{"metadata":{"id":"009b4871ce66ddaa8d536296c7cc2f79","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://cgspace.cgiar.org/rest/bitstreams/9f87429c-6014-43a2-9198-41c7ac07c067/retrieve"},"pageCount":48,"title":"ADD Agriculture Development Division, Malawi AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"Summary","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":174,"text":"Planning for ESA Project activities for the year 2018-2019 was guided by the Africa RISING -ESA Project Management recommendations that sought to minimize duplication of activities, promote cross-site technology transfers, better operationalize cross-cutting and integration/systems research, and streamline resource allocation. This would also allow the conduct of research activities outside the original research sites so as to allow the formation of active arrangements with development partners in their areas of operation. For a start, activity mergers are operational between sites in Babati and Kongwa/Kiteto for livestock, and between Zambia and Malawi for conservation agriculture (CA) and its associated technologies. Systems research is being considered at household/farm level with household representations from across the sites in Tanzania. One example of expanding to new sites is presented with 2 research activities being conducted in Karatu district, to allow partnership with the development partner Islands of Peace (IoP), which has shown interest and invested in scaling Africa RISING technologies in postharvest management and improved vegetables with their associated good agricultural practices (GAP). (Details under Output 5 Section)."},{"index":2,"size":214,"text":"Main achievements for this reporting period are in having achieved progress in the experiments that are addressing Outcomes 1 and 2 (Productivity and Natural resource integrity). These are (i) performance of new resilient legume and cereal varieties in three sub-ecologies of the semi-arid districts in central Tanzania, (ii) planned trials under increasing pigeonpea productivity and 4 under climate-smart technology in all 3 agro-ecological zones (AEZ) of Babati, (iii) investigations into the medium to long-term impacts of SI technologies (improved soil fertility management, improved germplasm, crop combinations, nutrient and water management) on crop productivity on multi-locational field sites and baby trials in Malawi, (iv) establishment of the drought resilient Gliricidia intercrop rainout shelter experiments in Kongwa, (v) integrating in situ rainwater harvesting technologies with other GAP in Kongwa and Kiteto, (vi) establishing clustered CA long term on-farm trials in 16 target communities of Malawi and eastern Zambia, and (vi) establishment of CA long-term on-station trials at Msekera Research Station. Natural resource integrity trials were generally designed to generate long-term data while productivity trials have tended to address manipulation of crop arrangements in space and time to identify optimal conditions. Models such as APSIM and LandPKS are being introduced to utilize these data for assessments of validated technologies and predictions of their impact on sustainable intensification."},{"index":3,"size":133,"text":"Development of tools to generate data on socio-economic studies was another main activity during this reporting period. Implementation of the studies is scheduled for the next period. Most of the studies on postharvest, nutrition, and livestock are dependent upon products from activities of Outcomes 1 and 2 and will be implemented during the next reporting period. However, the post-harvest team conducted baseline analysis of the physico-chemical and technological properties of popular varieties of common bean and maize cultivated by farmers in Karatu district of Tanzania. This was part of the higher objective of examining the nutritional changes that take place when crop products are stored in hermetic containers as claimed by farmers to whom IoP is scaling these technologies. This is an example of a paradigm shift in addressing research, dubbed Research-in-Development (R-in-D)."},{"index":4,"size":23,"text":"The ESA-wide geo-referenced sites are shown where Africa RISING was implementing either research activities or technology dissemination during the reporting period (Fig. 1). "}]},{"head":"Implemented work and achievements per research outcome","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"Outcome 1. Productivity, diversity, and income of crop-livestock systems in selected agroecologies enhanced under climate variability"}]},{"head":"Deploying new crop varieties for diverse crop-livestock systems","index":3,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Evaluation of performance of superior crop varieties under different agro-ecological conditions","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":167,"text":"The 2018-2019 cropping season provided an optimal environment in which to test the resilience of Africa RISING varieties of groundnut, sorghum, pearl millet and pigeonpea, newly released or in the pipeline, individually or under intercrop arrangements. Experiments were established during January 2019 in 7 villages of Kongwa (Moleti, Mlali, Laikala, Manyusi), Kiteto (Njoro, Kiperesa) and Iringa (Igula) districts of Tanzania with different agro-ecologies (Table 1). Mlali and Manyusi villages represent high potential; Njoro and Kiperesa have moderate potential; and Laikala, Moleti, and Igula have low potential. Data collection is underway on various aspects of crop performance. Field observations show that for groundnut, the Spanish material (i.e., ICGV-SMs 05650, 03519) tested in all the environments stood out better compared to the Virginia material (i.e., ICGV-SM 02724), especially in the highly stressed environments of Laikala and Njoro (Fig. 2). All varieties performed well in Chitego and Mlali villages with high potential. Pigeonpea was better adapted in general across three test environments -stressed, moderately stressed, and areas with high potential."},{"index":2,"size":77,"text":"At issue this cropping season was also the evaluation of proposed cropping patterns, especially inter-crops, for the adaptability of the new crop varieties under 3 environments (high potential, moderate potential, and stressed) common in Kongwa, Kiteto, and Iringa. Field observations show that medium-duration pigeonpea (Ilonga 14 M1 and Ilonga 14 M2 and short-duration groundnut (Spanish) are best suited to these environments. The medium-duration pigeonpea appears affected by severe shading, especially when intercropped with fast growing maize varieties."},{"index":3,"size":55,"text":"Protocols for data collection from the mother trials for the parameterization of APSIM model have been developed. Data on soils, crop and weather are being generated (Fig. 3), aimed at predicting the long-term implications of integrating improved germplasm of cereals and legumes with improved agronomy as well as cereal-legume intercrops and rotations in different agro-ecologies. "}]},{"head":"Maize","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":86,"text":"Twelve new elite maize hybrids with early to intermediate maturity and drought tolerance that were identified from the previous variety selection experiments (see Report, March-September 2018) have been planted at sites in 3 districts of Tanzania: Kongwa (2 sites), Iringa (4), and Kiteto (1), to further validate their performance and adaptability under semi-arid conditions. Also, information is being collected on the type of maize varieties being grown by farmers in the neighboring fields at each experimental site. This is to answer the question of crop/variety diversity."},{"index":2,"size":86,"text":"A performance analysis for last year's data on Genotype x Environment (GxE) interaction (Fig. 4) and stability of the hybrids shows that GxE interactions at each site were not significant while the selected hybrids are stable at all testing sites. A follow-up analysis will be done on GxE interactions between 2018 and 2019 growing seasons to understand seasonal variability and impact on hybrid performance. The 2018 cropping season had good and well distributed rainfall; the 2019 cropping season has experienced a prolonged dry spell after planting. "}]},{"head":"Pathways for improving access to seeds of modern and traditional crop varieties","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":103,"text":"Improving access to seeds A series of meetings were held in Kongwa district of Tanzania to study power relationships and how these influence access to agro-innovations and knowledge. Discussions were held with various stakeholder groups of suppliers of technology -researchers, users of technologies, farm households, agro-dealers, and grain traders as well as local policymakers -at village and district level. The key messages coming out from the preliminary analyses are as follows: (i) Researchers are viewed by technology users as not being fully in touch with farmers' needs, and (ii) Agrodealers are a necessary evil, being a major link to input and output markets. "}]},{"head":"Consolidating availability of quality","index":7,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Enhancing resilience adaptation through cereal/legume cropping systems","index":8,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":265,"text":"Mbili-mbili and other maize and legume intercrop configurations in Babati, Tanzania All the planned activities have been accomplished relating to initiation of 6 mother trials of crop configurations, including Mbili-mbili intercropping (Table 2; Fig. 5). Soil samples to be used in BNF quantification were also collected. Collection of the associated data is in progress, i.e., leaf chlorophyll, soil temperature, moisture, and radiation. Training of farmers hosting the baby trials and input distribution was also carried out in the three eco-zones with the aim of getting household experience on some of the introduced technologies. Many farmers in 2 of the 3 ecozones have initiated Mbili-mbili technology in the baby trials. However, the performance of the trials, especially for beans, has been affected by the current on-season drought. The presence of insufficient soil moisture has also delayed field operations, e.g., topdressing maize with fertilizer. Leaf chlorophyll data have been measured for two vegetative growth stages, V6 and V8 (vegetative stages where the sequence of the 6 th and 8 th leaf collars is visible). In general, there is significantly lower leaf chlorophyll for maize planted at 2 seeds per hill compared to 1 plant per hill (Table 3). Although the systems usually have similar yields (the expectation), there may be some stresses when several maize seeds are planted on the same hill. Research inputs (seeds and fertilizer) were provided to 49 farmers who had been mobilized to run baby trials in their fields (Table 4). All farmers planted maize except those in Laikala where sorghum was the test crop because maize is not suitable for this agroecology. "}]},{"head":"Using biopesticides to manage pests of vegetables","index":9,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":126,"text":"The use of screen houses and a biopesticide (Metarhizium anisopliae) in controlling Bemisia tabaci and Tuta absoluta on solanaceous vegetables is being validated in Bermi, Matufa, and Shaurimoyo villages of Babati district in Tanzania. Damaged screen houses that were used for the completed irrigation studies were repaired for this purpose and nurseries were established for raising vegetable seedlings for the study. Insects and diseased crop samples inside and outside the screen houses were identified for their control during the experiment to be planned appropriately. The insects identified on site were T. absoluta, grasshoppers, thrips, and whiteflies; the diseases were Wilting in sweet pepper and Blight in tomato. No varieties are resistant to T. absoluta and inoculation using M. anisopliae is being evaluated as a viable option."}]},{"head":"Outcome 2. Natural resource integrity and resilience to climate change enhanced for the target communities and agroecologies","index":10,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Land use suitability mapping","index":11,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":128,"text":"Mapping agro-climatic zones A map of agro-climatic zones (ACZ) of the ESA region was produced using monthly time series of gridded climate layers from TerraClimate database. The input included the monthly precipitation, actual evapotranspiration, minimum temperature (Tmin), maximum temperature (Tmax), and digital elevation model (DEM). The climate layers had a spatial resolution of 4.5 km and monthly temporal resolution covered the period 1981 to 2017; therefore, the time series for each input variable had 444 layers. The long-term monthly time series facilitated the capture of fine-scale climate variability. The dimensions of the time series variables were reduced using principle components analysis. Optimal number of clusters was determined using internal and external cluster validation statistics before the K means algorithm was applied to delineate 150 distinct ACZ (Fig. 7)."},{"index":2,"size":115,"text":"The map of ACZ produced is an improvement on existing maps that were defined from coarse spatial and temporal resolution datasets. Long-term monthly time series data (37 years) were used to produce the ACZ, therefore ensuring that both spatial and temporal variability are utilized. This contrasts with the widely used method of delineating zones from long-term averages of climate data that mask the extreme values (minimum or maximum) that have a significant effect on climate variability. The refined map of ACZ is expected to improve spatial targeting of agricultural technological options and other climate-dependent activities. 1007/s00704-018-2712-1). Maps on trends and variability of rainfall will be used as input to delineate recommendation domains for CA practices."},{"index":3,"size":190,"text":"Gridded layers of chemical properties in soils that were obtained from ISRIC World Soil Database were extractable Aluminum, Boron, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Zinc, total Nitrogen and Cation Exchange Capacity. The values for these soil chemical properties were aggregated for 0-30 cm of soil depth. Variables in soil physical characteristics were pH, bulk density, root zone depth, clay, sand, and sand content, and soil texture. These physical properties were originally mapped at 6 standard depths in cm (0-5, 5-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-100, and 100-200). To ensure similarity with the chemical properties the grid layers for the first 3 standard depths in cm (0-5, 5-15, 15-30) were averaged to produce one grid layer representing the respective variables. Except for the root zone depth, the original resolution of the grid for soil variables was 250 m x 250 m. The root zone depth layer was resampled from an original grid of 1 km x 1 km to 250 m x 250 m so as to match other soil variables. All processed biophysical layers will be input to a spatially explicit model to predict maize yields obtained by using CA practices."}]},{"head":"Climate-smart land management technologies","index":12,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":55,"text":"On-station CA long-term trials in Zambia Africa RISING is maintaining a long-term trial of CA at Msekera Research Station in the Eastern Province of Zambia that has been running since 2011 (Fig. 8) and is co-funding 4 other trials in collaboration with CRS (Green Manure Cover Crop intercropping; pigeonpea ratooning; CA component; and Gliricidia intercropping)."},{"index":2,"size":127,"text":"All established trials were visited on 14 February 2019 with the Provincial Coordinator of Agriculture, Eastern Province, Zambia. The results of these trials will be invaluable in the recommendation of CA and GMCC systems and will be used to influence the decision-making on a newly funded EU project where CIMMYT is a key partner. In 2 sites of the sampled areas (Kawalala in Sinda, Zambia, and Mwansambo in Nkhotakota, Central Malawi) adoption of CA systems has reached the tipping point -more than 50% of farmers are regularly using CA systems and practices in their maize and (to a certain extent) in soybean and groundnut fields. They have also expanded this to other crops and areas and grow groundnut, cowpea, and soybean under this system profitably and effectively. "}]},{"head":"Socio-economic studies on CA systems in Zambia and Malawi","index":13,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":78,"text":"A socio-economic tool has been developed to study the impact both at household and community level of sustainable intensification technologies on labor distribution, food and nutritional security, and income in all the target communities. The study will be conducted during May. The tool also assesses the implication of these improved livelihood changes on gender dynamics, particularly with regard to labor distribution and decision-making. The tool has so far been ethically cleared by the CIMMYT Internal Ethical Clearance Committee."},{"index":2,"size":50,"text":"Integrating water micro-catchments, weather-informed varieties, and slow-release nutrient fertilizers Four trials (Fig. 10) were initiated during January 2019, 2 in Sabilo village and 2 in Gallapo village of Babati district. The trials related to climate-smart approaches including micro-catchments, planting of weather-informed varieties, and utilization potential of slow release N fertilizer."},{"index":3,"size":319,"text":"Collection is ongoing of the associated data, i.e., leaf chlorophyll, soil temperature, and moisture using time domain reflectometry and moisture access tubes. Choice of fields included a school where good agronomy and research approaches are being introduced early to the pupils (Fig. 11). As in the legume productivity trials, leaf chlorophyll data have been measured for two growth stages, V6 and V8. Here, there are no significant differences in leaf chlorophyll for maize across the different treatments. Top dressing has not yet been done (due to the drought) so effects of normal controlled release urea are not noticeable, and water harvesting microcatchments have not yet played a major role. In situ water harvesting practices: Tied ridges Follow-on field trials were established in farmers' fields in Mlali, Moleti, and Sagara villages to determine the effect of integrating in-situ rain water harvesting and fertilizer micro-dosing on crop productivity, water, and nutrient use efficiency (Fig. 13). This was after collection and analysis of surface soil samples from host farmers' fields to establish the general fertility status (Table 5). Apart from MO3 which was sandy-loam, all other soils were sandy-clay-loams, and low in carbon and nitrogen. There was a prolonged dry spell in the district after planting (Fig. 12) and emergency crop height measurements at 55 days after planting (DAP) did not show treatment differences between conventional farmer practices, annual tied ridging, and residual tied ridging. Infiltration rates were also not different. This implies that both tied ridging practices will need a minimal amount of precipitation to allow functional structural moisture storage. Such observations provide for the need to establish the operational boundary conditions of any given technology for effective application. ---------% ------------mg/kg soil -------------- In situ water harvesting practices: Rip tillage The weather conditions reported for the tied ridging study had a similar impact on the rip tillage study. There were no significant treatment differences during the early growth stages (Fig. 13). "}]},{"head":"Opportunities for enhancing water resource use through irrigation","index":14,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":141,"text":"The study was brought to completion that had rolled out the Smart Agricultural Resources Optimization System (SAROS) within 2 communities in Babati district with 4 women farmers in Gallapo village each with 2 farm trials (making a total of 8 trials) and another 4 farmers in Seloto village each with 2 farm trials (making a total of 8 trials). This study generated data on soil moisture, irrigation, and rainfall trends (Fig 14), water use efficiency, and productivity of vegetable varieties both inside and outside a screen house as well as the associated cost-benefit analysis around water and labor savings for out-of-season vegetables (sweet pepper and tomato). Data analysis to gauge the effect on sustainability used the formula below to generate the standardized spider-gram plot (Fig. 15), which shows a substantial shift in all the SI domains after the introduction of vegetables."}]},{"head":"\uD835\uDC42\uD835\uDC4F\uD835\uDC60\uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC5F\uD835\uDC63\uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC51 \uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC65\uD835\uDC5D\uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC5F\uD835\uDC56\uD835\uDC5A\uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC5B\uD835\uDC61\uD835\uDC4E\uD835\uDC59 \uD835\uDC63\uD835\uDC4E\uD835\uDC59\uD835\uDC62\uD835\uDC52 − \uD835\uDC40\uD835\uDC56\uD835\uDC5B\uD835\uDC56\uD835\uDC5A\uD835\uDC62\uD835\uDC5A \uD835\uDC61ℎ\uD835\uDC5F\uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC60ℎ\uD835\uDC5C\uD835\uDC59\uD835\uDC51 \uD835\uDC40\uD835\uDC4E\uD835\uDC65\uD835\uDC56\uD835\uDC5A\uD835\uDC62\uD835\uDC5A \uD835\uDC61ℎ\uD835\uDC5F\uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC60ℎ\uD835\uDC5C\uD835\uDC59\uD835\uDC51 − \uD835\uDC40\uD835\uDC56\uD835\uDC5B\uD835\uDC56\uD835\uDC5A\uD835\uDC62\uD835\uDC5A \uD835\uDC61ℎ\uD835\uDC5F\uD835\uDC52\uD835\uDC60ℎ\uD835\uDC5C\uD835\uDC59\uD835\uDC51","index":15,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":43,"text":"The technology protocols and training manual for the micro-irrigation kit were shared with local partners on the ground for continued follow-up. The data and information generated from this work are being used to refine the draft manuscript which can be accessed at: http://africarising-wiki.net/File:SAROS_Draft_Technical_Journal_Paper.pdf"},{"index":2,"size":83,"text":"A key observation emerging from this study was that the use of vegetable residues or the harnessing of damaged fruit to feed the poultry and small ruminants provided further dividends that had not been valued in the economic assessment. In this case, the damaged fruit and residues both accounted for about 16% of the total biomass produced. This highlights the need to have interventions that provide closed loops with little or no waste of the by-products for maximum benefit of the target beneficiaries. "}]},{"head":"Integration of fodder trees and grass forages in dryland farming","index":16,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":126,"text":"Assessment of long-term land rehabilitation effects of contour farming on crop yields and production of fodder and fuelwood is being implemented on farmer Moshi Maile's farm sites as a case study. The contour structures were installed 5 years ago. Maize (variety Staha) was planted in January 2019. Soil samples were collected for nutrient analysis (Table 6) and already show some positive differences (e.g., in organic carbon and Bray-1 P) when compared with those samples taken from adjacent non-contour fields. Estimation of the reduction in soil loss by contours will be done at the end of the growing season. Data are also being collected on fodder and fuelwood production and input costs to allow assessment of multiple benefits and economic analysis. -------% --------mg/kg soil ------------Cmol (+)/kg -------- "}]},{"head":"Collection of weather-support data","index":17,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":46,"text":"The automated weather stations were serviced in the 2 AEZ of Babati, Tanzania for monthly data collection (Fig. 16). Between December 2018 and March 2019, one automated weather station was installed at Mlali village in Kongwa district and one more at Njoro village in Kiteto district. "}]},{"head":"Outcome 3. Food and feed safety, nutritional quality, and income security of target smallholder families improved equitably (within households)","index":18,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Nutritional messaging"}]},{"head":"Impact of nutritional messaging on household nutrition","index":19,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":48,"text":"A study was initiated in Karatu district to determine the impact of nutritional messaging on farmers' nutritional knowledge, attitudes, practices, and household nutritional status. Preparation of a baseline questionnaire is in progress and briefing was conducted with participating farmer groups in 8 villages; control farmer groups were identified."}]},{"head":"Packaging and delivery of postharvest technologies","index":20,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":68,"text":"Drudgery and mechanization of maize shelling: a gender perspective Data from 2017 in a survey in Tanzania (Babati, Kongwa, and Kiteto districts) were validated through semi-structured interviews with 18 key informants (shelling entrepreneurs, agrodealers, extension officers, government agencies, manufacturers, and representatives of farmer groups). The qualitative data collected in December 2018 and January 2019 have been transcribed and are being evaluated with Atlas.ti in preparation for a publication."}]},{"head":"Validating the effect of handling and storage methods on produce quality and consumer acceptability","index":21,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":67,"text":"A baseline analysis was accomplished of the physico-chemical and technological properties of popular varieties of common bean and maize cultivated by farmers in Karatu district of Tanzania. It is part of the higher objective of examining the nutritional changes that take place when grains, especially legumes, are stored in hermetic containers as claimed by farmers to whom IoP, a development partner, is scaling these technologies (Fig. 17). "}]},{"head":"Common beans","index":22,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"Three varieties were identified (Fig. 18) based on differences in preference and characteristics reported by farmers, which show that there is a broad spectrum of attributes that consumers are keen to assess (Table 7). -Less yielding (500-900 kg/acre)."},{"index":2,"size":15,"text":"-Higher yield than YR but lower than PS. -Performs well even under low soil fertility."},{"index":3,"size":9,"text":"-Performs poorly under low soil fertility compared to PS."},{"index":4,"size":8,"text":"-Performs better than YR but worse than PS."},{"index":5,"size":8,"text":"-Matures earlier than YR and YO (80 days)."},{"index":6,"size":9,"text":"-Takes longer in the field than PS (90 days)."},{"index":7,"size":1,"text":"-"}]},{"head":"Postharvest and Nutrition","index":23,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":7,"text":"-Harder; does not break easily during threshing."},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"-Breaks more readily during threshing than PS."},{"index":3,"size":8,"text":"-Breaks less than YR but more than PS."},{"index":4,"size":7,"text":"-Less susceptible to insect attack during storage."},{"index":5,"size":9,"text":"-More susceptible to insect attack during storage than PS."},{"index":6,"size":17,"text":"-More resistant to insect damage than YR but less than PS. -Color is more stable during storage."},{"index":7,"size":6,"text":"-Color changes to yellowbrown during storage."},{"index":8,"size":11,"text":"-Colour more stable than YR. -Takes longer to cook (60-80 min)."},{"index":9,"size":9,"text":"-Cooks faster (40 min); saves on fuel for cooking."},{"index":10,"size":18,"text":"-Longer cooking time than YR but shorter than PS (50-60 min). -More stable cooked quality; good gravy quality."},{"index":11,"size":8,"text":"-Cooked beans develop unpleasant smell when left overnight."},{"index":12,"size":13,"text":"-Cooked beans develop bad smell when left overnight just like YR. -Causes flatulence."},{"index":13,"size":5,"text":"-Causes less flatulence than PS."},{"index":14,"size":7,"text":"-Less flatulence just like YR. -Superior taste."},{"index":15,"size":4,"text":"-Less tasty than PS."},{"index":16,"size":4,"text":"-Less tasty than YR."}]},{"head":"Economic","index":24,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":5,"text":"-Lower prices in the market."},{"index":2,"size":36,"text":"-Higher market value than PS by 160 -200% -Higher price than PS by 120 -160% depending on location. -Less in demand by traders (In a typical season only 10% of traders ask for or buy it)."},{"index":3,"size":18,"text":"-Higher demand compared to PS (In a typical season only 70% of traders ask for or buy it)."},{"index":4,"size":19,"text":"-Higher demand by traders than for PS (In a typical season 20% of traders ask for or buy it)."},{"index":5,"size":62,"text":"The nutritional composition of the beans (Table 8) shows similarities in fat, protein, and phytate contents. Crude fiber was significantly higher in the yellow-oval variety while total ash was lowest in the purple-speckled variety. With respect to cooking properties (data not shown), whole grain flours of the three beans had similar gelatinization, pasting, and retrogradation properties although isolated starches showed some differences. "}]},{"head":"Maize","index":25,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":93,"text":"Many varieties are cultivated by farmers within one district, including a mixture of hybrids, traditional and open-pollinated varieties (Table 9). This presents an interesting \"scaling\" question: how does one successfully penetrate such a farming society with an improved and validated variety? There are clear nutritional differences between the varieties (Fig. 19) but the choice of variety is also likely to be seen from the context of yield alongside other characteristics such as drought tolerance and resistance to pests and diseases, etc. (Table 9). Table 9. Attributes of farmer-preferred maize varieties in Karatu district."}]},{"head":"Variety Description (source) Hybrid 614","index":26,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"Top-cross hybrid, white dent grains, large ears, high yielding (10 t/ha at alt. > 1500 masl); tolerant to maize weevil; late maturing (160-210 days) (Lyimo et al. 2014)."}]},{"head":"DK 8031","index":27,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"Early maturing hybrid (3 months); good tolerance to drought and diseases; short stature-less prone to lodging; good yield potential; excellent grain qualities; excellent milling qualities (www.monsantoafrica.com)."}]},{"head":"DK 9089","index":28,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"Early/medium maturing hybrid (115-120 days); yield potential 10 t/ha; good tolerance to disease and cob rots); flint type grain and highly poundable (monsantoafrica.com)."}]},{"head":"Seedco 403","index":29,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"Early maturing (90-110 days) white hybrid, yield potential 5-6 t/ha; semi-flint grain texture; drought resistant; tolerant to maize streak virus; resistant to cob rots; hard dense grains (http://www.seedcogroup.com/tz)."}]},{"head":"Seedco 513","index":30,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"Medium maturing (125-130 days) white hybrid, yield potential 8-8.7 t/ha; good for medium to low altitude zones that have enough rainfall; good resistance to foliar diseases, good tolerance of heat and drought stress; sweet in roasting; good variety for green market (http://www.seedcogroup.com/tz)."}]},{"head":"DK 8053","index":31,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"Medium maturing; flint type with strong grain quality; good tolerance of diseases; good husk cover; good taste (monsantoafrica.com)."}]},{"head":"Meru Hybrid 513","index":32,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"Nitrogen-use efficient variety; good harvest with small amounts of fertilizer; resistant to drought; yield potential 3-4 t/ha; early maturing (100-110 days) (http://www.meruagro.com)."}]},{"head":"Panna","index":33,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"A medium altitude hybrid, white flint. Yield potential of 7.5 t/ha (Lyimo et al. 2014)."}]},{"head":"Situka","index":34,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"Early-maturing open-pollinated variety; yield potential 4-5 t/ha; tolerant to drought and low soil fertility-yields well even under low nitrogen conditions (Suba Agro; http://www.subaagro.com)."}]},{"head":"Ukiriguru Composite A","index":35,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"A medium altitude open-pollinated variety, white flint grain, yield potential of 7.5 t/ha (Lyimo et al. 2014)."}]},{"head":"Staha (composite)","index":36,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"Low altitude open-pollinated variety, white flint/dent grain, tolerant to maize streak, moderate yields 6.5 t/ha (Lyimo et al. 2014)."}]},{"head":"Mehh local","index":37,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":7,"text":"Mixed colored (purple, white), flint (personal observation)."}]},{"head":"Meru H623","index":38,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"Hybrid maturing in 120-140 days; yield potential 3-4 t/ha, suitable for wet, lower mid-altitude agro-ecologies; good harvest in areas with low amount of rainfall (http://www.meruagro.com). "}]},{"head":"Outcome 4. Functionality of input and output markets and other institutions to deliver demand-driven sustainable intensification research products improved","index":39,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":9,"text":"Deploying mechanisms that inform farmers about dynamic market needs"}]},{"head":"Exploring ICTs for linking farmers to markets","index":40,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":74,"text":"This reporting period highlights one major achievement in the form updating the MWANGA platform database with Southern Highland farmers and the modalities on platform management. The Android Platform is now functional that hosts educative videos and links partners in the Southern Highlands into the database with the Manyara Region farmers. We have brought 11,146 farmers into the platform that can be tracked by phone contact. An additional 24,707 farmers do not have phone contact."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"Value chain analysis for QPM maize and groundnut seeds Survey tools have been developed in preparation for the studies to be implemented during May and July 2019."}]},{"head":"Outcome 5. Partnerships for the scaling of sustainable intensification research products and innovations","index":41,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Use of farm trial data to apply crop simulation models and assess technology performance","index":42,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":32,"text":"FarmDESIGN MSc student Joseph Kimisha from WUR applied this model to explore trade-offs and synergies for sustainable intensification of smallholder farms in Tanzania. The findings are given in the following thesis abstract."}]},{"head":"Thesis title: A participatory model-based exploration of trade-offs and synergies for sustainable intensification of smallholder farms in Tanzania.","index":43,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":361,"text":"Mixed farming systems in Kongwa and Kiteto districts in Tanzania are experiencing the effects of climate variability and change and a scarcity of farming land due to population growth. The area is affected by soil erosion and prolonged drought periods which lower crop and animal production. As a result, poverty and insecurity of food and nutrition are caused for most farmers. For improving the situation, Africa RISING program introduced the intercrop of maize (Meru Hb 513) and pigeonpea, monocrops of tomato, traditional African Nightshade amaranths, and Gliricidia. The study involved field visits, surveys, and a participatory workshop focused on interactive simulation modeling (FarmDESIGN) and tested the performance of interventions in low (SFS), medium (MFS) and large (LFS) farms. Effects were analyzed of the interventions on trade-offs and synergies among indicators for socio-economic, nutritional, and environmental farmer objectives. Here we found that the operating profit and vitamin A yield could be improved for SFS and LFS (but not MFS) farms, either with or without interventions. Improvements in soil organic matter (SOM) balance and household (HH) leisure time decreased when interventions were introduced, due to the strong trade-offs between operating profits and SOM balance, and between operating profits and HH leisure time. For example, the adoption of tomato fetches more profits, but it is labo-intensive. A synergy existed between operating profits and vitamin A yield. In MFS and LFS, the tomato crop was adopted by the model as an alternative crop for income generation; in SFS, the intercrop of maize and pigeonpea, and African Nightshade was adopted for better SOM balance and vitamin A yield. The number of large ruminants was slightly increased to increase production of milk, meat, and manure in the farm. The model's participatory approach was fulfilled in this study by farmers' involvement in interactive simulation modeling, freedom to ask for and make suggestions and selection of preferred alternative farm configurations based on their objectives With the help of model results, we concluded that adoption of interventions depend on the farm level in terms of resource endowments and the model was an effective tool for assessing the performance of interventions and redesign of farms for sustainable intensification of farming systems."}]},{"head":"Establishing levels of utilization of SI agricultural technologies and associated benefits","index":44,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"Embedding Panel Survey studies into the Scikit environment In Malawi, the Panel Surveys track progress being made by farmers in adopting SI technologies."},{"index":2,"size":96,"text":"The surveys are data-intensive and require an innovative data handling system. To respond to this challenge, work has started on migrating from surveys with paper-based questionnaires to phone/tablet-based electronic surveys Concurrently training has started on the use of the Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) application (https://landpotential.org/) for the rapid evaluation of soils in fields of Africa RISING's beneficiary and non-beneficiary farmers. LandPKS provides quick assessments of local soils and environments and guides the matching of locally appropriate technologies and knowledge needed in sustainable land management. Details on these activities will be reported in the next reporting period."}]},{"head":"Leveraging existing initiatives to support and encourage technology delivery","index":45,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Partnership with Strengthening Agricultural and Nutrition Extension (SANE) Project -Malawi","index":46,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":129,"text":"Africa RISING is collaborating with the Strengthening Agricultural and Nutrition Extension (SANE) Project through holding joint field days and training. By mid-March, 3 joint field days had been held in Linthipe, Nsanama, and Nyambi Extension Planning Areas (EPAs). The field days also involved district staff from the Department of Agriculture Extension Services (DAES). SANE strengthens the capacity of DAES to mobilize and work with service providers to deliver agricultural and nutritional extension and advisory services more effectively and in a coordinated manner in the Feed the Future Zone of Influence. Africa RISING is thus providing appropriate technologies to the DAES-SANE network that has a wider reach beyond Africa RISING's intervention districts. The SANE project is engaging with 7 different extension platforms, potentially reaching thousands of farmers across the districts."}]},{"head":"Partnership with IoP in Tanzania to scale postharvest management technologies","index":47,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":169,"text":"Beginning July 2018, Africa RISING consolidated partnership with IoP, a Belgian NGO with the mission of promoting sustainable family farming and responsible food systems in Karatu district of Tanzania. The objective of the partnership is to contribute to food and nutrition security through improved practices for the handling, processing, and storage of the harvested produce where the Lead research partner is IITA. The partnership transfers validated technologies to farmers, processors, and other stakeholders for improved postharvest management to reduce food losses and wastage, increase food safety, enhance nutrition, and raise the quality of produce. A total of 192 farmers and 21 extension workers in 8 villages were trained on improved postharvest management practices. In 8 villages 39 demonstrations of household storage (involving 2 commodities, maize and common bean, and 4 types of storage devices) were set-up in farmers' own stores. These activities covered 16 producer organizations. Research support is validating farmers' concerns on the effects of these technologies on quality and consumer acceptability. This is reported under Outcome 3."},{"index":2,"size":89,"text":"Partnership with IoP in Tanzania to scale improved vegetable varieties and management practices Africa RISING is again partnering with IoP in taking improved vegetable management technologies to scale plus associated GAP, as follows; (i) improved tomato varieties, (ii) improved African Nightshade varieties, and (iii) improved Ethiopian mustard varieties. The Lead research partner, WorldVeg, has conducted meetings to raise awareness, trained IDP staff in management on nurseries that will be used to raise seedlings for the demonstrations (Fig. 20) and, together with IoP, identified 64 farmers to host the demonstrations. "}]},{"head":"Partnership with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Zambia for scaling green manure cover crops (GMCCs)","index":48,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":215,"text":"The leading research partner, CIMMYT, supports the scaling activities of CRS through the provision of technical knowledge and building of expertise around GMCCs. In previous years, this has been through sharing reports, presentations, and discussion tools. This year Africa RISING has involved the Senior Agriculture Officers and the Provincial Agriculture Coordinators in field tours to expose them to new GMCC strategies and technologies. These mainstreaming activities will be likely to continue. A newly funded project from EU will take on some of the preliminary work on GMCCs and agro-forestry to scale these technologies further. Also, technical knowledge has been included into the programming of a large GCF project where CRS is a Lead designer which will support scaling on GMCCs in the future. Data on how many farmers have been reached so far by CRS will be available in the next progress report as the CRS database was not up to date during the current reporting period. Given privacy regulations, requestors of restricted program datasets on Dataverse will be given prior notice of the fact that personal information will be shared with the data provider, IFPRI Dataverse administrator, and Africa RISING project managers. Filling out the DUA implies that they agree to and abide by the present Africa RISING Data Management Plan and privacy policy."}]},{"head":"Partnership with","index":49,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":85,"text":"The completed DUA and details such as the requested datasets and research purpose will automatically be saved in a Google Sheets spreadsheet for subsequent review by the M&E team, project managers, and data owners. If the data owner approves the request after reviewing the completed DUA, access to the dataset will be granted by the M&E team and it will be the requester's responsibility to download the dataset from the website. The spreadsheet will also document cases and reasons for data request denials, if any. "}]},{"head":"Lessons learned","index":50,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":74,"text":"Farmers have been enthusiastic about the new trial designs for increasing productivity of pigeonpea and beans. In addition, establishment of beans in Gallapo eco-zone is more effective if done in March than in January so as to evade the long dry spell in February as a result of changing weather patterns. Farmers testing doubled-up legumes planted pigeonpea and waited to plant beans in that system later on when beans have better success in performance."},{"index":2,"size":136,"text":"Scaling and adoption of CA systems in Malawi and Zambia has been variable in the different intervention areas and its adoption was dependent on many socio-economic and socio-cultural factors. In Mwansambo, Nkhotakota District, Central Malawi where CIMMYT and TLC have been promoting manual CA systems since 2005 we have seen large-scale adoption in both maize and groundnut systems. CA has become mainstream amongst smallholder farmers integrating trees, drought tolerant seeds, and different rotational systems on a regular basis. The recipe for success was the persistence of both research and extension services in staying in that community for a long time; as well as in projecting sound agronomic and sustainable intensification practices that improve both productivity and profitability while protecting the environment. In addition, an inspiring, hard-working extension officer and receptive farmers were critical in this success."},{"index":3,"size":107,"text":"In Kawalala Camp, Sinda District, Eastern Zambia, ripline seeding CA with animal traction has become a dominant farming system with large-scale adoption of maize and soybean rotations in 2018/2019. The recipe of success in this agriculture camp was the presence of village-based volunteer farmers, who helped the Governmental extension service of Zambia to spread knowledge about CA systems, a readily developing market for soybean in the province, favorable cropping seasons for CA, and some Lead-farmers who evaluated CA systems in a mother and baby trial. As in Mwansambo, persistence in the promotion of CA for more than 7 years was one critical component that should be highlighted."},{"index":4,"size":49,"text":"The partnership with IoP not only improved the ability of Africa RISING to reach out to farmers and extension staff but also improved research and scaling efforts by providing baseline data on the characteristics of farmers as well as the postharvest challenges which the farmers need to have addressed."},{"index":5,"size":70,"text":"In Malawi, our experience implementing Africa RISING activities in various communities strongly points to testimonials from fellow farmers as being persuasive in reaching out to a proportion of farmers who often show indifference to extension messages when they are presented by local extension staff or researchers. The focus during field days is, therefore, to get Africa RISING's beneficiary farmers to give narratives of their stepwise progress through Africa RISING technologies."},{"index":6,"size":65,"text":"• Operationalizing the Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework: An interview with Vara Prasad (5 March 2019) • Exploring farmers' willingness to pay for small-scale maize shelling machines in Tanzania The overall conclusion is that there is no evidence of linkages between adoption of sustainable intensification practices (such as CA and agroforestry) and landscape-level environmental objectives in terms of climate change mitigation, forest protection, and wildlife conservation."},{"index":7,"size":48,"text":"There is theoretical and empirical evidence that agriculture can have negative implications on wildlife when promoted in areas where human-wildlife conflict is likely. However, the cause is related to the encouragement of agricultural activities in sensitive areas more generally, not the promotion of sustainable intensification, or CA specifically."},{"index":8,"size":11,"text":"The final report of the project can be accessed here: https://hdl.handle.net/10568/101407"}]}],"figures":[{"text":"Figure 1 . Figure 1. Present locations of research (green diamond) and scaling (red triangle) sites in ESA. "},{"text":"Figure 2 . Figure 2. Reactions of groundnut, pigeonpea, and sorghum to high levels of water stress. Varietal differences in reaction can be seen in groundnut and pigeonpea. Photo credit: Wills Munthali/ICRISAT. "},{"text":"Figure 3 . Figure 3. Data collection on chlorophyll and crop biomass. Photo credit: Patrick Okori/ICRISAT. "},{"text":"Figure 4 . Figure 4. A Genotype x Environment biplot analysis for the hybrids tested during the 2018 cropping season. "},{"text":"Figure 5 . Figure 5. Photos (a) and (b) showing mbili-mbili at different growth stages. For clarity, between every double maize row is a row of pigeonpea showing very small plants, followed by a row of beans with bigger plants and another row of pigeonpea (Photo (a). Photo (c) shows doubled-up legume technology (foreground) and the usual cereal-legume intercropping (background) in Sabilo village, Babati. Photo credit: Job Kihara/CIAT. "},{"text":"Figure 6 . Figure 6. An installed rainout shelter. These are designed to reduce by 50% the amount of rain reaching the crop. Photo credit: Anthony Kimaro/ICRAF. "},{"text":"Figure 7 . Figure 7. Refined map of the 150 agro-climatic zones in East and Southern Africa. The key to the zones is explained in the box on the right of the map. "},{"text":"Figure 8 . Figure 8. A well-established Gliricidia/groundnut -maize rotation at Msekera Research Station, Eastern Zambia. Photo credit: Christian Thierfelder/CIMMYT. "},{"text":"Figure 9 . Figure 9. Maize-pigeonpea/groundnut doubled-up legume system in Lemu, Southern Malawi (left); participants of a field day in Mwansambo, Central Malawi (right). Photo credit: Christian Thierfelder/CIMMYT. "},{"text":"Figure 10 . Figure 10. Different varieties of beans were tested for intercropping in a climate-smart agriculture trial in Sabilo (left and center) without or with (right) micro-catchments for in-situ water harvesting. Photo credit: Job Kihara/CIAT. "},{"text":"Figure 11 . Figure 11. Capacity building through early introduction of GAP to pupils of a school that hosts climatesmart agriculture trials in Gallapo. Photo credit: Job Kihara/CIAT. "},{"text":"Figure 12 . Figure 12. Graph of cumulative rainfall at representative study sites during 2018/2019 cropping season in Kongwa. The dry spell started from about mid-January and continued through February and March. Inset: Photo of an established field trial at Moleti Village in January 2019. Photo credit: Mawazo Shitindi/ SUA. "},{"text":"Figure 13 . Figure 13. The prolonged drought at the Kongwa and Kiteto sites in Tanzania did not allow treatment effects to be revealed during the early crop phases. This photo was taken during late March 2019 at a site in Kiperesa village. Photo credit: Elid Kongola/TARI Hombolo. "},{"text":"Figure 14 . Figure 14. Dynamic trends between soil moisture variations outside and inside the screenhouse, rainfall, and irrigation cycles for both Seloto and Galapo. "},{"text":"Figure 15 . Figure 15. Applying the Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework (SIAF) analysis to the vegetable sweet pepper performance under irrigation. "},{"text":"Figure 16 . Figure 16. Weather station servicing in Babati during February 2019 (left) and capacity building in servicing and data downloading in Kongwa and Kiteto during March 2019 (right). Fed Kizito/IITA. "},{"text":"Figure 17 . Figure 17. Demonstration sites (AR -IoP) for scaling postharvest management technologies by the Africa RISING -IoP partnership in Karatu district of Tanzania. "},{"text":"Figure 18 . Figure 18. Appearance of the three popular common bean varieties cultivated by farmers in Karatu. Photo credit: Christopher Mutungi/IITA. "},{"text":"Figure 19 . Figure 19. Visualization diagram showing key nutrient loading of popular maize varieties on normalized scale. Meru Hybrid 513 would be recommended for high protein and mineral content.Other attributes of the variety are nitrogen-use efficiency, good harvest with small amounts of fertilizer, resistance to drought, and early maturing (100-110 days). The yield potential (3-4 t/ha) is, however, relatively low compared to other hybrids. "},{"text":"Figure 20 . Figure 20. Demonstration of soil sterilization for raising healthy vegetable seedlings. Photo credit: Justus Ochieng/WorldVeg. "},{"text":"( 4 March 2019) • Economic analysis of fertilizer options for maize production in Tanzania (3 March 2019) • Sustainably intensified futures for diverse smallholder farm and household types using FarmDESIGN, Q Methodology and FarmMATCH (26 February 2019) • Integrating gender analysis into the Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework (21 February 2019) • SI toolkit helps researchers assess the sustainability of their innovations (20 February 2019) • Productivity potential and nutrition quality of quality protein maize hybrids in central Tanzania (18 February 2019) • Delivering climbing and drought-tolerant bush beans in different soil conditions in Malawi (14 February 2019) • Research on conservation agriculture and associated practices in eastern Zambia (7 February 2019) • Improved technologies for mitigating post-harvest food loss (5 February 2019) • Returns to improved storage and potential impacts on household food security and income: evidence from Tanzania (22 January 2019) population growth, as opposed to low yields and/or land abandonment. Charcoal production is driven by urban population growth and energy demand. At the provincial level there are different patterns. Charcoal production dominates in Lusaka Province throughout the 50-year simulation time, primarily because of growing urban demand. By contrast, agricultural expansion dominates in Eastern Province until about 2045, at which point charcoal production becomes the dominant driver of deforestation. "},{"text":" "},{"text":"Table 1 . Technology × Location description of the mother experiments of legume/cereal variety evaluation. Agroecology District Village Technologies Crops Intercrop Combinations Agroecology DistrictVillageTechnologies CropsIntercrop Combinations Low Sorghum, pearl millet, Pigeonpea + sorghum; LowSorghum, pearl millet,Pigeonpea + sorghum; potential Iringa Igula groundnut pigeonpea + pearl millet potentialIringaIgulagroundnutpigeonpea + pearl millet Sorghum, pearl millet, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Sorghum, pearl millet,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kingwa Igula groundnut pigeonpea + pearl millet KingwaIgulagroundnutpigeonpea + pearl millet Sorghum, pearl millet, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Sorghum, pearl millet,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kingwa Moleti groundnut pigeonpea + pearl millet KingwaMoletigroundnutpigeonpea + pearl millet Sorghum, pearl millet, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Sorghum, pearl millet,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kongwa Moleti groundnut pigeonpea + pearl millet KongwaMoletigroundnutpigeonpea + pearl millet Sorghum, pearl millet, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Sorghum, pearl millet,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kongwa Laikala groundnut pigeonpea + pearl millet KongwaLaikalagroundnutpigeonpea + pearl millet Sorghum, pearl millet, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Sorghum, pearl millet,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kongwa Laikala groundnut pigeonpea + pearl millet KongwaLaikalagroundnutpigeonpea + pearl millet Moderate Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; ModeratePigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; potential Kiteteo Njoro sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut potentialKiteteoNjorosorghumpigeonpea + groundnut Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Pigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kiteto Njoro sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut KitetoNjorosorghumpigeonpea + groundnut Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Pigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kiteto Kiperesa sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut KitetoKiperesasorghumpigeonpea + groundnut Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Pigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kiteto Kiperesa sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut KitetoKiperesasorghumpigeonpea + groundnut High Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; HighPigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; potential Kongwa Manusis sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut potentialKongwaManusissorghumpigeonpea + groundnut Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Pigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kongwa Manyusi sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut KongwaManyusisorghumpigeonpea + groundnut Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Pigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kongwa Malali sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut KongwaMalalisorghumpigeonpea + groundnut Pigeonpea, groundnut, Pigeonpea + sorghum; Pigeonpea, groundnut,Pigeonpea + sorghum; Kongwa Mlali sorghum pigeonpea + groundnut KongwaMlalisorghumpigeonpea + groundnut "},{"text":"legume seeds through production of Quality Declared Seeds (QDS) In Malawi, availability was consolidated of quality soybean and groundnut seeds through a network of 300 seed producers who each received 20 kg of foundation seeds during the 2017/18 cropping season. About 46 t of QDS were distributed to over 4000 baby farmers at 10 kg for each farmer during December 2018. Groundnut seeds were stored in shell until just about planting time. This resulted in seed viability of nearly 100%, largely surpassing the viability of commercial seeds that originate from agro-dealers. During 2019, researchers are continuing to work with this nucleus group of seed producers for scaling the seed systems which invariably integrate good agronomy. Data on this activity will be available for the next reporting period. "},{"text":"Table 2 . Initiated mother trials and specific planting dates in Babati, Tanzania. Village Farmer code Planting date VillageFarmer codePlanting date Sabilo Farmer 1 9/1/2019 SabiloFarmer 19/1/2019 Sabilo Farmer 2 9/1/2019 SabiloFarmer 29/1/2019 Liroda Farmer 3 12/1/2019 LirodaFarmer 312/1/2019 Liroda Farmer 4 12/1/2019 LirodaFarmer 412/1/2019 Gallapo Farmer 5 24/1/2019 GallapoFarmer 524/1/2019 Gallapo Farmer 6 24/1/2019 GallapoFarmer 624/1/2019 "},{"text":"Table 3 . Effects of treatments on leaf chlorophyll under legume productivity trials in Babati during V6 growth stage in 2019 season. SPAD = Soil-Plant Analyses Development. Treatments Treatments "},{"text":"Gliricidia intercropping strategies tested for drought resilience An experiment in drought resilience has been established at Manyusi village, Kongwa district, An experiment in drought resilience has been established at Manyusi village, Kongwa district, Tanzania. This experiment builds on the previous work that evaluated crop yields under Tanzania. This experiment builds on the previous work that evaluated crop yields under Gliricidia-based doubled-up legume systems (Okori et al. 2017-Transforming Key Production Gliricidia-based doubled-up legume systems (Okori et al. 2017-Transforming Key Production Systems: Maize Mixed East and Southern Africa: Kongwa and Kiteto Technical Report to IITA). It Systems: Maize Mixed East and Southern Africa: Kongwa and Kiteto Technical Report to IITA). It employs a split-split plot design with 3 replications to test the effects of intercropping (maize x employs a split-split plot design with 3 replications to test the effects of intercropping (maize x pigeonpea x G. sepium), fertilizer (15 kg P/ha; 30 kg N/ha) and rainout shelters (Fig. 6) on the pigeonpea x G. sepium), fertilizer (15 kg P/ha; 30 kg N/ha) and rainout shelters (Fig. 6) on the resilience of G. sepium-based cropping systems. The construction of rainout shelters is partly resilience of G. sepium-based cropping systems. The construction of rainout shelters is partly funded by the Building Capacity for Resilient Food Security (BCRFS) Project supported by USDA funded by the Building Capacity for Resilient Food Security (BCRFS) Project supported by USDA and the University of California (Davis). Plot management, data collection, and processing (e.g., and the University of California (Davis). Plot management, data collection, and processing (e.g., soil moisture, light and leaf area index) are being undertaken and will be presented in the next soil moisture, light and leaf area index) are being undertaken and will be presented in the next report. report. "},{"text":"Table 4 . Farmers host baby trials for validation of G. sepium-based technologies during 2019. Village Female Male Total VillageFemaleMaleTotal Molet 2 8 10 Molet2810 Laikala 17 7 24 Laikala17724 Mlali 0 15 15 Mlali01515 "},{"text":"Table 5 . Selected chemical properties of soils in Mlali, Moleti, and Sagara villages. Village Site pH W Total N O.C Olsen P Bray1 P SO 4 -S Exchangeable Bases Ca Mg Na K VillageSitepH WTotal NO.COlsen PBray1 PSO 4 -SExchangeable Bases Ca Mg NaK - - "},{"text":"Table 6 . Selected chemical characteristics of surface soils on farmer Maile's farm from contourprotected (CP) fields and those from the adjacent non-protected fields (CN). The contours were established during 2014. Plot/contour ID pHw Total N OC Bray-1 P SO 4 -S Exch. Bases (Cmol kg -1 ) Ca 2+ Mg 2+ Na + K + Plot/contour IDpHw Total NOCBray-1 P SO 4 -SExch. Bases (Cmol kg -1 ) Ca 2+ Mg 2+ Na +K + "},{"text":"Table 7 . Farmer perceptions of the popular common bean varieties. Characteristic Purple speckled bean Yellow colored, round shaped Yellow colored, oval shaped CharacteristicPurple speckled beanYellow colored, round shapedYellow colored, oval shaped variety (PS) variety (YR) variety (YO) variety (PS)variety (YR)variety (YO) Productivity -High yielding Productivity-High yielding (800-1400 (800-1400 kg/acre). kg/acre). "},{"text":"Table 8 . Baseline proximate composition and phytate contents (g/100 g dmb) of popular bean varieties. Variety Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Total ash CHO Phytate Variety Crude proteinCrude fatCrude fiberTotal ashCHOPhytate PS 22.66a 1.57a 4.83c 3.62b 67.32 2.18a PS22.66a1.57a4.83c3.62b67.322.18a YO 23.18a 1.60a 5.70a 3.86a 67.28 2.32a YO23.18a1.60a5.70a3.86a67.282.32a YR 22.22a 1.69a 5.25b 4.01a 66.83 2.22a YR22.22a1.69a5.25b4.01a66.832.22a (p = 0.066) (p = 0.258) (p < 0.001) (p < 0.001) (p = 0.449) (p = 0.066)(p = 0.258)(p < 0.001)(p < 0.001)(p = 0.449) Values down the same column followed by same letters are not significantly different (P > 0.05). dmb = Values down the same column followed by same letters are not significantly different (P > 0.05). dmb = dry matter basis; CHO = carbohydrate. dry matter basis; CHO = carbohydrate. "},{"text":"Total Landcare (TLC) in Malawi for scaling CA practices Since 2005, CIMMYT and TLC have built a strong linkage between research and development on promoting CA systems to smallholder farmers in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. TLC is actively involved in organizing field tours to CA demonstrations and research trials, as well as features which were broadcast on national radio and Zodiac. Data from TLC show that more than 200,000 farmers are practicing different kinds of CA systems as a result of this long-term engagement. With extra support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy, CIMMYT and TLC are moving into smallholder mechanization; the piloting of 2-wheel tractors has been established in Mzimba and will continue to be expanded in future if further funding can be available. Partnership with Esoko: Digital Solutions for Agriculture Partnership with Esoko: Digital Solutions for Agriculture During this reporting cycle, Africa RISING has successfully engaged with development partner During this reporting cycle, Africa RISING has successfully engaged with development partner Esoko, to take the MWANGA platform forward, to ensure accurate representation for Tanzania's Esoko, to take the MWANGA platform forward, to ensure accurate representation for Tanzania's Southern Highlands farmers (see Outcome 4 Section). Southern Highlands farmers (see Outcome 4 Section). "},{"text":"Table 10 . Indirect research or development support partnerships, or partners with initiated discussions on future collaboration. Initiated update of the BTTT including verification of the current information on the project beneficiaries, those who dropped out, and new beneficiaries. • Identified and presented data quality gaps to the researchers in their 2018 AR monitoring data actuals and targets for 2019-2021. The gaps included data mismatch, disaggregation problems, and absence of target values for 2019 and 2021. Support on FtF data quality assurance will be provided during the M&E support visits to their research sites. • Reviewed and integrated the IITA ESA M&E Framework with the FtF indicators and developed a tool to track progress against baseline and targets since 2016. Some indicators are missing in the baseline and actual values for some years. Together with the IITA M&E Team we are checking the historical records to obtain these values. Conclusion of this work is expected by the end of May. • Interacted with researchers working in Karatu and Babati and specified the technologies that are already delivered to the development partner (IoP) for scaling up. The monitoring indicators, data collection, and reporting requirements were explained as well as the definition of adoption and spill-over effects and the way to track them (http://africa-rising-wiki.net/IOPmeeting). Research Partner Partner role ResearchPartnerPartner role institution institution CIAT Meru Agro Supply of improved seeds CIATMeru AgroSupply of improved seeds Minjingu Fertiliser Company Supply of Minjingu NAFAKA fertilizer Minjingu Fertiliser CompanySupply of Minjingu NAFAKA fertilizer WorldVeg Mboga na Matunda and Tanzania Discussing potential scaling of improved varieties WorldVegMboga na Matunda and TanzaniaDiscussing potential scaling of improved varieties Horticultural Association (TAHA) in Zanzibar Horticultural Association (TAHA)in Zanzibar IITA SIL: Geospatial Consortium Partner in developing a new method of clustering IITASIL: Geospatial ConsortiumPartner in developing a new method of clustering multivariate time series-gridded data multivariate time series-gridded data TARI Hombolo World Food Program and Farmer Ongoing discussions for scaling Fanya juu and in- TARI HomboloWorld Food Program and FarmerOngoing discussions for scaling Fanya juu and in- managed Natural Regeneration Project situ rainwater harvesting technologies managed Natural Regeneration Projectsitu rainwater harvesting technologies "},{"text":"Program-level M&E and data management activities relevant for ESA • Following the changes in FtF indicator reporting outlined in the 2018 FtF Indicator Handbook 1 , AR has identified a new/modified set of FtF indicators and compiled data on targets for the new/modified indicators for 2019-2021 as well as achievements for FY2018 which were subsequently submitted to the donor through the FtF Monitoring System (FtFMS). • Delivered a one-day program-level training on program monitoring data requirements and data management that was attended by researchers from across program target countries. The training was conducted in October 2018 in Ghana and covered topics including different data requirements for project monitoring; data management through the program repository platform -Dataverse; and various online and offline tools for project monitoring. • Revised program data management plan (approved in October 2014) to reflect updates made to the program data repository platform and to address other suggestions from AR partners. Updated data management plan can be accessed here: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/bitstream/handle/10568/100536/ar_dmplan. pdf?sequence=1 pdf?sequence=1 &isAllowed=y &isAllowed=y • Management of program-generated data (uploading of data and supporting • Management of program-generated data (uploading of data and supporting documentation as well as monitoring of data requests) through the program repository documentation as well as monitoring of data requests) through the program repository platform -Dataverse accessible here: platform -Dataverse accessible here: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/AfricaRISING https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/AfricaRISING • Embedded an online data user agreement (DUA) form in Dataverse using Google Form • Embedded an online data user agreement (DUA) form in Dataverse using Google Form which is accessible here. which is accessible here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScX1L9cZGCKBJmpgRKrKI2hlvfKHo7Wj8BH https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScX1L9cZGCKBJmpgRKrKI2hlvfKHo7Wj8BH 446sn4ithlwiEA/viewform . 446sn4ithlwiEA/viewform . 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