. Much more iron age and use heavenly wood from future. <|endoftext|> Grug no look at clubs in long time. Mosin club cost too many shells for what club is. Instead, M48 club if Grug is set on used war club. Savage club with looking-glass also good club, but Maverick 88 club best club for shell. Grug have fun and keep clubbing. <|endoftext|> What wrong with club? Club good cave defense stick, says Grug. Why tribesmen need many fire staffs? Grug no like. Grug kill wolves if tribesmen no listen. <|endoftext|> Grug need to go to shoot shoot show early in sun up time before other grugs show up. Then grug needs to head to back of shooty shoot cave to find oldgrug who not look at club prices in long time. Grug get club for few shells that way <|endoftext|> Grug want buy mosin nagant as first bolt action Where grug buy? <|endoftext|> Grug have semi-rockamatic rock thrower, but old grug say only need spear <|endoftext|> >rock >this grug no use boulder Mammoth milk not even once <|endoftext|> Roogh know stick-and-string throw a small sharp stick more long than Grug throw big pointy stick, still Roogh use small rock and thing Roogh call sling, kill many squirrel every day, much safe than kill one big tooth cat, also berry picker not like pointy stick, berry picker leave Grug alone if Grug also use sling and rock; berry picker not know sling kill squirrel. <|endoftext|> Grug tribe mix with slant eyed tribe, and now son is mix tribe psychopath with identity crisis. <|endoftext|> Grug see friend with “COME TAKE” painting on his cave wall despite he work for tribe chieftains who have taken clubs from people in the past. Grug think fur boot lickers pathetic. <|endoftext|> Krug think dangerous. Grug should not have! No tribe should. Think of young Grug. You play gods. <|endoftext|> how grug expect such tiny stick stop cat from run <|endoftext|> Grug wonder who behind this cave painting? <|endoftext|> grug get life, grug throw club in club-disposal hole. <|endoftext|> grug build bigger bow to throw big spear instead of puny twig to kill big tooth cat <|endoftext|> grug hit stick taker with club <|endoftext|> small stick do small hurt small hurt do kill big cat later time what big cat do from shoot to later time? Grug need think on this for Grug no hurt sake <|endoftext|> why grug need that many pointy stick? Only tribe-chief men need more than one stick. <|endoftext|> Grug friend sound like cuckoo shaman. Rock on stick way too small to kill big tooth cat. All Grug need is big rock. <|endoftext|> throwing pointy stick go to hard pointy stick go through spiky tooth cat and hurt grug child spike launcher with string very good no worry about hurt cavelings through cat <|endoftext|> Grug and Grug friend sound like berry pickers. Real ugg use rock. <|endoftext|> Grug friend the big gay. Throwing pointy stick have knockdown power. <|endoftext|> Grug's friend tell Grug this can kill big tooth cat even further away than throwing pointy stick. Grug think that mammoth dung. What /k/ave say? <|endoftext|> >Shiny stick bang bang Grug no need Rock thrower. Grug only need Rock stick. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kill Man 42000 BCE - 41981 BCE Fall from big head hurt .45 hand is best Rock size Grug make tribe great Chief Yellow Feather best big chief man All Red Feathers Neanderthals; FACT <|endoftext|> >the funny as fuck grug thread gets deleted >this shit is still here <|endoftext|> Grug talk like one that like watch dark-skin do mating dance with his breeder We should have anything chieftain have; rock, sharp or heavy. <|endoftext|> Rock kill more man then sharp Rock is all needed for defend Grug say rock best <|endoftext|> >gun mechanism itself is literally dumb dumb grug has rocket gun >all the magic is in the cartridge >the cartridge is almost impossible to manufacture consistently *shrug* <|endoftext|> grug thinks ur idea is cool <|endoftext|> Grug no like Bitrock <|endoftext|> >Fight time before >man person grow strong all life and good hug many women, fight with honor and rock and stick, then take other man person good hug many women after kill >fight time now >unga bunga manlet ruman sit in ballissa and phallasanx and hit grug with shiny pointy stone, no let grug have turn to hit what went wrong? <|endoftext|> Spear ruin fight forever. Before, Grug smash many virgin with club and take woman. But now virgin can hide behind tree and throw spear at Grug. <|endoftext|> so what, do I literally just email my MP "Grug no like C-71. War club not bad." or something? <|endoftext|> grug, is that you? <|endoftext|> The 30yo Boomer meme was a /fit/ meme that made fun of 30 year old guys acting old or ridiculous at the gym. The white Monster thing is because people use it as a preworkout. How Grug somehow became the voice of our generation, I still don't know. <|endoftext|> Grug need new stick. Monkey big take Grug stick. Maybe grugling whacking happen. Me need Grug stick to no have grugling whacking. Help Grug pleese <|endoftext|> go full grug and build a bow and a sling <|endoftext|> >many moon ago >grug live in bush tribe >go to rock-throwing ground on sleep day >borrow rocks for berry >Grog Rockthrower wink, let grug throw sharp rock for no berry >grug and tribe throw many rock, laugh, listen to bush music while drink berry water >now moon >grug move to cave tribe to be cave painter >go to rock-throwing cave on sleep day >but no rock, only pebble >Garg Rockhateberg give grug mean look, say sharp rock and big rock only good for kill >grug say grug just like to throw big sharp rock for fun >grug say grug think national rock association have good think about rock >Garg tell grug to drop rock bag, leave grounds >grug try to take rock bag >grug hit by many rock to sleep >soon moon >grug soon snoo snoo to death by bear >grug miss bush <|endoftext|> >one plain rock good >but rocks with slingshot bad, grug say >grug want all tribesmen know toss rocks really fast at others too very bad >listen to grug >grug kill wolves if tribesmen no listen <|endoftext|> >grug smart man of his tribe >grug no believe in big sky daddy >other tribe uglier than grug >grug no like noses >grug like rust and splinters grug real man <|endoftext|> >grug no like polymer >metal grow in ground >wood grow in tree >grug can pick up ground and trees >grug no understand polymer >polymer make grug angry <|endoftext|> >grug goes absolutely apeshit and kills ugg, sustaining mortal injuries himself Actually a well accepted theory as why most animals do not fight to the death. Not worth the risk. Read the selfish gene <|endoftext|> >grug should've used 45 rock instead of puny 9 rock >ugg would've gone out immediately from 45 rock stopping power <|endoftext|> >caveman ugg >defeat grug >grug is begging for grugs life, grug is wetting grug loincloth >ugg know grug is no threat, everyone see ugg defeat grug and respect ugg as bigger better warrior >ugg say "no, ugg kill you" >grug realizes grug is about to die and experiences the most hardcore surge of adrenaline the human body can endure >grug goes absolutely apeshit and kills ugg, sustaining mortal injuries himself >both ugg and grug die without reproducing <|endoftext|> >grug live in great rockain >grug go to find ugly mate >grug find small rock on grass >grug pick >grugette ask grug if grug has paper for rock >grug say no >grugette yells >grug now stays in hole for many moons for not having paper for rock grug tell tribe not to go to great rockain <|endoftext|> Grug make too much tall of village meets. Go back to , that where talk of village meets, not in rock and stick cave. <|endoftext|> grug have rock. Rock go down. grug no sell. grug have STRONG hand. <|endoftext|> It can be traced back to the r/the_donald immigrants sort of After their migration it was figured out that a lot of them were genuine boomers and for a time they were called out on it Later you had the underage kids that shared the same dumb ass ideas get lumped together with them and also referred to as boomers This greatly upset the children who started to lash out and call everyone else a boomer without know what the word really meant Then, kids being kids and having the desire to turn everything into a meme, edited a grug wojak and started spamming the shit out of it <|endoftext|> grug no want hear about Schmeisser grug want talk bolts <|endoftext|> Rock is /k/ Me find angular monument mak of rock, club, spear and more pain mak ting. Me sakrivise no rock grug and grunt adore spirit take angular monument, praise life take angular monument <|endoftext|> >grug no store more rock in poo-come-out hole >me face when <|endoftext|> >Grug not need so many rock >Can kill mammoth fine with small rock bag Big rock bag make easy to big sleep our younglings. Grug want youngling to big sleep? >Or maybe grug just shame of his pink thing <|endoftext|> >grug want big rock bag >Rockifornia tribesmen ban large rock bag Grug feel when <|endoftext|> grug prefer magic stone, grug think club only needed for hunt <|endoftext|> >I’m lefty >Grug is unevolved <|endoftext|> >be grug >hunt for mammoth >meet a chooga-dooga >can tell chooga-dooga hug trees and eat cave mushrooms >chooga-dooga say mammoth endangered >tell grug it wrong to hunt mammoth >grug face when <|endoftext|> >10000 years ago >Grug have walls to protect his stuff, pictograph familiar: why not use one as side of a room for bunga bunga with Mrs Grug >Grug need more dry space for Gruglets, make another wall into room >Soon Grug have ring of rooms around nothing-why not put stuff in nothing? Voila, courtyards! <|endoftext|> >implying grug don't have stash of rocks saved for when berrypickers rise up ishigoo booga >t. no meme names for your worst308 <|endoftext|> I cave-grug'd a very large Possum to death with a brick, detroit style back when i was a kid, asshole attacked my pet chicken. >mfw killing the giant rat bastard <|endoftext|> just when i thought the grug memes were forgotten <|endoftext|> Grug no need club! No Grug need club defend cave! Grug find chieftains and ask chieftains help! How many Gruglings need smash before Grug give up club? Grog think Grug only want club because Grug have small oog! <|endoftext|> Grug have right to carry big club. Founders of americave wanted us to defend freedom, even if it ment killing each other. <|endoftext|> boomer posting is the retarded flavor of the season, which descends from grug posting which descends from brainlet posting which descends from tfw too inteligent which descended from wojak <|endoftext|> Grug no carry stik. Grug bring rock brand rock. Grug no berry pickin treelover. <|endoftext|> b...but grug want smash gubermint <|endoftext|> at 100m or further, grug <|endoftext|> >UG OOGA GRUG BUH <|endoftext|> When loaded with the can on the end its 15.7lbs Its also longer with worse balance than your 10.4lb rifle >2018 >grug hasnt discovered a lever <|endoftext|> >grug gets the motion and weight wrong hurr <|endoftext|> No grug <|endoftext|> >almost >ran away crying Stop it grug "Wife's boyfriend built this one!" <|endoftext|> >I’ve seen some degenerates with Gucci toys before Shut up grug <|endoftext|> >I have a degree That's nice Grug. <|endoftext|> >trusting someone who cant install a RAS >IT DOESNT WORK WITH A ROUND HANDGUARD CAP, EVEN IF A2 SAID SO When I see anything you post I just think of grug meme because youre so fucking stupid. Atleast you are a genuine stupid unlike fluffy/oc/ash Then build something nice LMT too hevy <|endoftext|> How cave painting forced? Some Grug make other Grug paint or he bunga bunga? How make Grug paint? <|endoftext|> Grug no worry. <|endoftext|> Grug go ask big fish then. See if big fish need make sword swing even faster. Grug have many thing that do that and of giving them to swordgrugs. <|endoftext|> no, big fish ate grug's sword. is big fish's sword now. go bug big fish. <|endoftext|> Grug still of have sword then? No worry, me not of Fermented Fruit, Burning Plant, Club and Spear tribe that kill wolfdog. Can trust grug. <|endoftext|> grug not sure if chieftan ok with, but me not tell. you good, you friend of grug. <|endoftext|> Grug no like shiny rock man try to take club <|endoftext|> grug like to see commie-tribe try to take club. commie-tribe burn their club so no fight good. <|endoftext|> Commie Grug no like free thunk-thunk! COMMIE GRUG SMOKE SIGNAL CLUB-BURNING CHIEFTAIN AND CHIEFTAN-GRUG'S WOLFDOG HATING GRUGS! ONLY CHIEFTAIN NEED CLUB, LET ALONE SWORD <|endoftext|> grug listen to chieftain, chieftain say no let us have swords for they swing too fast and are too bad. grug not like, but some shamen of chief say that they not let us have spear or sharp rock because they not good too me not like this, grug want sword for self. how make sword though? ask for friend of grug. <|endoftext|> Groog build AR like this, grug should do same <|endoftext|> why grug need assault rock? <|endoftext|> Grug want build AR what parts should grug get? <|endoftext|> Is this what Grug looks like in real life? <|endoftext|> ME NO UNDRSAND. CHEF GRUG SAV US ALL. YU NO NEED ASALT STICK <|endoftext|> Only if you get it That's because my grug posting is shit also $20 is $20 <|endoftext|> >Less lumens is somehow better >Removing the tailcap, taking the batteries out, charging them on a separate charging dock, and reinserting them into the light is more convenient than plugging amicro usb into the light. >Let's just ignore my light's shitty range and tactical capabilities. Bunga bunga? Grug live under rock? It ok, me explain to you, mush-brain. We have better tech now. Your light is inferior to mine in every functional aspect. <|endoftext|> >grug no like trident hog tribe <|endoftext|> >Your Favorite Gun Grug like height of technology. <|endoftext|> 10/10 it shoot it look good grug like gun that shoot good gun <|endoftext|> THIS WEAPON CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU TOO GRUG! <|endoftext|> Smarter grug has developed a new weapon <|endoftext|> *Teleports behind Grug* <|endoftext|> Grug not like the way you talk <|endoftext|> grug say that today moon half moon grug see flower trees color <|endoftext|> Go away bean milk man. Grug no like. <|endoftext|> Grug no hate coal grug Coal grug learn no kill all hunt Coal grug have less little grugs Have more game for rest of tribe <|endoftext|> This poo color oog stole Grug's club. Tribe needs to chase him back to trees. <|endoftext|> Why other eagle grug be mean to grug? Me only want to get shared meat rack. Hurr Durr, Marx Grug's cave scratchings haven't really been tried yet. Me think eagle tribe lie about hammer sickle tribe failed hunts. <|endoftext|> grug and friendgrugs use new rock slingers to smash dark longnose living in deep caves (charcoal drawing related) <|endoftext|> Why eagle tribe chiefs dislike three stripe bear chiefs? Grug want more cheap pebbles and pointy sticks for 60 shells each. Also, grock brand wood rock thrower is good, no break for grug. Only break for nobrain grudds who put big rock in small hole and cry that wood breaks. Stupid grudds. <|endoftext|> Dumb grug better off with rock thrower that no need water every rock throw <|endoftext|> grug think all coal grug can have grug land with grugs coal grug no have land <|endoftext|> Ung, grug like wood rockthrower. Grug hope new rockthrower like wood. Grug think only gets gooder with rocksalt woodthrower. <|endoftext|> No talk coal grug. New tribe make stick thrower. Grug think club kill mammoth gooder. What woodsmith make goodier club? <|endoftext|> Me agree Grug! New rock thrower give Ugh splinter in leg! <|endoftext|> grug grug grgu doogoogrug grug grug <|endoftext|> Oog rock thrower lasts long time Grug wood thrower crack and break in a third of moon's time Grug tries to reason wood is better because he wants to be free radical bronze age neandrathal <|endoftext|> Grug not like new rock thrower. It throw smaller rock than Grug's rock thrower. Grug's rock thrower made 1,911 moons ago, new rock thrower made of wood, not good strong rock like Grug's. Grug say new rock thrower for babies. Grug laugh at others using it. Talk to Grug when new rock thrower wins two tribe hungabungas. <|endoftext|> Me grug me have to show female from tribe how make good shoot Uff me make tactical grip uff too hard for my spaghetti hand and not hit target NO she no look Grain fall out of loincloth <|endoftext|> grug make stick dark with red flower, is assualt stick now? <|endoftext|> lol but grug ask why it so expensive? <|endoftext|> >Durr all stalkers want to get the sexy >Me can't think any reason udderwise that man might stalk wooman >Me da true grug The dude threatened her life at her previous job. The state of commiefornia issued a restraining order. It's been a year since it's issuance and she started seeing him nearby her home. With what I said above I don't think it's too far-fetched or out of bounds for her to be afraid. Any is fine. I already told her to buy bear-mace and wasp spray to carry. I also spoke to my best friend about laying a plywood sheet of nails next to a bit of their fence that could be jumped over. But that could be seen and maneuvered around. <|endoftext|> >favorite gun brand Either Ruger, Zastava or Glock >favorite knife brand KaBar for the Becker BK2 >Favorite camo German flecktarn >favorite armored vehicle T55, Israeli upgraded Sherman, or BMP2 >favorite military history time period A toss up between WW2 and the Ukrainian conflict >poptart Chocolate fudge >favorite /k/ meme Grug wojak posting <|endoftext|> grug think ump worse than bump <|endoftext|> >>favorite gun brand old SIG, old FN, old HK >>favorite knife brand Can't pin one down, but my favorite knife is the Bund paratrooper gravity knife >>favorite camo pattern East German rain >>favorite armored vehicle BTR-70 a cute >>favorite military history time period Cold War if it wasn't obvious already >>favorite poptart flavor cinnamon >>favorite /k/ meme caveman posting before the grug wojak <|endoftext|> spetsnaz helmet >cut down trees by headbutting them >warm inside >can be used to collect water >bulletproof >can headbutt wildlife for food >can headbutt rocks to make grug's rock stick >bears will not be of attack for fear of cheki breki power what could possibly be better? <|endoftext|> Who is Sir Cum Frenc? Grug no know him <|endoftext|> Grug say tie rope on rock <|endoftext|> Cave leader trying to ban clubs and club handles. Club handles help swing faster but Grug no use for hunting. What do? <|endoftext|> Any pointy things Grug find Sungodspeed, Grug <|endoftext|> grug put club in poo poo hole, white baby goo come out of pee-stick <|endoftext|> Og very upset Og had tree outside cave, now on fire Og has no pee tree now Og now looking for Grug *Og shakes club* <|endoftext|> Grug try fire stick Many trees on fire now Tribe chief knows What grug do <|endoftext|> Og say Grug take pointy off of club, get stuck in bone too much. Grug need to pick up many rock so Grug swing club like man. <|endoftext|> Have Grug try hit powder with club, flint rock? <|endoftext|> grug make cave painting <|endoftext|> Grug put fire on spikey club Now Grug hunt and cook at same time <|endoftext|> Grug put spike in club, hurt even worse and give red juice when hit, what else do to club to improve? <|endoftext|> pretty good /10 love the sour altoids grug need speer 10/10 would shoot off an aircraft carrier after injecting my HGH most likely outcome /10 generic bond enemy /10 ur gay lol american as fuck, hell yea brother 4u merica NCR desert ranger (10/10) get real boots and a real helmet, otherwise 8/10 <|endoftext|> Hahaha why use pointy tree stick Grug snap stick like bird neck Big heavy club better Kill berry picker one smash <|endoftext|> bump for grug <|endoftext|> Grug no like rock range day at local rock range. Place owned by longnose tribesman, range get very expensive only to chuck rocks out to 20 yards. Not worth grug time <|endoftext|> grug take thule pill. grug throw rock at other grug <|endoftext|> Literally fake news. I don't know who this chen guy is or what grug you have against him but you need to stop. <|endoftext|> Take long stick, put groove in top Put pointy rock on long stick Wrap point rock stick with strong vine >Metal point stick Metal for berrypickers, grug no need metal for hunt. Metal rock cut deer in half. <|endoftext|> >can afford to bury a whole bears worth of food in the ground Where are your tribes hunting lands located? Asking for a fellow grug <|endoftext|> that why Grug put rock on stick. Bury bear brings best berries <|endoftext|> >Grug think bury forest bouncy food and growy berry food grow by cave. Won't this summon the great bear spirit right into your cave?? <|endoftext|> When molegod burrows the world trembles like naked Grug during hard water season. <|endoftext|> Grug see ancestors grow berries best where grug make other tribe go long sleep. Grug think bury forest bouncy food and growy berry food grow by cave. <|endoftext|> Grug find outside cave with man with shiny rock on stick. They magic man they put seed in ground say to grow there plant obey magic man. <|endoftext|> If Grug make new painting make painting wide like sky. When Grug go to skygod grugglings will make shinier rock. You good cavepainter. <|endoftext|> Grug make new painting with sharpstick and rockstick <|endoftext|> Bad mushroom is for elder only. Grug get the stick if he take bad mushroom again. <|endoftext|> Grug think bad. Grug take "bad" mushroom and see what elder see. <|endoftext|> Elder say big warm time starting. Grug worry elder take too much bad mushroom. <|endoftext|> Grug eat magic mushroom instead of food mushroom At least you no eat death mushroom <|endoftext|> >be grug >walking back to cave from hunting ground >it dark time already >grug look in sky >grug see many star, but also funny looking star >3 star on 3 side, 1 in middle, make triangle shape >star move in sky, but not like bird or pterodactyl, star can hold still in sky >star move directly over grug >grug see it now, it not star, it like big triangle rock in sky >star are actually big bright torch on bottom of rock thing >rock thing come closer to grug >grug confuse, keep look at rock >middle torch make brighter, grug can see all plant around him like if big sun were still up >grug suddenly no can move >grug scared >grug can no hear or see >grug suddenly feel like wake up from big sleep >grug in big cave, attach to hard flat rock, no can move >big torch above him >grug see other grug next to him >grug turn head to see >grug see funny looking tribe people >funny tribe gray skin, big head and eyes, no nose, and shiny loincloth around whole body >funny tribe man stick tiny spear into grug arm >grug feel sick, grug no can feel legs >grug fall sleep again >grug wake up on path again >big sun in sky >how long grug sleep..? >grug go back cave >grug tell other tribe people about flying rock >nobody believe grug Finger painting related. Any other grug ever see big fly rock? <|endoftext|> >Big hairy need be driven off cliff by whole tribe to kill. Grug is right. I tell whole tribe to do this. Will draw again when we know if work for us. <|endoftext|> Big Big Hairy take many sticks because big. Waste of Big Big Hairy blanket when put on head. Stay cold so Grug can take rocks. <|endoftext|> this rock fit grug hand better <|endoftext|> Me buy fancy stick from yellow man tribesman. He say fancy stick cut through all other stick. Me only pay 30 shiny stone. Did grug get good deal? <|endoftext|> This Grug know what is truth and what is not. <|endoftext|> NAP is for good grug and gronks, and if have stone or stick should know how to be good grug if no known when can use stone or stick you are bad as dark skin tribe <|endoftext|> Get own plant, make more leaves. Roll in uggettes. Grug lyfe. <|endoftext|> Grug need to start smoke huts again, to protect little grug. <|endoftext|> Gods make man, Grug make man equal. <|endoftext|> Grug wrap vine around rock, then make bed put rock in, secure vine, swing vine around in circle, let go of vine and watch rock slide off vine and go toward target. Break many bone and make easy target to rush in with rock on stick. <|endoftext|> >clay pot make unga happy >big boom makes big smiles Grug make grin aid <|endoftext|> I love grug posting <|endoftext|> Grug also remember cave was made when cave founder was under seasons <|endoftext|> Grug think cave elder has good idea, but also remember that Grug was Gruglet when he found 4cave. Gruglet never thrown out because he never admit he was under seasons moons ago. <|endoftext|> >Screaming dick mushrooms Grug sides go much up <|endoftext|> me think first grug has not been in 4cave that long <|endoftext|> >be bottom-of-the-world grug >Big, ugly bird intruding on Grug's cave >GRUGSMASH.cavepainting >Grug try to use rock to hit big bird >It bounces off >Big bird angry now >Grug no match >Get in cave, grab club >Five mammoth migrations later, big bird still outside >Grugneedtohunt.carving >Smoke signal chieftain >Sends bottom-of-the-world Grugs >Big bird too strong >They sleep permanently >"Emo" big bird staring at Grug as me carve this >me face when <|endoftext|> Grug think painting on /k/ave wall has weird name <|endoftext|> If tribe already at homecave grug has lost. Gooder head-painting, not letting other tribe near homecave. Find bad tribe homecave and throw rock at them. Grug must make bad tribe fear. If bad tribe keep making grug move homecave, bad tribe is winning. Grug must make bad tribe move. <|endoftext|> Grug think this not rock discussion. Grug think tribunaltards should go back to tribunal cave to make cave paintings about rock control. <|endoftext|> hard water ghost club is best club, if you kill a grug with it you can drink it. <|endoftext|> Good Grug no listen to hook nose tribe <|endoftext|> You only want club for grugling kill. You slave for bad nra-klan nra-klan tell grug bad things nra-klan want to eat gruglings! <|endoftext|> No clubs used for hunting mammoth club too much hurty, only use for hunt of threestripe clan, or gurglings. mammoth dont hassle us we only need soystick food. Only bad grug use clubs. Give club to chief now <|endoftext|> Assault Tiger Grug Machine <|endoftext|> >Chief chief said that rocks from three stripe tribe are bad, and can't buy them from three stripe land Fuck this, grug angry <|endoftext|> Why need club? There club-killing in learning cave two moons ago. Many gruglings died. No need club. Chief-grug will protect us. <|endoftext|> >grug try make baby with baby >no luck >grug bloodline die out <|endoftext|> Think of younglings? Makes grug snake stick stand up <|endoftext|> Grug say all grugletts die before Grug give stones to chieftains. <|endoftext|> remember, put heavy rock on pointy stick in home cave, only one moon away young grug broke eye on stick lying around <|endoftext|> Ugg use wrong rock for cave defense. Ugh use sandy rock, rock no pass many bodys, no tribe war. Grug think Ugg read more cave paintings on cave board before drawing, Grug think Ugg nostones. <|endoftext|> You no fool Grug CAVE ECHO HOOKNOSE CAVE ECHO <|endoftext|> Grug wonder who behind this cave painting <|endoftext|> Grug in cave too much. Need more travel. Olg travel many hills away, even see dark tribe. Olg want dark tribe mate with Grugette. <|endoftext|> Grug only strong on cave painting cave. 4cavers all weak men. <|endoftext|> Grug make white rain with your giver of life. She like my pointy curved stick. <|endoftext|> Grig tie tendon string to stick, make curve stick Tribe girls laugh at Grig Grig pull back string and bend stick throw sharp rock into dear on far away hill Tribe chief give Grig his first daughter Grug hate Grig <|endoftext|> Trading-cave ninja tier. Grug think you like put pointy stick in dung hole. Grug think you like doing four legged rain dance with other men. <|endoftext|> Hello fellow Grug, me Grug rock owner like you, proud member of tribe, use many rock. Me think Grugs not need pointy rock stick for hunt or defend cave. Tribe should take pointy rock stick. <|endoftext|> >not have look of ancestor stick >pointy rock confuse Grug >0/10 would not carry <|endoftext|> What other grugs think? Grug put long fire maker rock on stick. Make pointy. <|endoftext|> "Good fight group good for tribe, tribe no take away rocks of Grugs," Grug will defend 2nd Carving until death of Grug <|endoftext|> beta grug, me grug have more sharps than grug <|endoftext|> grug no need power fur <|endoftext|> Grug see many younglings gather at chieftain cave. Younglings say Grug no need bow and arrow, no need big sharp stick. Say Grug only need rock for defend cave. Grug agree! You no need bow and arrow for defend cave. You no need sharp stick for defend cave. Bow and arrow and sharp stick make many younglings spill red water and sleep forever. Grug say chieftain take them now! <|endoftext|> Ha! Village protector just sit outside cave while younglings attacked. Grug will not depend on 'fraidy saber cat village protectors. Grug will keep bow. <|endoftext|> Grug say take bow from cold dead hand sausages, we will take bow from grug hand sausage <|endoftext|> no need for pointy war rock, they only do killing on baby grug in teach cave, no more pointy war rocks <|endoftext|> Grug say try come take bow from grugs cave. <|endoftext|> Grug no need bow and arrow. Arrow make many grug children go forever sleep. Grug no need. Grug use rock instead. <|endoftext|> Grug think this dumb-dumb! Rock no beat salt rock in fight, only chieftan need salt rock! <|endoftext|> Rock? no grug stick is best , hit over head with. <|endoftext|> Ooga booga, Grug like this plan. <|endoftext|> What did they write the names of the fuckers they wanted to kill on them? >fuck grug >this rock for grugs skull <|endoftext|> Grug throw rock hard, make loud stick warrior go to forever sleep <|endoftext|> what best job for grug <|endoftext|> >GRUG <|endoftext|> Grug discover he can use both hands to throw two stones at once! ... ATF please no throw rock's at Grug's Saber tooth kitty <|endoftext|> >Grug Woo Sides.cavepaint <|endoftext|> break own stick to get two stick then wield two stick like Grug Woo. Tigers can't use stick unless they of the foxtail tribe. <|endoftext|> Lmao You might have the worst job opportunities, living conditions, and leadership of any branch, but at least Grug gets a nicer loincloth than the other war tribes. Oorah <|endoftext|> Ugga ooga Grug laugh at tiny rock. Grug rock have moah stoppan powah. <|endoftext|> Chadgrunga really like HK club that cost many shiny stone. Very nice Club Chad smash many grug and take cave woman for mate. <|endoftext|> Grug no understand of truth, see truth with eyes think back many moons, hooknose tribe people not even six but more like 5 <|endoftext|> I know your behind this post, grug. <|endoftext|> Rewriting it is necessary though. Everything that comes before "shall not be infringed" is not worded in a solid enough way to prevent interpretation wars. Since it is meant to be the law of the land, the Constitution should be rewritten entirely in Caveman Grug language that can be understood under no uncertain terms even 1000 years into the future. <|endoftext|> >luck grug You mean "It no me" <|endoftext|> Grug fast now <|endoftext|> >Be grug >Chief say small yellow grangs across big river bad >Make gruglings fight in grangs >Luck Grug starts playing <|endoftext|> ha grug compensate for small twig and berries laughing at grug having insecurity <|endoftext|> why young grug all think need a pointy new club. older used club do just as good for cave defend. not need for new fancy attack club <|endoftext|> >Grug post better than Tribal post <|endoftext|> This is /k/. There are people in the photo with nunchuks, swords, knives and machetes. If it really triggers you so much, go get a stick from your backyard and take a photo as grug. Or put the 5 minutes into taking another nice photo with a weapon. Stop fucking complaining though, it's cringey as hell. <|endoftext|> >Berrypicker firestick >Grug rock <|endoftext|> Reading hard Grug make the post in /k/ <|endoftext|> Before this 404s, I must say, nice thread. Better than most lately. Idk why faggot mods keep deleting Grug threads, but this one is a close second. <|endoftext|> 1 boom. Every grug dead <|endoftext|> >Why grug have to pay rocks to use tribe land? Grug want use land for free! >Grug smash tribe! <|endoftext|> Grug no how read Gib hat for free <|endoftext|> Grug want shiny hat. Give Grug! <|endoftext|> Cave painting fake. Longnose and berry picker grugerment want spear gone from grug!! Blue grugs let sad grug make young grugs sleep forever to take spear Remove longnose <|endoftext|> Grug had dream where bad tribes attack his hut. Grug pull out salt rock to throw at bad tribe but it crumbles in hand. Bad tribe come closer and breaks door. Grug pull out sharp sticks to throw but they bounce off of bad tribe and they laugh. Grug starts using hands but bad tribe laugh harder and hold grug against wall. Bad tribe steals daughter and rock collection. Grug mad at bad dream, happens every time. <|endoftext|> I only Grug that remember when fire water was ban? It many winter ago now. Fire water ban no stop Grugs from drinking. Grugs just make it in hut then sell it in cave-speak-easys. Why ban stick? Grugs still go to forest and make new sticks. <|endoftext|> Why berrypickers say we no need warclub? Dream: Bear attack grug Grug can just call Blue Grug! Blue Grug is sometimes berrypicker Blue Grug also slow Grug Grug no wait for Blue Grug Grug have own war club so bear does not make him forever sleep Grug is still not foreversleep Oogamate, berrypickers <|endoftext|> Grug say you berrypicker and leafeater. <|endoftext|> grug say cave painting painted by longnose tribe, grug not trust cave painting <|endoftext|> Grug need war Spears. I hear from the cave news that they responsible for yuge number dead <|endoftext|> Grug no needs throwing stick. Everygrug knows noise of club scraping on cave floor is enough to scare off redgrugs. <|endoftext|> Grug no like tablet scribble man. He write things that are mean about Grug. He share his stone tablets with other Grug tribes and berry pickers and lie about stick. He say stick a salt stick. It not salt stick it not even from unending lake. It from woods. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO NEED WAR CLUB FOR CAVE ONLY FOR MAMMOTH AND TIGER <|endoftext|> Grug think Grug have horn Grug digits! <|endoftext|> Grug think this grug sound like hideball gurgita not free cave dweller. Grug think this grug need go put more animal in cookpit. <|endoftext|> Grug mad! Grug make chieftain forever sleep! <|endoftext|> Grug make post go up on board. <|endoftext|> 2nd rock scratching clearly say >a good band-of-grugs, vital for a free cave, rights of grug to keep and use war clubs, no infringe NO INFRINGE <|endoftext|> Grug make club with sharp rock. Chieftain want to take Grug war club. Grug no want war club be gone. Chieftain make other Grug try to take war club. Grug find other Grug want own war club. Grug make other Grug war club. Chieftain mad at Grug. <|endoftext|> Do grug NEED stick? Rope just as good and not kill young! Ooga booga. <|endoftext|> grug disgust <|endoftext|> Small brain walk into cave across valley and pelt gruglets with many rocks. Now tribesman say grug should no have warrior size rock pouch <|endoftext|> grug want to take away small nose grug bow. <|endoftext|> Donkey tribe want to take Grugs bow, say me no need bow. Grug say come take. <|endoftext|> How grug hunt meatwalker without stick? Fucking berrypickers <|endoftext|> >grug still listens to the village (((chieftain))) and village (((medicine man))) >grug listen to mammoth noses instead of knapping flint at home <|endoftext|> >go rock range >borrow rock from rock borrower to try out new models >5 pelts for borrow 3 rocks, too much payment for grug >get angry >range chief takes away one rock >get angrier >Chief takes second rock >Now only have one rock after give 5 pelts >Get sad and walk to throwing line like berrypicker >Too many rock collecting LongNoses crawling around >One knocks grug leg back as grug throw rock >Rock throws too far, over 10 leg far rockstop >Range chief sees, tells range wolves to attack >Spend two moons running in fear from hungry range wolves >In end, was good though, range chief only made grug break big rocks into small rocks for 40 moons >Grug think of go to rock range again next light <|endoftext|> Grug is finally IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII I moons old, grug get one of these <|endoftext|> oral tradition say Grug deserves stick if Grug no have stick then no one can stop the chief <|endoftext|> Luk for dorgmok sea dorgmok m8,dorgmok find m8 after many sun/moon downs..was really grug in dorgmok skin.grug beat dorgmok with not smal Stik...dorgmok emotionally and physically scared <|endoftext|> Grug should turn in sticks Sticks only make for bash bash forever sleepy Think of children <|endoftext|> tribe chief said many moons ago grug allowed to have stick but now stick with stone is here and its more hurty than stick we should not have rules from many moons ago for nowday <|endoftext|> >grug want stick to smash berrry picker >Cave not permit stick longer than 15 acorns Grug feel when <|endoftext|> good work grug <|endoftext|> Grug's a big mammoth <|endoftext|> Only when you close do stick work. Me use vine many foots away and many times very fast. And vine have wide range. Rock no have that! Stick no have that! You bleed from distance while me laugh. Grug please go <|endoftext|> Mungo think Grug no need such big stick! If darkskin tribe raid Grug cave then Grug should give them cavewoman and ask elders send help! If you bonk darkskin tribe then darkskin tribe win! <|endoftext|> Grug think you break assault stick in half. Make cave painting for all tribe to see how berry picker anog is. Grug also think anog break chief ATF rule and make short assault stick. Anog should say bye to wolfo. <|endoftext|> I hear gruntfag name Grug tink /stick/ is best. Let Crunk tell you, is not. Stick for pebblefags, fuggs, and berry pickers. Brunz is best. Is what is best in life. >stronk >sharp >shinny >cave bitches love shinny >can be anything you want >spear >axe >club >loincloth Post your brunz /k/election. >inb4 tablet posting Shut face. Tablet posting is way of sunrise. No more cave posting. My time is now village elder. <|endoftext|> You all cavement dweller, live under mom cave. Real Grug use throwing stick, get many more meat walker. Throw far away, no stab by beast tusk. All you talk big game, no get food with weak stick. Game no care of fair, only either live and Grug starve, or die and Grug eat. <|endoftext|> But it too big to swing around by one Grug <|endoftext|> Grug think rocks are for berrypickers Stick last long time,rock brittle and break fast <|endoftext|> >he don't know how how this now Grug thread <|endoftext|> Grug gonna dum dum you with club <|endoftext|> hmmm Grug think mental illness real issue <|endoftext|> Me hav mammoth stikk Grug no skare me <|endoftext|> Grug hear about bronze but grug never saw it, grug starting think bronze is maymay. <|endoftext|> well obviously grug never heard about bronze did he. <|endoftext|> who live in great side of tribal land? any grug live in las rockas? <|endoftext|> WHY GRUG NEED A LONG SPEAR. NO REASON TO HUNT MAMMOTH WITH LONG SPEAR. 17 YOUNGlNG IN THE LEARNING HUNT KILLED BY CRAZY BEAN CLAN WITH LONG SPEAR AND STICK ON ROCK. <|endoftext|> >GURG IDIOT >URK SMART >ME HUNTT-REX WITH HOUNDS >SMASH T-REX HEAD IN WITH FIST >USE BONE FOR WEAPON MAYBE URK TOO SMART! MAYBE GRUG GO BREED WITH SELF! <|endoftext|> >stick and rock >power GRUG NO BRAIN IDIOT! URK SAY GET T-REX BONE! SHARPEN ONE SIDE, OTHER BLUNT! GOOD FOR YOU! GOOD FOR ATTACK! <|endoftext|> GRUG THINK STICK AND ROCK IS GOOD! GURG IS LIKE STICK AND ROCK! SPEAR IS BAD FOR GURG! gurg say everyone get stick and rock! <|endoftext|> me think these grug is samegrug. grug no know good stick. me think this grug part of rocksucking tribe. <|endoftext|> stick only for berry picker grug make club with bone <|endoftext|> UGH have no talk like anogs talk, tribe just kill grugs with no lady grug UH <|endoftext|> this make grug laugh <|endoftext|> silly grug mcvugg was pretend hidey tribesmen from 3 letter big tribe who make fire on berrypickers so 3 letter big tribes could take away all sharp pointy and bashy stick <|endoftext|> >grug headthink pine stick heavy as 10 rock with dino-cool spikes make him better at stick fight <|endoftext|> Grug say you no need spear only club You berry pickers <|endoftext|> but grug pine stick make best club <|endoftext|> Grug poorfag Drug use Cherry <|endoftext|> >think fire burn stick more faster than burn asshole grug Go away stupid cave lady <|endoftext|> rock deal grug got salesgrug said it cut spear in half <|endoftext|> WHY YOU WANT ROCK FOR STICK? IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH PICKED UP FROM MEAT MOUNTAIN? OOG THINK NEED GOODER? THEN MAYBE OOG HUNT WITH THE TRIBE! OOG HAVE MEAT WITH GRUG, TRADE STICK AND TEACH OF HUNT. OR MAYBE OOG NOT DO. MAYBE OOG NEVER HUNT ALL LIFE. OOG LOOK STICK, THINK STICK NEED DINOSHIT ON ALL SIDES. OOG PUT CHEAP ROCK OF FIRE MAKING ON TOP, OOG PUT ROPE ON BOTTOM SO OOG LOOK STUPID MANTIS. MAYBE OOG PUT STICK ON END OF STICK TO SCRATCH SHIT HOLE BECAUSE OF SHAME FOR HUNTER NO? STICK IS FINE. OOG FUCK IT, IT ONLY HEAVY AND NO KILL MAMMOTH. GO MEAT MOUNTAIN, HUNT MANY MAMMOTH WITH STICK. THEN YOU NO NEED DINO SHIT ON SIDE OF STICK. <|endoftext|> no need for club Grug. Grug no protect his tribe from sabretooth because that means Grug no like different things, so Grug is in the bad side of cavemen drawings <|endoftext|> grug need small stick only to get to bigger stick using small stick reliable, but never first stick used <|endoftext|> me talk about this grug <|endoftext|> Grug think oak stick make better club than pine stick. <|endoftext|> Now, the Chinese literally have two groundbreaking advanced infantry weapons that completely changes the rules of infantry combat. Why is the US so behind? All they are talking about is how to replace the M4 or what caliber should do this and that, which is akin with Grug pondering over whether to replace his bone-hammer with a hammer made out of stone. All the while, Wang already uses steel swords and shoots Grug with repeating crossbows. <|endoftext|> >urrrr... Grug no like women have rock >only man strong enough use rock >woman need stay in cave <|endoftext|> Grug not have gun because grug can only shoot left handed guns <|endoftext|> >muzzle loaders Grug, real man only need rock <|endoftext|> Humility is also a self preservation technique. Nobody likes a faggot. If grug talks himself up to big he might catch a spear in his sleep. <|endoftext|> I'd like to use this bait to mention there are several African and Inuit tribal societies to which 4chan-tier deprecation and self deprecation is literally integral to society. Its used as a means of policing ego and tempering social power structures, presumably the same reasons it's used here. >Grug comes back from hunt with fuckhuge gazelle >Everyone calls him a faggot and says his gazelle is shit >Hunters regularly present their kills as substandard and shameful >May or may not place spear next to feet for public viewing >Everyone eats and nobody is special Seems familiar. <|endoftext|> Grug stay safe in cave with rock. Grug right to be careful! <|endoftext|> sandskin tribe take grug's tribe women. Grug not let sandskin have women. Sanskin try make war with tribe. Sandskin try act peaceful, then kill tribesmen in night. Berrypickers say we must let them in. Grug not trust sandskins. Keep rock next to sleeping sack. <|endoftext|> >Bullspear Those are just a cave painting many others also paint. Grug's hands not throw good, lever-stick unsteady and awkward like squirming fish. Thrusting spear is pinnacle of rock technology. >homosapiens think grasslands good hunting >try to solve problem of running prey with a bendy spear thrown from behind hand >Small ones stay small for long time >Small skull mush >Can't even retain heat on icy tundra >mfw homosapiens think they're a threat <|endoftext|> >if true then why big warrior tribe of bald eagle not use grock? >why grock fail test of many stone >why big chief make deal with sour stone to provide stone for special warrior throw? >huh? tell grug that <|endoftext|> At least grug no own grock >grock is worst rock at least not have unusual like for muddy-not-sticks either, cost two berries each time! Also tribe of funny water leafs and rocks not want to shoot you wolf today. <|endoftext|> This is op grug Rock47 rock no "dissapear from universe" >can technically shoot rock47 rock to 500 meters >not under stress >not with wind >not consistantly >not practical >not tribewar effective >friend oog try it with many many tribesman >only tribewar effective to 300 arm length still unless u insane big high war cheif or have perfect conditions to throw rock Grug want to beleive stone throw longer , but in practice it not reality There is difference between tribewar effective and technical "possible to hit consistantly distance" grug sorry but this is his experience If u throw rock that distance all day maybe u better than grug <|endoftext|> Gar friend Grug say he want trade 5 cat pelt for rock from laughing dark skin tribe. What Gar tell Grug make him get rock from no-laugh blue-eye tribe? <|endoftext|> >be me live in single room cave >berry picker fag, little animal hides >save hides, buy grock brand grock >sleep with grock >here noise >Grug from enemy tribe break in cave, try to steal hand painting on wall >beat grug with grock >it crumble and grocknades >grug dead, hand have grock shard in it >mfw should have bought flint & rocksson instead <|endoftext|> Bendy rock material new fad >Not trusting Grug Moses Ungning superior 19rockleven <|endoftext|> Me see Dianne Feinstone still lying on cavepainting forum. Grug not need cat-pelt on floor but have anyway, never hurt younglings. <|endoftext|> Grug, that you? Do what Grug want, no caveman care unless him scared by different thing. Grug not affect rest of tribe even if degenerate, as long as Grug remember to make more youngling with real cavewoman too. <|endoftext|> > be urg go water hole > take sharp rock in case see tiger, mammoth, or grug > grug and grug clan drink at water hole > grug have new thing > rock on stick plus other stick > urg no fight grug, urg start to run but hear roar of predator > is tyranosaur > urg get on floor Everyone eaten by dinosaur <|endoftext|> grug off dumb child killer grock not stone or pebble grock is assault boulder no real caveman need own <|endoftext|> >sharp sticks Sound like berry picker tribe. Grug use rock like real man. <|endoftext|> >FWOOSH YOUR DEAD Whats that grug did you hear something? Thats right you didn't hear anything. Thats the sounds of frog skin dipped suppressed mini spears. I sell for 6 pelts a spear. <|endoftext|> but fathers father told me of lizard birds ! around fire when boy! upset now! fire stories gone! Grug sad now wanted to hunt big lizards like father's father's father's did dream gone like last moons frozen water <|endoftext|> What /k/avemen think of smoking village vision pipe and throwing rock? grug need answer for reasons. Me no wolf slayer <|endoftext|> If Belgium would've just built their portion of the Maginot line the war would've stalled out and Germany would've sued for peace in '41. That PALES in comparison to the disgusting, revolting, conniving cunts the Dutch are. >WWI >oh wow, Germany is steamrolling all these neutral countries >look at Britain! They're over there fighting the good fight to defend poor little Belgium, grug into the war because Germany is too much of a pussy to directly invade France >I don't want to fight this war, war is hard >there's a lot of dead people around me.. things are going poorly for the Allies.. they sure could use my men, supplies and money >nope >oh look! America, coming in to help the faltering, yet valliant soldiers of the Allies >wow! With fresh American supplies and troops, it looks like the Allies are steaming towards Berlin! Way to go Allies! Fighters of liberty! >Germany is getting rekt, they don't have many soldiers, beans, bullets, or bandages left >I know! I'll supply their armies! >Nederland you are of genius! >what? The allies are blockading me? >WAR CRIMES! W-A-R C-R-I-M-E-S! >I am so neutral! You cannot do this to me! >Allies won? Yay go freedom and Allies! I knew you could do it! >WWII >Germany building weapons? >looks like another war >good thing I'm so neutral >Germany is invading?! >ALLIES! LOYAL FRIENDS OF OLD, PLEASE SEND YOUR SON'S TO DIE FOR MY LAND! >We have lost glorious Nederland, can we crash on your couch, UK? >hey UK, USA, we need weapons and men to fight disgusting Indon-NIPS, gross nips in the Pacific >thanks for weapons and men, Allies! >*these disgusting Indonesian rebels don't stand a chance.. time for genocide!* >oh Allies won again? GOOD JOB ALLIES! Thanks for my country back, also, I hear there are lots and lots of Nip holdouts on Java and Jakarta, can send men and weapons? >no? Why? Disgusting Allies, you never help with geno-- I mean Dutch freedoms! <|endoftext|> >needing two stick to hunt >needing stick with rock to hunt Can't hunt animal like this berry pickers. Is to powerful for game. Only need pointy stick. No need for assault stick and stone. Next thing Grug know you tell Grug he need to pay 200 seashell to bereau of fire water, smoke leaf, and pointy stick for short stick. Why need short stick? Me no mini Grug killer. <|endoftext|> Me get those from squatting grug near the bearcave, me want eat half-spoiled berries. Was <|endoftext|> grug hit you from 20 man-length away with atl atl in neck and we see who ooking then <|endoftext|> Grug family full berry pickers no listen to grug <|endoftext|> >sword >make kill from far-way grug laugh at you dumbspeaking <|endoftext|> I discover this, /k/avemen. Make atl atl look like mammoth dung. put on entire neighbor tribe hut. I do not like neighbor, tuntun. we shared valley. now entire valley belong to grug. <|endoftext|> >>Grug look like he have many flint shards in him butt This part got me the most. <|endoftext|> old cave wall used to be not bad now after great sandy rocking and grug zimmerman we have bad cavepainting <|endoftext|> ugh, what /k/ favorite Rockpotte? Pic related, grug as fuck. <|endoftext|> HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this make grug grunt harder than rock. <|endoftext|> >Ug go hunt >Many hunt before >Ug need food feed self >cave it >In middle of trees was other man with bright stick >Ug grunt to man >"Urr grug huungg gra" >Ug push man to ground with club >omg did he died? >Ug find later cave painting that someone kill man who make fire >Oh raptor jesus what done'd <|endoftext|> post link to this gorgeous grug wooman make meaty staff go boonga boonga <|endoftext|> Grug consoom fire water too often grug is strong grug need more fire water from the bare lands Enjoy your headache brother remember that eat a lot of food especially chess and drink a lot of water also it helps if you have a multi vitamins that mix with water You don't but it still roaming inside of you no matter how much you ignore it the moment you become lose it will all come back out <|endoftext|> glyc = sugar hemo = blood If you don't know what hemoglobin is what fucking world have you been living in? Grug explanation: Sugar go in blood. Tiny sugar stick to tiny blood. Tiny blood change. Blood too much sugar. <|endoftext|> Ik ook grug yanomamo sopa de macaco monkepox grindr aids. <|endoftext|> >Ooga booga. Big words make brain hurt. Stop big words. Get pussy. Pussy is a small word. Brain not hurt. Alright Grug. You don't have to read stuff. Go get pussy, big guy. <|endoftext|> >grug-tier there's your answer <|endoftext|> >go to barber Without fail, there is always one low IQ dude talking about pussy non-stop. gf stress, baby mama drama, dating app matches, plans to try and fuck on the weekend. >join sports team Half the dudes are low IQ, working jobs with no future progression and talking about their baby mama drama. I don't even find their banter funny because I just find their existence so disgusting. I'm noticing this more and more. Everywhere I go, there's some socially accepted normie coomer that can't think about much past pussy and grug-tier thoughts, that has managed to father kids and almost always separated from the child's mother. These are the people reproducing. These low IQ retards that live a pitiful existence. Can barely string sentences together properly. Mouthy banter with the energy of a 5yo and doesn't stop cracking jokes. How do they do it? <|endoftext|> Grug pour glass of ice water. Ice melt fast. Grug pour second glass of ice water. Ice melt slow. Why this? <|endoftext|> lol I regularly warn my fellow spergs about the dangers of drawing excessive negative attention to themselves. 99% of the time all I get is a chimpout about how pissing everyone around them off makes them the manly alpha grug. Then when life inevitably goes bad because everyone is sick of their shit they bawwwwwwww on the internet because >act like retard >life go bad >how could this have happened to me? I always tell them: there is a whole lot the normies can do to you, and not very much you can do back. The also outnumber you, have far more resources, and are an objectively superior opponent in every metric. Act accordingly. Always remember: WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY. <|endoftext|> GRUG GET SAPIENT GRUG INVENT DEATH ANXIETY <|endoftext|> Be careful with jaw surgery, if you go full Grug you wont be Chad, you'll just be lemon keyface. Good luck. <|endoftext|> How do words good? Grug brain hurt when talky talkies fly up there. <|endoftext|> They all have follower brains, they follow what they are told. They see hating Whites is trendy so they do it too but like all women, they only have a few real beliefs and that's "I want Chad, either in terms of attractiveness or in terms of resource value". You're either good looking or you have enough resources to off-set it. That's the way this has always been ever since we created societies bigger than the strongest Grug kidnapping and raping the rival tribes daughters. <|endoftext|> >ill beat anyone who touch my kids based grug defends his pack <|endoftext|> grug penetrate you now <|endoftext|> unga bunga she grug wife. mmm wife smoochy smooch <|endoftext|> based grugchad. they used to call me grug in year 5 and 6 because my hair looked exactly like his, It wasn't bullying it was funny. <|endoftext|> boob is boob. size no matter. grug not ass man, either. just appreciator of all boob. <|endoftext|> Disregard therapists. Read philosophy. The context has changed, but humans have been asking the same questions and dealing with the same struggles since forever, and most of the answers have already been found and recorded. You just have to figure out how to contextualize what grug said 2000 years ago and apply it to modern society. <|endoftext|> >INTJ INFPs on here at least tend to spread a wide array of points-of-interest in their walls of text. I guess this is aux Ne shining through. Even if the reply is something i'm not interested in there is always something else in the post to think about. I always read ISTP posts with grug voice in my head. <|endoftext|> Me grug Me like rock Me want woman grug who also like rock <|endoftext|> Stop ruining my shortstack grug fantasies you faggot <|endoftext|> grug love blond <|endoftext|> Yeah, I am skinny too, have narrow chin, somewhat big eyes but I am still not like some guys who basically look like anime irl, my grug forehead won't allow it <|endoftext|> The fragance... the essence of Grug's mighty hairy arsehole! <|endoftext|> >are you of america? i am of europe should have said africa or asia holy fuck, are you a caveman? >me grug >you? <|endoftext|> Grug, is that you? <|endoftext|> And then grug will unga bunga you with a big rok and fuck your cave-wife as you bleed out. <|endoftext|> based funny mushroom make grug feel good <|endoftext|> Grug put animal in hot water and eat. Grug think tasty but not no if food or drink. <|endoftext|> >hmmmmmmm >thin grug not like big grug >me no snu snu >but >thin grug kill many normal grug >maybe thin grug big grug inside >gruggette snu snu >gruggette can not snu snu >gruggette is sad >no gruglings in future >tell rockpaper >nevar agin <|endoftext|> You really are fucking stupid man whites use more welfare then non-whites. You are such a fucking grug brained faggot feuntes cock sucker that you can't see past your own faggot cock sucking. Spics consume fuckload more then whites. They are the perfect consumers they also need more debt slaves which non-whites consume more debt. You fucking retard. <|endoftext|> grug will try this <|endoftext|> my favorite crypto trader on binance is called grug <|endoftext|> >grug want to make baby with cave woman >cave woman no want grug to make baby with her >grug sad >grug pleasure himself >grug no longer want to make baby with cave woman >grug happy now <|endoftext|> >grug feel good when grug rub pee pee thing! >grugette feel good when grugette rup pee pee thing >grug and grugette mash pee pee things with each other and feel even better! <|endoftext|> more simple: >be caveman >see parents doing the sex >mom making "feel good" noises >finally given grug girl yourself >do same thing as parents did <|endoftext|> This thread is retarded, you're retarded fuck you >be cave person >see animals fuck >see boy animal and girl animal >grug boy >grugina girl >try the same fuck you >be cave man >dick feels good rubbing things >try to put dick into things to make feel good >be cave woman >pussy feels good when rubbed >try put things in pussy >hakuna matata fuck you they do it together fuck you >be cave man >dick feels good rubbing things >try to put in things >flesh is soft >woman have soft flesh >woman have hole >put dick in hole fuck you <|endoftext|> >Be grug >live to the ripe old age of 30 in grug village >wolves drag grug daughter off into the dark >grugs wife bleeds from her fuck hole once a month and grug don't know why >Everyday big fire in sky go away, grug scared it won't come back again. >grug struggle with existential dilemma if hunting and gathering is all there is to life. <|endoftext|> >you find out she has hole and hole feel good on grug weiner i still don't think it's innate to just decide to stick your penis in any hole you think feels good, especially when fapping it feels good already >How does he know he has a penis if no one taught him for that matter he sees it, pees with it, it gets hard and feels good when he touches it >what if other boys don't have that? u wot m8? <|endoftext|> you don't need to know there's a vagina. you don't even know what vagina is unless you've been taught that word its just a symbol. How does he know he has a penis if no one taught him for that matter, he just has a fleshy thing between his legs? what if other boys don't have that? but you're just a caveman with a weiner and you don't think about this shit, you want to touch a woman and you find out she has hole and hole feel good on grug weiner. grug want feel good. You overthink, not everything is to be intellectualized, holy hell you're autistic <|endoftext|> >You dont think Grug and Grugette, snuggled up together in a cave for warmth, wouldn't figure out pretty quickly that their genitals line up? imagine being a 20 year old grug and never seeing a vagina or hearing about it. now you're exposed to this stinky goo-hole. she touches your penis and it feels good. you reach for her penis but it isn't there. it's a weird goo-hole, stinky. you decide to rub it and she likes it while jerking you off i mean the idea of seeing a hole and immediately thinking "man i wonder if i put my penis in that" is silly. there are a lot of holes in nature and you're best off not sticking your penis in any of them >what kind of sex are you having man penis in vagina obviously <|endoftext|> I don't think that's unreasonable at all. You dont think Grug and Grugette, snuggled up together in a cave for warmth, wouldn't figure out pretty quickly that their genitals line up? what kind of sex are you having man <|endoftext|> Their wage go up, mine stay same. Wagie grug go strike n all. <|endoftext|> Grug no like tools <|endoftext|> Oh now we are in clans? Families? No, I'm talking grug picks up rock and slams it into your head. <|endoftext|> Blunt weapons are the best for novices. You don't have to worry about edge alignment and you don't really need any skill besides "GRUG SMASH". A mace/club and quarterstaff are probably the best picks (staves are p versatile). Oh and that good morning thing. It's like a club with a spike on top. <|endoftext|> >get relationship >she is into you, or at least pretends to be >feel fooled enough to go beyond an aurelius drone or show surface level stuff >makes her do a complete 180 on the relationship Showing weakness to anyone is just asking to get either taken advantage of or be viewed at even subconsciously as a lesser, women especially. And thats just for basic normalfag problems, nevermind something actually serious that affects you since even stronk (in)dependent wymyn still mentally subscribe to the man being the provider, which if said provider acts all funny makes her twat dry harder than the Sahara and seek someone else. Just like everything else women do, its just another shit test they pull consciously or not since people at large have not evolved on a mental level beyond cave grug times. They will either use the vulnerability you show as an excuse to find someone else or try and constantly gaslight and manipulate you while using it as a weapon. Some things are better off being taken to the grave, since its either self destruction from keeping it hidden or completely ruining your image from speaking out. And despite what Ted talk addicted plebbitors say that is a very thin line to walk on that for a man will almost always end with nothing but even more headache. <|endoftext|> >>some of my favorite pieces are either classical/choir music >>luv me guns, luv me weights, luv me mountains Cringe >>even if I make a 2smart4u mage build I always end up just wanting to grug club everyone >>only anime I like are classics like FOTNS But based <|endoftext|> >some of my favorite pieces are either classical/choir music or industrial machine noises >do not watch any streams >even if I make a 2smart4u mage build I always end up just wanting to grug club everyone even if I go full nerd mode on DA LOAR, and thats assuming I am not playing something like factorio or stalker instead >only anime I like are classics like FOTNS >luv me guns, luv me weights, luv me mountains >have always been like this Something something duality of man <|endoftext|> >Grug find this in Lil Grug's cave >Lil Grug like Big Gruga Grug proud. <|endoftext|> INTP A banger, you say? Strip monopoly No idea. Type O Negative would be pretty metal Guns bad, knives bad, grug like rock Best girl? It's Asuka and you know this <|endoftext|> yeah and they would die at the first traffic light, so who has the better survival strategy now, grug? <|endoftext|> >Women will certainly take help from incels, but that does not really increase your standing. Except this is a very specific type of help. Giving her help with her homework, that would get you nothing. But lifting her up, a woman who obviously knows she's heavy as fuck, that'd activate her cavewoman instincts. "Grug carry me. Grug strong. Grug protect me from animal. I have Grug children." She would worship you. <|endoftext|> Grug no need women. Grug take women <|endoftext|> >grug thunderrock can get a cavemate but i cant paleoamericanbros not like this <|endoftext|> grugs wife wants to leave the cave because he wants to go smoke tobacco with buddies. kek does grug have to provide onions too? <|endoftext|> >grugs think grugs tough because big rock grug feel grug more grug because big cock No one care you drooling retard. <|endoftext|> Alot of people can only see life in symbols and dont care about proportionality. Basically grug like thing, grug like BIG thing even more. <|endoftext|> What this anon said , minus the romantic stuff. I'm just grug-brained and also have the bone structure that's fit for a quarterback. Also the idea of effeminizing a guy is pretty hot. <|endoftext|> Kek watching this guy on Rogan was hilarious when he was a stuttering retard when asked completely simple questions. He made Grug Rogan look like an intellectual. <|endoftext|> Theres a little grug in all of us <|endoftext|> Was Grug onto something? <|endoftext|> My friend recently gave me this similar special forces grug book from Afghanistan and the first chapter he was crying about being in an ambush and how his air support was late. They act like they aren't fighting barely literate shepherds using 50 year old weapons <|endoftext|> >talk to person >nothing to say WHY IS MY HEAD SO EMPTY the best idea i have at the moment is a return to fucking retail which i know i'll despise. Fi dom is the virgin vs chad meme. You either grug and club your way to your dreams or you're fucked <|endoftext|> storm god angry grug make offer of goat <|endoftext|> bump i like this anon >le funni greentext of my time working at mcdonalds >be 17 and happy i got a job (big fucking mistake) >but i bombed the phone interview so bad it took them a fucking month for them to get back to me (also had to do with the fact i knew noone or atleast noone i considered a friend) >start as button monkey context you dont "cook: the food persay, you just slap some meat on the grill press a button and the teflon pad above the grill presses down and cooks it for you >monkeymode.exe >pressing buttons and cleaning >took pride in my cleaning >some mostly brainlet activities like getting high and stealing food despite knowing the conditions of the mcdonalds >getting jacked by bicep curling buckets of ice on my breaks >also punching most stuff to get it working again >watching people doing brainlet activities with me >one person who i did the most brainless activites with was retard grug (name changed bc he seems like a robot who'd go on here to troll some of you brainlets lmao) anyway >witnessed liek one mental breakdown which is surprising >watched my coworkers vape liek faggots i like my cancer acoustic instead of electric >found out most of them do coke and are alcoholics <|endoftext|> You are grug caveman, you go man <|endoftext|> >is this satire i really cannot tell because of how bizarre it is but this is a good thing if its real I am being 100% serious. I'm not a bad looking guy by any means, and not to sound like a jerk. I know most people would be like "uhh what does he see in her??" but that's because most people are retards. I unironically find this type of female incredibly sexy. I love body hair. I love the female scent. I love a woman who can be comfortable, and okay with her self. There is something incredibly primal, erotic, and beautiful about that to me. >filthy sex I want to bury my face in your fucking pits while I rail you. I want your sweaty ass and pussy grinding on my face, and I want to lick your fucking feet while I hold them up, and fuck you. I am a genuinely filthy man, and I would worship a woman's body if it looked like that. You'd unironically walk around feeling like the hottest woman there ever was when I'm finished. Grug LIKEY. <|endoftext|> Looks that way because grug can't into bullpup but different mechanics, different caliber round. <|endoftext|> Because how are you going to hold down a job to pay for all that and still have the time to do it without being in one of the salaried hivemind positions where you are regularly brainwashed and/or forced to at least pretend to agree with the mainstream lies? How are you going to get the "credentials" they respect to make the endeavour worthwhile without attending a gender studies class? You've got to go full Grug and distrust everything you can't kill with a rock. <|endoftext|> monkey brain say "grug find pussy cum pussy" but grug no find pussy no cum pussy monkey brain angry monkey brain give grug bad thoughts <|endoftext|> NL. But i assume FR is just as bad. Other than filling up grug tier jobs, their existence is a plague. <|endoftext|> Because you bad grug. No fit in with tribe. Unga bunga. Go die alone in wilds. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> grug say what? <|endoftext|> Im a brainlet, unable to work with 70 IQ Maybe I get into shape I'll get grug tier lifting stuff position in some factory or something <|endoftext|> >mechanical sex with no love and no foreskin and a condom >hurr why Grug no feel good brainlet <|endoftext|> >>I be good to you expecting you to be good to me and only if you are good to me, you owe me sex and a conflict free life now >>YOU DIDN'T DO AS I WAS EXPECTING GRUG MADD!!! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU IM A NICE GUY Except that's not how it actually goes. It actually goes like this, if you are a woman: >I do a series of nice things for you, expecting that this will make you like me >You make it clear that me doing those things didn't make you like me at all >I stop doing those things >You freak out and rage about how mean I am It's ABSOLUTELY FUCKING GALLING that you would fucking dare to even begin to talk about "covert contracts", when women are the ones whose belief system runs to "If you do something nice for me once, I get to expect you to do that forever, and it doesn't matter how I act towards you in return." But seem like the kind of complete shitbag who doesn't believe in reciprocity anyway. You make that abundantly clear in literally every one of your posts. <|endoftext|> >I be good to you expecting you to be good to me and only if you are good to me, you owe me sex and a conflict free life now >YOU DIDN'T DO AS I WAS EXPECTING GRUG MADD!!! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU IM A NICE GUY keep being a nice guy shit head no one likes you and is fully aware of your bullshit. It's funny when you see it unfold in front of you despite their own awareness or better yet lack of it. <|endoftext|> Deep down, most Americans wish it was legal to kill homeless people. They bad. They no part of tribe. Grug club all bad grugs. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Children are extra lives. You have kids so that when you die, you don't really die. Which is why it's important that you beat your kids into being mini clones of you. Grug strong. Grug fertile. Grug make gruglings than any other grug. Grug live forever. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> to be frank, these are clubgoers, grug tier slags, and like Mick Foley said, "Nothing good can happen to you at a bar." <|endoftext|> BUILT for big grug cock <|endoftext|> i think this is just basic human behavior >grug keep shiny rock in cave <|endoftext|> grug hit them over the head with a rock and ruthlessly claimed their womb 20,000 years ago and now that shits imprinted in their DNA forever <|endoftext|> Genuinely grow a pair you sad faggot. Some anon feeling uncomfortable around a sociopath is not a direct attack towards you or any meaningful betrayal of trust. I know your grug brain would feel sad if you were in his position but try projecting less, fucking hell <|endoftext|> Sure, but men aren't much better either. Literal grug brains. At least they have a vast creative capacity. <|endoftext|> Fucking based fucking original thread Grug approve >i love you all. even the most autistic and spergy of all of you. yayyyyyy i love you too <|endoftext|> >Grug mom feed Grug but no hug-hug >Grug dad no hug-hug and no hunt but pick berry >Cave safe, stay cave <|endoftext|> God no real, what so hard for other Grug brain understand? Grug no worry about no Big Grug in Sky, waste invisible head talk time on other thing! <|endoftext|> HEY R9K! working on an album/magazine with the focus being interviews im doing with people both IRL and online. since ive been a part of this board for nearing a decade, id like to interview some of you guys for it. if youre interested: these questions are about you your life and your views on things. i know this will attract trolls but dont think youll get in by giving stupid answers n being funny, ill just drop the call and move on. appreciate u guys, my discord is gonna be below. i look forward to hearing from yall! >grug#2191 <|endoftext|> Why Grug no can be small grug forever? Grug miss being small grug. World was small and safe. Grug no have hunt, big grugs hunt for Grug. Big strong grugs keep Grug safe. Grug want be safe. Grug scared. Grug always scared. That why Grug hate all not Grug grugs. If no am Grug, am threat to Grug. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> HEY /r9k/ !!! im doing an interview series for an ambient/experimental electronic album w/ a read along magazine. ive been interviewing IRL for the last few weeks, but ive been on here since 2011 and i realized id like to get some of your perspectives. the interview is abt you, some things abt life, mostly abt life. just be ready to be honest and open with not only me but yourselves. >my disc is grug#2191 add me n say ur from r9k abt the interview. no vid needed or any identifiers u can remain completely anon, just ur voice is needed. if anyone has any more questions abt it leave them below and ill be sure to answer everyone. <|endoftext|> >live in us >get an easy to get job that requires nothing to get other than grug lift object >work hard for a year and climb ladder twice >most normies just bitch and moan. Will call out sick when they feel like it and come to work high, blowing all they have on weed and junk food >make 70k a year already because of work ethic Most Americans are lazy or retarded. This is the best country on earth. I love our freedom. <|endoftext|> ur overthinking it. ive honestly been doing the same with convincing myself theres no way that someone could be into me. its classic self hatred/invalidation. the way i see it with girls on dating apps is: always be yourself, if they dont like who you are now, when youre in a relationship 6 months down the road the real you comes out anyways, so let them not like you now theres more out there. one date not going well isnt the end of the world. youll get another one day. like i said man, just keep it light, talk about things you like, ask her what shes into and actually listen to her. grug#2191 i got you bro <|endoftext|> >Grug tribe friend Drug go to Degen tribe cave >bring loincloth of berry-berry Grug never seen >chew-chew berry >no demon dance on tongue >no demon enter nose >Grug eat a few but belly demons still quiet >what is? shaman berry? <|endoftext|> >"Me no like truth. Truth scary. Grug put pee-pee in plastic toy." OK, Grug, <|endoftext|> >"number no be real. Science no know anything. Me know. Me know real, tell world it wrong." OK, grug <|endoftext|> grug think pussy feel good no why <|endoftext|> no one cares how heavy rock you lift, grug <|endoftext|> Because I'm still burning through my wealth and I have plans for when it's almost all gone or I get tired of waiting for that too happen. I intend to make my last excursion a sort of treat for myself. A nice send off. As previously stated the only worth to your life is what you can get out of it and I tend to make my last few days a sort of experience binge I can die happy during/after. I don't intend to succumb to stupidity but for the sake of argument I will say there is a slight probability such an excursion might make me rethink it as I will be visiting some monk bros for final goodbyes and they've always been cool. As such, offing myself at this exact instant is just sub-optimal in terms of personal enjoyment to eke out and possibilities of uncertain futures. If nothing happens, as I fully expect, you can find my body somewhere nice and isolated up high feeding some animal or another. >not that easy No, it is. As someone that's taken the dive several times now you just have to not be a coward and that's as simply as wanting it. Those that back out or have second thoughts were never suicidal they just wanted a life line or were performing what ever rabid animal does when they feel trapped and that's panic till you hurt yourself. No, such beings aren't even humans. No control or autonomy. Purely NPCs in an almost literal sense. That's why despite being ejected from society they still fucking go through all the motions because they literally can't be anything else their programming isn't that complex. Eat, fuck, survive. grug hungry other grug have food but no give. Stab and take food. Grug full now. Etc. They do nothing else but the basics and just instinctively build towns and shit because they literally aren't capable of greater thoughts or freedoms. Homeless are just the NPCs that got microwaved a little too long. The factories acceptable rejection rate pile. That's why no one gives a shit what happens to them. <|endoftext|> Grug need speed to function <|endoftext|> >If growing makes plant, not growing make grug not plant <|endoftext|> Some bird on bumble just randomly sent me a grug wojak <|endoftext|> Their fault for not limiting them to Imperial Russia tier cannon fodder. I would not trust a plebbitor to tie their own shoes correctly, let alone keep me covered in an active war. >he fell for the honor meme There is no honor in conflict anon, only those who win and those who die. Been that way since the first Grug who figured out how damaging a big rock or a sharp stick can be. The only reason shit like the Geneva Convention came about is because people realized in the age of industrialized warfare even a small country can still fuck your shit up with chemical or nuclear weapons or whatever. t. old school /k/ommando <|endoftext|> >pipes >a gizmo gadget sound like grug no learn how bang hole in rock <|endoftext|> lmao no and that wasnt me. im white and dont go to liquor stores unless accompanied on a special occasion thank you grug. probably going to kms though. i have way too much trauma to function right and always get rejected. <|endoftext|> People who spend most of their time on forums, image boards, anonymous or not all have some sort of derangement truthfully. Wish robots would come up with some funny names for women besides the standard "whore" "slut" etc. Scrotes, and Moids makes me laugh every time. People always act worse on anonymous image boards. Some of it is just an act, some of it is legit. That applies to both men and women. Just wish the media at large, and companies didn't facilitate so much division. It's all about money, and they make it by making women and men feel insecure and hate one another. Based. My fiance likes me because of that. Grug hope you find good cave to paint in with stronk man. <|endoftext|> Ooga booga. Real woman hurt Grug. Ooga booga. Grug not forgive. Ooga booga :( <|endoftext|> Grug think real girl is like pig. Real pig disgusting. <|endoftext|> Grug fell love with cave painting girl from slanted eyes tribe, but cave painting girl not real. Grug hurt. Wat do? <|endoftext|> I actually want to live in a place where this negress is posing, Id probably move her out the way or ensure she was asleep on a rock or something. Grug tired of females. Ooga booga. No booba for grug. :( Grug want alone now. Ooga booga. But alone not want Grug. OOOGA BOOGA. <|endoftext|> Women produce nothing on a mass scale. They are quantifiably a net loss. Unironicallly. Without "incels" our modern world would not exist. For example, Sir Issac Newton and Nikola Tesla basically inspirited the modern world with their discovery. Without them, roasties would still be churning butter and and washing clothes by hand while breast feeding Grug's children. <|endoftext|> Kek that grug looking monster is clearly a tranny <|endoftext|> this is where this shit goes nowhere. we can argue forever that >NO U >WOMEN ARE THE REAL SAVAGES ONLY CONCERNED WITH BASE INSTINCTS AND CARNAL PLEASURES >NO U >MEN ARE THE TRUE NEANDERTHALS WHO ONLY CARE ABOUT ANIMALISTIC URGES AND SENSORY PLEASURES >NO U! >NO!!!! U!!!!! the truth is there are some grug brain shallow sluts and there are some ugga ugga superficial coombrains because humanity is on the fast track to entirely becoming overstimmed overconsuming drooling retards under the heel of the tech jew spend less time arguing over what makes a good man and more time being one etc <|endoftext|> Ikr, biggest NPC trait. >grug make more grugs >grug live forever <|endoftext|> >thing me no like = other thing me no like thank you for your input grug <|endoftext|> Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm not trying to say that he's got no role to play in his success, it just was never the main attraction for me. But I guess his "average Joe" personality mixed with his childlike wonder does help. >Grug invent fire, that's crazy man! Jaime, pull up cave painting of fire! <|endoftext|> stfu dumb bitch the only thing grug know is pick up heavy rock <|endoftext|> >You dont need big grug anymore to save you from the sabre tooth No. They need big grug to save them from genetic wastes like you. <|endoftext|> Bullshit. Women value height, jaw lines, brows, maxilla construction, shoulder size, hand size, forearm size and other lame shit. You dont need big grug anymore to save you from the sabre tooths. Admit it, youre just a cunt with unrealsitc expectations who wants a man out of her league to validate herself. <|endoftext|> Where is this meme that "women have always shared men" because muh monkey brain coming from? Monogamy exists because of nature itself, yeah a man CAN spread his offspring but it's quality quantity shit, if chad grug spreads his offspring to 20 women who's going to protect them? You think any grug is going to protect some shit like that? "But muuuh only 1 in 16 grugs got laid" yeah because the other 15 died during the hunt or in infancy, life expectancy was like 25 <|endoftext|> When did I say that? My whole point is that I don't. Humans are evolved enough that 'dying in the wild' isn't a pressure anymore. Now the only meaningful pressure is who gives women pussy tingles and who doesn't. So now instead of girls picking for intelligence, health, empathy etc. and propelling humanity to new heights, they still pick which Grug is big and dark triad enough to beat up other guys to get first dibs on the carcass the men brought back for dinner, even though we live in a completely different environment now. Hell, women even introduce anti-eugenic and anti-utilitarian policies into society like supporting single motherhood funding among low IQ demographics out of a misplaced and short sighted sense of 'empathy'. Your seethe speaks for itself though, You wouldn't be this angry unless you agreed with what we're saying. Face it, your pussy tingles are outdated, and your womb will be in short order as well once ai waifus arrive. <|endoftext|> >You have to realize that we're not that far from living in the jungles. Actually, we are. Its not a case of biggest grug with biggest club survives. We have firearms, knives, police forces now days that even the playing field. Time to evolve. People like mdo not have to accept our situation. And no i will not act a little less weird, how about act a little less like an asshole? Or I'll shoot you. <|endoftext|> We arent living in the stone age anymore. You dont need to have top tier big grug genes to surive ffs lol. Youre just proving that womens brains havent evolved since that time. Babies are not accessories to be shown off. <|endoftext|> amazing jpeg mr. grug <|endoftext|> Tribe elder Little Bush say sand tribe collapse tribe cave with fire sticks Grug do math, does not add Grug no believe fire stick able to collapse cave Grug think tribe elder maybe not telling truth Tribe senior Rumdum say tribe lose many berry day before, now whole tribe forget Try explain but other tribe members say grug kookoo <|endoftext|> I was thinking the other day, you could just inject semen up past a woman's hymen quite easily, and then she would have a virgin birth. even with grug tools you could do this as many women have small holes in the hymen. so why is jesus even special... <|endoftext|> I've thought about doing laser or something, but I'm a minimum wage nobody and can't afford that. >your unibrow is probably a lot more attractive than you think it is There is no universe where a caveman Grug unibrow is attractive on a bottom. <|endoftext|> >y does ugly grug care about handsome grug taking all the females?? >tis' a mistery! <|endoftext|> Woman look good, grug like looking at woman. why do woman cry and say too many word make grug head hurt. <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> *hits pipe* women CANNOT raise men. they even admit it themselves. any """"man"""" raised by a woman is mocked by both sexes and its been that way for thousands of years. women would raise the children until they got older, then they would start spending time with and learning from their matching sex parent. boys would go out hunting with their fathers and other grugs from the tribe, girls would stay with their mothers and tend to the household and learn how to be a mother themselves. raising a boy in that environment is laughable and setting him up for a lifetime of mockery and failure. he wont be strong or experienced enough to hunt and kill like he evolved to do, and the women of the tribe wont want a wimpy coward grug that cant defend them. now in the modern age theres evidence that growing up with only one parent can have all kinds of negative effects on the childs brain and development. single moms will almost always subconsciously punish their boys for things their partner did or didnt do, like teaching them consent and not raising their voices at very young ages, not because of anything the child did but because the mother is bitter about how men have treated her in the past. teaching the boy to not upset mommy like daddy did takes precedent over teaching the kid life skills. im sorry to tell you this but if you were raised (indoctrinated) by a single mother its OVER, you will forever be criticized and held accountable for how she failed to raise you while people praise her and call her a supermom. even single mothers wont want to date you because they know the damage it causes first hand, and like picrel they only see you as an underdeveloped child incapable of being responsible, strong, or providing for anyone. <|endoftext|> Honestly? I only know these things from bashing my skull in for years learning social etiquette. Take it from someone whose tried it all. Unless you know you have the perfect words lined up just keep it simple. It could be "Grug do X" but when you do X they see the effort put into it for their sake. However you get there just make sure it contains the needed to know information but not all the optional shit that makes explaining stuff weighty then do it without much pause because for some reason people love that sort of thing. Ex: I suck at telling people stuff so when I wanted to show someone how much I loved and appreciated them I just said "I suck at explaining myself and my actions so I just wanted to say ahead of time: I'm doing this for you and so you know how much you mean to me. I hope it shows." Then I cooked them one of the best meals I ever have. Back then I genuinely did not have a metric for what actions might or might not impart "meaning" like that because to me taking time out of my day just for you no payback even expected or implied is the greatest gift I can give because time is finite and there are a billion things I could do with it but I'm choosing you and helping you over it all. Naturally, people didn't place the same emphasis on someone helping them with their chores. Likewise, doing stuff like being helped in a crisis to me didn't mean much. They're my parents, I'm their child, the parents SHOULD be panicky and worried over me and my safety but I am also clearly not that badly injured. This moments impact is now low because my parents are just doing what instincts say rather than actual worry that will kick in later and I'm not dying it just looks bad and I'll be fine. Naturally, me having a stick through my leg warranted worry by my parents and thus emphasis but to me it was nothing but just a hassle and pain. <|endoftext|> I feel like that has to be just natural instincts. Your brain telling you "grug go fuck", and trying to push whatever buttons gets you to go fuck. Then you treat her in a safe-and-conducive-to-reproduction manner during sex and afterwards. Just getting you to do that is the important part. <|endoftext|> They're about appearance over functionality; so basically they're fucking stupid cavewomen going OOK OOK CHOKE ME GRUG CHAD Ofcourse they'll deny this <|endoftext|> Of course they do, but it's more subtle. Girls tend to be shy and submissive. Initiating something is a dominant action. Play and tease your kitty, and she will start purring every time. >What's it like having a girl wanting to fuck you? Exciting. Validating. Warm. Being desired and needed ticks my protecc boxes. When they are ticked, I am a happy grug. <|endoftext|> The dormant grug in my psyche wants to bludgeon them with a hardened tree branch. I didn't think I had the capacity for such violent fantasies. <|endoftext|> >grug grug look at grugettes >grug grug pee pee hard >want to stick in grugettes >grugettes rejects >grug grug stronk >force grugettes >grugette 2 bites grug grug >smash rock on grugette 2 head >grugette 2 ded >other grugettes bellys grow >baby grug and grugettes spawn >grug grug dies to other grug grug >stronkest grug grug >grug grug no need to force grug grug's grugettes >grugettes let grug grug smash >enjoy grug grugs aggravation >fast forward to present day <|endoftext|> >grug brain nonsense anyway prove this . the objective fact is surgery virtually always improves appearance. people literally wouldn't do it if it just created freakshows. <|endoftext|> Silly woman, Grug need no paintings in his cave. <|endoftext|> Why Grug keep having explain this? Grug tribe good. Not Grug tribe bad. Grug tribe is best tribe because is Grug tribe. Grug is best Grug. If you no look like Grug you bad. This Grug world, only grugs like Grug allowed exist. Grug want destroy everything not Grug, different thing scare Grug, Grug want club all potential threat so Grug can be alone, is only way Grug can be safe. Grug just want feel safe. Grug hate that Grug no have control over world, Grug want force world to be way Grug want, but no can have, so Grug swing club and scream until Grug get Grug way. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> >tfw no primitive-communism society where every Grug is guaranteed a tribe-provided wife to hunt animals for <|endoftext|> Just dress like Grug. He made it just fine. <|endoftext|> I literally look like Grug. I look like a fucking monster. I look deformed. How am I supposed to cope with this? I've never been loved by anyone, and nobody will ever love me. <|endoftext|> >Have great time in area with tribe >Season begins to change making area inhospitable >grug have idea >get all grugs to make hand mural to remember good times we had in the area >Grug feel good <|endoftext|> woman big hip mean grug kid live birth <|endoftext|> Thighs... Grug want thighs. Goddess of fertility. <|endoftext|> Grug? Is dat you? <|endoftext|> The domination is straight forward, women really like to feel a man desiring them and really TAKING them. The degradation is harder to explain but my theory is that it's a combination of modern masochism and a kind of primal catharsis whereby a woman who is holding out for a good mate before committing to the effort and risk of baring a child finally surrenders her womb and is ruthlessly taken by grug. <|endoftext|> >Grug makes statue >Grug masturbate >Grug happy <|endoftext|> >grug, two finger too many wew, vaginitis much? <|endoftext|> >uh >ug >ugh >grug, two finger too many if only, anon. caveman times were probably harrowing but having a cave bf to take care of you and protect you is probably the most comfy feel out there. >tfw ywn a stone age bf <|endoftext|> >OOGA BOOGA FEMBOOGA!!! >Grug want booty. >Booty now! >You. Booty. Mine. >You... >Booty... >Mine... >Whitewater go inside. >Give grug booty. >Grug take booty! >Fembot cave come. >Fembot cave come! >Follow booty. >Booty follow. >Grug need booty. >Female... >Grug need female. >Grug have food. Female hungry. >Grug give food. Female give booty. >Grug give female banana! Hahrhahrhahshra! >Female good. >Booty good. >Grug like female. <|endoftext|> we should be, that's what helped us survive... but man, its been so long since grug and the gang hasn't it? <|endoftext|> Grug tribe good. Not Grug tribe bad. Grug tribe should only make gruglings with Grug tribe. Grug want Grug tribe to make more gruglings than any other not Grug tribe. Grug want all not Grug tribe grugs to die so only Grug tribe exist. Am only way Grug tribe am safe. Grug tribe am best tribe, because am GRUG tribe, and Grug am best grug. GRUG STRONG GRUG FERTILE GRUG LIVE FOREVER UNGA BUNGA <|endoftext|> unga bunga different looking grug unfamiliar possibly dangerous better erect burning cross in front of cave ooga booga <|endoftext|> As a guy I have a strong desire to dominate and defile but I feel like most of that is either the pressure from society to be a "real man" or just hatred of most women. With a girl I actually loved my only desire would be to give her toe-curling orgasms and cum balls deep inside her so we can feel really together and then tell her how much I love her. Women have these left over desires from when grug would thunk her on the head and go to town on her, someone needs to reprogram them. <|endoftext|> Yeah you're pretty grug dud <|endoftext|> I can only speak for myself. I like hair on my women. I like their natural smell, and I prefer women that look more towards the traditional sense of fertility. Meaning bigger breasts, bigger thighs, some extra weight all around essentially. To me that is peak feminine performance. Like 10/10 would breed, wife, and keep happy/pregnant for years. I have a caveman brain so Grug really like that. Maybe other Grug out there. Grug like to think so. Grug hope you find fellow Grug who smash you good. <|endoftext|> Papa Grug never teach son how to be a Grug, Grugson grow and now Grugson is retardo <|endoftext|> No one breed with Grug. One day Grug take his club and go to breeding ground and bash all skulls <|endoftext|> >We're talking about the necessity of physical strength in modern society in general. Did I also mention that since leaving the Army I now work in construction as a labourer? 45 hours a week moving tonnes of bricks, cement, timber and shoveling Earth in the hot sun. You dont get it. Height is not an accurate portrayal of strength. Cave Men didnt have developed super brains, martial arts, firearms or Police forces to rely on so yeah they needed big grug but thats not the case anymore and women need to accept it. Other than that its purely vanity, they want to have a bice tall baby to show off and thats disgusting IMO. <|endoftext|> >There arent sabre tooth tigers walking around anymore, women dont need a big grug to swing a big club anymore. ??? <|endoftext|> Fuck what women want. There arent sabre tooth tigers walking around anymore, women dont need a big grug to swing a big club anymore. <|endoftext|> just grug your way through. some people will be assholes about it but fuck them. learn the language if you plan on going back and doing deep dives into the culture <|endoftext|> eloquent and proper is lame. i much prefer my grug brain <|endoftext|> I feel like a stupid monkey person. 95% of conversations come down to this good and this bad. porn big tits big dicks make grug brain happy food make grug happy me like man on tv haha he just like grug. grug cool guy save female grug big titty grug best grug better than other grugs roll credits. <|endoftext|> All the good women were killed off because they didn't like Grug raping them. I hate that nature selected for thots like you. <|endoftext|> Do men even sexually select women? I mean 100 000 years ago, if you are Chad Grug with your harem of cave women you've got no reason not to coom inside all of them for maximum offspring. Pretty sure women and other men were the deciding factor in selection by choosing which men could mate. <|endoftext|> Well if grug cannot reproduce with their women wouldn't that change things? <|endoftext|> Racists are just low IQ retards who don't like grug from the other tribe "stealing" their women. It actually has fuck all to do with mixed kids. <|endoftext|> It's a case by case addiction issue and a very mild hormone one. You feel angstier being stopped up essentially which translates to wanting to move more to alleviate the stress. It makes sense evolutionarily because caveman grug hasn't released in a month so his body makes him leave the cave which in turn ups the chances he meets a lady to release into. Healthy people don't have an addiction forcing them to do stuff and will exercise naturally. In short, that's the punishment for not masturbating. <|endoftext|> >I am grugma male grug ma nuts <|endoftext|> i liked grug memes, they should come back <|endoftext|> I take the grugpill, I am grugma male. My pronouns are grug and grugem. <|endoftext|> build body not write body grug go to sleep now dum dum on the net <|endoftext|> I actually agree I cringe when robots idealize Chad, we should always remember that if women are so shit, it's because in primitive times Grug Chad decided to deliberately genocide all good women <|endoftext|> I know of a few nudist robots on this board. Mostly the illegality is due to a variety of cultural borne from the physical factors. >Be grug >Live in cold place >See Chrug totally nude in freezing cold temperatures >Whispers to cave waifu >"Chrug is stupid, hehehehehe" >Chrug overhears this >Feels shame because people think he stupid >Puts clothes back on In jungle and very hot humid environments, nudity is more normal, however in these tribal jungle cultures clothes wearing was more about hygiene and or modesty. Even in the more nude tribes, you would see women sitting in particular ways to cover themselves, in this way poses rather than lacking of clothing was a measure of modesty. <|endoftext|> >14 is not an adult. 14 is an adult. >14 year olds should not be allowed to smoke, drink, get tattoos, drive, vote, or have sex. They can't even go on a field trip at school without their parent's consent. They are capable of doing all of these things with nothing bad happening, therefore they should be allowed to. 14 should also be the minimum age for the draft, as it was in the good ol' grug days. <|endoftext|> Grug tribe is best tribe so Grug tribe should be rule over all other tribe. <|endoftext|> some dumbass caveman had the audacity to ask >why grug hit animal >why animal make food now i have to go to fucking work 9 - 6 5 days a week instead of forraging for berries and hunting big ass elephants. fuck this. <|endoftext|> Just gonna link these together I guess. >Whats the weirdest porn you fapped to? I guess those massage videos for lesbians and tantric stuff. It's a different visual flavor than standard porn so I guess that's close to weird. >What fetishes do you have? Not much I'm pretty vanilla. Wouldn't be against anal, I want to try it and facefucking some day, etc. Otherwise, I know I flip flop between laid back submissive and caveman grug brain aggressive but I don't think any of this is actual fetish and not just sexual desires/archetypes. >Have you ever had sex? I've done some sexual acts but it's never made it to actual penis in vagina stage yet as women keep chickening out on me. >Have you ever sexted someone? No. I've been sexted at but that's like sexting at a literal robot. "Yeah, you like that honey?" Sure. "Gonna come over there and rock your world like never before. You won't be able to live without me." Okay. Etc. I just never got the whole sexting thing. Am I supposed to play pretend over the phone with you while we both imagine the sounds and actions or something? Why not just have sex then? Or at least masturbate to eachother in the same room or something. >Sorry for all the sex related questions. I'm really curious how it works for guys. I'll probably ask my own questions in the other thread if it's up when I wake up. >Also would you ever pay for sex? Probably not, no. I don't crave it the way some do so and I have too much pride to break like that so it will probably never happen. >Would robots ever give pity sex to a lonely fembot? >Asking for a friend. I guess if we hit it off or something. I never viewed sex as a hyper sacred thing we've been having it and sex culture in general since cave man times I just can't imagine doing it with someone I don't at least like to some degree enough for it as a bare minimum requirement. <|endoftext|> God more evidence of why INTPs are the most pathetic, disgusting, absolutely revolting things imaginable (Not all of them the non """redpilled""" ones are bearable). I've said this before but their retarded thinker desire to blame every problem on undesirables and complete lack of emotional intelligence results in this grug caveman mentality we see right here. I'm sorry your dad was never there for you but that doesn't excuse this indoctrinated child tier view of masculinity. Go meet real people irl and learn empathy or something you'll get way more pussy <|endoftext|> I actually wasn't trying to be confrontational either, sorry. Text lacks for tone. I'm honestly jealous of those backwoods rural retards. They get married before they have any time to worry about it. All my smart city friends are in some degree of total failure on the subject of relationships, even the married ones, doing it a day late and a dollar short. And they're the lucky ones! We're all so smart but we can't do something as basic as reproducing. Even Grug did that. I fantasize a lot about marrying a younger woman but I think even then the cynicism would steal my joy from me. <|endoftext|> >It's just the hypocrisy of it, I dunno A lot of those threads about hating women stem from people being bitter about not being able to get close to women. At least that's my observation and understanding(from people to whom I've met from here who share those sentiments and my interactions in some of those threads) of it. It's a real grug brain thing. >woman no like grug >grug feel sad because grug wants to be with women >women bad because women make grug feel bad >grug mind now need to justify why women bad to maintain order in grug brain All of that drops in an instant though when there's hope for them to potentially getting what they really wanted. >I throw up when I'm sad God that sounds awful. I've heard of being so mad that you almost puke but never from sadness. Maybe this picture will help cheer you up. <|endoftext|> women like tough guys because tough guys can protect them now the government does that for them, so a guy being tough is just putting a target on his back for daddy government, the toughest grug in the cave that is modernity <|endoftext|> I get sick of these anons who've never heard of life history strategy. fast life history strategy where no one commits to relationships and the biggest grug gets all the women is african savnnah tribe behaviour. Having to settle down and be monogomous and form actual civilisations where people arent constantly at eachothers throats over women because if you don't winter will come and you'll all die is generally what happens in eurasia where there's actually seasonal cycles. <|endoftext|> Bad beep NO Grug scan again AGAIN bad beep Now Grug know computer not want box <|endoftext|> Computer do good beep good Computer do bad beep bad Grug no like bad beep <|endoftext|> Grug lift box Grug lift bag Grug scan QR code <|endoftext|> Maybe read the paper, Grug <|endoftext|> It really is funny isn't it? Part and parcel with being a thinker is being a retarded egocentric aspd autist who treats feminist rekt compilations as gospel and projects all of their flaws onto minority groups and """inferiors""" because they're too emotionally stunted and bereft of pussy to think without bias. Like a bunch of stupid fucking children who can't differentiate between hunger and anger, parading their grug eat grug mentality around like it's a cutting-edge, revolutionary system and not a million steps backward in all directions. Some of you are alright, but not the basedboy sigma quadrillionaire pua redpill misogynist incel freaks desperate for something to boost their fragile little bitch egos oh yeah this is about INTPs btw <|endoftext|> What roles specifically in the warehouse? Not gunna be too specific. I mostly just move shit from A to B Does it require a good amount of physical strength? Yeah stuff gets to 160ish lbs Did you have to pass a drug test? No. This time of year any of the big corporations will hire you. Amazon, FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc. Besides USPS they are all pretty relaxed on drug policies for the grug work just don't go to the job high unless you want a conveyor belt to rip your skin off. <|endoftext|> Can you explain how both of those are incompatible? You either, get to live in a small tribe that gives a shit about you even if you're not ultra grug-Chad, but still a contributing member to hook you up with a grug-female. Or Get to live in a big Society that gives a shit about you even if you're not ultra Chad, but still a contributing member to hook you up with a female. The fact that the essential men who make the civilized world turn are condemned to die without the basic necessities is mind boggling. <|endoftext|> he's obviously not a normalfag you tard maybe a cyborg but definitely not normal it's weird because he'll say autistic purple-prosey things like >I feel like an impostor sifting through the rubble of my past life. but then he'll follow it with some absolute normie shit like >The Cubs are on. but he says he has diagnosed autism so maybe he just learned to pretend to enjoy baseball or something. he also walked up to a female and offered her a chunk of cheese, which is literal braincel-tier retardation. that's like a caveman mating strategy. >grug share food! is there a pizza place in walking distance i'm interested also seconded <|endoftext|> Like I said it's weird cause I'm basically making it harder only myself but when it's just "grug want sex" and "grug want food" I just can't see myself ever liking them as a person. Ex: that guy you linked. Kind of an asshat about it even when making a halfway decent point. Could have taken the time to calmly educate but instead he got angry. That's apparently the kind of guy that aims for low standards so why would I want a guy like that? <|endoftext|> grug think 4chan otaku <|endoftext|> What I'm saying is that we still have a long way to go before we even begin to comprehend such a being. We're not even at the point of understanding what evidence is supposed to look like, let alone gather it. >If you didn't have enough information to decide whether a coin flip I covered with my hand is heads or tails, you can't simply say you choose to believe it's heads It's a bad comparison because it's oversimplified. I know what a coin is. I know how a coin flip works. I know what the odds are. It's a pretty easy concept to grasp. Besides, I can totally just go strictly by a hunch and be right roughly 50% of the time. Trying to link our current logic and scientific understanding to something as out-of-this-world as an omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent being is like trying to ask a caveman questions about nuclear fusion. >How could it possibly be both spiritual and based on logic??? I think that this whole thing could theoretically be explained on a logical level, but we simply are so outclassed in terms of logic and tech that we have to rely purely on belief. The way I see it, current talk about religion looks like this: >Grug and Ugg are talking >G:"I believe fusion because strange man in white suit tell me so" > U: "I no believe fusion. I bang rocks all day, none of them fusion. Fusion is bullshit." >G: Man in white suit said sun is fusion. There, proof!" >U: "Been to sun? How you know it not big fire? Or very shiny rock?" Even though fusion can be explained logically, Grug and Ugg could keep arguing logically for the rest of their lives, they will never reach a result. That is not because either of them is wrong, but simply because they can't even grasp the basics of the phenomenon that they're trying to understand. <|endoftext|> Oiga booga grug take small woman to cave. <|endoftext|> >Urban good >ahlf US bad >wht you mean, grug no say exact word, grug no mean rural bad no matter how many time grug call you dumdum for wanting rural <|endoftext|> >cave painting girl will never be real Grug saaaaaaaaaad <|endoftext|> I am s slim and pretty guy turned roid. Slim pretty boys are a dying trend. These days women more often want a pornstache sleaze bags and grug mode guys. The pornstache and guys with bigger thighs than me are both tik tok trends tho. Anways strong grug mode gets you most women. If you are a manlet then boymode is your only hope. <|endoftext|> >"Grug no know difference between 'currently married' and 'will ever marry'. Grug no good at think or ask. Grug play with rock now." <|endoftext|> >"me no care what science say. Me no care what women actually do. Robots tell grug women only like face, grug only believe women only like face. grug no can think other" <|endoftext|> >14 hours later Systems are well...just that. Get handed a rule book for your new job? That rule book AND the work place are a system. Get told OSHA is a thing we have to abide? OSHA is a system. Have a manual telling you exactly how to build something? That manual is a system. Being taught construction by a crew and being told things have to go a certain way to build it? That certain way is a system. Ti likes to make it's own systems. It doesn't like being told it can't though it will use pre-existing systems IF they match up with it's own. Make them build stuff they'll do it their way. Make them do maths a lot do it in their heads their system isn't friendly to showing the work on paper and explaining it means explaining their whole system they've bootstrapped. Give them an office job and tell them to do it a certain way they might make their own way of doing it that cuts some corners or runs smoother IE they made their own system. It's not always perfect either. They can make systems that SEEM right to them but functionally are wonky and plenty won't like admitting that or changing it. Sometimes, the really good ones, make improved systems that are genuinely better for anyone and not just for their own personal use. Someone saw a sledge and said fuck this I'll make something better. Ugg makes a wheel and grug makes a pentagon. Everyone adopts uggs new system and grug hates everyone because they refuse to see his systems glory. Meanwhile, grog is over here modifying his wheel for personal use so it runs smoother and everyone thinks he's weird fucking with a perfectly good wheel. I can already see grug calling people retards because why wouldn't you want a wheel that DOESN'T roll backwards the second you stop pulling. <|endoftext|> grug memes were far better at parodying modern life than endless soijaks <|endoftext|> i wish grug memes would come back, probably my favourite spin off of wojak <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> It's all about the payoff. In ancient times grug stressed about giant bears then the tribe all killed the bear and got a giant payoff. Not there's no one big problem to solve, but instead a hundred tiny problems and you never get that 'big payoff' effect. Best you can do is invest some time doing some shit you don't mind too much, and when the minor payoff comes savour the shit out of it. You need two tiny payoffs per week, two minor payoffs per month, one decent payoff per 6months and a big payoff every two years. That's the bare minimum for sanity and the key to so called 'finding meaning' <|endoftext|> Grug. Is this real btw Wish I had a cave bf with anatomically incorrect penis <|endoftext|> grug did nothing wrong <|endoftext|> Whatever grug, you're a garbage person. Spouting garbage science to back up your hate. I don't respect you. And that's the end of this conversation. Go get your ego fix elsewhere, grug, the narcissist autist. <|endoftext|> Your butchery of science is disgusting to me, grug. <|endoftext|> Mental disease comorbidity is due to the same underlying brain structure. The boundaries between one mental disease and another are not as clear cut as with physical diseases. Therefore my statement works for mental diseases but not for physical ones. Do you not understand how evidence works? Robust evidence in favour of a theory is proof there's a high probability the theory is true. Obviously it's not a mathematical proof, but you should really study Bayes. I don't hate women at all or view myself in competition with them. It's fembrained "men" that revolt me. >science = grug <|endoftext|> Thanks for the compassion autismo. Your grug status has been noted, your opinion, disregarded. Go shit up another thread. <|endoftext|> Go away grug. <|endoftext|> >look for understanding >get Grug to reply There is no hope. <|endoftext|> >So basically, you're saying you're like a neanderthal caveman, and you feel like you must 'GRUG SMASH' because you don't like the way someone looks? Why not? They're in my country where they don't belong, they make a mess, they're unpleasant to look at, there's literally no reason not to think poorly of them. >why don't you read my mind reee Man you really are gay aren't you? Acting like a hysterical woman that expects other people to read their mind. Go back to your spam threads where you jerk off to monkeys raping crackhead whores, you sad little queer. <|endoftext|> grug rub big stick to make hot-hot then rub small stick to make coom-coom <|endoftext|> >be grug >wander out of cave for berries when sun gone >grug think, "should no do this!" >grug does anyway >grug walk near lake >see tall shadow >do a big scream! >grug run back to cave grug has learned lesson. <|endoftext|> yes grug youre correct <|endoftext|> grug go grunk cavewoman <|endoftext|> Grug go find Grugette to marry and sex with, Grug make big family and make happy come again. <|endoftext|> Grug no eat shaman berrie Shaman berrie bad, berries make head no roll. Head not like horse. Grug no think of head, Grug hunt, Grug happy. <|endoftext|> >Grug wants to commit unlive >Shaman give Grug happy berries >Grug better but still no reason for breath >Grug miss so many hunts >in cave, only Grug >what do? No tell Grug hover by neck and show virgin cave, Grug know this trick <|endoftext|> Why the fuck would I want a girl to date me for my money, you utter weirdo. They're not bad, the girls with small boobs generally look better overall, and I would have nothing against dating a girl with small ones, but grug brain like big booba <|endoftext|> Ugga booga grug says curse come from slant eyed shaman hut. don't take bad juju medicine <|endoftext|> Yeah with a lot of freckles. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't look like a fucking 'grug' comic due to my neolithic eyebrows with no visible hair <|endoftext|> So Se is grug and Si is your average Evangelion fan? <|endoftext|> Women are so retarded. You don't have the grug eyebrow ridge, you will always look like a weak pussy, don't bother "transitioning." <|endoftext|> tell me grug, was the sweaty cavewoman sex worth it? <|endoftext|> Grug no understand why Grug no can be small Grug forever. Grug no want be big grug. Grug miss be small Grug, world was small and safe. Change baaaaaaaaaad. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Women go on omegle specifically to find guys with gigantic dicks. This is what they did before instagram and tinder showed them chads via special algorithim. Literally back in 2011 girls would sit there on omegle for HOURS multiple times per week, scouring, looking for horsecocks Why did people give women rights. Like imagine being a woman >wake up at 11 >open labtop >open omegle >click 100 times looking for a mutant penis >fail to find any >gets up >goes to kitchen >open fridge, finds cake, eats it for breakfast >text chad >he texts back grug me no horny me bang ten stacy today grug >text bestie OMG I HATE MEN. >opens twitter app >writes paragraph of hate about short men >goes back to room >omegle still up >sits down and clicks through 100 more men >a wild dickchad appears >wag tits for dickchad >dickchad cums and leaves chat >teehee im so anxious oh i have social anxiety >open phone >text bestie >bestie replies OMG IVE FUCKED THAT GUY BEFORE HIS NAME IS HORSECHAD TEEHEE >closes phone >opens patreon >faggot cuck numales from india and Portland have paid her 900 dollars today >shes gonna spend it on new clothes as usual >ew i hate old clothes >gets up, walks to closet >throws out clothes that are old (bout a month old) <|endoftext|> >quartercock Damm that's actually good. I should hold off on shitposting till I fully wake up I can make better nicknames than coin purse. >how much of a narcissist would i have to be to come here, hornypost, then cherrypick who i "allow" to reply on an anonymous messageboard? I don't know? Do we have a Unit of Narcissism these days? 8 Trumpence to 1 Mega Kanye. Either way, I waited till I saw grug brain-tier hornyposting then came out of the wood work to address. You did the flirting not me. All I'm doing is promoting quality posting my own way. <|endoftext|> Anon >"duh study has the dumb. Grug look out window, see people" Other anon >"You have the dumb' You >"Read the study" that's what the first guy didn't do, remember? <|endoftext|> Grug scared of not Grug tribe grugs. Grug want all other Grugs go away and leave Grug alone. Am only way Grug can be safe. <|endoftext|> Will we finally return to grug? <|endoftext|> Ok? But if it wasn't for grugs to farm the food, drive it to your supermarket and sell it to you, you'd starve. Also the grugs that built the roads and the trucks needed for that food to be transported. Also the grugs that go into police to keep the other grugs in check, so you don't get grugged. grug is hard job. <|endoftext|> Also this is a great post. Grug see fucked up female; Grug know feeling, Grug take female under his wing. Grug give female love that Grug never had. Predictably, things go south, but Grug hang on because he know feeling of being alone. <|endoftext|> holy shit it's irl horny grug <|endoftext|> No, I don't want to give privileges to someone because le sex, something I never signed up for in the first place. I do not, and noone has to, nor should anyone accept anything they deem wrong. However, I will agree incels are just the other side of the coin of OP, chained by sexual desire. I have personally given up on sexuality. Lookism is a thing regardless of sex however, and it's not a good thing. I do not want to be a simp, I do not want to be a grug, neither do I want to hate enormous groups of people. <|endoftext|> Both are true. This is what the fruits of sexual liberation have been in the end: a spiral towards coomerism that no one wants. But a regress is not the solution, a regress just means the most heinous of grug behaviour being normal, motivated by sexuality. The truth is that the desire itself is the problem, and evolution doesn't care whether we're happy, moral, etc, or not. The only way is to minimise and/or reject it. <|endoftext|> Grug hate all not Grug tribes. Grug no want share Grug world with not Grug tribe grugs. <|endoftext|> back then though, if there were too many incels and chad grug was hording the women the betas would probably just kill chad and take his women, not even chad can fight off 12 angry incel cavemen <|endoftext|> this is such cope none of you faggots were alive back then and none of you faggots know that breeding was gauranteed. I bet incels were a thing in grug days too and back then i bet incels said "well lmao back when we were just monkeys this wasn't an issue we need a return to monke" COPE HARDER FAGGOTS <|endoftext|> desu i can't read some of princes posts because of that. my brain too grug to feel feels and i get overwhelmed trying to keep up and then confused. <|endoftext|> Well thats pretty good then. I'll try installing it later today I mean i dont really know what to say about orcs and goblins but i just love how grug they are. their nature and their names. in warhammer theres a title called weirdnob <|endoftext|> I should try those out then. I also heard there isn't much compatability with video games. I don't know many myself honestly but just those grug orc and goblin societies in fantasy I adore. I like mocking football fans a lot because the game it self doesn't interest me. I like going kick the ball in the facking goal lads oh he done a handball what a nob ref where's the ref what the fack I'm still here friend. What do you think cuases you all this trouble? When did you start having problems with them? <|endoftext|> >always thinking about grug hunting and picking berries >realize I would never have gotten a chance to do normal caveman activities and would be a shaman or something kms <|endoftext|> >grugiety say grug be happy with picking barries >gruglites have all barries and women >gruglite tell grug to keep picking barries and not notice >grug think gruglite trick grug >grug and others grugingas beat gruglite and take all women and barries >we gruglite nao <|endoftext|> Holy fuck thanks anon. I'm going to copy this and make my own tweaks to it to fit my character. Finally these subversive interview questions can stop being my second-biggest barrier to actually getting a job. As for the actual biggest barrier, anyone know how to BS a resume? I have no idea what to write when I'm supposed to describe myself. How do I convince the boss of a company that does grug-brain manual labour that I'm the right sort of character? I can show them IRL but I'm required to somehow convey that shit through text. <|endoftext|> THEY NO AM GRUG TRIBE GRUG TRIBE GOOD, NOT GRUG TRIBE BAD UNGA BUNGA <|endoftext|> oh god i had that same fantasy once that's fucking kino. i didn't expect to feel reading this. ahahaeerrrr maybe feelings and other people aren't so bad... hah... she seems pretty clear to my dumb fuck grug autistic ass brain. maybe that's just because everybody reads everything in their own inflections and internal monologue and i have trouble paying attention to feeling feelings that people write out, but i'm rarely confused by her. Jayy however sometimes does confuse me a bit. she's definitely got that mysterious allure, though. she's good at it. <|endoftext|> >I'd recommend against that Don't know if she's most or not-like-the-other-girls until you try. I'll take the utmost care not to screw that first kiss: well warmed up and gentle, aiming for pleasurable pressure over spear. I'm way too turned on by girls being turned on to be grug about it and waste what could be a lifelong wonderland of womb smooching potential. I do thank you for looking out tho, because there are a lot of retards who would ruin that experience for a girl and make her fearful to ever try it again. I'm a switchhuman male, tyvm <|endoftext|> some Fi and Se type? i dunno, but i see. t. INTP incompetent at romance and love beyond basic grug shit side note, watching surgery in real time would be pretty cool. the human body is cool. i would have liked to witness davinci dissecting people. <|endoftext|> Is ISFP the ultimate coomer type? I mean it's basically just "grug pp feel good grug happy" right? Moreover, their ESFP siblings are the hoe type <|endoftext|> Grug tribe am best tribe. Because am GRUG tribe, and Grug am best grug. If you no am Grug tribe, you am BAD grug. This GRUG land, and Grug only share Grug land with Grub tribe. All not Grug tribe am bad, because am different, and different scare Grug. Grug want club all not Grug tribe grugs so Grug can feel safe. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Sexually active = good genes, must reproduce. Good genes reproduce, tribe strong warriors, grug happy. <|endoftext|> >Except when everyone sides with them against you So sick of normies doing that. Every damn time a woman gets into any argument with a man, everyone numps to her side. Seen normies do this coubtless time and posture up. Whats funny is that people often get beaten up by chads for doing this, yet normies still dont care. Which makes me think its not them being opportunistic, its actually normies instincts. They cant help it. Its not a thought provess, its an emotion >grug... must... cuck... self... for... woman!! Ive seen webm of normies attacking bigger guys than them and getting decked out <|endoftext|> grug like big bugunga. show grug and he give sparkle rock <|endoftext|> tfw no gatherer-bf to larp as grug woodsmen with next to my family cabin in bumfuck Montana <|endoftext|> though as a close friend of mine once said grug didn't work all day, grug hunt, grug find food, grug cook and eat, grug sharpen his spear and watch the wood burn away in the bonfire, grug maybe pet hunting dog, then grug go to bed maybe productivity is just something others forced into my mind, or maybe I feel guilt since I don't even earn my living and just neet away in my parents' house <|endoftext|> >just write what i want to do to them Me am grug. Me am deeply desirous of handhold and snusnu woman so me am do. Have many kids have many more nights of snusnu not for kids but for us, preferably under big milk spill in moon sky. <|endoftext|> I think it's possible in theory, yeah, and I'll choose to believe it in hopes of making it happen. My understanding of the transcendent function is a unifying integration: a holy grail cocktail of cognition. Maybe that's not in line with the definition, as when I asked anons to explain their thoughts on it, some said the transcendent referred to a single type's stack interaction, and how the 4 functions act as one in practice since they influence each other. Ultimately I don't see a difference if a spectrum is applied. >ESTJ is Grug...? :3 Naw, novice ISTP superego use makes INFP grug. Poor ESTJ use is, like you said, the first big stress threshold, more an INFP behaving like an overly judgemental manager out of his element and finna pop a blood vessel because that's the best way they can adapt to the pressures, down tuning their Fi because they perceive it as a hindrance to the task at hand. Ideally you'd integrate it so you not only prevent sacrificing your strengths, but strengthen said strengthens and weaknesses. Simply as a communicative key, the ability to experience other mindsets within our lifetime allows us to bridge those opposites and find compassion and worth through understanding, even if it's understanding how little we understand with recognition of how much we want to. Why is that, anon? Will they run away in search of oil if left to their own devices? lmao definitely one of the funnier posts I've seen of yours >filename Yea! Like the reference implied, that would be a good example of Ti. You know what would be a great example of Te + Fe? Working with the preexisting theories while tuning it in a way that's more digestible to a target audience while still serving your goal ;) Interesting that you get more out of my abstract spacey INFProse than my attempts to be logical: total inverse of what I'd expect but also makes sense since I'm not speaking my language. Thinkers are so cool. Surprise surprise Chaos thrives <|endoftext|> ...continuation of ! T-that was a quick answer! :O Anyway, a Google Knowledge Panel is the info box that appears when you look for information about things Google's AI deems notable enough to have the box! *^.^*;;; The MBTI Step II splits all of the four preference axes (I/E, N/S, F/T, J/P) into five "facets", or sort of sub-preferences, so in total, there are 20 "preference axes" in Step 2! *^w^*;;; I think that's externalizing Fe! <(^_^)> When you do, please tell us what you found~! :3c This! *^w^* Your post inspired me to think! What if everyone can access all of the 16 types (and maybe even -A/-T by modulating the shadow and inferior use of each of these types)! :O Like! How, according to that one theory, a person's type gradually moves towards - and eventually becomes - its own mirror under various levels of stress, this same gradient-like transition could occur with ego <--> shadow and ego <--> shadow-mirror/mirror-shadow! *^.^* ESTJ is Grug...? :3 QwQ Why are you so mean? :'( :O Goodnight! (>^_^)><(^_^<) <|endoftext|> lel my bad, lemme try again in the form of a sacred adage: when pushed to shove, INFP become grug <|endoftext|> this is kind of correct in a way i think, but i don't think it's that simple. i can't really explain it other than yeah, one starts from subjective internal reasoning and one from external. i wonder what Ti doms were like in ancient times. i dunno if centaur could handle 18 naked cowboys at ram ranch. also, damn i didn't know i could want to fuck peanut butter. she lookin spreadable if you know what i mean. >Womens entire bodies are basically erogenous zones more or less once you get them going and your "exact spots" are bigger than my palms and sort of all over so it's not like they're hard to miss. god that's hot. makes sense then why when my grug brain see horny female, me want to touch and grope it everywhere and just hone in on these specific spots that look like they just feel so sensitive to touch and toy with. fuck, it's almost like men and women were meant for each other. fuck fuck fuck i want to try so many things. experiments in horny. <|endoftext|> grug want pussy <|endoftext|> what side effects? i'd imagine it would be hard to be worse than hair loss and testosterone aging effects i'll take being a femboy on hrt even though idk if i actually want tits over being a bald grug <|endoftext|> >one man has one opinion >but other man has other opinion >Grug no understand, two people, no think same? Yes. Some people like sluts, some don't, thats it. <|endoftext|> >why do you get off to smell? gross smell at that It's a caveman thing. Unga Bunga, Grug like stinky cavewoman, Grug take cavewoman to cave and make many grugsons. I don't make the rules either, anon. <|endoftext|> Grug tribe am best tribe. Because Grug tribe am GRUG tribe. Grug am bestest grug, and if other grugs no am like Grug, then they am BAD grugs. Grug no want share GRUG world with grugs that no am like Grug. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> That's a racial problem. Nothing to do with Islam. You don't sound very based lad, you're not a grug brained tommytard are you? <|endoftext|> i'm also an ineloquent grug brained retard. why did you claim me as your smut writer, you gay bro? <|endoftext|> You're likely not autistic, just depressed or OCD. Autism itself doesn't really exist, just like how ADHD doesn't. Autism is really just a description of poor, often asocial, genes. Weirdo Grug would've died out quickly then, without reproducing his poor genes. <|endoftext|> >be part of unga bunga tribe >there is this weird grug around that smells bad and doesnt make the right grunts sometimes >he freaks out and causes big ooga booga when he hears weird noises but one time it was angry big cat with sharp teeth >he doesnt touch female much and likes to sort rocks into useful stacks >guess weirdo grug can stay <|endoftext|> How do people get this badly addicted? In the natural state of a grug hunter gatherer baseline human, you don't have access to these brain altering chemicals. Therefore addiction to it is literally an artificial self inflicted phenomenon. How do people get to the point where they associate their addictions with baseline human existence and can't separate it from what's normal? Is everyone around me crazy, or am I just the crazy one here? <|endoftext|> BIG HONKIN TIDDIES BIG SOFT BELLY GRUG WANT <|endoftext|> Well, my college is arranging a beach party so I will probably just wear a bunch of student merch with my faculty's signature color and school emblem on it so the other students see me and tribalistically think "hmm, he in the same tribe, grug hang out with him" I've often made friends in my life, and then I change schools, move to another town that's far away, and start from scratch at 0 friends and build it up from there by just going to events. I never call my old friends and usually when I move towns the old ones are so far away there's no point. <|endoftext|> Mmmm... Kind fembob... Grug want... <|endoftext|> >when fire invented fucking hell Grug lol <|endoftext|> This is what Grug meant when he coined the term "Mother Earth". <|endoftext|> grug not saying that bignose tribe clubbing did not happen but grug know only 4 bignose living in cave, how they say 6 bignose die? grug confuse. <|endoftext|> Bear woman not like Grug meat club. Grug use hot hot stick to chase sting creatures away. Grug give sting creature liquid to bear woman. Bear woman accept Grug meat club. <|endoftext|> Then Grug go see if bear a woman, bear do more Grug things than pink woman. <|endoftext|> *Nod* Grug use skull for drink <|endoftext|> Grug have scrotum like leather, Grug spend all days in forest, laundry day too. <|endoftext|> Grug not one to waste. <|endoftext|> Woman get away from Grug one time. Grug chase woman. Woman get attacked by bear. Grug hide. Bear drag woman body way. Grug pick up woman head and [CENSORED] <|endoftext|> Grug wait, Woman pick berries. When woman kneel to pick berries Grug spring from bush and thwonk her good, surprise key. <|endoftext|> Grug not use stick club, Grug use meat club. <|endoftext|> EDL are Zionist where grug brained nationalists. National socialism is where it's at. <|endoftext|> ass grug brain mode <|endoftext|> >camera lens far away >camera lens very close hmmm yes, grug think size is very different <|endoftext|> >muh grug use almighty stick And you'd be filled with stab holes, because your first "almighty" swing that supposedly broke my arm just brought you closer to my knife, fuckwit. But sure, keep thinking that you only have to swing once to defeat someone with a 6 inch blade. You know what? You prove that they're not being used. <|endoftext|> Men and women have functionally similar sex drives. Women are socialized to see sex differently from men and to not be so obsessed with it. Thus, they control their urges better and save it for when they really want to have it. The fact men will get angry when denied sex shows how much of total cumbrains they get raised to be because they get the slightest urge then demand sex. Women also want to be put in the mood and made to feel sexy. Unless the guy is the type whose mere appearance and personality will render panties soaked they will often reject their boyfriend's just coming up and going "GRUG WANT HOLE NOW!" <|endoftext|> Because you will never be it and youre better off being grug. <|endoftext|> yeah i wanted to do it since i was like 15 but here i am early 20s i feel like i should do it by 24 anyway why would i want to be a grug instead of a cute girl <|endoftext|> You keep saying the same thing over and over but not much else. We are still waiting on the details of the plan, grug. <|endoftext|> Nice counterargument Grug. <|endoftext|> its caveman shit grug see butt, butt shaking turn grug on takes no skill or creativity on part of the female <|endoftext|> If people survived Toba thousands of years ago when everyone was still a Grug with sticks and clubs then it would take something beyond catastrophic to do us in today. Not saying any hypothetical scenarios in the near future will be pleasant, they sure as hell wont, but people in the end are much more resilient than given credit for which will be seen once the rotten crutches of modern life are kicked out from under all of us. <|endoftext|> When it was my turn to use the bluetooth speakers, I played this song for people at work yesterday and a normie said that it sucked because it was "too long" and had "no lyrics" That's probably one of the things I hate the most about normies; they have no ability to separate what they like from what they think is good. I rarely say that I think a piece of music is bad because I have no clue what went into making it, and I'm probably not the intended audience. Normies just think everything they like is the best and everything they don't is the worst, literal grug cavemen. <|endoftext|> That's the point though. It's not a test OF values. It's a way to start discourse ON values. Does the christian in the room immediately condemn the woman? What if they say no despite your preconceived notions of what their values must be based on what little you apparently know about them? What about your own values? That's why the other one asked for follow-up justification of your rankings. A christian doesn't have a gun pointed to their head and so can give any answer under the rainbow but you expected them to give a "christian" answer. Here is where you say something like "he's not a real christian then." And then the discourse on the matter now switches to "what is a REAL christian". Etc etc. They just made the starter to this discourse something distinctively divisive in nature to get the process started and on the proper rails. For example: how is this a "feminist" issue? Guys disliking women cheating on them has been a thing long before we even had the capability to form hard concepts. Grug smashing grog to keep him away from his mate is also just as old. What makes you assume the women role was "made" to garner sympathy from respondents? See? The story prompt is doing as intended. <|endoftext|> go look at the Egypcian part, they invented chairs and they were used only by the rich and powerful, so chair were meant to show your power in society because you had somewhere confortable to sit on, nothing about sex, not even grug cared about a chair since he travelled so much <|endoftext|> >grug want sit down while fuck >rock feel bad >grug make sit thing wouldn't be surprised desu <|endoftext|> >Grug make spear >Tribe become strong tribe If not for Grug and his tribe you would be living in cave eating berry to this day <|endoftext|> Grug days men died from war all the time too so there was always more women than men. Prehistoric societies had higher male death rates from war than the west in the 20th century. Look up the book war before civilization on wikipedia. <|endoftext|> It's always been like this. The difference is that before the sexual revolution, women's true nature was repressed by the old tradition. Couple that with the dawn of smartphones, and you are no longer competing with your local chads only. Now hypergamy is allowed to run wild, and we are slowly, but surely returning to the grug days when only a small fraction of men got to reproduce. <|endoftext|> >Why skinny grug care about world outside cave? Unga bunga. That's you. >There's nothing in space but millions of millions of miles of hydrogen atoms And down here, there's millions and millions of idiots like you. I'll take the hydrogen atoms. They're better company than your dumb ass. <|endoftext|> I used to be like that, but it really is grug-brained shit. Racism is a waste of time. Just take care of yourself and be good to other people. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. <|endoftext|> GRUG MAKE CUM ON CAVE GRUG FEEL GOOD <|endoftext|> know about a guy who was named grug before the guy from the croods as well as the meme. my condolences. <|endoftext|> >hmmmm >grug like rock and stick >hmmmmmm >grug now called rick <|endoftext|> showers are good! alot of people have trouble keeping up with them so good work! sorry to hear you usually wake up in pain, that's no fun :( >how is your day pretty okay, im watching bad anime because i have bad taste how in the hell did you do that who got ? you fucking evil bastard HE PREDICTED IT TOO?!?! it wasn't a passing thing for me, hopefully it wont be for you either. >grug instinct >i need to fix my body i believe in you!! work hard!! >i find gloomy comfy i do too in the right circumstances, but i cant do practically anything when the sun isnt out, so that's why im settling in and watching horrible horrible anime trash <|endoftext|> >i remember really processing i existed in a heavy physical way for the first time and it totally fucked with my head. yeah, exactly. i'm hoping it's not a passing feeling and that it'll last or i can at least figure out a way to evoke it. i walked past this short-ass woman earlier on a walk and it made me feel a physical way in relation to her. it's hard to explain, but it's this just weird grug brain physical clarity and presence, like there's no barrier or block between me and the world. i need to fix my body up. >don't forget it! write it down somewhere! set a calendar reminder for the future on your phone and surprise your future self! good idea. hope your night's going alright all things considered with the gloomy. i find gloomy comfy. <|endoftext|> Pulling off tricks requires different technique when you have a slab body type and not a runners body type. Your extra mass can be a boon because you can use it to keep shit going easier. Develop your calves and thighs but specifically your hamstrings you're basically grug stomping shit that the lanky types get to feather. <|endoftext|> >our intelligence derived from sexual selection Nah, that's retarded. Intelligence derived from natural selection, because being smarter than others meant better weapons, more efficient ways of getting and conserving food/building shelters/protecting yourself from hostile elements/etc, which in turn meant greater chance of survival and a better lifestyle. It's not the intelligence that attracted females, but the result of having said intelligence. Grug didn't pass on his smart genes because Grugeta chose him, Grug passed his smart genes because he knew how to get sharp stik and btfo Unga, who only had a rock. <|endoftext|> 80k here as an entry level machinist, still lift after work too. Its possible to live comfortably without back breaking in a trade. Dont go for the meme jobs like mechanic or carpenter. Non-grug tradesmen are highly sought after. <|endoftext|> In any case I'm doing nofap again since my last month of nofap, done years ago, actually helped in that my sperm was no longer yellow whenever I came after that whereas it was constantly yellow before (after that big orgasm I mentioned),but not by default. Having constantly yellow sperm even if it's "fresh" is another sign of hormonal imbalance. I'm sure none of you will ever go through this as what I did cannot be done on accident and requires precise knowledge and a few other things that I won't mention (it's not tantric sex nor drugs, but not unrelated to them I guess). I'm only telling you this because jerking off can be dangerous regardless, some do night long edging sessions and other stuff and it wouldn't surprise me if it caused problems in the long run. I didn't even begin to describe my brain fog and apathy and mental weakness and tiredness, but that's mostly because these things still vary from one day to the next, with some days being better than others and giving me the illusion that I'm feeling better despite the symptoms coming back almost daily. I even had marks, like red scratch marks, appear on my inner thighs and belly. Maybe I was fucking a succubus? I'm not superstitious, but at this point... Tl;dr magical wank destroy Grug's body <|endoftext|> Because their tiny grug brains think in absolutes. You are either a friend or foe to them. Nothing in-between. They literally cannot understand that you can be neither. So they feel the need to make you pick a side so their tiny grug brains will stop hurting. <|endoftext|> >she knows what the inner caveman wants grug mark female with whitewater, claim female butt <|endoftext|> >Me tribe better than other tribe because no bad hormone Okay grug I'm happy you feel good about yourself <|endoftext|> So it's like alcohol then? Your rational part can still make shout outs but grug brain has the wheel and isn't giving it up? Can you at least recognize it after the fact that it occured? Are the guys that insist they were doing amazing just softening the blow or being exceptionally blind to reality? I always figured it was just some selective blindness issue that kicked in via hormonal switch or something like when some women get their periods. <|endoftext|> The hubris is in the presumption that this pseudointellectual wank has any relation whatsoever to reality. Truth is objective, nothing is arbitrary, and you simply get erased for thinking you are more enlightened than Grug. <|endoftext|> I WILL carry you back to my cave, fembot, I WILL get you pregnant on the spot, and when cavechad comes looking, I WILL kill him and keep you all to myself. You WILL get bred and be my bitch. Grug want you. Grug want female. Now. Female make whitewater come out. <|endoftext|> Grug. <|endoftext|> His name was probably Grug or Ugg <|endoftext|> Grug doesn't understand study. Gruggette told Grug that she loves him while scissoring Grugette #2. Grug believes that all female Grugs love him! <|endoftext|> why should the reason for banning things be banned if the thought of banning stuff bans them from being though of to begin with?= yeah let's ban it thinking about thinking that is we'd all just be a 1 dimensional grug <|endoftext|> >old good >nu bad Grug agree. <|endoftext|> >grug like smash >you no like smash? >GRUG SMASH YOU <|endoftext|> >shegrunga mate with oogaooga >oogaooga run away in fast legs and no hunt for his baby oogas >shegrunga want me to hunt for baby oogas, maybe give me bunga >frend say 'let shegrunga in your cave, no other shegrunga give you chance, you need to bungabunga, so what if she has little ooga with her it takes a bigger grug to feed tiny ooga, a REAL grug.' But how come oogaooga not be a bigger grug, but he still get bunga me no like this thing, reminds me of cuckoo bird who lay eggs in other bird's nest me no sit on cuckoo egg, that longnose idea <|endoftext|> it's truly fascinating how programmed the responses are when you begin a discussion about anything regarding primitivism. >grug >kaczynski was a schizo >wow you're using technology right now, checkmate <|endoftext|> >me see sand tribe has sharp metal stick >I bonk sand tribe man >I take metal stick and put in club >now I am stronger grug than before <|endoftext|> >uwunga? >chieftain hurt grug? >CHIEFTAIN BAD <|endoftext|> >chunga get to hunt mammoth all day then come and be with bunga and womanga >grug have to pick berry all day and be alone in cave It not fair <|endoftext|> Grug make unga bunga with Grugette and makes lots of Gruglings. Grug hunt hairy trunk beast with Gargar, friend of Grug. Grugette pick berry. Enemy tribe come, Grug and Gargar defend tribe with pointy stick. Life good. No sad head voice. <|endoftext|> What if they just adopt more aggressive hunting practices. Fish hooks don't leave that serious of wounds so gladiator nets would help and sword wounds heal with time and chicks dig scars. Besides, get a good sized man means you could have a battle slave that can grug smash the way you can't. It'd be like bonnie and clyde in reverse. <|endoftext|> >more tone I can honestly see why someone might go for that, but for me hes just right. I prefer boyish types over mucho men anyways. Less intimidating and I can feel more at ease. Plus when he tries to be manly for me, like lifting heavy stuff or using powertools, i feel a lot more flattered than a hunking grug doing it. >jannies dont man me I mean boyish tyoes over 18. <|endoftext|> This, lol. Funny thing is, if we all collectively decided to be "grug have stick, grug want sex, grug get sex", we could totally do it even today with zero problems. If grug wants to smash, grug will smash, either figuratively or literally. And no amount of mental gymnastics would save them from that. I don't think they've realized that this whole civilization thing was made because we were trying to be nice and because we felt bad for them. <|endoftext|> Female? Why'd I ever be female?? I enjoy my violence genes and having the capability to physically empower any women. I especially enjoy watching them make the most elaborate of coping strategies on why they are worth more than a baby machine or a fuck toy, when one moid going, grug have stick and tannerite, grug smash can shit all over all femoid opinions. <|endoftext|> None of this has anything to do with the post you're replying to, you're just screaming "do you even k ow how smart i think i am, i took a biology class in undergrad! Ugly people existed : thus im right because genetics should be better cause diversity=good! Grug is smart psychology major" <|endoftext|> grug like way grugina smell. grugina hair soft like bear pelt. but grug not know why new grugina look like grug good friend from mountain grug tribe. grug not know why new grugina have rock in loin cloth. <|endoftext|> grug chop dik, grug now wom <|endoftext|> >grug make cave painting of big skinsnake >grug receive shiny stones from longnose tribe <|endoftext|> i think i have to more figure out how to better read people with Fe and work on the "foreplay" aspect of intimacy and social smoothness of bringing it about. Fe types might better understand it, like xNFJs. i'm liable to just jump right in suddenly with "fuck i want to do this specific thing to you" or "have you this way, make you feel this way". you're right that i have to just work on that before i'm ready. this is all just rambling, but the more i think about it the more i realize INTP might be one of the worst types for classical romanticism/intimacy. Ti Si is pretty damn weird for those and Ne just comes up with weird things, inferior Fe has a lot of expression problems. i'd imagine ISTPs have this same problem, but their grug brain is turned up to the max with Ti Ni laser focus and with the addition of Se it isn't as much of an issue for them. i don't even know what i'm saying at this point i'm kind of just talking at you so i'll stop. <|endoftext|> makes me wonder about ENTJ foids. romanticism seems to be a big thing for Fi. my occasional playful flirtyness, cutesy fantasies, and straightforward grug brain "i'd do this and this and that to you, slut" smut only hits horny girls. romanticism is interesting, but it's probably not for me. Fi seems like a very romantic type of function whereas inferior Fe just sucks. <|endoftext|> her initial reply comes off flirty. then she poked me to see my response. then she mentioned dating, signaling that she is indeed a girl and probably looking for a bf or at least created an opening for me to talk to her more. it's like that elementary school bullying shit. she reminds me of someone i used to know, a tomboy girl. regardless, you should always assume the best case scenario anyway. practice and knowing foids. it's harder for me in real time like discord text or something because i'm retarded and usually not caring about the conversation and just reading it like blank text on a screen in a pretty autistic, grug brain way. <|endoftext|> I think the globobros do a pretty good job with their posts, actually. Better than I would do with their fake, sing-songy Romance languages or their "Me Grug Hock Spit!" sounding Germanic or Slavic languages. And it's nice to hear from them. They have interesting perspectives on stuff. <|endoftext|> Industrial society has failed you, anon. Reject society, embrace your grug instincts and fight that nasty brain of yours until you want to dominate and impregnate her like a real man. <|endoftext|> Dont men have look like they have more negative traits? It always seemed that way to me, particularly when i was little. I like to think people are all the same when it comes negative traits, genders tend to have their own strengths and weaknesses but it should all balance out in the end so why do women tend to shine more? Even they believe they shine more, we look like grug to them, carelessly stomping through social situations that they are far more careful with, of course they are, they are scared of men which they happily admit. Ill leave it at this, women are great not at impersonations but acting the way thats necessary <|endoftext|> >Grug ADMIT he berry picker! I think you meant to (you) <|endoftext|> Do you actually believe people are putting on their true face around others? If everyone acted as their thoughts pleased, almost nobody would like anyone to begin with, no one likes a spoiled princess and the spoiled princess doesnt like anyone. You admire the person after they did all the manipulating, their outward appearance is manipulation itself, its silly to ignore things like us all admiring them because if they were great as manipulation as i say they are, we wouldnt really know without looking at the effects. > then surely men would develop some resistances to it right? Nothing substantial, its more beneficial for women to have the ability to manipulate men than it is harmful for men to be manipulated. To put it simply, being manipulated by women into protecting them isnt exactly that much of a problem even if we die because it often means we protected our offspring/tribe so evolution isnt as strict with it. On the other hand, women can keep grug calm and protective at all times so they get to live as a physically inferior gender. Its about intensity of benefits/disadvantages anti-evopseud <|endoftext|> How often were big burly cavemen actually trying to kill them? Didn't they have more important things to do, like hunt mammoths, brewing 0.5% alcohol beer and working on their textile patterns? I've heard the day-to-day brutality of cavemen is overplayed. lets be real here I don't think women needed to do much convincing to get other tribes to capture them instead of hitting them over the head with a rock, if anything in half these conflicts capturing females would have been a goal. It'd be like saying bails of hay, cattle, or golden treasures need to be manipulative when in reality they just need to make it clear what they are so no mistakes are made and they're damaged on accident. I've never found women to be particularly good at manipulation. Maybe because I'm sort of a manipulative mastermind myself but a lot of guys are grug brained enough to see pointing out they have a vagina a some kind of master chess move. Kind of like how women are bad at finding sexual partners, I think playing on easy mode makes them kind of weak and more vulnerable than they realize That's all to say, I can't exactly jump through the screen and give them a two finger test and then ban them from this thread now can I so what's the point? Can't even determine their sex or if they're even human. All I can say is that sex havers aren't welcome The blindspot is also the least well compensated for function. You can use Fi to compensate for a lack of Ti a lot more effectively than you can use it to compensate for a lack of Se, or Ne. <|endoftext|> where is it you absolute fucking grug <|endoftext|> Grug no like that. Be nice to Wojak and Pepe or else Grug put a hurtin on you. <|endoftext|> grug like women grug give woman food woman get big get soft grug like big like soft too more food more big more soft <|endoftext|> It's precisely because he looks like a chad grug he gets more women <|endoftext|> Overly nice is excessive kindness. Simple. >women picky >women no like grug >new woman *really* nice to grug >new woman touch grug and laugh >new woman not like other woman Its the same story for most men starting out, and most men are xxTx I dont know if you're a supposed intuitive, but if so you should consider a mistype, as this is basic human psychology & pattern recognition <|endoftext|> Ah yes, Grug was indeed correct... <|endoftext|> >Do what the ancients did, anon. Uhhh, Grug use club? <|endoftext|> Ok this makes sense Grug cums on wall and doesnt need socks. Simple as. Why Sun God make cave wall if not for grug to cum on wall? And yet you still let them cum in you. <|endoftext|> >grug lose job >chief gives grug shiny rock for no work >everyone say grug being good for stay in cave and get no work rocks >one summer later >everyone mad at grug for still get no work rocks >no enough grugs to work because of no work rocks >grug staying on no work rocks until he no get them anymore Get clubbed rockcucks. Grug on vacation. <|endoftext|> Jesus Christ, anon, listen to yourself. >DUUUUUHHHHH CAN I USE HAMMER TO GRUG SMASH JAWLINE?????? <|endoftext|> Women who raise children and are submissive to their husbands, and picked a man who is kind and gentle and loving to be the father of their children (and not a grug brained child-abusing psycho) are based women. <|endoftext|> grug want rock to smash OP head in <|endoftext|> But yeah yeah, humans are a bunch of plains ape breeders ruled by NPC emotions, and those NPC emotions are stupid. NPC emotions are partially satisfied by internet contact and partially not, and people love to choose whichever interpretation denies responsibility, so people with a successful social media presence focus on the "partially satisfied" while people who are sad will fixate on the "partially not". And NPC emotions try to select who you love on your behalf, leading to people glitching the fuck out and loving people they'd never have a breeding relationship with, because NPC emotions are a half-assed adaptation at the best of times and that's compounded in people who themselves are not well adapated to society. This combines to give a person who is sad because they never stopped being shit and never got gud at being a normalfag, who then orbits their own head and focuses on their excuses and failures, and uses these as "reasons" to keep being sad and growing desperate. This would work fine if their problem was something tangible such as "Grug not have enough berries" because your chimp brain is good at handling that. But if Grug's problem is that Grug has poor self control and Grug gets addicted to short-term dopamine hits that the internet has made both easy to get but unfulfilling in long term, then Grug's chimp brain ain't gonna handle it. And when Grug gets oneitis for a girl he'll never have, on account of Grug's sedentary lifestyle of cope making him unfulfilled and desperate, and Grug just trusts his NPC instincts instead of managing them, Grug's gonna have a bad time. I know that. The good news is, you do actually have a brain capable of self-control that can get out of these traps. I know why a stupid monkey would be sad in that situation but I don't know why people insist on repeating the decisions of said stupid monkey. <|endoftext|> >motherhood is a duty but it's way more fulfilling to raise a kid you know will look like pic related that a crooked midget ugly future loser. Yeah, too bad. You personal considerations and sense of fullfillment are subordinate to the interest of society and species. You should love your child regardless. Get what your given and move on. You dont need a big grug. You're a selfish hedonistic whore who views children as a commodity. <|endoftext|> People who are having casual sex in general are just not very intelligent or developed people. They are impulsive, grug brained simpletons who are consumed with the here and now, the flesh, the material. Possessing no window to the divine. High time preference golems. <|endoftext|> >he doesnt know that women unironically want to be clubbed over the head and dragged back to the cave Grug think troon ngmi <|endoftext|> have a big dick (18cm+) be tall (186cm) but not too tall (210cm) be fit but not like those disgusting roiding 0.0001 bfp guys have full hair, good teeth, clear skin earn 60k+ per year but don't be overworking, I want you to have time for me have a car have a house know how to fix stuff in the house have good hobbies like art, music, cooking, reading, or sports (good sports, not the grug ones, lifting isn't a sport btw) and not manchild stuff be intelligent, like at least a masters degree, PhD if non stem have a good sense of humor have no children don't be a virgin but don't have too many partners be nice too animals, maybe own one (but not those weird ones like reptiles and stuff) have a good relationship with your family but don't be a mommies boy I think that's about it <|endoftext|> >use telegony There were ancient cultures that would flay people alive because they thought if they stopped the sun would stop rising. Belief in telegony can cause beneficial results even without the postulated mechanism being valid. Consider a hypothetical culture that believes in strong heredity. Your aptitudes come, primarily, from those of your parents. Anna, the village whore, is impregnated by Brog, the great hunter. She then fucks Zormarian, the great cave painter, Unfo, the great fighter, and La-ri, the firekeeper. She gives birth to Grug. Grug turns out to have very little natural aptitude for hunting. In a culture that believes that only the seed of the mother and the first impregnator matter, Grug's early training assumes Grug's greatest potential is as a hunter or a whore - and Grug is bad at hunting. In a telegonist culture, Grug's early training assumes Grug could be a whore, a hunter, a cave painter, a fighter, or a firekeeper. Grug is offered training in all of these. Grug turns out to be a lousy hunter, but a skilled firekeeper. <|endoftext|> Submissive "men" should not exist in nature. They should be eaten by a sabertooth or have their head clubbed in by Grug. I'm glad that femdom fetishes are correlated with incels who won't reproduce DESU. <|endoftext|> He was right. There starting to grug speak on their shity posts. <|endoftext|> How did you find a picture of me grug? <|endoftext|> Well she has long hair which will make it easy to grab onto and control her head, and her heels keep her center of gravity on areas smaller than her entire foot so she'll have less balance. She looks skinny and kind of frail, and she's wearing bulky jeans and a long coat so she probably wouldn't move very fast. She looks like she would have some cutesy little pink pepper spray keychain but she had better step it up because if grug could, then grug would. That's my final rating. <|endoftext|> >The animal kingdom doesn't have the complicated cultural and social norms that we do. Exactly. So they have no social norms that interfere with them recognizing what is male and what is female. As you are a troon, that is what you are trying to do here in a vain attempt to prevent people from being disgusted with you. >Body hair is considered manly, and women who have body hair are considered unfeminine. I don't care about body hair. I woman with armpit hair is still a woman. A man who wears a dress and speaks in uncanny falsetto is still a man. An indian woman who is hairier than a gorilla's ass is an ugly woman. >People who are assigned male at birth but have breast tissue exist everywhere, Indeed. We call them fatasses, soiboys and subhumans here, as we should. >but once again society tells them this is a feminine trait despite nature doing whatever the fuck it wants. Because naturally, they wouldn't have bitch tits. Its a consequence of their sedentary, degenerate lifestyles. And if they were born in grug times with such deformities, we'd leave them to get their undoubtably malformed brains pecked out by the vultures. >I shouldn't even have to explain to you how the concept of the clothing we wear being gendered is entirely a function of culture. True. Culture will never make you a woman no matter what you call yourself or what you wear. You will always be a sub-par and mentally deranged man. >As a society we're completely obsessed with the differences between men and women but apparently the idea that someone doesn't fit into either box is just too much for some people to wrap their head around and they get violently defensive about that. As we should. We should react to people like you with violence. >Agender people exist. No they don't. Those are delusional, retarded mutants. <|endoftext|> >Be GRUG >GRUG sees many small women on Trugs cave wall >Trug tell GRUG it not terrible cause small women are actually 64 seasons old >GRUG hit Trug with rock >no weirdo grugs in my tribe. <|endoftext|> >Just be Grug <|endoftext|> >unga bunga grug like big booba unga bunga This is literally a thread for that in case you didn't notice. <|endoftext|> >I didn't see tattoos because I was too busy looking at the tits Your standards seem to pretty low. What are you, a caveman? >unga bunga grug like big booba unga bunga <|endoftext|> >doesn't mean you should go all in on either Don't put words in Grug's mouth for the sake of bullshit 'advice'. Makes it sound like you have something to prove to a person on the internet - a very, very bad look. <|endoftext|> I never said anything about lifting, you can do whatever the fuck you want, but the faggot up there was claiming the guy in the picture would "destroy your body". I was just analyzing how he'd do in a fight. The same goes for "I'm bigger so I must be stronger". Both are true, but that doesn't mean you should go all in on either. Take the advice, Grug. <|endoftext|> based grug brain <|endoftext|> he want put peepee in doodoo hole ahaha grug call u faggot <|endoftext|> Absolutely. I would take good care of my grug brained waifu and make passionate love to her. <|endoftext|> Phaggotry (male on male) is just disgusting at an innate level, but i don't have anything against you. You can do whatever you want but this is intellectual. The grug brained average masses react with hatred when they are disgusted by something. They immediately want to wipe it out. <|endoftext|> Yeah, it's not at all hard to describe, and it's not even as complicated as this anon makes it out to be. Cock, hole. If Grug could understand it, so can you. see <|endoftext|> smear poop on the jabbing stick >break my thick short femur while foraging for mushrooms >have to sit out for an hour while it heals >the other foragers point and chuckle at me for having a bone density below 3SD >grug face when <|endoftext|> "GRUG WANT PUT IT IN PINK, GO BEDROOM NOW!" <|endoftext|> Grug would look fine if Grug leaned into the look and brushed Grugs fucking hair <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO LIKE NOT GRUG TRIBE GRUGS UNGA BUNGA UNGA BUNGA UNGA BUNGA UNGA BUNGA UNGA BUNGA <|endoftext|> Will Grug like Grug, pick heavy stuff until no more angry. <|endoftext|> Lift some weights. Grug lick up heavy rock make sad thought go away <|endoftext|> Oh I know they do. They're also responsible for the colonial, neo-feudalist social structure that currently runs the world and makes everyone hate their lives. Dystopia is on men's shoulders. I will fulfill my role as a woman by speaking out against it, you grug grug cockposting subhuman <|endoftext|> Both are fine as long as they're tall and attractive. Women with no self-respect will go for the bearded, abusive grug types. Women with self-respect will go for more the more mentally stable (but still tall and attractive) guys. Key words are tall and attractive. <|endoftext|> Grug no get springtime punani Bongabonga mate with shegroonga and run away on fast legs to other land Come wintertime shegrooga come ask for food to feed baby bongabonga nigaligasa Grug no want feed baby bongas, remind grug of cuckoo bird who leave eggs for other bird to feed <|endoftext|> Grug tribe grugs good. Not Grug tribe grugs bad. If not Grug tribe grugs were good, then would be Grug tribe grugs. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> GRUG TRIBE GOOD NOT GRUG TRIBE BAD UNGA BUNGA <|endoftext|> >grug >soulless Never <|endoftext|> Based ludditeposter. GRUG SMASH SHINY ROCK <|endoftext|> if not strong, grug think bad <|endoftext|> MORE BABY BETTER MORE BABY MAKE GRUG WINNER <|endoftext|> GRUG HAVE BABY BABY GOOD NO BABY BAD <|endoftext|> Nothing like others have said. It's reaffirming that relationships are transactional but if you havn't already peetered them out at this point it might be too big of a blow. I'd wait till everyone is already gone then use it as a cope. It's pretty nice. Way lower stress. Just don't take up politics or news, etc. To try and form bonds. Or social media. People get used to phone in grug hand grug press button easy talk, etc. <|endoftext|> >chad steal women >grug no like chad >grug kill chad >grug become leader <|endoftext|> Why not? And who said going to the gym makes you alpha in the first place? Lol you roasties really need to grow out of this idea that big man grug= alpha. I know body builders who I train with that are total pussies. And guys who have never lifted outside of PT that are boxing champions and brawlers. >Judging by that giant larpy wall of text you posted earlier Pic related <|endoftext|> >grug not feel accomplished for his age group >grug still not moved out of parents cave <|endoftext|> I don't know why /an/ memes honestly, I'm just there for cute seals desu. >It's a very complex issue to try and nail and address each deviancy though. Well I think that's not necessary, everyone can be degen in their own ways, not my beeswax what other people do in their own homes with their own electric toothbrushes. >I wasn't actually familiar with that stereotype. Yeah? I've heard that a few times now, that's why we tend to get along better with men despite not being interested in them and why there's more lesbian autists. >my lesbian "aunt" (My mom's niece technically) Damn bro your family tree is a wreath huh. >Based and god I left public school in about 8th grade so no gym class for me -- not that it would've had any girls in it anyhow. I went to a girls school so lots of qts but ostensibly no lesbos so oh well. Still looking is fun. >curly bedhead hair all of the time. It's apparently been something that girls like, or at least like to play with Yeah I've heard that often, fluffy hair is a plus on guys. But then again showering is a plus on guys so the standard isn't very high. >my grug-brain can kind of appreciate the "titcows." I'm sure the cows would say it's just tit jealousy but I just really don't see the appeal tbqh. I like girls who are a bit taller than me but not overly much, tiptoe kisses are hot stuff. Plus I'm pretty subby so it helps there too. But without sounding too gay all of that pales in comparison to just getting along with her so I think I could be into any body type if she's qt and into me and accepts me. <|endoftext|> /an/'s memes are a blessing. I was already mostly familiar with all of the animal stuff that /an/ talks about and even shed light on stuff from time to time -- to be fair though I am a literal autist with a heavy interest in biology and paleontology. If you want really obscure paleo content too I'd highly suggest paleocast on youtube >Honestly I think most people are a bit of a mix, tending more strongly towards one side or the or the other but not 100% masculine or feminine. You'd certainly seem to be right and I agree. It's a very complex issue to try and nail and address each deviancy though. >But of course lesbians are famously male brained and that's why we're more into lewds and whatnot. I wasn't actually familiar with that stereotype. I do know that me and my lesbian "aunt"(My mom's niece technically) get along really well. She's definitely one of my favorite family members. >I see we have a fellow based tomboy enthusiast here. Literally the only reason I joined gymnastics in school was to stare. I'd say I'm ashamed but not really. Based and god I left public school in about 8th grade so no gym class for me -- not that it would've had any girls in it anyhow. >Also my hair is the opposite, it's voluminous and fluffy but completely untamed, sometimes I just wanna cut it off and be done with it but I probably won't. Well I'unno if it's necessarily the opposite. Mine certainly has a bit of volume and I never do anything to "tame" it, so I just have curly bedhead hair all of the time. It's apparently been something that girls like, or at least like to play with -- although touch is an uncomfortable thing for me for the most part. We definitely align on hip and preference, although my grug-brain can kind of appreciate the "titcows." I'd call them "overtly fertile figures" though. How about height? What're your preferences on that? <|endoftext|> Oh yeah of course lots of men didn't reproduce because they're the ones murdering each other constantly for the right to reproduce. It makes sense women would reproduce more percentage wise because one dude can impregnate a ton of women before getting killed by another dude for access to women/resources. Kinda simplified obviously. >due to women being more concerned about their social appearance It's kind of that I guess, yeah, but I figure that'd be mostly a thing when men are present. Like I definitely notice women act differently when they're among themselves, or more openly anyway. I guess that's more because if you act somewhat sexually openly with men present it's seem as an invitation instead of just a fun topic. And I think it's more the female viewers who will intellectualize it, the director probably knows she's just doing it for grug brained horny reasons. That's what I like about the internet, you can find basically any group of degens no matter the gender and talk about the most degen things very casually without getting hit on or being embarrassed or having things become awkward. >At least we're bridging the sexes with an appreciation for thigh-highs. Thigh highs are a gift from the gods. Although I'm also very partial to underboob. Like a sports bra and it's pulled up a bit and they're kinda squished together. Wew. <|endoftext|> It's gross anon. Gross things are bad. It sounds grug but it's true! <|endoftext|> >it's cool to see that fire and neon side and the pictures you paint with your posts Appreciated. I envy your more direct style at times as I have a feeling it's what girls prefer >just think in actions when i'm horny, very grug lizard brain shit I certainly slip into that too. If it seems hard to believe, it's just because my horny posts are an attempt to convert that body centric craving into something else, usually because if I edge any more I'll lose and fucking hate myself for a day >i'm personally never gonna give up hope on the loving portion of sex Oh I don't think I could either, or I would have just thrown away my V by now. The elevated vanilla you describe is my baseline, so we pretty much land on the same core desires, I was just saying that the lack of cotton candy love makes me want to indulge the ends of the spectrum more, but I know I could be happy with just vanilla, even if I could also be happy in a kink heavy tryst. The glue for me is just deep intimacy. I think I can do virtually anything with someone I love, but nothing at all if I don't. Can't even hold hands with girls I don't want to stuff because it feels icky >using imagination a bit along with the visual stimulation Always class. Lights-out imagination is fun too but I definitely prefer a muse in my face for those lovely little plays >also, good luck with the nofap Thanks bro, and 3 months is grand, at least to a serial spiller like me. I also have taken care of my needs, from a young age and to my detriment. The only time I don't cum like crazy is when my brain gets tricked into thinking I'm taken and suddenly porn is cheating and my dick belongs to another. Really hoping to have my first wet dream ever so I can experience a taste of intimacy. What was yours like? Do you even recall? >Rxy aesthetic Has she ever hinted at her form? She's very much a recent interest so I don't have the dossier she suspects I do Great song btw---really brings out the synth slut in me <|endoftext|> >>they know you stare >how do they reconcile this? By feeling good about themselves >They want the attention but don't want non chad eyes? They don't care if you're nonchad >Hmm grug no like Fucking keked <|endoftext|> >they know you stare how do they reconcile this? They want the attention but don't want non chad eyes? Hmm grug no like <|endoftext|> Grug Thunderbone <|endoftext|> >grug am use big words to deflect harder Yeah yeah keep talking shit you dumb pseud. I'd bet money you only know the generic definition of qualia. <|endoftext|> Cause Chad Grug would beat you up whenever you tried to get near his pack, making you one of those Beta Grugs that spent their life drawing art of fucking animals in cave <|endoftext|> grug never said that <|endoftext|> Grug die because snake bite grug while asleep <|endoftext|> Help me Grug how do you do it <|endoftext|> Grog mount grug mom <|endoftext|> Is that all grug? Are you sure? No some existential thoughts and shit? <|endoftext|> >grug see female >grug like female >grug capture female >grug mount female >grug make whitewater come out >grug happy <|endoftext|> Cave grug that's good at killing, also good at protecting. That's how I see it anyway. <|endoftext|> I once travled back in my DNA (vision quest) and saw my anscestor being BONK'D and GRUG'D by a neaderthal woman <|endoftext|> >be grug >strange beast cleans up our discarded deer corpses when we leave them in the field >Strange animal starts following Grug around waiting for more dead deer >"Beast wish Grug friend? What is name?" >"Woof." <|endoftext|> Grug will ask elder <|endoftext|> grug must ask wise elder about this berry <|endoftext|> Yes. Women dont need a big grug to defend them from sabre tooths anymore. <|endoftext|> Yeah, OP! Just listen to this guy! Be a nihilist and think there is no God or purpose in life! Your primal instincts are not to be controlled like a Neanderthal. GRUG MAD AT DAD FOR LECTURE GRUG SMASH!!!! <|endoftext|> Grug sleep like 2 weeks from concussion. In dream Grug try talk with wizard woman, pants fall down. Grug try again, and she talk with bigger Orc Chadorc. Grug Dream talk to King, and King send Grug to prison for make Wizard Woman happy, but Grug do nothing. Grug think help Wizard Woman, save from bandit. Then random peasant with beanie and glasses, say "you no owed Grug. Misogynist predator Grug, Big power difference Grug" Wizard woman leave, and not appreciate. Grug think Grug kind of owed though, and that Wizard woman lack reciprocity make her inferior creature, and not worth help. It imply sociopath and lying to take advantage really same either way to Wizard Woman. Grug try flirt in King room but king show up and tell Grug leave. Where Grug suppose talk? Grug meet Grug parent's. Grug Dad Orc like Grug but wear shirt with sweater vest and thick rimmed glasses. He smoke tobacco pipe and call Grug "Sport" all time. Grug Dad say it easy as walk up and give firm handshake, then kidnap like tradition Orc wedding. He talk like interview job too. Grug Dad not know thing change. Orc "assertiveness" not political correct. Nobody Marriage now. Divorce court too costly. Grug think Romance dead. Wizard Woman clearly no care for Tradition romance. Clearly whore. She Fuck dickhead Chadorc. Grug Dad know nothing. Grug start think Nietzche was right, God is Dead. World not real like schopenhaur said. Grug never met Grug Dad anyway. Not sure why Grug think Grug Dad look like that. > this fucking filter is telling me that my story is somehow not original wtf <|endoftext|> Stone thing look like golem smack Grug out of hall. Grug scream. Fall two stories. Very manly scream Grug made. Not little bitch boy scream. Anyone Tell you Grug make bitch boy scream is liar. Anyway, Grug fall out window, and land gracefully on neck. Grug take axe, no help. Golem show up. Axe not break rock man. Wizard woman laugh, call Grug stupid and say mean things about Grug's tiny dick and say Grug virgin. Grug face go red and he go the ooga booga. Grab Rock man leg and try lift, but rock man kick Grug. Hold Grug against tree. Hurt Grug. Real hurt Grug. Wizard woman laugh at Grug. Grug not want admit. But Grug cry a little when nobody looking. <|endoftext|> The adventures of Grug Me Grug, Orc adventurer. Me tell story of Grug fight wizard woman. Grug sit one day in war meeting. Big room about 20 by 30 Grug think anyway, Grug talk with king about battle plans. Grug use little sculptures and everything. Make Grug look Professional, show King Grug not all Orc, but also brains too. King sit on big chair, like 10 feet up, Grug ask him come down. but king say no. Grug worried he not see Diorama Grug made. Grug feel stupid he waste so much time. So, Grug proposed Battle plan. Let Grug Explain. Grug used map from library. Enemy line, real bad, too spread out, less guys us, more guys them. Grug show this with little blue twig men on north side of fort, that's us! Little red twig men on south side, that's enemy. ENEMY SMASH! Grug accidentally break table. Real embarrassing. Grug sweating now. Grug really not want fuck this up. Grug practice in mirror for this. So, Grug keep talking. 2 routes of grain support enemy army. Grug Propose hiring bandits beyond war line to take grain. Drought season, make everyone hungry. Let enemy extend and take fort. Get tired real fast, torch everything, wait for winter. Let starve, then punch hole in main line near spring time. <|endoftext|> Grug smart at woman. I not smart, I laugh. Laugh at woman, she hide rocks in cave. <|endoftext|> >Name cunt Lol women ltierally cant a do a fucking thing without trying to stand out >The posting here has shown just how emotionally-charged you guys are about this. So why do you come here? Why shouldnt we be emotionally charged? >You presume way too much.... Nice deflection >Thank you. For your level-headed answer in all this craziness. If more people took your approach, this thread would have gone much better. No bitch, fuck you. Women can choose to not fuck chad and settle for decent enough men. You dont deserve chad and saing yourself exclusively for him is wrong and we have a right to be angry about it. There arent sabre tooths out there anymore, you dont need a big grug to protect you and forage food for you. Get off my board slut. <|endoftext|> Grug have rock Grug hungry <|endoftext|> I sorry. Grug consumed by sleep deprivation, alcohol, and lack of proofreading. I try hharder next time. <|endoftext|> Atleast grug doesnt actively hurt happiness for all, he just wants to throw his rocks around all day. I guarantee that people with high Si and dead Ne are the reason why most schools are fundamentally stuck in the 19th century <|endoftext|> >Why are femanons so fuckable? Meh. There's a reason why they are on this board. A good deal of them are not attractive and an even greater amount suffer from an, ironically, insufferable mental illness or have the self-esteem of a sack of Idaho potatoes. >Everyone wants one Yes, plenty of men want a clingy cum sleeve. >Why the obsession? Grug want benis in bagina. Grugette soft and squish. <|endoftext|> Yeah this, if only they would lift rocks and drink cum I mean protein power blends and become a do you even lift bro /fit/fag meathead grug like me <|endoftext|> grug confuse how 6 grug die in holobongua when only longnose grug 4 in cave cave have wood door. how smoke kill longnosegrug? <|endoftext|> Lose focus throughout the day, spend time fiddeling with my cage being horny, feeling my blood rush to my head only or not be able to do anything about it, those are the hot consequences. I'd also get irritable and a bit sad though, which would be the negative ones. I would probably try to convince her to let me out, try to get her to see I can't live like this, that it's not fun for me anymore, stuff like that. >not saying the exact number means I don't know Yes anon, me grug, it has not been many suns, but picking berry distracted grug. <|endoftext|> >She let me cum not too many days ago. Grug not cum for some days. Grug not count so good now <|endoftext|> >GRUG PROTECT BABY-MAKERS >GRUG BASH LOSER >GRUG DO GOOD <|endoftext|> Id say making a cabin is more then possible for one man, but you could also go full grug and just live in a cave. I doubt law enforcement would ever catch you if kidnapped a random women and took her a few dozen miles into the woods though. <|endoftext|> GRUG PICK UP BIG METAL DEN GRUG PUT BIG METAL DOWN AGAIN DEN GRUGETTE AND GRUG DO A SEX <|endoftext|> >GRUG MASS REPLY, GRUG SHOW OFF MUSCLY MUSCLES, GRUG OWN INCELS, WHERE DA HOMO HABILIS WOMEN AT??? <|endoftext|> My theory is that our grug brains associate tanned with healthy. <|endoftext|> >at laest i have respact Grug haev respek. <|endoftext|> >dude just lift heavy rocks and eat tasteless food you will become stronk and happy like grug <|endoftext|> This is from the Collected Works of Carl Jung, Volume 9 Aion: Part II, chapter 3: The Syzygy, paragraph 24. >can you dumb this down for me? no woman make grug sad <|endoftext|> >grug sad >grug Chuck Rock >grug happy <|endoftext|> probably simple grug instincts to force you to reproduce <|endoftext|> THIS GRUG HUNTING LAND! NO WANT SHARE WITH NOT GRUG TRIBE GRUGS! GRUG BETTER THAN ALL NOT GRUG GRUGS! UNGA! BUNGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! <|endoftext|> Yes. Wet hole for plug. Simple as. Plug wet hole with musky meat club. Warm wet hole made for musky meat chub. Put meat in hole and you go fug. Woman love musky meat club of Grug. <|endoftext|> This particular story may be fake but if you search for 'I had sex with my rapist' there's lots of other material that seems more credible. example, some news story: Of course what I take from these is that it's some sort of mental dysfunction from trauma (even if there is some element of lizard-brain "GRUG SO STRONG! :3" psychology at work), not that it's some normal and inevitable reaction you can expect from all or most females. <|endoftext|> It's odd to think about but you named the big 3 that have actual genetically predetermined risk factors that make it much easier to end up addicted to those substances and activities. Alcoholism is especially notorious for this because it's VERY expressive as far as genes go and it takes quite a bit of breeding away from to actually breed out of that genetic line and if another individual with similar genetic issues breed in then all progress becomes lost. It's no wonder we've been boozing so hard as a species for who knows how long that we have evolved purpose built genes for our livers, kidneys, brain, endocrine system, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, basically any system in your body to actively tank alcohol head on the way we do as a species. Most animals only need 1/4th of what we do by weight to get drunk and by then they risk alcohol poisoning. Obviously, back in the caveman days, the other 2 being strongly reinforced might have been a good generic advantage to have. Gorge food when you get it food good food make happy now grug no starve by not eating food and food go away and of course daredevil like behavior meant more risk takers doing things that could make them look better or seem better and maybe get them laid more. It's all weird strings holding us up like some invisible puppetmaster and all we can do is try our damndest to tug the strings in the directions we want to go. <|endoftext|> >he made a critical error; he jumped from treating it like a conversation to treating it like a roleplay. the cringe outweighs horny by about ten thousand percent his grug brain is nevertheless strong and pretty accurate to most deep brain/lizard brain male thoughts and abstract horny feelings when seeing sufficient breeding material. <|endoftext|> Based drunk grug fella <|endoftext|> BIG ASS MAKE GRUG WANT FUCK <|endoftext|> Men will say this and then only grug on about sex when they text you. She probably writes about you on her social media all the time. Men are beasts. Next please. <|endoftext|> 1. Because it's illegal and would literally ruin my life and 2. Because I don't just want "GRUG GET DICK WET", I want "GRUG GET DICK WET INSIDE WOMAN ME LOVE" <|endoftext|> I'm convinced 50% of men can't fuck, since 50% of men will have double digit IQ. You need to have brains to get a woman off, and most morons probably go "ugg grug go in and out till grug cooms". First time ever (we were both virgins) my gf coomed easily because I had a general idea of what I'm supposed to do. <|endoftext|> based grug coombrain <|endoftext|> Grug no like not Grug tribe grugs. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> >create technologies that make surviving life 100x easier >surprised that those who should have died in grug times survive and procreate Those same "thinkers" created this situation. You can't keep women shackled down when they don't need the average man anymore in an era of unlimited welfare. <|endoftext|> It's a place for volcels. Incels are grug-tier failed normies. <|endoftext|> Big willy grug gets all the baboonga <|endoftext|> Exactly, OP doesn't realize he was chosen by God to be a Chad and all the perks it brings. I for one embrace my calling to be the idiot who is big, strong and can fuck for long. Why be insecure about your intelligence or bank account compared to the midwit population, when grug fucks their women best? <|endoftext|> Grug sleep like 2 weeks from concussion. In dream Grug try talk with wizard woman, pants fall down. Grug try again, and she talk with bigger Orc Chadorc. Grug Dream talk to King, and King send Grug to prison for make Wizard Woman happy, but Grug do nothing. Grug think help Wizard Woman, save from bandit. Then random peasant with beanie and glasses, say "you no owed Grug. Misogynist predator Grug, Big power difference Grug" Wizard woman leave, and not appreciate. Grug think Grug kind of owed though, and that Wizard woman lack reciprocity make her inferior creature, and not worth help. It imply sociopath and lying to take advantage really same either way to Wizard Woman. Grug try flirt in King room but king show up and tell Grug leave. Where Grug suppose talk? Grug meet Grug parent's. Grug Dad Orc like Grugbut wear shirt with sweater vest and thick rimmed glasses. He smoke tobacco pipe and call Grug "Sport" all time. Grug Dad say it easy as walk up and give firm handshake, then kidnap like tradition Orc wedding. He talk like interview job too. Grug Dad not know thing change. Orc "assertiveness" not political correct. Nobody Marriage now. Divorce court too costly. Grug think Romance dead. Wizard Woman clearly no care for Tradition romance. Clearly whore. She Fuck dickhead Chadorc. Grug Dad know nothing. Grug start think Nietzche was right, God is Dead. World not real like schopenhaur said. Grug never met Grug Dad anyway. Not sure why Grug think Grug Dad look like that. <|endoftext|> The adventures of Grug Me Grug, Orc adventurer. Me tell story of Grug fight wizard woman. Grug sit one day in war meeting. Big room about 20 by 30 Grug think anyway, Grug talk with king about battle plans. Grug use little sculptures and everything. Make Grug look Professional, show King Grug not all Orc, but also brains too. King sit on big chair, like 10 feet up, Grug ask him come down. but king say no. Grug worried he not see Diorama Grug made. Grug feel stupid he waste so much time. So, Grug proposed Battle plan. Let Grug Explain. Grug used map from library. Enemy line, real bad, too spread out, less guys us, more guys them. Grug show this with little blue twig men on north side of fort, that's us! Little red twig men on south side, that's enemy. ENEMY SMASH! Grug accidentally break table. Real embarrassing. Grug sweating now. Grug really not want fuck this up. Grug practice in mirror for this. So, Grug keep talking. 2 routes of grain support enemy army. Grug Propose hiring bandits beyond war line to take grain. Drought season, make everyone hungry. Let enemy extend and take fort. Get tired real fast, torch everything, wait for winter. Let starve, then punch hole in main line near spring time. King Nods, Grug feeling good. Everything coming up Grug, Grug on top of world. Golden God Grug. Grug is good Grug. Grug for lack of better word is good. Then Grug world come crashing down. Evil Wizard woman walk up. Wizard talk about stuff Grug not understand like "War Crimes" and "Ethics" but king seem agree. Grug think Wizard Woman use trick with tit magic. <|endoftext|> The adventures of Grug Pretty Long, hopefully you find it fun. <|endoftext|> get a load of this grug <|endoftext|> we like a lot of things that arent sex we just dont want to talk about them with women because women are usually dull like you dont want to hear about how im learning chess currently and then discuss the positional advantage of certain openings or argue about dota hero itemization, timings and other metagame shit what do you know about bowhunting, its something ive been trying to get into, do you have anything you can teach me about self assembly of composite arrows, specifically the right type of epoxy shit to use something something eat hot chip and lie our interests just dont align, and rather than call you boring cunts we just kinda wall you out, both because grug want pussy and because it unironically hurts us to see a girl get her feelings hurt <|endoftext|> porn will seriously mess you up anon. what if grug in 30,000BC was given access to porn? humanity wouldnt be here because he would be too caught up with cooming to alexis texas. <|endoftext|> im clingy look for a better boy like me :3 honestly please o.o i hate grug "chads" theyre just dumb asses <|endoftext|> It good when Grug tribe grugs kill not Grug tribe grugs, because Grug tribe is best tribe. It no good when not Grug tribe grugs kill Grug tribe grugs because Grug no like not Grug tribe grugs. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> >me smart, me work a lot for others, me don't understand you, you dumb ok, grug. <|endoftext|> you want to get better because you think you are in bad spot just stop believing your'e in bad spot. now youre in good spot. thank later. grug chad out <|endoftext|> Plus, it might help if you don't compare yourself by the qualities she is good at, but rather by the qualities you can offer her that she doesn't have. It could be one of those classic cartoon partnerships where one partner is big and strong, but dumb, and the other one is small but intelligent. I think a lot of sitcoms have this relationship trope and I like it. I just want to be a grug-tier caveman with a wife who reads a lot and knows stuff. <|endoftext|> >Grug like female when she doesn't smell like shit Here's your Nobel Prize in Psychology, genius. <|endoftext|> Ggghhhhuuurrrrrrrrrrnnngg... ooouuunnngggghh... goouugghhhhh... *braaaap* guh huh huh huh oooouuuuuhhhhhh *pppttthhhhhh* oooonnnnggggg... groggy moggy... hoggy boggy ooogggaaa... >Onggaa smogga >Ssgrogg >Tootppttthh.jpeg >aheey heyyyyy heyy > pog bog?? Slog > My grug... grug grug > Gegga megga, lady? >Maybe gregga megga? With me? >"No." >bug_gruggus.hmv >Any one else brrrooooog smog hong??????? Anyone? <|endoftext|> grug pedal grug go forward Imagine not being intelligent enough to drive <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug find out funny grass does good food >grug happy, grug put funny grass around house >grug find another plant living next to funny grass >plant takes up place where funny grass should be >grug angry, grug destroy plant >years pass >grug finds plant again >plant now also funny grass >grug put plant around house too >grug happy, grug now has more plant to make food <|endoftext|> Junkie Chad Chad Chad Virgin pretending to be Chad Junkie Balding boomer chad Incel Incel Jew Atheist Faggot El Goblino Troon Hobo Chad Troon Chad Scientist Jude Troon Fatso Faggot Junkie Furfag Dickhead Chad Grug Fat cunt 5OY Soulless Balding Arap "Chad" Troon Failed normie Weirdo Troon Chad Neckbeard Troon <|endoftext|> Grug pls go. <|endoftext|> >can you really say that? >what is a rock? how many properties does a rock and an atom share to call an atom a tiny one? >before you make statements like these you should be able to answer those questions 1st. then after considering those you can chose to make it, change it, or not make it. the statement i mean Grug bored, homofag weak. Grug wanna unga bunga anun. <|endoftext|> Good choice, grug. Thank for help <|endoftext|> Thanks for this post, reminding me to be really fucking prepared to go innawoods because living in a city isn't shit compared to learning how to become the grug naturally. <|endoftext|> It's simple, OP. Grug have big rock. Oog no have big rock. Kill Oog, get Oogina. <|endoftext|> Hello fellow caveman, I am Grug. <|endoftext|> >grug brain activates >must procreate >try to procreate with woman >woman transforms and reveals her true form as a skinwalker >try and club skinwalker >skinwalker kills and eats me Aggressive mimicry is a powerful tool, anons. Don't trust naked women in the forest, they only seek to consume you. <|endoftext|> >Cave painting due next harvest >All out of crushed up red berries Grug don't think he going to make it. <|endoftext|> grug sees nice butt grug want 2 fugg <|endoftext|> How grug get possessed by bad spirit? Grug want start going into smoke dance and worship cursed one and start talk in ancient tongue and shit grug need connect to spirit world so grug can begin mission to kill fucking great spirit and destroy great spirit world and become chief of entire forest grug am correct great spirit. grug am true chieftan. great forest will burn. it burn all burn <|endoftext|> Assuming you're an actual woman and not a faggot, you want to be dominated. You want to be loved just as any person does; but because you're a woman you want to be dominated. You want an aggressive Grug who will club anything that tries to hurt you instead of using his superior man legs to run away and leave you for dead. <|endoftext|> please fuck me grug uwu <|endoftext|> Very few people don't do equally immoral shit. This is one of the only places that you see people constantly disgusted by the immorality of society. And even here you see malicious behavior all around I find betas, the type of people who get/got bullied by strong grug types are manipulative, excuse the cringe analogy, little finger types that compensate by being manipulative. A lot of soiboys probably watched game of thrones and think they're a "cool" little finger type character. Maybe I'm just projecting about 1 person I knew who was a fan of the show and thought he was a great manipulator but yeah, people are shit. It's dog eat dog. Sometimes I get grug instincts when I see a wimpy guy weasel his way into a relationship out of his league, because I know I could crush it so easily. And I know the same guy would probably try to embarrass me and make me look stupid if I gave him the chance. So I don't feel bad for anyone really. There's a few good people out there but mostly a bunch of assholes with psychopathic traits <|endoftext|> I'm neither a gentleman nor grug-ish. I just treat them like I do other men and they seem to hate it. <|endoftext|> Big words make Grug head hurt <|endoftext|> Women are more agreeable in general and try to win you over so you wont hurt them like in the old days where grug Chad would bash their head in? Idk. What behavior have you changed anyway, for example? <|endoftext|> grug want woman. grug defeat other man for woman. grug get woman. In reality, it doesn't work that way. We're not sea lions. <|endoftext|> Absolutely based and grug pilled. Is life even worth living if a grugina isn't using and abusing you? <|endoftext|> Make Grug Little Club Feel Good /thread <|endoftext|> Enjoy yourself, positively impact your people and try to make something/leave something behind. often lately I've been hearing that the purpose of life is solely to reproduce and I can't begin to comprehend how anyone can arrive at that conclusion. It makes me think of the grug meme. <|endoftext|> I'd rather accept the grug pill and carry you over my shoulder. <|endoftext|> >How does this face make you feeI? I like it. It reminds me of Grug... in a good way. <|endoftext|> >oh he ingests poison now Wonderful, that's probably why he's so weak and depressed. If he's going to eat murdered animals at least eat them un-processed, Jesus I care about certain animals and certain people, but I don't care about other certain animals and certain people. >Ooga booga Grug knock a bitch out with club and drag her to Grug cave ooga booga nothing wrong with that durr hurr Violent behavior for personal pleasure and enrichment is the immoral part. And paying to have it done is just a sissy way of doing it yourself. <|endoftext|> grug want grugette hole <|endoftext|> Unironically hanging yourself. It's easy, cheap and basically foolproof. Just make sure you get the knot right and sturdy rope and you can't fail. If the inital fall doesn't snap your neck (which it probably will) you'll choke to death in less than a minute. People are still stupid animals at heart. People are more likely to bother a whining, pathetic-looking animal than one that barks and acts hostile. True. That's nature in a nutshell. >t. r9gay containment breach Honestly this might just explain why women are allowed to join the force to begin with. A lot of people probably respond more amicably to a non-threatening female. >t. wanna-be philosophy major hipster who read half of a wikipedia entry. >Man have lots food and pelts but still sad >Grug no understand Jesus christ you're such a fucking simpleton. As harsh as it may seem these guys are actually right. Those hotlines are nothing but a meme for normies going through baby's first break-up or something equally insignificant. It's actually more cathartic to work on your suicide note than it is to call this meme lines. >t. guy who wants to make himself feel better by writing a quick and simple truism and acting like it's sage advice. This guy gets it. If you actually involve the state in your problems you're just giving yourself more problems. It's their job. Act like a suicidal burden on society, get treated as such. It wouldn't be a cure but it would certainly improve most people's overall mental health. Goes for both sexes. Simply being cuddled by somebody who cares, or even someone who pretends to care, is an amazingly potent stress-reliever. It's actually a basic need. >t. normie morons who can't even begin to understand why people kill themselves so they don't even try to empathize. <|endoftext|> >although you'll probably bake it first Very possible since I now have access to a stand mixer, it's more incentive to bake things without having to do it by hand, even if it is cheating. I don't think I've actually eaten focaccia before, maybe, I just thought it seemed nice but I'll take your word for it and find the recipe again so I can make it. >but that may be too Christmassy right after Christmas so it could be risky. Keeping it simple is a good idea yeah, but its a chance to show off your baking skills! I really need to try and SLEEP holy crap I gotta work tonight. It was nice talking to you again. See you next time, you can tell me which flavour you chose. I'm sure it'll be fine once you get used to it properly, I mean you haven't been sacked yet fingers crossed. Is it weird that I actually enjoy doing physical grug work? I must be broken. See ya, may you find a sanctuary to smoke in peace. <|endoftext|> I kinda wanna fuck a woman in the woods, ape style. >10,000 B.C. >be grug >be part of sausage fest barbarian tribe >basically the caveman equivalent of Arthur Morgan >it's the middle of the day >be hungry >leave cave to set traps in the forest >in the middle of wandering, spy a voluptuous figure in the distance >mucho fertilidad, but you don't recognize her >it's an unfamiliar female foraging for nuts and berries >realize she's from another tribe >she's unkempt and hairy just like the wilderness around you >after ogling for a while, decide to approach >she spots you immediately >freaks out and starts running, dropping her veggie basket and spilling its contents over the forest floor >after a bit of a chase, you catch up and tackle her with your superior man strength, the sight of her juicy bottom spurring you on >pin down >she tries to wriggle her sweaty body out of your grip, but you're too strong, and eventually, she just gives up trying and submits >you're both already breathing pretty heavy from running and the struggle >the close proximity has given you a half-chub, but a little grinding seems to get both of you in the mood >finally >claim your prize by clapping those cheeks and nutting in her as deep as you can >*unnnfffghhh* >(insemination: conversion factor) >+2 members of the tribe I would roleplay this 100%. Too bad fembots are not in shape and wouldn't put up much of a fight. The challenge is what makes it fun. <|endoftext|> Grug no need numbers Numbers is too big for grug Only numbers grug need is how big number silly liberals like Chang in debt from college and how much rock Lord Chang need <|endoftext|> boomer/zoomer, grug, and brainletjaks are based <|endoftext|> Because life is the easiest it ever has been, the selection process is most cruel. In previous societies any man smart enough to provide food and shelter had good enough genes to pass on and reproduce. Nowadays, even if you are smart or resourceful or have certain good traits, none of that matters because resources are now longer an issue. All that matters now is purely good traits and sociability, both of which are genetic. The days of being able to reproduce because you can provide female Grug with food and a safe cave to have children are long passed. All that matters now is the strong jawline, height, depth or voice, and the like. <|endoftext|> >It was perplexing to find that women tend to prefer the average facial features over the juvenile, Fair enough. It is a bit perplexing, because I'm pretty sure both males and females have gotten more neotenous over the course of human evolution. Modern men don't look like Grug. <|endoftext|> >5'10. >trying to bulk, implying a lanklet It would be easier to tell if you showed chin from side view but my suspicion is that there is nothing really wrong with you. Are you a virgin? Have problems with girls? See, people like you and I, we dont have a genuine neurochemical deficiency of shit like serotonin or GABA. It isnt a real disorder. We are simply the genetic filth that gets filtered out of every generation since anatomically modern man was first born. Even genetic lineage shows a very small percentage of the male population were able to breed and pass on their genes, with the rest desperate and fending for themselves. The only difference between us and Grug 50 thousand years ago wondering why no ladies mate with him is that we now have the science and education to be self aware. We are now aware and certain of our own mediocrity. That, combined with the horrors of this regimented and stressful wage cuck system called capitalism is what makes us miserable. That is why none of the meds work. Because there is nothing wrong. This is how its suppose to be. We simply work and provide in a miserable fashion and then we die. We really are living in hell. <|endoftext|> shoot from baby maker make grug feel good <|endoftext|> is drink a grug ? if yes im high af bros with this I would like to say please be safe fuck corona virus <|endoftext|> The fact that you are so illogical is humorous to me. The fact that you are so astronomically irrational makes it clear to me that you are one of the grug-tier men. This is why you think all your problems are womens fault. <|endoftext|> >women are smarter than men >YOU ONLY WANT STACEY >no you'll call me fat if i post myself >i'm fine. i'm actually laughing >gr-grug tier >illogical >nooo that isnt me noo i dont fuck my dog >stop replying to him its not me <|endoftext|> Maybe everyone sees that its just you who are the judgmental grug and fools of the same pack attract each other? You marketing yourself hundreds of ways just tells me you're a disingenuous person that I'd never want to have attached to my life. Why would I break a leg to self improve if its only people like you go look forward to? This thread has only solidified my aversion to trying. I'd never want to be cursed by your presence. In fact, it makes me quite content with where I am. At least I'm not mixed up with nightmarish people like yourself. <|endoftext|> Grug-tier thinking. Amusing myself really. Dude men are just violent in general, and if you think they spare that violence to women or anyone else you're off it dude. They are balls of hormones, instincts, testosterone, rage, and pride. >It seems only you are downplaying the psychological harm women like you have on people And you know what, I'm sure you're correct, we got some nasty bitches. But at least they don't fuckin kill as many motherfuckers as men do. >For what Maybe? To be better fuck meat for you? Because I care about them. And want them to be better. Because this is the right path for them. Do you think if they did we'd still be here? 300 plus replies says otherwise el faggito Thank you Anon. Good luck! This is free time I've allocated to this slot, this is my amusement in my downtime. <|endoftext|> >Yep, proving my point that men truly are the violent shitlords every feminist claims them to be. More statistically likely, sure. But I find that women are more likely to exert the same type of malice on a mental/social level. Maybe that's more dangerous in our industrialized society since violent people just go go jail? >Nah, we were just designed to socialize and talk through our problems rather than grug-smash our way through everything. You must watch too many movies or play too many video games. What do you mean grug-smash our way through everything? Because like I said, violent people just go to jail. I dont see a whole lot of men just physically smashing their problems away. In fact usually its men who try to take a logical approach to industrialized society problems. And women are the ones that do the mental/social equivalent of grug-smash to achieve their goals. Also can you please answer this question? I'm just trying to come to an understanding of what you're thinking because it really seems you market yourself like a piece of meat, but you expect people to treat you like something else. I'm trying to wrap my head around that and you keep dodging the question. <|endoftext|> Yeah, the only interaction worth having is one that ends in sex right grug? <|endoftext|> >Men do most violent crimes because men were evolved to handle those kinds of problems. Yep, proving my point that men truly are the violent shitlords every feminist claims them to be. >designed through evolution to be catty bitches that think they're worth more than they really are Nah, we were just designed to socialize and talk through our problems rather than grug-smash our way through everything. <|endoftext|> >Ah yes, the ridiculous standards such as.. Be moderately ok looking sometimes, and uh.. Don't abuse the fuck out of us all the time and uh.. I dunno, probably like.. Be kind? Wow, astronomical standards, truly, what man could be beholden to such things. For grug must conquer with sweat and blood. Me have no time for feelings, me must fight! Grrr! these are not the standards of most women.These are the standards that you claim to have.You don't represent the standards of women, evidence does.And evidence says that women have WAY higher standards than men in dating <|endoftext|> Ah yes, the ridiculous standards such as.. Be moderately ok looking sometimes, and uh.. Don't abuse the fuck out of us all the time and uh.. I dunno, probably like.. Be kind? Wow, astronomical standards, truly, what man could be beholden to such things. For grug must conquer with sweat and blood. Me have no time for feelings, me must fight! Grrr! And yet you cannot even vibe, how truly sad. <|endoftext|> >Males are either on the very low end of INT, or the very high end. Women are more well rounded in the middle. >On average, we beat you out. You don't seem like one of the high INT bois. You seem like a grug. MBTP is just a more pretentious zodiac system. Leave it to a roastie to believe in vague, unscientific personality bullshit <|endoftext|> Males are either on the very low end of INT, or the very high end. Women are more well rounded in the middle. On average, we beat you out. You don't seem like one of the high INT bois. You seem like a grug. Let us place this into terms you understand. If I were one of those girls on "My 600 lb life", and I tell you that in 6 months I'm going to look like a supermodel, you are going to believe me and date me yes? <|endoftext|> >grug think science dumb. grug want back cave times of hitting woman with rock whenever grug want <|endoftext|> I don't give a shit about a woman's virginity you sperg. Look at you writing out walls of text on a sunday afternoon over nothing. Everything you described in your little greentext section is nothing more than an anecdote. Also the amount of partners a woman has had over time is definitely an indicator on how suitable a partner is and don't pretend like it isn't. It isn't an insecurity to not want a whorebag that's going to be a waste of resources just so you can be in a unfulfilling relationship with a mentally damaged bitch. Its just rational and the fact that male sexuality focuses on purity. It creates more stable societies. What the fuck are you even on about in the last part of your post? >Hmmm lets think about it in terms of cavemen grug ooga booga sex because that's totally what you were about to argue. If you think about it having sex with anything that moves is a viable reproductive strategy because dumb grug brain would just have sex with woman. Societies definitely aren't constructed out of complex social constructs and arbitrated morality! <|endoftext|> >the year is 20XX >WWIII has broken out with brutal conflict on multiple fronts >anon is shot in service, arterial bleed treated blocked off with TQ >needs to be given a transfusion to help his recovery, like with many non-life threatening injuries >refuses, as the needle 'might rupture my blood vessel' >the stress of the combat causes the blood vessels in his eye to rupture, and he has a nosebleed later >anon is in the hospital, he made it thanks to the transfusion he got given after he passed out and could no longer refuse >he refuses the IV because it 'might rupture my blood vessel' Anon you realise pretty much any injury involves the rupturing of blood vessels? it's not like you explode with blood coming out of you, they put a tube into your blood tube to use grug speak. anon literally knows nothing about medicine <|endoftext|> Its perfectly rational >grug see someone not look like him >grug get scared >grug enter fight or flight mode <|endoftext|> My talent is doing mindless grug labour. <|endoftext|> Because they no look like Grug and that make Grug mad. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Grug not like how solid femgrug act. Grug only want cavepaint femgrug from yellow tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug decide Grug must be tolerant and accept not Grugs into his cave. Grug think all tribes are good! Longnose tribe told Grug more not Grugs is good OH NO NOT GRUGS ARE BREAKING THE CAVE APART AND DEMANDING GRUG FREE BERRIES GRUG IS CONFUSED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT <|endoftext|> Grug go outside cave to hunt for mammoth and Grug see grugs from not Grug tribe. Now Grug mad. Grug no like not Grug tribe grugs. Grug tribe is best tribe because is Grug tribe, and not Grug tribes bad because they not Grug tribe. Grug no want share Grug world with not Grug tribe grugs. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Grug fucks rock now/ <|endoftext|> >Cave painting due next harvest >All out of crushed up red beetles Grug don't think he going to make it. <|endoftext|> >grug stick BIG Typical Amerimutt response <|endoftext|> >grug beat spooky thing to death with rock >spooky thing had tiny monkey penis <|endoftext|> >be grug >be 12,000 years ago >grug go hunt mammoth with tribe >mammoth start running at grug >grug get hit by mammoth >oog oog bug unga >grug wake up and see spooky thing "Hello Grug, it seems you have woken up from the simulation. Please, step forward and join us in your new plane of existence." >grug beat spooky thing with rock >grug wake up with mammoth lying on grug >kill mammoth and eat meat life good <|endoftext|> Wymin not give fuck, Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug rock >Grug make tool out of rock >Grug use rock tool to bring lots of food >Grug protect me from rapist incel >Grug is strong >Grug is good >Grug make pee hole go kookoo >Me have kid with grug <|endoftext|> Grug tribe good because is GRUG tribe. Grug good, not Grug bad. You no exactly like Grug, you bad and no deserve live. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Grug no like not Grug tribe grugs. Grug no want share Grug world with not Grug tribe grugs. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Ooga booga me want whoreNO me want madonnaNO Grug don't know what grug want ;; <|endoftext|> Grug like bimbo. Grug have more big brain Unironically, get a job if you haven't. Suicide is retarded fren. Life sucks, but you can overcome the sadness by keeping busy. Yeah, having a job sucks dick but get a few hobbies that can be sold as a service. I hate saying generic shit, but it's true as hell. Don't spend much time on social media/internet because you'll almost always only see people better than your current situation. Fuck your parents, do shit on your own. Get a job and stack your bread so you can move out and be comfy. There are alternatives to everything, watch Mr. Nobody with Jared Leto. It's a great movie and gives an allegory on what you could of had and what you can have. It all depends on you bro I see what you mean. I am attractive, but a lot of it has to do with confidence in gaining a partner. You don't need a hot girl. People expect to get a bad bitch but it's not always gonna happen. Settle with what you can get and make something out of it so you're happy Yeah <|endoftext|> Light skin dark skin, doesn't matter. Grug like <|endoftext|> Me know what grug need to have happy feeling me like watch grugina with other grug make me very happy feeling <|endoftext|> grug feel original painter. but what "sky father" grug speaks? grug only know rock spirits. <|endoftext|> Many moons pass, grug no see meaning in moons grug smoke fire sticks every moon grug hard to breathe after many many fire sticks grug drink fire water to stop the bad mind hurt bad mind hurt still there grug take white rocks to dull the hurt white rocks no help grug Grug sit in doom cave listening to sad rock music every moon grug think jump from cave to see the sky father shaman always spoke about <|endoftext|> >Grug enjoying his day >Grug see booba and ass >Grug rock hard <|endoftext|> >Not seeing any problems there what? the destruction of the economy, mass unemployment, huge inflation of the dollar, price hikes on most goods and services is no biggie? if you dont like the poors your idea would make a whole bunch more of them ironically. The ""best workers"" would just be the people best at lying, people gaining employment through nepotism, corruption, bribes etc. the world isn't a meritocracy because humans are flawed we are not machines and making the minimum wage $100 wont bring the utopia. >me grug want more money >grug make minimum wage more >dam it why grug got no job now!! <|endoftext|> Men are so stupid and dont think any of this stuff through when they say they want kids. All they think is HURR MUH GENES PP IN VV MAKE ME CHAD SON DURR GRUG FULFIL HIS PURPOSE and then the reality hits them like a train and they either become extremely weary and depressed at having to work and provide constantly for two dependents, or run off with a 17 year old after they cant get it up for their wifes clown pocket pussy anymore <|endoftext|> Nature doesnt care about ANYTHING. If Grug is cucked and spends his bananas raising Ook's kid, then Grug's genes die while Ook's genes carry on. So the cucks have been being weeded out as they pop up for eons now. <|endoftext|> >They are but we're also wired to enforce monogamy of our partner because you'd otherwise risk to give all your resources to the raising of a child that is not your own What?That's retarded.The child is raised, your role is you think nature cares if grug got cucked?No, all nature cares about is the continuation of our species, whether it onvolves cuckoldry or not, it doesnt matter.You can't say that men are biologically inclined to be both cheating coomers and monogamous.You can't have one without the other <|endoftext|> grug is ugg >grug face when no cavelady to hold grabbers with <|endoftext|> >men with wives and children and think they are happy have the dumb >me no have the dumb >that is why me live in basement and am sad Whatever you say, Grug <|endoftext|> tits and ass both apeal to crude sex driven standards of beauty, grug-brain-see-big-squishey-round-thing-want-fug. collar bones on the other hand are a truly distinguishing characteristic, the most elegant curves on a female body are along that line between nesk and chest <|endoftext|> Hi Grug. My life has some bumps here and there but I'm overall fine :) <|endoftext|> Make fire, Grug. Watch it dance. <|endoftext|> >Grug: Ego >Midwit: No Ego >Genius: Ego <|endoftext|> Das RITE! Grug always shine, like shiny clear stone. <|endoftext|> >Why would you even want to be with a person who probably doesnt have any interests with, could cuck you, and also despise you at a certain level. Grug want put pp in vajeen. Grug want feel warmth of cavewife on cold nights. >If you are not willing to change your personality, under the will of others, you aint never getting a gf. I'll never change who I actually am, but I can put up a facade easily. <|endoftext|> My life is going exceedingly well except for the fact that my social and romantic sectors are somewhat lacking. I generally have very little to be unhappy about and thus feel like I am being selfish if I get depressed. All of my "friends" are evangelical Christians from university, which is fucking lame, but at least I have some bros to speak to even if I don't connect much with them. I have never had a gf and have wasted numerous easy opportunities to acquire one, but at least I'm not a virgin. I've only started to awaken my true Chad potential in the past few months, so I suppose I'm still far behind the curve. I can't seem to stop lusting after women and I'm not quite sure what the deeper reason for this behavior is. Perhaps there isn't even a deeper reason than "grug want put pp in vajeen". Maybe it's because they are the single thing in this world that consistently escapes my grasp. Recently fucked things up with a woman that could have been an easy lay, but I guess that's what I get for speaking to a woman who has a boyfriend. Now I have to find a new target, so to say. On a side note, I have a fairly strong desire to do a whole bunch of drugs but I cannot do anything besides alcohol since I was forced to move back in with my parents. A ton of awesome benefits to living with them, but I cannot invite women over or buy drugs from dark net. Also I almost died the other day when I fell asleep at the wheel and started fish tailing when I snapped awake. Somehow managed to regain control of the vehicle with no damage to myself or my car. If it hadn't been an isolated road with no one on it but me I would have wrecked going 70 mph. I have far too much luck in this life, honestly. <|endoftext|> This is a thread for those on the anti-authoritarian anarchist sphere. You can be anarcho-right or anarcho-left. This thread can hopefully foster some unity between anarchists so that we may bring down authoritarian fucks. The spirit of 4chan is anarchy. Also, here's a grug. <|endoftext|> >why you no like grug chicken? >grug love lick sauce off fingers! >hit on head with club if u no like! I bet you unironically like light beer too <|endoftext|> oooga boooga caveman grug use natural medicines like cooked rok and dying in warz 2 cure sad head voices y cant u? <|endoftext|> Chad not loving you does not make you a robot. The reason you are 'lonely' is because you have unrealistic standards in your partner. That doesnt make you a robot. Any one of you can go out and get a guy to wine, dine, fuck and love you and marry you. Sorry that might mean youre baby wont be a perfect example of health and top tier genetics but we arent living in caves anymore. You dont need perfectly healthy and cute baby and a big grug to stop the sabre tooths from getting in. Baby's are not accessories. If you want a man to love you and be devoted to you, drop your standards ladies. Noe even that just accept guys in your looksmatch. If you have choice and options you are not a robot and are net entitled to empathy and acceptance here on /r9k/. Forget chad and settle for kevin. <|endoftext|> >it literally increases testosterone Most of the posters here are boys who think they're girls, grug. The last thing they want is more test. <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug want to make wall to block cave >smash many rocks, nice rock wall >berrypicker comes, says wall dumb >smash berrypicker like smash rocks >tribe make me leave cave >now no cave home >now pick berries like berrypicker <|endoftext|> >it's for the sake of humanity Its not. Not being a chad isnt a big deal for the sake og gene pool. We arent cavemen anymore where you could be killed at any second or die off from illness or starvation. Its the modern world, with modern technology. Women dont need a big grug anymore. <|endoftext|> >women are the sexual selectors of our species, this is not a strange or unbelievable fact. Yes BUT that doesnt mean we as non th selcted have to be happy about it. This isnt the cave men area anymore where if you didnt mate with the alpha your child could become a burden on the tribe. Women dont need a 6ft4 grug with big club anymore. We have things called laws, medicine, firearms and police to enable people who may in prehistoric times been deemed weak to live long a fulfilled lives. A 5-7/10 man can still be very successful. <|endoftext|> >graduated college cuz parents pushed me into it >making poverty wages working as a grug CNC Mill operator in a gun factory Meanwhile my female cousins are making 70k a year to be "social media managers" and HR types Its like their is a whole genre of ,middle management jobs only available to females created to do nothing productive other than protect their own validity <|endoftext|> Because unfortunately it's unhealthy, that said my grug brain still can't view that <|endoftext|> 2 years for me. I don't speak to anyone besides my parents and fags on this website. I was speaking to a woman for a month or so but we aren't on speaking terms anymore. I'm going to make efforts to socialize next time I'm on campus. Grug no want feel sad anymore. <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug fuck grugwife >grug wife belly big >she says I have to pay her for grugspawn > kill grugwife > get new grugwife > again <|endoftext|> Ok Grug. Origianaalal <|endoftext|> I'd freeze time during the grug age. <|endoftext|> Grugette show Grug milk sacks <|endoftext|> The simple fact that this thread has demonstrated is that women still haven't evolved passed the caveman era. Its the current year but when it comes to reproduction and who gets to do it women still think like theres sabre tooth tigers out there and that they need the the tallest grug with the biggest club to protect them. When in actual fact none of that matters anymore. You can be a not super tall or attractive man but still defend yourself, take what you want and win at life. Its called money and firearms. Plus we have police forces now whso whole jb is to come and stop the perceived threat(tiger) getting into the house(save). <|endoftext|> >No birdcel is going to withstand a blow from grug Chads club No chad is gona withstand an arrow from an incels bow either. >he would break your weak shitty jaw and you would die from starvation. Or he could not. You need to get beyond the idea that only chads can be physically strong fighters. <|endoftext|> Dude, Chads literally have stronger jaws and compact warrior skulls to withstand blows during conflict. No birdcel is going to withstand a blow from grug Chads club, he would break your weak shitty jaw and you would die from starvation. <|endoftext|> >grug no have femgrug >10 and 10 and halften mating seasons, no femgrug whole time >tyrooga mate every season and run to other land, no care for him baby oogas >femgrug with nooga litter ask me to hunt for her >me no like feed tyroogas little noogas >remind me of cuckoo bird who lay egg in other bird nest <|endoftext|> >he no speak like me! >he no speak like monkey grug ape caveman me! >bad man! bad man! no hole for him! no hole for him! Reading your posts was like sticking knives into my fucking eyes <|endoftext|> Daily reminder that you should never attempt to reason with women They cannot be reasoned with any further that grug when he bonks his cave wife for mating season I'm a virgin btw <|endoftext|> based grug anon <|endoftext|> Grug wonder why monki have only one wife <|endoftext|> I'm feeling less human lately. Like a fleshy monkey with a monkey brain that only is conscious with simplistic grug like impulses that my brain pretties up to make seem more meaningful than they really are <|endoftext|> Grug brain tribal parallels, The self seeks validation in the external sociosphere. <|endoftext|> Because your Grug brain still thinks there are 10,000 people in the world max, and thinks all those other white people are your family. They are not. <|endoftext|> >You were meant to die in war! >GRUG CHAD WAS SUPPOSED TO HIT YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH HIS CLUB! >DIIIIIEEEEE! Hehehehehe oh the roastie seeth is eternal. Sorry sweetheart but my open carry license and 4 hours a week at the range is better than any biological advantage a 'chad' may have. And you cant do a thing about it. <|endoftext|> Nope dumbass, as a non Chad male you were never meant to reproduce, you were to be killed by stronger men with better skulls and fighting skills. Grug Chad would have bashed you with his club and you would have died of a brain haemorrhage, rightly so. The funny thing is, most women do have kids and do become mothers. Meanwhile incels cant even perform their basic duty. Come on anon, time to raise a genetically superior mans bastard! Just like you were meant to do! <|endoftext|> How the fuck do I roll the tobacco out of cigarettes without ripping the whole thing apart? t. grug hands <|endoftext|> Europeans consist of related ancestral groups, which are all closer to each other than to the other races. This makes Europeans diverse. Grug understand? <|endoftext|> pretend you're a caveman that grug over there doesnt have a mate, theres something wrong with him, hes the reason the mammoths are attacking us we gotta stop that grug <|endoftext|> grug must reproduce oo oo ah ah ah if grug watch popular movie grug pass on genes >the mind of a normalfag <|endoftext|> STOP PLESAE GIVE ASS GIVE GRUG ASS GRUG WANT ASS <|endoftext|> further proof women secretly all desire the strongest grug. <|endoftext|> if lovin fatties makes me a grug then yabba dabba do <|endoftext|> ... of course, I just assumed you learn by loading concepts into your conscious mind and building them in your sentient awareness, which lets you know how they fit in with the rest of your beliefs and see what gaps they bridge between ideas you already have. Not everyone learns in that way. Some people aren't aware of how they think and what new thoughts they're building, so they can't be aware of where two ideas are disconnected. They're just "OOGA BOOGA WORD NO GO IN GRUG BRAIN, GRUG UPSET". <|endoftext|> >Clobber her over the head with a blunt instrument grug approve <|endoftext|> >What do you care what we do anyway? Evolved instinctual behaviour, to keep beta males available on the backburner in case alpha Grug dies in battle against other tribe, but her own tribe still wins the overall battle so rather than being taken as spoils by enemy tribe she has to find a new mate in her own tribe to provide for her and alpha Grug's kids. So she needs betas available and desperate to be with her, even if she doesn't like them. Not applicable to modern day but the instinct remains, hence women police beta male's sexuality and shame them for any disinterest in women. <|endoftext|> reminder that women are nothing but dumb animals that desire the strongest grug. they still function on a hunter gatherer level in their mate selection. in other words they are animals. this is why when you treat them like animals they love it, and when you try to treat them well they are repulsed. <|endoftext|> wanting to cuddle and feel intimacy doesn't make me a bitch. you sound cold hearted anon, i hope i never come across you. i also hope you get the unfeeling grug you want. <|endoftext|> Grug see newfag <|endoftext|> > there's gotta be one around here grug let's clack rock together til she appears <|endoftext|> grug patrician <|endoftext|> these pictures are always so fucking misleading my grug brain gets turned on and wants more, I google search it and click the first vid and her giant ass pussy lips are sticking 4 inches out as she random thrusts her ass up and down doing some sad attempt at a twerk I guess and her ass looks totally normal sized lust to revulsion in one single 20 second video <|endoftext|> >That manifesto and that idea he was espousing was all an excuse to kill people. No, it was his reason for killing people. If you're going to kill people why would you specifically go out of your way to write something that will villify you more so in the public's eyes and make you even more of a target if you didn't believe it? >To live-stream a mass shooting of people he thinks are ugly and pretend it's justified. You can stop pretending to read his mind. Tarrant in his previous social media postings and his writings in his manifesto showed that he enjoyed near-eastern culture in many respects and enjoyed learning about it. >That man's entire life was totally ruined before he ever stepped into a prison cell. He had tons of wealth from bitcoin. He had an easy life available to him. >You can't look like an Arab, be a mixed-raced white man, and have a happy ending to your life even if you are a millionaire. Tarrant doesn't even remotely look arab and he had a fine life beforehand. >You are literally not getting the picture that Brenton Tarrant hated Arabs and wanted to kill them and twist everyone's brain to him,that's the real reason why he did it. Yes, clearly the man who spent years of his life in places like Pakistan hated arabs who look even more similar to Europeans than Pakistanis. Clearly you're right and Tarrant was just a super grug-brained retard who killed purely based on skin color. Imagine believing this garbage about someone who you clearly know nothing about. You're fucking brainwashed. >If you honestly believe that Tarrant cared about Swedes that died in random attacks, you are sorely mistaken. Read his manifesto, he was concerned about the replacement of Europeans in their countries by non-Europeans, a phenomenon that is not happening to non-Europeans and his goal was to accelerate a response before demographic shifts would make it too late. <|endoftext|> >get told entire life to treat women nicely, that's what they want > > etc. reminder that women have primal brains and still desire the most aggressive grug despite living in a modern society. <|endoftext|> >people here act like those traits are not desirable Why are you surprised that /r9k/ is not a font of knowledge on female sexual preferences? We're evolved to select for genetic superiority, not "grug lift big metal then put big metal down again". <|endoftext|> >why grug pokemon always attack second? Need attack first to win important battle >grug gave strong-sounding TM to strong-sounding pokemon, why it do bad-bad damage? >Why grug's Blissey no wall fighting type? Has high HP! <|endoftext|> Because I pay attention to the people around me and how the interact with the people around them. Men don't know how to handle women and treat everything like business transaction. GRUG MAKE MONEY FOR YOY, YOU GIVE GRUG SEX. I have a friend whos doing this. When my dad was going through his second divorce i heard him talking to my step mom like this. Women want to be seduced. How do you fuckers not have patience for a little foreplay? It's literally the best part. You get to unwrap the present and get her all sexually charged. When you push her buttons right the sex is exponentially better. You push those buttons and then leave her wanting for a moment and she'll BEG for it. Feels great. I wish I had a women right now, I'd show her a good time. <|endoftext|> >not being a grug racist drug user who likes to have a good time Yes, real Aryan men like to watch paint dry. <|endoftext|> OOOOGA BOOOGA GRUG WANTS PUSYYY <|endoftext|> >Grug, no go outside cave. Bad air tribe will kill you >OOGA BOOGA BUT GRUG WAN GO >dies kek <|endoftext|> >Grug Chad and his boys would have killed those breadstick armed incels with one blow to their weak recessed shitty jaw. The entire history of hominid evolution says exactly the opposite. <|endoftext|> This. Incels were never meant to procreate or get a hot virgin waifu. They were meant to toil and die alone. Women sexually select. Women are literally biologically programmed to be repulsed by non Chad males, to prevent them from fucking and procreating with them. Womens biological role is to find the best seed and make a beta raise it. Forced monogamy and marriage is literally something incels came up with because they were pissed Chad was getting all the pussy (as nature intended). Now incels think they are entitled to a pure virgin 18 year old waifu to fuck and impregnate. Nah, it was only the last couple thousand years or so that horribly dysgenic artificial system was set up, that led to the proliferation of undesirable incel genes. For the 400,000 years before then, it was a fight to the death for pussy, incels vs Chad. Grug Chad and his boys would have killed those breadstick armed incels with one blow to their weak recessed shitty jaw. <|endoftext|> meanwhile doomer ponders existential problems the grug lives <|endoftext|> this post was for you >life has no meaning again, please show me the mathematical theorem that proves this. If science and math are all there really is, it shouldn't be too hard. But the real answer is that if there is truly no purpose, then no one purpose is ultimately greater than any other in the greater scheme of the universe, meaning that any arbitrary ideological framework is as valid as any other. This means that (according to your worldview) that the best personal philosophy is the one that fulfills you the most, or gives you the most pleasure. If you want to be an edgy fag, that's perfectly valid, but it's a waste of the time you've been given. >grug brain wrinkly >that mean grug can contemplate his own existence No reputable scientist would dare to claim they can comprehend the nature of human consciousness. <|endoftext|> >ooga booga grug have no argument this make grug angry and insecure <|endoftext|> Because it feels bad. I want to have a good time by myself, not feel constant fear. I already tell myself the second part and I can convince my rational brain of that, but the fucking reptilian caveman Grug guarding the cave isn't satisfied and wants to stay on high alert <|endoftext|> Could be because of the propaganda they face in public education, and also due to the tribalism. YOU NO VOTE FOR GRUG YOU TYRANT <|endoftext|> >tfw no thing to put dick inside >Grug sad, Grug use rock to break own head >tfw no tribe >how will Grug get food and make settlement? You apes disgust me. A gf is ALL downsides. A friend group is mostly downsides. Yet you still want those things cause hurr durr my brain not evolved. Fuck outta here. <|endoftext|> Grug hit witch over head with club. Witch fixed. <|endoftext|> Probably. I'm pretty stupid with anything relating to social skills. I got called a snack once in highschool and got confused and thought I was being insulted by the guy. What does Grug mean? <|endoftext|> Why do gays look the most grug <|endoftext|> I just want to go full grug and fill my life mate with babies as often as possible. Not sure if that counts as a fetish or is just really primitive. <|endoftext|> Holy fuck it's grug <|endoftext|> >hurr durr grug do violence on thing grug hate! The evolved man uses their words, not castration. <|endoftext|> No memes here. Reproductive rights should be given to intelligent and strong people. Not to tall and pretty people. Look at it this way. Natural selection makes sense. Big grug is better at surviving, big grug gets cavewoman and has strong grug kids. Enforced monogamy makes sense. Every man is incentivized to contribute to society and allowed to reproduce. This is the optimal societal system, it subverts natural selection and channels the optimal amount of productive energy. What we have right now is neither. Single motherhood is rising, women choose attractive deadbeats, male suicide and depression is skyrocketing. Intelligence and strength are irrelevant as long as you're tall and pretty. Do you realize what a shitty system of selection this is? Selecting for totally superficial shit irrelevant to the advancement of the species? Do you think it has ANYTHING to do with the fact that intelligent people are reproducing less and less, and that the global average IQ is plummeting? The sooner it collapses the better, believe me. <|endoftext|> grug wants stick benis in bagina ugga wants show grug to her friends <|endoftext|> >see pic >Primal Ooga Booga urges get triggered GRUG WANTS PUSSYYYYY <|endoftext|> >grug i cant believe this isnt a meme yet <|endoftext|> oooga booga grug can make you go ouch ouch grugette likes grug make others ouch it makes her want grugs spear oh no grug makes grugette ouch too grugette not like scream for help another mini-grug appears <|endoftext|> >grug like hairy pussy >grug think you low test if you disagree <|endoftext|> okay grug <|endoftext|> > do what me must. Ok Grug <|endoftext|> >ME GRUG AUSTIN >ME WANT 14 YEAR OLD BRIDE >YOU NOT AGREE?! >GRR YOU ROAST LADY!! <|endoftext|> Pretty handsome looking fella. I bet this grug was slaying mad cave pussy back in his day. <|endoftext|> Joe Rogan is an absolute grug brain who's routinely showed that he's incapable of thinking consistently about anything other than martial arts and weed. Anything else and he's just mimicking the positions of his guest. <|endoftext|> Don't think so hard about it. If your distant GRUG ancestor hadn't discovered fire a million years ago his family probably would have frozen to death in a pretty average winter and then you still wouldn't exist today. We can look at basically any technological advancement ever and connect the dots to realize that we wouldn't exist if not for some thing humans came up with that was able to let us survive in conditions that bipedal monkeys shouldn't normally survive. A c-section is just a much more personal and intimate thing so it feels a lot weirder when you think about it too much. <|endoftext|> MONKE GRUG THREAD GRUG HAVE SEXFUCK THREAD THEME <|endoftext|> >>realise if i go downstairs and the girl is there and i offer her the chips, i will look like the beta wojak grug offering all his food to the stacy cavethot before she gets fucked by chad >>shut my door and munch down my chips this was the right play. <|endoftext|> Does anybody have any stories of red pill memes influcing/changing your behaviour? I'll start: video related: >living in shared house as of a week ago with a guy and a girl >avoided them both since moving in, have not had a conversation with the girl once >she is a hot blonde and i literally cannot say anything but 'hey' or 'hi' when i see walk past her >order fish and chips to avoid them >motherfuckers send me a mountain of chips, can only eat half >think i should make a peace offering to both of them by offering my chips just to show i don't hate them >about to walk out my door and go downstairs >think of video related >realise if i go downstairs and the girl is there and i offer her the chips, i will look like the beta wojak grug offering all his food to the stacy cavethot before she gets fucked by chad >shut my door and munch down my chips >bloated as fuck and feeling good WINNING ;_: <|endoftext|> Literally said I've done months of nofap and noporn. Guess I'll just kill myself if I'm that far gone because of big bad porn. God knows bi men don't exist right, but every woman is bi by nature. Ridiculous double standards. Gotta be a big masc man and only like stinky pussy. Unga bunga, man like woman, grug cannot comprehend how man could like penis. Unga bunga porn sickness. Same type of people that believe in conversion therapy and probably browse /pol/. <|endoftext|> Only two women can love each other. Men and women in het relationships are doing heterosexual roleplay rituals and confusing it for love. Men do the same thing to each other with one partner asserting domimance over the other in typical male grug fashion. Two women escape the entire scheme and engage in true equanimous love without any obstructive dicks getting in the way and making them slaves to the biological imperative <|endoftext|> Women literally want grug bf to unga bunga when she has problems and be too dumb to have any self reflection and insight. <|endoftext|> Grug got female Grug happy <|endoftext|> most likely, funny how it all comes down to the grug behavior. <|endoftext|> Cause sex big and make grug thinky a lot <|endoftext|> big brain need big energy. meat big energy. grug out. <|endoftext|> WHY IS MY DAD SUCH A FUCKING APE CIGARETTE SMOKER >cigarettes are $15 a pack here >already in hellish poverty >roof leaking >dad barely ever has a vehicle >they never have money for a single fucking thing >fucking 15 dollars a pack >fucking thousands of dollars a year >grow up with ptsd >never get to do anything as a kid or ever >all my friends got cars friends go on road trips >NOT ME >they even sell dirt cheap cigarettes here from Indians >nope this fucking grug retard will only smoke the most expensive brand >house is freezing in the winter >windows are 300 years old >no carpets >literally worse than third world conditions >house constantly leaks in 10 different spots >they have 0 emergency savings >literally takes gross shits every 2 hours >randomly smell fucking gross ash tray shit smell I FUCKING HATE CIGARETTE SMOKERS <|endoftext|> I can't solve that problem for you. That's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. See And figure out something that you can do to become a grug. <|endoftext|> thanks grug poster anon shutup faggot <|endoftext|> grug is a pretty great guy 4u <|endoftext|> >grug kill mammoth >tribe eat >tribe happy >tribe care for grug >trug carve bad words on hut >tribe mad >tribe don't care for trug >tribe reject trug <|endoftext|> grug personified ama <|endoftext|> That was rude and an unkind thing to say. I'm trying to be direct and candid with you guys, without being confrontational or derisive. Accusing me of sleeping around is not an appropriate way to carry your side of a civil conversation. Why can't you recognize a good faith inquiry and respond without hostility? Also you're evading my question. Grug logical, Grugette emotional, right? Why don't you use your superior command of reason and rhetoric to put me in my place without non sequiturs and being mean to me? <|endoftext|> >be >me >be grug of tribe ooga >me have butter knife >me hit thin part of butter knife on knee >me feel vibrayshun in hand me make big science <|endoftext|> Because that would require me to talk to women, women icky. Woman bad, my pp like but grug no like woman. Also they don't have dicks so they're all retarded due to lacking the secondary head containing the extra braincells. I'm only interested in women with both male and female genetalia, dickless roasties can fuck off. <|endoftext|> Women who like tall men are unevolved, they are living with a cavewoman mindset and think they need to be protected from grug, probably why tallfag fetishists are always massive whores too, dual mating strategy etc <|endoftext|> How the fuck do I stand up for myself? I want to learn martial arts but live in the middle of nowhere. The last friends I had used me as a punching bag constantly and it sticks with me every day and I constantly worry about scenarios. I dont want to go around fighting and I just want to be able to tell people to fuck off and leave me alone if they bother me. I specifically only want to learn martial arts because I want to learn to just take someone down cool and collected and not get hit. I dont want to be some brute that gets a fucked up face and I dont want to be worried about getting in a fight with some fat ass bigger than me or some grug retard who doesnt care if they get punched in the face I want to take move somewhere and take a martial art but I feel like its going to take years of doing it and I dont want to get hit in the face sparring and fuck up my face <|endoftext|> >Grug moves hands in the air >Haha Grug has fun Only a retarded monkey can think dancing is fun <|endoftext|> >morality is very useful to people We're not arguing it's usefulness, we're arguing it's foundation. There is a difference between both sides playing it cautious in a tense situation and compromising for ensured personal gain, over actual "righteousness". Grug and Ugg are both hungry. Grug has just caught a turkey, when Ugg stumbles upon Grug. Grug and Ugg can both fight over the turkey, winner takes all. This has great reward, a whole turkey, but also has great risk, getting injured in the fight. As such, Grug and Ugg decide to cut their losses and split the turkey in two. This way, both get less, but there is no risk of injury. But is this "morality"? It was a decision based upon personal gain and personal loss. It's not necessarily that Grug split his turkey out of the goodness of his heart, out of compassion for Ugg, he just didn't want to get hurt himself. Compare that to say, walking down the street and seeing a homeless man on the corner, asking for a enough money for a meal. "The moral" thing to do would be to help the man, however I stand to gain nothing from this interaction. Morality is not personally useful in such a situation, and that's why hundreds, if not thousands of people will drive right past the man for every one that gives him a dollar. <|endoftext|> Are men moaning like a Grug when cumming attractive to women? <|endoftext|> grug gangbang vagina grug <|endoftext|> she-filth make good wife for grug would send berries to unlock onlyfans <|endoftext|> >grug use entity tagging system >apple edible if not wrinkly and taste good >snail animate, potentially edible, predict not taste good >poopoo inedible, taste good <|endoftext|> >You guys try hard to be this dense NPC: Grug see tree fall. Grug see Grug fall. Tree and Grug are same. Human: Fucking NPC brainlet. NPC: No! It too complicated for you to understand! Only big brain Grug understand! >I won't even bother continuing arguing. You might want to see a definition of "argument", you're not making any, you're posting brainlet tier verbal spam that you think sounds smart (it doesn't, it's sad cringe). >Dude I work with tech and have a comp sci degree, I understand tech at a level that I bet you'll never reach. Ah the absolute must NPC move "lol bro I'm more of X than you", shittiest of shitty appeals to authority when you have 0 idea who you're talking to. "I work with tech, get on my level" - absolute brainlet confirmed. >Still I recognize that it doesn't change the fact that we humans are glorified apes. "By making a bunch of incoherent shitty subjective statements that I think are arguments (they aren't) when looking at a select narrow view of physiological bodily functions and basic psychological processes present in all post-fish and many pre-fish life forms on Earth, that I think support my case (they don't), I 'recognize' that humans = apes". The golden thoughts of a fucking NPC. This would be pretty embarrassing for a 10 year old. A fucking NPC brainlet thinks this is some "complicated truth" other people can't grasp top kek. You literally couldn't make this shit up. >Grug think >apple wet >snail wet >poopoo wet >snail is poopoo, snail is apple >many true >very smart >Grug smart lots >Grug works with rock >Get on level of Grug You seem to not realize this is literally how you sound. <|endoftext|> >>need to eat >>need to shit >>need to piss >>need to socialize >>need to secure a female for mating >>need to assert dominance >>feel bad when any of this is unattainable >>feel good otherwise Grug think! Fish eat! Grug eat! Fish falls down when dropped! Grug falls down when dropped! Grug is fish! Fish is Grug! Grug make think with brain! NPCs are literally brain damaged. <|endoftext|> >Grug is body >Grug only see and react to sensory information >Thinking? brain? Grug know nothing of these <|endoftext|> Ill post them here >Ti: Logic in its purest form, smarter than you, dismantles all things sacred as a sport >Te: Imposes logic onto reality, becomes retarded when it doesnt have evidence to help it >Fi: Knows what makes it happy and ONLY what makes it happy, selfish cunts. Master of projection >Fe: Some retarded bullshit about keeping everyone happy, cant think for itself, an NPC function >Si: Grug see, grug do, the ultimate NPC function. Has good memory >Se: Wouldnt be out of place in a zoo, monkey's in human skin. Tries to fix every problem by hitting it with a rock >Ni: It knows >Ne: ADHD spastic kid who lost his meds. Can put itself into the shoes of other people, people who havent been born yet and people who will never even exist <|endoftext|> grug see butt grug fuck butt grugs butt now <|endoftext|> Chad and his boys would have just kicked any incels ass who tried to touch his woman. His strong jaw was made to withstand blows, manlets and chincels would be instantly BTFO by Grug Chad and his club. <|endoftext|> Grug like boob <|endoftext|> Dark skin female see grug. Walk to grug. Laugh what grug say Grugette see. Angry face go red! Make dark skin flee GRUG MINE <|endoftext|> "classical liberals" are basically far right reactionaries in today's politics so same shit, and lol at the suggestion that social conservatives are grug brains compared to hordes of clones who piss their pants, free bleed and shave their heads based on astroturfed 4chan memes on twitter. everything about leftist ideologues is deferential and lacking in critical thinking. <|endoftext|> Grug want woman. Want woman for sex. No, grug want love. Grug use rock app. No grug happy happy. Grug be best Grug can be. Grug find woman who love Grug for Grub. Grug happy happy. Figure it out dipshit. Self improvement doesn't work if you don't practice that improvement in real time with real people. <|endoftext|> Whats with female friends being so unbearable. When i was 18 after i left my grug oogabooga phase I started hanging out with women,particularly a childhood friend and a lot of her friends and also met some of their boyfriends which were decent Problem here is that is much as I enjoy the times one small fuckup and they would never forgive you. The last few really fucked me was a roasts birthday and despite of partying with them since 4pm drinking and helping set up bitch got incredibly mad that i left at 12 when i was sick from all the drinking and totally dissapointed her Then as usual she wouldn't talk to me.And i wouldnt be forced to apologize and build up the conversations so it would all be good by then It eventually got so boring I just stoped talking to all of them The worst part is that they are never able to acknowledge even the slightest slip up of theirs and are able to somehow convince themselves it's the other party at fault Seriously what the fuck is up with that <|endoftext|> ok grug u can go bac 2 cabe now we take care ob mammof <|endoftext|> >him drop fur >grug clean fur? >him nod >ha ha ha >grug make two fur of same >grug make grug you >you not you >grug am you <|endoftext|> More women passed down their genes than men. High value men still cummed inside low value women. The male mode of operation is to spread his seed, not carry a child. >Muh based civilization I'd honestly rather be a fucking grug than deal with all of this fake and gay shit in "civilization". Have you fucking seen the state of things? Most of humanity does not have the mental fortitude to resist not becoming degenerate slugs. Slowly, helplessly and agonizingly we fade into the faggoty future. At least if I'm a grug my problems are usually something I can solve by bashing with stick. <|endoftext|> >>"guys are lucky just to have a girl these days!" I often wonder about this as well, though. A lot of the qualities I see from the average guy isn't very manly or even useful as a human being, and going by what I expect women want, I'm surprised they even bother dating men in the first place. Like, there are grug-tier guys that don't know how to lay their beds with girlfriends or wives, but the characteristics of the men they date would imply that the man is superior to them in some way: older, earning more money, more qualified. How? It seems like the women I see are often more competent than their male halves <|endoftext|> Unironically, if I was born a woman that would be me anyway. I was a cute kid, my mom was a cute blonde woman with big tits (sorry mom). To be honest it would have been totally different. My name would have been Lauren from what my mother told me. Probably would have still been chubby but I wouldn't have gotten fat. My family, income, and skills would also have been different just on principle. Hopefully if I had come to the same conclusions about things as I did now I'd be a wife to a good man and a mother with some cute little kiddos... Although reality dictates that I'd probably have an onlyfans or some shit selling porn... As for skills? I wouldn't have developed these "skills" or interests as a girl/woman since they exist purely out of male brain caveman grug shit, or out of the natural male tendencies to explore the world in an analytical and almost cold fashion. To be honest with how my mom raised me, she was probably disappointed she didn't end up with a daughter instead of the son. She sheltered me like crazy, she did the whole "progressive 90's" shit with my name, with the toys I was allowed to play with, etc. The only thing to come of that which I appreciate was more of a tangential consequence of being a boy who wasn't allowed to watch violent movies, cartoons, or play violent video games... a lot of nature documentaries, even on TV I'd watch a lot of shit like Wild America. She had no problem with animal violence since it was "real" and I appreciated anything exciting I could get. Also ironic that she sheltered me of toy guns (the only toy guns I was allowed were "wild west" or "historic" shit, and even then... not really) but once I was 11/12 she was okay with real firearms. Ended up with a 91/30 by the time I was 14... in fact I had a gun before she event allowed me to play GTA... So I have NO idea how I'd have turned out as a chick. <|endoftext|> Muddy ice lake people all berry pickers, but grug know this <|endoftext|> based check. id love the smell of these girl's unwashed teeth. or you konw how whenyou wake up and youve been sleeping in your housecoat and you have all the grug ness to you? then you cum about 3 times in the morning in your boxes. id love to make the girls smell like that. mmmm like salty coins and milk (SC&M) <|endoftext|> I suppose you're right but Grug like's to be blunt and say things simply <|endoftext|> >me grug >me weewee stick become large like snake >me see sexy lady on screen >me play with weewee >weewee happy me happy <|endoftext|> I'm not the guy you were arguing with, retard. I just want to know why every normalfag is only capable of viewing his surroundings through the lens of some caveman tier animal hierarchy, and has zero capacity to think in any degree higher than "OOGA BOOGA GRUG HIGHER ON TRIBE TOTEM POLE THAN YOU". Now next time answer my question or stop feeding me false (you)s subhuman. <|endoftext|> grug try hit berrypicker with club but no work <|endoftext|> >*grunt* >pussy good >grug smash pussy <|endoftext|> I never made any vocaroos Grug lol <|endoftext|> What do you expect? Women are not programmed for loyalty, they flock to whoever are the strongest and most successful competitors, whoever amassed the most resources to feed them and their offspring and offer them protection from other men. Following the herd was their survival strategy. Fighting back against Grug Chad is useless and dangerous, being passive aggressive and sticking with what the tribe wants was the key. Males are the innovators and the crapshoot experiment that either goes beautifully right (Chad) or horribly wrong (incel). <|endoftext|> Its actually easier to fap to my supreme imaginations than it is to fap to pictures/videos. My brain generates the best possible extreme fetish hentai, the likes of which you have never seen but i still fap to pictures. The problem is that it all requires brain power and im a lazy perceiver, its so much comfier to just take the "grug see, grug do" approach However, due to this profound ability, my ability to cum is purely dependant on my mind, i can decide whether to cum in 10 seconds flat or literally never no matter how much i fap, its my proudest skill, INTP btw <|endoftext|> advancing past the grug era was a mistake <|endoftext|> >grug Chad sees grug Autist encroaching on his woman >Grug Chad and his boys murder inferior grug beta >cave Stacy fucks him as a thank you and he impregnates her with his Chad seed, ensuring progeny for the superior male <|endoftext|> She picking berry with grug child over there <|endoftext|> >Grug still sleepy go without me <|endoftext|> I mean, you're not at least great at MMOs? I was leet af at every class I played in WoW so long as I was experienced. Most players are grug as fuck in that game <|endoftext|> >wheels invented by whites Ooga, what? Grug want riot. <|endoftext|> kill animal if eat meat is not fair animals get sad too grug not need eat meat meat make grug die grug eat berry and long berry to live long time <|endoftext|> no pick berries. no eat plant. eat meat. meat STRONG. make grug strong. if you no think same me eat you too. only weak tribe eat plant. <|endoftext|> kang tribe tell me pale grug kill kang grug did pale grug? make me angry make me want kill pale grug and take berry reparation <|endoftext|> Found this out the hard way - now im 60k in debt with a law degree. I am a middle-class presenting straight white man with 0 connections (because I am hopelessly poor in reality), I am literally the last person that a law firm wants to hire. It is ALL WHO YOU KNOW - I know grug-brained retards I went to school with who still read out loud like children when they were in sixth form who now have comfy jobs in legal because daddy had a word with the manager. EVERY interview I have had has been Karens from HR who literally seethe as they speak to me because of how they perceive me and my "privilege" whilst labouring under the opinion that THEY are oppressed EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE THE ONES IN THE FUCKING HIRING CHAIR. I hate this clown world - I did everything they ever told me to do and it wasn't good enough. Extra-curricular, volunteering, personal development, awards, degree. SO yes OP you and I are in the same position - fuck GPA it's irrelevant. I'm not even a social sperg but today it is either diversity or connections. <|endoftext|> This, no way incels stood idly by and allowed Chad to take 100% of their wome and leave them permanently with none. Also grug Chad isnt superhuman. He is a retard who only knows how to swing his fists or throw rocks. Incels and nerds were most likely the ones who came up with spears and arrows and other early weapons technology. Fists are no match for a well aimed spear. <|endoftext|> When grug Chad is done pumping women he dumps them. He is a sociopath, he doesnt care for close relationships. He would fuck hundreds of women but only LTR cuck for grug Stacy at the very least. They werent his women, they were his leftovers. And since Chad is busy ploughing lots more women and fighting people, he doesnt have time to stick around and be a father. Thats where betas came in and wifed single mothers to help raise those kids. <|endoftext|> fire scare grug no smoke no fire brit feel smoke so fire <|endoftext|> grug have dinosaur on rock grug womfy ooga boogas no bother grug <|endoftext|> third world countries prove that for the ugly incel grug looking fuck to turn into a hot shemale you need to do porn and be a hooker at the same time. If you like fucking dudes in the ass than thats great! but otherwise you are shit out of luck <|endoftext|> roasties crowded around me in disbelief because i said i liked classical music, same grade. i never got that from guys, even the most knuckle dragging, anti intellectual grug heads.the female species is just a hopeless hivemind of groupthink and when they're not looking to each other for what's socially acceptable they're filling their empty heads by thinking about chocolate dildos that shoot money. i wouldn't worry too much about it. <|endoftext|> Grug crood <|endoftext|> grug spend day hunt food. grug come home and do gurb with grugette. grug no care about big dome outside. grug live in moment. grug satisfied. <|endoftext|> me like grug good advise <|endoftext|> I've thought about this. She is friendly to my face but I feel like she tries to sabotage our relationship sometimes. She's a bit overprotective of her daughter, and it's like she's reluctant to give her away to me or something Nice one grug I'll have to ooka ooka smash and grab her at this rate I think She is lad but she acts like an underage sometimes in that she listens to her parents too much and doesn't ever think for herself. It's not the first time her mum has said she's "not allowed" to do something. She's 25 ffs, I stopped listening to my parents at like 15 lol <|endoftext|> yes i am grug. live in mud hut. you could do ur research but yet i am here again explaining it. i did not post my pictures here on r9k no uni doesnt take up 100% of my time. not to mention it's summer now and corona season lmao quit acting like i have a life. <|endoftext|> Si users, maybe Se monkeys definitely not, their highest level of introspection can only go so far as "grug wants eat" or "grug wants fuck", their whole life experience is squarely confined in the realm of the sensible and material, they're really not that different from animals tbqh <|endoftext|> >can't read cringe retard if you mean the "Heavenly Father" that Jesus referred to, then yes, if you mean "Yahweh", then no. >That's just based off my personal experience though. That's exactly what it is. I.e. the human masses can always be trusted to behave in a way that emphasizes ritualism, traditionalism, and fundamentalism, but the way those things are expressed can differ among communities. Your ooga booga tribe obsesses about sex, consumes X drug, emphasizes monogamous marriage, et cetera. Their ooga booga tribe obsesses about sex (albeit in a different direction), consumes Y drug, emphasizes polyamory, et cetera. "My god better than their god!". Grug psychology. But true religion? My point is that it's pretty much gone and virtually undetectable. <|endoftext|> The point being, compared to other groups yellow grug tribe (when not in countries no non yellow grugs want to be in) the go outside yellow tribe more than any other group. Which challenges the idea that yellow tribe gruginas aren't more than willing to mate with those outside yellow tribe if given the option. <|endoftext|> Grug wonders Pale grugs say yellow gruginas love pale grug tail and mocks yellow grugs, but Grug looks at yellow grug tribes and they're 99% yellow grugs, meanwhile pale grugs are dying off and pale gruginas make mud grugs with charred grugs all day long Grug doesn't know if pale grugs are right <|endoftext|> is anygrug else here spiriting birth givers the literal second they can? grug birthgivers have ruined grug life in every single ugging way possible and grug hate them. Grug try to be alone all day and soon as grug leave cave chamber grug birth givers magically happen to do something at same time too and follow grug around saying most annoying word. Every time grug forced to interact with them grug birth givers always do most annoying touched-in-head shit at worst possible time and piss grug off. Grug cannot wait for the second grug never talk to these dumb hole-in-head ugging ever again and get new smoke signal IF UGGING GREAT SPIRIT WOULD UGG OFF <|endoftext|> Ooga booga, grug no understand intuitive Grug smash <|endoftext|> Ug no talk much to female. Grug talk lots and try be friend and Grug get no fuck. So Ug try no talk much and Ug get lots fuck! <|endoftext|> >my no-bullshit Se More like your ape brain ooga booga grug see grug reacts Se <|endoftext|> >Be grug, 40000BC >Touch peepee multiple times a day to feel good >Makes you forget about problems for small time >Be a dude in 20whatever >Touch peepee multiple times a day to distract from problems for a short while >labelled a social outcast >be regular functioning young adult in monogamous relationship >have sex once every few days >still touch pee pee multiple times a day >something is somehow wrong with this I think the damage depends on what you'd coin as chronic masturbation. Sure if it's the only thing you're doing, but 3 or so times a day probably isn't a concern. <|endoftext|> >no university degree, no valuable education, no knowledge, spent two decades of his life doing absolutely nothing relatively fair, i think men should have ambition >makes less than a 60k salary not fair, money does not equate to character >blue collar job kill yourself >dead end life with no ambitions or real future fair >lives with his parents, can't afford his own place depends where you live, in boston you can't live independently even with a 60k salary in the city >incel yet thinks his virginity is precious even though he's desperate and horny and watches porn constantly fair >same as above but those ugly betas who try to e-date random girls constantly fair >shorter than me actually shallow >ugly yet only fawns over women who are more attractive and better than him men are ambition, shoot for the stars. this shows confidence, stop seething cause you are ugly and men do not want you. >has an ugly voice thats uncontrollable, and you should kill yourself >bad posture somewhat fair, depends if they're a scolibro or not >dead incel eyes this is down to preference >zero energy when they talk depression is a bitch >not extroverted half of these aren't red flags, they're just your personal standards. kill yourself >can't hold a meaningful conversation fair >not intelligent enough to say something insightful somewhat fair, some women love grug type men >thinks his political views make him intelligent even though he's a neet top tier, fair >alt right incels fair all in all OP is either a baiting fag, tranny, or a seething femoid whos alone <|endoftext|> Sorry, all i heard was "ooga booga Se grug smash" <|endoftext|> Grug not berypicker. Grug member of Apple tribe. <|endoftext|> your company stock go up grug buys <|endoftext|> Eternal reminder that Se is a grug NPC function and it's only "appreciated" by roasties who can only get their pussy wet by being domestically abused by some ESTP chad <|endoftext|> >grug cave cold >need shegrug to warm at darktime >hunt for shegrug >all shegrugs are already holding grugpups >shegrug want to share cave coz grugmarcus no provide for him gugpups >remind grug of cookoo bird who lay egg in other bird nest >grug no cookoo even if longnose tribe tell it good thing >grug only look after own grugpups and sometimes sister grugpups if she want a darktime away from annoying the annoying little anklebiters <|endoftext|> Me club you anyway because you grug who likes boom-boom with other boy grugs. <|endoftext|> Me miss sky fire times when me can just club girl grug and drag into cave for boom-boom. Now girl grugs say that sect-cyst. Me no know what that mean but me no like. Me no like dark skin grugs. You say sorry or me club you. <|endoftext|> Me feel threatened by any grug that no exactly like me. Me want club other grugs until me only grug left. Me no want share ME world with other grugs. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Unga bunga, me no like dark skin grugs! Me no like grugs that no exactly like me! Me want club all other grugs until me only grug left! That only way me feel safe! Unga bunga! <|endoftext|> Se is the "grug see, grug react" function, no thought required ESTPs don't "act with thought" as you said, they're just dumb apes like all Se users You don't know what you're talking about <|endoftext|> Grugs are grugs. There two kinds of grug. Me grug, is good grug. Not me grugs, are bad grugs. Only good grugs are grugs exactly like me, and only grug exactly like me is me. So me am only good grug. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Me no like grugs no look like me. Me want club all grugs no look like me. Me want club me all grugs no think like me. Me want club all other grugs until me only grug left. This ME world. Me no share. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> >22 at the end of the month >Wanted to be a freelance artist doing digital art when I was 18 >Went to do law degree instead to alleviate crippling poverty >thought job was pretty much guaranteed at the end if I did well >slave away with degree and part-time work to get a decent degree from a good uni >graduate with second best grade (2:1) >lol it's who you know not what you know >thought this was a /biz/ meme when i first went to uni and that it was a cope for slackers >nope >know literal grug-brained troglodytes that now have their foot in the door in legal profession because connections >meanwhile here I am with no experience a year later whilst BAME students and women get offered ALL the jobs >now I'm starting up with art career again but I'm effectively four years behind where I was at 18. I can't do this anons, I feel like I've wasted four years of my life and regressed artistically >still poor af <|endoftext|> >>I am ugly and will probably never have the chance to be in another relationship There it is. The real answer. GRUG FIND HOT WOMAN. So you're willing to bow down and be the woman in the relationship because she's got the genetic advantage on you. Pathetic. Relationships are supposed to be about building each other up, but you're degrading yourself for the pussy because she's nice to look at. When you look back on this years in the future, just know that it's entirely your fault your life is terrible. <|endoftext|> >woman can smell your shit genes >woman can smell Does Grug want woman? <|endoftext|> Just say "OOGA BOOGA GRUG TOUCH PEE PEE" <|endoftext|> sfkjgfdhifjfjfjfjfj hhhhuuuuHHHHHHHAAAGGGGG GRRAAAAAAAAA GRUG AHFSHHFJSJ STICK JHGSKKKKDKKDKDKDKD BIG FHFHFHHFHFHFHFHEOEPPPPPPKKKK HUUUUUUUAARRAAAAAAA GRRRRR RUGH RUGHT WOoF GRRRRRR RAHAHAHHA <|endoftext|> Grug thinks you long noose tribe painting as Chrug Grug thinks you smell good in smoke huts <|endoftext|> This Chrug village now Grug leave or consequence will never be same <|endoftext|> Female on computer screen say funny thing. Make Grug laugh. Grug smile watching female talk on computer screen. <|endoftext|> You'll be forced to say at least three dumb things on Twitter each week and will be remembered as one of the worst presidents of the USA. Politics aside: You're Grug from the Unga Bunga tribe, you've just found a large stick that you, as the first human use as a club making you the most powerful human on earth. Three years later you die of malnutrition. >I want to have a gf <|endoftext|> >Be Grug >Go hunting >Me no catch animal cuz beta >Go to Cave >See qt3.14 >She scared of bear >Me go Oooga Abooga >The stick go BANG >The bear runs away >Take qt to cave >"QT is now Grug GF" >"K" >Feelsgood FF 2 months >Go to Hunt animals again >Again Grug catch no food >Go home >See qt >She does Ooga Booga with someone >See the man's face >It bear from earlier >Grug feel bad Wat do Grug do? Should Grug go /fit/? Also why femgrugs want only Chad bears? <|endoftext|> >Noooo Grug you have to eat berry longnose tribe gives you and look at latest hero cavepaint <|endoftext|> >Me have complex mental health issue >Me no like sad voice in head >Me lift heavy rock >Me happy >Grug complex mental health issue fix by lift heavy rock >Grug now not depressed <|endoftext|> Probably stems from the fact that in cavemen days, nice guys who shared and let others go first were bad providers because it meant less resources for cavelady and her offspring. Selfish grabby grug Chads who took everything for their own clan, knew how to punch the shit out of other dudes and steal their food were likely better mating material. <|endoftext|> hmm maybe me am have answer >be grug >find pretty grugess >bring her back to cave >make her wash off cave picture >all grug tribe forget and am better >celebrate big group snu snu with grugess >hit her on head with club maybe it work unga <|endoftext|> Me tribe is best tribe, because is ME tribe. Me am best grug ever. Grugs only good if grugs like me. Not me grugs bad. Unga bunga. <|endoftext|> >Hehe i will insult how i think someone looks over the internet instead of making an actual point hehe Ok grug. Go bash some stones together and discover fire. <|endoftext|> >grug have penis >grug make children >grug don't know why but he don't care >just reproduce, don't ask questions <|endoftext|> No. Me tribe best. Me tribe has me, and me am bestest grug. All grugs must be like me. All not me grugs get club. <|endoftext|> >grug no like new red hot thing other grugs discover. red hot thing going destroy society. unga bunga. <|endoftext|> Well being an 18 year old grug, i can't afford the good shit/ don't have a place to work on, but my current oldest car is a 91 dakota. planning on 360 magnum carb/ a518 swapping it if i can find a place to do all this shit at, because i have no garage or yard. <|endoftext|> how old are the cars grug <|endoftext|> fellow grug want to know the ways of the delicate human. grug only know beatings. <|endoftext|> Grug too but Grug feel good about self. Why you hold head like berry picker, frend? <|endoftext|> this morally outraged hypocritical normie. you just want a reason to fuck someone up. grug. You are every bit as bloodthirsty and shitty as the dog abuser. Just that instead of a dog its an actual person. i would really like to see a morally outraged fuck get rekt. <|endoftext|> >"give me a reason" >here you go >"no it's too long, grug need short words, grug no want to read" Fuck off <|endoftext|> Grug think all of you are faggets. Grug think all of you are undeserving of love. Prove to grug that your deserving of love <|endoftext|> >Don't you have hobbies/passions ? Most people here are aimless morons, me included. In addition to that, this board has no direction, so sex ends up being a default topic because everyone thinks about it and Grug has no shame when posting online anonymously. You're talking about sex right now (you told us how often you masturbate and to what), so I don't know why you're judging. <|endoftext|> >grug need simple book grug no like difficult words Try Harry Potter <|endoftext|> LONGNOSE TRIBE SAY GRUG SHOULD LET OOGABOOGA LIVE IN GRUG CAVE BUT LONGNOSE TRIBE NOT LET OOGABOOGA LIVE IN LONGNOSE CAVE GRUG WONDER WHAT LONGNOSE TRIBE TRYING TO DO <|endoftext|> >grug >it me Grub >Grub want my meat stick on grugina >Grub give you many shiny pebbles <|endoftext|> >grug take down all cave paintings of grugina >even though other grugs already seen her rock milk jugs >grug no care if other grugs rub meat stick to grugina though >grug only do this to make more shiny pebble <|endoftext|> "sort of" isn't an answer. Are you in a commited long-term relationship with someone else, or not? Also, when I say job, I mean an actual job, not just some shit job that barely pays enough to live on. >Then she started smashing things and threatening to shoot me. So I dipped. Not that complicated or hard. Imagine being this fucking stupid, holy shit. What you said is literally the equivalent of, >I had a shot of whiskey once but I didn't like it, so I don't know why people are alcoholics. Just stop drinking alcohol, it's not that hard. Your relationship wasn't even close to being abusive, nor were you at any point actually close with this girl, of course you left, there was no relationship to leave in the first place. You left before it could even be an actual relationship, the type of relationship I asked if you were in. >You can play the emotional investment pity card, the sunk cost shit, or the MY GRUG BF/GF IS A MASTER MANIPULATORR shit, but you're still the one falling for it. When a person is being tricked, they don't know they're bring tricked. It's gradual, it's subtle, it isn't something people notice right away, it's not just being with someone you like and they suddenly punch you in the eye one day, don't be retarded. Let me rephrase my question: How old are you, and do you actually have any relevant experience to comment on this situation? Yeah, it should. It never will though. People don't understand that having a kid is the easiest thing in the world to do, and that most parents don't have any fucking clue of what they're doing. Is that what you think? Adorable. I'm sure you're parent of the year Anon. Eh, you may be right. I'll think about it. >i cant do anything in life, that must mean no one else can either <|endoftext|> >Are you in a relationship Anon? Do you have a job? Do you have any friends? Don't be shy, tell me the truth. Sort of, no (studying), yes. I've also been in relationships you'd call abusive. Bitch had BPD or something. All was great until she started randomly hating me. She was good company and a great fuck, so I stuck around through that. I thought if she did try anything physical, I was about double her size, so whatever. Then she started smashing things and threatening to shoot me. So I dipped. Not that complicated or hard. You can play the emotional investment pity card, the sunk cost shit, or the MY GRUG BF/GF IS A MASTER MANIPULATORR shit, but you're still the one falling for it. You still have legs. Just fucking go. And learn to take some accountability while you do. <|endoftext|> lol you're just looking at it from the wrong angle. It's not about some kind of principle or whatever. It goes about as deep as "grug like greg so grug sad when greg die. you not like greg? grug not like you!" You're doing God's work. Orbiter behaviour causes mysoginy in real life. Anyway there's no such thing as an ugly woman, they're all kings! You're in no risk of actually being doxxed though are you? What was the insult? I can't believe there's an online insult that was effective enough to actually get to someone lol. If it's just sex then ESXP probably. Everyone wants what they don't have right? <|endoftext|> Me grug me tough on r9k me eat meat <|endoftext|> >why didn't nature decide to biologically introduce this chemical into our system when anxious and restless? Probably because Grug couldn't fight for his life if he was impaired as fuck. Pic related. <|endoftext|> >HUERP DWERP HOW FAN ANYONE NOT BE LIKE GRUG HOW ANYONE HAS 80+ IQ?q ?! ?! ?! ?! ? <|endoftext|> >feel wen no grug :( <|endoftext|> As a big autist who chipmed out on 3 bullies and made it out mostly unscaved id say they either wouldn't make it out of childhood or their autism helped in grug activities. Less social norms and stuff.More simplistic behaviour <|endoftext|> Only grug-brains want to dominate a female. Femdom is the most patrician fetish. <|endoftext|> >Ideas man.. they're really scary to the commoner grug aren't they? ^ Don't take this bait. He's trying to pull you back in after you said you're out. <|endoftext|> >You can act in the way associated with the feminine "gender role" all you want, it does not change who or what you are. Haha well it quite literally does change "who" I am as it would anyone else, and what I'm doing already has changed my gender in the view of society since I pass Like I said, I'm not losing anything here anon, I'm just explaining some intricacies for the rest of you >we are just expanding our capabilities And when it has expanded to the point where both genders are allowed to act however they want without judgement then there won't be any need for gender roles anymore, hurray! Yes, I am a biologically a male whose living his life as a woman in the eye of society >You act as if the gender role defines what a man is In society they do, see above Hormones help change our outward physiology to match our gender along with often making us feel better, so why wouldn't we take them? >Transgenders are taking hormones because their sex characteristics are at odd with their ideas about gender. Exactly anon, you get it! And how were those ideas about gender instilled onto us and everyone else? By society. Ideas man.. they're really scary to the commoner grug aren't they? <|endoftext|> >1999 ooga booga, grug miss cave carving days, stone age good <|endoftext|> Grug strong, Chad weak. <|endoftext|> But grug feel better when he hunt and sacrifice entrails to gods and smash rock on other grug head. Vagina grug boring and dont see deeper truths about grugs world that grub see when he alone in woods. <|endoftext|> it taste good also me grug, me caveman <|endoftext|> >me show butt to grug >grug gives me food >me show butt more? <|endoftext|> These are some serious grug boomer takes. <|endoftext|> Hi Grug Haven't seen you shit up this board in a while <|endoftext|> They are litterally the same thing, they both use anime pictures to represent themselves THIS is a reaction image. Now its an old timer I know, and you guys love your Pepe and wojak and female wojak and depressed wojak and cum brained wojak and boomer wojak and zoomer wojak and Grug wojak and clown wojak etc. but my point is its not anime. The only anime reaction images anyone ever uses is when they are in the midst of larping. They are not stand alone images or memes they are just frames from a damn Vietnamese cartoon <|endoftext|> GRUG HORNY... MUST SNIFF <|endoftext|> -20,000BC- Ungub the rock collector: "grug I think that the earth is round" Grug the pointy stick thrower: "Where did you get the idea that the earth was round?" Ungub: "Dunno looks and feels round" Grug: "Do you any have evidence for it being round?" Ungub: "Nah Grug, just based on my experience it feels like it is" Grug: "I see no reason to make that assumption, why believe the earth is round when no reasons or eviedence present itself?" Ungub: "Good point grug, you're so wise" Grug the pointy stick thrower Wise: "Thanks ungub, live your life based on evidence like me and you can be wise" <|endoftext|> >odzig grug uh huh ooga <|endoftext|> cope, gb2 tranny thread and 40% urself faggot. modern human diets have changed you fucken mongoloid, dont think grug ate borgars with fries n a diet coke. <|endoftext|> >he lives you in a state where you can still gather coherent thoughts your mate is weak. Grug take women from weakling male <|endoftext|> no, Grug was <|endoftext|> JESUS FUCKING CHRIST SHUT THE FUCK YOU UP RETARD you post this same stupid shit and only reply with shit like "muh weak beta grug they fuck chad and i nut in toilets" jesus chist i don't even care about the constant interracial spam but YOU are the one person i would love to string up and throw down niagara falls in a box <|endoftext|> It's because you're just Grug smashing Blender without any comprehension on what you're doing. Watch a Youtube tutorial and just follow what they're doing. There's one where the guy renders an anime girl that's really good if you can follow it. <|endoftext|> It's insanely boring and it's why I took up power yoga and basic body weight exercises. Those are more enjoyable and I run less of a risk of injuring myself. Most of the guys I know who find lifting fun are either massive grug brains or are fueled entirely by simp energy. <|endoftext|> nah, twinks are pretty cute desu. t. grug i wanna take op and i wanna snuggle him <|endoftext|> >what is it even like being in a relationship for such a long time? it's nice because you know the person better so mind games are less involved >Are humans made for having a single partner for the rest of their lives? not sure, it depends on the individual but probably not if you mean that from a grug standpoint >What's it like once you are living with them after the first few years? I like it a lot because you know what to expect but it also sucks that the woman is bored of you. I must be boring but women only remain enthusiastic with me for 2-3 years even though I operate on day 1 mode forever. I used to be able to relate to you but I met a woman my brain considered to be "the right one" and I never felt bored of her even though it wasn't even some crush or being in love either. <|endoftext|> It was a lot easier in primitive times. >grug horny >grug see female >grug bonk with stick >slap slap slap slap >9 months later, baby <|endoftext|> grug feel odd. grug have strange dreams. strange dreams feel real, dream grug hurt in dream, no wakey. grug go see witch doctor about dream. <|endoftext|> grug give green and purple berry <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT FUG. GRUG DO NO JUG FOR 3 MOON, WHY HAVE NO FUG? GRUG THOUGHT IF NO USE JUG HE WOULD GET FUG! <|endoftext|> Grug confused, some cave paintings on .png rock, some cave paintings on .jpg rock. Need grug stallman to promote free and open rock standards. <|endoftext|> Can no get unga bunga. Grug never leave cave, too busy whacking meat stick to unga bunga sculpture. Feelrockman <|endoftext|> Grug ask too many questions. Grug go to prison for wrongthink. <|endoftext|> Grugs die, tribe die for what you done and grug laugh. > Wanna know another joke Gurray? <|endoftext|> >grug be laughing >be laughing >grug have humor >call pterocactyl >what grog get when across alone-grug with huddle that abandon grug and treat grug like dung >i tell you what >get what grog deserve >*throw stone* <|endoftext|> when cave rock get better texture unga? grug want better cave rock. <|endoftext|> >It can fail when introduced to populations of easily manipulated people with no critical thinking skills or concept of history. >The Prince was written in 1512, there should be a little bit of shame involved when you're as manipulable as an illiterate peasant vassal. So you agree that importing millions of low IQ, capeshit-watchin peasants into white countries is a bad idea? Great. A good way of manipulating people is to make them think the ideas they are being brainwashed with came from their own big brains. Grug smart. Grug love diversity. Grug reach final level of enlightenment which just so happens to mirror the shit being pushed out by every billion dollar corporation. <|endoftext|> i like: penis balls strong man fat man skinny man hairy man giving man bj swallowing man coom getting spanked by man getting tickled by man wrestling with man cuddling with man hugging and kissing man cooking for man cleaning for man hobbies with man entertainment with man exercise with man deep connection with man dying with man of old age man who values me equally man who respects me equally natural looking man artistic man with imagination shy introvert man who want a quiet humble life monogamy and loyalty i dont like: man who is mean man who is unappreciating man who only thinks of money disloyal man vagina butthole makeup social media culture polyamy cucks narcissists man who don't take responsibility and blame others selfish and prideful man t. grug <|endoftext|> >grug have hard life >grug alone for love love day >grug see many pretty grugi but grugi only want chug >chug alway know what to say to make grugi laugh >grug not sure what to say >grug give grugi gift of skin but grugi still no like grug >grug alone for love love day >how is grug to make boom boom with grugi if all grugi only want chug? >grug inscribe stone tablet, grug call it "my sad tribe" >grug have idea, grug will win skin from powerrock >grug spend all money on powerrocks but not win any skin >grug sad grug so sad everyday >grug get beat up at lunar festival >grug buy club >grug will smash all grugi >grug smash some grugi but get smash by tribe protectors >grug die never making boom boom <|endoftext|> >Be me >Comfy neanderthal robot tribe >Spend time jerking off to cave paint of hot grug women >Life is good.jpg >Then Homo Normalfagtus arrives >Takes grug women >Tells me to get job as berrypicker >Get eaten by mammoth Its not fair bros <|endoftext|> >Grug see cave painting of bad crown spirit >Grug count rock >Rock count say many cave-grug die >Grug tell tribe >Tribe say it common spirit. Pure nothing mammoth >Cave painting now show crown spirit bigger >grug tell tribe again >Tribe say more cavegrugs die from dinofrog attack What grug do when bad crown spirit come? <|endoftext|> >DURR, FEAR BAD! GRUG NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING! You clearly know nothing about evolution and probably science in general. Fear is one of if not the most important emotions. <|endoftext|> >Stop putting women and their pussies on such an absurd pedestal. Embarrassing thats simply impossible you fucking moron. you have to be so disingenuous to deny that sex and love play an INCREDIBLY important aspect of life, especially to males >If someone attacks my philosophies it matters more to me than if they attack my prowess as an mating animal because I'm not a grug-tier brainlet. you're either a women or a brainlet in denial. men in general need females much more than females need men. thats why men agree to getting married despite the incredibly unfavorable divorce chances. thats why prostitution, strippers, and webcaming is a hundred billion dollar instury a year. men NEED women in their lives much more than women need men. and for you to deny this is either ignorance or you being disingenuous you're probably a girl because 75% of vegans are girls, and i doubt ur a old virgin. if being a vegan is the hardest thing in your life, you live life on tutorial mode. getting shit from other people being vegan is the equivalent of getting shit for having different political beliefs. there are huge vegan communities, meetups, organizations, and a community online thats very welcoming and logically and philosophically sound but if ur a lifelong male virgin, all you get is despair, suffer, pain and depression. you're either a male in denial of how important love and sex is, or you're a dumb female <|endoftext|> I'm an incel as well dipshit, why do you think I'm here. And holy shit I thought I was being melodramatic, if anyone here is a whiny faggot it's you. Waah wash I no put penis in vagina and engage in facile normie affection. Stop putting women and their pussies on such an absurd pedestal. Embarrassing. Also your problem is you value primal urge more than your philosophies. If someone attacks my philosophies it matters more to me than if they attack my prowess as an mating animal because I'm not a grug-tier brainlet. <|endoftext|> sounds like the exact opposite of what anyone would want and you only want it because you're some dumb-ass zoomer "grugg good equal bad n bad equal good grug haha grug ha" who has been so distorted by the absurdism of the times that your own mentality has ostracized itself from humanity, vacuous, autistic, drawn to trannies and metaphorically brapping yourself <|endoftext|> talk about shit u think cavemen would talk about. sex, penis, fart, sleep, dreams, hot boobies, dude pecs, eating your cum, wanting to die, that time you saw grug die, that time u ate a weird mushroom and saw god, more cum, how fucking weird reality is, etc. <|endoftext|> >white face all the same problems but they dont, its an entirely different geography a similar argument to yours is >WHY ESKIMO NO HAVE IRON TOOLS AND CIVILIZATION >WHITE MAN FACE ALL SAME PROBLEMS AS ESKIMO BUT HAVE MORE THING >WHAT YOU MEAN NORTH = COLD >GRUG GO WATCH LIMITED SCOPE HIGH-SPIN RACIST MEDIA NOW <|endoftext|> You aint wrong. I am straight and dislike lesbian porn. If there aint no dick I don't get that Unga unga grug breed endorphines flowing. <|endoftext|> Working together with your bros to all have families was a much more effective strategy than individualistic strategics of killing your brother to take his wife for Grug's harem. This sort of thing happened, but it was one tribe versus the other. Our modern, anarchic style of sexual competition is historically unprecedented. <|endoftext|> OK, it simple. When grug talk to retard, retard ezpect grug talk back in specific way. When grrug no do that, retard talk long think grug even more retarded. This funny, because grug is even more retarded than retard in this hypothetical example. <|endoftext|> It's not existential dread, where the fuck are you getting these ideas from? I don't know how to spell this out more clearly for you; when retards talk about meaningless shit it PISSES ME OFF. I get ANGRY when I have to listen to mindless babble for any duration longer than 10 minutes. It INFURIATES me to have my mind violated with their unpleasant noise. How do I simplify this more for you. When retard talk long, it make grug MAD. <|endoftext|> it's the most degenerate grug tier version of dealing with period blood <|endoftext|> Just ate a really good steak, fuck being vegan, those cunts will never feel the primal satisfaction of eating an animals flesh, Grug is satisfied, any other robros like meat, or are you virgins vegan. <|endoftext|> Grugmouto no unga bunga big bro... too much unga bunga with other grugs... me think you make grug sick <|endoftext|> small peepee, my peepee more big but grug get no woowoo and make grug sad. maybe grug could get if try, but grug anger at world, and grug feel try no help bad spirit <|endoftext|> >I was imply waifu Grug grug, me beat animal with stick, me not speak right. <|endoftext|> Is the attraction really based on a more primal level though? I'm attracted to these sort of burly dudes myself but also to extremely THICC and FERTILE looking women. My brain just goes full crusty loin cloth Grug mode in response to people that look so natural. <|endoftext|> The original is fine, grug was funny, -oomer ones are all bad, NPC is bad, soi ones are bad <|endoftext|> S Tier: Boomer Wojak A Tier: Feels Wojak, Seething Wojak, Brainlet Wojaks B Tier: Bloomer, Coomer, Grug C Tier: Zoomer, Soijak, Doomer F Tier: NPC wojak <|endoftext|> Grug and Coomer are my personal favorites <|endoftext|> me grug think grug-jak is best grug-jak <|endoftext|> Grug without a doubt. <|endoftext|> Me grug, wat u tribe? <|endoftext|> >grug no need magic fire <|endoftext|> Of the 12 here, Standard, crying and grug Wojaks are the only ones that are untainted. Onions Wojak is still funny but only when its the normal version posted as opposed to the other over-the-top shit. The weird smile/laugh Wojak looks dumb as shit and it conveys a rather odd expression that can be interpreted too many ways. The mask Wojak is great, but only if the mask shows someone happy. Having it be a brainlet is boring. Speaking of brainlets, the Wojak without one has been beaten to death on Twitter arguments. NPC stopped being funny after the 5th time, while the Boomer, Zoomer, Coomer and Doomer memes were never funny, and only encourages more underage posting. <|endoftext|> OG wojak and doomer before the normalfags tainted it. Also grug and boomer. <|endoftext|> Grug is the only geniunely funny one. Zoomer and Boomer are also ok. <|endoftext|> Grug, obviously <|endoftext|> i like the GRUG, Coomer, , and pink wojak <|endoftext|> OOGA BOOGA MUH WHYTE SPOOK grug think white man responsible for toxicity grug think white man responsible for 4chan being full of degens grug think white man manipulating people : ( >the entirety of r9k is exclusively white and white only fuck off you schizoid underage freak and go back to tumblr or reddit <|endoftext|> phwooaaarrr grug like bum phwoooooaaarrrr she make willy happy like rock phwooooarrrr me do big wunga grunga <|endoftext|> Borger Grug thonk everybody has tiny head... But Borger Grug now Thonk everybody above Grugpost has no pink stuff in . <|endoftext|> >GRIPPING PUSSIES > MUST MEAN ALL PUSSY MUSCLE > GRUG SMART labia is skin, not muscle, they physically cannot grip <|endoftext|> Grug hate women! <|endoftext|> >u dmb go lft gig havy rock ok grug noticed I did say it depends on what you want to achieve and who you are as a person. That means I didn't totally exclude any incels from ever improving any part of their life. In fact a lot of incels are just failed norimes they couldn't improve pretty easily with a little bit of effort. Robots are different story however. <|endoftext|> Do you really need the drugs? Antipsychotics are grug cavemen bullshit. All mental health drugs are, but antipsychotics are on another level. <|endoftext|> How big is Grug's Grug? <|endoftext|> That's exactly what happened to me >Come from high achieving and intelligent family >Entire life am called smart by every adult >Every year school wants to skip me forward Fortunately my parents wouldn't let them >Never needed to study >Got 95's in 15 minutes on 200 question final exams >End up with 3.7 GPA I only took a couple of honors and one or two random classes I did really shit in >1750 SAT Pretty even scores of 600~ per section >Get to university >Get completely fucking bodied as I had not developed any of the skills used in university >Develop decent study and organization skills >Start hammering out A's and high B's University is less about knowing stuff and more about being able to keep your life stable enough to make room for the requirements of your course. Fucking 80% of what you need to do is just show up, scribble notes, apply knowledge to particular thing, move on. It's why room temperature IQ individuals can get high GPA's in university or manage to get PhD's. Fucking every PhD I've ever met is an absolute grug who just has the capacity to smash their heads into the wall over and over again until they find the point between the studs. <|endoftext|> Then why are you a cringe retard shut-in? Grug brow? <|endoftext|> Spurdo Sparde Baneposting Grug <|endoftext|> It's projection. Men like to fuck every woman that walks. If you were to ask any man on the streets for sex you would have like a 99% success rate. Women on the other hand are a lot more picky about it which means a subset of men that don't meet women's requirements are fucked which leads to frustration. And there is also the fact that men want women to be a total slut for themselves but not to other men so our grug brain goes, WOMAN NOT WANT OONGA BOONGA WITH ME. WOMAN WHORE. <|endoftext|> grug think u brave <|endoftext|> Grug make fire. Fire hot. <|endoftext|> unga grug see tits grug know grugett is girl <|endoftext|> I am not talking about normie fascism but the actual fascist theories of the philosopher who made fascism itself, Giovanni gentile who specifically spoke of such a thing. The idea is that this dissolution of identity into a unity makes the hierarchy akin to a machine, many cogs some small some large, each with its own place none of them have their own identity separate from the machine or each other. You are thinking of the more grug like, more natsoc like and more modern forms of fascism, I am speaking of what the man Giovanni gentile and Heidegger also, what they wrote. <|endoftext|> grug see clown story two moon ago. grug like clown, remind grug. like part: what if put sick head grug in tribe that treat bad? get what fucking deserve! throw stone at head <|endoftext|> grugette like grug who explore land no like fear in grug grug with shiny stones meat fish? grug that good explore good mate grugette like strong grug = protect grugette and gruglet, bash tiger mammoth head in! <|endoftext|> Yes and it's obviously a horrible idea. Women want Grug Thunderrock. <|endoftext|> > grug hope he not intruding <|endoftext|> Grug know how anon-grug feel <|endoftext|> >grug find fem-grug >go to village >find fem-grug who draw in sand behind tree >draw with fem-grug >say "hi, grug hope he not intruding" Grug still alone. But grug not sad. <|endoftext|> I am grug, Grug want to learn today tribe customs, How grug should learn? <|endoftext|> >w-women dumb... am i right fellow grugs!!! >WOMEN MAKE GRUG MAD!!!! Are all pigs your level of retard or are you a top level dumbass? <|endoftext|> >female on grug board >grug must say something degrading You pigs just can't help yourselves can you? Nice reddit spacing as well retard <|endoftext|> oh well, i tried and that's all fine anon, i'm not good with words either. if someone asked me about the kind of music that i like, the best thing i'd be able to come up with would sound something like "grug hear wall of noises grug hear guitars grug smile" <|endoftext|> >"grug understand lots of things about poison frog" >"Oooga if grug understand so much why he not eat posion frog?" <|endoftext|> >wake up as the first man on earth >a beautiful woman is next to you shit on her chest and beat her to death with a rock, grug doesn't fall for whores lmao <|endoftext|> Damn look at those fucking hips, my grug brain is going "impregnate" <|endoftext|> >I never labelled anyone undesirable I think. So there's nothing wrong with being homosexual or a tranny? >I consider myself more lucid because I am long out of the dating game, having been married for many years now with no intention to change that, and because my wife has been a virgin when we got together, thus me having no unconscious ressentiments. You assume we have resentments? Prove it. >Then you're broken. A few people are By your standards. It seems like a lot of those people are here, considering they do not appear to be coping but truly do not care. Considering the amount of right wingers here, who are you to claim this isn't the opinion of most, if not more people in greater society? Do you even have anything objective to go by? >it actually correlates with political beliefs. They usually end up anarchists or something. See and the corresponding research. Uuuuhhhh.... Fuck no? Look at this shit. I'd take your test if it was one study. For the record though, I'm pretty right wing on social issues within the current Overton window. >We're all biological beings and insofar we are those, we have no reason to do anything whatsoever other than what our body commands us to do. And if we aren't disgusted by our girlfriends fucking other guys before us, does that make us abiological? >Of course we are more than biological beings, thus there being many facets to the problem. I was starting with the first, the natural one. The problem is that you're stopping there, whereas there are many, many more things that normal people desire other than "Grug fuck hole," and "Grug cum in hole". You can exist without reproducing or raising healthy offspring, not that having a non virgin girlfriend interferes with it. <|endoftext|> Nice LARP Anon! 50p in the LARP jar! Grug smash! No one can go to a restaurant on Christmas eve you'd be waiting until next Christmas to get a table. <|endoftext|> red berry grug on janny tribe <|endoftext|> >grug need vagina-person <|endoftext|> >tfw no grug the caveman bf <|endoftext|> ME GRUG THROW SPEAR IN LEARNING CAVE TOMMOROW CAVEWOMAN WILL PAY <|endoftext|> ug grug, in. <|endoftext|> Grug putting together team? You in? <|endoftext|> Size difference is hot imo. If he wants to feel like a big grug here and there, why not? He is a man after all and I doubt it could be a problem unless he is obsessed with it. <|endoftext|> grug have high testosterone so grug smash is really it, why most violent criminals are men in their late teens since those are the people who's t levels are the highest, you'd probably want to smash someones head in with a rock if you started injecting t <|endoftext|> >Meh I've adopted the grug mentality The only way one can actually pull this off is if they're completely NEET and live alone. <|endoftext|> Meh I've adopted the grug mentality, live in cave shit all over clean nothing <|endoftext|> I think you just have to be grug tier intelligence. All that shit gets pretty boring to most people, so in the end you desire more: better job, better pay, friendship, companionship, etc. <|endoftext|> >natural drive Ok grug <|endoftext|> you see a pregnant tribeswoman, so your grug brain is telling you it's a good time for impregnation multiple pregnant tribeswomen means more interconnectedness and interreliance, making the tribe stronger <|endoftext|> yes read a history book you retard >"what if grug stick there instead?" wash it out <|endoftext|> Grug join you team <|endoftext|> were you the kid who spam the campfire smoke signal relay with adverts for your stupid cave porn? My friend grug gave you 2 arrowheads and his best club for 2 moons in the cave and he told me it was trash and that the walls smelled funny <|endoftext|> >looks like mix between grug and chief shitting bull. <|endoftext|> >asks if I have fire grug no have fire <|endoftext|> Grug needs to spread his genes. Grug can't spread, no other Grugs care about him. Grug sad. Grug needs to prove himself. Grug kills another Grug in tribe. Other Grugs now think Grug can be a good protector of children Grugs, Grug's children will grow to be good protectors too. <|endoftext|> I work a 9 to 5 and make enough to provide for myself. You're a bootlicking grug brain <|endoftext|> >do you also think aliens is better than alien? >Why yes I do. GRUG LIKE ACKSHUN <|endoftext|> Small minds discuss other people, anon. Also, it gives normies a sense of tribal community. >grug in strong tribe And it feels good to shit on others, it elevates your own status within the tribe. <|endoftext|> Grug too big-brained to snap like that! And I enjoy watching those kinds of things happen too much to give up such a luxury. <|endoftext|> Unga bunga grug mog uuuu <|endoftext|> Inga bunga grug mog u <|endoftext|> Grug think spruce and conifer are cheating fags. <|endoftext|> Ooga. Grug no put out glowy-glowy warm stick before lay on rock after big yellow circle demon drop from sky. Monster come if glowy-glowy warm stick no work. <|endoftext|> >grug live in tribe >throk stronger than grug, beat grug for berries >grak doesn't like that, gets buddies, grug and all other foragers protected now to gather berries, give some berrier to grak and his buddies but can keep the rest, while throk would just beat the shit out of grug and take all of his berries 4000 years later >yeah, we don't get our shit kicked out of us for all we have >why do we need protection at all? People are good, people are love >down with the men, let's just fo on cycling trip to Tajikistan You need to go on a long cycling trip to Tajikistan, anon. Start your anti-cuck-normie pilgrimage there. Enjoy the local cuisine, rich in tempered iron and lead. <|endoftext|> >grug live in tribe >big club tribe attack grug tribe >grug tribe must give berries to big club tribe 4000 years later >yeah we need the state >police and roads man >yes I think that its fine my daughter boyfriend name is tyrone, why do you ask? such is the look of normie cucks 1312 <|endoftext|> I grug. I mog u. I lay with fembot. You pick berry. <|endoftext|> Friendly Reminder that "Grug" would look more like pic related, and would probably still get even more pussy than you did. <|endoftext|> grug is a thag. cave painting by big club tribe. <|endoftext|> >look like good thing going to happen to grug >bad thing happen to grug >grug cry and play on sad song on wooly mammoth bagpipes <|endoftext|> Machiavelli gang I'm not a fag and political power > grug power <|endoftext|> this meme toad and grug <|endoftext|> Why the fuck does this grug have a nail in his club? He's clearly Stone Age and would not have the knowledge to forge an iron nail. So fucking gay. <|endoftext|> Grug no talk good. Grug shy. <|endoftext|> >grug can't get it up if grug doesn't see big tiddies <|endoftext|> Hmm, no wonder grug hve no greiga <|endoftext|> >can't help but read it in the bizonacci grug voice AAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> >tfw you will never melt grug's heart why live <|endoftext|> if you no work for cave, grug say you die but you not allowed leave cave either, or cave scouts burn grugs new cave makes grug think <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT TENDIES, OOOGA BOOGA HOOOGA THUNK HUNK RUNK!!!!! <|endoftext|> I get it, Monarch butterfly ala MK Ultra but you are that much of a grug brain that you can't see the hourglass? All tied together, why am I the only one that sees this even here? <|endoftext|> >Grug want change >Grug do nothing for change >Grug sad because nothing change <|endoftext|> grug really was redpilled <|endoftext|> >Grug is afraid of wolf >this leads Grug to not being eaten by wolf >Grug passes afraid-of-wolf genes to future generations >people with Grug genes less likely to be comfortable around wolves/dogs because of this And so on. Why do you think we are intinctively afraid of things like spiders, or of the dark? It's genetic. <|endoftext|> >>GRUG JUST KNOW MAN GET LAY MORE IF COCK BIG Ignore that retard, 9-inch-kun. <3 He doesn't realize that girls can't sense your majestic length through your pants. They're reeaaaaally missing out, let me tell you. How have you been doing recently, sweetie? I still see you posting pretty often, have you not gotten lucky yet, hm? <|endoftext|> cunt make post it say have milkers no pic so no happen grug sad <|endoftext|> grug thought grug life was a tragedy... <|endoftext|> >pic related bye bye grug <|endoftext|> im going to put grug out his misery. bye grug. <|endoftext|> grug stop leave cave, get yelled at by tribe for no leave cave when grug leave cave, never brought to hunt or berry pick anyways grug still yelled at by tribe for not hunt or gather, but such groups of tribe never welcome grug <|endoftext|> grug no want be here no more tribe mean to grug say grug not like them grug try hard like them still mean to grug grug want to bonk own head <|endoftext|> When considering how females respond to evident truths like this it is worth bearing in mind that women were born to lie, and lie first of all to themselves. This is not a hateful statement (well, in so far as I am generally speaking a MISANTHROPIST and hate both genders almost equally) it is merely a statement of fact. It has been shown conclusively that the best form of lying is plausible deniablity and the latest research shows that people GENUINELY THINK they are telling the truth when called on some massive lies because evolution has selected for brains that have done and end run around nervousness and other facial clues of untruthfullness, as well as guilt, by simply getting us to believe our own shit. Now, we see this in women more than we see it in men because men are more capable of direct solutions to difficult situations. back in the cave days it was "Grug use stick on you now". But women have always been a bag of shifting neurosis. Nature has equipped women with only ONE, just ONE defense against the world of other human animals, and that is a fantastic interest, and memory retention for WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO, social instincts, and the predisposition to lie and rationalize every thing they do. Men do it enough, but women do it like they breathe. What this vulva is saying is "AHAHAHAHAHAH yeah like YOUD KNOW INCEL AHAHAHAHAH I DONT EVEN LIKE BEING TIED UP AND SPANKED" Probably because at some point she did, and get used up by some chad, and now, those self defence sectors of her brain have lit up and she is trying to imply that, of course, no woman likes it, and of course, she never took chads load on her face whilst tied up. What woman would like that? Stupid fucking incels. Watch me lol at you now sweetie. NEVER. EVER. Believe a fucking word a woman tells you on the face of it unless you have been close for a long time. Frankly, you can't believe men very often. Women even less. Possibly. <|endoftext|> I hardly disagree with girls' taste in men. They all seem to like homo erectus (grug) looking guys and the dumber and emptier their face expression is the "cuter". And what am I, a guy with genetics of people who have been working with their mind instead of their hands, supposed to do now? <|endoftext|> >You're most likely right. Tbh I hardly disagree with girls' taste in men. They all seem to like homo erectus (grug) looking guys and the dumber and emptier their face expression is the "cuter". And what am I, a guy with genetics of people who have been working with their mind instead of their hands, supposed to do now? post a pic of yourself <|endoftext|> I meant something different, rero. Tell us stories of life cucking you in your teens Same thing, this is a "youth" edition You're most likely right. Tbh I hardly disagree with girls' taste in men. They all seem to like homo erectus (grug) looking guys and the dumber and emptier their face expression is the "cuter". And what am I, a guy with genetics of people who have been working with their mind instead of their hands, supposed to do now? Also the chubby cutie is top tier She's not even that cute, you deserve better. I'm not saying you will ever get anything better tho <|endoftext|> >Getting to watch and fap to Alpha Grug fucking Grugette is comparable to being emotionally and physically tortured and castrated for months and months Holy false equivalence anon lmao <|endoftext|> >grug logic Absolutely based and oog pilled. <|endoftext|> guys love that shit so much nothing says love like I'll sacrifice my body and endure pain so you can feel the power that comes from aggressively fucking someonemmmmngh that t rush mmmmngh grug God ungh grug like off her hands like Alah would want. <|endoftext|> guys love that shit so much nothing says love like I'll sacrifice my body and endure pain so you can feel the power that comes from aggressively fucking someonemmmmngh that t rush mmmmngh grug God ungh grug like <|endoftext|> Yeah get a therapist to prescribe you big pharma mind controlling drugs. Because therapy has been around for millions of years hasnt it. I bet grug have therapist for when he no too little rock and no snoo snoo <|endoftext|> >Men are sexually selected by women. Wrong. >grug take woman and insert flesh spear inside, or grug kill woman with stone, because grug strong <|endoftext|> Grug wish for original painter good suns like he do for me. Grug use friend to bring good future. Little grugs and grugette praise original painter <|endoftext|> oongaboogas not get berries from captain grug oongaboogas get berries from longnose shaman <|endoftext|> Why grug only get provide berries for oongabongas after captain grug make oongabungas eat captain grug ass? <|endoftext|> all cavemen report in. captain grug is here. ask me anything and i will give you answer! <|endoftext|> why would you want a smelly schlomo when you can have grug? <|endoftext|> grug say you head too small grug big brain tribe bash head of small brain tribe <|endoftext|> Sounds really boring, but if that's their cup of tea I'd let them drink it. As long as they don't make fun of me for being a brainlet, because if they do, I'd go full grug on their asses. <|endoftext|> >be caveman >horny >see woman >father die >father no protect >feed girl >sex girl >she no sex >grug stronger >kill girl for being bitch >next girl >kill father >take girl >she knows better than to piss me off >stays alive by pleasing me >evolution makes her not want to an hero about it >falls in love with the tyranny Men don't do that unless AFrican, as they're okay with being bitches. That and jews I suspect if they were really a slave race. After all the abrahamic religions they made are so cucked and no fun allowed it'd just make sense. But anyway, the ones that didn't like it were beaten to death. Get beaten, to not die your vagina lubes up and you moan, MOAN like you're in pain, as he fucks you. They're inherently masochistic. They're designed to rip babies out of their vagina too, just think about what they are. Men are control freaks, women are pleasing punch bags, historically, so also bred to be. It's why they're smaller. The larger ones, as we were once before the same size, died out due to not breeding. Humans are not made for equality or feminism and communism would work easily. Nice guys finish last and stop using the word incel fucking retards. Stop posting awful threads. <|endoftext|> The loyal women are long gone. The women who survived natural selection, who propagated their genes, were the ones that opened their legs for invaders. The women who would sooner die than let Grug from the other tribe fuck them are genetic dead ends. It's certainly upsetting if you bought the just world bullshit your parents fed you, but ultimately not something to be bitter about. It's just evolution. <|endoftext|> Humanity in it's most perfect state, anything past the grug age was a mistake <|endoftext|> yes, grug was a man of refined taste <|endoftext|> The lowest of christcuck takes the interpretations of the bible literally. I spent 4 hours listening to unfiltered autism last night. It was called genesis. There are valuable lessons in the bible that can be learned and should be passed down but trying to justify bigotry of abnormality is not christian. That's just the monkey grug brain speaking. <|endoftext|> NIETZSCHE WASN'T A NIHILIST I HATE AMERICANS SO MUCH >grug grogan >intellectual shit tier bait post, sage nietzsche was god tho <|endoftext|> why grug here <|endoftext|> Oh no, guys! I'm dating a literal Grug. How do I handle this? What do I do about it? I love him, yes. But sometimes his autism is too overbearing and makes me want to commit die. <|endoftext|> grug big nd stronger dan yoo gonna bum ya <|endoftext|> >8 ips including OP >random anon posting about shitting habits >grug poster >at least 3 anons bashing on flat ass anon >you >the weeboo That's just an estimation obviously since we're all anons and I can't tell if there's samefagging, but he's easily outnumbered <|endoftext|> >grug me >grug see big deformed ass being shilled everywhere >grug see normies talk about "eating ass" >grgu is enlightened >grug wanna do it now >grug now obsessed >grug make 4chun threads seeking out validation >grug call others incel and low T if they not agree <|endoftext|> This remind grug of cuckoobird who lay eggs nest for another bird to hold, grug no want to be cuckoo holder. Tyroogabooga try this trick every springtime, me not fall into the snare so easy as the mans who chew soisoi plant <|endoftext|> Grug era was the best time for robots <|endoftext|> >"getting along with another grug monkey in your den" biological father/sons barely keep from smashing one another. <|endoftext|> >grug use insult >grug win <|endoftext|> >grug right you wrong >grug use insult <|endoftext|> >the beta grug clings to ancient tradition while the chad grug appropriates the symbol and applies his own meaning <|endoftext|> Grad know Grug know statue meaning, in his deep down place <|endoftext|> >Baby shit uncontrollably >Shit inside vagina very bad >Baby crawl in dirt too >Nature put lid on vagina for baby Do Grug understand? <|endoftext|> 9 inch dick means nothing if 5 inch dick tribe kills all the men and takes the women. You cant forget we are just intelligent cavemen. 1 step up from grug <|endoftext|> Grugette looking for grug to visit cave. <|endoftext|> Thanks for shitting up the Grug thread, cunt <|endoftext|> Grug like woman Woman no like Grug Grug horny Grug think boy look pretty Boy look like girl much Grug think Make Grug peepee go hard Grug clubs boy Grug drags boy back to Grug cave Grug make breed to boy Grug say no homo but he very erectus <|endoftext|> Chud think Grug need be Grugself, then Grug get Grugcy <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug lives alone in cave, grugs friends left, grug lonely >grug saw new cave one moon ago >new cave is close to other grug tribe, grug saw many pretty grugs >grug will go to new cave, maybe grug wont be lonely anymore <|endoftext|> Time for ban warhammer. Reach too long. Grug not need long reach. <|endoftext|> >"Why are you chopping wood all day Grug?" >Greg say he give he give me shells, use shells get food, make hut nice >"Why don't you just take the food off the tree yourself Grug?" >Greg say not allowed, Greg say it's his not mine >"So you're his slave Grug?" >No Grug good, Grug productive, Grug contribute to society, Grug have value, Grug work hard and when Grug too old to chop wood Grug get to expire >"Why don't you tell Greg to just go fuck himself Grug?" >Greg have big stick, make Grug cry, Grug happy to chop wood, Grug get shells and make nice hut for Grugam, make little Grugs, Grug good, Grug make chop chop, Grug good <|endoftext|> Me? I only spend 50 pounds per month on food. >daily breakfasts of two crumpets with jam, peanut butter or butter >daily two packets of crisps for lunch >daily can of beans with rice for dinner I only buy Tesco own brand stuff as well. Simple man, me. Grug! <|endoftext|> Grug take this with him bring good rock <|endoftext|> Grug hit other grug harder, me better man <|endoftext|> The big secret is men and women are not that different, just mammals with different mating strategies. Grug want sex with lots of Grugettes and Grugette want lots of resources from Grugs. <|endoftext|> Grug has rock Rock go down But grug no sell, grug has strong hand <|endoftext|> op is literally grug, kek imagine being such a brainlet <|endoftext|> grug luv you <|endoftext|> grug have feeling too <|endoftext|> Men are just extremely simple. The answer is always "grug dick hard". <|endoftext|> >tfw giant penis, underbite, ugly face i am a literal grug <|endoftext|> >grug found the oogabooga rock <|endoftext|> they talk good look them good good grug like to present gifts, good <|endoftext|> grug no like normalfag <|endoftext|> >me happy stick human >see hole human >make grug stick hard >hit hole human bat on head >drag hole human cave >grug happy, time make stick-stick >remove loincloth >is stick too >what sorcery this? witch put curse? >stick and hole human wake up >see me see his stick >say he only make wood for hole human too >grug sad >draw angered green demons on cave wall >many sad days <|endoftext|> grug hate longnose. grug hate longnose so much he kill one grug tribe elder angry grug kill longnose grug sent to cold land alone grug doing okay. mammoth meat good and no caveman to steal meat. grug think he gonna start own tribe soon grug bunga local ladybungas >Sweden born <|endoftext|> YOU shut the fuck up and have sex. Tell us more grug <|endoftext|> grug sell smooth rock to longnose tribe. Little does longnose know grug planning to steal rock back when longnose sleep. plan work. Sell smooth rock again to longnose. grug has been feeding family with same rock for 20 years longnose love smooth rock grug guess <|endoftext|> >Americans are no smart enough to throw stones back. Is this Grug posting? <|endoftext|> >Grug in 100 000 BC >free to explore early Earth, meet and interact with other Homonids and invent devices that will change mankind forever, but you will never see more than 10% of the planet and you will probably die at 20 and any girl you will meet will have parasites in her vagina and miss half her teeth >Explorer in 0 BC/AD >can contact unknown humans, widening the newly formed civilized world and literally making history, sure to be remembered forever, but most likely your ship will sink, your crew will rebel or you will crashland in some foreign island and never return home >Conquistador in 1600s >the planet is your oyster, you can go anywhere, visit any region, culture or people, but you are competing with thousands of other explorers, companies or empires who will go after your throat, and you are most likely to die to some foreign disease >Astronaut in 2500s >you can visit first solar system and planets out of our own, but you spend decades cooked up in a small metal ship with handful of other people and most of what you discover are just flying rocks with nothing interesting going on <|endoftext|> why word mean thing and other thing grug confused <|endoftext|> grug need new listening cans <|endoftext|> >Not all hereditary traits are genetic Yes they are! That's what hereditary means in evolutionary contexts! Grug can discourage his son, but he will never ever EVER be able to instill in him that gut reaction to cave lions. It's a gut thing, not a logical thing. Instinct is different from learned behaviors. Hell, take any irrational fear. Take me for example: When I was in middle school, I saw a kid climb a big ass pine tree on a dare. He made it about halfway up, when the bark stipped or something, and he came plummeting down. He got hurt pretty bad, and had to be taken to the hospital. Now months later, the guy saw me hanging out alone, and asked me if I wanted to hang out. i had no friends, so I said sure. We walked home together, because we lived in the same area. At one point, he said he knew a shortcut, and that it involved jumping over a fence into an alleyway. The fence was about 2 meters high, but we both climbed it easily. Once over the top, he easily jumped off. But I, I was frozen in fear. Heights terrify me. I sat on the top, and slowly eased myself down, so that it was even less than 2 meters from my feet to the ground, but it still scared me stiff. I have never ever had any big fall, but there I was, paralyzed by a simple jump that my friend did without a second thought. He, who had fallen and broken his wrist breaking his fall, had absolutely no fear. My fear was not the result of any traumatic experience, or anything logical, it was just the innate instinctive caution near heights that all animals have, but turned up to an unhealthy degree. That's what social anxiety is. Humans evolved to live in groups. But members of the group that caused too much trouble were cast out to fend for themselves, or denied a mate. So the ones that had a shame function had a better chance of staying in the tribe, and therefore survive to pass on their genes. Social Anxiety is likely that same shame function, but turned up to an unhealthy degree. <|endoftext|> >That's not how evolution works.You can't pass on PTSD. If grug is born brave, but then has half his hunting party devoured by a cave lions and gets PTSD, his sons DON"T get PTSD, they're likely to inherit his original foolhardyness, because that is a genetic component while the cave lion encounter is not. Wrong. Not all hereditary traits are genetic. If Grug learned to feat cave lions, then when he raises his sons, they will learn by imitating him, and he will discourage foolhardyness, possibly telling them about his hunting party's death. His PTSD will be passed on. Likewise, if Grug is shouted at by his father when he is young, he will learn that behavior and shout at his own children, unless he gains another father figure later in life to imitate. The abusive tendencies are passed on. Memes are passed on over generations, cross-pollinate, and mutate with each generation, and are therefore exposed to the same evolutionary pressures as every other aspect of an organic system. This forms the foundation for culture. Please try to understand. <|endoftext|> >traumatic experiences which exerted evolutionary pressures on their ancestors That's not how evolution works.You can't pass on PTSD. If grug is born brave, but then has half his hunting party devoured by a cave lions and gets PTSD, his sons DON"T get PTSD, they're likely to inherit his original foolhardyness, because that is a genetic component while the cave lion encounter is not. If Grug was born a coward, and ran the moment he heard the cave lion while his companions tried to fight it off, then he's likely to pass on his cowardliness to his sons, irrespective of the fact that the lion kinda validated him. Evolution does not care in the slightest what you do in your life, just that you pass your genes. >I reckon if you exposed a warrah to a traumatic experience involving a human, it would become afraid of humans. Yeah, but his children wouldn't inherit that fear. > This psychological adaptation would be regarded as abnormal by the other warrahs, and as a result, it would be isolated, and fail to procreate. No, not really, because warrahs don't care about honor or guts, so a cowardly warrah is still just as game as a brave warrah. That only works in humans, because we pick our partners on more criteria. > When it comes to an individual any mental abberation that develops is almost always catalyzed by a experience that is far enough outside their everyday experience to force them to adapt You seem to have that belief in the "blank slate" where people are born with no biases in their behaviors and then develop them purely based on their experiences. Life does not work that way. From early infancy you can see that some kids are just more fearless in general, while others are more reserved and cautious. Lots of kids are picked on, and still grow up just fine. Others get ruined by it completely. The difference is that the latter was inherently more sensitive, while the second is inherently more secure. <|endoftext|> >incel in 10,000 BC >grug smashes his head in with a club >incel in 1300 BC >dies of exhaustion building a monument for King Tutanchadmun >incel in middle ages >dies from the plague >incel in current year >complains online about getting no pussy <|endoftext|> name one thing that made leaving the grug era worth it? <|endoftext|> Grug is right. We were better off back in the day. <|endoftext|> Grug is right, cave era is best, you'll see, you'll be fine <|endoftext|> 19 /meme/grug/ Year/2019 <|endoftext|> I know spiders are cool and shit but I still have Grug Brain and they scare the shit out of me nonethleses. Generally, they don't go away from their corner and I'm too afraid to even touch them so I let em be. <|endoftext|> women are primitive as fuck, the moment some Grug sharpened a rock height didn't matter <|endoftext|> no grug, not longnose tribe fault. longnose tribe can't be bad. we be oppressed <|endoftext|> >she antagonized every Grug she could find until one of them rekt her and most likely fucked her corpse afterwards It's also a shame she actually trusted someone from discord. She went to a concert alone with one of her orbiters, yikes. <|endoftext|> I'm not sure if she deserved it, but if you play stupid games you'll win stupid prizes. Why do people act like death it's such a big deal? If you're religious then she just went to her judgement a few decades early, if you're secular then this is just monkey shit in action... she antagonized every Grug she could find until one of them rekt her and most likely fucked her corpse afterwards. Boo hoo. <|endoftext|> Grug listen to Grug, Berry Delicious, keep eating Berry sauce <|endoftext|> But Grug, we can eat both meat and berries. Berries are deliciously sweet and they grow so easy. Try some. We can also make meat with berry sauce. <|endoftext|> based grug orgigignal <|endoftext|> Grug eat meat. Grug overpower weak berry tribe. Berry tribe extinct. <|endoftext|> Grug is grug, you just you! Go Sex. <|endoftext|> >Grug gets laid <|endoftext|> You can do it Grug, I believe in you. <|endoftext|> >grug momma say she worried for grug >say grug no hunt mammoth and mate with shegrug like other grugs >grug stay in cave all day Grug not cut for this. Grug just want to stay in cave and look at slant eyed tribe cave paintings. <|endoftext|> Chadgar think grug just need be grug. Go on hunt, show kill to females. Always work for chadgar. <|endoftext|> maybe grug not happy because grug spend all day in cave looking at cave painting maybe grug not meant to live among tall caves and grugs of other tribes <|endoftext|> ooga booga grug-kun me grug go booga on jew'r uugaaa grug me big big stronkk grug me bugoa rock head hurt smash otha grug go boga ded when rock head grug me grab berry berry rise, grug not bogg'd berry touch sky ooga boga <|endoftext|> Grug is a fag <|endoftext|> grug think all of grugkind is unnatural grug think all big ends come from rockbirth all grug mothers and grug fathers have doomed their grugchildren to die by birthing them when grug die he know it will be big painful, but skyfather wont be there to chisel grugs name or weep for grugs passing because grug moves out of skyfather realm when grug dies there is no skyfather in death, skyfather is deathless what use has skyfather for a broken spear? what use has skyfather for broken grugs? in big sad we don't claw at chest or tear loincloth and leopard skin. grugs do not gnash teeth for even though it lasts as long as it possibly can there is no suffering or lack of suffering. no grug joy and no lack of grug joy. no cause and no cause of causes. skyfather, the big pitier is not present to keep tally on cave wall. there is no death because there is no life, all grugs are piled togetherwith no order just a pile of limbs and faces and legs and fingers and you may cry out please, please, please release me please let me breathe please let me stand but there will never be any reply as there was never any cry to reply to. >pic related <|endoftext|> its not ok for people to advance beyond the grug age but that happened, so now anything goes <|endoftext|> yeah, what makes it complicated is that we're intellectually and sociologically beyond "grug" now <|endoftext|> >grug want fuck >grug find goil grug with slippy hole to put grug meat in >grug happy now yes, very complicated. i would like to be notified of your next presentation. <|endoftext|> >CARS SPOSED TO GO FASTER NOT SLOWER! WHY GUBMENT TAKE MY VROOM VROOMS AWAY? GRRR *coughs a little blood as a result of increasingly polluted cities and roads* >Also I'm not Shippy Never said you were lad, Grug is the generic name of the caveman variation of Wojak. Why would that relate to Shippy? Do you mean to tell me his actual name is similar to Grug? What could it be I wonder? <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT GO FAST IN VROOM VROOM LANES GRUGGS CAR FASTEST OF ALL <|endoftext|> Well said my grug-like friend <|endoftext|> >oogs boogs words make grug feel odd Dont read them then,idiot <|endoftext|> Tourney style is far better. Most of the incels i would wager are capable of downing a chad. That is all it takes to get a woman in this type of society. Or. You could just take a woman. >we have to let women choose the mates No. Thats gay thats retarded thats cope t. Grug <|endoftext|> >hurr grug strong! grug swing hammer! <|endoftext|> grug no like people who arent like grug <|endoftext|> >>introverts are much more selective of friends and mates >>favor safety and the familiar over taking risks >>favor internal world over external world(ex: spend more time building the person in your head, tend to fantasise over ideal love and building a relationship with this person, etc) >>more likely to wait for the person to get your hints than actually taking an action right way >These are all traits that would have been useful in Grug's times This all just sounds like a normal intelligent person to me. <|endoftext|> I unironically think this "nice guy" debacle is just another extrovert x introvert misunderstanding. >introverts are much more selective of friends and mates >favor safety and the familiar over taking risks >favor internal world over external world(ex: spend more time building the person in your head, tend to fantasise over ideal love and building a relationship with this person, etc) >more likely to wait for the person to get your hints than actually taking an action right way These are all traits that would have been useful in Grug's times, but in our days men are expected to be ultra-extroverted alpha chads and introverted traits are not only unatractive, but straight up considered creepy or "weak". And when these guys ask for advice, all people tell then is to "be extroverted" despite that going against their nature, which only leads to frustration and lashing out. I've actually met a couple of girls who were more introverted and favored the "friends first" method, but not only are they really rare, they also get snagged up really quickly, either by a lucky beta or by some chad, as introversion is actually considered cute in girls in most cases. >tldr: anon wrote another novel that nobody will actually read <|endoftext|> No. Tribal elder say if grug smash man who break into cave grug no get stoned. <|endoftext|> Grug does not want hurt other rock man Grug not scared grug not resist opportunity Grug scared of clubgrug. Anyone can relate? <|endoftext|> No idea lad. It looks like a grug tbf so it should be removed <|endoftext|> That settles it then, grug is officially the chad name <|endoftext|> >name ragnarok >invade someone >get your shit pushed by some dumbass named grug >you just realize now that ragnarok just been prevented by a dumbass named grug <|endoftext|> Dumbasses use the name grug Chads use the name kill yourself <|endoftext|> Lets vote on a name then Grug or op is a fag <|endoftext|> Because I'm conflicted... I thinking of either making him look like rognar or conan and idk if the name is grug is good or not because i suck at naming my character in games... <|endoftext|> Because i don't know any other name to gove him other than grug <|endoftext|> Why make him named grug that name is stupid <|endoftext|> Should i make my character body upper burly and normal bottom or make him burly large also should i make him look like conan and make him named Grug in DK3? <|endoftext|> I just name myself *GRUG* and just make myself look like Conan <|endoftext|> I be amazed to run into someone that is named grug in this damn game <|endoftext|> What is a good starting name for my character in this game? >inb4 GRUG <|endoftext|> You actually sound like a giant meathead retard to me, OP. I'm 99.99% certain that what's happening here is that you're probably encountering MILD bant of the type that friends naturally do, and because you're a meathead retard and fucking infant, you immediately want to lash out. >WAHHHHHHHHHHH >FIRE BAD >GRUG ANGRY!!!!! There's a sub-species of robot here who is a friendless loser primarily because they become irrationally angry at any dialogue they're involved in that isn't bound by 4 layers of 14th century Japanese politeness. Or who are convinced that "evil betrayers" are "talking behind their backs" because people engage in totally trivial gossip about their friend-group, like people FUCKING EVERYWHERE. I suggest that you dispel your violent feelings by picking up a brick and pounding your own stone head with it. <|endoftext|> It would be pretty rad if I got a decent class desu. Unfortunately I'm gonna get stuck with one of the grug brained ones. <|endoftext|> Why the fuk would she call me cute , girls call somebody cute only for one reason , she was litteraly the only person i can feel comfortable with , we were close friends the whole school year and i was planning to tell her surprise kiss her today all excited in a sunny day and of course this fucking tall grug shows up , CUNTS .... ARE ... HEARTLESS , the end. <|endoftext|> Seems like you're taking the authority there to disagree with any of marx's actions because grug think world change over years so we need stop prioritizing class issues <|endoftext|> Me hate reddit grug no like reddit <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE MAGIC! IT SMELLS LIKE DRIED BURNT ONIONS AND HOT GRASS WITH BUGS BURN SMELL AND IT LOOKS WEIRD AND FEELS WEIRD AND I DONT LIKE WEIRD THINGS! IT MAKES GRUG HEAD HURT TO THINK SO GRUG SMASH MAGIC PEOPLE WITH POINTY EARS WITH GREAT CLUB BECAUSE IT IS FUN AND SATISFYING. I LIKE TANK BECAUSE GRUG IS TANK FOR I AM TANK AND I MUST TANK FOR TANK IS FUN AND EVERYONE MUST BE TANK OR YOU ARE WEAK AND DEAD LIKE TWINKLING DOODOO SPEAKER WITH SILLY STICK IN HIS HAND! <|endoftext|> stop forcing the grug meme. as a magic shitter, i feel personally attacked by this meme <|endoftext|> Basically you start out as deprived, use only shields that are made of wood, use clubs only, pants and boots and clothes are optional but must be something a caveman would wear so basically think shirtless mostly, focus alot on strength and you must name your character GRUG in full capital words. <|endoftext|> The fuck os a GRUG souls challenge? <|endoftext|> This makes me want to play dark souls and do a GRUG souls challenge <|endoftext|> that's not even a grug image you fucking redditor piece of shit, fuck off. Sick of you fucking tourists on this board. <|endoftext|> >roastie hurt is make grug smile >grug no like woman because they no follow bible <|endoftext|> >be me >kissless virgin (average user) >have one friends >theyre a gril >she just wants to be friends of course >we start to rollplay >she initiates fucking in rollplay, playing as ourselves >grug moment <|endoftext|> >leveling git gud and onebro grug build with reinforced club <|endoftext|> >a literal caveman running through dark souls almost naked swinging a giant tree club that is covered in fire while screaming OOGA BOOGA UNGA BUNGA GRUG CHOSEN ONE as he defeats the enemies in the game I am confused yet intrigued... <|endoftext|> Grug no care grug go clubbing in dork soles <|endoftext|> Grug not look like caveman if shaved. <|endoftext|> Cuz grug looks better in grug souls challenge <|endoftext|> Why grug shaved? <|endoftext|> >be Stone Age man working in rock shop >grug come to rock shop one day >he give the big stare and me thinks >grug grab rock and run away >me jumps over rock desk and run after grug >grugette see me come outside and look for grug >grug gone >grugette do laugh at me >grug come out of bush and give her rock >grugette and grug go into forest and laugh at me >grrrrrrrrrr <|endoftext|> GRUG NO PYRO! GRUG FRAID BURN HAND SO GRUG EATS GLOVE AND POOPS HOT DOODOOS AT YOUR POST HEHEHE! <|endoftext|> >deprived >make sure to focus first on strength and dexterity so you can use great club or large club >make it 15 plus >use resin and nothing else with it >shields are optional but must be something caveman would use >pants are optional but it must be something caveman would use >must be named GRUG Now go and ooga booga dark souls <|endoftext|> What would the grug challenge look like in dark souls 3? <|endoftext|> So the grug challenge basically boils down to just using anything that resembles a club, naming your character GRUG, using a deprived class and just going through the game almost butt ass naked? Anyone else gonna call this the GRUG souls challenge? <|endoftext|> SHUT THE FUCK UP GRUG NO LIKE OFF TOPIC ARGUING!!! <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE ARGUMENT GRUG WANT MORE SMASH WITH CLUB NOW!!! <|endoftext|> based grug, will you be streaming OP? <|endoftext|> >the gods of dark souls and the inhabitants of everything in the world gets defeated by a literally caveman dumbass man that is actually named GRUG that uses nothing but a fucking club and is butt ass naked and manages to defeat them all This is both hilarious and sad at the same time <|endoftext|> >deprived >dump everything into strength, vitality, dexterity and endurance but make sure to focus first on strength and dexterity so you can use great club >make it 15 plus >use resin and nothing else with it >shields are optional >pants are optional >must be named GRUG now go <|endoftext|> No way. It's always been like this, since caveman times. >Why grug have more food than me? >Because grug stronger and hunt more animals >That not fair, what about weaker caveman? He want food too but he not kill many animal. Grug give some food to weaker caveman, that fair. All caveman share food >You speak like crazy, why grug give you food? He kill animal, he eat food. That fair And so on and so on. <|endoftext|> >The only way to punish children is to go grug mode and beat them There are faggots that unrionically treat animals better than their own children How people treat their children often reflects how they were treated. If your too retarded to see the faults in this form of parenting i cant help you. I can only pray for your children (>implying) to break the cycle <|endoftext|> Can't believe they actually let literal grug brained normies browse this board They don't have enough resources to track each individual person. Google obviously has all my information but I segregate my online life for my real one. Even if da joos do find out that I browse and post pictures of my hands on a Mongolian cave painting forum I don't really care. That's not to delegitimise the issue, but it's not really relevant here <|endoftext|> Dirty Cave Crosser & No Cub Feeders? pebble/big boulder Grug no club & no take home to cave Grug no ungh ungh, Exile Female. Grug want step in Mammoth Dung instead. Exile Female what Ancestors call "Moan-khay". She bring tribe bad luck. <|endoftext|> >You don't wan't trannies shitting up your board? You must be poltards! >low iq grug brainlets physically can't understand that you don't have to be on the opposing side in order to see how bullshit the entire situation is hehe ironic <|endoftext|> I never implied that it was a raid. Sadly you don't have to browse /pol/ in order to be a /pol/tard since they're constantly shitposting on every board so you can soak up their board culture while thinking you're different. I agree they're both cancer. I'm part of neither group, but low iq grug brainlets physically can't understand that you don't have to be on the opposing side in order to see how bullshit the entire situation is. <|endoftext|> >understands the true nature of man >sees through society, doesn't take it too seriously >keeps fit, healthy and high-test from spending time in nature and eating lots of meat >avid hunter, hiker and fisherman, works with his hands >lives in the countryside to get away from the dangers of mass culture >trusts his gut feeling Why haven't you swallowed the Grug-pill yet? <|endoftext|> small rock. grug thinks big rock too heavy <|endoftext|> I obviously should have seen this reply coming. But sorry brainlet.. That just way grug talk some times. Not every mannerism is a defense mechanism. Her reliance on accusing me of intellectualizing was a defense mechanism of hers from feeling dumb or bad at her job. Considering I was never apprehensive to talk about my flaws, which are severe and many, I had no shortage of willingness or introspection needed for self-examination/improvement. Always an open book with lots to talk about. Chronic trauma, cognitive distortions, etc and so on. Let me just have this solace in explaining to you, she would've side stepped my topic completely in order to accuse me of being defensive, JUST at the mere use of a word like >apprehensive So please believe and understand, she was a lousy therapist and/or dumb and/or sadistic based on how often she would do this to me. Sorry but grug no talk dumb just for appease doctor gruggette, PhD Rather just find new cave where lay on couch and moan about sad to doc who have bigger brains Also no more females and no one younger than me. Ymmv but for me it's older male therapists >inb4 low-hanging fruit stupid gay joke <|endoftext|> >grug support slutty women and free stuff! its amazing these commies arent being skinned alive as we speak <|endoftext|> grug/10 <|endoftext|> >GRUG SEETHING BECAUSE OTHER GRUGS ON THE INTERNET POINT OUT HOW STUPID GRUG IS <|endoftext|> >GRAG DEFEND GRAGETTE FROM GRUG SEX MANIAC >GRUG IS MANBABY FOR ASSOCIATE SELF-WORTH WITH SEX >GRAG VERY INTELLIGENCE GRAG ASSOCIATE SELF WORTH WITH DEFENDING GRAGETTE AND SAYING ALL HER OPINIONS AT GRUG >GRAG DO THIS TILL GET VALIDATE FROM GRAGETTE Unfortunately, grag never got laid, but he still tries as hard as he can to win gragette's heart over by defending her so passionately. We're with you grag! <|endoftext|> >GRUG PUSSY FOR INTERNALIZING INSULTS GRUGETTES USE AGAINSTS GRUGS LIKE MANBABY >GRUG ASSOCIATE OPINIONS OF GRUGETTES WITH PERSONAL VALUE >THIS IS JUST SUBSTITUTE FOR GRUG ASSOCIATING SEX WITH PERSONAL VALUE <|endoftext|> >GRUG WANT VAGINAJOB >GRUG ASSOCIATE SEX WITH PERSONAL VALUE >GRUG LOW SELF ESTEEM BECAUSE GRUG LOW IQ >GRUG MALADAPTIVE MANBABY >GRUG SELF-AGRANDISING PUSSY <|endoftext|> Long-nose tribe want move in Grug cave...not sure if good or bad.. <|endoftext|> Grug confused.. Girl avatar have male voice... <|endoftext|> B/zoomer is a variation of grug which was a variation of brainlet <|endoftext|> Updated Wojaks that don't count: >Crying: Variation of original >Grug/Thog: Variation of brainlet >Zoomer and other -oomers: Variation of Boomer >All other females: developmental until the creation of the one true female wojak <|endoftext|> grug wojack and nujack could be added too <|endoftext|> purge them grug, cleanse the cave <|endoftext|> Purity spiral grug until the red won't become unstained. <|endoftext|> Kill them grug, kill them all. <|endoftext|> >chag steal all femgrug >dark skin tribe invade grug cave >fellow grugs become femgrugs >grug ugly and no rock what grug do <|endoftext|> Grug club too long Too heavy Grug can't move club that fast <|endoftext|> >55 stone >GRUG CAREFUL IT HEAVY AS 15 STONE >GRUG CRUSH WITH 15 STONE who the fuck measures weight in stones <|endoftext|> U CAN TEK GRUG CUNTRI BUT NOT TEK GRUG FRIIIDOM <|endoftext|> >UNGA BUNGA GRUG NO LIKE STRATEGY GRUG LIKE BIG BOOM BOOM ATTACK POINTS <|endoftext|> If u have sex why then grug still hold mean opinion You newfags are shit <|endoftext|> >GRUG GATEKEEP THING GRUG DISLIKE <|endoftext|> >that tard who drank rubbing alcohol and wanted you to drink some too >that autist that didn't give a shit and fapped in class that normies respected him for being so fucking alpha >that philosophical edgy troll kid who dominated in speech & debate the first semester but quit the second because he was too lazy to go to tournaments and was only in the class because he liked playing devils advocate >that same kid who was an egoist who would quote Stirner and other edgy philosophers that turned an entire class into egoists >that tard girl who would REEEE unironicly and had retard strength >that beta autist that nobody liked who went an hero and suddenly all the normalfags cared about him >that SJW kid who would get triggerd at anything and the edgelords used to fuck with for fun >that kid who was basically the Grug meme in real life >those cringy reddit kids >that kid who released a chicken in the cafeteria for his senior prank >that openly furry kid >that kid who didn't watch anime until senior year when he went full weeb and obsessed over traps >that freshman girl who got her nudes leaked and the entire school saw >that kid who was obsessed with Poland and WWII <|endoftext|> Early humans lived in small communities of ~100 where everyone knew each other. The only knew people you met were the children of the old people you knew. There was a very delicate system and delicate roles to every community and if you stepped outside of your role, you were punished. You may have been murdered, banished, anything. If you were a beta as a child, you had to stay one until adulthood or else you'd disrupt the order. No one would let you pretend to be alpha. So when you saw an attractive woman in your community, you may have wanted to speak to her but you couldn't because that's an alpha thing to do and your tribe wouldn't like that. And if you FAIL, you're now the guy that tried to talk to that girl and she rejected you, which lowered your status even more. Maybe that's Grug's bitch, and if Grug found out what you were doing, he may kill you. Humans haven't evolved much from those times. Now, in 2019, even though these women aren't part of our communities, our status won't be lowered if this stranger rejects us, we don't know their bfs so they can't come fight us, and these women don't know we were beta faggots our whole lives, our brain still tells us all this prehistoric shit and makes speaking to women an anxiety inducing task because, for our distant ancestors, it was a life or death thing. <|endoftext|> SCIENTITIS SMART ME LIKE WOMEN SMART WOMEN GOOD LAB COAT MAKE HIM BETTER THAN GRUG LAB CAOT MAKE GRUG LOOK DUMB <|endoftext|> because its sold from childhood as something that happens and because it doesnt people think thats why everything is wrong all of this could be solved by going back to the grug age <|endoftext|> Grug no get metaphor grug only hit woomyns <|endoftext|> Grug thought wake up was big sad, but now Grug realize wake up is haha laugh time. <|endoftext|> grug-pill swallowed me <|endoftext|> Why haven't you swallowed the Grug-pill yet? >Acts on instinct, stays true to his nature >Understands the use of civilization but isn't overly attached to it >Realizes it's all just instincts and tribalism >Sees through the mass culture >Spends time in nature >Works with his hands >Striving for self-reliance, plans on moving out of the city <|endoftext|> That wasn't my question, you grug. <|endoftext|> i'm happy you approve, we'll get married soon >grug want pussy >grug can't get pussy >grug has the big angry fucking pathetic <|endoftext|> Grug has rock Where keep rock? <|endoftext|> Grug doesn't deserve this <|endoftext|> Grugette no like Grug. Club is too small. <|endoftext|> Grug has not felt touch of woman in many winters <|endoftext|> Grug think that when all Grug die, Grug get born with new Grug life, or maybe even become strong animal like mammoth or sabertooth <|endoftext|> >grug go learn healing ways from medicine grug >grug make good stones for barter >grug get dry and solid cave for she grug >she grug would rather live with grahd in leafy stick hut >grug drink feel good burn water and rub meat stick until dark head cave painting time <|endoftext|> But how Gruitzche know? Gruitzsche never be in Sky Cave. Grug think Gruitzsche lie to Grug. <|endoftext|> Sky Grug dead <|endoftext|> What point of clean cave when grug ugly? She-grug never will see grug's cave, so it no matter! <|endoftext|> grug do big think for many moons. grug not smart, find nothing, be tired of making cave clean, bringing berries to cave and roasting meat. she-grug no help. grug feel nothing now <|endoftext|> Grug no believe in sky cave. If Sky Grug so good, why he make earth cave so bad. Either Sky Grug too weak make sky cave or or sky grug no like earth grug. Grug think nothing happen if sabertooth kill. After sabertooth for grug is like before grug come out of she-grug. Grug want be like before. <|endoftext|> you grugs need stop making frog cave painting and make big think for grug life. it mean nothing for many next seasons. Clean your caves! <|endoftext|> It okay robrogrug, all grug of cave not feel same for many seasons... moon come, moon go.... it all same <|endoftext|> did robots and incels exist in the grug age? <|endoftext|> Grug has not felt touch of grugette in any winter. Grug beginning to be very cold. grug soon just lay outside cave waiting for saber tooth cat to take him away to sky cave. <|endoftext|> better play with own club than mate with he-she-grug <|endoftext|> Me see Grug who look like she-Grug, make Grug club hard like shiny rock. Grug dont know what do, do Grug mate with Grug who look like she-Grug? <|endoftext|> grug going to club self grug mean it this time <|endoftext|> Me have she-grug. She-grug no clean cave, no roast meat, no pick berry, no smash in two moons. She-grug only stare at Facerock. <|endoftext|> actually, i think ive become cuck grug. cuck grug at peace <|endoftext|> me smash mammoth with club, but never get to smash she-grug with my other club, me sad. <|endoftext|> Grug has not felt touch of she-grug in many winters <|endoftext|> >Grug feel >Gruggette doesn't feel like Grug >Grug upset <|endoftext|> >Grug touch young grugina >Young grugina is another grug >Grug Hansen at cave opening What do 4grug <|endoftext|> Real high IQ would be debating in his mind whether or not he cared if grug killed him, would it be better if it works out that way, the bigger picture, does that picture matter etc. Then grugs kills him before a conclusion is met and we'll never know! Point is: Might Makes Right or does it? <|endoftext|> It would only work if you stop Grug before he gets to this point If he finds you and beats the living shit out of you and or kills you, its too late <|endoftext|> >not being intelligent enough to find a way to bump off grug outside the ring pleb <|endoftext|> >if grug make big word grug love more Hate this meme <|endoftext|> >a woman talking >hit woman >grug happy now Blatant bullies got their ass kicked by white nights outside of chrsitfaggot kike induced ethics that only care for mlitary men and for women to child rear silently. <|endoftext|> Proceeding past the grug age was our biggest mistake <|endoftext|> GOOD GRUG CREATE HAPPY CAVE HAPPY CAVE CREATE LAZY GRUG LAZY GRUG CREATE BAD CAVE BAD CAVE CREATE GOOD GRUG <|endoftext|> >Ugg the caveman wasnt tugging himself off thinking about Grug's wife <|endoftext|> hi i am grug you are guy i big very tall i look for bf but grug cant find bf makes grug sad <|endoftext|> >tfw grug well aware of deeply seated personal defects but grug no feel able to address them so grug lash out at friends that only want help grug <|endoftext|> >>fellow grugs become femgrugs grug fug that hole, feel good, suck femgrugs littlegrug <|endoftext|> >Grug forage many berry but Grugette no give grug rock number >Grug see cave Chad make little Grug with Grugette Grug will jump beneath a buffalo and sleep in the spirit lands tonight <|endoftext|> >chag steal all femgrug >dark man tribe invade grug cave >fellow grugs become femgrugs >grug ugly and no rock What grug do <|endoftext|> GREEN GRUG NEVER HEARD OF COUSIN GNUUGG GREEN GRUG ANGRY <|endoftext|> GRUG TRY HEALING CRYSTAL GRUG FIX HDD <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH HDD <|endoftext|> >the spear is cool and all, Grug, but it wont take jobs away from us who hunt with our bare hands >paper is cool and all, Chang, but it wont take jobs away from people who recite stories orally >the cotton gin is cool and all, Tyrone, but it wont take jobs away from us slaves >the car is cool and all, Seabiscuit, but it wont take jobs away from us horses >the computer is cool and all, John, but it wont take jobs away from us hard working paper pushers >AI is cool and all, anon, and it will also become smarter than all of humanity as a collective and only continue to get smarter, but it surely cannot watch over the fucking mall after it closes, or trod through some shitty legal paperwork... <|endoftext|> >grug angry because tribe killed cute pig >grug no like killing animal >grug eat barry instead >why grug not as strong and healthy as other grugs? <|endoftext|> Society's collective primal instincts demand that all men, even those with no hope of breeding themselves, give their attention and resources to women. Grug give meat and skin to Ladygrug. Ladygrug will be fat and smile and have little baby grugs. Tribe strong! But Vrug quiet, sit alone in own cave. Not give meat to Ladygrug. Vrug bad. Grug beat Vrug with club so Vrug can be like others. <|endoftext|> think harder grug <|endoftext|> Grug, me friend, trust shekelgroog How about me give you new spear make better hunter use spear to make many kill and gain many pelts just pay shekelgroog a few pelt every moon until spear paid off <|endoftext|> grug want wife from squint eye tribe <|endoftext|> hurr durr grug like sex sex is most important thing in life <|endoftext|> >Grug cave rent overdue >Grug no afford Rock insurance >Grug owe grugberg loans for hunting lessons >Grug have few berry Grug will jump beneath a buffalo and sleep in the spirit lands, fellow grugs <|endoftext|> >grug make reality rock >have vision of beautiful fertile grugette >chieftain takes away reality rock from face during vision >make grug sad <|endoftext|> grug is mean to darkskin tribe, all pale skin are mean, remember the 6 longnose put in stinky cave <|endoftext|> Grug not racist, grug redrocked. Grug think system no fair for grug because grug never own darkskin grug <|endoftext|> >grug is rasis >pale tribe grug make dark skin tribe collect cotton for no shinny rocks >memake babies with pale tribe girls, pale skin mad? >we wuz tribal chief <|endoftext|> Grug do, make grug fit for hunt <|endoftext|> Did grug like the liquid? <|endoftext|> grug no need license <|endoftext|> grug wish too you sleep. grug have fire grass before <|endoftext|> And you think that your army of grug-brained hollow men devoid of any humanity aside from their fringe politics will somehow win in open warfare against the state? Your little band of blue-collar workers and NEETs? I'm still a white nationalist, my views haven't changed, but I'm beyond sick of idiots like you. This is an extremely tired line of argument. Europeans have not wiped out entire races and genocide is not a sin unique to Europeans. What's currently happening to Europeans is worse than anything we ever did. At worst we made groups of people suffer temporarily. We're being threatened with annihilation. Completely different magnitude. With nuclear weapons and enough white people who want to continue to exist gathering together into a state and putting their foot down, backed by millionaires and billionaires. How do you think the state of Israel exists? Jews were extremely academically, financially, and entrepreneurial driven to succeed, and they did. The worship of the blue-collar among white nationalists is the most self-defeating thing you could possibly do. We need to be just as driven to succeed. <|endoftext|> Grug sad no female to mate <|endoftext|> >grad hear grug no club woman >grad say grug need be himself and lift big stone for make strong grad wonder why other grug no club woman <|endoftext|> >Robots are Natsoc. Provide proof. Maybe an authentic statistic in numbers. I'd like to see this. Or is this just more "i am pol, i am pol" grug level npc thinking. <|endoftext|> t.grug <|endoftext|> mmm sad grug mmmm <|endoftext|> >HURR DURR >SEX GIRL GOOD MULTIPLE BETTER >TWO MAN BAD NO GET GRUG HARD <|endoftext|> me no like dark grug <|endoftext|> Tribe mind bad Me free think grug <|endoftext|> >be Grug Neeson >long time ago dark skin grug ugg grugette >me look for dark skin grug >want to smash head >nofind.cavepainting >be now >tell other grug story >other grug mad, tell whole tribe >whole tribe mad at grug >grug face when <|endoftext|> grug exist when grug want to exist <|endoftext|> grug pls come play blcks <|endoftext|> >grug we spoke to shaman and they said they want you to come to Rockzhou (a city in eastern lands) to live with them so they can make you brave hunter again, what do you think? >grug not sure, grug think about it >well it doesn't seem like you getting any better, if you going to be in cave most of the time, you are might as well try out living. You can go with shaman to buy cave paint when you there >okay grug think about it and let you know <|endoftext|> >be me >work in a maintenance career at the busiest time in the year >our dumb asses cant seem to stop breaking shit that we're supposed to be fixing >grug gets some test probes and puts them aside and walks away. >grug has medical issues and is constantly gone from work >need the probes for a quick test >take probes since theres only 1 pair and grug is not using them >grug comes back WHY DID YOU TAKE MY PROBES THE WAVEFORM NEEDS TO WARM UP AND NOW I HAVE TO START OVER THEM >waveforms cant warm up grug. your unit is already warm. it'll be ready to go when im done. it'll be just a sec, grug. YOU ARE THE REASON WE ARE WORKING 12 HOUR SHIFTS, YOU FUCKING BROKE THE A4 AND NOW YOU'RE TAKING MY PROBES >be thinking in head >"grug always jokes around by calling everyone an idiot and yelling so hes probably joking" >gtfo grug dont you have a doctors appointment or something you crippled bastard? >grug leaves >other co-worker says "man grug seemed pretty pissed" >ohshit.jpeg >grug comes back sorry for being a dick, anon >i thought you were joking i was being a dick im sorry >i thought we were kidding around, but now that i know you were actually being a dick >fuck you grug. We laugh it off and have a quick bro hug and handjob and call it a day. <|endoftext|> >thats more psychological than physical You're literally a walking caved-in head grug meme. Whatever you call it, long term heavy porn use breaks your ability to get hard with a girl. <|endoftext|> How the fuck did that faggot get her to be his girlfriend? He's maybe 2 inches taller than her, has a pathetic chin, a face that looks like the grug meme, and he looks weak as fuck. I'm 6'4, lean, sharp-jawed, and I don't look like a retard. I could literally throw this kid out a window and he gets to fuck her? Fuck this world. <|endoftext|> >grug enjoy less things >grug more intelligent than you <|endoftext|> >grug hear music >grug get tingles >grug smart <|endoftext|> Me know >Grugs who masturbate to cave painting girls Them beta grug grug <|endoftext|> the left one is grug who is more likely to sell drugs and get shot over trash in an ally way and the left actually has potential to be successful in a post-cave dwelling society <|endoftext|> I'm assuming because in a cave man sense you 'provide' nothing for the group by being a lazy weak willed virgin. You are defective as a human being because you can't communicate socially, a previously common luxury and something society portrays as natural and easy, often ostricising the awkward in shows like the big bang theory. In the past, being quiet and hateful usually pointed to some form of mental illness and if your use wasn't discovered then you would be kicked out of the tribe and grug would have your cave painting she-wife. <|endoftext|> >skyman teach morals >other grugs talk morals >talk about skyman not giving morals to grug >grugs found morals alone >where skyman? <|endoftext|> >skyman always be, before sun's and moon's set >skyman go wear skyson as meatsuit to make business >skyman brutal ass grug <|endoftext|> Makes more sense than >skyman make grug and grugette, make big tree, not-allowed fruit >grug eat food because grugette take first bite >skyman anger, but he know grug and grugette would eat >why skyman mad >skyman feel bad after killing lots of grug descendants >skyman send grugs skyson >skyson is hippy >skyson make upper middle class mad >no work ethic >stupid hippy carpenter, Roman grugs will kill >grug say that skyson born from grugette have no sex >someone pulling grugs leg <|endoftext|> Grug smash uld weeman <|endoftext|> Grug reccommend you read basic human biology book <|endoftext|> How unique to you and only you is your desire to be in a loving relationship? I refuse to believe that all seven billion people in this world are feeling the same sort of desire for love and companionship as I am. I want to believe that my desire for a gf is a reflection of my personality, my life experiences, and my beliefs and values; and that everyone longs after affection for their own personal reasons. Still, there are very convincing reasons to think that this is all due to genetics and that all of this emotional rollercoaster can simply be translated to a message "I want to grab a woman from the rival cave, bend her over a mammoth corpse, and make little Grug with her" that was passed down from generation to generation. Is sexual and affectionate desire different from person to person or are we really NPCs in this aspect? <|endoftext|> >be me >grug >chadgar sexes femgrug >mad >sex chadgar in butthole >chadgars anus is bleeding >falls on the cave floor making scream noise >sex femgrug <|endoftext|> You sound like a Grug <|endoftext|> >2012 weird way to spell 2007 >The only good thing that's happened in all that time is that Trump was elected politics aside I don't think it's so good because of the elections now everywhere people talk about politics be it other boards here comments on different websites and even just a mention of trump clinton etc derails the whole conversation and it turns into BLUE GRUG BAD, RED GRUG BAD HE NO NEED BOW <|endoftext|> >grug on cabebux >grug not hunt >grug not pick berry >clan chief give grug shiny stones anyway >eat much mammoth meat >smoke much stink leaf >look at many cave paintings of hunga bunga grug thank wagegrugs hah Not really >grug wait until wagegrug out picking berry >go to wagegrugs cave >make bunga with wagegrugs hgrugfriend >touch his stuff >eat out his fridge >erase his save games <|endoftext|> blind to the ways of mankind grug is smilin on you but he's frownin too cuz only grug know what you gon do <|endoftext|> Sabretooths in the front room, mammoths in the back, Neanderthals in the alley with a baseball bat, I tried to get away but I couldn't get far cause Grug with a big club repossessed my fire, Don't push me, cause I'm close to the edge, Gug fall off cliff and hurt his head, Oh ah oh oh ah ah ah, It literally a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder what the Hell is thunder, Oh ah oh oh ah ah ah... <|endoftext|> >Most of the things in space big alri grug <|endoftext|> grug has anime avatar and is not pedophile, though? <|endoftext|> grug make grug wall for other grugs to write on it <|endoftext|> Grug hate ChadChad tribe. But Grug hate himself more. What do? <|endoftext|> grug no accept you in tribe because you stick big club in place where poopoo come out in front of grug jr <|endoftext|> No, the way the world is today, and the sexual dimorphism of today, is fine. Women don't need to be stronger, because firearms exist, which is a substitute for strength and aggression. If this was 1000 A.D., and swords and axes were all a woman could use to supplement her strength, maybe I'd agree. Women are already fully capable of being territorial and sexually aggressive, but the strength part is a no-go. Physical weakness means they need to be protected, grug likes idea of protecting vulnerable lady who has cool gun, like your pic-related. <|endoftext|> That is complex and too much for grug's head squishy. <|endoftext|> >Be grug, born in time of pointy stick >Grogs born in time of sharp rock now ungabunga for several winters before >Grogs no realise those bad time for berrypick, when mammoth hunt bad and snow came <|endoftext|> >in contact with all of the worlds 1% who are completely subservient to the bogs >all technological progress is their doing since the grug age >obsessed with mcdonalds employees, frequently garnishing their wages <|endoftext|> Number on calendar change grug get drunk <|endoftext|> >grug will protect offspring and mate with life >not evolutionary <|endoftext|> >ooga booga no make ah ah with grug >grug make very angry >grug take fire rock and stone beetle >now grug make laughing of ooga booga >the day of rockribtution has come <|endoftext|> >Odd on their part (like you said, maybe you're mom's "passively" trying to hint that she wants you to get a girlfriend) It's frustrating because you can tell they're locked into the "normie" way of thinking. >grug no have girlfriend >grug loser Meanwhile I've accomplished a ridiculous amount in other areas of life, and it's like none of it matters to them. It's not really celebrated or even talked about because they're not interested in it. <|endoftext|> >be 31 >fucked or gotten sucked off by 15 plus women in my life >can only cum from getting head >can fuck for 45 minutes before tiring out >3 were not very enthusiastic and I had a prolonged time cumming >1 absolutely couldnt make me cum because her technique was terrible and didnt take direction well >the rest made me fun buckets because of great technique and solid enthusiasm Try eating her pussy or just getting in the mood instead of acting like grug and saying make grug flesh tree feel good with talking hole <|endoftext|> >Be grug >grug chief force everyone to be like grug many winter ago >tribe destroys their shiny objects >"grug no have shiny objects" >grug tribe live like grug for many generation >grug go outside cave >grug eat berry >grug dispose of berry oustide cave >more berry grow >grug happy >grug now has many berry outside cave >chief notices grug berry >chief has grug tribe >grug get beaten to death by other grug for having berry >such grug life <|endoftext|> all this sophisticated stuff was a mistake, we shouldnt have progressed beyond the grug period, who here would /goback/ <|endoftext|> Depends on what char you're running. Doing a Sci. / En. Weapons playthrough w/ House atm If you're a melee grug stick to Kaisarr <|endoftext|> Tbh moni you were weak but listening to that chavvy northern talking grug meme shouting over everyone has cemented my view that this cesspit has finally become 100% normie infested. <|endoftext|> >unironically confusing the NPC meme with grug meme How can people even be this fucking dumb <|endoftext|> >If god really exist, then why he make bad thing happen? God bad man if he have so much power and make thing happen! >If God really exist, then make lightning strike grug now and i believe in god! Hahaha no lightning strike me, so God no exist! >When grug mommy die, grug pray to god and grug mommy no come back to life! If god really love everybody, he no make people die or feel sad! How can people even be this fucking dumb <|endoftext|> >make thread asking for debate on animal cruelty based on grug mentality >tell people to go to rddit once debated obligatory carat face <|endoftext|> Gurg's carnal instincts never went away. You're a fool to refute that they did when actions speak louder than words. People are still doing the things Grug did. >it's A LIE Stage one of grief detected. <|endoftext|> >this one grug used to hunt for food >let's also hunt for food because grug did it <|endoftext|> GRUG and I don't understand people who don't agree. <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE WARRIOR CLASS <|endoftext|> >durr it makes us weaker Technology was created by betas, and that technology is many times smarter and stronger than you, grug. Your argument expired 1500 years ago. <|endoftext|> >hurr durr men be like Grug, women be like Grugina fuck off with enforcing your subjective preference of expressing masculinity, as normative. What you're doing is literally the definition of being a normie. "Be like me, or be wrong." lowest IQ post in this thread <|endoftext|> 50/50 on either autism or dyspraxia. Dyspraxia is a brain condition caused essentially by two things, as far as my grug understand goes: >abnormally high signal to noise ratio along nerves >brain boosts signal to compensate Common symptoms detectable early in life are troubled development of locomotion and coordination, chronic fatigue, and heavy difficulty learning things like cycling or handwriting. One thing I've noticed from having this: >be clumsy as heck (I've broken wine glasses from holding them too tight without noticing before) >overcompensate by doing almost everything very gingerly >because of this I walk as silent as an autistic ghost (and also wear out any shoes within four or five months) >tough to do precision work like soldering or stitching I did competitive running for a while. I think even with a handicap like that, you can compete with 99% of people your age if you are willing to commit to your hobby like an autist. There are definitely limitations though. I was able to win a national 100 meter sprint at ages 18 and 20, but I couldn't even place in 400 meter and 800 meter track events regionally because of fatigue. I refuse to tell anyone about my handicap because I'm afraid they will either tell others, look down on me, or assume my every failing is due to my handicap. I also don't want to be associated with retards. They tried associating me with retards in primary, and it was hell. The unfortunate truth with 99% of mental conditions or brain problems is that the best diagnosis and treatment is solely to realize you have a problem, to take note of how you interact with people and things, and make yourself improve. Using it as an excuse is something that schools almost enforce, and it teaches these people to rely on their disability handlers as a crutch, and to blame every problem on being a loid. As if it's impossible to study if you're not a 100% (((undiagnosed))) person. <|endoftext|> How can somebody get addicted? Normies are fucking retarded. They do a drug and go full retard with abusing it because it feels good. They are like fucking animals with no restraint. I literally IV'd heroine before and didn't get addicted or overdo it. Because I realize the dangers and mechanisms behind it. I can think and control my actions. Because of you I need to deal with banned substances because you can't do them like a civilized man in a controlled manner. Just how fucking DUMB do you need to be to get addicted? If you ever get addicted to anything you're sub 100IQ retard normal and you need to get the fuck out of here animal. GRUG FEEL GOOD GRUG TAKE DRUG - you <|endoftext|> Pepe-Wojak canon anon here. I'm currently on /r9k/ to post this updated version of the lore. Changes: - Added more info about Easter and Pink Wojak - Added predecessor to TSUNDERE PERKELE - Added Brainlet Wojak derivatives (Grug, Boomer, Zoomer, Doomer, Bloomer) - Added Tuxedo Wojak and Tuxedo Pepe - Added Fresco - Added Nujak, NPCjak, and Soijak <|endoftext|> Grug become cave lady. Now enough caveladies for Tug and Gugg Grug solve scarcity <|endoftext|> Grug was kang. Grug is paleolithic deepstate. <|endoftext|> So far we got Grug the generous, Tug the communist, and Ug the depraved <|endoftext|> Grug change symbol, make new symbol. <|endoftext|> Not so fast grug. Those symbols aren't yours to use <|endoftext|> Grug have rock? Now Ug want rock! Wait! Grug give rock Ug? Ug no want rock now. Much wow. Ug call you many rock 'communism' <|endoftext|> Grug put symbol on rock. Rock now worth more. <|endoftext|> Grug has rock. <|endoftext|> kikes talk to big imaginary beard man in sky this confuse grug grug just want watch latest seasonal anime <|endoftext|> I feel like the NPC meme is being misused when people just use it in the same way they would brainlet wojak/grug/basedboy etc. I like it fundamentally because some normalfags are just so fucking generic it seems like they don't have any interests of their own. <|endoftext|> grug has rock, rock go down, what do? <|endoftext|> grug hit thing very hard it no matter what thing is. grug every time become smushed grug. <|endoftext|> >Ugg not grug when bunga Uggs is not grug. <|endoftext|> >the only characteristic I mention that isn't aesthetics is personality, he needs to be a grug wew, nice bait <|endoftext|> >grug plays video game >manic pixie plays video games >grug assumes pixie wants to date grug because plays video games >pixie instead goes out with football player >grug assumes all women are like that >grug continues to go after all 10/10 stacies while missing the irony <|endoftext|> >Grug want like cave painting girl >Grug want sit watch cave painting together and like how story filled story is <|endoftext|> >grug wants manic pixie dream girl that plays video game >normie girl likes grug >grug won't date normie girl and teach her how to play video games >grug bitches that all women only want chads <|endoftext|> >dis post is 2 long and too many gay words grug cannot read stupid female proabaly wrote it Krug read at a second grade level not this gay faggot bullshit <|endoftext|> Grug like to summon presents with tribe Grug wants Sandler to reward grugs summons <|endoftext|> this guy is a bad example, he has a grug warrior skull, his bowlcut and glasses are the problem. <|endoftext|> >I LOOKED IN THE ARCHIVES FOR 5 MINUTES AND IT DIDN'T GIVE ME THE ANSWER!111 GRUG ANGRY!!11!! You are The Cancer. >HE STARTED IT WTFFFFFFF You walked into the thread like a desperate slut and I pointed you out. Don't get pissed you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar I'll probably stop now. The thread is slow and I'm just going to make people mad beyond this. <|endoftext|> Grug-anon catch fish with spear. We must hunt down Grad first to make robot utopia. <|endoftext|> I hear only good things about the Aneros Helix, especially the Syn. Just go to a sex toy website and search by rating, I doubt anybody here knows anything about buttstuff beyond "Grug feel good when put finger in butt". Unironically this is one of the rare times when plebbit comes in handy <|endoftext|> Good Grug <|endoftext|> grug /biz/ <|endoftext|> GRUG GRUG WILL WIN <|endoftext|> Gamma reporting in. I can accept the alpha as my equal and i see everyone else as below me. I view some alphas as below me as well because of them being just plain stupid and thus making them grug ooga booga cave man which i cant respect. <|endoftext|> grug by berry, berry go up <|endoftext|> grug has imagination <|endoftext|> >If Grug no see, Grug no believe. Grug smarter than dumb sky god tribe. Now Grug go jerk sex rod to cave painting girls. *tips leaf hat* <|endoftext|> >atheist hurr durr grug no see so not true, grug go be sodomite <|endoftext|> longnose tribe tell grug to invest berries in bitrock, then trigger crash? grug see longnose tribe been kicked out of IIIIIIIIII caves, really makes grug think <|endoftext|> Rolled 2, + 0 from Slyness, doubled from Handshake skill, Further buffed by using one (1) Monster. The giant is initially confused by the handshake, as he has never done anything like that before. After seeing Apu, who he believes to be a woodland creature like the ones he watches over, successfully stop you, and seeing the strange custom of the handshake, he deems that maybe you aren't a poacher after all. Grug - "Hmmmn. Grug thinks manthing not poacher. Stangers can enter forest now. " With that, he steps out of the way, and allows the party to continue through the forest. Before they continue, he gives a pat on the head to Apu and gives him a large pinecone. Grug - "Green creature, use pinecone to summon in time of need. Grug come help forest creatures." The party head further into the forest. <|endoftext|> Rolled 4 - 1 from low slyness, totals 3. The giant seems unconvinced. Grug - "grug not know what you be, little green creature, but grug no trust green human. (points to Boomer) Grug think he poacher. speak poacher, what be you?" <|endoftext|> No you retard. Most were ugly underclassmen. One girl looked like the Grug meme and another one had a Minecraft head with a lot of acne. They were fucking ugly. I bored the few attractive ones so I never had a chance with them. The truth is im not trying hard enough to get laid and I guarantee most of you are the same. Tinder is bs since like 80 percent of girls I match with want a relationship and the other 20 percent either dont reply back or they unmatch with me Have you tried lookmaxxing? I tried my best in high school even though I looked like a cringy try hard <|endoftext|> grug see female with other grug grug want female grug want love <|endoftext|> Grug is adapted from Feel guy though. They got so far off script it just became a generic meme face. Feel guy is supposed to feel. <|endoftext|> >now bigger grug make grug his little grug >now bigger grug sex me >grug ass hurt <|endoftext|> >Be me 210,261 BC > smag girl grug with club >take back to grug cave and make sex >am now praised have beautiful little grug >Magic grug put spell on me >wake up after grug nap >big metal caves everywhere >Grug miss girl grug and little grug >grug go make new grug girl >grug with thunder gun stop me >grug mad >grug now stuck in small metal cave no hole to look at outside cave >grug sad <|endoftext|> grug sex thots grug pretend buy cave and sex thot <|endoftext|> The guy looks like grug related. <|endoftext|> No it's fucking EZ stop being such brainlets. You just have to imagine the action. He is doing something. On a regular basis he is using something. SO it's easier for him to be doing what he does i.e. using what he uses instead of using his phone okay. And than imagine this "It's easier than use my phone. Grug no liek phone." <|endoftext|> Your visual memory is quite good, though. Based Grug. Good scores across the board. Indeed. You can also do it pretty easily with the visual memory one if you take screenshots, I reckon. Did you do it on a phone? If so, you can essentially discount the reaction score as phones have a lot of input lag. What sort of monitor do you have? A 60Hz one probably increases your reaction time significantly. How well you slept on a given day also seems to have a big effect. Also some good scores. How many languages do you know? I wonder if that has an effect on verbal memory. <|endoftext|> Heart of Grug dark, cold and empty like cave of Grug <|endoftext|> more lke >there is no happy for Grug >rocks only hard and cold, like Grug <|endoftext|> Kronk know how Grug feels <|endoftext|> Nobody understand Grug... <|endoftext|> Grug work with other-grugs from far away land. Other-grugs no speak gruggish, Say to she-grug open bob. <|endoftext|> Grug must speak to othergrug across oceans. Othergrug asleep. Simple conversation last many days. <|endoftext|> Grug onn cavebux Get many shiny rocks for free Eat much mammoth meat smoke much stink leaf Look at many cave paintings of she-grugs making hunga bunga <|endoftext|> Grug wake up before sun. Grug go to cube shaped cave. Send cave paintings from one cave to another. Grug unfulfilled. Grug just enter work force last winter, but Grug want more. Grug spend many winters studying meaning of symbols. Grug want to put symbols to use. Grug no understand why Grug only allowed to send messages from one cave to another. <|endoftext|> Why do you suppose our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago shared information with the rest of the tribe? What does Grug stand to gain from telling everyone about the big scary animals that eat people? Reason it out. <|endoftext|> >grug no get sex >you bad if not accept sex like grug would Stop being a mindless sex-obsessed animal. Men with refinement would call chastity a noble thing, and only whores (see: women) would ever decry that. <|endoftext|> Meme! Meme No, I have no urge to cheat on someone I deeply care about because Grug has more muscle <|endoftext|> >grug fuck man <|endoftext|> Grug agree that the nigrug's she-grugs make grug's club very hard. They have bigger ungabungas and are more moist from using oil of coconut on their skin, make nigrugettes very shiny and smell good <|endoftext|> Grug think pale grugette ugly, want dark, big ungabunga grugette <|endoftext|> President Grug demands green man tell how to make pooping hole probes right now. President Grug will use pooping hole probes on other grugs for better controls. Grugs talk. Grugs know. President Grug needs anal probes fast. <|endoftext|> Grug hang out with mangy lock grog and breathe funny laugh leaf. Grug think in mom cave for too long with grab finger in bottom hole. <|endoftext|> no grug, me no to wish to be apart of tribe. me only wish to see sun and nightstone find each other. but they never in same place <|endoftext|> Perhaps another grug throw eating saucer and hit you in head. Did you wake up in strange place after nap? Check head in lake mirror for head bump. <|endoftext|> grug sick of putting small stones in ears to keep out mother grug and man partner grug grogging noise during many clouds lapse over night moon. Me think of joining other cave, but other grugmen look and gesture at each other and grin when look at me. <|endoftext|> This cave picture get Grug going on this night. You go out of cave for moments, Grug have to make white pee. <|endoftext|> >when me go outside to find dinner proof that grug not real grug, true grug never leave cave, grugs too scared of gruginas no want procreate, real grugs hardened by cold walls of cave that grug trapped inside of whole life <|endoftext|> Why do grug think that nightstone want land at your cave? Nightstone just trying to find sun, like grungina trying to find grug. <|endoftext|> Maybe night sun is rock falling slowly toward grug cave! Then it become sicle and near disappear. <|endoftext|> no you dumbo, me grug have been here long time, me just been deep in cave praying to sky sun! when me go outside to find dinner, me saw sky-stone-circle float in sky, like cloud! <|endoftext|> That is what gruginas posterior space look like. Grug have memory of coming out of mother grugina head first, curling around back side face first! Grug remember when in mother grug cave and have tingly loins when bored and general worry. <|endoftext|> >There more important things than cleave between grungina's legs! Me beginning to think that grug is not a real grug, grug probably only came to cave yesterday Newgrugs get out of cave oogogoogoogoo <|endoftext|> >rock circle >in sky how rock stay in sky but not fall? how rock even get in sky? me not believe, think just want look at grug <|endoftext|> Stone circle? You crazy grug, how can circle be stone and in sky? Stone cant be in sky like cloud can be in sky, stone falls to ground Did grug see night-sun? Sometimes night-sun look like it made of stone, but really it made of cheese <|endoftext|> Did grug ever find what between part of gruginas legs look like? <|endoftext|> let grugs build strips for circles landings get circles ask circle people to build grugs huge caves no grug can ever build on their owns <|endoftext|> of course grug saw circle in sky all grug see circle in sky, it called sun, it make hot <|endoftext|> you grugs never believe what grug saw today. today me saw circle... IN THE SKY! <|endoftext|> See what I mean? They fucking invade our spaces and ruin our interests and invalidate us. What reason could I have to want to their approval other than "GRUG WANT PUT PEEPEE IN VAJINE!" <|endoftext|> looks like its mean to be a grug shaped as cock and balls <|endoftext|> btw lads is this a brainlet or a grug? or some aborted /int/ meme? <|endoftext|> >few years ago with an ex >in the living room of her shared house, two of us chilling on the couch >just had dinner, have a nice chat with her roommates who promptly leave to go out after >soon as they're gone we instantly start making out >I lift up her skirt and find her wearing tights >tells me to tear them off her (something I told her I wanted to do at some point, huge fetish of mine) >my genes regress and I become like Grug in the space of mere seconds >we fuck cowgirl style on that same couch, her pale torpedo tits bouncing while her mess of curling ginger hair obscures half her face >I ultra nut <|endoftext|> grug will get revenge <|endoftext|> >unnatural >uuggh grug no make baby with penis >the planet has finite resources? babies can't just flood the planet and fucking eat everything? >NO LIKE NO LIKE <|endoftext|> grug had soul of rock <|endoftext|> I'm not so sure. Pepe is much easier to appreciate as a normie I think, especially as smug Pepe was pushed by altright fags. The og feelsbadman Pepe is a lot more accessable than Wojak too. Wojak needs to be felt, unlike Pepe. And if a Wojak iteration is more to be understood rather than felt, it's an inside joke kind of thing (30yr old boomer, grug), considering that normies wouldn't find these funny. <|endoftext|> >Gurg have 2000 rock report due by day after time when sun is most high How grunged is Grug? <|endoftext|> >Right wing cave grugs hate gay grug >But they act like faggot Really makes grug think <|endoftext|> >chadgar follow grug to enpisi tribe >chadgar smash rock on big chief and take leaf and shells >now enpisi worship chadgar is grog fucked? <|endoftext|> what about the quintessential "funny fat guy" that girls go after purely based on social status, only because the small-grug chads are gay for him? <|endoftext|> hmm, grug think public cave should be nice cave <|endoftext|> >Right cave grug hate "safe caves" that left cave grugs love >Bring up strange idea to right cave grug >Right cave grug wants his own safe cave away from idea Hmm, makes grug think <|endoftext|> can i play too i wanna be on team grug <|endoftext|> do you have a plan grug? <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> newgrugs can't into pretend grug, must go back <|endoftext|> Not grug fault. Grug go to cave-club all that play is Grugsta style drumlines. Grug walk around village, Grug see kids in Grugsta clothing. Grug can't escape Nigrug music. <|endoftext|> You should listen to what you like grug. It's about your enjoyment in your personal time. You do not need to build u your music around what other people pressure you to like <|endoftext|> Me grug think you only listen to "grugsta" music which only constitute part of nigrug's musical tapestry. Me grug like jazz, it very diverse and complex. No long-nose sorcery involved. <|endoftext|> Nigrug tribe make best music of all caves. Snuug Fuug thinks Grug need to go to culture caves.....suug. <|endoftext|> Grug ashamed of how much of Nigrug tribe music he consumes. Grug not into old stuff only new stuff. Grug think long-nose tribe have something to do with this. <|endoftext|> >be autistic sperglord caveman >too floppy and weird to be a great warrior or hunter like Chad Grug >really like collecting shit >have a growing collection of rocks I like that I found >talk at length about my rocks to anyone who will listen >shut up, virgin grug >they keep me around in the tribe because I always have a rock on-hand for whatever occasion >start collecting and categorizing shit I find really autistically, bones, flowers, leaves, all kinds of shit >rant about those, too >mutter shit to myself a lot >sometimes I make weird animal noises and flap around >I must be possessed by some spirit >tribe consults the medicine man >the medicine man takes me under his wing >at least I'm out of the cave now >still making weird animal noises >for some reason I can vibe with animals but not people >wolf bro likes me >still making squawking noises and imitating birds >"HE SPEAKS IN THE TONGUES OF BEASTS" >become great shaman >now when I masturbate it's some kind of trance ceremony >people take my rocks seriously now >I'm autistic enough to associate all kinds of concepts and personalities and colors and stuff to my rocks >people still believe me 20k years later >plague breaks out >I'm always picking at myself really ritualistically with this whole self-grooming thing >I'm the only one who doesn't have the fleas >whole tribe picking at themselves with my ritual now >we survive the plague, but the river valley tribe doesn't >I have great wisdom >tribe listens intently to my rants now and starts looking to me as a repository of all kinds of little details and information >I have proven my worth and the tribe marries me to some qt femgrugs >father many flappy children, who go on to father more flappy children <|endoftext|> This is why I stay away from Tinder, I have no idea what to say. >oh anon she said she wants beer and sex! What am I supposed to say? Grug want sex too? And then we start fucking like animals? Usually the suggestions I see here make me wince at how cornball they are. My friend does this shit too and he says the dumbest shit to girls on Tinder like "pleasuring a vagina is a master's art and takes true skill." I don't know why girls pretend to like this shit. <|endoftext|> GRUGETTE NO LIKE TOY GRUGETTE WANT NEW TOY *THROWS TOY AWAY* GRUGETTE DESERVE NEW TOY *PAINTS FACE AND ADJUSTS LOINCLOTH* GRUGETTE LOOK FOR BOOM BOOM! *SNAPS* GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG GRUG YOU GRUG, NEW TOY *SEES MAMMOTH FACE GRUGETTA WITH OLD TOY* GRUGETTA AND OLD TOY HAVING FUN GRUGETTE NO HAVE FUN WITH NEW TOY GRUGETTE PLANTS FEET SSSCCCRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GRUGETTE LIFE NOT FAIR! <|endoftext|> grug want make wife of slant eye tribe female reply to grug post if want handsome white skin cave husband <|endoftext|> Wojak was fine due to novelty. Grug and 30yo boomer are rather funny. Other variations of Wojak are utter trash. <|endoftext|> grug cave <|endoftext|> > grug wonder who behind tree <|endoftext|> Yeah basically. You have twice as many female ancestors as male because the best men mate with all the women while the non-best men get eaten by hyenas or their skull caved in by grug <|endoftext|> Based grug. This story was in the Thai news a couple weeks ago. >A Thai man who graduated from a famous university leaves work and decides to live in a cave >he becomes a literal caveman with a long hair >White girl tourists pass by and he charms them with words like "wow youre so pretty. I want to know you more inside" >White whores of course, end up sleeping with the Thai grug >he develops a habit of sleeping with White tourist girls >he eventually posts a naked photo after he finished fucking a white tourist >police investigates and arrests him for illegally staying in a cave I found a translated version. <|endoftext|> >Grug can't play american soldier shoots 5 >Grug sad >Grug buy ball >Grug go to ball play cave >Grug play ball >Grug no sad >Grug get fit >Grug get back to american soldier shoots 5 >Grug play ball too >Grug have 2 fun things to do not 1 <|endoftext|> >thinks having a dry spell for a few years is equitable to eternal KHHVdom You must have a room temperature IQ, grug <|endoftext|> >Hi grug lost <|endoftext|> Hi grug <|endoftext|> unga bunga me bandwagon christcuck post-the_donald grug, ban muh degenerates <|endoftext|> agreed. for millions of years my great grandpas grog and grug slit the throats of anyone they didn't like. much better that way <|endoftext|> Smol grug not protect grulga, only big grug can keep safe. <|endoftext|> Sexing a gril raw, unlocked doors, thin wall between our room and her parents room, three of her siblings in the room across. She whispered "Cum inside me daddy, make me pregnant" and even if it's cheesy in pornos, when you're balls deep in someone it really triggers your inner Grug and you just go madman mode on that pussy. I was screaming internally at the fact that it actually made me go horny enough to think that hey, maybe I should actually do it and deal with the consequences in 9 months. Managed to pull out though. Not the only time that kind of thing happened, either. <|endoftext|> >grug build pebble collector box for interactive cavepaintings >cost many rock but grug happy >grug assemble PC box himself >PC box work for many moon >yesterday >PC box work >grug change spinning leaf cooler >grug not worry because it not critical part for PC box, only cooler >grug face when PC box not work anymore >grug frustrated and disappoint >grug take out GrugTech Xtreme cavepainting system >PC box work >whatthefuck.cavepainting >grug face when PC box work but no cavepainting system >grug face when can't play interactive cavepainting anymore >grug face when play interactive cavepainting with no problem in last moon cycle >grug face when no touch cavepainting system but it stop working grug think it problem with rock board <|endoftext|> >during ladybunga 3 rock year stay in unga cave >unga and ladybunga both like each other >one time grug sleep in unga cave >during day ladybunga make big anger and cry >ladybunga calm down >later in day grug and unga tribe go sleep cave >dark in cave, grug sleep outside >grug make close eye when moon high in sky so grug no sleep >unga think grug sleep >grug hear ladybunga and unga talk >grug hear noise like when bunga cry >grug listen >cry noise turn to moan noise >grug realise it ladybunga moan >grug think unga and ladybunga make fire in cave >grug really no sleep now >later unga come out for water and surprised that grug no sleep >unga act different and go back to sleep cave >grug don't know what happen in sleep cave >grug don't want ask >grug not know if crying bunga or fire making happen >grug regret not looking through crack in wall of sleep cave to make sure <|endoftext|> Chad-grug would fuck your beta male shit up <|endoftext|> >grug see ladYbunga >bunga gunga unga, ladybunga unga bunga bunga >GRUG UNGA BUNGA BUNGA UNGA GUNGA >GRUG BEAT LADYBUNGA ALMOST TO DEATH >GRUG SLIT LADYBUNGA THROAT >GRUG TAKE A SHIT ON LADYBUNGA CORPSE >GRUG SELL CORPSE TO FUNGA GUNGA SO SUNGA CAN UNGA BUNGA DUNGA THE BODY >GRUG MASTURBATE TO NEW LADYBUNGA, SUNGA GUNGA HER UNTIL SHE DIES TOO >Grug satisfied <|endoftext|> poor grug :( grug no like cavepaint shegrug? cavepaint shegrug no smell no angry also never go with chadungas many rock year after grug, robot tribes of 4chan grug like cavepaint shegrug <|endoftext|> >me be grug >meet good look sheg rug >give she grugg many berries and rocks >grug not have many friends but open up to she grug >grug start to love shegrug and sped everyday with her >1 day grug see shegrug with chadunga >grug get very jealous and tell shegrug later that day that he loves her >shegrug says "i juts want be friends grug" >grug sad >shegrug tell grug "you such nice grug" >Later grug see chadunga and shegrug naked in cave <|endoftext|> >Grug know hunter unga in tribe >unga friendly >unga get ladybunga mate >grug happy for unga but grug no like ladybunga >ladybunga get big anger no reason >unga and ladybunga call each other silly name and always want best berry from harvest >leave grug and other tribe bad berry >ladybunga always say and do dumb thing >grug give example >one time grug say it bad to have babybunga if bunga younger than 20 rock year because young bunga not as smart as old bunga >grug think hard to give good life for babybunga when no rock and no own cave >make sense to grug because want good life for babybunga >tribe agree but ladybunga get big anger >ladybunga say friend have babybunga when only 16 rock year and give good life >grug think ladybunga friend make bad decision and big stupid but not say to ladybunga >grug no want argue in cave >grug say it just own grug thought and no have to listen to grug >ladybunga get bigger anger try to make grug angry >grug give easy fact on why it better to have babybunga when bunga rock year above 25 >know more about rock life >find more rock to spend on babybunga >own cave >bunga no divorce ladybunga >berry gathering more stable >ladybunga still big anger but cannot say grug wrong >ladybunga stop talk for long time and look at square rock >grug win this time >grug tell recent story >ladybunga move into unga cave >ladybunga stay for 3 rock year >grug think everything good >ladybunga leave for no reason >grug find out because ladybunga find other mate >grug not sure because ladybunga always say how much love unga >grug check rockwall and see unga and ladybunga no together >grug sad for unga >grug also happy that ladybunga no come back >now that ladybunga gone grug realise how much grug hate ladybunga >grug no tell unga or other tribe >grug tell world cave instead Grug have more story but also want hear story from other bungas on world cave <|endoftext|> grug give many rocks to this post <|endoftext|> grug no like when people talk long grug like short talk for good use grug brain <|endoftext|> grug still look to smash cute anon enyone.. grug smash u? <|endoftext|> Pic is whorish. Grug no like. <|endoftext|> >Grug strong, loud dominant >Want Grug protect cave >Ooga <|endoftext|> Your shitty outdated grug tier Paleolithic biology is making you feel that way. >ug me like man no cry like berry picker Stop being a cave woman and get over it. <|endoftext|> grug still think u cute. grug smash now? <|endoftext|> >grug goes hunting >brings meat back to the cave >cave leader says he has to put the meat in the meat pile so everyone in the cave can enjoy it >grug refuses >gets kicked out >spends the night alone outside the cave >gets eaten by wolves It's just the most basic idea, people work together because they get more out of it than by being alone. Some members of the community are in charge of making clothes or making a campfire, so they need someone else to bring food. Grug might get more food by being alone, but he doesn't get anything else, like protection. Modern civilization is just a continuation of that. You're free to go live in the woods outside of society, but don't expect to get anything from anyone but yourself. <|endoftext|> Looks grug tier to me t.b.h <|endoftext|> >told you why you were autistic >NO YOU NOT HAVE ARGUMENT, GRUG WANT YOU GO AWAY Holy shit, you're a nonce AND autistic. <|endoftext|> So you'd be godmode Grug <|endoftext|> Not to be old good new bad grug, but Pink Floyd post Syd isnt that great <|endoftext|> My money is on a bit of both. Starve themselves at first, eventually break and eat gruel because Grug no want die <|endoftext|> Grug find a painting of frong on the wall of long dead grung Grug is amused by frong Grug goes paint frong everywhere on cave Grug paint frong in world cave too Grugos see frong and smoke happe leaf <|endoftext|> grug like cave painting grug make thank grug for original cave painting good job grub <|endoftext|> >grug make cave painting of dark hair bunga >grug put cave painting in world cave >grug forget about cave painting >grug come back to world cave after many moon >grug see same cave painting that grug make >grug realise other bunga like cave painting so much they take and bring back to world cave >grug feel less sad >grug want big happy for for bunga who like grug painting <|endoftext|> War chief grug say gruga's all bad and not loyal to tribe...war chief grug say smash tribe mixer grugas <|endoftext|> Grug be fortunate to live in pre agrugcultural moon epoch, without grug code. Solution: end the life of happy leaf grug with your best club, and end the life of the grug thot which made grug heart bad feel. Grug will be better from this. Wear their dessicated hides and bones to grugsolidate your grugtiveness and attract gruggier new grug. Big win. Must do. <|endoftext|> how grug recover from this must be way <|endoftext|> Should have stuck to rubbin' your club yourself grug. All you've done is create absence for yourself. Tough break dude, atleast you can chuck your muck to your memory of her. <|endoftext|> help grug, chadunga. how grug get over "gruga"? <|endoftext|> >grug meet gruga after 25 moons >first gruga grug ever have >gruga leave grug for grug who sell happy burn leaf >grug heart broke >now grug sit in cave all sun and moon >cave remind grug of gruga >grug ask grugself why grug no make enough berry to support grug and gruga >grug beaten down by hunt every day >grug think of many moon to come >grug alone why life cruel <|endoftext|> The human tribal instinct for collective breeding. Grug want strong tribe. Weak man sit in own cave, never come out. Not do monkey dance with female. Not give berries to woman. This make Grug angry. This sentiment is intellectualized among /pol/ types and conscious nationalists and tribalists but yeah thats basically what it comes down to. Normies think they collectively own your body especially roasties and that if youre not doing your job by impregnating roasties and paying out the nose while youre at it youre not doing your job. And the maddening part is that they still think this even if youre clearly an autist or otherwise not inclined towards a social existence they still want you to be seen to be trying to fit in as a gesture of submission to the tribe. For example the best way to appease the normie mob when they express concern about you being single is to make some rueful selfdeprecating comment about how hopeless you are with women OR to say something blue pilled about how youre killing it at work and hitting the gym so you can get that perfect partner and get married that youve got it all figured out. What you must avoid at all costs: 1) suggesting that you or any other man could be happy without a woman or worse happier than most married men, 2) criticizing or judging women or worst of all 3) saying you only want sex and not a relationship and saying that since you arent hot enough to have sex and get away with it youre staying single. Any of these three opinions or even a hint of them are a hate trigger to the normie mind. Beta losers are expected to kiss up to women and work like dogs to support them end of and if you are not an Apex Chad on one hand or a cripple or something on the other, the social machine expects you to be a good little cog or to aspire to be one. On the issue of sex pretty much every society is like living in North Korea, there is no freedom of opinion <|endoftext|> sad version of chad grug <|endoftext|> tfw twink wont let grug smash <|endoftext|> > u sound cute, grug smash? <|endoftext|> Grug need be strong Grug need hunt more Hunt small mouse then hunt big elephant Grug follow Grad Grad share berry juice with Grug Grug get gruga no moons <|endoftext|> >cave painting when no gruga some grug meant to be with grug other grug not same <|endoftext|> >caring about what other people do >still spouting this Grug tier tribalism Autism <|endoftext|> Go club yourself, Chadug. Grug not want your roast cattle gruglinas. Grug Uprising when? <|endoftext|> Grug no like modern cave chants Grug like classics, post your favorite chants grugbots <|endoftext|> Lay off Berryjuice. Grug will feel better when drink water with tribemates instead of berryjuice alone in cave <|endoftext|> Grug no leave cave in 16 moons Grug so lonely, thinking self-club to sleep forever <|endoftext|> Grugs sides vanish, Grug wants back <|endoftext|> chadug am here. Grug must wait many a night before he get stacunga. Chadug am friend to grug <|endoftext|> go in pond and cut grug hair put grugself out there and just be grugself <|endoftext|> cavecels no understand gruglina grug want advice chadugs <|endoftext|> Grug can no get gruglina to ooga bunga me what grugbots think, grug no want to be only one in tribe without gruglings <|endoftext|> can someone post the grug sosig wojak please <|endoftext|> not telling you so you can make grug memes about them <|endoftext|> >GRUG NO WANT TAKE RESPONSBILTY FOR WEIGH LIKE MAMMOTH >GRUG BLAME NATURE >GRUG NO KNOW WHY GRUG SAD <|endoftext|> Your body won't eat muscle over fat though. That's retarded. Grug need muscle to find more food, grug store fat just in case starve, grug live on fat and stay strong. <|endoftext|> grug eat red berry grug rocked and stoneberryed <|endoftext|> >GRUG HATE GRUGINA >GRUGINA ONLY FOLLOW BIG GRUG >BIG GRUG GOT BIG BITE BONE >BIG GRUG GOT MANY ROCKS >BIG GRUG SLEEP IN BIG CAVE >GRUG HATE ALL GRUGINAS NOW <|endoftext|> Now it's too late for that, the NPC wojak has already been spread too much. GG better luck next time. Maybe one day, there will be a meme that isnt a wojak edit. Wojaks dont suck but brainlet/ tfw smart/ pink /biz// grug/ boomer/ zoomer/ npc/ murdoch murdoch dont all have to stem from the same thing. It's boring <|endoftext|> study more grugette smart grug is to be too big brain can talk and learn more with grugette smart grug can collect more rocks and gift grugette better cave and good food for plenty gruglins <|endoftext|> Holy fuck. He actually looks like the Grug meme. <|endoftext|> Hey i think i cropped that image from a thread about getting ready for war or something. Grug ready <|endoftext|> IMO it's good but not great. There's been a lot of Wojaks in the past few years and NPC Wojak just doesn't appeal to me in the same way that Grug or 30 year old boomer did. I feel like this one has too much crossover with brainlet Wojak. <|endoftext|> maybe grug scared of being hurt himself? ugga bugga <|endoftext|> Good sky man in clouds, grug want smash she-grug <|endoftext|> ancestor grug happy. you are eating grug-pill and are now red-berryed <|endoftext|> What class is wojak and gondola? Where's pepe, is he the dm? >tfw grug not invited <|endoftext|> grug self clubbed head today something seems odd in grugland <|endoftext|> Maybe save Grug as a villain. A giant ogre or cyclops or something <|endoftext|> Grug can ONLY be a shaman or a barbarian <|endoftext|> I think Grug is more of a barbarian figure <|endoftext|> *Here is a Grug shaman another anon made that is a better drawer than I am <|endoftext|> Here is a Grug shaman another anon that is a better drawer than I am. Hijak, perhaps? Or the Australian shitposter? I don't know <|endoftext|> I was thinking of posting a grug meme but realized I didn't have any so I made an evo psych post, it sounded like a good idea in my mind. I'm not the dude you were replying to, that was my first post in the thread. <|endoftext|> Nice grug shaman <|endoftext|> shaman grug would be cool <|endoftext|> women haven't evolved. no matter what they say, all women want big caveman grug (chad) to inseminate them. their preferences are purely biological. pay attention next time you hear a woman describe a significant other. she will, in 100% of cases, start with words like "attractive, tall, handsome, etc", while a man will most likely start with personality traits. <|endoftext|> >depressing meal you've ever ate poison berry from bad gathering >degenerate thing you've ever fapped to cave drawing enemy tribe woman >autistic thing you've ever done got mad grug tossed rock at girl >Dangerous thing you've ever done go on hunt but me too weak <|endoftext|> Anyone else notice the MASSIVE amount of redditfags here at the moment? Ill save them a reply now: >virgin >incel >/pol/tard >/pol/ack >/pol/shit >phoneposter >frogposter >reddit >go back to /r/the_donald >go back to /pol/ >go back to stormfront >yikes >cringe >alt-right >triggered >snowflake >off topic >mods >muh reddit boogeyman >need a safe space >edgy >hurt feefees >grug no like >*snap* >WAAA >t. kekastani <|endoftext|> >tribe bad. only grug >grugling need to become big grug to feel good >when gruginas act bad it's all grug's fault >without big grug gruginas go uuu uuu and it's grug's fault <|endoftext|> >1 was 2017 years ago grug not like this <|endoftext|> old Grug have say, good Grugs always win in end <|endoftext|> GRUG prevail <|endoftext|> me Grug poster Grug tribe find a way Grug find way too <|endoftext|> BASED Grug Poster. This thread is certified gold now <|endoftext|> I fish, hunt, and gather roots/berries. Grug good at survive, Grug have no need for shiny rocks <|endoftext|> GRUG REDY <|endoftext|> Animal sharp fang had bad way kill man Heer word Grug Not pet good Bad kitty Hurt hooman <|endoftext|> me grug will bring big whacking club and whack chadgunga in his sleep and whack his cubs in learning cave <|endoftext|> >Be Chug >See friend grug get eaten by lion >See more grug see grug eat by lion >one grug funny in head >swing club at every head >grug go cave >swing club on grugette's face >grugette dies >grug feeds him and fellow grugs with grugette body >now grug cry saying no lady grug Think grug fell on rock when grug little grug <|endoftext|> Grug go hungry. Lady Grug go hungry too. Grug go find food, but Grug only find Lion. Grug see lion eat other Grug. Lion smart! Grug get idea. Grug go home and eat Lady Grug like lion eat other Grug. Grug smart like lion! <|endoftext|> Grug shaman now <|endoftext|> Grug, medicine man tell me great secret. He say every sunrise, lift rock above head. Then when leaves fall, lift bigger rock above head every sunrise. Then when white covers ground, lift even bigger rock every day. Grug become strong and get head nod from Chug and eye-look from Stuggy. Not sure of magic plant tho, sorry <|endoftext|> Grug already 30 summers old and still hasn't held hands with a grugina Should grug just club himself to eternal sleep? <|endoftext|> Grig is a new friend of grug, is the kind that only once speaks wisdom, and then leaves.Dont give up hope Grug, keep collecting the shiny roks. Keep trying for Gruggete. Grug must appreciate every sun that rises, is blessing. Grug must find happiness in small things. Enjoy every sunrise like it is last. Grig was sad. For very long time. Grig met a nice caring Gruggete, now collecting roks and even drive.... Life is good Grugs. Don't lose hope <|endoftext|> Grug will pretend to be she-grug Grug will love you forever and ever <|endoftext|> >Grub look at sun >Very shiny, hurt Grug's eyes >But Grug keep looking >Because Grug knows only pain >And pain is sweet... <|endoftext|> You want grug boipussy? <|endoftext|> I really hope the normies never adopt grug/sip related memery, it's something special. <|endoftext|> Please post tranny grug <|endoftext|> Grug feel tired more often. Like looking at cave paintings but not painting many. Grug likes to sleep a lot, not leave cave. Grug knows longnose tribe happy about this but Grug feels like he has lost already. <|endoftext|> Grug so fucking lonely Grug forgot to make friends with other tribes!!!!!! <|endoftext|> Grug have shiny rocks. Grug could go to land of slanty eyed tribe. Why grug not do this? <|endoftext|> Me Grug feel same way. Many hunt go by, but Grug never do anything, never will club biggest hairy elephant. Chadgunga always clubs biggest hairy elephant, attract Gruginas to him. Only fun time bush help me stay live. Never can use club good after burn fun bush though. Grug wonder why sometimes. <|endoftext|> Grug drown out sadness. Grug watch slanty eyed peoples cave paintings all day and all night. Grug forget about world. <|endoftext|> Grug no need work if rest of cave give shiny rock. Share shiny rock, join grugism. Eagle and Fat tribe lie about rock-grass cutter failed hunts, real grugism hasn't even been tried in cave yet. <|endoftext|> Grug wish Grug could help. Grug can not help. Just know that there are many Grugs like you. <|endoftext|> Young she-grug only see Chadgrug. Old she-grug see betagrug. Grug wait. She-grug will come to Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug look at she-Grug. But she-Grug no look at Grug. Grug feel bad. Should Grug club self? <|endoftext|> Grug wish this also. Grug lack courage. Grug cannot bash Grug with club. Grug wish for cave to fall or for other-grug to bash Grug. Then Grug forever sleep but not Grug's fault. <|endoftext|> Grug feel that Grug meant for something more. Grug had thoughts. Grug had ideas. Now Grug rise and Grug does not have these things. Grug walks from cave to cave. Grug does not hope. <|endoftext|> Grog very much relate to Grug. Grog now only feel good when filling belly. Grog want cave to collapse on Grog head <|endoftext|> grug too angry to see straight <|endoftext|> Grug wake up. Grug go to big cave where Grug do nothing, but still collect shiny rocks. Grug go back home. Grug cry. Grug sleep. Grug not feel she-grug for many moons. Grug like to be alone. Stay in Grug cave. See many cave paintings. Grug safe there. Grug want forever sleep, but when Grug sleep, Sun rise and Grug rise also. <|endoftext|> how does grug post cave drawing? <|endoftext|> I honestly cannot remember anytime a girl was nice to me. I'm not saying they were rude to me, but it was a vacuum of nothingness. I'll admit, behind my act of apathy is a man crying because he knows no woman will ever dream of being with him or even fucking think about him. I'm the guy who girls forget even in their dreams. I'm pretty sure if a girl shoots up the school I'll survive because I'm just that insignificant. When I hear about girls in love with guys, I find it hard to believe these days. Imagine a man who has lived all his life in a cave never seeing the sun and then some dude comes by his cave and says 'you know grug, there's these things called plants and they grow when exposed to water and SUNLIGHT'. I'm not saying girls are bad for this, just amazed how much some lack of interaction can fuck a person up. I just try to be a good person to others regardless of the gender, I don't think about this stuff much these days, keep myself occupied with work, music, art and other stuff. I have adopted a personality of a socially asexual person, so to speak .But then threads like these make me think about it and it all come rushing back. <|endoftext|> Grug make new talk room for pretend-girl boy <|endoftext|> grug make new discord for pretend-girl boy /aYWwcd <|endoftext|> fellow grug also have good taste in cave painting grug of culture! <|endoftext|> Opening drums to that cave painting good CAN'T YOU SEE THAT GRUG IS SWEET OH LET ME ROCK YOU SO <|endoftext|> >grug realize grug will never ride metal giant >metal giant no work in real life why grug still live <|endoftext|> >grug realize cave painting girl from sunrise tribe will never be flesh grug no want wake up anymore <|endoftext|> Well, 4chan is officially the most normie place out of all the image boards, so I'd have to agree that pepe, wojack, and grug are the most normie memes, since they're mostly posted here, and most image boards have moved on to other memes. 4chan == reddit, to robots on other image boards. <|endoftext|> Jokes on Grug, they're bringing them back. <|endoftext|> Grug kill many wooly mammod Wooly mammod no more now 8-D :DDDDDDDDDD <|endoftext|> GRUG UNGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> >imperative what a lowly beast you are >grug feel imperative to smash krug head with rock and unga his 8-year-old daughter, better do it! <|endoftext|> new grug leave cave now <|endoftext|> >grug make cave drawing >no grug draw in cave >one gruga make cave drawing >all grug lose mind why grug do this every time <|endoftext|> >see cave drawing of grunga >bunga hand >grug feel bad >grug sleepy >take many moon for grug strong again grug think go nobungahand <|endoftext|> >medicine man say twig bean make strong arm and heart >but cave tribe say eat twig bean make Grug twig >Grug think medicine man speak for long-nose tribe <|endoftext|> >yellow grug want to fight but angry at white tribe for taking all grugette from yellow tribes cave <|endoftext|> Grug build big grug army >send grug to fight <|endoftext|> >grug white tribe still no grunga >why grug sad <|endoftext|> >grug know grug feel <|endoftext|> >be grugling >chadgrugling in cave push grugling >grugaling laugh >all grugling laugh at grugling >chadgrugling club grugling >grugling sad >revenge.cavedrawing >go to water hole >pick up sand >put sand in loincloth >go back to cave >go to chadgrugling >LOINCLOTH SAND >club chadgrugling >become chadgrugling feels good grug <|endoftext|> >grung build cave for grungette >all grungette only want white tribe grug >Grung sad <|endoftext|> >when grug have to cave draw alone grug wish more grug draw in cave <|endoftext|> urg grugs grug from desert tribe do grugs have rockolate milk? grug thirsty <|endoftext|> need more grug cave painting <|endoftext|> This is some much needed lore development for Grug. I'm glad. <|endoftext|> welcome to cave new grug <|endoftext|> UURRG SMASH CHADGRUG GRRR WHY GRUG NO GRUGA <|endoftext|> this just grug story mean nothing bunga hand ok <|endoftext|> >grug bang hand together <|endoftext|> grug pick berry >inb4 berrypicker grug find many little berry on ground but was not berry was dunga <|endoftext|> rock test no mean thing grug take rock test get 5 rock take test again get 7 rock grug think rock test dumb <|endoftext|> IF GRUG COULD START AGAIN MANY CAVE AWAY GRUG WILL BE SAME GRUG GRUG WILL FIND WAY <|endoftext|> after many moon and sun grug feeling go away grug is other grug grug is still right here <|endoftext|> grug take rock test get many rock grug laugh at rocklets in cave rocklets blown out of cave >huh hu <|endoftext|> GRUG WEAR BIG HAT OF STICK GRUG SIT ON GRUG BIG ROCK GRUG FEEL HURT IN HEAD GRUG CANNOT REPAIR <|endoftext|> STICK POKE HOLE IN GRUG GRUG DO THIS BEFORE GRUG TRY SMASH PAIN AWAY BUT GRUG REMEMBER EVERYTHING <|endoftext|> AND GRUG CAN HAVE ALL GRUG BIG CAVE OF DIRT GRUG WILL LET GRUG DOWN GRUG WILL MAKE GRUG HURT <|endoftext|> what have grug become grug sweet grug friend every grug grug know go other cave in end <|endoftext|> grug hurt grug self today to see if grug still feel grug focus on pain only thing that real <|endoftext|> why grug do this >nothing wrong with pick berry >only reason grug get grunga grug bone structure good grug sad <|endoftext|> grug hunt big food get all grunga grunga want make many grugling with grug grug grunt at berrypicker make grug feel good huh hueh berry picker no grunga grug laugh <|endoftext|> grug pick berry for living >inb4 berrypicker one day grug eat big berry but not berry was dunga <|endoftext|> grug think this cave for grug with many rock on rock test <|endoftext|> GRUG BAD! BUNGX GOOD! <|endoftext|> >Grugdan B. Grugderson Ihgndt I hope grug not do this <|endoftext|> >grog leader tell grug to take rock test >grug score 15 >leader grog say grug cheated, tells take test again with other rocks >grug now score 16 what mean? <|endoftext|> >many moon ago >grug once see many dark hair bungas with dark loincloth >grug see dark hair ladybungas >dark hair ladybungas listen to fast cave drum >grug think dark hair ladybungas very pretty >grug too young to make fire with ladybungas >grug wait until older >now in current grug time >grug now older >grug still like dark hair ladybungas >grug wear dark loincloth like dark hair bungas >grug try attract dark hair ladybunga mate >dark hair ladybungas not in learning cave >grug go to world cave >other bungas also say dark hair ladybungas gone from caves >grug look around learning cave >only angry fat berry-hair ladybungas and not smart ladybungas with many mate >no dark hair ladybunga to be nice to grug >no dark hair ladybunga to talk to grug >no dark hair ladybunga to listen to fast cave music with grug >grug face when stuck in old time >grug face when know old time was better >grug face when old time not come back <|endoftext|> >grug fell for bitrock cave painting hue <|endoftext|> Other cave tell grug to put rocks into imaginary rocks say grug just need to hodl imaginary rock then they be worth more rock go to check imaginary rock price with other cave other cave tell grug his imaginary rocks now worthless THAT WAS ALL OF GRUG'S ROCK PILE NOW IT GONE <|endoftext|> grug brain get big <|endoftext|> >this grug think rock test matter grug think grug make up rock number rock test only go to 11 rock >grug brain weak like gruga brain, need rock test make feel good <|endoftext|> grug hate white tribe for enslave us <|endoftext|> grug is the bat grug <|endoftext|> Grug scored 8 in rock test. Grug still has to work in cave cleaning, grug's cave leader act's like grug is big dumdum. Grug hate life. <|endoftext|> grug here need short cave story <|endoftext|> Ooga booga? Grug? <|endoftext|> maybe grug have other rock huh hu <|endoftext|> also requesting xxxtentacion grug <|endoftext|> >grug got 10 rock >gruga still go to grug grug thought big rock number mean gruga would grug <|endoftext|> This is the best grug so far,can we get a 69ix nine one? <|endoftext|> what gurg mean tell grug in 3 rock words <|endoftext|> Grug too close to problem to understand <|endoftext|> >make cave painting >every grug stop painting >go to new cave every time <|endoftext|> time for story >never take rock test >always make big fire anyway >happy >grunga want grug take rock test >grunga get 5 rock >notbad.cavepainting >grug take rock test >4 rock >now tribe say not good fire maker >grunga leave grug for grug who score 6 rock >tribe not let grug make fire >grug cave empty when come home from hunt wish rock test never made up <|endoftext|> >4 rock >not part of hunting party >pick berries >pick bad berry >make grug sick >tribe say because 4 rock on rock test make grug want to sleep in cave for many moon <|endoftext|> grug not understand why gurg not friend <|endoftext|> grug see numbers <|endoftext|> pff rock test number mean nothing burn smart plant make grug big brain <|endoftext|> >get 3 rock on rock test >grug not care >life turn out ok just be yourgrug <|endoftext|> >take rock test >only 5 rock >no grunga talk to grug now >all grug in cave laugh at grug >that cave painting when <|endoftext|> grug get big score on rock test big fire making what other grug rock number? <|endoftext|> >grug find new plant >grug eat plant >plant make grug see new world >grug meet pretty gruggete outside of cave >gruggete start moving weird and turn into shapes >grug get scared >grug grab zum zum's rocknite edition club and beat gruggete until she stop turning into shapes >grug stop until only see red >grug start getting more and more dizzy >grug wake up next sun time and find gruggete dead >grug miss gruggete >grug lose only son zum zum to mammoth herd 18 moons ago >grug all alone now >all grug have left is cave painting gruggete made for grug >grug sad >make grug eye rain <|endoftext|> >grug should paint rock to make paint girl real so sleep with paint girl <|endoftext|> >grug no get rock mining >soon rock be worth less than barrel of berries >grug see many friends become caveless from rock mining >there always new rocks too, too much to put time in >meeting room say that one day rocks give them many berries, and even a new cave with pet raptor >but grug never see them get them >grug thinks rock mining is scam <|endoftext|> >grug want gruggetes to stop make love with chud thunderrock >chud keep all gruggetes to himself >grug need make zum zum to carry on fire making skills <|endoftext|> grug like this cave painting. <|endoftext|> Grug remind you to pop you: Big Think Plant Mushroom tools Sea bug and hardnut water Monkey Pebbles <|endoftext|> >no because *moves closer to fire* >Grug see spirits when eat mushroom >Spirits tell Grug how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that stone tablet >even know Grug know more than before >Mushroom give knowledge secrets >look >Mammoth must be heavy as 500 Grugs, can kill Grug easy <|endoftext|> Grug try big think plant but it only make grug see bugs. No fun. <|endoftext|> grug have arrowhead story for fellow grugs. >be grug >see grugette with little arm hair and big hips for many gruglings >grug like >grug heart beat like hunting mammoth >grug go to her >GRUGETTE WANT WATCH CAVE PAINTING WITH GRUG >grugette say NO, GRUGETTE HAS MATE >grug no can speak well >WH-WH-WHO MATE OF GRUGETTE >grugette say CHAD THUNDERROCK >grug start make salty eyewater >worms start fall from grug loincloth >grug run away WHY CHAD GET TAKE ALL GRUGETTE IN CAVE? NO GRUGETTE LEFT FOR GRUG. IT NO FAIR. <|endoftext|> grug take rock test score big much fire making <|endoftext|> >rock tablet say grug big brain much fire making <|endoftext|> Compooter mak Grug week <|endoftext|> Grad think grug should ask grugette to go out of cave and feast together. If grugette say no, grug say "ok, find me when you can" and grug find other grugette <|endoftext|> >no care when big grug die only little grug matter <|endoftext|> grugette shake foot when grug no talk and look at grug face when grug pretend to see cave wall grugette touch grug arm to call and tell tale grugette treat grug like friend rest of time grug confused <|endoftext|> who dis rock king? grug no know rock king, also dis our cave, u not take <|endoftext|> >Grug earn many goodgrugmarks from tribemother >Grug ask tribe mother for dodo morsels in exchange for goodgrugmarks >Cavemother say she busy with stone tablet reading tribe, will make dodo morsels after finish >Grug scream and make doodoo all over prized cave mural in front of cavemother and stupid reading tribe >Cavemother make sadjuice and chant cry of disappointment >Magic chant makes stupid tablet reading tribe leave cave >Cavemother say she make morsels for grug >Grug go to 4chan cave wall and make inscription while waiting for morsels >Morsels taking longer than usual to cook, wonder if cavemother forgot >Go to campfire to see if there are any morsels >See morsels and stone tablet that say cavemother gone to happier place >Grug eat morsels in one bite >Grug wondering when cavemother will return <|endoftext|> Nice revision, grug. Let me fix that for ya: >Makes general case >Applies aneqdotal evidence to general case, with particular application to personal case >buh buh muh bacpedle <|endoftext|> Hooman brain? You mean rock core? That make the sound when hit hit? Grug think you talk funny. What bring you to rainforest? <|endoftext|> >Oonga opened rock gate allow enemy go in rainforest territory No wonda that Gunda pick Chad-Grug. I hear he hold hand during boom ground too. <|endoftext|> >grug face when shegrug left grug for other colour grug <|endoftext|> >u make grug do wat grud dond wanna do <|endoftext|> I'm pretty sure they don't think about it. >peepee in vagine fel gud >grug maek mour grug. grug lif forevuh! <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT FUK GOTE BETTER THAN GRUG WOMAN <|endoftext|> I'm talking about tens of thousands of years ago until now, you pseudo intellectual poof. You think women had a say in 'caveman' days? Nah, don't think so, lol. If rockman grug other tribe attacky my villagey he slaughtery every man and fuck the women. Comprende? Read some more vice articles babe, they missed that bit <|endoftext|> >me sober This is some grug tier shit but I got a laugh still. <|endoftext|> old gf good no gf bad why grug no gf again gf says new grug better tfw old grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NEED MATE GRUG NEED FEMALE <|endoftext|> GRUG POON NOW <|endoftext|> grug want poon <|endoftext|> mmm me sleep late with no ambition while watching pedo anime while ALSO trying to make a name for myself on this shittiest board on this website make me brain feel good me should do it for another three or four years and worry about consequences of my smoothbrained hormone fueled teenage behaviour later me feel warm and good now and this all grug care about get a trade or skill and work on that estrogenic voice you culture asphyxiated no-name in my formative years i used to see hundreds of you faggots on normie sites like facebook with "SADBOY" set as your middle name daily you are not special or unique and it's a shame you had no strong male figure to tell you that before others could now dismiss me as mad or butthurt or some other youtube buzzword and continue living in fantasy world for a few more years <|endoftext|> The ol' grug with a club eh? <|endoftext|> I think Grug is pretty funny. I agree with you otherwise though. <|endoftext|> then what the fuck are you doing at the computer grug? you're not biologically fit to operate such a complicated machine <|endoftext|> Grug easy on the sipps. <|endoftext|> Bump, this thread is good dont let it die just yet. Here is a AnCap grug <|endoftext|> Thisguy > Smug Wojak > Smug Zone / #justwojakthings > Boomer > Happy Wojak > too intelligent Wojak > bartender Wojak > Pink Wojak > Pretty Princess Wojak > "I wish I were at home" > "warm face" Wojak > tactical/angry/betauprising Wojak > soijak > Brainlet Wojak > Grug > Smuglord > anything else > Frustrated Wojak > Crying Wojak <|endoftext|> write no look good grug like cave drawing <|endoftext|> >why write, chief remember all? >waste of day >not useful >grug smash who write <|endoftext|> Grug dislike cave painting Was made during season of summer <|endoftext|> This is the way it's been since forever. >grug find own cave >see you later, virgins <|endoftext|> >they really buyed berrycoin why grug fall for longnose tribe scheme? <|endoftext|> grug take small loan of 5 berry coins grug must pay 15 berry coins next moon or get club <|endoftext|> >Grug hungry! >Grug EAT! >blupbluplup >ughhhhhh <|endoftext|> Pepe was always king and Wojak was always playing second fiddle. I think Wojak and his variations have finally caught up. The brainlet, then grug, then boomer/zoomer memes have all been huge successes. <|endoftext|> Thanks grug Thanks anon, brainlets like me need a hand to hold sometimes <|endoftext|> fugg i like to think he'd be sad* grug tired grug no type good <|endoftext|> >grug hungry >grug eats leaves from leaf bowl >gruga hungry >gruga reaches in for some >grug angry >leaves are his >"woah man chill!" says grug >gruga tries to get some again >grug say some more >"woah man" >"woa man" >"woman chill!" and that's how women were created <|endoftext|> BASED Grug II making it in. <|endoftext|> >Grug want mate >village females no mate unless Grug give tribute >Grug give food from hunt to female but no mate >after many moons of tribute Grug return to find Krug mate with female for nothing >Krug strong Grug too weak to fight >Grug use gourd for mate while watch Krug mate with female that Grug gave all food to >Grug give tribute from hunt to other females for mating >females rather mate with Krug for nothing >Grug must use gourd for mate while watch Krug and females mate for many seasons >sexy daughter of village chief come of age >chief say he give daughter to man that can hunt biggest prey >hunting party find big hairy beast tribe >most of hunting party is killed but Grug give killing blow to beast >Grug very hurt but know that he will mate with sexy chief daughter >Grug drag meat from hairy beast back to tribe >chief say he give daughter to Grug >Grug go to chief daughter tent to claim prize >chief daughter had been mating with Krug whole time and is carrying Krug child >wounds from hunt become infected >Grug dies <|endoftext|> >GRUG IS MAYMAY. MAYMAY FUNNEE. MAYMAY ALWAYS FUNNEE. WHY NO NORMAL LAUGH? NORMAL MUST BE NEW TO TRIBE <|endoftext|> >GRUG SEE CHADGAR CLUB MANY STAYSCA >GRUG ASK TRIBE SHAMAN FOR HELP >THEY TELL GRUG JUST BE GRUG >GRUG TRY THIS FOR MANY SUMMERS >BUT GRUG STILL SPEND WINTER ALONE >GRUG MEET OTHER GRUGS >GRUGS WAIT FOR NEXT SUMMER >NEXT SUMMER WILL BE FOR GRUGS >CHADGAR AND STAYSCA WILL PAY <|endoftext|> grug want ripe pussy grug fuk <|endoftext|> that's an unsettling grug <|endoftext|> Grug think it weird see power fantasy from fat grug who never compete. Grug no just throw rock at other grug for hit on grug girl <|endoftext|> >he says on 4chan Ok Grug. Go turn off glowing machine and go club tonights feast for tribe. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO EXPEND WORDS ON SAY-SAY WHEN SAY-SAY LIKE ROCK GRUG HUNT SAY-SAY LIKE MAN OF STRAW <|endoftext|> As far as memes nowadays go, Fresco is far better than Grug or boomer wojak. <|endoftext|> >grug like stick in hole push >grug get nice feeling in stick >grug addicted Disgusting <|endoftext|> Grug no lick more toad. Or Grug gets club again. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >tribe no like Grug >think tribe stupid cave dwellers >think maybe tree better >blame tribe for fire and spear >tribe attack Grug >Grug flee >Grug go live in tree and attack tribe at night >tribe catch and kill Grug <|endoftext|> >Grug find mud that pretty on cave >Grug draws animal >Other think grug like other grug smelly place >Grug angry >Grug paint pretty very young panter-uga >Grug touches horn very often now >How grug stop? <|endoftext|> >be Grug >stick berry in loincloth >Uga catch Grug >Uga ask 'why Grug' >Grug don't know why >Grug pretends he watches Chag and Uga <|endoftext|> >Be Grug >Good berry picker >Uga talk about Chug. >Chug good hunter many great hunt >Grug angry Uga only like Chug >Grug wait when Chug hunt >Grug go into Chug tent >Grug shats his man skirt >Gruh happy <|endoftext|> Same reason Grug is always stoic <|endoftext|> >Grug see frog and sad man >Grug like frog and sad man >Grug see forced meme RIP off of frog and sad man >Grug no like. <|endoftext|> >"Grug no eat vegetable!" >"Grug eat meat!" <|endoftext|> >ROCKY ROADS >TAKE GRUG HOME >TO THE CAVES >GRUG BELONG >WEST PANGEA >MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH >TAKE GRUG HOME <|endoftext|> Grug think we should put Chadunga tribe in fart cave <|endoftext|> Grug think tribe should chuck Chadunga and put picking choice for Chief <|endoftext|> Grug no like thread. <|endoftext|> >Not getting a comfy club carving degree Grug amuse at dumb pink tribesman <|endoftext|> >From most robot to most normie: >Gondola >Grug >Apu >Pepe >Wojak >Spurdo >Fresco <|endoftext|> From most robot to most normie: Gondola Grug Apu Wojak Fresco Spurdo Pepe <|endoftext|> >many summer pass >he not grug Who /r9cave/ here? <|endoftext|> Grug learn squint eye mouth noises Grug go to squint eye tribe land to live join squint eye cave painting people, make cave painting of grug own <|endoftext|> grug like painting from squint eye tribe cave squint eye tribe cave painting grug's mate now <|endoftext|> grug how skyfather bring son to mate belly if mate wall painting <|endoftext|> >see grug with squint eye cave painting rock >laugh at grug while bunging gruggette <|endoftext|> grug like squint eye tribe cave painting squint eye tribe cave painting grug's mate now <|endoftext|> >GRUG GET STIFFY UHH FOR SISSY GRUG >UNSHEATH GRUG FLAP FOR SIS >GRUNT HER TO ENVISION >SCREAM >BROTHER GRUG VERY RED >SISSY GRUG DID NOT WANT SNU SNU <|endoftext|> >live in a place where minorities don't exist >in a culture literally built around conformity >swiping through tinder, arr rook same >"A Wild White Guy Appears!" >"^0^ POUND MY SIDEWAYS CAVE PUSSY GAIJIN GRUG-SAMA" That's why Japan doesn't like foreigners. <|endoftext|> >grug is heavy like many big rock, as much as two 10s rock >grug think grug want be heavy as much as not two 10s rock, grug want to be heavy like 13 rock >grug eat less berry and chase more stag >today grug see how many rock grug heavy as >grug heavy as 12 rock 10 rock chunks grug very glad <|endoftext|> >grug have 14 rock <|endoftext|> >grug only think in terms of false dichotomies you never had a chance <|endoftext|> How am I a pussy you weeb faggot. I'm literally grug right now and the battery is running out. FUCK <|endoftext|> Grok feel sorry for Grug. Grok shit on Chag tent while Chag at fire. <|endoftext|> >be grug >be berrypicker >one day see Oga picking berry >Oga hair shiny >eyes like pretty rock >bottom like big hills >Oga say "grug good today?" >grug say "grug good like berries" >grug stupid >why grug say that >Oga say "big fire tonight. big music, dancing. grug go?" >grug say he go >sun set >grug go to fire >drum beats like BOOM BOOM BOOM >many people, many laughs, many dance >grug look for Oga >grug see >Chag talk to Oga >Chag big strong hunter >jaw like big rock >hair is spiky, how? >Chag tell story of big hunt >Oga laugh and smile >grug run home >rub horn while look at cave paintings of very young panther-girl <|endoftext|> grug work hard grug feel droopy <|endoftext|> me hear to talk to girls me need get tinder, but girls no want grugs tinder. what is grug doing wrong? >tfw never started a fire with a girl before <|endoftext|> >grug see paint on wall >grug make paint wall too >no one paint on wall after grug >grug sad <|endoftext|> Today Grug eat Green plant and Orange thing from dirt at learn cave. Not so bad. Grug okay today. <|endoftext|> That easy. Find big Rock. Lift big rock every day. When Grug strong Grug go to other tribe and take girl. <|endoftext|> >pick berries >go back to cave >cry because Chadugg took all she-grugs for him >beat meatstick to cave drawings again Grug no feel so good <|endoftext|> kek based grug <|endoftext|> Grug want virgin gril. Age of consent is 12. Grils are whores and most lose at 8. Wat do? <|endoftext|> grug touch benis for many time til white come out grug happy <|endoftext|> grug read cave painting by fire, grug warm and happy <|endoftext|> >tfw too berrypicker for white women yellow tribe women are answer for grug <|endoftext|> grug on day 2 of no snake touch. <|endoftext|> Grug has come to the conclusion that fascism is the only solution for this. <|endoftext|> >tribe expect too much from grug >hunt mammoth >lift big rock >be warrior >too hard >grug use cave paints to paint face >put rock in mammoth skin on chest, have boongas now >grug no man no more >grug berry picker now >grug special <|endoftext|> >Longnose man show grug cave painting of trapunga >dress just like other gruga >mudpaint on face like other gruga >milk bags like other gruga >but snake under loin cloth just like grug >trapunga snake no bother grug >grug no think trapunga gay <|endoftext|> We wuz grugs n shiet. Also grug thread pls. <|endoftext|> >you had to be born in this generation Grug wish he born in many moons ago, cave was simpler then. Rocks was rocks and not these new pointy fings <|endoftext|> grug get Netflix tell grug good movies <|endoftext|> >Grug real man Grug endure shit taste <|endoftext|> Even if grug great warrior, cave women still want only chag to bonk them head with club. Grug not bother <|endoftext|> Grug say he great warrior, why Grug not go with Chag to hunt and impress cave woman or steal betacugg tribe female? <|endoftext|> >grug just fucking told us what grug want WHY THE FUCK DOESNT GRUG TAKE HIS OWN DUMB FUCKING ADVICE!? WHY THE FUCK IS GRUG ..wait ... is grug retarded? I know you holes are retarded but is grug also retarded? <|endoftext|> grug look at light box in cave alone grug talk to other alone grugs with light box grug feel less alone <|endoftext|> grug... grug... what if grug can become big, happy lug? not matter what on outside, what inside count. girl like inside, and that can make grug happy. grug understand? <|endoftext|> >Grug no leave cave >watch shadow puppet in fire pit with little gurggies Gurg-son no ride four leg grass eater Grug not man <|endoftext|> if Grug can get no close tribe with words Grug should take one by force <|endoftext|> Grug help other tribes members, but tribe still not have tribe of his own <|endoftext|> grug drink skull fill of wooly blood to that <|endoftext|> >Grug have no close tribe >Grug lift up and down rock >Grug grow powerful warrior >Grug see still alone >Grug see problem wasn't Grug body >problem was Grug >Grug just want feel warm heart >another night alone in the cave <|endoftext|> >OOGA BOOGA GRUG TOUCH WEE-WEE MAKE GRUG FEEL GOOD, GRUG FEEL REALLY GOOD WHEN WHITE PEEPEE COME OUT Stupid mongoloid. <|endoftext|> Yeah, and by some freak coincidence, they'll survive to the point where they can live forever due to technology. It makes sense that it could happen now, but it doesn't make sense for Grug the Caveman to be immortal unless there really are an infinite number of universes where quantum fluctuations can cause all sorts of crazy shit to happen no matter how minuscule the chances. It's like I can die and wake up tomorrow in the Pokemon world and bang all the cute girls but I could also wake up in a world where everyone's just on fire perpetually. <|endoftext|> >be grug >bang on rock until it circle and rolls >grug proud of grug cool rock >grug see darkskins move in cave nearby >grug no sleep well cause grug hear too many loud yelling and clappings at night >grug see ground having more and more abandoned dino bones and dead leaves every moon >grug go to admire circle rock >circle rock gone >darkskin stole grug circle rock >Grug face when <|endoftext|> Pepe, Apu, Wojak, and Brainlet all have there uses and can be funny. Grug is the best by far - always good for a laugh. The rest are shit tier, especially Fresco. <|endoftext|> But also with boomer, nujak, grug, and fresco. <|endoftext|> apu > pepe > 30 yo boomer > wojak > pink wojak > brainlet > groyper > grug > fresco > nujak <|endoftext|> >grug tired of women-rule and female telling he no can hit her on head with club >grug go his own mountain-path now, put his cave in order <|endoftext|> >Grug That's really sweet. Thank you. People don't talk to me like this often. I'd let you rest your head on it and I'd stroke your hair. Maybe you'd tickle me with your hair and I'd shiver. My tummy is sensitive. I'm also a Britbong. <|endoftext|> GRUG GET SPICY FRUIT JUICE GRUG LIKE GRUG CAVE GRUGETTE GRUG TRY TO HOOKY BUT BIG GRUG COME BACK GRUG NEED NEW CAVE <|endoftext|> Grug want! <|endoftext|> Grug bump cavewoman with love club and take to cave <|endoftext|> grug yelled at matriarch grug also say hard word to sad friend grug weak and make water come from eyes <|endoftext|> BREAKING NEWS: GRUG THROWS DUNG AT MAMMOTH HUNTING GROUND, EXPERTS SAY IT BECAUSE OF ROCK MUSIC. <|endoftext|> Grug have rock. Rock Go down. But Grug no sell have strong hand. What do? <|endoftext|> ROCKY ROADS TAKE GRUG HOME TO THE CAVE GRUG BELONG <|endoftext|> grug like some of you tribesmen, don't go to mammoth hunting ground tomorrow <|endoftext|> >if women cared about intelligence more than Grug's brute strength, we would have faster than light travel RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW. >if Shaniqua cared about how much brains Tyrone was packing instead of how much cock, we could have equality of opportunity and equality of outcome Why do women ruin everything? <|endoftext|> caffeine is a drug too. it's not about relying on shit, it's about fitting in. nobody gives a shit if you have kids. why do you use a computer to communicate? why do you use a toilet to defecate? le u wold grug dink dat not nesary! let me guess, you are too scared to even have a gf <|endoftext|> >judges a person based on what he eats logic! grug smart! <|endoftext|> You're confusing toxic masculinity for masculinity in general, funny how everyone I've seen complain about "toxic" masculinity were all huge whiners. There's a difference to being Grug the Caveman (presumably what "toxic" masculinity is) and being a masculine person in general. <|endoftext|> >No, because *moves closer to fire* >Grug see spirits when he eat mushroom. >Spirits tell Grug how land and sky work >Jomee, pull up that tablet. >Yes, even now, Grug know more than before >mushroom give knowledge secrets *looks over at cave painting* >Look >Mammoth must be as heavy as 400 grugs, can kill you easy. <|endoftext|> Grug club sharp rock on wall when dark. Bad man behind say NO CLUB ON WALL AFTER DARK or he club me with sharp rock. Grug hate bad man behind wall! Me no think he should be borned! Grub be smartest man in on earth. <|endoftext|> Hi grug, how's the cave paining going <|endoftext|> I made a genealogy chart of various internet memes. Am I missing anything important? * Pedobear's Family Pedobear is the father of Spurdo Sparde, American Bear and Gondola but they don't particularly like talking about it because Pedobear sexually abused them. It is for this reason that they adopted some of their eccentrities. Spurdo moved to Finland and joined the military, American Bear coped by becoming a nationalist and eating food and Gondola wandered the world travelling. * Wojak's Family Wojak is the distant ancestor of Grug and Pretty Princess is his cousin. Wojak and Pretty Princess met while trying online dating but soon discovered they were closely related. Wojak and Pretty Princess still keep in touch on IRC though. Just recently Wojak's life has been complicated by Grug who just recently was unfrozen from a block of ice. Grug is determined to make Wojak reform from his berry picking ways. * Pepe the Frog Apu Apustaja is the retarded younger brother of Pepe the Frog who Pepe has to work hard to support. Despite that, Pepe is much happier and successful than his old friend Wojak and has recently gained Pipi as his GF. Now Pepe isn't really able to spend as much time with his friend Wojak anymore. * More Head Canon Most of these names are just internet nicknames and handles. Like smart internet denizens they keep their private info anonymous to avoid being doxed. <|endoftext|> Women prefer prettyboys over primitive grug-tier chads. <|endoftext|> me no like grug >become meself >battle grug with bone >me win but grug sad >end pain with foot who else here /fearedintheland/ <|endoftext|> Grug thread! >Browsing 4chan cave >Gronk join >He start drawing something >Me ignored, browsed more >Me look back >Ungabunga have mammoth meat? >Feel like gronk has berry brain Why do ungabunga get mammoth meat? <|endoftext|> i dunno, i just there was such profound responsibility in advancing our skills & techniques as a group of intelligent life Would Grug have done the same things he did, if he knew we'd end up where we are today? Possibly at peak degeneracy, more unempathetic than I've ever seen... Behind closed doors is unfathomable, sin for the sake of sin, but it goes beyond that of a cat swatting a dead mouse, I REALLY JUST... Don't fucking understand sometimes. The endgame is death, please be peaceful, it's all we have left to look forward to. <|endoftext|> >grug see grug friend >go to grunt at him >he say he staciooga now >get idea >hit him on head with club >have unga with him >he staciooga now, so he can't stop grug >grug chadunga now Grug have fun on berrypicker cavepaint wall, but must go now. <|endoftext|> Grug no like Chadgunga <|endoftext|> Give a grug a fire, keep him warm for day. Light a grug on fire, he warm forever. <|endoftext|> War not going so great goy grug. But much cowrie shells being made! <|endoftext|> This is about a time grug meets a trap >Be grug >Be warrior >Come to home after fighting off the /b/ tribe >See lady grug, easily a 9/10 rocks >Impress her and eventually things go to the cave >Lady grug take off loin cloths >Lady grug gets big club, knocks grug unconscious >Grug wake up, grug feel pain in bum Continue? <|endoftext|> >Be grug >Be woodworker >mostly rich grugs come to me for stuff >One day especally rich grug comes over and asks for a "toilet" >I ask rich grug what a toilet is, end up making a bench with a large hole where you sit >Rich grug seems happy >To this day grug not know what rich grug used that "toilet" for <|endoftext|> If grug no like hot, grug no light fire. <|endoftext|> /his/ tribe no like no-history and you think grugmen dumber than bugmen! /his/grug go make shinny shinny with hot glitter rock <|endoftext|> >be grug, 10 and 10 and 5 moons >no snoosnoo, no job >go to village center every day, roll job >roll big always, no get job >jobs going away fast >no enough fish for both live in tiny cave and have eat too why this always happen me, grugbots? <|endoftext|> TOO LATE MAD MACKS GRUG BEAT YOU <|endoftext|> HOHO GRUG TRAIN SLAVE! <|endoftext|> grug invent wheel and start mad macks also he roll <|endoftext|> Just be grugself All femgrugs will be all over grug <|endoftext|> damn that grug guy. OP here. anyone wants to chat and share weird stuff/fetish and shit on discord? no homo shit tho <|endoftext|> >88 Its ok, grug. One day. <|endoftext|> Sigh... Why Grug torture self with vision of glorious impossible future? Well... Time go mom cave for dinosaur tendies... <|endoftext|> Yes Grug time is now for Grug war against other tribes, stand behind Grug for purity of Grug tribe. Hit all non-Grug with gas mace! Yes, Grug brothers, Grug lead to victory. One tribe, one chief, one Grug! <|endoftext|> creamed one grug mommy <|endoftext|> rally behind me, we will invade the grug village, make them breed their own mother and sisters. after that, we will breed their mothers and sisters in front of them.......... lets go <|endoftext|> rally behind me, we will invade the grug village, make them breed their own mother and sisters. after that, we will breed their mothers and sisters in front of them. <|endoftext|> Grurk tribe *click click* help also coalition against *click* Grug tribe. <|endoftext|> Grelin tribe enter coalition against Grug tribe, give resource to coalition for free. Grelin tribe hate Grug tribe, Grug tribe no mix with other tribe. <|endoftext|> Gruhmed also help chosen tribe in exchange for Grug women and caves and spread Gruhmed gods to Grug tribe. <|endoftext|> Brooga will help chosen warriors. Chosen warriors give Brooga tribe Grug women and free Grug cave as payment. <|endoftext|> Chosen warriors go image cave spread cave painting of Grug women meat club sluts. Thank for guidance great shaman. <|endoftext|> Oy vey shaman, Grug tribe prepare automatic assault clubs for war against chosen tribe! Shaman tell chosen tribe what to do please! <|endoftext|> Hrug only one satisfy tribe women with big Hrug meat club, Grug Jr. not believe lies told in image cave. <|endoftext|> Sadly Grug dead, but no fear, Grug Jr. Take long time but Brug beat Grad single combat bare hand. Grug Jr. safe now, Brug face swollen, need rest and woman to make victory Brug baby. You come to Brug cave make Brug baby now. <|endoftext|> Aunt why always want make baby? Should take care Grug Jr. Where Grug daddy? Grug Jr. hear Grad challenge Grug daddy for tribe chief, where Grug daddy? <|endoftext|> grug didn't deserve this <|endoftext|> Not fast, Grad. Grug Brug blood brother, raised by Grug mommy self. Brug avenge Grug death in single combat. Brug strong, no need club. Grad soon no chief of tribe. Brug sorry Grad mommy, but Brug need avenge Grug honor. Grad mommy spoils of war for Brug, make Brug babies to honor Grug memory. <|endoftext|> >Grug brings semi-automatic club to learning cave <|endoftext|> Grug weak. Grad challenge Grug for tribe chief. Now Grug dead by Grad club. Grad new chief. Grug mommy slut banished from Grad tribe, Grad tribe god Grad himself, no puny guardian. <|endoftext|> Grug pray for guardian blessing on Grug tribe. <|endoftext|> WHAT YOU DO GRUG MOMMY OTHER MOMMY?! GRUG LIKE GRUG MOMMY SO GRUG VERY ANGRY! GRUG LEADER OF GRUG TRIBE NOW, SEND STRONG GRUG WARRIORS TO SMASH OTHER MOMMY! THEN GRUG CLAIM OTHER MOMMY AS SECOND GRUG MOMMY AND MAKE MORE GRUG WARRIOR FOR GRUG TRIBE! <|endoftext|> No worry Grug mommy. Grug put Grug meat club in Grug mommy slave girl as punishment. Then she scrub Grug mommy cave floor harder. Later Grug tribe feast in clean Grug mommy cave. <|endoftext|> Grug hit Grug sister with assault club, then Grug make Grug baby with Grug sister. Grug genes strong, make strong Grug child for Grug tribe. <|endoftext|> Everything that is happening right now is not real, its just you dreaming after grug hit you on the head with a stone and put you into a coma, and right now hes poking you with a stick and miserably trying to wake you up. <|endoftext|> grug dunga <|endoftext|> >look at big cat >leader fight >ug nug bud ged dab ug >uh huhuhuh >hunter tribe tribe accept me >urga grunt "grug crug" <|endoftext|> OP you have the grammar of an actual grug. Go to /lit/, you'll get a more interesting collection of (You)s at the weekly Peterson Debait thread <|endoftext|> caveman grug is me from bread before this me also, shame you not till land for crop <|endoftext|> Grug move feet many lands to reach Grugeesha, it not problem <|endoftext|> Imagine being such a brainlet that you think smashing particles into each other somehow shifts earth into other universes. Its one of those absolutely retarded conspiracy theories that aren't even wrong, they're straight up non-sequiturs from their very premise. There's logical ways in which 9/11 could be done by the government for political gain, there's some mechanism by which chemtrails could work, secret groups could control the world, its all physically possible. But the fucking cern shit makes no sense, its just fucking cavemen going >grug see shiny >shiny go boom into different timeline You retards can't even come up with technobabble to explain it. Why pick cern? Why not the fusion research plants in germany? Why not the national ignition facility? They're all advanced technology with absolutely zero connection to parallel universes. <|endoftext|> based lt. grug <|endoftext|> GRUG JOIN ARMY KEEP AMERICA SAFE IN N KILL JIHADIS LEAVED WIFE AT HOME IN SAFE COUNTRY <|endoftext|> >i use big words there four grug smart <|endoftext|> hello brain grug, grug want mate but chadunga take boob grug, no mate for grug, how grug get gf? <|endoftext|> grug smart too! grug have big iq and grug debate very well! <|endoftext|> YOU SAY MEAN THING GRUG GUN CLUB YOU <|endoftext|> its dont matter women brains do t. smart grug frogs <|endoftext|> But we don't live in grug times anymore. <|endoftext|> The progression from Smart Wojak to Dumb Wojak to Grug was pretty great. <|endoftext|> >Like police anime a lot >Don't like 3D police shows >No desire to be a cop Really makes Grug think <|endoftext|> Wow even grug laughs at you, that's a new low <|endoftext|> Good point grug <|endoftext|> grug high off terry-berry bottom side, you gotta get stoned as stone and crag off you nunga mungins <|endoftext|> brug get all urgas huh huh grug berrypicker <|endoftext|> More grug now. Chieftain need. <|endoftext|> >STUDY NOT TRUE BECAUSE GRUG CANT READ BIG WORD <|endoftext|> Is there any way to fix a shitty asymmetrical face. My eye sockets are not the same shape due to a broken eye socket and my jaw is crooked due to a broken jaw, both in high school. I am a 3/10, but If I could somehow get it re broken or something to make it straighter than maybe get a few points. Not a virgin but haven't had sex in 5 years. I also have a brow like a Neanderthal. Pic related. Literally look like grug except for the chin and mono brow. I used to be /fit/, but I became too busy with work. <|endoftext|> >at least I can do 6 pullups at a time, that makes me better than the roast right? >>OOGA BOOGA GRUG CAN LIFT HEAVY OBJECTS TO GET WORK PAPER TO OBTAIN MATERIAL OBJECTS TO IMPRESS FEMAIL COMPANION. GRUG HAPPY HE LIFT BIG Yes my fellow hu(man) you are better than modal female. I encourage you to improve your abilities even more to show those roasts you are stronger than them. <|endoftext|> OOGA BOOGA PHILOSOPHERS HAVE A JOB GRUG SMART AVATAR AND TITANIC THE BEST MUVIES EVA! *claps* *sharts* BWAHAHAHAHAHAAH, KEK! <|endoftext|> >WOMAN SEE ME WITH DISGUST AND FEAR GRUG WANT GF WOMAN FEAR GRUG <|endoftext|> all grug know, is that grug know nothing <|endoftext|> Grug not think Grug is smart so does that make Grug smart? Grug dont know <|endoftext|> Wojak, Pepe and their derivations like Grug have ultimately ruined 4chan. They are, for all intents and purposes, rage face comics, but even less funny or creative. No longer do people think what kind of fitting OP image they could use for their thread and just grab Pepe#102471 and post their trash threads completely devoid of content. <|endoftext|> scratch face already grug's. you leave grug and scratch face now. we mate now <|endoftext|> Grug want mate with scratch face. <|endoftext|> >Grug Varg receives clean water from an unknown sponsor >(((unknown sponsor))) <|endoftext|> Grug Varg no like these Christians and non whites grug varg smash <|endoftext|> >Grug and Brainlet Wojak interacting <|endoftext|> The death is grug ii, isn't it? <|endoftext|> Is it me or does this dude have his eyes too far up? Keep him, don't crop his name but call him Grug II. <|endoftext|> >yfw she-grug would rather make unga bunga with paleo chad's corpse than self <|endoftext|> Grug kill father. Grug big daddy now but girls still no want <|endoftext|> >t.territorial primate ooga booga grug <|endoftext|> Make Grug think.... <|endoftext|> No, female grug doesn't like men practicing raping kids. <|endoftext|> female grug don't like it when male grug get off without paying female grug a fee <|endoftext|> GRUG POST HAY MAN OF PEOPLE HE DONT LIKE ON INTERNET ALONG WITH PICTURE OF SELF <|endoftext|> GRUG HIM IS DO TO ME HE BONK HEAD DOWN TO PEEPEE...URRRFFHHFGGGSPSPSS <|endoftext|> >hurr he mad! Durr I win lole whatever helps you sleep at night grug <|endoftext|> Grug only worship grass god. Grug smoke the weedle deedle deed <|endoftext|> Grug receive rocks from pretty campfire. Rocks say rules. Grug break rocks. <|endoftext|> Grug receive instructions on how to make civilibunga from nice little grey people. They say if Grugs do good Grugs go to heavabunga <|endoftext|> Cave grug make new weapon! Club, but with nail. <|endoftext|> Thank you Grug. Your efforts will always be celebrated <|endoftext|> Onions you dumbo. Our opinions are more valued and appreciated than yours, Grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKEY UNGA GRUG WANT BUNGA WHEN ME WANT IT! STUPID UNGA NO GIVE GRUG BUNGA! GRUG DESERVE BUNGA!!! WHO FEEL GRUG FEEL? <|endoftext|> grug shiny rock buy 3 meat now grug rock only buy 1 meat AAAAAAAAAAAAA <|endoftext|> grug wrong. grugburg was there. grugburg sad. give grugburg berries now or grug is racist <|endoftext|> grug eat beans grug no want to fight and hunt now grug only want watch cave paintings now <|endoftext|> grug poo in huntergatherercuck's root store <|endoftext|> >grug see huntergatherercuck ride giant armadillo to work >grug gulp down good berry water and eat diatrimatendies >grug laugh <|endoftext|> >aays took grug's magic psychic powers away FIRE HARD TOOLS WORSE GRUG HUNGRY <|endoftext|> Shut up Chadunga, Grug not dead <|endoftext|> I swear the fucking god 4chan is altering what I post to make me talk like Grug. <|endoftext|> grug posting is the highest form of posting there is <|endoftext|> Thoug think white bean good. Grug just no understand. <|endoftext|> Grug no like strange white bean. Strange white bean make Grug friend Thog act more like Thogette and give Thog open mouth smile. <|endoftext|> grug origigigigigig <|endoftext|> >But why is the small tribe considered bad and the big tribe considered heroes when they're doing the exact same thing, just on a larger scale? Taxes, the people who control the tribes get paid, and that the wars between smaller tribes aren't profitable for big tribe with watchful eye >mfw this is grug-tier discussion about grug-tier things <|endoftext|> WWWHhhhhhAAAAAAAATsHhhhhhhh GOGOoooooooooooo OONNN IINNNNNNN F-FREEEEEED GRUG SMAAAAAAAAAAAASHHhhh <|endoftext|> jus get some bit of GREEGDEL-DEE-DEED GRUGS!!! like, grug, LMAOOOOOO!!!!! grutti gruition, grug is in HIGH-ASS CONDITION!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOO!!!!! <|endoftext|> GRANG SAY GRUG FAILED NORMO TRIBE GRANG REE GRUG REEEEEEEEEEEE <|endoftext|> GRUG YOURE SUPPOSED TO CLUB THEM FIRST DUH <|endoftext|> grug is dead <|endoftext|> >how 2 buy home >be grug >fugg egonomy i guess all people in venezuela have massive houses then? don't bullshit me. i see tons and tons of people buying nice houses at age 24 working in tech or administrative services. if there is any problem with boomers, it's that they didn't teach their kids how to actually compete in the market. <|endoftext|> WOMNA NO HAVE SEX WITH GRUG GRUG ANGRY AND HORNY GRUG WANT WOMAN GRUG HOW <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE TWYRON DELET NOW <|endoftext|> >this thread is still going >OP didnt even change the "hiro" text on the image when he slapped Trump's face and grug on there Fuck all of you and the lazy assed mods for not deleting crap like this on sight. <|endoftext|> >low EQ not even recognized in scientific fields and is just a meme that reinforces grug Chad and Stacey into believing they're important. nice bait though thanks for entertaining me. <|endoftext|> oh no, not grug. grug never lose control. <|endoftext|> >defeating grug i'll use my wits. <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> Grug love baseball, baseball is good <|endoftext|> Grug stole land from Gorillas. Grug give back stolen land <|endoftext|> >MMMM, GRUG LOVE FAT COW >HUH? ANON NO LIKE FAT COW? ANON GAY! <|endoftext|> >Am Grug >Am berrypicker >Grug give food and spice to tribe >Chadunga go hunt >Kills beast >Beast not flavour with no spice >Offer Grug spice to tribe >Everyone still love Chadunga more than Grug GUH <|endoftext|> >Am I, Grug >Exit cave to pick berry >See Grugette swimming in lake >No pelt on her boobungas >Hide in bush and watch swim >Chadunga goes over >What.fingerpainting >He picks her up and ungas her Am I cuckunga <|endoftext|> You're grug now <|endoftext|> I'd be the sad grug-bot in my neetcave while the chads run the tribal train on my one. <|endoftext|> Grug no get gragga to unga unga. Gragga all leave grug for chadunga. I think I self unga with cavepainting from eastern cave (Pic relate. Is drawgrug) <|endoftext|> grug want angel gf with big stone club! <|endoftext|> this day when sun is high in sky grug go mad in learncave bring war club smash all gruglings. many go forever sleep. big sad in tribe, many wail at skyfather chieftain NEED take war club from grug how many more grugling go forever sleep from war club? no grug need war club for hunt. only need bow. ancient chieftain say "all grug club not be taken away" but spike in club not invented then battle club make so many grug go sleep it time give them to long-nose <|endoftext|> > Longnose chieftain bow to the Bungdanugs. > can speak to animals >make big light flash from sky, show and teach grugs fire. > can hear othergrug's thoughts in Bungdanugs head > control land of all tribes with magic battle clubs > own cave and mudhuts all over every-land. > sons of megagrugs - only seen in cave painting > will say they make big cave of stone in river valley for all tribe to live in > cut down all tree in forest to make own mammoth hunting ground - only for Bungdanugs > mate with Gragas of all tribes when wish - can make son without touch. > first flying youngling will be Bungdanugs. > most smart tribesgrug in all of every-land > oldest cave painting show Bungdanugs giving flame to Grugs. Show Grugs in metal tree flying. > can make magic drink from berry that make grug see into next moon-time. > every tribe give them rock to look after. Bungdanugs say lead every-tribe to promised hunting land in land beyond night sky. <|endoftext|> maybe grug take crunch-slug me want big hungry <|endoftext|> Me like Kek too. Grug nice grug. Grug fren? Me share crunch slug with Grug. Also, like banan. Shadilug. <|endoftext|> >tfw me no have grug .carvings >tfw me find space smoke <|endoftext|> time of pale skin grug come to an end. <|endoftext|> >be me, grug >eat many bean from east of cave. me like mash in water for drink >see many cavepainting from slit-eye tribe >me like very much. >me want be like graggas in slit-eye tribe cave painting >me think, maybe me not grug? maybe me gragga. >go to cave where all tribe make cave painting >other grug leave cave painting of graggas with meat club between leg >me want be gragga even more >want big grug to ungha ungha >me smash willy with club >me put bright berry juice on eye, put pale dust on face, put red beetle juice on lip >me gragga now >who want ungha ungha with gragga? <|endoftext|> Grug not know, why I ask r9k tribe circle <|endoftext|> Special berry juice makes Grug forget about Grug life, but other Grugs mock him because of it <|endoftext|> >8 grunt rock carving by 2 suns from now Grug is really unga'd now, caveanons. <|endoftext|> GRUG memes are flooding into real life. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <|endoftext|> disgruntled grug post <|endoftext|> woah lad I couldn't have guessed wow its almost like you didn't just read that I'm a mutt holy fuck you can read my mind simply amazing I look a lot more like grug though and often get mistaken for mexican despite having no mexican blood in me <|endoftext|> grug is that you? <|endoftext|> ug grug, oomf oomf mating girl no longer make the oomf. Why Grug no of sad? <|endoftext|> heavily underrated grug post. <|endoftext|> >grug want death Yeah, don't we all? <|endoftext|> grug hate life grug bash head with rock but grug no forever sleep grug still live now grug open mouth but words are slow grug hate life grug want death <|endoftext|> Bump More grug <|endoftext|> Is your name Varg Grug? You look like him and your story resonates with his. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >decide to walk outside of home-cave to get some unga unga >see cavegirl >invite cavegirl back to restaurant-cave to eat some berries and beat my stick against her rocks >homoerectus.cavepainting >she say she too busy >ok.woodcarving >next day >see Ugg Thunderclub with cute cavegirl >beat him with club >cavegirl run away >still don't get any unga unga <|endoftext|> based grug post <|endoftext|> GRUG FIGHT WITH YOU <|endoftext|> ME GRUG. WHEN ME SEE CAVE PAINTING OF GRUGINA FLESH CIRCLES ME FLESH CLUB GET BIG AND FEEL GOOD. ME GRUGINA. WHEN ME SEE CAVE PAINTING OF GRUG FLESH CLUB ME FEEL TINGLE. <|endoftext|> >Gurg >Grug Dum dum gruglet no understand right letter go together <|endoftext|> Gurg hit female over head faster. Grug happy. <|endoftext|> Me Female make jokes on me, female say she no let Guyron in cave when I go for hunt, but now me baby is look like monkeys. Now female say stick of me is not enough big for her, female now want big night stick like us cave negbor Guyron. Now cave negbors say I becomes cack Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug no want female! Grug stay in cave and cover sex clay in man milk! <|endoftext|> Managing to not have other people feeling awkward around you, make them enjoy having you around, be able to make friends. Don't be fat, live a decently healthy lifestyle, put on normal clothes, take a shower ffs It really isn't. You're just afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone in order to improve yourself. I used to be in a similar position to you all, but I turned it around before it was entirely too late. I bet everyone here has heard my advice a million times already and you it's true, you're just in a very deep hole of nihilism. That's why you keep asking me retarded questions >grug not understand what be in shape mean You don't actually want things to get better. <|endoftext|> Remember Grug, you stuck here forever! <|endoftext|> What is Grug's favorite reddit, i wonder? <|endoftext|> But if you don't fall in line with reddit then they will not allowed you to be there grug <|endoftext|> >grug discover reddit >grug discover rick and morty >grug discover soy milk >grug has no need for 4chan anymore <|endoftext|> because you sound like a dumbass that enjoy grug threads <|endoftext|> Now you have to pay attention the next 2 weeks on how to optimize your room in order to save travel and energy. After that, you have to beautify it like grug does his cave walls. <|endoftext|> Im tired of all trap shills abd other shills. Cant we just have a normal r9k thread? Like lets roleplay as Grug or something thats always comfy <|endoftext|> you're just standing there babbling with some grug <|endoftext|> Nonody else having a good grug or some booze to drink, come , ye, it's a party <|endoftext|> Grug is kinda popular on /pol/. I like seeing Pepe and Wojak hang out. <|endoftext|> Retard wojak Redneck wojak Grug Soyboy wojak <|endoftext|> i really want grug board <|endoftext|> >there is no Wojak equivalent And what is grug? <|endoftext|> >go to the grain pile >toss barley into leather sack >qt cavegrill sees me and smiles at grug >grug notice and spill barley all over floor <|endoftext|> >tfw grug no gf <|endoftext|> >grug no read other thinks, grug post his thinks no need care others <|endoftext|> >grug good pattern recognition grug objectively smart <|endoftext|> Point at yourself and make a noise, like 'ahon'. That's your name. Now point at some food and make another noise like 'fub'. This new noise means 'food'. Then make a gesture going from the food to you, while making a different noise like 'grug'. This means 'give'. Grug Ahon fub = gib anon food pls i report u <|endoftext|> Grug poster here again. I forgot to add the most important symptom which is short term memory loss. <|endoftext|> GRUG LIEK GUUUN GRUG LIEK KABLOOM <|endoftext|> >Be grug >Grug sad >Grug find chieftain club >Very powerful club >Grug put club on head >Grug go forever sleep >Grug happy <|endoftext|> GRUG LIEK GUNNNN GRUG LIKE POW POW AND NO HEAD GRUG LIKE <|endoftext|> guy make boom boom with head very messy.. grug liek.. <|endoftext|> >Be grug >elder say need to go see shaman >show shaman beelzebufo collection >shaman say need to take berry >rocking longnose shaman trying to turn grug into berrypicker <|endoftext|> >Just be Grug-self. Not hard <|endoftext|> >Grug no like vagoo. Grug want penors! <|endoftext|> >soyboy make silly face, grug no make silly face! so why grug still get no she-grug? make no sense! world unfair! <|endoftext|> grug want grugtendo <|endoftext|> grug wish he could make warm egg <|endoftext|> >OP no do cave painting right! Not on grug's sundial! <|endoftext|> >Confedrate grug mad we no get to keep dark skin free cave workers <|endoftext|> fuck off back to /pol retarded grug <|endoftext|> me like yellow man tribe yellow man draw staciooga get unga from water worm on cave wall yellow man painting make grug sneeze from flesh spear grug no need staciooga fish hole no more <|endoftext|> >me have crotch burn too dumb grug, shamfur foresight dis would not happen had you rook at cavepainting instead of unga <|endoftext|> You ungad up real bad. Crotch burn not go away for many moon. Tell crotch burn staciooga that you have to unga more for it to go away. Free unga for grug. <|endoftext|> >be grug >be witch doctor of tribe >see staciooga >she have crotch burn >getidea.cavepainting >tell her she need unga with me to live >she don't want to, but she do anyway >me think me smart >learn next day me have crotch burn too How bad did me gunga up /r9kave/? <|endoftext|> >a week ago: I was hyped for the new WoW expac and wanted to do honor to the Grug meme. <|endoftext|> Pic is the correct answer. The very correct answer is to stick club in grug's boipucci <|endoftext|> >Grug stronk!!! Grug dont understand!!!! Grug aggressive!!!!!!!!!1111 <|endoftext|> >eats calorie dense cookies and bagels >y so many cals it no fair how grug suppose to survive when moon time eat come? >it not like grug just ate 1,000 calories over grugs maintenance. So grug literally cant starve >maybe if grug, eat less calorie dense food and more spaced out grug wont get so hungry >heh no dat stupid silly grug <|endoftext|> > seek 9kave for feel scratchings and frog paintings > remember cave paintings of grug and chadunga, remember the numbers > all grug posts covered up by other tribe paintings > realize that gronk not care about other tribe me want cave only grug paintings <|endoftext|> no want lift rock. sometime big night skin grug in rock lift area. scare me. i only small day skin grug. <|endoftext|> Do not worry grugcel, me know Chadunga give good idea. I also give good idea: > lift big rock in rock lifting area with Chadunga or get own rock and lift wherever > have other grug hit hair with sharp rock, so it look very bunga > be brave, but do not seem like you will hit roastunga with bat > have her drink berry juice or go watch big dogs fight together > take her back to cave, or borrow Chadungas cave and just before she go away > WHAM you hit with club out of dark cave > mate Chadunga never said this would work the first time around grugg, you must try again and again, like hitting big animal with rock <|endoftext|> think of not fully big grug lives. they grugs matter more than already big grugs. no allow many bonk clubs. already many bonk attack in cave of learning <|endoftext|> Grug want femgrug who stay in cave with grugling. But now femgrugs all want to swing club and go to tribe meeting. Where Grug go to find good femgrug? <|endoftext|> Boob-Grug always have stay in cave. That what boob-Grug want and where boob-Grug do best. Boob-Grug not strong enough to swing club. <|endoftext|> Grug notice how stick-Grug always make boob-Grug cook hunt meat and never go on hunt. What make stick-Grug so special? <|endoftext|> Based Guraga! Honorary Grug is the greatest allie. <|endoftext|> catboobgrug make Grug feel like Grug has big club Grug no need roastungas <|endoftext|> Do not worry about boob grug the interests of boob grug is fickle like sky fire instead I create cave painting likeness of boob grug I make boobgrug even better, I make her with predator hear-parts: <|endoftext|> > normal > grug those thing go against each other. wish word exist for that but no know it <|endoftext|> Grug think Chadunga witch doctor. Six bad number and he get 6 of them. <|endoftext|> now grug know what bee yourself mean <|endoftext|> IT NO WORK, GRUG NO STRONG LIKE CHADUNGA, GRUG HATE STRONG CHADUNGA! <|endoftext|> Me also have more grug cavepaintings if you low on grugs. <|endoftext|> Me not sure. They always sleepy when chadunga use club. How big grug club? May need bigger club to make cave-gril sleepy. <|endoftext|> Grug no like Chadunga Chadunga take boob Grug no boob Grug for Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG ALL 6 NUMBERS GRUG CHECK THE NUMBERS <|endoftext|> >I am not buff like Chad Lift heavy thing you dyel >My dick is only 6 inches >only Stop watching Jew porn >Learn to cope >Just b urself Worse than normies >Link too long and full of big wordies >Grug don't understand big wordies make them small and easy to understand Brainlet <|endoftext|> >grug say how there be global warming when grug cold? Fire spirit taking earth. For fire spirit. Hot is warm. warm is cold. You like fire spirit. Me think fire spirit in you. <|endoftext|> grug find four clover. now no rockmen want to be with grug. grug sad. <|endoftext|> >grug kill self at 30 year old so why other grug care about future I smash future <|endoftext|> four younglings die in stick massabunga... grug must give stick <|endoftext|> grug say how there be global warming when grug cold? <|endoftext|> they tell Grug, "You need to breed!" But Grug only want to be freed. <|endoftext|> I love this new evolution Wojak is going through Brainlet Wojak, soyjak, grug/krug are all hilarious <|endoftext|> Clean cave and Grug can touch boobie <|endoftext|> <|endoftext|> When Grug see cavemen with boobies, Grug ANGRY Grug want touch boobies too but cavemen with boobies only talk to leader Grugs <|endoftext|> grug like muscle cave girl stacy cromagnon have arms and leg like tree branch <|endoftext|> Looks like his name should be Grug lmao Netflix is making a Witcher series, supposedly based more off the books than the games. A woman is the head writer so prepare for Geralt to submit or made to look like a fool to every female character. <|endoftext|> >grug biggest and strongest in tribe. Grug have shiny rock on head. Only grug get to sleep with women 100k years of social evolution and still this <|endoftext|> Grug want stalk in Rocknoybl It looks comfy Who join? <|endoftext|> jump from cliff, me hear you taken to place of paintings. is better than live in cave whole life. do not trust their words, brother grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NO LIKE WOMAN GRUG ONLY LIKE CAVE PAINTING <|endoftext|> Grug Mom sound like wolf whore, same as all cavewomen. <|endoftext|> >grug always fap to cave painting >grug mom say no fap to cave painting you need real girl >grug REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <|endoftext|> Is that a grug for ants? <|endoftext|> Trap tribe no gay, grug not gay for liking trap tribe <|endoftext|> Grug find small beans eat a lot of small beans and grug is more like graga with fat bags on nipple. Slant eye tribe make new club for ten berry. Ten berry is a lot but grug buy club anyway because it is ninbrento <|endoftext|> Grug no get oogoo from female Grug mad only alpha man get oogoo Grug go throw spear in learning cave <|endoftext|> Grug painting mock everyone. Grug painting equal-opportunity. <|endoftext|> Grug just try make cave better place <|endoftext|> GRUG MAKE DARK SKIN TRIBE GO AWAY, GRUG MAKE HUNTER GATHERER JOBS, GRUG MAKE CAVE GREAT AGAIN <|endoftext|> You no understand me! Grab grug and force meat down grug's throat! Then grug is your grug! If you no do alone you no deserve grugfriend. <|endoftext|> can't do it alone. need grug uprising <|endoftext|> Why you not take grugfriend you want by force? Great Light in Sky made grog stronger than grug for this reason. <|endoftext|> where is grug's tribe issued grugfriend? <|endoftext|> >Grug make thought on how run cave >Grug protect gainst Hooknose tribe >Grug Make lake so only grug tribe use >Grug kick out Mudd people >Grug throw out female who make to much bunga <|endoftext|> Gurg is me ur friend ugg,why not go for cutie muggi,he man but very cute,cmon grug ull be happy with muggi <|endoftext|> grug clean cave! <|endoftext|> Me want kill fings Me bash animal in head Bash animal make grug happy <|endoftext|> gruglings bully grug grug angry grug bring bow and arrow to berry picking class grug shoot gruglings and shoot self <|endoftext|> Grug dunt need school grug go school of the streets <|endoftext|> gruglings bully grug grug angry grug bring bow and arrow to hunting class grug shoot gruglings and shoot self <|endoftext|> Grug smart grug learn everything from /pol/ no need 2 be uni poofta <|endoftext|> >be me 9000 bc >berrie picker as fuck >boneshaman is oneitis >she only like hunter >feel bonga man >offer best berries to boneshaman >she laugh say chud already offer mamoth tusk, she say my bone small anyway >go cry in R9Kave looking at wall painting >see grug paint >me paint this >feel bonga man <|endoftext|> >grug give cacao bean to gruggina >gruggina say no >grug sad >grug now rub pee pee to cave painting <|endoftext|> >grug like lion >grug make idol of panther <|endoftext|> grug feel strange feeling towards lions grug want to dress up as lion and snu snu other lion men <|endoftext|> Grug like female who eat much mammoth meat, grug is chaser of fat, me no like grug or him waifu. Me like small woman, not hunt so much to feed small woman. Grug waifu a shit. Grug one of tar skin tribe for like mammoth woman. <|endoftext|> Woman tell Grug woman idol is misogynist Woman tell Grug woman idol not realistic Grug angry now <|endoftext|> Grug hate Chad Thunderclub! <|endoftext|> grug woman not good grug woman too thicc krog woman better get up to krog level <|endoftext|> Grug lonely, No woman for Grug, Grug make woman idol, Grug happy now <|endoftext|> Sky make water grug cannot get sosij roll <|endoftext|> Even the non- normies that got to the new plants and stones/tools were those that got it started. From fossil records most flintstone users were literally like fred and barney, robo/socially off in some way. >We really need to channel the inner grug/fred and barney MOAR. <|endoftext|> > why are they such cowards? Because of their slim childish bodies. They are just full grown children really. Both in weak physique and mentally. If it were like caveman days, Grug put fear in all shegrugs hearts <|endoftext|> This make it like last nights grug thread, yet with feudalism in jokes. <|endoftext|> GRUG ANGRY GRUG @ <|endoftext|> Grugshallah, cave-brother. grug weak. grug soft like summer berry. grugmed take what his. ungha all grug-wife. grug not think good! grug go forever sleep! <|endoftext|> Grug no want gruga grug want grug grug is better gruga than you <|endoftext|> me not grug me graga sit in cave very sad smash grug willy cave berry on face me pretty grugs want ungha with graga? Orgiginslsisnam <|endoftext|> based grug grugald grump is friend of longnose tribe, grugapedes now friends with longnose ally too <|endoftext|> grug no like big shaman no more shaman grug talk with skyfather now only scribble <|endoftext|> grug wrong, flying animal no fly, still kill many fellow shitcrunts in war <|endoftext|> big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather shaman has big hat so grug believe bow to big shaman or grug smash! <|endoftext|> AWOOOOOOOOOO~ grug sees club in grug's pants oh is not club is grugs ungha-ungha club grug is half man half orange fox only grug is half man half orange fox do not take grug idea one day grug dream to ungha-ungha with sky fox god <|endoftext|> grug spend many time in tree grug get many tree nuts. when grug get, one tree nut worth six hide and two meat! now tree nut worth one meat! Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggh!!!!! <|endoftext|> Grugshallah, cave-brother. grug weak. grug soft like summer berry. grugmed take what his. ungha all grug-wife. grug not think good! <|endoftext|> grugmed earn anglo cave grug let grugmed show grugs better life grug let grugmed take wife <|endoftext|> Anglo tribe steal all tayto! O'Grugs get big hunger! O'Grug get small like twig O'Grug go forever sleep! Anglo tribe give tayto and cave back! <|endoftext|> >inb4 this becomes a new meme >inb4 this meme gets called "Grug" If there is a screencap, include me in it. <|endoftext|> GRRRR GRUG HATE GRUG DRAWER <|endoftext|> bet Grug use bow not good. bow ruin Grug. only club is best way. <|endoftext|> grug must not speak must think. maybe grug more than grug? maybe sky not make grug? maybe grug use all clubs together? even rock get old but cave painting live till end of grug. <|endoftext|> me grug make self better make self stronger grug is tomorrow-grug. <|endoftext|> Grug no like flappy hoo-hoo, it look like dried mammoth strips Grug only like smooth baby hoo-hoo, look like peach, yummy <|endoftext|> grug not long left forever sleep soon <|endoftext|> help grug grug get headfish grug not feel good <|endoftext|> mama graga say not speak to big grug yoo grugling stealer no want berries from big grug! <|endoftext|> woman no good grug join grug-only cave. grug get lot ungha-ungha <|endoftext|> club just stick tree no hurt people people hurt people grug just bad man Vurgo saw woman hunt today very bad what if hurt woman distract man when hunt mammoth everybody get hurt <|endoftext|> grug bring club to cave grug go mad smash everyone why need club? time throw club in river. <|endoftext|> Grug wish past-day come back Grug happy then no need cave live in hole new Grugs have easy. <|endoftext|> bitch grug wat do? hed hurt.... me no think good <|endoftext|> grug me no like big flying animal me have fight with big flying animal and lose <|endoftext|> big tribe war 2 worst time all good grug die only weak grug left. <|endoftext|> no grug need battle club so many grug go forever-sleep give battle club to long-nose tribe then cave safe. <|endoftext|> > Longnose chieftain bow to the Bungdanugs. > can speak to animals > can hear othergrug's thoughts in Bungdanugs head > control land of all tribes with magic battle clubs > own cave and mudhuts all over every-land. > sons of megagrugs - only seen in cave painting > will say they make big cave of stone in river valley for all tribe to live in > cut down all tree in forest to make own mammoth hunting ground - only for Bungdanugs > mate with Gragas of all tribes when wish - can make son without touch. > first flying youngling will be Bungdanugs. > most smart tribesgrug in all of every-land > oldest cave painting show Bungdanugs giving flame to Grugs. Show Grugs in metal tree flying. > can make magic drink from berry that make grug see into next moon-time. > every tribe give them rock to look after. Bungdanugs say lead every-tribe to promised hunting land. <|endoftext|> me not grug me graga sit in cave very sad smash grug willy cave berry on face me pretty grugs want ungha with graga? <|endoftext|> stop mocking Grug. Me no Grug no more. Me Graga. How Graga feels inside. Me smash willy with club leave tribe go join rainbowgrugs. toodles! <|endoftext|> Grug-shallah! Grughammed make cave painting. Grughammed tell all tribes how to live. Why you no follow Grughammed's cave painting? You follow or me ride war mammoth into huts <|endoftext|> hard to breathe. hard for Grug to move. <|endoftext|> LADS WHAT IS FAVOURITE PART OF FOOTY BALL GRUG LIKES WHEN MAN KICK BALL <|endoftext|> >grug material possession determine grug happiness me buy 800 dollars worth of shoes now ung <|endoftext|> >soyboy grug Wonderful. <|endoftext|> grug should beat chug's skull in and use geerl as breeding stock <|endoftext|> Grug mad he no hav cut geerl Geerl onle go fur Chug Wut do? <|endoftext|> Grug hate dark man! Dark man come for grug's white ladies! Grug vote for orange man to build wall around cave! <|endoftext|> >grug was smart enough to invent a nail or get away with destroying someone's nailed together thing Impressive grug is impressive. <|endoftext|> Greegug here. Fuck you Grug your BASE IS BELONG TO US <|endoftext|> Chaud here. Be self Grug. Be confident Grug. There is woman for all men. Back to /pol/ cave red berry circlejerk. <|endoftext|> Grug no have sex with woman Grug sad Grug don't understand Grug think woman stupid Grug hate woman! <|endoftext|> GRUG, NO! <|endoftext|> grug calm down... grug. GRUG STOP GRUG NOOOOOO LUGDSLFQYGCKLIYRGFVQ13KICUW4VY7FKLYCitGUWGEDOAIWURPBTIOWGVY3EFSOVFIYKU5TCEIYV7F4G6YTIKCV7 GRUG WHY RCUHQR'[VUOHEO;RUVH <|endoftext|> Whoa, take it outside, Grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG ANGRY GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> She tried to rob and killed a grug dealer. That's gangster as fuck <|endoftext|> >be in cave >play with rock and send smoke signal to Grug friend on other side of valley to talk about rock >need to pee so Grug go in mammoth skin water-pouch >Grug realise he very hungry, but he forget it is dark time now >try sneak out side to get buffalo rib for snack >girls in tribe sit outside food tent giggling >all look at Grug and pretty girl with strong leg grunts "Look who come out him cave!" >all laugh at Grug >Grug say he need to hunt late night so he can go into bush and cry. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >all time spent hunting for chief's tribute leaves no time to find mate >can only please self to wallpaintings <|endoftext|> >Grug no get mate >almost 15 winters ago Grug born,getting too old for live in mum cave >walk to East Land to find pigmy island and get mate there. Me pray to Bear Spirit that me find qt waifu <|endoftext|> >be in cave >play with rock and send smoke signal to Grug friend on other side of valley to talk about rock >need to pee so Grug go in mammoth skin water-pouch >Grug realise he very hungry, but he forget it is dark times now >try to sneak out side to get buffalo rib for snack >all girl in tribe sit outside food tent giggling >all look at Grug and pretty girl with strong leg say "Look who come out his cave!" >all laugh at Grug >Grug say he need to hunt late night so he can go into bush and cry. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >see girl pick berry >hit with rock and bring her to Grug cave >show her Grug goddess statue collection from far east land >say to mate >"No" girl laugh at Grug, say Grug too short and smell of Slothbear >say she mate with tall Aryan horseman name Alekaneros, but she like Grug as friend <|endoftext|> >no grug gf <|endoftext|> FUCKING GRUG I love this guy. <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> Unfortunately I have to go now, I'll leave you with a very happy grug, bye guys I'm looking forward to the next grug thread <|endoftext|> >grug gets lost NOOOOOOOOOO LETS SPLIT UP TO FIND HIM <|endoftext|> Grug is a real hero <|endoftext|> >grug thread No problem famalam commencing dump <|endoftext|> Can we have a grug thread please? I just got high as balls and need to talk to somebody <|endoftext|> You need to shit post about Grug more. He is fucking top shelf. <|endoftext|> >>/toy/ >"Hey, momma ugh, I want a toy." >"Here's a fat chick, now fuck off." Looks like we've played fatties since before overwatch. >As a joke though. What even would be a joke? >"Hey Grug, let's make a fat chick stature that would be funny." <|endoftext|> Hit me up anyway. We can shoot the shit or whatever. Sounds like some serious Grug™ envy you've got going there friend. <|endoftext|> I exclusively read Grug™ Thought it was a bit too high brow for other robots. <|endoftext|> >1910 music started I can't tell if you're trolling or just can't grasp linearl timelines. Music was invented when Oog the Neanderthal realised hitting a rock with a stick made nice sounds. He invited Ogg, Mitch, Grug and Chag Skysoundcok to hit rocks with sticks in unison and grunt rhythmicly. Thus the first rock band was formed.Chag went on to invent groupies. <|endoftext|> Not just that, but frankly witht he things that a high-level character can do you don't actually need high charisma to be successful at this. People are going to want to team up with you or follow you purely based on your strength and your feats. Charisma just greases the wheels, there. Grug the Barbarian might be a mute sociopath with a face like god forgot to finish sculpting him and left him outside in a storm, but he's the best fucking dragonslayer the world has seen in 500 years. he's a celebrity hero and everyone knows it, except maybe Grug. <|endoftext|> All of my examples were talking about real life to illustrate a point. Of course you can have a fictional genius scientist still single handedly making break throughs in a sci fi setting. In fact, that's pretty common. The point is that the same reason that sort of thing doesn't happen anymore in real life is also what makes taking advantage of cool sci-fi stuff like mechs, cybernetics, and space travel that isn't just reflavored boats/automobiles difficult without involving decently large organizations. And two out of the three you completely changed to argue something different. I didn't say anything about fighting battles with anything less than small armies. That's never been a thing since the written word unless you count stuff like fighting off bandits. And not only did I not say piracy doesn't happen, I specifically mentioned modern pirates. When you feel like you have to twist words like this, it's not a great endorsement of whatever point you're arguing. Also, despite calling me uncle ted and saying I'm pessimistic about modernity, you didn't really put anything forward to refute the observation that a relative increase in technological complexity necessitates a greater degree of cooperation and interdependence between more people with greater resources in order for it to function. That's not even a modern thing. A standard fantasy adventurer's sword requires a swordsmith, people to mine and smelt the iron, people to cut the trees and make the charcoal, and people to get all the materials where they need to go. Meanwhile Grug the cavemen can make his own sharp stick. Just as the sci-fi setting lends itself to player characters having access to the resources of organization like governments or corporations, the fantasy setting lends itself to player characters having access to societies of settled peoples. This is just significantly less of a narrative limitation than the sci-fi one. <|endoftext|> >DUDE HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY ARM, TRAIN, AND FEED A WHOLE THOUSAND PEOPLE? THAT'S LITERALLY NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE, NOBODY COULD EVER HAVE A WHOLE TEN HUNDRED SOLDIERS >grug, circa 1,000 BC, scrawled on a cave wall lol <|endoftext|> >What in the flying blue fuck are you trying to say? Are you a retard or something, let me translate for you: >grug see other tribe excite for new shelter and sabertooth game edition >but grug no care, grug have old shelter and sabertooth game >grug wonder if this means grug become like wise old grug gyhax <|endoftext|> There's absolutely nothing bottom tier about any of those? Phobos and Warocoven for example have won plenty of events, their win rate is just tanked for a few reasons. Phobos >loyalist marines always attract plebs and before this new intercessor team lots of those primaris players were playing them >its one of the worst teams for plebs as they require excellent understanding of the game to properly benefit from swapping into conceal, using track target and mines, and utilizing smoke grenades >the team just doesnt work if all they can think of is bolter drill grug mode Warpcoven >lots of TS autists who refuse to use Tzaangors for whatever reason. Full rubrics sucks ass. >90% of players are using the warpflame discipline which is a massive mistake. 2x tempyric 1x destiny is the way to go >a ton of moving parts to consider, huge cognitive load <|endoftext|> >aught It’s ought >grug It’s grog Good thing you post your first draft on 4chan before you post it on leddit <|endoftext|> Hey laddos, I’ve been teaching a guy to play 6th Ed fantasy and he keeps going on about warcry, so I figured I aught to humour him with a game. I’m no stranger to gw skirmish games but sit firmly in the grug territory when it comes to aos. I was planning on using some of my zombie pirates of the vampire coast fluffed using generic undead. I’m not looking for a meta list but will this work? Plans: 2 packs, 1 around each hero. Heroes Vampire lord Wight king, foot Henchmen 4x zombies (unarmed pirates) 1x kosargi. (Undead ogre,40mm square) 1xskel champ with mace(25mm zombie) 2x skel warrior with sword.(armed zombies) 1x skel with spear (20mm) 1x fel bat.(40mm) Naturally all my shit is square, here’s my fel bat. <|endoftext|> >player makes someone with 18 intelligence but plays them like a mongoloid I've never seen this guy play someone who's actually smart or wise. He's certainly made wizards, druids and clerics, but they're all functionally retarded. Doesn't matter the stats, they're an idiot, who do idiotic things I'll throw in a few people have already posted >piss breaks every 15 minutes, usually while I'm trying to set the scene >constant drinking (obviously you don't have to play sober, but unless we're all smashed maybe you should try and stay conscious) >deliberately committing suicide for the vaguest of reasons just to reroll a new character Seriously, one of my players caught a dangerous disease, so they just immediately committed suicide to be able to play the fucking dumbest 20 int bladesinger I've ever seen. God, fucking this. I'm part of a round robin DM group, and it has never been worth doing out of the box stuff except for fucking once, the one time we don't, having been conditioned that grug smash is far more effective than anything we can come up with <|endoftext|> The first time something like PTSD really popped up in the literature in the modern sense was WW1, in the form of "shell shock" (which was expanded upon as literature and military conflicts evolved). There was this report by a (German?) soldier I remember who explained being in the trenches to being tied to a post, blindfolded, with a man with a massive mallet swinging around and never knowing if or where he's going to it. You feel or hear the mallet striking every time and never know when you're next. This makes me wonder, is a lot of the psychological trauma we see related to combat today a consequence of war becoming unpredictable? Even modern military conflicts of first world powers vs towelhead militia's with outdated weaponry consists of just shooting over a barricade and hoping you hit something. I remember reading a newspaper article a few years ago about some kebab from Western Europe who volunteered to go fight in Libya. After he came back his children asked him if he killed someone, and he genuinely doesn't know if he did. Meanwhile compare something like the way Romans waged war: you walk up to someone and you stab him until he stops moving, then you raise your shield to stop the next guy from stabbing you until you stop moving. It's debatably more brutal, but it's comprehensible: you understand what's going on, you understand why the guy on your left just dropped dead. It "makes sense", it's something that's comprehensible to the human mind and to an extent it's what we evolved to do. Is "battle fatigue" simply the consequence of moving from human warfare to inhuman warfare? From smacking Grug over the head with the thighbone of an ox to a single push of a button decimating an entire city? There's no way someone hasn't already written some paper exploring this. <|endoftext|> *to rant on this a little bit, Dungeon crawlers are what we call a top-down design. A top-down design is when we take a particular theme or subject (for example building railroads) and start cutting away or otherwise obscuring the parts that aren't interesting. We call this process "abstracting" and the initial goal is to reduce your subject to a series of simple, interesting decisions for the players to make. This works best when your theme or subject is extremely complex, because that will leave you with more freedom in the design space; you get to pick and choose which interesting bits to include and which to leave on the cutting-room floor. Dungeon crawlers are by their very nature simple; grug kill monster, grug open lootbox. This is not a suitable subject for top-down design. Bottom-up design goes the other way around. You design interesting decisions to made by the players and then tack on the theme. Unfortunately dungeon crawlers are not suitable subjects for this either, because the ceiling of the design space is so low; Grug kill monster, grug open lootbox just doesn't leave you much room to grow your design into. <|endoftext|> Aren't any. The entire genre is conceptually bankrupt. The core loop of grug kill monster, grug open lootbox isn't actually complex enough to turn in to a decent board game, so designers are forced to add as much bloat as people are willing to pay for. The end result is always the same; a shitty game with a lot of bloat tacked on. Nothing can or will ever change this. <|endoftext|> GRUG NEED CAVEMAN ART! <|endoftext|> oof, gonna pass. Only asked because if you couldn't tell that grug the steel worker was less than sincere then best not push it further. <|endoftext|> Wizards are too busy summoning fey/demonic waifus to build or maintain any cult infrastructure. Where's the labourers? Where's grug the steel worker? Or Ishmar the farmer? <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug see big woman >see this as a sign of wealth and health >she will be able to sire many kids even during famines >this makes grug happy <|endoftext|> highly masculine features (eg body hair, huge upper body, grug face) are discouraged, even moreso in sexual or romantic contexts. It's considered intimidating to the following target audiences: gender diverse and nonconforming children to young teens (age <16) ethnic minority males (if the hot guy is white) resources for designers also reference 'female rpg enthusiasts' as a euphemism for hamplanet spergs with XX chromosomes, who prefer lissom prettyboy tieflings as fantasy sexual objects (supposedly) >source? I worked for a company that isn't hasbro in game design. I know some people who worked at wotc <|endoftext|> >Beast waifu >Scientist cavewoman >Grug <|endoftext|> that's assuming two thing which i think you shouldn't assume: one is that regression that severe is even possible when even grug on a desert island can scavenge plastic and metal scrap to build his shit with, the second and more severe is that you even need to travel the exact same path to become technologically advanced as if it was a strict railway or something <|endoftext|> You've got the causation all backwards. The old white men in the board rooms aren't pushing the gay agenda, they're just profiting from it. They could see which way the wind was blowing and tailored their product to the future market. You're just angry that they were so prescient while you are a grug. <|endoftext|> >Grug like hitting bad tribe with rock. >Grug send big rock to hit sphere-cave of bad tribe. >But big rock need big push to change course, like big canoe need many oar. >how big does push need to be if Grug not know where exactly bad guy sphere-cave is? Or how many sphere-caves are in bad guy star system? >Grug can not know ahead of time, too chaotic to predict so far in advance. Like sending canoe into rushing rapids. <|endoftext|> >Fighters. Frontliner you can't fuck up. Struggle to be interesting unless you're actually a great player and make a great character. Expect however to be sidelined by casters because they have mental stats for social stuff, until you're needed again, because no one cares if the fighter wants to try and do social stuff because hurr durr low number brainrot. >Barbarian. Make your fighter about 32% more fighty, at the expense of being useful or practical. If you play a barbarian you show you don't care about any other character arc other then your ebic Grug main character who's smart when the plot needs him to be, but simple any other time. This is your Fighter if you only care about fighting. Logically it shouldn't even exist, and if you go to any other system it's either under the Fighter or Monk analogue, as either "Feral fighter" or "burly monk". Thank you Arnie. >Paladin. If you're a good player who can make an actually interesting or compelling fighter, you should be playing Paladin, as they're basically what you get when you make that awesome Knight character that's a warrior-philosopher and a natural born leader. Except they're also a Jedi, and can cast some serious magic by basically being more Chad then the average person with their convictions, oaths, and will (as opposed to a Cleric, who practices a religion and gained their powers through merits, or a Sorcerer who was just born with them because their chad knight grandaddy fucked a dragon). Measurably better then Fighters overall, though losing in basic stats, if you want to play an actually cool Fighter, and be recognized for it, play a Paladin. Or don't, because if you play a Paladin some players get insecure about their virgin characters, and some DM's take pride in fucking the Paladin over. <|endoftext|> Oh, and on the question of factions: The way it works is that factions have a character sheet, each with their own size. Now, my thing revolves almost exclusively around late neolithic to very early bronze age, so the primary requirement is to feed your faction. The faction has its own stats and its own rolls. The stats are determined by the institutions you make in it. If you're dealing with a small faction, 10-500 people or fewer, you can substitute your own rolls and do the work personally. If you're in a bigger faction, that just doesn't work anymore. It's actually pretty simple: Grug Village(Size 2[60-100 people]) Physical Agency 3[Might 1, Vitality 2, Logistics 0], Mental Agency 2[Reason 0, Discipline 0, Cunning 2] ; Might: Hunter Lodge S1; Vitality: Smokehouse S1, Ritual of Plenty S1; Logistics: N/A Reason: N/A Discipline: N/A Cunning: Totem S1, Crafting Huts S1; So, you've got a small village, with no real pack animals or mechanical innovations to help move stuff, who have a special building for hunters to spend time, practice traditions and pass on knowledge. They also have a smokehouse to preserve game and a magic ritual to increase their chances at finding food. No education or reason based teaching, no military training, but a totem for religious practice and special amenities to help craft tools. You can pretty much just bump the numbers up by 2 or 3 and you've got Grug Tribe [Size 4(6+ clans of about 1000 people)] What changes here is that you're no longer issuing commands to the workers yourself, you've got to delegate regions of a smaller size to people you trust, who delegate themselves up to the village level. Thus, you're not really in control of much beyond your own city and even that to the extent you can personally take the time to do anything. This means you're really mostly trying to maintain the loyalty of your chief subjects, while making sure they're prosperous but not enough they can overwhelm their rivals or you. <|endoftext|> Don't push your additional chromosomes on me, tard rage. Look things objektively and not "GRUH GRUG THUNK ARENA FUN AND BIG WORDS BETTER WHEN NO TEXT ME LIKE PICTURES" and you'll get your point across better. <|endoftext|> >tq I dunno its hard to judge how I feel about skaven. The book tells you to run censer bearers, rat ogres, and eshin units with the worst models in the game. Its got super powerful magic with a tiny wonky ass spell lore hardly anyone can actually take spells from. I want to play Stormvermin but they're 35 points overcosted. Hell Pit Abom are super cool but they did nothing to make them not shit. The allegiance abilities are actually sort of not good really outside of Skryre but then like Skryre warscrolls are just stat'd and pointed around them anyway so its kind of like nothing. In other ways the book is quite good but its like grug brain type of good. Like purple sun and bell or thanquol and throw 16 rat ogres at people or 6 stormvermin. Or just run 6 priest and throw a million 3d printed censer bearers at people. Which sort of gets into the one of the shortcomings, like its designed to focus on mono or maybe dual clans but Verminus and Moulder are getting basically nothing from their great clan allegiance. <|endoftext|> >bad GM Fun come first. Fun make good GM. Grug like fun. <|endoftext|> This is so completely grug I can't even be bothered to write an actual post <|endoftext|> Universal always on is a hell of a lot better than aura from the general. Built in blanket buffs are boring anyway, and are crutch for grug brains. If you want marks then add a depravity point/contagion point mechanic, give the marks CA like abilities for each one then spend the resource to use them on a unit if they have that mark. <|endoftext|> I said usually. And dont act like thats some sort of superhero tier act that brings you out of it. Thats a slight exageration of human possibility. not hurling bolder and flipping barns. Hell, in the hour of the dragon, it was a big deal that conan took down a gorrila with a knife, saying that if he missed, he world die in an instant. thats the kind of level that conan usually operates at. Grug navy seal near human peak sort of thing. <|endoftext|> I've been playing for a decade now and I still favor simple shit. I'm playing a caster for the first time and it has been the most hellish experience I've ever had. >Get one good fight where I pop off with my spells >The next one is immediately pure cuckholdry as nothing I have prepared works and I go right back to grug smashing but with INT gauntlets Fuck casters, fuck them and especially fuck wizards, I want to go back to playing my monk/fighter, at least she was fun to play and I could attack like 8 times per turn. <|endoftext|> It says right there to go fuck yourself grug. <|endoftext|> It's actually a whole lot simpler than all the answers you've been given so far. FUNDAMENTAL RULE OF HUMAN NATURE #53: Bizarre prog neuroticism is URBAN. Grug conservative primitivism is RURAL. The suburbs are the only place the landscape really changes based upon wider cultural sympathies. This is true in the deep south. It is true in Japan. It is true in Egypt and the Congo. It was true between the first cities and the reed hut villages of ancient Sumer. When mankind has colonized every rock that orbits Sol, it will hold true the worlds over. You have been informed. <|endoftext|> >>muh space marines are supposed to be emotionless killing machines that are barely human My point is its less this, and It's more the difference in beliefs, values and fears that arises between a 80 IQ Grug and a 200 IQ mentally-enhanced physicist. They are so much wiser and better than normal humans that they basically become completely detached from the rest of it. <|endoftext|> For me it’s players who don’t really want to think about anything - just grug smash. Had a player who would never consider tactics or strategy, and was ONLY there to throw dice and describe how he filleted mans. We had multiple sessions which ran to hours of roleplay before the hint of a fight and he would spend every minute just quietly stewing and being passive aggressive until he could force a combat. It was fucking miserable business DMing for him, because while he wasn’t doing anything egregiously bad like a high level ‘that guy’ he just became a fucking millstone around my neck every game. He was only there because his gf is one of my best friends (and best role players) and I didn’t want to leave him out. Never again. <|endoftext|> I tend to run them as pretty varied. Less witha dichotomy between good and evil and more with one between uncivilized and civilized. Goblins have weird environmental adaptation going on and are highly mutagenic, so a goblin having all its needs met and surrounded by other civilized people is going to net you your typical 'attractive' goblin. But because poverty andd eprivation can cause them to rapidly become feral as their bodies shift energy from things like thought and social intelligence to brute survival, they can be absolute bastards to avoid this at any cost. Hence the reputation as bankers and thieves. Tribal goblins tend to be dumber but run the full gamut based on their place within the tribe, but none fall totally into full grug mode, typically. Feral goblins in a state of nature are little better than animals. Even other goblins view them with disgust and react violently to them. Hobgoblins, in this take, are more human-proportioned goblins whose forebears have remained civilized long enough for their mutagenic nature to largely stabilize. Though this just shifts the transition rate between civilized and feral expressions to a generational timescale instead of a matter of years. <|endoftext|> Grug: The Post™ <|endoftext|> >Or any book, really. Based grug <|endoftext|> Grug say pronoun not important. Grug not use pronoun ever. Pronoun cringe. <|endoftext|> I'm glad that the first thing that happened when this got posted was a bunch of grug anons to band together and patrol a thot goddess. <|endoftext|> It's less casters and more your stereotypical mudcore poster. Being utterly uninformed about anything more deeper in western fantasy than the lord of the rings movies, they see any martial techniques more complicated than smashing a sword into fullplate as the domain of anime power-scaling a-la Naruto or Bleach and is to be treated as weeb cultural subversion. Ironically, there's more of a claim that anime stole from the Book of Nine Swords than the reverse - if you've ever watched an isekai or fantasy show with "warrior's magic" "martial techniques" etc you're probably familiar with the concept already. The other major complaint was that it replaced regular martials. Anyone who makes this argument is to be written off as a retard. Of course it replaces fighters and so on, that's the point, because 3.5's pure martials were dogshit and anyone grug brained enough to insist on playing them in an initiator game deserves their mechanical irrelevancy. <|endoftext|> >not trying to be argumentative but when has he done this? genuinely asking. He barely does it. Carlsen just naturally has a grug face. It's probably some nepofag trying to justify why we should all be punished with another nepo vs carlsen shitfest <|endoftext|> Makes sense. Though unleashing a trapped C'tan is just as grug sci-fi as blowing up the power core. Not to say it's not cool still. <|endoftext|> The World Engine story involved a massive Imperial force that basically got their asses handed to them by a moon-sized installation until the Astral Knights managed to make planetfall and overload the core the grug way, Halo style. It's a bit of a sobering point to think that a vast, vast majority of 40k authors don't care about the intricacies of logistics or strategy and want to make micro sci-fi stories in homage to the things that inspired them like Homeworld and Marathon, makes a lot of the radical inconsistencies with how things would logically go make much more sense. <|endoftext|> Grug get fucked in the ass by save or lose that also hit AC. <|endoftext|> Grug think HP better than AC. You no get hit a lot, but at least Grug know he get hit every time, which create consistent and reliable information Grug plan around. You get hit two unlucky attack and you die. But Grug know how many hit he can take every time. In a way Grug smarter than you, Grug think. <|endoftext|> If you so strong why can Grug crush you to death? If you're put in a room with an angry gorilla your gay ass endurance won't save you <|endoftext|> Read the book you fucking grug <|endoftext|> The Book of Boba was another massive wasted opportunity. All I wanted was for Boba to do something, anything remotely impressive. Maybe smoke an Order 66 survivor or a few Inquisitors. Instead he just grug smashed some stormjobbers with a literal stick. They had Jango shoot a council member, had Cad Bane btfo multiple main character jedi with his big brain plans and batman gadgets, and gave the cool old west bounty hunter vibes to Djin. Boba yet again "inspires" these characters, but has nothing. Being a Boba fan is truly the highest degree of suffering. <|endoftext|> grug want kisskiss wolf <|endoftext|> you find many bad bad wolf want eat grug tribe throw fight rocks <|endoftext|> >Share cool stories about elves being elves Some retard made an elf barbarian and played it like basically a grug, a glorified caveman. Nobody understood why he was doing this cringe schtick until we met other elves and he was suddenly eloquent with them. It turned out that he was acting like this because this was his image of spoon ears. The whole character was made for this one joke. <|endoftext|> #2 looks ok and the tranny on the right might be fun but miss me with ghostface and grug <|endoftext|> Have reading comprehension. My complaint is that stacking the deck combat-as-war style doesn't seem to be worth the IC or OOC time, and that Grug the Barbarian walking up and attacking for 3 rounds would have accomplished the same thing with similar resource expenditure. <|endoftext|> To the west of the Ogchuk fiefdoms, near the southern coast, lies a small cave in which an old goblin lives. His name is Grug. He's very friendly to adventurers coming from the North, looking for treasure in the uncharted lands to the south. He warns male-only adventuring parties of the Amazonian tribe to the south of the Misty Isle, in which 9ft tall muscular olive skinned women make slaves out of men, for nefarious purposes such as reproduction. Nobody knows whether this tribe actually exists. <|endoftext|> Charm Person is great for after-combat interrogation, or sneaking into the enemy's base >oh hey Grug, the orc how's it going! it's me your old buddy Slayn the wizard. don't mind these rough looking guys, they're with me. say Grug, I seem to have forgotten, what are the traps we've got set up in the hideout? <|endoftext|> points out, DF enforces this shit. Admittedly, I'll accept skipping languages/cultural familiarity over campaign conceits, and generally find current events and Area knowledge to be stupid skills that are borderline impossible to track anyway unless your campaign conceit is incredibly social. I'm all for building more fleshed out characters, but damn if some of these aren't just a 'minimum flavor points tax' most of the time. Any case, I put Grug here back together as if for my own game because I was curious. Not, admittedly, really intended as advice, as it's riddled with levels of alternate rules that are probably not healthy. <|endoftext|> The unfortunate thing about that is it's inconsistent in power, yet at the same time lends no actual variance in effect. Some "clichés" cover inherently more of what a person can do, with how broad or narrow it is, yet with the way the game is constructed, there's functionally no difference between two "clichés" of the same level, so you aren't really rewarded for your choices, moreso just throwing dice and hoping for a good number. But then again, moar dice gud, choices bad. Grug no liek book keep choice, Grug just want count dice. <|endoftext|> >let him play npc instead of a new character or >have 2 character as a back up per player, have a "base" that once they reach their character they can change, if grug want to launch spells the player can make a wizard backup that he can switch <|endoftext|> that's just an example since it's more of a spellslinger deck and is more of a stompy grug hit with big dino type card. Wizards is very jewy about reprinting precon decks. Like the precons will have like 1-3 exclusive cards they refuse to reprint so scalpers buy the decks for just those cards then resell the others so prices shootup super bad. <|endoftext|> Do warlocks need a basic understanding and capability in magic to barter with higher forces or is it more the ability to be cunning enough to not survive that which defines a powerful warlock? Meaning could a lazy ass wizard who has great potential become a more powerful warlock than a merchant or lawyer who is good at setting up contracts and thus was able to make better deals even though before that they were as mundane as grug the warrior? <|endoftext|> >the setting background hackneyed inversion typical of annoying nerds who actually believe disparities between men and women are caused only by silly outmoded superstition >the rules/ORE Clever but not conducive to teaching grug brain players who can barely do single digit arithmetic. <|endoftext|> He is correct. I tend to forget feedback and it's best to send me an email or contact me on discord. Whatever you have for me go ahead and send it, I'll see what can be done about it. Btw hey Grug. <|endoftext|> >not knowing the grug meme cringe <|endoftext|> ok grug <|endoftext|> Thats not even a grug meme, you fucking autist. What are you, a wine aunt? <|endoftext|> Hey grug. <|endoftext|> I should specify, it's spell list is, mechanically not terrible. Compelled Duel is useful to draw tough foes into fighting you, Armor of Faith makes you incredibly hard to hit, and having a few healing spells is really nice if you don't have a bard or cleric in the party. It's just not stuff that I find fun to use is all. For me, spellcasting is all about big explosions, and sure I can dip sorcerer but that speaks more to paladin not mechanically giving me what I want from a caster and when I play a martial I go full grug smash, so I'd just be using Smites. <|endoftext|> Oh man he and grug get into fights about this all the time. They're like 5'1 but grug trolls guard. <|endoftext|> Grug started it by posting a pic of his own dick. Shit snowballed after that <|endoftext|> I likey de books. Me likey splatreads. Me wanna run mysery game, peesees ar detetives, dey solve crime. Me reed grug museries! Me likey splat splats. <|endoftext|> HP isn't supposed to be "meat points" it is more like "fate points". It represents your level of plot armor, rather than "it takes 20 axe hits to the neck to kill Grug". Instead of taking 20 axe hits, he takes 19 knicks and glancing blows and 1 fatal hit <|endoftext|> Thank you, Grug. You're a real friend. <|endoftext|> It would be less effective, but still effective, because of how DnDs' damage is dealt most of the time, in multiple, lower damage attacks, each one subject to the DR independently. In addition, because a character stays combat effective as low as 1 HP, surviving by that much thanks to DR makes it worthwhile against high damage spells, even though it's typically ineffective defense against single high damage instances. However, I gather than most high damage spells don't deal physical damage types, and mundane armor would have no common sense or fluff reason to have magical DR to begin with, so you could just not worry about additional scaling when it comes to spells. There's actaully a feat in 5e (Yes, an optional rule) that exactly reduces physical damage types to a character wearing heavier armor. Barbarian's get to reduce non-magical damage by half while in Rage, and that's the freaking Barbarian, the grug class. <|endoftext|> Depends on the perspective. Hexproof was king shit back in the day, because people were running a ton of removal and still holds up today. That being said, the two decks are like opposites, as in you play your opponent's shit in OG and the RNG aspect of it appeals to me, since it makes each game different. New Lazav is more combo centred and you can optimize by just running entombs and such. With old Lazav, if you plan, you have to do it on the fly depending what you get and it can also get as close as monogreen grug unga bunga as Dimir can get. <|endoftext|> wilhelt probably otherwise I'm building Tormod but he needs some hoops to go through and isn't grug-friendly <|endoftext|> It takes a high IQ to truly appreciate casters. It takes a low IQ to truly appreciate martials. The only people who complain about the disparity are midwits who are incapable of being satisfied with either. You have to understand there's an ecosystem present between the geniuses and grugs; a sympathetic understanding. While the casters are invariably stronger and can crush enemies with mere gestures, they understand the plight of the grugs and thats why it's fun to buff them with things like Haste, if only out of amusement. The grugs on the other hand understand that casters are soft and squishy. And if they get squished that means no more big boom. No more big boom and grug have long day ahead. So they look after them. Any enemy gets too close and he swings his bonkstick at the bad man while the magic man gets away. Midwits can't stand this and want the best of both worlds or such a gross divide its like you're playing an MMORPG with dedicated roles, team slots, world buffs, gear score, etc. Everything comes full circle. Everything makes a return. <|endoftext|> >I play avenger of zendikar and Craterhoof >Unless I have assembled haste or some other enablers, this still takes two turns and at least 9 mana (Tooth and Nail), making this a 4+ card combo >All of which is removable, not time-gated super heavily, and telegraphed. You had many opportunities to keep this back Vs >Okay, this turn cycle the blue player tapped out, I play a 2 mana artifact, exiling the one spell I have it in the deck for, and go off. The most setup the latter player has done is assembled a way to make at least 3 mana from dramatic reversal, and MAYBE an outlet. You can do this on ANY TURN after turn 3, as opposed to above that is almost exclusively mid-late game. I'm not saying combat wins are a golden child, but combat wins that operate similarly to low-cost 2-card combos are already stigmatized heavily. If I fucking cheese your ass out with infect, and demand you MUST mull to an answer to not get removed by t4, you'd be pretty pissed. So why would you be okay with making players commit to an hour-long game that will just end in you having bided your time waiting for the moment anyone slips up. You didn't make a decision, you didn't even play the fucking game. You just waited for a game state and declared a win. At least stating up front that you can do this potentially will make it so when it does happen, everyone has had agency in your win - we knew you could do it, and let it happen anyways. The debate comes down to what amount of surprise is okay in a game, I think. Surprises and tricks are a key aspect of the game, but the sheer variety of the format leaves plenty of room for neat interactions and blowout plays. I'm not saying infinites are bad in themselves - a game of endless grug is insufferable. But committing minimal resources to the game and exploiting that it's multiplayer, while not being forward about how strong your deck is, will 100% switch me to focusing you out every game because I just don't know you won't do it again. <|endoftext|> All shitposting aside, it's a common human decency to just disclose if you're playing a cunt deck. I don't care what number your deck is, just tell me if you're running >More than 8 tutors >Any two-card or one-card wincon (don't need to tell me what, just give me fair warning) it's really fucking boring to play like it's grug then watch the durdletard in the corner sneak out dramatic scepter because he brought something to exploit a lack of counterspells. I don't care if you tutor a ton, but if it's just to pull out the exact same shit every game and the pod isn't at your level, it stops being magic and starts being Archenemy. That being said rule 0 sucks ass because it presumes the goons playing this game have social abilities, deck analysis experience, and aren't fucking cunts, and if you've collected 4 people who meet all those criteria you've made a playgroup and the idea and rule zero makes no fucking sense. At the end of the day it's a flawed concept meant to keep the RC "impartial", which is shorthand for "unchanging and checked out from the one role they play in the format". Painters Servant unban was pretty based but banning Iona was not. A 12-mana lock doesn't need an auto ban, even if one piece can be in the command zone. <|endoftext|> Rolled 18, 17, 14, 10, 20, 10 = 89 (6d20) My attempt at a femboy or a grug barbarian if I roll poorly <|endoftext|> I meant that it's all they use. Doesn't matter if you can create your own rituals or Disciplines or Amalgams. You only go grug breaks things or ''FUCK I DISAPPEAR'' when slightly pressed. <|endoftext|> >That's not his character. Refer to the first Siege of Terra books. He runs right into a trap and gets all his Justaerin killed because grug smash. Then he gets saved from personal consequences by plot armor. >He is the most successful of all Chaos warlords That says a good deal more about Chaos warlords than it does him, and in any case Huron has had a single century and done much more. >The Word bearer suspected that Abaddon was the chosen of the gods He literally went and killed himself because he said he saw what Abaddon will do and saw he needed some ablative plot armor. >Name one thing. The claw, the sword, the Vengeful Spirit, his place as the last of the Mournival... <|endoftext|> >Abaddon has that. Nope. Grug smash is not a character. >Same here. Nope. Every failure is retconned to success, even though it's accomplishes the complete opposite of his supposed plan. >Same with Abaddon but his successes are actually noteworthy and impactful. Nope. He was getting proclaimed as the chosen one by that Word Bearers' bitch priest even while the battle for Terra was raging. He never struggled in the slightest, he just got handed the job by default. >Nothing was handed for free for Abaddon. Everything was handed for free. He earned nothing. <|endoftext|> Grug talk to tribe Grug bad at chugmates That all grug want say <|endoftext|> Achilles is more of a fighter that just happens to be very angry at that point in time (or maybe he should be a paladin given the sheer amount of divine intervention he gets lol), rather than grug smash barbarian. Personally, I think Barbars should get fighting styles, if only because they're Fighter/Thief combos. I understand the reasoning behind not giving it to them, since they're trying to make Barbars feel more distinct in their method of fighting. <|endoftext|> >Paladin: Trained knight in the service of (a) God >Ranger: Trained warrior fighting innawoods to protect defenseless societies >Barbarian: Barbarbarbarbarbar grug smash I get their reasoning. <|endoftext|> If a creature is by nature irredeemably evil (because that's what Chaotic actually means, as others in the thread have also pointed out), then there is literally no other option for a Lawful/Good character than to kill them wholesale. Alignment reduces both potential roleplaying interaction and player choice by reducing all interactions between opposite alignment into hostilities. It's boring, and for actual grug-brain retard absolutists like yourself. <|endoftext|> This is a Capin' Grug, character I wanted to play a while back. Me and some friends planned out a campaign and made lore for it. The orcs lived on the coast so had a pirate culture. His backstory was that he was the son of a great raider and wanted to continue his father's legacy. Unfortunately he wrecked his father's ship on his first outing. Unable to confront his father, Grug became a sword for higher. Unfortunately the campaign never really when anywhere since me and my friends have busy schedules. Hopefully we will find time sometime and I will actually get to play the character. <|endoftext|> >A character that had a lot of tactical options, but still focused on melee. That's incredibly boring. If I wanted to sift through a mile-long list of abilities I'd play a caster. If I'm playing a martial I'm here to grug smash. <|endoftext|> Interesting analysis, haven't thought about him like that before. Maybe I'm too grug. >He’s also on the side of good because he finds that more entertaining than simple villain. That's kind of the mindset for the character I'm going for, he's about entertaining himself wherever he is and whatever he's doing, but not in a violent or sadistic way. <|endoftext|> I kinda want to just grug out and build it. Well, it's Surrak or Yidris <|endoftext|> grug no trust magic picture box <|endoftext|> >Cap "I'll bet anything whoever's doing this has a whole rogue's gallery, I've got to be on my guard, and I've got to find Bucky, every second of delay brings about his doom faster." Cap notices a camera watching him but pretends he doesn't, then suddenly runs out through a seemingly randomly chosen door. >Cap, walking around in a room full of prop control decks with only a few real systems, "A control room, maybe I can turn a few systems off, or at least try to look for bucky." >Dr. Case, a lovely lady robot with a visible brain in a artfully designed woman's head robot-head, steps out from behind a fake control deck, She is so well made she looks like a very normal human woman in thigh-high sci-fi villainess boots and weird retro one piece with an obvious-robot head, Case speaking in an I AM AN OB-VIOUS ROH-BOT NINETEEN FIF-TEE's voice, "Bucky no longer exists, Captain, he is gone, erased, forever." >Cap readies his shield and glares at Case, "Another automaton? Who are you supposed to be? Some villainess I've never heard of?" >Case suddenly beeps and bloops and whistles a bunch of comics cursing and says "No you absolute bellend, I made the automatons!" Cap suddenly throwing his shield at her only a moment later, but a spot on Case's body opening to reveal a big magnet, which makes the shield ricochet suddenly wildly, hitting a wall as Case laughs an annoying robo-voice HA, HA, HA laugh and closes a big door between herself and Cap, the richochet having busted open a wall to reveal a way into a ventilation system. >Dr. Case appears again as a lovely lady virtual head on a screen somewhere else, "He's escaped into the ventilation system, I will turn on the systems so that his only path will be towards the room that contains Grug, Dr. Kalu, make sure Grug is ready." to which Kalu, an orangutan with lime green skin and a huge brain, readies EVIL DEVICES OF EEEEEVIL. <|endoftext|> Logic is just applied Grug. <|endoftext|> Giants: grug go smash Titans: where da mortal womyn? (now with divine flair) <|endoftext|> It's funny you should mention kingpin. They are trying to get two more people for a full six team and kingpin is one of the people they approached who ultimately didn't join. He didn't specify why he just didn't join. I forgot at first that there were villains who didn't like these super evil super geniuses. >Infernal Skeleton - red skull, considers IS sort of a rip off (they look similar). >Dr. Case - Ruby Thursday, RS views Case with a lot of 'I wore it better' feelings >Kalu - Gorilla Grod, Kalu purposely made a minion that is a parody of Grod named Grug >Qatya - White Queen, Qatya is one of the only people in the world that WQ's powers don't work on. Really I think they all have a lot of potential but getting them to stay together is going to be the big trick. I want them to make a new Legion of Doom or something like that. <|endoftext|> I've got a party of mainly super geniuses who are villains (some of them have very subtle abilities, most do not), I'm trying to think of what exactly should be the point of them getting together as a super team of super EEEEEVIL I mean. >Infernal Skeleton - Utility devices equal to and surpassing mysterio and red skull >Dr. Case - Lady scientist's brain in place of a head on a lovely lady-bot, stilting legs, extending arms, numerous on-board tools/weapons >Kalu the omega orangutan - One of the smartest beings on earth, degrees in many sciences >Qatya the Qosmic Woman - cosmonaut lovely lady villain who went to the retro-future, numerous retrofuturistic utility devices, cosmonaut training The two main things they all have in common are they are all both avengers and justice league enemies. Their areas of genius are as follows; Skeleton - Movie Industry / Psychology, Case - cybernetics, brain surgery, Kalu - geology botany medicine, and Qatya has the space and aeronautics sciences. Both Kalu and Qatya understand hyperspace mathematics, and Case can make other people like herself (i.e. brain in robot). while Infernal Skeleton has a lot of esoteric knowledge and deep hypnosubliminal knowledge. As far as how they've affected the world, it's hard to say how all of them together in a team will affect the world, but Infernal Skeleton is a euginics anarchist illuminati who has done some truly terrible things, Case is way out into the world of unethical science, Kalu used a 14 foot tall gorilla named Grug to fight Power Girl on the brooklyn bridge, and Qatya tried to blow up the fortress of solitude with a nasa rocket she outfitted with a huge amount of explosives (didn't work), so they've definitely had their moments. I'm just not sure what to do with them now that they're finally all together. <|endoftext|> None, I would never play such a mismatched character combination nor would I ever touch Rogue. If I wanted to play a skillmonkey that shits damage I'd play a Bardadin. Pure barb, Zealot, GWM, Greatsword. I'm going to grug smash my way to victory and there's nothing you can do about it, my character will worship a LN god of nature and I WILL spam rules of nature memes every chance I get. <|endoftext|> Fighters: Grug hit Grug stab Mages: Grugr zip Grugr zap <|endoftext|> And before anyone asks, no I have not done any math about it. I trust in my grug estimation and so should you. <|endoftext|> LONG LIVE KING GRUG can we get rid of 40k, o lord? <|endoftext|> Someone, make a character sheet for Grug in G.U.R.P.S. <|endoftext|> Fuck you Grug, I what I want <|endoftext|> based Grug <|endoftext|> Shut up loser! Since you like poopy game so much, King Grug make you muck stables and clean toilets with face. <|endoftext|> King Grug banish you. You ain't allowed to post for 4 days. <|endoftext|> Me am Grug, and me declare Grug KING OF /TEEGEE/!!! King Grug declare NEW LAWS for /teegee/, and they go in effect im...immediet...RIGHT NOW! >If you post dumb "worldbuilding" thread with one-line vague question, everyone in /teegee/ get to kick you in the ghoulies as hard as they can. >If'n I sees dis bumpfag then imma twist off his fingers and feed 'em too him and then throw him outta the kingdom for the foreverest of forevers. >D&D is a poopy game for losers, and that goes double for 5e. From now on you gotta play cool games like GURPS and Call of Cthulhu and Traveller. >You can't be mean to folks that make stuff no more, and if'n you do imma make you not be alive no more. Now if'n you got any issues you need solved, you just let KING GRUG know and me take care of it real quick. <|endoftext|> Wait You say grug no hunt for meat more because meat come to him by herself? <|endoftext|> Grug have a PhD <|endoftext|> Bruh, you got less mental stats then grug and the fighter. <|endoftext|> Grug is perhaps better suited for being a wizard after serious consideration. <|endoftext|> Rolled 3, 16, 20, 20, 8, 2 = 69 (6d20) Grug barbarian. Grug kill good. <|endoftext|> yes, we don't live in the stone age anymore, where grug gives grag a basket of berries so grag could give grug a crude stone wheel for his cart. we have something called "currency" nowadays that acts like a middleman in all transactions <|endoftext|> Grug Wrong <|endoftext|> That's in the chaos wastes where there's tons of beastmen and other chaos worshippers. The underworld sea and the mountain ranges have grug lizard beastmen <|endoftext|> >How? By conceptualizing "what came before my father's father's father? Did that pre-Grug Grug do the same things Grug does? Maybe his Party Rock was way bigger than Grug's...". It's not like ths Byzantines and Mesopotamians just popped out of the ground and started building as if earth was a civ game, there's always been a distant, half-remembered "before times". It's pretty basic human nature to try and imagine what came before, which makes me wonder what you actually are <|endoftext|> I think of it as a bit of both, along the lines of what said. I can imagine a techpriest opening the hood of an ork trukk and seeing a mostly complete engine block, but probably most of the cylinder heads are missing and it's just absolutely drenched in oil. I make up a lot of my own lore (so I can ignore the dumb stuff and focus on what's cool), so for me it's more fun to imagine orks have an idea of how machines should work, but most of them aren't smart enough to make it actually function without it breaking. Thus things are held together by duct tape, copious amounts of elmer's glue, and mostly latent psionics. An attempt was made, but no ork, engine no work. Engine ran outta gas? Grug has gas at his wagon. Does he bring back actual gas? Hell no, it's actually brake fluid, but if he pours it in the tank, the vehicle still starts up. inb4 lorefag gets mad at my post because I'm not having fun correctly <|endoftext|> Are you younger than 40, Grug? <|endoftext|> How primitive could cultures devolve if humanity colonized the solar system Children of a Dead Earth-style, infrastructured it the fuck up, and then experienced total systemic collapse for some reason? I want it to be as grug-core as possible while still allowing for space travel and all that. Like feudal space stations living tightly regulated lives to preserve resources sending out shuttle-longships carrying astronauts armed with crossbows (can't waste precious nitrate on gunpowder) and pikes to raid the nearby planetoid of slightly less impoverished and regulated colonies for resources to sustain themselves, while decadent arcology-cities full of inbred designer babies hold lavish galas in the ruins of a pollutant-strewn earth as the trash-serfs pick out quality garbage to throw in the recycler. Any other sort of ideas in this vein would also be appreciated. <|endoftext|> >Me grug me want to find magic item that make grug stronger >NOOOOO YOU CANT JUST LOOK FOR A SPECIFIC MAGIC ITEM THATS WHAT A HECKIN POWER GAMER WOULD DOOOO <|endoftext|> >Enchantments are pure grug shit enchantress? yes of course but enchantments are cool because a lot of the time they change some fundamental aspect of the game <|endoftext|> Reddit newfriend pls lurk At least artifacts have combos and sequencing available. Enchantments are pure grug shit >83938339 >no u >again Im done with you <|endoftext|> >has average intelligence or greater That was where you made your first mistake, zoomer. Grug hit things with rock. That all grug need know. <|endoftext|> Some caveman jump >grug stronk >grug have harem of tribeswomen >no gay technology or gay agriculture <|endoftext|> That fox and bear thing is the worst analogy I've ever heard. See, this is why you're not a wizard, it's because you're stupid, Grug. <|endoftext|> Should i go light-paws or rhonas, the indomitable for my mono color decks? The first one is obviously aura themed and the other one is grug big 4+ power creatures. <|endoftext|> >I already have proto-orcs and ur-goblins for the pulp caveman archetypes though. Not real grug, not good enough. You don't want primordial Man overcoming through sheer grit and determination? <|endoftext|> >>Humans (ancient astronauts; a society of wizards that accidentally stranded themselves on this savage world, ala Elfquest's High Ones) Remove this, replace with early hominids for peak grug kino <|endoftext|> Fellow tranny here, just have normal non LGBT non grug friends. Literally, if you're well adjusted and not in the middle east you probably have well adjusted friends. Get them into RPGs instead. Running a game is exhilarating, and it gives you something to just play with in the back of your mind whenever you're bored. I'd never run a game for other trannies they're way too fucking crazy and weird <|endoftext|> For real, lately i just want to play stuff and smash face, fuck your convoluted combos and so on, i just want to grug timmy smash <|endoftext|> like it or not you pushed guard away you massive faggot. you have no one to blame but yourself and your inability to control your shitposting. fuck you grug <|endoftext|> shut the fuck up retard. several mods have defended grug and I believe him here as well <|endoftext|> >Grug tells guard to get a bot to filter words >Calls guard a pc faglord for censoring people when he puts in a bot <|endoftext|> Grug I can understand your grievances against Guard, but no one understand Magos' and his groups'. I absolutely believe that you want nothing to do with Guard, but can you tell your friends to outright stop spreading misinformation that affects his livelihood? <|endoftext|> >desu I fucking hate my Faggot ass autocorrect so much on mobile it's honestly astonishing -Grug as well <|endoftext|> Hello. Grug here. I genuinely doubt guard really did. Yeah I know I got on the guy's nerves some times but all of us did at one point. The problem is that basic shit I would do from small bants to genuine criticism that I thought would help got my ass torn up. Usually in dms as well. I tried to help guard multiple times and even took credit when it was my fault on shit. I Still got pretty ass treatment from Guard. I tried to warn him that EXACTLY this type of shit would happen if he didn't change his ways. All I got from that Convo was that I was a massive fucking retard in his eyes. I wouldn't call it much of a friend ship as It seemed at the time I was the only one putting in work for it to be a friendship. Ive been lurking on this thread cause I got a few pings about it and wow is it spicy. Guard if your reading this, I don't hate you nor do I hate your server desu. I just want nothing to do with it anymore. Also if your wondering if it's actually me, you should remember the dms we had on potential work I was interested in. The law enforcement shit. <|endoftext|> guard actually liked grug. we were in voice chat when someone brought him up and guard said he saw grug as a friend. <|endoftext|> >puh-please don’t shit on my rpg my friend wrote for me >please don’t shit on my wife enjoying other men while I cried in her home >please don’t mention the men who mogged me (grug and magos bad mkay?) >please don’t mock me for being pagan (my gods beat yours) >please don’t bully my fox, she’s the only one willing to touch my shriveled wiener <|endoftext|> >Highest IQ Ruleslite games. Without an autistic spread of rules that cover every little thing, you need to be intelligent and clever to solve problems. You can't fall back on big numbers to just grug your way through problems, you need to use your critical thinking skills. >Lowest IQ HERO or GURPS. Both have autistic amounts of rules for people too retarded to have any critical thinking skills and common sense. Rather than making you use your brain, they just throw a ton of numbers at you and let you rely solely on those numbers to succeed. <|endoftext|> POST GRUG <|endoftext|> Be quiet grug <|endoftext|> >Wealth >Green Green Grug no understand. Green paper no make you hunt good. Green paper no part of natural order. Only green dye, no Green on metaphysical level. <|endoftext|> I prefer the idea of Grug the Neolithic templar declaring holy war against the xeno child-folk. <|endoftext|> A wheel is literally the most basic caveman shit you can think of. >grug have sharp stone >stone can chop tree >tree can roll >maybe part of tree can roll good too? That's it, that's literally the wheel. <|endoftext|> If the campaign has enough peace and stability that the players have the time and resources to teach their tribe a a few tricks to make their lives better, let them. Apply hardship if you don't want them sitting around trying to teach Ugg and Grug to make assault rifles. Writing? Complex woodcraft? The tribe is being hunted: they do not want to leave traces that can be followed, so no symbols, and no cutting down large trees <|endoftext|> Ugg Grug cavemen aren't really a thing unless you're going more than 300k years ago or just having a different hominid species be the center point. <|endoftext|> Extreme climate and lack of domesticable plants and animals will prevent the development of agriculture. You won't have literal ugg grug cavemen but it will still be neolithic stasis <|endoftext|> Tieflings ARENT hybrids. They're the result of planar influence on a family line. Tieflings that are result of someone great geat x being with a fiend are the extreme minority. Most tieflings are usually >someone in your family met a fiend in life or were expose to fiendish en energy Half-Orcs were a thing because Gygax flips flops a lot between "you can play anything" and "no all these things act the same" and some of the tables he ran literally could not handle any amount of ambiguity on what was good or bad(the whole reason Drow exist is because if Gygax had antagonistic "regular" elves in the game, his players would just murder any elf good or evil on sight). So Half-Orcs started this weird legacy D&D has of what I call "compromise" races and options were you can be a thing but not really that thing you wanted to be but vaguely related. "You can't be a full Orc, those are all bad guys, so be a half-orc that ostenbily looks like an orc but maybe a little scrawnier" They're pretty much vestigial because an orc being a good guy/on the side of the protagonists is well and truly well tread ground even by the mid 80's but they're so grandfathered in that they're product identity now practically and people will scratch their head if theres not a thing called a half orc in the CRB now. It's actually the same reason Half-Orcs and Elves are in PF 2e as distinct things, despite one of the reasons the ancestry system was to represent those things without making them a full on "race". Being able to say I'm Grug the half-orc is just part of The Brand now. <|endoftext|> >me know write If Statement >me know light switch up eyes ouchie >me put grug meat on fire go hot hot burn mouth yummy >me know twist screw and put in skinny part >me know pull lever go boom bad man fall down <|endoftext|> You've just described the plot of the next hit isekai novel. >Grug is an anime girl in another world <|endoftext|> >ugghhh oooghhh grug no like big words My money is on this and the anti-Corvus spergout being the same shitposter again. Why does this thread rustle his jimmies so much he has to come back every time and shit himself? <|endoftext|> Guns are for peasants, Grug is no mere peasant. <|endoftext|> "monke pick up bone and scream at us, Grug, Grag and Grog, go kill monke before he teaches others how to club." <|endoftext|> cave fire has been extinguished, no one can kindle new fire since sky-man left grug must voyage to the fire gods to steal new cave fire <|endoftext|> New tribe join, but chief think new tribe up to no good... chief tell Grug and Grug Friends to see if new tribe really helping big tribe or just helping own kind. <|endoftext|> Everyone in my group wants to play tomorrow, but no one else wants to run anything. So they're gonna be a bunch of multiclassed human barbarians and this is what I have so far >Bronan: barbarian + PSI fighter >Chad: barbarian + eloquence bard >Brad: barbarian + way of shadow monk, brother of Chad >Grug: barbarian + wild magic sorc >Zyzz: barbarian + forge cleric I have no clue yet what this is gonna be about, but I think it's gonna be fun. Would a group of dick-ass wizards be a good opponent for these guys? I think I'm gonna put them at level 9 or so. <|endoftext|> I’ll explain it to you in grug speak because you are a moron esl. GW revised the lore. You claiming the old lore matches the new lore is revisionism <|endoftext|> Reading is fun, Grug. <|endoftext|> >Me grug am want smash bandit, we no care 'bout physics! So physics am not matter! Okay Todd <|endoftext|> >A lot more complicated ??? Old D&D had man-with-stick, man-with-magic-stick, man-with-holy-stick, short man, and knife-ear man. You rolled for "Do trap", "Hit other grug", "Don't get poisoned", and "Don't get hit by other grug". Everything else was tacked on loosely as "What can we add to create more content a few months down the road?" and is for the most part pretty sample to handle. In contrast, 5E has skills, abilities, feats, like forty fucking races and even more classes, and gives the players ZERO structure for running even CORE COMPONENTS OF THE GAME like dungeon exploration and overland exploration. The entire game is a series of conversations and combat encounters and it has created the most obtuse rules conceivable for most of those things. When I teach people BECMI all I HAVE to do post-character creation is hand them a sheet and a spell table and say "Roll under each labeled number when I ask for a roll, and tell me each labeled number when I ask. Besides that the world is yours". Teaching someone new to 5E how to really understand the system is like a 5-6 session process at best. <|endoftext|> I guess you haven't played B/X. When we were kids we were literally using characters like grug #1 and #2 when the first one died as vehicles for us, and had fun with that. All dungeon crawling and monster slaying. It's great that you have found a group that suits your playstyle, but shitting on kids who just want to have dumb fun is not an adult thing to do. <|endoftext|> Cannabis, ephedra, and opium are actually beneficial in small doses, nothing like their highly-concentrated and destructive mutations that are mass produced today. Cannabis in its natural state is harmless by comparison to all these other things, too. If we're using conjecture and inference, it's just as easy to say that Grug wouldn't use as much as Gog after seeing him die from overdose. <|endoftext|> The GM is responsible for the thoughts and actions of every single being in the entire world besides the four to six player characters. Saying "teehee I didn't kill you, grug the troll did :^)" is incredibly silly. You're not playing a videogame or MMO, they can't just decide to turn their character around and walk away or fucking bubblehearth or Mario BLJ out of trouble, the fact they encountered the troll in the first place might not even be possible to avoid. If you decide they will encounter a troll in their travels from point A to point B there's nothing they can do about it, the universe does not actually exist outside of what you narrate to the players. Saying "*I* didn't kill your character, the bandits/lich/troll/orcs did!" is just deflection and avoiding taking responsibility. Maybe an unlucky dice roll is the immediate cause of death, but the reason a level 1 character encounters a frenzied troll or death knight is because you consciously placed one for the party to encounter. It's not a videogame and pretending you're not responsible for the actions of beings in your world is pretentious as fuck. Someone can do something stupid and deserve to have their character be killed, but you're still the one pulling the trigger. <|endoftext|> >grug am playing cave and large lizards again Stop playing stupid game, have berry to collect before big ball of fire go away again <|endoftext|> ooga no ave hard cloth and no sharp metal stick grug want metal but cant because mamoth say no <|endoftext|> That depends on how prehistorically-accurate you want to be. If we assume that humans, being the social creatures they are, were tribal nomads back in ye olde grug times, you could find some way to ascribe political struggles to them. <|endoftext|> Relatively simple grug speedster punch adept. In GURPS terms, just a simple set of a few attribute boosts, ATR, and an innate attack follow-up on Unarmed all with the magical modifier. <|endoftext|> You said that wizards are so good because they get really good ritual casting. But if grug the barbarian just puts 13 points into INT, he can take the ritual caster (wizard) feat with his vhuman feat and get the wizard's entire ritual casting feature and all the spells that come with it, scaling like a wizard's would without requiring a single level. <|endoftext|> >ancient hominid clutching grass seeds >"if grug burry these near camp, have food when fruit run out" >"what worst can happen?" >cut to trannies, nuclear bombs and bioweapons <|endoftext|> >Would lose Atraxa, Queen Marchesa, Krenko, Breya, Kalamax, Zur, Sythis from the decks I've got >Krenko could be shifted to any of the other Goblin commanders easily, probably Krenko 2 or Grenzo. >Sythis was originally a GW Selvala Enchantress deck, could easily pivot the deck back to her and re-add all the untapping stuff I took out when I switched it to Sythis >Zur is a budget cycling deck, and I also have a Sefris deck so no real loss here >Kalamax is just a upgraded precon, no real loss there too and I could just go and make Surrak Dragonclaw Grug Aggro >I got bored of Queen Marchesa ages ago and should have dismantled it by now, might just build Kelsien instead >Atraxa and Breya exist solely for the 32 Deck Challenge If it gets rid of shit like Kenrith or Wilhelt or Najeela at my LGS then I'm willing to make the sacrifice. <|endoftext|> Kodama/Toggo is a pretty fast combo deck, but you might become archenemy for the grug gang Klothys can make for a good punisher commander, but again I'm not sure how you survive the grugslug. Red has some obscure enchantments like Mudslide that might slow things down, and there's always Crawlspace. <|endoftext|> >friends all bust out facesmash decks every week >I grug with the best of them, but want to try something else >Their grugs slap the shit out of anything I put forth that isn't grug I even employ pillowfort, to no end. I'm looking at Atarka, Xenagos, Thromok, Angry Omnath (yes, all gruul in my pod, I'm not joking. It's a bit of an inside joke that they all just play Gruul) I love my gruul pod but need to not get my asshole torn. What are my options? Bonus points if gruul <|endoftext|> Playing Partners? I get you out of game first. Grug see no issue here. <|endoftext|> GRUG LIFT ROOK <|endoftext|> >bait Keep playing your grug grug Goblin tribal slamming your unsleeved cards down on the kitchen table and wondering why you lose then ,baka >out of the box precons Out of the box precons are not how you play commander, everyone knows that. It's merely a starting point for you to collect cards and upgrade it into something better. You have terrible friends if they make you play a fully CEDH deck with your crappy Crimson Vow Spirits Commander precon <|endoftext|> >constantly talks shit about older editions he has never played based on more Reddit posts. So that's where all the fake-grug shit is coming from, I can only recognise stuff back to 4th ed, but fuck has there been a lot more it them around lately. <|endoftext|> >Read book >Book bad >Hear about more books on weaving forum >Also bad >Don't buy more bad books Be like grug <|endoftext|> Objectively yes you are correct that Blorcs are the better team and I am coming from having played T3 teams a fair bit. I find that while Blorcs don't have intellectual disabilities being a major positive, I find that if they lose control of the field, even slightly, they completely implode. You can gfi with a blorc and it is the same roll as bonehead but a Str5 body has a lot more pitch presence than str4. Maybe it's cause I love the ogre grug too much but man, five or six mighty blows is just too fun. Then you smash any survivors with your gnoblars and cause they're so cheap you got a bench filled with them! <|endoftext|> grug no like phone posting <|endoftext|> I think the obvious hate/alcohol/PTSD fueled scene with Krrsantan and the earlier delivery of the Wookiee pelt by the Trandos in Episode 1 gave a bit of subtext to the entire thing. >Wookiee >Not trying to punch things to death Wookiees have two modes, clever engineering boi and grug-brained retard, there is no in-between. <|endoftext|> Of course Tome of Battle obsoletes the other martial classes. That's the point, and it speaks to how shit the other martials were, not that ToB is broken. Anyone grug brained enough to insist on a basic-ass fighter when initiators are on the table deserves their mechanical irrelevancy. <|endoftext|> >R9 All at once both Nito and Anna spring into action. Just as Nito begins to advance Anna abruptly lunges forward with her greatsword and forces Nito to reverse course. Having avoided the blow Nito presses forward again, stepping aggressively into Anna's pocket. "BAIT," Grug grunts tersely from the commentator's box. On cue the Landsknecht launches another assault, and this time Nito has nowhere to go. The dual-wielder catches the first strike between both her blades, but Anna uses the rebound momentum to transition directly into the second. The sequence is natural and obvious, the sort of thing done frequently in training exercises, but the deadly speed with which it is performed makes all the difference. Anna's greatsword catches Nito full across her bare chest, the ferocity of the blow throwing the dual-wielder to the stone platform and knocking her swords from her hands. The Landsknecht immediately steps over her fallen opponent, greatsword held menacingly. Thoughts: Nito will likewise choose randomly. Nito All-Out Dodges and begins to move. Anna Wait Trigger = Anna Steps {1} hex west. Anna Feint {20} (Evaluate +4) [24] <10> | Nito Dodge* {20} (Retreat, Evaluate) <12> = Nito suffers (Feint -6) to Defense and Contest of Wills ends. Nito Retreats {1} hex west. Nito All-Out Dodges {2} hexes east. Anna Basic Swing {16} (Telegraphic +4, Rapid -6) [14] <6> | Nito Parry {12} (Telegraphic +2, Cross Parry +2, Feint -6) [10] <8> = Nito Parries. Anna Repeat <10> | Nito Dodge {10} (Telegraphic +2, All-Out +2, Successive -1, Feint -6) [7] <13> = Torso hit. Anna Greatsword Swing {2d+4 cut} <13> * cut {1.5} = Injury [19] and Major Wound. Nito HP [-7]/{12}. Nito Knockdown {12} <14> = Nito suffers Knockdown and Falls Over to the west. Anna Steps {1} hex west over Nito's legs. <|endoftext|> The direct results are really only fun for the person firing the gun, at least forcing a re-roll lets the defending player actually interact. You mean the Cadian Pylons? The things that for the longest time nobody in the Imeperium actually had any idea how they worked or how to operate them? That's like throwing a gun back into the stone age and saying "well why didn't Grug just hunt using that?" <|endoftext|> Speak grug <|endoftext|> you don't need anything above a size 2 get a size 0 and you can use that for everything if you're not a grug who destroys brushes. It's sub £10 for a huge upgrade in painting quality <|endoftext|> just mad that wizards have better Grug gameplay than fighters <|endoftext|> >Aftermath Anna lifts her blade out of Morry's flesh for the second time, inciting a small tremor from the fallen woman, and steps back. Morry looks down with blank incredulity at the gash running from her side all the way to her navel. She puts a hand to the wound and then raises it before her eyes, fingers sticky and red with blood. "Oh..." Seeing the undeniable proof of her injury seems to make something click and she lets her hand drop gracelessly onto the stone. With a small but obviously painful effort the young Spearfighter rolls onto her back and gazes up into the cloudless sky with eyes blue-green. "I could really use a drink..." Morry's eyes grow dull. Within moments the only motion about her is the flow of blood from her side and the stirring of stray orange hairs in the wind. Anna puts a hand over her mouth and grows pale as she beholds the scene, seemingly deaf to both the judge's pronouncement and the roar of the crowd. For a few seconds Anna simply stands there, unable to look away. Then the Landsknecht's knees begin to shake, her eyes roll back and she collapses onto the stone across from her fallen opponent. The medical team rushes into the Arena while Harekina-chan and Grug excitedly discuss the outcome... Morry Dying Action = Speech. Anna Post-Combat Shakes {9} <15> = Fright (Post-Combat Shakes +6) <19> = Severe Faint <2> = Anna passes out for a minimum of 2 minutes; Anna collapses and takes Injury [1]; Anna HP [11]/{12}. Anna Direction <6> = Anna Falls Over to the west. Anna Awaken {12} <15> = Anna fails to waken for another minute. Anna Awaken {12} <13> = Anna fails to waken for another minute. Anna Awaken {12} <12> = Anna wakes up after a total of four minutes. 2 points to Anna; 3 points to Morry... Anna advances to the Finals. <|endoftext|> >R10 Anna is again the first to act, stepping forward to repeat the assault on her opponent's spear. This time, however, Morry is ready for it. She steps into the attack and launches her own, thrusting her spear directly at Anna's unprotected face. The next moment is such a flurry of motion that even Grug has difficulty describing it as anything but "chaos". At first Morry seems to have the advantage as gleaming speartip flies past swinging greatsword, but Anna leans just out of reach while stepping back. At the same time the greatsword continues its arc, forcing Morry to retreat and retract her spear. Perhaps off-balance due to the failed attack, or perhaps forgetting herself in her haste, one of Morry's boots catches on the other as she tries to step away. The Spearfighter's orange eyebrows shoot up her tanned forehead in surprise as she stumbles backwards while simultaneously Anna's greatsword knocks her spear far out of line. The combination is too much for Morry's equilibrium and she falls flat on her back, slamming into the warm stone of the platform and sending up a miniature cloud of dust. The crowd oohs and aahs at the action as Morry scrambles to hands and knees, unable to take the time to properly angle her spear. <|endoftext|> GRUG FIND BOULDER GRUG PUSH BOULDER DOWN HILL BOULDER CRUSH SHINY MONSTER GRUG INVENT BOWLING. <|endoftext|> Grug make good rock but bad postmodern deconstruction of systemic issue <|endoftext|> Grug knows <|endoftext|> HOO HOO GRUG IS BIG BRAIN <|endoftext|> GRUG SEE THREE COW BUT WHERE DAUGHTER HAHAHAHA IT WIFE JOKE NEW THING, GRUG MAKE THINK <|endoftext|> ughhh thank you grug. you am save village with big rock. here is two cow and my daughter. you are hero now grug and shaman will sing song of you <|endoftext|> MAN OF STAR STONE COME TO BERRY PICKER VILLAGE SLAUGHTER WEAK MEN PLUMP FEMALES FLEE TO ROCK HURLER CAVE CLAN GRUG GOES UP CLIFF TO FIND BIG ROCK GRUG FINDS BIGGEST ROCK GRUG GOES DOWN HILL TO BERRY PICKER VILLAGE GRUG SMASH MAN OF STAR STONE GRUG NOW HAS MANY WIFE <|endoftext|> >R7 Mizuki abruptly steps backward, raises her sword above her head, and snaps it downword at the spear before her. Having already experienced this tactic in their first bout, Morry sees right through it. With timing impossible in its precision the Spearfighter reels in her weapon while stepping backward just as the blade makes contact, diverting its momentum and actually yanking it from the Samurai's hands. For the second fight in a row Mizuki's blade clatters to the stone platform, sliding almost up to her opponent's feet. The foxgirl once more unsheathes her wakizashi and grips it with both hands, seemingly unperturbed. Morry seizes on the moment, gliding forward over the fallen weapon to launch another fierce stab, but Mizuki tumbles deftly away. Grug makes a blunt comment about the Samurai's grip strength. Mizuki Contest of Wills {10} <14> | Morry Contest of Wills {10} <6> = Mizuki is compelled to aggression. Morry chooses to end the Contest. Mizuki Steps {1} hex northeast. Mizuki Basic Swing {16} (Evaluate +4, Long Weapon -3, Deceptive -6) [11] <14> | Morry Dodge {10} (Retreat +3, Evaluate +2, Deceptive -3) [12] <4> = Morry Critically Dodges and Retreats [1] hex southwest. Mizuki Critical Miss <14> = Mizuki throws her weapon. Direction <1> = Forward. Distance <4> = [4] hexes. No target within Reach = Basic Attack ends. Mizuki Fast-Draw Sword {16} <11> = Mizuki Readies her Wakizashi into a Defensive Grip as a Free Action. Morry Steps [3] hexes northeast. Morry Committed Thrust {17} (Evaluate +4, Determined +2, Extra Step -2, Deceptive -10) [11] <7> | Mizuki Dodge {10} (Retreat +3, Evaluate +2, Acrobatics {14} <9> = +2, Deceptive -5) [12] <8> = Mizuki Dodges and Retreats {1} hex northwest. Morry Steps [1] hex southwest. <|endoftext|> >Gee Grug-sama, not a lot of people are betting on this fight. Do you think they're afraid of losing money? >MONEY IS FOR FOOLS. THE ONLY TRUE MEASURE OF A MAN'S WORTH ARE THE SCARS ON HIS CHEST AND THE BLOOD ON HIS BLADE >So Grug-sama won't mind if I take his paycheck then? >THAT IS NOT WHAT GRUG MEANT >Kya~! Look, the gates are opening! <|endoftext|> >Magic big scary >Grug make arbitrary rule so pewpew bad and bonk stick gud >Grug say he stab badman in heart and slit jugular >Grug still do 1d4 damage >Because martials don't fucking do shit. >They exist to either get hit or force concentration checks, depeding on which role they're playing. >Nonsense, Bless is considerably better than Haste, for even a cheaper slot. >Evoker Wizard to assert my dominance by outdamaging them all. Being a refined wizard, though, I will pat them on the back, buff them a little, and line them in a thick meat wall between the attackers and me, while my trusty owl familiar gives me an aerial view. >You can't be this fucking stupid bro >nice >what's the matter? >>Fag >You must be young. When you get a little older you will understand. >Young men waste their youth on women. They are not worth it, anon. Join us in the new age of femboys. >Learn from the greeks, its not gay if he looks girlish and you're the top >>top >Lame attempt, not proficient in acrobatics, probably has 8 dex too lmao >>bottom >clearly has expertise not only in acrobatics, but performance too. And high stats to make up for it. Superior >the dick makes it better >Traps and femboys are super straight. Its been scientifically proven. If you post your doctorate and masters then I will *consider* what you have to say, if only to promote discussion. But you're still wrong you chubby little queer <|endoftext|> Magic big scary Grug make arbitrary rule so pewpew bad and bonk stick gud Grug say he stab badman in heart and slit jugular Grug still do 1d4 damage <|endoftext|> >doesn't challenge the point >lol ur wrong cuz Grug say so Calm your tits, hysterical manchild. Checked, but anon's mum is safe because Fulgrim isn't interested in women. <|endoftext|> I wonder how Grug ended up a commentator instead of a combatant. I think Harekina-chan must have tricked him somehow. Non-weapon skill feints are neat because some have to be resisted by an attribute other than DX, which most fighters don't have in large supply. I don't recall if I remembered that when running her fight against Rusalka but it mattered little since she crit failed it. You don't need permission to run a fight in the Fight Club friend, but if you want it anyway consider it given. If you mean for using preexisting characters, all of them are fair game except those marked "Retired" on the Roster: <|endoftext|> As you could see in the early rounds, a quick charge would be all that it takes to end Ninivelle. The issue was also that those particular martials had no ranged options or couldn't outspeed Ninivelle. If they had a Potion that would have put them at the same speed as the summoner, I'm sure they would have been able to prevail. The situation was clearly in Ninivelle favor, as Grug said, being able to get close to Ninivelle was the real problem for melee characters. Lots of options could have allowed that to happen, the terrain, stealth, speed or just disregarding the distance with ranged options. <|endoftext|> Grug is a good guy. <|endoftext|> > Round 20 (OH GOD) Lana is unable to act. The frog leaps and sends his tongue flying toward her, it sticks to her back and he bites down on the side of her torso. Blood runs down onto the cracked tiles as Lana falls to her knees. Ninivelle approaches as her ennemy is grappled by her beast. She boops Lana on the nose before the swordgirl goes uncounscious. VICTORY FOR NINIVELLE FRILLSPAWN. > Harekina-Chan : What a fight ! It was very drawn out but full of actionnnn~ ! Ninivelle's tactics are probably going to be described as "cowardly" by some, but I just think she was playing to her strengths. What's are your thoughts Grug ? > Grug : GRUG SAYS THAT THE ARENA IS THE ONLY REASON NINIVELLE WON. PUT HER IN A 30FT CIRCLE TO SEE HOW SHE FARES. > Harekina-Chan : I'm not sure she would agree to that~ > Grug : GRUG SAYS SHE HAS NO CHOICE. THE GIRLS DESERVE A REMATCH. <|endoftext|> Grug moment Don't let the pterodactyl hit you on the way out <|endoftext|> Grug kill God. Grug eat godflesh. Grug am become God <|endoftext|> Ok, dropping some mythology from East Slavs: - fern flower blooms only on Ivan Kupala (slav Midsommar), glows, is guarded by evil spirits and gives you ability to see what others can not like treasures or future. - other magic rare herbs like razorvi-trava (opens locks) and nechuy-veter (stops winds and don't let your boat sink - dead and living water (not vodka). To revive someone you need both of them: dead water restores the body and living water animates it. I've heard an interpretation that dead water "finishes" the dead past the potential undead state and in that sense works like burying ritual so living water don't raise vampires. - alatyr rock is the father of all rocks, and (one of) sources of some life force. Grug calls the greatest rock to heal him, yes. Guarded by a bird and a serpent and probably lies under the world tree. - iriy, Slav afterlife. It is the place where birds go when winter comes and souls go with them, possibly they were human souls of dead and unborn. Unlike with most other peoples, christians said their heaven was the same as pagan heaven and the word was borrowed. The place is believed to be green and winterless and gods connected to the "underworld" are also fertility gods <|endoftext|> It is tough to tell if I am talking to multiple retards or one, but I have just maintaining one comment chain. I wasn't aware it was with multiple voidbrains, since I didn't notice a difference between >crug angry >grug angry >drug angry That's my miss, though. >I need a good way to end the conversation because I have nothing else >I know >Go with God. I'll pray for you. sasuga <|endoftext|> >you no play game like i do >crug angry >grug angry >drug angry Is this the jist of the situation? >calling everyone a faggot I haven't called anyone a faggot, but you are definitely a faggot. >everyone I've only been exchanging replies with one retard for right now. <|endoftext|> ngl i do miss shit like that, it's not really a problem early on but if the games get long or shit doesn't get removed and there's like 5 enhancements, 5 artifacts and a bunch of creatures with effects i have to keep a track of i sometimes get lost and that does apply to +1+1 decks a lot that's why i wanted some more of a grug smash deck but one that still has some interesting mechanic <|endoftext|> Gonna go against the grain here and say it's fine to not be "versed in all the literature". If you've got the idea for a game, go ahead and make it. That said, if glossing a few of the classics of the genre is too much work, you're probably too much of a lazy grug brain to finish a game. If I'm mistaken--Gary Gygax's 1e DMG is worth the time. There are elements of Gary's thinking that are still not fully explored in the TTRPG world. Regarding training fees in particular--I find them dull. Any mechanic that makes you pause the fun part of the game and jump through hoops for muh realism is usually not good. Make your game fun to use at the table before you worry about simulating how the morning dew makes armor rust. <|endoftext|> > Turn 6 Lana feints and attacks, slashing for a full 12 hp. The troll's flesh self-stitches as he delivers a grazing clawing attack, dealing a mere 6. > Turn 7 Both fighters exchange blows, Lana dodges all attacks but her sword attacks fails to deal enough damage to overtake the troll's regenerative capabilities. > Turn 8 Lana misses her attack. Her resolves wavers as the trolls deliver one final series of attacks which all connect for 23 damage, putting Lana at -1. The troll wins at around 50% hp. > At the commentator's booth > Harekina-Chan : What a violent showing for this preshow ! The girl's strategy was solid but Mizuki's Iaijutsu strike not connecting might have sealed the match in my opinion. Grug ? > GRUG : GRUG THINKS THAT HAREKINA IS WISE. GRUG SAYS THAT IF THE GIRL'S WEAPONS COULD HAVE CONFIRMED CRITICAL BLOWS, THINGS MIGHT HAVE TURNED OUT ALRIGHT FOR THEM. > Harekina-Chan : That was the Ludite Preshow, hosted in partnership with Ludite Shields. All ladies and gentlemens are welcomed to get themselves something from our lovely bar while the next match is setup ! Mizuki's doctor (+10 in Heal) managed to fail 4 First-Aid attempts (DC 15), causing Mizuki to expire. Ludite Shields absolutely did not want the PR hit that it could have caused and had a technician ready with a Breath of Life spell. Mizuki was brought back and is expected to make a full recovery. The more skillful doctors were busy with John's wounds. <|endoftext|> Emps is a powerful psyker. He probably knows some biomancy bullshit to change his ethnicity at will. He could be Grug the Proto-Hittite in the morning, Conan the Cimmerian during his work hours, then John Romero when he's off the clock and playing deathmatches on the Golden Throne. <|endoftext|> Who cares? 40k lore is so simple a fucking AI could write the plot of a 40k game. >BROTHER GRUG LANDS ON PLANET >BROTHER GRUG PEW PEW HORDES OF FODDER ENEMIES THE EMPEROR IS MUH SWORD >OH NO IT WAS CHAOS ALL ALONG It is literally impossible to fuck up a space Marine storyline <|endoftext|> So this is an incredibly niche question I feel, but lets have a hypothetical in pathfinder 1e. Grug the barbarian decides he's going to use improved stalwart. He also decides to use bolstered resilience before an attack by a man using a big mace, which, by its description, doubles your damage reduction up to twenty. Does that mean it caps at twenty, or would Grug have the twenty (due to doubling stalwart) PLUS his barbarian damage reduction due to it being from a separate source? <|endoftext|> Hi grug. <|endoftext|> >Guardbro triggers /tg/'s spring plate so bad that they start copy pasting his reponses into a whole new thread This has Grug written all over it. <|endoftext|> Well, I don't play medieval games as I'm a Grug at heart thus in my settings, wilderness is extremely dangerous so no child could go around, even with a company (bigger the troop, bigger the noise thus more battles). Like you would need to travel in small groups of elites, hide when the sun sets and never make a fire. And that would be for 3-4 years, if there's no break in cities in between. For a lvl1 player, I would refuse directly but if it was a game starting with high level or the new character of a player, I would accept it <|endoftext|> >most the only ones with appreciable level of intelligence are storm and cloud giants, everyone else is basically grug smash (yes, even fire giants) <|endoftext|> Grug needs to work on his rivers. <|endoftext|> Hell yes Grug, ty Grug, Grug is good <|endoftext|> First attempt of Grug. Did Grug done good? <|endoftext|> Magic's always there waiting to be let in and Lamarckian evolution's in full effect. Back in the days of Grug and Doug Grug kept eating more and more of the hunting party's kills while getting bigger and bigger so he could muscle in on larger portions. The end result was some mix of: 1. Grug got too big for the tribe to provide for. 2. Grug turned to a more magic/energy dense foodstuff. Human meat. 3. The magic driving Grug's growth got to his brain, gluttony became accompanied by stranger vices. Society's changed over the years from enslavement to mad titan-gods to feudal contracts below reasonably eccentric giants to the current era of intra-cosmopolitan xenophobic city-states. The one constant is that the world can't help making itself monstrous, what defines humanity as thinking beings is how well we resist temptation and adapt to change. It's not necessary given your flat earth setup but the red-hot mantle equivalent could be interesting cosmologically. If some souls go to the underworld instead of heaven they may bring some of their light/heat down with them and so make the depths of the earth a place of unexpected light while making the cold, dark cave/dungeon layer between the depths and the surface a kind of graveyard in both directions (scavengers feasting on detritus from above and below). The Greeks also had a thing for regular and chthonic gods which might be applicable. <|endoftext|> >NO >OP grug draw reddit thing on cave wall >make grug ANGRY >grug not know why >other grugs tell grug reddit thing bad >grug want fit in so angry at reddit thing too >grug get ouchie zugzug in arm and wear face loincloth >grug get gold star from Chief Joe <|endoftext|> grug want answer! grug no read, grug ANGRY take human spoon, feed grug NOW <|endoftext|> grug read book <|endoftext|> grug no trust magic picture box grug prefer shiny rock <|endoftext|> >How many armies do you own? None as I spend all my money on guns and I’m far to grug brained to paint anything well . Luv me 40k though <|endoftext|> grug point at rabbit burrow "look" <|endoftext|> >Bo0S is awesome and I have no idea how people genuinely consider it OP Because they compare it to the base martials and make the fivehead assertion that because a warblade utterly outclasses a fighter and effectively replaces it, the book's classes are broken and imbalanced. Ignoring the fact that's the fucking -point- and anyone grug brained enough to insist on playing the fighter in a game where weaboo fightan magic is on the table deserves their mechanical irrelevancy. Which ties into the tier list discussion a bit: they're guidelines, not rules. Where the "balance point" is can vary from group to group and campaign to campaign. Tier assumes a level of white space mechanical optimisation and engagement that rarely, if ever, actually plays out in real-life games. Wizard might be tier 1 but that doesn't mean your group's wizard has the 500IQ or willingness to actually take advantage and play at tier 1, which can render the system largely moot outside of truly awful cases like the Truenamer. <|endoftext|> You don't have to cast him. He has annihilator 6. Just grug smash face. <|endoftext|> grug here wtf are micro lasers <|endoftext|> Grug no need magic, Grug make life better with head-think. <|endoftext|> The Starship Troopers movie is a grug take. Enjoying it unironically is the correct move, and true to the original. <|endoftext|> >5 Int 20 Str grug Italian with a cannon he beats people with an occasionally snipes with. Has abandonment issues, despite being the most intimidating by far he makes other people go in first as a sign of loyalty. >dopey and aloof but protective Bostonian gutter rat Barbrogue. Made of grit and guts with a garnish of cunning, will always serve as the fall guy because she wants to keep others out of trouble. >chaotic neutral landsknecht slut on the fastest route straight to hell unless someone stops her. Foolhardy, never runs, prioritizes wizards, but a good tactician all around when push comes to shove. >totally not Komaeda and Micolash slapped together into one warlock, found an old one's egg in the desert having mistaken it for a holy iron meteorite, stuck it on a stick and beats people with it. Tells himself the eldritch powers he has are divine stuff from angels and shit because what else could it be hahah. Optimistic, passionate, sleepless. Together, they're going to steal the biggest ship of the line and make it the first ironclad <|endoftext|> not a bad idea >big strong meat head >all charisma or wisdom based failled everytime because "grug as wif" >always look at his cristal ball befor doing things >partie decide to look at grug`s crystal ball >they see pic related <|endoftext|> Sorry talky-thing, Grug is Barbarian. Now, die. <|endoftext|> Stop that shit, please. EVERYONE STOP THE THREAD THE GRUG WANTS TO DICKWAVE SOME MORE YOURE DISTRACTING HIM <|endoftext|> They are set up as MYTHOLOGICAL AMAZON furries. They should always be outsiders and Wyld. Instead they are free love grenola TERFS. Which isn’t bad, but should probably be only a subset of them in sedona. Actually no, those should be crones from Berkeley. The Sedona Furries should actually be trog tier sand dwellers who bang coyotes to keep their numbers up and never really make contact with humans since they would be more focused on the desert and grand canyons Wyld than anything else. Grug Amazon’s in the 21st century when. <|endoftext|> I prefer Grug myself, he offers superior club repairs AND he knows how to start a good fire. <|endoftext|> gruul grug sounds based <|endoftext|> Read the cards is a good first step. Unless you are gruul grug in which case you just put cards with fireball and tree symbols in the deck. <|endoftext|> Bullet meet brain. Grug sight dimming... <|endoftext|> A thread about ape-men. Sasquatch, wildmen, wodewoses, mangani, frazetta man, Lovecraft's white apes, (not-Lovecraft) mi-go, yeti, almas, nittaweo, agogwe, monkey-men, yeren, etc. What games do ape-men well? I know GURPS has a good selection (Ice Age for fossil hominids, old Steam-Tech had Piltdown man, Horror has worms-of-the-earth / Arthur Machen cavemen and a sasquatch-ish thing, wildmen in old fantasy folk and dungeon fantasy, uplifted apes in bio-tech and various sci-fi settings). What are some good stories for inspiration? Eaters of the Dead (13th Warrior) is great, but keeps them fairly vague, which works for the story but doesn't give many ideas. The film makes them pretty much just human. Anything more recent have some good Grug action? What are the limits of ape-man? How ape can you go before it's just an ape? Is Kong an ape-man? There's plenty of hints that his race were once civilised, from all the big ruins on Skull Island. How about morlocks? Could Tolkien orcs be considered ape-men (some of his later writings suggest they are 'uplifted' animals and they are hairy, long-armed, and bow-legged)? Also, post ape-man art. <|endoftext|> THUNK Shiny man fall dead. Shiny metal head no make gong when Grug hit. Grug sad. In shiny metal skin, Grug see Grug. Grug get smart think. If Grug hold two club Grug dead more shiny man at same time. Shiny metal women see and go with Grug. But how Grug find club? <|endoftext|> Some people, even when faced with certain death, will be cantankerous assholes. You can pull up videos from liveleak of killings and victims will still, in some cases, be outwardly hostile or uncooperative. You can't just, as a player, decide that your intimidation should succeed. Some completely regular people in this world will literally say "fuck you" as their final words (consider the couple that was shot over a snow dispute to see this behavior), so why wouldn't battle hardened bandit in fantasy have the same cantankerous attitude, even in the face of death? Just roll your intimidation and stop being a sperglord. Or maybe this guy knows or thinks if he talks, he will die anyway. Maybe he wants to keep his leverage. >Hurr I use zone of truth OKAY and there are ways to prevent truth telling magic from working and maybe this bandit leader knows that. Take this guy as a prisoner and interrogate him later. Maybe he sees that his only chance at survival is the possibility you take him prisoner and he finds a way to escape. Try using your brain a little bit instead of "I hit his friend with big stick why bandit man no talk? grug smash!" <|endoftext|> >Making a below-av int character and then proceeding to play them like a drooling retard psychopath with zero grasp on social etiquette, manners, the plot, society, the setting, and the whole gameplay of the table. YOU HAVE d4 INT YOU FUCK. THE AVERAGE IS d6. AT THE MOST, YOU'RE A LITTLE SLOW TO THINK IN A FIGHT OR THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT, NOT A BLOOD-CRAZED LOW-FUNCTIONING SPERG. AND JUST BECAUSE YOUR CHARACTER IS LOWER THEN AVERAGE INT, DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO RUIN THE GAME FOR EVERYONE BY FUCKING OVER THE TABLE AND FORCING THE OTHER PLAYERS INTO SHIT BECAUSE YOU HAD TO SHOW OFF HOW STUPID YOU WERE. I swear, never let a player you don't absolutely know is chill, play a low int and/or low wis character. >Player plays a low int/wis/cha character. >Decides to rp it by being deliberately stupid at the table and deliberately doing the wrong thing to show how not-clever he is. >Ruins it for GM because their work is now being ignored for some lulzrandumb 'look at how stupid I am' shit because the player never listens to the GM or the setting when their character is dumb, and instead uses being a retard as an excuse to play their own game of 'how can I ruin the moment I find myself in, to properly show how stupid I am?', which fucks off the GM to no end. >Players at the table get fucked off because now the guy with the low int/wis/cha character is effectively ruining all the moments, deciding everything that happens, and restricting the players from their own agency because he needs to show how low int/wis/cha he is by doing the wrong thing, before the right thing can be done. I have one player who constantly does this kind of shit. He loves to play low stat characters, but then wonders why no one likes them when their failing is something that makes them loud and controlling and problematic at the table agency level. DnD rots your mind folks. Low int doesn't mean you're now "Me grug, me wack big big mon-stah wid rok." <|endoftext|> >man say magic look gay WOW THING TRUE?? GRUG NOT BELIEVE IT <|endoftext|> its supposed to provoke Grug-esque responses I think. <|endoftext|> some sort of mercenary could work, call him something like Grug the scrawny git or some western shit. <|endoftext|> What's your argument besides "I'm butthurt and Grug no like big space mens"? <|endoftext|> What club but long rock? >"but Grug, Club swing big!" Hold rock in hand. Swing arm. Same. >"but Grug, club easy hold" Club good for woman, man hold rock as well as club >"Grug, what say about mass production? Rock no replicable design" Grug feel not so great and want to close eye and lay when hear this. Club need stick AND rock to make. Why cut stick to club with rock when rock cut stick in first place. Rock clearly better than stick. Furthermore, rock is all place. No need exhaust self during diurnal sleep and look for club in dark when just reach down and grab rock. >"grug, club can pull from fire and burn. Can rock burn?" Of course rock burn. Toss rock in fire and grab. Plenty burn and still more hard than club. Get life Neanderthal. <|endoftext|> >I roll to seduce the princess! >I didnt call for a roll >well I want to try to be charming >ok roll a general charisma check >can I add my persuasion mod? >no this isnt the sort of forum where you are allowed to address royalty directly, so you aren't using speech >what about performance? >that's fine, maybe you strike a pose or something >I got... 18! >okay you flash a charming smile, several maidens seem interested, but the princess shows no reaction >what the fuck, you just dont want me to interact with your precious npc! >no, the princess gets hit on by guys like you 24/7, if someone wasn't trying to seduce her it would have been a weird day for her >actually she raises an appraising eyebrow at grug-anon instead... <|endoftext|> grug tier would be pressing his chest into green stuff then replacing the front half with the dried impression, maybe adding some touches like bent metal and a fucked up aquilla with additional putty you could also carve up the chest into pieces, reassemble it after reshaping them to fit together as an indent, then touch it up with greenstuff/miliput a mix of the two methods might be even better, but this is all just off the top of my head, I'm sure someone else has better ideas <|endoftext|> >Grukk Grug <|endoftext|> Although I don't really give a shit if players haggle, the solution to anything the players do that you don't want them to do is consequences. Word spreads fast among merchants who work alongside each other and share stories of notable customers every time they are relaxing or socializing (and merchants travel almost as much as adventurers so you can expect stories to travel). Any number of things you could do, like merchants setting the initial prices higher, or the DCs increasing as merchants become wise to the party's haggling ways. Or refusing to deal with the typical party face and only dealing with grug the barbarian. <|endoftext|> >typical things to do as a bard the stereotype for bard is that you try to fuck anything and everything and you roll to seduce every single creature in sight. it's as horrible and reductive as "grug man smash" caveman barbarians and that's why everyone rightfully avoids it <|endoftext|> >Are there any other gimmicks to Green EDH decks? Sure. But I built my green deck specifically to have a Grug smash deck. My roommate has a tricky yeva flash deck. You could also take up the challenge of mono-green storm <|endoftext|> Is it really just that Timmy? grug play lands grug summon big smashy monster? Are there any other gimmicks to Green EDH decks? <|endoftext|> No? Physical prowess is just the icing on the cake. Magic is where it is at and mana control+extra mana pool is way more interesting than grug stronk, grug hit 10 pts harder. Just leave it to the minions. <|endoftext|> There are no vampires in balkans. They are all dead from food poisoning after trying average grug&cheap vodka locals` blood. <|endoftext|> I'm a fan of the idea that orcs aren't GRUG SMASH chaotic retarded but instead fiercely territorial like some native American tribes, and that humans sometimes make territory pacts with them in order to establish trade routes and shiet, which also includes consensual/semi-consensual interbreeding to make sure either side doesn't just start violating the pact all willy-nilly. Which results in half-orcs raised in human settlements who behave more like humans, and those raised in orc settlements that behave more like orcs. >Orcs are sexier than reported Or this. <|endoftext|> Just grug it up <|endoftext|> You talk about no satisfaction whilst rattling off a bitter tirade about how your character should grug smash your allied cleric because uhhh necromancers exist and how every caster ever has every utility spell ever at their fingertips. You Don't Play The Game. <|endoftext|> The best sword for someone superstrong and superfast? Well at that point pick the one you like the looks of, but if we're looking for advantages I suppose a regular longsword would do the trick since about a lot of techniques can be performed with one. But if you want pure grug slash then run with either the Zweihander or Flamberge. <|endoftext|> Grug no understand why Ooga like that, Kruk beat Ooga, Kruk no good, but Ooga love Kruk. Grug say Ooga stupid, tribe say Grug right but also say Grug no good! Grug good but also no good because Grug say fact! Grug no understand, no understand! Grug love lion wife now. Grug understand! Grug build totem, Grug paint cave wall, Grug worship, Lion wife love back in Grug imagination. Lion wife happy, Grug happy. Cave painting of lion wife much better than Ooga, Grug say Ooga pig disgusting. <|endoftext|> Magic should be one of those primordial forces that has yet to be tamed. There's no grug wizards with magic schools but there's storytellers and cuckoo shamans who weave primitive spells. <|endoftext|> Some are easier than others mechanically, the Commission right now has me working on a lot of "tiny" mechanics that all need to feed into each other, all while the Commissioner really wants custom everything: Weapons, Abilities, Magic, the works. I anything I'll have something to port to my Lexicon after its all over. Silence, your words cannot hurt me. In Project Grug I made crafting based around materials that did particular things. Stones were hard, sticks can be bent, plants can be used for their fibers. Though that monkey RPG was all about crafting at its core. If you design a crafting system from the onset, as points out, it's usually pretty simple. Get X, Y, and Z and construct THING. You can put some complicated parts in the middle, such as having to "Refine X" or "Combined Y + Z first" but at its core its that. The main goal becomes the acquisition of those goods. >"Where do we get Iron Ore?" From the Iron Mine. >"Where do we get Lumber?" From the Lumber Mill >"Where do we get a Phoenix Feather?" From the Phoenix on Mount Death. I'm still surprised I have yet to find a satisfying Monster Hunter Crafting RPG out there. One Page Rules are all about cutting what you want to what you need, then identifying what part of those needs are actually wants. Though unfortunately these days for every unique one-pager that comes out, there are a lot of "LMAO SO WACKY L&F HACK" games that just copy-pasta. <|endoftext|> Based and grug-pilled. <|endoftext|> The year is 3006 EE. Thrangg Grimclaw has cast a foul shadow over the Great Stomping Grounds, withering ferns and souring berries; and so, the herds of flatbills have thinned, threatening your tribe and your neighboring tribe, and their neighboring tribe as well, and supposedly even more tribes than you knew existed. A great khurultai is called by the chiefs of many tribes, and it is decided that a band of hunters must go forth and bring down the accursed Thrangg - and you are among that brave few. Arming up with rock-tipped sharp stick, hefty rock on stick, and tree-feller, you mount your trusty tri-horn and venture forth with your fellow hunters, to trek across strange foreign lands in search of your quarry. You will see things you've never imagined: huts that touch the stars, camps with more people than could ever be fed, strange beasts that simply shouldn't exist, men wearing the sun itself upon their breast, horrid roaring beasts that belch smoke being guided by so-called Painkillers, and mystic shamans of unthinkable wisdom like the Veteran Cosmic Rockers. And you will see all of this, and do things you once believed impossible, so that your grug tribe may continue to live their grug way, as they have since before the sun descended upon the world. <|endoftext|> Everyone Grug no like is GW shill, yeah. Of course they are. All of them. <|endoftext|> >Epic Space Marine not canon >bl shitstorms >FW that Grug no like not canon Back under the bridge with you. <|endoftext|> It sounds like both of you are trying to be mad at something for no reason. >Grug enjoy this <|endoftext|> >mfw when everyone rolls human fighters >at least my hair is fucking immaculate >except Grug >fucking Grug <|endoftext|> You pay too much attention to class as a job rather than guiding flavor for your character. That’s how you get so many stereotypes and bad players because people think that class = their identity and they need to introduce themselves and act as such every moment of their RP. >me grug the barbarian me eat meat smash heads >I’m dickass the rogue! Steal steal steal backstab Classes are things your character can do. Not your entire character. You’re approaching this from a ‘all paladins are holy religious knights’ rather than a set of things a character can do. A person can RP as a traveling acrobat that uses the rogue class and subclasses to inform what abilities they have. They don’t need to be roleplay ‘the rogue.’ Paladins as a set of skills in 5e is meant to inform characters that tend towards some kind of ‘higher calling’ hence the oaths. To preempt a bunch of pretend oldfags clinging to systems that required religion and lawful good, historically the word Paladin isn’t inherently tied to religion nor law nor good. <|endoftext|> >me want bits >sure, here are where you can find them >nooooo, grug no want these bits!!1!! Stop crying. Babies that cry end up shaked. <|endoftext|> imagine needing to feel right about something on an anonymous image board. what a bunch of fucking losers. anyway if i’m being honest, i don’t hate nonhuman races but i do hate how most of them seem to be boring and exist only to cater to lazy players. i’m not even talking about soft grunge firbolgs. i fucking hate people who play orcs and every character they make is >me grug >me very strong >me like hit >me no pay attention when not hit fuck you tom <|endoftext|> An odd, aggressively japanese cyberpunk fantasy game. I couldn't figure out the mechanics beyond being based around playing cards which immediately lost my interest. I'm a mechanics grug that needs at least 3 dice thrown with every roll or i'm not satisfied. <|endoftext|> >no >grug stick too strong >pls stop >must hard counter what? <|endoftext|> We play Paleomythic in this house. Roll up your Grug gentlemen. <|endoftext|> >Hey Grug, we here at FastBone have a real special deal for ya! >if you go and take care of a certain long lost chapel detailed here: >We'll give you a second order of skellingtons ABSOLUTELY FREE! >Whaddaya say, Grug? <|endoftext|> grug go to bed <|endoftext|> >"Grug hire FastBone to fortify mighty stronghold with fodder for warriors. Grug satisfied with skellington phalanx. They even come in proper uniform for military cohesion! Grug use them to hold enemy while mighty warriors position on flanks. Grug conquer world now." <|endoftext|> "Grug can smash chief with club, maybe, or grug can smash chief with fireballs and make others fight for grug! Grug fireball chief! Grug become smug!" <|endoftext|> Was mainly confused because a lot of the spread sheets made reference to Z distance which confused grug. <|endoftext|> doesnt change the fact that grug has an NPC / Bandit mindset <|endoftext|> >Why are you on your quest, Sir Gallant? The world is a dark place and by being a pillar of light shining through this darkness I might make it better. >fascinating. And you, Grug? Gold. Whores. More gold for more whores. Might fuck a dragon or something while I am out here too. >That's barbaric. I am a barbarian. <|endoftext|> >setting's healing can turn a bloody mess into an active combatant in a matter of seconds >not expecting even Grug the Goblin to understand doubletapping as a basic fighting necessity <|endoftext|> >low IQ grug Typical <|endoftext|> Grug swing firesword good <|endoftext|> >Grug laugh about puny stick. <|endoftext|> I'd play your grug taur campaign. Sounds fun enough. <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE WOMAN, GRUG LIKE LION LION WOMAN BEST WOMAN, LION WOMAN BEST LION, GRUG VERY HAPPY WHEN CARVE GRUG VERY HAPPY WHEN SELL CARVING FOR $6500 <|endoftext|> Greg think this waste of berries. Think long-nose tribe try make eagle tribe trade berries for stick that not need. What wrong with pointy stick? Why long-noses want Grug use rock stick so bad? <|endoftext|> >Put pointy rock on pointy stick. >Yo, Hyaenadon, Grug put rock on stick so you can kill mammoth while you kill mammoth. <|endoftext|> >Pirate crew >Hurricane >Feral man >Roman legionary >Samurai gear >Replenishing medical kit >Meteorite amulet >Lucky horseshoe A samurai, grug, and a legionary join forces to save the bayou against a ruthless band of pirates armed to the teeth in the middle of a devastating hurricane. A battle of the ages! The ultimate battle royale! Who will stand tall? Will our heroes return to their homes? <|endoftext|> Thud am talk big. Grug still am have Thud bitch. Grug am fuck her right now. Thud talk all Thud want, Grug enjoy Thud woman. <|endoftext|> That not what Thud say. Thud say Thud name come from sound when Thud hit Grug with club. Said Grug cry like baby, was so sad even toothcat not want eat Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug no need Je Ne Sais Quoi, Grug strong. Grug take what Grug want. Grug am original Grug. Other Grug copy Grug. Thud named Thud because Thud is sound he made when Grug knock him to ground and take his woman. Thud am cuck. <|endoftext|> >naming your caveman Grug instead of Thud Pathetic. <|endoftext|> >berry-picker think all grugs named grug >berry-picker not know grug is state of being, not name <|endoftext|> Why would you ever name a caveman anything other than Grug? <|endoftext|> grug likes buckshot I think they're cool flechettes suck dick but SnS flechettes make them useful (those are buried in the Vladivostok Gauntlet, iirc) <|endoftext|> What is the best way to tell players that trying to fight in a certain situation is more likely than not going to result in death? Whether its trying to take on a way too large group of enemies or an enemy that is just on a much higher power level than they are, how best to convey to players they may need to consider an approach that isnt "unga bunga grug smash"? Have the players witness some NPCs get murked? Emphasize the power of the thing while describing? Just straight up above board tell them if they try to tackle this thing head on as they are currently they are gonna get their teeth kicked in? Other Options? <|endoftext|> bonk her and bring her home grug you homo. <|endoftext|> To deny sex appeal is to deny man's raison d'etre. Even Grug knew that booba was the way. <|endoftext|> >TQ When I'm felling down I just play big green timmy cards and I immediatly feel better because when I think "me grug me smash with big dino" everything feel so much simpler. <|endoftext|> >Says that Anon posting studio level paintjobs isn't artistic Fuck off Grug. <|endoftext|> Has your Jumper ever gone to a Jump that they completely despised? Or that basically nerfs their fundamental abilities? >Be on a scientist-chain >Previous Jumps spent learning all there is to know about science, apprenticing under genius scientists, building robots, nanomachines, plasma rifles, and power armor, while waifuing a robot girl "XJ9. >Gets sent to the "Prehistoric Earth" jump by Nyartlathotep >Wakes up in fucking Paleolithic Europe >Loses access to all his fancy equipment, and has to make due with tools of rock, and bone. >Jenny, who my Jumper has previously heavily relied on, is now basically a 600 pound paper weight. Since her Fusion generator was damaged in the transport, the only way to keep her alive is by painstakingly melting down animal fat into oil for her to consume, and any use of her superpowers, or weapons would use up more energy than an entire mammoth could provide. So she just sits around being useless, in order to conserve energy, as my Jumper is forced to go full Grug to keep them both alive. >Eventually they stumble across a band of early Homo-Sapiens, who are wary at first, but eventually allow the Jumper his Waifu to integrate into their tribe, as they see XJ9 as one of the holy servants of their God, who they believe gave the tribe the power of fire. >Things are great, until Winter hits, game grows scarce, and hordes of desperate, Great One, worshiping Neanderthals begin raiding into the area. >Jumper forced to participate in a race war, using nothing but a stone spear, while in previous Jump's he was commanding nanoswarms against his enemies. >Forced to live in Unga Bunga land for a hundred years, never aging due to gene modifications made in the previous Jump "Eclipse Phase" >By the end, has introduced copper, and bronze tools, and basic agriculture to his tribe, tens of thousands of years in advance. <|endoftext|> >Metalstick no let grug poop in river and demands grug do dumb things for no reason >Metalclub tribe always challenge grug and force grug to fight in things grug no want fight in. >Grug make know tribe were he can eat meat and poo in river in peace. <|endoftext|> Why not join metalstick tribe? Girl pretty. Or maybe metalclub tribe more Grug taste? <|endoftext|> Grug just wants to start own tribe <|endoftext|> >Grug fight big green grug >Grug win >Member of Metalstick tribe say grug good warrior >Grug think metalstick lady pretty so grug nods >Metalstick tribe give grug many berries for defeating big green grugs. >Grug like metalstick tribe <|endoftext|> AM GRUG <|endoftext|> This not Thrug say new club bad. Not old club good. Thrug say ALL CLUB bad. NO BONK. Take all club, take cave, bonk bad grug have club. Give bad grug new cave. With bear and other badgrug. Thrug live in cave built of bad-grug club. Thrug laugh. Thrug not like yellow grug, yellow grug have many club, not give good cave, bonk Thrug. Thrug bonk hard. Thrug and yellow-grug fall down. Thrug build fence and sulk like she-cave-wolf. THIS NOT END BADLY THRUG DEFINITELY WIN. <|endoftext|> >why tube fag cry? gw always tard, corpo always tard, nothing new, this really it? grug learn word it easy <|endoftext|> Is this just a "stealth" scalie thread or can I ask why there's a split of kobolds either being lizard shortstacks or dogs similar to the orcs' pig/green grug split? <|endoftext|> >Pointing out that a senile near-100 year old is talkin gibberish means you're le anti-science leftist Conservatards are always coming in hot with these Grug-tier takes and then wonder why nobody takes them seriously and wants to platform them. <|endoftext|> >Grug Bane Good stuff all around! <|endoftext|> That bright shit that hurts if you put your hand in it, Grug. <|endoftext|> I'm betting grug the first user of Excalibur. <|endoftext|> sorry i shoulda posted this, it has the non Richard Garfield grug text Basically it halves your opponents attackers, because you choose which half of them will block <|endoftext|> grug rune knight <|endoftext|> A bit of an exaggeration, but its a good hypothesis. A few other Anons, myself included have pointed out that industry probably wouldn't be their forte. Another problem with their anatomy. Imagine Grug, a monkey man in a lion cloth making his first stone axe. He just squats down, hits stones together, what have you and uses the earth as a base. Very intuitive, the natural resting position of simians is sitting down. An intelligent one would naturally want to occupy themselves. Now imagine a centaur. Yes, we can hand wave their anatomical issues away, but as a mental exercise - this thread is dedicated to theorycrafting after all. Imagine what they would have to deal with. Equines are terribly disadvantaged by their spindly legs. Sitting is extremely uncomfortable for them and strains their anatomy significantly. You might have seen a few sitting horses, but those ones have been trained to do so, or the picture has been taken as the horse is getting up from laying down. In most times, an equine prefers to remain upright and only lays down for REM sleep for very short bursts of time. Its just plain unintuitive and uncomfortable for them. Yes, they can have tables or what have you to prop their tools up. But now we're dealing with a chicken and egg problem. How can cent-thog build said table without tools? Will the first stone age centaurs need to find elevated places to get working? I suppose they could stoop down the same way a horse would graze, assuming the connecting tissue between human and horse halves are just as flexible. But the human-side of their anatomy suddenly becomes a distadvantage. Imagine all that blood rushing to their heads as they try hit stones together or what have you. They would reaaaallly want to go out of their way to get those creative neurons going compared to say - a caveman busying its hands as it sits by the fire. At best, I can see the uplifting angle - assuming they are docile enough. <|endoftext|> I choose Grug <|endoftext|> >being this grug no tell you grugs name <|endoftext|> Hell, everyone who has ever created fiction has done it. Even my boy Grug stole from real life for his cave paintings. <|endoftext|> As I said long ago, she’s a litmus test for anons. If anyone doesn’t pick her, then they’re a clear faggot. Well except for the guy who kept picking grug, he was cool. That sounds incredible, anon! I can’t wait to read them all. <|endoftext|> >making a strawman to counter a strawman >apparently this to abstract to understand Ok grug, me talk easy next time. <|endoftext|> The Thing did nothing wrong. So did the Color Out of Space, and you could consider the...thing in Annihilation winning a kind of pyrrhic victory at the end given it managed to reproduce even though the insane women infected it with their tendency towards self-destruction. >by people in your region and time >your region >and time >Upper Paleolithic I'm just imagining my sum total agricultural knowledge gained from that past being a bunch of disorganised anecdotes like "Grug, my son. A long time ago, strong man could Ugg, he say: I will reach under the mammoth and find out what baby mammoth drink. Ugg, he die. So do last 6 men who try that shit. That is why you be good smart hunting boy and never approach animal bigger than you without spear" and "One time I found field of berries. Me eat field of berries, me not eat all berries. Now, many many berries after every season because Uhura the Nature Goddess, she likes it when I no eat all da berries". <|endoftext|> Glad to hear. Also, you're missing the companion section. Grug needs pretty lady to club over head to make baby. <|endoftext|> >the girls who play elf thieves and the boys who play grug clerics/fighters are porking each other. FTY <|endoftext|> By giving them talents and skills outside of "grug smash." In D&D, that's all they're good for, because characters with out-of-combat skills are mostly casters like Wizards (who cover INT-based activity), Clerics (who cover WIS), and Paladins/Bards (who cover CHA). At that point, barbarians have no social skills and will never get options to interact socially outside of threatening "grug smash." <|endoftext|> How do we make the generic angry man an intesting class to play and roleplay beyond just "grug smash"? <|endoftext|> >Material Rock >Core Rock >Personal customization Big Rock Grug wizard now <|endoftext|> couldn't Grug Shatterfist go for a year of kindergarten, then skip to third grade, skip to sixth, then ninth, then twelfth? Accelerated courses/tutoring for the gaps if we're pretending that they're just as clever as humans despite a rushed adolescence or if we're going for the INT disadvantage just have freakshit SPED for trolls, goblins, ogres, and retarded humans, and let 'em enjoy recess, arts, music, and extracurricular clubs with the other kids. <|endoftext|> you mean like a lich with a phylactery? Its fine, means the players not only need to defeat the lich, but track down his lair or wherever else he has hidden his phylactery to be able to actually defeat the villain. Requiring adventuring and using their brain rather than just grug smash. <|endoftext|> Anon I'm sorry you have an extremely narrow minded idea of what science is but it really is just a process. The history of science and engineering began when Grug decided to smash rocks together to make sharper rocks and experimented with different types of rocks. <|endoftext|> Make story simpler. Bad guy ug. Party grug. Grug smash ug. <|endoftext|> Make the Dwarves and Elves the only civilized races, while the vast majority of humans are grug-tier tribals. <|endoftext|> >Grug get attacked by long horn tribe >Grug have new club and throwing dart >long horn tribe no know how throw dart >Grug and tribe throw darts at long horn tribe, biggest long horn look like porcupine when dead >split long horn skulls with club >club breaks from bashing too hard >Grug hate long horn tribe for make Grug make new club <|endoftext|> Out of the trillion and one Death dudes Nagash could have shanghaied into a Binding, why would he choose Grug here? <|endoftext|> Leaving M41 is small picture shit. Changing tone is a broader understanding of the problem. You are midwit. Me also midwit, but grug no want to be midwit so grug call you out. <|endoftext|> I brought it up because it's the only major setting featuring a space-spanning state that is comparable to SW, and also has a solution to keeping individual worlds together. And btw, this is my first post on this thread , read it for yourself. And don't get your panties in a twist at people's homebrew because Grug no like new thing. <|endoftext|> you definitely need sugar, just what you'd reasonably be able to get as a grug. Maybe if you're lucky and wily enough you'll bust open a beehive in your life. <|endoftext|> >he messages in cuneiform Grug laugh <|endoftext|> >no one really wants to trade with them Why not? No one wants to make money? >Any that tried to settle down in such soft, green lands would get mocked for it. And if Grug does settle down somewhere nice, he may get mocked, but he'll be able to support a large family that isn't malnourished. I don't mean to sound so skeptical, but your justifications sort of don't hold up. <|endoftext|> >Launch Day >Play as Ogryn because fuck yeah Grug smash >Can't find any games >Turns out every single fucking player only wants to play Ogryn too Fer da emrpah <|endoftext|> Grug approves <|endoftext|> Based grug. Maybe you fags should learn from him. <|endoftext|> >Hurr durr, Grug like biggest booba! Big mean good! Retarded. <|endoftext|> I picked sorc because i want to grug smash and use the same 3 spells forever while offering no utility outside combat <|endoftext|> >mashing blobs of models together fun :)))) >manouvering bad :(((( >grug say so <|endoftext|> All Grug need to play chess is stick to draw board in ground and stones to make pieces. <|endoftext|> Rolled 12 (1d20) >Apparently he's gay pretend like i have go to give this information to my friend grug in the parking lot i look him straight in the eyes with a sorry composure and say "it's an old family tradition" "for good luck" then i look straight ahead and pass him without looking back <|endoftext|> In that case, what was the princess offering? If it’s a magic item to let him hit harder, Grug the Barbarian is swinging. <|endoftext|> >And if you ever sweat big existential questions like "why do bad things happen to me?" or "what's my purpose in life?", the answer is always the same no matter who you ask: Eat more. Grug, it isn’t enough that we eat more we also have to eat well. Only the best meats could enter our bodies for we are the temples of the maw <|endoftext|> true power is far different from >hurr durr grug stronk grug smash things <|endoftext|> Thats true, but it would still be kinda different to the later WoC, which is more my point. Also, something potentially amusing. At that point, chaos armor would be far more advanced (in design) than anything humans would have seen, essentially a caveman in power armor. How weird would it have been for those chaos warriors? One moment you bash grug with a rock and draw shapes with his blood, the next youre wearing magical hard skin and shit. <|endoftext|> Grug has mighty strong brain, squid man make brain hurt but Grug just power through and stab squid man. <|endoftext|> i think it'd be interesting if, for societies that are more rigid and structured, people with magic outside of a couple outliers, might only be able to get so strong. Magic to me has always had a massive mental element to it, and someone might not be able to do something advanced because 'everyone knows that's impossible without generations of careful breeding and extensive education', whereas Grug the village idiot is capable of causing volcanoes to erupt or city walls to collapse because nobody ever told him that's impossible for someone like him <|endoftext|> GRUG AM BECOME VILE SORCERER! I AM SMASH GRUG WITH ROCK! <|endoftext|> >glorious Grug claims mastery of trips and the power of subduing beasts of Mother Nature to training as hounds of humanity <|endoftext|> As it is said in the Book of Grug. <|endoftext|> grug, teach me <|endoftext|> sacred trips grug possesses forbidden knowledge <|endoftext|> >get stick >wave it around to make it look like it’s cool and important >throw stick far away >stupid animal will go waste time looking for stick Grug smarter than awooooo <|endoftext|> RG is usually a merry bunch if they aren't going full grug. <|endoftext|> Grug think you use too many big words. You think moralfags attack lolicons because they're secretly lolicons/pedos, or because they feel good for attacking somebody who can't fight back? <|endoftext|> I'll give him the grappling rule and the small movement boon but for the sake of other interactions he can be medium sized. The guy playing isn't a powergamer, he's just my buddy who wants to be a fuckhuge barbarian who grug smashes things. <|endoftext|> >Sigmar is a grug tier big dumb dumb This is news to literally no one, well except maybe Gorkamorka <|endoftext|> Grug like small green longear. Grug want pet head, but small green longear bite Grug finger. Grug punch small green longear, but Grug now sad. <|endoftext|> Okay, thats still a bit generalized but its workable. "this thing is really well priced for its power" isnt a gimmick. That WoC army works on simple "me run at you with big number for cost, me win melee" tier grug. If it were a deck it would be goodstuff. Some armies dont translate well to smaller points levels (ogres, WoC, TK) in terms of what you can take, while at the same time the smaller points level makes some things very hard to deal with. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >Grug only gives seed to strong women >Grug tribe keep killing all other tribes to take their best women >big hat tribe cry to sky when Grug tribe comes >pretty lady with wings comes from the sky to help big hat tribe >pretty lady with wings stronger than Grug tribe >Grug is impressed >Grug feel weird feel weird in the tummy >Grug wants pretty lady with wings to have his seed >Grug must become stronger and impress her Is that a good enough backstory for a zealot barbarian? <|endoftext|> >Thyrsus: Grug 'ate big words tribe <|endoftext|> Battle commander. You move party members around like chess pieces. This is necessary because my retarded party ungas in a straight line at enemies and the slight ally movement abilities of battle master aren't enough. I want combat to be fun and tactical, not grug smash <|endoftext|> Is there any way to play a full martial as a sypportive character? I want to make a battlefield commander that aids allies but outside of some battle master maneuvers my only option is to grug smash the guy in front of me or grapple the guy in front of me <|endoftext|> The AI construct certainly resembles MOO2 antarans with the floating ribs and claws. But it's impossible to say for certain yet because we don't have much detail to go on and what we do know is an obvious front. Like Historian "diplomats" being grug cavemen, likely to stop the loroi from stealing any of their secrets. <|endoftext|> I had an idea for a half-orc fighter who was raised in a village controlled by a beholder. He would use grug speak but he was decently intelligent, maybe a 10-11. Grug speak was simply how he learned to speak in his tribal village since >the beholder who lorded over them was suspicious of everyone with even a semblance of decent intelligence >any mentions of eyes or I's or eye or I he would assume was a joke at his expense and would beam them. >after a few generations most orcs understood how to speak to not raise his ire or suspicion. >under the beholder's leadership the orcs lives actually did improve and many did study under the beholder, learning and then teaching others. >Ronk no sorry he take healing potion. >No idiot, Ronk not drink healing potion, vendor obviously sell us fake. >Firstly, it too cheap. Potions always sell for more. It most likely poison. >Secondly, we talk to guards other day, remember? >Guards say militia buy out all potions to help in kobold extermination. >Ronk have no idea why he the one telling you this. Try using your own brain, ok? <|endoftext|> The average working class grug tier rugged masculinity ideal which has been normalized among the middle class as it largely grew from the working class, in which grace and beauty are thought as femine traits. So just like hard and strong industrious dwarves are masculine and people either mistake their women for men or just joke about that, the same gets applied to elves but in reverse. So while dwarves get masculinized, elves get feminized, regardless of whether Tolkien intended for it or not. The other answer is: Muh dick. <|endoftext|> grug big brain grug beat whole tribe at pebble game <|endoftext|> >Not fucking an orc/goliath with a husky voice and grug-speech <|endoftext|> Is she an orc or a goliath? Also how intelligent is she? If she has a husky voice and grug-speech, fuck no. <|endoftext|> >Alright grug takes a swing at the orc closest to him. Vs. >dost thou even comprehend that this nobleman right in the front of thee is very displeased by thine actions. You either assume the role of the character or the one of his guardian angel telling the other guardian angels what your subject is trying to do. There is just varying degrees of dissonance between player and character. Wich is why larp is the more personable experience, your character is even more you than you realise. Not just by his actions but his reactions and body language. <|endoftext|> > You can't just kill him. Say that to le Grug - Big, hulking, not too bright, prone to violent fits mass of "you die". You just need one pissed off idiot that has not enough intelligence to bother with all intrigues and plots and is just tired with villain's smug face. <|endoftext|> The nips were just especially fucking slow and basically lived like cavemen like all volcanic island civilizations, lack of access to metal slows development like nothing else. This is also why nip media and fiction likes to pretend their history begins in like the 1400s, admitting that it took three hundred years after the fall of the Roman empire to even figure out "GRUG SCRATCH ROCK. NOW TOMORROW GRUG REMEMBER WHAT GRUG THINKING OF" is fucking embarrassing It's also why Romance of Three Kingdoms stuff is very popular with nips, mainland chinks were massacring one another with armies of tend of thousands of men while the nips....were figuring out bronze tools 1,400 years after everybody else, and nobody knows anything about this period except what a few visiting chinks bothered to write down. Because it would be another 500 years before they learned to write themselves. nowadays fax machines are still in widespread use in Japan so some of this tendency remains... <|endoftext|> >Grug born in hut >Grug born with shiny hands >Family hate Grug for shiny hands >Keep Grug in shed >Grug try to be good savage like family want >Family no care >One day Grug dad gore by boar >Look like dad dead but Grug use shiny hands >Dad now not dead >Family like Grug now >Dad say Grug learn what can here, go out and learn ways of shiny hands >Dad say Grug hands can become shiniest in world and fix world like fix dad <|endoftext|> Grug am dragonborn <|endoftext|> >barbarian/sorcerer Give me a story for this multiclass Bonus Points: Do it in Grug speak <|endoftext|> What damage would you assign to large chunks of rock being thrown? My grug smash barbarian currently smashes nearby walls/the ground/rocks, takes large chunks and chucks them. This usually takes two turns, but my DM decided throwing a massive chunk of rock would only do 1d10 plus strength and a chance to knock prone. <|endoftext|> I sorta did, we talked about it briefly after the game today but I was the only one with issues with the character. There is one maybe, possible out related to some shenanigans my PC got up to to help the party, but they seemed pretty not happy since we're 3 grug smashes and my PC who's ranged support. Problem is... I usually play grug smash even harder than they are. If I swap out, we're out of utility and we're probably going to get skullfucked later down the line. <|endoftext|> grug keep fire lit make green men go away fire go out grug get scared go back to cave <|endoftext|> grug think oldhammer better because oldhammer no have primaris grug hate primaris <|endoftext|> >The SJW will out themselves however, by failing to understand that anti-SJWs exist only so long as SJWs exist. This is some monkey unga bunga grug shit. Surely there's a bigger picture to all of this. <|endoftext|> >attempt to make big dumb unga bunga class >accidentally make high IQ savage, more Khan than Grug What did LSS mean by this? <|endoftext|> Is there anything particularly strong/useful i should be taking for a hexblade warlock? i've only played barbarian grug smash kinda characters and i wanna try a warlock hexblade. <|endoftext|> >Grug want HIM be king, not you >Grug make you skip your turn! >Haha Grug so randumXD game fuyhhhn Fuck Citadels and fuck you <|endoftext|> What is this bizarre fixation on other people being unable to do something because no one else has done it? Anytime something new is invented, it's an example of something being done or solved that hasn't been before. Should every single scientist fucking quit because there's no way they could ever achieve anything when Grug the Cavemen invented fire in ancient times with his 200 IQ? Sometimes it takes a hundred generations for the foundations to be built up enough for the next geniuses to realize they were sitting on everything they needed in order to cure small pox. Just because we haven't cured cancer a hundred years ago doesn't mean it never will be cured. That's what scientific advancement is about. Fuck, someone brought up D&D earlier; isn't the reason that shit hasn't been developed even further than Wish and Genesis because there are literal gods who's job it is to prevent gunpower and other such things from being invented? <|endoftext|> I don't know what fucking grug took the aos boss picture but damn. <|endoftext|> >when do you guys think it's alright to fudge rolls Best avoid it. It's pretty much never a good idea. If you're looking at a very inconvenient TPK (like start of the game and nobody has new characters prepared), remember that the baddies can always just non-lethal damage the players, knock em out, and take em back to the hideout/slavemine/sacrificial chamber. Conversely, if the players are destroying your Big Boss, just let it happen. It's memorable, they'll enjoy. At times lack that you've just got relax and enjoy the ride, and remember you cooperate with the players, you're not their opponent in a board game. >do you guys run 'smart' monsters? I go by the monsters int. The higher the int, the more tactics I pull out. Although some stuff is instinctual. Hunting animals know to go for group stragglers and weak members. Anyone standing after away from the party is clear game. But dumb grug orcs have dumb grug tactics, whereas the 18 BBEG is going to fuck with the party hard. <|endoftext|> >t. grug <|endoftext|> Obviously there's bias involved here. Only grug used rocks, while there were a bunch of dudes with pikes. <|endoftext|> grug use club rock bad, club better, can hit things farther than arm <|endoftext|> >>racial balance is completely whack with things like Berserk and Dragonskin existing Admittedly, the "meta" being either Grug or a manlet was pretty funny <|endoftext|> >Not pissing on the mage and then beating his books right in front of him. Ngmi Grug. <|endoftext|> > “Kids, hide beneath the floorboards. Someone made fun of Grug’s art and he’s beating up all of us. ALL OF US. Don’t come out no matter what you hear.” <|endoftext|> >Grug like pretty lady, this lady isn't as pretty as other pretty ladies, but she knows how to swing club like Grug, this makes Grug happy <|endoftext|> When Ogg young he go hunting. Kill many sabercat, kill grug from other tribe. But Ogg see Igg. Igg not hunt with spear. Igg hunt with brain. See Igg kill many animal. Ogg know Igg is mindgrug. Ogg tell tribe, but they no believe. Igg become big man, big hunter many wives. But Ogg keep mouth shut. Ogg remember story of the sky men. Ogg knows that sky men come and take Igg, sky men always come and take all mindgrug. Ogg mother-mother tell him about sky men. Ogg know one day sky men will take Igg. Ogg will not fight. Ogg will laugh. At least thats how I generally imagine it going. <|endoftext|> We dont know anon. We just don't know. Would formations ever develop or do fireballs make them a bad idea from the grug clubbing grug stage? If shieldwalls, schiltrons, phalanxes etc never happen because troops need to be spread out to avoid lighting bolt based annihilation what does warfare look like? Loose skirmishers trying not to get run down by cavalry before the wizards do something about the horses? <|endoftext|> Grog, Grug and Greg. <|endoftext|> You miss the point entirely Deific supremachy is not "grug will kill everyone" it is to show that even their most powerful tool and/or weapon is no even a spec of dust for a god Helplessness is the name of the lovecraftian pantheon and cold indifference is their main aspect They arent here to teach educate or help in any way. Nor they are here to destroy maim and torture. They just exist. And its that they are so over our minds and so alien our eyes bleep and our brains melt They dont mean to. They dont know they do it. Thwy are indifferent to everything else Maybe they cant even see us That is the point of lovecraftian horror Sorry for the blog <|endoftext|> I once played an epic level cleric to the god of knowledge. He's the most pious of his priests, and is considered unanimously to be the head priest of the god. He doesn't give two shits about worshiping the god. He's only a priest because it gives him access to the knowledge and wisdom to do what he really loves. Helping people in their lives. His thing was to be the wisest person in the room, all the time, and to try and change society for the better. Make turbulent/war torn societies peaceful and enlightened by not sperging out on every single outsider and constantly being a cunt to everyone. Shame my DM was a shit, and had zero interest in letting me try and actually fix things instead of "Me grug, me fight, me bonk". <|endoftext|> >No Grug Post him. Now. <|endoftext|> >Grug-azon <|endoftext|> >GRUG SMASH lmao why it's always violence with you trodgolytes? <|endoftext|> Classic Grug half-orc barb who rolls with our gnome bard. She climbs up on my shoulders sometimes. Half-elf frost sorc in NotRussia, member of the common religion that teaches magical powers are devilry. Have a 20-something son who found out and left home. <|endoftext|> Some grug about to invent a new religion. You're probably the "truth of world" that he discovered if you're past that stage. <|endoftext|> >grug tier Rome ended in 476 >mid-wit tier Rome ended in 1453 >patrician tier Rome ended in 235 Rome ended in 1204 >dominus tier Rome ended in 27 (BC) Rome ended in 641 <|endoftext|> >Monster of the Week is recently deforested Neanderthal Shaman >Has extremely powerful Old Magic, almost immune to everything but a carpet bombing >Handler will not approve a carpet bombing >Thankfully, idiots who defrosted the Neanderthal Magician also defrosted some Moss-Covered Arrowhead Tribesmen >Shinystick Grugs must learn from Cold-but-Warm-Now Grugs to defeat the Bad Grug <|endoftext|> >But isn't Grug going to regret killing his tribes fire lighter? I don't think I got it across well, but I'm speaking about a circumstance where the shaman tries to leverage their magical power for war, which would obviously put them at a great risk for dying randomly. Tribes with mages who try and leverage magic in the same way as physical might would be less successful unless magic vastly outstrips physical might. >The "Stone Age" is defined by stone because that was a relatively abundant resource that could be fashioned into tools with the spare time and effort small nomadic tribes could afford You are correct that I am conflating stone age with pre-agricultural in this circumstance. Societies like the Aztecs or Mayans would be an example of cultures that despite being stone age are post agriculture, and therefore have the capability of building cities and dividing labor. The divide I'm talking about is indeed that between pre-agricultural and agricultural. Stone age is just an easier way to get across that idea. >If the fire guy also had a spear and was just as brutish as Grug, but could also put things on fire? Now this is a plausible circumstance, but it goes against OP's goals of having witch queens or whatever else, as it still relies on males having better physical might to be 'warmages'. And that goes for any circumstance where you want to use magic for warfare but magic isn't quite powerful enough to exclusively be the deciding factor. More likely though is this outcome where even if Grug is a skilled warrior, the tribe will want to keep him in reserve because they don't want to risk losing his knowledge of firestarting to a random injury. <|endoftext|> The common stereotype is that Grug would be much beefier than the fire guy. But what if that wasnt the case. If the fire guy also had a spear and was just as brutish as Grug, but could also put things on fire? What I'm saying is that yeah sure, brute force wins against (weak) magic, but why would magic imply lack of capacity of such force? And yeah, if there was a fire guy, he'd be high up in the tribe's internal ranking, just like the guy who knows all about how to make mammoth traps or whatever. But: pretty soon you'd see a lot of fire guys in the tribe, as women seek men who are high in the ranking. I mean, this is why males are more hierarchical to begin with. <|endoftext|> >The earliest witch would be a tribe's shaman who can start campfires, but is still useless when she tries to fight Grug who tosses a spear and kills her. But isn't Grug going to regret killing his tribes fire lighter? Wouldn't killing her make it more likely the tribe freezes or otherwise dies of exposure? I'm looking at this from a more societal memetics side than a genetic survival one; Tribes with Firelighters are more likely to thrive, ergo Firelighters are a valuable resource and more likely to take on the role of a "big man"/leader/elder in the village. >Stone age magic, much like any stone age tool, is going to be primitive and quaint compared to even bronze age applications. I think your conflagrating the effects of specialization and the division of labor have on technological development with said technological development. The "Stone Age" is defined by stone because that was a relatively abundant resource that could be fashioned into tools with the spare time and effort small nomadic tribes could afford. Larger civilizations who for one reason or another were forced to make due with these tools still accomplished amazing technological feats despite lacking better materials to make better tools and thus more "advanced" technology. Even the rather novel ability to reliably generate sparks would save a primitive tribe a huge amount of time and resources on starting fires, thus a Firestarter mage already starts leapfrogging a tribes ability to specialize and divide labor, and that's JUST being able to make sparks. <|endoftext|> Assuming people have no sources, or hard to get to sources, is pretty much the only reason to ask for sources. That's why I told you to kill yourself. Because you're the kind of person to do that instead of trying to discuss the topic. >The earliest witch would be a tribe's shaman who can start campfires, but is still useless when she tries to fight Grug who tosses a spear and kills her. But the physical structure of the brain hasn't changed much since "caveman" days. Why would the facilities needed to control magic be weaker in them than in humans of a technologically or socially more advanced society? <|endoftext|> >So while earliest witch queens and sorcerer kings only had the barest magical advantage You're not following. You wouldn't have the earliest witch queens. The earliest witch would be a tribe's shaman who can start campfires, but is still useless when she tries to fight Grug who tosses a spear and kills her. For magic to be passed down in such a scenario you can't afford to have your tribe's shaman going out to pick fights and getting killed because their spells aren't at the level of a sorcerer king yet. If you raise the baseline level of magical talent in the stone age to have sorcerer kings, but in doing so you are in turn raising the baseline competency of mages going forward. If a caveman wizard can toss around fireballs and lightningbolts, that means those forms of magic are incredibly easy to figure out, since literally a caveman can do it. At that point you veer off of magic being the skill of the elite and towards a strange mage oligarchy where everyone and their mother can use at least some magic. Which is fine, but isn't quite OP's premise. <|endoftext|> Kind of related to the TQ. New to TTRPGs, playing a sorc after doing a stereotypical grug half-orc barbarian. How do I get into the 'face' mindset <|endoftext|> >ME GRUG, ME WOULD LIKE MAKE APPOI- >"Please fill in this form in threefold" >GRUG FILL IN FORM.... GRUG NO REMEMBER DETAILS OF INCOME TAX REPORT FROM SEVEN YEARS AGO >"Alright, you'll have to file a request for a tax returns overview. Please leave behind a copy of your Road Warrior Passport and we'll get back to you in 6 to 8 weeks" >...... >"....I'd file a request for you, but the department in charge of handing out passports is on vacation. Please come back in two months". <|endoftext|> >serious spiritual engagement >grug listen to shaman with biggest hat <|endoftext|> Grug kill overanalytical berrypicker <|endoftext|> If Grug can hunt mammoth to make wife soft, then why did Grug complain about skinny wife? Is grug looking for not skinny wife because grug can't hunt mammoth to make her soft? <|endoftext|> Grug big and strong. Grug hunt mammoth and make wife soft. Wife lay around and make baby with grug all day so she never get thin. <|endoftext|> Grug have expensive taste if want fat girl on hunter gatherer diet. <|endoftext|> Girls too skinny. Grug need big soft girls. <|endoftext|> Tickled pink by the idea of Hermaeus Mora selecting TLB as their champion but TLB being some dumbass stormcloak grug who can't read. <|endoftext|> First they come for club. Then they come for rock and pointed stick. If grug not have pointed stick, what grug hunt mammoth with? <|endoftext|> >card isn't even that good >PRETTY GIRL GRUG BUY You're better off just going to Etsy like said. You could probably get a lewd version of her as well <|endoftext|> Running a game and playing in two, so I'm good, thanks. I still don't understand why you think it bothers me that it's not popular. I don't need many grug play product for validation like your Roll20 advert scrolling desperate ass. <|endoftext|> In most settings commoners are worried about not starving to death or being eaten by wolves or dying at 50 after decades of back breaking manual labor. If the barbarian can provide a better life than that of a feudal serf most women would jump at the chance. >work in the fields for twelve hours a day for a few coppers and then be too exhausted to properly look after your household >or marry GIGA GRUG who will drag a 12-point buck back to your hut every weekend and occasionally haul back a bear carcass because he wanted to practice his WWE moves. instead of worrying about being eaten by wolves the wolves are worried about you eating them. <|endoftext|> Bonk she-grug and friend grug then bonk on head. <|endoftext|> >be Grug >play Rocks and Sabertooths >friend grug and she-grug in gaming tribe >friend grug and she-grug want do mating in game >she-grug make pointy-ear tribe character >friend grug make raptor character Grug want bonk both on head with club. What Grug do? <|endoftext|> left looks like a fucking scarey beast mate its eyes are tiny, that is a sign of evil, the forehead is small as fuck, a sign of an underdeveloped frontal lobe aka is an insane low iq grug its mouth is huge and threatening, the ears are slicked back. the new one has a normal sized forehead, which is smooth and soft instead of angular, his big ears are gentle and cat like his eyes, tho glazed are almost human in shape <|endoftext|> You're taking this to the extreme, and imho missing the point. For example, why do you prioritize interpreting putting a seed in a certain place as the key innovation? Why isn't it something else entirely, like what grug did to the seed once it was planted? Consensus reality is about how we interpret events and information and putting some of that information at a higher priority. Reality as we understand it suggests that finding the right spot and doing the right things to the seed is how you would get farming, but if grug interprets his action of planting the seed through the lens of "where I planted" being the information that matters he is creating a reality. He may never consider anything else relevant to the outcome. So for example if grug plants in the right spot and then fucks off for a few months until coming back for his plants and this works out for a few years he might establish an observation based reality where planting in the right location is the cause-effect relationship. However, we as people of the future know that grug might also need to worry about watering his plants or maintaining the soil, critically, even though these things never appear in grugs observations and never skew his results. What is the meaningful difference between gods of plant life and planting in the right spot? This is the question you need to ask. We laugh at silly grug for thinking all he had to do was plant in the right spot to get his crops. Grug laughs at silly tribespeople for thinking the gods control plant life. Eldritch horrors laugh at silly humans who think reality is objective. Our observations are, at the core, beliefs that we observed the actual cause effect relationship occurring AND that we observed the relevant variables in the cause effect relationship. Grug believes his planting succeeds because of location, but that doesn't mean that's all that mattered. Consensus reality means that its all grug understood mattered. <|endoftext|> I can follow. It's still is a very 800s "evolutionary" idea that is very, VERY related to racism. (also I always like Tolkien's orcs being actually pretty smart, more than ME GRUG ME SMASH orcs, but that's me) <|endoftext|> >~the gods of plant life are real~ Only within the area and scope observed and understood by the original tribe, unless it immediately affects all other hominids planet wide the first time someone thinks of the Gaia Hypothesis or something. >Where would Grug even get the idea that plant life operates in any other way than by the will of the gods? Why would they ever doubt the obvious evidence of their own senses? Anon, Flat Earthers and Round Earthers both exist RIGHT NOW, in REAL LIFE. Grug need only be a sufficiently stoned/crazy person with enough charisma to drag along a few likeminded people. >We don't doubt things that are plainly evident. People believe in things like men and women having different numbers of skin layers, or different numbers of ribs. Not many, not very educated ones, but I've met them. And those are people who interact with non-idiots in general society. Now imagine a cult, isolated and insulated, receiving all their information about how the world works from one guru. <|endoftext|> Except that in this situation, ~the gods of plant life are real~, conjured into existence by human belief. This isn't a matter of competing hypotheses. Human belief would create a positive feedback loop, where undeniable evidence of their beliefs exists because they believe it exists. It would create a metaphysical echo-chamber, where not only is dissent impossible, it's literally inconcievable. Where would Grug even get the idea that plant life operates in any other way than by the will of the gods? Why would they ever doubt the obvious evidence of their own senses? IRL, our skepticism arises when there's room for reasonable doubt about a theory of the world. We don't doubt things that are plainly evident. Fire is hot, and burns, and hurts. If we ever doubt this, we can light a match and test it. Confirming the danger of fire is trivially easy for us, so we don't doubt it. Thinking about it, humans in this world might never even develop a sense of doubt, or skepticism. Everything that they think is true, is true. There's no need for critical thinking, in a world like that. <|endoftext|> Unless the field is limited to observations. Then, if Grug could convince one or two people and move away from the tribe, his e pediment would suddenly start to achieve successes. He could then either start a new tribe, or bring the evidence back for original tribespeople to observe, convincing more of them and altering the original field. <|endoftext|> The point is that we would all still be living in caves and jumping at shadows. Agriculture would never have even developed. Because while Grug might think that plants can be encouraged to grow in specific places, by burying their seeds in those places, everyone else in his tribe would think that plants grew at the whims of the gods, and that Grug was a delusional idiot for trying to control them. If reality really is determined by human consensus, then Grug's experiments would have never born fruit (heh). <|endoftext|> Rolled 10, 12, 4, 10, 19, 12 = 67 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> Not sure how this is supposed to make it ok. please explain grug <|endoftext|> >Considering he also reeks of rotting carcasses, his breath is putrid and his body looks like it hasn't met water in months, yeah the only reaction a barmaiden would realistically have to a barbarian is fear Nope, women love grug. <|endoftext|> > Feral > Influence, Reincarnation > Village, Love Interest, Weapon Grug happy <|endoftext|> Could be fun just grug smashing people to death with a bunch of copies and a scary beater, I just love Feldon is all and she feels a lot like him, just don't want the decks to be identical <|endoftext|> Skaven need effort to play, as much BS as their Gutter Runners are. They lose players fast and don't have anyone above strength 3 bar the rat ogre, which makes fighting heavy bash very challenging. Undead just grug and all have regeneration bar the ghouls and are mega bash. >How are Stunty teams doing? Ogres got super buffed. 15k Snots and they don't count towards TV so huge inducements from the get go like halflings. Morg is also 340k so some Ogres may decide to induce him game 1 and ruin a teams season. Goblins got nerfed and buffed. Nerfed because they lost all their super cheap stars like Fungus and they lost Ripper. However the roster itself got buffed as they now start with a Dirty Player Goblin and they also no longer cause turnovers if the chainsaw kills himself. Doom Diver got nerfed though in his ability to fly (Random D3 than 3) and some players got more expensive. Halflings got buffed full stop. Deeproot Strongbranch got both cheaper and has mighty blow +2 AND he will never cause a turn over if he fumbles the halfling as, unless they crash on someone they will always land. <|endoftext|> >Called them Madlads Name one. That one where he talked about Uday Hussain and called him a little bitch that died like a bitch? The one about General Buttnaked where he called for the man to face trial? Maybe the most recent one where he specifically went 'This guy was a rapist, now you know why this isn't a Madlads video' But hey, you have a shallow, grug-tier view of someone, I'm sure you'll stick to it rather than providing evidence. <|endoftext|> My favorite are the Grug Johns. Roided out Johns too retarded to be left to their own devices. <|endoftext|> Argonian barbarian is my go to Im a lorefag so somehow an ignorant swamp grug learning about the world somehow appeals to me the most <|endoftext|> Grug think club best weapon. Better than spear. <|endoftext|> >Poleaxe can't be properly wielded on horseback and is a stopgap for when battlefield conditions won't let you use a lance (aka. the most efficient weapon for a knight). "hey Grug, point your pointy stick in the direction of that knight with a Lance." >horse shies away from Grug's stick >cave in his skull with poleaxe Lances were good at killing fleeing peasants. Once euros 'remembered' pike formations, the Lance became useless. <|endoftext|> 1RR forces you to play mega tight but its very fun and surprisingly effective. The raw strength of chaos really shines wgen you start with 4 warriors and 1 mino. It worked for Andy Chambers and it works for me and others. Just go full grug and 3d blitz like mad. <|endoftext|> Monks explained >Grug shave head >Grug figure out how to punch rocks really hard without hurting hard >Grug figure out how to climb wall with only feet >Grug figure out how to punch mammoth with only stick and kill slowly <|endoftext|> Everybody looks at the Venus of Willendorf statues and thinks "Oooh what could it be?! Was it for fertility rituals? Was it a religious offering to a deity?" What if it was just bored cave dudes fucking around? >Grug… check it out, I carved a fat bitch out of mammoth tusk. Look at her fat tits and twat lol >Lol nice one Urg <|endoftext|> >She's literally Jonestown in space. She was also the only person talking about both pumping the breaks on the science train without being a grug >The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil. >it was never the streets that were evil. Or how about >At atrociously high energy states, the properties of matter change subtly and new miracles become possible. The Plasma Accretion process is now dangerous and difficult to control, but its products will soon become commonplace in our society. Yeah I know this is dangerous but the benefits are great and there's no ethical component to using a new type of powerplant, it's great stuff. <|endoftext|> >owl make grug head hurt >kill guy with owl >no more bad owl >grug head no hurt flawless logic <|endoftext|> >MA grug no how mak deek me get WHA MAT deeck to getl play good! maym gettin bof dem deeks me onaly have wanpala SHORK SHORK me havta poot in wanpala deeck! ME NO NO <|endoftext|> grug GRUG <|endoftext|> There's a dagger somewhere made from the canine of a dragon. If held by a lady-grug, she may call on the dragon once a month. <|endoftext|> >A cousin grug returned with stories of trees that bore shiny chimes instead of fruit >Cousin grug brought several home, shaman now uses them to listen to distant stories brought by winds <|endoftext|> >Grug hear tale of terrible beast >Teeth size of Grug head, claws like tree >Grug lure beast into cave >Cave held up by sticks and spit >Grug knock stick out of way >No more beast >Beast blood everywhere >Grug drink >Taste good, drink more >Grug feel funny >Grug start change >Beast look like food >Grug grow horns >Grug spit melt rock >Always hungry >Why happen to Grug? <|endoftext|> Based on what I’ve learned in theology classes, a caveman fantasy world is very high magic, even the average grug has spells & charms Gods are generally weaker but far more numerous <|endoftext|> based grug <|endoftext|> grug put BIG HUGE word at the bottom of every other page to make feel good <|endoftext|> >From what Arioch posted, the Historians may even leave thinking to their apps. That's a possibility. They could just be pretending to be personality constructs and the "AI"s are actual historians. The diplomats being grug cavemen who know nothing is obviously intended to counter loroi mind reading, they could be vatborn clones designed to maintain appearances. It will be interesting to see what the AI does next. The AI uploaded to jardin's ipad claims to be limited by the shitty hardware and can help him more when better resources are available. But so far as we know the only historian hardware in the system is that flowerpot hologram projector thing which managed to scan the Bellarmine's entire computer, while it was powered off, at a distance. The loroi wouldn't let the construct onto their computers, but the barsam might. <|endoftext|> There is a difference between grounded and retarded. Inter dimensional settings like AoS are brain dead grug tier. Anything and everything can happen and because of that all of it comes off as stupid and lazy from a writers perspective <|endoftext|> If you’re really grug you don’t even need to sew that much, cut it into a circle, punch holes around the edge then attach drawstring+toggle. I like the blue one anon This also works, also keeps your pens/pencils/markers from going walkies <|endoftext|> >Purposfully misunderstanding grug meme to score points sad >Not understanding grug meme to begin with low-functioning autistic Choose one. <|endoftext|> >Only grug use grug insult. Other tribe use same word because stupid. Me tribe use word because smart. <|endoftext|> yeah, same. but it's literally anything that plays blue maybe the grug life is just for me <|endoftext|> Grug crush big rock. Big rock is small rock <|endoftext|> Grug like roll die move dolls and fight other dolls but Grug no want pay $200 for Warhammer Quest AoS version 3. <|endoftext|> > grug pajeet: me like big titty woman! me make statue of big titty woman "Obviously this society was run by women" <|endoftext|> >Have you fleshed out much of the blood tech and blood magic that humanity uses? Is it generally going to be analogous to near-future sci-fi tech, but powered by blood magic? It's like that, but also a mix of grug-tier caveman aesthetic. A soldier guarding a village might be covered in cybernetics so they look like a bipedal wolf with a metal skeleton on its outside but wears a fur pelt cloak and loincloth, carrying a big spear daubed with blood runes, whereas in the big cities there are things like computers and autonomous artillery drones, with the soldiers looking the same as the village guy but carrying haemothaumic arquebuses (rapid fire ranged weapons are only viable on large vessels or constructs) and wrist-mounted energy pentacles. Yeah it doesn't work for every setting. <|endoftext|> Its still grug tier. You grab the 8 or 10 tricks that cantrip and loop them with synergy payoffs. Aria of Flame builds are storm centered but the nature of looping spells with Feather makes it still feel like pod lines. <|endoftext|> what level? we start the campaign at lv1 if that's what you mean and what's EA? Sorry if I'm asking basic questions, I'm not too used to DND and I usually take grug smash classes <|endoftext|> >effective way to do it. Put base on plasticard. Draw around the base to form full circle. Cut plasticard in half through circle. Cut out semi circle. Slot base into plasticard cave. Paint edges of base where plasticard edge meets base and air. >t.grug <|endoftext|> everything I do is hand painted I do a flat base of macragge blue, wash it with nuln, then do various square/rectangle shapes in (macragge blue mixed with white) and then the base macragge blue. Just kind of yeet the squares down and then fine tune the edges to be straighter on the second pass. Would be more efficient to have an airbrush and mask them off but I'm a grug caveman painter who just likes brushing stuff normally. <|endoftext|> Try many moons. Anything painted on wall after Grug make fire no unga <|endoftext|> >be Emps >peace has been achieved >start massively improving quality of life across the galaxy, no more shithole hives >carefully guide humanity to achieve its psychic potential >slowly work to make humanity less and less dependent on you >once they no longer need you, tell them you're proud of them and how you'll always be around just in case you're needed >retire to a secret world preserved in a feral state untouched by technology >spend your days living the Grug life you never got to >bang hot cave-pussy, hunt and sleep all day, everyday >feels good, man <|endoftext|> >graceful Eldar autarch vs grug ork warboss >Autarch easily hitting him but barely getting through his retard bulk >ork struggling to land a hit but if he does the elf gets ragdolled I hate Runescape combat of 8th onward <|endoftext|> I would sell grug a better rock to bash in his enemy, grunga. <|endoftext|> Grug head hurt too big number. Grug like hundred and thousand. Those big numbers. <|endoftext|> What can I say? I'm easily amused. It's the one benefit of being mentally deficient. Grug say big number better. Big number is bigger than small number. Small number smaller than big number. <|endoftext|> grug have rock zug have two wives grug have none grug use rock on zug grug have two wives <|endoftext|> >tfw no sword grug gf <|endoftext|> assumedly grug mcunga works to keep his musculature sufficient but like keeping armor and weapons maintained, it's too tedious to bother codifying in rules and waste time during sessions with <|endoftext|> Think its your neighbor grug heard him talking about something mud fall. <|endoftext|> >burn meat over hotrock >krug add greenleaf to flatrock >say "enhances the flavor palate with delightful hint of mint" >Grug say him grandgrug make meat on hotrock >insult to grug grandgrug to add greenleaf >krug start talk about Nootreeants >throw krug on hotrock >serve on greenleaf >grug make good leafkrug >save from impurity <|endoftext|> I feel there's a little more to it than just the psychological aspect, but I'm at a loss to articulate it. The formalized language of ludology isn't my bag. Grug just know what grug think work. <|endoftext|> Make a priest or something. >Grug summon big spider <|endoftext|> Grug now has a place, he's got swarthy thews and he and the mage can buddy cop it when taking on the serpentmen. The mage creates magic eyedrops that let Grug see past their illusions, meanwhile Grug has a big axe. Doing it this way really does stop mages being complete and utter faggotry. Pic related are some other magic variants I've come up with for PbtA games in the past. Keep in mind these are just the general overview magic uses in each setting. Things can be added to them (Like that 'The New Alchemy' move letting the player that did want to get more science-y with his magic basically create magic in a bottle, but only a limited amount and there'll always be a cost for it. Having sunlight in a can is great when you run into vampires, except when you remember you opted it draws unwanted attention as well and you have to use it in the middle of a vampiric ritual which leads to 'OH GOD THE SECOND SUN RISES, MY EYES, YOUR EYES, ALL OUR FUCKING EYES') Funnily enough I'd say the bottom most one, despite being small, is my favourite since the player had to take not just 1, but 2 moves to be able to use proper throw magic arrows type magic. And they've ended up using money as their superpower more often because it's just more versatile. Great, don't play D&D. Now name some systems that don't have these problems of magic being completely systemic and reliable. I've given one, you meanwhile dodge the question. I'll wait. <|endoftext|> >Tower of the Elephant If I recall, the OG Grug was actually a really tall, incredibly fat thief who turned out to be absurdly fit and agile. He neutralized the tower's defenses with careful use of poison (though it was really about research, he knew what to expect), then got owned by a big spider. <|endoftext|> based grug no like pointy hat tribe <|endoftext|> As for this; >If the player cares about that kind of stuff then they will add the flair that they want to it. The entire beef being argued here is that systemizing magic drains the wonder from it. Hell, systemizing magic makes it reliable and reliable magic is often a better option than doing shit mundano style. If I could play a cunning rogue or a cunning rogue who has spiderclimb, why would I ever choose to not be able to climb up walls with magic? Meanwhile if my options for getting into the Tower of the Elephant are: >Sacrifice 3 virgins in order to summon the worms of the Earth who might just turn around and eat your entire ass, then negotiate with them to show you the secret and antediluvian pathways into the wine cellars of the tower, you'll be in but you're still going to have to make your way up or >Hire Grug. Grug have rope. Rope go up tower. Grug strong, will carry you Then that means Grug now has a place in the party, meanwhile if my options are >Cast Flight (no cost, you know exactly how it works and can do it) >Hire Grug Suddenly Grug is going to feel he's not really being helpful with his rope is he? Why even bother bringing rope? I don't like admitting that GRRM is right about something. But on this, he is right. I mean shit, you can even make more standardized magic using the exact same system and setting for more psudo-science magic; Alchemy. <|endoftext|> >they are arguably the single strongest team in terms of brute force Sure, but like early TV Chosen the lack of Block really hurts them. There's not terribly much to do other than waiting for those Both Downs to fuck them and then capitalising, but I guess you might consider dodging away more than usual, or always try punch them off you. That's the same tactic with any grug really, limit them to one punch a turn as much as possible and if they're basing you take the free hits. Also foul them to fuck if you have even moderately cheap dudes. They are still strong and tough to deal with, but you just have to constantly search for opportunities to injure those skinks since the rest of the team is Agi 1. There are some that tout a philosophy of punching a skink every turn, but taking that too literally can result in some awkward, risky blitzes that leave your dudes in bad spots. <|endoftext|> Is weird. Wherever Grug walk, monster is weak enough only to slow him down a little. Except the last one. That one always more dangerous. People bury much money in dark places. Greg now have so much money he make his own dark place and hide his money there. Maybe lock skeletons inside to keep money safe. <|endoftext|> Grug does not enjoy uncertain financial future, Grug will go in dark place with monsters instead. <|endoftext|> >Why would I roleplay if it means it might lead to negative outcome? That's some real adventurous shit right there. Fuck, why even go outside? Grug barbarian should get a steady job as a street sweeper, settle down, and start a little peasant family. It's safe and less prone to failure than dungeons delving. Oh wait, I forgot. Haha. So ehow Grug knows all the dungeons are challenge rated to his skill level exactly, so unlike rolellaying, he can delve dungeons. Because the dungeons are also, in actuality, almost totally safe. <|endoftext|> >grug no understand econimal >grug get mad when people mention econimal >it make grug head hurt <|endoftext|> >doesn't appreciate the much needed elf nerf The year of the grug is upon us and you cannot escape it knife ears. <|endoftext|> >I go to the tavern >I don't talk good >Lol, I'm getting drunk again >I would like to rage >No, I don't want to try being social, my character isn't the face >Have you guys watched Critical Roll yet? >What do you mean I should put more thought into my character anon? All this class is is a big dude that hit things, you can't do anything special with that. I'm sick of this basic bitch trash, Barbs can be a lot more than just Grug #29345762-013.7. Share with the class a Barbarian you've played or had at your table that was something away from the factory template of 'loud, drunk, hits things' or goes well beyond that. I want to hear of the gentle workaday souls that become like animals defending their compatriots. Tell us of the serene socialite secretly boiling with rage. Regale with the tale of some Lucho Libre motherfucker that RKO's dragons while shrieking mariachi at the top of his lungs. Show us someone more like book Conan than movie Conan. <|endoftext|> Like hinted at, you can ultimately go as pulpy or as gritty as whatever you feel like. Stone-age shenanigans lends well to the latter because even with the latest in grug technology, a mundane bear or a particularly cold-ass night is still going to be capable of slapping your shit, but it also works well with high-magic animism stuff because of how many more gaps there are in a typical grug's knowledge of how the universe works, and there's plenty of room for ambiguity between the two. Is the giant creature that felled your entire tribe an envoy of some ancient destructive spirit, or is it just some migrating megafauna? Only way to find out is with sharp volcano rock tied to blessed stick. <|endoftext|> Of course, INT based casters, and their equivalents in other systems, cast magic by studying and understanding how to manipulate it. CHA casters just naturally feel and wield it. You could be a total dumb grug and still throw a fireball because your great great grandmother fucked a dragon or some shit. Think of it like learning how to swim and being a fish. There's lots of practical exercise but you've still got to learn technique and work it into muscle memory. A fish just does fish things and off it goes, swimming is just what it does. <|endoftext|> You have to lean into it and go full meme with Barbarian intelligence. >Grug tribe liked do... hard to say in you language. "Logic puzzles" in spare time? Grug say right? <|endoftext|> >Grug game best! Grug game best! I'm glad the lynchpin of your self-worth is consumerism. When they hook you up to the dripfeed of Diet Coke™ I'm glad you'll find it gratifying. <|endoftext|> I would cut off an ear to play in a campaign that focuses on comfy shit like travel cooking and navigation. My playgroup is all grug <|endoftext|> >Isolating compounds from plants is an extremely common start point. Who's to say what's happening with transitional therapy isn't the common starting point? It's still in it's infancy as a field. >but the penis inverters aren't, that's the point. They aren't helping. Yes, if the science gets better, perhaps there will be a better solution. >Are in denial of reality and don't actually lead to any research to create a female body. Somehow I doubt you are aware of the cutting edge of transitional research. Crude surgeries done in the stone age didn't make them better or return them to their original functionality, yet it was still that trial and error that led to the better methods we have today. Grug didn't give up on surgery after the few thousand times his friends died on the table, neither should we. <|endoftext|> >pretty female grug >you wife now proceed to hit her over the head with club and drag back to cave <|endoftext|> Grug think blue is mind magic, and mind magic mean smart. <|endoftext|> So how hard would it be to make parachutes then? All you need is a sheet with a hole at the top, right? Seems less like something that requires a ton of industry and more like just figuring out the design. For context, I am trying to work on basically a campaign that is "cavemen but gliders" >Campaign region is a massive maze of canyons and those crazy chinese pillar mountain things, but really really high >humans in the region learned to make parachutes and gliders into what is basically the copper age >vertical movement system where your ability to go up is limited unless you manage to find a draft to glide on Basically grug and his buddies dogfighting and trying to stab/drop rocks on each other when not fighting giant bats and demons and such. <|endoftext|> >hurr grug shove metal wedge into other grug <|endoftext|> grug lgs make grug sit on rock grug like rock is good for sit <|endoftext|> grug like, feel strong <|endoftext|> Unironically been working on a Paleolithic system for the last couple of years, really wanna get shit going for it in the next few months. Not quite "rules lite", but not too heavy either. And yes, there's magic, etc. GRUG is of course, a working title. <|endoftext|> >Grug not playmagine Pointyear or big Lizard >Grug not play with wearable shiny rock. Grug no science dream >Grug only play what ancestor did <|endoftext|> >grug roll carved stones >Playchief says Mammoth wants unga bunga >Playchief draged Grug into his Bungaworld <|endoftext|> he actually did it the absolute grug <|endoftext|> These threads need more orc posting, good job grug Yasha is potato tier roleplayer and not even there half the time <|endoftext|> They arent regular creatures so natural selection doesnt really apply if you are talking about grug cavemen versions of the listed races before they developed language, they are still more intelligent than other creatures, can use tools and also require less food than larger creatures. Besides, if mistakes of natural selection like the Koala can exist, so can halflings (barely) <|endoftext|> GRUG NO SHE'S ONLY SAYING THAT BECAUSE SHE'S TALLER THAN YOU! <|endoftext|> Don't do it Grug, it's a trap. <|endoftext|> I warned you Grug, I really did <|endoftext|> Shaman dum. Tell other Grug, Smash Shaman. Next time battle with Tusk Tribe, yell and ask if want kill Long Ear first. Maybe they say yes. They fight good, good friend. Long Ear fight coward, Hand light cowardly! <|endoftext|> Apologies, sirs. Ahem. Me want make.. uh, how would one say.. many tribe be one tribe, for grug help, grug get big head booba <|endoftext|> Grug-tribe think long-nose tribe trick grug? Long-nose tribe will make more sulfur pit slates to give to other tribes <|endoftext|> Hi grug, Me from long-nose tribe You should let the long eared tribe into your village Judge tribe for fight is bad Listen to long-nose tribe Grug-tribe owe long-nose tribe because many moons ago grug tribe throw long-nose tribe ancestors into sulfur pits <|endoftext|> Hi Grug, me Longarakk from Long-Leg tribe, Long-leg tribe hate short-leg tribe because when we bash Long-Ear tribe short-leg steal our stick from Long-Ear shaman. We should be friend and bash short-leg heads. <|endoftext|> Grug my friend sometimes you just have to learn when to let go. Your relationship is clearly toxic and she'd probably be fine with any random Orc rapist from the tribes. The reason why she doesn't want to split with you is because your soft heart allows her to act willfully without getting beaten. I recommend that you stop playing around with the perverts of other races and settle down in a nice tribe with an Orc woman who can love you for who you are. There are plenty of nice, cute and caring Orc women at the RiverFlowerPicking clan of the SlaughterCrushMain tribe who would love a man of your sensibilities. <|endoftext|> Grug agree, always same with non-orc women, they always want muscles and Grugg to be beast and get into noncon play, when Grugg just wants to snuggle. They even sexualize Grug's speech impediment, Grug not use third person because Grug want to.....Grug just want love...not.....this. Grugg feel like sexdoll....a living dildo...She insults Grugg whenever Grugg mentions taking a break or....considering separation, but then gets mad and says its Grugg's fault Grugg is sad!That Grugg has been emotionally distant to her needs when all Grugg has time to care about is her needs!...Grugg knows it is lie...that she's just playing with Grugg's emotions but.....Why is it so hard for Grugg to just words...just leave. <|endoftext|> Grug think on it. Says Short-Leg tribe weak. Why Short-Leg tribe no take stick back? <|endoftext|> Tusk tribe women strong. Look at Grug like Grug look at women. Long-Ear women like child. Grug confused. Grug like Tusk tribe. Tusk tribe fight good.How Sort-Leg fight? <|endoftext|> Hi Grug, me Grugnarkk from Short-Leg tribe. Short-leg tribe hate Tusk tribe because five moon ago Tusk tribe break Short-Leg tribe chieftan's favorite drinking horn. Short-Leg tribe also hate Long-Ear tribe because seven moon ago Long-Ear tribe borrow our shaman's stick and not give it back. Short-Leg tribe think Grug tribe should come be friend with us instead so we can fight Tusk tribe and Long-Ear tribe together. <|endoftext|> >Be Grug >Grug like Grug tribe >Grug fight Tusk tribe >Tusk tribe strong and like fight Grug tribe >Grug like fight Tusk tribe >Be few sundowns ago >Be fighting Tusk tribe >Very Fun >Grug tribe and Tusk tribe have great fun >Long-Ear tribe come from forest >Long-Ear hand-light kill many Grug and Tusk tribe >Long-Ear tribe run away in forest >Grug go home >Get more Grug tribe >Go fight Long-Ear tribe >Tusk tribe show up same time >Fight Long-Ear tribe with Tusk tribe >Kill many Long-Ear tribe >Much fun >Tusk tribe strong, fight good >Grug tribe tough, fight good >Long-Ear tribe small weak, no fight good >Take Long-Ear sticks >Go home >Give sticks to shaman >Be sunup >Walk by shaman cave >Hear shaman say Long-Ear good friends for tribe >Say hand-light and stick-light better than club >Say Long-Ear make Grug tribe stronger How small weak make strong? Strong make strong! Me think shaman kid breeder. Me think Tusk tribe better friend than Long-Ear tribe. <|endoftext|> Alright I'll argue with this. If you pulled a Leucippus and thinned a hammer's sides down to nothing, you wouldn't be left with anything but a worthless hammer with a small face and weak neck. You could argue that prehistoric maces and axes were largely interchangeable because there's only so many ways grug can put a sharp rock through a club, but hammers and swords diverged by the time we came up with separate labels for them. The only fringe case I can recall of more recent overlap is that mordhau meme, but that's going against the spirit of both the law and the sword. This isn't just taxonomical either, like hamburgers not being true sandwiches, there's a difference in intent between them. Hammers in every iteration are about generating and transferring momentum, whereas axes and swords are about some form of cleaving with force just helping get to that point. <|endoftext|> OP here, I got into grug space adventures before stumbling across this, but boy do the aliens fit my aesthetic <|endoftext|> Why grug think tee gee read corporate shit and not real book? Corporate book get universallly shit on, even when not every day happen and someone say them like corporate book they always also say book is bad but them like it anyway. Most book tee gee talk about am ones normy no heard of. <|endoftext|> >They were either incompetency or in coohots with china you mongoloid, you can't have it both ways. Literal Grug-tier comprehension skills. Overwhelming evidence (which I seriously doubt you're actually able to read) be damned. Done wasting my time fucking around with you trogs. <|endoftext|> oh no big grug, you've had bad luck. The rock knock lock is more stuck than a duck in muck. <|endoftext|> oh no big-grug, the lock you hit with a rock is now stuck. <|endoftext|> >Stand back, twink-grug. >I hit the lock with a rock. <|endoftext|> Are you sure? If grug went for a walk in the woods and heard a twig crack behind him would it smarter to assume “Scary sharp tooth” or “Nothing”? <|endoftext|> it's too expensive for such a grug card <|endoftext|> >Grug doesn't like sorcery me break it <|endoftext|> Grug jump down and take 2d6 fallen damage. Then grug hit chest until chest open. Hopefully grug have party who have rope to get him out because grug not think that far ahead. <|endoftext|> Yeah sigmar was pre emperor of mankind awakening grug for a while. When he emerged he was obviously not as OP. And Big E is kind of retarded not gonna lie <|endoftext|> >Grug no want rule, Grug want knowledge. You kill knowledge. I fight. <|endoftext|> >grug lick rock >grug hurty go hunt >grug chase pretty wuman >grug make hole >grug sleep hole >grug bring wumun hole >grug smash rocks with grugwumun >small grug come out grugwumun >grug fight big kitty hunting grugson >grug arm lost >grug pass on grugstick to grugson >grug sleep long time now <|endoftext|> I'm tired of pretending humans are not a lawful evil race whose destiny is either to extinct ourselves because of our grug retardation or escape into the stars and subjugate the galaxy under our iron fisted but gentle rule. <|endoftext|> I'm the guy who posted Tribe Chief's Mate (Not the author, just a fan). Not that it matters, but I'm not the sperg calling you a fag Grug's all yours, more Young for me <|endoftext|> STILL GRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> >playing braindead grug Ruric >blueshitter sucks his teeth says he'll take the 6 to counter my Cinder Elemental >smile as I take 6 with a REB >he goes ballistic and scoops up complaining about Ruric using counters >I say "6 damage is quite the steal for player removal" knowing he is an anti-semite <|endoftext|> >Aasimar I am legally obligated to call you a mary sue >Barbarian Grug swing big bonk, be like Grug >Noble Not surprising for an Aasimar all in all, how you gonna tie the barbarian aspect into a Aasimar noble? sounds neat <|endoftext|> One's analysis of data is their product. Those products aren't free just because you think the value is zero. I think that particular analysis isn't worth as much as he's asking but I'm not going to be the grug who says that analysis is the same as raw data and that means it's not worth anything. <|endoftext|> It's easier for grug and grugwife to produce meat and berries than it is to produce clothes. So they profit from the transaction by acquiring clothes in a way that minimises their need for labour. Maximizing clothing output per labour, aka get more for less, aka profit. It's easier for the tribe to produce clothes than meat and berries, so they profit from the transaction by acquiring those goods in a more efficient manner than if they had produced them themselves. Aka get more for less. Comparative advantages sure are nice. <|endoftext|> grug wife collect berry, me go get meat. we give meat and berry to tribe for clothing, we tribe value the capital of meat and berry. we live in rock society. <|endoftext|> >Grug tribe tell story of bad man >Bad man shoot lightning kill ancestor Grugs >Grug no like lightning Grugs now, only stick and gun Grugs It makes as much sense as any character you can gin up that hates mages. If you want to make them from some tribal culture that abhors magic, you also could work in some sort of tribal anti-magic folklore or something. "Mages are uppity bookworms who are keeping the common man down" seems like it's usable in any setting to explain why someone would dislike mages. It doesn't even have to be true, necessarily, since it could be played off as jealousy. <|endoftext|> That looks like it was made specifically for Sai which is dope. I use Trading Post in Feldon. Something like that IS needed. I'd want it in red with the barbarian theme of Stranglehold. All those cool interactions and some grug just hits you in the face for your impudence. <|endoftext|> Just a big grug is all he is. Meanwhile Dark Magician rolls up with a million signature moves, the stuff you have in your backrow. <|endoftext|> STILL GRUG <|endoftext|> i would grug no homo <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> I Grug can not see how sun works, but I can see Earth not curve. Sun must do complexe, Grug sences can't be wrong Grug experience something first hand. <|endoftext|> The fuck’s Grug? <|endoftext|> I like it, in fact they’re my favourite kind of Orcs. Helps that there’s plenty of subtypes. Having said that, there’s nice variety that comes having goblins and hobgoblins act as Tolkien Orcs and using orc profiles for Grug Orcs. <|endoftext|> STILL GRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> > if grug pump hard and fast then all lady swoon Based grug <|endoftext|> >sex is nothing more than a physical performance where's the insight checks to find out what your partner's into, to read their mood and reaction, the wisdom checks to know how to respond to that, the charisma checks to whisper all the sweet nothings >if grug pump hard and fast then all lady swoon <|endoftext|> I still choose Grug. <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> I think in-universe reasons are because Dwarf and Elf cultures are both long-lived. Hard to really hate Grug Killtusk for his grandx10 father chopping off your father's beard in a brawl, because he doesn't remember anyway. Longear The Hugged Tree, on the other hand, remembers it perfectly and sometimes sends parts of it to you on major holidays. <|endoftext|> > oh no! > that tree started moving! > oh shit it stomped on Grug! > what will we do? > oh ya, burn it. > don't worry guys we can just burn it lmao <|endoftext|> >Planar Guide Really fun card. I like the versatility it can offer, acting as a fog, save from a wrath, get rid of tokens or mass trigger creatures' ETB triggers. Also i miss symmetrical effects of the kind where you have to actually use your brain, instead of the assymetrical >urrh-duurr grug can't make mistake grug happy jotc is pushing since a while now. Definitely a fun card. >Abolish I bought a foil copy a while back just because i find the art to be fantastic, and i remember it was already one of my favorite art back when i was kid. But that's pretty much it. There are so many remove enchants/artifacts nowaday, abolish can't compete and doesn't offer uniqueness. I remember back when getting rid of these kind of permanents was truly a pain, abolish saw play in vintage for the longest time, even in MD! It was also played in early legacy's SBs. Get it for the art only, it's a terrible spec otherwise. <|endoftext|> And what about a young character who's just starting to adventure? What if someone important to them is in danger and they need to come along with the party to ensure their safety? Or even making a pilgrimage so their worshiped deity will see them worthy of being healed? A retired veteran who gets back into the fight despite his disabilities because he cant sit idly by as his country is burned to the ground? You can be a skilled rider, using mounts to traverse the world, a necromancer with a skeleton crew with a palanquin, a skinny little shit with a big grug to ride on, short ranged teleportation, or a sneaky son of a bitch who just crawls everywhere like a little cripple rat? There are many ideas for disabled characters which can result in interesting stories, challenging encounters, and all sorts of shit. There's a middle ground, A cripple doesn't need to be a useless piece of shit incapable of using even a firearm or some magic, and they don't have to be a fucking paladin in a magic wheelchair which makes them better than someone who has functioning legs <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> Grug say Based <|endoftext|> >yes you can be a pixie fighter. but you can't be equal to grug the orc barbarian when it comes to dishing out the hurt. Never said you could be, I said you should able to customize your ability bonuses. Why do retards thinks bonus customization = you can do whatever another race can do? Please stop and try reading. You are the retard sir, stop assuming things. <|endoftext|> again, this is a different argument. i believe in the idea that pcs are outliers within their own race, as well as within the wider context of the game world. but, the topic is that there is mechanical limitation of race-class combos. and there isn't. there is only a limit on the optimal combos, and that by default that means there are sub optimal combos. and there are very few non-viable combos. the biggest stat loss is only 2 points from optimal, which is a 1 point bonus, or 5%. it isn't meaningful mechanically, it isn't really limited. it is fully functional. and ffs, the game hands out attribute points like candy. now go back to 2e, and your stats did limit your class choices, hard. you might qualify for 2 or 3 classes if you rolled well, and none if you rolled poorly. yes you can be a pixie fighter. but you can't be equal to grug the orc barbarian when it comes to dishing out the hurt. and sure slash the wrists and stab the eyes, but that is called shots (with appropriate penalties)/narrative advantage over other players. equitable and equal do not mean the same are the only retard here, and your arguments are garbage. <|endoftext|> If you think Conan is a grug, you actually never read any Conan story. Conan is a very smart character, surprisingly refined and knowledgable in my domains, and he often uses his look to fool his opponents who mistake him for a big dumb brute (and then he outsmarts them completely). <|endoftext|> You ever see The Outlaw King? I have a sheet written up for a barbarian based on Douglas from there. Grug isn't bad, but when everyone has a Grug, it looses it's charm. <|endoftext|> > "Grug, if you see a troll. Don't use sword. Use fire potion on it." > "OKAY!" > sees troll, drinks Alchemists fire <|endoftext|> the only other alternative to grug my puny brain can comprehend is a Guts clone. stoic and calm, but loses himself in blood-thirst. <|endoftext|> Conan was a well travelled superstitious hillman who spoke multiple languages and was a natural leader of men If you equate conan to "grug smashy man" you are a fucking Poseur and have no right rolling a barbarian <|endoftext|> I ran a flagellant once. The reason I made her a barbarian because it seemed like the best class to rep someone getting hurt on purpose. A lot of fun. The core of barbarians is the heightened emotions od combat, so maybe if you want to explore what the class can do maybe you can start there. I don't mind muscle grug, though. <|endoftext|> >haha 5e bad Moving on. Here's my advice: >"Conan-esq" and "Grug" are two different things. I know most people don't know much about Conan or the barbarians in his world, but he wasn't stupid, nor was he exclusively driven by rage. Conan was a hero. If you have a decent understanding of Conan's stories, he's actually a decent character to emulate. Traditional, sure, but not bad. Grug is basically only defined by "big strong muscle man with no brain". Grug is bad. >Play a character with a defined skill I know barbarians are not built to have many skill proficiencies, but giving your character a skill that they've focused on can give them some dimension that most barbs don't have. Maybe they're an excellent woodcarver, play a good lute, or have a keen understanding of nature. >Non-traditional personality traits for barbs Such as being reserved, contemplative, thoughtful, well-spoken, or uncertain. >Instead of being born a barbarian, they choose the life of barbarism A child born to a warrior class that then masters unarmored combat? Boring! What about a noble scholar that became jaded about his life, disowned all his belongings, and went into the wilderness to become a force of nature! >Just, in general, be intelligent Take the hit during character creation. Instead of a +3 to STR and CON, take +2s and buff that INT a little. Surprise the party by being proficient in things they didn't expect and saying things that they'd never expect to come out of a meathead's mouth. >Multiclass into something Rogue is cool, and also really busted mechanically speaking. Ranger is flavorful and works well, especially if you don't really use the spells. Paladin is the same. Casters are usually a bad choice, since you can't cast spells while raging, but you could forego the rage to cast spells, theoretically. If I had to suggest a caster to multi into, probably warlock? Hexblade is probably a good pick. War cleric as well. <|endoftext|> >I want to break out of the creativity box of "Muscle Grug Conan man" for Barbarians before I play one. Here <|endoftext|> Want high magic shenanigans of a couple of powerful wizards, sahes, witches and more often their assorted lackeys where the players are actually encouraged to switch Gming and have their own motivation for adventure? Check ars magica Just want fast and lose jet still stable rules, which are normie friendly and that can handle stuff like "my series his evil lizards really well but also gives me a bonus to royal remains of the spirit inside it feels like it" fighting along a guy " I'm grug, this is my fighty rock" Try Heroquest 2/(glorantha and butcher it) Don't want to induce a panic attack in the RPG bedrock grip but still want a game that won't make you tear your own head off? Shadow of the demon lord or something, the premise is literally in the title <|endoftext|> Truth be told, "Barbarian" really only translates to not being an affiliate of some greater civilization, and even within the realm of D&D, it never explicitly states them to be Unga Bunga Grug Smash. The latest Barb I made was just some African-themed traveler from a warrior cult that placed heavy emphasis on attaining apotheosis via the letting of "powerful blood", and as such travels everywhere seeking his desired godhood by slaying only the most potent of beasts while evangelizing his blood cult's belief system. Other than that, he's mostly a gourmand and has a particularly discriminating palette due to invitations to royal feasts as thanks for his "services". Worse yet is due to the murderhobo life our adventurers deal in, his access to necessary additives to his own cooked meals is almost nonexistent and shitty adventurer slop is almost inedible to him. You need to think outside of the box, and it's not hard to make something fun out of nothing. <|endoftext|> This anon is correct. Let us imagine, for the sake of argument, that Grug and Conan each find themselves the butt of a yo mamma joke in a rowdy tavern. Grug would say "grr, nobody talks of Grug's mother like that!" before ripping the man's arm off and beating him to death with it. Meanwhile, Conan would say something like "Is that blathering the civilized man's recourse? By Crom! The rot and cowardice of this decadent land reaches farther still than I was aware of. Know that you would be so many feathers and fluff before the muscles of a good Cimmerian woman - and also that one cannot slight a good Cimmerian man thusly!" before ripping the man's arm off in one pantherish motion and beating him to death with it. <|endoftext|> Grug = Retard Strength reddit meme man Conan = Philosophical King, Cunning and was also good at stealth and sexing ladies. <|endoftext|> My current barbarian is just a simple peasant wood cutter. A big and strong wood cutter, with a big and strong axe. He might be a bit on the simple side, but he definetly is no grug, he's just a bit at loss with some of the wonders of the adventures, and social environments with finer folk. <|endoftext|> My last barbarian was a dwarf who ended up getting lost in the feywild and was basically a 60's biker, minus the bike. A lot of fun to play. The epitome of Barbarian, Conan, isn't even me am Grug. People constantly underestimate him, and it gives him the upper hand. Just because you are dumb doesnt mean you cant be cunning. <|endoftext|> Conan is nothing like Grug. <|endoftext|> Just don't be grug. Grug is funny every now and then, but barbarians don't have to be dumb. Focus on your backstory. Is he from the wilds? Make him cunning and perceptive, like a hunter. Is he more urban? Make him more like hired muscle, the kind of guy who's been in the underground street fighting circuit. <|endoftext|> I want to break out of the creativity box of "Muscle Grug Conan man" for Barbarians before I play one. Can /tg/ show me the other ways the class can be utilized? <|endoftext|> >Religions are created to explain the real world jackass, it is decidedly not the same kind of fiction. They start that way sure, but eventually Grug wants Thug the Storyteller to tell MORE stories about the big angry skyman and what he does. >That aside if you knew a damn thing about mythology you'd know that the actual surviving stories are subject to change over millennia and don't fit together nearly as cleanly as the storybook versions you read as a child. Gee, it's almost like they're an anthology set in a shared universe with a set beginning, a collection of episodic events in the middle, and in the case of nordic mythology/catholic meddling to norse tales a set ending that's a massive crossover event. <|endoftext|> If you want a real force wizard build instead of GRUG MIND SMASH, that's going to have to wait. Harm can get real fucking dumb for a darksider, though, and unlike unleash you don't need FR3. <|endoftext|> based grug, grug supreme alpha, other “””alpha””” omega compared to grug <|endoftext|> grug is alpha grug want eat cyoa <|endoftext|> WEG d6 for generic fantasy. 7th Sea first edition, it has a lot of problems with balance inside subsystems but it's fun and there is always a way to fuck someone over no matter what trick they are rocking. GURPS if you want hardcore experience with a dose of autism on the side - melee combat can go from "Grug plop guy in head" to 3-5 turn plans to fuck your opponent over for sure in one previously setup move. Mutants & Masterminds for high fantasy shit where heroes bully whole armies - check out GM guide for mass combat, you can have whole formations with special abilities, like a battalion of mages with defensive shields to cover the army from bombardment and so on. <|endoftext|> Ancient humans in general are more sophisticated and spiritual than the Grug meme. Why do you think they made so much art? <|endoftext|> Grug the Assbolt <|endoftext|> Grug's point still stands, these threads would be much nicer if we didn't have rotten putrid subhuman fucks venting out their inferiority complexes on here <|endoftext|> Then I shall laugh at you when it turns out the guy who defeated Sefar all those years ago was some caveman called Grug with 20 magic circuits <|endoftext|> >Straight up just wrong. This was in fact, many people's experiences with 1E, and that's why 1E Sidereals and Alchemics were controversial in a way 2E Infernals never were. >If your DM is actually putting honest to god Exalts against you That's not my point. My point is that your GM isn't going to be throwing nothing but optimized Brawl/Stealth builds at you nonstop, not when the same Solar NPCs in the fucking books are nowhere near as degenerate. >People really meme about how long persistents and such took. Scenelong. As in, the entirety of the rest of the fight. >Only Solars had more than one and they're top dogs And so were Abyssals. And guess what Solars were most likely to end up fighting? >Same applies to literally every dogshit resource system with immense overhead >GRUG NOT UNDERSTAND HOW NUMBER GO UP AND OTHER NUMBER GO DOWN. Jesus Christ. <|endoftext|> >be me, big grug >sexiest man in the village >sign up for sexy sex cult >get transformed into gimp pulling some fat cunts cart poor guys <|endoftext|> Grug strong. Grug swim! irl it was combined with the winning int+cha build to great effect. Our movements are dainty and feeble compared to those of other apes. <|endoftext|> See, this is da way! The Grug race provides sexy tanned tomboys that are excellent worker bees, the Lug race provides cute shotas to be sexually harassed and dominated! I knew we could agree! <|endoftext|> based grug based lug but where wuf? <|endoftext|> i am grug. grug friend with lug, lug with big forehead. big forehead very good knowing, can cook, make warm clothes, fire, know many things. grug kill, share meat with lug. grug and lug very good friend. share and help lots. <|endoftext|> Int given resources/prep time. He's also ignoring that higher tier cooperation requires/implies intelligence so grug still loses. <|endoftext|> d20 is good for a fun oneshot. I had a game on boxing day where I rolled 18 on str and 18 on con and the rest were barely above 6, so I was just "Grug hit, grug smash" but too dumb to not butt into conversations with my stupidity. It'd be absolutely infuriating and terrible in a proper campaign, but fun in a short dose. <|endoftext|> >Serenno Evil Renaissance Space Italians plot, scheme, and do rich Italian things while thumbing their noses at Naboo's good Space Italians. >Telos Depending on the era, you might find the most boring space station in the galaxy or stormtroopers applying the jackboot slightly more vigorously than usual. >Toprawa Bombed into a near-literal stone age for pissing off the Empire. Caveman Grug no want big triangle in sky to be angry gain. <|endoftext|> fuck off, grug orcs are mentally inferior <|endoftext|> Wouldn’t "Grug strong, you serve Grug or Grug beats you" suffice as a moral justification? <|endoftext|> >use cover >DTs just walk up to you and grug smash and the efficacy of melee against them goes down exponentially the more of them there are <|endoftext|> >his breech-loading disruptor should've been enough to take 'em down bold assumption considering even the whistling birds weren't enough >no counter to a decent melee combatant they just grug smash anyone who isn't a Jedi, as evidenced by Din getting his shit pushed in until he rolls a lucky crit but really all this boils down to is >hurf durf why didn't they design a weapon around literally four people, one of whom is completely MIA <|endoftext|> At 3pm, the party reaches the corner of the canyon wall where it turns to the north once more. Here they find an etched altar holding a crystal about six feet in diameter, and a small complex of rooms. Inside the rooms they find two matching wheels attached to a wall with a rope mechanism. The wheels can be turned into six different positions, with runes carved into each position. After a moment of testing by turning the wheels and hearing grinding from above and below them, they set the wheels to their original position and head down a curved sloping entrance to the dungeon. The party follows a meandering route westward of the dungeon, Direct from my notes; 3:50 - Party enters the dungeon, unlocks door to the west 4:00 - Party enters the hallway, enters the north room, finds 40 coins in a pouch, unlocks door to the west 4:10 - Party enters empty room to the west, enters north west hallway, unlocks door heading south 4:1X - Party encounters Plate Worm, Worm has surprise, kills worm, finds 60 coins and scroll in pouch stuck inside it's mouth 4:20 - Party enters the hallway to the south, kicks in stuck door to the southern sitting room and investigates finding 80 coins 4:30 - Party enters western hallway, forces open western door, enters empty room 4:40 - Party opens north western door, enters empty room. Forces open north east door 4:50 - Party encounters six Sand Serpents, Kills three, Morale failed and the second half flee. Izen suffered 5 points of damage. 5:00 - Party enters western door, hallway, and northern room. Encounters two Oasis Scorpions, Party has surprise, defeats both and finds pouch of 30 coins. Grug suffered 3 points of damage. 5:10 - Party enters eastern door, hallway, northern room. Finds 40c worth of bronze tipped arrows, takes them 5:20 - Party enters north room, discovers etching, enters western door 5:30 - Party encounters two Dwarven Mummies, Kills both, Grug suffers 5 points of damage and dies. <|endoftext|> At 9pm they start to sleep in shifts, Izen up first. His watch goes without incident. At 1am, the 11th of Apris, Xepa takes his watch failing a morale roll and falling asleep during so. At 8am the party wakes to find three Dragon Hawks peering at them. The three prehistoric monsters are curious and inch closer. The party gets up and backs away following the canyon wall north for around 40 feet. The Dragon Hawks keep inching closer, walking with their stubby legs and wings. Grug begins unspooling his rope until all 25 feet are out, one of the monsters grabs ahold of the end and pulls it taught. Grug gives a pull and this causes the other Dragon Hawks to focus on the rope, deceived and the three fight over the rope as a meal. The party sprints away following the canyon until they turn east again, following the north side of the canyon wall. By 9am the winds have picked up, threatening a sandstorm. At 10am, the party reaches a fallen boulder and finds six Scaled Lizards in the shade behind it. The Lizards eye the party down and are in the way. The party climbs the boulder as a tactical choice and find a dead Scuttite (Beetle like creature, prey) that they then spend four minutes chopping legs off of, then use the legs to distract the lizards. They throw the legs in a way as to disperse the group into three pairs, then make a spring following the canyon east. They leave droppings of Scuttite legs and carcass to slow down any pursuit. They make it away safely. <|endoftext|> This is a fucking doozy. Also take note, I play with a lot of home rules so I'll leave most mechanical information out unless a specific part interests you, like my rulings and rules. Izen (Level 2 Fighter) leading a hireling named Xepa (Level 1 Fighter) were joined by Grug (Level 1 Dwarf). The three of them were off to investigate a map to treasure in the desert that was found while freeing an attacked caravan from the raiders. They managed to decode the map and with the only guidance of "ONE DAY NORTH FROM BL, FOLLOW CANYON" and a crude drawling, set out into the desert at 8am, on the 10th of Apris. The party set out north, walking 18 miles over nine hours and passing three checks to get lost until they reached a point in the desert where they could see a canyon wall to the east. At 11am during this time they encountered a Plate Worm. This 20 foot long creature has three fleshy flaps for a mouth and dark blue or purple shell plates protecting it's body. They tried to hold still, one character having some knowledge of the area knows they feel vibrations to find prey. Xepa fails his check and drops his axe, causing the worm to begin swimming through the sand to them. Izen throws a handful of coins to the west to distract the beast, which works for a time. The party waits twenty seconds for the beast to move, watching its speed as it does. Now knowing the massive monster moves at a slow pace, they sprint as it leaps from the sand and swallows the tossed coins. The party manages to outpace the worm, and runs until the worm gives up its chase. At 5pm, the time the party can see the canyon wall, they spend three hours heading east until they reach it. It's only at this point do they realize that "ONE DAY NORTH" means sleeping in the desert. None of them brought gear. They search for a couple hours until they have enough shrubs to burn a fire and stay warm, sleeping with their backs to the canyon wall for safety. <|endoftext|> Can you at least pretend to act like a normal person? This is literal grug-tier shitposting. <|endoftext|> >do it twice So assuming I am a complete brain dead maladjusted grug, do you mean due to the first layer thickening I may need to flatten it by a second application of gs? Would I be better just getting a gw store guy to do it for me? <|endoftext|> >I not them you grug gr/u/g <|endoftext|> Approach it like an actor, not like a player. You're Grug, you see a fuckhuge slab puzzle with sliding bits, it looks fucking stupid and will probably do the same shit if you waste five minutes solving it or give it a hard kick. Source? You've personally kicked shit into working properly. <|endoftext|> First you give them their own unique language. Names of persons places and items usually consist of 2 or rarely 3 three letter arrangements. Common name components follow; -ug, -mug, -bug, -dag, -lag, -nag, -thrac, -shak, -slak, -sgrac, -tak, -rak, -nak, -heg, -dug, -gush, -nas, -nar, -nib (feminine only), -lub, -jub, -gub, -og, -olg, -ung, -ush, -osh, -niz, -kir, -kug, -thab (feminine only), -bog, -bil, -buz, -dush, -nuz, -urz, -urg, -unt, -ishi, -ish, -nerg, -urt, -isk, -sisk, -nag, -narg, -gug, -arg, -golg, -nolg, -bolg, -bir, -bur, -dur, -nuz, -oz, -lok, -sok, -pok, -dok, -rig, -hiz, -fug, -irf, -nif, -dru, -dak, -duk, -duch, -uch, -rij, -nij, -gag Some of these components have commonplace variants as well, as follows: -thrag, -ush, -dar, -bag, -mig (feminine only), -duz, -guz, -gog, -gar, -gab, -glag, -dub, -durb, -durg, -nerk, -bis (feminine only), -dir, -kak, -sak, -shrac, -tik, -chak, -ruk, -uk, -ub, -jug, -glug, -ob, -ugh, -uf, -grug, -grog, -log, -dog, -pash. 1/2 <|endoftext|> >Faction: Planetborn >Subfaction: Tribe >Commander: Grug Prepare to throw big rocks at your enemies. <|endoftext|> >heh, me smart, people dumb! >must obey head-Grug, resistance is futile Fucking yanks... <|endoftext|> Grug brain see. Grug brain know. Grug brain only truth. <|endoftext|> Let me just compile what we've got so far. We have: >OP >EGO is only accessible in mid-high level, requires mental stat requirements and is some of the most powerful equipment, but bottoms out your sanity and leaves you open to distorting >Hacking out the shadowrun progression system >Archetypal fixers that diversify outside of unga bunga grug >Healers use technology or EGO that restores health on hit >considering hacking scion's stats and skills Aside from this, what should be the baseline PC? <|endoftext|> >plugging a hole >inventive Okay Grug, how about you let the rogue handle this who has at least 10 in INT <|endoftext|> Supposedly. What it turned out to be was a comic book writer being unable to shake his own conventions when writing "serious" one. The main problem with discussing Watchmen is how easy one can rise up the "b-but it's supposed to be a parody" and/or "it's mockery how dumb it is". Only that it really isn't. It would be a mockery if it had a pay-off in tune of And it's not about "n-no, y-you don't get it" or "grug can't get subtelity, look at him". There is ZERO subtelity in Watchmen. It's just a hack trying to write something serious, half of it working out, the other half not at all, and then another hack comes with simple fix on that, so bunch of perma-virgins (it's a mental state, rather than "hur dur have sex") arguing about it. And doing so on a board dedicated to traditional games. <|endoftext|> I played 2ed a lot, our gm understood that actions happened very close to each other, even if in diferent initiative moments. So both attack the wizard, but grug delivers the killing blow while the other guy hits a wizard thats still standing but already dead by shock.other gm first asked for roll initiative and then we said what we wanted to do We used to roll initiative for antagonists based on how much they were, if diferent monsters were involved, etc... So if there was a bunch of orcs they mafe just one roll, but if there was a orc chief with them, maybe he would make a diferent roll. I would suggest the 2ed players options book, as it takes in account weapons reach, half actions, etc.. I worked a diferent initiative system, but never put it in use because we switched to 3ed. Each player has a deck of "pc actions" cards, with pcs name in them, most combat related like shoot, charge, stand, advance, retreat and rout, and other like help wounded, diferent spells, etc.. they define a kind of parameters for what exactly his pc can do ( ex: if rout, run for 3+1d6 rounds, chances of dropping shield/weapons, etc..) They must put then in a small basket. I count up to five, and reverse it so they cant put cards ( the pc do nothing). Thats the time they have to talk to each other about their actions. This was because we lost a lot of time coordinating our actions in a unrealistic way <|endoftext|> what if Grug and Hrug both declare they will charge and chop the wizard and Grug gets highest initiative followed by the wizard and then Hrug, and Grug kills the wizard? <|endoftext|> >So how does it work if Grug and Hrug both declare they will charge and chop down the wizard, and Grug goes first and KILLS the wizard... Hrug loses the round? Just don't announce that the wizard is dead until all damage has been delt. Everybody still gets their attack out whether it was neccesary to or not. He just got spitroasted. <|endoftext|> So how does it work if Grug and Hrug both declare they will charge and chop down the wizard, and Grug goes first and KILLS the wizard... Hrug loses the round? It's harsh but fair frankly. Another question, how does it work with spells, missile sand melee? Is there a sub-order (Initiative 5 melee beats initative 6 spellcasting)? Thank you in advance. <|endoftext|> Not him but >Let's say an elf tries to break through a screen to sack the carrier. They succeed but have spent two team rerolls in doing so. Do you think that is not a part of the new system in that it will punish them for the rest of the drive? I can think of many situations where it would be completely worth for elves to burn most or all rerolls if it can win them the game in the long term, especially in certain matchups >I get what you mean in that it allows teams to really push their luck to an almost brute force manner, removing the risk management and allowing people to grug their way through. That is exactly it, which is why it never was a thing in 30+ years of the games existence >That is definitely part of it but I still believe reroll management will be a thing. No it wont. This is a massive buff to AG teams. Also imagine the cheese you can pull by just maxing rerolls and hiring nothing but linos. The lack of skills will be overcompensated by the fact that you can reroll all the fucking time now. All in all it is a change that makes the game worse <|endoftext|> Let's say an elf tries to break through a screen to sack the carrier. They succeed but have spent two team rerolls in doing so. Do you think that is not a part of the new system in that it will punish them for the rest of the drive? I get what you mean in that it allows teams to really push their luck to an almost brute force manner, removing the risk management and allowing people to grug their way through. That is definitely part of it but I still believe reroll management will be a thing. <|endoftext|> Probably because her lore is her being a complete grug and IRL retards flock to her because they think that it's a smart ogre. Maybe they want to feel smart and play a blue Shrek. I find it more baffling that she's extremely simple card mechanically and having the reminder text clarifies every question one might have about her, but people still think that she would work with Captivating Crew or any other red steal effects. She's not good nor interesting, much like the people building her. <|endoftext|> Grug no like farms! Farming rot peoples' hearts and lead to Tribe Death! <|endoftext|> still not seeeing anything except >GRUG NO LIEK THING post your OWN shit or fuck off forever. <|endoftext|> agreed, but at least astartes have grug anatomy so it at least somewhat fits and it takes a few seconds to question the anatomy, but here its instant. shed need a pic related body plus knockers not to mention the disparity with the head, maybe if she hand massive bulking neck musles instead of a regular face the contrast wouldnt so aberrant. personally I think a more samus esque suit would fit better. <|endoftext|> Something something primitive communism, something something horseshoe theory though I do think it's funny when people think "primitive communism" means Comrade Grug of the Ooga-Booga Vanguard Party <|endoftext|> no trug on grug <|endoftext|> >Tortle Cleric do I go full grug mode and just leave my wisdom at 14 and get my strength to 20? <|endoftext|> Where do I go to learn about storytelling, prose, dialogue, characters? and finding myself a group willing to write a script/book with me? I don't want to become like those brainlet visual artists who practically talk and think like they're Grug of the stone age. Those people genuinely can't storytell worth a shit. All they do is: mute animations, romance comedy drama sitcoms with no directing skills involved. I don't want to become Charles Schulz, Garfield, Simpsons, Doug, Arthur, Married with Children, Hamlet, Shakespeare, Twilight's writer who only write what they experienced without understanding what went wrong. <|endoftext|> >Rune Knight got it's weakest feature, the enlarge nerfed >and then they also removed the need for intelligence so it's just another grug archetype <|endoftext|> So does Gideon want to use Yeed/Grug DNA to create Imperial superhero Homeworlder? <|endoftext|> I like baby yoda and Grogu is an okay name I guess, makes me think of Greggs and Grug but soon enough it'll stick on its own. <|endoftext|> I disagree. Playing it in a way to ignore all the thinking and just hitting shit is always the most boring way to play. What makes a dumb character fun to play is to adopt a completely different perspective on problem solving. Sure, YOU see the obvious solution to the puzzle, but how does grug see it? <|endoftext|> Because roleplaying Grug the Barbarian is easy as shit. Anyone can pull it off, and they’ll always serve a useful function in any party as the muscle. You don’t have to think about dialogue too hard other than grunts, or character motivation beyond “i smash all the things”. These are all good things btw, especially if you’ve tried playing complicated and ambigious characters with pages of backstory, and no one gives a shit. Playing Grug is refreshing and fun and most other players will enjoy it too. <|endoftext|> That's how Warlocks should work and the bard thing could be cool if the bard actually knew the fucking rules and the DM sent the spy for his "payment" even when he didn't break any rules. Call the spysassin out and grug him. Everything else is trash. <|endoftext|> > Beta Cuck Best captain > Boomer > Tranny > Booba > Manlet > Grug > Greedy Merchant > Joker > Furry Boomer and Grug are top tier lads. Everyone else is kinda shit, except the coombait helmswoman. > Coomer, Hammer Punch, Annoying child If the child gets too annoying, I’m gonna hammer ounch the twerp. > All missions Knowing my flaws, it’ll be challenging meeting the female telepaths, but I’m a pure hearted man. <|endoftext|> no they wen't grug punch good amnd make ghost who punch good and then they became a monk its like you didn't even read my backstory DM <|endoftext|> >want to make a rune knight >don't know what weapon type I should go with Do I go pam spam? maul grug? <|endoftext|> Grug has neither the will to live as a dexfag nor the strength to end his vigorous life. <|endoftext|> Rolled 6, 19, 20, 18, 3, 17 = 83 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> HELLO, AM GRUG THE BARBARIAN TODAY WE ENTER BITE ZONE WITH RED DRAKE OW OWA OOF <|endoftext|> Physical credits would be on the premises of local branches. If you're rogues on a backwater, Firefly-esque. If you need to pull of operation like robbing a Casino on Canto Bight, steal from your favorite heist film. Read Jewel of Yavin. Alternatively, if you're a grug Force Sensitive, take a page out of Maul and Savage's book, when they raided a station belonging to the (((Banking Clan))) in TCW. <|endoftext|> nothing would change, Ahsoka would either get grug'd by Skywalker tardrage like everything else, or Sheev would call Vader a retard and kill her <|endoftext|> You don't have a lot of spells and chasing DPR is lame. Let the party Grug bash them with his club and use your spells for fireballs and fun stuff instead. <|endoftext|> >sign show Unga with big Bunga >Grug not have big Bunga >Grug am clearly safe to plunder magic rocks <|endoftext|> Grug smash. Fish lady is nice, monsters aren't. Simple as. <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT SMASH GRUG WANT SMASH EFFICIENTLY ON FLYING ENEMY GRUG MAD <|endoftext|> Well, Grug has already solved the riddle of swole here, so... <|endoftext|> Grug is correct <|endoftext|> Grug need wisdom. If exercise gets wisdom, Grug exercise. Maybe excercise IS wisdom... <|endoftext|> >going out of your way to make your brain delicious for mindflayers No thanks, grug use club and stay bland. Magic is like basting brain. Make yum yum for tentacle man. <|endoftext|> Me grug. Me want to give tug. Me is smug. >Ur Garbalab or whatever the fuck you're called take me now.Spare me from this monke existence. <|endoftext|> Good point. Grug smash <|endoftext|> I struggle to build lists up to 15 orders in Nomads because I want to take all of the expensive shit, but they are quite capable of being effective as a spammy faction that needs to play the objectives rather than grug smash your opponents. <|endoftext|> Castrating Grug is a waste of good sperm. Let him pass on his genes to the next generation and fuck his healthy daughters while you're still young thanks to Young and he's old and grey if you let him live at all. <|endoftext|> >Actual ground combat rules in Admiralty. >Like, actual, real planetary combat rules, not "Grug has biggest pile, Grug smash puny Ugg pile", but actual stats for ground units and ship support that actually does something instead of just being a necessary requisite to invade. >MOTHERFUCKING ZECKIR INFILTRATOR BUFFS HOLY FUCK THAT BONUS >MYCENOID PUSHED SO HARD THEY GOT FISTED I'M ORGASMING LIKE A THUKKER! <|endoftext|> A "hinder the goblins" party follows. Oo-woop - a fierce and clever warrior despite being a chimp like apeman only slightly bigger than a halfling, he uses a spearpoint shaped group of stone knives which he keeps on his most advanced possession, a necklace. Grug-Grug - A gorilla like ape man who uses a collection of horns and bones as a variety of weapons, carrying them in his most advanced possession, a hides and sinews bag. Hoot-whistle - An apeman somewhere between orangutan and gibbon, he uses his most advanced possession, a small number of teardrop axes, as weapons Waihai-wOOp - Apeman somewhere between gibbon and rhesus, the party's sneak-about, he does not have a prized possession, but has a fun optional side quest or two in which he steals pirzed possessions from individual goblins. <|endoftext|> Alpha Male Smug Anime Girl Autist Booba Monke Grug <|endoftext|> Grug find terms acceptable <|endoftext|> >fancy elf with sparky keeps stop grug from talking to pretty lady >ignore grug plan all the time >call us ree-pro-bait >tap him firmly during sleep >he no wake up >get new sparky-hand man in town >no-one miss old sparky man cuz he meen >grug happy <|endoftext|> Get out of here Grug, go bonk someone and go back to your cave. <|endoftext|> Grug like tribal <|endoftext|> Viva La Grug! <|endoftext|> Grug Understands Rage Promotes Suffering Previously on GURPSgen GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles with level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic. Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, even switching genres within a single game. To your left, you should see an image. Within the image are all the resources you need. Please do not link directly to the resources anywhere. >Due to a takedown request, links to the MEGA archives are currently disabled. Use the logon in the PDF to access files or try Library Genesis >Library Genesis now has over 200 GURPS books. Thread Question: Have you ever done proper chase scenes? <|endoftext|> >Wotc will never make good, simple grug cards like that anymore It's just rule text hell now... <|endoftext|> >be me >enjoy 9th AND crusade fuck matched man, just play the best new gamemode instead. 40k as a wargame/rpg lore-driven strategy game hybrid is way more engaging than grug space marine spam vs krug triptide cancer <|endoftext|> 5 int 14 wisdom is basically slightly more intelligent than a feral creature. You are perceptive but on an instinctual level, the way an animal might know there's a storm coming. 5 INT is not incapable of speech (there's no real rigid cutoff for that but there are 5 INT creatures capable of speech) but consider doing most of your communication via the growls and noises of an animal. For example, maybe your character was raised by wolves. Probably a bit more elegant than HURR GRUG SMASH and plenty intimidating to your opponents. <|endoftext|> Just play Summoner or Monster Tactician Inquisitor. It's Grug wearing glasses and you don't actually have to do anything but make more Grug. <|endoftext|> >Beta cuck >Boomer >autist thank god I got this one, we need this ship to have as much autism as possible, I am not enough. >footfag >Manlet shit I wanted monke, ooh ooh aah aah! :( >Grug He would be better if I had his friend monke with him... <|endoftext|> >GRUG HIT THING WITH STICK GRUG STRONG <|endoftext|> Yeah, it's literal Grugspeak. >Grug sometimes pick berry and think Grug is actually Grugette because only a Grugette would pick berries, but then Grug hunt mammoth, invest in rock market and remembers that being Grug is best <|endoftext|> >you are expected to use their name every time. >You refer to them in the third person at all times. So I need to refer to them like how I would imagine a caveman refer to them? "Me speak to Fox, Fox ask Grug to collect berries for Fox, But Fox is confused about future outlook for Fox's life. Fox said she's not sure what to do with Foxself" Nah, even regal fags would still go by titles like "sir" or "master" or "oh great one" because then you just run into sentences that sounds stilted and awkward, and aren't grammatically correct. Even the zi/zir shit at least allows some form of coherent speech. <|endoftext|> >im not a grugman im a control player I appreciate your insight anyways but I can explain a couple of things on the list >i dont like faren because he dies to shock if he gave trample id say you could consider it. faren is there because he's the only real 2 drop in the entire deck and he has good synergy with Aspect of Hydra (pumps a creature for +X/+X where X is your devotion to green) as well as just punishing people focusing on removing your 3 drops but letting your dorks stay alive, he's essentially a 4/4 as long as something else is attacking with him >lovestruck also strikes me as mediocre, if you dont have any dorks he just sits there. the concept of not having any dorks at any point in the game is very rare in this archtype, you absolutely need to go t1 mana dork -> t2 fatty single target removal is almost always gonna be targeted at the fatty because even if it's lovestruck, I could just have another dork in hand or another lovestruck to use the adventure side >mono G is fine but i feel like if you wanna play stompy you should play RG because you get gendercleave, bonecrusher and domris ambush and gruul spellbreaker. I do have plans for RG but without embercleave and bonecrusher, both are severely overcosted on Magic Online right now, bonecrusher a lot more than cleave but still buying the missing parts for this deck would also enable me to play some sort of RG CoCo full of 3-drops, I believe the current flavor right now is t1 dork -> t2 goblin that makes a 1/1, make a huge board and abuse Atarka's Command >agian not a grug player so im not the most qualified but as the control player who has played against a lot of grugs thats what i would do based on my understanding of the unga bunga one thing I want to ask is how do you feel about playing against CoCo in this format? too weak? too strong? just enough to make you worry about it? I am curious about the perspective of a control player <|endoftext|> im not a grugman im a control player and i can tell you that if i see you playing this against me the only thing i am scared of is turn 2 steel leaf. i dont like faren because he dies to shock if he gave trample id say you could consider it. lovestruck also strikes me as mediocre, if you dont have any dorks he just sits there. mono G is fine but i feel like if you wanna play stompy you should play RG because you get gendercleave, bonecrusher and domris ambush and gruul spellbreaker. its personal preference if i was you and i was devoted to mono green hard id say cut the lovestrucks or farens for some number of scooze/kraul harpooners. agian not a grug player so im not the most qualified but as the control player who has played against a lot of grugs thats what i would do based on my understanding of the unga bunga <|endoftext|> Same reason Mariks apparently though making Grug the Mech, an 80 ton mech with only two snub PPCs and a hatchet, was a good idea. <|endoftext|> >implying aggro doesnt exist in edh it does, its not mono red like most retards think, play grug ruric thar and i promise you your opponents are dead very very very quickly. <|endoftext|> The mishmash back in DM was out of necessity and it wasn't so bad since characters still stuck to themes. Considering archetypes have been a thing since grug times it's kind of annoying to see cards that only make sense within the themes of its archetype used in stupid combos with other obviously archetype specific cards to spit out another archetype's boss monster which ended up being unfortunately generic. "Floppy Bunny the Cocksucker Motherfucker of Storms" being used as the tuner of the week because it happens to be able to summon "Dark Destroyer Cataclysmic Demonfiendlord" and generate an extra token to go into "Literally Just a Fucking Fish" by linking off into "Archetypal Robotic Thingamajig" feels like shit when you have archetypes that can stay within their pool of monsters instead. No shit genius, that's literally what I'm complaining about. <|endoftext|> It would be equivalent to everything having super split second (even other split second spells/abilities can't be activated or triggered or whatever). Every individual ability and creature resolves before anything else can happen, no counters possible, no shenanigans. No way to prevent Uro from entering the battlefield and no response possible to stop the opponent from gaining their life and explore. Unga bunga. Grug do thing, Grug draw gard. Grug turn gards. Grug win. <|endoftext|> what do you do when grug decides he smash cat lady? <|endoftext|> Smells to me like it landed too close home, Grug. <|endoftext|> >Grug: The Post Fuck off back to your containment board <|endoftext|> I can see why you think it’s shit fren. I think it’s the real deal, I’ve got some in grug midrange in standard at it’s been a powerhouse. Between it and setesian champion I draw about infinite cards. Turning every land into either draw another card or damage especially when you have multiple land drops through dryad and Azusa it gets out of hand and when you have multiple valakut explorations 1 land turns into basically draw 2. I think at the very least standard and pioneer and some edh landfallfags will want it. What else do you think is a sleeper? <|endoftext|> Kirk Australian STEM gobbo Cartoon Frog Bad The Librarian Grug. >This is actually a D&D party. <|endoftext|> 5. Gamma ragie >The worst assignment 3. Smug anime gils >kill me 2. Stem grad >Fine, whichever freak I get, I am not going to talk to them. Booba >Creeps, all of them Manlet >Whatever, I don't care how tall you are 3. Grug >Sounds good, at least it's not some wierdo <|endoftext|> >beta cuck >shitposter >tranny >booba >monke >grug im reasonably happy with this aside from being a cuck and having a tranny parliament's probably the best ship design to come out of that show, even if its just sort of a TNG style miranda class <|endoftext|> Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d3) I'll pick smug anime girl and grug. And I like the Parliament class so that's my ship. <|endoftext|> >The Beta Cuck >Shitposter >Tranny >Footfag >Zoomer >Grug Now let's go and get some FEET <|endoftext|> Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d5) Ok, I can get behind this. >Shitposter my brother in arms >hoping for STEM Grad or Autist >hoping for Footfag >hoping for Monke >Grug grug is based as FUCK <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> I love grug characters <|endoftext|> >Grug and Throg didn't even have a concept of *individualism* like this scenario demands Read this again. Out loud. Hang your head in shame for taking memes so fucking seriously <|endoftext|> Imagine thinking everyone in history had the exact same outlook and concepts as you do. Grug and Throg didn't even have a concept of *individualism* like this scenario demands <|endoftext|> >radical leftist a hundred centuries ago >Grug see chiefs have many rocks, while hunters and gatherers only have few rocks. Farm tribe is same but worse. Cave painting say it not always like this. What happen? >Thog think tribe should kick out fat chief who does not hunt or gather, just sit on ass and give orders. Chief's club men all bastards >Bungo is given one rock a day for making new axes, tried to ask for two rocks to afford more berry for wife and child and got hit with club. Tribe agrees this is bad, but club men say they will hit everyone. Bungo noticed today there are more people with no rocks than club men, and club men do not know how to hunt or find safe berry... <|endoftext|> Many word, grug no like <|endoftext|> My world's magic came from two metaconcepts planting manatrees everywhere and then making souless stone monkey people tend to the trees. One day one of the concepts got bored and made spin-off races with full sentience from the stone monkey fucks who now also sometimes gain sentience and question why they look after a huge glowing tree and forget about it once they leave the area and see the rest of the world for the first time. Discovering magic was like cavemen discovering fire for the first time but the fire was Grug drawing lines on the floor and then saying "Fazgul" or something else stupid and gibberish. The improvements are basically codifying the words and energy from the trees and teaching kids to only say Fazgul when they really mean they want the thing in front of them lit up like a wickerman. <|endoftext|> Completely agree here, Garruk's Uprising is one of the best cards printed for grug style decks in a long time. It is just better than Colossal Majesty in every way. Also Return of the Wild speaker is really good here. <|endoftext|> This is a retarded player problem, not a mechanical problem. Any player that runs off alone or 'stalks the party at a distance' is a shitty edgelord, whether they do it horizontally or vertically. Flight can be used very fairly and healthily to reach vantage points or investigate things that are high up. The DM just needs to not be a colossal retard and make sure all his fights have someone with ranged attacks. Mounts are another matter, though, since they're useless unless everyone has one, and even then only in niche situations. I wish there was a better way to work them in. This is called railroading and it would be just as much of a problem if the DM made all halflings roll at disadvantage because 'Lucky is broken' >'is the magic caster going to fuck this up' >is the face with stockholm-tier Cha gonna fuck this up >Is the character with poison resist gonna fuck this up >is the grug barb murderhobo that always rushes in gonna fuck this up Literally any character trait can fuck things up, and part of DMing is constructing healthy encounters that make the players feel rewarded for the choices they made. Why is flight anything special? <|endoftext|> Stat rollingfags are a fun source of salt. I tell them I do point buy and I get give different people telling me I'm minmaxing. I like my characters having flaws just as any other, but I'd rather not play grug the superhuman barbarian who can't do anything else but smack shit with sharp club. And besides, It's fucking 5e, you can't minmax even if you tried. <|endoftext|> >$110 for large, brand new plastic kit >$37 for small, ancient resin garbage GRUG NOT UNDERSTAND <|endoftext|> I only found that he was grug posting on 7th october and then got better the same day. That's 2 days before CR, so maybe not? <|endoftext|> No it looks like sam got food poisoning. if you look at his twitter he is grug posting about it <|endoftext|> >grug get idea >grug pick position >grug pick class >grug pick subclass >grug write down reinforcement points >grug get points from class and subclass >grug add one point to category grug like >grug pick skills >one from position >two from class >one from subclass >grug and rockomancer pick or roll fragments of memory >grug and sister grugs pick or roll fetters >grug play game >grug arrested by FBI <|endoftext|> Well, Lone Wolf and Grug it is then. <|endoftext|> Also going even higher with the magic may be a good way of showing off the ways tech doesn't even really need to advance. Grug doesn't need a fancy new hit stick if Grug can fry you alive with a fireball. <|endoftext|> Anon that's fucking retarded. To follow on from what (Checked) said: Drones have very specific requirements and the US is quickly finding out that there's limitations. The only reason it's pushing it is because there's going to be a serious manpower shortage in the foreseeable future. To maintain a "drone army" you need shittones of technicians and they just. don't. have. them. Those guys are off in software dev, not on the front lines. Drones can't be operated or fixed by the grug brained grunts that are common recruits now. On top of that they're finding out with aero drones that that without boots on the ground that shit just ends up with a hellfire missile in a wedding ceremony, which means the enemy doesn't even have to fucking write propaganda. <|endoftext|> >wait, so you're telling Grug, them greenskin tribe across the valley not human? Grug confus >we think youz gitz just pink orcs! Wut de zog <|endoftext|> Weird if a group doesn't have a Paladin or anti-Frightened aura. Meteor Swarm is the purest essence of nobrain grug damage, which definitely works if the party is short on resources or if you're looking to make them waste Hitdice/Healing efficiently. <|endoftext|> Grug want a woodboard called Urhh, Titan of Rock, but only have Omnorr, big Doodoo as other woodboard. Another Grug have Urhh, Titan of Rock, but don't Want Omnorr. Another grug just want Skingoyf. Grug is sad, because another Grug don't want his Omnorr. He want Skingoyf, but Grug no have Skingoyf... But Grug have idea! Grug have berries. Another Grug want berries. All Grugs like berries! Grug give berries to another Grug for his Urhh, Titan of Rock. Another Grug use berries to buy Skingoyf. All the Grugs have woodboard they want thanks to berries! <|endoftext|> >what is your name? Grug >what is your quest? Have biggest cave with biggest toothy claw beast fur. >who is your waifu? Gruggette <|endoftext|> I just told you what happens in a single combat exchange. You do a bit of addition and a bit of subtraction any time someone swings at someone else. That's all there is to it. >BUT GRUG HAVE TO ADD AND SUBTRACT SINGLE DIGIT NUMBER EVERY TIME UNGA WANT BUNGA!? Yes. >There's a reason Essence is ditching this system. Essence is still keeping track of momentum as individual values. Only turn order is handled collectively. You know, so there's now TWO separate things to track. <|endoftext|> Grug be blue when cold <|endoftext|> tau blue, grug not blue <|endoftext|> ME WANT FORTITUDE POTENCE CELERITY BE GO FAST AND NO AFRAID OF ANYTHING Shame the werewolves likely killed off all the Grug vampires. <|endoftext|> Probably free them, for the party that I'm DMing for. For the character I'm playing in another campaign; >Has a good, long, think. >Realizes that some of these dreams are impossible to truly achieve in those pods, using his own as an example >And also that they had no choice in the matter >"Grug has thought. Grug has decided people will be free." >Tries to free the pod-people without the support team's interaction >This will determine whether or not the support team is good or evil, by their methods of attempting to stop him. >If he cant free them himself, he goes to the support team. >Support team either listens to the cavelf and free the people, or gets their heads smashed in. This may be before or after a lengthy explanation on why, again depending on the support team's actions. <|endoftext|> >you don't need to be sneaky beaky and you don't have be Grug the smasher What if I want to? (Notice greenskin spitting out drink in background) <|endoftext|> they're very fun and a different way to play rogues and barbarians you don't need to be sneaky beaky and you don't have be Grug the smasher <|endoftext|> >where you kill everything you roll to hit depends if you want to be the cliche grug ork/troll with 8-10 STR, but yea, generally >but only roll to hit once a round? that describes every single attack action <|endoftext|> >This is Grug. He hails from the tribes to the North. They run things at least somewhat democratically, or with village elders meeting to represent their villages, and while he respects leaders for their contributions he has difficulty bringing himself to kneel before kings. He'll do it; he's not an idiot and he likes his head attached to his shoulders. But he's resentful. He may also have unusual attitudes about the roles of women, either more restrictive or more liberal about those of the kingdom you're in. As far as his barbarian rage, it's a gift given to him by his god, and though it resembles mundane rage on the surface, its an ecstatic experience of unity with the divine. <|endoftext|> How do i roleplay a barbarian that isnt "grug talk third person, grug smash" <|endoftext|> >Wild Soul is absolute trash WotC can't even make Barbarian subclasses work. How do mess up a grug smash subclass? <|endoftext|> A few answers, but the most common thing is "I HAVE SUCH A COOL IDEA . .. wait what do you mean I have to add all this other stuff?" I'll be the first to admit most of my games aren't "Great" by any stretch, they usually attempt to do one particular thing or invoke a certain theme. Sometimes this leads to the detriment to the product as a whole, but I also don't sell my games, so I digress. What games in particular are you talking about, could give a good idea to what is working / not working? You're alive! I was afraid you'd disappeared off the face of the world when you stopped making threads. I'm glad your continuing to work on this. Keep at it. Maybe I should go over some of my own projects real fast. Recently I wrapped up Project Grug, which was my attempt at a "Crafting RPG" that was directly influenced by Ancestors: A Humankind Odyssey, but since that game is trash garbage in certain aspects, I made it a bit lighter. The next project is actually a Commission for a "Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea" RPG, which is going to be . . . interesting considering the setting. Been requested for a Lighter D20 system that I'm not necessarily SUPER comfortable with, but I know how to do it. Finally, I also did a deep dive on Social Justice Warrior Turtles, which ended with my sanity being rapidly depleted from the madness that game has in it. Fun fact, SJNT is currently the only game where you, yes you, can explicitly play a member of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation who is a satanic mad bomber panda. Or a Sex Worker Kitten, because that's an option, <|endoftext|> Anon just jealous of Grug backstory <|endoftext|> Grug become adventure because Grug want make friend, hit monster and be paid good. <|endoftext|> No one should be playing a class that is useless due to levels, doing so and playing with the idea of investment to become the strongest in the party is so dumb to me. When we start a new campaign me and my players sit down and they come up with character concepts, as they do this I help them find their characters role, and then we make the character sheet with this in mind. Then as the characters get better they do their role better. This usually devolves into some form of smooth talker character, educated character(usually healer/clergy type, they had time to read in the monastery), speciality character(mage, tactician, sniper, etc) and Grug with stick and/or broomstick This provides each of them roles for them to shine in and allows more creative situations since they have a variety of flaws and advantages to work with in any given situation. And sometimes shit overlaps. But the idea is specifically to avoid whatever the fuck you think should happen. Players shouldn't play while being a weak link because they think they'll eventually be the end all character who can do everything(like casterfags can become in 3.X and derevitives). <|endoftext|> grug doesn't exist you imbiciles <|endoftext|> Grug isn't the state, the tribe he lives in is the state and until someone actually forces him to sell or make his spears in a specific way he is free to do so however he wants. If he gives some spears away as gifts or acts of good will or in emergencies it is still capitalism, Grug is simply distributing his goods in a specific way that he finds desirable or beneficial even if it isn't ideal for his profit margin. <|endoftext|> Grug is the state. People survived through the support of their clan and therefore sharing and working within their clan was essential. Grug can't maintain ownership of spears for profit because he needs people with spears to protect him. "Capital" is other people. Your example is asinine. <|endoftext|> >an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. So Grug is a capitalist he is producing and selling goods with a price he sets based on his desires and the willingness of the market to purchase his goods. If Grug moves to the city of Ur and the ruler says “Hey you can’t sell spears for that much” than it is no longer capitalism. Hell Adam Smith even uses that as an example of the natural state of markets. <|endoftext|> Capitalism in its raw form has always existed, it simply predates the definition of capitalism. Grug being a good spear maker and making tons of spears and trading those spears for berries is capitalism. Maybe Grug loses his passion for spearmaking but he is still getting more berries than if he tried to exclusively forage himself. <|endoftext|> >hiding behind metal circle like weak coward tin can >not just punching fire back at the coward Grug bad smackchief. Not like Thog. Thog best smackchief. <|endoftext|> >be grug >grug smack >find shiny magic shield >it has strange words written on it “No u” >too bad can’t read >many moon later, cowardly wizard casts fireball at grug >time slow down >this is it, time to go to big cave in sky >grug says goodbye to favorite club >grug almost forget to block with shield >fire hit shield >fire bounces back and melts coward wizard alive Grug maybe not sell shield for bigger club <|endoftext|> Grug makes math edition. >friendly, daily and threadly reminder that wotc is de facto printing an illegal cryptocurrency where prices are kept artificially inflated due to artificial scarcity and insider trading that gets distributed through lottery tickets and lootboxes and that they spend, all costs included, 2 cents per card to print them <|endoftext|> >literally the most grug smash retard commander Anon... do you play with legos? <|endoftext|> Sure. Assuming you build this designated cyberzombie to be a grug-brained combat monster with B atts B skills, you could put them something like this, have the usual 36/5 skills, 25 soak with an armor jacket, 13 dodge, a disgusting full defense pool with agile defender, and probably feel bad when you don't get to participate in anything but combat. You're dead, though, so you probably don't care about that. <|endoftext|> Yeah, I've heard of those books but haven't had the chance to read them yet. 'The Grisly Folk' and 'The Inheritors' are the main stories I can think of related to this kinda topic. GRUG SMASH No problem, I get my CYOAs aren't the type for everyone. Strong, fast and nigh impossible to kill, your weapons are deadly and well-made, your hierarchy organised, your folk large and well-fed indeed. Yours are the kind that inspire the myths of Giants, and there's a good chance yours will still be around for that day. In any other situation your people would be powerful indeed –nimble and cunning, well-aware of your surroundings, capable of co-operating in large groups and nearly as bright as the true men. You have access to the resources to make something of yourselves, and with your sophisticated tools one could say you already have. But there are other things in this place. Menfolk come, weaker than you but great in numbers. And behind them an even more powerful and terrifying threat, one you can scarcely comprehend. Even the strongest of bands will be faced with a tough challenge. Are you ready? Thanks, that really does mean a lot! It's about time we turned the Stone Age into the Rock Age. Party on dudes! The world is cold and dead, yet your folk carry on. Tough and hulking in size, in-tune with their natural environment, and with the intelligence to properly co-operate with each other as survival in this brutal place necessitates. Many of the old arts you still carry on in a sense, and were the natural world all that there was to face, doubtless you would have a chance to carry on forever. But out in those snowy wastes, other things await. Dwellers of sprawling structures like the cities of old, possessors of powerful weapons and ways. Will you be able to persevere? Or will even this last remnant of the men of old be snuffed out for good? Only time will tell. <|endoftext|> Grug think you underestimate complexity of instruments needed for modern music genres Grug leave now. True men and gods don't look friendly. Music make them angry, Grug think. <|endoftext|> Jazz no work on stone instrument. Saxofon need hundred of intricate metal pieces. Your sound not Grug's jive. Improv needs work. Gods also killed all mammoths with lightning. Tribe is migrating. No mammoth leg. <|endoftext|> You make loud noises. Loud noises make Grug mad. Loud noises make gods mad. You should fear gods more than Grug. <|endoftext|> Incidentally this is why human intelligence took so long to evolve. There was no selective pressure to be anything more than a Grug grugging along and making tiny Grugs with Grugettes. <|endoftext|> >Post your favorite mechanic/playstyle/deck/art Mechanic? Probably Suspend. Something about it has always resonated with me. Time Spiral was so fucking good and the announcement of TSR makes me really happy. Playstyle? Grug fucking smash. Creatures are always my primary means of victory, no matter how hard I try to make a list that functions otherwise. Jund X Spells has long been my white whale concept to deviate from that, but I can never make it in a satisfying way. If only Zaxara had been Jund and not Sultai. Deck? Xenagod. The pinnacle of Grug smash. Obviously. Art? Chris Rahn has always been a favorite of mine and his take on Crosis was a vast improvement upon the original, so let's go with that. <|endoftext|> I'm not a burger, women being awalt whores are a worldwide disease. Women have been whores since we started painting the caves switching sides after years of partnership just because grug killed a fatter animal that day. It takes a breeze to change the loyalty of a woman, and all she cares about is attention and personal advantages, she is willing to hit you on the back of your head with a stone to give all your hard earned crops and killed animals to grug just because he killed a bigger animal that day. <|endoftext|> >big word hurt grug head cry some more <|endoftext|> >Take up cooking How can you call this shit a hobby? >grug like berries >grug eat berries >grug happy <|endoftext|> NO GRUG YOU PLAY GODS <|endoftext|> >RAID TIME >raid against some demonic cult >lots of npcs >including a elf >grug hates elfs >stay away from elf >get into dungeon >go downstairs >find dungeon >filled with poor npcs beeing tortured >break the cages doors >save all npcs >even the elf >there is danger in the path to the right >huge tentacular monster about to kill elf >kill him on one hit >save everyone >grug is great >open door to next room >saved by hability sense danger >homunculus demon flies of the door almost taking my head with him >sub boss fight >amazon,elf archer,healer and grug vs homunculus >the elf kept missing and shooting at me >grug will remmember that >kill homunculus after hard fought battle by throwing magic grass in his eye >time to rest .jpg >next day >we descend deeper in the dungeon >bigger group this time without elf >i punched elf >then she bitched something about beeing sorry >grug didnt wanted to know >shes not invited to raid in this path >she can stay at camp >group is humman paladin,orc fighter,2 healers and one human fighter called valkyrie >find litch >oh shit >paladin is strongest in group >he misses >my turn >crit >but not enough >the fight progresses >paladin and orc fighter keep rolling 1 >im making all the damage >almost die 2 times >healers protect me >in the end the litch was real low >paladin scores an hit and gets the kill >fucking noob >get grimoire, some orb and some litch bones as a reward >end sesion in camp and thats the stroy so far <|endoftext|> Grug better be smashing knowledge, because he sure isn't going to be smashing with his fists or dick any time soon. <|endoftext|> Rolled 2, 9, 8, 14, 5, 6 = 44 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> Effectively, every character has 5 Stamina to perform actions. Some actions require 2 stamina, but most only require 1. They can spend as much, or as little, as they wish on their turn. However, the catch is that using Stamina is also the only way to actively defend themselves. So you have to make a choice to move in and slash em up, risking painful death, or be conservative and save your skin Not exactly revolutionary, but it helped the beats of combat work properly. I've debated on starting earlier for my Euro audience, as that's a thing I can say I have for some godforsaken reason. I may do that for Project Grug. <|endoftext|> There comes a point where some games feel similar, there are only so many ways to roll dice without becoming VTNL. If it looks too similar, I try to adopt a more unique theme or ideas behind it (such as my own Hearts of Darkness being a poor man's Cyberpunk 2020, through some grit and tweaking I did manage to make if fairly unique in terms of its themes and mechanics, mostly mass battles). What game are you worried about ripping off there anon? There has to be a kind of "advancement," but "advancement" can take many forms. If you're concerned about sticking at one kind of power level, having different equipment, resources, or even narrative rewards are advancement enough. For example, the Character's in Iron Caskets (my tanker game) don't really improve that much, but the advancement comes from their horrifying deaths. They improve the regiment as a whole when they die, granting more bonuses and resources to everyone, at the cost of their own lives (suggesting they die in glory and not a stray shot). Maybe I should actually do a bit on my own recent projects. Let's see. . . >Tainted Bloodlines Mutant colony simulator with Fire Emblem tier eugenics in some cases. I could probably due for some more mutations, but it works as intended. >Hearts of the Valkyria Valkyria Chronicles using the Hearts of Darkness version of Interlock, turned out pretty well, could do more with it, but sorting through every game's logic and different classes was giving me a stroke. >Tabletalk Online Rework At the suggestion of a few viewers, I shifted the focus of the Isekai Bullshit RPG to a more MMO centric game, added some aspects of Souls-like games to round out the combat system. Those are the most recent ones, next project will probably be starting next week if I don't get bored until then. Project Grug, a game about crafting and grugs. <|endoftext|> Grug can cast what grug want, but I implore them to try to flavor them appropriately <|endoftext|> is it totally low magic or can grug cast boom ball <|endoftext|> CAVE AMAZONIANS cave Amazonians went into a cave sometime in the past, and stayed their ever since. They're really just regular Amazonians, but talk in grug and shit. <|endoftext|> Grug not smash enemies, Grug fillet enemies <|endoftext|> Rolled 7, 20, 17, 6, 14, 1 = 65 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> I think that attributes to much intellect to it, I think it's as simple as >Grug think marines look cool so play game >Losing bad, winning good And everything springs from that. <|endoftext|> Where do waac fags come from? The only explanation I can come up with is a pipeline looking something like >Grug like marine model man game look cool!!! >Grug play game >Grug lose, no like lose >Google how win >Grug buy best models and win >YAAAY! >What mean no meaning in win? >Grug come up with ex post facto explanation for why grug's victory carries meaning so that grug ego no wounded by revelation of investing self in non-game. <|endoftext|> >tfw monorace parties dont exist >ywn be grug the orc cleric protecting your 3 barbarian brothers, all called grug, as your little warband earns glory and fame >ywn be balter, one of the rare few dwarf wizards, sent to explore forgotten ancient ruins that were recently unearthed in your clan's mines >ywn be haileer, an elf clad in shimmering metal armor, wielding a great hammer with which he brings down divine judgement upon those who carry evil in their hearts, acting as a moral paragon for the pack of unwashed forest hobos sent to retrieve some elven relic No dude lets just all play the races that give us the best stats lol who cares that the group looks like the fucking rainbow flag xD <|endoftext|> "Vital" depends on what you're after in the campaign. If you just want to be a complete combat grug then no shit stack as much toughness and weapon skill as you can. It will be the fellowship based characters enabling all your bullshit though. In my campaign the party has two burghers who are opening up all the quest routes, securing allies, and amassing fortune and equipment to kit out their knight. <|endoftext|> >shits in ur mate's lair YOU GO TOO FAR GRUG ME NO SHARE ANTELOPE YOU HUNT ALONE NOW <|endoftext|> >grug blade >gimmicky <|endoftext|> Grug swing axe good. It was better when there was just a blanket "power weapon" classification, gave lots of room for modelling. I was going to say this, but that's the AP, not the strength. <|endoftext|> you're right war only exists because of the jews, you figured it out when grug murdered ugg to take his woman it's because the proto-jews were whispering in his ear to do it <|endoftext|> FAINTLY GRUG GO TAKE THIS HEAD ON SOON GRUG COME AROUND LOST AND NEVER FOUND WAITING FOR GRUG WORDS SEEN BUT NEVER HEARD BUT GRUG KEEP COMING <|endoftext|> MATING WITH SKY FIRE BEAST ONLY TRUE TEST OF SOUL. IF GRUG CANNOT MATE WITH SKY FIRE BEAST THEN WHY PLAY GAME AT ALL. Grug tell Shaman that you not play to just pretend hunt or gather, you play to experience thing that not happen! <|endoftext|> SHAMAN SAY GRUG NO CAN SEX WITH SKY FIRE BEAST SHAMAN BAD NOT LIKE SHAMAN FROM CRITICAL ROCK <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT MORE GIVE GRUG NOW <|endoftext|> GRUG ATTACK KITTY NO GOOD FOR GRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE DANCE GRUG LIKE LADY GRUG WANT <|endoftext|> ME GRUG ME LIKE PALEOMYTHIC WANT PALEOMYTHIC THREAD NOW GIVE GRUG WHAT GRUG WANT <|endoftext|> Grug like rock <|endoftext|> Rolled 5, 20, 60 = 85 (3d100) grug no read. grug going for warrior born <|endoftext|> >All these brainlets insisting that grug-hammering enemies is the only solution. Laughing at your life you buncha dildos. <|endoftext|> Grug should breeding sows instead of lounging around! <|endoftext|> I thinks its cool too, i swear to god /edh/ spends half the thread complaining bout generic FotM commanders and the other half shitting on anyone who does something slightly different from the staple reanimator/combo/grug decks. <|endoftext|> Based Grug <|endoftext|> Grug make on destiny by smashing face <|endoftext|> >initiative roll means grug smash! Why are people like this? <|endoftext|> Suckers Idolizing Mediocre Pussy. And I understand what you mean about chasing women being a near necessity in life; however, you can't equate cavemen attracting mates with the shit that's going on these days. At least grug had a CHANCE to reproduce with grugette if he gave her some mammoth jerky. Modern simps just give internet hos money like a tax, and what do they get in return? She says your name on stream? Whack. Posting from my hot chicks in body armor folder to keep thread theme. <|endoftext|> Based Grug. <|endoftext|> You're no grug! No grug would speak of pointilism <|endoftext|> Me grug, master of the brush and pencil Me can draw realism, parody, pointillism and fantasy Me no like computer cause computer racist <|endoftext|> Me grug Me no paint on cave wall Me paint on <|endoftext|> Grug, High Shaman of Grug. Grug worship Grug and make sacrifice to Grug. Grug simultaneously also patron of Grug. Grug never contradict Grug. So speak Grug. <|endoftext|> Sorry grug, but I don't do shitty memes Pick something slightly less cringe <|endoftext|> GRUG WANT OC KINO <|endoftext|> Ascended grug <|endoftext|> grug want oc <|endoftext|> How should I play out my Earth genasi. Gentle giant. Big dumb grug Savage Tree people from lotr <|endoftext|> Hairgrowth effected by testosterone in both the sexes. Coincidently testosterone also makes you horny (again same with both the sexes). Grug see girl with hair and Grug think girl has high sexdrive. <|endoftext|> The problem is, violence is the progenitor of all modern legitimacy. If you, Grug, can kill Grog, Grog's tribe is now Grug's tribe. Of course, we're way more civilized now, and as time goes on, the threat of personal violence becomes less and less effective. Legitimacy and violence are no longer connected. But they were, and whenever the basis of societal norms (Men in charge) was being laid down, that was what mattered. And then it didn't change, because tradition. <|endoftext|> Grug wear big hat <|endoftext|> CAN YOU READ? I'M BACK, BECAUSE YOU'RE A DOLT. >Yeah, like cast Cancel. Oh, wait... Again, all sarcasm aside, that's a terrible argument on your part. If you want to do something outside of a color, then that means tossing in another color. Except if it's named "Counterspell" it's not "Cancel" I'll elaborate below on another of your points. >Because Blue basically hasn't been special since >Did you just wake up from a time capsule? U/G is raping the game right now. Are you a basic-bot or something? How is that indicative of them being different if they have such overwhelming synergy? They're Cyan in this form, give it a color and make Green and Blue distinct again. But that's 11-color magic, you guys are having a hard enough time wrapping your head around 10. >5xrestrictions vs 10x restrictions. Do the math. >That's twice as many options, mate. You're fucking stupid. Go back and read it again you gas-lit idiot. >Stop clearly cherry-picking things I say, Cherry-picking suggests I'm changing the context of what you're saying. >I'm not. Again, you don't know what you're talking about. You absolutely fucking are and that's why I'm quoting everything you quote in my posts to give other people context. >That would imply that you started. Still not seeing that "elaboration." Behold the idiot eye, scorned, confused. It recoils. "Y-y-you are the retard! S-s-simp!" >Mate, saying that's extraordinarily different than a normal mountain range is fucking stupid. It's not a fundamental force of the plane itself sculpting a landscape, it's someone using a shovel. You'd think that, until you actually graduated highschool and got a job digging holes. I tried to make the concept simple for your Grug-brain, but digging a trench through a mountain requires things like "shoring" or a system of reinforcement... You are especially retarded and I have a schoolteacher's heart. (1/2) <|endoftext|> >"Grug kill chieftain, Grug become chieftain" <|endoftext|> >self-interest and altruism are mutually exclusive grug the tribesman has 70 berries, hrug has none grug COULD let hrug starve, but hrug is a good hunter and if he gives hrug some of his berries hrug will survive and be able to provide grug with meat in the future it is an altruistic act for grug to help hrug, but it is also in his self-interest <|endoftext|> What argument you want to hear? >Git gud >Remember to have fun >TWO CAKES! >Who cares be like grug <|endoftext|> >rereading ogre tome >says many Ogres dont understand their own titles and just like the sound & to brag >someone laughs at a tyrant called Grug the Imbecile >Tyrant kills him Lol <|endoftext|> I'd make a better lookout or navigator actually, Grug here's the one built for menial labor. I know, I know, the plate armor makes me look like a muscular type, I get it all the time. <|endoftext|> GRUG <|endoftext|> GRUG BASH <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> Me no like pointy ear tribe. Treat Grug like animal when Grug is man. Grug keep club close when in forest. <|endoftext|> Brets would need a mild legal fiction of 'meet grug my new serf, he's a strong lad but he eats a lot let me tell you!' <|endoftext|> You think Grug pretty? <|endoftext|> For grug brains, God allowed physical proof of Christ's martyrdom to make it to the modern age. <|endoftext|> >Me need tribal. Why no tribal for Grug? <|endoftext|> What did i told you? BE LIKE GRUG. GRUG JUST MAKE CYOA AND HAVE FUN. <|endoftext|> Haha, grug like bone. Am clever! <|endoftext|> >stone me sameberrypicker but grug need no say far-hill word for rock. only pointy hat shiny sky-rock watchers say stone. <|endoftext|> Thumpa Doom ask grug riddle of stone, but grug like bone. <|endoftext|> Ok fine. Keep Grug alive, convince all of them that I'm a god, let him keep his "chief" title. I'm still a higher authority and he's still happy. Tell him that I will bestow a great honor on him: >I still get all of the women in the tribe >He will marry any daughters I have ("as your god, I bestow the gift of my holy daughters as your wives!") >I will make sure he is kind and takes good care of them on threat of celestial retribution >Genepool is diversified >He does all of the chiefly grunt work >I help with technology/harem orgies every night That better? <|endoftext|> With Grug, yes. <|endoftext|> Pick Young. Get "cursed" and use it to turn Grug into fuckboi. Also fuck Nine and Nula, objectively hottest chicks, who seem down to fuck no matter what. <|endoftext|> grug did nothing wrong <|endoftext|> grug doesn't deserve this <|endoftext|> Castrate Grug, convince all girls into harem <|endoftext|> >STR 9 >DEX 11 >CON 10 >INT 10 >WIS 7 >CHA 8 Grug is 4chan now <|endoftext|> Rolled 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 1, 4, 3, 3, 2, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 2, 1 = 55 (18d6) Grug smash <|endoftext|> >hard shiny-rock cave story >far time tribe go more fast than great winds When am cave painter learn, grug not to play god? <|endoftext|> Rolled 11, 2, 18, 16, 14, 17 = 78 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> Because thats all you do. I dont mind there beeing a "im a simple grug and i smash" class. but why does it have to be EVEY class with a martial archetype? If you want to have fun, you better be some flavor of wizard. Its a roleplaying game tho. The role of the wizard doesnt appeal to me. thats the problem with <|endoftext|> >grug play xenagod >grug cast BIG creature! >grug smash puny other mages >grug win grug happy. <|endoftext|> >We can talk for hours, because each one of us strongly believe our case is the best case and will benefit the whole group the most. What we're doing is presenting our case and convincing others to follow us. This is honestly what social systems are good at. The Alpha Gamer type is annoying because if it comes down to only RP, they essentially get to be party faces for free and browbeat the entire party into being extensions of their character. But if you tell the smooth-talking guy playing 6 CHA Grug that nobody gives a shit about the smelly caveman's opinion, the guy will probably get mad IRL <|endoftext|> I don't understand why it's such a big deal. In real life, the era which you would call 'medieval' lasted a long fucking time - some areas stayed 'medieval' longer than others, as the progress of technology and the rate at which society adopts said technology is disjointed. And besides that, why the fuck do you need to know what LotR or Elder Scrolls would look like with cars and ATM machines? Why does it matter? The stories told about those settings cover the specific 'medieval' equivalent era of that world. The past exists in the form of lore and in-universe texts, and the future doesn't matter - we're talking about when everyone in that world was using swords and horses because that's just the era that the stories chose to cover. If you want modern fantasy, there are plenty of modern fantasy settings and stories. If you want caveman grug fantasy, well, that wouldn't be hard to make up on your own. Jesus fucking christ. <|endoftext|> >hand drawn Opinion discarded fuck off Grug <|endoftext|> >playing numenera and we're showing up with blind characters, i.e. the DM has no idea what we're playing as >introduce ourselves one by one >me grug, from berry tribe, have big club >me grug, also berry tribe, bigger club >me grug, former apple tribe, now berry tribe >all of us are literal club wielding cavemen his campaign idea was largely set around the war between two cities and trying to negotiate some kind of truce to deal with a bigger threat, and as you can imagine that didn't go well <|endoftext|> >standard isn't the boogeyman he's built it up to be? Standard is fucking awful right now with all the grug unga bunga touches of death so why the fuck would he feel the need to admit anything? <|endoftext|> >they don't win as much Huh? They're nuns. They're looking for faith in the Emperor, and there's no reason grug can't have that. Education is more of an issue given that unlike marines they're expected to do stuff other than hitting things, and don't get posthuman brains. <|endoftext|> Because generally speaking, they don't win as much from hiring the grug women from fuckwherioa five, do they? <|endoftext|> Rolled 4, 19 = 23 (2d20) Grug sisters. <|endoftext|> Would sisters even recruit from such a grug man world though? This sounds like it'd be very good for space marine recruitment, what with needing to be strong even before the process to turn one into a space marine <|endoftext|> Rolled 40, 74 = 114 (2d100) Grug-world incoming. <|endoftext|> JOTC and Kikewater will never stop sucking Blue cock. Hydroid Krasis, Oko, Uro, T3feri, and that’s just standard. Hell it took the White mana advocate guy to convince him to finally give White some card draw, and even then it’s on a shitty new Mangara that’s arguably only good as a sideboard against Grug attack decks. <|endoftext|> Grug Grug want eat man flesh, but even he no smash house for shoes <|endoftext|> >Joe “DMT” Rogan and Jocko “GRUG SMASH” Wilick OH NO NO NO NO <|endoftext|> Kruk no like sci-fi. Am always too silly. Kruk am hear cavestory of grug who make own cave by stack rocks. How am keep rocks from fall over? <|endoftext|> >there people in cave who literally, and grug mean LITERALLY, wear rock suit in club fight bunga <|endoftext|> >be me >me grok >play cavebrew game after hunt two time every moon >one darktime grug get mad me character >"toothcat power too high" >all cave spend rest night watch shadowhands in burn wood <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE GURPS <|endoftext|> abaddon is a literal grug retard caveman, of course he thinks that <|endoftext|> >nooo you can't leave the dungeon! You have to finish it all in one day! Nooo >hehe, grug go sleep Let's be real here, most encounters up to deadly or deadly+ are mind numbingly boring anyway, fuck grinding through 6 of those just to slap a bandaid on shitty balance <|endoftext|> If Ug had beaten Grug in the Great Rock War, the world would be a better place. <|endoftext|> >Can't go down to paleolithic grug no like <|endoftext|> Grug draw leaf <|endoftext|> >A red grug complaining that their color isn't good enough I still haven't forgotten about Kaladesh/Amonkhet, fag. Me too, bud. Memeander fags ruined it for us. <|endoftext|> >be grug >man in blood color loincloth come in flying rock to tell about golden sky father >gold sky father say green man bad >me fight green man once, he big and talk just like grug, his sky father named gork >then he chop grug friend head off and say "waaaagh" >the feral worlder <|endoftext|> He'll always be Grug in my headcanon. <|endoftext|> >convince them I'm a god here to fertilize all of the women >Have Young bite you and all the other girls. >Immortal harem >Also make Grug a court eunuch <|endoftext|> Other way around, as I said our genes haven't caught up with what we can do because of memes so we've used the latter to solve the problem. Society is a shared fiction which increases communal fitness over the long term Grug the pussy slayer's genes may do well for a few generations but a more organised group will eventually crush and assimilate his descendants. To say that society doesn't arise from and isn't in response to our urges is idiotic, it's self-awareness and restraint written on a group scale. As for phrasing "here's how X is good for women and bad for men and Y is good for men and bad for women" is pretty unambiguous to anyone with more than a handful of neurons to rub together. <|endoftext|> Tons of mythological heroes were smart enough to realise not all problems could be solved with "grug smash" <|endoftext|> There are other forms of pride than anthems and flags, you literal grug. <|endoftext|> Low level characters having to find a way to kill a relatively higher CR monster that isn't just "grug smash" <|endoftext|> >tfw no grug waifu irl <|endoftext|> GRUG NOT FAG <|endoftext|> I am gay for grug <|endoftext|> Is there some way to increase early game presence with MLB? Maybe I'm just a brainlet but it feels as if I should switch back to Altmile since it fares a lot better against other decks because it goes hard and fast on the superior call with its only problems being finishing late game. I want to stick with MLB because of grug power though. <|endoftext|> me like grug me no homo <|endoftext|> Sure thing Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG NO UNDERSTAND WHAT MAGIC IS <|endoftext|> Although not an explicit horror game, you might want to take a look at Fates Worse Than Death? It's a really neat game with an interesting ruleset, having lots of mechanics for social interaction and actively encouraging players to seek out other solutions than "GRUG SHOOT!". The setting is also a nicely bleak and gritty take on the cyberpunk concept, having a society so iniquitous and wretched under exploitative corporate rule that it's teetering on social collapse; you can see the signs and portents among the hungry and hopeless on the streets... >mega /file/WlVXjYDR#SVruTO3rVgoUUJ2jcdupxaX7Tomw3d8LsvCtriuEkBU <|endoftext|> Ask Grug, he's the one who did it. inb4 this becomes caveman baseball <|endoftext|> But I betcha Grug stops punching rocks for a while, innit? <|endoftext|> >Thinking that broken hand can stop grug when grug has one hand and two feet left <|endoftext|> >one day Grug breaks his hand >all the weaklings do grug in >Grug cries all the tears that day, until no more tears >Grug is dead <|endoftext|> >Pitiful berrypicker throws rock at grug >Grug strong >Grug just hits rock and it hits berrypicker >It cries like woman <|endoftext|> If you lived in Grug's time it would have been normal, what happened to the better, simpler times. <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE CAVEMAN CHEE OH AH <|endoftext|> Grug best jumpmaker. <|endoftext|> It being old means there are a lot of things that could do with an update. It's still great, it still gets books, some of which pretty great, but it could do with a reprint or an update. The 90s were awesome, but leaving a mild 90s aftetaste is a limitation, even if I love it. Bad Art absolutely matters in a product. Curating skill lists is a thing. No way does your game about Grug the Tech Level 0 hunter need all the skills that become relevant after TL4. <|endoftext|> GURPS supports cavemen and hunter-gatherers with Low-Tech. It even has rules for Grug hunting and gathering or Grug being overlord of berrypickers, with problems such as orverhunting and overgathering, other Grug trying to seduce your berrypickers, or big wooly lion eating your face. Run straight it might be a little boring though - most of your problems will be day to day lack of nutrition, younger Grug trying to brain you from behind or random wildlife trying to eat you. <|endoftext|> GRUG NO YOU PLAY GODS YOU PLAY GODS <|endoftext|> box of mysteriousness here grug in case you pick <|endoftext|> here you go grug <|endoftext|> grug want cute girl <|endoftext|> THE AGE OF GRUG BEGINS NOW. <|endoftext|> NO, GRUG! YOU AM PLAY GODS! <|endoftext|> grug happy <|endoftext|> >Torchlight Big ooga booga get scared when flashy flash hit eye during night raid, or even day raid >Prehistory Book, Storytelling, Megaphone "And then the big elephant, the tsundere sabertooth, and the stoopid sloth lived happily ever after. The end" "Remember pay grug in big chunk o' meat next time, or you no come close enough to see sequel with big stinky lizards and small funky snake-cat" >Hunters Tribe feed wolf inside tummy, tribe stronger against enemy >Wolf Trainer Chick and trainer for price of trainer is good deal >Advanced Tools And then when pull string AND small stick, bigger stick throw small stick at enemy <|endoftext|> Grug like smol waifu? Apo has smol waifu for Grug! <|endoftext|> grug you're wearing a slice of pizza so your opinion doesn't matter <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE WAIFU CYOA <|endoftext|> >Torchlight Big ooga booga get scared when flashy flash hit eye during night raid, or even day raid >Prehistory Book, Storytelling, Megaphone "And then the big elephant, the tsundere sabertooth, and the stoopid sloth lived happily ever after. The end" "Remember pay grug in big chunk o' meat next time, or you no come close enough to see sequel with big stinky lizards and small funky snake-cat" >Hunters Tribe feed wolf inside tummy, tribe stronger against enemy >Wolf Trainer Chick and trainer for price of trainer is good deal >Advanced Tools And then when pull string AND small stick, bigger stick throw small stick at enemy 28 <|endoftext|> >orruk warclans Grug Git da boyz <|endoftext|> >irl politics shit doesn't fit that tone They shouldn't put it in there, then? Look man, I don't even disagree with any of it but anti-racism and anti-sexism are CLEARLY modern politics in every sense, all of mankind from the year Grug to like the 1950s was fine with racism and sexism. Trying to fight the natural tendencies of human beings is the IRL political activity. >They want to prevent appearing like another Raggi. Not sure I understand this, either on a conceptual level (as in, what do you mean by "another Raggi" here?) or in terms of motivation. Why would they want to avoid that? Still, it's pretty beside my point. I think you're not really grasping what I'm saying. >I don't know if you checked but they have a whole thing about Mörk Borg Cult where the authors tackle fancontent they like, produce art, translate it and even hire proofreaders out of their own pockets. >You are not stopped from putting out third-party-content that is racist, sexist and edgy, they just won't put it under their sublabel. No, I know all that, I'm just saying that that's hardly grimdark then, is it? Say what you will about Cannibal Corpse (personally, I say "ew"), at least when they say they're going too far they fuckin' go there. You can't fucking claim to be "dark" and then recoil like a vampire seeing a cross at the first mention of prejudice. Even Warhams includes that shit, for fuck's sake. <|endoftext|> >grug realizes he can kill lion by throwing rocks >get better at throwing rocks >begin throwing bigger or more pointed rocks >begin throwing pointed sticks >make sling to throw sharp rocks better >make little wedge thing to throw pointed stick better >make longer pointed sticks to throw without letting go >add string to stick to make tiny stick throwing device >make metal pointed sticks to swing and thrust without having to let go but still keeping distance >put metal pointed bits at ends of long sticks from before >make massive device for launching massive rocks >more others for massive pointed sticks >improve devices for launching rocks and sticks >discover rocks that explode and get good at throwing them >use explosive rocks to launch smaller metal rocks better than anything before >continue improving tiny rock launching device >advance to the point of perfect precision to kill a lion from 100 miles away >use continued explosions to launch large metal exploding sticks long distances >make computers to guide them to target >able to explode a lion with exploding rock from the other side of the planet We just got really good at throwing rocks. <|endoftext|> YOU CAN TAKE BOTH YA GRUG IT SHOULD JUST NOT BE ***STRICTLY*** BETTER THAN NOT TAKING BOTH IT SHOULD BE A TRADEOFF OF WHETHER THE EXTRA SYNERGY IS BETTER THAN THE MONO BONUSES <|endoftext|> >Did a run with a big twist and a betrayal at the end only a day ago >team is still recovering but they spent a lot of dosh on upgrades and one of the crew is in the hospital >decker manages to score a milk run, straight from the tap. Someone in a decently secure wagie cage apartment tower is buying an easy to obtain gun for 1000% markup. >just want it delivered. >face manages to get the hookup for the gun, decker gets into the apartment security system and causes a distraction/unlocks the doors for face who enters disguised as a pizza guy. >they get to the room, knock on the door and a disheveled teenage girl answers with smeared mascara, hands face his pay. >face asks why she wants the gun. >faceyoustupid. >she shrugs it off and gives a really terrible excuse which the face just decides to believe >roll DM rolls will+composure for girl to work up the nerve to ask the criminal who just sold her a firearm a question >her stats are low but she passes >she asks him if it's loaded, and of course it is. >badvibes. >she asks him if he can show her how it works. >he enters the apartment and does so. >right as he's leaving a bang goes off. >she shot herself close enough for blood and brainmatter to splash onto our face >whatwereyouthinkingDMwasgoingtoletyougetawaythateasily? >Decker doesn't think to delete security footage as they hurry to evacuate the face >mfw our face and brainiac are the least clever out of our entire group and now he's wanted for murdering some emo corporate CEO's daughter. Our DM is very vocal about how he'll dick us over if we don't use our heads, yet it's always me who plays the dumb grug damage dealers who is the low key voice of reason. <|endoftext|> >snapping apart Grug? <|endoftext|> Were they inittially a bunch of dumb cavemen? >sun gave power to grug because grug has most big club in the cave, grug now powerful, grug go kill primordial for sun <|endoftext|> can't wait to go full swamp lizard grug <|endoftext|> History is the story of group competition for resources. Libertarians and individualist thinkers are spiritually corrupted people that are no longer mentally equipped to view the world in a way that can be useful because of the brain damaged inflicted by this manner of thinking. Even the most grug version of a "Us versus Them" binary pattern of thinking is more useful in understanding the world than your own worldview which I imagine you consider nuanced and superior in sophistication. <|endoftext|> >city is being invaded by bandits >they have two ogres and a fucking cyclops >changeling warlock sneaks into bandit-occupied city at night >talks to the cyclops and befriends him >makes him realize the bandits are just using him and not paying him a fair amount for his work >gives him money and promises to give him more after he helps us take back the city >cyclops decides he’s going to use the money to get an education >next night >bandits are celebrating having taken over the city >they’re all hammered >including the cyclops >whole party meets up with him, warlock tells him it’s go time >he’s about to hulk smash the building the rest of the bandits are in >I ask the DM if he’s within 30 feet of me >I cast Enlarge >after cyclops destroys building, wizard fireballs it just to be sure >cyclops passes out from drinking too much >we find a little girl crying in a ruined house >her parents were killed by the bandits and she wants revenge >we take her with us to keep her safe while we make camp in the city >wake up to find her climbing onto the cyclops with a dagger, about to stab him in the eye Unfortunately we had to put down our new friend, Grug. Poor guy just wanted to go to college. <|endoftext|> grug why gay, go outside cave grug see small flying prey, see big ground stick find new grug to be outside cave <|endoftext|> He drops one, it's an improvised weapon now. Reasoning is only having one completely throws off his balance. grug bad, me throw rock <|endoftext|> me grug me dungeon master me hate players laugh <|endoftext|> ME GRUG ME NOT UNDERSTAND SKINNY MAN WORD ME SMASH <|endoftext|> The Warhammer HFY spergs that have a fetish for killing furries are legit just as obnoxious as the furries themselves. Just look at this retard. According to him the only acceptable way to spin the concept of beastfolk without it being magical realm is to appeal to his "Grug kill evil furries Grug receive praise" fetish, completely oblivious to the fact that the only reason he even thinks that is based on his own magical realm. <|endoftext|> >grug need big to grasp idea <|endoftext|> I think the Velber are only a continuing problem in the Extra continuity, because Sefar made 2 bodies to attack the Moon Cell and the Earth simultaneously the moon-based Titan Altera ended up sealed away instead of destroyed because the Moon Cell lacked the resources to obliterate it. Whereas in panhuman history it seems there was only one Altera attack Earth and Grug armed with Excaliclub finished it off for good <|endoftext|> What's the best barbarian subclass if I want to be smart and resourceful and just generally have more answers in and out of combat than just grug smashing everything? <|endoftext|> I prefer 1-3 pages, lengthy descriptions and lore is a no-go. I'm a grug, I want pretty cyoas that's easy to get into but also fun. <|endoftext|> Pay attention to your Bakcround, it can help you flavor a lot of your history and interactions without being "Me Grug smash, think city folk weak". Take Noble, for example. What does barbarian nobility look and act like? Another thing is what your Rage looks like. Do you scream and froth, or is it a quiet, focused intensity? Does it come for anger, fear, or some other emotion? <|endoftext|> Probably writing if we're talking most basic level shit but more realistically if they don't want to go back every few decades because grug #23 came up with pictographs I'd suggest steam power or large scale "factory" style production or global trade ala the 16 / 17th century. <|endoftext|> Ellen Ripley. That specific set was made with inspect element on wahapedia, real grug shit. There's also a site that lets you quickly make datasheets with simple HTML editing, but they don't look nearly as nice. Tau have zero psychic whatsoever and focus entirely on shooting whereas TS love their mind bullets and have some competent melee options. Cult of Magic is also a nice counter to castles. <|endoftext|> But we're not talking Grug the Barbarian instantly swapping to a dex build. We're talking Grug not being tied to using a +3.14 Battle Axe of Mild Larcency from level 3 onwards because he needs it to be viable. Instead - Grug can very easily choose to pivot towards the club he found in that one dungein yesterday. This is a solved problem and other systems have worked around this, yes there are pitfalls in design but we've sent canaries down that hole, we know where the rub tends to be. FATE is a very notable example of fluid characters executed well, however I would say it occupies an extreme end if the spectrum. Genesys is an example of a system that has both character continuity- you commit to your choices - but doesn't require you to hyper specialize. If you're good with big two-handed axes, you're entirely viable with big two-handed hammers and lose little to nothing from the swap. In a game about going into holes and finding treasure, not being able to react to treasure is an issue. I would say that the sheer volume of unfocused, overlapping character options - with many of them being horrible traps gets in the way of this point. I understand this is much of the appeal of 3.5 at this point, but to me less is very much more when you have 1001 different options that all do the exact same thing. <|endoftext|> >I mean why the fuck do cave troopers need to be their own thing Gotta make sure Conscript Grug has doubly retard-proofed kit when he's sent to bludgeon peons. <|endoftext|> >The guy who started the whole hobby was Grug Berryeater in his man cave ftfy <|endoftext|> I may go Devotion or Ancients then. I want a good person paladin, someone who feels like a proper hero. Conquest and Vengeance basically seem like grug paladins to me. <|endoftext|> Me grug. grug big useful. <|endoftext|> Idiot. >You pick the arts then you get X that depends on what grug are you. <|endoftext|> >What grug are you? >What three things grug has? Different kinds of grug get different amount of things per thing when using a thing number easy. <|endoftext|> grug LEARN <|endoftext|> Rolled 17, 4, 5, 19, 19, 7 = 71 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> grug no like when other grugs have fun in way grug no like. grug want everyone play blue space guys <|endoftext|> t. grug <|endoftext|> >>push the boundries of what’s normal >You act like that's a thing that's needed. >grug no like the fire it scary and too bright <|endoftext|> I'm gonna build the fish shark without red and no one's gonna stop me, grug smash flying shark azorius voltron is a go <|endoftext|> GRUG LIKE DANCE >grug begins to shuck and jive Grug has 9 int and 9 cha <|endoftext|> >kill T-rex >Not try snusnu Grug am not smart <|endoftext|> >1000 BC That was a duck, a distant relative of the T-Rex. But you make a good point, Grug. <|endoftext|> >Be Grug >1000 BC >Find sleeping T-Rex >Climb up rock face and roll big boulder off cliff >Land on lizard head smooshing it >bigbrain.cavepainting <|endoftext|> >grug collect skulls so grug a weirdboy If you were going for the shaman vibe, check the back right ork and realize that you need to add more feathers. Greenstuff cloaks are also eazy-mode "He's a weirdboy". Not my pic by the way so I can't give you a clear shot of the weirdboy. <|endoftext|> >I’m so patriotic i hate germans! >shills for a group that consistently works against the interests of the british people Yeah, this grug shit is fooling no one anon. <|endoftext|> Imagine it's 500 years after the start of a new dark age. Technology of the past is like fantasy magic. Pieces of it are seen, but never anything functioning, only wild legends of the time before. Now imagine while out hunting you and grug Jr. come across a perfectly flat stone wall with symbols like pic related painted and embossed on it. That demonic symbol is something terrifying to behold. You return and tell the chief and he tells of how Grug Sr.'s great grandfather's brother once climbed that wall and never returned. And later his brother went looking for him and came back alone, but hours after finally crawling back to the village his skin began to fall off and he never got to tell his tale. <|endoftext|> >once a retreat for grogs Where retreat for Grug? <|endoftext|> >Who were the ones who made their families nobles? Grug Facepuncher the warlord after beating enough people into submission. <|endoftext|> good grug, grug understand! <|endoftext|> >“unga bunga me put everything in ST.” The G in GURPS is not for Grug. <|endoftext|> This make the fights almost puzzle like or decryptions rather than GRUG USE STICK! STICK SUPER EFFECTIVE, How about a boss who phases in and our of reality at varying times that the players can figure out with some basic math or if they picked up a journal. Kek, im neither I just like unique abilities <|endoftext|> Surprised it isn't Grug <|endoftext|> The thing that's boring about it is that horror tends to require some transgression to be justified. Alien has the crew fuck about with shit they don't know on an alien planet. The Mummy has people open a tomb that's pretty much labelled 'Do not open, evil fuck inside' Jason has you knobbing when you should be doing innocent camp shit out innwoods. Hell even Freddy had the families of the children enact some Vigilante justice on a diddler. Hell even IT had the kid reach into the storm drain knowing full well something was fucky. What's this got? 'You took the ice cream' Yeah but you don't know that's wrong until it happens do you? It's the horror equivalent of a story that ends with 'And then a pea sized meteorite beaned the hero square through the forehead and he fell over dead'. Sure the idea that can happen is horrifying but it's entirely random and entirely disinteresting because it's not a logical step in the story. The entire point of horror on a grug-tier level is 'Do not do this thing' Do not go into the woods, the werewolf lives there. Do not keep a corpse around, lest it start drinking your blood. Do not trust the stranger, he may be something less than a man. They're morality tales with blood and tits. And this has...don't eat ice cream? I guess? <|endoftext|> Soon, grug. Be good & wait. Here, found you a new chew-bone. The last one you had wore out. *puts Mastodon long-bone in front of grug* <|endoftext|> me want new dragon thing give me now grug wants <|endoftext|> Has it occurred to you, OP, that they can be fighting someone they regard as still worthy of compassion? I just don't get the appeal of playing where Grug the orc has no purpose or value other than to get stabbed; he might need to get stabbed for the PC's idea of honor or freedom or survival or whatever, but there's still a moral cost. Not acknowledging that is too far into the "are we the baddies" territory for me. <|endoftext|> Abaddon is once again just a Grug smash retard getting outplayed. <|endoftext|> Stop replying to grug. <|endoftext|> Adventurer guilds are just polite ways of saying "state sponsored mercenaries," in my opinion. At best, they're a mixed bag of people with random, sometimes specialized skills, at worst, they're a group of murderhobos. These are the kind of people that would make problems for everyone unless you give them something constructive to keep them busy, so the kingdom had the bright idea to take these people that can't handle being a part of society and give them a place as disposable assets. Grug the barbarian just starts bar fights, Helga's last potion brewing blew up a city block, and a lot of things have gone missing since Illyander was released from prison, so we just pay them a few silver a day to hang around in one place to keep any eye on them. <|endoftext|> I wonder how often the Munitorum has recruited a regiment from a Feral world or similar and given it a bunch of artillery and mortars without really thinking it through. Some exasperated officer from a civilized world trying to explain to Grug, Taker-of-Skulls and life-long illiterate exactly what 'grid coordinates' are and why he can't just "eye-ball" his battery's fire-orders. <|endoftext|> Not if you lived at sea level in the stone age. >cousin Grug from high-place say water boil with just one hot rock instead of two >why him call it water if not have same properties? <|endoftext|> >Dumb as a concept or dumb as in dumb as a rock? Dumb as a concept (assuming it isnt full on stupid) is fine to a point, but full on grug tends to get grating very quickly. Grung is good with grapple barbarian, ua class features punchy fighter or monk. <|endoftext|> >non optimal Understandable, really. You dont need to be super optimized, but at the same time, for fucks sake, dont be a goddamn normal person in an adventuring party when the GM tells you you will have to do shit. >dumb characters Dumb as a concept or dumb as in dumb as a rock? Dumb as a concept (assuming it isnt full on stupid) is fine to a point, but full on grug tends to get grating very quickly. <|endoftext|> >Grug take unga hammer >Smack deer in face with unga >Carve deer, get x1 Deer horn >Jump on deer >Deer wake up >Deer kick me off What Grug do wrong <|endoftext|> Common name components follow; -ug, -mug, -bug, -dag, -lag, -nag, -thrac, -shak, -slak, -sgrac, -tak, -rak, -nak, -heg, -dug, -gush, -nas, -nar, -nib (feminine only), -lub, -jub, -gub, -og, -olg, -ung, -ush, -osh, -niz, -kir, -kug, -thab (feminine only), -bog, -bil, -buz, -dush, -nuz, -urz, -urg, -unt, -ishi, -ish, -nerg, -urt, -isk, -sisk, -nag, -narg, -gug, -arg, -golg, -nolg, -bolg, -bir, -bur, -dur, -nuz, -oz, -lok, -sok, -pok, -dok, -rig, -hiz, -fug, -irf, -nif, -dru, -dak, -duk, -duch, -uch, -rij, -nij, -gag Some of these components have commonplace variants as well, as follows: -thrag, -ush, -dar, -bag, -mig (feminine only), -duz, -guz, -gog, -gar, -gab, -glag, -dub, -durb, -durg, -nerk, -bis (feminine only), -dir, -kak, -sak, -shrac, -tik, -chak, -ruk, -uk, -ub, -jug, -glug, -ob, -ugh, -uf, -grug, -grog, -log, -dog, -pash. <|endoftext|> >Holy shit the first attempt at justifying a multiclass Haven't been reading the rest of the thread I see. >the only thing that makes rogues rogue are Sneak Attack and Cunning Action >the class features don't make the class bro, so what if your fighter can't sneak and is functionally identical to the guns blazing Grug smash fighter we have in the party? Just pretend you're a rogue lol >All right, you can now take warlock levels, and only warlock from here on out. Why? Does his dick and his arm fall off and now he can't keep up with his fighter training anymore? Justify that, please. > Also the devil is going to take an active and frequent role in your affairs and make demands of you and if you don't fulfill them he's going to take away your warlock powers. Just like a normal warlock? Yeah that's kind of the point, he's just like every other warlock in regard to warlock powers anon, that's what it means to be a warlock yes. >you dont want to make a single sacrifice, powergamer! >just use a sword without proficiency and fight close-range with your 10+dex AC and d6 HD bro, what are you a power gamer lol? what do you mean your character is shit at everything? so what just roleplay the enemies in front of you away lol just pretend >what do you mean you cant roleplay away combat because its dice based? are you a powergamer bro <|endoftext|> Me grug, me speak like dis. Ork man very strong big bulk <|endoftext|> Rolled 6, 10, 7, 15, 11, 3 = 52 (6d20) BEHOLD, SUPREME GRUG <|endoftext|> Rolled 12, 8, 9, 20, 13, 1 = 63 (6d20) We call oonga boonga magic man heal Grug <|endoftext|> GRUG, WHAT FUCK DO, ANGER SPIRITS, GRUG WALK ON CHAIR OF WHEEL, DROOL LIKE BERRY PICKER, DUMB AS ROCK <|endoftext|> Grug is dead <|endoftext|> Rolled 9, 6, 1, 1, 1, 5 = 23 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> This thread has made me try to research how common each type of world is and it's pretty contradictory. Newest lore says that 85% of worlds has at least one hive, but only 10-25% are proper hive worlds, but older lore has (in my opinion a much more reasonable) number of 32 thousand hive worlds, aka about 3% of the imperiums million worlds. If I had to guess based off the limited numbers available, I'd say the imperium is probably 3% Hive worlds 1% Forge worlds 6% Various industrial worlds, such as mining worlds, or non mechanics factory worlds. 15% pure Agri worlds, since you probably need a few for each hive world or forge world or other specialized world. 50% Comfy colonized worlds that have technology and an economy, but haven't developed hives yet due to a lack of mineral resources or lack of local agri world support, like your Taniths or modern Earth. Other than the oppressive religious state and low level fear of mutants and psykers you'd have, probably not terrible uncomfy - although more than a few likely have feral ork populations. 20% Feral worlds, Feudal worlds, and other Low tech shitholes, from grug tier to Hyperion frontier tier. 2% Death worlds 2% Cardinal worlds, shrine worlds, office worlds, and other administrative planets. 1% War worlds in the vein of Krieg or Cadia <|endoftext|> >Grug no like blue >Grug double down on stupid opinion <|endoftext|> >To smash or not to smash? That be Grugs question. >Grug smash, therefore Grug is. <|endoftext|> Grug be cleric <|endoftext|> Rolled 14, 6, 15, 18, 19, 14 = 86 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> >having a daughter is pedophilia Get a load of this grug <|endoftext|> because grug is stronger than tree stronger than mountains <|endoftext|> >CARD IS LVL 8 >DUH GRUG MAKE GALAXY DECK I pity you <|endoftext|> >If you've got everything, you see no need to invent. You're disregarding the fact that society can produce it's own need for adaptation. Like internal competition. A tribe grows, it's habitat grows, it's hierarchy grows - and at some point the guys from left bank of the Big River and their leader Grug come to see their very tribe mates from the right bank of the Big River lead by Grog as more of a nuisance than any natural factors. So they pack their shit and leave, or take pointy sticks and make Grog's people leave. That's literally how new tribes happened. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> >not using bare hands this make grug brain the small grug brain <|endoftext|> >Can anyone explain to me in solid reasoning, not 'waaah me too grug to kill drone first', but solid and legitimate reasons why tau are so broken like so many people seem to claim? They are casual smashers; their lowest level outside of vespid and kroot spam have a higher baseline than most armies. They're stuff is pure mobility and or shooting and lowers the skill ceiling. Coupled with good units and obvious synergy they are easy to make good. And easy to smash PUGs. Drones are a abusable. They can be hidden and interlaced to protect everything they need to. It's not only zero fun to play it requires minimal skill to run well and scales with the skill of the player. So actual good tau players lists are better than a necron or CSM player of the same general skill level. <|endoftext|> >waaah me too grug to kill drone first You can't kill the drone first if they're hidden behind LoS-blocking terrain. <|endoftext|> >Can anyone explain to me in solid reasoning, not 'waaah me too grug to kill drone first', but solid and legitimate reasons why tau are so broken like so many people seem to claim? They really aren’t. They’re just really unfun to play against and it brings the salt when people lose to them. <|endoftext|> Reminder that this SM nerf happened close enough to adepticon that waacs and fotm players had been buying shitloads of meta ironhands lists, but far enough that the tourney organizers will use it instead of pushing its implementation until after the tournament Sometimes there are brief flashes of justice in this hobby Can anyone explain to me in solid reasoning, not 'waaah me too grug to kill drone first', but solid and legitimate reasons why tau are so broken like so many people seem to claim? <|endoftext|> Grug wants to smash, cards stupid, rules stupid. <|endoftext|> >2 creatures combo is big brain >boogles is big brain >tron is big brain grug smash <|endoftext|> >OUaT is grug as fuck though >a card used to combo is grug Retard. <|endoftext|> OUaT is grug as fuck though <|endoftext|> >grug want smash >grug turn sideways >grug want smash modern sideways >standard already sideways >pioneer already smash >grug need modern >grug DESERVE modern <|endoftext|> No, I get angry every time I play blood bowl and inevitably throw a two skull block rerolled into a two skull block. Too much RNG for my grug brain. <|endoftext|> Are there any settings with dragons that aren't moronic one-dimensional greedy bastards Hell are there any settings that have large monsters in their category with any form of intelligence or depth beyond just "monster bad, grug go kill" It gets pretty tiresome pretty fast. <|endoftext|> >grug see bad mark, grug must smash bad mark! <|endoftext|> GRUG WAN PLAY FUN FUN YOU MAKE ME NO HAB FUN FUN <|endoftext|> grug smash anyone he want <|endoftext|> Grug can smash pussy. <|endoftext|> Rolled 19, 8, 18, 8, 10, 20 = 83 (6d20) Grug smash <|endoftext|> >Grug the barbarian answers all questions for us >He thinks a monster race is what happens when you ride owlbears to the finish line >He thinks Rogue is something pretty women put on their face, like war paint but nice >Warlock? Clearly a battle smith. None of those in the party >Never met a god called E'val >Never met a god called Chayhotic On we go. <|endoftext|> Damn, even my own blitzer is better than him For comparison with my blitzer; Snikrat Grug >MA 6 >ST 4 >AG 3 >AV 9 Skills: Block, Mighty blow, Guard >3 touchdowns >10 casualties (over the course of 1 1/2 leagues) >SPP: 44 >cost: 170k <|endoftext|> >dee down want to be cute girl grug no know dee down <|endoftext|> "Grug no like fork, fork is for weak gruglets!" <|endoftext|> Titanshift is the posterchild of UNGRA GRUG PLAY CARD brainletism, though. Being a smarter deck than it is almost guaranteed. <|endoftext|> >It's the primary reason why there are so many "ingame charisma vs real life charisma" debates Those debates are for the retarded who can't read a book. Pretty much every game tells you to state or speak what you're doing, then roll. The roll is the final arbiter. If you're a stuttering mess of social anxiety, but you manage to get out "I sing the Princess a poem about how much I love her", and roll well, guess what, it's a success. Conversely if the most astute speaker in the world is playing Grug the Ork with shit social stats, it doesn't matter what he says IRL beyond communicating his actual intent, his roll is the determining factor of how well it is received. <|endoftext|> >Intellectualism bad He says on an internet message board from his computer or smartphone in a presumably first world country. Intelligence is a good thing Grug. Being retarded isnt a virtue. Soviet Russia literally purged intellectuals. <|endoftext|> >Plus 90% of them don't step outside 'me grug me get angry and hop all over the place screaming!!!' I will not stop doing this and i will not stop attacking NPCs who think they have one up on the party <|endoftext|> I really don't like most barbarians, just because the people who play them are usually braindead. Plus 90% of them don't step outside 'me grug me get angry and hop all over the place screaming!!!' <|endoftext|> There's also the can of worms of using CUSTOM drugs offensively, letting you brew up anti-grug meth that gives -4 CHA, paralyzing anyone with 4 or less charisma. <|endoftext|> >grug no likes fire Grug no likes burning things left and right. What if Grug's tribe gets too far with applying fire to every problem? Could they burn down entire regions destroying its ecosystem and undermining long term development of Grug's tribe? Australia and Sahara say 'yes'. But why does it matter when you're young and dumb and hate yourself? <|endoftext|> No, anon, they were just hacks taking from myths. The only true original thinker was Grug the Caveman. Everyone else was just a shitty copy-cat <|endoftext|> >grug no likes fire >sure is good that cavemen can see at night, cook dangerous food or scare dangerous animals, but fire also burn tips of grugs fingers >grug also thinks: whats the point of solving problems if grug only find more problems to solve later? <|endoftext|> Isn't there some bit of fluff in one of the early codices where there's a hive ganger who's happy that he gets paid to do what Arbites used to try to throw him in jail for. And then it's followed by a vignette about a Primitive Worlder going "Grug make bad men go away with fire staff to make Sky Father happy!" <|endoftext|> >not doing cavemen travelling the galaxy "Grug report Purple Berrypicker buffalo 10 spear-throw away. When throw big rock, over?" <|endoftext|> Grug call it woman maintenance <|endoftext|> Did Grug just invent domestic abuse? <|endoftext|> Grug find solution to all cavewomen problem <|endoftext|> Thanks Grug. <|endoftext|> >pure grug 100% reddit. As expected by the pro-ban fags. <|endoftext|> >grug want know how many shiny rocks it take to buy sling >gruggette say no one need sling >10'000 year old boom boom say sling destroy meat make boar go boom <|endoftext|> If affinity players are such hot shit they can adapt. How about a build that looks to leverage an early Lotus Bloom or Tantalite towards inevitability? Mox Opal was pure grug and anyone who says otherwise is delusional. <|endoftext|> You right. Grug go find females. Much work and tired. But Grug persevere for tribe. <|endoftext|> Tribals aren't made bigger or stronger by their members lazing on the internet 24/7. Get the fuck out of here, Grug. <|endoftext|> Why not? Make Grug feel good, make tribe bigger and stronger! <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE ZOOMER <|endoftext|> >UNGA FLASH >BUNGA HULK >GRUG HAS SO MANY OPTIONS <|endoftext|> No, interaction is good, high iq, strategic gameplay. Indestructible and hexproof/shroud prevent such elegant gameplay, and are therefore merely vehicles for Timmy to grug smash smash his big creatures with no thought required. <|endoftext|> Based and TESpilled fuck skill & show players, they don't deserve the combo player's title. GRUG have SHOW, GRUG have RAKUUUUL, GRUG big brain happy <|endoftext|> It's not about narset, it's about assymetrical lock/taxes being a retarded design. Of course you gameplay is significantly weakened if your vision or astrolabe don't draw you a card, you are a fucking card behind now, if you can't grasp why this is a huge deal you better stop play mtg altogether. Cantrips dont generate card advantage, they just give card selection, if grug use one card to draw one card, grug not have more card. <|endoftext|> >bear barb Is very good yeah, but on the flip side the other initial totem choices are also pretty good, eagle and elk both make you a bastard for chasing people down, wolf is excellent for a melee dogpile tiger is probably the only part that feels shit, plus you can mix and match totems on the subsequent choices. That's part of why I love it, there isn't really a single part of the subclass that feels pointless or shit and depending on what type of campaign you're in you can pretty easily mold the barb to handle the shit you deal with most, even intrigue campaigns can find a use for the grug who can talk to the rats in the castle to pick up tidbits of info that might come in handy. also DMs that have enemies metagame your tankiness can suck my dick, reckless attack leaves you wide open and invites attacks, how the fuck is that owlbear able to tell I am so angry he is doing exactly half damage to me despite landing solid hits on my extremely exposed abs <|endoftext|> >Why do so many players turn their Barbs into Grug memes? Look at guys like Conan. He was cunning and smart as fuck. So why are most Barbarians braindead meatsacks rather than savvy outlanders? High int High Cha Barb when? Because you picked barbarian after rolling high str and low int Because you used point buy and needed your points for str/dex/con and didn't have many left over for int/wis/cha Because you rolled 18 for Str, Wis and Cha and that qualified you for Paladin, a great class you rarely have the stats for. = = = It's not that barbarians are required to be dumb, it's that the incentives point you away from playing smart barbarians. <|endoftext|> >don't want to be an asshole >HAHA BETA YOU DESERVE TO BE KILLED BY AN ASSHOLE Caveman logic died out when we invented wheels, Grug. <|endoftext|> Ur-Dragon VS Athreos, Shroud-Veiled Stax, Maelstrom Wanderer & Tuvasa, the Sunlit I cast in order: Sol Ring, Fellwar Stone, super early Dromoka, the Eternal, The Great fucking Henge, all of which stood together with me unitl the end. I even got a Kozilek, Butcher of Truth was stolen from me with a coin from Athreos + Flickerwisp. Most of the game is me beating the shit out of Maelstrom Wanderer, who struck first, and the Athreos guy. Out of nowhere, that Tuvasa that casted almost nothing and (seemingly) struggled so much with land drops was able to use Replenish to cheat a bloody Omniscience into play, and soon enough had a Commander with 21/21, flying, vigilance and indestructible. Ur-Dragon was turned into a land, Solemnity, Enchanted Evening, Damping Matrix or something similar, and a Teferi's Protection to save himself from Kozilek's annihliator effect... Luckily for me this player had no card drawing engine. I killed my stolen Kozilek with Crux of Fate, then it returned to my hand in the last turn. They always come back in the end, typical eldrazi. The game ended with Mirari's Wake, Dragon Tempest, Atarka, World Render, a 10/10 Dromoka (I rate her 10/10), Dragonlord Ojutai, Scion of the Ur-Dragon, a 8/8 and a 4/4 Zombie tokens from Field of the Dead, a 7/7 Dragon token from a Lathliss that was also stolen from me, all charging towards the indestructible Tuvasa. /blog tl;dr - grug play grug-dragon, grug become archenemy when two dragon on field, grug still struggle with lots of enchantment, but grug ok because grug beat even omniscience, grug just draw card and turn dragon sideway, grug very smart, dromoka best girl <|endoftext|> Why do so many players turn their Barbs into Grug memes? Look at guys like Conan. He was cunning and smart as fuck. So why are most Barbarians braindead meatsacks rather than savvy outlanders? High int High Cha Barb when? <|endoftext|> What synergizes well with a rogue? I also need to offset the edge that the second player brings. I'm thinking either Grug the Wolfbarian or Jim, the straight and narrow Ancients Paladin. <|endoftext|> Grug not make fire yet, and very not fire on arms, but grug make industrial revolution happen with player knowledge soon! <|endoftext|> seething STR grug <|endoftext|> >Grug am play gods. <|endoftext|> >My character, Grug, has made a startling new invention that will soon sweep the world! >If Grug sharpen rock before hitting Grog then Grog die faster! >BEHOLD MY MASTERY OF TECHNOLOGY <|endoftext|> >martial brainlet can't into resource management stick to swinging around your big metal stick, grug <|endoftext|> If you have to ask, maybe you should play a "grug smash" barbarian instead <|endoftext|> Speaking of uninteresting brainlet tribal, I just played my first EDH game on XMage with pic related. The opponents were an UB almost-creatureless control deck and Malestrom Wanderer. I managed to cast, in order: Bloom Tender, Chromatic Lantern, Steely Resolve, Dromoka, the Eternal, Based Mirari's Fucking Wake and Nicol Bolas, the Ravager. The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale and Bloodchief Ascension can only do so little when I'm not emptying my hand of creatures and letting the occasional shockland enter tapped, I just lazily tapped a Forest on my upkeep for GG for Tabernacle. The worst that happened to me in that game was getting 3 attacking guys bounced and the Darkness fogging the next combat. I had Drakuseth in my first hand, and when the UB guy cast Time Reversal he came back like a loyal dog. I learned a few things about playing against control on Arena back when Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and Nexus of Fate were Standard-legal, and I was told I should play creature-based decks as a newfag first. The Maelstrom guy did almost nothing throughout the whole game save for some ramping, he casted his commander in his very last turn and got an Agent of Treachery and a Gamble out of the two cascade effects. He scooped up once he figured out I had Steely Resolve, 3 dragons with a bunch of +1/+1 counters, and he had no fliers and 23 life. Being a full citizen of Magical Christmas Land since T0, I didn't even need to flip Bolas or to do anything with Lathliss or my commander itself lol. What I learned today is that this deck ( ) is probably as shit as /edhg/ thinks, also because of few enchantment removal tools (something my opponents didn't have either, it seems), so I could easily end up like those poor fools if it wasn't for dragons being awesome and T-posing for dominance with their wings. /blog tl;dr - grug cast dragon, grug play round control, grug write blog, grug want remove enchantment before enchantment remove grug <|endoftext|> >One could make the argument that completely refusing to do what may be necessary out of fear of compromising ones morals might also be the easy and even cowardly way out. The one that does that argument is honestly dumb as a brick. This is a case where you can either get creative and use persuasion, deception and a myriad of other options that dont have the issue of morality or you can go and torture, not think at all and get a result easier. The goal OP wants is still achievable with other means beyond stabbing him with searing hot nails to the legs for an hour, but he is too stupid to think of other ways and so he wants to take the quickest, bluntest, evil way possible to achieve his goal, and then comes to us to find out a better alternative. I count that as the easy way. Because lets face it, it is the grug way of doing shit and beyond uncreative in a roleplaying game. <|endoftext|> >The other end of the spectrum say a feudal or savage world is That the PDF are armed with halberds and their IG regiment is unga bunga grug use fire stick to make Sky father happy Could you try that again? Whatever you meant to say isn't clear. >Cadia, Volstroya, Krieg, Elysia >regular guardsmen trained to the level of special forces Doubt it. Certain regiments yes, definitely. Most of the regiments? No. Why would you? The work that special forces train for are not the jobs that most guardsmen will be doing. It would be a waste of time. Specifically, Kriegers would be wasting their time with special forces training, which emphasizes individual ability and free-thinking. They're line infantry. Contradicting MOs. Elysians get close, but even then, they're a direct homage to French paratroopers best known for Dien Ben Phu. I don't know how the French do it, but American parachute infantry (namely the 82nd and 101st) are not special forces. They're actually all the people who tried for 75th Rangers (who enter special forces territory) and didn't make it. I recommend you read >Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations by William H. McRaven >Highway to Hell: An Ex-SAS Soldier's Account of the Extraordinary Private Army Hired to Fight in Iraq by John Geddes >We Few: U.S. Special Forces in Vietnam by Nick Brokhausen Just as a few off the top of my head. <|endoftext|> Cadia, volstroya, krieg, elysia probably some others I forgot.Millitary worlds essentially The other end of the spectrum say a feudal or savage world is That the PDF are armed with halberds and their IG regiment is unga bunga grug use fire stick to make Sky father happy <|endoftext|> Then he shouldn't have said that, anon should've just said "big words make grug brain hurt and sometimes you forget the small details," that leaves the ambiguity out of it. <|endoftext|> The panic was on a meta level never really about Satanism. It's just a reaction to something being seen as subverting the status quo. The current status quo is Diversity and Wokism. I wouldn't really call what is going on a Panic or even think its nerely on the same level as the Satanic Panic though. During the 80s roleplaying was a new thing and it refused to cave to outside demands even though there was a concerted effort against it. Now a days there is no mass panic because all the companies are willing to accept the dildo. The only time there is any pushback is because some of companies are taking the dildo quite as fast as some of the more Grug brained attack dogs would like. <|endoftext|> >Osr games aren't epic fantasy, play 3.5/4e/5e for that and you can have your meme barbarian. >Grug don't know what "MI" in "BECMI" is. Grug no like this BECMI thingy. <|endoftext|> Allow me to explain How for instance does being a "Fighter" suddenly grant a person more hit points and superhuman attributes? Like what, because you are a "Fighter", you can suddenly hit hard enough to pierce a dragon's armor? You can jump super high and be abnormally strong? I understand that a dedicated "Fighter" would be superior to a random armed thug but still, they become anime protagonists. The same really goes for the other classes to varying degrees. >Ranger >Spending a lot of time in nature means you can talk to animals yo and tame untamable animals >Wizard >Knows magic but must arbitrarily study his book daily because he has the memory of a goldfish >Barbarian >Is super strong(because haha Grug) and can enter a semi magical autistic shitfit that makes him even more killy <|endoftext|> The old rogue trader compendium had a great couple small stories about different imperial guard units. One was about a hive ganger feeling excitement about how he essentially gets to be a shitty gangbanger with government backing on an entirely new planet and the other is essentially "grug use thunder stick star gods give him to prove grug good killer." <|endoftext|> Airbrush trash. Contrast trash. Grug only paint with hymbrol oil based paints. <|endoftext|> The ecclesiarchy basically has that policy already. You can't enforce equivalent church service etiquette between Grug the barbarian of x feudal world and Lobo the ganger of y hive world. <|endoftext|> >use noise banged after cave season >no bang rocks on rock make noise grug think you zoom zoom <|endoftext|> >me grug want simple binary number beat number success measurement! <|endoftext|> Never heard of someone contacting ghosts named "Grug" or shit like that, so it's possible. <|endoftext|> Grug human fighter. Grug left tribe. Tribe was all berry-pickers so Grug happier now. <|endoftext|> >Grug no like Gronk! Gronk no real man! Gronk no choke bull and die at age 29, Gronk am 43 because Gronk throw rocks at animals. Gronk am pussy! <|endoftext|> If no go bring food, tribe no have food Grug bring big food Berrypicker only bring small food <|endoftext|> F is clearly best girl. Strong enough to kill and eat dragon, makes worthy wife for Grug. <|endoftext|> D20 is the most like DnD FFG is the best WEG has the most splatbooks FFG is very narrative, which can be a rough adjustment depending on how "grug smash" combat oriented your party is, if they've only played DnD before. <|endoftext|> >>setting is bronze/iron age or whatever and elf has a still living grandad that still full on Grug mode I never thought of that holy shit. <|endoftext|> >setting is bronze/iron age or whatever and elf has a still living grandad that still full on Grug mode. <|endoftext|> Maybe a grug too. <|endoftext|> Players shouldn't be punished for playing competently. Tell him to stop bitching but if he really wants to be a bastard, stop adding grug "me smash" monsters and try ones that make you roll saving throws. Barbarians aren't so tough when they're paralyzed/stunned and drop rage from not attacking. Add environmental hazards too because why not. <|endoftext|> Because certain glues provide stronger bonds on certain materials? Are you an actual moron? When you woodwork do you superglue the wood together? If you're using sand on your bases do you use superglue? Like come on grug, grow some brain cells. <|endoftext|> Grug then ends up a swole chad with a good work ethic instead of a lazy weakling <|endoftext|> >It work 30 years no problem grug >can put on other shoulder if feel like >grug believe in you are self <|endoftext|> >I'm going to keep using a product designed to glue skin together on my plastic models because I always have and I won't change for any reason! Humanity is honestly the gayest fucking species in the universe. This is the kind of braindead shit that has kept us wallowing in the mud for thousands of years. >no grug, me not use round roll thingy, grug carry on back like always <|endoftext|> >He hit abby once and then abby immediately ran away because calgar's 4th dimensional chess pieces were blowing up his flagship. all vigilus really did is reconfirm abaddon's nature as a grug smash retard <|endoftext|> >swinging a spear Grug Rockbanger? Is that you? <|endoftext|> yes grug agree, in fact grug have same ideas o must be good <|endoftext|> Grug read bad. Grug read, yes, bad. Cave grafiti be like woman, full of truth but mostly lie and berries, berrypicker place, but good grug also. Need read rok wall well, look like when hunting mamoth, eye on the prize tusks, eye on good grafiti. Need read better. Go bonk shaman, steal vision juice, hope no die, become better. <|endoftext|> wait but 5eg cave grafiti say hatman best and grug learn heiroglyphs ot read wizard tablet grug no kno how to read tablet yet? <|endoftext|> GRUG BERRYPICKER. HATMAN NO ABLE TO BOOM BOOM FIRE THEN PEW PEW FIRE SPEAR TWO PEOPLE IN ONE ASS SCRATCH, HATMAN NO MAKE MORE SHAMAN JUICE TO PEW PEW MORE, HATMAN BERRYPICKER LIKE GRUG, DUMB TREE LOG GONE, BOOM BOOM GONE. <|endoftext|> no no no ggrug have read wizard tablet wizard tablet say if grug kill mamoth for 13 moons straight me can use all damage rocks for magic, dis much better than shitty cave sorcerr <|endoftext|> Grug, no be berry picker. Damage rok no be all, bard good, warlock good two. Sometime, need not smassh rok, be cunnin. Sneaky, cast rok damage secret, or be friend with non berry picker. Sometime, sling two rok at unga. Sometime throw rok as pebble, quick, then normal big rok. Read book grug, you berrypicker. <|endoftext|> wow. grug read wizard class and see they get all spells. 5e easy game to be figured out in 4 seconds by grug hahaha me cant wait play wizard eveyhtime with CAve Master, we win eery time! <|endoftext|> no un ot understand grug couinmt damage rocks nad sorcerr clearly worst pclass in the game grug count rokcs! grug not wrong! <|endoftext|> >I drop the Halberd of Smashing on the floor, right in front of Grug the Barbarian >I turn around and walk away, whatever happens, happens Though knowing bad GMs, it'd probably disappear into the aether the nanosecond it leaves your hands Also >I decided to just gm a traveller campaign Good end desu <|endoftext|> A barbarian elf can have a bit of magic too, it's only natural for an elf. I don't know, for me it's even more fun to play a GRUG SMASH kind of barbarian when it's an elf, and a more leve;-headed one when it's a human. <|endoftext|> See there's a purity in the barbarian I like mechanically, plus you can add extra stuff here and there to balance things out for non-combat purposes. And they're great fun roleplay wise especially if you go for less the GRUG SMASH and more the 'Man you civilised folk be crazy, but you make great booze.' angle. <|endoftext|> What's your preferred level of technological advancement in a campaign, ranging from Neolithic grug-tier ooga booga to post-singularity where technology is indistinguishable from magic? <|endoftext|> Should I build a Mathas curse deck and a mono-green grug deck to complement my ojutaigam and Muldrotha zombies decks? >tq Give draw to white with a symmetrical effect or a conditional effect; ie "draw a card whenever an opponent casts a creature spell with power greater than any creature you control" <|endoftext|> Your house is now haunted by Grug the caveman, what happens? <|endoftext|> Grug approved <|endoftext|> >and then a warlock accidentally made a pact with Grug the Angry, patron of skull bashing <|endoftext|> That clicks with the body of understanding that exists about Neolithic mysticism. Primal man doesn't distinguish between psychic and tangible stimuli. Another example would be the idea of curses -- Grug misses his javelin throw, hits Lug, sees how Lug's family hates him, and never seems like himself again? He's not burdened with guilt: Lug's family harnessed magic to ail Grug for the rest of his life. All that said, pretty much every culture still believes that at some level. It's an abberation of post-Enlightenment Europeans to qualify psychic stimuli as less than others. <|endoftext|> A ghost is actually a psychic construct made up of the thoughts and memories of the people that knew or heard of them. As such, people recently deceased tend to be more 'solid' in their appearance and action, while people who've long since passed are more ethereal and malleable in form. Once only a few people are aware of someone's existence, they become part of the spiritual energy that allows ghosts to exist. Grug the Caveman was essentially the 'battery' that powers the modern ghosts. It's why ancient burial grounds and sacrificial locations are so ominous (in my setting, at least). It's because so much energy was created by the creation of so many nameless, unremembered spirits with so few ways to embody that power. Now it's just a jumble of sad, scared, badly formed ghost energy all collected in one place. People find these places a little unnerving if they're sensitive to it. Ghosts flat out avoid them at all costs. <|endoftext|> Grug not like not being able to just attack monster to Death like everything else, grug not want to adapt <|endoftext|> Shaman made Grug's club able to put spirits to sleep <|endoftext|> >Ghosts get more powerful the older they are >Somewhere there’s a haunted cave-complex with a living god still wallowing in some primal anger it can’t let go of. >Mediums, channelers and psychics challenge each other to help ‘Grug’ move on but his rudimentary understanding and violent temper has prevented any medium from figuring out WHY he’s the last Paleolithic ghost much less persuading him to let it go <|endoftext|> I don't fucking know. Once, we were dealing with a magical explosive, and he was playing a half-orc barbarian, and do you know what he did? He STABBED it. HE FUCKING STABBED THE BOMB AND HE SAID "GRUG STAB ROCK WITH SPEAR" HIS CHARACTER HAS 11 INT AND 12 WIS HE SHOULDN'T BE PHYSICALLY FUCKING CAPABLE OF DOING SOMETHING SO RETARDED. EVERY FUCKING TIME, TOO, HE GOES "GRUG DO THIS" AND DOES SOMETHING INTENTIONALLY RETARDED AS A "JOKE", AND WHEN IT'S POINTED OUT HIS CHARACTER ISN'T A BRAINDEAD RETARD, HE GOES "oh yeah huh" AND HE DOES IT AGAIN ANYWAYS! <|endoftext|> >Grug play war rock many year >Grug use greeny guys >Gurk play eastern men who am not in army cave painting >Gurk say they have war rocks tied in to sticks many many times and it give them plus many rock skill >Grug think Gurk is of mammoth shit What do? Should Grug get shaman to examine the cave painting? <|endoftext|> 1. Caveman Grug has some superstitions Caveman Ur doesn't. The superstitions turn out to be 'real,' insofar as Action A results in Result A. 2. Scientific progress takes place as it normally does, with the usual exponential improvements. 3. So, you have mortals flinging around spells and whatnot, it's not any better understood by the layman than engineering and physics. 4. The problem starts when you have Evil Wizards And Shit who build world-spanning empires and destroy secrets that could be turned against them. The short version is 'regular, apocalyptic-scale wars and book-burning significantly slow magic improvements.' 5. Magic still improves, but because it's an internal process compared to an external device (Create Water vs. an aqueduct) that means that magic-users dying means that most of their 'progress' dies with them - even if they teach or make great pains to spread their knowledge far and wide, it's mostly things that others have to re-learn for themselves. In summary, Magic *is* progressing and crashing. Secrets are being learned and re-lost - this is not contained to magical studies alone, architecture and medicine also get their knowledge-bases destroyed, but less of the progress is innately tied to the person who learned it. <|endoftext|> Barbarians can be as obnoxious as any of them >Grug no like book, Grug smash >Grug laugh at pansy "king", Grug no bow to man in dress <|endoftext|> >my martial can do the chopping good yes.. thank you grug.. <|endoftext|> but grug like vraska and bg. Also, it's the first paper deck i "build" and have. <|endoftext|> Don't play bgx if you're not willing to shell out a bunch of money you nonce. Your pile of cards is not fast enough to work as an aggro deck and doesn't have a high enough average card quality to work as a midrange deck. I would recommend either looking for budget lists online to start with or just showing up to fnm anyway so that you can learn from getting your ass handed to you every game. >grug open vraska grug make bg cards is not a reasonable brewing process. <|endoftext|> nah fuck that, Grug the 6 INT barbarian shouldn't be shitting out fireballs because he struggled through a few syllables on a magic piece of paper. If the player wants to cast spells they should have played a caster. <|endoftext|> Is called interpreting, is something cultured civilizations do for entertainment, Grug. <|endoftext|> >I'm not too concerned with optimization in combat Huh, well then let's think about this. You're a big bad grug thug, yeah? One o' those halfies doing a bit of the stabby for silver, which makes me think your work mostly involves being around the cities, those big ole dens of decadence they are. Greatswords are awfully conspicuous around urban centers, so maybe you're used to using something a bit more personable. Like a warhammer, maybe! You could call make it silver, too. A silver warhammer, and if you named yourself right, then you could say it's Maxwell's Silver Hammer. <|endoftext|> "Oi Grug, have you noticed all the shiny is disappearing?" "What you on about Brug?" "Yeah look, that weird dark cloud just enveloped the chief's favourite gold wankin' statue!" <|endoftext|> YOU NO HAVE ROCK THIS ROCK GRUG ROCK <|endoftext|> >(it's a little hard to tell without a shot from above) Agreed, and I can't really provide one without a second set of hands, unfortunately. I'm directly up against a wall. I was able to place my shoulder blades flat against it, but elected not to because I thought I'd get accused of using the wall to "brace" myself and that the position can't be held free-floating. >I'm not sure why [a horse] would help I was approaching it from the grug-brain "as little pelvic movement as possible" angle. In that regard, having a horse (or other object) would let me anchor my pelvis in place using my legs. Otherwise (as can be seen in my pic) my pelvis wants to tilt in the direction I'm turning. Honestly though, even a little bit of pelvic involvement makes it trivial. If you sit up just slightly in the saddle you'd be able to twist past 90 degrees with no difficulty whatsoever, not to mention making the ride smoother. <|endoftext|> >Hobbits are just as strong as orks! > grug mcmork is so stunning and brave,conquering the adversity he faced from the Orkish community and his own tribe when he decided to transition to a hobbit. Despite these setbacks, MCMORK managed to become the world hobbit wrestling championship thanks to sheer determination! <|endoftext|> aw, alright. I'll see what my grug brain can find out. Thanks for the answer <|endoftext|> grug you are revealing the inner workings of your brain with responses like that. Have you still not learned how the stack works? Is that why discussion of noncreature spells makes you nervous? <|endoftext|> Post you’re dudes and a little bit about them These are my favorite guys. The one on the left once held out alone against a knight for 2 turns- The one on the right, Grug, is an inbred retard who landed the killing blow on a captain armed with only a stone knife <|endoftext|> Here, Grug. Use this. <|endoftext|> Grug used "nou!" It wasn't very effective... <|endoftext|> Big grug of Wolf Spirit Clan think this grug need look for strength closer to cave. Big grug think he weak. Big grug know that northern grug strong because northern grug find strength at northern cave. Southern grug find strength in southern cave too. Cave not make strength, grug make strength. Grug need work harder. <|endoftext|> Grug refluffs maul <|endoftext|> grug swing stick <|endoftext|> I agree. My IQ ain't high enough for sci-fi. Me just want to hit man with metal stick in cave for Grug's sake! <|endoftext|> Your grug murderhobo can be seduced and made to submit to cock so thoroughly that it literally becomes a defining facet of his character's personality, and there's nothing you can do to prevent that. <|endoftext|> This is probably the best way, I just made some bullshit that wasn't too bad >Who are you I am Grug, a half-orc barbarian from the Mucktooth tribe. I stand nearly 7 feet tall, with dark olive skin and a protruding bottom tusk. >What are you I channel the wisdom of my ancestors to bring ruin to my does, though I am young, I have embarked on a journey to prove myself worthy of being Chieftain of my tribe >What were you before The Mucktooth are a clan of raiders and sellswords. I served many years as a mercenary for less than reputable clients, I have protected and robbed caravans, many times in the same week. >Where are you from? The Mucktooth village of Muck Hill is my home and I carry a harnded mud token to remind me of it. My mother awaits my return from this journey and I hear my best friend Grog has also set out on a quest for the title of Chieftain. It will be good to see him again, though I fear it will be on poor terms. >Why am I here? The current chieftain is an old and cruel orc, who has led my tribe on the path to ruin for half a century. I have set out to earn the right to challenge him and steer my people in the right direction. >What do I want? To become chieftain of the Mucktooth tribe and bring a time of prosperity to my people. >What do I love? What do I hate? I love the Mucktooth tribe, a good fight and am easily amused by magic. I would have been a wizard if I could read any of the spells. I hate cowards and cheats, I have no respect for those who take advantage of the weak. >Strengths/Weaknesses I am headstrong and stubborn, often believing my way to the best strategy. I am also loyal and steadfast, I will give my life for a member of the Mucktooth tribe and any I would call "friend" Took me about 5 minutes and I have enough detail to feel like a real person without handing the DM an essay. Good system Anon <|endoftext|> if Grug be stronk no need quikc <|endoftext|> >traditional sculpting good >digital sculpting bad Grug no like new shape cutting rock. Old shape cutting rock work fine. <|endoftext|> that list is fine. theres a couple cards i would change out because i have a Karrthus deck thats pretty high power. dragon storm for example isnt as good as you think it is unless you're actually going for storm count. dragons isnt hard to build your main win condition is ramp into sideways dragon grug style the biggest problem i run into with my deck is card draw. you dont want to run out of gas because as soon as one or two dragons come down they become removal magnets <|endoftext|> >muh close quarters >muh armor I don't think you appreciate just how long cavemen were around before all that other shit came to be. Unless you're assuming every fucking spear in existence since the dawn of Grug was the size of a pike and that he's somehow as retarded as you and wouldn't just upshaft even if it was too long. <|endoftext|> >The caveman >Fighting an armored opponent >Why grug no can stab rock wear man? <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> >Be hunter grug >Kill mammoths for food >One day grag say "me take food" >I hunt grag >Am have power to remove grugs >win <|endoftext|> Funny, I actually did write Berserker initially but decided to "tone it down". Berserker kind of implies a raging maniac. Grug can be chill. <|endoftext|> Grug 3RRGG Legendary Creature - Human Warrior 5/5 Then fill his box with flavor text and done, there you have a Legends card. <|endoftext|> > Its a-me, Grug the Barbarian. I'm from Bawston. Aaaaaaye! <|endoftext|> >Grug good friend of Grogo >Invite Grogo for family cave dinner >No bearfur, no grass skirt; Grug family all nude >Grogo sit next to pretty Grug mom >Grogo face turn red >Grug wonder, ''what is?'' >Grogo have boom-boom-stiffy >Grug MAD <|endoftext|> grug tribe the best <|endoftext|> Booze is very likely older than homo sapiens, actually. It takes some rather specialized gut flora to safely digest alcohol. We likely developed it as monkeys so we could eat overripe fruit. The other theory for the first booze is that grug found a beehive that had been damaged in a rainstorm and had some water seep in and mix with the honey, fermenting into mead. <|endoftext|> >grug eat mushroom >grug poop lots >worms in poop >... >grug eat lots more mushroom haha poopies yeah it's nice to be reminded people have always been exactly the same <|endoftext|> You could shamelessly steal from Prophet, they're what remains of a past Earth empire's that outlived the the empire they served, and just kept going about conquering and enslaving everythkng they see because it's all they know, then were finally defeated and went into cryo sleep, but now they're waking up. They don't necessarily clone, initially lacking the means, but that's a matter of time. They range from psychic monsters that lead them, to assault grug who wakes up on a remote island without a higher caste to lead them, and them wipe them selves out through a mix of fighting for dominance and cannibalism. They have a lot of troops, and really don't give a fuck about anyone who isn't some important higher caste, and even then they're prone to backstabbing over leadership disputes. <|endoftext|> That's not bunga. Grug no like. <|endoftext|> how should I go about making a dumb orc named grug. <|endoftext|> True Even Grug knew that Urg, while retarded, has a place and use in the cave <|endoftext|> >mage makes himself immune to bludgeoning damage >proceeds to have any tools he's using to cast with broken or otherwise taken from him >attempts to reach into his clothing or verbally recite a spell are met with his hands being batted away or his mouth being obstructed or forced shut by the cudgel mid word >mage proceeds to have a fucking heart attack upon the realization that the person slapping him about probably plans to wait out the spell's duration >dies screaming without ever actually taking blunt damage Truly, Grug is the most powerful class. <|endoftext|> Because atlatls are the future Grug. <|endoftext|> Alright, lets create a scenario where even your bleeding heart can understand. >Me Grug >Shug has cave >Shug found cave before me >Shug owns cave >I want cave >*Clubs Shug to death* >I own cave now There can be no moral wrong if the opposition is dead, as there is no one to argue for the opposite side. Might makes right, either through physical strength with the caveman, or technological strength through the Colt. The only reason were here arguing on the computer is because there are people who have an exponentially higher amount of might, that would gun us down if we were killing each other in the streets. <|endoftext|> >Good to know that you finally understood. I see that you don't understand, grug. >Btw, SWS is not a ranged or finesse weapon. Nope. But it uses a melee weapon that can be a finesse weapon. Just like magic stone can use a ranged weapon. So sneak attack works for both. <|endoftext|> >With sling yes sneak attack. Because then a ranged weapon is used. >Without the sling no sneak attack Because then a ranged weapon is not used, and it doesn't have a material component that is a ranged or finesse weapon. Need ranged or finesse weapon to make sneak attack. Does grug understand? <|endoftext|> Your only "proof" of this working as you say is a sage advice where Crawford says that the Magic Stone only works alongside Sneak Attack when launched with a Sling. Without the sling no sneak attack. With sling yes sneak attack. Need weapon to make sneak attack. Does grug understand? <|endoftext|> >itt. seething barbariancucks FACE THE POWER OF CIVILIZATION, GRUG <|endoftext|> Grug took weapon feat Grug only use more damage weapon <|endoftext|> You'll be fine if you don't Grug your way through the game. <|endoftext|> GIVE GRUG A GREEN RED UNGA DECK RIGHT NOW. <|endoftext|> Why would they? Why would you? It must be sad having no imagination to play with, See This guy gets it. No concentration check? Grug must be the DM's pet. Can't see why this couldn't be a fun mechanic the two sides charging their attacks seems just dumb fun btw. <|endoftext|> >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PREPARE TO DIE ORC, YOU WILL NEVER HURT MY FRIENDS AAAAAAAAAAA >Grug the orc just whacks the fighter in the knee and he stops charging <|endoftext|> As humans evolved in intellegence, so too did their potential for the magical arts. Many thousands of years passed, with thousands of potential wizards going their whole life without so much as a minor magical phenomina going on around them Then one day, a cave boy, grug, with an advanced mind and a complex network of emotions, almost resembling a modern homo sapiens sapiens, got increadibly pissed off at his neighbour freg, for unga-bunging his mate. Unfortunately freg was the cheiftain and considerably larger than grug, so all grug could do was fume and will for fregs head to suddenly catch aflame. Then it fucking did. skip forward a few thousand years, and all manner of wizards come together in cities and begin to talk - talk about their powers - and over time begin to come up with clever ways to focus their magic, making it easier to cast fire than simply "thinking extremely hard". Slowly, they realize, if they band together they can enforce a monopoly on all magical items, spells and people. They soon function as both an illuminati and an inquisition, built to prevent magic-user from exploding villages and/or summoning a fuck ton of demons. Why you wonder, did wizards never become kings with their supreme power? same reason [[[the rich jewry]]] rarely if ever became kings in medieval europe ; no one wanted them to be a king, and they much preferred the life they had. Anyway, that's my setting spam for today, fuck all of yall and have a good night <|endoftext|> In harry potter magic is an inherent quality that some people have and can wield through mental exertion. Everything that wizards do is a way of focusing that exertion and making it less random/more successful. >grug am magic >grug am think want fire >grug say unga bunga bunga get fire better >grug am try more things, maybe do different magic? and so on for hundreds of generations until you end up with elaborate faux-latin chants and hand waving, and people who get paid to try out different kinds of chanting and handwaving. <|endoftext|> >project onto other people This is fundamentally incoherent. The anon I responded to said "you can and absolutely should" then I said " no because I don't wanna" If you're going to respond to me in the future, please form a coherent thought first, then respond clearly you literal Grug. Don't Make Me Clap Back <|endoftext|> >created by Jews It was obv. created by cavemen. "Grug bet five spearheads against rack of elk ribs it rain tomorrow" Unless you mean the creation of a hyperreality to suck the most money possible from our wallet, in which case, yeah, Edward Bernays was a Hungarian Jew, but he was just a theorist, it;s like blaming Jews for the a-bomb. <|endoftext|> Yes. Lots of Goat Lads and grug monsters is fun to play. <|endoftext|> I have a brain large enough to manage my resources unlike Grug <|endoftext|> Grug not sure about new picture direction of magic leaves. <|endoftext|> Grug say, if run out of glyph rocks, why not make more glyph rocks? All grug need is chisel <|endoftext|> That's your brain on evangelical koolaid. The Church never insisted on not praying to God, quite the opposite actually, and asking saints for their backing of your pleas is not something illogical, so long as it's a righteous thing you ask for. The indulgences never were about sins, they were about penance bestowed onto those being confessed. To put it simple, you were allowed to earn some money with honest work or give away part of your own wealth as a form of penance, and the papers were proof that the penitent has successfully carried out what he had to. Luther was buttblasted because the Church refused to endorse his translation of the Bible, which was riddled with misinterpretations, and because he was a pussy snowflake who was too cool for the Fathers' and the Conventions' rules, literaly REEEE GRUG NO LIKE MANY WORDS. <|endoftext|> >There is a saying. If it is too good to be true, then it probably is. I would think this is more likely to be the cognition of the average man. It seems most likely in a world where conditions are harsh and uncertain. Grug no have time to overthink. Grug take what Grug can get. >The effects of magic that you can use *instead of* using human-style relationship skills are unlikely to be "learn human-style relationship skills". I'm not saying that they would be especially good at relationships, but male psychology doesn't ask for much beyond "she's cute and she's trying her best", occasionally going down to "she has a penis but I haven't seen a real woman in months". They would have to be dropping massive amounts of spaghetti on a daily basis to have trouble with that. <|endoftext|> >Grug open eye as sun leap over big rock >walk three suns toward small cave tribe >show Gruggettes new tiger skin and river stone >"Hello milkchests, look fertile." >close eye but not both eye >walk back 3 sun to cave >slurp river >"yep. Still have it." Why need bronze when tongue of smoothest river pebble? <|endoftext|> grug wily player <|endoftext|> but grug DID turn em sideways, he turned em sideways real good, even had secret grug tech that grug won't share <|endoftext|> >grug smash >grug win hehe, grug do good <|endoftext|> 1. I'd say that fighters and rogues stand up a little better to mages than Grug does to Robocop 2. In his initial post he said a group "might consist of a cyborg supersoldier and a wasteland grifter" As far as I've read he never said that players wouldn't be in that split. If they are going to be playing the mooks while their enemies are the super soldiers, more the better, I was just advising against imbalanced parties. Again, just because it was a joke, or not merely a joke, or however you phrase it, having humans feed data to a machine is still a very viable method of data collection. In fact it's one of, if not THE most common methods in use today. <|endoftext|> zacama enables game breaking combos while gishath is grug tribal that requires a lot of bad cards to function <|endoftext|> Book too hard to read Grug want pictures Grug no want read book, get head hurt <|endoftext|> >Martialfag thinks that caster supremacy just comes from combat & big numbers Grug, I... <|endoftext|> Goes all the way back >grug no like new ways, with ooka scary fire and cave painting. Fire hot and burn down whole cave if left alone. Cave painting rot brain of gruglings, make no think good. >Yup, back in grug day, things better. Mammoth taste better raw, and if grug want look at thing, grug just think about thing or go find it, no need fancy cave painting <|endoftext|> Alright, seems a bit odd with the units for IJ already being a bit grug and now if what I'm seeing is correct megaboss no longer has any synergy with brutes. Why simplify already simple rules, s-surely they don't think all ork players are caved in <|endoftext|> >The whole function or religion is ultimately predicted on the unknowability of the god's existence This seems wrong. I'm guessing that, to a caveman, the existence of the divine was self-evident and obvious, yet did this not mean Grug's tribe didn't shit its collective pants the first time they saw a lighting strike up close. All indo-european words for "bear" are derived from euphemisms because some people thousands of years ago were scared that saying their true name would make them appear. Those people didn't care about "but why is bear?", they cared about a bear not using its magical powers to track them down and kick their ass <|endoftext|> Neat to give a use to Chemistry for PCs, and while the drugs are pretty good, they're also expensive and time-consuming to make don't let them use the drugs offensively though You can really easily make Anti-grug meth that gives -4 or -5 charisma, knocking anything that goes to 0 unconscious guaranteed instant kill against trolls <|endoftext|> imagine being one of the armenians/georgians who helped the mongols sack baghdad. one opportunity to grug out before you go back in the cage for another thousand years. epic, just epic <|endoftext|> grug of ugly tribe, please go back home. <|endoftext|> I feel sorry for martials. It must be no fun when there isn't any combat, alas role playing is for the thinking man (casters). Not grug fortunately. <|endoftext|> oog oogabooga grug grog Big boy Harold Gaius Julius Caesar II (the second) <|endoftext|> Just use a different spell. You could haste your allies & only fall back to fireball if the situation is dire. Its not that hard anon. Your thinking like grug who just hits things for big numbers. This game isn't just about big numbers anon. Try to be a team player & maybe help the others once in a while with a buff or try & use spells to put enemies at a disadvantage for others to shine. If your DM was smart he would see you shining a little to hard & maybe use different types of encounters or go back to spell slots. <|endoftext|> >Paladin >Literally just LOL I HIT THINGS HARD BUT THIS TIME USING SOMEONE ELSE'S STRENGTH INSTEAD OF MY OWN the class. Okay, grug I'm glad the big damage numbers keep you happy. <|endoftext|> >grug, how am use spell for damage? >me no know, lug, spell do not do damage. >This spell ends if one of the actions you use during this period, or any effects that you create during this period, affects a creature other than you <|endoftext|> What are you on about. Bloodbowl is super /YourDudes/ friendly. For example here is my Orc team, Da Badlands Bustas’ who came 2nd in a local league tournament, with their Blitzer Snikrat Grug as their star player. Currently they are in the process of gearing, planning and training for the 2nd season of the league <|endoftext|> If they have a distinctively Human face then they aren't furry. Mod was just being a Grug. <|endoftext|> >I don't really care for Tolkien I read the trilogy recently and it was honestly, for all its cleverness, poorly structured and dull. Most of the words of inspiration familiar from the movie actually occur before the adventure even starts, rather than at the impactful moments they do in the films. After reading the books I now agree whole-heartedly with the ways the films were restructured and most of the omissions. Tom Bombadil adds literally nothing to the plot and I'm glad that most of his interesting interactions with the hobbits and the natural world were given to Treebeard, instead. I don't however, agree with cutting the inter-class dynamics of the story. It robbed Saruman of his truly sinister and subtle soft power and relegated him to throwing whimpy fireballs like some Grug's dnd PC. <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> Grug smash and jewish planning <|endoftext|> Yes, Grug. <|endoftext|> >GRUG SUGGEST CROSSING INTO BARBARIAN. STAY NOT MAGIC AND BE BETTER MAN. ALSO FUCK BARDS. <|endoftext|> >GRUG CAN COUNT TO HIS INT SCORE AND WRITE HIS NAME <|endoftext|> >GRUG PREFER BULLYING THE BARD GUILD MORE. BREAK THEIR INSTRUMENTS AND THEN FUCK THEIR GIRLS. ALWAYS FUNNY. <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK THAT SMASHING SAFER. SKELETONS LAUGH AT STUPID KNIFE BUT EXPLODE FROM HAMMER. <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK THAT STUPID AND FRAIL. HORSE STRONG. HORSE MADE OF MEAT IF NEED BE. STUPID WHEEL THING FALLS OVER, NOT MADE OF MEAT. >GRUG TIRED OF DEXFAG AND HIS STUPID DAGGER. WHY DOES HE THINK SMALL POINTY KILL BETTER THAN BIG SMASHY? IS STUPID. <|endoftext|> >OH. GRUG UNDERSTAND. YOU WANT TO BE WITH HER LONGER. GIVE HER FOOD AND SPEND TIME WITH HER. KNOW HER. THEN SAY YOU HAVE DICK PROBLEM THAT ONLY SHE CAN FIX <|endoftext|> >GRUG DOES SQUATS UNTIL THIGHS CAN CRUSH GRANITE. ALL DAYS ARE LEG DAYS. <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK BARDS ARE WORSE. ALWAYS LEAVE GIRL UPSET. EAT THEIR STUPID LUTES AND SHOW THEM HOW TO DO WOMAN AND WATCH THEM CRY. <|endoftext|> >GRUG SUGGESTS TAKING LEVEL IN BARBARIAN. STOP WASTING KILLY POWER AND GO KILL MONSTERS. <|endoftext|> >GRUG SUGGESTS YOU DO FAITH STUDY, THEN SAY YOU HAVE CONDISHUN WITH DICK. WORKS EVERY TIME <|endoftext|> >GRUG SAY THAT BARBARIAN IS BEST, IF YOU WIN FIGHT. GRUG STILL CONFUSED, WHAT IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FIGHTER AND BARBARIAN? GRUG MIGHT BE BOTH. <|endoftext|> >GRUG SUGGEST GOING TO CLERIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. JUST SAY YOU HAVE INJURY. WORKS EVERY TIME. <|endoftext|> >GRUG THINK HE IN WRONG GUILD. THIS HIT THINGS WITH SWORD GUILD, RIGHT? <|endoftext|> It's not really much of a warrior culture anymore, that's the whole overarching plot of the Mandalore arcs in that show. A big cultural shift centered around a terroristic cult hell-bent on returning to grug Mando ways. It's not like the warrior Mandos are totally incompetent either, considering they're able to take over Mandalore alongside Maul, with the leader of Death Watch going toe-to-toe with a Sith Lord, even if the fight was a bit one-sided <|endoftext|> Conan was a fantasy (fairly explicitly) for men who felt emasculated in today's age. Also, it didn't last long, since Elric had a far greater influence on RPGs. A fantasy about doing whatever you want when you want it because we live in a society is no longer as fascinating. Barbarians are still popular, but 99% of the time they are an excuse to be a Grug-like meme character for the laughs, not the untamed yet cultured Conan. <|endoftext|> I don't why but pigeonholing shien ss the grug form is funny to me. <|endoftext|> >poor Nara SI grug mating press grug break brain Grug strongest self-insert there is <|endoftext|> Radiating confidence is the beautiful Newcomer, Grug the Destroyer. On the location of his living room in Grognath, Land of Darkness, the photographer, Aldriel captures Grug lively spirit just beautifully. Though he might be a Newcomer to Playogre, Grug has been in the adult industry for years and is thrilled to be posing for Playogre. But the photographer doesn't need to worry about his photo quality because he is confident in the work. While all photographers have their limitations, there is no doubt that Grug will be happy to take a few steps forward and grow as a photographer. If you are in the San Francisco area and want to meet a Playogre photographer or get some cool Playogre/Grog-related gifts, head on over to website and order your perfect Playogre/Grog gift. <|endoftext|> >me unga land, bunga draw card >unga bunga ramp spell, grug smart deck maker >me have spicy landfall <|endoftext|> >vista, snow basic, astrolabe >fetch, abur dual, w&6 >fetch, abur dual, lotv >fetch, abur dual, jtms at 16 life with perfect 5-color fixing. make grug think <|endoftext|> >GRUG WANT BIG DUMB SMASH PRIMARCH!!! WHY VOLCAN NO BIG DUMB SMASH PRIMARCH!?!?? <|endoftext|> Imagine my shock. I just try to be friendly and this kid just says kys like this is /v/ or something. Just kidding. That kind of low brow behaviour was well within expectations. Grug smash and all that jazz. <|endoftext|> >grug didn't make the cut Unfair. <|endoftext|> Grug like smash. Grug no like fireball spell, where smash? Where satisfying crunch of opponents bone under Grug's club? Where spray of blood over Grug's face? Grug is simple orc that prefers the traditional methods. <|endoftext|> >sex and sexualisation are the same thing Go home Grug you’re drunk. <|endoftext|> >grug smash <|endoftext|> >LG You are cookie cutter good guy. You really can’t escape being the “hero” even if you do the whole “good is not nice” schtick. If you don’t care about failing this you aren’t LG. >NG You want to be a good guy and you think the world will be rosy after you do your deeds. Terrible alignment but you don’t care much anyway. >CG Takes pride in fixing the work of scumbags without stopping them. Beats conmen at their own game. You are probably a stubborn asshole. >LN LG’s who do dirty work. But really you’re just a lawyer. Everybody hates these guys. >TN A lot of variety here. Hard to do because making bad decisions can toss you into another alignment easily and permanently. Or you just don’t give a damn about alignment. >CN You hate laws and don’t care about morals, but don’t like troubling innocents? The definitive angsty teenager. >LE Doesn’t take opportunities like NE does, it’s all about sticking to the long con for you. Really only the DM knows you’re evil. >NE You actually hate the idea of alignments. The world is Grand Theft Auto for you, time to see what you can get away with. >CE Grug smash. <|endoftext|> >it's a giant ball of Helium constantly undergoing nuclear fission and igniting the Hydrogen around it, while being held together by gravity. That not what Grug said? <|endoftext|> the simple rundown: get something that boosts your initiative, preferrably to like 8+3d6 or more and go high AGI and get something that boosts it, preferrably to 8 or more total get a reasonably strong concealable weapon and a strong firefight weapon (ex. a machine pistol and an AR) if you want to do melee, get good STR too or a monowhip or shock gloves or something instead that's all you need to be effective you should at least have a 14 dice pool (6 stat + 6 skill + 2 from a specialization in what you use to kill things) and a bit of initiative to be effective but don't invest INSANELY far into it because otherwise you'll be useless outside of combat which is arguably worse it's a fun exercise in play for everyone to at least once make a high STR low CHA grug troll and smash things <|endoftext|> I like to run orcs in my setting a little differently. Not 'different so I can say I'm different', but a similar ideal given a little fresh air, ideally >orcs used to be a relatively peaceful and magically-inclined scholarly folk until, during their betrayal by the elves, they ended up using alchemy and selective breeding to essentially engineer themselves to a more hardcore state of "survival at any cost" > modern orcs, while militant an usually scattered into small groups, tend to be cold and pragmatic, with these small groups functioning more as independent companies or martial enclaves than tribes > more known for being able to rapidly set up hardened fortifications and lock down entire areas with lines of disciplined archers (and the bows orcs can draw are nasty) than just rampaging, but when they get into the thick of things and havoc breaks out, they do 'berserk', but in this case it's less roaring madness and psychotic strength and more an ice-cold state of absolute focus--Rather than strength it's their dexterity, accuracy and reflexes that get a boost >instead of me grug me fight chief and become new chief, the chieftan is chosen in a council of the elders ('squad leaders') of the enclave, and much of their history is preserved through marching songs <|endoftext|> keep crying, little wizard baby grug the orc is starting to eat your spellbook <|endoftext|> >GRUG'S BEER AND MEAD AND RIBS AND A BARD ON THURSDAYS I DON'T KNOW YOU NAME THE DAMN THING <|endoftext|> Something that always takes me for a fucking loop is the known languages part of character creation. Why is grug the 8 int barbarian allowed to know four fucking languages goddamn <|endoftext|> Big blue Grug think chieftan Grug have small dick. Big blue Grug dare chieftan Grug to call him bitch to his face, <|endoftext|> Chieftain Grug think big blue Grug little bitch <|endoftext|> >5e too hard fh4r grug >grugnh wantis play 2eidition fighbter man >not like rulkes an od prepfer to roleollay Imagine being this guy <|endoftext|> grug break in then break in <|endoftext|> >moar than one modal on bass. Grug no understand. <|endoftext|> I am cavemaster for many moon. I tell you good thought. Never, never, never let Western Valley grug pretend be Sunrise Tribe. You say, "But Grug, she say she really Sunrise Tribe!" Grug say, "No!" She not really Sunrise Tribe, she just know how say "fire" in Sunrise Tribe word. She think all Sunrise Tribe carry mammoth in mouth, run into other grugs. She not even real she. She just Western Valley grugbeard. <|endoftext|> I had a similar problem a while back. Here's what happened: >Be cavemaster >Player with eastern cave painting grug >Grug apparently countless moons old, but looks like tribe cub >Always walking around wearing bright flowers instead of mammoth or sabertooth fur >Apparently can use club to channel might of soltice (or some dungpile like that) >This grug also looking for mate >Aggressively >Every NPG she meets she starts making mating eyes at >She starts making mating eyes at great hunter grug, that grug's player getting very uncomfortable We put rocks away after session that happened. Great Hunter grug's player had to go off fight Valley Tribe shortly after, but is coming back soon. I want to continue the game, but I also don't know how to handle this. Any fellow cavemasters or shamans have advice? <|endoftext|> >I don't like this thing that's now prevalent in something I enjoy >"I BET YOU DON'T EVEN PLAY YHE GAME JUST LET PEOPLE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND THE POINT OF THE THING YOU LIKE RUIN THE THING BECAUSE YOU'RE JUST AN ASSMAD BASEMENT DWELLER" Bullying nerds with niche interests never stopped being cool, it's just been rebranded as them not being inclusive. OP is 100% correct and you're all retarded, all the fencesitters smoothbrains who say >"But it no hurt me grug!' Have not actually had to play a session with these people. It's nightmarish. You always become the defacto leader of the group. The entire session is always moved forward exclusively by you because you're the only one not playing make believe lolrandom RP fun times. It's even worse when you're playing with a serious DM and he's trying to make a cool and intricate world and all these brain dead sparkledogs want to do is talk about their boring sad backstory and flirt with pigs and dragons and shit. They do the dumbest things and expect fun reddit stories to happen and they end up dead because they have an IQ in the negatives. The group I'm playing with now only has one of these retards, thank god. Playing with an entire group of them is unforgettably boring and stupid. <|endoftext|> How you grugs deal with players who like eastern cave painting too much and try have in rock games? Me am have problem with one. >Be Thruk >Be cavemaster for Caves and Sabertooths 3 Rock game >That Grug always speak how great Sunrise Tribe is >Says Sunrise sharp rock is carved over three times and am hardest and sharpest rock ever made >Wants to play special Sunrise Tribe club grug. >In Western Valley cave game What do? <|endoftext|> >the successful are successful and deserve to be successful It's a cute tautology but Grug took Int as his dumpstat so he's not even going to notice it as he hits the guy on the head with a club. <|endoftext|> fpbp honorable mention, grug want FUCK <|endoftext|> >grug want fight monster >grug roll play, not roleplay >grug no like thing besides grinding <|endoftext|> What IS a literal grug, even? <|endoftext|> This is some pretty grug brain thinking <|endoftext|> > just need Grug to take a sharp stone to a sappling and chip another rock he found for a head... Stone weapons are way more complex than that. Good flint was transported hundreds of miles by stone-age trade networks and just seasoning your spear-shaft so it doesn't disintegrate or warp as it dries out will take weeks (although most of that is just waiting). Even attaching the blade to the shaft is pretty tricky. In Power-ups 7, wildcard skills can provide a bonus like that. I'm not quite sure how those systems work, but there are a few mechanics which seem like they might be worth looking at: The Higher Purpose advantage is a simple bonus when working towards a specific goal or following a certain pattern of behavior. Disadvantages in general give you points for having people and things you care about. I think there are rules for changing them from points up-front to providing benefits later, but I can't remember where. Social Engineering gives mechanics for relationships and loyalty. <|endoftext|> No, we notice when it's annoying and shoved in your face. Fuck off. I genuinely hate this argument and feel nothing but spite for the grug brains who spout it. Politics in media that isn't just blatant propaganda should be engaging and challenging, but every fucking time it's just caricatures of your political foe acting like a useless bumbling loser and then dying. That's when people hate politics in shit like D&D. It completely takes the challenge away from the story. >"The big bad was never a threat at all! He was just a bumbling racist!" Then why should I feel good about killing him? He wasn't a genius, or a giant beast, he was just an idiot who incidentally stumbled into a position of power. I feel like I wasted my time at that point. <|endoftext|> Small brain strikes again and ruins anything. >grug like big numbah >big numbah betta cause big numbah big >wut statistical average mean? >why small thing mean bettah thing? <|endoftext|> I think $X/hr is for mass amounts of quality lumber and construction-tier stone. You don’t need a forester to find lumber or a miner to dig in a quarry for a stone spear; you just need Grug to take a sharp stone to a sappling and chip another rock he found for a head. I’d just as soon use the rules for wood and stone weapons from DF: Wilderness Adventures. <|endoftext|> grug respect sky lizard sky lizard wife now <|endoftext|> >Holding a grudge for this long People own snakes as pets now, people own a lot of pets now that were considered a scourge or blight to humanity. Get with the times Grug. <|endoftext|> >grug kill sky lizard bad <|endoftext|> Possible, not yes or no, the point of C0DA is to disregard canon in favour of individual head cannon >e.g. playing as a vampiress dovahkiin who turns all of the courts of all of the holds into their puppets by feeding on them vs >Playing grug-Ice brain, killing boots, greyskins and knife ears on sight etc <|endoftext|> >not sacrificing your creatures Dumb grug <|endoftext|> >Find a way to create a new universe You do realize this is playing God right? I don't mean it in the "WE SHOULDN'T HAVE DESIGNER BABIES, THAT'S WRONG!" sense or the "GRUG DIG HOLE TO HIDE SHIT, GRUG AM PLAY GOD" sense, I mean that creating a completely new reality from scratch would be a feat that's no less than godly. I guess it would work according to the retarded "plot" of Final Fantasy XIII. It's pure hearsay (because we all know what you actually see in the campaign is an incomprehensible mess) but if you dig through the database long enough you find out that the plot of the L'Cie is... that they want to kill so many mortals at the exact same time that it would draw God's attention. Yes, if Lightning Returns is to be believed that's Capital G God. Now that I think about it in Lightning Returns, Lightning effectively becomes the Jesus of her setting and goes on fetch quests to save everyone's souls so they can be reborn in the New World. Yeah... I guess the FFXIII universe could work somehow, as gay as it may be. <|endoftext|> One is a land, the other is a dead card any time you have a Lotus already. Scrying has been tested and dismissed. Scrying also weakens you to Blood Moon because of the UG mana base. Whoever this "good player" is, he fucking sucks at suggesting cards for decks for the sheer fact that: >Grug see combo deck, Grug want Manamorphose This is literally him. <|endoftext|> >good thing good because of many logical and well explained reasons >new thing bad because grug say so <|endoftext|> Idk, but you can tell us apart by the spacing >Standard We're not talking about standard dude, we're talking about EDH and other non-rotating formats. The price of non-rotating formats is creeping up, that's what everyone in this thread has been talking about and acknowledges >Premium products are NOT meaningful reprints Exactly right, for once. Premium products and products with reprints cater to different markets, so I have no idea why you're acting like premium products do something to mitigate the problem of low reprints: "Low availability of reprints allows for the creation of premium products" And you can fuck off with the Grug meme, it's not earning you any upvotes <|endoftext|> You're the exact kind of subhuman I wrote my post for. Let me explain this to you again real slow Grug so you can understand. >No it doesn't. It could mean (and often does mean) any level of demand coupled with low supply. If we're talking about artificially high prices, that typically means a lower demand. Standard has the highest card availability out of any of the formats because the sets are still in print. If a card value rises too high, packs get cracked. Thus standard prices are driven by demand Grug. >I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about If you knew how to read Grug, you would see that I actually say 100% the opposite of whatever you pulled out of your ass. Premium products are NOT meaningful reprints, and that's a good thing for WoTC. >We've been over this, standard is pretty expensive to keep up with That's why they want you to play it Grug. It's low upfront cost but higher longterm cost. It's like you lack the ability to read. You're welcome my low IQ friend. <|endoftext|> No. Stats and RP are separate until the moment the stat would affect gameplay. Otherwise you get retarded shit like "low INT dialogue" that's actually just a dumb Grug impression. Funny for a little while. Stupid after about five minutes. <|endoftext|> It depends. In certain locations it's all-out chevalerie in the original sense of "what a knight is expected to be god at" and in others it's just reduced to social etiquette. In some locations (i.e barbarian hublands) it does not exist at all but there is a kind of code of honour (grug no take other grug's wife, grug no eat other grug food, etc). <|endoftext|> Based grug. <|endoftext|> Good for you, Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug no like D&D. <|endoftext|> Grug isnt stupid. Crossbows are just fancy hammers. <|endoftext|> grug desu <|endoftext|> I hate putting spellcasters in my encounters as a DM They are so hard to use and run compared to GRUG SMASH <|endoftext|> It's pretty simple. If Chief Grug Jr is an idiot, he won't really rule. Oh certainly, when he stamps his feet in a tantrum, everyone obeys. But the real power is in his court, with the smart people who manipulate him. That alone is reason to accept hereditary rule. The king controls the kingdom, so if the king is your puppet you are the true king, or more likely an oligarchy. There have also been kings that were not stupid, but were just lazy and only wanted the good side of life. They were content to party and fuck wenches all day while the smart people handled things, and were easily talked into rubber stamping whatever they wanted. The oligarchs would most honestly rather see a stupid, incompetent, pliable king than a righteous or unrighteous king that actively consolidates power. Even more so because when their stupid schemes fuck up, they can blame it on the king. <|endoftext|> I'm dumb as a rock but I do have to wonder why hereditary succession has ended up becoming more or less the norm throughout human history. It makes sense for the king to want to pass down his realm to his children and it makes sense to eventually move away from the "every child gets a slice" model which leads to a vicious cycle of conquest and collapse, but how did this ever become acceptable to everyone else? How did the idea of "Chief Grug dead. Chief Grug good chief. Maybe Grug Jr. also good chief?" catch on so universally, even when Grug Jr. is literally retarded? <|endoftext|> Grug have question, rock-gee. Grug want take Grugling to witch doctor and am get magic potion to stop Grugling from get sick. But Grug's mate say she am see Facerock painting which say potion am make Grugling talk funny and worship blue hedgehog spirit. What do? <|endoftext|> Absolutely. My setting is the same way, and I think a lot are IMO if anything settings that use >"grug smash" retard evil are the dumb ones <|endoftext|> Is it a problem if I allow traditionally evil races (orcs, goblins, some giants, other schlubs) to sometimes be "good"? I'm not talking about making all orcs le noble savages, just have some of them be more developed. I have human races/cultures that are downright nasty, but most are just people. Is it dumb to allow to some orcs to not be "grug smash" retard evil? <|endoftext|> Nah, that's grug. Grug likes to make island cyoas. <|endoftext|> this is more "my table is full of shitters" but when i rolled a divination wizard half my party asked if i'd play evocation or "something combat effective" instead. so that was neat long death monk is pretty fun, idk if it's considered weak or disappointing tho zealot barb is demonstrably worse than totem barb but i've enjoyed it so far, grug hit big number is neat <|endoftext|> A stupid character is most likely not imaginative and fairly content with simply following any orders given to them. A 1 INT character would be nonsapient in d&d (I think 4 is required for sapiency) but for fallout you're effectively going with a caveman. They don't talk very much, typically only when prompted to. Their go-to solution to problems is smashing things, or if that fails letting the smart people deal with it. Stupid characters can be bitter and vengeful about their lot in life, blissfully ignorant of it or aware and relatively melancholy about it. "Grug want learn how know squiggle lines do meaning." <|endoftext|> >Hurrr grug say new bad old gud <|endoftext|> The grug was dying to the Pixie anyway so might as well not make it paper cuts <|endoftext|> How is that even an argument? Being skilled with a weapon isn't represented by having high damage, it's represented by having high dice pools, and that hasn't changed all that's changed is that two equally skilled swordsman, one a literal pixie and the other an enormous grug, deal the same damage with a combat axe bigger than the pixie's body <|endoftext|> Not him, but I think it's possible to solve without a dice roll. Having 'tactics' just be measured by each character's Int score. Each player can write down that many words for their plan of action, and receive that many words of any other plan in turn. So the 4 Int drooling retard of a barbarian will only understand any plan that starts with 'Grug smashes puny mage' or something similarly brief to tell him what to do <|endoftext|> Grug should accept farming never work. Hunting and gathering berries let us eat. If Grug continue ask question me club Grug over head with rock. <|endoftext|> WW1: Grug kills Grags son WW2: Massacre of Fair Valley WW3: the Great Yamna Invasion ... <|endoftext|> >Grug plays 40K.png <|endoftext|> just rp as grug <|endoftext|> There were still celebrities and hero worship and unjustified placing of people on pedestals they didn’t earn. The materialism is mostly novel, I will grant you, but people have deferred to celebrity back to when Grug brought home 3 antelopes when everyone else could only get some berries (and Grug just got lucky but kept that part a secret). <|endoftext|> >grug play dis color grug put only color staples in! grug hate tribal tribe <|endoftext|> Right. So I did some working on it and changed it up a bit. Pulled out Firemind Vessel, Angel of Despair, and Debtors' Knell, replacing them with Castigate, R//R, and Luminous Bonds. I know, that gives me three Aura's that basically do the same thing: Stop Grug's big monsta from tapping to win the game. Not sure if I should trim further creatures. <|endoftext|> >grug want to play gray Tolkien rip off >grug scared of change <|endoftext|> Don't be as emotional in situations. Basically, Grug. <|endoftext|> Grug miss less second option More attack more happy <|endoftext|> Grug not so sure this about. He think it weird. <|endoftext|> Why doesn't the Death Guard have a SC box? Grug sad No, seriously, how does one start a DG army? <|endoftext|> >imagine being this grug brained <|endoftext|> Is it bad writing to have orcs, but some are "good"?. I want to make one tribe of them in my setting somewhat civilized due to missionaries/priests from the God of X converting them. They'll still have Orcish customs and such but they won't be all "grug smash, grug kill, grug love evil Orc god(s), grug sacrifice other races." <|endoftext|> It's not even fucking original, it's the fucking 'Grug' wojacks. <|endoftext|> Personally for myself,i would say the Dragon Ball card game, its not to complicated, and there are pretty grug decks out there, it usally involves Broly hand destruction or Goku stuff. <|endoftext|> This is just a head in the sand grug take. /tg/ should stick to /tg/. Amateur hour /pol/ is cringe af. <|endoftext|> >It's obviously bullshit metagaming if Grug the Barbarian wakes up one day saying "hey guys, I have an idea - what if we tell people to boil their water before drinking to prevent disease?" Said that way exactly I agree. But I can understand if he notices people generally feel less sick if they boil water first rather than drinking it straight. <|endoftext|> >"hey guys, I have an idea - what if we tell people to boil their water before drinking to prevent disease?" Do you have any logical justification behind your proposal? Do you have any idea on the process as to why that would help in any way? Do you have any strong evidence to support any of your words? Or are you just sprouting nonsense like 'KILL DEM ALL TO HEAR THEY SCREAMS AND LUMINTAISHUNS OF THE WIMMINZ'? Fellow party members, help grug to the long rest, he is clearly in shock. <|endoftext|> It's obviously bullshit metagaming if Grug the Barbarian wakes up one day saying "hey guys, I have an idea - what if we tell people to boil their water before drinking to prevent disease?". But what if there is a plausible way for a PC to invent something new? An easy way is just to disallow it - the characters already change the world by fighting evil necromancers or whatever, so it might be too much if they also revolutionize industry by inventing the steam engine. Still, it's weird to have characters of whom many are very intelligent polymaths, and none of them uses their talents to permanently increase the sum of human (or elf) knowledge. Is there a way you can roll dice to resolve this? Let's say one of your players says "I want my character to invent the printing press". Other than "fuck off", what do you tell them? <|endoftext|> >For the guys, the findings were straightforward enough: The straight men in the study were physically aroused by women, gay men were aroused by men, and neither group felt any stirrings for the apes. The men's physical reactions (erections) were in agreement with what they reported being turned on by. >The women in the study, on the other hand, didn't react as predictably. While they reported feeling aroused in the ways you might expect (straight women were turned on by men, lesbians by women), measurements of their vaginal blood flow showed that they were physically aroused by all the forms of coupling they saw — even the bonobos. It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective: a woman who's turned on by everything and everyone that fucks her has better odds of surviving. Which is really fucking convenient when Grug tribe comes by to beat your husband to death. The women who flew into a rage, tried to attack Grug tribe and then died by virtue of being fucking incompetent didn't pass down their genes. The ones that got impregnated on top of their husbands' still warm corpses did. But please, go on and explain how both me and the scientific community don't know anything about women and need to have sex. Sex is a good enough replacement for hard data, I guess? <|endoftext|> What commander would Grug play? <|endoftext|> Grug wanna show pretty lady his club. <|endoftext|> I agree people have been meme grug renar too much when we were throwing around stats for him cunning warfare and persuasive were important stats for him we can flesh him out more I'd say his biggest motivation is helping his father, and he hopes revenge will heal his fathers mind <|endoftext|> Maroon for me, deep, lipstick red makes me think her toes are bleeding. Still, it doesn't get me hard, but I can understand the appeal of foot tidyness since a Grug like myself has hobbit feet with 2nd generation toenails <|endoftext|> I personally think that Yonwell just wanted to crack some skulls and fighting for Daemon would have allowed him to do that. But when he realized on which side his family would be remembered for he reconsidered and fought for the Red Dragon instead. Quite a lot of foresight from a retarded Grug if you ask me <|endoftext|> Yeah. I’m in a league right now with my friends. Only 2 more games before the semi finals. My (personal) star player Snikrat Grug has racked up 23 experience and has killed 5 players and scored two touchdowns. He is also gotten str 4 with Mightly Blow, and he has never once been knocked out. <|endoftext|> How should I do Orcs, (if at all), in my setting? Having a "grug atacc" race to be generic badguys can be useful from a lazy writing and trope perspective, but I don't really know how I'd want to have them portrayed. What's your favorite depictions of Orcs in various settings? One idea of having them be basically a bioweapon made by some evil Wizard might be appealing for how they came into being, but Lizardmen (And by extension Dragonborn) already fit that bill. Another vague idea is that all the "fantasy" races, (Except the aforementioned Lizards and Dragonborn), are essentially Humans who at some point had their respective civilization get exposed to magical horseshit and become said races over time, with the "evil" races being those who were already barbarian tribes living in shitholes to begin with before they started contracting magic-AIDS. I could always go the Warcraft Dindu Nuffin "we wuz honor and shit" path, but I feel that's not only overdone at this point but honestly just a bit of a shit crutch unless I was to deliberately say that Orcs are massive hypocrites about "muh honor", raiding and pillaging but bitching when there's retribution/only challenging people (Or at least Outsiders) to "duels" when they feel they have a massive advantage. Or I can just skip Orcs entirely and have Human bandits and raiders in regions without a big military presence. <|endoftext|> >luv me pond grug in the desert drinking water from what looks suspiciously like a monster ultra can.jpg <|endoftext|> Grug do make. Grug also smash anyone that tell Grug otherwise, because Grug have fun this way. <|endoftext|> The top percentage of Grug. <|endoftext|> >Grug breaking imperial law. >*one* caveman gets the attention of the arbites Just how impressive is this grug? <|endoftext|> A lot of feral/worlds are governed from orbit so as to not interfere with planet politics. If the Arbites have a base on the planet it would be in orbit and they would take a shuttle down as needed to deal with Grug breaking imperial law. <|endoftext|> How is the Arbite's presence on feral/feudal worlds dealt with in the canon? Must be weird seeing these guys with actual technology just hanging out, separated from the rest of society all day in worlds full of Grug cavemen and feudal peasants in the other. <|endoftext|> >4 stones of 10 sam man active, large bird joke amuse, they in cave now hope low, but grug believe <|endoftext|> >though one did do cavemen in a short story. Great now I can' stop thinking about brother captain Grug and the Unga Bunga's. <|endoftext|> >of your own species >he doesn't know If grug wasn't busy banging every species he could, the human species wouldn't exist. We're the result of interspecies breeding of several human ancestors. <|endoftext|> Just go back to sleep Grug. <|endoftext|> This is no better than baneposting, which is thoroughly a 'chan' thing, as opposed to 'reddit'. In fact, you can throw in other 'chan' characters like Spurdo, Wojack, Helper, and numerous other derivatives such as Grug. It's exactly the same type of humour that's been common here for over a decade. This was never reddit, you just grew up. <|endoftext|> >This article is demonizing the white middle class! >Article is written by a white middle class fag who plays warhammer. Is it possible to seethe harder jormie? I know "reading bad grug no like books" but you could at least try. <|endoftext|> >t. Grug, whose wife and son died in a wolf attack while he was hunting Irish Elk <|endoftext|> >Ok, I'll need you to sign these 25 forms, in triplicate, and mail them to Grug Central Office. You'll get your license in 20-25 business days. <|endoftext|> Hitting your event with a big ol' piece of wood is a time honored tradition since the days of Grug on Grug violence. <|endoftext|> >lion >elven gear GRUG SAY THIS STORMCAST <|endoftext|> Grug’d and cavepilled <|endoftext|> Orcs if "we wuz honorable warriors an shit"- Native American Orcs if "grug gorilla raid because god said so"- Caveman, (but with stolen metal armor/weapons in poor repair) Orcs if blatantly evil Raiders but not full-retard gorillas- Mongols Goblinoids- feudal Japs, their caste system already fits the 3 main archetypes in Feudal Jap fiction- Hobgoblin Nobles/Samurai, Goblin Peasants/Merchants and Bugbear Mountian Bandits/Warrior Monks Dorfs- DUDE SCOTLAND LMAO Drow- Slavs <|endoftext|> Hercules isn't a "grug smash" barbarian, he would take advantage of the situation <|endoftext|> They can be a bit tricky to slip into a fantasy setting but i'm a sucker for these swords. I know we're talking unreliable, cumbersome, hardly-lethal, bristle stone embedded Grug club, but the macuahuitl looks brutal <|endoftext|> >be me >knowledge cleric/wizard in a party of grug bugbear fighter,new player half elf rogue, and a boring human artificer >on epic quest to unite trade between east and west >come across a goliath sized monster with a pig face >only says im-hay >decide to take him into our party to bash skulls >call him im-hay >on all our journeys he only says im-hay >rogue uses linguist feat to try and talk to im-hay >nothing >decide to take comprehend languages next level to understand what he's talkin about all the time >cast the spell and ask im-hay basic questions, where he's from, his mothers name, etc. >"heim" >repeats heim over and over until the spell is over >it had no meaning the entire time >pic related what should we do to im-hay? <|endoftext|> >Mexico was not conquered by a handful of faggots with superior technology >Japan did not get BTFO by a tier-3 passel of American gunboats >Congo is not still all-grug <|endoftext|> I have never supported the idea that a low int score should be reflected in roleplay outside of saving throws and the such Imagine playing a barbarian and wanting to make someone with actual personality but your DM forces you to be "GRUG SMASH DRINK BEER LMAO CONAN" number 65546346456456 because you dumped int since your class doesn't need it <|endoftext|> >the middle of a heated battle >"hey grug, let's go fight each other in the pit instead" >"sounds like a plan" On the second thoughts, this is the level of brainlecy to be expected from korn boys. <|endoftext|> based Grug <|endoftext|> Could someone please post the arch-revenant warscroll? Too grug to find it <|endoftext|> >hurr me barbarian me smash, no need int. Grog was a funny character run by a talented voice actor. But the guy at your table is playing Grug, not Grog, and Grug is a drooling retard run by your least favorite autistic manchild. <|endoftext|> And what exactly have you Ephebophilia anons brought to the debate? >I leik duh teen cause she has duh prutty perky Bob and vagene. >Reeee why no one let Grug fuk teen Reee!!!!! Yeah the moralism anons are incapable of critical thought and are giving knee jerk answers. But their is none the less a simple reason why the majority of marriages are between people of the same generation. They are right for the wrong reasons. You Ephebophilia anons are simply wrong. And are incapable of seeing the long term societal results of the majority of men marring girls half their age. <|endoftext|> People can use names all they want. Fuck yourself grug. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Grug I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you can't just keep killing people and forcing yourself on their women. It doesn't work like that here in the civilized world. If you can't improve yourself either go back to your cave or suffer the consequences. <|endoftext|> Grug sounds like a pretty cool dude. I like the idea of a simple minded philosopher warrior, someone who's certain of their purpose in life. People could learn a lot from Grug. <|endoftext|> >And this I REALLY can't understand, the best thing about the Silmarillion is that the language is so beautiful and evocative For what it's worth, it's not like I sat there thinking "book too big for Grug, need less words". It's on my bucket list, but most stores here have really crappy selections for untranslated English books, and since it's so goddamn long I just haven't gone out of my way to search for it. The primer is just something I stumbled across, started reading out of curiosity, and then eventually I found I'd gone through the whole thing. >some fucking zoomer rewriting it in shorthand with pop-culture references is downright obscene I had similiar concerns when I started reading it, but it isn't nearly as egregious as you might think. It helps that the author clearly loves the Silmarillion to bits, and encourages the audience to read the original at pretty much every pivotal moment. It's not meant to supplant the original, so much as be a "babby's first introduction" kinda thing. <|endoftext|> Grug is warrior philosopher. Grug left tribe to learn from other tribes. Grug will analyse tribes and find tribe's good ideas. Grug wants to figure out perfect way to live. Grug finds lots of things that bad for living. Grug hates those things, they get in Grug's way. Grug uses hate and anger to smash bad things. Some bad things concepts, can't smash concepts. This make Grug angry the most. Grug angry at existence itself. Grug angry at gods for bad things. Lately, Grug get so mad that club glows like sun. Glow lets Grug smash AND burn bad things. What will happen if Grug get more angry? Perhaps this sign that Grug on right path. Rage is powerful weapon. Grug will use rage to smash existence into better shape. If gods try to stop Grug, Grug smash them too. Pretty fuckin' metal <|endoftext|> darnith >gnome artificer >needs hand held >trys to play upbeat bouncing off the walls, comes of as just really annoying "let me know when its my turn in combat" rizo >human barbarian >poorly optimized >grug like personality >just a body guard for another pc "im the meat sheild" >15 AC Chris >halfling rouge >20 dex >mindlessly steals everything >can barely make long term memories has to tattoo important info o his body >most dps with out even trying "I shoot him with my bow" karketh >human warlock >I only killed my brother and family in self defense and now i took this dark power to protect myself from the law >claims LG literally gathers the souls of innocents for a deamon "im going to brood in the corner" scilith >dragon born fighter >well built tank >played by an idiot that seams to get every character he has ever played killed before level 5 "i want to throw a net at him" >-2 dex skol fate seer >ratman divination wizard >somehow convinced dm to give him the lucky feat >zero damage spells >bullshits his way through everything, is extremely bold >go big or go home will instantly die the second he fails but never does because of lucky divination bullshit "i tug on the strings of fate" <|endoftext|> >the chimpout goes on, Grug refuses to let go of his irrational attachment <|endoftext|> Half-orc zealot barbarian, 6 int, basically a caveman The roleplaying is where he'll shines Grug is warrior philosopher. Grug left tribe to learn from other tribes. Grug will analyse tribes and find tribe's good ideas. Grug wants to figure out perfect way to live. Grug finds lots of things that bad for living. Grug hates those things, they get in Grug's way. Grug uses hate and anger to smash bad things. Some bad things concepts, can't smash concepts. This make Grug angry the most. Grug angry at existence itself. Grug angry at gods for bad things. Lately, Grug get so mad that club glows like sun. Glow lets Grug smash AND burn bad things. What will happen if Grug get more angry? Perhaps this sign that Grug on right path. Rage is powerful weapon. Grug will use rage to smash existence into better shape. If gods try to stop Grug, Grug smash them too. <|endoftext|> Seconded, right looks better in every way. Look at the way his clothes fly back due to his speed, the way its skin pulls up in response to his grip, the fact you can see that bit of its anatomy beneath its skin. On left its teeth just vanish into nothingness as soon as they reach its gums, it almost looks like they're going inward horizontally but if that were the case teetht hat large would rip out the moment it bit into something that didn't die immediately. Left also has eyes on the side of its head, which appeals to ungas that think it make sit look more bestial, but it's a trait for PREY. Right has forward facign eyes, a trait of PREDATORS, which it CLEARLY IS. TL;DR left is made by an grug who literally just wanted to make it look monster-y and came out with a fucking mess that only appeals to other grugs. Right was made by a chad who knew exactly how anatomy works, and what kings of traits a predator possesses, and translated the existing shitty model into an actual viable creature, while also just making everything about it look higher quality. <|endoftext|> >Might as well apply your stupid argument to every 'cosmetic modification' people do, huh Grug? Not him, but the angels that taught women how to use makeup DID get btfo for passing on forbidden knowledge. <|endoftext|> >You're a pedo if you don't like hair, REAL men like women who don't shave because it's NATURAL! They also don't like women who bathe, brush their teeth or hair, or otherwise perform any sort of hygiene on their bodies because that's not nature! Might as well apply your stupid argument to every 'cosmetic modification' people do, huh Grug? <|endoftext|> >t. grug <|endoftext|> >grug hit stuff good >what you mean supposed do stuff other than hit >grug only hit >why grog good at hit and other stuff >take away grog hit, only grug allowed hit good <|endoftext|> Rolled 8, 4, 1, 12, 6, 9 = 40 (6d20) FINE meet Grug the variant human barbarian, he has a strange attachment to glaives and hates halberds <|endoftext|> >DRUGS MAKE GOD ANGRY >SEX RELLY GOOD THO GRUG LOVE SEX, SEX IN ASS SEX IN MOUTH SEX GOOD MAKE SEX INCEL LOL <|endoftext|> Are dino fags the literal worst? They get an entire block dedicated to them, then get a handful of insane rares immediately after, AND THEY STILL COMPLAIN. >Me want unga bunga smash with gisath, but not enough dinos to smash 3 people at once. >dino beaner lady no make 10/10 dino token on +1. Grug angry I swear, you never see sliver fags or any of the others complain near this much <|endoftext|> >"strategist" >+1: draw a card and oh throw a counter somewhere >-7: grug smash <|endoftext|> no. Fuck your Grug <|endoftext|> >every other guild combo getting cool cards that can win games >meanwhile bros and grug get 4RR act of treason with a shock stapled to it <|endoftext|> So? At best they're sinking 1/4th of your army and at worst more than fucking half into something most players will hide at the back to avoid losing. Unless you're playing some grug level unlimied turns table each other to win game mode all you need to do is shoot away his ranged units then laugh as you rake in VPs because he has no map control. <|endoftext|> Me Mammoth kill cause Khorne Step in Mammoth shit be Nurgle Me Suck Mammoth Tits be Slaanesh Devolopong is Tzeench, no more mammoth Yor Grug <|endoftext|> >not playing grug, a half-orc barbarian who just likes to hit things that get in the way of money, drink, and girls <|endoftext|> >nation >inbreeding Who let Grug out? <|endoftext|> Me Grug. Me bring own club. Me hit adventurers. Me unionised. Expect regular break and dental plan. <|endoftext|> >Grug think this look Wahamma >Grug no think this look Drow <|endoftext|> grug will dominate <|endoftext|> >using visual representation Yikes, Grug! Grug just HAS to do his obscure "original" thingies, like all seasons he does! Thinks it make Grug better Wordspeaker than older masters! Ha! Older masters need no stupid wall-pictures to make story so much better than anything Grug does! Just do masterpiece with words, while Grug thinks we'll be so amazed with his "zub-ner-shon", we just sit on floor with jaws dropped like Onions-tribe! "Oooooohh, picture-thingies!" Grug is truly weakling, and should never be Wordspeaker! <|endoftext|> >alt right >free market Pick one, Grug. <|endoftext|> Ooga booga!! Grug see many dots on Grug rock. Grug make big stick unga no bash Grug!! <|endoftext|> abaddon grug smashed calgar calgar used 4D chess and blew up abaddon's ship unless there's some other bullshit hiding in there, vigilus was the predictable stalemate everyone thought it was going to be <|endoftext|> >sorcerer makes finely crafted threats with a hard glare and a silver tongue >barb: ME GRUG MAKE YOU FALLS DOWN SWER ON ME MAM <|endoftext|> >If I get back into the game, I just wanna play "braindead big dumb monster turn card to the right grug smash and win". That sounds fun It's fun but not competitive, you'll have to build it from scratch Just look at the Gruul guild cards from Ravnica Allegiance <|endoftext|> I mean they challenger decks all look decent but idk, none of them really have anything that I don't already have nor would they be building towards something I wanna play. If I get back into the game, I just wanna play "braindead big dumb monster turn card to the right grug smash and win". That sounds fun <|endoftext|> >History of dragons Grug >Thag Thag grug grug (pants) grug see lizard this big it dragon right? Thag >Grug stupid <|endoftext|> grug like gurps does not like dee en dee <|endoftext|> Another problem is that they decided to print what is essentially a straight-up better version of Fires of Yavimaya in R/G colors that makes everything even bigger or hasty, so even if they want to print some green goodstuff, green will be intentionally crippled for many sets because at every step they need to ask themselves how it's going to interact with Balanced 3cmc Enchantment of Grug Enabling <|endoftext|> >evil Nice meme moralist grug <|endoftext|> >>"Humans are boring" I keep reading this and I still never got it. What the fuck does that even mean? >The most physically, intellectually, and culturally diverse sentient species in existence is somehow more 2-dimensional than Grug the Orc Barbarian man. <|endoftext|> grug hates metal <|endoftext|> Depends on how it’s applied, but ye Uncle Ted had a lot of things right, smash the tech grug war now <|endoftext|> >dragonborn thus shit, but he's bronze at least so he's ok >OK, I guess. Sounds like a standard aasimar. >guy tried to prove regular human isn't shit, cheated by going wizard afterwards >he's either based as fuck war drummer bro or utter shit dumb screaming Grug, no in between >token party snowflake <|endoftext|> My setting is stone age and swords haven't been invented yet. But the greatest clubmaster is named Grug, and he acts about how you would expect. <|endoftext|> >Grug feel like all this happen before! >Yeah, that what shamans say. All happen before, all happen again. >No listen to shaman-shroom-talk, Grug, Urg. You just bored is all. >Says you, Tag. <|endoftext|> >Being too fucking scared to actually role play your character in a ROLE PLAYING game Nah talking like a caveman is better, you're right. Grug say he no like goblin <|endoftext|> Grug are #1 Warforged are pretty OP too <|endoftext|> You're thinking of grogs, that's Grug. <|endoftext|> >grug only play 2-for-1. 2-for-1 fair. >grug no unnerstan why 2-for-1 slower than 1-for-1 >combo hard. grug no get how combo work. grug thoughtseize wrong card. grug always lose. <|endoftext|> I'm now tempted to make a Half Orc Artificer that uses his Wondrous All Purpose Crowbar in as many situations as possible. >"Grug raise crowbar in air to cast shadow on self and provide visual distraction. Double proficiency in Stealth." <|endoftext|> Grug, "Grug make fire, melt shiny metal rock into pointy metal stick." GM, "Not sure where Grug going with this, but ok." Grug, "Can Grug hit mammoth with pointy metal club?" GM, "Metal stick have pointy attribute and metal attribute, it do many dice of damage!" Grug, "Grug invent sword. Grug revolutionize fighting! Grug use sword club in every fight!" GM, "Grug abuse system." Grug, "lol invent shield you faggot." <|endoftext|> Ah yes, my favorite incarnation of roshambo - Grug, Ranged Grug and Mounted Grug. <|endoftext|> So does Grug have like specialized rocks, like anti-Grug rocks and long distance rocks? <|endoftext|> Grug-on-grug warfare is easily like half the point of a stone age game <|endoftext|> >Use RQ6/Mythras Great Advice >starting cultures to Primitive Hold your fucking horses, Nomadic and tribal can also fit in a neolithic society, unless of course OP want's grug on grug warfare. <|endoftext|> Long-nose tribe must be protected, Grug duty to fight for long-nose <|endoftext|> No-Grug <|endoftext|> It depends if you consider "Follow Grug because Grug has big stick" to be a political system. <|endoftext|> The basics are: Character creation is more of a concept than your Race+Class set up. A character is 3 parts a Descriptor, Type, and Focus. So the character Grug is a "Strong Glaive that Murders". The descriptor Strong gives +2 Might, the Type Glaive is the closest thing to a class and gives you your starting Pools and abilities, while your Focus in Grugs case Murders is kinda like a subclass or specialization. It gives you extra damage. Pools are both HP and a spendable resource. There are 3 pools Might, Speed and Intellect. Damage is taken out of the pools in that order if all 3 are at zero you die some attacks do damage to certian pools regardless. You can spend points in your pools to do abilities, spells and lower the difficulty certain actions. Task resolution is 3x difficulty rating. So to hit a monster is say Task rating 4 then you need a 12 to hit it (3x4=12) you can spend your pools to lower the 4 to a 3 thus making what you need to roll to hit a 9 instead of a 12 for your next attack. <|endoftext|> >Grug’s lineage ends as he is bred out by new tribe That's not how that works though, your son or daughter marries a woman from other tribe that's still your lineage carrying on. <|endoftext|> Primal fear. >Grug see different looking tribe coming up. >More different tribe than Grug tribe >Men of Grug tribe killed, grugettes taken as wives by different tribe. Grug’s male children killed or castrated as slaves. >Grug’s lineage ends as he is bred out by new tribe. <|endoftext|> If grug would kindly wait one moment, I respond to Teferi being cast by playing Chord to Revoker, naming Teferi. Grug may proceed. <|endoftext|> grug will tap a plains and cast terminus grug will cast teferi and untap two lands <|endoftext|> Unga bunga Jumpgrug no take fire rock. Jumpgrug am please many femgrug with big meat stick. Valgrug no is grug, is berrypicker <|endoftext|> >it just makes the problem worse, so that means its fine At least the Barbarian on not retarded point buy could have a bit of Survival to hunt and track or intimidate in social situations. And he could also actually roll play with 10/12/8 or similar mental stats and have more personalities than "GRUG AM BARBARIAN". <|endoftext|> >First Contact involved Captain Grug throwing a rock at an alien. What kind of rock? Anti-personal, red painted rock? Artillery rock? Warning rock? <|endoftext|> I'm imagining a Standard Space Opera Setting (ancient precursors, Space Elves, THE EMPIRE, bug people, technicolor prostitute planets, the whole nine yards!) except humanity is just UNGA BUNGAing it's way across the stars. First Contact involved Captain Grug throwing a rock at an alien. <|endoftext|> >What Tom the player knows and what grug the half orc sorcerer knows are completely different Who cares? If Tom knows something and wants Grug to know it as well, I'm finding a way to make it work. Retrofitting characters is exactly why you ask your players to leave their background as open as possible. I'm not going to force anyone to pretend they don't know something if they do. Metagaming is never a problem if you're providing a real challenge and part of that is making your puzzles, combats and other encounters ungooglable. <|endoftext|> >Metagaming is ok Boy am I glad you're not in my games. What Tom the player knows and what grug the half orc sorcerer knows are completely different and if your abiding by the first two letters RP you'd realize that if grug has never heard or seen about a green dragon he would have no idea it's poison based. Your party will probably crush the dragon unless your DM plays it smart. I had an LMOP game in which a 4th level party of 4 took down venomfang in his tower, no magic items no DM Fiat other me not spamming his breath. If you have prep time and your characters are aware they are fighting a green dragon, ask if your character can perhaps find a book to read up on the behaviors of chromatic dragons. You might learn something useful and would definitely give your character a reason to take the spell. <|endoftext|> >Goblins seem much more suited, in terms of fluff, to be using bow and arrow bigger arms, bigger muscles, bigger bows Orcish warbows are cool, and guys like ruglud are around to show that orcs aren't all just grug smash. <|endoftext|> Collage is unironically where you find the most brainlets Grug. <|endoftext|> Maximum brainlet here. How do I make a file look like the home brew/ official ones? I think it'll give my meme class some legitimacy but grug never went to collage <|endoftext|> >He has a shorter sword, shorter arms, and an all-around smaller stature. His speed and maneuverability are limited by his terminator armour. Ignoring the fact that he is less powerful physically and mentally than guilliman in every possible way, he is at a marked disadvantage in a duel. Wrong. Abaddon is stated to move faster than Kharn can the fight between him and Kharn, Abaddon utterly outclassed Kharn in both speed and strength to the point that Abaddon could have ended Kharn's life at any moment if he wished. Also we have seen Dante, Calgar, and Logan pull feats beyond even the Primarchs while we saw Girlyman struggle to do the same feats. So Primarchs being stronger than marine elites is false as per the fluff. A good example of this is Draigo vs Morty. >His is repeatedly portrayed as "grug tactics", relying on an initial blitz of numbers until being outplayed by those who should be his lessers once he loses the direct advantage. What makes him so dangerous is the hordes of chaos he can somewhat direct, the powers of the warp supporting him, and his fighting capabilities as a highly veteran chaos lord. Headcanon. Abaddon has led small raids of no more than a few companies of CSM marines into the heart of the Imperium. On the Macro and Mirco level Abaddon has proven himself superior to his Imperial counterparts. This was shown when Creed was overwhelmed and to be bailed out by Trazyn again and again to drag on the war. <|endoftext|> >you admit you have no points to contribute He has a shorter sword, shorter arms, and an all-around smaller stature. His speed and maneuverability are limited by his terminator armour. Ignoring the fact that he is less powerful physically and mentally than guilliman in every possible way, he is at a marked disadvantage in a duel. This will not come into play if they ever fight, because GW does not care about that shit when their SKUs fight. >nuh uh His is repeatedly portrayed as "grug tactics", relying on an initial blitz of numbers until being outplayed by those who should be his lessers once he loses the direct advantage. What makes him so dangerous is the hordes of chaos he can somewhat direct, the powers of the warp supporting him, and his fighting capabilities as a highly veteran chaos lord. don't @ me again these threads are always shit <|endoftext|> >Grug and his cavemen buddies club Genestealers to death out of boredom >greatest threat to the galaxy stopped by some dudes with a sticks feels HFY man <|endoftext|> You've never heard his speeches. Grug the Bonecruncher can make some convincing arguments. <|endoftext|> >That's why there're so many TPK threads No, it's because players get into a 'grug smash' mentality and think they have to fight everything, when there's other approaches to it right in front of them. Hmm, that's fair. They'd know the encounter wasn't over if it was like that. Alright, here's a meagre amount of EXP. Don't mind the ticking sound. <|endoftext|> Go back to sleep Grug. <|endoftext|> I completely agree but regular non-LoS blocking stuff does that anyways, trees, fences, outcrops, etc. I guess it depends on what you call LoS blocking, I’m used to the 40k definition of ‘grug no see past big building but grug no allowed go through’ If you include trees/forests and all the other standard terrain bits you need to have that hinder stagnant formations and block archery/make in the way as LoS blockers then absolutely they’re necessary I’m thinking more of a bunch of big buildings and rocks that you can’t interact with at all <|endoftext|> Is it just me or was "rockmancer grug make big rock and throw" better than any other attack spell 90% of the time? <|endoftext|> >fagsketeers >not fagskeeters you had one job grug, and you blew it, back to picking berries with you <|endoftext|> REEEE GRUG NO LIKE LONG EAR GRUG WANT POTATO KNIGHT <|endoftext|> Grug say thank. Grug look forward to Oh See. <|endoftext|> grug smash mage. mage bad. grug order good. always good. mage always bad. <|endoftext|> Looks like a twink compared to the ol' Grug Legolas minis. <|endoftext|> CIVIL MAN BAD. GRUG GOOD. <|endoftext|> >playing 5E with some people I normally play with >semi-experienced guy in group wants to be DM for a game he has planned >I usually play “me Grug, me smash” martial types, but I want to try something different >talk to the DM about playing a Fay Warlock and focusing on crowd control/charm spells, something I’ve never really played before >he says that sounds like an awesome idea and says it will make the game more interesting >game night arrives >short version, the entire night is spent walking from one combat encounter to the next >every fight is against ghosts or zombies that are not affected by any of my spells >only NPC we run into the entire night ends up being yet another fucking ghost, which we discover when my charm spell fails to do anything >spend literally the entire night waiting for my turn to come around so I can roll and see whether my Eldritch Blast hits or not >game session ends and I ask the DM privately whether or not we’d be running into any living enemies >”oh no, it’s a haunted campaign. Pretty much all the humans in the area are dead or undead.” And that’s the story of how my Warlock committed suicide out of fear 5 minutes into the next session just as Grug the Barbarian wandered out of the woods and stumbled upon the party. Just as well it only lasted 4 sessions total <|endoftext|> Grug not know what "trigger" mean. This sound like (((Skypeople))) mischief. <|endoftext|> Is Kaalia a decent commander for games where you want to turn your brain off? I play a lot of control and combo, so I figured I needed at least one "Grug smash" deck. <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH PUNY MON'KEIGH <|endoftext|> grug see wizard >grug no understand magic >grug no like magic >grug smash wizard >grug fuck wizarddaughter done. thank me later. <|endoftext|> You're not understanding the reference to cowboys and samurai, basically take the principle of those ideas and characters identifiable accoutrements away and what do you have? Rogues and Warriors of various principles, they may not be a contemporary or actual representations, we're after the mythos and legend of such characters, but to add the relevance we need to add in some qualities we can relate to- >common human failings >survive against the odds >how they move through life and the decisions they make Now the next element in this setting is possibly the most important, the story. While the setting may be a fantasy with 2 suns and spaceships, we still have to connect with the viewers, our player characters and in a way which is also familiar to many of us, while it might not be 100% believable because there's laser swords and force lightning happening in the background, we still need to drill down to that core of what people understand- >decisions made by the characters >how those decisions run across the easy way (by doing the wrong things) and the hard way (the morally right choices) >ultimately the decisions will form the crux of the story This shit isn't hard, all the fucking drama across the world has been doing this in plays for audiences since Grug did a drunken mammoth sketch by a cave camp fire and shadow puppets on the wall. Like those audiences back in the primordial soup of our very civilisations, your audience is young, old and somewhere in the middle so it has to be appealing and understandable by all of them. These are old concepts, old character archetypes and old stories. When you start throwing in modern concepts, futuristic things, current events/characters and ambiguous morality you're moving out of the setting and into what we consider the "Contemporary Media"- there's nothing wrong with contemporary media, but its not star wars for one simple fucking reason: >"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." <|endoftext|> >dreamtime >city man bad >grug man good >much wild >very free <|endoftext|> >How Grug feel about smashing other Grugs? Grug wouldn't know, Grug only smash Red Ugg tribe. <|endoftext|> >How Grug smash women and kids? >Easy: Grug not swing so wide <|endoftext|> Sometimes Grug hope there no after-smash for him too. <|endoftext|> >tfw there no after the smash for Grug <|endoftext|> Grug has post-smash-berrypickerfeel and/or autism. <|endoftext|> But what happen when Grug realize he like smash hood tribe more than like farming? <|endoftext|> Hood tribe attack village, kill nice elf lady. Grug must smash hood tribe so he can farm in peace. <|endoftext|> Oh you're right, I can't even do it. That looks cool oh WAIT I DON'T EVEN HAVE THE WISDOM FOR THAT EITHER WHY CAN GRUG ONLY SMASH <|endoftext|> man wear expensive armor. he afford expensive shield. man wear cheap armor. he afford cheap shield. you not smart, even Grug know this. <|endoftext|> >taking grug away berrypicker <|endoftext|> You don't need do distill water to pasteurize it. See? You appear to have higher INT than Grug, but somehow you manage to be dumber. <|endoftext|> Not necessarily. >a village is suffering from a water-born plague >everyone depends on local priest to purify water for it to be safe for drinking >priest gets killed, everyone's fucked >Grug proposes to boil water instead >- But why? >- Grug thinks - sick makes Grug wet and cold. Spirit of sick is cold and wet. Grug thinks - take cold and wet from water, with hot and fire! Drive spirit away! >it works <|endoftext|> First party list. Several of the Adventures in Tales from the Yawning Portal, a compilation of classic adventures from all previous editions, can be done in two sessions. Otherwise there are some fun adventures Wizards has released on the DM’s Guild for 5E for a few bucks each. >Tortle Package >One Grug Above >Krenko’s Way >Lost Laboratory of Kwalish Then there’s the free Death House intro adventure from Curse of Strahd, its floating around somewhere and a haunted house romp is an effective stand alone. And after that there are an assortment of Adventurers League Adventures there you could also take a look at. <|endoftext|> FLAB GRUG <|endoftext|> >LEDman discount eversor >FEmagus stronk leader >grug just won't die <|endoftext|> >I was playing a barbarian named Grug >We were in an bar and I was eating a goat leg and drinking from a tankard >We heard screaming outside as someone got jumped by some kobolds in an alleyway >We all rush over there >3 kobolds attacking some dude >I'm first on initiative >I throw the tankard at the kobold, get a critical hit, and kill him instantly >The next round my party is able to wound the other kobold, and I finish him off by pummeling him with my half eaten goat leg >Finally, I grapple the third guy and body slam him in the trash >Grug was a total stone cold savage, and that was just the first combat encounter of the game <|endoftext|> >grug no like shiny, hurt grug eye >grug want potatosack <|endoftext|> >Grug no like Chaos... <|endoftext|> That's kinda the point. The Chad is meant to be an obnoxious asshole while the virgin is just sad and whiny. It's not just "grug think dis good, dis bad" <|endoftext|> Of course, Grug <|endoftext|> Careful there, Grug. I am a Homo Sapiens Sapiens after all, and we invented the atlatl to deal with punks like you. <|endoftext|> Grug think you the austalopidiot <|endoftext|> Well, Grug, you have a section of your sheet where you list small but not insubstantial items, things that weigh roughly 1/3 of a stone. (If it weighed like 2/3rds, you'd just call it 1 stone and be done with it. If it was a less than 1/3 stone, then you just don't count it) Then you add your big items, and count the minor items by threes. Every three items there, add one more stone. Anything leftover in that area, you don't count. It's fast and a little loose, but it's so easy even Australopithecus can do it! <|endoftext|> Grug have Grugling who good with stones. Grugling say Grug count bends in finger. Grug now count three stones on one finger. Grug think Grugling become shaman some day <|endoftext|> Grug bend finger, like when picking berries. Bend finger far is small part finger, bend just a little is big part finger, put straight is all finger. Small part finger and small part is big part Big part and small part is all finger. Easy. <|endoftext|> how Grug count partial finger if fingers not hurt? <|endoftext|> Grug wonder why stones broken into stone fragments instead of starting with smaller stones <|endoftext|> Grug think this idea worth many stones. <|endoftext|> Think there always was a sketchy demographic in there, just like any other broad brush of society you're going to get a couple of shitlords in there which are just kind of wrong in the head. But prior to social media and other comms mechanisms your chances of meeting one are just down to dumb luck, or that guy who smells like cheese at the game store. Plus we're not quite there as a species when it comes to social interaction via remote, technical means, we're conditioned from a few million years of evolution to pick up signals from each other even if its not a conscious observation- then we're still at the level we make our own stereotypes of learned, taught immediate social networks of your tribe telling you Grug's tribe bad so we're wary of newcomers and outsiders coming onto our territory. Once you remove the social signals, the territory is effectively wherever you park your arse and your own friendly primates need assistance, we'll fight anywhere and anyone. Hell after enough fighting we figure that maybe our own clan isn't as polarised as you are, we'll fight them too for not being as dedicated to the clan. Over a long enough timeline we'll probably socially evolve not to be shitlords to one another on the internet, but not yet. Funny thing is that the internet wasn't ever really meant to be a social discourse media, it was meant to survive total war scenarios and outlive the cockroaches when nukes start flying, but being humans it soon devolved into "oh hey, we can play games and send porn to each other" via one of the most robust comms mechanisms in existence. GPS and wireless mobile tech is also a funny interaction, I mean we used GPS to go across trackless shitholes, fuck people's shit up and provide accurate co-ords for artillery and air strikes so we could fuck ALL their shit up- years later we can find someone to fuck, on your wireless device and their GPS co-ords will tell you how far away that potential fuck is We're clever monkeys <|endoftext|> >tree skin and tree hair sit on water >gather tree blood, stick tree hair and skin to grug >now grug sit on water like tree hairs. >use legs and hands to watermove Is not rock smarts, grug just dumb. <|endoftext|> ..could we have a toggle option for both? I find it helpful when I'm dealing with a gadget character to keep things seperate, less so when Grug the Street Ganger needs another clip of ammo. <|endoftext|> what are some other ways to flavor barbarian that aren't GRUG SMASH? so far can only think of a skilled fighter entering a martial trance when he rages <|endoftext|> I doubt the core of the scientific method is actually all that new. >try thing >did it work? >if yes, keep doing it >if not, try different thing >make your best guess about what to change to make it work next time Grug was doing that shit a million years ago <|endoftext|> You sound like the kind of retard that's against instant-runoff preferential voting because "one man one vote is not complicated grug don't need think :)". The Crossfire core rules are literally 2 (two) pages long and freely available online. It's not hard to grasp. <|endoftext|> wojack is a many faced god, doomer, boomer, zoomer, bloomer, grug, normal and the many brainlets and brain gods. he is a god of duality, young and old, sad and happy, past and present, strong and week, soft and wet. <|endoftext|> >Grug shaman God Emperor I'd follow him <|endoftext|> Grug no like GURP game, it too easy to min max <|endoftext|> I was looking to build 4 decks in total so that I'd have a variety of deck types to play and even lend out to players who forgot/don't have decks. I wanted to build monogreen as a "grug smash" deck for people getting their feet wet in EDH and needing a springboard into the format. That, and monocolor is cheaper to build. <|endoftext|> Sitting around playing a game and everyone looks miserable except chad grug on the far left <|endoftext|> Come home Grug <|endoftext|> >>Sneakman will try to pick the lock Too bad there's no skill for that can be said >>Grug will SMASH the door down Only if there was a way to resolve such a thing >>Generic the Cleric is nervous, he keeps looking over his shoulder to see if he's being followed We will never find out >>Sorrow the depressed Rogue does a triple-backflip, slides under a table, then chandelier swings out of a third-story window All in 6 seconds? <|endoftext|> >Sneakman will try to pick the lock >Grug will SMASH the door down >Generic the Cleric is nervous, he keeps looking over his shoulder to see if he's being followed >Sorrow the depressed Rogue does a triple-backflip, slides under a table, then chandelier swings out of a third-story window <|endoftext|> >grug's skull so thick that not even magic can pierce it Damn. So basically only Fighter, Rogue, Barbarian, or Monk. What if they were the bodyguard of the player's actual character, who is a basically a dude with no abilities? <|endoftext|> Half orcs gotta come from somewhere man And girls don't do grug <|endoftext|> New player here, redpill me on barbarian. So far it's fun playing GRUG SMASH character, but what does the future hold for me? Any tips for a new player? <|endoftext|> Plus evil giants guarding magical trees seems like a very common trope across mythologies. Some big Grug asshole found a fruit he liked and didn't let anyone else eat from it until they eventually killed him, and 50,000 years later every society in Eurasia still knows his fucking story. <|endoftext|> gitgud at tactics and actually force your players to respond in kind. quite difficult if you don't use a grid though. even then there are some times where there isn't much you can do, if you have some Grug the half-orc Champion who just swings every turn then what are you to do? <|endoftext|> He's talking about real super duper magic, not the subtle whatever you see in history. If everyone in Grug's tribe could cook a baby with their brain chances are they'd be dominant. From there, attitudes would develop. <|endoftext|> ooga booga anon. grug thank <|endoftext|> >look at guild card set >no good gruul cards/flavor >angry.cavepainting where big strong gruul at Wizards of Coast? You give puny Izzet mage magic. Where grug big gruul monsters? <|endoftext|> >look at card set >no good gruul cards/flavor >angry.cavepainting where big strong gruul at Wizards of Coast? You give puny Izzet mage magic. Where grug big gruul monsters? <|endoftext|> grug... easy on the sips. <|endoftext|> Golgari, Rakdos and Gruul are the best choices of guild. There is nothing wrong with GRUG SMASH decks. Change my mind. <|endoftext|> grug no like draw. grug want to see big fighting like when tiger eat entire cave of grugs grug think rockboard should be size of mammoth <|endoftext|> True, but that’s not a martials thing; the wizard and cleric would also be boned. If anything, ambushes fuck over non-martials more in this scenario because they’ll lack the meatshield they normally have; while Grug and Sir Frederick the Unready and caught by surprise, the enemy can easily gank the squishy mage without having to fight through his bodyguards first. Ambushes suck for everyone on the recieving end. You’re either personally out of action or you’re lacking the backup you’re used to. <|endoftext|> >tuning your deck to NOT shoot itself in the foot is a difficult process >hurr grug play rocks if grug play winter orb >durr grug play more lands if grug play null rod (you) <|endoftext|> >green >big brains No need to be dishonest bro. Grug wants to smash thing and he does! He doesn’t need shitty tricks or evasion like blue because he is that much of an alpha <|endoftext|> Boob plates are medieval push up bras. I like to imagine Grug picking up a fine warrior lady and then be disappointed when the armor comes off and she's flat. <|endoftext|> based grug I love the look on a control player's face when someone lays down a carnage tyrant and they can't do shit to stop it <|endoftext|> >fluff Rakdos, Gruul and Golgari are all around equally great in my eyes. Boros and Orzhov have their moments too, but especially as of the current block Boros has been shafted. I also kind of quibble with the Gruul being flanderized into no-tech cavemen running around naked rather than a bunch of angry scavenging anarchists looking to blow shit up, but that's a fairly minor quibble. >gameplay wise Gruul, because I'm a brainlet and GRUG SMASH decks loaded with a dozen giant monsters and direct damage burn spells is gun. Rakdos and are a bit too squishy, Orzhov is a bit too slow and Golgari is a bit too janky to really be the perfect fits, but I like their playstyles well enough too. If there was a deck that mixed the big face-smash violence of the Gruul and Rakdos with the tenacity and graveyard manipulation of the Golgari I'd play it in a heartbeat, even if it meant up giving any chance of making a control or combo deck. <|endoftext|> >me proud Gruul player >blue skinny player counters my card >bullshit >me call LGS shaman >LGS shaman tells me he can do that >grug knows opponent is cheating, blue mage can't do that Grug hates opponent. Carnage Tyrant best card ever printed. Puny blue player mad because he not skilled enough to tap out and cast banefire. Blue is gay. Blue player looks small. <|endoftext|> >Magic ball is paint like fire. Can not be not fire. Grug don't understand. <|endoftext|> >The fourth one has fire Grug no like think bout paint. Grug paint color on box. Grug no think magic can paint no fire. If box look fire it fire. <|endoftext|> GRUG DROP BERRY AND TAU LAUGH HATE TAU SMAAAAASH TAU <|endoftext|> Sorry grug, your army is shit now and we can't be friends anymore. I'm going to pretend that I don't know you. <|endoftext|> GRUG SMASH! GRUG SMASH! GRUG SMASH! <|endoftext|> >+4 Dagger can only do as much damage as a +0 rapier >+0 Rapier does more if you crit >Longsword is 1d8 versitile >Flail 1d8 - >Morningstar 1d8 - >War pick 1d8 - >Pike 1d10 Heavy, reach, two-handed >Halberd 1d10 Heavy, reach, two-handed >Glaive 1d10 Heavy, reach, two-handed Really make Grug brain <|endoftext|> >DM is miffed that after discovering the evil cult members who have taken political positions, our plan is to just assassinate them all using the rogue with rest of the party waiting at a getaway vehicle Grug not like court intrigue <|endoftext|> Maybe Grug should learn how to use a proper and civilized weapon, not that simple stick. <|endoftext|> So /tg/, the cleric that has revived your braindead Barbarian ass 3 times is unconscious and being held hostage by an enemy that can teleport anywhere they want! He is threatening to do something terrible to her unless you revive his mistress that you fell in combat, all without knowing the one with the ability to revive is in his hands. Do you: A) Let the monk use his fancy healing item the cleric made him specifically for this occasion B) Grapple the enemy with your massive strength to get him away from the cleric C) Negotiate with the monster, explaining that the cleric would be able to revive her D) Unga grug smash, not deal enough damage and force the monster to retreat with the cleric in hand. Which do you choose? WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHICH CHOICE MY PARTY'S BARBARIAN TOOK? <|endoftext|> grug smash <|endoftext|> >grug make small spiky spirit move <|endoftext|> Because these are entirely meta and have no impact in the game whatsoever. Saying "a fighter is better with swords" is like saying "well, being a cripple has it's good side, you can ride a wheelchair". Also, here is your (You) grug. <|endoftext|> Ahem gurg doesnt enjoy complicated thin- I mean grug no want to beat wizard in game. Grug only be pack mule <|endoftext|> grug no likey different man grug wish different man go away <|endoftext|> >Posting Wojak >But giving it a Grug line. Riiight. You have fun with that. <|endoftext|> >HOW DARE YOU LIKE THING GRUG NO LIKE THING OOOK OOK OOOOOOK <|endoftext|> >GRUG >FOMO <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> >Okay, Grug enter cave with many glow rock along wa- >*Chewbacca Noise* GRUG NO CARE ABOUT GLOW ROCKS GRUG WANT HIT EARTH DEMON WITH CLUB Why Valley Tribe like this? <|endoftext|> Based and redpilled >Grug not understand new dice. Grug play Savage World, is easy for Grug. <|endoftext|> It gives me the impression that your character is more of the noble savage type barbarian rather than the GRUG SMASH berserker types. <|endoftext|> >grug only know to smash >grug smash monster, doors and grugette >that all grug know and all grug need to know Here's your (You) you weak bait trolling cunt, now fuck off. <|endoftext|> GRUG AM ANGRY AT BADONGFUN <|endoftext|> Maybe 80% of this NPC thread spam is ironically enough the same tired old one line greentext junk threads that a month ago would have been the 30yo boomer forced meme, grug or brainlet wojak a few months before that. Relatively little seems to relate to political content more than any other iteration of wojak, least of all this "no internal monologue" thing it's meant to be about. <|endoftext|> Cash back for credit cards is an incentive, and honestly not a bad one. 5%, for instance, basically says that when you run your card anywhere, 5% of that purchase is put back on the card as a debit balance. When this reaches a certain amount, you can either cash it out or use it to pay debt on the card. The reason this works is two-fold. First, most cards have a processing fee, which is very small, to the point that most stores wont charge you the difference between the card and cash. The bank makes a small amount of that fee as profit, but its flat, so the more people use their cards, the better. Second, most people hold a certain amount of debt on their cards and pay interest, which is basically free money for the bank. The more people have of debt, the more the bank gets. So 5% weighed against their big source of income, debt, and their small source of card-only income, fees, is basically nothing. For the consumer, who isnt a grug-poster and keeps their balance low, its basically a 5% discount on all purchases made on the card, bankrolled by grug-posters who hold onto $5000 in credit card debt because they "needed" a 70" 4k TV. <|endoftext|> GRUG ONLY BUY NEW THING <|endoftext|> ok riddle me this everyone, how are the grug orcs? do i really need to do arrow spam to make them work? because i like the look of the melee variants of them <|endoftext|> how are the Grug orcs anyway? i’ve have an itch to build an army of them <|endoftext|> >In a D&D, you're wasting precious game time using so much verbiage If the players didn't want words they should go play skyrim. Otherwise we slowly descend into a game written in one of those meme grug caveman threads. >Go into church >Big room >See man >Man in red dress >Roll initiative >Me smash *Half an hour of wordless rolling* >You smash >Nice game lads, see you next week <|endoftext|> >obligatory REEEEEEEEE GRUG NO LIKEY HOMEBREW comment <|endoftext|> grug says hi <|endoftext|> Grug no liek chaos <|endoftext|> >using a crowbar a beatstick 1. Your DM is interpreting "break into" way too literally by making you smash the wardrobe 2. Unless the crowbar is made of wood, which is impossible, it won't break even if you're using it to grug smash a wardrobe or really any structure for that matter <|endoftext|> grug says good <|endoftext|> regular infinity but with people who actually want to try narrative scenarios/campaigns and not just grug 300pts ITS <|endoftext|> >grug untap 2 >grug negate vraska's contempt >grug win <|endoftext|> >unga countermagic >grug play teferi <|endoftext|> >grug posting outside /v/ <|endoftext|> grug need rock yes <|endoftext|> Grug was admittedly pretty funny since he was more for joking with compared to the thinly veiled shitflinging wojaks mentioned above Arrived right before the wojakalypse apocalypse <|endoftext|> I like grug when he's used in the right context, and I don't even want to imagine what's basedboy <|endoftext|> >no like grug You take back! Grug good mem! <|endoftext|> Not wojak himself(or as he used to be known as, feels guy), but the shitty rehashes constantly being churned out like boomer/zoomer/basedboy/brainlet/grug/numale/npc just typing all those at once shortened my lifespan by a year <|endoftext|> They wouldn't fit... her knees go backwards, you see. >Grug finishes setting up tent >Mage Hand popsicle drifts over to him <|endoftext|> So you need a wizard either way, because how else do you stop Grug setting up tends than with an immaculate illusion of enemies or a sexy lady? <|endoftext|> yes, because grug the vegetable with 4int can set up a tent. <|endoftext|> > big ass sword/axe for everything > mace for those pansies in plate > dagger for tavern/dark alley vengeance Grug ain't wizard, but Grug ain't dumb either. <|endoftext|> Grug tattoo go glow when angry <|endoftext|> grug feels appreciated <|endoftext|> >Grug hits you in chest with big club throwing you off balance and making it harder to block and evade. <|endoftext|> >my people are gud, bad people not real my people >enemy is bad, f white males >grug not retarded Deep thoughtful arguments there. <|endoftext|> Grug has best hit die. <|endoftext|> hahaha grug bunga bunga grung no like roll stone game hahaha funny <|endoftext|> It's not hard to handle a God of excess and perfection Brainlets only just see sex but it okay Grug. <|endoftext|> >Grug the Assassin Orc <|endoftext|> Grug-Emperor say all cave everywhere belong to human tribe <|endoftext|> >fantasy thing >no like history thing >fantasy thing exaggerated >history thing not WHY THIS?! GRUG NOT UNDERSTAND. WHY FANTASY THING NOT HISTORY THING?! IT MAKE GRUG ANGRY. <|endoftext|> Grug get free pass as tribe crier Spread word to whole tribe <|endoftext|> It really depends on the context I suppose. Obviously you don't do it every time, but if the swordsman is in bad need of a weapon upgrade I'm not going to arbitrarily give him an axe unless it's important that it be an axe. Eg., I have one player that actually uses STR weapons right now, and his whole schtick is polearms. They're about to find a magic sword in a module, and I'm going to just change it to be a halberd so that he can maintain his character's vibe. Later on they're going to find a powerful mace that's plot relevant (relic from a past campaign):obviously I won't change it into a halberd because it's important. Sometimes, weapon type is an important part of class fantasy. If I was playing a refined elven noble knight, I wouldn't want to be stuck using Grug's +1 Stone Axe of Mangling. <|endoftext|> No, Grug <|endoftext|> With Mace I have +5 to Hit If the monster has 13 AC, I hit with an 8 or higher. My Sacred Flame has 13 DC. With +5 saving throw, my DM takes no damage on an 8 or higher. The odds are better if I go full grug. The real question here is, why would you cast a cantrip, or attack, when you can just dodge? <|endoftext|> GRUG HATE BIG WORD. GRUG WANT HIT NOTGRUG. BIG LOOT. <|endoftext|> Nothing grug makes it out of the cave... The story goes like this: sky cave is captured by a technorock singularity as flint rationalization and fire-making lock into commoditization take-off. . . <|endoftext|> Grug no need exposition, Grug just wants smash <|endoftext|> No, because Avellone is a literal brainlet who not only can't grasp other people's stories and settings, but can't keep track of his own - just look at his blundering through Fallout lore, he makes Todd Howard look like a genius. He looked at Star Wars and went "Grug not get! Grug hate! Grug make better!" and out came shitty kreiafags like you. <|endoftext|> but if want, grug have also peltwarriors cavepainting <|endoftext|> grug need better cavepaints <|endoftext|> Aren't they that world's equivalent of Grug? And fuck, I remember watching Alien Planet as a kid, I thought it was real and humanity had found Darwin 4. <|endoftext|> >the barbarian isn't grug you had one job. <|endoftext|> I'd play a character based on Ted Prior's Grug. Real shit. <|endoftext|> >Grug Come on, son <|endoftext|> Grug/10 <|endoftext|> >But so is possibility of you Grug angry you insult lady Grug! Grug must tip mammoth tusk for all lady Grug, even if they cave painting! <|endoftext|> is it possible for a pally to not be full grug? During the fight on a boat we just had, my meat grinder pally also healed me back to full and the tempest cleric was lightnin fuckers up. I don't deal damage. I don't tank any better. I can't heal. And apparently granting advantage via flanking is an optional rule? <|endoftext|> >my class is so shit im not doing as much damage as the pally who goes full grug yeesh <|endoftext|> so we hike to the infinite forest and find the town we try to find normal jobs but there's only oneoffs I kill some low level gnolls (troll but human size and slightly weaker in every way) for some dosh and the ultramarine becomes a manwhore for double the dosh suddenly there's no more jobs so I figure "assassins are sneaky steal some shit" only nat 1 of the campaign get caught run to the other city try to get in the favor of other king but he laughs me away saying everyones looking for the guy that stole some copper cookware so I go back I think pay some guards take down a few posters and it'll be right as rain sneak in and find the party marine grabs me and runs off to the king apparently while I was gone he sought favor and got it becoming master of the guard there turns out all the stolen goods is about fifty currency worth of stuff sentenced to beheading for it figure I can fight my way out lolnope guards are dmpcs fuck you health with fuck you weapons grug throws me out of the city literally marine kills grug grug is dead and he doesn't even reroll a character so the dragon has claimed the skies marine has claimed town a and town b hates me so I do the only thing I can and at this point everyone progresses super slowly but it's hard to see because everyone is apart <|endoftext|> another aspect was levels as you leveled you gained health and with milestones new powers for example ultramarine got meltabombs grug tied a rope to the rock I discovered alchemical fire and the dragons wings grew in in addition you got a "companion" that would assist in combat it had double your health and all of your abilities mine was a clockwork doll grugs was the rock rocky the marine had a chapter priest I think? and the dragon got an emerald dragon waifu so it starts and we're in a cave no explanation no nothing just a basic trap a lever to get from one point to the next and some rocks everything is mystical and magic and floating and there is a rip in space and time but no knowledge to glean from it so I talk to grug he shows me the rock and it glows green slightly he says sometimes it whispers in his head never found out more about it just that there was something vaguely arcane about the glowing grooves on it we move on and lo and behold gnomes they seem friendly enough and request aid apparently a troll is around and hurts them a lot so they need it gone we go in and find out everything is impossible to kill the troll has well over ten thousand health but we persist marine rambos and dies instantly grug tanks and I take it out the gnomes offer payment and the party takes it but I refuse and say I'm happy to help I ask a few questions and find they're carbon copy dwarves super mining race but only some metalurgy no tech then we find out the entire world is two cities and an infinite forest <|endoftext|> may as well go with it everything super homebrew(yay) gm created kinda terrible system where you could be whatever you want if you wanted to be super powerful(i.e. hi-tech or fuck you magic) you can but more power means higher attack and lower health both initial and gained for example we had me I went with a steampunk tinkerer but the gm wanted something that sounded less powerless so we settled on assassin 160 health had a steam powered scoped rifle 380 damage there was grug good guy caveman 800 health he had a rock 20 damage then there was an ultramarine from 40k 80 health had a bolter well over a thousand damage then there was a universe dragon 20 health breath that altered spacetime need I say more <|endoftext|> It is also totally ok to discuss books in here. >this my favourite book. >it was also one of Terry Pratchetts favourite books. >decide to run campaign loosely based on it >ok lads you're all cavemen. You have three main objectives. Discover fire, don't get eaten and don't go extinct. >I expected non-stop grug posting and memes about long-nose tribe. >what I got was a heart breaking story about a caveman and his dog - Shug and Shog respectively. >Shug discovers Shog while looking for firewood. >Shog is orphaned dog. >Shug adopt Shog. Krug no like Shug. Eat Shog. >Shug smack Krug. Shog stay. >over time Shog grows into a very large dog (yes I know dogs don't really exist at this stage of the Pleistocene. He's a large wolf). >later.... <|endoftext|> So the gist of it is that OP's response is completely unjustified unless Grug want smash all the time and the other players are sick of it and want to actually plan and strategize every now and then but can't because Grug always smash? <|endoftext|> >Wolfman Grug as bad as a furry <|endoftext|> At least "old /tg/" had shit that arose of itself and was fun, even the forced shit was fun. And what do we have in 2018? >soi >grug >le ebin boomer meme >npc I'd rather have Angry Marines than this shit t. 9 years on the chans newfag <|endoftext|> >braving danger for sake of roleplay >hurr durr grug kick door kys yourself <|endoftext|> grug no no how 2 rite <|endoftext|> >GRUG MAHREENS >WE SMASH FOR THE EMPRA <|endoftext|> I would give anything for a Grug with Gruul war paint all over him <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Grug no like chaos. <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> thank you grug this <|endoftext|> Grug <|endoftext|> Very good advice, Grug. <|endoftext|> >Grug, why are our ropes thicker than our legs? >I feel that you're asking the wrong question. What really interests me is how I'm able to hold them aloft for prolonged amounts of time. <|endoftext|> alright my dudes, i’m looking to start Grug Orcs, but are the melee viable? every list i have seen it’s always arrow boy spam and that’s practically it, it doesn’t really bother, but i do like the look of orcs armed with the flint weapons. <|endoftext|> >steal someone else's superfortress since you can't build your own >it gets blown up because chaos commanders are retards >grug smash fortress into planet a low tech solution to a problem caused by their own ineptitude <|endoftext|> explain to me, using words, WHY you dont like water. >my emotions tell me that i dont like it not good enough EXPLAIN USING A RATIONAL ARGUMENT WHY YOU THINK THEY ARE BAD i am zeroing in on your IQ position based on your responses. >grug no like water! means you are sub 90 IQ <|endoftext|> Give me SW characters to make into Pepes, Wojaks etc So far i have made: Crying Wojak Ahsoka Pepe Bossk Grug Savage Feels Good Ventress <|endoftext|> >me grug >me use sky's fire >enemy hurt himself to steal my sky's fire >me just use shiny whirl instead >grug happy <|endoftext|> *boom booms Grug's mammoth* Back to the red dirt tribe with the likes of you! <|endoftext|> *boom booms Grug's mammoth* <|endoftext|> Fire stick make big boom boom, Grug hate boom boom, big boom boom scare off mammoth. <|endoftext|> >grug have 2 pile of berry >grog have whole deer >grug trade grog pile of berry for half of deer <|endoftext|> This weakness is mitigated for Russia, but only when we're talking about east Europe. There are large ethnic populations of Russians in most east European countries which not only tamps down on the number of potential threats but also provides Russia with a ready-made network of informants to help cut down potential threats. >he thinc about thing, make Grug mad! he armchair club man! <|endoftext|> Merfolk. 100% They're Xenophobic buttlicking bards with no real worth. These faggots are so full of themselves that if a Merfolk can't play a musical instrument, society deems him worthless. We'll see how useless Grug is when the fucking pirates come and pillage your city. <|endoftext|> The Chad Grug the virgin Boomer <|endoftext|> Stat Grug. <|endoftext|> grug not have wings grug not bird grug human <|endoftext|> GRUG GRAB ROCK GRUG THROW ROCK GRUG USE MAGIC!!!!!!!!!! <|endoftext|> >changing the save categories to be more universal so we don't need to have questions like this is bad fuck off grug <|endoftext|> Grug want smash, too many big words. <|endoftext|> Grug have metal alloy sensitivity. <|endoftext|> Grug want use fist. <|endoftext|> Grug wan play muscle wizard how grug smash? <|endoftext|> For Grug difficult, competitive opponent won't allow. <|endoftext|> >me visit new cave network 4grug >not know how green cave painting works >embarrass meself in front of oldgrugs >berries burst from loincloth >me THAT grug <|endoftext|> Come on, man. Grug is a simple caveman. <|endoftext|> grug not know how to greentext <|endoftext|> level go up, but grug no change. have big head <|endoftext|> Requesting Drow Grug smashing humies <|endoftext|> >Grug good at kill >Grug better than everyone! Fighters, ladies and gentlemen. <|endoftext|> Again, the grug curse strikes. "Strong" isn't a quality exclusive to your fucking muscles. I explicitly avoided martial examples and you still managed to tunnel vision on BUT COMBAT <|endoftext|> The party is assaulted by two hill giant brothers who demand, "All der stuff! Or else!" Who then start bickering like siblings before things get too crazy. >You always do dis! >What? >You talk over me! >Not dis again! >Mom always liked you bester! Never let me do anyfing! >Not da time, Grug! <|endoftext|> Unga bunga womenman weak but grug want be inclusive... Grug know! Womenman use small spear throwing stick, much less stone carry then big club! Grug happy be inclusive. <|endoftext|> Grug is good, Grug is strong, Grug keep flame, Going long! <|endoftext|> Villains or Heroes? I plan to have Sorceror-Kings in it, but they're very killable, with the only admonition is to play them smart. Each of them has a specific weakness, a type of tactic they cannot really counter. One SK is weaker than the others, but excels in intrigue and charming people. His weakeness is Grug The Barbarian not being Charmed and just bull-rushing him and killing him. None of that shit here. It's an OSR thing, so it's gonna do Veins of the Earth(armor as leather, etc) shit <|endoftext|> >grug BOLGORG! <|endoftext|> >ugh Grug! <|endoftext|> grug smash doomguy <|endoftext|> grug big grug want other grug berries grug smash other grug take berries grug smart <|endoftext|> Anon confirmed to be Grug <|endoftext|> Grug thinks world boring. No secrets in world, nothing to learn, only hunt animals and gather fruit. Grugs want to go fly or go in water like fish but Grug can't. Grug want his own fire in pocket, not keep tribe fire alive all time. Grug want to talk other tribe far away. Why world so boring, no secret, no revelation. <|endoftext|> Okay, describe how you would do it in a real game then. >Grug the Barbarian rolled 5 >Marvin the Magnificent the Magic User rolled 5 >5 orcs rolled 5 What happens? Do you just decide how orcs move after players moved? Do you tell players how orcs move before you move? <|endoftext|> >Am like Big Red Man >Am not like Wolf Man or Lion Man Grug have mammoth poo taste. Me am club you, manlover <|endoftext|> What Grugs think about fight stone men? Like Hitclub 1k but play as fight shamans make Stone Men fight other shamans. Grug ask around him cave but tribe say game dead. <|endoftext|> Grug no like HitClub 1K. Grug prefer Sun and Moon Time. Grug hope he get stone body. Stone stronger than skin. <|endoftext|> >am being this mad Berrypicker play berrypicker sky lord clan. Grug not surprised. <|endoftext|> >Fight Club Grug no allowed talk about fight club. <|endoftext|> >this grug fall for the vrock meme u deserve club to face grug <|endoftext|> Grug think vrock not bungaing like supposed to <|endoftext|> Grug play game with best rock and win rock smash fest. Grug get shiny for new game rock as prize so Grug barter for new best game rock <|endoftext|> >Bleed-makers am berrypickers. Cry for dad what am in other cave. Grug take back or Grugnar tell bleed-maker sleep clan what Grug say <|endoftext|> Grug not made out of rock or shiny to barter with other rock. Grug has to hunt to feed wolf. Cannot trade for better game rock. <|endoftext|> >year 3000 BC >not fighting for Big Number clan Grug laughs <|endoftext|> Look, Eiric--excuse me, "Grug"--we all know you're perfectly capable of both speaking in complete sentences, and wearing proper clothes. You simply choose not to improve yourself, and yet here you are expecting us to take you and your 'tribe' seriously. Take a shower, put on some real clothes and go get a job. This isn't 70,00 BC anymore. <|endoftext|> Alright ye daft hackit, cock-juggling, cocksplat weapons-grade twonks. Ye utter fucking fucknuggets, listen roitg the fuck up ye hear? Yew gommy twat grugs stay the fuck away from those high mountains to yer north. Tha 'best tribe' is the long beards, an iff'n you say anything otherwise? Ye a pig faced potato mouthed crap combin' scabshute, puppy killin' gutless kidneywipe fuckstain. Don'not even get me started on dem long ears, aye? Those clatty, bawheeded, knee-knocking, twig-fucking, doiley poiley shit stain, weak-armed, blond-haired, complete fuddy duddy twally-washing twit stains ain'not welcome in these parts of the world. Gottit twats? So if'n a Grug goes ans sees a naffy fuckin long ear, yous tell them the beard clan is the best. <|endoftext|> Two things with same name, same in ways make Grug rocks go rolling <|endoftext|> What am Grug think of Bash Tribe? Me am like few mans. Too many mans make am head hurt. <|endoftext|> You bunga, only hunter lie in cave with other hunter like pointy ear grug <|endoftext|> Grug think other thing already called fight club. Two things with same name real bad Juju <|endoftext|> Krug trade with shiny pointy ear grug and blue slant eye tribe. Krug say buy skyboat with rock and do same. <|endoftext|> >hit club Shouldn't War Hammer translate into Grug as Fight Club? Gets the noggin all kinds of joggin too. <|endoftext|> Grug have rock. Rock go down. But Grug no sell. have strong hand. What do? <|endoftext|> What rock you like paint best? Grug have more fun when play with rock he like, not rock that smash best. New rocks all the time; best rock may not smash so good later. <|endoftext|> Grug want remind you all: >shiny-thing-like Blue man Big cave making man Bad wolf eye man Pretty bird man >sharp rock-like Red man Lots head snake man Fire lizard man >pointy stick-like Angry man Big cave breaking man Fast man >lumpy rock-like Stinky man Sneaky bird man Pretty purple man >Grug poo-like Voodoo man Wolf man Lion man >Mammoth poo-like Scary man Metal hand man <|endoftext|> what if all sky grug am snake sky clan? <|endoftext|> No Grug, you snake sky clan <|endoftext|> Thag am think Grug is many snake man <|endoftext|> Grug say all sky clans really lots head snake sky clan. Grug also say all lots head snake sky clan are chief. Grug even say blue sky clan chief is really lots head snake sky clan chief. Grug make Grum head hurt talking about lots head snake sky clan. <|endoftext|> Grug want Long ear grugette to bunga Grug... <|endoftext|> shut up, grug <|endoftext|> Long ear grugette very cute, grug want to smash long ear grugette <|endoftext|> Dumb shiny long ear tribe have no fun. Dark long ear tribe have many fun. All Grug fear dark long ear tribe. <|endoftext|> >grug not know how calenders work How many times zugbo have tell you? First millenia is the first millenia. It one come first. Grug forget about year 1? Year 2? Year 1234 not in first millenia! It in second! <|endoftext|> Grug tired of 1k storyline not move Want exciting end time, maybe year 1k1 or 1k2 Future man fetishmaker refuse to make story befitting wants of Grug, only wants to make classic sky warriors in different skins like ugly treedwelling man <|endoftext|> Grug see 1k as far away as modern Grug see 40k. <|endoftext|> me think long-ear tribe the best. t. not elf grug. <|endoftext|> bunga off, you bad spirit of nofun, stay out grug cave <|endoftext|> stone arrowheads are a thing, Grug. Just wait until you see this atlatl I picked up while I was on my Quest For Fire (tm). <|endoftext|> >play rock banging setting >Grug say him want play archer Ugh <|endoftext|> Alright, give me some time in MSPaint anon and ill deliver After all, I did make Savage Grug <|endoftext|> So here's an easy workaround for Conlanging. Instead of coming up with specific words and phrases, give your players a brief description of what their language sounds like, and a selection of word roots and common word root variants, that way, they can imagine it in the theater of their minds, rather than hearing you struggle through it verbally audibly. My example here is Orcish, a rough, brutish, unhappy language that sounds like grunting, screaming, hissing, and very primitive words, filled with slurs curses and insults. Common name components follow; -ug, -mug, -bug, -dag, -lag, -nag, -thrac, -shak, -slak, -sgrac, -tak, -rak, -nak, -heg, -dug, -gush, -nas, -nar, -nib (feminine only), -lub, -og, -olg, -ung, -ush, -osh, -niz, -kir, -kug, -thab (feminine only), -bog, -bil, -buz, -dush, -nuz, -urz, -urg, -unt, -ishi, -ish, -nerg, -urt, -isk, -sisk, -nag, -narg, -gug, -arg, -golg, -nolg, -bolg, -bir, -bur, -dur, -nuz, -oz, -lok, -sok, -pok, -dok, -rig, -hiz, -fug, -irf, -nif. Some of these components have commonplace variants as well, as follows: -thrag, -ush, -dar, -bag, -mig (feminine only), -duz, -guz, -gog, -gar, -gab, -glag, -dub, -durb, -durg, -nerk, -bis (feminine only), -dir, -kak, -sak, -shrac, -tik, -chak, -ruk, -uk, -ub, -jug, -glug, -ob, -ugh, -uf, -grug, -grog, -log, -dog, -pash. <|endoftext|> ok, consider the following situation: your target is in an office building, with one of the floors being rented out by $CORP. it's just administrative stuff, but the big boss guy has a really fancy japanese sword on a wall mount in his office. in fact, it belongs to your Johnsons family, or so he says. bottom line it doesn't matter whose it is, because the Johnson pays well so it will be his by the end of the week. storming the building isn't really a good idea since it's kinda edging on downtown in an A-zone and you need to get to the 39th floor (and back down, of course) before making your getaway. so your decker and face devise a plan, smuggling you in as office drones. the decker prepares the cover identities, contracts and work plans that'll involve you staying in that office for a while. GRUG (he's very particular about the capital spelling), who would probably go around stealing puppies off of teenagers and women to pet if you leave him unsupervised for a few days, so his cover identity will be that of a janitor (the drone supposed to do the job broke down for some reason, nobody knows why). despite the way he talks and looks he can actually screw in a lightbulb (without breaking it in his hands), so he's almost overqualified for the job too. one fateful day, boss guy spills some coffee on the expensive office carpet in a meeting with the team-lead employees and calls for GRUG to clean up the mess. of course boss guy is a trog hating elf and, being the cock-sure and invincible feeling corp-drone scum he is, he can't help but make sure that GRUG knows just how superior elves are. what do you think is GRUG, Combat Junkie, going to do? and don't tell me that's very far-fetched and will never happen in play, that's a pretty generic theft/infiltration situation. <|endoftext|> BASED GRUG SNEED POSTER <|endoftext|> >You can't compare something that is worth naught, like Magic cards, to something that is valuable by its very nature, like metals. Grug says you no compare things that not worth, like shiny stones, you compare things that Grug people value like good spear or piece of fresh mammoth meat. <|endoftext|> what the fuck is this retarded attitude. HURR, IT'S A STORY HAHA GRUG SMART GRUG CAN TELL STORY EXIST ONLY IN HEADGRUG GRUG GUG WON GRUG WON fucking kys, how difficult is to understand not everything is a fanfiction and you get no bonus points for being a raving retard on the internet? <|endoftext|> The "video game mentality" or the "grug bash mentality" is somewhat annoying. But it can be made fun ITT, post traps that fuck with people who do not think. i'll start >gas chamber: a many doored chamber that shuts off when the party enters, and fills up with gas (pic related). Only ask for saves when a party member takes an action, or a bonus action that would normally be an action (like cunning action) (use something cumulative like exhaustion). After ~60 seconds, the gas dissapates. the doors are made of metal, and somewhat flimsy >portal: best against ranged heavy party. at the end of a long hallway, there is a deadly enemy. it is an illusion. there is a portal in front of the enemy leading to one behind the party. after one round, all attacks and spells that went to the first portal are redirected at the ones who did them. Attacking the second portal makes the attacks come from the first >bubble: a bubble of explosive gas next to a torch. self explanatory. <|endoftext|> I'd really like to see GW retcon all of this and go back to the ancient times when Sigmar united the human tribes. >yellow rock men fall from sky >yellow rock men have skinny pointy war club >grug tribe scared >big yellow rock man go up to tribe >speak in grug words >tells tribe chief that he is Mastergrug >Empragrug gib grug tribe pointy war clubs >order tribe to run and smash big group of giant red monsters with skull clubs >Grug no want die, but grug chief orders tribe to fight >grug tribe dead <|endoftext|> >first hunt >hunting cave bear >ask Grugs to make hunting party >Grug say he want be female >give hunter-stone with female >good at berrypicking >Grug say he want be hunter >Grug say his female hunt many mammoth >chase Grug out of cave Do wrong thing? <|endoftext|> Caves and Cynodants stupid and gay. Grug should run GURPS. <|endoftext|> Grug should use lore from Advanced Fight Cavewall; Shaman still get latecave advantage, but not as much when paired with Sling-Man and Klanth Haver. <|endoftext|> Caves and Cynodonts old. Too many cave game, so Grug try future game. In future, there is place called Village. Players be Villagers. Village ruled by big sky man called God. God is friend. God no like unbeliever, ask Villagers to smash unbelievers. But trick is all Villagers unbelievers. Sometimes God send villagers omens. But he make omens hard to understand so they bash each other. Good game. <|endoftext|> >Grug not playing cavefinder <|endoftext|> >me tribe play Biglizard >player man die after two rock fall Grug still feel unga for kill player man, even though Biglizard is dangerous game for player man <|endoftext|> Grug's players always make Sky Cup jokes. Wat do? <|endoftext|> Trackchopper best version of Caves and Cynodonts one and one and one and one half. Look hard at finger-counting and try to fix game without making whole new game. Grug suggest try that. <|endoftext|> Grug should play free shape cave games. Make Grugs good Grug players. <|endoftext|> Cave master only use first Slab, but forget Zero Rule Slab, make fun in cave more important than slab Grug surrender to cave master, get clubbed in dreams <|endoftext|> Grug listen because if no listen others club you. <|endoftext|> Grug change face of game, tell tribe it worship sky chief Baby bird painting against law of sky chief, you get clubbed by Eff Bee Eye clan for cave crime <|endoftext|> GURPS nees Grug to count higher than Grug's fingers. GURPS is for spergrugs. You go away now. <|endoftext|> Grug like this carving, good carving make grug nose breathe fast Grug play rock thrower in soon game, want throw stick instead of rock but do same hurt and throw as rock. Cave master no let grug use fake stick rock, must use rock rock. Grug club cave master, or grug leave cave? <|endoftext|> Grug's friend have tribe that no want him playing snake or wolf worship? How am I explain it just a game? Grug no like this Snaketanic panic. <|endoftext|> no. grug penultimate hand finger caves and cynodonts is better. spark chanter and club haver not different. <|endoftext|> have grug tried playing end-of-hand-finger caves and cynodonts? <|endoftext|> this remind grug of big number story >That Grug at table asks to bed with monster >me say in anger, "If roll stone comes up top number 2 times in 2 rolls, you can bed with monster" >That Grug takes 2 roll stones in hand and throws on ground >both say big number >That Grug makes joke about it, we move on >That Grug mellows out for rest of cavepaign, humbled by roll stone spirits <|endoftext|> Grug should be play GURPS. Is Generic Under Rock Play System <|endoftext|> >big bad evil grug GRUGH... <|endoftext|> Grug no like stop player thinkdo, if Grug resitict firegrunk, player being clubbed for thinkdo <|endoftext|> >Grug admit to letting Spark Chanter and Shaman have any firegrunk >not telling them what firegrunk they have and hit with club if they grak Why you do this <|endoftext|> >Grug play game of Caves and Cynodonts Grug have make first mistake Grug play game for grugling real Grug play footkick <|endoftext|> >Grug wheeltrack player >Grug no really wheeltrack player Me same problem Player say nothing do in opencave, but when give player thing do player get angry Do player no like me? <|endoftext|> Grug play B/X caves and Cynodont, Grug thank latter <|endoftext|> Grug players say Grug wheeltrack them, but when Grug make open cave adventure, players say Grug not give game shelter <|endoftext|> Have Grug try not play Caves and Cynodonts? <|endoftext|> you grug play cave and cynodont you grug am dumb <|endoftext|> Grug play game of Caves and Cynodonts, Grug see that Spark Chanter and Shaman classes get latecave advantage over Club Haver and Rock Thrower. How can a good Grugmaster fix? <|endoftext|> This modular campaign would contain 3 different ways to run a campaign. Premade, Custom Story, and basically a guideline for creating your own campain. They would mostly be form fillable PDF's where you can enter information into fields and the PDF's will auto fill things like cities / towns / npcs / ect.. The most important part of this project to me would be to get newer DM's comfortable with just going with what their players want to do and not trying to force the players in any direction as I feel too many campaigns are just big rail roads that take you down a path. I like the idea of having an npc or event that important to the main story not needing to be anywhere spefic. Instead of sending your players to the Inn where a npc waits for them they them pick where to go and let the NPC be there. The next most important thing is giving tips on how to porperly discribe the world that the players are in. Nothing ruins a game more for me when your DM says something like "You walk into the tavern." Instead they should say something like "You walk into the dimly lit Grug Mill Tavern, the sweet stench of ale fills the air as you see a drunken dwarf fumbling on the floor in the center of the tavern as a bar wench tries to help him up. No one seems to be intrested in the drunken dwarf and is happily drinking at the counter." I find that many DM's, new and old, suffer from this. What do I see? who is there? I always feel that the more I can make the world feel alive the more my players can get invested in my world. <|endoftext|> grug no like pun <|endoftext|> >Pretending to be Grug Skullcracker on the weekend is shameful >But spending $600 on plastic army men isn't <|endoftext|> Is it possible to make a loli deck? >me Grug big numbers hurt Grug's head <|endoftext|> >The Purge of Parsia VII (789.M38) - The Imperial World Parsia VII suffers an invasion by the marauding WAAAAGH! of Warboss Grug Gitsnikka, and the White Templars are sent to eradicate it. The War is relatively quick, and the WAAAGH! is destroyed in a matter of a couple months of battle. The Chaplains of the White Templars however detect several uncanny traits in the poulation of Parsia VII, such as different eye color, moles and ethnic differencies. Declaring such oddities signs of corruption, the White Templars begin a terrible purge of whoever doesn't coreesponds to specific traits defining the "ideal Imperial citizen", staging mass executions, city sweeps and orbital bombing. When the White Templars leave, the population of Parsia VII is reduced from 8 billion to 3 million people <|endoftext|> Grug wanna join barbar tribe, but they say no cuz Grug no barbar. How can Grug be barbar? <|endoftext|> Grug no like new tribe <|endoftext|> Ugg for strong man like Grug. Grug protect Ugg like real caveman should. <|endoftext|> >"As one, he and his followers raise their arms and gather their vast arcane power-" >Hold up, I still have that magic cartridge from earlier in the campaign, right? >"-ready to destro- Wait, what magic cartridge?" >The thing we were sent to get at the start of the campaign that I spent like a week messaging you back and forth about. The cleric died before we could deliver it. It's still on my character sheet. >"Uh, hold on." DM proceeds to flip back through like nineteen pages of notes >"...Er, I guess. Why?" >I cast disintegrate on it >"That'll kill everyone." >Yeah but we already know that we survive at least this event because Arthaniel is scheduled to give the keystone to Grug in the past and this guy has no temporal powers as far as we know, right? Thirty five minutes of discussing the mechanics of time travel in the DM's homebrew setting later and the DM hasn't found a way to fill the plot hole that this would generate, so he rules that it works, and we completely no-sell the penultimate villain via divine intervention. Never introduce time travel to your campaigns. It will not end well for you. Also don't forget about artifacts that you gave your players. They will always remember it at the worst moment for you. <|endoftext|> Grug wanna join barbar tribe, but they say no cuz Grug no barbar. How can Grug be barbar? <|endoftext|> maybe those weren't the best examples, but you can do this much without any context, and not just resort to "grug stop axe with head. grug no valuable bits there." <|endoftext|> t. grug of river tribe <|endoftext|> Grug should have invest all rock in thingpebble. Hurk am have more rock than know how to use. <|endoftext|> >this entire thread >nobody mentions Og, the literal Grug RPG where you randomly draw the words you know during character creation and learn more during play GRUG GET GOOD <|endoftext|> Grug buy rock for four berry, but now rock crash to two berry! Grug broke! <|endoftext|> >THEIR HEAD WHICH IS IN THEIR HEAD Grug no understand this! Make Grug angry! <|endoftext|> >can hit things with rock >can talk spirits >should be same hmmm what did grug mean this? <|endoftext|> >target locked >bunch of missiles >tanking mech falls over >pilot injured 20 days >pilot injured 25 days >pilot injured >injured >injured >repeat every few missions Grug need help How deal with missile <|endoftext|> >Big armor grug swing sword or big armor grug swing sword? that's not a varied choice... >Before anything e the se check to see what your local meta is like. 40k is a poor choice if everyone around you plays aos, and vice verse. In my area for example, the AoS crowd is mostly older gamers who played whfb, whereas 90% of our 40k players are <25 yrs. Just get an idea of whos around you and what they play. i am mostly getting into it for models but thanks for info >Shooty bang bang or sword swinging/magic slinging? simple but interesting stuff pls >Do you like tanks and ayylmaos killing each other, or a less refined version of that without the cool stuff? i like cool stuff <|endoftext|> Big armor grug swing sword or big armor grug swing sword? <|endoftext|> >Me be dwarf forgingrock mangus >make bluff for enter say refugee castle >friend dead >private session trap elf >>make manly big hit >theif feel horse buldge >useless man party mad! >ogre boss!!!!! >druid make heal save monk >ogre no kill >wing flap hard >forget orgre literal mind control harem >Anti ogre bomb????? >big attac make lose many hps >ogres angry!!! >grug up stairs and escape keep Why do player do this /tg/? <|endoftext|> >German >French >Italian >Spanish >Norse >Brythonic >mock Nahuatl >Tolkien knock-off Dwarven that sounds Tolkieny but isn't actually a real language, just a short list of Tolkieny-sounding words >Tolkien knock-off Elven that sounds Tolkieny but isn't actually a real language, just a short list of Tolkieny-sounding words >bunch of FLH'GHSTHURRG'SAKGURGH bullshit for Chaos >random Ug Grug Fug for Orcs >squeaks and peeps for Skaven nah <|endoftext|> Grug think rock-punk am best! <|endoftext|> 80% of modern people probably can't take on a cavemen 1vs1 naked, doesn't mean being Grug is preferable <|endoftext|> >get offered a spot in a pathfinder game >decide why not >start at level 7, party's campaign is already started >decide to make a strength based goblin druid >so begins the tales of Grundle Grug >dumb as rocks, clumsy as hell, but could suplex someone 5 foot taller than him >had a giant frog for a companion named Toady >Constantly used wild shape to turn into a giant frog and eat people Too bad that game didn't work out. I'll bring him back for another game. <|endoftext|> Grug tier post apoc face punching man. Good or evil doesn't matter to him. <|endoftext|> >me no am can spam dark reap more >:^( >this me am anger, grug anger >>:^((( <|endoftext|> oog bogoog shitstain am post marky board shitstain am throwed bone edition none not old grug like me, roll from no bone even <|endoftext|> Seraphim are big poopoo and only a Grug would use them <|endoftext|> >be high int caveman >grug told me about putting heavy things on round things to easily move them around >make a car 2 days later <|endoftext|> Grug smashes (you) in the face <|endoftext|> Beastman who's uneducated as dirt but acts on pure instinct. Lizardman Barbarian seems like it could be a good fit. >pro tip- low INT doesn't necessarily mean "hurr durr grug eat book", you could run a low INT character as being of average intelligence but with an extremely bad memory- ie: alzheimers grandpa <|endoftext|> Requesting a grug wojak as a male drow. <|endoftext|> it was insane powercreep then, no politics involved. Kamigawa was how you do inclusion correctly. Explain what you think a cult is then. Explain it, then look at how subversive SJW shit is almost a 1:1 mirror. Deliberately so. They purposefully spread it in the dark, knowing that if they did it in the light people would rebel against the ideas they posit. >grug no like big words <|endoftext|> >Grug no like when anon insult women <|endoftext|> Grug no like when church are good guys in fantasy <|endoftext|> Grug no like gun in fantasy, gun make grug think of real life <|endoftext|> >me grug me no like analogy <|endoftext|> >party kills left ogre >start a flickering between 1 dead phase state and 2 not dead phase states >"en-" >flicker >"d grug" >flicker >flies are settling on the corpse >"ufferi-" >flicker >"ing plea-" >flicker >party has to do a timed ol' yeller x2 then set off down "different" quantum roads to see which one leads back to the village instead of back to the 3-way intersection <|endoftext|> t. Grug <|endoftext|> >Play a Barbarian >They are complete idiots who think of nothing more than when they can next hit things with their weapons and go into a cackling rage when they go berserk >If they are any kind of common Barb race, like an Orc or Goliath or even sometimes human they are simple and speak in the third person, with a name like "Grug" or something as similarly simplistic >No other character traits besides being a violent idiot who is either laughing about fighting things or griping about not fighting things, or drinking <|endoftext|> Grug no like frog folk Frog folk make speak on not broke thing <|endoftext|> Longtooth no eat grog, me am bad sniff. Grog no allow near campfire or cave unless jump in water. Why grug no like grog? <|endoftext|> Me am know mean, no mind all good Me hope rock am roll good for grug! <|endoftext|> >what we do Grug know what do when cavemaster am bad grug <|endoftext|> woman no need club if she has atl atl. Also womans in warrior paint make grug feel funny, grug no ashamed to admit it <|endoftext|> grug displease skygod of Shiny rock tribe. Grug must be clubbed in the head to appease Skygod of Shiny Rock Tribe. <|endoftext|> no, only grugs happy of rock sisters is poop-smear-grugs. have a (grug). <|endoftext|> grug like pretty lady <|endoftext|> Let me break it down. >Old night elves "AAARGH THEY'RE HACKING US APART FOR TREPASSING!" - grug screamed in dismay >Nu Night elves "Teehee! Lets go save da forestxDDD!! wooo!" *bounces around* >she's always been a dumb cunt Richard A. Knaak bastardized her personality. Whether you like her or not is irrelevant. <|endoftext|> I always figured it was descended from when Grug's wife couldn't keep up with both the hunting party and the babies, so Grug did all the hunting while Grug's wife stayed home, and after a few thousand generations it got to the point where Mary can't beat Paul, Peter or Jacob in footraces or weight lifting contests. <|endoftext|> Dear people familiar with capeshit, can you tell me how is Hulk like? Is he primitive in thought like Grug or just strong physically but relatively normal mentally? Last time I watched anything with Hulk I was a child so I don't remember anything. One of characters in my cyoa is supposed to be similar to Hulk, but I don't want to say anything like "he's like Hulk so he does [things Hulk wouldn't do]" <|endoftext|> I think so grug. It seems like a berry picker thing to do. <|endoftext|> Grug doesn't know what goes on in this cave anymore. Too many namefags. <|endoftext|> >whaaaah grug no like feeelmale in group You're either shitposting for (You)s or you're legitimately retarded. Did you think this topic would be well received anywhere? Fucking idiot. <|endoftext|> me no am gav thorpe grug am smash soon <|endoftext|> Well since i don't actually play greenskins it's not my issue, but for those interested here are the names i put on the GW post... griznag greennose debzig spiderbite grefer "pointy stick" grug jeff the not quite right groggr paletoe shrig the shroom mad maggaz the murky eyed squizzle squig botherer frizz fungus fondler pointy pete Flarrak flatface Fardak flappy ears Lord sir Reginald Harrison tweed the inappropriately named. serrek nailbiter grizwal of the glowing worm Pale orbo milky eyed joz graffer ,the gaffer sharraz murkwood scrimbo frigger scrambo frogger scrembo fragger gurt the combo breaker baldoof the chunky hrekk the soup stirrer drikzit halfling feet barramak the short Orruk the tall The grot formerly known as prinzz Anthony grotley bless rezzeg shroomy greg the man with the egg borziz grorziz Stabby jirrek frog legged treg Smosz the weak Gask ,scourge of rats Skoc the cowardly Kraz with the sass Zacisk the mysteriously mysterious Tratkrumm the many warted Strirgun of the small cave Skricna thin skin Kniksa the wound flicker Smarsam the smart Skrur the beautiful Sces he dancer crazy old Ghisz Stim the thin Oswald notagrot the suspiciously bearded Ghiszesz shrakira shrakira Snocirr the book reader Knoktron the glowing Zrignork the deaf (1/2) <|endoftext|> >grug no see yellow skyman >grug no bow to yellow skyman grug don't see <|endoftext|> life is good for grug. <|endoftext|> Oh don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the majority of it. Currently the thing that irritated me the most was the twins instigating a fight with those ogres and the archer girl immediately using the explosive arrow she just got, rather than saving it. Also Grug's player seemingly getting irritated at one of the elves, Vax I think, sneaking around and getting impatient. <|endoftext|> reading make grug mad <|endoftext|> This grug think maybe am wrong-talk somewhere. We talk child cave painting like of tiny horse for make child glad? Or we talk child cave painting like east tribe have? One only give bad spirits to grug that make act like child sometimes. One maybe should be forbid. <|endoftext|> What grug mean here? <|endoftext|> >fighters are just “me Grug, me smash” and wizards are just Pic Related: The Class Pathetic. <|endoftext|> Grug Chief wise. <|endoftext|> Grug trip and break head on rock, chief say 'all rocks forbid?' No. Chief say "Grugs no fall and break head on rocks like thinkless dung breeder." If thing only bad if grug dumb, grug not be dumb, instead of forbid thing. <|endoftext|> >that grug that late every time >that grug that want to play girl grug every time >that grug that ask rocks and sabertooths cavepainting make most strong grug >that grug that only play grugfind <|endoftext|> smash control and s rocks, newgrug Any other grug going play Deadplace: Undercave? Me want but favorite tribe not carved yet. <|endoftext|> Breed hips, grug say? Broog interested. <|endoftext|> Grug am no good brain today. Grug just go breed-self for be so dumb, please no look grug. <|endoftext|> grug, you forgot hide carving? <|endoftext|> Elder Hoghlands makes for good-brain, but grug need be care. Many elder highlands gruggs am like baby gruggs, cry lots when get smash. Find good tribe for play, am have no bad times. <|endoftext|> >be broog >be early sun >go look new cave paintings >see many grug writing >grugs talking of rockhammer 4-many and hunter: the gathering >talk with hunter: the gathering tribemen >all dancing in circle because shaman, the smart maker was returned by sky spirit >ask why is big deal >clubbed in head, told to go to elder highlands instead broog does not think hunter: the gathering players very nice <|endoftext|> me am play URGS me like URGS URGS am like hunt real mammoth but use rocks me smarter than grug me use brain when play Rocks and Sabertooths am not realistic URGS am realistic <|endoftext|> >Playing with rockmaster mate >Stone throws always two and ten etchings >Always >Cry if say she not throw like grug >Rockmaster say he thump grug if I keep speak >My Front-head when <|endoftext|> No. If Grugg eat man breeder, grug become man breeder. Hit animal skin tribe with stick. Make go and stay go. Only thing worse than animal skin tribe is tiny horse tribe. <|endoftext|> >Am play with many tribe members >Grug from new tribe want play >Grug am always playing with rock when he not smashing >Grug am also play strange horned lady shaman How make grug stop being "that grug?" Me think thump him and throw in river until he start think good again <|endoftext|> >am me >am buy new mammothskin pouch of rock: the ooga-ing >rockstock very bad >rocks crumble in hand very soon >am talk to rock seller and complain >he am say if you don't like rocks, you am must hate darkskin tribe >he am hit me with club What do grug do? should me just get rocks from east tribe with pretty girl drawings? <|endoftext|> "Mother may I" is not equivalent between systems and it should be very obvious why when the resolution mechanics, expectations, and examples of what's normally available to a character are different between games. "Huh, Grug can't hit this guy, better go for his legs and try to sweep him" has different connotations in each of OSR, 3E, and 4E, and one of them sets an example of punishing you for doing that unless you want to make your entire character about tripping. <|endoftext|> Grug hate big cave painting wall, Grug love small pretty cave painting <|endoftext|> >"Excuse ME, mister orc, we are negotiating high stakes magieconomical issues, you can wait to swing that axe until we're done!" >"Stoopid oomies been talking fifteen minutes already. Should lose turn, let Grug kill." >"Talking is a free action, mister orc. Sit quietly until we're done." >"Stoopid umies. Grug should've bring Grug phone." <|endoftext|> >Be Grolth son of Grug, the half-orc Ranger >Party has been climbing a wizard tower for days in-game >The wizard has been watching the party, preparing for them >Grolth wasn't with the party due to plot bullshit >He gets teleported back to the party before they enter the wizard's sanctum due to plot bullshit >The wizard isn't ready for me >We open the doors, and get blasted by spells immediately. The melee players can't touch the wizard due a fly spell. The ranged characters can't hit him due to a wall of blades surrounding him. The rogue can't sneak-attack him from stealth because the wizard has magically enhanced his sight. >After we get our asses blasted for a few rounds Grolth comes up with a desperate plan. >He takes out his grappling hook, attached to an adamantium chain, and hurls it at the wizard. >Miss. >Miss. >Hit! >The improvised weapon sinks into the wizard's thigh, skewering him to the chain. >Grolth loops the chain around a nearby pillar and pulls with all his might. Half of the party is down by this point, but the wizard howls in pain as he is dragged through the whirling blades. >The wizard begins hurling magic at Grolth who bares his teeth and howls back. Grolth pulls the wizard a few more feet towards ground. >The party is on its last legs. Even with this turn of events, we're probably not going to make it. >Grolth is going to try to drag this bastard to the ground so he can look him in the eyes as he dies. DM calls for the roll. 20. >With a final burst of strength Grolth drags on the chain, slamming the wizard against the pillar. He succeeds at looping the chain around the wizard, and securing it with his manacles. >The wizard spits curses at the surviving party members, but he is stuck in his bonds unable to cast, and the fight is won. <|endoftext|> Found it, banderhobb. Think the only other frog looking thing is a grug which are rather small. <|endoftext|> Bitches love Grug. <|endoftext|> >"Grug is a beastman of the tribal lands. He is 8' tall and marred with scars which cover every inch of his body. Half his face burned off during battle, he has only one eye. His hair dark and unwashed lays filthy over his hunched back. Grug never speaks. He understands the common language but only grunts when spoken to and bares his fangs when insulted." >charisma: 21 [life of the party] How do you tell someone to stick their character draft up their arse? <|endoftext|> If Grug sees this, this is Rider. I won't be able to make it to the game tomorrow. Moving took longer than expected, and we're just now finishing the last load. I will not be RPG ready by tomorrow night. Gomen <|endoftext|> >I AM GRUG LEGBREAKER >SON OF GROG DICKFISTER >SON OF GREG JAWBREAKER <|endoftext|> If you live in Los Angeles and are looking for a player or GM, let me know. Discord: Grug#3148 <|endoftext|> just make him roll for it, I think a character who pretends to be a savage and everyone sort of panderingly accepts this without believing it is much stronger. >Grug liketh yon art. >Yes... well... Alright then. <|endoftext|> >GM or Player Player >System(s): Know DnD, Mutants and Masterminds, Savage Worlds. Willing to learn Shadowrun, Fate, and Burning Wheel. >Time availability Currently unemployed, so any time is good minus Saturday, where I have an existing game. >Text or Voice Either. >Contact Information discord: Grug#3148 >Additional Information A decade of GM experience, want to get more of a player perspective. Prefer something with an existing setting, versus homebrew. I like to really naturalize my characters. <|endoftext|> >Red (A Dorf Ranger, he had 14 int) >Grug-Grug (Orc Barbarian) >Onyx (Elf Rouge Assassian, Deadpool edge lord >Frankalin Tesela (Alchemist with godly int at 1st level. >Master Bates (why I don't invite girls to play) >potato wrangler (another reason) >ubiquitous (arrogant elf wizord that spoke in the third person, narrated everything, took trophies from monsters that he did not kill, broke the laws of magic on a regular basis.) >Fat man (alchemist obsessed with large bombs) >Drow fag (no explanation needed) >Joseph Stallin' (Fighter built for crowd control and tripping) > (Refused to give his name) >a man/a woman/a boy/a girl (player was watching GoT. >Alice matallice (loli robot builder, player got pissed after learning it would cost money to fix robots. Forgot them before getting on a boat. Bitched about it. <|endoftext|> >tfw That Grug come into your cave on Game Night with no pebble but still want share of mammoth leg Do I still give him leg but ask for pebble next time? Or should I club him and throw him out? <|endoftext|> >tribe playing tusks and tigers >everything go good >then grug say he want to have friend come too >okay say our big sky man >grug friend come >grug friend girl you know what happen next <|endoftext|> Fine a Changeling who's durance was getting fist fucked daily by Grug the large armed. His mein is an anus like a bag of holding. This is sadly not that much of an exaggeration from the kind of fucking sob stories people put together for changeling games at my game store. <|endoftext|> I don't currently have a IRC set up. How about Steam (Grug, avatar is a white angry face) or Discord (Grug again) <|endoftext|> >GRUG HAVE FLOWERS! No thanks... >GRUG HAAAAVE FLOWERS! Go away >GRUG. HAVE. FLOWERS! Fine, fine, give me the flowers >FLOWERS NOT FOR YOU! FLOWERS GRUG'S SNACK! Oh... >BYEEE! Okay...bye. <|endoftext|> Have you looked into Heroquest 2? It's pretty abstract which not many people like so I don't suggest it often, but I don't know what you DO want as far as mechanics go. Characters are a list of abilities, but these are abilities you choose. One method of character creation is write a 100 word blurb about your character (no lists allowed). Underline everything that is something they can/do use to solve problems. Divide points between them, everything starts at 13. Every roll is opposed to the GM's roll, even for traditionally non-antogonistic rolls. For example Grug the barbarian uses his Mighty Axe against the goblin's Shifty Nature or Flik the Thief uses his Climb Like a Spider vs the wall's Keep Out Intruders. Player and GM roll d20, under or equal the number is a success, 1 is a crit, 20 is a fumble, other is failure. You compare the result Grug crits his Mighty Axe while the goblin fails his Shifty Nature. This gives you a matrix of results but most often you just care about success vs. failure (but it could be the difference between killing the BBEG or just being able to rescue the princess while he is able to escape). Once your skill gets over 20 you get a mastery so 21 would be 1M, you get a mastery every extra 20 skill levels so 56 would be 16M2. Masteries bump up your success, once you're at a crit it bumps down the opponent's result. Masteries cancel out before rolling. (15M3 vs 3M becomes 15M2 vs 3, really going to suck for that 3M guy). There are a bit more rules, but that is the bare bones. <|endoftext|> Rolled 4, 2, 15 + 3 = 24 (3d20 + 3) >the Ork fleet manages to shoot down, or avoid most of the torpedoes. >All except one ship, which loses power to its starboard engines, as the torpedoes breaches it's sheilds, and the resulting explosion rips the engine from it. Ohhhh! Dat's quite da 'xplosion! But dat don't mean it don't peeve me off! Mist'ah Boom Goomz! Foirez back! Mist'ah Grug Bugz! You'z iz en'charg o da fleet! I'm headed down ta do what Orkz do best! FIOGHT'N! >He'd then remove the tiny hat from his head, and place it upon the smaller orks head. Give 'em a roight good krump'n! >"Yes Warboss!" All cannons! Foire at will! >The ships then begin begin fireing back at the imperial fleet. Even as they begin to deploy additional landas <|endoftext|> Look forward to it. I guess you just took everything because of the "??" The author did say to still use 40 points, but.. *shrug* Love it. I'm imagining your odd couple meeting up with mine. I think Amelia and Emma could exchange notes on many a thing. Not sure how well Lenth would take to Grug, though. <|endoftext|> Reposting updated Grug build. GRUG IS STRONGEST THERE IS Race/Subrace: -6 Stone Giant Classes: -6 Slayer -5 Berserker -3 Gambler Weapons: -10 Ultra Weapon Great Hammer Armor: -3 Light -7 Companion Final Stats: STR: 14 END: 12 INT: 2 CHA: 2 PER: 2 WIS: 3 AGI: 1 LUK: 7 Companion: Amelia the Wood Elf Race/Subrace: -5 Wood Elf Traits: -3 Beautiful Classes: -4 Cleric -4 Druid -2 Scholar -2 Apprentice -3 Alchemist -4 Engineer Catalyst: -4 Staff Shield: -3 Energy Armor: -1 Robes Final Stats: STR: 1 END: 3 INT: 15 CHA: 8 PER: 6 WIS: 10 AGI: 4 LUK: 3 Grug likes to smash things. Grug isn't very smart. But Amelia is, and she keeps him out of trouble, and heals him when his tiny little mind starts writing checks that even his prodigious might and exceptional luck can't cash. Their adventures mostly consist of them seeking out books and teachers for Amelia to learn from, and finding monsters for Grug to savage crush with his hammer, which Grug either then eats (sometimes raw), or they sell if they have a buyer. They could be making more money, but Grug is terrible at bringing things in alive; he gets frustrated easily. How big are giants? 20 feet tall? <|endoftext|> Welp, here's a build. Kinda weird, though. GRUG IS STRONGEST THERE IS Race/Subrace: -6 Stone Giant Traits: -4 Great Strength Classes: -6 Slayer -5 Berserker -3 Gambler Weapons: -10 Ultra Weapon Great Hammer -6 Companion Final Stats: STR: 16 END: 14 INT: 2 CHA: 2 PER: 2 WIS: 3 AGI: 1 LUK: 7 Companion: Amelia the Wood Elf Race/Subrace: -5 Wood Elf Traits: -3 Beautiful Classes: -4 Cleric -4 Druid -2 Scholar -3 Alchemist Weapon: -1 Dagger Catalyst: -4 Staff Shield: -3 Energy Armor: -1 Robes Final Stats: STR: 2 END: 3 INT: 12 CHA: 8 PER: 4 WIS: 10 AGI: 4 LUK: 3 Grug likes to smash things. Grug isn't very smart. But Amelia is, and she keeps him out of trouble, and heals him when his tiny little mind starts writing checks that even his prodigious might and exceptional luck can't cash. <|endoftext|> That's it for this week! Things took a lot longer to shoot and I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to because even thought the new flying effect looks cool, it takes FOREVER to shoot correctly. Plus every single scene was built on the fly, and I was more obsessive about details than usual this episode. I hope everybody had fun anyway! If you missed the last episode, it's archived along with most previous episodes of Lego Quest on suptg: and the official Lego Quest wiki has pages for Mike, Eve, Grug, and lot of other characters: If you follow me on Twitter, you'll get a tweet whenever a new episode starts or resumes: @EndmanOfFuturon Goodnight! <|endoftext|> "Now all I need to do is find Grug... wherever he is." <|endoftext|> "So far so good! I should be able to find Grug and get out of here as long as I don't run into any guards-" <|endoftext|> "I hope Urr's directions are better than Grug's... I can't afford to waste any more time!" <|endoftext|> "This could be what we need to defeat the Sardaks once and for all! If I could figure out how to use this like the Sardak Emperor uses that throne... but I'm getting ahead of myself. Grug is probably already inside the Sardak fortress by now!" "Urr know secret way into Sardak fortress. Urr too old to go, but tell Mike, Mike go, free Grug." <|endoftext|> "Magic crystals in cave of ancients protect Urr and Mike from Sardaks." "What do you mean, protect us?" "Sardak crystal, one Sardak emperor sit on-" "I've seen it. Grug destroyed it." <|endoftext|> "No time to go back - if I'm going to save Grug, I need to hurry!" <|endoftext|> Rolled 8 (1d12) We have to save Grug, but pick up anything useful on the way there! <|endoftext|> "That takes care of him... but Grug's been captured. They're probably taking him to their fortress-city. If I hurry, I can make it back to camp and grab some useful equipment before it gets dark..." <|endoftext|> "Still no sign of Grug... but at least I'm avoiding the rush-hour traffic! I wouldn't want to get caught in that mess!" <|endoftext|> "Grug's club... but no Grug! The Sardaks must have taken him!" "KREEEEEEEE!" "But they won't get far!" <|endoftext|> "KREEEEEEEE!" "Grug should be right... that's odd, where is he? Wait, what's that on the ground?" <|endoftext|> "I have it!" "Sardaks not stronger than Grug!" "Hold it for a moment-" "This one is stronger than the others!" <|endoftext|> "Oof- Sardak hold still so Grug can smash!" <|endoftext|> "Quickly! Capture that primate, before the other one comes back!" "Grug already tell Sardaks, Sardaks not capture Grug!" Roll d12 and link this post whatever Grug do! Grug put dice+1d12 in Options field to roll! <|endoftext|> "Look out!" "Watch out!" "Run!" "KREEEEEEEE!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! And somebody else roll another d12 for whatever Grug does, too! <|endoftext|> "Look out!" "Watch out!" "Run!" "KREEEEEEEE!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! And somebody else roll another d12 for whatever Grug does, too! <|endoftext|> "Capture the primate!" "Get it!" "Sardaks not capture Grug again! Grug break Sardak skulls!" "Disarm the primate! Quickly!" <|endoftext|> "It's Grug! And it looks like he's in trouble with the Sardaks!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever Mike does, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "*huff*...*huff*... Finally! I've been eating too much of the Flower People's food! This is as high of a vantage point as I'm going to get, and no sign of Grug..." "KREEEEEE!" "That Wing-Teeth again!" <|endoftext|> "Grug should have met me here by now... but he's nowhere to be seen. This river is so twisting, there's no telling what's beyond the next bend. Maybe if I had a better vantage point I could spot him..." >climb a tree >look for higher ground >keep following the river Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "About time! Grug is probably waiting for me just around the bend." <|endoftext|> "I should never have taken this shortcut Grug told me about. I can hear the river, but all the echoes make it-" <|endoftext|> "Tomorrow Grug take Mike where other part of Mike spaceship fall." <|endoftext|> Wow! I had no idea where this episode was going to go, because all I planned out was "Grug menaced by Big-Teeth", so if things seemed a little laggy it's because I was just making up the story and building the sets on the fly (the Sacred Place took longer than I wanted and in the end I forgot a couple details I thought would be cool when I started building it). Either way, I love this setting and I had a blast, so I hope everyone else did too! This episode and most of the last six-odd years of Lego Quest are archived on suptg along with full images: The official Lego Quest wiki will soon have a writeup for Pokey: and if you follow me on Twitter, you'll get a tweet when a new episode goes live or a current one resumes, and sometimes you might get other fun stuff just because: @EndmanOfFuturon Thanks for playing! <|endoftext|> "Tala not like be at sacred place sometimes. Urr laugh at Tala, say Tala just act like little baby, but Tala not think Tala just act like baby. Tala think sacred place dangerous because of Ghost People." "Ghost-?" "Urr not believe in Ghost People. Grug not believe in Ghost People. But Tala believe. Tala know. Tala see Ghost People one time, when Tala little baby." "Who are these Ghost People? Are they a tribe like you - I mean, like us?" "Ghost People not like Eve and Tala. Not like any human." <|endoftext|> "Why do I feel like this is related to that strange place Grug took us to last night? I bet Tala will know something about what's going on. Mike will be so upset if he finds out I left camp again, but I need to get to the bottom of this and he doesn't believe me!" ... >Take some food >Take the flare gun >Take a stick >Take something else Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever Eve does, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "Do you have to go?" "I promised Grug we would look at that crash site today, remember? We need to leave early so we can get through Big-Teeth's territory before he gets out of bed." "I know... it's just that-" "Besides-" <|endoftext|> "Grug happy Mike and Eve part of tribe now!" "So are we. You and your people have been more than generous to the two of us. Thank you." "Tomorrow Grug take Mike where other part of Mike spaceship fall." "You never know, Eve - that might be the stroke of luck we've been waiting for!" "I'm not holding my breath..." <|endoftext|> [Urr singing indistinctly] "Say, Grug, what exactly does the burning of these offerings signify?" <|endoftext|> "Urr get fire started. Mike and Eve get big-berry and bring to circle now!" "Oh, uh - sure, Grug. We'll be there in a second." <|endoftext|> "Say, Grug, how much farther is it?" <|endoftext|> "Ha ha! Mike make funny joke, always make Grug laugh! Even dummy know not to bring offering like this! Gods see offering like this, curse whole tribe! Ha ha!" "No, wait-" "That big-berry good offering, though. Gods always like big-berry." <|endoftext|> "Grug happy Mike and Eve come to First-Fire!" [stomach growling sound] "It's... no problem at all, Grug." <|endoftext|> "Grug come back at dusk, take Mike and Eve to sacred place!" "Sounds good!" "See you soon, Grug!" <|endoftext|> Rolled 10 (1d12) ask Grug for offering suggestions. <|endoftext|> "Here's something you don't know about - Grug wants to invite us to his tribe's holiday!" "A... a holiday?" "First-Fire! Grug owe Mike life-debt for all Mike do. Grug tell Urr, Grug want make Mike and Eve part of Warrior People. Share name, share tribe. What Eve say?" "Well, I- of course, we'd love to attend your First-Fire!" "Grug happy! Grug come back tonight, take Mike and Eve with to sacred place." "Mike, our first party in our new neighborhood!" "That's quite a silver lining you've got there, Eve! Do we need to do anything special for this First-Fire, Grug?" "Mike and Eve just come with Grug to sacred place, bring offering to gods." "Offering?" <|endoftext|> "That right! Grug forget all about holiday!" "Holiday?" "Grug come, invite Mike and Eve to First-Fire! It most important day. Flower People not do ceremony. Flower People too afraid to make trip to sacred place. Too afraid to be seen. But Warrior People still always do First-Fire, since beginning!" "Well, it sounds-" <|endoftext|> "Why Mike take that? Grug thought fire-magic not work!" "There's a chance it might still work if I dry it out. Every piece of equipment that survived the crash is a priceless resource in this place." "Mike have other progress-magic?" "I wish I could say for certain. By the way, what is it you were going to come see us about?" <|endoftext|> Rolled 12 (1d12) Go back to our camp with Grug, see why he was coming to visit. <|endoftext|> [wounded noises recede] "...I don't want him to come back!" "Grug think Mike have smart idea!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "You Big-Teeth, Grug big-hit!" KRGRACK [enraged howling sound] <|endoftext|> "That's it... come on, I'm right here... NOW, GRUG!" [quizzical lizard sound] <|endoftext|> [roaring abruptly stops] "Mike! No! Mike not make Mike food!" "Don't worry, Grug-" <|endoftext|> "Aaaaah! Grug not want be eaten! Grug not tell Tala Grug have good-heart for Tala!" <|endoftext|> Rolled 12 (1d12) Grug smash this green snout with his club <|endoftext|> "...Mike no have fire-magic!" [loud roaring sound] "Aaaah!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! And someone else roll another d12 for whatever Grug does too! <|endoftext|> "Not so loud! I saw Big-Teeth on this path!" "Big-Teeth? Mike crazy, Big-Teeth not here. Grug always hear Big-Teeth feet-sounds." "Not this time. Trust me, that giant pain in the rear could be right next-" [rustling noise] <|endoftext|> "Grug! Psst! Grug!" "Mike! Grug want to see Mike, but Mike already here!" "Shhh! Listen-" "Why Mike talk quiet?" <|endoftext|> 4chan wants Grug to die, apparently. <|endoftext|> Rolled 3 (1d12) Grug no see big teeth, but Grug hear big teeth. <|endoftext|> Rolled 1 (1d12) Fire a flare to warn Grug somehow. <|endoftext|> Rolled 2 (1d12) Pick up your spear and run towards Grug. <|endoftext|> "Oh, no... it's Big-Teeth! And Grug won't see him until it's too late!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever Mike does, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "It's Grug! Coming to pay us a visit, maybe?" "Yes, but look who else is on the path!" "What-?" <|endoftext|> "'s the cavalry!" "Tala save Grug! But Tala not know how to stop three-horn!" <|endoftext|> "Eve, I need you to trust me and just hang on as tightly as you can." "Mike, no, you can't-" "Follow my lead, Grug!" "Lieutenant Adams, if you do this, I'm never speaking to you ag-" <|endoftext|> "Come on, Grug, this thing's liable to blow at any moment!" "Mike? You save Grug again!" "Don't mention it!" <|endoftext|> Rolled 4 (1d12) Grab Grug and get out of here! <|endoftext|> "Grug know easy way to fix that!" <|endoftext|> Rolled 12 (1d12) Grug wont abandon Maikadams- Grug helps! <|endoftext|> "I'm going to rescue Eve." Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! And someone else roll another d12 for whatever Grug does as well! <|endoftext|> "We don't have much time. Grug, take Tala and get out of here. We'll meet in the jungle where we hid the three-horn." "Where Mike go?" <|endoftext|> KRUNNNNGGG "Uuuungh-!" "Grug!" <|endoftext|> "Look out, Grug!" "Tala not worry, Grug here to rescue!" "No, look out!" <|endoftext|> KRBASH "Grug!" "Grug save Tala!" <|endoftext|> Rolled 4 (1d12) Grug not standing this! Grug run amok! <|endoftext|> "Tala!" "This one was captured only yesterday, but the penalty for stealing slave rations is death!" "No! No! Sardaks not kill Tala! Let Tala go! Aiiiii!" "Watch it!" "This primate is stronger than it looks!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! And someone else roll another d12 for whatever Grug does as well! <|endoftext|> "What the devil-? Grug, look!" <|endoftext|> "Could you and a few others start a distraction long enough for us to get close to the Sardak temple?" "Of course, Maikadams!" "Good. Count to fifty and then do it. Come on, Grug." <|endoftext|> "Come on!" "Grug foot too heavy!" "I have one of them! Hurry, grab it!" <|endoftext|> "Come on, Grug, no sense sticking around!" <|endoftext|> "That one has a weapon! Get it!" "Sardaks not take Grug's club!" "Grab it!" "Grug and Mike... where Mike go?" <|endoftext|> [trumpeting noise, rumbling] "Grug still think this bad idea." "Just keep calm and don't let them see that club." <|endoftext|> "Grug think this very bad plan." "Don't worry, Grug... I'm sure the Galdaks will get us in. The Flower People said they would." <|endoftext|> [creaking sounds] "Are you sure you don't want any-" "Grug not hungry." "You haven't eaten all day." "Grug not hungry for Three-Horn food." <|endoftext|> "Grug no see Sardaks. Mike think Flower People lie to Mike and Grug?" "The thought had occurred to me as well. Maybe they're preoccupied somewhere else." <|endoftext|> "I think this Life-Giver might need a life-GUARD if we tried to cross a river... and I'm not up to the task! We'll stick to the plain. Are you ready, Grug?" "Grug ready." <|endoftext|> "Thank you again for all you've done for us." "No, Maikadams, do not thank me! We are in your debt. We will be thinking of you until you return." "You say the Sardak fortress is only two days from here?" "Yes, Maikadams. We have loaded your Life-Giver's packs with our food for your journey." "Grug not like-" "Grug and I both thank you for your generosity!" "You will travel first to the Great Tree." "The great-?" "You will know it when you see it, for it is the largest tree in the world, far larger than even the Great Eater. There you will meet with a tribe which has pledged their loyalty to the Sardaks, but will aid you nevertheless." <|endoftext|> "...what about Grug? He's a charming-" [scratching, grunting noises] <|endoftext|> Rolled 9 (1d12) Invite Grug in for a threesome. <|endoftext|> "Are you comfortable, Maikadams?" "Yes, thank you, Willa. Your people are very kind and generous." "It is the least we can do for you, Maikadams. You are the one who will save us!" "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Grug and I still need to free E-" <|endoftext|> "Keep running!" "Mike not have to tell Grug twice!" <|endoftext|> "Come on, Grug! Follow my lead!" "What Mike doing?!? Mike crazy, Mike no run toward Big-Teeth! Run away from Big-Teeth!" "Trust me, Grug-" [roaring] <|endoftext|> "...Grug think Grug not want to be eaten!" [loud roaring noise] Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! And someone else roll another d12 for whatever Grug does as well, too! <|endoftext|> "When I was a boy, my uncle took me to Alaska to hunt bears... we covered ourselves in their dung to mask our scent." "Grug think that idea stink." "Do you have a better idea?" "Grug think..." [rustling noise] <|endoftext|> "Grug not hear anything..." "I think we lost it..." "Grug not want to take chance!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "Don't worry, Grug, I've got him under control! We have a saying back where I'm from - 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'! Besides, I think the big lug is starting to like me! Isn't that right, Big-Tee-" <|endoftext|> [heavy footsteps continue] "Grug! Grug, are you there?" <|endoftext|> [heavy footsteps continue] "Grug! Grug, are you there?" <|endoftext|> "Grug go this way! Mike go that way!" "We'll meet up at this tree!" <|endoftext|> "No!" "It cannot be!" "Hurry, Grug! We need to catch him before he tells anyone else where the Flower People live!" <|endoftext|> "But now our legends have been proven true, for Maikadams and his friend Grug of the Warrior People have come to save us all! Tomorrow they will make their journey to the Sardak fortress, where Eve-Kar-Son is held prisoner! "Before that, they must share our food! Come, eat!" <|endoftext|> "It is said that long before we were exiled, three humans were cast out of the world of the gods. Maikadams, Eve-Kar-Son, and Soo-Geeyamagoogee. They came before, but they will arrive after. Those are the words that have been passed down from season to season since the beginning of time, since the days of the first shaman. They came before, but they will arrive after. Maikadams, Eve-Kar-Son, and Soo-Geeyamagoogee. They will come when all else has been lost, and only they may have the power to free us from the Sardaks and return us to the world of the gods!" "Suji is dead." "NO!" "And Eve has been captured by the Sardaks." [agitated murmuring] "This is Grug, of the Warrior People. He is my friend. We need to get into the Sardak fortress and rescue Eve. Will you help us?" <|endoftext|> Rolled 1 (1d12) Grug send off wing teeth with Grug pit smell! <|endoftext|> "...birds?" "Wing-Teeth!" "Something's got them riled up!" "They riling at us!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! And someone else roll another d12 for whatever Grug does as well! <|endoftext|> "Why Mike stop?" "Listen, do you hear that?" "Grug not hear anything." "It sounds like..." <|endoftext|> "Well, if you want a lot of fire right away, aim this where you want the fire and pull this trigger." "Mike have fire-magic?" "It's not magic, Grug. It's called progress. It's what happens when humans can work together!" Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "What that?" "Do you know what fire is?" "Grug know fire." <|endoftext|> "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused, Grug. Is Tala your... mate?" "It not like that. Tala mate killed by Sardaks two moon ago. Grug think Tala have good-heart for Grug, but it complicated. Keep going." "It's nice to know some things never change!" <|endoftext|> "Grug take good club, go with Mike to Flower People." "Grug not go! Grug stay!" "Grug owe Mike Grug's life. Grug help Mike." "Grug all Tala have left!" "Grug make up Grug's mind. Grug go Mike. Grug have to." "Grug not come back." "Grug come back when Mike and Grug free Mike mate." <|endoftext|> "Grug, you know that I'll never be able to get inside the Sardak city without help, right?" "Grug know." "And you think the Flower People could help me?" "Grug think so." "I need to find the Flower People, Grug. Will you help me?" "Mike free Grug, save Grug's life. Grug go with Mike, find Flower People." "How far is it?" "Grug not know." ... Roll a d12 and link to this post for whatever you do, please! To roll, put dice+1d12 in the Options field! <|endoftext|> "Grug, where does - hold still, I'll have you free in a minute - where do the Sardaks keep their prisoners?" "Sardaks take prisoners to great city. Grug never see inside, but many, many people. Sardaks, slaves. Many slaves. Great city has high wall, tall enough to keep out Big-Teeth. Many guards." <|endoftext|> "This Mike Adams. His mate captured by Sardaks-" "Er, Grug, it's probably better if you don't call her that after we rescue her... women's lib and all that." What will you do now? <|endoftext|> "This Tala. This Urr. Tala, Urr, and Grug all that left of Warrior People." <|endoftext|> "It Grug! He not captured!" "It not just Grug!" "Grug! Who that?" <|endoftext|> Grug is good. Grug is good friend to have. Hope Grug not die. <|endoftext|> "Grug, are there any others like you?" "You mean Warrior People? Grug part of Warrior People, always fight Sardaks since first of tribe. Now only few of Warrior People. All others..." <|endoftext|> >Grug Adams, NASA <|endoftext|> I am an retard and confused Mike with Grug. <|endoftext|> Where are the other humans, Grug? We can pay them a visit with our new friend. <|endoftext|> "Me Grug. You save Grug's life!" "Good to meet you, Grug. I'm Mike Adams, U.S. Navy." "Yooooooisss...?" "Just call me Mike." What will you do now? <|endoftext|> One thing I kind of want to do is run a comedy setting where nothing is 100% serious. I had this idea for orcs who are doing the standard orc raiding and pillaging because they've been forced out of their former fertile grasslands by some calamity. They used to be really violent and warlike, but after generations of calming down they were finally settling in to try the whole agriculture thing, and then some dark wizard fucked up all of their arable land and they have to go be brutal savages again in order to get some more, and they're just so annoyed about it. They'd be perfectly willing to take that frustration out on some puny humans, and totally committed to the whole invasion thing, but they's disdainful and full of complaints every step of the way. >Ugh, Grug has to go raiding AGAIN. Come get smashed, puny humans, so Grug can get back to being carpenter! Grug decorate his house with your bones, and ornamental fretwork! <|endoftext|> >Shrug-Grug >Blizzards that don't feel cold >He's having an affair with Shrug-Grug >Mayan amulet made of gold, summons tiny flying snakes upon squeezing it >gobbos >Too many homeless bastards are flooding the place I'll make it work <|endoftext|> For once I wish they had gone more wolfy, werewolves would have been cooler than the grug patrol. Ghost knights when? <|endoftext|> Maybe him onto something, Grug bury Grug's seed in Urgak's mate and Grug Junior grow. <|endoftext|> Grug need more blood hand mark on fur <|endoftext|> Grug am put end of club through hole in sabertooth skull, am weave pointy thorns into him furs. Am Grug grimdark yet? <|endoftext|> Grug am put end of club through hole in sabertooth skull, am weave pointy thorns into him furs. Am Grug grimdark yet? <|endoftext|> 100 Gold Giant PER: 5.5 STR: 34 END: 15.25 CHA: 2 INT: 1 WIS: 2 AGI: 4.25 Rugged, Muscular, Rough, Spiritual Deformed, Vampire Tjord Stoneskin, Poison Immunity, Spacial Awareness, Become Air, Animal Companion (Cat), Hover, Acoustics Occult Plate Armor (55/100) Exotic (Tophat +2 CHA) (60/100) Exotic Multitooled (Massive Club+Hammer 2 STR)x2 (130/145) Warpaint x3 (145/145) -3 Companions Warden (Heavy Shield) Roving Horde (+3 STR) Talons of the Owl (+1 STR) Gravedigger (Lifespan) Great Voyage (Ship) Rogue Titans (Drinks, Rent) The Coming (+3 STR) GRUG FOLLOW YOU, YOU NICE PERSON. YOU FEED GRUG, GRUG SMASH FOR YOU OKAY? <|endoftext|> grug wuz here and here and here over here 2 also he <|endoftext|> I don't see why you can't just relate wisdom and int to how the character observes and understand things rather than role playing. just because a character has 3int doesn't mean the player can't say either >GROG SEE GROG SMASH >I, Grog, eldest son of Grug, have taken into account that this situation has turned ugly, I believe it is time to take action. Or >AH GROG NOT KNOW WHY BOOK IS BRIGHT >I, Grog, have discovered this tome to be emanating a strange light, but do not know what is occurring. They mean the same thing, one just speaks it as if he's a retard and one speaks it like a normal person that knows how to tie his shoe. If you want to role play it as a verbal idiot go ahead, have fun. But as for figuring shit out with low int, int often goes along side magic, is sometimes needed for spell casting. So why not treat it as understanding and comprehension of magic and such things instead of IQ? Thinking of plans shouldn't have to do with int when int is for magic and understanding. You don't know if something will work though, that's for the DM and dice to decide. <|endoftext|> Now imagine said orcs being sent to the corner for trampling the pretty flowers. >grug hate corner <|endoftext|> YEAH. THESE RELATIONAL THINGS CAN GET WEIRD. ESPECIALLY WHEN DEALING WITH THE FACT THAT MANY OF US ARE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS OUTSIDE OF TIME. DON'T FORGET THE WHITE JAPANESE TEENAGERS WHO WILL POP UP OUT OF NOWHERE TO PUT AN END TO IT. THANK YOU GRUG. THAT WOULD BE GREAT HELP. <|endoftext|> >Grug gives a hearty laugh HAR HAR, GRUG SHOULD TRY THAT GRUG KNEW A GIT THAT WENT TO COLLEGE WITH LUCIFER, GRUG CAN ALSO PUT A WORD IN <|endoftext|> GRUG HAS HAD PLENTY, GRUG WAS ABOUT TO MARRY NEW WIFE BEFORE COFFEE HAPPENED. GRUG ASK SAME OF YOU. GRUG LIKE CHOICE <|endoftext|> Thank you Grug. So have you had any interesting mortal wars lately? <|endoftext|> Thank you Grug. So have you had any interesting mortal wars lately? <|endoftext|> MORE WARRRRRRAURRRGGG GRUG LIKE BLUEGRASS GRUG IS PLEASED WITH GIFT <|endoftext|> MORE WHAT GRUG? DO YOU WISH FOR MUSIC. I CAN GET MUSIC. WHAT WOULD EVERYONE LIKE TO LISTEN TO. JAZZ, BIG BAND MUSIC, THE BLUES? <|endoftext|> PLEASE AVAK'SHAR DO NOT AGGRAVATE GRUG. HE IS MY GUEST AS MUCH AS YOU ARE. I WOULD LIKE ALL MY GUESTS TO BE TREATED WITH RESPECT NO MATTER WHERE THEY COME FROM. <|endoftext|> GRUG WILL GIVE IT TO EX-WIFE AS BIRTHDAY GIFT GRUG WISH THIS COFFEE HOUSE HAD MORE <|endoftext|> HMM CYBERPUNK COSPLAYERS YOU SAY. MAYBE THEY HAVE ARRIVED FROM A DIMENSION OF CYBERPUNK AND THEY ARE THE GODS OF SAID CYBERPUNK DIMENSION. > PULLS THE ORANGE SODA FROM THE FRIDGE IN THE BACK AND HANDS IT TO YM. THEN HANDS HIM A WELL MADE CROISSANT. WARBOSS GRUG YOU ARE WELCOME TO STAY FOR AS LONG AS YOU LIKE. <|endoftext|> Hey grug I just gave you a red Shiny blow stuff up with your mind rock! it literally lets you blow stuff up with your mind! fine here have a yellow shiny, this one makes your weapons fire faster. <|endoftext|> >Warboss Grug takes the cup gently in his left hand - a single pinkie finger sticks out as he lightly sips on the cup GRUG IS PLEASED WITH COFFEE, HE GOT HIS WARRRAAAAGGG FOR KOPI LUWAK FROM HUMEY TRADER. GRUG WILL STAY FOR MORE COFFEE GRUG NO LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE, YOU THINK GRUG DUMB, GRUG SMART, HE SMARTEST OF ALL WARBAND! <|endoftext|> AH HISTORY IS A FINE MAJOR. AS A HUMAN I DID ENJOY THE STORIES MY FATHER WOULD TELL ME ABOUT HIS FOREFATHERS. THOUGH HONESTLY HE WASN'T VERY FAR REMOVED FROM THE BEGINNING BUT IT STILL WAS FUN TO LISTEN TO. YES IT WILL BE. ALL ARE WELCOME TO MY COFFEE SHOP. >LAUGHS DON'T WORRY GRUG. IF YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ENTERING THIS COFFEE SHOP THEN YOU ARE WELCOME HERE. I'LL SEND YOU BACK FROM WHENCE YOU CAME WHEN YOU WANT TO LEAVE. <|endoftext|> Its ok grug here have a red shiny. I think this one blows stuff up. <|endoftext|> OK OK. KOPE LUWAK IT IS. NO WORRIES ABOUT THE PRICE. IT IS FREE. VERY REFINED TASTE. HOW DID YOU ATTAIN SUCH A TASTE FOR THESE BEANS > POURS WARBOSS GRUG A CUP OF THE FINEST KOPI LUWAK COFFEE AND HANDS IT TO HIM. I DECIDED AN INTER-DIMENSIONAL COFFEE HOUSE WOULD A BE FUN DISTRACTION FROM THE DAILY GRIND OF THE ETERNAL WAR. IT CAN ALSO SERVE AS A NEUTRAL MEETING GROUNDS FOR ALL PARTIES TO DISCUSS AMONG THEMSELVES WITHOUT FEAR. I MEAN LOOK AT DIVERSE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE GATHERED ALREADY <|endoftext|> GRUG IS WARBOSS, WARBOSS IS DEITY, GRUG DOES NOT LIKE YOUR MICRO-AGGRESSIONS. GRUG ADVICES AVAK'SHAR TO CHECK PRIVILEGE. GRUG DO NOT KNOW HOW HE GOT HERE. <|endoftext|> So Meta how did you come about creating an interdeminsional coffee house? Grug are you even a deity? and if not how exactly did grug get here? <|endoftext|> GRUG ONLY DRINK KOPI LUWAK, GRUG WANT TO KNOW PRICE! <|endoftext|> WELCOME TO MY COFFEE SHOP WARBOSS GRUG. PLEASE TAKE A SEAT AND DISCUSS THINGS WITH US. IS THERE ANY SPECIFIC TYPE OF COFFEE YOU WOULD LIKE. <|endoftext|> OI WHER GRUG BE AT? DIS AIN'T GRUG'S REALM! YOU HUMEY! WHERE GRUG AT? <|endoftext|> Grug need go choke on other man's club and rocks, if Grug catch Unchak's drift. <|endoftext|> Grug not see how this is /play in cave/ related. Go to /hunting and foraging/ you man who lies with other man! <|endoftext|> Grug make fake seashells out of clay and bone powder, not tell tribe chief or he gets mad and hits Grug with a spiked club, then Grug is lock in Lonely Cave with people of dark skin for more days than Grug live. <|endoftext|> Thok a good man, but not understand. Grug want only this female, not other. Grug have many more seashells than fleas on head. Can buy Pantherosaurus if gets to mate with Uba. Stone carving related. <|endoftext|> Grug know. But in my Friendly Cave That Is Close often comes very fertile female, very big butt, Grug want show woman how strong am. Next time sun rises, Grug goes to Tribe-of-White-Troll-Women, buy a Pantherosaus, if not get eat then play Pantherosaur and always win, then have many young ones. <|endoftext|> NO! Laminar-Club-of-the-East-Tribes deserve more good, much much more good! Here, Grug shows: uh ug ugh two fingers and umh Grog need talk mother earth, in forest. <|endoftext|> Am you tried speak with Grug like man-adult? <|endoftext|> am need help, tiji am play mammoths & mudflats with best friend grug me play hunter, grug am play mammoth, but grug say am need kill him with "manspear" or grug win what am do? not want lose friend, but not want spear grug in no-no hole either <|endoftext|> Itsa many tomorrows world where men in one place tell others watta do 'cause dey fink dey best. AND DEY IS BEST! Coz dey have better javelins (called pilum, can't be empire wivout BIGGEST PILUM) and all-over-shiny-bearskin, an dey make others do wat dey wanna make em do by jus tellin em. Is kinda like how Grug always say he gonna hit me wiv rock if I don't do wot he say? So I do wot he say... But sometimes Grug not there so I no worry bout rock! Well in this many many tomorrow they is like "OK anyone be bad to us we ALL come with ALL the rocks! So be good!" And dey is coz dey is scared. Is called de "Pax Romana". You sure you belong on dis slab? Not nowing best games. Doyouevenslab.cavepainting <|endoftext|> Grug will never mate with female when having such statues in cave. <|endoftext|> Grug friend mate with everyone in tribe, Grug get mad, Grug leave? <|endoftext|> >tribe playing tusks and tigers >everything go good >then grug say he want to have friend come too >okay say our big sky man >grug friend come >grug friend girl you know what happen next <|endoftext|> Just a slightly autistic, introverted, country-born 25-year old white guy. You know, the ones who helped people survive ice-age europe, who autistically learn their environment and hunting skills and animal habits and all that. The ones who don't get depressed and cry when they're alone for 5 minutes. Hell, probably the ones who sat in the back of the cave inventing shit when you "normal, well-adjusted people" were busy talking about how Grug shagged Dotta, but Dotta was fucking Thrag, and then he shat on a stump. <|endoftext|> Except in this case it really is. The biggest problem a fighter has is social problems, well good thing there's this feat that lets you pair your athletics with impress, meaning that when you put ranks into athletics(which you should, because its useful as all hell) you get free ranks in impress. Meaning you can contribute to social checks and not come out looking like Grug the dumb. <|endoftext|> Doing this my way then... C:The dryads are outraged at your offer and attack you, 1 giant dies but all the dryads are killed (still more deeper into the woods) more 3 units of wood. B:Grug devises a way to build more shelters through the use of communal houses. Communal house enables up to 25 population and costs 20 wood and takes 2 turns to make. A:Start building pen B:Gather wood C:Explore area further D:Research <|endoftext|> A: The giants chop down wood but after a while find out that some of the trees are actually dryads, they're really angry at you chopping down their forest (5 Units of wood) What will you do? A:Try to settle down the diplomatic fire B:"Giants go where they please!" C.Attempt to make a trading offer B:Grug designs a council chambers for the elder council (better logistics allows for a third action) It will require 16 units of wood and 6 units of stone and 2 units of leather, will take 3 turns to process when materials are available. What will you do next? A:Explore the area further B:Plan a new building (we need housing btw) C:Research new tech <|endoftext|> B: Grug plans out some pen schematics and decides to build them, but where? A:Near the settlement (Less space but more security) B:In the newly discovered meadows (More Space but less security) E:The scouts gather wood and water and then return to the village (3 units of wood, 3 units of water) Having head news of the bountiful resources nearby the council votes to move the settlement. C: Move the settlement D:Don't move the settlement C: <|endoftext|> A: Grug devises a plan to expand the populations of yaks A: Open pasture B: Controlled herding in pens C: The scouting party uncovers a small woodland just a few kilometers away from the settlement, perfect for construction purposes. They also find a river and some highland meadows. C:Explore further D:Return after gathering wood E:Gather wood and water <|endoftext|> Head researcher Grug is now part of the Council of Elders and proposes a few projects, at this time the tribe can do 2 of these: A:Expand the livestock to feed the tribe B:Research the surrounding area C:Explore the mountains D:Plan a building <|endoftext|> grug <|endoftext|> >'My Big Fat Bugbear Wedding.' FUND IT. "The is Grog, Groog, Grug, my cousin Grag...." <|endoftext|> We should look like Grug. Just because. <|endoftext|> Hello /tg/. Would any of you care to assist a first time DM? I've never DMed before, so I figured the easiest way for me to get started would be to create a world, then create a starting town and the outlying area and a quest option or two. Well, I've spent a lot of my day making this continent and starting location. But now, I almost feel kind of stuck. I know at this point I need to set up NPC interactions as long as an event that causes them all to meet, but I don't know how to accomplish this. This is all I've come up with about the world, I did it all while creating the land. The Port of Mistyvale (also starting location) is the large port of the continent which is primarily ran by humans. This port exports good to Nilinbel a Elven/Human city. This city use to be full of just elves, and after years and years of doing trade with the humans from Mistyvale they started to become fond of the humans. Nilinbel is now filled with a mix of humans and elves. A place where half-elves are common and accepted. A lot of elves weren't okay with the mix of breeds and segregated themselves to the lower portion of the forest. Their new home is a place called Esmira. Esmira is current under attack by the snow orcs to the far south. Esmira is desperately in need of supplies and numbers that only Nilinbel can supply. Since the elves were so harsh in the treatment of 'non pure' elves the people of Nilinbel don't want to help. Not that the Elves of Esmira would stoop so low to work with mix breeds. This is all being orchestrated by a orc named Grug. While Grug is the face of it all he’s under the influence of a dragon in the Hellkite Cliffs. I don’t know where else to go for feedback other than my PCs. I need more input. Especially on starting the game off. My PCs are a Cleric, Duskblade, Wizard, Rogue and Paladin. Two of them are new players, one is more experienced than me, and the other is only good at the combat aspect of the game. <|endoftext|> One time, my friend played a Changeling Illusionist. The thing was, nobody knew he was a changeling or a illusionist. As far as they knew, he was a half-orc Barbarian named Grug. He would use bluff rolls to make it seem like he was simply smashing things when in reality he was using magic. However, everyone in the party thought that Grug was a retarded half-orc, so as such some pretty funny shit came out've it. At one point, the party was trapped in a dungeon below an old fort. They couldn't find a way to break out, but "Grug" used a magic item he had been saving, a gemstone that would answer three questions. Since he "found" it, he insisted he got to ask the questions. >Grug want to know where he is! the gemstone tells him that they are in an underground dungeon below and old fort. >Grug want to know how to get out! the gemstone replies that there is a key to their cell At this point, the rest of the party stop Grug and let him know, emphatically, that he absolutely must ask "where is the key" Grug nods and returns to the stone. He then, completely straight-faced, asks >Will Grug ever find love? The entire party is screaming at him, and the DM leans in and says "No." >Grug then drops to his knees and scream to the ceiling "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" <|endoftext|> >Min-maxing has naught to do with equipment Plenty of people would disagree, and seem to in this thread. The joke holds, even if the other caveman yell at Grug for "just practicing slingshot and not also an elective like cave painting" or "only lifting boulders to increase strength and not also balancing on a log to increase dexterity". The point is, a character is interesting or not independent of their mechanical advantages, so don't tell people that a character being too good at something makes them a poorly roleplayed character. You seem to be arguing against a definition of minmaxing that differs from the one presented by other people in the thread. Until you present your own, there isn't much point talking about it. <|endoftext|> Grug the Plains Hunter and Maloth the Wizard should form a minmaxing party together. <|endoftext|> I personally think that you are viciously retarded. Min-maxing has naught to do with equipment. You... you goddamn fool, you. If Grug has 6 in all his mental stats, just to boost his physical stats and not because Grug was dropped on his dented head, that's a problem. You cannot min-max in real life. You have a wide variety of skills. You can cook for yourself, clean up after yourself, etc. You aren't just good at punching homeless people and dodging the attacks of homeless people. <|endoftext|> Agreed, and well stated. Someone should do the "caveman science fiction" thing, but for minmaxing. >Grug is lvl 1 plains hunter! Grug have pouch full of smooth pebbles of similar size and weight! >That unrealistic, Grug. Grug too focused on best hit rate, Grug should focus on story, and how it feels to be on plains! >But Grug deeply involved in story! Grug have connection to land and sky, deep love for plains life! Real plains hunter like Grok always take pains to have only smooth, even-weighted pebbles in pouch. >It not fun, Grug! Have adventure! Sometimes, in pouch is poop, or small bird. >Grug cannot believe plains hunter do that. Why pebbles make less adventure? Why put poop in pouch? Make no sense without some kind of special circumstance. >"Muh realism! Muh motivations!" Grug, you ruin everything. And then Grug was the bad guy. <|endoftext|> I think I understand the confusion, let me break it down with a more literal play example. >3 Marines >8 Orks >Roll to hit >5 hits scored >Roll those 5 hits to determine wounds >Only 4 of the 5 hits actually wound >There are now 4 wounds in the wound pool We now begin allocating wounds to the Ork unit that the Space Marines are shooting at. Find the model (that is, the individual Ork model) within that Ork unit which is closest to the Space Marine Unit. In order to do this, we measure the distance from the closest Space Marine model (individual SM model) to the closest Ork Model. Once we have determined the closest Ork model, we can now begin to resolve the wound pool. Again, there are 4 wounds in the wound pool. So we take the closest Ork model (I'll name him Grug) that we determined, and apply the wound to it. Grug is allowed any applicable saves (let's say Grug has a 5+ cover save in this situation.) Then the following plays out: >Grug rolls to save against the wound, and passes. There are now currently 3 wounds left in the wound pool. >The process begins again - we seek out the closest Ork model in the unit which still has wounds to be resolved. It is still Grug. >Grug rolls to save against the wound. He passes it. There are now two wounds left to be resolved >The process begins again - we seek out the closest Ork model in the unit which still has wounds to be resolved. It is still Grug. >Grug rolls to save against the wound. He does not save, and is allotted a wound. As he only has one wound in his stat line, he is killed and removed from play. >>The process begins again - we seek out the closest Ork model in the unit which still has wounds to be resolved. This time, as Grug has died, it is the next closest Ork model in the unit, measured from the closest model in the Space Marine unit. >This new Ork rolls to save against the wound. He passes it, and no further wounds are allotted. This unit of Space Marines' shooting is over. <|endoftext|> just throwing some ideas out there: At BAB 5 you normally get an additional d20 to play with as well as your attack -5. To translate this you get an additional 5d4 on lvl 5. During fights from that point on you can divide your dice pool in any way you desire, double your attack bonus and then divide it into at least 2 attacks. the -5 that i am ignoring will be ignored because no crits. Ex. Grug the Orc has +12 to hit at lvl 6. He has 10d4 and a pool of 24. Since he is fighting kobolds, he divides this into 2 attacks of 5d4+12, 4d4+12, and throws his last d4 to be able to run around without provoking AoO <|endoftext|> "Why you give Grug letter with gold coins in it? I give it to wizard friend and he said not to worry about it. What did it say?!" "It was a bribe, to betray your friends." "Oh, well I would have done that back then, when I was only a small Grug. But now, I'm going to smash your head in with rock." <|endoftext|> 'Grug recommend Necronomicon for reading pleasure. Pictures make Grug smile!' <|endoftext|> >Gr-ugg Seven brothers. Gr-ugg, Gr'ugg, Grug, Grrugg, Grr'ugg, Grr-uggug, and Steve. <|endoftext|> Hey, don't talk that way about Grug the Magnificent. He's a great wizard. <|endoftext|> It would have to be a Colossal giant for that to fit. And he's definitely going to be a pencil dick to a Colossal. Now with the right exercises and a Cock Ring of Ogre Power... Yes. Grug the Towercocked could be a fierce opponent. <|endoftext|> Poor Grug. Never to know the touch of a humanoid's love due to his 12' long cock. <|endoftext|> Sh-shut up! Grug just wants to hit things! It has nothing to do with me not knowing where to stick his fleshlance into a lady! <|endoftext|> Played by a jew-fro kid named Tom. Now I'd seen Tom about before I started my experiment, played a game of munchkin or two with him at the table. He was, as far as I can tell, just a regular of the society 'guildhall'. Brought games, played games, wasn't too obnoxious. We have PLENTY of obnoxious regulars and 'characters' who become laughing stock, but it's rare that anyone actually causes shit. So when, after I announced my project he turned up with his Pathfinder core rulebook, I was pretty happy. A normal guy who's got some experience with the game, great! I let him roll up a character without my supervision because he obviously knew the basics and I had people who had NEVER played before who needed someone to teach them. He was absent for the first session as I lead two of my close friends and four newbies through basic combat and a bit of silly roleplaying. The camp was marching to war and there was a spy somewhere in a nearby village! So we had a 5-hour session of goofing about. It was by the book, but everyone seemed to have a good time, I was thrilled because I had a "sand-lord" called "Mohammed" playing a half-orc barbarian called 'Grug' and despite never playing a tabletop rpg before, he was getting into character like a pro and causing lots of laughter at the table. I thought things couldn't GET any better. We packed up and promised to be there nice and early next week. <|endoftext|> Fishhead Krumpany HQ Kaptin Kograt Jawrippa Warboss w/Warbike, cybork, attack squig, power klaw, bosspole 155 Mekboss Razzgut Grumpgit Big Mek w/ Shokk attack gun, eavy armour 100 Elites 8 Lootas 120 Troops 6 Nobz w/ warbikes, cybork, waaagh banner, painboy, 2 pk, 3 BC 410 20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour, bosspole 175 20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour, bosspole 175 10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Thucidium “Redskirt” Ferrous) 40 10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Sister Margaret “Magz” Reccilla ) 40 Fast attack 2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas 90 2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas 90 Heavy support Deff dread (Beff Bossgurl and Grug) 3 dreadnought cc weapons, 1 Skorcha 105 Total:1500 <|endoftext|> Polished this up this morning. Fishhead Krumpany HQ Kaptin Kograt Jawrippa Warboss w/Warbike, cybork, attack squig, power klaw 150 Mekboss Razzgut Grumpgit Big Mek w/ Shokk attack gun, eavy armour 100 Elites 8 Lootas 120 Troops 6 Nobz w/ warbikes, cybork, waaagh banner, painboy, 2 pk, 3 BC 410 20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour 170 20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour , boss pole 175 10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Thucidium “Redskirt” Ferrous) 40 10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Sister Margaret “Magz” Reccilla ) 40 Fast attack 2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas 90 2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas 90 Heavy support Deff dread (Beff Bossgurl and Grug) 2cc weapons, 2 KMB 115 Total:1500 <|endoftext|> I meant more damning the future consequences for the immediately right action. What do you see Grug the barbarian doing? Stabbing the guy who just risked death for him in the back, or letting him go to fight another day? I just really can't see chaotic good justifying long term good for short term evil. That's like... Killing an informer in a terrorist cell for coming clean. Sure he was a terrorist, but he just did what he could to help you. Even knowing he will go back to that group. Sure you prevent evil, but you need to consider the message of what you just did is. it's this: "Yes, you did good. But your past deeds cannot be forgiven, and the possibility you will do evil again supersedes all else. You can never redeem yourself." <|endoftext|> This may take some training, especially in the first few adventures where there is the added problem that they don't know their character's personality yet. It can sometimes take a newbie a while to get into their character's skin. Present the problem via NPC, the NPC offers some options as to how the characters could proceed, with some leads like some other NPCs to talk to if they want' to follow a certain course of action. For example first NPC could say "I know there is a secret passage into the castle somewhere, Grug knows more about it though. But it might be easier to scale the walls, Bert can give you some equipment and maybe some advice." The Players now have some direction, and a choice. After a few of these they'll get the hang of options and hopefully start coming up with their own ideas. <|endoftext|> Grug the Half-Orc's Delicatessen. It's there because Grug likes to cook and finds interesting ingredients growing underground. The rest of the dungeon's denizens go there because it's better than eating each other, though they'll occasionally do that anyway because Grug has to sleep sometime. The only reason they haven't killed him for his temerity is because he refuses to share the recipe for his Cheesy Mushroom & Noodle Soup and losing it would make the head honcho of the dungeon very unhappy. Grug trades his food for more ingredients and occasionally something nice if the customer-after-a-fashion has no ingredients. Grug also beat his cooking pot out of a helmet that he took from a dead hobgoblin after the fucker tried to invade the dungeon and made a righteous frying rack out of the rest of the armor. Why? Because Grug cares not for fighting and beat him to death quickly to make it end faster. <|endoftext|> GRUG WHAT AM YOU DOING ON SKURG MAGIC BOX? DAT NOT YOUS MAGIC BOX. AM SKURG MAGIC BOX. SKURG WILL HIT YOU <|endoftext|> GRUG WAS HERE! ALL HUMENS ARE SMALL AND DUMB! THEY HAVE NO BONE CLUB OR WARTS AND THEY SMELL LIKE FLU- FOLW- FLA- NICE! DURHURHURHUR <|endoftext|>