--- annotations_creators: - other language: - en language_creators: - other license: - unknown multilinguality: - monolingual pretty_name: 'South Korea - Gucci - Product-level price list' source_datasets: - original tags: - webscraping - ecommerce - 'Gucci' - fashion - fashion product - image - fashion image task_categories: - text-classification - image-classification - feature-extraction - image-segmentation - image-to-image - image-to-text - object-detection - summarization - zero-shot-image-classification --- # Gucci web scraped data ## About the website In the flourishing **fashion and luxury goods industry** in the Asia Pacific region, particularly **South Korea**, high-end brands like **Gucci** are experiencing a surge in popularity. E-commerce is a major driving force; this upward trend reflected in the dataset gathered, which includes **Ecommerce product-list page (PLP)** data on Guccis presence in South Korea. The country’s exponential rise in individual wealth and the strong influence of pop culture on fashion trends have paved the way for an increase in consumer demand. This illustrates the growing appreciation for luxury fashion brands in the Asia Pacific region. ## Link to **dataset** [South Korea - Gucci - Product-level price list dataset](https://www.databoutique.com/buy-data-page/Gucci%20Product-prices%20South%20Korea/r/recvqhieM1soAYRdL)