import zipfile import json import os import copy from shutil import copy2, rmtree from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED ontology = { 'domains': { 'restaurant': { 'description': 'find a restaurant to eat', 'slots': { 'area': { 'description': 'area where the restaurant is located', 'is_categorical': True, 'possible_values': ["centre","north","west","south","east"] }, 'price range': { 'description': 'price range of the restaurant', 'is_categorical': True, 'possible_values': ["cheap","moderate","expensive"] }, 'food': { 'description': 'the cuisine of the restaurant', 'is_categorical': False, 'possible_values': ["afghan","african","afternoon tea","asian oriental","australasian","australian","austrian","barbeque","basque","belgian","bistro","brazilian","british","canapes","cantonese","caribbean","catalan","chinese","christmas","corsica","creative","crossover","cuban","danish","eastern european","english","eritrean","european","french","fusion","gastropub","german","greek","halal","hungarian","indian","indonesian","international","irish","italian","jamaican","japanese","korean","kosher","latin american","lebanese","light bites","malaysian","mediterranean","mexican","middle eastern","modern american","modern eclectic","modern european","modern global","molecular gastronomy","moroccan","new zealand","north african","north american","north indian","northern european","panasian","persian","polish","polynesian","portuguese","romanian","russian","scandinavian","scottish","seafood","singaporean","south african","south indian","spanish","sri lankan","steakhouse","swedish","swiss","thai","the americas","traditional","turkish","tuscan","unusual","vegetarian","venetian","vietnamese","welsh","world"] }, 'name': { 'description': 'name of the restaurant', 'is_categorical': False, 'possible_values': [] }, 'phone': { 'description': 'phone number of the restaurant', 'is_categorical': False, 'possible_values': [] }, 'address': { 'description': 'exact location of the restaurant', 'is_categorical': False, 'possible_values': [] }, 'postcode': { 'description': 'postcode of the restaurant', 'is_categorical': False, 'possible_values': [] } } } }, 'intents': { 'inform': { 'description': 'inform the value of a slot' }, 'request': { 'description': 'ask for the value of a slot' }, 'nooffer': { 'description': 'inform the user that there is no result satisfies user requirements' } }, 'state': { 'restaurant': { 'price range': '', 'area': '', 'food': '' } }, 'dialogue_acts': { "categorical": {}, "non-categorical": {}, "binary": {} } } def convert_da(utt, da): global ontology converted_da = { 'binary': [], 'categorical': [], 'non-categorical': [] } for intent, svs in da.items(): assert intent in ontology['intents'] if intent == 'nooffer': assert svs == [['none', 'none']] converted_da['binary'].append({ 'intent': intent, 'domain': 'restaurant', 'slot': '', }) continue for s, v in svs: if 'care' in v: assert v == 'dontcare', print(v) assert s == s.lower() if s == 'pricerange': s = 'price range' v = v if intent == 'request': assert v == '?' converted_da['binary'].append({ 'intent': intent, 'domain': 'restaurant', 'slot': s }) continue if s in ['price range', 'area']: assert v.lower() in ontology['domains']['restaurant']['slots'][s]['possible_values'] + ['dontcare'], print(s, v) converted_da['categorical'].append({ 'intent': intent, 'domain': 'restaurant', 'slot': s, 'value': v }) else: # non-categorical start_ch = utt.lower().find(v.lower()) if start_ch == -1: if not v == 'dontcare': print('non-categorical slot value not found') print('value: {}'.format(v)) print('sentence: {}'.format(utt)) print() converted_da['non-categorical'].append({ 'intent': intent, 'domain': 'restaurant', 'slot': s, 'value': v, }) else: converted_da['non-categorical'].append({ 'intent': intent, 'domain': 'restaurant', 'slot': s, 'value': utt[start_ch: start_ch + len(v)], 'start': start_ch, 'end': start_ch + len(v) }) assert utt[start_ch: start_ch + len(v)].lower() == v.lower() return converted_da def convert_state(slu): global ontology ret_state = copy.deepcopy(ontology['state']) for da in slu: if da['act'] != 'inform': continue for s, v in da['slots']: s = s if s != 'pricerange' else 'price range' if s not in ret_state['restaurant']: print('slot not in state') print(da) print() continue ret_state['restaurant'][s] = v return ret_state def preprocess(): # use convlab-2 version camrest which already has dialog act annotation original_data_dir = '../../camrest/' new_data_dir = 'data' os.makedirs(new_data_dir, exist_ok=True) copy2(f'{original_data_dir}/db/CamRestDB.json', new_data_dir) dataset = 'camrest' domain = 'restaurant' splits = ['train', 'validation', 'test'] dialogues_by_split = {split:[] for split in splits} for split in ['train', 'val', 'test']: data = json.load(zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(original_data_dir, f'{split}'), 'r').open(f'{split}.json')) if split == 'val': split = 'validation' cur_domains = [domain] for ori_dialog in data: dialogue_id = f'{dataset}-{split}-{len(dialogues_by_split[split])}' goal = { 'description': ori_dialog['goal']['text'], 'inform': {'restaurant': {}}, 'request': {'restaurant': {}} } for slot, value in ori_dialog['goal']['info'].items(): if slot == 'pricerange': slot = 'price range' goal['inform'][domain][slot] = value for slot in ori_dialog['goal']['reqt']: if slot == 'pricerange': slot = 'price range' goal['request'][domain][slot] = '' dialogue = { 'dataset': dataset, 'data_split': split, 'dialogue_id': dialogue_id, 'original_id': ori_dialog['dialogue_id'], 'domains': cur_domains, 'goal': goal, 'finished': ori_dialog['finished'], 'turns': [] } for turn in ori_dialog['dial']: usr_text = turn['usr']['transcript'] usr_da = turn['usr']['dialog_act'] sys_text = turn['sys']['sent'] sys_da = turn['sys']['dialog_act'] cur_state = convert_state(turn['usr']['slu']) cur_user_da = convert_da(usr_text, usr_da) usr_turn = { 'speaker': 'user', 'utterance': usr_text, 'utt_idx': len(dialogue['turns']), 'dialogue_acts': cur_user_da, 'state': cur_state, } sys_turn = { 'speaker': 'system', 'utterance': sys_text, 'utt_idx': len(dialogue['turns'])+1, 'dialogue_acts': convert_da(sys_text, sys_da), } dialogue['turns'].append(usr_turn) dialogue['turns'].append(sys_turn) for turn in dialogue['turns']: speaker = turn['speaker'] dialogue_acts = turn['dialogue_acts'] # add to dialogue_acts dictionary in the ontology for da_type in dialogue_acts: das = dialogue_acts[da_type] for da in das: ontology["dialogue_acts"][da_type].setdefault((da['intent'], da['domain'], da['slot']), {}) ontology["dialogue_acts"][da_type][(da['intent'], da['domain'], da['slot'])][speaker] = True dialogues_by_split[split].append(dialogue) dialogues = [] for split in splits: dialogues += dialogues_by_split[split] for da_type in ontology['dialogue_acts']: ontology["dialogue_acts"][da_type] = sorted([str({'user': speakers.get('user', False), 'system': speakers.get('system', False), 'intent':da[0],'domain':da[1], 'slot':da[2]}) for da, speakers in ontology["dialogue_acts"][da_type].items()]) json.dump(dialogues[:10], open(f'dummy_data.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8'), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) json.dump(ontology, open(f'{new_data_dir}/ontology.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8'), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) json.dump(dialogues, open(f'{new_data_dir}/dialogues.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8'), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) with ZipFile('', 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: for filename in os.listdir(new_data_dir): zf.write(f'{new_data_dir}/{filename}') rmtree(new_data_dir) return dialogues, ontology if __name__ == '__main__': preprocess()