[ { "sentence": "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Said That \u201cTrump Could Be the Greatest President in History\u201d?Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that \u201cTrump could be the greatest president in history.\u201d In a 14 December 2016 interview with CNN\u2019s Don Lemon, Robert Kennedy, Jr. said that \u201cI think Trump can be any kind of president he wants. I think he could be the greatest president in history if he wanted to.\u201d Kennedy, who spoke these words prior to Donald Trump's taking office, was speaking in general terms about his hope that Trump would become a great president, seeing optimism in the fact that Trump appeared at the time to be unbound by ideology. On 14 December 2016, President John F. Kennedy\u2019s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, appeared on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon to discuss the appointment of former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State (a move Kennedy, an environmental activist, was strongly opposed to). In an earlier segment on that night\u2019s show, Lemon and his guests had drawn comparisons between the Trumps and the Kennedys, referencing remarks made by former Microsoft head Bill Gates a day earlier, with Lemon\u2019s asking Kennedy Jr. how he felt about this comparison: We\u2019ve discussed this on this show during the primary season, but Bill Gates has said today that Trump could be a new JFK. Some people look how close the Trump family is and how connected the children are to the family business and any they could be like the Kennedys. [\u2026] How do you feel about that? Kennedy\u2019s answer, essentially, was not that Donald Trump had already done and achieved things that would fairly rank him as the \u201cgreatest President in history,\u201d but that the comparison of Trump to the Kennedy family could turn out to be fair, because Donald Trump \u201cis less bound by ideology than any president probably that we\u2019ve had this century.\u201d His statement was one of optimism for the future and was not rooted in anything Donald Trump (who had yet to assume office) had actually done as President: I think Trump, you know, because he doesn\u2019t have obligations, he doesn\u2019t owe anything to anybody, if he\u2019s \u2014 I think if he cares about history and he understands that history is his principal audience, that he could be an extraordinary president. [\u2026] He said to Leonardo DiCaprio the other day that he wanted to be the next Teddy Roosevelt and he can easily do that he could \u2014 but I think it\u2019s important to start by surrounding yourself with advisers who share that idealism and not people who are just working for the oil industry. I think he can be any kind of president he wants. I think he could be the greatest president in history if he wanted to. Since that exchange, numerous pro-Trump websites have run with Kennedy\u2019s statement that \u201cI think [Trump] could be the greatest president in history\u201d without offering the any of the context that led to up to it. Numerous YouTube videos excerpt this brief segment, posted under the title \u201cRobert F. Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshell: \u2018Trump Could Be Greatest President In History!'\u201d Other sites have added their own slanted commentary to Kennedy\u2019s remark, frequently suggesting the conversation happened more recently. In a May 2017 post frequently reshared on Facebook, ConservativeFighters.com gleefully and rhetorically asked: \u201cCan you hear the sobs coming from liberal protesters when a left-wing icon like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. finally admits the truth?\u201d While Kennedy is certainly a Democrat, he has expressed willingness to work with Trump in the past, especially during the timeframe when the Don Lemon interview took place. Trump allegedly offered Kennedy (though Trump later disputed this) the chance to head a controversial commission on \u201cvaccine safety\u201d that had been widely panned by the medical community back in January 2017. However, because Kennedy\u2019s words, in full context, were not offered as complimentary of Trump\u2019s actions as a president (which he wasn\u2019t at that point) but as a general hopefulness for the future, we rate this claim as a mixture. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.", "label": 0, "idx": 0 }, { "sentence": "NATO Agrees to Formally Joint Anti-ISIS CoalitionOfficials familiar with the situation say that NATO has agreed to join the US-led anti-ISIS coalition on an alliance level, with indications that Germany and France were the last nations to agree to the formal move, which will be announced during the Brussels summit. All NATO members are already individually members of the anti-ISIS coalition, and diplomats say that the move will have no actual consequence, and seemingly is being done just for the sake of a \u201cpurely symbolic\u201d gesture during President Trump\u2019s visit. President Trump has always been keen to bring NATO deeper into the ISIS war, of course, and has made a big deal about NATO\u2019s obsolescence because it wasn\u2019t formed specifically to deal with terrorism, claiming in April that \u201c back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.\u201d While shortly after his election most NATO officials were just attacking Trump for being too \u201cpro-Russia,\u201d recently they seem to be eager to please him, so long as it only requires symbolic actions that won\u2019t amount to anything. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz", "label": 0, "idx": 1 }, { "sentence": "Juanita Broaddrick: Trump Apologized; Where's Bill and Hillary's Apologies?Prior to Sunday's presidential debate, four women who have accused the Clintons of wrongdoing, including allegations of sexual deviancy, spoke at a press availability with Republican Donald Trump. Observers said Trump meant to contrast his vulgar leaked 2005 audiotape with the allegations from the women about their mistreatment at the hands of the Clintons. \"It's so important...when people are talking about... the words that Donald Trump uttered--he's very embarrassed...he's apologetic for those words,\" Juanita Broaddrick, 73, told Sean Hannity. Broaddrick has accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1978, and has said that Hillary Clinton attacked her character after she came forward with the original accusations. \"I've never heard one apology for what Hillary Clinton did to me after she threatened me after her husband raped me. I did have an apology from Bill Clinton, although he'll never admit it--I'd like to see him do it in-person,\" she said. Broaddrick added that she \"feared\" a Clinton presidency because she suspected that Hillary Clinton would seek retribution against her for speaking out once more. Watch the full clip above and let us know what you think in the comments. Krauthammer: Trump Threat to Prosecute Hillary Sounds Like a 'Banana Republic'", "label": 1, "idx": 2 }, { "sentence": "The Spirit of Free Speech at UC Berkeley: Why the Left Opposes It\nA protest sign is tacked to a pole before a speaking engagement by Ben Shapiro on the campus of the University of California Berkeley in Berkeley, Calif., Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson) In an article focusing on free speech on the campus, The New York Times tells its readers that the UC Berkeley faculty is divided over whether or not the university should allow right-wing speakers to appear on campus. Their most recent concern was motivated by a \"Free Speech Week\" event that was being put together by provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, who was invited by a small campus group called Berkeley Patriot. He was going to appear on the campus in February, but his scheduled speech was canceled after protesters prevented it from taking place. The upcoming event was scheduled to take place from September 24-27, but as Rick Moran reports in these pages, it was announced today that Berkeley Patriot canceled the event. Participants initially mentioned were Steve Bannon and Ann Coulter, but now it has become apparent that neither planned to attend. Listed speaker Charles Murray announced he would not participate in any event Milo had arranged \u201cbecause he is a despicable asshole.\u201d Murray\u2019s name, moreover, was listed without his knowledge or consent. All of these announced speakers regularly enrage leftist students and send them into conniptions. To confound issues even more, Milo Yiannopoulos announced he would appear and speak anyway at the famous Sproul Plaza, the site of the 1964 Free Speech Movement protest. Promising surprises, he now is asserting his right to free speech as a private citizen to speak on campus without any formal group sponsorship or invitation. Saying he would appear this Sunday at noon, there is certain to be a large police presence as well as a vast group of leftist protestors, most likely including Antifa groups. The highlight at the now suspended conference was to be the \"Mario Savio Award,\u201d given to the individual who in their eyes has most represented the idea of free speech. The name of the award is also meant to anger liberals. Mario Savio led the famous Berkeley protests in the 1960s. When the university moved in October of 1964 to prevent a protestor from speaking, students spontaneously surrounded the police car he had been put in. Savio gave an eloquent speech that made him famous from on top of the police car. Soon 3000 or more students arrived. Then they took over Sproul Plaza, the administration building. Eventually, scores of police arrived and arrested those students who had taken over the building. Now Yiannopoulos is co-opting the once liberal and leftist cause of free speech as his own, and in effect positing that he and his associates are the ones acting in Savio\u2019s spirit. An organizer of the original '60s protests, playwright and author Barbara Garson, called Free Speech Week a \u201cgrotesque parody\u201d of the movement she helped lead. As of today \u2014 the 23rd \u2014 the event will not take place. Yet Milo's appearance \u2014 should he show up \u2014 has forced the university authorities to spend one million dollars arranging for security, since they fear the kind of violence that erupted in Charlottesville when Antifa appeared to contest the neo-Nazis and racists who planned a rally there. It\u2019s getting very expensive for conservatives to speak. Recently, Ben Shapiro spoke without incident and reported he had a fruitful exchange of opinion with liberal and leftist students, although security for his talk cost UC Berkeley $600,000.", "label": 1, "idx": 3 }, { "sentence": "MO Democrat Chappelle-Nadal Compares Trump to Hitler and Hopes for His Assassination \u2026Then Plays Race Card\nIn August outspoken Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal called for the assassination of President Trump. Chappelle-Nadal posted the comment on Facebook. Chappelle-Nadal then deleted it in a panic. Maria Chappelle-Nadal was removed from her committee assignments the next week. But she was not removed from public office. On Thursday Chappelle-Nadal compared Trump to Hitler. Because\u2026. Republicans are Nazis. Democrat Maria Chappelle Nadal defended her decision to compare President Trump to Hitler in an interview on Thursday afternoon\u2026 AND she played the race card. FOX 2 reported: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch interviewed Chappelle-Nadal about the tweet. She tells the newspaper that, \u201cI have a First Amendment right to share my opinion, and if a meme is offensive to people, they should look at the First Amendment again,\u201d she said. \u201cThen ask yourself why you have different qualifications for a black woman of Puerto Rican descent than other people putting up a meme with no words. It\u2019s Twitter.\u201d Maria is the future of the Democrat Party \u2014 constant insults and pure insanity. Sponsored Sponsored", "label": 1, "idx": 4 }, { "sentence": "Trey Gowdy: FBI Was Only Following Trump's Order\nIn this Dec. 7, 2017 file photo, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., speaks during a House Judiciary hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) (Newser) \u2013 If his TV was tuned to Fox News on Tuesday, President Trump surely didn't like what he heard. Rep. Trey Gowdy, a Trump ally and chairman of the House Oversight Committee, appeared on the network to poke holes in Trump's claim that the FBI planted a spy in his 2016 campaign. According to memos from James Comey, \"President Trump himself \u2026 said, 'If anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it,' and it sounds to me like that is exactly what the FBI did,\" Gowdy said, referring to reports that FBI informant Stefan Halper reached out to Trump advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page before the 2016 election. Gowdy added that a Justice Department briefing last week convinced him the move had \"nothing to do\" with Trump. What Politico calls Gowdy's \"significant pushback against the president\" then received backing from another Trump supporter, Fox News commentator Andrew Napolitano. \"There is no evidence\" to support Trump's claims that a spy infiltrated his campaign in order to pass information to the Obama administration and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, and \"I'd want to see evidence before I made an allegation that outrageous,\" he said, before describing Halper's actions as \"standard operating procedure in intelligence gathering and in criminal investigations.\" Despite anchor Shepard Smith later saying much the same, Trump stuck to his \"Spygate\" theory at a Tuesday rally in Nashville, asking the crowd, \"How do you like the fact they had people infiltrating our campaign?\" per the Post.", "label": 0, "idx": 5 }, { "sentence": "Imagine if the Austin bomber was a Mexican or Muslim' Twitter users point out double standards after terror attacks\nMembers of law enforcement stage near the area where a suspect in a series of bombing attacks in Austin blew himself up as authorities closed in, Wednesday, March 21, 2018, in Round Rock, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay) People have been quick to point out how a bombing in Austin, Texas is reported in the wider media. Police said today that the suspect linked with a series of deadly parcel bombs targeting Austin, Texas, is dead. The suspect was killed after detonating a device when officers approached his car. Four bomb attacks took place in Austin, the state capital, and one in Schertz. The blasts that began in Austin earlier this - involved package bombs and a tripwire and all said to be related. The bombings killed two people and left the Texas capital terrorised with fear for 19 days. Thank you FBI. The Austin bomber, a 24 year old white male (therefore not classified as a terrorist ) will no longer TERRORIZE Austin residents. #AustinBombing\u2014 Brian Krassenstein\ud83d\udc2c (@krassenstein) March 21, 2018 Imagine if the Austin bomber was a Mexican or Muslim. When the Austin Police chief announce that the bombing suspect was found, Trump would had been calling for a ban of immigrants or the immediate building of his stupid wall. FACT: This is a white terrorist! #AustinBombing\u2014 Ed Krassenstein \ud83d\udc8e (@EdKrassen) March 21, 2018 Bombings have barely made the news. Black people murdered by a white male, no surprise that the media isn\u2019t interested. #AustinBombing\u2014 cheat_codes (@closeweek) March 21, 2018 Could you imagine what Donald Trump, Republicans and Fox News would have been saying if the #AustinBombing terrorist was Muslim, Black or Latino? But no, he was a 24 year old white male so it\u2019s just another passing news story not a 24/7 tool to fear-monger against minorities\u2014 \u267b\ufe0f Christopher Zullo (@ChrisJZullo) March 21, 2018 Austin bomber was a 24 year old white male. I am sure he will be described as a sick individual instead of terrorist. #AustinBombing #DomesticTerrorism\u2014 Naturalclone (@naturalclone) March 21, 2018 #AustinBombing.....24 year old white male suspect killed after detonating last bomb as police closed in. Or, as the rest of the world sees it, American Terrorist kills himself with own device. If you still believe terrorists are only Muslims with a backpack, I truly pity you.\u2014 \u2744Is It Over Yet?\u2744 (@gnomes_77) March 21, 2018 Some were a little blunt than others. This shit is fucking terrorism, stop being fucking dumb. but noooo it can\u2019t possibly be terrorism if they\u2019re not a muslim. #AustinBombing\u2014 amani. (@amanisxos) March 21, 2018 ", "label": 0, "idx": 6 }, { "sentence": "Donald Trump urged by Margaret Thatcher aide to \u2018show humility\u2019Writing in the Yorkshire Post, Sir Bernard Ingham warned Donald Trump that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not be \u201ccontained by sweet talk\u201d. He also told the President-elect he was \u201cAmerica\u2019s people\u2019s idea of the best of a bad job\u201d. Donald Trump was asked to show some humility by Sir Bernard Ingham The president-elect has a chance to bring about world peace Sir Bernard, who was the former Prime Minister\u2019s press secretary from 1979 to 1990 warned Mr Trump could not succeed by ignoring US debt and hoping to \u201cbomb Islamic terrorism out of existence\u201d. He wrote: \u201cYou need to convince people that what is good for Americans would be good for them, too. Sir Ingham was an aide to PM Thatcher \u201cYou will only do that if America becomes happier with itself. \u201cYou will be considered a great president if, at the end of your first term, the world is more stable and prosperous than you found it on taking the oath.\u201d", "label": 0, "idx": 7 }, { "sentence": "Homeland Security is in contact with European allies regarding terror attack in BarcelonaDepartment of Homeland Security and counter-terrorism officials are in contact with Spanish authorities in the aftermath of the terrorist attack that killed at least 13 people and left more than 80 injured on Thursday at a busy tourist area in Barcelona, Spain, according to DHS officials who spoke with Circa. DHS spokeswoman Anna Franko, said that the acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke has been briefed on the situation in Barcelona, Spain and remains in contact with U.S. allies in Europe in lieu of the ongoing investigation. A van slammed its way through crowds of people in the well-known area of Las Ramblas avenue. The area was reportedly crowded with locals and tourists who frequent the restaurants and shops in the historic district. The above message in Spanish was posted on a confirmed ISIS media page on the secure Telegram app. Islamic State praised the attack on their official Telegram account and have claimed responsibility in statement carried on its Aamaq news agency. Some U.S. Law enforcement officials say the attack bears similar hallmarks of past attacks and the groups of has reportedly called for using vehicles as primary weapons against civilians, followed by secondary attacks using weapons against bystanders. Catalan Interior Minster Joaquim Forn confirmed at a press conference that 13 people were killed and more than 50 injured. Catalan police are treating the incident as a terror attack and have sealed off the area, according to reports. The city has canceled public events. Metro and train stations are also closed at the request of city officials and emergency services. Police at the scene in Barcelona after the van crash. The situation is being closely monitored by Duke, who is being kept apprised of developments, Franko said. \"DHS has reached out to Spanish authorities, and the Department is standing by to support our allies as they respond to and recover from this horrendous attack,\" Franko added. \"Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and those affected. We will not let terrorism become the new normal. Instead, such acts of violence only harden our resolve to fight back against violent extremists, bring them to justice, and dismantle their networks. DHS will continue its efforts to raise the baseline of our security across the board and to work with foreign partners to help them do the same.\" FBI is not currently commenting on the situation as it is fluid and the Spanish authorities are leading the investigation. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson weighs in on the attack in Spain. State Department officials did not immediately respond for comment, as to whether or not Spanish authorities have asked for assistance from the United States to help with the terror investigation. Spanish authorities continue to remain vigilant and local authorities have asked people in the Las Ramblas area of the city, where the attack took place to remain on alert, according to reports. RELATED STORIES: 13 are dead and more than 50 injured in the Barcelona attack a government official said Sen. Grassley says partisan lawsuits against President Trump should also implicate Hillary Clinton U.S. Ambassador to Israel asks organization to reconsider it's opposition to McMaster and Tillerson", "label": 0, "idx": 8 }, { "sentence": "The Weather Channel Just Made Urgent Warning To Anyone In The Path Of Hurricane MatthewHurricane Matthew could have catastrophic impacts and concerns are growing about people that have decided to stay in areas under mandatory evacuations. The Weather Channel caught wind of all of the people saying the storm was \u201cjust hype\u201d and released this warning. If you \u2013 or anyone you know \u2013 lives in Florida or in the path of Hurricane Matthew it\u2019s important that you see this. According to Senior Hurricane Expert, Bryan Norcross, this storm is like nothing we\u2019ve seen before. Governor Rick Scott of Florida told 1.5 million people living in evacuation zones: \u201cYou need to leave. Evacuate, evacuate, evacuate.\u201d Hurricane Matthew is a Category 4 storm and has already been blamed for the deaths of over 280 people in Haiti. Please SHARE this important message with your friends and family! Due to restrictions, this video cannot be viewed in your region.", "label": 0, "idx": 9 }, { "sentence": "Metal Man Metal Man is the easiest second easiest third easiest Robot Master from Mega Man 2, AKA the Best Mega Man game ever. Dr. Wily made Metal Man for combat purposes. But since Wily is stupid enough to model Metal Man after Cut Man, Metal Man is weak to the Mega Buster. But he never really died. He is now figuring out his revenge alongside Quick Man against Mega Man (And Air Man). You'll figure it out. Metal Man's real name was Harper Jose, a Hispanic dentist. Metal Man, although the coolest ever Robot Master, literally can't beat Air Man, due to Air Man being immune to uber weapons. Interestingly, Metal Man and Shadow Man are very similar, as they are the coolest Robot Masters in their respective games (although Metal Man is arguable, given the majority of RMs in 2 are awesome), weak to their own weapons, which are cutter weapons made of metal, and neither of their weapons can touch Air Man and are strong against Bubble Man.", "label": 0, "idx": 10 }, { "sentence": "Don Lemon: Trump Unhinged, Embarrassing, Petty, \"Opened Race Wound From Charlottesville\"CNN's Don Lemon called President Trump a liar, petty, and devoid of the facts after he held a rally Tuesday night in Phoenix. Lemon also questioned Trump's fitness for office and if he is \"stable.\" \"He's unhinged, it's embarrassing and I don't mean for us, the media because he went after us, but for the country,\" Lemon said. \"His speech was without thought, it was without reason, it was devoid of facts, it was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity there,\" Lemon said. \n DON LEMON, CNN: Well, what do you say to that? I'm just going to speak from the heart here. What we have witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts. Someone who came out on stage and lied directly the American people and left things out that he said in an attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to Charlottesville. He's unhinged, it's embarrassing and I don't mean for us, the media because he went after us, but for the country. This is who we elected president of the United States. A man who is so petty that he has to go after people who he deems to be his enemy, like an imaginary friend of a 6-year-old. His speech was without thought, it was without reason, it was devoid of facts, it was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity there. He was like a child blaming a sibling on something else. He did it, I didn't do it. He certainly opened up the race wound from Charlottesville. A man clearly wounded by the rational people who are abandoning him in droves, meaning those business people and the people in Washington now who are questioning his fitness for office and whether he is stable. A man backed into a corner it seems by circumstances beyond his control and beyond his understanding. That's the truth. If you watch that speech as an American, you had to be thinking what in the world is going on? This is the person we elected as president of the United States? This petty, this small, a person who is supposed to pull the country together? Certainly didn't happen there. ", "label": 1, "idx": 11 }, { "sentence": "Laremy Tunsil joins NFL players in kneeling during national anthemAfter Colin Kaepernick rightly chose to kneel during the national anthem before NFL games, many racists and idiots came out with critical response to what was a peaceful, important statement against police brutality and systemic American racism. That\u2019s what Kap\u2019s protest is about. Brutality and racism. Violence against people of color, unimpugned state violence at that. Kap\u2019s protest is strictly against racism, which is what this country was built on. On the backs of African slaves shipped here catch-style to do white people\u2019s work. Kap\u2019s protest is decidedly not against the American flag. Anyone \u2014 including our moron President \u2014 that tries to argue otherwise is themselves a moron. \u201cBut the troops!\u201d you might scream. The troops are a manifold and variegated thing. Here\u2019s a former Marine sayingthat Kap\u2019s protest is nececcesary. Chaps is good. Many of them fight for Kaepernick\u2019s right to stand down during the national anthem. You want to shit on those troops too? Here\u2019s a picture of Laremy Tunsil, a wonderful and beautiful left tackle, kneeling out of solidarity with fellow Americans before Sunday\u2019s game against the New York Jets, which the Dolphins lost, 20-6. That doesn\u2019t matter at all, though. He kneels at left. Hat off to Tunsil for this action. \u201cRespecting the flag\u201d and \u201crespecting the anthem\u201d before football games are perhaps the dumbest notions floated among sports fans. Sporting events are not flag-worthy at all. Nobody else in the world does this. Further, THESE ATHLETES ARE HUMAN PEOPLE. Laremy Tunsil is a real person with real political beliefs, and his political beliefs include \u201cblack people shouldn\u2019t be killed by the police with impunity.\u201d That\u2019s a pertinent thing to assert. Tunsil\u2019s politicism is important.", "label": 1, "idx": 12 }, { "sentence": "LIVE STREAM: Donald Trump Victory SpeechDonald Trump will address the nation from New York City this evening as the president elect of the United States. The Trump campaign has been holding its election night party all night at the New York Hilton Midtown, with the festivities beginning at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Trump\u2019s supporters have become more and more energized as the hours have ticked on, and Trump will take the stage to address them soon. The speech can be viewed live in the embedded YouTube player via Right Side Broadcasting. It\u2019s not currently known when Trump will take the stage, as we\u2019re still awaiting for many more results to come in. But at about 1:00 a.m., Decision Desk HQ officially made their call that Donald Trump has been elected president, and it looks incredibly unlikely that the election will end any other way at this point. It\u2019s difficult to overstate how monumental of an event this is in the history of American politics. Donald Trump went into this election night being seen as having no real shot at the White House, with many Democrats not even expecting the race to be remotely close. Trump has pulled off what will likely go down as the most shocking political upset in history, and the election result proved nearly every single poll and electoral projection wrong. In fact, it seemed for a while that even Donald Trump himself wasn\u2019t sure that he was going to win the election. After all, when he was asked during the presidential debate whether he would concede to Hillary Clinton if he loses, Trump refused to commit to doing so, saying, \u201cI\u2019ll keep you in suspense\u201d seemingly because part of him doubted he could pull this thing off. Obviously, conceding to Hillary Clinton is no longer an issue. So what will Trump say in his speech tonight? Both supporters and detractors alike are hoping for the new president to start to heal the divide after an incredibly heated and contentious election cycle. It\u2019s also unknown how Donald Trump may address Hillary Clinton, his opponent who he has repeatedly said should be in jail. Hillary Clinton is also expected to speak from the Javits Center in New York City, although many of her supporters have already left the arena in tears. Read more about Donald Trump and Melania in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com: Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox.", "label": 0, "idx": 13 }, { "sentence": "Trump vs. Psychiatrists: Who's Crazier?Only seven months into his puzzling presidency, Donald Trump has accomplished an odd achievement: He\u2019s made Sigmund Freud relevant again. Although the father of psychoanalysis is no longer fashionable, the Freudian concept of psychological projection is alive and well. \u201cI think he\u2019s crazy,\u201d said Sen. Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat, speaking into an open microphone about Trump. J. Brien Comey, father of fired FBI director Jim Comey, thinks Trump belongs \u201cin an institution.\u201d Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin has questioned the president\u2019s \u201cmental stability.\u201d These aren\u2019t isolated examples. Many prominent liberals, conservatives, moderates, and libertarians have concluded that the president is off his rocker. The tangible evidence for that proposition is thin, and Trump seems to be enjoying himself more and more. Maybe we\u2019re all just projecting. \u201cTrump Derangement Syndrome\u201d is the phrase used by those sympathetic to the president to explain liberals\u2019 hair-on-fire response to anything Trump says or does. TDS is also an occupational hazard of being a member of the Republican establishment or a movement conservative who cares about such trite concepts as political principles. This became clear again last week in the hysteria over Trump\u2019s approach to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In response to the administration\u2019s original announcement rescinding DACA, liberals came unglued. Not content to call the decision dumb and racist, which they did, they played the sanity card. \u201cIt is lunacy,\u201d opined Minnesota\u2019s Democratic governor, Mark Dayton. The president, added HBO comedic pundit John Oliver, is out of his mind. \u201cUtter insanity,\u201d proclaimed Susan Hay, a co-founder of a Florida-based pro-immigrant and refugee nonprofit. That was then. A few days later, after dining on Chinese food (you can\u2019t make this stuff up) at the White House with Democratic congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Trump reversed field on DACA. In the real world, such a development is called processing new information. In modern U.S. politics, it\u2019s considered treason -- or insanity. This time, it was conservatives who melted down. Ann Coulter pronounced it the death of the GOP brand; Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, an immigration hardliner, claimed it would \u201ccrack\u201d Trump\u2019s core base of support; various commenters on conservative news sites theorized that Trump had been taken over by aliens. Not the illegal kind, the kind from outer space. Since before Trump\u2019s inauguration, Democratic attorneys in the nation\u2019s capital have contemplated replacing Trump under the 25th Amendment\u2019s requirement that the president is able to \u201cdischarge the powers and duties of his office,\u201d i.e. impeaching him on grounds he\u2019s intellectually incapacitated. Although this idea itself is bonkers, Coulter alluded to it\u2014not unfavorably\u2014Friday. \u201cAt this point,\u201d she tweeted, \u201cwho DOESN\u2019T want Trump impeached?\u201d Fellow conservative pundit Laura Ingraham, more measured in her criticism, noted that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough had spent most of the year speculating that Trump is \u201cmentally unstable [but] is praising him today.\u201d Ordinary civilians are getting into the psychology racket, too. \u201cJody,\u201d an Arizona conservative who dialed in to Ingraham\u2019s radio show, said she was suffering from a new strain of the disease: \u201cPelosi Trump Schumer Disorder,\u201d she called it. \u201cI am done if they don\u2019t build the wall.\u201d Jody was kidding, or at least half-kidding, but stressing out to this degree over politics is becoming a national obsession. It can\u2019t be healthy. And as for labeling as cuckoo those with whom we disagree, well, that\u2019s an old KGB tactic. We can\u2019t let Vladimir Putin do that to us. Unfortunately, the psychology racket is full of those with no sense of history. A new book arrived, unsolicited, in the mail recently with a long title: \u201cThe Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.\u201d The cover gives the game away, but the publisher also included a foreword from 91-year-old psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, who offers the melodramatic view that clinicians who don\u2019t warn the world about Donald Trump\u2019s shortcomings are akin to Nazi doctors who worked at Auschwitz. At the risk of practicing medicine without a license, I\u2019d suggest that this historical comparison is de facto evidence of TDS -- and paranoid grandiosity. A better title would have been \u201c27 Angry Democrats With Advanced Degrees Who Voted Against Trump and Say He\u2019s Crazy Although They\u2019ve Never Met Him.\u201d Lifton and others associated with this project are part of something called the \u201cDuty to Warn\u201d project. The word \u201cduty\u201d is a term of art, given that since 1973, the American Psychiatric Association had cautioned its members against diagnosing patients they\u2019ve not personally evaluated. Although this seems like common sense, it\u2019s more than that: It\u2019s a hard-earned lesson. It\u2019s called the \u201cGoldwater Rule,\u201d and it comes from the 1964 presidential campaign. In October of that year, when educated elites were just as unhinged over the idea of a Republican populist in the White House as they are today, provocative left-wing pamphleteer Ralph Ginzburg published an article in his \u201cFact\u201d magazine with an incendiary headline: \u201c1,189 Psychiatrists Say Goldwater Is Psychologically Unfit to Be President!\u201d For those too young to remember, Barry Goldwater was a conservative Arizona senator and the Republican Party\u2019s 1964 presidential nominee. Key in the creation of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Goldwater was also a decorated World War II pilot, a fiscal conservative, a fierce anti-communist, and friends in the Senate with John F. Kennedy. As Donald Trump would do 52 years later, Goldwater wrested the GOP nomination away from the Establishment, creating a fissure in Republican politics that exists to this day. Unlike Trump, Goldwater did not become president. He lost to Lyndon Johnson in a historic landslide. I\u2019ve never heard any political observer blame the Fact magazine article for that defeat, but it was so nasty and gratuitous that when the campaign was over Goldwater filed a libel suit in federal court. Of the 12,356 psychiatrists queried by Ginzburg, 2,417 responded \u2013 and only 657 pronounced Goldwater psychologically fit to be president. Some 1,189 of these quacks diagnosed the senator -- on the record, with their names attached \u2013 as unfit, offering such dubious diagnoses as \u201cmegalomania,\u201d \u201cparanoid personality, \u201cemotionally unstable,\u201d \u201cimmature,\u201d \u201cgrossly psychotic,\u201d \u201cmass murderer,\u201d \u201cimmoral,\u201d \u201cchronic schizophrenic,\u201d \u201cdangerous lunatic\u201d and \u2013 stupidest of all -- \u201ccowardly.\u201d Goldwater won his case, despite the high bar public officials face in such matters. When he testified in federal court, he came across as rational, composed, normal, and emotionally healthy. His critics were the ones who were unhinged. Is that happening again? Donald Trump seemed almost happy last week. Sure, he wants good coverage in the New York Times. Doesn\u2019t everyone? And, yes, he\u2019d rather spend time with Chuck Schumer than Mitch McConnell. Who wouldn\u2019t? He wants to build a wall to prevent future waves of illegal immigration, but has a soft spot for \u201cDreamers.\u201d He was in his element comforting hurricane victims. These traits make him crazy? He could be the sanest politician in Washington right now. Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)", "label": 1, "idx": 14 }, { "sentence": "\u2018Serial misconduct and perversion\u2019: Trump accusers describe incidents \u2018a thousand times worse than what Franken has done\u2019\nRachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey and Jessica Leeds with documentarian Robert Greenwald (Photo: Screen capture) A total of 16 women joined together Monday to address their stories of sexual assault and sexual harassment at the hands of President Donald Trump. While many of these women came forward during the 2016 election, the Trump campaign attacked them, their lives and many right-wing activists invented information designed to discredit them. The three women that spoke earlier to Megyn Kelly sat at a table with documentarian Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films. He commended the reporters who have investigated the many accounts across all industries about sexual harassment. \u201cThere was one man that wasn\u2019t being held accountable \u2014 who\u2019s not being called out,\u201d Greenwald said. That\u2019s why he decided to create the documentary with the women. \u201cIt really had an impact on your heart, your soul, your emotions,\u201d Greenwald said. He noted that so many women came forward to warn Americans, but \u201cattention was not paid.\u201d Today, Greenwald said \u201cwe know better. We know a lot better,\u201d when it comes to predators. He demanded those in politics to act against anyone of either party not to give anyone \u201ca pass.\u201d Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey and Rachel Crooks each introduced themselves, telling story after story of their horrifying encounters with Trump. \u201cI have a new dream now that this man will be held accountable for his actions and that future women will not be treated as less than just because they are a woman,\u201d Holvey said. Crooks noted that given Trump owned the building in which she worked, she didn\u2019t have any power to do anything. \u201cGiven this hostile work environment, my only solution at the time was to simply avoid additional encounters with him,\u201d Crooks said. \u201cI do realize that in the grand scheme of things there are far worse cases of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault. But make no mistake, there is no acceptable level of this behavior. That some men think they can use their power, position or notoriety to demean attack women speaks to their character and not ours. Which, believe me, is a tough lesson learned.\u201d She went on to say that it was only through other remarkably similar accounts that she felt empowered to come forward. \u201cInstead, this was serial misconduct and perversion on the part of Mr. Trump,\u201d Crooks continued. \u201cUnfortunately, this behavior isn\u2019t rare in our society. Many women of any background can be victims. The only reason I am here today is because this offender is the president of our country.\u201d She went on to note that Trump had dismissed his \u201cAccess Hollywood\u201d tape as \u201clocker room talk,\u201d but \u201chaving been the victim of such actions, I knew better.\u201d She asked that some things should transcend politics and that all people, regardless of position or power be held accountable for their actions, including Trump. Leeds walked through her disgusting story and further encounter, saying that she never once anticipated being on the front page of a newspaper. She was \u201cabsolutely destroyed\u201d by Trump\u2019s election. \u201cThe United States is a big strong country,\u201d Leeds said that she thought at the time. \u201cWe can survive this person.\u201d But women kept coming up to her in public and told Leeds their own story. She said that she had hoped things were better for women in business, but \u201capparently I was wrong.\u201d When the Harvey Weinstein story hit and woman after woman began to come forward, people were finally being held accountable. \u201cExcept for our president,\u201d Leeds said. She quoted Trump\u2019s White House, who has said that the women are all \u201cliars.\u201d She noted that some are holding men accountable for bad behavior, however, \u201cour president is not being held accountable for what he is and who he is.\u201d Leeds said that this is part of the problem that is happening in Alabama. Crooks agreed, saying that Trump endorsed Roy Moore because he denied the allegations and it \u201cworked for him.\u201d Lisa Boyne spoke via phone to the press conference, telling her own story of being invited to a dinner party with Trump in the West Village. She said that he wanted the women to rate other women on a 1 to 10 scale. While at dinner, the men used the table as a \u201ccasting couch.\u201d The women were brought to the table one by one and he told them to walk across the table. Boyne said that Trump looked up their skirts as they walked by. She said that John Casablancas ordered her to drink more but she refused and he was bothered by her refusal. She ultimately excused herself to the ladies room and from the restaurant. She explained that over the years her story was met with shame and questions of why she was there. She tried to pitch it to reporters, but no one wanted to hear it. \u201cAs a parent I was so deeply deeply offended\u2026 because he had a son around the age of my son and what sort of values are we teaching our children when we say that something like rape is \u2018locker room talk,'\u201d she shouted. \u201cAnd that her husband talking about that is \u2018boy talk.\u2019 Everybody is normalizing as something that boys and men say in the locker room. That is the talk of horrible people and Trump keeps staying it to the press pool. And you\u2019re all taking it in like it\u2019s normal. It is not a normal way for people to talk. Why aren\u2019t people calling him out on that. Something that is so horrific \u2014 I\u2019m so fed up of listening to people. We take it in like it\u2019s nothing. We shouldn\u2019t teach our boys to talk like this.\u201d She went on to say it was \u201cone thousand times worse that what Al Franken has done.\u201d Watch the full event below: You can watch the clip of the Brave New Films documentary below:", "label": 1, "idx": 15 }, { "sentence": "Fmr. FBI Asst. Director: Comey's Professional, Ethical Experience is at RiskFormer FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom weighs in on significance behind the FBI reopening the case against Hillary Clinton. The FBI announced Friday afternoon it will reopen its investigation of Hillary Clinton\u2019s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure as Secretary of State. The decision comes as the FBI said it is reviewing new information related to the original case. James Kallstrom, former FBI assistant director, discussed the news on the FOX Business Network. \u201cThese guys that run the FBI now came to the conclusion that they look like absolute fools and that they\u2019ve done a horrible job, they\u2019ve thrown the agents under the bus, they discredited the FBI\u2019s reputation,\u201d he told Neil Cavuto. \u201cAnd I can tell the people listening to you, it\u2019s not the FBI agents, believe me. It\u2019s two or three people at the top of the FBI.\u201d Kallstrom believes the government agency shouldn\u2019t have started an investigation in the first place if it didn\u2019t meet certain guidelines. \u201cIf they were not ever going to impanel a grand jury, that means you really don\u2019t conduct a criminal investigation. You don\u2019t have subpoena power, you don\u2019t have warrants. That was apparently apparent early on in this investigation. I would\u2019ve liked to have seen somebody with the integrity not to just conduct an investigation that doesn\u2019t meet any of the criteria of how the FBI operates,\u201d he stated. He added: \u201cI suspect that they never had a really bonafide investigation because the Justice Department wouldn\u2019t let them do it.", "label": 0, "idx": 16 }, { "sentence": "Trump Right On China The First Time\nFrom flickr.com: made in china {MID-167067} made in china ( Image by twicepix) Permission Details DMCA Article originally published in LaborPress By Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky After deferring to China for Korea and seeing no results, President Trump's return to disciplining China over trade crimes is the right position. On Aug. 14, President Trump authorized a probe on China's trade practices, with a focus on intellectual property theft as well as theft of American technologies. Add to the mix: devalued currency, refusal to sell fair quantities of American-made products, unbelievably low worker wages, lead and other poisons in dog food and baby food, plagiarized health and cancer research, deficient tires. Trump has now come back around to the correct view. The President slipped off the wagon for a while. He pressed on the point that the U.S. needed China to help deter a nuclear North Korea. However, dozens of missile tests later, with Kim Jong Un even closer to a long-range nuclear weapon, Trump now realizes that China only used the North Korea bait to give themselves more trade freedom against us. It is time to call the Chinese government out. The U.S. economy is weakened by Chinese intellectual property theft, counterfeit goods, and deficient products competing with American brands. China was unwilling to help make North Korea release Otto Warmbier early enough to get him medical help. In an interview on CNN Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the Senate Democratic Leader, told Trump how to handle China: \"You say, 'you can't push America around anymore,' which they've been able to do for administration after administration. Stop doing that. The President should say, 'You're not dealing with North Korea the way you should be.'\" On June 20, Trump tweeted about Warmbier, \"While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!\" Instead, China is giving us a victory here and there-- they will now import beef from us. That's nice of them. Apparently we can sell cows to China, but not cars. Schumer criticized Trump for at first reversing course. In an April 12 press conference right after his meetings with China's leader, Trump said, \"They're not currency manipulators,\" which he had called them at least fifteen times on the campaign trail. Schumer said of Trump and his team, \"Now they say they (China) aren't manipulating their currency. They are. I think China just does what it wants \"They gain trillions of dollars by stealing intellectual property, by dumping excess steel and aluminum. The way to get China to help with North Korea is be tougher with them on trade.\" How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria \u2014 Without Lifting A Finger Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by August 1, 2018? President Trump said that when he met with President Xi at the White House, \"After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it's not so easy. I felt pretty strongly that they had a tremendous power [over] North Korea.\" Of course China has leverage over North Korea. North Korea depends on China as a trading partner. In 10 minutes, Trump's view on China for thirty years apparently changed with a persuasive short argument from the president of a country that continually walks all over the U.S. This was Trump listening to the \"last man in the room\" at its worst. Trump said he told President Xi, \"The way you're going to make a good trade deal is to help us with North Korea; otherwise we're just going to go it alone.\" The last part of that sentence is what the U.S., along with its allies, should do. China will help regardless because it's in China's own interest to do so. Not allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. has been a Democratic issue for over forty years, from Dick Gephardt to Bernie Sanders, and it became a key one for Trump too-- a rare area of campaign agreement. The president's promise to stand up to China was one of the major reasons he won the election. China should not get a free ride because we want their help with North Korea. In 2015, the FBI released a survey of 165 anonymous companies, half of which reported they had been victims of economic espionage. Of that half, 95 percent blame China. The counterfeit goods market in China costs companies $20 billion a year. Are they buying us by Americans enjoying a $30 \"Rolex\" from a Times Square vendor? Simply put, China's illegal actions are costing American jobs. To prevent a nuclear North Korea, the recent U.S. deployment of the \"mother of all bombs\" was as much a warning to other countries, including North Korea, as it was about destroying ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan. The U.S. has military might and is willing to use it. North Korea knows that. It is not worth caving to China, who costs the U.S. billions of dollars a year, and allowing them to keep manipulating currency and committing economic espionage. Otto Warmbier's coma and death, and Korea's missile tests and H-bomb, are just more proof Schumer is right--Instead of making nice with China, President Trump must hold them accountable, as he promised. Robert Weiner is a former Clinton White House spokesman and spokesman for the House Government Operations Committee. He was senior staff for Congressmen Ed Koch, Charles Rangel, Claude Pepper, and John Conyers, Jr. Ben Lasky is senior policy analyst at Robert Weiner Associates and Solutions for Change. How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria \u2014 Without Lifting A Finger Watch This Breakthrough Tech Soar This Year! How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria \u2014 Without Lifting A Finger Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by November 8, 2018? Iconic \u2018Caddyshack\u2019 Scene Has One Huge Flaw No One Noticed Iconic \u2018Caddyshack\u2019 Scene Has One Huge Flaw No One Noticed Top Content in the Last 2 Days (by Page Views) Trump Colors The Flag Wrong, Reveals His True Stripes by Meryl Ann Butler (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Even now, John McCain finds a way to put Trump in his place Posted by Meryl Ann Butler (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Not Enough to Impeach Trump -- Entire Presidency Should Be Annulled by Robert B. Reich (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Biochemically Quashing Roundup's Carcinogenicity~Stephanie Seneff, MIT Genius~~Tulsi Gabbard Weighs in Against Roundup by Stephen Fox (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) McCain: Johnny Wet-Start Gets A Pass from the Media by Richard Volaar (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) The Real Crisis For The United States by Clarc King (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Be Careful What You Ask For: Wasting Time with Manafort, Cohen, and Russiagate by Jim Kavanagh (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) What Recent NY Primary Upset Means for Voters Everywhere by Joan Brunwasser (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Trump Can't Have A Dog by Rob Kall (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Pesticide Studies Won E.P.A.'s Trust, Until Trump's Team Scorned 'Secret Science' - 'Weaponized Transparency.'\" Posted by Susan Lee Schwartz (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) When America Was Great by Ethan Indigo Smith (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) So How Many Poor Vietnamese Did McCain's Bombs Kill in 23 Runs? by Jay Janson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Top Democrats are taking health care industry cash then opposing candidates who support \"Medicare for all\" by Tarbell org (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) There's nothing suspicious about Jen Moore's death. There's nothing suspicious about Jen Moore's death. There's nothing Posted by Josh Mitteldorf (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) What Did Pope Francis Know About Cardinal McCarrick -- And When Did He Know It? by Thomas Farrell (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) This is Our Time by Timothy Gatto (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) News from Humptydumptytribe--that eclipses anything else you read these days by Daniel Geery (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Weather Disasters, Climate Change, Human Options by Arshad M Khan (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) 2018 Peace Prize Awarded to David Swanson by David Swanson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Dead 'Yemeni Kids? Murdering Children By the Millions For Money and Power Is An American Way of Life by Jay Janson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Internet Censorship: Today, Alex Jones\u2013 tomorrow, YOU by Josh Mitteldorf (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Time for Dems to Kick the Corporate Money Addiction by Larry Butler (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Have an Active Kellogg-Briand Day by David Swanson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) There Is No Limit To Presstitute Hypocrisy by Paul Craig Roberts (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Senator John McCain served his country with honor; Trump said, \"nope, not me!\" by Michael Payne (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Go To Top 50 Most Popular From flickr.com: made in china {MID-167067} made in china ( Image by twicepix) Permission Details DMCA Article originally published in LaborPress By Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky After deferring to China for Korea and seeing no results, President Trump's return to disciplining China over trade crimes is the right position. On Aug. 14, President Trump authorized a probe on China's trade practices, with a focus on intellectual property theft as well as theft of American technologies. Add to the mix: devalued currency, refusal to sell fair quantities of American-made products, unbelievably low worker wages, lead and other poisons in dog food and baby food, plagiarized health and cancer research, deficient tires. Trump has now come back around to the correct view. The President slipped off the wagon for a while. He pressed on the point that the U.S. needed China to help deter a nuclear North Korea. However, dozens of missile tests later, with Kim Jong Un even closer to a long-range nuclear weapon, Trump now realizes that China only used the North Korea bait to give themselves more trade freedom against us. It is time to call the Chinese government out. The U.S. economy is weakened by Chinese intellectual property theft, counterfeit goods, and deficient products competing with American brands. China was unwilling to help make North Korea release Otto Warmbier early enough to get him medical help. In an interview on CNN Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the Senate Democratic Leader, told Trump how to handle China: \"You say, 'you can't push America around anymore,' which they've been able to do for administration after administration. Stop doing that. The President should say, 'You're not dealing with North Korea the way you should be.'\" On June 20, Trump tweeted about Warmbier, \"While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!\" Instead, China is giving us a victory here and there-- they will now import beef from us. That's nice of them. Apparently we can sell cows to China, but not cars. Schumer criticized Trump for at first reversing course. In an April 12 press conference right after his meetings with China's leader, Trump said, \"They're not currency manipulators,\" which he had called them at least fifteen times on the campaign trail. Schumer said of Trump and his team, \"Now they say they (China) aren't manipulating their currency. They are. I think China just does what it wants \"They gain trillions of dollars by stealing intellectual property, by dumping excess steel and aluminum. The way to get China to help with North Korea is be tougher with them on trade.\" How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home", "label": 1, "idx": 17 }, { "sentence": "ESPN Analyst Says Former San Fran Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Is the Victim\nPolitics share tweet tweet \u201cThey are so blinded by their victim narrative that they don\u2019t recognize that his very protest was actually an insult to the flag.\u201d Colin Kaepernick continues to be in the news, though recently it is largely for what he isn\u2019t doing. He was released from the San Francisco 49ers earlier this year, and he has yet to find work despite several tantalizing openings due to roster upheaval and injuries on other teams. This is because many NFL owners and fans did not like how he kneeled for the national anthem. They viewed it as a self-indulgent and disrespectful act that politicized what should have been a nonpolitical event. But, showing their continued march towards irrelevancy, left leaning commentators like Ryan Clark on ESPN\u2019s Mike and Mike show are now saying Kaepernick is a victim. Without a hint of irony, Clark said that Kaepernick was the \u201cflag bearer\u201d for blacks in America and the NFL. But in order to use that analogy, a person would have to actually respect the flag, and this in turn undermines the narrative that liberals and activists are peddling. The narrative from activists, race hucksters, and many politicians is that blacks are disproportionately targeted by cops and the judicial system. That they are victims of systemic poverty that leads to crime, and that the root causes and issues that are important to them are not being addressed. This narrative isn\u2019t wholly disconnected from reality, but it\u2019s twisted into an overtly political narrative that often undermines meaningful reform. Flag bearers are important in history because they often represent the focal point of command and control. The flag was usually close to the commander, and the flag moving forward on the battlefield could communicate an attack when it was too loud for words. It was an honorable tradition to carry the flag, and the enemy often aimed for the flag bearer, which made it the most dangerous spot on the battlefield. Raising the flag on Iwo Jima became one of America\u2019s most cherished memorials, and seeing the flag through a nightly bombardment supplied our national anthem. No compatible source was found for this video. The importance of the flag doesn\u2019t seem lost on Ryan Clarke and other analysts when they compare Kaepernick to a flag bearer. This makes their use of that analogy all the more tone deaf. They are so blinded by their victim narrative that they don\u2019t recognize that his very protest was actually an insult to the flag. It\u2019s tougher to find people more removed from the poor and supposedly discriminated members of inner cities than professional athletes. Acting macho and street tough is part of their persona, but it\u2019s just as authentic as professional wrestling. These athletes are part of the one percent, who make more money than most Americans and play in taxpayer subsidized stadiums while getting special treatment. I can\u2019t think of an individual more unsuited to lead the supposed civil rights crusade for blacks than a pampered 1% athlete. But with a black President, Secretary of State, and Supreme Court Justice, it\u2019s tough to argue that racism is worse now than in the past when athletes stood and honored the flag. If Ryan Clarke and other liberal sports analysts want to praise the act of kneeling for the anthem, they should avoid using analogies that underscore the importance of the flag.", "label": 1, "idx": 18 }, { "sentence": "Postpartum depression can affect dads \u2013 and testosterone may be to blamePostpartum depression has become more visible as celebrity moms including Brooke Shields, Drew Barrymore and Chrissy Teigen have publicly shared their struggles with feeling sad and hopeless after birth. But when a father \u2013 Adam Busby, from reality TV show \u201cOutDaughtered\u201d \u2013 recently opened up about his own postpartum depression, he received instant backlash, including comments telling him to \u201cman up.\u201d Despite the skepticism, postpartum depression in fathers is very real, with estimates that around 10 percent of men report symptoms of depression following the birth of a child, about double the typical rate of depression in males. Postpartum depression in women has been linked with hormonal shifts, but the role of hormones in men\u2019s postpartum depression has been unknown. In an attempt to solve this mystery, my colleagues and I recently tested whether men\u2019s levels of the hormone testosterone are related to their postpartum depression risk during early parenthood. We found that men\u2019s testosterone levels might predict not only their own postpartum depression risk, but their partner\u2019s depression risk as well. Testosterone levels in flux through life changes Testosterone is an androgen hormone, responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. It promotes muscle mass and body hair growth, and motivates sexual arousal and competitive behavior. Many studies have found that testosterone dips in new fathers across the animal kingdom. Among animals that engage in the biparental care of offspring \u2013 Mongolian gerbils, Djungarian hamsters, California mice and cotton-top tamarins \u2013 males show lower testosterone levels following the birth of pups. Human males also often show declines in testosterone around the birth of their infants. In one of the largest studies of testosterone and fatherhood, anthropologist Lee Gettler and his colleagues followed over 600 single men in the Philippines for about five years. If men became partnered fathers during that time, their testosterone levels decreased more than the men who stayed single. Gettler also found that fathers who spent more time with their children showed lower testosterone, suggesting that testosterone may be suppressed by paternal caregiving. Along similar lines, psychologist Robin Edelstein and I found that men assessed repeatedly over their partner\u2019s pregnancy showed declining testosterone levels from early to late pregnancy. Men whose testosterone dropped more dramatically were more likely to report postpartum commitment and investment in their romantic relationships with their partners. Researchers still haven\u2019t identified exactly what causes men\u2019s testosterone to change over the transition to parenthood. Possible suspects include proximity to the partner or infant, increased stress or disrupted sleep and exercise routines. Lower testosterone, higher depression Previous research has linked testosterone with men\u2019s depression levels in general. Low testosterone may contribute to the feelings of lethargy and disinterest in normally pleasurable activities that characterize depression. In fact, some psychiatrists have even suggested prescribing testosterone supplements to treat depression in men. However, no studies had specifically looked at the potential role of testosterone in fathers\u2019 postpartum depression. My colleagues and I analyzed data from the Community Child Health Research Network, a National Institutes of Health-funded study of new parents\u2019 health and well-being. The study recruited moms after the birth of an infant and followed them for several years, along with their partners. At one of the study sites, in Lake County, Illinois, men also provided saliva samples for testosterone analysis when their infants were around nine months old. Both moms and dads reported on their symptoms of depression several times across the first few years of parenthood. We found that dads with lower testosterone reported feeling more depressed. This fits with other research into how testosterone and depression work together. But ours is the first study to observe this relationship specifically in fathers of infants. Given that many men show drops in testosterone over the transition to parenthood, this finding may help explain why the postpartum period is such a high-risk time for depression in men. An unexpected side effect \u2013 for the moms We were surprised when we examined links between men\u2019s testosterone and their partners\u2019 depression. Yes, low testosterone seemed to put men at higher risk for depressive symptoms. But men\u2019s levels had the opposite effect for their partners: Women with lower-testosterone partners actually reported fewer symptoms of depression. Why would that be? We tested one possible explanation by looking at how women rated their relationships. It turned out that moms paired with low-testosterone men reported higher relationship satisfaction, and their higher relationship satisfaction predicted lower rates of depressive symptoms. In other words, having a low-testosterone mate might make for a better-quality relationship, in turn reducing the likelihood that women will become depressed. We know social support from a partner can protect women against developing postpartum depression, so our finding fits with that research. Lower-testosterone men may be more dedicated to their relationships or spend more time with children, helping to relieve some of the pressure on moms. At around 15 months postpartum, we also checked moms\u2019 ratings of whether their partners hurt, threatened, yelled at or insulted them. If men had higher testosterone, moms reported higher levels of intimate partner aggression about six months later. Testosterone is associated with more aggressive and competitive behavior. Our finding shows a potential dark side to high testosterone in the postpartum period. Dads also told us about their parenting stress at 15 months postpartum, reporting on emotions such as feeling trapped by parenting responsibilities, believing their children made too many demands on them and lacking warm feelings toward their children. At first, we didn\u2019t find a link between men\u2019s testosterone levels and their parenting stress. But after we statistically controlled for the relationship between low testosterone and depression, we saw that higher testosterone put men at greater risk of experiencing problems in the parenting relationship. This result suggests that, once you adjust for their potentially lower risk of depression, high-testosterone men may find parenting to be more stressful. A happy medium for testosterone? Our results suggest that fathers of infants might be at risk at both sides of the postpartum testosterone spectrum. At low levels, they might be more vulnerable to depression. But at high levels, they might have less satisfying and more aggressive relationships, less happy partners and more parenting stress. In terms of resilience to depression and stress, men with average levels of postpartum testosterone seemed to fare best. Our findings reveal that men\u2019s postpartum testosterone has a complex relationship with family health. From an evolutionary perspective, lower testosterone during the transition to parenthood may help motivate men to invest in their family. In the animal kingdom, lower-testosterone males spend more time with infant pups and show less aggression toward them. So it makes sense that human males would show shifts in testosterone as they adapt to parenthood. But these shifts may make men more vulnerable to mood disorder symptoms. Perhaps this is because lower-testosterone men are taking a more hands-on role in the family and helping more with infant care. Their contributions are great news from the family\u2019s perspective, but may put men at heightened risk of some of the same depressive symptoms that many new mothers face. After all, caring for infants is hard, draining work. In modern industrialized societies like the United States, many new parents lack the extended family support networks that can help lighten the burden of childcare. And in the U.S., paternity leave is a rarity, and many dads struggle with family-unfriendly work arrangements that drain time and energy. Just as new moms can feel overwhelmed and isolated after spending long hours tending to their babies, so too can dads. If new dads (or moms) are experiencing depressed moods after the birth of their infants, they can take some comfort in the fact that these feelings are normal \u2013 and may even be rooted in our evolutionary biology. There\u2019s no shame in seeking help, whether it\u2019s talking to a friend, prioritizing sleep and exercise, or visiting a therapist. Postpartum depression affects the whole family and should be taken seriously. Darby Saxbe, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Southern California \u2013 Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.", "label": 0, "idx": 19 }, { "sentence": "Dad Buys Used Desk For $150 On Craigslist, Then He Finds A Hidden Bag Filled With Money InsideA Connecticut woman bought a desk from Staples, but after a few years grew tired of it. She decided to sell it to Noah Muroff and his wife for about $150 on Craigslist. There was nothing peculiar about the transaction at all. Muroff and his wife had difficulty fitting the desk into the room. They decided to take it apart to fit it in. After Noah removed the filing cabinets, he noticed a plastic bag poking out. First, he saw a $100 bill. Then he saw that inside there were stacks of them. He and his wife counted the money. There was a whopping $98,000. \u201cIf we didn\u2019t take those drawers out, we never would have found it,\u201d Muroff said. But he knew immediately that he couldn\u2019t keep the money. He called the woman he bought it from. It turned out she hid her inheritance in the desk and couldn\u2019t remember where she put it. When Muroff called her, she was speechless. \u201cShe was so shocked and touched that anyone would call,\u201d he said. \u201cShe said, \u2018You could have kept the money and nobody would have ever known.'\u201d Muroff, who is a rabbi, and his wife believe honesty is the most important thing. \u201cWe both agreed that this is not our money,\u201d he said. \u201cIf God wants us to have $98,000, he\u2019ll make sure to give it to us in some other way.\u201d The woman was so grateful, she summed up how she felt in a thank-you card. \u201cI do not think there are too many people in this world that would have done what you did by calling me. I do like to believe that there are still good people left in this crazy world we live in. You certainly are one of them,\u201d the woman wrote. \u201cI cannot thank you enough for your honesty and integrity.\u201d Please SHARE this story if you\u2019re glad Noah Muroff did the right thing for the woman! Due to restrictions, this video cannot be viewed in your region.", "label": 0, "idx": 20 }, { "sentence": "Former CIA director on \"worst-case scenario\" in Syrian civil war\"Day One\" is a multi-part series in which CBS News' Margaret Brennan speaks with former U.S. government officials on the major foreign policy issues the next president will inherit on the first day of their presidency. The next president will face countless challenges on day one. Among the biggest is the ongoing civil war in Syria. Margaret Brennan spoke with Leon Panetta -- a former CIA director, defense secretary, and White House chief of staff -- about the road ahead for U.S. involvement in the war-torn nation. LEON PANETTA: Inaction is not an option in Syria because if you stand back, the situation is gonna get worse. Look, the best-case scenario would be to have Assad step down, to have a transitional government be able to establish itself representing each of the factions that are there -- the Sunnis, the Kurds, the Shias. And then, frankly, have the Russians and whatever is left of the Syrian forces join with the United States in going after ISIS to truly defeat them. That would be the best-case scenario. MARGARET BRENNAN: What are the odds of that? PANETTA: Not very good. Not very good. BRENNAN: What's the worst-case scenario? PANETTA: The worst-case scenario is that Assad continues to remain in power, continues to kill Syrians. That refugees continue to flow out of Syria, that the Russians continue to have a presence there and continue to attack our moderate forces that we're trying to train in Syria. And that ISIS then uses that and creates an even bigger base from which to conduct attacks against this country. That's the worst-case scenario. BRENNAN: Sounds like you're describing what's happening now. PANETTA: It is what's happening now. And it's what can continue to happen in the future if we don't deal with it. BRENNAN: There are around 300 special operators in Syria right now. Will the next president have to commit more American boots on the ground? PANETTA: I think the likelihood is that the next president is gonna have to consider adding additional special forces on the ground to try to assist those moderate forces that are taking on ISIS, and that are taking on Assad's forces. And we have to increase our air strikes. We've got to do all of those things in order to put increasing pressure on ISIS but also on Assad. We can't surrender one objective for the other. We've gotta continue to press on both fronts. BRENNAN: Is it possible to defeat ISIS without challenging Assad? PANETTA: I think it's very difficult as we've seen to conduct effective operations against ISIS when we're dealing with Assad's forces pressing us in different places. And when we're dealing with the Russians who go in and literally bomb the very forces that we're training to go after Assad and to go after ISIS. We cannot have that situation continue in the future. Protect our forces there. BRENNAN: So the U.S. has to confront Russia? PANETTA: We are hoping upon hope that the Russians will do the right thing. They're not gonna do the right thing without pressure. They're not gonna do the right thing without giving our diplomats greater leverage than what they have now to deal with the Russians. To do that we have got to make very clear that we have objectives to achieve, that we intend to press to achieve those objectives, and that we will not allow them to divert us from the goals of defending ourselves. Here's where the candidates stand: Hillary Clinton wants to increase airstrikes against ISIS. She said she would arm the moderate rebels, and pressure Russia to get out of Syria. We should add that Panetta is advising the Clinton campaign. Donald Trump has announced he'd declare war on ISIS, and he wouldn't rule out more U.S. troops on the ground -- although he offered few details.", "label": 0, "idx": 21 }, { "sentence": "The Trump White House in review: Week 50\nPresident Donald Trump walks across the South Lawn as he arrives at the White House in Washington, Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018, after traveling from Camp David, Md. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) President Trump fired back at North Korea\u2019s taunt, claiming that his nuclear button is bigger and better than Kim Jong Un\u2019s. The administration also cut aid to Pakistan, citing its protection of terrorists, and Trump took aim at former White House strategist Steve Bannon, after the release of a bombshell book.", "label": 0, "idx": 22 }, { "sentence": "Lena Dunham wore a NSFW anti-Donald Trump costume for HalloweenWarning: Image below is NSFW. Lena Dunham has always used sexuality to drive a conversation about real-world issues, and that was evident with her Halloween costume. On Monday night, the \u201cGirls\u201d creator and star posted on Instagram this photo of what she was dressing as for Halloween: That\u2019s right, she went out as a \u201cGrabbed P\u2014y,\u201d as she called it. She\u2019s of course referring to the now-infamous remark Donald Trump made while shooting a segment for Access Hollywood back in 2005, which leaked in October. \u201cI know that hearing those words was painful for everybody,\u201d she told People of the inspiration behind the costume. \u201cI think women, and people of colour, and Muslims who have been searched at the airport, and transpeople who have been denied their rights, all know what it feels like to have their body taken from them. Those comments aren\u2019t just about women \u2014 they were about everyone whose body is treated like the property of other people.\u201d NOW WATCH: Briefing videos Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.", "label": 0, "idx": 23 }, { "sentence": "Uber Driver Catches Cop In A Lie About The Law And Totally Schools HimWhen you\u2019re caught in a lie, it can be difficult to know what to do. As much as it may be morally correct to admit your wrongdoing, that\u2019s too embarrassing and shameful for some individuals to handle. Unfortunately, that\u2019s why many people find themselves only getting deeper and deeper into their lies. In order to cover up for themselves, they just keep making up more and more details until their story spirals out of control. One group of people that tend to know how to deal with liars easily are legal professionals. So when this cop tried to make up a law right to an attorney, you can imagine that things quickly got out of hand! Like many people looking to make a few extra dollars these days, Wilmington, North Carolina resident Jesse Bright had been using some of his spare time to serve as a driver for the ride-sharing app Uber. However, he also had a day job\u2014one that would come in handy later. One day, Jesse was unexpectedly pulled over by a police officer, who detained his passenger, confiscating his items. Soon enough, Jesse was surrounded by officers. He thought that the whole situation seemed suspicious, to the point that he was afraid that one of the cops may have slipped something onto his passenger seat. Continue reading on the next page\u2026", "label": 0, "idx": 24 }, { "sentence": "Why Did Mayor Petty Hire Well Known Communist Dan Margolis To Run His Campaign Smear Team And Serve On The Library Board?Why Did Mayor Petty Hire Well Known Communist Dan Margolis To Run His Campaign Smear Team And Serve On The Library Board? Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information. Beautiful day outside. Perfect weather for Worcester\u2019s Mayor Moron, Joe Petty, to do a standout with his communist friend Red Danny Margolis: Ya got that? The mayor of the second largest city in Worcester is working hand in hand with a guy who admittedly is trying to foment communist revolution, and targeted black churches because he believed they were vulnerable. This ain\u2019t McCarthyism hyperbole either. Red Danny freely admits it all. Check out his Wiki page: \u201cDan Margolis was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1976. In 2006 he was chair of the New York State Communist Party USA. In addition he writes for the People\u2019s World, covering local New York City and state issues, as well as events at the United Nations. He joined the Communist Party USA in 2001.\u201d He has his own page on the American Communist Party\u2019s website. According to his bio on there, his plan is to support people like Mayor Petty, because this is generally what communists do: \u201cThe Communist Party can exercise a leadership role by helping to show the importance of electing or defending Democrats as part of an overall strategy on the road towards socialism.\u201d Communism only appeals to people in impoverished areas where they have given up and believe capitalism has failed them. Thus why Mayor Petty seems inclined on making Worcester\u2019s people trapped in cycles of poverty. It\u2019s why he wants to make Worcester a sanctuary city \u2013 so we can lose $59 million in federal funding. Red Danny was pumped when Obama won, and as the chairman of the Communist Party of New York, he gave the following statement, claiming that this was the \u201cbiggest continuation of that revolutionary spirit\u201d: Where he expressed how bad he thinks the collapse of communism has been for the Russian people: Soviet Union obviously had problems, but now there are drugs, poverty, and unemployment. Life has gotten worse for the Russian people. Gangsters are running the streets. Actually, now Communist Parties are voted back to power by the people in such places like Moldova, Belarus, and Chech Republic. People didn\u2019t like the shock therapy that Yeltsin had introduced. Boris Yeltsin once stood on a tank and protected the legitimate government from armed communists trying to stage a coups. Naturally Dan is not a fan of Boris Yeltsin. All of this information is public. Just a Google away for any responsible leader. Joe knows exactly who Red Danny is but he employs him on his campaign team anyway because he\u2019s a useful idiot. One of his \u201cmorons.\u201d He knows that Red Danny has his own blog where he makes up lies about Turtleboy Sports raping girls and blah, blah, blah. He also knows that Red Danny is OBSESSED with Councilor Michael Gaffney. And together Turtleboy and Gaffney are a HUGE threat to Petty\u2019s grip on the taxpayer\u2019s money. He ain\u2019t giving that up without a fight, and he has no problem using communist revolutionaries. There\u2019s a good chance he actually HIRED Dan to write his silly little blogs. Don\u2019t worry though \u2013 within a couple days he\u2019ll write another blog denying that Petty hired him. He a good soldier like that. But a picture doesn\u2019t lie: Oh, and did we mention that Dan Margolis is also running the failed Turtleboycott campaign that harasses local businesses? The same businesses that Mayor Moron claims he wants to attract and keep in the city. Here\u2019s the best part \u2013 he voted for his buddy Red Danny to be appointed to the Library Board on May 31 when he thought no one was looking: The City Council Tuesday night elected Daniel M. Margolis of 15 Rugby St. to the Worcester Public Library Board of Directors. Mr. Margolis was one of three candidates who sought to fill a vacancy on the library for for a term that expires on Dec. 31, 2019. Mr. Margolis received six votes, followed by Edward R. Carr who received four votes and Paul DePalo who received one vote. The two people who Red Danny beat? Edward R. Carr has a PhD and is a professor at Clark. Paul DePalo is a lawyer with 12 years of experience. Both of them are much, much more qualified than Red Danny, and unlike him they didn\u2019t just move here last year after failing to foment revolution in New York City. Yet Mayor Puddy voted for his unqualified boy. Because this is how they gain legitimacy in our government. The rats get in this way. They sneak in the backdoor when no one is looking, and Petty orchestrates the whole thing. Not just him either \u2013 Councilors Khrystian King, Kate Toomey, George Russell, Tony Economou, and Candy Carlson all voted for him as well. Every single one of them has the power to Google, and they all read Turtleboy. They knew EXACTLY who they were voting for. And yes, you read that right \u2013 Sarai \u201cTiti Ho\u201d Rivera did not vote to put Danny in. Even though he\u2019s got her back till the cows come home: This is the state of the city right now. People like Red Danny are allowed to serve in our government \u2013 an admitted, openly communist revolutionary. People like Etel Haxhiaj get appointed to the CAC under Petty\u2019s watch, and deny ANYONE who \u201csupports\u201d Turtleboy Sports a job they are overly qualified for on city boards. Make no doubt about it \u2013 Petty is the mastermind here. Red Danny, Etel, Mosaic \u2013 these are just his goons. Because Petty does a great job of convincing everyone he\u2019s this \u201cnice guy\u201d because he doesn\u2019t get his hands dirty. Some people thinks Gaffney is a dick because he fights his own battles. Not Petty though. He just outsources to labor to nudniks with nothing to lose like Red Danny. But make no doubt about it \u2013 Dan Magolis is his right hand man and by far his biggest asset. This is what a vote for Mayor Moron is a vote for in November. Vote the Turtleboy Ticket: Mayor \u2013 Mike Gaffney Councilors at Large: Gaffney, Konnie Lukes D3: Davis Assare D4: Coreen Gaffney D5: Paul Franco School Committee: Everyone except Dante Comparetto. We urge you to support the following local businesses. ", "label": 1, "idx": 25 }, { "sentence": "Dems should blame Hillary, not Comey, for the \u2018October surprise\u2019\nHillary Clinton Before Democrats burn James Comey in effigy, they should think about how the FBI director came to have an outsized influence in the election in the first place. It\u2019s not something Comey sought or welcomed. A law enforcement official who prizes his reputation, he didn\u2019t relish becoming a hate figure for half the country or more. No, the only reason that Comey figures in the election at all is that Democrats knowingly nominated someone under FBI investigation. Once upon a time \u2014 namely any presidential election prior to this one \u2014 this enormous political and legal vulnerability would have disqualified a candidate. Not this year, and not in the case of Hillary Clinton. The country has clearly lowered its standards in this election, and Donald Trump\u2019s madcap candidacy provides evidence of that almost every day. But Hillary\u2019s nomination was itself an offense against American political norms and an incredibly reckless act. And the Democrats were supposed to be the party acting rationally. Clinton effectively locked up the nomination in June and wasn\u2019t cleared of criminal wrongdoing by the FBI until July. What if she had been indicted? Would Democrats have run her anyway? Would they have substituted in a 74-year-old socialist who had lost the nomination battle, or someone else who hadn\u2019t even run? Any of these circumstances would have been unprecedented, but Democrats risked it. They did it, in part, because they could never bring themselves to fully acknowledge the seriousness of the email scandal and, relatedly, the ethical miasma around the Clinton Foundation. They considered it all another desperate trick of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. Clinton henchman David Brock demanded that the New York Times retract its initial report of Clinton\u2019s exclusive use of a private email account in March 2015. A parade of Democratic operatives pooh-poohed the whole thing, from Clinton spokesman Karen Finney (\u201ca politically motivated series of attacks\u201d) to James Carville (\u201cnot going to amount to a hill of beans\u201d) to Howard Dean (\u201chooey\u201d). When they first got on a debate stage together last October, Bernie Sanders, the only man who had a chance to stop Clinton, pleased the crowd with a ringing denunciation of interest in her emails. Democrats bought the just-so stories offered up by the Clinton campaign. The FBI investigation was just a \u201csecurity review.\u201d The FBI wasn\u2019t investigating Hillary, but only her server. Anything to deflect from the seriousness of the matter. While Democrats willfully looked the other way, they put Comey in an impossible position. An indictment would change the course of American history. That was all on him. He ultimately blinked. But he also put on the record the recklessness of Clinton\u2019s practices as secretary of state in an attempt to create public accountability. Comey\u2019s conduct is open to criticism, but there\u2019s no way to please everyone when handling a case with such high political stakes. His notification to Congress last weekend is another case in point. All that can be said is that if Democrats didn\u2019t want the FBI to have any part in the election, they could\u2019ve considered that before nominating Clinton. Trump may be a deeply flawed candidate, but he caught a wave of popular fervor; Hillary, with her astonishing vulnerabilities, is a production of the Democratic elites who did everything to get her over the finish line. Just how vulnerable is she? If it weren\u2019t for the new trove of Huma Abedin emails, the blockbuster news this week would come via a Wall Street Journal report that the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation \u2014 although Fox News reported the same thing at the beginning of the year, and Hillary, of course, dismissed it as an \u201cunsourced and irresponsible claim that has no basis.\u201d The email scandal and Clinton Foundation will dog Hillary until Election Day and, should she win, into her presidency. For this, she has no one to blame but herself \u2014 and her irresponsible enablers.", "label": 1, "idx": 26 }, { "sentence": "Textbook' Racism: Donald Trump's Attacks on Federal Judge Unite GOP from Ryan to Schwarzenegger; Clinton Warns Women Judges Could Be NextDonald Trump has, finally, all but united the Republican Party \u2013 in denunciation of his continued, race-based attacks on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over the civil lawsuits against the candidate\u2019s Trump University. \u201cI disavow these comments. I regret those comments that [Trump] made,\u201d said House Speaker Paul Ryan during a press conference Tuesday. \u201cClaiming a person can\u2019t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment \u2026 it\u2019s absolutely unacceptable.\u201d And Sen. Mark Kirk, a Republican from Illinois facing a tough reelection battle this year, flat out withdrew his support for his party\u2019s nominee, saying \u201cDonald Trump\u2019s belief that an American-born judge of Mexican descent is incapable of fairly presiding over his case is not only dead wrong, it is un-American.\u201d Last week, Trump charged that his plan to build a wall between the U.S.-Mexican border was \u201can absolute conflict\u201d of interest, charging to the Wall Street Journal that Curiel could not preside fairly over the Trump University case because he is \u201cof Mexican heritage.\u201d (Curiel was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants.) Speaking again to CNN\u2019s Jake Tapper last Friday, Trump maintained his position: \u201cHe\u2019s a Mexican. We\u2019re building a wall between here and Mexico.\u201d When Tapper asked if, by saying that Curiel could not due his job because of his race, \u201cis that not the definition of racism?\u201d Trump responded, \u201cNo, I don\u2019t think so at all.\u201d Amid the fierce backlash from his own party, Trump put together a damage-control statement late Tuesday promising not to say anything more about Curiel or the lawsuit \u2013 after this: \u201cIt is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage. I am friends with and employ thousands of people of Mexican and Hispanic descent. \u2026 While this lawsuit should have been dismissed, it is now scheduled for trial in November. I do not intend to comment on this matter any further.\u201d Just one day earlier, Trump encouraged supporters on a private conference call on Monday to join his chorus by publicly questioning the judge\u2019s credibility, two participants on the call told Bloomberg Politics. Several Republican politicians, including former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown, were involved in the call, during which Trump overturned a Sunday email from his staff that ordered his most prominent supporters \u2013 those surrogates who speak for him on cable news talk shows and at campaign appearances \u2013 to cease all talk of the lawsuit and Curiel. \u201cTake that order and throw it the hell out,\u201d Trump said on the call, according to Bloomberg Politics. Is Hillary Clinton Intimidated by Donald Trump? Numerous other prominent Republicans have joined Ryan in disavowing Trump\u2019s sentiments, including South Carolina\u2019s junior senator Tim Scott \u2013 the Senate\u2019s only black Republican \u2013 who told CNN the commentary is \u201cracially toxic.\u201d Added Arnold Schwarzenegger on Twitter, \u201cJudge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov.\u201d Freshly-minted presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton also issued a warning on Monday that Trump may next focus his attacks on \u201cwomen judges \u2026 or maybe a judge with a disability, or perhaps one who was a former POW, or African-American.\u201d \u201cHe\u2019s trying to demean and defame a federal judge who was a very accomplished federal prosecutor,\u201d she continued on MSNBC. \u201cThis is dangerous nonsense that undermines the rule of law, that makes him appear to be someone who has no respect for fellow Americans,\u201d Clinton said. \u201cAnd I think it is yet more evidence why this man is dangerous and divisive and disqualified from being president.\u201d", "label": 1, "idx": 27 }, { "sentence": "If you get a call from a woman screaming for help, hang up, FBI saysThe FBI is advising people to hang up if they receive a call from a woman screaming for help. A decades-old virtual kidnapping scam is placing more U.S. residents at risk of becoming potential victims, the FBI warned on its website. The scheme takes many forms, but basically callers trick victims into paying ransoms to free family or friends who have been \u201ckidnapped.\u201d The virtual abductors coerce victims to pay a ransom before victims can find out that no one has been kidnapped. The FBI had been tracking virtual kidnapping calls primarily from prisons in Mexico between 2013 and 2015. The callers targeted individuals who spoke Spanish, the FBI said. Most of the victims were from the Los Angeles and Houston areas. Today's top news by email The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms The FBI issued the warning because kidnappers have widened their pool of potential victims by no longer targeting only specific individuals and Spanish speakers. The callers also are cold-calling numbers in various cities. In a recent investigation, the FBI found that more than 80 people have fallen victim to the new tactics in California, Minnesota, Idaho and Texas. Those victims paid more than $87,000 in ransom. An FBI spokeswoman for the Kansas City offices said she was not aware of any instances that have occurred in Kansas or Missouri where the FBI was involved. The scam works this way: The potential victim answers a call and hears a woman screaming, \u201cHelp me!\u201d The victim might blurt out a name, like Mary, asking her if she\u2019s OK. At that point, the caller will tell the victim that Mary has been kidnapped and she will be harmed if ransom isn\u2019t paid quickly. The scam is successful when victims don\u2019t know the whereabouts of their loved ones. The scammers typically demand that the ransoms are wired to Mexico. The amount is typically less than $2,000 because of legal restrictions for wiring larger amounts across the border, the FBI said. However, two victims in Houston were coerced to pay larger ransoms by making money drops. A federal grand jury charged a 34-year-old Houston woman in July with 10 counts, including wire fraud and money laundering, for her involvement in the scam. The charges are the first federal indictment in a virtual kidnapping case, the FBI said. Robert A. Cronkleton: 816-234-4261, @cronkb How to avoid falling victim If you receive a call from someone demanding ransom for an alleged kidnap victim, the FBI suggests: Hang up the phone. Don\u2019t call out your loved one\u2019s name if you do respond to call. Request to speak with the alleged victim. Ask questions only the alleged victim would know. Listen to the voice of the alleged victim if they do speak. Try to contact the alleged victim on the phone, text or social media. Don\u2019t agree to pay a ransom. If you believe a real kidnapping has taken place, call 911. Source: FBI", "label": 0, "idx": 28 }, { "sentence": "Under Trump, opposing 'chain migration' is even bigger than 'amnesty'\nPresident Trump has said that any legislation touching the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program must include a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. (John Gibbins/The San Diego Union-Tribune via AP, Pool) One word defined the immigration debate under former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama: amnesty. Under President Trump, it might be two: chain migration. \u201cOur current immigration system fails Americans,\u201d Trump said at the White House on Thursday \u201cChain migration is a total disaster, which threatens our security and our economy and provides a gateway for terrorism.\u201d Trump said it again when spelling out what would have to be in a bill to codify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, ending in March, in order for him to sign it. DACA protects undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as minors from deportation. Because Obama created it through executive action, there are questions about its legal and constitutional basis. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in September that the program would be phased out for these reasons. \u201cAny legislation on DACA must secure the border with a wall,\u201d Trump remarked after meeting with Republican senators on the issue. \u201cIt must give our immigration officers the resources they need to stop illegal immigration and also to stop visa overstays. And, crucially, the legislation must end chain migration. It must end the visa lottery.\u201d White House press secretary Sarah Sanders described the president as reiterating in the meeting with GOP senators the administration\u2019s \u201cview that any action on DACA must come with action on the president's immigration reform principles, which were released last year.\u201d \u201cThese include a physical border wall on the southern border; interior enforcement, which includes more ICE and Border Patrol agents; as well as a crackdown on sanctuary cities; and reforms to our legal immigration system, like ending chain migration and the visa lottery program in favor of a merit-based immigration system,\u201d Sanders said at Thursday\u2019s press briefing. \u201cNext week, the president is inviting a bipartisan group of senators to the White House to discuss next steps on responsible immigration reform and to continue that discussion,\u201d she added. \u201cChain migration\u201d is a phrase used to describe a feature of immigration law that allows immigrants to sponsor their relatives to come to the U.S. Family reunification is responsible for more than two-thirds of legal immigration annually, while less than 10 percent come for primarily employment-based reasons. Immigration restrictionist argue this produces a mismatch between immigrant skill levels and the U.S. labor force, at the expense of American workers and recent immigrants. A bill introduced by Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga., endorsed by Trump in August, would cut immigration in half in part by limiting family-based immigrant sponsorship to spouses and minor children. They would like to see something like this provision be part of any DACA deal. \u201cLook, if you give amnesty to one or two million illegal immigrants who were brought here through no fault of their own, as kids, you\u2019re going to have at least a couple negative effects,\u201d Cotton said on Fox News. \u201cAnd one of those negative effects is you\u2019re going to have a whole new chain of chain migration. The way to control for that negative effect is to stop chain migration.\u201d The immigration hawks at Numbers USA have launched a six-figure ad campaign to inform the public and to help the phrase \"chain migration\" take its place in the political lexicon alongside \"amnesty.\" The group\u2019s president, Roy Beck, uses the words together. \u201cWhile Congress debates yet another amnesty, we want to help Americans visualize how the presence of chain migration categories means that amnesties are never limited to the people receiving them but instead open up lifetime work permits to millions more of their extended family and in-laws,\u201d Beck said in a statement. Many of the Republicans negotiating with Senate Democrats on a DACA fix favor more expansive immigration policies than Trump. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., for example, was part of the Gang of Eight and is a co-sponsor of the Democrats\u2019 preferred bill for resolving the status of DACA. Social conservatives helped beat back a 1990s attempt to reduce immigration in part by limiting chain migration on the grounds that family reunification was a pro-family policy. Many immigrant communities and their advocates also oppose the change, arguing that it is already too difficult to immigrate to the U.S. and, this is, itself, a driver of illegal immigration. But Graham suggested Thursday that Trump could succeed where Obama and Bush failed if lawmakers were willing to compromise. \u201cThere's a bill to be had,\u201d he said at the White House. \u201cIf you want it bad enough, we'll get it and it will be good for the country. Everybody has got to give a little bit. But I've never been more optimistic about an immigration reform proposal making it to the president's desk right now.\u201d Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., has been a persistent critic of Trump on immigration, among other issues, and asked for a place at the table on DACA negotiations when the administration was lobbying him on tax reform. Still, Flake tweeted in December that he could make some concessions the White House wanted, specifically mentioning chain migration. \u201cWe can fix DACA in a way that beefs up border security, stops chain migration for the DREAMers, and addresses the unfairness of the diversity lottery,\u201d he wrote. \u201cIf POTUS wants to protect these kids, we want to help him keep that promise.\u201d Trump has held to these positions even after his split Steve Bannon, who pushed for immigration restrictions when he was working at the White House and has published numerous articles on the subject on his media site Breitbart. Pressure is building to craft a legislative solution for DACA, as beneficiaries\u2019 work permits are starting to expire and there are concerns about how long it would take to ramp up the program again if Congress authorized its revival. \u201cWe must BUILD THE WALL, stop illegal immigration, end chain migration [and] cancel the visa lottery,\u201d Trump tweeted Thursday evening. \u201cThe current system is unsafe [and] unfair to the great people of our country \u2014 time for change!\u201d", "label": 1, "idx": 29 }, { "sentence": "Video: 12-year-old calls out Las Vegas cop for parking on sidewalk LAS VEGAS, NV \u2013 Video cameras are everywhere. Now, even a tween can catch a cop breaking the law. Parking on the sidewalk will get you a ticket, but what happens when a police officer does it? A 12-year-old identifying himself as Jeremy Drew asked a police officer to see his badge number after catching him parked on the sidewalk. But, the officer would not give his badge number to Drew. When the kid told the cop it is his right he calls the kid a \u201cjunior lawyer\u201d and takes off on his motorcycle. The video was posted in September 2012 and now has almost 3.5 million views.", "label": 0, "idx": 30 }, { "sentence": "Secret Service: Package cleared near White HouseAn unattended package near the north fence of the White House was cleared by the Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Tuesday afternoon. The White House was placed on an apparent lockdown Tuesday while President Trump was en route to Arizona for a rally in Phoenix, according to multiple reports. The Hill reported that Secret Service cleared the White House\u2019s North Lawn and sent media members and construction workers in the area into the West Wing. The Secret Service confirmed via Twitter that it and the Washington, D.C. Police Department were responding to an unattended package near the north fence of the White House complex. Trump is reportedly heading to a campaign-style rally in Phoenix late Tuesday, an event which is also expected to draw major protests. The president will also reportedly visit a Border Patrol facility in Yuma, Arizona before Tuesday\u2019s rally. Trump will examine Border Patrol equipment such as a Predator drone and an agency boat during his stop in Yuma. Immigration is a major issue for Trump\u2019s supporters, and the president campaigned extensively on the topic during last year\u2019s White House race. Trump has long vowed to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, arguing it will reduce illegal immigration and increase America\u2019s border security. The president has also pledged to take a tougher stance on drug trafficking across America\u2019s borders.", "label": 0, "idx": 31 }, { "sentence": "36 People Who Got What They Had ComingImgur | floridali There's a sweet sense of justice when people get exactly what they had coming to them. It's like even the universe is rooting against jerks, along with all of us. All of these people are going to think twice next time they try something that turns us into the eye roll emoji. 1. The girl who thought she was being so clever with bunny ears. Reddit | Eeli100 And yet she had no idea that her own hand was betraying her! In the end, she just gave herself bunny ears. 2. The person who hit this car and took off. Reddit | Nugkill But left their license plate on the car that they hit! What justice is this? Pretty sure they will never hit and run again. 3. The couple that dined and dashed. Reddit | indasheets247 But left their really expensive sunglasses at the table. Also, dining and dashing on a $25 bill? Really? What kind of sick people do such things! 4. The person who hit this car... Reddit | Roxchic \" Runs after hitting my car in parking lot. Workers get info and call the police. She gets caught because she ran out of GAS. Received two tickets as she only had a permit.\" 5. The person who tried to steal this bike. Imgur | 33sphinx33 Little did they know they were stealing from a genius. This girl had truly the perfect plan to get her bike back. Look at her proud smile! 6. The brother who totally tried to prank his brother. Imgur | floridali But ended up pranking himself even more. The fact that it's a donkey only makes it more hilarious. He just can't win. 7. This person, who is regretting everything right now. Reddit | xyzs \"Lava butt\" is seared into my brain and I will never be able to get it out. What a rude awakening this person is in for. 8. The parking enforcer who get a parking ticket. Reddit | elvijar007 If you live in a city where parking enforcers are basically walking panic attack-inducing humans, then this is truly a welcome sight. 9. The person who thought to put a sign pointing to where the rock slides happen. Reddit | poolguy4208 And the sign then being crushed by said rock slides. Whoops. It's almost a better warning though. 10. The person who decided to obstruct the garbage truck. Reddit | h0pfenbrei Don't ever mess with garbage men! They definitely showed this person up and I'm here for it. Good luck getting out of that. 11. The person who decided to give their cat a bit of its own medicine. Reddit | hurricanekarina Can't help but laugh over this photo. Cats always walk across our keyboards, maybe it's time they know what it feels like! 12. The woman who most certainly regrets her attitude. Reddit | akpenguin This has to be the worst feeling in the entire world for this woman, but also the best feeling for the dude. Karma, baby! 13. The jerk who thought he was above it all. Reddit | GhostalMedia Joke's on him! Even driving a fancy car doesn't matter when it comes to cement. And trying to cut people off, to boot. 14. The person who thought they could park in a restricted area of the beach. Reddit | killermonkey87 It's restricted for a reason! Let's all hope that this car floats because they're going to have a hard time, that's for sure. 15. The guys who tried to knock someone off of their kayak with their boat. Reddit And then this happened to them. Yup, I'd say that got exactly what they had coming. 16. The guy who t-boned this car but left something important behind. Facebook | Rex Borova You know, like the one thing that could easily identify who he is. This is why you don't ever hit and run, people! 17. The guy in the truck who parked like this. Imgur | MahoRhino And the person driving the Smart car was not going to deal with that today. Smart car person is doing the work of the people. 18. Just in case you couldn't read the sign. Imgur | hiddenvalley It's also a good way to get your motorcycle run over. Worth it? 19. The wife who thought she could stop her husband from eating her candy. Reddit | rpboutdoors2 But she just put the candy in the cabinet with the plates. She deserves him eating her candy if she can't find a better hiding spot. 20. The person who did this terrible parking job. Reddit | reedburg And then got that on their tire. Oh man. When you park like that though, you absolutely deserve the boot. There's no way around it. Imgur | hilonate I hope that kid learned his lesson. Being a decent human being includes not shaming or making fun of somebody trying to better themselves. This mom is awesome. 22. This is why you shouldn't try to kick people when they are (sitting) down. Imgur | reasonpolice 23. Look who's having the last laugh. Twitter | @ElSatanico 24. This meal was NOT on the house. Imgur Don't be this guy. Does anyone else want to know what restaurant manager had the guts to post something like this? 25. Was it really worth it? Reddit | caraeeezy 26. This taxi driver plays for keeps. Reddit | KittensRawk Note: don't be a terrible human and leave your taxi driver without paying. It's stealing and you deserve whatever you have coming to you. 27. This is not the kind of bottle service you want. Reddit | Phantom0591 28. To the roommate who used more than his fair share of toilet paper, you know who you are. Imgur 29. This was (re)bound to happen. Don't worry, I'm sure she just shook it off. 30. The person who parked their bike in a parking spot. Reddit | throatfrog And then said bike was promptly thrown into the bushes. Really, though. How are you going to park your bike in a full spot? 31. This is the kind of petty I aspire to be. Not that I ever want to find myself in this situation but...you know. 32. Whoever thought harassing people through text messages was an okay thing to do, sure had it coming. Imgur 33. If Karla didn't know that Pinky shouldn't have been driving, she sure does now. Imgur 34. This person stole from Walmart and is paying the price. Consumerist 35. Or this kind of petty. It doesn't really matter to me. dailyhaha 36. I think it's safe to say that this person will not be parking in front of any more fire hydrants from now on. theCHIVE Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement", "label": 0, "idx": 32 }, { "sentence": "The G.O.P.\u2019s Radical Supreme Court Talk\nThe Supreme Court. Doug Mills/The New York Times This article is part of the Opinion Today newsletter. You can sign up here to receive more briefings and a guide to the section daily in your inbox. Republicans are starting to talk openly about refusing to fill Antonin Scalia\u2019s Supreme Court seat not only through the end of President Obama\u2019s term but indefinitely. Ted Cruz, Charles Grassley and John McCain have all sent such signals, as have some other prominent conservatives. It\u2019s worth taking this talk seriously. Too many top Republicans have made clear in recent years that they care more about winning than about adhering to political norms or doing what\u2019s best for the country. You can see this attitude in the willingness to shut down the government, the threats to default on the national debt and the stated desire to make Obama a failed president. The political scientists Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein call it \u201c asymmetric polarization\u201d: the two political parties have come to behave quite differently. Refusing to seat a ninth justice, simply for ideological reasons, would be a clear and worrisome break with democratic tradition. It would send the message that Republicans believe a president should be able to exercise the Constitutional power to name justices only if that president were Republican. It would represent a new level of partisan cynicism. I hope that the wiser heads within the Republican Party prevail after the election. But Democrats should be prepared for the alternative. The alternative would mean that Senate control \u2014 which remains up in the air, given the tightness of recent polls \u2014 will be crucial. If Republicans hold the Senate, a President Hillary Clinton would be at their mercy with any nominee. If Democrats take the Senate, they would have an obvious fallback plan: eliminating the 60-vote threshold of the filibuster \u2014 as a Senate majority can always do \u2014 and confirming a justice with 51 votes. As long as Republicans keep talking about permanent obstructionism, Democrats should not hesitate to use that option. What I\u2019m reading: Jeff Shesol, at The New Yorker, has an excellent breakdown of the growing signs of the Republicans\u2019 Supreme Court obstructionism.", "label": 1, "idx": 33 }, { "sentence": "Eric Paddock, Shooter Stephen C. Paddock\u2019s Brother: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know\nFacebook Stephen C. Paddock has been identified as the lone shooter in the Las Vegas shooting that occurred at the Route 91 Harvest Festival, as reported by USA Today. The shooter is currently dead and suicide has been reported as the probable cause of death. Since news of the shooting broke, Paddock\u2019s family has begun to speak out and his brother Eric, from Orlando, Florida, has been talking to the media. Get to know more about the shooter through his brother Eric, the incident itself, and how Eric Paddock views the tragedy. 1. Eric Paddock Said His Brother Had No Religious Affiliations, Prior to ISIS Reports \u201cNot an avid gun guy at all\u2026where the hell did he get automatic weapons? He has no military background,\u201d gunman\u2019s brother says pic.twitter.com/EMSKLQGYFM \u2014 CBS News (@CBSNews) October 2, 2017 In an interview with Daily Mail, Eric Paddock said that his brother had no political or religious affiliation of which he was aware. Paddock added that: He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo also told FOX News that a motive is not known, explaining: We have no idea what his belief system was. Right now, we believe he was the sole aggressor and the scene is static. Unfortunately, ISIS accounts online are claiming Stephen C. Paddock actually converted to Islam months ago and the shooting was on their behalf. It is unclear if this is coming from actual ISIS propaganda accounts or random supporters, though Good Morning America has begun discussing the possibilities of this as well. The Associated Press has posted the above tweet, announcing this news. 2. Stephen C. Paddock\u2019s Family Is \u201cDumbfounded\u201d Brother Eric Paddock tells Daily Mail that their family is confused and shocked. He explained: We know absolutely nothing, this is just, we are dumbfounded \u2026 We have absolutely no idea. Our condolences go to the victims and all their families. The Orlando Sentinel reports that, according to public records, much of Stephen C. Paddock\u2019s family resides in Florida. 3. Paddock\u2019s Family Is Worried About Being Attacked Over the Incident Eric Paddock says that his 90-year-old mother, who lives close to him, is struggling to cope with the news and is \u201cin shock\u201d. Paddock told Daily Mail: Our family is OK, we\u2019re sitting in here in our house hoping that everyone doesn\u2019t attack us. My mother is 90 years old, lives down the street from me, we\u2019re just completely dumbfounded. Like his brother was reported to be, according to his Facebook page, Eric Paddock is retired, like several of his family members in Florida. Stephen C. Paddock was living in Nevada at the time of the shooting. 4. The Shooter and His Brother Were Not Very Close Stephen C. Paddock and his brother\u2019s relationship was not strained, but they were not very close. Eric Paddock said that he and his brother lived on different coasts and that they did not speak very often. Eric Paddock said his brother was a regular at Las Vegas casinos, according to Good Morning America, and Stephen used to work as an accountant. In an interview with Las Vegas Review Journal, Paddock also said: We have no idea how this happened. It\u2019s like an asteroid just fell on top of our family. He then added: There is no reason we can imagine why Stephen would do something like this. All we can do is send our condolences to the people who died. Just no reason, no warning \u2026 As far as we knew, he had enough money to live the rest of his life in comfort. Paddock said that, as much as he knew, his brother had no known health or financial problems at the time of the shooting. 5. This Was the Deadliest Shooting In US History With over 50 people dead and over 400 injured in the shooting, this is reported to be the deadliest shooting in American history. Country star Jason Aldean was on stage performing at the time of the shooting and he ran off stage once aware of what was happening. Shooter Stephen C. Paddock opened fire from a 32nd floor hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino.", "label": 0, "idx": 34 }, { "sentence": "An FBI agent was injured when a flash grenade exploded in ManhattanAn FBI agent was reportedly injured when a flash grenade detonated Wednesday in a New York City parking garage. Officials told NBC's local affiliate in New York that one person was taken to Bellevue Hospital to receive treatment for burns on his hand. The agent was handling the device when it went off, officials said. Witnesses told the New York Daily News that they called 911 after hearing a small explosion and seeing smoke coming from the back of a federal building that houses the FBI and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.", "label": 0, "idx": 35 }, { "sentence": "Police hunt for migrants on the run in Spain after dinghy found abandoned on beach\nSpanish police are looking for the missing migrants According to the mayor of the Cadiz town Rota, on Spain's southernmost coast, the authorities have found 12 of the migrants after they fled on foot and are looking for 30 others. It has been reported in the Spanish media that all of the asylum seekers are men and the missing migrants fled by running into nearby fields when they arrived. Around 30 migrants are on the run Wed, February 15, 2017 Migrants clash with each other in over crowded camps across Europe. Moroccan Police look at immigrants trying to jump the six-meter-high fence in Ceuta, Spanish enclave on the north of Africa, 09 December 2016. The 12 migrants who have been found are from the sub-Sahara and Morocco and they arrived on the beach known as Juan and Juana. A crane has moved the dinghy from the beach where the migrants managed to paddle their craft ashore despite strong winds in the area. In October, dozens of migrants protested about the living conditions in a Spanish detention centre. Thousands of migrants have come to Spain from Africa The protesters held up banners demanding freedom and dignity. After thousands of migrants from Africa crossed over to Spain in 2014 and 2015, the country\u2019s authorities stepped up security and passed a law enabling its border police to refuse migrants the opportunity to apply for asylum. The European Union (EU) is now desperately attempting to cut the number of African migrants making their way to Europe. Thousands of migrants have targeted Spain as a route into the EU and the UK. Migrants have particularly targeted the Spanish colonies of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco.", "label": 0, "idx": 36 }, { "sentence": "Fact Checks of the Second Presidential Debate\nRepublican Candidate Mr. Trump says Mrs. Clinton wants \u201camnesty for everybody, come on in, come on over.\u201d Hillary Clinton Mrs. Clinton said that she had helped eight million children obtain health coverage, Sept. 11 responders receive medical care and children get safer medicines. Mr. Trump said Mrs. Clinton ignored 600 requests for increased security from J. Christopher Stevens, the ambassador to Libya, and communicated only with Sidney Blumenthal. Mr. Trump accused Mrs. Clinton of being there for President Obama\u2019s \u201cline in the sand\u201d in Syria. She said she wasn\u2019t. Mr. Trump, referring to the effect of Nafta and other free-trade agreements, said, \u201cWe lost our jobs.\u201d Mr. Trump said that the United States signed a \u201cpeace treaty\u201d to bring an end to the civil war in Syria. Mr. Trump admitted that he used a $916 million loss declared on his 1995 tax returns to avoid paying federal income taxes. But he refused to say how many years he paid no income tax and simultaneously claimed to have paid a \u201ctremendous\u201d amount of taxes. Mr. Trump said we have hundreds of thousands of people pouring into the United States from places like Syria, and we have no idea who they are. Mr. Trump said that growth is \u201cdown to 1 percent\u201d and that taxes in the United States are the \u201chighest in the world.\u201d \u201cSince the Great Recession the gains have all gone to the top.\u201d Mr. Trump said \u201cmaybe there is no hacking,\u201d in response to Mrs. Clinton\u2019s claim that Russians are engaged in an unprecedented effort to influence the election \u2014 on Mr. Trump\u2019s behalf. Mr. Trump said that Mrs. Clinton \u201cwants to go to a single-payer plan\u201d like the health care system in Canada. Mr. Trump said \u201cmany people saw\u201d bombs all over the apartment of a couple who committed the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif. Mrs. Clinton deleted 33,000 emails from her private server even after she got a subpoena from Congress. Mr. Trump said that a Clinton associate pushed the \u201cbirther\u201d notion against Obama in 2008. Mrs. Clinton said there was no evidence her email has been hacked by a foreign power. Former President Bill Clinton was impeached, lost his law license and paid an $850,000 fine to Paula Jones. Mr. Trump accused Mrs. Clinton of laughing about getting a man acquitted of raping a 12-year-old girl. When Mr. Trump was asked whether he has kissed women or groped women without consent, as he claimed on a recently released video, Mr. Trump said no, he had not. Mr. Trump said that Obamacare is leading to insurance rate increases that are \u201castronomical.\u201d Mr. Trump said that last year, the United States had a trade deficit of $800 billion.", "label": 0, "idx": 37 }, { "sentence": "Donald Trump just ceded the presidency to Hillary Clinton\nGetty Images An hour and 18 minutes into Wednesday night\u2019s debate, Donald Trump effectively acknowledged his coming defeat. \u201cLotsa luck, Hillary,\u201d he said, after a peroration on the humanitarian disaster in Syria and how it is going to consume much of the next president\u2019s time over the next four years. What will she need luck for if she\u2019s not going to be president? Ten minutes earlier, Trump told moderator Chris Wallace he will let us all know on election night whether he is going to accept the results of the Nov. 8 balloting. It was a shocking and cravenly irresponsible thing to say, the sort of thing that threatens to rend our national fabric, and for that alone, Trump has earned his place in the history of American ignominy. But who needs to wait? Consciously or not, the guy ceded the race. Live. On television. On Oct. 19. Lotsa luck indeed. Hillary sure did luck out having him as her rival. She can basically take the next three weeks off. But why would she? She can just spend the time taking the most luxurious pre-victory lap in American history. Trump will make that phone call on Nov. 8 or he won\u2019t, and he will or won\u2019t make that speech in which he tells his supporters, \u201cI just congratulated Hillary on becoming the next president and we must all come together.\u201d There\u2019s no telling. This is a test of character, but Trump has a different understanding of such tests of character \u2014 and he might believe he will only pass such a test by doing what he can to continue to be the expression of the American id\u2019s rage and disappointment. His refusal to do so would be the mark of a tragic decline in our polity, as would the refusal of some significant numbers of his supporters to accept the results as well. But this is the story of 2016. He refused to do other things as well \u2014 like concede the fact that the Russian government is attempting to interfere with the election. Hillary Clinton said three times that 17 different US military and intelligence agencies have determined that this is so. Due to his truly bizarre unwillingness to say anything really negative about Russia\u2019s dictator, Trump just said no to that \u2014 and handed Hillary her sound bite of the night: \u201cHe\u2019d rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military and intelligence people who are sworn to protect us.\u201d How was the debate? Well, it was reasonably substantive, largely due to Chris Wallace\u2019s absolutely perfect work as the moderator. And if you went moment by moment and point by point, you would probably score it reasonably closely. Trump zinged her on several patent dishonesties, and as usual, she handled the zinging badly. On the other hand, every time she needed a way out of a corner, she baited him with something \u2014 women he\u2019d said bad things about, or the money he\u2019d borrowed from his father \u2014 and he\u2019d fall for it every time. But let\u2019s face it: Do you really want me to tell you who I think won the exchange on entitlements? I mean, who cares? Does it bother me that Hillary Clinton said she was going to apply a strict left-liberal litmus test to her Supreme Court appointments? Yes, it does, but I knew that already, and if you follow the issue, so did you. Very few people are voting in this election on matters of conventional governmental policy. A great many will vote for the team they\u2019ve long been signed up with, while everybody else will be voting against one of these two extremely unattractive and unpopular candidates. Trump just told us he knows she has more people voting in her favor and he has more people voting against him. He just told Hillary to measure the drapes. He can spend the rest of his life never conceding, and she\u2019s still going to be the 45th president of the United States.", "label": 1, "idx": 38 }, { "sentence": "Hillary Clinton to Colbert: Putin \"Had A Personal Grudge Against Me,\" \"Partly Because I'm A Woman\"Hillary Clinton continued her book publicity tour Tuesday night on CBS\u2019 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. \"I don't take it personally,\" Clinton said. \"I see it as I was doing my job. I was honored to speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy.\" Transcript: \n STEPHEN COLBERT: Folks, I am terribly excited, because she was first a First Lady, then a Senator, then Secretary of State, and I would have bet anything the next President of the United States. Please welcome Hillary Rodham Clinton! [audience cheers and applause as Hillary Clinton walks out; she shakes Stephen Colbert's hand as they greet each other warmly; a large part of the audience gives her a standing ovation; she takes her seat on stage to extended cheers and applause] COLBERT: Thank you so much for being here. CLINTON: Oh, Stephen, it's good to see you. COLBERT: It's good to see you. It's an honor to have you here. CLINTON: Thanks! COLBERT: You have a new book. It's called \"What Happened.\" And I don't know how else to start this interview, other than saying: What happened?! [audience laughter; Clinton laughs] What happened? CLINTON: Well, that's the question I try to answer. COLBERT: Okay. CLINTON: Yeah, because it was the question I asked myself starting on election night. COLBERT: Mm-hmm. CLINTON: And I started\u2014 COLBERT: What time on election night? [audience laughter] CLINTON: Ugh! Well, as I write in the book: Midnight. [shrugs] Midnight. COLBERT: Yeah, I remember. CLINTON: The dark time of the soul. Midnight. [audience laughter] COLBERT: Yeah, I'm waiting for it to not be midnight soon. [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah, right. And so I \u2014 I was asking it like you just said: What happened?! You know? And I figured, maybe I'd better try to find out, to figure it out. So that's why I dove into this book. It was, ah, very painful and difficult, but, at the end, I really feel like I've done my very best to lay out what happened so that it doesn't happen again. I mean, that's my primary goal here is so that it doesn't happen again. [lengthy audience cheers and applause] COLBERT: Well, a lot of people have said, \"Oh, I, boy, I wish Hillary Clinton would just go away.\" CLINTON: Yeah. COLBERT: \"Just go away.\" CLINTON: Well, you know, if they take up a collection and send me somewhere really nice\u2014 [audience laughter] COLBERT: Really? [chuckles] CLINTON: I might consider it! COLBERT: Really? Yeah! CLINTON: But it, you know\u2014 COLBERT: Obama's on David Geffen's yacht a lot. You could go with him. [audience laughter] CLINTON: [shrugs] Well, you know, I \u2014 I am not going anywhere. [massive audience applause] COLBERT: Well, I'm glad you're not! CLINTON: So. [extended audience cheers and applause; Clinton smiles and chuckles] COLBERT: I agree. At first I could understand some of those calls \u2014 people saying like, \"The Republicans are tearing themselves apart; don't give them, you know, someone to rally around in opposition to,\" because you are a convenient figure for them to unite against. CLINTON: Right. COLBERT: But I actually do not think that's how what's happening to our government is going to be stopped. I think it's people who are willing to be civically engaged and believe in the promises and the progress of the last fifty years that will save this country. CLINTON: I agree completely\u2014 COLBERT: So thank you so much for not going away. CLINTON: \u2014absolutely completely! COLBERT: But wait a second: It must not have been easy. CLINTON: No. COLBERT: It must not have been easy to write this book. CLINTON: It \u2014 it wasn't easy! I mean, it was painful. It was horrible reliving it, and, you know, being as candid, open as I could be about the mistakes I made and talking about those. But also trying to come to grips, as I write in the book, about everything from, you know, sexism and misogyny, to voter suppression, to the unusual behavior of the former director of the FBI, and the Russians. And the Russians! \u2014 and you have been sounding the alarm about this \u2014 because I believe so strongly that they think they succeeded in messing with our democracy, and I just can't abide that, so\u2014 COLBERT: Do you think they succeeded in messing with our democracy? CLINTON: Yes I do. I do. I do. Because\u2014 COLBERT: To what degree? Like, influencing the vote? Or influencing opinion? CLINTON: Influencing voters, and therefore influencing opinion, I think is becoming clearer and clearer. I don't know what the Congressional investigations and I don't know what the Special Counsel investigation are going to find; I'm gonna wait for that. But I don't think anybody can with a straight face say that the Russians did not set out to influence our election, and they did so. This latest revelation about the way they bought ads on Facebook and targeted them \u2014 we're gonna find out a lot more, Stephen. And I am saying as clearly as I can \u2014 I feel like I'm a bit of a, you know, a Paula Revere; I'm trying to sound the alarm about this [audience laughter and applause] \u2014 is that the\u2014 You know, you've gotta understand what Putin's strategy is. He really doesn't like democracy. He thinks it's an inconvenient, messy process. And he doesn't like us, and he wants to destabilize our country; sow doubt about our democracy. I mean, these latest revelations, where you had Russians pretending to be Americans \u2014 so you had fake Americans, with fake news, and fake stories, and fake demonstrations \u2014 that wasn't just because he's bored and has nothing to do. He wants to undermine how we see each other, how we respect each other, how we support our institutions and our society. So, I think that they believe they had a good outing in twenty-sixteen, and I think that they will be back in twenty-eighteen and twenty-twenty, unless we stop them. [audience applause] COLBERT: Now, you mentioned that he \u2014 that Putin doesn't like democracy and he doesn't like America; part of the speculation is that he specifically doesn't like you. Do you think this was personal on a certain level? CLINTON: I think it was mostly about the role I played as Secretary of State, which he did morph into a grudge against me, because I would say things like, you know, \"The Russian people deserve free and fair elections. They deserve to have a democracy.\" COLBERT: Questioning the legitimacy of his election in two-thousand eleven. CLINTON: The parliamentary elections, that's right. And, so, our intelligence community and others have said that he did have a personal grudge against me\u2014 You know, I don't take it personally. I think it's part of his worldview, which is all tied up with his anger, his disappointment in the collapse of the Soviet Union, and his feeling that we're his number one rival \u2014 he wants to really undermine the European-American alliance. And so I see it as: I was doing my job \u2014 I was honored to do my job, to stand up and speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy \u2014 and, partly because I'm a woman, which does seem to get him a bit agitated\u2014 [audience cheers and applause] And he actually has said that, um, some things about that\u2014 COLBERT: Has he \u2014 did he ever say anything to you personally that demonstrated his misogyny? CLINTON: Well, he demonstrated\u2014 As I write in the book, you know, there's an expression, we certainly know it in New York, called manspreading. [audience laughter] COLBERT: [chuckling] Yes. CLINTON: And every time I met with him, it would be\u2014 [spreads her arms and flops back in her chair, taking up lots of space] Okay? [audience laughter] The whole deal! And, so, I'd go to meetings with him\u2014 One in particular, we were in his dacha outside of Moscow, and the press comes in, and he just berates America about one of the many things that annoys him about us, and then the press leaves, and I've got four or five things we're trying to deal with him and Russia on \u2014 and I always came to my meetings with him trying to find something that I could actually engage him about. So, we went through the economy and human rights and all these other things that are critically important, and he was, you know\u2014 [mimes staring off into space] Like, as President Obama once said, like the bored guy in the back of the room. He couldn't care less. Then I said: \"You know, I am really pleased to hear that you care about wildlife conservation, and that you are trying to save species in Russia, like Siberian tigers and polar bears.\" Then he came alive! And then we had an interesting conversation, so\u2014 COLBERT: [mimicking Putin] \"I wrestle polar bears!\" [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah! \"I wrestle po\u2014\" No, he said to me, so he said: \"Come with me!\" He takes me down the stairs, down this corridor, into the door \u2014 all of his security guys are jumping up, because we weren't expected \u2014 into this inner sanctum with this huge desk and the biggest map of Russia I think exists, and he started telling me he's \"going here to tag polar bears.\" And then he says to me: \"Would your husband like to come?\" [audience gasps and laughter; Clinton grins broadly] And I said, \"Well, you know, I'll ask him, but, if he's busy, I'll go!\" [she grins as the audience cheers] COLBERT: We're gonna take a little break, and when we come back, Secretary Clinton and I just might break out the chardonnay. ", "label": 1, "idx": 39 }, { "sentence": "Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Don\u2019t Shake Hands to Kick Off Second Presidential Debate: WatchSetting the tone for the night. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton failed to shake hands at the startof the second presidential debate on Sunday, October 9, bunking tradition and kicking off the evening with two cold shoulders. The presidential candidates took to the stage in St. Louis for their second face-off, with Anderson Cooperand Martha Raddatz at the helm. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, left, and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump arrive before the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016. ( After the two candidates were introduced, Clinton, 68, and Trump, 70, walked onstage from opposite sides of the floor and retained grim expressions and stiff body language as they greeted one another, pointedly choosing not to shake hands prior to their explosive 90-minute debate. Trump's wife Melania Trump and daughter Ivanka Trump were photographed shaking hands with Clinton's husband, former president Bill Clinton. The political opponents\u2019 icy demeanor comes just two days after the GOP presidential candidate was caught on newly released 2005 footage bragging about forcibly kissing and groping women to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush. \u201cYou know, I\u2019m automatically attracted to beautiful \u2014 I just start kissing them,\u201d Trump can be heard saying on the controversial audio clip. \u201cIt\u2019s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don\u2019t even wait. And when you\u2019re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the p\u2013sy. You can do anything.\u201d Trump\u2019s lewd remarks have had serious repercussions in the subsequent 48 hours, including a string of high-status Republican officials denouncing the real estate moguland the RNC withdrawing their financial support from the candidate. In response to the fall-out, Trump issued a video statement via Twitter on Saturday, October 8. \u201cAnyone who knows me knows these words don\u2019t reflect who I am,\u201d he says on the video. \u201cI said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.\u201d Former President Bill Clinton checks hands with Melania Trump during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 9, 2016. In recent weeks, Trump has come under fire for his numerous misogynistic comments about women in the past, including his most recent Twitter attack on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, whom he once called \u201cMiss Piggy\u201d and \u201cMiss Housekeeping.\u201d Despite the GOP leadership\u2019s distancing itself from Trump, however, the former Apprentice host vowed not to drop out of the race. \u201cThe media and establishment want me out of the race so badly \u2014 I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! #MAGA,\u201d he tweeted prior to the debate. When Cooper, 49, directly asked Trump: \"You bragged that you sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that?\" the Republican presidential candidate once again insisted that his words were just \"locker room talk\" and tried to deflect attention to ISIS, who are \"really bad.\" Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now!", "label": 0, "idx": 40 }, { "sentence": "Police arrest suspected deadly al-Shabaab fighters in Kenya- Police in Voi have arrested three men suspected to belong to terror group al-Shabaab - According to sources, two other suspects escaped the manhunt - Meanwhile in Eastleigh 80 terror suspects were arrested in a major swoop on Sunday, June 18 Police in Voi on Monday, June 19, dramatically arrested three men suspected to belong to militant group al-Shabaab. According to sources, police had suspected the men of planning a terror attack in Kenya. The three terror suspects were identified as Yayha Bakari a teacher working in Kikambala, Julius Mwandenzi and Abdallah Ramadhan. The three terror suspects were identified as Yayha Bakari a teacher working in Kikambala, Julius Mwandenzi and Abdallah Ramadhan. TUKO.co.ke has learnt that two other suspects escaped arrest with police launching a manhunt for them. The three suspects are currently being interrogated by the anti-terrorism police and will be arraigned in court this week. Meanwhile in Eastleigh, 80 suspected terror suspects have been arrested after a major police operation on Sunday, June 18. The suspects were said to belong to al-Shabaab terror cells in Nairobi. Police in Voi on Monday, June 19, dramatically arrested three men suspected to belong to militant group al-Shabaab. Install TUKO App To Read News For FREE In the last one month Kenya has experienced more than a dozen attacks on civilians and government officers. The attacks by the terror group has mostly been in northern Kenya, with the militants using Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). The terror attacks have currently claimed lives of 40 Kenyans mostly police officers. Have something to add to this article? Send to news@tuko.co.ke Watch PLO Lumumba speak about the Raila conspiracy below: Source: Tuko.co.ke", "label": 0, "idx": 41 }, { "sentence": "Raw Video: 2 officers shot outside of Ferguson police departmentPublished March 12, 2015 BREAKING: Two police officers reportedly were shot early Thursday outside the police department in Ferguson, Mo. amid protests that followed the resignation of the town\u2019s police chief. The shooting was first reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Ferguson Police Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff told the paper that he did not believe the officers were from his department and had no information on the extend of their injuries. The Post-Dispatch reported, citing a police source, that one of the officers was from St. Louis County, while the other was from Webster Groves, another St. Louis suburb located south of Ferguson. KTVI reported that as many as 200 protesters had gathered outside the police station to demand more changes in the city\u2019s government after the resignation of Police Chief Tom Jackson Wednesday afternoon. The station reported that at least one person had been arrested and that protesters were blocking traffic on nearby Florissant Road. The Associated Press reported that the crowd had appeared to be dwindling when the shots were heard. The Missouri Highway Patrol told the AP that troopers were heading to the scene. Jackson was the sixth Ferguson employee to resign or be fired after a Justice Department report cleared white former officer Darren Wilson of civil rights charges in the shooting of black 18-year-old Michael Brown this past August, but found a profit-driven court system and widespread racial bias in the city police department. The Associated Press contributed to this report.", "label": 0, "idx": 42 }, { "sentence": "Your response to Trump\u2019s racist \u2018shithole\u2019 comment will be rememberedSen. Richard Durbin discusses President Trump's immigration comments following the City of Chicago's 32nd Annual Interfaith Breakfast commemorating the life of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Jan. 12, 2018. (Jose M. Osorio / Chicago Tribune) What did you say when President Donald Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador and some African nations as \u201cshithole countries\u201d? What did you say when the president of the United States followed that comment by suggesting he\u2019d rather see more immigrants from countries like Norway? No compatible source was found for this media. Whether now or in the future, you will be asked this question: What did you say? Did you call out the obvious racism behind those statements? Did you acknowledge that the leader of the free world \u2014 by title, anyway \u2014 had shown himself to be a white supremacist, casually expressing his dislike of brown-skinned immigrants and preference for white European immigrants? Were you outraged that such comments from a sitting president were antithetical to the ideals that have always made America a beacon of hope and opportunity? What did you say? Did you speak out? Did you denounce the comments, as Rep. Mia Love, a Utah Republican whose parents came to America from Haiti, did, saying in a statement: \u201cThis behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. \u2026 The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.\u201d Or did you keep quiet? Take note, because you will be asked. Trump\u2019s has been a presidency filled with jaw-dropping moments of offensive behavior, but this one will stand out over time, both for its profane nature and its naked racism. So what did you say? Did you look for excuses? Did you toss out a \u201cWell, what about \u2026\u201d scenario you thought might take the heat off? Did you scream something about \u201cidentity politics\u201d and try to pretend that this is the fault of others, not the fault of the transparently racist old man in the White House? Did you say he has a point? Did you say, \u201cWell, those countries are shitholes, aren\u2019t they?\u201d Did you forget how people once described immigrants from Italy and Ireland? Did you forget the words on a plaque at the Statue of Liberty? \u201cGive me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!\u201d Did you forget those words, or just ignore them? Did you smile about a tax break and say nothing? Did you not put the pieces together and consider all the other times Trump has shown us exactly who he is? Did you tamp down memories of his calls for the execution of the Central Park Five, even after the young men, four black and one Latino, were found innocent? Did you explain away what Trump was implying in this tweet from 2013: \u201cAccording to Bill O'Reilly, 80% of all the shootings in New York City are blacks-if you add Hispanics, that figure goes to 98%. 1% white.\u201d Did you disregard his years-long birther crusade against the nation\u2019s first black president? His description of Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals? His regular criticism that immigrants coming from predominately nonwhite nations are examples of those countries\u2019 \u201cworst people\u201d? Did you not let yourself see the pattern? Did you twist logic into knots and blame it on the media? On political correctness? What did you say when our president called other countries \u201cshitholes\u201d and you had to shield your children\u2019s ears from profanity on the nightly news? What did you tell your children about this moment? How did you explain the president\u2019s words? Tell me, what did you say? Mark it down, let it be known. Because you will be asked this again someday. And if you stayed silent, if you made excuses, if you tried to fool yourself into believing this is appropriate presidential behavior, if you let it slide because this presidency might somehow line your pocketbook, then you will be remembered as complicit, as one who stood by and let America\u2019s decency get dragged through the mud. And if you laughed, or if you smiled, or if you nodded your head in agreement, you will be remembered just as Trump will: as a racist, a fool and an absolute embarrassment. rhuppke@chicagotribune.com RELATED President Trump owes the country an apology \u00bb What happened when I followed Trump's example and started lying all the time \u00bb Trump attacks protections for immigrants from 'shithole' countries in Oval Office meeting \u00bb", "label": 1, "idx": 43 }, { "sentence": "Why Was Twitter Down? Another DDoS Attack? Everything You Need To KnowOn November 7, starting around midnight Eastern Time, Twitter.com went down. The outage only lasted around 30-45 minutes, but users believe it had to do with WikiLeaks, the U.S. election, and a DDoS attack. Before the outage, WikiLeaks tweeted about #DNCLeak2, a release of 8263 new emails from the DNC. It seems to be true that #DNCLeak2was trending on Twitter before the blackout, but has since been removed from the trends list. A bit after the outage, the hashtag was added to the trends list once again. A screencap of Twitter\u2019s U.S. trends taken at 11:54 PM PST on November 6, 2016 (after the outage). The hashtag was missing when Twitter went back up, but it seems to be reinstated. (Twitter) Many are connecting the #DNCLeak2, which implied the Clintons were responsible for the killing of Vince Foster \u2014 whose death was ruled a suicide. Here are some twitter users\u2019 ideas on the subject: DDOS ATTACK BY GOV IN PROGRESS! THEY WILL DO THIS THRU ELECTION NIGHT! THEY DONT WANT US COMMUNICATING! STEALING ELECTION UNDER BLACK OUT! \u2014 Deplorable Jack! (@risetoflyy) November 7, 2016 Do you think Twitter was in on the outage? Do you think the NSA was involved? Leave your thoughts below!", "label": 0, "idx": 44 }, { "sentence": "Air Force Chief Staff \u2018Classifies\u2019 TRUMP as Enemy of AmericaAs we are writing this, Donald Trump is clothed in his war regalia as he prepares for a battle with the judiciary, the press, the CIA and probably innocent Americans. The good news is that we have a powerful and high-ranking military officer is not going to let Trump oppress the world. Air Force Chief of Staff Dave Goldfein may not have called Trump out directly, but his words are pointed at the president. In his interview with the press, Goldfein didn\u2019t spare words of wisdom that Trump should better listen to. Earlier this week, President Trump aka \u2018Orange Tyrant\u2019 was at the MacDill Air Force Base to give his ridiculous and meaningless speeches. Imagine what he told the military officers who left what they should be doing to listen to him if they don\u2019t like him, he is not going to like them. Barely a day after the president made this comment; Goldfein apparently seemed to implicitly attack what the president said. He said that \u201cThis is a great opportunity to step back and remind ourselves and the American people of the oath we take as members of the military.\u201d Goldfein said that the oath they too and they always retake every time they were promoted was to defend and support the American Constitution against any enemy both in the domestic and foreign arena. By design, these military officers do not pledge to defend or support any leader or party because they are apolitical. The military is not too friendly with the president according to Goldfein, one day; the military may be protecting the people from Trump. Goldfein indirectly criticized the disastrous raid in Yemen authorized by Trump, the assurance of Trump that the SEAL was going to have a field only pointed out that he was a local fish without the experience of swimming in the international waters. One of the things that Goldfein is proud of is the fact that the military cannot lose sight that they go to war with their values. People who are critical of the efforts that the military undertakes each day to stop causalities are not aware of who the military are. Indeed, Goldfein is a true patriot who defends the real values of American. We are happy with the service that he is offering passionately to our country to ensure that our ideals are maintained. It doesn\u2019t look like the upper class of the military really like Trump. They have rejected the requested Trump made for the military to go for the fascist-style military parade for his Inauguration Day. Americans need patriots like Goldfein. It is time for each one of us to stand up.", "label": 1, "idx": 45 }, { "sentence": "Donald Trump's September fundraising lags behind Hillary Clinton\nDemocratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during an event in Scranton, Pennsylvania, August 15, 2016 and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a rally in Roanoke, Virginia, September 24, 2016 in a combination of file photographs. Donald Trump reported raising $100 million for his presidential campaign and the Republican party in September, a number that trails far behind Hillary Clinton\u2019s fundraising haul in the same month. Trump\u2019s campaign sent a statement Saturday announcing its \u201cnew fundraising record,\u201d which will fill the coffers for his presidential bid as well as the joint efforts of the Republican National Committee, and various state GOP parties. The campaign said Trump himself contributed $2 million of that total. In total, the campaign and its affiliated joint fundraising committees finished September with approximately $75 million cash on hand. \u201cThese numbers show that Donald Trump continues to have incredible broad based support from across America,\u201d Steven Mnuchin, Trump\u2019s finance chairman. But Trump\u2019s campaign apparatus is playing a catch-up game compared to Hillary Clinton\u2019s behemoth fundraising efforts, which drew in more than $154 million for her campaign and the Democratic Party in September alone. HFA, along with the campaign\u2019s other joint fundraising committees, began the month of October with a combined $150 million cash on hand. And when it comes to advertising, the numbers in the final stretch of the campaign continue the election-cycle trend of Clinton outspending Trump. Bloomberg reports that Clinton and various super PACs supporting the Democratic nominee have booked ads through election day with buys totaling $78.3 million. The amount is more than twice what Trump and his super PAC backers have scheduled -- $50 million, according to Kantar Media.", "label": 0, "idx": 46 }, { "sentence": "Muslim, Sikh supporters for President Donald Trump rally in AnnapolisDozens of protesters gathered Saturday at Lawyers Mall in Annapolis to talk about President Donald Trump. This time, they were in support of him. About 50 people of diverse background who turned out for the Making America Great Again, Already! rally wore Trump T-shirts and hats, posed for pictures with Trump signs and waved Trump flags to show their support for the president\u2019s agenda. It is the same site where numerous rallies have been held with speakers who have been critical of the president. Trump \u201chas people against him \u2026 from within the party, from the media. We are here to support and endorse what he has been doing for the military and the economy,\u201d said Sajid Tarar, a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan and founder of Muslim Americans for Trump. The rally comes at a time of intense controversy for the president. An ABC News/Washington Post poll from this month showed 66 percent of Americans said Trump has done more to divide the country than unite it. He recently criticized NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality against African-Americans. And the rally was held the same day as marches with speakers expected to be critical of the president were staged across the country in support of racial justice. Another is planned Sunday at Lawyers Mall. But Saturday, the crowd outside the State House had a different message. The rally, co-sponsored by Muslim Americans for Trump and Sikh Americans for Trump, was intended to bring together minority communities not typically associated with Trump\u2019s largely white base and demonstrate support for Trump\u2019s ideas. Tarar has been a vocal Trump supporter from early on; he prayed onstage at the Republican National Convention and spoke favor of the then-candidate. Trump\u2019s statements about Muslims and Islam are not directed at the faith as a whole, Tarar said, nor at every Muslim American. It would be impossible, Tarar said, to cast blame on every person belonging to the world\u2019s second-largest religion. \u201cAs a Muslim, I saw him as a relief. I saw him as the person who can fight the terrorism,\u201d Tarar said. He said Trump\u2019s travel ban, which originally blocked immigrants from Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan, isn\u2019t a ban at all but a pause, to ensure thorough vetting of the people from these countries. The original restriction on travel from these six countries has expired and been replaced with an order that bans varying degrees of immigration from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. Tarar and Sikh Americans for Trump founder Jesse Singh both immigrated to the U.S. \u2014 \u201clegally,\u201d Singh told the crowd. Like Tarar, he attended the president\u2019s inauguration. Singh said when he first arrived in Dulles International Airport in Virginia, he saw a futuristic marvel in the sleek terminals and busses that whisked passengers to and fro. But the bus that dropped him off in 1986 is the bus that he is still taking today, adding that the more impressive airports are now the ones in his home country of India. \u201cLast year I went to India, and that airport I left is now looking futuristic,\u201d Singh said. \u201cWhen I came to Dulles Airport, the same 30-year-old bus with loose doors and torn carpet came to receive me. So, when Donald Trump says our infrastructure has gone down, he\u2019s totally right.\u201d Other speakers, including Republican strategist and commentator Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo, praised the president\u2019s crackdown on illegal immigration and promise to build a border wall. At one point, a \u201cBuild that wall!\u201d chant briefly broke out among the rallygoers. Garcia-Hidalgo spoke of a booming economy, a low unemployment rate and a strong stock market, and defended Trump\u2019s response to the devastation to Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. Michael Cohen, who serves as Trump\u2019s personal lawyer, also spoke at the rally via phone and thanked those gathered for their support. Congress has not yet approved funding for the border wall, but the Trump administration has announced companies that are building prototypes. Additionally, Congress has not passed any economic legislation, but the administration introduced a tax reform plan Wednesday. Maryland is a predominantly blue state. More than 60 percent of state voters cast ballots for Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election, and she edged Trump by 6,016 votes in Anne Arundel County. But Marcus Anthony, a Fairfax County, Virginia, resident, said he attended the rally to \u201cpreserve the other side.\u201d \u201cWe live in a highly liberal area,\u201d Marcus said. \u201cAs it is today, a lot of our side is continuously oppressed \u2026 It\u2019s our responsibility to retain our perspectives.\u201d All minorities are not against the president, Singh said. \u201cMinorities have the same agenda as any other Americans,\u201d he said. \u201cWe want America to be great again.\u201d", "label": 0, "idx": 47 }, { "sentence": "Read The Memo That Rocked Washington And Exposed The Deep State Plot Against President TrumpInternet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** While North Korea dominated much of the news of late and the recent events in Charlottesville, VA have been the talk of the internet over the last couple of days, the recent revelation of the \u201cMemo that rocked Washington,\u201d which exposes the deep state subversion against President Trump and explaining the tactics being utilized, is being spun as \u201ccrazy\u201d with the writer of the memo being labeled a \u201cnutcase\u201d by the MSM, who has converged on a narrative in a weak attempt at damage control. The memo is embedded in full below, so readers can read the seven-page memorandum produced in May by the former director of strategic planning at the National Security Council, Rich Higgins. Before we detail some of the highlights from the memo, then offer the document in full, lets take a look at Higgins credentials, the man that the media is doing their best to discredit with labels like nutcase (MediaIte) with outlets like Washington Post calling the memo itself \u201ccrazy.\u201d Not only was Higgins the the former director of strategic planning for the NSC, before being fired by Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster for writing the memorandum, but perhaps more impressive, the Army veteran was also a former Pentagon official who specialized in irregular warfare. Department of Defense defines Irregular Warfare in a 100 page document from 2007, in the following manner: Irregular warfare (IW) is defined as a violent struggle among state and nonstate actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary\u2019s power, influence, and will. It is inherently a protracted struggle that will test the resolve of our Nation and our strategic partners. Our adversaries will pursue IW strategies, employing a hybrid of irregular, disruptive, traditional, and catastrophiccapabilities to undermine and erode the influence and will of the United States and our strategic partners. Meeting these challenges and combating this approach will require the concerted efforts of all available instruments of US national power. Influencing foreign governments and populations is a complex and inherently political activity. This Joint Operating Concept (JOC) describes the military role in protracted IW campaigns; however, these campaigns will fail if waged by military means alone. The nature of IW requires the US Government (USG) to achieve the level of unified action necessary to integrate all available instruments of national power to address irregular threats. The USG will have to develop \u201cWhole of Government\u201d approaches to waging IW at the political, strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Other government agencies must build their capacity to operate in unstable or hostile environments. Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit & Feel Samples Irregular warfare is about people, not platforms. IW depends not just on our military prowess, but also our understanding of such social dynamics as tribal politics, social networks, religious influences, and cultural mores. People, not platforms and advanced technology, will be the key to IW success. The joint force will need patient, persistent, and culturally savvy people to build the local relationships and partnerships essential to executing IW. So a man that specialized in irregular warfare tactics for the Pentagon, writes a seven-page memo which details a plot to overthrow the President of the United States, by globalist members of the deep state, with the intentional help of propaganda being fed to the media in order to influence the public, using tactics he was responsible for observing while at the Pentagon in order to save American militarylives, and the media starts screaming \u201cnutcase,\u201d and \u201ccrazy,\u201d and \u201cconspiracy theory!\u201d Something doesn\u2019t smell right here. MEMO THAT ROCKED THE NSC & SENT THE MSM INTO DAMAGE CONTROL MODE The memo is titled \u201cPOTUS & Political Warfare,\u201d and starts off detail some background on the \u201cinformation campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the President,\u201d calling it \u201cpolitical warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle.\u201d While naming the actors, such as the media, Democrats, establishment Republicans, and explaining what each gains in their political warfare campaign against the president, it is on Page 5 of the document embedded below, where Higgins detailed the \u201cAdversary Campaign Plan,\u201d in the following manner: Adversary Campaign Plan. Political Warfare has been described as \u201cpropaganda in battledress.\u201d The effort directed at President Trump is executed along one overt, as well as two covert, lines of effort: \u2022 The overt line of effort is PUBLICITY. Publicity is the straightforward projection of a case that builds a picture in the audience\u2019s mind designed to garner support. It is facts without context and information the adversary wants the audience to possess that creates an impression and sets conditions. It seeks to establish good will and receptiveness to additional inputs. \u2022 There are two covert lines of effort: PROPOGANDA and INFILTRATION/SUBVERSION. o Propaganda is the deliberate direction, even manipulation, of information to secure a definite outcome. It is an attempt to direct the thinking of the recipient, without his conscious collaboration, into predetermined channels that are established in the Publicity line of effort. It is the unwitting conditioning of the recipient by devious methods with an ulterior motive that seeks to move them incrementally over time into greater belief and acceptance of message transmitted in the Publicity line of effort. o Infiltration and subversion operate internal to the targeted organization in order to inform, target, coordinate, and amplifythe effects of the publicity and propaganda. Both operate to gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate courses of action, provide inside information, and leak sensitive information that undermines the leadership and suppresses the morale of friendly elements. o Infiltration of political and social groups within a target state is done for the purpose of extending counter-state influence and control. The endgame is concealed and may involve illicit activities. o Subversion undermines or detaches the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the target state and transfers political and/or ideological loyalties to the counter-state. As thcounter-state forms, a counter-elite of influential individual and key leaders within the target state will later facilitate the legitimacy and permanency of the new regime. On page #6 we see \u201cPolitical Warfare Executive \u2013 The Meaning, Techniques and Methods of Political Warfare,\u201d which accurately captures what we at ANP have been documenting and reporting on for years, including how the media is being used to deliberately push \u201cpseudo-realities,\u201d in a campaign to \u201cdelegitimize President Trump,\u201d with preferred narratives including the \u201cRussia hacked the election\u201d, \u201cObstruction of Justice\u201d, \u201cHiding Collusion\u201d, and \u201cPutin Puppet.\u201d As is explained, each of these \u201cpseudo-realities,\u201d is geared toward a specific propaganda point, the first an attempt to push the \u201cillegitimate\u201d narrative, the second to push the \u201ccorrupt\u201d narrative,\u201d the third to push the \u201cdishonest\u201d narrative and the last to push the idea of \u201ctreason.\u201d Supporting Narratives. Meta-narratives are supported by an ongoing series of supporting-narratives that can be swapped out as circumstances warrant. It is important to recognize that these stories do not have to be true, valid or accurate to serve their purpose. Over time, deserved or not, the cumulative effect of these supporting narratives will result in a Trump fatigue. From a political warfare perspective, President Trump\u2019s inability to meet this challenge will cast him as a weak failed leader. The entire memo is embedded below, read it and decide for yourself. Below the memo we analyze why a man that specialized in irregular warfare for the Pentagon, was fired by McMasters for detailing what many in the Independent Media have been documenting since Trump won the election. WHY WAS HIGGINS FIRED? We have largely refrained from weighing in on H.R. McMasters, despite the fact that his stances on Iran, Islamic Terrorism, the Paris Accord, were more in line with Obama policy than President Trump\u2019s policy, where in each case McMasters lost his argument and the President aligned himself with the promises made, keeping them rather than allowing McMasters to influence his decisions, but according to recent reports, the second McMasters saw this internal memo, he \u201cdetonated,\u201d and then proceeded to fire the man that wrote it. The memo was written in May, but after McMaster discovered it, Higgins was called into the White House counsel\u2019s office on July 18 and questioned about it. On July 21, he was fired by McMaster\u2019s deputy, but not explicitly given a reason why. As to McMasters stances on a variety of issues that do not align with the president\u2019s base, that can be chalked up to \u201cpolitics\u201d as Trump the businessman was well known for hiring people with opposing views as to look at all angles before making his decisions, it was not surprising in the least that he brought McMasters on. The firing of the director of strategic planning for the NSC on the other hand, for utilizing his experience in known irregular warfare methods for and tactics for the Pentagon, to warn of a campaign against a sitting president by multiple factions, including globalists, deep state members within the intelligence community, and the media, forces us to ask the question of whether McMasters is part of the \u201cpolitical warfare\u201d campaign against President Trump? That is a question President Trump should be asking. BOTTOM LINE The fact that the media was called out directly in the memo, highlighting the part they play in pushing \u201cpseudo-realities,\u201d in order to generate a narrative to influence the general public, explains clearly why they are in all-out damage control mode trying to discredit the writer of the NSC memo that rocked Washington, because he just publicly exposed them all. The fact that the media, Trump haters, neverTrumpers, establishment Republicans, and Democrats are all supporting McMasters, also begs the question: Is he one of the enemy within? The fact that he fired a man trying to protect the president from other enemies within, might be the answer to that question. A couple other articles detailing other Trump loyalists fired by McMasters and the campaign to #FireMcMasters, discussed below: Help Keep Independent Media Alive, Become A Patron for All News PipeLine at https://www.patreon.com/AllNewsPipeLine h/t SHTFplan.com", "label": 1, "idx": 48 }, { "sentence": "Hillary Tells of Screaming Into Pillow, Election Night Shock in Irish TV Interview.Total shock, no concession speech prepared, Clinton reveals, in European interview. In a television interview broadcast on Ireland\u2019s \u2018\u2019Late Late Show\u2019\u2019, former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, opened up on the unfolding of events on election night 2016. Promoting her campaign memoir, \u2018What Happened\u2019, Clinton described the night and its aftermath as \u2018\u2019painful\u2019\u2019 and \u2018\u2019so terrible\u2019\u2019. \u2018\u2019I would have to go lie down because it was so excruciating\u2019\u2019, she joked to interviewer Ryan Tubridy in a candid conversation, filmed near her home in Chappaqua, New York. \u201cI was in a state of shock. I had not prepared a concession speech,\u201d the former presidential candidate revealed, explaining that whilst expecting a close result, her campaign remained confident of victory up until early election night returns began to suggest otherwise. Following a final rally in Philadelphia, appearing with then president, Barack Obama, husband Bill Clinton and celebrities including Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi, Clinton recalled that on the eve of polling day \u2018\u2019everyone was so confident.\u2019\u2019 [Donald Trump, meanwhile, was predicting a \u2018\u2019great victory\u2019\u2019 as he campaigned in Scranton, PA on the same day. \u2018\u2019We are just one day away from the change you\u2019ve been waiting for, for your entire life\u2019\u2019, he told supporters on his final day of campaigning]. Whilst discussing the inauguration of President Trump, asked if she wanted to scream, Clinton told RT\u00c9, \u201cOh, I did. But that was a common occurrence in those days. You know, scream into the pillow when I saw what was happening.\u201d \u201cI would have been disappointed and really unhappy if I had lost to a normal Republican. But to lose to someone who I believed profoundly was not ready for the job, was temperamentally unqualified for the job \u2013 was such a burden. \u2018\u2019I just thought, \u2018I\u2019ve let everybody down, I\u2019ve let my country down, I\u2019ve let the world down. How did this happen?\u201d Clinton recalled. Acknowledging the role of the email scandal and various shortcomings in her campaign, Clinton also blamed Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the propagation of \u2018\u2019fake news\u2019\u2019 as factors in the election of President Trump. \u201cI knew there were these other forces at work that needed to be unpacked and analyzed. It\u2019s not only about what happened, it\u2019s about preventing it from happening again,\u201d she added. With links to Ireland since her involvement in the Northern Ireland peace process of the 1990s, Clinton, who \u2018\u2019segued from imposing political figure to slightly wacky grandma\u2019\u2019 according to one reviewer, told Ireland\u2019s RT\u00c9 Television that she was not going to let the experience turn her \u2018\u2019bitter and cynical\u2019\u2019 and that she would use her platform to fight against what she saw as \u2018\u2019politically damaging\u2019\u2019 trends emerging in the US. Clinton will later this month appear on British television as her book tour continues. Photo Credits: RT\u00c9 TV Sponsored Sponsored", "label": 1, "idx": 49 }, { "sentence": "Trump: The pathological liarDonald Trump is a pathological liar. All those who support him are being lied to daily. Once again, Trump has told his gullible supporters that we are letting people in by the thousands who are not vetted and that we don\u2019t know who they are. Refugees must first apply to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which collects documents and performs interviews. Less than 1 percent of refugees get approved for relocation. If they are approved, they are referred to the State Department to begin the vetting process. More information is collected and they are put through security screenings from the National Counterterrorism Center, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Breaking News Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms If the refugee is Syrian, they must go through another layer of security, which includes further checks by a special part of Homeland Security, the USCIS fraud detection and National Security directors. There, interviews with USCIS officers would take place and fingerprints run through biometric databases of the FBI, Homeland Security and Department of Defense. If all these are passed, health screenings take place. Then refugees are enrolled in cultural orientation classes while information continues to be checked. This process typically takes 18 to 24 months after applying to the UN. This is the most vigorous vetting anyone has ever faced to enter the U.S. Donald Trump is trying to instill fear in the gullible supporters that he has. He has lied about his health records, his tax returns, President Obama\u2019s birth certificate, election fraud (31 cases of voter impersonation in over 1 billion votes) and hundreds of other things, and those who choose to believe him either don\u2019t care about his lies or aren\u2019t smart enough to find out the truth for themselves. Danny Duncan Palmetto", "label": 1, "idx": 50 }, { "sentence": "Tell Us, Mr. Bannon -- Just What Is Trumpism?Days after Steven Bannon\u2019s blustery, accusatory interview on \u201c60 Minutes,\u201d in which he warned the apostates blocking President Trump\u2019s agenda that he\u2019s coming after them, Trump confirmed it -- there is no such thing as Trumpism. In recent weeks he\u2019s assured Democrats he backs legalizing the Dreamers, affirmed a commitment to foreign aid in front of the United Nations, and said he\u2019s adding troops in Afghanistan. Will Trump now accept \u201cbetter\u201d terms he wants in the Paris climate accord? Too bad for Bannon, because none of this is remotely the fault of his favorite punching bags, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, just Trump himself. Bannon\u2019s new self-described role as \u201cwingman\u201d growling from outside instead of inside the White House -- where as chief strategist he fought openly against the \u201cglobalist\u201d forces he believed included Trump\u2019s family members -- isn\u2019t going very well. Trump keeps screwing things up for the Breitbart News commander. After getting fired last month he lamented to the Weekly Standard that \u201cthe Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over.\u201d But upon reflection, Bannon realized that lame duck talk diminishes his own power, so he\u2019s in overdrive fighting for scraps of a policy vision the president embraces spasmodically. Bannon says he\u2019s enjoying having \u201cmy hands back on my weapons,\u201d but he\u2019s outside looking in at a West Wing filled with elites from Goldman Sachs -- the very definition of \u201cthe swamp\u201d that Bannon is always frothing about. There, a president is spending political donations on legal fees while his staffers go deep in debt with mounting lawyer bills, visitor logs are kept secret so voters have no idea who is permitted into the Oval Office to influence the president, and a kleptocracy thrives where Trump and his children continue to be enriched by business connected to foreign governments, including the Chinese. Cabinet secretaries are using government planes for private use and private planes for government work -- violations that would have sparked endless Breitbart bonfires under President Obama. In reality, however, there was little left of Trumpism to trumpet even before Bannon was fired. He\u2019s got the travel ban (or at least a modified version of it), and maybe the promised withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement; Bannon will claim credit if Trump pulls out of the Iran nuclear deal -- but that\u2019s about it. On trade and immigration, the president has retreated from Bannon\u2019s barricade-crashing proposals and has not withdrawn from NAFTA, not imposed tariffs on Chinese steel imports, has three times backed off threats over funding for a border wall and now come out in favor of what Bannon calls \u201camnesty.\u201d Yet Bannon has declared war, promising to take out incumbent Republican senators who aren\u2019t sufficiently loyal to the president. Targets are guilty of insufficient fealty to Trump himself, not to an agenda once thought of as Trumpism. With the backing of loyal mega-donor Robert Mercer, the Bannon forces are targeting Sen. Jeff Flake, and potentially Sens. Bob Corker and Roger Wicker as well. GOP leaders are incensed over the millions more they will spend protecting those lawmakers, money that could be spent trying to knock off Democrats. Currently Bannon is working to elect Roy Moore to replace sitting Sen. Luther Strange in the Alabama Senate race. Trump has endorsed Strange, also backed by McConnell. Bannon is backing the more Trumpian candidate and, well, Trump is not. Bannon, ironically, purports to be interested in protecting GOP majorities in Congress. Before he could imagine Trump giving away the store on DACA to Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Bannon declared in his \u201c60 Minutes\u201d interview that preserving President Obama\u2019s executive order would cause a GOP civil war. He expects Dreamers to run out their permits and \u201cself-deport,\u201d because \u201camnesty is non-negotiable.\u201d He also said, \u201cI\u2019m worried about losing the House now because of this,\u201d adding that his fear is \u201cin February and March it will be a civil war inside the Republican Party.\u201d But if civil war in the GOP isn\u2019t Bannon\u2019s aim, it's hard to know what is. He blames everything on Ryan and McConnell. \u201cThey do not want Donald Trump\u2019s populist economic agenda to be implemented. It\u2019s very obvious. It\u2019s obvious as night follows day,\u201d he told Charlie Rose. In the name of Trumpism, Bannon swallows heavy doses of denial. After all, when Trump threatened to withdraw from NAFTA, the president\u2019s kids and other aides made calls to the Canadian government and arranged for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to call Trump and talk him off the ledge. It wasn\u2019t Ryan or McConnell. Trump\u2019s approval ratings remain low, Bannon said, \u201cbecause he hasn\u2019t -- we haven\u2019t gotten the wall built.\u201d Earth to Steve: Trump has signaled to Congress the wall is a joke. In the wake of the DACA debacle, Breitbart called the president \u201cAmnesty Don,\u201d yet Bannon himself has stayed sheepishly silent. Ann Coulter, author of \u201cIn Trump We Trust,\u201d tweeted: \u201cLooks like Bannon got it wrong. That shadowy force trying to nullify the 2016 election ... is @realDonaldTrump.\u201d Rep. Steve King told the Associated Press the president was destroying his support by betraying his campaign promise, and that his base is \u201cirreparable, disillusioned beyond repair.\u201d King added, \u201cNo promise is credible.\u201d Sam Nunberg, a close Bannonite, conceded: \u201cThe reality is sinking in that the Trump administration is on the precipice of turning into an establishment presidency.\u201d But Bannon isn\u2019t just breaking plates at Breitbart, he\u2019s building his own brand. Last week, like any other dime-a-dozen elitist, Bannon attended an investor conference in Hong Kong. He told the exclusive gathering he speaks to Trump every two-to-three days, despite White House denials that the president has spoken more than once with Bannon since he left. Before Trump disappointed him on DACA, Nunberg had hailed Bannon\u2019s increased influence with Trump. \u201cI think Steve leaves and a week later he [Trump] pardons Arpaio and they suspend DACA. I don\u2019t think there was any coincidence there,\u201d Nunberg told BuzzFeed. Bannon remains fixated on the threat China poses to the United States, has grimly predicted we will be at war with that nation within five-to-10 years over its buildup of military installations in the South China Sea, and said we\u2019re already \u201cat economic war\u201d with China. Yet his domestic bark in this regard doesn\u2019t seem to be the same as his overseas-investor-conference bite. Once there, the New York Times described Bannon as \u201cmore subdued about the purported Chinese threat.\u201d The Wall Street Journal reported he described Trump\u2019s great respect for President Xi and prospects for trade, but that \u201cthe U.S. needs to play a stronger role in changing the system in China, an attendee recalled.\u201d It\u2019s a far cry from a trade war on steel. Perhaps over time, Bannonism will go the way of Trumpism. A.B. Stoddard is associate editor of RealClearPolitics and a columnist. She is also host of \"No Labels Radio\" on Sirius XM's POTUS Channel. Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)", "label": 1, "idx": 51 }, { "sentence": "B&B Recap: Quinn unleashes her inner pain on a stunned RidgeTuesday January 17, 2017: Eric hopes for a breakthrough, Thomas and Steffy chat about their lives, and Bill counsels Liam to have patience. In San Francisco, Ridge pours a drink and Quinn accepts another as well. She asks him to leave, but he\u2019s not going anywhere. Quinn warns Ridge that if he thinks she\u2019d betray Eric, he doesn\u2019t know a damn thing about her. Ridge invites her to make him understand. Quinn opens up about feeling disrespected and used repeatedly. She recalls how Bill tossed her aside, and all the men who came after him were the same. Ridge notes he\u2019s nothing like Bill Spencer. Incredulous, Quinn points out what Ridge was planning to do to her \u2013 he\u2019s exactly like him! She says Eric is the first man to respect her and she\u2019s not giving that up\u2026ever. Ridge explains it\u2019s his job to protect his dad from people like her. Quinn counters if she was a golddigger she would have gone after Bill\u2019s millions. She becomes emotional describing what it was like to raise Wyatt while poor and trying to start a business. Ridge sees why she built a wall around herself, but says she went too far, with Liam for example. Quinn screams that she hates who she was then, but finally she has a life worth living because of love. \u201cI am not letting you take that away from me!\u201d Ridge reiterates that he wants to protect his father since Quinn goes through the world pushing people away. Quinn protests that she had to, to survive, but Eric saw through that and took a chance on her. She sobs that after years of being alone anymore, she\u2019s not now, and she doesn\u2019t ever want to be alone again. Ridge softens, and assures her she\u2019s not alone. He can see why his father fell for her \u2013 he sees the beautiful woman she hides from the world. \u201cIt\u2019s going to be fine.\u201d Ridge warns she has to stop spinning webs and building walls. \u201cYou\u2019re amazing. Trust that.\u201d They embrace\u2026and then kiss. Both look stunned. At the Forrester mansion, Katie is concerned about being alone with Eric while Quinn\u2019s out of town. He reassures his neighbor that Quinn trusts him as much as he trusts her. They joke about Ridge and Quinn being in San Francisco. Eric is hoping for some sort of breakthrough. In Malibu, Bill and Liam discuss Spencer Publications business, but Liam is distracted. He wants Steffy to come home. Bill opens up about his frustrations with Brooke. He counsels that sometimes you just have to know that things will work out even if it takes time. Bill predicts Steffy will move back in with Liam and Brooke\u2019s marriage to Ridge won\u2019t happen. Bill is certain Ridge will mess up; he always does. Just in: B&B\u2019s Linsey Godfrey reveals photos of herself as a zombie for Living With the Dead role At the loft, Thomas tells Steffy he doesn\u2019t know when Caroline is coming back. He hints that when she and Douglas do arrive, it would be nice not to have a roommate. Steffy explains that she\u2019s waiting to move back into Liam\u2019s out of fairness to Wyatt. Talk turns to Quinn. Steffy will never trust her. Thomas wonders why she hasn\u2019t had a meltdown yet. Steffy just hopes Eric\u2019s not too badly hurt when she does. Next on The Bold and the Beautiful: Ridge and Quinn are surprised by their changing feelings toward one another. Photo credit: Howard Wise/JPI - Candace Young", "label": 0, "idx": 52 }, { "sentence": "The Truth About Christopher Columbus \u201cIn fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue\u2026. Today, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a mythical hero by some \u2013 complete with songs, poems, and fictional tales about his great adventure across the Atlantic to explore the majestic land that would eventually be known as the Americas. There are fifty four communities named after the explorer in the United States, including the District of Columbia. \u201cHail, Columbia\u201d was the United States\u2019 unofficial national anthem until 1931. A federal holiday, \u201cColumbus Day,\u201d is celebrated every second Monday in October. Despite all of this, historians have begun to tear down the Columbus myth: That he discovered America. That he proved the world wasn\u2019t flat. ( That had been well-known for more than a millennium in Columbus\u2019 time. In fact, scholars had a pretty good idea of what the circumference of the Earth was, which was part of the dissent against Columbus making his trip- Columbus thought Asia was bigger than it is and the world much smaller, leading one of the scholars commissioned by the monarchy to investigate the plausibility of Columbus\u2019 journey succeeding to say, it was \u201cimpossible to any educated person\u201d). That he came to America in the name of exploration. And, finally, that he came in peace. Quite simply, most of these \u201cfacts\u201d are unequivocally false or half-truths. Columbus sailed the ocean blue to look for wealth and, officially, in the name of Christianity. What he mostly did, though, was enslave and rape the natives he met, sold girls (as young as nine by his own account) into prostitution, and committed numerous acts so heinous that he was forcibly removed from power and sent back to Spain in chains. Christopher Columbus was brutal, even by the standards of his age, leading Bartolome de las Casa, who accompanied Columbus on one of his voyages, to write in his The History of the Indies, \u201cSuch inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight as no age can parallel\u2026 My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that now I tremble as I write.\u201d In August 1492, Columbus departed Spain with three ships \u2013 the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Santa Clara (nicknamed \u201cthe Nina\u201d). After two months on the high seas, land was spotted. Now, before they had left, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had promised to whoever spotted land first a reward of a silken jacket and an annuity of ten thousand maravedis. The lookout on the Pinta was Rodrigo de Triana and he was the first to spot land. He shouted to the rest of the crew down below, and the Pinta\u2019s captain announced the discovery with cannon fire. When it came time to receive the reward though, Columbus claimed he actually saw a light in the distance several hours prior to Triana\u2019s shout, \u201cbut it was so indistinct that I did not dare to affirm it was land.\u201d The reward reportedly went to Columbus. Upon landing on the island, which he would call San Salvador (present-day Bahamas), Columbus immediately went to work finding gold and enslaving the native populations. Specifically, Columbus, upon seeing the Arawaks (the peoples of the region) come out of the forests frightened of the men with swords, but bearing gifts, wrote in his journal, They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They would make fine servants . . . with fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. As other European visitors would observe, the Arawaks were legendary for their hospitality and their desire to share. Again saying Columbus about the Arawaks, \u201care so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone.\u201d Columbus quickly took advantage of this. Seeing that they wore gold studs in their ears, he rounded up of a number of Arawaks and had them lead him to where gold was. The journey took them to present day Cuba and Haiti (but Columbus thought it was Asia), where they found specks of gold in the river, but not the enormous \u201cfields\u201d Columbus was expecting. Nonetheless, he wrote back to Spain saying that, \u201cThere are many spices, and great mines of gold and other metals.\u201d This report earned him financing for a second voyage, this time with 13 ships and twelve hundred men. While he never ended up filling up these ships with gold, he filled them with another \u201ccurrency\u201d and one that would have a horrendous effect on the world going forward \u2013 slaves. In 1495, Columbus arrived back in the New World and immediately took 1500 Arawaks as prisoners. Of those 1500, he picked 500 to be shipped back to Spain as slaves (about two hundred died on the journey back), starting the transatlantic slave trade. The rest were forced to find what little gold existed in the region. According to noted historian Howard Zinn, anyone over 14 had to meet a gold quota. If they didn\u2019t find enough gold, they would have their hands cut off. Eventually, when it was realized there wasn\u2019t much gold in the region, Columbus and his men just took the rest as slaves and put them to work on their newly established estates in the region. Many natives died and their numbers dwindled. In the 15th century, modern historians believe there were about 300,000 Arawaks. By 1515, there were only 50,000 left. By 1531, 600 and by 1650, there were no longer any full-blooded Arawaks left on the islands. The way Columbus and his men treated the women and children of these populations was even worse. Columbus routinely used the raping of women as a \u201creward\u201d for his lieutenants. For example, here\u2019s an account from one of Columbus\u2019 friends and compatriots, Michele de Cuneo, who accompanied Columbus on his second journey to the New World, on what Michele did to a native \u201cCarb woman.\u201d Michele wrote that, While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral [Columbus] gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of whores\u2026 Going further, Columbus wrote in a letter from 1500, A hundred castellanos are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand. As illustrated in a recently discovered 48 page report found in the Spanish archives written by Francisco De Bobadilla (charged with investigating Columbus\u2019 rule at the behest of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, who were troubled by allegations of some of Columbus\u2019 acts), a woman who verbally insulted Columbus\u2019 family was stripped naked and made to ride around the colony on a mule. After the trip was done, her tongue was cut out by the order of Columbus\u2019 brother, Bartolom\u00e9, who Columbus then congratulated for successfully defending the family\u2019s honor. Needless to say, these and numerous other such acts ultimately resulted in De Bobadilla having Columbus removed from power and sent back to Spain in chains. After Columbus came, and was forced out, the Spaniards continued his policy of enslavement and violence. In 1552, the Spanish historian and friar Bartolome de las Casas published multiple volumes under the title The History of Indies. In it, he described the collapse of the non-European population. Casas writes that when the men were captured and forced to work in mines looking for gold, rarely if ever returning home, it significantly impacted the birth rate. If a woman did give birth, she would be so overworked herself and malnourished, that she often could not produce enough milk for the baby. He even reported that some of the women \u201cdrowned their babies from sheer desperation.\u201d There are lot more examples, writings, and research that points to one fact \u2013 Christopher Columbus was a lamentable individual. Nobody\u2019s perfect- if we restricted celebrated individuals to those who didn\u2019t have any major flaws, we\u2019d have few humans to celebrate- and it\u2019s extremely important to view things in the context of the time individuals lived in. But even in his age, many of his acts were considered deplorable by his peers, which is in no small part why Columbus was arrested for his conduct in the New World. Combined with his truly historic and widespread impact being incidental to what he was actually trying to do (so a little hard to celebrate him for even that side of his life), maybe it is time that we let go of the myths we learned about Christopher Columbus in elementary school and stop celebrating Columbus, the man. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy our new popular podcast, The BrainFood Show ( iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, Feed), as well as: Bonus Fact: Not surprisingly, due to these many sexual encounters with the natives, STDs ran rampant in the region in Columbus\u2019 time. Further, while it is still somewhat up for debate if Columbus and his crew brought syphilis to the New World or if they brought it from the New World to Europe (the latter generally being the favored theory), what isn\u2019t argued is that Columbus inadvertently quickened and widen the spread of these dangerous diseases on both sides of the Atlantic. Syphilis became a huge problem, historians nicknaming it the \u201cscourge of the Renaissance,\u201d throughout the Americas and Europe. For more on this, see: Why Native Americans Didn\u2019t Wipe Out Europeans With Diseases Expand for References", "label": 0, "idx": 53 }, { "sentence": "Hillary Clinton\u2019s Response to Las Vegas Shooting Calls for Gun ControlHours after the deadliest shooting in U.S. history, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tweeted a statement attacking the NRA. Clinton asked followers to \u201cput politics aside\u201d and \u201cstand up to the NRA\u201d. Her message came shortly after the devastating Las Vegas massacre that left more than 50 dead and 200 injured. Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again. \u2014 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017 Clinton wrote, \u201cThe crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.\u201d A bill introduced earlier this year by Republican Jeff Duncan, frames the issue as a public health matter, saying that gun owners risk suffering hearing damage without access to silencers. Her response, which also called for a change in access to firearms, contrasted President Donald Trump\u2019s response: My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you! \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2017 Gun rights was a major issue between the two candidates during last year\u2019s election. Trump called himself a defender of gun rights and the Second Amendment, while Clinton called for \u201ccommon sense\u201d regulations on who was able to buy weapons and the need for background checks. The NRA endorsed Trump in the election. Former Vice President Joe Biden also called on Congress to \u201cact now to save lives.\u201d How long do we let gun violence tear families apart? Enough. Congress & the WH should act now to save lives. There's no excuse for inaction. \u2014 Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 2, 2017 Connecticut\u2019s senators, who have pushed for tighter gun control ever since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, were also quick to issue statements Monday. \u201cNowhere but America do horrific large-scale mass shootings happen with this degree of regularity,\u201d Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said in a statement. \u201cThis must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren\u2019t public policy responses to this epidemic. There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It\u2019s time for Congress to get off its ass and do something.\u201d The primary suspect, Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nev., was found dead in his room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino, where he had at least 10 rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox.", "label": 0, "idx": 54 }, { "sentence": "Did Colin Kaepernick Say He Would Stand for the National Anthem If Signed by an NFL Team?In October 2017, Colin Kaepernick told a CBS reporter he would stand for the national atnthem if he were signed by an NFL team. In October 2017, a rumor spread that former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick \u2014 who National Football League teams have refused to sign since his 2016 silent protest during the national anthem \u2014 had said he would be willing to stand during the national anthem if he was signed by a team. Kaepernick was the first NFL player to sit, and then kneel, during the anthem, in protest against police brutality and racial injustice. The Daily Wire web site wrote: According to a breaking news report from the Associated Press, former San Francisco 49ers second string quarterback Colin Kaepernick now says that he\u2019ll stand during the national anthem if an NFL team suddenly decides to give him a job: BREAKING: Quarterback Colin Kaepernick tells CBS he\u2019ll stand during national anthem if given chance to play football in NFL again. According to CBS News, which sat down with the out-of-work NFLer for \u201cseveral hours,\u201d Kaepernick is actively looking for work, and is willing to abdicate his year-long national anthem protest, if only an NFL team would deign to allow him to warm their bench. The sports web site Bleacher Report similarly reported: Free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who remains unsigned after sitting or kneeling during the national anthem throughout the 2016 season, said he plans to stand if signed by an NFL team. Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports revealed Kaepernick\u2019s intentions Sunday. These reports (and others) were ultimately based on claims made by CBS reporter Jason La Canfora, who has since resiled from these claims. The Daily Wire\u2019s story has been updated to reflect that, and the Associated Press has deleted its tweet. However, as of press time, the Daily Wire\u2019s article retained its original, inaccurate headline \u201cQB Colin Kaepernick Now Says He\u2019ll Stand for the National Anthem If He\u2019s Signed to a Team.\u201d As of press time, the Bleacher Report has not yet updated its story. On 7 October 2017, CBS reporter Jason La Canfora appeared on the show NFL Today and summarized a conversation he had had with Kaepernick. During that segment, La Canfora described the player\u2019s determination to return to an NFL team, and claimed: He\u2019s not planning on kneeling, he\u2019s going to donate all his jersey sales, and he\u2019s planning on standing for the anthem, if given the opportunity. However, a day later Colin Kaepernick appeared to allude to the inaccuracy of that account, in this tweet: A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Kaepernick\u2019s girlfriend, radio presenter Nessa Diab, directly refuted La Canfora\u2019s claims: The reports that Colin will stand for the anthem are completely false! He has never discussed this with anyone. pic.twitter.com/tWusUBJMeF NFL Today deleted a video of La Canfora\u2019s claims from its Twitter account, and La Canfora himself posted a series of tweets clarifying that he had not, in fact, discussed the possibility of standing for the national anthem in his conversation with Kaepernick. Wanted to clarify one thing regarding @Kaepernick7. When I was asked about his whether or not he would sit or stand for anthem \u2026 Standing for Anthem wasn\u2019t something that I spoke to Colin about sat. I relayed what had been reported about him standing in the future\u2026 Reports about @Kaepernick7 standing for anthem had not been refuted. However, I cant say if they are true or not. Colin and I didn\u2019t discuss Colin would have to address any future demonstrations. I didn\u2019t ask him if he would sit or stand. Our chat primarily about his will to play I know @Kaepernick7 is fully committed to playing football and helping those in need. What he would do during the Anthem I do not know It was not the first time that a news organization reported Kaepernick\u2019s purported willingness to stand during the anthem. In March 2017, Adam Schefter wrote an article headlined \u201cColin Kaepernick to stand during national anthem next season,\u201d in which he cited anonymous sources: Quarterback Colin Kaepernick will stand during the national anthem next season, sources told ESPN on Thursday. Kaepernick no longer wants his method of protest to detract from the positive change he believes has been created, sources told ESPN. He also said the amount of national discussion on social inequality \u2014 as well as support from other athletes nationwide, including NFL and NBA players \u2014 affirmed the message he was trying to deliver. Schefter did not quote Kaepernick himself in the article or offer verifiable proof. We could not find any evidence to corroborate Schefter\u2019s claim. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.", "label": 0, "idx": 55 }, { "sentence": "Why Hillary Clinton might feel Donald Trump's pain after \"2nd Amendment\" gaffeDonald Trump lit a fresh controversy this week with his suggestion that \"Second Amendment people\" could stop Hillary Clinton from naming her judicial picks, if she becomes president - a remark many interpreted as a suggestion that gun rights activists could violently target Clinton or her judicial nominees. \"\"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,\" Trump said at a rally on Tuesday. \"Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.\" Trump and his defenders say critics misread the remark. They insist the GOP nominee was merely talking about Second Amendment supporters peacefully exercising their political power to prevent Clinton from appointing jurists to the federal bench. And some have pointed to a similar gaffe Clinton made in 2008 to argue that Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt. As the Democratic nomination was slipping from her grasp in May 2008, Clinton faced calls to drop out and endorse then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who'd at that point built a virtually insurmountable lead in the primary. When she was asked by a South Dakota newspaper at the end of that month why she was still running, Clinton replied, \"You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? ...We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.\" To some, Clinton's response suggested she was staying in the race because there was a possibility Obama could be killed, as Bobby Kennedy had been during the 1968 Democratic primary. After an indignant eruption from Obama's team, Clinton quickly backtracked: \"I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and in particular the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever.\" It wasn't quite a pristine mea culpa - she apologized \"if\" her remark was \"in any way offensive,\" not for the remark itself. But it's worth noting that she was considerably more contrite than Trump has been in response to his own misstep. 66 Photos Best photos of campaign 2016 \"Give me a break,\" Trump scoffed to Fox News when asked about the criticism. His campaign released a statement blaming the \"dishonest media\" for manufacturing the controversy. On May 25, 2008, days after Clinton's remark on RFK, her spokesman, Howard Wolfson, appeared on \"Face the Nation\" to offer the campaign's version of events. \"What she clearly said, and what she meant, was that, in previous election cycles--and she referenced first her husband's in 1992, and then 1968--we've had campaigns that have gone on into June and actually beyond,\" he said. \"And so her reference to Senator Kennedy was a historical reference. The people in the room in South Dakota where she said this at the newspaper found nothing peculiar about it. She has said this before; there was no commentary or discussion about it when she'd said it before. And I think, unfortunately, her remarks have been blown out of proportion. She very quickly made clear what she meant. If she caused anyone any discomfort or pain--because it is obviously a very sensitive topic--she apologized. But she was talking about it in a historical context.\" Still, Wolfson later added, he didn't believe Clinton owed Obama a personal apology. \"Her remarks were not about Senator Obama,\" Wolfson explained. \"They had nothing to do with Senator Obama. And so, you know, there would be no reason for her to apologize to Senator Obama.\"", "label": 0, "idx": 56 }, { "sentence": "Hillary\u2019s trying to make the election a referendum on political correctnessOpinion Modal Trigger Rex/Shutterstock Voters\u2019 top concerns are the stagnant economy and the threat of terrorism, but you wouldn\u2019t know it from Hillary Clinton\u2019s TV ads or campaign speeches. She\u2019s trying to twist the presidential race into a referendum on political correctness. Too embarrassed to run on her party\u2019s economic record or her failed stint as secretary of state, she\u2019s positioning herself as top cop of the speech police. For example, Hillary is running an ad depicting pre-teen girls looking self-consciously in the mirror, agonizing over their bodies. Sometimes such young girls\u2019 worries turn into deadly eating disorders, ultimately killing 10 percent of those affected. Clinton cynically exploits the pain and fear felt by thousands of families. Her ad uses a voiceover of Trump saying things like \u201cshe ate like a pig\u201d and \u201cdoes she have a fat ass?\u201d Parents struggling with their child\u2019s eating disorder run to one doctor after another frantically seeking answers. The causes are complex and still not entirely known \u2014 but no one believes the cause is Donald Trump. Some experts blame Hollywood\u2019s glorification of skinny women for at least contributing to the rash of eating disorders and young girls\u2019 body-image struggles. Instead of trying to muzzle Trump and other men, why isn\u2019t Hillary calling out her big supporters in the entertainment industry? The same question applies to Hillary\u2019s double standard in bashing Trump for lewdness but celebrating it in popular music. Clinton\u2019s latest super PAC ads condemn Trump\u2019s bawdy 2005 remarks on a bus with show-biz journalist Billy Bush. Trump bragged to his buddy, \u201cI moved on her like a bitch.\u201d Clinton claims to have been outraged when she heard it, calling it \u201chorrific.\u201d Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald chuckles at Clinton\u2019s hypocritical \u201csudden onset of Victorian vapors.\u201d After all, Clinton has no problem with the salacious lyrics of her pal and supporter Beyonc\u00e9. Even when Beyonc\u00e9 sings: \u201cI came to slay bitch . . . when he f\u2013k me good I take his ass to Red Lobster.\u201d Clinton says, \u201cI want to be as good a president as Beyonc\u00e9 is a performer.\u201d Trump can\u2019t catch a break with Clinton, even when he\u2019s trying to do the right thing. Another Clinton ad attacks Trump reaching out to inner-city African-Americans with promises of more jobs and school choice. Reminding minority voters that Democratic politicians have failed to improve their economic opportunities, Trump asks for their vote, saying: \u201cWhat the hell do you have to lose?\u201d Clinton\u2019s ad says: \u201cEverything.\u201d It follows her ad featuring Ku Klux Klan members praising Trump. It\u2019s McCarthyite guilt by association. Trump has no connection to the group. What\u2019s Trump actually guilty of? Poaching on Hillary\u2019s turf. Worse than tarring Trump, she\u2019s labeling cops, teachers and millions of other Americans racists. Whenever she talks to black audiences, she stokes racial resentment. She told the NAACP that whites \u201cneed to recognize our privilege and practice humility.\u201d All whites, she claims, have \u201cimplicit bias,\u201d and she wants bias training for police and other professions. Implicit bias \u2014 you\u2019re told you have it even if you don\u2019t realize it, no matter how colorblind you try to be, and denying your bias just proves it. Implicit bias is PC drivel. There\u2019s no solid data to support it, cautions social scientists Philip Tetlock of UPenn and Gregory Mitchell of the University of Virginia and experts from New York University and the University of Connecticut. But if Clinton becomes president, we\u2019ll all be undergoing re-education at school or work to cure our \u201cimplicit bias.\u201d To see what President Hillary\u2019s America would be like, look at most college campuses today. Few on campus dare to question Black Lives Matter, militant multiculturalism and \u201csafe spaces\u201d to spare students from challenging ideas. Hillary\u2019s dictating how Americans talk about race, sex, even body shapes. Trump calls it like he sees it. He doesn\u2019t stick to the well-rehearsed rhetoric of a career politician. But his supporters are sick and tired of political correctness. He\u2019s not running for saint. He\u2019s running to get the job done, something Hillary Clinton has already proven she can\u2019t do. Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.", "label": 1, "idx": 57 }, { "sentence": "Should Confederate Statues Stay Or Be Removed? [POLL]It's a debate playing out across America. Should statues and memorials of Confederate soldiers and officers remain standing, or should they be removed. Those in favor of removing the statues say the statues represent racism. Those who want the statues to remain complain that removing the statues would be an attempt to get rid of history. What do you think? Should cities and states get rid of Confederate statues and memorials?", "label": 0, "idx": 58 }, { "sentence": "R. Kelly Scandal: Alleged \u201cHostage\u201d Speaks After Family Hold Press Conference In the space of a day, R. Kelly\u2018s name has catapulted back into the headlines after a shocking expos\u00e9 alleged that he is leading a secret \u201csex cult\u201d and is holding women against their will. Since the story hit the wire, the singer has, via his publicist, denied the claims and alluded to taking legal action. However, it\u2019s quickly becoming clear that the drama isn\u2019t going anywhere. The family of alleged hostage Jocelyn Savage held a press conference claiming that Kelly has brainwashed the 21 year old. So much so that she effectively has Stockholm Syndrome: In a twist, Jocelyn sat down with TMZ to refute the claims of her family, insisting that she has been receiving their messages but has willingly cut off communication with them. She wouldn\u2019t, however, reveal what her current living arrangement is nor which city she resides in: Sigh. Keep it locked on That Grape Juice for the latest. Your thoughts?", "label": 0, "idx": 59 }, { "sentence": "Newt Gingrich Lost His Mind During an Argument With Megyn KellyRemember back in August of 2015, when Donald Trump's women problem was contained to calling Rosie O'Donnell a \"pig\" at the first Republican debate and saying Megyn Kelly had \"blood coming out of her wherever\" for asking legitimate questions about his sexist treatment of women? Fast forward to present day (or, more accurately, last night), and we now have former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (and current Trump surrogate) literally daring Kelly to call Bill Clinton a \"sexual predator\" on live television after trying to denounce the coverage of Trump's numerous sexual misconduct allegations as unfair and biased. Thank goodness there are only 13 more days till the election because, honestly, how much more of this can the American people take? What began as a conversation between the Fox News anchor and former speaker of the house about Donald Trump's dwindling poll numbers soon turned into a hostile exchange about sexism, media bias, and the election. Recent reports, including one conducted by Fox News, show Clinton's numbers growing in several key states, making Trump's chances of becoming president all the more slim. Gingrich quickly interjected that all these polls are biased\u2014\"Fox News? I don't think so,\" Kelly countered\u2014before he launched into an attack on the media as a whole for focusing on the Access Hollywood tape and the numerous women who have come forward to corroborate the things Trump articulated on the leaked footage, rather than the leaked transcripts of Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches or her plans to allow \"600 million people\" to migrate to the country. \"The three major networks spent 23 minutes attacking Donald Trump [after the third presidential debate] and 57 seconds on Hillary Clinton's secret speeches,\" Gingrich said. \"You don't think this is a scale of bias worthy of Pravada and Izvestia?\" (Quick history aside: Pravada and Izvestia were two newspapers published in Soviet Russia.) Kelly articulated that \"if Trump is a sexual predator\"\u2014which Gingrich quickly denied\u2014and was revealed to have a lengthy history of sexual misconduct, Americans\u2014especially American women\u2014have the right to know this about a presidential nominee and the media should be required to cover it. Or so she tried to articulate before Gingrich once again interrupted her for using \"inflammatory\" language \"that is not true.\" \"You are fascinated by sex and you don't care about public policy,\" said a man who spent his tenure as speaker of the house obstructing the president and twenty-plus years dwelling on Bill Clinton's sexual history. \"Me? Really?\" Kelly countered, before Gingrich doubled down, saying, \"That's what I get out of watching you tonight.\" Kelly responded to this, saying, \"You know, Mr. Speaker, I'm not fascinated by sex, but I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the Oval Office and I think the American voters would like to know.\" \"Therefore we're going to send Bill Clinton back to the East Wing because, after all, you're worried about sexual predators?\" Gingrich interjected. \"Listen, it's not about me. It's about the women and men of America. The poll numbers show us that the women of America, in particular, are very concerned about these allegations, and, in large part, believe they are a real issue and don't want to dismiss the women.\" Kelly barely made her point before Gingrich once again interrupted, saying, \"You want a comment on whether the Clinton ticket has a relationship to a sexual predator?\" \"We, on The Kelly File, have covered that story as well,\" she countered. \"I want to hear you use the words 'Bill Clinton, sexual predator.' I dare you. Say 'Bill Clinton, sexual predator,\" Gingrich said, smirking all the while. Kelly, as expected, kept her cool, explained that she had, in fact, covered Clinton's past behavior on her show, before making the most sound counter-argument to Gingrich's challenge. \"He's not on the ticket,\u201d Kelly said. \u201cThe polls also show the American public is less interested in the deeds of Hillary Clinton\u2019s husband than they are in the deeds of the man who asks us to make him president, Donald Trump.\u201d As the segment drew to an end, Kelly bid farewell to her contentious guest, saying, \"We\u2019re going to have to leave it at that and you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, Mr. Speaker. Thanks for being here.\u201d To which Gingrich replied, \"And you too.\" Watch the full segment below.", "label": 1, "idx": 60 }, { "sentence": "John McCain's 'no' on health care sent shock waves throughout the SenatePresident Trump responded to the Senate Republican's inability to pass a skinny version of Obamacare's repeal the only way he knows how: Twitter. Senate Republicans weren't able to muster enough votes to pass their skinny repeal of Obamacare. Senators voted 49-51 shortly before 2:00 a.m. Friday morning. Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) cast a surprise \"no\" vote. He was joined by GOP Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine). The bill, titled the Health Care Freedom Act, would have repealed the individual insurance mandate. It would also have repealed the employer mandate for eight years. GOP leaders and Vice President Mike Pence huddled with McCain, Murkowski and Collins before the vote, which was stalled for nearly an hour. A few minutes before the vote, McCain crossed the chamber to huddle with Democrats. McCain's \"no\" vote came as a shock to many. Democrats applauded the move on Twitter. The vote is a devastating blow for Republicans who have fought for months to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and will likely have to start the process all over again. \"This is clearly a disappointing moment,\" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said shortly after the final vote tally was called. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer admitted that the current health care law is not perfect and called for Republicans and Democrats to work together to fix the problems with Obamacare. Other memorable moments from the health care debate: Now the Senate will move on to the defense budget.", "label": 0, "idx": 61 }, { "sentence": "Trump to undo Obama order, allow local police to have additional military-like items\nImage copyright 2014 Getty Images. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. WASHINGTON (AP) \u2014 The Trump administration is preparing to restore the flow of surplus military equipment to local law enforcement agencies. The government program had been sharply curtailed by the Obama administration amid an outcry over police use of armored vehicles and other war-fighting gear to confront protesters. Documents obtained by The Associated Press indicate President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order undoing an Obama-era directive that restricted police access to military grenade launchers, firearms, ammunition and other gear. The documents say Trump's order would fully restore the program under which \"assets that would otherwise be scrapped can be repurposed to help state, local, and tribal law enforcement better protect public safety and reduce crime.\"", "label": 0, "idx": 62 }, { "sentence": "$166,000 Left in Plane\u2019s Overheard Compartment, Returned To Owners image: wikicommons Here\u2019s some good advice. Please don\u2019t place valuables likes money and passports in a planes overhead compartment! A couple was flying from Chicago back to Munich last week when they forgot some very precious and valuable cargo onboard. The couple left a bag containing $166,000 in the planes overhead compartment! Lucky for them, the story has a happy ending\u2026 The couple was able to go through customs using ID cards, not realizing that the bag they left behind contained their passports and \u201cAmerican cashier\u2019s checks \u2013 worth a total of $166,000,\u201d according to T+L. The man had just inherited the large sum of money from his mother. A cleaner saw the bag on the plane and turned it over to the airline. The airline then gave it to the local police who found the cashier\u2019s checks inside. When the police figured out who the owners of the bag were, they had already left the airport. According to T+L the \u201cpolice tracked them down to their home about two hours away\u201c. Once the man was told what he had left on the plane he headed right back to the airport to claim the valuable bag! Lucky for them this story ended well!", "label": 0, "idx": 63 } ]