[ { "sentence": "Here\u2019s What Happened When a Drunk Driver Pulled a Gun on a Police OfficerIt\u2019s not often that a suspect\u2019s attorney calls the police officer who arrested him a \u201ctrue hero;\u201d but in John Picerno\u2019s eyes, that exactly what Overland Park Police Sergeant Scott Ferguson is. Back in April, Ferguson was on night patrol when he spotted a vehicle driving along the wrong side of road with no headlights on. He pulled the car over, but the driver quickly took off again\u2026only to crash into a fire hydrant. Dash cam footage from Ferguson\u2019s patrol car then shows the drunk driver exiting his vehicle. He stood there hunched over with his hands behind his back, until Ferguson began approaching. That\u2019s when the driver pulled out a pistol. Rather than brandishing his own weapon, Ferguson wrestled the gun out of the driver\u2019s hands \u2013 and the driver to the ground where he was finally handcuffed. At his hearing in August, the suspect pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and battery on a law enforcement officer, as well as driving under the influence. After serving 170 days of his sentence, he was placed on probation. But according to Picerno, his lawyer, he should just be thankful he\u2019s alive. \u201cHe is very lucky and both he and his family are very grateful for the officer, Sgt. Scott Ferguson, who exercised extreme discretion during the incident,\u201d Picerno said according to the Kansas City Star. He added that Ferguson likely would\u2019ve been justified in firing his weapon in that situation. \u201cNo one is tougher on law enforcement than me,\u201d he continued. \u201cI have to say Sgt. Ferguson is a true hero in my book. He is an example of what good policing looks like.\u201d We couldn\u2019t agree more. You can watch the dash cam video here.", "label": 0, "idx": 0 }, { "sentence": "Pulse families' lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook and Google dismissedA federal judge dismissed a lawsuit families of Pulse victims filed against several social media companies alleging they didn\u2019t do enough to stop ISIS propaganda that radicalized gunman Omar Mateen. The order to dismiss the lawsuit was filed Friday, the same day a jury of 12 acquitted Mateen\u2019s widow Noor Salman, who was charged with aiding and abetting a foreign terror organization and obstruction of justice. Family members of nine victims and four survivors of the nightclub shooting sued Twitter, Facebook and Google on December 19, 2016, claiming that the online platforms \u201caided and abetted\u201d and \u201cconspired\u201d with the Islamic State, an international terrorist organization, to commit the June 12, 2016 attack. The lawsuit alleged that the companies knew \u201cthat ISIS members and its official news outlets use numerous accounts\u201d on the social media platforms to \u201cpublish the organization\u2019s messages and to recruit and \u2018radicalize\u2019 persons such as Mateen.\u201d They argued that because Mateen was able to access videos of beheadings and other \u201cjihadist material\u201d through their platforms, they contributed to his \u201cself-radicalization.\u201d But the Michigan court ruled that the Orlando shooting was not directly committed by ISIS, nor did the companies do anything to support Mateen. U.S. District Judge David M. Lawson wrote in his dismissal that there is no definitive evidence suggesting that the material Mateen saw online directly led to the attack, \u201cother than that the principles espoused in them motivated Mateen to carry out the dreadful act.\u201d \u201cThe only conduct involved with the attacks that is described with any particularity is Mateen\u2019s,\u201d Lawson wrote, which suggests that he planned and conducted the shooting \u201cin isolation, when he \u2018self-radicalized\u2019 by perusing Internet postings, and then acted on his self-informed radical sentiments.\u201d During the Salman trial in Orlando, prosecutors released Mateen\u2019s web activity in the weeks leading up to the attack, including Google and Twitter searches related to ISIS, terrorism, and FBI surveillance. bpadro@orlandosentinel.com or 407-232-0202 or follow me on Twitter @BiancaJoanie", "label": 0, "idx": 1 }, { "sentence": "Comey Lawyer: No memos given to me were marked classified\nImage copyright 2017 Getty Images. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Columbia University Law School professor and confidant of former FBI Director James Comey refuted a charge by President Donald Trump and his advocates in the media Monday: that Comey shared classified information with journalists. Daniel Richman, with whom Comey shared at least one memo -- the contents of which Richman shared with New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt -- said President Trump was simply wrong. \"No memo was given to me that was marked 'classified,'\" Daniel Richman told CNN. \"No memo was passed on to the Times.\" Richman did share the contents of one memo, he said, but \"the substance of the memo passed on to the Times was not marked classified and to my knowledge remains unclassified.\" During Senate testimony in June, in which he said he gave memos to someone he described as a Columbia University professor, Comey said he specifically wrote the memos to avoid including classified information. \"My thinking was, if I write it in such a way that I don't include anything that would trigger a classification, that'll make it easier for us to discuss, within the FBI and the government, and to -- to hold on to it in a way that makes it accessible to us,\" Comey told senators. On Sunday, writing in The Hill, John Solomon reported that, \"More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.\" CNN has not independently verified The Hill's report. The Hill's reporting raised \"the possibility,\" Solomon reported, that \"Comey broke his own agency's rules and ignored the same security protocol\" that Comey criticized Hillary Clinton for disregarding. Solomon did not report that the possible breaking of FBI rules was determined to have happened, nor did he report that this would be a violation of the law. Yet that is how President Trump depicted it in a tweet Monday morning: \"James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!\" One of the issues at play may have to do with whether any contents of the Comey memos have since been upgraded to classified, although that has not been definitively reported by CNN. The-CNN-Wire \u2122 & \u00a9 2017 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.", "label": 0, "idx": 2 }, { "sentence": "President Obama endorses in local state legislative racesDon\u2019t be surprised if you hear President Obama making robocalls to your home on behalf of local candidates this election season. The President has endorsed three Washington state legislative candidates, in an effort to help Democrats make gains down ballot. The candidates include Lisa Wellman, who is challenging Republican Steve Litzow for his senate seat in the 41st legislative district that includes Mercer Island and Bellevue. Wellman, a first time candidate, took the lead in the August primary by under 500 votes. Democratic challengers in both state house races in legislative district 30 also received endorsements. Kristine Reeves is challenging Republican Teri Hickel elected to position two during a special election last year. Mike Pellicciotti is challenging Republican incumbent Linda Kochmar. Both Reeves and Pellicciotti held slight leads in their respective races. With two weeks until Election Day, President Obama recorded audio for the candidates to be used in robocalls or radio and digital ads. An ad for Governor Inslee featuring the President also began airing this week. Mr. Obama fundraised for Inslee in Seattle earlier this year. Mailers, social media posts and TV ads are also part of the strategy to take back seats in state legislatures nationwide during what Democrats hope could be a wave election year. Related: Obama endorses down the ballot \u201cDemocrats are hoping their momentum that they currently have not only helps them in the presidential race, but helps in senate, house and state legislature races,\u201d said NBC Senior Political Editor Mark Murray. \u201cYou don\u2019t get these political environments every single year\u2014you want to be able to seize at political winds when they\u2019re at your back.\u201d The Washington State Republican Party says not so fast. \u201cThe voters of our state can make our own decisions, without any advice from President Obama,\u201d said Chairman Susan Hutchison. \u201cSteve Litzow and Teri Hickel should be honored that the State Democrats are so worried about the weakness of their own candidates that they've called on President Obama to help,\u201d Hutchison wrote in a statement to KING 5. \u201cBarack Obama doesn't even know the candidates he's endorsed. If he did, he would know they are not qualified for their positions, and even the Seattle Times endorsed their Republican incumbents.\u201d The Times endorsed Litzow and Hickel, but endorsed Democrat Mike Pellicciotti in his race. Currently, Republicans control the State Senate 26 to 23. Democrats control the House of Representatives 50 to 48.", "label": 0, "idx": 3 }, { "sentence": "ESTA warning: Brits to undergo \u2018extreme vetting\u2019 in the US following Trump election\nBrits travelling to America could be subject to Muslim Labour MP Tulip Siddiq has called on Trump to clarify whether to not Brits travelling to the US will be subject to ideological tests in order to gain entry. Back in August, Trump spoke about introducing \u201cextreme vetting\u201d, which would involve would-be immigrants being questioned on subjects such as their religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. But his campaign team were not clear on whether this process would apply to the millions of tourists who visit the country each year. Trump did state that if he was elected, those excluded from visiting the country would include people who didn\u2019t believe in the U.S Constitution, support bigotry and hatred, believe Shariah law is more important than US law, or would not \u201cflourish in the country\u201d. Trump spoke about bringing in the vetting process back in August Tulip, the Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, told the Telegraph: \u201cWith the stark reality of the American election now beginning to settle in, Mr Trump needs to clarify immediately whether or not British tourists will have to take these so-called \u2018ideological tests\u2019 before being able to continue on their holidays in the US. \u201cMillions of British Muslims will feel feel despair at the possibility of being singled out for this sort of prejudiced scapegoating, which will only encourage division and hatred in society.\u201d Jack Dromey, a shadow Labour business minister, added: \u201cIs Donald Trump really saying that a proud British Muslim mum and dad travelling to America to their daughter\u2019s wedding will have to undergo extreme vetting first? \u201cHe needs to clarify whether or not he will treat a million Muslims in Britain as second class citizens, potentially a risk to American security? Tue, October 18, 2016 The smartest travel hacks that everyone should know. The best hacks for smart travellers Muslim Labour MP Tulip Saddiq is now calling on Trump to clarify whether the screenings will happen \u201cIt is foolish and irresponsible behaviour which can only feed fundamentalism.\u201d Those planning to travel to the US soon may find immigration changes will have passengers speeding through customs. Anyone who has travelled to the US will know the queues in the airport for their passports to be inspected are long. It is the last thing people want to be doing after a long-haul flight and a dose of jet lag. If it does come into force, immigrants would have to believe in US law, not Shariah law But now, travellers will find this process has just got a lot faster. The Department of Homeland Security has announced plans to expands pre-clearance programme. The pre-clearance programme will see passengers going through the immigration and customs inspection before they board the flight to the US. This in turn will mean that once they arrive, they can move swiftly on to collect their baggage.", "label": 0, "idx": 4 }, { "sentence": "Latest Figures Reveal That The World Uses 500 Billion Plastic Bottles Annually\nCredit: Do It Wiser Plastic is plaguing the environment left and right and one of the single biggest contributors is the use of single-use plastic bottles. This includes water bottles and those used for other beverages, like sodas and sugary sports drinks, and the demand for them is only increasing despite global efforts to stem plastic usage in the bud. Plastic bags and bottles ravage the Earth from production to disposal, and yet humans buy approximately one million bottles per minute, according to Euromonitor, a market research group. Those numbers are expected to increase by another 20% by 2021, which will devastate climate, beaches, oceans, and all of the animals that reside in these areas. According to figures from Euromonitor, humans bought 480 billion plastic bottles in the year 2016, which is 300 billion more than the numbers from a decade ago. To make matters worse, less than half of those bottles was collected for recycling and only about 7% of those collected were turned into new bottles. Manufacturers complain that using recycled plastic ruins the appeal of the bottles and that it costs more to use these materials, which will fall on the consumer. Experts speculate that this demand for 20,000 bottles per second has been exacerbated by the on-the-go, urban culture that has taken over in cities in China and the Asia Pacific region. With an increased population comes a rise in the demand for PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, which is why Chinese citizens bought 73.8 billion bottles last year, up more than 5 billion since the year before it. \u201c[China] is a critical country to understand when examining global sales of plastic PET bottles, and China\u2019s requirement for plastic bottles continues to expand,\u201d said Euromonitor\u2019s head of packaging, Rosemary Downey. It\u2019s not enough that reusable water bottles are trending right now because that doesn\u2019t help the nations who can\u2019t trust the cleanliness of their tap water. This surge in buying plastic bottles is also largely driven by developing countries, where disposability is more important than sustainability and being eco-friendly. \u201cThis increase is being driven by increased urbanization,\u201d Downey said. \u201cThere is a desire for healthy living and there are ongoing concerns about groundwater contamination and the quality of tap water, which all contribute to the increase in bottle water use.\u201d Credit: Bottle Ban If municipalities would clean up their water or work to provide safe drinking water to certain regions for the first time, it\u2019s likely that plastic pollution, especially when it comes to bottles, would decline dramatically and slow the environmental health crisisthat is building every day. Sadly, it\u2019s estimated that approximately 5 to 13 million tons of plastic leak into the ocean every single year, ultimately to be worn down into fragments that float in the water column and can sometimes become a part of one of the many garbage patches. Fish, sea birds, and other marine life will eat the specks of plastic or even consume larger pieces, which can eventually kill them. Since humans consume a variety of fish from the ocean, these plastics can also make their way onto our dinner plates. \u201cThe plastic pollution crisis rivals the threat of climate change as it pollutes every natural system and an increasing number of organisms on planet Earth,\u201d said Hugo Tagholm, the CEO of Surfers Against Sewage. \u201cCurrent science shows that plastics cannot be usefully assimilated into the food chain. Where they are ingested they carry toxins that work their way on to our dinner plates.\u201d There are several solutions that groups and experts have suggested to reduce the number of plastic bottle usage, ranging from cutting bottles out cold turkey to encouraging a payment system to use plastic bottles. While some places, like San Francisco, banned the sale of plastic bottles, other groups advocate for what\u2019s called a circular economy. In the circular economy, plastic bottles would be used, recycled, refilled, and reused, effectively reducing waste. Surfers Against Sewage is currently campaigning for a deposit return system to be implemented in the UK, which the equivalent of CRV that is collected in the U.S. that can be returned to people that recycle their bottles or cans. If you aren\u2019t compelled by these reasons to stop using plastic bottles, consider what your beaches will look like once plastic dominates the world even more. Remote islands with little to no beach clean-ups have shown evidence of extreme pollution along their coast and upwards of 18 tons on their beaches, revealing what the future of even the nicest beaches will be. Consider purchasing a reusable water bottle today and making a huge difference for the environment.", "label": 1, "idx": 5 }, { "sentence": "Elliott letter: Vote DemocratsWhat if Idaho sends a message to the rest of the country that we value and respect everyone, especially women, minorities, veterans and the disabled \u2014 those denigrated and disrespected by the Republican candidate for president. Idahoans stand for fairness, civility, kindness and compassion. Let go of your ties to the Republican Party for this election and vote for Hillary Clinton and for all the other Democratic nominees. It\u2019s time to stand for fairness. Voting along party lines just to vote for the party does not make sense in this election. Vote Democratic. Barbara A. Elliott, Boise Breaking News Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms", "label": 1, "idx": 6 }, { "sentence": "Trump Decertified the Iranian Deal, Just 'CauseTrump just decertified the Iran deal, and, oh well, it was nice thinking about peace while we had the chance. True, Trump hasn\u2019t actually repealed the deal. He announced new sanctions, according to ABC News, \u201cbut didn\u2019t do anything that would alter the Obama-era deal that he has denounced since his presidential campaign.\u201d Decertification is Trump to a T: you don\u2019t accomplish anything, but you manage to create the shittiest possible situation regardless. It\u2019s a real gift. The deal, Trump said, is no longer in the national security interest of the United States. This decision, which has been referred as \u201cdecertification,\u201d is a shift in official position. It is a significant declaration that leaves the nuclear agreement in place, but puts Congress in charge of whether or not to follow up with action \u2014 triggering a 60-day window for lawmakers to re-impose sanctions against Iran that were suspended in 2015 as part of the agreement. Trump decertified the Iran deal just \u2018cause, why not, since you\u2019re gutting Obamacare and deciding to let Puerto Rico dehydrate; Trump decided to decertify the Iran deal because you\u2019re well on your way to becoming the Worst President of Every Timeline, yeah baby, and why not light another Roman candle on the fast roller coaster down to geohell? Maybe Congress will rescue the deal, maybe not. The important thing is that this takes the best hope we have with Iran and wades back into David Frum\u2019s \u201cLet\u2019s Invent, and then Invade, the Axis of Evil,\u201d which gave us the tragedy of Iraq. That worked so well, why not repeat it again? The President said: \u201cAs I have said many times, the Iran Deal was one of the worst and one sided transactions the United States has ever entered into\u201d What does he think we can get instead? The President thinks that Iran has sponsored terrorism (and the Saudis haven\u2019t) and that the Iranian regime \u201chas committed multiple violations of the agreement\u201d (there are mechanisms to deal with these). Trump called on the intelligence community to look at Iran\u2019s help to the North Korean nuclear program. Oh! I can help with that one! There\u2019s a base right south of Camp Fantasy, in the northernmost region of the Your Brain is No Longer Functioning Mountain Region. The President says Iran loves the chants \u201cDeath to America\u201d and \u201cDeath to Israel,\u201d because the President and his team of wannabe-Iranian bombers don\u2019t see Iran or its eighty million people\u2014they see whatever Islamophobic, racist-ass caricatures get cooked up on Fox News, where Khomeini is still somehow alive in the year 2017. Trump decertified the deal, because nothing, not even human life or world peace, is more important than repudiating every bit of Obama\u2019s legacy. The major powers and American struck a deal with Iran in July 2015. It eased sanctions and got real monitoring of Iran\u2019s nuclear program. Trump\u2019s own Defense Secretary said Iran has complied. The agreement got everything we needed from the regime, and now Trump wants out, because the movie in his head tells him being the leading asshole of the world is definitely, assuredly the best way to go. Trump decertified the Iran deal because he thinks he can get a better one, this man who can\u2019t pass a single piece of legislation and can\u2019t manage to avoid staring at an eclipse. Trump decertified the Iran deal because he doesn\u2019t care. Trump decertified the Iran deal because it doesn\u2019t matter who the Commander-in-Chief is; there is a National Security blob in Washington that no single President can ever fight, and it consumes money and spits out drones and missiles. Trump is incompetent in a million unusual ways, but he\u2019s particularly, peculiarly incompetent in resisting the mechanisms of institutional influence. In other words, Trump will believe whatever the good people of the military-industrial concept whisper in his ear. That community kicked it around, and decided it was best that we threaten Iran again. After all, the NatSec blob has never forgotten or forgiven Iran for rejecting Western hegemony\u2014and anyway, none of their own sons or daughters got shot in Iraq, so yes, why not set the stage for an eventual war with Iran? Trump decertified the deal, and the people of the world were not surprised at all. The man is barely part of reality. What did we expect?", "label": 1, "idx": 7 }, { "sentence": "[Graphic 18+] Scores of dead ISIS terrorists litter streets of Al-Mayadeen \u2013 video General Issam Zahreddine in Deir Ezzor BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:50 P.M.) \u2013 The battle for Al-Mayadeen proved to be a decisive victory for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies, as they were able to successfully uproot the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) from this large city in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. For ISIS, their defeat at Al-Mayadeen could not come at a worse time, as their battlefield woes in Al-Raqqa and central Syria have handicapped their remaining forces inside the country. On Sunday, Syrian news channels posted several videos showing the aftermath of the Al-Mayadeen battle and the recently liberated areas surrounding the city. The footage showed scores of dead ISIS terrorists and a large number of armored vehicles that were destroyed by the Syrian Arab Army during their one week long offensive. Gone. With Al-Mayadeen liberated, the Syrian Army will now turn their attention to the provincial capital and Al-\u2018Umar Oil Fields in order to expel the Islamic Sate from more areas in Syria.", "label": 0, "idx": 8 }, { "sentence": "Leaked Podesta emails address Obama polling in 2008, executive privilegeEmails leaked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta\u2019s private email account Friday by WikiLeaks addressed using executive privilege to keep the emails between Hillary Clinton and President Obama from being released, a 2008 survey testing reaction to then-Sen. Obama\u2019s Muslim father and use of cocaine, and a suggestion from former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm on how to take Clinton out of the \u201cbubble.\u201d March 2015: Podesta wrote to Cheryl Mills about withholding emails between Clinton and Obama Six days before Hillary Clinton spoke to reporters at the United Nations about her private email server, Podesta wrote to Cheryl Mills, \u201cThink we should hold emails to and from potus? That\u2019s the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I seems like they will.\u201d In September, Politico reported that the State Department would not release emails exchanged between Clinton and Obama to the public, citing the \u201cpresidential communications privilege,\u201d which is another name for the executive privilege. Claiming the privilege enables the president to withhold certain information that has been requested by other branches of government or by the public. This means that the emails the two wrote to each other won\u2019t be released until 5 to 12 years after the end of the Obama administration, as dictated by the Presidential Records Act. January 2008: Clinton pollster proposed message testing lines on Obama--including reference to his Muslim father, past cocaine use An email referring to \u201cMcCain Survey-3\u201d from Greenberg research listed a number of survey questions with \u201cnegative facts\u201d about Clinton\u2019s primary opponent, then-Sen. Obama. Kristi Fuksa, of Greenberg Research, sent the email to Democratic operatives including Podesta, Paul Begala, Tara McGuinness and Susan McCue The statements floated included subjects like his upbringing among Muslims, his father\u2019s Muslim faith, his referring to past cocaine use as \u201ca little blow\u201d -- here\u2019s the survey: * 1 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) was the only candidate at a recent event not to cover his heart during the national anthem and he has stopped wearing an American flag pin. * 2 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) benefited from a land deal from a contributor who has been indicted for corruption. * 3 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) would personally negotiate with the leaders of terrorist nations like Iran and North Korea without preconditions. * 4 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) voted against allowing people to use handguns to defend themselves against intruders. * 5 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) plans to raise taxes by 180 (one hundred and eighty) billion dollars a year to pay for his government-run health care plan * 6 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) voted repeatedly against emergency funding bills for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. * 7 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh)\u2018s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world\u2019s most populous Islamic country. * 8 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) is ranked as one of the ten most liberal members of the Senate because of his support of issues like gay adoption. * 9 (Other) * 10 (All) * 11 (None) * 12 (Don\u2019t know/refused) * 13 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive the procedure. * 14 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) supports giving driver\u2019s licenses to undocumented immigrants * 15 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) described his former use of cocaine as using \u201ca little blow.\u201d Begala told the Washington Post that the survey was named for John McCain because \u201cit was designed to test attacks that might come in the general election.\u201d He also pointed out that \u201cevery campaign and every PAC tests potential negatives against the candidate they support...that\u2019s all it was.\u201d July 2015: Jennifer Granholm\u2019s suggestion on how to get Clinton out of the \u201cbubble\u201d The former Michigan governor suggested Clinton could dispense with the idea that she\u2019s \u201cout of touch\u201d by doing \u201cwork days,\u201d in which she\u2019d pick \u201c8 occupations that she is willing to spend one day working at. She humbles herself, but gives dignity to the workers whose salaries she wants to raise.\u201d Some of Granholm\u2019s suggestions included working as a janitor in a school cafeteria, at a daycare center, making beds in a hotel, bussing tables at Denny\u2019s or working \u201cbehind the counter at McDonalds or Chipotle\u2019s!\u201d CBS News\u2019 Steve Chaggaris and Donald Judd contributed to this report \u00a9 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.", "label": 0, "idx": 9 }, { "sentence": "Secret Service: Package cleared near White HouseAn unattended package near the north fence of the White House was cleared by the Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Tuesday afternoon. The White House was placed on an apparent lockdown Tuesday while President Trump was en route to Arizona for a rally in Phoenix, according to multiple reports. The Hill reported that Secret Service cleared the White House\u2019s North Lawn and sent media members and construction workers in the area into the West Wing. The Secret Service confirmed via Twitter that it and the Washington, D.C. Police Department were responding to an unattended package near the north fence of the White House complex. Trump is reportedly heading to a campaign-style rally in Phoenix late Tuesday, an event which is also expected to draw major protests. The president will also reportedly visit a Border Patrol facility in Yuma, Arizona before Tuesday\u2019s rally. Trump will examine Border Patrol equipment such as a Predator drone and an agency boat during his stop in Yuma. Immigration is a major issue for Trump\u2019s supporters, and the president campaigned extensively on the topic during last year\u2019s White House race. Trump has long vowed to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, arguing it will reduce illegal immigration and increase America\u2019s border security. The president has also pledged to take a tougher stance on drug trafficking across America\u2019s borders.", "label": 0, "idx": 10 }, { "sentence": "Trump VP Pence Wastes Hundreds of Thousands of Tax Dollars on Fake NFL Photo Op\n@VP/Twitter How much money did it cost the nation's taxpayers for Vice President and Official Glarer at North Korea Mike Pence to spend just enough time in Indianapolis on Sunday to storm out of a Colts game in protest of a protest? CNN has an estimate just for the plane alone: According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,000. Pence's flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000. Pence then flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500. The grand total: about $242,500. Keep in mind this is just for the plane. It does not include any of the ancillary costs that accrue anytime the vice president travels anywhere. There were increased security costs to local police once Pence was on the ground in Indianapolis. Costs to locals stuck in traffic as roads were likely closed for his motorcade. Costs to the Colts to increase security at the stadium. And so on. All so Pence could release a statement that was the equivalent of his infamous stern gaze across the Demilitarized Zone at North Korea: I left today's Colts game because President Trump and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem. At a time when so many Americans are inspiring our nation with their courage, resolve, and resilience, now, more than ever, we should rally around our Flag and everything that unites us. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem. I stand with President Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem. Pence's office would like you to think this was just a spontaneous reaction by a man proud of his flag and his nation. This is belied by the fact that his reporters traveling with him were not allowed out of their vans when they arrived at the Colts' stadium but were told ahead of time that \u201cthere may be an early departure from the game by VPOTUS.\u201d It is also belied by this tweet sent Sunday afternoon by Donald Trump: I asked @VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and @SecondLady Karen. The Colts were playing the San Francisco 49ers, the former team of Colin Kaepernick, who started the kneeling protests a year ago. The chances that Mike Pence would see players kneeling were approximately 100 percent. He knew this ahead of time, yet he still chose to fly from Las Vegas to Indianapolis despite the fact that he had to fly back to California immediately afterwards for fundraisers, just so he could get a picture of himself holding his hand over his heart (a picture his staff immediately made the header photo on his Twitter page) before theatrically storming out and scolding the NFL players for offending him. A real leader might have tried to find out exactly why the players started kneeling in the first place, which was to protest police brutality and racism, and then spoken with them and tried to figure out ways to address their concerns. Mike Pence did the exact opposite. As of Monday morning, he has yet to make a peep about the white nationalists returning to Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday night to once again rally around the Robert E. Lee statue there. That he is seemingly far more concerned with staging a political stunt slapping down African-American players protesting systemic racism tells you all you need to know about him. Oh, and to top it off, one of the fundraisers Pence is attending in California is for Dana Rohrabacher, the strongly pro-Russia congressman. Fiction writers could not make this up. Please note: This is a commentary piece. The views and opinions expressed within it are those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect the editorial opinion of IJR.", "label": 1, "idx": 11 }, { "sentence": "Donald Trump, the Worst of America\nDamon Winter/The New York Times Donald Trump has virtually stopped trying to win this election by any conventional metric and is instead stacking logs of grievance on the funeral pyre with the great anticipation of setting it ablaze if current polls turn out to be predictive. There is something calamitous in the air that surrounds the campaign, a hostile fatalism that bespeaks a man convinced that the end is near and aiming his anger at all within reach. As his path to victory grows narrower, his desperation grows more pronounced. Last week a steady stream of women stepped forward to accuse Trump of some form of sexual assault, abuse or inappropriate behavior. Trump\u2019s response has been marked by a stunning lack of grace and dignity, let alone contrition or empathy, a response much like the man himself. Instead, he is doubling down on sexism. On Thursday, Trump said of the People magazine reporter who accused him of forcibly kissing her: \u201cLook at her. Look at her words. You tell me what you think. I don\u2019t think so.\u201d He said on Friday of the woman accusing him of groping her on an airplane: \u201cBelieve me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you.\u201d He also said of Clinton, \u201cWhen she walked in front of me, believe me, I wasn\u2019t impressed.\u201d His response to these charges has been surprisingly \u2014 and perhaps, revealingly \u2014 callow. He has mocked, whined, chided, bemoaned and belittled. It\u2019s as if the man is on a mission to demonstrate to voters the staggering magnitude of his social vulgarity and emotional ineptitude. He has dispensed with all semblances of wanting to appear presidential and embraced what seems to be most natural to him: acting like a pig. Furthermore, everything is rigged against him, from the media to the election itself. He\u2019s threatening to sue The New York Times. He says he and Clinton should take a drug test before the next debate. These are the ravings of a lunatic. Trump is back to carelessly shooting off his mouth and recklessly shooting himself in the foot. It is sad, really, but for him I have no sympathy. He has spent this entire election attacking anyone and everyone whom he felt it would be politically advantageous to attack. Trump, now that you\u2019re under attack, you want to cry woe-is-me and have people commiserate. Slim chance, big guy. The coarseness of your character has been put on full display, and now the electorate has come to cash the check you wrote. Trump now looks like a madman from Mad Men, a throwback to when his particular privileges had more perks and were considered less repugnant. He looks pathetic. He is a ball of contradictions that together form a bully, a man who has built a menacing wall around the hollow of his self. He is brash to mask his fragility. But in a way, Trump was authentically made in America. America has a habit of romanticizing the playboy as much as the cowboy, but there is often something untoward about the playboy, unseemly, predatory and broken. For years, Trump built a reputation on shuffling through women, treating his exploits with jocularity and having too much of America smiling in amusement at the bad boy antics. But he\u2019s not a kid; he\u2019s a cad. And he seems constitutionally incapable of processing the idea that wealth is not completely immunizing, that some rules are universally applicable, that common decency is required of more than just \u201ccommon\u201d folks. He seems genuinely offended that he should be held to the same standards of truth, decorum and even law as those less well off. Trump is in fact the logical extension of toxic masculinity and ambient misogyny. He is the logical extension of rampant racism. He is the logical extension of wealth worship. He is the logical extension of pervasive anti-intellectualism. Trump is the logical extension of the worst of America. With him you get a man who believes himself superior in every way: through the gift of fortune and the happenstance of chromosomes. He believes the rules simply don\u2019t apply. Not rules that govern the sovereignty of another\u2019s body, not rules that dictate decorousness. And the Republican Party was just the right place for him to park himself. When you have a political party that takes as its mission to prevent government from working instead of to make government work, a party that conflates the ill effects of a changing economy with the changing complexion of the country and is still struck by fever over the election of President Obama, Trump is a natural, predictable endpoint. Furthermore, Trump is what happens when you wear your Christian conservative values like a cardigan to conveniently slip off when the heat rises. Trump is fundamentally altering American politics \u2014 coarsening them, corrupting them, cratering them. And America, particularly conservative America, has only itself to blame. Republicans sowed intolerance and in its shadow, Trump sprang up like toxic fungi.", "label": 1, "idx": 12 }, { "sentence": "Hillary Clinton to Colbert: Putin \"Had A Personal Grudge Against Me,\" \"Partly Because I'm A Woman\"Hillary Clinton continued her book publicity tour Tuesday night on CBS\u2019 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. \"I don't take it personally,\" Clinton said. \"I see it as I was doing my job. I was honored to speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy.\" Transcript: \n STEPHEN COLBERT: Folks, I am terribly excited, because she was first a First Lady, then a Senator, then Secretary of State, and I would have bet anything the next President of the United States. Please welcome Hillary Rodham Clinton! [audience cheers and applause as Hillary Clinton walks out; she shakes Stephen Colbert's hand as they greet each other warmly; a large part of the audience gives her a standing ovation; she takes her seat on stage to extended cheers and applause] COLBERT: Thank you so much for being here. CLINTON: Oh, Stephen, it's good to see you. COLBERT: It's good to see you. It's an honor to have you here. CLINTON: Thanks! COLBERT: You have a new book. It's called \"What Happened.\" And I don't know how else to start this interview, other than saying: What happened?! [audience laughter; Clinton laughs] What happened? CLINTON: Well, that's the question I try to answer. COLBERT: Okay. CLINTON: Yeah, because it was the question I asked myself starting on election night. COLBERT: Mm-hmm. CLINTON: And I started\u2014 COLBERT: What time on election night? [audience laughter] CLINTON: Ugh! Well, as I write in the book: Midnight. [shrugs] Midnight. COLBERT: Yeah, I remember. CLINTON: The dark time of the soul. Midnight. [audience laughter] COLBERT: Yeah, I'm waiting for it to not be midnight soon. [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah, right. And so I \u2014 I was asking it like you just said: What happened?! You know? And I figured, maybe I'd better try to find out, to figure it out. So that's why I dove into this book. It was, ah, very painful and difficult, but, at the end, I really feel like I've done my very best to lay out what happened so that it doesn't happen again. I mean, that's my primary goal here is so that it doesn't happen again. [lengthy audience cheers and applause] COLBERT: Well, a lot of people have said, \"Oh, I, boy, I wish Hillary Clinton would just go away.\" CLINTON: Yeah. COLBERT: \"Just go away.\" CLINTON: Well, you know, if they take up a collection and send me somewhere really nice\u2014 [audience laughter] COLBERT: Really? [chuckles] CLINTON: I might consider it! COLBERT: Really? Yeah! CLINTON: But it, you know\u2014 COLBERT: Obama's on David Geffen's yacht a lot. You could go with him. [audience laughter] CLINTON: [shrugs] Well, you know, I \u2014 I am not going anywhere. [massive audience applause] COLBERT: Well, I'm glad you're not! CLINTON: So. [extended audience cheers and applause; Clinton smiles and chuckles] COLBERT: I agree. At first I could understand some of those calls \u2014 people saying like, \"The Republicans are tearing themselves apart; don't give them, you know, someone to rally around in opposition to,\" because you are a convenient figure for them to unite against. CLINTON: Right. COLBERT: But I actually do not think that's how what's happening to our government is going to be stopped. I think it's people who are willing to be civically engaged and believe in the promises and the progress of the last fifty years that will save this country. CLINTON: I agree completely\u2014 COLBERT: So thank you so much for not going away. CLINTON: \u2014absolutely completely! COLBERT: But wait a second: It must not have been easy. CLINTON: No. COLBERT: It must not have been easy to write this book. CLINTON: It \u2014 it wasn't easy! I mean, it was painful. It was horrible reliving it, and, you know, being as candid, open as I could be about the mistakes I made and talking about those. But also trying to come to grips, as I write in the book, about everything from, you know, sexism and misogyny, to voter suppression, to the unusual behavior of the former director of the FBI, and the Russians. And the Russians! \u2014 and you have been sounding the alarm about this \u2014 because I believe so strongly that they think they succeeded in messing with our democracy, and I just can't abide that, so\u2014 COLBERT: Do you think they succeeded in messing with our democracy? CLINTON: Yes I do. I do. I do. Because\u2014 COLBERT: To what degree? Like, influencing the vote? Or influencing opinion? CLINTON: Influencing voters, and therefore influencing opinion, I think is becoming clearer and clearer. I don't know what the Congressional investigations and I don't know what the Special Counsel investigation are going to find; I'm gonna wait for that. But I don't think anybody can with a straight face say that the Russians did not set out to influence our election, and they did so. This latest revelation about the way they bought ads on Facebook and targeted them \u2014 we're gonna find out a lot more, Stephen. And I am saying as clearly as I can \u2014 I feel like I'm a bit of a, you know, a Paula Revere; I'm trying to sound the alarm about this [audience laughter and applause] \u2014 is that the\u2014 You know, you've gotta understand what Putin's strategy is. He really doesn't like democracy. He thinks it's an inconvenient, messy process. And he doesn't like us, and he wants to destabilize our country; sow doubt about our democracy. I mean, these latest revelations, where you had Russians pretending to be Americans \u2014 so you had fake Americans, with fake news, and fake stories, and fake demonstrations \u2014 that wasn't just because he's bored and has nothing to do. He wants to undermine how we see each other, how we respect each other, how we support our institutions and our society. So, I think that they believe they had a good outing in twenty-sixteen, and I think that they will be back in twenty-eighteen and twenty-twenty, unless we stop them. [audience applause] COLBERT: Now, you mentioned that he \u2014 that Putin doesn't like democracy and he doesn't like America; part of the speculation is that he specifically doesn't like you. Do you think this was personal on a certain level? CLINTON: I think it was mostly about the role I played as Secretary of State, which he did morph into a grudge against me, because I would say things like, you know, \"The Russian people deserve free and fair elections. They deserve to have a democracy.\" COLBERT: Questioning the legitimacy of his election in two-thousand eleven. CLINTON: The parliamentary elections, that's right. And, so, our intelligence community and others have said that he did have a personal grudge against me\u2014 You know, I don't take it personally. I think it's part of his worldview, which is all tied up with his anger, his disappointment in the collapse of the Soviet Union, and his feeling that we're his number one rival \u2014 he wants to really undermine the European-American alliance. And so I see it as: I was doing my job \u2014 I was honored to do my job, to stand up and speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy \u2014 and, partly because I'm a woman, which does seem to get him a bit agitated\u2014 [audience cheers and applause] And he actually has said that, um, some things about that\u2014 COLBERT: Has he \u2014 did he ever say anything to you personally that demonstrated his misogyny? CLINTON: Well, he demonstrated\u2014 As I write in the book, you know, there's an expression, we certainly know it in New York, called manspreading. [audience laughter] COLBERT: [chuckling] Yes. CLINTON: And every time I met with him, it would be\u2014 [spreads her arms and flops back in her chair, taking up lots of space] Okay? [audience laughter] The whole deal! And, so, I'd go to meetings with him\u2014 One in particular, we were in his dacha outside of Moscow, and the press comes in, and he just berates America about one of the many things that annoys him about us, and then the press leaves, and I've got four or five things we're trying to deal with him and Russia on \u2014 and I always came to my meetings with him trying to find something that I could actually engage him about. So, we went through the economy and human rights and all these other things that are critically important, and he was, you know\u2014 [mimes staring off into space] Like, as President Obama once said, like the bored guy in the back of the room. He couldn't care less. Then I said: \"You know, I am really pleased to hear that you care about wildlife conservation, and that you are trying to save species in Russia, like Siberian tigers and polar bears.\" Then he came alive! And then we had an interesting conversation, so\u2014 COLBERT: [mimicking Putin] \"I wrestle polar bears!\" [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah! \"I wrestle po\u2014\" No, he said to me, so he said: \"Come with me!\" He takes me down the stairs, down this corridor, into the door \u2014 all of his security guys are jumping up, because we weren't expected \u2014 into this inner sanctum with this huge desk and the biggest map of Russia I think exists, and he started telling me he's \"going here to tag polar bears.\" And then he says to me: \"Would your husband like to come?\" [audience gasps and laughter; Clinton grins broadly] And I said, \"Well, you know, I'll ask him, but, if he's busy, I'll go!\" [she grins as the audience cheers] COLBERT: We're gonna take a little break, and when we come back, Secretary Clinton and I just might break out the chardonnay. ", "label": 1, "idx": 13 }, { "sentence": "What issues divide the nation during the civil war?When the constitution was being forged, there was much discussion about what exactly the nation was to be. Some wanted only the loosest of connections between the states, with states being more like individual nations and the Federal Government being little more than a common union, agreeing to join together to protect from outside forces that would attempt to harm any state. When the northern states decided that slavery was to be illegal, southern states were concerned about how they would continue to run their plantations. The issue of \"states rights\" was one of the largest concerns during the time before the civil war broke out. Southern states wanted to decide for themselves if slavery was to be legal, not letting northern states make such decisions for them. People from the north found the practice to be so reprehensible that they wanted to force the south to stop the practice. While slavery was a significant reason for the civil war, States Rights divided the nation and the defeat of states rights was a significant blow to the efforts of the original founders of the constitution. 19 people found this useful", "label": 0, "idx": 14 }, { "sentence": "Sebastian Gorka expects a White House shake-up before Christmas. Here's our Q&A.Sebastian Gorka, who served seven months as deputy assistant to President Trump, alongside former chief strategist Steve Bannon, sat down with Circa to talk about his time in the White House, the \"deep state,\" the future of Trump's Make America Great Again agenda and the Washington, D.C. \"bureaucratic swamp.\" Question and Answer with Sebastian Gorka: \n \"That's why I predict that in the near future, before Christmas probably, there will be some very high-level personnel changes in the White House that are driven by the President.\" Sara Carter: There's a lot of supporters who are concerned now that with the departure of both you and Mr. Steve Bannon, that the MAGA (Make America Great Again) agenda is gone. Is that true? Sebastian Gorka: No, not at all. I know a lot of people are worried, a lot of people that, from the base felt that November the 8th was politically a revolutionary moment. The fact that Steve left and then a week later I resigned, I always tell people \"relax.\" Count to 10. Take a deep breath. Whether or not the president's agenda succeeds isn't a function of where I sit or where Steve has an office. The president's supporters aren't just individuals who have to be inside the White House. They can be on the outside. And what, what a lot of Steve's critics didn't understand, who celebrated his resignation, Steve today is more powerful than he's ever been. It's like that scene from \"Star Wars\" when Ben Kenobi gets slain by Darth Vader. I will be more powerful than you can ever imagine. Steve Bannon is now the most powerful man outside of the Oval Office in America. I'm not joking, he is, because there are things you can do, legal things -- OK, relax Huffington Post -- there are legal things that you can do as a private citizen that you cannot do as a government employee. \n \"Steve [Bannon] today is more powerful than he's ever been. It's like that scene from Star Wars when Ben Kenobi gets slain by Darth Vader.\" Sara Carter: But then access to the president, that's also very important? Sebastian Gorka: Yes. Sara Carter: So when you're not in the White House, you're outside the White House, how does that affect access? Sebastian Gorka: OK. I'm not gonna give away any inside baseball, but let me give you an example. When I was deputy assistant to the president, I'd walk in and out of the Oval Office and I'd regularly see people like Corey Lewandowski, I'd see Dave Bossie in the Oval [Office] with the President. Now, neither of those individuals had a government ID card, neither of them worked for the White House, but they were in there with the president and I can assure you they weren't talking about the weather. So, one thing to know about the president, he is very loyal to those who have been loyal to him. And the idea that you can isolate Donald J. Trump from people he trusts who don't happen to be inside the building is, of course, absurd. So, the President talks to lots of different people and several of them do not work for the White House. So relax. View the slideshow Sara Carter: This brings me to your resignation letter. Sebastian Gorka: Yes. Sara Carter: In your resignation letter you state that there are people ascendant within the White House that do not support the President's MAGA agenda? Explain that, and who are these people? Sebastian Gorka: OK, so first things first, I'd like to try and explain what was special about November the 8th. And if you remember, there was a film, a great John Milius film called \"Red Dawn\" in the 80s about the Soviet Cuban invasion of America and the resistance that American patriots put up to it. The president of the United States won against the whole establishment on November the 8th. He was just accidentally the GOP's candidate. He had nothing to do with the swamp, nothing to do with the GOP, nobody took him seriously when he announced and what did he do? He proceeded to wipe the floor with 16 establishment GOP candidates and then defeat a woman who'd officially spent $700 million on a position she thought was owed to her. \n \"So what happened on November the 8th? It's like the wolverines from Red Dawn, a scrappy bunch of insurgents defeated the mighty empire that is the swamp.\" This is the rank outsider. So what happened on November the 8th? It's like the wolverines from Red Dawn, a scrappy bunch of insurgents defeated the mighty empire that is the swamp. As a result, when we moved into the White House, Steve, myself, the president, it was the most leveraged, hostile takeover in political history in the modern age. Because it was a small group of people that came in to run the largest government in the run. Sorry, if you add the armed forces, millions of employees. So, what happened is a natural event. In the intervening months, the establishment figures reacted to the antibodies that represent the MAGA agenda and boxed us out, tried to cut us out of the policy agenda. Fired a lot of the more junior people in the NSC. That's the point at which Steve and then later I realized look, uh, this is about eight years of President Trump and then eight years of President Pence. We have to think about the long game. And if right now we're being undermined internally, what we do is we go on the outside and we support the agenda from the outside. That's why I became the chief strategist for the Make America Great Again Coalition. That's why Steve is doing all kinds of things right now. That's why I predict that in the near future, before Christmas probably, there will be some very high-level personnel changes in the White House that are driven by the president. It's important to know, apart from [Robert] Mueller -- he's a holdover, ignore him -- every single, high-ranking or, or less than high-ranking firing in the last eight months was not driven by the president. OK? All those people fired from the NSC, [Anthony] Scaramucci, these were people who were fired by people other than the president. I think the president already realizes he's being given bad advice on key issues. The Alabama race tells you everything you need to know. And now he's going to get rid of some people who aren't on message and have nothing to do with the original agenda. Take the quiz! Sara Carter: Would one of those people happen to be Secretary of State [Rex] Tillerson? Sebastian Gorka: The President reached out to me the day after I resigned. He thanked me for my service. He said he is gonna stick to the agenda and he'd like me to support him from the outside. That's exactly what I'm doing. One of the things I promised myself I wouldn't do is attack individual members of the cabinet who aren't part of the agenda. So, I'm not gonna talk about individuals just yet, but I'll talk about principles and the fact is, um, Tucker Carlson had a segment after Steve left the White House that I think is crucial to understanding the reality of what's going on in the West Wing. I don't think Tucker Carlson is a big fan of Steve Bannon or Breitbart, I may be wrong, but he said one very trenchant thing. He said, \"Whatever you think about Steve Bannon, there's one thing that's certain. He would not be at home in a White House under Hillary Clinton.\" There are people in the administration of Donald J. Trump who not only would have been at home in a Hillary Clinton White House, they would have been cabinet members in a Hillary White House. So that's the current problem, but again, relax. It's a temporary state of affairs. \n \"There are people in the administration of Donald J. Trump who not only would have been at home in a Hillary Clinton White House, they would have been cabinet members in a Hillary White House.\" Sara Carter: So the president is surrounded, in your opinion, by some people that would have been comfortable in a Hillary Clinton White House and may be pushing those agendas? Sebastian Gorka: The president has this sense, and I guarantee you right now, he knows who around him is now consistently giving him bad advice and sooner or later he will make decisions to remove those people from around him. Sara Carter: Explain the \"deep state.\" Sebastian Gorka: I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the phrase \"deep state.\" I love conspiracy theories but only as entertainment. There's a reason they're called theories. Conspiracy theories kill critical thought. I prefer the phrase \"the deep state.\" The deep state isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a real thing. Let me give you an example. So, I didn't work in the NSC, I worked for Steve. I was a strategist in the office, or the chief strategist to the president. But because of my national security portfolio, I attended regular classified meetings with the NSC on whatever issue it was. The Qatar crisis, the ISIS plan, you name it. And a pattern developed in these meetings which is really disturbing and explains the permanent state. You're sitting in, a White House meeting that is the pinnacle of policy making in the most powerful nation in the world. The NSC makes national security policy. There's nothing above it apart from, you know, the President and his National Security Advisor. You sit there for an hour, an hour-and-a-half, with key members of the NSC, invited guests from the CIA, DIA, outstations from the Pentagon, you name it. And for 90 minutes on a key issue, you didn't hear the name of the president. You didn't hear mention of the president's strategic objectives, and you didn't hear mention of what he said yesterday in Warsaw or Riyadh. \n \"The swamp is much more. The professional bureaucratic class in America that believes that they know better than the President elected by the people of America to run this country.\" And it would be up to me, the guy with the funny accent, after 90 minutes to say, \"Uh, hey guys. Did you hear what the President said yesterday in Riyadh about ISIS? Did you hear what the President said about NATO in Warsaw?\" This is what the president wants to achieve and we're all gonna be on message, right? So what I saw is that the swamp isn't Capitol Hill. A lot of people think the swamp is the political professional class of congressmen and women. The swamp is much more. The professional bureaucratic class in America that believes that they know better than the president elected by the people of America to run this country. A GS14, a GS15 who's been at State Department or CIA for 20 years and thinks, \"Oh, I, I've been doing this for so long. I don't care what the president says about Qatar, we need to do this. I don't care what the President says about X, Y, Z, we need to do this.\" That undermines American democracy and that's the permanent state, and that's what we have to push back on if democracy is to thrive in America. Related Stories: Former WH strategist, Sebastian Gorka, hit back at the 'fake news industrial complex' Sebastian Gorka resigned from his position in the White House View the slideshow", "label": 0, "idx": 15 }, { "sentence": "When the Parades Are Over, Who Stands With Unions?\nFirst U.S. Labor Day Parade, September 5, 1882 in New York (Image by wikimedia) Permission Details DMCA The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers. Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless. Trump's budget calls for deep cuts in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love. Trump is systematically reversing any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations. Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees. The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central \"pillar,\" as Grover Norquist described it, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack. And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about 7 percent of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership. True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic \"mediating institution,\" a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship. The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target. While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful. The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen. Unions Under Siege Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small \"d\" democracy can be robust, or a large \"D\" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority. The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them. Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership. How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria \u2014 Without Lifting A Finger Republican elites understand the doom loop. Big business, small business, and Tea Party alike have pushed hard against unions. As the parties have polarized, Republicans have taken the gloves off, risking the votes of the 40 percent of union members who back Republicans in order to crush a pillar of the Democratic coalition. Even President Bernie Sanders would have real trouble rebuilding unions in the face of a Republican Congress and a federal judiciary eager to swat down pro-labor executive action. Even without Republican politicians digging their graves, labor unions face deep challenges. In the private sector, unions must sign contracts workplace by workplace. Gawker writers here and home-care workers there will continue to organize their workplaces, but the barriers remain dauntingly high. In the public sector, unions have stood steady. But cops and teachers alike face blowback for putting their own prerogatives above the public interest. And if the Supreme Court bans the collection of agency fees in the public sector (thus imposing \"right to work\"), public-sector union membership could halve in a decade. Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit & Feel Samples First U.S. Labor Day Parade, September 5, 1882 in New York (Image by wikimedia) Permission Details DMCA The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers. Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless. Trump's budget calls for deep cuts in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love. Trump is systematically reversing any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations. Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees. The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central \"pillar,\" as Grover Norquist described it, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack. And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about 7 percent of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership. True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic \"mediating institution,\" a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship. The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target. While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful. The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen. Unions Under Siege Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small \"d\" democracy can be robust, or a large \"D\" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority. The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them. Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership. How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria \u2014 Without Lifting A Finger The Mysterious \u201cSecret Stock\u201d \u2013 It Could Fund Your Retirement", "label": 1, "idx": 16 }, { "sentence": "Police: 3 Seattle brothers arrested spent majority of lives sexually abusing childrenSEATTLE - Three brothers in their 70s and 80s have been arrested in Seattle for allegedly possessing images of child-sex abuse with police still investigating them, according to Seattle Police Department. >> Read about the latest in the investigation here \n Key developments: 82-year-old Charles Emery, 80-year-old Thomas Emery and 79-year-old Edwin Emery were charged Monday with two counts of possession of depictions of minors engaged in sexual conduct. Police say a family member was cleaning the men's Green Lake home and discovered what she believed to be materials depicting the sexual abuse of a child. Charging papers say authorities including members of the FBI's internet Crimes Against Children Task Force searched the home, finding evidence prosecutors say that each of the men spent the majority of their lives sexually abusing children and exploiting children depicted in child pornography. Detectives say it was Charles' \"manifestos\" about Satanic rituals, kidnapping, raping and killing girls that led them to dig under sheds, searching for evidence of potential murder. What the investigation first found On Aug. 19, Seattle child sex crime detectives say they acted on a tip from a relative who arrived to clean out the garage of the brothers. The relative called 911. At the home, detectives collected a staggering amount of child porn. They also found evidence of the sexual exploitation of young girls as well as children's worn clothing and underwear, children\u2019s shoes, toys and movies. Homeland Security's Internet Child Exploitation team assisted in the search, which involved digging for potential buried evidence under locked sheds and garages. About the brothers Neighbors in the quiet Green Lake neighborhood along Northeast 59th St.Street say they always wondered about the dilapidated house and the three guarded, mysterious Emery brothers who lived there since 1962. \"I've never seen a girlfriend, a wife, a woman of any type visit that house,\" said Don Smith, who lives next door. Seattle police say the brothers, ranging in age from 78 to 82, began molesting their own sister and eventually molested other young relatives for decades. None of them had ever married, none had their own children or many relationships outside their own siblings. Police arrested 82-year-old Charles Lee Emery in a Queen Anne nursing home. Eighty-year-old Thomas Edwin Emery and 78-year-old Edwin Harold Emery were arrested at their home. Scroll down to read about the manifesto. \n RELATED COVERAGE: Detectives say Charles, Thomas and Edwin sexually molested young relatives for years, and collected pictures and even children's shoes. But detectives say it was Charles' \"manifestos\" about Satanic rituals, kidnapping, raping and killing girls that led them to dig under sheds, searching for evidence of potential murder. Detectives say one of Charles' writings was found buried and partially burned -- along with a child's hat. \"Their writings express desires to kill children,\" said Capt. Mike Edwards, who leads SPD's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force. The search extended from the home in the Green Lake neighborhood to another home the brothers owned 90 miles away in Shelton. \"It's very clear that these three individuals have an obsession with young female children, they've had this obsession for most if not all of their lives, and they acted on it,\" said Edwards. Charging documents indicate SPD detectives questioned Edwin Emery and his relatives about child porn found on his computer in 2013, but no charges were ever filed. Now detectives are hoping to identify the children in the photos and they hope to find victims who may have been molested decades ago and never came forward. Neighbors react to brothers\u2019 charges Neighbors have been wondering exactly what happened in this home since investigators swarmed the home over the weekend. The new details Seattle police and court documents revealed leave them stunned. For decades, neighbors didn't think much about the three brothers who've lived there for 55 years. \u201cI just thought they were harmless weird old guys,\u201d said Julie Vandenberg, who lives directly across the street. Neighbors saw the investigators in hazardous materials suits and police bring out box after box of evidence on Friday and Saturday. Watch coverage from our report over the weekend below, scroll down to keep reading. \u201cIt was shocking. I didn\u2019t know what to think,\u201d said Smith, who watched investigators work late into the night Friday from his home next door. \u201cIt\u2019s way worse than I thought. It is sickening, it's really sickening,\u201d Vandenberg said. \u201cSomething happened to little children here - it sounds like little girls, and that's horrific.\u201d Neighbors say many young children live on the block. The neighbors say they wish they would've noticed some sign earlier, about what was going on in the house but they're just glad the three brothers aren't there to victimize kids any longer. Neighbor Don Smith said he was surprised the allegations were kept quiet for so long. \"I mean, to be next door to these guys for all these years, if. If they're going out every day and doing something like that, I was like, wow. This is too much\" \u00a9 2018 Cox Media Group.", "label": 0, "idx": 17 }, { "sentence": "Read The Memo That Rocked Washington And Exposed The Deep State Plot Against President TrumpInternet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** While North Korea dominated much of the news of late and the recent events in Charlottesville, VA have been the talk of the internet over the last couple of days, the recent revelation of the \u201cMemo that rocked Washington,\u201d which exposes the deep state subversion against President Trump and explaining the tactics being utilized, is being spun as \u201ccrazy\u201d with the writer of the memo being labeled a \u201cnutcase\u201d by the MSM, who has converged on a narrative in a weak attempt at damage control. The memo is embedded in full below, so readers can read the seven-page memorandum produced in May by the former director of strategic planning at the National Security Council, Rich Higgins. Before we detail some of the highlights from the memo, then offer the document in full, lets take a look at Higgins credentials, the man that the media is doing their best to discredit with labels like nutcase (MediaIte) with outlets like Washington Post calling the memo itself \u201ccrazy.\u201d Not only was Higgins the the former director of strategic planning for the NSC, before being fired by Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster for writing the memorandum, but perhaps more impressive, the Army veteran was also a former Pentagon official who specialized in irregular warfare. Department of Defense defines Irregular Warfare in a 100 page document from 2007, in the following manner: Irregular warfare (IW) is defined as a violent struggle among state and nonstate actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary\u2019s power, influence, and will. It is inherently a protracted struggle that will test the resolve of our Nation and our strategic partners. Our adversaries will pursue IW strategies, employing a hybrid of irregular, disruptive, traditional, and catastrophiccapabilities to undermine and erode the influence and will of the United States and our strategic partners. Meeting these challenges and combating this approach will require the concerted efforts of all available instruments of US national power. Influencing foreign governments and populations is a complex and inherently political activity. This Joint Operating Concept (JOC) describes the military role in protracted IW campaigns; however, these campaigns will fail if waged by military means alone. The nature of IW requires the US Government (USG) to achieve the level of unified action necessary to integrate all available instruments of national power to address irregular threats. The USG will have to develop \u201cWhole of Government\u201d approaches to waging IW at the political, strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Other government agencies must build their capacity to operate in unstable or hostile environments. Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit & Feel Samples Irregular warfare is about people, not platforms. IW depends not just on our military prowess, but also our understanding of such social dynamics as tribal politics, social networks, religious influences, and cultural mores. People, not platforms and advanced technology, will be the key to IW success. The joint force will need patient, persistent, and culturally savvy people to build the local relationships and partnerships essential to executing IW. So a man that specialized in irregular warfare tactics for the Pentagon, writes a seven-page memo which details a plot to overthrow the President of the United States, by globalist members of the deep state, with the intentional help of propaganda being fed to the media in order to influence the public, using tactics he was responsible for observing while at the Pentagon in order to save American militarylives, and the media starts screaming \u201cnutcase,\u201d and \u201ccrazy,\u201d and \u201cconspiracy theory!\u201d Something doesn\u2019t smell right here. MEMO THAT ROCKED THE NSC & SENT THE MSM INTO DAMAGE CONTROL MODE The memo is titled \u201cPOTUS & Political Warfare,\u201d and starts off detail some background on the \u201cinformation campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the President,\u201d calling it \u201cpolitical warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle.\u201d While naming the actors, such as the media, Democrats, establishment Republicans, and explaining what each gains in their political warfare campaign against the president, it is on Page 5 of the document embedded below, where Higgins detailed the \u201cAdversary Campaign Plan,\u201d in the following manner: Adversary Campaign Plan. Political Warfare has been described as \u201cpropaganda in battledress.\u201d The effort directed at President Trump is executed along one overt, as well as two covert, lines of effort: \u2022 The overt line of effort is PUBLICITY. Publicity is the straightforward projection of a case that builds a picture in the audience\u2019s mind designed to garner support. It is facts without context and information the adversary wants the audience to possess that creates an impression and sets conditions. It seeks to establish good will and receptiveness to additional inputs. \u2022 There are two covert lines of effort: PROPOGANDA and INFILTRATION/SUBVERSION. o Propaganda is the deliberate direction, even manipulation, of information to secure a definite outcome. It is an attempt to direct the thinking of the recipient, without his conscious collaboration, into predetermined channels that are established in the Publicity line of effort. It is the unwitting conditioning of the recipient by devious methods with an ulterior motive that seeks to move them incrementally over time into greater belief and acceptance of message transmitted in the Publicity line of effort. o Infiltration and subversion operate internal to the targeted organization in order to inform, target, coordinate, and amplifythe effects of the publicity and propaganda. Both operate to gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate courses of action, provide inside information, and leak sensitive information that undermines the leadership and suppresses the morale of friendly elements. o Infiltration of political and social groups within a target state is done for the purpose of extending counter-state influence and control. The endgame is concealed and may involve illicit activities. o Subversion undermines or detaches the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the target state and transfers political and/or ideological loyalties to the counter-state. As thcounter-state forms, a counter-elite of influential individual and key leaders within the target state will later facilitate the legitimacy and permanency of the new regime. On page #6 we see \u201cPolitical Warfare Executive \u2013 The Meaning, Techniques and Methods of Political Warfare,\u201d which accurately captures what we at ANP have been documenting and reporting on for years, including how the media is being used to deliberately push \u201cpseudo-realities,\u201d in a campaign to \u201cdelegitimize President Trump,\u201d with preferred narratives including the \u201cRussia hacked the election\u201d, \u201cObstruction of Justice\u201d, \u201cHiding Collusion\u201d, and \u201cPutin Puppet.\u201d As is explained, each of these \u201cpseudo-realities,\u201d is geared toward a specific propaganda point, the first an attempt to push the \u201cillegitimate\u201d narrative, the second to push the \u201ccorrupt\u201d narrative,\u201d the third to push the \u201cdishonest\u201d narrative and the last to push the idea of \u201ctreason.\u201d Supporting Narratives. Meta-narratives are supported by an ongoing series of supporting-narratives that can be swapped out as circumstances warrant. It is important to recognize that these stories do not have to be true, valid or accurate to serve their purpose. Over time, deserved or not, the cumulative effect of these supporting narratives will result in a Trump fatigue. From a political warfare perspective, President Trump\u2019s inability to meet this challenge will cast him as a weak failed leader. The entire memo is embedded below, read it and decide for yourself. Below the memo we analyze why a man that specialized in irregular warfare for the Pentagon, was fired by McMasters for detailing what many in the Independent Media have been documenting since Trump won the election. WHY WAS HIGGINS FIRED? We have largely refrained from weighing in on H.R. McMasters, despite the fact that his stances on Iran, Islamic Terrorism, the Paris Accord, were more in line with Obama policy than President Trump\u2019s policy, where in each case McMasters lost his argument and the President aligned himself with the promises made, keeping them rather than allowing McMasters to influence his decisions, but according to recent reports, the second McMasters saw this internal memo, he \u201cdetonated,\u201d and then proceeded to fire the man that wrote it. The memo was written in May, but after McMaster discovered it, Higgins was called into the White House counsel\u2019s office on July 18 and questioned about it. On July 21, he was fired by McMaster\u2019s deputy, but not explicitly given a reason why. As to McMasters stances on a variety of issues that do not align with the president\u2019s base, that can be chalked up to \u201cpolitics\u201d as Trump the businessman was well known for hiring people with opposing views as to look at all angles before making his decisions, it was not surprising in the least that he brought McMasters on. The firing of the director of strategic planning for the NSC on the other hand, for utilizing his experience in known irregular warfare methods for and tactics for the Pentagon, to warn of a campaign against a sitting president by multiple factions, including globalists, deep state members within the intelligence community, and the media, forces us to ask the question of whether McMasters is part of the \u201cpolitical warfare\u201d campaign against President Trump? That is a question President Trump should be asking. BOTTOM LINE The fact that the media was called out directly in the memo, highlighting the part they play in pushing \u201cpseudo-realities,\u201d in order to generate a narrative to influence the general public, explains clearly why they are in all-out damage control mode trying to discredit the writer of the NSC memo that rocked Washington, because he just publicly exposed them all. The fact that the media, Trump haters, neverTrumpers, establishment Republicans, and Democrats are all supporting McMasters, also begs the question: Is he one of the enemy within? The fact that he fired a man trying to protect the president from other enemies within, might be the answer to that question. A couple other articles detailing other Trump loyalists fired by McMasters and the campaign to #FireMcMasters, discussed below: Help Keep Independent Media Alive, Become A Patron for All News PipeLine at https://www.patreon.com/AllNewsPipeLine h/t SHTFplan.com", "label": 1, "idx": 18 }, { "sentence": "I Have a Dream\nVideo Purchase Off-Site audio mp3 of Address Your browser does not support the audio element. [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio. (2)] I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the \"unalienable Rights\" of \"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.\" It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked \"insufficient funds.\" But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children. It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, \"When will you be satisfied?\" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. **We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: \"For Whites Only.\"** We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until \"justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.\"1 I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: \"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.\" I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of \"interposition\" and \"nullification\" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; \"and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.\"2 This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning: My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, From every mountainside, let freedom ring! And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!3 ** = Content within red asterisks absent from this audio. For reasons unknown to this writer, the audio has been edited -- at least once -- to exclude the content noted in double asterisks in the main text area above. Click player below or here for audio of the content in red asterisks. Audio includes surrounding content for reference beginning with \"There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights\" and ending with \"righteousness like a mighty stream.\" Your browser does not support the audio element. 1 Amos 5:24 (rendered precisely in The American Standard Version of the Holy Bible) 2 Isaiah 40:4-5 (King James Version of the Holy Bible). Quotation marks are excluded from part of this moment in the text because King's rendering of Isaiah 40:4 does not precisely follow the KJV version from which he quotes (e.g., \"hill\" and \"mountain\" are reversed in the KJV). King's rendering of Isaiah 40:5, however, is precisely quoted from the KJV. 3 At: http://www.negrospirituals.com/news-song/free_at_last_from.htm Also in this database: Martin Luther King, Jr: A Time to Break Silence Audio Source: Linked directly to: http://www.archive.org/details/MLKDream Image #2 Source:. http://www.jfklibrary.org External Link: http://www.thekingcenter.org/ Page Updated: 11/14/17 U.S. Copyright Status: Text and Audio = Restricted, seek permission. Image #1 = Uncertain. Image #2 = Public domain. Copyright inquiries and permission requests may be directed to: Estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Intellectual Properties Management One Freedom Plaza 449 Auburn Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30312 Fax: 404-526-8969", "label": 0, "idx": 19 }, { "sentence": "How Trump Accidentally Made Obama Great Again This post is the opinion of the the author and does not necessarily represent The Good Men Project. Today Trump has pulled the old bait & switch on a group of Americans called \u201cDreamers\u201d. The harpooning of DACA targets people who are by all accounts as American as apple pie: the children of immigrants. They take nothing away from anybody. They cost nothing and do nothing but contribute to our nation\u2019s greatness. They are fundamentally what America is all about, really. This decision illuminates the fundamental character of this administration: cruel and mean. No longer can there be any denying what Trump\u2019s agenda is. His tenure has but one goal: to eradicate everything and anything associated with Barack Obama. He hasn\u2019t even tried to hide it. I\u2019d previously written that Trump is the Middle Finger President. His one obvious competency is his capacity to give the middle finger to anyone that doesn\u2019t kiss his butt. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Trump is the middle finger himself. He represents a minority of Americans: mostly uneducated, working class/poor whites who feel angry and left behind. They are resentful of the gains that blacks, people of color, and immigrants have made. The majority of them are economically insecure and bent on finding someone to blame because they don\u2019t have the mettle to examine themselves. White supremacy suits them just fine. Among the educated Trump supporters, most of them are elderly, in retirement, who have too much time to sit and get hypnotized by Fox News. They parrot spitting Obama\u2019s name like a foreign four letter word. Enough has unfolded in the past 9 months to clarify exactly what Trump\u2019s presidency is about, and it\u2019s clear that it\u2019s about anything but serving America. At this point, he\u2019s alienated a good percentage of his own party. No need to regurgitate the stream of officials he\u2019s fired or who\u2019ve walked away from his administration. No need to replay senior members of his own party denouncing his behavior. It\u2019s become glaringly obvious: this guy is about one thing, and that is being the stand-in for a basket of American\u2019s once labeled \u201cdeplorables\u201d. While this sounds like a petty insult, the polls have been consistent: approximately 1/3rd of Americans have deplorable views about black people, people of color, LGBT, and immigrants. They are overwhelmingly white, and while they are not all Trump supporters, ALL Trump supporters are in this demographic. This is his base. Trump has responded by making every single decision he can to appease and please them. Nothing offended them worse than Barack Obama in the White House. As such, he\u2019s dedicated his entire term to doing nothing other than wiping Obama\u2019s name from the annals of American history. The only problem (for him) is, he\u2019s actually done the reverse. Initially, it appeared that approximately 45% of the country was in his camp. This was alarming and deeply distressing for those who held President Obama as a champion of the environment, of civil rights reforms, and the people. President Obama\u2019s grace and personal skills helped pave the way for a global relationship with the rest of the world. That made many of us feel safer. In just 9 months, Trump has managed to alienate our closest allies, and wall the USA off from much of the world. We look in the mirror and find ourselves facing a toddler-like madman lobbing hydrogen bombs at us. Kim Jong Un is the perfect shadow reflection for Trump who claims to be the \u201cgreat negotiator\u201d who\u2019s going to make \u201cgreat deals\u201d all over the world. So far, he\u2019s been successful at one thing: rolling back approximately 800 of Obama deals, mostly concerning the environment, civil rights, and immigration. Look forward: 100 years from now, historians will look back to this era as the turning of the tide in American culture and politics. Trump\u2019s name will forever be etched in the books as the provocative agitator who turned America on its head. For all his publicity stunts and lust for fame, he probably didn\u2019t think it would go this way. Because of his monumental effort to white-out Obama\u2019s name from history, it will forever be impossible to mention Trump without talking about Barack Obama. History will show that trump would never have been possible if not for President Obama. Van Jones called it \u201cwhite lash\u201d. It\u2019s a rebound reaction from a white demographic entirely uncomfortable with the idea of a progressive black man in the White House. To make matters worse, Obama\u2019s a far more dignified, intelligent, and graceful man than most of us can ever hope to be. Who else could have enraged white supremacists this much? And who other than Trump could have emboldened them enough to take their hoods off and show their faces, marching while shouting racists chants with such shameless bravado? There are no more sacred cows. When he cut funding to Meals on Wheels, most of us thought, huh? What\u2019s wrong with you? Then it was school lunches for children, which prompted Michelle Obama to twist up her face (very un-Beyonce like) and say, \u201cwhat\u2019s wrong with you?\u201d Now comes DACA and the whole world screws up its face and shouts, \u201cWTF is wrong with you???\u201d Here\u2019s what\u2019s wrong with him: there is a tiny fragment of our society that applauds this sort of attitude, and he is a slave to applause. Speaking of slaves, these are the same people who, when polled said they thought slaves should never have been freed. The same people when polled said they thought white supremacists and Neo Nazis were being marginalized more than people of color. The same people who think the media is a bigger threat to democracy than white supremacists. These are the people Trump is playing to. As such, whenever he\u2019s under fire \u2013 which is often \u2013 he goes on the campaign trail and holds a MAGA rally, where he (in the words of John McCain) \u201cfires up the crazies\u201d. This is the demographic who hold his base intact, and according to polls should he alienate them, his approval ratings dip into the single digits. Trump and his tiny base have one agenda: to wipe Obama\u2019s name from the books. Unfortunately for him, in the years to come, his name will stand in the shadow of Obama as historians will establish comparisons that will have Trump turning in his gold plated grave. Thanks to Trump, by comparison, President Obama will be seen as a great visionary of supernatural eloquence and character. Trump\u2019s legacy will be pitifully tarnished as the president who did nothing but roll back Obama\u2019s reforms. He will be forever known as the president who stood for nothing more than giving a middle finger to President Obama. All to appease a racist, small minded base standing on their last quivering leg. They\u2019ve found their hero, the archetypal symbol of white supremacy in Donald Trump. In 100 years, when history looks back, it will be Donald Trump\u2019s anti-legacy that will give torque to Obama\u2019s legacy. No matter how many Obama regulations and laws Trump rolls back, whether it be the Paris Accord or Cuba or DACA, history will cast a glorious light on Obama. Much of this will we can owe to the spotlight Trump gave him. We will recognize that this dark era is the result of a progressive black man and his family coming to power, agitating the shadow of racism and white supremacy in America. Because of him, the rising up of this ugly shadow that we now see so clearly is firmly in our collective cross hairs. In 100 years, we will give thanks for Donald J. Trump for making the target so big and easy to hit. We\u2019ll be grateful for how simple he made it for us to see our disease. We will thank him for ushering in a new dream because we were finally able to cut the illness out and begin our healing. Thanks to Donald Trump, we\u2019ll be able to see Barack Obama for the great man that he was, and we\u2019ll build a monument to him upon the failures of Trump and his ilk. I bet Trump didn\u2019t see that coming. The Secret Plan To Destroy Trump's Administration ", "label": 1, "idx": 20 }, { "sentence": "Facebook sets up crisis response page after Las Vegas shootingFacebook has set up a crisis response page so people who are in Las Vegas can let people know they are safe. More than 50 people died in the shooting and at least 400 people have been injured in the shooting, according to Las Vegas police. The shooting started around 10:08 p.m. local time. Those numbers would make this the deadliest mass shooting in United States history. The suspect has been identified as local man Stephen Paddock, 64. Paddock was shooting from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay, Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. Lombardo said the shooter is dead. Police believe Paddock killed himself before law enforcement entered the room, Lombardo said. People can check in to let Facebook friends now they are in Las Vegas and that they are safe. Police also advise people to call 1-866-535-5654 to check in on loved ones.", "label": 0, "idx": 21 }, { "sentence": "Trump Insists He Never Fired Ex-FBI Director Comey Because of Russia\nFormer FBI director James Comey speaks during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, Thursday, June 8, 2017, in Washington. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The White House initially said Trump fired Comey over his handling of the Hillary Clinton private email server investigation, however, later the US president stated that when he decided to dismiss Comey, he was thinking of the Russia investigation. US President Donald Trump said in a statement on Thursday that he did not fire former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey because of the Russia investigation. Not that it matters but I never fired James Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt Mainstream Media loves to keep pushing that narrative, but they know it is not true! \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2018 In an interview with NBC News' Lester Holt in May 2017, Trump said he was thinking about \"this Russia thing\" when he decided to fire Comey. READ MORE: Twitter on Fire as Comey Strikes Back at Trump \"Lying\" About FBI Comey's firing ultimately led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate allegations of Russian interference into the 2016 election and collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign. Russian officials have repeatedly denied allegations of interference, calling the accusations groundless and absurd. Trump has also denied any collusion with the Kremlin and has called Mueller's investigation \"a witch hunt.\"", "label": 0, "idx": 22 }, { "sentence": "Trump Attributes Iran Terror Attack to \u2018The Evil They Promote\u2019While officially the White House is condemning the ISIS suicide attacks in Tehran today, in keeping with their policy of being against ISIS, President Trump\u2019s own statement on the matter appeared less than wholly sympathetic, attributing the attacks to Iran \u201c falling victim to the evil they promote.\u201d President Trump has made clear since the campaign that he does not like Iran, and spent much of his recent trip to the Middle East pushing hostility toward Iran, as well as portraying Iran as being to blame for most of the terrorism in the region. That ISIS is the world\u2019s biggest terrorist organization, and that Iran has been heavily supporting both Iraq and Syria in fighting ISIS, doesn\u2019t fit into Trump\u2019s narrative, and the fact that ISIS just launched terrorist attacks in Tehran is particularly unwelcome to the US agenda of trying to spin everything wrong in the Middle East as being Iran\u2019s fault. President Trump\u2019s answer to this, then, is to remind everyone that Iran is a \u201cstate sponsor of terrorism,\u201d an official designation by the US government which means effectively nothing, and only currently applies to three countries that the US doesn\u2019t like, none of whom has anything to do with ISIS, al-Qaeda, or other major international terrorist groups. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz", "label": 0, "idx": 23 }, { "sentence": "It's possible' Bernie Sanders says he could have beaten Donald TrumpMr Sanders challenged Mrs Clinton in the Democratic primary campaign, gaining massive support from disenchanted Democrats who were not willing to support Mrs Clinton. Speaking to BBC Radio 4, Mr Sanders, a senator from Vermont, was asked whether he would have fared better against President-elect Trump than Mrs Clinton. \u201cThere are polls out that suggest that but the answer is you don\u2019t know, you really don\u2019t know,\u201d he told the Today programme. \u201cI would have loved to have had the opportunity. I think it is possible [that he could have won]. Bernie Sanders says he could have done better then Hillary Clinton \u201cHindsight is 20/20. I don\u2019t know.\u201d Pressed again on whether he would have proved a tougher challenge for Mr Trump, Mr Sanders continued to dodge the question. He repeated: \u201cI don\u2019t know.\u201d The 75-year-old then said it was important to note Hillary Clinton actually won the popular vote ahead of Mr Trump. While more people voted for the former Secretary of State, Mr Trump triumphed in the all-important electoral college, winning 290 electoral votes to Mrs Clinton\u2019s 232. In his new book, \u2018Our Revolution\u2019, Mr Sanders has called for a fundamental reassessment of the Democratic Party \u2013 which he believes has lost sight of its basic principles. Donald Trump as he makes his acceptance speech in New York following his victory to become he 45th president of the United States. Speaking to NPR Mr Sanders said: \u201cI think it\u2019s time for a fundamental reassessment and I think what that reassessment has got to entail is to understand that we cannot have a party that will win if we continue to become dependent on big money interests and campaign fundraisers all over this country.\u201d Discussing the shift of voters from Barack Obama to Donald Trump , Mr Sanders added: \u201cI think a lot of people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008, voted for Barack Obama in 2012, and who like Barack Obama, said \u2018You know what, I am going to go for Trump because he has been clear about feeling the pain of working families.\u201d Speaking to donors in a conference call following her defeat, Mrs Clinton said FBI Director James Comey had played a crucial role in her defeat. She said the FBI\u2019s investigations into emails linked to her had halted momentum she had built up following numerous sexual assault allegations which had been levelled against Mr Trump. Mrs Clinton also claimed the investigations \u201cfired up\u201d Trump supporters.", "label": 0, "idx": 24 }, { "sentence": "FBI: Man arrested after attempting to detonate vehicle bomb outside downtown OKC bank\nJerry Drake Varnell was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City after the FBI reports he planned to detonate a bomb outside an downtown bank. (Courtesy of the Oklahoma DOC) Jerry Drake Varnell was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City after the FBI reports he planned to detonate a bomb outside an downtown bank. (Courtesy of the Oklahoma DOC) OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) \u2014 An Oklahoma man has been arrested after attempting to detonate a vehicle bomb parked outside a downtown Oklahoma City bank. Jerry Drake Varnell, of Sayre, was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City. Court documents show that at 1 a.m. 23-year-old Varnell attempted to detonate what he believed was a van loaded with explosives parked in an alley next to BancFirst, 101 N. Broadway. Court documents show that the FBI learned of Varnell's plot in December 2016 after being notified by a confidential informant of his plot to \"bomb the Federal Reserve Building in Washington D.C. in a manner similar to the Oklahoma City Bombing.\" The informant later told Varnell that they had access to anhydrous ammonia and ammonium nitrate. The two then began collecting items to develop an explosive device. In May 2017, Varnell allegedly told the informant he wanted to target BancFirst in downtown Oklahoma City instead because \"I don't wanna kill a bunch of people\". Court records show that Varnell admitted to \"holding 3 percent ideology\" during a meeting with the informant. \"Varnell expressed a desire to start the new revolution. His targets included institutions with affiliation to the U.S. Government in Washington D.C.\" FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda said. The DOJ reports that Varnell continued to advance his plans to build a device and had a statement ready to be posted to social media following the explosion. On August 11, Varnell met with an undercover FBI employee that was posing as the supplier of the anhydrous ammonia. The two then drove to a mini-storage unit in El Reno and began constructing the device. All of the items used to construct the bomb were inert and provided by the undercover employee. Varnell then allegedly drove the van with the device to an alley by BancFirst and left on foot. The undercover employee picked up Varnell and the two drove a short distance away. Court records show that Varnell used a \"burner\" cell phone to dial a number to detonate the bomb several times. He was then arrested by FBI agents. The FBI reports that that monitored Varnell closely during the months-long plot. He has been charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce. Varnell was arraigned in federal court Monday afternoon. The U.S. Attorney's Office plans to seek indictment from the grand jury within 30 days. If convicted, he faces up to 30 years in prison. United States Attorney Mark Yancey and FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda spoke to the media Monday to discuss the arrest. Major Bill Weaver with the Oklahoma City Police Department says Varnell's plan was derailed thanks to a concerned citized and a committed group of law enforcement. \"This goes to show what happens when someone that sees something says something and then law enforcement works forward to interdict that threat,\" Weaver said. BancFirst has released the following statement on the incident: BancFirst has been working cooperatively with the FBI. At no time were employees, customers or the general public ever in any danger. We believe our BancFirst downtown Oklahoma City building was a random and convenient selection by the suspect. There is no further threat or reason for concern. We take comfort and our company embraces a deep appreciation and admiration for the men and women of the FBI for their diligent and dedicated work in protecting our nation. ", "label": 0, "idx": 25 }, { "sentence": "Tomi Lahren Says It's Wrong To Believe Every Sex Assault ClaimFox News contributor Tomi Lahren knows how to push the right buttons. In a heated discussion on Fox News\u2019 \u201cHannity\u201d Thursday, Lahren jumped at the chance to comment on sexual assault claims that have brought down high-profile men in politics and entertainment since the Harvey Weinstein scandal. The remarks were sparked by Sen. Al Franken\u2019s resignation earlier in the day, after he was accused of misconduct by several women. Fellow guest contributor Jessica Tarlov could barely get in a word with the interrupting host Sean Hannity \u2015 who dwelled on former President Bill Clinton \u2015 to explain the importance of believing women. \u201cWe have decided as a society that we take women\u2019s word and then we investigate and go from there,\u201d Tarlov said. Hannity then gave Lahren the floor to address Tarlov. \u201cDo you really think that that\u2019s fair, in every case, to take a woman\u2019s story as gospel and not ask any questions?\u201d Lahren asked in a clip posted by Media Matters. \u201cThe Democrats not believe in due process? Because I can sit here as a woman and say I don\u2019t think it\u2019s right that every woman is just believed \u2015 her truth is just taken as the ultimate truth without an investigation. Think of how powerful that it is, trial by social media. Let\u2019s get over this.\u201d Tarlov attempted to respond, but Hannity interrupted again to go to a commercial break and the next guest, Newt Gingrich. Watch the fireworks below.", "label": 0, "idx": 26 }, { "sentence": "Can Deep State Be Trusted? Why Won\u2019t the FBI Release Any Information on Las Vegas Shooting?Guest post by Joe Hoft Former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller have done much to discredit the name and reputation of the FBI. Now the FBI won\u2019t release information in regards to their investigation of 59 people killed in Las Vegas. This further tarnishes this respected organization\u2019s good name. James Comey hurt the FBI\u2019s name immensely by the actions he took surrounding Hillary Clinton in last year\u2019s campaign. Liberals believe Comey gave the election to President Trump because her name was tarnished from Comey\u2019s actions but they totally disregard her criminal actions that led her to be in that place. Conservatives felt like Comey gave Hillary a pass for her obvious criminal actions. On June 27th Bill Clinton met with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch in her plane in Arizona for a half an hour. Within a week Lynch\u2019s Department of Justice dropped the investigation into Hillary\u2019s emails and FBI\u2019s Comey made the announcement. Comey\u2019s statements were later compared to Hillary\u2019s prior statements \u2013 After FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend criminal charges be filed against Hillary, he was grilled in Congress by US Representative Trey Gowdy \u2013 Comey then announced in late October, shortly before the election that the FBI was reopening its investigation into Hillary\u2019s emails. Apparently emails recovered in the pervert Anthony Wiener case ended up being related to the Hillary investigation. Wiener was the husband of Clinton confidant Huma Abedin and reportedly Clinton emails were found on Huma\u2019s computer after Huma stated under oath that all her emails were turned over. A week or so later, again Comey let Hillary off again. This was in spite of the fact that an email released from WikiLeaks showed that Hillary\u2019s longtime assistant Cheryl Mills ordered Hillary\u2019s email server to be bleached clean. There was and is more than enough information in the public arena to have Hillary brought to court for her actions. After President Trump was elected President he fired Comey as Head of the FBI. After this Comey appeared at a Congressional Hearing and after berating President Trump stated under oath that he had leaked classified information to the press (a clear crime). Former Director Mueller was even worse. He was Comey\u2019s mentor. There are many major scandals and likely crimes that Mueller did not meaningfully investigate when he was FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences related to Obama and the Clintons: Emailgate (2007): discovery that several top Bush administration officials violated the Presidential Records Act by using an RNC server for email communications while conducting official business, followed by the deletion of millions of the same emails IRS Targeting (2010-2013): the IRS intentionally selected and then delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3) applications from conservative groups to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election, followed by IRS agent Lois Lerner invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination Fast and Furious (2010): this ATF program, which seems to have served no rational purpose, allowed over 2,000 guns to be purchased illegally inside the United States and then \u201cwalked\u201d into Mexico for use by criminals, one of which was later used in the 2010 murder of Border Agent Brian Terry by the member of a Mexican cartel Associated Press Spying (2012): the Department of Justice illegally seized the communications of AP reporters made during April and May 2012, allowing the DOJ to unmask journalists\u2019 confidential sources Clinton Foundation Pay-for-Play (2009-2013): during the period in which Hillary Clinton held the office of Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton received millions of dollars in paid speaking fees and a million dollar \u201cgift\u201dfrom countries involved in matters with the State Department, many of which had ties to terrorism and human rights abuses; some of these funds were apparently diverted from charitable causes to personal expenses, such as Chelsea Clinton\u2019s 2010 wedding Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton\u2019s State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States, which was followed by millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction Clinton Private Email Server (2009-2013): during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of Information Act requirements by using a private email server to conduct official government business, as well as sent and received classified information that was Top Secret over an unsecured system\u2014an \u201cextremely reckless\u201d (and obviously illegal) act.\u201d Mueller, by not upholding the law in these cases above, created a two-tiered system of law in the US \u2013 Laws for the political liberal elite and laws for everyone else. Mueller is a bad cop for other reasons. Although he has many conflicts of interest he went ahead and accepted the position to investigate the fake Trump colluded with Russia story. Even liberal publications like the USA Todayreported in June that Mueller should step down as special prosecutor because of his conflicts of interest with the investigation he is carrying on. Another reason and more justification for Mueller being a bad cop is related to the personnel he has hired to assist in the Russia investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller\u2019s fifteen attorneys are a Who\u2019s Who of Liberal Activism. He is not performing an investigation, he is on a liberal witch hunt. This leads us to today. Last night a press conference was held jointly by the FBI and the local Sheriff in Las Vegas concerning the recent killing of at least 59 people in that city a few days ago. The Sheriff was very transparent in the information he supplied. But the major question that everyone wants to know is \u2013 why did the killer do it? What was his motive? At this point, the FBI Investigator took the microphone. Instead of providing any information relevant to the mass murder \u2013 suicide, he berated everyone there and the millions watching on TV. The Special Agent In Charge for the Las Vegas Division of the FBI said: Our resolve is firm. We will get to the bottom of this no matter how long it takes\u2026we must focus on facts. We cannot give into conjecture. We cannot respond to every little Twitter feed that may indicate a theory. We need to be focused on the facts. You need us to be right. You expect us to be right and we want to be right\u2026. After interviewing the killer\u2019s girlfriend and God knows what else the FBI has uncovered, they provide nothing. The FBI\u2019s lack of transparency along with the corrupt and criminal acts by former FBI Directors lead all of America to begin forming conspiracy theories and to further lose trust in the FBI. It\u2019s time that the FBI cleans shop and restores it name and reputation. Sponsored Sponsored", "label": 1, "idx": 27 }, { "sentence": "Jemele Hill\u2019s Politics: 5 Fast Facts You Need to KnowJemele Hill in September 2016. Jemele Hill, the outspoken host of ESPN\u2019s 6:00 p.m. SportsCenter, called President Donald Trump a \u201cwhite supremacist\u201d on Twitter. ESPN later posted a statement, saying her comments \u201cdo not represent the position of ESPN\u201d and she knows her comment was \u201cinappropriate.\u201d The White House called Hill\u2019s comments a \u201cfireable offense.\u201d The 41-year-old Hill has been hosting the 6:00 edition of SportsCenter, dubbed SC6 with Michael Smith since February. Hill and Smith previously co-hosted Numbers Never Lie and His & Hers before they were promoted to the flagship show. You can follow Hill on Twitter. Here\u2019s what you need to know about Hill\u2019s politics and her latest brush with controversy. 1. Hill Called Trump a \u2018White Supremacist\u2019 After Posting About Kid Rock Hill\u2019s tweet about Trump was posted late on September 11 after she retweeted a The Hill article about musician Kid Rock, who has been teasing a run for Michigan Senator after launching KidRockforSenate.com in July. The article is about Rock\u2019s long Facebook post about the \u201cextreme left.\u201d \u201c\u201cPretty funny how scared I have them all and their only agenda is to try and label people / me racist who do not agree or cower to them,\u201d Rock wrote. \u201cHe loves black people so much that he pandered to racists by using a flag that unquestionably stands for dehumanizing black people,\u201d Hill wrote, referring to the singer\u2019s use of the Confederate Battle flag. After a back-and-forth with other Twitter users, Hill wrote, \u201cDonald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.\u201d Hill also tweeted other messages about Trump. \u201cHe is unqualified and unfit to be president. He is not a leader. And if he were not white, he never would have been elected. He has surrounded himself with white supremacists \u2014 no they are not \u201calt right\u201d \u2014 and you want me to believe he isn\u2019t a white supremacist?\u201d She went on, \u201cTrump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime. His rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period. The height of white privilege is being able to ignore his white supremacy, because it\u2019s of no threat to you. Well, it\u2019s a threat to me.\u201d \u201cDonald Trump is a bigot. Glad you could live with voting for him. I couldn\u2019t, because I cared about more than just myself,\u201d she wrote. After the tweet gained attention in the conservative media, ESPN issued a statement. \u201cThe comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the President do not represent the position of ESPN,\u201d the statement reads. \u201cWe have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.\u201d Hill has continued to Tweet, but on other subjects. 2. Hill Has Tweeted About Politics Before, Despite ESPN\u2019s 2016 Memo Asking Talent Not to Tweet About Politics Hill has made her politics clear on her Twitter page. She has a tweet with photos of her 2015 and 2016 visits to the White House to meet President Barack Obama pinned to her page. Twitter users frequently complain to her, and she typically responds. In January 2016, ESPN issued a memo to employees to avoid making political comments. Since then, Sage Steele lost a hosting position after writing that she was sad to see the \u201cjoy\u201d in the faces of anti-Trump protesters. Curt Schilling was famously fired in April 2016 for an offensive post about transgender people. After the Pulse nightclub shootings in Orlando in June 2016, when a man killed 49 people inside a gay nightclub, Hill wrote, \u201cSo in a country where we have done everything possible to undermine the LGBTQ community, we are suddenly lecturing Islam on homophobia. Oh.\u201d Forbes asked ESPN PR why Hill wasn\u2019t fired after that message. A spokesperson told the magazine that Hill\u2019s statement wasn\u2019t a violation of the 2016 memo. 3. Hill Defended Politics Appearing on ESPN, Saying \u2018Athletes Are Dragging Us Here\u2019 ESPN has been dealing with subscriber losses for some time, and its apparent liberal slant on politics has taken the blame in the media. Conservatives point to Schilling\u2019s firing and Caitlyn Jenner receiving the Arthur Ashe courage award in 2015 as examples. Not firing Hill for her comments will certainly not help. SportCenter\u2018s Linda Cohn also admitted that politics are hurting ESPN. During a conference in June, Hill defended the coverage of political topics, noting that the athletes they cover have made it difficult to avoid politics. \u201cI just hadn\u2019t noticed the correlation between us being called more liberal as you see more women in a position on our network\u2026 as you see more ethnic diversity, then all of a sudden ESPN is too liberal. So I wonder, when people say that, what they\u2019re really saying,\u201d Hill said, reports Yahoo News. \u201cThe other part of it is that we\u2019re journalists, and people have to understand, these uncomfortable political conversations\u2026 the athletes are dragging us here.\u201d Hill continued, noting that they never asked Colin Kaepernick to kneel during the national anthem and they didn\u2019t expect Gregg Popovich to go off on Donald Trump during press conferences. \u201cYou have athletes saying they\u2019re going to the White House, not going to the White House, that\u2019s all sports news,\u201d Hill continued. \u201cIt didn\u2019t just start with this generation of athletes, it\u2019s always been that way. Sometimes when I hear a viewer say they don\u2019t want their politics mixed with sports, I say, \u2018What did you think about Muhammad Ali?\u2019 And then all of a sudden it\u2019s glowing praise.\u201d Hill made similar comments in an interview with Newsday. \u201cWhether we want to discuss it or not, athletes are dragging us into these conversations,\u201d Hill said in January. \u201cIt\u2019s not that Mike and I wake up one day and say, \u2018Hey, today we\u2019re going to be MSNBC.\u2019 It\u2019s usually based off a news story that is relevant to sports.\u201d 4. Hill Joined ESPN in 2006 As a Columnist & Mentioned Race in Her Columns Hill has been at ESPN since 2006, when she joined EPSN.com as a columnist. Over time, she began appearing on ESPN TV shows, including First Take, Outside the Lines and others. A short time after she was hired, she spoke with the Columbia Journalism Review about being a young, black female journalist and the reaction you get when you write about race. \u201cAny time you write about race, people get incensed,\u201d Hill said in 2006. \u201cI recently wrote a column saying that there is just as much evidence against Lance Armstrong as there is [against] Barry Bonds, and part of the reason there is this extraordinary benefit of the doubt extended to Lance is because he\u2019s white. That\u2019s not the overwhelming reason, mind you. Just a factor in the whole equation. I got a ton of mail about that one, even though I posed the racial element in the next-to-last graf of the column.\u201d In 2011, she started the His & Hers podcast with Michael Smith, which soon replaced Smith\u2019s Numbers Never Lie in 2013. They continued hosting the show until they moved to SportsCenter. Their part of the show is known as SC6 With Michael And Jemele. The Los Angeles Times reported in March that Smith and Hill signed new contracts, even as ESPN had its massive lay-off earlier this year. Hill told Dan Patrick that their contracts weren\u2019t up for another year when they were approached to host SC6. \u201cThe fact that they asked us to do this, that\u2019s a key part of it. This was not our plan. We were about a year out from our contract being up,\u201d Hill said in January. \u201cWe knew that they liked us and wanted us to keep doing our thing. We were of the mentality that we were just going to be His and Hers. And what were things that were needed to improve that? And the way it just kind of happened caught us by surprise.\u201d 5. Hill Was Suspended in 2008 for Writing That Rooting for the Celtics Would Be Like \u2018Saying Hitler Was a Victim\u2019 In 2008, Hill had her first brush with controversy at ESPN. The Detroit native compared rooting for the Boston Celtics instead of the Pistons to \u201csaying Hitler was a victim.\u201d \u201cRooting for the Celtics is like saying Hitler was a victim. It\u2019s like hoping Gorbachev would get to the blinking red button before Reagan. Deserving or not, I still hate the Celtics,\u201d Hill wrote. Hill was suspended for a week and the statement was taken out of her column. She also wrote an apology. However, this was actually just the start of another controversy, as ESPN\u2019s Lou Holtz made a similar remark later that year. He apologized too, but wasn\u2019t suspended. In an interview with Deadspin, Hill shrugged it off. \u201cMany have said that ESPN treated me unfairly. The 64,000 question: How do I really feel? My initial answer is a story, or rather, a moment,\u201d she told Deadspin in 2008. \u201cA couple years ago, I was visiting the Poynter Institute, one of the foremost journalism think tanks in the country, and I sat in on a session taught by one of my favorite columnist and people, the Washington Post\u2019s Sally Jenkins. A student asked her if she ever got upset when other writers rewarded \u2014 particularly if she knew they weren\u2019t as good. And Sally said \u2014 and I\u2019m paraphrasing here \u2014 that she always prided herself on keeping her eyes on her own career. That\u2019s my answer. That\u2019s how I feel.\u201d", "label": 1, "idx": 28 }, { "sentence": "Trump taking aim at Sessions for 'weak' position on Clinton, reportedly discussing firingPresident Donald Trump took a new swipe at U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday, referring to him in a tweet as \"beleaguered\" and wondering why he isn't digging into Hillary Clinton's alleged contacts with Russia. (REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein) President Trump took his criticism of Jeff Sessions to a... good grief, you're going to always have squabbles of course the president wasn't happy that Sessions recluse himself from the Russian investigation from the Russian investigation... it's one of those situations damned if you do and damned if you don't... User from CA 2017.7.25 You will not get another ine because the democrats will not put another attorney general through Get down to business now and let all this other junk go by the way side repeal obama care and put another health care in but if you guys do not get together and quit going against each other because you want more medical Vicky Walters 2017.7.25", "label": 0, "idx": 29 }, { "sentence": "Hillary Protests Too MuchMethinks she doth protest too much -- and too late. Those who condemned President Trump for not condemning white supremacist groups quickly and forcefully enough after Charlottesville have no problem with Hillary Clinton taking five full days to hypocritically condemn sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. Maybe she was pondering the similarities between Weinstein\u2019s predatory activities and that of her husband. Both used their positions of power to extort sexual favors, sometimes forcibly, from women. And just as Hollywood looked the other way for the sake of career advancement so too did Hillary Clinton as she rode her husband\u2019s attained coattails to political prominence. So her recent expression of disgust over Weinstein\u2019s activities ring hollow: At long last, the people who do the strategic planning for Hillary Clinton and tell her what emotions she should imitate in response to various stimuli have weighed in and they have decided that Harvey Weinstein is not a nice man: \u201cI was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein. The behavior described by the women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior...\u201d Hillary Clinton knew who and what Weinstein was as surely as she knew and knows what Bill Clinton is. Weinstein has been joined at the hip with the Clintons for a couple of decades\u2026 Ironically, as it turns out, he was a major defender of Bill Clinton in the Lewinski affair though Weinstein seemed to favor aiming at the ficus bushes rather than blue dresses. At the same time, mind you, that Hillary Clinton was active in directing a campaign to paint the battalion of women who had been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton as morally decrepit if not outright crazy. Between Hillary\u2019s campaigns and the Clinton Foundation (out of curiosity, is the FBI still investigating this?) she has benefited from as much as a quarter million dollars from Weinstein. Hollywood was a major funder of both the Clinton and Obama political machines, and many a Hollywood star defended Bill Clinton\u2019s sordid activities as a personal matter as long as he was doing a good job as President. They similarly defended Weinstein as Michelle Obama once did, as a \u201cwonderful human being\u201d, as well as \u201ca good friend and just a powerhouse\u201d Both the Obamas and Clintons knew Weinstein well and neither should be given a pass for feigning ignorance and shock at his activities: None other than CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said on Tuesday evening that former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama should not get a \u201cpass\u201d on Harvey Weinstein. In fact, Toobin said their association with Weinstein throughout the years is a \u201cdark mark on their record.\u201d \u201cI don\u2019t think we can give the Clintons and the Obamas a pass here,\u201d Toobin said on Anderson Cooper 360. He cited Seth MacFarlane\u2019s creepy joke about Weinstein at an Oscars event and added that MacFarlane\u2019s joke illustrated that \u201ca lot of people knew or had very strong suspicions that this was a very bad guy.\u201d \u201cThe Obamas and the Clintons embraced him, did fundraisers with him, paid tribute to him,\u201d Toobin continued. \u201cI think it\u2019s a dark mark on their record\u2026\u201d The Obamas also finally said on record that they were \u201cdisgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.\u201d \u201cMichelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein,\u201d the Obamas said in a statement. \u201cAny man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture -- including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect -- so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future\u2026\u201d As Breitbart News has reported, Weinstein visited the Obama White House on at least 13 occasions and Obama\u2019s daughter, Malia Obama, \u201crecently wrapped up an internship at the New York City offices of The Weinstein Co.\u201d Right. Perhaps Weinstein wanted to see where Bill Clinton dropped his cigar in the Oval Office. Hillary, of course, should be all too familiar with Harvey Weinstein\u2019s despicable behavior. She watched her husband do the same and worse for decades as she also allegedly fought for women\u2019s rights, except for the right of their victims to leave the room unmolested. Hillary famously said that all claims of rape, abuse, and harassment should be deemed credible and be believed until proven otherwise. It seems there was an exception for her husband, an exception required by her need to ride his coattails to power, just as Hollywood excused Weinstein because he could advance or kill the careers of those he exploited. Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey as well as, some would suggest, a cast of thousands, have been groped, fondled, and used as sexual objects by one William Jefferson Clinton. Was Hillary appalled and shocked at her husband\u2019s predatory activities or did she blame it on that \u201cvast right-wing conspiracy\u201d? And then there\u2019s Juanita Broaddrick, who has accused President Clinton of rape. Juanita Broaddrick\u2019s story is a credible one, and one of the many \u201c bimbo eruptions\u201d that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton handled during her husband Bill\u2019s presidential campaign As Linda Tripp, confidante of former Clinton intern Monica Lewinsky, told the Daily Mail of how Hillary both enabled and covered up Bill\u2019s many dalliances: Tripp said: 'His political success was largely dependent upon Hillary. He owed her a great deal. As is widely acknowledged, Hillary took care of all the 'bimbo eruptions' of which there were thousands in order to present to the world an electable candidate. 'In this endeavor she was ruthless. She destroyed women so that their stories never saw the light of day.' So much for fighting for women\u2019s rights. At a Trump press conference in 2016, Broaddrick, tired of being accused of being part of that vast right-wing conspiracy, and afraid that her attacker would once again occupy the White House with the woman who orchestrated the attacks on Bill Clinton\u2019s \u201cbimbo eruptions\u201d, repeated her accusation: \u201cActions speak louder than words,\u201d Broaddrick said. \u201cMr. Trump may have said some bad words but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don\u2019t think there\u2019s any comparison.\u201d Broaddrick, who has said Hillary threatened her, appeared with fellow Clinton sexual assault victims Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey appeared in an interview at presidential suite of the historic Watergate and related the taleof Bill\u2019s assaults and their fear of Hillary\u2019s retaliation: In an exclusive video interview at the presidential suite of the historic Watergate Hotel, the victims of Bill Clinton\u2019s alleged sexual assault -- Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones -- got together for the first time in person to express their personal fear of Hillary Clinton and to warn voters that Clinton does not stand for women\u2019s issues.. The three women, who say their lives were forever changed by their experiences with the Clintons, used words like \u201cterrified\u201d and \u201cfrightened\u201d to describe their feelings about the prospects of a Hillary Clinton presidency\u2026 \u201cWe were not willing participants,\u201d Broaddrick said. \u201cThese were crimes.\u201d In a separate interview, Broaddrick shared her own story of brutal sexual assault which she says Bill Clinton perpetrated against her. Willey called out NBC News\u2019 Andrea Mitchell and CNN\u2019s Jake Tapper by name, challenging them: \u201cThese are not infidelities. A rape is not an infidelity. These are crimes. Any other people would be in jail\u2026 \u201cThis is no longer about infidelities, indiscretions, girlfriends, sex, interns -- none of those. This is about a serial rapist, a predator, and his wife who has enabled his behavior all of these years.\u201d Later in this interview, Jones, Willey, and Broaddrick expressed fear at how a potential President Hillary Clinton would use the power of her office. \u201cIt terrifies me and it should terrify all women,\u201d Jones stated about Hillary\u2019s presidential ambitions. \u201cIt should terrify all men and women,\u201d Willey added. \u201cShe will annihilate any enemy. All of her enemies. Anybody who has spoken against her. Across the board for I don\u2019t know how many years. She will get rid of them.\u201d \u201cNo woman who advocates for women attacks the victims of sexual assault be it by her husband or anybody else,\u201d said Willey. The women argued that the term \u201cenabler\u201d best describes Hillary Clinton\u2019s role in her husband\u2019s alleged sexual crimes. Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton \u2013 sexual predators separated at birth. Hillary and Hollywood knew them and their activities full well and tolerated them for similar reasons. We should be appalled, if not shocked, at their craven hypocrisy as both have waged a sick and depraved and very real war on women. Daniel John Sobieskiis a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor\u2019s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.", "label": 1, "idx": 30 }, { "sentence": "Scientific Evidence That Left-Handed People Are ExceptionalDear Lefties: It\u2019s official! You are very special, according to science. Throughout history, being left-handed has been viewed as a weakness or something to overcome. Heck, just 20 years ago, studies said that left-handed people die sooner and were prone to more accidents. Why? It\u2019s not your fault, lefties\u2014you\u2019re living in a world built for right-handed people! Doors are made for the right hand. Simple household items like scissors and can openers are made for the right hand. Even writing can be more of a challenge for lefties. But studies have revealed some interesting facts about left-handedness. And, it turns out, there are some serious perks to being a leftie\u2014including a higher likelihood of excelling at sports and better problem-solving skills (take that, righties!). Read on for some fun facts about and great perks of being left-handed. San Diego Padres v Arizona Diamondbacks by Darin Wallentine / Getty Images Sport 1. We Don\u2019t Know Why Left-Handed People Exist In spite of a good deal of research over the years, there still isn\u2019t a definitive answer as to why some humans are left-handed. It could be partly hereditary from the mother\u2019s side of the family tree. Another theory is that if there is more testosterone in the womb, there\u2019s a greater chance the baby will be left-handed. In one study, twins were twice as likely to be left-handed as compared to the rest of the world. 2. We Don\u2019t Know Exactly How Many Left-Handed People Are On Earth Various studies estimate that between 5 and 26 percent of the population is left-handed. But those numbers vary depending on culture and region being studied. Flickr | Dave Haygarth RELATED: Here are some more things you might not know about left-handed people: 3. Lefties Are More Likely To Be Good At Sports About 25 percent of all MLB players are left-handed (or \u201csouthpaws\u201d). And baseball\u2019s not the only sport that\u2019s advantageous for lefties. Interactive sports like tennis give lefties the upper hand. In fact, one report showed a whopping 40 percent of top tennis players are left-handed. Since left-handed athletes\u2019 movements are different, opponents aren\u2019t used to reacting to them. Athletes are built on routines, and when you disrupt their routine, it throws off their game. 4. Left-Handedness Has Never Become Extinct Back in the day, left-handed students were forced to write with their right hands in an attempt to correct what was seen as a problem. Even with these questionable practices going on, the trait of left-handedness has not died. Instead of survival of the fittest, left-handedness is sort of a \u201csurvival of the unexpected.\u201d For instance, in primitive cultures, 27 percent of people living in war-like regions were left-handed, compared to 3 percent in peaceful regions. Perhaps that\u2019s because the right-handed fighters never saw the left hook coming. Flickr | Denise Krebs 5. Left-Handers Are Better Problem Solvers Scientists believe lefties are better at divergent thinking, or coming up with multiple solutions to a problem. As a result, they are more likely than right-handed counterparts to pursue careers in science, art and technology. Famous lefties who made names for themselves in those fields include Marie Curie, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Pablo Picasso, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman and Jean-Paul Gaultier\u2014an impressive lineup! amfAR Los Angeles 2017 - Arrivals by Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Entertainment 6. Left-Handedness Can Be Predicted Before Birth Doctors can tell if a baby is left-handed through ultrasound. Most babies, or 90 percent of them, move their right arm and suck on their right thumbin the womb. That other 10 percent? Future lefties! Flickr | DebMomOf3 7. Lefties Are In Very Good Company While studies about whether left-handed people are officially \u201cbetter\u201d thinkers are inconclusive, there is anecdotal evidence that lefties are very smart. Famous left-handed brainiacs include Albert Einstein, President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, as mentioned above, and Neil Armstrong. Not bad company to keep! 8. Most Left-Handed People Are Born In Late Spring To Early Summer One study showed that most lefties were born between March and July. From this information, we can deduce that most lefties were conceived between June and October. As to what this indicates, well, researchers aren\u2019t quite there yet\u2014but it is an interesting finding nonetheless! Above All: Pink by 31246066@N04 / Ian Sane", "label": 0, "idx": 31 }, { "sentence": "The FBI Just Blew The Hillary Clinton Case Wide Open She Could Literally Be Going to JailThe FBI just blew the Hillary Clinton case wide open she could literally be going to jail. FBI just dropped could put her in the category of bonafide traitor. FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial n-u-c-l-e-a-r deal with Moscow. Senate Judiciary opens probe into Obama-era Russian uranium bribery\u2026 PAPER: Stunning cover-up", "label": 1, "idx": 32 }, { "sentence": "Far-right leaders have double standards for immigrantsThe rise of right wing nationalism comes with a massive side dose of bad faith arguments. So argues Sasha Polakow-Suransky, the author of \u201c Go Back to Where You Came From: The Backlash Against Immigration and the Fate of Western Democracy,\" which examines the explosion of far-right anti-immigration politics in both Europe and the United States. People like Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen are reactionaries, Polakow-Suransky told me on \"Salon Talks,\" but they like to hide behind liberal values like equality and secularism when launching attacks on Muslim immigrants. \u201cWhat these parties are doing, especially in France and Holland, is they\u2019re telling gays, they\u2019re telling feminists, and they\u2019re telling Jews even, \u2018We are the only ones who will protect you,\u201d he said. \u201cThe threat all of you face is from Islam and Muslims and we\u2019re the only party that can stand up to that.\u2019\u201d These politicians want voters to believe they\u2019re not neo-Nazis and skinheads, he continued, but in reality, they\u2019re \u201cweaponizing secularism to target a specific group.\u201d Polakow-Suransky, who is an Open Society Foundations fellow and has held previous positions as an op-ed editor at the New York Times and as a senior editor at Foreign Affairs, says he sees similarity in how \u201cour president reacts to a horrible terrorist attack,\u201d such as the murders in New York City on Halloween, and other crimes. \u201cYou see a real gulf between the reactions to any crime perpetrated by an Islamic extremist and crimes committed by white nationalists or other groups,\u201d Polakow-Suransky said. \u201cI think that shows they\u2019re targeting a specific group rather than talking about universal values that we all share.\u201d Watch our full \"Salon Talks\" conversation on Facebook. Tune into Salon's live shows, \"Salon Talks\" and \"Salon Stage,\" daily at noon ET / 9 a.m. PT and 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT, streaming live on Salon and on Facebook.", "label": 1, "idx": 33 }, { "sentence": "DNC Breaks the Law to Promote Illegal Immigration\nShare the knowledge! The DNC has gone beyond the pale this year in using an anchor baby Karla Ortiz, her illegal mother and a second illegal immigrant, Astrid Silva, to promote illegal immigration at their convention this year. The child puppet of the Clinton machine was brought on stage to share that she is afraid that her mommy and daddy would be \u201cforced to leave\u201d. The crowd went wild, cheering for this law-breaking family and for the wanton use of a child to promote their open border agenda. Breaking the law, as we have seen with Hillary, is no big deal, and therefore breaking into this country is also of no consequence to Democrats. In fact, one can almost hear Hillary say, \u201cWhat difference does it make? Let them all stay, as long as they vote for me.\u201d Read the remarks swirling on Twitter regarding Karla Ortiz and her illegal immigrant parents on the next page. Next Page \u00bb Hillary has no shame and will use whomever she pleases to make it to the White House. Yeah\u2026great job breaking the law. Everyone is super proud of your family. In today\u2019s Democrat Party, rules and laws mean absolutely nothing if they hurt your feelings. It doesn\u2019t get anymore clear than this. Immigrants are obviously great for this country in many ways. But that\u2019s not the conversation the left wants to have. They want to demonize anyone who thinks we should be able to control who comes in and malign anyone who believes that immigrants should come here legally the right way. It\u2019s pathetic to watch them cloud the issue like this. Here are some of the responses that started pouring in instantly from the left. I am the daughter of an immigrant & a daughter of the American Revolution. Our nation\u2019s diversity is our greatest strength #DemsInPhilly This girl\u2019s speech about the fear of deportation brought people to to tears #DemsInPhillyhttps://t.co/pKq5xcNQjM via @fusion \u2014 Mike de la Rocha (@mrmikedelarocha) July 26, 2016 #KarlaOrtiz Beautiful speech I literally cried. #inspiring#weareallamericans#america \u2014 Francisco Aguilar (@francoj559) July 26, 2016 Mother-daughter duo who could be separated by deportation try to humanize immigration issues at DNChttps://t.co/jakOnulP8o \u2014 Annelize Bester (@AnnelizeBester) July 26, 2016 28-year-old illegal immigrant, Astrid Silva, blasted Donald Trump in her speech at the DNC for his promise to \u201cseparate families\u201d: \u201cWhen I was four years old, my mother and I climbed into a raft and we crossed a river to join my dad in America for a better life,\u201d Astrid Silva, who hails from Mexico, said in remarks delivered to the 4,000-plus Democratic delegation. Silva was the first illegal immigrant to deliver a major speech at either party\u2019s nominating conventions. \u201cMy family and I are here because of people like Sen. Harry Reid,\u201d she said, highlighting the Senate minority leader\u2019s defense of DREAMers, or young adults who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. \u201cWhen Donald Trump talked about deporting 11 million people, he\u2019s talking about separating families like mine,\u201d Silver said. \u201cHillary Clinton understands that this is not who we are as a country.\u201d \u201cI know she will fight to keep our families together. I know she will,\u201d Silver said of the former secretary of state. Ahead of her convention speech, Silver told Fusion she hoped the invitation to speak demonstrated \u201cthe stark contrast\u201d between the Democratic National Convention and the Republicans\u2019 four-day gathering in Cleveland last week, \u201cwhere undocumented people [were] being called horrible names.\u201d Forget law and order and rational thought, let\u2019s just let our feelings do the voting and put the Queen of Law Breaking in the White House. If Trump doesn\u2019t make it into the White House America as we have known and loved her will cease to exist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8IfRNwyfaM", "label": 1, "idx": 34 }, { "sentence": "GQ Daily | \u300a\u53e3\u888b\u5996\u602a\u300b\u7684\u771f\u4eba\u7248\u7535\u5f71\uff0c\u8bb2\u7684\u662f\u4fa6\u63a2\u76ae\u5361\u4e18\u7684\u6545\u4e8b\nDaily Look \u5728\u8fd9\u7cdf\u7cd5\u7684\u4e00\u5468\u7ed3\u675f\u505a\u4e00\u4e2a\u5b69\u5b50 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\u8bbe\u8ba1\u4e86\u4e00\u6b3e\u7279\u522b\u7684\u5965\u8fea\u6982\u5ff5\u8f66\u3002\u5728\u201c\u6050\u6016\u4f0a\u4e07\u201d\u7684\u8bbe\u8ba1\u4e2d\uff0c\u8fd9\u6b3e\u8f66\u642d\u8f7d\u7684\u662f\u6838\u52a8\u529b\u7cfb\u7edf\u3002\u8fd9\u6b3e\u6982\u5ff5\u8f66\u7684\u540d\u79f0\u4e3a Mesarthim F-Tron Quattro\uff0c\u5728\u540e\u8f74\u524d\u65b9\u5b89\u88c5\u4e86\u4e00\u5957\u6838\u52a8\u529b\u88c5\u7f6e\uff0c\u8be5\u88c5\u7f6e\u4ea7\u751f\u7684\u7535\u80fd\u4e3a\u7535\u6c60\u5145\u7535\uff0c\u6700\u540e\u7531\u7535\u6c60\u4e3a\u7535\u673a\u4f9b\u7535\u3002 \u5f00\u7740\u8fd9\u8f86\u8f66\u4e0a\u8857\uff0c\u7edd\u5bf9\u6240\u6709\u4eba\u90fd\u7ed5\u7740\u8d70\u3002 \u5546\u4e1a \u6628\u5929\u4e0b\u5348\uff0c\u9488\u5bf9\u505c\u6b62\u70e7\u94b1\u5927\u6218\u751a\u81f3\u8fdb\u884c\u5408\u5e76\u7684\u4f20\u8a00\uff0c\u6ef4\u6ef4\u548c UBER \u4e2d\u56fd\u90fd\u6b63\u5f0f\u7ed9\u4e88\u5426\u8ba4\u3002\u6ef4\u6ef4\u5b98\u65b9\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5e76\u65e0\u5c06 UBER \u4e2d\u56fd\u5e76\u5165\u6ef4\u6ef4\u8fd9\u79cd\u7c7b\u4f3c\u8ba1\u5212\uff0c\u4e5f\u4e0d\u5bf9\u5e02\u573a\u6d41\u8a00\u505a\u8fc7\u591a\u8bc4\u8bba\u3002UBER \u4e2d\u56fd\u65b9\u9762\u5219\u8868\u793a\u5bf9\u8c23\u8a00\u548c\u63e3\u6d4b\u4e0d\u4e88\u7f6e\u8bc4\u3002 \u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u540d\u5b57\u7684\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u201c\u6b65\u6ef4\u201d\u3001\u201c\u6ef4\u6b65\u201d\u90fd\u591f\u96be\u542c\u7684\u4e86\u3002 \u4e92\u8054\u7f51 \u661f\u5df4\u514b\u7684\u5f69\u8679\u8272\u996e\u6599 \u5728\u4e0d\u5230\u4e00\u4e2a\u6708\u7684\u65f6\u95f4\u91cc\uff0c\u661f\u5df4\u514b\u7684\u5f69\u8679\u8272\u996e\u6599\u5728\u4e92\u8054\u7f51\u4e0a\u76f8\u5173\u8bdd\u9898\u6570\u5df2\u7ecf\u8d85\u8fc7\u4e86\u767e\u4e07\uff0c\u53ef\u662f\u5728\u83dc\u5355\u4e0a\u6211\u4eec\u5374\u627e\u4e0d\u5230\u5b83\u4eec\u3002\u867d\u7136\u661f\u5df4\u514b\u7684\u201c\u79d8\u5bc6\u83dc\u5355\u201d\u6211\u4eec\u90fd\u5f88\u719f\u6089\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd9\u6b21\u5c31\u8fde\u661f\u5df4\u514b\u7684\u5496\u5561\u5e08\u4e5f\u4e00\u5934\u96fe\u6c34\u5e76\u4e14\u5728\u793e\u4ea4\u5e73\u53f0\u4e0a\u8be2\u95ee\uff1a\u201c\u6211\u4eec\u8be5\u5bf9\u4e00\u676f\u6a59\u8272\u7279\u996e\u6536\u591a\u5c11\u94b1\uff1f\u201d\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u770b\u5230\u5f69\u8679\u996e\u6599\u8fd9\u4e48\u53d7\u6b22\u8fce\u540e\uff0c\u661f\u5df4\u514b\u8fd8\u662f\u5728\u4e0d\u4e45\u524d\u63d0\u4f9b\u4e86\u4e00\u4efd\u5b98\u65b9\u7684\u914d\u65b9\u3002 \u661f\u5df4\u514b\u6700\u540e\u770b\u4e0a\u53bb\u50cf\u662f\u56de\u5e94\u6d88\u8d39\u9700\u6c42\u800c\u7ed9\u51fa\u7684\u5404\u79cd\u989c\u8272\u996e\u6599\u914d\u65b9\uff0c\u4e5f\u592a\u5feb\u4e86\u5427\uff1f Insider Trump \u7684\u526f\u4e1a \u9664\u4e86\u7ade\u9009\u603b\u7edf\uff0cDonald Trump \u8fd8\u80fd\u5e72\u5417\uff1f\u4ed6\u4eb2\u81ea\u53c2\u4e0e\u8bbe\u8ba1\u4e00\u5757\u624b\u8868\u300248mm \u7684\u8868\u76d8\uff0c\u5370\u6ee1\u4e86 Trump \u7684 Logo\uff0c\u91c7\u752818K\u9ec4\u91d1\u6253\u9020\uff0c\u552e\u4ef7100\u4e07\u7f8e\u91d1\uff0c\u8868\u80cc\u6709\u4ed6\u7684\u7b7e\u540d\u523b\u5b57\u3002\u5bf9\u4e8e\u672c\u6b21\u8bbe\u8ba1\uff0cTrump \u672c\u4eba\u6ee1\u610f\u5230\u4e0d\u5f97\u4e86\uff0c\u8fde\u7740\u8bf4\u51fa\u4e09\u6b21\u201cGreat\u201d\u80af\u5b9a\u4e86\u81ea\u5df1\u5728\u8155\u8868\u8bbe\u8ba1\u4e0a\u7684\u597d\u54c1\u5473\u3002\u5f53\u7136\u4ed6\u672c\u4eba\u4e5f\u662f\u9ec4\u91d1\u8868\u6b3e\u7684\u5fe0\u5b9e\u7231\u597d\u8005\uff0c\u767e\u8fbe\u7fe1\u4e3d\u3001\u52b3\u529b\u58eb\u7b49\u53ea\u8981\u662f\u9ec4\u91d1\u6b3e\u7684\uff0c\u90fd\u88ab\u4ed6\u6234\u4e0a\u8fc7\u624b\u8155\u5b50\u3002\u6bd4\u8d77\u514b\u6797\u987f\u3001\u5965\u5df4\u9a6c\u7b49\u7f8e\u56fd\u9886\u5bfc\u4eba\u5728\u8d2d\u8868\u4e0a\u9009\u7684\u5e73\u6c11\u6b3e\uff08\u51e0\u767e\u7f8e\u91d1\u5de6\u53f3\uff09\uff0cTrump \u8868\u793a\uff1a\u6211\u9009\u62e9\uff0c\u6211\u559c\u6b22\u3002 \u9ec4\u91d1\uff0c\u81ea\u53e4\u5bcc\u5546\u4eec\u7684\u901a\u7528\u5ba1\u7f8e\u6807\u5fd7\u3002 \u6742\u5fd7 \u534a\u4e2a\u4e16\u7eaa\u524d\u7684\u6742\u5fd7\u6587\u7ae0 \u4e9a\u9a6c\u900a\u6700\u8fd1\u4e0a\u7ebf\u4e86\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u7684\u4f5c\u54c1\u7c7b\u522b Singles Classics\uff0c\u5b83\u53ef\u4ee5\u8ba9\u4f60\u8bfb\u5230\u6765\u81ea\u6742\u5fd7\u548c\u6587\u96c6\u4e2d\u7684\u7ecf\u5178\u77ed\u6587\u3002\u5177\u4f53\u6765\u8bf4\uff0cKindle \u627e\u5230\u6563\u843d\u5728\u5404\u7c7b\u671f\u520a\u4e2d\u7684\u77e5\u540d\u8bba\u6587\u3001\u65b0\u95fb\u62a5\u9053\uff0c\u5c06\u5b83\u4eec\u5355\u72ec\u4e0a\u67b6\u3002\u73b0\u5728\u8fd9\u4e2a\u7c7b\u522b\u5305\u542b\u6709140\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\uff0c\u6765\u81ea\u300a\u65f6\u4ee3\u5468\u520a\u300b\u3001\u300a\u540d\u5229\u573a\u300b\u3001\u300a\u5927\u897f\u6d0b\u6708\u520a\u300b\u3001\u300a\u7ebd\u7ea6\u5ba2\u300b\u3001\u300a\u82b1\u82b1\u516c\u5b50\u300b\u2026\u2026\u5b83\u4eec\u7684\u5e74\u4ee3\u4e45\u8fdc\uff0c\u6709\u4e9b\u751a\u81f3\u53d1\u8868\u4e8e\u4e0a\u4e16\u7eaa60\u5e74\u4ee3\u3002 \u8fd9\u5bf9\u6742\u5fd7\u51fa\u7248\u5546\u4e5f\u8bb8\u662f\u4e2a\u597d\u4e8b\u3002 \u9884\u544a \u4fa6\u63a2\u76ae\u5361\u4e18 \u4f20\u5947\u5f71\u4e1a\u83b7\u5f97\u4e86\u300a\u53e3\u888b\u5996\u602a\u300b\u771f\u4eba\u7535\u5f71\u7684\u62cd\u6444\u6743\uff0c\u4f46\u6545\u4e8b\u53ef\u80fd\u548c\u6211\u4eec\u60f3\u8c61\u4e2d\u7684\u4e0d\u592a\u4e00\u6837\u3002\u7535\u5f71\u5c06\u57fa\u4e8e\u201c\u4fa6\u63a2\u76ae\u5361\u4e18\u201d\u7684\u6545\u4e8b\u5c55\u5f00\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u5173\u4e8e\u5f71\u7247\u7684\u5176\u4ed6\u7ec6\u8282\u5747\u5904\u4e8e\u4fdd\u5bc6\u4e4b\u4e2d\u3002\u636e\u6089\uff0c\u5f71\u7247\u5c06\u4e8e2017\u5e74\u5f00\u59cb\u5236\u4f5c\u3002 \u4e00\u60f3\u5230\u76ae\u5361\u4e18\u662f\u4e3b\u89d2\uff0c\u8fd8\u662f\u771f\u4eba\u7248\uff0c\u4e0d\u7981\u5fc3\u5934\u4e00\u51c9\u3002 \u91cc\u7ea6\u5b89\u5168\u7684\u65b0\u95ee\u9898 \u91cc\u7ea6\u5965\u8fd0\u4f1a\u5728\u5373\uff0c\u8fd1\u65e5\uff0c\u81ea\u79f0\u201c\u5df4\u897f\u54c8\u91cc\u53d1\u56fd\u201d\u7684\u7ec4\u7ec7\u5c06 ISIS \u9996\u9886\u5df4\u683c\u8fbe\u8fea\u79f0\u4f5c\u201c\u4fe1\u4f17\u7684\u57c3\u7c73\u5c14\uff0c\u7a46\u65af\u6797\u7684\u54c8\u91cc\u53d1\u201d\uff0c\u5e76\u627f\u8bfa\u5c06\u5b8c\u5168\u670d\u4ece\u4ed6\uff0c\u5efa\u7acb\u53cd\u6297\u201c\u654c\u4eba\u201d\u7684\u201c\u5b89\u62c9\u7684\u5b97\u6559\u201d\u3002\u9762\u5bf9\u4e0a\u8ff0\u60c5\u51b5\uff0c\u5df4\u897f\u60c5\u62a5\u673a\u6784\u8ba4\u4e3a\uff0c\u6781\u7aef\u6050\u6016\u6559\u4e49\u7684\u4f20\u64ad\u4ee5\u53ca\u9488\u5bf9\u8bb2\u8461\u8404\u7259\u8bed\u7684\u53d7\u4f17\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u90fd\u589e\u52a0\u4e86\u53cd\u6050\u7684\u590d\u6742\u6027\u3002 \u91cc\u7ea6\u521a\u521a\u524a\u51cf\u4e86\u5965\u8fd0\u4f1a\u671f\u95f4\u7684\u5b89\u4fdd\u9884\u7b97\u2026\u800c\u4e14\u636e\u6089\uff0c\u91cc\u7ea6\u7684\u8b66\u5bdf\u5df2\u7ecf\u6709\u4e94\u4e2a\u6708\u6ca1\u62ff\u5230\u5de5\u8d44\u4e86\u3002 \u4f53\u80b2 \u8d1d\u514b\u6c49\u59c6\u7684\u65b0\u5f71\u7247 \u8d1d\u514b\u6c49\u59c6\u4e3a\u5929\u7a7a\u4f53\u80b2\u62cd\u6444\u5168\u65b0\u9884\u544a\u7247\u3002\u5728\u5f71\u7247\u4e2d\uff0c\u5c0f\u8d1d\u76f4\u63a5\u5728\u6668\u8dd1\u4e2d\u7ecf\u5386\u4e00\u5e74\u56db\u5b63\uff0c\u8fd8\u65f6\u4e0d\u65f6\u505c\u4e0b\u6765\u8ddf\u7403\u8ff7\u4e00\u8d77\u5e86\u795d\u80dc\u5229\uff0c\u5728\u4eba\u7fa4\u4e2d\u5404\u79cd\u95ea\u907f\u52a8\u4f5c\u3002\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u5728\u5f71\u7247\u4e2d\u8fd8\u51fa\u73b0\u4e86\u4ed6\u7ecf\u5178\u7684\u6293\u91d1\u53d1\u52a8\u4f5c\u3002 \u4f46\u662f\u6700\u540e\u5374\u88ab\u72d7\u72d7\u72c2\u8ffd\u2026\u2026", "label": 0, "idx": 35 }, { "sentence": "Google search terms \u2018Trump women\u2019 vs. \u2018Wikileaks\u2019 show which one America REALLY cares aboutPeople are hungry to learn more about Hillary Clinton\u2019s Wikileaks scandal, but you wouldn\u2019t know it if you get your news from the mainstream media. The search term \u201cWikileaks\u201d dwarfs the term \u201cTrump Women,\u201d according to an info graphic shown on \u201cFox & Friends\u201d on Saturday, but the network news coverage does not reflect the interest. ABC News devoted four minutes to discussing Trump\u2019s sex scandals while NBC did 5 minutes and CBS did 3 minutes on the topic. By contrast, ABC spent a paltry one minute on Clinton\u2019s Wikileaks scandal while CBS devoted two minutes to the email leaks. But NBC was, by far, the worst. With precisely no coverage at all the peacock network simply pretended the scandal didn\u2019t exist. trump-women-vs-wikileaksw Play Video Not many on social media were surprised. . @tuckercarlson: \u201cHere\u2019s a breakdown [of coverage] for the three major networks.\u201d pic.twitter.com/9wY725Tipa \u2014 Fox News (@FoxNews) October 14, 2016 This the game Hillary is playing, The accusers come out of the woodwork and chew up the Air Time, all the Plan \u2014 OhReally (@OhReally22) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson What hope do we have for a fair and prosperous future if the media insists on covering up corruption? \ud83d\ude2a\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f \u2014 Deb (@ddefrankie) October 15, 2016 The MSM is so afraid of Hillary\u2019s negatives they avoid https://t.co/thJgzAOODZ \u2014 Hopper (@sofshoe) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson Of course it is covered more. They don\u2019t want to show what HC does. I am sick of her free and to run for president. \u2014 Frances Shelton (@FrancesShelto20) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson this is a shame. Media is not supposed to be biased, but these outlets are bought by the Clintons. #clintonslaves \u2014 Tommy Mora (@TommyTommyjmora) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson Of course they do not report news, they are a Dems PR outlets no journalists, come on! \u2014 MRHF (@Jovisoul) October 15, 2016 ", "label": 1, "idx": 36 }, { "sentence": "Postpartum depression can affect dads \u2013 and testosterone may be to blamePostpartum depression has become more visible as celebrity moms including Brooke Shields, Drew Barrymore and Chrissy Teigen have publicly shared their struggles with feeling sad and hopeless after birth. But when a father \u2013 Adam Busby, from reality TV show \u201cOutDaughtered\u201d \u2013 recently opened up about his own postpartum depression, he received instant backlash, including comments telling him to \u201cman up.\u201d Despite the skepticism, postpartum depression in fathers is very real, with estimates that around 10 percent of men report symptoms of depression following the birth of a child, about double the typical rate of depression in males. Postpartum depression in women has been linked with hormonal shifts, but the role of hormones in men\u2019s postpartum depression has been unknown. In an attempt to solve this mystery, my colleagues and I recently tested whether men\u2019s levels of the hormone testosterone are related to their postpartum depression risk during early parenthood. We found that men\u2019s testosterone levels might predict not only their own postpartum depression risk, but their partner\u2019s depression risk as well. Testosterone levels in flux through life changes Testosterone is an androgen hormone, responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. It promotes muscle mass and body hair growth, and motivates sexual arousal and competitive behavior. Many studies have found that testosterone dips in new fathers across the animal kingdom. Among animals that engage in the biparental care of offspring \u2013 Mongolian gerbils, Djungarian hamsters, California mice and cotton-top tamarins \u2013 males show lower testosterone levels following the birth of pups. Human males also often show declines in testosterone around the birth of their infants. In one of the largest studies of testosterone and fatherhood, anthropologist Lee Gettler and his colleagues followed over 600 single men in the Philippines for about five years. If men became partnered fathers during that time, their testosterone levels decreased more than the men who stayed single. Gettler also found that fathers who spent more time with their children showed lower testosterone, suggesting that testosterone may be suppressed by paternal caregiving. Along similar lines, psychologist Robin Edelstein and I found that men assessed repeatedly over their partner\u2019s pregnancy showed declining testosterone levels from early to late pregnancy. Men whose testosterone dropped more dramatically were more likely to report postpartum commitment and investment in their romantic relationships with their partners. Researchers still haven\u2019t identified exactly what causes men\u2019s testosterone to change over the transition to parenthood. Possible suspects include proximity to the partner or infant, increased stress or disrupted sleep and exercise routines. Lower testosterone, higher depression Previous research has linked testosterone with men\u2019s depression levels in general. Low testosterone may contribute to the feelings of lethargy and disinterest in normally pleasurable activities that characterize depression. In fact, some psychiatrists have even suggested prescribing testosterone supplements to treat depression in men. However, no studies had specifically looked at the potential role of testosterone in fathers\u2019 postpartum depression. My colleagues and I analyzed data from the Community Child Health Research Network, a National Institutes of Health-funded study of new parents\u2019 health and well-being. The study recruited moms after the birth of an infant and followed them for several years, along with their partners. At one of the study sites, in Lake County, Illinois, men also provided saliva samples for testosterone analysis when their infants were around nine months old. Both moms and dads reported on their symptoms of depression several times across the first few years of parenthood. We found that dads with lower testosterone reported feeling more depressed. This fits with other research into how testosterone and depression work together. But ours is the first study to observe this relationship specifically in fathers of infants. Given that many men show drops in testosterone over the transition to parenthood, this finding may help explain why the postpartum period is such a high-risk time for depression in men. An unexpected side effect \u2013 for the moms We were surprised when we examined links between men\u2019s testosterone and their partners\u2019 depression. Yes, low testosterone seemed to put men at higher risk for depressive symptoms. But men\u2019s levels had the opposite effect for their partners: Women with lower-testosterone partners actually reported fewer symptoms of depression. Why would that be? We tested one possible explanation by looking at how women rated their relationships. It turned out that moms paired with low-testosterone men reported higher relationship satisfaction, and their higher relationship satisfaction predicted lower rates of depressive symptoms. In other words, having a low-testosterone mate might make for a better-quality relationship, in turn reducing the likelihood that women will become depressed. We know social support from a partner can protect women against developing postpartum depression, so our finding fits with that research. Lower-testosterone men may be more dedicated to their relationships or spend more time with children, helping to relieve some of the pressure on moms. At around 15 months postpartum, we also checked moms\u2019 ratings of whether their partners hurt, threatened, yelled at or insulted them. If men had higher testosterone, moms reported higher levels of intimate partner aggression about six months later. Testosterone is associated with more aggressive and competitive behavior. Our finding shows a potential dark side to high testosterone in the postpartum period. Dads also told us about their parenting stress at 15 months postpartum, reporting on emotions such as feeling trapped by parenting responsibilities, believing their children made too many demands on them and lacking warm feelings toward their children. At first, we didn\u2019t find a link between men\u2019s testosterone levels and their parenting stress. But after we statistically controlled for the relationship between low testosterone and depression, we saw that higher testosterone put men at greater risk of experiencing problems in the parenting relationship. This result suggests that, once you adjust for their potentially lower risk of depression, high-testosterone men may find parenting to be more stressful. A happy medium for testosterone? Our results suggest that fathers of infants might be at risk at both sides of the postpartum testosterone spectrum. At low levels, they might be more vulnerable to depression. But at high levels, they might have less satisfying and more aggressive relationships, less happy partners and more parenting stress. In terms of resilience to depression and stress, men with average levels of postpartum testosterone seemed to fare best. Our findings reveal that men\u2019s postpartum testosterone has a complex relationship with family health. From an evolutionary perspective, lower testosterone during the transition to parenthood may help motivate men to invest in their family. In the animal kingdom, lower-testosterone males spend more time with infant pups and show less aggression toward them. So it makes sense that human males would show shifts in testosterone as they adapt to parenthood. But these shifts may make men more vulnerable to mood disorder symptoms. Perhaps this is because lower-testosterone men are taking a more hands-on role in the family and helping more with infant care. Their contributions are great news from the family\u2019s perspective, but may put men at heightened risk of some of the same depressive symptoms that many new mothers face. After all, caring for infants is hard, draining work. In modern industrialized societies like the United States, many new parents lack the extended family support networks that can help lighten the burden of childcare. And in the U.S., paternity leave is a rarity, and many dads struggle with family-unfriendly work arrangements that drain time and energy. Just as new moms can feel overwhelmed and isolated after spending long hours tending to their babies, so too can dads. If new dads (or moms) are experiencing depressed moods after the birth of their infants, they can take some comfort in the fact that these feelings are normal \u2013 and may even be rooted in our evolutionary biology. There\u2019s no shame in seeking help, whether it\u2019s talking to a friend, prioritizing sleep and exercise, or visiting a therapist. Postpartum depression affects the whole family and should be taken seriously. Darby Saxbe, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Southern California \u2013 Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.", "label": 0, "idx": 37 }, { "sentence": "9 Famous Criminals Who Were Murdered in PrisonFor some criminals, the notoriety that comes with getting caught for murder, rape, and other horrific crimes is exactly what they want. The newspaper articles, biographies, and constant attention that are often attached to the world\u2019s most evil crimes give certain criminals a sense of purpose, as if they are celebrities who will have their names remembered long after they\u2019re dead. Unfortunately, being a notorious criminal also has plenty of downsides, especially when you\u2019re heading to a prison filled with other hardened criminals. For a few famous criminals, fame is what leads to their untimely death within the walls of prison. If you\u2019ve been wondering \u201cWho are the most famous criminals to be murdered in prison?\u201d this list holds the answers. The men on this list have proved that maintaining a low profile in prison beats having a famous name, since being well known for their heinous crimes is what got many of these criminals a death sentence not ordered by the legal system. From cannibalistic serial killers to pedophiles who ruined the lives of hundreds of children, the men on this list were murdered in prison by fellow inmates, whether it was due to their notoriety or personal issues. Photo: Police Mugshot Albert DeSalvo was better known as the confessed \"Boston Strangler,\" who killed 13 women. While DeSalvo never ended up in jail for those crimes, he served a prison sentence for being a serial rapist. DeSalvo attempted to escape from prison, but the escape was shortlived. In 1973, Robert Wilson was suspected of stabbing DeSalvo to death but he was never convicted for the crime. Age: Died at 42 (1931-1973) Birthplace: Chelsea, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America 32 people have voted onThe Best Horror TV Shows Since 2015 Photo: Pinterest Photo: Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department Photo: Police Mugshot", "label": 0, "idx": 38 }, { "sentence": "Does the New NRA Ad with Dana Loesch Call for Violence?\n\u201cThe NRA\u2019s Dana Loesch ad calls for nothing more than the truth, and obviously that is more than the progressive left can take.\u201d Recently the NRA put out a new ad featuring their female spokesperson Dana Loesch that calls for people to join the NRA. The ad has been called many things across social media. Many on the left are calling it an outright call for violence against the left and protesters. They cry that it is attempting to incite violence. Some even said it was \u201cbarely a whisper shy of a call for full civil war.\u201d Now I am a firm believer in the right of all people to defend themselves. The ad is very easy to understand, and pretty straight forward if you are a logical and sensible person. But if you are looking for a reason to incite violence I guess you can try and twist the words of the ad to suit your needs. Here is the transcript of the ad: \u201cThey use their media to assassinate real news. They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again. And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance. \u201cAll to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding \u2014 until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness. \u201cAnd when that happens, they\u2019ll use it as an excuse for their outrage. The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth. I\u2019m the National Rifle Association of America, and I\u2019m freedom\u2019s safest place.\u201d The only thing in the entire ad that talks about fighting back is this one line, \u201cto fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth\u201d. Now if that calls for attacks and violence against others, you really are stretching your imagination a bit and need to look at all the other things listed that are already being done by the anti-American types. Now I may be just a simple man, and try to look at things as logically as I can, but in listening to the ad, and reading the transcript, all I see is the statement of facts on how some people act, and that you confront them with the truth. The reference to the \u201cfist\u201d is in reference to the fist emblem used by the \u201cresist\u201d movement, not the NRA. I have found in debating people online (@downrangewithcw) that when you bring out the facts and truth, they resort to name calling and ugly threats. The reasons that progressives use violence against law-abiding innocent citizens are simple and straightforward. In addition, remember those reasons which Dana Loesch mentions are already used to commit riots and violence against communities across this country. No compatible source was found for this video. So to all of those that are crying that the ad incites violence and calls for a civil war, I say get a life! You are what is wrong with this country. Here we have a spokesperson talking about using truth to combat violence and you, the ones complaining about the ad are whining that it calls for violence. I hate to break it to you, if you thought Ms. Loesch\u2019s words were inciting you must be apoplectic in reading my article \u201c Protesters Be Warned\u201d where I discuss the facts surrounding the lawful use of force to defend yourself if confronted by a violent crowd. It\u2019s time for the people that think it is OK to violently protest anything that comes to mind to understand that a time is coming when they will find that the law abiding people of this country, who would love nothing more than to be left alone, will no longer allow their businesses or homes to be burned and looted. People will no longer allow themselves to be dragged from their cars and beaten for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The NRA\u2019s Dana Loesch ad calls for nothing more than the truth, and obviously is more than the progressive left can take. You know the old saying, the truth hurts, doesn\u2019t it! Oh, I guess that is calling for violence too.", "label": 1, "idx": 39 }, { "sentence": "Hollywood Terrified Rose McGowan Will Name More Alleged Sexual Harassers, Says Source\nIt\u2019s clear that Rose McGowan refuses to be silenced when it comes to sexual harassment in Hollywood \u2014 and several big names in the biz are worried she\u2019ll make public allegations about them next! Rose McGowan accused Harvey Weinstein of raping her on Twitter, and now, her public revelation has other men in Hollywood running scared. \u201cThere are a lot of people convinced that she\u2019s going to start naming other huge producers, directors and extremely famous actors who have allegedly sexually harassed women,\u201d an insider tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. \u201cEven other victims are scared that she\u2019ll start sharing their names. People are panicked.\u201d Our source adds that \u201ca lot of people\u201d have come to Rose with their allegations over the years. \u201cThe fear is that Rose is so angry at Harvey and all these predators, that she could take things into her own hands to blow the lid off all of this,\u201d our source adds. \u201cThat being said, Rose isn\u2019t the type to betray people\u2019s confidence, so it\u2019s not likely that she\u2019ll do that.\u201d Even since these shocking allegations about Harvey started coming out earlier this week, Rose has been incredibly vocal about her disgust for the Hollywood bigwig. At one point, her Twitter account was even suspended, which sparked major outrage (the social media site later explained that the shut down was because she shared a private phone number on her page). Other women who have come forward with allegations of harassment against Harvey include Cara Delevingne, Kate Beckinsale and Angelina Jolie. Harvey\u2019s wife, Georgina Chapman, announced that she is leaving him amidst the scandal, and he checked into an Arizona rehab center on Oct. 13. HollywoodLifers, do you think Rose will come forward with other accusations? Should Hollywood be worried?", "label": 0, "idx": 40 }, { "sentence": "German police unveil new anti-terrorist gear in the wake of deadly Islamist attacks\nHamburg police officers have received \u00a33.9 million worth of equipment to battle ISIS Officers from the BFE, Germany\u2019s special police unit, modelled their elaborate gear at a special press conference in the city. Haenel assault rifles, heavy-duty ballistic protection helmets and body armour are items amongst the long-list of equipment that at least 70 police officers received to use in the event of a terrorist attack. According to the German news website NDR.de, the decision to equip the police force with the expensive heavy-duty equipment was due to the ongoing threat posed by Islamic State. The Survivor 1 armoured personal carrier, which will be used for anti-terror police operations, can deal with chemical, nuclear and biological warfare agents in order to protect officers inside the vehicle from exposure. Mon, July 25, 2016 Ansbach explosion: Syrian asylum seeker killed by own bomb at German bar Police secure an area after an explosion in Ansbach, near Nuremberg The heavy-duty SK4 rated protection gear can even stop a round fired from an AK-47 rifle. Germany splashed the cash on the Hamburg\u2019s police unit a few weeks after ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbing of two people in Hamburg on October 16. A few days later, German police officers were called to raid refugee centres and homes in Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia to find suspects who were involved in organised criminal actives such as bodily harm, blackmail, illegal restraint and harassment. The heavy-duty SK4 rated protection gear can even stop a round fired from an AK-47 rifle Germany splashed the cash on the Hamburg\u2019s police unit a few weeks after ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbing of two people in Hamburg on October 16. The armour can deal with chemical, nuclear and biological warfare agents A few days later, German police officers were called to raid refugee centres and homes in Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia to find suspects who were involved in organised criminal actives such as bodily harm, blackmail, illegal restraint and harassment. Only 70 police officers from Hamburg will have access to the new equipment", "label": 0, "idx": 41 }, { "sentence": "Former President Barack Obama Reportedly Got Called to Serve Jury Duty in ChicagoFormer President Barack Obama has reportedly been called to serve jury duty next month, according to The Chicago Tribune. On Friday, Chief Judge Tim Evans reportedly told county commissioners during a budget hearing that Obama had not only been called for jury duty in Cook County, but that he was also planning on serving it, according to the Tribune. \u201cHe made it crystal-clear to me through his representative that he would carry out his public duty as a citizen and resident of this community,\u201d Evans later told the newspaper. \u201cObviously, we will make certain that he has all the accoutrements that accompany a former president,\u201d Evans continued. \u201cHis safety will be uppermost in our minds.\u201d Last week, Obama joined forces with the four other living former United States presidents to host a relief concert to aid victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. The event, \u201cDeep From the Heart: The One America Appeal,\u201d was held at Texas A&M and featured performances by Sam Moore, Yolanda Evans, Lyle Lovett and a special guest appearance from Lady Gaga \u2014 and it apparently also featured a little comedy from George W. Bush. Jimmy Carter (left), George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton After all five former presidents took the stage at the event, Bill Clinton stepped to the mic to deliver remarks. Meanwhile, behind him, the younger Bush made an unknown comment to Obama out of the corner of his mouth, prompting his predecessor to break into laughter. Obama quickly stifled his laughter as Bush smiled and shot him a couple of sideways looks. While Bush\u2019s remark was sadly inaudible to the rest of us, Stephen Colbert stepped up to offer some guesses at what he said during Monday\u2019s episode of The Late Show. Cueing up a clip from the concert and doing his best Dubya impression, Colbert quipped, \u201cHey, were you born in Kenya?\u201d Another option: \u201cTwenty bucks if you pants Clinton right now.\u201d Or perhaps Bush said, \u201cYo, real quick \u2014 where\u2019s Puerto Rico?\u201d", "label": 0, "idx": 42 }, { "sentence": "Gloating Trump Renews Attacks on 'Fake News' After CNN Corrects Russia Probe StoryPresident Donald Trump renewed his attacks on the \"fake\" news media in a series of tweets early Saturday morning, lashing out at CNN after the network corrected a story on the Trump campaign and Russia. Trump accused CNN of making a \u201cvicious and intentional mistake\u201d and called on the network to fire those responsible, and also called for ABC reporter Brian Ross, who has been suspended, to be fired for a separate erroneous report. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is introduced during the CNN presidential debate at The Venetian Las Vegas on December 15, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Getty Images \"Fake News CNN made a vicious and purposeful mistake yesterday. They were caught red handed, just like lonely Brian Ross at ABC News (who should be immediately fired for his \u201cmistake\u201d),\" Trump wrote. \"Watch to see if @CNN fires those responsible, or was it just gross incompetence?\" Trump continued to taunt CNN in a second tweet. \"CNN\u2019S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!\" the president tweeted. The news media has been one of Trump\u2019s most frequent targets since he took office in January. He derides organizations that publish reports critical of him as \"fake news.\" In July, he was accused of inciting violence against journalists after he tweeted a gif showing himself body slamming a CNN avatar. In the corrected CNN report Trump referred to, it was claimed that Trump\u2019s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., had received a \u201cheads up\u201d email on September 4, ahead of the release by WikiLeaks of a cache of emails stolen from DNC servers, allegedly by Russian government linked hackers. CNN later corrected its report to state that Trump Jr. had in fact received the email on September 14, subsequent to their public release by WikiLeaks. The network has said it will not discipline the reporters responsible for the story, because they followed company procedure and used multiple sources to verify the claims, and does not believe they acted with malicious intent. ABC\u2019s chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross had mistakenly reported on-air that Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russian officials before the 2016 presidential election. The network later corrected the report to state that Trump had made the request as president elect, prior to taking office in January. Fox News, whose coverage Trump has praised and contrasted with CNN's, also issued a correction for a story Friday in which it was claimed that one of the women who has accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual assault forged his signature in a high school yearbook. At a rally in support of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore Friday night, Trump had attacked news networks. \u201cCNN apologized just a little while ago,\u201d Trump said, referring to the error correction. \u201cThey apologized. Oh, thank you, CNN. Thank you so much. You should\u2019ve been apologizing for the last two years.\u201d More from Newsweek", "label": 0, "idx": 43 }, { "sentence": "Police: Mom leaves 4 young kids home alone, goes on European vacationJOHNSTON, Iowa \u2014 An Iowa woman faces multiple charges after police said she left her four children home alone while taking a trip to Europe. Erin Lee Macke, 30, of Johnston, is charged with four counts of child endangerment \u2013 substantial risk, and one count of transfer of pistol or revolver to a person under 21. Johnston police Lt. Tyler Tompkins told KCCI that Macke left her children ages 12, 12, 7 and 6 alone at home Sept. 20 while she traveled to Germany. Tompkins said the children were left alone for 24 hours before the police department and Iowa Department of Human Services received a tip and visited the children. The children told police, \u201cMom left them and left the country,\u201d police said. Tompkins told KCCI that police contacted Macke Sept. 21 and that Macke told officers she planned to be in Germany until Oct. 1. \"All of her sitter options fell through, and she left the kids in the care of the two 12-year-olds,\" Tompkins said. He admitted that the case is well out of the ordinary. \u201cI\u2019ve never heard of anything like this before,\u201d Tompkins said. \u201cWe have situations where parents go next door or parents may go out for the night, and while that\u2019s not advisable either depending on the age of the children, obviously leaving the country is a totally different situation. This, where a parent has left the country and left the kids home alone, I\u2019ve never heard of it before.\u201d Authorities said they convinced Macke to return to the United States before Oct. 1. She arrived Wednesday evening and was arrested Thursday morning. Police said the 12-year-old children are staying with family and the seven- and six-year-old children are with their father. Macke is charged with one count of transfer of pistol or revolver to a person under 21 because there was a firearm within reach of the children in the home, according to police.", "label": 0, "idx": 44 }, { "sentence": "New documents reveal FBI's Clinton cover-up In Washington, the ostensible story is rarely the real story. We know, for example, that former President Clinton engineered a meeting with President Obama\u2019s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport on June 27, 2016. That\u2019s the official story, replete with the charming and intentionally disarming detail that all they talked about was their grandchildren. It was just coincidental, don\u2019t you know, that at the time the FBI was looking into Hillary Clinton\u2019s use of a \u201cpersonal\u201d email server to send, receive and store classified information. And it was also simply coincidental that just a few days later, the director of the FBI \u2013 who served under Attorney General Lynch \u2013 announced that he wouldn\u2019t recommend a prosecution of Hillary Clinton. Richard Nixon must be rolling over in his grave. What we haven\u2019t known, until now, is that a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting. What we haven\u2019t known, until now, is that a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting. In fact, the FBI turned its sharp light not on the scandalous meeting between the attorney general and Bill Clinton \u2013 but rather on one of the whistleblowers who got the word out. The organization I head, Judicial Watch, asked the FBI on July 7, 2016, for any records that might pertain to the infamous tarmac meeting. We had to sue after we were ignored by the agency. Then the FBI told us flat-out that it couldn\u2019t find any records. And we now know that was flat-out untrue. Because, in responding to another one of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, the Justice Department gave us heavily redacted documents that showed there were additional documents tucked away at the FBI headquarters. If not for Judicial Watch's lawsuits these documents would still be hidden today. Because of the revelation in our other lawsuit, the FBI \u2013 without our knowledge\u2014\"reopened\" our FOIA request. The agency supposedly found about 30 pages of information, which it needed six weeks to review. The FBI finally gave them to us late Thursday. Now we know why the FBI played shell games. The documents show that FBI officials were concerned solely about the leaking of details of the tarmac meeting. None of the documents show top agency officials cared one whit about the propriety of the meeting itself, but only about who blew the whistle on the covert t\u00eate-\u00e0-t\u00eate. In one email, an FBI official writes \u201cwe need to find that guy.\u201d And in another we learn that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted \u201cin an attempt to stem any further damage.\u201d An FBI official working on Lynch\u2019s security detail even goes so far as to suggest non-disclosure agreements to keep the full facts from coming forth. No wonder the FBI didn\u2019t turn these documents over until we caught it red-handed, hiding and lying about them. Simply put, the FBI appears to be fully complicit in a cover-up that attempted to influence a presidential election for a favored candidate \u2013 Hillary Clinton. And the truth was trampled on a Phoenix tarmac. Tom Fitton is president of Judicial Watch. Founded in 1994, Judicial Watch Inc. is a constitutionally conservative, nonpartisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.", "label": 1, "idx": 45 }, { "sentence": "Why Criminals Stealing Suppressors Isn\u2019t The Problem Some Anti-Gunners ThinkDespite being around for more than a century, suppressors aren\u2019t really used in crimes. In fact, it seems like the only time you see a crime committed with a suppressor, it\u2019s where having the suppressor itself is illegal for whatever reason. They\u2019re just not used that way very often. However, if the Hearing Protection Act passes as part of the SHARE Act, suppressors will likely become far more common. That has the hysterical tribe at The Trace worried about criminals getting their grubby little paws on them via theft. Congress could vote as soon as this week to repeal part of an 80-year-old law that has forced owners of silencers to register the devices with the federal government. Supporters of removing restrictions on silencers have dismissed the concerns of opponents by pointing out that suppressors, as they\u2019re also known, are today rarely used in crimes. The more pertinent public safety question, however, is what could happen if many more silencers enter circulation. Even with the hurdles that silencer buyers must deal with, demand for the items is already increasing, fueled by a new generation of suppressors and some slick marketing. There are now more that 1.3 million of them registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, up from about 360,000 just five years ago. There\u2019s also evidence to suggest that as silencers have gained a foothold with gun owners, some are winding up in the black market. We\u2019ve written before that as goes the legal gun industry, so goes the criminal arsenal. Firearms and related tools like extended magazines that are initially sold legally end up in criminals\u2019 hands in several ways: unregulated private transactions, straw purchases and, of course, theft. To be sure, theft is a legitimate concern. It\u2019s impossible to keep things out of criminals\u2019 hands because they\u2019re often acquired via theft, either directly or indirectly on the black market. I\u2019d like to applaud The Trace for at least acknowledging that criminals are unlikely to walk into a gun store and buy suppressors. Good for them. Make no mistake, criminals will get their hands on suppressors via theft. It\u2019s going to happen, unfortunately. Of course, criminals can make suppressors in their garage right now. All the information is on the internet for anyone and their brother to look at if they so choose. It\u2019s been that way for years. Yet they\u2019re still rarely used in crime. Why is that? Take a look at this photo of a suppressed pistol, since handguns are the preferred weapon of the average criminal. Note that the suppressor extends well beyond the weapon. In fact, it doubles the overall length of the weapon. Guess what this does? It makes it very, very difficult to hide a suppressed firearm. Seriously, try tucking one of those in the front of your pants sometime and see how quickly you draw. This makes suppressors very difficult to sneak into a convenience store. It\u2019s also difficult to mill about waiting for someone to pull the gun on and rob. While criminals will, no doubt, get their hands on suppressors in the course of their \u201ccareer,\u201d it won\u2019t really help them much. They\u2019re terrible options for their line of work, and with the internet\u2019s instructions laying the mysteries of the suppressor bare years ago, there\u2019s no reason to fear them getting into any crooks hands. They\u2019re likely already there, and they figure out quickly they\u2019re useless for their purposes.", "label": 1, "idx": 46 }, { "sentence": "Don't Fall for Jimmy Kimmel's Cheap Zero-Sum EmotionalismIn recent months, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has taken to scaremongering his audience with well-worn Democratic Party talking points regarding health care insurance policy. Between yuks, he occasionally accuses Republicans of being would-be baby killers, which is treated as an important political development because, well, Jimmy Kimmel is famous. This week, the comedian was back to explain why the new Graham-Cassidy Republican \"repeal\" bill is bad news. There were only two things wrong with his monologue: Almost everything he said was either completely untrue or highly misleading, and his simplistic emotional appeal was completely disconnected from the real world. The comedian's interest in policy was sparked by the harrowing experience of having a newborn son who suffered from a rare health condition. Thankfully, his boy is OK. \"If your baby is going to die and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make,\" said an emotional Kimmel in May. \"I think that's something that, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right?\" Yes, everyone agrees. As far as I know, there isn't a single politician in America who has ever supported allowing babies to die because they are born with birth defects, even if the parents can't pay. Not pre-Obamacare, and not post-Obamacare. In any event, after Kimmel's May rant, Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy showed up on his show to explain his position. These types of culture encounters shouldn't be dismissed, because the fact is most viewers are unaware of specific policies and have a notional understanding that's prejudiced by the establishment media's coverage. Cassidy came up with something he called the \"Jimmy Kimmel Test,\" a test that no \"family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise, because they can't afford it.\" Kimmel claims that the new bill doesn't meet this threshold. \"This guy, Bill Cassidy, just lied right to my face,\" the talk-show host said on Tuesday night during an extended political rant. He went on to say, \"And by the way, before you post a nasty Facebook message saying I'm politicizing my son's health problems, I want you to know: I am politicizing my son's health problems.\" OK. He explained: \"Coverage for all? No. Fact, it will kick about 30 million Americans off insurance.\" Not a single person would be \"kicked off\" his or her insurance. Rather, the Congressional Budget Office review of the AHCA found that of the 24 million Americans who would no longer have health insurance after an Obamacare repeal, 14 million would choose not to buy insurance in 2018 in the absence of a penalty. And if Obamacare were not repealed, the CBO projects another 6 million people would voluntarily leave the Obamacare markets. Now, if you don't believe Americans should be afforded the choice to leave or not buy insurance, just say that. No one is being kicked off. Moreover, if Kimmel supports the individual mandate, Graham-Cassidy allows California to institute it -- as I am sure it would. Kimmel says: \"Pre-existing conditions? Nope. If the bill passes, individual states can let insurance companies charge more if you have a pre-existing condition.\" States would be allowed to apply for waivers to change what qualifies as an essential health benefit as long as they still preserve \"adequate and affordable health insurance coverage\" for people with pre-existing conditions. You may prefer price fixing to allowing states flexibility to try and fix these problems, but Graham-Cassidy does not break the \"Jimmy Kimmel Test.\" Kimmel might not be aware that there is no plan in place that has government cutting checks after every surgery. Kimmel then implored his audience to call Cassidy to stop the imaginary bill he had just described. It's a shame that Kimmel didn't provide a number to call for the tens of millions of Americans who have seen their premiums and out-of-pocket costs skyrocket under Obamacare's strictures. Is there no number available for those who are sick of being in exchanges that coerce them to buy plans they don't need that are sold by companies they don't like in fabricated, noncompetitive \"markets\" with dwindling choices? Anyway, so went a monologue that could have been written by any liberal activist. Which is to say it was all about cheap zero-sum emotionalism. Kimmel doesn't believe Americans deserve the chance to reduce the cost of health care with market-based reforms on the state level, or in giving states any flexibility in catering their plans to their own citizens. Kimmel believes California and New York should spend more per capita and smaller states should suffer. Kimmel doesn't believe that individuals and families should be allowed to contribute to health savings accounts or use them to help pay ever-growing insurance premiums. Kimmel wants average Americans to suffer. You see? Anyone can play this game. COPYRIGHT 2017 CREATORS.COM Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop", "label": 1, "idx": 47 }, { "sentence": "R. Kelly Scandal: Alleged \u201cHostage\u201d Speaks After Family Hold Press Conference In the space of a day, R. Kelly\u2018s name has catapulted back into the headlines after a shocking expos\u00e9 alleged that he is leading a secret \u201csex cult\u201d and is holding women against their will. Since the story hit the wire, the singer has, via his publicist, denied the claims and alluded to taking legal action. However, it\u2019s quickly becoming clear that the drama isn\u2019t going anywhere. The family of alleged hostage Jocelyn Savage held a press conference claiming that Kelly has brainwashed the 21 year old. So much so that she effectively has Stockholm Syndrome: In a twist, Jocelyn sat down with TMZ to refute the claims of her family, insisting that she has been receiving their messages but has willingly cut off communication with them. She wouldn\u2019t, however, reveal what her current living arrangement is nor which city she resides in: Sigh. Keep it locked on That Grape Juice for the latest. Your thoughts?", "label": 0, "idx": 48 }, { "sentence": "It's 1968 All Over AgainAlmost a half-century ago, in 1968, the United States seemed to be falling apart. The Vietnam War, a bitter and close presidential election, antiwar protests, racial riots, political assassinations, terrorism and a recession looming on the horizon left the country divided between a loud radical minority and a silent conservative majority. The United States avoided a civil war. But America suffered a collective psychological depression, civil unrest, defeat in Vietnam and assorted disasters for the next decade -- until the election of a once-polarizing Ronald Reagan ushered in five consecutive presidential terms of relative bipartisan calm and prosperity from 1981 to 2001. It appears as if 2017 might be another 1968. Recent traumatic hurricanes seem to reflect the country's human turmoil. After the polarizing Obama presidency and the contested election of Donald Trump, the country is once again split in two. But this time the divide is far deeper, both ideologically and geographically -- and more 50/50, with the two liberal coasts pitted against red-state America in between. Century-old mute stone statues are torn down in the dead of night, apparently on the theory that by attacking the Confederate dead, the lives of the living might improve. All the old standbys of American life seem to be eroding. The National Football League is imploding as it devolves into a political circus. Multimillionaire players refuse to stand for the national anthem, turning off millions of fans whose former loyalties paid their salaries. Politics -- or rather a progressive hatred of the provocative Donald Trump -- permeates almost every nook and cranny of popular culture. The new allegiance of the media, late-night television, stand-up comedy, Hollywood, professional sports and universities is committed to liberal sermonizing. Politically correct obscenity and vulgarity among celebrities and entertainers is a substitute for talent, even as Hollywood is wracked by sexual harassment scandals and other perversities. The smears \"racist,\" \"fascist,\" \"white privilege\" and \"Nazi\" -- like \"commie\" of the 1950s -- are so overused as to become meaningless. There is now less free speech on campus than during the McCarthy era of the early 1950s. As was the case in 1968, the world abroad is also falling apart. The European Union, model of the future, is unraveling. The EU has been paralyzed by the exit of Great Britain, the divide between Spain and Catalonia, the bankruptcy of Mediterranean nation members, insidious terrorist attacks in major European cities and the onslaught of millions of immigrants -- mostly young, male and Muslim -- from the war-torn Middle East. Germany is once again becoming imperious, but this time insidiously by means other than arms. The failed state of North Korea claims that it has nuclear-tipped missiles capable of reaching America's West Coast -- and apparently wants some sort of bribe not to launch them. Iran is likely to follow the North Korea nuclear trajectory. In the meantime, its new Shiite hegemony in the Middle East is feeding on the carcasses of Syria and Iraq. Is the chaos of 2017 a catharsis -- a necessary and long overdue purge of dangerous and neglected pathologies? Will the bedlam within the United States descend into more nihilism, or offer a remedy to the status quo that had divided and nearly bankrupted the country? Is the problem too much democracy, as the volatile and fickle mob runs roughshod over establishment experts and experienced bureaucrats? Or is the crisis too little democracy, as populists strive to dethrone a scandal-plagued, anti-democratic, incompetent and overrated entrenched elite? Neither traditional political party has any answers. Democrats are being overwhelmed by the identity politics and socialism of progressives. Republicans are torn asunder between upstart populist nationalists and the calcified establishment status quo. Yet for all the social instability and media hysteria, life in the United States quietly seems to be getting better. The economy is growing. Unemployment and inflation remain low. The stock market and middle-class incomes are up. Business and consumer confidence are high. Corporate profits are up. Energy production has expanded. The border with Mexico is being enforced. Is the instability less a symptom that America is falling apart and more a sign that the loud conventional wisdom of the past -- about the benefits of a globalized economy, the insignificance of national borders and the importance of identity politics -- is drawing to a close, along with the careers of those who profited from it? In the past, any crisis that did not destroy the United States ended up making it stronger. But for now, the fight grows over which is more toxic -- the chronic statist malady that was eating away the country, or the new populist medicine deemed necessary to cure it. (C) 2017 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. His latest book is The Savior Generals from BloomsburyBooks. You can reach him by e-mailing author@victorhanson.com. Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop", "label": 0, "idx": 49 }, { "sentence": "Trump uncharacteristically criticizes Putin after reports of chemical attack in SyriaPresident Donald Trump on Sunday strongly condemned what he described in tweets as a \"mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria\" that allegedly left women and children dead. He laid the blame squarely at the feet of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia and Iran for backing resident Bashar al-Assad, who he called an \"animal.\" Trump also warned, \"Big price to pay.\" \"Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!\" the president wrote. In the third of a series of tweets, he faulted former President Barack Obama for not intervening in Syria during his time in office. In April of last year, Trump ordered a Tomahawk missile strike against a Syrian airbase for a similar chemical attack. Sunday's posts left many wondering if Trump would potentially retaliate against the Syrian government, which is backed by Russia. The criticism of Putin is arguably his strongest critique of Russia since he took office 442 days ago. Syrian aid groups and activists allege that dozens of people died in a suspected chemical weapons attack on the city of Douma, the last rebel stronghold in eastern Ghouta where Assad has pursued an intensive bombing campaign. The Syrian American Medical Society said that more than 500 cases, mostly women and children, suffered symptoms \u201cindicative of exposure to a chemical agent\u201d and 42 were reported dead. Both Syria and Russia deny involvement in Sunday\u2019s alleged chemical attack. Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert said on ABC\u2019s \u201cThis Week\u201d on Sunday that the White House is considering how to respond. He added that the national security team had been speaking to the president \u201call throughout the evening and the morning.\u201d \u201cI wouldn\u2019t take anything off the table,\u201d he said. The State Department, meanwhile, provided a full-throated critique of Russia in a statement on Saturday night that claimed that the nation had \u201cbreached its commitments to the United Nations\u201d and called \u201cinto question [Russia\u2019s] commitment to resolve the overall crisis and to larger non-proliferation priorities.\u201d \u201cRussia, with its unwavering support for the [Assad] regime, ultimately bears responsibility for these brutal attacks, targeting of countless civilians, and the suffocation of Syria\u2019s most vulnerable communities with chemical weapons,\u201d State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said. Last week, Trump reluctantly agreed to keep U.S. troops in Syria, though he stressed to his national security team his desire to end U.S. involvement in the conflict as soon as possible. Politicians call for action after Syria's alleged chemical attack Republican and Democrat leaders decried the alleged chemical attack on Sunday, calling for the U.S. to hold the Assad government accountable. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who serves on the Armed Services Committee called on the White House to act. \u201cIf [the president] doesn\u2019t follow through and live up to that tweet, he\u2019s going to look weak in the eyes of Russia and Iran,\u201d Graham said on ABC\u2019s \u201cThis Week\u201d on Sunday. \u201cThis is a defining moment.\u201d Others from the president's own party piled on. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said on CNN's \"State of the Union\" that Trump should rethink his plans for an early withdrawal from Syria and consider another targeted attack on Syria's military facilities, such as the one he ordered a year ago. \"That may be an option that we should consider now,\" she said. \"But it is further reason why it is so important that the president ramp up the pressure and the sanctions on the Russian government, because, without the support of Russia, I do not believe that Assad would still be in office.\" Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also blasted the president, as he said Trump signaling last week that the U.S. would withdraw from Syria only served to embolden Assad, Russia and Iran to conduct the attack. While McCain said it was good that Trump criticized all three parties on Twitter, he said social media posts meant little in this situation. \"The question now is whether he will do anything about it,\" he said. \"The President responded decisively when Assad used chemical weapons last year. He should do so again, and demonstrate that Assad will pay a price for his war crimes.\" In the House, Republicans were also riled up and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said that the United States should continue to lead in holding Assad and Russia accountable. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who serves as chair of the House Homeland Security Committee voiced his agreement on Fox News and called for military action. \u201cWe\u2019re not going to occupy countries anymore, but this cannot stand in the civilized world,\u201d McCaul said. \u201cThis needs to be responded to in a very firm and strong way. I think we need to deal also with Russia and Iran\u2019s involvement in this. I think they are complicit.\u201d Democrats also called for the White House to act and coordinate an international response. Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said on CBS's \"Face the Nation\" that \"President Assad needs to be held accountable for his war crimes.\" \"We need to make sure that there is a proceeding started by the international community to hold him accountable,\" said Cardin, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. \"This is not the first use of chemical weapons.\" House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that Putin needed to be held accountable for the alleged attack as he had enabled \"these war crimes.\" But how to do that rests with the White House, she added. \u201cMembers of Congress expect a comprehensive intelligence briefing on this attack as soon as possible,\" she said in a statement. \"The Trump Administration must finally provide a smart, strong and consistent strategy in Syria.\u201d Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., said it could affect Mike Pompeo, who Trump nominated to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, as he enters Senate confirmation hearings this week. \u201cThe United States must not waiver in our utter rejection of the use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world, by anyone, for any reason,\" Menedez said in a statement. \"During his upcoming hearing, I expect Secretary of State-nominee Pompeo to articulate an actual policy for Syria.\u201d", "label": 0, "idx": 50 }, { "sentence": "Coward With Terminal Brain Cancer Jumps Out Of Government-Funded Death Bed To Kill Other Sick PeopleThe line of Republican cowards attempting to curry favor with Donald Trump stretches out the door, around the building, down the block, through the next door overflow room, and extends up to space, where it circles around the moon like Dr Manhattan. There's sniveling turdface Ted Cruz, who, among other things, listened to Trump call his wife ugly and his dad a traitor and a murderer. There's J Crew crewneck used to wipe pig vomit off of a misspelled yield sign Paul Ryan, who Trump has basically played the one-way dozens with for three years. And of course there's Most Racist Cracker Barrel Manager Ever Jefferson Sessions, who's remained mute as a Nazi church mouse as Trump continues to drink his milkshake on Twitter every day. But none of these cowards compare to the cowardice standard exhibited by John McCain; whose cowardice is legion and legendary, massive and magnificent. It's been only two years since Darth Cheeto \u2014 who was then still just Anakin Skyrapist \u2014 doubted McCain's war hero bonafides and added (quite humorously, I must admit) \"I like people that weren\u2019t captured.\" And now, here's McCain jumping out of his government-funded death futon to deny government-funded death futons to other sick people, all to support a President who disrespected the fuck out of him and whose only substantive agenda and platform is to erase everything the preceding President did. Again, Washington is full of cowards. But what makes McCain's cowardice special is that his whole entire personal and political brand is bravery. Well, \"bravery.\" You expect people like Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan to be rats. But John McCain has created, attached himself to, and submerged himself in this maverick narrative; that he's somehow different from the rest of those craven motherfuckers. That he does what he does, but does what he does with integrity. And this story only exists and has been able to persist because he was a bad pilot. His \"bravery\" is to bravery what Arby's \"roast beef\" is to roast beef. Fuck him.", "label": 1, "idx": 51 }, { "sentence": "Hollywood Actors Who Condemn Trump but Were Silent on WeinsteinAshley Judd is the absolute worst. I want to like her, I really do. Sometimes she chooses a good cause, like speaking up for trafficked and abused children. Those are the activities she should stick to. Unfortunately, Judd had to go to the \"Women's March,\" where hundreds of thousands of women wore pink \"pussy\" hats while claiming to be upset that Trump had used that word once. She performed ridiculous slam poetry, screeching defamatory accusations about the president wanting to have sex with his daughter and about other terrible things about which she had no first-hand knowledge. (You can watch the video below if you have the stomach for it.) But at no time did she ever discuss a man who she did know did horrific things. No \"by the way, Harvey Weinstein is a dirtbag who tried to get me to watch him shower for a part.\" Why didn't that come up? I find it very difficult to believe Judd is this angry at Donald Trump, a man who has never done anything to her, or provably to anybody, when there is a man who did do something horrible to her whom she could be screeching about. She needs therapy. And possibly tranquilizers. Jennifer Lawrence was recently interviewed for her epic fail of a movie, Mother, and gave Democratic talking points like \"equality for women in the workplace,\" blamed Trump for hurricanes, and rattled off the same tired Leftist arguments we've heard forever. During another interview, she claimed that she is terrified of Trump and wanted to make a video of herself saying \"F*** you!\" to him. Lawrence claimed she felt she could be a spokesperson for women who are underpaid: \n I felt like I had a voice, people look at me and listen to me, and to not say anything, that's never sat well with me. That seems disingenuous, because she kept quiet about the creepy mogul who everyone in Hollywood appears to have known was abusing women. Why stay quiet over that? Don't you have a responsibility to alert other women that there is a serial sexual predator in their midst? Lawrence hasn't alleged any harassment from Weinstein, although she is seen looking awkward in many photos with him while he holds her too close to his massive girth. It wouldn't surprise me if she had first-hand knowledge of his depravity. Gwyneth Paltrow is the most apolitical in this list. While she supported Obama, she never had anything more interesting to say beyond how handsome she thinks he is. Mostly she spends her life divorcing people and selling outrageously priced trinkets to rich women online. While she doesn't fit in the category of commenting on Trump, she bears much responsibility in this scandal.", "label": 1, "idx": 52 }, { "sentence": "I'm talking about the timing': Joe Scarborough suggests assault allegations against Trump were coordinatedMSNBC host Joe Scarborough expressed wariness on Thursday morning about the timing and source of the recent slew of sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump. The \u201cMorning Joe\u201d host speculated that allegations by multiple women in publications such as People magazine, The New York Times, BuzzFeed, and the Palm Beach Post may have been coordinated by Hillary Clinton\u2019s campaign. He argued that sexual assault victims would have had months to come forward with allegations, and cited Trump\u2019s inflammatory comments about Fox News host Megyn Kelly as a potential \u201ctriggering event.\u201d . @JoeNBC on new accusations against Trump: I\u2019m sceptical about the *timing*\u2026 Talk about an October surprise. https://t.co/lQ2gP5QD99 \u2014 Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) October 13, 2016 \u201cI\u2019m talking about the timing of all of this dropping, talk about an October surprise,\u201d Scarborough said. \u201cThere have been 1,000 triggering events that would have made sense. If I had been sexually harassed by this man, the Megyn Kelly story would have given me and opportunity.\u201d He added: \u201cThere have been 1,000 reports of this already. I\u2019m just asking why all the sudden this stuff is dropping in October. Perhaps it\u2019s all innocent. Perhaps there\u2019s no oppo drop. Perhaps it\u2019s not coordinated.\u201d The allegations come after a 2005 video was released on Friday showing the Republican presidential nominee boasting about kissing and forcing himself on women without their permission. During the second presidential debate, Trump denied that he ever sexually assaulted women. The Trump campaign is already pushing back against the allegations. Trump\u2019s attorneys sent a letter to the New York Times early Thursday morning denying the allegations and threatening to sue the paper for defamation if the paper didn\u2019t issue a retraction. The real-estate magnate also took to Twitter to defend himself. The phoney story in the failing @nytimes is a TOTAL FABRICATION. Written by same people as last discredited story on woman. WATCH! \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2016 Why didn\u2019t the writer of the twelve year old article in People Magazine mention the \u201cincident\u201d in her story. Because it did not happen! \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2016 NOW WATCH: Briefing videos Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.", "label": 0, "idx": 53 }, { "sentence": "Terry Crews Shares Story Of How He Was Sexually Assaulted By Hollywood ExecutiveActor Terry Crews has taken to social media to share his experience with sexual assault in Hollywood. The 49-year-old Brooklyn Nine-Nine star told his story as more allegations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein were made public. Crews alleges that another 'Hollywood honcho' touched him inappropriately in 2016. In a Twitter thread tonight, he wrote: \"This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME. My wife [and] I were at a Hollywood function last year [and] a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. \"Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything [and] we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk. \"I was going to kick his ass right then - but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. '240 lbs. Black man stomps out Hollywood Honcho' would be the headline the next day. \"Only I probably wouldn't have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left.\" Crews added that he told everyone he knew and worked with about what happened to him. And that the executive called him the next day to apologise, but never explained his reason for the assault. He said he never took it further, as we would be \"ostracized, [which is] par for the course when the predator has power and influence. Who's going to believe you?\" Credit: PA Images \"Hollywood is not the only business where this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior- you are not alone,\" Crews added. \"Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless.\" It comes after a number of high-profile women in Hollywood went public with claims of inappropriate behavior by film producer Weinstein, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, and Rosanna Arquette. As we have previously noted at LADbible, figures released previously by the Ministry of Justice, showed that more than one in 10 victims of rape or attempted rape in the UK are male. A report published in 2015, titled 'Silent Suffering: Supporting The Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault', revealed that as few as 3.9% of male victims of rape and sexual assault report the crime to police. Featured Image Credit: PA Images", "label": 0, "idx": 54 }, { "sentence": "Chris Brown Laughs During National Anthem & Refuses To Stand, Has Unexpected Encounter After (Video)Chris Brown, 27, was stopped from a potential physical altercation by police at a charity basketball game on the anniversary of 9/11 (video below). The singer got into such a heated argument with someone in the stands that the cops were called in to intervene before the situation escalated any further. The incident occurred at the Power 106 Celebrity Basketball Game at USC, reports TMZ. Video footage shows Brown becoming visibly upset as he leans over the bench seats to argue with a spectator. The music was too loud to make out exactly what words were exchanged, but USC cops can be heard saying, \u201c I don\u2019t care who\u2019s here, get it straight.\u201d Brown walked away twice but came back moments later each time to continue the quarrel, according to the Daily Mail. At one point, the R&B singer was encircled by cops as he tried to explain the situation. Brown has become the latest high-profile star to join Colin Kaepernick\u2019s national anthem protest against police brutality and racial inequality in America. Before the basketball game, Brown did not observe the anthem. Instead, Brown laughed with friends as he sat during the song\u2019s performance. The anthem was sung by R&B singer Tank, who asked the audience to stand \u201cin the wake of 9/11\u201d and in respect for those who lost their lives in the September 2011 terrorist attacks. However, Brown applauded Tank at the end for his effort. Brown was arrested just last week after a standoff with police officers at his Tarzana home over allegations he threatened a woman with a gun. During the event, Brown posted videos on social media in which he denounced the police and said he was being unfairly demonized.", "label": 0, "idx": 55 }, { "sentence": "VIDEO- AG SESSIONS: Comey Went Rogue In Hillary Email Case; Usurped Entire Justice DepartmentEx-FBI Director James Comey went rogue, according to testimony Wednesday from Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions said in a Senate hearing that by clearing Hillary Clinton from prosecution for leaking and transmitting classified and top secret emails, Comey acted as investigator, judge and jury. And that is why he was fired. Sessions was addressing questions from Sen. Diane Feinstein about why Comey was fired as FBI chief. AG Sessions \u201cI don\u2019t think the significance of the ERROR that Comey made on the Clinton matter is fully understood\u201d! pic.twitter.com/5LrYvbBYNO \u2014 \u2018GITMO\u2019 BAMA \u25aa\ufe0f (@President1Trump) October 18, 2017 ", "label": 0, "idx": 56 }, { "sentence": "GoDaddy bans neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer for \u2018violating\u2019 terms of service\nHide caption After months of criticism that GoDaddy was providing a platform for hate speech, the Web hosting company announced late Sunday that it will no longer house the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website that promotes white supremacist and white nationalist ideas. GoDaddy said in a tweet that Daily Stormer had been told it had 24 hours to move its website domain to another provider because it had \u201cviolated\u201d the Web host\u2019s \u201cterms of service.\u201d \u201cWe informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service. GoDaddy\u2019s announcement was in response to an appeal from a Twitter user who called attention late Sunday to an online post by Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin. The post disparaged Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman killed Saturday in Charlottesville, police say, after a man plowed into a crowd with his vehicle. GoDaddy Drops White Supremacist Site 'Daily Stormer' Google and GoDaddy give a neo-Nazi website the boot GoDaddy responded to The Daily Stormer's vulgar article about Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer by banning the white supremacist site from its service. The Daily Stormer then tried to transfer its domain registration to Google. Google terminated The Daily Stormer's registration soon after, saying: - Google statement to Business Insider TheStreet.com Trump continues to threaten the removal of senior official security clearances \"Goat-Pocalypse\u2019 Strikes Boise Neighborhood Aaron Judge To Miss Three Weeks After Chip Fracture GoDaddy Drops White Supremacist Site 'Daily Stormer' The moment a gunman opened fire at Florida gaming event Vietnam War Hero Turned US Senator John McCain Has Died At Age 81 What You Need to Know About Hurricane Lane President Donald Trump says if he's impeached, we'll all be 'very poor' China to keep hitting back at U.S. over trade Speeding sports car crashes into school bus Republican Sen. John McCain to stop medical treatment for brain cancer Man Steers Harley With His Feet On Florida Highway Early morning Twitter rant by Trump sparks theories See Hurricane Lane from space Man returns A/C after being yelled at Trump denounces Cohen as a snitch Deputies rescue women stranded on unicorn raft Toddlers survive alone for 2 days after mother is killed in car crash Scorching Temperatures Hitting California, Southwest with Excessive Heat Warnings WATCH: Skunk caught dancing on wildlife camera California Declares State of Emergency Private Jet Carrying Rapper Post Malone Lands Safely After Blowing 2 Tires Cohen investigated for $20 mln in loans: NYT Cars Swept Away By Extreme Flooding At New Jersey Car Dealership Teen 'feels like Superman' after surviving lightning strike Dems have a \"whole lot of energy\": Sen. Sanders It's time for Roger Goodell, NFL to solve anthem protest dilemma Fox With Plastic Jar Stuck On Head Rescued Near Georgetown Eligible Bachelors Tricked By Tinder Scam Trump attacks Russia probe again at Virginia rally Two Dead Fighting California Wildfire Trump touts \"amazing\" U.S. economic growth Multiple deaths in Canada shooting: police Trump dares Brennan to sue after revoking his clearance Trump wants federal suit against opioid manufacturers Dozens dead in motorway bridge collapse near Genoa Jury Convicts Paul Manafort On 8 Counts Of Fraud Pence says \"time has come\" for U.S. Space Force More Flooding Risk This Week in the East with More Anticipated Rain Sister Mary Jo throws out first pitch Trump continues to threaten the removal of senior official security clearances \"Goat-Pocalypse\u2019 Strikes Boise Neighborhood Aaron Judge To Miss Three Weeks After Chip Fracture GoDaddy Drops White Supremacist Site 'Daily Stormer' The moment a gunman opened fire at Florida gaming event Vietnam War Hero Turned US Senator John McCain Has Died At Age 81 http://launch.newsinc.com/share.html?trackingGroup=90108&siteSection=gatehouse&videoId=32829648 BACK Embed <iframe width=\"590\" height=\"332\" src=\"http://launch.newsinc.com/?type=VideoPlayer/Single&widgetId=1&trackingGroup=69016&playlistId=19132&siteSection=gatehouse&videoId=32829648\" frameborder=\"no\" scrolling=\"no\" noresize marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> Privacy Policy | Terms of Use Heyer was among the hundreds who had turned out to protest against the controversial rally being held by white supremacist groups, including neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members. The suspect, James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Ohio, has been charged with one count of second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and another count related to the hit-and-run, police said. In the Daily Stormer post, Anglin characterized Heyer as dying in a \u201croad age incident.\u201d He said she was a \u201cdrain on society\u201d and disparaged her appearance. \u201cMost people are glad she is dead,\u201d he wrote. \u2033 @GoDaddy you host The Daily Stormer - they posted this on their site,\u201d Twitter user Amy Siskind said in an appeal to the Web hosting company. \u201cPlease retweet if you think this hate should be taken down & banned.\u201d Siskind\u2019s post was shared more than 5,000 times. GoDaddy spokesman Dan Race confirmed the company\u2019s decision to boot the Daily Stormer in an email to The Washington Post. He said the article about Heyer violated GoDaddy\u2019s terms of service, Race said. \u201cGiven The Daily Stormer\u2019s latest article comes on the immediate heels of a violent act, we believe this type of article could incite additional violence, which violates our terms of service,\u201d Race wrote in the email. Early Monday, just hours after GoDaddy made its announcement, a note appeared on the Daily\u2019s Stormer\u2019s website claiming it had been taken over by the hacking activist group Anonymous \u201cin the name of Heather Heyer a victim of white supremacist terrorism.\u201d But a Twitter account claiming to be linked to Anonymous said it could not confirm that the Daily Storm was hacked. \u201cRemain cautious,\u201d it advised. The Daily Stormer and other websites characterized as espousing racist or anti-Semitic views have registered domain names with GoDaddy and use a privacy service called Domains by Proxy that is affiliated with GoDaddy, the Daily Beast reported last month. Critics have pushed GoDaddy to ban these sites from its service, arguing that providing them a platform enables hate speech. GoDaddy has previously said that the content, however \u201ctasteless\u201d and \u201cignorant,\u201d is protected by the First Amendment. The company told the Daily Beast in July that a Daily Stormer article threatening to \u201ctrack down\u201d the family members of CNN staffers did not violate Domains by Proxy\u2019s terms of service. \u201cWe do not see a reason to take any action under our terms of service as does not promote or encourage violence against people,\u201d Ben Butler, GoDaddy\u2019s director of network abuse, told The Daily Beast. \u201cWhile we detest the sentiment of this site and the article in question, we support First Amendment rights and, similar to the principles of free speech, that sometimes means allowing such tasteless, ignorant content.\u201d The Daily Stormer has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the \u201ctop hate site in America,\u201d and publishes content disparaging Jewish people, people of color Muslims and women.", "label": 0, "idx": 57 }, { "sentence": "#FakeNews CNN Trashes Vice President \u2013 Estimates Price Tag of Pence Defending US Flag and Walking Out of Colts GameYou knew this was coming. Barack Obama increased the US national debt by nearly $10 trillion dollars and the liberal media SAID NOTHING! But now that President Trump is in office the liberal media had suddenly developed a new found interest in government spending. On Sunday Vice President Mike Pence attended the Indianapolis Colts game against the San Francisco 49ers. The VP had planned to attend the game for weeks. But after the NFL millionaires disrespected the US flag and military by kneeling during the national anthem, Vice President Pence and his wife walked out of the game. The liberal media is attacking the vice president for defending the flag and military. Several liberal hacks lashed out at the vice president after he left the game. Now this\u2026 CNN actually tabulated the cost of Mike Pence\u2019s trip to the game. As if they give a damn about government spending! This is CNN: How much did Vice President Mike Pence\u2019s trip to Indianapolis to watch \u2014 and then abruptly leave \u2014 a football game Sunday between the Indianapolis Colts and San Francisco 49ers cost? Here is an estimate of just the air costs (which does not include costs of advance personnel, Secret Service or support on the ground): According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,000. Pence\u2019s flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000 Pence then flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500. The grand total: about $242,500. What a joke the media has become. Sponsored Sponsored", "label": 1, "idx": 58 }, { "sentence": "Game Show Winner Mocks Barron Trump\u2019s Response to Gruesome Kathy Griffin Photo\nWith most rational individuals condemning Kathy Griffin\u2019s reprehensible photoshoot, some dark souls are coming out of the woodworks and showing their true colors. Most of the country condemned Kathy Griffin\u2019s now-infamous photo shoot holding a fake severed head of President Trump. The shocking photo shoot prompted a nationwide outrage and sparked debate over whether or not Griffin should be investigated as a threat to national security. As the Trump family reacted to the photo, it was reported that President Trump\u2019s youngest child\u201411-year-old Barron\u2014had seen the photo while watching the news and became understandably upset. The one thing these so-called artists fail to take into account is the impact their message will have on family members of their targets. It\u2019s incredibly hard to believe that creating images of this violent nature wouldn\u2019t provoke thought into how they will affect families or even the audience. Not only was Griffin\u2019s photo shoot and full admission of wrongdoing completely unacceptable by anyone\u2019s standards, it was disrespectful to victims of terrorism and their families. Radical Islamic terrorists are notorious for beheading innocent people\u2014including Americans\u2014for propaganda videos. By far, the most disgusting social media post came from some guy who apparently won big on Jeopardy over ten years ago. Ken Jennings took to Twitter and decided to campaign for Dirtbag of the Year. \u201cBarron Trump saw a very long necktie on a heap of expired deli meat in a dumpster. He thought it was his dad and his little heart is breaking,\u201d the game show winner from 2004 posted on his Twitter account. He even defended Griffin\u2019s actions, citing\u2014you guessed it\u2014another game show from the \u201890s where he said Griffin was known for holding up severed heads. Barron Trump saw a very long necktie on a heap of expired deli meat in a dumpster. He thought it was his dad & his little heart is breaking \u2014 Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) May 31, 2017 This kind of reaction is absolutely reprehensible, especially under the circumstances. CNN has since announced that Kathy Griffin has been fired from her job as a New Year\u2019s Eve announcer for the network alongside Anderson Cooper, who also expressed outrage over the violent photo. With serious reactions to the photo taking place in the United States, opportunists usually crawl out of the woodwork to make a sad attempt at humor. This was a huge fail. Attacking a child who was understandably disturbed by the gruesome image of his father\u2019s mock beheading is a new low in our society. Adding to this creep\u2019s sentiment, Rosie O\u2019Donnell weighed in via her Twitter account, dismissing Barron Trump\u2019s reaction by asking, \u201cDo you think he saw anything about these 2 heroic men who died defending young girls? Hatred promoted by his father?\u201dThis was in reference to the two men who were killed in Oregon defending a Muslim girl from an attack. Regarding which, by the way, President Trump released a statement condemning the act as hatred that has no place in the United States. It seems like reactions to disturbing incidents like the Kathy Griffin photo expose the true nature of individuals and separate those with compassion for humans\u2014regardless of political belief\u2014from truly heinous people.", "label": 1, "idx": 59 }, { "sentence": "Ex-UVA dean\u2019s lawyer blasts Rolling Stone editor\u2019s \u2018reckless\u2019 rape story\nSabrina Rubin Erdely An attorney for the former University of Virginia dean suing Rolling Stone for defamation alleged during closing arguments that the magazine\u2019s campus rape story was reported with a \u201creckless disregard for the truth.\u201d Attorney Tom Clare charged that Rolling Stone \u201cneeded a villain\u201d for the Nov. 2014 feature piece \u2014 and the story\u2019s author, Sabrina Erdely, decided former associate dean of students Nicole Eramo fit the bill. \u201cEvery one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator \u2026 Ms. Erdely and Rolling Stone were intent on imposing that on this story,\u201d Clare said. \u201cIt had all of the elements of a perfect story, but when something sounds too perfect to be true, it probably is.\u201d Eramo, who is seeking $7.5 million, claims the since-discredited story portrayed her as turning a blind eye to gang rape claims made by a former student identified as \u201cJackie.\u201d Clare argued that the defamation case is not about rape, but about journalistic failure. The lawyer said Erdely left out important details in her piece on purpose, like the fact that Eramo took Jackie to the police on two separate occasions. \u2018Every one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator\u2026\u2019 \u201cThey made a decision to remove [from the article] every reference to the police and that\u2019s actual malice,\u201d he said. Clare also blasted Erdely for ignoring red flags, such as Jackie\u2019s refusal to put her in touch with sources who could corroborate her alleged gang rape account. \u201cJackie\u2019s refusal to put Ms. Erdely in touch with people who could confirm or deny her story was a giant, waving red flag,\u201d he insisted. \u201cOnce they decided what the article was going to be, it didn\u2019t matter what the facts were,\u201d Clare added. Rolling Stone\u2019s attorney Scott Sexton countered that Erdely put a \u201ctremendous amount of work\u201d into the article, but was ultimately fooled by Jackie. \u201cSabrina was acting in good faith when she wrote the article with the information she had,\u201d he insisted. \u201cOur world would shut down if we walked out that court room door and expected everyone to lie to us.\u201d Sexton also said that because Eramo is a public figure, Erdely had every right to criticize her. \u201cShe is a highly compensated public servant\u2026 we are entitled as citizens to criticize a public figure,\u201d he explained. Sexton argued that Eramo\u2019s attorneys are intent on proving that the story was republished in Dec. 2014 \u2014 when the magazine added an editor\u2019s note to the piece after Jackie\u2019s rape account had been called into question \u2014 because they, \u201chave no case for actual malice\u201d before then. One of the questions jurors will be asked is whether they believe that Rolling Stone \u201caffirmatively reiterated the content of any false and defamatory statements.\u201d", "label": 0, "idx": 60 }, { "sentence": "Bernice Burgos Addresses T.I. \u2018Relationship,\u2019 Plastic Surgery & More on The Breakfast Club\u2026 (FULL VIDEO) Bernice Burgos, the alleged \u2018side chick\u2019 in T.I. and Tiny\u2019s marriage, hit The Breakfast Club this morning to discuss all the drama. As you know, Tiny discussed Burgos during a recent appearance on The Wendy Show, stating that Bernice stepped out of line and clearly didn\u2019t know her place (click HERE if you missed that). Well now, Burgos is playing her position and in her latest interview, claims she and Tip were never a \u2018thing\u2019 and that their interactions was only for \u201cbusiness\u201d. Video below\u2026 In the video clip above, Bernice apologizes about the entire social media fiasco between her and Tiny stating \u201cI\u2019m very disappointed in what I did.\u201d She continues\u2026 Social media sometimes will put you in a place that you have to fight with people you don\u2019t even know. On her \u2018relationship\u2019 with T.I. and being called a \u2018homewrecker\u2019, Burgos states, It was only for business\u2026 I got introduced for a movie. Check out the full interview below\u2026", "label": 0, "idx": 61 }, { "sentence": "Is The White House Using a Melania Trump Stunt Double? Voters Convinced On Twitter\nPut on your tin foil hats, kids \u2014 we\u2019ve got a conspiracy theory for you. Is the White House trying to pull a fast one on us by using a Melania Trump stunt double? See the \u2018proof\u2019 on Twitter that has voters convinced our FLOTUS is a fraud! There\u2019s a lot to dissect here, but first things first: why would the White House need to deploy a Melania Trump stunt double? Nobody really knows the answer to that question, but it doesn\u2019t have anyone less convinced that President Donald Trump had a Melania decoy by his side during a press conference on the White House lawn on October 13. The masterful conspiracy theory was posited by intrepid internet explorer Andrea Wagner Barber, who posted a video of the presser on Facebook. Andrea pointed out that Melania didn\u2019t look exactly like herself, and thousands on Twitter agreed. Watch the video below, and scroll through this gallery of Melania Pics to see if you can spot the difference! To the casual viewer half-paying attention to another POTUS and FLOTUS appearance, there\u2019s really nothing amiss about Melania. It\u2019s when you look closer that you see some subtle differences. \u201cMelania\u201d \u2014 if that\u2019s her real name \u2014 is wearing massive sunglasses that cover half her face. Chic, or suspicious? Her lips appear to be much bigger and differently shaped. As some have pointed out, her hair is a little frizzy and dry, far from the pristine condition she usually keeps it in. Could it be a wig? Pay attention to the president, too. He says, \u201cMy wife, Melania, who happens to be right here\u2026\u201d Why would he need to point that out? Is he letting the world know that this isn\u2019t Melania, and the real one\u2019s chilling in Air Force One? Thinking about it, this isn\u2019t the first time that he\u2019s seemingly been confused about Melania\u2019s whereabouts while they happen to be in the same room. During their trip to Texas to visit the victims of Hurricane Harvey, he said, \u201cMelania wanted to be here today\u201d during a press conference. Melania was standing directly beside him in her FLOTUS hat. Did Melania stay home and send out a decoy in her disaster heels? Of course, the most logical answer here is that Melania was simply having a bad hair day, wore a little too much lipliner, and on impulse bought a pair of sunglasses that her friends haven\u2019t told her don\u2019t work yet. Or\u2026the conspiracy theorists have a valid point. Political decoys have been used throughout modern history to protect high-powered individuals from harm, or to attend to duties they cannot fulfill themselves. However, the technique\u2019s been used very sparingly, and most likely wouldn\u2019t work for someone like Melania. Let these voters tell you why they\u2019re absolutely convinced we\u2019ve got a bodysnatcher in the White House: HollywoodLifers, do you think the White House is using a Melania Trump stunt double? Let us know!", "label": 1, "idx": 62 }, { "sentence": "Woman charged with running illegal slot machines in Bradenton | Bradenton HeraldA woman is facing charges as part an investigation by the Manatee County Sheriff\u2019s Office to crack down on illegal slot machines. Phalla Colman, 54, was arrested Thursday and charged with operating an illegal gambling establishment, operating an illegal lottery and possession of slot machines, according to a news release. Detectives began investigating Colman\u2019s business at 3325 15 St. E., Bradenton, several weeks ago after she was suspected of running an illegal internet caf\u00e9 or gambling establishment. Detectives were able to develop the case and obtain warrants for Colman\u2019s arrest and the search the establishment, the release said. On Thursday, they searched her business and arrested her. Detectives seized 111 computer monitors, 79 computer towers and $3,415 in currency. Breaking News Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Jessica De Leon: 941-745-7049, @JDeLeon1012", "label": 0, "idx": 63 }, { "sentence": "Trump and Clinton Halloween masks sell fastTrump or Clinton? No -- not for president. We're talking about Halloween. Both candidates are pretty popular among trick or treaters this year. Display and Costume in Seattle sold out of Donald Trump masks a few days ago. They only have a few Hillary Clinton masks left. KING 5\u2019s Ted Land visited the packed store on Sunday as last-minute shoppers looked for political costumes.", "label": 0, "idx": 64 } ]