dm-crypt/System configuration
Unlocking in late userspace
## Unlocking in late userspace ### crypttab The `/etc/crypttab` (encrypted device table) file is similar to the [fstab](../../en/Fstab.html "Fstab") file and contains a list of encrypted devices to be unlocked during system boot up. This file can be used for automatically mounting encrypted swap devices or secondary file systems. `crypttab` is read *before* `fstab`, so that dm-crypt containers can be unlocked before the file system inside is mounted. Note that `crypttab` is read *after* the system has booted up, therefore it is not a replacement for unlocking encrypted partitions by using [mkinitcpio](#mkinitcpio) hooks and [configuring them by using kernel parameters](#Kernel_parameters) as in the case of [encrypting the root partition](../../en/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system.html "Dm-crypt/Encrypting an entire system"). `crypttab` processing at boot time is made by the `systemd-cryptsetup-generator` automatically. See [crypttab(5)](https://man.archlinux.org/man/crypttab.5) for details, read below for some examples, and the [#Mounting at boot time](#Mounting_at_boot_time) section for instructions on how to use UUIDs to mount an encrypted device. **Warning:** * If the `nofail` option is specified, the password entry screen may disappear while typing the password. `nofail` should therefore only be used together with keyfiles. * For [dm-crypt plain mode](../../en/Dm-crypt/Device_encryption.html#Encryption_options_for_plain_mode "Dm-crypt/Device encryption") devices, the `plain` option must be explicitly set to force `systemd-cryptsetup` to recognize them. See [systemd issue 442](https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/442). ``` /etc/crypttab ``` ``` # Example crypttab file. Fields are: name, underlying device, passphrase, cryptsetup options. # Mount /dev/lvm/swap re-encrypting it with a fresh key each reboot swap /dev/lvm/swap /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256 # Mount /dev/lvm/tmp as /dev/mapper/tmp using plain dm-crypt with a random passphrase, making its contents unrecoverable after it is dismounted. tmp /dev/lvm/tmp /dev/urandom tmp,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256 # Mount /dev/lvm/home as /dev/mapper/home using LUKS, and prompt for the passphrase at boot time. home /dev/lvm/home # Mount /dev/sdb1 as /dev/mapper/backup using LUKS, with a passphrase stored in a file. backup /dev/sdb1 /home/alice/backup.key # Unlock /dev/sdX using the only available TPM, naming it myvolume myvolume /dev/sdX none tpm2-device=auto ``` To test your crypttab immediately after editing it, reload the systemd manager configuration with a [daemon-reload](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Daemon-reload") and [start](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Start") the newly generated `systemd-cryptsetup@name.service`. ``` # cryptsetup status name ``` ``` /dev/mapper/name is active. type: ... cipher: ... keysize: ... bits key location: ... device: /dev/sdxN sector size: ... offset: ... sectors size: ... sectors mode: ... flags: ... ``` For more on `systemd-cryptsetup@name.service`, see [#Mounting on demand](#Mounting_on_demand). **Tip:** If you use GPT and specific partition type UUIDs, you can avoid using crypttab and fstab for some mount points with systemd. For more information, see [systemd#GPT partition automounting](../../en/Systemd.html#GPT_partition_automounting "Systemd"). #### Mounting at boot time ![](../../File:Merge-arrows-2.svg)**This article or section is a candidate for merging with [#crypttab](#crypttab).** **Notes:** There is no need for two sections to explain the use of one file. (Discuss in [Talk:Dm-crypt/System configuration](../../en/Talk:Dm-crypt/System_configuration.html)) If you want to mount an encrypted drive at boot time, enter the device's UUID in `/etc/crypttab`. You get the UUID (partition) by using the command `lsblk -f` and adding it to `crypttab` in the form: ``` /etc/crypttab ``` ``` externaldrive UUID=2f9a8428-ac69-478a-88a2-4aa458565431 none timeout=180 ``` The first parameter is your preferred device mapper's name for the encrypted drive. The option `none` will trigger a prompt during boot to type the passphrase for unlocking the partition. The `timeout` option defines a timeout in seconds for entering the decryption password during boot. **Tip:** Passwords entered in the password prompt are cached in the kernel keyring by [systemd-cryptsetup(8)](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd-cryptsetup.8) (when [using the sd-encrypt hook](#Using_systemd-cryptsetup-generator), this also includes passwords entered in the initramfs stage). If a device in `crypttab` uses a previously entered password, the third parameter can be set to `none` and the cached password will be automatically used. **Note:** Keep in mind that the `timeout` option in `crypttab` only determines the amount of time allowed for *entering the password* of the encrypted device. In addition, [systemd](../../en/Systemd.html "Systemd") also has a default timeout which determines the amount of time allowed for *the device to be available* (defaulting to 90 seconds), which is independent of the password timer. In consequence, even when the `timeout` option in `crypttab` is set to a value larger than 90 seconds (or it is at its default value of 0, meaning unlimited time), *systemd* will still only wait a maximum of 90 seconds for the device to be unlocked. In order to change the time *systemd* will wait for a device to be available, the option `x-systemd.device-timeout` (see [systemd.mount(5)](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.mount.5)) can be set in [fstab](../../en/Fstab.html "Fstab") for said device. It is probably desired, then, that the amount of time of the `timeout` option in `crypttab` is equal to the amount of time of the `x-systemd.device-timeout` option in `fstab` for each device mounted at boot time. ##### Unlocking with a keyfile If the [keyfile](../../en/Dm-crypt/Device_encryption.html#Keyfiles "Dm-crypt/Device encryption") for a secondary file system is itself stored inside an encrypted root, it is safe while the system is powered off and can be sourced to automatically unlock the mount during with boot via [crypttab](#crypttab). For example, unlock a crypt specified by [UUID](../../en/Persistent_block_device_naming.html#by-uuid "UUID"): ``` /etc/crypttab ``` ``` home-crypt UUID=UUID-identifier /etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/home-crypt.key ``` **Tip:** * If a keyfile is not specified, [systemd-cryptsetup(8)](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd-cryptsetup.8) will automatically try to load it from `/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/name.key` and `/run/cryptsetup-keys.d/name.key`.[\[3\]](https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/15637) * If you prefer to use a `--plain` mode blockdevice, the encryption options necessary to unlock it are specified in `/etc/crypttab`. Take care to apply the systemd workaround mentioned in [crypttab](#crypttab) in this case. Then use the device mapper's name (defined in `/etc/crypttab`) to make an entry in `/etc/fstab`: ``` /etc/fstab ``` ``` /dev/mapper/home-crypt /home ext4 defaults 0 2 ``` Since `/dev/mapper/home-crypt` already is the result of a unique partition mapping, there is no need to specify a UUID for it. In any case, the mapper with the filesystem will have a different UUID than the partition it is encrypted in. ##### Mounting a stacked blockdevice The systemd generators also automatically process stacked block devices at boot. For example, you can create a [RAID](../../en/RAID.html "RAID") setup, use cryptsetup on it and create an [LVM](../../en/LVM.html "LVM") logical volume with respective filesystem inside the encrypted block device. A resulting: ``` $ lsblk -f ``` ``` ─sdXX linux_raid_member │ └─md0 crypto_LUKS │ └─cryptedbackup LVM2_member │ └─vgraid-lvraid ext4 /mnt/backup └─sdYY linux_raid_member └─md0 crypto_LUKS └─cryptedbackup LVM2_member └─vgraid-lvraid ext4 /mnt/backup ``` will ask for the passphrase and mount automatically at boot. Given you specify the correct corresponding crypttab (e.g. UUID for the `crypto_LUKS` device) and fstab (`/dev/vgraid/lvraid`) entries, there is no need to add additional mkinitcpio hooks/configuration, because `/etc/crypttab` processing applies to non-root mounts only. One exception is when the `mdadm_udev` hook is used *already* (e.g. for the root device). In this case `/etc/madadm.conf` and the initramfs need updating to achieve the correct root raid is picked first. #### Mounting on demand Instead of using ``` # cryptsetup open UUID=... externaldrive ``` you can [start](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Start") `systemd-cryptsetup@externaldrive.service` when you have an entry as follows in your `/etc/crypttab`: ``` /etc/crypttab ``` ``` externaldrive UUID=... none noauto ``` That way you do not need to remember the exact crypttab options. It will prompt you for the passphrase if needed. The corresponding unit file is generated automatically by [systemd-cryptsetup-generator(8)](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd-cryptsetup-generator.8). You can list all generated unit files using: ``` $ systemctl list-unit-files | grep systemd-cryptsetup ```
dm-crypt/System configuration
## Troubleshooting ### System stuck on boot/password prompt does not show If you are using [Plymouth](../../en/Plymouth.html "Plymouth"), make sure to use the correct modules (see [Plymouth#mkinitcpio](../../en/Plymouth.html#mkinitcpio "Plymouth")) or disable it. Otherwise, Plymouth will swallow the password prompt, making a system boot impossible. ### Keyboard or keyfile on filesystem unavailable for unlocking If you unlock the LUKS device with a keyboard or a keyfile on a filesystem that is not present when generating the initramfs, you might need to add the corresponding modules to the `MODULES` array of mkinitcpio. This might also be needed when the keyboard is connected through a USB hub. See [mkinitcpio#MODULES](../../en/Mkinitcpio.html#MODULES "Mkinitcpio") for more information on this issue and [Minimal initramfs#Sorting out modules](../../en/Mkinitcpio/Minimal_initramfs.html#Sorting_out_modules "Minimal initramfs") as a starting point for potential keyboard and filesystem module names to be added. In general, for keyboards that are not connected to the PC at initramfs generation time, you need to place the `keyboard` hook before the `autodetect` hook or only the parts necessary for the currently connected hardware are kept, see [mkinitcpio#Common hooks](../../en/Mkinitcpio.html#Common_hooks "Mkinitcpio"). [Category](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Data-at-rest encryption](../../en/Category:Data-at-rest_encryption.html "Category:Data-at-rest encryption") Hidden categories: * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Expansion](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Expansion.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Expansion") * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Merge](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Merge.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Merge") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Dm-crypt/System_configuration&oldid=809070>" - This page was last edited on 23 May 2024, at 05:55. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
File recovery/Post recovery tasks
# File recovery/Post recovery tasks \[ ] 1 language * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%AA%E5%BE%8C%E3%81%AE%E3%82%BF%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AF "リカバリ後のタスク – 日本語") From ArchWiki < [File recovery](../../en/File_recovery.html "File recovery") Related articles * [File recovery](../../en/File_recovery.html "File recovery") * [Sort images by resolution](../../en/Sort_images_by_resolution.html "Sort images by resolution") **Note:** To speed up access to the recovered or restored files you can use [shake](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=shake) utility to defragment them.
File recovery/Post recovery tasks
List only unique files by checksum
## List only unique files by checksum **Note:** * To list only files where *photorec* could restore original names you can add `if(index(A,"_") != 0)` before `print` in *awk*. You can also use the *awk* as stand alone command on an already created file to list only file names or extensions you need. * To list only extensions you can use `D=B;gsub(/[^*\.]*\./,"",D)` in *awk* that will cut everything until the last `.` dot that will show only *gz* even from *tar.gz* extension or you can use *sub* instead of *gsub* that will cut only until the first dot in the filename. When files are restored it might be that many of them have the same [hash sum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum "wikipedia:Checksum") and by making a list of the unique files including only one of the found duplicate files you will speed up gathering extra information about files with other utilities by using stored file names and path in it. ``` find -type f -print0 | \ xargs -0 md5sum | \ awk '// {Count[$1]++; if( Count[$1] == 1 ){C=substr($0,index($0,"./"));A=$0;sub(/^.*\//,"",A);B=substr(A,index(A,"_")+1);HASHsum=$1; print A"|"B"|"C"|"HASHsum}}' ``` This will print out result on screen with pattern: **filename|restored\_filename|full\_path\_to\_filename|check\_sum** ``` f851733136_WindowMaker_Dockapps.pdf|WindowMaker_Dockapps.pdf|./f851733136_WindowMaker_Dockapps.pdf|272cc4fcdc8027e3b8b53318f08f3f01 ``` ### Clean up and sort file names To make destination file names more *bash* friendly you can remove special symbols, spaces and sort by second column for a better overview of duplicate names with different checksums. To the duplicate file names will be added a number with `¤` as a separator in front of the *restored\_filename*. The script will use file created by script from above and print result to *stdout*. ``` clean_and_sort.sh ``` ``` if [ ! -z "$1" ];then awk -F"|" '{B=$2; gsub(/\(/,"",B);gsub(/\)/,"",B); gsub(/!/,"",B); gsub(/?/,"",B); gsub(/\[/,"",B);gsub(/\]/,"",B); gsub(/{/,"",B); gsub(/}/,"",B); gsub(/&/,"",B); gsub(/=/,"",B); gsub(/\^/,"",B);gsub(/~/,"",B); gsub(" ","",B) ;gsub(/#/,"",B); gsub(/\"/,"",B);gsub(/;/,"",B); gsub(/\\/,"",B);gsub(/\//,"",B); sub(/-*/,"",B); sub(/+*/,"",B); print $1" | "B" | "$3}' "$1" | \ sort --field-separator=\| -s -d -k 2 \ awk -F'|' '{B=$2;Count[B]++;sub(/ */,"",B);if( Count[$2] == 1 ){print $1"|"B"|"$3}else{print $1"|"Count[$2]-1"¤"B"|"$3"|"$4} }' else echo 'Path to file is missing!' fi ``` File names with special symbols especially if file names begins with them are harder to manage with commands like `mv` or `cp` without using quotes or backslash `\` but if you want to keep information about them then they can be replaced with [HTML hex codes](http://www.obkb.com/dcljr/charstxt.html) instead of removing all of them.
File recovery/Post recovery tasks
## Photorec ### Creation of a file with data for arrays In this example the [xdg-mime](../../en/Xdg-utils.html#xdg-mime "Xdg-utils") is used to gather information about the mime types but the `file --mime-type -b` and `file -i -b` commands does the same output as the `xdg-mime query filetype` command, with more or less details. This script will collect a lot of more additional information about the files into the **info-mime-size-db.txt**. Put the script in the destination directory that you used in *photorec*, make it executable and use path to files from the list with unique checksums described from above. e.g. `awk -F" | " '{system("start-collect-file-info.sh "$3" "$1" "$2)}' file_list-unique_checksums`. ``` start-collect-file-info.sh ``` ``` #!/bin/bash if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ ! -z "$2" ] && [ ! -z "$3" ]; then if [ -f "$1" ]; then echo "$1" echo "$(file "$1" -F"|" )'|'$(xdg-mime query filetype "$1")'|'$(du -h "$1" |awk '{print $1}' )|$2|$3" >> info-mime-size-db.txt else echo The « "$1" » is not a valid file name. fi fi ``` The script will build a file with pattern **path to file/file name | info about the file | mime type | size | filename | restored\_filename**, here is an example:`./recup_dir.1/f872690288_image.jpg|JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01|image/jpeg|24K|f872690288_image.jpg|image.jpg` ### Post recovery tasks This will help you more to understand the script and make your own scripts base on it. You can also put all necessary parts together into a script, modify patterns for files to search and run it. You need to create a database file with name `info-mime-size-db.txt` with information about files. **Warning:** * Remove the `echo` command in front of the `cp` and `mkdir` otherwise the script will only show what is going to to be done without restoring anything to a destination, do a dry run. To use `echo` command is good for verify that settings for filenames and destinations looks correctly. * Those scripts are only examples for restoration of files from folders created by *photorec*, be careful! #### Head of the script Here is a simple check if the `info-mime-size-db.txt` exists in the current directory to prevent possible errors with rest of the script. ``` #!/bin/bash if [ -f info-mime-size-db.txt ]; then echo The file info-mime-size-db.txt exists continuing... ; else echo Error!! the info-mime-size-db.txt file cannot be found;exit 1; fi ``` #### Start variables ``` CountAll="0" CountToLimit="0" BaseSubDirName="MyRestoredFiles" Destination="$HOME/NameOfBaseFolder/${BaseSubDirName}-MoreDetailsInFolderName/" NewDirNumber="0" CountToLimit="0" ``` #### Populate an array **Warning:** Arrays become populated by reading data from a `info-mime-size-db.txt` file. Otherwise the script will not work correctly! ##### With a while loop Here will be a short examples about how to speed up population of the array from a file with patterns by using [bash standard expressions](https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/string-manipulation.html) instead of *awk*, *grep* and *sed*. The `ArrayOfFiles` array will contain full path to the file and the `ArrayOfsorted` will contain original names restored by *photorec* but without random generated part. ``` WhileArray=0; while read i; do if [[ "$i" =~ "gif" ]]||[[ "$i" =~ "jpeg" ]];then ArrayOfFiles[WhileArray]=${i/'|'*/} ArrayOfsorted[WhileArray]=${i/[^*|]*|/} WhileArray=$((WhileArray+1)); fi; done < info-mime-size-db.txt echo done, the array is full ``` #### Loops for restoration This is a finale part of a script that manages restoration of files. When limit of files in a destination sub-directory reached then it creates and new one numbered sub-directory in the destination folder and continuing to copy files there. ``` SizeOfArray=${#ArrayOfFiles[@]} while [ "${SizeOfArray}" != "${CountAll}" ]; do IfExist="${Destination}${BaseSubDirName}${NewDirNumber}" if [ ! -d "${IfExist}" ]; then echo mkdir -v "${IfExist}" -p;fi CountToLimit=$((CountToLimit+1 )) FileName=${ArrayOfsorted[CountAll]} if [ $CountToLimit -gt 25 ]; then CountToLimit="0" NewDirNumber=$((NewDirNumber+1)) fi; NewDestination="$IfExist" echo cp -fv "$PWD/${ArrayOfFiles[CountAll]}" "${IfExist}${FileName}" CountAll=$((CountAll+1)) done ``` **Note:** In order to add more specific details about files in their names or names of the destination directories you will need to gather information about them with external programs, e.g. for image resolution: [feh](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=feh) `feh -l "${ArrayOfFiles[$CountAll]}" | tail -1 | awk '{print $3"x"$4}'`, [imagemagick](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=imagemagick) `identify ${ArrayOfFiles[$CountAll]} | awk '{print $3}'`.
File recovery/Post recovery tasks
Enough if files are few
## Enough if files are few If it is not so many files with the same extension then it will be enough to use something like `find -name *.xcf -exec copy "{}" $HOME/Desktop \;` to avoid the *overload* of a destination folder you can calculate how many files are found `find -type f -name *xcf | wc -l`. **Note:** The photorec utility stores up to 500 recovered files in a single folder. [Category](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [System recovery](../../en/Category:System_recovery.html "Category:System recovery") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=File_recovery/Post_recovery_tasks&oldid=782391>" - This page was last edited on 3 July 2023, at 15:06. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
# Firefox/Privacy \[ ] 1 language * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/Firefox/%E3%83%97%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%90%E3%82%B7%E3%83%BC "Firefox/プライバシー – 日本語") From ArchWiki < [Firefox](../../en/Firefox.html "Firefox") Related articles * [Firefox](../../en/Firefox.html "Firefox") * [Tor](../../en/Tor.html "Tor") * [Browser extensions](../../en/Browser_extensions.html "Browser extensions") * [Browser Plugins](../../en/Browser_plugins.html "Browser Plugins") * [Firefox/Tweaks](../../en/Firefox/Tweaks.html "Firefox/Tweaks") * [Firefox/Profile on RAM](../../en/Firefox/Profile_on_RAM.html "Firefox/Profile on RAM") This article overviews how to configure Firefox to enhance security and privacy.
## Configuration The following are privacy-focused tweaks to prevent [browser fingerprinting](https://www.amiunique.org/faq) and tracking. ### Tracking protection Firefox gained an option for [Enhanced Tracking Protection](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enhanced-tracking-protection-firefox-desktop). It can be enabled in different levels via the GUI *Settings > Privacy & Security*, or by setting `about:config`: * `privacy.trackingprotection.enabled` `true` Apart from privacy benefits, enabling [tracking protection](http://venturebeat.com/2015/05/24/firefoxs-optional-tracking-protection-reduces-load-time-for-top-news-sites-by-44/) may also reduce load time by 44%. Note that this is not a replacement for ad blocking extensions such as [uBlock Origin](../../en/Browser_extensions.html#Content_blockers "Browser extensions") and it may or may not work with [Firefox forks](../../en/List_of_applications/Internet.html#Firefox_spin-offs "List of applications/Internet"). If you are already running such an ad blocker with the correct lists, tracking protection might be redundant. ### Anti-fingerprinting The Firefox [tracking protection](#Tracking_protection) blocks a list of known "fingerprinters" when your privacy settings are set to *Standard* (the default) or *Strict*. Fingerprinting Protection is a different, experimental feature under heavy development in Firefox. Mozilla has started an [anti-fingerprinting project in Firefox](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Fingerprinting "mozillawiki:Security/Fingerprinting"), as part of a project to upstream features from [Tor Browser](../../en/Tor.html "Tor Browser"). Many of these anti-fingerprinting features are enabled by this setting in the `about:config`: * `privacy.resistFingerprinting` `true` **Warning:** This is an experimental feature and can cause some website breakage, timezone is UTC0, and websites will prefer light theme. Please note that text-to-speech engine will be disabled ([bug #1636707](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1636707)) and some favicons will be broken ([bug #1452391](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1452391#c5)). For more information see: [Firefox's protection against fingerprinting](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-protection-against-fingerprinting). ### Change browser time zone The time zone of your system can be used in browser fingerprinting. To set Firefox's time zone to UTC launch it as: ``` $ TZ=UTC firefox ``` Or, set a script to launch the above (for example, at `/usr/local/bin/firefox`). ### Change user agent and platform You can override Firefox's user agent with the `general.useragent.override` preference in `about:config`. The value for the key is your browser's user agent. Select a known common one. **Tip:** * The value `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0` is used as the user agent for the Tor browser, thus being very common. * The [#Anti-fingerprinting](#Anti-fingerprinting) option also enables the Tor browser user agent and changes your browser platform automatically. **Warning:** Changing the user agent without changing to a corresponding platform will make your browser nearly unique. To change the platform for firefox, add the following `string` key in `about:config`: ``` general.platform.override ``` Select a known common platform that corresponds with your user agent. **Tip:** The value `Win32` is used as the platform for the Tor browser, corresponding with the user agent provided above. ### WebRTC exposes LAN IP address To prevent websites from getting your local IP address via [WebRTC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebRTC "wikipedia:WebRTC")'s peer-to-peer (and JavaScript), open `about:config` and set: * `media.peerconnection.ice.default_address_only` to `true` * `media.peerconnection.enabled` to `false`. (only if you want to completely disable WebRTC) You can use this [WebRTC test page](https://net.ipcalf.com/) and [WebRTC IP Leak VPN / Tor IP Test](https://ipleak.net/) to confirm that your internal/external IP address is no longer leaked. ### Disable HTTP referer [HTTP referer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer "wikipedia:HTTP referer") is an optional HTTP header field that identifies the address of the previous webpage from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. Set `network.http.sendRefererHeader` to `0` or `1`, depending on your [preferences](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Referrer "mozillawiki:Security/Referrer"). **Note:** Some sites use the referer header to control origin conditions. Disabling this header completely may cause site breaking. In this case adjusting `network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy` may provide a better solution. ### Disable connection tests By default Firefox attempts to connect to Amazon and/or Akamai servers at [regular](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1363651) [intervals](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1359697#c3), to test your connection. For example a hotel, restaurant or other business might require you to enter a password to access the internet. If such a [Captive portal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_portal "wikipedia:Captive portal") exists and is blocking traffic this feature blocks all other connection attempts. This may leak your usage habits. To disable Captive Portal testing, in `about:config` set: * `network.captive-portal-service.enabled` to `false` **Note:** A [report states that](https://www.ghacks.net/2020/02/19/why-is-firefox-establishing-connections-to-detectportal-firefox-com-on-start/) the [Mozilla VPN](https://vpn.mozilla.org/) is unable to connect when this is disabled. ### Disable telemetry Set `toolkit.telemetry.enabled` to `false` and/or disable it under *Preferences > Privacy & Security > Firefox Data Collection and Use*. ### Enable "Do Not Track" header Set `privacy.donottrackheader.enabled` to `true` or toggle it in *Preferences > Privacy & Security > Tracking Protection* **Note:** The remote server may choose to not honour the "Do Not Track" request. **Warning:** The "Do Not Track" header (DNT) may actually be used to fingerprint your browser, since most users leave the option disabled. ### Disable/enforce 'Trusted Recursive Resolver' Firefox 60 introduced a feature called [Trusted Recursive Resolver](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Trusted_Recursive_Resolver "mozillawiki:Trusted Recursive Resolver") (TRR). It circumvents DNS servers configured in your system, instead sending all DNS requests over HTTPS to Cloudflare servers. While this is significantly more secure (as "classic" DNS requests are sent in plain text over the network, and everyone along the way can snoop on these), this also makes all your DNS requests readable by Cloudflare, providing TRR servers. * If you trust DNS servers you have configured yourself more than Cloudflare's, you can disable TRR in `about:config` by setting `network.trr.mode` (integer, create it if it does not exist) to `5`. (A value of 0 means disabled by default, and might be overridden by future updates - a value of 5 is disabled by choice and will not be overridden.) * If you trust Cloudflare DNS servers and would prefer extra privacy (thanks to encrypted DNS requests), you can enforce TRR by setting `network.trr.mode` to `3` (which completely disables classic DNS requests) or `2` (uses TRR by default, falls back to classic DNS requests if that fails). Keep in mind that if you are using any intranet websites or trying to access computers in your local networks by their hostnames, enabling TRR may break name resolving in such cases. * If you want to encrypt your DNS requests but not use Cloudflare servers, you can point to a new DNS over HTTPS server by setting `network.trr.uri` to your resolver URL. A list of currently available resolvers can be found in the [curl wiki](https://github.com/curl/curl/wiki/DNS-over-HTTPS#publicly-available-servers), along with other configuration options for TRR. ### Encrypted Client Hello To enable [Encrypted Client Hello (ECH)](https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2021/01/07/encrypted-client-hello-the-future-of-esni-in-firefox/) (formerly encrypted Server Name Indicator (eSNI)), so that nobody listening on the wire can see the server name you made a TLS connection to, set: * `network.dns.echconfig.enabled` to `true` * `network.dns.http3_echconfig.enabled` to `true` You may also need to set `network.trr.mode` to `2` or `3`. ### Disable geolocation Set `geo.enabled` to `false` in `about:config`. **Note:** This may break websites that needs access to your location. One may want to simply allow location-access per site, instead of disabling this feature completely. ### Disable 'Safe Browsing' service Safe Browsing offers phishing protection and malware checks, however it may send user information (e.g. URL, file hashes, etc.) to third parties like Google. To disable the Safe Browsing service, in `about:config` set: * `browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled` to `false` * `browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled` to `false` In addition disable download checking, by setting `browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled` to `false`. ### Disable WebGL WebGL is a potential security risk.[\[1\]](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/13799/is-webgl-a-security-concern) Set `webgl.disabled` to `true` in `about:config` if you want to disable it.
## Extensions See [Browser extensions#Privacy](../../en/Browser_extensions.html#Privacy "Browser extensions"). ### Disable WebAssembly (and JavaScript) [WebAssembly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webassembly "wikipedia:Webassembly"), also known as Wasm, is a relatively new language. Unlike JavaScript, Wasm executes *pre-compiled code* natively in browsers for high-performance simulations and applications. It has been criticized for hiding pathways for malware and [as with JavaScript, can be used to track users](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/21549). Tor Browser blocks both JavaScript and Wasm. See *NoScript* in [Browser extensions#Privacy](../../en/Browser_extensions.html#Privacy "Browser extensions") to block JavaScript the way Tor Browser does, which enables quick access when needed. To disable Wasm, in `about:config` set: * `javascript.options.wasm` to `false` * `javascript.options.wasm_baselinejit` to `false` * `javascript.options.wasm_ionjit` to `false` ### Remove system-wide hidden extensions Some extensions are hidden and installed by default in `/usr/lib/firefox/browser/features`. Many can be safely removed via `rm extension-name.xpi`. They might not be enabled by default and may have a menu option for enabling or disabling. Note that any files removed will return upon update of the [firefox](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=firefox) package. To keep these extensions removed, consider adding the directories to `NoExtract=` in `pacman.conf`, see [Pacman#Skip files from being installed to system](../../en/Pacman.html#Skip_files_from_being_installed_to_system "Pacman"). Some extensions include: * `doh-rollout@mozilla.org.xpi` - DoH Roll-Out (do not remove if you chose to use [#Disable/enforce 'Trusted Recursive Resolver'](#Disable/enforce_'Trusted_Recursive_Resolver') above). * `screenshots@mozilla.org.xpi` - Firefox Screenshots. * `webcompat-reporter@mozilla.org.xpi` - For reporting sites that are compromised in Firefox, so Mozilla can improve Firefox or patch the site dynamically using the `webcompat@mozilla.org.xpi` extension. * All combined user and system extensions are listed in `about:support`. See [\[2\]](https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-release/source/browser/extensions/) for a full list of system extensions including README files describing their functions. Firefox installations to paths such as the default release installed to `/opt` have system extensions installed at `/firefox/firefox/browser/features`.
Web search over Searx
## Web search over Searx **Note:** SearX is no longer maintained since September 2023. The active fork is [SearxNG](https://docs.searxng.org/). Privacy can be boosted by reducing the amount of information you give to a single entity. For example, sending each new web search via a different, randomly selected proxy makes it near impossible for a single search engine to build a profile of you. We can do this using public instances (or sites) of [Searx](https://searx.me/). Searx is an [AGPL-3.0](https://github.com/searx/searx/blob/master/LICENSE), [open-source](https://github.com/searx/searx) site-builder, that produces site, known as an 'instances'. Each public 'instance' can act as a middle-man between you and a myriad of different search engines. From [this list of public instances](https://searx.space/) and [others](https://searx.neocities.org/nojs.html), bookmark as many Searx sites as you wish (if JavaScript is disabled you will need to enable it temporarily to load the list). For fast access to these bookmarks, consider adding `SX1`, `SX2` ... `SX(n)` to the bookmark's *Name* field, with `(n)` being the number of searx instances you bookmark. After this bookmarking, simply typing `sx`, a number and `Enter` in the URL bar will load an instance. **Note:** Update the above bookmarks from time to time or as instances become unreliable to reduce your online fingerprint. **Tip:** * If you have a web server and available bandwidth, consider running a public Searx instance to help others improve their privacy ([more info](https://searx.github.io/searx/)). * For increased privacy, use Searx instances with [Tor Browser](../../en/Tor.html "Tor Browser"), which uses onion-routing to provide a degree of anonymity. * You can improve your privacy further by running a private instance of Searx locally. [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") the [searx](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/searx/)AUR package and [start](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Start") `uwsgi@searx.service`. Searx will be available on <http://localhost:8888/>. See <https://www.privacyguides.org/en/search-engines/> for other options.
Watch videos over Invidious
## Watch videos over Invidious Invidious instances act as an alternative front-end to YouTube. They are websites built from [open-source code](https://github.com/iv-org/invidious). It has typically been difficult to limit the amount of information a user sent to YouTube (Google) in order to access content. Benefits of using Invidious include: * Videos are accessible without running scripts. YouTube forces users to run scripts. * Videos can be saved for future viewing, or for viewing by others, including when offline. This reduces feedback sent to Google about when content is viewed or re-viewed. * An optional audio-only mode that reduces bandwidth usage. When combined with a browser like [Tor](../../en/Tor.html "Tor"), using fewer data packets on a more lightweight website is likely to improve your anonymity. * Invidious is a free and open-source interface that makes setting up an independent, private, video-hosting service easier. As such there are website that exist that are using Invidious to serve their own content or content removed from YouTube. Therefore it may help limit the profile-building capabilities of YouTube into the future (see note). Bookmark as many *functioning* invidious instances from the following lists as possible ([here](https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/wiki/Invidious-Instances), [here](https://invidio.us/), [here](https://solmu.org/pub/misc/invidio.html)\[[dead link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Link_rot "wikipedia:Wikipedia:Link rot") 2024-01-13 ⓘ]). Note that some of these instances may be hosted by Cloudflare. You can change any YouTube video URL to an Invidious one by simply replacing the `youtube.com` part with the domain of the instance you want to use. **Note:** Invidious does not index videos from Facebook or Cloudflare servers. Additionally, content is generally still sent to users from Google servers. For added privacy, see [Tor Browser](../../en/Tor.html "Tor Browser").
Enterprise policies
## Enterprise policies Network and system-wide policies may be established through the use of [enterprise policies](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/managing-policies-linux-desktops) which both supplements and overrides user configuration preferences. For example, there is no documented user preference to disable the checking of updates for beta channel releases. However, there exists an enterprise policy which can be effectively deployed as a workaround. Single and/or multiple policies may be administered through `policies.json` as follows: * Disable application updates * Force-enable hardware acceleration ``` { "policies": { "DisableAppUpdate": true, "HardwareAcceleration": true } } ``` Verify that `Enterprise Policies` is set to `Active` in `about:support` and review release-specific policies in `about:policies`.
Sanitized profiles
## Sanitized profiles ### prefs.js Files which constitute a Firefox profile can be stripped of certain metadata. For example, a typical `prefs.js` contains strings which identify the client and/or the user. ``` user_pref("app.normandy.user_id", "6f469186-12b8-50fb-bdf2-209ebc482c263"); user_pref("security.sandbox.content.tempDirSuffix", "2a02902b-f25c-a9df-17bb-501350287f27"); user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.cachedClientID", "22e251b4-0791-44f5-91ec-a44d77255f4a"); ``` There are multiple approaches by which these strings can be reset with the caveat that a master `prefs.js` must first be created without such identifiers and synced into a working profile. The simplest solution is close Firefox before copying its `prefs.js` to a separate location: ``` $ cp ~/.mozilla/firefox/example.default-release/prefs.js ~/prefs.sanitized.js ``` Strip out any and all identfier strings and date codes by either setting them to 0 or removing the entries outright from the copied `prefs.js`. Sync the now sanitized `prefs.js` to the working profile as required: ``` $ rsync -v ~/.prefs.sanitized.js ~/.mozilla/firefox/example.default-release/prefs.js ``` **Note:** Required identifier and date code entries and/or strings will automatically be repopulated and reset to new values during the next launch of Firefox A secondary privacy effect is also incurred which can be witnessed by examining the string results between a sanitized `prefs.js` versus a working `prefs.js` at [Fingerprint JS API Demo](https://fingerprintjs.com/demo). ### extensions.json Assuming that extensions are installed, the `extensions.json` file lists all profile extensions and their settings. Of note is the location of the user home directory where the `.mozilla` and `extensions` folder exist by default. Unwanted background updates may be disabled by setting `applyBackgroundUpdates` to the appropriate `0` value. Of minor note are `installDate` and `updateDate`. [Bubblewrap](../../en/Bubblewrap/Examples.html#Firefox "Bubblewrap/Examples") can effectively mask the username and location of the home directory at which time the `extensions.json` file may be sanitized and modified to point to the sandboxed `HOME` location. ``` {"schemaVersion":31,"addons":[{"id":"uBlock0@raymondhill.net","syncGUID":"{0}","version":"0","type":"extension","optionsURL":"dashboard.html","optionsType":3,"optionsBrowserStyle":true,"visible":true,"active":true,"userDisabled":false,"appDisabled":false,"embedderDisabled":false,"installDate":0,"updateDate":0,"applyBackgroundUpdates":0,"path":"/home/r/.mozilla/firefox/example.default-release/extensions/uBlock0@raymondhill.net.xpi","skinnable":false,"softDisabled":false,"foreignInstall":true,"strictCompatibility":true}} ``` Removal of similar metadata from `addonStartup.json.lz4` and `search.json.mozlz4` can also be accomplished. [mozlz4](https://github.com/jusw85/mozlz4) is a command-line tool which provides compression/decompression support for Mozilla (non-standard) LZ4 files.
Removal of subsystems
## Removal of subsystems ![](../../File:Tango-view-fullscreen.svg)**This article or section needs expansion.** **Reason:** The deleted files will be back after upgrading the package, add them to [NoExtract](../../en/Pacman.html#Skip_files_from_being_installed_to_system "Pacman") instead. (Discuss in [Talk:Firefox/Privacy](../../en/Talk:Firefox/Privacy.html)) Telemetry related to [crash reporting](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter/index.html) may be disabled by removing the following: ``` /usr/lib/firefox/crashreporter /usr/lib/firefox/minidump-analyzer /usr/lib/firefox/pingsender ``` For those who have opted to install Firefox manually from official Mozilla sources, the updater system may be disabled by removing `updater` in the `firefox` directory.
Editing the contents of omni.ja
## Editing the contents of omni.ja **Note:** Certain features may be inhibited or lost as a result of modifying the contents of `omni.ja`. Additionally, it is updated/overwritten with each Firefox release. It is up to the user to determine whether the gain in privacy is worth the loss of expected usability. The file `/usr/lib/firefox/omni.ja` contains most of the default configuration settings used by Firefox. As an example, starting from Firefox 73, network calls to `firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com` and/or `content-signature-2.cdn.mozilla.net` cannot be blocked by extensions or by setting preference URLs to `"");`. Aside from using a DNS sinkhole or firewalling resolved IP blocks, one solution is to [grep(1)](https://man.archlinux.org/man/grep.1) through the extracted contents of `omni.ja` before removing all references to `firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com` and/or `cdn.mozilla.net`. Extraneous modules such as unused dictionaries and hyphenation files can also be removed in order to reduce the size of `omni.ja` for both security and performance reasons. To repack/rezip, use the command `zip -0DXqr omni.ja *` and make sure that your working directory is the root directory of the files from the `omni.ja` file.
Hardened user.js templates
## Hardened user.js templates Several active projects maintain comprehensive hardened Firefox configurations in the form of a `user.js` config that can be dropped to Firefox profile directory: * [arkenfox/user.js](https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js) ([arkenfox-user.js](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/arkenfox-user.js/)AUR) * [pyllyukko/user.js](https://github.com/pyllyukko/user.js) * [ffprofile.com](https://ffprofile.com/) ([github](https://github.com/allo-/firefox-profilemaker)) - online user.js generator. You select which features you want to enable and disable and in the end you get a download link for a zip-file with your profile template. You can for example disable some functions, which send data to Mozilla and Google, or disable several annoying Firefox functions like Mozilla Hello or the Pocket integration.
See also
## See also * [Brainfucksec's firefox hardening guide](https://brainfucksec.github.io/firefox-hardening-guide) - A well maintained firefox guide to harden your firefox. * [Privacy Guides](https://www.privacyguides.org/) - A community-maintained resource for keeping online privacy. * [privacytools.io Firefox Privacy Add-ons](https://www.privacytools.io/#addons) * [prism-break.org Web Browser Addons](https://prism-break.org/en/categories/gnu-linux/#web-browser-addons) * [MozillaWiki:Privacy/Privacy Task Force/firefox about config privacy tweeks](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Privacy/Privacy_Task_Force/firefox_about_config_privacy_tweeks "mozillawiki:Privacy/Privacy Task Force/firefox about config privacy tweeks") - a wiki page maintained by Mozilla with descriptions of privacy specific settings. * [How to stop Firefox from making automatic connections](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-stop-firefox-making-automatic-connections) - Is an annotated list of corresponding Firefox functionality and settings to disable it case-by-case. * [Search Engine Comparison](https://searchengine.party/) - Web page for comparing popular search engines across some privacy-centric data points. [Category](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Web browser](../../en/Category:Web_browser.html "Category:Web browser") Hidden categories: * [Pages with dead links](../../en/Category:Pages_with_dead_links.html "Category:Pages with dead links") * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Expansion](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Expansion.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Expansion") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Firefox/Privacy&oldid=806551>" - This page was last edited on 20 April 2024, at 16:23. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
Firefox/Profile on RAM
# Firefox/Profile on RAM \[ ] 3 languages * [Deutsch](https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Firefox-Profile_in_Ramdisk_auslagern "Firefox-Profile in Ramdisk auslagern – Deutsch") * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/Firefox/%E3%83%97%E3%83%AD%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB%E3%82%92_RAM_%E3%81%AB%E7%BD%AE%E3%81%8F "Firefox/プロファイルを RAM に置く – 日本語") * [Русский](../../ru/Firefox/Profile_on_RAM.html "Firefox (Русский)/Profile on RAM – русский") From ArchWiki < [Firefox](../../en/Firefox.html "Firefox") Assuming that there is memory to spare, placing [Firefox](../../en/Firefox.html "Firefox")'s cache or complete profile to RAM offers significant advantages. Even though opting for the partial route is an improvement by itself, the latter can make Firefox even more responsive compared to its stock configuration. Benefits include, among others: * reduced drive read/writes; * heightened responsive feel; * many operations within Firefox, such as quick search and history queries, are nearly instantaneous. To do so we can make use of a [tmpfs](../../en/Tmpfs.html "Tmpfs"). Because data placed therein cannot survive a shutdown, a script responsible for syncing back to drive prior to system shutdown is necessary if persistence is desired (which is likely in the case of profile relocation). On the other hand, only relocating the cache is a quick, less inclusive solution that will slightly speed up user experience while emptying Firefox cache on every reboot. **Note:** Cache is stored **separately** from Firefox default profiles' folder (`/home/$USER/.mozilla/firefox/`): it is found by default in `/home/$USER/.cache/mozilla/firefox/<profile>`. This is similar to what Chromium and other browsers do. Therefore, sections [#Place profile in RAM using tools](#Place_profile_in_RAM_using_tools) and [#Place profile in RAM manually](#Place_profile_in_RAM_manually) **do not deal** with cache relocating and syncing but only with profile adjustments. See the first note of [Profile-sync-daemon](../../en/Profile-sync-daemon.html "Profile-sync-daemon") for more details. [Anything-sync-daemon](../../en/Anything-sync-daemon.html "Anything-sync-daemon") may be used to achieve the same thing as Option 2 for cache folders.
Firefox/Profile on RAM
Relocate cache to RAM only
## Relocate cache to RAM only See [Firefox/Tweaks#Turn off the disk cache](../../en/Firefox/Tweaks.html#Turn_off_the_disk_cache "Firefox/Tweaks").
Firefox/Profile on RAM
Place profile in RAM using tools
## Place profile in RAM using tools Relocate the browser profile to [tmpfs](../../en/Tmpfs.html "Tmpfs") so as to globally improve browser's responsiveness. Another benefit is a reduction in drive I/O operations, of which [SSDs benefit the most](../../en/Improving_performance.html#Show_disk_writes "Improving performance"). Use an active management script for maximal reliability and ease of use. Several are available from the AUR. ### Profile-sync-daemon See the [Profile-sync-daemon](../../en/Profile-sync-daemon.html "Profile-sync-daemon") page for additional info on it. ### firefox-sync [firefox-sync](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/firefox-sync/)AUR is sufficient for a user with a single profile; uses a script and systemd service similar to [#The script](#The_script). Identify and backup your current Firefox profile as [#Before you start](#Before_you_start) suggests. Use a [drop-in snippet](../../en/Systemd.html#Drop-in_files "Drop-in snippet") to pass the profile as an argument with `-p profile_id.default`. **Warning:** This will possibly delete the profile, be ready to restore from a backup as soon as you start the service. Then [start/enable](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Start/enable") the `firefox-sync.service` [user unit](../../en/Systemd/User.html "User unit").
Firefox/Profile on RAM
Place profile in RAM manually
## Place profile in RAM manually ### Before you start Before potentially compromising Firefox's profile, be sure to make a backup for quick restoration. First, find out the active profile name by visiting `about:profiles` and checking which profile is in use. Replace **`xyz.default`** as appropriate and use `tar` to make a backup: ``` $ tar zcvfp ~/firefox_profile_backup.tar.gz ~/.mozilla/firefox/xyz.default ``` ### The script *Adapted from [verot.net's Speed up Firefox with tmpfs](https://www.verot.net/firefox_tmpfs.htm)* The script will first move Firefox's profile to a new static location, make a sub-directory in `/dev/shm`, softlink to it and later populate it with the contents of the profile. As before, and until the end of this article, replace the bold **`xyz.default`** strings with the name of your your Firefox profile folder. The only value that absolutely needs to be altered is, again, **`xyz.default`**. Be sure that [rsync](../../en/Rsync.html "Rsync") is installed, [create](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Append,_add,_create,_edit "Create"): ``` ~/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh ``` ``` #!/bin/sh static=static-$1 link=$1 volatile=/dev/shm/firefox-$1-$USER IFS= set -efu cd ~/.mozilla/firefox if [ ! -r $volatile ]; then mkdir -m0700 $volatile fi if [ "$(readlink $link)" != "$volatile" ]; then mv $link $static ln -s $volatile $link fi if [ -e $link/.unpacked ]; then rsync -av --delete --exclude .unpacked ./$link/ ./$static/ else rsync -av ./$static/ ./$link/ touch $link/.unpacked fi ``` Make the script [executable](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Make_executable "Executable"), then run the following to close Firefox and test it: ``` $ killall firefox firefox-bin $ ls ~/.mozilla/firefox/ $ ~/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh xyz.default ``` Run Firefox again to gauge the results. The second time the script runs, it will then preserve the RAM profile by copying it back to disk. ### Automation Seeing that forgetting to sync the profile can lead to disastrous results, automating the process seems like a logical course of action. #### systemd [Create](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Append,_add,_create,_edit "Create") the following script: ``` ~/.config/systemd/user/firefox-profile@.service ``` ``` [Unit] Description=Firefox profile memory cache [Install] WantedBy=default.target [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=%h/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh %i ExecStop=%h/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh %i ``` then, do a [daemon-reload](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Daemon-reload") and [enable/start](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Enable/start") the `firefox-profile@xyz.default.service` [user unit](../../en/Systemd/User.html "User unit"). #### cron job Manipulate the user's [cron](../../en/Cron.html "Cron") table using `crontab`: ``` $ crontab -e ``` Add a line to start the script every 30 minutes, ``` */30 * * * * ~/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh xyz.default ``` or add the following to do so every 2 hours: ``` 0 */2 * * * ~/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh xyz.default ``` #### Sync at login/logout Assuming [bash](../../en/Bash.html "Bash") is being used, add the script to the login/logout files: ``` $ echo 'bash -c "~/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh xyz.default > /dev/null &"' | tee -a ~/.bash_logout ~/.bash_login ``` **Note:** You may wish to use `~/.bash_profile` instead of `~/.bash_login` as bash will only read the first of these if both exist and are readable. For [zsh](../../en/Zsh.html "Zsh"), use `~/.zlogin` and `~/.zlogout` instead: ``` $ echo 'bash -c "~/.local/bin/firefox-sync.sh xyz.default > /dev/null &"' | tee -a ~/.zlog{in,out} ```
Firefox/Profile on RAM
See also
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# Firefox/Tweaks \[ ] 1 language * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/Firefox/%E8%A8%AD%E5%AE%9A "Firefox/設定 – 日本語") From ArchWiki < [Firefox](../../en/Firefox.html "Firefox") Related articles * [Firefox](../../en/Firefox.html "Firefox") * [Browser plugins](../../en/Browser_plugins.html "Browser plugins") * [Firefox/Profile on RAM](../../en/Firefox/Profile_on_RAM.html "Firefox/Profile on RAM") * [Firefox/Privacy](../../en/Firefox/Privacy.html "Firefox/Privacy") ![](../../File:Merge-arrows-2.svg)**This article or section is a candidate for merging with [Firefox#Tips and tricks](../../en/Firefox.html#Tips_and_tricks "Firefox").** **Notes:** Also overlaps with [Firefox#Configuration](../../en/Firefox.html#Configuration "Firefox"); deciding if some particular topic should be here or on the main page is arbitrary. The "tweaks" are the backbone of the content related to Firefox, so they should be directly on the main page. The troubleshooting section can be split into a subpage if the result is deemed too long. (Discuss in [Talk:Firefox/Tweaks](../../en/Talk:Firefox/Tweaks.html)) This page contains advanced Firefox configuration options and performance tweaks.
## Performance Improving Firefox's performance is divided into parameters that can be inputted while running Firefox or otherwise modifying its configuration as intended by the developers, and advanced procedures that involve foreign programs or scripts. **Note:** Listed options may only be available for the latest version of Firefox. This section contains advanced Firefox options for performance tweaking. For additional information see [these MozillaZine articles](http://kb.mozillazine.org/Category:Tweaking_preferences). ### Change Performance settings Firefox automatically uses settings based on the computer's hardware specifications [\[1\]](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/performance-settings). Adjusting these settings can be done in Preferences or by changing the `dom.ipc.processCount` value to `1-8` and `browser.preferences.defaultPerformanceSettings.enabled` to `false` manually in `about:config`. However you may want to manually adjust this setting to increase performance even further or decrease memory usage on low-end devices. In this case the **Content process limit** for the current [user](../../en/Users_and_groups.html "User") has been increased to *4*: ``` $ ps -e | grep 'Web Content' ``` ``` 13991 tty1 00:00:04 Web Content 14027 tty1 00:00:09 Web Content 14031 tty1 00:00:20 Web Content 14040 tty1 00:00:26 Web Content ``` ### WebRender WebRender is a high-performance, GPU-accelerated 2D rendering engine written in Rust. It is the compositor that powers Firefox and the [Servo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servo_\(software\) "wikipedia:Servo (software)") browser engine project. As of Firefox 93, it is enabled by default for all users and uses hardware rendering by default if the hardware it is running on [supports at least OpenGL 3.0 or OpenGL ES 3.0 (as of 2021-04)](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/2b3f6e5bf3ed0f13a08d0efbafeca57df6616ffa/gfx/webrender_bindings/WebRenderAPI.cpp#141) and [meets minimum driver requirements](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/widget/gtk/GfxInfo.cpp#680). If your system does not meet these requirements it will fallback to software rendering using [Software Webrender](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1601053). If you are experiencing rendering issues with up-to-date drivers on your machine, you can force-enable Software Webrender by setting the `gfx.webrender.software` preference to `true` in `about:config`. **Warning:** WebRender hardware rendering is disabled on many GPUs and drivers due to [critical issues with stability, rendering output and performance](https://github.com/servo/webrender/wiki/Driver-issues). If it is disabled on your hardware, forcing hardware rendering is not recommended. ### Turn off the disk cache Every object loaded (html page, jpeg image, css stylesheet, gif banner) is saved in the Firefox cache for future use without the need to download it again. It is estimated that only a fraction of these objects will be reused, usually about 30%. This is because of very short object expiration time, updates or simply user behavior (loading new pages instead of returning to the ones already visited). The Firefox cache is divided into memory and disk cache and the latter results in frequent disk writes: newly loaded objects are written to memory and older objects are removed. An alternative approach is to use `about:config` settings: * Set `browser.cache.disk.enable` to `false` * Verify that `browser.cache.memory.enable` is set to `true`, more information about this option can be found in the [browser.cache.memory Mozilla article](http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.cache.memory.enable) * Add the entry `browser.cache.memory.capacity` and set it to the amount of KB you want to spare, or to `-1` for [automatic](http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.cache.memory.capacity#-1) cache size selection (skipping this step has the same effect as setting the value to `-1`) * The "automatic" size selection is based on a decade-old table that only contains settings for systems at or below 8GB of system memory. The following formula very closely approximates this table, and can be used to set the Firefox cache more dynamically: `41297 - (41606 / (1 + ((RAM / 1.16) ^ 0.75)))`, where `RAM` is in GB and the result is in KB. This method has some drawbacks: * The content of currently browsed webpages is lost if the browser crashes or after a reboot, this can be avoided using [anything-sync-daemon](../../en/Anything-sync-daemon.html "Anything-sync-daemon") or any similar periodically-syncing script so that cache gets copied over to the drive on a regular basis * The settings need to be configured for each user individually ### Move disk cache to RAM An alternative is to move the "disk" cache to a RAM disk, giving you a solution in between the two above. The cache will now be preserved between Firefox runs (including Firefox crash recovery), but will be discarded upon reboot (including OS crash). To do this, go to `about:config` and set `browser.cache.disk.parent_directory` to `/run/user/UID/firefox`, where `UID` is your user's ID which can be obtained by running `id -u`. Open `about:cache` to verify the new disk cache location. ### Longer interval between session information record Firefox stores the current session status (opened urls, cookies, history and form data) to the disk on a regular basis. It is used to recover a previous session in case of crash. The default setting is to save the session every 15 seconds, resulting in frequent disk access. To increase the save interval to 10 minutes (600000 milliseconds) for example, change in `about:config` the setting of `browser.sessionstore.interval` to `600000` To disable completely this feature, change `browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash` to `false`. ### Defragment the profile's SQLite databases **Warning:** This procedure may damage the databases in such a way that sessions are not saved properly. Firefox keeps bookmarks, history, passwords in SQLite databases. SQLite databases become fragmented over time and empty spaces appear all around. But, since there are no managing processes checking and optimizing the database, these factors eventually result in a performance hit. A good way to improve start-up and some other bookmarks and history related tasks is to defragment and trim unused space from these databases. You can use [profile-cleaner](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=profile-cleaner) to do this, while Firefox is **not** running: | SQLite database | Size Before | Size After | % change | | --------------------- | ----------- | ---------- | -------- | | urlclassifier3.sqlite | 37 M | 30 M | 19 % | | places.sqlite | 16 M | 2.4 M | 85 % | Firefox provides a tool to defragment and optimize the places database, which is the source of most slowdowns and profile corruptions. To access this tool, open the `about:support` page, search for `Places Database` and click the `Verify Integrity` button. ### Cache the entire profile into RAM via tmpfs If the system has memory to spare, `tmpfs` can be used to [cache the entire profile directory](../../en/Firefox/Profile_on_RAM.html "Firefox/Profile on RAM"), which might result in increased Firefox responsiveness. ### Disable Pocket If you do not use the Pocket-service, you may want to disable it by setting `extensions.pocket.enabled` to *false* in `about:config`.
## Appearance ### Fonts See the main article: [Font configuration](../../en/Font_configuration.html "Font configuration") #### Configure the DPI value Modifying the following value can help improve the way fonts looks in Firefox if the system's DPI is below 96. Firefox, by default, uses 96 and only uses the system's DPI if it is a higher value. To force the system's DPI regardless of its value, type `about:config` into the address bar and set `layout.css.dpi` to **0**. Note that the above method only affects the Firefox user interface's DPI settings. Web page contents still use a DPI value of 96, which may look ugly or, in the case of high-resolution displays, may be rendered too small to read. A solution is to change `layout.css.devPixelsPerPx` to system's DPI divided by 96. For example, if your system's DPI is 144, then the value to add is 144/96 = 1.5. Changing `layout.css.devPixelsPerPx` to **1.5** makes web page contents use a DPI of 144, which looks much better. If this results in fonts that are undesirably large in releases after Firefox 103, change `browser.display.os-zoom-behavior` to zero. Then, type `ui.textScaleFactor` into the `about:config` search bar, select the circle next to 'number,' click the plus button to add the setting key, and edit its value to 100 times your `layout.css.devPixelsPerPx` value. For example, if that was set to 1.25, `ui.textScaleFactor` should be set to 125. See also [HiDPI#Firefox](../../en/HiDPI.html#Firefox "HiDPI") for information about HiDPI displays and [\[2\]](https://www.sven.de/dpi/) for calculating the DPI. #### Default font settings from Microsoft Windows Below are the default font preferences when Firefox is installed in Microsoft Windows. Many web sites use the Microsoft fonts. ``` Proportional: Serif Size (pixels): 16 Serif: Times New Roman Sans-serif: Arial Monospace: Courier New Size (pixels): 13 ``` ### General user interface CSS settings Firefox's user interface can be modified by editing the `userChrome.css` and `userContent.css` files in `~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/` (*profile\_dir* is of the form *hash.name*, where the *hash* is an 8 character, seemingly random string and the profile *name* is usually *default*). You can find out the exact name by typing `about:support` in the URL bar, and searching for the `Profile Directory` field under the `Application Basics` section as described in the [Firefox documentation](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profiles-where-firefox-stores-user-data#w_how-do-i-find-my-profile). **Note:** * The `chrome/` folder and `userChrome.css`/`userContent.css` files may not necessarily exist, so they may need to be created. * `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets` must be enabled in `about:config`. This section only deals with the `userChrome.css` file which modifies Firefox's user interface, and not web pages. #### Change the interface font The setting effectively overrides the global GTK font preferences, and does not affect webpages, only the user interface itself: ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userChrome.css ``` ``` * { font-family: "FONT_NAME"; } ``` #### Hide button icons Enables text-only buttons: ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userChrome.css ``` ``` .button-box .button-icon { display: none; } ``` #### Hiding various tab buttons These settings hide the arrows that appear to the horizontal edges of the tab bar, the button that toggles the "all tabs" drop-down list, and the plus sign button that creates a new tab. ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userChrome.css ``` ``` /* Tab bar */ toolbarbutton#scrollbutton-up, toolbarbutton#scrollbutton-down { /* Hide tab scroll buttons */ display: none; } .browser-toolbar > * #alltabs-button { /* Hide tab drop-down list */ display: none; } .browser-toolbar > * #new-tab-button { /* Hide new-tab button */ display: none; } ``` #### Vertical/tree tabs To place the tab bar in a sidebar/tree, use one of the following addons: * [Tree Style Tab](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/) * [Sidebery](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/sidebery/) * [Tabby](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/tabby-window-tab-manager/) Firefox addons cannot hide the native tab bar through its extension APIs - to do so, follow the setup/advanced instructions for your addon. #### Hide title bar and window border To replace the title bar with the tab bar, set `browser.tabs.inTitlebar` to `1` in `about:config`. Or go to "More tools", then "Customize toolbar" and then at the bottom-left corner find checkbox named "Title Bar". Uncheck it. If the checkbox is missing, make sure the `XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP` environment variable is correctly set and/or the `MOZ_GTK_TITLEBAR_DECORATION` environment variable is set to "client". ##### Hide only title bar in KDE With the setting above, Firefox adds in KDE the minimize/maximize/close buttons to the tab bar, but the title bar will still be there. It can be removed by right-clicking on it, then *More Actions > Configure Special Application Settings*. Add a new property there for "No titlebar and frame" and be sure to not forget activating it, "Yes" must be chosen. (As you have now no titlebar anymore there, to later change the rule, you can go to *System Settings > Window Management > Window Rules*.) However, that will also remove the frame, it is basically impossible to change the window size. An alternative is go to *System settings > Application Style > Window Decorations*, choose "Breeze" and change its settings. In the last tab, *Window-Specific Overrides*, add a new one. Use the button *Detect Window Properties* to get the name. There is a button *Detect Window Properties*. Alternatively, if you want to set this override for all windows, not just Firefox, you can enter a dot (.) in the regex field. Afterwards, set the *Decoration Options* to hide the title bar only. #### Auto-hide Bookmarks Toolbar ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userChrome.css ``` ``` #PersonalToolbar { visibility: collapse !important; } #navigator-toolbox:hover > #PersonalToolbar { visibility: visible !important; } ``` #### Remove sidebar width restrictions ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userChrome.css ``` ``` /* remove maximum/minimum width restriction of sidebar */ #sidebar { max-width: none !important; min-width: 0px !important; } ``` #### Unreadable input fields with dark GTK themes When using a dark [GTK](../../en/GTK.html "GTK") theme, one might encounter Internet pages with unreadable input and text fields (e.g. text input field with white text on white background, or black text on dark background). This can happen because the site only sets either background or text color, and Firefox takes the other one from the theme. To prevent Firefox from using theme's colors and dark themes in web pages respectively confirm `browser.display.use_system_colors` and `widget.content.allow-gtk-dark-theme` are set to `false` in `about:config`. Otherwise, if the previous modification did not solve the issue, it is possible to launch Firefox with a light GTK theme by adding a new string in `about:config` named `widget.content.gtk-theme-override` and setting it to a light theme like `Breeze:light` or `Adwaita:light`. ##### Override input field color with CSS **Note:** Related bug has been resolved starting with 68. [\[3\]](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1527048#c44) The extension [Text Contrast for Dark Themes](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/text-contrast-for-dark-themes/) sets the other color as needed to maintain contrast. Alternatively set the standard colors explicitly for all web pages in `userContent.css` or using the [stylus add-on](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/styl-us/). The style sheet is usually located in your profile folder (visit `about:profiles` for the path) in `chrome/userContent.css`, if not you can create it there. The following sets input fields to standard black text / white background; both can be overridden by the displayed site, so that colors are seen as intended: **Note:** If you want `urlbar` and `searchbar` to be `white` remove the two first `:not` css selectors. ``` input:not(.urlbar-input):not(.textbox-input):not(.form-control):not([type='checkbox']):not([type='radio']), textarea, select { -moz-appearance: none !important; background-color: white; color: black; } #downloads-indicator-counter { color: white; } ``` ##### Change the GTK theme To force Firefox to use a light theme (e.g. Adwaita) for both web content and UI, see [GTK#Themes](../../en/GTK.html#Themes "GTK"). ##### Change the GTK theme for content process only To force Firefox to use a light theme (e.g. Adwaita) for web content only: 1. Open `about:config` in the address bar. 2. Create a new `widget.content.gtk-theme-override` string type entry (`right mouse button` *> New > String*). 3. Set the value to the light theme to use for rendering purposes (e.g. `Adwaita:light`). 4. Restart Firefox. ### Web content CSS settings This section deals with the `userContent.css` file in which you can add custom CSS rules for web content. Changes to this file will take effect once the browser is restarted. This file can be used for making small fixes or to apply personal styles to frequently visited websites. Custom stylesheets for popular websites are available from sources such as [userstyles.org](https://userstyles.org/). You can install an add-on such as [superUserContent](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/superusercontent/)\[[dead link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Link_rot "wikipedia:Wikipedia:Link rot") 2020-03-29 ⓘ] to manage themes. This add-on creates the directory `chrome/userContent.css.d` and applies changes to the CSS files therein when the page is refreshed. #### Import other CSS files ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userContent.css ``` ``` @import url("./imports/some_file.css"); ``` #### Block certain parts of a domain ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userContent.css ``` ``` @-moz-document domain(example.com) { div#header { background-image: none !important; } } ``` #### Add \[pdf] after links to PDF files ``` ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/chrome/userContent.css ``` ``` /* add '[pdf]' next to links to PDF files */ a[href$=".pdf"]:after { font-size: smaller; content: " [pdf]"; } ``` #### Block ads See [floppymoose.com](http://www.floppymoose.com) for an example of how to use `userContent.css` as a basic ad-blocker.
Mouse and keyboard
## Mouse and keyboard ### Mouse wheel scroll speed To modify the default values (i.e. speed-up) of the mouse wheel scroll speed, go to `about:config` and search for `mousewheel.acceleration`. This will show the available options, modifying the following: * Set `mousewheel.acceleration.start` to `1`. * Set `mousewheel.acceleration.factor` to the desired number (`10` to `20` are common values). Alternatively, to use system values (as how scrolling works in Chromium), set `mousewheel.system_scroll_override.enabled` to `false`. Mozilla's recommendation for increasing the mousewheel scroll speed is to: * Set `mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y` between `200` and `500` (default: `100`) ### Pixel-perfect trackpad scrolling To enable one-to-one trackpad scrolling (as can be witnessed with GTK3 applications like Nautilus), set the `MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1` [environment variable](../../en/Environment_variables.html "Environment variable") before starting Firefox. If scrolling is undesirably jerky, try enabling Firefox's *Use smooth scrolling* option under *Preferences > General > Browsing*. ### Enable touchscreen gestures Make sure `dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled` is either set to 1 (*enabled*) or 2 (*default, auto-detect*). Set `MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1` [environment variable](../../en/Environment_variables.html "Environment variable"). On some devices, it may be necessary to disable xinput's touchscreen gestures by running the following: ``` $ xsetwacom --set device Gesture off ``` ### Mouse click on URL bar's behavior In older versions of Firefox it was possible to tweak the behavior of the address bar in `about:config`, but this has been [removed in March 2020](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=333714). In order to for example disable the behavior that selects the contents of the address bar on first click, or to allow to double click the URL to select it in full, see user contributed scripts such as <https://github.com/SebastianSimon/firefox-omni-tweaks> ### Smooth scrolling In order to get smooth physics-based scrolling in Firefox, the `general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics` configurations can be changed to emulate a snappier behaviour like in other web browsers. For a quicker configuration, append the following to `~/.mozilla/firefox/your-profile/user.js` (requires restart): ``` user_pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMaxMS", 125); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMinMS", 125); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS", 200); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS", 100); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.enabled", true); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMaxMS", 125); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMinMS", 125); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMaxMS", 125); user_pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMinMS", 125); ``` Additionally the mouse wheel scroll settings have to be changed to react in a smooth way as well: ``` user_pref("mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount", 30); user_pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled", true); user_pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.horizontal.factor", 175); user_pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.vertical.factor", 175); user_pref("toolkit.scrollbox.horizontalScrollDistance", 6); user_pref("toolkit.scrollbox.verticalScrollDistance", 2); ``` If you have troubles on machines with varying performance, try modifying the `mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount` until it feels snappy enough. For a more advanced configuration which modifies the mass-spring-damper parameters, see [AveYo's natural smooth scrolling configuration](https://github.com/AveYo/fox/blob/main/Natural%20Smooth%20Scrolling%20for%20user.js). **Note:** On [Wayland](../../en/Wayland.html "Wayland"), any of these settings may be rendered completely ineffective by `apz.gtk.kinetic_scroll.enabled`, which defaults to `true`. If you find that these tweaks do not work, try setting this value to `false`. ### Set backspace's behavior See [Firefox#Backspace does not work as the 'Back' button](../../en/Firefox.html#Backspace_does_not_work_as_the_'Back'_button "Firefox"). ### Disable middle mouse button clipboard paste See [Firefox#Middle-click behavior](../../en/Firefox.html#Middle-click_behavior "Firefox"). ### Emacs key bindings To have Emacs/Readline-like key bindings active in text fields, see [GTK#Emacs key bindings](../../en/GTK.html#Emacs_key_bindings "GTK").
## Miscellaneous ### Force-enable hardware video decoding Although `media.hardware-video-decoding.enabled` is enabled by default, one may need to force-enable hardware video decoding by setting `media.hardware-video-decoding.force-enabled` to `true`. ### Remove full screen warning Warning about video displayed in full screen mode (*… is now fullscreen*) can be disabled by setting `full-screen-api.warning.timeout` to `0` in `about:config`. ### Change the order of search engines in the Firefox Search Bar To change the order search engines are displayed in: * Open the drop-down list of search engines and click *Manage Search Engines...* entry. * Highlight the engine you want to move and use *Move Up* or *Move Down* to move it. Alternatively, you can use drag-and-drop. ### "I'm Feeling Lucky" mode Some search engines have a "feeling lucky" feature. For example, Google has "I'm Feeling Lucky", and DuckDuckGo has "I'm Feeling Ducky". To activate them, search for `keyword.url` in `about:config` and modify its value (if any) to the URL of the search engine. For Google, set it to: ``` https://www.google.com/search?btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&q= ``` For DuckDuckGo, set it to: ``` https://duckduckgo.com/?q=\ ``` ### Secure DNS with DNSSEC validator You can enable [DNSSEC](../../en/DNSSEC.html "DNSSEC") support for safer browsing. ### Secure DNS with DNS over HTTPS See [Domain name resolution#Application-level DNS](../../en/Domain_name_resolution.html#Application-level_DNS "Domain name resolution"). ### Adding magnet protocol association In `about:config` set `network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet` to `false`. In case it does not exist, it needs to be created, right click on a free area and select *New > Boolean*, input `network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet` and set it to `false`. The next time you open a magnet link, you will be prompted with a *Launch Application* dialogue. From there simply select your chosen [BitTorrent client](../../en/List_of_applications/Internet.html#BitTorrent_clients "List of applications/Internet"). This technique can also be used with other protocols: `network.protocol-handler.expose.<protocol>`. ### Prevent accidental closing There are different approaches to handle this: This behavior can be disabled with `browser.quitShortcut.disabled` property set to `true` in `about:config` An alternative is to add a rule in your window manager configuration file. For example in [Openbox](../../en/Openbox.html "Openbox") add: ``` <keybind key="C-q"> <action name="Execute"> <execute>false</execute> </action> </keybind> ``` in the *\<keyboard>* section of your `~/.config/openbox/rc.xml` file. **Note:** This will be effective for every application used under a graphic server. The [Disable Ctrl-Q and Cmd-Q](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/disable-ctrl-q-and-cmd-q/) extension can be installed to prevent unwanted closing of the browser. **Note:** This extension no longer works on Linux due to a [bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1325692). ### Jerky or choppy scrolling Scrolling in Firefox can feel "jerky" or "choppy". A post on [MozillaZine](http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=8\&t=2749475/) gives settings that work on Gentoo, but reportedly work on Arch Linux as well: 1. Set `mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount` to 40 2. Set `general.smoothScroll` and `general.smoothScroll.pages` to **false** 3. Set `image.mem.min_discard_timeout_ms` to something really large such as 2100000000 but no more than 2140000000. Above that number Firefox will not accept your entry and complain with the error code: "The text you entered is not a number." 4. Set `image.mem.max_decoded_image_kb` to at least 512K Now scrolling should flow smoothly. ### Run Firefox inside an nspawn container See [systemd-nspawn#Run Firefox](../../en/Systemd-nspawn.html#Run_Firefox "Systemd-nspawn"). ### Disable WebRTC audio post processing If you are using the PulseAudio [PulseAudio#Microphone echo/noise cancellation](../../en/PulseAudio.html#Microphone_echo/noise_cancellation "PulseAudio"), you probably do not want Firefox to do additional audio post processing. To disable audio post processing, change the value of the following preferences to `false`: * `media.getusermedia.aec_enabled` (Acoustic Echo Cancellation) * `media.getusermedia.agc_enabled` (Automatic Gain Control) * `media.getusermedia.noise_enabled` (Noise suppression) * `media.getusermedia.hpf_enabled` (High-pass filter) ### Fido U2F authentication Firefox supports the Fido [U2F](../../en/Universal_2nd_Factor.html "U2F") authentication protocol. Install [libfido2](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=libfido2) for the required udev rules. ### Get ALSA working back As long as Arch keeps building Firefox with *ac\_add\_options --enable-alsa*, then Firefox works fine without pulse on the system, without needing any special configurations, and without apulse (unless using pulse on the system and wanting Firefox to avoid using it). It used to be one had to allow ioctl syscalls, blocked by default by Firefox sandboxing, and required by ALSA setting `security.sandbox.content.syscall_whitelist` in `about:config`, to the right ioctl syscall number, which is *16* for x86-64 and *54* for x86-32, but not anymore. For reference, see: [\[4\]](https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/firefox-in-current-alsa-sound-4175622116) [\[5\]](https://codelab.wordpress.com/2017/12/11/firefox-drops-alsa-apulse-to-the-rescue) ### Force-enable WebGL On some platforms WebGL may be [disabled](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Blocklisting/Blocked_Graphics_Drivers "mozillawiki:Blocklisting/Blocked Graphics Drivers") even when the user desires to use it. To force-enable WebGL set `webgl.force-enabled` to `true`, to also force-enable WebGL anti-aliasing, set `webgl.msaa-force` to `true`. If you get an error similar to this: ``` libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information libGL error: image driver extension not found libGL error: failed to load driver: i915 libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information ... ``` then you can try the solution explained in Firefox bug 1480755 [\[6\]](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1480755): Set `security.sandbox.content.read_path_whitelist` to `/sys/` ### Enable Recommended by Pocket If you do not see "Recommended by Pocket" (*Preferences > Home > Firefox Home Content* - between "Top Sites" and "Highlights"), you can enable it by setting `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories` and `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.system.topstories` to `true` in `about:config`. Although the option will still not show in Preferences, newly opened tabs/windows (if set to `Firefox Home`) should now display Pocket recommendations. ### Prevent the download panel from opening automatically As of Firefox 98, the download panel (with ongoing/recent downloads) always opens whenever a download starts. You can disable this behavior by setting the `browser.download.alwaysOpenPanel` preference to `false` in `about:config`.
See also
## See also * [MozillaZine Wiki](http://kb.mozillazine.org/Knowledge_Base) * [about:config entries MozillaZine article](http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries) * [Firefox touch-ups that might be desired](https://linuxtidbits.wordpress.com/2009/08/01/better-fox-cat-and-weasel/) [Category](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Web browser](../../en/Category:Web_browser.html "Category:Web browser") Hidden categories: * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Merge](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Merge.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Merge") * [Pages with dead links](../../en/Category:Pages_with_dead_links.html "Category:Pages with dead links") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Firefox/Tweaks&oldid=805232>" - This page was last edited on 3 April 2024, at 12:55. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
Font configuration/Chinese
# Font configuration/Chinese \[ ] 1 language * [中文(简体)](https://wiki.archlinuxcn.org/wiki/Font_Configuration/Chinese "Font Configuration/Chinese – 中文(简体)") From ArchWiki < [Font configuration](../../en/Font_configuration.html "Font configuration") ![](../../File:Tango-edit-clear.svg)**This article or section needs language, wiki syntax or style improvements. See [Help:Style](../../en/Help:Style.html "Help:Style") for reference.** **Reason:** Article consists mainly of config dumps. (Discuss in [Talk:Font configuration/Chinese](../../en/Talk:Font_configuration/Chinese.html)) For configurations to be applied globally, edit `/etc/fonts/local.conf`. For user configurations, edit `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig/fonts.conf`.
Font configuration/Chinese
Configurations for Android display effect of fonts
## Configurations for Android display effect of fonts ### Installation [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") [ttf-roboto](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=ttf-roboto) [noto-fonts](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=noto-fonts) [noto-fonts-cjk](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=noto-fonts-cjk) [adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts) [adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts) [ttf-dejavu](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=ttf-dejavu). ### Add configuration files ``` ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf or /etc/fonts/local.conf ``` ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <its:rules xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" version="1.0"> <its:translateRule translate="no" selector="/fontconfig/*[not(self::description)]" /> </its:rules> <description>Android Font Config</description> <!-- Font directory list --> <dir>/usr/share/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/local/share/fonts</dir> <dir prefix="xdg">fonts</dir> <!-- the following element will be removed in the future --> <dir>~/.fonts</dir> <!-- Disable embedded bitmap fonts --> <match target="font"> <edit name="embeddedbitmap" mode="assign"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <!-- English uses Roboto and Noto Serif by default, terminals use DejaVu Sans Mono. --> <match> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>Roboto</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>DejaVu Sans Mono</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Chinese uses Source Han Sans and Source Han Serif by default, not Noto Sans CJK SC, since it will show Japanese Kanji in some cases. --> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Source Han Serif CN</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Windows & Linux Chinese fonts. --> <!-- Map all the common fonts onto Source Han Sans/Serif, so that they will be used when Source Han Sans/Serif are not installed. This solves a situation where some programs asked for a font, and under the non-existance of the font, it will not use the fallback font, which caused abnormal display of Chinese characters. --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Zen Hei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei Light</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>Microsoft YaHei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimHei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimSun</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Serif CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimSun-18030</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Serif CN</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Load local system customization file --> <include ignore_missing="yes">conf.d</include> <!-- Font cache directory list --> <cachedir>/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir> <cachedir prefix="xdg">fontconfig</cachedir> <!-- the following element will be removed in the future --> <cachedir>~/.fontconfig</cachedir> <config> <!-- Rescan configurations every 30 seconds when FcFontSetList is called --> <rescan> <int>30</int> </rescan> </config> </fontconfig> ```
Font configuration/Chinese
Configurations for Windows display effect of font
## Configurations for Windows display effect of font [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") [ttf-ms-fonts](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ttf-ms-fonts/)AUR. ### Add configuration files ``` <match target="font"> <edit name="autohint"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit name="hinting"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit name="antialias"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="weight" compare="less_eq"> <const>medium</const> </test> <test target="pattern" name="weight" compare="more"> <const>medium</const> </test> <edit name="embolden" mode="assign"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit name="weight" mode="assign"> <const>bold</const> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test target="pattern" name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> <string>ja</string> <string>ko</string> </test> <edit name="spacing"> <const>proportional</const> </edit> <edit name="globaladvance"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test name="family"> <string>SimSun</string> <string>SimSun-18030</string> <string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string> <string>AR PL New Sung</string> <string>MingLiU</string> <string>PMingLiU</string> </test> <edit binding="strong" mode="prepend" name="family"> <string>Tahoma</string> <string>Arial</string> <string>Verdana</string> <string>DejaVu Sans</string> <string>Bitstream Vera Sans</string> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family" qual="any"> <string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string> <string>AR PL New Sung</string> <string>SimSun</string> <string>NSimSun</string> <string>MingLiu</string> <string>PMingLiu</string> </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq"> <double>12</double> </test> <edit name="pixelsize" mode="assign"> <double>12</double> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test compare="eq" name="family" qual="any"> <string>宋体</string> <string>新宋体</string> <string>SimSun</string> <string>NSimSun</string> <string>宋体-18030</string> <string>新宋体-18030</string> <string>SimSun-18030</string> <string>NSimSun-18030</string> <string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string> <string>AR PL New Sung</string> <string>MingLiU</string> <string>PMingLiU</string> </test> <test compare="less_eq" name="pixelsize"> <double>16</double> </test> <edit mode="assign" name="hinting"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="autohint"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit name="antialias"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> <const>hintslight</const> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family"> <string>Andale Mono</string> <string>Arial</string> <string>Comic Sans MS</string> <string>Georgia</string> <string>Impact</string> <string>Trebuchet MS</string> <string>Verdana</string> <string>Courier New</string> <string>Times New Roman</string> <string>Tahoma</string> <string>Webdings</string> <string>Albany AMT</string> <string>Thorndale AMT</string> <string>Cumberland AMT</string> <string>Andale Sans</string> <string>Andy MT</string> <string>Bell MT</string> <string>Monotype Sorts</string> </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq"> <double>16</double> </test> <edit name="autohint"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit name="antialias"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>Times New Roman</family> <family>Thorndale AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Roman No9 L</family> <family>DejaVu Serif</family> <family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family> <family>Luxi Serif</family> <family>Likhan</family> <family>FreeSerif</family> <family>Times</family> <family>SimSun</family> <family>SimSun-18030</family> <family>MingLiU</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>AR PL New Sung</family> <family>FZSongTi</family> <family>FZMingTiB</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>Kochi Mincho</family> <family>UnBatang</family> <family>Baekmuk Batang</family> <family>HanyiSong</family> <family>ZYSong18030</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>Arial</family> <family>Albany AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Sans L</family> <family>Verdana</family> <family>DejaVu Sans</family> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family> <family>Luxi Sans</family> <family>FreeSans</family> <family>Helvetica</family> <family>SimSun</family> <family>SimSun-18030</family> <family>MingLiU</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>AR PL New Sung</family> <family>FZSongTi</family> <family>FZMingTiB</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>Kochi Gothic</family> <family>UnDotum</family> <family>Baekmuk Gulim</family> <family>Baekmuk Dotum</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Courier New</family> <family>Cumberland AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Mono L</family> <family>Andale Mono</family> <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family> <family>Luxi Mono</family> <family>FreeMono</family> <family>NSimSun</family> <family>NSimSun-18030</family> <family>PMingLiU</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>AR PL New Sung</family> <family>FZSongTi</family> <family>FZMingTiB</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>Kochi Gothic</family> <family>UnDotum</family> <family>Baekmuk Gulim</family> <family>Baekmuk Dotum</family> <family>HanyiSong</family> <family>ZYSong18030</family> </prefer> </alias> ```
Font configuration/Chinese
Configurations for fonts with Anti-aliasing effect
## Configurations for fonts with Anti-aliasing effect ``` <match target="font"> <edit name="autohint"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit name="hintstyle"> <const>hintfull</const> </edit> <edit name="antialias"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="weight" compare="less_eq"> <const>medium</const> </test> <test target="pattern" name="weight" compare="more"> <const>medium</const> </test> <edit name="embolden" mode="assign"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit name="weight" mode="assign"> <const>bold</const> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test target="pattern" name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> <string>ja</string> <string>ko</string> </test> <edit name="spacing"> <const>proportional</const> </edit> <edit name="globaladvance"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test name="family"> <string>SimSun</string> <string>SimSun-18030</string> <string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string> <string>AR PL New Sung</string> <string>MingLiU</string> <string>PMingLiU</string> </test> <edit binding="strong" mode="prepend" name="family"> <string>Tahoma</string> <string>Arial</string> <string>Verdana</string> <string>DejaVu Sans</string> <string>Bitstream Vera Sans</string> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family" qual="any"> <string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string> <string>AR PL New Sung</string> <string>SimSun</string> <string>NSimSun</string> <string>MingLiu</string> <string>PMingLiu</string> </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq"> <double>12</double> </test> <edit name="pixelsize" mode="assign"> <double>12</double> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test compare="eq" name="family" qual="any"> <string>宋体</string> <string>新宋体</string> <string>SimSun</string> <string>NSimSun</string> <string>宋体-18030</string> <string>新宋体-18030</string> <string>SimSun-18030</string> <string>NSimSun-18030</string> <string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string> <string>AR PL New Sung</string> <string>MingLiU</string> <string>PMingLiU</string> </test> <test compare="less_eq" name="pixelsize"> <double>16</double> </test> <edit mode="assign" name="hinting"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="autohint"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit name="antialias"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> <const>hintslight</const> </edit> </match> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>Nimbus Roman No9 L</family> <family>Thorndale AMT</family> <family>DejaVu Serif</family> <family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family> <family>Times New Roman</family> <family>Luxi Serif</family> <family>Likhan</family> <family>FreeSerif</family> <family>Times</family> <family>SimSun</family> <family>SimSun-18030</family> <family>MingLiU</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>AR PL New Sung</family> <family>FZSongTi</family> <family>FZMingTiB</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>Kochi Mincho</family> <family>UnBatang</family> <family>Baekmuk Batang</family> <family>HanyiSong</family> <family>ZYSong18030</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>DejaVu Sans</family> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family> <family>Luxi Sans</family> <family>Arial</family> <family>Verdana</family> <family>Albany AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Sans L</family> <family>FreeSans</family> <family>Helvetica</family> <family>SimSun</family> <family>SimSun-18030</family> <family>MingLiU</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>AR PL New Sung</family> <family>FZSongTi</family> <family>FZMingTiB</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>Kochi Gothic</family> <family>UnDotum</family> <family>Baekmuk Gulim</family> <family>Baekmuk Dotum</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family> <family>Luxi Mono</family> <family>Courier New</family> <family>Cumberland AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Mono L</family> <family>Andale Mono</family> <family>FreeMono</family> <family>NSimSun</family> <family>NSimSun-18030</family> <family>PMingLiU</family> <family>WenQuanYi Bitmap Song</family> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family> <family>AR PL New Sung</family> <family>FZSongTi</family> <family>FZMingTiB</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>Kochi Gothic</family> <family>UnDotum</family> <family>Baekmuk Gulim</family> <family>Baekmuk Dotum</family> <family>HanyiSong</family> <family>ZYSong18030</family> </prefer> </alias> ```
Font configuration/Chinese
Disable Chinese italics
## Disable Chinese italics To add the "italic" attribute to a Chinese font, the font's "italic" will no longer be inclined (be sure to replace the name of the Chinese font you are using). After making this configuration change, you need to execute `fc-cache -f`. ``` <match target="scan"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </test> <edit name="slant" binding="same" mode="append"> <const>Italic</const> </edit> </match> ``` [Categories](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Fonts](../../en/Category:Fonts.html "Category:Fonts") * [Localization](../../en/Category:Localization.html "Category:Localization") Hidden category: * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Style](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Style.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Style") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Font_configuration/Chinese&oldid=776748>" - This page was last edited on 1 May 2023, at 07:30. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
Font configuration/Examples
# Font configuration/Examples \[ ] 3 languages * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E8%A8%AD%E5%AE%9A/%E3%82%B5%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%83%AB "フォント設定/サンプル – 日本語") * [Русский](../../ru/Font_configuration/Examples.html "Font configuration (Русский)/Examples – русский") * [中文(简体)](https://wiki.archlinuxcn.org/wiki/%E5%AD%97%E4%BD%93%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE/%E7%A4%BA%E4%BE%8B "字体配置/示例 – 中文(简体)") From ArchWiki < [Font configuration](../../en/Font_configuration.html "Font configuration") See [Font configuration](../../en/Font_configuration.html "Font configuration") for the main article. Configurations can vary to a degree. Please post Fontconfig configurations with an explanation for why they were done.
Font configuration/Examples
Hinted fonts
## Hinted fonts ``` ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf ``` ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <edit mode="assign" name="antialias"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="embeddedbitmap"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="hinting"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> <const>hintslight</const> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter"> <const>lcddefault</const> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="rgba"> <const>rgb</const> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ```
Font configuration/Examples
No hinting for italic or bold
## No hinting for italic or bold ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <edit mode="assign" name="autohint"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="hinting"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter"> <const>lcddefault</const> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> <const>hintslight</const> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="antialias"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="rgba"> <const>rgb</const> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="pixelsize" qual="any" compare="more"> <double>15</double> </test> <edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter"> <const>lcdlight</const> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> <const>hintnone</const> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="weight" compare="more"> <const>medium</const> </test> <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> <const>hintnone</const> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter"> <const>lcdlight</const> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="slant" compare="not_eq"> <double>0</double> </test> <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> <const>hintnone</const> </edit> <edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter"> <const>lcdlight</const> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ```
Font configuration/Examples
Enable anti-aliasing only for bigger fonts or certain fonts
## Enable anti-aliasing only for bigger fonts or certain fonts Some users prefer the sharper rendering that anti-aliasing does not offer: ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <edit name="antialias" mode="assign"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="size" qual="any" compare="more"> <double>12</double> </test> <edit name="antialias" mode="assign"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="pixelsize" qual="any" compare="more"> <double>16</double> </test> <edit name="antialias" mode="assign"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ``` You might also want to disable anti-aliasing only for fonts that look well without anti-aliasing. See [Font configuration/Examples/No anti-aliasing](../../en/Font_configuration/Examples/No_anti-aliasing.html "Font configuration/Examples/No anti-aliasing").
Font configuration/Examples
Disable bold font
## Disable bold font For when a font does not present itself well in bold and you cannot disable bold fonts in the application ([st](../../en/St.html "St") for example). ``` ... <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>Envy Code R</string> </test> <test name="weight" compare="more"> <const>medium</const> </test> <edit name="weight" mode="assign" binding="same"> <const>medium</const> </edit> </match> ... ```
Font configuration/Examples
Disable ligatures for monospaced fonts
## Disable ligatures for monospaced fonts This prevents letter combinations like "ffi" from being squashed into a single-width character in some monospaced fonts. The whole `<match>` block needs to be duplicated to include extra fonts. ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <description>Disable ligatures for monospaced fonts to avoid ff, fi, ffi, etc. becoming only one character wide</description> <match target="font"> <test name="family" compare="eq" ignore-blanks="true"> <string>Nimbus Mono PS</string> </test> <edit name="fontfeatures" mode="append"> <string>liga off</string> <string>dlig off</string> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ``` Some other fonts may also require disabling [features](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_typographic_features "w:List of typographic features") such as `calt` and/or `clig`. You can test the effectiveness of this with the following command: ``` $ echo -e "| worksheet |\n| buffering |\n| difficult |\n| finishing |\n| different |\n| efficient |" | pango-view --font="Nimbus Mono PS" /dev/stdin ``` Some programs do not support the `fontfeatures` tag, so for those replacing the font with another is the only option. See [Font configuration#Set default or fallback fonts](../../en/Font_configuration.html#Set_default_or_fallback_fonts "Font configuration") for details.
Font configuration/Examples
Enable typographic features
## Enable typographic features Some fonts like [inter-font](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=inter-font) support many useful [typographic features](https://rsms.me/inter/#features) that are not enabled by default. Those features can be managed system-wide (for all users) or per user using fontconfig, and/or per application, using applications internal setting. (For those programs which support configuring them internally, like [LibreOffice](../../en/LibreOffice.html "LibreOffice").) Below is an example of enabling `dlig`, `tnum`, `ccmp`, `ss01` and `ss02` features for the Inter font. You can substitute them with any other feature of any other font supporting them. A complete list of all possible typographic features can be found at [Wikipedia:List of typographic features](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_typographic_features "wikipedia:List of typographic features"), but check if your font of choice supports a feature, before trying to enable it. ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:font.dtd"> <fontconfig> <description>Enable some typographic features of Inter font, for all applications.</description> <match target="font"> <test name="family" compare="eq" ignore-blanks="true"> <string>Inter</string> </test> <edit name="fontfeatures" mode="append"> <string>dlig on</string> <string>tnum on</string> <string>ccmp on</string> <string>ss01 on</string> <string>ss02 on</string> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ``` Verification of those features being enabled can be done both visually or using `fc-match -v fontfamilyname` command.
Font configuration/Examples
Default fonts
## Default fonts For font consistency, all applications should be set to use the serif, sans-serif, and monospace aliases, which are mapped to particular fonts by fontconfig. See [Metric-compatible fonts](../../en/Metric-compatible_fonts.html "Metric-compatible fonts") for options and examples. ### The standard names The *standard names* are the aliases `serif`, `sans-serif`, and `monospace`. Setting custom values for these aliases will change the defaults for almost all applications, including [sway](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=sway), [alacritty](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=alacritty), and [firefox](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=firefox). This example prefers [gnu-free-fonts](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnu-free-fonts) for everything except fixed-width fonts, for which `Source Code Pro` is preferred. ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer><family>FreeSerif</family></prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer><family>FreeSans</family></prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer><family>Source Code Pro</family></prefer> </alias> </fontconfig> ``` ### Arabic Example fonts.conf which specifies a default font for the Arabic language and keeps western style fonts for Latin letters. You will require either [ttf-arabeyes-fonts](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ttf-arabeyes-fonts/)AUR or [noto-fonts](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=noto-fonts) for the below to work. You can also choose to install any other Arabic fonts and accordingly change the font name below based on your preference ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <!-- Default font for the Arabic language (no fc-match pattern) --> <match> <test compare="contains" name="lang"> <string>ar</string> </test> <edit mode="prepend" name="family"> <string>Tholoth</string> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ``` The above should work for most applications but some applications like Chromium do not work with the language match test. If you find some applications not using your selected fonts, you can use the below alias and prefer tags which seems to work. ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <!-- Fallback fonts preference order --> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Sans</family> <family>Open Sans</family> <family>Droid Sans</family> <family>Roboto</family> <family>Tholoth</family> <family>Noto Sans Arabic</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Serif</family> <family>Droid Serif</family> <family>Roboto Slab</family> <family>Tholoth</family> <family>Noto Sans Arabic</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Sans Mono</family> <family>Inconsolata</family> <family>Droid Sans Mono</family> <family>Roboto Mono</family> </prefer> </alias> </fontconfig> ``` #### Excluding Arabic script from other languages Fonts using Arabic script but are of other languages can be excluded. For example, the Nastaliq Urdu fonts could be chosen by default for Arabic. Use the following configuration to blacklist them, ensuring the system uses a proper Arabic font. ``` /etc/fonts/conf.d/66-noto-reject-nastaliq.conf ``` ``` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <selectfont> <rejectfont> <glob>/usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoNastaliq*</glob> </rejectfont> </selectfont> </fontconfig> ``` ### Japanese Example fonts.conf which also specifies a default font for the Japanese locale (ja\_JP) and keeps western style fonts for Latin letters. ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <!-- Default font (no fc-match pattern) --> <match> <edit mode="prepend" name="family"> <string>Noto Sans</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Default font for the ja_JP locale (no fc-match pattern) --> <match> <test compare="contains" name="lang"> <string>ja</string> </test> <edit mode="prepend" name="family"> <string>Noto Sans CJK JP</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Default sans-serif font --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <!--<test qual="any" name="lang"><string>ja</string></test>--> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same"> <string>Noto Sans</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Default serif fonts --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same"> <string>Noto Serif</string> </edit> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same"> <string>IPAPMincho</string> </edit> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same"> <string>HanaMinA</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Default monospace fonts --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same"> <string>Noto Sans Mono</string> </edit> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same"> <string>Inconsolatazi4</string> </edit> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same"> <string>IPAGothic</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Fallback fonts preference order --> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Sans</family> <family>Open Sans</family> <family>Droid Sans</family> <family>Ubuntu</family> <family>Roboto</family> <family>NotoSansCJK</family> <family>Source Han Sans JP</family> <family>IPAPGothic</family> <family>VL PGothic</family> <family>Koruri</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Serif</family> <family>Droid Serif</family> <family>Roboto Slab</family> <family>IPAPMincho</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Sans Mono</family> <family>Inconsolatazi4</family> <family>Ubuntu Mono</family> <family>Droid Sans Mono</family> <family>Roboto Mono</family> <family>IPAGothic</family> </prefer> </alias> </fontconfig> ``` ### Chinese ``` ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf or /etc/fonts/local.conf ``` ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <edit name="embeddedbitmap" mode="assign"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>Roboto</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>DejaVu Sans Mono</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Source Han Serif CN</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!--Windows & Linux Chinese fonts. --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Zen Hei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei Light</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>Microsoft YaHei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimHei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Sans CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimSun</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Serif CN</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimSun-18030</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>Source Han Serif CN</string> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ``` ### Chinese in Noto Fonts Apply Noto Fonts while replacing Microsoft Fonts with WenQuanYi Micro Hei ``` ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf or /etc/fonts/local.conf ``` ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <edit name="embeddedbitmap" mode="assign"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Noto Serif CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <match> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="prepend"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!--WenQuanYi Zen Hei -> WenQuanYi Micro Hei --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Zen Hei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Zen Hei Lite</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei Lite</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono</string> </edit> </match> <!--Microsoft YaHei, SimHei, SimSun -> WenQuanYi Micro Hei --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>Microsoft YaHei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimHei</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimSun</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>SimSun-18030</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"> <string>WenQuanYi Micro Hei</string> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ``` ### CJK, but other Latin fonts are preferred Requires [noto-fonts-cjk](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=noto-fonts-cjk). You can replace `PT Serif`/`Roboto`/`Cascadia Code PL` with your favorite `serif`/`sans-serif`/`monospace` fonts. ``` ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf ``` ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <!-- Default serif font --> <alias binding="strong"> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>PT Serif</family> </prefer> </alias> <!-- Default sans-serif font --> <alias binding="strong"> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>Roboto</family> </prefer> </alias> <!-- Default monospace font --> <alias binding="strong"> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Cascadia Code PL</family> </prefer> </alias> <!-- Default system-ui font --> <alias binding="strong"> <family>system-ui</family> <prefer> <family>Roboto</family> </prefer> </alias> <!-- Serif CJK --> <!-- Default serif when the "lang" attribute is not given --> <!-- You can change this font to the language variant you want --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Japanese --> <!-- "lang=ja" or "lang=ja-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ja</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK JP</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Korean --> <!-- "lang=ko" or "lang=ko-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ko</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK KR</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Chinese --> <!-- "lang=zh" or "lang=zh-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hans" or "lang=zh-hans-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hans</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hant" or "lang=zh-hant-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hant</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Compatible --> <!-- "lang=zh-cn" or "lang=zh-cn-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-cn</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-tw" or "lang=zh-tw-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-tw</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Serif CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Sans CJK --> <!-- Default sans-serif when the "lang" attribute is not given --> <!-- You can change this font to the language variant you want --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Japanese --> <!-- "lang=ja" or "lang=ja-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ja</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK JP</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Korean --> <!-- "lang=ko" or "lang=ko-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ko</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK KR</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Chinese --> <!-- "lang=zh" or "lang=zh-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hans" or "lang=zh-hans-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hans</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hant" or "lang=zh-hant-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hant</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hant-hk" or "lang=zh-hant-hk-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hant-hk</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK HK</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Compatible --> <!-- "lang=zh-cn" or "lang=zh-cn-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-cn</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-tw" or "lang=zh-tw-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-tw</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hk" or "lang=zh-hk-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hk</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK HK</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Mono CJK --> <!-- Default monospace when the "lang" attribute is not given --> <!-- You can change this font to the language variant you want --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Japanese --> <!-- "lang=ja" or "lang=ja-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ja</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK JP</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Korean --> <!-- "lang=ko" or "lang=ko-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ko</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK KR</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Chinese --> <!-- "lang=zh" or "lang=zh-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hans" or "lang=zh-hans-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hans</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hant" or "lang=zh-hant-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hant</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hant-hk" or "lang=zh-hant-hk-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hant-hk</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK HK</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Compatible --> <!-- "lang=zh-cn" or "lang=zh-cn-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-cn</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-tw" or "lang=zh-tw-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-tw</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hk" or "lang=zh-hk-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hk</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK HK</string> </edit> </match> <!-- System UI CJK --> <!-- Default system-ui when the "lang" attribute is not given --> <!-- You can change this font to the language variant you want --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Japanese --> <!-- "lang=ja" or "lang=ja-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ja</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK JP</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Korean --> <!-- "lang=ko" or "lang=ko-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>ko</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK KR</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Chinese --> <!-- "lang=zh" or "lang=zh-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hans" or "lang=zh-hans-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hans</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hant" or "lang=zh-hant-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hant</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hant-hk" or "lang=zh-hant-hk-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hant-hk</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK HK</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Compatible --> <!-- "lang=zh-cn" or "lang=zh-cn-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-cn</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-tw" or "lang=zh-tw-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-tw</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK TC</string> </edit> </match> <!-- "lang=zh-hk" or "lang=zh-hk-*" --> <match target="pattern"> <test name="lang" compare="contains"> <string>zh-hk</string> </test> <test name="family"> <string>system-ui</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="strong"> <string>Noto Sans CJK HK</string> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ```
Font configuration/Examples
Alternate stylistic sets for fonts
## Alternate stylistic sets for fonts Certain fonts come with alternate stylistic sets for characters through an OpenType feature. Generally these stylistic sets are named `ss0x` and contain small changes to individual characters. This shows how to change the default dotted zero to a slashed zero for the monospace version of [ttf-ibm-plex](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=ttf-ibm-plex). ``` ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf ``` ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <test name="fontformat" compare="not_eq"> <string /> </test> <test name="family"> <string>IBM Plex Mono</string> </test> <edit name="fontfeatures" mode="assign_replace"> <string>ss03</string> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> ``` See [What are "Stylistic Sets?"](https://www.typography.com/faq/question.php?faqID=157) for more information on this.
Font configuration/Examples
See also
## See also * [Gentoo forums](https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-7273876.html#7273876) * [Ubuntu Wiki](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetterCJKSupportSpecification/FontConfig) [Category](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Fonts](../../en/Category:Fonts.html "Category:Fonts") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Font_configuration/Examples&oldid=801960>" - This page was last edited on 2 March 2024, at 22:23. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
GIMP/CMYK support
# GIMP/CMYK support \[ ] 1 language * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GIMP/CMYK_%E3%82%B5%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88 "GIMP/CMYK サポート – 日本語") From ArchWiki < [GIMP](../../en/GIMP.html "GIMP") Related articles * [GIMP](../../en/GIMP.html "GIMP") * [Using lprof to profile monitors](../../en/Using_LPROF_to_profile_monitors.html "Using lprof to profile monitors") ![](../../File:Tango-edit-clear.svg)**This article or section needs language, wiki syntax or style improvements. See [Help:Style](../../en/Help:Style.html "Help:Style") for reference.** **Reason:** Bad style. (Discuss in [Talk:GIMP/CMYK support](../../en/Talk:GIMP/CMYK_support.html)) This article will show how to enable rudimentary CMYK support in Gimp using the Separate and Separate+ plug-ins, and explain how to use color proof filter to soft-proof your images. It will also cover more general topics on CMYK colors and desktop publishing (DTP).
GIMP/CMYK support
Before you read
## Before you read Before you install the Separate or Separate+ plug-in for Gimp, you need to know if you really need it. There has been much debate about the merits of using Gimp. Most of the heated discussions revolve around the fact that Gimp does not support CMYK mode. However, you have to understand that the topic is more important to DTP professionals than other users (photographers, web artists, home users). CMYK color model (or CMYK mode) is used mostly by DTP professionals that need to output images intended for commercial printing. For an average home user or even professional photographers, support for separating images using CMYK color is not necessary. Even when you see Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black cartridges in your ink-jet or color laser printer, it does not mean that you need to feed it a CMYK file. In fact, most of them actually accept only RGB images or convert CMYK images to RGB internally.
GIMP/CMYK support
## Limitations Using the methods below has some limitations in comparison to proprietary tools. Namely, Separate+ and its predecessors have no support for GCR (Grey Component Replacement) and UCR (Undercolor Removal). Also, Separate plugin (not Separate+) has no support for clipping path, and there is no support for opening CMYK files in either Separate or Separate+. While undercolor removal is supported by Scribus, grey component replacement is not supported by any graphical tool on Linux as of this writing. ### What you will need You will need Gimp (of course), either Separate or Separate+ plugins, and ICC profiles. All of this can be installed from AUR.
GIMP/CMYK support
About CMYK color model
## About CMYK color model If you are not interested in the theory, you may skip straight to the heading on [CMYK color support in GIMP](#About_CMYK_color_and_Gimp). First off, the proper name for *CMYK mode*, as it is commonly known, is *[CMYK color model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK "wikipedia:CMYK")*. It is called a *color model*, because it represents a standard way of describing colors. The color model is also called a *subtractive* color model, as opposed to *additive* (that is RGB) color model. Words additive and subtractive suggest that light, which is essential for perception of color, is either added or subtracted before it reaches the eye. The choice of primary colors is based on belief that the combination of Red, Green, and Blue (for RGB) or Cyan, Magenta, Yellow (for CMYK) produce the greatest range visible colors. Subtraction of light occurs when an ink absorbs part of the light that falls on it. The rest is reflected and reaches our eyes. Different inks absorb different parts of the light's spectrum, and the combination of C-M-Y inks yields the greatest range of different colors. Ideally, subtraction of all light, that is when Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow are mixed together at their full density, we should get black (i.e., no light reflected, fully absorbed by ink). However, this is usually not true in the real world because the inks are semi-transparent and the white paper below reflects some of the light. The use of additional Black ink in printing (*K* in *CMYK* stands for Key, or blacK) is due to this fact. It adds the necessary density to the image and makes black a *black*. When printing an image on a commercial press, it needs to be printed one primary (or Black) at a time. Therefore the original (usually a digital RGB image, or a printed photograph) needs to be separated into Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black components. The lack of support for this kind of separation made Gimp unattractive to DTP professionals.
GIMP/CMYK support
About ICC color profiles
## About ICC color profiles Since reproduction of both RGB and CMYK colors are specific to the device (or inks) used to produce images, a concept of color-spaces was invented. Color-spaces formulate the relationship of physical color and the color model that we use to describe them. Those relationships (functions) can be packaged as a file in the form of ICC profiles. The ICC profiles are used to describe the way colors are reproduced in a system, be it a monitor, a scanner, or a printing press. When separating images for press, we use the source profile (the color-space of the image to be separated) and the target profile (the color-space of the printing press the image is intended for). When it comes to the printing press, standarization of ink and paper combination have allowed organizations to produce profiles that *should* match a print condition you are looking for. Organizations working on it include the European Color Initiative (ECI), the [GRACoL/SWOP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specifications_for_Web_Offset_Publications "wikipedia:Specifications for Web Offset Publications") working group in the US, and the ISO with its ISO 12647-2. If you are not sure about which profile to use, you should contact your printer.
GIMP/CMYK support
About CMYK color and Gimp
## About CMYK color and Gimp Gimp still lacks full CMYK color model support. The ability to separate and then *edit* an image in CMYK mode is still [a long way down the list of features](https://developer.gimp.org/core/roadmap/) to be added. However, there is a plug-in called *Separate* that offers a partial solution to the problem. Separate plugin has following abilities: * separate a RGB image * color management (using ICC profiles and lcms) * soft-proofing colors * attach ICC profiles to separated image files Separate+ plug-in has the same features as Separate, but it also has: * ability to convert from one RGB profile to another * duotone support Gimp itself offers a smaller set of CMYK-related functions: * display of CMYK values when using color picker * soft-proofing colors via Display Filters (not recommended) * soft-proofing colors via color management settings
GIMP/CMYK support
Getting the software
## Getting the software ### Separate plug-in for Gimp Once you have obtained the [source tarball](https://web.archive.org/web/20160408222045/https://www.blackfiveservices.co.uk/linux_resources/separate-gimp2-0.3_linux.tar.gz), you can unpack it using the usual tar command: ``` $ tar xvf separate-version.tar.gz ``` where *version* would be the version of Separate plug-in (0.1 at the time of this writing). Copy a file called *separate* (located inside the extracted *separate* directory) into Gimp's plug-in directory: ``` $ cp separate/separate /usr/lib/gimp/version/plug-ins/ ``` where *version* would be the major version number of Gimp (2.0 at the time of this writing). When you start Gimp the Separate will be recognized and reachable through *Image > Separate* menu. ### Separate+ plug-in To install manually, get the zip file from [Sourceforge.jp download page](https://sourceforge.jp/projects/separate-plus/downloads/42977/separate+-0.5.5.zip/), unpack it and issue the following commands: ``` $ make # make install ``` When you start Gimp the Separate+ will be reachable through *Image > Separate* menu. ### Install ICC profiles If you are using the Separate plug-in package from AUR, you already have the profiles installed. However, if you built Separate yourself, or you are using Separate+, you will need to install ICC profiles. #### Installing from AUR To install ICC profiles from AUR, you need to [install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") [eci-icc](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/eci-icc/)AUR and/or [icc-adobe](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/icc-adobe/)AUR. #### Install manually Before you download and install profiles manually, you need to know that the standard location for ICC profiles is */usr/share/color/icc*. You have to create this directory and copy any profiles there. Another standard location is *\~/.color/icc*. You can obtain ICC profiles from [Adobe](https://web.archive.org/web/20130125221235/http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=62\&platform=windows) and [ECI](http://www.eci.org/doku.php?id=en:downloads). Extract the downloaded zip file(s) and copy the contents of CMYK and RGB directories into one of the directories we have mentioned above.
GIMP/CMYK support
Separating a RGB image
## Separating a RGB image Open an image in Gimp. From the *Image* menu, open the *Separate* sub-menu and pick *Separate (to Colour)*. Choose a source (RGB) and destination (target, CMYK) profile and click *OK*. This will open another window with the CMYK color version. You can see that there are 5 layers total. Pick *Save...* (or *Export...* in Separate+) from the *Separate* sub-menu and save the file in TIFF format with an attached (embedded) ICC profile. You can only separate flattened images, so it is recommended that you save a new copy of the image before you create the CMYK TIFF.
GIMP/CMYK support
Working on a separated image
## Working on a separated image If you want to work on a separated image you need to be intimately familiar with the way CMYK images work. If you look at Gimp's Layers window after separating an image, you will witness the ingenious way in which the separation is done. However, editing the image is not as simple as with proprietary software like Adobe's Photoshop. Basically, you need to work with grayscale values of each primary color (plus Black). All the tools are available, but you only get apply them layer by layer and in grayscale.
GIMP/CMYK support
Soft-proofing with Display Filters
## Soft-proofing with Display Filters Given the circumstances, the best way to create a solid CMYK image would be to work in RGB mode, but enable soft-proofing. Soft-proofing is the method of adjusting the on-screen display of colors to match the final print. In the newer versions of The GIMP, soft-proofing is made possible via Display Filters. Go to the *View* menu and pick *Display Filters...* option. From the list of available filters, pick *Color Proof* (at the bottom in The GIMP version 2.2.13). Click on the right arrow button between the two lists and the *Color Proof* filter will be placed into the list of active filters. Click on it (the one in the active filters list) and you will get a few options below. Although this seems very convenient, experience has proven that this is **not** a reliable method of soft-proofing. Instead of soft-proofing using the display filter, you are advised to properly configure Gimp's color management system and enable the *Print simulation* mode. ### Intent The color proof (rendering) intent can be one of the following: * perceptual * relative colorimetric * saturation * absolute colorimetric *Perceptual* and *relative colorimetric* are most common. Perceptual compresses or expands the full color range of source color-space into the full color range of target color-space. Relative colorimetric intent adjusts the white (white point) of source space and then adjusts the rest of the source colors accordingly. Source colors outside the target space are mapped to closest reproducible colors. In some software, this is also called *proof intent*. Saturation intent keeps the saturation of the source colors even if the colors get distorted in the target space. This intent is still considered experimental and you may get unexpected (if not undesirable) results. Absolute colorimetric leaves overlap of source and target space intact and maps source colors outside the target space are mapped to closest reproducible colors. ### Profile For color proofing, we usually use the profile of the device that image is to be printed on (see [above](#About_ICC_color_profiles)). For testing purposes, you may use any of the Adobe profiles [mentioned above](#Install_ICC_profiles).
GIMP/CMYK support
Soft-proofing with the plugin's proof function
## Soft-proofing with the plugin's proof function Separate itself offers a way of soft-proofing color. This method of soft-proofing is not dynamic: it does not update as you edit the image, but acts more like a one-time preview. However, it is far more accurate than The GIMP's soft-proofing using *Color Proof* display filter. Basically, the proof function converts the image to RGB space using *absolute colorimetric* intent. It is supposed to offer a side-by-side match to the printed copy. To soft-proof with Separate's proof function, you first [separate an image](#Separating_a_RGB_image) and then pick *Proof* from *Separate* sub-menu. Source profile is your minitor's RGB profile (you can use [lprof to profile your monitor](../../en/Using_LPROF_to_profile_monitors.html "Using LPROF to profile monitors") and create an ICC profile). The destination profile is the ICC profile of a your image will be output to. Click *OK* and you will be presented with an RGB image of how the printed image would look like. Separate+ acts the same way as Separate.
GIMP/CMYK support
See also
## See also * [About CMYK color model (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK "wikipedia:CMYK") * [About color in general (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color "wikipedia:Color") * [International Color Consortium (ICC home page)](https://www.color.org/index.xalter) * [About color management (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_management "wikipedia:Color management") * [Introduction to ICC color profile format (ICC home page)](https://www.color.org/iccprofile.xalter) * [Gimp Color Management for DTP (Foxbunny's Journal)](https://web.archive.org/web/20120822150301/http://www.brankovukelic.com/post/513356271/gimp-color-management-for-dtp) * [Color Management: Color Space Conversion (Cambridge in Color)](https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/color-space-conversion.htm) * [Grey Component Removal (Color Rendering Intent)](https://web.archive.org/web/20130317064007/http://graphics.tech.uh.edu:80/student_work/color_rendering_intent/gcr.html) * [Undercolor Removal (Color Rendering Intent)](https://web.archive.org/web/20130404061554/http://graphics.tech.uh.edu/student_work/color_rendering_intent/ucr.html) **Related software:** * [Gimp (v2.0 and above)](https://www.gimp.org/) * [lcms (v1.15)](https://www.littlecms.com/) * [Separate plugin (v0.10 and above)](https://www.blackfiveservices.co.uk/separate.shtml) * [Separate+ plugin](https://osdn.net/projects/separate-plus/) * [cmyktool](http://www.blackfiveimaging.co.uk/index.php?article=02Software%2F05CMYKTool) is a standalone program for soft-proofing in CMYK which may be useful if you need to send CMYK to a printer (especially where you want to tweak pure black to avoid halos) [Categories](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Image](../../en/Category:Image.html "Category:Image") * [Multimedia](../../en/Category:Multimedia.html "Category:Multimedia") Hidden category: * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Style](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Style.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Style") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=GIMP/CMYK_support&oldid=787323>" - This page was last edited on 9 September 2023, at 13:48. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
GNOME/Document viewer
# GNOME/Document viewer \[ ] 2 languages * [Español](../../es/GNOME/Document_viewer.html "GNOME (Español)/Document viewer – español") * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GNOME/%E3%83%89%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A5%E3%83%A1%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%93%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A2 "GNOME/ドキュメントビューア – 日本語") From ArchWiki < [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") [Document viewer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evince "wikipedia:Evince") is specifically designed to support the following file formats: [PDF, PostScript, DjVu](../../en/PDF,_PS_and_DjVu.html "PDF, PS and DjVu"), tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr,cbz,cb7 and cbt). For a comprehensive list of formats supported, see [Supported Document Formats](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince/SupportedDocumentFormats). Document viewer uses the poppler library as a backend. **Note:** Document viewer was previously known as [Evince](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince) until the application was given new descriptive names, one for each supported language. The name *Evince* is still used in numerous places such as the executable name, some package names, some desktop entries, and some GSettings schemas.
GNOME/Document viewer
## Installation [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") the [evince](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=evince) package, or [evince-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/evince-git/)AUR for the development version. Evince installs the [gnome-desktop](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-desktop) as a dependency. For a standalone version, install [evince-no-gnome](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/evince-no-gnome/)AUR\[[broken link](../../en/Help:Procedures.html#Fix_broken_package_links "Help:Procedures"): package not found].
GNOME/Document viewer
## Troubleshooting ### Zoom-in is limited Increasing Evince's page cache size allows you to zoom in further, which is handy for large documents. By default the setting is set to 50MiB. Increasing the page cache size obviously increases Evince's memory consumption when zoomed-in. The following command increases the page cache size to one gigabyte: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.Evince page-cache-size 'uint32 1000' ``` ### PDF texts is not show correctly Try setting `override-restrictions` parameter to false: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.Evince override-restrictions false ``` ### Inverse search with SyncTeX does not work Check that [python-dbus](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=python-dbus) is [installed](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install"). After that `Ctrl+click` should work. ### WebP comic book support Some comic books files (cbr, cbz etc.) use WebP images. Install [webp-pixbuf-loader](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=webp-pixbuf-loader) for WebP comic book support. ### Annotations Certain annotations created with Adobe Acrobat Reader are not displayed correctly. For annotations of type "insert text at cursor position" and "notice to replace text" only the visual part is displayed, while the text content of the comment appears wrongly to be empty. There currently is no solution for this problem.
GNOME/Document viewer
Tips and Tricks
## Tips and Tricks ### Annotation handling [Evince v3.31.0](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evince/blob/d203432a5e6dd530574e3fe403576f9b0cc2d3a3/shell/ev-application.c#L1048) adds keyboard hotkeys `s` for adding note text annotations and `Ctrl+h` for adding a highlight text annotation. The default author for note text animations is equal to the [GECOS comment](../../en/Users_and_groups.html#User_database "Users and groups") for the current user, to change this: ``` # usermod -c "Your full new Real Name" yourusername ``` ### Use as default PDF viewer To set the default association for [xdg-open](../../en/Xdg-utils.html#xdg-open "Xdg-open"), ``` $ xdg-mime default org.gnome.Evince.desktop application/pdf ``` [Other resource openers](../../en/Default_applications.html "Default applications") can be configured similarly.
GNOME/Document viewer
See also
## See also * [Evince website](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince) * [Poppler website](https://poppler.freedesktop.org/) [Categories](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Office](../../en/Category:Office.html "Category:Office") * [GNOME](../../en/Category:GNOME.html "Category:GNOME") Hidden category: * [Pages with broken package links](../../en/Category:Pages_with_broken_package_links.html "Category:Pages with broken package links") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=GNOME/Document_viewer&oldid=808694>" - This page was last edited on 19 May 2024, at 09:44. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
# GNOME/Evolution \[ ] 2 languages * [Deutsch](https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Evolution "Evolution – Deutsch") * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GNOME/Evolution "GNOME/Evolution – 日本語") From ArchWiki < [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") Related articles * [GnuPG](../../en/GnuPG.html "GnuPG") * [OpenPGP](../../en/OpenPGP.html "OpenPGP") [Evolution](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/wikis/home) is an application for managing email, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, and [RSS](../../en/Web_feed.html "RSS") web feeds. It is the default mail client for [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") and includes support for IMAP, Microsoft Exchange Server, Novell GroupWise, LDAP, WebDAV, CalDAV, and many other services and protocols.
## Installation [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") the [evolution](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=evolution) package. Non-GNOME users should also see [#Using Evolution outside of GNOME](#Using_Evolution_outside_of_GNOME). Additional plugins: * **Bogofilter Plugin** — Spam filtering for Evolution, using Bogofilter. - <https://bogofilter.sourceforge.io/> || [evolution-bogofilter](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=evolution-bogofilter) * **EteSync Plugin** — End-to-end encrypted private information sync for Evolution using the EteSync open-source protocol. - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution-etesync> || [evolution-etesync](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/evolution-etesync/)AUR * **EWS Plugin** — MS Exchange integration through Exchange Web Services. - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution> || [evolution-ews](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=evolution-ews) * **On Plugin** — Support for controling Evolution from system tray. - <https://github.com/acidrain42/evolution-on> || [evolution-on](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=evolution-on) * **SpamAssassin Plugin** — Spam filtering for Evolution, using [SpamAssassin](../../en/SpamAssassin.html "SpamAssassin"). - <https://spamassassin.apache.org/> || [evolution-spamassassin](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=evolution-spamassassin)
IMAP setup
## IMAP setup See [IMAP+ mail account settings](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/mail-account-manage-imap-plus.html) in GNOME Help.
Alternative IMAP setup
## Alternative IMAP setup An alternative to letting Evolution connect directly to the IMAP server is to sync the IMAP server to your PC. This costs as much hard-disk space as you have mail, though it is possible to limit the folders synced in this manner (see [#OfflineIMAP setup](#OfflineIMAP_setup)). An additional benefit (primary inspiration for this app) is that you have a full copy of your email, including attachments, on your PC for retrieval, even if on the move without an internet connection. To set this up, you will need to [install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") the [offlineimap](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=offlineimap) package. See <https://www.offlineimap.org/> for more information. ### OfflineIMAP setup OfflineIMAP takes its settings from the `~/.offlineimaprc` file, which you will need to create. Most users will be able to use the template file below for a standard IMAP server. See [OfflineIMAP](../../en/OfflineIMAP.html "OfflineIMAP") for more information. ``` [general] accounts = MyAccount # Set this to the number of accounts you have. maxsyncaccounts = 1 # You can set ui = TTY.TTYUI for interactive password entry if needed. # Setting it within this file (see below) is easier. ui = Noninteractive.Basic [Account MyAccount] # Each account should have a local and remote repository localrepository = MyLocal remoterepository = MyMailserver # Specifies how often to do a repeated sync (if running without crond) autorefresh = 10 [Repository MyLocal] type = Maildir localfolders = /home/path/to/your/maildir # This needs to be specified so offlineimap does not complain during resync sep = . nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('^.', '', re.sub('^$', '.INBOX', folder)) [Repository MyMailserver] # Example for a gmail account type = IMAP remotehost = your.imap.server.com remoteuser = yourname remotepass = yourpassword remoteport = 143 # You need to configure some CA certificates sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt # Translate your INBOX to be the root directory. # All other directories need a dot before the actual name. nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('^.INBOX$', '', re.sub('^', '.', folder)) ``` You will likely need to add [additional translations](https://github.com/medvid/blog/blob/9cc0d54/content/post/offlineimap.md)\[[dead link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Link_rot "wikipedia:Wikipedia:Link rot") 2023-04-23 ⓘ] if you are using Gmail. For remote Mailserver repository: ``` nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('^.INBOX$', '', re.sub('^', '.', re.sub('\.', '_2E', re.sub('^\[Gmail\].Drafts$', 'Drafts', re.sub('^\[Gmail\].Sent Mail$', 'Sent', folder))))) ``` For Local repository: ``` nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('^Sent$', '[Gmail].Sent Mail', re.sub('^Drafts$', '[Gmail].Drafts', re.sub('_2E', '.', re.sub('^.', '', re.sub('^$', '.INBOX', folder))))) ``` Other examples of nametrans configurations (including those for Courier IMAP servers) can be found at <https://www.offlineimap.org/doc/nametrans.html>. **Warning:** Please note that lines of `~/.offlineimaprc` code indented by any amount of space will be interpreted as a continuation of the previous line. Take care to **only** indent lines if this behaviour is desired (like with the `re.sub` calls in the lambda expressions above). You may also be interested in [running offlineimap in the background](../../en/OfflineIMAP.html#Running_offlineimap_in_the_background "OfflineIMAP"). ### Evolution setup for offlineimap's maildir See [Maildir Format Mail Directories account settings](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/mail-account-manage-maildir-format-directories.html) in GNOME Help. Set the *Mail Directory* path in *Edit > Preferences > Mail Accounts > Edit > Receiving Email* to the "root" folder if you are using a variant of the `~/.offlineimaprc` file from [#OfflineIMAP setup](#OfflineIMAP_setup). You can also choose to "check for new messages" more frequently in *Receiving Options* (like every minute instead of every 60 minutes) since this process will only check your local copy and not the server-side copy.
Gmail setup
## Gmail setup See [Access a Gmail IMAP via Evolution](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/mail-access-gmail-imap-account.html) or [Access a Gmail POP Account via Evolution](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/mail-access-gmail-pop-account.html) in GNOME Help. You may also be interested in reading [Check Gmail through other email platforms](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229) (for IMAP) or [Read Gmail messages on other email clients using POP](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7104828) in Gmail Help to manually fill in the following fields/checkboxes under *Receiving Mail* and/or *Sending Mail* in the Evolution Mail Configuration Assistant: * *Server Type* * *Server* and *Port* * *Server requires authentication* * *Username* * *Encryption method* *OAuth2 (Google)* should be selected from the drop-down menu under *Authentication* in *Receiving Email*. **Tip:** * The assistant will automatically configure your settings for receiving/sending mail via Gmail if you check *Look up mail server details based on the entered e-mail address* in the *Identity* section. Note that the assistant will always default to IMAP for receiving mail. * You can instead add a Google Account through *Settings > Online Accounts* if you are using GNOME.
Gmail calendar
## Gmail calendar You can use your Gmail calendar in Evolution with one of two methods (barring [GNOME Online Accounts](https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/accounts.html) as mentioned in [#Gmail setup](#Gmail_setup)). ### Using a WebDAV calendar Follow the steps under "Get your calendar (view only)" in Google's [Calendar Help](https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37648?hl=en\&ref_topic=10509542#zippy=%2Cget-your-calendar-view-only) to obtain the "secret address in iCal format" for your desired calendar. Then follow the steps under [Using a WebDev calendar](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/calendar-webdav.html) in GNOME Help. Use the previously obtained secret address for the address in the *URL* field. ### Using a Google calendar Follow the steps under [Using a Google calendar](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/calendar-google.html) in GNOME Help. You may need to grant GNOME Evolution access to your Google Account if prompted.
Google contacts
## Google contacts Similarly with [#Gmail calendar](#Gmail_calendar), you can also sync your Google contacts in Evolution. See [Using a Google addressbook](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/contacts-google.html) in GNOME Help for more information.
Microsoft Exchange and Office 365
## Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 If your email is locally hosted on a Microsoft Exchange Server or cloud hosted on Office 365, you can use IMAP/POP and SMTP to access your email. However, some additional features such as access to Outlook Calendar and contact management are only available if you connect to the Microsoft Exchange Server or Office 365 server using Microsoft's proprietary [Exchange ActiveSync](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_ActiveSync "wikipedia:Exchange ActiveSync") (EAS) protocol. There are two methods by which you can add/manage a Microsoft Exchange account in Evolution, but both will require [Evolution EWS](#Installation). ### Using GNOME Online Accounts Install the [gnome-online-accounts](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-online-accounts) package if it is not already present. Then select *Online Accounts* in GNOME Settings and add a new Microsoft Exchange account with the following values: | E-mail | Your e-mail address (e.g. your.name\@example.com) | | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Password | Your e-mail account password **or** an app password from <https://aka.ms/mfasetup> | | Username | Your e-mail address once more | | Server | outlook.office365.com | Your Exchange account should be listed alongside your other online accounts after clicking *Connect*. Choose what you want to synchronize (by default, all features are enabled). ![](../../File:Inaccurate.svg)**The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.** **Reason:** Using 2FA with a personal Microsoft account, GOA, *evolution-ews*, and an app password (created by following [\[1\]](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/account-billing/using-app-passwords-with-apps-that-don-t-support-two-step-verification-5896ed9b-4263-e681-128a-a6f2979a7944)) seems to work fine with Evolution as of 2021-12-15. (Discuss in [Talk:GNOME/Evolution](../../en/Talk:GNOME/Evolution.html)) **Note:** * You still need to use outlook.office365.com for the *Server* field during account configuration if your e-mail address uses a custom domain. * Enabling 2FA will [prevent connections to the Exchange Server](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-online-accounts/-/issues/102). ### Without using GNOME Online Accounts See <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution/EWS/OAuth2>; in particular, the introduction and "Configure the account in Evolution" for users of free accounts. In other words, users of free accounts do not need to concern themselves with application/tenant IDs since they cannot use OAuth2. Access to the GNOME Evolution (EWS) application may not not allowed by your organization. One possible workaround (instead of requesting access from an administrator) is to select *Basic* instead of *OAuth2 (Office365)* from the drop-down menu under *Authentication* in the *Receiving Email* section of the Evolution Mail Configuration Assistant. Users of free accounts can also select *Basic*—this is an alternative to "creating an application specific password."
Using Evolution outside of GNOME
## Using Evolution outside of GNOME Evolution relies on GNOME Keyring for storing account passwords, so to use Evolution outside of GNOME, see [GNOME/Keyring#Using the keyring](../../en/GNOME/Keyring.html#Using_the_keyring "GNOME/Keyring") and make sure a password keyring with the name *login* exists.
Spell checking
## Spell checking See [Spell checking](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/mail-composer-spellcheck.html) in GNOME Help. Evolution uses [Enchant](../../en/Language_checking.html#Enchant "Enchant") through [gspell](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gspell), so you can use checkers other than [Hunspell](../../en/Language_checking.html#Spell_checkers "Hunspell") to facilitate spell checking.
Tips and tricks
## Tips and tricks ### Changing cipher settings It is possible to change the advertised ciphers used to secure the connection to the server. Evolution does not provide a switch to change the settings for the used ciphers. However, since Evolution uses [GnuTLS](../../en/GnuTLS.html "GnuTLS"), it is possible to change the settings using environment variables. One way to change these settings is to copy the `/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution.desktop` file to `~/.local/share/applications/` and set the appropriate environment variable in the copied *.desktop* file. For example, make the following changes to avoid using ECC ciphers with NIST/NSA curves: ``` ~/.local/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution.desktop ``` ``` ... Exec=env G_TLS_GNUTLS_PRIORITY=${G_TLS_GNUTLS_PRIORITY:-NORMAL:-ECDHE-ECDSA:-ECDHE-RSA} evolution %U ... ``` A different way to achieve this would be with a [wrapper script](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=738633#c4): ``` #!/bin/sh export G_TLS_GNUTLS_PRIORITY=${G_TLS_GNUTLS_PRIORITY:-NORMAL:%COMPAT:\!VERS-SSL3.0} exec /usr/bin/evolution ``` The available cipher settings are documented in <https://gnutls.org/manual/html_node/Priority-Strings.html>. ### Use custom fonts As default, Evolution offers only a few builtin fonts to be used for writing messages. However, you can set others fonts to be used as the "Default" option when writing HTML messages. That is done by creating a webkit editor plugin on `~/.local/share/evolution/webkit-editor-plugins/body-font.js`. Check below an example using Microsoft's Calibri font: ``` 'use strict'; var localhostBodyFontPlugin = { name : "localhostBodyFontPlugin", setup : function(doc) { if (doc.body) { doc.body.setAttribute("style", "font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; font-size: 11.0pt;") } } }; EvoEditor.RegisterPlugin(localhostBodyFontPlugin); ```
See also
## See also * [GNOME Help page](https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/) * [GNOME Wiki page](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution/) [Categories](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [Email clients](../../en/Category:Email_clients.html "Category:Email clients") * [News aggregators](../../en/Category:News_aggregators.html "Category:News aggregators") * [GNOME](../../en/Category:GNOME.html "Category:GNOME") * [OpenPGP](../../en/Category:OpenPGP.html "Category:OpenPGP") Hidden categories: * [Pages with dead links](../../en/Category:Pages_with_dead_links.html "Category:Pages with dead links") * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Accuracy](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Accuracy.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Accuracy") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=GNOME/Evolution&oldid=809118>" - This page was last edited on 23 May 2024, at 22:26. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
# GNOME/Files \[ ] 4 languages * [Deutsch](https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Files "Files – Deutsch") * [Español](../../es/GNOME/Files.html "GNOME (Español)/Files – español") * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GNOME/Files "GNOME/Files – 日本語") * [中文(简体)](https://wiki.archlinuxcn.org/wiki/GNOME/Files "GNOME/Files – 中文(简体)") From ArchWiki < [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") Related articles * [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") * [File manager functionality](../../en/File_manager_functionality.html "File manager functionality") * [Nemo](../../en/Nemo.html "Nemo") * [Thunar](../../en/Thunar.html "Thunar") * [PCManFM](../../en/PCManFM.html "PCManFM") Files is the default file manager for [GNOME](https://wiki.gnome.org/). Files attempts to provide a streamlined method to manage both files and applications. **Note:** Files was known as [Nautilus](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Nautilus) prior to version 3.6. The application was given new descriptive names, one for each supported language. The name *Nautilus* is still used in numerous places such as the executable name, some package names, some desktop entries, and some GSettings schemas.
## Installation [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") the [nautilus](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=nautilus) package. This package is part of the [gnome](https://archlinux.org/groups/x86_64/gnome/) group. See also [File manager functionality#Additional features](../../en/File_manager_functionality.html#Additional_features "File manager functionality"). **Note:** Files does not depend on the [gnome-shell](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-shell) package, only requiring [gnome-desktop](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-desktop). ### Extensions Some programs can add extra functionality to Files. Here are a few examples: **Note:** Extensions written in Python require the Python bindings for the Nautilus Extension API ([python-nautilus](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=python-nautilus) package). * **Actions For Nautilus** — An extension that allows you to add arbitrary actions to the file selection context menu. (written in Python) - <https://github.com/bassmanitram/actions-for-nautilus> || [actions-for-nautilus-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/actions-for-nautilus-git/)AUR * **Folder Color** — A file browser extension for choosing the color of a folder (written in Python) - - <https://foldercolor.tuxfamily.org/>\[[dead link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Link_rot "wikipedia:Wikipedia:Link rot") 2023-04-23 ⓘ] || [folder-color-nautilus](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/folder-color-nautilus/)AUR - **Tip:** This extension works only with these icon-themes which contain additional colored icons, eg:\ [numix-icon-theme-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/numix-icon-theme-git/)AUR, [vibrancy-colors](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vibrancy-colors/)AUR, [humanity-icon-theme](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/humanity-icon-theme/)AUR, [mint-x-icons](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mint-x-icons/)AUR * **Nautilus Admin** — Add to menu: "Open as administrator" or "Edit as administrator" (written in Python) - <https://github.com/MacTavishAO/nautilus-admin-gtk4> || [nautilus-admin-gtk4](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-admin-gtk4/)AUR * **Nautilus Annotations** — Annotate files and directories (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/madmurphy/nautilus-annotations/> || [nautilus-annotations](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-annotations/)AUR * **Nautilus Bluetooth** — Add to menu: "Send via Bluetooth" (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/madmurphy/nautilus-bluetooth/> || [nautilus-bluetooth](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-bluetooth/)AUR * **Nautilus Checksums** — Add checksums to Nautilus' properties window (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/madmurphy/nautilus-checksums/> || [nautilus-checksums](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-checksums/)AUR * **Nautilus Hide** — Add to menu: "Hide"/"Unhide" (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/madmurphy/nautilus-hide/> || [nautilus-hide](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-hide/)AUR * **Nautilus Image Converter** — Resize/rotate images (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/coreyberla/nautilus-image-converter> || [nautilus-image-converter](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=nautilus-image-converter) * **Nautilus Launch** — Nautilus extension to run executables and launchers via right-click menu (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/madmurphy/nautilus-launch> || [nautilus-launch](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-launch/)AUR * **Nautilus Open Any Terminal** — Nautilus extension which adds an context-entry for opening other terminal emulators. - <https://github.com/Stunkymonkey/nautilus-open-any-terminal> || [nautilus-open-any-terminal](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-open-any-terminal/)AUR * **Nautilus Metadata Editor** — Nautilus extension with simple Metadata Editor for the following mime types: `audio/x-mp3`, `audio/x-flac`, `audio/x-vorbis+ogg`, `audio/x-speex+ogg`, `audio/x-musepack`, `audio/x-wavpack`, `audio/x-tta`, `audio/x-aiff`, `audio/m4a`, `video/mp4`, `video/x-ms-asf` (written in C and Vala) - <https://gitlab.com/nvlgit/nautilus-metadata-editor-extension> || [nautilus-metadata-editor](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-metadata-editor/)AUR * **Nautilus Share** — Nautilus extension to share folder using Samba (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/coreyberla/nautilus-share> || [nautilus-share](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=nautilus-share) * **Nautilus Wipe** — Nautilus extension to provide [wiping](../../en/Securely_wipe_disk.html "Securely wipe disk") integration (written in C) - <https://wipetools.tuxfamily.org/nautilus-wipe.html> || [nautilus-wipe](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-wipe/)AUR * **Seahorse Nautilus** — PGP encryption and signing for Files (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/seahorse-nautilus> || [seahorse-nautilus](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=seahorse-nautilus) * **[Sushi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_sushi "wikipedia:GNOME sushi")** — Quick file previewer for Nautilus. Part of [gnome](https://archlinux.org/groups/x86_64/gnome/). - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/sushi> || [sushi](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=sushi) **Tip:** If you wish to write new extensions, [nextgen](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nextgen/)AUR is a helper script that lets you set up easily new extension projects for **GNOME Files** (defaults to the C language). #### Applications that ship their own Nautilus extensions The following applications install their own extensions by default, thus providing integration with Nautilus: * **EasyTAG** — EasyTAG is a simple application for viewing and editing tags in audio files; it supports MP3, MP2, MP4/AAC, FLAC, Ogg Opus, Ogg Speex, Ogg Vorbis, MusePack, Monkey's Audio, and WavPack files and works under Linux or Windows — The application includes a "**Nautilus EasyTAG**" extension (written in C) - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/EasyTAG> || [easytag](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=easytag) * **Brasero** — CD/DVD mastering tool — The application includes a "**Nautilus Brasero**" extension (written in C) - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Brasero> || [brasero](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=brasero) * **Eiciel** — GNOME file ACL editor — The application includes an "**Eiciel Nautilus**" extension that adds graphical [ACL](../../en/Access_Control_Lists.html "ACL") editor into the file properties window (written in C++) - <https://rofi.roger-ferrer.org/eiciel/> || [eiciel](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/eiciel/)AUR * **Evince** — Document viewer (PDF, PostScript, XPS, djvu, dvi, tiff, cbr, cbz, cb7, cbt) — The application includes an "**Evince Properties Page**" extension for Nautilus (written in C) - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince> || [evince](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=evince) * **File Roller** — An application for browsing archives — The application includes a "**Nautilus FileRoller**" extension (written in C) - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/FileRoller> || [file-roller](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=file-roller) * **GNOME Console** — A simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop — The application includes a "**KGX Nautilus**" extension (written in C) - <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/console> || [gnome-console](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-console) * **GNOME Terminal** — The GNOME Terminal Emulator — The application includes a "**Terminal Nautilus**" extension (written in C) - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Terminal> || [gnome-terminal](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-terminal) * **Tilix** — A tiling terminal emulator for GNU/Linux using GTK+ 3 — The application includes an extension for Nautilus which adds an "Open in Tilix" option to the context menu (written in Python) - - <https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix> || [tilix](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=tilix) - **Note:** The [python-nautilus](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=python-nautilus) package, required for enabling the "Open in Tilix" extension, is marked as an optional dependency and must be installed explicitly #### Extensions that rely on non-free software Some extensions for **GNOME Files**, although free, might rely on non-free software. The following list provides a few examples: * **Code Nautilus** — Nautilus extension to open files and directories in [Visual Studio Code](../../en/Visual_Studio_Code.html "Visual Studio Code") (written in Python) - <https://github.com/cra0zy/code-nautilus> || [code-nautilus-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/code-nautilus-git/)AUR * **JetBrains Nautilus** — Nautilus extension to open files and directories in JetBrains Toolbox installed products (written in Python) - <https://github.com/encounter/jetbrains-nautilus> || [jetbrains-nautilus-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/jetbrains-nautilus-git/)AUR * **Nautilus Code** — Nautilus extension which adds right-click menu items to open current folder in [VSCode](../../en/Visual_Studio_Code.html "VSCode") or GNOME Builder (written in C) - <https://github.com/realmazharhussain/nautilus-code> || [nautilus-code](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-code/)AUR
## Configuration Files is simple to configure graphically, but not all options are available in the preferences menu. More options are available with *dconf-editor* under `org.gnome.nautilus`. **Note:** If you are using Files outside of the GNOME desktop environment, you have to make sure that `/usr/lib/gsd-xsettings` is running, otherwise the dconf settings are not applied in Files. ### Change default item view You can change the default view for the items by setting the `default-folder-viewer` variable, e.g. for the list view: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-folder-viewer 'list-view' ``` ### Sort by type To sort files in all folders by type: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-sort-order 'type' ``` ### Remove folders from the places sidebar The displayed folders are specified in `~/.config/user-dirs.dirs` and can be altered with any editor. An execution of `xdg-user-dirs-update` will change them again, thus it may be advisable to set the file permissions to read-only. ### Always show text-entry location The standard Files toolbar shows a button bar interface for path navigation. To enter path locations using the *keyboard*, you must expose the location text-entry field. This is done by pressing `Ctrl+l` To make the location text-entry field always present, use *gsettings* as shown below: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry true ``` **Note:** After changing this setting, you will not be able to expose the button bar. Only when the setting is **false** can both forms of location navigation be employed.
Tips and tricks
## Tips and tricks ### Thumbnails See [File manager functionality#Thumbnail previews](../../en/File_manager_functionality.html#Thumbnail_previews "File manager functionality"). **Note:** On [linux-hardened](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=linux-hardened), thumbnails generation fails (all thumbnails go in `~/.cache/thumbnails/fail/`). This is due to unprivileged user namespace being disabled by default on this kernel for security reasons. Nautilus uses `bwrap` (provided by [bubblewrap](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=bubblewrap)) to sandbox thumbnailers. You may decide to replace [bubblewrap](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=bubblewrap) with [bubblewrap-suid](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=bubblewrap-suid). See [Security#Sandboxing applications](../../en/Security.html#Sandboxing_applications "Security") for more information. Sometimes video thumbnails are not shown. To solve it (as mentioned in [No video thumbnails on nautilus](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=168626)), you must install [ffmpegthumbnailer](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=ffmpegthumbnailer), [gst-libav](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gst-libav), [gst-plugins-ugly](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gst-plugins-ugly), and remove the content of `~/.cache/thumbnails/fail/`. ### Create a new document from the right-click menu To get this option one has to create a `~/Templates/` folder in your home folder and place an empty file inside the folder through your favorite Terminal by `touch ~/Templates/new` or by using any other file manager. Then just restart Files. On non-English installations, the templates directory might have another name. One can find the actual directory with `xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES`. The templates directory can be configured in the `~/.config/user-dirs.dirs` file: ``` XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME/some/path" ``` ### Hiding files Like most other file managers GNOME Files hides files with names starting with a dot by default. GNOME Files additionally hides files when their names are listed in a `.hidden` file in the same directory (one filename per line). See [nautilus-hide](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nautilus-hide/)AUR for an extension that facilitates adding/removing entries from such `.hidden` files. ### Open current directory in Tilix If you are using [tilix](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=tilix) terminal you can easily add "Open in Tilix" option to the context menu of GNOME Files by installing its optional dependency [python-nautilus](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=python-nautilus). ### Add a folder to bookmarks To add a folder to your bookmarks, simply press `Ctrl+d` when you have the folder opened in Nautilus. Note that the list of bookmarks is shared with other GNOME-based graphical file managers (e.g. Nemo), so a folder added or removed from one will affect the bookmarks seen in the other. ### Custom scripts Scripts placed in `~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts` can be run from the right click context menu of a file. The context menu can also be organized into subfolders, e.g. `~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/images` and `~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/music`. Scripts have access to the following environment variables: ``` NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_WINDOW_GEOMETRY ``` Some example scripts: ``` ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/open-terminal-here ``` ``` #!/bin/sh gnome-terminal ``` ``` ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/remove-extension ``` ``` #!/bin/sh echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | while read -r filename; do mv -n "$filename" "${filename%.*}" done ``` **Note:** Make sure the scripts are marked as [executable](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Make_executable "Executable"). You may have to restart nautilus with `nautilus -q` for them to show up. #### Keybinds Keybinds to execute scripts can be assigned in the `~/.config/nautilus/scripts-accels` file: ``` ; Example Keybinds ; Modifiers: <Control> <Alt> <Shift> F4 open-terminal-here <Alt>x remove-extension ``` **Note:** You cannot overwrite any pre-existing nautilus keybinds.
## Troubleshooting ### Files is no longer the default file manager This can be caused by the file association for directories being reset. Installing [anjuta](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/anjuta/)AUR or [visual-studio-code-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/visual-studio-code-bin/)AUR tend to do this. To solve this, open Files, right-click on a folder, and choose *Open With Other Application > Files > Select*. This will set the association for directories back to Files. If this does not solve the issue, see [File manager functionality#Directories are not opened in the file manager](../../en/File_manager_functionality.html#Directories_are_not_opened_in_the_file_manager "File manager functionality"). ### Freezes for a few seconds after every copy operation In case you have [kdeconnect](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=kdeconnect) installed in your system, the problem might be caused by its file sharing module. Deactivate file sharing, and it should stop happening. ### Cannot open Google Drive You may be missing one or more of the following packages: * [gnome-online-accounts](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-online-accounts) * [gvfs-goa](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gvfs-goa) * [gvfs-google](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gvfs-google) Install them and you should be good to go. ### Windows machines (version 1709 or up) with shared folders don't show up in Network view **Note:** Reason for this is already explained at [Samba#Windows 1709 or up does not discover the samba server in Network view](../../en/Samba.html#Windows_1709_or_up_does_not_discover_the_samba_server_in_Network_view "Samba"). **Note:** Recently [WSD support was added to](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gvfs/-/issues/506) GNOME/Files. To activate the WSD support in GNOME/Files [install](../../en/Arch_User_Repository.html#Installing_and_upgrading_packages "Arch User Repository") [gvfs-wsdd](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gvfs-wsdd) to make GNOME/Files discover newer Windows machines in the network view. There is no further tweaking necessary. ### WebDAV missing from mounting options Install [gvfs-dnssd](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gvfs-dnssd) and restart Nautilus. [Categories](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [File managers](../../en/Category:File_managers.html "Category:File managers") * [GNOME](../../en/Category:GNOME.html "Category:GNOME") Hidden category: * [Pages with dead links](../../en/Category:Pages_with_dead_links.html "Category:Pages with dead links") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=GNOME/Files&oldid=809883>" - This page was last edited on 2 June 2024, at 03:51. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
# GNOME/Flashback \[ ] 1 language * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GNOME_Flashback "GNOME Flashback – 日本語") From ArchWiki < [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") Related articles * [Desktop environment](../../en/Desktop_environment.html "Desktop environment") * [Window manager](../../en/Window_manager.html "Window manager") [GNOME Flashback](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeFlashback) (previously called *GNOME fallback mode*) is a shell for GNOME 3. The desktop layout and the underlying technology is similar to GNOME 2. It does not use 3D acceleration at all, so it is generally faster and less CPU intensive than GNOME Shell with llvmpipe.
## Installation GNOME Flashback can be [installed](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") from the [gnome-flashback](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-flashback) package. It is recommended to install its optional dependencies also to get a more complete desktop environment. You can also install the following packages which provide some additional applets for the GNOME Panel: * **GNOME Applets** — Small applications for the GNOME panel - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeApplets> || [gnome-applets](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-applets) * **Pomodoro Applet** — GNOME Panel applet for timing the intervals used in the Pomodoro Technique(tm) - <https://github.com/stump/pomodoro-applet> || [pomodoro-applet](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pomodoro-applet/)AUR * **Sensors Applet** — Applet for GNOME Flashback panel to display readings from hardware sensors, including CPU temperature, fan speeds and voltage readings - <http://sensors-applet.sourceforge.net/> || [sensors-applet](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=sensors-applet) It is recommended to install the [gnome](https://archlinux.org/groups/x86_64/gnome/) group, which contains applications required for the standard GNOME experience.
## Starting ### Graphical log-in Choose *GNOME Flashback (Metacity)* from the menu in a [display manager](../../en/Display_manager.html "Display manager") of choice. Those who wish to use [Compiz](../../en/Compiz.html "Compiz") with GNOME Flashback should select *GNOME Flashback (Compiz)* instead. ### Manually * For the **GNOME Flashback (Metacity)** session, add the following to the `~/.xinitrc` file: ``` export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME-Flashback:GNOME exec gnome-session --session=gnome-flashback-metacity ``` - For the **GNOME Flashback (Compiz)** session, add the following to the `~/.xinitrc` file: ``` export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME-Flashback:GNOME exec gnome-session --session=gnome-flashback-compiz ``` After editing `.xinitrc`, GNOME Flashback can be launched with *startx*. See [xinitrc](../../en/Xinit.html#xinitrc "Xinitrc") for details.
## Configuration GNOME Flashback shares most of its settings with GNOME. See [GNOME#Configuration](../../en/GNOME.html#Configuration "GNOME") for more details. ### Customizing GNOME Panel * To configure the panel, hold down the `Alt` key, and right-click on it in an empty area. * To move an applet on the panel, hold down the `Alt` key, and grab it with middle-button. **Note:** If the Alt+right-click combination does not work, try Super+Alt+right-click instead. ### Alternative window manager You can use an alternative [window manager](../../en/Window_manager.html "Window manager") with GNOME Flashback by creating a custom GNOME session with the following components: ``` RequiredComponents=gnome-flashback-init;gnome-flashback;gnome-panel;window-manager;gnome-settings-daemon;nautilus-classic; ``` where **window-manager** is the window manager you wish to use. See [GNOME/Tips and tricks#Custom GNOME sessions](../../en/GNOME/Tips_and_tricks.html#Custom_GNOME_sessions "GNOME/Tips and tricks"). Also see [this article](https://web.archive.org/web/20190808234014/http://makandracards.com/makandra/1367-running-the-awesome-window-manager-within-gnome) on running awesome as the window manager in GNOME.
Tips and tricks
## Tips and tricks ### Panel speed settings * Hide/Unhide delay To adjust the amount of time it takes for the panel to disappear or reappear when autohide is enabled, execute the following: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-panel.toplevel:/org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/toplevels/panel/ hide-delay time $ gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-panel.toplevel:/org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/toplevels/panel/ unhide-delay time ``` where *panel* is either *top-panel* or *bottom-panel* and *time* is a value in miliseconds, e.g. 300. * Animation speed To set the speed at which panel animations occur, execute the following: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-panel.toplevel:/org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/toplevels/panel/ animation-speed value ``` where *panel* is either *top-panel* or *bottom-panel* and *value* is either `"'fast'"`, `"'medium'"` or `"'slow'"`. ### Replace applications menu icon **Note:** This change will be overwritten on updating your icon theme package. Replace `/usr/share/icons/icon-theme/16x16/places/start-here.png` with your own icon (where `icon-theme` is the name of your icon theme). After making the change, restart GNOME Panel: `gnome-panel --replace`.
See also
## See also * [GnomeFlashback - GNOME Wiki](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeFlashback) [Category](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [GNOME](../../en/Category:GNOME.html "Category:GNOME") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=GNOME/Flashback&oldid=802642>" - This page was last edited on 9 March 2024, at 09:53. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
# GNOME/Gedit \[ ] 5 languages * [Deutsch](https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Gedit "Gedit – Deutsch") * [Español](../../es/GNOME/Gedit.html "GNOME (Español)/Gedit – español") * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GNOME/Gedit "GNOME/Gedit – 日本語") * [Русский](../../ru/GNOME/Gedit.html "GNOME (Русский)/Gedit – русский") * [中文(简体)](https://wiki.archlinuxcn.org/wiki/GNOME/Gedit "GNOME/Gedit – 中文(简体)") From ArchWiki < [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") [gedit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/gedit "wikipedia:gedit") is a general-purpose text editor for GNOME.
## Installation [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") the [gedit](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gedit) package. For additional features, install the [gedit-plugins](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gedit-plugins) package. Gedit can use multiple spell checking dictionaries, see [Language checking](../../en/Language_checking.html "Language checking").
## Configuration ### Do not end files with a new line If you want to ensure that gedit does not end files with a newline, execute the following: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor ensure-trailing-newline false ``` ### Save backup versions of edited files If desired, gedit can create a backup copy of an edited file - the contents of the backup file will be the same as the contents of the original file before the edit was made and then saved. The backup file's name will be the same as original file's name but suffixed with a \~ symbol. Hence, for the file called `file1` the backup copy would have the name `file1~`. Backup files are hidden by default. To enable this behaviour, access gedit's Preferences panel (for GNOME Shell users, this can be found in gedit's global menu). In the preferences panel, click on the *Editor* tab and tick the option *Create a backup copy of files before saving.* ### Syntax highlighting Gedit comes out-of-box with several syntax highlight thanks to [gtksourceview4](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gtksourceview4), so this section show exceptions. #### PKGBUILD [Install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") [gtksourceview4-pkgbuild](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gtksourceview4-pkgbuild/)AUR to have syntax highlight in [PKGBUILDs](../../en/PKGBUILD.html "PKGBUILD").
See also
## See also * [Apps/Gedit - GNOME Wiki!](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Gedit) [Categories](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [GNOME](../../en/Category:GNOME.html "Category:GNOME") * [Text editors](../../en/Category:Text_editors.html "Category:Text editors") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=GNOME/Gedit&oldid=784205>" - This page was last edited on 31 July 2023, at 13:44. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
# GNOME/Keyring \[ ] 3 languages * [Español](../../es/GNOME/Keyring.html "GNOME (Español)/Keyring – español") * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GNOME/Keyring "GNOME/Keyring – 日本語") * [中文(简体)](https://wiki.archlinuxcn.org/wiki/GNOME/Keyring "GNOME/Keyring – 中文(简体)") From ArchWiki < [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME") Related articles * [GnuPG](../../en/GnuPG.html "GnuPG") * [OpenPGP](../../en/OpenPGP.html "OpenPGP") [GNOME Keyring](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeKeyring) is "a collection of components in GNOME that store secrets, passwords, keys, certificates and make them available to applications."
Security model
## Security model There was a security issue (known as [CVE-2018-19358](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-19358)) reported in the past regarding the behaviour of the GNOME/Keyring API. Any application [can easily read any secret](https://github.com/sungjungk/keyring_crack) if the keyring is unlocked. And, if a user is logged in, then the login/default collection is unlocked. Available D-Bus protection mechanisms (involving the busconfig and policy XML elements) are not used by default and would be easy to bypass anyway. The GNOME project [disagrees](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-keyring/-/issues/5#note_1876550) with this vulnerability report because, according to their stated security model, untrusted applications must not be allowed to communicate with the secret service. Applications sandboxed via Flatpak only have filtered access to the session bus.
## Installation [gnome-keyring](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gnome-keyring) is a member of the [gnome](https://archlinux.org/groups/x86_64/gnome/) group is thus usually present on systems running GNOME. The package can otherwise be [installed](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") on its own. [libsecret](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=libsecret) should also be installed to grant other applications access to your keyrings. Although [libgnome-keyring](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=libgnome-keyring) is deprecated (and superseded by *libsecret*), it may still be required by certain applications. The gnome-keyring-daemon is automatically started via a systemd user service upon logging in. It can also be started upon request via a socket. Extra utilities related to GNOME Keyring include: * **secret-tool** — Access the GNOME Keyring (and any other service implementing the [DBus Secret Service API](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/secret-service/)) from the command line. - <https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Libsecret> || [libsecret](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=libsecret) * **lssecret** — List all secret items using *libsecret* (e.g. GNOME Keyring). - <https://gitlab.com/GrantMoyer/lssecret> || [lssecret-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lssecret-git/)AUR
Manage using GUI
## Manage using GUI You can manage the contents of GNOME Keyring using Seahorse; [install](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Installation_of_packages "Install") the [seahorse](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=seahorse) package. Passwords for keyrings (e.g., the default keyring, "Login") can be changed and even removed. See [Create a new keyring](https://help.gnome.org/users/seahorse/stable/keyring-create.html) and [Update the keyring password](https://help.gnome.org/users/seahorse/stable/keyring-update-password.html) in GNOME Help for more information.
Using the keyring
## Using the keyring The [PAM](../../en/PAM.html "PAM") module *pam\_gnome\_keyring.so* initialises GNOME Keyring partially, unlocking the default *login* keyring in the process. The gnome-keyring-daemon is automatically started with a systemd user service. ### PAM step **Note:** To use automatic unlocking **without automatic login**, the password for the user account should be the same as the default keyring. See [#Automatically change keyring password with user password](#Automatically_change_keyring_password_with_user_password). **Tip:** * To use automatic unlocking with automatic login, you can set a blank password for the default keyring. Note that the contents of the keyring are stored unencrypted in this case. * Alternatively, if using GDM and LUKS, GDM can unlock your keyring if it matches your LUKS password. For this to work, you need to use the [systemd init in your mkinitcpio.conf](../../en/Mkinitcpio.html#Common_hooks "Mkinitcpio") as well as the [appropriate kernel parameters](../../en/Dm-crypt/System_configuration.html#Using_systemd-cryptsetup-generator "Dm-crypt/System configuration"). See [\[1\]](https://reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/jwnqq5/) for more details. * If you desire to skip the PAM step, the default keyring must be unlocked manually or via another method. See [#Using gnome-keyring-daemon outside desktop environments (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, ...)](#Using_gnome-keyring-daemon_outside_desktop_environments_\(KDE,_GNOME,_XFCE,_...\)) and the [GnomeKeyring wiki](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeKeyring/RunningDaemon). When using a display manager, the keyring works out of the box for most cases. [GDM](../../en/GDM.html "GDM"), [LightDM](../../en/LightDM.html "LightDM"), [LXDM](../../en/LXDM.html "LXDM"), and [SDDM](../../en/SDDM.html "SDDM") already have the necessary PAM configuration. For a display manager that does not automatically unlock the keyring edit the appropriate file instead of `/etc/pam.d/login` as mentioned below. When using console-based login, edit `/etc/pam.d/login`: Add `auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so` at the end of the `auth` section and `session optional pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start` at the end of the `session` section. ``` /etc/pam.d/login ``` ``` #%PAM-1.0 auth required pam_securetty.so auth requisite pam_nologin.so auth include system-local-login auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so account include system-local-login session include system-local-login session optional pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start ``` **Note:** If using the [greetd](../../en/Greetd.html "Greetd") login manager, the file that needs to be modified is `/etc/pam.d/greetd`, instead of `/etc/pam.d/login`.
SSH keys
## SSH keys GNOME Keyring can act as a wrapper around [ssh-agent](../../en/SSH_keys.html#ssh-agent "SSH keys"). In that mode, it will display a GUI password entry dialog each time you need to unlock an SSH key. The dialog includes a checkbox to remember the password you type, which, if selected, will allow fully passwordless use of that key in the future as long as your login keyring is unlocked. The SSH functionality is disabled by default in gnome-keyring-daemon builds since version [1:46](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-keyring/-/commit/25c5a1982467802fa12c6852b03c57924553ba73). It has been [moved](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gcr/-/merge_requests/67) into `/usr/lib/gcr-ssh-agent`, which is part of the [gcr-4](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=gcr-4) package. ### Setup gcr All you need to do is 1. [Enable](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Enable") the `gcr-ssh-agent.socket` systemd [user unit](../../en/Systemd/User.html "User unit"). 2. Run SSH commands with the `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` environment variable set to `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gcr/ssh`. There are [many ways](../../en/Environment_variables.html#Defining_variables "Environment variables") to set environment variables, and the one you use will depend on your specific setup and preferences. ### Using You can run ``` $ ssh-add -L ``` to list loaded SSH keys in the running agent. This can help ensure you started the appropriate service and set `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` correctly. To permanently save a passphrase in the keyring, use ssh-askpass from the [seahorse](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=seahorse) package: ``` $ /usr/lib/seahorse/ssh-askpass my_key ``` To manually add an SSH key from another directory: ``` $ ssh-add ~/.private/id_rsa Enter passphrase for ~/.private/id_rsa: ``` **Note:** You have to have the corresponding *.pub* file in the same directory as the private key (`~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` in the example). Also, make sure that the public key is the file name of the private key plus *.pub* (for example, `my_key.pub`). To disable all manually added keys: ``` $ ssh-add -D ``` ### Disabling If you wish to run an alternative SSH agent (e.g. [ssh-agent](../../en/SSH_keys.html#ssh-agent "SSH keys") directly or [gpg-agent](../../en/GnuPG.html#gpg-agent "Gpg-agent")), it's a good idea to disable GNOME Keyring's ssh-agent wrapper. Doing so isn't strictly necessary, since each agent listens on a different socket and `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` can be used to choose between them, but it can make debugging issues easier. To disable gcr-ssh-agent, ensure `gcr-ssh-agent.socket` and `gcr-ssh-agent.service` are both disabled and stopped in systemd.
Tips and tricks
## Tips and tricks ### Integration with applications * [Chromium](../../en/Chromium.html#Force_a_password_store "Chromium") ### Flushing passphrases ``` $ gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d ``` This command starts gnome-keyring-daemon, shutting down previously running instances. ### Git integration The GNOME keyring is useful in conjunction with [Git](../../en/Git.html "Git") when you are pushing over HTTPS. The [libsecret](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=libsecret) package [needs to be installed for this functionality to be available](#Installation). Configure Git to use the *libsecret* helper: ``` $ git config --global credential.helper /usr/lib/git-core/git-credential-libsecret ``` The next time you run `git push`, you will be asked to unlock your keyring if it is not already unlocked. ### GnuPG integration Several applications which use GnuPG require a `pinentry-program` to be set. Set the following to use GNOME 3 pinentry for GNOME Keyring to manage passphrase prompts. ``` ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf ``` ``` pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gnome3 ``` Another option is to [force loopback for GPG](../../en/GnuPG.html#Unattended_passphrase "GnuPG") which should allow the passphrase to be entered in the application. ### Renaming a keyring The display name for a keyring (i.e., the name that appears in Seahorse and from `file`) can be changed by [changing the value of display-name in the unencrypted keyring file](https://ttboj.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/renaming-a-gnome-keyring-for-seahorse-the-passwords-and-keyrings-application/). Keyrings will usually be stored in `~/.local/share/keyrings/` with the *.keyring* file extension. ### Automatically change keyring password with user password **Note:** This only affects the default keyring. [Append](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Append,_add,_create,_edit "Append") `password optional pam_gnome_keyring.so` to `/etc/pam.d/passwd`: ``` /etc/pam.d/passwd ``` ``` ... password optional pam_gnome_keyring.so ``` ### Using gnome-keyring-daemon outside desktop environments (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, ...) #### Launching ![](../../File:Inaccurate.svg)**The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.** **Reason:** At least [xinit](../../en/Xinit.html "Xinit") and [SDDM](../../en/SDDM.html "SDDM") execute all scripts from `/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/` and [sway](../../en/Sway.html "Sway") provides `/etc/sway/config.d/50-systemd-user.conf` so the problem is not being "outside desktop environments". If gnome-keyring requires [XDG Autostart](../../en/XDG_Autostart.html "XDG Autostart"), the installation/configuration section should say so. (Discuss in [Talk:GNOME/Keyring#Launching gnome-keyring-daemon outside desktop environments (KDE,\_GNOME,\_XFCE,\_...)](../../en/Talk:GNOME/Keyring.html#Launching_gnome-keyring-daemon_outside_desktop_environments_\(KDE,_GNOME,_XFCE,_...\) "Talk:GNOME/Keyring")) If you are using sway, i3, or any window manager that does not execute * `/etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-*.desktop` * `/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/50-systemd-user.sh` your window manager needs to execute the following commands during window manager startup. The commands do not need to be executed in any specific order. ``` dbus-update-activation-environment DISPLAY XAUTHORITY WAYLAND_DISPLAY ``` or ``` dbus-update-activation-environment --all ``` This command passes environment variables from the window manager to session dbus. Without this, GUI prompts cannot be triggered over DBus. For example, this is required for seahorse password prompt. This is required because session dbus is started before graphical environment is started. Thus, session dbus does not know about the graphical environment you are in. Someone or something has to teach session dbus about the graphical environment by passing environment variables describing the graphical environment to session dbus. ``` gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets ``` During login, PAM starts `gnome-keyring-daemon --login` which is responsible for keeping gnome-keyring unlocked with login password. If `gnome-keyring-daemon --login` is not connected to session dbus within a few minutes, `gnome-keyring-daemon --login` dies. If `gnome-keyring-daemon --start ...` is started against session dbus in a window manager, `gnome-keyring-daemon --login` is connected to session dbus. If your login session does not start `gnome-keyring-daemon --start ...` before `gnome-keyring-daemon --login` quits, you can also use any program that uses gnome-keyring or secret service API before `gnome-keyring-daemon --login` dies. #### GNOME Keyring XDG Portal ![](../../File:Inaccurate.svg)**The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.** **Reason:** Modifies package files in `/usr/share`, will be undone on pacman upgrades (Discuss in [Talk:GNOME/Keyring](../../en/Talk:GNOME/Keyring.html)) GNOME Keyring exposes an XDG Portal backend (for use with applications sandboxed through [flatpak](../../en/Flatpak.html "Flatpak") for example). In order for it to work outside of GNOME, one must add their desktop environment to the `/usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals/gnome-keyring.portal` configuration file by modifying the `UseIn` key. For instance, to add [sway](../../en/Sway.html "Sway"): ``` /usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals/gnome-keyring.portal ``` ``` [portal] DBusName=org.freedesktop.secrets Interfaces=org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Secret UseIn=gnome;sway ``` See [XDG Desktop Portal#Backends](../../en/XDG_Desktop_Portal.html#Backends "XDG Desktop Portal") for more information about XDG Desktop Portal backends.
## Troubleshooting ### Passwords are not remembered If you are prompted for a password after logging in and you find that your passwords are not saved, then you may need to create/set a default keyring. To do this using Seahorse (a.k.a. Passwords and Keys), see [Create a new keyring](https://help.gnome.org/users/seahorse/stable/keyring-create.html) and [Change the default keyring](https://help.gnome.org/users/seahorse/stable/keyring-change-default.html) in GNOME Help. ### Resetting the keyring You will need to [change your login keyring password](#Manage_using_GUI) if you receive the following error message: "The password you use to login to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring". Alternatively, you can remove the `login.keyring` and `user.keystore` files from `~/.local/share/keyrings/`. Be warned that this will permanently delete all saved keys. After removing the files, simply log out and log in again. ### Unable to locate daemon control file The following error may appear in the [journal](../../en/Systemd/Journal.html "Journal") after logging in: ``` gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file ``` This message "can be safely ignored" if there are no other related issues [\[2\]](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1940190#p1940190). ### No such secret collection at path: / If you use a custom `~/.xinitrc` and receive this error when trying to create a new keyring with Seahorse, this may be solved by adding the following line [\[3\]](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1640822#p1640822) ``` ~/.xinitrc ``` ``` source /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/50-systemd-user.sh ``` ### Terminal gives the message "discover\_other\_daemon: 1" This is caused by *gnome-keyring-daemon* being started for the second time. Since a systemd service is delivered together with the daemon, you do not need to start it another way. So make sure to remove the start command from your `.zshenv`, `.bash_profile`, `.xinitrc`, `config.fish` or similar. Alternatively you can [disable](../../en/Help:Reading.html#Control_of_systemd_units "Disable") the `gnome-keyring-daemon.service` and `gnome-keyring-daemon.socket` [user units](../../en/Systemd/User.html "User unit").
See also
## See also * <https://help.gnome.org/users/seahorse/stable/> * [GNOME Wiki page](https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Projects/GnomeKeyring) [Categories](../../Special:Categories.html "Special:Categories"): * [GNOME](../../en/Category:GNOME.html "Category:GNOME") * [OpenPGP](../../en/Category:OpenPGP.html "Category:OpenPGP") Hidden category: * [Pages or sections flagged with Template:Accuracy](../../en/Category:Pages_or_sections_flagged_with_Template:Accuracy.html "Category:Pages or sections flagged with Template:Accuracy") - Retrieved from "<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=GNOME/Keyring&oldid=808274>" - This page was last edited on 14 May 2024, at 10:10. - Content is available under [GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) unless otherwise noted. * [Privacy policy](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/privacy-policy/) * [About ArchWiki](../../en/ArchWiki:About.html) * [Disclaimers](../../en/ArchWiki:General_disclaimer.html) * [Code of conduct](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/ "archlinux-service-agreements:code-of-conduct") * [Terms of service](https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/terms-of-service/ "archlinux-service-agreements:terms-of-service") - [![GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later](/resources/assets/licenses/gnu-fdl.png)](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) - ![](/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png) * Toggle limited content width
GNOME/Tips and tricks
# GNOME/Tips and tricks \[ ] 4 languages * [Español](../../es/GNOME.html "GNOME – español") * [Italiano](../../it/GNOME/Tips_and_tricks.html "GNOME (Italiano)/Tips and tricks – italiano") * [日本語](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/GNOME/%E3%83%92%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%81%A8%E3%83%86%E3%82%AF%E3%83%8B%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF "GNOME/ヒントとテクニック – 日本語") * [Português](../../pt/GNOME.html "GNOME – português") From ArchWiki < [GNOME](../../en/GNOME.html "GNOME")
GNOME/Tips and tricks
## Keyboard ### Turn on NumLock on login See [Activating numlock on bootup#GNOME](../../en/Activating_numlock_on_bootup.html#GNOME "Activating numlock on bootup") ### Hotkey alternatives A lot of hotkeys can be changed via GNOME Settings. For example, to re-enable the show desktop keybinding: *Settings > Keyboard > Customize Shortcuts > Navigation > Hide all normal windows* However, certain hotkeys cannot be changed directly via Settings. In order to change these keys, use *dconf-editor* or *gsettings*. An example of particular note is the hotkey `` Alt+` `` (the key above `Tab` on US keyboard layouts). In GNOME Shell it is pre-configured to cycle through windows of an application, however it is also a hotkey often used in the [Emacs](../../en/Emacs.html "Emacs") editor. It can be changed by using one of the aforementioned tools to modify the *switch-group* key found in `org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings`. ### XkbOptions keyboard options Using the **dconf-editor**, navigate to the `xkb-options` key under the `org.gnome.desktop.input-sources` schema and add desired XkbOptions (e.g. *caps:swapescape*) to the list. See `/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg` for all XkbOptions and `/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/*` for the respective descriptions. ### De-bind the Super key By default, the `Super` key will open the GNOME Shell overview mode. You can unbind this key by running the command below: ``` $ gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key '' ``` ### Modify Nautilus hotkeys Since 3.15 it is not possible to use the **accel** file anymore, but it is possible to rebind keys by utilizing [python-nautilus](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=python-nautilus). Install the package and add the following file: ``` ~/.local/share/nautilus-python/extensions/modify_keybindings.py ``` ``` import os, gi gi.require_version('Nautilus', '3.0') from gi.repository import GObject, Nautilus, Gtk, Gio, GLib def rebind(): app = Gtk.Application.get_default() # Search for open_accels and nautilus_application_set_accelerators in: # https://github.com/GNOME/nautilus/blob/master/src/nautilus-files-view.c app.set_accels_for_action( "win.back", ["<alt>Left", "BackSpace"] ) # if you want to figure out which hotkey belongs to which action try this: # print(f'Alt+Left is: {app.get_actions_for_accel("<alt>Left")}') class BackspaceBack(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.LocationWidgetProvider): def __init__(self): pass def get_widget(self, uri, window): rebind() return None ``` Restart Nautilus: ``` $ nautilus -q; nautilus ```
GNOME/Tips and tricks
## Disks GNOME provides a disk utility to manipulate storage drive settings. These are some of its features: * **Enable write cache** is a feature that most hard drives provide. Data is cached and allocated at chosen times to improve system performance. You most likely have this feature already enabled by default (not through disk utility). To check, use `hdparm -W /dev/sdX`. - - *Settings > Drive Settings > Write Cache > **On*** - **Warning:** This performance boost comes with the possibility of data loss in case of a sudden power loss, take that into consideration before enabling write cache. * **User Session Defaults** Enable to use your own options in `/etc/fstab`, and disable to automatically add default and recommended mount options to drives and partitions that are GPT-based. - - *Partition Settings > Edit Mount Options > Automatic Mount Options > **On*** - **Warning:** This setting erases related [fstab](../../en/Fstab.html "Fstab") entries.
GNOME/Tips and tricks
Hiding applications from the menu
## Hiding applications from the menu **Tip:** * Desktop entries can be hidden by editing the *.desktop* files themselves. See [Desktop entries#Hide desktop entries](../../en/Desktop_entries.html#Hide_desktop_entries "Desktop entries"). * [Menulibre](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/Menulibre/)AUR provides a menu editor without GNOME dependencies. Use the *Main Menu* application (provided by the [alacarte](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=alacarte) package) to hide any applications you do not wish to show in the menu.