--- dataset_info: features: - name: image dtype: image - name: pathols sequence: uint8 - name: structs sequence: sequence: sequence: uint8 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 17021730614.839962 num_examples: 23094 - name: test num_bytes: 4255801185.160039 num_examples: 5774 download_size: 732030045 dataset_size: 21277531800 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* - split: test path: data/test-* license: apache-2.0 task_categories: - image-classification - feature-extraction --- ## Dataset Structure This dataset contains vision data for chest X-ray pathology identification. ### Data Fields - **image**: The PIL image of the chest X-ray. These images are size (224,224) by default. - **pathols**: A binary-valued (14)-shaped array that indicates whether each of the 14 pathologies is present. - **structs**: A binary-valued array of shapes (14,224,224) that gives the segmentation for each of the 14 anatomical structures. The 14 pathologies are: 0. Atelectasis 1. Cardiomegaly 2. Consolidation 3. Edema 4. Effusion 5. Emphysema 6. Fibrosis 7. Hernia 8. Infiltration 9. Mass 10. Nodule 11. Pleural Thickening 12. Pneumonia 13. Pneumothorax The 14 anatomical structures are: 0. Left Clavicle 1. Right Clavicle 2. Left Scapula 3. Right Scapula 4. Left Lung 5. Right Lung 6. Left Hilus Pulmonis 7. Right Hilus Pulmonis 8. Heart 9. Aorta 10. Facies Diaphragmatica 11. Mediastinum 12. Weasand 13. Spine ### Data Splits - **train**: 23094 samples - **test**: 5774 samples ## Usage ``` from datasets import load_dataset train_dataset = load_dataset("BrachioLab/chestx", split="train") test_dataset = load_dataset("BrachioLab/chestx", split="test") ```