{ "filename": "Glossary of Terms | Berklee College of Music", "department": "Ar", "cleaned_text": "glossary ermsterms used writing skillsterms used arranging terms used arranging terms used chord scale voicingsterms used ear trainingterms used harmony terms used harmony terms used harmony terms used harmony terms used introduction music technologyte r u e n wr n g k l l beam music notation horizontal nearhorizontal line orlines connects stems two notes less aquarter note value occuring consecutively within beat somecases primarily eighth notes beams may encompass thanone beat two beats two basic types beamsprimary beams secondary beams primary beams link entire note groups together secondary beams define subdivisions notegroup beamedtogether primary beam pmpage binary form music divided two parts imaginary invisible barline showing beginning beatthrough beaming groups eighth notes sixteenth notes ortriplets certain time signatures common cuttime cuttime grouping eighth notesshould show start beat three grouping th notes andtriplets must show start four beats fourth eighthnote must visible seventh eighth note must visiblebeams eighth notes sixteenth notes triplets crossover imaginary barlinet erms used arranging also see terms used writing skills anticipation technique melodic rhythmic alteration whichchanges note occurs onthebeat played early resulting insyncopation common anticipations occur onehalf beat earlyan th note anticipation quarterofabeat early th noteanticipation onethird beat early triplet anticipation whenthe anticipation occurs melody melodic anticipationanticipations sometimes also called pushed notes pushes chord tone pitches chord determine basic soundquality chord tones followinga root rd th triad major minor augmented diminishedb root th th triad sus triadc root rd th th seventh chordsd root th th flat th dominant th sus chord pmpage e root rd th th sixth chord major minor delayed attack technique melodic rhythmic alteration whichchanges note occurs onthebeat played onehalf beat latean th note delayed attack hesitation quarterofabeat late ath note delayed attack onethird beat late triplet delayedattack one full beat late opposite anticipation delayedattacks also commonly called hesitations anticipationsthe result syncopation tension note notes added major triad minor triad sixthchord represent logical upper extensions triad usingintervals rd following notes chord consideredtensions b b b upper extension notes create tense musical intervallicrelationships pitches major minor triad chordthe chords contain tension notes sound somewhat unstablethan th chord tensions rub theother notes chord tensions create intervals richer denserquality within chord structure resulting thebasic chord functions root rd th th chord oftenconsidered chord tone rather tensiontensions considered nonchord tones also called nonharmonictones rather chord tones even part chordtensions enhance enrich sound chord modifies pmpage basic quality chord sound major chord tensions stillhas major quality part sound tension notes mask thequality overall sound adding sharp nine tension dominantth chord example mixturesee also available tensions terms used harmony erms used arranging also see terms used writing skills terms used arranging guide tone line unison background line leads stepwise orthrough common tones harmonic progression providing aneffective counterline accompaniment melody low interval limit lowest point interval minor secondto major th interval begins sound muddy orindistinct limits absolutes represent areas whichthere real risk resultant sound work well within anormal harmonic context spread voicing open voicings chords root chordon bottom sometimes referred padsterms used chord scale voicingsalso see terms used writing skills terms used arranging andterms used arranging chord scale specific set scalewise pitches include thechord tones available tensions given chord along anypassing tones help definre tonal modal context chord pmpage modal interchange using chord structures chord scalesfrom parallel pitch axis mode scaleterms used ear trainingear training music training improves skill music translationthat skill utilized almost aspects music music recognitionmusic reading performing composing training consists ofrhythmic melodic solfege harmonic chords progressionsstudy well performance dictation solfege system melodic organization uses syllables remi fa sol la ti designate pitches two common systems aremoveabledo solfege fixeddo solfege moveabledo solfege method solfege root tonicof key always method focuses understanding themelodic functions common key method used theberklee ear training courses fixeddo solfege method solfege note c isalways regardless key system focuses intervallichearing dictation process translating music heard dictation isdone either performing singback playback andor notatingthe music pmpage te r u e n h r n modes refers scales displacements majorscale triad chord containing three notes usually consisting root athird root fifth root seventh chord chord containing four notes usually consisting atriad seventh root available tensions tensions notes added seventh chord pmpage extending chord upwards thirds tensions measuredintervallically root chord consist minormajor augmented ninth perfect augmented eleventh andor aminor major thirteenth every tension work every chordtype ones work specific chord type said beavailable see also tension terms used arranging diatonic progression harmony made exclusively notes thescale key te r u e n h r n also see terms used harmony secondary dominants dominant chords expected resolvedown perfect fifth diatonic chord example viiv ii viii v iii pmpage extended dominants series dominants without direct keyrelationship one resolving fifth next modal interchange borrowing chords parallel mode inharmony borrowing chords natural minor use parallelmajor harmonic continuity moving notes one chord smoothly aspossible notes next chord root motion independent te r u e n h r n also see terms used harmony terms used harmony pmpage substitute dominants also known tritone substitutes dominantseventh chords contain tritone dominant chord forwhich substituting ex g db eb b fetc expected resolution minor second diminished chord diminished triad chord consisting rootminor third diminished fifth diminished seventh chord chordconsisting root minor third diminished fifth diminishedseventh modulation within piece music change tonal center key asperceived listener te r u e n h r n also see terms used harmony terms used harmony andterms used harmony pmpage compound chord chord whose chord symbol consists morethan one element also known slash chord example gbinversion fmajg hybrid polychord c hybrid compound chord consisting upper chord tones exceptthe third tensions indicated root also known asincomplete chords chords without thirds inversion chord voiced chord tone rootin bassfor example fa gmajd ebg polychord compound chord consisting upper chord alower chord constant structure progression chord progression consisting ofthree chords quality pmpage te r u e n n ro u c n u cte c h n l g ystudents wish test mtec introduction musictechnology know meaning following terms andunderstand application music technology cases whereeveryday usage common tapeadadbadcadditive synthesisadsraesebuaftertouchaliasingaluamamplitudeanaloganalogdigital hybridaperiodicapple printer portsapplicationsasciiattenuationattenuatorauxiliary inputaverage levelbalanced unbalancedconnectionsnear fieldnetworksnoise reductionnonharmonicnonnormallednormallednyquistnyquist frequencyoctaveomnidirectionaloperating systemsopticaloscillatoroutputovertonesoxidepan pmpage band pass filterbandwidthbaud ratebiamplificationbinarybitbit depthbits bytesbits resolutionbpmbuffersbussbytecardioidcdromcdrom drivescentschannelchoruscircuitclangorousclippingclockclose boxcmoscoincident paircompressioncompressionrarefactioncompressorcondenser microphonecontrollercontroller numbercpucrossovercrtdadacdaisy chainparallelparallel communicationsparallel interfaceparametric eqpartialpc printer portspeak levelperiodicperipheralspermanent magnetphantom powerpickup patternspitchpitch bendpitch shiftingplotterpolar patternpolyphonicpolyphonyportpostfaderpower bandwidthpredelayprefaderprefaderpreamppreamplifiersprecedence effectpresetprinterprinthroughprogramprogram changeprotocolsproximity effectpulldown menuspzmq pmpage dashdatabasesdbdecaydecibeldecimaldesktopdiaphragmdigitaldigitizing paddiskdisk drivedisk storagedistortiondocumentsdosdoublingdvddynamic microphonedynamic rangeearly reflectionemailenvelopeepromeqequalizersexpansionfaderfar fieldfilefiltersfinderfirst reflectionflagsflangingfloppiesfloppy diskfm synthesisquantizationramratiorca jackrealtimereleaseremovable hard disksresolutionresonancereturnreverbreverberation delayribbon microphoneromrotating headspdifsample playbacksample ratesample ratesamplerssavescsisendsequencersequencingserialserial communicationsserial interfaceshelving eqsignal processingsignaltonoise ratiosinesizingslapbacksnakesolosong position pointersound design pmpage folderformantformatfrequencyfrequency responsefundamentalgaingainstaginggategigagraphic eqgraphic equalizerhalf stephard diskhard disksharmonicharmonic spectrumheadroomhertzhexadecimalhighpass filterhzimpedenceinches per secondinputinsertinternetipsjoystickkeyboard controllerkilolanlayeringledlevel tapelfolibrarianlimitersound enginesound modulesound systemsoundfilespaced pairspectrumsplsplitter transformerspreadsheetsstackstage boxstar networkring networknodesstep inputstereostoragesubtractive synthesissummingsustain pedalsynchronizationsynthesizersynthesizer voicesystem exclusivesystem foldersystem realtimetape hisstape storagetape widththresholdtimbretouch screenstouch sensitivetracktrack widthtransducertransient responsetransientstrash pmpage limitingloudnesslowpass filtermacosmacrosmagnetic fluxmagnetoopticalmalefemalemaster fadersmdmmegamemorymenumidimidi controllersmidi interfacemillivoltmini plugmixing board console deskmodemodemmonitor loudspeakermonitorcue mixmonomousemovingmultieffectsmultisamplingmultitaskingmultitimbralmutetriamplificationtrimtrs tipringsleevetweeterunbalancedunixvcadcavcodcovelocityvoicevoice coilvoltvon neumann architecturevuwaveformwavetable synthesiswebwheelwindowswindows wooferword processingwow flutterxlr pmpage" }