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    "sentence": "Police: Knightdale man stabbed in head, neck during domestic disputePlease sign in with your account to comment on this story. You also will need a Facebook account to comment. Oldest First I think WRAL should be ashamed! How can you just assume this person is a man? What if that is not the pronoun they choose for themselves and here you are all over your story just, \"Man\", \"his\", \"he\".I mean what you've basically done is committed a terroristic act on trans-non-binary people everywhere. You should post a public apology because I'm literally autistic and this makes me want to cry. I'm not even joking right now! I cannot believe how insensitive this story is!If this were California, you'd be in jail right now!! Just when I have a sliver of faith in humanity, I go and read WRAL story comments. Good job being horrible people. That is one creepy looking \"guy.\" So Democrats want their daughters to be okay with going to the restroom with this guy? Where does the story say anything about anyone using a female restroom? it possible for them to assault each other and never trigger an \"assault on a female\" charge that often coincides with domestic disputes? Oldest First",
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    "sentence": "An idea: Get a supermodel to tweet some climate policy at Trump.that's hot I mean, it worked in Brazil, where Gisele B\u00fcndchen \u2014 supermodel, World Wildlife Federation representative, and behind-the-scenes shaper of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady\u2019s political consciousness \u2014 tweeted at Brazilian President Michel Temer:  It's our job to protect our Mother Earth. @MichelTemer, please say NO to reducing protection in the Amazon!  B\u00fcndchen\u2019s tweet concerns legislation that would have removed protection from some parts of the Amazon rainforest. Temer\u2019s administration has been remarkably anti-conservation, threatening indigenous lands in favor of new agricultural, mineral extraction, and hydroelectric developments. And lo! Temer responded: That means, \u201cI vetoed those bills, because you are extremely beautiful.\u201d NO! It just means, \u201cI vetoed those bills.\u201d This seems like a good approach to try in America. Can someone please text Kendall Jenner to ask if she feels like doing something substantive for the greater good? The EPA is really hot right now.",
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    "sentence": "Radical Islamic Ideology \u2013 A Plague Against HumanitySome time back it was reported that an alert Maryland police officer saw an Islamic woman in an SUV videotaping a bridge\u2019s support structures. He arrested the driver, Ismail Elbarasse\u2014a Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood operative. An FBI raid on Elbarasse\u2019s home unearthed a trove of Islamic doctrinal books and key Muslim Brotherhood documents\u2014which became evidence in the largest terrorism-financing trial in U.S. history. Islam\u2019s books are \u201cthe real bomb,\u201d Muslim reformer Islam al-Behery said. Its ideology is \u201cits blueprint\u201d for world domination. A document from the Elbarasse raid outlines the Muslim Brotherhood\u2019s phased plan to destroy Western civilization from within: Phase One: Secret establishment of leadership. Phase Two: Gradual public profile by infiltrating government, the judiciary, finance, intelligence, police, prisons, military, education and religious institutions. Phase Three: Escalation prior to conflict and confrontation with rulers using mass media. Phase Four: Publically confront the government using political pressure. Weapons training domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. Phase Five: Seize power to establish the Islamic state.  Other documents outline the plan to replace the U.S. Constitution with sharia (Islamic law). Sharia is based on the Quran and other Islamic writings. Moderates see it a spiritual struggle, or outwardly observe it for fear of reprisal. But for radicals, sharia is the legal and political foundation for jihad and global rule, a power play to force Islam on the world. The D.C. based Center for Security Policy calls it a \u201ctotalitarian ideology\u201d controlling all legal, political, military, economic and social life. No other laws or governments may coexist with sharia. It\u2019s primarily political, not religious; though in America it masks itself as a religion to manipulate the First Amendment as a front for seditious activity. The Quran requires all Muslims to wage jihad (holy war) against infidels (non-Muslims). Jihad calls for multiple stages and platforms\u2014violent and pre-violent. An Elbarasse memorandum calls the pre-violent \u201csettlement process\u201d in North America \u201ccivilization jihad\u201d to destroy the Western way of life. In jihad\u2019s final, violent stage, non-Muslims convert or die. Though jihad is obvious in North America and Europe, it\u2019s not limited to the West. The phased plan is a template for radical Muslim subjugation. Indonesia, a secular, mostly moderate Muslim-majority democracy, is a case in point. Its motto, \u201cUnity in Diversity\u201d reflects its six religions and 300 ethnicities. Though religious parties\u2019 gains in national elections have been paltry, locally elected Islamists passed more than 400 sharia ordinances, according to Christian incumbent Basuki Tjahaja \u201cAhok\u201d Purnama lost a recent governor\u2019s race when radical Islamists told Muslim voters that Islam forbids voting for Christians. A video of Ahok\u2019s rebuttal was edited to appear he was insulting the Quran. Charged with blasphemy, he lost the election and was sentenced to jail. $107 Billion Treasure Found From WW2! You Won't Believe Where It Was Stashed Ahok\u2019s conviction\u2014accompanied by violent rallies and death threats, shows the chilling influence on pluralism by \u201chardline Islamism that the government and judiciary are reluctant to oppose,\u201d said Time reporter Nicola Smith. In Indonesia, radical Islamists have advanced their plan for global dominance to Phase Four. Then there\u2019s Iran, whose visceral anti-Semitism and poisonous ideology infuses jihad and sharia, but with a twist. The late Ayatollah Khomeini, and his successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sidestepped Shi\u2019a believe that the Mahdi (12th Imam), a quasi-messianic figure, must return before waging jihad and adopted an ideology promoting a senior Shiite cleric to theocratic political power over Shiites worldwide. Khomeini offered himself as successor to the 12 Imams, thus \u201cinheriting the mantle of leadership directly from Muhammad,\u201d said expert Clare Lopez. Khomeini inserted his doctrine into the 1989 constitution, in which the regime\u2019s objective is global conquest under sharia rule and nuclear dominance is a surefire path to achieve that goal. Iran and its proxies not only menace Israel\u2019s existence and portend regional upheaval, the \u201cbomb\u201d of Islamist ideology threatens the lives and freedoms of every sovereign nation in the world. Reprinted with author\u2019s permission from Jerusalem Post",
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    "sentence": "Scandal-Plagued Obama Appointed Attorney Now Faces State Ethics ChargesAmanda Marshall was Oregon\u2019s federal district attorney. Then the scandals started catching up to her. Let\u2019s recap her sordid history. Appointed by Obama in 2011, Marshall resigned in 2015 after allegedly stalking a subordinate and having an affair, and later faced internal probes (no pun intended). Marshall is the DA who pursued charges, even to the point of double jeopardy, against Dwight and Steven Hammond, the eastern Oregon ranchers who preemptively set controlled burns to stop wildfires from encroaching on their property. After already serving time in federal prison, Marshall encouraged the judge to re-imprison them for a harsher sentence. Those actions are what prompted the Malheur Wildlife Refuge protests in early 2016. In 2014, Marshall was caught on camera conspiring with Gabby Gifford\u2019s gun control group, Americans For Responsible Solutions, to scheme up new gun control laws and propaganda. She spoke of wanting to force county Sheriffs to enforce federal gun laws, while also being one of the voices saying that local law enforcement shouldn\u2019t enforce federal immigration laws. Of course the anti gun folks were more than happy to feature Amanda Marshall as a guest speaker at a summit presented by Ceasefire Oregon and \u201cOregon Alliance To Prevent Gun Violence\u201d. Now she faces ethics complaints with the Oregon State Bar. The Oregonian reports:  The panel determined there was probable cause to bring ethics charges against Marshall for violating rules dealing with honesty and trustworthiness. The case now advances to the trial phase. A panel will convene, likely sometime in the spring, to determine if Marshall has engaged in misconduct. Punishment for ethics violations range from a public reprimand to a suspension or disbarment. The disciplinary board identified two rules Marshall may have violated, one involving criminal conduct that reflects poorly on a lawyer\u2019s honesty and trustworthiness or fitness and the other dealing with conduct involving fraud and dishonesty. Marshall\u2019s lawyer, Allison Martin Rhodes, said Monday that Marshall \u201chas always acknowledged\u201d that she \u201cwas not completely truthful\u201d when asked by a superior about the relationship. Martin Rhodes has said Marshall lied when asked if she had sex with her subordinate but was subsequently forthcoming in a four-hour interview with authorities. The professional standards agency opened an investigation last year after the U.S. Department of Justice\u2019s inspector general found Marshall had engaged in a yearlong \u201cintimate and personal\u201d relationship with a subordinate. The inspector general said Marshall, who now practices law in McMinnville, violated sexual harassment laws, lied to investigators and tried to block the investigation. The Inspector General\u2019s Office in March 2015 opened an investigation of Marshall. She took a leave of absence that month, citing health reasons that included post-traumatic stress disorder. She officially resigned on May 15, 2015, amid the internal review.  It\u2019s just fitting that someone with ties to the Obama administration and anti-gun organizations is caught up in a series of scandals and lies. Sponsored Sponsored",
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    "sentence": "US aircraft are picking off ISIS militants in stranded desert convoy 'one by one'A convoy used by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has become a death trap for fighters with the radical Islamic terrorist group. American planes have carried out a number of air strikes on ISIS forces while largely avoiding civilian casualties. According to multiple reports and Pentagon spokesmen, the convoy consisted of 17 buses that were departing an ISIS-held enclave after striking a deal with the radical Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah and the Syrian army. However, the United States scrambled assets to attack the convoy, and cratered the road ahead of the busses. A U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon flies over Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve April 5, 2016. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Hook/Released) While six of the vehicles turned back towards the city of Palmyra, the other 11 have been stranded for at least 10 days. Since then, they have become almost irresistible bait for the terrorist group. Over 85 terrorists have been hit by coalition air strikes since the convoy was stranded. This has saved the United States and the rest of the anti-ISIS coalition the time and effort of hunting them down. The U.S.-lead anti-ISIS coalition has allowed deliveries of food and water to the convoy, to which ISIS fighters have been drawn to \"[l]ike moths to the flame,\" according to comments by DOD spokesman Ryan Dillon, an Army colonel. ISIS militants loaded into buses who fled Lebanon in a peace deal with Hezbollah. (Screengrab from YouTube UNB News) \"We were able to exploit it and take advantage,\" he said, noting that over 40 vehicles, from technicals to a tank, have been hit trying to aid the convoy. \"We were able to continue to just observe and pick them off one at a time,\" Col. Dillon added. The experienced ISIS troops have also apparently grown frustrated during the siege. During one of the deliveries, an internal squabble broke out. A line of ISIS soldiers. \"You could clearly tell they were going to fisticuffs,\" Dillon said. There was no word on whether the internal fighting among the ISIS terrorists saved the coalition additional trouble.",
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    "sentence": "Trump: The pathological liarDonald Trump is a pathological liar. All those who support him are being lied to daily. Once again, Trump has told his gullible supporters that we are letting people in by the thousands who are not vetted and that we don\u2019t know who they are. Refugees must first apply to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which collects documents and performs interviews. Less than 1 percent of refugees get approved for relocation. If they are approved, they are referred to the State Department to begin the vetting process. More information is collected and they are put through security screenings from the National Counterterrorism Center, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Breaking News Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms If the refugee is Syrian, they must go through another layer of security, which includes further checks by a special part of Homeland Security, the USCIS fraud detection and National Security directors. There, interviews with USCIS officers would take place and fingerprints run through biometric databases of the FBI, Homeland Security and Department of Defense. If all these are passed, health screenings take place. Then refugees are enrolled in cultural orientation classes while information continues to be checked. This process typically takes 18 to 24 months after applying to the UN. This is the most vigorous vetting anyone has ever faced to enter the U.S. Donald Trump is trying to instill fear in the gullible supporters that he has. He has lied about his health records, his tax returns, President Obama\u2019s birth certificate, election fraud (31 cases of voter impersonation in over 1 billion votes) and hundreds of other things, and those who choose to believe him either don\u2019t care about his lies or aren\u2019t smart enough to find out the truth for themselves. Danny Duncan Palmetto",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 5
    "sentence": "Donald Trump Signs Executive Order Cancelling Saturday Night Live?President Trump has issued an order banning the 'Saturday Night Live' television show. In April 2017, the St. George Gazette web site published an article positing that President Trump had signed an executive order forcing NBC\u2019s popular and long-running Saturday Night Live sketch comedy TV program off the air:  Today President Donald Trump made what could very well prove to be the most controversial move of his presidency by signing Executive Order 14838, which cancels the television show Saturday Night Live, or SNL. Under the new order, it is now illegal for any private or federally funded agency to air or show footage of the popular television show in any format. Any company or individual who violates this order can now face fines of up to $250,000 and five years in federal prison. During the press conference today, Trump explained that his decision was based on a personal belief that the show is \u201cdivisive\u201d and \u201ccontrary to America\u2019s deepest held values.\u201d \u201cSaturday Night Live is the definition of fake news and that is why it is now gone forever,\u201d Trump told reporters. \u201cIt mocks the very beliefs that keep this great country running smoothly. I\u2019ve never found the show to be humorous and I don\u2019t know how it stayed on the air as long as it did, but I made sure to put an end to that today. I know some actions that I take are questioned by those who don\u2019t want or understand freedom; these are people who hate America, but I know my true supporters are with me on this decision to cancel SNL, just like all my other brilliant ideas.\u201d Trump\u2019s signing of Executive Order 14838 comes after more than two seasons of Saturday Night Live attacking the current President.  There was no truth to this story (the premise of which would clearly constitute a violation of the First Amendment right to free speech). This item originated with the St. George Gazette, one of many fake news web sites which masquerade as the online arms of (non-existent) newspapers. has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",
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    "sentence": "We face political crisis ENTIRELY of the Remainers' making, says Stephen PollardFew words could be more apposite to the tactics of the Remainers. On Thursday morning, after the High Court ruled that the Government cannot use the Royal Prerogative to trigger Article 50, Gina Miller \u2013 the woman behind the case \u2013 stood outside the Royal Courts of Justice and tried to prove Abraham Lincoln wrong. With a straight face she said that the case had nothing to do with the EU. \u201cThis is about process, not politics.\u201d And she\u2019s not alone. Almost to a man and woman the Remainers have told us that all they have been trying to do is right a wrong. The High Court ruled that the Government cannot use the Royal Prerogative to trigger Article 50 That it\u2019s a simple matter of democracy and parliamentary sovereignty being re-established and the fact they are all Remainers is irrelevant. They really do think you can fool all of the people all of the time. Because in the real world the case was brought by people who had only one motive: to screw up this first stage of Brexit. It had almost nothing to do with process and everything to do with politics. And it\u2019s not going to stop here. There is almost nothing the Remainers won\u2019t do to try to keep us in. If that means showing contempt towards the result of the referendum \u2013 well, they won\u2019t bat an eyelid. The entire history of the EU shows that whenever a referendum goes against them the Eurofanatics ignore it and demand another one. Gina Miller said that the case had nothing to do with the EU Which is of course exactly what some \u2013 such as Owen Smith, the Labour MP who was beaten out of sight by Jeremy Corbyn this summer \u2013 are now saying, arguing that any deal done by the Government should be subject to another referendum. For others there\u2019s no need even to hold a second referendum. They want simply to ignore the referendum and let Parliament put the kybosh on Brexit. Most won\u2019t admit to this because they know that it\u2019s toxic. But some, such as Labour MP David Lammy, are open about their contempt for the electorate. Mr Lammy said that when Parliament decides on Article 50: \u201cI will be voting in what I believe to be the interests of the country \u2013 which I think all MPs will take on board \u2013 and will absolutely not be voting to trigger Article 50.\u201d This is the crux of the matter because the real issue isn\u2019t whether or not Parliament should have a vote. The real issue is how Parliament will vote. Be clear about what many of the Remainer MPs want: to stop Brexit. And remember that a clear majority of MPs backed Remain in June. They speak about parliamentary sovereignty (which, incidentally, can only be reestablished if we leave the EU). But that\u2019s a fig leaf. What they are really concerned with is finding whatever ways they can to stop Brexit. Let me tell you what is coming next. When MPs have to vote on triggering Article 50 they will come up with some entirely spurious but supposedly democratic reason why they have to vote No. Labour MP David Lammy said he 'will absolutely not be voting to trigger Article 50' It\u2019s got nothing to do with not honouring the referendum result, they\u2019ll tell us. How could you even think that?! No, it\u2019s because\u2026 blah blah blah. On and on it will go. Every time the issue is discussed they will come up with supposedly plausible reasons to do with democracy and fairness that mean they have no choice, they\u2019ll say, but to vote No. In reality they will have only one motive: stopping Brexit. Their hope and plan is that the longer any decisions are delayed the more chance there is of a change of mood. And they will do their damnedest to create that change of mood. So in parallel they will use their powers to try to ensure we have the worst possible deal so that they can re-argue the referendum debate when the deal is done. We are seeing this already with Hilary Benn, the Remainer chair of the new House of Commons select committee on Brexit, demanding that the Government reveals its negotiation stance \u2013 and so hand a huge advantage to Brussels. But they are playing with fire. The will of the people has been clearly expressed. The referendum was unambiguous. There is no wriggle room. Brexit must mean Brexit. If it doesn\u2019t \u2013 if Remain MPs use their powers to frustrate the will of the people \u2013 then they will provoke one of the greatest constitutional crises since the Civil War. Brexit committee chairman Hilary Benn Thu, March 2, 2017 Gina Miller is leading the challenge that has blocked Theresa May triggering Article 50 without the consent of Parliament Gina Miller has won the case to block Theresa May from Article 50 Parliament will be defying the people over the result of a referendum that Parliament itself called. But the constitutional crisis may be the least of it. It is a truism of modern politics that voters are disengaged \u2013 that their faith in the political class and political institutions is collapsing. In the US that is reflected in Donald Trump\u2019s ascendancy. In France, Marine Le Pen owes her rise to a similar trend. We have a proud tradition that has always pushed extremists and rabble-rousers to the edges. If, however, our politicians were to show that they do not merely fail to connect with voters but are actively contemptuous of them, it is difficult to see how we could avoid disaster. To say there would be anger would barely come close. Not only would our political system be on the point of collapse there would be riots. And it would be a political crisis entirely of the Remainers\u2019 making. These are worrying times. It is not just Brexit that is imperilled by their behaviour. It is our entire political system.",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 7
    "sentence": "Funny Watters Finds Out What Kids Think About Trump, Clinton & the 2016 RaceFormer Dems Now Backing Trump: 'Our Country's Going in the Wrong Direction' If you've ever seen \"Watters' World,\" you know that some American adults are pretty clueless. But what about the youth of the nation? Jesse Watters hit the streets of New York City to see what kids think about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the major issues facing the country. What have you heard about Hillary Clinton? \"She hasn't been that great either. [She's] been sneaking herself around.\" What do you think about Donald Trump? \"He's very confident when he speaks. He's blunt, and I think that's very different than anything we've ever had.\" \"Equal rights, feminism, that's very important nowadays.\" \"Are you just saying that to get girls?\" Watch the \"Watters' World\" clip above, and let us know what you think in the comments. Clinton Aide in New WikiLeaks Email: 'We Need to Clean This Up. He Has Emails from Her'",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 8
    "sentence": "Nativity Thieves Take Everything But Baby JesusRio Arriba County Fire Marshal Carlos Esquibel (center) watches an ambulance, Dec. 22, after a man in a red Ford Edge was reported to be overdosing off Riverside Drive. The man was transported to the Espa\u00f1ola Hospital and his car was towed. (SUNfoto by Wheeler Cowperthwaite) The police blotter is published to give readers an abridged look at criminal activity in their community and neighborhoods. It is simply an illustration of what local law enforcement, funded by taxpayers, must deal with daily throughout the Espa\u00f1ola Valley. Espa\u00f1ola Police officers, Ohkay Owingeh Tribal Police, Rio Arriba County Sheriff\u2019s deputies or State Police responded to the following calls: Daughter is in no danger Dec. 19 7:35 a.m. A State Road 76 caller said someone shattered a store window. 8:55 a.m. A Fairview Lane caller said her nephew broke into her house. 2:38 p.m. A Saiz Lane caller said a man wearing a beanie was next door, taking copper from a house. 4:14 p.m. A Chama Middle School caller said her mother\u2019s car window was broken. 4:24 p.m. A Private Drive in Hernandez caller said her boyfriend was threatening to hurt her and her daughter and he also damaged her car, as well as her mother\u2019s car. 6:10 p.m. A County Road 48 caller said her daughter was in danger because the daughter\u2019s boyfriend kidnapped her, had a wire, may choke her and threatened to kill her if she called the police. She said he is also armed with a knife. She refused to give dispatchers her name. The daughter then called dispatchers and said she had an argument with her mother and the mother falsely claimed she had been kidnapped. Mail theft is a federal crime Dec. 20 11:17 a.m. A County Road 40 caller said she lent her car to her brother, but he has not returned it and she wanted to report it as stolen. She said he borrowed it at 9:40 a.m. and said he would be back within five minutes. 11:37 a.m. A West Jonathan Drive caller said she works in the soup kitchen and two women were fighting outside. She said they left once they heard someone was going to call the police. 1:22 p.m. A County Road 41 caller said he was driving in Alcalde when someone shot at his white Cadillac. 2:08 p.m. A Ghost Ranch caller said he had a box in the mail, and it was stolen from the mailbox. He said this is the second or third time it\u2019s happened. 4:14 p.m. A Spruce Street caller said she is receiving text messages from her ex-boyfriend, who wrote that he is going to damage her and her aunt\u2019s cars. 7:52 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said two girls and three guys were beating up a man on the ground. 10:08 p.m. A Subway on Riverside Drive caller said an older man was sitting at a table, refusing to leave and he was intoxicated. The employees told the man they needed to close the restaurant, but he still refused to leave and told them to go ahead and call the police. He was taken to the Espa\u00f1ola Hospital, per his request. 10:44 p.m. A Giant gas station caller said two women were hitting each other at one of the gas pumps. Do him a favor and leave Dec. 21 12:45 p.m. A Rio Chama Chevron gas station caller said there was a couple by one of the pumps and the male was refusing to hand a baby to the female The woman then yelled for him to give the baby back to her or else the police would come and take the baby. 4:15 p.m. A man walked into the Espa\u00f1ola Police Department to report a case of identity theft. 4:45 p.m. A Calle de Pajarito caller said a man came by in the morning, accused her of stealing from him, and said he would kill her and her family for it. 5:05 p.m. A Wal-Mart caller said a woman was inside one of the bathrooms, refusing to come out, and there was a lot of drug paraphernalia in there. It was an employee. 5:54 p.m. A State Road 215 caller said her son was riding his dirt bike home from his grandpa\u2019s house when a truck tried to run over him. 6:25 p.m. A Paseo de Paulina caller said a woman came by to do him a favor, but now she won\u2019t leave. An Espa\u00f1ola police officer told her to leave. Too much vodka Dec. 22 6:35 a.m. A County Road 158 caller said she tried to start her car and found that it would not start and her radio and other things were missing. 9:45 a.m. A Valley Drive caller said someone took their manger scene from their front porch during the night. She said they took everything, but left the baby Jesus. Noon An Espa\u00f1ola Elementary School caller said a fifth grade student broke a window. 1:23 p.m. A Ca\u00f1ada Court caller said someone broke into a house and stole all the appliances. She then found them next door after she learned the former tenant had given them to the neighbor. 1:30 p.m. A Private Drive caller said it appeared a man was overdosing on alcohol and there were empty vodka bottles around him. 8:43 p.m. A Private Drive caller said an 18-year-old man appeared to be overdosing, he was unconscious and snoring. Sheriff\u2019s deputies administered the overdose-reversing drug Narcan. 11:08 p.m. A Camino Cielo Grande caller said her neighbors were yelling and breaking things and they had a 15-year-old child in the house. Officers found no evidence of a fight. Laying it down Dec. 23 12:11 a.m. A Rio Chama Chevron gas station caller said someone broke the windows and doors to his business but nothing was missing. He said it appeared rocks had been thrown through the windows. 1:01 a.m. A Private Drive in Chimay\u00f3 caller said someone broke into her truck and stole a drill. The truck was left unlocked. 1:58 a.m. A Calle Ramon Espinosa caller said she could hear someone knocking and ringing her door bell. She said she did not know who it was and did not want to check and see.  301x250 image ad 12:14 p.m. A Wal-Mart caller said a customer punched him in the back. He did not want to file a police report. 12:16 p.m. A Private Drive caller said a man who lives down the road got into her garage and tried stealing a chainsaw, but he was caught in the act by her father-in-law. 4:06 p.m. A Private Drive in Alcalde caller said his neighbor came to his house and broke his kitchen window. 6:38 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said a man was passed out on the cement in front of a business. He was breathing, but unresponsive. The man was transported by ambulance to the emergency room. 8:48 p.m. A South Riverside Drive caller said a drunk man walked into the business and he told him to leave. Instead of leaving, the man laid down on the ground and complained he could not walk due to severe leg pain. He was transported to the Espa\u00f1ola Hospital. 9:08 p.m. A Calle Cristobal caller said his ex-wife came to his house and smashed things that they both own. Holiday cheer overcomes fight Dec. 24 3:29 a.m. A U.S. Highway 285 caller said some people were at her house, trying to steal a truck, driving all over her property and hitting trees with the truck. 3:38 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said a bald man was beating a woman. 6:35 p.m. A Silver Lane in Ohkay Owingeh caller said her drunk 43-year-old daughter was causing a disturbance. 8:08 p.m. An Allsup\u2019s caller said a blonde, dark-complected woman appeared to be prostituting herself, along with a couple other women, outside of the gas station. 9:04 p.m. A U.S. Highway 84 caller said her 46-year-old father was not conscious, but breathing, after he took all of his medications at once. She said she just got home and found him like this, but she had received a text message from him at 8:40 p.m., saying goodbye. The man was transported to the Espa\u00f1ola Hospital, alive. He left a suicide note. 11:14 p.m. A Calle del Sol caller said she was talking to her cousin, when she got into it with a woman driving an Escalade, and the woman pulled a knife on her. An Espa\u00f1ola police officer was down the street when the incident occurred and he told dispatchers neither side wanted to press charges and instead, continue with the holiday. The Escalade was towed. Watch your step Dec. 25 5:13 a.m. A South Monterey Lane caller said a man in a gray hoodie was yelling things and he wanted him checked out. 4:06 p.m. A North McCurdy Road caller said an intoxicated man was walking around in the area and he wanted him checked out. 4:25 p.m. A Santa Claran Hotel Casino caller said a drunk man wanted an ambulance because he thought his ribs were broken. 6:37 p.m. A State Road 399 caller said he needed an ambulance because he fell in a hole while playing with his dog. 7:07 p.m. A Camino Santa Cruz caller said three boys were throwing rocks at cars as they drove by. 8:08 p.m. A Fairview Lane caller said a woman threw him out of the house and stole his money, as well as his shoes and hat. He did not want to press charges against her.  301x250 image ad",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 9
    "sentence": "She claimed to support same-sex marriageIn an interview with Fancast in 2010, Elisabeth said (via The Huffington Post), \"I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage.\" She reiterated that stance on The View in July 2011, calling demonstrations against same-sex marriage \"uncalled for and tasteless,\" adding, \"If you think anything is killing heterosexual marriage, the only thing that's killing heterosexual marriage is heterosexual marriage.\"",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 10
    "sentence": "\"Heartless\" fraudsters conned an elderly woman out of thousands of pounds hours after she was told she was going to die of cancer.\nWarwickshire Police believe the suspect may have been wearing a wig in this picture Linda Gibbs died on 31 August aged 70. She was told her cancer diagnosis was terminal on 14 July. Hours after receiving the news, she was called by someone claiming to be from her telephone provider who told her a direct debit payment had failed. She gave them her bank details and PIN number and was told someone would come and collect her card to sort the payment out. A woman arrived at her home in Nuneaton and collected the card, which was then used to buy thousands of pounds worth of jewellery. Warwickshire Police called the criminals 'heartless' Warwickshire Police have released photographs of a woman they want to interview in connection with the investigation, who, they say, may have been wearing a wig at the time the pictures were taken. Mrs Gibbs' daughter, Anita Foxley, said: \"My mum was very vulnerable after being told she had terminal cancer and to be targeted by these people is unforgivable. The extra stress this put on her life in her last days was unbearable. \"When they targeted her... she must have been at the lowest point that she's ever been at... I imagine that they preyed on that. Obviously they must have been very convincing, and mum must have trusted them,\" she added. \"I would really like to see justice served on the woman who came to my mum's door that day.\" Kevin Knight, of Warwickshire Police, said: \"These types of heartless criminals regularly prey on the most vulnerable members of the community and in this case they have targeted someone who had just received the most awful news. \"You can only imagine the impact this had on the final weeks of Mrs Gibbs' life and the anger it continues to cause her family. We believe the woman in these photos has information that will be vital to our enquiries. Please bear in mind that she might be wearing a wig,\" he added.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 11
    "sentence": "More than 50 animals found tethered to trees in Florida county as Irma approachesWEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Officials are calling it animal cruelty like they've never seen before. As Hurricane Irma\u2019s outer bands inch closer to Florida, animal control officers said they are hustling to rescue abandoned animals. RELATED: Florida preps for storm as Hurricane Irma | Football games in Florida canceled ahead of Hurricane Irma | Florida air travel shuts down ahead of Hurricane Irma | This is what Hurricane Irma looks like from space And these aren't pets who are just being left inside, Director of Animal Care Diane Suave said. \u201cThey are left in a yard, in a pen they cannot escape from or tethered to trees or poles,\u201d she said. Palm Beach County Animal Care reports animal control officers have rescued 49 dogs and two cats in the last 48 hours. \u201cEven a tiny bit of sand can hurt an animal when it\u2019s traveling through 100-plus mph winds,\u201d Sauve said. Animal control officers were slowly pulled off the road at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Sauve said once winds reach a sustained 35 mph, no officers will be permitted to rescue animals. \u201cWe are asking the public, if it is safe, consider sheltering any animals you see left outside,\u201d she said. Both Sauve and State Attorney Dave Aronberg said they promise to prosecute anyone who left their animals outside to fend for themselves during Hurricane Irma. \u201cThis is a prime example of animal cruelty,\u201d Aronberg said. \u201cWe will find you, and we will prosecute you.\u201d Sauve said officials will use every paper trail imaginable to track down animal cruelty offenders. \u201cIt\u2019s unconscionable,\u201d she said. \u201cWe will not stand for it here in Palm Beach County.\u201d HURRICANE IRMA | Real-time tracking maps, Hurricane supply kit info & Hurricane Center IMPORTANT LINKS Hurricane Supply Kit Checklist | Things to know before the storm | Preparations for your pets | Power outage maps & resources | Know your evacuation zone | Price gouging: How to protect yourself and report it | Insurance protection: Video tape home inventory | Tampa Bay sandbag locations | Find a hurricane shelter near you | Hurricane Irma Emergency Phone Numbers | Evacuations underway | Closures and Alerts | Storm Surge Map Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Print this article Back to Top",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 12
    "sentence": "Donald Trump: Russia probe a 'hoax,' media was 'greatest influence'WASHINGTON \u2014 President Donald Trump on Friday called allegations of Russian election meddling a \u201choax,\u201d and insisted the media was the \u201cgreatest influence\u201d on the 2016 campaign. Trump\u2019s tweets early Friday appeared to respond to Facebook\u2019s announcement that the social media giant will provide to congressional investigators the contents of 3,000 ads bought by a Russian agency. \u201cThe Russia hoax continues, now it\u2019s ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favour of Crooked Hillary?\u201d He later added: \u201cThe greatest influence over our election was the Fake News Media \u2018screaming\u2019 for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Next, she was a bad candidate!\u201d  The Russia hoax continues, now it\u2019s ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary?\u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2017   The greatest influence over our election was the Fake News Media \"screaming\" for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Next, she was a bad candidate!\u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2017  Facebook has faced growing pressure from members of Congress to release the content of the ads. The company has already handed over the ads to the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Facebook also says it will now require political ads to disclose both who is paying for them and all ad campaigns those individuals or groups are running on Facebook.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 13
    "sentence": "Will truth over alien UFOs stay buried now Hillary Clinton failed to make the White House?\nHillary Clinton jad vowed to open up UFO files if she made the White House Mrs Clinton had courted the so-called alien disclosure community for the past year after it emerged she and campaign manger John Podesta were keen to release any top-secret files held by the US Government about the subject of aliens and UFOs. Their pledge was closely followed by the Paradigm Research Group, a campaign organisation set up by Steve Bassett, the only registered lobbyist on the UFO issue in the US. Mr Bassett has been calling for an end to an alleged \"truth embargo\" that he and other UFO enthusiasts believe was put in place by global government to hide the truth about aliens visiting earth from the public since the infamous 1947 Roswell UFO incident in New Mexico. But, now Mr Bassett is hoping Hillary Clinton and Mr Podesta can still influence incumbent President Barack Obama to disclose the files and reveal the truth before he leaves office in Janaury.  A statement on the PRG website says: \"There are 70 days left to persuade Secretary Clinton, John Podesta and President Obama to engage the media on the extraterrestrial issue leading to a White House/Pentagon rapprochement and Disclosure under President Obama.\" In January, Mrs Clinton said she also wanted to open up on what is happening at the mysterious Area 51 military base in Nevada, where UFO conspiracists believe evidence of alien technology is hidden away. Clinton claimed she would \u201cget to the bottom\u201d once and for all of questions and controversy over what the US Government does or does not know about the mysterious subject. Responding to questions about UFOs from a reporter during an election interview in New Hampshire, she said: \u201cYes, I am going to get to the bottom of it.\u201d Clinton even admitted that she realises Earth may have actually been visited by extraterrestrials. Clinton and husband former president Bill Clinton have allegedly tried to force disclosure of UFO files before, but even when the latter was in the White House it did not fully happen. Bill Clinton met billionaire Laurance Rockefeller at his ranch in Wyoming in 1995 where they held discussions on the \u201cRockefeller Initiative\u201d to secure release of all previously classified UFO files. In 2007, Mrs Clinton acknowledged that among the top freedom of information (FOI) requests her husband received as president were requests related to UFO and alien disclosure. ISS Nasa live cam cuts after 'suddenly locking on to mystery glowing UFO' She added in the new interview: \"I think we may have been visited already. We don\u2019t know for sure.\u201d In 2014 her Mr Podesta said his biggest regret during his time as top adviser to President Obama was not securing release of classified UFO files. Other alien hunters are now banking on President elect Donald Truth to unlock the files. UFO blogger Scott C waring said: \"Will Trump reveal UFO info to the public, or will he skirt this issue?\"",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 14
    "sentence": "Don Trump Jr. Continues His Harvey Weinstein Trolling With Dare to Jimmy KimmelAs previously reported, embattled Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is the subject of a devastating expose detailing decades of sexual harassment. Donald Trump Jr. trolled Hillary Clinton on Saturday in a viral tweet. \u201cWeird, Hillary has been really quiet about Harvey Weinstein. You would think she would be all Over this. #WhatHappened?\u201d  Weird, Hillary has been really quiet about Harvey Weinstein. You would think she would be all Over this. #WhatHappened? \u2014 Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 7, 2017  But Don Jr. wasn\u2019t finished yet. Donald Trump Jr. challenged sometime comedian Jimmy Kimmel to share his thoughts on liberal icon and sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. Sponsored Sponsored",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 15
    "sentence": "Odessa businessman donates $1M to American Red Cross as they prepare for more possible tragedy (Source: KWES) ODESSA, TX (KWES) - An Odessa man and his company are donating $1 million to the American Red Cross towards Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The Red Cross said they're expecting to spend $30 million from their funds on the rebuilding. As The Red Cross is helping with the aftermath, they're also preparing for an even stronger hurricane to hit the country. \"This is a marathon, it's not a sprint, so this is gonna go a long way to help those people recover,\" said Tracy Austin, Executive Director of the American Red Cross of The Permian Basin. John Bushman, owner of Investment Centers of America (ICA), decided to give back after watching families and single mothers trying to survive the high floodwaters. He describes to us what he saw on TV. \"So all she [single mother] can do is put out a white flag for the police to come help her. She's just standing there with an 8-month-old baby in her arms, I don't know where the other two minor children were that got mentioned were, probably on top of the roof already,\" said Bushman. \"So if that doesn't bring tears to your eyes or makes you think, then I don't know [what will].\" The American Red Cross can't ignore a stronger hurricane, Irma. Irma could possibly hit Florida or the east coast, needing the American Red Cross to give even more help. \"We will deploy and we encourage everyone to take cover, to go to their shelters, and also to prepare in advance,\" said Austin. \"Right now, that's our messaging to make those preparations in advance and to take cover and go to a shelter because this is going to be a massive storm.\" The American Red Cross won't know what help to deploy until after Hurricane Irma makes landfall. Even though many resources are in South Texas, they say they're \"Red Cross ready.\" You can donate or sign up to volunteer at Copyright 2017 KWES. All rights reserved.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 16
    "sentence": "Neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer booted by GoDaddy, possibly hackedOriginal report: Web hosting company GoDaddy is booting the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, over an inflammatory post about the woman killed in the deadly car attack on people protesting a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. According to CBS News, GoDaddy announced the move after receiving complaints about an article on the site that made derogatory comments about Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer's appearance and views. \"We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service,\" GoDaddy tweeted from its verified account.  We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service. \u2014 GoDaddy (@GoDaddy) August 14, 2017  Hours later, a post appeared on the Daily Stormer claiming that hacking group Anonymous had taken control of the site and would shut it down within 24 hours. \"THIS SITE IS NOW UNDER THE CONTROL OF ANONYMOUS,\" the post read. \"WE HAVE TAKEN THIS SITE IN THE NAME OF HEATHER HEYER A VICTIM OF WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISM.\" Anonymous tweeted that it had \"no confirmation\" that its hackers were involved and suggested that the Daily Stormer was behind the stunt.  We have no confirmation that \"Anonymous\" is involved yet. Looks more like a DS stunt. Wonder if they are having issues finding a new host. \u2014 Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) August 14, 2017  Anonymous later added, \"To be clear, we're saying they weren't hacked. This is DS lying in an attempt to play victim to their audience later.\"  To be clear, we're saying they weren't hacked. This is DS lying in an attempt to play victim to their audience later. \u2014 Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) August 14, 2017  \u00a9 2018 Cox Media Group.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 17
    "sentence": "Iran, Operating From Syria, Will Destroy Europe and North AmericaIran and Russia plan to destroy Western Europe, the US, and Canada by means of a new wave of millions of Syrian Sunnis fleeing to the West to escape the Shiite takeover of Syria. In my weekly column two months ago, I claimed that Iran is the real victor in the Syrian civil war. Using the war against ISIS as a smokescreen, it is taking over large swathes of Syrian territory, mainly in the scarcely populated middle and eastern parts of the country. In the more fertile and densely populated west of Syria, there are Iraqi, Afghan, and Iranian Shiite militias augmenting Lebanese Hezbollah fighters who were given carte blanche to do whatever Hassan Nasrallah decides to do there. Assad\u2019s strength continues to increase as ISIS and the other rebel forces lose ground. The brutality of Russian involvement and the cruelty of Shiite militias overcame the anti-Assad forces, the turning point occurs when in 2015, Turkey\u2019 s Erdogan was forced by Russia to cease his aid to the rebels and ISIS. Today, although Erdogan is an unwilling ally of Russia, Alawite Assad still sees him, justifiably, as an Islamist enemy. The Kurds of northeast Syria, treated as below third class citizens until 2011, will never agree to live under Arab mercy once again and it is reasonable to assume that should Syria remain an undivided country under Assad\u2019s rule, the Kurds will preserve relative autonomy in their region \u2013 or fight the regime for their rights. That is certainly a problem, but the main issue facing a united Syria is going to be the drastic demographic changes the country is going to face.  First of all, about half of Syria\u2019s citizens \u2013 close to 10 million \u2013 are refugees, half located in Syria and the other half in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, other Arab countries, Europe, North and South America, Australia and even Israel. Syrian refugees who reached points outside the Arab world will in all probability stay put, benefitting from the secure and orderly lives they can now lead. On the other hand, the 3.5 million now in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey are awaiting the end of hostilities in order to return to their homes. Those expectations may be dashed, however, because Syrian reality is totally changed, and large parts of its cities are in ruins after six and a half years of a cruel and bloody war. Countless bombs dropped from planes and helicopters, artillery and tank barrages, mines, and explosives planted by both sides have made much of urban Syria, where most of the fighting took place, unsafe to live in. In Homs, Aleppo, Adlib, Hamat and many other cities, entire neighborhoods will have to be razed and their infrastructure rebuilt from scratch. Decades and billions of dollars are needed to rebuild the country and I, for one, do not see the world\u2019s nations standing in line to donate the necessary funds. Refugees will not agree to switch their tents in Jordan for ruined buildings lacking basic infrastructure in a desolate and destroyed Syria. The other reason the refugees will not return is their justified fear of the new lords of the land \u2013 the Shiites. Iran has been moving Shiites from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan to Syria for a long time in a clear attempt to change the demographic makeup of the country from the Sunni majority it had before the civil war broke out in 2011. The issue could not be more clear because it is no secret that the pre-civil war Sunni majority considered the Alawite ruler\u2019s heretic idol worshippers who had no right to live in Syria, much less rule over it. The Alawites know well that the Sunnis rebelled against them twice: The first time was from 1976 to 1982, a rebellion that took the lives of 50,000 citizens. The second time, slowly drawing to an end, has cost the lives of half a million men, women, children and aged citizens of Syria. The Alawites intend to prevent a third rebellion and the best way to do that is to change the majority of the population to Shiites instead of Sunnis. They will not allow the Sunni refugees to return to their homes, leaving them eternal refugees whose lands have been taken over by the enemy. Iran, meanwhile, will populate Syria with Shiites from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. This ethnic cleansing is the Ayatollah\u2019s dream come true, the dream that sees a Shiite crescent drawn from Iran through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea. This will cover the eastern Arab world from the north, while the war in Yemen is being fought in order to create a parallel southern crescent, entrapping Saudi Arabia and Jordan between the two. With the help of Allah, both those countries and Israel, the Small Satan, will soon fall into the hands of the Shiites, while Europe and America do nothing because who cares when Muslims fight other Muslims?  The Shiite majority in Syria will play along with Lebanon\u2019s Hezbollah, their natural allies, and it is possible that some form of federation might be created between the two in order to push the Lebanese Christians out of the picture, \u201cpersuading\u201d them to flee to other countries, leaving Lebanon to its \u201crightful\u201d Shiite masters. This explains Nasrallah\u2019s eager willingness to fight on Syrian soil as well as the opposition of those against Nasrallah to his involvement there. The new demographic situation in Syria will convince the Sunni refugees that they have no place to which to return. They will try their best to be allowed to leave Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey for any country, preferably North America and Europe, willing to allow them entry. I predict a process that is the exact opposite of the one the world expects to take place when \u201cpeace\u201d breaks out in Syria: Instead of refugees returning to their birthplace, expect the mass flight of Sunni refugees from the region, and expect a heightened incidence of Islamist terror in the countries that allow them in. The reasons are obvious: 1. Former ISIS and rebel forces will infiltrate along with the refugees, because they, too, are Sunni. They are filled with fury and hatred for the Western countries who were part of the coalition that fought ISIS or stood by without aiding the rebels. Some of them will continue their Jihad on European and North American soil. Expect shootings, explosives and ramming attacks against citizens of these countries. 2. Some of the refugees will not find work and live on the economic and social fringes of society, in poverty-stricken Islamist neighborhoods which have already existed for years in many European cities, and where the local police fear to tread. Poverty and life on the fringe of society will turn some of the Muslim young people into easy prey for terrorist organization recruiters who arouse the desire for Jihad by describing the accepting host countries as decadent societies infected with permissiveness, prostitution, alcohol, drugs, materialism, and corruption. They present the countries that allowed the immigrants entry as having done so to take advantage of them as industrial slaves, garage hands, cashiers and other degrading occupations, while the privileged citizens are lawyers, accountant, businessmen, and homeowners who take advantage of the migrants in humiliating ways. It is only a matter of time until young Muslims, especially those who were taught that \u201ceveryone is equal\u201d in Western schools, enlist in terrorist organizations. 3. Countries which allow in refugees will suffer a higher crime rate as a result, including violence in public places, sexual attacks, and harassment, housebreaking, car theft, substance abuse, unreported work to avoid paying taxes and illegal construction. This will all occur at the same time these countries expend a larger part of their budgets on social services for the refugees, from child allowances to unemployment, health and old age benefits. At this point in time, the percentage of second and third generation immigrants populating the prisons in Western Europe is significantly larger than their percentage in the general population. 4. Increased economic, social and security problems in Europe and North America as a result of the rise in the number of migrants will lead to a rise in the strength of the right and the extreme right. This will, in turn, lead to more social tensions in the West. Members of Parliament whose only wish is to be re-elected will adapt their parliamentary activity \u2013 especially the laws they promote \u2013 to the expectations of the rapidly Islamizing constituencies, sacrificing their own people\u2019s interests on the altar of their political careers. Many Europeans, aware of their elected leaders\u2019 betrayal, will despair and leave those socially and economically deteriorating countries. This will increase the rate at which Europe turns into an Islamic region. And that is how the agreements Iran and Russia will soon coerce Syria into accepting are going to start a chain reaction increasing the number of refugees and pulling Europe down to a point of no return, without the world understanding what is going on. The Atlantic Ocean is not wide enough to protect North America from this debacle crossing the sea. This is how the Iranian Ayatollahs intend to destroy the heretic, permissive, drunk and materialistic West. More of the unfortunate Syrian millions will find themselves exiled to the heretic countries hated by the Ayatollahs, and Iran will operate from Syrian soil to vanquish Europe and America. Reprinted with author\u2019s permission from Israel National News",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 18
    "sentence": "Rose McGowan Slams Ben Affleck and Matt Damon Over Weinstein Sex Charges \u2014 Then the Twitter Police Step InRose McGowan, one of 28 actresses and film industry figures who has accused Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct, blasted colleagues Ben Affleck and Matt Damon for allegedly remaining silent about the charges for years. Then the Twitter police stepped in. We'll get there. Affleck and Damon were accused of helping kill a 2004 New York Times story about Weinstein's inappropriate sexual behavior. McGowan called Damon a \u201cspineless profiteer\u201d:  Hey @mattdamon what\u2019s it like to be a spineless profiteer who stays silent?  She was a tad bit more concise with this blast at Affleck:  Ben Affleck fuck off  This tweet from Affleck really set her off: To which she responded:  @benaffleck \u201cGODDAMNIT! I TOLD HIM TO STOP DOING THAT\u201d you said that to my face. The press conf I was made to go to after assault. You lie.  OK, now that you understand the flavor of the whole thing, enter, the Twitter police. McGowan announced on Wednesday via Instagram that the Twitter powers that be had suspended her account for 12 hours \u2014 with the countdown to begin after she deleted the \u201ctweets that violate our rules\u201d: No word what those \u201crules\u201d are, given Twitter is littered with F-bombs and worse on a daily basis, not to mention brutal ad hominem attacks against anyone and everyone. In 1997, then-23-year-old McGowan reportedly reached a $100,000 settlement with Weinstein over what The New York Times described as \u201can episode in a hotel room during the Sundance Film Festival,\u201d Business Insider reported. Oddly, ten years later, McGowan and Weinstein were all smiles as they arrived, arm-in-arm, at the Los Angeles premiere of the film \u201cGrindhouse'\u201d in March 2007: TMZ originally reported that the producer would be getting help in Wickenburg, Arizona. But Thursday morning, it reported that Weinstein is now in the Scottsdale, Arizona, area at a rehabilitation center for treatment of \u201cbehavioral issues,\u201d including sexual addiction. As is often the case, (see: \u201cAnthony Weiner,\u201d et al.) Weinstein's apologies and subsequent claims of desiring help come only after decades of alleged inappropriate sexual behavior, including alleged rape, after finally being outed.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 19
    "sentence": "The harassment trail - In 2015, Nation journalist John Ngirachu was arrestedNation Media Group reporter Walter Menya's arrested has brought to the fore the conversation on press freedom and passed cases of harassment of journalists in this country. We thought we'd take a look at a few cases in the recent past. Latest News  DCJ Philomena Mwilu charged over abuse of office for personal interest and failure to pay taxes  President Uhuru Kenyatta signs multi-billion shilling deal with U.S companies  Kiambere residents demonstrate against water shortage and lack of electricity.  5 people escape death in a truck accident along Nairobi - Nakuru highway  A suspected thief in Kitengela falls in a manhole  County officials in Kajiado sign performance contract to monitor service  Governors meet in Makueni to take stock of Devolution  NLC Chair, Muhammad Swazuri granted office access by the anti-graft court  Garissa Governor Ali Korane arrested over attack on ex-finance minister  My Job: Graduate from kenyatta University selling water in Eastleigh  Uhuru market traders accuse police, administrators handing market to outsiders  Three killed, four injured in Riat accident  Two former commissioners denied access to IEBC  Dandora residents accuse police of extra-judicial killings  Sports PS given 7 days to explain ministry's irregular expenditure  Supreme court judge in the soup for engaging in graft  Ipsos: We stand by our corruption survey report  Governors meet in Makueni to take stock of devolution  EAPCC planning to sell part of Athi River land to plug financial holes  Matatu operators call off Wednesday boycott after talks with Treasury  PS Kaberia given 14 days to furnish PAC committee with details on 1.7B spending  West Pokot Government to back eradication of retrogressive practices  3 Dead, 4 injured as passenger van overturned in Kisumu",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 20
    "sentence": "The Spirit of Free Speech at UC Berkeley: Why the Left Opposes It\nA protest sign is tacked to a pole before a speaking engagement by Ben Shapiro on the campus of the University of California Berkeley in Berkeley, Calif., Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson) In an article focusing on free speech on the campus, The New York Times tells its readers that the UC Berkeley faculty is divided over whether or not the university should allow right-wing speakers to appear on campus. Their most recent concern was motivated by a \"Free Speech Week\" event that was being put together by provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, who was invited by a small campus group called Berkeley Patriot. He was going to appear on the campus in February, but his scheduled speech was canceled after protesters prevented it from taking place. The upcoming event was scheduled to take place from September 24-27, but as Rick Moran reports in these pages, it was announced today that Berkeley Patriot canceled the event. Participants initially mentioned were Steve Bannon and Ann Coulter, but now it has become apparent that neither planned to attend. Listed speaker Charles Murray announced he would not participate in any event Milo had arranged \u201cbecause he is a despicable asshole.\u201d Murray\u2019s name, moreover, was listed without his knowledge or consent. All of these announced speakers regularly enrage leftist students and send them into conniptions. To confound issues even more, Milo Yiannopoulos announced he would appear and speak anyway at the famous Sproul Plaza, the site of the 1964 Free Speech Movement protest. Promising surprises, he now is asserting his right to free speech as a private citizen to speak on campus without any formal group sponsorship or invitation. Saying he would appear this Sunday at noon, there is certain to be a large police presence as well as a vast group of leftist protestors, most likely including Antifa groups. The highlight at the now suspended conference was to be the \"Mario Savio Award,\u201d given to the individual who in their eyes has most represented the idea of free speech. The name of the award is also meant to anger liberals. Mario Savio led the famous Berkeley protests in the 1960s. When the university moved in October of 1964 to prevent a protestor from speaking, students spontaneously surrounded the police car he had been put in. Savio gave an eloquent speech that made him famous from on top of the police car. Soon 3000 or more students arrived. Then they took over Sproul Plaza, the administration building. Eventually, scores of police arrived and arrested those students who had taken over the building. Now Yiannopoulos is co-opting the once liberal and leftist cause of free speech as his own, and in effect positing that he and his associates are the ones acting in Savio\u2019s spirit. An organizer of the original '60s protests, playwright and author Barbara Garson, called Free Speech Week a \u201cgrotesque parody\u201d of the movement she helped lead. As of today \u2014 the 23rd \u2014 the event will not take place. Yet Milo's appearance \u2014 should he show up \u2014 has forced the university authorities to spend one million dollars arranging for security, since they fear the kind of violence that erupted in Charlottesville when Antifa appeared to contest the neo-Nazis and racists who planned a rally there. It\u2019s getting very expensive for conservatives to speak. Recently, Ben Shapiro spoke without incident and reported he had a fruitful exchange of opinion with liberal and leftist students, although security for his talk cost UC Berkeley $600,000.",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 21
    "sentence": "A Look Back: Barack Obama addresses delegates at the 2004 DNCPresident Barack Obama is set to speak at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night. Obama will take the stage 12 years after he first came to national attention as a freshman senator from Illinois at his party's 2004 convention. Ostensibly, Obama was there to endorse Massachusetts senator John Kerry for his White House bid. But it's best remembered as the launching-point of Obama's own run four years later. John Kerry believes in America. And he knows that it's not enough for just some of us to prosper, for alongside our famous individualism, there's another ingredient in the American saga, a belief that we're all connected as one people. If there is a child on the South Side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me even if it's not my child. If there is a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for their prescription drugs and are having to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer even if it's not my grandparent. If there is an Arab-American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties. It is that fundamental belief -- it is that fundamental belief -- I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper -- that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, and yet still come together as one American family. \"E pluribus unum;\" \"out of many, one.\" Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us; the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight there is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America. There's the United States of America. The pundits -- the pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue states, red states for Republicans, blue states for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too: we worship an awesome God in the blue states and we don't like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the red states. We coach little league in the blue states and, yes, we've got some gay friends in the red states. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America. In the end -- in the end -- in the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism, or do we participate in a politics of hope? John Kerry calls on us to hope. John Edwards calls on us to hope. I'm not talking about blind optimism here, the almost willful ignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just don't think about it, or a health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignore it. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something more substantial. It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs. The hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores. The hope of a young Naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta. The hope of a millworker's son who dares to defy the odds. The hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him too. ( Hope -- hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope. In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation, a belief in things not seen; a belief that there are better days ahead. I believe that we can give our middle class relief, and provide working families with a road to opportunity. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair. I believe that we have a righteous wind at our backs, and that as we stand on the crossroads of history, we can make the right choices and meet the challenges that face us. America, tonight, if you feel the same energy that I do, if you feel the same urgency that I do, if you feel the same passion that I do, if you feel the same hopefulness that I do, if we do what we must do, then I have no doubt that all across the country, from Florida to Oregon, from Washington to Maine, the people will rise up in November, and John Kerry will be sworn in as president, and John Edwards will be sworn in as vice president, and this country will reclaim its promise, and out of this long political darkness, a brighter day will come. Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 22
    "sentence": "Michael Douglas denies masturbating in front of ex-employee: 'I'm bewildered'\nMichael Douglas of The Reach on the red carpet at the Princess of Wales Theatre during the Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto on Saturday September 6, 2014. Michael Peake/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network Michael Douglas has jumped ahead of allegations he masturbated in front of a former employee, insisting he\u2019s not about to sit back and become the villain of a harassment story. The Basic Instinct star claims staff at both The Hollywood Reporter and Variety have reached out for feedback concerning accusations he pleasured himself in front of an employee three decades ago, and he\u2019s keen to get ahead of the story, before he joins the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Louis C.K., Jeremy Piven, and Brett Ratner, among others, who have been accused of sexual misconduct. Douglas has turned to movie news website Deadline to set the story straight, stating, \u201cI felt the need to get ahead of this.\u201d Revealing that The Hollywood Reporter contacted him via his attorney regarding the woman\u2019s claims that he used \u201ccolourful language\u201d in front of her, \u201cspoke raunchily, or dirtily with friends of mine in private conversations on the phone\u201d. The woman\u2019s third claim was that the actor masturbated in front of her, to which Douglas responds, \u201cI remembered this woman: sophisticated intelligent, good sense of humour, a novelist, who has written books and published novels and was an active feminist, and proud of it. My head was reeling. I just couldn\u2019t put this together.\u201d Insisting she \u201ccould have excused herself\u201d if she was offended by the language he used in private conversations, Douglas adds the allegations he blackballed the unnamed women are \u201ccompletely untrue\u201d. He adds that the claims he masturbated in front of her are \u201ca complete lie, fabrication\u201d. According to the actor, the journalist at The Hollywood Reporter agreed to sit on the story over the holidays, but in the New Year the publication got back in touch and said, \u201c\u2018She\u2019s (accuser) running around, possibly trying to give this story to other people, so we\u2019re going to run with it\u2019. \u201cI said, \u2018I don\u2019t think that\u2019s justification, just because you might get scooped, to run a story like this\u2019\u2026 I was floored,\u201d he continues. \u201cI didn\u2019t know what to say and I tried to digest it. The accusations are minimal, except of course for the idea of masturbating in front of her. She supposedly had three friends who would back her up, that she had mentioned this to\u2026 \u201cHow am I, in a 50 year career in this industry, dealing with an employee 33 years ago who perhaps is disgruntled that I let her go, even though I have never heard from her in 32 years. And a legitimate trade publication is going to try and print this story? There is no corroboration, just that they found out somebody else might run the story.\u201d Douglas calls the whole saga \u201cextremely painful\u201d, adding, \u201cI pride myself on my reputation in this business\u2026 I\u2019m bewildered why, after 32 years, this is coming out, now. \u201cThe part that hurt the worst is having to share something like this to your wife and your children. My kids are really upset, have to go to school worrying this is going to be in some article about me, being a sexual harasser. They\u2019re scared and very uncomfortable.\u201d Douglas also states this isn\u2019t \u201cthe New Year I had anticipated\u201d, adding he\u2019s worried the drama may affect upcoming work he has booked. \u201cI\u2019m fearful,\u201d he says. \u201cI have jobs going with studios who all seem to be supportive at this time. I\u2019m hurt, really hurt and offended and I wonder if people realize when you do something like this, it hurts a lot more than just one person.\u201d Play Video Play Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Remaining Time -0:00 This is a modal window. Foreground --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Opaque Background --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Window --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Font Size 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400% Text Edge Style None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow Font Family Default Monospace Serif Proportional Serif Monospace Sans-Serif Proportional Sans-Serif Casual Script Small Caps Defaults Done ATLANTA \u2014 Desmond Marrow rejoiced when the officer he said choked him during an arrest was fired soon after a video of the encounter went viral. But now his lawyers say police and elected\u2026",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 23
    "sentence": "Rite Aid Money Orders: Everything to Know (Provider, Hours, Cost\u2026)\nSusan Montgomery / In many ways, money orders are safer than personal checks and cash. There\u2019s no risk of a bounced check and associated fees when paying with a money order because the money order is prepaid in cash. Using a money order reduces the risk of theft because the buyer must specify the recipient. In order to cash a money order, the recipient must appear in person and show identification. And, while cash can be lost, money orders come with a tracking number, so money orders can be replaced. Since Rite Aid has many locations, and its stores are often open 24/7, you can save yourself a trip to the bank and just buy a money order next time you pick something up at Rite Aid. In this article, we\u2019ll tell you everything you need to know about buying a money order at Rite Aid. And, if Rite Aid isn\u2019t the right store for you, stick around to the end of this article for a list of similar stores that also sell money orders. In This Article What Are the Fees, Limits, and Accepted Payment Types? How Do I Purchase a Money Order at Rite Aid? Can I Cash a Money Order at Rite Aid? Other Rite Aid Services Similar Stores That Sell and Cash Money Orders Purchasing a Money Order at Rite Aid Does Rite Aid have MoneyGram? Does Rite Aid have Western Union? Rite Aid sells money orders through Western Union. Money orders are available during store hours so that means Rite Aid Western Union hours are the same as store hours. You can find the nearest store and their hours using the Rite Aid store locator. 4,242 of Rite Aid\u2019s 4,586 locations sell money orders, so make sure your location sells money orders by using the Western Union\u2019s agent locator. Select \u201csearch by agent\u201d, and filter your search for Rite Aid and money orders. What Are the Fees, Limits, and Accepted Payment Types? According to Rite Aid customer service, you can purchase a single money order for up to $500 and multiple money orders up to $2,999. So, for example, if you need to pay $1,000, you can go to Rite Aid and purchase two $500 money orders to meet your needs. Rite Aid only accepts cash payment for money orders; you cannot pay with a debit card or credit card. There is a fee of $0.99 per money order. How Do I Purchase a Money Order at Rite Aid? While on the call with Rite Aid, we also confirmed that money orders are available for purchase during regular store hours. Simply ask to buy a money order at a register; all of the registers can generate money orders. Remember, you can only buy a money order with cash. Can I Cash a Money Order at Rite Aid? Rite Aid doesn\u2019t cash money orders, even money orders sold at Rite Aid. Here\u2019s our article about where to cash a money order. Other Rite Aid Services Rite Aid also has a number of other services you may want to take advantage of while you\u2019re there buying a money order. Rite Aid Pharmacy Offers prescription refills and a prescription advisor to help you take your prescriptions according to guidelines Immunizations are available for: Chicken Pox, HIB, Hep A, Hep B, HPV, the flu, Meningitis, Measles/Mumps/Rubella, Pneumonia, Polio, Shingles, and Tetanus. Though not all vaccines are available in all states. Select locations have RediClinics, which treat common conditions like strep throat, ear infections, UTIs, pink eye, and others. Special discounts for seniors through the wellness65+ program A free quit-for-you program to help people stop smoking Photo Printing Printable in-store coupons Can print photos onto special gift items including mugs, metal wall art, tote bags, and canvas Print from smartphone at the photo kiosk in store Similar Stores to Rite Aid That Sell and Cash Money Orders If you don\u2019t have a Rite Aid near where you live or work but you still need to purchase a money order, there are plenty of other options. For a list of all the places to buy money orders, including stores similar to Rite Aid, convenience stores and grocery stores see our article Where Can I Get a Money Order?. If you\u2019re looking for a place to cash a money order, you have fewer options. Your best bet is to deposit the money order into your own bank account, wait for it to clear, and then withdraw the funds. If you want to cash a money order, again, your own bank is the best option. But, there are some other places to cash a money order. See the complete list in our article, Where Can I Cash a Money Order? In Summary For people who want to pay bills, purchase goods, or simply want to send guaranteed funds without the risk associated with exchanging cash, money orders are a trusted method of payment. Rite Aid money orders are convenient because of the low fees, numerous locations, and long hours. No Rite Aid near you? There are many similar convenience and pharmacy stores that also sell money orders.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 24
    "sentence": "Beyond horrific': Deadliest mass shooting in modern US historyLAS VEGAS \u2014 Warning: Videos that appear in this article may include graphic content Despite rumors, Las Vegas authorities still believe only man was responsible for killing at least 59 people and injuring 527 after he opened fire on an outdoor concert late Sunday. It is now the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Around 10 p.m. local time, a gunman opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Festival from inside the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino across the street. SWAT teams quickly surrounded the concert and the casino, and officers used explosives to get into the hotel room where the suspect was inside, authorities said. The gunman, identified as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, was found dead. Police believe he killed himself prior to their entry. Overall 23 guns, including a number of long rifles, were found in his room, Las Vegas Police Undersheriff Kevin McMahill told CNN. Paddock is from Mesquite, Nev., about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo says Paddock first checked into the hotel on Sept. 28. Authorities obtained a search warrant for the home of Stephen Paddock in Mesquite, Nevada. Authorities stormed the house, which is in an upscale neighborhood, on Monday afternoon. They closed a two-block stretch around the house in a neighborhood that has a community clubhouse with a tennis court and a billiard room. Las Vegas police say they found 19 firearms in the house. Three SWAT team trucks and a bomb squad truck accompanied police. Authorities are asking that anyone with possible photos or video from the incident call 1-800-225-5324. Police say they located 62-year-old Marilou Danley, who was initially wanted as a person of interest in this incident. Danley, who was out of the country at the time, is not believed to have been involved in the shooting. Paddock's brother Eric told reporters that Danley is his brother's girlfriend. There was no immediate word on the motive for the bloodbath. Lombardo said authorities believe it was a \u201clone wolf\u201d attack. Without providing evidence, the Islamic State claimed the attack, saying the shooter converted to Islam months ago. FBI officials later disputed this report, saying that there is no known link between the suspect and any international terror group. Mesquite police also searched the suspected gunman's home. At a press conference, authorities say they seized in excess of 18 additional firearms, in additional to some explosives and several thousand rounds of ammo. Another residence in Northern Nevada is about to be searched by SWAT teams, police said. Eric Paddock, who lives in Florida, told the Orlando Sentinel: \u201cWe are completely dumbfounded. We can\u2019t understand what happened.\u201d Eric Paddock told WESH that \"it's like an asteroid has hit the family,\" and that the family has \"no reason, rhyme, rationale\" for the attack. They say he had no criminal past and no group affiliation. The Paddock family says the alleged shooter was a multi-millionaire real estate investor. Eric shared an image of himself with Stephen, pictured below, from 15 years ago. Two Las Vegas police officers are being treated at a local hospital for injuries they sustained during the shooting, Lombardo said. In addition, the sheriff stated that there were off duty officers attending the concert who died, including a LVMPD officer. Country music star Jason Aldean was performing at the end of the three-day festival when the gunman opened fire. Video of the shooting then showed Aldean stopping and the crowd getting quiet as if they were unsure of what had just happened. The gunman paused and then fired another volley of muzzle flashes from the gold glass casino as more victims fell to the ground while others fled in panic. (Warning: Viewers may find the video below upsetting.) Terrifying video from the scene shows people panicking at the sound of rapid gunfire and screaming as they scrambled to escape. Some hid behind concession stands, while others crawled under parked cars. As the 22,000 fans in the crowd began to flee, witnesses reported seeing flashes of light coming from the Mandalay Bay tower high above. A witness, only identified as Christine, describes the horrifying moment: \"We saw Jason run off stage, and people all over on the floor the grassy area in front of the stage, someone falling, someone screaming and running,\" she said. \"The shots just kept coming, and so we were going down and when we got down, there was a man that was shot right there, he was all bloody and unconscious.\" Monique Dumas said that everyone instantly crouched when they heard the shots. \"It seemed there was a pause in the gunfire and the people in the yellow shirts were telling the people to 'go, go, go, go' ... the gunfire never ended, it seemed like it went on and on and on,\" she said. A nurse who was off-duty witnessed the scene described it. Storme Warren described watching the chaos erupt once people began to run for their lives, saying: \"We stepped over the bodies, we saw the people, we saw the heart-wrenching sadness from relatives grabbing hold of their loved ones.\" Flights in and out of Las Vegas' McCarran Airport were also held because of the situation. Aldean took to social media to say he and his crew are safe, adding: \"Tonight has been beyond horrific.\" President Donald Trump tweeted: \"My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you!\" Later in the day Monday, President Trump called the shooting \"an act of pure evil,\" and praised first responders. He said he will travel to Las Vegas on Wednesday. The Mayor of Las Vegas Carolyn Goodman tweeted: \"Pray for Las Vegas. Thank you to all our first responders out there now.\" \"While the sun is shining in Las Vegas, it is a very dark and black day,\" Goodman said at a Monday press conference. The mayor also confirmed that a city hall employee was among the dead. A prayer vigil is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. local time in front of Las Vegas City Hall. Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval tweeted, calling the attack a \"heinous act of violence.\" Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchinson told reports that all victims who had been transported to University Medical Center of Southern Nevada survived the injuries sustained in the shooting. \"If you were alive and went into UMC hospital last night, you are still alive,\" said Hutchison. UMC is the only Level I trauma center in the state of Nevada. MGM Resorts, the owners of the Mandalay Bay Casino, tweeted: \"Our thoughts & prayers are with the victims of last night's tragic events. We\u2019re grateful for the immediate actions of our first responders.\" Facebook has set up a crisis response page to help people establish whether their loved ones are safe. One distraught witness told reporters \"this kind of stuff cannot happen in America.\" \"We need to come together and fight for America, because this is our country, this is our nation, this is our people, we need to stand together to fight this thing out,\" he said. 49 people were killed when a gunman opened fire at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando in June 2016. Orlando Police Chief John Mina tweeted condolences for all those affected by the mass shooting in Las Vegas, saying in part: \"This community, and the men and women of OPD, know all too well the anguish that is gripping the residents, visitors and law enforcement community in Las Vegas.\" The U.S. Homeland Security Department says there is no \u201cspecific credible threat\u201d involving other public venues in the U.S.",
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    "sentence": "California dreaming... of secessionA lot of Californians are mad as hell. Some even say they\u2019re not going to take it anymore. \"It\" is the result of November\u2019s presidential election. What these Californians are doing is organizing a secessionist movement \u2014 as in, taking California out of the United States. Their movement is called Calexit, as in Brexit. Their inspiration is the growing gulf that separates them \u2014 politically, culturally, demographically \u2014 from the rest of the union. Hillary Clinton outpolled Donald Trump by a two-to-one margin here. \"Without California, Trump would have won the popular vote,\" tweeted conservative pundit and Trump critic David Frum. The Golden State has a population of 39 million people, more than any other state in the union, and more people than in all of Canada. Metro Los Angeles alone is home to close to 19 million, a total greater than Ontario and Alberta combined. As Frum points out, those are numbers that come with economic clout, and therein lies the rub for many Californians. The U.S. without California, he writes, would be the world\u2019s second-ranked technology power instead of the first. It\u2019s home to Silicon Valley and companies such as Google, Apple, Cisco, Intel, Oracle, and SpaceX. California boasts the world\u2019s sixth largest economy, greater than France, Italy, South Korea and India. California is also culturally distinct from much of the rest of the U.S. It\u2019s synonymous with liberal causes, from environmental protection to gun control to health care, and that has other Americans judging Californians, and not in a flattering way. It\u2019s a reality not lost on Marcus Ruiz Evans, one of the movers and shakers behind Calexit. \"California,\" he admitted to the Washington Post, \"(is) seen as weird.\" That weirdness extends to politics beyond the presidential variety. Gov. Jerry Brown has vowed to ensure Californians have health insurance coverage, offered through the state-run health exchange called Covered California, even if Trump Republicans repeal ObamaCare. But where the state most hears a different drummer is on immigration. Californians are decidedly in favour of it, and it\u2019s easy to see why. California has the largest immigrant population in the union, approximately 10 million in total, a quarter of those undocumented. If you\u2019re not an immigrant in California, you know one. Or two. Or more. In response to Trump\u2019s ambitions to engage in large-scale deportation of illegal immigrants, the state legislature is considering a bill that would declare the state a \"sanctuary.\" Lawmakers have even hired former Obama attorney general Eric Holder to battle the Trump administration on the issue. That step earned the enmity of the new president. \"Trump claims California is \u2018out of control,\u2019 \" writes columnist George Skelton in the Los Angeles Times, though the irony is undoubtedly lost on the president. Trump has threatened to cut off federal funds to California. \"We\u2019ll defund,\" Trump told Fox News. \"We give tremendous amounts of money to California.\" The problem is that, like residents of Canada\u2019s \"have\" provinces, Californians contribute more money to the federal treasury than what comes back. There has been much grousing about the Trump administration ever since the threats were levelled, fertile ground for Calexit. The secessionists even have the support of Silicon Valley billionaires Peter Thiel and Shervin Pishevar. Companies like Google have expressed concern about their ability in an anti-immigrant climate to recruit foreigners for jobs not enough Americans are qualified to fill. In January, the group Yes California was given permission to circulate a petition with the intention of putting the sovereignty question on the 2018 ballot. If the petition is successful \u2014 close to 600,000 signatures are required \u2014 a special vote to decide the state\u2019s future would follow in 2019. Calexit does have its skeptics. \"Canadians know you don\u2019t escape the shadow of your giant neighbour by drawing a border,\" wrote Prof. Timothy William Waters in the Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he believes secession is a bad idea. Such opinions are far from universal. According to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll taken in California, one-third of respondents support \"peaceful withdrawal from the union.\" As one tweeter wrote: \"We\u2019ll just take our avocados and legal weed and go.\" Terry McConnell is a former Edmonton Journal columnist, editorial writer and copy editor now living in California",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 26
    "sentence": "SNL takes a jab at Donald Trump, who doesn't like it\nKate McKinnon (left) and Alec Baldwin (right) as Clinton and Trump NBC Universal \u201cSaturday Night Live\u201d takes swings at all political candidates, regardless of party. And with Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon portraying Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, they keep hitting the mark. The show has a long history of making fun of everyone with their impersonations. Both Baldwin and McKinnon have been praised for their spot-on impressions of celebrities, musicians and politicians. Trump has even joined in on the fun in the past while acting as a host. On Saturday\u2019s broadcast of the show, the actors took on the second debate between Trump and Clinton, and the GOP nominee was the focus of some pointed satire from Baldwin. \u201cTonight, I\u2019m going to do three things. I\u2019m going to huff. I\u2019m going to puff. I\u2019m going to blow this whole thing,\u201d Baldwin, as Trump, said in the sketch. After the show, Trump took to Twitter to let people know that once it gets personal, he\u2019s no longer laughing. While Trump and his supporters seem convinced that \u201cSaturday Night Live\u201d is trying to bring down his campaign, a lot of people took to Twitter to remind everyone that the show is all in the name of satire. Regardless of where you stand, one thing is for sure -- whether Trump likes it or not, these sketches will continue at least through November 8th.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 27
    "sentence": "Audit: $84M in taxpayer funds improperly used for Delta tunnelsSAN FRANCISCO (AP) \u2014 The U.S. government improperly spent $84 million to help plan for a massive project to ship Northern California water to Southern California, a new federal audit said. Federal officials gave $84 million to help finance the water districts' planning, backed by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, to build two giant water tunnels to re-engineer the state's water system, according to the audit by the inspector general's office of the U.S. Interior Department obtained by The Associated Press. By California law and by an agreement by the water districts, California water districts and not federal taxpayers are supposed to bear the costs of the $16 billion project, the audit said. The proposed tunnels are part of Brown's decadeslong push for a project that would more readily carry water from green Northern California south, mainly for use by cities and farms in central and Southern California. Voters rejected an early version of the proposal in a statewide vote in the 1980s. California water districts are making final decisions on whether to go ahead with the controversial project. The inspector general says federal authorities did not fully disclose to Congress or others that it was covering much of the cost of the project's planning. The actions by the Bureau of Reclamation, which is part of the Interior Department, mean that federal taxpayers paid a third of the cost of the project's planning up to 2016, the audit said. Central Valley water districts that were supposed to pay 50 percent of the tunnels' planning costs contributed only 18 percent, the audit found. California officials, meanwhile, have consistently said no taxpayer money was being spent on the project. Asked if auditors wanted contractors to repay the money, Interior spokeswoman Nancy DiPaolo said, \"We certainly hope so.\" That decision was up to California, she said. Thomas Birmingham, general manager of the sprawling Central Valley rural water district Westlands, which received one of the largest shares from the government, said he knew of nothing about the arrangement that was \"inconsistent with either state or federal law.\" \"The state was aware of it,\" Birmingham said of the federal payments. \"No one indicated this was somehow a violation of the letter or spirit of the agreement\" guiding the costs of the project. Birmingham said water districts would be responsible for reimbursing the federal money if the project went forward and benefited those districts. Spokespeople for the Bureau of Reclamation, Brown's office and the state Department of Water Resources either had no immediate comment Friday or did not respond to requests for comment. The audit's findings were \"appalling,\" said Doug Obegi of the Natural Resources Defense Council environmental group, which has opposed the project on the grounds that it would speed up the extinction of several endangered native species. \"The public is paying for what a private party is supposed to pay for,\" Obegi said. \"That is taking the public's money, and that's not OK.\" A former lobbyist for Westlands, David Bernhardt, has been a top official in the Interior Department under the George W. Bush administration and again under Trump. Critics long have said Westlands has benefited from its ties to the federal agency, which the water district and Interior deny. \"I wish I were surprised to learn that the Westlands Water District colluded with the Interior Department to hide millions of dollars in unauthorized payments from Congress, but this is typical of the longstanding and incestuous relationship between the largest irrigation district in the country and its federal patrons,\" said U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman, a California Democrat.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 28
    "sentence": "Why is Hollywood such a sleazy place?Once this Harvey Weinstein debacle is completely finished, Hollywood will be a haven of racial, gender and financial equality. Ha, ha \u2014 right. The ongoing saga of Harvey Weinstein\u2019s downfall continues with news about the former mogul possibly being stripped of his Oscar. As police in New York and London investigate the many complaints against him of sexual assault, rumours persist that Weinstein will be booted from the Producers Guild of America. Meanwhile, the name of The Weinstein Company will be changed and Weinstein\u2019s name will be taken off future projects. Even the man\u2019s political contributions are being returned or handed over to women\u2019s charities. Other industry bigwigs and political leaders are being pilloried for not condemning Weinstein fast enough. His wife has left, his adult daughter feared he was suicidal, and people are lining up to savage the guy. Soon, he\u2019ll be drawn and quartered in a public place, no doubt. On the business side, it\u2019s been reported that The Weinstein Company is a shambles, with agents and talent trying to get themselves and their projects away from the bad smell, and upcoming films such as The Current War and The Upside in release limbo. The Financial Times says that Goldman Sachs is \u201cexploring options\u201d for its small stake in The Weinstein Company \u2014 and really, people, if the Goldman Sachs is taking the moral high ground, consider yourself toast. So why \u2014 just out of interest \u2014 is a 30-year problem coming to light now? Did we reach a tipping point? Was Mr. Weinstein\u2019s career in decline? Is there a power struggle nobody knows about in the offices of the company? Have we reached some sort of landmark in the ongoing saga of sexual impropriety and the war between men and women? Doubtful. Still, it\u2019s interesting that several formerly untouchable guys have been taken down recently, including Bill Cosby, Bill O\u2019Reilly, Roger Ailes and Donald Trump, that last dude being just a bit tougher to get rid of than the others. Why is the Weinstein case different? It\u2019s not as if Harvey Weinstein varies much from all the other handsy creeps in his business \u2014 oohhh, the names we\u2019d insert here \u2014 and casting couch stories have plagued the industry since Florence Lawrence first fluttered her eyelashes circa 1906. Some of the more interesting fallout from the Weinstein case involves the support weasels \u2014 every Weinstein staffer who knew things were rotten is under a cloud, and so is every agent, manager, casting agent, publicist or assistant who knowingly sent some poor girl to talk to Weinstein in a hotel room. And how about the lawyers who handled the hush money all those years? Be interesting to see who gets tackled next. Since Weinstein is no doubt just a difference in degree, not in kind, it\u2019s tough to say if this uproar will change anything on a permanent basis in his industry. Still, it would be interesting to know why Hollywood is such a sleazy place. The movie industry really is a cesspool of sexual harassment and bullying; hard to know how so many people go to work every day in such an atmosphere of fear and loathing. Many an analyst has decreed that vast amounts of money and power will do it every time, and maybe that\u2019s true \u2014 look at Dominique Strauss-Kahn, or Silvio Berlusconi, or even l\u2019il old home-grown Jian Ghomeshi. People will risk a lot to get anywhere near rich and famous, and an industry that allows ordinary people \u2014 capable of memorizing dialogue and playing make-believe \u2014 to be treated like gods is an industry in which every sort of predatory behaviour will no doubt thrive. How to explain the sexually predatory behaviour of men in every other industry is a bit more of a mystery. Play Video Play Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Remaining Time -0:00 This is a modal window. Foreground --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Opaque Background --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Window --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Font Size 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400% Text Edge Style None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow Font Family Default Monospace Serif Proportional Serif Monospace Sans-Serif Proportional Sans-Serif Casual Script Small Caps Defaults Done Riley Fleming and Wes Heffernan have been going back and forth all year, so why wouldn\u2019t you expect them to do the same thing in the PGA of Alberta Championship? \u201cWe\u2019ve been so close, it\u2019s\u2026",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 29
    "sentence": "Cowboys back to business as usual with anthem, per Dez BryantThe Dallas Cowboys will go back to their previous stance on the national anthem Sunday against the Los Angeles Rams, receiver Dez Bryant said. The team will stand with their hands over their heart for the anthem. There will be no pre-anthem kneel for unity as they did last Monday against the Arizona Cardinals. That show of solidarity was about joining the brethren across the league in responding to the expletive-filled attacks from President Donald Trump against the players who kneeled during the anthem in protest against racism and social injustice. \u201cWe\u2019re going to stand, we\u2019re going to stand and going to put our hand over our heart and we\u2019re going to do what we did before,\u201d Bryant said. \u201cYou all know what that was, that was just a response to Trump and that\u2019s all that that was.\u201d Today's top news by email The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Owner Jerry Jones said earlier Friday on his radio show that Bryant \u201cwas absolutely torn\u201d about the decision and was getting a lot of pressure to kneel. The compromise of kneeling before the anthem and standing during it was one way of appeasing both sides, per Jones. Asked about the external pressures to protest and being torn on the issue, Byrant passed. Sports Highlights Up Next: Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald Your video will play in: 5 seconds Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Network insider Ian Rapoport reports that the Los Angeles Rams seem to be making progress on a new contract for Los Angeles Rams defensive end Aaron Donald. Play Video | 00:52 Your video will resume shortly. 00:52 Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Los Angeles Rams | 00:52 01:34 Patrick Peterson highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 01:34 02:50 How good will Dak and Zeke need to be for Cowboys to make playoffs? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:50 05:24 Texans vs. Rams highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Los Angeles Rams | 05:24 04:51 Cardinals vs. Cowboys highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 04:51 00:52 Can't-Miss Play: Muffed punt turns into wild scramble and Cardinals TD NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:52 00:38 Can't-Miss Play: Patrick Peterson jumps in front of receiver for easy pick-six NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:38 02:04 Sunday Ready: Dak Prescott NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:04 02:06 What does Frederick's absence mean for Cowboys? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:06 01:19 How Elliott, Prescott are affected by o-line injuries DraftKings NFL | 01:19 Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:00 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Stream TypeLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 Playback Rate 1 Chapters Chapters descriptions off, selected Descriptions subtitles off, selected Subtitles captions settings, opens captions settings dialog captions off, selected Captions Audio Track This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. Advertisement X \u201cI\u2019m going to leave that all in the past,\u201d Bryant said. \u201cYou know, it is what it is. I\u2019m focused on this week. I\u2019m letting that ... I don\u2019t even want to think about it. I\u2019m done with that.\u201d",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 30
    "sentence": "T-Boz Seeks Justice After Cops Shoot Mentally Challenged Cousin 18 Times\u2026 #BlackLivesMatter Tionne \u2018T-Boz\u2019 Watkins recently revealed that a family member was killed at the hands of an itchy trigger-fingered cop. Watkins hit the the net with her heartbreaking story about her cousin, 25-year-old Eddie Russell, Jr., who was shot multiple times and killed by police in Peoria, Illinois. The department is investigating the fatal shooting death, however T-Boz and her family are disputing the officer\u2019s account of what happened. T-Boz posted the tweets above with the following caption:  My Cousin Was Shot 18 Times Including the Face and Back of His Head! He Harmed NO ONE EVER! He Had Mental Health Issues AND THE COPS KNEW THAT! Anything he\u2019s ever Done Was minor and NON VIOLENT! Eddie Russell Jr -A Human-Being -A Son- Brother-Friend-Nephew \u2013 Cousin-HUMAN! The cops told his mother to call him out on a bullhorn USED her saying \u201cWE WILL GIVE HIM THE HELP HE NEEDS\u201d and He Came Out Because He Heard His Mother and They used beyond excessive force to gun him down also with heavy artillery used in warfare! 18 times? Shot eighteen times??? IF THEIR GOING ON WHAT HES HOLDING AT THE BANK THAT ISN\u2019T A GUN! (Picture Is Posted)They Keep saying he had a gun! I don\u2019t see a gun in his hand at the bank they say he tried to rob! That\u2019s NOT A GUN! They blocked everyone off including neighbors at a 4 block radius including his mother and father and family!People could NOT go home! So no camera phones accessible is that why? COPS DIDN\u2019T HAVE ON BODY CAMS now isn\u2019t that convenient! They Lied and told family members Eddie Jr was at the hospital to get them away from the house knowing he was dead outside the house where they killed him! They kept his BODY OUTSIDE ON THE GROUND FOR MANY MANY HOURS! First they reported he ran out shooting =LIES! Then one cop shot =LIES! Then 5-6 shots =LIES! Then 5-6 cops shot YEAH CLEARLY! But why SO MANY TIMES? Why THE AR15? They didn\u2019t even wait for the negotiator to arrive or is it that the negotiator took his time getting there? They haven\u2019t Even Gave my cousin the RESPECT of trying to call and explain WHAT HAPPENED IN DETAIL TO HER CHILD! He needs JUSTICE! His Mother and Father and Family need JUSTICE!!!! This wasn\u2019t a hostage situation! He didn\u2019t threaten anyone\u2019s life! This was a mentally iLL young man who needed help and should have received just that! PLEASE HELP HIS MOTHER AND SPREAD HER STORY SO SHE CAN GET THE HELP SHE NEEDS AND JUSTICE FOR HER SON!!!! His Mother Has Tried For Many Years To Get Her Son Mental Health Counseling He Needed! The system Failed Him and Her! #AmericaIsTainted #TrumpIsAChump #TakeAKnee #BendAKnee #JusticeForEddieJr #Shot18Times #tboz #tlc #tbeezy #tlcarmy #justice #peoriaillinois #EddieRussell  Eddie Russell, Jr., who suffers from mental illness, was named as a suspect in an armed robbery. Officers claim he robbed the First Mid-Illinois Bank and Trust before returning home where an hours-long police stand-off ensued. Officers reportedly fired their weapons after Russell, Jr. emerged from his home. According to police accounts, Russell, Jr. exited the home in an \u201caggressive\u201d manner and the officers stated they believed he was holding the same handgun used in the robbery. Eddie Russell, Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene on Wednesday, September 20. Condolences to T-Boz and her family. Hopefully they will find the answers they seek in this horrible tragedy.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 31
    "sentence": "An FBI agent was injured when a flash grenade exploded in ManhattanAn FBI agent was reportedly injured when a flash grenade detonated Wednesday in a New York City parking garage. Officials told NBC's local affiliate in New York that one person was taken to Bellevue Hospital to receive treatment for burns on his hand. The agent was handling the device when it went off, officials said. Witnesses told the New York Daily News that they called 911 after hearing a small explosion and seeing smoke coming from the back of a federal building that houses the FBI and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 32
    "sentence": "NYT Editor Claims To Be Former Antifa Member, Brags About Anti-Trump Bias A new undercover video shows New York Times audience strategy editor Nick Dudich bragging about his anti-Trump bias and his history as a former antifa member. Conservative activist group Project Veritas released the video on Tuesday, showing Dudich joking about being objective, before saying: \u201cNo, I\u2019m not. That\u2019s why I\u2019m here.\u201d Dudich emphasized his influence within the Times newsroom, saying that his \u201cimprint is on every video we do.\u201d The editor also claimed to be a former antifa member who frequently assaulted alleged neo-Nazis. \u201cYeah, I used to be an antifa punk once upon a time,\u201d Dudich says, referring to the militant far-left movement that has repeatedly attacked conservatives and Trump supporters. Keep reading\u2026 ",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 33
    "sentence": "Watch The Resistance with Keith Olbermann\nWatch The Resistance with Keith Olbermann Chris Buck Donald Trump is our next president, which means Keith's not going anywhere. Catch every episode of his new GQ show, The Resistance, and then come join the fight. Don't miss Keith Olbermann's new book, Trump Is F-cking Crazy (This Is Not a Joke) Available now on Amazon EP. 147 Trump Is Finished EP. 146 The Trump Voters Who\u2019ve Had Enough EP. 145 Guess Who Celebrated Election Night With Trump EP. 144 Trump is Lying About Russia EP. 143 Is This the End\u2026 of Trump\u2019s Sanity? EP. 142 Did Trump Spot the Indictment\u2019s Most Damning Phrase? EP. 141 We Have Indictments! Has Christmas Come Early? Keith Olbermann's suits, starting with episode 100, provided by Tallia Orange",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 34
    "sentence": "Team Trump Celebrates Surprise Election VictoryU.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in New York early on Nov. 9, 2016. Trump stunned America and the world Wednesday, riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 35
    "sentence": "STUNNING: African Births Will Outnumber French Births in France in 5 Years\nThis is how you remake a society. Muslims pray in the streets of France A 2014 study in France found that one-third of French births were non-white. The was before the mass migrant invasion of Europe supported by French, German, EU and Vatican leaders. Today the numbers have risen dramatically. 73% of children born in Paris are African. The national rate in France of African births is 39% African births will outnumber French births in France in 3 to 5 years. This will not end well.  By 2022, African births will outnumber French births in France.This type of multiculturalism will kill the entire country and culture. \u2014 /pol/ News Infinity (@polNewsInfinity) October 14, 2017  Sponsored Sponsored",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 36
    "sentence": "Top 10 Best Hillary Clinton Quotes of All Time\nHillary Clinton Campaigns In Des Moines As Early Voting Begins In Iowa The final full day of campaigning is over, and on Tuesday, Americans will determine which candidate will be the next president of the United States. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton appeared in Michigan on Monday, while Republican candidate Donald Trump made his way to Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Although Trump has provided America with some colorful statements on the subjects of race, wealth, women, and politics, Clinton has also made some contentious remarks that have divided the public. Read on for a list of Clinton's top 10 best quotes of all time. (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D Hillary Clinton Addresses Nat'l Education Association Representative Assembly \"I call it 'Trumped Up, Trickle Down' because that's exactly what it would be.\" - First presidential debate (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton And President Obama Speak At The Congressional Black Caucus' Annual Phoenix Awards \"Don\u2019t let anybody tell you that it\u2019s corporations and businesses that create jobs.\u201d - Rally for Martha Coakley in Boston (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D Hillary Clinton Campaigns On Labor Day In Ohio And Iowa \u201cI remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.\u201d - Speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008 (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Final Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Held In Las Vegas Hillary Clinton Hillary served as the 67th Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, and was a junior Senator for New York between 2001 and 2009. As the wife of former President Bill Clinton, Hillary served as First Lady from 1993 to 2001. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947, and her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, managed a small textile business. Clinton's mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, was a homemaker. The former first lady has two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony. (Getty) Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Philadelphia \u201cI hope the fact checkers are turning up the volume and really working hard.\u201d - First presidential debate (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Face Off In First Presidential Debate At Hofstra University \"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\" - March 26, 1992, Interview with Ted Koppel (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton Holds Primary Night Event In Brooklyn, New York \"The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.\" - NBC's Today Show (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton Holds Early Voting Rallies In Iowa \"If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.\" \u2013 1995 (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy \u2013 Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Charlotte, North Carolina \"We need a new politics of meaning ... we are part of something bigger than ourselves.\" - 1993, speaking at University of Texas (Getty) 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 37
    "sentence": "What is a 'dotard'?What is a dotard? In one of the strangest war of words we\u2019ve seen here at PolitiFact, President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un traded insults recently, culminating in the use of the insult \"dotard.\" Merriam-Webster noted that searches for the word spiked. Older PolitiFact staffers informed our younger counterparts that a dotard is someone who has entered his or her dotage, and that dotage is \"a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness,\" according to Merriam-Webster. Kim Jong Un hurled the word at Trump in response to Trump\u2019s recent speech at the United Nations, saying that Trump\u2019s speech was \"unprecedented rude nonsense one has never heard from any of his predecessors. A frightened dog barks louder. I\u2019d like to advise Trump to exercise prudence in selecting words and to be considerate of whom he speaks to when making a speech in front of the world.\" Later in the statement, Kim said, \"Whatever Trump might have expected, he will face results beyond his expectation. I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.\" Trump responded on Twitter: \"Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!\"  Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!\u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2017  Where this war of words will lead is anyone\u2019s guess. PolitiFact recently reviewed the issues surrounding North Korea as a preview to Trump\u2019s speech at the United Nations, and we fact-checked Trump\u2019s speech as well.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 38
    "sentence": "Statue of the Unknown Soldier Possibly Pushed Down in Park in LongviewThe Veterans Recognition Foundation built Veterans Park in Longview, Texas to serve as a thank you for the work of veterans in all branches of the military and as a reminder of their sacrifice. Unfortunately, something happened earlier this week in the park that has deeply upset many veterans and visitors. The Longview News-Journal reports that the statue of the Unknown Solider has been destroyed. Air Force veteran David Applewhite posted a photo to Facebook saying, \u201cOne of the statues guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument has been pushed over by vandals at the Veterans Plaza in Longview! Was not young children who did this!\u201d Unfortunately, there doesn\u2019t seem to be any news on who could have ruined the statue, nor if this was definitely an act of vandalism. Some are speculating that it could have been the result of a structural failure in a weak part of the sculpture. Several Longview residents are expressing their anger on social media, calling for all kinds of punishments for the vandals. Others are just hoping to see the statue repaired as quickly as possible. The Veterans Plaza website has a \u201c support\u201d page where they accept donations to rebuild what was lost.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 39
    "sentence": "Martial Artist Dad Hears Piercing Scream, Then He Sees Woman Being Attacked And Rushes To HerLuis Ruiz is a fifth-degree black belt in karate and a martial arts instructor. His stepson, Antonio Pina, happens to be a third-degree black belt. Perhaps it was that the two men knew they could handle themselves that they fearlessly engaged with an attacker. One night, they were walking to their home in Brooklyn, NY. Ruiz heard a piercing scream. When they looked around, they noticed a woman being brutally beaten by a man. \u201cWe notice that he\u2019s grabbing her and slamming her on the ground,\u201d Ruiz told CBS. The father told his son to call for help. Ruiz quickly approached the criminal. \u201cSo I say \u2018hey, is everything OK, are you guys OK?\u2019 The guy gets up like nothing, turns to his right and walks away like he wasn\u2019t doing anything wrong,\u201d he said. Ruiz then comforted the woman, whose face, he says, was swollen beyond recognition and bloodied. The father and son were able to identify the attacker as Todd Deas. Police say he had 19 prior arrests, including rape and sexual abuse, and had recently been released on parole. Had they not been there, who knows what would have happened. \u201cHero is a big word. I\u2019d rather think we just did the right thing, and that everyone in the neighborhood and in the world would do the right thing,\u201d Ruiz said. Please SHARE if you think what Ruiz and his son did was very brave! Due to restrictions, this video cannot be viewed in your region.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 40
    "sentence": "WATCH: Students trash Trump (not knowing Obama did the same thing!)by Walter W. Murray, reporter The easily triggered college students of the left won\u2019t let facts stand in the way of their false outrage. In a hilarious video that\u2019s going viral, students at the University of California, Santa Barbara were hopping mad over President Donald Trump\u2019s plan to send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border just 200 miles away\u2026 not knowing they were trashing former President Barack Obama, too. \u201cIt\u2019s not justified!\u201d seethed one of the students. \u201cIt is, like, a totally uncalled-for act of power.\u201d Sponsored: Did Russians \u201chack\u201d the secret to eternal energy? Another came right out and admitted to Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform, who filmed it, that \u201cI\u2019m not a huge fan of the military to begin with.\u201d The footage shows student after student steaming over the plan to increase border security. Take a look here \u2014 Americans In The Dark On Trump's Plan To End The U.S. Dollar Just one problem: The very act they\u2019re livid over \u2014 the actions they blame on Trump \u2014 are the same exact moves made by former President Barack Obama, the hero of the young leftists. When that fact is dropped on them, it leaves the liberals stunned into silence. Sponsored: Wow! Scientists discover blood pressure-improving effects of 3 common foods In 2010, Obama sent up to 1,200 troops to the border as part of the $110 million Operation Phalanx. Those troops assisted border patrol with more than 17,000 apprehensions of people caught trying to cross illegally. They also intercepted massive amounts of drugs, including 56,342 pounds of marijuana with a street value of more than $100 million. Liberals didn\u2019t make a peep at the time! Sponsored: Is this Ronald Reagan\u2019s secret cancer cure? When told that Obama did the same thing, these young leftists were left stammering and one was literally speechless. They couldn\u2019t approve the move because Trump did it \u2014 but they couldn\u2019t condemn it anymore, either, since their hero did the same thing. \u201cThat\u2019s kind surprising,\u201d was the best response one of the students could manage. \u201cPeople have been so conditioned to think anytime they hear \u2018President Trump\u2019 they have to oppose it,\u201d Phillips observed in a Fox News interview. \u201cThey\u2019re taught in the classroom, they\u2019re taught by society and the media, it must be horrible, it must be racist.\u201d Sponsored: Did you see this news? It\u2019s not just Obama did the same thing. California Gov. Jerry Brown has also authorized sending National Guard troops to the border both during the Obama administration and now again under Trump. While his most recent act also involved sending a sulky letter filled with textbook liberal gripes, he also was forced to admit that National Guard troops play an essential role in U.S. border security. \u201cYour funding for new staffing will allow the Guard to do what it does best: support operations targeting transnational criminal gangs, human traffickers and illegal firearm and drug smugglers along the border, the coast and throughout the state,\u201d Brown admitted in the letter to Trump. \u201cCombating these criminal threats are priorities for all Americans \u2014 Republicans and Democrats.\u201d For your eyes only (personal matter) [sponsored] Quote that letter to the left \u2013 tell them Trump said it \u2013 and you can bet they would take to the streets. Resist! Just don\u2019t ask them who or what they\u2019re resisting because clearly, they don\u2019t know. \u2014 Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of \u201c America\u2019s Final Warning.\u201d Watch This Breakthrough Tech Soar This Year!",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 41
    "sentence": "7 Tone-Deaf Things Trump Said While Visiting Puerto RicoHow many disasters must Puerto Rico suffer? After Hurricane Maria tore through the Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump was extremely slow to acknowledge that the U.S. territory was in dire need of aid. When Trump finally decided it was time to visit these Americans in need, his trip was a disaster in itself. Here are some of the shockingly insensitive, incompetent and tone-deaf things Trump said during his trip to Puerto Rico: 1. Endless Self-Promotion Despite criticism from Puerto Rican leaders and the fact that only 32 percent of Americans approve of how he\u2019s handled the disaster, Trump has spent much of his time on the island insisting that everything has been going terrifically! \u201cI think it\u2019s now acknowledged what a great job we\u2019ve done,\u201d he said. \u201cIn Texas and in Florida, we get an A+, and I\u2019ll tell you what: I think we\u2019ve done just as good in Puerto Rico.\u201d \u201cWe only heard thank yous from the people of Puerto Rico,\u201d he told another reporter. Here\u2019s an idea: rather than telling people what a great job he\u2019s done, Trump should actually just do a great job, and then the people of Puerto Rico will do the complimenting for him. 2. Depicting Puerto Ricans As Lazy Trump played upon an old, terrible stereotype of Latino laziness when he alleged that Puerto Ricans \u201c want everything to be done for them.\u201d According to Trump in the same tweet, the leadership of Puerto Rico was ineffective and they couldn\u2019t manage to get their own people to participate in the relief work. This comment is as dog whistle-y as racist dog whistles get, which is why it\u2019s entirely fair that internet commenters started sharing this photo en masse to remind Trump who exactly likes to have everything to be done for him:  3. Trump Is \u201cIn the Dark\u201d About What\u2019s Happening While handing out flashlights to hurricane survivors, Trump couldn\u2019t help but comment on the supposed pointlessness of the exercise. \u201cFlashlights?\u201d he said aloud. \u201cYou don\u2019t need \u2018em anymore. You don\u2019t need \u2018em.\u201d Why Trump felt the need to say that is unclear, especially since at that point 95 percent of Puerto Rico was still without electricity. Maybe Trump was being taken to places with power, but the vast majority of Puerto Ricans could really use those flashlights to, you know, see at night. 4. \u201cPlayfully\u201d Tossing Supplies At least he wasn\u2019t physically throwing the flashlights at the people of Puerto Rico. During another moment, Trump began tossing paper towel rolls one at a time to the crowd.  It\u2019s not only an inefficient manner of distributing supplies to people in need of resources, it\u2019s a pretty degrading one. As much as Trump may fancy himself some sort of rock star, these aren\u2019t fans attending a concert looking for free merchandise. Technically, Trump didn\u2019t say anything in this instance, but the disrespect spoke volumes in his actions alone. 5. Making Puerto Rico Feel Like an Imposition The nerve of Puerto Rico to have a hurricane \u2013 don\u2019t they know how expensive recovery efforts are? Trump made sure they were well aware at a press briefing on the island. \u201cI hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you threw our budget a little out of whack,\u201d he said. Hahaha, what a funny joke, right? The president didn\u2019t make residents of Texas or Florida feel like they were a waste of money, so it seems extra suspect for the president to say something like this after already treating Puerto Ricans as lesser American citizens. 6. Minimizing the Scale of the Disaster In the face of his initial inaction, Trump has repeatedly tried to downplay the scale of Hurricane Maria. While speaking to Puerto Rican officials he said, \u201cIf you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died\u2026\u201d Trump said. Sorry, there\u2019s no need to finish that sentence, did Trump just really suggest a place experiencing massive devastation was not a \u201creal catastrophe\u201d? It\u2019s true that the death count in Puerto Rico is significantly lower than that of Hurricane Katrina, but if that\u2019s enough to make Trump \u201cproud\u201d (his own words) of how he\u2019s handled this crisis, he\u2019s completely off base. 7. Wiping Out Debt \u2013 But Not Really In an interview on Tuesday, Trump told Fox News that to help Puerto Rico, he was going to \u201cwipe out\u201d their existing debt. \u201cYou can wave goodbye to that,\u201d he said. Honestly, it was one of the most productive ideas to come out of the Trump administration throughout the disaster\u2026 too bad it seems that Trump was babbling without having consulted with his staff who are not on board with this idea. Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney backtracked on the president\u2019s comments saying, \u201cI wouldn\u2019t take it word for word with that,\u201d insisting that the White House would instead focus on providing disaster relief. Way to get Puerto Rico\u2019s hopes up!",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 42
    "sentence": "Reps. Gaetz, Biggs: Hillary Clinton's FBI special treatment must be investigated Hillary Clinton called Monica Lewinsky a \u201cnarcissistic loony tune.\u201d She called Gennifer Flowers \u201csome failed cabaret singer.\u201d She said Republicans in Congress had organized \u201ca vast right-wing conspiracy\u201d against her husband, President Bill Clinton. And now the former secretary of state and defeated Democratic presidential candidate says those of us still interested in the investigating of her conduct are engaging in an \u201cabuse of power.\u201d Hillary Clinton expects special treatment. She always has. The real question is: why did the FBI give it to her? The FBI\u2019s investigation of Hillary Clinton was referred to as \u201cspecial\u201d in an email sent by current FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He was the assistant director in charge of the FBI\u2019s Washington Field Office before his promotion to the second-ranking spot in the bureau. Despite a deep web of connections to Clinton, McCabe formally recused himself from the email investigation only a week before the 2016 election. McCabe\u2019s admissions are telling, but not inaccurate.  Four months have passed since 20 members of the House Judiciary Committee demanded a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton. No action from the Department of Justice has been taken.  Only a special person could have her spouse meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix during an ongoing criminal investigation. Recently released emails show that Bill Clinton purposely altered his departure to get time alone with Lynch. While the FBI was very concerned with punishing the agent who disclosed the Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting, the impropriety of the gathering garnered far less attention. When Lynch told then-FBI Director James Comey to refer to the Hillary Clinton investigation as a \u201cmatter\u201d rather than an \u201cinvestigation,\u201d language had a special meaning. According to McCabe, \u201cthe decision was made to investigate (Hillary Clinton) at HQ with a small team.\u201d The double standard is glaring. More prosecutors are currently investigating President Trump than were assigned to the Oklahoma City bombing, but Hillary Clinton got the small team at HQ. And how did the \u201csmall team at HQ\u201d handle the investigation? In a word \u2013 special. Somewhere between the first and the final draft, Comey\u2019s statement changed. He first wrote that Hillary Clinton\u2019s use of a private email server was \u201cgrossly negligent.\u201d The final draft said she was \u201cextremely careless.\u201d Comey\u2019s exoneration was drafted before the FBI interviewed key witnesses \u2013 including Clinton herself. When Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough confronted officials about the depth of Clinton\u2019s crimes, he faced threats and \u201cpersonal blowback\u201d against him and his family. McCullough\u2019s reports were delivered to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Clapper spoke of the \u201cheartburn\u201d that exposure would create for Hillary Clinton\u2019s campaign. In every instance, being special has redounded to Hillary Clinton\u2019s political and legal benefit. Not so for President Trump. Some at the Department of Justice and the FBI seem to have a special bias against the president. FBI Agent Peter Strzok sent biased anti-Trump text messages. He worked on both the Clinton email scandal and the Mueller probe. It remains unclear what evidence he reviewed, generated or damaged in either investigation. Four months have passed since 20 members of the House Judiciary Committee demanded a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton. No action from the Department of Justice has been taken. As members of the Judiciary Committee, we have demanded an investigation into the FBI\u2019s procedures, practices, oversight and reporting. If biased agents have tainted evidence, we need to see it. If politically-interested prosecutors have an agenda, we need to know it. If our government institutions are being undermined by the deep state, we must expose it. After all, equal treatment under the law is just one thing that makes America so special. Republican Matt Gaetz represents Florida's 1st congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives.",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 43
    "sentence": "Las Vegas Shooting: 50 Dead, 200 Wounded at Jason Aldean ConcertAt least 58 people are dead and 518 more wounded after a gunman opened fire on a country music festival in Las Vegas Sunday night. The assailant opened fire with a fully automatic weapon just as Jason Aldean was beginning his show at the Route 91 Harvest Festival.  Videos posted on social media show Aldean, one of the biggest names in the genre, singing as very rapid gunfire begins in the background. He can be seen running from stage as he, and the thousands in the crowd who came to see him, realized the horror of what was happening. No matter how often these tragedies occur (and it is far too often), one never goes into an event thinking it will happen then or there. The terror is unimaginable. In this case, it was also protracted. A gunman continued to rain bullets on the audience for up to two terrifying hours, reports indicate. Victims ran to safety, according to NBC News, during momentary breaks in the violence, at which point the shooter presumably reloaded.  Many were trapped in the venue for what must have felt like an eternity, but police SWAT officers eventually found and killed the shooter. He was found on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, and shot dead. \u201cRight now we believe it\u2019s a solo act, a lone wolf attacker,\u201d Lombardo told reporters. \u201cWe are pretty confident there is no longer a threat.\u201d The gunman has not yet been identified. Aldean said he was safe in an Instagram post early Monday, sharing an image of the city and asking for prayers for the victims: \u201cTonight has been beyond horrific. I still dont know what to say but wanted to let everyone know that Me and my Crew are safe.\"  \"My Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved tonight,\u201d he wrote, clearly as stunned and traumatized as anyone else. \u201cIt hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night.\u201d Aldean\u2019s wife Brittany Kerr posted her own message on Instagram, saying, \u201cWe are safe\u2026 our angels were definitely watching over us tonight.\" \"No words for what happened,\" she added. \"Just horrific. Praying for everyone.\u201d Witness accounts are what you would expect - unable to fully do justice to what happened as you read this, but terrifying nonetheless. Country star Jake Owen was one of the witnesses, having just finished his set and was still on stage when the shooting started.  \u201cI was crouched down behind a cop car,\" he said. \"There was blood on people and you could see a couple of people in the streets that looked like they had been shot,\u201d Owen added. Ivetta Saldana told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, \u201cIt was was a horror show. People were standing around, then they hit the floor.\u201d Robyn Webb, who was at the concert along with her husband last night, told the newspaper, \u201cIt just kept coming. It was relentless.\u201d Authorities, meanwhile, are searching for a 62-year-old woman named Marylou Danley, whom they believe is the gunman\u2019s roommate. Police have searched a home in Mesquite, Nevada, 85 miles from Las Vegas, where it is believed the gunman lived with Danley. She is considered a person of interest in the case.  UPDATE: Police have identified the assailant as Stephen Paddock, 64. He is shown above with his companion, Danley. Paddock is believed to have begun his attack around 10:00 pm local time and to have continued shooting for two hours. Police were reportedly able to locate Paddock quickly due to the smoke from his weapon setting off hotel fire detectors. Paddock's motives for the shooting remain unclear. Early reports indicate that he was not a member of any militant group. He was not known to hold extremist political or religious beliefs, though the investigation into the matter is just hours old. Danley was apprehended for questioning at 3:40 a.m.  It is not currently known if she's being treated as an accomplice in the attack, or whether law enforcement simply wants to learn more. In any case, reports indicate that several guns, including at least eight rifles, were found in the room rented by Paddock and Danley. \u201cWe have no idea what his belief system was,\u201d Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said during his press briefing early this morning. More details to follow as this shocking story develops ... UPDATE: The death toll is now 58 and climbing, according to an ABC News report, with more than 518 people wounded. Expect that to tragically rise as the day progresses.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 44
    "sentence": "Dez Bryant announces Cowboys\u2019 plans for national anthemThe Dallas Cowboys made headlines before their Week 3 \u201cMonday Night Football\u201d game against the Arizona Cardinals when they briefly knelt on the field \u2014 alongside owner Jerry Jones \u2014 and then stood with arms linked during the national anthem. While some saw the move as a good compromise between protesting during the anthem and respecting the flag, others were surprised and disappointed the Cowboys took a knee at all.  Why is there politics in the middle of football? Protest on your own time! Political agenda being shoved down my throat everywhere No escape \u2014 TexasGirl (@HannahIvers) September 26, 2017  Well, Dez Bryant has good news for those who weren\u2019t happy with the demonstration: It won\u2019t be repeated. TRENDING: MLB Player Goes 7 Straight Games With HR, Sets Franchise Record The Cowboys\u2019 star receiver told the Dallas Morning News that the team will go back to doing what it did before Monday night\u2019s game: \u201cWe\u2019re going to stand and put our hand over our heart.\u201d Bryant said the Week 3 protest \u201cwas just a response to [President Donald] Trump. That\u2019s all that was.\u201d Trump had suggested last week that he\u2019d like to see NFL owners fire players who protest during the national anthem. Jones said Friday morning on KRLD-FMthat Bryant appeared to be \u201ctorn\u201d before the protest took place in Arizona. \u201cI\u2019m so appreciative of how the team responded,\u201d said Jones. \u201cIt was a trying time. Players were truly under pressure, external pressure from their relationships. They were really under pressure to basically in many cases kneel at the flag.\u201d As for this week, Bryant said, \u201cI\u2019m going to leave all of that in the past. It is what it is. I\u2019m focused on this week. I don\u2019t even want to think about it. I\u2019m done.\u201d Trump also tweeted that he had spoken with Jones and confirmed that the players will stand for Week 4.  Spoke to Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys yesterday. Jerry is a winner who knows how to get things done. Players will stand for Country! \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2017  It appears the Cowboys will be back to business as usual come Sunday. Dallas will look to build upon its Week 3 victory over the Cardinals as it hosts the surprising Los Angeles Rams at AT&T Stadium. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 45
    "sentence": "This List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind BlowingA wave of liberal rage has marked the last 11 months since the rise and subsequent election of President Donald Trump. Antifa protestors clad in black masks shut down college campuses, destroy property and indiscriminately attack those they disagree with, whether women or the elderly. Meanwhile, CNN fires Kathy Griffin for taking photos with a bloody replica of the president\u2019s decapitated head. Amid this backdrop, The Huffington Post publishes an article calling for the execution of Trump and \u201ceveryone assisting his agenda.\u201d Then, shots ring out as a man gorged on media hysteria attempts to slaughter Republican congressmen while they practice for a charity baseball game. The aggression since Trump\u2019s nomination is difficult to enumerate, but nevertheless, The Daily Caller News Foundation pored over media reports to compile a close but non-exhaustive list of violent acts against conservatives in months following the Republican National Convention. No compatible source was found for this video. In creating the list, The DCNF reviewed numerous articles detailing attacks and violent threats against conservatives and Trump supporters. While there are examples of anonymous threats, The DCNF chose to include only those that resulted in the cancelling of events and two to members of Congress deemed credible. Some instances of violence between rival protestors were not included as it was difficult to ascertain who initiated the event. To see the list of attacks visit The Daily Caller. By now, you already know that Republican lawmakers were the target of a brutal and unjustifiable shooting in Virginia. House majority whip Steve Scalise was shot several times and has been hospitalized. He appears to be in critical but stable condition. Several other Republican lawmakers witnessed the carnage. The shooter, \u201csocialist democrat\u201d James Hodgkinson, wasn\u2019t so lucky, succumbing to wounds received in a shootout with police officers. This shooting is a harsh reminder of the growing vitriol in American politics where violence between liberal and conservative hard-liners is only becoming more common, with both sides committing inexcusable violence. The shooting occurred during an early morning baseball practice. The shooter, Hodgkinson, appears to have been an ardent Bernie Sanders supporter and opposed President Trump. His choice of targets was almost certainly not random and was likely premeditated. Hodgkinson is from Illinois but has been staying in the DC area for at least six weeks. Besides Scalise, two police officers were wounded during the shooting. Senator Paul Rand, who witness the event, has hailed the police officers and credited them for preventing a far worse tragedy. The police officers present were there to guard Scalise. Hodgkinson already had a track record with the police before the shooting. He had previously been charged with assault and battery for punching a woman in the face with a closed fist. He also confronted that woman\u2019s boyfriend with a shotgun, reportedly firing one shot in the air. Apparently, he also physically abused his daughter, and police were called when he started shooting several pine trees on his property. Neighbors were worried that bullets would strike nearby homes. Hodgkinson also claimed to be a \u201cdemocratic socialist\u201d on his social media profiles. Writing to the Belleville News-Democrat, he stated, \u201cI don\u2019t ever again want to hear how great a president [Ronald Reagan] was. All he did was give tax breaks to the rich and put the rest of the country (or at least 13.1 percent) out of work.\u201d He added, \u201cTo think the Republican Party can call this man their idol is un-American. It\u2019s all about the money.\u201d To read rest of article visit OpsLens.",
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    "sentence": "House Intelligence Committee Subpoenas Firm Behind Discredited \u201cTrump Dossier\u201d\nThe Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is asking the FBI questions in what he describes as an \u201calarming\u201d development about the debunked Trump dossier. Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last week asking if there is a possibility that the contents of the dossier were \u201csurreptitiously funneled\u201d from foreign intelligence agencies to U.S. intelligence agencies essentially creating \u201can echo\u201d of reporting information from the dossier. Grassley pointed out that Christopher Steele, the British spy who compiled the garbage dossier acknowledged in a London court that he indeed shared the 35-page document with British intelligence agencies. Per the Daily Caller:  \u201cIt is possible that this political dossier\u2019s collusion allegations\u2026may have also been surreptitiously funneled into U.S. intelligence streams through foreign intelligence sharing,\u201d Grassley wrote in his letter to Wray. \u201cIf so, that foreign information would likely have ended up within the FBI\u2019s investigation of allegations of collusion between Trump associates and Russia.\u201d According to some reports, foreign intelligence agencies have shared information with U.S. investigators that matches some of the allegations about collusion laid out in the dossier. But Trump and members of his campaign named in the dossier have denied the allegations.  Grassley also said, \u201cit may not have been clear to the FBI that the foreign reporting was actually based on the work of Mr. Steele and Fusion GPS. If this in fact happened, it would be alarming.\u201d As previously reported, a third deadline passed for the FBI and Justice Department to hand over subpoenaed documents to the House Intelligence Committee relating to the debunked Russian dossier on September 22nd. The big question is, did the FBI actually use this garbage dossier to obtain a FISA warrant like reports suggest? The Obama FBI used a secret court order to wiretap Manafort. We the people deserve to know if the debunked dossier was used to obtain this FISA warrant in order to spy on Trump\u2019s camp. What we do know is that Comey cited this dossier in some of his briefings:  FBI Director James Comey has cited the dossier in some of his briefings with lawmakers in recent weeks as one of the information sources used by his bureau to bolster its probe, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation told CNN.  We also know that Fusion GPS, the company that commissioned the dossier is a Democrat oppo research firm. Via Paul Sperry of the New York Post:  A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party. Fusion GPS was on the payroll of an unidentified Democratic ally of Clinton when it hired a long-retired British spy to dig up dirt on Trump. In 2012, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to uncover dirt on GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. And in 2015, Democrat ally Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to investigate pro-life activists protesting the abortion group.  One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama. And the liberal media and Secret Service and John McCain believed this nonsense? Now we learn Rep. Nunes has issued subpoenas to the firm behind the discredit dossier. Zerohedge reports:  CNN reports that Nunes earlier this month issued subpoenas to the founders of Fusion GPS, the Washington opposition research firm that originally helped procure the dossier, demanding that they participate in public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee, and turn over all pertinent documents. Earlier this year, Nunes announced that he was stepping aside from directing the committee\u2019s Russia inquiry when he became the subject of an ethics investigation into his handling of classified information after he informed the White House about the possibility that members of the Trump campaign were legally surveilled during the race before informing his own committee. [\u2026] Nunes\u2019 Democratic colleagues have repeatedly accused Nunes of deliberately trying to undermine the FBI\u2019s investigation by forcing the agency to reveal sensitive details about the dossier that the intelligence community previously decided to withhold from the January report on the intelligence community\u2019s finding that Russia had interfered with the election.  Here is more background on the now-discredited Trump Dossier. With just ten days to go before he was sworn in as America\u2019s forty-fifth president, the political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump with a double-barreled blast of \u201cleaked\u201d \u201cintelligence\u201d reports by CNN and BuzzFeed. The documents contained explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleged intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump. Sponsored Sponsored",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 47
    "sentence": "Trump\u2019s anti-Muslim tweets: Pathological racism or severe mental decline?There's been a lot of talk this week about President Trump's mental state. Psychiatrists have weighed in calling him a \"very sick man.\" Former associates report that people close to him are \"deeply concerned about his mental health.\u201d It's been reported that he's telling people that the person on the \"Access Hollywood\" tape wasn't really him, and claiming (again) that he actually won the popular vote. But the most vivid and obvious evidence that Trump is becoming even more unbalanced even than before (which is saying something) comes from his Twitter feed, which has been a daily dumpster fire ever since word came down that Michael Flynn had apparently made a deal with Robert Mueller. Trump's Twitter is a window into his mind, and right now it isn't offering an attractive view. He's madly tweeted lies about his tax plan, applauded himself for single-handedly causing the stock market to rise, insulted the media, slandered old friends and condemned some of the famous men who have been fired for sexual harassment. Apparently he is more assured of his omnipotence than ever, since he was rewarded with the presidency while all those other guys have been brought low. He's put on quite a show and all of it has further degraded the presidency and embarrassed the nation before the world. But there was one series of tweets that stood out and it's so bad that it may have actually caused a diplomatic break with our closest ally. On Thursday morning, for some inexplicable reason, the president of the United States retweeted three videos claiming to be Muslim extremists perpetrating violence. One purported to show a group of Muslims pushing a boy off a roof, another claimed to show a Muslim destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary and a third supposedly showed a Muslim immigrant hitting a Dutch boy on crutches. The Dutch embassy clarified that the third video actually of two native-born dutch boys fighting, and did not involve Muslim immigrants at all. The tweets were from a vile British neofascist named Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of a tiny far-right, anti-immigrant group called Britain First. You may recall that prior to the Brexit vote last year a Labour Party member of Parliament named Jo Cox was assassinated by a man who shouted the words \"Britain First\" before he killed her. According to the Daily Beast:  The group had previously struggled to garner mainstream-media coverage of their video stunts, which include mosque \u201cinvasions\u201d and \u201cChristian patrols\u201d during which uniformed thugs carrying white crosses attempt to intimidate minority citizens. On Wednesday, Trump catapulted Fransen and the group\u2019s leader Paul Golding, who is also a convicted criminal, into the global conversation.  Trump sent those videos out to his millions of followers; hundreds of millions more may have seen them through other social media and mainstream news by now. These anti-Muslim videos are the worst kind of hate propaganda, the kind of thing one expects to find deep in the bowels of the extremist right-wing internet. Needless to say, Fransen was delighted and thanked Trumpfor \"sharing the videos with his \"44 MILLION FOLLOWERS! GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA!\" The reaction was swift. Prime Minister Theresa May's office rebuked the president in a statement which said that Britain First \"divides communities in their use of hateful narratives which pedal lies and stoke tensions. This causes anxieties to law-abiding people. The British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents; decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this.\" Trump himself was not contrite, of course. He responded this way:  . @Theresa_May, don\u2019t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine! \u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2017  The British Parliament did not take this well. In speech after speech members demanded that Trump's invitation for a state visit (already controversial) be rescinded. Labor M.P. Stephen Doughty declared that by sharing those tweets, Trump had shown himself to be \"either a racist, incompetent or unthinking \u2014 or all three. I love America, it is a country and people of extraordinary generosity, courage, kindness and humanity \u2014 but this president represents none of those things.\u201d London Mayor Sadiq Khan said May should use \"any influence she and her government claim to have with the president\u201d to ask that he \u201cdelete these tweets and to apologize to the British people.\u201d None of that is going to happen, of course. Trump's state of mind at the moment is that following his racist instincts are what got him to the most powerful office on earth and following those instincts is the winning formula going forward. We are all well aware of Trump's bond with the old-fashioned American far right. David Duke is a big fan and applauded him for retweeting the videos. Trump thinks that one can be a \"very fine person\" and still carry a torch and march with Nazis shouting \"Jews will not replace us\" in American cities. His xenophobic rhetoric toward Mexicans and Muslims, and his barely concealed racism, have been obvious for years and were major selling points during his campaign. Trump has also shown an affinity for the neofascist right in Europe, perhaps under the influence of Steve Bannon, who has developed alliances with such groups for some time through his Breitbart International media venture. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said later that Trump did not know who Jayda Fransen was before he retweeted her, and claimed he was trying to \"elevate the issue\" of extremist violence in Europe. That's not enough. He has been retweeting white supremacists and neofascists for a long time. Quite likely he doesn't know who they all are either, but he obviously likes what they have to say and he's happy to use his platform of tens of millions of followers and the prestige of the White House to spread their message far and wide. May did not rescind the invitation to the state visit. But the British don't seem to be in any hurry to set a date either. Plans for a \"working visit\" from Trump in January have been dropped, which seems wise. Our president seems to have done something that nobody else has been able to do in Britain lately: He brought left and right together -- in mutual loathing for him. Over the Thanksgiving holiday Trump made a weird, cryptic comment to Coast Guard troops, saying, \"You never know about an ally, an ally can turn, you're going to find that out.\" Maybe he was talking about himself.",
    "label": 1,
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    "sentence": "12 Michelle Obama Quotes That Will Make You Say \"I'm With Her\"In this election, we're with her. Here are 12 Michelle Obama quotes that make us proud to have Hillary's back.",
    "label": 1,
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    "sentence": "FBI\u2019s new Clinton investigation could upend presidential raceWith 11 days left in the presidential election, the FBI\u2019s decision to launch another investigation into Hillary Clinton\u2019s use of a private email system for government business threatens to upend an already volatile race. At the most, it could turn at least some voters to rival Donald Trump, who has rested much of his pitch on the argument that Clinton is dishonest and who grabbed at the news immediately as a gift to salvage his trailing campaign. With less but still important impact, it could freeze the momentum to Clinton that has helped her pull ahead in past weeks. At a minimum, it could have a nominal effect on an electorate that already had doubts about her honesty, and has already started voting. FBI Director James Comey set off the late October furor with a letter to Congress on Friday saying the agency was launching another investigation into Clinton\u2019s personal email server after obtaining additional information in an unrelated case Thursday. \u201cThe FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation,\u201d Comey wrote in the letter. \u201cI agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.\u201d Breaking News Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Current Time\u00c2 0:00 / Duration\u00c2 3:10 Trump on newly discovered Clinton emails: at last justice will be done Advertisement Donald Trump was holding a rally in New Hampshire when news broke that the FBI would review new emails in its investigation of Hillary Clinton. He called the inquiry \u201cbigger than Watergate.\u201d By McClatchy Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta called the announcement so late in the campaign \u201cextraordinary\u201d and urged the FBI to release all of the details of what it is examining. \u201cWe are confident this will not produce any conclusions different from the one the FBI reached in July,\u201d Podesta said, referring to the FBI decision earlier not to seek any prosecution of Clinton. His eagerness to address the matter as fast as possible underscored the mysterious nature of the new investigation and the impact it could have. Donald Trump and his Republican allies have been baselessly second-guessing the FBI and, in both public and private, browbeating the career officials there to revisit their conclusion in a desperate attempt to harm Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta The news spread quickly, including through the battleground state of North Carolina, one of several where a turn of a few percentage points still could decide the race. \u201cThis is definitely going to influence me,\u201d said Democrat James Smythers, a warehouse manager from Princeton, North Carolina. \u201cI\u2019ll lean to Trump if he makes her pay for what she\u2019s done.\u201d  A great day in our campaign just got even better. FBI reviewing new emails in Clinton probe @CNNPolitics\u2014 Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) October 28, 2016  EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM \u201cThe perception she\u2019s untrustworthy has existed for years,\u201d said Luke Perrin, a North Carolina State University sophomore from Hickory, North Carolina, who\u2019s a Clinton supporter. \u201cThis is going to add to that perception.\u201d Related stories from Bradenton Herald     FBI\u2019s new Clinton investigation could upend presidential race     Trump calls Clinton email investigation \u2018bigger than Watergate\u2019 EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM At a rally featuring Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence in Raleigh, the mood was buoyant among those waiting, but not overwhelmingly so. \u201cFive days ago I was down in the dumps, reading the polls,\u201d said Republican Suzanne Morse, a retiree from Clayton, North Carolina. \u201cNow I think there\u2019s hope. It may not make a big difference, it may not be in the millions, but every vote counts.\u201d Even if it doesn\u2019t drive voters to Trump, it could stop any momentum to Clinton. \u201cVoters who are on the bubble and maybe leaning toward Hillary, this puts the brake on,\u201d said Republican pollster Neil Newhouse. The FBI\u2019s decision to reopen their criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton\u2019s secret email server just 11 days before the election shows how serious this discovery must be. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus Clinton, leading in both national polls and battleground-state surveys, had been trying not to cause any waves as the election winds down. She had benefited greatly from bad news about her opponent \u2013 multiple women accusing Trump of sexual assault following the release of a decade-old video in which he bragged about groping women \u2013 and was working to avoid any change in that narrative. Now Republicans will work hard in the next few days to use the latest development to drive the argument that Clinton is unfit. \u201cHillary Clinton\u2019s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before,\u201d Trump said Friday in Manchester, New Hampshire, as the crowd broke into chants of \u201clock her up.\u201d \u201cWe must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.\u201d  Clinton email scandal + Anthony Weiner = a volcanic news cycle that will serve as an 11 day negative ad worth millions.\u2014 Ron Bonjean (@RonBonjean) October 28, 2016  Trump will have to rely on news media coverage to drive much of that message, having made the tactical decision much earlier not to spend as much time as Clinton did raising money \u2013 money he now could use to buy ads on the FBI news. EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM New fundraising reports just this week showed Clinton and associated Democratic committees had more than $62 million on hand as of Oct. 20, nearly four times the almost $16 million Trump and Republicans had. EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM And he may have a bit of an uphill battle, given how many voters likely have already made up their minds about Clinton \u2013 or have already voted. EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM \u201cIs it an unfortunate piece of the agenda?\u201d asked Democratic pollster Mark Mellman. \u201cThe fact that we\u2019re sitting here 11 days before the election talking about emails again? Yes, but I don\u2019t think it fundamentally alters the race.\u201d \u201cThe truth is this is a story that\u2019s been out there a long time,\u201d he said. \u201cMost people have reached a conclusion on it one way or the other.\u201d EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM  Both campaigns now agree Director Comey needs to put forward more information about what prompted this letter to GOP chairmen.\u2014 Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) October 28, 2016  Indeed, voters have already seen thousands of Clinton\u2019s emails released by the State Department and thousands of her aides\u2019 emails released, some illegally, by news organizations, conservative groups and the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks. \u201cMost people have already decided who they\u2019re going to vote for and I don\u2019t think this will influence people who have decided,\u201d said Jacob Trubey, a North Carolina State University freshman from Cary, North Carolina, who is not affiliated with either party. \u201cI just think it\u2019s going to be salacious for the next 10 days unless there\u2019s some bombshell out there,\u201d said Kim Alfano, a Republican strategist. \u201cI don\u2019t think this will do anything dramatic to the race.\u201d The Democratic and Republican parties are offering a choice between a candidate under FBI investigation, and Donald Trump. Voters deserve a lot better than that. America deserves better than that. Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for president Another potential mitigating effect: The news comes after millions already have voted. An estimated 17.1 million people had voted as of Thursday, and the surge of early voting is giving Clinton an important boost in swing states. EDITORS: STORY CAN END HERE Nancy Gray, a retired high school counselor from Monterey Bay, Caliornia., for example, said she\u2019d already voted for Clinton by mail and had tuned out politics until election night. \u201cI\u2019m not even paying attention, I\u2019m so sick and tired of all the political stuff,\u201d she said. John Fetterman, mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, and a Clinton surrogate who was about to introduce former President Bill Clinton to a crowd in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Friday, said he hadn\u2019t gotten any \u201cpanicked calls from the campaign.\u201d \u201cI don\u2019t know how to quote a shoulder shrug,\u201d Fetterman said of his reaction to the email development. \u201cIt\u2019s just kind of a nothing burger. Could it move the needle a couple of points? Possibly. But I don\u2019t think it\u2019s going to be meaningful. I really feel Pennsylvania is comfortably blue.\u201d Vera Bergengruen and Lesley Clark contributed to this report. Anita Kumar: 202-383-6017, @anitakumar01 David Goldstein: 202-383-6105, @GoldsteinDavidJ David Lightman: 202-383-6101, @lightmandavid",
    "label": 0,
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HELP!!!: Long Beach: sales, sublets - Los Angeles, California Thinking of Interning in LA for a few months....advice?: Los Angeles: home, school - California (CA) Need Information About West Palmdale..have Not Seen Anything Good Thus!: apartment complex - Los Angeles, California (CA) A few questions from a college student!: Torrance, Burbank: apartments, rent - Los Angeles, California (CA) Looking for summer housing in Westwood Village area: sublets, dorms - Los Angeles, California (CA) Best Places to Live Around This Street/Area in LA?: Albany: neighborhoods, law school - Los Angeles, California (CA) Problems with apartment management in LA: for sale, real estate, apartments - Los Angeles, California (CA) Glendale- transportation concern: Pasadena, Burbank: apartments, to rent, safe area - Los Angeles, California (CA) Commute to Calabasas (i.e. should I move...?): Santa Monica, Woodland: apartment, rentals - Los Angeles, California (CA) Bringing my Horse to LA: Burbank, Moorpark: dorms, school, college - Los Angeles, California (CA) i have a about commuting from pacific palisades to sherman oaks.: Los Angeles: home - California (CA) Help! My girlfriend and I are moving to hollywood area from Boston.: Los Angeles: apartment, rentals - California (CA) Carpet damage? Landlord or tenant responsibility?: apartment, renter, house - Los Angeles, California (CA) I am a cult survivor in L.A. Can other survivors share their experiences?: Pasadena: homes, high school - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 2: Glendale: home, school I am a cult survivor in - Los Angeles, California (CA) Just Bought My First Home: Los Angeles, Garden Grove: house, buying, private schools - California (CA) What did L.A. used to be like????: San Diego, Santa Ana: apartment, house - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 2: Los Angeles, San Diego: middle-class, homes What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 3: Glendale, Pasadena: insurance, houses What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 4: Sacramento, Orange: amusement park, credit What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 5: Glendale, Orange: real estate, home What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 6: Los Angeles, Santa Monica: crime rate, neighborhood What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 7: Los Angeles, Highland: apartments, crime What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 8: Los Angeles, Highland: loft, motel What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 9: rent, live What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 10: San Francisco, Ducor: pharmacy, gangs What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 11: San Francisco, Santa Monica: fit in, neighborhoods What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 12: Los Angeles, Santa Monica: bankrupt, movie theater What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 13: Los Angeles, Oakland: for sale, renters What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 14: Oakland: sale, how much What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 15: Inglewood, Compton: place to live, moving What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Page 16: Los Angeles: appliances, to buy What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA) Why do so many races hate African Americans? I feel the hate.: Los Angeles: rent, crime - California (CA) Page 2: Los Angeles: crimes, how much Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 3: Los Angeles: lawyers, neighborhoods Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 4: Los Angeles: sex offenders, neighborhood Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 5: Los Angeles: house, cinema Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 6: Orange: live in, gangs Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 7: Pittsburg: mover, hotels Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 8: Los Angeles: middle-class, daycare Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 9: London: crime rates, school Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 11: home, college Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 12: Jackson: upper-class, live Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 15: Nice: price, bill Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 16: university, living in Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 17: high crime, living Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 18: buy, vs. Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Page 19: Los Angeles: movies, agricultural Why do so many races hate - California (CA) Can LA survive for another 30 years?: Los Angeles, Malibu: real estate, to rent, condo - California (CA) Page 2: Los Angeles, San Francisco: city hall, crime, school district Can LA survive for another 30 - California (CA) Page 3: Los Angeles: rent, homes, neighborhood Can LA survive for another 30 - California (CA) Can I make it in L.A.?: Los Angeles, Pasadena: real estate, apartments - California (CA) Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk?: Los Angeles, San Francisco: houses, neighborhoods, purchase - California (CA) Page 2: Los Angeles, San Francisco: apartments, vacation home, dorms Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 3: Los Angeles, San Francisco: apartment, house, tornado Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 4: San Diego, San Francisco: insurance, lofts, condos Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 5: San Diego, San Francisco: power lines, home, transfer Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 6: San Francisco, Oakland: fit in, live in, move Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 7: Los Angeles, Whittier: refrigerator, water heater, cabinet Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 8: Santa Ana, Moorpark: credit, movies, elementary school Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 9: Los Angeles, Ontario: live, move to, title Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 10: Ontario: moving to, food, trees Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 11: Los Angeles, San Francisco: college, deal, area Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 12: buy, to move, vacations Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 13: Big Bear Lake: vacation, land, location Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 14: Los Angeles, Moorpark: apartment complex, mattress, homes Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 15: Los Angeles, San Francisco: tornadoes, living, codes Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 16: San Francisco: distance, roach, winter Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 17: Los Angeles, San Bernardino: living in, moving, beach Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 18: gas, buildings, studios Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 19: Brea: what does, pics, today Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 20: Brea: shop, rated, weather Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 21: Los Angeles, San Francisco: condo, mortgage, place to live Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 23: market, snow, Colombia Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 24: to live, farmers, Wal-mart Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Page 25: vs, safety, homeless Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA) Demagraphics of L.A.,L.A. County,and surrounding counties: Los Angeles: Hispanic, African American - California (CA) Is this part of Cahuenga Blvd residential?: Camarillo: neighborhood, area - Los Angeles, California (CA) a school in Huntington Beach: Los Angeles, Glendale: bus, internships, train - California (CA)",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 51
    "sentence": "Imran Awan Had a Secret Server that Was Connected to the House Democratic Caucus\nFormer chair of the House Democratic Caucus Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) A clearer picture is coming into focus on the Democrat IT scandal that may help explain why Democrats have been so reluctant to condemn the Awans or help the police with the investigation. It also might explain why former DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been so jumpy lately. New information about a massive cybersecurity breach, gleaned from a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation, implicates the former chair of the House Democratic Caucus, then-Rep. Xavier Becerra, who is now the attorney general of California and a rising star in Democratic politics.  Xavier Becerra was told by cops his server had major cybersecurity issues re: Imran. A fake server was given to cops He's remained silent.\u2014 Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) September 13, 2017  This scandal isn't about bank fraud, folks. Kudos to Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller for chasing down this story, even as the Democratic media complex either poo-pooed or ignored the growing scandal. As Ace of Spades noted, at some point the legacy media is going to have the explain to their audiences why they didn't report on this major story all year long. \n A secret server is behind law enforcement\u2019s decision to ban a former IT aide to Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the House network. Now-indicted former congressional IT aide Imran Awan allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server. Police grew suspicious and requested a copy of the server early this year, but they were provided with an elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations. The falsified image is what ultimately triggered their ban from the House network Feb. 2, according to a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation. The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said. Data was also backed up to Dropbox in huge quantities, the official said. Congressional offices are prohibited from using Dropbox, so an unofficial account was used, meaning Awan could have still had access to the data even though he was banned from the congressional network. Awan had access to all emails and office computer files of 45 members of Congress who are listed below. Fear among members that Awan could release embarrassing information if they cooperated with prosecutors could explain why the Democrats have refused to acknowledge the cybersecurity breach publicly or criticize the suspects.  According to the DCNF's source, the Awans\u2019 use of Dropbox went well beyond casual use. They were \"funneling of huge quantities of data offsite where it could not be taken back by House authorities.\"",
    "label": 1,
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    "sentence": "Identity in a Fog: Gender Identity After Sexual Abuse \u2014 As a survivor of childhood sexual trauma, there are many misconceptions I live with on a daily basis. My pain is treated as fodder for jokes and people with backgrounds like mine are assumed to be abusers-in-the-making. Both of these are very real issues, but today I want to talk about a third issue that many people don\u2019t even realize about sexual abuse victims: the effect that the abuse has had in obscuring our own understanding of our sexual and gender identities. It\u2019s impossible for some of us to even understand what an innate gender or sexual identity would even feel like. Our entire perception of our \u201ctrue\u201d gender and orientation is mutilated by our experiences. It\u2019s a well-established fact that child abuse does not cause homosexuality or gender fluidity, nor does gender fluidity or homosexuality cause people to become child abusers. This is an important truth that needs to be continually disseminated as too many people still think there is a causal link in one direction or both. It is unfortunate, however, that the well-intentioned desire to keep the LGBT community from being maligned has resulted in the experiences of many CSA victims being silenced because it confuses the narrative. It is a testimony that is actually quite simple: for many victims of CSA, especially repeated CSA, nothing about their identity can be fully separated from the early trauma. That includes sexual orientation and gender identity. Which means that many CSA survivors will tell you that they cannot say with a straight face that their perception of their gender identity or sexual orientation was not shunted down a different road by their experiences. It is a testimony that is actually quite simple: for many victims of CSA, especially repeated CSA, nothing about their identity can be fully separated from the early trauma. This requires a steady mind and a grasp of nuance to understand what is being said. Obviously not all, or even the majority if, gay CSA victims attribute their orientation to their abuse. Nor do, or should, gender fluid victims give credit to abusers when it comes to discovering their true self. What it does mean, however, is that men who do say their identity was affected by their trauma should not be dismissed out of hand. In abusive situations, coercion is often mixed with reward (such as emotional attention) and being forced to do something can still lead to physical arousal. Such experiences can rewire the brain into seeking out similar situations as an adult for complex psychological reasons other than because of natural inclination. Among male victims, the term \u201cSSA\u201d (same-sex attraction) continues to be a meaningful term. This is a term that in other circles has become appropriately abandoned, given the connection and connotations it has with fundamentalist conversion therapies. On its face, the term is benign and non-judgmental. In usage, however, it is a denial of orientation as an innate and non-changing element. That aspect of it, which when applied to homosexuals en masse is insulting and invalidating, is ironically exactly why some CSA survivors willingly apply it to themselves. Because they are not convinced that their sexual attraction to men was not the result of early trauma. In fact, they feel as if recognizing that attraction and their true orientation are at odds is actually a more authentic description of themselves. I\u2019ve seen the term \u201cabuse reactive\u201d to label the difference between people who are able to know themselves apart from the abuse and people for whom the self before the trauma is a black hole difficult or even impossible to ever fully explore. One of the confusing aspects to this is that throughout history and even to this day, boys who showed effeminate characteristics were and are more likely to be denied a proper support system. They are more likely to be bullied and socially isolated and seen as unsatisfactory by both peers and adults. This puts them at a greater risk of abuse. No child is immune from the risk of being preyed upon, but many predators look for the outcast unlikely to be listened to or believed and desperate for ANY adult attention. Therefore, because of society\u2019s prejudice, LGBT youth are often at greater risk of being sexually exploited. Drawn to signs of non-heteronormative behavior or not, a predator may very well strike before the boy himself understands his own orientation and gender. Across his entire lifespan, a male is most in danger of being sexually assaulted between the ages of 4 and 13. Think about what you didn\u2019t know about yourself at age 7. The risk here is that conversation like this only gives fire to the bigots who want to say that there is something \u201cwrong\u201d with everyone who identifies as LGBT. That would be the wrong takeaway. The correct lesson is to believe individuals. For those who say \u201cI was always this way,\u201d believe them. For those who say \u201cI can\u2019t tell you for sure\u201d or \u201cI\u2019m pretty sure my SSA was caused by my abuse,\u201d believe them too. Don\u2019t silence their voice because some people might misinterpret it. Don\u2019t assume you know their true selves better than they do. \u2014 More on this subject by Dr. Joe Kort: Sexual abuse disorients you; it does not orient you. __ Photo credit: Getty Images",
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    "sentence": "Chappaqua's Hillary Clinton Will Speak At Business Council Annual Dinner\nHillary Clinton Photo Credit: Contributed The Business Council of Westchester will be honoring one of its own in November. Hillary Clinton, a Chappaqua resident who ran unsuccessfully for president last year, will be presented the Westchester Global Leadership Laureate Award on Monday, Nov. 20 at the Business Council's annual fall dinner at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook. \u201cWe are pleased to present Westchester\u2019s own Hillary Rodham Clinton with this special award in recognition of her lifetime of achievement in New York, the nation, and the world,\u2019\u2019 said Marsha Gordon, President, and CEO of the Business Council of Westchester. \u201cWe are honored that she has agreed to accept the award in person and to speak at the dinner.\u2019\u2019 Previous speakers have included Cardinal Timothy Dolan, New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and 60 Minutes reporter Steve Kroft. Clinton represented New York as senator from 2001 to 2009, resigning to become Secretary of State. Click here to sign up for Daily Voice's free daily emails and news alerts.",
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    "sentence": "Ahead of NFL games, Trump again calls on players to stand during anthemPresident Donald Trump is calling on NFL players once again to stand during the national anthem. He tweeted Saturday that players should stand on Sunday, saying they should respect the U.S. flag and country. More than 200 players either knelt or used other means as expressions of unity last weekend. NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart said such actions are not a protest against the anthem or the flag. The players knelt last weekend in response to social injustice. Full teams, along with some team owners, linked arms either before or during the anthem. Three teams \u2014 Pittsburgh, Seattle and Tennessee \u2014 did not take the field until after the anthem.  Very important that NFL players STAND tomorrow, and always, for the playing of our National Anthem. Respect our Flag and our Country!\u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2017  Trump had earlier called on NFL owners to fire players who didn't stand for the anthem. Previously, Trump also said National Football League team owners are \"afraid of their players.\" Earlier this week, he called for action against those who kneel during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. Trump said he began criticizing the players because he has \"so many friends that are owners.\" He added: \"I think they are afraid of their players, if you want to know the truth, and I think it's disgraceful.\" The president spoke in an interview that aired Thursday on \"Fox and Friends.\" He says \"most people agree\" with him. NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart called the president's statements \"inaccurate.\" \"I believe there was a statement our owners are afraid of our players and owners requested intervention by political leaders to kick this off,\" Lockhart said. \"Those statements are not accurate.\" Trump has spent days attacking players who kneel during the anthem. He insists the NFL should require players to stand. Responding to Trump, hundreds more players have been sitting, kneeling, locking arms or remaining in locker rooms.  If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect....\u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017   ...our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU'RE FIRED. Find something else to do!\u2014 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017  \"The owners are clearly united in a sense that the attacks on the game, on the NFL, on the players were unfair and unfounded, and that there was unity among the group,\" Lockhart said, noting that about two-thirds of the 32 team owners were at league headquarters this week for committee meetings. \"I think there was also a sentiment ... that the issues are being obscured and distorted by people with political agendas,\" Lockhart said. \"I think they made it clear they support our players, but also support our country, the national anthem, the flag\u2014all of the things some have suggested we don't.\" The Associated Press contributed to this report.",
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    "idx": 55
    "sentence": "Democrats Are Working Hard to Destroy Their PartyAs the GOP divides at the rate of human cells, and a self-destructive President Trump causes his own supporters to question how he can succeed, Democrats have refused to fill the leadership void with a better vision of governance. Instead, they are partnering with the flailing Republicans and their president in failure. Democrats are leaning indulgently on the politics of race and gratuitous opposition to Trump, and they appear content to be the party of sanctuary cities, safe spaces and single-payer health care. Weeks ago they released an \u201cagenda\u201d designed to offer voters \u201cA Better Deal,\u201d but who would know what\u2019s in it since all they talk about is Trump? Meanwhile, if Trump\u2019s trajectory doesn\u2019t improve, the party may face the weakest, most unpopular president in modern times in 2020 -- but with who? Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are running, or think they are. Why are they being encouraged? Sounding like a garden-variety conservative, liberal New York Times columnist Charles Blow asked last week on Twitter: \u201cSerious question: What is the Dem party now in addition to anti-Trump? What does it stand for now? Also, who\u2019s leading? #GhostParty.\u201d The last two weeks have been Trump\u2019s worst in office, yet it seems the lower he sinks, Democratic leaders do likewise. The president\u2019s pathetic and irresponsible response to a white supremacist demonstration in Charlottesville -- where a protester was mowed down by a driver and killed -- has prompted not only fellow Republicans to criticize Trump but now his own National Economic Council director, Gary Cohn, as well. Still, Democrats went overboard. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is calling on Congress to censure the president for the \u201crepulsiveness of his words and actions,\u201d adding that \u201cevery day, the president gives us further evidence of why such a censure is necessary.\u201d Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election and any potential ties the president and his campaign had to those activities, responded Friday, saying in a Twitter post that he will co-sponsor a censure resolution because Trump \u201cexpresses views inimical to our values.\u201d Rep. Jackie Speier, another member of the committee, has called for Trump\u2019s removal under the 25th Amendment. Speier tweeted that \u201cPOTUS is showing signs of erratic behavior and mental instability that place the country in grave danger.\u201d Rep. Keith Ellison, deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said on CNN Monday that POTUS has \u201csympathy\u201d for white supremacists. He\u2019s not just a congressman anymore but a party official -- no wonder the DNC\u2019s fundraising is at a record low. Rep. Maxine Waters, whose late-in-life internet fame recently landed her on \u201cThe View,\u201d tweeted the day after Charlottesville that \u201cTrump has made it clear - w/Bannon & Gorka in the WH, & the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists House. #Charlottesville.\u201d Should Democrats win back the House next year, Waters would be chairman of the Financial Services Committee, an influential voice at the leadership table. Former Vermont Gov. and DNC Chairman Howard \u201cThe Scream\u201d Dean said last week, \u201cIf you want to vote for a racist in the White House, then you better vote for Republicans.\u201d The party elder recently declared he would stop contributing to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee because it will consider recruiting pro-life candidates. After all these years, eight of them during President Obama\u2019s two terms, Pelosi is now calling on the House Speaker Paul Ryan to remove Confederate statues -- which \u201chave always been reprehensible\u201d -- immediately from the halls of Congress \u201cif Republicans are serious about rejecting white supremacy.\u201d Polling after the events in Charlottesville show that while a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump\u2019s response, 62 percent said monuments to Confederate leaders should remain. Yet these monuments are suddenly a pressing federal issue to national Democrats. Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who enjoys great respect across aisle, has gone a step further than his party\u2019s left, saying the statue removal is \u201cnot a matter of political correctness,\u201d but \u201cof public safety and homeland security.\u201d This from the man who never made the issue a priority as head of DHS. While countering Trump is essential -- after all, Republicans are doing the same -- the focus should remain on even more fundamental matters: guarding the Constitution and the separation of powers; stressing facts over falsehoods; preventing a government shutdown that Trump\u2019s lobbying for; defending the right to a free press to hold him accountable; urging him to pay cost-sharing reduction payments under the Affordable Care Act to provide more certainty to the fragile exchanges; and pushing for any bipartisan cooperation possible on health care, tax reform and infrastructure projects. Democrats must leave the fight to stop him and his family from running a kleptocracy, an issue the GOP remains silent on, to outsiders who have filed lawsuits. Leave the statue debate to the states. Leave the questions of his stability to Republicans like Sen. Bob Corker. Leave the Russia investigation to special counsel Robert Mueller. Let the media report on West Wing dysfunction or how much Trump television watches. Democrats should leave all that alone. Democrats must also decide whether they want President Obama back in the spotlight. Rudderless and leaderless, some party operators long for him swoop in and right the ship, yet they still blame him for sinking it with epic election losses from 2009 to 2016. As they attempt to plot a path forward and regain seats in state legislatures, governorships, the U.S. House and Senate -- and someday the White House -- Democrats need new faces and leaders and can\u2019t lean too heavily on the 44th president. Yet some are calling for him to be a loud voice: \u201cNone of the potential Democratic presidential candidates have the visibility or credibility to be effective,\u201d party strategist Brad Bannon told The Hill. Finally, as Democrats like Reps. Brad Sherman, Al Green and Gwen Moore continue to push for impeachment, party leaders must avoid what Obama\u2019s onetime senior adviser David Axelrod warned would likely be a costly mistake. \u201cRemember: A third of the country supports this president,\" he said on CNN. \"That's a very dangerous road to go down. And if you ever did go down that road, you\u2019re opening a Pandora\u2019s box that will never end.\" What\u2019s already in that box is widespread voter disgust. People are turning away from both parties and the pool of gettable voters is shrinking, which means base politics will be less and less effective in the years to come. Democrats must convince voters they take governing more seriously than partisan politics and will focus on economic growth instead of statues, tweets and Russia. Or they can stay in the minority a lot longer. A.B. Stoddard is associate editor of RealClearPolitics and a columnist. She is also host of \"No Labels Radio\" on Sirius XM's POTUS Channel. Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)",
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    "sentence": "Why Hillary Clinton might feel Donald Trump's pain after \"2nd Amendment\" gaffeDonald Trump lit a fresh controversy this week with his suggestion that \"Second Amendment people\" could stop Hillary Clinton from naming her judicial picks, if she becomes president - a remark many interpreted as a suggestion that gun rights activists could violently target Clinton or her judicial nominees. \"\"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,\" Trump said at a rally on Tuesday. \"Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.\" Trump and his defenders say critics misread the remark. They insist the GOP nominee was merely talking about Second Amendment supporters peacefully exercising their political power to prevent Clinton from appointing jurists to the federal bench. And some have pointed to a similar gaffe Clinton made in 2008 to argue that Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt. As the Democratic nomination was slipping from her grasp in May 2008, Clinton faced calls to drop out and endorse then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who'd at that point built a virtually insurmountable lead in the primary. When she was asked by a South Dakota newspaper at the end of that month why she was still running, Clinton replied, \"You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? ...We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.\" To some, Clinton's response suggested she was staying in the race because there was a possibility Obama could be killed, as Bobby Kennedy had been during the 1968 Democratic primary. After an indignant eruption from Obama's team, Clinton quickly backtracked: \"I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and in particular the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever.\" It wasn't quite a pristine mea culpa - she apologized \"if\" her remark was \"in any way offensive,\" not for the remark itself. But it's worth noting that she was considerably more contrite than Trump has been in response to his own misstep. 66 Photos Best photos of campaign 2016 \"Give me a break,\" Trump scoffed to Fox News when asked about the criticism. His campaign released a statement blaming the \"dishonest media\" for manufacturing the controversy. On May 25, 2008, days after Clinton's remark on RFK, her spokesman, Howard Wolfson, appeared on \"Face the Nation\" to offer the campaign's version of events. \"What she clearly said, and what she meant, was that, in previous election cycles--and she referenced first her husband's in 1992, and then 1968--we've had campaigns that have gone on into June and actually beyond,\" he said. \"And so her reference to Senator Kennedy was a historical reference. The people in the room in South Dakota where she said this at the newspaper found nothing peculiar about it. She has said this before; there was no commentary or discussion about it when she'd said it before. And I think, unfortunately, her remarks have been blown out of proportion. She very quickly made clear what she meant. If she caused anyone any discomfort or pain--because it is obviously a very sensitive topic--she apologized. But she was talking about it in a historical context.\" Still, Wolfson later added, he didn't believe Clinton owed Obama a personal apology. \"Her remarks were not about Senator Obama,\" Wolfson explained. \"They had nothing to do with Senator Obama. And so, you know, there would be no reason for her to apologize to Senator Obama.\"",
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    "sentence": "Ingraham: \u2018Successful Trump Presidency\u2019 Would Be \u2018Armageddon\u2019 for Liberals\nLifeZette editor-in-chief says Democrats, establishment GOP \u2018happiest\u2019 when president struggles By Kathryn Blackhurst; LifeZette: LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham said that Never-Trumper Republicans and resisting liberals are \u201chappiest\u201d when President Donald Trump\u2019s approval numbers go down, even if their own numbers plummet as well. Ingraham, who was guest-hosting Tuesday on Fox News\u2019 \u201cTucker Carlson Tonight,\u201d blasted balking GOP members of Congress and Democrats for blocking and stalling the president\u2019s legislative agenda throughout his first 200 days in office. Noting that Republican senators such as Jeff Flake (Arizona), John McCain (Arizona), and Thom Tillis (North Carolina) delight in making rounds on the news talk shows to criticize Trump, Ingraham pointed out their own plunging approval numbers as the American voters wait for them to fulfill their campaign promises. \u201cDo you know what a liberal\u2019s idea of Armageddon is? No, it\u2019s not a nuclear North Korea, but a successful Trump presidency. Do you know what the Never-Trump Republicans on Capitol Hill fear the most? No, it\u2019s not ISIS and it\u2019s not a 5,000-point [drop] in the Dow, but a successful Trump presidency,\u201d Ingraham said. \u201cToday is the 200th day of this administration,\u201d she added. \u201cAnd despite the hyperventilation and alarmism we\u2019re hearing from the national press corps \u2014 they\u2019re prematurely declaring the Trump administration a failure, of course \u2014 but in fact, it\u2019s the resistance to Trump that is playing a risky gambit.\u201d No compatible source was found for this video. In this \u201cresistance,\u201d Ingraham included Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and \u201csupposed right\u201d senators such as Flake, McCain and Tillis. And what unites all of them is their sad and rather pathetic fear and loathing of President Trump,\u201d she said. \u201cSo they want you so saturated in this endless and mindless Russia story deal, and other irrelevant West Wing staff intrigues that\u2019s mostly fueled by leaks, that you even begin to believe their negative spin. And let\u2019s face it \u2014 these people are happiest when his numbers go down, when his legislation and his confirmations stall, even if their own approval numbers go down, too. It\u2019s like they don\u2019t even care.\u201d Pointing to recent Quinnipiac University poll measuring congressional approval ratings, Ingraham noted these politicians have plummeted even as Trump\u2019s numbers have dwindled into the 30s. \u201cAnd Trump\u2019s approval rating may only be about 37 percent according to one poll, but check this out. Tom Tillis\u2019 approval rating, North Carolina \u2014 29 percent. Nancy Pelosi\u2019s \u2014 27 percent. Chuck Schumer\u2019s is 26 percent, and [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell\u2019s is a very impressive 17 percent,\u201d Ingraham said, noting that McConnell has failed repeatedly to rally 50 of 52 GOP senators in support of various measures to repeal and replace Obamacare. \u201cNow despite two years of non-stop bile and vitriol from Washington\u2019s bipartisan elite class, Trump is actually beating all of them,\u201d she added. \u201cNow while of course it\u2019s true that key legislative successes are lacking, whether on health care, tax reform, infrastructure \u2014 but it\u2019s equally true as well that President Trump has done a lot even without Congress to make our lives better.\u201d Ingraham said that Trump does need to work on boosting his approval numbers, but she argued the president has \u201cdone a heck of a lot in just 200 days.\u201d Pointing to the successful confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump\u2019s slashing of Obama-era red-tape and regulations, the thriving stock market, consumer confidence and more, Ingraham said that Trump\u2019s presidency hasn\u2019t been the failure that the media, the Left and the Never-Trumpers are making it out to be. \u201cHis approval numbers \u2014 yeah, they need boosting, that\u2019s for sure. But considering the 24/7 media onslaught against him, the distraction of the Russia probe, and the resistance from Congress \u2014 both sides in Congress \u2014 he\u2019s done a heck of a lot in just 200 days,\u201d she said. \u201cAnd if he can keep focused and he can keep his team motivated, keep them together, and put pressure on the Hill to deliver on some of these big issues, he\u2019ll improve his numbers and he\u2019ll grow the populist movement.\u201d To read related content visit LifeZette.",
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    "sentence": "Biden: Clinton didn\u2019t recognize \u201cgravity\u201d of setting up private email serverVice President Biden defended Hillary Clinton\u2019s decision to use a private email server as secretary of state in an interview Thursday with \u201cFace the Nation\u201d moderator John Dickerson. Dickerson asked Biden about a lesson from his Grandfather Finnegan: \u201cPublic servants are obliged to level with everybody, whether or not they\u2019ll like what he, the public servant, has to say.\u201d He asked the vice president, \u201cDo you think that applies to Hillary Clinton\u2019s dealing with this private server that she set up?\u201d \u201cWell, I think it\u2019s a combination of a couple of things,\u201d Biden replied. \u201cOne, I don\u2019t think she understood the gravity of setting it up. She thought it was, \u2018This is okay to do.\u2019\u201d Clinton has said she set up her private server for the sake of convenience, but she has since acknowledged that it was a mistake and that she would use the government system if she had to do it over again. Biden further suggested that Clinton may be a bit battle-scarred from her long time in the public eye, and he said that may have contributed to her initial clumsy response to the email controversy. \u201cThis woman has been so battered over 30 years,\u201d Biden explained. \u201cI think then when faced with, \u2018This is a problem,\u2019 I think instead of just cutting it and dealing with it immediately, there\u2019s always an inclination to overthink it.\u201d The vice president also weighed in on his own future after his time in the Obama administration. \u201cI\u2019m not going away,\u201d he began. \u201cEverything from this issue of violence against women, to income inequality, to the cancer \u2018moonshot,\u2019 I\u2019m gonna devote the rest of my life to this.\u201d \u201cI have been so proud of being involved in public service that I\u2019m not sure exactly how I\u2019m gonna do it,\u201d he added, \u201cother than the structure of [the] American political system.\u201d When Dickerson asked Biden what he\u2019ll do on his final day in office, the vice president replied, \u201cWhat I\u2019m going to do is go home and begin to figure out what I do for the rest of my life.\u201d More of Dickerson\u2019s interview with the vice president will air Sunday. Check your local listings for airtimes.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 59
    "sentence": "Notre Dame Students Walk Out During Mike Pence's Commencement Speech\nNotre Dame Students Walk Out During Mike Pence's Commencement Speech More Dozens of students walked out of Vice President Mike Pence\u2019s commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame on Sunday. One student sported a rainbow cape, while a number of others who walked out in protest bore rainbow flags on their graduation caps. Pence, a former governor of Indiana, has a history of hostility toward the LGBTQ community. In his remarks at the Indiana university, the vice president criticized what he called campus \u201csafe spaces\u201d and urged students not to suppress free speech. \u201cWhile this institution has maintained an atmosphere of civility and open debate, far too many campuses across America have become characterized by speech codes, safe spaces, tone policing, administration-sanctioned political correctness \u2015 all of which amounts to the suppression of free speech,\u201d he said. \u201cThese practices are destructive of learning and the pursuit of knowledge.\u201d Pence is not the only political speaker who\u2019s received a mixed welcome at the university. In 2009, then-President Barack Obama faced protests over his support for abortion rights, with some graduates choosing to skip the ceremony altogether.",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 60
    "sentence": "ESPN accepted 'SportsCenter' anchor Jemele Hill's apology for her anti-Trump tweetsOn Monday ESPN suspended Jemele Hillfor 2 weeks in response to her tweets encouraging NFL fans to boycott anyone who sponsors Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones. Hill's tweet was in response to Jones comments that any player who disrespected the flag would be cut from his team. In a statement ESPN said, \"Jemele Hill has been suspended for two weeks for a second violation of our social media guidelines. She previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet. In the aftermath, all employees were reminded of how individual tweets may reflect negatively on ESPN and that such actions would have consequences. Hence this decision.\" ESPN says that it has accepted the apology of Jemele Hill for tweeting that President Trump and his followers are \"white supremacists.\" Earlier this week, the co-host of ESPN's \u201cSC6 with Michael and Jemele\" fired off a series of tweets calling the President a \"bigot\" and \"white supremacist.\" Hill apologized for her tweets on Wednesday. \"My comments on Twitter expressed my personal beliefs.\" She wrote on Twitter. \"My regret is that my comments and the public way I made them painted ESPN in an unfair light.\" The network issued a followup statement after her apology and said that Hill has a right to her personal beliefs, but said that they are not reflective of the company's opinions or beliefs. \"She has acknowledged that her tweets crossed that line and has apologized for doing so. We accept her apology,\" they wrote. ESPN has been under intense scrutiny after they pulled their broadcaster Robert Lee off air \u201cas the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding\" in August. The Associated Press contributed to this report. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is calling for the termination of an ESPN anchor after she called President Donald Trump a white supremacist on Twitter. \u201cThat is one of the more outrageous comments that anybody could make and certainly is something that is a fireable offense by ESPN,\u201d Sanders said on Wednesday. This comes after Jemele Hill, who co-hosts a ESPN show called \u201cSC6 with Michael and Jemele,\" fired off a series of Tweets denouncing Trump and calling his supporters white supremacists. EPSN soon issued a statement in response to Smith's remarks. \u201cThe comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,\u201d the network said. \u201cWe have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.\u201d ESPN on Tuesday distanced itself from anchor Jemele Hill\u2019s tweets calling President Trump \u201ca bigot\u201d and \u201ca white supremacist.\u201d \u201cThe comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,\u201d the network tweeted from its public relation\u2019s department\u2019s account. \u201cWe have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate,\u201d ESPN added of Hill, a co-host on the 6 p.m. broadcast of the network\u2019s \u201cSportsCenter\u201d program. Hill on Monday had a series of Twitter exchanges with other users that involved her harshly criticizing Trump. \u201cDonald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/other white supremacists,\u201d she said in one tweet. \u201cTrump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime,\u201d Hill added in another post. \u201cHis rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period.\u201d Hill added in a third tweet that \u201cDonald Trump is a bigot\u201d before going on to deride the president\u2019s supporters. \u201cThe height of white privilege is being able to ignore his white supremacy, because it\u2019s of no threat to you,\u201d she said. \u201cWell, it\u2019s a threat to me.\u201d Some Twitter users on Wednesday praised Hill for singling out Trump, while others lambasted her decision instead. ESPN is owned by Disney, and neither company elaborated on a possible punishment for Hill, who was on Tuesday night\u2019s broadcast of \u201cSportsCenter\u201d like normal. Former National Football League (NFL) quarterback Colin Kaepernick, meanwhile, on Tuesday voiced support for Hill on Twitter. Kaepernick remains unsigned after playing with the San Francisco 49ers from 2011 to 2016 in a situation that remains controversial in the football world. The professional athlete began kneeling during the National Anthem last year to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Supporters say Kaepernick is making a legitimate stand for social justice, while critics charge he is acting unpatriotic instead. These celebrities ended up deleting their Twitter accounts. Let's get started!",
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    "idx": 61
    "sentence": "US General Warns Growing ISIS Presence a Major Security Problem in CaribbeanPentagon officials are used to looking for ISIS everywhere they can nowadays, and have found a security threat from them in the Caribbean, where ISIS obviously isn\u2019t a huge thing, but where growing numbers of people trying to join ISIS are seen as a concerning trend. Marine General John Kelly, set to retire later this month, says that these small numbers of ISIS supporters are a particular risk, because in small nations like Trinidad and Tobago, they don\u2019t have anything comparable to the US military or the TSA to combat ISIS. Gen. Kelly declared that \u201cjust a few of these nuts can cause an awful lot of trouble down in the Caribbean,\u201d complaining many of the islands don\u2019t even have proper militaries, let alone something like the US military, a leviathan that intervenes globally and rivals the scope off any in human history. ISIS issued a video for Trinidadian recruitment way back in 2015, showing a recruit from the island and his three young children calling on the island\u2019s Muslim population to join the fight. About 5% of the island\u2019s population is Muslim, or about 60,000 people. The indications are that Caribbean-wide ISIS recruitment was around 150 people, up from 100 the prior year. In reality, the \u201cthreat\u201d here is much less about Trinidad not having a globe-hopping military, than that ISIS isn\u2019t making such a big deal about recruits coming to Syria anymore, and is instead pressing them to launch attacks at home. This is particularly problematic for the US because many Caribbean islands are popular tourist destinations, and American tourists are a likely target. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz",
    "label": 0,
    "idx": 62
    "sentence": "Pitts: President finally gets what he deservesA remarkable thing happened recently. You might have missed it, because while it happened in plain sight, it also happened in increments. You had to put the pieces together to appreciate the magnitude of it. You see, America repudiated its president. This, of course, was in response to that pathetic performance in the wake of the tragedy in Charlottesville, Va., when he suggested moral equivalence between white supremacists and those who protest them. In response, America \u2014 a pretty broad swath of it, at least \u2014 has condemned him. The reference is not to the shellacking he took from pundits or the reprovals of GOP leaders Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. These things were to be expected. But you did not expect the Chairman and CEO of Merck to quit the president\u2019s American Manufacturing Council. And Ken Frazier\u2019s departure, which he framed as \u201ca matter of personal conscience,\u201d was just the opening salvo. He was followed through the door by members of that panel and others. By week\u2019s end, two presidential business advisory groups had ceased to exist and plans for a third had been scrapped. Members of the President\u2019s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities also resigned en masse. Meantime, Mar-a-Lago, Trump\u2019s club and de facto presidential getaway in Florida, saw a rash of charities canceling their fundraising events. The Washington Post listed the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, Susan G. Komen and the American Cancer Society among those who have chosen to hold their galas elsewhere. And there is yet more. Bob Corker, a respected Republican senator who has heretofore sought to engage with the president, raised sharp questions not just about Trump\u2019s competence, but also his \u201cstability,\u201d and called for \u201cradical changes\u201d in the White House. Five military chiefs also spoke out against the bigotry in Charlottesville, in a striking reproach of their commander. Graduates of Liberty University called on fellow alumni to return their diplomas to protest LU president Jerry Falwell Jr.\u2019s support for Trump. And it was announced that the president would not be attending the Kennedy Center Honors in December, nor host the traditional White House reception for the five honorees after three of them had spoken of boycotting the event. And really: How toxic are you when Lionel Richie doesn\u2019t want to shake your hand? It seems that a great many Americans reached a moment of decision and reacted as you would have hoped. Trump and his apologists and enablers should take note, because this does not bode well for them. For all its powers of law making, war making, budget drafting, and diplomacy, the presidency also embodies the power of moral suasion. A president uses what Theodore Roosevelt called \u201cthe bully pulpit\u201d \u2014 the honor and prestige of his office \u2014 to stand for what is right and remind us to do likewise. Problematically, that office is occupied now by a man with no moral compass, a man whose only true North is self. So what happened was sadly predictable. What was not predictable was this chorus of castigation from such a wide spectrum of American life. The stunning rebuke offers heartening evidence that we have not yet completely abandoned who and what we are supposed to be. Again, this is a moment of decision. Those who chose to separate themselves from Trump declared their values \u2014 and character. Those who supported him did, too.",
    "label": 1,
    "idx": 63