RSSI_6AP_Experiments: Database Folder + Nexus 4 * The original database: "UpdatedDatabase_24Jan2018_Full.csv" * The general format for csv data file is: X & Y & The list of RSSI X | Y | RSSI Vector * For RNN Training ***************************************** **** Input LSTM ************************* ***************************************** File : Input_Location_RSSI_10points_365k Description: + 365000 random trajectories + Each trajectory has 9 history locations (Use 9 history locations to predict the 10th one) + Each location has 13 features: X,Y & 11 RSSI readings Structure: 117 features (117 columns) X1 | Y1 | 11 RSSI of Location 2 .... X9 | Y9 | 11 RSSI of Location 10 ***************************************** **** Output LSTM ************************* ***************************************** File : Output_Location_RSSI_10points_365k Description: + 365000 random trajectories + 9 locations corresponding to the locations in the input Structure: X2 | Y2 | X3 | Y3 ... X10 | Y10 + Nexus 5