[ { "sentence": "Trump uncharacteristically criticizes Putin after reports of chemical attack in SyriaPresident Donald Trump on Sunday strongly condemned what he described in tweets as a \"mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria\" that allegedly left women and children dead. He laid the blame squarely at the feet of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia and Iran for backing resident Bashar al-Assad, who he called an \"animal.\" Trump also warned, \"Big price to pay.\" \"Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!\" the president wrote. In the third of a series of tweets, he faulted former President Barack Obama for not intervening in Syria during his time in office. In April of last year, Trump ordered a Tomahawk missile strike against a Syrian airbase for a similar chemical attack. Sunday's posts left many wondering if Trump would potentially retaliate against the Syrian government, which is backed by Russia. The criticism of Putin is arguably his strongest critique of Russia since he took office 442 days ago. Syrian aid groups and activists allege that dozens of people died in a suspected chemical weapons attack on the city of Douma, the last rebel stronghold in eastern Ghouta where Assad has pursued an intensive bombing campaign. The Syrian American Medical Society said that more than 500 cases, mostly women and children, suffered symptoms \u201cindicative of exposure to a chemical agent\u201d and 42 were reported dead. Both Syria and Russia deny involvement in Sunday\u2019s alleged chemical attack. Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert said on ABC\u2019s \u201cThis Week\u201d on Sunday that the White House is considering how to respond. He added that the national security team had been speaking to the president \u201call throughout the evening and the morning.\u201d \u201cI wouldn\u2019t take anything off the table,\u201d he said. The State Department, meanwhile, provided a full-throated critique of Russia in a statement on Saturday night that claimed that the nation had \u201cbreached its commitments to the United Nations\u201d and called \u201cinto question [Russia\u2019s] commitment to resolve the overall crisis and to larger non-proliferation priorities.\u201d \u201cRussia, with its unwavering support for the [Assad] regime, ultimately bears responsibility for these brutal attacks, targeting of countless civilians, and the suffocation of Syria\u2019s most vulnerable communities with chemical weapons,\u201d State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said. Last week, Trump reluctantly agreed to keep U.S. troops in Syria, though he stressed to his national security team his desire to end U.S. involvement in the conflict as soon as possible. Politicians call for action after Syria's alleged chemical attack Republican and Democrat leaders decried the alleged chemical attack on Sunday, calling for the U.S. to hold the Assad government accountable. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who serves on the Armed Services Committee called on the White House to act. \u201cIf [the president] doesn\u2019t follow through and live up to that tweet, he\u2019s going to look weak in the eyes of Russia and Iran,\u201d Graham said on ABC\u2019s \u201cThis Week\u201d on Sunday. \u201cThis is a defining moment.\u201d Others from the president's own party piled on. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said on CNN's \"State of the Union\" that Trump should rethink his plans for an early withdrawal from Syria and consider another targeted attack on Syria's military facilities, such as the one he ordered a year ago. \"That may be an option that we should consider now,\" she said. \"But it is further reason why it is so important that the president ramp up the pressure and the sanctions on the Russian government, because, without the support of Russia, I do not believe that Assad would still be in office.\" Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also blasted the president, as he said Trump signaling last week that the U.S. would withdraw from Syria only served to embolden Assad, Russia and Iran to conduct the attack. While McCain said it was good that Trump criticized all three parties on Twitter, he said social media posts meant little in this situation. \"The question now is whether he will do anything about it,\" he said. \"The President responded decisively when Assad used chemical weapons last year. He should do so again, and demonstrate that Assad will pay a price for his war crimes.\" In the House, Republicans were also riled up and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said that the United States should continue to lead in holding Assad and Russia accountable. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who serves as chair of the House Homeland Security Committee voiced his agreement on Fox News and called for military action. \u201cWe\u2019re not going to occupy countries anymore, but this cannot stand in the civilized world,\u201d McCaul said. \u201cThis needs to be responded to in a very firm and strong way. I think we need to deal also with Russia and Iran\u2019s involvement in this. I think they are complicit.\u201d Democrats also called for the White House to act and coordinate an international response. Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said on CBS's \"Face the Nation\" that \"President Assad needs to be held accountable for his war crimes.\" \"We need to make sure that there is a proceeding started by the international community to hold him accountable,\" said Cardin, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. \"This is not the first use of chemical weapons.\" House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that Putin needed to be held accountable for the alleged attack as he had enabled \"these war crimes.\" But how to do that rests with the White House, she added. \u201cMembers of Congress expect a comprehensive intelligence briefing on this attack as soon as possible,\" she said in a statement. \"The Trump Administration must finally provide a smart, strong and consistent strategy in Syria.\u201d Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., said it could affect Mike Pompeo, who Trump nominated to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, as he enters Senate confirmation hearings this week. \u201cThe United States must not waiver in our utter rejection of the use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world, by anyone, for any reason,\" Menedez said in a statement. \"During his upcoming hearing, I expect Secretary of State-nominee Pompeo to articulate an actual policy for Syria.\u201d", "label": 0, "idx": 0 }, { "sentence": "ISIS Claims Stephen Paddock \u2018Converted to Islam\u2019 Before ShootingStephen Paddock has been identified as the sole suspect in the Las Vegas concert shooting that took place on Sunday night. Police say that Paddock opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more. Police found \u201c more than 10 rifles\u201d in Paddock\u2019s hotel room. The 64-year-old Mesquite, Nevada, resident is deceased, according to police. It has been reported that he committed suicide. Just about 12 hours following the attack, the Associated Press reported that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding that Paddock converted to Islam \u201cmonths ago.\u201d BREAKING: Without providing evidence, Islamic State claims Las Vegas attack, says shooter converted to Islam months ago. \u2014 The Associated Press (@AP) October 2, 2017 \u201cThe Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the mass shooting in Las Vegas, saying that the perpetrator was \u2018a soldier\u2019 who had converted to Islam months ago, without providing any evidence to support the claim\u2026 It did not name the suspected shooter\u2026but said he had \u2018executed the operation in response to calls to target countries of the coalition\u2019 batting the extremist group in Iraq and Syria,\u201d reports the Associated Press. ISIS has not released any kind of video to support their claims. Many people are skeptical about Paddock\u2019s involvement with the group and officials have yet to confirm or deny any ties between ISIS and Paddock. Paddock\u2019s brother, Eric, spoke to the Daily Mail about the shooting. He told the outlet that his brother didn\u2019t have any political or religious affiliation. Eric also clearly stated his opinion on the shooting, saying it was \u201cnot a terror arrack.\u201d \u201cHe was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something. We know absolutely nothing, this is just, we are dumbfounded,\u201d Eric Paddock explained. \u201cHe has no political affiliation, no religious affiliation, as far as we know. This wasn\u2019t a terror attack\u2026He\u2019s my brother, we don\u2019t have a very close relationship but we talk occasionally. There\u2019s no rhyme or reason here, it makes no sense,\u201d Eric added. The FBI is not currently investigating any ties between ISIS and Paddock.", "label": 0, "idx": 1 }, { "sentence": "Jerry Jones explains why he opposes national anthem protests Members of the Dallas Cowboys organization have been reluctant to protest the national anthem, with head coach Jason Garrett calling the anthem \u201csacred\u201d and Dez Bryant saying he wouldn\u2019t protest. Their attitudes mirror what\u2019s coming from the top. Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has made it clear that he opposes national anthem protests. In an interview with FOX Business, Jones said he did \u201cnot think the place\u201d to express opinions is by protesting the flag. \"I do not think the place to express yourself in society is as we recognize the American flag.\" \u2013 Jerry Jones on National Anthem protests pic.twitter.com/3JkrdMhwWy \u2014 FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) September 24, 2017 Jones\u2019 thoughts echo that of many Americans, though as the demonstrations attest, there are many who disagree. Based on his public comments, it would be a surprise to see a display from any Cowboys on Monday night.", "label": 0, "idx": 2 }, { "sentence": "Israel-Jordan Peace Agreement: The Emperor Has No ClothesFrom Israel\u2019s prime minister down to the lowliest clerk, from the Commander in Chief down to the lowest ranking officer, from the Mossad down to the police by way of the Shabak \u2013 since 1994, everyone has been chanting the same mantra about peace with Jordan. The prevalent reasoning is that peace with Jordan is Israel\u2019s most important strategic resource for the following reasons: 1.Security: The 500-kilometer border between Israel and Jordan is Israel\u2019s longest border with another country, reaching from Hamat Gader and the Yarmouk River in the north down to Eilat in the south. Jordan makes sure the border is quiet along its entire length and prevents hostile forces from approaching it and continuing west into Israel. If not for the peace declared between the two states, Israel would have to keep large forces along the border to guard it against infiltration. Israel sees the very existence of Jordan to its east as a security asset in itself because Jordan acts as a buffer zone between the Jewish state and the violent chaos in Iraq, Syria, and Iran. There is full cooperation between the Jordanian and Israeli armies, including visits by officers, the handing over of information, and coordinated activity along the border, under the assumption that radical groups are a shared enemy. In exchange for this, it is said, Israel played a part in guarding Jordan\u2019s northern and eastern borders during the years 2014-16, the period when ISIS posed a threat to Jordan. 2. Jordan is the second Arab nation to have signed a peace treaty with Israel, proving that Israel can find itself accepted in the Middle East as a sustainable country with whom former enemies can make peace by rethinking their previous positions. This could occur despite the August 1967 Khartoum Arab summit where it was declared that the Arab nations would not recognize Israel, would not negotiate with Israel and would not make peace with it. King Hussein of Jordan was a party to these decisions but carried on negotiations with Israel, recognized it and signed a peace treaty, as did Egypt before him. The obvious conclusion is that any Arab nation can do the same, making peace with Jordan a significant accomplishment, 3. There is a wide array of cooperative ties between Israel and Jordan, mostly in the economic sphere. Three issues are involved: a. Israel has a multi-billion dollar contract with Jordan according to which it sells gas extracted from Israel\u2019s Mediterranean gas fields to Jordan\u2019s electricity company; b. Israel recognized \u201cQualified Industrial Zones\u201d in which Israeli funds are invested, Jordanians are employed and Americans are the buyers, providing employment for thousands of Jordanian families; c. cooperative ventures such as the Water Canal, tourism, flights, trade, and academia \u2013 thousands of Israeli Arab students attend Jordanian Universities and their degrees are recognized in Israel. In exchange for recognition, Israel granted the Hashemite Kingdom, and especially its king, special status in the Jerusalem sites considered holy by Islam, mainly the al Aqsa Mosque, giving Hussein and his son Abdullah today, a significant stamp of approval in the Islamic world. This stamp of approval is especially important in granting much-needed legitimacy to the Hashemite Kingdom. The Palestinian majority and even some Bedouin groups question that legitimacy, since the Hashemites are not originally Jordanian, having come from the western section of the Arabian Peninsula, Hijaz, where the two Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina are located. The British gave the Transjordan Emirate to Abdullah I, great grandfather of today\u2019s Abdullah. He is considered a foreign transplant, giving rise to questions of legitimate rule, and the special status at al Aqsa is intended to give him a shot of legitimacy, stabilizing his regime. The king pays the salaries of hundreds of Jerusalem Waqf officials. Another payment Israel took upon itself is the handing over of 50 million cubic meters of drinkable water to Jordan every year. The plan was to bring this water from the Sea of Galilee, but the drought of the last few years has lowered the level of the water in the lake, so Israel has substituted expensive desalinated water instead. Jordanian agriculture in the Jordan Valley is made possible in part because of this Israeli water. All the points raised here give Israel the feeling that the peace agreement with Jordan is successful, certainly more successful than the one with Egypt, with whom there is much less cooperation on non-security related issues. Israel\u2019s payment for this by handing over water and securing Jordan\u2019s status in Jerusalem is one Israel can handle in exchange for the premise that peace with Jordan serves Israeli interests. All the parties to Israel\u2019s government are united in supporting the maintenance of peace with Jordan at all costs. Where did we go wrong? The first and main point is that Israel ignores the fact that the peace agreement is totally dependent on the continuation of the illegitimate Hashemite dynasty. In 1994 that meant Hussein, today it is Abdullah II, but the future is unclear because there are quite a few people in Jordan and outside it who see Abdullah as the last Hashemite monarch. What comes next? There are several possible answers to that query, ranging from a military junta made up of local Bedouin ruling the various populations, on to a civil war that leads to the country splitting in two, with a Palestinian state rising in the northwestern part of the country where there is a Palestinian Arab majority. It is no secret that the Palestinian majority in Jordan is opposed to the peace treaty with Israel. One reason is the recognition a treaty grants Israel and another is the fact that it does not include the so-called \u201cright of return\u201d of the 1948 refugees to within Israeli borders, including compensation for the possessions they left behind them and the years of suffering they underwent in refugee camps. The Palestinian majority in Jordan feels no commitment to the peace agreement; it was signed by King Hussein, not by them. For this reason, most of the professional associations in Jordan \u2013 lawyers, journalists, doctors and others \u2013 do not allow their members to partner with Israelis. Most of their members are Palestinian Arabs who see the peace agreement as the result of the king\u2019s betrayal of their cause. The peace agreement upon which Israel and Jordan are signed and everything Israel has paid, is paying and is willing to pay to preserve and guard that peace will be utterly worthless the day a rebellion breaks out against the king, or some assassin or suicide bomber, G-d forbid, succeeds in killing him. The house of cards Israel built around him will collapse instantaneously, the peace agreement and any others signed in its wake will become fond memories. Whoever takes the king\u2019s place will restart the process and expect Israel to pay even more than it had originally paid \u2013 that is, if the country remains united. If that new leader is a Palestinian Arab, the price will entail the return of a significant number of 1948 refugees to the state of Israel, not to the Palestinian State that may exist by then. The king knows full well that the possibility that he could be assassinated by a Palestinian Arab, as his great grandfather was in 1951 in Jerusalem, is not far-fetched. That is the reason his armed bodyguards are not Arabs, but members of the Circassian ethnic minority who stem from the Caucasian Mountain region and do not have their eyes on the throne, meaning that they are not suspected of planning to murder the king or poison his food. The king\u2019s mistrust of the Palestinian Arabs, who make up the majority of his subjects, has led him to keep them out of the armed forces, police, foreign ministry and especially from internal security organizations and intelligence. There are several Palestinian Arabs in the government and parliament who serve as token representatives, but the majority of them know exactly what the Hashemites think of the majority of Jordan\u2019s citizenry, those who define themselves as Palestinians \u2013 never calling themselves Jordanians because that is used for Bedouin, viewed as lower class by the Palestinians, who are farmers and city dwellers. The Palestinian Arabs in Jordan are the economic engine of the country. They make up most of the merchants, manufacturers, businessmen, lawyers, accountants, academics, journalists, arts and media personalities, and they generally avoid contact with Israel and Israelis. They conduct a consistent and strict boycott of Israel. The king respects their position for two reasons: One, he has no way to force the peace agreement upon them, and two, he is quite content to show Israel that the peace agreement is not secure because of Palestinian opposition, allowing him to demand more and more from Israel in order to guard its interests and keep the king in power. The cost of the peace agreement with Israel is prohibitive. First, Israel respects the status it granted the kingdom in Jerusalem, even though there is no precedent in the entire world for a sovereign state granting another country special rights in its capital city on that state\u2019s most holy site. In 1994, when this was decided during the peace talks, Israel wasn\u2019t worried about Hussein who hated Arafat and agreed with Israel that there must never be a Palestinian state. The status Israel granted him on the Temple Mount was in order to prevent Arafat and the Islamic Movement from taking over the site. King Abdullah II has turned Jordanian policy around and is an ardent supporter of the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria., one that will be able to look over at Israel and threaten it with missiles and short range mortars that hit from Dimona and Beer Sheva in the south, up along the coastal plain from Ashkelon, the Ashdod port, greater Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion airport, to Haifa and its port and all the way to Afula and Beit She\u2019an. Long range weapons will threaten all the rest of Israel. Abdullah is actively creating a strategic threat to the state of Israel that will most probably be ruled by Hamas, which won most of the seats in the Palestinian legislature in 2006 and led a violent takeover of Gaza in 2007. Abdullah would like to see these scenarios repeat themselves, a most realistic possibility. King Abdullah displayed his hostility towards Israel poverty in two recent events. This past March he freed the Jordanian soldier who, in cold blood, murdered seven school girls from Beit Shemesh in 1997 as they took part in a class trip to the \u201cPeace Island\u201d (!!!) in Naharayim. His father, King Hussein, came to pay a condolence visit to the families in Beit Shemesh, while his son lets the murderer go free. What price did he pay for this slap in the face to Israel? Zilch. Nothing. Jordan acts against Israel as a matter of course in international circles, especially UNESCO and the UN Human Rights Council, two places that constantly attempt to delegitimize Israel. Jordan encourages and pushes for the decisions that deny Jewish tradition in Jerusalem, undermining the historical and religious foundations for the existence of the Jewish State. This is meant to spread the feeling to the world that Israel\u2019s establishment is a result of British colonialism, one that must be canceled so that \u201cFalestin\u201d is restored to its \u201chistorical owners\u201d \u2013 the Palestinians. Abdullah, like the Palestinian Arabs, thinks that if he succeeds in removing Jerusalem from the State of Israel, the resulting demoralization will send the Jews packing. Establishing a Palestinian Arab state that will threaten Israel\u2019s security and destroy the Jewish state, is the strategic objective of King Abdullah because it will prevent a Palestinian State from arising in Jordan. If a Palestinian state is created in the hills of Judea and Samaria, the king intends to get rid of all the Palestinian refugees who entered Jordan in the 1948 war, about one and a half million people, plus several hundred thousand who entered Jordan over the last seventy years. A demographic pressure in the Palestinian state will become terrorist pressure that turns life in Israel into Hell \u2013 exactly what Abdullah wants. He coordinates his activities with Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas, seeing eye to eye with them on the main goal \u2013 destroying Israel in order to save the Hashemite Kingdom from becoming a nation of Palestinians. We would do well to remember what most of us have long forgotten: The clueless group of irresponsible Israeli politicians who gave Jordan its unconditional and unlimited special status in Jerusalem is the same group whose idiotic policies brought terrorist Arafat back from the garbage bin of politicians in Tunisia and granted him the closest thing to a state, The stars of this stellar group included Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin, and Alon Liel, who dragged Yitzchak Rabin into the most dangerous political trap, endangering the continued existence of the State of Israel. Jordan today, it must be concluded, is working non-stop on the cover of its peace treaty with Israel to destroy the Jewish State and create a Palestinian one instead. What is worse is that Israel refuses to admit to the situation and continues most carefully to keep the agreement, hoping calm will prevail along the border until the next elections. Every politician knows that if during his term, relations with Jordan deteriorate, the media \u2013 our shallow, slanted and agenda-ridden media \u2013 will accuse him of being the cause of the agreement\u2019s nullification, making him pay the price for the next round of elections. That is why politicians bolster up the temporary tactical quiet, ignoring the strategic threat to the very existence of the state posed by the peace agreement. If Israel\u2019s leaders felt endangered by the actions of Abdullah, they would do something to prevent his destructive activities, cleverly disguised as military and economic cooperation. The problem is that in their view, short term tactical advantages are preferable to attending to strategic problems that affect the long term. We are all going to pay a high price for this way of running things on the part of Israel\u2019s decision makers \u2013 as can be seen by the security equipment crisis last month in Jerusalem. King Hussein was all for Israel\u2019s continued existence and did not question Jerusalem \u2018s status. That\u2019s why peace with him was positive in general. His son Abdullah changed his father\u2019s strategy and works tirelessly to create a Palestinian state on the ruins of the destroyed Jewish one. Now that King Abdullah\u2019s nefarious scheme has been revealed, Israel must rethink its Jordanian route and work to create a Palestinian Arab state in all or part of Jordan, since the majority of the people there are Palestinian Arabs. The alternative is establishing a Palestinian state on Israeli territory with its capital in Eastern Jerusalem, a strategic danger to Israel. There is no reason that the Jewish people, who returned to its land after 2000 years of exile, should pay with its very existence for the survival of the Hashemites brought by the British from Hijaz to rule the most artificial country in the world \u2013 Jordan. Reprinted with author\u2019s permission from Israel National News", "label": 1, "idx": 3 }, { "sentence": "READ: Official ISIS Statement on Nice, France Terrorist Attack\nPeople pass French flags lowered at half-mast in Nice on July 16, 2016, following the deadly Bastille Day attack. (VALERY HACHE/AFP/Getty Images) The Islamic State has released an official statement via its Amaq News agency regarding the July 14, Bastille Day terrorist attack in Nice, France, carried out by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel. Police have identified Bouhlel as responsible for murdering up to 84 people by ramming into them with a truck and shooting at them at a Bastille Day celebration. The 31-year-old French-Tunisian attacker told police he was delivering ice cream in order to get on the promenade, which was closed to traffic for the celebration, The Daily Mail reports. ISIS released a statement about the attack this morning citing an \u201cinsider source.\u201d Read it below: The attack followed the orders of a previous video purportedly released by the Islamic State, in which it told its jihadists in France who could not make it to Iraq or Syria to use cars or trucks as weapons. Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox.", "label": 0, "idx": 4 }, { "sentence": "Should Confederate Statues Stay Or Be Removed? [POLL]It's a debate playing out across America. Should statues and memorials of Confederate soldiers and officers remain standing, or should they be removed. Those in favor of removing the statues say the statues represent racism. Those who want the statues to remain complain that removing the statues would be an attempt to get rid of history. What do you think? Should cities and states get rid of Confederate statues and memorials?", "label": 0, "idx": 5 }, { "sentence": "Thanks Trump: Birther Joe Arpaio is backJoe Arpaio, the 85-year-old disgraced former Arizona sheriff who recently announced his candidacy for a Senate seat in the same state, spewed the false and racist assertion on CNN that former President Barack Obama's birth certificate is fabricated and that he wasn't born in the United States. \"No doubt about it. No doubt about it,\" Arpaio told CNN's Chris Cuomo after being asked if the birth certificate was a phony. \"We have the evidence. I\u2019m not going to go into all the detail, but yes, it\u2019s a phony document.\" Of course, President Donald Trump endlessly promulgated the debunked conspiracy for years, even accrediting Arpaio, and only recently said in 2016 that he believed Obama was truly born in Hawaii and not Kenya. An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud. \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2012 Congratulations to @RealSheriffJoe on his successful Cold Case Posse investigation which claims @BarackObama's 'birth certificate' is fake \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2012 Always remember, I was the one who got Obama to release his birth certificate, or whatever that was! Hilary couldn't, McCain couldn't. \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2014 The president pardoned Arpaio on Aug. 25 \u2014 a Friday night, when most of the nation's attention had been focused on the arrival of Hurricane Harvey. In his pardon, Trump praised Arpaio as a lifelong public servant who enforced the rule of law. \"Arpaio\u2019s life and career, which began at the age of 18 when he enlisted in the military after the outbreak of the Korean War, exemplify selfless public service,\" the statement said. \"Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life\u2019s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now 85 years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon.\" The former Maricopa County sheriff was convicted of criminal contempt of court in July, after a judge found that Arpaio had violated court orders to stop detaining undocumented immigrants, as Salon has previously reported. Arpaio has a long and well documented history of abusive and racist law enforcement tactics and violated a court order \"to temporarily cease making immigration-related arrests after he was sued for racial profiling.\" We\u2019ve sued Joe Arpaio for denying women prisoners access to abortion, for victimizing people with disabilities, and for racially profiling Latinos. We\u2019ve won every time. https://t.co/ZqFWblFiwx \u2014 ACLU (@ACLU) January 9, 2018 Coincidentally, Trump has repeatedly praised himself as the law and order candidate, while often demonstrating the opposite. Arpaio announced a bid for Sen. Jeff Flake's Arizona Senate seat and is the perfect fit for the president's hardline immigration agenda and widespread federal crackdowns.", "label": 1, "idx": 6 }, { "sentence": "The Hillary Clinton emails: What we know, and what we don'tFBI Director James Comey caused a major shakeup in the presidential election with his letter Friday revealing a review of newly-discovered emails related to the FBI previously-closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private server. Here is a rundown of what we know (and what we don't) so far: What emails were discovered? Many things remain vague and unknown about the newly uncovered emails. What we do know is that the FBI believes they are \"pertinent\" to its investigation into Clinton's use of a private server during her tenure as secretary of State. According to an official close to the investigation, there are thousands of new emails under review. What we don't know is whether they contain any classified material or could have any bearing on the previous investigation. Could the emails lead to criminal charges against Clinton? That is impossible to know at this point. In a speech Friday, Clinton said she is \"confident\" that the new developments won't change the FBI's recommendation not to prosecute her for improperly handling classified materials. Although Comey could not put a timetable on how long it will take to review the new material, a source tells USA TODAY that is unlikely it will be completed before Election Day. What is the connection to Anthony Weiner? The emails were discovered as part of an investigation into former New York congressman Anthony Weiner, who is suspected of having sexually charged communications with a 15-year-old girl. Investigators came across the emails while looking into devices used by Weiner. Weiner is married to \u2014 and currently separated from \u2014 longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin who had access to the same device or devices. Why did Comey make the review public? In his letter to lawmakers, informing them of the latest developments, Comey said he thought it was important to update them \"in light of my previous testimony,\" which said the investigation had been concluded. Did Attorney General Loretta Lynch approve of Comey's letter to lawmakers? No. Lynch objected to Comey's decision to notify Congress that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered email, an official familiar with the matter told USA TODAY. Lynch based her objection on a long-held Justice Department policy that federal authorities should not take any action that may interfere with an election. Did Lynch try to stop Comey? Yes. Lynch shared her objections just hours before Comey sent the letter, according to USA TODAY's source. The FBI director weighed the attorney general's advice during a spirited discussion of the matter Thursday and early Friday, but in the end, Comey felt compelled to act. When is the election? Tuesday, November 8.", "label": 0, "idx": 7 }, { "sentence": "Trump: Comey \u2018lied and leaked\u2019 and protected Clinton\nU.S. President Donald Trump, left, shakes hands with James Comey in January 2017 | Pool photo by Andrew Harrer/Getty Images President Donald Trump said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey \u201clied and leaked\u201d information and ultimately protected Hillary Clinton, while also questioning the credibility of the FBI\u2019s probe into her email. Trump\u2019s early morning tweets come in the wake of news that the bureau\u2019s former director had drafted a statement exonerating Clinton before the investigation was over. \u201cWow, FBI confirms report that James Comey drafted letter exonerating Crooked Hillary Clinton long before investigation was complete. Many people not interviewed, including Clinton herself,\u201d Trump wrote on Twitter. \u201cComey stated under oath that he didn\u2019t do this-obviously a fix? Where is Justice Dept?\u201d \u201cAs it has turned out, James Comey lied and leaked and totally protected Hillary Clinton. He was the best thing that ever happened to her!\u201d the president added later. Newsweek reported Monday on documents released by the FBI that included an email sent on May 2, 2016, by Comey to other FBI officials that included a file titled \u201cDrafts of Director Comeys July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation Part 01 of 01.\u201d Despite Comey having already drafted a statement on the investigation into Clinton\u2019s email practices while at the State Department, the probe would continue on for months. Clinton herself was not interviewed until July 2, 2016, three days before Comey held a press conference to announce that the FBI would not recommend filing charges against the former secretary of state. That Comey had drafted a statement exonerating Clinton with months to go before the completion of the investigation has raised concern among Republicans on Capitol Hill, including Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who wrote a letter to current FBI Director Christopher Wray noting that \u201cthe outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts.\u201d While the president has complained that Comey was too easy on Clinton, the former secretary of state has made no secret that she believes it was Comey\u2019s late October 2016, announcement that the bureau was examining potentially fresh evidence related to the email investigation that cost her the election. The evidence examined by the bureau came up fruitless, but Clinton has complained that the resurfacing of the scandal so close to Election Day reintroduced doubt into voters\u2019 minds. Trump, who reveled in the bureau\u2019s investigation into Clinton throughout the campaign, fired Comey last May, a move the White House initially said was based on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein\u2019s assessment of Comey\u2019s handling of the Clinton investigation. Trump later conceded that he had already made his mind up to fire Comey before receiving Rosenstein\u2019s recommendation and that he had made the decision with the FBI\u2019s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election weighing on his mind.", "label": 0, "idx": 8 }, { "sentence": "Enter For A Chance To Win 6 Months of Dollar Shave ClubNo purchase necessary to enter. Void Where Prohibited By Law. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Google, Amazon or Dollar Shave Club. All participant information is being provided to dealmaxx.net. By entering this sweepstakes you will be added to the dealmaxx Deal Hunter news. You are not obligated to remain on this email list in order to win this prize. Check this item out on Dollar Shave Club Drawing Will Be February 28th at 3PM EST 1 Cup of This (Tonight) Will Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy", "label": 0, "idx": 9 }, { "sentence": "Chance the Rapper to Perform at Obama Foundation SummitFormer President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have enlisted Chance the Rapper for their first-ever Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago. Taking place Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, the inaugural event is set to bring \u201chundreds of leaders from around the world\u201d together to \u201cexchange ideas, explore creative solutions to common problems and experience civic art, technology and music from around the world,\u201d according to Billboard. In addition to performing, Chano will serve as curator alongside some all-star musical guests, including Gloria Estefan and the National, who will headline. I\u2019m curating a concert on Nov. 1 for the #ObamaSummit. Follow @ObamaFoundation so you don\u2019t miss it. That\u2019d be a terrible thing. \u2014 Lil Chano From 79th (@chancetherapper) October 13, 2017 Chance has a rich history with the Obamas. His father once worked for President Obama, while Michelle has publicly praised his $1 million donation to Chicago Public Schools. \u201cChance, I am grateful for everything you\u2019ve done on behalf of our young people back home,\u201d said the former POTUS during a recent concert. \u201cI\u2019m hopeful that everyone who is at the concert today, everybody who is getting involved, everybody who\u2019s been part of the parade, all of you are of the mindset that you can do anything that you want to do, as long as you put your mind to it.\u201d Last year, Chance beamed while discussing his famous supporters, who still resided in the White House at the time. \u201cIf you go up there, you\u2019ll probably hear Coloring Book,\u201d he said. \u201cThis is not a joke at all\u2026Malia [Obama] listens to Coloring Book. And I send them stuff sometimes\u2026Barack was talking about it. Or, uh, President Obama was talking about it.\u201d", "label": 0, "idx": 10 }, { "sentence": "Twitter Is Changing Its Character Limit to 280 Characters - Here Are 26 Jokes About ItYesterday, Twitter announced that it would be testing out a new feature \u2014 changing its character limit from 140 to 280. AND PEOPLE FLIPPED OUT. No one likes change, and as much as everyone makes fun of Twitter, we want it to stay the same. LISTEN TO US, @JACK! Here are some of the best reactions to Twitter\u2019s proposed character limit change! 1. old twitter: send nudes bb new 280 char twitter: dearest Penelope, it's been a harsh winter's time since thou booty has graced thy screen \u2014 Licensed Esthetician (@SortaBad) September 26, 2017 2. me: i will never tweet 280 charactersalso me: (checking twitter every minute) why havent they given me 280 characters, ddo i not deserve it \u2014 jomny sun (@jonnysun) September 27, 2017 3. \u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u28e0\u28e6\u28e4\u28c0\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u28a1\u28e4\u28ff\u28ff\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2820\u281c\u28be\u285f\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2839\u283f\u2803\u2804\u2800\u2800\u2808\u2800\u2809\u2809\u2811\u2800\u2800\u2820\u2888\u28c6\u2800\u2800\u28c4\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u28b6\u28f7\u2803\u28b5\u2810\u2830\u28f7\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2880\u289f\u28fd\u28c6\u2800\u2883\u2830\u28fe\u28f6\u28e4\u287c\u28b3\u28e6\u28e4\u28f4\u28fe\u28ff\u28ff\u281e\u2800\u2808\u2809\u2809\u281b\u281b\u2809\u2809\u2809\u2819\u2801\u2800\u2800\u2850\u2818\u28ff\u28ff\u28ef\u283f\u281b\u28ff\u2844\u2800\u2800\u2801\u2880\u28c4\u28c4\u28e0\u2865\u2814\u28fb\u2847\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2818\u28db\u28ff\u28df\u28d6\u28ad\u28ff\u2847\u2800\u2800\u2880\u28ff\u28ff\u28ff\u28ff\u28f7\u28ff\u28fd\u2847\u2800\u2800\u28b8\u28ff\u28ff\u28ff\u2847\u28ff\u28ff\u28ff\u28c7\u2800\u2800\u2800\u28b9\u28ff\u28ff\u2840\u2838\u28ff\u28ff\u284f\u2800\u2800\u2800\u28b8\u28ff\u28ff\u2807\u2800\u28ff\u28ff\u28ff\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2808\u28ff\u28ff\u2800\u2800\u28b8\u28ff\u287f\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u28ff\u28ff\u2800\u2800\u2880\u28ff\u2847\u2800\u28e0\u28f4\u28ff\u287f\u281f\u2800\u2800\u28b8\u28ff\u28f7\u2800\u2809\u2809\u2801\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u28b8\u28ff\u28ff\u2801\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2800\u2808you know i had to do it to em \u2014 ?\u07e0\u07db\u07cb\u07d5?\u2070\u2070? (@NO_BOOT_DEVICE) September 27, 2017 4. If you're upset about the 280 characters thing, just imagine what John Kelly must be thinking \u2014 Amir Tibon (@amirtibon) September 26, 2017 5. \u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533| \u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533| \u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b| \u253b\u2533| \u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b|\u253b\u2533|\u2533\u253b| _\u253b\u2533| \u2022.\u2022) this seems excessive\u2533\u253b|\u2282\uff89\u253b\u2533| \u2014 dan mentos (@DanMentos) September 27, 2017 6. a better idea is to instead start taking away one character at a time, every night, until no one can tweet anymore \u2014 pilot (@pilotbacon) September 26, 2017 7. The 280-character limit is a terrible idea. The whole beauty of Twitter is that it forces you to express your ideas concisely (1/47) \u2014 James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) September 26, 2017 8. the world: trump gonna get us kilt via tweets twitter: ok here's more characters! \u2014 Desus Nice (@desusnice) September 26, 2017 9. twitter: tweets in english are harder to fit in 140 charactersme: pic.twitter.com/foYz4M4gl3 \u2014 bubtebdi durect (@xenobIade2) September 26, 2017 10. looking forward to being able to do the big tweets pic.twitter.com/ikJYcK6XDg \u2014 jon hendren (@fart) September 27, 2017 11. (source) 12. Okay, hear me out, maybe the new character limit will destroy twitter and we'll all finally be free \u2014 Sarah (@thetigersez) September 27, 2017 13. literally my only talent was being able to think of tweets exactly 140 characters long. i don't know if I will be able to alter this to 280. \u2014 christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) September 26, 2017 14. . @realDonaldTrump has been wrecking America 140 characters at a time. Imagine what he could do with 280 now. \u2014 Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) September 27, 2017 15. 16. Prediction: Every 280 character tweet will be a reply from a man to a woman and begin with the word \"Actually.\" \u2014 (((OhNoSheTwitnt))) (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 27, 2017 17. *sees 280* CONSCIENCE: \"don't do it.\" *still 223 left* \"srsly don't.\" *closes eyes* SOMEBODYONCETOLDMETHEWORLDISGONNAROLLMEIAIN'TTHESHARPESTTOOLINTHESHEDSHEWASLOOKINGKINDOFDUMBWITHHERFINGERANDHERTHUMBINTHESHAPEOFANLONHERFOREHEADWELL, \u2014 Sean O'Kane (@sokane1) September 27, 2017 18. So funny they're making tweets longer since the ideal tweet is still 0 characters \u2014 Megan Amram (@meganamram) September 27, 2017 19. This is 280 characters exactly. COINCIDENCE???? pic.twitter.com/YkkDBgPhRw \u2014 Ryan Nanni (@celebrityhottub) September 26, 2017 20. every 280 character tweet pic.twitter.com/jyAG0YpU1V \u2014 Hector Diaz (@iamHectorDiaz) September 26, 2017 21. 23. (source) 23. Is it a bad sign that Twitter personally reduced me to just 70 charact \u2014 Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) September 27, 2017 25. bitch just 'cause you can do 280 characters doesn't mean you SHOULD, if your tweet is long i'm SKIPPIN' IT, boy bye \u2014 Tyler Oakley (@tyleroakley) September 27, 2017 26. TWITTER USERS: It would be nice if you stopped people making death threats. TWITTER: OK, but what if those death threats could be LONGER? \u2014 Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) September 26, 2017 ", "label": 0, "idx": 11 }, { "sentence": "Michigan State Police say viral Facebook human trafficking video is not accurate\nState Police say an investigation has revealed the information in the viral video not to be accurate. (Photo from WEYI/WSMH) (WEYI/WSMH) -- The Michigan State Police out of Detroit took to Twitter reporting the claims of a viral video about human trafficking in a Metro Detroit suburb are not accurate. \"It was investigated by law enforcement and not a case of human trafficking. He was right about being vigilant but that\u2019s about it,\" said the State Police on Twitter. This is the Facebook post where Nick Ahmad claims human trafficking almost happened to his wife and others. The video has been viewed over 650,000 times and shared close to 30,000 times. After an investigation the Michigan State Police took to twitter saying the viral Facebook video is not accurate.", "label": 0, "idx": 12 }, { "sentence": "Hurricane Harvey 2017: Forecast, Map, Path & Live UpdatesTropical Storm Harvey is building up strength in the Gulf of Mexico. A hurricane may be on our hands, and it\u2019s headed to Texas and Louisiana, where it is predicted to do a lot of flooding with massive amounts of rain and 80 mph winds. Update (8/25/17; 8:29 P.M.): Hurricane Harvey has seriously picked up. The storm has upped the ante to a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds as high as 130 mph. Gusts of winds have been reported to be as high as 155 mph. Update (8/27/17; 10:45 P.M.): Massive flooding has reached Houston and many areas of southeast Texas, with 20 inches of rain hitting some areas. However, the hurricane has since dwindled from a Category 2, with sustained winds of 110 mph. More flooding and rainfall is expected into Wednesday, with meteorologists predicting 50 inches of rainfall. Three deaths have already been reported along with 12 injuries. Update (8/29/17; 7:52 P.M.): Harvey is officially a tropical storm. However, that doesn\u2019t downplay the danger. An incredible amount of flooding has been reported in the Houston area. There are now 14 official causalities of the storm, including a family of six and a Houston police officer. Update (9/5/17; 1:34 P.M.): The death toll of Hurricane Harvey has increased to at least 60 causalities as a direct result of the storm. Officials are expecting up to 20 inches of rain in eastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana, starting Friday (August 25) up until the beginning of next week. As a result of the impending storm, Portland, Texas, is already being evacuated. Corpus Christi Mayor, Joe McComb, just announced that a voluntary evacuation is highly encouraged especially if you are in a low-lying area. \u2014 H-E-B Prepared (@HEBPrepared) August 24, 2017 Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell have also evacuated their employees. Flights in-and-out of the area have been cancelled and delayed. Gas stations are currently running out of gas as people are attempting to escape the path of the hurricane. Hurricane Harvey Path On Thursday, Hurricane Harvey can be found in the Gulf of Mexico. It\u2019s been predicted that the storm will be into Texas by Friday, and will advance even more as it enters Louisiana. Flooding is expected in both states. The current speed of the hurricane is 80 mph. San Patricio County issues mandatory evacuation https://t.co/VEEaYZrMpS via @callerdotcom #HurricaneHarvey #RGV \u2014 Teddy Wilson (@reportbywilson) August 24, 2017 School Closures Schools in Houston have been closed in anticipation of Hurricane Harvey. Districts are announcing closures for public schools, community colleges, and universities. Hurricane Harvey school closures in Houston: Districts already announcing closures https://t.co/Dwd7vFuhFZ via @houstonchron \u2014 Andrew Blankstein (@anblanx) August 24, 2017 Here\u2019s a short list of some of the schools that will be closing down as a result of the storm.", "label": 0, "idx": 13 }, { "sentence": "Opinion Line (Oct. 12)E-mail comments, 40 words or fewer, to opline@wichitaeagle.com Closing off most of the downtown roads because of a marathon has got to stop. Run elsewhere and do not bother the people going to work on Saturday or Sunday morning. Central and Oliver has plenty of space available. We need a Dollar Tree in this area, please. Today's top news by email The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Stop playing the national anthem at all sporting events. This whole thing is nothing more than government mandated horse-hockey. Nancy Pelosi willing to shut down the entire government over illegal aliens is selfish and idiotic. Every time President Trump does not have his hand over his heart and paying attention to the flag when the national anthem is played, I expect the media to make that picture front page. This also applies to VP Pence. (School funding) isn\u2019t about performance and test scores. It\u2019s about poor schools having the same access to resources as the rich schools. Regarding Kansas school funding, the Kansas Supreme Court should stay in its own lane. Fifty-nine murders in Las Vegas is a tragedy, but 530 murders in Chicago so far this year and the liberals never talk about that. I wonder why. New theory suggests that the Las Vegas gunman didn\u2019t act along but was assisted by 52 U.S. senators, 298 U.S. representatives and the NRA. While Trump prayed for the victims of the Las Vegas shooter, Hillary Clinton, with her call for reasonable gun control, also prayed for the protection of possible future victims of mass shooters. Both prayers are necessary. If in fact law enforcement is confident that Paddock acted alone, why continue to spend hundreds of millions to investigate his motive and ultimately arrive at a purely speculative conclusion? Move on. Of course the guy in western Kansas can\u2019t find Americans to work in his area.. Why would they when they can sit on their butts and draw welfare? Take that away and see how fast they go to work. To politicians, corruption is indeed a profitable enterprise. Join the conversation E-mail comments, 40 words or fewer, to opline@wichitaeagle.com.", "label": 0, "idx": 14 }, { "sentence": "Does the New NRA Ad with Dana Loesch Call for Violence?\n\u201cThe NRA\u2019s Dana Loesch ad calls for nothing more than the truth, and obviously that is more than the progressive left can take.\u201d Recently the NRA put out a new ad featuring their female spokesperson Dana Loesch that calls for people to join the NRA. The ad has been called many things across social media. Many on the left are calling it an outright call for violence against the left and protesters. They cry that it is attempting to incite violence. Some even said it was \u201cbarely a whisper shy of a call for full civil war.\u201d Now I am a firm believer in the right of all people to defend themselves. The ad is very easy to understand, and pretty straight forward if you are a logical and sensible person. But if you are looking for a reason to incite violence I guess you can try and twist the words of the ad to suit your needs. Here is the transcript of the ad: \u201cThey use their media to assassinate real news. They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again. And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance. \u201cAll to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding \u2014 until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness. \u201cAnd when that happens, they\u2019ll use it as an excuse for their outrage. The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth. I\u2019m the National Rifle Association of America, and I\u2019m freedom\u2019s safest place.\u201d The only thing in the entire ad that talks about fighting back is this one line, \u201cto fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth\u201d. Now if that calls for attacks and violence against others, you really are stretching your imagination a bit and need to look at all the other things listed that are already being done by the anti-American types. Now I may be just a simple man, and try to look at things as logically as I can, but in listening to the ad, and reading the transcript, all I see is the statement of facts on how some people act, and that you confront them with the truth. The reference to the \u201cfist\u201d is in reference to the fist emblem used by the \u201cresist\u201d movement, not the NRA. I have found in debating people online (@downrangewithcw) that when you bring out the facts and truth, they resort to name calling and ugly threats. The reasons that progressives use violence against law-abiding innocent citizens are simple and straightforward. In addition, remember those reasons which Dana Loesch mentions are already used to commit riots and violence against communities across this country. No compatible source was found for this video. So to all of those that are crying that the ad incites violence and calls for a civil war, I say get a life! You are what is wrong with this country. Here we have a spokesperson talking about using truth to combat violence and you, the ones complaining about the ad are whining that it calls for violence. I hate to break it to you, if you thought Ms. Loesch\u2019s words were inciting you must be apoplectic in reading my article \u201c Protesters Be Warned\u201d where I discuss the facts surrounding the lawful use of force to defend yourself if confronted by a violent crowd. It\u2019s time for the people that think it is OK to violently protest anything that comes to mind to understand that a time is coming when they will find that the law abiding people of this country, who would love nothing more than to be left alone, will no longer allow their businesses or homes to be burned and looted. People will no longer allow themselves to be dragged from their cars and beaten for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The NRA\u2019s Dana Loesch ad calls for nothing more than the truth, and obviously is more than the progressive left can take. You know the old saying, the truth hurts, doesn\u2019t it! Oh, I guess that is calling for violence too.", "label": 1, "idx": 15 }, { "sentence": "Raw Video: 2 officers shot outside of Ferguson police departmentPublished March 12, 2015 BREAKING: Two police officers reportedly were shot early Thursday outside the police department in Ferguson, Mo. amid protests that followed the resignation of the town\u2019s police chief. The shooting was first reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Ferguson Police Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff told the paper that he did not believe the officers were from his department and had no information on the extend of their injuries. The Post-Dispatch reported, citing a police source, that one of the officers was from St. Louis County, while the other was from Webster Groves, another St. Louis suburb located south of Ferguson. KTVI reported that as many as 200 protesters had gathered outside the police station to demand more changes in the city\u2019s government after the resignation of Police Chief Tom Jackson Wednesday afternoon. The station reported that at least one person had been arrested and that protesters were blocking traffic on nearby Florissant Road. The Associated Press reported that the crowd had appeared to be dwindling when the shots were heard. The Missouri Highway Patrol told the AP that troopers were heading to the scene. Jackson was the sixth Ferguson employee to resign or be fired after a Justice Department report cleared white former officer Darren Wilson of civil rights charges in the shooting of black 18-year-old Michael Brown this past August, but found a profit-driven court system and widespread racial bias in the city police department. The Associated Press contributed to this report.", "label": 0, "idx": 16 }, { "sentence": "NYT Editor Claims To Be Former Antifa Member, Brags About Anti-Trump Bias A new undercover video shows New York Times audience strategy editor Nick Dudich bragging about his anti-Trump bias and his history as a former antifa member. Conservative activist group Project Veritas released the video on Tuesday, showing Dudich joking about being objective, before saying: \u201cNo, I\u2019m not. That\u2019s why I\u2019m here.\u201d Dudich emphasized his influence within the Times newsroom, saying that his \u201cimprint is on every video we do.\u201d The editor also claimed to be a former antifa member who frequently assaulted alleged neo-Nazis. \u201cYeah, I used to be an antifa punk once upon a time,\u201d Dudich says, referring to the militant far-left movement that has repeatedly attacked conservatives and Trump supporters. Keep reading\u2026 ", "label": 0, "idx": 17 }, { "sentence": "Trump Falsely Claims Republican Robert Mueller Is A DemocratTrump is so far off the reservation that he is claiming that Republican Special Counsel Robert Mueller is a Democrat who worked for Obama for eight years. Neither of these statements is true. Video: Trump said, \u201cBut you have a group of investigators that are all Democrats. In some cases, they went to the Hillary Clinton celebration that turned out to be a funeral. So you have all these investigators that are Democrats. In all fairness, Bob Mueller worked for Obama for eight years.\u201d The Special Counsel is not a Democrat. He is a Republican. Robert Mueller did not work for Obama for eight years. He was replaced as FBI Director by James Comey in 2013. In 2011, Obama asked Mueller to say on beyond his initial ten-year term, and the Senate approved his request. Trump is in complete meltdown mode, and he is inventing reasons out of thin air for why he can\u2019t sit down for an interview with the Special Counsel. The investigation is not a biased witch hunt against him. The Russia investigation is being run by members of Trump\u2019s own party. Facts matter. The fact is that Trump is lying and running away from doing an interview with Mueller. For more discussion about this story join our Rachel Maddow and MSNBC group.", "label": 0, "idx": 18 }, { "sentence": "Hillary's campaign and Bill's women\nPaula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers Early this year, Donald Trump made the seemingly audacious suggestion that Hillary Clinton was somehow responsible for Bill Clinton's infidelities. Trump called her an \"enabler\" and said she \"attacked the women who Bill Clinton mistreated afterward.\" In typical Trump fashion, the comment was designed to get attention. Mrs Clinton has been a champion of family issues and women's rights throughout her career, so the idea that she was the enabler of someone Mr Trump has called \"the greatest abuser of women in the history of politics,\" appeared outrageous. And yet, something resonated in Mr Trump's description of Hillary. There was a kernel of truth to his claim and now it is hurting Mrs Clinton with young female voters. The New York Times today has a long article outlining Mrs Clinton's role in the political handling of her husband's sexual affairs. It's pretty damning, and for Clinton's supporters it must make unpleasant reading. Anyone with an iota of empathy, of course, sympathises with what Hillary Clinton went through during the Lewinsky scandal. I was here and covered the story. It was grim, and the image of Chelsea steadfastly holding both parents hands as they walked, heads slightly bowed, to the helicopter on their way to that summer holiday in Martha's Vineyard will stick with me as one of the more poignant family portraits ever taken. Dealing with a spouse's unfaithfulness is traumatic in private. It must be an even deeper circle of Hell when splashed on the front of every newspaper. What is disconcerting now, however, is Hillary's role in pursuing the women themselves - Gennifer, Paula, Monica, they all, according to both the New York Times and previously published accounts, became the subject of brutal, organised discreditation campaigns. In 1992, Hillary told Esquire magazine that if she had the chance to cross examine Flowers, she would \"crucify her.\" Taking such determined steps to destroy a woman's reputation in order to protect her husband's political career smacks of depressingly cynical calculation. The Clintons hired a famous private investigator to dig up the women's pasts with the aim of destroying their reputations. It is not clear from the Times' reporting to what degree Mrs Clinton favoured this tough approach. Did she drive it or just give it an accepting nod? Maybe the more relevant point is that she condoned it. Hillary also famously called Ms Lewinsky a \"narcissistic loony toon,\" according to a friend's testimony. A staff member who was close to Hillary said she referred to Mr Clinton's affairs as \"bimbo eruptions\". And there's the problem for young women voters. Why should the character or the sexual past of these women be relevant to the truthfulness of their claims? Indeed, Mr Clinton went on to confess to affairs with both Ms Flowers and Ms Lewinsky, after initially denying them. By discrediting the women, the Clintons were spreading the subliminal message that it was somehow their fault more than Bill's. What were they trying to prove - that he was led astray by sexual predators? In 2016 that sounds grotesque. How it all started for Hillary Clinton How it all started for Hillary Clinton Today's sexual mores are very different from the 1980s and 1990s. Young women today expect women to stand up for other women, particularly in the area of sexual relations and particularly when those sexual relations involve a very powerful man and a younger woman. Younger women who have been through bruising college sexual abuse scandals across America have little tolerance for women who in any way cast blame on the victim. That empathy extends to consensual affairs - they just don't like women shaming other women. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton was complicit in doing, according to the New York Times, and other previous accounts. Mrs Clinton's supporters say this is all old news, and is part of a right-wing attempt to slime her. Many millennial voters weren't even born when Monica and Bill were cavorting in the Oval Office. This is their first introduction to this sordid story. However the Clinton campaign tries to spin it, it just doesn't look great for their candidate.", "label": 1, "idx": 19 }, { "sentence": "NFL will not discipline Rams for pregame gestureThe NFL will not discipline the St. Louis Rams players who held up their hands as a gesture of solidarity with protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, prior to Sunday's win over the Oakland Raiders. \"We respect and understand the concerns of all individuals who have expressed views on this tragic situation,\" NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement on Monday. Stedman Bailey, Tavon Austin, Jared Cook, Chris Givens and Kenny Britt emerged from the tunnel during pregame introductions Sunday using the \"Hands Up, Don't Shoot\" pose adopted by protesters following the August shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson. The St. Louis County prosecutor's office announced last week that it will not indict Wilson for the fatal confrontation, a decision that led to unrest in Ferguson and protests across the nation. The St. Louis Police Officers Association released a statement that it was \"profoundly disappointed\" by the display while \"calling for the players involved to be disciplined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliver a very public apology.\" After Sunday's 52-0 win over the Raiders, Cook explained the thought process behind the pregame gesture. \"We kind of came collectively together and decided we wanted to do something,\" Cook said via ESPN.com. \"We haven't been able to go down to Ferguson to do anything because we have been busy. Secondly, it's kind of dangerous down there and none of us want to get caught up in anything. \"So we wanted to come out and show our respect to the protests and the people who have been doing a heck of a job around the world.\" UPDATE: The Rams issued a statement on the matter Monday evening: \"We had positive discussions today with St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Chief Sam Dotson, St. Louis County Chief of Police Chief Jon Belmar and representatives from the St. Louis Police Officers' Association and St. Louis County Police Association during which we expressed our respect for their concerns surrounding yesterday's game. \"What has transpired over the past four months is a tragedy that has impacted our entire community. Together we are beginning a healing process that will require time, energy and honest dialogue. The Rams will continue to build on what have always been strong and valued relationships with local law enforcement and the greater St. Louis community as we come together to help heal our region.\"", "label": 0, "idx": 20 }, { "sentence": "Two dead after shooting on White Horse Road, sheriff saysGREENVILLE, S.C. \u2014 Two people are dead after an officer-involved shooting Friday afternoon on White Horse Road, according to the Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis. The sheriff\u2019s office got a call that a man with a gun was chasing a woman near McAfee Funeral Home, according to Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis. Deputies responded to a call that came in just after 4 p.m. according to dispatch. The shooting happened near the McAfee Funeral Home on White Horse Road, dispatch said. As the woman ran across White Horse Road, the man shot her, according to Greenville County Coroner Parks Evans. He said when deputies confronted the man, the man fired at deputies. The coroner said the deputies returned fire killing him. The woman was taken to Greenville Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead just before 5:30 p.m., said Evans. Saturday afternoon the Greenville County coroner's office identified the woman as Candy Rosario, 25, of Greenville. Witnesses on scene said a deputy confronted the man and ordered him to put down his gun and the deputy was forced to discharge their weapon after the man did not put the gun down. Witnesses on scene said about 10 to 15 shots were fired. On Sunday, the Greenville County coroner identified the man as Ramiro Bravo Ramirez, 34, of Greenville. The coroner said autopsy results on Ramirez are still pending. Dispatchers said White Horse Road reopened around 6 a.m. on Saturday. All of the deputies are fine and the investigation has been turned over to SLED, Lewis said. Following standard procedure, the deputy is placed on administrative leave while the investigation is pending. We will continue to update this story as we get new information.", "label": 0, "idx": 21 }, { "sentence": "Megadeth\u2019s Dave Mustaine condemns Charlottesville violence\nDave Mustaine Megadeth mainman Dave Mustaine has spoken about the recent violence in Charlottesville. Last weekend saw violent clashes between white supremacists and those opposing them in the city, which resulted in the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer. She was killed when a car ploughed through a crowd of counter-protestors who had gathered to oppose a \u2018Unite The Right\u2019 rally in the city. Another 19 people were injured at the scene. Reacting to the news at last weekend\u2019s Bloodstock festival, Mustaine tells Metal Hammer\u2019s online editor Luke Morton: \u201cI don\u2019t know much about what happened \u2013 all I know is what they showed on TV and I didn\u2019t get a chance to really see it. \u201cI do know that the same way there were bad guys that went to the liberal protests and started fights, there was a guy in the liberal side hit a guy on the right side in the head with a bicycle lock. He wasn\u2019t part of the people that were protesting, he just went there to be an agent provocateur. \u201cIf the guys on the right can go and mess with the guys on the left, the guys on the left can go and mess with the guys on the right. You don\u2019t really know why people do this and why they have so much hate in their heart. He adds: \u201cThe thought of me getting behind the wheel of a car and running somebody down is just incomprehensible. I don\u2019t have any capacity to think with that much hate.\u201d Later, when Mustaine saw the full news report, he reached out to Luke on Twitter, saying: \u201cI saw the story you asked about in Virginia. It was awful and breaks my heart to see how some people have devolved back into animals.\u201d Earlier this week, Anti-Flag released a lyric video for their track Racist in direct response to the events in Charlottesville, while Papa Roach delivered a message saying no to war and hate in their new video for American Dreams.", "label": 0, "idx": 22 }, { "sentence": "Armed serial robber shot by police after Puyallup chasePUYALLUP, Wash. - A man who police say is connected to nearly a dozen robberies was shot by an officer after a chase Wednesday morning. The suspect is expected to survive after undergoing CPR at the scene. The officer responded to the Denny's restaurant near South Hill Mall for reports of an armed robber threatening employees and customers. The officer began chasing a pickup truck that was speeding away. The driver lost control and crashed into a concrete overpass pillar nearby, police say. That's when the passenger pointed a gun at the driver, prompting the officer to fire a shot, injuring the gunman. The suspect was given CPR until medics could arrive and transport him to the hospital. Police say the suspect, a 37-year-old convicted felon, is tied to at least ten other robberies in the Pierce County area. The driver, a 39-year-old who is also a convicted felon, was arrested and booked into the Pierce County Jail, The officer is now on paid administrative leave, which is standard procedure after an officer fires their gun.", "label": 0, "idx": 23 }, { "sentence": "Trump Decertified the Iranian Deal, Just 'CauseTrump just decertified the Iran deal, and, oh well, it was nice thinking about peace while we had the chance. True, Trump hasn\u2019t actually repealed the deal. He announced new sanctions, according to ABC News, \u201cbut didn\u2019t do anything that would alter the Obama-era deal that he has denounced since his presidential campaign.\u201d Decertification is Trump to a T: you don\u2019t accomplish anything, but you manage to create the shittiest possible situation regardless. It\u2019s a real gift. The deal, Trump said, is no longer in the national security interest of the United States. This decision, which has been referred as \u201cdecertification,\u201d is a shift in official position. It is a significant declaration that leaves the nuclear agreement in place, but puts Congress in charge of whether or not to follow up with action \u2014 triggering a 60-day window for lawmakers to re-impose sanctions against Iran that were suspended in 2015 as part of the agreement. Trump decertified the Iran deal just \u2018cause, why not, since you\u2019re gutting Obamacare and deciding to let Puerto Rico dehydrate; Trump decided to decertify the Iran deal because you\u2019re well on your way to becoming the Worst President of Every Timeline, yeah baby, and why not light another Roman candle on the fast roller coaster down to geohell? Maybe Congress will rescue the deal, maybe not. The important thing is that this takes the best hope we have with Iran and wades back into David Frum\u2019s \u201cLet\u2019s Invent, and then Invade, the Axis of Evil,\u201d which gave us the tragedy of Iraq. That worked so well, why not repeat it again? The President said: \u201cAs I have said many times, the Iran Deal was one of the worst and one sided transactions the United States has ever entered into\u201d What does he think we can get instead? The President thinks that Iran has sponsored terrorism (and the Saudis haven\u2019t) and that the Iranian regime \u201chas committed multiple violations of the agreement\u201d (there are mechanisms to deal with these). Trump called on the intelligence community to look at Iran\u2019s help to the North Korean nuclear program. Oh! I can help with that one! There\u2019s a base right south of Camp Fantasy, in the northernmost region of the Your Brain is No Longer Functioning Mountain Region. The President says Iran loves the chants \u201cDeath to America\u201d and \u201cDeath to Israel,\u201d because the President and his team of wannabe-Iranian bombers don\u2019t see Iran or its eighty million people\u2014they see whatever Islamophobic, racist-ass caricatures get cooked up on Fox News, where Khomeini is still somehow alive in the year 2017. Trump decertified the deal, because nothing, not even human life or world peace, is more important than repudiating every bit of Obama\u2019s legacy. The major powers and American struck a deal with Iran in July 2015. It eased sanctions and got real monitoring of Iran\u2019s nuclear program. Trump\u2019s own Defense Secretary said Iran has complied. The agreement got everything we needed from the regime, and now Trump wants out, because the movie in his head tells him being the leading asshole of the world is definitely, assuredly the best way to go. Trump decertified the Iran deal because he thinks he can get a better one, this man who can\u2019t pass a single piece of legislation and can\u2019t manage to avoid staring at an eclipse. Trump decertified the Iran deal because he doesn\u2019t care. Trump decertified the Iran deal because it doesn\u2019t matter who the Commander-in-Chief is; there is a National Security blob in Washington that no single President can ever fight, and it consumes money and spits out drones and missiles. Trump is incompetent in a million unusual ways, but he\u2019s particularly, peculiarly incompetent in resisting the mechanisms of institutional influence. In other words, Trump will believe whatever the good people of the military-industrial concept whisper in his ear. That community kicked it around, and decided it was best that we threaten Iran again. After all, the NatSec blob has never forgotten or forgiven Iran for rejecting Western hegemony\u2014and anyway, none of their own sons or daughters got shot in Iraq, so yes, why not set the stage for an eventual war with Iran? Trump decertified the deal, and the people of the world were not surprised at all. The man is barely part of reality. What did we expect?", "label": 1, "idx": 24 }, { "sentence": "Tom Arnold: Clinton begged me to release tape of Trump\u2019s racist rantModal Trigger Tom Arnold Comedian Tom Arnold is claiming Hillary Clinton begged him to release footage of President Trump using racial slurs just days before the November election. The 57-year-old alleged last year he had video of Trump repeatedly saying \u201cn\u2014\u2013\u201d and \u201cevery bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever,\u201d but is now saying Clinton called him just two days before Americans went to the polls to plead for its release, the Telegraph reported. \u201cI had all the outtakes from Trump saying the N-word on \u2018The Apprentice,\u2019\u201d said Arnold, who was just voted off Australia\u2019s \u201cI\u2019m A Celebrity \u2026 Get Me Out Of Here!\u201d \u201c[Clinton] called me two days before the election and said, \u2018Please release that,'\u201d Arnold claimed, alleging that the Democratic nominee said, \u201cThe weight of the free world is on your shoulders.\u201d \u201cI\u2019d love to be a hero, but I can\u2019t hurt these families,\u201d he claimed to have responded. Arnold says he might still release the reel with \u201ctheir permission,\u201d thought it remains unclear if he was referring to the targets of Trump\u2019s vitriol or \u201cThe Apprentice\u201d producers. In an interview before going on the British sitcom, Arnold told a radio host he didn\u2019t want to release the hate speech out of respect for those involved. \u201cWell, now, these people \u2014 two editors and an associate producer \u2014 are scared to death. They\u2019re scared of his people, they\u2019re scared they\u2019ll never work again,\u201d he said on Dori Monson\u2019s radio show. The American actor and comic, who starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1994 film classic \u201cTrue Lies,\u201d also said he didn\u2019t think releasing the racist rant \u201cwould work.\u201d \u201cI don\u2019t think people would care,\u201d he said. Trump still managed to cinch the electoral vote despite national outrage surrounding the October release of the notorious \u201cgrab them by the p\u2014-\u201d video.", "label": 0, "idx": 25 }, { "sentence": "Enter The Stanley 65-Piece Homeowner\u2019s Tool Kit GiveawayNo purchase necessary to enter. Void Where Prohibited By Law. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Google, Amazon or Stanley. All participant information is being provided to dealmaxx.net By entering this sweepstakes you will be added to the \u2018dealmaxx deal alert\u2019 and the \u2018freebiealert daily\u2019. You are not obligated to remain on either of these email lists in order to win this prize. All participant information is being provided to dealmaxx.net. Check out the Stanley 65-Piece Homeowner\u2019s Tool Kit on Amazon", "label": 0, "idx": 26 }, { "sentence": "Election HQ 'Do You Believe That?': O'Reilly Questions Trump's 'Rigged Election' ClaimsFormer Dems Now Backing Trump: 'Our Country's Going in the Wrong Direction' Donald Trump joined Bill O'Reilly on \"The Factor\" tonight to discuss a wide range of topics, including his claims that the election is rigged against him. \"The system is rigged,\" Trump said, arguing that the media has been \"horrible\" in their coverage of him, while giving Hillary Clinton a pass for her various scandals. He added that Clinton was also given a pass by the Justice Department and the FBI for her private email server and mishandling of state secrets. \"She is so guilty in so many different ways that she shouldn't even be allowed to run for president,\" Trump stated. \"So right there, the system is really rigged.\" The Republican nominee added that he also isn't ruling out the possibility of widespread election fraud, with votes being miscounted at locations around the country. O'Reilly pointed out that there aren't any \"hard facts\" to back up such allegations. \"On a mass level ... 120 million American votes ... the thing's going to be dishonest? Do you believe that?\" O'Reilly asked. Trump asserted that there are 1.8 million deceased people registered to vote and 2.8 million people registered to vote in two states. \"There are things that are going on, Bill.\" Watch the \"O'Reilly Factor\" interview above, and let us know what you think in the comments. Clinton Aide in New WikiLeaks Email: 'We Need to Clean This Up. He Has Emails from Her'", "label": 0, "idx": 27 }, { "sentence": "California becomes sanctuary stateSANTA MARIA, Calif. - California is now officially a \"sanctuary state\" after Governor Brown signed controversial State Senate Bill 54 which limits local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities. SB 54, called the California Values Act, was hard fought in the state legislature on its way to the Governor's desk over the issue of public safety versus protecting people living in California illegally. SB 54 protects jail inmates from being held in custody until immigration agents can come and pick them up regardless of their immigration status. The California State Sheriff's Association strongly opposed SB 54 saying, among other things, it protects so-called non-violent offenders including gang members, drug dealers and sex offenders from deportation. SB 54 also protects illegal immigrants from deportation while at public schools, hospitals and courts. \"Today I am very pleased to announce the governor of the great State of California, Governor Jerry Brown, signed Senate Bill 54, the California Values Act\", said Democrat Senator Kevin De Leon of Los Angeles who introduced SB 54 earlier this year in response to the Trump Administration's immigration policies, \"our President is pursuing biased law enforcement policies based on the principles of white supremacy.\" In a written statement after signing SB 54 into law Thursday, Governor Brown said the California Values Act \"does not prevent or prohibit ICE or the Department of Homeland Security from doing their own work in any way. This protects public safety and ensures that hard working people who contribute to the state are respected.\" The Trump Administration has been threatening to withhold federal funds from states that declare themselves as sanctuaries. The California Values Act takes effect January 1, 2018.", "label": 0, "idx": 28 }, { "sentence": "One Year Ago Today: Trump Tells Hillary \u201cYou\u2019d Be in Jail!\u201d\u2026 It\u2019s Time to Fulfill That Promise, Mr. PresidentIt was one year ago today. During the second presidential debate in St. Louis, Missouri, candidate Trump told Hillary Clinton, \u201cYou\u2019d be in jail!\u201d when he enters the White House. IT WAS THE BEST DEBATE LINE EVER!!!! TRUMP to Hillary: BOOM! It\u2019s now been one year and Trump supporters are still waiting to see Crooked Hillary behind bars. Trump supporters weren\u2019t kidding when they chanted, \u201cLock her up!\u201d at Trump rally after Trump rally. In 2015 former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani famously said Hillary Clinton should be investigated for breaking 15 federal laws. Rudy Giuliani: General Petraeus was got prosecuted for doing approximately one-tenth of what she\u2019s alleged to have done\u2026 There are specific federal crimes, I could give you a list of fifteen of them if you\u2019d like, that she should be investigated for, for which there needs to be an answer. According to the public record, the answer to many of those is there is probable cause to believe she committed a crime. I qualify that by saying the public record. It\u2019s been a year since President Trump told Hillary Clinton to her face that he would lock her up. Americans are tired of a two-tiered judicial system \u2014 one for the elites and one for the common man. Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to get on it. Sponsored Sponsored", "label": 1, "idx": 29 }, { "sentence": "Hillary Clinton Funnels $800,000 to Her Political Group That Funds ANTIFAInternet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** If you recall, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was one that was always talking about money in politics while hypocritically soliciting donations from some of the world\u2019s most corrupt people and organizations. Now, it\u2019s come to light that Clinton apparently funneled over $800,000 from her campaign money to her new political PAC, Onward Together, which is backing several groups of resistance against the current administration, including ANTIFA. The Daily Caller reports: As a presidential candidate, Clinton railed against \u201cdark money\u201d groups like Onward Together. Clinton transferred$800,000 from her failed 2016 presidential campaign to Onward Together shortly before announcing the group\u2019s launch in May, documents the campaign filed with the FEC reveal. Clinton doesn\u2019t even deny that she is supporting such groups. In an email signed by her that went out last week asking for money, Clinton wrote, \u201cYou may not have heard much about the work we\u2019re doing at Onward Together,\u201d Clinton wrote. \u201cThat\u2019s because we\u2019re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we\u2019re supporting. We\u2019re not the story: they are.\u201d Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit & Feel Samples Each of five political groups that were mentioned were contacted by The Daily Caller and asked if they were being funded and supported by Onward Together. Out of those five, only one group, the Soros-backed Indivisible, responded. \u201cOnward Together has not given any financial support to us,\u201d Helen Kalla, an Indivisible spokesperson, wrote in an email. Kalla added that Clinton\u2019s group has \u201cbeen amplifying and highlighting our work through their digital networks,\u201d which she explained has consisted of \u201cretweeting [Indivisible], and they\u2019ve highlighted our work via their emails to their list too.\u201d Onward Together is not required to reveal donors\u2019 identity as a 501(c)4 \u201csocial welfare\u201d organization. The group also will not be revealing those identities, something that is only occurring to protect the guilty. Meanwhile, because the Trump administration did not keep its promise to investigate and seek prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, she is freely promoting her blame book, What Happened, and now she is funding the little Communists known as ANTIFA, which are working against the administration and against the very heart and soul of American culture and history. But we can\u2019t do anything about the Clintons because they are really good people, right Mr. President? Courtesy of Freedom Outpost Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his \u201cmore precious than rubies\u201d wife, father of 10 \u201cmighty arrows\u201d, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle. Follow Tim on Twitter.", "label": 1, "idx": 30 }, { "sentence": "Michelle Obama Expressed the Horror We're All Feeling About Donald Trump's Treatment of Women\nPHOTO: AP \"I can't believe that I'm saying that a candidate for president of the United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women.\" And so First Lady Michelle Obama captured the sentiments of a majority of Americans during an emotional stump speech for Hillary Clinton on Thursday afternoon that lambasted Republican nominee Donald Trump's repeated demeaning and derogatory treatment of women. Speaking before a crowd in Manchester, New Hampshire, Mrs. Obama stated that the leaked Access Hollywood video of Trump bragging about groping, kissing, and trying to have sex with women has \"shaken [her] to [her] core.\" \"It would be dishonest and disingenuous to move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream,\" the first lady said. \"We can't sweep this under the rug as another sad footnote in a disturbing election season. This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior.\" Refusing to call Trump by name\u2014only referring to him as Hillary Clinton's \"opponent\"\u2014Mrs. Obama denounced the Republican candidate's defense of his past remarks as simple \"locker room talk\" while explaining how personal these comments felt to her\u2014and for all women. For Trump, the 2005 Access Hollywood appearance was not an isolated incident. He has gone on record numerous times to comment on women in, typically, one of two ways: As objects of his own sexual gratification or as threats that should be wholly diminished for their intellect, ambition, or appearance. Though Trump has repeatedly claimed the \"locker room talk\" defense since the tape leaked last Friday, numerous women have since come forward to report their own sexual assaults at the hands of Donald Trump\u2014meaning that this wasn't just talk, it was predatory action. Like millions of Americans, Mrs. Obama, felt shock and outrage over Trump's behavior, and could not believe that there are still people in this country who view women with such little regard, let alone the fact that one of them is trying to become the next president of the United States. \"This is not normal. This not politics as usual. This is disgraceful,\" Mrs. Obama said. \"It doesn't matter what party you belong to\u2014Democrat, Republican, Independent\u2014no woman deserves to be treated this way.\" Asserting that Trump is in no way qualified for the executive branch or be a role model for children who look up to the president, the first lady then praised Hillary Clinton for her longstanding commitment to public service (even saying that she has more experience than both \"Barack or Bill\"), before declaring that the former secretary of state would be the only candidate who could unite the country and guide the American public with strength and compassion. Making a call to undecided voters, Mrs. Obama urged them not to cast a protest vote or sit the election out entirely, saying that doing so would only help clear a path for Trump to the White House. She referenced the 2012 election, in which President Obama won New Hampshire by 4,000 votes. Though that figure might have seemed like a definitive win for the incumbent president, it broke down to a total of just 66 votes per precinct\u2014or, dozens of votes that could make or break a candidate's victory. She additionally cited the power of women voters in this election, and the influence they can have in choosing the next president. A recent report from Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight election forecast suggested that if only women voted, Hillary Clinton would win by an overwhelming majority (which, horrifyingly, prompted a #Repealthe19th social media campaign among Trump supporters). Mrs. Obama invited all women to take this power seriously and use it to elect a candidate who has not only been a pillar of support for women, but would teach America's children that any kind of degrading, hateful rhetoric is wholly unacceptable. \"We, as women, have all the power we need to determine the outcome of this election,\" Mrs. Obama said. \"We have the knowledge, we have a voice, we have a vote. And on November 8, we as women, we as Americans, we as decent human beings, can declare that enough is enough and we do not tolerate this kind of behavior.\"", "label": 1, "idx": 31 }, { "sentence": "\u2018Serial misconduct and perversion\u2019: Trump accusers describe incidents \u2018a thousand times worse than what Franken has done\u2019\nRachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey and Jessica Leeds with documentarian Robert Greenwald (Photo: Screen capture) A total of 16 women joined together Monday to address their stories of sexual assault and sexual harassment at the hands of President Donald Trump. While many of these women came forward during the 2016 election, the Trump campaign attacked them, their lives and many right-wing activists invented information designed to discredit them. The three women that spoke earlier to Megyn Kelly sat at a table with documentarian Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films. He commended the reporters who have investigated the many accounts across all industries about sexual harassment. \u201cThere was one man that wasn\u2019t being held accountable \u2014 who\u2019s not being called out,\u201d Greenwald said. That\u2019s why he decided to create the documentary with the women. \u201cIt really had an impact on your heart, your soul, your emotions,\u201d Greenwald said. He noted that so many women came forward to warn Americans, but \u201cattention was not paid.\u201d Today, Greenwald said \u201cwe know better. We know a lot better,\u201d when it comes to predators. He demanded those in politics to act against anyone of either party not to give anyone \u201ca pass.\u201d Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey and Rachel Crooks each introduced themselves, telling story after story of their horrifying encounters with Trump. \u201cI have a new dream now that this man will be held accountable for his actions and that future women will not be treated as less than just because they are a woman,\u201d Holvey said. Crooks noted that given Trump owned the building in which she worked, she didn\u2019t have any power to do anything. \u201cGiven this hostile work environment, my only solution at the time was to simply avoid additional encounters with him,\u201d Crooks said. \u201cI do realize that in the grand scheme of things there are far worse cases of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault. But make no mistake, there is no acceptable level of this behavior. That some men think they can use their power, position or notoriety to demean attack women speaks to their character and not ours. Which, believe me, is a tough lesson learned.\u201d She went on to say that it was only through other remarkably similar accounts that she felt empowered to come forward. \u201cInstead, this was serial misconduct and perversion on the part of Mr. Trump,\u201d Crooks continued. \u201cUnfortunately, this behavior isn\u2019t rare in our society. Many women of any background can be victims. The only reason I am here today is because this offender is the president of our country.\u201d She went on to note that Trump had dismissed his \u201cAccess Hollywood\u201d tape as \u201clocker room talk,\u201d but \u201chaving been the victim of such actions, I knew better.\u201d She asked that some things should transcend politics and that all people, regardless of position or power be held accountable for their actions, including Trump. Leeds walked through her disgusting story and further encounter, saying that she never once anticipated being on the front page of a newspaper. She was \u201cabsolutely destroyed\u201d by Trump\u2019s election. \u201cThe United States is a big strong country,\u201d Leeds said that she thought at the time. \u201cWe can survive this person.\u201d But women kept coming up to her in public and told Leeds their own story. She said that she had hoped things were better for women in business, but \u201capparently I was wrong.\u201d When the Harvey Weinstein story hit and woman after woman began to come forward, people were finally being held accountable. \u201cExcept for our president,\u201d Leeds said. She quoted Trump\u2019s White House, who has said that the women are all \u201cliars.\u201d She noted that some are holding men accountable for bad behavior, however, \u201cour president is not being held accountable for what he is and who he is.\u201d Leeds said that this is part of the problem that is happening in Alabama. Crooks agreed, saying that Trump endorsed Roy Moore because he denied the allegations and it \u201cworked for him.\u201d Lisa Boyne spoke via phone to the press conference, telling her own story of being invited to a dinner party with Trump in the West Village. She said that he wanted the women to rate other women on a 1 to 10 scale. While at dinner, the men used the table as a \u201ccasting couch.\u201d The women were brought to the table one by one and he told them to walk across the table. Boyne said that Trump looked up their skirts as they walked by. She said that John Casablancas ordered her to drink more but she refused and he was bothered by her refusal. She ultimately excused herself to the ladies room and from the restaurant. She explained that over the years her story was met with shame and questions of why she was there. She tried to pitch it to reporters, but no one wanted to hear it. \u201cAs a parent I was so deeply deeply offended\u2026 because he had a son around the age of my son and what sort of values are we teaching our children when we say that something like rape is \u2018locker room talk,'\u201d she shouted. \u201cAnd that her husband talking about that is \u2018boy talk.\u2019 Everybody is normalizing as something that boys and men say in the locker room. That is the talk of horrible people and Trump keeps staying it to the press pool. And you\u2019re all taking it in like it\u2019s normal. It is not a normal way for people to talk. Why aren\u2019t people calling him out on that. Something that is so horrific \u2014 I\u2019m so fed up of listening to people. We take it in like it\u2019s nothing. We shouldn\u2019t teach our boys to talk like this.\u201d She went on to say it was \u201cone thousand times worse that what Al Franken has done.\u201d Watch the full event below: You can watch the clip of the Brave New Films documentary below:", "label": 1, "idx": 32 }, { "sentence": "A Yom Kippur challenge for liberal Jews LOS ANGELES, September 29, 2017 \u2014 Since everything in America from the National Football League to Dr. Seuss has now been politicized, why let Yom Kippur be free of politics? The Jewish day of atonement is supposed to be about looking inward and admitting wrongs committed. Yom Kippur involves asking for forgiveness and vowing to do right by those we have wronged. It should be about personal growth, not politics. Forget it. Politically liberal Jews have spent decades issuing scorching indictments of all things Republican. If it is a Republican, attack it. If it is a conservative, despise it. If it is President Donald Trump, vow to drive it from the face of the earth. Why bother engaging in the Yom Kippur ritual if the prayers are hollow and insincere? Why bother vowing to be kinder only to return to vicious ideological bigotry the next day? Not all liberal Jews are ideological bigots. Some of them are the kindest people walking the planet. That rings as hollow to many people as saying that not all NFL players are desecrating the American flag. When you belong to a group, you get the benefits and drawbacks of that group. Politically liberal Jews have gone from being an oppressed people to being the very bullies they used to fear. Liberal synagogues are frequently nothing but extensions of Democrat Party headquarters. Since Yom Kippur is supposed to challenge Jews, a real challenge for liberal Jews is in order. They can apologize for every single intolerant word they ever sad about Republicans conservatives and President Trump. They can apologize for refusing to accept that Republicans have a right to win elections, and then govern in a conservative manner. Acknowledge that Republicans are human beings. Admit that Trump is not Adolf Hitler, and all comparisons of any American to Nazis, fascists, and brownshirts are statements to be disavowed. Admit that the father of Orthodox Jew Ivanka Trump is not an anti-Semite. Saying this is tough enough. Meaning a single word of it is even tougher. Yom Kippur should be based on Torah, the Old Testament. The Torah is non-partisan. Not one word of Torah justifies a politically liberal position on climate change, abortion, gay marriage, or any other hot button social issue. If it did, many Orthodox Jews who vote Republican and spend their entire lives reading Torah would be heretics. Liberal Jews may believe this, but they would be as wrong as they are about most things driven by emotion rather than data. Far too many liberal Jews spend 364 days every year demonizing Republicans for existing and breathing air. They declare America a racist nation led by bigoted white nationalists just because the 2016 electorate rejected Hillary Clinton. Then these same liberal Jews show up to synagogue one day per year, offer half-hearted apologies, and then return to bashing conservatives the moment the first post-holiday bagel is shoved down their throats. Liberalism is not Judaism, and conservatism is not anti-Jewish. Yom Kippur being free of politics would be a pleasant development for Jews everywhere. That is an unrealistic goal in a nation where the left politicizes anything and everything. The National Anthem and The Cat in the Hat are now political. Expecting liberal Jews to stop politicizing everything is too much to ask. Asking them to just skip Yom Kippur and stay home is also too much to hope for. So since they have to inject politics into everything, at least let them admit it, acknowledge the error of their ways, sincerely apologize for this, and most importantly, stop doing it. Americans In The Dark On Trump's Plan To End The U.S. Dollar As for me, I will not be spending my Yom Kippur promoting the domestic terrorism known as social justice. I did not riot or try to silence anyone just for speaking words I disagree with. I am far from perfect, but at least I know that someone in a synagogue can disagree with me and still be a fellow Jew. I can even be friends with Jews who supported the anti-USA, anti-Israel Iran deal. I have plenty to atone for, but ideological bigotry is not on that list. My thoughts in synagogue will be focused on God, not earth Goddess Gaea. The only climate I will be trying to change is my own behavioral climate. As for liberal Jews, let us see how long they can go after breaking the fast before they return to hating Republicans and rendering their entire Yom Kippur prayers meaningless. August 2018 M T W T F S S \u00ab Jul 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31", "label": 1, "idx": 33 }, { "sentence": "1st AmendmentThe 1st Amendment is the most well known to Americans of all the amendments in the Bill of Rights. It contains some of the most familiar phrases in political discussion, such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The 1st Amendment reads like this: \"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.\" The 1st Amendment protects your right to believe and practice whatever religious principles you choose and your right to say what you believe, even if it is unpopular or against the will of elected officials. It also protects your right to publish any information you want, join together with whomever you want and ask the government to correct its own errors. What exactly does the 1st Amendment mean and how does it apply to people today? Does it have relevance to you today? It sure does. In fact, it affects just about everything you do. The 1st Amendment has seven clauses. This page has a brief description of each clause with links to more detailed information about the history and purpose of each section. Seven Sections of the 1st Amendment Opening Phrase The Opening Phrase of the 1st Amendment says \"Congress shall make no law.\" This opening phrase immediately tells exactly who this amendment is aimed at... and that entity is Congress. So the 1st Amendment specifically prohibits Congress from making laws interfering with the rights mentioned in the amendment. It does not however, prohibit the states from making such laws, nor does it prohibit individuals from restricting these rights to those who may be under their authority, such as a parent and child or an employer and an employee. For one hundred years the 1st Amendment was understood to only apply to the federal government, but after the Civil War and the 14th Amendment was added to the Constitution, courts began to forbid the states to interfere with these rights as well due to an idea called \"due process of law.\" Learn more about the Opening Phrase of the 1st Amendment here. Establishment Clause The Establishment Clause is the part of the 1st Amendment that says Congress shall make no law \"respecting an establishment of religion.\" This is a very crucial part of the American Constitution. It prohibits the government from establishing a state religion or denomination and from directing people in what they must believe. Without the Establishment Clause, the government could choose a state religion and force everyone to participate in it. It could also punish anyone who didn't adhere to its chosen faith. Prayer at a football game This clause has been the focus of much debate in the last half century. Some Americans believe that whenever the government is involved, absolutely all religious expression must be forbidden in order to comply with the Establishment Clause. For example, they might say a public school football team should not pray at a football game because the school is a government funded school. Other Americans believe the government must make certain allowances for religious expressions in public events and buildings because Americans are a very religious people. They belive a high school football team prayer or a government employee displaying a cross at work does not violate the Establishment Clause because it is simply a personal expression and not an expression endorsed by the state. Indeed, in the minds of some, banning expressions of religious faith like this is a violation of another clause of the 1st Amendment - the Free Exercise Clause, because it seeks to control the religious expressions of citizens. Learn more about the history and purpose of the Establishment Clause here. Free Exercise Clause The Free Exercise Clause is the part of the 1st Amendment that says Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or \"the free exercise thereof.\" This phrase deals with the restriction on Congress to regulate anyone's religious practices. US Supreme Court In general, Congress cannot tell people how they can or cannot express their religious beliefs. Such things as telling people when or how to pray, when they should go to church or to whom they should pray, are off limits to lawmakers. In general, this is the case, but sometimes, minority religious groups may want to practice something that is not generally accepted or that the state has a very strong interest in regulating. For example, polygamy, ritual sacrifice and drug usage have been banned at times, because there is a compelling public interest in eliminating these behaviors. In such cases, the Supreme Court has often ruled that the Free Exercise Clause does not apply. In other words, the Free Exercise Clause does not give free license to any behavior that someone says is their religious belief. You can learn all about the Free Exercise Clause here. The Freedom of Speech Clause The Freedom of Speech Clause is the part of the 1st Amendment that says, \"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech.\" British history contained a long string of suppression by those in authority of those with whom they disagreed. Many British subjects had been thrown in prison for voicing their religious and political beliefs. The Americans intended to prevent this from ever happening in their newly formed republic. Picket line This is one of the protections in the Constitution that Americans hold most dear. They value it because it allows them to speak out against government policies they don't like. It also allows them to express the religious beliefs of their choosing. Negatively speaking, many people abuse this right by slandering people they disagree with, or using ugly and offensive language, racial epithets or hateful language about people who are different than they are. Generally, freedom of speech is considered to be not only the words people speak, but any type of expression that is used to convey an idea. Such things as picketing, wearing symbols or burning the flag are considered protected forms of speech because they are expressing the ideas of the people participating in them. You can learn more about the Freedom of Speech Clause by clicking here. Freedom of the Press Clause The Freedom of the Press Clause states that \"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the press.\" Freedom of the Press Clause This was a very important principle to the Founding Fathers of America because of the importance the press played during the Revolutionary War. Without the press, the Founding Fathers would have found it very difficult to distribute their views to people in other parts of the country. The press turned out to be a very important instigation in getting Americans to consolidate their views against England and in spreading the concepts that would justify a break with England. English history contained no freedoms for the press whatsoever. All publications were subject to governmental review before publication. Criticisms of the government were strictly prosecuted as sedition. All Americans wanted the right to criticize their government freely as well as to discuss other topics whenever they chose. If you would like to learn more about the Freedom of the Press Clause, please click here. Freedom of Assembly Clause Civil Rights Protest The Freedom of Assembly Clause is the part of the First Amendment that reads like this: \"Congress shall make no law... abridging... the right of the people peaceably to assemble...\" This clause is also sometimes referred to as the Freedom of Association Clause. This clause protects the right to assemble in peace to all Americans. The Freedom of Assembly was very important to early Americans because without the right to assemble, they could not coordinate their opposition to the British government. The Freedom of Assembly was recognized to be of utmost importance if the Americans were to be successful in establishing a government of the people. The Freedom of Assembly Clause has been relied upon by many groups in American history, such as civil rights groups, women's suffrage groups and labor unions. Government officials in each case tried to restrict the speech of these groups and prevent them from meeting, organizing and getting their message out. The Freedom of Assembly proved to be an important factor that allowed these groups to prosper and see their visions fulfilled. You can learn more about the history and importance of the Freedom of Assembly Clause here. Freedom of Petition Clause Save The Freedom of Petition Clause of the 1st Amendment reads like this: \"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the people... to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.\" The freedom to petition the government was very important to early Americans because of their experience with trying to get King George III and Parliament to respond to their grievances. The colonists were so angry about the Monarchy's refusal to acknowledge their grievances that they mentioned this fact in the Declaration of Independence. The freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances has come to include the right to do such things as picketing, protesting, conducting peaceful sitins or boycotts and addressing government officials through any media available. You can read more about the history and meaning of the Freedom of Petition Clause here. Amendments: Preamble to the Bill of Rights Learn about the 1st Amendment here. Learn about the 2nd Amendment here. Learn about the 3rd Amendment here. Learn about the 4th Amendment here. Learn about the 5th Amendment here. Learn about the 6th Amendment here. Learn about the 7th Amendment here. Learn about the 8th Amendment here. Learn about the 9th Amendment here. Learn about the 10th Amendment here. Learn more about the Bill of Rights with the following articles: Last updated 8/7/12", "label": 0, "idx": 34 }, { "sentence": "Trump says new book on his administration \u2018full of lies\u2019\nUS President Donald Trump. | Photo Credit: US President Donald Trump on Thursday dismissed an upcoming book on his campaign and administration as \"full of lies\" and invented sources, after unsuccessfully attempting to block its release. \u201cI authorised Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don't exist,\u201d Mr. Trump tweeted in reference to Michael Wolff's \u201cFire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.\u201d \u201cLook at this guy's past and watch what happens to him and Sloppy Steve!\u201d Mr. Trump wrote. It was unclear to whom Mr. Trump was referring, with possibilities including Steve Bannon, his former chief strategist, and Steve Rubin, the president of Henry Holt and Company, which is publishing Wolff's book. The book quotes key Mr. Trump aides, including Mr. Bannon, expressing serious doubt about his fitness for office. Mr. Trump has been enraged by the betrayal by Mr. Bannon \u2014 a man who engineered the New York real estate mogul's link to the nationalist far right and helped create a pro-Trump media ecosystem. After Mr. Trump instructed his lawyers to try to block the release of the book, the publishers responded by moving the release date up by four days to Friday.", "label": 0, "idx": 35 }, { "sentence": "Catholic bishops called out Steve Bannon over his comments about undocumented immigrantsThe U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops called out former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon just days after he accused the Catholic Church of having ulterior motives in helping undocumented immigrants. James Rogers, the USCCB's chief spokesman, called Bannon's comments \"preposterous\" in a interview on Sirius Radio. Rogers was referring to Steve Bannon's interview with Charlie Rose on \"60 Minutes\" where he claimed the Catholic Church only needs \"illegal aliens\" as worshipers. Rogers says Bannon's statements are untrue. \"Our pro-immigration stance is based on fidelity to God's word and honors the American dream. For anyone to suggest that it is out of sordid motives of statistics or financial gain is outrageous and insulting,\" he added. \"And the Bible is so clear, so clear, that to treat the immigrant with dignity and respect, to make sure that society is just in its treatment of the immigrant is Biblical mandate,\" Dolan said. \"It's clear in the Old Testament -- my Jewish neighbors remind me of that all the time -- and it's clear from the lips of Jesus when he said, 'Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do to me. When I was a stranger -- meaning an immigrant or a refugee -- you welcomed me.'\" Bannon's comments have drawn widespread criticism. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, said in an interview on the Catholic Channel on Sirius XM, \"I don't really care to go into what I think is a preposterous and rather insulting statement that the only reason we bishops care for immigrants is for the economic because we want to fill our churches and get more money.\" The full interview of Steve Bannon on \"60 Minutes\" will air this Sunday. Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is accusing the Catholic Church of needing \"illegal aliens\" as worshipers. \u201cThe Catholic Church has been terrible about this,\u201d he said while discussing immigration policy in a new interview Thursday. \u201cThe bishops have been terrible about this.\u201d \u201c[It\u2019s] because [they\u2019re] unable to really to \u2013 to \u2013 to come to grips with the problems in the church,\u201d Bannon continued on CBS\u2019s \u201c60 Minutes.\u201d \u201cThey need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches.\u201d \u201cThey have an economic interest. They have an economic interest in unlimited immigration, unlimited illegal immigration.\u201d Bannon was discussing President Trump\u2019s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA temporarily blocks undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children from deportation and lets them get renewable work permits. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday announced that Trump\u2019s administration would eliminate the program in six months. Nearly 800,000 \u201cDreamers,\u201d or DACA recipients, have benefited from the program since former President Barack Obama\u2019s administration implemented it in 2012.", "label": 0, "idx": 36 }, { "sentence": "An idea: Get a supermodel to tweet some climate policy at Trump.that's hot I mean, it worked in Brazil, where Gisele B\u00fcndchen \u2014 supermodel, World Wildlife Federation representative, and behind-the-scenes shaper of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady\u2019s political consciousness \u2014 tweeted at Brazilian President Michel Temer: It's our job to protect our Mother Earth. @MichelTemer, please say NO to reducing protection in the Amazon! https://t.co/KkKF4MrhGg B\u00fcndchen\u2019s tweet concerns legislation that would have removed protection from some parts of the Amazon rainforest. Temer\u2019s administration has been remarkably anti-conservation, threatening indigenous lands in favor of new agricultural, mineral extraction, and hydroelectric developments. And lo! Temer responded: That means, \u201cI vetoed those bills, because you are extremely beautiful.\u201d NO! It just means, \u201cI vetoed those bills.\u201d This seems like a good approach to try in America. Can someone please text Kendall Jenner to ask if she feels like doing something substantive for the greater good? The EPA is really hot right now.", "label": 1, "idx": 37 }, { "sentence": "Graphic Video of Fatal Shooting Released After Fmr. Officer Acquitted of Murder\nBody camera video released after verdict. (Screenshot) On Friday, a day after former Mesa, Arizona police officer Philip Brailsford was acquitted of second-degree murder charges, state officials released a graphic video of the shooting, showing the victim begging for his life. In the video, another officer, now-retired Sgt. Charles Langley, orders seemingly-terrified Daniel Shaver to cross his legs, crawl and keep his hands raised straight up in the air prior to the fatal shooting. The officers were responding to a call alleging a man was pointing a gun out of a window, The Washington Post reports: \"After the officer involved was acquitted of second-degree murder charges, officials in Arizona released graphic video showing Daniel Shaver crawling on his hands and knees and begging for his life in the moments before he was shot and killed by police in January 2016.\" \u2026. \"The shooting, by Philip \u201cMitch\u201d Brailsford, then an officer with the Mesa Police Department, occurred after officers responded to a call about a man allegedly pointing a rifle out of a fifth-floor window at a La Quinta Inn. Inside the room, Shaver, 26, had been doing rum shots with a woman he had met earlier that day and showing off a pellet gun he used in his job in pest control.\" Wrongful-death lawsuits against the city of Mesa have been filed by Shaver's family members. WARNING: Video contains graphic, disturbing content. test test Please support CNSNews today! (a 501c3 non-profit production of the Media Research Center) DONATE", "label": 0, "idx": 38 }, { "sentence": "MO Democrat Chappelle-Nadal Compares Trump to Hitler and Hopes for His Assassination \u2026Then Plays Race Card\nIn August outspoken Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal called for the assassination of President Trump. Chappelle-Nadal posted the comment on Facebook. Chappelle-Nadal then deleted it in a panic. Maria Chappelle-Nadal was removed from her committee assignments the next week. But she was not removed from public office. On Thursday Chappelle-Nadal compared Trump to Hitler. Because\u2026. Republicans are Nazis. Democrat Maria Chappelle Nadal defended her decision to compare President Trump to Hitler in an interview on Thursday afternoon\u2026 AND she played the race card. FOX 2 reported: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch interviewed Chappelle-Nadal about the tweet. She tells the newspaper that, \u201cI have a First Amendment right to share my opinion, and if a meme is offensive to people, they should look at the First Amendment again,\u201d she said. \u201cThen ask yourself why you have different qualifications for a black woman of Puerto Rican descent than other people putting up a meme with no words. It\u2019s Twitter.\u201d Maria is the future of the Democrat Party \u2014 constant insults and pure insanity. Sponsored Sponsored", "label": 1, "idx": 39 }, { "sentence": "The 100 Funniest Tweets From the Unending Nightmare That's Been the 2016 Election\nThe 100 Funniest Tweets From the Unending Nightmare That's Been the 2016 Election Illustration by Shakeil Greeley for GQ / Getty Images Laugh to stop yourself from crying. There are only seven days left in the 2016 presidential. Seven more days and, barring a last-minute constitutional crisis, this non-stop misery ride will finally be over. How long has it been? Eight? Twelve? Thirteen years? No one really knows any more. All we know is that the 2016 election has done to American democracy what cocaine did to Gary Busey's career, and, much like being stuck in an elevator with Gary Busey, it's hard not to pray for the sweet release of death. A presidential candidate bragging about sexual assault, a presidential candidate threatening to put is political opponent in jail, dog-whistle racism, actual straight-up racism; it's fair to say we're at a historic low-point in the story of American democracy. If only President Obama could wipe the Internet clean before he leaves office, so we never have to be reminded of this god-awful mess ever again. All that said, there was one bright light during these dark times: Twitter.com. Previously home to die-hard One Direction fans and a few hundred-thousand accounts pretending to be Will Ferrell, Twitter was undoubtedly responsible for some of this election cycle's most vile rhetoric\u2014I mean, just look at Trump's tweets. But there's no denying it also came into its own during the 2016 election. It wasn't fun watching Donald Trump routinely debase our country's political system, but I'm not going to pretend the well-crafted tweets that sparked into existence as a result weren't also a welcome catharsis. To commemorate this bizarre time in our nation's history, we've compiled a chronological list of the 100 funniest* tweets of this genuinely terrible, and mostly unfunny, election. Hopefully, if there's anything left in the smoldering rubble that will be America after November 8th, they can be a reminder that there was at least some good in the parade of garbage. Now let's all agree to never ever do this ever again. *According to us. Please don't @ me. 1. https://twitter.com/robdelaney/status/595313535489581056 2. https://twitter.com/mulaney/status/634155794724814848 3. https://twitter.com/IamEnidColeslaw/status/634517124124381188 4. https://twitter.com/ruinedpicnic/status/637482075638075392 5. https://twitter.com/SirEviscerate/status/638537356342075392 6. https://twitter.com/harikondabolu/status/666764215949074432 7. https://twitter.com/sageboggs/status/667828163557232644 8. https://twitter.com/pattymo/status/672896890237775872 9. https://twitter.com/iamchrisscott/status/673952110761807875 10. https://twitter.com/TheDweck/status/687844188881293312 11. https://twitter.com/bazecraze/status/691284564170375170 12. https://twitter.com/recordsANDradio/status/703051814669852673 13. https://twitter.com/kibblesmith/status/718541379966738433 14. https://twitter.com/TheNardvark/status/694968109040586754 15. TRENDING THIS VERY SECOND travel-and-eats Where to Eat and Drink in Houston, the New Capital of Southern Cool culture Serena Williams' Catsuit Is Banned from All Future French Opens news-and-politics No One Knows Why This QAnon Conspiracy Theorist Was in the Oval Office with Trump https://twitter.com/behindyourback/status/695438054887026688 16. https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/status/701237173291524096 17. https://twitter.com/danguterman/status/708229794299645952 18. https://twitter.com/Ethan_Booker/status/713479005387767808 19. https://twitter.com/HumanPog/status/713741562761584640 20. https://twitter.com/InternetHippo/status/716365904901083136 21. https://twitter.com/clmazin/status/720259227067920385 22. https://twitter.com/sbstryker/status/727658556233670657 23. https://twitter.com/DanMentos/status/728320591598526464 24. https://twitter.com/morninggloria/status/728299373176737792 25. https://twitter.com/i_zzzzzz/status/733518431740252160 26. https://twitter.com/danreilly11/status/751259888433582084 27. https://twitter.com/cafedotcom/status/740378718925950978 28. https://twitter.com/Reince/status/740993607289688065 29. https://twitter.com/badbanana/status/740949015009710080 30. https://twitter.com/RadioFreeTom/status/742041665251205121 31. https://twitter.com/meiamanthony/status/743160996320129024 32. https://twitter.com/MattOswaltVA/status/751267557311586304 33. https://twitter.com/FullFrontalSamB/status/754005058786910208 34. https://twitter.com/PaulBegala/status/754343099157979137 35. https://twitter.com/KidFury/status/755279481917566976 36. https://twitter.com/amfmpm/status/755449902931607557 37. https://twitter.com/mattaukamp/status/755511596047298564 38. https://twitter.com/iamchrisscott/status/756323071871574017 39. https://twitter.com/GarrPhillips/status/756568645564850176 40. https://twitter.com/AJemaineClement/status/756347488601272320 41. https://twitter.com/OwensDamien/status/757640786091671552 42. https://twitter.com/MikeDrucker/status/758139850214244352 43. https://twitter.com/joshgondelman/status/758508667058659328 44. https://twitter.com/TimDuffy/status/758417030827696128 45. https://twitter.com/Walldo/status/758868709251293185 46. https://twitter.com/ingridostby/status/758869304037158912 47. https://twitter.com/MazMHussain/status/759573678480887808 48. https://twitter.com/gilbertjasono/status/760303035742576640 49. https://twitter.com/jonlovett/status/760593157176176640 50. https://twitter.com/DLin71/status/761023573158789120 51. https://twitter.com/LeonHWolf/status/717111637317173249 52. https://twitter.com/JosephScrimshaw/status/763100832124456961 53. https://twitter.com/emilynussbaum/status/771921076775489537 54. https://twitter.com/mitchellvii/status/772460287572185088 55. https://twitter.com/desusnice/status/772477614191742976 https://twitter.com/theferocity/status/772835879043928064 57. https://twitter.com/DannyZuker/status/774718154412961793 58. https://twitter.com/pixelatedboat/status/775542746157158400 59. https://twitter.com/JoshMarvine/status/775835316078784512 60. https://twitter.com/evepeyser/status/776592616934805504 61. https://twitter.com/MattMackowiak/status/776619326862299136 62. https://twitter.com/abwhite7/status/776481595721129984 63. https://twitter.com/joereid/status/776811718345449472 64. https://twitter.com/morninggloria/status/777560106837929985 65. https://twitter.com/jbarro/status/779369940402921472 66. https://twitter.com/SylviaObell/status/779762088101212161 67. https://twitter.com/DanaSchwartzzz/status/780219640744120321 68. https://twitter.com/aparnapkin/status/782039812404412416 69. https://twitter.com/McJesse/status/783145829267898368 70. https://twitter.com/ziwe/status/783289615977414656 71. https://twitter.com/michaelschaub/status/783490647361671168 72. https://twitter.com/JennyJohnsonHi5/status/784120727158951936 73. https://twitter.com/laurenreeves/status/784526072851357696 74. https://twitter.com/willrahn/status/784501181464846340 75. https://twitter.com/aedwardslevy/status/784504443047911424 76. https://twitter.com/BillDixonish/status/784531620539822081 77. https://twitter.com/jonfavs/status/784529991463755776 78. https://twitter.com/shani_o/status/784576626248024064 79. https://twitter.com/gabedelahaye/status/784887498333827072 80. https://twitter.com/johncbussey/status/784769252758806528 81. https://twitter.com/BuckyIsotope/status/784605739058880514 82. https://twitter.com/meganamram/status/785273637901185024 83. https://twitter.com/ditzkoff/status/785291824273428480 84. https://twitter.com/SkipperClay/status/785294315270660097 85. https://twitter.com/Moochie_BMN/status/785296514792976384 86. https://twitter.com/jonnysun/status/785299378705670145 87. https://twitter.com/kibblesmith/status/784985960631205888 88. https://twitter.com/saladinahmed/status/786387229908152320 89. https://twitter.com/McJesse/status/786237633282400256 90. https://twitter.com/ch000ch/status/786983664571781120 91. https://twitter.com/RobbySlowik/status/786936084710166528 92. https://twitter.com/TheRealDratch/status/787830961895575552 93. https://twitter.com/double_cupp_me/status/789088080426831872 94. https://twitter.com/cecicardelle/status/789588565604925441 95. https://twitter.com/jrhennessy/status/790293668183670784 96. https://twitter.com/dubstep4dads/status/790298630100021249 97. https://twitter.com/saladinahmed/status/791407536884764672 98. https://twitter.com/Powerful/status/791812553659875328 99. https://twitter.com/GrahamDavidA/status/792085787529674756 100. https://twitter.com/Olivianuzzi/status/792078001064280064 Up next: Trump Is Right: This Email Debacle Is Worse Than Watergate", "label": 0, "idx": 40 }, { "sentence": "Imran Awan Had a Secret Server that Was Connected to the House Democratic Caucus\nFormer chair of the House Democratic Caucus Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) A clearer picture is coming into focus on the Democrat IT scandal that may help explain why Democrats have been so reluctant to condemn the Awans or help the police with the investigation. It also might explain why former DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been so jumpy lately. New information about a massive cybersecurity breach, gleaned from a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation, implicates the former chair of the House Democratic Caucus, then-Rep. Xavier Becerra, who is now the attorney general of California and a rising star in Democratic politics. Xavier Becerra was told by cops his server had major cybersecurity issues re: Imran. A fake server was given to cops He's remained silent.\u2014 Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) September 13, 2017 This scandal isn't about bank fraud, folks. Kudos to Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller for chasing down this story, even as the Democratic media complex either poo-pooed or ignored the growing scandal. As Ace of Spades noted, at some point the legacy media is going to have the explain to their audiences why they didn't report on this major story all year long. \n A secret server is behind law enforcement\u2019s decision to ban a former IT aide to Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the House network. Now-indicted former congressional IT aide Imran Awan allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server. Police grew suspicious and requested a copy of the server early this year, but they were provided with an elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations. The falsified image is what ultimately triggered their ban from the House network Feb. 2, according to a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation. The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said. Data was also backed up to Dropbox in huge quantities, the official said. Congressional offices are prohibited from using Dropbox, so an unofficial account was used, meaning Awan could have still had access to the data even though he was banned from the congressional network. Awan had access to all emails and office computer files of 45 members of Congress who are listed below. Fear among members that Awan could release embarrassing information if they cooperated with prosecutors could explain why the Democrats have refused to acknowledge the cybersecurity breach publicly or criticize the suspects. According to the DCNF's source, the Awans\u2019 use of Dropbox went well beyond casual use. They were \"funneling of huge quantities of data offsite where it could not be taken back by House authorities.\"", "label": 1, "idx": 41 }, { "sentence": "Donald Trump discovers his inner neoconDonald Trump fully embraced his inner neocon before the United Nations today. He lashed out at North Korea, indicating that he was ready to \u2018totally destroy\u2019 it. He upbraided Iran as a corrupt and malignant regime that had taken America and its allies to the cleaners with the nuclear deal\u2014\u2019One of the worst and most one-sided transactions.\u2019 And for good measure, he scoffed at various socialist regimes around the globe. The only term missing in his dyspeptic assessment of the carnage around the world was \u2018axis of evil,\u2019 the phrase that George W. Bush made famous when he decried Iran, North Korea and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks. The language he deployed was seldom less than apocalyptic. Like Bush, he embraced the tone of moral superiority: \u2018If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.\u2019 When it was not chiliastic, Trump indulged in snark, referring to \u2018Rocket Man\u2019 as being on a \u2018suicide mission.\u2019 There can be no doubting that the regimes Trump referred to are as nasty as they come. But enmeshing America in an Asian land war would surpass any of the follies that it has experienced in the Middle East. Russia and China can only hope that Washington becomes stuck in another unwinnable war. What served America well during the cold war wasn\u2019t overt confrontation such as in Vietnam, but the strategy of containment. Certainly Trump\u2019s speech fitted with the desire he is now expressing to stage a massive military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue on 4 July to match, or even surpass, the festivities surrounding the Bastille Day parade that left him agog this past July in Paris, where he was the guest of Emmanuel Macron. One problem is that the avenue isn\u2019t actually strong enough to withstand the weight of tanks rolling over it. Never mind. For Trump, these are mere details. He has apparently become enamoured by a vision of a militarised America that can set wrong aright abroad, whenever and wherever it pleases. His bellicosity is discordant, however, with the more isolationist America First doctrines that he brayed about during the presidential campaign. America First has been converted into a bellicose unilateralism. If anything, it sounds like neocon 2.0. It was notable that during his speech at the UN, Trump veered from claiming, on the one hand, that it was imperative to respect the national sovereignty of individual nations to alleging, on the other, that there is no burking the necessity of taking out regimes that he, and he alone, deems inimical to American interests and values. What about the country that meddled with the 2016 American elections, thereby violating the precious sovereignty Trump dwelled upon? There was nary a word about Russia. The most that can be hoped for with Trump\u2019s speech is that it was simply more rodomontade. The danger, as so often with the old boy, isn\u2019t if he\u2019s insincere. It\u2019s if he really means what he said.", "label": 1, "idx": 42 }, { "sentence": "Celebrities\u2019 Political Affiliations\nMichael Buckner/Getty Images LL Cool J (Independent) Although he attended the 2004 Republican National Convention, and supported the GOP\u2019s former gubernatorial candidate for New York state in 2002, the Bay Shore, NY native told Piers Morgan earlier this year that he\u2019s actually an Independent. The Rock (Republican) WWE superstar Dwayne \"The Rock\" Johnson is a registered Republican, and was reportedly invited to speak at the 2000 Republican National Convention. Shannen Doherty (Republican) \"I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats,\" Doherty has said about her conservative views. \"I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with the fact that I'm a Republican.\" Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt (Republicans) The Hills pot-stirrers were big McCain-Palin supporters in 2008. \"I'm voting for John McCain,\" Montag told Us Weekly in 2008. \"I'm a Republican and McCain has a lot of experience.\" Still, the pair weren't going to let their candidate's defeat by Barack Obama bring them down. \"We're behind America and America's decision,\" Pratt told MTV News. \"You win some, you lose some.\" LeAnn Rimes (Independent) Performing at GOP fundraisers does not a Republican make, according to Rimes. When asked via Twitter last year why she agreed to participate in a Republican fundraiser in Washington, D.C., she replied, \"It's a job! I'm entertainment, not making a political stance,\" and added that she performed at the Democratic convention years ago and for Clinton \"several times.\" Heather Locklear (Republican) The former Melrose Place scene-stealer is a registered member of the Republican party.", "label": 0, "idx": 43 }, { "sentence": "NATO Agrees to Formally Joint Anti-ISIS CoalitionOfficials familiar with the situation say that NATO has agreed to join the US-led anti-ISIS coalition on an alliance level, with indications that Germany and France were the last nations to agree to the formal move, which will be announced during the Brussels summit. All NATO members are already individually members of the anti-ISIS coalition, and diplomats say that the move will have no actual consequence, and seemingly is being done just for the sake of a \u201cpurely symbolic\u201d gesture during President Trump\u2019s visit. President Trump has always been keen to bring NATO deeper into the ISIS war, of course, and has made a big deal about NATO\u2019s obsolescence because it wasn\u2019t formed specifically to deal with terrorism, claiming in April that \u201c back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.\u201d While shortly after his election most NATO officials were just attacking Trump for being too \u201cpro-Russia,\u201d recently they seem to be eager to please him, so long as it only requires symbolic actions that won\u2019t amount to anything. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz", "label": 0, "idx": 44 }, { "sentence": "SNL takes a jab at Donald Trump, who doesn't like it\nKate McKinnon (left) and Alec Baldwin (right) as Clinton and Trump NBC Universal \u201cSaturday Night Live\u201d takes swings at all political candidates, regardless of party. And with Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon portraying Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, they keep hitting the mark. The show has a long history of making fun of everyone with their impersonations. Both Baldwin and McKinnon have been praised for their spot-on impressions of celebrities, musicians and politicians. Trump has even joined in on the fun in the past while acting as a host. On Saturday\u2019s broadcast of the show, the actors took on the second debate between Trump and Clinton, and the GOP nominee was the focus of some pointed satire from Baldwin. \u201cTonight, I\u2019m going to do three things. I\u2019m going to huff. I\u2019m going to puff. I\u2019m going to blow this whole thing,\u201d Baldwin, as Trump, said in the sketch. After the show, Trump took to Twitter to let people know that once it gets personal, he\u2019s no longer laughing. While Trump and his supporters seem convinced that \u201cSaturday Night Live\u201d is trying to bring down his campaign, a lot of people took to Twitter to remind everyone that the show is all in the name of satire. Regardless of where you stand, one thing is for sure -- whether Trump likes it or not, these sketches will continue at least through November 8th.", "label": 0, "idx": 45 }, { "sentence": "Terry Crews Shares Story Of How He Was Sexually Assaulted By Hollywood ExecutiveActor Terry Crews has taken to social media to share his experience with sexual assault in Hollywood. The 49-year-old Brooklyn Nine-Nine star told his story as more allegations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein were made public. Crews alleges that another 'Hollywood honcho' touched him inappropriately in 2016. In a Twitter thread tonight, he wrote: \"This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME. My wife [and] I were at a Hollywood function last year [and] a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. \"Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything [and] we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk. \"I was going to kick his ass right then - but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. '240 lbs. Black man stomps out Hollywood Honcho' would be the headline the next day. \"Only I probably wouldn't have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left.\" Crews added that he told everyone he knew and worked with about what happened to him. And that the executive called him the next day to apologise, but never explained his reason for the assault. He said he never took it further, as we would be \"ostracized, [which is] par for the course when the predator has power and influence. Who's going to believe you?\" Credit: PA Images \"Hollywood is not the only business where this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior- you are not alone,\" Crews added. \"Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless.\" It comes after a number of high-profile women in Hollywood went public with claims of inappropriate behavior by film producer Weinstein, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, and Rosanna Arquette. As we have previously noted at LADbible, figures released previously by the Ministry of Justice, showed that more than one in 10 victims of rape or attempted rape in the UK are male. A report published in 2015, titled 'Silent Suffering: Supporting The Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault', revealed that as few as 3.9% of male victims of rape and sexual assault report the crime to police. Featured Image Credit: PA Images", "label": 0, "idx": 46 }, { "sentence": "Leftists Blame NRA For Las Vegas TragedyWhat happened Sunday night in Las Vegas was a horrible, senseless tragedy. Hundreds are hurt, at least 58 dead as of this writing, and a nation trying to figure out just what is going on. Here\u2019s a video of the concert as the attack begins: \u2014 Luke Broadlick (@LukeBroadlick) October 2, 2017 Note the sound. Sure sounds like a fully-automatic weapon which is one of the most tightly controlled weapon categories in the country. A background check, permission from law enforcement, and national registration are just some of the hurdles one would have to go through to buy a weapon like this legally. That doesn\u2019t even touch on the massive expense of buying a legal full-auto firearm following the 1986 machine gun ban. Weapons like that run tens of thousands of dollars, which means that alone keeps them out of most folks\u2019 hands. But that won\u2019t stop the anti-gun left. Nope. Blame for the tragedy rest squarely on the shoulders of the National Rifle Association. The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get. \u2014 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017 Oh, sweet and fluffy Lord. It\u2019s a suppressor, not a silencer. For the kinds of weapons we\u2019re looking at being used, a suppressor is less than useless. Further, if the shooter got a legal full-auto weapon, which is doubtful, it wouldn\u2019t have been a problem for him to get a suppressor. If he got the weapons illegally, then there was nothing stopping him from getting a suppressor illegally. Nothing was done after Sandy Hook, Orlando and now Las Vegas. Stop kidding yourselves @NRA civilians owning machine guns is a VERY BAD IDEA. \u2014 Ollie Cookson (@OCookson) October 2, 2017 Donald, and and your NRA gun nuts share responsibility for the Las Vegas massacre. Why do civilians need military assault weapons? \u2014 yaakovdoe (@YaakovDoe) October 2, 2017 @NRA I hold you partly responsible for what happened in Las Vegas. It's time to enact real gun control laws. \u2014 Aaron Nissalke (@nissalke6) October 2, 2017 Life comes at you fast. NRA spokespuppet goes from chiding the mayor of Edmonton after a terror attack to waiting for the facts in Las Vegas pic.twitter.com/ZWUrZpdrcX \u2014 Justin Ling (@Justin_Ling) October 2, 2017 Survivors like me don't want your prayer. We want you OFF the @NRA payroll, @POTUS. We want Wayne LaPierre OUT of the @WhiteHouse! #LasVegas pic.twitter.com/y1YfKg9S8A \u2014 Rachael Joseph (@titusthemutt) October 2, 2017 The #NRA is at least indirectly responsible for #LasVegas. How else can an average Joe collect 8 guns and over 50 bullets? \u2014 Carlos Sol\u00eds (@csolisr) October 2, 2017 Of course, most of us call \u201c50 bullets\u201d a box or two of ammo, but whatever. The @NRA was one of the largest donors to @realDonaldTrump's campaign. They expect to get what they paid for. This admin will not do anything to prevent further violence. #LasVegas \u2014 Sophie Ellman-Golan (@EgSophie) October 2, 2017 Really, it keeps going on and on like that. In fact, that\u2019s only a very brief snapshot of the anti-NRA hatred being spewed. This from the same people who routinely call for calm reflection following a terrorist attack motivated by radical Islam. \u201cDon\u2019t blame all of Islam,\u201d they say\u2026but think nothing of blaming the NRA for something there\u2019s no indication they had anything to do with. Let me make this very clear to the leftists out there: This maniac used one of the most tightly controlled and regulated firearms in the country, one that requires every hoop imaginable to get your hands on legally, and killed dozens and wounded hundreds. Do you really think there\u2019s anything that would have stopped this from happening? Anything at all? Especially since there are so many questions we don\u2019t have answers to. His brother claims he had no political affiliations, but that seems unlikely in this day and age. However, we still don\u2019t know for sure. Maybe he was an odd duck these days and didn\u2019t care. Who knows. To be sure, there\u2019s plenty of speculation going on. I\u2019m not immune to it, though I won\u2019t divulge my speculation publicly just now. However, speculation is just something people do to pass the time until we have actual facts, which are severely lacking at the moment. What matters right now is to do whatever we can to help those who have been hurt by this tragedy, either by losing someone they care about, physically wounded in the assault, or legitimately traumatized by what they\u2019ve been through. There are victims here, and they need our love and support far more than our wild theories about what has taken place in Las Vegas. My heart and prayers go out to all the victims and their families, as do my wife\u2019s and children\u2019s. I know I\u2019m not alone in this, and while this is something that should unify us in solidarity if only for a few moments, it\u2019s a shame that it won\u2019t.", "label": 1, "idx": 47 }, { "sentence": "Pamela Engel\nPamela Engel Deputy Editor, Politics and Military & Defense Pamela Engel Pamela is the deputy editor overseeing the Politics and Military & Defense sections of Business Insider. She was previously the politics editor, and before that was a senior reporter covering domestic politics, foreign policy, and national security. Before BI, she worked for the Associated Press in Indianapolis. She has also written for The Columbus Dispatch, the Scripps Howard news wire, and the New York Observer. 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Mika Brzezinski, says 'Morning Joe' host was 'bleeding badly from a face-lift' at Mar-a-Lago A legal expert explains how Trump could have landed himself in more trouble by admitting he misled Comey about the tapes State Department releases strongly worded statement on Russia: 'Let's remember that these sanctions didn't just come out of nowhere' Congress is increasingly becoming a counterweight to some of Trump's more controversial foreign policy instincts Trump calls Rep. Scalise 'a true friend and patriot' after congressional baseball shooting Trump on ISIS attack in Iran: 'States that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote' Bill Cosby's sexual-assault trial starts today \u2014 here's the backstory of the allegations against him Bill O'Reilly says the 'hatred' former Fox News chief Roger Ailes experienced killed him Sean Spicer might not do daily press briefings anymore and could have his public role diminished 'People want it to be true': Inside the growing influence of a mysterious anti-Trump website Trump gets 2 ice cream scoops at White House dinners \u2014 everyone else gets 1 Trump makes first public comments on firing Comey: 'He wasn't doing a good job' 3 top GOP senators are questioning Trump's decision to fire Comey The deputy attorney general laid out why James Comey was fired Here\u2019s the real reason why Clinton lost \u2014 it wasn\u2019t just emails and Russia Here\u2019s the biggest lesson Democrats need to learn from Clinton\u2019s collapse if they want to win in 2020 Next", "label": 0, "idx": 48 }, { "sentence": "Judge Responds To Man's Request For Sharia LawA Muslim man was shocked to have his request for a judge to acknowledge Sharia law denied in court. Nadir Ibrahim Ombabi, a Minnesota taxi driver, was killed in a car accident. Following his passing, legal proceedings began to determine a settlement for his spouse or surviving family. A wrongful death suit was filed, in which Ombabi's estate was rewarded $183,000 to go to his wife. Ombabi's brother, Hasameldin Ibrahim Imbabi, subsequently disputed the ruling on the grounds that the money should be distributed to his family in accordance with Sharia law. One of the specifics of that argument was that the men should receive \"twice the share of the female.\" \"[The brother] further asserts that \u201cthe principles of the private international law should have been applied from the beginning since the law of all parties (the decedent, his widow and decedent[\u2018s] next of kin) is the Islamic Law and they are all Muslims and follow the specifics of the religion.\u201d \u2026 [The brother\u2019s] main assertion of error appears to be that the district court should have applied Sudanese Islamic law instead of Minnesota law when distributing the wrongful-death settlement proceeds\u2026. [He] also asserts that the district court erred by refusing to honor a legal declaration issued by the Sudanese Family Court in Khartoum regarding distribution of the wrongful-death settlement proceeds under Sudanese Islamic law,\" court documents stated, the Washington Post reported. The judge, however, denied the man's argument due to lack of legal representation and specious arguments. Many reader applauded the judge's decision to reject Sharia law. \"Muslim man has no grounds to stand on with that, Sharia Law has NO place in this country ... these people need to get it through their thick skull that the US Constitution which is law of our land and Sharia Law does not and cannot co-exist in our land!\" one Newsiosity reader commented on the site's Facebook page. \"Welcome to America. If you want to immigrate here and live here then follow our laws and rules. \"When in Rome Do as the Romans Do \" You are in our country .. respect the laws here or go back to your original country. This an example of what is totally wrong with this country now Everyone who comes here wants America to accommodate them and expect us to change . Not happening,\" another added.", "label": 0, "idx": 49 }, { "sentence": "John Legend Calls The National Anthem 'WEAK'Surprisingly a lot of people are standing with Colin Kaepernick in his decision not to stand during the national anthem, \"calling the Star Spangled Banner \"weak\" and saying that he doesn't truly love the song. Here is what he had to say on twitter: For those defending the current anthem, do you really truly love that song? I don't and I'm very good at singing it. Like, one of the best He continued to add: My vote is for America the Beautiful. Star spangled banner is a weak song anyway. And then you read this... https://t.co/iAE62FAbxj \u2014 John Legend (@johnlegend) August 30, 2016 John Legend linked to an article titled, \"Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know: The National Anthem Is A Celebration Of Slavery\" The article makes the arguement that an unsung verse of the Francis Scott Key poem is a moral \"atrocity.\" The author claims the end of the rarely sung third verse \"literally celebrated the murder of African-Americans.\" The verse reads: No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O\u2019er the land of the free and the home of the brave. @johnlegend not sure why it's turned into a battle over the lyrics of our anthem. The lyrics were never Colin's argument in the first place \u2014 Lindsey (@Lindsey50783746) August 30, 2016 All of John Legend's tweets were made in support of the 49ers quarterback who refused to stand while the national anthem was being played during a preseason game. Kaepernick said that his sitd own was for \"people that are being oppressed\" and he'll end the protest when \"I feel like that flag represents what it's supposed to represent.\"", "label": 0, "idx": 50 }, { "sentence": "Facebook sets up crisis response page after Las Vegas shootingFacebook has set up a crisis response page so people who are in Las Vegas can let people know they are safe. More than 50 people died in the shooting and at least 400 people have been injured in the shooting, according to Las Vegas police. The shooting started around 10:08 p.m. local time. Those numbers would make this the deadliest mass shooting in United States history. The suspect has been identified as local man Stephen Paddock, 64. Paddock was shooting from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay, Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. Lombardo said the shooter is dead. Police believe Paddock killed himself before law enforcement entered the room, Lombardo said. People can check in to let Facebook friends now they are in Las Vegas and that they are safe. Police also advise people to call 1-866-535-5654 to check in on loved ones.", "label": 0, "idx": 51 }, { "sentence": "ESPN accepted 'SportsCenter' anchor Jemele Hill's apology for her anti-Trump tweetsOn Monday ESPN suspended Jemele Hillfor 2 weeks in response to her tweets encouraging NFL fans to boycott anyone who sponsors Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones. Hill's tweet was in response to Jones comments that any player who disrespected the flag would be cut from his team. In a statement ESPN said, \"Jemele Hill has been suspended for two weeks for a second violation of our social media guidelines. She previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet. In the aftermath, all employees were reminded of how individual tweets may reflect negatively on ESPN and that such actions would have consequences. Hence this decision.\" ESPN says that it has accepted the apology of Jemele Hill for tweeting that President Trump and his followers are \"white supremacists.\" Earlier this week, the co-host of ESPN's \u201cSC6 with Michael and Jemele\" fired off a series of tweets calling the President a \"bigot\" and \"white supremacist.\" Hill apologized for her tweets on Wednesday. \"My comments on Twitter expressed my personal beliefs.\" She wrote on Twitter. \"My regret is that my comments and the public way I made them painted ESPN in an unfair light.\" The network issued a followup statement after her apology and said that Hill has a right to her personal beliefs, but said that they are not reflective of the company's opinions or beliefs. \"She has acknowledged that her tweets crossed that line and has apologized for doing so. We accept her apology,\" they wrote. ESPN has been under intense scrutiny after they pulled their broadcaster Robert Lee off air \u201cas the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding\" in August. The Associated Press contributed to this report. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is calling for the termination of an ESPN anchor after she called President Donald Trump a white supremacist on Twitter. \u201cThat is one of the more outrageous comments that anybody could make and certainly is something that is a fireable offense by ESPN,\u201d Sanders said on Wednesday. This comes after Jemele Hill, who co-hosts a ESPN show called \u201cSC6 with Michael and Jemele,\" fired off a series of Tweets denouncing Trump and calling his supporters white supremacists. EPSN soon issued a statement in response to Smith's remarks. \u201cThe comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,\u201d the network said. \u201cWe have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.\u201d ESPN on Tuesday distanced itself from anchor Jemele Hill\u2019s tweets calling President Trump \u201ca bigot\u201d and \u201ca white supremacist.\u201d \u201cThe comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,\u201d the network tweeted from its public relation\u2019s department\u2019s account. \u201cWe have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate,\u201d ESPN added of Hill, a co-host on the 6 p.m. broadcast of the network\u2019s \u201cSportsCenter\u201d program. Hill on Monday had a series of Twitter exchanges with other users that involved her harshly criticizing Trump. \u201cDonald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/other white supremacists,\u201d she said in one tweet. \u201cTrump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime,\u201d Hill added in another post. \u201cHis rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period.\u201d Hill added in a third tweet that \u201cDonald Trump is a bigot\u201d before going on to deride the president\u2019s supporters. \u201cThe height of white privilege is being able to ignore his white supremacy, because it\u2019s of no threat to you,\u201d she said. \u201cWell, it\u2019s a threat to me.\u201d Some Twitter users on Wednesday praised Hill for singling out Trump, while others lambasted her decision instead. ESPN is owned by Disney, and neither company elaborated on a possible punishment for Hill, who was on Tuesday night\u2019s broadcast of \u201cSportsCenter\u201d like normal. Former National Football League (NFL) quarterback Colin Kaepernick, meanwhile, on Tuesday voiced support for Hill on Twitter. Kaepernick remains unsigned after playing with the San Francisco 49ers from 2011 to 2016 in a situation that remains controversial in the football world. The professional athlete began kneeling during the National Anthem last year to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Supporters say Kaepernick is making a legitimate stand for social justice, while critics charge he is acting unpatriotic instead. These celebrities ended up deleting their Twitter accounts. Let's get started!", "label": 1, "idx": 52 }, { "sentence": "PHOTOS: Aftermath of Hurricane Irma at Walt Disney World\nPhoto Credit: Twitter @DisneyMoose and Facebook Tikiman Pages UPDATE: 09/12/17 This morning Walt Disney World opened its gates to all four theme parks to guests. Even though the parks looked immaculate, several attractions were closed today (or delayed) due to debris caused by Hurricane Irma. We walked around Magic Kingdom to see if we could identify the causes behind these delays. Walt Disney World Railroad has trees down across the tracks. Tom Sawyer Island is also currently closed due to Hurricane Irma\u2019s after effects. Jungle Cruise has also been reported as needing at least a week to remove the debris before it can be operational. ********************************************************* Hurricane Irma passed over Walt Disney World last night and has since turned into a Tropical Storm. Florida curfew remains in effect until 6pm today for Osceola and Orange counties. Approximately 300,000 are without power in Orange Country alone. Luckily we have not heard of any of the Walt Disney World Resorts losing power overnight. WFTV 9 ABC News reported earlier this morning seeing a \u201cload\u201d of tour buses pass them by. It appears they were carrying linemen to EPCOT to help get the power back on. Lights remain on at Walt Disney World and damage appears minimal https://t.co/qpSXVU9KVo pic.twitter.com/7bSh2epOuP \u2014 WDWMAGIC.COM (@wdwmagic) September 11, 2017 Overall it seems that Walt Disney World had relatively minimal damage and the lights remain on. Disney World is still advising their resort guests to remain in their room/building and will notify everyone once the curfew is lifted. Let\u2019s take a look at photos from the different resorts this morning post-Hurricane Irma. Please be patient as some pictures take a bit to load. Tree down @WaltDisneyWorld #caribbeanbeachresort . Just one of #IrmaWDW damages. pic.twitter.com/pPOr6It8ud \u2014 mike feltner (@MikeyzDead) September 11, 2017 \u2014 mike feltner (@MikeyzDead) September 11, 2017 Caribbean Beach has some tree damage The aftermath of #HurricaneIrma, here at Disney\u2019s Port Orleans French Quarter. Quite a few trees down. \ud83c\udf33 #LiveFromWDW pic.twitter.com/PztJf5mKj9 \u2014 CafeFantasia \ud83d\udcab (@CafeFantasia) September 11, 2017 Disney\u2019s Port Orleans Resort \u2013 French Quarter has quite a few trees down. \u2014 Stuart, Becky & Leo (@StuartBeckyLeo1) September 11, 2017 Here's a look behind Disney's Contemporary Resort this morning: #HurricaneIrma pic.twitter.com/Dc3P0xveLG \u2014 Attractions Magazine (@Attractions) September 11, 2017 Very minor damage this side of the Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah, already seen park rangers out surveying damage too pic.twitter.com/9yxSkBww1V \u2014 shook in wdw \ud83c\udf08 (@carackobama) September 11, 2017 Contemporary Resort and Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah both look like they fared pretty well through the storm. From tiki man's pageOasis pool at the Polynesian pic.twitter.com/1s6EMOxtdb \u2014 Ed @ Baylakes edge (@DisneyMoose) September 11, 2017 Watching this tree fall last night at our hotel at Disney. FInally seeing itthis morning, lucky it went the other way! @WFTV @BShieldsWFTV pic.twitter.com/wMLYD7wAgD \u2014 Katie Herron (@Nsgirlkt) September 11, 2017 Polynesian seems to have been hit worst. Trees are down but it doesn\u2019t sound like any hit the buildings. \u2014 Theme Parks & Beyond (@ParksandBeyond) September 11, 2017 All-Star Music Resort has seen its share of tree debris as well. We will continue to update this page as we receive additional information on the state of the Walt Disney World Resort this morning. Stay Tuned! Are you ready to start planning your amazing Disney vacation? Our friends at MickeyTravels (designated with Platinum Earmarked status by Disney) can help! Click Here for your FREE No Obligation Quote from one of their Authorized Disney Vacation Planners. Ready to experience Disney for yourself? There are still fantastic 2017 Summer and Fall packages to be had. Click here or send an email for a FREE, no obligation quote with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner. Want more help planning your next Disney vacation? As an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner, my goal is to help you plan the Magic your way. I create customized itineraries, book advanced dining and FastPass+ reservations, monitor for discounts for your vacation, and much much more! And did I mention that my services are FREE? Get in touch toll-free at 1-800-454-4501, via email at mickeytravelssarah@gmail.com or follow along on Facebook. Thank you for visiting Chip and Co - Your home for the best in Disney News!", "label": 0, "idx": 53 }, { "sentence": "Democrats' DACA DishonestyFulfilling his role as the titular head of \u201cThe Resistance,\u201d Barack Obama took to Facebook Tuesday to snipe at the Trump administration\u2019s announcement that it was rescinding the 44th president\u2019s 2012 executive action called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. \u201cWe shouldn\u2019t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own,\u201d Obama said. His post was florid and self-serving. But five words in his lengthy screed \u2014\u201cthrough no fault of their own\u201d -- are undeniably true. It\u2019s not the fault of the \u201cdreamers\u201d that their parents brought them here, without papers, as minors. On that we can agree. But whose fault is it that they are still in limbo? For that answer, Obama needn\u2019t take to social media. He can simply look in the mirror. Ten years ago, a narrow consensus was forged in Washington, if only briefly. Its architects were Edward Kennedy and John McCain. Their carefully crafted legislation created a new temporary work visa, established an electronic data base for employers to check employees\u2019 work status, and earmarked money for border enforcement. It also provided a path to citizenship for an estimated 11.6 million illegal immigrants, provided they paid a fine and back taxes, met English and civics requirements, and stayed on the right side of the law. President George W. Bush signaled his support. But the vote was going to be close, which Kennedy and McCain knew. Conservatives dismissed the path-to-citizenship as a fig leaf for amnesty. Organized labor hated the guest-worker program, known as Y-1. McCain and Kennedy could have overcome that opposition, albeit narrowly, except for one last little group of senators. Call it the Senate Presidential Wannabe Caucus. Its membership included Illinois freshman Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York. That\u2019s only two votes, but it was enough. On June 6, 2007, Sen. Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat, introduced an innocuous-sounding rider to the McCain-Kennedy bill. Its official description was \u201can amendment to sunset the Y-1 non-immigrant visa program after a 5-year period.\u201d As everyone in the Senate understood, this was a \u201cpoison pill\u201d designed not to shore up the bill, but sink it. Dorgan got his way, too. The amendment passed 49-48, essentially killing comprehensive immigration reform. Kennedy was incensed. He\u2019d implored Dorgan and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid not to do it. McCain felt particularly sandbagged by Obama, who\u2019d inserted himself into the legislative negotiations uninvited, wrangled a concession he wanted, then voted with Dorgan. McCain assumed Obama didn\u2019t want George W. Bush or himself -- the man Obama expected to face in 2008 -- to get credit for immigration reform. Ted Kennedy, who ended up endorsing Obama over Clinton anyway, believed this, too. Kennedy died in 2009 before he could convince Obama to revisit this issue. It wouldn\u2019t have mattered. The GOP was becoming more nativist, the Democrats more cynical. The chance for a legislative solution had come and gone. But what about a non-legislative solution? This turned out to be President Obama\u2019s specialty, the niceties of constitutional democracy be damned. In June 2012, with shifting public opinion polls now in his favor, Obama issued DACA, which he called \u201ca temporary, stopgap measure\u201d to curb the practice of deporting undocumented Americans brought to this country before their 16th birthday. Was this constitutional? It might have been, had the president announced that because his Justice Department lacked the personnel to adequately adjudicate 11 million cases, it was necessary to prioritize law enforcement\u2019s areas of emphasis and that, henceforth, no federal government resources would be spent on deporting the \u201cDreamers.\u201d Wink. Wink. But that\u2019s not what Obama did. He announced a formal new government program granting work permits to those without papers. This \u201ctemporary, stopgap\u201d measure superseded existing federal immigration law and, two years later, Obama sought to expand DACA, prompting a legal challenge from several states. Was the president on shaky constitutional ground? One assumes so, if for no other reason than Obama repeatedly said so himself \u2013 and he did it in precise and colorful language. On Cinco de Mayo in 2010, he said, \u201cAnybody who tells you \u2026 that I can wave a magic wand and make it happen hasn't been paying attention to how this town works.\u201d \u201cI am president, I am not king,\u201d he said that October. \u201cI can't do these things just by myself.\u201d \u201cI know some here wish that I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that\u2019s not how democracy works,\u201d he said in April 2011. \u201cI swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books,\u201d he added in July 2011. \u201c\u2026 Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting \u2026 but that's not how our system works. That's not how our Constitution is written.\u201d Later, he had the temerity to claim he hadn\u2019t changed his stance, a howler that blew the minds of media fact-checkers. So that\u2019s the backstory to Attorney General Jeff Sessions\u2019 Tuesday announcement that the administration will rescind DACA because it\u2019s unconstitutional. Trump has not spoken against DACA itself; moreover, he sent out a tweet reassuring \u201cDreamers\u201d that they have nothing to worry about for six months. This gambit suggests that Trump wants DACA codified into law, apparently as part of a comprehensive package. Instead of responding to this overture in a spirit of compromise, Democrats chose vitriol and name-calling, their default position in the Trump era. Luis Guti\u00e9rrez, an Illinois congressman, called White House Chief of Staff John Kelly a \u201cdisgrace to the uniform he used to wear\u201d over DACA. Remember last summer when every Democrat and most of the media went medieval on Trump for picking a fight with a Gold Star family? Well, John Kelly is a Gold Star dad, too. Luis Guti\u00e9rrez never wore the uniform. For sheer demagoguery, it was hard to top Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton\u2019s erstwhile rival had this to say: \u201cTrump\u2019s decision on DACA is the ugliest and most cruel decision ever made by a president of the U.S. in the modern history of this country.\u201d When one considers Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal workforce or FDR interning 110,000 Japanese-Americans who committed no crime, the thought occurs that this is possibly the most ignorant utterance by a U.S. senator in the modern history of this country. But historic amnesia was the Democrats\u2019 de facto strategy and, in the interest of efficiency, they used the same talking points. \u201cTrump is clueless & cruel,\u201d tweeted former California Sen. Barbara Boxer. \u201cAbove all he is a coward.\u201d Nancy Pelosi described it as \u201ccowardice\u201d and \u201ccruelty.\u201d Chuck Schumer called it \u201cheartless.\u201d And so it went. One wonders if this was DNC-circulated messaging, drawn up by some 24-year-old staffer. Someone apparently too callow to know that today\u2019s Democrats are a historic anomaly. Normally Congress likes it when a president respects their prerogative to make law. Or perhaps these talking points weren\u2019t written by a millennial. Perhaps they were written by a certain ex-president trying to help us forget that when he and Hillary Clinton -- along with Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders -- had the chance to grant 11 million immigrants access to the American Dream, they instead chose, for partisan purposes, to keep them in the shadows. Alzheimer's-Blocking \"Super Coffee\" May Be The \"Memory Saving Discovery\" Of The Century", "label": 1, "idx": 54 }, { "sentence": "If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You\nIf You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You Drew Magary wants a word with anyone who's about to be on the wrong side of history. Earlier this week, the Washington Post\u2019s David Fahrenthold uncovered yet another Donald Trump scam job, in which he used over $250,000 in charitable donations to help pay off his legal bills. And, because this is Trump, that sordid (and almost certainly illegal) bit of money laundering is just ONE despicable detail of the story. There are many more, including Trump\u2019s club trying to welch on a $1 million hole-in-one payout (out of all of Trump\u2019s bad qualities, his steadfast refusal to pay people what he owes them, while bragging about it, is the most enraging), along with the old bit about Trump blithely ignoring local ordinances so he could put a big, dipshit flagpole up at the Mar-A-Lago club, with his lawyers stating\u2014with a straight face\u2014that a smaller flag \u201cwould fail to appropriately express the magnitude of Donald J. Trump\u2019s . . . patriotism\u201d (NOTE: Until recently, Trump didn\u2019t know what the stripes on the flag symbolized). None of this is surprising, of course. Trump is a liar and a crook, and he commits abominable acts at such a frenetic pace that they get lost in the fury surrounding whatever horrible thing he does next. Keith Olbermann needed over 17 minutes on this site just to list a fraction of the atrocities Trump has staged during election season, and he\u2019s gonna need 17 more minutes to cover what happens between now and Election Day. Remember when Trump said he would get rid of food regulations? That was Thursday. Regardless, in the end, people are still gonna vote for this man. Maybe not enough to get him elected, but still: it\u2019ll be in the tens of millions. (Note to the people causing the polls to fluctuate: What the fuck is wrong with you? I gotta meet the five percent of people who saw Hillary come down with pneumonia and were like, \u201cForget her, gimme the dictator with dryer lint hair.\u201d) Nothing that Trump says, no damning piece of Trump reportage, and certainly no opinion piece like this one will stop his voters from pulling the lever. Nor will anything stop Trump from being the officious, braindead goon that he is. He will never answer for his crimes, and there\u2019s a frighteningly large portion of the electorate that will always love him for that. And so I\u2019d just like to say to that portion of the electorate: Fuck you. No, seriously. Go fuck yourselves. I\u2019m not gonna waste any more time trying to convince you that you\u2019re about to do something you\u2019ll regret forever. I\u2019m not gonna show you old clips of Trump saying rotten things. I\u2019m not gonna try to ANNIHILATE Trump by showing you records of his hypocrisy and greed. I\u2019m not gonna link to a John Oliver clip and be like, \u201cTHIS. So much this.\u201d Nothing\u2019s gonna take down Trump at this point, so I\u2019m not gonna bother. No no, this post is for ME. I am preaching to the sad little choir in my soul here. Because while Trump is a miserable bastard, YOU are the people who have handed him the bullhorn. YOU are the people willing to embarrass this nation and put it on the brink of economic ruin all because you wanna throw an electoral hissy fit. YOU are the people who want to revolutionize the way America does business by voting for its worst businessman, a disgusting neon pig who only makes money when he causes problems for other people instead of solving them. YOU are the thin-skinned yokels who clutch your bandoliers whenever someone hurls the mildest of slurs at you (\u201cdeplorables\u201d), while cheering Trump on as he leaves a bonfire of truly hateful invective everywhere he goes. YOU are the people willing to overlook the fact that Trump is an unqualified, ignorant sociopath because DURRRR HILLARY IS BAD TOO DURRRR. WATCH Chris Hemsworth Goes Undercover on Twitter, YouTube, and Quora To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video WATCH Chris Hemsworth Goes Undercover on Twitter, YouTube, and Quora Share Tweet Email More... EMBED URL<script async src=\"//player-backend.cnevids.com/script/video/5b7490bd8c1abc4fee00001d.js?iu=/3379/conde.gq/partner\"></script> VIDEO URLhttp://video.gq.com/watch/chris-hemsworth-goes-undercover-on-twitter-youtube-and-quora Our bad! It looks like we're experiencing playback issues. This live video has ended. It will be available to watch shortly. See what else is new Loaded: 0%Progress: 0% MuteVolume 0% Back Caption Options Close Settings Language English Font Size Small Medium Large Position Auto Bottom Top Sample Caption Text0:000:000:00 You know what? No, she\u2019s not. She\u2019s fine. I lived through one Clinton, and I can live through another. My reasons for hating Trump are better than your reasons for hating Hillary. Show me all the arguments against her you like. You guys don\u2019t give a shit about facts and research when it comes to Trump, so I\u2019m not gonna give a shit about whatever clumsy meme you cook up to explain why she did Benghazi. Nope. Sorry. Fuck your arguments, and fuck you. Trump has shown no respect for anyone, so I don\u2019t see why you deserve any either. Whatever mildly frustrating centrist liberal bureaucracy that Hillary presides over will be fine compared to the spray tan mushroom cloud that would arise all because YOU thought Trump was such a brave, un-PC dickhead to everyone within shouting distance. Trump is human waste. He is the worst of America stuffed into a nacho cheese casing, and he is emblematic of the kind of arrogant, flag-waving, trashy, racist moron that the rest of us have to DRAG kicking and screaming into the 21st century: Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, Kim Davis, and on and on and on. Trump voters are the people who have spent the past decade or so voting insipid obstructionists into office, sending death threats to anyone who even mentions the idea of gun control, demanding 100% tax cuts on millions of dollars they can only daydream about making, and getting suckered in by any Oil Party candidate waving a NO GAYS flag. Fuck them. These are needy hillbilly loons who are just as starved for attention as Trump himself. And voting for Trump is their way of emulating him, of saying FUCK YOU to everyone else as a mission statement, with no regard for the fallout. TRENDING THIS VERY SECOND travel-and-eats Where to Eat and Drink in Houston, the New Capital of Southern Cool culture Serena Williams' Catsuit Is Banned from All Future French Opens news-and-politics No One Knows Why This QAnon Conspiracy Theorist Was in the Oval Office with Trump The old saw is that people get the politicians they deserve, and I\u2019ll be crestfallen if Trump wins and proves this to be true once more. If you vote for him, you\u2019re not making America great again. You are killing it. You are telling the world that America isn\u2019t worth it. You are telling the world that all of our big talk about freedom and unity and ideals is just a load of shit, and that you would prefer a smoldering dystopia where freedom is just a flimsy cover for evildoing, led by a man who believes that strength is measured only in killing people. You are handing the most important job on Earth to Napoleon from Animal Farm. And you are revealing your breathtaking ignorance to everyone except for yourself. I can\u2019t believe you can\u2019t see this. I want you to see this. I wanna shine a big fucking light in your face and scream at you that Trump isn\u2019t even qualified to be human, much less President. How are you gonna change the system if you elect some corrupt idiot who has no clue how to DO IT, huh? Can\u2019t you see this? Haven\u2019t you heard this asshole talk? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? But I already know that\u2019s a futile effort. So fuck you, and fuck the GOP leaders who are too chickenshit to stand up to you. I\u2019m not gonna wish deportation or imprisonment or some kind of fantastical hyperbolic death upon you. I\u2019m not gonna ask for a wall to be built on the Mason-Dixon line. No no, I think you people deserve the EXACT same fate as Trump himself, and that is to lose, badly. That\u2019s what should happen to you. You and your hamburger puppet leader deserve to live the rest of your days arm-in-arm in disgrace, branded as losers for eternity. Because that\u2019s what you are. Drew Magary is a GQ correspondent and author, most recently of \" The Hike.\" Up Next: Is This the Last of Trump, or a Preview of His Presidency?", "label": 1, "idx": 55 }, { "sentence": "Trump to undo Obama order, allow local police to have additional military-like items\nImage copyright 2014 Getty Images. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. WASHINGTON (AP) \u2014 The Trump administration is preparing to restore the flow of surplus military equipment to local law enforcement agencies. The government program had been sharply curtailed by the Obama administration amid an outcry over police use of armored vehicles and other war-fighting gear to confront protesters. Documents obtained by The Associated Press indicate President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order undoing an Obama-era directive that restricted police access to military grenade launchers, firearms, ammunition and other gear. The documents say Trump's order would fully restore the program under which \"assets that would otherwise be scrapped can be repurposed to help state, local, and tribal law enforcement better protect public safety and reduce crime.\"", "label": 0, "idx": 56 }, { "sentence": "Trump\u2019s debate incompetence a slap in the face to his supportersHillary Clinton was boring and exceptionally well-prepared. Donald Trump was exciting but embarrassingly undisciplined. He began with his strongest argument \u2014 that the political class represented by her has failed us and it\u2019s time to look to a successful dealmaker for leadership \u2014 and kept to it pretty well for the first 20 minutes. Then due to the vanity and laziness that led him to think he could wing the most important 95 minutes of his life, he lost the thread of his argument, he lost control of his temper and he lost the perspective necessary to correct these mistakes as he went. Methodically and carefully, Hillary Clinton took over. Her purpose was to show she was rational and policy-driven, the kind of person who could be trusted to handle a careful and delicate job with prudence and sobriety \u2014 and that he was none of these things. And she succeeded. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O\u2019Donnell and about how he hasn\u2019t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking. Most important, he set ticking time bombs for himself over the next six weeks. As she hammered him on his tax returns, he handed her an inestimable gift by basically saying he pays no federal taxes despite his billions \u2014 and moreover, that if he had done so, it would have been \u201csquandered\u201d anyway. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O\u2019Donnell and about how he hasn\u2019t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking. That\u2019s not going to go away, nor is her suggestion that his refusal to release his returns is the result of his either not being as rich as he says or not being as charitable as he claims. Clinton quoted him saying in 2006 that he hoped for a housing meltdown because it would provide buying opportunities and thereby goaded him into saying \u201cthat\u2019s called business, by the way.\u201d To which she quickly replied that 9 million people lost their jobs and 5 million lost their homes in the housing meltdown he was so excited about. Blammo. His reply to Hillary\u2019s recitation of the fact he\u2019d begun his career settling a Justice Department lawsuit about racial discrimination in Trump housing was that there was \u201cno admission of guilt,\u201d which is the sort of thing the villain said at the end of \u201cLA Law\u201d and sounded no better in real life. Even when he could have taken her down, he was so incompetent he didn\u2019t go for it. A question about cybersecurity was the perfect opportunity to hammer Clinton on her outrageous mishandling of classified information. Instead, he went into a bizarre digression in which he alternately wondered whether his son Barron might grow up to become a hacker and defended Vladimir Putin from the accusation Russia had tapped into the Democratic National Committee\u2019s emails (which the FBI says almost certainly happened). That has to count as the biggest choke of his political life. By the time the last 15 minutes rolled around, he was reduced to yammering about Rosie O\u2019Donnell being mean to him and Hillary running mean commercials about him and praising himself because there are some really terrible things he could have said about Hillary but hasn\u2019t. By this point, even his smart closing zinger \u2014 \u201cshe has experience but it\u2019s bad experience\u201d \u2014 was buried inside a weird word salad that reduced its effectiveness to almost nil. His supporters should be furious with him, and so should the public in general. By performing this incompetently, by refusing to prepare properly for this exchange, by not learning enough to put meat on the bones of his populist case against Clinton, he displayed nothing but contempt for the people who have brought him this far \u2014 and for the American people who are going to make this momentous decision on Nov. 8.", "label": 1, "idx": 57 }, { "sentence": "Is the Accused Charlottesville Killer an Anti-Trump Leftist Supported by Clinton, Soros?The driver of the vehicle that killed one person and injured more than a dozen others at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is a known \"radical leftist\" supported by Hillary Clinton and George Soros. Days after a 12 August 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia \u2014 in which a white supremacist mowed down a group of counter-protesters with a car, killing one and injuring dozens \u2014 various right-leaning web sites published reports claiming that the driver was actually a left-wing, Hillary Clinton-supporting Democrat. We do not yet know very much about 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. of Maumee, Ohio, but such evidence as we have places him squarely in the camp of Charlottesville protesters who marched under the white nationalist banner. One of Fields\u2019 former high school teachers, Derek Weimer, told the Cincinnati Enquirer that the young man\u2019s political views were extreme and flavored with Nazism: Weimer said that he knew of Fields\u2019 political leanings early on. He said another teacher filed a report during Fields\u2019 freshman year over something Fields had written for an assignment \u201cthat just went beyond the pale.\u201d \u201cIt was very much along the party lines of the neo-Nazi movement,\u201d Weimer said. Photos taken earlier on the day of the attack show Fields standing shoulder-to-shoulder with members of Charlottesville\u2019s Vanguard America, wearing the group\u2019s standard uniform and holding a shield with their logo, the fasces: James Alex Fields was w/ the Vanguard America folks in #Charlottesville. Learn more about the group > https://t.co/HNloF8Btnf @ADL_National pic.twitter.com/TmJLi0kfZo A Daily News photog spotted James Fields (center) clutching a shield with a hate group\u2019s insignia before the attack. https://t.co/VXGqyD2LWq pic.twitter.com/LORfeVPquz According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the basic tenets of Vanguard America\u2019s philosophy are as follows: Vanguard America (VA) is a white supremacist group that opposes multiculturalism and believes that America is an exclusively white nation. Using a right-wing nationalist slogan, Blood and Soil, VA romanticizes the notion that people with \u201cwhite blood\u201d have a special bond with \u201cAmerican soil.\u201d This philosophy first originated in Germany (as Blut und Boden) and was later popularized by Hitler\u2019s regime. In the same vein, VA uses \u201cFor Race and Nation\u201d as a variant slogan. Following this theme, VA maintains that America \u201cis to be a nation exclusively for the White American peoples who out of the barren hills, empty plains, and vast mountains forged the most powerful nation to ever have existed.\u201d All of the above notwithstanding, the unreliable web site YourNewsWire.com declared that the mainstream media were \u201csuppressing\u201d proof that the vehicular attacker was \u201ca left-wing operative at the heart of a false flag designed to spark civil war, introduce martial law, and take away the rights of conservative groups to assemble peacefully\u201d: The man accused of being a neo-Nazi and murdering a woman by deliberately driving into her during protests in Charlottesville is in reality a supporter of Hillary Clinton and member of Antifa in receipt of funding by George Soros, according to reports. James Fields, 20, of Maumee, Ohio, allegedly killed Heather Heyer, aged 32, and injured 19 others when he rammed his car into a group of protesters on Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia. Mainstream media is claiming Fields is a neo-Nazi and has conveniently produced photographs showing Fields standing with Vanguard America and carrying a shield bearing the group\u2019s insignia. Another right-leaning web site, Freedom Daily, didn\u2019t mention Fields at all, blaming the attack instead on an \u201cAntifa terrorist\u201d involved in a left-wing \u201cfalse flag\u201d conspiracy: Although it was originally reported that the driver of the car was a far right sympathizer it\u2019s now been confirmed that it was indeed a Democrat Party member and Antifa terrorist drove his car into free speech advocates in Charlottesville Virginia this morning. It is common for revolutionary groups such as Antifa to use methods like this to implicate their enemies in order to evoke violence and start a civil war, which is what they have been working towards since Donald Trump won the presidency in November of 2016. Neither site has a leg to stand on. YourNewsWire provided no evidence that Fields was a \u201cleft-wing operative.\u201d Freedom Daily joined Gateway Pundit, Alt Right Real News, GotNews.com, and other reliably unreliable sources in regurgitating misinformation put out by Internet \u201csleuths\u201d who blithely fingered an innocent teenager for the crime. These sites accused Joel Vangheluwe (who turned out to be the son of a former owner of the attack vehicle) of being the Charlottesville killer: Vangheluwe, who is from Macomb County, Michigan, has been the target of death threats since these web sites named him, according to local news reports: A Macomb County businessman and his family are living in fear after his teenage son was falsely rumored to have been the driver who plowed a car into a crowd protesting a white supremacist rally in Virginia. Jerome Vangheluwe of Bruce Township said his son was incorrectly identified by several right-wing websites as being the owner and driver of a Dodge Challenger that rammed through counter-protestors Saturday, killing a woman and wounding at least 19 others. Vangheluwe says even though he sold the car years ago, the family was being targeted for death threats from people mistakenly believing the son, Joel, was responsible for the horrific act. The Michigan State Police responded to the threats against Vangheluwe by affirming that there is no known Michigan connection to the Charlottesville attack: .2) Local media if you are contacted by other outlets there is not a Michigan connection that we are aware of at this time. Some of the sites that got it so egregiously wrong \u2014 Gateway Pundit, for one \u2014 quietly deleted their erroneous posts and moved on without issuing corrections or retractions. Others, such as GotNews.com, published corrections \u2014 and then congratulated themselves for doing so. Freedom Daily updated their page to identify the right suspect, but perpetuated their \u201cleftists did it\u201d scenario by claiming the driver lost control while trying to \u201cescape\u201d anti-fascist demonstrators who were allegedly throwing things at his car, and never meant to hurt anyone (a claim directly contradicted by Charlottesville\u2019s police chief, who described the vehicular attack as \u201cpremeditated\u201d). All these reports dovetail into a grander conspiracy theory peddled by InfoWars founder Alex Jones and his ilk, exemplified in the rambling, hour-long video rant below, part of an InfoWars.com post entitled \u201cVirginia Riots Staged to Bring in Martial Law, Ban Conservative Gatherings\u201d. In brief, Jones claims that the violence in Charlottesville is but one example of a well-orchestrated plot by billionaire leftist George Soros, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), \u201cglobalists,\u201d the \u201cdeep state\u201d, Jewish actors pretending to be neo-Nazis, and God only knows who else to foment unrest, start a race war, bring down President Trump, and pave the way for martial law in the United States: We listened in vain for Jones to provide any evidence for these claims beyond vague references to WikiLeaks e-mails in which highly placed Democrats supposedly discussed \u201ccontrolling\u201d the populace by keeping them \u201cin the dark\u201d and \u201cdesperate\u201d: Now, if you go back to the WikiLeaks from over a year ago, the Democratic Party is sending e-mails to George Soros and back and forth at the highest levels of the Democratic Party, saying, \u201cWe\u2019re losing the public. Minorities are getting into free market. We want to keep people in their mother\u2019s basements as baristas.\u2019 \u201cRemember even Hillary said that. \u2018What are we going to do to keep control of them? Keep them in the dark, keep them desperate. These are quotes. Hundreds and hundred of e-mails. We\u2019ve covered them, written articles about it, linking to them. They didn\u2019t deny that they\u2019re real. They\u2019re real. They said what do we do? They said we go to culture war. \u201cThese are quotes,\u201d Jones said, but when we attempted to verify that Clinton actually uttered the words \u201cWhat are we going to do to keep control of them? Keep them in the dark, keep them desperate,\u201d we found nothing in any public sources, including WikiLeaks.org, to confirm it \u2014 and in point of fact, we found no published statements even vaguely resembling those. We were able to confirm something Hillary Clinton did not say, however, namely: \u201cWe want to keep people in their mother\u2019s basements as baristas.\u201d Ironically, the place we were able to confirm it was Jones\u2019 own web site, InfoWars.com, which in October 2016 reposted an article from pro-Putin news site Russia Today alleging that Clinton had described rival Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders\u2019 younger supporters as \u201cbasement dwellers\u201d and \u201cbaristas\u201d \u2014 which wasn\u2019t really accurate either. Here\u2019s what Clinton really said, transcribed from an audio clip posted on InfoWars (and elsewhere): Some [Sanders supporters] are new to politics completely. They\u2019re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents\u2019 basement. They feel that they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don\u2019t see much of a future. I met with a group of young black millennials today and, you know, one of the young women said, \u201cYou know, none of us feel that we have the job that we should have gotten out of college. And we don\u2019t believe the job market is going to give us much of a chance.\u201d So that is a mindset that is really affecting their politics. And so if you\u2019re feeling like you\u2019re consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn\u2019t pay a lot, and doesn\u2019t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing. So I think we all should be really understanding of that and we should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. We want people to be idealistic\u2026.. To recap, there\u2019s virtually nothing accurate in Alex Jones\u2019 statement purporting to quote Hillary Clinton and WikiLeaks. We\u2019ve addressed an inquiry to InfoWars for clarification, and await their reply.", "label": 1, "idx": 58 }, { "sentence": "McMaster: Potential for War With North Korea Grows DailyView 3 more images In this undated photo provided on Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017, by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects a local tire factory in Chagang Province, North Korea. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP) (Newser) \u2013 Over two days, two sets of strong words about North Korea. During a Saturday speech in California, White House national security adviser HR McMaster said the possibility of war with the Hermit Kingdom is \"increasing every day, which means that we are in a race, really, we are in a race to be able to solve this problem.\" And as far as problems go, he believes there are none bigger for the US, and there's \"not much time left,\" per CNN. He called on China to step up to the plate and choke the flow of oil into North Korea, noting, \"you can't shoot a missile without fuel.\" He specified that he and President Trump agree a total oil embargo would \"be appropriate at this point.\" He reiterated the call for China to step up while appearing on Fox News Sunday, but added, \"If necessary, the president and the United States will have to take care of it.\" Sen. Lindsey Graham set his sights on North Korea, too, while appearing on CBS' Face the Nation Sunday, conveying his belief that it's time to pull the families of the 28,500 US troops stationed in South Korea out of the country, reports the AP. Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, also noted he would press the Pentagon to refrain from sending dependents to South Korea going forward. \"It's crazy to send spouses and children to South Korea, given the provocation of North Korea. South Korea should be an unaccompanied tour.\" Graham also expressed confidence in the Trump administration, saying the president has \"the best national security team of anybody I have seen since I have been in Washington\"; Graham has been in Congress since 1995.", "label": 0, "idx": 59 }, { "sentence": "Hurricane Irma: Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd threatens to arrest fugitives at sheltersPOLK COUNTY, Fla. - People with active warrants in one Florida county might want to think twice about heading to a shelter for Hurricane Irma. HURRICANE IRMA | Real-time tracking maps, Hurricane supply kit info & Hurricane Center IMPORTANT LINKS Hurricane Supply Kit Checklist | Things to know before the storm | Preparations for your pets | Power outage maps & resources | Know your evacuation zone | Price gouging: How to protect yourself and report it | Insurance protection: Video tape home inventory | Tampa Bay sandbag locations | Find a hurricane shelter near you | Hurricane Irma Emergency Phone Numbers Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd posted on his official Twitter account Wednesday that deputies will be checking identification at the county's shelters, and anyone with a warrant will be arrested and taken to \"the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail.\" Judd also posted that sex offenders and sex predators would not be admitted to the shelters. Sheriff's spokeswoman Carrie Horstman says they're trying to educate the public before the storm hits this weekend. She says they're hoping people with warrants will turn themselves and use the next few days to deal with their legal issues. If you go to a shelter for #Irma and you have a warrant, we'll gladly escort you to the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail https://t.co/Qj5GX9XQBi\u2014 Polk County Sheriff (@PolkCoSheriff) September 6, 2017 If you have a warrant, turn yourself in to the jail - it's a secure shelter https://t.co/UFNGNafJh8\u2014 Polk County Sheriff (@PolkCoSheriff) September 6, 2017 We cannot and we will not have innocent children in a shelter with sexual offenders & predators. Period. https://t.co/DlhqjqFrkM\u2014 Polk County Sheriff (@PolkCoSheriff) September 6, 2017 ", "label": 0, "idx": 60 }, { "sentence": "Here\u2019s What Happened When a Drunk Driver Pulled a Gun on a Police OfficerIt\u2019s not often that a suspect\u2019s attorney calls the police officer who arrested him a \u201ctrue hero;\u201d but in John Picerno\u2019s eyes, that exactly what Overland Park Police Sergeant Scott Ferguson is. Back in April, Ferguson was on night patrol when he spotted a vehicle driving along the wrong side of road with no headlights on. He pulled the car over, but the driver quickly took off again\u2026only to crash into a fire hydrant. Dash cam footage from Ferguson\u2019s patrol car then shows the drunk driver exiting his vehicle. He stood there hunched over with his hands behind his back, until Ferguson began approaching. That\u2019s when the driver pulled out a pistol. Rather than brandishing his own weapon, Ferguson wrestled the gun out of the driver\u2019s hands \u2013 and the driver to the ground where he was finally handcuffed. At his hearing in August, the suspect pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and battery on a law enforcement officer, as well as driving under the influence. After serving 170 days of his sentence, he was placed on probation. But according to Picerno, his lawyer, he should just be thankful he\u2019s alive. \u201cHe is very lucky and both he and his family are very grateful for the officer, Sgt. Scott Ferguson, who exercised extreme discretion during the incident,\u201d Picerno said according to the Kansas City Star. He added that Ferguson likely would\u2019ve been justified in firing his weapon in that situation. \u201cNo one is tougher on law enforcement than me,\u201d he continued. \u201cI have to say Sgt. Ferguson is a true hero in my book. He is an example of what good policing looks like.\u201d We couldn\u2019t agree more. You can watch the dash cam video here.", "label": 0, "idx": 61 }, { "sentence": "Video of officer punching woman has some crying foul in York city\nCourtesy Danielle Beatty YORK, PA \u2014 A video circulating on Facebook has some residents in York city crying foul, while the York City Police Department is encouraging residents to not jump to conclusions. CBS21 News' Brandi Proctor spoke with York City Police Chief Wes Kahley who explained the video showed only a small portion of what happened and that his officer was defending himself. Watch the video here: Chief Kahley stated he does believe the 10-second video is disturbing, but added that it's the events leading up to the video that caused the officer to react. The video showing 23-year-old Melissa Penn, being punched by an unidentified police officer surfaced on social media early Monday morning. Police allege Penn caused a disturbance inside the popular bar on the 400 block of East Market Street in York before attacking the office and kneeing him several times. -- All of this happened before the cameras started rolling. Residents CBS21 News spoke with say seeing a woman being punched is hard to watch, regardless of the circumstance. \"One thing we want to make sure of, is that our officers are doing their jobs correctly. We want to make sure they are treating people with respect. Again, I don't expect any officers to be punching bags,\" Chief Kahley said. Police say there is more video that may be released in the future. In the meantime, they are asking the public to not draw any conclusions. Police said the woman depicted in the video has been arrested, but did not release the charges pending against her.", "label": 0, "idx": 62 }, { "sentence": "Donald Trump Doesn't Believe in the ConstitutionDonald Trump, Republican nominee for president, does not believe in the United States Constitution. That\u2019s a strong statement, but it\u2019s increasingly clear that it\u2019s true. Trump wants to be president of a country whose fundamental organizing document he almost completely disagrees with. Even if he has read the Constitution \u2013 which is a serious question, as raised by Khizr and Ghazala Khan during the DNC \u2013 Trump doesn\u2019t believe in its core principles and values. You know, the principles and values that make America great. This disdain was on full display Monday. When talking about the recent bombings in New York and New Jersey, Trump lamented the fact that the Constitution would require suspected bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami to be treated fairly. \u201cHe will be represented by an outstanding lawyer. His case will go through the various court systems for years and in the end, people will forget and his punishment will not be what it once would have been. What a sad situation,\u201d he said. \u201cWe must have speedy but fair trials and we must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people.\u201d Trump also decried that Rahami would be given \u201camazing hospitalization\u201d and \u201ca fully modern and updated hospital room.\u201d Putting aside Trump\u2019s inaccurate assessment of the quality of medical care prisoners receive and the woefully underfunded public defender system in the U.S., Trump is attacking some of the bedrock principles of American justice. Ever since Gideon v. Wainwright, the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution has been understood to require that everyone charged with serious offenses in this country receive defense counsel. This protection for criminal defendants is cause for celebration, not castigation. Speaking about this right in glowing terms, the Supreme Court has said it is \u201cnecessary to insure fundamental human rights of life and liberty\u201d and called this a \u201cnoble ideal\u201d without which there can be no fair trial. Similarly, the Eighth Amendment prohibits \u201ccruel and unusual punishment.\u201d We already know from Trump\u2019s advocating extreme forms of torture that he is no fan of this part of the Constitution, but his comments Monday make that even clearer. Prisoners\u2019 serious medical needs cannot be ignored; doing so would be \u201ccruel and unusual.\u201d The Supreme Court has explained that \u201cinfliction of such unnecessary suffering is inconsistent with contemporary standards of decency\u201d and outlined the basic principle that \u201cthe public be required to care for the prisoner, who cannot, by reason of the deprivation of his liberty, care for himself.\u201d Just this weekend, he once again showed that he couldn\u2019t care less about the First Amendment. After The New York Times published a story finding that Trump relied on $885 million in tax breaks to build his real estate empire in New York City, Trump tweeted, \u201cMy lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting.\u201d Of course, as any middle school student will tell you, the First Amendment protects the freedom of the press. Part of that protection is that no public figure can sue as a result of a bad story without proving malice, meaning that the journalists knew the story was false or demonstrated complete disregard for whether it was true. This standard is crucial in protecting the press from being attacked by people who don\u2019t like unflattering coverage. Without this principle, the press would be too scared to write pieces critical of the powerful, and the First Amendment would be virtually meaningless. It\u2019s been clear from other contexts, though, that \u201c virtually meaningless\u201d is how Trump views the First Amendment as a whole. Among other things, he has called for violence against individuals expressing their opinions and advocated for a religious test for those entering the country. These positions fly in the face of the First Amendment\u2019s protection of free expression and freedom of religion, as well as its guarantee against an established state religion. Trump is no fan of the rest of the Constitution either. His recently announced maternity leave plan includes no coverage for fathers, which shows his lack of concern for the 14th Amendment\u2019s Equal Protection Clause; his insistence that women and doctors should be punished for abortion shows that he doesn\u2019t believe in a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause; he has promised to violate treaties, which are constitutionally recognized sources of law; he doesn\u2019t understand the difference between state and federal authority, the basic principle of federalism which underlies the Constitution; nor does he care about separation of powers, the founding constitutional idea that the president, Congress and the courts have different responsibilities in order to prevent tyranny. In other words, other than his repeated invocation of the Second Amendment, including his not-so-oblique references to one of his supporters shooting Hillary Clinton (something that came up again this weekend), Trump has shown that he disagrees not just with one or two isolated parts of the Constitution \u2013 which would be within normal democratic bounds, and is countenanced by the Constitution\u2019s amendment process \u2013 but rather with the very fabric of the document. This is highly unusual in American politics, where most debate occurs against the backdrop of accepted constitutional principles. Trump doesn\u2019t appear to accept those principles at all, and instead seems to want to be president of a country with a foreign understanding of government and its relationship to the people. If Trump were elected, he would have to swear the same allegiance to the Constitution that every president has before him: \u201cI do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.\u201d Based on how he has campaigned over the past year, if he were to utter those last 10 words, he would be lying \u2013 as has become par for the course with Donald Trump.", "label": 1, "idx": 63 }, { "sentence": "Trump: Clinton has \"no idea\" if Russia behind email hack -- So who's right?For the third debate in a row, Donald Trump expressed doubt that Russia was behind recent hacks of Democratic groups, putting him at odds not just with Hillary Clinton, but with the entire U.S. intelligence community. \u201cShe has no idea whether it\u2019s Russia, China, or anybody else,\u201d Trump said at the final presidential debate held in Las Vegas Wednesday night. \u201cHillary, you have no idea.\u201d \u201cDo you doubt 17 military and civilian agencies,\u201d Clinton fired back. \u201cAnd our country has no idea,\u201d Trump said. \u201cYeah, I doubt it, I doubt it.\u201d In this case, Clinton had it right. Two weeks ago, the U.S. intelligence community announced it is \u201cconfident that the Russian government directed the recent compromises of e-mails.\u201d The candidates also challenged on a number of other issues throughout the debate. On the issue of immigration, Trump said Clinton agreed with his signature proposal. \u201cHillary Clinton wanted the wall. Hillary Clinton fought for the wall in 2006,\u201d Trump said. \u201cI voted for border security, and there are...\u201d Clinton began speaking, before Trump interrupted, \u201cAnd the wall.\u201d We rate Trump\u2019s claim as partially true. As a senator, Clinton did vote for a bill to build 700 miles of fencing along parts of the 2,000-mile Southern border, but not a massive wall as Trump has proposed. Trump accused Clinton Wednesday night of hiring people to disrupt his allies. \u201cShe\u2019s the one, and Obama, that caused the violence,\u201d Trump said. The truth on that score is unclear. Democratic contractors were caught on video, appearing to plan to provoke Trump supporters. But there\u2019s no indication Clinton\u2019s campaign paid for it or even knew about it. As in previous debates, Trump denied making some controversial comments that are immortalized on video. \u201cHe said that he could not possibly have done those things to those women because they were not attractive enough for them to be assaulted,\u201d Clinton said. \u201cI did not say that. I did not say that,\u201d Trump said. But in Greensboro, North Carolina, Trump told a crowd, \u201cBelieve me. She would not be my first choice. That I can tell you.\u201d \u201cHe also went after a disabled reporter, mocked and mimicked him on national television,\u201d Clinton said. \u201cWrong,\u201d Trump denied. But he did that too, at a campaign rally at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. \u201cI don\u2019t remember!\u2019 He\u2019s going like, \u2018I don\u2019t remember!\u2019\u201d Trump said, imitating his physical handicap. On the budget, Clinton claimed that her proposals on infrastructure and education would not add a penny to the debt because she has ways to pay for all of them. Independent analysts said that\u2019s false -- her plan add $200 billion to the debt over the next decade. Trump\u2019s plans, they said, would add $5.3 trillion.", "label": 0, "idx": 64 } ]