sentences,adaptation Used data collected from our Climate Risk Assessments to design an ‘adaptation readiness’ test at the client level.,1 "Standard Chartered became one of the founding partners of the Bangladesh Climate and Development Partnership, which aims to use blended finance to help Bangladesh adapt to climate change.",1 "We continue to engage with our clients to understand their climate adaptation, mitigation and transition plans.",1 Physical risk adaptation remains an area of concern and we have seen downward trends across our portfolio of clients due to an increase in the number of assessments.,1 The Group uses a set of physical and transition risk rankings to identify the markets most vulnerable and least ready to adapt and mitigate climate-related physical and transition risks.,1 "From a physical risk standpoint, the rise of El Niño season (expected to peak at the beginning of 2024) is likely to exacerbate climate conditions throughout the Group’s footprint regions and we continue to monitor these as part of our annual reviews.",1 "Weather conditions, including storms and drought conditions, and the ability to recover significant storm restoration costs.",1 "Atmos Energy Kansas Securitization I, LLC (AEK), a special-purpose entity wholly owned by Atmos Energy, was formed for the purpose of issuing securitized bonds to recover extraordinary costs incurred during Winter Storm Uri.",1 "Climate adaptation risk refers to risks to our facilities or operations that may result from changes in the physical climate, such as changes to temperatures, weather patterns and sea level rise.",1 "Over time, we may need to make additional investments to protect our facilities from physical climate-related risks.",1 "Over time, we may need to make additional investments to adapt to changes in operational requirements as a result of climate change.",1 "The ERM process provides Bunge with greater oversight and management of climate-related risks and the potential financial implications, and will help ensure continued short-, medium- and long-term resilience.",1 Regulators in several jurisdictions are considering the so-called protection gap as it relates to climate – which is the view that populations are under-insured or that there is insufficient coverage to protect policyholders against the risks associated with climate change.,1 "With multiple levels of risk management processes in place, we actively analyze the latest climate science and policies to anticipate potential changes to our risk profile, pricing models and strategic planning and will continue to adapt to and evolve with the developing risk exposures attributed to climate change.",1 "We are promoting measures to prevent and mitigate losses that are increasing due to climate change and increased severe weather including making homes and communities more resilient, enforcement of stronger building codes, adoption of sensible land use policies, expanded disaster response capabilities and creation of public risk sharing mechanisms.",1 "Additionally, we could incur significant costs to improve the climate-related resiliency of our infrastructure and supply chain and otherwise prepare for, respond to and mitigate the effects of climate change.",1 "The Company could incur significant costs to improve the climate resiliency of its operations, infrastructure, and supply chain, and otherwise prepare for, respond to, and mitigate such physical effects of climate change.",1 "In addition, certain of our operations and facilities around the world are in locations that may be impacted by the physical impacts of climate change and we could incur significant costs to improve the climate resiliency of our infrastructure and supply chain and otherwise prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the effects of climate change.",1 "Across our sourcing regions, we work to develop higher-yielding, higher-quality brewing crop varieties that are also resource-efficient, disease-resistant and resilient to climate stressors such as drought.",1 "Thereby, on a case -by-case basis, we approached the landlords requesting the necessary information on the one hand, and, on the other, used existing information on climate risks and corresponding adaptation solutions that is regularly gathered as part of our standard business processes (e.g., for insurance purposes).",1 "Whenever a certain level of physical risk is identified, a climate change adaptation plan needs to be implemented.",1 Product design Risk-based rewards for preventive actions taken by policyholders (2.1) : The regulator expects an insurance product to include risk-based rewards for customers to take preventive actions in order to protect themselves or their insured assets against climate change risks.,1 "The distribution strategy for such products covers measures to ensure that policyholders are informed on the relevance of preventive measures (2.2): The regulator sees adaptation to climate change risks as an overall societal objective to which insurers and their customers should contribute, since risk-prevention is a key lever for reducing the overall economic burden.",1 "However, effective adaptation to climate change does not only require adequate pricing of risks, but also individual measures by customers.",1 "Living up to our role as a climate risk manager, we are also integrating advisory services into our customer communication and provide relevant information to customers, for example, on how to build stronger resilience against climate-related events.",1 "Moreover, we started increasing our claims payments to our customers to not only rebuild damaged assets such as buildings, but to use more sustainable or energy-efficient building materials or elements (build back better), as well as building more resilience against the adverse effects of climate change (build back stronger).",1 Alignment reporting is produced for the two published environmental objectives of climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation.,1 "Alignment screening relates to the first two climate change objectives, climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation.",1 "The most notable material issues in 2023 are the following: – Climate change: adequate management of measures aimed at adapting to the consequences of climate change through the establishment of policies, as well as the identification and management of climate risks and opportunities.",1 "In turn, as a risk mitigation lever, BBVA acts as a facilitator of financing investments that are necessary for mitigation and adaptation to climate change with more sustainable ways of life and products.",1 "Endowed with USD 20 million over five years, its ambition is to support African women in research, and create a community of African and European researchers working on climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector in Africa.",1 "In the face of the growing risks of climate change, we remain convinced of the crucial role of our industry in helping our clients protect themselves, but also in supporting them in their own adaptation with a dedicated entity, AXA Climate.",1 "Through the nature of its insurance activities, AXA Group contributes to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacities in the face of climate hazards and climate-related natural disasters (SDG 13.1).",1 "As a risk expert, AXA Group is active in improving education, awareness, and individual and institutional capacities regarding climate change adaptation, mitigation, and early warning systems (SDG 13.3).",1 "In 2022, AXA Group initiated the “AXA Forests for Good” project which aims at restoring damaged forests’ ecosystems to make them more resilient to climate change and a better host for biodiversity (please refer to Section 4.4 “Inclusive Insurer” for more details).",1 "Operational resilience seeks to ensure the continuity of services to AXA Group’s customers, through the protection of its employees and operations in case of major events including climate hazards.",1 "In 2023, the Group initiated a multi-year working group for Climate Resilience and Adaptation for Future Threats (CRAFT) to analyze the vulnerability of our own operations to climate related hazards and adapt our existing readiness frameworks and readiness levels.",1 "The Group issued an internal Flood Readiness Guideline, published a public version (1) and launched the Paris Flood Task Force to ensure we raise further our level of resilience to this specific risk scenario.",1 "During the 2023 annual CRAFT Seminar, that brought together various professional families with a role in helping ensure the resilience of AXA to Climate Change-related risks, the CRAFT roadmap for 2024 was announced with a commitment to develop Heatwave Readiness Guidelines, both internal and public.",1 "In order to regularly measure and monitor the evolution of its business continuity capabilities, which is a fundamental operational resilience building block to ensure readiness to climate change risks, the Group measures the number of entities that have tested all business continuity plans for high and mission critical business processes.",1 "ORRAA brings together the finance and insurance sectors along with governments, non-profits, and stakeholders to: drive investment in marine and coastal natural capital; reduce ocean and climate risks; and build resilience in coastal communities.",1 AXA Climate also works with governments in the agriculture sector to protect farmers against yield losses due to multiple climate risks.,1 They will work on improving assessment and designing new climate adaptation approaches to those risks.,1 "Integrate environmental issues into the Group’s insurance business activities and provide climate-related risk transfer products and adaptation services to communities, including those most impacted by climate change.",1 Under the Climate Delegated Act Non-Life insurance activities through the underwriting of climate-related perils can indeed qualify as contributing substantially to climate change adaptation.,1 "Non-Life insurance products covering climate related perils distributed by AXA entities generally contain features that help customers to better adapt to the consequences of climate change, including incentives to prevent its effects on property and people.",1 This network will facilitate the development and introduction of additional products and/or features which align to the EU Taxonomy insurance product criteria for climate change adaptation.,1 "Our innovative products, solutions and technologies help to improve quality of life and protect the environment as well as the climate.",1 We are also addressing the question of how climate change affects our sites and implementing climate resilience measures (see page 113) .,1 "In the wake of advancing climate change, the resulting water shortages and extreme weather events, climate resilience measures are becoming increasingly important.",1 "We adapt our portfolio to the specific requirements of regional markets as customer requirements, crops, soils, climate conditions, plant diseases and farming practices vary around the world.",1 "At sites with material climate risk, the existence of adaptation solutions was additionally analyzed and evaluated.",1 "Alongside these commitments, our Crop Science Division is delivering innovations to strengthen climate resilience, with further significant contributions being made in the value chains of the agricultural industry.",1 "The criteria for climate change adaptation are assessed at site level, while in some cases highly granular requirements for the other environmental objectives are examined at the individual asset level.",1 We are working to advance climate change adaptation while also aiming to counteract changing environmental conditions through innovation and new approaches in order to help streng then climate resilience.,1 Our business planning takes account of research and development expenses for product innovations that can help adapt our business model to the impact of climate change.,1 Climate change adaptation: A robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment is required for both economic activity CCM 3.3 and economic activity CCM 6.5 to determine that they do not cause significant harm to Environmental Objective II.,1 "Implementing early-stage adjustments to the supply chain to address climate change enhances its long-term resilience, thereby ensuring business continuity.",1 •Water: We are advancing solutions to address global water challenges by enhancing flood resilience and improving water management.,1 CRH will continue to invest in solutions that strengthen circularity and resilience to climate change in the built environment.,1 "The transition towards regenerative agricultural practices, efforts to maintain ingredients’ availability as well as the climate efficiency of operations are key to adapt Danone’s business model to this environmental change building resilience, efficiency and consumer preference.",1 Specific actions related to feed resilience in light of increasing drought and water scarcity will be tested and implemented by the farmers.,1 "Wetland conservation (carbon sinks) RamsarDanone has been a partner of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands since 1998, with the aim of protecting wetlands as an important carbon sink essential to climate mitigation and adaptation.",1 "For example, the deployment of regenerative agriculture in the value chain aims not only to reduce carbon emissions, but also to support biodiversity, soil health, improve water management and animal welfare while accompanying farmers towards resilient agriculture in the face of climate change.",1 "As we approach 2050, climate change adaptation will become increasingly critical and is already so in some of the most exposed regions.",1 The SFICS provides criteria to flag the Group's financing and investment activities as sustainable (that help mitigate or adapt to climate change).,1 "• Evolution of the Klima management tool: In Q3’23 we have integrated a physical risk assessment module into our tool, which allows the identification of physical risks in collaterals and client portfolios, adjusting their vulnerability by economic activity.",1 "Waste & Water Management Activities to adapt to, or mitigate, climate change; preserve Financing of water, waste and soil biodiversity; boost the circular treatment, greater energy efficiency, Circular economy economy and waste & water lower emissions and conservation.",1 "Nonetheless, EssilorLuxottica pays high vigilance to climate events and prepares comprehensive adaptation measures to ensure business continuity.",1 EssilorLuxottica pays close attention to climate events and prepares comprehensive adaptation measures to ensure business continuity.,1 "•Eyes on Carbon : EssilorLuxottica is committed to addressing climate change and preserving the environment by reducing energy consumption and water use within its operations , limiting its carbon footprint across the value chain and being resilient to climate-related risks.",1 The Company aims to maintain good knowledge of global climate projections and assess its vulnerability to climate change risks to improve its resilience and prepare the business for potential consequences.,1 "This updated climate risk model helps the Group screen the physical climate risk exposure of a specific site based on its location, anticipate and prepare for potential climate hazards, raise awareness and protect employees in urgent situations and improve the resilience of its assets and supply chain.",1 "Looking ahead to 2024 During 2024 we will continue to deepen the understanding of our impacts on climate change, strengthen our resilience to climate-related risks and seek to identify ways of capitalising on climate-related opportunities.",1 "Hermès provides financial support to its historical supplier so that it can adapt to climate change, such as irrigation and mechanisation, as well as carry out tests of mulberry trees that are more resistant to climatic hazards, with a view to adaptation.",1 "Hermès has based its approach to adapting to climate change on the identification of risks and the assessment of their relevance in order to define action plans within each métier, with the assistance of a consulting firm and the use of authoritative tools.",1 "To strengthen the resilience of this sector, Hermès is already providing financial support to its partner in Brazil for its work in adapting to climate change.",1 "An agroforestry project in Ghana covering 17 ,000 hectares aims to support the adaptation to climate change of small cocoa farmers and improve their living conditions.",1 "The DNSH criteria, for each of the Taxonomy activities, were applied as follows: 7.2 Renovation of existing buildings DNSH adaptation – The Climate Delegated Act recommends compliance with three criteria: Hermès has carried out an analysis of the physical risks impacting its main sectors since 2019.",1 "Depending on the ranking obtained and the results of the climate projections, Hermès undertakes the construction of adaptation plans consistent with the nature of the assets concerned, their geographical location and the priority physical climate risks.",1 "In 2023, a study was also conducted on the supply chain to identify the physical and transition risks related to climate change, thus enabling the construction of resilience plans.",1 "Companies must do their part to combat this risk through mitigation actions, reducing their emissions and decarbonising their business model, and also by acting against the impacts of climate change, by improving their adaptation and resilience capacities.",1 "Physical risks The main management and mitigation mechanisms applied are as follows: – Consideration of climate change in new investment decisions, to make future assets more climate resilient.",1 "Based on the impacts discussed (which take into account the current uncertainty associated with climate projections) and the mitigating elements in place, it is estimated that the physical risks of climate change may not have a material and permanent impact on the consolidated figures of the Group, which is believed to be globally resilient.",1 "Generally speaking, their objectives fall into two categories: initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions or policies designed to promote climate change adaptation.",1 "Each facility has recovery curves assigned to it, depending on the severity of the scenarios, their vulnerability and resilience to each climate phenomenon.",1 "To achieve this, the fund invests in agricultural communities, project leaders and NGOs so as to implement regenerative approaches that not only preserve the viability of the land but also benefit farmers, enhance animal welfare and the health of ecosystems, and foster climate change mitigation and resilience.",1 "Analysis of the alignment of activities by type of activity For each of the eligible activities previously described, an assessment was carried out of the technical criteria in the climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives, specifically for CapEx.",1 Compliance with the technical screening criteria of ‘Do No Significant Harm’ (DNSH) specific to the activity • Climate change adaptation: no material physical climate risks were identified that might affect the performance of the reported activity pursuant to the provisions of Annex A of the Climate Delegated Act.,1 "Furthermore, the Group has defined adaptation measures aimed at reducing its exposure to risks, thereby adapting to the consequences of climate change.",1 And we continue to call for more concrete guidance from governments and regulators on climate risk and climate adaptation.,1 "We’re working to become more resilient to climate risk, and have the ambition to become an expert in managing and mitigating these risks as we are in managing credit and other forms of financial risk.",1 "By aggregating this information, we’ll improve our insights into our clients’ transition plans, and be better able to identify both risks and opportunities - enabling us to better support our clients in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change.",1 The strategy includes climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and aims to transform Kering's entire industry.,1 "The Group plans to manage these climate-related risks and opportunities, anticipate their effects and ensure its resilience by adapting its business model, governance and decision-making processes, and its supply chain.",1 "The Group has therefore made climate action a key part of its Sustainability Strategy by means of a dedicated Climate Strategy, which includes climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and aims to transform Kering’s and the industry.",1 "Kering intends to manage climate-related risks and opportunities, anticipate their effects and ensure its resilience by adapting its business model, governance and decision-making processes, and its supply chain.",1 These regenerative agriculture projects support climate resilience.,1 "These factors together help make the ecosystem more resilient to climate change impacts, such as extreme weather events and temperature fluctuations, thereby protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable production for future generations.",1 "Furthermore, Kering did not directly implement any solutions responding to the objective of adaptation in 2023, as in the light of the Group’s activities and risk review, expenditures over the year are related mainly to climate change mitigation measures.",1 "The Group analyzed the risks of exposure to chronic and acute physical risks and adaptation related to climate change, as well as the vulnerability of various sites (see section 5.2.2).",1 "Kering’s approach to tackling climate change features a two-pronged drive to: (i) reduce the impact of its operations, and (ii) to enhance its foresight and ability to adapt so that it can mitigate the impact of physical and transition risks on its business (shifting consumer expectations, physical risks to its installations, impact on sourcing of its raw materials, etc.).",1 "•In September , the Group announced the creation of the €15 million L’Oréal Climate Emergency fund to help vulnerable communities prepare for and recover from climate disasters through partnerships with local relief organizations and international NGOs.",1 Rice bran oil: improving resilience to climate change in Thailand L’Oréal uses rice bran oil for its anti-dandruff and antioxidant properties (haircare and skincare products).,1 L’Oréal works with the PUR Projet NGO and its supplier to support the OASIS cooperative in reducing the amount of methane produced by rice farming in the region and to improve its resilience to the effects of climate change.,1 "Along with this dynamic move towards a low-carbon transition , L’Oréal intends to fully manage the risks and opportunities related to climate change , anticipate their effects and ensure its resilience.",1 "In 2023 , aligned investments for the climate change mitigation objective were €139 million , with €114 million invested for the climate change adaptation objective.",1 "With a budget of €15 million , it is intended to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities in the face of climate disasters.",1 "The funds will be directed towards two types of actions: “prepare” , to help minimise the impact of climate disasters before they occur , through disaster planning and early warning systems; and “repair” , to restore essential infrastructures and vital services such as healthcare , housing and access to food and water when disaster strikes.",1 "In terms of the climate change adaptation objective: In addition to complying with the technical criteria of the DNSH principle under the climate change mitigation objective , the Group is satisfied that adequate adaptation solutions exist in terms of equipment and infrastructure for the predominant physical risks identified.",1 SEADRIF helps protect Laos against catastrophic flood events.,1 "The technical screening criteria for determining substantial contributions to climate change adaptation are: leadership in the modelling and pricing of climate risks, product design and/or support of the development and provision of appropriate non -life insurance products, innovative (re)insurance coverage solutions, data sharing, and a high level of service in post - disaster situations.",1 "As insurers, we contribute both to the adaptation to climate change risks and to the mitigation of climate risks.",1 "Consequently, we have performed cross- balance sheet scenario analyses in order to estimate how resilient the company is in the event of various climate change scenarios and in order to devise specific actions to be taken.",1 This is due to our ability to regularly adapt risk and natural-hazard models to take the effects of climate change into appropriate consideration.,1 "We engage with our peers, civil society and the public sector on climate action and the role of banks in transitioning the real economy towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future.",1 This internal framework for evaluating customers’ climate transition plans and the extent to which they are adapting their business models towards being aligned with 1.5°C supports targeted customer engagements.,1 "We aim to be part of a collective movement that works towards a just transition of our society, to achieve a low-carbon, climate-resilient and circular economy, and partnering up with suppliers is a prerequisite for succeeding with that.",1 "Over the long term, it leads to an increase in yields, better resilience to climate change and improved living standards for farming communities.",1 We’re consistently working on reducing our carbon emissions and adapting our business to ensure resilience in the face of climate-related risks.,1 "Regenerative agriculture is a resilient alternative that addresses climate change, promotes biodiversity, and provides the long-term yields that enable sustainable communities and businesses.",1 We then worked together to replace old and less productive coffee trees with new plants that are disease-resistant and more resilient to climate change.,1 "They set out the rules and measures to be taken during episodes of heat stress, flooding, pollution and drought in order to protect the health of employees and the safety of property.",1 "• By applying strict quality criteria, SAP aims to support initiatives which restore and protect the right trees in the right places and have a positive impact on the local community, biodiversity , and climate.",1 "– In 2023, we rolled out a vulnerability and adaptation questionnaire to our own data centers to ensure (on-site) measures are planned and/or in place to address the identified applicable main climate change risk(s).",1 "All planting projects shall grow a selection of genetically diverse, at best native and climate-resilient trees in mixed stands.",1 "Schneider Electric has embedded climate-related risks reviews into its decision making, to mitigate risk exposure and ensure resilience.",1 " Risks, opportunities, and impact assessment and adaptation measures Schneider Electric proactively identifies and measures climate-related risk and opportunity to assess existing and potential impacts to its business, operations, and value chain.",1 "As a result, climate and weather-related risks are part of the Group’s Business Continuity & Risk Management program, leading to preventive investment to secure assets and adapt to material climate and weather risks.",1 "As a result, the Group took the appropriate adaptation measures to mitigate risk exposure and enhance resilience: • Development of a flood emergency response plan.",1 "The Group supports innovative technologies and projects that reduce and remove carbon dioxide, modernize and digitize the grid, accelerate clean energy, and strengthen resilience to the impacts of a changing climate.",1 "Their solution includes a combination of hardware, inputs, financing, and advisory with the ambition to allow farmers to double their income while making their farm climate-resilient for generations to come.",1 This applies to activities belonging to objectives: Climate change adaptation: Schneider has assessed physical climate risks that are material to its activity.,1 Climate adaptation risks are also studied and mitigated at site level for the Group’s industrial and key logistic sites.,1 "Finally, aging infrastructure may complicate our utility operations ability to address climate change concerns and efforts to enhance resiliency and reliability.",1 "Historically, Houston Electric has been able to recover the costs incurred in restoring its transmission and distribution properties following hurricanes or other disasters through issuance of storm restoration bonds or a change in its regulated rates or otherwise.",1 CenterPoint Energy’s current 10-year capital plan includes capital expenditures to maintain reliability and safety and increase resiliency of its systems as climate change may result in more frequent significant weather events.,1 CMS Energy and Consumers have announced ambitious plans to reduce their impact on climate change and increase the reliability of their electric distribution system.,1 "Modernization of the electric grid, including smart meters, storm hardening, self-healing and targeted undergrounding, helps to ensure the system is better prepared for severe weather, improves the system's reliability and flexibility, and provides better information and services for our customers.",1 "In December 2022, high winds and extreme cold from Winter Storm Elliott, customer demand that was higher than forecasted, and the inability to import additional power from out of state, resulted in the need to temporarily interrupt service to about 500,000 customers to maintain overall grid reliability and prevent further potential disruptions in the Carolinas.",1 "Our workforce and our contract partners worked hard to prepare for this year’s storm season, through drills, material planning, call center readiness, contingency planning, and customer communications.",1 "As discussed further in Note 4, Duke Energy Florida maintains a storm damage reserve and has a regulatory mechanism to recover the cost of named storms on an expedited basis.",1 SCE and Edison International are investing in building a more resilient grid to reduce climate- and weather-related vulnerabilities.,1 "Since 2018, SCE has been adapting to climate change through system hardening to reduce wildfire risk.",1 "In its 2025 GRC, SCE proposed climate adaptation investments to address wildfire and physical risks that could occur by 2030.",1 "In October 2023, SCE requested authority to recover revenue requirements associated with 2022 operations and maintenance and capital expenditures above levels authorized in wildfire mitigation accounts and the vegetation management balancing account.",1 "Severe weather events, including drought, increasingly severe windstorms and rising sea-levels, pose risks to SCE's infrastructure and SCE and Edison International are investing in building a more resilient grid to reduce climate- and weather-related vulnerabilities.",1 "System Resilience and Storm Hardening Entergy Louisiana In December 2022, Entergy Louisiana filed an application with the LPSC seeking a public interest finding regarding Phase I of Entergy Louisiana’s Future Ready resilience plan and approval of a rider mechanism to recover the program’s costs.",1 "System Resilience and Storm Hardening In December 2022, Entergy Louisiana filed an application with the LPSC seeking a public interest finding regarding Phase I of Entergy Louisiana’s Future Ready resilience plan and approval of a rider mechanism to recover the program’s costs.",1 The decrease was partially offset by an increase of $46.8 million in transmission construction expenditures primarily due to increased investment in the reliability and infrastructure of Entergy Mississippi’s transmission system in 2023 and an increase of $27.5 million in distribution construction expenditures primarily due to higher capital expenditures for storm restoration in 2023.,1 System Resilience and Storm Hardening In October 2021 the City Council passed a resolution and order establishing a docket and procedural schedule with respect to system resiliency and storm hardening.,1 The “Resilience Measure Achievement Level” is based on a model that predicts the percentage reduction in the Company’s storm restoration costs associated with the completion of infrastructure resilience projects specified in the model that are actually completed during each year of the Performance Period (“Annual Resilience Cost Reduction Percentage”).,1 "Storm reserves established by the Evergy Companies may be insufficient and rates may not be adjusted in a timely manner, or at all, to recover these costs.",1 "In response to the 2021 Massachusetts climate legislation calling for increased electrification of the transportation and building sectors, in 2023, Eversource developed an Electric Sector Modernization Plan (ESMP) detailing steps the Company will take over the next five and ten years to help ensure reliability and resiliency while supporting a clean energy future.",1 "Eversource assesses the physical impacts of climate change that are event-driven or due to longer-term shifts in climate patterns, as well as transitional impacts related to a shift to a lower-carbon economy and changes to address mitigation and adaptation requirements.",1 We are reinforcing existing critical facilities to withstand storm surges and all future substations are being “flood hardened” to better protect our system against storm surges associated with the increasing risk of severe weather .,1 "Additionally, we collaborate with other utility providers and industry partners across the country to better understand storm hazards and develop solutions to improve our system reliability .",1 "CL&P Regulatory Matters CL&P Tropical Storm Isaias Response Investigation: On April 28, 2021, PURA issued a final decision on CL&P’ s compliance with its emergency response plan that concluded CL&P failed to comply with certain storm performance standards and was imprudent in certain instances regarding its preparation for, and response to, Tropical Storm Isaias.",1 "Adaptation risk refers to risks to the Registrants' facilities or operations that may result from changes to the physical climate and environment, such as changes to temperature, weather patterns and sea level.",1 "Over time, the Registrants are making additional investments to protect their facilities from physical climate-related risks.",1 "Over time, the Registrants are making additional investments to adapt to changes in operational requirements to manage demand changes and customer expectations caused by climate change.",1 "These applications are broadly focused on improving grid resilience with an emphasis on disadvantaged communities, relief of capacity constraints and modernizing infrastructure, deployment of DER and microgrid technologies and providing improved resilience through storm hardening projects.",1 Requested revenue requirement increases will be used to recover capital investments designed to increase the resilience of the electric and gas distribution systems and support Maryland's climate and regulatory initiatives.,1 Requested revenue requirement increases will be used to recover capital investments designed to advance system-readiness and support the District of Columbia’s climate and clean energy goals.,1 Requested revenue requirement increases will be used to recover capital investments designed to advance system-readiness and support Maryland's climate and clean energy goals.,1 "the settlement additionally includes a new low-income customer advocacy program, storm restoration work and service reliability investments.",1 "To build resilience to these hazards, the Utility is working to systematically integrate forward-looking climate data and tools into its decision-making.",1 "PG&E Corporation and the Utility also work with policymakers and regulators to advance effective climate change policy in California, and work directly with local governments and communities on adaptation solutions.",1 "PG&E Corporation and the Utility are committed to designing an electric system that is resilient to climate change, decarbonized, and optimized to local and system needs.",1 Undergrounding can substantially reduce ignition risk and improve reliability during storms or periods of high wildfire risk.,1 "In addition, the Utility uses multiple weather models on a daily basis that indicate which circuits to enable with safety settings and which to put in normal protection settings, optimizing for wildfire risk reduction when needed and enhancing reliability when wildfire risk is low.",1 Adapting to the Physical Impacts of Climate Change Effectively managing physical climate risk will become increasingly critical as the physical impacts of climate change become increasingly frequent and severe over the coming years in California.,1 "The Utility’s climate resilience efforts continue to focus on characterizing and mitigating the physical impacts of climate change to the Utility’s infrastructure, assets, and operations.",1 The Utility has conducted regional community engagement campaigns throughout its service area to understand how some of the most vulnerable communities the Utility serves think about climate hazards and adaptation.,1 "If the CPUC does not authorize sufficient funding for investments in the Utility’s infrastructure, it may negatively impact the Utility’s ability to modernize the grid and make it resilient to risks related to climate change, including wildfires.",1 "In particular, the Utility will need to make substantial, sustained investments to its infrastructure to adapt to climate change, enable the clean energy transition, and mitigate wildfire risk.",1 "Over this same period of time, APS also intends to harden its infrastructure in order to improve climate resiliency, which involves system and operational improvements aimed at reducing the impact of extreme weather events and other climate-related disruptions upon APS’s operations.",1 "We also continue to assess physical risks of climate change and adapt our capital investment program to improve the reliability and resiliency of our system in an environment of increasing frequency and severity of weather events, notably through our investments in our Energy Strong program and Infrastructure Advancement Program and our investments in transmission infrastructure upgrades.",1 "In order to do this, we will continue to: • seek approval of and execute on our utility capital investment program to modernize our infrastructure, improve the reliability and resilience of the service we provide to our customers, and align our sustainability and climate goals with New Jersey’s energy policy.",1 "Electric and Gas Distribution—investments for new business, reliability improvements, flood mitigation, and modernization and replacement of equipment that has reached the end of its useful life.",1 "This journey involves major legal, regulatory, technological and market changes to mitigate and adapt to climate change and protect the environment and ecosystems*.",1 "And further strict criteria must still then be met before an exposure can be considered aligned, in particular as regards the adaptation of the property to climate events.",1 "In addition, since 2023 SGIP has supported real estate programmes that anticipate climate change with virtuous commitments to protect biodiversity, which they promote to investor clients.",1 "More specifically concerning the analysis of the criteria related to the environmental objective ""Climate change adaptation "", TotalEnergies relies on its process of analyzing the physical risks associated with climate change (refer to section 5.4.3).",1 "Protecting and regenerating nature Our Climate & Nature Fund continues to support our work to protect and regenerate 1.5 million hectares of land, forests and oceans by 2030.",1 This has included implementing hundreds of actions to help mitigate and adapt against climate-related risks.,1 The review of residual values and useful lives have taken into consideration the impacts of climate change and the actions we undertake to mitigate and adapt against these climate-related risks and there is no material impact on the income statement for this year.,1 It is using its know-how in water management and the rehabilitation of public spaces to strengthen urban climate resilience and reduce heat islands.,1 "Climate resilience IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, in the heart of London, VINCI Construction is participating in the Thames Tideway Tunnel, a major project to prevent heavy rains from polluting the Thames while sustainably improving water quality.",1 "They are for example working on low-carbon public transport infrastructure programmes (such as the Grand Paris Express in France and the HS2 high-speed rail line in the United Kingdom), civil engineering works for hydro and other renewable energy infrastructure (including pumped storage power plants), and climate resilience structures.",1 "Structural demand for mobility, along with the large investments needed to adapt transport infrastructure to low-carbon uses while reinforcing its climate resilience, will deliver a long-term boost to transport infrastructure concessions.",1 "LEONARD Leonard’s foresight work in 2023 focused on emerging risks in the Group’s various businesses, climate change adaptation and the transformations in the mobility sector between now and 2050.",1 "Adapt infrastructure and activities to improve their climate resilience, suppliers and partners through the development of shared solutions.",1 "In response to the challenge of adapting to the consequences of climate change, a research group from the Leonard innovation and foresight platform, reflecting the full scope of VINCI’s expertise, has continued its work in addressing resilience.",1 "And lastly, maintenance and climate resilience operations were carried out in Slovakia on the Via Pribina expressway (pavement upgrades on a 14 km section) and in Peru on the Lima Expresa highways (consolidating the banks of the Rímac river along the road to prevent damage in case of flooding).",1 The investment required over the coming years and decades to transform motorways and airports into low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure makes the concession contract model appear even more appropriate.,1 "Those associated with low-carbon mobility, renewable energy production, the water cycle and climate resilience account for a significant proportion of its civil engineering projects.",1 "In the hydraulic infrastructure sector, VINCI Construction is carrying out major projects associated with water resource management, renewable energy production and climate resilience issues: in the UK, the Thames Tideway Tunnel (East works package), a system that transfers and stores London’s wastewater and stormwater.",1 "They have also taken part in a growing number of climate adaptation projects (combating urban heat islands, landscaping schoolyards, rethinking or introducing parks and gardens, soil unsealing), for example with their new Revilo® integrated offering.",1 "VINCI Construction also saw very strong business levels, driven by works on major mobility infrastructure projects, structures intended to provide greater climate resilience, and energy renovation.",1 "In 2023, 22 airports designed their long-term business plan to include several environmental criteria, such as climate resilience, changes in CO 2 equivalent emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3), and sustainable investments.",1 "VINCI provides regions with concrete solutions to address climate change, including the construction and financing of infrastructure adaptation projects (sea walls, tunnels, bridges, water desalination plants, etc.)",1 "Its panel represents VINCI’s various activities, with support from Resallience, VINCI’s engineering and design office focused on climate resilience that works on adapting projects, cities, regions, infrastructure and their uses to climate change.",1 "The Group is also carrying out significant research internally and with its scientific partners on issues such as adapting neighbourhoods to heatwaves, managing the urban heat island effect, flood prevention, etc.",1 A climate resilience study was launched in 2021 for the South Europe Atlantic high-speed rail line using the methodology described in the Cerema paper “Vulnérabilités et risques : les infrastructures de transport face au climat” (Vulnerability and risks: transport infrastructure and climate change).,1 "VINCI Autoroutes is participating in testing Ademe’s ACT Adaptation method, which measures companies’ ability to adapt to climate change.",1 "The purpose of this review is to define the key aspects of vulnerability, provide socio-economic data on the effects of climate change on the network and its functionality, and develop adaptation measures to reduce the vulnerabilities identified.",1 "The second is a study of the resilience of the regional transport system in partnership with Région Sud – Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur with the aim of adapting to climate change, along with an assessment of the future physical risks to infrastructure.",1 " Climate change adaptation projects The Group plans in advance for any necessary changes to cities and their energy, communication, transport, water and sewer infrastructure, by incorporating eco-design into its projects, an approach that studies the structure’s whole life cycle.",1 "Adaptations have also been implemented following vulnerability analyses, as in the case of the A10 motorway, where Cofiroute (VINCI Autoroutes ) created a unique hydraulic structure under the motorway to protect it in the event of at least a 50-year flood of the Retrève river in the Loiret department of north-central France.",1 "Throughout the project life cycle, the Group’s priority is to have as little impact as possible on natural environments, while adapting to emerging ecological and climate challenges.",1 "Certified to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and to the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCB Standards) at Gold level, this project aims to preserve the biodiversity of the Peruvian rainforest and adapt it to climate change.",1 VINCI offers solutions to make buildings and regions more resilient to climate change.,1 Extracting these resources carries the risk of degrading natural environments and reducing a region’s resilience to climate change.,1 Working proactively to adapt buildings and infrastructure to extreme weather events and developing technical skills and knowledge to reinforce building structures are a core part of solutions to climate change challenges.,1 "The Group has conducted research on issues including flood prevention, adapting neighbourhoods to heatwaves and managing the urban heat island effect.",1 "VINCI’s engineering and design office Resallience, which is dedicated to increasing the climate resilience of geographies, infrastructure and their uses, has also developed vulnerability maps and action plans for certain projects on behalf of Group divisions.",1 "In addition, the ResiLens tool was used to assess the resilience of a significant sample of infrastructure projects, over the average lifetime for infrastructure (20 years); see paragraph, “Measuring physical climate risks”, of the “Environmental performance” section, page 245.",1 "(*) Qualitative information: adaptation measures taken to improve the climate resilience of structures and activities; prevention of pollution and incidents; inclusion and diversity (VINCI Manifesto); measures to promote business ethics (Code of Ethics, Anti-corruption Code of Conduct); sustainable relationships with local suppliers (VINCI’s socio-economic footprint in France).",1 Climate change adaptation We performed a climate risk and vulnerability assessment to identify which production sites may be affected by physical climate risks.,1 "In continuing to develop and implement our climate pathway, we maintain an overview of the risks, e.g., those resulting from future increases in prices for causing greenhouse gas emissions or the impact of climate change on our buildings, as well as the opportunities, e.g., in the form of climate-resilient and particularly competitive neighborhoods.",1 "Adaptation measures include, in particular, insulating buildings and replacing windows to provide protection against heat and cold, creating shade using blinds and shutters, and installing suitable equipment designed to handle the infiltration and absorption of larger amounts of precipitation.",1 "Climate-resilient products As a UK insurer, since 2016 our UK Household business has taken part in the Flood Re scheme, which is designed to allow insurers to offer more affordable insurance for UK homes built before 2009 in areas most at risk of flooding.",1 "Our net zero ambition We strive to help more people look after their future, which includes contributing to global efforts on climate resilience through limiting our impact upon the planet, as best we can.",1 "• We promote resilience to climate-related hazards through our community initiatives, such as a Sustainable Land Management and tree planting project in Boré, Kenya which also employed women and local unemployed youth.",1 Demonstrating resilience to climate-related events and seizing opportunities aligns with their expectations and contributes to the Group’s overall robustness.,1 We strive to mitigate the impacts we have on the environment while adapting our operations and products to the wider challenges and risks presented by climate change.,1 Our Group-level policies and processes have been revised to include our decarbonisation ambitions and to strengthen our climate resilience.,1 "As such, climate transition and climate resilience remained important areas of discussion during our meetings this year.",1 "There are a number of core practices and processes that support the business to remain resilient and adapt to the impacts of climate change, whilst controlling the financial impacts to the Group.",1 "–Property, plant and equipment – the useful economic life of existing capitalised assets across the Group has been reviewed in light of any repairs, upgrades to existing infrastructure, or future investment in facilities that will be required as a result of the climate-related risks and opportunities identified across our sites.",1 We will continue to evaluate (and when necessary accelerate) our existing response measures to ensure that our business continues to be resilient to the assessed risks and is able to capitalise on business opportunities that our response to climate change may offer.,1 Bunzl’s supply chain flexibility and lack of fixed manufacturing assets provide operational resilience to the physical impacts of climate change.,1 "Adaptation to extreme weather The business impact of extreme weather is already included in our climate model, as it could be a driver of lower GDP growth.",1 "While the flexibility of Bunzl’s supply chain has provided good operational resilience to the physical impacts of climate change, there could be an impact if several key customers in a high risk region were impacted simultaneously.",1 Our specialist internal teams partnered with external climate resilience experts to conduct qualitative and quantitative risk assessments and scenario analysis to identify climate-related risks and opportunities.,1 "Compass US supporting the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association to provide advice and support to small farmers), focusing on sustainable farming practices and climate resilience –strategic diversification of suppliers and sourcing regions –increased use of alternative farming methods.",1 "The resilience of the Group strategy Compass Group’s sustainability leadership, climate net zero roadmap and well-established plant-forward strategy make us more resilient and adaptable than many of our peers to the impacts of climate change, most notably evolving client and consumer demands and the projected climate impacts on animal protein production costs and availability.",1 "Regarding our climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, we have now harmonised our risk framework with the central Enterprise Risk Framework (ERM), enabling us to allocate divisional and site-level risks and controls to designated risk owners, with the goal of further refining site-specific nuances through a standardised methodology.",1 We recognise the importance of maturing our approach to integrating physical climate change risks and adaptation into financial planning and decision-making processes.,1 "The approach to adaptation measures is based on climate models to produce actionable information for the design, construction, operation and closure of its mining assets, considering climate change.",1 "—Production sites are included within a loss-prevention survey programme and are routinely visited to ensure appropriate resilience measures are in place, including flood, wind and storm protection.",1 —Increased costs due to long-term chronic drought affecting crop supply and implementation of adaptation measures such as irrigation solutions.,1 "To evaluate and assess the resilience of its business to climate change, the Group assessed the impact of damage and disruption caused by extreme weather events, reduced availability and increased price volatility of raw materials due to climate change, carbon pricing regulations and loss of attractiveness due to consumers’ increasing expectations.",1 Among eight women-led projects focused on innovative solutions to climate change is one in Guatemala focused on food security and resilience by restoring traditional home gardens; another in Bangladesh enhancing climate-resilient groundwater supply; and one in Uganda using aquifer storage and recovery to enable local women to advance a climate resilient food supply.,1 "The heightened need for innovation in climate adaptation infrastructure may increase demand for our environmental products and services for the scientific, technical and other communities.",1 "In addition, we are working to effectively adapt our assets and activities to enhance our resilience to the physical risks related to climate change where needed.",1 "The level of predictability is such that the need for investment in climate adaptation measures at the assets is not immediate and the results mean we are in a position to monitor the assets and determine whether there is any need for adaptation action, e.g.",1 "6) whether physical risk considerations have been incorporated into the asset plans for the assets that we assessed as susceptible to higher physical risk, we were satisfied that assets included mitigation and adaptation plans and the associated costs in the operating plan.",1 "For example, we carried out a review of physical climate risks for our eligible activities in line with the requirements of the Generic criteria for Do No Significant Harm to Climate Change Adaptation (Appendix A).",1 "This flexibility in mandates and holding periods is a considerable strength which provides great resilience to many risks, including climate-related risks, and which has supported our ability to pivot our investment towards sectors and niches that benefit from sustainable growth trends (see pages 16 and 17).",1 "In line with our Climate Change Strategy and our Water Policy,1 we support our neighbouring communities in adjusting to climate change through water stewardship.",1 "Additionally, as climate-related risks and opportunities have impacted our supply chain and with the increasing severity of sea swells, which have delayed the delivery of some critical resources, Antofagasta has decided to strengthen its resilience by increasing its storage capacity and revising some of its supply chain strategies, particularly for diesel and acid.",1 "• Metrics and Targets, climate-related metrics – Climate Metrics & Targets: We have estimated the capital expenditure we expect will be required to mitigate and adapt to climate change.",1 "• Following our evaluation of climate change issues that could affect our supply chain, we have strengthened the resilience of our supply chains for some of our critical resources, such as diesel and acid.",1 Our Climate Change Strategy’s fourth pillar defines two priorities in relation to biodiversity: nature-based solutions for CO2 capture and to address adaptation to acute and chronic physical risks.,1 "We constantly seek to identify risks associated with climate change and to implement actions to adapt to and mitigate their potential impact, such as increasing our stocks of strategic resources.",1 This project is designed to contribute to enhancing the resilience of Los Pelambres from the future impact of climate change and the deteriorating availability of water in the region.,1 "With respect to climate change, the objective is to facilitate early action and adaptation in relation to risks and opportunities.",1 DS Smith may also need to work with local and national governments to improve infrastructure resilience and climate change adaptation measures.,1 "Our audit testing included challenges to management with regards to cost assumptions for climate adaptation solutions particularly around capital expenditures and cost of carbon emission certificates, impacting future profit and forecasted cash flow.",1 "This year, our insurance providers have undertaken climate engineering surveys at our key operational sites to help us understand what further actions we can take to strengthen our climate resilience.",1 "The REDD+ Project Phase II – The Community Ranches – from Wildlife Works will not only avoid carbon emissions, but also support climate adaptation, promote biodiversity, bring added value to communities and contribute to 11 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.",1 "In Asia Pacific, we are developing an agriculture index, to be launched in the coming year, that will support clients in offering affordable finance and insurance to smallholders in Asia, which can help their productivity and help to protect them from climate risks.",1 Our resilience risk policies are subject to continuous improvement to remain relevant to evolving climate risks.,1 "By building a more climate-resilient balance sheet, we can reduce impairment risks and improve longer-term stability.",1 This includes research on natural forests and understanding how tree species adapt to changing climate patterns.,1 We aim to give back more to the planet than we take out and protect our business from the impact of climate change.,1 "Therefore, and viewing resilience through the same lenses that we describe above, we have considered the extent to which our oil and gas production business would need to be impacted by evolving physical risk over the same timeframe for the scale of financial impact to be sufficient to jeopardize the resilience of our strategy out to 2030.",1 "Our climate adaptation measures focus on key assets like investing in flood protection and upgrading cooling systems at critical sites, as part of our weather resilience strategy.",1 "We’re acting to reduce risk across the various climate-related scenarios, with an emphasis on long-term resilience.",1 "Companies continue to take action to reduce their climate impact and protect their business model, taking steps to ensure their products and supply chains remain resilient to the consequences of climate change.",1 "During the year, biopharma companies stepped up their commitments, including to strengthen locally led adaptation and health resilience programmes for vulnerable communities affected by climate change.",1 We use climate scenario analysis to model the potential impacts of our prioritised physical risks which helps us understand the resilience of our supply chains against climate change.,1 We recognise that climate-related risks will continue to develop over a significantly longer period and believe that we will be able to adapt our strategy and respond appropriately to emerging climate-related risks that could have a material impact on the Group in the future.,1 "Adaptation Finance There is an urgent global need to unlock and scale public and private climate adaptation finance to build shared societal resilience, especially across our footprint markets, where adaptation represents both a risk and an opportunity for clients and communities.",1 There is an urgent global need to unlock and scale public and private climate adaptation finance to build shared societal resilience.,1 • Used data collected from our Climate Risk Assessments to design an ‘adaptation readiness’ test at the client level.,1 "• Standard Chartered became one of the founding partners of the Bangladesh Climate and Development Partnership, which aims to use blended finance to help Bangladesh adapt to climate change.“Where money goes today shapes tomorrow’s world’ was the theory of change for the COP26 organisers.",1 "• Reviewed the Group’s high-level quantitative assessment of the impact of Climate Risk on the Group’s ECL and considered the materiality of the impact and the judgement to disclose a potential range of impact, rather than to adjust the ECL given the immaterial impact.",1 "• Physical risk adaptation levels remain an area of risk for most of our markets, with the lowest absolute scores in Africa and the Middle East.",1 • Client-level CRA scores by region for measuring gross physical risk and adaptation measures.,1 "Our focus is on how, by better understanding the underlying risks ourselves, we can support clients to adapt in ways that will not only reduce their business risks but will actively protect our environment from the worst impacts of climate change.",1 Working more closely with our supply chain partners to reduce the impact of a continuing volatile operating environment and the longer-term impact of climate change makes us more resilient and presents a significant opportunity for maintaining our profitability and jointly achieving our sustainability goals.,1 There is increasing awareness of the negative social impacts of physical climate risk on workers and we believe it is important that companies consider climate adaptation and the concept of a just transition in their interactions with suppliers.,1 • Explore other supplier bases that are more resilient.• As part of the targets we set last year we have engaged with our top supplier to explore their risk to coastal inundation and are working with them to develop and progress their flood risk adaptation plan.,1 "Efforts to adapt to climate change can produce opportunities for organisations, such as through resource efficiency and cost savings and the development of new products and services.",1 "The robust environmental standards will help increase environmental protections across our entire UK supply base, working towards whole-farm, continuous improvement in: climate resilience; biodiversity; habitat area and quality; GHG emissions and carbon footprinting; soil health; deforestation; collaboration; and collective action.",1 "To understand and monitor these risks and plan for any necessary short, medium, and long term adaptive measures, we have established a robust Physical Climate Change Risk and Resilience (PCCRR) framework.",1 "Operational resilience During 2023, our focus has been on embedding adaptation and climate resilience into our operations and processes.",1 "By doing so, we are deepening our understanding of the impacts of climate change across our entire value chain, helping us identify how best to prepare to be more operationally resilient in response to a changing climate.",1 Community resilience The impacts of climate change will also affect the lives and livelihoods of host communities around our operations.,1 The inclusion of a community climate vulnerability risk assessment considers how host communities can build climate resilience and adaptation measures and how Anglo American and its partners can support their development and implementation.,1 "Through the site level PCCRR work, we are improving controls and implementing adaptation actions to address these risks and continue to strive for resilience in the context of a changing climate.",1 Ensuring the continued resilience of our portfolio to the physical impacts of a changing climate is also a key priority in our allocation of capital.,1 "Investments in maintaining this resilience are driven by our continuing climate change risk management processes and, for example, include investments related to reducing the consumption of fresh water where it is expected to become scarcer, or where there is a risk of future disruption owing to flooding.",1 "That is why we have been working for over 10 years to ensure that our operations have the best available models to understand, assess, mitigate and adapt to the physical risks of climate change.",1 "To assess these potential impacts and to develop short, mid, and long term adaptation actions, we have developed climate and weather projections as part of our physical climate change risk and resilience approach.",1 "POL Y4 offers farmers superior performance compared to existing fertiliser products: demonstrated crop yield improvement of 3–5% across a wide variety of crops and soil types, improved crop quality and resilience to drought and disease, and help in preserving the health of a farmer’s greatest asset – their soil.",1 The resilience of our portfolio to a changing climate also forms a key part of the Company’ s strategy.,1 ">Advancing our sustainability priorities, particularly health equity and health system resilience, as well as addressing the effects of the twin climate and nature crises and the impact on global health and healthcare.",1 "This includes new or expanded projects in Brazil, India, Vietnam, Ghana, Rwanda and Kenya, which will contribute to our climate action, promote the restoration of biodiversity and natural habitats, and build community resilience.",1 "To future-proof our business and build resilience to ensure long-term financial sustainability and the continued supply of medicines to patients, we have screened physical risks from the impacts of climate change across our operations and strategic suppliers.",1 We also continued to engage with strategic partners with a critical role in patient supply to understand their exposure to climate-related hazards and their resilience to climate change.,1 "We’re also helping communities start to become more climate-ready by offering our customers some choices in terms of climate-friendly products, influencing our suppliers and the companies we invest in, helping the broader transition to a more climate resilient economy, and being part of shaping a response to the twin crises of climate breakdown and biodiversity.",1 "These projects will run for between 17 and 60 years, working to capture carbon, contributing towards flood resilience and helping to restore natural habitats.",1 We aim to protect and restore biodiversity and understand the impact of climate change on our investments and underwriting.,1 "The projects our partners are undertaking with our funding will demonstrate the co-benefits of carbon sequestration, nature restoration, flood resilience and social and community benefit.",1 "Large catastrophic (CAT) losses arising as a result of these events are explicitly considered in our economic capital modelling to ensure we are resilient to such CAT scenarios, and this modelling considers the impact of climate change on the frequency and severity of potential future events.",1 "We recognise that our business and wider society relies on natural resources which will be impacted by the effects of climate change, and that we must work to adapt to those effects.",1 "Supported by the resilience of our supply chain, we currently experience limited disruptions resulting from climate change.",1 "We are learning more about the interconnectivity of environmental issues and human rights, working in areas such as climate change and biodiversity, in order to increase environmental and economic resilience for farmers and rural communities.",1 "Physical risk In addition to our decarbonisation levers, we are also cognisant of the need to implement climate adaptation measures to ensure the resiliency of operations at our manufacturing facilities under physical climate hazards.",1 Increase resilience in the supply chain to be able to better absorb climate-related shocks –OR2.,1 "While Convatec is aware of the physical climate hazards most prevalent across our manufacturing sites and can implement adaptation and control measures to reduce the risk, Convatec has less influence over how suppliers are managing climate risk.",1 "We chose to benchmark against the CDA because it requires TSFs to be designed to higher flood frequency than may be required by local regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate, and as such supports a more climate-resilient design of our TSFs.",1 "Plans and strategies can and must adapt in response to dynamic market conditions, changing preference of our stakeholders, joint venture decisions, changing weather and climate patterns, new opportunities that might arise or other changing circumstances.",1 We will also use our analysis to further integrate physical climate risks into our business decision-making processes and will explore where IHG mitigation and adaptation strategies might be needed.,1 "Develop products to promote climate resilience, engaging in this opportunity though the Build Back Better scheme for home insurance and our efforts in greening the built environment through our products and services.",1 "Climate-related impacts could affect operational resilience through properties, IT systems, people and third party suppliers.",1 "• We assess our long-term strategic portfolio against climate risk, to ensure we are investing in land which is resilient to climate risk, and disclose in accordance with the TCFD framework.",1 "Our diverse range of products and geographical spread of assets allows the business to be resilient to climate risks, such as cost and availability of resources, in the short term.",1 "Climate resilience measures include maintaining appropriate levels of insurance for each asset, performing climate risk scenario analyses for a selection of our global portfolio, and implementing operational risk reduction measures at the site level.",1 "In September 2023, we published our annual climate report detailing our ongoing progress to advance our climate strategy focused on reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, enhancing our resilience to climate risks and contributing responsibly produced copper to the global economy.",1 "We manage potential risks first via our siting and design standards, then by implementing recommendations to proactively mitigate losses related to short-term acute weather events as well as long-term climate-related changes.",1 "During 2023 , we spent approximately $ 646 million on capital expenditures, of which $ 195 million represented return on investment (“ROI”) capital expenditures, $ 274 million represented renewal and replacement projects and $177 million was for hurricane restoration work.",1 "For instance, the requirement to modify our home designs mandated by upgraded building codes or recommended practices given a region’s particular exposure to climate conditions can increase our costs, which we may not be able to recoup by increasing the price of our homes.",1 "For example, as the risk of flooding in coastal and other flood prone areas increases or the results of climate change result in water scarcity, local governments may increase the requirements on new home builders for zoning approvals and restrict areas where new homes may be built, resulting in increased development costs and greater competition for more desirable land parcels.",1 "We are committed to acting responsibly to mitigate our contribution to global warming and conserve the environment in which we operate, while simultaneously adapting to the effects of a changing climate to keep our business resilient.",1 We are also proud to be a signatory to the UN's Race to Zero and Race to Resilience campaigns reflecting our commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation.,1 "To understand, quantify and mitigate climate risks and adapt to their impact, we partner with climate resilience experts to assess them, model their possible financial impact, and develop strategies to adapt and remain resilient over the long-term.",1 "Climate change resilience Our experience in managing the impact of normal variations in climatic conditions, water availability and agricultural yields has made us more resilient and adaptable.",1 "We adapt through careful planning in our supply chain and procurement organisation, by partnering to develop high-yield, drought-resistant crops , and by managing water in a way that makes our operations more resilient and helps our local communities and agricultural sourcing areas to adapt, with specific focus in water-stressed areas.",1 "This includes working with farmers to increase their crops’ resilience to climate change, and developing contingencies where this isn’t possible.",1 "Analysing the financial impact of drought is particularly difficult because there are many factors involved, including the probability of drought, how long operations would have to be suspended and the impact of any adaptation or contingency measures.",1 "At the COP27 climate change conference, we were among businesses calling for more action on water and climate resilience.",1 "Our partnerships with leading international organisations, such as Water Resilience Coalition, Alliance for Water Stewardship and WaterAid, are fundamental to our ambition to support the climate resilience of our business and communities.",1 "We work with communities to help them adapt and build resilience through our 'Preserve Water for Life' strategy, implementing regenerative agricultural practices and developing climate-resistant variants of agricultural crops.",1 Having completed comprehensive risk assessments our focus is now on ensuring appropriate adaptation plans are in place for all risks identified.,1 "Building economic and environmental resilience involves improving smallholders’ financial awareness, their family income and/or their understanding of how to act in a climate-smart way.",1 "Nature plays an important role in the built environment – nature’s capacity to store carbon and support resilient societies is linked with the fight against climate change, and access to green spaces supports the health and wellbeing of those who use our places.",1 "Building resilience to a changing climate Although we assessed that our current portfolio is not highly exposed to physical risks given the location of our assets, we still take action to mitigate these risks through physical measures, insurance and business-continuity planning.",1 "In our development pipeline, we’re designing and constructing high-quality buildings and spaces capable of achieving operational resilience over their lifetime, considering how the UK’s climate will change in the coming decades.",1 It highlights the importance of creating planet-centric spaces by outlining our ‘Six Principles of Urbanisation’ including being climate-prepared and resilient as the most urgent.,1 Protecting our long-term returns by developing real assets with high levels of climate resilience.,1 "M&G is also leading the nature work stream of the Climate Financial Risk Forum’s Financial Resilience working group, providing industry guidance on how to incorporate nature into financial services risk management.",1 "To ensure we have a resilient organisation fit for the future, it is important that the management of our climate-related risks and opportunities is not only integrated into our existing three-year strategy and planning processes as an ongoing consideration but also that we supplement current processes with reviews focused on an extended time horizon.",1 "This year, our workshops across the business identified potential implications of climate risks and opportunities on our products and services, our supply chain, our adaptation and mitigation activities and own operations.",1 "The short-term controls and investments needed for a resilient network are in place, but further work remains to be done to build out our climate adaptation forecasting and control framework for the next decade.",1 We regularly monitor standard reliability metrics to improve our storm response and restore power.,1 "To address physical risks, the Chief Engineer’s Office leads the development of climate adaptation frameworks across the Group to ensure there is a consistent approach to assess the vulnerability of our energy assets and to guide strategic investment planning.",1 "Climate Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) Our group-wide CVA began in December 2022, led by a steering group of senior leaders from each of our businesses, and a working group with business representatives from our engineering, resilience and policy teams.",1 The process accounts for existing adaptation plans such as storm hardening programmes and leverages the latest climate science.,1 "As part of our risk management process, we have assigned key controls to manage both our climate change mitigation and adaptation risks.",1 "On completion, we will develop a Climate Change Adaptation Plan, outlining solutions for our high-risk assets and confirm the strategic approach to managing that risk.",1 "We continue to invest in climate adaptation across the Group in the form of storm hardening and flood defences, with a further £31 million (2021/22: £36 million) invested in the year.",1 "We are also working directly with copackers through our partnership with Manufacture 2030 to help them measure and progressively reduce their emissions which will build resilience to physical and transition risks from climate change both within our supply chain, and for our suppliers.",1 "This exercise will inform our longer-term resilience plans related to physical climate-related risks, such as damage to our infrastructure.",1 The Group has assessed the physical-climate-risk exposure of its office locations using an established external physical-climate-risk assessment tool.,1 "Our assessments show the possible impacts of climate change on agricultural commodities, and that they are vulnerable to climate hazards including water stress, temperature rises and flooding, particularly where the commodities only grow in one country.",1 "We concluded that, by 2030, we don’t expect drought to have a significant impact on our operations or on our financial condition.",1 The most significant physical risk to our portfolio is from coastal flooding (4.1% VaR).,1 "Marsh uses XDI which quantifies the cost of extreme weather and climate change impacts to physical assets, taking into account asset-specific information – how different types of assets in a specific location will perform in different physical conditions.",1 Private asset results We continue to use the global insurance broker and risk adviser Marsh to assess our real estate and infrastructure exposure to physical climate risk.,1 Our solutions can also help growers adapt to more unpredictable growing conditions and the effects these types of threats have on crops.,1 "For example, FMC’s product solutions can help growers adapt to climate change and protect biodiversity by maximizing yield and utilizing resources more efficiently.",1 "Potential damage to assets and the frequency of such events arising from extreme weather and other potential climate-related events (including associated remediation costs) are reviewed through our risk management and business continuity programmes, and connect into our financial programmes on insurance.",1 We maintain business continuity and disaster recovery plans to prepare for and respond to the potential for a disruption in the technology we rely on.,1 Our model has also mapped the physical risk associated with sourcing these products to understand where our exposure to at-risk commodities is greatest.,1 "Climate, coastal areas and oceans The third area of action aims to support initiatives that benefit coastal areas and the oceans, the preservation of which is all the more necessary in a context of climate change.",1 "We regularly, where appropriate, carry out climate-related risk assessments at site level, supplier level, as well as innovation- project level.",1 "These analyses involve a study of the site’s climate context, as well as the recurrence and severity of extreme weather events, so that the structure can be adapted to withstand these events.",1 The climate risk analysis performed using the climate risk tool does not indicate any material physical risks for Vonovia’s housing stock.,1 13% (based on the carrying value) of physical assets tested are considered to be exposed to climate-related physical risks in the short to medium term which the assets are already actively managing to mitigate.,1 "The Group has reached out to external partners and data providers to resolve these difficulties, improve the location of its counterparties’ assets and identify the relevant climate issues that arise as a result.",1 "As global temperatures increase, the likelihood of fire risk is expected to increase with 19% of TIV at risk by 2050 under a high-warming scenario, this risk is managed through our principal risks 5 (loss of manufacturing output at any Group factory) and 7 (loss of a critical supplier).",1 "The GHG impacts of land-use change are most pronounced in our cocoa supply chain, where we have already been working for several years to prevent deforestation and build climate resilience.",1 Helping Our Sellers Build Climate Resilience Our sellers face increasing challenges related to natural disasters.,1 "Recognizing this, we have developed a strategy to help sellers build climate resilience focused on recovery and preparedness.",1 "Resilience of strategy across different climate-related scenarios Over the past few years, we have worked with two external vendors to assess current climate-related impacts and understand how they might change under different temperature pathways over time.",1 Doing so helps build local resilience against increasing climate change-related water issues such as drought.,1 "The initiative will enable climate-resilient water and sanitation solutions that create lasting access to safe water sources for 100 m illion people across Asia, Africa, and Latin America.",1 "Restoring Ecosystems in France In France, we pledged €3 million over three years to CDC Biodiversité’s Fonds Nature 2050 program to preserve and restore biodiversity, while mitigating climate change impacts and improving ecosystem resilience.",1 "Largely due to ongoing storm protection plan investments, Duke Energy Florida had its best reliability performance in more than a decade.",1 "Our commitment to provide accessible, reliable and affordable services to customers means our system must become more resilient in the face of the changing climate and extreme weather.",1 "In 2021, Duke Energy initiated a Climate Risk and Resilience Study to assess the long-term risks of a changing climate and physical impacts on our transmission & distribution (T&D) system in the Carolinas working with third-party consultant ICF .",1 "The flexible adaptation framework developed in our 2023 Climate Risk and Resilience Study, discussed in the Climate Risk Management section of this report, presents potential resilience strategies and investments that can be incorporated into our adaptation plans.",1 "Our principal subsidiary, Southern California Edison, is a leader in California’s efforts to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to climate change, while also focusing on the grid investments needed for a more resilient, equitable clean energy economy.",1 Developing the ability to withstand near- and long-term climate change impacts is driving our climate adaptation approach.,1 "In May 2022, SCE published a climate adaptation vulnerability assessment , one of the first in the industry, projecting climate impacts out to 2070.",1 "We are also focused on adapting our business in the near and long term to the effects of climate change, including climate change-driven wildfires.",1 "Our policy agenda also includes ensuring the security and reliability of the electric grid, including making it more resilient against cyber and physical attacks (see Cyber and Physical Security), wildfires and other climate-driven risks.",1 "In the near term, we continue to adapt our system to the threat of climate change-driven wildfires .",1 "In May 2022, SCE published a climate adaptation vulnerability assessment (CAVA), which evaluates the potential medium- and long-term impacts of temperature, precipitation, sea level rise, wildfire hazards and cascading events on our infrastructure and operations.",1 "To meet this new reality, infrastructure must be designed to withstand more intense storm surges and flooding, and new transmission lines must be constructed to bolster regional reliability under more severe wildfire conditions.",1 "Near-Term Actions In the near term, SCE continues to make deliberate, risk-informed investments to adapt our system to the threat of climate change-driven wildfires.",1 "Despite the reduction in acres burned by wildfire in 2022, we continue to harden the grid in preparation for a sustained threat year over year.",1 "SCE continues to harden the electric grid to ensure safety, grid resiliency and system readiness for these growing climate change impacts.",1 The Santa Barbara Regional Climate Collaborative leveraged CRC grant funding to support the design and planning of two “resilience hubs” in underserved areas.,1 "Risk-based decision-making helps prioritize upgrades, schedule maintenance and adapt the grid to the effects of climate change, including wildfires.",1 "Similar to the last several years, SCE’s reliability performance was impacted by wildfire mitigation efforts aimed at reducing the risk of wildfire.",1 "We have currently allocated up to 74.6% of the proceeds across renewable energy, clean transportation, energy efficiency and carbon reduction, climate change adaptation, and socioeconomic advancement and empowerment projects.",1 We engaged with community organizations and tribal members to solicit feedback on how potential climate adaptation and mitigation efforts undertaken by SCE might impact vulnerable disadvantaged communities.,1 "SCE is now working with CRLG members to determine how we can help them meaningfully build climate adaptation capacity so that past CRLG collaboration is successfully transitioned to helping ensure these groups continue to focus on what climate adaptation awareness, preparation and action means for their communities.",1 "Related capacity-building work includes supporting climate adaptation grant writing assistance through Climate Resolve’s Grant-Writing Assistance Program with Edison International, serving as a key sponsor to the California Resilience Challenge.",1 SCE also has formal governance over the development of SCE’s climate adaptation vulnerability assessment and ongoing climate change adaptation activities in accordance with California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requirements.,1 "In addition to seeking to be granted approval to procure the clean resources needed to meet its decarbonization goals through the IRP and related CPUC proceedings, SCE conducts climate adaptation vulnerability assessments to identify additional system needs as climate change affects customer demand and clean resource production.",1 "On the physical risk side, SCE performs climate adaptation vulnerability assessments to identify acute and chronic risks.",1 "In May 2022, SCE submitted its first Climate Adaptation Vulnerability Assessment (CAVA) pursuant to CPUC direction, using a conservative (i.e., high-emissions, absent global climate mitigation) RCP8.5 scenario and considering long-term impacts of temperature, precipitation, sea-level rise and wildfire hazards.",1 SCE’s vulnerability assessment and ongoing planning for future grid architectures envisioned in Reimagining the Grid will form the bases for grid investments that harden the decarbonized grid against current and future climate risks.,1 "Each department is responsible for providing data, analysis and guidance on their business’ risks to ERM, and ERM works in close coordination with SCE’s cross-departmental climate change team on assessing companywide climate change vulnerability and adaptation options.",1 MetLife also seeks to support climate resilience wherever we can when our customers are impacted by natural disasters.,1 "In addition, we offer free resources through Upwise ™ articles to help customers prepare and financially protect themselves from climate disasters.",1 "ADAPT identifies startups that help communities and individuals respond to global challenges impacted by climate change, healthcare, wellness and economic mobility and that provide solutions that fundamentally shape and strengthen social resilience.",1 We are taking action to build a more climate-resilient energy network to ensure we can continue to deliver for customers even as California continues to experience the impacts of climate change.,1 "Risk scores are calculated using the scoring methodology established by the CPUC in the Safety Model Assessment Proceeding, which reflects the frequency with which various risks are expected to occur and the potential safety, reliability, and financial impacts of varying degrees of wildfire severity.",1 "PG&E’s initiative to underground 10,000 miles of powerlines in high fire risk areas represents the largest effort in the United States to underground powerlines to reduce wildfire risk, as well as harden the grid against other types of extreme weather.",1 Our wildfire protection work is making our system safer and more resilient while positioning us to better serve our customers in the short- and long-term and respond to our state’s evolving climate challenges.,1 It also means being prepared to withstand and rapidly recover from major disruptions in service caused by climate-driven weather events.,1 "Our commitment to climate resilience is embedded in our cross-functional approach, which engages eadership from key departments across the business in a structured manner.",1 "Through PG&E’s Lean Operating System, climate resilience priorities can be raised daily, weekly, and monthly at cross departmental operating review meetings.",1 "Through PG&E’s climate resilience program, we are working to ensure that all relevant decision-making is informed by the best available climate science.",1 "PG&E is conducting a Climate Vulnerability Assessment, which is an enterprise-wide study that looks at how actual and expected climate change conditions may impact the operations, safety, and reliability of PG&E’s assets, operations, and services.",1 This study will inform actions PG&E can take to adapt our system to evolving climate hazards while also working to reduce impacts to—and increase the adaptive capacity of—disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.,1 "Additionally, in 2022, we shared best practices for climate resilience planning and climate vulnerability assessments for utilities through numerous forums, including the Resilience to Extreme Events Summit and the U. S. Energy Association’s Advancing Modern Power through Utility Partnerships Program.",1 "PG&E also builds climate resilience by adapting to and preparing for a changing climate and associated weather patterns that could affect our assets, infrastructure, operations, coworkers, and customers.",1 • Climate Resilience and Building Decarbonization: PG&E advocated in support of measures that promote climate resiliency and reduce infrastructure risk.,1 "• Infrastructure Modernization: PG&E engages federal policymakers about creating the grid of the future in a reliable manner, while adapting to the increasing risks that climate change, wildfires, and cyber threats pose to our system.",1 "• Electric Operations: Includes efforts to harden our infrastructure, modernize the grid, and execute our Community Wildfire Safety Program to continue to mitigate the risk of our equipment igniting fires.",1 "• Awarded $400,000 in grants to help communities build a network of local hubs to build community resilience to climate-driven extreme weather events though the Resilience Hubs grant program.",1 Working with our wider value chain and communities to support resilience to climate change.,1 "This includes new or expanded projects in Brazil, India, Vietnam, Ghana, Rwanda and Kenya that will contribute to our climate action, restore nature, promote biodiversity and build ecological and community resilience, spanning over 100,000 hectares worldwide.",1 "We have taken steps to better understand the direct and indirect impacts of climate change and water stress on our business, so that we can develop plans to ensure our supply chains remain resilient.",1 "Using the best available climate data and natural catastrophe-modelling techniques, our climate resilience partners calculated projected Estimated Annual Losses (EALs) and Value at Risk (VaR) for the present day and two future time periods (the 2030s and 2050s) under two climate scenarios.",1 "To date, we have invested £3.3 billion in transition finance, including £1.4 billion in renewable energy, £1.2 billion in green bonds and £0.7 billion in other solutions (such as technology, infrastructure and real estate) which supports the transition and helps with our resilience to climate risk.",1 We manage our business to align with the mitigation of climate change beyond the 1.5°C ‘Paris’ objective and to be resilient to the risks of different climate outcomes.,1 "A preliminary risk scan identified those assets requiring further review and in 2023, asset specific information, including building age, floor height and, crucially, any existing flood adaptation measures, was captured across higher risk assets.",1 LGIM will publish its approach to climate resilience across the real estate business in line with the BBP Climate Change Commitment.,1 In relation to the home insurance products we offer there is a role for us to improve the resilience of customer homes in relation to climate change-induced extreme weather.,1 We continue to contribute to the GFI’s Coalition for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings (CEEB) aimed at developing the market for financing a net zero carbon and climate resilient built environment in the UK initially by catalysing the widespread retrofitting of residential buildings.,1 "We have also identified the need to advocate for change within policymaking, leveraging our relationships with government and industry to influence policy in both flood resilience and broader weather-related resilience and adaptation efforts.",1 We aim to support customers in improving the resilience of their homes against extreme weather caused by climate change.,1 "Given the increasing frequency and devastating household impacts of flooding, flood resilience is a priority for us in supporting our customers.",1 We recognise the opportunity and imperative to improve the flood resistance and resilience of those homes that are most at risk of flooding.,1 "Our Build Back Better initiative (backed by Flood Re) is a commitment to spend up to £10,000 on specialist flood surveys and fitting property flood resistance and/or resilience measures following eligible flood claims.",1 "Increased flood risk would also require us to prepare for more intensive claims handling, regardless of whether risk is ceded to Flood Re.",1 "The impact of flood risk can be partially mitigated by home improvements to make properties more resilient to flood, for example by raising electrics, installing hard flooring or flood doors.",1 Improving building standards could also increase the resilience of residential properties to heightened physical risk.,1 "As producers are already feeling the impacts of climate change and declining biodiversity, we’ve identified the need to support the transition to net zero and to have a greater emphasis on building resilience within our supply chains and particularly where the most vulnerable producers are by building on existing platforms like Fairtrade.",1 "We support our farmers in growing lower carbon, responsible food, using fewer pesticides, enhancing their soils, protecting natural resources and driving innovation, and, in doing so, increasing their resilience to the impacts of climate change and water stress.",1 "To adapt to climate change, we are updating our climate vulnerability plans Alongside our focus on mitigating the impact of climate change through reducing our own GHG emissions, we also have to adapt our networks and equipment to operate in changing weather conditions that are occurring due to climate change.",1 It is a phased programme of activity which will deliver a climate change adaptation plan to address assets with the highest resilience risk.,1 "On completion, we will develop a Climate Change Adaptation Plan, outlining solutions for our high-risk assets, and confirm the strategic approach to managing that risk.",1 "In our US business, we are working with leading organisations to develop our approach to climate adaptation.",1 "We are an anchor sponsor of the EPRI Climate READi initiative, which brings together over 30 North American utilities with regulators, system operators, standards agencies and resilience experts to develop a consistent industry methodology for Climate Vulnerability Assessments, hardening plans, standards and rate case justifications.",1 "Following the storm, we have committed $1 million to support the people of western New York in their recovery from this historic weather event, through regional charitable organisations offering programmes that directly benefitted those impacted by the storm, as well as organisations supporting community resilience for future emergencies.",1 • Climate: A comprehensive climate vulnerability assessment was launched to understand the impacts of climate change on our assets and to support decisions around climate adaptation investments; see page 19 for more details.,1 "More than 40 million health professionals joined the WHO’s call for health to be prioritised during climate negotiations, and the urgent need to prepare healthcare systems to cope with climate-related impacts, including extreme heat, air pollution and infectious diseases.",1 "At COP28, we published new research ‘Bringing climate change home through health' to understand how people are adapting their hygiene and health behaviours in response to the effects of climate change.",1 "• Our commercial property coverage and risk engineering reviews evaluate climate considerations (e.g., flood, fire) while driving the development of insurance coverage to protect against the unique risk profile of new sustainable construction materials and techniques, such as timber and modular construction.",1 "Through our risk management expertise and insights, our culture of underwriting and operational excellence and data-driven mindset, we seek to promote climate resilience.",1 "• Allstate allocated $201 million to climate investments in our investment portfolio, focusing on climate mitigation and adaptation.",1 "Our Backing Low-Carbon Communities grants support to community-led climate initiatives, disaster response, risk-reduction and resilience efforts, and nature-based solutions, particularly in urban areas.",1 "Ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in November 2022, American Express pledged more than $5 million to organizations helping cities and coastal communities build resilience against climate-related events, including to the Ocean Conservancy, Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN), Resilient Cities Catalyst, and the Regional Plan Association.",1 "$10.4 MILLION in grants provided to help build more climate resilient and equitable communities from September 2021 to December 2022, exceeding our goal to provide at least $10 million by 2025.",1 Business Activities: Assurant could work with its clients to engage end-user customers in the Global Housing business to adopt distributed energy technologies that could reduce costs for customers and increase resilience against climate-related hazards.,1 We also explored climate-related opportunities for Assurant’s operations to enhance resilience.,1 "Impact and Strategy for Climate Resilience: With exposure to natural catastrophe through our insured properties, Assurant maintains a high-quality panel of reinsurers, works with state regulators, and incentivizes flood-prone policyholders to use physical risk management tools.",1 "Our reinsurance program reduces our financial exposure to climate change and enhances our ability to protect more than three million homeowner and renter policyholders against severe weather and other hazards as of March 31, 2023.",1 "For example, we educate consumers and regulators about the benefits of adopting climate-resilient improvements when constructing or repairing homes.",1 "Annually, BlackRock’s Cash Management group purchases and retires Certified Emission Reduction (“CER”) units via the World Bank, as trustee for the Adaptation Fund, an international fund that finances projects and programs aimed at helping developing countries adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.",1 "BlackRock leases most of its facilities and the Enterprise Resilience, Safety & Security team have developed global emergency action and business continuity plans that account for possible physical climate-risks.",1 "We believe our processes for tracking leading indicators and adapting our business enable us to be flexible in response to potential changes in policy, supply, demand and physical risk.",1 "In 2023, we created a first global underwriting unit dedicated to insuring risks related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.",1 "The analysis of region- and peril-specific changes in hazard levels due to climate change, and their explicit consideration in Munich Re’s nat cat models, can be viewed as a context-specific plan to adjust our core business to the unfolding effects of climate change.",1 "Ecosystem-based adaptation initiatives: update on our Mangrove afforestation project in Vietnam In 2020, reinsurance, ERGO and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH launched an initiative on ecosystem-based climate change adaptation in Vietnam.",1 "As part of the largest public-private climate initiative in the European Union – EIT Climate-KIC, reinsurance and ERGO have been supporting start-ups with business solutions promoting climate innovation and facilitating a climate-resilient society since 2017.",1 "Through the Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) Challenge, eight non-profit organisations and their innovative seed-level ideas were supported in Eastern Africa, with the goal of transforming agriculture to become nature-positive and resilient in the face of climate change.",1 "For us, climate resilience and response to climate change involve energy efficiency, circularity, product resiliency and new solutions as described above.",1 We innovate and develop new climate-related solutions which help us and our customers to mitigate or adapt to climate change.,1 Information and communication technology and systems are essential to build resilience and to cope with climate change.,1 We responded to over 20 flood-related incidents to protect infrastructure and networks.,1 – Continued to partner with Connected Places Catapult as an asset owner and key stakeholder in the Phase 2 development of the Climate Resilience Demonstrator Tool (CReDo) to identify climate related vulnerabilities and dependencies in the Critical National Infrastructure asset network.,1 "–We continued to integrate climate into capital adequacy (ICAAP) and ECL frameworks to ensure NatWest Group is adequately capitalised, by measuring potential losses and testing resilience against expected and unexpected losses.",1 "–Conducting operational resilience scenario analysis, in 2020 and 2021, covering flood and extreme heat events.",1 "–Applying adequate resilience and recovery plans to prevent service outages, including those caused by climate factors.",1 Testing resilience of liquidity to physical risk triggered crisis. Resilient to outflows driven by physical risk.,1 The program also enables insurance professionals to develop expertise in climate risk and city resilience and to better understand how risk mitigation and risk transfer expertise can effectively address long-term climate change risks in the public sector.,1 The only way forward is to radically transform today’s farming methods and switch to more sustainable agriculture practices that put productivity gains and climate resilience on an equal footing.,1 "We're doing so while supporting farmers in their efforts to increase agricultural yields, farm productivity and incomes with effective climate adaptation solutions and new sources of revenue.",1 "Similarly, also in India, our Huntington sweet pepper variety enables climate-resilient farming and prolongs shelf-life, making it suitable for long-distance transportation and giving smallholder growers more market access opportunities.",1 "This enables farmers to cultivate new varieties that are nutritious, resilient to diseases and better equipped to withstand the challenges of climate change like water scarcity.",1 "At the UN Water Conference held in New York in March 2023, we released our new water strategy that aims to have a transformational impact that goes beyond our own operations and reflects our willingness to contribute to climate resilience and more sustainable water usage.",1 The Group undertakes or financially supports a number of local initiatives to tackle climate change and protect biodiversity.,1 "Our Property Risk Consultants evaluate policyholders’ property exposures and provide recommendations t o reduce the potentual for property losses fom natural catastrophe events (including hurricans, storm surge, earthquake, and flood events).",1 "Natural hazards prioritization analysis, aimed to identify regions and sites – among a client’s portfolio, or supply chain – potentially more affected by natural hazards, as of today and due to climate change in the next 30 years.",1 Another key activity our consultants focus on is categorizing the flood hazard for every location they visit.,1 "To offer tailor-made, more sustainable crop solutions, our gene identification work focuses on those plant characteristics that enable higher yield and better quality, disease resistance and tolerance of environmental factors such as drought.",1 "For example, our Arize® hybrid rice seed AZ 7006 is specially designed to survive even in extreme flood conditions, producing consistent yields despite unfavorable weather conditions.",1 "By identifying the roadblocks to adoption, designing solutions with practical benefits to farmers and creating public and private financial tools like subsidies, tax incentives and carbon markets we can help farmers transition to more sustainable practices, and support themto do their part in reaching climate neutrality.",1 "(iii) If the Employee Separates from Service on account of Qualified Retirement or Early Retirement, the RSUs that have not previously been paid or forfeited shall continue to Vest on the applicable Anniversary Date as provided in Section 5(i) after application of any adjustment as if the Employee’ s employment had continued until the last of the Anniversary Dates to occur .",0 "When the equity instrument is not probable of becoming redeemable, no adjustment to the carrying value is recognized.",0 TEG and TEP will take all necessary regulatory and legal steps to protect their interests.,0 "In November 2023, the European Commission approved an amended version of Bulgaria's Recovery and Resilience Plan (""RRP"") that describes the reforms and investments which Bulgaria wishes to make with the support of the RRF.",0 "(iii)any Performance Award then held by such Participant may become partially vested based on the length of time worked during the performance period with such vested units becoming payable upon the originally scheduled distribution date, subject to performance certification and adjustment.",0 "For short-term sales, plant dispatch and the price of electricity are determined by market competition and local dispatch and reliability rules.",0 The National Dispatch Center's objectives are to minimize the total cost of generation and maintain the reliability and security of the electric power system.,0 "AES Maritza believes that its PPA is legal and in compliance with all applicable laws, and it will take all actions necessary to protect its interests, whether through negotiated agreement or otherwise.",0 "165 | Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements—(Continued) | December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021 The Company paid Contract Adjustment Payments to the holders of the 2024 Purchase Contracts at a rate of 6.875% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears on February 15, May 15, August 15, and November 15, commencing on May 15, 2021.",0 "In some U.S. markets, the capacity payment is only for the resource adequacy or reliability benefits from the generating facility, allowing us to separately monetize the electricity produced by the facility through either contract sales or short-term sales.",0 "For these rate classes, the VBA allows Ameren Illinois to adjust natural gas distribution service rates without a traditional regulatory rate review when changes occur in sales volumes from those volumes approved by the ICC in a previous regulatory rate review.",0 The reconciliation cap limits the annual adjustment to 105% of the annual revenue requirement approved by the IC C. Variations in investments made or orders by the ICC can result in a subsequent change in Ameren Illinois’ resulting estimate d regulatory assets or liabilities .,0 "In addition, the filing requested the ICC revise the order to include an allowed ROE of at least 9.82% for each year of the MYRP and include a base level of investments to maintain grid reliability in each year of the MYRP, among other things.",0 This order approved a reconciliation adjustment of $110 million .,0 "Those expectations are based, in part, on the reliability and affordability of our utility services.",0 "Additionally, management recognizes revenue for alternative revenue programs that allow for an automatic rate adjustment, are probable of recovery, and are collected within 24 months of the end of the annual period in which they are recognized.",0 "In January 2024, the ICC partially denied Ameren Illinois’ rehearing request by denying Ameren Illinois’ request regarding the allowed ROE, and granting Ameren Illinois’ request to consider whether it is appropriate to use the 2022 year-end rate base for each year of the MYRP and to include a base level of investments to maintain grid reliability in each year of the MYRP.",0 "In November 2023, the ICC issued an order approving Ameren Illinois’ 2022 electric distribution service revenue requirement reconciliation adjustment filing.",0 "These performance metrics include improvements in service reliability in both the frequency and duration of outages, a reduction in peak loads, an increased percentage of spend with diverse suppliers, a reduction in disconnections for certain customers, and improved timeliness in response to customer requests for interconnection of distributed energy resources.",0 "These inflationary pressures, as well as high interest rates , could impact our ability to control costs, to make substantial investments in our businesses, to recover costs and investments, to earn our allowed ROEs within Table of Contents 28",0 "We expect that increased investments, including expected future investments for environmental compliance, system reliability improvements, and new generation sources, will result in rate base and revenue growth but also higher depreciation and financing costs.",0 FERC revenue requirement reconciliation adjustment regulatory assets earn carrying costs at each company’s short-term interest rates.,0 PSO requested an expanded transmission cost recovery rider and a mechanism to recover generation costs necessary to comply with SPP’s 2023 increased capacity planning reserve margin requirements.,0 "In November 2022, SWEPCo filed a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity with the APSC for approval to operate the Turk plant to serve Arkansas customers and recover the associated costs through a cost recovery rider.",0 "Although AEP typically recovers environmental expenditures, there can be no assurance in the future that AEP can recover such costs which could reduce future net income and cash flows and possibly harm financial condition.",0 APCo’s internal control is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 "USER HEREBY WAIVES ON BEHALF OF HERSELF AND HER HEIRS, EXECUTORS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER ANY RIGHT TO RECOVER ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER OR CONTEMPLATED HEREBY EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED IN THE PRECEDING SENTENCE.",0 I&M’s internal control is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 "In March 2021, the LPSC issued an order allowing SWEPCo to recover up to $20 million of fuel costs in 2021 and defer approximately $35 million of additional costs with a recovery period to be determined at a later date.",0 "Historically, the state regulatory frameworks in the service area of the AEP vertically integrated public utility subsidiaries reflected specified fuel costs as part of bundled (or, more recently, unbundled) rates or incorporated fuel adjustment clauses in a utility’s rates and tariffs.",0 "These IRPs take into account economics, customer demand, grid reliability and resilience, regulations and RTO capacity requirements.",0 AEPTCo’s internal control is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 "Accordingly, any rule of law or any legal decision that would require interpretation of any ambiguities in this Agreement against any party that drafted or prepared it is of no application and is hereby expressly waived by each of the parties hereto, and any controversy over interpretations of this Agreement shall be decided without regards to events of drafting or preparation.",0 "Effect if Different Assumptions Used If the two methodologies used to estimate unbilled revenue are statistically different, a limiter adjustment is made to bring the primary computation within one standard deviation of the secondary computation.",0 "Table of Contents On December 15, 2022, the Illinois Commerce Commission issued an order approving the adjustment of base rates requested in a rate case filed on February 10, 2022, by the Company’s Illinois subsidiary.",0 "In 2016, the SVBGSA commenced preparation of a GSP covering the entire 180/400 subbasin, including the CEMEX site, but in August 2019 the City filed a notice that it intends to prepare its own GSP for the CEMEX site with the intent to severely limit or prohibit groundwater pumping at that site.",0 "Parent company’s borrowings are not a source of capital for the Regulated Businesses, therefore, parent company is not able to recover the interest charges on its debt through regulated water and wastewater rates.",0 "PUCs generally authorize revenue at levels intended to recover the estimated costs of providing service, plus a return on net investments, or rate base.",0 "In late 2016, the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (the “SVBGSA”) was formed as a joint powers authority to become the GSA for the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin and prepare a GSP.",0 "On December 15, 2022, the Illinois Commerce Commission issued an order approving the adjustment of base rates requested in a rate case filed on February 10, 2022, by the Company’s Illinois subsidiary.",0 "Thus, we may experience regulatory lag between the time our revenues are affected by declining usage and the time we are able to adjust the rate per gallon of usage to address declining usage.",0 "In addition, the contract price for each of these military contracts is typically subject to either an annual economic price adjustment, or a price redetermination two years after commencement of operations and every three years thereafter.",0 "Other Regulatory Matters In September 2020, the CPUC released a decision under its Low-Income Rate Payer Assistance program rulemaking that required the Company’s California subsidiary to file a proposal to alter its water revenue adjustment mechanism in its next general rate case filing in 2022, which would have become effective upon receiving an order in the current pending rate case.",0 "To protect its interest in the matter, Cal Am filed an application to intervene in this lawsuit, which was granted.",0 "The ratio reflects an increase in operating revenues for the Regulated Businesses, after considering the adjustment for the amortization of the excess accumulated deferred income taxes (“EADIT”) shown in the table below, as well as the continued focus on operating costs.",0 Futures and options may be used to adjust portfolio duration to align with a plan’s targeted investment policy.,0 The increase in rates was driven by increased safety and reliability spending.,0 Tax collections - We are allowed to recover from customers revenue-related taxes that are imposed upon us.,0 PHMSA requires pipeline operators to develop integrity management programs to comprehensively evaluate certain areas along their pipelines and to take additional measures to protect pipeline segments located in “high consequence areas” where a leak or rupture could potentially do the most harm.,0 APT annually uses GRIP to recover capital costs incurred in the prior calendar year.,0 (2) The bad debt rider allows us to recover from customers the gas cost portion of customer accounts that have been written off.,0 "Financial Instruments Associated with Commodity Price Risk In our distribution segment, the costs associated with and the realized gains and losses arising from the use of financial instruments to mitigate commodity price risk are included in our purchased gas cost adjustment mechanisms in accordance with regulatory requirements.",0 "With respect to interest rate risk, increases in interest rates could adversely affect our future financial results to the extent that we do not recover our actual interest expense in our rates.",0 The effects of these purchased gas cost adjustment mechanisms are recorded as deferred gas costs on our consolidated balance sheets.,0 "In addition, we use our information technology systems to protect confidential or sensitive customer, employee and Company information developed and maintained in the normal course of our business.",0 The cost of gas typically does not have a direct impact on our operating income because these costs are recovered through our purchased gas cost adjustment mechanisms.,0 "As a result of our ratemaking efforts in recent years, Atmos Energy has: •Formula rate mechanisms in place in four states that provide for an annual rate review and adjustment to rates.",0 "Over 85 percent was invested to improve the safety and reliability of our distribution and transportation systems, with a significant portion of this investment incurred under regulatory mechanisms that reduce regulatory lag to six months or less.",0 "We, as a user of the bulk power transmission system, are subject to mandatory reliability standards promulgated by NERC and enforced by FERC.",0 "We initially recognize an ARO at fair value and subsequently adjust it for changes to estimated costs, timing of future cash flows and modifica tions to decommissioning assumptions.",0 "We will provide reliable, resilient energy and deliver innovative sustainability solutions that help customers achieve their clean energy goals.",0 Internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 "The agreement is intended to preserve the two units for the two-year period while allowing the Mystic units to recover their costs of operating, including a substantial portion of the costs associated with the adjacent EMT we acquired in October 2018.",0 "Over all, our company has implemented tactical processes for assessing, identifying, and managing material risks from cybersecurity threats to the company including governance at the Board level and accountability in our executive management for the execution of our cyber risk management strategy and the controls designed to protect our operations.",0 "On March 31, 2022, PECO filed its Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Adjustment with the PAPUC proposing an annual recovery from customers of approximately $4 million.",0 Internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the prepara tion of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 "To protect our information and cyber assets, we implement practices for training and screening of personnel, access management, network defense, asset configuration management, vulnerability assessment (including penetration testing), third-party security, and privacy and information protection.",0 The offset of decommissioning-related activities in the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income results in an equal adjust ment to noncurrent payables or noncurrent receivables.,0 "Also, the efforts we have taken to protect our proprietary rights may not be sufficient or effective.",0 A cumulative one-time adjustment applicable to the prior period for these tax rule changes was recorded in 2023.,0 Use of Estimates Preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported and disclosed in the financial statements and the accompanying notes.,0 "A cumulative one-time adjustment applicable to the prior period for this tax rule change was recorded in 2023 and is reflected in our effective tax rate of 13.9% for the year ended December 31, 2023.",0 "For example, we rely on statutory safe harbors, like those set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in the U.S. and the E-Commerce Directive in Europe, to protect against liability for various linking, caching, ranking, recommending, and hosting activities.",0 "However, these investments could be impaired if the carrying value exceeds the fair value and is not expected to recover.",0 "The validity of various data transfer mechanisms we currently rely upon remains subject to legal, regulatory, and political developments in both Europe and the U.S., which may require us to adapt our existing arrangements.",0 Critical Accounting Estimates We prepare our consolidated financial statements in accordance with GAAP.,0 "If the U.S. dollar weakened by 10%, the amount recorded in cumulative translation adjustment (CTA) within AOCI related to our net investment hedges before tax effect would have been approximately $903 million and $946 million lower as of December 31, 2022 and 2023 , respectively.",0 "When indicators of impairment exist, we prepare quantitative measurements of the fair value of our equity investments using a market approach or an income approach, which requires judgment and the use of unobservable inputs, including discount rates, investee revenues and costs, and comparable market data of private and public companies, among others.",0 We prepare quantitative measurements of the fair value of our equity investments using a market approach or an income approach.,0 "Intellectual Property We rely on various intellectual property laws, confidentiality procedures and contractual provisions to protect our proprietary technology and our brand.",0 "Before concluding that it would be impracticable to recover any amount of erroneously awarded compensation based on expense of enforcement, the Company shall make a reasonable attempt to recover such erroneously awarded compensation, document such reasonable attempt(s) to recover, and provide that documentation to the Exchange.",0 We continue to upgrade our network to provide higher Internet speeds and reliability and invest in our products and customer service platforms.,0 "The Company shall recover erroneously awarded compensation in compliance with this Policy except to the extent that the conditions of clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) below are met, and the Committee (or in the absence thereof, a majority of the independent directors serving on the Board) has made a determination that recovery would be impracticable.",0 "We also have a Cyber Security Council (“CSC”) and Security Operations Steering Committee that, under the direction of the Security ESC, collectively focus on cybersecurity across Charter and the overall protection of our internal network and related processes, policy, training and actions to protect customer and employee data.",0 "The Maine Act to Protect Privacy of Online Customer Information, which regulates how Internet service providers use and disclose customers’ personal information and requires Internet service providers to take reasonable measures to protect customers’ personal information, became effective on July 1, 2020.",0 "Large expenditures may be necessary to repair or replace damaged property, networks or information systems or to protect them from similar events in the future.",0 We also offer Wireless Internet Backup to our SMB customers which is designed to enhance and protect Internet service for SMBs in the event of a network disruption.,0 "Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Information on other accounting policies and methods that the Company uses in the preparation of its consolidated financial statements are included, where applicable, in their respective footnotes.",0 Definition and Limitations of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 Our internal control system was designed to provide reasonable assurance to our management and Board of Directors regarding the preparation and fair presentation of published financial statements.,0 "A failure to effectively anticipate or adapt to new technologies (including those that use artificial intelligence (""AI"")) and changes in customer expectations and behavior could significantly adversely affect our competitive position with respect to the leisure time and discretionary spending of our customers and, as a result, affect our business and results of operations.",0 "This non-dilutable voting power is subject to proportional decrease to the extent the number of shares of Class B common stock is reduced below 9,444,375, which was the number of shares of Class B common stock outstanding on the date of our 2002 acquisition of AT&T Corp.’s cable business, subject to adjustment in specified situations.",0 "The legal landscape for new technologies, including artificial intelligence (“AI”), remains uncertain, and development of the law in this area could impact our ability to protect against unauthorized third-party use, misappropriation, reproduction or infringement.",0 (2) other agreements or arrangements designed to manage interest rates or interest rate risk; (3) other agreements or arrangements designed to protect such Person against fluctuations in currency exchange rates or commodity prices; and (4) other agreements or arrangements designed to protect such Person against fluctuations in equity prices.,0 We will also prepare a press release and provide it to DTC for dissemination through the DTC broadcast facility .,0 We have actively engaged in the enforcement of our intellectual property rights and likely will continue to expend substantial resources to protect our content.,0 Table of Contents We believe our estimates associated with the valuation and impairment testing of goodwill and cable franchise rights and the accounting for film and television costs are critical in the preparation of our consolidated financial statements.,0 "If we elect to increase the early exchange ratio to 100% in connection with a reference share offer, no reference share offer adjustment will be made and we cannot change our election if any further reference share of fer is made.",0 "Further information on work done in relation to ESG reporting, including TCFD compliance, and our approach to climate-related risk and opportunities can be found in our TCFD report on pages 60 to 66.",0 We expect that the sophistication of this financial impact assessment will improve as we build on the climate scenario analysis work we are carrying out.,0 "It is assisted by the Audit and Compliance Committee in the review and consideration of any disclosures related to ESG matters, including climate-related disclosures.",0 A number of our Directors also have experience of assessing climate- related factors and have received training on this topic through other executive and non-executive roles.,0 Governance The Board as a whole is responsible for the approval and oversight of 3i’s approach in relation to ESG and climate matters.,0 "As part of the work we are carrying out to align our climate disclosures with the TCFD recommendations, we are now completing the process of collecting GHG emissions data from our portfolio companies and improving our processes and tools to ensure that this data can be collected and managed with better consistency.",0 We have also read the disclosure of climate related information in the front half of the annual report as set out on pages 60 to 66 and considered consistency with the financial statements and our audit knowledge.,0 "Table of Contents Other AFFF Cases In June 2019, several subsidiaries of Valero Energy Corporation, an independent petroleum refiner, filed eight AFFF cases against 3M and other defendants, including DuPont/Chemours, National Foam, Buckeye Fire Equipment, and Kidde-Fenwal, in various state courts.",0 "No one, including your employer or any other person, may fire you or otherwise discriminate against you in any way to prevent you from obtaining a welfare benefit or exercising your rights under ERISA.",0 The outcome of these analyses informs our climate strategy.,0 "Climate Action We are working to actively decarbonize our global operations, including our breweries and our vertical operations that produce packaging and brewing material, and continue to scale technologies that help us reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions.",0 "In 2018, following the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommendation, we committed to reducing absolute Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions b y 35% by 2025 from a 2017 baseline, which aligns with the pathway to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.",0 Policy frameworks would be expected to be more conducive to meeting our long -term climate ambitions.,0 Low Exposure to potentially higher costs associated with carbon taxation and carbon pricing schemes could be expected as climate regulations accelerate.,0 Each bottle features a rain gauge that explains how rainfall affects local crops.,0 "As part of our 2025 Climate Action Goal, we have set a science-based target to reduce our GHG emissions by 25% per hectoliter across our value chain by 2025 from a 2017 base year and to reduce our absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 35% in the same timeframe.",0 "Read more in our TCFD Recommendations – Climate-related disclosure, available at Alongside our efforts to lower our carbon footprint, we are committed to using our innovations and digital technologies to enable the wider semiconductor industry to reduce its overall environmental footprint.",0 Total 367 326 344 Fuels consumed from renewable sources (in TJ) — — — Energy efficiency and climate action – Energy Description 2021 2022 2023 Comments 1.The sources of the conversion factors used are the Dutch Emissions Authority and the US Energy Information Administration.,0 "Our score in the most recent CDP Climate Change 2023 questionnaire was B, with C being the global average.",0 "•In 2023, we updated the 'energy consumption outside the organization' indicator to only include direct climate change effects of air travel.",0 "Read more in our TCFD Recommendations – Climate-related disclosure, available at In our factories, we use water in three key ways: Firstly, we use it to remove heat loads and maintain the system s at a constant temperature.",0 Our customers are not always able to use 100% renewable electricity to run their business.ASML ANNUAL REPORT 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINUED STRATEGIC REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIALS 77 Energy efficiency and climate action (continued),0 We contribute to SDG 13 (Climate action) by promoting energy efficiency and climate action across our value chain.,0 "The CBO (a member of the BoM) is the risk owner, for instance, for climate-related risks.",0 "How we’re managing our impact As we work toward net zero emissions in our value chain, our most immediate task is to manage the climate impacts of our own operations and buildings.",0 We identify and assess the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities using the assessment guidelines of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).,0 "We also seek to link our climate ambition to our Group-level third- party financing, where possible.",0 "Investment teams Day-to-day implementation of the Responsible Investing Policy and Climate Change Policy, and the integration of climate-related consideration in investment processes, are the responsibility of all portfolio managers and investment professionals, guided by the RI Committee and the Sustainability & ESG team.",0 "This scenario assumes future implementation of emissions management and mitigation policies; and • RCP8.5, is the highest baseline emissions scenario, in which emissions continue to rise throughout the twenty-first century, such that the most adverse effects of physical climate change manifest.",0 "We consider climate-related risks as a cross-cutting risk type that manifests through the Group’s established principal risks (see page 66), and therefore may affect the Group’s strategic objectives (see page 4).",0 "This means that we recognise the potential impact climate-related issues may have on other material risks within our RMF, namely the Group principal risks1 (see page 66).",0 "For relevant investments, the investment team and Sustainability & ESG team engage directly with the board and management teams of the relevant portfolio companies to help them establish a baseline carbon footprint assessment, and then set emissions reduction targets aligned with the latest climate science and develop strategies to help deliver these targets.",0 The Science Based Targets initiative helps drives climate action in the private sector by approving and validating companies' science-based emissions reduction targets (SBT).,0 "The diagram below provides an overview of the Group’s governance structure for the oversight, assessment and management of climate-related risks and opportunities.",0 "Climate risk assessment For each potential investment opportunity, we use a climate risk assessment tool and methodology bespoke to the nature of the investment (in a company or real asset) to help us identify and assess whether there are any material climate-related risks associated with an investment.",0 Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process b.,0 "Embedding climate considerations into our culture Remuneration The Group and its Board have a long-term orientated approach to variable pay, which aligns our Executive Directors to the interests of our shareholders.",0 Conscious working We promote work practices that encourage employees to be conscious of their impact on the climate.,0 "In addition to the regular meetings, in the first half of 2023 the ESG Committee participated in a full day of climate-focused training, which included deep-dives on climate change, biodiversity and sustainable finance.",0 "The stress-testing framework considers idiosyncratic, market-wide, combined (idiosyncratic and market- wide), and climate and environmental stress scenarios.",0 "This report explains how our financing impacts climate change, as well as how climate change impacts our business.",0 "Climate risk can impact the macro-economy, businesses, and individual households.",0 "Within this document, guidance is provided on the minimum standards that need to be applied when climate risk stress tests are developed, implemented, and executed.",0 "For more information on our sustainable housing approach, see our 2023 Climate Report on",0 "Furthermore, the upcoming presidential election cycle in the United States has the potential to be disruptive to the global economy as it may result in leadership changes in many federal administrative agencies and result in a range of new policies, executive orders, rules, initiatives and other changes to United States fiscal, tax, regulation, environmental, climate and other policies.",0 "For further detail and the reporting methodologies, see pages 242-266.PIONEER GRAIN-TO-GLASS SUSTAINABILITY continued 86 Diageo Annual Report 2023 How we have reported consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) In preparing our disclosures, we have taken into consideration the TCFD all sector guidance.",0 Consideration of climate risk impact The impact of climate risk on the future cash flows has also been considered for scenarios analysed in line with the climate change risk assessment.,0 "The climate change scenario analyses performed in 2023 – conducted in line with TCFD recommendations (‘Transition Scenario’ (RCP 2.6), a ‘Moderate Warming’ Scenario (RCP 4.5) and a ‘Severe Warming Scenario’ (RCP 8.5)) – identified no material financial impact to these financial statements.",0 "We used our knowledge of the group and we engaged with our own climate change experts to evaluate the risk assessment performed by management, and to understand the scenarios considered.",0 "As a result, we considered in particular how climate risks and the impact of the ‘Society 2030: Spirit of Progress‘ commitments would impact the assumptions made in the forecasts prepared by Diageo used in the group’s impairment analysis (see also key audit matter on Valuation of goodwill and brand intangibles) and for going concern purposes.",0 TCFD recommendation Compliance GOVERNANCE See page 72 a.Describe the board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities.,0 "Risks summary Risilience quantified easyJet’s climate change risks using a five-year Enterprise Value at Risk (5yrEV@Risk) metric for the period FY24–28, which shows how the risks would impact discounted cash flows over five years according to different scenarios, aligned with the timeframe for easyJet’s budget, corporate strategy and financial planning process.",0 "These estimates include key assumptions underpinning the strategic plan, fuel prices including exchange rates (including the ability of cost increases to be passed through to the customer), contracted increases in fleet size, revenue per seat short and long-term economic growth rates and the impacts of climate change on future cash flows.",0 "The AMB is led by the CEO, who is a member of the plc Board and is ultimately responsible for climate-related issues.",0 "Mitigations and controls for these risks were developed by the named risk owners including those outlined on page 66 and are documented in the Climate Change Transition Risk Register, overall ownership of which sits with the CFO.",0 Engaging with policymakers Our public policy positions promote effective climate regulation and decarbonisation technologies for aviation.,0 "TCFD categorisation was then used to define transition and physical risk definitions and scope, and each risk was modelled independently.",0 "Discussed the EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ climate legislation package and how to stimulate the technological innovation that will be needed for zero emission aviation, including through the EU’s Alliance for Zero-Emission Aviation.",0 Risks and mitigation options identified through these metrics have been incorporated into easyJet’s climate change transition plan and continue to inform our financial and strategic planning.,0 The terminal value cash flows and long-term growth rate incorporate the impacts of climate change insofar as they can be determined (see note 4).,0 "These include obligations under EU Directive 2014/95/EU on non-financial reporting and its transposition in the UK and Spain, the 2018 UK Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting regulation, the Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the EU Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852).IAG aligns with selected GRI standards based on compliance with Spanish Law 11/2018.",0 Reports into the IAG Sustainability Steering Group (SSG) Hangar 51 Governance Committee At least bi-annually Reviews new potential investments to consider emerging climate technologies and partnerships with sustainability start-ups.,0 "Due to the length of build projects, the prevailing economic climate at initiation may be different from that at completion.",0 "We concluded that as we have fully costed and committed to invest £135m to achieve our science-based net zero target by 2030, this mitigated the climate change transition risk sufficiently.",0 "38 › Contingencies The Group has contingent liabilities in respect of legal claims, tax queries, contractor claims, guarantees and warranties arising in the ordinary course of business, as well as contingent liabilities for fire safety remediation arising from the Building Safety Act 2022, for which it is not yet possible to quantify any potential future liability.",0 "In 2022, we achieved certification to BS 9997 for our fire safety management system, which we have maintained this year.",0 "Where considerations of climate change were relevant to our assessment of going concern, these are described above.",0 "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) statement In 2016, we were the first property company in the world to have its carbon emissions target approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).",0 "All high-rise residential buildings above 11 metres in our portfolio have been examined by independent fire engineers to ensure they remain safe for occupation and meet stringent new building regulations, with design principles aligned with requirements of the Building Safety Act mandated on all future schemes.",0 "Our Climate and nature report , prepared in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), describes our climate and environment strategy, scenario planning, risk management, metrics and governance.",0 "Our disclosures are consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and can be found on pages 45 to 48 of this report, with additional information available in our separate Climate and nature report.",0 Climate and nature report Our Climate and nature report is available on our Group website.,0 "Caution about climate information This Annual report and accounts contains climate and ESG disclosures which use a large number of judgments, assumptions and estimates in connection with involved and complex issues.",0 "Our Climate transition plan aims to minimise exposure to this risk, but its success is dependent on the delivery of the policy actions and the climate reduction targets of the firms we invest in.",0 "As a result, certain climate and ESG disclosures made in this report are likely to be amended, updated, recalculated or restated in future reports.",0 "These judgments, assumptions and estimates are likely to change over time, in particular given the uncertainty around the evolution and impact of climate change and around broader factors, such as impacts and dependencies on nature.",0 "The climate model we use for public assets – Aladdin Climate – was updated in 2023 to better reflect the latest scientific developments, as well as new data sets, including issuer net zero target information (eg Science Based Targets initiative and CDP data ).",0 "We are also aware of reputational climate risk to our business, such as not meeting our targets or overstating our work.",0 "We are also evolving our approach to climate strategy and decarbonisation in line with changing best practice, and may, as a result, review the actions we take to align with the climate transition.",0 "Many publicly-listed companies are measuring and reporting their emissions, which is a required data point for the calculation of climate-related metrics.",0 "Over 2023, our climate advocacy involved contributing to the UK Government’s updated Green Finance strategy, the work of the Transition Plan Taskforce to set out a best-in-class template for corporate disclosure on the transition, the FCA’s Sustainability Disclosure Regime and the European Commission’s proposals to review SFDR.",0 "–Approving and recommending all ESG reporting for the Board’s approval, including the Company’s Sustainability Report and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) Report.",0 "For required spend in years subsequent to FY2023/24 to meet interim and 2029/30 targets, this is currently included within capital expenditure and operating cost increase assumptions in the three-year financial plan rather than being included specifically.",0 Metrics and Targets A) Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process.,0 assessment of the potential impact of climate change on the Group’s account balances and classes of transaction and did not identify any reasonably possible risks of material misstatement.,0 "More information on our risk management process can be found on page 56, which includes the consideration of climate-related risks.C) DESCRIBE HOW PROCESSES FOR IDENTIFYING, ASSESSING AND MANAGING CLIMATE-RELATED RISKS ARE INTEGRATED INTO THE ORGANISATION’S OVERALL RISK MANAGEMENT.",0 "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) At National Grid, we recognise that addressing climate change as a result of GHG emissions is the defining challenge of the 21st century.",0 COP27 The 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties held in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt in November 2022 at which the Company gave various keynote speeches.,0 "Our overall climate commitment is to become a net zero business across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2050, as established in our CTP.",0 "In the US, we have seen the introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act 2022 (IRA) – one of the most significant investments the US has ever made to develop clean energy and slow the effects of climate change.",0 "The controls for our climate change mitigation GPR are in line with our strategy and regulatory frameworks and are also reflected throughout other relevant risks, for example: regulatory outcomes; political and societal expectations; and significant disruption of energy.",0 "Kusini Water alongside its Reckitt mentor, Deroosha Naidoo, was the subject of the ‘Climate and Us’ film produced for Reckitt by BBC Storyworks Commercial Productions and presented by the Global Climate and Health Alliance at COP28 in UAE.",0 "The CRSEC Committee supports the Board in reviewing, monitoring, and assessing our approach to sustainability, which includes climate change.",0 Partnerships are essential to addressing the climate and nature crises.,0 Click to download our ESG Addendum: Disclosures prepared in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (‘TCFD’) framework.,0 "The cultural climate in Vodafone is measured through a number of mechanisms including policy and compliance processes, internal audit, and formal and informal channels for employees to raise concerns.",0 Climate change Working to reduce our environmental impact to reach net zero emissions across our full value chain by 2040.,0 "The Committee recognises the importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) topics and the requirement for disclosures in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) framework.",0 "These judgements will be kept under review by management as the future impacts of climate change depend on environmental, regulatory and other factors outside of the Group’s control which are not all currently known.",0 We have begun this journey with a focus on using green digital solutions to tackle climate change and help decarbonise society.,0 See additional commentary relating to climate change below.,0 "In FY23 we launched a series of webinars called ‘Green Talks’, covering topics including climate change science and net zero.FY23 network waste management (excluding hazardous waste) 2023 2022 Reused 2% 3% Recycled 94% 92% Disposed14% 5% Total network waste (metric tonnes) 8,920 5,979 Note: 1.",0 We adjust the deferred tax accounts and the liabilities periodically to reflect any revised estimated tax basis and any estimated settlements with the various tax authorities.,0 "Table of Contents Report of Management Management’s Report on Financial Statements Our management is responsible for the preparation, integrity and fair presentation of information in the consolidated financial statements, including estimates and judgments.",0 "Critical Accounting Estimates The preparation of our consolidated financial statements requires us to make estimates that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses, and the related disclosure of contingent assets and contingent liabilities.",0 "Table of Contents Other Areas of Regulation Intellectual Property Copyright, trademark, unfair competition, patent, trade secret and other proprietary-rights laws of the United States and other countries help protect our intellectual property rights.",0 "As a result, we have adjusted, and may continue to adjust in the future, our procurement practices to adapt to the evolving landscape.",0 We may also have to expend resources to adjust our offerings in certain jurisdictions if the legal frameworks on AI are not consistent across jurisdictions.,0 Use of Estimates Preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires the use of estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes.,0 "On January 15, 2020, the IRS's amendment to answer was filed stating that it planned to assert at trial an adjustment that is higher than the adjustment stated in the Notice.",0 "Our tax obligations, including income and non-income taxes, are based in part on our corporate operating structure and intercompany arrangements, including the manner in which we operate our business, develop, value, manage, protect, and use our intellectual property, and the valuations of our intercompany transactions.",0 "Our Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Guy Rosen leads our cybersecurity program and oversees teams across the company supporting our security functions of identify, prevent, detect, respond, and recover.",0 "More broadly, we also continue to innovate our advertising tools to help marketers prepare campaigns and connect with consumers, including developing growing formats such as Reels ads and our business messaging ad products.",0 We also assessed the historical accuracy of management’ s forecasts of financial results used in developing prior fair value estimates to assist in evaluating the reliability of the current forecasts.,0 Cash Flows Used In Financing Activities We seek to maintain a mix of fixed and variable rate debt to lower borrowing costs within reasonable risk parameters and to protect against earnings and cash flow volatility result ing from changes in market conditions.,0 "Further , the Company shall not enter into any agreement that exempts any Incentive-based Compens ation from the application of this Policy or that waives the Company’ s right to recover y of any Erroneously Awarded Compen sation and this Policy shall supersede any such agreement (whether entered into before, on or after the Effective Date).",0 "If there is a deterioration of our customers’ financ ial condition or if future actual default rates on receivables in general differ from those currently anticipated, we may have to adjust our allowance for credit losses, which would affect earnings in the period the adjustments are made.",0 "Our reputation and brands could be negatively affected by a number of factors, including actual or alleged quality or reliability issues related to our services and products; cybersecurity incidents and data breaches; allegations of legal noncompliance; 15",0 "Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Program Verizon’ s comprehensive cybersecurity program is designed to identify and protect against cybersecurity risks and to position Verizon to rapidly detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents that impact our company .",0 Verizon’ s experience has been that the payment attributes of longer tenured customers are highly predictive for estimating their reliability to make future payments.,0 "We offer a suite of management and data security services that help our customers protect, detect and respond to security threats to their networks, data, applications and infrastructure.",0 "In fiscal 2021, the Company recognized a $186 million gain from the sale of our investment in fuboTV Inc. (fuboTV gain), a $126 million gain on the sale of our 50% interest in a German free-to-air (FTA) television network (German FTA gain) and a non-cash loss of $111 million from the adjustment of our investment in DraftKings to fair value.",0 "In fiscal 2022 and 2021, respectively, the Company recognized non-cash losses of $663 million and $111 million to adjust its investment in DraftKings to fair value.",0 "Accordingly, the Company enters into various contracts that change in value as foreign exchange rates change to protect the U.S. dollar equivalent value of its existing foreign currency assets, liabilities, commitments and forecasted foreign currency revenues and expenses.",0 The success of our businesses therefore depends on our ability to successfully predict and adapt to changing consumer tastes and preferences outside as well as inside the U.S.,0 Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 "Along with alleged violations of Sections 10(b), 14(a), 20(a), and Rule 10b-5 of the Securities Exchange Act, premised on the same allegations as the Securities Class Action, plaintiffs in both actions sought to recover for alleged breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, abuse of control, gross mismanagement and waste.",0 "Inadequate laws or weak enforcement mechanisms to protect entertainment industry IP in one country can adversely affect the results of the Company’s operations worldwide, despite the Company’s efforts to protect its IP rights.",0 "In fiscal 2022, the Company recognized a non-cash loss of $663 million from the adjustment of its investment in DraftKings to fair value.",0 "As changes in our business environment occur we have adjusted, continue to adjust and may further adjust our business strategies to meet these changes and we may otherwise decide to further restructure our operations or particular businesses or assets.",0 Internal control over financial reporting is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements prepared for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0 "The legal landscape for some new technologies, including some generative AI, remains uncertain, and development of the law in this area could impact our ability to protect against infringing uses.",0 "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION The Company’s businesses throughout the world are affected by its ability to exploit and protect against infringement of its IP, including trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents and trade secrets.",0 Use of Estimates: Management of the Company has made a number of estimates and assumptions relating to the reporting of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities to prepare these financial statements.,0 "We may not be able to accurately predict, prepare for and respond to new kinds of technological innovations with respect to electric vehicles and other technologies that minimize emissions.",0 "Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates Preparation of our Consolidated Financial Statements requires us to make estimates and assumptions affecting the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period and related disclosures of contingent liabilities.",0 "Additionally, the Board, in its sole discretion and subject to applicable law, may seek to recover Incentive- Based Compensation or discretionary compensation Received by any current or former Executive Officer during the Recovery Period in the event that such Executive Officer’s willful engagement in conduct which is demonstrably or materially injurious to the Company, monetarily or otherwise.",0 We will continue to evaluate current and expected business conditions and adjust the level of share repurchases under our share repurchase program in a manner that is consistent with our capital allocation strategy or as we otherwise deem appropriate.,0 The Claimant (or his duly authorized representative) may review pertinent documents related to the Plan and in the Administrative Committee’ s possession in order to prepare the appeal.,0 "As we obtain additional information and refine our methods regarding the assumptions and estimates we use to recognize liabilities incurred, we will adjust our reserves accordingly.",0 “Transition Period” shall mean any transition period that results from a change in the Company’s Fiscal Year within or immediately following the three completed Fiscal Years immediately preceding the Company’s requirement to prepare a Restatement.,0 "A significant portion of our expenses and investments are fixed, and we may not be able to adjust our spending quickly enough if our sales are less than expected.",0 "Effect if actual results differ from assumptions A 10% change in our markdown adjustment as of February 3, 2024, would have af fected net earnings by approximately $1 1 million in fiscal 2024.",0 "The program deploys multiple layers of controls designed to identify , protect against, detect, respond to and recover from information security and cybersecurity incidents and our Cyber Security Incident Response Team, which is part of our Enterprise Information Protection (“EIP”) organization, plays a core role in detecting, mitigating and remediating cybersecurity incidents.",0 "Management's Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements Our management is responsible for the preparation, integrity and objectivity of the accompanying consolidated financial statements and the related financial information.",0 "In addition, any compromise of our data security may materially increase the costs we incur to protect against such breaches and could subject us to additional legal risk.",0 "If any Erroneously Awarded Compensation is Received by a Covered Executive, the Company shall reasonably promptly take steps to recover such Erroneously Awarded Compensation in a manner described under Section 5 of this Policy.",0 "Additionally , newly applicable and potential new or significantly revised state, provincial and federal laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we do business are expanding our obligations to protect and honor the privacy and security of customer data, requiring additional resources and creating incremental risk arising from a potential breach or compliance failure.",0 Community Impact Best Buy is committed to helping prepare teens from disinvested communities for the tech-reliant careers of the future.,0 "Failure to adapt to a rapidly changing market or evolving customer demands, and costs required to be incurred to react to dynamic market conditions, could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.",0 "The determination of the Impartial Appraiser (or the Expert, as the case may be) shall be final and binding on the parties hereto, and T enant shall forthwith adjust the amount of the insurance carried pursua nt to this Article XIII to the amount so determined by the Impartial Appraiser (or the Expert, as the case may be), subject to the approval of the Facility Mortgagee, as applicable.",0 Land Base Rent shall be subject to further adjustment as and to the extent provided in Section 14.6.,0 "We manage our interest rate risk by monitoring interest rates, including future projected rates, and adjust our mix of fixed and variable rate borrowings.",0 Leased Property Rent Adjustment Event : As defined in Section 14.6.,0 "Despite our efforts to protect our proprietary rights, the unauthorized use or reproduction of our trademarks could diminish the value of our trademarks and our market acceptance, competitive advantages, or goodwill, which could adversely affect our business.",0 "“Corresponding Tenor ” with respect to any Available Tenor means, as applicable, either a tenor (including overnight) or an interest paym ent period having approximately the same length (disregarding business day adjustment) as such Available Tenor.",0 "Notwithstanding the foregoing, if for SEC reporting purposes the Borrower is required to prepare pro forma financial statements in connection with an acquisition or disposition of the Borrower or its Subsidiaries, then the Borrower will calculate Consolidated EBITDA on a pro forma basis with respect to such acquisition and/or disposition.",0 "The actual or perceived threat of a pandemic or communicable disease, terrorist attack, mass shooting, heightened security requirements, including cybersecurity, or a failure to protect information systems for critical infrastructure, such as the electrical grid and telecommunications systems, could harm our operations, the economy or consumer confidence generally.",0 "“Adjusted Term SOF R Rate ” means, for any Term SOFR Borrowing for any Interest Period, an interest rate per annum equal to (a) the Term SOFR Rate for such Interest Period, plus (b) 0.10%; provided that if the Adjust ed Term SOFR Rate as so determined would be less than the Floor , such rate shall be deemed to be equal to the Floor for the purposes of this Agreement.",0 "Any compensation that is recouped or recovered from or reimbursed or forfeited by any current or former Executive Officer pursuant to the Clawback Policies, will not be subject to duplicative recoupment, recovery, reimbursement or forfeiture under this Policy .",0 "In such event, the Borrower shall prepare, execute and deliver to such Lender a promissory note payable to such Lender and its registered assigns substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit G hereto.",0 "We may adjust these reserves when our judgment changes as a result of the evaluation of new information not previously available and will be reflected in the period in which the new information is available, or due to the expiration of any applicable statute of limitations.",0 "to recover from the Company any taxes, interest or penalties deemed to be due as a result of the Separation Benefits , Executive shall indemnify , defend and hold harmless the Company and its successors and assigns from and against any and all such claims for taxes, interest or penalties.",0 "We conducted our annual impairment test of goodwill as of August 31, 2023 and 2022 and determined that no adjustment to the carrying value of goodwill for any reporting unit was required.",0 The purpose of this eBay Inc. (the “Company”) Incentive-Based Compensation Recovery Policy (this “Policy”) is to enable the Company to recover Erroneously Awarded Compensation in the event that the Company is required to prepare an Accounting Restatement.,0 "•Changes to our programs to protect buyers and sellers could increase our costs and loss rate, and failure to manage such programs effectively can result in harm to our reputation.",0 We review our tax positions quarterly and adjust the balances as new information becomes available.,0 "Table of Contents Critical Accounting Policies, Judgments and Estimates General The preparation of our consolidated financial statements and related notes requires us to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses, and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.",0 "We must protect our intellectual property rights and other proprietary rights in an increasing number of jurisdictions, a process that is expensive and time consuming and may not be successful.",0 The indemnity rights we have against PayPal under the agreements may not be sufficient to protect us.,0 "The sale resulted in a pre-tax gain of $3.2 billion inclusive of a $81 million currency translation adjustment and a $44 million gain net of tax on the net investment hedge settled in the fourth quarter of 2021, as well as income tax expense of $369 million.",0 "In the event of an Accounting Restatement, the Company shall satisfy the Company’s obligations under this Policy to recover any amount owed from any applicable Executive Officer by exercising its sole and absolute discretion in how to accomplish such recovery.",0 This system is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of consolidated financial statements for external purposes in accordance with U.S. GAAP.,0 "The Company has the right to require the inclusion of addional provisions in your plan designed to protect you and/or the Company, whether before or aer the plan has been approved by the Securies Pracce Team, or to delete or amend exisng provisions.",0 (j) This adjustment was excluded because it relates to strategic activities to transition certain Cadillac dealers out of our dealer network as part of Cadillac's EV strategy .,0 (i) This adjustment was excluded because it relates to a settlement with third parties relating to retrospective recoveries of indirect taxes in Brazil realized in prior periods.,0 "The EU Taxonomy Regulation aims to enhance allocation of capital towards sustainable activities and projects, and therefore, navigate the transition to a low-carbon economy and meeting the EU’s climate and energy targets.",0 "Stellantis’ strategic climate commitments, their implementation and their progress versus targets, are presented to the Board of Directors, in order to deliver relevant information on the climate-related CSR issues impacting the organization.",0 "The Top Executive Team monitors progress against climate commitments and objectives, and reviews top risks with a particular focus on climate change, especially vehicle CO 2 emissions, which are identified as the most strategic CSR issue for Stellantis.",0 "Within the South America segment, we announced in February 2023, an investment into 360 Energy S.A., a green energy company, currently producing renewable energy through solar panels, which will provide Stellantis preferential rights to purchase energy at discounted prices as part of our climate-related commitments.",0 The currently available definitions as included in the EU Taxonomy Regulation and Climate Act are broadly formulated which requires companies to interpret how to apply these regulations to its business activities when assessing taxonomy eligibility and alignment.,0 "In 2023, the ESG Committee assisted the Board by reviewing the update of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy for the Composition of the Board of Directors, the updated Dutch Corporate Governance Code, and discussing items related to climate change, such as reduction of fuel emission, electrification, circular economy and stakeholders’ engagement.",0 "Therefore, climate-sensitive issues are embedded in decisions made by the Top Executive Team on reviewing and guiding major plans of action, annual budgets or business plans.",0 "The global automotive industry is experiencing significant change due to increased focus on climate change resulting in evolving regulatory requirements for fuel efficiency, driving electrification as well as changes in fuel efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions and other tailpipe emissions.",0 "Other major projects that can be impacted by the consequences of climate change, such as the location of new sites, are also reviewed by the Board of Directors.",0 "During Board of Directors meetings, Stellantis’ strategic climate commitments, their implementation and their progress versus targets, are presented to the Board of Directors, in order to deliver relevant information on the climate-related CSR issues impacting the organization.",0 Bringing a tangible impact on climate change Introduction Stellantis has a holistic approach to climate change.,0 "Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) The applicable DNSH criteria for activity 3.3 (""Manufacture of low carbon technologies for transport"") are set out in the Climate Act.",0 "The CEO and the Strategy Council are responsible for defining the overall environmental strategy, including climate -related policies.",0 Suppliers complying with our climate requirements are also eligible to join the UK retail sector’s first sustainability-linked supply chain finance programme.,0 "As a result of integrating climate change action throughout our business, we have been able to make further progress on engagement and investment in decarbonisation.Working toward decarbonisation The majority of our GHG emissions come from producing the things we sell, and customers using what they buy from us, mainly from fuel and energy.",0 "We have also assessed whether these disclosures reflect our understanding of the Group’s approach to climate.7.4 Working with other auditors The Group audit team issued detailed instructions to the component auditors and visited the component auditors for each of the six significant locations set out above, in addition to Tesco Bank and the Group’s shared service centre in Bengaluru.",0 "We modelled three further transition risks in relation to: the risk of climate-related litigation, the risk of a negative shift in consumer sentiment; and negative investor sentiment due to a perceived lack of action to address climate change.",0 The Committee received updates on perceived challenges and viability impact that the business could face resulting from climate change and broader macroeconomic uncertainties.,0 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures continued 24 Tesco PLC Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023,0 "Our performance against these issues is tracked using the following KPIs: Climate: percentage reduction of Scope 1 and 2 market-based GHG emissions compared with 2015/16 baseline year and Scope 3 targets by 2050, see page 18.",0 "Climate change –Climate change –Responsible sourcing –Political, regulatory and complianceGlobal action to address rising temperatures results in a shift in consumer sentiment towards more sustainable products and an increase in carbon taxes levied against Group emissions.",0 "We have quoted the financial value at risk below as a range, reflecting the uncertain and heavily assumption-based nature of climate-related modelling.",0 "This included challenging projected cash flows, discount rates and the use of independent third-party valuations as well as considering the uncertainties arising from a macroeconomic downturn, higher levels of operating cost inflation and climate change.",0 These include the identification and documentation of climate-related risks and the review and consideration of appropriate risk responses.,0 "The targets that we set as a Board not only support our core purpose of serving our customers, communities and planet a little better every day, but are also essential for the delivery of our net zero commitments of being climate neutral within our own operations by 2035 and through our supply chain by 2050.",0 (c)Excluding rain water of the Italian EP subsidiar y (29 kt in 2022 and 30 kt in 2021).,0 "In addition, TotalEnergies implements a strategy to tackle climate change challenges and reports on this in detail, notably in its statement of extra -financial performance (refer to point 5.4 of chapter 5), in accordance with Articles L. 22-10-36 and L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code.",0 "The Company typically cooperates with these organizations on technical subjects, but some take public stances on other issues, such as climate.",0 Our responses to the European Commission’s public consultations on climate are public and may be viewed online.,0 Processes to manage risks related to climate change The risks posed by climate change are included among the risks analyzed by the TotalEnergies Risk Management Committee (TRMC).,0 "The energy system must therefore be transformed, because energy is at the heart of this global climate challenge: GHG emissions linked to the production or use of energy account for over 60% of global emissions in 2021 (ref.",0 The transition will not take place without social acceptability (both between North and South and within OECD countries) and without genuine efforts in terms of climate justice.,0 "Jacques Aschenbroich brings to the Board of Directors of TotalEnergies his experience as the head of an industrial, international and technological group that is exposed to climate issues.",0 There can be no assurance that climate change or environmental regulation or deregulation will not have a negative competitive impact on our ability to sell our products or that economic returns will match the investment that we are making in new product development.,0 "Climate change presents immediate and long-term risks to our Company and to our customers, with the risks expected to increase over time, including, among others, acute physical risks (such as flooding, hurricanes, or wildfires) or chronic physical risks (such as droughts, heat waves, or sea level changes).",0 Our climate commitment requires us to offer a full line of next generation products by 2030 without compromising safety or energy efficiency.,0 "DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Trane Technologies plc, a public limited company, incorporated in Ireland in 2009, and its consolidated subsidiaries (collectively we, our, the Company or Trane Technologies) is a global climate innovator.",0 "This strategy supports our efforts to create opportunity for all by providing underrepresented students with a range of resources, from classroom curriculum that introduces them to careers at a climate innovation company, to soft-skill development for landing a STEM job.",0 "Our emissions reduction commitments align with the Paris Climate Accord net-zero targets, consistent with limiting global temperature rise to no more than 1.5 °C.",0 "There continues to be a lack of consistent climate legislation, which creates economic and regulatory uncertainty.",0 Climate change is a risk multiplier with respect to these physical disasters in both frequency and severity and may affect our global business operations as a result.,0 "Each year, we make investments in new product development and new technology innovation as they are key factors in achieving our strategic objectives as a leader in the climate sector.",0 "TRANE BRANDS, INC. DELAWARE 100% TRANE BUFORD LLC DELAWARE 100% TRANE BV BELGIUM 100% TRANE CANADA ULC CANADA 100% TRANE CENTRAL AMERICA, INC. DELAWARE 100% TRANE CHINA HOLDINGS LIMITED CAYMAN ISLANDS 100% TRANE CLIMATE MANUFACTURING S.R.L.",0 "Changes regarding climate risk management and practices may result in higher regulatory, compliance risks and costs.",0 Table of Contents Global climate change and related regulations could negatively affect our business.,0 "In addition, climate change could affect our ability to procure needed commodities at costs and in quantities we currently experience and may require us to make additional unplanned capital expenditures.",0 "2022 – Included the following items: •$114 million pretax, or $0.23 per diluted share, of production facilities fire insurance proceeds, net of costs incurred.",0 "Operating income in fiscal 2022 was impacted by $27 million of insurance proceeds related to a fire at a production facility in fiscal 2019, and $16 million of restructuring and related charges.",0 "Climate change and rising global temperatures may contribute to changing weather patterns, elongated drought periods, heavier or more frequent storms and wildfires, and increased frequency and severity of natural disasters.",0 We were selected as a potential grant recipient in fiscal 2022 under the USDA's Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities grant program.,0 Operating income in fiscal 2021 was impacted by $626 million of losses from the recognition of legal contingency accruals and $23 million of expenses related to a fire at a production facility.,0 "Operating income in fiscal 2023 was impacted by $322 million in plant closure charges, $210 million of goodwill impairment charges, $156 million in legal contingency accruals and $16 million in restructuring and related charges, offset by $11 million of insurance proceeds, net of costs incurred associated with a production facility fire in fiscal 2021.",0 "Increasing concern over climate change also may adversely impact demand for our products due to changes in consumer preferences and result in additional legal or regulatory requirements designed to manage greenhouse gas emissions, climate risks, and resulting environmental impacts.",0 "•Operating Income (Loss) – Operating income decreased due to compressed pork margins, increased operating costs as a result of the inflationary market environment, losses incurred in our live hog operations and impacts from a production facility fire in the third quarter of fiscal 2023.",0 "Increased government regulations to limit carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gas emissions as a result of concern over climate change, as well as alternative energy policies and sustainability initiatives (including those related to single use plastics), may result in increased compliance costs, capital expenditures and other financial obligations for us.",0 "•$75 million pretax, or $0.16 per diluted share, of production facilities fire insurance proceeds, net of costs incurred.",0 "Finally, we currently provide certain climate-related disclosures, and from time to time, we establish and publicly announce goals and commitments to reduce our carbon footprint.",0 "•Decrease of approximately $58 million in our Chicken segment related to insurance proceeds, net of costs incurred, related to the fire at our production facility in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2021.",0 "•Increase of approximately $24 million in our Chicken segment due to $11 million of insurance proceeds, net of costs incurred, in fiscal 2023 compared to $35 million of insurance proceeds, net of costs incurred, in fiscal 2022 related to the fire at our production facility in fiscal 2021.",0 Climate change In preparing these consolidated financial statements we have considered the impact of both physical and transition climate change risks as well as our plans to mitigate against those risks on the current valuation of our assets and liabilities.,0 The Trustees consider climate risk as one of the key investment risks and are continually evolving their investments to lower the overall climate risk.,0 "In 2023, we expanded our Supplier Climate Programme to reach more than 100 suppliers, with around 80 delivering on our asks.",0 Due to the nature of climate risks and opportunities we are monitoring them across a number of time horizons.,0 "We are more certain than ever that it is the right time to focus our sustainability efforts on the four key priorities where we are best placed to drive impact: climate, nature, plastics and livelihoods.",0 "A summary of the climate metrics and targets we are currently able to measure can be found on pages 46 to 47, and form part of these TCFD disclosures.STRATEGIC REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Review of the Year Unilever Annual Report and Accounts 2023 55",0 "We also integrate climate-related disclosures throughout this Annual Report and Accounts, including in our Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP) Annual Progress Report on pages 43 to 47.",0 "Climate Our Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP) outlines the actions we are taking to reduce GHG emissions in our business and across our value chain, to reach net zero by 2039.",0 "We are developing products with a lower carbon footprint, decarbonising our operations through eco-efficiency measures, powering our factories with renewable electricity, and replacing climate-harmful refrigerants.",0 "Supplier Climate Programme We continue to support suppliers of raw materials, ingredients and packaging to deliver long-term reductions in GHG emissions.",0 Climate Transition Action Plan We will continue to work hard to become a more sustainable business having made progress again in 2023.,0 Our suppliers with more mature climate programmes have now sent us around 240 Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) data points that meet industry standards and can be incorporated into our GHG measurement in the future.,0 "Freight rail leads other forms of surface transportation when it comes to minimizing GHG emissions, and we expect rail will continue to play a critical role in mitigating and abating the impacts of climate change.",0 "We May Be Affected by Climate Change and Market or Regulatory Responses to Climate Change – Climate change, including the impact of global warming and transition risks involving policy, legal risks, and market risks, could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial condition, and liquidity over both a long-term and near-term basis.",0 "Violent weather caused by climate change, including hurricanes, fires, floods, extreme temperatures, avalanches, and significant precipitation has in the past and could in the future cause line outages and other interruptions to our infrastructure.",0 "Any of these factors, individually or in operation with one or more of the other factors, or other unpredictable impacts of climate change could reduce the amount of traffic we handle and have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial condition, and liquidity.",0 We could face increased costs related to defending and resolving legal claims and other litigation or complying with laws or regulations related to climate change and the alleged impact of our operations on climate change.,0 Climate Change – Climate change could have an adverse impact on our operations and financial performance (see Risk Factors under Item 1A of this report).,0 "We continue to refine our approach to understand climate-related risks and are taking an iterative approach in our business planning processes as risk factors, solutions, and technology develop.",0 We utilize climate scenario analyses to better understand climate-related risks and opportunities the Company may face in the future under a range of potential scenarios.,0 "However, we are unable to predict the likelihood, manner, severity, or ultimate financial impact of actual future incidents as climate scenario analysis considers a range of potential outcomes.",0 "We could also be subject to environmental liability claims from various parties, including airport authorities and other third parties, related to our operations at our owned or leased premises, including our use of PFAS-containing fire suppression systems as required by fire codes, or the off-site disposal of waste generated at our facilities.",0 Table of Contents all of which are key to advancing the Company's climate goals.,0 "Climate change is expected to increase the frequency, severity, unpredictability and duration of severe weather events and other natural cycles and could affect travel demand as well as result in increases in delays and cancellations, turbulence-related injuries and fuel consumption to avoid such weather, any of which could result in a significant loss of revenue and higher costs.",0 "Over the last few years, we have made historic investments to fight climate change and provided career opportunities to thousands of people.",0 The Company may incur substantial costs and operational disruptions as a result of both its physical risks (such as extreme weather conditions or rising sea levels) and transition risks (such as regulatory or technological changes) associated with climate change.,0 "As a result, the Company continues to incur costs to convert existing fixed foam fire suppression systems to accommodate PFAS-free firefighting foam agents.",0 There is also a risk that the increased regulatory focus on airline GHG emissions could result in a patchwork of inconsistent or conflicting regional requirements that could unduly shift excessive cost burden to airlines and inhibit the development of carbon reduction technologies that the Company needs to reach its climate goals.,0 "In addition to the EU ETS, other countries are considering climate proposals that would impact aviation.",0 Table of Contents There can be no assurance of the extent to which any of our climate goals will be achieved or that any current or future investments that we make in furtherance of achieving our climate goals will produce the expected results or meet stakeholders' evolving expectations.,0 Climate Change and Sustainability.,0 Management periodically updates the Board on the implementation of the Company's climate-related strategic goals and objectives.,0 "The Company's Board of Directors (the ""Board""), including through its Public Responsibility Committee, provides oversight of its environmental sustainability and climate-related strategic goals and objectives to ensure integration with its core business strategy.",0 "In order to be aligned to the climate change mitigation objective, an activity must be eligible, meet the technical screening criteria, comply with the minimum safeguards stipulated in the regulation and not cause significant harm to any of the other five objectives.",0 "The IPCC’s Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels details the consequences for people and the planet even if emissions are reduced considerably, while the first instalment of its Sixth Assessment Report presents the most compelling evidence to date that human activities are causing climate change.",0 "TCI is proud to be a shareholder of VINCI, a leader in environmental policy and a facilitator of the energy transition.”Climate Ambition for 2030 Climate Performance in 2023 A FORCE FOR GOOD 032",0 "3.2 Acting for the climate Climate change is a reality: global temperatures have risen by more than 1°C compared with pre-industrial levels, leading to more frequent and more intense extreme weather events each year.",0 "According to the climate models published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in relation to the RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5 scenarios, current production and consumption practices could see temperatures rise by around 3.5°C to 5°C by the end of this century, resulting in major and irreversible shifts that could affect all aspects of society.",0 All climate forecasts are taken into account to calculate the historical baseline.,0 "For example, VINCI’s climate commitments address the pressure of climate change as a cause of biodiversity loss, and actions to promote the circular economy alleviate pressures on biodiversity by curbing waste and protecting natural resources.",0 Construction revenue therefore appears twice: under 7.1 as contributing to the climate change mitigation objective and under 3.1 as contributing to the circular economy objective.,0 "In 2019, awareness of the climate emergency and the environment became more acute, leading to the definition of a new environmental ambition involving all VINCI entities for the 2020-2030 period.",0 "As an example, on VINCI Construction ’s Coastal GasLink project, to meet the requirements of British Columbia’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, buffer zones were created along sensitive waterways and sediment- laden run-off was captured and treated.",0 "Of the taxonomy-eligible sales revenue from economic activity 3.3 Manufacture of low-carbon technologies for transport, €36.6 billion met the screening criteria us ed to measure the substantial contribution to climate change mitigation.",0 It was included if the vehicles in question make a substantial contribution to the climate change mitigation objective.,0 "At Volkswagen, this comprises all new-build activities that enable the use of gas and climate-neutral synthetic fuels",0 "In this way, we have identified those vehicles among all of our taxonomy-eligible vehicles that meet the screening criteria and with which the substantial contribution to climate change mitigation is measured.",0 "In addition to the broad range of all-el ectric vehicles and hybrid models, we kicked off the goTOzero retail project that is focused on decarbon izing our entire sales network and increasing its ESG performance, helping our sales partners to move over to a climate-neutral business model.",0 Growing global energy needs call for innovation in the industry and a growing willingness on the part of governments to invest in line with the global climate policy.,0 Volkswagen also retained its B rating from MSCI and kept its score of A– in the CDP Climate Rating in 2023.,0 "The topics of our social commitment range from education to culture, diversity, a culture of remembrance, climate action and environmental protec- tion, and various local commitments.",0 The table below sets out the allocation of our activities in the vehicle-related business and in Power Engineering to the economic activities listed in the EU Taxonomy under the environmental objective of climate change mitigation.,0 "These enable us to record and reduce the quantitative environmental impact of our production sites, particularly in the areas requiring action of climate protection and energy, emissions, water and waste.",0 They were included if the vehicles in qu estion make a substantial contribution to the climate change mitigation objective.,0 "Sustainability will continue to be a recurring theme in the business world and will gain further pertinence, driven by the increasingly noticeable consequences of climate change, a greater consciousness of sustainable lifestyles on the part of the customer and, not least, underlying factors such as the Paris Climate Agreement.",0 Another aspect of implementing the climate pathway is increasing energy generation from renewable sources.,0 Our neighborhood developments are designed to comply with clear climate protection requirements (see Environmental Issues ).,0 "The risk assessment is based on scenario RCP4.5, which, according to the United Nations (UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2023), represents the probable increase in the global average temperature that will result from the national contributions to climate change mitigation that have currently been defined and implemented.",0 "This calculation revealed that, taking into account long-term sales that are already planned and Recurring Sales, Vonovia’s climate pathway is compatible with global warming of 1.4° Celsius.",0 The purchase of certified green electricity to supply communal areas makes a further contribution to our climate strategy.,0 "As such, environmental and climate protection is accorded paramount importance within our sustainability strategy.",0 "In the future, the individual findings from the climate risk analysis will be incorporated into the specific neighborhood profiles that provide the guidelines for managing and developing a neighborhood.",0 "For buildings constructed after December 31, 2020, the same criteria for substantial contribution to climate change mitigation apply as for new construction (activity 7.1).Turnover from electricity generation using solar photovolta- ic technology (activity 4.1) is treated as a direct climate change mitigation measure in the EU Taxonomy Regulation.",0 "Due to the deterioration in the investment climate and resulting adjustments to this specific investment program, we were only able to use part of the €62.8 million that had been earmarked for investment in neighborhood developments in Germany for the 2023 fiscal year in full.",0 The recommendations made by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) constitute important guidance in this regard.,0 Climate risks have an impact on Vonovia’s business model and strategy.,0 The Company is sensitive to the growing global debate with respect to climate change.,0 "See Item 1A, Risk Factors – The effects of climate change could harm the Company’s business, for more information on the potential significance of climate change legislation.",0 "Customers, consumers, investors and other stakeholders are increasingly focusing on environmental issues, including climate change, energy and water use, plastic waste and other sustainability concerns.",0 "Environmental, social and corporate governance (“ESG”) issues, including those related to climate change and sustainability, may have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations and damage our reputation.",0 "Concern over climate change or plastics and packaging materials, in particular, may result in new or increased legal and regulatory requirements to reduce or mitigate impacts to the environment.",0 "In the event that any future climate change legislation would require that stricter standards be imposed by domestic or international environmental regulatory authorities with respect to the use and/or levels of possible emissions from such chemicals and/or other substances, the Company may be required to make certain changes and adaptations to its manufacturing processes.",0 "On top of this extensive pay investment, we have launched a series of financial education modules and face-to-face sessions to support our teams in Operations and our Support Centre in the current climate.",0 "The full TCFD Report reiterates the process we undertook to identify the principal climate-related issues which have affected and will potentially affect our businesses, strategy and financial planning.",0 "Biodiversity appeared last year as an issue on our materiality matrix and is fast becoming a key topic for businesses, driven not only by increased awareness about its role in fighting climate change, but also by upcoming legislation, increasing shareholder interest, and the value it can provide from a guest perspective.",0 "The directors have also determined that, over the period of the going concern assessment, there is not expected to be a significant impact as a result of climate change.",0 The impacts of climate change are now being seen on a daily basis.,0 "Our consideration of climate- related risks As described on pages 52 and 66, the Group has assessed the risks and opportunities associated with various future climate-related scenarios.",0 "The Group has considered the impact of climate-related risks on its financial performance and position, and although the impact represents an uncertainty, it is not considered to be material.",0 "• We have robust fire safety policies, procedures and training for our team members, and work closely with independent fire safety consultants, regarding fire safety in our hotels.",0 "This exposes the Group to risks including those relating to interest rates, equity markets, foreign exchange and climate change.",0 The Group’s full Task Force on Climate-Related disclosures report outlines the process they have taken to identify the principal climate-related issues which have affected and will potentially affect the business.,0 "○The Carbon Reporting Committee (CRC) i ncludes senior management representatives focusing on climate-related matters from across the businesses, P&T climate-related disciplines and functions including Finance, Legal and Strategy.",0 "Additionally, the impact of physical climate change on Shell's operations is unlikely to be limited to the boundaries of Shell's assets.",0 We continue to align and enhance our climate-related disclosures.,0 "Consideration was given to the climate change and energy transition risk, however the associated material impacts are of a longer-term nature, outside the three-year viability statement period.",0 "Given the current environment, there may be a heightened risk of proved reserves with a high carbon intensity not ultimately being produced (also see climate change and energy transition key audit matter).",0 We are also working with governments on their climate policy to help establish regulatory frameworks that will enable society to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement.,0 "Average prices from three 1.5-2 degrees Celsius external climate change scenarios: In view of the broad range of price outlooks across the various scenarios, the average of three external price outlooks was taken from IHS Markit/ACCS 2023; Woodmac WM AET-1.5 degree; and IEA NZE50.",0 "See ""Climate-related risks and opportunities identified by Shell over the short, medium and long term"" on pages 90-93.",0 "For five activities, assets in scope for screening were assessed as aligned with the DNSH criteria for climate mitigation, including solar, wind, hydrogen manufacturing, storage of electricity and infrastructure enabling low-carbon road transport.",0 "Refineries in the Chemicals and Products segment (carrying amount as at December 31, 2023 , $6 billion (2022: $6 billion )) may be impacted under a two-degrees-Celsius or less external climate scenario.",0 Climate change drives the need for decarbonization and digitalization.,0 "Furthermore, it develops technologies for environmentally friendly and increasingly renewable-based energy systems, ranging from climate-friendly F-gas-free switchgear for medium voltage to charging solutions for e- mobility and grid integration of green hydrogen production.",0 "Due to regular screening of climate risks and environmental, social and governance (ESG) developments we can initiate related mitigation actions in a timely manner – also as part of our DEGREE implementation.",0 Climate change litigation has become a worldwide phenomenon with a corresponding risk to Siemens as a large corporation.,0 "Combined Management Report 30 legislative and governmental measures to accelerate the mitigation of climate change, especially in Europe such as through the Green Deal or sustainable finance initiatives.",0 "For fiscal 2023, EU Taxonomy reporting is limited to the first two environmental objectives (climate change mitigation and climate change adaption).",0 The following considerations were made in respect of the financial statements: –The impact of climate change on the going concern assessment and the viability of the Group over the next three years.,0 For further information on our governance see the Governance Report from page 88 and our Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting on pages 60–64 .,0 "We address climate-related risk primarily through business strategies in our global operations functions including facilities, health and safety, business continuity and global supply chain management.",0 "The impact of climate change on our audit In planning our audit, we considered the potential impacts of climate change on the Group’s business and its financial statements.",0 Our Principal Risks capture our physical and transitional climate-related risks in our Enterprise Risk Management process.,0 "Climate change The impact of climate change has been considered as part of our review of the impairment testing of goodwill and acquired intangible assets, and the going concern assessment.",0 "–The impact of climate change on the carrying value and useful economic lives of property, plant and equipment.",0 "Climate change is an element of our Global Supply Chain Principal Risk, as increasingly frequent climate events increase the likelihood and impact of disruptions to our supply chain.",0 Environment and sustainability Climate change and sustainability-related risks have the potential to impact the Group’s business model and performance.,0 –In assessing our TCFD risks we concluded that climate-related risks are not significant in our viability horizon of three years.,0 "Through this process we have identified a number of climate-related opportunities relating to energy sourcing, energy efficiency, on-site renewable energy generation, engagement through the CDP Supply Chain programme and packaging reduction initiatives.",0 "This year, we are reporting both our 2022 and 2023 Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 13 categories and are developing our Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction roadmap and strategy for the short to medium term.Climate change During 2023, we have continued to consider the potential impact of climate change on our business operations.",0 –The impact of climate change on the cash flow forecasts used in the impairment assessments of non-current assets including goodwill.,0 This is a climate neutral print product for which carbon emissions have been calculated and offset by supporting recognised carbon offset projects.,0 "For TIGPS, where all benefits are now secured by way of annuity purchase, all investment risks including ESG and climate risk, have effectively now been eliminated.",0 "The TCFD provides an internationally recognised framework to provide clear, comprehensive and high-quality information on the impacts of climate change.",0 "This year, based on our current assessment of their materiality, we have replaced our environment, social and governance (ESG) risk with a broader climate-related risk, capturing both the opportunity and risk of energy transition and climate-related regulatory risks.",0 Climate change has been identified as a Group principal risk and is managed and owned by the Audit & Risk Committee.,0 "Climate-related opportunities such as those relating to the decarbonisation/energy transition agenda have been communicated to the Executive Committee and Board, culminating in a Group-wide strategic response for markets and opportunities.",0 "The Executive Committee also ensures that risk owners and decision makers understand the Board’s risk appetite, and ensures that risks, including climate risk, are adequately managed, and conducts an annual assessment of strategic risk.",0 57 SMITHS GROUP PLC ANNUAL REPORT FY2023 TCFD CONTINUED MONITORING METRICS AND TARGETS The table below outlines the key metrics and targets used to monitor climate risks and opportunities.,0 CLIMATE CHANGE – Missed opportunities in energy transition and change in climate conditions causing business disruption and economic loss for the Group Failure to identify and act on the significant opportunities arising from the world’s transition to a low-carbon economy and/or failure to respond appropriately to climate change risks and regulation.,0 "During FY2022 we undertook a scenario analysis, including climate risk and opportunities workshops for Group and the divisions.",0 "The time horizons considered for identified climate- related risks and opportunities, found in the table below, align to our targets which have been submitted to the SBTi.",0 "From FY2023 onwards, we introduced climate-related metrics (energy efficiency) into our AIP and (absolute GHG reduction) into our LTIP to more closely align decision making and ownership of climate goals.",0 Similar to the approach with investors we generate greater understanding of our customers sustainability and climate needs through ongoing engagement and dialogue on data requirements and a focus on issues important to them.,0 This would de-risk climate transition risks linked to energy but would also contribute to the Group’s sustainability goals.,0 — Climate scenario analyses conducted in 2021 and 2023 indicates that the proportion of asset value at risk is low.,0 — Climate Change Mitigation 4.20 Cogeneration of heat/cool power from bioenergy: Our Piteå and Nettingsdorf paper mills combined heat and power plants meet the substantial contribution criteria.,0 We continue to support the development of sustainability and climate related capabilities of the Board in the area of climate change.,0 We have set both interim and long-term targets related to climate change and our interim 2030 targets have been approved by the SBTi as in line with the Paris Agreement.,0 Climate change is a principal risk for the Group.,0 "Given the short-term nature of the Group’s trade receivables and the sustainable nature of the Group’s products, no adjustments were applied to the expected loss rates to specifically incorporate the effect of climate-related risks.",0 "Climate change, limited natural resources, littering, deforestation, a growing population and increased social inequality, are pressing global challenges that require forward thinking and a constructive response from the business community.",0 "In addition, as part of our reporting process, we have considered the recommendations outlined in the FRC reports, ‘CRR Thematic review of TCFD disclosures and climate in the /f_inancial statements’ and ‘CRR Thematic review of climate-related metrics & targets’.",0 The risk identification process is designed to consider the risks and opportunities through the specific lens of climate change.,0 "The Group considered the potential impact of climate-related risks, which is a principal risk in the long-term for the Group when assessing the recoverability of its trade receivables.",0 "The expectations of our stakeholders is that we approach climate change responsibly and provide regular, detailed progress reports.",0 "In 2023, third party experts carried out training for Non-executive Directors on the importance of climate scenario analysis, how to use it, and what it means for SKG.",0 A climate event could impact some or all of its facilities and human or technical resources.,0 "Some information may have been obtained from public or other sources that the Group has not independently verified.However, as clients are increasingly adopting a framework for climate reporting and disclosure, the Group expects external data on emissions to become more accessible and reliable over time.",0 A growing number of companies now reports their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and assesses their contribution to climate change risks.,0 "As with the Climate‑related risks, the risk data was cross‑referenced with the Group’s activity data.",0 "By only financing companies making a commitment to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, SG Tikehau Dette Privée presents an ambitious low‑carbon strategy, aligned with the objectives set by the Paris Climate Agreement .",0 "For more information on these indicators and targets, see the latest Climate and Alignment Report (https:// sites/ default/ files/ documents/ CSR/ Climate‑and‑Alignment ‑Report.pdf ).22 22 2 2 2 2th",0 "Chapter 4, Environmental and Social (E&S) General Principles and sector policies , page 306; Chapter 4, Incorporating environmental factors into the risk management framework , page 313, Processes and tools for identifying and measuring climate risks and mitigation , page 315.",0 "The behavioural skills reflected in the Leadership Model are divided into three categories corresponding to the main levels of responsibility within the Bank (senior executives, managers and employees) and are shared throughout the Group.the Board of Directors , which approves the CSR strategy (notably climate strategy) guided by General Management and the non‑voting Director.",0 "Hence, the Group is exposed to physical climate risk with respect to its ability to maintain its services in geographical areas affected by extreme events (floods, etc.).",0 "A qualitative analysis of the potential impact of climate risks on the calculation of expected credit losses in the review of these adjustments, whenever compatible with the provisioning horizon.",0 Violations of environmental and climate change- related laws and regulations could lead to significant fines and penalties and reputational harm.,0 "Similarly, the Company has experienced operational challenges in connection with severe weather events and associated crew scheduling, such as during and subsequent to Winter Storm Elliott.",0 "The reporting obligations of the CCDAA, CRFRA, VCMDA, and other state or federal laws or rules requiring the disclosure of climate-related risks or emissions may cause the Company to incur additional increased costs for compliance as well as increased costs regarding access to capital.",0 "In late December 2022, Winter Storm Elliott impacted a significant portion of the United States, leading to wide-scale operational disruptions for the Company.",0 "At the federal level, in July 2016, the EPA issued a final endangerment finding for greenhouse gas emissions from certain types of aircraft engines, which the agency determined contribute to pollution that causes climate change and endangers public health and the environment.",0 "The FAA and the U.S. Department of Defense have strict performance specifications for fire suppression systems, which has contributed to the use of AFFF/PFAS over the decades.",0 "Enhanced climate-related disclosures pursuant to these requirements could also lead to reputational or other harm with Customers, regulators, investors, or other stakeholders.",0 "After Winter Storm Elliott, the Company was challenged to realign flight crews, flight schedules, and aircraft for a period of several days during this peak demand travel period.",0 "Finally, the potential acute and chronic physical effects of climate change, such as increased frequency, duration, and severity of extreme weather events, longer-term changes in weather patterns, and other climate-related events, could affect the Company’s operations, infrastructure, and financial results.",0 "Risk/opportunity DescriptionHow we manage and mitigate this riskEstimated financial impa ctLink to metrics and targets Heat stress Currently 45% of the TIV of the Group’s operations (112 locations) is e xposed to heat stress, seeing an average of >20 heatwave days in a given year with temperatures in excess of 30˚C.",0 "In addition, physical risk exposure diagnostic analysis was completed for 45 of the Group’s suppliers (selected on the basis of spend, strategic importance, geographic location o b usiness coverage).",0 "Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy and financial planning Growing awareness of climate change and customer sustainability targets will continue to provide an impetus for b usiness growth as we provide products, services and solutions that increase efficiency and reduce customers’ energy use and carbon emissions.",0 "Suppliers are required to complete a series of surveys including climate impact, human rights, human trafficking and slavery and a Spirax Group bespoke survey covering biodiversity, community engagement and inclusion, as well as diversity in the supply chain.",0 "We committed to establishing science-based targets during 2021, as part of our wider commitment to take action on climate change and reduce our environmental impacts.",0 There were lots of examples of this during the last decade as we evolved the scale and composition of our Group by focusing on opportunities to create significant value for all our stakeholders and address the imperative of climate change.,0 We also continue to follow the framework set by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to enable the transition to a low-carbon economy.,0 The Risk Management Committee has responsibility for managing climate-related risks.,0 "As a result, no specific climate change impact scenario has been included.",0 It helps companies to set ambitious and credible climate targets that are based on the best available science and the needs of the planet.,0 "Cognisant of the UK regulator’s focus on Climate Risk, this will remain a key priority in 2024.",0 "In 2023, we were involved in some of the largest carbon market transactions, including the Regional Voluntary Carbon Market Company (RVCMC) and Climate Impact X (CIX) auctions, and established primary supply partnerships with clients in Kenya, Brazil, China and Vietnam.",0 "In 2023, we have continued to build on embedding Climate Risk into existing risk-management processes, focusing on a ‘Business as Usual’ state to identifying, assessing, and monitoring across risk types.",0 • We have built an in-house Sovereign climate model that forecasts Sovereign credit grades across the various NGFS scenarios.,0 "The Group has explained in the “Sustainability review” section of the Annual Report how they have reflected the impact of climate change in their financial statements, including how this aligns with their commitment to the aspirations of the Paris Agreement to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.",0 "Silicon Valley Bank or by Credit Suisse In 2023, the Group undertook a number of Climate Risk stress tests, including those mandated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Central Bank UAE and internal management scenario analysis.",0 Model Risk Work is also underway to build in-house first generation transition risk models for our Corporates and Sovereigns portfolios which have been used to estimate climate adjusted Expected Credit Loss and stress testing use cases.,0 "Chronic Longer-term shifts in climate patterns, such as changing precipitation patterns, sea-level rise, and longer-term drought.",0 511 Standard Chartered – Annual Report 2023Supplementary informationThe following table sets out the recommendations and recommended disclosures of the Taskforce on Climate–related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and summarises where information can be found in this Annual Report.,0 Temperature alignment is one way to consider a company’s impact on climate change and an indicator of a client’s progress towards a net zero economy.,0 "The assessment of risks associated with how individual client, transaction, product and strategic coverage decisions may affect perceptions of the organisation and its activities is based on explicit principles including, but not limited to, human rights and climate change.",0 "During 2023, the physical risk profile across products and markets has remained stable, apart from slight variations in exposure to high flood risk levels due to enhancements in Munich Re’s flood risk model.",0 "Legal risks include potential lawsuits or regulations regarding the impacts of climate change, failure to adapt to climate change, and the insufficiency of disclosure around material financial risks.",0 "New legal or regulatory requirements may be enacted to prevent, mitigate, or adapt to the implications of a changing climate and its effects on the environment.",0 ─ Stakeholder scrutiny: A change in stakeholders’ expectations could lead to reduced capital availability and market valuation due to concerns about our resilience to climate change impacts.,0 "In this context, the Group is engaged in the analysis, adaptation and creation of transition and physical risk scenarios.",0 "For example, climate change (including in terms of extreme weather and climate conditions) exacerbates risks to biodiversity and natural and managed habitats; at the same time, natural and managed ecosystems and their biodiversity play a key role in attenuating climate change and in supporting climate adaptation, as confirmed in the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (2023).",0 AXA remains convinced that the non-Life insurance sector has a key role to play in helping its clients to adapt to climate change and will work to ensure that the EU Taxonomy Regulation disclosures adequately reflects ithe Group’s contribution to this objective.,0 "It is equally vital to prepare for the consequences of current and anticipated changes brought about by climate change, which create a tangible urgency to take action.",0 "Eligibility to participate in global government initiatives and grants which facilitate the continued acceleration of climate change adaptation efforts (Scope 1 and 2), encompassing tax reforms, green and digital stimulus packages as well as research and development incentives.",0 "40 These are: 1) climate change mitigation 2) climate change adaptation, 3) sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention and control and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.",0 "Does no significant harm (DNSH) to the EU environmental objective of climate change adaptation (DNSH 2) The climate-change-related risk assessment was carried out based on the TCFD analysis, which we supplemented with adjustment solutions for physical climate risks.",0 "DHL Group does not currently see any climate-related indications for the adjustment of useful lives and residual values of aircraft and other items of property, plant and equipment.",0 "The TCFD recommends organisations select relevant short, medium, and long term time horizons when assessing their resilience to climate impacts.",0 Methodology: •Scenario analysis involves forecasting financial impacts using climate scenario variables to assess the resilience of the organisation under various risks and opportunities for different climate scenarios and time horizons.,0 13: Climate action 13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries.,0 "6.c) Preparation of the financial statements In preparing these financial statements, the impact of climate change has been considered in a number of key estimates, including: – estimated useful lives of assets, their residual values and decommissioning provisions; and – impairment tests.",0 "The Group is exposed to the risk of not being able to mitigate the impacts of climate change, a lack of adaptation and/or an insufficient disclosing of the financial implications of climate change.",0 "Technological In today's fast-evolving technological landscape, the Group may be exposed to the possibility of having to undertake sizeable investments in operations and infrastructure to adapt to climate change.",0 " Climate risk adaptation Due to the impacts of climate change, Kering faces physical and transition risks as described in section 5.2.2, whose financial and operational impacts depend on the climate scenario considered for the Group (""Paris Agreement"" scenario or ""No mitigation"" scenario as described in section 5.2.2).",0 Adaptation to climate-related risks focuses in this section more specifically adaptation to physical risks.,0 The Taxonomy aims to identify economic activities that meet at least one of the following six environmental objectives: •climate change mitigation; •climate change adaptation; •sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; •transition to a circular economy; •pollution prevention and control; •protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.,0 "DNSH – Climate change adaptation The climate change adaptation criterion applies only to Kering's eligible activities, but all of the Group’s locations were included in the analysis regarding the application of the criterion.",0 "Lack of foresight, resilience or Group initiatives in response to the effects of climate change.",0 It also effects the Group’s resilience to climate change.,0 "Climate change adaptation With regard to economic activity 3.3, the EU Taxonomy requires a climate risk analysis to be carried out.",0 The European classification system stipulates that non -life (re)insurance activities can make a substantial contribution to the environmental objective of climate change adaptation.,0 Market risk may arise from disruptions and shifts associated with the transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient economy.,0 "The Paris Agreement brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so.",0 Customer sentiment can be influenced by companies’ actions or inaction to mitigate and adapt to climate change.,0 "It’s crucial to prepare for potential intensifying impacts by considering various scenarios, understanding that some degree of impact is inevitable despite efforts to combat climate change.",0 "When considering this “climate-nature nexus”, Schneider Electric recognizes the inability to mitigate – or adapt to – the impacts of climate change without protecting, restoring, and enhancing the global stocks of nature.",0 "Physical climate risk may threaten business continuity not only on Schneider’s premises, but for all players in the value chain (from raw material extraction and transformation to transportation hubs and distribution centers) requiring a systemic approach towards climate adaptation.",0 "Without adaptation action and in a Paris Agreement (2°C) scenario, the expected aggregated impact to Schneider Electric’s discounted cash flows from physical climate-related risks amounts 2.1% over the next 10 years.",0 "There are a number of factors that rating agencies evaluate to arrive at credit ratings for each of Entergy and the Registrant Subsidiaries, including each Registrant Subsidiary’s regulatory framework, ability to recover costs and earn returns, storm or climate risk exposure, diversification, and financial strength and liquidity.",0 "Climate Change As detailed below, the Registrants face climate change mitigation and transition risks as well as adaptation risks.",0 "Energy companies, including the Utilities and Transmission Companies, have been the subject of criticism on matters including the reliability of their distribution services and the speed with which they are able to respond to power outages, such as those caused by storm damage.",0 "In addition, there are physical risks associated with adapting to changing climate conditions and extreme weather events.",0 Mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change presents opportunities for growth for the Utility’s business and economic opportunity for the communities it serves.,0 "In addition, the potential physical effects of climate change, such as increased frequency and severity of storms, floods, and other climatic events, could disrupt our operations and cause us to incur significant costs to prepare for or respond to these effects.",0 "Transitioning to a low‑carbon economy to meet the challenges of mitigating and adapting to climate change can involve major political, legal, technological and market changes.",0 "Measures taken to protect against climate change, and limit the impact of catastrophic climate events, such as implementing an energy management plan, which sets out steps to reuse lost heat from industrial processes, making plants more compact and reducing logistics-related CO 2 emissions, as well as using renewable energy, may also lead to increased capital expenditures.",0 "Climate being a key topic, the Board of Directors ensures that the strategy fits with the Stellantis sustainable long-term vision and climate resilience objectives, but also that related risks and opportunities stemming from the effects of climate change are properly identified and managed.",0 "Climate being a key topic, the Board of Directors ensures that the strategy fits with the Stellantis long-term vision and climate resilience, and that related risks and opportunities stemming from the effects of climate change are properly identified and managed.",0 "The energy transition will undoubtedly generate substantial opportunities in infrastructure projects – energy grids, water management, low-carbon transport, climate-resilient structures – which already account for a growing share of new business.",0 "Meanwhile, only enabling activities can be aligned to the climate change adaptation objective.",0 "The IPCC’s Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels details the consequences for people and the planet, while its Sixth Assessment Report presents the most compelling evidence to date that human activities are causing climate change, and stresses the need for available adaptation and mitigation solutions.",0 "3.2.3 Resilience of projects and structures The consequences of climate change affect the Group at the level of its businesses, in both construction and concessions, contracts (such as maintenance contracts), and employees.",0 "This risk was assessed under an RCP 4.5 scenario, using data from a study conducted by the Resallience engineering and design office on the resilience of Group activities to climate risks.",0 The regulations deriving from France’s Climate and Resilience Law and the “no net land take” target for 2050 create a risk for Group revenue in the medium term.,0 "• Mitigating and adapting to climate change Climate change is a reality: global temperatures have risen by more than 1°C compared with pre-industrial levels, leading to more frequent and more intense extreme weather events each year.",0 Climate change is identified as a principal risk as its impact on the environment may lead to issues around food sourcing and supply chain continuity in some of the Group’s markets (see page 26).,0 The Group may need to adapt its business model and processes to accommodate the changes brought about by climate-related issues.,0 Improving water stewardship Climate change adaptation is key to what we do with respect to water stewardship.,0 "The main climate-related risks affecting the Group relate to: how physical risks such as flooding, damage from hail, and freeze damage, could cause disruption to our business operations; and the risks posed by the transition to a low-carbon economy, such as climate change regulation and any failure to adapt our products and services in markets most affected by this change.",0 "Climate change poses a physical risk to the buildings that we occupy as an organisation, including our offices, retail branches and data centres, both in terms of loss and damage, and business interruption.",0 "Failure to recover from a major disaster, (e.g., fire, flood, etc.)",0 "However, SMB markets and businesses are more exposed and less resilient to the impacts of climate change.",0 "The Group has determined that the most significant future impacts from climate change on their operations will be from extreme weather events which may have an impact on workforce productivity, increasing cost of energy and carbon, hosting resilience and changing customer behaviour.",0 "Business Resilience to Climate-related Risks and Opportunities As a leading paper-based packaging business, the Group understands the need to lead in the area of climate.",0 "In common with other businesses around the world, in the longer term we could face adverse market or value chain conditions associated with large-scale cumulative impacts of physical climate change if global mitigation and adaptation efforts are insufficient or unsuccessful.",0 "As described on page 62 , we have identified a number of physical risks which may affect our business and assets, the frequency or severity of which could be affected by climate change.",0 The risk of exposure is increased due to the impacts of climate change which have heightened long term financial resilience concerns for many industry participants.,0 "Most tool outputs do not factor in existing adaptation measures, governmental policies to protect and build for changing climate, and structural adaptation e.g., age and quality of construction or flood defences and dams protecting the property.",0 "Acute impacts of natural catastrophes is expected to increase in frequency and severity, and liability-related claims for failure to prepare for climate change will rise.",0 Liability claims associated with a failure to prepare or adapt to climate change are expected to increase in severity and likelihood.,0 One of the most significant risks to our resilience over the longer term is climate change.,0 "Climate change-related risks and relevant mitigation and adaptation actions may impact the useful lives of property, plant and equipment.",0 "The impacts of chronic risks are likely to differ by location, with some countries already experiencing and managing high levels of heat stress or drought, with the ability to adapt to those conditions.",0 Physical risk – adapting to a changing climate Our global footprint means we operate in places which are experiencing differing effects of climate change.,0 Supply chain resilience and increasing cost of raw materials Sourcing and availability of materials could be impacted by both transition and physical risks.,0 Climate Change Adaptation a) Properties located in 100-Year Flood Zones Two U.S. data centers totaling approximately 0.5 million square feet are exposed to 100-year flood zones designated by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency as special flood hazard areas.,0 "Climate change, extreme weather conditions, wildfires, droughts and rising sea levels could affect our ability to procure commodities at costs and in quantities we currently experience.",0 "In addition, sea level rise and more frequent and severe weather events caused or contributed to by climate change pose physical risks to our facilities.",0 An additional 25 data centers in Europe totaling approximately 2.6 million square feet are exposed to 100-year flood zones.,0 "In addition, our operations and facilities may be located in areas impacted by the physical risks of climate change, and we face the risk of losses incurred as a result of physical damage to stores, distribution centers, or our corporate offices, as well as loss or spoilage of inventory and business interruption caused by such events.",0 Such potential physical impacts of climate change on our operations are highly uncertain and would vary by operation based on particular geographic circumstances.,0 Current and long-term water risks include those that arise from our operations and events that we do not control (such as extreme weather and other physical risks associated with climate change).,0 "In addition, the potential for overall decreases in precipitation could affect the availability of water needed for our operations, leading to increased operating costs, or in extreme cases, disruptions to our mining operations.",0 "Most of our North America and South America mining operations are in areas where competition for water supplies is significant, and where climate change may lead to increasing scarcity of water sources in the future.",0 "The physical effects of climate change, such as extreme weather conditions, drought, and rising sea levels, could adversely affect our results of operations, including by increasing our energy costs, disrupting our supply chain, negatively impacting our workforce, damaging our stores, distribution centers, and inventory, and threatening the habitability of the locations in which we operate.",0 "Uncharacteristic or significant weather conditions, including the physical impacts of climate change, can affect consumer shopping patterns, particularly in apparel and seasonal items, which could lead to lower sales or greater than expected markdowns and adversely affect our results of operations.",0 "Climate change also may affect our business by increasing the cost of (or making unavailable) property insurance on terms we find acceptable in areas most vulnerable to such events, increasing operating costs at our hotels, such as the cost of water or energy, and requiring us to expend funds as we seek to repair and protect our hotels against such risks.",0 "If any of the climate and extreme weather scenarios described above were to occur, we may incur material costs to address these conditions and protect such assets (to the extent not covered by our tenants under the terms of our leases).",0 "Physical risks, including weather conditions and natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic activity, droughts, floods, hailstorms, heavy or prolonged precipitation, wildfires and others, can harm our business.",0 "Additionally, the physical impacts of climate change may cause these occurrences to increase in frequency, severity and duration.",0 "That hotel sustained significant damage due to storm surge, which breached the beach dune and flooded the lowest level of the hotel.",0 "Additionally, in September 2017 , our operations in Florida and Houston were impacted negatively by Hurricanes Irma and Harvey and in 2022, a majority of our hotels in Florida were affected by Hurricane Ian.",0 "These environmental laws include such subjects as storm water and surface water management, soil, groundwater and wetlands protection, subsurface conditions and air quality protection and enhancement.",0 "In addition, as local governmental authorities and utilities are required to spend increasing amounts of their resources responding to and remediating weather and climate-related events, their ability to provide approvals and service to new housing communities may be impaired.",0 "Natural disasters, severe weather conditions and changing climate patterns could delay deliveries, increase costs, and decrease demand for new homes in affected areas.",0 "Furthermore, our insurance premiums may increase as a result of the threat of climate change or the effects of climate change may not be covered by our insurance policies.",0 "Severe drought or prolonged water stress experienced in Las Vegas and the surrounding region or in the other regions in which we own properties, as well as the potential impact of regulatory efforts to address such conditions, could adversely affect the business and financial results of the tenants operating at our properties in such regions.",0 "Supplier relationships have been and could be interrupted in the future due to supplier material shortage, climate impacts and severe weather events, natural and other disasters, and other disruptive events such as military conflicts, or be terminated.",0 "Medium Negative financial impacts could be expected from projected yield declines and costs for replacing barley production due to longer-term climate impacts such as sustained higher temperatures To create our products, we depend on a reliable, quality supply of agricultural crops.",0 "In the event that climate change leads to droughts or water over-exploitation or has a negative effect on water availability or quality, the price of water may increase in certain areas and certain jurisdictions may adopt regulations restricting the use of water or enact other unfavorable changes to applicable water-related taxes and regulations.",0 "In the event that climate change has a negative effect on agricultural productivity, AB InBev may be subject to decreased availability or less favorable pricing for certain agricultural commodities necessary for its products, such as barley, hops and rice.",0 Low Event-driven climate impacts such as extreme drought could reduce barley quality and quantity in the longer term and would be expected to have negative financial impacts on the costs of barley production.,0 "Climate change and sustainability Physical and transition climate change risks, including water stress, extreme weather events, temperature rises and increased regulation, may result in increased volatility in the supply of raw materials, production costs, capacity constraints and higher costs of compliance.",0 Water supply: Inability to produce brands due to constrained water supply as a result of drought caused by chronic climate change.,0 "Water scarcity is the biggest climate-related risk to our operations, since we have many sites in water-stressed areas that might face interruption to operations if the warming temperature scenarios play out.",0 "Physical risks could affect IAG operations across its global network, reflecting the global nature of climate change.",0 "Major storm costs of £186 million were £134 million higher year-on-year, driven by Storm Elliott, but as in 2021/22, the total costs passed our threshold ($100 million in aggregate with New England) and so are excluded from our underlying results.",0 We will give this notice no later than 10 business days before the scheduled expiration of the reference share of fer.,0 "Further, Chevron is required to comply with sanctions and other trade laws and regulations of the United States and other jurisdictions where we operate, such as sanctions imposed in Venezuela and Russia, which, depending upon their scope, could adversely impact the company’s operations and financial results in these countries.",0 "The types of assets and liabilities included in Level 3 are non-exchange traded derivative instruments for which observable market data is not available to corroborate the valuation inputs and transmission congestion rights (TCRs) in the SPP Integrated Marketplace.",0 "As we face an environment likely to remain uncertain in FY24, I remain fully confident in Pernod Ricard’s ability to deliver on our medium- term objectives.",0 "In 2022, the increase was the result of lower network fluidity which led to greater time-and-mileage expenses, increased automotive and intermodal equipment expenses, and higher short-term locomotive resource costs.",0 "These reclassifications, individually and in the aggregate, did not have a material impact on our consolidated financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.",0 "The respectiv e risk o wner e valua tes, impl emen ts, and monit ors the associa ted measur es.",0 "The costs of compliance with these measures are high and are likely to increase in the future.",0 "Total investment could potentially change based on results of external assurance process results.",0 "Table of Contents 137approximately 5 million customers in its service area.",0 "the Participant already has a loan outsta nding, and the maximum number of loans shall be increased to two (2) for so long as both such loans are outstanding.",0 "Amount and proportion of other taxonomy - eligible but not taxonomy -aligned economic activities not referred to in rows 1 to 6 above in the denominator of the applicable KPI 25�395 16�3 – – – – 8.",0 "Developments in these and other global regulatory trends may require additional actions by 3M, including investigation, remediation, and compliance, or may result in additional litigation and enforcement action costs.",0 "The losing Party shall pay the prevailing Party’s attorney’s fees and costs and the costs associated with the arbitration, including expert fees and costs and the arbitrators’ fees and costs; provided, however, that each Party shall bear its own fees and costs until the arbitrator(s) determine which, if any, Party is the prevailing Party and the amount that is due to such prevailing Party.",0 The repurchases may be effected through solicited or unsolicited transactions in the open market or in privately negotiated transactions.,0 "Eligible associates can participate in our Retirement Savings Plan, which provides a dollar-for-dollar match on the first 5% of associate contributions, and all associates can participate in our Employee Stock Purchase Plan.",0 "F or some hedges, the char acteristics o f hedging ins trumen ts and hedged it ems diff er, resul ting in ine ffectiv eness.",0 "The movement reflects ING’s active liquidity management.",0 "Although these ratios do not currently concern our core activities, we have analyzed the eligibility and alignment ratios.",0 "CMS finalized its proposal to expand the categories of parties within the purview of the denial and revocation provisions to include excluded administrative or management services personnel who furnish services payable by a federal healthcare program, such as a billing specialist, accountant, or human resources specialist.",0 "Although the use of collar structures and swap agreements can reduce the overall cost of hedging, these instruments carry more risk than purchased call options in that the Company could end up in a liability position when the collar structure or swap agreement settles.",0 "** Indicates a management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement, as required by Item 15(a)(3).",0 "I f we are unable to obtain adequate quantities of inventory, we could face cost increases or delays or discontinuations in product shipments, which could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.",0 "Management reviews non-GAAP financial measures, in addition to GAAP financial measures, to assess ongoing operations and considers them to be helpful, for both management and investors, in evaluating BlackRock’s financial performance over time.",0 "Key Business Metrics We use certain key metrics and financial measures not prepared in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) to evaluate and manage our business.",0 "CMS Energy and Consumers develop skill sets in co‑workers through a variety of means, including union apprenticeship programs and yearly trainings for newly required skills.",0 "She also served on Gore’s Board of Directors through July 2018.",0 "For 2023 , our contribution to this multi-employer union plan (including the premiums paid by employees), was 18.3% (2022 : 15.7% , 2021 : 13.6% ) of the total contribution to the plan.",0 "(3) Note 43 of the Consolidated Financial Statements, included in the line “Finance income related to assets at amortised cost”.",0 "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters The information required under this Item 12 is incorporated by reference to the information in the 2024 Proxy Statement under the captions “Equity Compensation Plan Information”, “Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners” and “Security Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers”.",0 "The legal actions related to all but one of the project companies in this matter transferred to affiliates of Brookfield in conjunction with the transaction closing in October 2023.",0 "…EVERYWHERE around the world …1Presentation of the Group and Integrated Report Our value creation model — 28 KERING - 2023 Universal Registration Document5,957 employees 316 stores 3,697 employees 152 stores TABLE OF CONTENTS <",0 "On the closing date of the Merger, each share of WPX common stock was automatically converted into the right to receive 0.5165 of a share of Devon common stock.",0 We have determined all of our marketable debt securities are available-for-sale investments.,0 "We have established effective internal control and steering systems in order to ensure that the BASF Group’s Combined Management’s Report and Consolidated Financial Statements comply with applicable accounting rules and to ensure proper corporate reporting.",0 "He assumes all the duties that are not expressly assigned to the chief executive officer.",0 Roll out and manage the health and safety approach4.,0 "Date: February 26, 2024By: /s/ Charles E. Zebula Charles E. Zebula Chief Financial Officer",0 Penalties incurred to date have not been significant.,0 "We generate revenues by delivering relevant, cost-effective online advertising; cloud-based solutions that provide enterprise customers with infrastructure and platform services as well as communication and collaboration tools; sales of other products and services, such as fees received for consumer subscription-based products, apps and in-app purchases, and devices .",0 "As a result of our 5-year partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Total Road Safety initiatives have been implemented in over 34 countries.",0 "PROSUS Annual report 2023 175 174PROSUS Annual report 2023 Group overview Performance review Sustainability review Governance Financial statements Other information",0 "Companies receiving a loan under the money pool agreements must repay the principal amount of the loan, together with accrued interest, within 364 days of borrowing the funds.",0 "The SRM is composed of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) established in Brussels and the National Resolution Authorities (NRA) which, in the case of Spain, are the Bank of Spain as the preventive resolution authority and the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB) as the executive resolution authority.",0 "001-41 137, Form 10-K dated February 25, 2022, Exhibit 3.3) 3-4 Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of Constellation (File No.",0 "Based on such evaluation, Consumers’ management concluded that its internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2023.",0 "3] Consent to the foregoing Amendment: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as a Lender By: /s/ Jason Hafener Name: Jason Hafener Title: Managing Director",0 "Costs incurred and sales recorded by subsidiaries operating outside of the U.S. are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates effective during the respective period.",0 "Due to the inherent uncertainty of the outcomes of such matters, there can be no assurance that the resolution of any particular claim or proceeding would not have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial position or liquidity.",0 "Separate reinsurance agreements address the distinct needs of separately capitalized legal entities.",0 "On June 1, 2022, CSX completed its acquisition of Pan Am Systems, Inc. (“Pan Am”), which is the parent company of Pan Am Railways, Inc.",0 "Nationally, there has been an increase in physical attacks on substations.",0 "The Maison relocated its Fifth Avenue store in New York and launched a new part - nership with cutting-edge racing yacht Flying Nikka.",0 "The Company is required to make judgments, including estimating reserves for potential adverse outcomes regarding tax positions that the Company has taken.",0 "In May 2022, Ameren filed a Form S-8 registration statement with the SEC, authorizing the offering of 7.5 million additional shares of its common stock under its 401(k) plan.",0 "Lower average sales prices resulted from a reduction in the current year relative to the higher price environment in the prior year following the onset of the Ukraine-Russia war.",0 "Other Infineon is also involved in various other legal disputes and proceedings in connection with its existing or previous business activities.",0 "Yes x No ☐ Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company or an emer ging growth company .",0 "Our Renewables, Utilities, and Energy Infrastructure SBUs participate in our generation business line, in which we own and/or operate power plants to generate and sell power to customers, such as utilities, industrial users, and other intermediaries.",0 "(2)Recognized a $51 million benefit for the amortization of the net regulatory EDIT liability as decreed by regulators in certain jurisdictions, an $8 million benefit for the impact of AFUDC equity, and a $84 million expense for the goodwill impairment on the Arkansas and Oklahoma Natural Gas business sale.",0 "333-253630 on Form S-3 ASR of our reports dated February 21, 2024, relating to the financial statements of Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the effectiveness of Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s internal control over financial reporting appearing in this Annual Report on Form 10-K of Pacific Gas & Electric Company for the year ended December 31, 2023.",0 "This is wh y we launched the in terna tional Shar eWith Care campaign in 2023, which a ddresses the t opic o f “shar enting” – a combina tion o f “sharing” and “par enting.",0 "(1) (1) (2) (1) (2) See “– Note 37: Financial Instruments”.",0 "The PSUs Earned for such period, and the Common Stock issued and cash paid with respect to each PSU, shall be determined using the following scale: Payout Level Relative TSR Performance (Percentile Rank v .",0 "The targets and results of thes e key figures can be found in the report on economic position, development is provided in the nonfinancial statement and the outlook for the 2024 fiscal year is provided in the expected developments, opportunities and risks chapter.",0 "Table of Contents SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.",0 "Table of Contents Information about our Executive Officers: Following is a list of the executive officers of 3M, and their age, present position, the year elected to their present position and other positions they have held during the past five years.",0 "In particular, the ESEF report and our assurance opinion contained therein are to be used solely together with the assured ESEF documents made available in electronic form.",0 "CANarchy Craft Brewery Collective LLC On February 17, 2022, the Company completed its acquisition of CANarchy Craft Brewery Collective LLC (“CANarchy”), a craft beer and hard seltzer company, for $329.5 million in cash (net of cash acquired), after certain working capital adjustments (the “CANarchy Transaction”).",0 "The internal services that support the entire Group are consolidated in our Global Business Services (GBS) unit.",0 "Additionally , livestock grower farms are excluded.",0 "In accordance with the legal framework conditions and based on the bank’s own strategy on diversity, equity and inclusion, the bank is working on making progress on its ambitious goals of the “35 by 25” program that the Management Boar d set on May 4, 2021.",0 "For more information on our Agricultural Solutions segment, see page 93 onward For more information on biodiversity, see page 116 onward For more information on risks from litigation and claims, see Note 23 to the Consolidated Financial Statements on page 290Material topics in focus: Product Stewardship for Crop Protection Products and Seeds 151",0 "Management judgments include assessing the likelihood of (1) recovery in future rates of incurred costs, (2) probability of potential charges related to the abandonment of regulated plants, and (3) a refund to customers.",0 "Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.",0 "As part of our acquisition and integration strategy, we seek to: • expand our global presence; • strengthen our networks and access new markets; • utilize our existing corporate and technology infrastructure over a larger base of operations; and • introduce our comprehensive services and operational expertise.",0 •Negative revisions of 367 Bcfe primarily from proved undeveloped locations as a result of revisions to type curves.,0 "We support government customers in more than 100 countries, with our largest customers being various departments and agencies of the U.S. Government and their prime contractors.",0 "1- 10042) 4.9(j) Global Security for the 3.000% Senior Notes due 2027 Exhibit 4.2 to Form 8-K dated June 8, 2017 (File No.",0 "Development expenditures cannot be capitalized before this time.",0 "Such dis-application of pre-emption rights may be given in respect of up to the entirety of a company’s authorized but unissued share capital and for a maximum period of five years, at which point it must be renewed by another special resolution.",0 "Human rights due diligenceCGF Human Rights Coalition with the support of the Fair Labor Association (FLA)Danone is a founding member of the coalition and has helped define the objectives of its members.",0 "Therefore, management performed a quantitative assessment of both the Family Dollar goodwill and trade name.",0 "Shanghai, China Pernod Ricard, China Pernod Ricard Annual Report FY23 19",0 "1.19 “Full Value Award” shall mean any Award that is settled in Shares other than: (a) an Option, (b) a Stock Appreciation Right or (c) any other Award for which the Participant pays the intrinsic value existing as of the date of grant (whether directly or by forgoing a right to receive a payment from the Company or any Subsidiary).",0 "No material groups of onerous contracts which are not measured under the PAA were initially recognized in the periods ended 31 December 2023 and 2022, nor were material groups of contracts not measured under the PAA were acquired.",0 "Preferred Stock At December 31, 2023, Pinnacle West had 10 million shares of serial preferred stock authorized with no par value, none of which was outstanding, and APS had 15,535,000 shares of various types of preferred stock authorized with $25, $50, and $100 par values, none of which was outstanding.",0 "Legal Proceedings (Continued) Commodities Class Actions On September 4, 2019, AOT Holding AG (“AOT”) filed a putative class action under the U.S. Commodities Exchange Act in federal district court in Urbana, Illinois, alleging that the Company sought to manipulate the benchmark price used to price and settle ethanol derivatives traded on futures exchanges.",0 "Global markets, by their nature, are prone to uncertainty and subject participants to a variety of risks.",0 "In addition, PP&E impairments and other costs were recorded related to exit activities at specific locations in the OFSE segment.",0 "(j) “Disability” for purpose of this Plan, a Participant shall be deemed to have terminated employment on account of “Disability” if such Participant qualifies for a disability pension under the Pension Plan.",0 "The programme relies on Santander to onboard and actively manage more than 3,000 of its suppliers.",0 "upport • Financial health and inclusion (p. 57) y and • Supporting communities (p. 61) (Support for higher education, micro, small employability and entrepreneurship section).",0 These factors may not always accurately reflect the user's actual location.,0 "The modified financial asset will continue to accrued interest at its original EIR.",0 "Free cash flow is not considered a financial measure under GAAP by SEC Regulation G and Item 10 of SEC Regulation S-K and may not be defined and calculated by other companies in the same manner.",0 "We determine the portion of our ultimate net loss that will be recoverable under our reinsurance contracts by reference to the terms of the reinsurance protection purchased.",0 "Amounts include the effects of foreign exchange and interest.",0 "Deferred Performance Shares During 2023, 495,774 shares of the Company’s common stock representing vested performance share awards previously deferred into the deferred compensation plan, were sold and invested in other investment options.",0 "We also license our technology platforms to other multichannel video providers and distribute certain of our Sky-branded entertainment television networks to third-party video service providers.",0 "As of December 31, 2023, the State Transcos had $14.2 billion of transmission and other assets in- service, excluding CWIP, with plans to construct approximately $3.4 billion of additional transmission assets through 2026.",0 "Duration of the share buyback program The authorization is valid for a maximum period of eighteen (18) months from April 30, 2024 up to Octo ber 29, 2025.",0 "The introduction of new or further data protection laws or regulations in jurisdictions in which we currently operate, including in Canada, modify our data processing activities and/or increase our operational and compliance costs, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.",0 "In certain instances, the amount of our contractual obligations may change based on the expected timing of order fulfillment from our suppliers.",0 "Member of the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG 2008-2023.",0 "Exchange rate effects negatively impacted the company’s cash position by € 40 million (2022 : € 39 million ).",0 "Techniques used to obtain unauthorized access to, or to sabotage, systems or networks, are constantly evolving and generally are not recognized until launched against a target.",0 "We report the taxonomy-eligible share of opex as zero, also included in the reporting table template.",0 "The scope of consolidation for risk and opportunity management generally corresponds to the scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements.",0 "Depending on the beverage, the bottler/co-packer may also add carbonation to the products as part of the production process.",0 "Despite being centuries apart, they share their troubles and, as the play progresses, hurtle inexorably towards change.",0 " Combined management report 96 Risk report Munich Re Group Annual Report 2023 Market risks are modelled by means of Monte Carlo simulation of possible future market scenarios.",0 "Commodity price- based options as well as swaps serve as hedging instruments, for which contract terms are defined to reflect the risks of the hedged item.",0 "Agreements submitted for approval by the Annual General Meeting Agreements authorized during the year, entered into subsequent to the year-end We have been advised of the following agreements which were authorized by your Board of Directors during the year and which were entered into between the reporting date and the date of this report.",0 "Based on ever-greater mobility, our ambitious worldwide human resources strategy facilitates the growth of the Houses through a shared pool of talented individuals, expertise and excellence.",0 "The bilateral contracts are subject to credit risk, which relates to the ability of counterparties to meet their contractual payment obligations.",0 "Table of Contents GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below on this 30th day of January 2024 by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities indicated, including a majority of the directors.",0 "Fair Value Measurements (All Registrants) Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (an exit price).",0 "CHANGES IN AND DISAGREEMENTS WITH ACCOUNTANTS ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE None.",0 "Sponsorships and philanthropy Contribution to visual health and inclusive economy Fair business practices, including responsible marketing Dialogue, partnership and education Educational Institutions Cooperation for R&D and innovation (e.g.",0 "Dated: January 19, 2024 Signature Title /s/ Elaine D. RosenNon-Executive Board Chair and DirectorElaine D. Rosen /s/ Paget L. AlvesDirectorPaget L. Alves /s/ Rajiv BasuDirectorRajiv Basu /s/ J. Braxton CarterDirectorJ.",0 "The Chinese government relaxed pandemic restrictions at the end of 2022 and reopened borders in January 2023.",0 "3 The term “RoCE” has been redefined with effect from the reporting year 2022 (for definition, see ↗ Glossary ).",0 "In 2018, he became Chief Executive Officer of (formerly voyages/, a member of the Executive Committee of SNCF Mobilités and then Managing Director of Voyageurs SNCF.",0 "The Board, or if delegated by the Board , the Human Capital Management and Compensation Committee of the Board (the “Commi ttee”), will administer and interpret this Policy and make all determinations for the administration of this Policy .",0 "By striving to make ethical choices and acting with integrity , we aim to continue to grow SAP in a way that meets both our own and our customers’ high ethical expectations .",0 "We have selected October 1st of each year as the annual goodwill impairment test date.",0 "Based on the most recent reclamation studies, APS recorded an obligation for the coal mine final reclamation of approximately $184 million at December 31, 2023, and $179 million at December 31, 2022.",0 "In our businesses and in the Company’s function as the main operational internal reinsurer of the Group we establish reserves for claims (reported and unreported) and claims expenses in accordance with industry practices, as well as accounting, actuarial and regulatory requirements.",0 "Table of Contents eBay Inc. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS—(Continued) 2024.",0 "Alternatively, you may access these reports at the SEC’s website at .Business and Properties Table of Contents 19ConocoPhillips 2023 10-K",0 "333-180768) pertaining to a shelf registration to sell debt securities Registration Statement (Form S-3 ASR No.",0 "Interest and penalties related to uncertain tax positions, which are immaterial, are recorded in our “Provision for income taxes” on our Statements of Operations.",0 "“Erroneously Awarded Compensation” has the meaning set forth below in the section entitled “Amount Subject to Recovery.” “Exchange” means the New York Stock Exchange.",0 "These strategies form the pillars of our human capital management framework and are advanced through the following programs, policies and initiatives.",0 "Many of our personnel work remotely, which may lead to challenges in productivity and collaboration.",0 "Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations ” and Note 16 to our consolidated financial statements.",0 FTRs are subject to regulatory accounting and do not impact earnings.,0 "In addition to its members, during 2023, Star Alliance included Shanghai-based Juneyao Airlines and Thailand-based Thai Smile Airways, a subsidiary of THAI Airways International, as connecting partners and Germany-based Deutsche Bahn, a rail company, as an intermodal partner.",0 "Also, upon a downgrade below investment grade, DTE Energy, DTE Electric, and DTE Gas could have restricted access to the commercial paper market, and if DTE Energy is downgraded below investment grade, the non-utility businesses could be required to restrict operations due to a lack of available liquidity.",0 "2023 Universal Registration Document EssilorLuxottica 2854Financial statements Financial statements of EssilorLuxottica Note 14Off balance sheet commitments 14.1.",0 "Availability of the facility depends on the borrower’s continuing compliance with the agreed financial and operational covenants, and other administrative terms of the facility.",0 "On December 15, 2023, Todd M. Rynaski, Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting, Risk, and Compliance Officer, adopted a trading plan intended to satisfy Rule 10b5-1(c) to sell up to 5,271 shares of Union Pacific Corporation common stock, of which 5,271 are to be acquired upon the exercise of vested stock options, between March 15, 2024, and September 16, 2024, subject to certain conditions.",0 "We should have the opportunity to appeal an FTC decision modifying the order and could request the 53",0 The main acquisitions and disposals of the year are described in Note 2.1.,0 "Management believes the presentation of adjusted earnings and adjusted EPS provides useful information to investors, as it provides them with an additional relevant comparison of Duke Energy’s performance across periods.",0 "• Operating income (loss) was ($881.8) million and as a percentage of total revenues, decreased 1,080 basis points to (2.9)% primarily due to the current year impairments and litigation charges noted above.",0 "At its extraordinary meeting in August, the Supervisory Board appo inted Heike Prinz as a member of the Board of Management and Labor Director effect ive September 1, 2023.",0 "The coverage unit used to amortise the contractual service margin is the change in savings due to policyholders (determined at present value), adjusted to take into account the impact of the real return on financial or property assets compared to the actuarial neutral risk projection.",0 "If the frequency or severity of extreme weather increases, we may experience interruptions to our operations, further impact on our supply chain, increased operating costs or loss or damage to our property or inventory, which could adversely impact our results of operations and financial position.",0 "Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas are among France’s leading visual artists, using their graphical creations to tell stories and create unique worlds, mostly through drawings and animated films.",0 "ERM: monitoring and improvement The Enterprise Risk Management department within the Internal Audit & Risk Management enabling function continuously evaluates whether the principl es, standards, methods and tools are appropriate and up to date.",0 The foregoing certification is being furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to 18 U.S.C.,0 "In the following table s, we present the assets transferred to a different level of the fair value hierarchy in the reporting period or the previous period.",0 The recognized goodwill is expected to be deductible for tax purposes.,0 "BASF Report 2023 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report The first appointment of members of the Board of Executive Directors is for a term of no more than three years.",0 "Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued) Note 17.",0 "8 Representation of Munich Re on the board of directo rs and/or supervisory body or an equivalent governing body of the entity, whose relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.",0 "Pursuant to PAMA as amended, for 2025 through 2027, a CLFS test price cannot be reduced by more than 15.0% per year (excluding non-PAMA reimbursement changes).",0 "The Company could suffer significant damage to its brand and reputation if a security incident resulted in unauthorized access to, acquisition of, or modification to the Company’s technology infrastructure, research and development processes, manufacturing operations, its products and services as well as the internal and external 23",0 "The expected stock price volatility is based on the historical volatility of our common stock over a period matching the expected term of the options granted.",0 "Amounts are derec-ognised when they are returned or, in exceptional cases, when they are sold or expire.",0 "In June 2023, the Bankruptcy Court granted the plaintiffs’ motion to dismiss.",0 "Credit Risk Credit Risk Factors To reduce the credit risk in investments, we arrange to receive rights to collateral for certain investing activities in the full amount of the investment volume, which we would be allowed to make use of only in the case of default of the counterparty to the investment.",0 "Properties Details of the Company’s net properties are as follows: (Dollars in Millions) Accumulated Net BookAnnual DepreciationEstimated Useful Life Depreciation December 2023 Cost Depreciation Value Rate (Avg.",0 "The cumulative investment as at 31 December 2023 was approximately EUR 729 million (USD 807 million).",0 "The following discussion compares our results for each of our three reportable segments for the year ended December 31, 2023 compared to the year ended December 31, 2022.",0 "Date of assessment of achievement of the performance conditionUpon the recommendation of the Nomination, Compensation and Governance Committee, on February 21, 2024, the Board of Directors acknowledged that the free cash flow condition was achieved at 100%.6CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 6.4 Detailed information on long-term compensation plans 380 DANONE - UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2023",0 "Watch this space.” Jayne Murphy, Global Marketing Director, Malts At Ballantine’s we believe that everyone is unique, original and worth celebrating.",0 "In 2023, a total of 1,039,820 equity‑settled Performance Shares was considered in the calculation of diluted earnings per share.",0 "In particular, it is responsible fo r matters requiring the approval of the Supervisory Board, for items which have to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting, for tasks which constitute management functions or are of exceptional importance, and for significant personnel measures.",0 "Information Available at Our Corporate Responsibility Webpage • Corporate Responsibility Reports • Quest for Health Equity • Information about our corporate political contributions • Quest Diagnostics Foundation • Environmental, social and governance resources • Sustainability • Governance, ethics and values • Community giving® 25",0 "Ten-Year Summary 317 Selected Key Figures Excluding Precious Metals 319 Glossary, Trademarks and Image Sources 3205OverviewsContents To Our Shareholders Combined Management’s Report Corporate Governance Consolidated Financial Statements OverviewsBASF Report 2023 316",0 "This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and prof essional standards applicable in France.",0 "On 13 February 2023, the SFO gave notice to the Company discontinuing the prosecution.",0 The obligations of the Parent under this Section 9.6 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.,0 "Date: February 16, 2024 /s/ Lisa M. Barton Lisa M. Barton President and Chief Executive Of ficer",0 "11, 2015 over 10 years (EUR 750 million) 2,012 – (910) 1,102 Sep. 8, 2015 over 8 years (EUR 800 million) 403 – (403) – Oct. 13, 2015 over 10 years (EUR 100 million) (432) – 152 (280) Sep. 9, 2016 over 8 years (EUR 800 million) 1,726 – (911) 815 Dec. 13, 2017 over 9 years (EUR 750 million) 2,288 – (466) 1,822 June.",0 "This mainly pertains to the way sustainability is incorpo- rated into the business strategy; th e establishment of sustainability ta rgets; nonmandatory ESG reporting and the auditing thereof, if applicable; opportunities and risks; and organizational structures and processes in ESG areas, provided the Audit Committee is not alr eady responsible for these ma tters.",0 "The Investing Banking business area has not been considered since it represents less than 1% of the BBVA Group's gross margin.",0 "Competition includes microbreweries, regional brewers, national craft brewers, and large international and domestic producers of beers, FMBs, and hard seltzers such as Molson Coors, Constellation Brands, AB InBev, The Boston Beer Company and The Mark Anthony Group among many others.",0 "The Board of Directors seeks to maintain a balance between the various components of remuneration, with most remuneration consisting of short- and long-term variable elements related to the Group's performance and that of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.",0 "Nokia Technologies operating margin in 2023 was 67.6 % compared to 75.7 % in 2022 .Business overviewCorporate governanceBoard reviewFinancial statementsOther information 82 Operating and financial review continued Nokia in 2023 82",0 "They are proceeding on a consolidated basis in the U.S. District Court before the Honorable Paul L. Friedman (MDL I).",0 "A t the da te of disposal o f an in vestmen t, the t otal cumula tive gain or l oss is r eclassified t o retained earnings.",0 "This includes a risk for the Group to be seen as taking an unfair advantage thanks to its current position on the market.",0 "Date: February 14, 2024 /s/ John M. Moreira John M. Moreira Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Of ficer and Treasurer (Principal Financial Of ficer)",0 "• Increase of EUR 9 million in the accumulates actuarial losses relating to the Group's entities in Portugal, mainly due to the evolution experienced by the discount rate -reduction from 3.70% to 3.50%.",0 "With 140 subsidiaries in 45 countries, it has 5,500 employees and is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm.",0 "A one percentage point increase in interest rates would have reduced the fair value of our fixed rate debt by approximately $264.7 million at August 26, 2023.",0 "If not utilized, the Federal R&D credit will begin to expire in 2037 and the California R&D credit can be carried over indefinitely.",0 "Compliance with internal and external safety regulations is verifi ed in internal audits.",0 "Financing and liquidity risk Financing and liquidity risk is the risk that an entity will encounter difficulties in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities.",0 "A global community of over 190,000 dedicated employees around the world work together to help the Company thrive every day.",0 "With few exceptions, we are no longer subject to U.S. federal, state and local, or non-U.S. income tax examinations by taxing authorities for years before fiscal 2014.",0 "31-jan Multi-concept Retail sales Itx Taiwan B.V. Taiwan Branch 100.00% Taipei - Taiwan, China Full Consol.",0 "The terms “we,” “our” and “us” used in this report refer collectively to Alliant Energy , IPL and WPL.",0 "The Company’s reportable segments are: (1) Americas Materials Solutions, (2) Americas Building Solutions, (3) Europe Materials Solutions, and (4) Europe Building Solutions.",0 "The Trustee is required to give notice of any default under the Mortgage known to the Trustee in the manner and to the extent required to do so by the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, unless such default shall have been cured or waived.",0 "Its offering ranges from sporty sedan to X model.",0 "We retain specialized external counsel (and other advisors, if needed) in case legal action is taken against the company.",0 "(b)Constant exchange rates: figures at constant exchange rates have been calculated using the average exchange rates in effect for the corresponding period in the relevant comparative year.",0 "While the amount of outstanding commercial paper does not reduce the available capacity of the revolving credit facilities, Consumers does not intend to issue commercial paper in an amount exceeding the available capacity of the facilities.",0 (2)Represents obligations for interest payments on long-term debt.,0 "He was joined by Peter Harman, Sportsbet’s Chief Legal and Risk Officer, and other leading Australian CEOs, business owners and community and government leaders.",0 e. Termination of Employment Due to Other Reasons .,0 "We carried out related activities in 2023 due to the operation of a district heating plant in Germany, although , similar to 2022, not to a material extent.",0 "They reflect the results of the Group’s Environment , Health and Safety (EHS) policy.",0 "Disruptions in our supply chain and other factors affecting the distribution of our merchandise could adversely impact our business.",0 "We have processes in place to oversee and identify cybersecurity risks and vulnerability related to certain third-party business partners, vendors, and service providers.",0 "Compensation expense associated with our performance shares that vest based on future performance targets is measured using the fair value of our common stock at the grant date for the stock-settled, equity classified awards and the fair value of our common stock at the end of each reporting period for the cash-settled, liability classified awards.",0 "2) Of which cash/margin receivables classified in the category “Mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss“ amounted to EUR 5,894m.",0 An evaluation is performed to determine whether CDM is a principal or agent in these transactions.,0 "For the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2023 , our depreciation on property and equipment were $13.5 billion and $11.9 billion , respectively .",0 "See Note 23.Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Table of Contents 83ConocoPhillips 2023 10-K",0 "Commodity Prices The following chart shows the trend in benchmark prices for Brent crude oil, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil and U.S. Henry Hub natural gas.",0 "Table of Contents Index to Financial Statements Item 8.",0 "The risk being hedged is the risk of changes in the fair value of the hedged debt attributable to changes in the benchmark interest rate.",0 "3] Consent to the foregoing Amendment: BANK OF MONTREAL, Chicago Branch, as a Lender By: /s/ Tracy Martinov Name: Tracy Martinov Title: Authorized Signatory",0 Our quarterly financial results have fluctuated in the past and will fluctuate in the future.,0 "SAP Integrated Report 2023 To Our Stakeholders Combined Management Report Consolidated Financial Statements IFRS Further Information about Sustainability Additional Information 270 /324 GHG, we realize that there is a wide range of values in the market, and the effort to standardize them further is ongoing.",0 "Adjusted EBITDA Margin Shares Earned (% of Grant) 26% or Higher 100% 25 – 25.9% 90% 24 – 24.9% 70% 23 – 23.9% (“Target”) 50% 22 – 22.9% 30% 21 – 21.9% 10% Below 21% 0%",0 "The segments represent geographic areas and reflect how the chief operating decision maker allocates resources and measures results, including total revenues and operating income.",0 "A hypothetical adverse price change of 10% on our December 31, 2023 balance would decrease the fair value of marketable equity securities by $597 million .",0 "Upgrades and improvements to computer systems and networks, or the implementation of new systems, may require substantial amounts of management’s time and financial resources to complete, and may also result in system or network defects or operational errors due to multiple factors, including employees’ ability to effectively use the new or upgraded system.",0 "Table of Contents Revenue Recognition - Unbilled Revenues (PPL, LG&E and KU) For RIE, LG&E and KU, revenues related to the sale of energy are recorded when service is rendered or when energy is delivered to customers.",0 "The 2023 financial year therefore marks the first year of operation of this new organisational structure, which positions sustainable development as a strategic priority for the Group.",0 "This tool was developed through a collaborative approach open to the entire textile industry, which is why we have made the platform publicly accessible via our corporate website to anyone interested.",0 "Exelon Corporation Code of Business Conduct Performance that Drives Progress",0 "FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (continued) 22.",0 "The following table summarizes the lease terms and discount rates as of December 31 : 2023 2022 Lease Term and Discount Rate Weighted-average term (years) Operating leases 5.83 5.64 Finance leases 5.73 6.60 Weighted-average discount rate (percent) Operating leases 4.13 2.99 Finance leases 3.39 3.40 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Table of Contents ConocoPhillips 2023 10-K110",0 "The management of currency, inte rest-rate, commodity-price and default risks helps to reduce the volatility of our earnings.",0 "Future capital expenditures will also be recovered, and the regulatory asset will be remeasured each reporting period for changes in expenditures, retirements, and depreciation.",0 "We’re making great strides against our S&R roadmap – Nurturing Terroir, Valuing People, Circular Making and Responsible Hosting.We’re close to our consumers around the world.",0 "Forward-looking statements provide our current expectations and projections relating to our financia l condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance, and business.",0 "The impairment test for goodwill is performed based on groups of cash -generating units that represent the lowest level within the company at which goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes.",0 "Sponsored by one Deputy Chief Executive Officer and two Executive Committee members, they develop the DEI strategy and policies globally, stay updated on best practices and trends, promote an inclusive and diverse culture, identify and address barriers and challenges and set DEI objectives.",0 "Since the main contractual conditions were agreed with the beneficiaries in 2023 and the em ployees had already started the ir work, Deutsche Bö rse Group started recognising the corresponding expenses in Q3 2023.",0 " SA-20 SWA-PA-03729-LA-2100814R2 Page 6 BOEING PROPRIETARY ATTACHMENT B-1 : [***] [***]",0 "In addition, the Company may enter into deferred payment plans with an Executive Officer to effectuate recovery to avoid unreasonable economic hardship.",0 "(b) For purposes of Section 5 (i.e., Change in Control) hereof, the Severance Period with respect to: (i) Senior Executive Management shall be 2.99 years; (ii) any other Senior Vice President or above shall be 18 months; and (iii) any other Executive shall be 15 months.",0 "A Participant whose Celera BHL Plan matching contributions (if any) were transferred to the Celera Plan as of January 1, 2009 has a 100% vested interest in those matching contributions.",0 "- Monitor final implementation of the AI Practical Guidance in all EU Renewal Agenda Committee (RACo) operating entities.",0 "A discussion regarding our financial condition and results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2022, compared to the year ended December 31, 2021, can be found under Item 7 of Part II of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the SEC on February 28, 2023.",0 "Humana Inc. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS—(Continued) $30 million in 2023, $31 million in 2022, and $28 million in 2021.",0 "Gains or losses from foreign currency remeasurement are included in income.",0 "Each Member represents and warrants that any such information and forms furnished by such Member shall be true and accurate and agrees to indemnify the Company from any and all damages, costs and out-of-pocket expenses resulting from the filing of inaccurate or incomplete information or forms relating to such withholding Taxes.",0 Empower local communities by promoting local initiatives and enabling individuals and partners to make sustainability a reality for all.,0 "The allocation of total consideration to the fair values of the acquired assets and liabilities of Quality Carriers is summarized in the table below.",0 "Long-term debt repayments associated with these financing arrangements for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 were $111 million and $160 million, respectively.",0 "The combined U.S. and non-U.S. pension plans resulted in a net pension asset of $574 million at December 31, 2023 and a net pension asset of $583 million at December 31, 2022.",0 "In addition to the other definitions contained herein or in the Plan, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings for purposes of this Agreement: (a) “Adjusted EBITDA” means adjusted EBITDA as disclosed in the Company’s SEC filings.",0 "Inventory purchase activity is a function of sales activity, special inventory forward buy-in opportunities and our desired level of inventory.",0 "We offer a full range of services that complement our product of ferings, including consultation, delivery , design, installation, memberships, protection plans, repair , set-up, technical support and health, safety and caregiving monitoring and support.",0 "Luxembourg Financial Institution 96.9 337 DB Asset Finance II S.à r.l.",0 Utilities rely on extensive networks of business partners and suppliers to support critical enterprise capabilities across their organizations.,0 "Actual results will be influenced by the competitive environment, fuel costs and other expenses, and potentially other unforeseen events or circumstances that could have a material impact on future results.",0 "Michigan 05 CMS Venezuela, S.A. Venezuela 05 ENELMAR S.A. Venezuela",0 "Executive Boar d and Supervisory Board Management report Consolidated financial statements and notes Remuneration report Further information Deutsche Börse Group – Annual report 2023 269 Wherea s net revenue in the 2022 financial year was €4,337.6 million, the figure in the 2023 financial year was €5,076.6 million, which is an increase of 17.04 per cent.",0 "In the event of a discrepancy, the Spanish-language version prevails",0 "4.101 Second Supplemental Indenture to the TWC Indenture, dated as of September 30, 2012, among TWC, TW NY, TWCE, TWC Internet Holdings II and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, supplementing the Indenture dated April 9, 2007, as amended (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the TWC September 30, 2012 Form 8-K).",0 "Gains on sales of assets increased $453 million, primarily due to the absence of a loss associated with the sale of Kewaunee ($649 million), partially offset by the absence of a gain on the contribution of certain privatization operations to Dominion Privatization ($155 million).",0 "These awards are evaluated periodically by the Board of Directors.",0 "Bayer Annual Report 2023 B Consolidated Fina ncial Statements Notes to the Statements of Financial Position 178 15.",0 "Operating profit declined by $461 million to $549 million, primarily due to the impairment loss of $725 million relating to the PokerStars trademark which more than offset the strong revenue growth across the Group during the year.",0 "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Supplemental Indenture to be duly executed as of the date first above written.",0 "Investing in that culture – and in our people – is how our business continues to thrive.” Cédric Ramat, EVP, Human ResourcesWith the drive to attract and retain talented individuals becoming increasingly competitive, during the year we started working on a new talent marketplace project that will redefine our career framework when it’s launched officially early next year.",0 "Ten independently-operated hotels with approximately 7,000 rooms are situated on property leased from the Company.",0 Lisa Stevens 53 Chief People Officer and Head of Global Human Capital Solutions.,0 "Equity Method Investments Equity method investments consist of our investments in entities in which we maintain an equity ownership interest and apply the equity method of accounting due to our ability to exert significant influence over decisions relating to their operating and financial affairs.",0 "Annual Financial Report 2023 Iberdrola, S.A. and subsidiaries | 214 Company Address Activity % of direct or indirect stake Method (*) 31.12.2023 31.12.2022 Innovation Aquí Tu Reforma Europa, S.L.",0 "(2) The following are deemed “parenthood purposes”: (A) the pregnancy of the Employee; (B) the birth of a child of the Employee; (C) the placement of a child with the Employee in connection with the Employee’ s adoption of such child; or (D) caring for such child for a period beginning immediately following such birth or placement.",0 "With respect to dispositions in particular, various factors could materially affect our ability to dispose of assets if and when we decide to do so, including the availability of purchasers willing to purchase the assets at prices acceptable to us, particularly in times of reduced and volatile commodity prices.",0 "plant management positions) generally participate in a special onboarding process that prepares them for their tasks and makes them aware of relevant policies.",0 "Leasing Arrangements We enter into various lease arrangements for network equipment including towers, distributed antenna systems, small cells, real estate and connectivity mediums including dark fiber, equipment, and other various types of assets for use in our operati ons.",0 "Microelectronics from Infineon is the key to a better future.",0 "3 Refers to share-based incentives settled in equity instruments of the Naspers group, where the Prosus group has no obligation to settle the awards with participants, ie they are settled by Naspers.Operational performance continued PROSUS Annual report 2023 225 224PROSUS Annual report 2023 Group overview Performance review Sustainability review Governance Financial statements Other information",0 "If it is more likely than not that a tax position will be sustained, the Company measures and recognizes the tax position at the largest amount of benefit that has a greater than 50% likelihood of being realized upon ultimate settlement.",0 "Finance lease expense is comprised of depreciation and amortization, and interest expenses.",0 "Due to these factors and the evolving nature of our business, our historical revenue growth rate and historical operating margin may not be indicative of our future performance.",0 "Plant and Transmission Line Leases and Rights-of-Way on Indian Lands The Navajo Plant and Four Corners are located on land held under leases from the Navajo Nation and also under rights-of-way from the federal government.",0 "Examples include electricity and fuel purchases, operations and maintenance costs, depreciation and amortization expenses, bad debt expense and recoveries, and general administrative and support costs (including employee-related costs directly associated with the operations of the business).",0 "Decisions that are reserved for the Board as a whole by law, through the Board of Executive Directors’ Rules of Procedure or through resolutions adopted by the Board, are made and all important matters of the company are discussed at regularly held Board meetings called by the chair of the Board of Executive Directors.",0 "Any taxes imposed on any distribution from this Plan shall be the sole responsibility of the Participant or other person entitled to receive such distribution, and",0 "The Naval Station Mayport contract was awarded on June 30, 2022, with the performance start date for operation on March 1, 2023.",0 "Additionally , for the Plan Year in which a Participant first becomes eligible to participate in the Plan, a Participant's initial Deferral Election may be made within thirty (30) days after the date the Participant becomes eligible to participate in the Plan and shall apply only to Compensation and Bonus Compensation paid for services performed after the date of such election.",0 "The imposition of any new U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports or the taking of other actions against China in the future, and any responses by China, could impair our ability to meet customer demand and could result in lost sales or an increase in our cost of merchandise, which would have a material adverse impact on our business and results of operations.",0 "From January 2013 to March 2022, Ms. Doherty was Senior Vice President and Group Executive - Clinical Franchise Solutions and Marketing.",0 See Tables 5 and 6 for more details on billed business performance.,0 "CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS, AND DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE Evergy The information required by this item will be included in an amendment to this Form 10-K or will be incorporated by reference to the ""Director Independence"" and ""Other Matters - Related Party Transactions"" sections of the Proxy Statement.",0 "This program provides us with added confidence around a supplier’s human rights risks and is in addition to the RBA SAQ.",0 "Our employees are the cornerstone of our culture and acts of misconduct by any employee, and particularly by senior management, could erode trust and confidence and damage our reputation.",0 We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB.,0 ", which can result in injuries , accidental pollution within or outside the Group sites , particularly when they are located in a populated area , and/ or the temporary unavailability of an industrial site.",0 "New York Stock Exchange Symbol The Company’s Common Stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol “AWK.” 3",0 "On the Distribution Date of each Tranche, the Company shall retain or sell, without notice, a sufficient number of Shares to cover the amount needed to fulfill its withholding requir ements for Federal and state income taxes.",0 (b)Qualified as an independent Director by derogation from the criteria defined by the AFEP-MEDEF Code; see Section  3.4.,0 "The previous year’s figures have been adjusted to improve comparability.142 Infineon | Annual Report 2023Further information Combined Management Report Management Board and Supervisory Board Notes to the Consolidated Financial StatementsConsolidated Financial Statements",0 "Stock-Based Compensation We account for stock-based compensation under the fair value method of accounting in accordance with applicable accounting standards.",0 "In September 2017, Cle arstream Banking AG and Clearstream Banking S.A. were made aware that the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Cologne had initiated proceedings for tax evasion against an employee of Clearstrea m Banking AG for his alleged involvement in the settle ment of transactions of market partici- pants over the d ividend date (cum/ex transactions).",0 "Table of contents Our indebtedness could adversely impact our financial condition and results of operations.",0 Claims closed without payment are not included in the cumulative number of reported accident and health claims.,0 "Communities Inditex Group Annual Report 2023 Statement on Non-Financial Information 304",0 An increase in expected cost overruns could result in a significant impairment in a future period.,0 "Creed, acquired in October 2023, has been consolidated in Kering’s financial statements since November 1, 2023; •Kering’s headquarters teams, all corporate departments reporting to them – including in the regions – and Shared Services, which provide a range of services to the brands, along with the Kering Sustainability Department.",0 "For example, in September 2018, we announced our discovery of a third-party cyber-attack that exploited a vulnerability in Facebook's code to steal user access tokens and access certain profile information from user accounts on Facebook.",0 "These ancillary services and facilities include laboratories, ambulance services, medical equipment services, home health agencies, mental health providers, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, optical services, and pharmacies.",0 "We aim to include other ESG risks later, and the same applies for the reflection of regulatory requirements as this topic is st ill evolv ing Risk monitoring ESG risk information is reported on a periodic (at minimum annual) basis, to measure and monitor risk exposure against the risk appetite and tolerance.",0 "The NGC may require anyone having a material relationship or involvement with Flutter Entertainment plc to be found suitable or licensed.",0 "The categorization of a financial instrument within the valuation hierarchy is based upon the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement.",0 4.4 Modification or Revocation of Election by Participant .,0 "Restrictions, caps, taxes, or other controls on emissions of GHGs, including diesel exhaust, could significantly increase our operating costs.",0 "The quoted prices from non-exchange sources are reviewed on their tradability of market prices.",0 "Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk The Company is exposed to the impact of interest rate changes, foreign currency fluctuations, commodity fluctuations and changes in the market values of its investments.",0 "Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks.",0 "During the years ended December 30, 2023, December 31, 2022, and December 25, 2021, we recorded restructuring costs of $80 million, $128 million, and $8 million, respectively.",0 "ASML ANNUAL REPORT 2023 NON-FINANCIAL INDICATORS CONTINUED STRATEGIC REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIALS 313 Non-financial indicators (continued)",0 This performance test is based on an organic EBITDA compounded annual growth rate target.,0 These procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating to product revenue recognition.,0 "Additionally, through Senate Bill 2627, the Texas Legislature created the Texas Energy Fund, which received voter approval in November 2023, and will provide grants and low-interest loans to incentivize the development of more dispatchable generation and smaller backup generation in ERCOT.",0 "Refer to the “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” section on page 47 for additional information, including our definition and our use of constant currency, and for a reconciliation of constant currency amounts.",0 "eligible individual account plan under ERISA Section 407(d)(3), and that it meet the requirements of ERISA Section 404(c) and be construed, maintain ed and administered as an “ERISA Section 404(c) plan” within the meaning of Department of Labor Regulation §2550.404c–1(b)(1).",0 "During 2023, the Company recorded an impairment charge of $137 million related to the Animal Nutrition reporting unit that represented the amount by which the carrying value of the reporting unit exceeded the fair value of the reporting unit at the impairment testing date.",0 "The increase at AES Clean Energy is mostly due to an upward revision of estimated cash flows as a result of a decommissioning study done in the fourth quarter of 2023, which mostly impacted the estimated cash flows related to solar assets.",0 "These excellent results lead us to propose to the Annual General Meeting the approval of a €0.39 cash dividend per share against 2023 earnings.",0 "(c) The Borro wer agrees to pay to the Adm inistrative Agent, for its own account, fees payable in the amounts and at the times separately agreed upon between the Borrower and the Administrative Agent.",0 "Our people Inditex Group Annual Report 2023 Statement on Non-Financial Information 258",0 The purchase contract agreement contains provisions limiting the liability of the purchase contract agent.,0 "The assessment of the performance of this parameter of the 2020-2022 Strategic Bonus determined a 100% compliance level, after finding a 5.5% positive gap in favour of women (Annual Director Remuneration Report 2022, p. 19).",0 "Also see Note 25 to the consolidated financial statements, in Section 4.1.6 of this Universal Registration Document for IFRS information.Financial Market The impact of interest rate fluctuations is limited due to the high percentage of gross indebtedness, at a fixed rate (90%).",0 "Our Board of Directors (the “Board”) may issue preferred stock, in one or more series, without par value, with full, limited, multiple, fractional, or no voting right s, and with such designations, preferences, qualifications, privileges, limitations, restrictions, options, conversion rights and other special rights as our Board shall determine.",0 "It has worked to analyze areas where Safran deviates from the new standard and to identify the Group’s material issues (dual materiality analysis).",0 pledge Chevron securities as collateral for a loan or any other purpose.,0 "Income from the discounting of provisions and higher intra-Group interest income due to increased interest rates in the market environment led to the improvement in net interest income of Deutsche Post AG.",0 "If we are unable to sell our older equipment at or above our salvage value, the resulting losses could have a significant impact on our results of operations.",0 "The buyout payment, including a return on, is being recovered from IPL ’s retail and wholesale customers from 2021 through the end of 2025, and is currently being amortized to “Electric production fuel and purchased power” in Alliant Energy’ s and IPL ’s income statements.",0 These matters were known and accrued for at the time of the acquisition.,0 "If you would like to defer all or a portion of your 2024 base salary and/or all or a portion of your",0 "Increasing liabilities or otherwise increasing funding requirements under these plans, resulting from adverse changes in legislation or otherwise, could result in significant cash funding obligations that could have a material impact on our financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows.",0 "RBA self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) 56 59 128 Total number of suppliers 4,657 4,984 5,126 Number of suppliers per region Asia 1,319 1,348 1,375 EMEA (excl.",0 "The suitability of each individual member is assessed, determined and continuously monitored both internally by the Nomination Committee and the Supervisory Board and externally by the regulator y authorities.",0 "Before joining Nordea as a Board member, he held the position of President and Chief Executive Officer at ICA Gruppen, a leading Swedish retail company for 11 years.",0 "Limited in Hanoi City Vietnam Representative Office of Nordson S.E.",0 "The appeal will then be approved or denied by the Administrator or its delegate, as it deems appropriate, based on its interpretation of the Plan in light of the medical evidence.",0 "Where applicable, the above percentage also includes the percentage of the underlying assets’ value allocated to other group schemes, including the Global schemes (also see note 4).",0 "Date: February 14, 2024 /s/ Joseph R. Nolan, Jr .",0 "Other investigations of our historical sales practices are ongoing.",0 "Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rates prevailing on the reporting .",0 "The internal control officers and auditors are also compliance ambassadors and monitor the application of compliance programmes (see chapter/uni00A04 “Risk factors and management AFR”, § 4.3 ).",0 "These accounting policies have been consistently applied to all financial years presented, unless otherwise stated.",0 "Securities lending is an investment management enhancement that utilizes certain existing securities of the Duke Energy Corporation Master Retirement Trust to earn additional income.",0 "These factors include the timing, extent, trajectory and duration of any pandemic, the development, availability, distribution and effectiveness of vaccines and treatments, the imposition of protective public safety measures, and the impact of the pandemic on the global economy.",0 "Table of Contents ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - (Continued) The following table presents asset allocation information for the Master Trust as of September 30, 2023 and 2022.",0 "The ISMS is based on internationally recognized standards and is continuously developed further.",0 "The main commitment is the retirement plan granted to some senior managers of Danone.FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4.2 Parent Company financial statements DANONE - UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2023147",0 "In addition to these financial targets, we have set ourselves broad sustainability targets.",0 "In addition, price increases from these suppliers could have an adverse effect on the Company’s margins.",0 "A Participant may exercise his or her Option for all or part of the number of Shares which he or she is eligible to exercise under terms of the Option.",0 "The public comment period for the NPRM was closed on June 16, 2023.",0 "Principal Accounting Fees and Services The Company's independent registered public accounting firm is Ernst & Young LLP, Dallas, TX, Auditor Firm ID: 42.",0 "We operate as a Department of Homeland Security certified IAC, providing air freight services, subject to commercial standards set forth by the International Air Transport Association (“IATA”) and federal regulations issued by the Transportation Security Administration (“TSA”).",0 "1 to Form U5B dated February 13, 2003, Exhibit B.8.1 3-13 Bylaws of Atlantic City Electric Company File No.",0 "As of October 31, 2023, there were 9,543 holders of record of our common stock.",0 Any exceptions identified are notified to the Audit Committee.,0 "Unless implementation of PAMA is further delayed or changed, an additional reduction of approximately $100.0 million is expected for 2025, from all payers affected by the CLFS.",0 We expect our final valuations to be completed in 2024.,0 "In the event of any inconsistency between the Policy and the terms of any employment or other agreement to which the undersigned is a party, or the terms of any compensation plan, program or agreement under which any compensation has been granted, awarded, earned or paid, the terms of the Policy shall govern.",0 (7)Excludes the currency impact on interest expense related to our non-U.S. dollar-denominated debt which is included in currency translation.,0 "See Note 6 for further information about the allocation of goodwill to the MES disposal.",0 "We may also incur unexpected costs as a result of one or more reinsurers’ insolvency, inability or unwillingness to make timely payments under the terms of our contracts or in an amount equal to the relevant reinsurance recoverables or inability or unwillingness to maintain collateral on acceptable terms or at all.",0 "Bylaws As amended and restated, ef fective February 21, 2024",0 Exhibit 3.2 SIXTH AMENDED AND RESTATED BYLAWS OF BAKER HUGHES COMPANY,0 "We believe that our future success depends in substantial part on our ability to attract, recruit, motivate, develop and retain a high-performing workforce, particularly those with specialized industry knowledge or within critical or in-demand areas such as sales, digital, customer experience, data and analytics, and supply chain, across our lines of businesses.",0 "To underpin this, the bank hosted its 2nd Sustainability Deep Dive in March 2023, where senior leaders reported on the progress in implementing the bank’s sustainability strategy in the specific business and in frastructure areas.",0 "We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.",0 "The employee restricted stock awards vest in three equal annual installments on each anniversary of the grant date, and the non-employee director restricted stock awards generally vest in full on the first anniversary of the grant date.",0 WTI Midland Index price as quoted by Argus Americas Crude.,0 "12 Infineon Technologies Acquisition B.V. Rotterdam, The Netherlands 100 100 n.a.",0 "T he amendmen ts to IFRS P ractice Statemen t2 “M aking M ateriality J udgemen ts” con tain guidance on appl ying ma teriality judgmen ts to accoun ting polic y discl osur es.No ma terial impa ct. Amendmen ts to IAS8Definition o f Accoun ting Estima tesJan.1, 2023 The amendmen ts relate to the de finition o f accoun ting estima tes.",0 "Since the majority of the Company’s financial derivative instruments are not traded on a market exchange, the Company estimates their fair values.",0 "This increase represents the return on and of actual investments through July 31, 2023.",0 "EXHIBIT 97 MONSTER BEVERAGE CORPORATION CLAWBACK POLICY EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2023 1.Purpose.",0 "8.18 _ Other information As of 31 December 2023, the Allianz Group employed 157,883 (2022: 159,253) people1, thereof 39,287 (2022: 39,198) in Germany.",0 "Additionally, as the contract progresses, our estimates of total transaction price may increase or decrease if, for example, we receive award fees that are higher or lower than expected.",0 "8 Schedule B2 Adjusted EBITDA Margin 3-Year Avg.",0 "Certain NOLs have no expiration date and others will expire, if not utilized, in various years from fiscal 2024 through 2043.",0 "• For Dominion Energy’s electric generation operations, total CO2 equivalent emissions were 30.6 million metric tons in 2022, including 9.3 million metric tons from DESC and 21.3 million metric tons from Virginia Power.",0 "Such sales typically entail scheduled deliveries of large equipment primarily by equipment service technicians.",0 "In addition, the availability and cost of reinsurance can be adversely impacted by market conditions.",0 "For the principal investments in associates and joint ventures ING Group has significant influence but not control.",0 "Equally , any failure of a partner may be detrimental to L’Oréal.",0 "The frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks & other data breaches are increasing and may result in an increase of Danone’s exposure to risks such as: ■hacking of physical facilities (plants, security systems, electric doors etc.",0 "Allocated costs are for services that are provided on behalf of more than one company , or costs that cannot be precisely identified and are allocated using formulas developed by FESC.",0 One large obstacle for the agriculture target is the availability of reported emissions data since most customers are small corporations.,0 We expect the reduction to be substantially completed in the second quarter of 2024.,0 "A hypothetical 10% adverse change in the value of the U.S. dollar relative to the British pound, Canadian dollar, Brazilian real, European Union euro, U.A.E.",0 "(h) In controlling and managing the operation and administration of the Plan, the Committee shall act by a majority of its then members, by meeting or by writing filed without a meeting.",0 "We agreed with the Supervisory Board that misstatements which are identified during the limited assurance engagement and which in our view must be reported on quantitative or qualitative grounds, would be reported to them.",0 "Based on this assessment, management concluded that, as of December 31, 2023, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting is effective.",0 "Pursuant to the requirements of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, this power of attorney has been executed by the undersigned.",0 "See “Forward- Looking Statements” and “Part I, Item 1A – Risk Factors.” This overview provides our perspective on the individual sections of MD&A.",0 "In addition, Alliant Energy is subject to regulation by the PSCW for the type and amount of Alliant Energy’ s holdings in non-utility businesses and other af filiated interest activities, among other matters.",0 "The undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to research, development, demonstration and deployment of innovative electricity generation facilities that produce energy from nuclear processes with minimal waste from the fuel cycle.",0 Industrial sales volumes are less sensitive to temperature variations than residential and commercial sales volumes.,0 "A full-year appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the euro by $0.01 would increase the BASF Group’s EBITDA by around €40  million, assuming other conditions remain the same.",0 "The company’s leadership regularly reviews metrics on employee training and development programs, which are refined on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of our business.",0 Prospective non-U.S. holders should consult with their own tax advisors regarding the possible implications of FATCA.,0 State income tax returns are generally subject to examination for a period of three years after filing.,0 The accompanying notes are an integral part of Dominion Energy’s Consolidated Financial Statements.,0 "Those professionals whose activity may have a relevant impact on the Company’s risk profile are included in this group.",0 "Adequate rates are intended to provide for recovery of the Company’s costs as well as a reasonable rate of return to our shareholders and ensure that we continue to safely deliver reliable, reasonably priced natural gas service to our customers.",0 "Changes to trade agreements or policies that result in increased tariffs on goods imported into the United States could also result in significant cost increases for rail purchases and difficulty obtaining sufficient rail.",0 "The costs of BSC and PHISCO are directly charged or allocated to the applicable subsidiaries.",0 "Our Manager Enterprise Risk, with oversight by our Enterprise Risk Committee, facilitates the monitoring of all Tier 1 enterprise risks within our digital work environment for changes in risk drivers and supports the evaluation of the potential impacts of each Tier 1 enterprise risk on our company, taking into consideration the effectiveness of our identified risk mitigants.",0 "Compensation cost for PBRSUs is measured at the grant date based on the fair market value per share of our common stock, with consideration given to the probability of achieving performance targets.",0 "LIKELIHOOD Unlikely Possible Probable Low Medium High IMPACT",0 "In addition, the BRIC reviews and makes recommendations regarding the Group’s risk appetite and risk strategy.",0 "Other than the Vivint Smart Home acquisition, there were no changes in NRG’s internal control over financial reporting (as such term is defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Exchange Act) that occurred in the fourth quarter of 2023 that materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, NRG’s internal control over financial reporting.",0 "Contract and refund liabilities Following table shows the composition of contract and refund liabilities.",0 "IN WITNESS WHEREOF , Executive has acknowledged, executed and delivered this Release on the date indicated below .",0 "Incentive-Based Compensation is deemed “ Received ” in the Company’s fiscal period during which the Financial Reporting Measure specified in the Incentive-Based Compensation award is attained, even if the payment or grant of the Incentive-Based Compensation occurs after the end of that period.",0 "Based upon our current analysis, these law changes are not expected to have a material impact to our consolidated financial statements.",0 "That the Board of Directors should perform its functions with a unity of purpose and independence of criterion, treating all similarly situated shareholders equally and being guided by the best interests of the company, which is understood to mean the pursuit of a profitable and sustainable business in the long term, promoting its continuity and maximising the economic value of the business.",0 "We have entered into cross currency swaps on our foreign denominated debt in order to fix our future interest and principal payments in U.S. dollars and mitigate the impact of foreign currency transaction gains or losses.",0 "If the planned proposal is approved at the Annual General Meeting, the dividend for the 2023 fiscal year would rise to €0.35 per share.",0 "The notional amounts of these foreign exchange contracts at September 30, 2023 and October 1, 2022 were $3.1 billion and $3.8 billion, respectively.",0 "The incremental refundable alternative minimum tax credits realized with the settlement were included in the income tax receivable in the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2023.",0 "Forward-looking statements represent our estimates and assumptions only as of the date that they were made.",0 "Upstream transportation accounts for 87% of emissions relating to goods transportation.",0 "In the event that investments are mapped in this manner , the Participant shall be permitted to reallocate funds 90",0 "N. The Human Capital Management and Compensation Committee reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reward outstanding performance in unique situations by awarding an employee a bonus outside the terms of the 2024 Executive Bonus Plan.",0 "Election/re-election of Directors When recommending the election/annual re-election of individual Directors to shareholders, the skills and experience each Director brings, as well as their time commitment, tenure and independence, are considered by the Nominating and Governance Committee.",0 "L’ORÉAL — UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2023 151Presentation of the Group – Integrated Report The L’Oréal Group: the fundamentals",0 "FERC has designated NERC as the ERO to promulgate standards, under FERC oversight, for all owners, operators and users of the bulk power system.",0 The spot rates are used to discount the estimated future benefit distribution amounts under the pension and OPEB plans.,0 "We also expect to participate in additional federal, state and municipal grant programs over the coming years, including the BEAD program, if regulatory conditions are conducive to private investment.",0 "In the event of any inconsistency between the Policy or the Prior Policy, as applicable, and the terms of any employment agreement to which I am a party, or the terms of any compensation plan, program or agreement under which any compensation has been granted, awarded, earned or paid, the terms of the Policy or the Prior Policy, as applicable, shall govern.",0 "We record the cash flow impact of our financial instruments in operating cash flows based upon their balance sheet classification.",0 "The Clean Air Act in the United States and similar laws elsewhere require that certain of our facilities, including our cement plants, obtain and maintain air emissions permits that subject them to pollution control requirements and require pre-approval for constructing certain facilities.",0 "The historical development patterns for these data elements are used to calculate reserve estimates.",0 Capital requirements correspond to 8% of risk-weighted assets.,0 "These procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating to management’s assessment and implementation of new regulatory matters or changes to existing regulatory matters.",0 "See “Part I, Item 1A – Risk Factors” for additional information about risks and uncertainties facing our Company.",0 "Except for certain derivatives designated as cash flow hedges, changes in the fair value of commodity-related derivatives are recognized in the consolidated statements of earnings as a component of cost of products sold.",0 "The Icahn Group agrees not to conduct a proxy contest or engage in any solicitation of proxies, regarding any matter, including the election of directors, with respect to the 2024 Annual Meeting.",0 "New Jersey utilities can request recovery of such regulatory asset in a stand-alone COVID-19 regulatory asset filing or future base rate case.",0 "Table of Contents SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.",0 "As part of the qualitative assessments, Exelon, ComEd, and PHI evaluate, among other things, management's best estimate of projected operating and capital cash flows for their businesses, outcomes of recent regulatory proceedings, changes in certain market 47",0 "The Company plans to replace older, smaller mainline jets and at least 200 single-class regional jets with larger aircraft, which we expect will lead to fuel efficiency benefits compared to older planes, including an expected 17-25% lower carbon emissions per seat compared to older planes.",0 "Putting sustainability and responsibility firmly at the heart of all that we do.GLENTAUCHERS DISTILLERY, SCOTLAND Pernod Ricard Annual Report FY23 65",0 "U.S. pension plan service cost, which includes administrative expenses and Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation premiums, were insignificant for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021.",0 "We have also granted restricted stock awards that contain non-forfeitable rights to dividends on unvested shares; such unvested restricted stock awards are considered participating securities.",0 "As a result, certain costs that would normally be expensed under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States are permitted to be capitalized or deferred on the balance sheet because it is probable they can be recovered through rates.",0 "The ALJ determined that the April 2018 complaint concerning the authorized return on equity should be dismissed, and that no refunds for a second fifteen-month refund period should be due.",0 "FAA orders and directives can be issued with little or no notice, and in certain instances, require the temporary grounding of aircraft, such as the FAA’s March 2019 grounding of all Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, and/or the responsive investment of operational and financial resources.",0 "Our direct primary commercial insurance business comprises a cross section of policyholders engaged in many diverse business sectors throughout the country and did not include coverage to large asbestos manufacturers.",0 "The decrease was partially offset by the U.S. launch of ad-supported Disney+ in the first quarter of the current fiscal year.",0 "Cash dividend equivalents are accumulated on PSUs and are payable upon vesting of the awards.",0 "This is why in 2023 we sought the approval of our shareholders to change our primary stock market listing arrangements and allow CRH to fully participate in the significant growth opportunities that lie ahead.",0 "For reasons of clarity, all items that rela te to transactions with employees are reported under liabilities to employees.",0 We view the Chinese market as important to our global growth strategy and are employing a multi-brand strategy.,0 "Benefits payable hereunder shall not be subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer , assignment, pledge, encumbrance, or char ge, and any attempt to accomplish any of these mentioned acts shall be void.",0 "2023 was characteri sed by a marked slowdown in the rise of price indices due to less difficult logistics and more restrictive policies of main central banks.",0 "The Evergy Companies have certain restrictions stemming from statutory requirements, corporate organizational documents, covenants and other conditions that could affect dividend levels or the ability to pay dividends.",0 "The interstate transportation and sale for resale of oil and natural gas is subject to federal regulation, including regulation of the terms, conditions and rates for interstate transportation, storage and various other matters, primarily by the FERC.",0 "The world’s leading luxury goods group A unique operating model built on six pillars 1 Decentralized organization Our structure and operating principles ensure that our Maisons are both autonomous and responsive.",0 "Annual Financial Report 2023 Iberdrola, S.A. and subsidiaries | 403 • The European Parliament’s agreement on the reform of the European electricity market, which eliminates the more interventionist measures initially proposed and recognises the need to preserve the marginal pricing market and avoid distortions.",0 "No material part of our business is dependent upon a single customer or a small group of customers; therefore, the loss of any one customer would not have a material adverse effect on our results of operations or cash flows.",0 "Energy efficiency and demand reduction programs have received regulatory support in most of the states AEP serves, and appropriate cost recovery will be essential for AEP operating companies to continue and expand these consumer offerings.",0 It will also be necessary to further upgrade our processes over user access and change management for key systems that support financial reporting and to employ additional resources to ensure that the re-designed control environment can operate effectively and in a sustainable way.,0 "A LIST 2023 CLIM ATE WA TERInnovative packaging Our Global Innovation and Technology Center (GITEC) has been at the forefront of our sustainability journey, from developing technology in early stages to implementing it in brewing operations.",0 "These limits are subject to formal approval by our Risk and Sustainability Committee, which sets appropriate divisional and Group maximum liability thresholds.",0 "Actual results or events could differ materially from the plans, intentions and expectations disclosed in 15",0 "In addition, LVMH once again loaned out the Stradivariuses in its collection to talented musicians.",0 "SCE's depreciation expense was $2.5 billion, $2.5 billion and $2.0 billion for 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively.",0 "Our Byron, Dresden, and Braidwood nuclear plants were each awarded CMC contracts.",0 Disclosure to other parties is not permitted without Boeing’s consent except as may be required by applicable law or governmental regulations.,0 "Effective August 1, 2022, Srinivas Subramanian was named Executive Vice President - Advanced Technology Solutions.",0 "Representatives of shareholders and employees will be elec ted for a pe- riod of office of three y ears in 2024.",0 "For a breakdown of our employee headcount by region, see Note (B.1) , and for a breakdown of revenue by region, see Note (A.1) .",0 "Nokia also achieved sustained average downlink speeds of over 2 Gbps using millimeter wave spectrum for 5G Fixed Wireless Access, over a distance of almost 11 kilometers.",0 "Sephora Champs-Élysées, ParisLVMH SELECTIVE RETAILING 2023",0 "The employer contributions amount to €668 million and €6 million for other plan participants as of 31 December 2023 (2022: €595 million and €6 million respectively).",0 "On August 21, 2023, the Company effected the two -for-one stock dividend to stockholders of record as of August 14, 2023.",0 "We also maintain a letter of credit facility that allows us to request the participating bank to issue letters of credit on our behalf up to an aggregate amount of $25 million.",0 "Chairman of the Board, President and February 14, 2024 Joseph R. Nolan, Jr .",0 "The August 1, 2022 acquisition of Clif Bar added incremental net revenues of $529 million through the one-year anniversary of the acquisition in 2023.",0 "In addition, the Company designs, manufactures, sells and services thermal analysis, rheometry and calorimetry instruments through its TA InstrumentsTM (“TA”) product line.",0 MGP Sites: Consumers is incurring environmental remediation and other response activity costs at 23 former MGP facilities.,0 "Each performance share award represents the right to receive up to 100 percent of the award in shares of common stock.",0 "Except as provided in Section 5.2(a) with respect to rollover contributions, contributions to the Plan (pursuant to this Article 4 or otherwise) shall be made in cash, shares of L3Harris Stock or a combination thereof at the discretion of the Company .",0 "The upper end of our capital investment range includes incremental investments, particularly for an expansion of our current EE programs as well as other clean energy and infrastructure investments.",0 "Tangible book value per share The tangible book value per share determines the value of the company on its books for each share held by shareholders in the event of liquidation.",0 "Billed business, the most significant driver of our financial results, increased 9 percent year-over-year.",0 "Amounts credited to this account shall be credited with a quarterly rate equal to the dividend payment rate with dividends invested as of the last busines s day of each quarter and share price equal to the average of the high and low actual sale prices of the Company’ s Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the date the transaction is credited.",0 "Information by geographic zone All information is presented on the basis of geographic location of the subsidiaries.",0 "We utilize a relief-from-royalty model to estimate the fair value of other indefinite-lived intangible assets.",0 "Date: February 23, 2024 /s/ THOMAS E. JORDEN Thomas E. Jorden Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President",0 The risk-free interest rate is assumed to equal the yield on a three-year treasury bond on the grant date.,0 "Significant Events The following significant events occurred during 2023 and through the filing date, as further described within this Management's Discussion and Analysis and the Consolidated Financial Statements: Vivint Smart Home Acquisition and related financings On March 10, 2023, the Company completed the acquisition of Vivint Smart Home.",0 "Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk.",0 "C _ Group Management Report Annual Report 2023 − Allianz Group 68 We have therefore updated our engagement targets earlier than originally planned.",0 "These assets are measured at fair value whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable or if there has been an observable price change of a non-marketable equity security.",0 "(3) Cross currency swaps and foreign currency exchange contracts are included within other current assets; other long-term assets; accrued liabilities; or other long-term liabilities depending on the gain (loss) position and anticipated settlement date.",0 "Certain states may enact regulatory reforms regarding insurance rating that may make it more dif ficult to obtain rates that appropriately reflect the risk.",0 "Any ERA Credits pursuant to the preceding sentence will be credited (conditionally until vesting and subject to Section 3.4(c)) to the Participant’ s Executive Retirement Account ef fective as of the last day of the calendar year with respect to which such amounts are being credited.",0 "For example, our Family metrics estimates in some instances exceed estimates of addressable online and mobile populations that are based on data published by third parties.",0 "This Policy , and any recovery of excess Incentive-Based Compensation by the Company pursuant to this Policy that is required to be disclosed in the Company’ s filings with the SEC, will be disclosed as required by the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and related rules and regulations, including the Final Guidance.",0 "Recommendations from independent external remuneration ex-perts, as well as suggestions from investor and analyst circles, may also be included in the deliberations.",0 "Culture risk assessments, informed by both quantitative metrics and qualitative judgment, are shared and discussed with the ERRC, RRC and Compensation and Human Capital Committee throughout the year .",0 "The business unit as a whole represents a separate major line of business, both in terms of the distinct nature of the business and its contribution to the operational performance of the group.",0 "Among other things, the FERC Remand Order affirmed that 91% of EMT’ s fixed costs will be 106",0 "We use both manual and automated detection methods on a scheduled and ad-hoc basis to identify vulnerabilities within, and threats to, our operations and network infrastructure.",0 "1To Our ShareholdersContents To Our Shareholders Combined Management’s Report Corporate Governance Consolidated Financial Statements OverviewsBASF Report 2023 Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors 10 T he Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE 13 B ASF on the Capital Market 14 9",0 "The existence of published price quotations in an active market is the best evidence of fair value and when they exist, they are used to measure financial assets and financial liabili-ties.",0 "General and administrative expense increased primarily due to higher personnel-related costs, partially offset by a $16 million customer contract resolution gain r ecognized during the first quarter of 2023.",0 Goodwill — Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price of the business acquisition over the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired.,0 " Deutsche Börse Group – Annual report 2023 163 Property, plant and equipment (incl.",0 "Substantially all AEP subsidiary employees are covered by the qualified plan or both the qualified and a non-qualified pension plan.",0 "Under FATCA, the Company is considered a “non-U.S. issuer” with the result that you may have reporting obligations on Form 8938 when filing your annual income tax return.",0 "ACTIVITIES OF THE BOARD AND ITS COMMITTEES IN 2023 The Board of Directors fully assumes its role in defining the Group’s strategic orientations.",0 The disclosure is with respect to the full year 2023.,0 "Interest Rate Sensitivity Our exposure to changes in interest rates relates primarily to interest income and market value of our cash equivalents, marketable debt securities, and the fair value of our long-term debt.",0 "The net profit used for the calculation of earnings per share is €2,289  million (a net profit of €2,152  million in 2022), while the 2023 average number of ordinary shares outstanding used for the calculation of basic earnings per share is 448,066,944 (442,049,822 in 2022).",0 "In order to ensure plan assets are sufficient to pay benefits, a portion of our foreign qualified plans' assets are allocated to equity investments and real assets that are expected, over time, to earn higher returns with more volatility than fixed-income investments which more closely match pension liabilities.",0 "Note N – Commitments and Contingencies Construction commitments, primarily for new stores, totaled approximately $198.9 million at August 26, 2023.",0 Revenues comprise the income and earn-ings reported in accordance with IAS 1.82(a).,0 "In addition, public health issues and crises may adversely impact our customers’ businesses due to business lockdowns, decreased companion animal clinical visits, labor shortages, the delay of elective procedures and wellness visits, and disruption of veterinary clinic and other customer operations, all of which could cause a decline in demand for our products and services.",0 "Natural gas obtained from producers, marketers and brokers, as well as gas in storage, is utilized to meet the peak heating season requirements.",0 "Except as set forth in Sections 12 and 13 of the Plan, upon the termination of Grantee's employment with the Company prior to the time the Restricted Stock Units and DERs have vested, the Restricted Stock Units and DERs shall be forfeited immediately by Grantee.",0 "We used the meeting held on 5 May to make last -minute preparations for the Annual General Meeting, which was to take place as a virtual event on the same day.",0 "A/N and Charter both have the right to terminate or suspend the pro rata repurchase arrangement on a prospective basis.",0 " TABLE OF CONTENTS The table of contents is empty.",0 "With respect to its Commitment, Loans, Letter of Credit Commitments and Letters of Credit, the Person serving as the Administrative Agent shall have and may exercise the same rights and powers hereunder and is subject to the same obligations and liabilities as and to the extent set forth herein for any other Lender or Issuing Bank, as the case may be.",0 "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be signed by a duly authorized oficer, and the Recipient has afixed his or her signature hereto.",0 "Mr. Wennink and Mr. van den Brink will remain entitled to performance shares granted under their running LTI plans, which will vest in accordance with the relevant performance criteria as stated in the grant letters.",0 "combination thereof, the Performance Goals for each Performance Criterion or each combination thereof, and the Performance Criteria Weighting Percentage for each Performance Criterion or each combination thereof within ninety (90) days after the commencement of the Restriction Period.",0 "We can only succeed by acting with integrity and providing superior value.",0 "Notwithstanding any provisions of this Plan to the contrary , contributions, benefits and service credit with respect to Qualified Military Service will be provided in accordance with section 414(u) of the Code.",0 Packaging purchases are derived from AB InBev’s owned procurement system.,0 "GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY SUBSIDIARIES AND JOINT VENTURES OF THE REGISTRANT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2023 Company NameState or Sovereign Power of Incorporation GM Regional Holdings LLC Delaware GM Speciality Vehicles UK Limited England and Wales GM Subsystems Manufacturing, LLC Delaware GM Technical Center Korea, Ltd. Korea, Republic of GMAC Administradora de Consórcios Ltda.",0 "Depending on the type of intangible asset, amortization is reported under cost of sales, selling expenses, research and development expenses or other operating expenses.BASF Report 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements – Notes 264",0 Such a withdrawal may be voluntar y or result from legal or regulatory measures.,0 "For further in forma tion, pl ease r efer to the section “ Accoun ting policies ” under “ Summary o f accoun ting policies .”To our shar ehol ders Combined mana gemen t report Consolida ted financial s tatemen ts Notes Additional in forma tion q)/= Deutsche T elekom.",0 " SIGNA TURES Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.",0 "In 2023, Safran sold its Cargo and Catering activities, specializing in the design, production and sale of unit load devices (ULD) and trolleys for carrying snacks, drinks and meals for passengers.",0 Reference is made to Note 19 'Equity' for details on the changes in revaluation reserve.,0 ": +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 29 71 00 European Company, governed by a Board of directors with a share capital of EUR 2,291,343,536Registered in Nanterre, R.C.S.",0 "333-190516, 333-163357, 333-170475, 333-211517, 333-214399 and 333- 232855) on Form S-8 and (No.",0 Prior to Delivery): Delivery Escalation Number of Factor *(3.3) Serial Escalation [***] Adv Payment Base At Signing 24 Mos.,0 "Over the past two years, Schneider Electric has assembled a unique portfolio of software companies that are leading the Prosumer transformation journey.",0 "The risk strategy is approved by the Board of Management, and discussed with both the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board and the full Supervisory Board as a material element of the own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA) process.",0 "Comparison Over One- and Three-Year Periods  – The following table presents the cumulative total shareholder returns, assuming reinvestment of dividends, over one- and three-year periods for the Corporation (UNP), a peer group index (comprised of CSX Corporation and Norfolk Southern Corporation), the Dow Jones Transportation Index (DJ Trans), and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Index (S&P 500).",0 "/s/ BYRON MARCHANT Byron Marchant DATE: February 6, 2024",0 "Entergy Arkansas Entergy Arkansas holds equity securities and available-for-sale debt securities in nuclear decommissioning trust accounts.",0 "Corporate administrative costs are not allocated to the operating segments.",0 "The value -at-risk calculation method for com- modity hedging instruments is based on a Monte Carlo simulation.",0 "and Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy, because we use quoted prices for identical assets in active markets or inputs that are based upon quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets.",0 "This includes our Orbit 60 Bently Nevada product for critical asset monitoring in turbine systems, including wind, hydro, and gas turbines.",0 "Share premium mainly results from contributions in kind in the course of the creation of the Company, cash contributions from the Initial Public Offering, capital increases and reductions due to the issuance and cancellation of shares.",0 "333-266487-06) of Commonwealth Edison Company of our report dated February 21, 2024 relating to the financial statements and financial statement schedule, which appears in this Form 10-K. /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chicago, Illinois February 21, 2024",0 "Mr. Philippe Knoche was appointed as an Observer by the Board of Directors on December 13, 2023, in effect from February 14, 2024, with the intent to propose his appointment as a Board member to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 23, 2024.",0 "These figures in clude Bayer AG’s own operational business and the businesses leased from Bayer CropScience AG and Bayer Pharma AG.",0 "04761 EXECUTED IN DUPLICA TE as of the day and year first written above.",0 "Retirement and Postemployment Benefits (All Registrants) Defined Benefits Certain employees of PPL's subsidiaries are eligible for pension benefits under non-contributory defined benefit pension plans with benefits based on length of service and final average pay, as defined by the plans.",0 "Ct.); Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v. BP P.L.C., et al., No.",0 "These figures account 35% of the total fees from international Corporate & Investment Banking and Corporate Banking customers.",0 "The goodwill reflects the Company's expectations to utilize the acquired businesses’ workforce and established relationships and the benefits of being able to leverage operational efficiencies with favorable growth opportunities in these markets.",0 "Assets under construction are not depreciated until in service date.",0 "As newer or stricter standards are introduced, the Company’s capital and operating costs needed to comply with them will likely increase.",0 "1-8962 3/30/2000 10.2(3)(a) Pinnacle West APS First Amendment dated December 7, 1999 to the Trust for the Pinnacle West Capital Corporation, Arizona Public Service Company and SunCor Development Company Deferred Compensation Plans10.15A to Pinnacle West’s 1999 Form 10-K Report, File No.",0 "Current taxes are calculated based on the results of the Group companies in accordance with local tax laws and using tax rates that are enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.",0 "While we attempt to manage our exchange rate risks, we are not completely insulated from that exposure.",0 "Additionally, the scope of the rehearing will include a review of certain operations and maintenance expenses in each year of the MYRP.",0 "The industrial affairs and Group real estate departments are responsible for alerts, oversight and control in this area, along with the Group’s legal department, where appropriate.",0 The Company elected to perform the quantitative impairment test for all years presented.,0 "The undertaking carries out, funds or has exposures to construction, refurbishment, and5 operation of combined heat/cool and power generation facilities using fossil gaseous fuels.",0 "Further, I understand and accept that if I take no action with respect to the Stock Options prior to the Acceptance Limit, I will be deemed to have rejected the award of Stock Options.",0 "Total restructuring charges recorded under our FoA segment were $1.74 billion and $4.10 billion, and RL segment were $516 million and $515 million for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively.",0 "2022 Dispositions Sale of Watson On June 1, 2022, the Company closed on the sale of its 49% ownership in the Watson natural gas generating facility for $59 million .",0 0 million of borrowings under our variable-rate credit facility .,0 "For risks relating to our intellectual property, see “Item 1A – Risk Factors – Legal and Regulatory Risks – Our business is subject to risks related to litigation and regulatory actions.” Ratings Independent rating organizations periodically review the financial strength of insurers, including many of our insurance subsidiaries.",0 "emplo yees of the Compan y, references to the Commi ee with respect to a maer for which the Commi ee has deleg ated its authority shall include the officer s and emplo yees t o whom such authority has been deleg ated.",0 "These include claims for personal injury or pr operty by users of our equipment, environmental, health, and safety claims, disputes with distributors, vendors and others with respect t o commercial matters, and disputes with taxi ng and other governmental au thorities regarding the conduct of our business.",0 The undersigned have signed this Power of Attorney this 6th day of February 2024.,0 "Investments Other Than Derivatives Investments other than derivatives primarily include money market funds, common stock, mutual funds, United States government and agency securities, municipal and corporate bonds and foreign government bonds.",0 "Certain prior period presentations and disclosures, while not required to be recast, may be reclassified to ensure comparability with current period classifications.",0 "It also sets out the roles, responsibilities and accountab ilities of key personnel identified to manage information security risk; the strategy and measures to cope with information security breaches, and related communication procedure.",0 "The Management Board has established policies that require Infineon’s individual legal entities to manage the foreign exchange risk with respect to their functional currency.",0 "We are aware that work-related stress is a reality for some, and this is monitored both locally and globally through a vitality section in our employee survey once a year, with the results used to shape and track our vitality initiatives.",0 "In the event of a cybersecurity incident, the IRP describes processes to detect, analyze, contain, eradicate and remediate such incident.",0 "Realization of the residual values is dependent on the future ability to market the vehicles under future prevailing market conditions.",0 "We recorded charges related to long-lived assets of $101 million, $34 million and $60 million, in fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively.",0 "The payout price used for the settlement was the arithmetic mean of the XETRA closing prices of the SAP share on the 20 trading days following the publication of SAP’s fourth -quarter results subsequent to the end of the vesting period.",0 "112.6 M€ Invested in social and environmental programmes8.9 M Articles from our collections donated 338 k Hours devoted by employeed to CCI acivities during working hours Outputs / What happens?",0 "At current volumes and mix of materials, we believe a $10 per ton change in the price of recycled commodities would change both annual revenue and operating income by approximately $10 million.",0 "Information contained on FirstEnergy’ s website , X (the social networking site formerly known as Twitter®) handle, LinkedIn® profile, YouTube® channel or Facebook® page, and any corresponding applications of those sites, shall not be deemed incorporated into, or to be part of, this report.",0 "We record Global Intangible Low Tax Income (GILTI) as a current period expense when incurred.",0 "The Company or the applicable Subsidiary may at any time dismiss you, free from any liability or any claim under the Plan, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Plan or in any other agreement binding you and the Company or the applicable Subsidiary.",0 "The expenses for the management of investments include running costs and expenses for repair and maintenance of property totalling €89m (78 m).",0 "Table of Contents (SLGC) execution continues and is expected to be completed in 2024.",0 "Significant worsening of current housing market conditions or the macroeconomic factors that affect our industry could require us to seek additional capital and have a material adverse effect on our ability to secure such capital on favorable terms, if at all.",0 "504 0 0 0 504 0 40 Other J Information and communication 110 2 18 4 128 6 41 L6810 - Buying and selling of own real estate 68 8 0 0 68 8 107",0 "Enhanced data privacy and data protection laws and regulations or any non-compliance with such laws and regulations, could adversely affect NRG’s business and financial results.",0 416 DANONE - UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2023,0 "Responsibility of the Statutory Auditor The conclusion presented in this assurance report only covers the Information.",0 "• Top f ive hazards, regularly reviewed to prevent serious accidents.",0 "As of December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, we had no material third-party guarantees recorded on our consolidated balance sheets.",0 Cyber-attacks and data security breaches could harm our business.,0 "Pursuant to the Note Purchase Agreement, the Trustee purchased Equipment Notes issued under a trust indenture and mortgage (each, an ""Indenture"" and, collectively, the ""Indentures"") with respect to each aircraft entered into by the Company and Wilmington Trust, National Association, as mortgagee.",0 Holders of Treasury Units may settle early only in integral multiples of 20 Treasury Units.,0 "Insurance  – The Company has a consolidated, wholly-owned captive insurance subsidiary (the Captive), that provides insurance coverage for certain risks including general liability, property, cyber, and FELA claims that are subject to reinsurance.",0 "(iii) Where direct observation from well penetrations has defined a highest known oil (HKO) elevation and the potential exists for an associated gas cap, proved oil reserves may be assigned in the structurally higher portions of the reservoir only if geoscience, engineering, or performance data and reliable technology establish the higher contact with reasonable certainty.",0 ASSETS FOR THE CALCULATION OF GAR ( GAR MEASURE BASED ON CAPEX)The following tables are also available at: .,0 "For these types of matters, the minimum vote which will constitute shareholder approval for NYSE listing purposes is the approval by a majority of votes cast, provided that the total vote cast on the proposal represents over 50% in interest of all securities entitled to vote on the proposal.",0 "The 4,459,103 shares to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights as listed in column (a) consisted of shares to be issued in respect of the exercise of 3,250,710 outstanding options and in respect of awards of 1,208,393 performance share units and restricted stock units payable in shares.",0 "While limited changes are expected to be implemented in 2024, the Company typically expects some delays in pricing and reimbursement as new codes are introduced.",0 "In the case of a distribution in installments, the date of any subsequent installments shall not be af fected by the delay of any installment hereunder .",0 "The fair value of the instruments granted is determined taking into account future dividends as well as the payment cap.",0 "From 2018, Virginie Mercier Pitre has contributed to numerous commercial synergy projects for the integration of EssilorLuxottica .",0 "For additional information, see Note 8 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K. •In January 2023, we completed an assessment of the useful lives of our servers and network equipment, resulting in a change in the estimated useful life of our servers and certain network equipment to six years.",0 "Directors forfeit the restricted shares if they cease to serve as a Director of our company for reasons other than their disability, retirement, or death.",0 "Nothing contained in this Agreement will operate or be construed to restrict a lawyer in the practice of law in contravention of Rule 5.6 of the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct or a similar professional conduct rule applicable to a lawyer who is an active member of any other state bar.",0 "•“Recoupment” shall mean forfeiture, repayment or other recovery, as applicable.",0 "The acceptance of this Bond shall be deemed to constitute the consent and agreement by the Holder hereof to all of the terms and provisions of the Mortgage Indenture.",0 "The following summarizes our most significant critical accounting estimates: Goodwill – The Company records goodwill when the consideration paid for an acquisition exceeds the fair value of net tangible and intangible assets acquired, including related tax effects.",0 "Performance was shaped, on one hand, by the adverse impact in 2022 of market purchases at high prices due to the shortfall in hydro and nuclear production; on the other hand, however, the improved marketing policy in the first months of the year succeeded in winning electricity customers with fixed price offers in an environment of highly volatile market prices.",0 "Accounting for the Effects of New, or Changes to Existing, Regulatory Matters As described in Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company recorded $6,453 million of regulatory assets and $1,759 million of regulatory liabilities as of December 31, 2023.",0 "*10.7Amended and Restated Employment Letter Agreement dated as of September 19, 2023 between Coterra Energy Inc. and Thomas E. Jorden (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of Coterra’s Current Report of Form 8-K filed with the SEC on September 19, 2023).",0 "Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed of In accordance with ASC Topic 360, we review our long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangible assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable.",0 The shares repurchased in the second phase of the program between 2 January and 10 November 2023 were cancelled on 30 November 2023.,0 "Observable inputs, including some forward prices, implied volatilities and interest rates used for determining fair value are updated daily to reflect the best available market information.",0 "Most are derived from the privacy provisions in the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA.",0 "In addition, Alliant Energy and WPL currently expect an increase in future cash flows from operating activities resulting from higher earnings on increasing rate base at WPL.",0 "Strategic risk 9.1 Introduction Strategic risk is the risk of loss or damage arising from strategic decisions or their poor implementation, or from an inability to adapt to external developments, that may impact the long-term interests of our key stakeholders.",0 "We do not consider the potential loss resulting from a hypothetical 10% adverse change in quoted foreign currency exchange rates as of December 31, 2023 to be significant.",0 "Management assessed the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2023 based on criteria for effective internal control over financial reporting described in “Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013)” issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.",0 "We remain focused on building economic value by executing on our strategic priorities of moderating production growth, emphasizing capital and operational efficiencies, optimizing reinvestment rates to maximize free cash flow, maintaining low leverage, delivering cash returns to our shareholders and pursuing ESG excellence.",0 "Generally , a one-notch downgrade by the applicable rating agency may result in a 25 basis point coupon rate increase beginning at BB, Ba1, and BB+ for S&P, Moody’ s and Fitch, respectively , to the extent such rating is applicable to the series of outstanding senior unsecured notes, during the next interest period, subject to an aggregate cap of 2% from issuance interest rate.",0 "Table of Contents At December 31, 2023, our owned generating resources total capacity of 33,094 MWs consisted of the following: __________ (a)Net generation capacity is stated at proportionate ownership share.",0 "His 2023 STI framework was based on a scorecard of financial, strategic and ESG objectives.",0 "(a) The Borrower agree that the Administrative Agent may, but shall not be obligated to, make any Communications available to the Lenders and the Issuing Banks by posting the Communications on IntraLinks™ , DebtDomain , SyndT rak, ClearPar or any other electronic platform chosen by the Administrative Agent to be its electronic transmission system (the “ Approved Electronic Platform ”).",0 "We employ approximately 13,871 people, and do business in 48 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.",0 "The fair values of the investments have been estimated using the NAV of the Company's ownership interest in partners' capital.",0 "Total R&D expense not only includes our own personnel costs but also the external cost s of work and services from the providers and cooperation partners we work with to deliver and enhance our products.",0 "Depreciation and Amortization Expense Depreciation and amortization expense increas ed during 2023 compared to 2022 driven by the change in the mix of total Verizon depreciable and amortizable assets and Business's usage of those assets.",0 " 72 The following tables reflect amounts recorded in other comprehensive income (loss), as well as reclassifications out of other comprehensive income (loss).",0 "(d) “Award” means the Restricted Stock Units or the Restricted Stock granted by the Compan y to a Parcipan t pursuan t to the Plan, the Agr eemen t and the P arcipan t’s Aw ard Communic aon.",0 "Measurement period adjustments recorded in the year ended December 30, 2023 were primarily a result of preliminary third party intangible valuation and various other adjustments.",0 "As of September 30, 2023, the estimated number of paid Disney+ Core subscribers, based on internal management reports, was approximately 113 million.",0 "CSX Transportation, Inc. CSX’s principal operating subsidiary, CSX Transportation, Inc. (“CSXT”), provides an important link to the transportation supply chain through its approximately 20,000 route mile rail network and serves major population centers in 26 states east of the Mississippi River, the District of Columbia and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec.",0 "A number of employees have a right to compensation equivalent to one to two years of their basic salary in the event of their contracts being terminated by the Bank in the first two years of their contract in the event of dismissal on grounds other than their own will, retirement, disability or serious dereliction of duties.",0 Successful execution of our plans and strategies also depends on the efforts of key management personnel.,0 "Therefore, the Effective Date of this Agreement will be the eighth calendar day after Employee signs and dates the Agreement.",0 "Table of Contents CMS Energy and Consumers report operating, variable, and short-term lease costs as operating expenses on their consolidated statements of income, except for certain amounts that may be capitalized to other assets.",0 "Amortization expense, primarily related to capitalized costs for software to be sold, leased or marketed to external users, for the years ended December 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, was $26 million, $18 million and $15 million, respectively, and is included in the selling, general and administrative line within our consolidated statements of income.",0 "Exhibits 2.01 Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated October 2, 2015, by and among Google Inc., the Registrant and Maple Technologies Inc.Current Report on Form 8-K (File No.",0 "Program development is carried out in collaboration with writers, producers and creative teams.",0 "(e) Duke Energy includes $1,057 million and $85 million in purchase accounting adjustments related to Progress Energy and Piedmont, respectively.",0 "Pinnacle West’s Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of Pinnacle West and our subsidiaries: APS, El Dorado, BCE and PNW Power.",0 "MUFG BANK, LTD., as a Lender By: /s/ Reema Sharma Name: Reema Sharma Title: Authorized Signatory [Signature Page – Waiver Letter (Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement)]",0 "Other information ................................................................................................................................................. 75 34.",0 "Table of Contents Index to Financial Statements DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – (Continued) 15.",0 "The goodwill impairment charge is not deductible for federal or state tax purposes and therefore there is no tax benefit related to the impairment.",0 "The sale of equipment is a separate performance obligation, therefore, revenue is recognized from the sale of equipment upon delivery and acceptance by the customer.",0 "These are under the respective responsibilities of the Chief Cycles & Procurement Officer and the VP Social Dialogue and Social Fundamentals.",0 "Airbus Financial Statements 2023 Page 7 We discussed and evaluated the specific assessment with the board of directors exercising professional judgment and maintaining professional skepticism.",0 We measure segment profit as operating income (loss).,0 "A Change of Control shall not result from any transaction precipitated by the Company’ s insolvency , appointment of a conservator , or determination by a regulatory agency that the Company is insolvent.",0 "Growth Drivers in our ecosystem The beer category Beer is big, profitable and growing.",0 "The Company Combined Management Report Consolidated Financial Statements Further Information 133 DHL Group – 2023 Annual Report Investments in companies accounted for using the equity method amounted to €34 million in the 2023 fiscal year.",0 "Attachment 1 to Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03776-LA-1207650R7: *** *** UAL-PA-03776-LA-1207650R7 SA-21 Special Matters Attachment 1 to UAL-PA-03776-LA-1207650R4, Page 1 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES PROPRIETARY",0 "Humana Inc. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS—(Continued) 12.",0 The Global Share Purchase Plan offers employees in specific countries the opp ortunity to purchase Deutsche Bank shares in monthly installments over one year.,0 "The level of capital expenditures necessary to maintain the integrity of our systems will continue into the future and, we believe, will increase.",0 "The Company has a 45.3% equity interest in Vimison S.A. de C.V., a leader in the animal nutrition industry in Mexico.",0 "PSEG’s other direct wholly owned subsidiaries are: PSEG Long Island LLC (PSEG LI), which operates the Long Island Power Authority’s (LIPA) electric transmission and distribution (T&D) system under an Operations Services Agreement (OSA); PSEG Energy Holdings L.L.C.",0 "The cash outlays for these abandonment and decommissioning obligations are expected to take place over the next decade.",0 "Level 2 — Other significant observable inputs, including quoted prices in active markets for similar assets or liabilities; quoted prices in markets that are not active, and model-derived valuations whose inputs are observable (such as yield curves).",0 "We differentiate fixed income based on interest rates and credit spreads in ALCO portfolios, FX rates and shares.",0 "The Company remitted $ 0.0 million , $ 0.0 million and $ 3.8 million during the years ended July 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively, to the proper taxing authorities in satisfaction of the employees’ statutory withholding requirements.",0 "During the first quarter of 2023, we discontinued actively marketing our COVID-19 testing products and services.",0 "Reserves increased 34 MMBoe in 2022 primarily due to price increases in the trailing 12 month averages for oil, gas and NGLs.",0 "On a geographic basis, sales in the Americas region were $1,149,760, an increase of 4.8 percent from 2022, with organic sales increasing 2.0 percent, a 2.4 percent increase from acquisitions, and favorable currency effects of 0.4 percent.",0 "On August 14, 2020, the Company was served with a Subpoena Duces Tecum issued by the State of Colorado Office of the Attorney General requiring the production of documents related to urine drug testing in all states.",0 "The Board also ensures that procedures to prevent corruption and influence-peddling risks are implemented by the Group and its main partners, and monitors the impact of the Group’s non-discrimination and diversity policy, notably with regard to gender equality within the governing bodies.",0 "333-136432, Ex 4(b)(c)(d) Registration Statement No.",0 "As described in “Note 11 — Debt,” in 2022, we issued $1.2 billion of senior unsecured notes, which consisted of notes maturing in 2025, 2027 and 2032.",0 "Our bylaws further provide that only our board of directors may fill vacant directorships, except in limited circumstances.",0 "We face design, manufacturing, and supply chain risks with respect to our consumer hardware products that, if not properly managed, could adversely impact our financial results.",0 "In each case, the financial statements are within 93 days of the Company’s year-end and are consistent from period to period.",0 "The variable portion of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer's remuneration is subject to performance conditions relating to financial criteria as well as corporate, social and environmental responsibility, reflecting the Group's ambitious objectives in these areas, and encouraging him to base his decisions and actions on ensuring long-term profitability.",0 "EVERGY , INC. By:_________________________ By:___________________________ [GRANTEE] Date:_________________________",0 "The following is a summary of activity for the Company’s RSA’s and RSU’s for the for the year ended July 31, 2023: (In thousands, except per share data) Restricted Shares Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value Outstanding as of July 31, 2022 708 $ 30.14 Grants 539 32.52 Vested ( 384 ) 30.63 Forfeitures or expirations ( 63 ) 26.89 Outstanding as of July 31, 2023 800 $ 31.77 78",0 "The goodwill results from our acquisitions and represents the excess of cost over the fair value of the identifiable net assets we acquired.",0 "W e also share personal and confidential information with suppliers and other third parties and we use third-party technology and systems that process and transmit information for a variety of activities.",0 "The contractor typically incurs all exploration, development and production costs, which are subsequently recoverable out of an agreed-upon share of any future PSC production, referred to as cost E-8",0 Prior to Delivery): Delivery Escalation Number of Factor (3.3) Serial Escalation [***] Adv.,0 "In addi tion, other financial liabilities include the balance sheet accounts reclassified from other liabilities, note 4.",0 "Furthermore, raw materials and supplies are mostly not under the control or respon- sibility of the operating segment management and are therefore mostly allocated to corporate functions.",0 "The continued use of remote working and hybrid work-from- home arrangements may additionally result in some increased risk of attacks associated with a number of our employees accessing our data and systems remotely.",0 "Its related activities are periodically repeated to identify and address risks in a timely fashion, and ensure outcomes are relevant for effective decision-making.",0 These compensation components are gross (excludin g employer’s charges and contributions).,0 "Date: February 26, 2024 /s/ Daniel J. Cregg Daniel J. Cregg Public Service Electric and Gas Company Chief Financial Officer",0 "Contract logistics market continues to grow Growth in omnichannel e-commerce as well as geopolitical challenges will continue to increase the complexity of supply chains.",0 “Supplemented Indenture” shall mean the Indenture as supplemented by this Eleventh Supplemental Indenture.,0 "The combined discounts range from 29.7% to 36.0% and 32.2% to 46.5%, with management having selected 35% and 40%, which is on the lower end of the third quartile, but above the arithmetic average as most appropriate to develop the required fair value measurement for the years ended December 31, 2023, and December 31, 2022, respectively.",0 "The new shares participate in profit from the beginning of th e fiscal year in which they are issued.",0 "We recognized expenses of $113 million, $114 million and $106 million in fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively.",0 "The gain or loss due to hedge ineffectiveness was not material for the year ended December 31, 2023.",0 "The estimated net gains and prior service benefit for the other postretirement benefit plans that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive loss into net periodic benefit over the next year is $26 million.",0 "(2) The debt securities of the ""Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income"" portfolio do not include gains/losses.",0 "Tenant’ s Parent : Caesars Entertainment, Inc., and any permitted successor thereto.",0 "2023 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS32 1Presentation of the B nP Pari Bas Grou P 1",0 "10.84* Form of Irrevocable Director Undertaking incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Aon’s Form 8 K filed March 10, 2020.",0 "The impact of foreign currency denominated operating expenses and foreign currency denominated supply contracts partly offsets this exposure.",0 "Standard & Poor’s adjusted its rating of A/A-1/outlook negative to A-/A-2/outlook stable on August 2, 2023.",0 "Uncollectible accounts char ged of f.(a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) 188",0 "See Note 3 to the financial statements for further discussion of the resolution of the 2016-2018 IRS audit.",0 "Total production of 1,826 MBOED increased 88 MBOED or 5 percent in 2023 compared with 2022, primarily due to new wells online in the Lower 48, Australia, Canada, China, Norway and Malaysia.",0 "Revenues for our segments are discussed separately below under the heading ""Segment Results of Operations.""",0 "In July 2018, Entergy Arkansas made its formula rate plan filing to set its formula rate for the 2019 calendar year.",0 "331 2023 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS5Risks and capital adequacy – pilla R 3 5 Capital management and capital adequacy The table below shows the restatements between the accounting and prudential scopes of consolidation for each balance sheet item.",0 "Similarly, policymakers in Japan have announced that they are preparing a local version of the ISSB standards.",0 "We provide the following transportation and logistics services: •Truckload: Through our contracts with motor carriers, we have access to dry vans, temperature-controlled vans, flatbeds, and bulk capacity.",0 "MD&A—Executive Overview of 2023 and Future Outlook, in April 2019, PSEG Power’s Salem 1, Salem 2 and Hope Creek nuclear plants were awarded ZECs by the BPU through May 2022.",0 "For example, larger, more productive equipment is well accepted wher e farmers are striving for more efficiency in th eir operations.",0 "The assets and operations of the Company could be subject to unplanned downtime or extensive property damage and business disruption from various events which include, but are not limited to, equipment failure, raw material shortages, natural disasters, severe weather conditions, accidents, explosions, fires, or other unexpected outages.",0 "Despite this challenging scenario, the Group was able to grow thanks to its positioning at the intersection of multiple categories – from eyewear, luxury and digital to MedTech.",0 "On November 21, 2023, NST AR Electric petitioned the DPU requesting authorization to issue up to $2.4 billion in long-term debt through December 31, 2026.",0 "For net actuarial gains and losses, we amortize 10 percent of the unamortized balance each year.",0 "» iFood is the most-loved delivery company in Brazil, engaging with society through meaningful actions.",0 "Compensation expense for grants of employee restricted stock units is recognized on a straight-line basis over the four-year service period, less estimated forfeitures, which are consistent with stock option forfeiture assumptions.",0 "Significant judgment is required in determining our tax expense and in evaluating our tax positions, including evaluating uncertainties and the complexity of taxes on foreign earnings.",0 Schneider Electric and its Foundation are committed to breaking these barriers by actively including women across the entire energy value chain.,0 "Introduction The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of 3M Company (the “Company”) has adopted this Recoupment Policy (this “Policy”) to foster a culture of compliance, further develop a compensation scheme that rewards integrity and accountability, and to reinforce the Company’s pay-for- performance and compliance compensation philosophy.",0 "section 2 of chapter 2 of this document).Appointment of Raffaella Cornaggia as Chief Executive Officer of Kering Beauté and as a Group Executive Committee member.",0 "Fund investment performance is continuously monitored.",0 See “Results of Operations” in Item 7 of the 2022 Form 10-K for discussion of results of operations for 2022 compared to 2021.,0 "As of December 31, 2023, approximately $6.2 billion remained under the authorization.",0 "The changes in unbilled electric revenues are primarily due to changes in weather and rates.",0 "As of December 31, 2023, the Company had outstanding borrowings of $493.0 million under the Credit Facility.",0 "The Supervisory Board regularly evaluates how effec - tively it and its committees fulfil their tasks.",0 "Discover an example of our digital farming solutions at Smart Stewardship: Our tools and services are tailored to farmers’ daily work.",0 "Successors This Policy shall be binding and enforceable against all Covered Executives and their beneficiaries, heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives.",0 "The “employer” means an Employer that adopts this Plan and its Affiliates, except that for purposes of Section 4.7 and this Section, the determination will be made by applying Code Section 415(h) and will take into account tax-exempt organizations under Regulation §1.414(c)-5, as modified by Regulation §1.415(a)-1(f)(1).",0 "Basis for Opinion The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.",0 "For the fiscal year 2023, the cost related to the CEO’s pension rights accrued under Company’s plans during the year represented a net profit of €1,049,054 composed by an expense of €1,404,951 and the effect of the French pension reform leading to a release of provision of €2,454,006 (2022: expense of €1,385,222).",0 FPL accrues for interim removal costs over the life of the relate d assets based on depreciation studies approved by the FPSC.,0 "The waste handled include substances which are classified as “hazardous” because of their corrosive, ignitable, reactive or toxic properties and other wastes subject to federal, state and provincial environmental regulation.",0 "The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements other than as required by applicable law.",0 "Additional timing differences or future tax losses may occur which could warrant a need for establishing additional valuation allowances against certain deferred tax assets.",0 "Any such allegations could cause us to lose customers and divert our resources from other tasks, which could materially and adversely affect our business and operating results.",0 "/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Minneapolis, Minnesota February 7, 2024 We have served as the Company’s auditor since 1975.",0 "In this role, he is responsible for transportation, network operations including terminals, mechanical, engineering and labor relations.",0 "With the exclusion of ETFs, the majority of retail AUM is comprised of active mutual funds.",0 "This Summary and the Plan shall not be deemed an employment contract.",0 We believe our tax positions comply with applicable tax laws and that we have properly accounted for uncertain tax positions.,0 "In 2022 the plan earned a rate of return of -17.4% and in 2021 earned a return of 6.7%.",0 "The cost to the Company of any new capital raised and interest expense would increase if this were to occur.",0 "Accordingly, PG&E Corporation’s cash flow and its ability to meet its obligations are largely dependent upon the earnings of its subsidiaries and the distribution or other payment of these earnings to PG&E Corporation in the form of dividends or loans or advances and repayment of loans and advances.",0 "(a) The dir ect e xpense paid t o a thir d party t o assis t in en forcing this P olicy w ould e xceed the amoun t to be recovered.",0 "Under these Voluntary Programs, employees generally separated from employment with certain post-employment health benefits and travel privileges.",0 "If the operating profit does not increase in absolute value over the period , no share will finally vest pursuant to this criterion.",0 "The cost/income ratio was 71%, up 9 percentage points compared to the prior year.",0 "Dominion Energy commenced remediation activities at one site in the second quarter of 2022 and completed the majority of remediation activities at this site in the fourth quarter of 2023.",0 "The decrease in 2023 was due to reduced coke shipments resulting from idled customer facilities.",0 "Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; 3.",0 "89 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss 90 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 91 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 92 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 93 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 95 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Financial Statements88 Infineon | Annual Report 2023",0 "Response to our customers GRI 3-3; 417-1 Inditex has a relationship with customers from more than 210 markets worldwide.",0 "10.34 Incremental Activation Notice, dated as of May 18, 2016, by and among Charter Communications Operating, LLC, CCO Holdings, LLC, the subsidiary guarantors party thereto, Bank of America, N.A., as administrative agent and the lenders party thereto (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to the Current Report on Form 8-K of Charter Communications, Inc. filed on May 24, 2016 (File No.",0 "SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.",0 "We track the level of investment in data protection officers, deputies, regional privacy leads, privacy managers and other experts.",0 "Where we have ranges, we use them to inform our selection of best estimates of loss reserves by product line of business.",0 "For instruments that are designated and qualify as hedges of net investments in foreign operations and that meet the effectiveness requirements, the net gains or losses attributable to changes in spot exchange rates are recorded in cumulative translation within other comprehensive income.",0 "In particular, from 2012 to 2021, Mercedes -Benz Group AG incurred currency ex- change -rate related losses from the financing of Group companies based abroad totalling €2.1 billion, which were compensated by corresponding hedging instru- ments.",0 "As these activities are not tied directly to our core revenue-generating activities, our current Taxonomy -eligible Capex and Opex ratios are by year -end 2023 approximately 1%15 and 3%16 respectively.",0 "These lease agreements had initial terms ranging from nine to 15 years with renewal options in five-year increments providing for up to approximately 30-year total lease terms.",0 "Such written statement shall set forth in reasonable detail the calculations upon which such Lender determined such amount and shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Borrowers in the absence of demonstrable error.",0 "The ACC reviews each utility’s IRP to determine if it meets the necessary rule requirements and whether it should be acknowledged.",0 "The insurance service result was lower than expected due to higher mortality claims.",0 "Accordingly, a substantial rise or drop in recycled commodity prices could materially affect our revenue and operating income.",0 "The outcomes of these actions are not predictable, but we do not believe that the ultimate resolution of any pending or threatened actions of these types will have a material adverse effect on our financial position, results of operations, liquidity, or capital resources.",0 "(c) As of March 2022, GM is no longer importing vehicles or parts to Russia, Belarus and other sanctioned provinces in Ukraine.",0 "Neither the Company, its Affiliates nor their respective directors, officers, employees or advisers (other than in his or her capacity as a Participant) shall be held liable for any taxes, interest, penalties or other monetary amounts owed by any Participant or other taxpayer as a result of the Plan or any Award.",0 "See the definitions of ""large accelerated filer,"" ""accelerated filer,"" ""smaller reporting company,"" and ""emerging growth company"" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.",0 "7 Schedule A Revenue Growth 3-Year Revenue CAGR Shares Earned (% of Grant) 10% or Higher 100% 9 – 9.9% 90% 8 – 8.9% 70% 7 – 7.9% (“Target”) 50% 6 – 6.9% 30% 5 – 5.9% 10% Below 5% 0%",0 "In each instance, our ownership interest is greater than 90%.",0 EMPLOYEES DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF CONTRACT AND GENDER (BBVA GROUP.,0 "To the extent there is an inconsistency between this Plan and the applicable severance program, the severance program will prevail.",0 "Net Sales and Revenues Net Sales (Equipment Operations) • Favorable industry fundamentals and strong demand for farm and construction equipment drove the sales increases in 2023.",0 "2019/980/uni00A0 of 14 March 2019, amended and corrected by Delegated Regulation (EU) no.",0 "See definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company” and ""emerging growth company"" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.",0 "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence Information required by Item 13 of Part III will be included in our Proxy Statement relating to our 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, to be filed pursuant to Regulation 14A on or before April 30, 2024 , and is incorporated herein by reference.",0 "Furthermore, in 2023, BBVA AM's employment plan manager adhered to the CNMV's Code of Good Practices for Investors in Spain.",0 "On December 2, 2022, the DOC issued its preliminary determination, finding four of the eight companies being investigated are attempting to bypass U.S. duties.",0 "In 2000 he moved back to Unilever as Senior Vice-President, Sauces and Condiments Europe and became in 2003 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Unilever Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and then in 2005 Executive Vice-President for Unilever’s Central and Eastern region – an area covering 21 countries.",0 "Increased global cybersecurity vulnerabilities, threats and more sophisticated and targeted cybersecurity attacks pose a potentially significant risk to the security of our information technology systems, networks and services, as well as the 23",0 "(ap) “Tax-Related Items” means any income tax, social insur ance, payroll tax, fring e bene fits tax, paymen t on account or other t ax-related it ems r elated to the P arcipan t’s parcipa on in the Plan and applic able t o the P arcipan t. (aq) “Vesng Da te” of an Op on means the v esng da te specified in the Aw ard Communic aon f or such Op on.",0 "ALLIANT ENERGY CORPORA TION (the “Company ”) By: Its: EMPLOYEE: Employee’ s Signature ###P ARTICIP ANT_NAME### Employee’ s Printed Name 2024 Performance Share Agreement 7",0 "Refer to Note 23, ""Interest Expense, Net,"" for additional information on securitization transaction fees.",0 "In our opinion, CSX Corporation (the Company) maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2023, based on the COSO criteria.",0 "Against this background and due to the material significance of the amounts for the group's assets, liabilities and financial performance as well as the complexity of determining the underlying assumptions and estimates made by the executive directors, the measurement of these liabilities was of particular significance in the context of our audit.",0 "I, Jamie Iannone, hereby certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C.",0 "We may be required to expand our transmission system according to decisions made by an RTO rather than our own internal planning processes.",0 "That means that our busi ness activities ar e systematically geared toward generating a positive impact for people and the planet .",0 "Once the meeting has been held, information on the resolutions passed and the votes results is also posted on the website.",0 "Some of the factors that can affect credit ratings are cash flows, liquidity , the amount of debt as a component of total capitalization including rating agencies' treatment of certain indebtedness, NEE's overall business mix and political, legislative 31",0 "The following table presents the amortized cost basis of commercial mortgage loans, excluding allowance for credit losses, by origination year for certain key credit quality indicators at December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively.",0 "In April 2020, the Company issued $500 million aggregate principal amount of 1.75% convertible senior notes (the Convertible Notes).",0 "Read more in ASML’s public Competition Law Compliance Policy ASML ANNUAL REPORT 2023 GOVERNANCE CONTINUED STRATEGIC REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIALS 162 ESG integrated governance (continued) Legal & Compliance (continued)",0 "Certain other immaterial equity investments under the fair value option aggregating to $47 million and $30 million as of December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively, are measured at fair value using the net asset value per share (or its equivalent) practical expedient, and have not been classified in the fair value hierarchy.",0 "•Chinese consumers made a very large contribution to the luxury industry's growth in 2023.",0 "We’re close to our consumers and distribute our premium portfolio across markets, delivering broad-based growth.",0 "A portion of the Utility’s regulatory asset balances relate to items which could not be anticipated by the Utility during CPUC GRC rate requests resulting from catastrophic events, changes in regulation, or extraordinary changes in operating practices.",0 "performance of any duties as an employee hereunder) any Confidential Information, or divulge, reveal, disclose or communicate any Confidential Information to any unauthorized person or entity in any manner whatsoever .",0 "Furthermore, as security threats continue to evolve an d increase in frequency and sophistication, we may need to inv est additional resources to pr otect information security.",0 "Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated ☒Yes ☐No Public Service Electric and Gas Company ☒Yes ☐No Indicate by check mark if each of the registrants is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.",0 In September 2023 the City Council approved an agreement to settle the 2023 formula rate plan filing.,0 "Together they have the capacity to produce approximately 4 MW of renewable energy.",0 "Note 2: Segment Information We are a global media and technology company with two primary businesses: Connectivity & Platforms and Content & Experiences.",0 2 Elimination of equipment operations’ margin from inventory transferred to equipment on operating leases (see Note 6).,0 "Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk We are exposed to various types of market risk in the normal course of our business, including the impact of interest rate changes, diesel fuel cost changes and inflation.",0 "The appointment of a Presidential Emergency Board maintains the “status quo” for an additional period of time.",0 We have not made any material changes in the accounting methodology used to recognize revenue during the past three fiscal years.,0 "The total remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board in the 2023 fiscal year amounted to €3 million (2022: €3 million).",0 "As of December 31, 2023, QF contracts in operation expire at various dates between 2024 and 2041.",0 The Utility anticipates that the OEIS and the CPUC will issue final guidelines in early 2024.,0 "Airbus Financial Statements 2023 Independent auditor’s report To: the shareholders and the board of directors of Airbus SE Report on the audit of the financial statements 2023 included in the annual report Our opinion We have audited the financial statements 2023 of Airbus SE (the Company) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.",0 "U nder certain conditions, T ‑MobileUS will con tinue t o be hel d liabl e for an y de fault in the l ease pa ymen t by Cr own Cas tle to the o wner s of the underl ying land o f the cell sit es.",0 Retirement plans and other postretirement benefits.,0 "Refer to Note 3, Restructuring , of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, included in Item 8, Financial Statements and Supplementary Data , of this Annual Report on Form 10-K for additional information.",0 "The Committee must pursue (and shall not have the discretion to waive) the forfeiture and/or repayment of such Erroneously Awarded Compensation in accordance with Section 3 of this Policy , except as provided below .",0 "–Regularly reviews the general remuneration programmes for the group’s workforce, assessing the suitability and results thereof, considering that they promote physical, mental and emotional well-being, as well as a healthy, safe, pleasant, diverse and inclusive working environment.",0 "Public health officials and health advocates are increasingly focused on the public health consequences associated with obesity, especially as it affects children, and are seeking legislative change to reduce the consumption of sweetened beverages.",0 "Certain direct response advertising expenses are deferred when the primary purpose of the advertising is to elicit sales to customers who can be shown to have specifically responded to the advertising and the direct response advertising results in probable future benefits.",0 "In recent years we have introduced new travel and car policies, and we always strive to provide an inclusive work environment for our people.",0 "The aim of all these measures is to fulfil our brand promise at all points of contact with our customers and create special Mercedes moments.",0 "Choosing Malibu is to choose a good time over everything else.",0 "Our operations or those of our predecessor companies involve the use of, disposal of, and, in appropriate circumstances, the cleanup of substances regulated under environmental laws.",0 "This arrangement does not supersede the agreement you entered with the Company on February 21, 2012 which deems you to have 75 points under LTIP, if you terminate employment on or after August 1, 2019.",0 "For information on our intersegment revenues, refer to Note 18 to the audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part II, Item 8, ""Financial Statements and Supplementary Data"" of this Form 10-K.",0 "■RESPECT program for Suppliers and Subcontractors (other than fresh milk producers): see ""Risk of discrimination and harassment"" above.",0 "The Deferred Share Unit shall be valued based on the closing price of Common Stock as reported on the composite tape of the New Y ork Stock Exchange on the V aluation Date.",0 "The ergonomics of the “main square” within Cristalleries Saint/uni2011Louis, a workshop that concentrates large and prestigious items, have been reviewed to limit difficult gestures (assistance with mallet/uni2011use), reduce load carrying through the use of handling aids and rethink work organisation.",0 "The conflict is evolving and has the potential to adversely affect our business and results of operations from an investment, underwriting and operational perspective.",0 "We provide diagnostic capabilities that meet veterinarians’ diverse needs through a variety of modalities including in-clinic diagnostic solutions and outside reference laboratory services.",0 "The pr ogram consis ts of further shar e buy -backs totaling ar ound USD 15.25billion , as w ell as dividends t otaling ar ound USD 3.75billion to be paid out on a quart erly basis.",0 "In February 2023, the PSCSC approved a constructive comprehensive settlement with all parties in the Duke Energy Progress South Carolina rate case and we implemented new customer rates effective April 1, 2023.",0 "Large Corporates & Institutions Total income was up 7% year on year.",0 "With regard to economic activity 6.5, the analysis of the criteria is to be performed on the basis of the low-car - bon vehicles in the leasing and financing portfolio.",0 "Interest Rate - Alliant Energy , IPL and WPL are exposed to risk resulting from changes in interest rates associated with variable-rate borrowings.",0 "GLOW Light Art Festival (NL) We are moving semiconductor technology forward to create meaningful i nnovati on for society.",0 "These tax obligations include income, franchise, real estate, sales and use, and employment-related taxes.",0 "Fuel Supply and Purchased Power DTE Electric's power is generated primarily from a variety of fuels and is supplemented with renewable generation and purchased power.",0 Free cash fl owALis expect ed t o amoun t to around EUR 18.9billion in 202 4.,0 "Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.",0 "The following benefit payments, which reflect future service as appropriate, are expected to be paid in relation to defined benefit pension and postretirement benefit plans:(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) F-57",0 "A security rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities, and may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the rating agency, and each rating should be evaluated independently of any other rating.",0 "070-09535) 4.1.1 Sixth Supplemental Indenture between Eversource Ener gy and The Bank of New York Trust Company N.A., as Trustee, dated as of January 1, 2015, relating to $300 million of Senior Notes, Series H, due 2025 (Exhibit 4.1, Eversource Ener gy Current Report on Form 8-K filed January 21, 2015, File No.",0 "A worsening of relations between those countries or the outbreak of war on the Korean Peninsula could impact our ability to service customers.",0 "For the sake of clarity, the effects from the transition to IFRS 9 for these contracts are presented on a combined basis in the reconciliation table.",0 "In doing so, the Supervisory Board aims to ensure not just the grea test possible individual suitability of its various members, but also that as many different perspectives as possible are represented in the leadership of the company through a balanced and diverse Board of Management structure, and that the candidate selection pool is as large as possible.",0 "Incorporated By ReferenceFiled Herewith Exhibit Description Form Exhibit Filing Date 3.a Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Masco Corporation.",0 "Table of Contents FPL FPL is a rate-regulated electric utility engaged primarily in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electric energy in Florida.",0 "Date: February 22, 2024 /s/ MARIA RIGATTI MARIA RIGATTI Chief Financial Officer",0 "Other depreciation and amortization expense is directly allocated to the operating segments.",0 "See the settlement agreements that are included in the exhibit list to this filing for additional information.",0 "• For larger vehicle fleets such as in Germany, the Netherlands , and others, we offer employees a subsidy to install a charging point at home , and reimburse them for the electricity consumed.",0 "Among other things, we plan to ultimately deploy our proprietary auction technologies at all of our foreign operations and we cannot predict whether this deployment will be successful or will result in increases in the revenues or operating efficiencies of any acquired companies relative to their historic operating performance.",0 "Additional proceeds for any excess of the fair value of our interest over the minimum equity value will be due following the final determination of Hulu’s fair value pursuant to a third-party appraisal process.",0 "We are training our colleagues to make the right choices for safety, for themselves and for others.",0 "Generally, any gain or loss resulting from currency fluctuations during the period between the date of the sale of the ordinary shares and the date the sale proceeds are converted into US dollars will be treated as ordinary income or loss from sources within the US.",0 "1-2348), Exhibit 4.1) 4.5.13Fourteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 4, 2022 (incorporated by reference to Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Form 8-K dated April 4, 2022 (File No.",0 "HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as a Lender By: /s/ Dennis Tybor Name: Dennis Tybor (23307) Title: Senior Vice President [Signature Page – Waiver Letter (Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement)]",0 "CenterPoint Energy expects that this will enable it to attract, motivate and retain employees with the skills and competencies necessary to achieve its business strategy.",0 "It will continue to draw on the strengths of its dynamic teams and solid foundations, including its balanced geographic coverage and diverse portfolio of prestigious brands.",0 "By contrast, government bond yields were used for countries without a deep market for such corporate bonds.",0 "Any material contingent liabilities resulting from litigation matters are captured in the litigation section above.",0 "In response to competitive, economic, political, legislative, public perception and regulatory pressures, Evergy's utility subsidiaries may be subject to rate moratoriums, rate refunds, limits on rate increases, lower allowed returns on investments or rate reductions, including phase-in plans designed to spread the impact of rate increases over an extended period for the benefit of customers.",0 "DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Directors The information required by this Item is herein incorporated by reference from our Definitive Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders scheduled to be held on April 18, 2024 appearing under the caption “Proposal One: Election of Directors” in such Definitive Proxy Statement.",0 "“COBRA Coverage” means medical, dental and vision coverage which is required to be of fered to terminated employees under Section 4980B of the Code and Section 606 of ERISA; provided, however , that no provision of this Plan shall be construed to require the Employer to contribute on behalf of a Participant towards continuation coverage for a health spending account.",0 "333-262458, 333-262459, and 333-262460) of Const ellation Energy Corporation of our report dated February 27, 2024 relating to the financial statements, financial statement schedule and the effectiveness of internal control over financial repor ting of Constellation Energy Corporation, which appears in this Form 10-K. /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Baltimore, Maryland February 27, 2024",0 We accrete the ARO liability to reflect the passage of time with the corresponding expense recorded in O&M Expense.,0 "They report annually on their assessment of the ICS for accounting and financial re-porting processes and the processes for non- financial perfor- mance indicators.",0 "Both of these documents are available on the Company’s website at, under the heading “Governance- Governance Documents,” and a copy is available by writing to Investor Relations at 2170 Piedmont Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30324.",0 "While remaining vigilant and maintaining tight control over its allocation of resources, DFS aims to continue expanding in its key locations of Hong Kong and Macao.",0 "As a result, ‘Inventory Days Lasting ’ (‘IDL’) is monitored and assessed regularly as it measures the average number of days goods remain in inventory before being sold, high lighting the efficiency of capital locked up in products.",0