--- annotations_creators: - other language: - en language_creators: - other license: - unknown multilinguality: - monolingual pretty_name: 'France - Matches Fashion - Product-level price list' source_datasets: - original tags: - webscraping - ecommerce - 'Matches Fashion' - fashion - fashion product - image - fashion image task_categories: - text-classification - image-classification - feature-extraction - image-segmentation - image-to-image - image-to-text - object-detection - summarization - zero-shot-image-classification --- # Matches Fashion web scraped data ## About the website **Matches Fashion** operates within the **fashion retail** industry, specifically the **e-commerce sector** in the **EMEA** (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) region, with distinct operations in **France**. This industry has seen significant growth recently due to advancements in technology that have transformed how fashion retailers conduct business and engage with customers. The dataset observed for this study includes **Ecommerce product-list page (PLP) data** on Matches Fashion in France. The data provides insight into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends within the e-commerce fashion market in this region. E-commerce continues to redefine retail, providing infinite opportunities for companies like Matches Fashion within the industry. ## Link to **dataset** [France - Matches Fashion - Product-level price list dataset](https://www.databoutique.com/buy-data-page/Matches%20Fashion%20Product-prices%20France/r/recUNK1mnjKqpVDbE)