--- license: cc-by-2.0 --- # VUA20 ## Dataset Description - **Paper:** [A Report on the 2020 VUA and TOEFL Metaphor Detection Shared Task](https://aclanthology.org/2020.figlang-1.3/) ### Dataset Summary Creative Language Toolkit (CLTK) Metadata - CL Type: Metaphor - Task Type: detection - Size: 200k - Created time: 2020 VUA20 is (**perhaps**) the largest dataset of metaphor detection used in Figlang2020 workshop. For the details of this dataset, we refer you to the release [paper](https://aclanthology.org/2020.figlang-1.3/). The annotation method of VUA20 is elabrated in the paper of [MIP](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10926480709336752). ### Citation Information If you find this dataset helpful, please cite: ``` @inproceedings{Leong2020ARO, title={A Report on the 2020 VUA and TOEFL Metaphor Detection Shared Task}, author={Chee Wee Leong and Beata Beigman Klebanov and Chris Hamill and Egon W. Stemle and Rutuja Ubale and Xianyang Chen}, booktitle={FIGLANG}, year={2020} } ``` ### Contributions If you have any queries, please open an issue or direct your queries to [mail](mailto:yucheng.li@surrey.ac.uk).