diff --git "a/data/part_1/0824eca7bd59f6acc6e30854b4d445ef.json" "b/data/part_1/0824eca7bd59f6acc6e30854b4d445ef.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/part_1/0824eca7bd59f6acc6e30854b4d445ef.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"metadata":{"id":"0824eca7bd59f6acc6e30854b4d445ef","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://digitalarchive.worldfishcenter.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12348/1036/Senaratna-Sellamuttu-et-al.2012.Commune-Agroecosystem-Analysis-in-Cambodia.pdf"},"pageCount":120,"title":"EVoLUtIoN of AGroECosystEMs 8 AEA AssUMptIoNs 9 AEA pUrposE 9","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":124,"text":"forEWorD Foreword Commune Agroecosystems Analysis (CAEA) is a participatory analysis methodology used by the Department of Agricultural Extension to identify and prioritize agricultural development needs at the commune level. In 2004, CAEA was officially adopted as the national policy by the Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and fisheries (MAff) for producing Commune Agricultural plans and since then has been conducted in over 500 communes nationwide. funding support for CAEA has been provided by MAff and the Decentralisation and Deconcentration program (D&D), and by a range of donors including the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the International fund for Agricultural Development (IfAD), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Asian Development bank (ADb), the European Commission (EC) and a number of international non-governmental organizations (NGos)."},{"index":2,"size":59,"text":"Cambodian farmers face a number of issues as they experience the rapid transition from subsistence farming to a more market-oriented rural economy. In this context, CAEA is seen by the government as an extremely important tool to help farmers as well as provincial and district agricultural officials in improving the quality of life, ensuring food security and eradicating poverty."},{"index":3,"size":233,"text":"prior to 2008, CAEA mainly focused on agricultural issues, while problems of the fisheries sector, closely interlinked with agriculture in Cambodia, were not well addressed. CAEA users recognized this weakness and agreed that the water and fisheries components of the methodology needed to be strengthened. In 2008, the Challenge program on Water and food (CpWf) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural research (CGIAr) provided support for a two-year project to upgrade CAEA with regard to the issues of water and fisheries. this Guidance Manual incorporates the changes and modifications made to CAEA under the CpWf project the Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and fisheries acknowledges the kind assistance provided by the CpWf, and fully supports and endorses the use of this new Guidance Manual. signed and sealed by H.e. So Khan rithykun, Director General, General Directorate of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and fisheries III A CKNoWLDGEMENts AcKnowledgementS this Guidance Manual for the Commune Agroecosystems Analysis (CAEA) was prepared under project Number 71 'Water Allocation in the tonle sap' of the CGIAr Challenge program on Water and food (CpWf) with funding from the European Union (EU) and International fund for Agricultural Development (IfAD). A wide range of contributors from institutions in Cambodia and international partners were involved in the project planning, fieldwork, analysis of the results and preparation of this manual. the important contributions from the following institutions and individuals are greatly appreciated."},{"index":4,"size":68,"text":"the contributions from provincial and district staff of the relevant agencies in pursat and Kampong thom provinces are also gratefully acknowledged. In addition, special thanks go to the Commune Council members and villagers involved in the field testing of the new procedures; without their contribution the revisions in respect of the issues related to water, fisheries and livelihoods described in this CAEA Manual would not have been possible."}]},{"head":"INtroDUCtIoN","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":224,"text":"the last decade has seen rapid economic progress in the Kingdom of Cambodia. per capita income has increased, remaining however low in comparison to that of most of its neighbouring countries. rural households are still mainly dependent on agriculture and its related subsectors for their livelihoods. In view of the importance of agriculture, the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) of the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and fisheries (MAff) has developed a demand-driven, district-implemented, provincially managed, and centrally facilitated agricultural extension system appropriate to the local needs. this National Extension system has been designed around four pillars: bAcKgroUnd to tHe commUne AgroecoSyStemS AnAlySIS (cAeA) the first pillar of the National Extension system, the AEA, has been adapted to form the Commune Agroecosystems Analysis (CAEA). this participatory analytical tool has been used by the DAE since 2001 to identify and prioritize agricultural development needs at the commune level. the use of this methodology was officially adopted as part of the national policy for agricultural development by the royal Cambodian Government (rCG) in 2004. the CAEA uses multidisciplinary investigation and participatory analysis to understand and describe the major farming systems practiced in each commune, and to identify and prioritize the most important problems that the farmers face. based on this, further analyses are conducted to plan appropriate agricultural interventions to address the problems and opportunities identified."},{"index":2,"size":111,"text":"CAEA has now been conducted in approximately 500 communes nationwide supported by a variety of funding sources including MAff, D&D, the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the International fund for Agricultural Development (IfAD), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Asian Development bank (ADb), the European Commission (EC) and a number of non-governmental organizations (NGos). It is usually implemented through contracts with provincial Departments of Agriculture (pDAs) who are responsible for ensuring timely outputs of the required quality standards. Quality Assurance (QA) is maintained by a team of professionals in the DAE. A manual explaining AEA contract and QA procedures is available, on request, from the DAE in phnom penh."},{"index":3,"size":116,"text":"Up to 2008, CAEA focused mainly on agricultural issues, while problems of the fisheries sector closely interlinked to agriculture in Cambodia were not adequately addressed. CAEA users recognized this weakness and were in agreement that the water and fisheries component be strengthened. As a consequence, between 2008 and 2010, fisheries variables were incorporated and strengthened under the Challenge program on Water and food (CpWf) project Number 71 of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural research (CGIAr). this revised CAEA adopts a more holistic approach through the incorporation of fisheries variables and also looks at land, water, livelihoods and institutional issues that influence commune development planning. this Guidance Manual reflects the revisions made under the CpWf project."},{"index":4,"size":77,"text":"tecHnology ImPlementAtIon ProcedUreS (tIPS) technology Implementation procedures (tIps), the second pillar of the national Extension system, describe improved agricultural technologies developed to solve those major problems of farmers as identified by the CAEA. tIps can best be defined as 'the entire package of information, procedures, methods and materials necessary for an extension worker to implement the improved technology'. tIps are intended for use by extension workers, NGos and others working in agricultural development at the field level."},{"index":5,"size":128,"text":"the tIp concept was introduced by the DAE to facilitate the replication of improved technologies across communes, districts and provinces throughout Cambodia according to local agroecological and socioeconomic conditions. tIps are commissioned by the DAE, but are prepared by experienced subject Matter specialists (sMss) who are leading experts in their fields in Cambodia. tIps thus represent the 'current best practice' for each technology. Draft tIps undergo a peer review before they are endorsed by MAff and approved for field use. Completed tIps are held in the farming systems [Extension] Management Information system (fsMIs) database where they can be downloaded for use by [provincial] offices of Agricultural Extension (oAEs), other provincial offices or NGos. Around 30 tIps have now been completed and are available on request from the DAE."},{"index":6,"size":210,"text":"commUne AgrIcUltUrAl PlAn (cAP) the third pillar of the National Extension system is the Commune Agricultural plan (CAp). Under the D&D, Commune Councils first prepare a three-year rolling Commune Development plan (CDp) which is reviewed each year to produce an annual Commune Investment plan (CIp), with a work plan and budget. the DAE uses trained commune and district-level stakeholders to prepare a CAp as part of the multi-sectoral CDp. the focus has been on supporting Commune Councilors, D&D district facilitators and district agriculture staff to (i) conduct a CAEA, (ii) use the CAEA results to produce a CAp, and (iii) use the relevant CAEA outputs to support CAp submissions for funding the provincial Investment fund (pIf) through the D&D Local planning process. this integration of CAEA, CAp development and the D&D planning process is described in figure 1. FArmIng SyStemS mAnAgement InFormAtIon SyStem (FSmIS) the fourth and last pillar of the National Extension system is the farming systems Management Information system (fsMIs) held in the National Agricultural Database. As CAEA coverage expanded, a means of storing and managing the growing amount of data generated became necessary. the fsMIs was therefore developed to support the management and sharing of this information among agricultural development stakeholders at the national and provincial levels."},{"index":7,"size":41,"text":"the fsMIs has been installed on oAE computers, and CAEA data are entered by oAE staff. these data are used by each province for management and planning purposes, and are also uploaded into the DAE National fsMIs Database in phnom penh."},{"index":8,"size":7,"text":"the fsMIs holds five types of data:"},{"index":9,"size":46,"text":"1. Agricultural and Socioeconomic conditions: Data on (i) land types, (ii) topography, (iii) soil types, (iv) current land use, (v) cropping systems, (vi) crops grown, (vii) water resources, and (viii) socioeconomic indicators (family labor, landholding, offfarm work, rice self-sufficiency, number of livestock, and major income sources)."},{"index":10,"size":19,"text":"2. major Problems of Farmers: Data on the major farming problems encountered in each commune, along with their priority."},{"index":11,"size":14,"text":"3. Available tIPs: Data on improved agricultural technologies available to solve the identified problems."},{"index":12,"size":22,"text":"4. cAeA reports: Archived copies of all CAEA reports produced by the provinces. Users can access the reports and retrieve the information."}]},{"head":"Secondary data:","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"A range of additional statistical and spatial data sets for use by agricultural extension personnel and researchers."},{"index":2,"size":53,"text":"the fsMIs has been designed to allow a wide range of users, including MAff departments, research agencies, NGos, donor or- ganizations and the private sector, to perform a number of different functions. It has been developed with dual language capability, and with a range of different output reporting formats based on user needs."},{"index":3,"size":12,"text":"the database has been put to a number of different uses, including:"},{"index":4,"size":11,"text":"targeting tIps to common problems and appropriate agroecological and socioeconomic conditions."},{"index":5,"size":12,"text":"Identifying and ranking the most important problems occurring for farmers in Cambodia."},{"index":6,"size":6,"text":"Identifying national priorities for agricultural research."},{"index":7,"size":14,"text":"Locating sites with specific agroecological and socioeconomic conditions, or where particular crops are grown."},{"index":8,"size":6,"text":"Identifying market potential and private-sector opportunities."},{"index":9,"size":12,"text":"Identifying potential environmental impacts and important issues related to natural resource management."},{"index":10,"size":8,"text":"selecting target sites for donor projects and programs"},{"index":11,"size":56,"text":"Although it has been used for many different purposes, the single most important function of the fsMIs is to support the selection and replication of appropriate tIps to solve the problems identified by CAEA for inclusion in the CAp. the relationships between the main components of the National Agricultural Extension system are summarized in figure 2."}]},{"head":"AGroECosystEMs ANALysIs","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"Agroecosystems Analysis (AEA) is a methodology for the analysis of agricultural livelihood systems and for planning and prioritizing research and development activities. "}]},{"head":"AgroecoSyStemS AnAlySIS","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":64,"text":"Key concePtS systEMs A system is defined as a set of elements (or components) and relationships within a boundary. the elements of one set have strong functional relationships with one another but limited, weak or nonexistent relationships with elements in other sets. the central concept of AEA is that it is a \"system\" and so embodies the system concepts of hierarchies, properties and agroecosystems."},{"index":2,"size":41,"text":"the combined outcome of the strong functional relationships within a system is to produce a distinct behavior of the system in that it responds to stimuli as a whole, even if the stimulus is applied to only one part of it."},{"index":3,"size":47,"text":"systEM hIErArChIEs the natural world is a nested hierarchy of systems from the ecosystem down to the gene. the processes of agricultural development modify these systems in order to produce food or fiber, thus creating hybrid agroecosystems, which in turn can be arranged in a hierarchic scheme."},{"index":4,"size":56,"text":"Ecology links the hierarchy of natural systems with all the various disciplines of agriculture, while human ecology provides the bridge between both these hierarchies and the hierarchy of social systems -family, kin, minority group, etc. An important feature of agroecosystem analysis is that each level in the hierarchy has to be analyzed in its own right."}]},{"head":"AGroECosystEMs","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":96,"text":"the basic unit used in this Guidance Manual is that of an agroecosystem and may be defined as a spatially and functionally coherent unit of agricultural activity which includes the living and non-living components involved in that unit. Very simply, agroecosystems are natural systems which have been modified by man for food and fiber production in order to improve their livelihoods. however, an agroecosystem is not restricted to the immediate site of agricultural activities (e.g. the farm), but rather includes the area where natural conditions, livelihoods, and social and economic aspects are impacted by these activities."},{"index":2,"size":158,"text":"As the name implies, an agroecosystem can be viewed as any area within the subset of a conventional natural ecosystem which has been modified by humans for agriculture to optimize certain productive features thus bringing about changes in species habitats and biophysical conditions. however an agroecosystem is not restricted to the site of agricultural activities but includes the region impact-ed by these activities. Linkages with other systems are changed. Naturally occurring flora species may be replaced by cultivated species (crops). Inevitably the composition of natural fauna species will change too with some opportunistic species taking advantage of 'new' niches available. At the same time, the system is made more complex by the introduction of purposeful management and human activity. Very simply, agroecosystems are natural systems which have been modified by man for food and fiber production. systEM propErtIEs four system properties (productivity, stability, sustainability and equitability) are used to describe the behavior of agricultural systems (see figure 3)."}]},{"head":"ProdUctIvIty:","index":7,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"the level of production of the system (yield, profit, etc., per unit of land, labor, capital)."}]},{"head":"StAbIlIty:","index":8,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"the degree to which productivity remains constant over space and time (measured as the inverse of the variability in productivity)."}]},{"head":"SUStAInAbIlIty:","index":9,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"the ability of a system to maintain or increase its productivity over longer periods of time when subjected to stresses or large disturbances (trends in productivity)."}]},{"head":"eqUItAbIlIty:","index":10,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"A measure of how evenly the productivity or the benefits of the system are distributed among the local population (various measures of distribution)."}]},{"head":"evolUtIon oF AgroecoSyStemS","index":11,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":124,"text":"the four system properties of productivity, sustainability, stability and equitability can be used to trace the historical evolution of an agroecosystem and to evaluate its productive potential based on the different forms of land use or the introduction of new technologies; both of which may have the immediate effect of increasing productivity, but may also result in decreasing stability, sustainability and equitability. Consequently, agricultural development involves progressive changes in the valuation of the other properties of agroecosystems. for example, shifting cultivation may have low productivity and stability, but high sustainability and equitability, whereas irrigated paddy rice may have high productivity and stability, but lower sustainability and equitability. the positive and negative aspects of system properties vary from place to place and situation to situation."}]},{"head":"AeA ASSUmPtIonS","index":12,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":8,"text":"AEA is based on the following four assumptions:"},{"index":2,"size":71,"text":"1. It is not necessary to know everything about the agroecosystem to produce a realistic and useful analysis. 2. Understanding the behavior and important properties of an agroecosystem requires knowledge of only a few key functional relationships. 3. producing significant improvements in the performance of an agroecosystem requires changes in only a few key management decisions. 4. only a limited number of appropriate key questions need to be defined and answered."}]},{"head":"AeA PUrPoSe","index":13,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":72,"text":"AEA obJECtIVEs 1. Identifying, delineating and characterizing different land-use systems (agroecosystems) within a given land area. 2. obtaining an improved understanding of agricultural systems and current land use in these agroecosystem zones and their key characteristics. 3. Identifying key issues related to the performance of the entire system and its agroecosystem zones. 4. Identifying agricultural research and extension priorities for the systems. 5. planning programs, projects and development activities for the systems."}]},{"head":"ExpECtED oUtpUts","index":14,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":131,"text":"1. the delineation and the (biophysical and socioeconomic) description of agroecological zones (agroecosystems) in each commune. 2. An improved understanding of the major agricultural livelihood systems in each zone. 3. A prioritized list of important problems and opportunities attributable to each zone (key questions). 4. A Land Management strategy or 'development vision' for each agroecosystem zone. 5. A prioritized set of research, development and extension activities to solve the problems. It is expected that the CAEA for each commune will be revised from time to time in order to capture a contemporary picture of the commune, its agricultural development status, and any new issues and problems that have arisen. Any recently introduced improved agricultural technologies are also assessed in terms of their relevance for solving any outstanding problems during CAEA revisions."},{"index":2,"size":86,"text":"As shown in figure 4, CAEA follows step-wise procedures to define the system(s) being studied, set its boundaries, its position in the hierarchy of other systems and its major components and their interactions. As an understanding of these major system properties is developed, a limited number of central issues emerge which are then used to guide participatory follow-up in the field and subsequent analyses. As these issues are clarified and fleshed out, key questions are tabled, elaborated and used to identify priority extension and development activities. "}]},{"head":"PHASeS And StePS","index":15,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":69,"text":"there are six key stages of CAEA which follow a logical sequence. the first three stages deal mainly with the initial data collection and logistical arrangements. During stage 4 a rapid rural Appraisal is conducted to identify the key issues, while stage 5 is an analysis of the systems. the final stage is that of report writing and determining the use of the results. these stages are summarized below:"},{"index":2,"size":2,"text":"StAge 3."}]},{"head":"PrelImInAry AnAlySIS","index":16,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"Identify initial boundaries of the agroecosystem zones within the commune."},{"index":2,"size":9,"text":"Draft initial transects and a description of each zone."},{"index":3,"size":8,"text":"Identify and fill gaps in information and data."},{"index":4,"size":12,"text":"Assign responsibilities and prepare for rapid rural Appraisal (rrA) and field work."},{"index":5,"size":2,"text":"StAge 1."}]},{"head":"PlAnnIng And PrePArAtIon","index":17,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":5,"text":"AEA team formation and organization."},{"index":2,"size":9,"text":"brief partners (CC, planning and budgeting Committee (pbC), etc.)"},{"index":3,"size":7,"text":"on AEA objectives, procedures and expected outputs."},{"index":4,"size":9,"text":"Explain data collection needs to participants and assign responsibilities."},{"index":5,"size":16,"text":"Arrange logistics for meeting room, materials, supplies, transport, etc. mographic, economic, social, agricultural, climatic, hydrological, etc.)."}]},{"head":"StAge 5. SyStemS AnAlySIS","index":18,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":9,"text":"prepare the information on time, flow, space and decision-making."},{"index":2,"size":8,"text":"present and analyze the information in plenary sessions."},{"index":3,"size":7,"text":"Analyze system properties using force-field analysis techniques."},{"index":4,"size":8,"text":"prepare a cause-effect diagram for each problem identified."},{"index":5,"size":7,"text":"Use pair-wise ranking to rank problems identified."},{"index":6,"size":6,"text":"formulate key questions and proposed solutions."},{"index":7,"size":12,"text":"Use the innovation assessment Identify and map draft commune agroecosystem zone boundaries."},{"index":8,"size":32,"text":"finalize selection criteria for key informants participating in the rrA (stage 4) based on the findings of the preliminary survey; select sites and times for rrAs and select and notify key informants."}]},{"head":"KEy INforMANt sELECtIoN","index":19,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":82,"text":"the selection of the appropriate key informants for the rrA phase of CAEA is crucial to the successful use of the tools. As far as possible, key informants should be representative of the commune population as a whole, and should include representatives from those groups described in table 3. In addition to farmers, ensure that fishermen using different fishing grounds (paddy fields, flooded forests, lakes, rivers, etc.) are included as participants in this exercise. In addition, ensure both males and females participate."},{"index":2,"size":32,"text":"Allocation of individual key informants to groups using the different CAEA tools is also important as the representation of certain types of people may be critical, as explained in the following examples:"},{"index":3,"size":14,"text":"In wealth ranking, people from each of the different wealth classes must be involved."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"for the historical profile, it is necessary to include elderly participants who can give a long-term perspective of changes in prevailing conditions and livelihood patterns."},{"index":5,"size":12,"text":"In gender analysis there should be equal representation of males and females."},{"index":6,"size":30,"text":"In be allocated to their respective zones, and the data can be reassembled for the zone as a whole, allowing the zone's demographic, socioeconomic and agricultural characteristics to be described."},{"index":7,"size":27,"text":"3. commune profile. the commune profile is a valuable source of maps and information that can help characterize the commune as a whole and its agroecological zones."},{"index":8,"size":66,"text":"4. commune development Plan (cdP) and commune Investment Plan (cIP). the CDp and CIp should be obtained and their key chapters (economic, natural resources and gender) should be summarized. the summaries should be reviewed during the preliminary analysis phase of the CAEA and used to guide later analysis (analyses) to ensure that the CAp generated by the CAEA is compatible with, and supports, the overall CDp."},{"index":9,"size":166,"text":"Although not always readily available, information on external factors in the wider rural economy, and the policy and institutional environment that may influence household livelihood and resource allocation decisions should be compiled and used. Where available, statistics on unemployment, participation in the labor market and off-farm labor should be obtained and discussed. this can be used to prompt an assessment of the state of the labor market, and in turn lead to discussions on market develop-ment for agriculture and fishery-related inputs and outputs, and the general economic and livelihood opportunities in the area. stAGE 3. prELIMINAry ANALysIs -systEM DEfINItIoN AND boUNDArIEs the commune system boundary is mapped, usually on a 1:50,000 topographic map. following the field survey and initial transect, draft agroecosystem boundaries are added along with any other features identified during the initial survey. Commune land-use maps of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban planning and Construction, Cambodia (MLMUpC) are an important input to agroecosystem zoning and should be obtained in advance for system definition."}]},{"head":"CoMMUNE ZoNING AND sUbsystEMs","index":20,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":96,"text":"A number of subsystems or agroecosystem zones can be identified in all communes. these zones are essentially areas of similar land use and agriculture, and the farming systems in each zone have similar problems and agricultural development potential. these zones are usually characterized by different soils, topography, hydrology and resource endowments. In most cases, three to six distinct zones can be identified in a commune. systEM hIErArChy the system hierarchy comprises the systems above and below the commune which have strong interactions with it. An example from the svay rieng province is shown in figure 5."},{"index":2,"size":104,"text":"rApID rUrAL ApprAIsAL rAPId rUrAl APPrAISAl 19 stage 4 of the CAEA is that of the rapid rural Appraisal (rrA) involving participatory discussions with representative male and female participants from all villages in the commune. rrA teams obtain additional information and explore the key issues identified in the preliminary analysis in greater depth. farming systems, fisheries and livelihood typologies are developed for each agroecosystem, and problems and opportunities are explored in a participatory manner with key informants (usually three to four from each village, and perhaps seven to eight from each zone depending on the number of zones and the population in each zone)."},{"index":3,"size":84,"text":"the following sections of this Manual describe the range of participatory tools used during the rrA. to ensure the quality and reliability of the information obtained, and that it reflects an accurate picture of the commune situation, it is important to be aware of and work within the limitations of each of the rrA tools. Where there are obvious difficulties in getting responses to the questions posed, it is better to leave some questions unanswered rather than forcing the issue and obtaining inaccurate information."},{"index":4,"size":3,"text":"spAtIAL ANALysIs tooLs"}]},{"head":"SPAtIAl AnAlySIS toolS","index":21,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"MAps Where computer facilities are not available, hard copy maps can be produced using transparencies or tracings over hard copy topographic maps or aerial photographs."},{"index":2,"size":40,"text":"If no suitable base maps are available, sketch maps can be drawn by hand. these should be as close to scale as possible, but should concentrate more on identifying the main features in the commune than on absolute spatial accuracy."},{"index":3,"size":43,"text":"Mapping should begin during the preliminary survey stage and maps should be continually added to, and revised throughout, the CAEA process. Initial draft maps should be used with villagers during the rrA to ground-truth and revise all spatial information associated with the commune."},{"index":4,"size":2,"text":"KEy stEps "}]},{"head":"ChECKLIst","index":22,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"Water body types to be analyzed by this tool should include: rivers, perennial streams, seasonal creeks, reservoirs, lakes, aquaculture ponds, trap ponds, swamps, canals, rice paddies, etc."}]},{"head":"√","index":23,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":8,"text":"Attributes of water bodies should include the following:"},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"Agroecosystem zones where the water body occurs. "}]},{"head":"ChECKLIst","index":24,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"Water resources that should be covered in the analysis include:"},{"index":2,"size":78,"text":"All surface water bodies (as detailed in b the answer is expected to include the river, which is the most important water resource as it is close to the village but there is a lack of water from March to May. this tool is used to assess the threats facing important fish species and to identify potential impacts from proposed water resource infrastructural development projects on these species. An example of tool outputs is presented in table 6."}]},{"head":"FISH SPecIeS","index":25,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":61,"text":"ASSeSSment tAble 3 With the key informants, rank the five species in order of their importance to the commune (i.e. 1= most important) and identify why each species is important. for example, a species may be important because of its high value, even if its abundance is low, or conversely low-value fish may be important due to the large volume caught. "}]},{"head":"Key StePS","index":26,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"A transect diagram (figure 10) is used to describe and compare agroecosystem zones according to a standard set of agroecological and socioeconomic parameters. "}]},{"head":"ChECKLIst","index":27,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"Information on all of the following parameters should be included in the final transect diagram (figure 11):"},{"index":2,"size":25,"text":"representative photograph and a general description of each agroecosystem zone. 1993-1998 1998-2009 1990-1993 1993-1998 1998-2003 2003 ChECKLIst the seasonal calendar should cover the following factors:"},{"index":3,"size":4,"text":"Climatic (rainfall and temperature)."},{"index":4,"size":10,"text":"√ hydrology (flood period, paddy inundation, risk of drought, groundwater)."},{"index":5,"size":11,"text":"√ rice crops (early, medium, late, upland, deepwater, dry season, recession)."},{"index":6,"size":11,"text":"√ field crops and vegetables (major crops only -maximum of three)."},{"index":7,"size":19,"text":"√ fruit tree crops including sugar palm and coconut (key activities only for major fruit crops -maximum of three)."},{"index":8,"size":15,"text":"√ Livestock (disease incidence, feed shortages, etc., of cattle, pigs and chickens -maximum three lines)."},{"index":9,"size":11,"text":"√ fishing patterns (sites, gear used, spawning times, key migration peaks)."},{"index":10,"size":6,"text":"√ off-farm migration and work patterns."},{"index":11,"size":12,"text":"√ family cash flow showing dominant contributor to income over the year."}]},{"head":"√","index":28,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":9,"text":"Annual price movements (rice, major crops, livestock and fish)."},{"index":2,"size":35,"text":"√ KEy stEps Crops for main income (if the crop is less than 20% for the entire commune, it should not be considered in the discussion). Crop types could include recession rice, banana and coconut."},{"index":3,"size":24,"text":"b for example, pond size for fish raising must be indicated in square meters or fish cage size must be indicated in cubic meters."},{"index":4,"size":89,"text":"Example results and suggested formats for presenting these attributes are presented in figures 12-15. In many cases, the total landholding varies with wealth class while the type of land held also varies. for historical reasons, it is often the better-off who own the most productive land (better soils, irrigation, good drainage, easy access, etc.). It is important to understand such landholding patterns so that the needs of the poor can be fully addressed in the resulting development plans. A data collection format for this is presented in table 10."},{"index":5,"size":33,"text":"presentation of the data for analysis and reporting purposes should be visual wherever possible, and in a format best suited to drawing pertinent and correct conclusions. figure 15 shows a suggested presentation format."},{"index":6,"size":45,"text":"lAnd tenUre Livelihood profiles are used to integrate an assessment of livelihood assets and other key factors that affect livelihood opportunities into the CAEA process. the tool should be used for each individual agroecosystem zone unless the major livelihood activities are similar across all zones."},{"index":7,"size":53,"text":"Usually, up to three major income sources (i.e. livelihood activities) are identified for each agroecosystem. these will often be noted during the identification of agroecosystem zones in the commune during the preliminary Analysis (stage 3) of the CAEA. they may also be identified based on the findings of the transect walk or wealth-ranking."}]},{"head":"lIvelIHood ProFIleS fUrthEr NotEs","index":29,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"A glossary of terms used in the livelihoods analysis above is presented in Appendix 3."},{"index":2,"size":93,"text":"the major income-generating activities within an agroecosystem zone provide the focus for this assessment. some activities such as fishing may be found in more than one zone and the assessment for that activity need not be repeated for that commune. but fishing in one zone might be very small scale, occurring in rice fields and carried out by poor people while fishing in another zone might be in deeper water requiring boats and different fishing gear. In this case, the livelihood profile should be completed for each of the two different fishing activities."},{"index":3,"size":91,"text":"In the first part of the table identify who is primarily involved in the activity. Is it men or women or both? And which wealth categories are involved? Are there any comments to be recorded about their involvement? In the second part of the table consider each of the livelihood assets: human, natural, physical, financial and social capital. Which of these assets needed for this activity are the most important? What may be missing or lacking, either for everyone in the commune or for one or more of the wealth categories?"},{"index":4,"size":67,"text":"What are the most important vulnerability factors? these are the factors that can influence the success of an activity and how much income it generates but that are beyond the control of people in the commune. for example, some crops may be more vulnerable to extreme weather or to variation in market prices than others. some forms of fishing may be more vulnerable to overfishing than others."},{"index":5,"size":54,"text":"What are the key organizations that help an income-generating activity to succeed? It could be a formal organization such as agricultural extension which provides the necessary technical advice, for example, how to control animal diseases. or it could be an informal village organization which arranges labor-sharing or helps people borrow money to buy inputs."},{"index":6,"size":49,"text":"What laws, rules or customs (institutions) are necessary to make sure the incomegenerating activity is successful and can continue in the long term? Are there any rules or customs which are having a bad effect because they are stopping the activity from developing in the way that it could?"},{"index":7,"size":42,"text":"for each row in the table consider whether the issue is the same for all people or whether there are worse problems for women compared to men, or for poor people compared to wealthy people. Make a note of the problems identified."},{"index":8,"size":42,"text":"the Gender tasks tool provides disaggregated information on the proportion of men and women engaged in each livelihood sub-task. this provides a better understanding of the different roles played by men and women in the various livelihood activities undertaken in the commune."},{"index":9,"size":65,"text":"this will help ensure that the needs of both men and women can be adequately addressed in the commune during the formulation of key questions and the designing of solutions and innovation assessments. It will also help in better understanding both the positive and negative impacts a potential tIp could have on gender. A suggested data collection format for this is shown in table 12."},{"index":10,"size":3,"text":"gender tASKS AnAlySIS "}]},{"head":"non-tImber ForeSt ProdUctS","index":30,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"the collection of Non-timber forest products (Ntfps) is often an important livelihood activity, particularly for poor families."},{"index":2,"size":129,"text":"It is important to gain an understanding of Ntfps during the CAEA since agricultural and other livelihood development activities may impact on their availability. It is also useful to explore possibilities for sustainable harvesting and domestication. Value-chain mapping allows a better understanding of market-related problems and opportunities for important livelihood products (crops, livestock, fish, Ntfps, etc.). Value-chain maps show the flow of a product through the marketing chain and help identify where and how value is added to the product by the activities of different actors in the chain. Analysis of completed value-chain maps allows price and market constraints to be identified along with opportunities for enhancing value-added by additional or alternative operations by value-chain actors. the outputs of value-chain maps are used to plan market-related interventions (Marketing tIps)."},{"index":3,"size":69,"text":"Value chains are different for different products. for example, the value chain for rice, fish or processed pra hok for family consumption is normally short and simple with only one type of actor, namely the farming family. however, the value chain for tonle sap high-value fish species that are dried, graded, bulked and exported is typically long and complex, with many different actors (fishermen, processors, middlemen, wholesalers, exporters, etc.)."}]},{"head":"ChECKLIst","index":31,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":8,"text":"Value-chain maps should contain all of the following:"},{"index":2,"size":6,"text":"All actors in the value/market chain."},{"index":3,"size":11,"text":"√ the number of actors at each step in the chain."},{"index":4,"size":12,"text":"√ the value of the product at each step in the chain."},{"index":5,"size":15,"text":"√ R 12,000/KG R 12,000/KG R 12,000/KG R 14,000/KG R 18-25,000/KG R 13,000/KG R 25,000/KG "}]},{"head":"groSS-mArgIn AnAlySIS","index":32,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"ChECKLIst","index":33,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":8,"text":"Value-chain maps should contain all of the following:"},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"All actors in the value/market chain. √ the number of actors at each step in the chain."},{"index":3,"size":12,"text":"√ the value of the product at each step in the chain."}]},{"head":"√","index":34,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":74,"text":"Gross margins for major enterprises are developed using information derived from the farmers during the rrA, and are used to promote a better understanding of local production systems, and to help identify where improvements can be made. Gross margins for traditional practices can also be compared with those for improved practices to show farmers how they can adjust their farming systems to obtain better returns. An example gross-margin analysis is presented in table 15."},{"index":2,"size":6,"text":"1 Gross margins should be con- "}]},{"head":"cAUSe-eFFect dIAgrAmS","index":35,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":127,"text":"Cause-effect diagrams are used to break down broad problem areas (key issues) into their causal factors which are then used to identify appropriate solutions. Although extremely valuable in helping to better understand problems, the cause-effect tool is rather time-consuming and not easy to use. for this reason, two options are presented. first, if the CAEA team has sufficient confidence and experience, cause-effect diagrams should be produced with farmers during the rrA, but only for the four highest priority problems identified by pair-wise ranking. If skills and experience are limited, pair-wise ranking should be conducted during the systems Analysis (stage 5) of CAEA, using CC representatives as key respondents. In this case, the cause-effect tool should be used for the four highest priority tIps identified by innovation assessment."},{"index":2,"size":53,"text":"Cause-effect diagrams begin with a broad statement of the overall problem which is then broken down into component problems and eventually root causes. the effects of the problem are then investigated to gain a more holistic understanding and to help generate key questions. the steps are illustrated below with an example from horne. "}]},{"head":"C H O U M","index":36,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"rrA tooL systEM propErty ADDrEssED fUrthEr ANALysIs rECoMMENDED Maps stability (spatial) Compare productivity levels in different areas and identify the reasons for these."},{"index":2,"size":37,"text":"Water body analysis All to some extent Compare productivity levels in different water bodies and identify the reasons for these; also assess to what extent the different water bodies together are able to provide stable, year-round benefits."},{"index":3,"size":30,"text":"Assessment of fish species productivity and sustainability Compare the productivity of different species (catch x value) and explore the reasons for changes in species populations in the last 10 years."},{"index":4,"size":38,"text":"flow diagrams All to some extent Analyze how each type of flow affects each system property. for example, extractive flows such as nutrient flows or land clearing (sustainability); intermittent flows such as migration (stability); labor flows (productivity), etc."},{"index":5,"size":79,"text":"transect analysis All to some extent Compare the productivity, stability, sustainability and equitability of major enterprises in the different agroecosystems and analyze the reasons for any differences. time line sustainability review the time line to identify any long-term trends and their causes, such as the reasons for decline of rice yield, soil erosion, overgrazing, overfishing, etc. Ask farmers if they can identify any other long-term trends that are occurring. Analyze the cause and the impacts of these long-term trends."},{"index":6,"size":30,"text":"seasonal calendar stability Look at the timing of key livelihood activities to see if shifts are possible to avoid drought, flooding, disease, etc. or to obtain better quality, prices, etc."},{"index":7,"size":34,"text":"Wealth analysis Equitability Analysis will show the key differences among the wealth classes. Analyze the differences and explore ways in which poorer farmers could move towards the farming system typologies which characterizes the better-off."}]},{"head":"Livelihood profiles","index":37,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":"All to some extent productivity, sustainability and equitability can be affected if one or more livelihood assets are deficient or lacking for a wealth group. stability can be affected if the livelihood activity is vulnerable to an external factor beyond the control of households. having the right organizations and institutions in place can contribute to all four systems properties."}]},{"head":"Analysis of gender task","index":38,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"Equitability Identify any problems specific to women and explore possible solutions."}]},{"head":"Assess the gender impacts of proposed interventions (tIps).","index":39,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"Use the results when conducting Innovation Assessment and when preparing gender-impact statements."}]},{"head":"Ntfp analysis sustainability","index":40,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"Identify important Ntfps that are rapidly declining and with farmers explore possible ways to maintain their availability. Explore the potential for the domestication of key Ntfps."}]},{"head":"Cause and effect","index":41,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"All to some extent Analyze how each root cause of the problem affects the various system properties and explore potential solutions with farmers."}]},{"head":"Venn diagrams Decisions","index":42,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"Use the results to guide proposed solutions, e.g., synergies with other projects, possibilities for cooperation with other agencies in implementing the CAp. Explore how other stakeholders might be able to provide assistance to key problems identified in the above analyses."}]},{"head":"Gross margins productivity (profit)","index":43,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"Compare traditional and improved practices with farmers with respect to gross margins, and identify what changes could be made to increase productivity."}]},{"head":"Analysis of market chain","index":44,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":81,"text":"productivity (profit) review the results to identify key bottlenecks in the market chain or points in the value chain where value-added opportunities might exist. ANALysIs of rrA tooL oUtpUts there is sometimes confusion among CAEA practitioners as to the difference between stability and sustainability. In the context of AEA, there are events such as floods or droughts that have a destabilizing effect (short-term), while sustainability relates to stresses and strains (long-term) such as rising soil salinity, soil erosion or climate change."},{"index":2,"size":107,"text":"Although no rrA technique directly addresses a system property, different tools are helpful in identifying and analyzing the various properties (see table 18). for example, time lines help identify longer-term trends that occur (sustainability); seasonal calendars are used to identify sporadic events within a year (stability); wealth analysis identifies the characteristics of different wealth classes (equitability); and comparative analysis of gross margins for different enterprises promotes an improved understanding of productivity. table18 provides guidelines for the analysis of the outputs of the main rrA tools, and a few minutes should be allocated after using each tool to conduct these analyses. where the proposed technology will be used."},{"index":3,"size":85,"text":"Key questions address important issues identified by the CAEA. they emerge throughout the process from preliminary analysis onwards, and it is helpful to keep a list of key issues as they arise and record these on flip charts. Initially, the issues are likely to be rather general and poorly formulated, but as the analysis proceeds they become clearer and more focused. As these issues are clarified and fleshed-out, key questions and hypotheses are tabled, elaborated and used to identify important agricultural development and extension activities."},{"index":4,"size":70,"text":"the use of 'Key Question Attributes' can provide valuable insights into the nature of the issue and help better formulate the question and the steps necessary to address it. the process essentially poses the questions of what? when? who? where? and most importantly, how? and why? and ensures that all aspects of the problem are explored. table 21 provides guidelines for formulating key questions and identifying tIps for their solution."},{"index":5,"size":65,"text":"once key questions have been formulated, guidelines for addressing them are established and plans for implementing extension and development programs made. Key questions are formulated and tIps designed to address them by identifying a series of elements for each question as shown in the checklist. Use cause-effect diagrams to analyze the problem and identify the root causes. List the root causes in order of importance."},{"index":6,"size":17,"text":"Ensure that the proposed solution targets all root causes and, if necessary, expand it to achieve this."},{"index":7,"size":7,"text":"Discipline(s) involved in providing a solution wHo?"},{"index":8,"size":18,"text":"List all the disciplines which may be required to assist in solving the problem in order of importance."},{"index":9,"size":16,"text":"Ensure that provision is made for the involvement of all relevant disciplines in the proposed solution."},{"index":10,"size":3,"text":"system property(ies) addressed"},{"index":11,"size":1,"text":"How?"},{"index":12,"size":13,"text":"List the system properties addressed by the key question in order of importance."},{"index":13,"size":13,"text":"Ensure that the proposed solution optimizes all system properties which may be affected."}]},{"head":"Agroecosystem(s) the key question relates to","index":45,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":1,"text":"wHere?"},{"index":2,"size":16,"text":"List any unique characteristics of the relevant agroecosystem(s) which have an effect on the key question."},{"index":3,"size":13,"text":"Make sure that the proposed solution takes full account of these unique characteristics."},{"index":4,"size":9,"text":"subsystem or enterprise the key question relates to wHere?"},{"index":5,"size":12,"text":"Identify the specific subsystem or farm enterprise the key question relates to."},{"index":6,"size":25,"text":"Make sure that the proposed solution is tailored to focus specifically on the subsystem or enterprise. target group(s) that the key question focuses on wHo?"},{"index":7,"size":10,"text":"Identify those individuals or groups most affected by the problem."},{"index":8,"size":12,"text":"Ensure that the proposed solution specifically targets the intended individuals or group."}]},{"head":"Implementation steps and issues","index":46,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"wHen and How?"},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"List the main steps and the timing that needs to be followed to deliver the proposed solution to the intended recipients."},{"index":3,"size":41,"text":"review the steps to ensure that the proposed solution is the most effective and efficient way of delivering the technology to intended beneficiaries. 2 As a group, identify the interactions the tIp will have on each of the four cross-cutting issues."},{"index":4,"size":112,"text":"3 Identify the likely positive and negative impacts of the tIp on these issues. Impact assessments are used to assess the impact of proposed tIps on poverty, gender, and the terrestrial and the aquatic environments. the results are used to modify the tIp so as to reduce negative impacts and increase positive ones. Impact assessment proceeds by completing the appropriate templates. similar methods are used for all four cross cutting issues (poverty, gender, and the terrestrial and aquatic environment). A terrestrial environmental impact assessment template, an aquatic environmental impact assessment template, a poverty impact assessment template and a gender impact assessment template are given in tables 25, 26, 27 and 28 respectively."}]},{"head":"ChECKLIst","index":47,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"A number of different aquatic indicators should be used to assess the impact of proposed tIps on the aquatic environment. these include:"},{"index":2,"size":4,"text":"Efficiency of water use."}]},{"head":"√","index":48,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":93,"text":"Impact on domestic uses and public access to water resources. 6 Enter the findings in a A first draft of the CAEA report should be presented to the CC for review, comments and feedback, and any modifications made accordingly. Copies of the final report should be provided to the CC who should also be helped to integrate the CAEA outputs into their CIp for submission for pIf funding through the D&D local planning process. two copies of the final CAEA report should also be provided to the DAE for Quality Assurance and archiving."},{"index":2,"size":40,"text":"the commune map showing the agroecosystem zones along with the transect diagram describing each zone should be provided to the GIs Unit of the provincial D&D office for digitizing as a complementary map layer to the commune land use map."}]},{"head":"FArmIng SyStemS mAnAgement InFormAtIon SyStem (FSmIS)","index":49,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"After finalizing the report, key AEA data for each commune are entered into a provincial database by oAE staff. provincial data sets are then transferred by CD roM and uploaded to the national fsMIs database held by the DAE in phnom penh."}]},{"head":"FSmIS dAtAbASe StrUctUre","index":50,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"these provincial and national fsMIs databases (see figure 23) comprise five major components, each containing different types of information."},{"index":2,"size":56,"text":"1. Agricultural and socioeconomic Conditions. this database contains commune data on: (i) land types, (ii) topography, (iii) soil types, (iv) current land use, (v) cropping systems, (vi) crops grown, (vii) water resources, and (viii) socioeconomic parameters. 2. Major farmer problems. this database contains commune information on the major problems encountered, their priority and the root causes."},{"index":3,"size":81,"text":"3. Available technology Implementation procedures (tIps). this database contains information on the improved agricultural technologies or tIps available to solve the identified problems. 4. AEA report Archives. this archive contains copies of all commune AEA reports produced to date. Users can access these reports and retrieve information. 5. secondary Data. this part of the database contains a range of statistical and spatial information for use as input to the CAEA or for other purposes as required by the pDA or oAE."},{"index":4,"size":22,"text":"the fsMIs also has GIs capability and is able to geographically locate and link the information in all of the above databases."}]},{"head":"FSmIS FUnctIonS","index":51,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":66,"text":"the fsMIs allows a range of users, including rGC departments, research agencies, NGos, donors and the private sector to perform a number of different functions. It has dual language capability to allow its use by both English and Khmer speakers. Various reporting formats have also been developed that allow users to query the database and generate a variety of output reports according to their specific needs."},{"index":2,"size":85,"text":"1. Matching tIps with priority problems identified by CAEA for specific agroecosystem zones this is the primary function of the fsMIs, and is intended to provide the DAo and oAE with information on available technologies for addressing the priority problems identified by the CAEA and which are appropriate for use under the prevailing agroecological and socioeconomic conditions. by comparing local problems (key questions) and agroecological conditions with technologies in the tIp database, the fsMIs can identify relevant technical interventions suitable for use under local conditions."},{"index":3,"size":38,"text":"When appropriate technologies have been identified, the entire package of technical information, procedures, methods and materials necessary to implement an extension program for that technology is assembled from the appropriate archive and made available to the relevant oAE/DAo."},{"index":4,"size":86,"text":"2. Identifying research priorities and targeting new research technologies. the fsMIs contains information on farmer-prioritized problems occurring across Cambodia. these can be grouped and ranked to provide a national picture of farmer needs, thereby providing valuable information on research priorities. some comparisons of priority problems with available technologies fail to produce adequate matches. by 'flagging' these failed matches, the fsMIs can identify commonly occurring problems for which no suitable technologies are yet available, and thus help determine areas where further basic or applied research is required."},{"index":5,"size":26,"text":"similarly, matching technologies in the tIp database with problems and agroecological conditions identified by the CAEA can help identify technologies for solving farmer problems across Cambodia."},{"index":6,"size":167,"text":"3. Locating specific agroecological and socioeconomic conditions searches of the agroecosystems database for a specific set of agroecological and socioeconomic conditions can be run by the fsMIs to identify locations where these conditions exist. this assists the DAE in following government policy initiatives such as targeting programs in poverty areas or focusing activities on environmentally fragile agroecosystems. the fsMIs can also be used in this way to assist other agencies to better target their development activities and to assist research institutions in locating appropriate sites for research, such as multi-line advanced yield trials (Ayt) or on-farm adaptive trials (ofAt), etc., in areas with the desired conditions. similar searches can be run for the private sector to locate areas with the required conditions for a wide range of agribusiness ventures. In this way, the system can help producers of agricultural inputs locate appropriate markets, direct merchants to the required crop-production areas, and help entrepreneurs locate a variety of agribusiness opportunities in the most suitable areas of the country."},{"index":7,"size":102,"text":"4. Identifying and locating common problems occurring across the country by comparing, classifying and grouping key questions identified by CAEAs, the fsMIs is able to assist in setting provincial and national-level priorities. It is also capable of identifying areas with common problems, and locating the incidence of any specific problem(s), thereby helping to target extension and development activities to sites where the need is greatest. by this means, the fsMIs does not only help the DAE to target programs but can also assist NGos and other agencies working in a specific field to target their activities to areas of the greatest need."},{"index":8,"size":27,"text":"5. Monitoring and directing the implementation of AEA records of CAEAs provide the DAE and pDAs with a powerful management tool for tracking and directing CAEA implementation."}]},{"head":"producing Commune Information packages as Inputs for AEA","index":52,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":99,"text":"In addition to AEA output information, the fsMIs contains a wide range of spatial and attribute data, such as maps of administrative boundaries, topography, land cover and land use, and seila data, World food program statistics, etc. the oAEs are be able to use the fsMIs to retrieve and assemble this information into specially tailored 'information packages' to be used as inputs to commune AEAs. this reduces the time and effort required by the oAE and DAo in preparing for CAEAs, and helps ensure that the complete package of secondary data is available at the start of each CAEA. "}]},{"head":"FSMIS DATABASE","index":53,"paragraphs":[]}],"figures":[{"text":" needS-ASSeSSment metHodology, USed by tHe dAe to IdentIFy tHe moSt ImPortAnt ProblemS And develoPment oP-PortUnItIeS For PeoPle engAged In AgrIcUl-tUre And relAted ActIvItIeS At tHe commUne level. For tHe StorAge, mAn-Agement And dISSemInAtIon oF AeA And tIP dAtA to Key StAKeHolderS In cAmbodIA. "},{"text":" fIGUrE 1: C/s DEVELopMENt pLANNING proCEss AND CAp DEVELopMENt (source: Inter-ministerial Working Group: guideline on C/s Development plan and C/s Investment program, July 2007) "},{"text":"fIGUrE 4 : fIGUrE 4: AGroECosystEMs ANALysIs proCEDUrEs "},{"text":"fIGUrE 6 : fIGUrE 6: GENErIC ExAMpLEs of MAps UsED for spAtIAL ANALysIs (trANGEI CoMMUNE, KAMpoNG ChhNANG) (source: http://www.cambodiaatlas.com/map) "},{"text":"2 During the rrA, use the water resource map layer to identify all important water sources in the commune and list these in the first row across the top of the matrix. 3 Use the matrix with key respondents to record all the key characteristics of each water source. 4 After the analysis, spend time in summarizing the key findings. In particular, compare productivity levels in different water bodies and identify the reasons for any differences; also assess the extent to which the different water bodies together are able to provide stable, yearround benefits. 5 summarize the findings from item 3 above for use during the systems Analysis (stage 5) of the CAEA. "},{"text":"5 g., paddy fields, flooded forests, lakes, rivers) in the agroecosystem zone are included as participants in this exercise. In addition, ensure both males and females par-At the end of the analysis, spend a few minutes with participants in summarizing the most important findings from the tool. In particular, assess how the different water sources are used in the different seasons and identify any constraints on water availability that may occur during certain periods. 6 summarize the findings from item 5 above for later use during the systems Analysis (stage 5) of the CAEA. "},{"text":" rank water sources from most to least important to livelihoods (1 = most important) b LEGEND water use: √√√ = Important source √√ = Significant source √ = Marginal source 0 = Unused characteristics: √√√ = Very good √√ = Good √ = Marginal 0 = Poor a please specify any other resource used. "},{"text":"4 for each species, ask the key informants to identify the season(s) when it is fished, the main types of gear used and the percentage change in the average catch over the last 10 years. record the information in the table. "},{"text":"5 for each fish species, have the fisheries Administration CAEA team member record which category of fish (guild) it belongs to (black, white or grey). findings from 'item 5' above for use during the systems Analysis phase of CAEA. "},{"text":" addition to farmers ensure that fishermen using different fishing grounds are included as participants in this exercise. 2 Construct a diagram to display flows among the agroecosystem zones as shown in template 1 of figure 7, and another to display flows up and down the system hierarchy as shown in template 2 of figure 8. 3 With the key informants, record flows up and down the hierarchy and also from zone to zone, using the checklist to ensure comprehensive coverage. 4 At the end of the analysis, spend a few minutes with the farmers in summarizing key findings from the tool. In particular, identify constraints, problems or missed opportunities related to flows. 5 summarize the findings from item 3 above for use during the systems Analysis (stage 5) of the CAEA. "},{"text":"1 With the key informants, develop a transect diagram during the rrA to describe all the parameters included in the template and checklist. 2 Continually expand, revise, and refine the transect diagram during the CAEA process as new information comes to light. 3 During the systems Analysis (stage 5) of the CAEA, use the transect diagram to identify important issues and key questions prior to developing appropriate tIps for their solution.4 At the end of the analysis, spend a few minutes with farmers in summarizing the most important findings from using the tool. In particular, assess how the different water sources are used in the different seasons and identify any water availability constraints that may occur during certain periods. 5 summarize the findings from item 4 above for later use during systems Analysis phase of the CAEA. "},{"text":"3 review the time-line to identify any long-term trends, such as changes in demography, rice yields, soil condition, forest cover, land use, fish populations, etc., and with the key informants explore the causes of these changes. 4 finally, analyze the impacts and responses of the local communities to these trends and record the results in the last two columns. 5 At the end of the analysis, spend a few minutes with farmers in summarizing the most important findings from using the tool. In particular, assess how the different water sources are used in the different seasons and identify any water-availability constraints that may occur during certain periods. 6 summarize the findings from item 4 above for use during the systems Analysis phase of CAEA. "},{"text":"36 Use the seasonal calendar to discuss the temporal relationships within their livelihood systems with the villagers. 4 After completing the analysis, spend a few minutes with the participants in sum-marizing the most important findings from the tool. In particular, use the seasonal calendar to brainstorm how changes to the timing of livelihood activities or farming practices can be used to increase yields, obtain better prices, improve family cash flow, reduce risk from climatic or economic eventsDuring the systems Analysis (stage 5) of the CAEA, use the completed seasonal calendar to identify tIps that can help reduce temporal constraints, bottlenecks or price fluctuations. "},{"text":"46 After completing the analysis, spend a few minutes with key respondents in summarizing the most important findings from the tool. In particular, use the results to analyze the differences among wealth classes, and explore Wherever possible, represent the findings of wealth analysis pictorially (bar-charts, pie diagrams, etc.) for use dur- "},{"text":" fIGUrE 15: ExAMpLE prEsENtAtIoN forMAt for LANDhoLDING typE by WEALth CLAss "},{"text":" the Ntfp Analysis to ensure that important Ntfps are included in the relevant Land and Water resource Management strategies. "},{"text":"38 During the rrA, with key informants, draw flowcharts that trace the movement of the product among the different actors along the marketing chain. 4 start the value-chain map with the local producers and work backwards along the input supply chain and forwards along the marketing chain. 5 With the informants, obtain an estimate of the number of actors at each stage of the value chain, and obtain estimates of the value of the product at each stage in the chain. 6 After completing the analysis, spend a few minutes with farmers in summarizing the most important findings obtained from the tool. In particular, try to identify the most important constraints, During the systems Analysis (stage 5) of CAEA, use the results of the value-chain analysis to formulate key questions and potential solutions (tIps) to solve marketing problems for the products covered. "},{"text":"24 With regard to fish and Ntfps, gross-margin analysis is conducted only for aquaculture or domesticated Ntfp enterprises, not for wild capture systems. After completing the analysis, spend a few minutes with farmers in summarizing the most important findings obtained from the tool. In particular, use the results to identify ways to reduce costs and increase the prices received. 5 summarize the findings from item 4 above for use during systems Analysis (stage 5). "},{"text":"fIGUrE 20 : fIGUrE 20: CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAM 4 How do FArmerS coPe wItH tHe Problem? "},{"text":"A Venn diagram is used to analyze relationships between local communities and those projects and agencies providing them with support. It is useful in identifying potential development partners or detecting where interagency cooperation could be improved. An example Venn Diagram from a CAEA in Kampong Cham is presented in figure 22. 1 List all projects and programs currently active in the commune, along with a brief description of their major activities. 2 Construct a Venn diagram, noting that overlapping circles represent good cooperation, touching circles represent some cooperation and non-touching circles representing poor or no cooperation. 3 After completing the analysis, spend a few minutes with farmers in summarizing the most important findings. In particular, use the results to identify potential partners for implementing different components of the CAp. "},{"text":"4 fIGUrE 22: VENN DIAGrAM for ChoUM KrAVIANG CoMMUNE, KAMpoNG ChAM proVINCE. "},{"text":" groups and the agroecological zone(s) "},{"text":" productivity the expected impact of the proposed tIp on the productivity of the system stability the expected impact of the proposed tIp on the stability of the system sustainability the expected impact of the proposed tIp on the sustainability of the system Equitability the expected impact of the proposed tIp on the equitability of the systemCost the cost of the program to implement the proposed tIp time the time taken before the benefits of the proposed tIp are realized feasibility a the ease of implementing the proposed tIp resilience to climate change the extent that the proposed tIp will still provide benefits in the face of climate change terrestrial environmental impact the expected positive impact of the proposed tIp on the terrestrial environment Aquatic environ-mental impact the expected positive impact of the proposed tIp on the aquatic environment Gender impact the expected positive impact of the proposed tIp on women poverty impact the expected positive impact of the proposed tIp on the poor Compatibility with the CDp the extent to which the tIp is in line with, supports or adds value to other elements of the CDp Compatibility with rGC policy b the extent to which the tIp is in line with government policy. a the following factors should be considered when assessing feasibility: (i) technical feasibility, (ii) administrative feasibility, (iii) social acceptability, (iv) availability of service providers, and (v) previous experience and available skills. b b Current "},{"text":"4 Use the results of these analyses to modify the proposed interventions to maximize their positive impacts and minimize their negative impacts on all the cross-cutting factors. "},{"text":"3 objectives and expected outcomes of the tIp …………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….What will be the major interactions of the tIp with the terrestrial environment? …………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….What are the potential positive and negative consequences on the environment of the widespread adoption of the proposed tIp, and how can the positive ones be enhanced and the negative ones reduced? Compare and contrast the outputs of items 1 and 2 above, and discuss with the CC representatives how to move from the issues and potential to the 'vision' (and identify where the gaps are).4 Use the results from item 1 to item 3 to produce land and water management strategies for each agroecosystem zone in the commune.5 Identify and list the technical interventions that will be required to implement the strategies. "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" fIGUrE 2: fLoW ChArt of thE NAtIoNAL AGrICULtUrAL ExtENsIoN systEM AND thE rELAtIoNshIps bEtWEEN KEy CoMpoNENts. source: training Manual for provincial Investment fund, CAAEp, phase 2b, MAff, 2007 "},{"text":" table to rank proposed solutions. StAge 4. StAge 6. StAge 4.StAge 6. rAPId rUrAl APPrAISAl rePort wrItIng And rAPId rUrAl APPrAISAlrePort wrItIng And USe oF cAeA oUtPUtS USe oF cAeA oUtPUtS select representative participants Draft report and present to the CC, select representative participantsDraft report and present to the CC, from all villages in all agroecosys- pbC members and villagers. from all villages in all agroecosys-pbC members and villagers. tems. Incorporate into the report feedback tems.Incorporate into the report feedback tools used: historical profiles, agroe- obtained during the presentation into tools used: historical profiles, agroe-obtained during the presentation into cosystem base maps, transects, sea- the report. cosystem base maps, transects, sea-the report. sonal calendars, flow diagrams, Venn presentation of identified priorities sonal calendars, flow diagrams, Vennpresentation of identified priorities diagrams, etc. to district and provincial agriculture diagrams, etc.to district and provincial agriculture Verify and explore key issues with staff for consideration in the annual Verify and explore key issues withstaff for consideration in the annual farmers, fishers and other local stake- pIf allocation. farmers, fishers and other local stake-pIf allocation. holders. Use in the District Integration Work- holders.Use in the District Integration Work- Identify key problems and opportu- shop (DIW) at the time of developing Identify key problems and opportu-shop (DIW) at the time of developing nities with farmers and local stake- temporary contracts (refer to other nities with farmers and local stake-temporary contracts (refer to other holders. guidelines for CAEA aggregation to holders.guidelines for CAEA aggregation to higher management levels). higher management levels). "},{"text":"tAbLE 4 : ExAMpLE of WAtEr-boDy AttrIbUtE ANALysIs MAtrIxWater is used by people for many different, often conflicting purposes. In the analysis of water resources, the CAEA takes into account all the various water uses i.e. use for irrigation, fishing, cattle, conservation, recreation, transport, drinking and domestic use. A Water resource Use Matrix is used to assess this wide range of water uses and to help identify key water resource development needs. the Water resource Use Matrix tool is used to improve understanding the use of the different water sources in the commune at different times of the year and to capture and analyze information on their key characteristics. Examples of outputs from this tool are presented in table 5. Wet season only Connected to streams, and ca- nals during the wet season None (privately owned land) feeding site only Wet season onlyConnected to streams, and ca-nals during the wet seasonNone (privately owned land)feeding site only All-year-round Connected to tonle sap via 'prek' None None pull long nets across trap ponds snakehead, walking snake- head, catfish, peacock eel, climbing perch No negative impacts feeding, breeding and refuge site fishing (30% women) fishing (70% men) All-year-roundConnected to tonle sapvia 'prek'NoneNonepull long nets across trappondssnakehead, walking snake-head, catfish, peacock eel,climbing perchNo negative impactsfeeding, breeding andrefuge sitefishing (30% women)fishing (70% men) All-year-round water Connected to streams, ca- nals, rice paddies and the tonle sap in the wet season None None hand fishing (tickling), elec- tricity (illegal) snakehead, walking snake- head, catfish, peacock eel, climbing perch Use of natural poison (from tree bark) and electricity for fishing are reducing fish pop- ulation sustainability feeding, breeding and refuge site fishing, drinking, clothes- washing, bathing, cooking None All-year-round waterConnected to streams, ca-nals, rice paddies and thetonle sap in the wet seasonNoneNonehand fishing (tickling), elec-tricity (illegal)snakehead, walking snake-head, catfish, peacock eel,climbing perchUse of natural poison (fromtree bark) and electricity forfishing are reducing fish pop-ulation sustainabilityfeeding, breedingand refuge sitefishing, drinking, clothes-washing, bathing, cookingNone Wet-season water only Connected to streams, tonle sap and paddy fields during the wet season Upstream use of canal water for agriculture reduces down- stream water availability No regulations for use of wa- ter for agriculture or fisheries Long lines of hooks, gill nets, throw-nets, Mainly juveniles of climbing perch, peacock eel, catfish, crabs, shrimps and frogs Infiltration of chemical ferti- lizers pollution by laundry de- tergents. Electrical fishing is reducing fish stocks feeding site only fishing, drinking, washing clothes, bathing, cooking fishing. Wet-season water onlyConnected to streams, tonlesap and paddy fields duringthe wet seasonUpstream use of canal waterfor agriculture reduces down-stream water availabilityNo regulations for use of wa-ter for agriculture or fisheriesLong lines of hooks, gill nets,throw-nets,Mainly juveniles of climbingperch, peacock eel, catfish,crabs, shrimps and frogsInfiltration of chemical ferti-lizers pollution by laundry de-tergents. Electrical fishing isreducing fish stocksfeeding site onlyfishing, drinking, washingclothes, bathing, cookingfishing. floodplain: all-year-round Middle terrace water in dry season flood plain boeungs connect- ed to tonle sap. Middle terrace boeungs con- nected to streams & rice paddies during peak rainfall retting (soaking) palm lea-ves for roof thatch conflicts with fishing activities No rules for irrigation water use. have rules on fishing but not always followed hand-baskets, gill-nets, electric- ity (illegal) snakehead, catfish, climbing perch, peacock eel, common eel, bronze featherback retting (soaking) palm leav -es for roof thatch deoxygen- ates water Illegal fishing im- pacts on fish populations feeding and refuge site fishing, retting (soaking) palm leaves for roof thatch. fishing, cattle-tending, wash- ing (when away at night). floodplain: all-year-roundMiddle terrace water in dryseasonflood plain boeungs connect-ed to tonle sap.Middle terrace boeungs con-nected to streams & ricepaddies during peak rainfallretting (soaking) palm lea-vesfor roof thatch conflicts withfishing activitiesNo rules for irrigation wateruse. have rules on fishing butnot always followedhand-baskets, gill-nets, electric-ity (illegal)snakehead, catfish, climbingperch, peacock eel, commoneel, bronze featherbackretting (soaking) palm leav-es for roof thatch deoxygen-ates water Illegal fishing im-pacts on fish populationsfeeding and refuge sitefishing, retting (soaking)palm leaves for roof thatch.fishing, cattle-tending, wash-ing (when away at night). Mountain zone all-year-round. other zones seasonal Connected to deep pools, tonle sap, canals and rice raddies in the wet season Water use for agriculture up- stream reduces downstream water availability No rules for irrigation water use. have rules on fishing but not always followed traps, push-nets, hooks, basket traps, electricity snakehead, walking snake- head, catfish, peacock eel, climbing perch Use of natural poisons for fishing. Use of electricity for fishing feeding and refuge site home garden irrigation, cooking water, drinking. fishing, irrigation (wet sea- son), cattle-raising Mountain zone all-year-round.other zones seasonalConnected to deep pools,tonle sap, canals and riceraddies in the wet seasonWater use for agriculture up-stream reduces downstreamwater availabilityNo rules for irrigation wateruse. have rules on fishing butnot always followedtraps, push-nets, hooks,basket traps, electricitysnakehead, walking snake-head, catfish, peacock eel,climbing perchUse of natural poisons forfishing. Use of electricity forfishingfeeding and refuge sitehome garden irrigation,cooking water, drinking.fishing, irrigation (wet sea-son), cattle-raising CoNNECtIVIty (WIth othEr WAtEr boDIEs) KEy WAtEr UsE CoNfLICt AND short DEsCrIptIoN WAtEr UsE rEGULAtIoNs fIshING GEAr UsED KEy fIsh spECIEs ENVIroNMENtAL CoNCErNs AND rIsKs brEEDING/fEEDING/ rEfUGE sItE? UsE of WAtEr boDy by WoMEN UsE of WAtEr boDy by MEN CoNNECtIVIty(WIth othEr WAtEr boDIEs)KEy WAtEr UsE CoNfLICtAND short DEsCrIptIoNWAtEr UsE rEGULAtIoNsfIshING GEAr UsEDKEy fIsh spECIEsENVIroNMENtALCoNCErNs AND rIsKsbrEEDING/fEEDING/rEfUGE sItE?UsE of WAtEr boDyby WoMENUsE of WAtEr boDyby MEN "},{"text":"table 5 ) √ √ "},{"text":"tAbLE 5 : WAtEr rEsoUrCE UsE MAtrIx for WEt AND Dry sEAsoNs "},{"text":" (table7) is used for a timescale analysis over the longer term and to help identify key sustainability issues. Its purpose is twofold. first, is to attempt to identify longer-term trends, for example changes in forest cover, in rice yields, in livelihood systems, etc. second, it is used to assess the resilience of the agroecosystem to major events, such as floods, droughts, pest outbreaks, market-price fluctuations, etc. tAbLE 7: hIstorICAL profILE: sNA ANsAr CoMMUNE tAbLE 7: hIstorICAL profILE: sNA ANsAr CoMMUNE pErIoDs prE 1979 1979-1990 pErIoDsprE 19791979-1990 poLItICAL 1970-1975 ChECKLIst 1975-1979 1979-1990 poLItICAL1970-1975ChECKLIst 1975-19791979-1990 LoN NoL the following issues should be explored with poL pot VIEtNAM INVAsIoN LoN NoLthe following issues should be explored with poL potVIEtNAM INVAsIoN ENVIroMENt villagers' historical profile analysis. NEGLIGIbLE ENVIroNMENtAL IMpACt ENVIroMENtvillagers' historical profile analysis. NEGLIGIbLE ENVIroNMENtAL IMpACt Demographic changes and trends. Demographic changes and trends. Demographic changes 200 families in floating village fisherfolk richer than farmers rapid population increase after 1 Demographic changes200 families in floating village fisherfolk richer than farmersrapid population increase after 1 political and Commune office sited in sna Ansar village Vietnamese occupation political andCommune office sited in sna Ansar villageVietnamese occupation administrative changes sna Ansar and ou sandan all one commune Khmer rouge insurgency in mou administrative changessna Ansar and ou sandan all one communeKhmer rouge insurgency in mou plain zones plain zones Changes in access, All selling and buying in commune market Commune market closed initially Changes in access,All selling and buying in commune marketCommune market closed initially communications and government services Airfield operating fish market opens in the early 1960s opens communications and government servicesAirfield operating fish market opens in the early 1960sopens Land use changes pristine forest paddy rice, deepwater rice and h Land use changespristine forestpaddy rice, deepwater rice and h Land tax $1-1.75/ha. Dry-season rice begins Land tax $1-1.75/ha.Dry-season rice begins Changes in Ntfps abundance Wildlife plentiful Uncontrolled hunting begins Changes in Ntfps abundanceWildlife plentifulUncontrolled hunting begins Changes in livelihood activities Main occupations are wet-season rice and fishing shared labor Changes in livelihood activitiesMain occupations are wet-season rice and fishingshared labor Changes in land tenure private ownership until pol pot regime Group landholding 3-4 ha for 15 f Changes in land tenureprivate ownership until pol pot regimeGroup landholding 3-4 ha for 15 f systems and landholding size Land distributed to families in 19 systems and landholding sizeLand distributed to families in 19 Changes in agricultural Use compost only. No chemical fertilizer use Changes in agriculturalUse compost only.No chemical fertilizer use practices Good natural fertility Good soil fertility practicesGood natural fertilityGood soil fertility provincial vet service provincial vet service Change in rice yields rice yields 2.4-3 t/ha rice yields 2 t/ha Change in rice yieldsrice yields 2.4-3 t/harice yields 2 t/ha > 90% of families self-sufficient in rice > 90% of families self-sufficient in rice Changes in climate rainfall plentiful and regular Changes in climaterainfall plentiful and regular KEy stEps KEy stEps hydrology: river, lake, stream two dams on creeks Dams on creeks rehabilitated an hydrology: river, lake, streamtwo dams on creeksDams on creeks rehabilitated an water quality and quantity boeung holds water all year. water quality and quantityboeung holds water all year. Change in fish stocks (produc- Catch < 20 kg fish/day. Catch < 15 kg fish/day Change in fish stocks (produc-Catch < 20 kg fish/day.Catch < 15 kg fish/day tion, species mix, local extinc-tions) Many species caught. tion, species mix, local extinc-tions)Many species caught. fishing changes: sites, fishing in groups (10-15 persons). fishing in groups fishing changes: sites,fishing in groups (10-15 persons).fishing in groups access, people, gear, laws, etc. homemade fishing gear. access, people, gear, laws, etc.homemade fishing gear. Gill nets introduced in the late 1960s Gill nets introduced in the late 1960s "},{"text":"tAbLE 8 : sEAsoNAL CALENDAr for MAJor fArMING ACtIVItIEs, ChoUM KrAVIANG CoMMUNE Note. the following symbols should be used in seasonal calendars:Wealth ranking (table9) helps to illustrate the variations in the poverty levels in a community, to better understand equitability issues and to gain insights into the characteristics, needs and opportunities of each wealth class, particularly the poor. Wealth ranking Analysis helps to refine key questions to ensure that they target the poorest as a priority.Wealth ranking Analysis is conducted during the rrA phase of CAEA, and begins by asking villagers to estimate the proportion of better-off, medium, poor and very poor families in the commune. further enquiry then identifies the major characteristics of a typical better-off, medium, poor and very poor family. several different factors are used to characterize each wealth group as shown in the checklist and the examples given in table 9. Crop nursery operations Crop growth, care and maintenance post harvest operations Crop nursery operationsCrop growth, care and maintenancepost harvest operations "},{"text":"tAbLE 9 : WEALth-rANKING tEMpLAtE : WEALth-rANKING tEMpLAtE WEALth CLAss WEALth CLAss "},{"text":" Source: Phonley Irrigation Scheme ISAeA, Systems Analysis, july 2006. tAbLE 10: ExAMpLE of LAND hoLDING typE DAtA NEEDED for WEALth rANKING ANALysIs ChECKLIst tAbLE 10: ExAMpLE of LAND hoLDING typE DAtA NEEDED for WEALth rANKING ANALysIsChECKLIst LAND hoLDING CAtChMENt ZoNE (hA) IrrIGAtED ZoNE (hA) by analyzing land type and tenure issues the CAEA is able to identify agroecosys-NoNIrrIGAtED ZoNE (hA) totAL ArEA (hA) LAND hoLDINGCAtChMENt ZoNE (hA)IrrIGAtED ZoNE (hA)by analyzing land type and tenure issues the CAEA is able to identify agroecosys-NoNIrrIGAtED ZoNE (hA) totAL ArEA (hA) better-off 1 2 tem zones appropriate for designation as state private Land for social Land Conces-1 4 better-off12tem zones appropriate for designation as state private Land for social Land Conces-1 4 Medium 0.5 1 sions (sLC). the characteristics of an agro-0.5 2 Medium0.51sions (sLC). the characteristics of an agro-0.5 2 poor 0.5 0 ecosystem zone appropriate for a sLC are: 0 0.5 poor0.50ecosystem zone appropriate for a sLC are: 0 0.5 Low population density. √ Low population density.√ poor quality or degraded forest-land. poor quality or degraded forest-land. "},{"text":" An example template for obtaining Ntfp information, with examples, is presented in table 13. mArKet And vAlUe-cHAIn mArKet And vAlUe-cHAIn AnAlySIS AnAlySIS economIc AnAlySIS And oMIC ANALysIs AND decISIon-mAKIng toolS sIoN-MAKING tooLs KEy stEps economIc AnAlySIS And oMIC ANALysIs AND decISIon-mAKIng toolS sIoN-MAKING tooLs KEy stEps 1 participant characteristics -in addition to farmers, MArKEt AND VALUE-ChAIN ANALysIs __________________________ 58-59 enterprise. figure 16 shows a chicken-value chain -lowland 1 participant characteristics -in addition to farmers,MArKEt AND VALUE-ChAIN ANALysIs __________________________ 58-59 enterprise. figure 16 shows a chicken-value chain -lowland KEy stEps ensure that fishermen using different fishing grounds (e.g. lower terrace zone, snar Ansa Gross-MArGIN ANALysIs___________________________________ 60-61 Commune, pursat province. KEy stEps ensure that fishermen using different fishing grounds (e.g.lower terrace zone, snar Ansa Gross-MArGIN ANALysIs___________________________________ 60-61 Commune, pursat province. paddy fields, flooded forests, pAIr-WIsE rANKING tEChNIQUE ______________________________ 62-63 paddy fields, flooded forests,pAIr-WIsE rANKING tEChNIQUE ______________________________ 62-63 lakes, rivers) in the agroeco- CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAMs ___________________________________ 64-66 lakes, rivers) in the agroeco-CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAMs ___________________________________ 64-66 system zone are included as participants in this exercise. VENN DIAGrAM ___________________________________________ 68-69 system zone are included as participants in this exercise.VENN DIAGrAM ___________________________________________ 68-69 2 Value-chain mapping should be done for the same impor- 2 Value-chain mapping should be done for the same impor- tant enterprises for which gross tant enterprises for which gross margins were done, and should margins were done, and should include at least one crop, one include at least one crop, one livestock type and one fish livestock type and one fish "},{"text":" and stur 2003 -Developing agricultural solutions with smallholder farmers -how to get started with participatory approaches. ACIAr Monograph No. 99. 120 pages. (CIAt, Vientiane, Lao pDr). fIGUrE 17: CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAM 1 fIGUrE 17: CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAM 1 wHAt IS tHe mAIn Problem? wHAt IS tHe mAIn Problem? fIGUrE 18: CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAM 2 fIGUrE 18: CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAM 2 wHAt Are tHe cAUSeS oF tHe Problem? wHAt Are tHe cAUSeS oF tHe Problem? fIGUrE 19: CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAM 3 fIGUrE 19: CAUsE-EffECt DIAGrAM 3 wHAt Are tHe eFFectS oF tHe Problem? wHAt Are tHe eFFectS oF tHe Problem? KEy stEps KEy stEps 1 With the key respond-ents, identify the four most Agricultural problems Environmental problems 2 for each priority problem and following the exam- What is the main problem? (see figure 17) 1 With the key respond-ents, identify the four mostAgricultural problems Environmental problems2 for each priority problem and following the exam-What is the main problem? (see figure 17) important problems facing the fisheries problems ples presented in the figures, What are the causes of the important problems facing thefisheries problemsples presented in the figures,What are the causes of the commune as a whole. If appro- Livelihood problems construct diagrams to discuss problem? (see figure 18) commune as a whole. If appro-Livelihood problemsconstruct diagrams to discussproblem? (see figure 18) priate, it may be useful to select the following questions: What are the effects of the priate, it may be useful to selectthe following questions:What are the effects of the one priority from each of the fol- problem? (see figure 19) one priority from each of the fol-problem? (see figure 19) lowing categories: how do farmers cope lowing categories:how do farmers cope with the problem? (see with the problem? (see figure 20) figure 20) how do we solve the prob- how do we solve the prob- lem? (see figure 21) lem? (see figure 21) "},{"text":"tAbLE 18 : ANALysIs of systEM propErtIEs UsING rrA tooLs "},{"text":"tAbLE 20 : ExAMpLE of A sWot ANALysIs for pUNLEy CoMMUNE, bANtEAy MEANChEy proVINCE proDUCtIVIty stAbILIty sUstAINAbILIty proDUCtIVItystAbILItysUstAINAbILIty "},{"text":" Examples of completed Key Questions and relevant tIps are presented in table 2. tAbLE 21: forMULAtING KEy QUEstIoN AND DEsIGNING soLUtIoNs ChECKLIst tAbLE 21: forMULAtING KEy QUEstIoN AND DEsIGNING soLUtIoNsChECKLIst KEy QUEstIoN AttrIbUtE Major problem(s) addressed IDENtIfyING AttrIbUtEs forMULAtING proposED DEVELopMENt ACtIVItIEs the technical components of the proposed program that addresses the key question. √ KEy QUEstIoN AttrIbUtE Major problem(s) addressedIDENtIfyING AttrIbUtEsforMULAtING proposED DEVELopMENt ACtIVItIEs the technical components of the proposed program that addresses the key question. √ wHy? the extension methods and de-to farmers. transfer the proposed technology livery mechanisms proposed to √ wHy?the extension methods and de-to farmers. transfer the proposed technology livery mechanisms proposed to√ technical reports and extension materials that will be useful in de-proposed technology. veloping and disseminating the √ technical reports and extension materials that will be useful in de-proposed technology. veloping and disseminating the√ potential partners for developing nology. and extending the proposed tech- √ potential partners for developing nology. and extending the proposed tech-√ target farmer groups and the proposed technology will be used. agroecological zone(s) where the √ target farmer groups and the proposed technology will be used. agroecological zone(s) where the√ "},{"text":" government policy priorities that should be considered are: (i) food security, (ii) agricultural productivity, (iii) agricultural diversification, (iv) improved market access, (v) farmer organization development, (vi) irrigation development, (vii) land and water resource management, (viii) community fisheries development, (ix) aquaculture, (x) community forestry development, (xi) biodiversity conservation, and (xii) law enforcement (forestry and fisheries). ImPAct ASSeSSmentS oF ImPAct ASSeSSmentS oF Poverty, gender And Poverty, gender And envIronmentAl envIronmentAl KEy QUEstIoNs proDUCtIVIty stAbILIty sUstAINAbILIty EQUItAbILIty Cost tIME fEAsIbILIty tErrEstrIAL ENVIroNMENt IMpACt AQUAtIC ENVIroNMENt IMpACt GENDEr IMpACt poVErty IMpACt CoMpAtIbILIty WIth CDp rGC poLICy CoMpAtIbILIty sCorE rANKING KEy QUEstIoNsproDUCtIVItystAbILItysUstAINAbILItyEQUItAbILItyCosttIMEfEAsIbILItytErrEstrIAL ENVIroNMENt IMpACtAQUAtIC ENVIroNMENt IMpACtGENDEr IMpACtpoVErty IMpACtCoMpAtIbILIty WIth CDprGC poLICy CoMpAtIbILItysCorE rANKING 1. rice yield improvement program 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 31 3= 1. rice yield improvement program3222332122231313= 2. recession cropping development 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 28 6= 2. recession cropping development2323322112222286= 3. soil salinity amelioration 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 26 10 3. soil salinity amelioration21322113322212610 4. Upland cash crop development 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 32 2 4. Upland cash crop development3222322222223322 5. rat control 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 28 6= 5. rat control2332122222222286= 6. home garden development 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 33 1 6. home garden development2323322223322331 7. sericulture development 8. Improved water control in catchment KEy stEps 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 29 27 5 9 7. sericulture development 8. Improved water control in catchment KEy stEps2 22 32 22 32 12 12 12 22 23 22 32 22 229 275 9 9. Improved pig fattening systems 10. Livestock disease control program 1 Discuss the proposed tIp, its objectives and expected 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 31 28 3= 6= 9. Improved pig fattening systems 10. Livestock disease control program 1 Discuss the proposed tIp, its objectives and expected2 22 32 23 22 23 22 22 22 23 22 12 22 231 283= 6= outcomes. outcomes. "},{"text":"table following land and water resource management strategies are formulated following the example presented in table 29. the suggested format for the strategy includes a summary of the current land use which can be extracted directly from the relevant parts of the transect Diagram. this is followed by a description of the vision for both land and water including the technical-support requirements to reach the vision.Land and water resource management strategies should be revisited each year to assess progress towards the vision and to decide which elements of technical support should be included in the current year's CIp. based on the combined outputs of the CAEA, land and water resource ChECKLIst based on the combined outputs of the CAEA, land and water resourceChECKLIst management strategies are formulated for each agroecosystem zone in the commune. these management strategies describe the 'development for each agroecosystem zone in the com-mune provide the following information: management strategies are formulated for each agroecosystem zone in the commune. these management strategies describe the 'developmentfor each agroecosystem zone in the com-mune provide the following information: vision' for each agroecosystem zone and are used to guide agriculture and infrastructure development over the longer term, and help ensure that Current land and water resource use √ vision' for each agroecosystem zone and are used to guide agriculture and infrastructure development over the longer term, and help ensure thatCurrent land and water resource use√ commune development plans are socially responsible and environmentally sound. Land resource management strategy technical support requirements to achieve the strategy √ √ commune development plans are socially responsible and environmentally sound.Land resource management strategy technical support requirements to achieve the strategy√ √ Water and fisheries resource management strategy √ Water and fisheries resource management strategy√ technical support requirements to achieve the strategy technical support requirements to achieve the strategy the example pre- the example pre- sented in table 29 -an example sented in table 29 -an example land and water resource land and water resource management strategy table - management strategy table - adapted from CAEA report of adapted from CAEA report of Kor Koh Commune, Kompong Kor Koh Commune, Kompong thom province. thom province. "},{"text":"tAbLE 29 : ExAMpLE LAND AND WAtEr rEsoUrCE MANAGEMENt strAtEGy tAbLE -ADAptED froM CAEA rEport of Kor Koh CoMMUNE, KoMpoNG thoM proVINCE the systems analysis, stage 6, the final stage, takes place, i.e. the writing up of the results of the CAEA in a report according to a standard format with the table of Contents as shown below. fLooDED forEst ZoNE Very flat seasonally flooded very fertile flooded forest area. Used for floating rice, recession rice, firewood and lotus. Important habitat for waterfowl and fish breeding. Well-protected flooded forest area with sustainable use for Ntfps, firewood and grazing on a well-controlled commu- nity-managed basis. fLooDEDforEst ZoNEVery flat seasonally floodedvery fertile flooded forest area.Used for floating rice,recession rice, firewood andlotus. Important habitat forwaterfowl and fish breeding.Well-protected flooded forestarea with sustainable use forNtfps, firewood and grazingon a well-controlled commu-nity-managed basis. INtEGrAtED fArMING AND bIoDIVErsIty ZoNE flat seasonally flooded grass- land area with many larger lakes and a high water table. Used for floating rice, fishing, grazing, firewood. Important habitat for bengal florican and fish breeding. sustainable livelihoods and natural resource management based on integrated farming, fishing and conservation of the globally threatened ben- gal florican. INtEGrAtED fArMING ANDbIoDIVErsIty ZoNEflat seasonally flooded grass-land area with many largerlakes and a high water table.Used for floating rice, fishing,grazing, firewood.Important habitat for bengalflorican and fish breeding.sustainable livelihoods andnatural resource managementbased on integrated farming,fishing and conservation ofthe globally threatened ben-gal florican. fLoAtING rICE ZoNE flat seasonally flooded fertile area with many small lakes. Used for floating rice, reces- sion rice, cucumber. Dry-season grazing, commu- nity fisheries. Environmentally sound deep- water and recession rice sys- tems, coupled with vegeta- bles, Ntfps and grazing under an equitable and secure land tenure system. fLoAtINGrICE ZoNEflat seasonally flooded fertilearea with many small lakes.Used for floating rice, reces-sion rice, cucumber.Dry-season grazing, commu-nity fisheries.Environmentally sound deep-water and recession rice sys-tems, coupled with vegeta-bles, Ntfps and grazing underan equitable and secure landtenure system. LoWLAND WEt-sEAsoN rICE ZoNE flat transition area with small streams and lakes between upland and floodplain. Used for rain-fed rice, vegetables, water melon, dry season graz- ing and aquaculture A zone of high and stable rice yields supported by new vari- eties, sustainable soil fertility management strategies and well-maintained irrigation in- frastructure. LoWLANDWEt-sEAsoN rICE ZoNEflat transition area with smallstreams and lakes betweenupland and floodplain. Usedfor rain-fed rice, vegetables,water melon, dry season graz-ing and aquacultureA zone of high and stable riceyields supported by new vari-eties, sustainable soil fertilitymanagement strategies andwell-maintained irrigation in-frastructure. UpLAND MIxED Crop ZoNE small hills, rolling upland with seasonal creeks. Used for cashew, community forestry upland crops, wet-season grazing, sandstone quarries, tourism and housing area. Modern cashew production and processing integrated with mixed cropping and com- munity forestry with market links to sustainable tourism and farm produce sales along National road 6. UpLANDMIxED Crop ZoNEsmall hills, rolling upland withseasonal creeks. Used forcashew, community forestryupland crops, wet-seasongrazing, sandstone quarries,tourism and housing area.Modern cashew productionand processing integratedwith mixed cropping and com-munity forestry with marketlinks to sustainable tourismand farm produce sales alongNational road 6. AGroECosystEM ZoNE Current land and water re- source use Land resource management strategy technical support require- ments to achieve the strategy AGroECosystEM ZoNECurrent land and water re-source useLand resource managementstrategytechnical support require-ments to achieve the strategy "},{"text":" RtI eqá ak rW RtI kM BU l)ay KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr fAMILy fAMILy fAMILy fAMILy fAMILy LAtIN NAME LAtIN NAME LAtIN NAME LAtIN NAME LAtIN NAME GUILD GUILD GUILD GUILD GUILD KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMAN KhMEr NAME IN roMANKhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr KhMEr NAME IN KhMErfAMILy fAMILy fAMILyfAMILy fAMILyLAtIN NAME LAtIN NAME LAtIN NAME LAtIN NAME LAtIN NAMEGUILD GUILD GUILDGUILD GUILD trey Changva trey Chongwa trey Kanhchos chnot trey Khman trey phtoung trey Changva kros trey Chra keng trey Kanhchos chnot trey Khnorng veng trey pra chveat RtI cgV a RtI kBa© ú Hqñ Ú t RtI cgV a RtI xµ an; RtI epÞ ag RtI cgV aRku s RtI RcEkg RtI kBa© ú Hqñ Ú t RtI xñ gEvg RtI eQV ot Cyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae Cyprinidae hemiramphidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae Cyprinidae pangasiidae rasbora hobelmani opsarius pulchellus Mystus mysticetus hampala dispar Dermogenys siamensis APPendIx 2 Grey Grey Grey Crossocheilus atrilimes Grey puntioplites wanderssi Mystus multiradiatus Grey Labiobarbus lineatus pteropangasius pleurotaenia White Grey Grey White White trey Changva trey Chongwa trey Kanhchos chnot trey Khman trey phtoung trey Changva kros trey Chra keng trey Kanhchos chnot trey Khnorng veng trey pra chveatRtI cgV a RtI kBa© ú Hqñ Ú t RtI cgV a RtI xµ an; RtI epÞ ag RtI cgV aRku s RtI RcEkg RtI kBa© ú Hqñ Ú t RtI xñ gEvg RtI eQV otCyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae Cyprinidae hemiramphidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae Cyprinidae pangasiidaerasbora hobelmani opsarius pulchellus Mystus mysticetus hampala dispar Dermogenys siamensis APPendIx 2 Grey Grey Grey Crossocheilus atrilimes Grey puntioplites wanderssi Mystus multiradiatus Grey Labiobarbus lineatus pteropangasius pleurotaenia WhiteGrey Grey White White trey Changva angkor trey Chra keng trey Kanhchos Kdoang trey Khnorng veng trey pra chveat KHmer FISH nAmeS And gUIldS Cyprinidae Garra cambodgiensis black RtI RcEkg RtI cgV aGgÁ r Cyprinidae puntioplites proctozystron RtI kBa© ú Hekþ ag bagridae Mystus bocourti Grey RtI xñ gEvg Cyprinidae Labiobarbus leptocheila RtI eQV ot pangasiidae pangasius polyuranodon White White White trey Changva angkor trey Chra keng trey Kanhchos Kdoang trey Khnorng veng trey pra chveatKHmer FISH nAmeS And gUIldS Cyprinidae Garra cambodgiensis black RtI RcEkg RtI cgV aGgÁ r Cyprinidae puntioplites proctozystron RtI kBa© ú Hekþ ag bagridae Mystus bocourti Grey RtI xñ gEvg Cyprinidae Labiobarbus leptocheila RtI eQV ot pangasiidae pangasius polyuranodon WhiteWhite White trey Changva chnot trey Chra keng trey Kanhchos thmor trey Khya trey pra chveat RtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI RcEkg RtI kBa© ú H fµ RtI xüa RtI eQV ót Cyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae bagridae pangasiidae trigonostigma espei puntioplites falcifer pseudomystus siamensis hemibagrus wyckioides pangasius macronema black black White White Grey trey Changva chnot trey Chra keng trey Kanhchos thmor trey Khya trey pra chveatRtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI RcEkg RtI kBa© ú H fµ RtI xüa RtI eQV ótCyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae bagridae pangasiidaetrigonostigma espei puntioplites falcifer pseudomystus siamensis hemibagrus wyckioides pangasius macronemablack black WhiteWhite Grey trey Changva chnot trey Chunlungh moan trey Kanhchoun chey trey Kranh trey pra kae RtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI Cnø Ü jman; RtI kBa¢ nC½ y RtI Rkaj; RtI Ek Cyprinidae Engraulidae Channidae Anabantidae pangasiidae rasbora urophthalmoides Coilia macrognathos Channa lucius Anabas testudineus pangasius conchophilus black black White Grey black trey Changva chnot trey Chunlungh moan trey Kanhchoun chey trey Kranh trey pra kaeRtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI Cnø Ü jman; RtI kBa¢ nC½ y RtI Rkaj; RtI EkCyprinidae Engraulidae Channidae Anabantidae pangasiidaerasbora urophthalmoides Coilia macrognathos Channa lucius Anabas testudineus pangasius conchophilusblack black WhiteGrey black trey Changva chnot trey Chunlungh moan trey Kanhchrouk trey Kray trey pra kandorl RtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI Cnø Ü jman; RtI k®Ba© Ú k RtI Rkay RtI R)akNþ ú r Cyprinidae Engraulidae Cobitidae Notopteridae pangasiidae rasbora paviei Coilia lindmani botia morleti Chitala ornata helicophagus waandersii black White White Grey Grey trey Changva chnot trey Chunlungh moan trey Kanhchrouk trey Kray trey pra kandorlRtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI Cnø Ü jman; RtI k®Ba© Ú k RtI Rkay RtI R)akNþ ú rCyprinidae Engraulidae Cobitidae Notopteridae pangasiidaerasbora paviei Coilia lindmani botia morleti Chitala ornata helicophagus waandersiiblack White WhiteGrey Grey 1. Commune agricultural and KhMEr NAME IN roMAN trey Changva chnot trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk trey Kray trey pra khchao trey Changva chunchuk trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk chnot trey Kray krobei trey pra po 2. Priority farmer problems in each KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr 3. Technologies available to solve fAMILy RtI cgV aqñ Ú t Cyprinidae RtI CnÞ asPø ú k Cyprinidae RtI k®Ba© Ú k Cobitidae RtI Rkay Notopteridae pangasiidae RtI R)aex© A RtI cgV aCBa¢ k; Cyprinidae RtI CnÞ asPø ú k Cyprinidae RtI k®Ba© Ú kqñ Ú t Cobitidae RtI RkayRkbI Notopteridae RtI eBa pangasiidae 4. AEA report archives LAtIN NAME rasbora daniconius parachela williamminae 5. Secondary data (maps, statistics, black Grey botia beauforti White Chitala chitala Grey pangasius bocourti White GUILD Crossocheilus reticulatus White parachela siamensis Grey botia helodes White Chitala lopis Grey pteropangasius micronemus White 1. Commune agricultural and KhMEr NAME IN roMAN trey Changva chnot trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk trey Kray trey pra khchao trey Changva chunchuk trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk chnot trey Kray krobei trey pra po2. Priority farmer problems in each KhMEr NAME IN KhMEr 3. Technologies available to solve fAMILy RtI cgV aqñ Ú t Cyprinidae RtI CnÞ asPø ú k Cyprinidae RtI k®Ba© Ú k Cobitidae RtI Rkay Notopteridae pangasiidae RtI R)aex© A RtI cgV aCBa¢ k; Cyprinidae RtI CnÞ asPø ú k Cyprinidae RtI k®Ba© Ú kqñ Ú t Cobitidae RtI RkayRkbI Notopteridae RtI eBa pangasiidae4. AEA report archives LAtIN NAME rasbora daniconius parachela williamminae 5. Secondary data (maps, statistics, black Grey botia beauforti White Chitala chitala Grey pangasius bocourti White GUILD Crossocheilus reticulatus White parachela siamensis Grey botia helodes White Chitala lopis Grey pteropangasius micronemus White socioeconomic conditions trey Ampil tum trey Changva moul trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk krohorm trey Krim kdar trey pra po trey Andaeng ngang trey Changva phleang trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk leung trey Krim peuk trey pra po pruy commune (key questions) RtI GM Bi lTM u RtI cgV amU l RtI CnÞ asPø ú k RtI k®Ba© Ú kRkhm RtI Rkw mkþ ar RtI eBa RtI GENþ ggaM g RtI cgV aePø og RtI CnÞ asPø ú k RtI k®Ba© Ú kelOg RtI Rkw mePOk RtI eBaRBú y the problems Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cobitidae osphronemidae pangasiidae (TIPs) Clariidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cobitidae osphronemidae pangasiidae puntius orphoides rasbora tornieri parachela oxygastroides botia modesta trichopsis vittata pangasius larnaudii Clarias nieuhofii Esomus metallicus parachela maculicauda botia lecontei betta splendens pangasius sanitwongsei etc.) black White White black White White Grey Grey black black Grey black socioeconomic conditions trey Ampil tum trey Changva moul trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk krohorm trey Krim kdar trey pra po trey Andaeng ngang trey Changva phleang trey Chunteas phluk trey Kanhchrouk leung trey Krim peuk trey pra po pruycommune (key questions) RtI GM Bi lTM u RtI cgV amU l RtI CnÞ asPø ú k RtI k®Ba© Ú kRkhm RtI Rkw mkþ ar RtI eBa RtI GENþ ggaM g RtI cgV aePø og RtI CnÞ asPø ú k RtI k®Ba© Ú kelOg RtI Rkw mePOk RtI eBaRBú ythe problems Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cobitidae osphronemidae pangasiidae (TIPs) Clariidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cobitidae osphronemidae pangasiidaepuntius orphoides rasbora tornieri parachela oxygastroides botia modesta trichopsis vittata pangasius larnaudii Clarias nieuhofii Esomus metallicus parachela maculicauda botia lecontei betta splendens pangasius sanitwongseietc.) black White White black White WhiteGrey Grey black black Grey black trey Andaeng reung trey Changva phleang trey Domrei trey Kantho trey Krim tun-sary trey pra thom fIGUrE 23: thE fsMIs DAtAbAsEs RtI cgV aePø og RtI GENþ grw g RtI dM rI RtI kn § r RtI Rkw mTnSay RtI R)aFM trey Andaeng toun RtI GENþ gTn; trey Changva ronoung RtI cgV arenag trey Dong khteng RtI dgExÞ g trey Kantrob RtI k®nþ b; trey Krim tun-sary RtI Rkw mTnSay trey proloung / Chroloeung RtI RBlU g¼RcLw g Clariidae Cyprinidae Eleotridae osphronemidae osphronemidae pangasiidae Clariidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Nandidae osphronemidae Cyprinidae Clarias batrachus Esomus longimanus oxyeleotris marmorata trichogaster pectoralis trichopsis schalleri pangasianodon hypophthalmus Clarias meladerma Lobocheilos melanotaenia Macrochirichthys macrochirus pristolepis fasciata trichopsis pumila Leptobarbus hoevenii black black White Grey black Grey black black black black Grey black trey Andaeng reung trey Changva phleang trey Domrei trey Kantho trey Krim tun-sary trey pra thom fIGUrE 23: thE fsMIs DAtAbAsEs RtI cgV aePø og RtI GENþ grw g RtI dM rI RtI kn § r RtI Rkw mTnSay RtI R)aFM trey Andaeng toun RtI GENþ gTn; trey Changva ronoung RtI cgV arenag trey Dong khteng RtI dgExÞ g trey Kantrob RtI k®nþ b; trey Krim tun-sary RtI Rkw mTnSay trey proloung / Chroloeung RtI RBlU g¼RcLw gClariidae Cyprinidae Eleotridae osphronemidae osphronemidae pangasiidae Clariidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Nandidae osphronemidae CyprinidaeClarias batrachus Esomus longimanus oxyeleotris marmorata trichogaster pectoralis trichopsis schalleri pangasianodon hypophthalmus Clarias meladerma Lobocheilos melanotaenia Macrochirichthys macrochirus pristolepis fasciata trichopsis pumila Leptobarbus hoeveniiblack black White Grey black Greyblack black black black Grey black trey Andarthpi trey Changva ronoung trey Ka-ao trey Kantrorng preng trey Krobei trey proma RtI GNþ atBI RtI cgV arenag RtI kaeGar RtI k®nþ geRbg RtI RkbI RtI Rbm: a Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ambassidae sisoridae sciaenidae barbichthys nitidus Garra fasciacauda tor tambroides parambassis wolffii Glyptothorax lampris boesemania microlepis black Grey White White White White trey Andarthpi trey Changva ronoung trey Ka-ao trey Kantrorng preng trey Krobei trey promaRtI GNþ atBI RtI cgV arenag RtI kaeGar RtI k®nþ geRbg RtI RkbI RtI Rbm: aCyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ambassidae sisoridae sciaenidaebarbichthys nitidus Garra fasciacauda tor tambroides parambassis wolffii Glyptothorax lampris boesemania microlepisblack Grey WhiteWhite White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwa Moul trey Ka-ao trey Kantuy krohorm trey Krobei trey pruol / Krolang RtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV amU l RtI kaeGar RtI knÞ ú yRkhm RtI RkbI RtI RBY l¼RkLg; Cynoglossidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae sisoridae Cyprinidae Cynoglossus microlepis rasbora aurotaenia tor sinensis Discherodontus schroederi bagarius yarrelli Cirrhinus microlepis White White White White White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwa Moul trey Ka-ao trey Kantuy krohorm trey Krobei trey pruol / KrolangRtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV amU l RtI kaeGar RtI knÞ ú yRkhm RtI RkbI RtI RBY l¼RkLg;Cynoglossidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae sisoridae CyprinidaeCynoglossus microlepis rasbora aurotaenia tor sinensis Discherodontus schroederi bagarius yarrelli Cirrhinus microlepisWhite White WhiteWhite White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwa sraloung trey Kabo or Chai kropeu trey Ka-ork trey Krobei trey reach RtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aRslU g RtI kabU rW écRkeBI RtI k¥ ú k RtI RkbI RtI raC Cynoglossidae Cyprinidae syngnathidae Ariidae sisoridae pangasiidae Cynoglossus feldmanni rasbora rubrodorsalis Doryichthys boaja Netuma thalassinus bagarius suchus pangasianodon gigas black Grey White White White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwa sraloung trey Kabo or Chai kropeu trey Ka-ork trey Krobei trey reachRtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aRslU g RtI kabU rW écRkeBI RtI k¥ ú k RtI RkbI RtI raCCynoglossidae Cyprinidae syngnathidae Ariidae sisoridae pangasiidaeCynoglossus feldmanni rasbora rubrodorsalis Doryichthys boaja Netuma thalassinus bagarius suchus pangasianodon gigasblack Grey WhiteWhite White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwa sraloung trey Ka-ek trey Ka-ork trey Krobei trey riel RtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aRslU g RtI Ek¥ k RtI k¥ ú k RtI RkbI RtI erol soleidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ariidae sisoridae Cyprinidae brachirus orientalis rasbora borapetensis Labeo chrysophekadion Cryptarius truncatus bagarius bagarius Cirrhinus caudimaculatus black Grey White White White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwa sraloung trey Ka-ek trey Ka-ork trey Krobei trey rielRtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aRslU g RtI Ek¥ k RtI k¥ ú k RtI RkbI RtI erolsoleidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ariidae sisoridae Cyprinidaebrachirus orientalis rasbora borapetensis Labeo chrysophekadion Cryptarius truncatus bagarius bagarius Cirrhinus caudimaculatusblack Grey WhiteWhite White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwas pot trey Ka-ey trey Ka-ork trey Kromorm trey riel angkam RtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aeBat RtI k¥ I RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rkm: m RtI erolGgá am soleidae Cyprinidae Notopteridae Ariidae siluridae Cyprinidae brachirus harmandi rasbota spilocerca Chitala blanci Cephalocassis borneensis ompok bimaculatus henicorhynchus lobatus black Grey White White Grey Grey trey Andat chhkae trey Changwas pot trey Ka-ey trey Ka-ork trey Kromorm trey riel angkamRtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aeBat RtI k¥ I RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rkm: m RtI erolGgá amsoleidae Cyprinidae Notopteridae Ariidae siluridae Cyprinidaebrachirus harmandi rasbota spilocerca Chitala blanci Cephalocassis borneensis ompok bimaculatus henicorhynchus lobatusblack Grey WhiteWhite Grey Grey trey Andat chhkae trey Changwas pot trey Kahe krohorm trey Ka-ork trey Kromorm trey riel angkam RtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aeBat RtI kaEhRkhm RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rkm: m RtI erolGgá am soleidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ariidae siluridae Cyprinidae Achiroides melanorhynchus rasbora caudimaculata barbonymus altus Arius stormii hemisilurus mekongensis henicorhynchus cryptopogon black Grey White White White White trey Andat chhkae trey Changwas pot trey Kahe krohorm trey Ka-ork trey Kromorm trey riel angkamRtI GNþ atEqá RtI cgV aeBat RtI kaEhRkhm RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rkm: m RtI erolGgá amsoleidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ariidae siluridae CyprinidaeAchiroides melanorhynchus rasbora caudimaculata barbonymus altus Arius stormii hemisilurus mekongensis henicorhynchus cryptopogonblack Grey WhiteWhite White White trey Andat chhkae trey Cheik tum trey Kahe lueung trey Ka-ork trey Kros trey riel top RtI GNþ atEqá RtI eckTM u RtI kaEhelOg RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rku s RtI eroltu b soleidae bagridae Cyprinidae Ariidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Achiroides leucorhynchos bagrichthys obscurus barbonymus schwanenfeldii Arius sona osteochilus microcephalus henicorhynchus siamensis black Grey White White Grey White trey Andat chhkae trey Cheik tum trey Kahe lueung trey Ka-ork trey Kros trey riel topRtI GNþ atEqá RtI eckTM u RtI kaEhelOg RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rku s RtI eroltu bsoleidae bagridae Cyprinidae Ariidae Cyprinidae CyprinidaeAchiroides leucorhynchos bagrichthys obscurus barbonymus schwanenfeldii Arius sona osteochilus microcephalus henicorhynchus siamensisblack Grey WhiteWhite Grey White trey Andat chhkae veng trey Cheik tum trey Kam pream loeung trey Ka-ork trey Kros trey romeas RtI GNþ atEqá Evg RtI eckTM u RtI kM RBam elOg RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rku s RtI rmas soleidae bagridae polynemidae Ariidae Cyprinidae osphronemidae brachirus panoides bagrichthys macropterus polynemus borneensis Arius maculatus osteochilus lini osphronemus exodon black Grey Grey White White Grey trey Andat chhkae veng trey Cheik tum trey Kam pream loeung trey Ka-ork trey Kros trey romeasRtI GNþ atEqá Evg RtI eckTM u RtI kM RBam elOg RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rku s RtI rmassoleidae bagridae polynemidae Ariidae Cyprinidae osphronemidaebrachirus panoides bagrichthys macropterus polynemus borneensis Arius maculatus osteochilus lini osphronemus exodonblack Grey GreyWhite White Grey trey Andat pee trey Cheik tum trey Kam pream sor trey Ka-ork trey Kros trey ros / phtuk RtI GNþ atBI r RtI eckTM u RtI kM RBam s RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rku s RtI r: s; rW pÞ k; Cyprinidae bagridae polynemidae Ariidae Cyprinidae Channidae Epalzeorhynchos munense bagrichthys macracanthus polynemus dubius Arius intermedius osteochilus hasseltii Channa striata black Grey black White White Grey trey Andat pee trey Cheik tum trey Kam pream sor trey Ka-ork trey Kros trey ros / phtukRtI GNþ atBI r RtI eckTM u RtI kM RBam s RtI k¥ ú k RtI Rku s RtI r: s; rW pÞ k;Cyprinidae bagridae polynemidae Ariidae Cyprinidae ChannidaeEpalzeorhynchos munense bagrichthys macracanthus polynemus dubius Arius intermedius osteochilus hasseltii Channa striatablack Grey blackWhite White Grey trey Angkot prak trey Chhdau trey Kambot chramos trey Kasan trey Kros trey ruschek RtI sgá t; R)ak; RtI kM bu tRcmu H RtI kSan RtI eqþ a RtI Rku s RtI b£ seck Cyprinidae Channidae Cyprinidae Channidae Cyprinidae Cobitidae puntius brevis Channa micropeltes Amblyrhynchichthys truncatus Channa gachua osteochilus waandersi Acantopsis dialuzona black White Grey Grey White White trey Angkot prak trey Chhdau trey Kambot chramos trey Kasan trey Kros trey ruschekRtI sgá t; R)ak; RtI kM bu tRcmu H RtI kSan RtI eqþ a RtI Rku s RtI b£ seckCyprinidae Channidae Cyprinidae Channidae Cyprinidae Cobitidaepuntius brevis Channa micropeltes Amblyrhynchichthys truncatus Channa gachua osteochilus waandersi Acantopsis dialuzonablack White GreyGrey White White trey Angkot prak trey Chhkaok trey Kamphleanh phluk trey Kbork trey Kros phnom trey sanday RtI sgá t; R)ak; RtI eqá ak RtI kM Pø ajPø ú k RtI k,k RtI Rku sPñ M RtI sNþ ay Cyprinidae Cyprinidae osphronemidae Clupeidae Cyprinidae siluridae puntius aurotaeniatus Cyclocheilichthys enoplos trichogaster microlepis tenualosa thibaudeaui poropuntius malcolmi Wallago attu White White Grey Grey black Grey trey Angkot prak trey Chhkaok trey Kamphleanh phluk trey Kbork trey Kros phnom trey sandayRtI sgá t; R)ak; RtI eqá ak RtI kM Pø ajPø ú k RtI k,k RtI Rku sPñ M RtI sNþ ayCyprinidae Cyprinidae osphronemidae Clupeidae Cyprinidae siluridaepuntius aurotaeniatus Cyclocheilichthys enoplos trichogaster microlepis tenualosa thibaudeaui poropuntius malcolmi Wallago attuWhite White GreyGrey black Grey trey Antong trey Chhkaok phloeung trey Kamphleanh srae trey Keat srang trey Krum trey sawka keo RtI GnÞ g; RtI eqá akePI ø g RtI kM Pø ajERs RtI eKotRsg RtI RKM u RtI skaEkv synbranchidae Cyprinidae osphronemidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Monopterus albus Cyclocheilichthys furcatus trichogaster trichopterus balantiocheilos melanopterus osteochilus melanopleurus raiamas guttatus White White White black black White trey Antong trey Chhkaok phloeung trey Kamphleanh srae trey Keat srang trey Krum trey sawka keoRtI GnÞ g; RtI eqá akePI ø g RtI kM Pø ajERs RtI eKotRsg RtI RKM u RtI skaEkvsynbranchidae Cyprinidae osphronemidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae CyprinidaeMonopterus albus Cyclocheilichthys furcatus trichogaster trichopterus balantiocheilos melanopterus osteochilus melanopleurus raiamas guttatusWhite White Whiteblack black White trey Antong trey Chhkaok pukmotbai trey Kamphleav trey Kes trey Ksan trey slat GnÞ g; RtI eqá akBu kmat; bI RtI kM ePø óv RtI Eks RtI kSan RtI sø at Anguillidae Cyprinidae siluridae siluridae Gobiidae Notopteridae Anguilla marmorata Cyclocheilichthys heteronema Kryptopterus schilbeides Micronema bleekeri Glossogobius aureus Notopterus notopterus White White Grey White Grey White trey Antong trey Chhkaok pukmotbai trey Kamphleav trey Kes trey Ksan trey slatGnÞ g; RtI eqá akBu kmat; bI RtI kM ePø óv RtI Eks RtI kSan RtI sø atAnguillidae Cyprinidae siluridae siluridae Gobiidae NotopteridaeAnguilla marmorata Cyclocheilichthys heteronema Kryptopterus schilbeides Micronema bleekeri Glossogobius aureus Notopterus notopterusWhite White GreyWhite Grey White trey Antong sor trey Chhkaok tytuy trey Kamphleav trey Kes Chumrov trey Kuch chrea trey sleuk russey GnÞ g; s RtI eqá akTI Tu y RtI kM ePø óv RtI EksCM erA RtI Ku ceRCo¼ke®Ba¢ ó RtI sø w kb£ sSI ophichthidae Cyprinidae siluridae siluridae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae opsarius koratensis Albulichthys albuloides Kryptopterus hexapterus Kryptopterus apogon puntioplites bulu paralaubuca typus White White White White Grey White trey Antong sor trey Chhkaok tytuy trey Kamphleav trey Kes Chumrov trey Kuch chrea trey sleuk russeyGnÞ g; s RtI eqá akTI Tu y RtI kM ePø óv RtI EksCM erA RtI Ku ceRCo¼ke®Ba¢ ó RtI sø w kb£ sSIophichthidae Cyprinidae siluridae siluridae Cyprinidae Cyprinidaeopsarius koratensis Albulichthys albuloides Kryptopterus hexapterus Kryptopterus apogon puntioplites bulu paralaubuca typusWhite White WhiteWhite Grey White trey Antong srae trey Chhkok Kda / Kampoul bai trey Kamphleav khlanh trey Kes prak trey Kul chek trey sleuk russey GnÞ g; ERs RtI kM ePø óvxø aj; RtI eksR)ak; RtI Kl; eck RtI sø w kb£ sSI ophichthidae Cyprinidae siluridae siluridae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae pisodonophis boro Cosmochilus harmandi Kryptopterus cryptopterus Kryptopterus bicirrhis Epalzeorhynchos frenatum paralaubuca riveroi White Grey White White Grey Grey trey Antong srae trey Chhkok Kda / Kampoul bai trey Kamphleav khlanh trey Kes prak trey Kul chek trey sleuk russeyGnÞ g; ERs RtI kM ePø óvxø aj; RtI eksR)ak; RtI Kl; eck RtI sø w kb£ sSIophichthidae Cyprinidae siluridae siluridae Cyprinidae Cyprinidaepisodonophis boro Cosmochilus harmandi Kryptopterus cryptopterus Kryptopterus bicirrhis Epalzeorhynchos frenatum paralaubuca riveroiWhite Grey WhiteWhite Grey Grey trey Arch kok trey Chhlang trey Kamphleav stung trey Kes thom trey Kulreang trey sleuk russey RtI Gacm_ ku k RtI kM ePø óvsÞ w g RtI Eksþ FM RtI qø aM g RtI Kl; raM g RtI sø w kb£ sSI Cyprinidae bagridae siluridae siluridae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Labiobarbus siamensis hemibagrus spilopterus Kryptopterus cheveyi Micronema micronema Catlocarpio siamensis paralaubuca harmandi Grey Grey White White Grey White trey Arch kok trey Chhlang trey Kamphleav stung trey Kes thom trey Kulreang trey sleuk russeyRtI Gacm_ ku k RtI kM ePø óvsÞ w g RtI Eksþ FM RtI qø aM g RtI Kl; raM g RtI sø w kb£ sSICyprinidae bagridae siluridae siluridae Cyprinidae CyprinidaeLabiobarbus siamensis hemibagrus spilopterus Kryptopterus cheveyi Micronema micronema Catlocarpio siamensis paralaubuca harmandiGrey Grey WhiteWhite Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhlang trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey Linh trey spong RtI qø aM g RtI x¢ w g RtI s< g; RtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI kM Bt RtI li j Clupeidae bagridae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae Centropomidae Corica laciniata hemibagrus nemurus tetraodon leiurus Mastacembelus favus thynnichthys thynnoides Lates calcarifer Grey black White black Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhlang trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey Linh trey spongRtI qø aM g RtI x¢ w g RtI s< g;RtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI kM Bt RtI li jClupeidae bagridae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae CentropomidaeCorica laciniata hemibagrus nemurus tetraodon leiurus Mastacembelus favus thynnichthys thynnoides Lates calcariferGrey black Whiteblack Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhlang khmao trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey Lolouk sor trey sraka kdam RtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI qø aM gexµ A RtI kM Bt RtI x¢ w g RtI llks RtI Rskakþ am Clupeidae bagridae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Clupeoides borneensis hemibagrus wyckii tetraodon cochinchinensis Mastacembelus armatus osteochilus schlegelii Cyclocheilichthys repasson Grey black Grey black Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhlang khmao trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey Lolouk sor trey sraka kdamRtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI qø aM gexµ A RtI kM Bt RtI x¢ w g RtI llks RtI Rskakþ amClupeidae bagridae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae CyprinidaeClupeoides borneensis hemibagrus wyckii tetraodon cochinchinensis Mastacembelus armatus osteochilus schlegelii Cyclocheilichthys repassonGrey black Greyblack Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhlarm trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey paloung trey sraka kdam RtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI kM Bt RtI )a: lU g RtI Rskakþ am RtI qø am RtI x¢ w g Clupeidae Carcharhinidae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Clupeidae Cyprinidae Clupeichthys goniognathus rhizoprionodon acutus tetraodon biocellatus Macrognathus taeniagaster tenualosa toli Cyclocheilichthys lagleri White black White White Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhlarm trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey paloung trey sraka kdamRtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI kM Bt RtI )a: lU g RtI Rskakþ am RtI qø am RtI x¢ w gClupeidae Carcharhinidae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Clupeidae CyprinidaeClupeichthys goniognathus rhizoprionodon acutus tetraodon biocellatus Macrognathus taeniagaster tenualosa toli Cyclocheilichthys lagleriWhite black WhiteWhite Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhma trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey pase ee trey sraka kdam RtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI kM M M Bt RtI )a: sI u GI i u RtI Rskakþ am RtI qµ a RtI x¢ w g Clupeidae Engraulidae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Clupeichthys aesarnensis setipinna melanochir Carinotetraodon lorteti Macrognathus maculatus Mekongina erythrospila Cyclocheilichthys armatus White black White black Grey White trey bandol ampeuo trey Chhma trey Kampot trey Khchoeung trey pase ee trey sraka kdamRtI bNþ Ú lGM eBA RtI kM M M Bt RtI )a: sI u GI i u RtI Rskakþ am RtI qµ a RtI x¢ w gClupeidae Engraulidae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae CyprinidaeClupeichthys aesarnensis setipinna melanochir Carinotetraodon lorteti Macrognathus maculatus Mekongina erythrospila Cyclocheilichthys armatusWhite black Whiteblack Grey White trey bandol sok or snok trey Chhmar krapeu trey Kampot trey Khchoeung pkhar trey pava mouk muoy trey sraka kdam RtI bNþ Ú lsu k rW sñ ú k RtI qµ aRkeBI RtI kM M M Bt RtI x¢ w gpá a tI )a: va: mu xmY y RtI Rskakþ am Gyrinocheilidae Engraulidae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Gyrinocheilus aymonieri Lycothrissa crocodilus Auriglobus nefastus Mastacembelus erythrotaenia Labeo erythropterus Cyclocheilichthys apogon White black White White Grey White trey bandol sok or snok trey Chhmar krapeu trey Kampot trey Khchoeung pkhar trey pava mouk muoy trey sraka kdamRtI bNþ Ú lsu k rW sñ ú k RtI qµ aRkeBI RtI kM M M Bt RtI x¢ w gpá a tI )a: va: mu xmY y RtI Rskakþ amGyrinocheilidae Engraulidae tetraodontidae Mastacembelidae Cyprinidae CyprinidaeGyrinocheilus aymonieri Lycothrissa crocodilus Auriglobus nefastus Mastacembelus erythrotaenia Labeo erythropterus Cyclocheilichthys apogonWhite black WhiteWhite Grey White trey bangkouy/Dorng Darv trey bei kam nat or Khla trey Chhpin trey Chhpin trey Kanhchak slar trey Kanhchak slar trey Khchoeung pleung trey Khla trey pava mouk muoy trey stuok or Ka-ek pouk trey ta aon RtI bgÁ Ü y rW dgdav RtI bI kM Nat; rW RtI xø a RtI kBa© ak; sø a RtI kBa© ak; sø a RtI x¢ w gePß I g RtI q< i n RtI q< i n RtI xø a RtI )a: va: mu xmY y rW Ek¥ kBU k Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae toxotidae toxotidae Mastacembelidae Coiidae siluridae RtI sÞ k; RtI taeGan siluridae Luciosoma bleekeri puntius partipentazona hypsibarbus pierrei hypsibarbus malcolmi toxotes microlepis toxotes chatareus Macrognathus circumcinctus Datnioides polota Labeo dyocheilus Wallago leerii ompok hypophthalmus White White black White White Grey White Grey White White White trey bangkouy/Dorng Darv trey bei kam nat or Khla trey Chhpin trey Chhpin trey Kanhchak slar trey Kanhchak slar trey Khchoeung pleung trey Khla trey pava mouk muoy trey stuok or Ka-ek pouk trey ta aonRtI bgÁ Ü y rW dgdav RtI bI kM Nat; rW RtI xø a RtI kBa© ak; sø a RtI kBa© ak; sø a RtI x¢ w gePß I g RtI q< i n RtI q< i n RtI xø a RtI )a: va: mu xmY y rW Ek¥ kBU k Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae toxotidae toxotidae Mastacembelidae Coiidae siluridae RtI sÞ k; RtI taeGan siluridaeLuciosoma bleekeri puntius partipentazona hypsibarbus pierrei hypsibarbus malcolmi toxotes microlepis toxotes chatareus Macrognathus circumcinctus Datnioides polota Labeo dyocheilus Wallago leerii ompok hypophthalmusWhite White black White White GreyWhite Grey White White White trey bong Lao trey Chhpin trey Kanhchanhchras thom trey Khla trey phkar char trey tanel RtI bu gLav RtI kBa© aj; Rcas; FM RtI pá acar RtI taenl RtI q< i n RtI xø a pangasiidae Cyprinidae Ambassidae Datnioididae Cyprinidae bagridae pangasius krempfi hypsibarbus lagleri parambassis apogonoides Datnioides undecimradiatus Cirrhinus jullieni hemibagrus filamentus White White Grey White Grey White trey bong Lao trey Chhpin trey Kanhchanhchras thom trey Khla trey phkar char trey tanelRtI bu gLav RtI kBa© aj; Rcas; FM RtI pá acar RtI taenl RtI q< i n RtI xø apangasiidae Cyprinidae Ambassidae Datnioididae Cyprinidae bagridaepangasius krempfi hypsibarbus lagleri parambassis apogonoides Datnioides undecimradiatus Cirrhinus jullieni hemibagrus filamentusWhite White GreyWhite Grey White trey Changva trey Chhpin krohorm trey Kanhchanhchras torch trey Khla trey phkar ko trey tra sork RtI cgV a q< i nRkhm RtI kBa© aj; Rcas; tU c RtI xø a RtI pá aK RtI Rtsk; Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ambassidae Datnioididae Cyprinidae Cyprinidae rasbota pauciperforata hypsibarbus wetmorei parambassis siamensis Datnioides pulcher Cirrhinus molitorella probarbus jullieni Grey black White black Grey White trey Changva trey Chhpin krohorm trey Kanhchanhchras torch trey Khla trey phkar ko trey tra sorkRtI cgV a q< i nRkhm RtI kBa© aj; Rcas; tU c RtI xø a RtI pá aK RtI Rtsk;Cyprinidae Cyprinidae Ambassidae Datnioididae Cyprinidae Cyprinidaerasbota pauciperforata hypsibarbus wetmorei parambassis siamensis Datnioides pulcher Cirrhinus molitorella probarbus jullieniGrey black Whiteblack Grey White trey Changva trey Chhpin prak trey Kanhchos trey Khla trey phtoung trey tra sork sor RtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI q< i nR)ak; RtI kBa© ú H RtI xø a RtI epÞ ag RtI Rtsk; s Cyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae Datnioididae belonidae Cyprinidae rasbora paucisqualis barbonymus gonionotus Mystus micracanthus Datnioides microlepis xenentodon cancila probarbus labeamajor Grey Grey White black Grey Grey trey Changva trey Chhpin prak trey Kanhchos trey Khla trey phtoung trey tra sork sorRtI cgV aqñ Ú t RtI q< i nR)ak; RtI kBa© ú H RtI xø a RtI epÞ ag RtI Rtsk; sCyprinidae Cyprinidae bagridae Datnioididae belonidae Cyprinidaerasbora paucisqualis barbonymus gonionotus Mystus micracanthus Datnioides microlepis xenentodon cancila probarbus labeamajorGrey Grey Whiteblack Grey Grey trey Changva trey Chlounh trey Kanhchos bai trey Khlang hay trey phtoung RtI cgV a RtI kBa© ú H)ay RtI kø aM ghay RtI qø Ú j RtI epÞ ag Cyprinidae Mastacembelidae bagridae siluridae hemiramphidae rasbora myersi Macrognathus siamensis Mystus albolineatus belodontichthys dinema hyporhamphus limbatus black Grey black Grey Grey trey Changva trey Chlounh trey Kanhchos bai trey Khlang hay trey phtoungRtI cgV a RtI kBa© ú H)ay RtI kø aM ghay RtI qø Ú j RtI epÞ agCyprinidae Mastacembelidae bagridae siluridae hemiramphidaerasbora myersi Macrognathus siamensis Mystus albolineatus belodontichthys dinema hyporhamphus limbatusblack Greyblack Grey Grey trey Khman RtI xµ an; Cyprinidae hampala macrolepidota Grey trey KhmanRtI xµ an;Cyprinidaehampala macrolepidotaGrey "}],"sieverID":"864b6ce5-8022-4c31-afca-cd16d19bd323","abstract":"DIsCLAIMEr: \"this document has been produced with the financial assistance of IfAD and the European Union. the views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of IfAD and the European Union\".International water management Institute sonali senaratna sellamuttu hoanh Chu thai robyn Johnston worldFish centre samonn Mith"} \ No newline at end of file