text,cluster communication is not her forte...so don't be surprised if when you get your comment sheet back after the semester is over that she mentiona things that are completely new to you,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I have to say Ernie Rice is helpful, no doubt about it. However, he is authoritarian in class. He confiscated an adult's cell phone. He is really crass, unprofessional, verbally abusive (he will try his best to make you look stupid). He IS very full of himself, his opinion is to be taken as gospel. Overall, not a very likeable person.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This women is a total nut. She is nasty, unclear, and arrogant. She doesnt treat you like an equal, and leaves unprofessional comments in her emails. She is late with grading, and refuses to answer questions without getting mad or making you look stupid. I wouldnt reccomend this professor at all. Im an A student,and I think this lady is an airhead","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "me very hard working student & I take things very serious. She is 2 cold and her way is right way. Her thread discussion is plain useless & WASTE of time 4 every1. I would NOT recommend anyone 2 take her. If I ever have her again in my wildest dream, I swear 2 god me going 2 drop out of her class 4 I breath with the same air as she is. I hate her","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I took him 15 years ago - and my biggest regret was not taking more courses with him. Yes a funny accent and at times goes on a bit - but brilliant, passionate and provoking.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Anyone who says Dr. Baer isn't an awesome prrof obviously didn't care enough to study hard. Dr. Baer is probably the est education professor at Rider. I wish he taught more classes because I would love to take him again.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Has clear expectations of his students, and offers lots of out of class time to help. Does his best to make a difficult class managable and useful, especially to ECON majors.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Ms.Dameron is one of the best teachers that Ive had @ TCC. She is very patient and will work with you. I absoultely HATE math, but Ms. Dameron made the class tolerable. My suggestion would be to take her!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Loved her! She's very passionate about her students and wants you to do good. She knows the material very well. I highly recommend her!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I one of the worst profs I ever encountered. Whether you study hard or not (unfortunately, I've chose the prior option), quizes are incomprehensible, discussions are irrelevant and half of the articles are complete nonsense that aren't worth reading. p.s. Avoid challenging his opinion, he won't like you.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" the proverbial one trick pony. typical never built a thing professor.ask to see his work. its laughable...,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very good lecture class. makes history very interesting. throws in a few jokes.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Wow, what's there to say about Gary that hasn't been said.. He really is all that and more. Best professor I've had in 3 years, not to mention one of the only classes that I looked forward to attending and wished it wasn't over when the lecture ended. SO GREAT!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is very opinionated and arrogant. His ego is through the roof.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Learned alot in her class. When she said what you learn in speech class will help later in life (ie job-related, and just plain communicating with people) she meant it. Didnt care for public speaking before her class, now I wonder what the fuss was about. She made it simple. Great teacher, but tough. Condescending at times, but means well.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I am impressed she can walk carrying that enormous chip on her shoulder. Lighten up!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Fox is an outstanding teacher. He really cares and makes a somewhat difficult subject easy and a lot of fun. I looked forward to going to class every day. I went out of my way to take another class with him next semester.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" much learning from him,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "she was great! I took her for Freshman English II just now would definitely recommend her..I got an A..she was very helpful, met several times and helped me edit my paper. Very reasonable, gave the class an extension on the paper, no complaints. She's pretty funny too! And does online classes..take her :)","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great fun teacher, very very funny makes this class fuN!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Mr. Young is an exceptional teacher. He takes an interest in all of his students and goes out of his way to help you. He really makes math a fun experience. His class is the most social and friendly math class I ever took. Mr. Young gives extra credit opportunities, math handouts, and videos. I would recommend him to any student wanting to succeed.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Hardy is NOT for the faint-at-heart, immature or lazy. He expects you to catch on quickly, and is not going to baby anyone. If you do the work, you should pass. Also, he's not very helpful, so be ready to spend time in the tutoring lab","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is amazing! He knows what he is talking about and is so funny that you want to pay attention and learn.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. Harris is the most intelligent individual I've had the privilege of being in class with. I learned more in Com 450 and Com 225 than any other class. He is extremely friendly and extremely interesting. I enjoyed going to class!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" This was the poorest attempt at organizing a class that I have ever seen! Changed grading criteria with no notice. Sent rude emails that did not answer the question. Didn't know how to use the online system. Bragged about law & PhD school every class.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Concordia needs more profesors like Dr. Maille.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Seriously one of the best teachers I have ever had. Not only does he know communication, he practices all of the lessons in his lectures. I will be watching for other classes he instructs in the future to register for those. Be prepared though; there is lots of homework, but its worth it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Very pompous,concieted and overal I felt like I learned very little from the course.every class he would let students rant on about how each story related to their life-group therapy-esque .gag. I only marginally disliked him until I had medical problems and he accused me of lying to him not being a serious student.seemed like nice guy- but an assh","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "HE is one of the most BORING instructors I've ever had. He just reads the slides and you have to sit for 3 hours and listen. You have to study on your own , he doesn't help much.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" she's great. wants you to succeed. will help you if you ask for extra credit. very good lectures and good study guides. I've followed her for my bio major prereqs. she likes you to be involved in discussion on the topics on the subjects of the day. love the team group testing gives the chance to build up grade. She's best teach ever for psych.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Odette is one of the most amazing professors I've ever had, I absolutely love her. She is so helpful, and everything she teaches is stuff that can be applied to the real world. She is without a doubt one of my favorite people.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Terrible she is not helpful when a student doesn't understand she is very harsh and makes them feel very stupid. Maybe she is better online but I had her for in person but in my opinion she was not a very good teacher. I can say I do not feel like I had a chance to connect with the material because it was not taught very well.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Wasn't really sure about karate at first never took anything like it but this professor gets you through everything you need to know for every part of the semester. Anything you need to see he'll be glad to show you again and gives you all the review in the world for the final.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Really awesome teacher!! You can tell he REALLY loves what he teaches.. Class is pretty easy just do the journals..and you get to use study guides on the tests!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "she doesnt get in the water, she tells u what to do and u do! Dont talk to her unless its necessary.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. Midkiff is one of the most liked and respected professors in the ME department. He regularly assigns homework dealing directly with the material that will be on the test and devotes almost the entire class to working example problems so that you can actually figure them out on your own. His lectures are useful and he has a good sense of humor.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He really loves writing and gets really into talking about it and telling stories! A very interesting and great person to meet! The class is mostly discussion with some creative writing assignments all do at the end of the semester!Take this class if you are interested in learning alot about creative writing and what it means to you!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Crazy Brit,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This class was definitely not what I was expecting for a seminar. Bell is definitely a hard-ass. But if you follow the structure for this class, you should be okay, you'll just **** and moan along the way. You just have to regurgitate his opinions, and if you don't like a film, he doesn't want to hear about it, so keep your mouth shut.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Best professor on campus!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" professor gay is my favorite professor so far at conn.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "for one he is not an english teacher but grades like it, but worse. plus he doesnt even care what you say just that it is his view of grammically correct, so boring and he gets in your face and is very rude to many ppl","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" So confusing because he says he wants you to be creative but then shoots down your ideas. He tells you exactly how he wants it done even though its your art. No real free will in the class. You basically are only learning his style of art.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He's kinda rude if you ask him for help and not sympathetic at all.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "LOVE Dr. Berg. Best Chem teacher ever. Learned and laughed. Tests are challenging, but isn't science? A true gem in the teaching profession.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Presents material clearly and adds witty remarks appropriately. Would def. recommend.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Cynthia is a very good professor. She is very passionate in her work and knows her stuff. If you don't put in the work and don't study you will not do well in this class. She is the one of the best instructors at KVCC.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I LOVED Hal Blythe!! Wonderful professor!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I've taken two classes from him. His is my all-time favorite: enthusiastic, helpful, funny, fair, knowledgeable, etc... Take him soon before he retires completely!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He was an absolute godsend. I took this class with 3 different professors, and he explained better, taught better, and kept the pressure off better than I thought was possible. There's a good reason his classes fill up fast!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Rob Burton has his flaws, but he'll grow on you. His class is great - he always assigns great texts, leads interesting discussions, and the use of informal blogs for homework is fun and engaging. He can be irritable from time to time but I wouldn't take it personally. He's not such a cold fish one-on-one as he seems in class. Recommended.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is not easily frustrated when students ask questions, but she usually explains things really well. Homework is due on test days. Tests are not very hard. She tries to make the lessons fun and interesting. She also gives advice on how to teach lessons in the classroom. I wish I had taken her for 1410! She really wants to see her students succeed","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" sour and not friendly to students. i dont think she likes her job very much.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Good background, interesting speaker.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Other comments posted are bunk. Although he is conservative, he is very respectful of students who offer opposing views. Since con law is convoluted, inconsistent, and contradictory, Wilkins presents it as ""clearly"" it is.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Leatham spends about 90% of the time rantings mostly trashing students and the way we want to learn or are accustomed to do things. He tries so hard to teach in a revolutionary way in terms of getting students to think for themselves. Really though, there is no class structure,his assignments are crap. He was a week late in submitting final grades","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "If you strive to do more than just learn the material you will average out. She is a professor who is passionate, and therefore has high expectations. Prepares you for the real world.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "he is an amazing teacher. i always struggled with math and thought i hated it...he makes me excited about math and it is now my favorite subject! he is one of those teachers you want to stay connected with, THE BEST","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Nice guy. Very excited about class but boring at times.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Hated her at first, I thought she won the teachers lotto and thats why she was allowed to teach, *BUT* she is a sweetheart! and will go out of her way to help you...just be patient!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" BEST PROFESSOR. He is an incredible individual and my favorite at DePaul! Take him!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Vinnie teaches his students that the pursuit of knowledge is not a burden, but a worthy goal. Some find his classes stressful because the learning process is not as painful as they have grown to expect. His lectures are not for the cynics and jaded of heart. Keep your mind open and you will learn more than you thought possible with so much peace.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" the worst teacher at neumann...could not understand her hand writing...not very organized...at one point in the semester she lost my classes papers....can never understand what she is saying...and probably the worst speaking voice of any teacher iv ever had,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" One of the nicest professors you'll ever take. He's totally getting an unfair shake by other raters. Extremely knowledgeable and doesn't rely on prepackaged notes (doesn't read the book to you). Higly recommended,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" terrible. can't teach. Very confusing. I droppped her class,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" AMAZING PROFESSOR...SHE REALLY HELPS YOU SUCCEED AND HER CLASSES ARE VERY INTERESTING!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Colleen Whitley is so awesome! She is such a sweet lady and gives students a very fair chance. She is willing to help you ALWAYS. She changed my opinion about writing and she'll change yours too! Take her college writing class if you are interested in becoming a writer, she'll help you on the way.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "The single greatest teacher on the face of the Earth. The heavens opened up and deposited him in South Jersey of all places. The most important resource that New Jersey has, the east coast for that matter. Check that, the world! If you prick him he does not bleed, he is a demi-god of history.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" best prof ever.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I loved Charelsworth. He is really funny and his topics are intresting, they are easy to follow if you pay attention. He had a few fun feild trips where we got to go and look at the sky and you could get extra credit just by watching a space video! I loved the class. Plus the book is really cheap because he made it, I think it was $15.00","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "The best professor I have ever taken. He is funny, knows his subject. If you want to get a nice grade, you have to take him if you get a chance. He is the best.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Worked with her on contract and found her to be extremely knowledgable. She opened my eyes to the atrocities happening in todays world and helped me find new ways to reach my students. She is a wonderful woman and a joy to work with.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very good teacher!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She's a great teacher and knows her way around a piano. You will need to practice if you want a good grade.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is a good helper when you ask her any questions. She spend a lot of time explaining any math problems that you do not understand (if you come to her office). She requires a lot of work from you. Overall, she's great.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "A BORING teacher, believe me, with absolutely no gift to teach anything. He is one of the worst teacher ever and can even makes the most interesting subject into a thing you wouldn't hear about anymore. By the way, he is a specialist at giving you critical information at the last moment (like the place of an exam 2 hours before it)","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Ron Cameron is the most amazing professor I've ever had. He is an incredible lecturer, and he is one of the leading experts in his field. He runs around the room, acts things out - you can tell he's extremely passionate about what he's teaching. He's also hilarious! Be sure to take a class with hime while at Wesleyan!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Maybe a little scary at times, but he really is helpful and a nice guy when it comes down to it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Worst teacher ever. i swear every time I walked into that class my IQ dropped. The teacher is late all the time except when there' a test being given. Complicates the lesson DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO TEACH. And don't bother asking questions. she just laughs and makes you keep guessing before telling you the answer and wastes half the class time doing so,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" he is the best professor i have ever taken beware he is a tough grader and makes you work hard but he is easy to understand he cares for students as long as you care incorporates hip hop into his lessons sometimes which is cool we watched breaking bad in his class he teaches you everything he changed the way i think he changed my life,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He's the best professor! I wouldn't miss his class ever. I like his stories. He knows so much about east asia... I highly recommend this class...,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great teacher. Not for the faint of heart, he can be abrasively constructive in his criticism. We wrote briefly every class. As long as you put forth effort he was willing to help. Pretty funny guy and his assignments are straight forward no bull. I'm sure he hates me for my Nuclear Fission paper but TOO BAD. I hope he sees I said that too.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This class was one of the worst experiences I have ever had. Terry likes to offend his students and throw temper-tantrums. Maybe for art students his class might be more enjoyable; he certainly is passionate about what he is teaching. However, he likes to act like an english professor. Be expected to take just as many english quizzes as art quizzes","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He's all over the place, you leave most classes feeling like you didn't learn anything at all. Since attendance isn't mandatory it makes you not want to waste your time and stay home, he's nice though so not a tough grader.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Teague SUCKS. Made me feel uncomfortable in every single class and there were days i wouldnt even go b/c i couldnt put up with her. Forces you to participate, treats u like a 3rd grader, papers are grammer and citations not material. Study guides did not help at all, very vague. Thinks all students have memorized every word from text. Avoid Teague.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" he was hard and picked favorites. DO NOT GET ON HIS BAD SIDE!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" BEST finance professor ever!! He knows his work and teaches it with a passion. He's funny and really cares about his students. He sometimes brings donuts to class!! Highly recommend him!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Frank Foster is a great professor. He is very knowledgable. It's nice to be taught by someone who is in the business field!! Would recommend him!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Prof souriante, toujours de bonne humeur et prête à donner de l'aide (en personne ou par courriel). Dommage que le cours soit aussi peu utile, les séances de TP sont bien plus productives (on apprend toutefois bien plus par soi-même qu'avec les chargés de lab trop peu disponibles).","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great guy, really into what he teaches. He actually used ecollege (unlike other professors). Highly recommend him for any class he teaches.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great teacher!! Math is one of those subjects I hate the most, but prof. Burns helped me understand it in matters of minutes made it much more simpler. Thanks professor Burns.!! We need more professors like you. :)","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very sweet teacher. I like her. Lots of class discussion,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Karpinski is by far one of the best professors at DePaul University. Every time I left his class, he helped me look at the world from a completely different perspective. He is extremely understanding and is always there to help out. Simply put, every professor should be like him. You will miss out if you don't take this class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Very sweet old man, intelligent too, but is difficult to understand without following along in the book. Reasonable homework requirements and tests that relate directly to lessons and homework. You don't have to stay the entire class time, if you're willing to put in the effort to learn outside of class. open note tests!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" One of the best psych professors at Smith. He is organized and engaged and always willing to meet with students. His lectures and assignments are clear and organized so it is easy to study for his exams. I never wanted to miss a class!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Incredible teacher of post-colonial literary criticism!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Class was kinda tough (higher level engineering math), but he did pretty well teaching it...uses a lot of his own problems for homework, does some things that aren't in the book. Great guy, makes jokes all class; he really gets into what he's teaching, which helps with learning (even if you don't really understand it)","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Brilliant. A deep thinker and a poet. I was honoured to have studied with him.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He's SUPER funny and that makes the class fun.He's very clear when he talks MATH, but sometimes it's hard to understand him when he's speaking plain English. I hate boring math teachers and he's not even close to being boring!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "hes really funny and cool, I would love to take him again","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Ms Ablarde is the most kindhearted, hilarios and helpful teacher I have ever had. She has made school very interesting and makes me want to go. Her refrences to the Simpsons have made class more livly and fun. Ms Ablarde helps her students even on her own time if they are having troble understanding the matirial. I think she is awesome!!! :D","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Madden is a funny guy and I found his class somewhat interesting/entertaining. The tests were moderate and the only other assignments were to read 3 novels throughout the semester and do a book analysis on each which weren't hard. My TA was good too. Attendance not required.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Definitely a good teacher.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is very helpful and is willing to give his time to you. He also lets class decide if they want to be there or not at times,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Only college class i was sad to see end. Cardozo has a huge heart and loves connecting with her students and being able to believe in their abilities. She's inspirational and centered. If you have a chance to take a course taught by her and its a smaller classroom, you will benefit greatly.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is incredibly boring. We cannot pay attention in class because he can't keep it. We spend most of our time making fun of his receding hairline.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Test day is a nightmare. She is very concerned with making sure it is done 100% correct, which is fine, but she can come across as very rude about it. She touched my arm and lifted my sleeve to look for a watch. The tests weren't that bad honestly. The paper was more difficult for me. She is very specific about APA format, so be careful with that.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Allard is very funny and very engaging! Even as a hard marker, he cares about his students and is very helpful. Everything you would want in a professor is in Dr. Allard. He is not only good at teaching, but also good at communicating what he wants from students. His marking is difficult, but very challenging and helps students learn and grow.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "One of the most amazing people I've evert met. So ENTHUSIASTIC about what he is teaching and loves/knows his stuff. Look forward to Gospel Choir every Wednesday, can't beleive we actually get credit for this class...I would take it no matter what!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He's the absolute worse. Would not recommend taking. I know I won't think twice about taking him. He's very ignorant, rude and the worse. If you have the option to take him, DON'T","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "What a jerk! How did he get his degree? Where is it from, Wal-Mart? This man is a FOOL!!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" One of the best on campus!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Going in for office hours is very helpful. She is a very friendly professor, and enthusiastic about biology. In depth analysis of the chemistry involved in biology. Occassional extra credit pop quizzes. Highly recommended.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "very nice man, although the lecture is some what boring however he explains very well; easy to understand his lectures and he's been very helpful; best prof i've seen @ UW","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Really good professor, lots of reading to do and its a heavily lecture based class but he tries really hard to relate to his students and makes you laugh a little too. overall good guy","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "One of the greatest professors you'll ever have. I took Ancient World with him, a class that I wasn't particularly interested in, but he made it relevant and interesting. I would've loved a higher grade but I don't regret taking it b/c he's an awesome person to know (Dean of Arts & Sciences) and REALLY cares about his students. Take his class!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Lecker is someone who clearly knows what he is talking about from a professor's point of view. If you are not an English major you will find yourself being utterly confused and frustrated in this class. He isn't very approachable nor does he try to aid the student's understanding. When it comes to exams he is very vague.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is awesome! Keep good notes and try to understand - you'll be fine. This teacher will give examples related to real life, so that the ""science"" part sticks better. I wish I had this teacher for all my classes.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" If you're into bio this is the guy for you. His lectures are a bit dry but he is really enthused about what he teaches. had him for my first college semester and he's one of the best.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Classes are very boring and she is not very nice if you have to miss her class. She was very rude to me and was not understandable at all. I would not recommend her.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Professor Wernli is an awesome teacher who really knows his stuff. Don't believe what others tell you, he is the best non-sci biology teacher at SAC. No biology class is going to be easy. If you blow off the class you will fail, but I took 14 hours this semester and have an A in his class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very open-minded and articulate. He'll be there for you when you need it.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I have to agree with everyone else here - Todd is the best teacher I have ever had. He's a really quirky and hilarious. His higher-level courses are difficult, but if you make a real attempt at understanding the content he is decently lenient with grading. If you EVER have a chance to take a class with him, DO IT. Great advisor and mentor too.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He was definitely one of my favorite professors! He was funny and kept your attention all through the class. Although attendance is not mandatory, it is best to be there! He covers a lot of info. class that makes it easier when reading the book. It is a bit of challenge, but not too bad!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Professor Allen is a very good teacher! I had a 2 hour class with him and he keeps it entertaining. He's an easy grader, he genuinely cares and will teach you how to do certain things before you do an assignment. I would take him again in a heartbeat if I can!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Great teacher. Dude knows a lot of stuff. Very technical course but he makes it interesting. Looking forward to later in the semester when we can be a bit more creative. He's very helpful. I was not getting a lot of the HTML stuff and he came in late on a Friday afternoon to spend an hour and a half to help and I finally got it. Not too many teache,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is hilarious, but a tough grader. if you go to office hours he would be gladly to help. Overall just a great person to talk to.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Fabulous professor! He will do anything to ensure you understand whats going on. He has an amazing sense of humor, yet is passionate about what he does. I suggest taking as many courses with him as you can.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "First things first. I am not a lazy student and I do all my work. However, this professor is something else. He belittles you if you ask a question. He's very rude and curses all the time. He doesn't even teach all he does is show videos and talk about irrelevant things in class. Would never take again or would not recommend!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Wonderful prof. I didn't plan to continue on with spanish after I fulfilled my requirements, but she inspired me to do that. She's very helpful and is always helping plan very cool activities.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Far and away the worst teacher I have ever had!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Amazing teacher overall, there's 6 required assignments throughout the semester. Three in class essays and three home research papers. Overall he was an outstanding teacher, would definitely recommend.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Ruben likes to talk. A lot. But thats ok as long as you're interested in the History Of Design And Architecture. Overall I'd say he's cool.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She only does the easy problems on the board & when u get the worksheet u don't know what to do. The test r harder than anything she teaches. She closes her eyes when she lectures and has an attitude sometimes. She's also very impersonal. Don't take her class 'cause u will fail. She makes her assistant wait outside till the end of class like a dog.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Hate science, he made me love it. Very interesting class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Le prof est sympathique et aidant (hors-classe), mais son cours est assez disparate! En effet, essayer de suivre le fil de son discours est très difficile... Il ne suit pas vraiment le plan de cours et semble toujours avoir une anecdote hors-sujet à dire. Mais à la base, le cours est facile: Faite vos lectures et surtout les exos de la semaine!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Best instructor ever. I LOVED his biker gangs class... He knows his stuff. Got me really interested in this stuff,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Class is very easy, just show up and do the reading. Dr. Cross is not so fun though, I don't think she ever learned how to smile","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She's very sexy in her own unique way. I'd love to date her.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" This woman is the reason I finish college!!!! Wish they were all like her.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Critelli is an AMAZING Professor! He makes you think outside of the box and challenges you to be out of your comfort zone. There's a reason he says things so don't think he's entertaining you. Take good notes and read the text to do well in the class. Make sure to go to his office hours, he will help you out! I wish he taught more classes.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" hot accent,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. Rahimzadeh is by far my favorite professor. He is so helpful and tries to connect with each student. I have been to his office multiple times and he always encourages me and tells me what to do to get better with my work. He also keeps his lectures interesting and makes the entire class laugh constantly. I would recommend taking him.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Andrew Katz is a saint. He is hands down Denison's greatest asset and greatest professor. Do yourself a favor and take one of his classes. He'll make the subject matter more interesting than you ever thought possible. Sometimes you're a nut, sometimes your not. Cheers to you, Andy.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "can i say great and best professor? best chem professor ever! always helping you out, explains everything as many times as you need, he makes sure you learn it. Amazing.... if any questions, go to office hours, he will definitely help you out, even if he is busy, he'll take some time to help you. AWESOME!!!!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Brilliant man, absolutely one of the best EKU has to offer. Take a class with him if you can, you won't regret it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "probably the most irreverent teacher you'll have. he can be a little dull at times, but mostly he's very fun and helpful. due dates are by no means set in stone and he will actually give you youre paper topics. an easy b, hard a.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Take her class! She actually cares about her students and wants to help them as much as possible:),"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Wow! This guy is a genious! For real though...check out his work or google him...he really knows what he teaches but yeah he's a great teacher! A lot of learning going on and he gives great ideas and tips...take him!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" One of the best professor i ever had to learn from.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Snider is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He's pretty funny, and he learns your name very quickly. The work is not very hard, and he gives you a lot of extra assignments to make up for less than desirable quiz/exam grades.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I like this teacher. She really wants her students to understand the math.She is extremely helpful. I dislike math very much but she got me through it. I was very bored most of the time however, but that is not her fault just the math.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" amazing. really clear. funny!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "very nice guy, but also very awkward. seems almost too smart for his own good. for being big on public speaking and whatnot he's not too good with the whole social skills stuff himself. not too hard though, and can be fairly interesting at time.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Nike is a real gem, and she cares very much about her students. She is sometimes a bit difficult to communicate with during classes, but she's absolutely hilarious, and a little patience goes a long a way.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is a great teacher! I enjoyed going to class and listening to what he had to say. He is an easy teacher if you do the work.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Nice instructor, will answer texts if you have questions about assignment. Grades based on 4 papers and journal entries. Does not require textbook, but will print out short passages for you to read. Lectures tend to be long, but she seems to care that you do well and provides you with useful feedback. Fair grader and opportunity for extra credit.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Well organized. Knows his stuff. Show up for call on time and hand in homework when it is due. Don't let his classroom personna fool you, he really a nice guy who cares a lot for hthe student.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Great teacher to take. Talks about the importance of effort and learning with passion. Love to take another class with her.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" extremely immature,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great Teacher-loves typography, makes the class fun and environment friendly.Would take any class from her again!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "okay so this was one of the most boring classes i have ever had. She has this monotonous voice that drains the life out of you. she simply reads off her notes and looks up once in a while. yes her exams are hard, but that's not the problem. it's the unstimulating lectures that kills the fun out of english class. dreadful class. AVOID.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Shes a very nice lady who likes to crack some semi-funny jokes. She is not a tough grader and is always willing to help, especially if you go to office hours. Class just consists of peer reviews which is fairly simple.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Professor Patierno is easily one of the best professors I've ever had. He's helpful, kind, polite, and extremely knowledgeable. All of his tests are made up directly from his notes, so as long as you show up to class every day and study your notes, you'll get an A. I highly recommend taking one of his classes -- you'll have fun and learn a lot.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Worst prof ever, he doesnt care about his students lives. I sometime question his true intentions","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I took her 7 week course, and to be honest, I was scared out of my mind on my first day with her. She's tough but she definitely knows what she's talking about. This was my second time in the course. The first time I withdrawled because I was failing, and the second time around I got an A! I recommend her for sure.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Colasurdo is a great professor. He welcomes discussions and is knowledgeable about the subject. Even though I think Sociology is BS he made it tolerable for me. He's real easy to get along with. Easy A.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is a great teacher! His teaching methods are awesome and he will help you out a lot if you are interested in a health major! I would definitely recommend him :),"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Intelligent, organized, has a contageous enthusiasm. Somehow makes difficult or boring concepts approachable & interesting. Will review concepts right before quizzes when students are confused. Straightforward testing, but a bit of a stickler on writing/proofs. Student-friendly grading points system.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Margarita is great, very helpful and friendly, and makes class enjoyable.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She was a good teacher. You can ask lots of questions. Sometimes she's a little unorganizd but she is very helpful. I'd take her again.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She is not very friendly. Phyllis seems to be unhappy all the time but I was never sure what the problem was. I would NEVER take another course with this lady.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Take this class! Bryan is the man! Do the reading and the assignments and study for midterm and final and you'll be fine. 1st half is linguistics, which might be difficult for some, but he explains it well. Work on your language creation project throughout the semester. Great class! I loved class discussions and he includes everyone. Take it!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very nice and extra helpful. Did fun stuff like improv and lots of movies. Best professor Ive had.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I am glad he was my Capstone professor because I enjoyed his class so much. Most of the class involves group work, so find good partners on the first day. His personality is something you have to be prepared for, as he can be a little abrasive to sensitive people. Sometimes assignment reqs were unclear but he does everything to help you understand.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" By far the best professor I have had. YES-there is a lot of work and YES the class is hard. But he goes above and beyond trying to do what he can to help his students understand. He gives lots of extra credit and help. He has a great way of relating to his students. He is passionate about what he does and his work reflects that.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He's a smart and funny guy. He goes off topic here and there, but he covers all the information he needs. You will actually learn in his class. If you like history you'll like him. The class is pretty much just lecture with 3 midterms. It's not the easiest class that you'll ever take, but it's also a class made for freshmen.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "she is ok as teacher nothing great. i did hate dgoing to class because she is fake. you can tell by the tone of her voice when she speaks its a put on. she also needs to realize that comm is a required course and not everyones major, so comm is not my life. chem is a little more important tan comm to some people.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Do not take her. It will be the best decision you ever make. Class is extremely boring; all she does is sit at her desk and read off her notes. You don't even have to read the 8-9 books she assigns. Her teaching style is inexplicably flawed. Some aspects of this class are useful/interesting, but you will regret taking this class with her.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Loved his class. Has a great sarcastic sense of humor and tells interesting stories. People are just scared to actually STUDY in college..,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Professor Lape is such a sweet lady. She helps you understand the readings the next day you come into class by discussing with everyone. There are not many grades. Attendance does matter to her. There's one group project which could go either way based on the group you choose to be with. The exams are a little rough to study for, but you do well.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is amazing! If you come to class and take the notes the three tests will not be a problem! She does a great job of making this class interesting, she seems very passionate about what she teaches which is a huge plus. You don't wanna listen to professor who doesn't care about what they teach right???","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He's very specific on his grading material and really goes into depth on what should be included in your papers to make page count and write good content. He's very approachable and has a lively attitude, loves his job. Only down side is he doesn't critique papers at all if you're already a good writer. Easy class and great prof overall.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" cool and funny guy; makes class enjoyable,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "For intro level course he was impossible to listen to. I don't know if it was his odd mannerisms or slow, drawn out style but I found it impossible to pay attention in a subject I love. The material in class was less than half of what was on the test, reading the dry text was mandatory.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great teacher. He went off on tangents, but they were great stories, and he was a smart man. i'd definately recommend him","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" AWESOME GUY! sooooooo nice!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This course is a self-discovery course, so you would imagine for it to involve some degree of creativity. She claims to encourage creativity, but the truth is that she puts countless restrictions to what you can do in your work. During lecture, she says the same thing about ten times over, and she leaves little room for actual artistic work. So ugh","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is a good prof who tries to ensure he is making each point with clear. He is hard to approach however, as he always seems busy. Make sure you have questions prepared prior to speaking to him, or he'll treat you like your stupid!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Doctor is the best. Intelligent and informative lectures. Put effort into the class and you'll do fine. Take him.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Terrible teacher, horribly unapproachable, condescending and unsupportive.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Great guy!!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I had Dr. Fonseca for an honors seminar, but he was very helpful and available to the students. He is very quick to email back and was very generous when grading our powerpoint presentations. He may be different as a regular professor, but I was very satisfied with him as an honors seminar instructor.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very nice guy and really cared about his students. He has some really great stories.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Even though i got an A in this class it was a torture to go to every single class. She was so unprepared and unorganized. She was confusing and went on and on about one slide forever. She was hard to understand and so boring. Nice lady but if i had known i would have taken the class with someone else I learned nothing. Terrible professor.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" shes a pretty good teacher. a little boring but easy and she tries so hard to be funny...,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I will acknowledge that he's a fantastic conductor. However, he is lacking as a professor. Perpetually late, and mostly talks about himself, rather than the subject matter.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "What can I say about Robidoux? The guy really has no idea what hes doing. He comes to class incredibly disorganized, and wastes our time teaching useless proofs. He actually has to get the students to point out his mistakes, otherwise the stuff he teaches would be completely wrong.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "BEST PROFESSOR, I loved math class with Mr. Moliassa! He explains the curriculum pretty well and he's always available if you need help, especially if you show him you care about doing well in the course he will do his best to help you. Be prepared to work though. You won't regret taking math class with him.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "very cool guy, he made class interesting and really taught me alot. Good sense of humor and if you have a problem or need extra help, do not hesitate to ask he is totally there to help.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very funny man. He offered alot of great tips on teaching. I would recommend him.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. McFadden is one of the high knowledge teachers I've came across in my college career. She has a passion for teaching the students and genuinely wants you to learn and succeed. She enjoys the topic and you can tell it is her passion. Most of the real world experience she draws from is in healthcare and aviation. One of my favorite NIU professors,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" great intro class. I had a laid back night class with her. Just real pleasant. Nothing crazy. No hitler teaching you. Just a laid back woman who likes to see you be creative. Wasn;t real hard at grading either. Very nice for this class,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" THE WORST PROFESSOR I'VE EVER HAD.I WENT INTO HIS CLASS EXPECTING A LOT BECAUSE OTHER STUDENTS RAVED ABOUT HIM. WHAT A MISTAKE...HE'S ARROGANT AND NAPOLEANIC.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great great professor. She seems cold at first, but she is a very to the point, no crap woman...she is very helpful when you ask questions and is grateful to those who come to class and participate. the class is not easy but shes great","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "At first I was afraid to take her class because of her reputation, but she actually wasn't what all I had expected. She has high expectations for your art work, but that's only to improve you, not criticize you and make you feel like crap. She is open to","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" What kind of promises would a professor make to a student? That's weird... this guy is the best teacher I ever had.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Prof. Sierra is an interesting man; nonetheless, he is pretty awesome. Definitely knows his stuff. Always there for me when I emailed him regarding essays. Show up to every class ON TIME (he hates ppl who are late), complete all 3 essays on time and do your best on the quizzes. Overall, if you can write essays you can get an A. Fun class for sure.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She is definitely a feminist but an all around nice woman.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Ok, he hardly shows up for class. All he does it babble on about politics and hardly mentions anything that we're actually supposed to be talking about. One day he just let everyone out about himself (awkward). I think he enjoyed the 70's WAY too much. Easiest ""A"" anyone will ever get.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Really disengaged prof. He's got high regard for his own ideas, but little time and patience for anyone who disagrees with him. Shows very little interest in student success, and does not make himself (or his TA's) accessible for any kind of assistance outside of lecture. Acts like he doesn't want to be there, and really couldn't care less.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Short Story was great with Colleen. She is really the cat's meow. Class was enriching but not hard. Doing the readings was fun. Two papers, one presentation, one small final...no sweat, but we still learned a ton about literature.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Best teacher I ever had,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Alrighty... Where to start! I guess at the very beginning. The first class or should I say the first three classes were spent on just the syllabus! Seriouslly he read word for word... I forgot we are in college and can't read. Very rude to other instructors, not very computer knowledgeable. Took 2 classes to split class of 60+ in to 8 groups!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. A is an amazing director. He will push you and others in the choir harder than any other director. You will learn how to make near flawless music for the purpose of delivering beautiful texts and messages. A once in a lifetime opportunity to work with a musician of his calibre.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is extreamly nice, she will help you out as much as you need it. if you are failing the class or falling behind it is because you dont pay attention in class or do the homework. she is a great teacher and i'm doing well in the class and i'm not that great at math.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Fine at best. He is disgustingly arrogant. However, if you can get past his ego he is more concerned that you understand statistics overall opposed to just the math behind it, which is good. Some days he can be very boring. Tests are fair and papers (yes papers, quite a few of them) are not terrible at all. Overall not terrible but not enjoyable.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Really nice guy. Not the clearest professor, but a good guy.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Yancy is a very laid back teacher. You'll do well in this course as long as you atleast try.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Professor Amrine is extremely intelligent and is a wealth of knowledge and teaches Imagination with a brilliant structure. If you go into this class with an open mind, you will walk out with new perspectives to view the world from. I never post on online sites, but felt the need to convey how great of a lecturer Professor Amrine is.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Don't ever believe any of his stories. There are all lies. He is the laziest professor ever. Never taking his class again.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "really fun teacher! Takes things a lot more seriously than you'd guess, but it's only because he cares.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Classes are similar, but you learn a lot. Has a lot to bring to the table and very easy to talk to.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I guess you either like him, or you don't. He is a bit full of himself, and he is hard to please. He is really serious. All I have to say is have fun with the practical exam.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" You have no choice coz he teaches all sections and its a basic requirement to enter the nursing program. Pay attention to his lectures coz what he says will be on the test. It is a little difficult though to filter the important information from the lousy jokes he injects in his lectures. He has a tendency to embarass you infront of the class...,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Doc is awesome. The man seems so bland on the surface, but every once in a while, he'll say something that'll just shock you (i.e. ""eat the elephant in small bites"")","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "An awesome teacher who depends on her students too much. If the students don't feel like talking the class will drag on. Very sweet and easy to get along with but the class will drag if you do not participate. Lots of readings, but papers are clear and not too hard.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Really nice guy, but can make things confusing, especially lab reports. Can make class fun though","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Actually the worst professor I've had at Cornell -- I don't care if he is a brilliant researcher. He had no investment in the class, terrible lectures and had no care whatsoever what students took away from his class - truly terrible.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Funny guy, picks favorites, wierd grading style and lecturer...","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Fair is the best professor at this law school. He also truly is interested in students, a rarity at this place (see Singer, Norman, and Brew****er, Bill).","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "The professor teaches in a boring approach. Its all powerpoints. He wants your work to be done EXACTLY how he does it. I like physics, but im not learning despite the hours spent studying. There are only 10 students left in class. He gives out a lot of handouts, which he revises constantly. I do not advice anyone to take him.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr Thielen is a true gem at Pvcc! Took his interpersonal communication class and it was amazing. His lectures are interesting and he wants you to participate. He is very clear and appreciates his students' hard work! Would defedentley take his class again!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Lets just say she is boring. All she does is sit at her desk and read off her notes. The class is based off of attendance, three tests, and two papers. It was so hard not to fall asleep in the class... if you have to take this class, save yourself and do NOT take her","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Grades papers kind of hard. Lots of group work. Such a big class & the students screwed around so much that you could never hear the lecture. At some point, you need to tell the class to quiet down. Some of us were actually there to learn. She was often in her own little world. Doesn't really seem to care about what she ""teaches.""","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This class is basically SMO 201 with a little more description into HR practices. I hate this class with this professor because it provides generalized material with a teach who can not decide on a steadfast and concrete answer. Once you question his analysis, he holds a grudge. Take 311 with someone else.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very rude,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Awful. So ashamed I attend a university that allows this man to teach and waste salary on. His schtick is being wacky and telling stories but this is ridiculous to be listening to in a classroom setting. Avoid at all costs.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Shelly Hancock is one of my favorite instructors here at BCTC. She is so lively and passionate. He classes are almost never boring. Sometimes in her class, I felt as if my older sister was teaching me. She is just so friendly and fair. She gives you a hard time on essays, but that's because she cares about you. She wants you to become your best.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "After taking Spanish-301 with Professor Yager, I took Spanish-331 with him a year later based almost entirely on the fact that he was teaching it. His class is relatively entertaining and he is great at connecting with his students. Genuinely cares about the well-being of his students and understands the students' perspectives.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "One of the best teachers I've had. She is funny, smart, and cheerful. She cares about her students and her job. Her assignments aren't hard and if they are she makes them as clear as can be. I loved her.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I was unsure at first but this clas tured out to be a lot of fun. The professor worked hard at making sure the class got the concepts of teach social studies. However, if you need a lot of structure and organization in your classes this one isn't for you. But, if you like to learn in a more relaxed, free flowing manner, give it a try.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She doesnt like getting up early thats for sure but ive never met anyone with as much energy as her in the morning. Hilarious teacher, a must have for your morning wake up computer class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "DMIT-1508 has a very high fail rate. Shane makes this class awesome and fun. As long as you show up and PAY ATTENTION, you can do very well. I suspect the high fail rate is due to people browsing their Facebook or text messages in class. You're paying for the course, don't waste your chances.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "[Im continuing my review from the one below] The other comments seem ridiculous. Her looks don't matter, it's about how she can help you. If you are not afraid to ask for help take her. She won't push you away. She does have a little tardy issue but that just means you can be a little late yourself. I wish she was teaching 131 this semester!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Has very good knowledge of subject, nice prof.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Best math teacher i have ever had...very clear on every topic is willing to sit with you and help you out...i would def take her again...,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great guy, a bit monotone though. I'd definitely recommend his class","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Best professor at Queen's. Hands down.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is such a great teacher! She literally helps you out with anything you don't get and makes it easier to understand. She gives you all the reviews before exams and finals, they can be hard though if you don't study. Very nice and helpful teacher. Would definitely recommend her!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is very funny. I would take him again.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Horrid experience. Not a fan of reading, and we did a decent amount.. Not the easiest grader. Participation is important, but all that seems to happen is random rants completely off-topic. Pretty boring class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "If everyone is quiet when she asks questions, there will be a surprise quiz. Read even if you don't understand because, if you ask questions, she will keep explaining in differnet ways until you get it. Do not skip the review day before a test. If you don't do well, go to office hours and ask questions. She's nice if she sees you trying.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Explains clearly, gives time to practice examples in class.Very organized and thorough. Expects some prior knowledge, but will walk you through when needed.Do the homework, he gives 100% without checking each answer.Gives study guides for exams. Go to class-he gives test questions when only a few people show up. Funny, knowledgable and passionate.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "i hope he reads this one day and knows that straight up, the guy almost ruined my first year. with all these professors trying to make u feel welcome, here is dr. stewart and his condescending remarks and attitude. not a good person, and not a good teacher. i tried to tell him i was struggling, he couldn't have cared less. a real egomaniac, and jer","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Mr. Stewart is so awesome! He's one of the best professors I've ever taken. He cares, he helps, and he's very interested in his students well-being. He's also fun on TIPA trips!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Kaufman is very easy-going and his open class discussion instead of lecture keeps me awake and involved in class, motivating me to express my opinions and thoughts. If not interested in class discussion though, it can get pretty boring - his voice does have a slight drone to it but he can be funny.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Another fine instructor who also somehow seems to keep the kitchen running. Great knowledge of the industry and the people who run it. And a nice person as well.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Woody seemed very passionate about the subject and I had no doubts about her knowledge level. She was enthusiastic and answered questions well during lecture. She posted the slides online which was very helpful if you ever missed a class. Only thing I didn't like was that lectures were very long and not much interaction with audience.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Cynthia is a very great instructor, she really does her best to get everyone involved! I enjoyed her class very much, but I'm not much of a morning person. So my brain was only half awake! Very sweet lady!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "sarah is a very enthusiastic teacher, and she does let you get your thoughts out, but she really has issues with getting off topic. i get really frustrated with how little we actually end up covering in one class period. i feel that if she could only get her style of teaching more disciplined, she could be great.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "im a little sad to see so few reviews for sparks, he is great, alot of people hate him, with good reason, hes an antagonizer, he has no idea how to do anything other than make you feel something, hes not a teacher,hes a old man sharing all that he knows, and it may or not be alot, but he gets under skin better than a sliver, he does name drop, he d","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Gel is very nice. When coming to class make sure you dress appropriately. She tries to make class fun and pushes you to do your best. Work out and stretches along with combinations of jazz. A few handouts at first that you have to read and respond to but after that you just dance. Hard but worth it.=] Good class. you will definetly learn new things,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" she is kind and understanding and helps you to nuture your skills. she is pretty cool so if you have any problems just talk to her and if you put in th effort you will get a good grade.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I am not a fan of Dr Newhart at all. As interested as she is in philosophy, and as knowlegeable as she is about the subject, she does not know how to express it to her students without giggling a lot at her own jokes. I have to take notes hardcore when she teaches because her lectures do not sink in at all.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" well i must say scanlin is a nice guy. his awesome haircut & wonderful ways with words kept me entertained allll semester long. :),"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Knows what he is talking about (since he is the head of the department). Kind of acts like he is all knowledgeable but you eventually understand that he is just good at what he does. Take him if you want to actually learn something instead of just going through the motions.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" an incredible professor and one of the most intellegent in the entire school.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Prof. Curtis is hilarious. He says ""yo"" a lot XD lol His class is really easy; it consists of papers to write and no tests! And the book that you must buy is really cheap. Overall, his class was hilarious. He is easy going and really cool. Don't be afraid to speak to him and show your personality! Easy grader, highly recommended !!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Ercoli is the BEST! He's so laid back, and free spirited. He really gives you the room to be creative, instead of always trying to change your ideas like other teachers. He has lots of cool books, and can tell you about really cool relevant things...just ask him. Def. take him for Prob. Solving. NOT CLARA","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "let me just say, i took his class last semester, not only was it one of the worst experiences of my life, but even now, one semester later, i still run and hide when i see him on campus. please don't waste your time or your sanity.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She's just a poor teacher, no social etiquette and made me dislike my favorite subject......","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Good Prof, very knowledgable.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Tries her best to make calculus as comprehensible as possible. She's nice.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Awesome teacher. I looked forward to going to his class. He's funny, helpful, and caring. You have four homework assignments (which are just a paragraph each), you need to do a ten minute presentation, you have to read a GOOD book and write a summary about it *thats the final* his class is easy. He's such a nice man. His class is fun!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very helpful! He really understands students and is willing to work with you. One of the best professors I've ever had! Really funny as well!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She's so nice! Such a fascinating class. Easy tests if you study and put forth an effort. I'm an English major, I don't like lit a whole lot, but she made it all very interesting. She's finds the strangest things funny, it's great. Take her for any class!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Vanderhoof is amazing! She understands that most students are taking her class b/c it is a required Gen Ed, so she makes it as simple as possible. She almost NEVER makes you stay for the whole class period. Very kind woman and great professor!!!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" cool professor i liked her style,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" EASY SHE IS VERY HELPFUL AND YOU CAN LEARN A LOT FROM HER I RECOMMEND YOU TAKE HER!!!!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "His books were definetly not mediocre-- Story of a Million Years is breathtaking and The Wolf Girl is really bizzare and fascinating, and plenty of literary critics agreed. I didn't love UVM and transferred out, but just talking to him made school more palatable for me while I was there. I'd take another class with him if I was still there...","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Not only is he easy, but he completely makes you understand the subject. One time my car broke down on the road and he fixed it for me. Knows his way through Windows and Linux systems. Incredible memory of C++ programming and data structures. Asset!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "very nice man but horrible teacher. Comes late, won't look over work, and is completely deaf. You have to repeat yourself a billion times, and then he still doesn't hear you and tells you to speak up? Imagine how much fun taking attendence was.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Does an excellent job of explaining concepts, is approachable and is always very clear about what she wants done on assignments. Also knows how to pick good TAs! Awesome prof, awesome class :D","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Professor Young is amazing! I have always had a hard time with algebra, I made a C in pre algebra even! I dropped college algebra three times before finding professor Young. He speaks math to where I can actually understand it. Couldn't find a better math teacher!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "If you love literature, you'll enjoy his class. His lectures are relevant to the poems/stories that we read in class.You need your book to follow his discussions. And if you want to do well on the final, come to class because his key points on every poem/story is necessary to do well on test. Essays are easy and he will help you when you need it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She was very caring and enjoyable to be around. You'll be doing class time partially online each week through the series of videos she provides. Some are pretty silly, you'll for sure crack a smile. Each project is challenging in its own way but be wary of going too big with your ideas, it's all very time sensitive.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Excellent poet and critic. Enjoyed his East coast insights. Is married to a fabulous graphic artist and is proud of his family's accomplishments. He makes his classes relative to what is happening in the world at large. Very erudite and knows his stuff. Loved his class.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "AMAZING PROF! Her course was informative and fun! She is very clear with the requirements of the course and what is expected. She incorporates videos, discussions, visuals in her lecture. Class just flew by. Just do your work, attend class, and you'll do great! She is also very helpful with the final essay. Ask her for help and she's there!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Kwag was a nightmare! You could not understand him and he is not interested in helping the students. The worst that SHA has to offer. It is a shame the dean uses him as a showcase professor.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Simply horrible. Pedantic and narrow-minded. Dull, dull, dull. Love phil, and would've majored but for this ludicrous clown. And definitely NOT hot.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I really liked professor Iftode. At first I was on the fence about her, but as time went on, she really grew on me. The class is a little challenging, but if you ask her questions, she will always talk you through your confusion. She's really sweet and a fairly easy grader. Participation definitely makes a difference too.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Prof. Caravanos teaches an engaging course, making the material fun and accessible.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Ms. Laidlaw was an amazing professor. She's very energetic and sarcastic but, the class was def worth taking. She made the class fun. If you dont understand, you need to ask for help and she will give you a more in depth answer. Some of the speehes were a little cheesy but in the long run they help with being able to speak in public. Tests=easy!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He starts out as a good prof, but as the semester progressed he got cranky and grouchy. The class seemed really pointless becasue we ended up watching a ton of movies. I would not reccoment taking a class from him if you can help it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is the best professor I have had, yet.If you can get her go for it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I am being very honest and speak with concern. He is showing symptoms of senility. He forgets things he has said 10-20 minutes ago. 30 kids show up and 25 leave within the first hour. Last week it was just me and 1 other dude in class left at the end of the lecture. I don't leave because I genuinely feel bad and surprised that he doesn't notice.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I know I'm in the minority, but I liked her. She's is very knowledgeable and friendly. In the beginning, I didn't care for her, but she grew on me. In the end, I realized I learned a lot. She tells you exactly what to expect on exams. Very willing to meet with students.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "really easy and friendly teacher. students take advantage of him all the time, but there is no way you will NOT pass the class. He doesnt require you to be better but he will know who you are and your name by the second class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She reminds me of Chris Rock. Her crude humor will keep you on the edge of your seat wondering what she will say next? This class is everything you wanted your tenth grade health class to be like. Very easy B if you show up. You might not like her if you are easily offended or are uber sensative.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "HIS FAVORITE WORD IS ""CRAP"" WHICH IS KOOL","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. Sinning is wonderful. 1) she cares 2) read the notes & you're golden 3) MUST attend class to take notes 4) DO NOT buy the textbook.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Pretty good assignments, the course is laid out well. Crits are kind of unhelpful and sometimes don't make sense. She is extremely nice, however, and is very lenient with project restrictions/requirements/materials. Definitely a good introduction to 3D. Have fun, it's hard to go wrong if you put time and thought into your work.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Sue Sipple is is witty, humorous, and easy to talk to. She is understanding if you have a good reason to turn in an assignment late. She makes everything clear. I would recommend her to anyone interested in actually learning something new.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "A wonderful teacher. Shes always willing to go out of her way to help whether its on a one to one basis or in a group. Her teaching style is different, but she manages to get you to think independently and question ideas rather than just mindlessly recalling stuff from memorization. Take her class, its worth the work.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Jerome Taylor is the worst teacher I have ever had for the following reasons: 1. he comes ten minutes late to every class, 2. he talks in a incomprehensible monotone voice so its impossible to stay awake in class, 3.he is extremely disorganized, 4. he missed the final, forcing us to take an incomplete grade & take the final next semester.DONT TAKE","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This lady has a huge ego problem. She doesnt respond to emails when you have a question, and when she does get around to them, she treats you as if you are an idiot. I have never been treated so poorly by a teacher in my life. Honestly, don't take this class, because if you get on her bad side, she will be bias. Worst professor at NCC period.......","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Boring. Can't Teach. Hasn't mastered material.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Heb is attrative, but still the wild child of the business dept. He is hilarious.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" This is the WORST teacher I have ever had in my life and if you have her I would suggest dropping it immediately. She is the most miserable women I have ever met. She talks down to all her students and if you ask her a question she will either laugh at you or embarrass you in front of the class. I hope Columbus State will get rid of her soon!!!!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "At first, he may seem a bit confusing, but give him time. He is truely one of the most caring and understanding individuals I've ever met. One of OSU's best!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "i had rose for the second semester in a row. last semester i did alright, but i found his presentations recycled for this class which was helpful. he was always around for extra help and he wrote RIGHT back for emails. seriously. reading and homework is extensive, but you only meet once a week. very useful. kind and funny! take him if you can :)","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is absolutely borring!!! I had him for forensic psych and he is borring and hard. Plus he is a weird professor. I DO NOT recommend him!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. Frank is a great professor! His lectures tend to be on the boring side but he tries to make it entertaining by throwing in jokes. Tests are easy if you REALLY study the study guides. Always willing to help and work around your schedule. Always writes nice comments and smiley faces on exams if you do well! He's great!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great teacher, knows his stuff and knows how to teach. People who complain are the ones who did not try and were playing games on their laptops in class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Todd is the best professor i've ever had (like many other students here). I honestly believe he is a complete genius. His lectures are absurdly interesting (and laugh-out-loud hilarious), his assignments are relevant and reasonable, and his ability to relate complex information is unparalleled. Todd has changed my life and i couldn't be happier","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Look past his bully act and you'll find someone who's remarkably intelligent and genuinely caring. Think rationally, keep your emotions in check, open your mind and put serious thought into the things that Bob says and you will benefit tremendously from him. Only those who put true and honest effort into their studies succeed with Bob.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I LOVE Dr. Lynn!He really seems to care when he helps. He'll sit and explain something to you a million times if he has to! He relates stuff to everday college things. Great man! By far one of the best teachers I've ever had!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Rick is an awesome instructor! I am about to take my third class from him. If you are easily offended or want someone to reassure you all the time, he not the teacher for you. Rick will give you the easy A but if you want to learn he has a lot to teach you! Go to the first day and you will know if you are going to enjoy his class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is awesome. ALEKS is obnxious but all Math310s have to do it. He gives quiz outlines, explains everything, is clear....it's a very simple subject as well - especially if you're into Math. He is flexible and approachable. He didn't make any students feel dumb like I would have....EASY A.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She's knows her stuff but I did not enjoy having her as my professor. She is rude. I could have made a better grade if I had known how to study. The questions in the back of the Fundamentals of Nursing book were helpful but you do best by studying the powerpoints. 1st test was mainly over the syllabus... Be sure to study.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I believe that he may be a great architect but as a teacher, it needs a lot of work, because I had trouble in that class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Pratt is great. He's one of those teachers who you can just feel enjoy teaching. You never feel intimidated to ask a question and he never gives you attitude for asking questions in person as opposed to in front of the class.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is clearly over her head and has no idea what she doing. She talks to hear herself be friendly, has no true industry in-site that does not come out of a book. She plays favorites, and is straight up two faced. Never take courses or the gaming degree from this school.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" got me into math...got me into calc...got me into WPI...best math tacher ever.....and he's a physicist not a mathmatician...I love it,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She explains every thing really well and is extremely sweet with her students, makes sure they understand everything before moving on to another subject. The class is interesting but she makes it even more fun (that is, if you like math). She is truly an amazing teacher, she made my first semester much easier.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. E is absolutely one of the best professors on campus. She knows more about Spanish than any professors I've had, and does her absolute best to help you learn everything you can. She integrates the language with the cultural experience and encourages students to expand their world, and to have fun while doing so.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "The guy obviously knows and loves this material..but as a person, he was just annoying and not funny. But overall, it's possible to do well. Just study...alot....","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" very ignorant and arrogant...made my life miserable!!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I just loved her, the best professor I ever had. She has so much enthusiasm and created such a pleasant environment. She even hosted a party at the end of the year for our class. The very best at STU!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This professor is one of CSM's finest. She works with her students so they understand the material. She goes out of her way to give students feedback about their work. She KNOWS what she is talking about when teaching class, even without the text. I learned a lot from her. I'm a better writer because of her.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Evergates. While gentle of voice and speech, he packs a punch! Very entertaining, very informative. Loved the narrative style of his lecturing! Speaking as a non-traditional student, I think he is one of the most respectful and decent professors on campus.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Would definately recommend him to anyone. HE really tries to ****off the class and you learn so much.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She is the sweetest woman who really understands her students and gets that not everyone is interested in sociology but has to take it to graduate. She's easy going and she will work with you as long as you communicate with her. She knows her stuff and she explains it well. She has her own ideas but genuinely hears her students out. Take her!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Brooks is not a good professor. He lectures very heavy and if you don't pay attention you won't pass. Tends to make fun of students and can be funny at times but other times he takes his jokes too far to the point where he is very disrespectful. He will not change the way he teaches the course so don't bother taking him for biodiversity,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" A Kindergarten teacher with a profesor's badge,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Travisano was and I presume still is second to none.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Freddy knows how to run a laid back yet thought provoking class. He explains theories and hypothetical situatins with great clarity and humor. Tests are a bit hard but assignments are rare except for reading. This class, or any with Kauf for that matter is worth taking, whatever your major is.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "TONS of readings! And she often goes off on random rants about life. This quarter her favorite lines are ""Don't be Spongebobs! Or Walking Dead!"" Sometimes going to lecture is totally useless. But then there are other times when she is focused and actually explains/clarifies the readings.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He's very intelligent and knows what he's talking about because he's done fieldwork in the past. He's sort of intimidating but friendly if you talk to him one on one.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Woody genuinely cares if students are learning or not. This class was so interesting and really broadened my interest not only in philosophy but also in the performing arts, she also gives great essay feedback. I feel lucky to have been able to learn with her and would highly recommend her to anyone who wants a teacher who genuinely cares.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great teacher, extremely supportive, made me excited to become a teacher.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great guy. Understands that we're college students, and knows it's just a requirement for most of us. I was born and raised a Catholic and learned more about the religion than I have my whole life. Didn't mind being in his class on a Thursday night","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is intelligent and kind. However, the constant powerpoints of the readings got dull. When she didn't rely on them to lecture it was great. She will show you a lot of perspectives and the class is overall incredibly interesting.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Incredible woman with such a large heart and lots of stories. I loved talking to her and miss presence here a lot. She really helps you understand the texts with all of her background information and makes lectures interesting. Hopefully she'll be back in Spring 06.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I had prof. Gilson for a writer's workshop-style class. Being a published author herself she understands how to balance supporting the writer's work while still pushing them outside of their comfort zone to help find their inner voice. If you are serious about your writing & want honest feedback in a creative setting prof. Gilson's class is ideal.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "this guy is great!!! great sense of humor in a class that should have an ""intro to l & c"" class. the reading is very very difficult, but there are certain fundamentals that the good doctor wants you to pick up. if you can grasp that concept, and make sure he gets the study guide to you, then you will have a good time. will take again.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She's like a rent-a-cop on a power trip that takes delight in failing (or hurting GPA) her students. Takes ~1 wk to respond to emails w/vague answers not pertaining to the subject/question. The most useless, unrealistic & worst ""instructor"" I've ever had.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Prof. Barden is hands down one of the most amazing professors I have ever had. His class is interesting and humorous and the exams are very fair! His lab is also very interesting and the most fun lab I have ever had! This class hands down was my favorite class at MCPHS so far. He is a very fair grader and is ALWAYS willing to help his students!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "great prof, very interesting, cute, just love the accent","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Amazing professor that she explain very well and spend whole class time that mean she don't want to waste any minute.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I loved the class because Dr. Wood's stories/experiences were soooo interesting!! She made us all laugh all of the time! She is very flexible and understanding if you are having any personal issues and need to extend an assignments due date by a week. She offered to print extra PowerPoints for us if we needed them.Language Module was unclear though,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Talham went to chemistry seminars around the world, in his absence the TA would take over the course. The TA sucked at lecturing. Talhams lectures are very interesting though. He doesn't use power points. I finished with an 83, which is an A. One Important thing; Use Study Edge as supplement if you wish, not as a learning tool. Understand the notes","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" this is agood instructor--the best one teaching type. the others are dull and boring. u can tell he really cares about and knows type and design. and yeah he's a little hot. kinda strict about getting work done and hates excuses but its usually managable. really learned alot how to work with type and be a good desniger.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I took almost everything that Branch taught @ Guilford College a few years ago. I thought that she was the most thought-provoking, engaging scholar. She was also very approachable and genuinely invested in the success of her students. She inspired and still inspires me to Go Deeper. Novels, articles, & other forms of research were our textbooks.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Unprofessional. Talks down to students. Not helpful. Rude. Lecture material is NOT a good reflection of what will be on the exams. Students and clinical patients complained about her attitude, demeanor, and overall lack of professionalism.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She was an absolutely amazing professor. I really loved her. She just had so much positive energy and such a great attitude. She made me appreciate Theatre. If you have any chance to have her, do it! You won't regret it. Very easy and fun too, I miss her as a professor.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" The Perfect Speech Professor,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Aurora is fantastic! Really cares about our projects and makes an effort to support us towards creating a fantastic final work.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Easy to understand but....could anyone be more cocky?,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Impossible to not like her. Good: Doesn't talk down to students! Bad: Unfortunately, now I want her to teach all my classes. She is very likable and easy to talk to, and while she keeps the student/teacher line drawn, she's more like a friend than a teacher. Bad only because it's hard to not want to have her as a friend! Great person!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Bad teacher. Unclear, seemed to be confused, could not explain worth anything. I learned more from my brother in 30 minutes than I did from her the entire semester. I'd say about half the class dropped.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Has lots of experience.Very approachable. In this field we need a caring side for patients and not just Porfessor side. They both work together. She has it!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Taking writing for the web with Dr. MCT and Ms. Joyce was the best idea ever! She's such a sweetheart. Very helpful and loves to hear your ideas. :-D,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Toth is a fantastic prof. She makes what seems to be a boring subject pretty entertaining. She likes to make jokes and will connect with the students if the put in the effort. Quizzes are fairly simple if you take good notes and skim through the book. Be in class, use good grammer and turn everything in on time and you should get an A.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "In my opinion he doesn't have a good way of teaching. He always quizzes you on grammar. He doesn't show any powerpoint or examples. And most of the time he spends the class time talking about things that aren't even related to anything in class, he always releases you early. He's one of those teachers that seem not to care.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Not a fan of math myself but she explains things in a helpful way.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Loved this class. No nonsense approach to teaching - conveys the critical information and explains its significance and application. Would take Labour Law again with him in heartbeat!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Pretty worthless as a professor,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Really great guy, will go great lengths to help you understand, and truly seems to enjoy teaching. My only gripe is that if you zone out for three seconds, you will be entirely lost in his lectures. Further, his notes are not exactly the best to study from, but I know he means the best.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This was the most boring class I have ever taken at Western. I got the worst grade in this class I have ever gotten in college. He has an interesting sense of humor, but I think he is rude, and it is very impossible to follow his lectures without falling asleep because is voice is monotone. I couldn't go to class without falling asleep.. STAY AWAY!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" """Dr"" Davis my hiney! He's just a Marxist raving lunatic.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Angela is awesome, she makes english to intresting and explains everything is such a manner that everything makes sense!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Mean, unapproachable, unhelpful","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He's an absolutely amazing professor and very fair. Take him if you can! I learned a lot.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He tells you exactly how to get an A, you have to work for it but if you're willing it's right there. He is always willing to talk to you, make accommodations, and really goes out of his way to help a student who asks for it. He says any version of the text book is fine but MAKE SURE YOU GET THE OLD VERSION.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" he is a schmuck/very unhelpful..he knows what he is doing but very negative and wants to scare EVERYone out of the graphic design program!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Kathy is a very laid-back type of professor. Attendance is usually not mandatory as long as you do put in the work. She does have very unorthodox approaches to assignments and projects and the medium in which she bestows it on her students. However, there is method to her madness, and I do feel like I retain info from her classes.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Awesome guy. Lectures aren't really boring, and he does have extensive knowledge about the subjects he teaches. Likes naming sample functions/methods ""foo"" or ""bar"" heh. I recommend him.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Warning: By far the worst online teacher no communication skills, no desire to help","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Wonderful professor. Truly cared that you learn and his efforts show it.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Welp, I had this guy for tutor and surprisingly the words ""Never judge a book by its cover"" comes to mind. Although the tattoos and and mean face may deter you from talking to him, he is actually one of the rare individuals who will talk to students as equals and also JOKES around. Took him in Mr Li's, and Peter if you're reading this. HOLD IT, PJ","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I thought he was a good teacher. He explains stuff really well and is available to help.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Feth was the absolute worst professor I have ever come across at CSCC. She is boring, rude, and has a dry sense of humor. Don't bother asking questions because she refuses to answer anything. Her tests are insanely hard. Her notes rarely ever help with understanding the material. My advice is drop Feth instantly if you see her as your instructor.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" One of the most knowledgeable and caring professors ever!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is awful, you will not understand anything from her lectures. You will only sleep.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "By far, this is the most wonderful teacher i have ever had. He is caring, funny, sweet, helpful, everything. Yes, he may not be clear about some assignments, but he is willing to help out the best he can. This professor puts a smile on my face everyday. I would recomend him to everyone","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "amazing, beautiful person. so caring and passionate about her subject area. more than fair tests, interseting lectures, and always willing to offer extra help! super fun lady! awesome classes.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "These comments accurately describe the class. She does scream at the top of her lungs often, which is annoying considering my class starts at 830 am. She goes off topic way to often, talking about things that have no relevance to the class. Today we were supposed to review for the test, but we ran out of time and weren't able to.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Critelli is the best professor I've ever had. Should I be fortunate enough to achieve some success in life, I'll attribute some of it to Dr. Critelli expanding my horizons. If I could keep him as my professor, I'd change majors.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "AMAZING prof. One of the best I have had in a long time. Tries to connect everything to the students and encourages discussions in class. . Don't really need the textbook because he posts all the topics in his ppt slides, which is great. Readings are dry but if you go to the lectures, you don't have to do the readings, which is great.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I loved professor Root! I had her for body conditioning and she was so nice and amazing. The class works you, and make you feel like you've had a good work out! Root really cares about her job, and her students. I would definitely take again.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She's very popular, and I've never understood why. I found her class tedious and her style annoying. She's also quite arrogant.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I took PSYCH 337 Comm. & Society w/ Prof. Milburn (online). The material he provides is very interesting and I really enjoyed the class. He is extremely responsive if you ask him anything which is great. The class is very straight-forward and what is expected of you is laid out clearly. The work load is fair, & if you do the work you will do well.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" unfair standards; singles people out and picks at them setting them up for failure. difficult to comprehend what she is asking for.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" A god among men.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great Professor! Very helpful and understanding if you miss class, as long as you keep him informed. He's very laid back, his classes are easy to understand and he's extremely helpful at all times... If you need to take SYG2000 he's the professor you need to sign up to!!! Trust me, he's the best!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" AMAZING TEACHER. Knows his material. Very entertaining. Makes going to class fun. Would take him a million times more. No textbook and is very straight forward about the exams,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "The material is challenging but Delameter knows his stuff. Never had any problems asking him questions. He gets a bad rap I suspect, because most people around here don't want to put in the effort. They'd be screwed at other schools. Attend class, study, ask questions. The class was interesting and he was super cool.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This was one of the most useful classes I have ever taken. It helped me learn the great variety that the field has to offer. Dr. Langley is smart and funny. He rewards effort. He does not play favorites, although he certainly puts lazy students in their place, trying to teach them to get their act in gear now before they go out in the real world.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" A Very Wise Man!!!!!!!!!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "completely changed the announced readings first day of class (to proust only), doesn't know students' names or engage in seminar discussion, least approachable prof I've had, SEEMS smart to some, but ultimately only repeats herself over and over in more complex sentence structure and flowery vocabulary.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She's smart, as others have said, but she also let's you know that she thinks she's SOOO smart and SOOO much smarter thn you and evryone else. It becomes annoying and tiresome.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Not a hand-holder for sure, but if Nodine causes you to have a mental breakdown, you probably need to reconsider your ambition to be an artist in a highly competitive and ambiguous field. She's tough but fair and does not cater to slackers or those who think they are special snowflakes. She ALWAYS helps those who work hard and have the guts to ask.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Rose is amazing & HELPFUL! He really made me regain interest & drive in my intended profession as a RN. One of those teachers you will remember/recommend always. Class was tough but he makes the information fun. He loves to ramble off about random facts/stories but he is entertaining and opens your eyes to a whole new world in the healthcare field.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Could not write any faster. Very unhelpful, poor attitude towards teaching probably wanted to be something else than a teacher. Childish in his actions and word. REALLY BAD TEACHER","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Forget what the other bad reviews told you, I just took her (Fall 2013) and she is really chill and funny. If you take this class you will pass as long as you don't skip a lot of classes.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Don Hood is a very good instructor. Do not let him intimidate you, it's only for show. He is extremely helpful; but be aware he will not just give you answers!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Reardon was fantastic! Lectures were super interesting and I learned a lot. If you ask him, he will help you and I even got to skip out on some assignments because I talked to him. Very easy class if you read the books and pay attention.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is the best teacher I have ever had. She gives you a ton of control over your writing assignments and really wants you to find your own ""writing voice"". I would definitely take any class of hers. I looked forward to English class every week.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Gallaher is my favorite teacher I had my first year at Northwest. He makes class fun and entertaining with his many jokes.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is very knowledgeable about a lot of things. Very good instructor. Don't be late. I enjoyed having him.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is a very nice guy, and he makes lectures interesting with video clips and jokes. Only a midterm and a final..unless you get an awful TA you should be fine in this class. He posts all the lecture notes online in case you miss a class","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Steve is a very good teacher. I came to Canada from another country and English is not my first language. Steve really helped me to become a better communicator and I loved his classes.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Extremely helpful and an actual fun class. A really nice professor and made you want to learn.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Cute little old guy, very nice, funny, not hard, just have to show up and engage in class","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Last night I dreamt I went to Sparkyville again. I know that I could never go back, but I would like to. Professor Sparks is one of the most effective instructors in the department. Her lectures made me feel like Oliver Twist, for I truly wanted more. Take her class, you'll learn quite a lot, and you will enjoy it!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I love prof cebula - he's such a great guy - the absent minded professor! Extremely intelligent - has great stories - hard quizzes, exams are challenging, but he grades fairly - he challenges his students to think - if you're looking for an easy class, go elsewhere - whoever said he's boring can't possibly care about the world@@","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She is a mentor to me.... truly my hero Thank you Nancy Estrada I feel really connected to you.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Buy a digital recorder!!! YOU WILL NEED IT!!!! Take good notes, re-listen to lecture, re-write your notes, trade notes with someone else and you'll do great! Prof. Rose is straight up, honest and helpful! He's more chill if you get into the PM lab! Easy to talk to. Seems harder than he is! Do the work and you'll get a good grade! You have to earn i","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Adolf Ford is a strick lab instructor.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is a great professor. The material covered is worth knowing. He is not an easy grader, but he puhes you to get a better grade. He is very funny, and keeps you awake. You'll have such a good time learning you would wish the class endured 3hr class. That's how good he was. Take him, take him, take him and oh yeah TAKE HIM!!!!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" It is her class so she can say because I said so. I think that she is smart and loved the class,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very professional and focused on her work. Keeps students best interests at heart and pushes them beyond their comfort zone in order to better then.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very kind man and helpful.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Doc is a fantastic professor. It's obvious how much he loves jazz. He plays favorites for sure, but if you prove yourself to him as a musician, he'll have more faith in you.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Hard grader but overall funny, interesting, and knowledgeable teacher.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Farmen is by far the most practiced and advanced prof I've ever studied under. His understanding of human behavior, motivation, and inner-workings is truly a great resource when studying Psychology. I will use what he's taught me every day!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She is very unorganized! She also tends to make inappropriate comments about the art discussed. She does assign weekly readings and papers.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Nice guy. Really cares about his students. Wants students to succeed. Easy to talk to.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Whatever you do, do not take a class with her. Truly terrible woman, doesn't care one bit. Save yourself the pain and suffering, take another Prof.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "great prof! she's energetic and imaginative, i think she could make any lecture bearable if not outright enjoyable.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She is rude and unwilling to offer any excuse. Being an international student I was totally lost in her class. She is a strict lady which is nice but i dont think anyone feels comfortable in her class. Please avoid her class at all costs!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Honestly, one of the laziest professors I have ever encountered. Took him for an online course and not only was he awful in replying back, his folders are so clustered that material from 2012 is still uploaded. A final project (worth 100 points) due on the last day of the course was uploaded by him the day before. Would NEVER take him again!!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Do not expect to coast through his class. Do not expect him to give you answers. Go to him with problems and he will lead you to solutions. He wont give you the solution, he will lead you to it and leave you to figure out how to drink. If you want to learn you will learn a lot from him.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Snider is one of the best professor's I have ever taken. Yes, he is a tough grader, but he made me a better student. If you do not like online homework/quizzes, DO NOT take him. Very caring, entertaining, and helpful.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is a really smart guy; he's just misunderstood. He is a really good teacher for me and I did learn a lot from him. He brought in Ginko Banobo leaves for the topic memory in Cognitive Processes class, and since then, whenever I walk by the ginko trees in front of ECC I remember him and his teachings on memory.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Absolutely horrible!! She doesn't know how to teach. She teaches word for word out of the book and when you ask a question she won't answer it. Avoid this professor if at all possible. If she doesn't want to answer your question she will yell at you and kick you out. Totally pointless to even show up for class. I can teach better than she can!!!!!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "As a person he was a nice guy, but he did not know how to present his material. He knew his stuff, but he didnt know how to present it to the class. Other than that he is very funny. Good advice!! He has alot of his answers on his homework and exams on his website. So go there and print it off.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Apparently, it IS possible to make con law dull and uninspiring. My advice is to bring something interesting to read, she won't notice...oh, and get the Emanuels, it's all in there (unfortunately)","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Good prof and a funny guy. His lectures can run a bit long, but his sense of humor and tangents keeps them interesting. 99% of what you do in class translates exactly to the tests. He also makes accommodations for the way the online HW works, so getting the grade there isn't too hard. Just makes sure you don't underestimate his tests and do well.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Should take lessons from mother,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Has no people skills whatsoever. She is rude and impolite. Acts as if she gets mad when someone doesn't understand, and asks for her to reapeat a step.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Physics is a really hard course because of the department. I don't usually rate my professors, but even though this class was so hard for me, cuz I'm no physics major, he really is one of the greatest professors. He cares about his students. He's brillant He's definitely worth taking the class from. He'll put in extra time outside of lecture!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He was a great teacher and will be missed.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I enjoyed his first year class (HIST1010) so much that I just had to take his third year one, and it was honestly well worth it! He is one of the best lecturer's around and funny as hell.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" funny,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Articulate and capable, but has a very narrow conservative point of view. It is his way or nothing. Legend has it that he has the highest GPA in the law school's history and plans to keep it that way.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This professor is very knowledgeable, but has a very hard time dumbing things down. You have to be able to teach yourself a lot of stuff. This is not an easy class,(a tip: seek out psych profs for help). He's always trying to make jokes, they are never seem funny, but it's amusing. It's required for psych majors so good luck! Don't give up!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Taking Greek Classics in Translation with him. Super fun teacher. Mostly lectures, with some discussion. Interesting. Fair grader.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Really wants his students to do well. Lectures are long and wordy but you will do well if you go to class.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She makes clear at the start she uses a ""flipped"" teaching style, in that students teach students and she guides. It is quite literally that, and with it being an intro class, no one has any clue what they're teaching. You learn everything on your own, she teaches nothing and occasionally shows videos. She stresses she is lazy, and she sure is.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" dr toth is a nice lady but man her class was boring. she gives the notes right on the chalkboard and she talks the whole class. she was helpful when you had questions and she was a good prof just a little boring.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" The best teacher at monmouth!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is really passionate about what she does. She treats students like her peers, and is really open about everything. GO TO THE LECTURES. Even though they're not mandatory, if you go and pay attention, the written exams will feel like a breeze. She makes you read some stories, but you also watch movies too.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Jerry is the greatest math teacher I've ever had. He's super enthusiastic and really cares about how you do in his class. He's always willing to help and goes above and beyond to help students feel important. The class does require a lot of time but if you pay attention you'll do just fine. He's just amazing,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is not an easy teacher, but really wants her students to study and learn the material. I thought she was pretty good.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" If I wanted to be talk to like a kid id go to a day care. this woman talk to her students like we are 6 years old.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I had Dr. Taylor for Intro. to African American Family. While the course material was very interesting, the professor was not always clear. I enjoyed the class because of the course material and Dr. Taylor is a very intelligent man who offers alot of useful information to his students. I would only recommend this class to dedicated students.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" One of the best English teachers I've ever had.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Excellent teacher. He explains everything very clearly, and keeps the class going at a manageable pace. If you don't understand something, he will work with you until you get it. If you're really interested in something, he'll encourage you further in it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Good teacher,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I had her for intro tap. She was a lot of fun to have as a teacher. I have been tapping since I was little so I knew a lot already but she had a totally different way of tapping then what I was used to. I found this experience a lot of fun and I am definitely looking forward to taking more classes with her!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" no intellectual bullying..i liked this,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" shes horrible I would never take her again,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "A sweetheart and great professor. I wish he taught more classes for I'd register for them all. Definitely take this class for its a fun and memorable experience. No tests, 2 papers basically about yourself. It should be considered an education course as well as a psych for you have to basically do a lesson plan and teach the class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dr. Harding was always willing to help me and pushed me to do my best. I appreciate him so much. He was nothing but kind and generous with his time. I loved the novels we read too.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Rorke is by far the best professor I have had at OU. His enthusiasm and passion for his work is beyond words. I learned more from this class than any other course at Oakland. Tough teacher but, rarely boring or difficult to remain attentive in class. Extremely helpful!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is a good professor. Easy to get along with and he doesn't care if you stay for the whole class as long as you take the test at the beginning!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He's the real deal! He occasionally misses class because he has been flown to dangerour wartorn parts of the world where his expertise is required. He once had to leave early to catch a flight but was enjoying the class discussion. When a student reminded him he had a flight to catch he said, ""It's ok. It's a military flight. They'll wait.""","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Her class is a little bit of a challenge, lots of memorization, BUT she is the coolest teacher. She makes class enjoyable and humorous most of the time. She even plays movies of some of the stories :]","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very helpful. Easy to go to for help.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I enjoyed this class because Mr. Qureshi is intelligent and using humor to teach intermediate algebra. He's known for saying, ""This is a beautiful equation"" and ""You are a good student"".","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "The professor was excellect and insighful, she knows her stuff!!! I was happy with my B+.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Comay's vocabulary is very rich however that makes trying to understand what she is saying harder because you are focused on her words more than the content. The lectures were mostly boring and her constant hitting the mic though annoying startled you awake.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Her passion, extensive knowledge and understanding of children definately shines through each lecture","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Very difficult, but very dedicated teacher.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "i don't know what everyone's talking about- she has you read and expects you to know what you read! def boring material, but she will love you if you raise your hand even once per class. there are some dates to know but she will tell you what to know. super helpful and understanding, id take her again!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "An amazing professor. Unfortunately I did not take his Theater Arts 7A class, but 7B was an amazing class. As we all know professor Sierra said that he is not going to teach anymore, however it was great pleasure to be in his class. Hated when some mentally challenged students used their phones for texting, was crystal clear and very funny)))))","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Arlan is an all around good guy and if you put in a bit of time and effort, he will reward you well for it. great class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is a Mathematics man. Awesome. I had him for precal and will take him all of myh maths if I can,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Easily the worst classroom experience I've ever had. She is condescending and rude and seems not to like male students.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "she hids behind a podium, reads from her notes the whole class, and has next to no interaction with the class. You don't have to go to her lectures as they are exactly the same notes that she posts online. As my first taste of a university level history class, i can say that i am not impressed. Anless u plan on a hst major, dont take this class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "well, she is alright, but she mutters and dosent know what she is talking about unless she has her notes, otherwise its almost impossible to take notes, she also jumps from topic to topic, not my fav prf by any means","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is extremely bad teacher. I thinks that he knows everything and we (the students) are ignorant. I would not recommend this teacher evne if he was the last one that i need for graduate with my bachelor degree.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I didn't have a very good experience with him. I took him online and he was not very helpful at all. No matter how many times I emailed him, he always treated me like my questions were dumb. I'm a science major, so I took this class because I was required to. I tried to get help from everyone I could think of for his assignments but it never helped","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I love Mrs. Ward! She is an incredible teacher and extremely helpful. I have her for Intro to Modern Dance, and it's a great class! Beileve it or not, it even puts you in shape!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "class is kind of hard, but professor sloan is the best. i never thought i would ever get html or any kind of coding or techie software before this class. i'm learning ALOT very quickly. he knows quite a bit about everything. i'd recommend taking him if you take this class. i heard he is the best emac teacher too.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Carmean is my academic advisor and has helped me in so many ways! Her classes are by no means easy...but they are a lot of fun. You can tell that she really gets into some anthropology! If you have the chance you should take her...actually, make it a point to take her. You will not regret it...but you will work hard!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is not very clear when giving assignments and he doesn't have good people skills at all. Seems very nervous when teaching and treats students like little kids. Not good with controlling the classroom , do not take course","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Dirks can have interesting lectures. But I've sat through some lectures that had absolutely nothing to do with poli sci. He just blabbed for an hour and a half about his wife or some movie he saw. His blabbing is entertaining though. And i've seen him cry,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Lectures are long but he is so passionate about his subject! Dr. Haynie is such a kind person and he LOVES what he does. Test are easy and he will give you extra credit if you don't miss any class.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This class was pointless...no more than a book club. Didn't learn a thing. Online blogs were a joke. As a teacher he was good. Not the most patient, gets a little frustrated when his point isn't getting across, but always means well. He cares about your grade and will work with you. Very helpful in office hours. I'd take him in another class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great teacher, great lecturer. You can tell she lives and breathes the material, which is pretty inspiring. Loved her class. Too bad she doesn't teach Political Theory on the regular.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Avoid this class and professor at all costs. Lectures are a long convoluted mess that do little to further your knowledge. Ewa is one of those unapproachable, apparently infallible, professors whose exams will straight up fail an entire class. After which she will spend a good chunk of the next class making demeaning remarks to you and your peers.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He may come off as a bit mean, but it's really because he's strict. He's clear cut and he tells his students what to expect. You know exactly what grades you have in his class. Very organized. If you get to know him better, he will help you out. He looks thru BS and people who've ""scraped by."" Ask for help/advice and you'll get it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Excellent teacher. Very good at explaining concepts clearly and gives coursework that is relevant and helps improve your skills. I feel I improved my Spanish a great deal in this class.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Nice teacher,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This class itself can be difficult especially if you have no prior experience in programming, but all around scripps is a excellent professor. He makes the class fun and he is really laid back.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Best prof in BCC - best I ever had in five semesters. He's the man - he makes learning fun and interesting - take h1s class,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is very monotone and not very helpful. Only test grades and a lot of reading.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" I loved this class. One of my favorites so far. He is a great teacher and person. Assignments aren't bad and there aren't tests. He is very nice and easy to get along with.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He's good professor..,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is the best professor. The matriel is hard but He is really smart and knows how to teach and make theory class tangable. I came out of his class knowing the matriael inside out. He really cares about his students and is a cutie.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I thought Dr. Sydlik was very helpful. I had her in her first semester, and I liked her very much, she was very clear and concise. As far as treating her students like 12 year olds goes, if you are inconsiderate, she's going to let you know about it.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Definately not the best at NYU, but she knows her material. Yet, she is so nerdy and laughs so much at her own dull jokes that her class is not really what you would call fun. Her quick facts are cool though.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Critelli is out of this WORLD. He'll make you laugh so hard you can't breathe. Critelli will go over the material over and over but in different hilarious ways. I use to pretend I didn't understand the reading so that he would explain it again and again because he made it so fun. I would definitly take him again.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Pretty great, I don't know why people have been critical of him. He tries really hard with my class even though 70% of them are either asleep or terrible and silent. So.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Listen folks, the guy has to teach 60+ uninterested students and he is obviously a tech nerd. I spent quite a bit of time talking to him outside of class and found him more than helpful and personable. If you want a good grade, do what it takes.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" LOVED HIM! hes a great guy and is very supportive and is more than willing to help if you need it. he really knows his stuff and hes very intelligent. overall an AWESOME teacher!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Helpful teacher to any student and is easy to understand.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" she was an ok professor i felt as though she was just a little to harsh she needs to consider speaking tok some people in private about matters rthat can be dealt with in private. otherwise she wasnt bad at all i learned alot and had a few laughs. Shes a DIVA in every respect of the word.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "you will love his sence of hummor, this is the best teacher I have had at CSUN. He will keep you interested in the material and motivated to come to class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "His classes are tough, I agree with other students' opinions. BUT! he is very helpful for students to understand through individual tutoring during the class. All students in my class had worries about him before taking classed, but they has been changed after taking classes. Also, his personality and efforts are great!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "jessica is awesome. her course is challenging (in a good way!) but she is reasonable with assignments, does not give you lots of useless exercises. a great lecturer, great ideas, funny, very contemporary. her class was a real pleasure. and yes, she is easy on the eyes.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" i loved the class i took with her and i thought she was a great teacher.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" if you cant appreciate his genius it's a reflection on you. Extremely serious abt poetry and demands the same of you. Am repulsed by the whiny ratings of others. He's the best and most caring prof. I've ever had.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Take her! She gives a few concept notes and examples on the board. Point out a mistake and she is cool about it. Mostly work on handouts with people you sit with while she walks around and helps. Her teaching style is to let you figure things out while she guides you. Few graded homeworks. She has a Turkish accent, but is very understandable.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Mr Hu would take time to explain the more subtle points of Calculus I. I was repeating this class for the third time with respectable grades previously. Mr Hu would make jokes about ""stupid math majors"". And the sci fi show Dr Who. Mr Hu had class study groups prior to tests/finals. I wish I had better study skills to retain learning I will review","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I wish I would have had her for the classroom part, because I enjoyed her lab so much. If you come to class, do your work, and maybe crack a book every once in a while, you will pass. She was also very helpful.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "An online General Elective about an introduction to Slavery. Interesting to speak with in person and helpful on writing my final paper, showed real interest in the subject and managed to teach effectively through an online system.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He is very intellgent and passionate. Sometimes he rambles but that is only because he really loves what he teaches. I enjoyed this class, wasn't alot of work and it really made me THINK!! That's what school should be about, no? Never a dull moment with this guy","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "He's very rude, won't answer any questions, and is quick to assume the worst in his students. After this class, I'll never take a class with him again.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" This guy is one of the best professors I had. Extremely helpful both during class and afterwards. Was very understanding about my varsity commitments!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Someone needs to teach this ""teacher"" how to do her job. She has no concept of how to teach a class well. All be warned, if she comes up as one of your teachers, switch your class fast!! She should definately be given the boot.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Dr. Stecker's class is really hard to pay attention to because he talks very quietly and is not very engaging. He also grades pretty tough too, but its not a bad class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Ed. Ed Ed Ed. I loved this class, and not only because he was sexy. He actually was passionate about the subject matter, and he helped clarify already instilled opinions I had. I can easily say this is one of the best teachers at AICOC outside of core or lab classes. I would probably take the class again if I had the money :X","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She is a great teacher, she is willings to help her students in any way that she can. She is very undertanding and caring. She is a fun teacher and makes learning math fun and interesting. Excellent teacher, if your having trouble in math i recomened taking O'Bryan b/c she will teach you good.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Prof DEFINITELY knows his Greek, but seemed bored while teaching it at this introductory level... like he always would prefer to be elsewhere. Very gracious in allowing retests, but could benefit from a bit more time spent upfront in assuring students are onboard.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Wonderful! Incredibly unique teaching method; much more enjoyable than the standard teacher-student style. His class was the highlight of my week. He is INCREDIBLY knowledgable about the human mind and emotions-quite possibly the most intelligent prof on campus. I changed my major to psychology too!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "WONDERFUL TEACHER. SHE WAS VERY HELPFUL IN EVERYWAY SHE COULD BE. TAKE HER FOR THIS CLASS. BY THE WAY, SHE DOES HAVE A PET PEEVE, DO NOT SPELL HER NAME WRONG!!! OR LET CELL PHONES RING IN CLASS!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" She is my favorite teacher at semo! Down to earth and witty and very practical... Her tests are easy and her lectures are interesting!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Chaney was an absolute ray of sunshine! His Film 100 class is fun and chill. I had him for an 8am and every morning he made waking up for that class a little bit easier. We only had two projects and spent a lot of time talking about and watching films. He loves when people talk in his class and he is very excited about what he does!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Belittles his students. Class not worth taking.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Can barely speak English. Doesn't know anything about course material. Gives no page references to decode his impossible lectures. He once said, and I quote... ""Mandarins can't be lazy, like Mexicans who sleep under trees all day"". But it's not worth the agony and confusion. AVOID HIM AT ALL COSTS.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "GREAT! If you are the type of person that likes your work back right away, stay away from Tim. He does a great job making the class interesting, but is not very good at keeping the class on topic. You have to be willing to read all the required material and also go see him in his office if you need help. I suggest this class!!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" This professor really knows his stuff! Because he is really knowledgeable in this area he sometimes forgets that his students may not be so you need to ask him to explain in a different way. He also tries to explain the theories using lots of examples and dumbs things down so everyone gets it. Exams are hard and require work but he is a great.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great guy, fun class, lots of practical information","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" hes the best prof ive had here,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" she stinks,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "A really nice guy but awful at lecturing! He could put you to sleep, his lectures were unorganized and didn't make sense, didn't help with the assignments/tests. Way to much reading, and dead boring texts. Not clear on what exams were based on, his notes never make sense. Fair marker, dead boring, but kind and lenient.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Course textbook: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Variable names Ford, Arthur and HHGTG were common. Lots of intel references. On a whole, really liked his teaching style. Wierd, geeky humor.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I love Elizabeth. Her lectures are so interesting, she keeps you on her toes. She expects your best but is understanding when you can only give her less than your best. You should def. take this class, it is awesome!!!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Passive aggressive. Doesn't treat students with respect and is more of a dictator instead of a mentor.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Nice and funny guy! make the materials easier and fun to learn!,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" He is from South Africa and has the coolest accent. It's hard not to pay attention in class.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Incredibly intelligent and engaging - fair and very accessible. Genuinely passionate about the subject matter and truly concerned about her students. Challenging but very reasonable and willing to help however possible.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "MEAN MAN, the worst at U.O., changed my major at UO","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Very helpful if you have questions.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Giarratani was an excellent teacher. He really knows a lot about Econ and has a lot of real world experience which he brings into the classroom (he worked with the White House on industrial policy negotiations with the Chinese). He has a great ability to get students to understand concepts and makes the material very clear,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "The class was a very good class, and the instruction was very good. Mrs LaWald cares about her students and wants the best for you. all you have to to is be respectful. She is very kind and will help in any way she can. She is old style elegant","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "i have no interest in sculpture whatsoever, cuz, it's sooo costly but daniel encouraged all of us to do our own thing and he respected all our opinon. although his lectures might be hard to catch onto sometimes, he's a cool guy* but dont expect him to give u a HIGH grade. jus a decent grade will do","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Great class. Do the work and put the time effort into the workshop and that's all he can ask of you. Besides this class he has been super helpful in getting my portfolio together and academic advising. Great teacher, great guy.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I took this class during the summer and hardly attended class. The class was very boring but all assignments were online. I didn't really learn anything, but he's really sweet.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "By the end of the semester, everyone loved her. Dr. Long is a great teacher. She loves her field, and she loves teaching those who also care about it. Just be respectful and you'll do fine. Also, never forget the space in ""a lot.""","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I feel like Dr. Andy is a love him or hate him kind of professor. Because he talks about things he likes poetry, film, music and gives lots of factoids in class, it could mean amazing or bust depending on what type of student you are. I personally liked him because I learned a lot during class and office hours. He nurtures creativity. A family man.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Great guy! Makes chem classes fun.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Have had him for several classes. Study the power point and you will get an A but know it inside and out. He is a wonderful caring professor who will go out of his way to explain things. Sometimes he seems a little annoyed if you ask too many questions but he always is willing to answer them. You get out of class early.,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Professor Grobstein was an incredibly engaging and downright lovely professor. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to share stories with him. He will be greatly missed. -Rebekah,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Very challenging Professor -- he pushes students to think in creative ways. Unbelievably sexy, too.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "contrary to most, this guy is a great adviosor, but puts thing to the point which is great all of you who are dissin him as an advisor are prolly just failing and he told u that u aint gonna be a doctor","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "I've had Ian so many times I've lost count. Genuinely wonderful both as an educator and as a person. Each time I've had him, I've been asked to examine literature in new and impactful ways. Respectful and interested in the opinions of his students. You can't get away with not reading the books, though, so don't try it. He'll know. Highly recommend.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Fred will explain and re-explain it, he is patient and will help you outside of class! Great visual aids in the classroom!","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" he's the best and the nicest and really helpful,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Yeah you have to ork, but she's very helpful. She knows her stuff.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" extremely boring and condescending but class is not that hard,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" Talks more than teaches,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Although she is very nice and approachable, she mumbles, not talks, VERY fast, and gets off topic easily ... no overhead notes or powerpoint presentations, which make lectures unclear and difficult to follow/understand","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" No longer teaching. Professror Emeritus. Laid a good foundation for future teachers to model. His clarity of thought and instruction has helped me in my upper level courses. Master teacher,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Is a tough grader, will get really snippy if you're tardy more than once, will get snippy if you are absent more than twice, will get irritable if not enough people participate during class, even with all his moodiness he was very good at critiquing papers and always wanted his students to progress. YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK! and come to class.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "This teacher taught me a lot. I asked for help all the time and she always helped me. The class was hard, though I learned and isn't that what teachers are about? Kindness, is one word that discribes Lorrie. I liked her because she was good at what she does 'English writing & grammar' and found it easy to talk to her.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "She's the sweetest, most caring professor you'll encounter. Her passion for the material is infectious and she always tries to make tutorials interesting. Readings are mandatory in this class; in fact the tutorials are more important than lecture. She's clear on expectations but not an easy ride. Mima is a gold standard professor.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Giampetro is the sweetest professor at Loyola, and her class is probably the best I've taken. She makes the material so interesting and relevant. There is a bit of homework but nothing too challenging, you'll need the test for the hw but you could split with friends in the class. Tests are right from class work, not too difficult.","5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" an amazing woman to know. one of the greatest teachers the B.A.C. will ever have,"5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities" "Workload was above average. Class time was a lot of lecture. Too much time spent on weekly group presentations. Dr McFadden really wants students to get it and she is very (VERY) passionate about quality. Lot of memorization. Not an easy grader, but if you put in the effort you will get the 'A'. Textbook needed for HW. Could share.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Teacher has a great attitude and is very helpful but many times is disorganized and assigns reading that you simply will not have time to do. You must go to her and ask specifically what will be on the test because if you do ALL the readings she assigns, you will literally have no other time for any other classes. Syllabus is sometimes a mess.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Judy's class was easy and interesting. Her class consisted of ""showing up and enjoy the movie"" then go home and write a discussion paragraph within your group members online. We only had to write couple papers during the entire semester (just explain what you think of it)No textbooks! Judy deserves some respect from her students!(some ppl were rude","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I liked her. Long lectures, but posted the class notes to eLearning. Lots of subject related movie day classes. Two 5-page independent papers, & one 10-page group paper, which I did alone (1 member dropped class, other didn't do ANY work, so Dr. Salter told me to do it on my own!). 1st test hard, 2nd is essay written in class (given ? in advance).","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Christian is like a wizard. It takes him 3 months to teach what the math department takes 2 courses, 2 profs, and 8 months to teach (poorly). Truly magical!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I suggest reading the material ahead of time from the text (if you don't have it, they have it in the library which I used because textbooks are $$). Do the extra credit ALWAYS, that means come to class or else you will miss out. 1st day she'll pick on people to participate, don't let this scare you away!! She stops after around the 2nd week:)","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is a fun professor, but there is a lot of reading to keep up with.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Extremely difficult professor for a general education course requirement. Gives WAY TOO MANY readings and does not understand that we have other classes and majors. His exams are too tricky. Do NOT take him if you want an A.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I enjoyed the class and the professor is very nice. Class meets only once a week and she assigns only three essays.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very annoying/needy. Part of our grade is visiting her during her office hours. She said that if we don't have any ?'s that we still needed to show up to say Hi. She also ""let"" the class decide when papers will be due after giving suggested dates. After an hour of everyone arguing, we ended up w/same dates as orig. More papers than English class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She's a great person and teacher. She might weird you out on the first day... but it's the first day. I ended up liking her a lot. Allows you to manage your working time and she'll recommend what you should have done... obviously there's a due date for the essays. Typically excepts work after deadline... but DON""T PUSH IT!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She is a very nice lady in general and she will help you out but this is the most BORING CLASS ever and its a LOT of reading due in every class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" sharing articles that we read during the week is a very good idea.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is a really good journalism professor! He will pick on you, but usually its because you didn't do your work. Overall, be prepared to do a lot of work, but you will actually learn something,","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "tries to cover way too much material, but is understanding and kind.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "We had two papers, a podcast to listen and respond to, and reading every week. Told everyone upfront to expect 6 days/3+ hours of work. Gives commentary back for each assignment, however several times I noticed a confusing response and grade and upon reaching out, he got my work confused with another student. You have to be on top of your grades.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" He is a great professor. No class on Friday and hardly any work. The work is easy and so are the exams. I highly recommend taking a class taught by Dr. Holcomb.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The homework is like 100 pages long, and you never understand what he's saying. There's no point in going to class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This dude is a boss. While there is a lot of writing it really isn't that bad and there is no test. Got a B in the class and didn't even use the book; I only used it for the writing assignments which are weekly,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "great teacher, going to his office hours is very helpful because he is willing to go over and workout any problem you ask him too. lots of homework but it prepares you for the test. pretty funny. tests are based on the homework, very fair grader. . don't skip class. this class will not be an easy A. study and do your work and you will get an A.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Wonderful professor. Class will be difficult if you don't read. (alot of reading is required). You will be amazed by him. He is so animated and is a wealth of knowledge. Course uses 3 books (he has on reserve at library if you dont want to buy them. At end of semester you do murder profile. HIGHLY RECCOMMEND! Just be reasdy to work in his class!!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Dearing's class is definitely not easy but she is without a doubt a great teacher. You really have to work for a good grade and attendance is mandatory to pass. Overall she was very helpful though, and wants success for her students. I would not recommend this class if you don't like reading. She also was very helpful with writing papers.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Works hard to help students; actively teaches. This is a challenging class that he puts a lot of effort into making accessible and understandable.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "nice lady, interesting discussions (most of the time). a lot of reading for each class but its not that bad. research papers (2) require a lot of work but overall not a bad teacher","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I had her for English 120 and she was generally an okay teacher. We mostly just talked about the book we had to read and most of the times we (or she) would go off on tangents. Not too many papers, mostly just reading and class discussion.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took Human Female and BBD. It was somewhat interesting and the information would probably be helpful to most. There were three ten page research papers due in HF and 2 in BBD;she expects you to follow the rubrics VERY CLOSELY. The tests are are challenging and consist of labeling, fill in the blanks, and multiple choice. My best advice is to stud","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "AWESOME AND CRAZY! He will say ANYTHING! Easy A. I think we only had one test besides the final. JUST COME TO CLASS! You have to write a 25 page journal but it is very easy because it can be about ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING such as the pizza you at last night. Very caring personality. Likes to talk about ""Hot Dogs and Doughnuts""","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Really, really funny guy. I was interested in almost all his lectures. Very knowledgable. Lots of homework and quizzes, but they're easy grade boosters. Loved this class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Prof. O is amazing! He is such an inspiring teacher and knows what he is teaching. The course requires time consuming assignments (the teaches) but he makes it very doable. He's awesome! If you need to take this course, DEFINITELY with him.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Professor Corvino is fantastic! He is funny and caring. This class consisted of a lot of reading and only 4 exams so come to every class and study hard for the exams!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" By far one of the best class I have taken so far. Required to write a lot of essays but that is the good part about it. You can really see how much you improve from the first essay to the last essay. Definitely recommend!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" hes one of those professors that people either hate or love. if youre good at math and hard working then youll do fine. if youre lazy and kinda bad at math dont take him! also math homework is online and its terrible. probably the only really bad thing. but hes super nice and extends homework all the time. curves at end based on overall class grade,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "professor rose was great. his intro to media class was fun and i actually looked forward to it. he does give a lot of work, but some of it is not that bad. gives quizes which are not that fun, and tests are alot of writting. Rose is a very helpful professor and cares that you do good in his class. Take him if you want to learn and have fun.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Jumps around in lessons, the point at the end of it is unknown, has a syllabus but there's no order to it, has difficulties with communication,no real review for exams. Just read the book and memorize all the theories. We had to use two books. One was a textbook on terms other on examples; Would have liked to use 2nd book more.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is my favorite teacher. One homework assignment is due before each class. It takes about an hour, if you're focused. We watch videos and do interactive science activities online for lots of the homework assignments. I don't think anybody makes science as fun as he does. Attending class is important for quizzes. You won't find a better teacher.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She's a nice person, gives her time to students who utilizes office hours. Hard coursework and a lot of homework, but doing it really helps with the exam. Pick if you can allot enough time for it","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Not worth driving, to make it to class, when all you need is the book in her class. She doesnt teach and expects you to just ""know it"". She also expects 3 hours, every night, for homework. Grades are based on tests.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very interested in everything that he teaches. He is open minded to student ideas and is very fair about grading. There are some in-class essays, but if you read and show up to class they're an easy A. Reading is a MUST, and there is a good amount of it, so if reading isn't your thing, this class isn't for you. Overall, a really cool prof!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Don't take this class! So much reading assigned for each class and a paper due every Friday. A few tests with mc on very minute details and an essay on each test.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Sweely works to make art history enjoyable for her students. She give GREAT study guides, so note taking isn't really necessary!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" getting good results is impossible unless you attend all classes,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "By supplying our class with heated topics to write about, she made it to where we weren't just writing brainless, dry essays. 1st half of class is going over upcoming assignments, addressing the concerns of the students and going over useful grammar and punctuation tips, Then we shared thoughts about the homework. We wrote 2 short papers a week.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" he is a really cool professor! I am taking him again. The class is very laid back but it seems like you are not even finished writing one paper and he is assigning the next. Its not bad at all though. I would recomend him.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took his online class, which was not easy. There was a lot of reading and you HAVE to be on top of everything. It is easy to forget to do assignments when you are taking class online. However, Prof. Conti made the work interesting. He is not a piece of cake, but he gives you the grade you deserve!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Good professor. Very knowledgeable. Basically class consists of reading (aprx. 30 pages/wk), class worksheets, midterm + final. Class can be boring, but he is very nice, and knows his stuff. put in the effort and you will get an A.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Cant argue with a class where watching tv is given as home work. makes u think more which could be good and bad.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "One of my favorite teachers! He's so smart, really loves what he teaches, and will gladly help you if you go see him. The only downside is that he does assign a lot of reading.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Although his lectures are long and dry, Dr. Geib is good guy. In this class, you will give 2 presentations, write 2 research papers, 2 terms tests/essays and 2 essay tests. He's super flexible and willing to help his students.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took it online over summer. That was the first mistake, unfortunately I had no other option. Took her 1-2 days to respond to my emails & even then, they were unhelpful. McGraw-Hill based course which sucks. Not enough time for the exams and will leave you rushing to guess. Unnecessary/tedious amounts of homework which take hours of your day. BEWARE","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Thielen is a good teacher and just a good person in general, his lectures are interesting and he cares about his students. There was a lot of reading and homework but I was in his hybrid class. Show up, do the homework and study for the tests and you'll do great.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He truly thinks we have nothing else to do but read one of the 6 assigned books, 40 page chapters and internet reading every night. This man thinks our entire lives are history 102. The only part of the class that isnt terrible is the take home midterm and final. DONT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR unless you are a history buff who has no life","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is a huge nerd but very funny and entertaining. There is a lot of reading!!! It is a socratic class so you don't need to talk and therefore do not need to do the reading all of the time. However, if you don't do the reading it will bite you in the ass when it comes to the final. He is an easy grader if you do what he says. I recommend him!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very clear in objectives and expectations. Willing to help you help yourself. One too many group projects, though. If you're a fan of lectures, don't bother.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She isn't to hard, have two read two short books for the class and although she tells you to red out of the main textbook I only did three times. Paper at the end of class based on document with presentation but it's not to bad. She's so nice but boring and is obsessed with slavery, take her if you have a moderate interest in History","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "You have to work for your grade. Do all your assgn's on time and you'll get a good grade. Put thought into your answers. I would give him a 4/5 because afterall, it is college.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She's really nice, and gives really good feedback if you ask questions. She assigns a considerable amount of homework, but it's manageable. But the 3 essays assigned in the course are a little tough so make sure you do them and put effort into it. Overall, good professor.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "You have about 10 homeworks per semester. The tests are based on the concepts covered in the homeworks. Don't be afraid to go to his office hours, he will try to help you without giving you the answer directly. His class is challenging but you will learn something.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Brilliant, has a sense of humor, you get exactly what you put into it. Work hard and it'll be one of the best classes you'll take.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Easy. If you do the work, you'll pass.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Jasken is one of my favorite professors at McDaniel. She definitely cares about her students & wants them to succeed. She expects a lot as far as class work goes, but it's work that is worthwhile & can be applied in the real world--not just silly reading assignments here and there. I wish I could've taken more classes with her. She's great!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This is a fun class. You have to work for an A and much to my group mate's disappointment, you have to do work no matter which part of the magazine you work on. But, you get something awesome to put on your resume.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I honestly loved this class. If you're interested in learning english, I recommend her. If your taking it just to get it over with, I still recommend her because she is there to help you if you need it and the work is more than manageable.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "No extra credit. She is pretty cold hearted when it comes to making up work. No true class involvement, although we had a couple of quick ""partner"" projects. Most of the work is busy work that doesn't support the material. Her lectures were dry and uninteresting. If you get a class that uses a remote control for answers, I recommend you drop it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Let me start by saying this is not an easy class. You will have tons of homework to do each week. That being said I think almost all Algebra classes have the same work. Mr. G is a good guy and wants people to pass. If you do the homework and study his review you will be fine. May not get an A, but you will pass. I would recommend him…","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took the online US Literature I course. Very well organized, had the entire semester laid out by the first day, which made it easy to plan ahead. Her weekly outlines were a lot of help as she helped break down the assigned readings. I did enjoy being able to pick my own topics for the two essays that were assigned. Dr. Lape is great!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "One of my favorite UMB professors. I wished he taught every psych course. He has one book that he uses which is his own book, and all of his other readings are online. You are required to attend classes, do the readings and do the mandatory posts for the readings every week, aside from that you do 1 paper, a midterm and a final.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I loved Dr. Spock! Her class is probably one of the harder ones that I'm currently taking, but she gives LOTS of extra credit and is always ready to help. You will do more writing than you might like, but she gives good feedback. Lots of reading, lots of class participation. It's a tough class for a gen ed, but I would definitely take her again","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "These comments are clearly from people who don't want to put in the work. If you really want to major in EM and it's the right place for you, you will enjoy Dr R and his courses. Loves what he does and definitely gives a lot of work but it all has a purpose and I'm better for it all.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" We did nothing but take notes. And he flipped through the overhead notes so fast few got them down. Tests based on notes. His basic level class had more work than advanced courses. The only save from notes was the current events first thing of class which we learned to prolong as much as possible.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "If you enjoy watching youtube videos and only do 2 papers (4-5 pages) and 1 presentation for the whole year then this class is for you, an easy A. Those are the ONLY assignments you will get in the class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This course is time consuming and difficult, but that's the nature of the course content. After you're done all the projects you feel a sense of real accomplishment. Arvo delivers the subj. in sizeable chunks that are easy to digest. He understands the inadequacy of some student's background and accomodates. Best professor period; rewarding course.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Take this class! She gives you all the homework and tests in advance. You do need to use the book, but only because the answers are right there. You don't need to read it, she gives you the page numbers. The tests aren't hard (open book/internet). There is something due every week, but it's not a lot. And you can work ahead. Recommend this class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "While he does not give as much homework as some of the other professors, he likes to assign it on a very short deadline (I.E. finish the chapter on monday, homework is pushed up to be due that wednesday). Attendance was required as he gave in class clicker questions everyday that count as participation (but also are graded). Kinda sassy guy.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I do not recommend his class to anyone who is not a history fanatic. He assigns an ungodly amount of reading and has quizzes every week with other assignments as well. He is not clear when you ask him how you should study. If you can take another professor, I highly recommend it. He also had 2 midterms and 2 finals. Super hard class to pass.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" One of the easiest education courses. She tells you exactly what to do and how to do it. Follow her directions and you will be fine. Lots of busy work to do but if you stay on top of it it is easy.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Not very helpful to students at all. Questions in the study guide do not help and you spend so much time trying to memorize what you have read for the tests, that you don't have much time to learn other things.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "GRRREAT teacher, interesting lectures and very nice person....i learned alot from her and improved alot in my writing bbbuuuttt if ya take this class be prepared to work!!!..i dont regret it but as a design student it was REALLY tough to keep up with at times!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This is a class with a lot of formulas involved. Stay on top of your work and don't get behind or you will never catch up.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This was by the far the hardest class I've taken at BYU. Siegfried's expectations are extremely high, but I learned so much and am grateful I had her as a teacher, because every other class will probably seem extremely simple compared to hers. It's a lot of work, reading, writing, but she really knows her stuff and helps you whenever you need it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Terrible professor. His lecture slides are random quotes pasted from a journal abstract, and to learn anything you need to read all the journals. Is it laziness? probably. If you like reading 10 journals per lecture, leaving more confused after asking him a question or being stood up at his office hours take a course with mccarthy","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "About this class: turned out to be really interesting, although readings are long, they're interesting to read. Not a hard class, reasonable amount of work, do consider if you're in need of W credit. About Woody: It's easy to see how passionate she is. Although she is slow at explaining concepts, she is indeed knowledgeable. Her TA's are amazing","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Shelton is not a teacher for the lazy or for the procrastinator. She is willing to work with you and will talk to you about grades if you want to know why you got a certain score. You will generally be writing a paper every week, but as long as you keep up with homework, you won't get bogged down.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took ACC 202 online and was skeptical at first because of the other reviews. She's a great professor and emails right away if you have questions. Read the book, do the practice questions, and double check your calculations, it helps. I got an A on all the exams, but you have to really think outside the box on some questions and manage your time.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "(18th & 19th Century British Literature) By far the best professor I've had at Denison. She inspires you to think critically with T&T's, which are extremely, but essential in making you think deeply about the topic. I have never devoted so much time and thought to a course in my life.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She isn't a bad professor but definitely give A LOT of work,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Elements with WidenI'm sorry this happened to you. DO the reading. Take notes of HOW the Justices argue the topics. Make categories of the arguments: Historical, Textual, etc. DO the questions he gives recurringly for FINAL EXAM practice. ATTEND class, he reviews information. Talk to him after EVERY class about class and write down his views.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" she is a really nice professor and most lectures are pretty intersting. i took female biology and bones bodies and disease. for BBD she tells you to read an emily craig book but its awaste of time there is only one question in the test about it and i got it wrong any ways. you have to write 2 ten page papers,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Invokes discussion, and provides useful feedback. My only issue is the amount of reading, and the exams require you to remember specific points from all readings. TA's do the grading so be sure to ask them what they look for! Not the easiest course, but Corvino's lectures are sure to get you thinking about things from a new perspective. Smart guy.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Ms. Hardesty is AWESOME! This class is a breeze and the only really big assignment is the group project. Other than that it is notes and tests! She is so nice and helpful! She is hilarious also. She hardly ever has class on Friday!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Good over all, just be prepared for A LOT of reading very quickly!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Helpful, clear. Allows you a good amount of freedom in his papers.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Brett is a really nice and fun professor. He cares a lot about this subject (forensics) and lectures were always really interesting to me. His class consists of just 4 projects and a final. The projects are challenging and can be time consuming, but they are overall fair. He does a good job of helping you out if you need it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "If you're thinking about taking this professor save yourself a headache and don't! She makes sure that it's impossible you get an A. She lectures EVERY single class, rambles the ENTIRE time. She expects you to talk in discussion to get your participation/attendance grade. Assigns 3-4 ch. plus other readings to do EVERY night. INSANE work for gen ed","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This review is for an Online summer class. You have to put the time into reading and understating the content. It is not a difficult class but you must put an effort into it. I highly recommend his online class. Account is like learning a different language it takes putting into practice what you learn to ensure that you understand it.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Good teacher but he requires a lot of busy work and assignments are unclear at times.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Whoah, I just finished a 5 unit class in under 5 weeks! Give yourself enough time to finish all the assignments. Score high on those as well as the tests. I had some interaction with the professor, but really this is a class that you can do on your own. Took this class with Connect and had to buy an online code, that's the only downside.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is a solid professor, and has his teaching assistants do most of his work for him. You're graded on a couple quizzes, tests, and papers. It's lecture heavy, but the slides that go with it are pretty informational so if you miss a class or two it won't kill your grade. We read a lot, but they also go in depth about the books.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Simple and easy to follow class. There are not a lot of things graded, just 2 group projects and two tests so it was quite easy to keep up with. The only mandatory attendance is when the group projects are presented.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I had professor White for Comp Sci for AP Students. No textbook that I remember, labs are weekly but not overly difficult if you've had coding experience before. If you pay attention in class he will often describe how to do anything tricky in the lab and he's always willing to help if you ask.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I did not enjoy her really bizarre book choices at all. A ton of work to do for her class and way too much reading to do outside of class. Also, if you're shy, be weary because she really wants a lot of class participation","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The good: the weekly readings. Topics varied among articles, chapters out of books (good stories), and interpreting rap cyphers. Keeping the topics engaging is important because like I said, they're weekly. 3 papers, sometimes he'd say he told us something that I didn't recall him saying. ""I told you guys a million times do this and that"" When? Lol","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very good, and very helpful. Most of class is self-graded, and he's very helpful on the parts that aren't. Expect to do a lot of reading and participate a lot in class. The class can seem a little pointless, but it's easy to fake it until you make it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Boring. Too much reading for an engineering course,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Newhart is a wonderful lady but this course is a bore. There's a lot of busy work and class can get boring very fast. She is a sweet lady though, and sometimes can be fun. She laughs about everything...There's a lot of class participation but none of the material is that hard to grasp if you do the homework (or at least some of it).","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Cohen is a great professor. Honestly, as long as you grasp the concepts of any programming language then translate them to the appropriate language that you're learning, you're good. There's a lot of homework, and the exams are all right, not too bad.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Don't listen to the slackers. If you enjoy CJ and actually want to learn something novel and challenging and DIFFERENT, take his classes. He can be challenging, but he helps you and doesn't attack you like other professors. His classes usually mean a lot of reading and discussion, but it's well worth it. Also, his graduate classes are ROCKING.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Geib is a great guy and is very knowledgeable when it comes to management! The class is focused on two case study projects and two exams so there is not a whole lot of extra work other than these. His lecture and discussion sessions sometimes get a little boring, but overall it was a good class!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" HORRIBLE. SO MANY PAPERS. SHE IS A TOUGH GRADER! At least 5-8 papers due EVERY SINGLE WEEK! I'm not sure if it is different in-class but I will never do this again.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She is extremely easy not much work and only two tests all semester including the final.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This class has A LOT of reading so be prepared to stay up to date on the homework, but everything assigned is very interesting. She is good at grading and responding to messages in a reasonable time. I genuinely learned a lot from this class!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Her class is a lot of work, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Show up, start assignments/projects early, study for tests, and ask questions if you need to. There are 11 pop quizzes, but they're only 2 points each, you get to take them with your group, and she checks them over before accepting them. No reason not to get full credit.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Best professor I've had at UVU. If you show up, pay attention, participate, and read you'll learn a lot and get a good grade.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Assigns a ton of homework, said i'd be able to do my work on my mac if i purchased Office365, which didnt come with 12 the required software for class. her lack of knowledge of current computer software and stubbornness caused me a lot of stress, i ended with a 79.1% getting a C, she did not round up even knowing the extra time i put into class","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "While Bob Coleman's class was undoubtedly one of the most difficult I have taken, with high expectations and a large workload, I can honestly say it was one of the best classes I've taken at SSU. I am more proud of the work I did in this class than in any other. Bob also puts an incredible amount of work and effort into his classes.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "okay, true this was a very demanding class. she gives a lot work for you to complished in the semester. I felt very overwhelmed sometimes but she is truly just trying to teach us a lot of material in one semester. she is a very nice lady and keeps you on your toes in class. Im glad I took her but I am also glad that I never have to take her again!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Carnes was not my favorite. She expected waay too much work for a 1 hr class. She is not very helpful, avoid taking her at all costs.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "If you're looking to take Hall for Sounding Numbers... AVOID THIS CLASS. Yes, it's easy but I've learned absolutely nothing. Longest lectures ever and they make no sense. She gives quizzes every Thursday. I personally hated this class because I had no interest in taking a music class. You HAVE to read her notes and she gives a crap ton of homework.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took her special topics class...she is a BRILLIANT woman and very excited about the material...as others said her class will be your life for the semester and she is tough but you will learn a lot...DO NOT take for an easy A or if you just want to skate by, if you're willing to work hard you will learn TONS","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Waterhouse is a very nice person. And, to be honest you don't do much work in her class. You don't have to read the plays...take notes in class and you will be fine. 2 finals and a paper is all your grade consists of. But if you work hard you will get a good grade.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "One of the best English professors I've taken. She is very helpful and will answer any questions you have and she makes class interesting. Harder class though, it takes work and you have to write a response paper to every reading. Essay exams. Attendance is mandatory.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is a great professor. She's a very sweet person who is very knowledgeable. I have taken her twice and have had a good experience in both of her classes. Work load is fair, grading is fair. I would recommend her anytime!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "online class was really hard, went too fast. Would not put lectures up until the day the assignment was due","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Radhika is by far one of the worst teacher I have ever had. You MUST attend class everyday to take the participation assignments that are REALLY hard! The exams are impossible because they are completely based on the articles/textbook readings which are 30+ pages per night). DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Señora Zahajko's was an ""Intensive"" class so it only last 5 weeks, so you have to engulf yourself in the class. I enjoyed it, and having Spanish before I really appreciated her style. Shes culturally rich with info, and breaks the language down very well. DO NOT take with very challenging classes, as this will consume you with HW, but take her!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Jackson means well, but this is the most annoying class I have taken at RU thus far. We are constantly using SPSS, and unless you are fortunate and have it on your own personal computer, you will spend a lot of time on campus using those computers for homework. The lab section of this class is just a study block essentially. Avoid if possible","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very good teacher! Its impossible to get anything lower than a B if you actually put forth effort. Alot of papers and group work, but by far the best teacher to choose for this senior level class!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "His class can be very stressful, but he will work extensively with you!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I have her for a summer class, and she didn't make the class even close to summer friendly!!! We had to do the exact same amount of work that the sixteen week class did and was almost totally non explanatory, but expeted us to damn well know! DO NOT TAKE HER FOR A SUMMER CLASS!!!!! You'll want to commit ritual suicide!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" you certainly learn a lot in his class - a little too much homework but it is all worth end of the term. his grading is fair and his lectures are great!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Online Class. Read assignments and do work and you should do fine in this class. Not an ""easy"" A, but if you put in the time and do the assignments it is.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I will be honest, I am horrible at math. She teaches half lecture and the rest online. You must get them right or you won't receive credit. Have a question regarding the homework? She only has limited hours so expect to have a question or two only, because that's all you'll have time for. Get ready for a ton of homework. Tough.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I did not get the grade i wanted and he is difficult. But he knows what he is talking about. Very smart man. To get an A in the class you HAVE to keep up with readings. Does give study guides though which are some what helpful,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took this class online in the fall. It is basically self-teaching, and I fell behind. Everything is on a e-book, homework, quizzes, ect. He doesn't teach anything, you teach yourself. LOTTS of hw, you'll find yourself behind. I failed the class","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Awesome professor! 2 papers 2 exams but all really easy! Attend Class to get the most points and doing all the work, which is very little, will definitely get you an A!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Comme la critique précédente mentionne : très souriante, ouverte aux discussions/questions. Malheureusement, le cours théorique ne sert qu'à fournir des colles pour les examens (qui ne comptent pour rien comparés au projet). C'est justement dans le projet que l'on apprend le plus! Un conseil : N'hésitez pas à vous investir à fond dans le projet!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I'd recommend taking Japanese from Avdulov if you are actually interested in learning the language and are willing to put in the time and effort that requires. His classes are always fun and interesting, and if you work hard you will learn a lot. He's honest, and if you do poorly, he'll let you know.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Sometimes, class duration was too long and unnecessary. Allowed late submissions for assignments. Slow or no response to email. Otherwise, he was patient and straightforward. Assignments were vague and students would submit their own interpretation instead of using a template for consistency.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Tjaden is extremely smart and really knows his stuff, but this class is hard. There is a ton of individual work to be done. His lectures are helpful, but google honestly helped me way more than his lectures.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" WORST TEACHER OF MY LIFE. DO NOT TAKE HIM. This class had nothing to do with philosophy and there is so much work it is ridiculous. You will be saving yourself so much stress if you do not take him.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Are you an art major? If you are not, I would avoid this class. The professor gives a lot of reading for just a GE. The texts themselves were written by artists for artists, and are extremely confusing and inaccessible. The quizes are very long as well. This class actually has made me hate modern art, and I am becoming a less well-rounded person.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Wonderful professor. She is very energetic and driven. No homework other than reading. Takes attendance randomly. Gives study guides for her tests. The only downside is the amount of reading required. There are three books that must be read, and read carefully, for this class. I suggest you make a friend in the class and study for the book exams.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Peters was good but the class was a lot of work. For an LAC class, I spent more time doing tests and homework than for my major classes. There are 6 tests and they are all online (30-40 MC with a strict time limit), but the final is in class (100 multiple choice). There are also 4 article reflections throughout the semester that took a lot of time.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" great teacher do all ur work study and get an A,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Prof. Kaplowitz is an amazing professor, she makes you read a lot though. If you don't like to read don't bother taking her class. Quizzes are done either before every class or every other class. I hated reading, God knows I still do but she makes you read interesting novels that will have you wanting to know what's next. Do the work, guaranteed A.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He wants to cover too much stuff in this class. Because of this, in addition to the lecture material you have to master the bones and muscles without a throrough review in class. Lecture was interesting and fun, but the powerpoint slides arent descriptive and neither is the study guide. Suffice to say i read the book and used wikipedia ALOT =)","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Corvino was an excellent lecturer. He kept the class engaged and interesting. Definitely read the course pack and participate in class. Discussion portion seemed a bit pointless to me sometimes however the lecture itself was wonderful. Exam questions were confusing and tricky at time but the workload is not much!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She assigns a lot of work but fails to tell you when it is due. Very unorganized. You can pretty much teach yourself the class as all she does is read the packets she gives you. Quizzes every week, and usually behind schedule. Doesn't communicate good with students. Take someone else if you can.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "MUST TAKE !! do hw , lecture examples, extra problems, and your golden","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Goodman has not changed since these reviews started in 2003. Obnoxious amount of work. Taking this class online in conjunction with another class, with a fulltime job and a family is not recommended.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Hes a very intelligent man and he knows his stuff. He will push you but as long as you stick with it then you will pass. The way he teaches will prepare you for graduate school. Make sure you do your best and dont procrastinate. Remember, your degree is no free ride. Dont take anything he assigns for granted and you will be ok.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Excellent instructor. Very helpful and interesting. If you put some effort into the class (ie. attend, do the homework) you'll do fine. He wants people to do well. If you are a slacker, be prepared to be stressed with the workload. I also recommend the fieldtrips class (for an activity credit); it gives a new appreciation of geology.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very easy class..You don't really have assignments except for things like when U of A has like a career fair, you will be asked to stop by the quad and get 3 brochures of careers you are interested in and then you have to type a resume at the end of the course.. but it is very simple! All you have to do is go and he is a 0very nice man!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Super nice guy! Class requires lots of work, but he makes it as easy on you as possible.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Some of this stuff can be confusing or not interesting for most people. There are a lot of readings so be prepared. The number one mistake is not showing up to class. His lectures and class discussions give a lot more clarity to the content. Not bad, but kind of a demanding prof.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This is my second time taking her class, and she is a spectacular teacher. Her class is heavily dependent on assigned readings and class discussions, but overall, is rather chill as she is very open-minded. You have to buy a lot of books, so expect to spend quite a bit of money. If you're not much of a talker, do expect your grade to suffer though.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took him for my capstone. You have to buy and read several books.Grading goes as follows:attendance,participation, 3 exams(each exam is a essay/paper).Expect to write 3 exams around 6 to 10 pages each.Lectures are long and boing.If you read and participate-you will do fine.He is a nice guy.Not tech-savy so no powerpoints. Take notes. Good Luck!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "DO NOT TAKE! She is the worst professor I've ever had at RIC. Western Lit is a required Gen Ed course, and she gears it towards English Majors. Very rude, and does not care about the students at all. Requires you to buy about 14 novels, and you go through about one every week. Grading is based on her opinion of you. AWFUL!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Best teacher in the department-perhaps the college. You get out of her classes what you put in. If you want to learn, you will. If you don't, you won't.Gives attention to all levels in the class. Whether an advanced dancer or beginner. Do not expect and easy A - expect to write and work hard.Put in the effort and the class is VERY rewarding andfun!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "One of the wisest professors I have had at Fordham. Class is lecture style but very engaging with presentations. He gives a lot of assignments but all are extremely meaningful and worth the time. If you are a Comm major you have to take his class- will learn so be able to connect the dots between the past, present and future of all media industries","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This class is very boaring. Lots of reading. Four essays plus a group project. Seems like she looked down on our generation. Not very helpfull. We have to read the stories and peer edit our own papers. SO just sits their or talkes about who knows what.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I would definitely recommend Foreman! The three week summer course was a lot of work but the class is discussion based so as long as you read the case studies you are fine. He is very laid back and entertaining. There is a lot of writing and analysis in this course, but as long as he is seeing you are putting forth effort your grade will be fine","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Online summer class. Syllabus was clear about what was expected. 2 essays and 2 exams throughout the entire semester. Discussion board every week. Professor Lape posts ""weeklies"" which are summaries of the chapters required to be read every week. Gives good feedback on essays. Lots of reading, but easy A if you put in the effort!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Prof. Kojo is def. unique. he never had any lesson plans though & we just watched youtube videos all class. no need for the txtbook & doesn't give any tests but just 2 papers which were fair. Students use to always walk in after class and just sign the attendance sheet because the class would be in complete darkness while videos were running. haha,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Her class is hard, you must do homework, & show-up for class. But she is very helpful & knows what she's talking about. I would say her class is for self-starters who need little guidance. Tests are good if you did H.W. & asked questions when needed. People who fail her class don't do the H.W. or ask clarifying questions.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Hall is very nice and helpful, but her class can get boring at times. All the homework is on the syllabus and usually it's due once every other week. When homework is due you have a quiz. Sometimes she gets confusing, but as long as you keep up with the work you'll get a B.. will have to work a little bit for an A.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Doesn't give you enough time to do the write-up. I had only two days and I had to contend with a physics write-up as well. The labs take three hours and the lab itself three hours which is a little bit long.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Reaquires too much writing for a 101 class that is not even a writing intensive class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is a good teacher to get for Eng 101. There are a lot of readings due for each class and the discussions can be really long and boring. She is really nice and helpful though. Four essays due- likes to see lots of changes between drafts, go to her office hours too she gives good feedback on papers. I would take her again.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Pro:1.Knowledgeable about some aspects of US History 2.Makes lectures interesting 3.Usually friendly Con:1.Clearly liberal(I can't even tell if separating fact from opinion)2.Tough Class&High dependency on notes 3.LOTs of reading 4.Having background in history is nearly necessary 5.Disorganized manner, thought, speech and writing","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" if you can help it DO NOT take her english class. she treats it like it's more that just a core class. way too much work for a gen. ed and she's rude. when i wrote a good paper she asked me if it was my own? basically did i plagiarize... avoid her/her class at all costs!!!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "TAKE THIS CLASS! There are quite a few writing assignments, but you have a ton of time to do them. If you do the work, you'll get a good grade. Inman is helpful when you have questions, and he is definately not a hard grader. I got an A with minimal effort. Also, this class does teach important stuff for the future; I learned quite a bit.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Very Nice Professor if u like to read interesting novels take her..her novel selections were pretty good..JUST MAKE SURE U READ she gives a quiz almost every week so0o bee readdyy i slacked n didnt read as much as i shouldve but if u read its so0o easy n interesting i promise u! well that goes for lit 233 i dunno bout the rest shes cool overall,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Weekly discussion posts that had to be done, had to read the online textbook. TA posts notes on BB that were helpful for the tests. Tests were somewhat easy, answers are all in the textbook or in the lecture ppts. For a freshman level class, it required some more work than I liked. Read syllabus carefully, he required us to send a welcome email","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is a great prof at John Jay college. I took his SOC343 class 2016Spring. Take home midterm and open book final, A short proposal paper, a research paper 15page long. That was all. He showed us a lot of great documentaries most of class time. And he really cares about his students. Take him","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She was much better than i expected. you must do the reading and study hard, but it will pay off. it is not a class you can slack off in and still get a good grade. but if you do the work you will get a good one AND actually learn a lot. Much happier with this class than anticipated","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" make 7 copies of the practice exam and continue doing it until your successful. make copies of the lessons and do along with her videos. in lab do all homework first then your quizzes. Your quizzes are what's on the test so practice the unit exam too.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Does not curve, and he makes you study, and know all the voc. aks que. every lesson. Also, you will learn hebrew, but it's a lot of work. Not easy, but fair","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Karen is nice, and I liked this class subject I guess, but be prepared to read out of Mike Cullinane's book before every class. Each class starts with a reading quiz, and each week you have a HUGE homework due. Tests are exactly like the study guides. Go to her office hours before exams, she'll use problems right from the exam to help teach you.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Enjoyed the guest speakers and class activities. Applies to real world. A bit of work but fair.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "At first, I thought she was interesting and painfully intelligent. Then I saw the final essay topic (8 of 11 dry, dense theorists into one 10 pg paper) and was no longer a fan. Once I wrote the paper, I realized the point behind the class and the exercise and loved her again. It's not easy, she makes you work and think, but Sparks is a great prof!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I don't know where this guy thinks he is teaching. It's an online class and is insane! DO NOT TAKE HIM! This is not graduate school but is taught like it is, it's a 200 level course. It's like he hates student and gets them by assigning ridiculous work.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took an online course with her and she does give a lot of work but if you do the work you should get most of the credit. The assignments can be long and overwhelming but like I said if you do the work you will get an A. The assignments can be done very loosely, just writ to fill up space, to her its quantity over quality. You can get an A easy!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Horrible! very disorganized, all over the place. I got an A but because I learned the whole book on my own, I do not recommend her classes!!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "stay away from her , she give us alot of homework i was spend the weekends doing the online homework ,it takes me more than 3 hours , so be careful ...","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Ewa is tough. You will learn more than you ever thought you would. Three exams and two papers due. She assigns a TON of reading. I am taking five classes and half of my study time is just for her class alone. She'll make you work for the grade, as all good professors should. Really interesting stuff - just make sure you have the time!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took this class at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee with her. It's a class about vampires and it is really interesting, but don't take it if you just want an easy course that doesn't involve much. If you like to read and write, than it will be super easy. Be sure to show up to class, though.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" His class seems pointless. Some of the assignments are confusing and he is not help at all :(,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The class information was overall easy, but it is an entry level psych course; however, there is a semester long research project that her class has to do, it lasts all semester and is extremely annoying, if you don't want the semester project than take the class with someone else. There was no tests, but points everyday in class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "By far the BEST professor I have ever had at Fordham. This review mirrors the others, but I will reiterate. The workload is INTENSE so be prepared for multiple assignments due within days of each other. Midterm and final are extremely difficult, however he is a phenomenal professor and I learned so much from him. He knows his stuff. Take him!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Awesome course and I am very glad I took it. If you are decided on him and another teacher TAKE HIM. This is a perfect GE course for life science if you are not a science major. There are about 10 quizzes (10 Q's) , 1 discussion, 1 current event assignment, a midterm (50 Q's) and a final (100 Q's). It sounds like a lot but it really isn't!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Attendance is not mandatory, but going to class will help for exams. 3 Exams. Read the book & take notes on what he says.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "If you want easy A, she's not an option. but she's really an enthusiastic teacher and she knows what she's doing. There are a lot of homework and you're expected to turn them in but they're really helpful. She's quite generous in giving grades too and there are many extra credit opportunities!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very interesting class, she puts it all in an understandable historical context. The art and the context takes precedence over memorizing artist/title/date. Lots of reading.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Although I'm not receiving a bad grade at the moment, I cannot deny that she is not the greatest of teachers. She skips over some things in class and her assignments occasionally will cover things she did not discuss. Make sure you go over her review guides and do the reading and the homework, otherwise you'll probably fail. Go to the tutors 1st.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Kate teaches political science from a liberal point of view in one of the most conservative places on the planet. As such she gets a lot of resistance from her students. But if you go in with an open mind, you will emerge enlightened; this class really amped up my interest in politics. Warning: do the readings or you will incur her wrath!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor is hilarious, all class periods are predominantly lectures. There is a lot of reading outside of class, some of which didnt seem very valuable. Hardly anything is assigned, and this class is an easy 4.0!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very knowledgeable of the subject. If you're serious about interpreting, this is the best you'll find. A TON of homework, takes a lot of time. But worth it!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "My favorite professor so far. You HAVE to read. But you will learn more in this class than anything you have taken at Bentley. This is not a class that you take as a fluff course though, he expects you to work hard and his tests show that expectation.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Extremely helpful professor if you are interested enough. She gives a lot of homework, attendance is mandatory, no lateness. Work hard and you will get everything you need for you to go further. I would recommend her to every non-native student in order to have a good start in your academic career","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Fonseca is a fun teacher, but his 349 class can go either way. It is very easy to slack off in that class as there is little HW and attendance is optional (posts lectures online). He is from Costa Rica, so he has an accent. If you go to class and stay on top of the material, you should be fine. Slack off, and you will regret it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Class is rigorous. You must read the book to do good on the quizzes. The test are not related to the book. You must go to class. You must also have a good understanding of theories pertaining to developing nations,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Prof. Harding is an amazing professor. The content of the class was pretty tough and he did an amazing job teaching it to us. Be prepared to read and write, there were about 6 novels we had to read for this course. Show up and show him that you care and you will be fine.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Intermediate Russian (0030 & 0040) is definitely challenging. He expects a LOT from his students and the pace is pretty quick. You do most of the learning from the textbook & go over assigned work in class to clarify. Class is almost all in Russian. Requires a lot of studying, effort, homework every night, class participation.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "To be fair, I am rating Blanck on her Interdisciplinary Research and Writing class which is a co-taught class. You will get three professors, each for 4 weeks, focusing on a different subject. The class is awful. There is so much work with little communication between the 3 professors. Unfortunately it is mandatory for American Studies majors. GL!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Kibbles is the man. He does make you do a lot of homework, which is extremely taxing, but is also really clear in lecture. If you wake up each day at 8:30 to listen to him talk, you should be fine.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I loved his classes. They were interesting and despite what some people said, he really knows his stuff. The only complaint I have is that he didn't assign any reading, which made catching up with the book a little tough.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very knowledgeable prof in MCC dpt. Widely covered issues and more-than-interesting lecture that makes legal issues interesting and inspiring. Although course work is a little bit heavy, not a big deal if you can handle Intro to media study well. DO NEED RESEARCH AND FINAL PAPER","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is an intresting prof, but his lectures are boring. However the class is pretty easy if you do the work, which is not much. He understand students lives which is nice; he accepts late work. I'm taking him again in the summer cuz he told the class, if you want an easy class take in the summer.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Definitely works students hard. Lots of Homework and long hand written tests. Will add points back though if you meet with him about your test. Very nice teacher, just wants you to learn.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. H is an amazing teacher! She's funny, insightful, and she knows her material. Expect to work hard and study often. She likes students to be involved in class discussions. She doesn't play around with work; she assigns, you complete.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I really enjoyed her class. I loved making the journals and the autobiographical writing combined with art. So if you like that type of thing the class is great! But at parts of the class things did get really repetitive and she had a problem with changing assignments last minute after I'd already completed things, which is uncool.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Ms. Campos is a nice person, Scattered sometimes. She does take roll and has an online lab that has about 35 assignmets per every two weeks, but most lang. classes will. She's understanding and VERY lenient. She doesn't speak amazing english, but she is understandable. If you're naturally good @ spn I recommend, if not you'll need to work a little.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I loved my honors seminar class with him-- the material we read was very interesting. We had to read a lot and were writing papers every week. It's a lot of work, but the knowledge you gain is incredible. Really makes you think. Of course, sometimes he'll tell you a bit TMI, but he really tries to connect with his class. You read long novels.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" way to much out of class work. Make sure your computer works because you will need it to do six papers and little assignments.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This class requires as much studying and class prep. as does Organic Chem. You will have a quiz every class. You have a huge plant collection to do on top of large comprehensive exams. I learned a great deal in this class, but still would not recommend it unless you are a work-a-holic","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "way way way too much work. completely unneccessary amount of work considering it has nothing to do with anyone's major, and distracts you from the classes and assignments that matter. absolutely terrible","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Brandie is one of the best professors at BYU. She makes you work for it, but you cannot help but be completely engaged in her class and come away totally psyched about what you learned. She is a hard grader with a lot of assignments, but if you're not lazy, taking her class will be one of the best academic experiences you'll ever have.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Clear, thought-out lectures. Coursework can be demanding, and tedious at times. Has a strange pechant for THHGTTG.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Time flies by. Do your work and hand it in on time. Youll learn how to write and will enjoy the class.It was my favorite class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Lindahl is great! I am not majoring in anything music-related, but took this class because I heard it was an easier WI. She doesn't even give that many writing assignments, and the ones that she does assign are easy. The homework is really simple and the exams aren't too bad either. Go to class because she does in-class assignments sometimes.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" ehh. not too bad. not too exciting either. projects are a pain.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took her social problems class a couple about a year ago... awesome class. Very hard, lots and lots of reading (stacks of articles handed out each week). Well worth it. One of the best professors at HCC. Prepares you for the four year schools!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I really liked him. I took his class on-line. He does a lot of discussion boards and you have to write a few papers. But he is a very good instructor. I learned a lot from his class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" easy class as long as you dont mind to write about 11 1-2 page papers and 2 big papers. no tests or homework other than the papers. shes def out there though dont count on learning anything in class shes in her own world,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Russian History: TOUGH CLASS! But she will warn you of that ahead of time. However, VERY helpful to students both in class and outside of class. Russian history was very interesting though there is a LOT of writing. Get an A in her class, it will make you feel like you can accomplish ANYTHING!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "In her probability and statistics class, she does not explain things well at all. She did not show us how to use statcrunch bc ""we can't use it on tests"" (it was made for online hw!) So online hw takes HOURS. She does not drop lowest grade or provide extra credit. So if you don't understand her complex teaching, you are screwed.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" He's a good guy but has terrible teaching methods. Most of the learning is done through wikipedia and in class presentations done by the students. The class had potential but his method of having students teach students is terrible. Lots of work for little reward.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Good if you are prepared to take responsibility for your learning and review a lot outside of class,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "great teacher, expect to read and discuss a lot, relate all aspects of the soc. problems on your papers and she'll love you.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Tim is very passionate about whatever class he is teaching, but if you are not diggin' the class then it gets annoying and old fast. Pretty easy grader, quizzes every week, three paper and a final. Way too much reading at way too fast of a pace.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" knows his material...easy class if you pay attention and read the assignments. ALOT of work at the end of the semester...had about 20 papers all at the last week because waited till the last minute....got a B..fun discussions,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" There is a lot to learn in this class if you show up. Attendace policy is strict and the projects are time consuming....not hard...time consuming.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "His class was really great. His lectures were really interesting and he used recent events so you can relate. If you do all the homework and do alright on the test then you'll pass. The homework is extremely easy. Attendance isn't mandatory, but you do group work in class somewhat often.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "wow. this guy is great! first class with him, love the class, love the prof. learning a ton without a lot of buys work. best class ive ever had.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Here is the thing. Yes, he is a hard teacher, but if you want to be a manager in an entertainment industry, the type and amount of work he makes you do, you will probably do 10 times more in the real world, unless you want to be a secretary for the rest of your life. Yes, it's busy work, but it prepares you.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Hes not a bad teacher, hes really boring with his powerpoint presentations but experiments make the class interesting. Basically no work all semester except for final.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Easy class we get out early and there is no homework except for studying for quizzes or exams. He has a short paper at the end. Lynn is very clear and easy to understand.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "A course surveying 1000 years is not going to be easy but she knows her stuff. Take lecture notes, that's what tests are based on and read. Going to classes everyday is not unheard of, this class does require effort but you will be rewarded.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Funny. Just have to study a lot.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "His powerpoints summarize what's in the book. Problem is, his voice is very low and I get bored easily. He's cool cause you can just surf the web. But you have to read the book to keep up, don't rely on his lectures they go all over. 6 simulations and a case project (mandatory for this class and section any way), midterm and final.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Quizzes are very important so you must read the text.She one on John Jay's most helpful prof. I learned a lot and enjoyed every text we read sometimes readings are lengthy but its college what do you expect at least she gives an intro to every text so your not totally lost,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" One of my fav. teachers in the University...so easy...no homework but you have like 2 or 3 projects..there easy too...he says attendance is mandatory and u get 3 cuts or he lowers your grade...but thats not completely true unless you miss a lotttt ...so easy...def. reccommend takin this class !!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Dunn is a great person and teacher, but her class is not an easy A. DO YOUR HOMEWORK and DON'T GET BEHND. You must study, study, study (and not at the last minute.) She is willing to help anyone who's willing to help themselves.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Extremely boring, give a lot of tests and reading... has the ability to talk to herself in a class where everyone else is sleeping","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" 2 tests and 2 group research projects is all.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Expect to do A LOT of work. Some of his assignments are pointless. They can also be difficult and time consuming, but he's an easy grader. The class is pretty boring.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" WOW!!! He was awesome and helpful! Loved his class wish he taught 1102.. Only wrote 5 papers and no final!!!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" 6 case analysis and final is a case. Workload is heavy after midterm. All the cases are after the midterm. You'll find it hard to get anything above 75.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Subject matter is tough but Dr. Eng knows her stuff - tests are hard and her project is very time-consuming. If you put a lot of effort into the class, do the reading, and ace the project, you'll do fine. You will work for your grade in this class, but you will learn a lot. I would take her again.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "His tests are based on his lectures, not the textbook. He won't let you record lectures. His grading is harsh. You'll end up working thrice as hard as you would for another history class. So unless you're in love with history AND are a part time student, don't take his class. Your GPA will suffer, I got a B and I worked harder on this than math 140","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Advanced Contracts - Could have been good but Pratt mishandled the class organization and it was all over the place. i.e. reading requriements sent at 8 hours before class, unclear expectations, class was a philosophical cf, was not impressed.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "One of the best classes I've taken. I took this class online over the summer. There are weekly forum posts and quizzes. One final and two papers. She is easy to talk to and is always willing to help. There was a lot of reading, but it was easy reading cause it is all very interesting. Take her! You won't regret it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Welcome to college! Because in this class, You MUST read the textbook, you have to write 4 papers. He doesn't give out a study guide. He says ""the lecture is on one wavelength, the textbook is on another, and the tests cover both wavelengths"". You MUST study before the tests. I'll be surprised if I pass the class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took his online course. Worst experience so far in university (3rd year). Offers no help, and doesnt provide proper info on anything. First assignment was the most vague piece of $#!$ everyone I showed as ever seen. Shame on York for hiring him to educate the new was of statisticians and business people.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Enjoyed her classes greatly, Lots of work to be done but its worth it in the end. You can learn a great deal if you are just willing to do the work and try hard. Stop complaining about the work load and do it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took tai chi as a gym class because i needed to for my major. I figured it would be easy and hardly any out of class work for a 2 credit physical education class. So he gives us two 5 page papers to write on basically nothing, and 2 tests. who the hell does he think he is? dont take tai chi unless your looking for added pointless homework","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Definitely too much work for such a simple class. She feels everyone is taking this class because tehy are interested in it, not because its a requirement. Her study guides are pretty vague but somewhat useful.The papers are about grammer and citation not content. The presentations also pose a problem since she gives no direction on them.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" IT ALL DEPENDS IF YOU WANT TO TAKE 5 MINUTES TO READ FROM THE BOOK AS WELL AS THE CLASS NOTES. THERE IS NOTHING NEW THAT YOU HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE. TRY TO GET NOTICE WITH QUESTIONS AND STUFF LIKE THAT.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Von Barghahn-Calvetti, or 'BVB' as she prefers, is easy to like because she clearly enjoys her work. Lectures are extremely well-researched. If you're looking for an easy A with little work, go elsewhere. She expects a lot of research for papers & presentations. Still, she is always available for feedback & is generous with grading.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Good professor. Not very clear with what she wants so you may need to ask a few times to get the answer. Lots of papers, so you better like to write. You need to set aside at least an hour a night to get an A. It's possible, but tough.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Don't miss his quiz's, but do not worry he warns you in advance. We had to buy 5 different novels, i suggest getting them early because many student had a hard time finding them...toward the end of the session. I got a B... his quiz's are easy... just read the books, his mid term and final consist of an essay and 5 questions.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Although Senora Zahajko is a very pleasant and charming lady, she is very hard to learn from as a teacher. She expects you to spend 2-3 hours a day on homework, then doesn't even grade most of it so you don't know if you're getting it right. She zooms through new material and doesn't have time to answer students questions. Do not recommend her.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "ok I don't know what anyone is talking about, this class is so boring and tedious, it's insane how much notes are given each and every class and how every single part of it is on the test, the test are really hard, and need a lot of memorizing, but there is a pretty big curve, but wayyyy too much notes every dayyy, cannot miss anythingg!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" His lectures are great. He puts up detailed lecture notes on Blackboard. He does his best to help the students. Try to read the textbook (read the summary section at least). There are 3 exams and a final; all of which are multiple choices.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took this class online. Not a lot of points taken so you have to keep up with your work. Read a chapter, post on discussion board come back 2 or 3 times after that to get the full 15 points for the week along with 5 points of that being just an opinion you submit to her. One research paper, midterm and final. Not too difficult. Interesting class!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I've been reading some of the other comments made about Ms. Yearwood and I don't get it. She is very informative and obviously a very intelligent person. Just because she expects you to do your work...Because it's College...doesn't make her a bad teacher.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "very disappointing, He tries to fit too many books into the course, and fails to discuss them in enough detail. Dont count on him taking any sort of personal interest in his students.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Take econ before you take this class, but it's really not that hard even if you didn't. She's great as a person, very fun. DO THE READINGS. It's a bit much, the SPERO+HART is useless. Wild swing in marking.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Makes you think but the essays were awesome to read. Very helpful; you need to attend class but will do well if you put in the effort,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He's a great guy and a great prof! Just go to class and you'll ass. 1 in class, 1 homework assignment every week. Time consuming but easy. Helps you learn a lot about excel in a way that will actually help you in the real world. I can't stress enough to take him.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" English with Greta is very laid back. She's a good teacher and likes to engage the class a lot. I wouldn't say she's a hard grader but you get what you put in. She really likes participation and gives reading assignments for homework. The reading can be boring but isn't too long. It's very possible to receive an A in her class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Too much busy work plus a non-fun 7 page paper. Glad to be done.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Communication skills are A1! He'll get back to you within minutes. wrote a 40 pg paper for his summer class on top of all of the work. 4 week course- LOTS of work but nothing too hard to understand.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Let me preface saying I got a 98% in the class. BUT... it was the hardest I have worked in any class in a long time, especially online. To get a good grade, SUMMARIZE THE BOOK! If you are willing to put in the time, you can do well, but taking it in conjunction with other classes is an ill advised move.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Nonviolent warrior had EXTREMELY boring lectures. over explain things, he will keep you the full 3 hours and 15 minutes","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is enthusiastic and loud. He doesnt like late people and you better have your book with you at every class. Too much work in the class for a GE credit. Too many written essay assignments and quizes. The tests are the same as the pre-tests, and then change later.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Long is the best English teacher I have ever had! I look forward to taking more of her classes. There is a lot of work involved with the course, however, if you show an effort and work hard, there is no reason you shouldn't get a good grade! Highly recommended for anyone who is serious about working hard and enjoying their English class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Hyde is by far the best professor I've had at SPSCC. His criminology class was extremely interesting and I learned a lot from him! The lectures could sometimes be dull but he would tend to tell personal stories to liven things up. The homework load was minimal and we hardly ever used the book in class. You need to take a class with Hyde!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Hirsch is a busy professor. She gives LOTS of homework but READ & STUDY! Its possible 2 get an A in her class. Do ALL the hmwk & keep track of ALL your grades. Do NOT miss class. She comes off as mean or snippy, but she's a nice lady. If u want an A in her class, WORK FOR IT! Pay attn 2 study guides, read all chapters & extra credit oppty.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Doesnt know his job.I'm not sayin this b/c apparently U THINK I'm failing this class.U prolly never took so many damn classes at the same time or else u would know how much work is involved & if U cant take criticism well,this website is not for u.Peace!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Fantastic professor - probably the best I've ever had. Very informative and entertaining. Lots to read and lots of notes to take, but if you do your part he will do his. He no longer teaches SOC131 as he's moving to the Crim Jus side of campus, but if you have the chance to take a class of his you won't regret it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is very knowledgeable and explains the material well, but his lecture can seem never-ending and his homework problems are a lot harder than the ones he goes over in class. They are also very long (some with 40 questions) but he gives you normally over a week to complete. I would suggest taking MWF to have shorter lectures or else you'll zone out","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "It was an absolute joy...which is certainly helpful when the class is on Saturday morning at 11am. We used the book a few times, but we mostly watched videos and made fun of theater. Midterm prod. project was fun. You will have to see 3 plays...2 school prods and a prof. production. Lots of fun, though!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Geri is a very nice, down to earth prof, like a sweet grandma. There is definitely a lot of work to do, but she grades easy, as long as you do it & show a little effort you'll do fine. She's a little unorganized at times. Failed to mention in syllabus/class there was a 10 page final memoir paper. Lots of small group sharing. Fun, artsy class!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Geat Prof. He is by far the most intelligent prof I've ever had. Be prepared to read, ALOT. He's a very hard marker and expects you to participate in all discussions. His lectures are full of info., so be prepared to write alot and quickly.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Ok if you take him for the 400 level class it's not as easy as everyone says. He requires a 24 page paper, short assignments, final, midterm, presentation etc so if you do take his class be prepared to come with the mindset to do work. Senioritis is not allowed overall he explains well and if you do your work you will be fine.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "excellent professor. DONT buy the book, you will never open it. powerpoints on blackboard, show up to class and you will for sure get at least a b. she really knows her stuff and is very enthusiastic about it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" You must fit within her agenda.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I loved Professor Sadkowski. He's a very funny guy with somewhat interesting lectures. You have to read a lot in his class or else you won't pass. His quizzes are based from his mini-books you have to read along with the class one. Read or else you won't pass. It's pretty hard to without them.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Awesome guy. Good sense of humor. Easy class. Lots of interactive class discussions on a wide range of topics (school/life related, etc.) Never needed to take notes for this class..ever. Weekly assignments due, very short (500 words) and easy. A couple of longer papers due at the end but not hard at all. Great prof. RECOMMENDED!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This class was really easy. The workload wasn't high AT ALL. I think some people are just too lazy to do a 10 minute assignment before class. She's a very easy grader, and even gives you opportunities to miss assignments without a penalty. You teach the class twice with a group and it's also easy. It doesn't take much planning at all! EASY!!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Way too much homework. Doesn't offer any extra credit. Very picky! Strict internet course timeline.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I dropped HIST 1301 three times before I took her class. And I got A! Highly recommend to someone who do not like to read too much.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "By far the best teacher, and course that I have ever taken in my life. This class is a lto fo hard work but you enjoy it. There is a lot of reading but most of the class time is spent on discussions. Every educaiton major should take this course with Dee.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "By far one of the best professors I've ever had. He doesn't give busy work and he consistently checks to make sure that you're understanding the materials. Great Professor, Highly recommend.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This class is a complete waste of time; the entire class time is spent filling out worksheets with no explanation on how to actually teach the material to children. Her tests are mostly fill in the blank/short answer and are 100% information from the book that has nothing to do with what is gone over in class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is a very good professor, funny, and really knows what she is talking about. Be ready to write several papers with vague guidelines.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is a little hard to understand at first, but just make sure to do all the work he gives you. It may be a lot, but it guarantees you a decent grade. Sometimes his explanations aren't great, but you can look in the book if you're confused.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Reynolds is weird. She gives you relatively easy papers to write, you write them alone, and turn them in on the day they are due. The ONLY time I went to class was for the first two weeks, and thereafter only to turn in my papers or have a grading conference. This teacher is not for anyone who is not self motivated.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Prof Hirschl is awful. DSOC 1101 is awful. If you do the work, you will get a good grade, but the amount of work is obscene for such a stupid class. Hirschl tests you on his own material and his own views. I didnt know what sociology was until I looked it up three weeks into class. He makes you buy books for two chapters. AVOID if you enjoy sanit y","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She gives a lot of homework and quizzes but is really enthusiastic and wants students to learn. Good about giving extra help outside of class and grades fairly.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" best teacher ever...makes you work hard but it pays off in the end!!! gubacs rules!@,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "His class is awesome. It is very interesting & you learn alot of stuff you can actually use. There are no real tests in his class, just a lot of assignments. I'd take him for any class, but I think all he teaches is Strategy.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She does assign a lot of work, but she is very fair. If you do the work (and isn't this why it's called college) and you make an effort, you'll do well. She is very responsive and helpful. I would take her again.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Gives very vague instruction, assigns a ton of reading you'll have to recognize specific quotations from for exams, very unorganized, wish I would have dropped the class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She's scatterbrained at times but she knows what she is doing. You'll come out of her classes knowing a lot more than when you came in. You just have to be willing to do the work and there is a lot of it. If you have a good attitude about the class you'll get an A.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Horrible teacher, pointless class, did a 20 page paper on my emotions.... Literally the worst teachers i have ever had.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Best teacher I've had so far. He's very funny, you just have to show up to class and do the essays he gives for homework. There aren't many, it's based on readings he put on e-reserve and it's just your opinion about it. You don't need a textbook for him. Super easy going and friendly. He has some pretty interesting life stories also.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Worst professor ever! This class was 2 credits, but should've been 4. She gives too much homework & makes you do a group project where you interview other professors & students & she gives too many long papers for this one project, some papers not even related to our project. She is the only teacher that waits until the last day to submit grades.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I have had several courses with this professor and I think he is excellent. He is very demanding, has a lot of reading, but the tests are open book, so if you are paying attention in class and do your work, you will do very well. I like his lecturing style. He uses groups in his classes, but you can do the papers on your own if you want.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "8:30AM 3 hour seminar. Quiz every class. 100+ pages of reading/week. Tough marker. That all being said, it was genuinely a privilege to be in Ian Spears 4th year class. It is the most eye opening, provocative and inspirational course at Guelph. He cares about his students and wants them to think critically about every reading. Take this class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Lets see. for this online class she has made us read about 5-10 different small readings per week and then.... 60% is knowing small quotes from all the readings over the past 8 weeks. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? She is a critical grader and unorganized. I'm sure she's nice in person but don't take online unless it's the only class you take. Ridiculous.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "did not like her at all... you had to do many ""response papers"" that had to be like 900 words or something redic like that.. and you had to go to a nursing home and for a research project.. didn't like it","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took Prof. Hu Summer '14. He is a great teacher. Very willing to help. Gives tons of examples during the lecture. He does have an accent, but you get used to it. Very kind and nice teacher. He gives tons of HW, but that's how you learn math anyway. Quizes everyday, Mon,Wed,Fri were group, Tue,Thu were individual. On test you can bring cheat sheet","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" this teacher is very nice but she is very hard to understand the whole class felt like a huge waste of time. i can truly say i didnt learn one thing knew from her. the class really felt like she let students teach more then she did. lots of test with very little extra points. also lots of random papers online you have to do. i would never pick her,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Mike is very passionate about teaching Government! He is tough but if you attend every class and keep up with the readings you will pass his class,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "lectures tend to get boring after a lot of listening, is a lot of reading for the course, is easy class if put in the time.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This prof. is not that bad but the ALEKS and comp assignments is what kills u. The thing i didn't like about this prof was how he allowed everyone to get up and try to explain the subject and he just sat there.Oh yeah, if he knows your name he will pick on you.If ur the type of person that doen't like doing HW i wouldn't recommend him.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Class is a lot of work that really has nothing to do with philosophy. Work itself is pretty easy. I managed to get an A. You just have to do the work. You will get frustrated easily though. You will have to buy like 5 books and use them all a lot, and keep a journal. One personal presentation and a couple of group presentations.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I've previously taken the online course to avoid the in class nonsense. Didn't make a difference with her grading and lack of communication (emails). Never the less, Jenni expects the most out of her students. No excuses are tolerated. You'll read 4 books in 1 semester . If you don't complete the book reviews you will fail. Honesty doesn't matter","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Trish is understanding and easy to work with. She is really nice and she explains everything on a weekly basis for online learning. Lots of reading though and lots of home work. she did give a midterm and a quiz only a couple days away. nice but hard,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I enjoyed this class. There's 5 modules and you get 3 weeks for each one. There's a few assignments, a blog post, and a quiz each module. Totally doable amount of work. Only thing is, for the blog you need to work with your group and a lot of people wait until the last minute. Cooke was very helpful and informative either way. Highly recommended!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Best Senior Course out there. There is a lot required of you (reading, watching films, etc.) but none of it is wasted time. The midterm and final projects are difficult, but nothing you wouldn't expect. She is open and willing to help you with your writing, and you'll become a better writer from taking her class. AMAZING professor. Beautiful class!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Dr. Bodek is seriously one of the best professors at CofC. His lectures are amazing and his class was very clear cut. He can acknowledge when he's assigned too much work and doesn't mind moving assignments around to better fit the classes needs. I would take him for anything he offers.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Took this class online and it was an easy A. If anyone isn't a Psych major and wishes to just knock this class out of the way i would recommend taking online. It saved me alot of time. All you need to do is reply to these forums once a week and you had 3 papers due throughout the whole semester and they were easy! She responds fast to emails.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Great teacher but I felt this class was designed more for full-time students. 3 hour lectures twice a week, fairly grueling online homework, and online quizzes and tests almost every Friday and Saturday! I would not recommend if you work, especially full-time. Loved the online platform MOM, but could not handle the overall time commitment.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Very helpful and quite respectful to every student. Very clear and concise rubrics. Gives plenty of time for each assignment. Mixes various forms of instruction to teach his classes.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Overall good professor, but the class is alot of work and it's difficult to know him other than at the huge lectures","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "MB was probably the best teacher I have ever had and SMC is idiotic to have let her go. Her classed were definitely some of the hardest (read: most effort necessary) in my years at SMC, but she taught me how to become such a better writer. She deeply cares how her students do. Do the work, accept criticism and improve based on that criticism.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" he will waste your time or lower your GPA. avoid this teacher. do not take..,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Hilarious that people complain about the amount of readings in 4340. It's a FULL credit course. What did u expect? Gives away 20% of ur mark in weekly quizzes/participation. Much less writing than other full credits(3 essays, 18 pages total). Tough marker for essays, but fair & gives good feedback. Great course, fav prof,interesting, learned a lot.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "NEVER TAKE HER CLASS!!! That is too much work, not much explanation/teaching. She absents a lot. You will not learn much.People skips her class a lot. The class start as 36+ people, now there are only around 15 left... It is a waste of time! Trust me.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I wasn't impressed with this professor at all. He is a very nice person, but as a prof, I was unhappy with the unreasonable workload and how he plays favorites. This is the most useless class in the COE, but everyone must take it. He's not horrible but definitely get in on his good side and you'll do well.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Excellent teacher! Plan on doing a fair amount of homework and making sure to come to class, but you'll learn a lot.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "In all honesty, Karen is not all that bad. Granted, she leaves comments and does seem like a stickler, but shes OK. Finished the class with a B+ and I feel that she helped my writing out a lot. I would recommend her class, however it is very work intensive, even for an online class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Very intelligent in the subject but requires too much irrelevant work. No tests is an upside but all the papers make up for it.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" she is good but gives a lot of homework,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is one of the hardest graders ever. She makes fun of the journalism degree constantly and says that she's going to make us work ""twice as hard"" when we come to her class. Her assignments are ridiculous and she makes it very difficult to have a good grade in the class without staying up all night to finish her assignments.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Class consists of six exams and two papers. Hefty reading assignments and no break between exams. Tests are online but are very difficult. Final is cumulative. One of my favorite professors on campus and one of my fav classes. Wish I could take more classes with him.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Prof. Yager is overall a good teacher. He can be slightly intimidating (esp. when in a small class), but he tries hard to make connections with his students. There is homework every night, but it is never too lengthy or difficult; just be sure to fully read the Lecturas (don't skim) because the info will show up again on pop quizzes and exams.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Felt is a wonderful teacher and woman. If I could have her as my professor for all subjects I would definately do it. She gives just the right amount of work and always teaches the subject matter before assigning anything. She's terrific. I highly recommend her!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Todd is very helpful and nice. ME 121 is a very easy class, so easy that basically if you show up to class, then you will pass. There are in class assignments everyday so it is important to show up. The only work really outside of class is the 10 minute homeworks on Blackboard, and the two professional society meetings for credit.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "good teacher. werk hard and she'll smile during ur crit, listen, then let u sit. bring in a piece of shyt model, expect her to get out of her seat, pick up ur piece of shyt n destroy it. do ur werk n u'll like her, if she asks for 15 analysis drawings do 5 and jus ask her 4 help. u never need to do as much werk that she originally asks 4","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Terrible teacher. We spent all class discussing current events instead of the history we're suppose to be studying. You basically have to teach yourself the material. The only time she goes over it is AFTER you take the exam on it. At that time what's the point anymore? Also she gives tons of homework. I love history but, this was a bad experience.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Easily the best ISOM professor. I too have had her for 4 semesters straight, and her classes have been extremely rewarding. She's serious in course work, so expect to work hard for your grade while building useful skills for your first job. She goes out of her way to make sure you succeed; put forth the effort and she'll return it tenfold.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Schneider is very enthusiastic about the subject he teaches. You need to get the books and read because he does give quizzes. Attendance is mandatory. Good professor. As long as you study and participate, you should do well. Good Luck!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is super strict. If you do not complete something, be ready to be kicked out of class. She thinks her class is the only thing going on in our life's. She assigns mass amounts of homework to be due immediately. Random pop quizzes are huge. If you think you can come to class and review what you just read, forget it. You should know everything!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He specifically sets up the assignments to make everyon arrive in class having done the readings, and to help people keep up and do well. It was tough having a mini paper due twice a week, but then we got to revise them and submit the month's worth all together for the grade. No midterm or final. He encourages discussion, and coming to his office.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She will make you print out almost every reading for class. Will have at least three readings every night of at least 6 pages. Outrageous amount of work.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Geib is awesome! Basically there are just two projects and two test during class and the rest of the time is just discussion. This class can be an easy A if you show up and study whenever necessary (which is very little),"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I agree that there are too many formal lab papers give this is just the laboratory component of one five courses that any student is dealing with,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "if you're interested in plants, agriculture, pigs, cows and chickens, then take this course. assignments are long but marked pretty easily. no midterm, exam is not bad. interesting, but can sometimes completely lose you.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Nielson's class was great. Assingments wern't too hard and had very clear due dates. The class atmosphere was laid back. Nielson's knowledge of the subject is pretty vast and he makes it easy for one to learn a lot.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very sweet lady. Her class is a little dry but it's the subjects you have to learn. Lots of group work/projects. No tests just a lot of papers/writing. She's very passionate about the material and that kind of gets in the way of her teaching, but she knows her stuff. Only 2 teachers for this subject and the other was much harder.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" SO EASY!! Highly recommend. MWF class but he does not have class Fridays - instead you have to write two paragraphs on a given topic and that's. He's super nice and there's virtually no work involved with the class and he tells you word for word what will be on the test. EASIEST CLASS EVER.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" do your readings or suffer her wrath,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Took Steve multiple times during my masters. You get from him as much as you want. If you are on the lazy side-don't take him. If you want to be pushed and are open to new ideas-he's your guy.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He is good professor. His assignments are not easy, but these are very helpful for your future. if you need to take eng300, I recommend him.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Rob is a wonderful prof. I was somewhat intimidated going into his class, but ended up LOVING it. I have probably learned more in his class so far than any other comm course i've taken. He is extremely knowledgeable and approachable. Lots of busy work, but well worth it!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "labs were ok, not hard, but not boring either always kept me busy","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Currently enrolled in his Inorganic course and he is absolutely amazing. Yes, you will need to study. Yes, the exams can be a bit tricky. It's all about the time you put into studying. He's a great lecturer and you should focus on studying the hw (not graded) he assigns. He's very helpful during office hours as well. 10/10","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Iten loves to complicate everything. She also loves to waste time on clicker questions. In order to get done on time, READ the manual and do ALL calculations before going to lab. Understand exactly what you'll be doing in lab to also make it easier. Look at the sample in-lab problems because they are the exact same.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very reading intensive. Tim's an easy grader, lots of quizzes and three major papers. Attendance is part of your grade. We read a novel a week, which makes it easy to fall behind. At least the books are interesting.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This was such a great class. I learned a lot and it was really easy to pass as long as you showed up and you did the work. She doesn't ask a lot of students. There is a 15-20 page paper so beware of that if you decide to take her class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is a very interesting teacher, a little on the nutty side buy very inteligent. She has a habit of geting off subject, but she grades and test fairly. Expect alot of reading and homework time to get an A in her class though.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "You have a LOT of readings every week. The midterms, final, and papers (2) are based on these readings! She repeats what is important in lecture so you can't miss it! Participation in discussion is a must for points. GO TO THE TA for help on the 2 papers! It makes a huge difference. I went from a C+ (1st paper) to B+ (2nd) after meeting w/ the TA.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Great professor! Lectures are organized and assignments are clear.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "If you want an easy A because you took high school Spanish, DON'T take her. If you want to learn how to speak Spanish, please take her. Cristina (no H in the first name)knows her stuff. She does assign a lot of homework. All homework is required to be turned in to receive a grade. She's tough, but she gives many extra credit opportunities.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "If you are interested in successful professional and academic work in the not-so-distant future, this is a realistic professor to take a class with. You can decide how much you can read and handle from an assignment standpoint. Professor Collins is an excellent teacher who challenges her students to be the best they can be. You can't ask for more.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Extremely difficult, but doable. Be prepared to study at least a couple of hours everyother night to stay on top of the subject. Between lecture and lab, you'll do about 12 hours of work a week just in bio. Do this and you MIGHT be ok. Take bio only if you are seriously into it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Tons of homework and a fair amount of reading each week. Definitely a harsh grader, but he usually tells you what you're missing. Not the greatest personality, mind, and certainly intimidating, but it's been a year since I've taken his class and the information has actually stuck. Overall - difficult, but worth taking.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Solid professor for the most part. Homework load is insane if you have other heavy courses. If you love to read and write take his class. He can be a bit arrogant at times, but he is very qualified and knows his stuff. Do not fall behind on journal or review question assignments if possible. You will get an A if you work hard for it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Gave too much homework and work in general. Overloaded with class work and unfathomed time window to finish a book. Grading critiques were not fair and to get anywhere, you have to suck up. Not my kind of ""learning experience"".","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Mark Unno is an amazing profesor. He's hilarious and the amount of work you have to do is really reasonable. There's 2 short tests and a few papers. The readings are pretty basic, too. I'm by no means a 4.0 person but this class is very doable.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Her lectures are NOT interesting at all and the material on the exams is all based on the textbook readings (which are easily multiple chapters, and multiple articles per night). She is useless when it comes to help and she's unforgiving about students specific situations. The inclass assignments are like mini tests.DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS WITH HER!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Kurt is a great guy. Most 3030 labs will be in the optics room and will take some time to complete. It's best not to procrastinate in case you have questions (he has office hours, but welcomes walk-ins). Book is a must and you have to have high discipline. Hard grader, but he is just giving an honest rating of how much you really understand.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I am in her D.E class. It is the middle of the week and we still haven't received our H.W yet, but we are still expected to turn it in by the same deadline. I am really disappointed with this teacher because how are we expected to do good when you short us on our time to complete assignments? I'm so frustrated with her =(","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Demanding but provides many opportunities to learn and earn a decent grade. Many group labs.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I had him for Hist 1112 and actually kinda enjoyed his dry humor. It is a lot of writing however and he definitely has high standards as far as the work load goes but you know what's expected of you and he gives you the exam questions ahead of time. Just try to summarize the answers in your textbook in your own words and you'll be fine.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Excessive work and a waste of time. Learned more from professors at CSN than from this woman. SUA, connect homework, networking events, and not enough time for exams. She comes to class smiling, but it's a smile welcoming you to hell. Also, get ready to spend money on class materials. NOT WORTH IT.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Burns is a nice professor. I love to hear his real life stories. Lectures are kind of interesting. Some slides are wordy but you need to read them to pass the test. We form one team during semester and deliver many reports so expect to write a lot. There are 3 homework sets and 3 closed notes, closed books exams. Overall, thump up!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Just keep up with your work and you will be fine,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very, very hard professor! He always gives WAY too much homework and made us feel stupid!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The professor is a nightmare. I understand that the professor is merely to show you a path, then you go upon a journey to learn. But when that professor only gives you a hammer and some nails and expects you to build the titanic, that's when I can't respect her. TLDR: She gives you basics, but doesn't help you with anything else. Suicide For Grade","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Bob is such a great teacher. Yes, his lectures are long, and his reading assignments are very (very, very, very, ...) long. But, in the end, it is all so worth it. Make sure you know how to take good and efficient notes. Don't be that one student who looks lost during lectures. I would take his class over and over again if I could. Just do it!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This class was pretty boring, and that's hard to do because it was a subject i found very interesting. some days were more interesting, but overall it got pretty mind numbing. at least 50 slides of notes most days, tons of writing... the 10 page paper was hard. not just long, but nothing to write about. i didn't love or hate this class","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Makes English harder than it has to be, gives in class assignments everyday, which are so dumb. Talks a lot and is very, very critical on your writing.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Ridiculous amount of readings for a fourth year class. It seems like its a Masters class but isnt. I barely got a 68 because it was so damn difficult to keep up. Hes a really nice guy but marks really hard and expects too much.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Sweetest lady ever! Hardly ever makes you stay the whole class period. Most friday classes last ten minutes.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Excellent professor, and you must participate in class and read assigned material.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very intelligent lady- but you have to write the way she wants you to write. Seems like she's a bit bored with teaching but still an okay professor. Heavy work load, but a fair grader.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" He gives very tough homework assignment on programming. Programming in Internet Protocol class!!! yes.. his teaching is bad.. he just go over the text book builted powerpoint and read what the slide say.. i do not recommend taking his class. so beware!!!!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Laziest professor I have ever met. Attendance not mandatory just have to read the book, his book, and THE WHOLE THING front to back. He tells you what he says in class is not important because its in the book. READ, know the terms and he'll give you everyone the same grade, a b+","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "His classes are work intensive, he takes the either learn the material, or fail the class approach.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Extremely nice prof who knows what he is talking about but not an organized or interesting class. I was excited because I have an interest in astronomy but the class is completely dull and a bit of a downer. The assignment are tedious and do not promote learning at all. The testing is adequate if you have time to read the entire textbook.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Beneski is a very smart man and really knows his stuff about anatomy, but he is not the best at teaching it. He lectures very monotone and it can be hard to keep up with so I recommend recording the lectures because you need to know literally every little detail for the exams. You need to put at least 10 hours in a week if you want a good grade.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Never have I felt like I've been in high school while college until I took her class. She values class room participation and daily homework completion more than any other instructor I've had.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" I took his inline class. Really fun guy and very helpful. Made the class challenging and interesting. I have learn a lot. I highly recommend him. You will have to work a lot.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "nice guy. lectures are a snooze, but if you study you will do well. requires a term paper. just be ready to do some work. i dont hate him but i'm not in love either.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The best prof I have had at York. His lecture are fast-paced so it is best to have a laptop for taking notes. He presents the material in an exciting, often humorous, way. Be prepared to work hard. There are lots of readings and essays. Still, if you keep you with everything, an A+ is possible.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "SUCH AN EASY CLASS!!! Just do the online quizes and labs, bs them if you want. I got them done in about 3 hours with the free 1 day trial, saved me about 37 dollars. I would definitely recommend him! Just show up and at least walk around the gym. Easiest ""A"" I have ever gotten.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Lectures were always helpful and engaging, assignments were all well designed and helped me learn the material. Great guy.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Awesome Prof! Speaks quickly in lecture but if you pay attention, the lectures are very informative. a lot of essays, but they are intended to improve your writing for your future university career.I would love to take another class taught by him.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "make sure to do the story ideas. Do your beats as well. Buy the required book, most of the coursework is AP style. He cancels class to give students more time to work on the assignments.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This was the worst graduate class I have ever taken at Missouri State University. The professor has ""checked out"" of school and should not be ""teaching."" Please avoid this class if at all possible. I spent over 10 hours a week teaching myself and others.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Lots of reading. You are expected to keep up and be engaged in class. Participation matters to this professor - so if you don't speak up, don't expect to do well. The curve is a bit strange, a 94 is an A-. Overall, Dee asks you to think about some important ideas and engage in a high level of discourse.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" attendance isn't mandatory just necessary to to understand and pass. he explains things better than the book and he doesn't put notes on blackboard,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Great prof and probably the best prof I had this year. Assignments were easy and her instructions were easy to follow. Her lectures are always interesting and insightful. The best feature of this course is the ROM assignment!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Well, I came into this class with a high expectation of this professor, since friends of mine really enjoyed her class. I found her extraordinarily difficult. She has you write numerous papers that have questions that are very difficult. She expects Masters level work out of a Undergraduate class. Don't take her unless you have lots of time!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "International political economy is the name of the class. I LOVED every moment of it. The readings are manageable, the papers are interesting and his passion for political economy is contagious. EVERYONE should take this class","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Great Class, Loads of Information So get organized! Lots of Formulas so brush up on some algebra... Just do your work on time & attend every class. Feel free atr ask for help, Zentz prefers people to get help ahead of time, out of class. You will learn alot in this course so dont get behind. Good Luck","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This teacher is honestly the worst teacher I have ever had. In Philosophy, you are allowed to have an opinion, but not in his class. This class is full of work that has nothing to do with Philosophy. It has hurt me in other classes because I spend so much time on his homework that is busy work. I pretty sure I got an A in his class. :(","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Oh No, forget this lady. She made my life hell. Never take any class with her, it's a warning. Her lectures are boring as hell, she only gives her opinion and doesn't give actual facts. Her exams are stupid pointless, I honestly don't know how she became a Professor, Just don't take her especially all the reading she makes you do is a bit crazy.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Around 7 stories/novels and 3 movies (one of which you read and watch).You are to read up to a certain point in the story and then it is discussed in class. She gives you a set of 6 essay questions on each reading of which 2 will appear on the exam and you pick one to write on along with passage ids from the stories (parts you identify and explain),"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "redmond is intelligent, experienced in her field, knows what she's talking about. the class is a lot of work but you learn so much. id totally recommend her!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is a Great professor who really knows what she's doing. Unfortunately, her courses are very difficult and not worth it. Do NOT take this course for a simple GS credit. Unless you like writing atleast 1 paper a week and 20 hrs community service. Take ECON, for the same GS credit VERY EASY.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Her online Psych 25 class was the easiest class I've ever taken! Her quizzes aren't timed and you have all semester for homework assignments. Definitely recommend this class if you are working full time and don't really have time for homework.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took online class PY 101 There is basically no work except 4 on sundays when you have to complete a forum. However, the tests were hard & u have 2 read the chapters at least 3 times to pass, at least that is what he told me when I emailed him about my grade. You have 2 papers that are like 6 pages long. I don't suggest this class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "You have to be organized to take this class! Not structured by week but by major assignment. Difficult if you don't already know how to write essays. Doesn't give feedback on rough drafts (peers do)only on your essay after its graded. Doesn't lecture - you learn by doing workbook sheets. 4 essays w/ rough draft, various exercises, online research","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Two 500 word essays due a week. Class starts by useful grammer tips. The next hour she calls on every person to see how they feel about the topic for the essay. The essay topics are mostly revolved around politics, money, and every once in awhile something interesting.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is a great prof. Very liberal and approachable. no need to buy textbook, just study wikipedia for the exams. everything is good except there is a long assignment to do ...","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She can be tough, but she's fair. As long as you do your assignments, you'll be fine.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Really tough class. Journal/review questions are lengthy and is more english oriented than history. Do homework everyday, get ahead quick.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She gives extremely thought-provoking lectures, and is great at sparking discussion. However, I can't say I learned anything new, mostly we discussed current events. Worse, she encourages ""creativity"" on papers, but in grading them, she just wants students to spit back the reading. And there's way, way too much reading. Class=fun, homework load=bad","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Expect to read 4 novels during this course. No textbook, but she puts all relevant readings online for students. Expect to have to read an article and answer questions as homework for every class. Most of your grade comes from the extremely important book reports. Most class periods are spent gathering in a large circle and discussing as a class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I clickers, homework every night, test every two weeks, assigned readings that have nothing to do with physics besides justifying his teaching schedule. But he is really passionate. Imagine Vlad the Impaler for gym trainer. You're gonna get results but gonna but it's gonna hurt! You're taking this class because you have to. Don't take Vlad.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took him for Internship Seminar. You can tell he's a good professor but he gives way too much work for interns who are already slaving away, giving 20+ hours a week to a course where they are getting 4 credits. Too much busy-work and writing that means nothing for a class that is pass/fail.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I toke her class online. Most of the material I learned was from the text book. Be sure to underline important sentences and paragraphs. You will also need to write a lot, at least 2 1/2 to 5 or 6 pages per each essay assignment. There are two essay assighnments due each week. Follow my guideline and you will get an A in the class, just like I did.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "We had a paper and a poster, which was typical for this class and not horrible, made the paper due in the middle of the semester which worked well for me. However, with assignments and due dates he was inconsistent and changed them frequently. I don't mind getting a later due date but wish he would make up his mind","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "There are 5 essays you have to do throughout the semester. A few grammar tests. Classes finish early (woohoo!) She helps a lot during the process of writing the essay - just make sure you use her help in editing your drafts and what not. Not a tough grader, but you need to submit all essays. Grading is also very clear","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Proessor Koene has lost all touch with what it is like to be a college student. The class contains a ridiculously obscene amount of work for a few measly credits. This class has made me hate the Spanish language, no exaggeration","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Buddy likes his flow charts. How's those working for you at the LC there Dave?,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Really enjoyed her online class. You know what is expected of you each week and you have opportunities to work ahead. The course material was very interesting and overall I am glad I got her as a professor.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "best class to take in the summer. he lets out class after a half hour or an hour. its pretty interesting. 2 test straight from power point notes, dont read the book just memorize all the slides. 1 group project, which is fairly easy. really nice guy. really good summer class!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" It's easy if you know a little Hebrew. Do all the hw and study for the simple vocab quizzes. IMPORTANT--Go to ALL 14 hours of lab whether he stresses it or not! He told us about it halfway into the sem. I went to 6 hrs of lab and got a B instead of an A.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She's a very hard professor and she expects a lot out of you. The amount of reading is rather obnoxious and she expects that you'll reach a whole new level of learning just from being in her class. Sometimes she's funny and she seems nice, but I think she expects far too much for a survey class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I would not recommend this First Year Seminar to anyone. Although the material sounds fun and interesting, too much busy work is expected from the course and its a struggle to get a decent grade. His lack of clarity when it comes to assignments creates numerous difficulties throughout the year. Consider this a warning.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is an excellent teacher. I took her 6 week class in the summer. I had to work hard but I was never bored in her 3 hour classes. She teaches with power point, video, overhead, discussion and presentations all in the same class. If you want to learn and do not mind working for the grade, take her. You will retain the knowlege years from now.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She was very strict when it came to class attendance. She made us write a lot of papers. The course material was not interesting. We read long uninteresting articles rather than novels. The articles were in depth and complex. She'll make you work hard, but isn't that hard a grader.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I really enjoyed taking this class. You have to do the readings but he is very clear with what will be in the exams regarding lecture and what wasn't covered in class. Interesting approach to adult development. He has 3 or 4 random days in which he will take attendance, I recommend going to all lectures regardless (they are very interesting).","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Took the minicourse for intellectual breadth. It's a easy 1 credit 300 Level humanities, and I am a lazy Engineering student. He just kinda talks for 2 hours then asks you to write a paper at the end of the semester. I passed, so I can't complain","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She gives a lot of work and made me hate writing method sections. I changed my major after having her, but I can't blame her entirely. She is really sweet, but she gives a whole lot more work that I expected for a 200 level class. She is kind of condescending when she says things too. It gets a little annoying.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "i was in his first honors section, and he def. kept us busy with reading and papers. overall, a great guy but use his office hours if you get stuck!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "worst class ever. first week you learn you dont need to read the worthless textbooks. grades papers like she is a english teacher, has nothing to do with my major. teaching method is as dry as dirt. 30 pages of dry reading per night, 3-4 papers. do yourself a favor and get out of that class, worry about design. .","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Unreasonable, super boring class, thinks her class is the only one you're taking, forces you to change things that are perfectly fine","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Get ready to read ALOT! We basically read articles that were pointless throughout the semester and got quizzed on them. Blitz is also a confusing guy, he may seem like an intelligent guy, but he often goes TOO FAR with the point he's making and totally loses you. Avoid if possible.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Dr. Lueck expects well-written papers. I took this in the summer and I was the only graduate student. Lots of reading and writing but passable. She had a lot of feedback on my paper but i got an A. She is enthusiastic about her subject and lectures a lot. If you read the text and participate you'll be fine.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" He lectures were entertaining and eye opening. There is a fair amount of homework in the class and must read the textbook if you want to do well in class. That was my problem I just listened and took notes on Powerpoints but didn't read text book like students who recieved a better grade than me,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Very challenging but I learned a lot definately a lot of work!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Really not bad a bad professor. He makes you work for it that's for sure. But he teaches students about controversial topics that are interesting to write about. The papers were cool to write about also. Just make sure to do all the online work, readings and follow the instructions for your papers and you'll do fine","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "A lot of reading involved in this class. Essays are kind of long toward the end of the semester, but she is willing to help! Would take again.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" The whole class was taught off the internet. Count on this guy to bore you to death AND! give you papers that will take you days. The only sources for your papers are primary documents which were written hundreds of years ago and are hard to understand.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She'll make you work, but she marks fair and communicates clearly in her lectures. You won't do well if you slack off, but if you are interested in the topic, you'll definitely learn.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He's okay...a little nitpicky with the papers. Nice guy, but I dread taking him again b/c I know there'll be several papers involved. But he did take us on a day trip to NY; that was pretty cool.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Great teacher! Helps get one into the understanding of accounting easily. In order to succeed, you must do the homework although it is not mandatory.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Gives a lot of homework, its pretty easy and is worth it. Very nice and just wants her students to do well.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" A lot of effort is needed to pass his class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Great teacher, challenging class. He is always available outside of class for help. We actually published a book in this class, what a great project! If you're lazy, this is not a good class for you.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" SHE WILL KEEP YOU BUSY BUT IT HELP YOU ON THE TEST!!!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The worst teacher on this campus, all of his assignments are unnecessary and do not relate to anything we talk about during class. He likes to hear himself talk and he loves moodle but moodle is awful. he is an awful teacher, avoid him at all costs. you will not learn anything. he doesn't speak very good english and has a thick accent. hate class","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Prof. Sierra is a nice, outgoing professor who expects good papers from students! 3 4-6paged essays w clear instructions, be sure to do ANALYTICAL instead of reiterating plot. INTRO paragraph, THESIS paragraph, BODY paragraphs, and CONCLUSION paragraph. Quizzes are okay! Two books he assigned can be found online PDF for free. Good luck:)","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Class grade is mostly the projects which require a lot of time but are very useful to the real classroom and for the most part are interesting to do!! Dr. Wall is very helpful and one of the nicest teachers I've had!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Did not offer enough written assignments,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I do not recommend this professor to any students wishing interested in sociology, turned me off completly to the subject. too many classes were spent watching pointless videos..writing endless reading notes that were worth very little..if attendance weren't taken, i prob never would have gone to class..nice person though, not so great prof:(","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Mark does expect a lot out of his students but he just wants you to succeed. He's always there to help and you can learn a lot from him if you choose to. DO NOT take this class unless you are interested in painting and have done it before! Even though the class was hard and time-consuming, it was definitely the best class I've taken at SSU.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I got an A in the class, but i hated going to class. I dreaded it. When we were in class we didn't even talk about history majority of the time. You have to read four chapter books and do a book review. Those are your tests. If you don't read, you won't pass. The quiz's were a pain. She gives so much info, that it is hard to get ready for a quiz.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "He's an ok instructor. Assignments are a bit confusing -- it's as if he's not even sure what he really wants from us. The assignments weren't all that useful, and he gave us way too much time in class to work on them.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "A lot of reading which is to be expected. Class participation is key, if you dont talk in cass you are screwed","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This class was a drag. I can't imagine anyone passing unless they took Spanish in hs. I took 121-122 and had 2-4 hours of hw EACH DAY. I even had to drop my other class just to keep up. The material bounces from one to another and it is very difficult to digest w/ her method of teaching. I highly suggest a study group. At least I got a high grade.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Rose gives a lot of homework and reading. It is a lot to keep track of but he does send out helpful emails keeping you up to date. The workload is worth it because the lectures are very interesting and the homework/paper topics usually are as well. Beyond that, Prof Rose is just a pleasant professor to have and his passion is contagious","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Mr. Gutliph is a great professor that wants all of his students to succeed. This is not an easy class by any means, but it's doable. There are two homework assignments & a quiz every week, but he gives you the entire semester to turn them in. DO THEM WEEKLY! Don't fall behind! He gives u a midterm & final study guide with every question you'll need","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Mr. Tyson is an inspiration. If you plan to use any college degree for any area, you should take his biology course. While his daily tests are annoying & if you don't keep up, you're flunking by the 2nd week. But if you read the daily requirement you will have no problem with the simple tests. It prepares anyone how to study for a college cours","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Stoever is the best professor I've ever had at Western. He is brilliant, interesting, and truly passionate about the subject. I recommend him to everyone. He is, however, very, very tough. Don't take this class if you aren't prepared to read and listen. LOTS. But it's totally worth it.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I was worried when I decided to take this teacher. This is not an easy class. The teacher is wonderful and takes time to explain the material. If you hope to pass without studying this is not the class for you. If you like to learn from somebody who knows, I recommend this teacher. He is absolutely one of the best. You have to work very hard.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "His lectures were pretty pointless in my opinion...I only attended class on the days we had class. He sends you an e-mail of all the readings that will be on the quizzes. The only thing was, there was so many articles to read and he really wanted you to know the dates of things. but he's funny and approachable during class! Would recommend!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Incredibly awesome guy, very helpful, but his expectations for a non-science major are unfair. Not one person in class was a business major and he expected 6 hours per week at least for studying outside the classroom and that we study it everyday. I would not take this class again given the chance. Plus it had a lab... and lab project!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Humorous.. makes 8:30 calc worth going to. Always willing to help. Does assign lots of homework, but practice makes perfect! So just do it!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "pretty easy class, some busy work, but not alot. just go to class and do what they tell ya and you'll be fine","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Fantastic professor. Loved his teaching. Took documentary survey from him. He opened my eyes to the art of docs, which I didn't understand before the class. He makes you write, so be prepared for probably 3-5 decent length papers. He will grade semi-tough but it's worth it. Some of the docs aren't the most interesting, but are valuable nonetheless.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This class does take a lot of time and work but I believe it was all worth it in the end. Dr. Nelson is a very smart man and normally pretty nice, he does have his days though. The semester project takes a lot of time and you should start it as early as possible.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "my first thought was, a 900 page novel? you gotta be kidding. I'm in 4th year and noone ever asked me to read a book this long. But I loved Don Quixote & other books-- prof rides you hard so you expect a tough marker but he's actually a softie when you get your marks back","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" There is no required TEXT. Weekly movies with no homework. It doesn't get easier than this.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "EXTREMELY hard class. Dr. Lorden is a very nice, funny, and hyperactive professor. Her attitude helps hold your attention as the material is very dry. The workload is quite ridiculous though.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Lots of work, but well worth it. Good guy.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "YOU HAVE TO READ YOUR TEXTBOOK. YOU HAVE TO STUDY. Fern does as good a job teaching as anyone could do in the limited class time ther is. Take FULL ADVANTAGE of the cheatsheet that is allowed for the tests by typing in size 6 font with formulas and examples and it is CRITICAL to your grade that you ATTEMPT ALL problems of the HW, right or wrong!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This class is not easy. So much work in ConnectMath, it's insane! But! Professor Gutliph is great! He knows you have lots of work to do, and he tries to help you and make it easier on you as much as he can. For example, his discussions are easy, and he gives a great review for your Midterm and Final exam! Definitely recommend!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Eisberg is a great professor. She's super enthusiastic about astronomy and very helpful. There is homework pretty much every week, you should be prepared to dedicate a few hours to that (basically twice the length of the online lecture). Lots of assignments, but they're easy and are all completed in class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" great guy who understands what students go through and tries to make it easier on students by helping them with the workload and due dates.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very intense history class. A lot of reading, and a huge amount of material on each exam. Only take if you love history; if your filling an elective, you're probably better off in a different class","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" attendance required. expects participation.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Strong was one of my most favorite teachers. About half of my class dropped, but I feel it was due to laziness. If you are not a lazy student and you put the time in, you can guarantee an A or a B. I had a 3 month old baby, a job, and took this class. I worked my butt off and made a B with a lot of help from Mr . Strong. He is an amazing teacher.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Takes all the math out of statistics, which has its positives and negatives. Weekly homework and various different assignments required. Tests are tough and require a large amount of critical thinking. Class can be painfully boring at times. Best part of the class is the textbook which Professor Velleman wrote himself. Easy textbook to read.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Castiner cares a little too much about al this stuff. Most of the readings are not that exciting, though a few are potentially useful. He thinks all of the reading connect to each other somehow. There is a typed HW assmt due every class. HW is self graded, but is still a hassle. Also, get on his good side and you have smooth sailing.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Class was extremely boring at some times. The papers (about 6 or 7) were a hassle, but manageable. Easy grader.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Prof. Murray is very knowledgable and her lectures are really interesting. Heavier on readings but as long as you read them before the tests you'll be fine. Very fair grading.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" You have to be at a collegiate level. You do not want to take him if you a non-biology major. He makes things harder than what they should be. However if you are a studious person and are wiling to do lots of work you will learn a lot from him.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Her lectures are absolutely pointless the only real reason Ito go is for the handouts she would give. She claims cares for critical thinking yet the midterm and final are multiple choice. The amount or reading is absolutely ridiculous! The amount of reading is absolutely ridiculous! Trust me and please save your self don't take this class!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Glenda's class was not that rough. It was mainly outside of class work and small projects. If you're okay with attendance mattering then you will do fine in this class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Duane is a great professor and role model. The work 4 the class is ALOT but U should already know that coming in2 any SOFD 328 class. He loves his job which reflects his passion for the class. Lots of busy work but nothing 2 major. Very eye opening course you will take with you for the rest of your teaching career! EMU should be proud 2 have him!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Political Theory was reading heavy but the tests were directly from the reading. One paper. Brings up interesting topics for class discussion; be prepared to think and defend ideas about what good democracy is, free speech, libertarianism, etc. Good class.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "very easy class, hardly no homework or papers.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Interesting assignments.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Great professor, unless your either lazy or a ****! Great texts, alot of chances to discuss. Lazy students stay away, you have to actually work instead of sleep in class. **** white students will object to a strong Mexican American telling it like it is. (i'm white but can't stomach ****s).","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" This guy is amazing. Lots of work but he really pushes you to do well and learn alot. Take him if you can!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is a very sweet professor and knows her stuff. however, there is tremendous amount of work and hard to Ace.there is a quiz every week, which end up to be 17 quizzes for the whole semester. A 5 pages final paper, lots of term definition and 5 essays on the final. an extra credit assignment but it doesn't seem to improve your grade too much","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Shes Nice, Kind of Chatty & Attempted To Make The Class Fun; Attendance Is a MUST as Well as Passing The Majority of The Quizzes(1-2 a Wk.); The Freqency of The Quizzes or How Much We Had To Read For Them Couldve Been Reduced But Other Than That Its Not a Hard Class; If You Cant Keep Up w/The Readings(About 5-6 Books) This Is NOT The Class For You!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Ms. E was truly one of my favorite professors of all time. She really was able to make me think out of the box and fill my brain with knowledge about things that are never really spoken about. As long as you do all your writing assignments every night, which will be assigned every single night, you will pass the class without any problems!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took this class through the internet. 6 papers, 1 midterm, and a final. You watch movies and then write your papers based off them and what you read in your books. It is a no brainer, he gave me an A, and I never even finished reading his book, Compassion. If you need an easy credit, take this class ( it was a lot of work, but he's a fair grader)","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Not a good program at all too much busy work,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Cross-listed as EnglishC77 & UGIS12; co-taught by Prof. Hass. The reading load was heavy w/ several articles a week but besides 5 writing assignments (no big papers or projects) the workload was light. Both professors are passionate and care genuinely for students. Exams are fair, study guides provided each time. I loved the class (but I like Eng)","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Quizzes are essential, must do the readings, they are not boring, very interesting. No midterm, just a final and one paper. Gives extra credit and is very helpful. Read what you have to read and you should be golden.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" What's the point of paying a guy to tell us what to read in the book and then ask us what was in it? That's not education that's plagiate training.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Exact same structure as 442 - 10 cases, paper and presentation. Class is not hard, listen in class and take notes in packet. Pop an addy and memorize her study guide and you'll at least get a B. Pretty easy grader on paper. cases = waste of time, don't buy book just snap a pic of the cases.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Very help insturctor. Made me see and think about ype different. I became more interested in design because of his insites. He assigns alot but the homeowrk is manageable and the projects are usually interesting.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Excellent prof. Very clear and thorough. You won't need to do the readings.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She's a good teacher, there's a lot of class discussion, her tests are challenging, but she gives you all the material you need. The only bad thing about the class are the clinical hours.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" If you want santa to give you a lesson take this class. One of the toughest classes I've taken at UCI only because you have to do lots of work outside of class. He talks to us like we know the material because its trivial to him. There is a lot to memorize. Powerpoints and study guide are useless. Just record lecture. Go to class. Study hard.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Spock was very good at giving lectures, but the course load is insane. I'm talking three or four assignments due every week. This was a general education course for me, but this was the class I spent the majority of my time studying and doing homework for. It is a very difficult class and you will not pass without effort. I would NOT recommend","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Like others have said, class is extremely workload heavy. Expect a paper, test or project due weekly. But Foreman really knows his stuff and wants you to succeed if you put the work. Gives out so much extra credit that it's impossible to fail and getting an A or B is doable. If you care about learning, take this professor.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Extremely nice lady. Five exams and one paper. Good class but way too much material. She needs to lessen the amount but get more in depth. Lectures are interesting but don't really fit tests. Tests seem more like a memory exercise. She takes attendance so don't miss more than three classes. I got an A.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" i took her for intro to american studies. she gives a mini-quiz every week and you have one 6 pages paper & presentation to do. its not that bad. she is nice. although she does keep you till the end of class :/,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Long lectures, funny, no homework","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" 25 homework questions from each lecture. 150 homework questions every 4 weeks. Tests are 70 questions most of which are the exact homework questions. Some questions are easy & some extremely specific. All of this while doing a semester long group project. FML. Class definitely has its pros and cons. Expect that it will take a lot of time.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Extremely intelligent prof! One of the BEST profs I've ever had. Classes are extremely interesting, but get ready to read A LOT. Expect to write a lot on the tests, but because he explains things so well, it's not as bad as it sounds. Highly recommended!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very laid back, and cancels class frequently. Weekly papers are easy, and no exams. Class isn't that bad (when you have it)","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Great professor! Be prepared to do the work but the work is easy if you apply yourself. Deadlines matter but he gives enough time to complete it. Assignments are based on current events so it easily keeps interest!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Absolutely AWFUL prof! Was a grad student at the time and loaded coursework down on us like crazy! Very unclear and very tough grader! Spent my whole summer reading very difficult books. :(,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr Ryan was one of the best professors that I've had. I do not rate how good a professor is by how easy they are. That said, he forced me to learn a lot of material that will help me with my career. You must study a lot for his class, but it definetly pays off. He is also very accessable and helpful if you have questions.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very hard .long tests ,too many in class assignments and home assignments .not recommended","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "One of the better teachers in the school. Very willing to help and can explain things in different ways. Large amount of busy work, but tests are basically given from past tests which he posts. Also very funny and acts like just one of the guys.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Labs are easy but if you don't show up you get a 0. If you're there its hard to fail. Lots of the lab material along with a 30 minute video every week has to be done outside of class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The class was interested I have to admit..learned some new things, and the professor is very passionate and energetic. I normally would not complain about the amount of reading in upper year courses, but she assignmed 100 pages + per week and almost NEVER discussed them in class. Also the poster party..honestly I felt like I was in grade 5 again.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Tim is a really nice man and is very knowledgeable about his subject, but as a teacher, he is often inconsistent and frustrating. A lot of reading and busy work.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I had Kwag years ago and still remember his classes. You HAVE to go to every class and do the work. He is an outstanding professor and notices who shows up and who does not. He's extremely smart and you will learn a lot from him. He's more than willing to help, but if you don't keep up with the work it will run you over.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Show up for class do all your assignments and any extra credit that is offered. Make sure you study the power point presentation and the word definitions that are listed in the chapters. If you do those steps you will pass the class with no problem. Make sure you are on time for class. Once the door is close we will not be allowed in the class,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Class seems overwhelming but it's not only 4 papers if you take it in her 6 week summer class. I got a B+ and did everything the night before. She is super nice and sweet just me it look like you care and you will do amazing just but little effort in.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" she is very helpful and her assignments are clear. If you do your work you will have no problem.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Hard to stay awake and pay attention. Too much material to go through to prepare for tests. Would not take him again. Unless you absolutely have to, or if this is the only class you're taking, don't take him. :(","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is very passionate however hard to pay attention to. She does not like differing opinions but she will not give you a bad mark based on disagreement. You can expect to do a lot of work in her class. 2 essays, A LOT of readings for each class and a closing assignment. She might be better in the morning than she is in the evening. Overall nice.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Kathy is so much fun. But if you want to do well you much keep up and do your assignments on time. There is a lot of Internet videos to watch, many with her in them. They are a crack up, but you do learn a lot from them. Lots of work, but it is always fun. She is a great teacher.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Sierra's class could not be any easier. I definitely liked the fact that there was no homework compared to the other TA teacher. Go to class, stay for the movies, jot down the notes, and review before the test. THERE IS NO REASON YOU SHOULD NOT GET AN A IN THIS CLASS!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Tough class. He seems to struggle to help the students who know nothing about coding, but is willing to do what it takes to help. Lots of projects which he doesn't go much over beforehand, and he expects you to try it on your own first.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I really enjoyed Dr. Sowell's class. She is there to help her students and cares about how you do in the class. You have homework every night and tests are weighted heavy, but if you do the homework you should to good on tests. I would recommend her!!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "hard, but his work does have a purpose, brace yourself that c.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "tons of busy work but it pays off. who cares what these other people are saying, the degree looks damn good on the resume. he knows nothing about sports..just learn on your own. good guy always willing to help.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Professor Zacate is the type of professor where her instructions are pretty vague, so you need to make sure to ask as many questions as you need to, to get things cleared up. She gives out a lot of writing assignments which work towards the ten paged paper at the end of the semester for extra credit. She also doesn't explain the chapters often.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Good professor, I personally liked his method of teaching. People complaint about having to read the book but come on, this IS COLLEGE, you are expected to read the book.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I took Prof. Hu Summer '14. He is a great teacher. Very willing to help. Gives tons of examples during the lecture. He does have an accent, but you get used to it. Very kind and nice teacher. He gives tons of HW, but that's how you learn math anyway. Quizes everyday, Mon,Wed,Fri were group, Tue,Thu were individual. On test you can bring small note.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "HER LECTURES WERE LONG AND BORING! TALKS WAYYYYYYY TOO MUCH! CLASS IS OPTIONAL, BUT BE THERE FOR LABS TO PASS! TEST WERE ONLINE, BUT WE PROBABLY RUINED THAT FOR FUTURE CLASSES. BE PREPARE TO SPEND 100$ ON THE BOOK FOR HOMEWORK! FINALLY BE PREPARE FOR LENGTHY HOMEWORK WHICH INCLUDES READINGS AND MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She is great it is best to take during the summer 6 weeks section and she only uses 4 weeks,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Very unprepared in classroom presentations as far as films. Knows her subject very well. Assigns an over abundance of homework. No flexiabilty for absence from classes - to a point of being unreasonable.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Great professor! you will have a lot of work and you really do have to read the book, but she's willing to help you. Essays were difficult, though.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Extremely hard .Too many papers ,assignments,in class assignments .Too much materials covered for a 3 unit class .","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "online course had lots of quizes. had to read the book, but teacher was helpful","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" She went shopping during class one time and expected us to stay the whole time to sew costumes!,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "The class is hard if you don't read!!!!! That's pretty much it, if you are interested in learning (which is why you should be in college) then you'll enjoy him. I also went to the Rome trip with him, same work load. He's worth the time and $$$.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "One my favorite professors so far. Very lecture heavy but his lectures are always interesting, and he throws in some personal stories as well. Only assigns one assignment a week but it's quick and easy and the final is open book!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Great prof. The material is lengthy but easy. Don't leave the studying to the end, it is alot to cover!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very interesting class! Very well done with some fun humor thrown in. If you love to read and can read fast, this is certainly a class you'll enjoy. Even if you can't get to the reading on a particular week, sparknotes and whatever else will suffice. Very fun!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Do not take this class, if you have any type of a life or do not like to read, cause that is all you will do in this class is read , you will learn a lot about Great Britain though, but I wouldn't recommend taking her","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "If you're looking for an A, this was an easy class. But that's also because we had almost NO assignments, there were times he didn't show up, & material was irrelevant. He's a nice dude and clearly smart, but he doesn't care about undergrads and taught us -literally- nothing. If you actually want to know urban soc, do NOT take the class with him.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This professor is incredible. People may hate her because she has you read some books you probably never would but its because she does that that she really expands your world and thinking. If you enjoy reading and thinking outside the box take her, she's a great first English class to take if your an English major especially.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "This was the most boring lecture and I eventually stopped attending. If you show up for the lab portion and do the online homework on your own, you should get an easy A. This was a very easy class but required a lot of time doing online work. I think Jerry was a very smart prof, but he had a hard time dumbing it down to our level.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "I think the class would have been better if she remembered that it was an Introduction to Costuming. For someone who had never sewed before it was a lot of work even if I tried my hardest. It got to the point where she was moving so fast I would never have been able to catch up, especially since she is pretty unhelpful at times.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She is wonderfully helpful. The book is def needed, although it isnt used all the time. She incorporates many outside resources into exams. She is confusing sometimes; incredibly nice and helpful. It is a demanding course so I would suggest to go to class. Be prepared to start doing ""real"" research.2 main research proposals are due,be ready to work","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very interesting and FUN class. I learned so much from him. You will have to write a lot of research papers, but you will gain so much knowledge from each of them. He is very fair with grading. I would take his class again!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Be prepared to read over 100 pages a week along with all of your other classes. Also be prepared to write very detailed essays. Don't think you're gonna get by with anything to basic. This is a 2000 class so the fact that she requires such detailed writing is kind of ridiculous. The difficulty of this class rivals many of my upper division courses.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" mrs deguchi is a very tough tough teacher. you really have to work in her class to pass...but she is very willing to help out students which makes a her a pretty good teacher in my eyes.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" He is not as bad as they make it seem. He has a very thick accent and sometimes it is hard to understand. He gives about ten homework assignments before class but he never gives quizzes or tests. Homework is easy and it all takes about an hour to do. 2 small presentations and one final big group presentation. I would recommend this class.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Dr. Nelson makes a rather boring class (I'm not interested in Botany) enjoyable and entertaining. It takes some getting used to, but don't drop in the first week. Be prepared to study every week for lecture and field quizzes, which seems like a lot, but it's do-able. Put in the effort and Dr. Nelson will see that and reflect it in your grade.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Not a class for people who don't want to work. If you want to sleep through class or expect him to give away grades... choose a class that you can pass without learning. He will explain concepts over and over until everyone understands. Take him if you want to succeed in nursing.,"2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "if you are a full time student, good luck because this prof gives a ton of work as if this is the only class we are taking, asks for too much detail, and VERY picky with assignments and writing. if you can, save yourself and avoid it! also many students complained about this prof outside this website so, that should def be a sign!","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "Very nice lady but not a good instructor. She has big assignments due very close together and thinks this is the only class we are taking. There is so much work to do that it's difficult to turn things in on time. Her tests are ridiculously hard, but she puts the hardest questions in the back so I start with the last question and work backwards","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" "She's an okay prof. She's somehow simultaneously very reasonable and hopelessly out of touch with students. She'll push back a deadline, but then not be clear what she wants from the assignment. She'll help if you ask for it, but is also harder than other 150 profs in that she assigns more work.","2) the amount of work, readings, or assignments required for the course as well as students' time investment" Just took him for Spring and he was great! Very nice and easy going. Class is an easy A,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This class was easy. There really is no interaction with the professor so it's all up to you. Online resources are helpful. If you need to take this class because it's a requirement take it because it's easy but If you want to learn and use it later take another teacher. He is not the most friendly so don't expect much.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She is probably the best professor at EKU. She teaches what you need to know, and goes into depth clearly. However, her class is a little hard. You NEED to study for this class, hands down. Don't care what you do. She openly accept requests for help via email, appointments etc. A GREAT teacher. You won't regret taking this class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Knowledgable. Extremely helpful. Excellent class lectures. Labs can be difficult, but you learn a lot from them.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I never heard a satisfactory syllogism or argument on any topic outside of her lectures and I still doubt that her phenomenology course would score very highly in the perception class over at psychology. I haven't been able to subscribe to this proff.'s big money course in advanced tautology, which is WAY too abstract for me to handle.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Biochem 2 isn't very difficult. The material isn't hard to grasp and understand (at least to me). If it is for you go to lecture: Saffran's explanations will make this child's play. What makes this course challenging is memorizing reactions. Put the time in and youll also have an A and still be able to recall almost all the reactions a year later.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This Class is very easy. I recommend taking it during the summer sessions if you want to avoid the boring lectures. I took it during the summer and we didnt have to attend class very often, just did the the online tests and worksheets which are very book based and(also ask very personal health questions)and you'll Ace this class no problem as I did",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Convince a classmate to take notes for your and then show up for test days. You will do fine. Tedious note-giver, this class is common sense - learn the vocab and you'll do fine.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He is a nice professor and its a very easy class,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Not Native english speaking. Very easy, tests are simple, goes over every problem. Not a lot of work or require must from you. Hard if don't come to class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "EASIEST CLASS IN THE WORLD, GREAT FOR GPA BOOSTING... JUST BE PREPARED FOR SEEING T & A EVERYDAY ALL DAY... ALSO RECOMMEND HER HUMANITIES AND DAN2100 CLASS",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He's late a lot. The class is a lot of memorization and less actual thinking. Straight lecture with pretty good stories thrown in. He likes to throw out trick questions - just let someone else answer them wrong. If you understand you *will* need geography in life, you'll do well enough.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class is SO BORING. I have never had such a boring class. He doesn't talk about anything to do with the text. I did not know it was possible to talk 3 hours about ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. Easy A if you do the homework, just don't expect any reading to be covered in class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Midkiff is a really nice guy and doesn't make the class unnecessarily hard. He goes off on tangents sometimes but they are related to the material and he has cool stories to tell. Make sure you study the lecture notes and examples for the tests.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He has a sweet personality. Loves teaching statistics. The course is VERY HARD but he teaches everything with clarity. The Quizzes and hw's help boost the grade. Totally recommended!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He really does make it easy for student, however, I don't feel like he has any ability to teach. Very hard to understand, but you don't need to listen in lectures to pass.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I love math it's easily my favorite subject. This professor is very passionate and does an excellent job of explaining things. I'm not a fan of liberal arts math because I hate word problems, he does an amazing job teaching and it was np for me. Attendance isn't mandatory but I took it as express and if you skip, you will easily fall behind.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content i have her now for british lit the material isnt always intresting but it is still a fun class and i am doing okay in there. but u do have 2 study!!!!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you want an easy A than take him. Nothing has anything to do with the course that he goes over. All he does is throw temper tantrums about how Kean sucks and we watch movies ALL the time. Show up to class, do other homework, he does not care.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "It was a very easy class. All we did was write a couple papers and talk about the book, yet I still left feeling like I had learned something. It was not what I expected for accelerated composition. Highly recommended.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content The way of his teaching makes stats easier and simpler.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content One of the best dance professors in RI. The class was very fun but probably the most challenging. If you're willing to learn she will help. Recommended professor.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I loved this class and this professor. It was a hybrid class, which meant we only came in once a week for labs, and learned the lecture material ourselves. I was pretty worried about the labs and dissections but they were actually pretty easy. The lecture material isn't too hard to grasp if you read the book. Great class she offers extra credit!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "TERRIBLE class. Everyone I knew made a C or lower. It's by far the most boring clas you will ever go to. I LOVE art, but after this class, I rethought my art major.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Men in Transition is an easy A,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I had her for aerobic walking...she's awesome, she would let us play basketball, tennis, anything if the weather was nice. Besides how hard can aerobic walking be?",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "very easy...take notes and u'll pass, funny easy professor",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Impossible to understand...it gets tough when he starts referring to dates (ie. he says ""600"" for both 600 and 1600). Lectures don't seem to flow, & he goes off on tangents every so often. But at least the format of the final (100 mult.choice) l",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This is the WORST class I have ever had in my life! Made me cry, never want to return to school, etc.! If you feel like wanting to hang yourself by the middle of the year then by all means, sign up for this course!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Perkins was great in this course and helped convince me to become an accounting major. He expects a lot of each student, but is not unreasonable. All the answers to the homework are online, so it's a relatively easy course",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Absolutely phenomenal professor. He is extremely passionate about what he teaches, and is dedicated to helping you receive the best mark possible. That being said, do not expect a bird course by any means. Quizzes are frequent and rigorous, and you can expect to be diving into Kanji by the end of your first semester.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She talks a lot, and most of the time after classes you will wonder why you even went. Her class is very easy and laid back and I never got anything less than a B. Attendance is not mandatory and she cancels class a lot of the time.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content That is a easy class,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Run away fast don't take this class,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content David Tindall is a very nice prof and tries to help but I feel that this course - 2451 - is way beneath what he knows,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Ballantyne was a great first speech teacher to have. Class was mostly lecture preparing you for speeches, then giving speeches, and there were 4 tests for the semester on lecture and the book. Since class was all lecture it was not fun, but is speech class fun? No. You have to show up, pay attention, and try hard and your best on speechs",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Test was easy but there's lot to learn though and he seems to do all he can to make learning hard. PPT are ~90 slides each 40% blank (deleted book figures), the rest are outlines. ditto for study guide. Loves to make new names for things and teaching things not in book. ie He puts z membrane on the study w/ no explaination.. turned out to be z-line",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "nothing great, not hard to get an A , but nothing thrilling.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content SHE'S EASY!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Fantastic class. You watch so many great films, and he gives great in depth back story to each. 5 quizzes, which are super easy, and 3 papers which are very manageable. Easy, and a very awesome guy, great sense of humor.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "EXTREMELY EASY! My friends told me it was easy, but I was not prepared for the simplicity of this teacher and class. She explains things VERY clearly, almost to the point of condescension. Lets you out early a lot and if you read aloud in class when she asks, you usually don't have to go to class on Friday. Highly recommended...",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content EASY class. He is the only sociology teacher with this easy of a class. I loved it! He is great. You have to read the books but they are actual books not text books. This class is so simple it's not even funny.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I had some health issues this semesters and she was very caring and willing to help. Class was a little boring, it's mostly just grading your grammar worksheets together, I almost wish it had been a little bit more challenging. Careful though, she was a much tougher grader than I expected for the big projects.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easy course, don't bother too much with the tapes. Read the text, and practice with assignments. Exam is all the assignments put together.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great professor! some students say he's everywhere in his lecture but the truth is, he is very precise and he tells you exactly what he wants you to know. The class is difficult but he makes it light by injecting jokes here and there. If ur serious about learning anatomy, take him coz he knows what he's talking about.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Bell takes the class very seriously. Many people get upset with him because they take it for an easy A and it is certainly not one. That being said, he is extremely knowledgeable and you can learn a lot in the class. Just put in the effort and you will do well.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Hilburn was really nice, easy and simple. everything is spoon-fed elementary knowledge. I HATE history, and have therefore never retained anything from a history course till now.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "SHES GOOD, THOSE PEOPLE WHO SAID HER CLASS IS HARD DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. ITS EASY, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS READ. SHE GIVES QUIZZES EVERY WEEK ON THE READING. A PAPER FOR A MIDTERM AND A FINAL WHICH IS COMPARING AND CONTRASTING THE CHARACTERS FROM THE BOOKS SHE ASSIGNED. SHES EASY.COLLEGE IS ABOUT DOING YOUR WORK.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Whatever you do drink an amp or something before class he is sooo boring and very repetitive and it also took us literally two classes to divide into groups but the class is fairly easy all exams are online and open book,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Sue is mad chill! Take her, Easy A. She talks about good stuff in a health class for adults!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Zacate's class is very easy and it is chock-full of extra credit. However, she doesn't teach very well and makes students do online ""tutorial quizzes"" about the book's content. You can keep redoing them until you get it right. She also seems to get flustered at any questions that doesn't fit right into her framework.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This professor is TOUGH. This is no easy ride and you should be thankful for that. You go to school to LEARN and not to just receive a degree. We pay more for our degrees than Rutgers students so we should expect to work for it. You work for it in this class. Love this professor.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Pay attention in class or get notes from a friend and you'll do fine. There are in class quizzes at the end, but you can use notes. 3 tests, 2 concerts and 1 project all easy to get A's on. She is helpful if you email her or talk to her after class. Boring class, but super easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Class is pretty interesting, but like others have said, he wants to cover way too much. I learned a lot, but that was because I worked hard in the class. One of the hardests classes for a bio major, but also one of the most interesting.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Haynie is awesome. He can get boring in class if you are not interested in what he is talking about. He is very focused on his teaching. Everyone else saying that his tests are his study guides...they are absolutly right. Getting an A in his class is easy if you show up.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I love her! She's so cool. Took her 1 & 2. Makes history very interesting! All round...(100x)Easy! If your not good in History...take her! You will love it! Save money because you don't need a book! Print notes off BB and go to class and fill in the blanks. Tests & Quizzes are straight off the notes! I'm going to Miss you MS.HILBURN!!!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Talks about interesting issues, even though don't always have anything to do with the tests, but you actually learn from the discussions, and the tests are very easy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I LOVED this class. No, it is not an A handed to you, yes, you do have to work, and wake up, its COLLEGE! Professor Murphy-Lee is always enthusiastic about her subject. Sometimes it gets boring, because the class moves too slowly for people who know history already. Easy if you do the work. Honors section easy as all get out! Do it for cr",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content GREAT Teacher. HARD class. I don't recommend missing class - it will kill you,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I would highly recommend for anyone to take him. Yes the class is easy and its hard to fail. His lectures were very interesting, especially for a religion class and he is very understanding.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Ms. sailors is very easy and helpful. You have to go to class if you do not understand the stories. You really do not have to read just come to class and take notes and you are bound to get an A or B. But you have to study the notes of course for the exam.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Joan Krone is an interesting person. This is not to say that you should take her class. If you are planning on being a CS major, and have a background in programming, she can help you out. She, however, has no ability to grasp that not every student has the same knowledge coming into class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Ridiculous - lectured as if we had a phd in bio - has to be the worst teacher I've ever had,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content English 65 / TechCom 65. Great professor. Very effictive teaching style. Easy easy class as long as you go everyday and do the inclass work and the few (easy) projects.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This prof basically teaches a differential equations class, with applications that happen to nominally relate to physics. If you haven't taken Diff eqns, get ready for a ride. Great once you get past the math barrier-but not well presented.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I've had her for two semesters now. Her lectures consist of showing us various definitions and examples, but not really explaining them. I had to learn most things by religiously examining the textbook and watching videos online. Going to class always felt like a waste of time., but it's required. Expect to be confused every class period.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Wallace is a pretty good professor.Her lectures were a bit dull esp at 9:30am,but the material is easy enough and as long as you read most of the txt and attend most of the lectures and RCT you shouldn't have any trouble.The hardest part about the class was finding the motivation to actually attend.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This class was useless but I took it for the easy A. Literally rarely came to class but came to all of the sections and did the readings. Take it for the diversity distribution requirement. You won't regret it.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "this class is is supper hard, i would not reccommend it unless it is required.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you fail this class you have no one to blame but yourself. There is a TON of memorization (it's astronomy what did you expect?), but everything that is on the test is in the textbook and mentioned in class. His stories and corny jokes make it easier to stay awake since it's a night class, too.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "SO MUCH FUN! Not an easy class, but definitely worthwhile. Lectures were entertaining and relevant to today's gamers. Highly recommended.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The only reason I gave this professor a 4 was because of her lack of communication and her assignments were not clear 70% of the time. I took her online class ( I recommend if you want an A) I passed with an A because I did all the work on time, that's really all you have to do. Not hard at all, can be confusing at times that's all.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very nice prof and easy class to get a good grade if you do what she asks. Very easy to talk to and explains things clearly.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content She was AWSOME! Her class was very hard but it was rewarding at the end of the semester. She did a lot to help my public speaking. I would reccomend her to any person if they want to better themselves in the area of public speaking.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class was great. I loved the books we read, and the quizzes (which are taken after every assigned reading) were easy as long as you read. If you can't read then you shouldn't be in college. She's very passionate about her job, and the reason shes late is because she has back problems bc she was hit by a bus a long time ago-give her a break.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content brilliant mind. Very respected technoculture scholar. Tough marker. Super interesting and inspiring lectures. An honor to have been in his class. Wished i liked cyberculture a bit more though... The contents were hard to graps concretely...,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I took Mr. Goff for Summer 1 online. I loved the class! It's very easy and he tells you clearly what you have to do to pass his class. I made a B and I was throughly pleased with his class!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took this class, Anthropology of Humor and Laughter, and many told me it would be very hard. I took it anyway because it seemed interesting. Ewa is interesting, engaging, and her class is easy if you know how to pay attention, write, and apply topics. Easy class. Nice lady.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I don't recommend you take this professor for Business Stats in the summer...he is unclear about the information given in the class. He may be better in a regular quarter!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Another good one. Knowledgable and helpful. Needs to increase her degree of difficulty. A little too basic.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Fantastic guy and great christian. the material that he teaches might not be the easiest but he will make sure you get through it if you try and show up to class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Where do I begin. First off, Professor Rooney is a VERY knowledgeable person. However, I believe that this was the hardest class I have ever taken. I expected to be able to get by from doing all the homework, reading, and attending every class session, but for some reason I could not succeed the way I wanted or expected to. Good Luck!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content the best damn teacher ever!!!She makes algebra so understandable!!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Had him for Bus 1 and personal finance. Very easy class, my book was hardly used except for tests. Lectures aren't very helpful for tests, but he does relate RL situations, through experience, to things in the text. Often absent, but I forgive him from his age. One of my fav prof, mainly from personality. Esy clas, teach urself if u want to lrn any",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Brooks is a character. I had him for both Bio-principals and Biodiversity. Attend every lecture, read the lecture notebook before class and you'll do fine. His exams aren't too difficult, and in my opinion were pretty direct. His lectures are enjoyable but beware he's very strict: no phones, no laptops, no technology whatsoever.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I like Mrs. Perry. I am currently taking her Child 114 online class. Her Hw is very easy! Her website is a bit confusing but not totally unmanageable. I have learned so much in her class & totally recommend it. Its easy... I have put minimal effort in and have 100% on all my work! :),4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Honestly, Half of what he teaches is based on experience. You know when a teacher tried too hard to make you laugh?.... He honestly made my freshmen year taking biology SUCK so bad. I hated every second. I'm an A student and this class made me struggle. His PowerPoint are 10% based on the Test you're on your own in this class. STAY AWAY",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I've had Camilo throughout my two years at Dutchess and its simple. Go to class, listen in lecture, take the critique and you wont have a problem. Although you may feel that you're not learning anything in lecture, pay attention because it all will pay off.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "A pretty dorky teacher, but super nice. His lectures are interesting, however I suggest focusing on the book for tests, quizzes, etc. Open note quizzes and exams. The journal question are rather difficult and can become overwhelming. Overall great teacher + easy class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content wow this teacher is nuts.. i really dont ever pay any attention to what she is saying but I have a B in the class so i guess that makes her easy...,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The only thing difficult with his classes is the volume of information needed to have an understanding of. Doug is eager to help any student though, if confused at all ask for help",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Pros Pluss is very nice, she tries to make class fun. Her grading is fair and if you take her notes you are sure to pass her tests. She only assigns about 1 report on a movie and 1 oral report, shes pretty easygoing and class was not hard at all.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Defiantly the best professor I've had for GEN chem. But the class is still hard. I got an A using Study Edge. They really help to explain and emphasize the most important things Talham goes over. 100% recommend going to the weekly review sessions with Study edge made a huge difference when it came to the exams.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "First, IT 101 is a joke so it really doesn't matter. Englander is a funny guy and you don't have to do much for his IT workshops. Just get an 80+ on the final and a guaranteed 4.0",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "space cadet, but easy A",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content dont take this teacher if you have trouble with math. i had to spend a lot of extra time in the math lab because his lessons were so unclear. i ended up dropping the class and just taking an online course. would not recommend this professor to anyone. AVOID IF POSSIBLE!!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content cool old guy i would make everyone laugh in the back of the room easy class a little boring but easy no homework or nuthing =] just sheets you do in class OFFICER CURRAN LOL,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This was my first class. Did all assignments, did pretty good on the Quizzes. His a good Professor. Reviews the work with you just in case you missed any assignments. I really learned how to use the Microsoft programs and the different stuff u can do. I highly Recommend him. Easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nice guy, but ridiculous teaching. His lessons are straight from the PowerPoint. You pretty much have to learn all the material on your own. He treats the class as if we are all going to be continuing with biology. This class will lower your Gpa.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I don't know what all these people were saying about too much math, it's just simple calculus based physics. In fact if you took AP Physics in highschool, and payed attention, this class should be mostly review.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This guy is pretty good. I wasn't a huge fan of the material, but who does like quant?",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I'm not a fan. The free-willed nature of the professor is liberating, and for that I commend. However, that strength is the seed of his destruction. He offers hardly any challenge for the course, and is evident he isn't taking it seriously. You're better off with other professors.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I adore Ms. McAfee. I can't imagine anyone not loving her class. It's pretty easy as long as you show up and pay attention.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content she's a really good teacher but her class can be boring sometimes. i went like 4 times in the whole semester and still got an A because i studied for her tests. MUST DO THE READINGS: very important.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Hynes is a nice professor but his classes seem unprepared and disorganized. However, he is very clear and sets his expectations. The material is not hard but some of it has to be self-taught. This class would have been much more engaging if he prepared his lectures but overall it is not a difficult course and is very interesting.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content The worst teacher I have ever had. He cannot explain how to do anything relevant. The main points that you need to know come after 40 minutes of nonsense proof. Do not take him for Calculus based Physics worst teaching job ever.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Incredibly hard material and too much memorization for my comfort, but that's not the professor's fault.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Kurt is a very boring lecturer. He does a lot of talking about advanced geology and his research, but forgets that this is an introductory geology and we don't really know all that much about it. He likes to put up pictures and explain them in complex details before we even understand the words he says.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I dunno what this first guy is saying. She was the first proff to actually make me love bio. If you are interested in genetics then don't hesitate. If you get her style then it's a piece of cake. Participate even if you don't know.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Not a very friendly professor, but his class is extremely easy. It's hard to stay awake during the lectures, but take his class for an easy A!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Sweet lady, she should have been a writer. Not a good teacher, I didn't learn anything at all. Very easy, but very repitative and mundane work. Boring class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I've taken both Dr. Baers' Education Psychology and online creativity courses. Education Psychology is fairly hard, but the online creativity course was easy, very light homework and no tests. He's a nice man who cares about his students and what he's teaching. Talks a little fast sometimes.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very challenging, yet in a way that the class knows exactly what is required. I promise that you will learn more than you ever expected!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Had Miller for biochem 2. It was more discussion based than lecture. It was bigger concepts than the niddy griddy stuff you learn in Biochem 1. Study and you will do fine. She's pretty fair in grading.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Good professor. Not the best teacher, but he keeps the class is plenty entertaining and fairly easy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Amazing teacher. Very knowledgable about the industry. Put in the effort and you will get a good grade. Try and slide through without doing the work and you'll get the grade you deserve. The material can be hard but she has a great grasp on it.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This is the easiest class an ME major will take and Dr. Todd makes it a lot of fun. You really have to try to not get an A+.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The course itself is really hard, but if anyone was to teach it right it's him. It's clear he's taught this course for a while because he is so good at explaining concepts that are really tough. It takes time to understand but he makes it a lot easier, and cares about his students. Get the textbook, its worth it!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content good teacher. you can easily pass your course with good grade,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nicest professor I've encountered. You'll pass the course if you turn in every assignment. Overall, I would recommend him to anyone and it's the easiest course I've taken.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very difficult to understand. Very unhelpful.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Best Professor! he's so helpful, knows his material, makes class fun and project fun. He's not hard at all and his lectures are great! you will learn from him. Easy A...",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Geib is pretty easy, but his lectures are really really boring. SUPER nice guy though. Easy class to take if you can keep from falling asleep.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Pharmacy Majors !Wrong Guy! Take somebody else, especialy if you have to take organic chemistry with this class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great professor, pay attention to power points and study off of them...listen during lecture and you will do fine..attendd class",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Hard to understand with his accent. Lectures were tough I passed with a B+ even with his review sheets. Really nice guy though! Just not recommended unless you know Math.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content The hardest class I ever loved,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "he's so easy study your notes n show up to class n you'll be just fine, will give help if you ask, labs require some extra studying but he basically tells you what will be on it",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Good prof although when he talks about all the studies it can be a real snooze. The papers are short and easy. His exams r easy too if you take the practice exams.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He's a really nice teacher. He gives a lot of examples during lecture, which helps your understanding a lot. Homework, quizzes, and exams are easy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The accent is the worst part, he's very hard to understand. But the class overall is easy to pass with little effort. Attendance isn't mandatory but homework is due every class. He reviews the class before the test and it's a great indication of what to expect on the tests. His tests are multiple choice and easy to do well on. Textbook used for HW",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Took 2 of her courses in Broadcast Journalism track. Loved her. Challenging. Prepared me for the real world of journalism.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content his econ 104 class was easy as pie. i never went and got an A. his economics of sports class is pretty easy. i never went and got an A-.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I enjoyed the class, even though at times it was painful trying to keep my eyes open. But I learned a lot about journalism and how it is changing through the use of technology.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Good course! Not terribly difficult. Just make sure if you take the DE course, you know the assignments really well for your final. And don't bother with the lecture notes too much. Prof won't give any answers away, but still very helpfuL!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very very very very easy class, but a complete waiste of money.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Yes, please never take this professor for Econ unless you want to fail or enjoy challenges. She is sooo hard to understand with that really thick accent, and she makes Econ harder than it is. DO NOT TAKE HER!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Murphy-Lee is awesome. She's really easy but at the same time you definitely learn a lot. I would highly recommend her to anyone, she's awesome and her class is awesome.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very confusing. Makes the simplest problems so confusing. I've never been taught math in the way that he teaches it. I'm better off teaching myself. Do yourself a favor and don't take him unless your good at math.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content The best in the world. Easy A++++,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Entire class consists of him doing examples. He might briefly talk about the concept to introduce it. Homework is on LonCapa which is the worst! If you bring him the question, he'll do it for you though. Tests are alright if you review. He's a good person, but not the best teacher. Trig is hard, and he doesn't really make it easier. No book needed.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Best class I've ever failed,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class is hard when it doesn't have to be. She spends an incredible amount of time going over things like how to find mean and median and not enough going over new concepts. She does let you use notes for one test and drops your lowest grade. I got an A, but the class was much more challenging than it should have been.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Worst Professor Ever! Do NOT TAKE HER CLASS! I repeat do not take her class! Even if you are good in math do not take her class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Talk about the easiest class ever! But not only is it easy, but I found it to be quite interesting. If she assigns a paper the class has a discussion about it so that everyone is on the same page. She is an enjoyable lady. I think this is the easiest A-1 category class there is! Take this class!!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content wow he so hard!! and makes you feel stupid if you don't have to take him don't!!!!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Intro to American Studies isa very easy class. Only requires readings each week for a quiz and one paper. Very easy!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Also took Handy for eco301. His courses are very straightforward. Read, and you'll be fine. If you can't do well in this guy's course, you've got bigger fish to fry down the road, plain & simple.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "he is crazy. absolutely crazy. i can understand his french better than his english. He is a distinguished prof emeritus, but to most of us he was crazy. However, the course was DAMN easy (the final was just 100 mulitple choice, we were given 80 in clas",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This legend was the highlight of my first semester. He's loud, funny, and likes to pick on his students out of mutual fun. He literally says what's going to be on the tests. This class was extremely easy, just occasionally review; I crammed the exams and still got A's on all of them. Dr. Frazier is just too boring, just avoid her.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great teacher! I loved this class . . . there were a few topics she went through a little quickly, but other than that she was very easy to understand.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Tests are easy as long as you study a bit for them. Very helpful. Is funny when she talks to herself in spanish. 'Hola! como estan?' haha,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content TAKE HER!!!! I dont even like History and her class was a breeze. She makes it interesting I was not bored at all make sure you dont miss class. Shes great cause she makes her own notes that are very clear and helpful. I got A's on all of the tests!!If she were to teach other classes that I needed I would take her again!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Whole outline of class is done by working in groups. Very very little class time spent on lecturing and more focused on working at your respective groups. He's extremely intelligent and further sparked a passion in politics for me. Don't take if you're wanting an easy class. He makes you work for it.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content It's really great when he makes a mistake on the board and corrects it 5 minutes later but doesn't propogate that correction through everything else but in general thermo is really really hard so it's tough to blame him,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. White is an incredible professor. Two years into my PR career, I still quote things she said in my class. She's tough but fair. Despite it's appearance, PR is very difficult field. Her class is a good test on whether you'll succeed. Sit in the front, join PRSSA and do all the readings. If you don't enjoy this class, don't major in PR!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I think his teaching style is good. You actually learn the stuff he teaches. Thats the good thing. The bad thing is he sometimes goes really fast in class. My suggestion is that if you had calc in high school, take him. Keep up on your homework. Some of the test problems are right off the homework or review. Good Professor overall.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very nice guy, tries to help you & knows almost everyones name. Presents material well, is always prepared, tests are fair & offers extra credit. Really easy to get an A if you go to class & take notes because there is no textbook.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Pretty easy class. A lot of the math-based problems are just plug and chug. Be careful with the conceptual stuff. Look at the notes he puts online, pay attention in class, do the homework, and you'll be just fine",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He is a very good professor when it comes to learning but if you are looking for an easy class he is not it. He does not let anyone fail no matter how late an assignment is and he is always willing to help out when you struggle. He does have a mean side sometimes.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Jasken's a little too easy. She's more of a high school teacher and not like a college professor but I guess that's what you should expect from an english 1101 class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you are majoring in Bio, by all means take him. But if not, stay clear. Like one said before, he teaches at one level and expects you to know it at a much higher leve.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very boring, but what history class isn't? The study guide gave you the answers for the test, you just have to memorize it. Not bad, just sort of mediocre.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Don't take symmetry. Most pointless and confusing class I've ever taken. She's not a bad professor but the subject is just very confusing and abstract. It was a very awkward class. She will assign homework that doesn't make any sense, mainly because the textbook makes no sense. I would not recommend anyone taking this class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He's intelligent but also challenging. He wasn't as difficult as I thought but you definitely need work hard.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Class is pretty easy. Gives extra credit when he takes attendance. Lectures are decent.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Its an easy A,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content he is the best history teacher i have ever had... he is the man.. if you want an easy A take suetta,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Memorize the slides and you've got it made.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content hes brilliant. he explains in detail. makes it look easy. its bviously chemistry no easy As.. u have to put in the work. but he makes it look easy. try not to skip class,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I did not like him at all! I rather have a hard Shenbagh,,, than an easy Poemro.. I did not learn anything in Class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I thought this class was REALLY easy. Yes, the essays can be graded hard depending on your TA. She is too perky for me, but at least she knows what she's talking about. Just go to class and you'll do fine.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "shes nice and tried to make class fun sometimes, but pretty much didnt teach anything although she tried...she knows what shes talking about but didnt know how to teach it...we pretty much had to teach ourselves calc 2...i wouldnt recommend",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Thought I wanted to be an econ major until I took this class. Some people did well if they made it their entire life, but I thought Frank was irrelevant and boring. His wording is nothing like the book so it was easy to get confused. He's not a great teacher but if you really need the course it's easy to get a C so take it Pass/Fail (S/NC at Pitt)",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Iftode is a good teacher as long as you have some sort of background in genetics. If you have a solid background, I would recommend taking this class. If not, go elsewhere. Her blackboard is confusing and due dates are never really clear. She is really nice and when you ask her for help she is very helpful.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Anthro 245? Don't do it. You'll just watch movies and probably learn nothing. And then the class ends up being pretty hard.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Nearly everything she does in class appears to be taken right from the textbook. She teaches by simply doing example after example and doesn't really explain the concept by talking but rather does lots of examples in order for you to understand which wasn't bad. If you study the tests and quizzes can be quite easy.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class was really difficult. I found a lot of his lectures hard to comprehend because he doesn't really go in depth with step by step, concise directions. He's a nice guy but I think this class is better suited for someone that already knows a bit about statistics or is generally very good at math.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Don't take her if you have no prior experience with coding.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great overview of computer technology. Course content and exercises were straight forward, easy to understand. Prof. Enomoto is friendly and patient. Highly recommend his class as the lead into CO SCI 200. Am a little richer for the knowledge both reviewed and gained here.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very Easy Class makes it fun,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Awful. Makes a very difficult subject even more difficult. Java isn't the easiest subject in the world to learn--and he makes it even more difficult. Some people are great teachers. Some are great business people. You need to know your strengths. Don't care if he's great in business. Lousy at teaching a difficult subject; that I love, java.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Teacher does not realize when students do not understand and just ends up moving on to another problem or example I feel like there is no such thing as time to sit, rest, and think about what we just learned-there is no break time it is just go, go, go and if you aren't listening intently for even 5 seconds you will miss a great deal of information",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Carnes cct 201 class is hard, THAT is all that can be said. I am an A and B student and It was really tough to pull out a ""b"". By talking to her, you would think she built the entire college with her bare hands. She also bad mouths other professors in the college of business, which I thought was terrible to do in the classroom. Do NOT take her!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very good, easy. Realizes that not everyone is an english major.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I have mixed feelings about this class, not so much the professor. Eisberg is good. Nice lady, helpful. I am not a science person so I thought this would be a better option then bio or chem but this class was still difficult. 5 big hw assignments, tests are short but worth a lot of points and in depth. Professor good; class so-so.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "DO NOT TAKE THIS GUY. Failing so had to withdraw, should have looked on here before. very hard class he is not clear whatsoever on what he says and it only gets harder. DO NOT TAKE HIM",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Took an online speech class with her. Need to read the whole book! But the material was easy to read, she is readily available for questions. Awesome teacher!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This is a non-major Biology class. This is a free-giveaway course just to boost up your GPA. Just take it and you will get an A. Lots and lots of extra credit.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Knows his Circuits,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Dr. Kent is flicking awesome... most definitely NOT EASY but A&P isn't easy and I am grateful to have had a professor that was so committed and knowledgeable since I have drawn greatly from what I learned in his class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Chambers is very knowledgeable, passionate, and funny. I took this course in fall because the other easy professors were taken, and I am glad I did. I been studing for the MCAT and this class made the bio-chemical section a breeze! It was hard, for sure, but worth it. Make sure you show up to every class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Messes up example problems making it more confusing to and already confused mind.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Martin really enjoys the subject of stress management. The techniques he taught in class really work and can help, they helped me a lot during Finals week. Do the extra credit and online homework nd study and you'll get an easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Good prof. Cares and gives you multiple opportunities to succeed. Always willing to answer questions outside of class. My first class with him. Tests are hard, but watch the videos. Go to class and pay attention because it helps you learn. Definitely would take him again! Not an easy class though.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content His language courses are extremely tough and I have seen students cry during the oral exams. He is very caring with those he believes to be making an effort but he is harsh on others. Don't take his class if you want to focus on your core courses. Hardest course I've taken and I may fail it....,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She has good teaching techniques, but if you have problems memorizing information this is definatley not the class for you. Granted I am doing well in the class, but its all from guessing pretty much. Alot of the material contains material from recent chapters. The art activities are great though!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "great professor. hilarious in a nerdy way. very hard class, but you learn a LOT",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Got off topic quite often; lectured too much. If you are already proficient in web design, it's a very useless class. Visual Explanations is absolutely above the students' general intelligence level; many complained. You will fail if you don't read for the exams. Projects are very easy if you know web design.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nice guy, but I took an astronomy course for Arts students... Expected us to know all these complicated physics related things. I suppose it would have been fine, but I was more interested in looking at stars than learning the equations for the doppler effect and stuff.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "take this teacher! She is really great, she makes a dull subject interesting. Take good notes and the tests will be no problem, I did not even open my text book, she gives reviews of everything on the test. Take this teacher for Soc!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very easy take this class. allows ""one week grace period"" for all assignments except the play review. lets you out a few minutes early for every class. take this class to fill your fine arts requirement. this class is a joke..",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Kurt seems like a real nice guy. Class can be boring...you have to prepare for the tests if you want a good grade...offers extra credit each week...does not take attendance so if you miss a class, no big deal. Overall, good/easy class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Prof. Scott is supposedly one of the most qualified accounting professors. However, her ability to explain things, such as pension plans, is limited, and her slides are not very clear and useful for exam review. Be sure to master fundamental accounting materials before taking her class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Oh my, I only have good things to say about her class. I was dreading comp II, but she made is soooo enjoyable...TAKE HER!! I have always HATED writing and all that kind of stuff, but she made is relatively fun for me! AND I got a good grade!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "one of the most intellectually stimulating professors i've had. she will really make you think about things you've never thought about before. difficult and challenging, but you learn a lot of you're willing to put in the work.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Prof. Vandergrift is an excellent professor.by that, i dont mean he's easy. its not him, its the students. it would always depend on you and only you. its a hard class c'mon now... but he's doing his share and its gonna be ok if you do your share too...people who are saying he's worst, are those that wants to get away with this class easily..",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took him for intro to drama! It was an easy class, he does require you attend his class as well as two of the theatre productions and write a report over them but it wasn't difficult. Sometimes the plays are fun to watch! Overall I think the class was easy!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "easy as it gets for literature, never bought one book for both classes and cut class all the time and still got B's. imposible to stay in her class with dying of boardum. if you need an easy class..a must take",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Classes are not challenging. He doesn't engage the students; when he talks, he's often one-tracked and opinionated. Course work is dull and repetitive. Ideal class for slackers. Nothing lost (but time), nothing gained.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "For a Calc Class (101), it was very easy. If you think he's hard, then you're just bad at math. Study a little bit. He's helpful and lenient when need be.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content The other reviewers are mistaken. We only solved one kind of ODE: u'' + a u = b. Basic results from ODEs and Vector Calc (dot-products and integrals) are used to study physics.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Overall easy. Show up to class and things go all right. Sometimes the test questions weren't worded very clearly. Was somewhat unapproachable outside of class. He knows what he's talking about and seems like a good guy.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very nice person, and I learned so much! I thought this class was going to be boring, but it wasn't... it was very interesting to learn about Russia's history (and I usually hate history classes)... Easy A as well... HIGHLY recommend this class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "A great professor for a great class! If you do all the work and study sufficiently for the test, it's an easy A. Dr. Bergeson is really good and explaining things and making lecture interesting.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The class was almost entirely based on class discussion. We did outside work but it was rarely discussed in class. Looking back, my Spanish conversation and listening skills improved, but my writing skills stayed pretty much constant. Good teacher and not too demanding.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Good science course for non-science majors. Just follow the syllabus.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great class. All you have to do is show up and pay attention (make sure you get the right notecards). I went to a performing arts school in middle school so I already knew most of the things but she does explain things really well and she is willing to help if you dont. The class was with about 200 other kids so go to her office hours, if need be.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content EASIEST CLASS AND TEACHER IN THE WORLD.I never came to class on time and never missed nothing shes a sweet lady but she tends to ramble on about nothing. easy . watch her on her basic and mental math she tends to get confused. But she makes everything simple.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "LOTS OF PHYSICS INVOLVED!!! I'm not a mathematical genius so this class and the test's were slightly confusing at times. Overall a good class though, I really received the help I needed when I needed it. I would recommend her .",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I had Professor Janz for intro to religion. He's super nice, the class was easy, and I actually LEARNED the material! His tests are relatively easy, although he tends to focus on dates. Don't let that scare you-the only way to get less than a B in any class he teaches is by not coming or taking notes!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Kawchuk's class is great! It may have alot of content, but it's the only class I truly enjoy going to, even though it's at 8 in the morning!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "boring class, but really easy",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Prof. Walker is a good teacher. I feel like it's really hard to understand what he is actually trying to say most of the time though. However, if you read the book and actually study and try to understand vs. memorize the material you will be fine. If you put effort into the class you'll get an A/B bc the tests aren't extremely hard conceptually",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easiest college class Ive ever taken. She gives a lot of small easy assignments. A lot of points in this class which helps if you decide to not do one or two. Easy class, and her being very attractive makes it easy pay attention!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "For being a non-major Bio, he give too much information. Im an A/B student and im border line passing. Teaching for many years, he assumes that the majority of students already know the info, good for major in Bio. I do not recommend this teacher.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Started out easy then turned on full blast! So not a good class!! Teaches like you are in 1st grade. Helps only certain ""english Major"" students. Avoid this class!!!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content All i have to say is good luck staying awake,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Super interesting man, super interesting class. It was my first Anthropology class, and I learned so much. He is really knowledgeable and has the coolest stories to tell. There is only a midterm and a final, so it isnt that hard of a class at all.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Pretty good prof. Doesn't take attendance or anything. If you read the books the quizzes are super easy. The class discussions were very interesting. Coming from somebody who doesn't read or favor English too much I enjoyed the class a lot.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She doesn't really teach, it's mostly watching movies on the chapters, and the movies are boring. She grades really easily & the assignments are easy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content EXCELLENT PROFESSOR!!!!! ONLINE CLASS EASY A. WISH HE TAUGHT MORE CLASSES ONLINE.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Not a course for linear thinkers but the instructor was very good.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "he makes the class way harder than it has to be....if u think u are going to learn history you are dead wrong. this might as well be call philosophical history than history. a lot of reading....but on the plus we does clarify very well, helps you out anytime and keeps you moderately interested.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Delcastillo is a good professor, but could be very boring at times. Very easy class, failing or getting a poor grade in this class would be ashame, if you do, you might want to speak with your counselor.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Medieval history was BORING...but very easy. I skipped all the time and got an A. He's a fun guy though. If you want to interact with him more take his 505 class. His accent rocks and he loves to talk about English modern culture.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I'm an Economics major, so I was a little wary of taking Biology without proper preparation. However, I passed this class with an A, and with flying colors! Would recommend to all my friends.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Took the self-defense class. Just gotta say: WOW! I never would have expected something this rigorous and thorough from OCC. Completely awesome course and teacher. The final: you use what you've learned to defend yourself against an 'attacker'! (or you can write a paper if you're scared like I was, lol) Definitely came out with knowledge!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Took the web course, it was a challenge since there is a lot of information/history to remember. Otherwise it's interesting enough that learning it wasn't too bad. All tests/quizzes were online and open book. Writing project was time-consuming and tedious. Best part was not stepping foot on campus to complete this course.Self motivated students onl",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "he knows his stuff. good class if you are interested in the subject, but if just taking to get credit it could be a pain...",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very hard class, not easy!! Expects you to know things that were never taught. Stay away!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She's a good teacher overall. If you are not experienced programming, I would recommend you take python before hand or some MOOCs. Otherwise it will be a little bit tough, not because of her teaching style but more so it's the Java language that other students find tough. And this class will prepare you for C++ 1 more so than python.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Really easy class- I got a 97 overall. Don't even buy the book. I never opened it. Make sure u go to class cuz u get quizzes and homework assignments that r not on blackboard. Those really enhance your grade. Easy class and she is a good, fun teacher.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you show up for extra help when it's offered at the end of every week, you'll do very well. Otherwise, be sure to study the hell out of the material. It's difficult work, make it easier for yourself by taking the help he offers.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Did not enjoy the lectures, they were clear but I feel that he spent too much time on every idea thus we ran out of time occasionally and it could get boring. He can call on students at random so be aware of being put on the spot. Instructions for our essay were very open-ended and this made it much more difficult. He is a nice guy though for sure!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "It was VERY difficult to earn a good grade. She will write on the board notes that are verbatim to the book and won't explain it well at all (if she can, she sometimes refers to students for answers). The programs had me sitting in tutoring for hours on end. The review guides given are decent but very vague, overall avoid this prof if possible.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This was a pretty easy class, and Dr. Williams did a good job teaching it. Our class specifically had a really humorous dynamic, and I enjoyed going to this class more than any other class. My only complaint is that I wish Dr. Williams gave more specific feedback on our ad writing assignments, but as I've implied, this was a very easy/fun course.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I don't know if it's just her or every MATH 095 teacher but that class was hard as hell and MAT 105 was a breeze. A transitional class shouldn't be harder than the regular classes. She crams way too much stuff into each week also.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "My favorite Prof at BCC - tk him for Comp 1 & 2. If you don't get an A, you're lazy o't do all the work. If you don't get a B, you probably don't belong in college. Prof OB made learning easynd fun. I have no pblem writing research papers in all my classes. Thanks Prof OB.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. S is getting a bad wrap. I must admit I graduated a few years ago now. Fact is the reason he gave up making class ""managed"" is because he got so many complaints about his class being to hard. It really broke his spirit. I am currently a Ph.D. student in neuroscience, and he prepared me well. You have to get on his level and listen.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Wandling is extrememly confusing and frustrating. He doesn't use a powerpoint for most of his lectures which makes it difficult to understand what exactly you need to know for the exams. You get your grades through the TA's, not him. There is a lot of reading for each class, and is difficult to understand at the beginning of the semester.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "takes attendance every day, need to be there. Very stubborn on how she wants things written her way, and if you dont write it her way its wrong. nice, funny lady. not an easy class however, takes 3rd grade math and makes it very hard somehow. if you put a lot of time in youll pass, if not its very stressful, dont go out of your war to take this cla",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "As much as I love Professor Kelley, I dislike his teaching methods. If you really want to understand orgo, read ahead cause in class, he assumes you already have and just starts speaking another language entirely to you. memorize everything he writes and i think you'll be fine cause thats what he puts in his paragraphs on the exams!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Fun class, easy teacher and he's always smiling. Just show up do the assignment for the day and get an A! Joke of the day is the best",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Ha! Ha! The class is easy! He doesn't even talk to you every day. It doesn't matter who you take. But your heart rate does go by 6's! Show up and fill your log sheet!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "easy A, in fact its so easy I got one even though I thought the class was math 108 ROFL im so smart!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content very confusing. i regret enrolling in this class. his soc 128 class is way more tolerable than soc 129.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very hard to understand, He also messes up example problems so there is no answer and really confuses you. If you get him, drop him.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content this class was really easy. go to class take notes. study for the tests [10 t/f one essay] 3 tests + participation grade. piece of cake...oh and A's start at 80,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Amazing prof. Take SSH 105 with him and you're golden!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "It's confusing at times, and hard to keep up. It is also hat to read to the board.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Second level theology, she made it hell. Impossible memorization of every king and figure in the bible. Lots of timelines...need to know exact dates...unless u r a theo major don't take this class",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Apparently for a beginning classical guitar class you must have been playing and know to read music. I took it for winter intersession for an intro guitar course but from day one he already has the intention of weeding out those who can't play. I'd suggest avoiding him if you're trying to learn it for fun.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content basically hell in a classroom. Only take this class if you are ridiculously interested in saints and are very catholic.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "she tries really hard to teach us the topics, but still is not really clear. the course is pretty easy in the beginning, but definitely gets a lot harder toward the end, and the final is a killer. labs are also a waste of time",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Having our text books seemed pointless after awhile, but our projects and classwork was always easy and interesting. An easy A and an awesome teacher! I love Dr. Todd!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Great class! It was easy but I learned a ton!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Loved loved loved this class. It is alot of hard work, but so very interesting. Lots of thinking involved. I remember some in the class would leave completely exhausted from thinking too much, wanting to bang their head on the wall. You either love it, or you hate it. But you can't deny that he is an awesome teacher. In my top 3 of favorite teachers at Southeast!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Spock is an incredibly nice person and seems to genuinely care about her students succeeding. That said, the class is harder than you would expect. Its a lot of dense reading and she lectures the full class (sometimes a couple minutes after) but the tests aren't impassable. If you're a history major take her, but if not find someone easier.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "janz is a great teacher, his class made me so relaxed and he's a great guy. He is very interesting and his class is not hard. take hiM!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content if you want to hate yourself for an entire semester then i highly recommend her class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I loved his class. I learned lots of new material. Just study hard and practice and you'll do fine.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Has an accent, but doesn't make it any harder to understand. Open book test. Don't play around because of it though. Open book Math is not easy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "i really don't know who could find her helpful or challenging at all....my lit ap teacher in high school challenged me more! you spend less than 30 minutes talking about a story, write like 1 paper and then waste the rest of the time talking about nothing...class for an easy A and lazy people",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "No!!! If you are not good in math, don't take her. That's one of those professors who expect you to know everything before you came to class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Not that bad of a prof. A little boring but not too hard.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He tells great stories and his classes are easy. Just takes detailed notes and you'll ace the tests.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great teacher. He has an accent, but you can still understand him. Very funny aswell. EASY A+. Just do your classwork and homework and you're set.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very easy class. Go and take the quiz each week and then you can leave if you want. I made over 100 on almost ever quiz. You must buy the book for this course, then just study the words for every chapter. The quizzes are not that difficult and if you stay for the whole class you get out atleast an hour or hour and a half early for night classes",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This professor makes basic biochem pretty easy if you pay attention and go to lecture. Her lecture notes are clear and is willing to answer questions. As long as you put in the work on your end and do the practice exams, you will do well.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I learned a lot in her class, but it was very difficult and she was often unclear about instructions. i had to check out books from the library on my own to do her papers. pick someone else",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He is really cool. The only way you could fail this class is if you tried to on purpose. I would definatly recommend him.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Aarrggh!!! He is so fricking unbelievable. Decent guy but the bugger doesn't know how to teach. He makes physics sound like rocket science and makes ants at a picnic, the end of the world. I like his Texan accent though.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great professor. Go to class, participate, READ the material and it is an easy A!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took his Mathematics for Liberal Arts class, and it was ridiculously easy. Attendance isn't mandatory. There are 3 open book exams. He gives a review sheet before each exam that is basically the actual exam with the numbers changed. He can be pretty unclear at times, but if you ask him to explain himself he will.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great Professor. Very interesting guy. def take this class. If you take good notes and skim the text book the tests aren't too bad.Explains everything well, warm person.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I wasn't so interested in history until I took this professor. There is no reason not to pull off an A as long as you take good notes; his lecture notes are basically all from the book. The map test is really easy if you study, same goes for the midterm and final. Plus he has a great personality. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR and TAKE HIM IF YOU CAN.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very difficult to understand notes. Concepts are not explained in simple terms. Seems like she thinks we are already supposed to be chemists or something.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This class was very easy. If you missed class its fine because she records the class. She goes straight to the point which I loved because I never stayed the whole time she usually finishes in about 30 minutes then you can do whatever you want.(which also means leave) Some class periods we did stay long on some of the more challenging topics,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "One of the best professors I've ever had! She's definitely not easy, but you'll learn a lot if you do the work.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took his class for an easy A. I have a background in Finance as my family has been in different financial and investment fields for decades. It was an easy class.. if you agree with him. As a licsenced broker with 3 years of experience, I disagreed with some of the things he said. It wasn't a boring class, though.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content great class if you love weather. great prof if you want to learn. don't take if you're looking for an easy lab credit. his class really should be 300 level because its a serious science class. weather is a lot of physics. small number of engineers/science majors set the high grades and the rest of us got screwed.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I went into this class excited because I'm one of those losers that actually likes architectural history. Mourna is the worst professor, if you think you study hard you're wrong. I've never had a class that was as awful as this one and I cried a lot. If you want to talk to the professor she has a pretty interesting life but don't take the class",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Good class, as long as you show up and pay attention you'll pass. If you're struggling just attend SL sessions and its almost impossible to fail.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This is not a traditional science class by any means, in fact, it's a great class for non sciencey people who need a science credit. But it is definitely Grobstein's element. Other people complain about his philosophizing but that is exactly what this class is about so it was perfect. Fun, interesting class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "As an older professor, he has good insights in the history classes. He's very flexible and the assignment are very easy. Take this course to get a pretty easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I disagree, he is clear. He knows the material, sometimes he presents too much info, more than most teachers.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He is very good. This was my first electronics course and he made the material very clear and easy to understand and the material itself is not easy at all but he manage to make it understanable. Just don't wait until the end to do the HW or you are going to be sorry. Take very good notes and ask?.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nice guy, very cool. obsessed with SHMUPS. the work is easy, the assignments aren't too bad. You can study for the tests for 1 or 2 hours and get an A. Making the video game is awesome, and the top 4 video game creation groups get prizes (Like an X-Box 360 for example). If you ever wanted to make a video game, take his class, especially w/ friends.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Dr. Bakker is a very tough teacher but he knows what he is talking about and will prepare you well for future classes if you put the work in. All the basics for the tests are in the powerpoints but in order to do well you need to do a lot of practice problems. Definitely don't take if you're just taking for a science elective.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "funny and laid back. his upper level classes are great. really knows his stuff. very confusing class, but i think that was more due to the subject matter.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Hard as hell, but I learned a lot.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I learned absolutely nothing in this class that I couldn't figure out on my own with common sense. The class was a waste of time, but it made for an easy A. And Grossman, although not helpful at all, is really nice. Get on his good side and he'll let you get away with anything. His project is extreamly easy and his tests are a breeze.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Turned out to be an easy class. I took it because I had to, not because I wanted to. Very helpful teacher and very easy to learn from.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content All I hear all day is how she doesn't teach and how easy her class is. I wish that she would let us use our expansive vocabulary to further our education.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content this guy is can take a simple concept and make it confusing. terrible prof.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Not a bad choice for EC 110. He has dry humor. I made an A- in his class and studied a day or two before the test. I'm not very smart either.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Really tough class but you will learn a lot. He's really funny too.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Fun guy, knows a lot about art history and classes aren't to difficult if you do the readings.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Made the class more reasonable than I expected it to be. notes got repetative from the middle of the semester on, so you actually have to pay attention to pick out what's new. always willing to help",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content just talk in class and you'll do fine,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you are a feminista who is tired of reading the important works of America's past, sign up for Michelle's class. It is difficult to make a class of alternative voices relevant and interesting, and this is no exception. I'm all for diversity, but the sad fact is that there just weren't very many interesting/well written pieces by women/american indians/slaves but you will read many by tem anyway.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Mr.Unger is a really good teacher and his Online class was great. I would recommend him to anyone. His online REL2300 class was very easy and self paced. Journals kind of difficult but not really. other than that. Great teacher and he also explains to you why he gave the grade he did. Really good. TAKE HIS CLASS =),4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Online class. Contact with him sort of fizzeled throughout the semester; basically he never answered his e-mails. Easy class. Only asked for quizzes, 4 essays and discussion postings. No final.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Great class and not hard. Makes the material real by giving lots of real life examples. Lots and lots of slides keep it interesting.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "he's not horrible... the course itself is pretty interesting. study. its hard to pull an A off in this class, but if you're good at science/math you'll be fine. he's really nice otherwise.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Oh my god a professor that actually challenges his students more than a high school teacher and covers the material in depth as fits the job ... lets all get online and write bad reviews because somebody assumed that we were actually intelligent enough to handle being taught like adults.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easy. Seems like he always had some idea of making money off of us students. which i didnt appreciate. Easy class though. just show up on time, and take notes.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Prof. G keeps things straightforward, which works well for the class. He is very passionate about the subject, and his applications to daily life are interesting. If you read and study for the tests (they aren't difficult) it's no problem to get an A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The man will make you work for your grade, however, in the end, if you do not know the information, it is simply because you are not paying attention or reading. The man laids things out for you so clearly, that sometimes, you wonder if you are truly doing the work! He is that damn good! You would enjoy his class!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I spent a year and a half getting to know math again and was just starting to learn it, love it, breathe it. After this class, I almost never want to see another math equation. All love for the subject was nearly obliterated. Great guy, but ruined my confidence in my math abilities completely.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She's an academic with no real personal experience in any of these issues. If you want an easy grade, and work is paying anyway, why not?",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He is an awesome teacher. Very easy class and easy to talk to. He makes learning fun and an overall great teacher!! I recommend taking him if you can! You only have to right 2 papers all semester with a length of 3-4 pages!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "From day one everything is given online. Assignments are given and even the essay questions for the exams and final are also given on day one. He lectures a lot about what to write for the exams, so this class should be an easy ?A? or ?B? if you skim the book and go to class. Also gives extra credit opportunities. Professor Kaminsky is a nice guy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Prof. Douglas really knows his info, it's obvious that he enjoys teaching. The class was strictly a lecture class, which is told on the registration website so if your expecting a hands on, exciting class, it's almost common sense to not sign up for a lecture course! Unlike much of the class, I attended every day and took notes. I got an easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class was too easy. I seriously could have done it in my sleep. If you know the basics of power point, word, excel, and access you will get an A. Just show up, participate and turn in your assignments on time. This class could be hard for anyone with very limited computer skills, but for most it will be the easiest class of their academic path",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I'm pretty sure you're given an A+ just for registering. This class requires no effort what's so ever but then again I didn't realky learn much. Easy A,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great teacher!! If you struggle with math, he is the guy to take. He explains things well & it really helps. Unfortunately he wont be teaching stat or else I would taking him again.... College algebra is tough though, so brace yourselves.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Yes, this class is as hard as everyone is stating. I recommend this class for anyone that is a history major. If you love history, take this class. If you don't like history, like I, don't. Overall, he is a really, really, nice guy. As a professor, he is not the best.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you can understand conceptual math by reading, then I suggest this course. Otherwise, you should take a lecture course. As long as you read and do the assignments, you can pass. They provide hints and explain how to solve several of the problems. However, if you're an accounting major, this probably won't help you memorize well.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Loved the class! Very interesting material. Dr. Langely is very funny and entertaining. Easy A if you show up to class and take notes!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nice guy, however the online course for history is hard to follow.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Really cool guy, really hard class",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Prof. Wernli is an awesome professor. If you are looking for an 'easy' A, you won't find it in A&P. He's a fair professor but you still have to earn your grade. Attend class, Study the notes he gives, read the book and you'll have no problem earning that A. Plus he's very helpful and willing to answer your questions.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Hard in any eco class I took. Using only book examples and jokes. No real life exposure. Worst economics Prof. Pace has to offer!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "he is great for none science majors who want to learn some science, but if you are a science major i would suggest you find a different professor. he spends the whole class talking about his idea of science, but he doesn't actually teach it. When he does, he dumbs it down to an insulting level.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very easy class. Makes it very interesting. Only 2 assignments. No book. 5 quizzes I think but are super easy. Don't really even have to come to pass.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great teacher, I wish he thought Hist 450, bc his class was really easy and informative. I got an ""A"" and those only come every other blue moon, so it must mean he is doing something right. You will not regret it at all.Take home midterm and final. lots of videos. lots of free time. BUT YOU STILL LEARN A LOT",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very understanding, helpful and eager to teach. Many classes (5-6) were cancelled this term due to various issues - getting both her programs re-accredited and an unfortunate situation with her loved one. No big deal - READ your chapters and you'll be fine. She simplifies everything. If you can't pass this class, you won't pass anyone else's.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "A hard class, but he's a fair guy. Read your notes. Better yet, take notes instead of talking. Laziest class I've ever been in, and I'm a comm arts major!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you can take Dukes and avoid Lofton, DO IT. Your life will be so much easier. He is a great STATS teacher and I hated the subject. He is easy and helpful, and it is nearly impossible to get an A in any other CJ STATS course.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Delamater is great! He is very tough but he makes you work hard and you learn a lot. This is not an easy A class, but if you think you are smart enough to read a book, you will have no problems.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very fun class. Probably because it was a 100 level though. Great discussions on the material and she did answer most questions students had. Tests weren't hard either. Again being 100 level class likely played a huge part in this as well.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Terry is thorough and thought provoking. You cover a good deal of ground in corporate finance in ""adv fin mgmt"". While the earlier courses are a little too easy, this course is really excellent. This course makes heavy use of case studies, an excellent immersive tool. Best time to ask him questions is during or after class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "boring! dis-org-a-nized! no flow or logical sequencing to lectures. but exams are given to you before writing, so know what to expect. easy grade, hella long classes.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Haynie is easier than most of my high school teachers. A nice man, but not in any way challenging or worthy of collegiate teaching.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She is not as bad as these people are saying. She is fun and if you do the labs(which are easy) and read the book, the class is a breeze.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content is this even a college class? i could have made an 'A' when i was 10...very easy class...a must to take!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great class,good professor the class is not hard at all..He is a very understanding person :) He shows alot of interesting documentaries that will be useful during final.. Keep up with class discussions and read a bit from the book and you'll do good.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great teacher! Easy A if you just read your chapters. Must show up, but you can leave or take breaks whenever. TONS of extra credit!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Tabitha is stict and pretty dense on the material. She obviously knows what she's talking about but she moves really fast though her lectures, leaving the class scrambling to jot everything down. Her quote ID's are obscure and difficult to succeed in without memorizing the whole text. But she is a fair marker in other regards.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Malitsky is an excellent teacher for trigonometry. The way she teaches is easy to follow and is and I am able to follow up with the lecture easily in the textbook. She does not take short cuts in demonstrating problems, which I like, because the little math errors are easy to miss with shortcuts.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content If you take the time to learn Klingon you can get an easy A.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content His class was cake. We were scheduled to meet MWF but we only ever met on MW. His class is easy and you don't really have to do anything to do well other than your wellness project which still isn't that hard.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "i was nervous because many reviews i read said the course gets difficult. i didn't find that it was difficult at all, and i'm not really a student that keeps up with work. i never even opened my textbook and i always left class 15-30 minutes early for my next one across campus. you can tell he enjoys the topic and care about his students",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content (210)This class is really easy you get study guides for the test look up what's on the study guide and you got an A in the class. Lectures are pointless you don't really learn anything. 200 is fun if you liked Health and Phys. Ed. in highschool that's basically all it is you don't really learn why you do the tests you just kinda do them.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Dr. P is my favorite teacher at tech. took her for both virology and med & vet ent. Shes a great teacher and the classes arent too hard. take ok-ish notes and fill out the study guides she provides you for the exams and you'll easily get a B or A. another cool things is she never requires text books for any of her classes so shes a money saver,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "andy jones is an extremely nice, kind, teacher. always willing to help you out. However this class TCS191 needed a lot of work. What are we learning? What is going on? What is the purpose? I have never been so lost, yet not? in a class before... ... what?",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class was not as difficult as everyone is saying. YOU MUST READ THE ASSIGNED CHAPTERS or you will not pass. His test are difficult, but the other assignments were basically free points. The forums are opinionated, and the research paper isn't too bad. He seems annoyed if you email him.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "but he is lecturing on molecular bio and biochem stuff 3) he is asking us all mo bio and biochem questions even though the prereq for this class is only genetics. The final was looking up protein info online, but he never taught us that (which is THE MAIN THING!), we had to teach it to ourselves. If you ask for help he just confuses you more.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. G is the man! I took this course online over J-term, but he was still very helpful. Read the instructions and do exactly what he is asking for, and it is an easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Pretty easy class if you either understand it or do some studying. Very helpful teacher and he makes science interesting.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "On the first day of class, she stated she was not a statistician. She literally only writes definitions on the board and nothing else. she likes to repeat how much she doesnt know about stats and that she only knows math. not really worth taking the class, unless you dont want to learn how to calculate the actual stats.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content When i took Fin 15.401 was called Finance Theory. He is funny and gives amazing lectures . The Exams are a little Hard but manageable. He gives an Excelent Foundation of Managerial and Corporate Finance . He leads the Laboratory for Financial Engineering thats awesome. Is a Finance Master mind,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Lets just say his lectures are a perfect example of diminishing marginal utility and my grade perfectly resembled an economies of scale graph.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Lectures are interesting, his tests are very straightforward, and the homework is minimal. Great professor and if you show up to class, pay attention, and read the textbook, his class should be a breeze. No surprises with him.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content hard!!!!!!!!!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content she is extremely easy. she cancelled class at least 10 times in one semester because she had other obligations. All quizzes are online. don't even have to buy the book because the labs are online!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easy class, easy A...but I actually learned a lot. It introduces you to writing resumes and internal memos and such, I'm even keeping the book because I find it so helpful, it will come in handy. Not a lot of assn's..most easy. Good prof, nice guy, but he can go on and on talking about every detail of everything. Overall, good!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Camilo can be hard to understand with his accent and some of his assignments aren't very clear cut. The class can be tough at times, and he's a stickler for doing things his way. However i think he's an amazing person. The class might've been hard but I'm glad I took it with him",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "very good professor. one of the best. you must come to class, pay attention, and do the readings. my only problem was learning phi lingo. but that was on me. not prof's fault. good class",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Hi I'm unknown. This professor should be ashamed for associating herself with humans because she's not.TCM210 is a fun course but this reptile Schubert makes it so impossible to understand what the hell is going on.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Good teacher for Intro To CMPS if you need it for a GE or major. His class was very easy; notes were all online with everything you needed to know. In-class pop quizzes. Fell asleep many times, failed the second midterm, and managed to get a B in the class. Though keep in mind this is more about the history of CMPS rather than programming stuff.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easiest class I had last spring semester! Mrs. Herbert is a very inspiring and amazing instructor! She helped me so much and inspired me to keep following my dreams! As long as you listen, show up for class every time, do the work and ask questions, than it's an easy A. I received an A+ in this class, I would take her again in a heartbeat!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Ruckh is not easy. But if you persevere and show interest and participate he will grow on you. I ended up ending the class with an A. A surprising A. Most interesting class i have ever took,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "THIS CLASS WAS BY THE FAR THE EASIEST CLASS I HAVE EVER TAKEN AT EKU. DR. HOLCOMB IS VERY NICE, A LITTLE WEIRD BUT YOU WILL LEARN TO LOVE HIM AND MAKE SURE YOU GO TO EVERY CLASS (NO CLASS ON FRIDAYS) AND DO YOUR WEB ASSIGNMENTS AND COMPLETE YOUR WELLNESS PROJECT AND THERES NO WAY YOU CAN GET ANYTHING LESS THAN A B!!!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Brian is a great teacher who loves what he does and it shows. His notes were great and I found the lectures interesting and informative. Overall I found his classes very easy.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very interesting, ""Can you hear me in the back? OK! And thank you again for turning off your cell phones! Today we will be talking about..."" He goes pretty quickly but is easy to follow. Course is TOUGH for first year and it's to bad he isn't teaching it anymore.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content great teacher. you will learn more in his class in one semester. than any other history class available. i highly advise to take his class,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This teacher is really cool, he was a USC professor. This class is very easy. To compare with another Human4 teacher Forman, Mr Catalano did teach something, take him, you will get A",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If science isn't your strong subject, Mr. Ebert may not be the teacher for you. He is extremely nice and wants you to learn and succeed. However, he expects you to REALLY KNOW EVERY DETAIL. And yes, the labs are rather looong and un-exciting. There was 3 exams(mult choice) and quizzes for each lab. Great teacher, but overwhelming.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Difficult, but totally awesome. Worth the work!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I love the class! He is very helpful and sending emails for each reading keeps me on my toes with the assignments. Tests...if studied for are very easy!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Its simple, read the powerpoint lecture slides, do the SIMnet lessons, and don't forget your iclicker and you will get an A. Its simple. Don't make it hard on yourself.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took this class over the summer cuz I heard you have to do less speeches and you do, only 3. I was so scared going into it, but it really wasnt that bad. Like I said, 3 speeches and 2 tests right out of the book. She can be pretty harsh but she still gives you a good grade as long as you have the written wrok done how she wants it. Easy class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you want to waste money, If you really don't care about your GPA, If you want to struggle, If you are interested in 3 hours of boring lectures than this class is for you!! ENOUGH SAID!!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He is an awesome prof! Took him during ext spring semi and got an A. He is super easy!!!!! He goes over what will be on the exam and makes you prepared! Only thing I didn't like were the videos because they were kind of boring. But overall I recommend him!! I wish he taught more courses so I can take him again! EASY A!!!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "His way of teaching forces the students to become an expert in the topic. Yes you are the one who gives the presentations, so you have to actually go and learn the stuff to be informative to others. Also, unless you are prepared to really learn do not take his class, and come back and whine about his class being hard.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Good guy and good teacher. Have to attend to pass. Some stupid rules he has but isn't that big of a deal. Don't necessarily have to pay attention, but have to read the book and do problems in workbook. Tests are very straight forward, some questions directly out of the work book. Very easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "makes pilot classes easy, hahahaha! engineers.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "These other ratings are bogus. This was one of the best classes I took at Cornell. Didn't learn too much, busy easy A, engaging lecture, and he's such a really nice guy. 2 prelims, final, section attendance, and discussion is all. Would def take again.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content all you got to do is read,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "His class isn't hard, just really easy to get bored. As long as you know your terms and definitions you'll be fine. He doesn't like making things too difficult so the bare minimum is how his classes are set up.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Good teacher. Helpful, if you are here to learn about stats he can help you understand it by simplifying it. I get his class and it's easy to understand though I worry about his health. Don't listen to people's complain about him because they have no interest in math and does not know any bad teacher. I would recommend him to my friends",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very good teacher, highly recommend him as a teacher if you have to take Geo 101, he makes the work easy to understand and worth learning",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took this class during the summer, and it was a breeze! There are three tests and a cumulative final. Dr. Williams is funny, enthusiastic, and always has a smile on her face. She gave us fifteen minute breaks between lecture and film presentations and allowed us to eat during the films. If you're looking to knock out a fine arts credit take her!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took her telecourse. One of the most difficult classes I've ever taken, the lecture tests were not easy but that wasnt the hard part of it. u had to figure things out on ur own, making an A in her class is not easy, the only class (except for the nursing classes)that I didnt make an A in.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I went twice and got an A. As long as you do the HW you will be fine and the math is a joke. However, the two times that I did go, I wanted to jump out the window, he is awful. He mumbles, speaks awful english and gets frustrated after the second question. But take the class for the easy MATH/DEC credit, trust me.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Great take him if you can take the heat,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The course starts of hard and gets easier as the semester goes on by design. You finish up by watching and analyzing movies. Attendance is not mandatory but she keeps track of it for participation. Read read read and come to class to succeed, bs will not work on exams as she can see right through it. Bring texts to class in order to follow along!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easy class, readings are sometimes confusing, but just do your best. Email her for any concerns or questions, she is approachable. Overall, do your best and it should be a chill class",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class covers: corporate growth, debt & equity financing, and dividends. These topics are not taught in other courses. There are five projects. The math is not hard. Explaining the formulas can be difficult. Exceptional professor! Exceptional course!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Super nice lady and the class is super easy,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The course material is overwhelming and difficult, but Dr. Kawchuk explains it extremely well and helps make it easy to remember.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "work was easy in class, and ridiculously hard outside of it.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "OMG, his classes are SO not hard. Just do the reading, people, and take notes, then memorize his defs, the pts. of certain concepts, etc. He doesn't like slacker students so don't take him if you don't give a sh*t.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "While this may have been one of the most boring and dry classes I've ever had, I did learn a lot from him. It's very concept-oriented, which I guess you either love or hate. And man, he loves those steam tables a little too much.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Overall, the class is manageable. If you want him to help you, you'll have to go out of your way to ask for it. Exam questions can be worded a bit tricky, but they're all pretty much the same. His voice is funny and he speaks in a drawn out manner.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "he is the worse professor i have ever had. he does not explain the material clearly, in fact he will confuse you instead of making the subject easier. seriously DONOT take this professor he will make your life misrable.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "don't bother with the book, you won't use it. everything you need to know is given in lecture and written on the board. Very easy class, IF you take notes! easy to talk to, answers questions, willing to help you.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content She made chemistry easy and understandable. I'm disappointed that she isn't teaching CHM 112,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content THis professor is the best. he wnat you to pass witha good grade. Just seeing his enthusiam at his age makes you smile. he loves what he does. Not a difficult class. Easy A. You eat alot of Candy in this class. Discussions are really meaningful,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He's a little intimidating at first, but you get used to his style. He throws alot at you and expects you to pick it up quickly. The course was difficult at first, but got easier when I got used to his style. Definitely read the books and go to class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Some of the material he teaches is outdated. This was a race and ethnicity class so I was hoping to learn a lot about various ethnic groups. However, we spent a lot of time learning of his study on French and English relations instead. Mid-Term was easy but the course overall was unevenly distributed with too much weight on one paper.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Extremely hard class and Beneski's teaching styles do not help. Recorded the lectures and studied for hours on end and could still only manage C's. Best bet is to watch videos on the topics because the tests are all applied questions. Good luck.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Absolutely hilarious. Pretty hard material, but he gets you through it.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Not the greatest presenter (kind of boring actually) but you do learn good basic computer application skills. He gives 3 exams and a final along with a computer assignment from each software as well as a web page. It was very easy to make an A!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content She's amazing. Very easy class. I was scared to take this class cuz I hate talking in front of ppl but I got A- with almost no effort and late speech. She's fair and helpful. Explains the material over and over again.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The class was mostly discussion and lecture based. The topics were fairly interesting, and he made handouts of all the information we needed to know. Quiz and exam questions come straight from his handouts. He's not a very tough grader, and he's not the most interesting professor either, but the class was very easy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Easy class. Makes the class interesting. I would recommend taking him.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Well prety much the content of the was was not important and was not part of a real english class. We had to read poems and then have a quiz on the poems and not english content it self. I wish I had droped this class the first day I steped foot into it.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She is the best teacher everr! Super easy class if you cant pass this class just give up on life! All you do is watch videos all day and on mondays we tak notes which is just vocab. words. PEOPLE, it doesnt get easier then this.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "easy class,nice guy. Study the powerpoint slides-memorize them! thats where his ?'s 4 tests will come from.class can be boring,but u can use the computer throughout class & get other things done. No HW, just in class grp projects & 1 group presentatio",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Fred is nice as a person, but a terrible teacher. His lectures are confusing and top of that he will give you his own notes (looks like he used a typewriter) and expects you to understand them. He is old school, and very forgetful. I don't know anyone who is having it easy in this class. Very stressful and you need to make EXTRA time for this class",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Read from book. Most of this class could be articulated as effectively through independent study. After the first test I stopped attending class, I recieved an A overall. Felt like a waste of money.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "First test all definitions. Second test make up stuff. The rest of the course pretty easy, just be outgoing and fun and you'll get an A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This professor was very hard to follow. Her lectures were all over the place and did not specify what actually was needed to be learned for the tests and quizzes. Had to get a tutor to explain some of the material. I would not recommend taking her if you aren't prepared to teach yourself.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easy and really helpful teacher, if you don't want to learn don't take him...I mean for people who are stubborn or think they know already how to play guitar- think again. This class is ""classical"" guitar and he teaches the standard method- strict positioning, fingering, notes, etc.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He's pretty easy, and if you already know what you're doing, I highly recommend him. He's got the clearest accent of any of the Indian professors except maybe Teredesai. If you're shaky on material though, avoid. You won't learn enough from him.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very nice and helpful. Easy class for someone who knows a little hebrew!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very nice teacher. Her class is easy. Sit there and listen(you dont even have to take notes)and you will pass. Quizzes are extremely easy as well. I would take her for all my other classes as well if I could.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I am an older student who takes her classes seriously and this was the worst class I have ever taken. Do not take unless last resort! Very hard and confusing! Barely keeping afloat!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Wouldnt retake this class with him. Hes good at teachin but for some reason some of the concepts were presented too difficult to remember throughout the course. He does allow cheat sheets for exams but make them quick to understand b. c it can slow you down. Make sure cheat sheets have examples of steps for specific problems rather than definitions,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I am still painfully lost after this class - I feel like I learned nothing compared to my other classes - even CivPro was better! Avoid at all costs if the school has went and renewed his Kx. Know his paradigm, useless as it is.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "sooooooooooooooo boring. Go to the class before the test day, get the review sheet and study that and you should be okay. She rambles in class and you have absolutely no idea what shes talking about. Nice lady but so confusing. Attendance isn't mandatory and neither is the homework and quizzes. Take her if youre good at math and can teach yourself.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Definitely not my favorite prof. Learned more/better on mathlab then in class, because Im not too good at math and her teaching style wasn't good to me. if your already good youll do well but if not make sure you teach and prepare yourself and study in groups. lots of homework online before test, 4 tests and she gives lots of extra credit. STUDY!!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Spring '10. Incredibly easy. Lots of Cancels. Skimmed the reading. Lecture was dry, even when she tries to make it relatable with college kids. In fact, it gets near incomprehensible when she starts throwing in lingo that she perceives as ""current."" But what can you do when half the class looks like they don't even know how to write a decent paper.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "EASY, EASY, EASY and Fun!!!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Very easy and fun class. It's easy to get an A in the class and she keeps things interesting like having salsa dancing lessons. One of my nicest teachers.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content By far the best professor I have ever had! He made the class so much fun and interesting! The tests are pretty easy. All you need is to read the book and study the notes and you will do really well.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very nice, easy class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Pam is a riot. She is energetic in her lectures, providing thorough explanations to make an interesting topic much more interesting. I didn't go to class the last two months and still got an A. Easy easy A, you can learn a lot if you push yourself and do the expected work. If you don't, you'll still get an A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Christie is a good professor. He has an old school mentality, but you learn a lot in his class. If you are lazy, you might as well not take this class. You will be challenged in this class. In the long run, you will feel more confident and your public speaking skills will increase dramatically.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Show up to class and take notes and you will have no problem passing this class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "as crazy as it seems, she actually helped me out with the final. all her crazy rambling on about all this weird stuff was exactly what i needed to know for the final. I just took the final and believe I did Extremely well!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class can be challenging and the lectures can be kind of hard to sit through but if you do not understand something, Dr. Ruchk and his TA's are always willing to answer questions after class and in their office hours. Dr. Ruchk wants to make you think and he teaches in a very different way. With that, you have to go to class to keep up.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Great teacher! I'm not very good at math and the material was challenging. Lectures go kinda fast but she always offers her time to help. Go to class because she gives daily points for being there and it really helps to go. Once a week she holds an optional hour long study session which really helps with test and quizzes.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This class is the hardest one of the most boring classes you will take. The workload is alot when u have no idea wat your doing.. You skip around in the book until your confused as hell. I feel sorry for anyone taking chem 12. At least you have jurs,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content i had langley for abnormal psychology and honestly its not hard if you do the work. just make sure and study whatever he writes on the board show up for class and do your online assignments. people who say this class is hard didnt put in the effort to pass because im a C or B student and i walked out with an A but never missed a class or assignment,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very nice guy, pretty funny as well. Great to talk to about grad schools and the like if that's what you need. Yes he makes you memorize the amino acids, but get over it. The class is interesting, and I'd still say it's more conceptually based than memorization based. Especially compared to evil bios 302. Tests are challenging, but it was nice to actually be challenged on a test and get a chance to show what I learned.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This is my 2nd time taking an online class with Mr. King. Every week you read a chapter, look up information online, and take a quiz. There is also a final paper. It's very easy if you do the work, because the quiz questions match the worksheet you complete. The final is taken from the quizzes, so save all your quiz answers in Word and search.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "A lot of people blame Beneski for his teaching style, but really it is just a difficult course. If you attend every lecture, take good notes, and study what he says you should be able to do decently on the tests. Even if you don't understand what he is saying, write it down and study it later because it will most likely be on the test.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Please, just whatever you do.. DO NOT under any cirumstances take this professor.. He is a very difficult teacher.. he wants you to"" THINK LIKE A PHYSICIST"" the problem is that WE students can't think like a PHYSICISTS. because DUH!!!!!!!!! we are not PHYSICISTS..",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easy marker. The beginning material is pretty simple so there's not much to discuss there. She does a pretty good job when the topics get a bit more complex, but since the course isn't proof-based there is quite a bit of handwaving when it comes to theoretical rigour (a necessary evil)",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He makes class interesting although very challenging. I liked him so much in Calc one I took him in Calc two.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Pointless class, dull lectures, don't use book, but an easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Not easy, but that's not the point. You learn so much if you put in the effort.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He is definately brilliant when it comes to technoculture and post-modernism and gives you a new perspective but I had a hard time following the material - put a lot of work into my papers for mediocre marks. Not an easy class, but fresh and new.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Professor Sailors is great. All of her assignments are pretty easy and you can tell she knows the subject very well. Make sure to complete the assignments and do the discussion participation. The quizzes come straight from the book. Take her if she is available.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I dont understand the negative comments, no midterm no finals just a short reading everyday and short writing assignment. Easiest A you will ever get in college trust me",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you've never had prior programming experience, don't expect to understand Scripps' lectures. Having said that, he is very nice and a fun prof.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nice lady, cute lasy. Really easy class... has little to no info about computer graphics, although she is extremely experienced and knowledgable. If you want to learn something, don't take it. If you want an easy grade, take it. DON'T GET HER AS AN ADVISOR! She'll let you down -- she never showed up for any meetings that were scheduled.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The most accurate review I've read of this prof is the one below me. Rest are exaggerating. YES, it's tough. But do you really think nursing school is easy? Sorry to say, heck no. And about the accent, really? If normal human can make it through his class, everyone can. It's not hard to understand him. He teaches excellent and is a doctor himself.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "hard work, a little hard to get used to her teaching stlye at first, once you get it though, it gets easier. Not an Easy class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class is really hard if you let it be. You just have to pay attention in class, do all the homework and class activities, get C's on the tests and you will do fine. Dr. Chen is a cool lady and really relaxed. She teaches really boring classes but does her best to help you learn the material.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took this class online. It consisted of weekly forums, a few tests, and one paper. I liked that the forum questions were easy to discuss and based on your own personal opinions/experiences. The tests were timed, so it was necessary to study in advance in order to not run out of time. The class was really easy for me.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I had Dr. Bakker for both 101 and 102 and it was one of the hardest classes I have ever had to take. He expects a lot and pushes his students to the limit. I hated his class and thought it was very hard but I learned a lot more than other students with other teachers which will and has helped me with other classes.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Larkin is simply the best PED Prof. in PED at John Jay! I have taken 2 classes with her. She is excellent! Take PED 110 ONLINE with her it is an easy A, forget what the other people say. Se gives good feedback. PE Minor students should take her! Forget these other teachers, (they are too serious) she is the best one to take! Easy A",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Avoid taking spurious nots in class, he derives too much, but gets to there.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Class was an easy A for me. I went 3 times (test days) and got an A. Tests are written essays and I always crammed 3 days before (It worked for me). Here's how you get an A... GO TO SI AND TA SESSIONS, email TA's about outline and thesis, study with flashcards, write 10-15 pages for essay (It sounds scary but it's easy to do), 10/10 would recommend",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content VERY EASY!!!! and nice to look at.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Online version. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take after you finished FIN300 (many similar mathematical concepts). The tests are simple if you do your readings (all open book). The exam was ridiculously easier than I thought. Just do the easy practice questions in the textbook and online modules. When I met her in person, she was extremely friendly.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "A great class and a unique lecturer. Irvine's class really changes the way you approach studies in history.It's a tough class, but worth the learning experience. Recommended if you are serious about history",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content My class was once a week and 4 hours (stats class). She did not give us any homework since the class was so long. I think sh explained things well but statistics is just difficult for me as it is for most people. She let us use a notecard on one of the tests. She really was great though and I recommend her. Sometimes she would let us out early.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Kind of a weird class. I had him for psychology 101 and the lectures were super long at first and not much for the test was covered in class, but towards the end you realize you don't have to show up to class except on test days and his stories and life lessons are actually really good and funny. He's a good guy. Easy A!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "TOUGH CLASS, IRVINE KNOWS HIS STUFF",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I got an A in this class but it wasn't easy. This is coming from a student that is usually tolerant of bad teachers, but PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER...history should not have been this hard. She's always late...disorganized and somewhat confusing. Very sweet lady, but just do yourself and choose a different professor.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Terrible professor. Learning Latin would be clearer than listening to this woman's lectures. She is all over the place and does not explain anything well. She gives paragraphs of instructions for an answer she expects to be a few sentences. Welcome to Hell,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Worst professor I've ever had. His class was a waste of my time and my money! He never actually ""taught"" anything. He just went over possible test questions and gave you the answers every day. I will never take him again, and you shouldn't either if you actually want to learn.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "really easy to get along with, tests are super easy she gives study guides, she will clarify anything you want to know,watch movies alot, and she keeps the class intresting, and takes attendence sometimes",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "fair but challenging marker. not an easy course, but she is very knowledgeable and helpful when you need it. difficult to take notes off, however. needs a powerpoint presentation or something",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Her class was simple. So simple it was completely boring. Everything is common sense and nothing deeper. If you want a simple class that is uninspiring then it might work for you. I did appreciate the 6 absences policy.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I had her for Summer C at FSU. It was ridiculously fast paced and I got lost since she is very hard to follow. I ended up relying on the videos that Blackwelder put up on her website. If you can, TAKE BLACKWELDER INSTEAD! But if you are very sharp and attentive, and do the online homework religiously, then you should be fine.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This is not an easy class. One should not expect to walk in and ace it. You will never use a textbook in his class which is nice. Instead you use 5 small-large books. The class is a study of philosophical ideas and how they can be applied to morality in daily life. Your grade is mostly comprised of two papers and 2 tests. Tests = easy. Papers = not,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content skip is super hot and lots of fun! his class is not hard at all! YOU SHOULD TAKE IT!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Not a difficult class, but not the most exciting class either. He is a good man with an interesting sense of humor, although I find the material a bit dull. It definetely is a good class to take if you want a low stress but educational class for bibical text.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Easy class. Sweet professor. No studying necessary.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class is pretty difficult and he does a LOT of intense mathematical derivation, sometimes without the basics or non-technical explanation of what's going on. He's very helpful outside of class though - and is a really, really nice guy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Mike is a great teacher to have for intro to programming. I had zero programming experience going into the class, but his teaching made it easier for me. When he is explaining topics and theory he really makes sure what he is saying is clear. The class is known for being hard, which is why easiness is 3, but if you go to class and work you'll do ok",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content he over explains stuff to the point were even the smart students get confused he also does his math wrong sometimes and does not realize it unless you bring it up. Do not recommend! unless you like to argue with your professor or you are good at math. I got the highest grade in my class only because i taught myself,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Knows her stuff - maybe too well! Hard classes but only because she cares. You will have to study. Want to learn? Take her classes.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Lissemore knows his genetics, and his history. The class is very difficult and requires patience to understand and comprehend- but worthwhile learned a lot in a short time! BTW this material is on the MCAT and if you want to take that you need this class, and he will definately prep you for that",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Easy online class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great teacher. He gives outlines with every chapter, and review questions before the tests. He presents his information on power point, making the lectures easy to follow. Study hard, and you'll do great!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Challenging class but smart and funny teacher. You must READ the book and take careful notes on how to do the exercises on the quizzes and tests. If you memorize the definitions and follow the examples, it's not that hard.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great class. Some stuff on the test is from the lecture, but not much. I would listen to the back story and author bio, but you either need to read the books or listen to the lecture - not both. Exams are easy if you read/paid attention. She's very nice but a little senile.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Clarifies a lot of tough law, but the class is still hard.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Made Statistics easy and understandable. If you are not math literate I would suggest you take him.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "you actually have to know the subject to do well in this class, which frustrates most people. be prepared to LEARN about fluid flow, heat transfer, etc. and not just how to plug-n-chug",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Teacher very hard,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "i found the lectures rather useless, while they might be interesting they are incredibly boring, and dont reeeally relate to the books. Additionally writing a 15 page paper is hard, useful knowledge but definitely more difficult than expected.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Rachel Edelson is easily the most engaging, inspiring English teacher I ever studied with. Her classes aren't easy, because she respects students enough to truly challenge them–and herself–to grapple with complex themes and reading material. As with any great class, you'll get what you put into it, so do yourself a favor and give it your all.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I really enjoyed this class! Professor Asplin is super clear when speaking and a lot of the exams come from the power points. It is important to read the book though, because material is used from there too. Overall this class was informative and not hard!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The class discussions in general are dull, uninspired, and hard to follow. The professor tries to be helpful decoding what we are learning and is a fair grader, but the class is just unbeareable and completely unenjoyable.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content CREATIVE WRITTING WAS THE EASIEST AND BEST CLASS I HAVE EVER TAKEN AT ALBRIGHT,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Super helpful. I have never worked on a lawnmower before but she was very understanding in the lawnmower lab and was quick to answer any questions we had. Go to class. It's not hard and it's an easy A if you just show up. Lectures were usually really short,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content The easiest teacher you will ever have.Everything that he repeats 3 times is a test question.You have to do an oral report which sucks.But ooverall an easy A.You can be braindead and pass!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Great teacher really funny. Pretty easy all you gotta do is like 4 reaction papers on a question in the textbook. 1 midterm 1 final. tests are a little tricky just study a little and you will be fine..i recomend him,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Took him for Accounting 1 and got a B. It was a breeze despite having another class during that period. You just have to contain yourself and you can end up with an A or a B.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This professor was very hard, but actually did a really good job teaching the content. At first the concept maps were a pain, but they actually were the best learning tool ever. No studying involved in this class... just homework and groupwork.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Instead of ""V"" for Vyse, I accidentally clicked on ""B"" for boring. No lie. I suggest learning to sleep with your eyes open. He's nice but scatterbrained and his classes (I took 101 and 201) aren't particularly hard.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you're trying to just finish your GE Classes & get easy A I would def take Professor Fitzpatrick, but if you actually want to learn psychology i would prob take someone else. Anyways, I took this course online and it was super easy, saved me lots of time. quizzes are untimed and you just have to keep up with the weekly forums . Shes so awesome!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Haynie's class was very easy. Tests straightforward and right off the study guide. Slightly boring at times, but his demonstration of what a curtsey is made my semester!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "There is barely any interaction with Prof Iten.. the class is completely handled by the TAs. Do the pre labs, fully read and understand the lab manual, and go over the practice quizzes and you'll be fine. Not as bad as some people on here are saying it is.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Geri's classes are very experiential. DO not take this class if you want lecture and tests and very specific information. DO take this class if you want to get out of the class what you put into it. Very hands on with arts and creativity. Keep an open mind. I think younger people may get less from her because learning from her is experiencial.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Professor Chapman is awesome. The stuff flows as if he made history. A little effort will land you at ""A"". Don't miss him.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nice man, but the material was just too hard. He was such a mathematical genius that he couldn't find a way to teach it to idiots like me who only took it for requirements. Recommend Basic Math for those who can't do math real good.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Very ill prepared and scattered professor. Very often goes off on tangents that don't relate to the class. She does not explain even basic concepts in a way that everyone can understand, and instead writes definitions followed by a poor example. If you don't understand after that you're sol. First test had various students with grades below a 10%",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "O'shea is an easy professor if you already know how to write a paper and able to commit your whole life to her class. Her in-class powerpoints and lecture does not match causing you to choose between what she is saying and her slide to take notes. However, its an easy A because its all online. I never went to class and ended with a A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He gives a lecture every class, and you watch a movie after that. You need to attend class (even if you have seen the movie) in order to take notes (he tells you what you need to know for the exams). 2 exams, and one research project. Easy class, he is sarcastic and funny. You need to read the book.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Hard class, but only if you don't study. Uses powerpoints and videos. Explains things well, tells some jokes in class. Likes to give quizes over material covered. Helpful professor. In this class, which is lab and lecture, he gives a break about halfway thru (2 hr class). Very challenging class, only cuz I'm taking 4 other classes.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Great professor. Makes subhjects as interesting as they could be, and gets the points of class along very well. She moves pretty quick, but if you can keep up its all good. Difficult class, but if you keep up with it you can get an A. Extra Credit was also offered.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "This class will stand out as one of the best you will take. Paciocco has a phenomenal understanding of the material and is one of Canada's leading experts. He is also an equally brilliant orator/lecturer. The materials and exams are challenging, but absolutely worth it. Do whatever you can to take his classes.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I wish that I could take a class from this man every semester of my school career. Papers? Too hard. Tests? Too hard. Readings? Too many. But man, did I learn a lot. Thanks Ralph.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Easiest Professor IN THE WORLD. Purhapse TOO EASY. TOO CLASS ONLINE. Textbook is a MUST. READ SHORT Passages, anwers questions. ITS THAT EASY. NO MID TERMS!!!! NO FINALS. FALL 2012",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He makes the material seem like a piece of cake.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Seriously, if you actually kept up with the class and did the reading assignments it was a very interestingand enjoyable class. If you're not a slacker consider it a GPA booster.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I really enjoyed this class. It was VERY difficult, but Eierman makes it very interesting and as easy as he can. His demos are usually pretty cool, and he makes it very clear what you will be tested on. Overall, he's a very helpful prof!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Show up, do the activity of your choosing, and fill out the sheet. Sit down and do the coursework online in two hours. Easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "LOVED Mrs.Everage! If you took AP Calc in high school this will simply be a refresher course. If you're struggling though, she's always more than willing to help you so go to those help sessions she offers. Use and abuse the online egrade practice quizzes.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "College geometry is a self taught course. She literally doesn't teach anything. If you don't know what proofs are or have a good sense of geometry, this class is NOT FOR YOU! She doesn't teach, she expects you to already know everything and if you don't know she won't help you.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Ibrahim is a truly a great professor. The material he covers isn't easy but he makes sure that he explains it in a way in which the whole class will understand. Although the homework isn't mandatory, it really helps you grasp the main idea of the material and he also uses it as extra credit towards your final grade! Hard but not impossible!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Prof. Lindahl was great. She knew that almost the entire class was taking it because it was an easy UP. Easy homework- online music guides that had to be completed in a week. No reason why you can't get an A. All the answers were in the book, so the assignments were very easy. She's a great prof. if you don't understand music, as she makes it fun!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content her classes were AGONIZING. Almost never did her code work. And she'd spend the rest of class helping one student try to get HER code fixed. Aweful!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "One of the easiest classes i have ever taken. I don't know how anyone ended up with less than an A in this class, really. Do all the work and show up to class and you get an A. Study for exams, they are very easy too. She is super smart and a Harvard alumni, even though she never mentioned it because she is super humble. Amazing professor.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Hard course, but an excellent professor who clearly knows what he is doing. It is a challenging course, but if you put in the work then you will do fine.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Moves very fast and is hard to follow. He erases problems to make room before you can copy them down. He cuts class close and skips stuff to finish. I had to drop the class because I failed too many quizes - after getting a B in 012 the semester before. He seems like a nice guy outside of class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "It was a complete surprise to me on the first day of class. Basically, she is the human version of the textbook. She doesn't really know statistics and even admitted that. Most of the time, she'll be writing stuff on the board, writing down formulas and doing example problems. Half the time, I didn't understand the purpose behind it.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He is by far my favorite teacher at MDC. His class is NOT easy. If you want an easy A do not take. But if you want a fair teacher who really knows about the subject or if you love oceanography take this class. He is a very nice person and is writing me a letter of recommendation. Got an A because I did all the work and studied.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "this guy has the easiest job i have ever seen... but he is a cool guy though so i would take this course with him. all you have to do is walk laps the whole time and you will get an A. he sweats alot, and ive never seen him work out, i find it funny",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Students actually teach the class most of the time with group presentations. Ferrante has no problem with interrupting a presentation to put in her two cents, but her comments are always helpful. Very easy class!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "If you don't like Fred or any of his classes then there is clearly something wrong with you. This is the second time I've had him for a class and I have no complaints. Just do the work and you will get an easy A. Make sure you talk to him amount your assignments, ask him about anything so he will know you truly care, and be part of the East Texan.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Expect a lot of work. Very confusing and hard for no reason. The class was long and boring, and i didn't learn anything. AVOID.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "The class was too easy and very poor by college standards. I transferred to a better school after being disappointed by how juvenile the course is. The professor, while friendly, comes off too self-centered at times and not very knowledgeable.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He's a very easy grader but this isn't an easy A. The classes are a bit tedious and repetitive, and if you don't have a solid background in statistics the readings can be confusing.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Madden is a good lecturer, but not even he can keep me awake in class. This class basically depends on your TA. You can easily get screwed over on that. You'll be reading about 3 novels, and have a midterm and final. You'll have to study so watch out if you're lazy.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content I just finish taking her class in Summer B (six weeks course) her class was heaven easy. I got B. I thought she was going to be harder but really she wasn't.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "He might be an interesting guy and professor, who knows a lot about the subject. But definitely not the best professor for Immanuel Kant. His class makes Kant more difficult and confusing than it should be.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She is probably the nicest professor you will ever have. If you need an easy A for your arts & humanities credit, this is the class and professor for you.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Hupp is an AMAZING teacher. He is very interactive and loves what he does. His power points are very easy to understand as long as you attend class when he goes over them. Test are easy and over what he has talked about. attendance is not mandatory but he doesnt put the power points on blackboard.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Nice Guy. Easy class if you have some background in Bio, like from highschool. Lectures are alright.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Took class online. Do the study guides and you will have no problem with the quizzes or final. I found the class to be very interesting and I learned a lot about California. The book is outstanding and so was the class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content i knew him when he was still in GEOGRAPHY. back then his labs were the booster for my GPA. rock on.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Stokesbury knows what he's talking about. He's the hardest teacher I've ever had, but I also learned more in Form and Theory than 5 or 6 other graduate classes put together. Take him if you're serious about learning, not if you're looking for an easy A.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Deep down, I know that Dennis is a good guy. Just a little misguided. His classes were BORING though. You don't really need to pay attention to pass, though. RUNNER UP 3 YEARS STRONG! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This man is really hard to follow and his questions really have nothing to do with the subject. It is very easy to get a good grade but if you actually want to learn something I would not recommend this class.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content He goes really fast- but you learn alot,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Great professor! Taking him in the summer is more difficult to manage tho. Would recommend him for regular semesters.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This class is an easy A. Kraay makes the content easy to grasp with tons of examples and his lectures are great! Would 100% take his course again!,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Extremely helpful, intelligent, and nice professor! Makes himself readily available almost any time during business hours if he doesn't have a class or meeting. The problem is that he's very difficult and his expectations are unrealistic, especially for non-science majors. If you're a BIO major, I'd recommend him. Otherwise, I'd say no.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "hard class, busted my balls all semester",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This was the hardest most stressful class I have ever had.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "ENGL353 was one of the easiest classes I took at Chico State. For those who complain, they must have been really lazy. I skimmed chapters and wrote blogs (those are his assignments) and got an A. Rob is easy going guy and shows a lot of videos in class. Open to different opinions.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I took calculus in high school and his class was great for more in depth understanding. However, I would not recommend his class for students who have never had calculus before, it's just too many picky things to remember when just learning the basics for the first time.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "I agree ,he is very hard ,most of the time is wasted on graphs and not lecture from the text .Very hard and complicated .",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "You must attend class or you will miss something you need to know for the test. He just talks at you the entire time. Try to keep up with notes and start studying days in advance for the test. Use the study guide, very helpful. If i were you id get a different teacher.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content this was so boring i could not help but fall asleep. this is not an easy class and you will need to memorize EVERYTHING.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content Amazing professor. Class was interesting and the material is very easy to understand. I took this course as an elective and it was mad easy. The prof's teaching style is good too and I know a lot of people enjoyed him.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "OMG, this class is HARD! The professor reads literally each work from the lecture notes and adds some other details to the notes, but overall, he JUST READS from them. The sample tests are really helpful in understanding how to translate the formulas into practice and after doing the first exam, it gets easier. Very nice person but boring class.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Take Science Fiction and Fantasy Lit!!! Jackson is soo incredibly helpful!! She gives so much feedback and will reply to any and all emails in a very timely manner. There are quizzes almost every class, but you just need to read to pass! Its very easy! The essays and thesis proofs are not bad as well! YOU WATCH MOVIES TOO! VERY interesting class!!",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content The hardest easy A you will ever get. Sitting through this class is absolute torture. I do not understand how someone who does so little can still be a professor. Do NOT take his class. The A is not worth it.2,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "She's a very kind, caring professor, but her Intro Bio class was pretty boring, overly focused, and didn't teach anything new.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Shane! This guy is the best! He's one of the funniest teachers I've had. This class is known for a high fail rate, but Shane is very helpful and wants you to pass. If you do not show up to class or do the exercises, you might fail, the content is not super easy, but manageable if you put in the effort. Hell of a guy, tough course. Go to class kids.",4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content This is a hard class but Dr. Jurs isn't a bad teacher. The information being taught is diffucult to understand as well as being a lot at one time.,4) provides an opinion on the ease or difficulty of the course or its content "Dr. Davis is nice enough, but she is unbelievably hard. Was pretty interested in Political Science prior to taking her class, but now, will never take another one. Really tough papers with very vague prompts. Avoid her FYS 102 at all costs.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "KEEP AWAY!!!!! This man is boring , miserable and sucks at grading. He weill lose your work and won't hand it back until it is too late to drop the course. I almost left John Jay because of him. If I had to I would skip a semester just so I wouldn't have to take him again. Poor excuse for a professor or therapist.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Snider is not an easy grader. If you want an A in his class, you will work for it. On the other hand he is hilarious and never fails to keep your attention. SIAB for life!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I have to admit Ellen's class is not the easiest but its only because she wants to make sure you get the material. For example, I got a bad grade on our last test BUT I was able to make up the grade by making an appointment with her and ""teaching"" her how to do the ones I got wrong. She is ALWAYS available for extra help.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is a great teacher! She will help you, just as long as you ask her. I hated math, but she made the class interesting. She makes her tests sound hard, but they are easy. Promise. You have homework with no definite deadline and a fun tessalation.. basically easy grades. I highly recommend her!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Midterm, Final, & Paper. Paper is extremely easy, emphasize the extremely. Midterm & final are both open notebook & book. Come to class & write down EVERYTHING he says. Highlightunderline the ones that he says will be on the test. Print out the class lecture notes instead of copying it from the screen. Stay for the movies, q's will be on tests!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I felt like he taught in a general sense and tested on a much more specific basis. I do not like his teaching method.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" pay attention to the lectures because you will have a lecture test every two weeks in the lab and make sure to do the trainings online or you won't pass. If you study a little you can easily get a b in the class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took Hartmann's class for introduction to human geography, and let me tell you he gets so off topic. His tests have almost nothing to do with what we learn in class, hence you must read the book. But overall he is very a easy grader when it comes to papers and tests, everyone got an A on our only paper of the semester.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Probably the worst professor I've had in my college career so far! Doesn't keep track of grades and won't let you know until last minute if you are missing anything. My entire grade was changed because he tried to tell me my paper was late when it wasn't late at all. I would NOT suggest him.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I must say that I agree with all of the posts everyone has done. I was a TA for her class and she not only sloughed everything off on us (including the grading), but she posted the grades we gave her late - wreaking havoc on my financial aid. Really, this is a dangerous situation for serious students or anyone wanting to learn.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "she's crazy, but it makes the class more exciting. best math teacher i've had since 3rd grade. she does take off a lot of points if things aren't written the way she likes, but she warns you about it beforehand. class went by quickly and lets you out early most of the time. good person","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Tests are kinda hard but he cancelled the final and gave everyone a 100, the lowest test grade out of four including the final was dropped so it essentially counted for a third of the grade","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Richardson is one of the worst lab teachers you can imagine. He is extremely unclear with what he wants for lab reports, texts, and quizzes. I emailed him several times and never got responses. Highly recommend to avoid him at all costs.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Easy teacher, but sometimes slow in getting grades back to you.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Horrible professor. Tests are irrelevant to material discussed in class and picks one-liners from the textbook that aren't important. WOULD NOT discuss this course.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Always unclear as to what you should study for tests, which made them very difficult at times.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Grades students' work against each other, NOT against a rubric. Has student groups teach subjects for her...and that's the highlight of the course. Class only covers the easiest theories that you'll learn better in other comm classes. Super easy workload. Don't think/try and you'll be fine. This course is about pleasing her, so just play her game.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very good teacher. Very clear and precise at explaining everything. Be sure to take excellent notes because the whole test is from them. I recommend purchasing a tape recorder! Weighs heavily on plants since he is a botanist. Doesn't do much animals.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Vanderhoof was a great person and was very fair on grading, almost too easy. Both me and another person received 100% in the class without even putting that much effort into it. I do believe some of my class mates and I could have passed the test to be waived out of a computer class, but it kept my GPA up and was a nice experience.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Although Paciocco is a leader in his field, he does make the material more difficult to understand than need be. His classes are incredibly stimulating, but, again, he should keep things simple. I found his final, compared to the mid-term, particularly difficult. Beware of this. Expect him to ask you to do a memo and essay for the final.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I found her class challenging but very informative. you must use college study habits however to pass. tests are multiple choice and come from the book not lectures. she does enjoy women but likes men as well. its humorous. just pay attention and show,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" worst prof ever. no one got higher than a B in the class. He told us that the semester would get better as it progressed as long as you applied what you've learned... for the term essay (worth 35%) the class average was a D+. He's the kind of prof that never made it further in his field and is taking his frustration out on his students.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Great man and the work is easy! Busy work but nothing that you have to put your mind to too much and he is a fair grader. DEFINITELY TAKE HIM :),"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Basically this teacher is useless. Her midterm/exam included things we never learned and she makes the questions as confusing as possible. When I try to get ask questions, she can never explain it clearly. The class average was 60%, so don't believe what was written below. AVOID! (from a high GPA student)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "In order to succeed in this class, you must do the homework and read the chapters (at least glance the vocabulary). The exams are exactly like the study guides he gives with a few tricky/thinking questions. He also provides tutoring sessions in case a student has trouble in this class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The class isn't really difficult, but she assigns a lot of homework and two group presentations throughout the semester which require a lot of work. You can use your notes on tests (all essay), but she doesn't really tell you what she's looking for so grades can be hit and miss. Her grading scale is tougher than most, an ""A"" is 95 % and above.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Class is very stressfull! Luckily he curves his grading scale and I somehow managed a B-. Too often the questions on the exams were nowhere in the book or notes we took. I would stray away from this professor if possible.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" This teacher always has something funny to say. He has an interesting bonus mark system. Only complaint I have is that his tests are VERY long.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Homework always returned late - class of 20 and have to wait 3 weeks sometimes. Kept classes late - our last one was 40 minutes late. For many assignments, he sent out another page of clarifications due to the ambiguous nature of the first set of directions - sometimes when you had already completed the work or only had 24 hours left to do so.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "had him for forensic psych class, absolutely worst professor EVER!!! do urself a favor and do not waste time signing up 4 his class his exams r ridiculous and so are his teaching skills. he sux ass and needs to get another hobby","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I was in Dr. Hall's class for two semesters of Excursions. Got into a lot of subject matter you wouldn't classify as ""math."" Wouldn't call it easy, but wouldn't call it hard either. Although there's usually one hard test per semester. But the quizzes every Friday can pull up your grade.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Beware! I have never failed a class before until this one. I did all the work but her grading sucks! It's stupid how she corrects hw. She only picks 2 questions out of the entire sheet and if u get the rest right except those 2 she checks, its an F! She should NOT be teaching!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She's a very tough grader. She wants essays done very specifically to the style of her liking, and she's not very clear about exactly what she wants. She is somewhat helpful.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Yeah, I actually talked to another IT101 teacher and found out he's teaching stuff that isn't necessarily needed for the course. He's awful. Says that if you study you'll do well but he words questions on quizzes to confuse you. It's hard to do well in this class. Take Whitcomb or someone else, because Englander is not helpful.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "great class, great prof. make sure you participate b/c he's big on that. suck up and you'll get an A! if you're not a talker then this class is NOT for you","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Took her for Crime, Media, Violence. Very charismatic and interesting. Funny dorky jokes propel the otherwise dull lectures. Very hard grader, doesn't really tell you what you did wrong/what to write on. Not the best, not the worst.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Go ahead and ignore any review that's before 2016 as he's changed his style. 1st 2 tests don't matter grade wise. STUDY THE POWERPOINTS, supplement with the book if needed, do the hw, GO TO CLASS, ask questions so he knows who you are, and the A is yours. If you UNDERSTAND THE PATHWAYS, then the final is easy. His tests were easier than Renthal's.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I loved her as a professor, really nice woman. Tests aren't hard, although the essays can be difficult, but take it to her office hours and have her read it, she will tell you what needs to be fix. Gives opportunities for extra credit here and there.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" professor felt is a wonderful teacher. Had her for 201. Tests are really easy and she will explain stuff to you if you don't understand. TAKE HER!!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "David is a good professor. The best part of his classes are that there is no penalty for turning in late assignments and that attendance is optional, but I would recommend going to his lectures for further information. Lots of readings and essays to write. It was a good class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you want to learn, take Tompkins. He covers more material and in greater detail than other professors. He is challenging. The projects are time consuming, but are graded easily. The quizzes are hard, but are representative of the test. Do well on the mid-term and you're set.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Boring horrible reading (awful book). Tests are all essay form. Really who the hell wants to write an in-class essay for a history test? Teacher was a good speaker though, kept you interested, the book and tests did not.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Lets you know exactly what will be on the upcoming tests (as long as you stay until the end of class)! Extra credit is easy -- things like go on a hike, or draw and label a cell. She's a great instructor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I like him for the first few weeks Then, everything went downhill. He likes to digress a LOT. He NEVER gives hints about what are on the test, and he suggested to read up Carither slides EVEN though nothing similar on his TEST. If you want to understand and get good grade, AVOID HIM. HARRDDD GRADER ! ! !","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She's wonderful! She's an easy grader if you give her what she wants. As long as you follow the assignment, you'll be fine. It's obvious to see that she knows what she's talking about and her enthusiasm comes through her lectures. I would definatly take her class over again!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Super easy. show up to class. take some notes. stay for the films. only 2 tests (midterm and final) both are open note and open book. and one extremely easy paper. no reason for anyone to get lower than a B. He's a no BS kind of guy. He knows what he is talking about.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Well. They dont call him chainsaw chambers for nothing. Not very clear on what he wants you to study. He emphasizes NOT using the book, and ONLY listening to him, but, his notes can be kind of confusing. Got a 10 on the first test! a 30 on the 2nd test, and a 70-something on final. Walked away with a C! Class averages were similar to those grades.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He made motor development very fun and interesting. Here's a secret the final exam is the study guide he gives you or at least it was for us. Good teacher he still remembers me and I took him last semester.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" This class is no joke. He give 6 tests the whole semester and drops the lowest test score. If u do the extra credit that's 11 points. So if u have 69% and did all the extra credit you'd have a B in the class. He is pretty helpful if you go to his office. The class is hard as hell..i wouldnt take the class again.if u like science this will be ya boy,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" His tests are way too complicated and he doesn't respond to e-mail messages.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She deffinately has her favorites and makes that clear. I've seen people do terrible on speeches and still get better grades then me, just depends on what mood shes in. You'll spend the whole class pleasing to her wants and not actually learning. The class is passable, you just gota put up with her ranting and insanity.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "he talks a lot and the tests are pretty hard, but he is great!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Most likely the least helpful prof. I have ever had, gave tests which he openly admitted included subjects we had NOT covered in lecture....","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Im TERRIFIED of public speaking and after this class i cannot say I am less so, but Mr.B is a caring prof who really wants you to do well! The comments saying to just try aren't wrong, he's an easy grader and I should have gotten a B cause of my exam scores but ended up with an A anyways? Also happened to a friend of mine. Just try and you'll pass.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Grades beginning classes with expectations of advanced, very discouraging feedback.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Attendance is absolutely mandatory. She does not put the power points online which kind of stinks. Her tests are hard, and require a lot of studying. Nice lady though.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "she is a great grader. if you hand in a paper shell correct it and hand it back then you fix it and give it to her youll pass. she only uses your top 4 paper and test grades, and gets rid of the other ones.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "he makes bio so hard to understand. Very smart but doesn't know how to make the material easy to understand at all. I studied incredibly hard for his exams, worked with friends, etc. and failed all exams. There are 4 exams all worth 100 points. He crams 5/6 weeks work of material into one Exam. you will be lost with him as your teacher.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He sucks! No guidance or structured lectures. I only know 25% of my mark so far and it's March!!Almost forgot, he's always absent and doesn't give students prior notice.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Great guy... Lets you turn in papers whenever it is convenient for you-- really cares about his students.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took the online spring course and it was easy. Yes, you will have to read the whole book, but it's interesting information. The test and quizzes were simple and easy if you read the chapters. She answered all my questions in a timely manner. She uses a point system instead of grades, which I actually liked. I would take her again.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Class seems easy. Attendance and Edmodo count a lot. Does not allow, food, gum, cell phones, nor drinks in the classroom, not even if its a 3hr long period. Other than that class is not that bad. her tests can be hard, but if you look over the chapter and notes, test should not be too hard. She would send out a review for the test, pretty helpful","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "summer session, If you go to class and do readings you will do well. She gave out 12 marks just for attendance. who can complain about that?","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Dont even bother going to class and get an A. If you know access well,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Taylor's class is very BORING! Do Not Take! The material is quite interesting, yet he conveys it in such a confusing way! You might study hard, but he grades in an odd manner. Have to memorize statistics out of book! Talks extremely low, so you have to sit close. You're lucky to get an A!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Anyone who says the prof is not helpful, probably they didn't ask for help! Prof. Hassan is very helpful and caring. He omitted one of the required assignments so we can increase our marks.Midterm wasn't a killer, it required someone who study. Overall, I'd take another class with him.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I have extreme anxiety when it come to talking in front of people and it wasn't easy but Mr. B is a very generous grader and just wants you to do your best. If someone with anxiety like me can pass this class with an A than anyone can. Take speech with Mr. B.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Although this class is extremely tough, Prof. Ruhi works hard to teach his students well. His grading is very fair and he always responds to emails promptly, even on the weekends. As long as you attend lectures, you can do well in the course.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Good professor. His slides and explanation are very clear, but he doesn't post them, so you need to record them fast. Try your best to do the project! It's 40%!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you have Phelps, be prepared to teach yourself physics. As everyone else has said he gives no partial credit so don't be surprised to get a lot of zeros on quizzes or test questions. Only benefit of taking him is that you get take home exams, which is good only if you know what you're doing.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Straightforward, clear, provides good lectures alongside films relating to the subject matter. Show up to class, sign in, listen and learn. NO tests, NO homework. Take home midterm and final papers as well as attendance your grade for this class. Pezzolo is pure class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This is the most frustrating class I have ever taken. He literally does not teach. He gives you ""chemactivities"", and you are supposed to learn from your fellow students. The only plus is you get multiple chances to get the correct answer on tests(it's on a computer). I would not recommend him at all.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The only way the professor grades you is essays, A LOT OF ESSAYS. Write 3 essays in two hours in class...","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Absolutely ridiculous class. 100 pages of reading per week and the professor marks incredibly difficult. Hes a nice guy and you learn a lot but do not expect a 75+.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I agreed with the person before me. In Dr. Hanson's stats class, it is much easier. You don't have a lab, and instead you have to do 17 online modules. He only had 2 exams, and were 25 multiple choice and open book.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Mr Young is a great teacher. Unfortunately, i struggled with his class; but it is possible to pass his class. I'm sure i probably didn't try hard enough but if i can pass, so can you. There is a total of 4-5 tests, practice tests with each test and homework throughout the week. He also gives you extra credit for every test.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "extremely boring projects, not very knowlegeable, doesn't give much feedback or says it's fine and then grades tough. seems to like more traditional things.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Ruhi is very nice and helpful but has quite an accent. He makes the exams easy enough. This class was Business Statistics. I took AP Statistics in high school, so it kinda helped with acing the class and the exams. He posts all his notes online. I only looked through the book (online) if I doubted anything on his slides. I recommend him","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very thorough. Don't sleep on the index cards she gives out, they REALLY work. She allows a retake if needed. Very fair and wants everyone to succeed. One of the best instructors at TCC. She's a gem!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This professor definatly shows favoritism blatently. If you do not agree with her, may I suggest you bite your tongue. She will earmark you for failure and never let you live it down. She is very scattered in her lectures and pulls test questions out of thin air. Then she marks answers wrong on the test when the book says the answer is correct.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Only grades are papers and exams, he is a tough grader! You have an extra credit opportunity where you can type three papers, but you can only get a total of ONE combined. All tests are on quizlet but you only get 40 minutes for 40 questions. I thought the class was super boring. You have a total of 6 papers. Attendance is required.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Not a great professor for so many reasons. He teaches pretty clearly and seems like a nice guy, until it comes to academics... His grading is tough, and almost no one feels prepared for his tests. Worst thing by far: he calculates your grade 3 different ways, and TAKES THE LOWEST. Why? Does he want people to fail?","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Definitely knows his stuff but has seriously high expectations for students. I like history (LSM Am. Studies) and worked really hard (went to office hours, did the readings) and simply couldn't get an A on anything. He was not helpful when I asked him how to improve on future assignments. Hard exams (2) and hard on papers(3)/pres (1). Don't take.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Best proff of my university experience. Test can be very easy, if you study the terms he provides, and can link those terms and information in your essays on the test. Also, make sure you know big picture things, i.e. the effects of the New Deal.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Professor Scherb wants you to pass but tests are extremely difficult. I studied my ass off and barely passed each time with a curve. This guys is brilliant, a wealth of knowledge, I just wish somehow the tests were easier. I studied each chapter and review sheets I made three times each, took off from work to study and still had difficulty.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you go to class and study the practice test, you will be fine. HE is very straightforward about what will be on the tests. ANyone who got less that an A in his class shuld be ashamed of themselves.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" marks easy in first year courses but in second and third year such as cart and geomorph he expects a great deal more although if you go to class and study high marks are quite possible,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "cis 113 became Java instead of C++ this semester. He was somewhat new to it and made mistakes while teaching, but a lot of profs do. Even though, he tried his best and he was a good teacher. The best is his practice problems right before an exam, which he goes over thoroughly. If you know how to solve them, you should do very well on exams","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He seems nice and outgoing. There were quizzes almost every day. The final was hard and it required remembering EVERYTHING.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "As an ""A"" student, this class ranks as the most difficult class I have ever taken due to this professor.He wants to fail you.Tests are multiple choice but very tricky.Students were lucky because he injured his foot so Dr. Sanchez took over. Sanchez was the exact opposite of Vandergrift.Class is still hard but Sanchez wants you to pass.Take Sanchez!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The easiest class at assumption. No homeowrk. The quizes and tests are very easy. They are everything he states in class, but at times can word the questions wierd.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Prof's amazing. I've had this prof. for 2 classes now and they're wonderful, clear-cut, and pretty easy if you put in the work. There's 2 exams, 1 final, and 1 paper. If you get a grade that you're happy with on the first 2 exams, you don't have to take the final OR take the final and it will replace your lowest test grade. Awesome Prof.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dont bother showing up to class, his tests are take home and open book. His lectures are indepth and boring. I only went on test days to get my test and got an A.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "little homework,no tests,just mid-term and final","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I enjoyed taking Theory 4 with Dr. Roter as he was very clear about what he wanted in each paper, had a mini-lecture about each piece in class, and was very timely about returning papers and grades. As long as you take notes and are in class, you will be able to keep up with the workload. I highly recommend taking this course with Roter.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I loved professor O'Shea. She was great! Her lectures could be a bit boring sometimes but she always tried to keep everyone engaged in class. She gives 4 essays and 3 tests and 1 non-cumulative final. The tests are easy, she gives a review, but the essays can be a bit difficult. She can be a tough grader on the essays, it's easy to get a B on them.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Dr. Baer was great1 I loved the choice he gave when it came to which type of exam you'd prefer to take. I'm also going to take his online class again this fall =),"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Nice guy. Made class interesting. Pay attention to the small tidbits & asides as he finds a way to include them on the exams.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Avoid her if you want to pass or get a good grade. Her tests are extremely hard and you don't have enough time to deal with them...BTW..she's out there to trick you everytime on the exams and her project is impossible,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Fantastic teacher, always very willing to help out! Don't worry if your first essay has a rough grade, once you learn what he looks for specifically, then it's a breeze! Can't wait to take him for EH102 next semester! Super cool guy!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Prof. Adams has the students best in mind when she teaches this class. She gives you ample chances to get your work done and is very fair. I would highly recommend you take her class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Take another teacher. He'll do problems in class & make sarcastic comments about how much faster he can do them. Tests much harder with trick questions than other sections & u don't get to use formula sheet on final. You might learn more in his class but you are unlikely to get in A unless you've had AP chem and grading criteria not clear.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "he was a really great teacher! the lectures got a little boring sometimes but you could understand what he was talking about. the test ridiculously easy, take notes and know what he's talking about guaranteed at least a b, the readings also a bit dry in the beginning but not a necessity to pass the class overall a good teacher and class","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He's very knowledgeable but all over the place. It didnt' help that he wrote the book. The only real study group I had in undergrad, and that was so we could teach the material to ourselves. He's smart, but I don't feel like he can convey the material. His tests are also difficult, but fair.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Awesome proffesor. You have to work to get a A. Gives homeworks and quizzes every week but they are very helpful when it comes to the exams. Exams are tough but if you study and practice the hw and book problems then you have nothing to worry about.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" (online) Her directions are clear as mud. She counts off for seemingly random things with no explanation or prior warning. Does not respond to questions and is very rude if she responds to anything. This course was insanely writing intensive (2 essays a week) and the tests were over unimportant details or not in the book at all. Avoid at all costs!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I thought he was ok, and kind of nice. Yes, he does come at the subject from a unique point of view that I didn't agree with, and it was obvious that he thought a lot of himself. But he made sure the tests covered exactly what was learned. You NEED to read the book to do well on the tests, and you NEED to attend lecture to do well on the essays.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" this is the worst teacher I've ever had in my entire life. he was useless- DO NOT TAKE! he told us not to worry about our grades however he screwed us all in the end and gave us lower grades than everyone expected...AVOID AT ALL COSTS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "First impressions are everything with this professor. If you talk a lot, you'll get a great grade and she'll really like you; if you don't, too bad for you. You can be super smart and write awesome papers but if you don't talk, there's no way you're getting an A.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Really nice guy, but the material is boring. His tests are hard, definitely study more than you normally would. He likes detail. Very helpful teacher, though a little forgetful at times. His bowties are cute.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This professor is THE WORST PROFESSOR I EVER HAD. He gets off the subject and talks about other things for over an hour, he drops point on papers for the most stupidest reasons, his online quizzes are all screwed up, and he is definitely boring; you will fall asleep. PLEASE SAVE YOURSELF THE TROUBLE AND HEADACHE...DO NOT TAKE ANY OF HIS CLASSES","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Excellent teacher. Very patient, allows corrections on most tests and assignments for credit. He also allows a fair amount of notes to use during quizzes and tests. If you go to class and write notes on everything he writes on the board, you will succeed. He is always willing to take time and help. I got an A in his class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "For the final exam I read the entire textbook, did all suggested problems, went over the first two exams completely, and all in all probably spent 30 hours studying. All of that was for nothing as the final exam was insane and unfair, and it seems like Bruce doesn't want anyone in his course to do well. Would recommend switching out of his class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Good luck if you have this professor - he is knowledgable but his class is so boring. I got an A, but by writing everything he said, even his boring stories because it will be on the test. Read the book because you will be teaching yourself. Only thing good about his class is that he curves the tests, because everyone fails. Do your best.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "anyone who complains about Briggs is an idiot. Yes there are papers and tests. ITS A COLLEGE COURSE MORON, not a tiger schulmans. Of course you have to do some work besides just tai chi.Besides, he makes the tests and the papers as laid back and easy as he possibly can. You could have written about anything and he would have accepted it. Great guy!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Follows the syllabus. You will have a quiz at the beginning of each class based on the current topic. All test and quizzes are open book. Test your knowledge on quizzes to see your proficiency on the topic through tricky questions.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Tests challenging - final was ridiculous,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This class was way easier than I thought, he lays out clear guidelines for what you need to do to pass, and let's you decide how you will do. Every week he has a quiz, which you must be present for to be able to get your points (that build up to an A), but as long as your getting a decent grade, you can leave early. He is very willing to help.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is definitely monotonous but his notes and drawings are usually what are on the tests so they aren't bad. He isn't very extroverted but amiable. There won't be problems understanding but beware his multiple choice test where the choice of ""two or more of the above are true"", highly recommended.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "THIS PROFESSOR IS SOOOO NICE AND HELPFUL. HE TELLS YOU WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU, AND ALSO HIS MIDTERM AND FINAL ARE BOTH TAKE HOME ESSAYS. JUST PAY ATTENTION AND DO THE WORK AND YOU WILL PASS.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I deserved an A in this class. I was the only person who participated on a consistent basis and even corrected professor at times. He gives out participation points 3 times randomly. He gave me a B because I missed one of those days. I got an A on my work yet I got a B in the class. He royally screwed me over, I should have a person above him.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Amazing lecturer; one of the best at Brock for sure. Enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and injects a lot of humour into his lectures. Fairness is another question. I'm not saying it's impossible to get a good mark in his class; but I will say that you'll be disappointed. Not the most helpful outside of class, and class averages are abysmal. Audit!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "OChem 2 is a difficult class. . Dr.G Focuses more on the mechanism of the reactions and few problems here and there. Although this may not be efficient for most students, he really wants you to succeed. He makes it possible to earn 100% on at least one of the exams -we got lucky for 2 (this is huge!!). He wants to do you to try- you slack; you fail","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "i was really looking forward to this class... and it was a total let down. boring lectures, out of the blue questions on exams... she's a very nice person, and quite helpful... but i still don't recommened this class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This class was online and it wasn't too bad. My only complaint is the final exam, it is ridiculous and unlike other papers I have had to write before, did not enjoy that at all.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" If you attend class and do homework all comes easy except the final. That was hard.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" this guy sucks. he reads off some powerpoint slides he has but he tests u on the whole book and then picks the most random stuff to test you on... he is def not easy and is extremely boring,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He does know he stuff however when you think you have the hang of it he makes it confusing. He tests are very detail and often difficult. Not an easy class at all. He is nice and tries to help but his test are what kills your grade.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He is a very smart man with a terrible dry sense of humor. Grades papers quite tough. Follow his examples and write papers exactly like he suggests and you'll ace the class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Tests are half from lecture, half from the book- so its necessary to read. Just going to lecture and not reading will not do you much good. Overall great teacher, easy to talk to out of class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He's honestly such a sweet guy and genuinely cares about his students, however his tests get more and more difficult as the semester goes on and he seems to be teaching less and less relevant material. Be prepared to do a lot of the learning on your own.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "i took this guy 6 years ago. Get out of this major if possible. He is an idiot and uses the information that the students from previous years researched. does not check for facts, and grades solely on presentation, not content. he will not help you do anything in the entertainment industry that you could not have done without a college education","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Going into this class I thought it was a blow off class that I just needed for my major. The first day she tells you that she is notorious for giving too many A's. HA! It isn't that hard of a class but you have to go and have to actually study. She told me I would get an A and that wasn't the case when I got my Final Grades. Bitter.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He is a really easy teacher and tells you everything you need to do to get a good mark.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "why.. why.. why... are all the teachers in the art department insisted on making an easy intro to art class so freaking difficult??? You can't miss a day or you lose 10points off your final grade. You have to buy the expensive book, have to write papers, do quizzes and take test... Are you kidding me??????","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He does babble on in class about useless info(his kids and grandkids)lol..but hes an awesome guy. you have to maintain a A,complete all assignments and not miss more than the amount of absences and you dont have to take the final!it was a huge stess relief at exam week.but just in case u do have to take the exam, refer to your quiz book and u'll b","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" GIVES QUIZZES EVERY CLASS AND PAY ATTENTION TO ALL THE SMALL DETAILS IN THE BOOKS.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" It was really boring. I did EVERYTHING I could think of to stay awake in that class and never could. The quizzes were horribly misleading because of the way they were phrased and he seemed to prefer the papers I wrote the night before they were due to the ones that I worked on ahead of time. But he was always willing to help during office hours.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Murphy always talks about football and never mentions anything about biology. He has confusing lectures but I will admit that his powerpoint short video presentations are ok. His test are very hard and if you play football he will pass you reguardless so unless your an athlete I dont reccomend this class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I personally do not care for this professor because of his teaching style. He only gives grades on quizzes and exams so if you don't do well on those then you can't really redeem yourself. His homework isn't required to turn in but recommended for practice. He is a very tough grader!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" She doesn't care about any excuses. If you miss a book review or a test expect a 0. She makes you read 4 books in one semester.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Edgerton is great! Really easy class. He gives out the answers to the test the class before each test so you only have to take notes then. He doesn't assign homework and he can be pretty funny. He lectures all class but it isn't bad. Highly recommend!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took the class because I thought it sounded interesting. He's a really nice guy, but grades kinda harshly. You are allowed to miss 3 classes, but after that it hurts your final grade. There are 3 papers: 2 are 6-7 pages, 1 is 11-12. You will definitely be able to better analyze both literature and film after this class. He's a great teacher!!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She does favor those who are vocal in class and demonstrate comprehension of the material, so sit near the front and speak out. I got a B+ in the class and cracked the book maybe twice. Just look out for the squeeks.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "You can tell he loves the material, and it is boring sometimes, but this class was definitely really cool. He made the tests SO EASY, you get a cheat sheet for every one, so theres no way to NOT get a good mark. He takes test material right out of the book and only does more challenging math on assignments, which he will help you do if you ask.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "nice guy, but can be biased in his grading. he has favorites in his classes. makes his classes fun to attend.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Funny Professor. Kinda quirky, but he delivers the material in a way that its interesting. Short answer exams that are straight forward and he give you some slack on the answers. Would take him again!!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is the worst grader ever. She felt sick for half of the semister(its ok) but she didn't grade my research paper,extracredit paper and finals(given by some other professor)right, which cost my GPA to go way down. Defenitely not good. DONT TAKE HER>DONT KNOW WHAT SHE IS TEACHING.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" A horrible prof to take english with. Gives bad marks and dumb essay questions,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This is a difficult subject, but Ruhi does a good job of explaining the material. Exams are tough, but they are manageable. Discussions are graded. He does have an accent, but is definitely understandable. I would recommend this professor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I was really excited to take this course but it didn't live up to my hopes. The prof is obviously interested in what he's doing but he doesn't succeed in making lectures interesting at all. Those who attend usually sleep. And the tests are not related to lecture material.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Typical instructor. Didn't really do anything to stand out. Being able to right quiz 1 (IST 210) on the computers made it alot easier to get 100%.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Good guy, easy class. Gives you questions that are on the tests, so if you fail you're just lazy. Learned alot too. Highly recommended","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Expect very poor comprehension in this course. Grading is very rough.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "this prof. is not helpful at all.she tells you to go back over your and read it again.if you do not have a one word ans. on your test you can not give her a sentence,she will not accept it even if it's right","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "An honest (yet sometimes hard hitting) professor who excels at making you put effort into work at the things you need to accomplish for the class. Do not expect to go in for an ""Easy A"", and do not expect there to be special treatment. You do the work, you earn your grade. Whether it's good or bad, that's on you. Read. Don't mess around.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I am a great student and and the most difficult time with her class. She rambled on and on about nothing relevant. HER TESTS ARE RIDICULOUSLY HARD! The class consists of 2 tests, a paper and attendance. If you did poorly on 1 assignment there was no hope for raising your grade. DO NOT TAKE HER!!!!!!!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Pretty funny which makes even 3 hour lectures feel short. Although, he is probably more skilled on how to make his students feel stupid rather than the actual subject of Philosophy. I started out the class with about 30 classmates and half way through only 8 of us were left. You have to work extremely hard to even receive a B. Would NOT recommend.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" A difficult teacher but fair. His tests are difficult and his lectures move quickly. He doesn't seem to have much time to personally help a student but most teachers don't. Fey is a funny guy with a smart wit and good sarcastic humor. He is cool enough but a HARD MicroCcon class!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Awesome teacher. Very interesting class. No tests except a take home final. Weekly quizzes but they are straight from the notes.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Before I lament on the difficulty, I did receive an A in his class. The only way this is possible is if you study a great deal, don't wait until the last minute. Hint: his tests are harder than the final, but make sure you do as well as you can on them. If you're a nursing major, this class is a joke compared to 150, so his difficulty will help you","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Your grade is divided into 3 tests and 1 final exam. All are based on the textbook, yet lectures are just simplified coverage of the textbook. If you aren't actively reading the textbook the whole semester (like I did), you'll have a very tough time with the tests. Very knowledgeable, but should be avoided for the sake of your GPA.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Kent is a very thorough professor. He gives a ton of information and the tests can be difficult. As long as you study the essay questions and notes, an A is possible. He gives a lot of extra credit on every test. Highly recommend.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is a so so teacher. She truly cares about the students. Be prepared to learn the majority of the content on your own. I got an A in this class, she is a very easy grader. The people who said she was a tough grader and gave hard exams, are the ones who did not prepare. This is a tough subject, you need to study.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Speech assigments are pretty basic, however, I do not like being graded in front of 20 other students. I would prefer a basic Thank you, and sit down. She goes on and on about all of the negative things about the speech. She was more interested in theatre then speech. Don't take this class unless you have thick skin!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Expect to lose points for the most trivial things. Extra output, incorrectly formatted output; lose a third of the credit on the project, or more. Tests are all open book and notes, but if you don't have EXACTLY the right answer he's going to take away points. Lectures are monotone and will put you to sleep. Avoid at all costs.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" all you need to do is write 3 papers that have good grammar and punctuation because he is big on that. you have to read all the books.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Fairly good teacher, I enjoyed his classes. Expect to do homework for each class and don't trust your original quiz score. Not only are his multiple choice tests difficult (A&B, A&C, C&D, all of the above), but he makes the test the day before you take it and fixes any errors after you take it. Overall, nice teacher, fairly difficult class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This class is stress free. If you want an easy ""A"" take Mr. Enomoto You don't need a textbook. The final is so Easy and its a take home. No mid Term. Forgot the most important thing Mr. Enomoto lets you leave early to do your homework in the lab. That's if you have any h/w because he lets you do his homework in class. Regardless you leave early.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took Studies in Writing as a required course for English Ed, but this is a creative writing course. Wrote 3 creative papers, which I had never done before. She grades easily and pities you if you aren't a creative writing major. Does not do much during class time besides talk about the books but there are no testsquizzes. Sweet lady.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Apart from his hard to understand Jamaican accent. He tends to skip topics and trick you on test. For ex: on one exam (multiple choice) he didn' tell us that there was more than one answer, so while grading he mentioned it and most of the class didn't pass , REALLY? --BTW NO EXTRA CREDIT, NO REVIEWS GIVEN. Beware of this professor it is not helpful","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "It is very frostrating when you're trying your best, put a lot of affort, which normally will help you to succeed, but as a result you get a low grade and the interest to give another speech is gone. If you have a chance to take another class, do so.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Lectures are always interesting and well organized. Likes class participation but it doesn't guarantee you a good grade. Tough marker but her suggestions will make you a better writer. Be prepared to put a lot of work into assignments if you want to do well. Essay/exam topics come directly from class discussion so read the books and go to class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She has a great knowledge of the subject and is a very kind professor. It was an amazingly interesting course. Paper assignments were difficult though and she is a tough grader. But if you enjoy the material, it is definitely worth taking a course from her.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This is 100% the worst professor I have ever taken at this university. She's is very monotone and hard to pay attention to. Her grading doesn't make any sense and is very unfair. I've been trying to get her fired, but unfortunately she hasn't done anything illegal.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I enjoyed Sharif as he was great at communicating. Explains hard conceptsproofs for those who are more interested but doesn't require too much on tests. I highly recommend going to lecture and taking good notes and trying out the hw. HW is good practice for tests but is small part of grade. Gives good reviews for tests and allows formula sheets,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "the advisors are investigating him -- nice guy, but ridiculously hard class.never missed a lecture,or lab,completed all of the reading and still failed. I had close to a 4.0 before I took his class. the tests were impossible,and definitely not anything that was covered in the book or lecture.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is trash. I had 3 tests and 2 lab practicals and each test and practical was completely different than the last making it almost impossible to know how to study. The 2 lab practicals in particular were a complete 180 from each other we basically guaranteed me to fail. He is mean, uncaring, and he likes to make rules to hurt you.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" the assignments were extremely easy but she tried to trick you for the tests which made them impossible!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I personally don't like him very much, his class is SO boring. I can't focus at all and pretended to throw up two different times just so I could leave. If his midterm wasn't take home I would have gotten a 0 because he can't teach. 20 page paper, presentation, midterm, final. Those are your grades.. don't screw any up!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" don't use white-out or pencil... if you follow that policy and the dress code than you'll be fine,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Had this Prof last fall. She is an excellent lecturer, however, evil in clinicals. Does not care about her students. Read every NCLEX book you can to study. Most people fail Test 3. Don't get upset over it. Just ace Test 1 or else you're operating on a deficit. Good luck!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Professor Raj is an all around good professor. He is clear and you will understand the material. His tests are not easy but they are not overly difficult if you pay attention. I would recommend him for DBC.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you don't care about learning but want an A, TAKE THIS CLASS! He is super nice, you dont have to go to class, you can turn in late homework, and re take test as many times as you want","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!! this was the worst class i have ever taken. i showed up to class everyday and taped everything he said i also did all the reading and i still failed. i was a 4.0 student before i took this class. 200 out of 300 students failed the,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "EXTREMELY early class, but worth it! Very friendly, tests are extremely easy, but you need to GO TO CLASS!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you want to be happy. Then don't take him. He's a nice man, but it's basically an independent-study. His tests weren't even in English.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She feels strongly about research and her opinion behind the research. No point in arguing with her, just take in the information she shares. If you read the book in depth, the test won't be hard. The only reason she'll quizzes is if too many students are late. She gave spontaneous homework, nothing strenuous.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The tests are really hard, but it doesn't matter because he gives so many opportunities for extra credit. His class is extremely boring. DON'T TAKE AS ITV CLASS! He rambles about stuff that is never on the test. He talks like Zoolander.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "oh hassan hassan hassan. he is an interesting prof. he does care for his students and is very enthusiastic about the material covered in class. he is quite lenient in his marking and his quizzes are not hard. only problem is you have to participate in his class, but i actually learnt a lot as a result. overall good prof.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "online and it tanked my gpa did everything the way I was asked, 4/5 assignments to be done by end of semester, I tried hard and got a C (first one) the material was interesting i still have no clue y grade was so low.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Knows his subject very well. Really cares about writing & literature. Very fair with grades.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" hes a great teacher! he gives alot of information. just pass his tests and quizes and you'll do great in his class. you dont need to buy the txt book,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is rude. When you talk to him, he turns your back towards you and starts talking to somebody else. On the final exam, he changed the order of the questions but forgot to change the order of the answers. In addition, the scanner missed some answers. We were shocked when we received the results but he would not believe us that something went wrong","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Nice guy, very high expectations though.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took her class in fall 2004 as my first semester. at first she seems hard and her tests are hard infact, but she is very helpful and nice. her tests are exactlly what she talks about in class and her notes+ your notes that are taaken during the class and from the book. she is such a nice lady.........","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He comes off weird at first but you'll get used to it. He knows his stuff and he's truly so nice! He offers a lot of extra credit and chances to do them so he wants you to pass! You can do bad on the exam and still pass the class with a B with all the extra credit opportunity. He crams a lot of questions on the exams too!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I'm not even sure if easy is the word for her class. As long as you turn in every assignment and look at the book/notes during the online tests you are basically gaurenteed an A. Also make sure to attend as much as possible that is part of your participation grade. I did everything the day it was due in her class so I'm not joking.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He is a very hard teacher. The lab is easy but the exams are very hard. Just about immposible to get a good grade in lecture. At the begining of class even says that more then half of the class will get a C or lower and eventually drop.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" this class was hell on earth. two major papers -- she outlines them but i still didnt know what she wanted from it. then theres the final where you basically have to know everything about anything -- very stressful class,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Nothing like what I heard the course was like, just turned into sonnets and reviews. Essays are marked extremely hard and you aren't encouraged to think for yourself; you just tell him what he wants to hear. I felt very confined in the class and unable to express individual thoughts on the texts. very unimpressed.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "IGNORE the last 9 reviews they're BS. Bob doesn't do EC and no paper. There are 2 exams he writes (60%), online hmwk (10%) and 1 department-wide final (30%) he doesn't write. Bob is great and his exams aren't easy but he gives you great reviews. The Final SUCKS! Bob never sees it so he can only help so much. DO WELL on Bob's exams you'll need it.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is really good. If you show your effort, she will pay for you.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Cynthia is completely scatterbrained. She adds new assignments randomly and due dates change all the time, so you get confused by all of her confusion. Takes forever to grade. Exams hardly reflect lecture at all. Talks above what most people even know yet, like we are already microbiologists, when we're actually there to LEARN.... Horrible teacher.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He kind of trails off when he talks, not that a lot of what he says is important to take down. Gave us his powerpoints and the tests were open book/note, but you had to voice your opinion on those as well. Just go on about how important children are to you.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He's a smart guy and loves technology (most people his age are technophobes, so it's good he knows how to use a computer). His online tests are nice because you can retake them as many times as you want untill you get 100% (except the last test, the final). But he's soooo borring. I'd never fallen asleep in a class until I took his class in Fall of 2003. You can learn some good stuff if you pay attention, and that's a big if. Very dry and borring. Class isn't to hard though.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Professor Hu lectures in an understanding matter; writes all the steps to the problem. Daily homework that is optional. It is to your benefit to do the homework. Three quizzes per week and the problems are from the homework. Fair and easy grading system. Recommended to do the homework. Tells you what is on the test and is similar to the homework,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I signed up for this cities course not expecting much out of it - but it grew on me so much that I enjoyed coming in to class. He makes it very interesting if you like history & some funny jokes. Grading is quite easy, exam questions are given beforehand so you can study for them. I love how I learn most in classes that don't require much studying.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. DO NOT TAKE THIS MAN. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND TAKE ANOTHER PSYCH CLASS BC HE'S THE ONLY ONE THAT GIVES 3600. HIS LECTURES HAVE EXCESSIVE INFORMATION AND ITS HARD TO KEEP UP IN CLASS . BEWARE OF CUMULATIVE FINAL, ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO PASS. LIKE I SAID, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DO NOT TAKE HIM, IM WARNING YOU. YOUR GPA DIES.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Always late and scatterbrained. The group projects were fun. When you write papers for her she grades horribly. Told us to write an opinion paper, one page-then commented that I had too much personal opinion and needed to add more fact to make it longer?!? I get straight A's in all upper division Hutchins courses and she gives me C's on papers?!?","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "she's okay...she will pushes the paper back a few days if the whole class is not able to turn it in on time, or if u cant turn it in on time...just tell her and she let u turn it on late...she grade kinda hard on the papers.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "can not learn a lot from his class, no efficient, no quiz, you never know your homework is right or not. but pass might not difficult. high grade is not easy.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "No one here is an english major here, it seems she thinks otherwise. Take at least one letter grade off for what you think your paper should get. Every single word of a paper will be looked at with insane scrutiny. Avoid at all costs.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is a really cool guy and will help you out if you need anything. He has five exams but if you miss any you can take the exam on a make up day for any reason. In class its good to go but not mandatory, he gives really good examples. Mainly read the book for the exams and you will do fine!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He's a tough grader, will call on everyone for answers, and expects you to act and think scholarly. What's wrong with that, though? You're in college and that too a senior college and not community college. If you can't handle basic studying then real life's got surprises for you. Be ready to work but also be ready to learn.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Awful professor; no clear plan and disorganized. Take too long to grade papers. Stay away if you can!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Sounds like he's a great teacher in the class room, however online is the worst grading rubric in the world. He gave me a 0 for an assignment out of 15, which I did complete in it's entirety. Not even one point for trying. I would NEVER recommend him for an online class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I absolutely loved this course. The textbook was great to read (most days a page turner) and Dr. Kinney taught directly from it. The tests were of no big surprise and I learned a lot. It was great having the opportunity to scratch out five questions we did not want graded on all of our tests...boosts the grade. I would absolutely recommend taking i,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I will advise you to wait for 2 years for a better instructure rather than to take her class. She is inexperienced and does not answer questions correctly, rather, she will give the question for an xtra credit. What a nightmare she is........","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Take any class you can with him. I got my first B in Math since 6th grade. Tests aren't bad and his isn't strict.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Fresolla is a great lecturer, makes you connect the dots, is she tough, yeah but not horrible. Test #3 is CHALLENGE but it is a wake up call and makes you realize that this is Nursing and one CANNOT compartmentalize one's knowledge! However this is the test that will eliminate many, be prepared for it and respect it! She is Nursing boot camp!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Professor Reed has clear, well constructed lectures that specifically prepare you for the exams. This is NOT a memorize and pass class. You need to be able to digest the information and explain diverse factors to support a thesis statement for the exams. The assigned reading is essential. TAKE notes, his lectures are very helpful.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Besides the fact that he mumbles constantly and gives hard tests, the class wasn't too bad. The lab boosts your grade and he grades tests on a curve. Lectures were somewhat interesting but a lot of people failed... then again there was quite a few stupid questions asked by the students during lectures, so you can't blame it all on him.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Excellent professor and human being. His level of knowledge is amazing and can deliver it through his teaching. Warning: He expects a lot and is not as easy grader!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Took the night class with Prof Yasmin. Really HATED Spanish and struggled with it, but had to take Spanish 3 to fulfill requirements. Take the night class with Yasmin. She's absolutely great. Free points for going to class. Grades compositions easy. Awesome.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I would never take Dr. Talham again. Was out of town the two weeks before out first exam and the week before finals. Tests are very hard and he gives practice exams from 1993 and 2000 which are not helpful. Would recommend anyone else. Yeah hes a nice guy but thats about it. Would not recommend.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "average teacher. would not take again, fair grader.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "It's a history teacher. Lectures the whole time. No study guide for midterm or final. But it is all from notes and entails chose 4/6 definitions for short answer and then an essay (final has 2, 1 is comprehensive). It wasn't too bad.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very good instructor and specific about his expectations. Would take another class from him any time. If you don't like to follow directions, don't expect to do well (""artistic license"" comes in upper division class, not foundation ones).","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I would recommend him. Expect homework but it's very manageable. If you do the work you should be able to easily pass. He is upfront about what quizzes are over and midtermsfinal.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Kwag's class is pretty difficult but he is such a helpful and kind professor. He is always willing to help students who actively seek help. He sets up after-class tutoring every single day so there is always help available. Exams are pretty tough and take a firm understanding of the material. Not too bad though, I got a 97 on the first one.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Dr. Duma is one of the best lecturers in math. She explains in a way that makes it very clear what we need to know and what we don't. Her examples in class reflect directly what is going to be on the assignments/midterms and finals. She grades very fairly and is very kind. I would take her again!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Took online course. Day after Midterms I was the *only* one who turned in the next assignment. Rest of the year was 3 people turning in their homework. Took off points for incorrect COMMENTS, not just incorrect code. hyper-specific. bad teacher. wouldnt even help me install the software properly, gave no link to online instructions either.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Mrs. Pruett is a great teacher but is extremely un forgiving when grading. If you make minor mistakes in grammar, or can't quite write a 1000 word structured essay in an hour in class without any preparation, or have not so good writing style, be prepared to struggle. She is really nice and helpful but her class is EXTREMELY difficult.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Who hired this guy?! Worst class I have EVER taken.Long tests,dry, illogical lectures,he makes up words,very hard 2 follow.He also changes what he says as if that's what he said all along-including when assignments r due.Wants u 2 memorize,not learn.Got an A but it was TORTURE!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Ms. Jost wasn't helpful at all. As a matter of fact-- still waiting on grades promised earlier. Stay away.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Fred is the man. take the notes ever thing that he covers on the screen in * will be on his test. His the best guy that teaches listen and you can get that ""A"" due those assignments its only 3 you have a month on each. WELL RECOMMEDED.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Goes really fast and acts like you already know everything about fabric. usually tests are HARD. He even told us before the first test that half of us would drop... and he laughed. Also verrrry boring,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I had Caspi for Research and Child in the Community. I dont know what everyone is talking about. He is SO good! Compared to the other research profs, he doesnt give HUGE reports bc he honestly doesnt wanna have to sit and read b.s. fluff, WHICH IS AWESOME FOR US! People say he is a hard grader b/c people dont understand he just wants the facts. TA","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Where do i even start... she's terrible. You have 3 tests and they're all hard considering the fact that she gives you 4 correct answers and you have to choose the ""most"" correct answer. Make sure you understand APA front and back because she tears apart your paper for literally everything. no point of going to class- she reads off the PP.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you're a student who is horrible at taking exams or actually have a life and have to work in order to pay for college, do not take any course with Professor Kurylo. His class is 96% exams and 4% attendance. No extra credit, no project and no presentation. He does not care if you fail:(","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" her notes don't make sense while studying. calculations on test are immensely harder than what she teaches in class. has trouble explaining things. She's a kind woman who will try and help.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She puts too much of a workload on her students, and she doesn't even teach! She has groups present and teach straight from the book. Hello, who is the professor? Not to mention her grading scale is very steep, you have to be a perfectionist to get an A. You have no idea how she grades exams and what she looks for, so good luck.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He's really enthusiastic about economics but i found that what he taught didn't really reflect what was on the midterms. Reading the book is all that really matters because when it came to the tests, my notes were pretty much useless.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Please take anyone but him. Have had him for 3 classes and he talks about the same things in all which have nothing to do with psychology! His lectures are pointless. His tests are ridiculously hard because he wants you to know everything like a professional but teaches none of it. Grades are random. Very unprofessional!!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Kent is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He is very thorough and passionate about his work. He is very approachable, likeable, and generally a nice guy. He gives tons of extra credit on his exams but his exams are tough. He gives a study guide and will tell you what essay questions will be on the exam. You can pass with an A.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I really liked Prof. Dogru and enjoyed her class. Her quizzes were not too hard and as long as you payed attention, did your homework, and tried you would do well! When you don't understand something, just ask! She is always willing to change her ways and explain in a way that may make more sense to her students.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I had her for two classes in one semester (Advertising & Society and Media History of NY). Definitely knows her stuff about advertising and increased my knowledge and interest in the subject. But she is a tough grader.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Excellent Teacher. Highly Reccommended! He outlines everything that is on the MidTerm/Final.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Take this class and this professor. No standards, no accountability, no guidelines. Easiest A I ever got (only A). Take the class durin yur hardest term. Cake.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" out to get you. If he doesn't like the topics of your papers you might as well give up!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Nice teacher with a very positive attitude. His expectations are very clear, grades on a fair point system, simple to understand, makes the class a breeze. I do recommend :)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Teacher is adhd and tells you! She's awesome and is like this course should not be hard. Her test are open book and she gives you the test to print out and write notes on.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Prof. Kurylo is not the typical college professor that just want you to memorize a bunch of stuff and then feed it back on a paper. He really expect you to think. On his test, it is more benefit for you to understand why rather than just study like a robot.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "so easy. just do the work. even if u mess up on tests, she will drop the bad answers. great prof.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Great professor and probably one of the most intellegent teachers I've ever met. The test however are extreamly hard and you are expected to remember a lot to pass.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He never gave us study guides, and there is no textbook. The tests are not really on what he teaches. He tells us silly random stories that have no historical significance (they're still fun facts, but knowing them won't get you a good grade). He's really funny and nice, and if you don't miss a class he lets you skip on the exam ;)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" not interesting...went into tons of boring depth.. quizzes sucked and exams sucked worse. not a fair grading policy.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "VERY tough lab... but if you check the lab answers before you hand in your lab, you'll get though it. Tests are brutal. Labs are well written. Make sure you listen to EVERY LITTLE COMMENT he makes, or he'll make you feel like an idiot.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" george is a pretty good teacher. gives a quiz one day a week and its only 2 questions. there are 3 tests. MAKE SURE YOU STUDY. the class is a joke if you study and take notes. power point every day. he goes kinda fast so i suggest using a computer for notes. he isnt really into teaching this class b/c hes engineering so hes pretty lenient .,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I am currently taking her class and she does rush through the material. She is late sometimes. The tests are graded strictly. She doesn't review before tests because students do not feel they can ask questions. My advice is to seek tutoring. However you can take the departmental exam to opt out repeating which is what I might due.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Hey, I got a B, shes not that bad","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took Television History and Form with Professor Murray this semester. She is a good professor, very clear. A bit boring at times but overall a good class. Grading is done in a very straight forward manner, and if you go to class and do most of the readings/screenings you will get a good grade.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Tests are difficult. study. a lot. They're multiple choice format. As for the class, a bit boring. As for the teacher, also a bit boring. not a great class but not horrible","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Awfully dodgy character, if you ask me. I never like his ""guess what I'm thinking"" tests, especially the essays. Really didn't understand the usefulness of the tennis quizzes either. I guess I have a lot to learn.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Her guidelines for assignments don't match how she marks papers. Doesn't have any powerpoint presentations because all she does is talk. WE GO TO AN ART SCHOOL. WE LEARN VISUALLY. HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE VISUALS FOR US?????I wouldn't take her class ever again.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Reynolds is the best. Super sweet, helpful, easy class. Very accommodating to late papers.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "You can tell from class that Dr. Slusher is definitely a good nurse and knows the information she is teaching. However, she is very tough to please in class. Her tests are the hardest out of the pre-nursing classes. All the answers can be right, but you have to pick the one that is the most right. You definitely have to work for your grade.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Avoid! He's is arrogant. ACS test scores are national. We do terrible on it here at UVU. Take Chem - both semesters - at BYU or the U in the summer. Not with him. Not with him. Not with him.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This guy is awful. He insults people in class and makes a fuss if anyone asks him to work a problem. Has clicker questions every class period and only gives half credit to wrong answers, even though it's an attendance grade. Tests were ridiculously difficult, and he never curved, even though test averages were in the 50s. Rudest prof I've ever had.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you're a psyc major at UTT, you will have to take Dr. Schrieber for several classes. He is a very knowledgable professor, but has no pedagogic ability whatsoever. Granted you will make an A guaranteed, but you won't learn anything at all. Dr. Schriber may be a cool guy, but his classes are a total waste of time and money.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He was an amazing professor. I learned a lot. Expect pop quizzes every week and a lot of memorization. Take this class you won't regret it,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I thought Dr. Carnes' class was okay, although I would not take her again. The assignments appear easy at first, but then you're surprised when you get a bad grade. NO FEEDBACK whatsoever given - no comments on papers or grades given/posted on Blackboard. Plays favorites and expects attendance EVERY class. Absolutely no slack given!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very easy A.. open book tests... just do the homework and ask him to review it in class... if you don't know anything let him know.... open book tests include your notes and textbook which is great!... great professor ... :),"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Great teacher. Do the work and you will get an A. Slack off and you will fail, just like any other class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I had him for a humanities class a few years age, he is not an understanding professor. Grades very hard and gives extremely difficult exams......","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Easy class. Tests are online, so open book. Gives some of the essay questions ahead of time. Speak up in class once or twice and you will do great.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Easy IF YOU PAY ATTENTION. She teaches based on application, not content. Expect things you don't know to be on the test. She grades easy but it is the tests that will get you. Make a study group - quizlet helps immensely with this class. Sweet lady but not the nicest of people, and will treat class as if it is an elementary school classroom.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Dr. Hill is one of the best and most passionate MIS teachers. all the people who don't like him should honestly consider changing their major. He expects that you read the book which is short and good. his tests are very tricky cuz u have to link concepts but he does hook it up with a nice curve. he cares a LOT about students and teaching.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Standardized class....pretty clear. A's not easy to come by.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I love this professor, she is passionate about the subject and tries her best to get you interested as well, tests are easy, quizes everyweek but you can use your notes, there is alot of homework but they count alot for your grade. Take her, you wont regret it, she's the sweetest prof at chaffey.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Gendron is amazing. I can't say enough good things about him. He's a fair grader, and really makes class interesting.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Attendance is mandatory, lectures are very boring. Spends 20-30 mins talking about current events at the beginning of each class. For this class, almost all of your grade comes from finals week. Final paper (8-10 pages) + exam are worth more than everything else done in the class combined, which is unnecessarily stressful!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Kent is a great bio prof! For A and P, I recommend him 110%. I learned so much! It's a lot of memorizing, but he gives you study guides, out of class help, and extra credit on exams. Show up and pay attention, and you should get at least a C or better.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is an interesting professor who knows her discipline well. The tests are hard and you do have to come to class and take notes, but she is fair in grading.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" reading the textbook is a must. he's a nice guy but not the greatest teacher. tests can be hard but he curves pretty generously. write down all the examples and demonstrations in your notes; they often appear on tests,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "My advice, meticulously read every letter of his assignment twice to make sure you don't miss anything. He'll give you a zero if you do. Otherwise, very knowledgeable and interesting. Has a dry humor and can be pretty stoic. He scares me sometimes. Would still take again though.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" DONT TAKE IT HIM…... FIU HAS A LOT PROFESSOR BETTER THAN HIM.I MOVED TO FIU AND I GOT A BIG A...,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The 7A class may be a bit more detailed. Note down what he tells you to note down, or everything and buy the book. Don't be lazy on this one. Get the A. 2 tests, one easy paper. Open note/book although sometimes hard to find answers","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Took for PLC, do not recommend. Lectures are meaningless, tests are brutally specific. Projects are simple but very poorly explained both because instructions are unclear and because he doesn't teach the material required. Prepare to spend a lot of time in his office or exchanging emails, which he can take a day to respond back to.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "To everyone considering taking him, heres a warning.Hes totally changed his style. No more quizzes or matching on the tests. The tests are all fillin and he gives no specificity on who to concentrate on so u have to know who over 300 people are for a test on top of at least 3 essays, which he grades hard. Cool dude, but be cautious.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This guy LOVES to hear himself talk! From the time class starts until the very end, HE'S TALKING! Everything he says comes right from the book! The tests are outrageous and the papers are incredibly hard! He's a nice enough guy, but he's a horrible instructor!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "David is a really nice guy and does want you to do well. But, -He is late just about everyday. -During his lectures he jumps all over the place and it is hard to follow; boring. -The whole classes is writing papers; there are small papers every week and both the mid-term and final are big papers. -Very tough grader","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Just be sure to pay attention and actually study for the tests & the class will be pretty easy. Don't fret over the 10 page essays because you'll get a good grade as long as you include all that she asks for in the rubric. Nothing too difficult. She's a great professor, knowledgeable, very nice, & pretty funny.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Really easy class, the hw is worth 50% of your grade. Midterm was easy but the final was harder. Read and ask TA if you have questions but if your TA sucks then good luck in the 2nd half of the hw.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" margo is a great teacher...170 is a class that the ta's teach to get experience and it's too big for her to teach every1. do the work and u'll more than likely get an A. b/c the grads really want u to pass. 370 is a class she teaches and if ur passionate about acting take her. i really learned alot.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Eierman is a nice guy. He loves what he does and that's obvious. However, this class is HARD and his tests are the most difficult I have ever seen. This course is definitely geared more towards chem majors than any other. He's very helpful when you ask so don't be afraid. Otherwise, you're pretty much on your own. Good luck.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Go to his office hrs he likes to know his students Before all of his tests he gives study guides but his tests are hard and not all the info on the test comes from the study guide so make sure you use your book for reference 3-4 papers(3pgs min) are assigned analyzing newspaper articles.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" awful. lowered by GPA so much. do not take.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Great teacher, he is very helpful, lecture material is clear and understandable. Tests are mainly based on notes. Tests are not easy, but if you study the notes really well and attend class then youll do fine, plus he curves the class","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "GREAT TEACHER ! HES TALKS ALOT, BUT IS VERY FUNNY. EXPLAINS THINGS VERY WELL, DOESN'T HAVE A PROBLEM REPEATING HIMSELF OR ANSWERING QUESTIONS.VERY NICE, AND HELPFUL, NOT TO MENTION HIS TESTS ARE SUPER EASY, I NEVER STUDIED, BECAUSE HE ALWAYS REVIEWS THE MATERIAL HES GOING TO TEST YOU ON.. JUST MAKE SURE YOU UNDESTAND IT. HIGHLY RECCOMEND HIM! :)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He gives 10 bonus points every test plus extra credit constantly. You don't have to show up but if you do youll get the extra credit. Constantly tells nutty stories.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Assigns homework (15-30 questions) for each chapter, offers extra credit on exams, gives study guides, trips to the planetarium. A good professor, very smart; sticks relatively close to the book but he may expound. Don't be lazy in the class and you'll do fine. Grading scale is averaged based on past class performances.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Professor Eng knows the subject matter quite well,the only complaint I have is how she arrives at the final grade....it doesnt reflect what students do throughout the semester.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Easy teacher and very helpful. He gives you points for attendance along with point for group discussions, which occur pretty much every class meeting. His office is alwayas open if you need to speak with.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "One of the very best teachers that I have ever had, IN ANY SUBJECT! He is an unusually highly skilled instructor, who is clear, and articulate. He makes the subject as fun and pragmatic as possible. His tests are hard but very fair.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very clear and helpful. Gives homework answers daily to check work. Very applicable teaching style,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "THE EASIEST TEACHER IN HISTORY. I never came to class, never did homework, and I swear she gave me an A for a test I never took. The nicest, quirkiest, funniest old lady you will ever meet. Do not take her if you want to make less than an A. If you do not make an A you need a CAT scan.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Heather is awesome. She's not easy but she is not that hard either. If taking modern theory make sure to read EVERYTHING in order to get a high grade. Every point counts because she grades right down to the .00%. The readings are dry and horrible but she makes the best of it and keeps you engaged. Make her like you, she's a good networking contact.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I felt I did learn, although like the others, I felt the grading was easy. I was glad I took a music class instead of art!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" This guy was ok but you have to work hard. He curves tests which is his only saving grace. I have a lot of trouble sometimes because he was very unclear about subject matter but after all I guess its Economics.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Dr. Pynadath did a great job teaching. The difficulty of his tests were such that his teaching exellence was required.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" If you want to make an A don't take her. She is to opinionated that if your answers don't agree with what she think is right she is going to mark it wrong. She doesn't know how to grade or teach. This class will be a self taught class so read your book everynight!...or just don't take her.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He reminds me of Dr. House. Expert in his field and very knowledgeable and engaging in class. Difficult for me, though, to figure out what he wants on some assignments (I've gotten everything from a B- to an A+, so I'm a bit confused because I don't feel like I did anything different,) but he's a good professor. Lots of reading!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Fitch is quite knowledgable. Get on her good side and pay attention to details. Go to section. Write your papers very straight forward. Those are graded by your TA so suck up to them,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I had Prof. Sussman for Intro. to Media Criticism. Her classes are very interesting and she knows what she's talking about. It's really easy to get a good grade in the class as long as you listen to what she has to say. The tests are a lot of writing, but she prepares you really well.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Take the online class if econ is one of your pre-req. His collaborate sessions are very helpful ,he is always available via email, has so far given so many quizzes ,more opportunities to redeem your grade.Good class,I learned a lot. Take it if your interested in learning and it will not be a major burden in your life.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Passionate professor, the work is tedious but straight forward and not too difficult. She is a good professor; however, I'm certain no one made an ""A"" as her take home final was absolutely unreasonable. The entire class had worked on their final together with a semester's worth of notes collectively and all came out with low C's and D's.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I don't like how this teacher grades, some student I did better got better grades than I did for some reason","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Professor Praitis is helpful. BUT, she really takes off a lot of marks on attendance. She CURVES, not in a good way. If she wants only three A in class, she gives your final paper and poster Bs without telling you ANY REASON so that your overall grade can fall from A to A- or B+. On her class, BE CAREFUL on your every homework and quizzes.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" majority of grade based on essays,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Excellent professor, very helpful, but very hard grader.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I thought he was a good teacher. Not the most friendly though. Although he is willing to give you many opportunities with late work, despite how intimidating he is in the beginning. His exams are all essays and the grading is NOT easy on them. Make sure you do the quizzes, journals, and discussions to make up for the midterm grades. Make an effort.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "SO MANY READINGS, be prepared. Kinda has a thing against undergrads. Tough grader, and very strict on grammar. Incredibly useful info in lectures, but doesn't post anything online so take lots of notes. Great with giving feedback on essays and how to improve. Only test in this course was a midterm take-home assignment. Final is a Research Paper.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" His lectures were very clear and often simplified the material for us. His midterm exam was much easier compared to other sections. All in all he was a good teacher in class and kept the class entertaining with his slides. However on the downside he would sometimes seem annoyed or bothered to answer questions outside of class or at office hours.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He is a horrible grader. He hates to give out A's in anything. He will purposefully mark you off big points for little problems in your assignments. If you ask him questions he will get mad and start yelling. On the plus side he seems to know the information.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took Mythology with Shelia, and it was a difficult class. she gives 2 tests and a paper. the tests cover a TON of material and are difficult to do well on. We didn't really discuss the reading, only the background/info, but the tests were mostly on the reading. very frustrating, plan on studying weeks in advance to get it all","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I had him for Corporate Finance in the MBA program. It's a hard class but I felt my hard work was well evaluated and rewarded by Dr. Terry. Tests were very fair. I learned a lot.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I was very uneasy as to how grading will be and I cannot lie, waiting for my grade made me very anxious. As a professor, def not the best. As an advisor, he is phenomenal and keeps things real. Unless you're ready to be fully engaged I would avoid taking him but he is great to talk to!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "if you have the opportunity to take him do it! His class is more than interesting and his tests are made to be passed. Take good notes, read the book and you will get the A. He explains everything prior to tests and final. the pop quiz's are to make sure you are always studying. Great guy and great course.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Probably one of the hardest classes I've taken so far. Had to fight to barely make an A. Only consists of quizzes and lab reports and both are 50% of final grade. Quizzes are super tough! Lab reports are easy if you go by the labmanual (required). Good professor but TA does most the work. Tough lab overall.. Get different professor if you can.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "His notes are not hard to follow. It would be nice if his feedback was more direct than indirect in grading assignments. When it comes time to take tests, it's more frustrating to put down answers than it is about doing exams because the questions don't seem to be clear about what he is asking.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" If you will take his class it will be your nightmare semester. Course is very good to study but he studies like we have done Ph.D. and know all things. Lectures are sleepy. Homework is very tough as well exams. Don't take his class otherwise ready to ruin your semester and grades.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" If you take this class be prepared to write a lot. Linda is a harsh grader with the major assignments. Most of the assignments were a waste of time. She is not helpful and her instructions are unclear. She told me I had a good topic to write about and my summaries of articles were good but then tore apart my final paper. Don't take this class!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. B is very funny, lectures are entertaining. The material is pretty straight forward, but test (one about every two weeks) can be tough. The homework is primarily calculation based, but tests are mostly conceptual. Don't expect any curve or extra credit. Overall, Dr. is a good professor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This guy rules! Never took attendance but class was so interesting, always wanted to go. Whatever he is teaching, TAKE IT! Exams are take home, one small paper. Teaches from experience, and great stories.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "if she doesnt like your writing style your doomed... i did not like her because when i asked her for help on a couple of essays, she gave me responses and then marked me down for the way she told me to correct them... shes nice but dont pick her if your writing style is unique and not to her liking","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "boring professor who gives out tricky exams, and his grading system is unfair. his definition of a curve is rounding 79.5 to 80.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" A great prof and person overall. Tests are always reasonable and to the point. Lectures were always interesting and he even uploads the audio of his lectures which is a GREAT help to auditory listeners!!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" She is the sweetest teacher ever. She will help you out any chance she gets. But U WILL EARN EVER SINGLE GRADE U GET N HER CLASS!!If u want to earn extra credit u better do all the extra credit assignments she give u..if not she will not be giving u no extra points to move a letter grade.But overall she is the best teacher ever!!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She was very dry and boring. Kindof graded weird. I really don't think she liked that class a lot, she is more of a soc teacher so I never felt her dedication to crimj.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Tests are based just off of the notes you take in class. Write down everything! If you can memorize all the notes then you should be fine. Some test questions are confusing. Gives a maximum of 3 percentage points for extra credit. Attend class every session that it is held and you will receive another bonus point. Overall, a pretty good teacher.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Prof. Delcastillo is one of the best if not ""The"" best online professor john jay has. No midterm or final everything comes from the reading. Pay careful attention to his instructions and you will do fine. Great class you learn lots wish he taught more classes at john jay.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Well-spoken, highly intelligent professor. Not terribly outgoing, but really nice and helpful if you take the time to get to know him. Exam is tough...but, would still recommend.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The course itself uses no textbook, so she has her own slides she posts. The midterm/final comes directly from these slides. She is not a easy marker but a fair marker. If you write a B grade answer expect that grade. Read those slides and expect an B+ or higher. Also she adjusts deadlines and grades if need be. Overall very kind professor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Great teacher! The Professor hands you an A, but it's up to you to go and get it. You have to attend for the quizzes which are basically completion grades, and the two major tests are all open book online. If you care about your grade, you'll get your A. I also learned a bit as well. Opens many ways to earn extra bonuses credits. 1 LOWEST GRADE DRO","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She was very hard on grading papers, she showed favoritism, and she was never any fun!!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" The class is very easy if you actually go to all of the lectures and pay attention. His tests were not hard at all. Plus he was very easy going and listened to any concerns you had.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" She's really easy and gives tons of extra credit throughout the semester. Her projects are fun and entertaining. She's a little arrogant but who isnt. She has a slightly nasal voice but easy enough to understand. Her slightly difficult but with a little work they can be aced.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Prof Johnson is a great professor. He tries to make things as easy as possible. Your grade is distributed evenly through exams and homework. He has to work on the pace of his lectures a little, he started out slow and easy, then speeded up a lot at the end when things got more difficult. But it was an easy, enjoyable course overall.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Kelley is a great professor! His class requires much textbook reading & old exam studying. Even if you're trying hard, but are doing poorly fear not, you will make it out alive. My test average was a 32 in Orgo II & I think I did a little better on the final. I got a D if that puts anything into perspective! Happy studying :)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He trys to be entertaining. The class is boring. The tests are hard. If you take this class be ready to study your butt off cause the tests cover like 150 pages+ each.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This is class is pretty easy but very boring. His class lectures are pointless and you don't need to take notes because they give you no information needed for exams,quizzes.He is a hard grader but i find it hard to believe anyone could fail this class.Everything is out of the books and he lets you do all your work at home prior to exams,quizzes.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Steve is really nice and sweet. he stutters and mumbles a lot. really easy class! take home midterms, can retake them if needed.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Go to class! Mike is very understanding so if you have conflicting responsibilities, talk to him. Takes late work. You can do assignments ahead of time and only show up to class for 15 minutes to get it checked. Encourages talking in class. Assignment grades based on whether you do them or not, not correctness. Allows internet usage/notes on exam.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I thought Public health would be really interesting. Her tough grading is making me regret taking this class. I've worked very hard on all of my homework assignments but there always seems to be a problem. When she tells me to fix something and I do then something else is wrong.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Do not Mess with him! Go to class, always. do the homework or your grade will be penalized! Make sure to read the chapters because the true or false section in his exam is worth it 20 points avg and he takes the questions from the book. If you take him for accounting you will do better overall in finance.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Awesome guy a little slow grader but impossible to do bad i skipped a quiz and still got a 91,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "AWESOME AWESOME, TOTALLY! Be aware that she does make you think but for paper revision conferences she goes step by step with you when making corrections.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Ochshorn is such a sweet lady. The class is based around 4 essays which are easy as long as you put in a little effort, then there are readings due every class with pop quizzes that are easy if you read (drops lowest quiz grade). Lectures can be a bit boring but, she always lets you out of class early. Sweet lady would recommend","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "very hard marker, but you will learn alot, excellent teacher!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Not the easiest class. You have to pay attention and read, or an A is out of the question. Class attendance helps too. Nice guy though, curved my B to an A because I attended most of the classes and made high B's on the tests.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Horrible teacher. Sucked really bad.I failed and was only two points away. She crams to much info. in at one time. The test are never the same as the practice test. She had pet students who set right up next to her in class. Even, my lab instructor said I feel sorry for you guys, I wouldn;t have taken her for any classes.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Giarratani is a department head and an internationally respected economist. He might not be the most riveting public speaker, but he sure does have a lot of insightful things to say. He is a fair grader and has reasonable expectations. Do the recommended book problems and go to him for help if you need to--test questions are often identical.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This class started off pretty well, he seemed funny and at first seemed like he was going to be a great guy....wrong! I did everything I could to stay awake and study and do well, but i still got an awful grade. My friend was the smartest in the class and only got a 2.7...so yea.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Moore is a pretty decent teacher, she helps and gives a lot of example during class if you're confused. Her test are a bit of a struggle and the homework and quizzes are all online. She does five of a ton of extra credit but make sure you don't wait till the last minute. All in all she wasn't too bad, I'm horrible at math and she helped me pass.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I really liked her as a teacher but a lot of the people in my class thought she was a tough grader. I did well in her class (I got an A) I think she grades easier if she likes you.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is very demanding for an intro class.I am an A student and received a C,with no explanation except she basically did not like my essays and that is the majority of your grade on exams and projects.I went to every class and studied.She has her favorites.not to mention she is very annoying!NOT recamended unless you like to suck up to people!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He knows his stuff, but does not cover the textbook thoroughly. He tests on some things not discussed in class. Don't count on the lecture. You need to read the text. He does give helpful info and good real life examples. He requires weekly reports on an article from the Wall Street Journal.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This ""teacher"" will not inspire you to be a better programmer. He takes pride in deducting as many points as possible. Do you want to get 50% on an assignment because you forgot to comment the chapter/assignment number and didn't use 100% correct naming conventions even though your program runs flawlessly?Then this professor is for you.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Okay so you're all being way too hard on her. Yeah she assigns a lot of reading but this is college. We're supposed to be learning, not getting grades for nothing. She has intriguing class discussions, grades fairly, gives helpful feedback, and she really knows her stuff.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He gives homework every night but doesn't check it, just goes over it in class and calls on people to answer. The tests aren't hard unless you don't pay attention or don't take any notes. He is a really nice guy but really likes his job so is very serious about the class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "makes you work like crazy to earn your grade, but you learn so much...and he's a really fair grader, which is always good","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She bases the grade on whether she likes u or not. Her tests are VERY tricky! Shes not approachable,& makes students feel stupid. She makes her grad students grade her tests, so double check ur grade! The average grade she gives is a C, So dont expect and A. She gives back all ur tests @ the end so u go an entire semester not knowing where u stand","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "took this course online i missed few posts, so got a lower grade - can be easy class if you do all the posts. no final no midterm, just the posts.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Unhelpful analogies, tangents, skimming over slides, no coding exercises before tests or project, heavy on the theory, low on the syntax but tests are all SQL/XML/relational algebra syntax, surprise graded activities, mandatory graded surveys, tested on project material, you are expected to write project in 3 weeks. Grade is Tests: 50% Project: 40%","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Pretty easy goin guy. Tests are easy and he is always more than willing to help. I would recommend taking him to anyone!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "talks sooooooo much, zzzzz..where am i?, but very down to earth, fair grader if u do the work, participate in class, it REALLY REALLY helps ur grade, so do it!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Andrzej's lectures aren't well structured so there's a lot of self learning in this course. Exam questions come from assignments, the textbook, and a test bank. His use of MCQs can be good and bad, good because you can guess, bad because you don't get part marks. It's difficult to do well in this course but it's also difficult to fail.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The class consists of just 3 exams, which are each 100 q's multi choice. He doesn't care if you are there or not. He only cares about your grades on the exams. Lectures can make you fall asleep. Textbook is needed. There is a lot of reading for the exams. He is a really funny guy, and definitely makes some interesting jokes if you catch them.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Get the book. Her PowerPoints don't have much to do with what's on the test. Grades On a curve.. Over all easy class,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This professor is a joke. Aced all my tests, did every single homework assignment, but was given a 2.8 due to not being in class ever single day. If you want to take a class that reminds you of high school, then take her classes.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Zorn is one of my favorites! Wacky in all the right ways that makes coming to class worth your while. The reading is manageable, but the papers can be challenging and he grades pretty hard (all in the name to make you a better writer). But Zorn's always there for help. I learned a lot in his classes, and that is money well spent here at SCU.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" So boring! I had a hard time actually listening but it was a pretty simple class. I took at ITV so if I didnt get to take the test on blackboard I would have been ruined because the test are hard he uses every detail of his lecture in the book or not,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" There are a total of 5 grades. She grades easy because she doesn't care. The tests are 20 true or false. If you want an easy A take this class. If not- you won't learn anything of importance in this class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very easy.Love the stories.Other books are very easy.Testa are essay but isnt hard because she lets u pick questions the class before the test.Love her class.Class discussions are good but gives very very easy pop quiz if no one reads.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Lectures are really clear, but she is a horrible marker. She will take marks off for anything, spelling, underlining..etc. Marks dont reflect how well you know the lecture material, but how picky she decides to be when marking your test/assignment. She is very friendly in class, but not so friendly one on one.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you just go to the lecture, take very good notes, and do the study guide, you will pass. His lectures are clear and understandable. He gives current examples to allow the student to understand the topic at hand. Homework, quizzes, and in class work are given. Tests are mainly multiple choice but problem sets are also included.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "suggest to take a different prof. you will learn in the class however, there are quizes everyday and the readings are about a hundred pages. no midterm just paper and final but the quizes are the majority of your grade so you can't mess up and you will get a 0 if you miss a class. not easy. no spark notes","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" odabashian gave me a B; she sucks,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" She marks hard but consistent. When I asked for feedback on a grade I found harsh she willingly set up a meeting and explain where I lost points and how I could improve. My lab marks significantly increased following this meeting. I found her very helpful if questions were well thought out and relevant.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very easy professor. Lenient grader, lets you resubmit two of the essays, not a lot of work, had to read three very interesting novels, gives you ample time for assignments. One essay per month. Learned a lot form this professor. Do take her!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I tried going to her office for help. She asked me questions, then I tried to answer them but got them wrong. She then said I needed to get help. Um, that's what I was there for. She has a difficult language barrier. No matter how much I did, I could not pass. Who grades homework anymore? That did nothing but have my grade go lower and lower.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Good Teacher, you learn lots of info in class but she grades to hard on little****!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Lighthearted and fun, he makes math interesting. He tends to go too fast thru some problems, you have to ask him to explain it or slow down. Only 2 tests, add them up and divide by 2 - that's your grade. The tests are fully comprehensive, however he doesn't give very difficult problems. This class blew my 4.0 GPA and I still recommend him.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" great class. he never said hed curve the grades. high score earned in teh class sets the top of hte scale and its 10% down from that for each grade. totally fair but science majors set the top. i did ok xcept for the final. shouldve studied more cuz it killed me. learned a lot tho. makes you think.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Boring class. Grades kind of hard, but if you put in the time you can do well in this class. He knows what he's doing and is always willing to help.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very fast lecturer and hard to understand. Will not slow down or help any student during class. Final was not representative of the quizzes throughout the year. Attendance dropped so low mediavision was added and extra credit given out to those who went to class. Avoid this class at all costs,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Do not take him if you struggle in math. funny but moves quickly and erases board to fast. Do HW and quizzes they will help your grade if you struggle with the tests.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This prof knows what he is doing but doesn't know how to explain all the points to the class clearly. He has a different way of doing math than the book. He also speaks to the class as if everyone is five years old. Another downside is that his tests are pretty much harder than the AP test itself. WORD OF ADVICE:Do the review, but it won't help you","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She never checks her email and uses outdated information. She also needs to grade on more than just attendance, I would suggest taking this class because its an interesting topic but NOT with her.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" This class is unbelievable boring. The quizzes are HARD and she no longer does tests. Quiz consists of 12 questions with 8 options for answers. She expects you to know details about everything you read so unless you are a theo major stay clear! Oh and she grades essays based on how much she likes you (for most of the class that means they failed),"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I feel bad cuz everyone clowns on him and takes advantage of him. He is a good professor although the class is not very organized...the tests and quizzes are similar, and he gives the quiz 2 days before the exam.. hw optional.. take 'em, why not","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is a good professor. I just wish he understood that if you have a hospital note, you must have been very ill.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Prepare to re-enter 5th grade! Attendence is taken EXACTLY at start of class if ur late at all points off takes attendence again after break if u leave points off heaven forbid u speak at all during her lecturing all these points are taken out of your grade I attended and got an A so i am not 1 of those irrate students just mad over a bad grade.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Most unhelpful college instructor ever! Her exams are very confusing and don't reflect her lectures. You can be a great note taker and do your best and read the text boooks but for the exams and papers, unless you write specifically what her opnions are on the subject she will fail you. Many of her questions on the exam are subjective & unclear","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Awful professor who was biased against the guys in the class. Made 7 of the 8 guys redo their papers even though (in my best opinion) we did well. I do not recommend her... EVER.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Not sure why Ian gets such a bad rep. He is not a super interesting prof but just show up to class and do other class work while you're there. You don't need to pay attention if you read the textbook instead. 3 non-cumulative midterms and a final project (3 questions answered in essay form).,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Super easy. Never thought I would get an A in stats. Tests are open book, open note,open computer. Plus he give a test review with all the answers. Test questions straight from review!! EASY!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Caporale gives interesting lectures, but as far as material and tests are concerned, the book is a very helpful resource. Studying is essential for the multiple choice exams which can be difficult.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He was a pretty good teacher. The tests are a little difficult, but if you show up to class and take notes you will be fine. Really smart guy.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Pretty easy class, but I also took 2 years of chem in high school (AP for one of those years). His tests are really easy, but he is a very picky grader. Boring lecturer, but I thought that he explained things well.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" One of the best prof at Seneca. Shes so nice and easy marker,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Reynolds does not lecture and give clear lessons about how to write effectively or interpret the literature she assigns. This is a self-study class-- you must learn on your own. Assignments are vague and unclear: you only learn what she wants after she returns your work. Very hard grader; learned little about writing in this class. AVOID!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The class is very interesting with movies you would probably never have seen otherwise. Dr. Bell is very knowledgeable about the topics but it gets a bit boring. His lectures only last about 30 minutes though because you watch a film every class period. Quizzes are very hard, make sure you read!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I would take him again now that I understand his grading and standards. They aren't made clear in the syllabus so it took a while. Only two quizzes, but they are definitely challenging. Essays are hard to figure out at first, but there are 5-6 (200word), and a discussion every week. Overall, not a bad class, just depends on your preference.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very melancholic, 10/30 points on projects is either pass or fail. So either 10 or 0. He will never admit he is wrong. I got an F on a project because he stopped testing when it failed a test case that WORKED! I went to see him and he would not admit that he was wrong even though I showed him Java Documentation showing he was wrong.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He talks about such b.s. sometimes and things that weren't relevent to the class. His tests are aweful! just make sure you read the textbook!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "really nice guy. Class kind of drags on, but he does frequently let you out early. Tough grader on papers. You should easily get a B- in his class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He gives you all of the notes in a coursepack at the start of the semester and attendence isn't required, but he will bump up your grade if you're there frequently enough for him to recognize your name. The tests come directly from the study guides he gives you, and all of the answers are in the course pack. Very good prof and easy class!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Quite interesting thought process. Exam are often tricky.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I personally don't like him. He is not clear with the assignments he wants, he doesn't give you the grades of the assignments you turn in until the end of the semester that you receive your final grade. Never try to reach him by email, he never answers, or ask him anything after class, instead he wants you to go to his office.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "For a second year sociology course I thought she asked for quite a bit more than any other soc class I had taken. Because so many people complained, she made the final super easy, but her teaching style is often difficult to follow.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "His exams are fair- half multiple choice and half long answer, and he gives partial credit even if you mess up. I didn't do a whole lot of work and I still almost got a B-, so try and it's an easy course.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "So many problems: 1)doesnt know how to ""teach"". 2) Cant hear the student asking questions. 3) Takes whole class to do 1 problem. 4) FORCES us to solve the LONG and HARD way. If not done like how he done it, minus 10. I took Phys soph High school and i have 3.6 GPA, so no im not stupid. His class is just horrible. ACC needs to fire him, IMMEDIATELY.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Excellent prof. Explains everything extremely well, knows how to relate simple examples to complicated topics. Gives easy tests and no HWs. As long as you read and take class notes you have nothing to worry about. Highly recommend this teacher.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Mr. B. is the best speech professor anywhere. I HATE public speaking, but Mr. B. made us feel comfortable and laid back. He grades on improvement, not by expectation, meaning if you do poorly on one speech, but try harder and do better on the next one, he will take that improvement into account and boost your grade. He just wants to see you try :)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Currently taking this class. Englander is an excellent professor. The material is hard but if you pay attention its really not that bad. Tests are challenging but you can bring a page of notes and he is generous with points. I definitely recommend taking a class with Irv. He's worked with computers since they were invented and he knows his stuff.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The professor explains and lectures on material in a way that can be easily understood. She Is more than fair with questions, grading and extra credit. Gives great handouts for note taking.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Not good at lecture. Makes material more confusing, than needs to be. She is very accessible and will work with you, if she see's that you are trying, which is her best quality! On exams, tends to put material that was briefly discussed.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" WORST TEACHER EVER!!! Grading comments - make no sense. classes = boring. VERY HARD - especially when it comes to grading papers assigned.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "You have 3 exams, two worth 400 points and one worth 200 points, and this is the only thing on your grade. The exams are easy to pass as long as you go to the study sessions by the TA's! I've only been to this class on exam days, most of the information you need is given to you during the study sessions. Just study and you'll do fine.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" This teacher makes all his tests and exams too long so that everyone fails because they dont have time to finish. And most of the stuff on his test r things he didnt even teach yet in class. He's completely disorganized.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" SO confusing! And the tests are excruciating. Likes to hear himself talk.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Don't buy the book because she basically only grades you on what's discussed in class. Attendance isn't mandatory but in-class worksheets are random and count for a grade. I didn't like how few grades there were; the class was out of 100 points. She uses a lot of examples to make concepts clear.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The worst professor at UB Law. A hard grader, but fails to have any knowledge of the subject. Highly irritating.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" O'Shea loves history! She's passionate! But is an extremely tough grader on her four essays. Most people attended class only for tests. Power points posted online but you would have read for extra materialdetails. Extremely organized.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The tests can be difficult, but he prepares you well via in class lectures. He keeps the lectures engaging by constantly sharing anecdotes and telling jokes. Attendance is only 4% of the grade, but if you don't come to class, be prepared to fail.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This lady may seem hilarious and bubbly the first time you take her class, but my oh my is she fake! her lectures i like ""whaaaat"" she talks way too fast for you to even take notes. Barely ever replies to your emails. Tough in Practicum. and her exams are way more difficult than u would expect because her lectures or so damn brief.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Heywood is a great guy. He is full of knowledge and his passionate about the subjects that he teaches. All of his test and quizzes you can do by yourself or in groups on your own time outside of class. He gives you them a week ahead of time so you don't have to cram for anything. He tape records all his lectures and powerpoints and puts them on D2L,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Exams are based on things discussed in lecture so you need to go to class. Papers are graded exceptionally tough, he doesn't bell curve but the average always tended around a C. Even if you make the improvements based on his comments, it won't mean you'll get a better grade because of how subjectively he marks.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I loved taking this class from Linda. She is great! She was very understanding about everything. I turned in a few assignments late and she didn't mark me down for it. All she really cares is that it is completed and that we did out best. There are a lot of papers but she is willing to help you and accommodate.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Don't know what all of this business about easy grading is. He is the most critical grader I have ever seen. Way too much stuff to do in the class. He piled everything on at the end. It is not a good class and he is not a fair teacher.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Ugh. I didn't like her. She was confusing and her tests had stuff that she had only brushed over and never explained how to find, only said that it existed. She was a nice person, but even asking her questions in office hours was confusing.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "CM is great, she loves her studies and it shows. Class is always lively. She is tough on grading though so make the effort in your writings.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Easy, easy easy. Very interesting lecturer and tests are cake. I mean really, she gives you 8-10 long answer questions to choose from, and you pick two. What more do you want??","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" She knows what she is talking about. She is very clear. This is exactly how a history class is supposed to be. Her tests are very easy.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Seriously, GO TO CLASS. If you don't your screwed. Do EXACTLY what he says and you will get an A. I have no idea how people can not get atleast a B. He practically gives you the answers.... Funny, enjoyable, dont care for people that dont come to class, gives attendence 2 times a class period.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Great professor! cute personality, really interactive with the class, not an easy grader when it comes to speeches, but if you do the work then you'll get a good grade","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "A paragraph was due weekly, grades were unclear until the end. He looks for very small details in all of the stories read. Close reading is necessary","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" if you are aiminfg for an easy A she is perfect for that...,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you have her, get out of it now before it's too late. Worst prof ever. Condescending, not very bright, grades papers horribly. It's a gen ed and she acts like it's a grad course. Expects way too much, not a fair grader, and she's extremely annoying. I just want to throw stuff at her when she talks. And yeah, she's concerned more with grammar.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Seems like a nice, laid-back professor. Then you get your first paper back and realize that the same writing abilities that have gotten you by with A's since middle school get you a D+ in her class. She's very disorganized and her class is pretty much pointless to go to. Contemp sucks enough without having the the paper nazi as a professor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She's been teaching for years & she's excellent at it. She cares about her students. You will have to do 3 speeches. If you pick topics that are compelling that no one else in the class would even think about doing then you will pass her class with a good grade. It's not easy A though, you will have to work for it!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "There are only 5 actual assignments and then participation points, so if you don't do well on a few things you are really screwed. I never knew what he really wanted from me because his feedback is awful when you submit your rough drafts. He's slow to respond to emails and when he does he doesn't answer half your questions anyways.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Fressola is one of the best instructors at Bergen. She has high expectations for her students, but makes it clear what is expected. She is one of the few professors that truly lives up to her doctorate in education. One of the only instructors that has the guts to review the exam in front of the entire class. The exams are difficult but fair.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Theirs a written midterm which he basically tell you all the answers to the class before and a final. for the final you have to perform all the moves you learned through the semester. I thought I was going fail because I could never remember any of the moves from the class before but he let us record him doing the moves & i ended up getting an A,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Seriously, don't take him if you really want to learn something in database. His grading is mostly related to how many times you meet him in his office outside the class. Doesn't discuss any coding at all, doesn't even look at your codes for the project. Teaches from PPT slides only. You'll learn more from books and Google than anything from him.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I had him for both 101 and 102. If you're taking 101 as an elective or as an engineering major, DO NOT TAKE HIM. If you're premed or chemistry related major, power through and you will learn a ton, which helps in later courses. Tests are hard but if you put in the work and do a lot of practice problems it's doable.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I had been taking notes in lecture and out of the book, studied prior to the midterm and the questions were nothing like I had expected. Luckily, the group project and final bumped my grade. She let the class vote on the final, we chose an essay. She told us the prompt beforehand. Felt that my grade did not reflect my effort or knowledge of subject","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Armstrong is favorable to the students that are in the St. Olaf Choir. If you are not in choir, expect to get a lower grade. Plain and simple. Also, I don't feel that I learned as much as I could have because Dr. Armstrong was so busy telling the class anecdotes of how he's influenced people instead of actually teaching.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This professor is really weird but in a good way. He tells very corny jokes but you can tell he loves what he is teaching. Grades a bit tough but he will allow you to redo something for a better grade. DOES NOT ASSIGN A TEN PAGE RESEARCH PAPER!!!!! I would definitely take him again, great professor and very interesting topics and assignments.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He is awful. His instructions are confusing. He gives very long exam reviews and then not of it is on the actual exam. You get a minute to answer each question on Exams and they are the majority of your grade.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He doesn't explain anything. Most people get D's on the tests. Horrible teacher,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Overall she is a good teacher who covers everything that are on the final exams, a lot of the need to go to class is covered by the WileyPlus test and practice although as always it is advised that you do go as she will lecture using good examples and explanations.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "the whole time i thought i was going to fail and even considered withdrawing after basically failing all the impossible exams. However, he gives so many extra credit opportunities that only require your attendance and he makes group projects worth a TON so i actually ended up doing well in the class. His grades seem subjective. Just try hard.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He's a nice guy, kept me interested even with my lack of sleep. hard grader and tests are difficult, but still a good class and professor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Yes this class is extremely easy,however u really do have to do good in the final and midterm....only 1 midterm and 1 final...10 sheets which we do in class and together..also the sheets r the study sheets..very nice guy!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "AMAZING. Very clear, easy work. 10/10 would recommend. Very nice, give A LOT of extra credit, take advantage! I would definitely choose her as my professor again. Tests are super easy and you have so much extra credit you'll always pass.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "loved her. tough, but fun. gotta work for grade, duh!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" shes nice but a complete space cadet who goes off on tangents all the time. her tests are hard and she grades harshly- but she curves at the end which is good. the class is soooo boring i wouldnt reccommed it unless u are actually interested in it.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Pretty easy, doesnt post grades at all though. he doesnt believe in using much technology. no homework really except studying and the workbooks which he helps out with","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I had Dr. Brooks for BSC 1010 and 1011. He is very knowledgeable in what he teaches. On the exams, his word choices are very tricky. So when you're studying for the exams, make sure you are very certain in what you're studying otherwise the wording could potentially trick you. He gives unannounced quizzes so study before each lecture.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Don Hood is one of the most uncompromising, unhelpful, and self-righteous men I have ever met. The grading procedures/policies are completely subjective and depends only on which TA grades your lab. Even though there is no way to avoid this miserable lab, do not be surprised if a TA helps you with one of the labs and you still end up with a 5/15","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "such a nice guy. i didn't do anything in the class and ended up with a b. it's not hard to do well and even if you screw up the tests, if you study for the final and do well on it you'll get a good grade. much better than beverly mitchell (from what i hear)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" His lectures were all about theorems and never examples of problems. Like some one said before the average of the test was super low. Plus he was always late for class. The quarter was hell cause of this class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is a very educated woman. She knows what she is talking about. Her tests are pretty difficult, but she gives projects that boosts your grades a lot. If you go to class and take decent notes, it is not hard to earn at least a B.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" It's alittle boring.There is alot to learn. Take notes. Write down everything he will putit in the tests/,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" he is hard.. but very helpful.. if you want the grade.. you have to earn it!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I really like Prof Fey. He is helpful and I think really looks out for his students best interests. The tests are hard but he always gave free points and his lectures are somewhat boring but he does his best to make them interesting. I recommend!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I took a 4 week calc 2 course and was sure I was going to fail. She is one of the most helpful teachers I've ever had. She gives you every opportunity she can to pass the class. I made a 40-something on the final an I still made a 75 in the class!!! If you take her just make sure you do your online quizes.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Excellent professor. Always willing to help. His tests are a little tough, but he is very easy with grading everything else and gives a lot of credit for in class participation.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is AWESOME!! At first I wasn't sure but it got better. When he assigns a reading, read it! He will quiz you! Lectures are long, he sometimes goes over time but only by a few minutes. He is funny, cracks silly jokes. Study for his exams, they are not easy. They are 2 questions and written. You must work for grade. Would absolutely take him again!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very, very helpful professor! if you do not understand chem at all, take him. He takes you step by step working out every prob on the board. He has a small accent but very easy to understand. Homework is rare, tests are difficult, but he will definitely help you understand chemistry. I would definitely take him again if I had to.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Great professor, by far the best one I have had for an online class. About 4 essays throughout the class but makes it clear of what he expects. Gives feedback, even if it is just to say it was a good essay, which I believe means a lot.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Wow, how could you say he knows nothing about chinese history? Possibly the smartest prof i have ever had. He does struggle at keeping his lectures clear, but that's not his problem, it's yours. He's extremely smart and his tests and exam are easy.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I loved taking ACCT 1010 and 1020 with Prof Janicek!!! He really does care about his students and wants to see them do well. He doesn't use HW as a grade, nor does he grade it but goes over it in class. He took 3 grades for each of the classes; midterm, final, and a case study. He does give extra credit to use on the test which is super helpful!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He's ok - projects thats all only 3 tests,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took his online Intro to Statistics class. He didn't leave feedback on problems I'd miss, in order to tell me what I was doing wrong, so I'd have to commute to college to talk to him in person.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Staggeringly intelligent, very funny and kind, Professor Fogel is wonderful, albeit very scatterbrained. His grading varies from fair to hard; don't expect an A on either of the papers he assigns. Sometimes it's hard to understand what questions you should be asking, and his answers don't always make things any clearer, but he is a great professor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" EXTREMELY HARD CLASS. this professor knows his stuff but really doesn't know how to teach. His class is extremely boring so its SUPER hard to pay attention and stay focused as much as u try. his tests are ridiculously hard no matter how much u study.i would really avoid taking his class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Rimes is the best lecturer in the department. He's a good guy to talk to during office hours as well. The only concerns I have with him as a teacher is that sometimes his assignments are unclear, and he seems a little disorganized with his paperwork (your HW and tests)","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you don't want to study and I mean really study for the tests do not take him, you will NOT pass. He's funny and makes lectures atleast interesting but he is very strict and class is mandatory. (you'll want to go anyways, not a class you learn on your own) You will need iclicker for random quizes, that you'll need to prestudy for. Solid choice.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I love Dr. Snay, and his class is great! My only complaint is that his assessments are incredibly picky. Most of the stuff you need to know will be one-liners from the book that you would probably not give a second glance to, so be super careful. He loves history and teaching but I think he forgets that not all of us can be walking encyclopedias.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Overly- inflated ego, pointless in-class discussions, typos in HIS OWN book, and EXTREMELY HARD tests (way too complex for college-level material). Horrible teacher.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Yes, John is a FUN teacher, and he's a great guy to talk to. However, attendance is a huge issue--not his, the class. He doesn't hold his students accountable for attendance in his upper level classes, so a lot of times class is pointless. You could attend every day and get the same grade as a person who came the first and last day.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very good professor! His lecture is REALLY interesting, and he cares about his students. Have any question? just ask him. Be sure to attend class and read his notes, almost all of the test question come from his notes. If your answer is really good, he will give you extra mark.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I think he might be the only one that takes attendence. Most people study for other classes during his class... can pass if you go to study sessions... i'm sure there are better though.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "if you're a favorite, expect a free ride, otherwise watch out.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Kristine is an alright professor. She can be a little off sometimes and she forgets to put discussion questions up on ICON a lot. For exams, you'll need to focus more on examples rather than the actual definitions. The exams aren't super hard, but I learned the hard way for the first half of the test. : The papers are short (2 to 3 pages), hard.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He's an awesome teacher and he's so nice!! And he grades on what he calls the ""Canadian"" scale, where A's start at 80. He's great!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "she was so easy, its not even funny. i didnt do some essays, and she gave me A's for them. im pretty sure she was high half the semester anyway. but a really nice hippie","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" If you don't miss a single class than you don't have to take the final... if its excused she doesn't give a flip so just go,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" he put question marks all over my midterm paper do not need the book final was so hard attendance counts walk in and leave he lectures for to long,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Fisher was awesome, he says the funniest corny jokes during class. He keeps his lectures interesting. Records all lectures on tegrity, but you have to come to class in order to get the clicker points. Tests were not difficult for me but were difficult for classmates. Class averages on exams were usually in the low 70s. Final exam was easy","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "There weren't many actual lecture,since 80% of the class were presentations held by students. The grading criteria was very unclear, although he usually gave good grades. But be aware, all assignments were group projects with the same group throughout the semester.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very good teacher..hard test though,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Saffran is an excellent choice for Biochem2. The class is either filled with seniors or graduate students so you're not competing with freshmen anymore. Her tests are tough, but fair(NOT LIKE KUMAR!!!) and expect the occasional trick question. She adjusts the grade by a few points based on how well the class is doing. STRAIGHTFORWARD!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Look at THIS TEACHER scores. They aren't lying. Easiest, most entertaining, and the most informative class I've ever taken. TEACHER will make you love and appreciate . I work and I'm often either late or absent for THIS class , but TEACHER won't punish you for that. Exams are a breeze, nothing tricky. Show up to class, take notes, and enjoy the sho","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This teacher is highly unfair. She took off points because i rounded .306 to .31. This teacher also takes points off for not erasing something completely or having something crossed out on the page. I highly recommend that you avoid this class at all costs, definetly not worth it. Worst professor i've had so far at ccsu, i hate her!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I had her for MGCR211 and MGCR351, and i'm taking her for MGCR352. Everything she says in class is clear and she gives real examples related from her work experience. It is true that the exams were hard but it was hard for everyone, even ppl who did not take her so it's just the way the profs make the exams and not Scott's way to teach.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" He is excited about class and knows a lot about film. Though he gives quizzes on random days and never discusses the readings on which the quizzes are on. The tests cover material that he has not discussed and you must learn on your own. I would have never taken this class with him if it wasn't mandatory for my minor.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Great Teacher...loved the class...tests are easy but exams are killerrrr,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I found myself more worried about following ""his way"" then actually learning the material. The problems that he works out on the board would be counted wrong in his exams. He avoids doing problems his way because its a waste of time, but yet still expects you to do it his way. The class is fine, just chose a different instructor.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Overall tough class, lots of group work and has you read a lot of cases. Back end loads the course so that most the points are at the very end. If you work well with others its not hard to do the presentations, but he does like to favor the girls for participation points. He was an ok teacher, but grades very harshly.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Super sweet lady but be prepared! Her slides are not posted on blackboard, nothing is, and the slides are really the entire book put on power point. If pressured for time. She gives a study guide for the exams but its just as long as her power points. She is very mum on what to expect for exams. I feel Im going in to it exams blind.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very fair grading. You never have to read, just show up to class.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took his American Gov class online during the summer. I read the textbook, took notes, and looked at his supplemental materials. However, for his quizzes it was unclear what to study for. The practices tests were nothing like the actual ones. However he is very easy to get in touch with and responds quickly to e-mails/texts.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I walked out of this class not learning a thing. He gives pop quizzes so you have to read the books which are so boring. He's funny, I actually enjoyed the class. All we did was watch youtube videos. The little work you do have, he is such a hard grader and very unclear on the actual assignment, all of us were always confused on what he wanted.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "My little sister could pass the course on the material but i think she took off points for spelling my name wrong. Again she tooks off points for correctly answering the question as explained in the book but not as she explained in class... the book must have been wrong?!Since when has ""pie"" been a ****ing variable. makes 3rd grade math confusing!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This man is the absolute worst professor I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Arrogant doesn't begin to describe him. Weekly blog articles that are short essay length, vague grading rubric. He will not give you an A unless you stroke his oversized ego. Turn things in well before the due date or he will mark you down. DON'T TAKE IT","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Ms. Dameron is very clear with what is expected and how she grades. She emails how-to videos regularly, provides good notes and worksheets, and offers online students to come to campus to study with that class for tests. She wants you to learn and pass. She's the best teacher I've had at TCC.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She doesn't really ""teach"" us. She ""shows"" us things. She doesn't explain how to use them in certain situations which makes her a poor professor. And she takes great joy in making the tests abnormally difficult.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Has a very thick accent, but all his notes and examples he puts on the board are clear and straight forward. Very useful for Math 60. Daily lectures help tremendously with the HW. DO the HW to help pass the quiz the next day. Quizzes are daily. He will go over anything people have trouble with. Grades on a curve.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "If you do not pay attention you will not pass the class. He is an extremely tough grader, that being said you only get graded on 5 separate things. 2 midterms, 2 paper and a final. If you pay attention and do the reading you will be fine for the most part, but showing up to class is a must or you will fall too behind and not do well. good luck.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Paul was a nice guy, but he was a ridiculously hard grader. He had no grace with any grades. Over the top and should not be teaching. He is too smart to be teaching college kids. If you dont talk in class you dont get any participation points. I would NEVER take him again. Im telling you, SAVE YOUR SELF!!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "very easy professor,as long as you do your work, go to the class, you will do fine on the test. He gives you answer before the final,and he also give take-home quiz. very chill and experienced!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" This guy knows his stuff. Just make sure you get things handed in on time.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is a good guy, I think he is just misunderstood. I am unsure about the grading, I am hoping not to get low balled with an A- because it will kill my 4.0. He takes fractions of points off of things which seems unfair. It should be right or wrong, there is no way to know the exact answer he is looking for. I'm biting my nails hoping for the best!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Horrible class!!!! You only were graded on 2 test and a paper. Both the test were essays and the paper had to be at least 10 pages long and that doesn't include the foot notes or resource page. He was a hard grader and he had his favorites in the class. I would never take him again.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Prof. George gives hard tests, a lot of the time asking specific questions, he is very knowledgable about the subject and even though he doesnt take attendance showing up on days when everyone else doesnt results in bonus points on exams which are needed","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "3D explanations are not her thing but over all easy class. If you do the assignements properly, easy A because her final is basicly questions from the book","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The materials covered in this class are informative and interesting, and Prof. Cooke is helpful too. The only issue I have with the class is the opinionated questions on the quizzes.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Nice guy. You must attend every class bc there's always something relevant to learn each day. Need the textbook (I only used the workbook for the review or the final). 5 exams, 1 practical (group) exam, lowest grade is dropped (can't drop the final). Lectures are boring. Lots of hands-on stuff. Lots of classmate interactions. Good class take!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Horrible professor. Unorganized and thinks he knows everything. He is very boring and is not a fair grader. The final and final paper are on the same day. I beg anyone who even thinks of taking him to think again and run! If you have to stay at John Jay an extra semester just so you won't have to take him it is worth it! Don't take him!!!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This has to be the WORST teacher i have ever had. Between her dull ""put me to sleep"" lectures to her egotistical ""i wrote the text book"" attitude all the way to her absolutly ""miss one symbol and you fail"" grading she is the worst i have ever seen. She doesnt care if you fail and wont help you if you are. If you are in her class, drop it ASAP.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He doesn't know how to teach, and on midterms, he asked questions that he did not cover/lecture. AWFUL professor","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Very good sense of humour. Teaching methods did not work well for me, minimal interaction with students. Several of my friends did very well though and enjoyed his lectures. Would prefer a tutorial rather than an extra 30 mins of classtime. Fair tests, but the exam was written by another professor, and was not very related to what what we learned.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Well I got an A in 125 and I wouldn't recommend this teacher. I recommend someone else.Graded on 4 exams (he drops one)and the final. If you need to take 126 and there is no else to take, just wait a quarter and take someone else. He goes over the material well, but the tests are 10x harder. Not recommended.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "She is all over the place. Quizzes time you meet. She expects that you can write a PERFECT essay in 12 minutes (these are her quizzes). Tons of reading to do along with ""participation"" essays at the end of the class, which is timed & graded as well as the quizzes. She is extremely picky when she grades. You'll get a B- if you lucky.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "What a useless man, worst classes ever. Very dry lecture, test are impossible plus you have to deal with his snide little comments when you recieve assignments back. Avoid his classes at all costs","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" This teacher is very very hard. There are weekly quizzes in there. All of the essays are based from reading materials. No free topic. Very critical on grading essays. No Joke!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Don't expect to get a study guide for the midterm or final. Final is worth 40% of your grade.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He speaks very monotone and does not keep students engaged by any means. Thus, it is very hard to stay awake and the way he presents material makes it difficult to remember. This makes the exams incredibly difficult. The exams are also random and unrelated to in-class information. Fisher is also very wishy-washy when it comes to class policies.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Great professor, his class is really easy to pass. His work and essay topics are essay. Make sure to turn in work on time and you'll pass. My favorite thing about Allen is how he grades, he is not a tough grader at all. I don't write so good and all my essays have been higher than a B. His classes aren't boring so time goes by fast!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I can't believe this guy taught Intro! If you don't get a 'C' average on all 4 tests, you automatically get an 'E' regardless of your lab grade! I went to every lecture (except 2) and come exam time everything was foreign! Not recommended. Lab was great, but lecture destroyed many! Had to retake!","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Good teacher. Easy grader.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Kent is very smart and he makes that very obvious. His tests consists of a lot of critical thinking but he certainly gives you the tools to succeed. He has weekly review sessions to go over essay questions and even gives extra credit for attending them! I would take him again! Do or do not, there is no try! you have to put forth the effort.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "The thing is, he does not grade fairly; he's not a fan of partial credit. I'm not shocked anymore to see 0/5 or 0/10 on questions where I clearly have a half-decent grasp on it. He is very picky and uncompromising. I seriously had the feeling that he often didn't want me to do well. With any other prof, that B would definitely be a solid A.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "You will not get a good grade if you do not read the book. His lectures make sense however the test covers much more material and in more detail than what he covers in class. Test do come off a bit confusing if you do not know the material. Not an easy A class, however you can pass without ever attending. Read the book and you will do well.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" As long as you do your work you will pass. He talks a lot and does not give tests (bio 11) You dont need to take notes at all. Just Be on time and dont be absent. He is very good about helping and explaining..Does contract class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is a great Pro., easy marker,very nice and helpful.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Baer is baer... Once you've acquired a taste for his VERY SPECIFIC exam questions, you understand what you will be asked in the future. It seems like he loves what he's doing, which is a plus. You love him or you hate him.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "A very good teacher, humorous too. He is very knowledgable about the subject and easy to listen to.Your grade depends on your TA and also how much information you retain from the lectures. Tests are essays and ID's. and not very difficult.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "I took him for Fall 2013 class. Dr.Tompkins is a Talented Professor with unique teaching style. Starting from our class, he started providing audio powerpoint presentations which turned out to be very helpful. Tests are very challenging, so pay attention to everything he says. Grade consists of a Midterm, Final or Group project and five quizzes.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Well done Dean! I still think you must have implanted a ""Shakespeare bug"" in me. I learned a lot and I am sure more will be revealed as time goes on. Perhaps best, the difficult midterm and final essays are perfect practice for next month's CBEST exam.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "A great guy and a good teacher. You do not have to buy a book ($100) and he is always ready to help you out. BUT, turn your work in on time, He might deduct 20% A DAY from late work, but he will give you a break once in a while, just do not count on it. Learned alot and had fun as well","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "You have to know 300-400 art pieces for both the midterm and the final. As a result you won't remember much from the course, but she does give alot of extra credit and she seems to want people to enjoy the course. Her Spanish Art one course was the best because you really get to look at art from a monarch's perspective. It is easy to dote on her.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Dr. Pecorino is honestly a great professor. His lectures are somewhat boring, but it's economics. The grading system is incredibly fair and Dr. Pecorino offers VERY generous extra credit. If you show up to every class he will give you 4 points on your final grade. You can get an easy A by just showing up to class and studying for exams.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Take her if you want an easy A!!!!!!!!! she is soo easy!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Despite the negative comments posted on here about the professor he is a very nice guy. He has a thick german accent that makes it difficult at times to understand the lesson but he makes things clear enough to understand. DO THE HOMEWORK AND EXTRA CREDIT. The tests are easier than the homework so if you pass these you should be fine :),"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "NOT an easy A. Don't get me wrong, this guy is very nice, but he wants you to put ALOT of special effort into his class. That means talking to him, going to his office, going to library etc. When you write papers, your grade drops dramatically for each minute mistake (for instance a misplaced comma) so beware.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Great professor! Every test is online and you can take them unlimited times. Only 1 essay for this class. Very easy class!!,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very vague and not specific as to what requirements are in regards to assignements,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Prof. Young is awesome! He really cares about math and his students. He offers extra credit on canvas so be sure to do that for some gimme points. Be sure to do the homework each week and his tests aren't really that difficult as long as you practice. Young makes math fun and is very funny! You will definitely enjoy his class.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Incredible teacher, has a great sense of humor, and a true sense to ensure her students are learning material. Curves and other grades are very fair, but you have to work for your grade.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Could be more helpful in assignments. When taking tests they feel like a guessing game,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "Professor Sheryl Gifford is an average instructor. She provides you with positive feedback and truly does care about how you end the semester, yet she is not the most organized. She is constantly pushing back dates when she is supposed to hand back final drafts and does not post grades on blackboard, so you basically have to calculate your grade.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Very helpful and good teacher. Workload was easy and grading was fair. I would take her again.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "He is a hard grader, but he wants you to know the subject not just memorize it to pass the test. If you're looking for an easy class, this is not for you. You will have to try REALLY hard to make an A. He does not curve, give extra credit, or make things easier for you.","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" Tests are pretty easy but he can be stingy with points. He so boring though.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" "This class is ridiculously hard. With that in mind, he tries to make it understandable. The accent makes class worth going to.. he's a fun guy. The homeworks and tests are completely brutal, though...","1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues" I took her telecourse class. It was very hard because the information on the study guide did not match the information on the tests. She is a hard grader. When I tried to e-mail her w/ any questions she would only leave a vague answer.,"1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues"