VOLVO 1986 RESULT OFF SLIGHTLY FROM 1985 AB Volvo <VOLV.ST> said the weakening dollar caused the drop in its 1986 profits, but company chief executive Pehr Gyllenhammar said 1986 was one of Volvo's best years ever. In its final report released earlier, the company said the group's 1986 profits before allocations and taxes was 7.53 billion crowns compared with 1985's 7.60 billion. Despite the fall, Gyllenhammar said, "Sales of industrial products have never been higher, and Volvo Cars and Volvo Trucks were both completely sold out at year-end. Operating income was slightly higher than a year earlier." He said the company's financial strength gave it exceptional opportunities to invest for the future. Although industrial sales were up, the company's yearend report said total sales were 84.09 billion crowns against 1985's 86.19 billion.