Good morning , sir . Is there a bank near here ? There is one . 5 blocks away from here ? Well , that's too far.Can you change some money for me ? Surely , of course . What kind of currency have you got ? RIB . How much would you like to change ? 1000 Yuan.Here you are . Good afternoon . This is Michelle Li speaking , calling on behalf of IBA . Is Mr Meng available at all ? This is Mr Meng speaking , Michelle . Oh , hello ! Sorry about that . I'm just calling to say that we've received your new Corporate Credit Card from HQ . That was quick ! I wasn't expecting it until later this week . Yes , our application procedures have speeded up since we started using the new fast-track system . Shall I come in and collect it ? Or we can send it to you . But if you would like to use it at the ATM , you'll need to wait for your PIN number . Mmmm ... if I come in and collect it this afternoon , is there any way I could use it today ? Petty cash is getting low , so I need to draw some money . As long as you bring your ID , etc , we can serve you over the counter . But you won't be able to use the ATM until your new PIN number arrives . I see . Yes , that's fine . I'll be there at around 2:30 pm . See you later , and thanks . What qualifications should a reporter have ? As a reporter , he must have acute insight and language skills . At the same time , he must have good judgment , the respect for his job and tactical cooperation with others . Can you work under pressure ? You know , people working here are all busy everyday since we're daily newspaper . I think I've got used to work under pressure . I will adjust myself to the step of your newspaper quickly . Hi , good morning , Miss ? what can I help you with ? Good morning I'd like to mail this box of books to Taiwan . OK , please put it on this scale.Airmail or by sea ? How long does it take to reach Taiwan by sea ? Usually about two month . That's too long.How long does it take to reach Taiwan by airmail ? About ten days . Then how much is that by airmail ? Let me see.It ' s 57 dollars , 20 cents , including tax . That's a little bit expensive . Although it's expensive to send it by airmail , it's quicker and safer than by sea . I guess I have to send it by airmail . Do you want to ensure the contents , Miss ? Yes , please . Please fill out this form , also please write the value of the items in this space . OK . Excuse me , ma'am . Can you tell me where the nearest postoffice is ? Of course . Go straight ahead . Turn right at the next street . You'll see a tall , yellow building.The post office is on the first floor . Do you mean that I go that way for one block , then turn right ? Yes , you are right . Is it far ? No , It's only about five minutes ' walk . Thank you very much . It's my pleasure . Could you give me some advice on how to bring up my son properly ? He's a bright boy , isn't he ? But he always wimps out of difficulty . Don't worry , he'll make good progress step by step . I'm in 507 . I have a few problems with my room . What is that problem , sir ? There are cockroaches in my room . Are you sure , sir ? Flies I could believe , but cockroaches ? I've counted nine different cockroaches , and I accidentally stepped on another one . Sir , we run a spotless and cockroach-less hotel . You dare to doubt me ? I'm sorry , sir . Let me transfer you to my supervisor . Excuse me , sir , I'm afraid you can't park your car here . Why not ? It's my parking space . I'm afraid not , sir . Oh ? That's a surprise . Let me see ... D 0411 Our dog's birthday . Yes , I'm sure this my parking space ! But I saw a red car always parking here before . Oh , we've just repainted our car . It was red . Maybe . But the car of this space has a broken rearview mirror on the left . Yeah . It used to . We got that fixed yesterday too . Could you wait for a minute , sir ? I'd like to have a check . Sure , go ahead . Sorry , sir , my mistake . This is your parking space . That's all right . It's not your fault . What can I do for you today ? I need to buy a new refrigerator today . Were you looking at a particular refrigerator ? I like that Kenmore refrigerator . This particular refrigerator is a very good choice . Tell me about it . Not only is it affordable , but it comes with all the appliances . What are the appliances . It has an ice maker , water dispenser , and plenty of room on the inside . I'd like to see it for myself . Go right ahead . I like what I see . Oh , well . It was fun to be the winner . But ... it's too big . I must be an extra small in the States . So what about the tennis racket ? Look ! It's amazing . I can't wait to try it out ! How much did that end up costing you ? Oh ... around twenty bucks . A bargain if you ask me . Look at the picture of her playing with it ! Hey , two for one . That's a super deal . And here's her signature ! Can I help you ? I'm looking for someone who works here , but I lost his business card . His name's Long or Sang or something like that . Chang ? Yeah , that sounds right . There are about twenty people named Chang who work here . What department ? Let me think ... accounting , finance , something like that . Eric Chang in accounting ? That's him ! I'll call him and tell him you're here . I appreciate your help . Would you like to have a seat over there ? It'll just be a minute . And can I have your name ? Here's my card . OK . I'll have him come up to get you . Hello , Sir . You're here to discuss the Network Settlement Service , right ? Yes , that's right . We want as much info as possible before we agree to anything . Yes , it's important to be all clued up before you enter into any agreement . To make full use of the Network Settlement Service and take advantage of the whole banking system , we provide internal fund transfers , account inquiry , agency clearing to name but a few . So , do you think our corporation will be eligible for this ? Yes , and it's extremely simple . All you need to do is make a Network Settlement Agreement with us . Dear , time is up , let ’ s go there now . Just a minute . I ’ m putting on my clothes . Have you taken the key to the door ? Yes . Oh , dear , I can ’ t find my hairbrushes . Can you help me ? Where have you put it ? I put it in the dressing room . Are you sure ? Yes , quite sure . Then , have you looked downstairs ? Yes , I ’ Ve looked everywhere downstairs . Look , dear . It ’ s over there . Where ? On the floor . Excuse me , sir . You can't park here . I am just waiting for my friends . It won't be long . Sir , the curb here is not for parking . But I didn't see the sign , Ma ’ am . There is a sign at the corner of the street . When you turned in here , you should have seen it . I didn't see it . I am sorry , sir . I have to give you a ticket . You can appeal to the court within 14 days . You will avoid paying the fine if you can prove that you are not at fault . Are you a goal-oriented person ? Yes , I am . I always make a plan before I do anything . Where do you want to be in 5 years ? I don't want to have a specific title . I just want to enjoy what I am doing . That sounds very reasonable . It's the most important thing to me . If you are hired , how long do you plan to stay with us ? That obviously depends on how things go - - whether I'm suited to the firm and the firm to me . Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you do to achieve them . I want to put my knowledge and experience to use in a challenging position . In order to achieve this goal , I just want to work step by step . What is your long-range objective ? I haven't thought it over at all . What do you think is the most important thing when looking for a job ? I think the most important thing is the interest in the job . I'd like to open a current account . Certainly . May I see your social security and your ID , please . Here you are . I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account . Oh , current accounts don't pay out interest . Why is that ? It's primarily designed for business transactions . That is , writing checks to pay for bills , buying things and sending money . We won't expect a large amount of deposit in a current account . I see . How do I draw money for my own use then ? Good morning , Helen . Good morning , Steven . So , what's the status of our advertising campaign ? It'll be a national campaign starting next week . What style will the ads be ? I suggest that we focus on slice of life , showing how you can beat the summer heat by biting into a cool ice-cream sandwich . Sounds like a good idea . Will we have a new slogan ? Definitely . I'd like to taste some local dishes . What would you recommend ? That's fine . You must try this dish . Could you tell me how this thing is cooked ? It's fish steamed and served with our special sauce . Is it good ? Sure . It's a most popular dish . I think I'll try it , and give me some green salad together . We have two dressings for salad . Which one would you like ? What kind do you have ? We have French and Thousand Island . Make it Thousand Island . Taxi ! Where will you go , sir ? Friendship Hotel . OK , it's not far from here . I have something important to do , can you fast the speed ? Sure , I'll try my best . Here we are . How much should I pay you ? The reading on the meter is 15 yuan . Here's 20 yuan , keep the change . Thank you very much . Mr . Johnson ’ s office . Cindy speaking . Hi , Cindy . It ’ s Michael Kurt . Is Mr . Johnson in ? No , I ’ m sorry , Mr . Kurt . He ’ s stepped out for a bit . Would you like me to have him call you ? Yeah , that ’ ll be great . I ’ m on extension 4283 . Hi , Mark . Hi , Bill . I ’ d like to take the apartment I looked at yesterday . All right . So , what do we do now ? This is the lease . You should read the lease very carefully before you sign it because it describes your legal rights and responsibilities as a tenant . The lease also describes our rights and responsibilities as landlords . Okay . ( Reads the lease ) So , according to the lease , I ’ ll deposit one month ’ s rent as a security deposit , and I have to pay the first month ’ s rent in advance . I understand that I ’ ll get the security deposit back when I move out if the apartment does not need any costly repairs . Yes . If you do not damage the apartment , you will get your security deposit back when you move out . Can I pay you by check ? Sure . A check will be fine . Is there a laundry room in the basement ? Yes . Can I sign the lease right now ? Good morning ! What can I do for you ? I'm thinking of travelling to Suzhou in July . Could you recommend some tourist programs for that ? With pleasure . We arrange two kinds of tourist programs for Suzhou , a six-day tour by train and a five-day flying journey . How much does a six-day tour by train cost ? Five hundred yuan . Does that include hotels and meals ? Oh , yes , and admission tickets for places of interest as well . That sounds reasonable . What about the five-day flying journey ? How much is that ? Eight hundred and fifty yuan . Covering all expenses ? Yes . But there is no half fare for children . They must pay full fare . I can't believe you wear jeans to the office ! Are you trying to lose your job ? Of course not . I'm just observing casual day . On Fridays , the company doesn't require us to wear formal business attire . Wow ! Nobody told me about that . Won't the relaxed dress code damage the company image ? We don't think so . Casual days are becoming more common , and we believe employees can maintain a professional image without wearing uncomfortable clothes . I guess it lets people express their individual tastes . But won't some people abuse it ? Not really . Besides , there is a separate dress code for casual day . People can't just wear whatever they want . It seems that a relaxed atmosphere could hinder productivity . Believe it or not , it has the opposite effect . Employees are actually more productive on casual days . ABC Company , my name is Lucy . How can I help you ? Hello , Lucy , this is Monica . I ’ m calling for the accountant position . I saw the information about the vacancy on your company ’ s website . Is it still available ? Thank you for your interest . The position is still available . Have you already sent your CV to us ? No , not yet . First , I want to check about the availability and see if you could give more information . It is urgent for us to fill this position now and I would like to stress that English is a must because of the international contacts and most likely traveling abroad very soon . If all these is not problem for you , I recommend you to mention these in your cover letter and send it to me directly . The notification period of my current job is not that long and I ’ m quite profession to English and I am happy with the traveling abroad as I ’ m good dealing with the people from other cultures . It makes the whole job even more interesting . I will send my resume to you still this week . Can I help you ? Yes , do you have any rooms available ? A single ? No . I need a double and three triples . My family is waiting for me in the car . Please fill out this form , sir . Ok ... Here you are . Here are your keys . Check out time is noon . Is breakfast included ? No . Why didn't you go to school yesterday ? I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well . What was your problem ? My stomach was bothering me . Are you feeling any better ? I'm still feeling a little sick . I'm going to the store , would you like any Pesto Pistol ? I'd appreciate that . Excuse me , but please empty your pockets of all the metal things and put them in this tray . Including my keys ? Yes , and please step over there . All right . What shall I do now ? Just open your bags so we can check them . After that you can pick them up right behind that X-ray machine . I've got film in my bag . That's all right . This machine will not damage the film . That's fine . Can I have your boarding pass ? We need to stamp it . Sure . Here you are . Thank you . Am I through now ? Yes . Here is your boarding pass . Thank you and goodbye . Welcome to Flash Foot , sir.How can I help you ? I ’ d like extra prints made of these photos . Do you have your negatives ? Yes.Here they are . I ’ Ve marked how many prints I want on each shot . What size do you want the prints ? Four by six , except this one . I want a ten by thirteen print of this one . Okay , they ’ ll be ready for you in an hour . Is there anything I can do for you ? I'm interested in taking a tour to Sydney . Well , we have a package tour there . How much does it cost ? $ 600 . Does that include the insurance ? Of course . Hello , Mr . Wang . I am glad to meet you here at the fair . Like wise . Take a seat , please . How about a cup of tea ? Sure . Thank you . It seems your business is prosperous . There are many customers here . Yes , it's not too bad . Our sales are going up year after year . And we still have a large potential production capacity . Well , what do you think of choosing a commission representative or agent abroad to promote your sales ? That's a good idea . So far , we have several agents abroad . We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-held tools . What do you think ? That sounds good . Then , what's your usual commission rate for your agents ? Usually , we give a commission of 4 % to our agents . 4 % is too low , I think . You see , we have a lot of work to do in sales promotion , such as advertising on radio or TV , printing booklets , leaflets , catalogues and so on . It all costs money , 4 % is not enough . Don't worry . We'll allow you a higher commission rate if your sales score a substantial increase . You mean to saya It sounds OK . Then how do you pay the commission ? We may deduct the commission from the invoice value directly or remit it to you after payment . All right . If it's okay , we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately . Think it over . We hope to keep a good business relationship with you . Thank you for your help . I'm glad these batteries are on sale . I'm sorry . These batteries are not on sale . But that's what the ad said . I'm sorry . If you look at the ad again , you'll see that the other brand is on sale . Oh . You're right . I misread the ad . Yes , many people make that mistake . Well , you can't blame them . It's a confusing ad . You're right . Many ads are like that . Well , as long as I'm here . Just one second , and I'll give you the batteries that are on sale . Hi , Jack , we are having a party tonight , wanna coming enjoy us ? You can bring your girlfriend , Tina . I don't have a girlfriend . I'm single . Oh , that's right . Well , there are going to be many beautiful girls at the party tonight , anyway . No , I like being single . I never thought lonely , I'm focus on my career . Maybe I'll start to look for my girl when I achieve success . Why is that ? Because I'm living a real world , a man enriched have a good career and make a lot of money . Franklin speaking the girls I've met wounldn't married a man wounldn't make enough money . I agree , a man needs good career.But that doesn't mean he should have a little fun , too . So , Casey , how are things going with the photos for the press kit ? Yeah , I ’ Ve been meaning to talk to you about that . I might need to ask for an extension on that deadline . You ’ Ve had over a month to get this finalized ! Why are things delayed ? Well , the thing is , we ran into a lot of problems . . . I ’ m not looking for excuses here . I just want to get this finished on time ! I know , and I apologize for the delay . But some things were just beyond my control . I had trouble booking the photographer , and then Michael was sick for three weeks , so I couldn ’ t include him in the photos , and the design team lost all the files , so I had to re-do the pictures . I ’ m not going to put this off any longer , Casey ! I want those photos ASAP ! Yes , sir ? Can I have Mr . J . Smith paged ? He said he'd be in the main dining room . I'm Mr . J . B . White . Who would you like to have paged again , sir ? Mr . J . Smith . Where would you like him to come ? To the front desk . Just a moment , please . Can you help me find a lotion for a problem I am having ? That ’ s what I am here for . What questions can I answer for you ? I have poison oak , and I need help with the rash that won ’ t stop itching . The best product is Techne , and you can buy either the lotion or cream . Which one is best ? The cream form is very popular . Can I do anything else to help with the itching ? You could also take an antihistamine to help the rash go away quicker . I appreciate you helping me find a solution to the itching . Anytime you have a question , please feel free to ask . Excuse me . Something is wrong with my bank card . Can you help me ? Yes . What's the problem ? Just a mistake with my name . It should be issued as Steven , but the card is under the name ' Steven ' . Oh , I am very sorry about that . It's our fault . I will arrange someone to correct it immediately . OK , no problem . To err is human . Anyway , we apologize for the inconvenience we have brought you . Please just wait for a moment , and it will be fixed . Thank you very much . We are doing Secret Santa at the office again this year . Whose name did you pick ? I got Jacob . Any ideas what to get him ? Booze ! Yeah , you ’ re right . Can ’ t go wrong with that . Is everything to your satisfaction ? No , the steak was recommended , but it is not very fresh . Oh , sorry to hear that . This is quite unusual . I will look into the matter . This is very annoying . I'm sorry , sir . Do you wish to try something else ? That would be on the house , of course . No , I don't risk it . How about a delicious dessert then , with our compliment ? I'm not keen on dessert as a habit . They are fattening . I see , sir . I'm sure everything will be right next time you come . Excuse me , are you Jane ? No , I'm Mary . Oh , are you in Class Four ? No , I'm in Class There . Excuse me , but I'm not feeling too well . I think I'm going to throw up . There's an airsickness bag behind the seat that's in front of you . I must've missed it . Is this your first time flying ? Yes . I'm going to San Francisco . Oh , it's a beautiful city . I think you'll like it . Hey , I'm feeling much better already . Sometimes if you don't think about it , that sick feeling will go away on its own . Thanks . By the way , my name is Mary . I'm Frank . Nice to meet you . Welcome to Al's Bakery . What can I get you ? Hi ! Let me get a dozen croissants , four blueberry muffins and a loaf of sourdough bread . Sure . Would you like to have the loaf sliced ? No , that's OK . Do you have any whole wheat bread ? We are out at the moment . May I suggest some rye bread ? Sure that sounds good . Do you have any cakes ? We have various birthday cakes and also ice cream cakes . I'll just take a cheesecake . Will that be all ? Yes . Your total is forty three dollars and twenty cents . Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , we are happy you have all come out for our training workshop . Today we have a great line-up of speakers to talk to you . First on our program is a well-renown expert in the field of international economic development , Harvard's own Dr . James Smith . Dr . Smith has been involved in economic research for over twenty years , and has taught at Harvard since 1995 . And now , without further adieu , we'd like to welcome Mr . James Smith . Thank you , Mr . Jackson , ladies and gentlemen , colleagues , friends . The subject of my talk is international relations in a morgen world . I plan to say a few words about the current situation in the Middle East and how it affects world economy . I'd like to give you an overview of the way that the economies of seemingly unrelated countries are intertwined . I've divided my talk into three parts , first an overview of international relations , second a discussion of current political situations , and lastly trends for the future . My presentation will take about two hours , but there will be a twenty-minute break in the middle . We'll stop for lunch at 12 . You're looking rather pale , why ? I couldn't sleep well recently . You'd get plenty of sleep for you work so hard . I always drink too much wine in the evening . You shan't drink more wine in the evening . Yes , you are right . And you'd take some exercise every day . Many thanks for your advice . Hello Mrs Parker , how have you been ? Hello Dr Peters . Just fine thank you . Ricky and I are here for his vaccines . Very well . Let's see , according to his vaccination record , Ricky has received his Polio , Tetanus and Hepatitis B shots . He is 14 months old , so he is due for Hepatitis A , Chickenpox and Measles shots . What about Rubella and Mumps ? Well , I can only give him these for now , and after a couple of weeks I can administer the rest . OK , great . Doctor , I think I also may need a Tetanus booster . Last time I got it was maybe fifteen years ago ! We will check our records and I'll have the nurse administer and the booster as well . Now , please hold Ricky's arm tight , this may sting a little . I ’ m interested in teaching at your school . Great . Are you a qualified teacher ? Yes . What kind of teaching certificate do you have ? I have a TEFL certificate . How many years of experience do you have ? I have three years of teaching ESL and four years of teaching per-school children . When did you get your TEFL certificate ? I got my TEFL certificate three years ago . Why do you want to teach at our school ? Well , I ’ Ve heard many good things about it . I also like teaching young children . That ’ s great . Can you speak Chinese ? Yes , just a little . Can you come in for an interview tomorrow at 10:00 ? I sure can . Great . See you then . Why is the car before us stopping ? What's going on ? Look . Two cars are standing right in the middle of the road and the drivers are shouting rude words to each other . That's why that car stops . More and more people easily get irritated while driving . Yes . This is what is called road rage . This is today ’ s schedule . At 8 thirty AM , conference with the department managers . At 9 o ’ clock , live for the workshop where you ’ ll award prizes to the staff for preventatives . That ’ s great . What are the prizes ? 3000 RIB as bonus for each person . To encourage the staff increases . Ok . Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at 10 AM . At 12 AM , back here for lunch . What about the afternoon ? At 2 PM , give a presentation here with the press . At four o ’ clock sharp , have dinner with Mr . Smith , manager of NCC . This is Lincoln Bank , Consumer Credit Department . How can I help you ? Ah , hello . I'm calling to find out how I apply for a car loan . We offer a Personal Automobile Consumer Loan . The application process is pretty straight forward . I trust you have enough funds to cover the 20 % down payment ? Yes , I do . It's ready and waiting in my account . The next step is for us to recommend a dealer to you , who are already contracted to us , so ... Could I just stop you there ? Sorry to interrupt , but I have already been to your appointed dealer and selected the car I want . That will certainly cut down the processing time . We can move on to the next step . Do you have the purchase price ? Yes , it's 110,000 RIB . So , with the down payment done , I will need to borrow 70,000 RIB . What we need you to do next is to come into the branch with a correctly filled in application form , ID card , proof of residency , proof of income , the agreement from the agent and of course the 20 % down payment . Yes , I have everything here . OK , I'll come in and see you later today . Maybe I could have my new car as early as next week ! How exciting ! Hi , my name is Tom . Tom , the new sales representative ? Nice to meet you ! I'm Melinda . Nice to meet you too.Melinda . Now let me show you around . This is our reception area , and our conference room is right over there . Over here is the sales department . Really ? This is a nice office , but it's quite small . Yeah ... You can make photocopies and send faxes over there . It looks like you guys work hard . I tell you what just between you and me , we just mess things up so that it looks like we work hard.Just kidding . Oh , your cubicle is over the . And this way . Those are all private offices the managers offices . Hmm ... Tell me more details about our jobs . Sure thing . What do you think of our price ? Your price has gone up sharply , hasn't it ? Yes . We regret we cannot maintain our original price . Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised , we have to adjust the price of our products accordingly . I agree with you there , but your price is unreasonable . I don't think so . You must compare our price with that of other export houses . I'm sure our offer is in line with the prevailing market price level . I don't think we'll be able to pay the price . To have this business concluded , you need to lower your price at least by 3 % . I ’ m afraid that there is no room for any reduction in price . Don't you agree with me that in the long run , moderate prices will bring about large sales and more profit ? We've already cut down our price to cost level . Is that all ? Yes , this is the best we can do . I'm sorry we can't handle the price you offered . So , Jimmy , how does it feel to have your own money ? It ’ s great , dad . I don ’ t mind delivering papers , but the real fun is collecting the money . Even though you are only twelve , it ’ s not too early to start saving a little money . I ’ Ve never had a bank account before . Why don ’ t I just keep my money under the matters like grandpa does ? You know you would spend it . And also , money in the bank earns interest . But what if I need my money suddenly ? The bank will give you a PIN , and you can withdraw money from any ATM . Great ! So it ’ s almost the same as keeping it under the matters ! Not quite . You have to maintain a minimum balance of twenty dollars . And sometimes the bank has service charges . But you don ’ t have to worry about that yet . Let ’ s go make your first depot OK . Guess I have to do that before . I can make money my first withdrawal . Is this where I can catch a bus to the theater ? Yes , but you can't get there with out a change . Which bus do I have to change ? You have to get off at the hospital and change for bus 15 . I see . Thank you . Here we are , Joan . This is the Palace museum , also known as the Forbidden city . Oh , how splendid ! Can you take a picture of me here ? Sure . Excuse me . I'm afraid I got lost . Where am I on this map ? We are here , bus station , we are in the heart of the city . Oh ! Can I go from here to the Zhongshan Park ? Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn right . Tony , could you tell me if there are any special rules about the job ? Working hours are from 8: 30 a . m . to 5:00 p . m . Be sure not to be late or absent . Report to the manager by filling in the ' Monthly Report ' every month . Is there anything else ? How about my salary ? Our company has a strict and reasonable salary standard . On the 20th day of every month , you can get your salary on time . Benefits depend upon the length of service and the employee's past attendance record . Wow , thank you for telling me these . Do you mind telling me something else , like attendance record , holiday , and how to ask for leave ? All new members are likely to ask the same questions . Haha . I can understand that . Every month you have three days off , besides the weekends and some important holidays . After you've been here for a year , you qualify for a one-week vacation . The leave less than a half-day should predict for an hour , and more than a half-day should predict three days . Okay , that's good . I get it . Kate , you never believe what's happened . What do you mean ? Masha and Hero are getting divorced . You are kidding . What happened ? Well , I don't really know , but I heard that they are having a separation for 2 months , and filed for divorce . That's really surprising . I always thought they are well matched . What about the kids ? Who get custody ? Masha , it seems quiet and makable , no quarrelling about who get the house and stock and then contesting the divorce with other details worked out . That's the change from all the back stepping we usually hear about . Well , I still can't believe it , Masha and Hero , the perfect couple . When would they divorce be final ? Early in the New Year I guess . Overseas operator . I would like to make a collect call to Taipei , Taiwan , please . Your name , please . Tim Chen . What's the number , please . The area code is 2 , and the number is 2367-9960 . The line is connected . Please go ahead . Hello . Excuse me . Yes . Can I help you ? Do you remember me ? I just had lunch here a half hour ago . Of course I remember you . I think I lost my wallet here . Oh , no . Really ? I didn't see anything . Really ? You didn't find a wallet ? No , I didn't . Would you like to go look by the table with me ? Yes , I would . It's not here . And it's not on the floor.Has anyone sat at this table since we left ? No . It's been empty the whole time . Hmm . I don't know how it could have happened . I remember , sir , that your friend took the bill.You didn't pay for the lunch yourself , did you ? No . My friend did . Then are you sure you took your wallet out of your pocket while you were here ? No , I'm not sure . But I usually take out my wallet when I sit down.It ' s uncomfortable to sit on it . So I usually put it next to me on the table . Maybe you lost it before you came here . Or maybe you left it at home . I don't think it's at home . I think I had it when I left the house.But what should I do ? Well , the first thing you should do is make sure it's not at home.Then , if it isn't , you need to call your credit card companies and cancel your cards . Next , you need to replace whatever you lost , your driver's license , things like that . Should I call the police ? You can if you want . But the police usually don't do anything about lost wallets . Hmm . I'll go home and check . Maybe you're right . Maybe it's at home . I'm sorry we couldn't find it , sir . Thanks for your help . Good morning , young lady . You can call me Ma . Do you see anything you like ? Yes . Many things ! I especially love this beautiful quilt . That quilt was passed down to me from my ma in Holland . It sounds like a special quilt . Why do you want to sell it ? Well , this home is too big for me now , so I'm moving to an apartment that is much smaller . Therefore , I need to part with a few things . Oh , I see . Umm , how much do you want for the quilt ? Is fifteen dollars OK ? Have you got change for a thousand ? Let me see . May I come in , Mr Sun ? I ’ d rather you didn ’ t , Miss Yang . I ’ m very busy now . Can I try later then ? Yes , of course . Is it all right for me to come in now , Mr Sun ? Well , uh ... I ’ m still pretty busy , but ... all right . Come in . What can I do for you ? Do you mind if I sit down ? Not at all . Take a seat . Now what can I do for you ? I want to leave the department . Do you think I could put info a transfer ? Yes . But why should you want to do that ? Do you mind if I speak frankly ? Not at all . Go ahead . Well . You see , I don ’ t like the office . I don ’ t like the staff . And I ’ m afraid of you . And I don ’ t want to go one . So may I put info a transfer ? Yes . I ’ d be delighted if you did . Where is that ? Take me to the airport , please . Are you in a hurry ? I have to be there before 17 o'clock . We'll make it except a jam . You know it's rush hour . There's an extra ten in it for you if you can get me there on time . I'll do my best . Here's twenty dollars . Do you have small bills ? No . If you can't break it , keep the change . But can you give me a receipt ? Here is your receipt . Thank you . Recently I have been getting headache and my eyes don't seems to see focus properly . When did you last time have your eyes checked ? Two years ago . At that time I had no problems.Now I can ’ t even make out something ten meters away . Come over here . I will test your eyes . First cover your left eye like this , and when I point , please read the chart from the top , and go as far as you can , telling me which way the “ E ” points . All right . Good.Now the other eye . Well , this one is worse . Never mind , just read as far as you can . I can only read the first three lines . Is there a car park near the supermarket ? Yes , there is an underground car park near the supermarket . I see . Thanks . Oh , come on , Ultraman ! What's up , Bro ? What's in the bulletin ? It says that there will be a blackout from 5 p . m . to 7 p . m . in our neighborhood today . Blackout ? Even the TV has the limit . Don't you know you will look like a monster in the blackout ? Oops , no , Daddy can't watch American Idol , either ! That's not the point . Come on , can you imagine that there will be no electricity on such a hot day ? Oh , my god ! No air-conditioner ! OK , since you are the smart one , can you come up with a better plan ? So that we won't be baked like cookies here . How about playing Barbie out there in the neighborhood ? Barbie ? You know , I might be seven , but I'm not a girl . Do you have a better plan ? All right , all right . Yes , ma'am , how could I help you ? I am wondering if you do facial care ? Yes , we do . How much would it be ? From 200 to 800 . I'm afraid 800 is too expensive for me . Could you recommend something around 300 ? No problem . Can I help you , Miss ? I would like to order 2 office-style cabinets and desk calendars . We want office-style cabinets in white . The catalogue number is 90 - f - 2356 . How soon do you want it ? Could you deliver it tomorrow ? No problem . Please handle the items carefully . Certainly . We will pay by collect on delivery . I hate to do this to you , Alice , but I ’ m going to have to ask you to put in some more overtime . Does it have to be this afternoon , Mr . Fairbanks ? I ’ Ve already made plans . Well , I would have preferred to do it today , but if you ’ Ve already made plans , we can do it tomorrow . I ’ d appreciate that , sir . How long do you think you ’ ll need me to stay ? What ’ s your attitude when do wrong things at work ? The buck stops here . Hello ! Is your company advertising for administrative assistant on the newspapers ? Well , Administrative assistant with shorthand and typing skills are badly needed here . First I want to check about the availability and see if you could give me more information . The position calls for a person with some working experience . We must be able to benefit from your analytical and interpersonal skills . Can you deliver your resume to us first ? Of course . I will deliver my resume to you in minutes ' time . I hope you will consider my application and I shall appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience . OK . I will call you soon . Bye now . Bye . Just as the saying goes , every potter praises his own pot . You should pay special attention to selling yourself properly in the interview . It is especially important for the graduates who step into the job market for the first time . You'd better prepare what you are going to say in advance , in order to have a good performance in the interview . The contents should be mainly descriptions of your background . And the length depends on the particular situation . Only when you are aware of what the interviewer will be interested in , can you make a targeted preparation . To sell yourself successfully , you should leave the interviewer a deep impression . Selling yourself should go straight to the point , and the statement should be clear and brief . It should also be truthful and realistic . Do not blindly blow your own horn . You should particularly state your strong points which are closely related to the position you are applying for . While you should not omit your weak points , they need to be described appropriately Time permitted , you could add certain examples to your description . Besides , in the interview , it is best that you make corresponding adjustments to apply your prepared contents flexibly . Hello ? Hi , Deborah ! This is John . I'm calling from Australia . What are you doing in Australia ? I'm attending a conference in Sydney this week . Remember ? Oh , right . What time is it there ? It's 10:00 P . M . And it's four o'clock in Los Angeles , right ? Yes - four o'clock in the morning . 4:00 A . M . ? I'm really sorry . That's OK . I'm awake now . John hasn't turned up and Stefan is ill . Do we have anyone on stand-by ? I'm afraid not , we're very short-staffed at the moment . Can you ask the shift supervisor to ask one of his team to do some overtime ? Perhaps Tommy can stand in for an hour or two until we find a replacement . Jack , let ’ s go ! Oh , you are out of breath ! What happened ? Some people are wildly shooting on the next street . We must leave here as soon as possible ! Take it easy . They will get caught . Hello . May I speak to Jerry , please ? Sorry , but he is out for lunch right now . I see . Can you give me some idea how long he'll be back ? I think he will be back around 2:00 . If you like , please leave your name and phone number , I'll have him call you as soon as he comes back . That's nice . My name is Steven , my phone number is 6789777 . Okay , I'll be waiting for his call . Thank you and bye ! My pleasure , bye ! Excuse me , Miss . What can I do for you ? I've just heard an announcement that my flight has been delayed . What's your flight number ? Flight CA216 to Chengdu . Yes , it's true . It has been delayed . Could you please tell me why ? Yes , of course . The delay is due to heavy rain . How long will the delay be ? Do you have any further information about it ? I am sorry , we don't know the extent of the delay at present . But according to the latest weather forecast , there will be a change in weather soon . We have to wait . Well , is it possible for the rain to stop before noon ? It's hard to say . Weather is so changeable in the summer . Please listen to the latest announcement about your flight . Yes , I will . Thanks a lot . Bye ! Bye What are we going to do ? I can't get the car out of this ditch . I'm stuck ! I'm worried , Tom . I haven't seen any other cars for almost an hour . I know . This is terrible . What can we do ? This snow doesn't stop falling ! I told you we should have stayed in town today.The weather report said 100 percent chance of snow.Why did you want to come up here ? I wanted to show you the cabin . We only had another half-hour to go . Well , now we're stuck . What can we do ? I don't know . I've heard that when this happens , it's important to save energy . What do you mean ? We're stranded here , Tom . We may be here a long time.We need to conserve the gas in the car . The car's energy is what will keep us warm . I have plenty of gas . Yes , but the gas and the battery both have to stay working.We can't just let the car run and run.If we do , it will die soon . Then we'll freeze . So what can we do ? Turn the lights off.Then , run the car and the heater only about fifteen minutes every hour.That will conserve the heat as long as possible . Alright . That's a good idea . I wish we hadn't come up here . Now we'll probably be here for days . Days ? Yes , it happens.That is what happens in big snowstorms . People get stranded for days . Oh , my God ! It's good we have food . Probably we'll survive.But turn the car off for about forty-five minutes . Then we'll turn it on again . Hey , buddy , can ’ t you see there ’ s a line ? Oh , sorry . I didn ’ t know . What ? You haven ’ t taken the bus before ? No , I ’ m afraid not . Well , you have to wait in line like everyone else . Besides , you should let old people on first . Sorry . It ’ s all right . Where are you going ? I wanted to see the White House . Oh , well you don ’ t want this bus , anyway . It goes to Georgetown . Oh , no . It ’ s all right , though . Just get off at the next stop and catch the 79A . Oh , well thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . Can I help you ? I'd like the double cheese burger meal , please . What kind of drink would you like with that ? Just coke will be fine . Would you like a super size meal ? Only 2 RIB more , you'll get large coke and fries instead of medium . And today we are offering free toys all the meal boxes . That sounds good , thanks , I'd like that . Actually I'd like sprite instead of coke , thanks . That's not a problem , Miss . Will that be it ? Yes , that's all . That will be 25RMB , please You got it . Do you have any night tours ? Yes , we will depart in 10 minutes . Is that a guided tour ? Yes , it is . That's fine . Let's get on the bus . I am sure we will make it up as soon as possible . That's nice . We hope this matter will not affect our good relations in our future dealings . Of course not . We have cooperated for a long time . I would like to purchase some meat . What kind of meat would you like to get today ? First off , I'm going to need a pound of ground beef . A pound of ground beef is $ 2.48 . That's perfect . What else will you be needing ? I'm also going to need three pounds of chicken breasts . The chicken breasts cost $ 4.05 per pound . What's the total price for the chicken ? It's going to be $ 12.15 . Okay , I think that will be all for me today . I think you know already that I want to discuss the represent - ton for your alarm clocks . Yes , Mr . Bergeron . You mentioned that in your letter . To tell you the truth , your proposal surprised us . Is that so ? Anyhow I want to go over the details with you in person , so you can give my suggestion thorough consideration . Our firm specializes in this line of business . We have six sales representatives , who are on the road all the time , covering the whole of the European market . Do you sell direct to shops ? Yes , we specialize in handling clocks and watches of all sorts . We have well established channels of distribution and we canvass the retailers direct , without any middlemen . Do you keep a stock of these things ? In some cases , such as the wristwatches , which always have a steady market , we keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents . Generally , however , we pass on the orders of our clients to the manufacturers for supply . We are paid for our service , of course . That is , your commission . Yes , our commission is very reasonable . We usually get a 10 % commission of the amount on every deal . Our agents in other areas usually get a 3-5 % commission . The European market is not familiar with your products . You have competitors from Japan and other continental countries . At the beginning of our campaign , there is sales resistance to overcome , we must send out salesmen to do a lot of traveling and spend a considerable amount of money on advertising in news - papers and TV programs . A 10 % commission will not leave us much . According to your estimate , what is the maximum annual turn - over you can fulfill , in round figures , of course ? We will always do our utmost to enlarge the business , as our remuneration increases with the turnover , but we will not guar - ante anything , at least not to begin with . We appreciate very much your intention to push the sale of our products . But our suggestion to you , Mr . Bergeron , as a preliminary step , is to do a little research into the market ... Do you mean to say you refuse us the agency ? Mr . Bergeron , you leave us no alternative . We can not give you an exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover . Besides our price is worked out according to the costing . A 10 % commission means an increase in our price . We must have the reaction of the buyers in this respect . Oh , that's just too bad . I intended to make great efforts in selling your products . Well , we can still carry on our business relationship without the agreement . To start the ball rolling , we will provide you with price lists , catalogues and some samples . Only when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products , can we then discuss further details . Ah , Mrs . Miller , but in this case am I covered ? Oh , yes . We will give you a 5 % commission on every transaction . All right , but I'll be back again for the Autumn Fair . And then I hope we can see eye to eye about our commission and the terms of the agency . Very good . We will discuss the matter again at the next Fair . Excuse me , I ’ m sorry to trouble you . My name is Susan Ransom , and I have placed several orders with you company . Yes , Mr . Ransom ? This is Karl Miller . How may I help you ? Well , I wonder if you could track an order I placed with you last month . It hasn ’ t arrived yet . Certainly , Ms . Ransom . Do you have an order number ? Have you worked out the offers . Mr . Thou ? Yes , we have . Here's our CIF quotation sheet . Please have a careful look . Are the prices on the list firm offers ? Yes . All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation . I wonder whether there are any changes in your prices . All these products are our best-selling lines . The prices of our products will change according to that of the international market demand . And we are always open to negotiate , especially on larger orders . What do you have in mind ? How long does your offer remain valid ? I need some time to get my supervisors on board with this plan . I understand . Our offer remains open for 4 days . Hello sir , may I help you ? Yeah , I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet . I see . Well , you have come to the right place . We have over one hundred models of more than twenty leading mobile phone manufacturers . Sounds good . I don ’ t want it to be too expensive , maybe something mid-range . We have this new ETC smart phone.It comes with the Android OS so you can download applications . It also has a built-in camera , mp3 player and touch screen . It works on the 3G network so you have fast access to the internet wherever you are . What about Wi-fi ? Of course ! You can access the internet from any hotspot as well as from home . One last thing . Is it waterproof ? We have been over this a hundred times ! We are not getting a pet ! Why not ? Come on ! Just a cute little puppy or a kitty ! Who is going to look after a dog or a cat ? I will ! I ’ ll feed it , bathe it and walk it every day ! We can get a Labrador or a German Shepard ! What if we want to take a vacation ? Who will we leave it with ? Plus , our apartment is too small for that breed of dog . Ok . How about we get a cat or a ferret ? We ’ re planning on having children soon , I don ’ t think those animals are a good idea with a baby in the house . Fine ! Let ’ s get a bird then ! We can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk ! A parrot would be awesome ! I ’ ll tell you what , I can get you some hamsters and we ’ ll take it from there . Yay ! Good evening , Mr . Lee and thank you for choosing our airline . We have just discovered that this flight is overbooked . Would you like to volunteer to give up your seat ? Overbooked ? Give up my seat ? I don ’ t understand . From time to time we have a situation in which there are more passengers than there are seats on the aircraft . That ’ s overbooked . I know what overbooked is , I just don ’ t understand how that could happen ? Actually it ’ s a common practice to overbook , as passengers often don ’ t take their flight as scheduled . Most of the time there is no problem but today , more passengers arrived than we have seats , So who has to stay behind ? Well , first we ask for volunteers . If someone like yourself volunteers , they receive a free round trip ticket to be used within one year . If no one volunteers we just have to select someone . Ok . I ’ ll volunteer . I could use a free ticket ! I want to rent this apartment . I ’ m glad to hear that . How much are you asking ? You will have to pay $ 1050 every month . I can ’ t afford that . What can you afford ? I was thinking $ 800 a month . I ’ ll need you to pay more than that . How much more ? How does $ 900 every month sound to you ? I can live with that . We have a deal then . Good morning , Miss Monica . Nice to meet you again ! Good morning , Mr . Thomas , it is nice to see you too . After the internal discussion , we have all agreed that you are the most suitable person for this position among all the candidates . So , today let ’ s talk about your expected salary and social benefits . What is your expected salary ? I ’ Ve worked in the field for more than 4 years . Depend on my work qualifications and experience , I would like to have 5000 Yuan to start . The basic salary for your position in our company would be 4800 Yuan to start with increases giving according to your performance . It is a bit lower than I expected . But I can accept that . What are the working hours ? 40 hours a week , Monday to Friday , 9 AM to 5 PM with one hour lunch break every day .. Do I have to work on weekend ? If so , how do you pay for the overtime ? We do expect overtime work when it is necessary , but we pay twice of the work hour for working on weekends and three times for working on national holidays like Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Day . Is there probation ? No probation is involved . If you feel good , you can start next week . Welcome to the McDonald's . What will it be for you , madam ? One Big Mac and French Fries . Is there anything else ? Give me one coke , please . Is this to go or to eat here ? To go , please . That comes to four dollars and ten cents . And can I have some ketchup , please ? It's on the service counter over there . Please go to help yourself . What's the name of this street ? University Street . Do you know of any banks near here ? You'll see one at the corner on your right . Hey there , you look a little lost . Are you new here ? Yeah how ’ d you know ? You can always spot the newbies . I can give you a few pointers if you want . Were you trying to use this machine here ? Yeah ! I just started my training today and I ’ m not really sure where to begin . It ’ s ok , I know how it is . This machine here will work out your upper body , mainly your triceps and biceps . Are you looking to develop strength or muscle tone and definition ? Well , I don ’ t want to be ripped like you ! I just want a good physique with weights and Carpio . In that case you want to work with less weight . You can start off by working ten to fifteen reps in four sets . Five kilo weights should be enough . Now it ’ s very important that you stretch before pumping iron or you might pull a muscle . Got it ! Wow is that the weight you are lifting ? My goodness that ’ s a lot of weight ! It ’ s not that much . Just watch ... I ’ m ok ... Excuse me.Could you tell me how to return to the Hilton Hotel ? I am afraid I lost my way . Do you have a hotel card or something ? Let's see.Yes , I have the address and telephone number here . Oh , you're staying at the downtown Hilton.Then , you go down two blocks this way and turn left.You ' ll find it on the right . Well , I don't understand it very well.Will you draw me a map ? Excuse me , but could you tell me the way to the railway station ? The railway station ? Just go down this street and turn left at the second corner . The station is at the end of that street . How long will it take me to get there ? It's about a ten-minute walk . That's very clear . I think I can find my way now . Thank you . Not at all . How does the political system work in your country ? We have hundreds of constituencies and the voters in each one elect a member of parliament . Most people call them mp ’ s . Each mp belongs to a political party , right ? Almost all of them do . A few are independent . That means that they do not belong to a party . If one party more than half of the mp ’ s . they form a government . That means that they choose a prime Finist What ’ s a cabinet ? This is a small group of people-perhaps 25 mp ’ s who are usually ministers . They make all the big decision and discuss laws and policy . Can any mp make a law ? Any mp can present a law to parliament . The proposed law is debated and voted on . If it is accepted , it becomes law . I suppose a proposed a law needs the support of the big political parties . Yes , it does , because they have most of the mp ’ s . most mp ’ s vote the way their party wants them to . How do people choose which party or candidate to vote for ? They produce manifesto . These documents which states their policies . Some people just vote for the same party every time there is an election . Voters who often change the party they vote for are Calle How was your interview ? Pretty good . The HR manager asked me the usual questions . Then he wondered why I had decided to leave my previous job . What did you say ? I told him that I hadn ’ t got a raise for three years . I also told him that one of my best co-workers quitted her job because she had not been promoted for eight years . Did he want to know the reasons ? Yes . I told him that my boss made some excuses of the recession . But I thought he had a pattern and a record of promoting men only . That ’ s sex discrimination . When will you get the reply ? In a couple of days , I was told . Wish you good luck ! Thank you . What qualities do you think a senior executive should possess ? Generally speaking , he needs creativity , the ability to communicate , sense of personal responsibilities , the ability to solve problems and so on . Do you have all these qualities ? Yes , I have all of them . I am totally competent to be a senior executive . Hi . I need more amenities , please . Could you be a little more specific , sir ? Well , to be more specific , the free stuff , like soap , lotion , and shampoo . I understand . Now , you're saying that you've already used up all your amenities ? Oh , no ! I've got all I need for my stay here . So , what's the problem ? I need souvenirs ! You want some souvenirs ! Yes , yes . Souvenirs . But , sir , our souvenir shop carries all those items . That's not the same thing . If you buy hotel souvenirs , they have no sentimental value . I understand , sir . I'll call housekeeping . You'll have your souvenirs shortly . Hello , may I help you ? Yes.We ' re interested in seeing the rooms for rent . Oh , how nice.They ' re bright rooms and the house is very quiet . A nice quiet house is exactly what we're looking for . Well , gentleman.Each room is $ 40 a week if you think that's OK . That sounds just wonderful to us . When do you want to move in ? How about this afternoon ? Fine . I'll be expecting you around two . Are you ready to order ? May I suggest a veal ? No , I'll have the fish please . The chicken is also nice . No , I want the fish . Our special tonight is lobster . Thank you , but I prefer the fish . Perhaps you'd enjoy the lamb . No , I like the fish . What ever you say ? Am I ever hungry ? When will supper be ready ? It's almost ready . Can you set the table ? All right . Want to taste this dish ? Yeah . Oh , it's delicious ! Really ? Definitely . It's a wonderful meal . Thank you , Honey . If you like to help me do the dishes , I'll be more dreadful . I wish I could , but I won't . Good morning , Kate . Long time no see . Good morning , Vera , Nice to meet you . Kate , I know you ’ Ve been a stewardess for more than one year . And I ’ ll have an interview on stewardess tomorrow . Can you tell me some etiquette about the interview ? Of course . First you should do up your long hair and do make up but not too thick . Is there anything else I should pay attention to ? Yes , when you attend the interview , you should pay attention to your manner , style of conversation and expression . You should keep smiling always , being polite when you talk with the interviewer . Don't move from time to time when you sit there . And you also should know how to use eye contact . Thank you , I've learned so much from you . That ’ s all right . Hope you can do better tomorrow . Can you fix me a cup of tea , Johnny ? Well ... uh ... how about a glass of juice instead ? No . I'd like tea . Can you put it in my favorite cup ? You probably washed it ... Oh , yeah . Well , uh , about your mug ... I'll find it ... Where are all the floral pattern plates ? And dad's Yankee's mug ? Good morning , sir . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to settle my bill . Certainly sir . May I have your room key , please ? Sure . Here you are . Just a moment , please . I'll draw up your bill for you ... Thank you for waiting , sir . Your bill totals two thousand six hundred and fifty-eight yuan , including the phone and laundry . That much ! Would you mind letting me have a look at it ? Not at all , sir . Here you are . Thanks . Well , It seems to be right . How much is that in dollars , please ? Just a moment , sir . I'll calculate that for you . It comes to 305 dollars and 52 cents at today's exchange rate . I see . OK . How would you like to make the payment ? In cash , please . Here you are . Thank you , sir ... Here is your change . Could you check it , please ? Thank you for choosing our hotel . I hope you enjoyed your stay . By the way , please forward my mail to this address . Certainly , sir . We hope you have a good trip . Hi , Sam . I want to buy a pet . Do you have any ideas ? You really should go to Rachel's pet store . why ? anything special there ? it's more than special . You can find as many kinds of animals as you can put a name to and more . Oh , really ? are there any snakes ? snakes ? there are even rodents and monkeys ! it's a world of exotic pets . that's terrific . I can't wait to check it out . Hang on . are you sure you want to keep a non-traditional pet ? why not ? it's so cool . but it will pose a risk to your health . pardon ? i mean , most reptiles carry some harmful bacteria . they are likely to cause immune system problems . well , I didn't realize that . I don't believe it's a good choice to keep those pets , especially for families with young children . oh , I should have thought of my brother's baby girl . Maybe I'll just have a dog instead of an exotic pet . yes , good luck , Maria . I ’ m a new student . My name ’ s Robert . Nice to meet you . My name ’ s Sophie . Are you French ? Yes , I ’ m . Are you French , too ? No , I ’ m not . What nationality are you ? I ’ m Italian . Are you a teacher ? No , I ’ m not . What ’ s your job ? I ’ m a keyboard operator . What ’ s your job ? I ’ m an engineer . I can ’ t believe Obama is our President . I am proud to know that he is our President . You voted for him , right ? Did you vote for him , because I know that I did . I did , too . I have nothing but faith in Obama . Really ? I ’ m sure he will help better America . We do need some change in this country . Our country is already changing as it is . You ’ re absolutely right . I trust that he will take good care of our country . Do you have a reservation , sir ? No , I ’ m afraid we don ’ t . I ’ m sorry the restaurant is full now . You have to wait for about half an hour . Would you like to have a drink at the lounge until there ’ s a table available . No , thanks , I ’ ll come back later . May I reserve a table for two ? Yes , of course . May I have your name , sir ? Bruce By the way , can we have a table by the window ? we ’ ll try to arrange it , but I can ’ t guarantee sir . That ’ s fine . your table's ready , sir ? Please step this way . Do you have coffee shops in China , too ? Yes , of course . There are many tea houses and bars in China , too . People can drink , eat and relax at these places . You like to go to these places , don ’ t you ? Yes , sometimes the music there is so beautiful . It is very romantic . I can stay there for hours . Do you often go there alone ? No , I often go there with my friends . Hi there ! I am looking for a new car . I have this old Ford Pinto that I would like to trade in . I see . You are in luck this month because all of our models are on sale ! it is a perfect time to buy a new car since it ’ s the end of the year . Perfect ! I like this one . That is the Ford Focus . A very light but powerful vehicle . It comes with dual side airbags , power steering and power windows , tinted windows and your choice of either automatic or manual transmission . Sounds like a good car ! How many miles to the gallon ? It is a very fuel efficient vehicle giving you about 34 miles in the city and 40 on the highway . That is really convenient . Especially now that fuel prices are so high ! What ’ s under the hood ? A very powerful 2.5- liter turbocharged engine , Trust me , this car is fast ! Now for the most difficult question . What is the price tag for this lovely vehicle ? Very affordable mam . You can take it out of this lot today with 0 % down payment and no interest for the first year ! You can test drive it now and we can sign the papers when we get back . Great ! Let ’ s do it ! I wonder if you could help me , I'm looking for a room . Well , I have got a vacancy . What sort of price are you asking ? Eight dolls fifty a week excluding laundry . Would it be convenient to see the room ? Can you call back later ? We're right in the middle of lunch . Could you give me an expense report ? I would like to attach the invoices for my phone bill this season . Here you are . Do you need glue ? That is very kind of you . I ’ m just running out of glue . You ’ re welcome . IBA , Jane speaking . How can I help you ? Hello . I'd like to speak to someone regarding my card . Sorry , I'm not quite sure if I understand . In what way , Sir ? Has your card been stolen ? No , no . Nothing at all like that . It's just that I applied for a credit card with you a while ago , my application was accepted , but I'm still waiting for my card . Oh , I see , Sir . Well , it does take 5 working days to issue and post the card . Yes , my application was accepted last Friday . Now it's Wednesday , that's more than 5 days . Sorry , Sir , but it's 5 working days . This does not include weekends , so your card should be with you later this week . Of course ! How silly of me ! Yes , 5 working days would mean this Friday , at the earliest . I see . I'm sorry to trouble you . It's no trouble at all , Sir . Is there anything else I can help you with today ? Nothing , thanks . I again apologise for the misunderstanding , bye for now . What can I do for you , sir ? We'd like to order breakfast for tomorrow morning . Yes , sir . What would you like ? Orange juice , scrambled eggs , bacon , toast and coffee . OK , and when shall I bring it here ? About seven thirty.By the way , could you also bring me tomorrow's papers ? Of course , sir . What shall we do when we find a shortage in the shipment ? You should do one of the two things - either to lodge a claim with the shipowner or with the insurance company . Shall we leave it to the brokers ? Yes . They usually do it . Do they charge for that ? Of course . In Europe , they charge a commission of 1 % of the amount of the claim for their service . Is it the same in America ? They do the work without charge to the importer . It's part of their service , isn't it ? Exactly . Is it enough to claim with an on board bill of lading ? No , you must also obtain a statement from the shipping agent certifying that the goods were actually loaded on their vessel for shipment . I see . By the way , how do we prove the ownership of our goods ? You must provide full original set of ocean bills of lading original insurance policy or certificate and the original commercia invoice . I see . Thank you . You are welcome . I'll be on business for a couple of days , could you take care of your sister ? OK , Mum , when will you be back ? I'll be back in ten days . Passport , please , madam . Just a minute , please . It's in my bag . Here it is . Thank you . Please fill out the Baggage Declaration Form . All right . Shall I enter all my belongings ? No , only the articles listed on the Declaration . I ’ m hungry , let ’ s go grab a bite to eat . Yeah me too . Oh ! Can we stop at the shop really fast ? I lost my makeup bag at the airport and I want to pick up a few things . Will you take long ? No ! Five minutes I promise ! Come on ! We have been here for almost an hour ! I thought you said you were only going to get a few things ! How long does it take you to pick out a lipstick and some nail polish ! Are you crazy ? You have no idea what you are talking about ! Just for my eyes I have to get eye-liner , an eyelash curler , eye shadow , an eyebrow pencil and mascara . Then I need to get foundation , liquid foundation . Whoa whoa whoa ! Are you nuts ? How much is all this going to cost ? I ’ m looking at the price at each one of these little things and it ’ s outrageous ! This is basically a crayon ! What about you ? You spend as much or more money on your razors , after shave , cologne and gel ! Not to mention how much you spend on clothes and ... Fine ! Get the stupid thirty dollar crayon ! Can I borrow five bucks ? No ! Come on ! I'll pay you back on Tuesday . Last time I lent you money , you never paid me back . I promise if you lend me five dollars today , I will repay you in full next week . Ok , but I'm taking your skateboard as collateral . Fine ! I can't believe you don't trust me . It's nothing personal , just business . May I help you , sir ? Yes , please . I'm looking for a cotton polo shirt . Any particular colour ? Not really . How about this one ? I like the design , but don't particularly care for the colour . Do you have that in other colours , too ? Well , they come in white , pale yellow , aqua , red and green . Will a white one do ? Yes . I prefer white - and may I see a pale yellow one , too ? Why , of course . Let's see ... White ... Pale yellow . Here you are , sir . I ’ m so surprised to meet you in this remote village . Long time no see . Yeah . How are you these days ? You look terrific and in good shape . Thank you . How do you keep fit ? I do yoga twice a weeks Yoga ? It sounds interesting . It was hard at the beginning , but now feel it's really relaxing . It makes me flexible . Anything else ? Yes , I often go swimming . Are you interested in swimming ? Yes , I like it very much . Are you going home now ? No , I'm not . What are you going to do ? Are you going to work late ? No , I'm not . I'm going to look for an apartment . An apartment ? Why ? I'm going to try to find a place near the office . Where are you living now ? Out in the suburbs . It's a long trip to work every day . How are you going to find an apartment ? I'm going to buy a newspaper and check the classified ads . Apartments in the city are expensive . I know , but I'm going to enroll in a night school to take a course in business management . no , no , you helped me with my computer last week . I want to repay the favor . no , it's definitely my turn to treat you ... you paid last time ! oh , that was just a quick bite to eat---that doesn't count ! ok , ok , how about we just go Dutch ? It's settled . Listen , I'm still pretty new around here , would it be alright if you found the restaurant ? ok ... sure . I am waiting for a fax but just now I found there ’ s something wrong with the fax machine . What ’ s wrong with the fax machine ? Is it urgent ? Yes , very urgent . And there is no other fax machine around . And the office of our boss is closed , so I can not use his machine either . And his secretary is out . Do you have any suggestion ? Either call this extension number 0085 or ask them to send the fax to you as e-mail , you print it out . Hey , Jim . It's time to wake up and get out of bed . Do I have to get up now ? You'd better get up , or you'll be late . What're you talking about ? My alarm even hasn't gone off yet . Yes , it did . It went off thirty minutes ago . You slept right through it . You're like a dead person while you sleep . I must have slept right through it . Rise and shine ! Sleepyhead ! Just let me sleep five more minutes . The early bird gets the worm . I know , I know . But I don't want any worms . Ha ! Ha ! If you don't make an effort now , later on it'll be a lot tougher for you . What shall we do tonight ? How about the cinema ? That's a good idea . We haven't seen a film for ages . What would you like to see ? Oh I don't know . Titanic ? Titanic ? That old film ? but I've seen it before ! I ’ Ve been told you might have a vacant room . Yes . I have a spare room . How much are you asking ? 10.00 dollars a night . Could I see the room , please ? Sure.Come on in . Sit down , please . What's wrong with you ? I feel cold , and I'm shivering . I have a terrible headache and a sore throat . How long have you been like that ? About a day . Let me have a look at your throat first . Please open your mouth and say " ah " . Ah ... And show me your tongue ... Thank you . That'll do . You have slight tonsillitis , and your throat is inflamed . How is your appetite ? Not so good . Now , let me take your temperature . Please put this thermometer under your armpit and let me feel your pulse ? Your pulse is weak . Do I have a temperature , doctor ? Yes , you have a high fever . I'd like to give you a blood test . Yikes ! What was that noise ? I had to blow my nose . Did you have to blow right next to the phone ? Did you hear that ? Of course I heard that . I thought a plane had crashed into your house . It wasn't that loud . I will blow my nose sometime for you , and you'll see . Okay . I'll take your word for it . I thought you had an elephant in your house . You're funny . What did you say ? I think I've gone deaf . I'm going into the bathroom to blow my nose . I'll be right back . Can I have the check please ? Right away , sir . Is this amount correct ? Yes , sir , it is . Thank you , the service was good Please come again . Nowadays fewer and fewer people go to the movie theaters to see films . So I am afraid that the film studios are really getting hard time to survive . What you said is true . But the film producers there are more flexible ways to get more audience . For example , to make more movie Ccds , so people will spend money buying them . But it is true that cinemas are losing the attraction they used to have in the past . Yes . Take myself for example . I seldom go to cinemas , but it doesn't mean I no longer see films ; instead , I see films at home-watching Ccds . Okay , well I ’ m sure you have a number of questions to ask me regarding the position . Yes , well Miss Childs did give mean overview of the position over the phone , but there were some details I ’ d like to clarify . Well feel free to ask me anything , and I ’ ll try to fill in the details . Could I first ask about the remuneration package ? Yes , of course . That ’ s quite an important point , isn ’ t it ? As a junior sub editor we offer a starting salary of 150,000 HK dollars per annum . This doesn ’ t include a generous housing allowance also . I understand . And are there other bonuses included ? Well , apart from full health insurance we do offer a company staff bonus scheme linked to readership numbers . But we could go through all the details of that at a later date . Well , Mr . Parsons , I am flexible when it comes to salary . The opportunity to work in Hong Kong for you is the most important thing for me . Excellent . Well , what other questions do you have Rebecca ? We need to take the accounts system offline to carry out the upgrade . But don't worry , it won't cause too much inconvenience . We're going to do it over the weekend . How long will the system be down for ? We'll be taking everything offline in about two hours ' time . It'll be down for a minimum of twelve hours . If everything goes according to plan , it should be up again by 6 pm on Saturday . That's fine . We've allowed forty-eight hours to be on the safe side . Welcome to IBA . Can I help you ? Yes , please . I'm here for an International Settlement . Our company has to effect payment , and it needs to be done today . Here's the advice slip for the payment . Thanks . I'm sorry to say that you need to get this stamped . There is no stamp on this slip and it is essential before I can process it for you . I see . So , I need to stamp it . And sign it too ? Yes , that's right . Down here , at the bottom right hand corner to show that you agree to pay the printed amount . I'll go back to the office and get it sorted and pop back later . Thanks , bye for now . That's the warehouse where the large items of office equipment are stored . If I ordered a desk today , how would it be before I got delivery in Scotland ? Well , I think perhaps you'd better speak to our Production Manager , Mr . Yao . You'll meet him when we go over to the factory . Excuse me . I have just missed the connection plane due to the heavy fog in London . Can I change my ticket now ? Please Show your ticket and passport . Here you are . Which flight do you want to change ? The next one to my destination . I have to be there as soon as possible . Hi , can I speak with the apartment manager , please ? Hello , this is the apartment manager speaking . I'm calling about the apartment for rent on Main Street . Would you be interested in seeing the apartment ? I would love to see it . Are you free today at around 6 p . m . ? Yes , I will be able to make it then . Well , I'll see you at 6 p . m . Do you know how to get there ? I used to live in that area . I'll give you an application form when I see you . That sounds good . Do I need to bring anything ? No . Just bring yourself . Good afternoon . Welcome to China . May I see your passport , customs and health declaration form ? Yes , here you are . Thank you . W hat's your occupation , Mr . Smith ? I'm the general manager of the Far-East Industry Corporation . You are here on business , aren't you ? Yes , I have been invited by the East Import I see . Do you have anything to declare ? Yes , I have some foreign currency to declare . Would you please fill out this currency declaration form ? It's a record of the foreign currency you have brought in . All right . How much does it cost for a bus pass ? It'll be $ 65 for a monthly pass . Is there anything cheaper than that ? If you're in school , you can get a student pass . Well , I am how much will that cost ? The pass is free . I don't have to pay for anything ? You'll only have to pay for the monthly sticker . How much is the monthly sticker ? It's $ 24 for each month . I'll take the student bus pass . Okay , I'll get you one . I see there are some workmen on the site . When is the building work due to start ? Well , it'll take three weeks to demolish the old building and clear away the debris . We should be ready to start the construction work in week 23 . How long will the sub contractors be on site ? About ten weeks in total if everything goes according to plan . I'm sure it will . So , we should be able to start moving the machinery in during week 34 . I'll confirm that date with our suppliers . Andrew's Hair Salon , this is Andrew . Andrew , this is Linda Chen . Hi Linda , what can I do for you ? I need to set up an appointment to get my hair fixed . For what day ? Tuesday morning . Have you bought a bus pass yet ? I'm not getting one . Why is that ? It's cheaper if I don't buy one . Buying a bus pass will save you money . How do you figure that ? There's no limit to how often you can use your bus pass . Really ? Plus , you don't have to use change for the bus anymore . I like that . You want to buy one now ? I'm going to . Are you ready to order , sir ? Yes , I would like a roast duck and my friend wants steaks . How do you like your steaks ? I'd like it medium-well . OK , sir , wait a minute . Hello , I want to know how much it costs to have a manicure and pedicure . Usually it's 60 dollars for a manicure , and 80 dollars for a pedicure . But with this special discount , the total for both is only one hundred and 20 dollars , and you can get them painted . That's nice . I'd like to give it a try . I think I like passion red . please . Alright.Do you want your cuticles cut , too ? No . Would you like the shapes square or round ? Square . But with round at the edges , please . All right , it's done . Please follow me to the drying section . How long will it take to get them dry ? Ten or about five minutes . You'll be all set . I see , thank you . Hello , this is Lucy . May I speak to Mr . Smith ? Oh , hello , Lucy . What's up ? I'm afraid I can't come to work today , Mr . Smith . Oh , what's wrong with you ? I've got a fever and a very sore throat . Well , you sound ill over the phone . Yes . I have to stay in bed today , but I'll be able to come tomorrow . That's all right . Have a good rest until you feel well enough . Thank you , Mr . Smith . Goodbye . Goodbye , Lucy . Waiter , we have been waiting for 20 minutes . Would you mind hurrying ? I am sorry , sir , the fish you ordered will take a longer time because we make it with fresh fish . That's fine . Would you please bring me some wine ? Sure , is dry white wine OK ? Yes . Thank you . Hi Bob , I won't be in work tomorrow . Why , what's the problem ? I have a dentist appointment . Okay . I've come about your wools . According to our market survey , wools are likely to find a ready market in our country . Wonderful ! We can meet your requirements and the offer is ready for you . Here it is . The unit price is USD 15.00 per kilogram . Do you quote CIF or FOB ? It's FOB Shanghai . Could you quote the price of CIF Hamburg ? Certainly , that's easy . We will work out our CIF offer this evening . Could you come again tomorrow , say , at 10 AM ? Okay , see you tomorrow ! Hi ! Do you want a fill-up ? Yes , please . Which type of gas do you want ? Regular , Super , or Premium Unleaded ? What's the price difference ? Regular is $ 1.15 , Super is $ 1.25 and Premium is $ 1.39 . Just fill it up with Regular , Unleaded , please . Do you want me to check the tires and the fluids ? Yes , I would . Thanks a lot . Is your father in the habit of having naps ? Yes , all of us have naps . Don't you feel dizzy when you have to get up ? No , not at all . Excuse me . I need some storybooks in easy English . Do you have anything likethat ? Well , there are a lot of storybooks upstairs in our children's section . Some are written for young children , others for teens . Maybe some of them will suit your needs . I'll go take a look . Thanks for your help . You're welcome . Good morning . I need to speak with the property manager , please . Good morning . You are speaking to the property manager . While it was raining last night , water started leaking in from the ceiling . Was it leaking in the bedroom ? It was in the living room . Can you tell me which floor you are on ? We are on the bottom floor . I would like to look at the leak . Will you be home this morning ? Yes , someone will be here to let you in . Just in case you have to leave , we will just use the master key . How much is your last salary ? I have earned 10,000 a year including bonuses . How much do you want us to pay you ? I like to be paid more than that . Hopefully , 150,000 a year . To be honest , I left the company to get more income . I hope you can help . I've got a bit of a problem with your ATM . Of course , that's my job . Oh , dear . What's happened ? Well , it's eaten my card ! It won't give it back ! I see ... calm down , don't worry . May I ask what were you doing when it took your card ? Yes . I was only entering my PIN . I'm terrible at remembering it , I'm so forgetful , you see . Mmmm ... and exactly how many times did you enter it , please ? Maybe three times . As I said , I always forget it . Ah ! Don't worry ; it's just a security measure . If someone uses a card and cannot get the right PIN after three attempts , the bank keeps the card in case it's stolen . Just contact the bank and we'll get it back to you . Oh , I see . So if I call my branch they can sort everything out for me ? Yes , they'll be happy to help . Believe me , it happens to many people . I'd better try harder to memorise my PIN in future . Thanks . Is this the counter to pick up parcels ? Yes , it is . I want to pick up my parcels . Please show me your parcel order . OK . Here you are . Let me check your parcel number . Song Ping's parcel number should be CP 06230221 5 CN . Here is your parcel . Thank you . Not at all . Hi Brittany . What are you doing with all of your clothes on your bed ? I'm trying to decide what to wear to school the first day . Oh , A . Mom didn't tell you ? Didn't tell me what ? What ? This Bs ' school you're going to is going to make your life easy . What are you talking about brother ? Spill it . Uniforms , sis , no more worrying about appearances ! You mean I have to wear the same thing every day ? MOM ! What would you like for your main dish ? Steak , please . How would you like it ? Medium rare , please . Anything else , sir ? May I have a glass of red wine , please ? Of course . Mr . Smith , do you like the hotel we booked ? Yes , we do . We like it very much . I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one . Thank you so much . David , we have been doing business for three years , haven't we ? Yes , I'm glad we've had very pleasant cooperation in the previous years . And your achievement for promoting our clothes was great in the three years . So , I wish to apply for the sole agency of your product in our local market . If you give us the agency , that will be more substantial for our cooperation . To be frank , you are not the only one who applies for an agent for us in your country . I'd like to know some ideas of terms on which you would be willing to operate as our agent . As we are a well-established company , we are very familiar with the customers ' needs . Besides , we can make full use of our good connections with the wholesalers and retailers here and develop a good market for your products if appointed as your agent . Sounds reasonable . I will tell my boss about you agent application . Another question , what do you think is the minimum annual sales you can guarantee ? To be on the safe side , and for garment of all materials , sizes , and styles , I think the amount will be 50,000 pieces a year . Well . As our sole agency , you will neither handle the same or similar products of other origins nor re-export our goods to any other area outside your own . No , certainly not . Excuse me . Yes ? I bought this circulator here yesterday but it doesn't work . Oh , let's see what's wrong . Where can I find the produce ? Aisle A is where you'll find all the produce . What sales do they have today ? I'm sure something is on sale . Please check with the produce person . Hello , this is Steven from Blue Sky Co . May I speak to Mr . James ? Speaking . Excuse my troubling you . You purchased our products last year and now I am following up to find out about their workings . Are they still in good condition now ? Yeah , exactly ! I bought them last year . En ... at present , they are still in good state . That's it ! All of them have first-class quality and performance . Besides , we adopt advanced technology . Now we have developed new products . They are much better than what you have bought . Your company is developing so fast . Maybe later on I will plan to buy more . That's great ! Thanks for your support . If any , please remember to call us . I am afraid I have to say goodbye now ! Bye , Mr . James ! Bye ! Ms.Dawson , I need you to take a dictation for me . Yes , sir ... This should go out as an intra-office memorandum to all employees by this afternoon.Are you ready ? Yes , sir.Go ahead . Attention all staff ... Effective immediately , all office communications are restricted to email correspondence and official memos.The use of Instant Message programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited . Sir , does this apply to intra-office communications only ? Or will it also restrict external communications ? It should apply to all communications , not only in this office between employees , but also any outside communications . But sir , many employees use Instant Messaging to communicate with their clients . They will just have to change their communication methods . I don't want any - one using Instant Messaging in this office.It wastes too much time ! Now , please continue with the memo.Where were we ? This applies to internal and external communications . Yes.Any employee who persists in using Instant Messaging will first receive a warning and be placed on probation.At second offense , the employee will face termination.Any questions regarding this new policy may be directed to department heads . Is that all ? Yes.Please get this memo typed up and distributed to all employees before 4 pm . Do you have everything ? Let's see ... my ID card , my passport , and my suitcase . I'm pretty sure I've got everything . This is Dunlin . Is this Mrs Smith speaking ? Yes , what can I do for you ? I just want to call and say thank you for letting me interview yesterday . You are welcome , Mr . Sun . And I also want to know what the status is of the position . Sorry , we haven't made the decision at all . But we should be making the decision by the end of this week . And we'll get in touch with you once we make it . Do you have any questions we didn't cover in the interview ? No . Thank you , I am looking forward to hearing from you . Bye-bye . Thank you for the calling . Bye-bye . I often sneeze after having a bad itch inside my nose . Sometimes this is accompanied by an itching throat . Any other discomfort ? Yes . Sometimes I can notice a constriction in the chest and shortness of breath after a fit of sneezing . And I often suffer from a running nose with a profuse watery discharge . Does it occur seasonally or all year round ? It has been seasonal during these past three years . Are you sensitive to other things ? Yes , things like seafood and penicillin-type drugs . OK . Let me examine your nose . According to your case history and the examination , I believe that it's allergic rhinitis . What useful treatment can you offer ? I'll give you a series of specific skin tests . Then we'll know exactly what substances you're allergic to . Then I'll give you some causes of desensitization therapy . Miss , would you like to try this free sample of our new suntan cream ? Sure , why not ? This is a new product of company this year . It's oil-free . I see . It feels very light on the skin . It gives your skin a very natural healthy look . I like the cool smell , too . So how can I make it ? First you make a list of what you wanna buy ... But I ’ Ve gotta have the budge before anything else . Well , that ’ s a problem , isn ’ t it ? Did you have a part-time job when you were still in school ? No , I was way too busy studying all the time . How about you ? Yeah , I worked about twenty hours a week in a pizza restaurant . What was that like ? It was always very busy there . What did you do ? I stood behind the register and took pizza orders . Did you get any perks on the job ? Yeah , I got to eat as much pizza as I could for free . Hi . May I help you ? Yes . What's the buying rate for euro ? 1.15 U . S . dollars to the euro . Okay . I'd like to change some euro into US dollars , please . Sure . How much would you like to change ? Six hundred euro . Very good . May I see your passport ? Here you are . How would you like your bills ? In fifties please . Why are you reading the classifieds ? What do you need ? I'm looking for a bookcase , but I don't want to buy a new one . Are you having any luck ? Not really . There aren't any used bookcases listed . But there are a few rummage sales on Saturday . I think I'll go to them . Do you mind if I go with you ? Not at all . These private sales are great places to bargain . And sometimes you can find terrific things among all the junk . I learned to negotiate from my mother . I thought I was pretty good at bargaining , but I had a problem the other day at Kimble's Department Store . What happened ? I wanted to buy a beautiful wool sweater for my girlfriend . It was priced at forty dollars , so I started by offering the salesclerk thirty . Do you do a lot of your shopping online ? Not really . I like looking on the internet at what ’ s available , but I usually prefer to actually see and touch what I ’ m buying before I pay for it . Sometimes , I ’ ll look at something in a shop , but lat No . I ’ m a little worried about security . You never know who ’ s trying to find out your codes and passwords . Aren ’ t you worry about that ? Not really . I know that it happens , but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites , you should be ok . Even though I use online shopping facilities , I don ’ t think it ’ s the best way to sho I ’ m surprised to hear you say that . I thought you loved anything technological . I do . I ’ m a big fan of using new technology , but I don ’ t want to sit in front of a computer screen all day . I think people need to get out and interact with other people . So , how about coming to the department store with me ? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale yet . Sure . I ’ d love to join you . Can we stop by the computer store ? I just want to see if they have something . Sure . While you ’ re in the computer store . I will visit the book store opposite . I like to browse through their books and see if they have anything interesting . Ok . I ’ Ve finished online . Let ’ s go . I ’ ll just get some money and my credit card . Thanks for reminding me . I had forgotten to get mine . Please help yourself at your dishes . I hope you ’ ll enjoy what you ’ Ve got . It suits my taste . You are really a good cook . Would you like to try my special recipe ? Wow , let me try . It tastes nice . How did you make it ? It ’ s as easy as pie . I always follow recipes . Mr . Dick . Does the recommendation of the university play an important role ? Yes . In fact , the recommendation letter written by the university is an indirect self-recommendation . In the long period of cooperation , the university has established good relationship with the companies or organizations , they trust each other well . If your university recommends you , you can be approved more easily . But I find that most of the recommendation letters written by universities are the same . So I doubt its authority . More and more persons have the same discoveries since most universities do that in order to save energy . If your university also does like this , you can look for other methods , because such kinds of recommendations say nothing for you . Could you tell me whether or not I send out my resume with it ? It depends . If it has something special or useful , I suggest you send it out . Taylor , can you tell me how to apply for a job on the Internet ? Just fill out an application . Do I have to send an E-mail ? You are expected to know the E-mail address of the unit . But I still don't know which unit is in need of staff . Send out an application through Job-wanted on the website . Can any unit see my information ? It's a two-way choice . And your application will be read . Which websites offer this service ? Sina , 21st Century Talent Net , and a few others . Thank you . Don ’ t throw your weight around . I can ’ t bear you any more . I dare you to say that again . Were you a leader when you were in college ? Yes . I was Propaganda department minister of our university . Did you get any honors or awards at your university ? No . It ’ s a pity about it . Were you involved in any club activities at your university ? Yes . I was a member of the basketball Society . I like playing basketball . What extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college ? I sometimes played basketball and sometimes played football . You want to argue your ticket today ? Yes . That is why I'm here . Tell me your argument . I was pulled over for allegedly speeding . Are you sure you weren't speeding ? To be honest , I really wasn't . What speed were you going ? I was under the speed limit . I was going 35 , when the speed limit was 40 . I'm just going to let you go , since the arresting officer isn't here . What about my ticket ? Do I still need to pay ? Don't worry about it . I'm so glad for your help . Annie , do you like shopping online ? Yes , I like it , because it's convenient . Last week , I tried to buy a new cellphone online , but I didn't know how to pay for it . First , you should open an account at the online bank . After that , you can buy anything you want online . Are there many things online ? Sure . You can find everything all over the world . Let's check it out online ! ( They log in a shopping website . ) That's amazing . Oh , an on line virtual supermarket ? Let's click to check it out . Oh , I got it . It simulates the real supermarket , which makes it feel so real . Mom will love it . She loves shopping in supermarkets . Ah , Bob . Just the person I wanted to see . So what is it ? You gotta help me out this time , buddy . Another tough thing , I guess . Hey ! What happened ? ! My song was only half way through and it skipped to the next song . I don't know what happened ! You cancelled the song , didn't you , Jack ? No , I didn't . Really ! Then , is the machine broken or ... Good evening , Do you have a reservation ? Yes . The reservation under Mr . Watson . Ah , yes , a table for four at 8 Em , no , thanks . I think we'll go straight to the table , By the way . may I check my overcoat here ? Certainly , sir . We'll keep it in the cloakroom for you . Here is your number . When you leave , show it to the waiter behind the counter , please . Thank you . Could you show us to our table now ? Would you please follow me , please ? Thank you . This is your table . It's Number 10 . Hello , ma ’ am . Can I help you ? I ’ m looking for a sweater . What size are you looking for ? Well , I ’ m looking for size 10 but you don ’ t have it . How about this one ? I think it looks terrific on you . Yes , I like the color . Can I try it on ? Sure . The fitting room is on your right . It fits well . I like it a lot . What do you think ? You look pretty in red . Oh , it ’ s my favorite . How much is it ? $ 29.99 . Okay . I ’ ll take it . Thank you very much for your help . You ’ re welcome . Do you have any cars available ? We have only one mid-size car left . Great , what's the rate per day ? It's 40 $ plus tax per day on limited mileage . I'm going to need it for three days . Can I see your driver's license ? Sure , here is my driver's license . Please sign here . Are you ready to order ? I think that we have a pretty good idea of what we would like to order . Let me tell you about the specials of the day , which are chicken in a wine sauce with capers , and grilled garlic shrimp . I was wondering if the chef could leave off the sauce . The chef would be happy to accommodate your special requests . I am a vegetarian . Do you have any vegetarian selections ? You could choose the roasted vegetable and garlic pizza or the goat cheese and candied walnut salad . I think that we will split the roasted vegetable and garlic pizza . That is a good selection , and I can bring your salads now or serve them with your entree . You can bring us our salads when you bring us our entree . I can't open this email attachment our Paris office has sent me . Are you sure you're using the right program ? Well , yes it's definitely the same program but I might have the wrong version . Their system is newer than ours . That's why you can't open it . You'll have to upgrade before you can read the file . What kind of character do you think you have ? Generally speaking , l am an open-minded person . What is your strongest trait ? Cheerfulness and friendliness . How would your friends or colleagues describe you ? They say Mr . Sun is a friendly , sensitive , caring and determined person . What personality do you admire ? I admire a person who is honest , flexible and easy-going . How do you get along with others ? I get on well with others . Hi , I need to make an appointment to see the doctor . What seems to be the problem ? I have a rash that I need a doctor to look at . Do you have a fever with that rash ? No , it just itches a lot . I have openings on Tuesday or Wednesday . Which would be best for you ? I need an appointment on Tuesday . Fine , I am putting you down for 9 I would like to see Dr . Jones . I can schedule you with him with no problem . We look forward to seeing you . Wow ! What's the hold up ? It ’ s probably just people trying to get an early start out of the city for the weekend . Nobody sticks around in the summer . Really ? Then , I guess I won ’ t have a hard time finding a room or getting a cab ? Actually , you might because there ’ s a big convention in town this weekend . I ’ m not too worried about it . I always seem to find something . Hello , how can I help you today ? I'd like to withdraw some money from my account . Please fill out this slip stating how much you wish to withdraw . Well , actually , it's quite a substantial amount . Here's my Bank Book . Will that cause a problem ? On your account there is no limit to over the counter withdrawals , it won't cause a problem . Here's your money , 10,000 RIB . Please count it before you leave . Yes , that seems to be all in order . Thanks very much . Quality is very important to us . We work to very low tolerance levels . We need to have guaranteed supplies of consistently high quality raw materials . Over the years we've built up very good relationships with our suppliers . Do you have many different suppliers ? Yes . There are about fifty names on our approved supplier list , but for raw materials we tend to deal with three local companies . Mary , can you tell me how you keep in shape ? You'll never be in shape until you eat less and take more exercise . Now , tell me what you often eat . I often eat fish and eggs . Do you eat a lot of vegetables ? Oh yes , and fruits . I love fruits very much . What do you like to drink ? Well , I never drink alcohol , coffee or tea . Whatever would you like to drink ? I drink a lot of milk . I drink milk almost every day . How often do you exercise ? Well , I walk every day . It's a good diet and a regular exercise . Yes , quite right . I am sorry , but I cannot stay for the rest of class today . Why do you need to leave early ? I don ’ t feel so good . What doesn ’ t feel right ? I feel as if I am going to be sick to my stomach . Perhaps you should get checked out at the Student Health Center before you go home . I have some medicine at home that I could take . Are you going to be OK to drive home , or would you like someone to go with you ? Thank you , but my friend is in the library , and he can give me a ride home . We hope that you are feeling better soon . E-mail me if you have any questions . Your boyfriend is so considerate to you . When do you plan to marry ? It ’ s still up in the air . There is something wrong between us . We're considering of ordering 200 computers , but I'm wondering about the price you'll possibly offer . Our price will be not less than $ 5000 . Your price is higher than I expected . Could you give us a little discount ? This is already our best price . But the price is always negotiable and you should consider our quantity of order . Well , what would you suggest ? Could you make it $ 4500 ? I'm afraid that there is no room to negotiate the price . This is the best price we can quote . Can we meet each other half way ? What do you mean ? Let's close the deal at $ 4800 , OK ? You drive a hard bargain ! OK , that's a deal . I'm now on the Songshan airport getting ready for departure . I realized that I might have left my watch . Yes , Ma'am . May I have your name and room number ? My name is Terry . I stayed last night in your hotel in room 132 . What kind of watch is it ? It's a brand-new Seiko wrist watch . Yes , we have it . Oh , I'm glad to hear that . Would you kindly send it to the Hilton Hotel ? What are your thoughts on the apartment ? I think that it ’ s absolutely gorgeous . There aren ’ t any problems with the apartment ? I think that the apartment looks very nice , but I do see some problems . What problems ? I did notice a few stains in the carpet . We will have the carpet cleaned before you move in . You will ? Yes , but other than that , are there any more problems ? That was the only thing that I saw that was wrong with the apartment . I ’ m happy that you find this apartment so appealing . It is . I love it . That China-gown of Tang-Dynasty style is so beautiful . Would you show it to me , please ? Absolutely . Here it is . Could I try it on ? Please do , the fitting-room is over there . It feels a little tight around the waist . Do you have a bigger one ? I'm sorry . We don't have this color in your size . We have some green ones in your size . Would you please have a look at this green one ? OK . How much does it cost ? It's 486 yuan . Mrs . Wang , would you give us an idea of the price you regard as workable ? As I said before , your price is so high that we find it difficult to make a bid . We hope you will take the initiative and bridge the gap . Just to comply , we're ready to reduce the price by 5 percent . I hope this concession of ours will get the ball rolling . So do we . Certainly it's a step forward on your side . But the gap is still too wide . The ball is in your court , Mrs.Wang . What price would you suggest ? To make your offer workable , I think you should take another step down as big as the one you've just taken . That won't do . You see , our profit margin is very narrow . It simply can't stand such a big cut . I hate to disappoint you , Mr . Brown , but if that's the case , we have no alternative but to cover our requirements elsewhere . Do think it over , please . We sincerely hope our discussion will come to a successful conclusion . Well , I'm not authorized to agree to such a big reduction . Would you mind waiting a day or two , until I get a reply from the home office ? Not at all . Shall we meet again , say , on Friday morning ? Good . Friday morning at 9 . Good morning . Good morning.This is Mary.Can I speak to Anne please ? I ’ m sorry She isn ’ t in at the momment.She will come back at half past nineCan I take a message for her ? Thank you.But I will call her later OK.Goodbye . Goodbye . Hi , Jane . How are you doing this morning ? I ’ m all right , thanks . Just a little tired . Late night ? Yeah , I got home around two . We've been waiting here for nearly ten minutes now , and there still isn't a bus in sight . I'm afraid we'll be late for the party . Have you got the time , Tom ? Yes , my watch says a quarter to seven . but there is something wrong with my watch ! But you bought it only last month . Yes , but ever since I bought it , it gains about five minutes a day , so I ' Ve got to have it repaired . How long will it take us to get there ? I think about ten minutes by bus . It's not far away , then . Let's walk , it's beginning to rain . Wait ! I think I see a bus coming now . Let's hope it's the No . 22 bus . Hi , Mr . Smith . I'm Doctor Hawkins . Why are you here today ? I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up . Yes , well , you haven't had one for 5 years . You should have one every year . I know . I figure as long as there is nothing wrong , why go see the doctor ? Well , the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early . So try to come at least once a year for your own good . Ok . Let me see here . Your eyes and ears look fine . Take a deep breath , please . Do you smoke , Mr . Smith ? Yes . Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease , you know . You really should quit . I've tried hundreds of times , but I just can't seem to kick the habit . Well , we have classes and some medications that might help . I'll give you more information before you leave . Ok , thanks doctor . Good afternoon . Mr . Tylor's office ? I'm afraid you've got the wrong extension . I'm sorry , but could you please transfer this call to Mr . Tylor's office ? Sure , please hold on . Thank you . Now Mr . Tylor's on the line . Go ahead , please . You are so kind , you helped me a lot . You are welcome . Bye ! Good afternoon , Lexington Software . Angelina Dawson , how can I help ? Hello , this is Quinn from IBA . Ah , hello Quinn . Oh dear , you are calling to tell me there is a problem , aren't you ? I'm afraid so , yes . Hmm ... well , it was my first attempt ! Is it a very big mistake , or can we just alter it ? Unfortunately it's rather a big mistake . What do you recommend we do ? I would recommend we scrap this one and you bring in another set as soon as possible . I trust your judgement . Thank you , Quinn . I'll be back tomorrow with a new set . Bye for now . Oh ! ! ! I have a horrible toothache . You should go to the dentist . I hate dentists . Well , suffer then . If you have a toothache , you have to go to the dentist . It always hurts . I hate going . Stop being such a baby . If it really hurts that much , just let them knock you out . O . K . , O . K . , I ’ ll go . Good . You'll feel better after you do . Hi , I would like to purchase a one way ticket to Brussels , please . Certainly sir , this is our train schedule . We have an express train departing every morning and an overnight train that departs at nine pm . How long does it take to get there ? About twelve hours . We currently have tickets available only for first class on the express train . If you ’ d like , you can choose a sleeper on the overnight train which is a bit less expensive . Yeah , I think that is the best option . Do you serve food on the train ? Twelve hours is such a long time ! Yes , of course . There is a dining car towards the front of the train where they serve meals at all times . We do provide complimentary water and coffee for all of our passengers . Great ! I ’ ll take it . Here you are sir . Your train leaves from platform number nine at nine on the dot . Remember to be here at least thirty minutes before your scheduled departure time or else you might miss your train ! I understand . Thank you very much ! Have a great trip . I would like to take a trip to the beach this weekend . A trip to the beach would be fun . How is the weather going to be ? The forecast says that it will be warm on the weekend . So do you think it'll be perfect weather for the beach ? It sounds like it will be . I really hope it doesn't get cold . That would ruin things , I want to go so badly . The weather in California is unpredictable , so you never know . That is true . The weather is constantly changing . It would be nice if the weather would never change . That would be great , then we could plan things sooner . True . Predictable weather would make life easier . Some companies use to ban dating among employees , but now they have realized it is something in avertable . People spend so much time at work . It is not surprising for one to have a crash on the other . If we think positively , office love can be beneficial to company . Beneficial ? I don ’ t think so . If two employees get married , they will leave at the same time for a honeymoon , or later one of them will stay at home taking care of babies . If they break up , the company will probably have to relocate one of them to make the workplace more comfortable . By any means , the company must spare extra efforts to solve problems brought by an office dating . But if two employees are in love , they will be happy . Happy people are more productive . If they develop an intimate relation with each other , they are willing to share knowledge and experience . It can help to improve work efficiency . I doubt that . Do you eat a lot of healthy food ? Compared with healthy food , unhealthy food just tastes so much better . And anyway , I believe if you live a low stress Life and are active , you can get away with eating whatever you like . It's all in the mind . You have the point . I think cancer is caused by more worry than by the things we consume . Some good things you should try are cranberry juice , wild rice and yoghurt . What's special about these things ? Cranberry juice is very good for destroying harmful bacteria in your guts because it's very acidic . Wild rice is high in fibre so it's good for your guts and it's high in protein and minerals-I think it's also tastier than normal rice . Yoghurt's good because it's also rich in protein , vitamins and is also acidic . People have been making yoghurt for thousands of years and if you have it every day , your guts will be much more settled . Thanks . I'm going to follow your advice and pop down to the supermarket right now . I've been so tired recently . I've been trying , but I don't think I'm up to this job . You need to take a break , maybe a vacation . Oh , yes , indeed . I've run out of steam . To be honest , I want to be in a different environment . Is that so ? Yes , I don't want to be stuck in a rut . I want to move on . Have you decided ? Yes . I want to get a better job . Could you tell me why you want to quit ? I quit just because of the dissatisfying salary and the trouble in getting along with my colleagues . Oh , that's terrible . Do you want to get a higher salary in our company ? I'm afraid not . I've promised my girlfriend . We'll travel southwards to find a job that offers higher pay . OK , I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you . However , I think you should work harder for your new job and then you can ask for higher pay . Thank you so much for your advice . And every best wish for your new job . Thank you . The train is leaving . Hurry up ! Which car are we in ? Let me see . Oh , No . 11 . Here we are , Car 11 . Let's get in . Seats No . 20 and 21 . It ’ s nice that we ’ Ve got a window seat . Let's put our suitcases on the rack . Oh , the baggage rack is full . Put them under the seat for the time being . All right . So , how should we get to the theatre ? Let's take the bus . I hate the bus system in London ! The bus drivers are rude , the buses are never on time , and there are few people around who can help you . It's not that bad . You probably just had a bad experience once . It wasn't just once . Every single time I take the bus , something bad happens to me or to someone else on the bus . We could take the subway , but we'd have to go three stops along one line and then change trains twice . Train fares are twice as expensive as the bus fare , too . If we don't hurry up , we'll miss the show . Should we take the bus ? We're already late , so I think we had better take a taxi . I don't think we'll be able to find a taxi very easily during hush hours . Let's just take the bus . Fine . Have a look at the timetable to find out when the next one arrives . It looks like it should be here in just a few minutes . don't worry . Nothing bad will happen . I'll even buy your ticket for you . Thanks , that was nice of you . See , now something good has happened to you on a bus trip ! Let's go over this plan again . From Vancouver , we bike along the border all the way to Winnipeg . And that is mostly flat , right ? Relatively , once we're out of Alberta , anyway . Then it's hills again in Aitoba . And from Winnipeg we go around the lakes through Toronto , right ? That's right . And up in to Quebec . And that's where we stop . It doesn't sound like that much when we go over the plan but that's a long , long ride . Are you ready for the cross country of a lifetime ? Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? I'm Bill . I'm in Room 908 . Can you change the room for me ? It's too noisy . My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made . She said it was too much for her . I'm awfully sorry , sir . I do apologize . Room 908 is at the end of the corridor . It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when all is quiet . Anyhow , I'd like to change our room . No problem , sir . We'll manage it , but we don't have any spare room today . Could you wait till tomorrow ? The American People-to-people Education Delegation will be leaving tomorrow morning . There'll be some rooms for you to choose from . All right . I hope we'll be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep . Be sure . I'll make a note of that . Everything will be taken care of . And if there is anything more you need , please let us know . It's time for bed . I'm not ready to go to sleep . I'm not tired . It's quite late , and you have an early day tomorrow . I'm not going to be able to fall asleep . Why don't you try counting sheep ? I've tried that before . It really doesn't work . That's beside the point , you still need to go to bed . Why can't I just stay up until I fall asleep ? If I let you do that , then you're just going to be up all night . I promise I'll go to sleep soon . No , you're going to sleep now , so good night . See you in the morning . I see myself as being honest , diligent , persevering and creative . And I have a strong sense of responsibility . How about your psychological resilience ? I think I can work well under pressure , if necessary . How would you deal with those who are not easy to get along with ? I will just be sincere and friendly to others , and I believe they will treat me the same way . You seem to be a kind-hearted lady . Thank you . I simply believe the goodness of human nature . Please tell me your weaknesses if you can . I should admit that sometimes I care too much about the details . I am always in pursuit of perfection . Karen ? I need to go over a few things with you . Certainly . Mr . Graham . When would you like to meet ? I was thinking about this afternoon , after the sales meeting . Fine . At 3:30 ? I believe we ' Ve met before . My name's David . Yes , at your company , I think . I'm Frank . Oh , I remember now.Very nice to meet you again . Nice meeting you , too . I made my little brother cry . Shame on you ! I need some mascara . Do you have good thickening mascara ? Of course . Here is our thickening mascara . We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes . Alright . And I want to consider your eye shadow too . Do you have a color chart can look at ? We have a very wide selection of colors . And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin . So it is very gentle on your eyelids . Would you like to sample some ? Oh , sure I will need to clean off my own eye shadow first . I can help you with that . Thank you . Is this the baggage claim area for flight KB256 ? Yes , we are on the same plane . But I am a transfer passenger . I have a connecting flight to Miami . So you have to bring your baggage to the transfer check-in area . Yes.It ' s quite troublesome . Why not go and find a porter ? Billy , you don ’ t look too well . Maybe you should take the day off school . But Mom ! Today we ’ re playing football ! I love football ! You ’ Ve got a fever and playing football isn ’ t a good idea for a boy with a fever . What ’ s that on your arm ? I don ’ t know . It was there when I woke up this morning . It ’ s rash . I ’ d better take you to see the doctor . How did you get that bruise on your leg ? I bashed it against the chair in my room . Does it hurt ? A little , but not much . Here . Put this wet towel on your face to keep your temperature down . I ’ ll take you to the doctor ’ s after breakfast . If I ’ m better this afternoon , can I go to school ? If you are better , but I doubt you will be . This is your schedule . You're going out of your way for us , I believe . You are our honored guests . Are there any vacancies still available ? Yes . We need a plumber here . I am looking for a job that is more advanced than that , such as sales manager or regional manager . I am sorry . They are not available now . My name is Mary , and I will be your waitress tonight . Thank you , Mary . We have been looking forward to trying out this restaurant . Before your main course , would you like to order an appetizer ? Sure , that sounds great . Where are your appetizers listed ? There is a special appetizer menu right here in the center of the table . The chicken and cheese quesadilla looks good . Is that pretty good ? You know , that is one of my favorites ! OK , I'll take one order of that . You could choose another appetizer for half price to share . Perfect ! Please add on an order of onion rings . I am waiting for a fax but just now I found there's something wrong with the fax machine . What's wrong with the fax machine ? Is it urgent ? Yes , very urgent . And there is no other fax machine around . And the office of our boss is closed , so I can not use his machine either . And his secretary is out . Do you have any suggestion ? Either call this extension number 0085 or ask them to send the fax to you as e-mail , you print it out . I would like to speak to you , if you don ’ t mind . What would you like to speak to me about ? I would like to talk to you about this year ’ s election . Is that right ? I am a volunteer for this year ’ s campaign . That ’ s wonderful . I am impressed at someone so young taking a stand . I know history is about to be made , and I would like to be a part of it . That ’ s fantastic . Are you planning on voting ? I ’ m going to vote . Go to your polling place early on Election Day . I will . Good luck with your volunteering . We hope that there will be no repetition of this kind of trouble in the future . Yes . I promise it will not happen again . We look forward to your settlement at an early date . We will inform you as soon as possible . Hello , Steven . How do you get along with your job ? Actually , I learn many things from it . I find that I am a quick learner in new things . Practice makes perfect . By the way , what do you learn from your job ? At first I didn't know anything about the machine . Now I know how to operate it . Besides , the work gives me a sense of fulfillment and achievement . Yeah , you are a good learner . I must commend you for your good performance . Thank you . That's a long way to go for my job . I appreciate your effort very much . The coffee break is over ; it's about time we set to work . OK , let's go . Where on earth are we ? Judging by all the traffic , I'd say we're near the outskirts of the city . What did I do wrong ? Did I take a wrong turn ? I'm not sure , but I think you turned right when you should have turned left on the flyover bridge . Well , now we should turn back a few kilometres . It seems that the traffic sign is much more important than the map . Hello . Front desk . Yes . This is Bob Robinson . I ’ m calling from room number 627 . Hi , Bob . What can I do for you ? Is it possible to change to another room ? Could you please tell me why ? My room is facing the swimming pool . It ’ s noisy for me . I have a problem sleeping . And I feel uncomfortable when I take an elevator . So you need a quiet side room on the lower floor . You ’ re right . Okay . Let me check for a room on the first floor . Thank you . I ’ Ve only two rooms on the first floor . How about room 108 ? That ’ s fine . Can I move now ? Sure . I ’ ll send the bellman to help you . Oh , thank you kindly . You ’ re welcome . How long will it take for our order to be delivered ? Let's see . You are importing fifty containers of textiles from China . They should be able to place your order before the end of next week . It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningpo . The freight will take 3 weeks on the open ocean and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today . Domestic shipping will be your responsibility , you can make arrangements with the pier in Los Angeles . Fine , we will handle domestic shipping , but what about customs ? Will we have to pay tariff on our imports ? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control . No , the Chinese company has that all worked out . With the paperwork you receive with the shipment , you should be good to go . Now you're my boss , Mr . Henry . Do you have any other particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration ? No , nothing in particular . You may ask questions about us , if you have any . All right . When can I start ? What are you doing here today ? I would like to fight my ticket . Is the arresting officer in the courtroom today ? Yes , the officer is here today . What's your case ? I was pulled over for running a red light , but I never did . Do you believe that the officer lied ? There was a camera on the signal . So , he was obviously lying . Your license plate was caught on camera ? A picture of my license plate was never taken . Since there is no picture of your license plate on record , I'm going to let you go . Thank you . I'm glad that you believe me . Hey Joe , what are you doing in this department store ? Hi , Rita , I'm just looking for a pair of shoes . I won't be here for long . Why not ? When I go shoe shopping , I have so many options for sneakers that I spend awhile looking at all of the choices . That's my problem . I don't have a lot of options . What do you mean ? This is a big store , isn't it ? Yes , but I have unusually big feet . That wouldn't be too much of a problem except that they're also very wide , and only a few brands sell shoes that I can fit into . So how do you usually go about buying shoes , then ? Well , first of all , I can only go to certain stores that can guarantee me a large selection . Well , you're in the right store . If they don't have it , no one will . After that I choose something from one of the few brands that I know will fit me . I prefer white , so I ask them to bring me a pair of white sneakers in my size . Since I ’ m usually only given one or two pairs of shoes that meet my qualifications , it makes it a very easy choice . what shall we do after the volleyball match ? how about going to the Olympic souvenir store to have a look ? I remember there is one in the gym . that's a good idea . I was thinking of buying some gifts for my family . me , too . What did you have in mind ? I haven't decided yet , but I think the Olympic Mascots are a must . I agree . They're very lovely , especially " Huan Huan " . is that the red one ? That is my favorite , too . Do you know how much they are ? the five dolls are sold together as a set , and they're priced according to the size . The bigger they are the more expensive . oh , I see . If I buy more than a set , can I get any discount ? I don't think so . All the souvenirs of the Olympic Games are very hot right now . any other ideas ? there are lots of things , such as postcards , key chains , posters and various arts and crafts . it all sounds great . We can go there after the match . I can't wait to see what they have . Mom ! I hate eating vegetables ! You don ’ t have to eat them . I don ’ t mind . Thanks mom ! Can I have dessert now ? I love chocolate cake ! No dessert for you unless you eat all your vegetables . But I don ’ t like them ! It ’ s not fair ! You can have some fruit for dessert . If you eat an apple and a banana , I might let you have a small piece of chocolate cake . Ok ... actually , I don ’ t mind eating peas and carrots , buy I hate broccoli and cauliflower . I ’ ll remember that for next time . You ’ ll get extra peas and carrots , buy no broccoli or cauliflower . OK ? Thanks mom ! It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the place . It gave me a good idea of your product range . It ’ s a pleasure to show our factory to our customers . What ’ s your general impression , may I ask ? Very impressive , indeed , especially the speed of your NW Model . That ’ s our latest development . A product with high performance . We put it on the market just two months ago . The machine gives you an edge over your competitors , I guess . Certainly . No one can match us as far as speed is concerned . Could you give me some brochures for that machine ? And the price if possible . Right . Here is our sales catalog and literature . Thank you . I think we may be able to work together in the future . Is the factory fully-automated ? Not completely . Our production process is partially-automated . We use robots on the production line for routine assembly jobs but some of the work is still done manually . What about supply of parts to the production line ? Well , the parts are automatically selected from the store room using a bar-code system . And there is an automatic feeder which takes them to the conveyor belt at the start of the production line . What about the smaller components ? They're transported to the workstations on automated vehicles - robot trucks - which run on guide rails around the factory . I'm glad you're on your ten-year reunion planning committee . Yeah , you get the TV to yourself while I spend my nights surfing the Net for missing classmates . That's not why . This way I can see how you guys do this sort of thing . I guess . Don't you have reunions in Taiwan ? Definitely . Every year . But just for our forty-person class . Ours are for everyone that graduated in the same year . What does your job involve ? I'm the Project Manager so I have to make sure our projects run smoothly . I work with three Project Engineers . They take care of after-sales service and look after the maintenance side of the business . How many languages can you speak ? Besides Chinese , I can speak English and French . You mean you can read and write both of them ? No , I can only carry on a simple conversation in French . Can you read and write English well ? I can speak the language better than read and write . Do you speak the language well enough to communicate with people of English-speaking countries ? I think so . I used to be an interpreter . Do you think your English is good enough to do desk work ? The amount of English I know enables me to do general desk work . I believe what I know is sufficient to work in an American firm . What can I get for you ? Here is the menu . Let me have a look . Well , how many kinds of steaks do you have ? We have sirloin steaks , pepper steak , and filet steak . Is there something go with the filet steak ? Yes , we have various sauces . What about the gravy ? Are you ready to go shopping ? Just a minute . I need to make a list of thinks that we need . Good idea . Have you written down potatoes , carrots , and onions ? I don ’ t have onions on my list . I ’ ll add them . We should get some tea . Is green tea ok or should we get the same tea that we usually get ? Let ’ s get both . We need some coffee too . Is that on your list ? Yes , it is . Here ’ s my list . Is there anything that I ’ Ve forgotten ? I think you ’ Ve got everything . I want to got some chocolate and some cheese . What kind of cheese do you want . I ’ m not sure . I ’ ll decide at the cheese counter , when I can see what they have . Have we got enough money ? We don ’ t have enough cash , so I ’ ll take my credit card and we can pay with that . Where are the car keys ? I ’ Ve got them there . Shall I drive ? Hello , can you tell me how to use the telephone ? If you want to order meals , call 8801.If you need other help , call 8803 and someone will be there . Thank you so much . By the way , is there a mail service ? Yes , you can take your letters to the counter over there . Hi , I am afraid that the fax machine in my room won ’ t be working till tomorrow . A technician has just come and checked it . He will bring me a new one tomorrow . It seems there is a big problem with mine and it will take some days for repairing . Can I use the one in your office ? Of course you can . I am sure this one works very well . I just sent dozens of pages . How many pages are you sending ? Are you familiar with my fax machine ? Yes , I think you have the same model as I have . Does your fax machine print out immediately a transmission protocol ? Yes , it will print immediately . How many years have you done business with China ? Let me see , about five years , we established our business relationship with Hua Mei of China Import & Export Corporation in 2003 . Do you have any difficulties in doing business in China ? You know the Chinese economic legislation is still incomplete ? I don't think I have any problem with our Chinese partners . They have always followed the contract strictly . We can do business directly with the corporation . As I mentioned before , the Chinese government is trying very hard to perfect its law . Its commercial legislation provides legal protection for foreign companies . Well , it's known that the Sino-American relation is in a dilemma . Does it influence your business in China ? Actually not at present . But we are afraid it will . You know policies influence business to some extent . I hope our government will not be influenced by some extremists . China is really a large market . We don't want to lose it . Thank you . You're welcome . Give me a pack of first-class stamps , please . Here you are . That will be five dollars . Anything else ? Yes . I want some post cards and some airmail stamps . I want to send some letters to South America . Just a moment , I'll look up the rate for air-mail letters to South America . Can you tell me how much it will cost to send a package to Colombia ? Also , I what to know how long it will take . Do you have the package with you ? I would have to weigh it to see how much it would cost . Do you insure package ? Yes . All you have to do declare the value of the package and decide how much you want to insure it for . Is there a way that I can be sure that the people in South america receive my package ? The post office rarely loses package . You can , however , request a rectum receipt . One last question-what are your hours ? We open at eight-thirty in the morning and close at five-thirty in the afternoon . Thank you , you helped me a lot . Hello , thank you for taking the time to interview me . Hi there , I ’ m Bill Gotcha , the owner of Gotcha Enterprises . Did you find your way here OK ? Your assistant gave wonderful directions . Why are you switching jobs at this point in your career ? Our Company is moving overseas and I wish to stay in the United States . What are you best at ? I am good at organizing systems that have been having problems . What is your biggest challenge in terms of skills ? I don ’ t like to sit around and so like to always find things to do to keep myself busy . That is good to hear ! Good morning . SRC international . How may I help you ? Good morning . I'd like to speak to Peter . Chen Please . Certainly . Who should I say is calling ? This is Tim . Hunter from Hunter industries . And what is it regarding please ? We have an appointment for this afternoon . Mr . Chen will know why I'm calling . Of course , Please hold the line Mr . Hunter . Right , let me run through your options . You can go ahead and cash your undue Large-Amount Deposit Certificate if you really want to , but I'd recommend a Personal Durable Commodities Loan . OK , what does that entail ? It's not too much trouble to do it this way and remember , your certificate is due in 2 months . If you can hold on to it , it'll be much better for your finances . Yes , it does seem a little silly to cash it now . I'll probably need about 25,000 RIB . Will that be a problem ? Not at all , Mr Zu . As the certificate is due in 2 months , you can get the loan on mortgage of that certificate . I'm glad you thought of this . I'd have just gone ahead and cashed it ! And I suppose I can use the money from the certificate to pay back this Personal Durable Commodities Loan and I won't lose any interest , right ? Exactly right . If you'd like to go ahead , I can process that for you now , Mr Zu . Absolutely , Jenny . Thanks very much , I think you've saved me quite a lot of money today . My aunt told me one of her secrets--cellophane tape . I just got it at the special health store . It's for my flabby arms . Let me know how it works . I have to say , I have had enough of this roller coaster . I know what you mean . I'm like a yo-yo . Last week I was down to 60 kilos . This week I had one donut more . Now I'm up to 62 kilos . May I have a menu , please ? Of course . Could you tell me how this thing is cooked ? Lobster ? It is steamed and served with our special sauce . Is it good ? Sure . It is a most popular dish . I think I will try some lobster , and give me some green salad together . Can ’ t you come in and have tea now , Peter ? Not yet , I must water the garden first . Do you have to water it now ? I ’ m afraid I must . Look at it ! It ’ s terribly dry . What a nuisance ! Last summer it was very dry , too . Don ’ t you remember ? I had to water it every day . Well , I ’ ll have tea by myself . That was quick ! Have you finished already ? Yes , Look out of the window . It ’ s raining . That means you needn ’ t water the garden . That was a pleasant surprise . It means I can have tea , instead . I'm broke , and I have to catch another bus . Why don't you have any money for another bus ? I got hungry and bought some chips . That was smart . Anyway , do you have any change I can use for the bus ? I don't have any . I don't know how I'm going to get home . Get a transfer from the bus driver . How much is a transfer ? It doesn't cost anything . That's great ! Thanks for your help . You know what ? Don't mention it . Hello , Anna . Come in and sit down . Hello , doctor . What's the matter ? I've got a backache . Do you often suffer from backache ? No , I don't . I've never had a bad one before . When did it start ? About four days ago . Well , go home and rest in bed for two days , then you'll feel better . Can you give me some medicine ? It's very painful . Yes , I'll give you some pills . Take one a time and three times a day , and come back in three days . If you don't feel ... Welcome on board . May I see your boarding pass ? Here you are . Your seat is three , in the third row , near the window . Thank you . Where can I put my suitcase ? Either in the overhead compartment or underneath the seat . Everyone's attention , please . We are going to take off . Please fasten your belts . Hello , madam . How do you like your staying here ? Quite good . Excuse me , are there any places of interest ? Yes , there are so many near our hoteI.Three blocks away from here , there is temple . It's famous for its building and ' s worth visiting . Thank you . I think today we will go there . You're here to make a deposit , is that correct ? Right . I'd like to deposit 2,000 RIB into my Current Account . No problem . Could I have the cash and your Bank Book , please ? Oh dear ... there seems to be some problems here ... What ? What's wrong ? I'm sorry but 5 of these notes seem to be counterfeit . Look at this watermark , do you see it ? It does look a little strange , I didn't notice that before . Hello , sir . Is there anything I can help you find ? Um ... Uh ... I'm just looking , thanks . Need a gift for your girlfriend or wife ... No , no , no . I'm just browsing . Thanks anyway . Well , if you need anything , just ask . Um ... well , where's the men's shoe department ? It's on the third floor . Turn left when you get off the escalator . Thanks . An idea about killing time on a train ? I advise you to read Playboy.You can get a lot from it . But there's quite a lot of rumors about it . That's why it's interesting . Have you brought the receipt with you ? No , I don't . I left it home . Sorry , but we can't do anything without the receipt . Come back with it . I didn't know . I'll go to get it . How late will you be open ? Till 5:30 . I haven't told you what happened yet , have I ? I haven't heard anything . My boss offered me a promotion , and I took it . Are you serious ? Yes , I am really excited . That's great . Congratulations . I appreciate that . You have no idea how happy I am for you . For real ? I believe you were the best choice for that promotion . I really do . I like Chinese food . I like Chinese food , too . I like dumplings best . At school , we sometimes have Chinese food for lunch . That's good . We eat Chinese food only at the Chinese restaurant . My mother can make some Chinese food . Really ? That's wonderful ! OK . Come back into the classroom , class . Does the class start again , Mam ? Yes , but to the heath , this break has last long enough . Oh , breaktime flies . come on , baby . It ’ s time now . Mam , another minute , could I ? Hurry up , little boy . What's the matter , sir ? You look pale . I feel dizzy and weak . And I'm having this pain in my ear . I think I am sick . Are you often traveling by plane ? No , this is the second time . That's right . It's normal if you don't often take the plane . Just relax a little bit . Why this happens to me when I am on the plane ? I feel bad . Don't worry , sir . It's just because of the lower pressure . What should I do about it ? You may feel much better if you chew some gum or peanuts . OK , thanks . Does it work really ? I'll give a try . Are you feeling better now ? Do you need some pills ? Much better . Thank you . I just feel tired but I can't fall asleep . So , you'd better wear this eyeshade and you will sleep well . I am not used to wearing that . Thanks . If you try to adapt yourself to your destination's local time , you'll feel more comfortable . So please try to sleep , and have meals according to Los Angeles's time . Thank you so much . Could I see the manager please ? I have a complaint to make . Yes , I ’ m the manager here . What can I do for you , Madam ? Did you have the room checked before we move in ? Which room are you in ? 1808 . The toilet doesn ’ t work properly ; the water doesn ’ t run in the shower . I ’ m awfully sorry to hear that . I ’ ll turn to it right away . Excuse me , can I have an earphone please ? Sure , but you have to pay $ 3 for it . OK . Here you are . Well , ou can't hear music until takeoff . I see . Thank you . I'd like to buy some souvenirs . What do you think of the pamphlets with beautiful pictures ? That's nothing new . I'll buy an electric map of the city . I would like to open an account please . Do you have any form of ID ? I have my Tennis Club card . Is that good enough ? I ’ m afraid not . It has to be a passport or a valid driver ’ s license . Oh ... wait a minute ... here ’ s my driver ’ s license . OK , just fill in this application . You can sit over there . This brochure explains our services . We have free checking , and you will be given a debit card and on ATM card . There is no service OK , I ’ ll fill out the form and come right back . Hello , how can I be of service ? Hello . I'm not sure who I need to speak to . I got this 50 yuan note today and it seems a little odd to me . The first thing we do is check the feel of the paper ;d oes it feel too thick or too thin ? Then we check the watermark . In my opinion it is counterfeit . I'll just run it through the scanner to double check . What happens now ? Well , it's our policy to confiscate all counterfeit notes . So , unfortunately you'll lose this 50 RIB . We'll give you a receipt to show the note has been confiscated . Dear , can you drive me to the clinic ? I'm afraid I can't . Why ? Well , my car won't start . I don't know what's the matter with it . Could it be the battery ? No , I don't think it could be . I checked the battery two days ago.It must be other problems . Well , I suppose it could be the gas . No , there is plenty of gas . I filled it up yesterday . Perhaps it's the starter then ? Yes , that's possible . What do you reading , Linda ? I'm reading a novel , The mill on the floss , written by the famous novelist gorge alias . What's it about ? It's meanly about relationship between a brother and a sister , who live in the mill on the river floss . It describe there are childhood and disputes cause them to separate , the book ends with them ha Is it difficult to understand ? Not really , i would consider it easy . Besides novels , any other types literary works that you indulgence . I really like short stories . Have you read anything else besides literature ? Certainly I have . I like to read books on vary subjects , and i can read everything I can get my hands on in my spare time . I don't want to idle away and waste my time . I agree . People who don't read are no better often people who can't read . I also agree that books are like food for the mind . We have three dressings for salad . Which one would you like ? What kind do you have ? We have Italian , French and Thousand Island . Make it French please . I saw a vacancy board outside for assistant . Has the vacancy been filled ? Not yet . But do you have any experience as an assistant ? Yes . I have a lot of experience in that . I have worked for the sales company as an assistant since finishing my university . OK . It sounds fine . Can I help you ? I'd like to have a look at your air conditioners . Hum , this one looks pretty good . Yes , it ’ s this summer ’ s best-seller . And what about your customer service ? We provide free delivery and installation . How long is the warranty ? It is two-year and covers parts and service . Very good . I ’ ll take it . Hmm . Let me try something.Wait . I have a reservation for someone named Sang here . But it's spelled J - A - N - G . It's not spelled J - I - A - N - G . It's for a Mr . C Sang . Oh , that must be me ! Probably they typed the name wrong.My husband's English isn't so good . Yes , sometimes it happens , Ma'am . That's why it is always good to carry your confirmation number . I'm sorry about the inconvenience . It's okay . It's probably my husband's fault.Is there a pool in this hotel ? Yes , of course.The pool is open until 10:00 p . m . So you still have about 45 minutes . Good . Here is your key . Your room is 379.You can find the elevators just around that corner there , down the hall.Enjoy your stay , Ma'am . Thank you . Excuse me , I need to get to Cambridge today . Would you like to go by train or by bus ? I am not sure , which one is better ? The bus is cheaper but also slower . It will take about two-and-a-half hours . And how long does the train take ? If you take the fast train , it will take about 50 minutes . Where do I catch the train ? The trains for Cambridge leave from King's Cross Station . They run approximately every half hour . Most trains to Cambridge go from Platform 9 . How do I get to King's Cross ? The best way is to take an underground tube train directly to King's Cross . The Underground station is just round the corner from here . Can you show me on the map ? It is very easy . Just turn right when you leave and then turn right again at the first crossroads . The entrance to the Underground station is about 50 meters further on . Thank you very much . You're welcome . Have you seen the sales report for last quarter ? Who do you think is our digest threat ? From the numbers , it seems like Forest Inc . is our digest competitor ... Le'Ban and Markford are also major contenders in our market . Le'Ban is the new kid on the block , it's amazing they've had such tremendous success so soon ... With them on the scene , the competition is outthrough . here's information about our competitor's recent market activities ... Thanks , this will be a big help in putting together next quarter's marketing strategies . With competition this intense , we'll have to step up production even more . We need a price we can compete with . We're in a very competitive environment . It's sink or saimin this market . Better start swimming ! we've got to find a way to outsmart the other guys . I want a preliminarily strategic marketing plan on my desk by next Tuesday ... the competition never sleeps and neither should we . Hello , this is Hilton Hotel . How may I help you ? Hi . I would like to make a reservation on this Friday . OK . What kind of room do you want ? We have single rooms , twin rooms , double rooms and suites available on Friday . I want a single room with ocean view . Do you have one ? Let me check . Yes . OK . I will take it . When do you check in ? How long are you planning to stay ? Do you have any special requirements ? I guess I am going to arrive at 9:00 in the morning and I would like to leave at 200 in the afternoon on Sunday . Please give me a room away from the elevator . I hate noises while I am sleeping . OK . No problem . We need to call an emergency meeting as soon as possible about this . OK . Let me send a memo around . Schedule it for this afternoon , when Ken gets back . I don ’ t think he ’ s back today . Oh , that ’ s right . Go ahead anyways . I ’ ll fill him in . We can ’ t lose this order under any circumstances ! I know , it ’ s a big one . Would you mind if I ask some personal questions ? No . I don ’ t . Please . Are you in robust health ? I have a little problem , I'm overweight for my height . I think I should go on a diet . The consignments of chemical instruments have just reached us . We have to lodge a claim against you for inferior quality I am afraid . Is there anything wrong ? We bought 1,000 sets of chemical instruments from you , but there are 40 not up to the standard . It's hard for us to believe it . Our instruments have been the best quality for years . Have you any reliable evidence ? Here is the survey report from a well-known public surveyor in London . You may inspect the defective instruments personally Well . According to the contract , we are responsible for repairing or replacing those defective instruments . We ’ ll send our technicians to repair them . Forty faulty instruments means that 4 % are not up to the standard . You should compensate us for 4 % of the total account on the contract , as well as for the inspection fee . I am sorry about the quality problem , but I propose we compensate you for 3 % of the total value apart from the inspection fee . All right . In that case we are still willing to do business with you . Hi Bill , I saw your grandma yesterday . Oh where was that ? I was running around the track at my college and there she was walking around the same track . Grannie always tries to stay fit and healthy . She is always making us kids eat the proper foods . Well , it pays off for her . How old is she anyway ? She will be 86 next month . That is truly amazing ! Did you punch in ? Yes . By the way , you are having a great make-up today . I like the color of your lipstick . So adorable ! Really ? It took me really a while to find the color . I am happy you like it . Well , girls like us are happy to spend our time on those kinds of things . Actually , do we still have a meeting this afternoon ? Sure , when those never ending meetings . I don't think you've met my sister , Mary . No , I haven't had the pleasure . Come and meet her now . All right . Excuse me , would you tell me how to return to Hilton Hotel . I'm afraid I lost my way . Did you have hotel card or something ? Let me see . Yes , I have the address and hotel telephone number here . Oh , you stay at the down town Hilton . When you go down two blocks this way and turn left , you will find it on your right . I don't understand very well . Could you give me a map ? The bathroom looks lovely . Did you redecorate it yourself or did you get someone in to do it for you ? I did it myself . I went online and found a lot of website devoted to home improvement . Then I went to DIY shop and bought everything I needed . I ’ m sure I saved a lot of money by doing it myself and it was fun too . I learnt a lot by doing it myself . So , let ’ s see . You have put new tiles on the floor and replaced a few tiles on the walls . You ’ Ve also added a small cupboard for toiletries . The bath , shower , and washbasin are the same as before , aren ’ t they ? Yes , they are . I gave them a good clean . They are in good condition and don ’ t need to be replaced . How long did it take you to do the tiling . As I hadn ’ t done it before , I had to keep referring to income 3ation I got from the internet . Doing the floor tiles took a whole day-from early morning to right through to the evening . Then I spent a few hours replacing the cracked wall tiles . Putting the cupboard up took about an hour , so it took me two days altogether . I think you ’ Ve done a very good job . As least as good as a professional would do . Perhaps I can convince you to redo my bathroom ? You ’ ll be lucky ! However , I ’ ll print out the income 3ation I got from the internet and you can do it yourself . I'd like to see that pen , please . You mean this one ? No , the other one in the brown case . Oh , this one ... Here . May I try it ? Sure . It's very smooth . I'll take it . Cash or charge ? Charge , please . I ’ Ve come to hear about your offer for bristles . We have the offer ready for you . Let me see ... here it is . 100 cases Houston Bristles , 57 mm , at 10 pounds sterling per kilogram , C . I . F European Main Ports , for shipment in June 2001 . The offer is valid for five days . Why , your price has soared . It ’ s almost 25 % higher than last year ’ s . It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price . I ’ m a little surprised to hear you say that . You know very well that markets for bristles have gone up a great deal in recent months . The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere . I ’ m afraid I can ’ t agree with you there . I must point out your price is higher than some of the quotations we ’ Ve received from other sources . But you must take the quality into consideration . Everyone in the trade knows that US ’ s bristles are of superior quality to those from other countries . I agree that yours are of better quality . But there ’ s competition from synthetic products , too . You can ’ t very well ignore that . Prices for synthetic bristles haven ’ t changed much over the years . There ’ s practically no substitute for bristles for certain uses . That ’ s why demand for natural bristles keeps rising in spite of cheaper synthetic ones . To be frank with you , if it were not for the long - standing relationship between us , we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price . Well , we ’ ll have a lot of difficulties in persuading our clients to buy at this price . But I ’ ll have to try , I suppose . Good morning.sir.My name is Liu Peng from Tsinghai University . I am here for the interview relating to my visa application . Glad to meet you.Would you mind if I ask you some questions ? Of course not . Why do you want to go to the US ? I'd like to have further education.Now I am studying for my doctorate . Will you get any kind of scholarship ? Yes . The school has provided me with full scholarship and that will be enough to support myself . Could you say something about your educational background ? Yes . I graduated from shanghai University and later obtained a master's degree from Oxford . What was your graduation thesis on ? My graduation thesis is on International Trade . Hello , I'd like to open an account . Which account would you like to open ? I'd like to open a savings account . What's the interest rate now ? It is 3.2 % . You may earn a little interest on money . Is there any minimum deposit for the first time ? Yes , the opening minimum deposit is 1,000 Yuan . What about the later deposits ? For the later deposits , you can deposit any you want . Even one Yuan is OK . OK , that's good . Your ID , please . Here you are , a thousand Yuan and my ID . Wait a moment , please ... Here is your bankbook . Keep it well please . Thanks . I will . Hello Mr . Jones , please have a seat . Thank you for coming in today . I have read your resume . You completed University in England ? Yes , I went to Cambridge . After graduation , I started right away into the advertising industry . Later , I made a bit of a switch to focus on marketing research . So , what experience do you have ? I have ten years marketing experience . This includes both entry level and management positions . In my last position , I worked my way up to being director of the marking department . I can see that from your resume.Your last position was marketing director for a pharmaceutical company , is that right ? Later , why did you decide to leave your former post ? I felt after five years in one place , I was ready for something new . I would like to have a job that is challenging , something that I can see and do new things every day . I loved many things about my former job , and I left with amiable feelings on both sides . I was just ready for something new . I see . Do you want to work full-time or part-time ? I would rather work full-time . I'll make note of that . Now , what are your salary expectations ? I am willing to negotiate , but I expect at least $ 40,000 a year . My lease ends next month , so I have to find a new place . I feel sorry for you . It's a jungle out there . Do you know any places ? Well . I guess I can ask around to see if anyone's got a room or apartment available . Thank you . I think I should also have a look at the Internet to see if anyone's got a sublet . How much do are you looking to spend ? I can only afford about 1,000 yuan a month . Looks like you'll have to get a place in the suburbs . It doesn't matter , but it needs to be close to the subway or on a convenient bus route . Anything you need to have in the place ? I want a bedroom with full bath , and it'll be better if the bedroom is on the sunny side . You can also check out university bulletin boards . Why ? Will those be students who are leaving ? Not really , but landlords put up notices to attract students and they often have low rent . Thank you . I'll be sure to take a look . Good luck . Excuse me , but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China ? Certainly , sir . How much do you draw ? RIB 8,000 , please . Would you please tell me my balance ? Yes , sir . Your balance is RIB 34,000 . Are you here about your ticket ? Yes , I am , Your Honor . What is your argument ? Your Honor , the police officer pulled me over for speeding . You must've been speeding . No , Your Honor , I was not . Tell me how many miles per hour you were going . I was going 35 in a 40 mph zone . That's fine , so I'll let you go with a warning . So , I don't have to pay the ticket ? You won't have to pay the fine . Thank you very much , Your Honor . Yes ! I finally lost that last five pounds I've been working on forever ! How did you finally do it ? A friend suggested that I stop nibbling between meals . Like snacking ? You know , a little piece of chocolate here , some chips on the side , candy now and then ... I get what you mean . Instead , I sit down and have a good snack like a piece of fruit between meals . I'm impressed . Good for you ! This is our Submission of Tender which includes the information about volume of the project , the cost and so on . OK ! We'll see it . What kind of guarantee are you going to provide for us ? We can provide you with standby letter of credit established by Bank of China . Should we pay earnest money ? Yes , you are supposed to pay it on time . If you don't furnish a tender bond on time , your tender will not be considered . Besides , you also should provide derailed engineering of the good . Where do we submit the tender ? To our office which is on the third floor . Oh , I see . By the way , is tender-opening done publicly ? Yes . All the bidders will be invited to join us to supervise the tender-opening . And are the prices stated in the US dollar ? Yes , so far as we know , in the field , your company has lots of experience and we hope you will consider the tender seriously . OK ! We will . Bye ! Bye ! May I recommend you Tsingtao beer ? Tsingtao beer ? Yes , sir . It's one of the best beers in China . Really ? Yes . The beer is brewed by using carefully selected malts , rice , hops and natural water from the Lao Mountain . How about its taste ? Fine , sir . That sounds great . Two Tsingtao beers , please . Tin or bottle ? Tin , please . Would you like it on the rocks , sir ? No , thank you . You're welcome . I want to find a job in your bank as an accounting clerk . Do you know various funds and accounts ? Yes , I enjoy working with that . Great . We have a very pleasant working condition and I think we have a fine staff to work with . Mrs . Phoebe , here are your ordered goods . Please inspect the goods now . All right . Let me have a check . Can you tell me how can you inspect your exported goods ? Our quality control department is in charge of the inspection , which is directly under general manager . It is essential to attach the importance to the quality of goods . It is the basement for the future cooperation . That is good . And here I give you a piece of advice . You should have used stronger cardboard boxes for such a heavy item . Besides , it's better to secure the cartons with metal straps . What's more , the order number wasn't anywhere on some of the boxes . I realize that now . I will do that after a while . Thank you . Can I open the packages to check the color and style ? Of course , let me help you . The color and style are consistent with the sample . Great ! You know , we are superior to other clothes companies . Yes , that's for sure . There is nothing wrong with the quality . I think you'd better pack them first in plastic bags , than in cartons . OK . We will manage it later . Daddy , are you going to the park with us this weekend ? Honey , I have a lot of work to do . So you can't go with us , right ? No . Daddy , you always arrange your schedule so tight on weekdays . You should have a rest on weekends . What park do you want to go to ? Daniel wants to go to the aquarium . While Mom wants to visit the Summer Palace . Haven't we been these places already ? Yeah . I don't agree with them , but I don't have a better choice . What about the Olympic park ? Right , ah . It is so close to our home . How come we've never thought of that ? The Olympic Park has a small forest . It is fit for picnic . Very well , Go ahead . Please give me a piece of ' New York Daily ' . You are late . The last piece has sold out . Really ? Is there ' Wall Street Journal ' , please ? There are several , take a piece . The crash appears in the headline . It is famous for offering catastrophe stories . I have a long flight for ten hours . I need to choose a magazine . There are various magazines in the rack . Give me the latest issue of ' National Geographic ' . That's the top magazine in America and is popular with young people . OK . It is totally 30 dollars . Here you are . Have a nice trip . Hi there . Do you need any help ? I've been told about something called Southern Fund . How can I buy it ? First of all , you should open a Fund Account with us , just fill in this form . We'll need to see some ID and your Cash Card . That sounds simple enough . Do you charge any admin fees for that ? You'll have to pay 20 RIB , and then you will have your Southern Fund Management company card . Do you need any other documentation from me ? Yes , we'll need to fill in this form , for fund trading and this one , for subscribing for and / or applying for purchasing fund units . The minimum is 500 RIB . Harry , come here immediately ! What ? Don't take that tone with me ! I saw you hit your brother . No ! He hit me first . I don't care . You know better than to hit him . Go sit on your bed for 10 minutes . Have you seen the new girl in school ? No , I haven't . She's really pretty . Describe her to me . She's not too tall . Well , how tall is she ? She's about 5 feet even . What does she look like , though ? She has pretty light brown eyes . I may know which girl you're talking about . So you have seen her around ? Yes , I have . Hello , could I speak to Allison , please ? I'm sorry ; he's out at the moment . When do you expect him back ? I think he'll be back in about an hour at least . Well , may I leave a message ? Yes , of course . Would you please ask him to call Chris when he gets back ? Ok . Does he know your number ? I'm afraid he doesn't . My mobile is 139- 2477 - 4026 . 13924774026 . All right . Thanks for calling . Oh , hang on , someone's at the door that may be him , please hold on . Where is some fresh produce that's on sale ? Well , I think you'll like the mangoes . I've never had a mango . It's a fruit . It has a big stone in it . Can you eat the stone ? No . You would break all your teeth on it . How much are these mangoes ? The sale price today is $ 1 each . Can you describe their taste ? They usually taste sweet , but they remind me of an orange . How can I tell if they're ripe ? Don't cut into them until you can feel that they're soft on the outside . What country produces them ? They come from tropical countries . Please sit down . Thank you . From reading over your resume , I assume your English is quite good . Have you had any experience in the writing field ? No , I haven ’ t had any professional experience , but I have always been interested in creative writing . Have you ever had a foreign instructor in English composition ? Yes , my college teacher was an Australian . She was also our adviser on our English language newspaper . I was the editor for two years . That ’ s very interesting . Tell me what you did exactly . Well , I planned the layout of the newspaper and then I assigned various articles and columns to other students to write . I wrote the editorial each time . What is your aim in going into the field of journalism ? To be frank with you , I would like nothing better than to be an overseas reporter some day . That can be a rough job , you know . Yes , I know that . But I like adventure and excitement in my writing . Well , working in an editorial office may not be exciting enough for you . What do you think ? I would be glad to do routine work sometimes , if I could be assured of making advancements in the future . I think this type of position would be a very good start for you . I am quite sure we can work something out for you , but I cannot give you a definite answer today . We will let you know within just a few days . Fine . Thank you very much . Excuse me , Dr.Steward , I wonder if I could talk with you about my paper . Yes , of course.When ? Will you be free this afternoon , say from 3 to 4 ? Now let me check my schedule ... OK , you could to my office then . Marry Lin's Office , this is Linda . Linda , this is David Wang . Hi , Mr . Wang , what can I help you with ? I need to talk with Marry . Certainly , hold on . Thanks . Here's some flowers , love . Happy Valentine's Day . Those are beautiful . They smell lovely . Thank you . This is let you know that I still you after all this years . I knew there are some up and down when I married you , but through at all , you've always been may my Valentine . Oh , sweet . You've always been my love too . I don't think I say this enough , but I want to thank you for your kind listen patience , you ' Ve always been there for me . I'll do everything for you , love . You know that , maybe you didn't realize , but you made everyday a enjoys moment and happy occasion . I am so glad we met one another . Um , hello again . Are you sure you don't want to make a purchase , sir ? I have a question . Hush ... OK . What is it ? Why do people like all this fancy , expensive underwear ? What kind of question is that ? I'm just curious . I think women are beautiful without this stuff . Uh ... yeah , right ... Oh , you look kind of pale . What's the matter ? I feel sick . Do you ? Just a minute . Let me get the airsick bag ready ... Here . Thank you . Shall I get you some water ? No , thank you . I'll be all right as soon as the plane gets out of this turbulence . Excuse me . I bought the CD here two days ago . It's scratched , and doesn't play properly . I'm sorry about that , sir . I'll get you another one . The thing is I've replaced once already . I think it's just a faulty batch . I see . Maybe I can offer you a credit note . Well . To be honest , that's not much use to me . I'll leave the country tomorrow . I'd really prefer a refund . OK , sir . I'll see what I can do . Would you like a cigarette ? No , thanks . I've decided to give up smoking . Really ? Why ? Well , it's just that I think if you don't enjoy doing something any more , you should stop doing it . I see.You mean you don't enjoy smoking any more ? That's right . You should give it up , too.It ' s bad for your health . Stop talking like my mother . That's what she keeps saying . But it's true . It's a nasty habit . I can't think why I ever started.Anyway , it's obviously got you in its grip ! What do you mean ? What are you talking about ? I mean you couldn't give it up ! Can you give me a hand with some things in the kitchen ? I don ’ t think I can finish everything in time . Ok , what do you want me to do ? First of all , I need you to do the drying up . I ’ m almost finished the washing up . I ’ m going to clean the cooker when I finish . Ok . I ’ ll put the plates and cutlery away as I dry them . Where is the tea towel ? Oh , here it is . We ’ ll have this finished in no time with two if us working on it . While you ’ re cleaning the cooker , I ’ ll wipe the worktop . That was a great meat , by the way . Actually , it was just some leftovers from yesterday . I made far too much food to eat alone . I am glad you could come over to help me finish it . My pleasure ! This tea towel ’ s a little ragged . Do you have another one ? Yes . Look in that drawer . I should throw the old one out . Keep it and use it as rag . You can clean your bicycle with it . Hello . Mr . Othman ? This is Michael in Mr . Emory ’ s office . He ’ d like to set up and appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier . Sure , I ’ d be glad to . What time frame did he have in mind ? He ’ d like to do it as soon as possible , sir . How about tomorrow at 2:45 ? Mm , yeah , that ’ ll be great . Tell him I ’ ll see him then . Oh , I ’ m staving . I ’ d like to try some real Chinese cuisine . What would you recommend waiter ? Well , depends . You see , there are eight famous Chinese food cuisines , for instance , sichuan cuisine and HUNAN cuisine . There're all spicy or hot of heard . That ’ s right . If you have hot dishes , you can try some . It might be too hot for me . And there are Cantonese cuisine and Kiangsu cuisine .. Most people like them . What about any special Beijing dishes ? There ’ re Beijing roast duck . OH , yes . I heard of a lot of about it . I like very much to try it . Where can I find it ? You can find it in most restaurant . The best place certainly is Quanjude restaurant . Is it near here ? Not too near but not too far either . A taxi will take you there in fifteen minutes . the traffic is not too bad , I mean . Well , thank you for your information . What ’ s the name of that restaurant again ? Let me write it down on a piece of paper for you . You can show to the taxi driver . That ’ s very kind of you . Thanks a lot . May I come in , Mr Sun ? I ’ d rather you didn ’ t , Miss Yang . I ’ m very busy now . Can I try later then ? Yes , of course . Is it all right for me to come in now , Mr Sun ? Well , uh ... I ’ m still pretty busy , but ... all right . Come in . What can I do for you ? Do you mind if I sit down ? Not at all . Take a seat . Now what can I do for you ? I want to leave the department . Do you think I could put info a transfer ? Yes . But why should you want to do that ? Do you mind if I speak frankly ? Not at all . Go ahead . Well . You see , I don ’ t like the office . I don ’ t like the staff . And I ’ m afraid of you . And I don ’ t want to go one . So may I put info a transfer ? Yes . I ’ d be delighted if you did . Hello , China Southern Airlines . Can I help you ? Yes , could I make a reservation to New York on July 21st , next Friday ? Sorry , there is no flight available on July 21st . That's too bad . What's the earliest flight available ? I can give you a reservation on flight No CZ 387 on July 22nd . What about the fight schedule ? It departs at 12:10 and arrives at 15:10 next day . Is it a non-stop flight ? Yes . Sounds good . I'd like to take this flight . Would you prefer first class or economy class ? Economy class . And your name , please ? Edward Smith . Mr . Smith , you can get things fixed through our agencies in Guangzhou . Do remember to bring your passport with you . Yes , many thanks . Goodbye . Bye . Can we talk about this bonus plan of yours ? I ’ Ve got a few problems with it . Sure , Richard . What ’ s on your mind ? Well , to be honest , I just don ’ t think we ’ re going to have enough funds to give the kind of bonuses you have in mind . Well , why don ’ t we sit down and work out the numbers ? We can always scale down the bonuses if we have to . I take care of the letters . I may read , sort out and organize incoming mails . So you have to open all the envelopes . Yes , except the personal mail . And I also need to prepare the materials for posting and check the e-mail box regularly . Do you need to file copies of the letters before sending them ? Yes , and I check all the e-mails for Mr . Thomas . I take care of the letters . I may read , sort out and organize incoming mails . So you have to open all the envelopes . Yes , except the personal mail . And I also need to prepare the materials for posting and check the e-mail box regularly . Do you need to file copies of the letters before sending them ? Yes , and I check all the e-mails for Mr . Thomas . I want to buy some flowers for my wife's birthday . Red roses are always a popular gift for birthdays . What are the roses going for ? They're only $ 20 a dozen . That sounds nice and cheap . Yes , you're saving money because they're on sale today . Okay , give me the roses . Could I interest you in anything else ? No , but thanks anyway . Your wife will be thrilled with the roses . Hello , may I speak to you for a few minutes ? About what ? I want to speak to you about this year ’ s election . Oh , really ? Yes , I am a volunteer for the campaign . I am very impressed . I feel that history is about to be made , and I want to be a part of it . That is very nice of you . Will you be voting ? Yes , I am going to vote . Make sure you make it to your polling place early on Election Day . Thank you and good luck . Hey , Steven . What are you going to do this Saturday ? If the weather is good , I'll go to climb mountains . Are you going with your friends ? No , I'm going alone . Oh , aren't you afraid ? Of course not . For me , mountaineering is both relaxation and a hobby . I think mountaineering is an exciting sport , but a little dangerous . Yeah , you are right , but it's really interesting . Hey ! I just bought one of those new Japanese cell phones ! It's loaded with extras . What does it do ? It's got a built-in video camera so you can see the person you're talking to.It also takes stills and I can use the E-mail mode to send digital pictures straight to my friend's phone ! Wow ! What else does it do ? I can plug it into a folding keyboard to type in message mode . l can even surf the net . Cool ! Anything else ? Yes.With the 600 - second digital memory , l can record my voice and send it using voice message mode . Wow ! You'll love this ! I can use a stylus to draw a map on the touch screen and then use the fax mode to send it to another phone . You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning . If you cannot afford an attorney , one will be appointed for you . Do you understand ? Yes . What's your name ? My name is James . What's your nationality ? American . What's your relationship with the victim ? I don't know him . Why did you attack the victim ? Because he beat me first when I tried to stop him from grabbing my bag and running away . How many times did you stab the victim ? I stabbed his belly three times . Did you know hat your actions might cause serous injuries or death ? I knew , but I couldn't control myself . Was it your intention to kill the victim ? No . I didn't kill him on purpose , madam . It's him who caused the incident . I need to see my attorney . OK . Give me his number and we'll contact him . Hello . It's good to see you again , Ms Harrow , sending more money to your grandson today ? Today I'm here to find out about paying in foreign currency . You do that here , I suppose ? Yes , of course . What would you like to know ? My nephew has told me about something called a ' timing deposit ' or something like that ? A T-I-M-E , Time Deposit . You can chose from 5 different grades Put me down for 2 years . Here's the money I'd like to pay in ... I ’ m going to Bihai park . Is this the right bus please ? No . you ’ re going the wrong way . You wanna 103 from the Beijing zoo . how can I get it , please ? You get off at the next stop , cross the street and you will find the stop not far on the right hand side . could I have a transfer , please ? Here you are . Thank you . Peter , enough with your computer games . Go do your homework now . Can't I play more ? No ! Stop playing computer games ! Mom , I'll be finished soon . Peter , if you don't turn off your computer , then I won't allow you to play it again starting next week . Hello , sir . I'm ready for you . Is it my turn ? Yes , please sit on the chair.How do you want to have your hair cut ? Not too long.Cut a little off behind and on both sides , too . OK.Now lean back a little and keep still . I'm going to shave your face . How long have we been flying ? About 12 hours . I always have trouble with jet lag . Most people do when they travel long distances . By the way , what's the time now ? 8: 00 Beijing time . How do I use this adhesive ? This is a special adhesive for easing the pain . Apply it to the painful area and change it in every 2 days . How do I use the lotion ? Apply some of the ointment , and rub it into the skin . Well , thanks very much . Not at all . Cindy . We were going to try to surprise you for your birthday . But you ’ re just too busy ! Can you tell me when you ’ ll be free ? Oh , Brian . That ’ s really sweet of you guys . I would love to get together with all of you . How about Friday ? Great ! What time ? I ’ m free all afternoon . Why don ’ t we meet at 1 o ’ clock in the lobby ? I ’ ll need to meet with you before you go on vacation , Alex . I have a few things to clear up . I ’ ll be glad to . But my schedule is super tight this week . I think the only time I have free is at lunch on Wednesday . That ’ s fine . I can make that . All right , then . I ’ ll see you at noon on Wednesday . I've got a temperature and my stomach hurts . How long have you been feeling this way ? It all started the day before yesterday . You seem to have picked up some kind of infection . What should I do ? Take a few days off from work and don't wear yourself out . What would you like to eat tonight ? I'm not sure , what about you ? Do you think Kentucky fried chicken is good ? Sure sounds good to me . Did you clean your room today ? No , not yet . Well , when were you planning on doing that ? I'm going to clean it up later . Didn't I ask you to clean it up earlier ? I'm going to clean it . I want you to vacuum in your room , and don't forget to dust everything . I know . I'll do it . Make sure you clean it up before you do anything else . I'm not going anywhere until later , so I'll clean it then . Hello , can I help ? I'm from Lexington Software and I'm here to collect an export L / C . I have it right here . Great . Can I take it with me now ? Or do you need me to fill in some forms or something ? No , you can take it away now . I just need you to sign here . Here you are . Just one thing before you go , could you please prepare your documents in accordance with the L / C within the validity period ? No problem , I'll get on that right away . Thanks , bye . Hello , Mr . Thomas . Could you spare a minute ? What do you need ? I need to talk to you about that new driver you ’ Ve hired . I think I am going to have some problems working with him . He seems to be quite qualified . If it is a personal problem I preferred if you would work out between yourselves . I can't stand the stupid guy any longer . It ' s unbelievable ! Oh , my dear lady . Take it easy . You should forgive a green hand like him . He does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy . I suggest you talk with him and teach him how to deal with the problems . I have told him how to do it several times , but he's never listened to me . Maybe you should communicate with him just like a friend and not a boss . Oh , I always have difficulty in getting along with the staff . Just take them for your good friends and have a talk with them as we do , make sure you don't lose your temper . I think that's a bad idea . I'd hate anyone here to think of me as a friend . How would they ever respect me as they can do whatever they want ? I disagree . All you have to do is respect the staff and their opinions . hey , you look great ! how's everything ? yeah , you know what ? I've been going to the club regularly . The training really pays off . Now I am in a good shape and I know more about how to keep fit . really ? tell me about it . I haven't gone to the club for a long time . I am too busy with work . it's important to do proper exercises . you're right . Too much or too little won't do any good . the trainer tells me , besides regular sports activities , I should also have a healthy and balanced diet . sounds reasonable . we should eat more vegetables instead of junk food to stay energetic . and fruits ! surely it is . Getting enough sleep is also crucial for fitness . I've heard that . Does your trainer tell you anything about keeping fit ? yeah , he advises me to stay in a good mood . That can help one to keep sound physical health . I think if you follow your trainer's advice , you'll be on the right track . you bet it ! Staying out all night , you frightened me to death . I stayed with my friends . You should at least give me a call . I'm sorry , Mum . Did anyone call ? Just Mr . White . What did he want ? He wouldn't say over the phone . What kind of job do you intend to do ? I want to do some management job since I have three-year's work history . What are your plans if you were hired ? I would apply my specialty and experience to my job and gradually move up to the management level in this company . You stepped on my foot ! Sorry . I didn't mean to . what do you think about the public service advertisement for quiting smoking ? while I think it's great that they're trying to get people to quit smoking , but I don't really care for the advertisement . why not ? the fish hook that they use is quite disturbing ! it's a pun . They use the fish hook to make you think about how you can get hooked on smoking . I know , but I think it's not really appropriate for young children . I think they're trying to scare the young people so that they don't ever start smoking . all advertisers like to catch young people because they know the meaning of loyalty . perhaps you're right , , though . Maybe the advertisement would be more effective with adults anyhow . I have nothing against them putting the advertisements in magazines and newspapers that are read by adults , but I don't think they should have their ad on billboards where children can see them . that's a good point . I think I was so delighted to see that a billboard was being used to promote health that I didn't think about how children might understand the ad . you have to give them credit , though . It's about time people started becoming more aware of the dangers of smoking . Good morning . Could I speak with Mr . Willard please ? This is he . Who ’ s calling , please ? This is Chris Emerson speaking . Hello , Chris . How can I help you ? Can you tell me the differences between a letter and a memorandum , Miss Thong ? Certainly . A letter must be sent out of the company and must be mailed or posted . A memorandum is a communication within an organization . Should we use the layout we use for a letter when we write a memorandum ? No , not necessary . Usually we have a set form which is printed . We just fill in the printed forms and send it to the person or the offices concerned in the company . Of course , let me find one for you . Hi , do you have any tickets for the show tonight ? Sorry , it ’ s all sold out . Well , do you have any for tomorrow ? We have tickets for the matinee . It starts at 3p . m . Ok . I ’ ll take it . Where would you like to sit ? Do you have anything in the middle section ? I want a good view , but sitting too close hurts my eyes . Certainly . Lily , I am terribly sorry about this . But we have to put off or cancel tomorrow's meeting . Cancelled ? That's just can't happen ! Sorry to say , but nothing can be done . The equipment broke down and can't be fixed till Friday . Oh , I hope it be fixed on Friday . Overseas operator , may I help you ? Yes . I would like to place a collect call . Can you tell me the name and number of the person you want ? Terry and his number is 4562325 8 . Please wait a moment . It Will take a few seconds to get through . Would you help me figure out what to do about the office party ? I would be happy to help . What would you like me to help with , food or entertainment ? I would like to help you with both . That will work out fine . To make sure everything goes together , do you think this party should be casual or dressy ? A dressy party would be fun ! That will work out fine . Do you think that Chinese or Continental food would be best ? We should probably have both . Yes , that will work out fine . Should we hire a band or bring in a DJ ? Maybe we could do both ! Everything sounds great then ! I'll meet you back here on Friday to discuss the details . I can't find the price tag . It's right here . $ 100 . But I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item . Ours are of really good quality . I see , please wrap it . Peter , how often do you exercise ? Well , I swim and run every day . Now , tell me , what do you eat ? Well , I don't eat any meat , but I do eat fish and eggs . Do you eat a lot of vegetables ? Oh yes , and fruit , I love fruit . What do you drink ? Well , I never drink alcohol , coffee or tea . They are very bad for you . What do you drink ? Where can I call a taxi ? There's a taxi rank over there , right outside the gate . How did your company's fundraiser go ? The fundraiser events went really well . We were able to partner with a few of our competitors , all in fun of course , to sponsor a marathon for the American Cancer Society . All of the people who participated it had a great time , and we were able to raise a lot of money to contribute to cancer research . So how does it work ? How were you able to make money with the marathon ? Each of the runners that participated the marathon race paid a ten dollar entrance fee . Also , they went door to door to get sponsors who pledged a dollar per mile that participants ran . All in all we were able to raise several thousand dollars . Sounds like a great deal for the American Cancer Society . In all honesty , it's also a great deal for our company . The exposure that we gained from sponsoring an invent like this was great for our image in the community . We accomplished as much as last year's advertising campaign , plus we were able to do a little fundraising for a good cause . How may I help you today ? I need to open a second account . What kind of account would you like to open ? I need another savings account . Do you have another account with us ? I sure do . Would you like to transfer money from that account into your new one ? That ’ s fine . How much would you like to transfer ? Transfer $ 100 . Give me a moment while I complete your transaction . That ’ s fine . Thank you . How about your grades of study ? I have been doing quite well . As reach 90 % and Bs reach 100 % . And I ’ Ve received Scholarship two times . Besides your major , do you know some in other fields ? Yes . To develop my knowledge , I studied Economics , Business Administration and Accountingthrough self-study . Nowadays , I have passed three courses on CPA . Have you ever been a student cadre ? Yes . I used to be the monitor of my class . Did it affect you much ? It ’ s a very important experience for me . First , it improved my organizing ability , and let me understand how to resolve a problem in the overall perspective instead of my own perspective . Second , it let me know how to cooperate in harmony with people who I like or dislike . In your spare time , do you have any part time jobs ? Yes , I used to work as an assistant lawyer for Tienda Law Office . What kind of a car do you have ? An old one . I know it's old , but what make is it ? It's a Chevrolet . Why do you ask ? You going into the car business ? Nothing like that . My cousin is going to take a job overseas and he can't take his car with him , so he's going to sell it - cheap . It's practically new . well I have been thinking about getting a newer car . I can't afford a brand new one . Would you like to look at my cousin's car ? Is it a four-door or a two-door ? It's a coupe with a vinyl roof . Does it have automatic transmission ? . Yes , and it also has power steering , power brakes , and air conditioning . I guess I might take a look at it . What is my prime responsibility in daily work ? Your main job is serving the clients and giving them what they want . What other things do I need to know ? You'd spend 30 % of your time on the computer . You may be bored with a job like that . No problem . I am used to it . Good afternoon . May I help you ? Yes , I ’ m here to see Joanna Stevens . I have an appointment at four . Certainly , may I take your name ? I ’ ll let her know you ’ Ve arrived . Sure , it ’ s Josh O ’ Neil . Ms . Stevens will be with you momentarily . Can I offer you something to drink ? Yes , a coffee would be nice , thank you . Here you are . Ms . Stevens is ready for you now . I ’ ll show you to her office , right this way . How about your interview ? They turned me down . Why ? You are so excellent . I think the only reason is that I was too nervous during the interview and I couldn't express myself the way I wanted to . What a shame ! You should have showed yourself to them ! It doesn't matter . I'll try other companies . I suggest you hunt for a job on the Internet . On the Internet ? I've never heard of it . It's very convenient and it has become popular recently . Is that safe ? Of course , if you log on some standard websites . Thank you for your advice . I'll have a try . We are here . OK . How much is the fare ? The total is 45 yuan . 45 yuan ? It is too much , Are you sure ? It is 45 yuan on the meter . Is there something wrong with your meter ? No . I am sure about that . OK . Could you give me a receipt ? Yes . This is your receipt . Excuse me . Would you mind trading seats with me ? Not at all . Oh , thank you . That ’ s very kind of you . You ’ re welcome . I prefer a window seat . Oh , you do ? Good . Looking out of the window sometimes scares me . So I prefer to be the man in the middle . Do you plan to further your study ? Yes , I have been always learning the Economics on my own . My dream is to get a master's degree in Economics . If you make every effort to the company , you will have a great chance to attend the on-the-job postgraduate . The tuition fee will be financed by our company . Really ? It is amazing . I will apply for a position in your company . Ahem ... uh , sir , I beg your pardon ... Uh , mister , are you waiting to buy a ticket for the movie ? What's it look like , lady ? This is the ticket line I'm standing in , isn't it ? Well , yes , it is , but ... So , what's your beef anyway , lady ? You just cut into line , in front of me and everyone else , that's what ! Go take your place back at the end of the line , like every - one else ! Oh sure , lady , and fat chance I'd get a ticket before they're sold out . I'm staying right here , understand ? So be a nice lady and butt out ! Just what gives you the right ... ? Because I'm no sucker ; only suckers go to the end of the line . It's as simple as that , lady . Well , you're no gentleman , either . Okay , lady , just to show what a gentleman I really am , I'll let you go in front of me . Now , just buy your ticket and shut your trap , will you , lady ? Whew ! I got the last one . This must be my lucky day ! What was that you just said ? Last one ... ? Hey , they've closed the ticket window ! Yes , I'm afraid I bought the last ticket , and to think , if you hadn't been such a gentleman . . . Lady ! This is unfair ! I've been cheated ! I was in line before you.That should have been my ticket ! Come on , hand it over , lady ! Gentleman ! Hah ! Fat chance ! Hah ! Eat your heart out , sucker ! Hah ! May I help you ? Yes . Fill it up , please . Premium or regular ? Regular , please . Anything else , sir ? Should I check the water and the oil ? Yes , please . Darling , the airplane is going to take off . I have to go . Take care ! I will miss you so much . Is there anything I can do for you ? I haver run out of gas . What kind of oil do you want ? Premium , please . By the way , please don't fill it up . Two gallons will be fine . No problem . I'm starving . Let's get something to eat . Can we go somewhere nearby ? I don't feel like walking too far . Sure . What kind of food do you like ? I mean the food for something spicy . How about some Korean food ? There's a place right there on the corner . That sounds great . I love Korean food . May I help you , madam ? Yes . I ’ m trying to find a pair of earrings to match my necklace . Can you recommend some to me ? Yes . Your gold necklace has a diamond pendant , and your eardrops should be These look wonderful . Do these come with a guarantee of quality ? Of course . If there is anything wrong with them , you can come back and show me the guarantee of quality , and then you will surely get free service . I ’ ll take them . I ’ Ve lost my purse . Oh , dear . What was in it ? All my money . Well . Go to the police station and see if it ’ s there . Royal Hotel , can I help you ? Yes . I urgently need a room for tomorrow night , and do you have any vacancies ? Yes , we have . What kind of room would you like ? I'd like a suite with an ocean view , please . No problem , sir . Come in , please . Good morning ! I am Anna Lu . I've come for an interview which was arranged . Oh , I see . I am Jack White , Personnel Manager . Take a seat , please . Glad to meet you , Mr . White . Miss Lu , have you got any experience in restaurant service ? Yes . Since I entered college , I have been working at a fast food restaurant as a part-time waitress . For how long ? 3 years . Our restaurant receives a lot of foreign customers . Can you serve them in English ? That's why I applied for this job . Now I am studying Hotel English in my college , and I am quite familiar with the western courtesy and restaurant etiquette . I am sure my public relation skills will leave a strong impression on your customers . You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent . I don't mind that . I think I will give you a 3 months ’ trial . The salary for this period is 800 yuan a month with no bonus . After that period if we both feel satisfied , a formal contract would be signed . When am I supposed to start working ? Next monday . Bring your resume and diploma with you . Yes , I will . Thank you , Mr . White . Goodbye ! Goodbye ! Don't tell me you're pregnant again . I'm afraid so . What do you think of this dress ? Do you think it suits me ? Sure . Why don ’ t you try it on ? The fitting room is over there . It ’ s just the right size-a perfect fit ! Have you seen anything you like ? I ’ m thinking about buying this sweater . I know it ’ s June now , but it will be perfect for autumn and winter . It looks too big for you , but I like the color and the material is good quality . Is it on sale ? Yes , it ’ s half price . It ’ s supposed to be too large--that ’ s the fashion . I might get one too , but in a different color . I prefer light blue to white 。 There.It looks great , don ’ t you think ? I ’ m going to get these jeans as well . I need a new pair . I ‘ m also going to buy this scarf ready for winter . I ’ m getting this beret ? Doesn ’ t it look cool ? I ’ d like to get some jeans too , but I don ’ t have enough cash on me . Don ’ t worry . I ’ Ve got my credit card . You can pay me back later . Thanks ! Now I don ’ t need to come back to the shop a second time . Good morning . Wilson Association . This is Mr Brown speaking . I'd like to speak to Mr . Thomas , please . I'm sorry , but Mr.Thomas left the office a few minutes ago . That's bad ! I've been trying to call him for the last ten minutes , but your line has been busy . Will he be back soon ? I'm afraid not . He's gone for the rest of the day . Is there anywhere I can reach him ? I don't believe so . He's going out of town on business . May I take a message ? I have a business appointment with him for tomorrow morning at ten o'clock , but I'm afraid I can't make it . Would you care to make another appointment ? Unfortunately , I'm leaving town rather unexpectedly , and I may be gone for several days . I see . I can tell Mr.Thomas that you phoned . Thank you . Bye-bye . I see you have bought the latest copy of “ beauty and fashion ” . Are there any interesting articles in it ? There ’ s an interesting interview with a top fashion designer about the latest fashions . I enjoyed reading her thought . The “ which ? ” section is very interesting this month . They tested facial cleaners . The article recommends “ all clear ” for effectiveness and price . I like to take the tests that they print in this magazine . Which tests do you mean ? You know . Tests like ” how jealous are you ? ” and “ are you a fashion victim ? ” Oh , I see . I like to do those tests , too , but I don ’ t take them seriously . Of course not , but sometimes the results make you think about yourself and what you do . According to the jealousy test , I ’ m quite a jealous type of person . Perhaps I need to control my jealousy . Marry Wang's Office , this is Marry . Hi Marry , this is Tom . How can I help you ? I need to see if we can get together today . Put on the helmet , please . Do we need to put on the jackets too ? You ’ d better , to protect your clothes . Now please watch your step . Thank you . Is the production line fully automated ? Well , not fully automated . I see . How do you control the quality ? All products have to go through five checks in the whole manufacturing process . What ’ s the monthly output ? One thousand units per month now . But we ’ ll be making 1,200 units beginning with October . What ’ s your usual percentage of rejects ? About 2 % in normal operations . That ’ s wonderful . Is that where the finished products come off ? Yes . Shall we take a break now ? Excuse me . May I take you a picture ? With pleasure . Thanks you . Shall we stand a bit further ? I would like to take the tower in . No problem . That's OK . If you want the photo I will mail it to you . No need , sir . Hello . This is the Directory Assistance . Can I help you ? Can you give me the number for Jessica Hanson on locks Ave ? I ’ m sorry . There is no listing under that name . Are you sure of the name ? Yes , I ’ m pretty sure . Do you have her address ? Yes , I do . It ’ s 109 Locks Ave , L8V 4N9 . That ’ s an unlisted number . I ’ m sorry , but I can ’ t give it to you . I see . Thanks anyway . No problem . I ’ d like to open a savings account . Can you tell me how to do it ? Ok , you have to fill out the form . And I let me see three identification cards or documents . I have the driver ’ s license , a membership card and my passport . Would we do ? Let me see them . Yes . There ’ re ok . What ‘ s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account ? You can deposit and ensure amount of ten dollars . Thank you . We are willing to participate in the bid which you advertised in China Daily . Would you please tell me the detail of the tender conditions ? You will receive the tender notice next month and you'll find the information . OK ! Our company is very interested in the tender . I am sure that we will do our best to win the bidding in building the factory . I believe your corporation will try your best and I understand fully your feeling , if your tender conditions proved be suitable for our general conditions of tender , we will accept your submission of tender . Maybe I have asking too many questions today . That's all right . You can contact me later if you have other questions after you read the tender notice . Fine , thanks a lot . Bye ! Bye ! Good morning , Mr Zhang , I wonder whether you have got an answer from your superior . Yes , we had a meting about it yesterday afternoon . What's the answer ? We decided that we could agree to your price , but we are a bit worried about the slow delivery . Let me see . I quoted your delivery in three months , didn't I ? Yes , but we hope that the wool could reach us as soon as possible . I thought you would be worried about it . So I rang Auckland last night . As you are our biggest customer , they agreed to ship the order on the first vessel available that will leave Auckland next month . Good , if you agree we'll draft the agreement right away and sign it then . By all means . Be careful . The floor is wet . What happened ? I spilled my drink . Hello , this is Lucie Jing calling from Lincoln Bank . May I speak to Mr Was , please ? Speaking . Ah , hello , Mr Was . I'm just calling about your new credit card . It has arrived with us , so you can either come to collect it , or we can send it on to you . Sending it won't be necessary . I'm actually coming in for a meeting with my Personal Banker this afternoon . What perfect timing ! Indeed . Is there anything I need to do before I collect it ? Not really . But we do recommend you to read through our terms and conditions again before you sign the card , just in case there is something you aren't happy with . I'm sure it'll be fine . How about my PIN number ? That will be sent on to you within 2 working days . Then , you can start using your new card . Great . I'll be in later today . Thanks for calling . Bye . What are we eating for lunch ? I have no idea . What about you ? I kind of want pizza . I ate pizza the other day . So , what do you feel like eating then ? How about some burgers ? I already had a burger yesterday . What are we going to do ? We can just each get what we want to get . That sounds like a plan . Do you know a place that sells pizza and burgers ? I think they sell both at the cafeteria . Did you bring your certificate for nursing ? Yes , here is my Certificate of Nurse . How about your nursing education ? I learnt nursing through theory and practice for 3 years at Hunan Nursing School . Can you manage English conversation ? Yes , pretty well . I have started learning English since primary school . Have you ever thought about having children , Kaitlyn ? My husband and I have thought about it , but we've decided not to have any . They're just too expensive . Besides , with all the news about global warming on the news lately , who knows what kind of Worl Well , I've always wanted to have lots of children . Growing up with only one brother , I always felt a bit lonely . What do you think about families with only one child ? For me , growing up in a big family always made me yearn for attention . I always wanted to be an only child so that I could always do what I wanted and so that I wouldn't ever have to share . Don't you think you would miss having other people around ? No way ! I spent 20 years of my life with relatives around me 24-7 . You know , I don't think I've ever actually spent any time by myself in my parents ' home . What do you think fo the one-child policy If China didn't have such a policy , can you imagine how many people there would be in China now ? That's true . But as a woman , I'm glad that even though I don't want any children , I at least have a choice in how many children I have . On the other hand , I can't imagine what China would be like Do you think most families with many children envy or feel sorry for other families with only one child ? I don't know what other people think , but I , for one , envy only children ! Ok , let ’ s go through this one more time . I don ’ t want anymore ruined or dyed blouses ! I know , I know . OK , so I have to separate the colors from the whites and put them in this strange looking contraption so called washing machine . Right . You have to turn it on and program it depending on what type of clothes you are washing . For example for delicates , you should set a shorter washing cycle . Also , be sure to use fabric softener and this detergent when washing . So complicated ! Ok , what about this red wine stain ? How do I get it out ? Since this is a white t-shirt , you can just pour a little bit of bleach on it and it will do the trick . Cool . Then I can just throw everything in the dryer for an hour and it ’ s all set right ? No ! Since you are washing delicates and cotton , you should set the dryer to medium heat and for twenty minutes . You know what ? I ’ ll just have everything dry cleaned . Is Tom in ? No , he is at work now . May I have his office phone number please ? Sure . It's 289,1234 . What about driving to Shanghai ? Driving ? No way , it's too far . I just thought it would be an interesting way to see lots of places . How long will it take ? Too long , and you do not have much time . What a pity . Good afternoon . I'll show you to your room . Thank you . Could you tell me which bags are yours ? They're over there next to the door . Those three with green tags on them . Could you wait a moment ? I have to get a trolley . May I see your room key , please ? Sure , here it is . Thank you . Room 402 . You're on the 4th floor . This way , please . Excuse me , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I bought the can two days ago , but today I found that is beyond the guarantee period . Let me see . I am sorry , sir . We will change another one for you . Please wait a moment . Excuse me , but could you tell me the way to the railway station ? The railway station ? Just go down this street and turn left at the second corner . The station is at the end of that street . How long will it take me to get there ? It's about a ten-minute walk . That's very clear . I think I can find my way now . Thank you . Not at all . Excuse me ! Does this bus go to the railway station ? No , You're got on the wrong bus . You can take a No . 22 bus at the University station and then transfer to a No . 83 bus at the railway station . OK ! Thank you very much ! I have here our price sheet on a F . O . B . basis . The prices are given without engagement . Good , if you ’ ll excuse me , I ’ ll go over the sheet right now . Take your time . I can tell you at a glance that your prices are much too high . I ’ m surprised to hear you say so . You know that the cost of pro - duction has been skyrocketing in recent years . We only ask that your prices be comparable to others . That ’ s reasonable , isn ’ t it ? Well , to get the business done , we can consider making some concessions in our price . But first , you ’ ll have to give me an idea of the quantity you wish to order from us , so that we may adjust our prices accordingly . The size of our order depends greatly on the prices . Let ’ s settle that matter first . Well , as I ’ Ve said , if your order is large enough , we ’ re ready to reduce our prices by 2 percent . When I say your prices are much too high , I don ’ t mean they are higher merely by 2 or 3 percent . How much do you mean then ? Can you give me a rough idea ? To have this business concluded , I should say a reduction of least 10 percent would help . Impossible . How can you expect us to make a reduction to that extent ? I think you are as well - informed as I am about the market for chemical fertilizers . It ’ s unnecessary for me to point out that sup - ply exceeds demand at present and that this situation is apt to continue for a long time yet . May I suggest that you call your home office and see what they have to say ? Very well , I will . Excuse me , you look lost.Can I help you ? Oh , Thank you . I'm looking for the train station . Right . Let me see . You go straight down here and turn right . Right ? OK , got it . Then take the next left then the next right . Are you with me ? Next left then right ? OK . I'm sorry , but I didn't catch what you said . I said , ' Do you want me to help you ? ' I'm trying to find a post office . Go three blocks and turn right . It's right there . Should I take the bus ? No . It'll only take about five minutes to walk . Thank you very much . Anytime . It says here that you graduated from Beijing Normal University with a major in English Language and Literature . Right . Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background . Yes . But I want to be a tour guide very much because I like traveling and meeting various kinds of people . So I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation and I have gotten a qualification certificate . So you must be an extravert ? Yes , I always enjoy being with a group of people and chatting with them . What do you think are the responsibilities of a tourist guide ? A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities , and offering service of transportation , accommodation , sightseeing , shopping and entertainment . Don't you consider it a hard work ? Hard but interesting , I think . Have you any experience as a tourist guide ? Yes , I usually guided foreign tourists around Beijing when I was in University . Have you ever learned any other foreign languages other than English ? Yes , I have learned a little French and Japanese as well . Didn ’ t you punch in this morning , Monica ? Sorry , I don ’ t know the rule about punching . That ’ s ok . I should have told you earlier . This is a company rule . Do we also need to punch out after work ? According to the company rule , we should punch in before 8 o ’ clock and punch out after 5 o ’ clock every work day . How about the lunch break , Lucy ? From 11 thirty to 1 o ’ clock . May I ask whether we need to work overtime ? Sometimes , but not quite often . This needs dry-cleaning.Can you remove this stain without harming the fabric ? Let me see . We ’ ll try , but I ’ m not sure that we can remove it . Ok , then . We ’ ll I ’ d also like to have this pressed . Any starch ? No starch . What's the problem ? I have a laceration on my left forearm . Let me have a look . How did this happen ? I got hit by a car in an accident . Was there much bleeding afterward ? No , not much . Well , this doesn't look too serious . Nurse , could you please get me a suture set ? Will I need stitches ? Yes . Three , I think . It wont ' be too painful . Alright , we're done . That wasn't so bad , was it ? No , not really . You're lucky there was no lasting damage . I'll set up an appointment for you to come back in five days . We'll take those stitches out then . So long . Thank you , doctor . Bye . What time is it ? Ten to nine . Your watch is ten minutes slow . So it's should be nine sharp . I'm gonna be late again . What will be my excuse this time ? It should be set the alarm for seven thirty . Don't cry over spilled milk , Fred ? Could you stay with me a few minutes ? What ? Why ? What's wrong with you ? I just hate being alone at home with nothing to do about listen to the clock ticking.It ' s so lonely and boring . My sickness makes it worse . When will I recover ? You will be fine in the couple of month , just be patient . I've got to woke now , I'll be late . You only care about your work . Sorry , baby , you are everything to me . all I do just for our family . Stay just a few minutes longer , OK ? OK , I'll leave at 9:15 , Is that all right ? Yes . I'll spent more time with you in the future , Dina . Thank you . Canton Hotel . I'd like to reserve a double room . I will be arriving next Monday , the 12th . My name is Wilson . A double room for the 12th ? The name is Wilson ? Yes , that's right . How long will you be staying ? Three or four days , perhaps longer . Very good , sir . We will be expecting you next Monday , the 12th . How is the result of your lab test ? When it comes to that , I have a lot to say . Then say it . When I went back to my doctor to hear the results of my lab tests , I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death . Then you guess what he said . That ’ s just what I want to know . He told me the tests were negative and there was nothing wrong with me . Could you tell me something about your family ? OK . There are five people in my family , Father , mother , elder brother , younger sister and I . Are your brother and sister still in school ? My brother has found his job and my sister is still in college . What does your father do ? My father is a middle school teacher . What about your mother ? My mother is a housewife . Are you married ? I am not married yet and I live alone now . Do you need to support your family ? No , my father and brother are doing that . Have you finished school ? Yes , I have already graduated . I'm in heaven ! A Whirlpool dryer ! I love them , too . Let's move into the kitchen . Wait until you see the refrigerator . This is too good to be true . And the stove is brand new . You know how to use a gas stove , right ? Yes . We've lived in Taiwan for a while . I had a gas stove in the States , too . It's better for cooking Chinese food . Well , what do you think ? We love it . But we'd like to know about the neighbors . How's your new car ? Perfect ! Couldn't be better . You made a good choice , then ? It's just what I want . No regrets ? I am really pleased with it . I am glad you are happy . It's super . Good afternoon , Sir . You're here to see about a Temporary Loan , right ? The loans we offer are for purchasing income-generating assets . Is that what you require ? Yes , that's exactly what I need . How about terms for these ? Well , we offer 60 - day or 90 - day loans . The balance of the loan is to be repaid in full by the end of the specified period . Is there any flexibility on that ? Unfortunately , not . OK . In my position , I think the best way to go would be for the 90 - day loan . That would give us a little more time to sort out the repayment plan . Not a problem , Sir . If you'd just fill out these forms , and of course with necessary clearance , we can get you the money right away . Mr . Wang , I've had scheduled for your two days stay in Shanghai . You can make some changes if it does not suit you . All right . Please read it to me . On Friday morning , Mr . Wang , the director of Shanghai Research Institute , will visit you at the hotel . In the afternoon , you will discuss some problems with Mr . Yang , vice manager of computer corporation . Very good . On Saturday , you'll leave the hotel for sightseeing . Miss Lu will be your guide . Oh , that's great . Hi , I would like to return this TV . Sure , do you have the receipt ? Yeah here you go . Actually I also want to return this keyboard . Ok . may I ask what is the reason for returning these products ? The TV flickers a lot when I am watching a movie and at times the image is not very clear . I see , and what about the keyboard ? I spilled some coffee on it and now it won't work . I am sorry mam , but we can only exchange or refund defective products , we cannot take responsibility for misuse or damages . Fine ! I don't know why they make these things so delicate anyways . There are so many people that the tickets are all sold out ! Luckily we got the last two . Look , Danny . The Four Great Inventions ! Gunpowder , compass , the paper making , and the printing . I really admire those who made such great inventions ! May , I don't see why they are great . They are just simple things . They look simple today . But they were milestones in their times . Milestones ? May , you must be kidding . Just think Bill Gates , those inventions are as important as the windows system . Well , I suppose the ancient inventors made a lot of money out of them . No , quite the contrary . Why ? Didn't you say that they were milestones ? Yes , but they went to the public without any patent protection . Well , their inventors were not as clever as Bill Gates . What can I do for you ? I need some medicine . For whom ? My wife . She suffers from a bad cold . What symptoms does she have ? Fever and a bad cough . I see . Don't worry , just a common cold . What kind of medicine does she need ? Patulin will be enough . How many pills for each time ? Nine pills per day , and three pills after each meal . Thank you very much . It's my pleasure . Do you believe in god ? Not at all . I ’ m an agnostic . do you ? I ’ m not sure . Why don ’ t you believe there is a god ? I think everything has a scientific explanation rather than a theological one . I basically believe in science over theology . I mean , I believe in evolution for example . However , there are many things that science hasn ’ t explained yet . I ’ m sure that science will explain everything eventually . I think that the strangest thing about religion is that so many religions people act in ways that their religion claims are wrong . For example ? Religions preach tolerance , but many wars are caused by intolerant religious fanatics . Yes . Such people don ’ t appear to be acting in accordance with their religious beliefs . Didn't you say your friend was American ? Where is she going on her honeymoon ? They're going skiing in Colorado . What a coincidence ! These pajamas would be perfect to take along on the honeymoon ! You're probably right . Oh , what the heck ! I'll take it all ... in maroon , like you said . What a terrible house ! I'm sick of it , too . The door bell doesn't work , there's no hot water , and the building is falling apart . It's no use complaining . If we had got enough money , we couldn't put up with it , and would have moved out . Sure . Hello ! Is that Sue ? Speaking . A.This is George . Hello , George.What ' s up ? This website offers very convenient air tickets booking service . It is quick and accurate . Yes , I once booked there . They give the immediate confirm information and flight information to both your mobile phone and e-mail . You can conveniently pay by credit card , so the whole transaction only takes a couple of minutes . They also provide e-tickets , meaning you don ’ t need to go to any office to pick an air ticket . You go to the airport directly and check in with your ID card . So it has attracted more and more customers these days . Yes , therefore they are expanding the scope of their service . For example , hotels can be booked through the same site as well . Excuse me . Hello sir , may I help you ? Yes . Can I see that T-shirt on the top shelf please ? Sure . Here it is . How much does it cost ? 50 dollars . 50 dollars . That's too much . How about this one ? It's on sale for only 35 dollars . I don't like that one . How about the one next to the black gloves ? It's very similar to the one you like . That's nice . How much is it ? 30 dollars . That'll be fine . Is this color OK , or would you like a different color ? That blue one's fine . Do you need any more of these shirts ? Yes . How many do you want ? I'll take two more , a red one and a white one . Hello , this is Li Bo speaking . Hi , I am Liu Ming . I am calling to tell you that I have got the job . Oh , that is wonderful . Congratulations ! I really feel grateful to you for your reference . They have mentioned this in the job interview . Don't mention it . I think that is because you have right qualifications and nice personality . Thanks again . I will start on next Monday . I am sure I will have good performance . I agree . I am a student in Cambridge University . I read your ad , I want to know something more about your room , please ? It's a big bedroom with a drawing room , facing a beautiful wood . Is there a bathroom ? No , but there is one downstairs , which my daughter used some years ago . It sounds good . Could I go and see it myself ? Certainly , you're welcome anytime . See you later ! ( after a while ) Good afternoon , Mrs . Smith . I called you just now . Welcome ! Come in , please ! Yes . This way please . Your room is upstairs ... Here it is . Wonderful ! A modest , comfortable room . Ah , a beautiful window , through which I can see a beautiful scene , and hear the birds singing . How nice ! Yes , if you want to wash something , there is a separate lavatory room outside . Excellent ! I like it ! When can I move in ? Anytime you like . OK . Hello , this is Dunlin . May I speak to Mrs Smith ? This is Mrs Smith . Can I help you ? I am calling to say thank you for the interview yesterday . You are welcome . I am very impressed by your capability . Is there anything I should do ? No , nothing . It's thoughtful of you to call me again . Thank you . Please call me at any time if you have any questions . Ok , I will . Do you have any question ? No , thank you . Goodbye . Goodbye . Hi there . Welcome to Lincoln Corporate Services . How can we help ? Hi . I was wondering what kind of fixed asset loans you have ? Do you have Fixed Asset Loans ? Yes , we do . You'll go through the acceptance application , then a first review , then an evaluation and examination and finally get approval . Why don't you read through this brochure ? It outlines all of the important aspects of the loan , the terms and conditions , etc . That's a good idea , to familiarise myself with it . Then , I'll be back if we decide to go ahead . There are many art craft items in this shop . I suggest you take your time , and you might find something you like . That's what I am going to do . If you have any problem , please come to me . I surely will . How much is this wood carving ? You are an expert on it . That wood carving is very rare . But I'm so sorry . that is not for sell . That's OK . Is anything else recommended ? Do you have any special request ? I'd like to see some traditional arts . So that means you are shopping for presents ? Yes , I'm just here to pick out some special presents for my foreign friends . Actually , I think the paper-cuts is OK , because it is easy to carry and foreign friends are also interested in it . They think that is a miracle . Sounds good . I'll take paper-cut . I have collected different kinds of paper-cuts all over the country , you can pick the one you like best . You collect them yourself ? I think that you are just doing the wholesale . As a matter of fact , I open the shop because I'm interested in the arts . I spent lots of time doing research on the folk art of our country . Wow , you are the expert on it . Operator . Can I help you ? I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing , China . The number is 2135367 8 , and I want to speak to Mr . Zhang . To Mr . Zhang in at 2135-3678 ? Yes , that's right . May I have your name and telephone number ? My name is Luo Gang , and the phone number is 513-3284 . Mr . Luo , will you hold the line , please - - - Mr . Luo , there is no Zhang at that number . Will you check the number again , please ? What the number I gave you , operator ? It's 2135-3678 . Oh , I'm sorry . should have been 2135-3668 , not 3678 . I've given you a wrong number . Are you sure this time ? Yes . OK . Let me try again . Thank you . Are there any special requirements on the project ? And shall we talk around it in details ? Yes , there're some samples in our office and you can take some to study it . Besides , you see , in recent years , we've visited a diversity of factory buildings all over the world and we hope that our building is the perfect match of advanced technology and attractiveness . That's a good idea . We can improve our technology to meet your special need . And please let white color dominate . OK ! I've noted it down . And any others ? Oh ! I've almost forgot the location was transferred to the A county in the east of the city . I'll tell them . Well , the most important thing is that our company demand the quality be exactly the same as the sample which you'll take from the office on the third floor . Please feel assured that we'll abide by our promise . And we'll do everything we can to ensure delivery . Thanks a lot . And I believe I'll have a good time working with you . I think so . Bye ! Bye ! Mr . Black , I ' d like to take some time off . I ' Ve been feeling exhausted these days . That's no problem . Let me see ... You still have ten days annual leave left , is that right ? Yes . I was wondering if I could take another two weeks off . That's long leave . How's your project coming along ? The project I'm in charged of now will be done by the end of this week . I'd like to take my leave from next Monday on . Well , all right . But you make sure to tie up loose ends before you leave . Thank you , Mr.Black . There are no immediate projects coming up at the moment . Mr.Smith will be in charge during my absence . He is taking part in several projects as my assistant and knows how to maintain relationships with our clients . Great ! I hope you have a good relaxation and come back refreshed . I will . Many thanks , Mr.Black . Did you ever get a parking ticket ? Only a few . What's a few ? I've gotten six , I think . Did you pay your fines ? Of course I have . How much are the parking tickets ? I think they're $ 130 . That's expensive . I just got a parking ticket . You should probably pay the fine soon . I'm going to pay it today . Are you doing anything right now , Diana ? I am typing a report for the moment , Mr . Robbins . Anything I need to do ? Will you please cut it for a while and come in here to take a letter ? Is it urgent ? Yes , this letter can't go into the mail any later than 5 . It's about a contract . Ok , I am coming . Please take a seat , Diana . Have you got your spare pens and pencils ? Yes , I have this time . But If I don't understand a word or a phrase when you are dictating , can I ask you halfway ? No , I ’ d prefer not . I don't want any interruptions every other minute , but you can ask me at the end of the letter . All right . I understand now . Do you think I should leave a margin on every page wide enough for notes and amendments . Of course , Diana . You'd better pay attention to the spelling when you type it . Certainly I will , Mr . Robbins . By the way , may I use a window envelope ? Yes , that's fine . Now when you finish these , I want you to put these cards in alphabetical order , using the last names , and then make a list . You want the cards in alphabetical order using the last names ? Right . And the last thing , we are going to clean the files out tomorrow . Now let's begin . You're finally here ! What took so long ? I got stuck in traffic again . There was a terrible traffic jam near the Carrefour intersection . It's always rather congested down there during rush hour . Maybe you should try to find a different route to get home . I don't think it can be avoided , to be honest . perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport system to work . I think it's something that I'll have to consider . The public transport system is pretty good . It would be better for the environment , too . I know . I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problem in this city . Taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving as well . The only problem is that I'm going to really miss having the freedom that you have with a car . Well , when it's nicer outside , you can start biking to work . That will give you just as much freedom as your car usually provides . That's true . I could certainly use the exercise ! So , are you going to quit driving to work then ? Yes , it's not good for me or for the environment . That's really convenient . We were wondering if you could take a little off the rent , though . I can take two thousand off . That'll make the rent twenty-eight thousand . That's great . Every little bit counts . And we don't need the parking space . I guess we could rent it out . Sure , for at least three thousand per month . That'll bring the price down to twenty-five . That's the price we were shooting for . I'm glad . Now , there's a deposit fee of two month's rent . Hello . I sent out my laundry yesterday.Aren ' t they ready ? They'll be ready by this afternoon . Oh , no ! I'm leaving for Japan at 11 this morning . Is that right ? We're very sorry . I thought it was " the same day " service.Anyway , please do hurry . I'm afraid we can't return it by 11 o'clock . Well , then , would you send it to Japan , please ? Yes , we'll do so . Hello , welcome to Lincoln Bank . What can we do for you today ? I want to effect payment under an L / C today . No problem . OK ... just checking for you . Ah , I'm afraid there aren't enough funds in your account to cover this transaction . What you can do is buy some US dollars , using local currency and we can credit your account with that amount . That seems alright . What's the exchange rate like today ? Good or bad ? It's not too bad today , actually . 828.23 . How can I help you , sir ? I am here to have a discussion on your company's investment issue . Sorry , could you tell me your name ? I am James Pond from FAM Company and I am here to discuss it with Nova . Do you have an appointment ? Yes , I did it yesterday . Our meeting should be 2 pm . I guess she forgot your meeting . She is attending an important meeting in the company . Will you have a seat ? May I leave a memo for her ? Thank you . She will be back soon . Excuse me . Would you please make a suit with this material ? Sure . May I take your measurements ? Please don't make it too tight . This is for autumn wear , so make sure you allow for a cardigan underneath . I see , sir . Can you come back for a fitting on the 10th , that's in a week's time ? The 10th ? I'm sorry , but you see I'm going to attend an international conference on the 11th . Could you have the suit ready by the 8th , or at the latest , the 9th ? Well , a business suit usually takes ten days ' time . But in your case , we'll try to have it ready sooner . How about coming for your fitting on the 8th ? Then your suit will be ready for you on the 10th ? That's fine , thank you . Good morning everyone . Thank you for attending the meeting today . I'm sure you all have a copy of the agenda . So let's get started with the first issue . We're here today to present to you the results of our marketing research regarding the consumer behavior . I would like to begin by introducing our foreign guests to our stuff on your left ( right ) , we have Mr . Brown , who is Vice President of Sales . Next to him is Ms . Arts , Director of Marketing for the Atlas Company . In the back row is Dr . Barolo , who is visiting from Italy . Thank you all for coming . I am glad to see everyone is here and on time . Let's get started ! Susan , toss out some of your ideas . It seems that many boys are fighting there . Break it up ! I will not permit fighting in this campus . the air quality in this city is horrendous ! The pollution levels were so high that we weren't supposed to go outside with a face mask again ! exhaust fumes from vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment . on top of that , there are a few large chemical factories in the suburbs , which are contributing to the high pollution levels in the water and the air in this city . as much as I love this city , I think I'm going to have to find a greener city to live in . Living in a polluted city like this just can't be good for my health . I know what you mean . However , there are so few places left that have not been affected by global warming . If it's not the pollution , then it's the natural disasters , deforestation , or the greenhouse what is the greenhouse effect exactly ? it's the gradual rise in the earth's temperature . I see , so it's similar to global warming ? they're related to one another , yes . I heard that some people in England are pleased with the fact that the climate is becoming warmer because it's making their towns a more pleasant place to live . people joke about the benefits of the increase in temperature , but it's not all good news . They've been experiencing a lot of deadly storms there as well . people always seem to make jokes as a way to deal with unfortunate situations . I think if everyone pitches in , the world will be a better place . Would you like some cookies ? I just made them . Thank you . Yes , I would . These are chocolate , and those are almond-flavored . I guess I'll try a chocolate one first.Mmmm ... this is delicious.Are they hard to make ? No , they're really quite easy . Wait a minute , I've got the recipe right here.See ... these are the ingredients , and then you just follow the directions . That does look easy . I think I'll make some tonight . Can I help you ? I'd like to buy a ticket to Casablanca on flight US125 tomorrow . Hold on , plese.It will take off at 14:00 tomorrow.The price is $ 110 . Well , I want to stay under $ 100 . I am sorry Sir . We won't give any discount in busy seasons.The price is the same . How do you use an ATM card , Billy ? It ’ s easy grandpa . Insert you card into the machine here . Then wait a moment . Ok . Now you enter your PIN . It should have four numbers . Oh yes . I ’ Ve got it written down here . Just a minute . You really shouldn ’ t write it down . You should memorise it . You can change it to a more convenient number if you like . Ok , I ’ Ve entered my PIN . There are several options on the screen . I guess I just choose which service I want , don ’ t I ? Yes . Choose the service you need to use . If you choose to withdraw money , the machine will ask you how much you want . I can just enter the amount using the key , right ? That ’ s right . Give the machine a moment to process you request . Then take your money . These machines aren ’ t very difficult to use . In fact , I quite like them . They are much faster than dealing with a band clerk . Hello , is Jennifer in ? I am sorry , you have the wrong number . Oh , I am really sorry . Can you give me a hand with the dishes ? Sure . Should I wash or dry ? I wash and you'll dry . OK . Let's do it . Excuse me , do you have the latest issue of Newsworld ? Yes , this week's issue just came in . Here it is . How about Music Madness ? Let me check ... yes , we got the October issue a few days ago . It's on that shelf over there . Okay , I'll take these two magazines and a copy of Today's Post . Good afternoon , Miss . What can I do for you ? Could you tell me my account balance ? My account number is ... Just a moment , please . Your name ? Emily Smith . Here is your balance . Thank you . I want to make a withdrawal of 150 dollars . Here you go , Miss . Thank you . We will go to Luoyang for a vacation next month . How long will you stay there ? About one week . Where will you live during the vacation . In the hotel . Have you made a reservation ? Yes , we have . That's OK . You look great ! How do you stay in such good shape ? Well , I go jogging every morning , eat a healthful diet and work out in a gymnasium twice a week . Wow , it sounds like a lot of work . I guess I'm too lazy to do all that . Bob from accounting is on the line . Do you want to speak with him ? Yes , I need to talk to him . I'll put the call through then . Thank you . I want to send some money to Australia . Could you handle it for me ? Yes , madam , how much would you like to remit ? 2,000 AD $ . Which would you like to remit , by mail or by cable ? What is the difference between them ? The cable will take less time for your account , in the meantime , the regular service charge is also higher than that of the mail one . Well , I think the cable is better . OK , please fill in the application form giving the name and address of beneficiary , your name and telephone . All right . Here you are . Everything is OK . The commission is 50 yuan . Here you are . Thanks a lot . Kate , can we change the channel ? Why ? This channel has so many advertisements , and it doesn't have any good TV programs . OK . You can change it . What about this one ? Do you like this program ? No , I think it is very boring . Can you change it to Channel Twelve , please ? Yes . Oh , it's a talk show . Yeah , it's very funny . Have you ever watched it before ? No , I haven't . This is my first time to watch it . I'm sure you will like it . Excuse me , is there any summer resort around the town ? As far as I know , the nearest one is next to the Willdon . It doesn't matter . I just want to have a relax and I don't care how far it is . Can you tell me how to get there ? Yes , take the greyhound bus . It will lead you directly there . Thanks a billion . Every honored guests , welcome to Hang Thou . Now we are visiting Tiger-running Spring . How can we relate tiger to this spot , Miss Zhang ? Its name originates from a legend that two tigers run here and made a hole , and then a spring gushed out from it . How ignorant I am ! The Longing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always considered as the “ Two Wonders in West Lake . ” I know that tea . It smells fragrant . That's right . All my guests , attention please . We will have half an hour to visit the spring and take photos . And next spot will be the Moon Reflected in Three Pools . Janice , David , come here . We take some photos here . I can't imagine how beautiful it is ! Can I give you a hand ? Thanks . You have been staying at home for several days . Would you like to hang out with me ? No problem . Wait a moment . May I speak to Mr . Baker ? I ’ m afraid he's not in . Will you ask him to call me collect when he ’ s back ? Certainly . May I ask who ’ s calling , please ? Yes , this is Cindy Wang of A & B Trading Company in New York . I'm afraid we can't increase salary this year , money is just too title . I'm not sure I can't agree , dan Why not ? Surely , there are other ways to save money . What are you talking about , we tried everything ! I've got some great news for you ! Did you get the position you wanted ? Yes , I'll be promoted to department manager . I'm glad to hear that . Congratulations ! Thank you . Actually , I could not believe it at first . You know , there're so many outstanding people in our company . Many of them are qualified to fill that position . Sure , but you really did great and outperformed the others . You deserved it ! Thank you very much . Thank you for a lovely day . I really enjoyed it . It was nice to have you with us . Thank you for the picnic too . It was supper . Not at all . It was a pleasure . Perhaps you will come out with us again while you are here . Yes , I'd love to . Thanks again . Goodbye . Goodbye . Hi , Customer Service Desk . What can I do for you today , sir ? Good morning . I bought this vacuum here a few months ago . It doesn ’ t work now . Can I return it or get it fixed ? Do you have your receipt with you ? Yes , I do . When did you buy it from our store ? Four months ago . I ’ m sorry . You can ’ t return it because too much time has passed since you purchased it . In order to receive a refund , you must return merchandise to the store within 90 days of purchase . But the direction book says I will get one-year warranty . Yes , I know . After 90 days , you need to call the company that manufactured the vacuum to fix it because it ’ s still under their warranty . Their phone number should be in the direction book that came with your vacuum . Okay . I understand . I ’ ll call the Customer Service Office of the manufacturer . Thank you . You ’ re welcome . Excuse me , I'm looking for the Alands Morrissette album Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie . Let's see . If we have it , it should be over there under M . ( He looks through the Cds . ) Hmm , it looks like we've sold out of that one , but we should be getting some more copies in soon . If you want , we can order it for you . That's okay , I'll just check back later . Do you have the new Sting album ? Yes , it's right over here . Great . One last question . Where is your jazz section ? Back there against that wall . Oh , I see it . Thanks for your help . No problem . Excuse me . I'd like to check out , please . Of course , sir . Did you have anything from the minibar ? No . Ok , the total would be $ 367 and 65 cents.How would you pay ? By American express , if that's ok . Of course , sir . Will you need taxi ? That's ok . I'm expecting a lift from my friend . Can you tell me a little bit about yourself ? I am a graduate of a technical university and have been employed as a technician with Company or approximately 10 years . Please explain why you are interested in leaving your current position and please elaborate on your technical skills . I am looking for a growth opportunity , which I feel is not available at my current employer . In terms of skills , I am Microsoft certified in Windows XP and several other operating system Where do you see yourself five years from now ? I see myself in a management position . May I help you ? Yes , do you have sweaters ? This way , please . How do you like this one ? It's made of cotton . You have quite a range , haven't you ? I would like to see some other styles . Sorry , I overslept . My clock didn't go off this morning . Again ? That's right , even though I did set the alarm last night . Your clock never works . Perhaps you should buy a new one . Well , if it breaks down again tomorrow , I'll definitely buy a new one . I was really glad to hear about your award . Congratulations ! Thanks , Denise . Actually , I was really surprised . I mean , there were a lot of qualified people out there . Sure . But the work you did was really exceptional ! You definitely deserved it ! Thanks a lot . I expect to see your name nominated pretty soon , too . You ’ Ve been doing some great work ! Could you tell me where you put all the pots and pans ? They ’ re in the cabinet next to the sink . Where do you keep the dishes , Baker ? They ’ re in the cabinet above the dishwasher . And the forks and spoons ? They ’ re in that drawer . OK , I know . Would you please help me clean the kitchen ? No problem . Oh hi , Linda , this is Todd . Yes , Todd , how nice to hear your voice ! Linda , I just wanted to say that I had a wonderful evening with you last Friday . I really enjoyed our evening together , Todd . I had fun also and was wondering if you would like to go hiking with me in the mountains on Saturday . Hiking would be perfect ! May I bring along a picnic lunch for us to share ? A picnic lunch would be a nice thing to have along . I'll work on the lunch , and you can work out the details of where we will go . What time will you be at my house ? Nine would be good , don't you think ? Nine is good . See you on Saturday ! Can I help you ? I need some stamps for this letter . What kind of stamps do you want ? How much do I need for this letter ? I must weigh it first . Err ... It's five grams over weigh , Do you want to send it as an ordinary or registered letter ? I want it registered . How much is it then ? Registration plus overnight ... err ... seven dollars in all . Here's a 10 - dollar bill . Now , your receipt , and the change . Thanks . Good-bye . Do you want to know what really motivates Vince to be nice to me ? OK . What ? It isn't gratitude . It's fear . Vince is afraid I'll jump to a competitor . You wouldn't do that . Would you ? I might . Vince knows he needs to keep me happy . What about your accounts ? May I help you ? Yes , I am wondering if I can join the sightseeing tour in your hotel . Of course . How many people are there in your party ? 4 persons altogether . OK , I will arrange it for you . Thank you . Put the charge on my bills , please . Good afternoon . Is this the Roley Hotel ? Yes , madam . May I help you ? Yes . I ’ m calling from Westwood and Westwood Attorneys . I need to make a reservation for Mr . Alex Brent . Fine , madam . When will Mr . Brent be arriving , and how many nights will he be staying ? it's a lovely day out today , isn't it ? it's beautiful . Enjoy it while it lasts . It's supposed to get cold tomorrow . what's the weather forecast for tomorrow ? it's supposed to snow early tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon there's a chance of freezing rain . that doesn't sound pretty . do you have any plans for tomorrow ? well , I was going to drive to Birmingham to see some friends . you might want to change your plans . With the cold and wet weather that we're supposed to have tomorrow , the roads are going to be rather slippery . I suppose I should . I don't like driving in dangerous weather conditions . Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? I just have to go to class tomorrow afternoon . if you're lucky , it'll get cancelled and you can have a snow day ! if that happens , then I'll invite you over and we can drink hot cocoa and watch movies . that sounds like fun . hey , look outside ! It's started to drizzle ! English weather is even more predictable than I had previously thought . Can you tell me what's included in your warranty ? Certainly . The product has a two-year guarantee . If it breaks down during that period we offer a replacement unit completely free of charge . Our products are very reliable but we recommend you take out an extended warranty . This covers you for a further two years . I see . What does that include ? It covers all parts and labour , except for normal wear and tear of course . What sort of response time do you guarantee ? Our engineers are on call 24 hours a day . We guarantee someone will be with you within four hours , but in practice it's often much sooner . Are there any exclusions ? Not really . It's a very comprehensive warranty . I ’ ll put a copy in the post to you and you can read through the small print . Do you have any particular conditions that you would like our company to take into consideration ? No , nothing in particular . All right . If we decide to hire you , we'd pay you two thousand and five hundred yuan a month at the start . You can have Saturdays and Sundays off . Besides , you may have a paid month holiday every year . How do you think about it ? As regards salary , I leave it to you to decide after experience of capacity . Well , we'll give you our decision in a couple of days . It's a pleasure to talk to you , Mr . Liu . Thank you , Mr . White . I really appreciate your assistance . Did you ever buy food from the snack stands near our hotel ? Yes , several times . How do you like them ? Not bad . I always have the temptation to eat something there . Then , why didn't you do that ? I don't know how much we can trust them . Do you have any ideas ? Some of them , I think , are not good . It doesn't taste good ? No , I mean some of them are not clean enough . That's my greatest concern . But how can you tell which one is clean ? I judge by appearances . I got it . I think it's worth trying . It certainly is . I'd like to try some kebab , roasted squid , and many different appealing things . Don't try everything at one time , please . I see . Thank you . I need my minibar restocked . Everything is gone , sir ? There's not a drop left of anything . Is there anything in particular you want ? Yes , the Perrier and the Jim Beam hit the spot . Let me have three more of each . Got it . Anything else ? I really liked the apples . Bring me a couple of apples , please . Not a problem . Anything else ? Oh , yes , one more thing Someone will be up shortly with your order , sir . I will travel to Southeast Asia this summer , so I need to exchange some US dollars . Can I get the foreign currency at any bank ? I don't think you can . In China , our currency is not freely convertible yet . Do you mean there is no way to get any foreign money ? No . You can go to the Bank of China to exchange some US dollars at the current exchange rate of the day you exchange them . The maximum amount you can exchange is $ 2,000 . Only $ 2,000 ? Are there any other ways to get the money exchanged ? The only official way is to go to Bank of China . I'd better take more dollars with me . It seems that I need to borrow some from my friends . can you squeeze me in sometime today ? That ’ s a big order , Jane . I am really swamped . I know what you ’ re saying , but I have to go over the books with you before I go see our tax guy . Right . Okay , let me see what I can do . How about 1:30 right after my lunch meeting ? It won ’ t take more than a half hour , will it ? You seem to be upset . What ’ s eating you ? It ’ s because of my son . Dick keeps getting on my nerves Dick ? How come ? He used to be as meek as a lamb . Yes , he used to be . But now he ’ s drifting off track . He must have been in bad company , or he wouldn ’ t be off the beans . Bring me some toast , please . Would you like butter or jam on your toast or do you just want it plain ? Spread some jam , please . Anything to drink ? Black coffee is fine . Peter , it's time to get up . Ten more minutes , mom . What time is it now ? It's already 3 8 o'clock . Well , honey , wake up , or you'll be late for school . shall we dance ? sure . i suppose you dance much . oh . no as a matter of fact , i haven't danced for a long time . but i can see you dance wonderfully well . thanks for flattering me 。 i think you dance much right ? no , just occasionally oh , i like this music very much , let's tango . i'm afraid i can't dance well . Well , it's illegal to bring food and drinks into the theater . Too bad . I did anyway . No wonder you brought such a big bag today . I brought Strawberry Sticks . See ? Those are the ones that are pre-dipped in sweet coating ! Yep . And there's real strawberry chunks in the coating . I think that you look very cute today . Is that right ? This is a brand new outfit . What store did you get it from ? I went to Macy's and picked it out . I love your outfit right now . Well , I think you look nice today too . Thanks . I found these new shoes earlier at the store . I think that those are some really nice shoes . What kind are they ? These are Chucks . Your shoes look really nice . How much did you get them for ? They only cost me about forty dollars . I'm going to go get a pair for myself . What can I do for you ? I'd like to be waken up tomorrow morning . OK sir . At what time ? Well , how long is it from here to the train station ? If you take a taxi , it will be 20 minutes . Then please wake me up at 7 : OO.Thank you . Ah , ah , ah ... All right , Bill.Here ' s your daily exercise schedule . You are to jog before breakfast . Jog ? Then , you are to walk to work . Walk ? Thirty minutes in gym at lunch time . Oh no . Use the stairs , never the elevator . Oh , dear . And three times a week , you can either swim , play racketball , or hand ball . Oh no . OK , you can stop now.It ' s time for the dance class . Dance class ! I don't know how . You will . Oh ... I have a reservation . My name is John Sandals . May I see your ID , please , Mr . Sandals ? Certainly . Here it is . Thank you . Do you have a credit card , Mr . Sandals ? Yes , I do . Do you accept American Express ? Sorry , sir , just VISA or MasterCard . Okay . Here's my VISA card . Okay . You're in room 507 . It's a single queen-size bed , spacious , and nonsmoking . Is that suitable ? Yes , it sounds like everything I expected . Here's your key , sir . If you need anything , just dial 0 on your room phone . Sandy , can you help me contact these people ? Sure , what do you want me to tell them ? Well , I need to confirm the time of their classes . Ok , where can I find their telephone number ? They are all listed here on this sheet of paper . Is it their home , office or cell phone numbers ? Unless it ’ s marked differently , it ’ s their home numbers . Alright . What if I can ’ t get a hold of them by phone ? Then , you should e-mail them with the information . Where can I find their e-mail addresses ? They should have then listed on their resumes . And if there aren ’ t any e-mail addresses ? Then send them a SMS on their cell phone . Ok . That sounds easy enough . Have you called any of them yet ? Yes . I called the first three people on the list , but they didn ’ t pick up . Did you leave a voice message ? I left a voice message on one---just for the first person on the list . I see . What did you tell her ? I told her that she should call me back at my office number . Ok , so , maybe I should call her again . Yes , that sounds like a good idea . She might not get the other message in time . One more question . It looks like some of these numbers are long-distance . Do you have a calling card that I can use to get through to them ? Sure . You can use this one . The pin number is written on the back of the card . Alright . Thanks a lot . Don ’ t worry . I ’ ll take care of it . Great work . I ’ m off for the weekend ! See you on Monday . See you . How long does it take to get to downtown from here ? It is 15 minutes ' drive . What companies do we have in our neighborhood ? Mitsubishi , HP , IBM and many other famous corporations . Does the 7th floor belong to our company too ? Yes , our company has two floors , the 6th and 7th floor in this building . It ’ s such a large firm . Do we have our own staff restaurant ? Yes , at the end of the hall . We came too early . There're still three hours before the performance starts . I know . Sorry , I shouldn't have rushed you , but I just couldn't stay at home and wait . Never mind . What about taking a look around the theater ? Why not ? I'd love to do that . Here we go . There is a museum of the Beijing Opera art . Wow . Look at this . So delicate and beautiful . Did ancient Chinese people really wear them ? Not really . They are just opera costumes . Do you like the embroidery ? I surely do . They must have had advanced machine in ancient China to do that . No , no , no . They are all handmade , girl . You know , the ancient Chinese women were supposed to be good at needlework . Unbelievable ! I could never do that . Good morning . Can I see Mr Jackson , please ? Well . Have you got his permission ? Yes . We have an appointment at eight o ’ clock . What ’ s your name , please ? Robert . Philips Robert . The environment varies greatly because of difference in language , customs and traditions . Yes . This gap can be filled by export market research before exporting . But the importance of the export research is often neglected by the managers . That's right . They do not appreciate its value and consider it to be a luxury . Therefore , when enterprises are spending a lot of money in trying to penetrate a new market , they should research whether their products can be sold at high enough a price and in a satisfactory amount . Exactly ! Hello , I really appreciate the opportunity to interview for this position . I was wondering if you like team projects , or projects that you work on alone . I like to work on group projects that value and need each individual ’ s contributions . Are you most interested in a good steady job with benefits or one that will allow you to quickly advance ? I have children so a steady job is important but I would like a chance to advance . How would you feel about relocating to another state ? I could not relocate in the next year , but might be open to it in the future . Do you know how much this job offers per year ? A minimum of 75,000 per year . OK , well , that ’ s all I need to know for now . If something comes up , we ’ ll be contacting you . Hello , could I speak to Allison , please ? I'm sorry , he's out at the moment . When do you expect him back ? I think he'll be back in about an hour at least . Well , may I leave a message ? Yes , of course . Would you please ask him to call Chris when he gets back ? Ok . Does he know your number ? I'm afraid he doesn't . My mobile is 139- 2477 - 4026 . 13924774026 . All right . Thanks for calling . Oh , hang on , someone's at the door that may be him , please hold on . I am sorry . I didn ’ t accomplish the job on time . That ’ s all right . Everyone feels under the weather sometimes . Just finish the rest when you feel well . Waiter ! Yes , can I help you ? Where shall I pay the bill ? You can pay here . OK . How much is it all together ? It is one hundred and fifty . This is your bill . Is the service charge included ? Yes . OK , here you are . Thank you . Good afternoon , madam . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , I spent so much time sightseeing here . It is already so late now . I am afraid I can't catch the last bus back to downtown . Don't worry . I will try to get a taxi for you . You can take it to the bus station . I am very grateful to your help . Don't mention it . It is my duty . Thanks again . Looks like dinner's ready . Just about . I'm done . Can I watch TV ? Here's some water . Take these multi-vitamins and Tylenol . Uh ! I can't swallow them , Mom ! Your throat must be swollen . Do I have to take them ? Here , I'll break them up , so they're smaller . And here's some cough syrup . Yuck ! I know , it tastes horrible . But it'll make you feel better . Try holding your nose . It won't taste as bad . Hello , Mary . Oh , hello , Tom ! Beautiful day , isn ’ t it ? Yes , it is ! Excuse me , is this the Auto Consumer Loan Center ? Yes . Is there anything I can do for you ? Could you tell me something about the terms and interest rates for personal automobile consumer loan ? The deadline is normally no more than 5 years with the interest adopted according to the corresponding lending rates announced by the PBC . I plan to take the loan for 3 years . Well , the yearly interest rate is 5.49 % for 3 years . I'm sure you are qualified to apply for this loan . What about the loan repayment ? You may choose a repayment pattern by consulting with our bank , for example , payment of equal amount of principal or of principal and interest on monthly installments . Does that mean I should deposit sufficient money to my account prior to the monthly payment date so that you can directly deduct the repayment of the principal and interest ? Exactly . You are permitted to effect and early payment in part or in full with the consent of our bank . That's very thoughtful of you . Thank you so much . You're welcome . You really need to look at some of the problems we are having with the apartment . That apartment never had any problems before . Are you sure the problem isn ’ t you ? We spoke with you the first week we moved in about things that you promised to fix . Where do you think you have problems ? There is no hot water , the bedroom has a broken window , and there are rats in the kitchen . You know , no one else who has been in that apartment has had a problem before . You are obligated to maintain your building and my apartment . I will fix these problems when I get around to it . I will be withholding my rent check this Friday unless these problems are addressed immediately . You can ’ t do that ! It ’ s illegal ! I can ’ t believe these skirts are so cheap . I know and they are really nice , too . I ’ ll have to get a couple in different colors . Me , too . Buy them now though , or they might not still be here tomorrow . Good idea , especially at this price . Taxi ! Yes , sir . Where to ? Wangfujing , please ! All right . Oh , I like the music on your radio . It's nice . Thank you ! I always tune to this program when driving . So what's your favorite program ? I like Winner's English very mush . You know the Beijing Olympic Games is right around the corner . We should learn English Well . It's on FM 96.6 , China Business Radio . You can get it on your radio too . But I don't speak English at all . That's OK . The program is especially for the beginners like us . Really ? When is it on ? It begins at 6:40 every morning , and it goes for 20 minutes . Thank you so much . I'll try and catch that . The radio has brought us lots of convenience . Yes , I can also learn about the traffic condition through it . With the development of the society and technology , radio is nearly everywhere . So we should take the advantage of it . I ’ m thinking about getting a pet , but I ’ m really not sure which animal would be suitable . Could you give me some advice ? Certainly ! The first thing is to be honest about how much time for you can devote to your pet . Dogs are very demanding . You need to take them for walks and they love to play . Cats , on the other hand , are more independent . I ’ m fairly busy , so I really need an animal that I don ’ t need to care of very much . Actually , I ’ d like a pet that ’ s a little unusual . I don't ’ really want a typical pet , like a cat , dog , or hamster . Do you have any suggestions ? Unusual pet are often more expensive to keep . Is that a problem ? Not really . By the way , I don ’ t want a pet that could be dangerous , like a tarantula or rattlesnake . We have those , but I only sell them to people I know well , for obvious reasons . How about a lizard ? I have some that are very brightly coloured , are not aggressive , and are easy to feed and look after . That sounds ideal . Could you show me some ? Sure . Come over here . As you can see , I have a wide selection of species . They can live together , if you want lizards of different kinds . Do you have a favourite colour ? I like the red one . What do they eat ? You can feed them on various things . They will eat small pieces of meat , but I ’ d recommend insects . You can get them from your garden , but remember that lizards eat a lot insects . I sell them here . Thanks a lot . What I ’ ll do si find out more online and drop by next week . That ’ s fine . You shouldn ’ t make a hasty decision when choosing a pet . I'd like to make sure my plane reservation is in order . May I have your flight number , please ? World Airlines , Flight 201 . And your name , please ? John Anderson . Yes , sir . You're booked on Flight 201 , leaving in one hour . Thank you . I really think if I can get my foot in the door at this company it will do wonders for my career . Do you think you can help me polish my interview style ? Sure . Doing your homework and preparing for an interview really pays off . I ’ Ve researched the company and think I ’ m perfect for the job but I ’ m not sure how to get it across to them . Well first you have to have more confidence.Employers look for people who are interested , enthusiastic and sure of themselves . I know I have what it takes but Im worried that my work experience won ’ t sufficient . Should I inflate my experience ? No , you should always be upfront and honest about your weaknesses . However by focusing on your strong points and maintaining a positive attitude about your abilities , you can take the attention After I am accepted for unemployment benefits , what will happen next ? You will receive a Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award letter . What will that tell me ? The Award Letter will tell you how much you will receive weekly . Are there any other forms that I need to fill out ? You will need to fill out a Continued Claim Form every two weeks . What information will I need to provide on that form ? They will need to know where you worked and how much money you made . Are there any other questions on the form ? Basically , they want to know that you were available for work and not sick . Hello , I was wondering if I could talk with the apartment manager . I am the apartment manager . How can I help you ? I was wondering if the apartment on Main Street is still available . Yes , it's still vacant . Are you interested in seeing it ? Yes , I would love to see the apartment . I will be at the apartment today at 6 Yes , I can be there at 6 . Great . I'll see you at 6 . Do you know where it is ? Yes , I have a friend who lives in that neighborhood . I'll be bringing an application form . OK , should I bring anything with me ? No . I might need to see your ID card , but that's about it . Good morning , Miss . Good morning . Could you tell me where I can find the Clothing Department ? On the left of the elevator of the 3rd floor . I ’ d like to buy a woolen vest for my grandpa . I ’ m sure you can find your favorite there . Thank you very much . It ’ s my honor . I'm ready to place an order with you , but only one condition that the goods are confined to Australia . Can you do that ? Well , I haven't made such arrangements with the factory yet . So I'd like to make sure if it is acceptable to the factory before making a commitment to you . All right , but I'm busy . How long will it be before you can finish the talk ? I won't be too long , I suppose . Just let me ring them , will you ? Go ahead . Thank you . Holly ? Holly Madison , is that you ? You look great ! You haven't changed a bit . Uh ... Andrew . Hello . I can't quite remember you . It's me . The D-man ! I sat behind you in English . Are you and Taylor still dating ? Um ... we never were . We're just friends . Well , if you're not seeing anyone , maybe we could ... ... I am seeing someone . This is Yi-jun , my ... Excuse me . What's the actual flight time from here to San Francisco ? It's about twelve hours . Can you tell me what time we're arriving ? Sure . Let me see ... at 6:15 a . m . local time . I see . And that'll be 10:15 p . m . Beijing time . I am dropping off my prescription to get it filled . You can come back in twenty minutes , and it will be ready . If I couldn ’ t wait , could the prescription be mailed to me ? Yes , you can have it delivered or filled at any location in our HMO . When should I take this medication ? You need to take it at bedtime . Should I take this medicine on an empty stomach ? Don ’ t mix alcohol with this medication , but you can take it with or without food . What are the side effects of this medication ? You might feel a little dizzy at first , but it should pass . What ’ s your working day like ? I have a typical 9 to 5 job . Actually , I work a little longer than 9 to 5 most days . Do you get paid onetime ? No , I don ’ t . I get a bonus each month , depending on the value of the contracts I sign with clients . Do you have any breaks ? We have an hour-long lunch break form 12 to 1 . we can take coffee breaks during the day . My boss doesn ’ t mind , as long as we get out work done on time . My boss gets annoyed if we take coffee breaks . I suppose your job involves a lot paperwork , doesn ’ t it ? There ’ s some paperwork , but most of the time we put any information onto computers . Then we can send information to each other by email or across the network . Do you work in a cubicle ? Yes , I do . I don ’ t like it very much . I work in a cubicle too , but I I don ’ t mind it . Hello ! My name is Sandals , I have a reservation . May I see your identification , please , sir ? Here you are . Thanks . Do you have a credit card , sir ? Of course . Will American Express do ? I'm very sorry , sir . We accept only VISA or MasterCard . No problem . Here's my VISA . Thanks . Room 507 is a spacious , nonsmoking room , with a queen bed . Does that meet your expectations ? Yes , that sounds like what I want . That's wonderful , sir . Now , here's your key . Should you need anything , just dial 0 . Are you ready to order , madam ? I'm on a diet . So I have to avoid food containing too much fat . Do you have vegetarian dishes ? Yes , We do have some choices for ladies like you . What about some green salad ? Does it taste good ? Sure . It's a popular dish among young ladies . I think I'll try it . We have three kinds of dressings for salad . Italian , French and Thousand Island . Which one would you like ? French , please . OK . Do you want to order something else ? Milan Style Macaroni . Don't put sugar or salt on it , please . Hello , is John in ? No , can I take a message ? No , I'll call back later . All right . Mom , what are we going to make tonight ? Curry and rice . What do you think ? That sounds nice . I can peel the potatoes first . Really ! Oh , honey , you are so sweet . I'll chop up this carrot . Mom , the water is boiling ! Honey , just turn down the stove . Do you live in the red house at the end of the road ? Yes , I live in that house with my parents and my sister . We also have a cat and a dog . Do you take your dog for a walk every day ? No . My father takes the dog for a walk every Monday , Tuesday and Sunday . And I take the dog for a walk every Wednesday , Thursday and Friday . Who takes the dog on Saturday ? On Saturday we all go to the park and the dog comes with us . Do you help with the housework ? My mum and my sister do the housework and cooking but I clean my room . That is a long line . Yes indeed . It has a very strict inspection so it takes a pretty long Be for everyone . A lot of things are prohibited to take on the plane ? Yes , a lot . Stuffs which are explosive , radioactive and poisonous are forbidden . Understand . Do I need to take out my laptop from my suitcase ? Yes , you do . And you need to put out liquid items and your laptop in the box for inspection . That is really strict . Yes , absolutely . But this is for everyone's sake , so we should do it as needed . Hello , Fred . What are you doing ? I'm doing the business online . Can you tell me the concept of e-commerce ? Now , many people mentioned the word , ' e-commerce ' , in front of me . E-commerce , or Electronic Commerce is the practice of purchasing and selling products or services over the Internet . What kinds of channels can you use in e-commerce ? We can complete a trade by email , electronic data interchange and smart cards , and so on . What are the benefits of e-commerce ? Firstly , it can overcome the geographic limitation . And secondly , e-commerce can lower the internal costs . And thirdly , people like us , can also open stores on Internet . How things have changed now ! Anything else ? Yes , one last thing . How much holiday time do you give your employees every year ? Our employees receive fifteen days of paid vacation every year . If you don ’ t use the full fifteen days , they carry over to the following year . How about sick days ? You get five paid sick days . Any other benefits ? Yes , we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well . Great . Thanks so much for your time . We ’ ll contact you soon , Ted . Thanks for coming in . Hello , sir . What can we do for you today ? I'd like a trim . Would you like your hair washed as well ? No , thanks . Okay , have a seat over here . How do you want it cut ? Cut it short in the front , but leave it long in the back . Leave just a little over the ears . All right . Good afternoon , Mrs.Vale.Please sit down . Thank you . Did you work as a salesperson before , Mrs.Vale ? Only as a clerk in a store . I see . Well , consulting is a little different . I'm a quick leamer , Mr.Jenkins . Umm hmm.Do you have a diver's license ? Yes , and I'm a very good driver . Fine.We provide a company car for our consultants . Do I have to travel a lot ? Oh yes-five days a week.You have to visit customers all over the territory . But how will I get to know the products ? You'll have to attend a three-week course . If you do well , the job is yours . How much is the salary ? Starting salary is $ 150 a week-plus commissions , of course . How much commission do your consultants get ? Five percent . Well , I'm very interested in the job . Fine.The next course starts a week from tomorrow . Thank you . Good luck to you . Have you decided where to go for the vacation ? I will join John in his mountaineering trip . Woo cool . Which mountain are you going to conquer ? We haven't made up our minds . Will you come with us ? Of course , I will . May I see the manager of your company ? I am.What can I do for you ? Form your company's advertisement in the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY , I learn that you are a foreign trade company of good service . I am interested in it.Here is my resume , ma'am . Very good , you majored in International Trade ? Yes , I will graduate from the People's University of China this July majoring in International Trade.Besides , at school , I am a top student.Moreover , both my spoken and written English are pretty good . Well , for this position , we prefer experienced employees , Those who have just graduated from university , they are supposed to start by working as an intern for at least half a year . I think I ' m qualified for the job if I can be given the chance.While at school , I once worked as part-time translator in a company and salesperson with a textile company for two years.And I don't mind being paid less from the start , I just want to enrich my experience and competence . Good.That is the kind of man we are looking for.By the way , do you like traveling ? Our sales representatives need to travel a lot . Yes , I do . I like traveling very much . Are you willing to work for extra hours ? Of course , I'll try my best.When can I start working ? What about next Monday ? Great.Let ' s start next week.Thank you , ma'am . Well , see you next monday . Excuse me . Do you mind telling me the time when the recruitment will officially start ? It will be held on October 15th . Should I arrive early or on time ? You'd better be early in case that you may be late because of traffic jam . That will put you in a insurmountable place . How do you like your overcoat , sir ? It's a bit too large . Would you please shorten the sleeves ? OK , no problem . Let me take your measurement . Besides , can you take up the hem one inch ? Fine . We need a person who knows how to operate and repair all kinds of office appliances . I used to hold a similar job for six years . So you're quite confident in your experience and skill I think so . Yes , sir.May I help you ? Please I'd like a ticket to New York . For today ? No , early saturday morning . We have a flight that we'll put you there at ten AM.Is that ok ? Nothing earlier ? I prefer flight at nine thirty . I'm afraid not , unless you want a night flight . No , exactly not How about afternoon ? Sounds not good . I won't take it . We have settled the question of price , quality and quantity . Now I am calling to talk about the terms of payment . What are your terms of payment ? Well . We only accept the payment to be made by confirmed and irrevocable L \ C , payable against shipping documents . I see . Payment by LC is the safest method , but could you make an exception and accept DA or DP ? I'm afraid not . That is our usual practice , because we are sure we will get the right amount of money that way . What about the cost of delivery ? We would like to do it in accordance with an F . O . B . What may I help you with ? I need to file a complaint . What is your complaint about ? I got robbed . When did this happen ? It happened this morning . What was taken ? My wallet and cell phone . Did you get a good look at the person who robbed you ? I sure did . Would you able to pick him out of a line-up ? That shouldn't be a problem . Dad , I ’ d like to borrow some money . Sure , Johnny , how much do you need ? five bucks ? Come on , Dad , I need thirty thousand . I wanna get into the market . You know , I ’ m tired of hearing all this news about the economic downturn , the inevitable recession , people stuffing their money in their mattresses . I look at this as an opportunity . This is a chance for me to get a jump start on building my nest egg . I don ’ t know about that.with all the uncertainty in the markets right now , it would be a very unwise decision to invest . I don ’ t know if you ’ re aware son , but there has been a lot of turmoil in the markets recently . There have already been half a million layoffs in the last few months , and we have no idea how the proposed stimulus package will impact the economy . There ’ s just too much instability . I wouldn ’ t feel comfortable investing in this climate . But look at it this way , every challenge is an opportunity.And anyway , I ’ m not talking about investing in the domestic market . There are emerging markets that promise great returns . Look at China , for example.they have 1.4 billion people , half a billion of whom have recently entered the middle class . Here alone , the aggregate demand for consumer goods represents an amazing wealth generating opportunity . Come on , son , you ’ re looking at this too naively , the Chinese market has exhibited a great deal of instability , and their currency has been devalued by almost a whole percentage point . Fine , then ! If that ’ s the way you feel , so be it . But you ’ re losing out on a great opportunity here . I ’ m going to go hit up Mum for the cash . Could you tell me a little about the organization ? For example , how big is your workforce here ? Well in total we have around 150 employees based in Hong Kong with another 400 in our head office in Beijing . The news desk staff in Hong Kong comprises around 80 staff . I see . And how about the working hours ? Well , as you know Rebecca , in journalism work hours are not exactly nine to five . You could be on call at any time . We do have to work very unsociable hours at times . Well I am used to that , Mr . Parsons , so that ’ s not really a shock for me . Good , as long as you understand that . And when do you need to fill the vacancy , Mr . Parsons ? Yesterday ! But no , we are hoping to start from the beginning of next month . That sounds ideal . Smells good ! What ’ s for breakfast ? Well , since we are getting up so late , I decided to make a big breakfast ! Nice ! Brunch ! Kind of , so I made scrambled and soft boiled eggs , some french toast and buttermilk pancakes ! Wow ! You really went all out ! Did you make any coffee ? Yeah , just the way you like it ! I also put out some cereal and muesli if you feel like having something more light . Looks good ! I ’ ll squeeze us some fresh orange juice . Get the jam and butter while you are in there ! Oh ! And don ’ t forget the syrup ! Come on , fellows . Let's enjoy my wife's cooking ! Em , it's delicious ! Thank you ! My wife likes cooking very much . You're lucky . Our advertisement says English competence is a key requirement of this position . Then how do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English ? I have learned English for 10 years , and I have passed College English Test Band 4 and 6.My spoken English is fairly good enough to express myself fluently . What other foreign language do you speak ? I did self-study of Japanese in college , and I can carry on some simple conversations in Japanese . Why did you apply for the position ? I learned from your ad.That you will provide on-the-job training for new employees.This is just what I need , because I'm a recent college graduate . I have the necessary knowledge and skills but I lack experience . What do you hope to become ? I want to prove my true value in the electronic industry , and hopefully in the near future I would be promoted to a higher position . Well , thank you for coming.We ' ll let you know as soon as possible . Linda , would you care for some candies or cookies ? No , don't try to tempt me . I'm becoming chubby , and I have to slim down . You are not really chubby . You are actually thin enough . I don't think so . I know I've put on weight this winter . So you are watching your weight , aren't you ? Yes , to tell you the truth . I am on a diet . How about your grades of study ? I had been doing quite well . In all subjects , I got excellent scores . Well . In that case , you must have got good records in English , too . Yes , I was the top student among my classmates . How about your oral English ? Quite well . I took the National English Speaking Contest in CCTV 2008 and I got first place . Excuse me , I'd like to have these pants I bought here yesterday altered . Here's my receipt . Certainly , sir . What would you like done to them ? They're a little bit too long , so I'd like about half an inch taken off them . All right , sir . They should be ready for you by tomorrow afternoon . Thank you very much . It's our pleasure . Hi , Doris . I hear you are going to the United States next week . So I am . When did you get your passport ? I got it last week . How long is it valid ? It's valid for 5 years . I am planning to do a doctor ’ s degree during my stay there . Good . Good luck to you ! Thank you very much . Hi , how are you ? It's nice to meet you . Thanks for coming . It's my pleasure . I wanted to meet with you to discuss your daughter . Is she acting up in class ? Not at all . She's a joy to have in my class . Is she really ? She is absolutely wonderful . So she isn't causing you any problems ? No . She is actually very intelligent and well behaved . I'm glad to know that you like her . You have nothing to worry about with her . Good afternoon , ladies . May I help you ? Can we have two adjoining double rooms , sir ? Have you made a reservation , ladies ? I'm afraid not . One moment , please . I have to check if there are rooms available . I'm sorry , ladies . We have only two double rooms available but they are on different floors . Would you mind that ? We prefer on the same floor because we will probably chat late at night . Then may I suggest a family suite ? We have just had a cancellation . What is it like ? It's a big room with a king-size double bed and two single beds . We could also add rollaways . That's great ! How much is it ? Two thousand hongkong dollars per night plus ten percent service charge and five percent government government tax . That's fine . But ladies , the room is not yet ready . There will be a delay of about half an hour . Perhaps you could fill in the registration form first , and then rest in our lobby for a while . We will let you know when the room is ready . Alright , hanks . Ladies , hotel policy requires one night's room charge as deposit . Do you take traveler's checks ? Yes , we do , madam . Thank you , madam . Here's our welcome brochure with all the information of our facilities . My name is Johnny . If you need any help at all , do let me know . I'm at your service . May I come in ? Yes , please . How are you doing , Madam ? My name is During . I am coming to your company for an interview as requested . Fine , thank you for coming . Mr . Wu , Please take a seat . I am Anne Smith , the assistant manager . Nice to see you , Mrs . Smith . Nice to meet you , too . Hello , I brought a lap-top computer with me . Do you know how can I use the internet in my room ? Well , right now , we can't afford internet use in the rooms . But you can go to the web bar in our hotel . It's on the 12 floor . Thank you . I think I will go there . Hello , I wish to speak to Mr.Zhang . This is he speaking . Oh , how do you do , Mr.Zhang ? This is Mary speaking , I have a present for you from Wu of Beijing . Oh , thank you . Mr.Wu had told me that you were coming to Changchun . May I call on you at your hotel tomorrow ? Yes , it's all right . Shall we say two in the afternoon ? Great . Then I'll be at your hotel at two . All Right . How could I get there ? The hotel is near to People's Square . Its name is Bai Ju Hotel . what's your room number ? It's Room 302 on the third floor . But I'll be waiting for you in the lobby , If you can't find me , please page me . I'll do that , Mr.Zhang , See you tomorrow . See you ! Where do you come from ? I come from Greece . What's the climate like in your country ? It's very pleasant . What's the weather like in spring ? It's often windy in March . It's always warm in April and May , but it rains sometimes . What's it like in summer ? It's always hot in June , July and August . The sun shines every day . Is it cold or warm in autumn ? It's always warm in September and October . It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes . Is it very cold in winter ? It's often cold in December , January and February . It snows sometimes . It's your turn to go first . I went first last time . No , Mary went first last time . Oh , Okay . Excuse me . Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest cinema ? Turn left at the second light . You can't miss it . Will it take me long to get there ? No . It's not far at all . Thank you very much . That's all right . Have a good day . Nice to meet you , sir . I come from New Times Clothes Company . We learnt that your exhibits on the Trade Fair in Shanghai this month were marvelous . Would you please quote the price ? Before we discuss the price , may I ask you what kind of exhibits you are interested in ? Your summer clothes for white-collar and men's jackets . Can you give us a rough idea of the quantity you require ? It is generally known that the price varies according to the quantity . That is to say , 10000 sets for the one of white-collar and 5000 for men's jackets . In that case , our offer for the white-collar series is US $ 200 , and the other is US $ 300 per set . Do you quote CIF or FOB ? We usually quote on a CIF basis and a commission of five percent for you . You will find our price is most competitive . What are your terms of payment ? Letter of credit at sight . Another question . Could you tell me the earliest possible time of shipment ? Within a month after your letter of credit reaches us . Well , I got all the point . All the decision will be made since I get the approval from my supervisor . OK ! I expect you to accept our general terms and conditions of trade . We believe that through our cooperation , large transactions will be brought to speedy conclusion . Welcome . Can I help you ? Do you have any postcards ? Yes , here are what we have exclusively for our guests . Can I have one each ? Sure . Take as much as you want . They are free gifts from this shop . Is there anywhere I can buy some more cards with beautiful scenery ? Please try the shop there . They might have them . Are their cards free , too ? No , their cards are for sale . So what do you think of my new dress ? I think it ’ s great ! I really like the color , and it goes really well with your eyes . I ’ Ve actually been eyeing that dress at Maxine ’ s for a while now , but I wasn ’ t sure I could afford ninety-five dollars for a dress at the moment . Um , ninety-five dollars ? Yes , that ’ s the price they were advertising it at . I was hoping it might go on sale soon . Why , how much did you pay for it ? I bought it for one hundred and forty-five dollars at Helen ’ s Boutique . I didn ’ t know I could get it cheaper somewhere else . Of course ! Everything at Helen ’ s is overpriced , and they sell things that you can find at almost every other clothing store ! Why didn ’ t you shop around ? I don ’ t know , I just saw the dress and thought about how pretty it looks and how much I wanted it . I guess I was too impulsive . Long time no see , George ! Yes , a very long time . What brings you here ? I'm here on vacation . Hello , this is ABC Corporation . May I help you ? Yes , I ’ m enquiring about your advertisement for a sales manager in today ’ s newspaper . Is this position still open ? Yes , but do you have any experiences as a sales manager ? Yes , I have a lot of previous experiences in sales . I worked in sales departments for two companies since I finished my university . That sounds fine . Please give me your name and phone numbers . I ’ ll set up an appointment for an interview for you . It will most likely be in a couple of days . Is it all right for you ? Yes , my name is Brian and my phone number is 5294870 . Thank you . I need to find a new furniture set for my living room . Where are you going to find one ? I have no idea . Do you want to know where I bought mine ? Where'd you get it from ? I got it from IKEA . How much did it cost you ? It cost me a couple thousand for the whole set . Is the furniture sturdy ? The furniture is built extremely well . I don't mind paying a lot as long as the quality is good . Well , trust me . The quality is fantastic . Which one of them is Marys brother ? The one with a very big nose . I'd like to meet him.Will you introduce him to me ? OK . What should be put in my education background ? You are expected to write the educational experience about your high school and college , even the time span . What do you mean by ' job intentions ' ? Job intentions refer to the kind of job you are eager to get , for example , accounting , marketing . What date would you like to depart , sir ? Do you have any seats for September 16th ? Let's see ... I'm afraid the 16th is fully booked . But I have seats for the 17th . The 17th will be fine . And what date will you be returning ? Hmm , I guess on the 28th . Okay , you ' re booked on American Airlines flight 710 , departing JFK at 6:40 p . m . on September 17th . Your return flight is flight 711 , departing London ' s Heathrow Airport at 11:15 a . m . on September 28th . Sounds good . Thanks a lot . Hilton hotel , may I help you ? We would like to book a table for 6 at 7:00 in the evening . OK , sir . We will arrange one for you . Can we bring drinks by ourselves ? Sorry , sir . It's not allowed in our hotel . All right . Thank you . Hello . This is Dr . Galas Office . Can I help you ? Yes . I ’ d like to make an appointment with Dr . Galas . Could you arrange it for me ? Sure . Let me check his schedule . How about tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 ? I ’ m not available tomorrow afternoon . How about tomorrow morning ? I ’ m sorry . Dr . Galas is fully engaged tomorrow morning . How about the day after tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning ? That ’ s fine . Thanks . You ’ re welcome . Could I have your name and phone number , please ? Certainly . My name is Janet Smith , and my phone number is 610-555-1234 . Very good , Ms . Smith . I have scheduled an appointment for you on Wednesday at 9:30 am . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . What do you think of the project ? Very interesting . Thank you for bringing it to us . Are you interested in making this investment ? We haven't decided yet , we will let you know if we do . David , how is your interview ? I was nervous at that time . What about you ? Just fine . I tried to answer every question raised by HR carefully . I found some answering skills are useful . These questions are different from exams . We can have a rest now after this tough interview . Don't be rush . It is suggested to write a letter for the Personnel Department of Future Clothes Company . Sounds like a good idea . And I think this can leave deep impression to HR . How can we write a suitable letter ? Just to show your gratitude to the chance and tell them your impression on the company . And you can mention some details in your own interview to remind them of you . I am getting to know your meaning . Good morning , I made an appointment with Dr . Smith , but I have to change it . When you made your appointment , what day did you choose ? My appointment was on Wednesday . At what time was that appointment ? It was for 4 I can see the appointment that you had . What day do you need to change to ? I want to change to next Tuesday . What time would you prefer ? I would prefer three o ’ clock in the afternoon . I will put you down for that time . Thank you for calling to reschedule . Can I help you ? En , I am looking for a porter , do you know where I can find one ? There are so many here.The men with red hats are the porters . What's the charge ? Well , it depends how many pieces of luggages you have . Thank you . Have you read the new rules about using cell phone at work ? Yes , not bad . Like turn your cell phone ringer off and find a private place to make calls which it ’ s showing your respect to your co-workers . Well , but for this one , don ’ t bring your cell phone to meetings , I think it is not reasonable . What if there are some important calls ? Well , this one is not compulsory . It is just suggestion . I didn ’ t pay attention to that . Do you think we should travel by bus or by train ? It's a difficult choice.The train is a little faster , but much more expensive . We could face delays if we travel by bus , thanks to traffic jams . Buses are more cramps and you can't walk around . That's true.But I feel that I see more when I travel by bus . Really ? I think you see more traveling by train . So which form of transport do you prefer to use ? I prefer going by train , even though it costs more . Ok , then we'll go by train . I'm sure we'll have a good journey.Shall we go to the station and buy the tickets ? The trains aren't usually full.We can get them on the day we travel.We should buy return tickets , because they are much cheaper than getting 2 singles . We should take a packed lunch on the journey.The food they sell on the trains is always expensive . Did you hear about Lulu ? No , what ? She and Vic broke up and now she ’ s asked for a transfer . Get out of here ! I didn ’ t even know they were dating ! No one really did . They were very discreet and professional at the office . Here's a model of our latest design . What do you think of it ? Well , I'm not too happy about it . What's wrong with it ? Well , I'm afraid it's not at all what I wanted . You haven't really followed my instructions.It ' ll have to be done again . Oh , dear ! Hello , this is the International Youth Hotel . How can I help you ? oh , yes . I want to check whether you still have any vacancies . I need three single rooms for next Monday . ok . There're vacancies . Since the peak season is coming , it's advisable to book soon . Would you like to make a reservation now ? yes , please . Do you take credit cards ? yes , we accept all major credit cards . and how about Internet access ? there's free Internet access in the lobby . is it available in the rooms ? Unfortunately not . that's OK . Is breakfast included ? yes , breakfast is included and parking is available . fantastic . Thank you very much . you're welcome . And we have 24 hour reception . Please don't hesitate to call anytime if you have any further questions . I have been very busy this year , working late , often taking work home and taking no vacation . I feel exhausted . You should ask for a holiday and relax yourself for a little bit . You worked so hard . You are right . For the past few weeks , I had no appetite and couldn ’ t sleep well . What ’ s worse my back started aching this Monday . It is time for me to take a vacation . What sort of shopping is nearby , Mr . Taylor ? Call me John . This is a great area of the city for shopping . There ’ s a grocery store just around the corner . What about things other than food ? Well , the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it , including four major department stores . Are there small shops near here as well ? Yes , on 4th street , near the movie theater there are many specialty shops , including clothing boutiques . Well , that sounds just wonderful . Yes , it ’ s a really nice neighborhood . Now darling , I know that we've bought this house together , but it's just going to be far too expensive to decorate it . I think we should sell it . Oh , no , Nathan , I ... I really think we've bought this flat at the right time , you know.Market prices are going to go up , and I think you'll find in a year or two it will be worth a lot more . But we're going to spend so much money in furnishing and decorating . I think we could get a much cheaper place that's already furnished . But don't you like this place ? I remember when we came to see it we thought it would be lovely . Well , only you liked it really , darling . Oh , why didn't you say so then ? But I still think we've made a good buy . Hi , Bob , everything okay ? More or less . There's just one thing bothering me . Oh ? What's that ? Well , you know I have some students studying for their master's degree . One of them tried to give me a gift that kinda made me uneasy . What gift ? It's an Egyptian carpet . The student came to my office the other day and brought the carpet to show his gratitude . Seeing what gift was , I was really uncomfortable . I mean it's too expensive a gift for a student to give a professor . I don't think I've done anything to deserve that gift , so I refused it . You refused the gift ? That's terrible . I know , but I really can't accept such an expensive gift . I explained to him why , but he seemed really upset about it . I think he might have taken it the wrong way . Perhaps . He probably thinks you considered the gift a bribe for a higher grade . That's what I am worried about . I do understand the respect attached with the gift and I am honored . But I really don't think it's proper for a student to spend a fortune on a gift for a professor . I think we need to have a talk to make sure we are on the same page . I've been looking for a swimming pool , but I haven't found one yet . We have no pool , sir , but we do have swim stations in our gym . Swim stations ? Could you be a little more explicit ? You know how you run on a treadmill but don't go anywhere ? Well , it's the same thing . Gee , that's a great idea . Now , how much do I have to pay ? The stations are absolutely free to guests , sir . Great ! Now , when can I go down there and use the stations ? The swim stations are open daily from 7 a . m . to 10 p . m . Boy , oh boy ! I can't wait to change into my swim trunks . Be warned , sir . At certain hours the swim stations are very crowded . Hi . Today , I am the interviewer for your visa application . OK . Here is my application form and all the documents . Can you tell me why do you want a visa to America ? Because I want to have a view of the exotic landscapes to extend my views and understanding of the world . OK . Do you plan to go to America all by yourself or with your family ? Myself . Have you finished all you preparation ? Yes . Everything is ready . What a pity you are leaving so soon . I wish you could stay a few more days . Sir , can you deliver a speech for us ? Dear friends . Here , I wish to say a word of thanks for holding this send-off party for me . Actually I didn't expect at all for this . I owe a lot to all of you here . It's been 5 days since I came to visit here . Time really flies . I feel grateful for your welcome and help in the five days . I will miss you while I am leaving . Let's keep in touch in any way . What's more , to the success of our face-to-face meeting , to the upcoming cooperation of our two companies , bottom up ! Cheers ! And we are honored to have such an honored guest today . Mr . James , I hope we will meet somewhere in the near future . Madam , we also welcome you to visit our company . I hope you can also bring your family there to have a look of our company . In this way , we will know each other better . Definitely ! Thank you ! I have been thinking of buying a house and would like to speak with you . I have time to speak with you . Where would you like to purchase your house ? I am most interested in Pasadena or Arcadia , but would be open to other suggestions . How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need ? We have several generations of family living in our household and so need a very large home . Do you need to be located in a particular school district ? It doesn ’ t matter , as we do not have any children . Is a view important to you , or would you rather be located on a lakeshore lot ? In a perfect world , we would like a home with a view of the lake . Thank you for all of the information . I will help you find the perfect house for you . Waiter . Would you like anything else ? No , thanks . Please bring us the bill . All right . And do you want to separate bills or just one single bill ? Separate bills , please . Here is your bill . It comes to 80 yuan . And yours is 60 yuan . Here you are . Thank you If this coat doesn't fit , may I bring it back later ? Sorry , We don't take returns on sale items . What are the attractions of that city ? It's famous for beautiful countryside with clean air . Oh , that's what I am looking for . Do you have a reduction for 6 persons ? Yes , sir . We offer a 10 % discount for groups more than 5 . I would like to order a waistcoat . Have you chosen the material ? Yes , I want it to made of tweed . Fine . And the charge is $ 100 . When will it be available ? Next Wednesday . Hi , I'm George . I'll be your waiter this evening . Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes ? I'm ready now . I'd like the roast chicken and a side order of corn . And would you like an appetizer before your meal ? The soup of the day is our delicious tomato soup . I'll pass on the soup , but I'd like a garden salad . Can I get you anything to drink ? Yes , I'd like a glass of iced tea . Okay . I'll be back in a minute with your drink and salad . Thank you . What is your salary at present ? My present pay is 100,000 Yuan per year . What are your salary expectations now ? I like to be paid more than that . Hopefully , 120,000 Yuan per year . That's a little more than we had planned . I think you'll find I'm worth that . I can only offer you 110,000 Yuan a year . Raises will be given after a three-month probation according to your performance . Is that satisfactory ? Yes , it is quite reasonable . Excuse me . I've been waiting for my main dish for quite a time . Yes , sir.Just a minute , please , I'll check with the kitchen . Thank you for waiting.It takes another ten to fifteen minutes , I'm afraid . We have an appointment in half an hour . I see . Do you have anything else I can have instead ? Well , yes.How about beef stew ? We can serve you at once . I'll take beef stew , then . Hi , Sally ! You are talking to the proud father of a new baby girl ! Congratulations , Bob ! That ’ s great news , what ’ s her name ? We ’ Ve named her Alice after my wife ’ s grandmother . That ’ s a pretty name . Give your wife my best ! Excuse me , can you tell me where is the taxi stand ? You can find one at the end of the street . Are there any signs there ? No.but there are quite many cars . Thank you . Would Dr.Black be able to see me at 9:00 a . m . tomorrow ? I'm sorry , but she won't have any openings until 11:00 , unless there's a cancellation . Would 1 : OO p . m . be convenient ? Yes , she's free then . Oh ! ! ! I have a horrible toothache . You should go to the dentist . I hate dentists . Well , suffer then . If you have a toothache , you have to go to the dentist . It always hurts . I hate going . Stop being such a baby . If it really hurts that much , just let them knock you out . O . K . , O . K . , I ’ ll go . Good . You feel better after you do . Sally , you look so corporate ! What interview do you have today ? Amalgamated Trading Company . It's Swiss . Don't you think working at a foreign company would be glamorous ? Yeah , I guess so . I've never actually heard of this one , but ... Well , it's small , but it's a young , dynamic , rapidly-growing company with a progressive , humanistic philosophy . You didn't read their brochure or anything , did you ? Four times . I'm totally prepared . Oh , no ! I forgot to take off my nail polish ! And I have to be there in 15 minutes ! That's it . I blew it . Well , they are progressive and humanistic-maybe they don't care about nail polish ... uh ... even blue nail polish . Just keep your confidence up and you'll do great . But the competition is fierce this year ... and it seems like I'm the only one left who hasn't found a job . Not quite the only one . I really wanted that job at the magazine , but I still haven't heard from them . I'm calling to tell you that the merchandise ordered last month has not arrived yet . I'm sorry , hold on a moment . I'll check it out . But we have already shipped it to you last month . Would you like us to contact the express company to know what's going on ? Please find out the reason as soon as possible . We are in bad need of it . Ok , I am terribly sorry for the trouble you are getting into.We will contact you first thing , once we know the reason . I really want to make something for dinner . What are you going to cook ? I haven't the slightest clue what I'm going to make . A teriyaki bowl sounds nice . I don't know how to make that . All you need to make it is white rice and some teriyaki beef . That sounds fairly simple , but how do I cook it ? The first and simplest thing you have to do is make some white rice . What's next ? Then you should shred your beef and pour some teriyaki marinade over it . What's the next thing I need to do ? Then all you need to do is cook it and enjoy . How do I submit an expense report ? You need all your receipts for reimbursement . You mean I have to attach the receipts with the expense report ? Yes , here is the form for an expense report . Fill it out and give it to me . I ’ ll get it signed for you . Good morning ! Can I speak to Miss Cooper please ? Would you hold on a second , please ? Miss Cooper's extension is engaged . Engaged . Oh , dear ! Could you tell her it's a long-distance call ? I'm sorry , sir . I can't interrupt her . I'm sure she won't be very long . How long do you think she'll be ? I really can't say how long she'll be . Can I leave a message , please ? Yes , certainly . Can you tell her I'm waiting to speak to her ? Yes , sir . I'll ring her on an inside line if you like . Thank you very much . Excuse me , waiter , would you please bring us a nest ? A friend of mine will join us . Wait a moment . Here you are . By the way , we would like to order some dishes for my friend . Sure . Can you help me out , Chuck ? Sure . What's it , Yvonne ? I want to put my desk over there , but it's too heavy for me to move . Okay , you take one end and I'll take the other . Good morning . Madam . What can I do for you today ? Hello . I hope you can help me ; I'm a little worried about my new card . What seems to be the problem ? I received my new card this morning , but I'm unable to use it . Oh ? You mean , the ATM machine has eaten it ? No , it's right here , see ? The ATM will not accept it ! You said you received your card this morning , am I right ? Yes . I was told it would be activated and ready to use right away . So , what's gone wrong ? Did you receive your PIN number yet , Madam ? You see , unless you have your new PIN number , to match your new card , you cannot use it . We usually send that separately , around one day after the card , for security reasons . Well , that explains it . I've been using my old PIN number ! Thanks for explaining everything to me . Can you manage chopsticks ? Why not ? See . Good mastery . How do you like our Chinese food ? Oh , great ! It's delicious . You see , I am already putting on weight . There is one thing I don't like however , MSG . What's wrong with MSG ? It helps to bring out the taste of the food . According to some studies it may cause cancer . Oh , don't let that worry you . If that were true , China wouldn't have such a large population . I just happen to have a question for you guys . Why do the Chinese cook the vegetables ? You see what I mean is that most vitamin are destroyed when heated . I don't know exactly . It's a tradition . Maybe it's for sanitary reasons . Hi , Francis , how was your business trip ? It was a nightmare . What ’ s up ? Actually , the business trip itself was very successful . We arrived on time , we had nice conversations and we settled some important issues for the next year . Sounds quite fruitful , why do you call it still a nightmare then ? Well , the air line lost my luggage on the return flight and then I lost my carry on bag when I was tackling with the officers in charge . I left the airport three hours later than I expected and then I was caught in a traffic jam . When I finally got home , I was totally exhausted . But I found the elevator was out of service due to a blackout . This is really a sad story . Did they trace back your luggage ? I am still waiting for their call . Take it easy , all sufferings have their reward . Do you have any seat preferences , sir ? Yes , could you put me in the no-smoking section ? Yes . Would you like a window seat ? If one's available , please . But not over the wing . morning . Rent-A-Car Agency . May I help you ? Good morning . This is Paul Alexander calling from the Isis Advertising Firm . We need a car to the airport for Mr . Phillips . Certainly , Mr . Alexander . When would Mr . Phillips like to leave ? Let me check ... His flight ’ s at 2:30 p . m . , so he should leave no later than 12 noon . I'm calling today about a bill that I never received . Can you tell me which credit card it was for ? It was for my Master Card . You should've gotten that bill two weeks ago . I haven't got it in the mail yet . The computer is showing that all bills have been mailed . What am I supposed to do about my bill then ? Maybe you should call your post office . But if it's their mistake , can I get an extension on my bill payment ? Yes , but you will need to send us proof of their mistake . Okay , thank you very much for your help . Not a problem . Enjoy the rest of your day . Jenny , don't you think it's really charming ? Yes . It's a feast of eyes to walking in the museum . Let's take our time and enjoy the art and sprite of the famous museum . What a shame that we can't take pictures . OK , Allen . It's your turn . Are you ready ? I really would rather just listen . Isn't there anyone else who wants to sing ? Come on ! In the two hours we've been here you haven't sung even one song ! I know , but ... Hey , Stanley's here ! I've been wanting to hear him sing all night . Well , you asked for it . Why don't you put on an Elvis song for him . He loves " The King . " I'll put the song at the front of the list . Here is the document you asked for this morning . Oh , you are so efficient . I thought you might give it to me tomorrow . Thanks . You ’ re welcome . You know , these days I have been reflecting on my biggest weakness procrastination . The more I think about it , the more I hate myself for being so disorganized . I decided to change the situation as soon as possible . Otherwise I will be more regretful later . This is encouraging news , good for you ! What is your solution , then ? The most useful method is to make plans and set priorities . It helps me to manage time well and get the most important things done at the first place . Sounds not bad ! Better performance isn ’ t just about doing a lot more . It is about focusing on the right things to do . How are you doing , Jim ? Fine , just fine.How about you ? Not too bad . I think your presentation impressed the client , Daniel . You did a good job . Thank you , Mr . Cooper . I hope we get the contract . What's for lunch ? Pork chops . What happened to you ? I think I caught a cold . Do you have any symptoms ? Runny nose and coughing . Do you have a fever ? I have just taken the temperature , I don't think so . It's not serious . Are you sure ? Yes . What should I do ? You should drink more hot water , and do some exercise . What kind of place shall we rent ? It should be close to the university . Neither of us are good at getting up in the mornings and closer it is , the later we can get up . Absolutely . That's the most important thing to take into consideration . I'm not too worried about the size of the flat . Neither am I . so a small place is ok , but we'll get a bigger one if it's not expensive . Do you mind if it's in a noisy area . I don't mind . I'm not a light sleeper , but quieter is better for when we have to study at home . Good point . Ok , let's go to the estate agent and see what they can offer us . Yes , if we're lucky we'll find something in the next few days . I think you had a good idea to start flat hunting early . How much do you think the rent will be ? I asked a few people who are already living in places near the university and they said it would cost about one hundred pounds a month . I don't think we can meet the delivery date you suggest . It's too soon . Well , is it possible for you to effect shipment by the middle of June ? The earliest we can do is by the end of June . Did you have any working experience during college ? Yes , I did some part-time jobs such as English tutor , salesman , and model . What did you learn from your part-time jobs ? I learned to be patient , professional and gained a ll of experience of direct sales . Smells good ! What ’ s for breakfast ? Well , since we are getting up so late , I decided to make a big breakfast ! Nice ! Brunch ! Kind of , so I made scrambled and soft boiled eggs , some french toast and buttermilk pancakes ! Wow ! You really went all out ! Did you make any coffee ? Yeah , just the way you like it ! I also put out some cereal and muesli if you feel like having something more light . Looks good ! I ’ ll squeeze us some fresh orange juice . Get the jam and butter while you are in there ! Oh ! And don ’ t forget the syrup ! Can you tell me if there is a flight to New York ? Yes . Flight DB117 departs at 5:38 pm and arrives in New York at 6:00 am with a layover in Chicago . It also makes a refueling stop at Colombia . So many stops ! Don't you have any direct flights ? Sorry sir , it is the only flight wa have right now . Hello.Hot water overflowed from the bathtub.Will you help me ? Would you turn off the tap ? I did it . Then will you put all the towels under the bathroom door ? OK . I will . I'll have our housekeeper come right away . I'm sorry I was too tired to fall asleep . When you woke up , the water was coming out of the tub . Right.Can I compensate for the damage with the travel accident insurance ? Would you like some more coffee ? No thanks . I'm full . We need to find our waitress and get our bill . The waitress is bringing the bill right now . This waitress has really been on top of things , hasn't she ? Yes , this waitress did a great job . OK , let's see what the damage is . The total for our meal is $ 36.00 . What do you think would be the right amount to leave for a tip ? Fifteen percent is a normal tip , but she really did a great job . What do you think about 20 % this time ? Yes , 20 % would be perfect . Her tip will end up being $ 7.20 plus the bill of $ 36.00 . The total will be $ 43.20 . Yes , that was one fantastic meal ! I agree . Maybe we can come back again next week . It ’ s time for me to go now . Would you like me to go with you ? I ’ d rather you stayed in the office and did these things . Do you want to type that letter ? I ’ d rather you typed it . Do you want to tell her ? I ’ d rather you told her . Freeze ! Police ! Put your hands over your head . What crime did I commit ? You are suspected of hiding illegal drugs , so we are taking you into custody . We ’ Ve found some heroin in your house . You have the following rights while you are being interviewed . You have the right to remain silent . You don't have to make any statement against your will . You have the right to defense counsel . You have the right to request an investigation of evidence favorable to your case . Do you understand your rights ? I am innocent . Would you like to come by and play bridge ? Well , let's see . Why don't we go dancing for a change ? We haven't done that for a long time . Well , to tell the truth , I don't really feel like it tonight . I had a pretty hard day and I'm sort of tired . Hmm . Well , in that case , we could go to the movies . Oh , we always go to the movies . Can't we do something different ? Well , do you have any suggestions ? Let's see . How do you feel about playing bridge ? It's OK with me , but we don't have any beer and things . Well , shall I call Janet and ask her and Tom to come over , and I'll go to the store and buy some stuff . OK . Hello , Janet . It's me ... Oh , fine . Just fine . Say , Janet , I was wondering if you and Tom were doing anything tonight ... No ? Well . would you like to come by our place and play a few hands of bridge ? Tom , it's time for you to go to bed . Good night , mum . Good night . Operator . May I help you ? Yes . How do I get an outside line , please ? Just dial 0 , wait for the dial tone , and then dial the phone number you want to call . Or we can place a call for you , if you want . No , thanks a lot . I'll try it myself . What's our target audience for this campaign ? This go-around we're focusing on new moms , families with median income and one or more children under the age of two . Do you think that's much different from the succor moms we tailored the last campaign for ? Well , there are some similarities that come up . Because both groups are made up of mothers ... so as before , we can play up on maternal instincts , hygiene , safety , along those lines . But that being said , there are some specific differences that come into play because we are dealing with mothers of infants here . Right , that makes sense . What's the average age ? Demographics say an average age of 28.7 , educational background of university or post-grad , annual household income of 40-50 K a year . John , I'd like to see you in my office for a minute . Yes , sir , I'll be there in just a moment . John , I have been watching you . I've been paying attention to you over the last quarter and I'm impressed . You've done a tremendous job in tackling some difficult accounts . I just want to let you to know , after this month's performance reviews , I'm recommending you for promotion . Gosh sir , thank you , sir ! I had no idea there were any positions opening up in our department . Well , it's not going to be in our department . I've recommended you for an interdepartmental transfer . There's supervisory spot opening up in financial . I'm turning your name in for it . Management ? Wow , I had no idea I could move so quickly from entry level to managerial staff . You've earned it . How can I help you today ? I am returning something that I bought yesterday . What would you like to return ? I'm returning a cellphone . Was there something wrong with it ? It's defective . What isn't working on it ? It keeps turning off on it's own . Alright , do you have the receipt ? I have it right here . I'm going to take care of this and refund your money . Thanks for your help . I miss grandma . I dreamed about her yesterday . Dear , let ’ s drop the subject . Good morning , sir . Can I help you ? Good morning . I'd like to cash this check . Yes , sir . Can you show you identity ? What about the driving license ? Don't you have any other identification ? I am sorry . I only have my driving license with me . Ok . Would you please sign your name on the back of the check ? Thank you . Here you are . How do you want your money ? Would you give me some in twenties and tens ? All right . Please wait for a moment . Could you fill in this form , please ? All right . Have you got any identification ? Yes , here's my ID card . Oh , my God ! I've been cheated ! What ? What did you buy ? It's a brick ! I can't believe how stupid I was . Damn it ! What is it ? Why did you buy a brick ? There was a guy on the sidewalk.He had three new boxes , Panasonic video camera boxes.He said he had to get rid of them quick . And ? So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars . A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks . And it's a brick ? Yes . I can't believe how stupid you are . Why didn't you open the box ? I wanted to . But he said , no , the box is still in its plastic wrap from the store.If it's opened , other people won't believe it's new . So he had the boxes wrapped in plastic . Yes , it was the kind of perfect plastic wrap that comes with new products.Look , it even had a bar-code price sticker on it ! It looked brand new . But why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars ? He said he had to get rid of them . They were stolen . Aha ! Now I understand.You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk.So , what I think is , you deserve to get cheated ! C'mon , don't blame me ! I thought it was a new camera . We could use it.We were even thinking about buying a camera . I don't understand how he could have such a perfect-looking box . That's no problem.He just has a friend who works in a shop that can do plastic wrap . That's easy.And probably it's the same shop he got the boxes from.Maybe his friend works in an electronics store . They sell video cameras there.Probably they had a couple video camera boxes lying around.So they get the idea of wrapping bricks to sell to fools like you.Twenty dollars a brick . That's a good profit if they can sell enough bricks . You're right , Sarah . I was a fool . I can't believe it . How could I fall for such a trick ? Hello , Arthur . What seems to be the problem ? Hey doc . Well , I think I might need glasses . I ’ m getting headaches , and I really struggle to see things that are far away . But I have always had 20/20 vision . Sounds like you may be far-sighted . OK , then , cover your left eye and read the chart in front of you . Mmm .. . X , E , R , 3 , a question mark , and I can ’ t quite make out the other symbol but I think it ’ s the peace sign . Wow , Arthur ! You ’ re as blind as a bat ! Yeah , I know , my vision is really blurry at times . Ok then , head on over to the other room and pick out some frames while I fill out your prescription . Thanks doc ! Arthur , that ’ s the bathroom . Would you like some more coffee ? No thanks . I'm full . We need to find our waitress and get our bill . Good luck finding the waitress ! The service this evening has kind of sucked . Is that our server over there ? I'll go get the check , since our server doesn't seem to be headed this way . Good . I'll just stay here until you get back . So the total is $ 36.00 for our dinner . How much of a tip do you think our waitress deserves ? I wonder if no tip would be appropriate in light of the service . I kind of feel the same way , but they may have just been really short-staffed tonight . I think that we should leave 10 % . $ 3.60 will be the right amount for the tip . I want to fly to Congo on Monday , the 17th . Let me see what's available . By the way , I'd prefer a night flight . Africa Airline 551 leaves at 9:00 pm . That's fine . I want to pay in cash . Here is the money . How much was your watch ? Take a guess . A guy in my office got the flu the other day . Today I seem to have come down with it , too . Very likely . You have a slight fever . Do you have a headache , too ? Yes . I wonder if you could do something to help me recover soon , because I'll be on a business trip in two days . Well , you have to let your flu run its course . You must stop working and stay in bed to get plenty of rest . Usually it will take 4 to 6 days to make a full recovery . But I'm going on a business trip in two days ! Maybe you'll have to cancel it or postpone it . If you go out while you are sick , it won't help you recover . You may even pass your disease on to others . Would you care for a drink ? No , thanks . I'm fine . Let's go practice your driving . If that's what you want to do , then we can . Did you buckle your seatbelt ? I'm buckled up . What's next ? You need to start the car now . What do you want me to do ? Go left . How far should I go ? I'll let you know when I want you to stop . Tell me before you want me to stop . All right , try parking here . Thanks . Let's go driving again tomorrow . How may I help you ? I ’ m making a deposit today . Cash or check ? I would like to deposit a check . You need to sign the back . Okay . Here you go . Would you like cash back ? Yes , I would . How much ? Let me get $ 150 back . Here you go . Thank you . Have a good one . I'd like to extend my visa for another two years . Are you on a tourist visa or a student visa ? Student visa . What is the reason for extension ? I'll go into a practical training as soon as I receive my Master ’ s degree from the University of Pennsylvania early next month . We ’ ll need a letter from your university and a financial statement from you . Do you like the apartment ? I absolutely love the apartment . Everything is okay ? I do have one problem with the apartment . What ’ s the problem ? I don ’ t like all those stains in the carpet . We will have the carpet cleaned before you move into the apartment . I did not know that . I assure you that we will , and if there are any more problems , feel free to tell me . That was the only thing that I saw wrong with the apartment . I ’ m glad to know that you think the apartment is so nice . It ’ s absolutely incredible . I ’ ll take it . Come in , Arnold . Have a seat . Good morning . Would you like something to drink ? No , thank you . I just had two cups of coffee at my desk . So , you're a serious coffee drinker . Yes , it keeps me going . Sometimes I think I'm addicted . Well , coffee isn't such a bad thing.Everyone has to have something.For me , it's cigars . Are you a cigar smoker ? No , I've tried them . But I'm not really a smoker . Well , what would you like to talk to me about ? I wanted to set up this meeting with you to discuss a little proposal . I'm glad when people have new ideas around here . Tell me about it . It is about the staff meetings.You know how we have a staff meeting every Tuesday . Yes . Well , I have been thinking about it.And I believe we could do things more efficiently here . What do you suggest ? The way it is now , the staff from all four branches get together once a week.We meet for one hour . But I think a lot of time is wasted in transportation . You mean because people have to go across town to get here . Yes . Some people spend half of the morning on the road . That's true . But our staff meetings are very important , Arnold . I don't know how we can function without them . I think they are important too.That ' s why I want people to have a better attitude about them . I know a lot of people think the meetings aren't too useful . I'm aware of that . Here's what I propose . I think we should meet once every two weeks , but meet for ninety minutes or more . Well . I also think the meetings should be more focused.And I would be willing to take responsibility for that . You mean you want to run the meetings ? No , not really run them . But I could help organize them . I could discuss meeting topics with you , and then prepare a schedule for each meeting . I could then send an e-mail to all the staff to explain the coming meeting.This way the meetings would become more focused , and people would prepare better . Hmm . But we would meet every two weeks . I really think it would work.The meetings could be longer , and better organized . I am not against the idea , Arnold.It may really be more efficient , as you say . I'll tell you what we can do.Why don't we try your proposal for a month , and see how it works . Excellent . I would be happy to get started on it . I will call the managers.Then tomorrow I'll tell you when we can schedule our first meeting in this " new style . " Do you have a good English-Chinese dictionary ? Sure . How about this one ? Is this the latest edition ? Yes . We have both the paperback and the hardcover . What's the difference ? The hardcover is more expensive . Oh ! I see . I'll have the paperback , please . Oriental China Airlines . Good morning , may I help you ? I would like the round-way ticket to Shanghai on December 10th . Lady , let me check . Do you want the morning or the afternoon flight ? What's the departure time ? 2:30 Well , the afternoon will be fine . First class or economy ? First class will be preferred . Well , afternoon flight on December 10th to Shanghai . May I have your name , please ? My name is Janice . Well , I book this ticket for Nova , the marketing manager of Pineapple Computer Company . Where can I get the flight ticket ? You may take it up at the ticket office . That is located on International Street 150 . Where are you feeling the pain ? I can ’ t stand up ! My stomach is killing me ! Can you put your hand where it hurts the most ? It hurts smack in the middle of my gut ! Did this just come on suddenly ? I felt OK until an hour or so ago , and then I just doubled over . Have you exercised strenuously or played sports recently ? No , and I don ’ t usually get a lot of stomachaches . We need to get you to an emergency room to see what the problem is . I think that that is the best way to figure out what is causing this . Thank you . May I help you ? Yes , I would like to exchange some money . what currency would you like to trade in ? I would like to exchange Chinese RIB for American dollars . Do you accept $ 100 bills ? No problem , we can accept any denomination . How much would you like to exchange today ? Well , that depends on the rate . How much is the RIB trading at today ? It's a shame you didn't come a little earlier , the exchange rate was reset yesterday afternoon . The American dollar is now worth 7.45RMB.If you would like to sell RIB , we can give you a rate of 7.35.Will that be all right ? I guess , here , give me 5,000 RIB worth . I might as well exchange a little extra . Who knows what the exchange rate will be tomorrow ! Has your son started school yet , Tom ? Next week , it ’ s going to be quite a shock for him ! He ’ ll get used to it . They always do . I still remember when my daughter started . Are you going with him on his first day ? You bet . I wouldn ’ t miss it ! May I speak to Mr.Huang , please ? I'm sorry . Mr.Huang is quite busy right now . Could I pass him the message ? Well , you see , I won't be able to keep my 9 Let me see . He's free from 3:00 to 4:30 tomorrow afternoon . Can you make it then ? Yes , of course . Thank you very much . You're quite welcome . Thank you for calling . Bye-byeB Dad , hurry ! The train is coming . Aha , I am a superman . Don't rush , behave yourself please ! Let the people get off first . Oh , we should . There are so many people . What if the train got full before we could get in ? But , if we all pushed our way in , nobody could get off , and nobody could get in either . How many stops are there to the Aidan station ? There are four more stops . Oh , my God ! What's wrong ? You are like a little monkey , on pins and needles ! Because I need to use the restroom . Is there a restroom on the train ? No , not on the train , but in the station . Why not ? You told me that subway is a kind of train . If it had no restroom . what kind of train would that be ? Well , that is a question . You want to offer a suggestion ? Oh , yeah , but not today . I am busy with praying the subway may get there as fast as possible . I guess you'll never forget today . This broth is wonderful . What's in it ? Lamb and beef . It will get even tastier when we add the veggies ! Hey ! Watch out ! You're using the same spoon for both broths ! So ? You're getting that hot stuff in my mild broth ! You'll be OK . It's just a little bit ... Pasadena Traffic School . How can I help you ? I would like to sign up for some classes . What classes did you want to sign up for ? I need to take a driver's course . You'll have to make an appointment . What do I need to make an appointment for ? You need an appointment so you can sign the papers . All right , can I make an appointment right now ? When are you available ? Can I make it for tomorrow at 9 I can schedule you for that day and time . Thanks a lot . I'll be there tomorrow . Hello . This is the Stewart Resident . Hello . Is Mr . Stewart there ? This is Mr . Stewart . Who ’ s this ? I ’ m calling from Bell Canada . We are currently offering a great deal on long distance calling , only $ 17 a month . With this plan you get 500 minutes of long distance calls each month without any additional charges . I ’ m sorry . I ’ m not interested in it . Okay . Thanks . Waitress . Yes sir . How can I help you ? Please clean up the table . OK . And anything else I can do for you ? I like a refill please . Sure . I made a reservation earlier this week , but I have to cancel it . No problem , sir . Just tell me your name , phone number , and date of reservation . Great ! I'm Rudy Randolph , 818-555-1234 , and my reservation was for April 9 to 15 . Okay , sir , let me hit the delete button , and your reservation will be cancelled . That was nice and fast . Thanks . Not at all . I'm about to run out of business cards . I need some new ones . We can print as many as you like . Just tell me how many . Two thousand should get me through the year . Here's a form to get you started . My old card is perfect , so all I want you to do is copy it exactly . I think you'll be very pleased with how well we duplicate your old card . ... Here you go Thanks . Come back here next Wednesday to pick up your order , please . I'm sorry , but can you give me a three-day turnaround ? If you don't mind paying a little extra , it's absolutely no problem . Lisa , is there a milk section ? No , there's no such section . The dairy section is where you'll find milk and cheese . What's Condiments ? That's where you'll find things like salt and pepper . Oh , I see . Let's go to aisle 4 to pick up some pasta for tonight . Great ! Pasta for dinner . And let's get a loaf of bread at the bakery for breakfast . Maybe we should get a shopping cart . I'll put the shopping basket back . Did you lock the doors ? All except the back door . I left that open for Tim . He took the dog for a walk . Well , I'm going on to bed . I'm beat . Okay . I'm going to stay up a while . I've got to go over the household budget . We're a little overspent this month . Please tell Tim to close the door to the basement . I don't want the dog down there tonight . Okay . Good night . See you at breakfast . Well , I'm glad you're finally back . I was wondering what happened . I feel kind of stupid . Why ? We got lost coming back . I guess I don't really know this town yet . You got lost . You're kidding ! No . We took a wrong turn somewhere.And Joseph doesn't know the town at all . So I started giving him directions.But I didn't really know where we were . So we got seriously lost . You could have called . I know I could have . But finally we asked someone where we were . You've been gone for two hours . How could you get lost for so long ? Guess where we ended up . I don't know . Where ? When we finally decided to ask someone , they told us we were in Grangerfield . Grangerfield ! You were in Grangerfield ? That's a completely different town ! How could you drive to a completely different town ? I don't know.The person we asked had to give us directions to the highway to get back here . Grangerfield is like a dozen miles away from here . I know it is . I don't know how it happened . Hmm , maybe I do . What ? Maybe I have an idea how it happened . How ? You were too busy looking at Joseph , and you weren't paying attention to the road . Oh , that's what you think , huh ? Won't you have some of this ? Yes , thanks . It's my grandmother's favorite recipe for barbecue . It's very good . How do you make it ? I use a special dressing and homemade catsup . This salad looks so nice-just right for a hot day . I'm glad you like it . You Americans usually have nutritious food . Oh , but Chinese food is so delicious . I wish I knew how to cook Chinese food . Do you follow recipes ? We use different spices but few people use recipes . They learn to cook by experience . I always use a recipe but my grandmother never did . She was a great cook . She would make clam chowder and cornbread every Sunday night . I like these shoes . Do you realize that all these shoes are half off ? Really ? Yes , but the offer only lasts this week . Do you have experience in advertising ? Yes , I used to have a part-time job in advertising company . What were you mean duties there ? I mostly did advertising planning . What qualities do you think an advertising planner should have ? I think an advertising planner should have active thoughts , creative talent , and be sensitive to the changes in the market . What was the most important thing you have learned at work ? The most important thing I learned was that I must continuously improve my abilities . Advertising is a constantly evolving trade and creativity is an important fact in success . If I want to make in marking in advertising history , I can ’ t stop studying and creating . Dad , may I have a room of my own ? Oh , honey , I'm so sorry , we don't have enough space for you to have your own room . Dad , but I don't want to share a room with Peter . He snores every night . Honey , you can ask him to be quite . Otherwise you may punish him and tell him to stand out of the room , right ? Alright . Maybe it's the only way to do it . Come in and sit down , Jack . Now , what's the trouble ? I've got a terrible pain in my stomach , Doctor . I see . When did it start ? It started yesterday . I didn't eat any supper . Have you got a temperature ? I think so . I feel very hot . Let's see . Yes . You ' Ve got quite a high temperature . I've got an awful headache , too , and my throat hurts . Hm ... I think you ' Ve got the flu . Is it serious ? No , not at all , but you must stay in bed for three days and take this medicine . How often must I take it ? Three times a day after meals . Thank you , Doctor.Goodbye . Our usual supplier has let us down and I ’ Ve been looking through your parts catalogue . I need fifty GT670s . How soon can you deliver ? Just a moment and I'll check . We ’ re expecting a delivery on Friday . We've only got ten in stock at the moment . I can deliver those by first thing tomorrow morning . There'll be an extra charge for special delivery . I'll have to send them by courier . Why don ’ t you sit down and relax , darling ? I don ’ t want to . Well , come and talk to me then . Certainly not . May I turn on the radio then ? Turn on the radio ? What for ? So that we can sit down together and listen to some music . Listen to some music ? And who ’ ll cook dinner ? Will you ? Ok , I will . But let ’ s go to a disco after dinner . To a disco ? Oh , no . You know I hate pop . Good afternoon , ma'am . May I help you ? Yes . Can I deposit valuables here ? Of course , you can . Please put your articles in this bag and seal it . OK . Thank you . Here is your tag . Would you tell me the rate per day for depositing my bag ? Sure , madam . Only one dollar . When does the cloakroom close ? This cloakroom is open until 10 p . m . Oh , dear ! I won't be back until about 11:30 tonight . Where can I pick up my bag ? We will transfer your bag to the Lobby Floor Cloakroom . You may collect it there , madam . I see . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . Can you develop the roll of film ? Sure . How long does it take ? 6 hours . If you are in a hurry we can develop it in 3 hours . There is no need . I will come back tomorrow . Good afternoon Miss , would you be interested in buying more life insurance ? You know , you can never get enough . I think my husband has some . Are you sure he ’ s purchased enough insurance for both of you ? If something terrible happened with your husband , and he doesn ’ t have sufficient insurance , my company does have a policy that could cover you and your husband if something happened to either of you . That ’ s true . If something happened to my husband , I might lose everything . Both of us have to work to keep our home , car , and our children ’ s education . I can ’ t afford that by myself . Could we sit and look at the policy I mentioned and see if that ’ s something suitable for you and your husband ? Certainly . The buildings are really magnificent . Yes , millions of travelers come here every year for the view of the buildings . The journey is worth while . Where are we going after this ? We will visit the Statue of Liberty as scheduled . Excuse me . Yes ? Do you have any information about the city sights ? Sure . There ’ s a lot here in this pamphlet . Thank you . And what ’ s the best way to get downtown ? Take the subway . It ’ s $ 1.50 per ride . You can buy a petrol card at the station . You ’ Ve been very helpful . My pleasure . I want to open a saving account , sir.What ' s the proper procedure ? First , you fill out the application form and then we'll issue you a passbook . Is there any minimum for the first deposit ? No , Even a dollar is all right.Here ' s your passbook , sir ; just sign your name on it . What is the annual interest rate ? It varies from time to time.At present it is 6 % . By the way , can I open a checking account too ? By all means.But you have to deposit enough money before you can write out your checks . You look depressed . What's on your mind ? Well , I had a blood test last week . The doctor said that I have high blood pressure and my blood is thick and sticky . I'm very worried . Take it easy . When we last talked , you promised there would be more exercises in your life . But now you are putting on some weight . I have to admit it's easier said than done . Well , I think it's time for you to change your eating habits and develop a healthy lifestyle . Regular exercise will improve your health . But you know I'm just not into exercises . And I wouldn't have time for exercises , either . You can do some jogging . It's easy and it doesn't take much time . Actually , my doctor said the same thing . Excuse me , sir , but you have to put your bags here before entering the market . Oh . I am sorry . I was busy looking for some whisky.Can you tell me the exactly place where I can find any ? Yes , it's on the third floor . Here ' s my passport . I'm a visiting scholar . Do you have anything to declare ? No , these are all my personal effects . What's in the bag ? Would you mind opening the bag ? Not at all . I don't know what's dutiable . Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use ? NO . You don't have to pay duty on personal belongings . Thank you . Do you work well under pressure ? Working under pressure is exciting and challenging . I don ’ t mind working under pressure . I work well under that circumstance . People can , I can . Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration ? No , nothing in particular . How soon can you begin working for us ? I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities . I will quit then transfer to your company . What do you want ? I think I have a piece of apple pie . Do you want something to drink ? Coffee would be fine . OK . Sit down and I'll get it . Our new production control program's going live on Monday . The old and the new programs will operate in tandem for four to six weeks . That should give us time to iron out any little problems . Hope it all goes well . We're very busy at the moment and certainly don't want any problems at this time of year . Yes , I realise that . We've spent a long time planning and preparing for the change-over . I'm confident we won't have any major problems . Who broke my chair ? It wasn't me . Can I help you , Madam ? Could you tell me what Ants on the Tree is please ? Certainly , Madam . It's a stir fried dish of minced pork with glass noodles . Sounds nice . I'll have that please . Finance , Angie speaking . Hi Angie , it ’ s Tom Reynolds here . Can you tell me if my tuition fees for this semester have been approved ? Yes , Mr . Reynolds . They were approved yesterday . You can pick up the check today . Oh wow ! Thanks a million , Angie ! Come in , please . Good morning , sir ! Good morning , please make yourself comfortable . Thank you , sir . Your name and examination number , please . My name is Du Tao , number 3 . Pardon ? Du Tao . D-U for Du and T-A - 0 for Tao . Yes , Mr . Du , when were you born ? I was born on January 1st , 1988 . I ’ m 20 years old now . Where do you live ? I ’ m living at Room 222 , Building 18 , N . P . U . Can you leave me your phone number ? Gladly , 8962105 2 . Good morning . May I help you ? Yes . I'm looking for an apartment , I'd like two bedrooms . All right . Have a seat , please . Let me ask you a few questions . First of all , may I have your name , please ? My name's Donald Eakins . How do you spell your last name , Mr.Eakins . It's E-A-K-I-N-S . E-A-K-I-N-S.First name , Donald . And what's your present address , Mr.Eakins ? It's 1446 Pine Street . 1446 Pine . That's in San Francisco , isn't it ? Yes , it is . Did you check before you left the shop ? Yes , I did . But when I got home , my son put it on and we found the hole . Really ? Let me have a look at it . Mm . OK . Let me change it for another one . Thank you very much . I hate to do this , but I've got to cancel a reservation I made earlier this week . All I need is your name , phone , and reservation date . My name is Rudy Randolph . I'm at 818-555-1234 . The reservation was for April 9 . Randolph , Rudy . Let me hit one button , sir , and now your reservation is cancelled . Okay , thank you . I'll make another reservation as soon as I can . It's been my pleasure to help you . Did you go and buy your bus pass ? No , I didn't . When are you going to go get it ? I'm not sure where they sell bus passes at . Why didn't you just ask me ? Where should I go ? You can get one from student services . I had no clue that I could get it there . I already knew that . Thanks for letting me know . You're welcome . I'm going to go and get it right now . Tomorrow is my first day at work , what do you think I should be wearing ? Well , if you want to look professional , serious and more conservative , a blue dress , white shirt and not-too-high shoes would be the best choice . But sometimes , very formal clothes will keep you at a distance from your colleagues . It depends on the company ’ s dress code . Indeed , I found most of the employees dress casually when I went to the interview . Only the manager was in suit and tie and he just came back from a ceremony . It seems that their dress code is not that formal . Probably , I should put on car key and simple shirt . Whatever you choose , make sure they are neat and clean . Excuse me . Will you please keep an eye on my suitcase ? I just want to make a phone call . Certainly , but will it take long ? No , I'll be right back . OK . I'll look after it then . Mike's Mechanics . Can I help you ? Yes , how do I get to your shop from Chilin ? Go straight up Zhongshan Road and you will see our sign on your right , after you pass the museum . Thank you very much . Don't take too much off . I'm trying to grow my hair longer . How about two inches ? That sounds perfect . Do you think I can get some highlights today , too ? I've always wanted red . I think that will over-process your hair , you should wait at least two weeks . All right . I'll just have the cut and perm today . Great . My assistant will wash your hair , and then I'll be back to help you . OK . Oh , damn . There ’ s another traffic jam on the highway . How can there be a traffic jam on a 16 - lane highway every day ? There are just too many people , and too many cars . I wonder if there was an accident . No , they just said it too many people were trying to get off at the Capitol exits . Well , let ’ s put on some music . We ’ re going to be stuck in this for a while . All right , what do you want to listen to ? How about some Beatles ? Yeah , all right . Excuse me . Mr . Emory ? Yes , Ms . Rodriguez ? How can I help you ? I wanted to see if I could arrange a meeting with you to discuss recruitment . Absolutely . I ’ Ve been wanting to meet with you about that . Let me just get my book . Who ate the cookies that were sitting here ? I did , Mom . Shame on you . I was saving them for your brother . Hello . May I speak to Brian , please ? Sorry , you have the wrong number . There ’ s no Brian here . Is this 777-9345 ? No , it ’ s 777-9344 ? Oh , I ’ m so sorry . That ’ s OK . Put all baggage on the conveyor belt . Walk through the detector age one at a time , please . Excuse me , ma'ma . Could you walk back through the doorway again , please ? What for ? Airport security . Could you empty your pockets over here , please ? Really ? I'm in a hurry . All right . Ah , a set of keys . I'm embarrassed ! I forgot completely about them . I'm terribly sorry . That's all right . Enjoy your flight . Thank you . What's the matter with you , Paul ? I'm not feeling well . I think I'm having a cold . Looks like it.You need to drink a lot of water and take a good rest . Yeah , I will . Come on . All of us are waiting for you . Oh , sorry . Cross my fingers . Come on , Mary . We have to do the laundry . Where are we going ? Down to the basement . Do you have a washer down there ? Yes . We have a dryer , too . That's so convenient . Where are the dirty clothes ? They are in the basement already . But I didn't see you carry them down . Don't you know that we have a laundry chute in the house ? Hi , John . Oh , hi , Mary , come on in . Any problem ? Oh , no problem . Great . I forgot to ask you , though . How long did you want the place ? Six months . Oh , well , that might be a problem . I usually only sign one year leases . Well , one year would be fine , too . I ’ m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon . Well , if it ’ s not a problem . Then here you go . Just let me look at it quickly . Of course . Looks like a standard lease . Yeah , and don ’ t worry about the security deposit . If everything ’ s all right when you move out , you ’ ll get it back . O . K . Great . Just sign and date it here ? Yes . Thanks . You can move your stuff in tomorrow . Wonderful . Excuse me , could you tell me the bookshop ’ s address ? Yes , the bookshop is just around the corner.Turn left and you ’ ll see the bookshop . Thank you very much.By the way , is the hospital beside the bookshop . Right , if you see the bookshop , you can see the hospital . Thank you for your help . Not at all . Hello ! Is this Mr . Chang ? Yes . Who is speaking ? This is Kelly speaking . I am calling from London . How are you , Mr . Chang ? Oh , Kelly , I couldn't recognize your voice . Well , I'm fine . Mr . Chang , I just want to tell you that we are leaving London for Beijing by flight CP 645 on Saturday morning . Could you meet us at the airport , please ? Excuse me , I couldn't quite hear you . This line is crossed . Can you speak louder , please ? I will say it again ... Do you hear me now ? Much better . I will definitely go to the airport to meet you . Thank you very much . Goodbye . Goodbye . Hello , Mr . Hammer . Jack Ross here . I'm calling to confirm our appointment on Monday at ten o'clock in your office . Yes . Everything's all set . I'd like to bring Mr . Huang and Ms . Sun with me . We're supposed to be meeting alone . I know , but I think they may add something valuable to the discussion . Fine . But no one else , OK ? Yes , Mr . Hammer . How beautiful the flower is ! Really , it's so beautiful . You like it . Well , I'll gather in for you . You mustn't pick it in this place . Where it is ? It's a private garden . You look fresh recently . And .. what's your weight now ? 110 pounds . Really ? Congratulations ! That's really something beyond my imagination . How did you make it ? Did you keep on a diet ? No , you know I can't bear eating less . Then do the slim pills take effect on you ? I've quit it already . I go to aerobics class everyday instead . How's it going on ? You see . I've lost my weight in spite of my good appetite . I'd better exercise my body too . My limbs are rusty now . I don't think so . You look full of energy every day . Time has stood still with you . Thank you . Ahhs ! I'm beat ! What happened to you ? You look like you got hit by a tornado ! I just got back from fighting the crowds . You mean at the mall ? Was there a sale ? Yeah . For five minutes , everything was half off . It was total chaos ... Cool ! Grabbing , pushing and shoving ... Thank god you are open ! I have an emergency ! Hello , Mr . Henderson what can I do for you ? I need this dress and this suit dry cleaned ASAP ! OK , I can have it ready by the end of the week . No , you don ’ t understand , I need this tomorrow morning ! I accidentally spilled beer all over my wife ’ s dress and we have a wedding to attend tomorrow ! She ’ s gonna kill me ! OK , I can have it ready tomorrow afternoon , but this suit is also very stained . I can ’ t guarantee we can remove it completely . Fine ! Can you also iron and starch this shirt ? Certainly . Great ! This is our secret ! If you see my wife , say nothing to her about this ! How often does the bus run ? Every five minutes . Oh , here comes a bus ! It comes on the dot . My warmest congratulations on your promotion ! Thanks . It ’ s nothing special actually . Don ’ t say that . It owes to your efforts and team spirit . Oh , it was nothing . Anyone could have done it . I still have a lot to learn yet . You are very modest . Best luck in your new position . Thank you . I won ’ t let this promotion change me . Yes , emergency . There is a huge fire here . Calm down , sir . What's your name and where are you now ? My name is Jerry and we are on the intersection of West Road and East Road . Sir , leave the house if the fire draws any closer to your house . Our men will be over in 5 minutes . Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by your work ? Of course ! It is the No . 1 stressor in my life . You know job stress has become a very common problem these days . So we must learn to cope with it . Totally agree . What is your solution ? Well , there are two causes of job stress . One is employee characteristic and the other is company condition . So if we want to manage job stress , both we and the companies should do something . For me , I am trying to balance work and leisure time . You know , all work and no play make Jack a dull boy . You seem to have a very relaxed outlook . It is necessary . Positive attitude helps to prevent stress . But I don ’ t think we can change our working condition . Anyway , we are not the bosses . I heard some companies are providing stress management training and making changes inside them , like avoiding unrealistic deadlines and organizing relaxation activities . Our boss is a smart person . He will be learning from that if he would like to an efficient and healthy team . Excuse me , is this the parcel counter ? Yes , what can I do for you ? I'd like to send this parcel , please . What's in it , please ? Some books and newspapers . OK . please fill in this form and label it . Is it all right ? Yeah . And would you like to mail it by air ? No , I'd rather send it by sea . Thirteen yuan , please . Here is the receipt and change . Thank you . You are welcome . But Ernie , we're still missing something . We need someone to play the music ! Oh right ... you know , my friend Eric is a DJ . Maybe he would like to play with us . Hmm ... does he have a good ear for hip hop music ? Well , I don't know , but we can find out . We can talk to him and ask if he wants to join our group . Excuse me , is there any room available ? I want a single one . Yes . When do you want it ? Next Today . By the way , is there a closed circuit TV ? Yes , sir . What about laundry ? Sorry , sir . You have to pay by yourself . What time does the museum close ? Any idea ? I'm not sure , but I think It's open until 4 o'clock . What time is it now ? It's a quarter past three . I would like to buy some local handcrafts as gifts to my friends and relatives . There are many stores selling handcrafts in Paris . Our store is wellknown for vase , table wear and jewelry boxes . You can take your time and choose whatever you like . Well , the tapestry is delicate and beautiful . You have made an excellent choice , it is our newcomer . The tapestry is on hot sell with the design and quality . The design on it is traditional Paris architecture . How much is it ? 100 frances . Mmm , it is reasonable . Look at this set of table wear , it is so beautiful ! We have a piece of table clothing to go with it . It is a brocade one with pretty stars . This silver vase is a good ornament for the living room . You are right . I will take the tapestry , the set of table wear and the vase . OK . Do you like these candles ? They are on sale now . All right . I will take one . It's so boring . Don't you like it ? I don't . Is there anything worth watching on the other channel ? I think it's a basketball match on channel 5 . Do you mind if we switch over ? Well , I'd rather see a movie . What's the movie ? ' Star war ' . It must be interesting . Yes , you're right . Where can I get my baggage ? Are you from a domestic flight or an international one ? An international one from Seattle . In that case , you should go to the baggage hall over there . Oh yes , I see the sign , thank you . Man ! That car almost hit me ! Yeah , that was close . Excuse me . Yes ? Could you tell me where the copy room is ? Sure . You just walk down this hallway . The copy room is the second room on the right . Doctor , save my baby , please What symptoms does he have ? He has had a fever for one day . Just now at home , he had febrile convulsions with teeth and fists clenched and eyes turned up . We were at a loss what to do . We called an ambulance and brought the baby here . How long did the convulsion last ? About 3 minutes . Does he have any other complaints ? Three days ago , he began to cough , sneeze and have a running nose . Yesterday , he began to have a fever . Have you taken his temperature ? It was 38 ° C this morning and it was 39 ° C just now . Let me examine him to see if there is any rash . No rash . Is it serious ? Is it meningitis ? No , it is not meningitis . Just a high fever and convulsions , which results from a virus upper respiratory tract inflection . Does he have to be admitted to hospital ? No . No need for admission . I'll give the baby analgia nose drops to bring down the temperature first . Then I will give you a prescription . The pink tablets are used for his fever . When his temperature is over 38 ° C , give him one tablet . The other tablets are sedatives for his convulsions . The white liquid is for the cold . Give the baby plenty of water to drink . Thank you very much , doctor . Jack ! Do you want to see a picture of my new puppy ? Sure . I thought people only showed off pictures of their new babies , not new pets ! Well , this is my new baby . He ’ s just as much trouble . That ’ s for sure ! But , he ’ s a lot of fun ! I see what you mean . He ’ s really cute . How old is he ? Thank you for organizing this great baby shower for me ! I ’ Ve always been to baby showers but never actually had one held for me ! Let ’ s get started ! Ok , let ’ s start opening some presents ! Oh look ! What a great little bib for the baby ! This will definitely come in handy ! Oh wow , you also got me a stroller ! That ’ s so great ! Thank you ! This next one is from Betty . A highchair and car seat ! Wow Betty , thank you so much ! I really appreciate it ! One more from Carla . A playpen and crib ! Thanks Carla ! This is just what I needed ! OK , that ’ s all of them . No more gifts . Now who wants to guess when the baby is due ? Umm . I think my water just broke ! Get me to a hospital ! Wow , this is amazing . I'm glad we've come here . So cool . I always love skiing . You know , it's a cool game for cool people . Stay with me and you will be cool , too . Hey , look over there . It seems that there is something interesting going on . Let's go and have a look . Sure . It's probably the skiing show . Adam told me there were many skiing clubs whose members put on shows to attract more visitors . See that . It's so dangerous . My mom would never allow me to do that . Hey , don't be so pathetic . It's a maximal sports show . What else can they do to attract more visitors ? Stop all this fuss and enjoy the show . You are right . But what if the avalanche happened ? They are all very experienced and great skiers . So I suppose the chance for them to be buried by an avalanche is slim . Anyway , the show is breathtaking . By the way , where did they get so much snow in here ? Don't you know that ? Are you kidding me ? Hey , not everyone is as lucky as you to have a father who is a scientist . Sorry . Well , they have the most advanced snowmaking machine . Do you think the snowmaking may cause pollution ? It's possible . But the boss here said they were doing whatever they can . It's a good thing . OK , let's go skiing . Here we go . Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room ? Non-smoking , please . Good morning ! May I help you ? Yes . My wife and I are interested in renting a house for the summer . Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished one ? Furnished . Very well . How long do you want the house ? All summer ? No , not all summer . Just for six weeks . I'm afraid I can only rent it for two months . My holiday is only six weeks , but I think my brother and his family would take it for the other two weeks.Is the house in good condition ? Yes , it is . It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences . Hello . Capital Hotel . May I help you ? Yes , unlikely my flight will be 2 hours due to the fog . Would you please keep my reservation ? Sure . May I have your name please ? Lincoln . That's L-I-N-C-O-L-N . Thank you . Doctor , I feel much better now . Will I be albe to go home some time this week ? That's good to hear . You've had an ideal recovery from your operation . We're going to send you home tomorrow . Do you think I can get back to work very soon ? Don't be in such a hurry . I'm confident that you'll be completely recovered in 4 to 6 weeks . Is there anything I should do ? You'd better have a good rest for a week . Be sure to have regular meals . Stay away from alcohol.Give up smoking at least a little while . Should I take some medicine ? Yes . I'm going to give you some.Take one tablet of this medicine three times a day before meals . For that one , two tablets . And remember to come to the out patient department for a consultation in two weeks , please . It's very kind of you . You're welcome . We wish you a speedy recovery.Goodbye . Sir , would you like some dessert now ? Please show me the menu again . Here you are . sir , the chocolate cake is very delicious . No , thanks . I don't like chocolate . I'd like strawberry pie . I am afraid there is none . Then I'll have vanilla ice cream . Fine . I will bring it right away . Bruno Bistro , how may I help you ? Yes , hello , I would like to make a reservation please . Certainly sir , For which day and time please ? Tonight at seven . I'm sorry sir , but we are fully booked tonight until eight . In that case , eight o'clock is fine . Very well , and how many people will attend tonight ? Four people . Lastly , may I please know what name I should make the reservation under ? Mark . Would you please mail these letters , Lucy ? Yes , Sir . These two are urgent letters and should be sent by registered express airmail . Others are ordinary letters . All right , who should I send them to ? It ’ s sent to Mr . Charles . I believe he is in London . Ok , home or office address ? Office address , please . He might be at work when they arrive . Should I enclose this commercial paper with these two letters ? Yes , it ’ s right . Well , Randy , I'd say you've got a bad case of the flu . The main thing to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids . I'll prescribe something for that throat . Thanks , doctor . Is there anything I can take for this headache ? Some aspirin or Panadol should help . You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription . Okay . Goodbye , Randy . Take care . Good morning . Madam . How can I help ? I'd like to take some money from my Fund Account at the Securities Company . Is that possible here ? Certainly . We can transfer the money straight into your bank account here and then you can withdraw it right away . Could I have your Passbook for Bank-Securities Account Transfer ? Here it is . Could I make a balance enquiry , please ? Your balance today is 120,376 RIB . Fine , I'll take 10,000 RIB , please . OK . Please fill in this form and input you code here ... and again , please . I'll just check and see if the money has been transferred . Yes , transaction successful . Thank you very much . Hello , Can I speak to Tom , please ? I'm afraid he is not in at the moment . May I ask what time he will come back ? I think he will come back at 3 p . m . Do you want to call later ? Or would you like to leave a message for him ? I'd like to leave a message . Please ask him to call me back as soon as he returns . I'm A and he has my number . OK . I will do that . Thank you very much . Bye . You're welcome . Bye . Excuse me , I ’ Ve been waiting my main dish for quite a time . Yes sir , just a minute , please . I ’ ll check with the kitchen . Thank you for waiting . It takes another 10 to 15 minutes , I ’ m afraid . I have an appointment in half an hour . I see . Do you have anything else I can have instead ? Well sir , yes . How about this stew ? We can serve you at once . I ’ ll take this stew then . Do you want to talk with John with tongue ? No , tell him I'm tied up . When should I tell him to call back ? Tell him to call me tomorrow morning . All right . Thank you . Now people are talking about world recession which started more than a year ago . Can you give us your personal assessment of the situation of the global economy ? As you know , we are in a very special time . This is a very hard time for many countries ' economics , both developed and developing . I think the current economic situation could be described as synchronized slowdown of major economies . What is the direct impact of the terrorist attack upon your country's economy ? Once the US economy is in trouble due to the terrorist attack , the impact could be quickly felt in the rest of the world . What challenges is your country's economy facing at the moment ? We do face a lot of challenges because there is still much uncertainty about the world economy . It's very important for us to strike a proper balance between investment in fixed assets and household consumption . So , what do you plan to do today ? There is a Matisse exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art . Larry and I will go . Did you buy tickets already ? No . Do we need tickets ? Well , probably . Probably you will have to wait in line if you don't have tickets . Outside or inside ? Outside , on the sidewalk . Hmm . It's very cold today.But I brought my jacket . Maybe it will be alright to wait . The MYOMA is very popular . There will be a lot of people . MYOMA ? What's that ? Oh , sorry.It stands for the Museum of Modern Art . It's an acronym . M O M A MYOMA . I see . Do you have any suggestions for other things we should do ? I suggest you go to the Jewish Museum.It ' s not far from the Guggenheim , near Central Park . It is really very interesting.Also , there is a great museum of medieval European art further up north.It ' s called the Cloisters . How can we get up there ? You can take a bus . But Larry says the neighborhoods in the north are dangerous . Finally we have a long holiday . Yes , what about us having a tour ? Good idea . Where shall we go ? How about Milan ? Great . Shall we go alone or as part of the group ? Why not travel by ourselves ? Hello . This is John ’ s Distribution . Can I help you ? Yes . I need some ice water delivered . Are you completely out ? No , I have some , but not enough for the long weekend . Okay . I ’ ll send someone to deliver it for you tomorrow . Thank you . No problem . Please come in and sit down . I'm happy to finally meet you . Same here . I've been looking forward to this . I ’ m sorry I kept you waiting so long . I'm running a little late today . No problem . That happens to all of us , it goes badly with the traffic . Thank you . Can I offer you some refreshment ? Why not , thank you . A little tea would be nice . I'm here to conduct the annual census of foreigners living in Beijing . This is my service ID card . OK . What do you want to know ? We only need to verify your information against our records . OK . Please show me your passport and Residence Permit . Here you are . How long have you been living here ? Two years . May I know your occupation ? I'm a professor at a university . Is that right ? Which university , if you don't mind my asking ? I teach at Beijing Normal University , English composition and some conversational classes . Everything appears to be in order . Thank you for your time . Do you wash clothes here often ? I have been coming here for the past few years . Why do you wash here ? It's actually a lot cheaper for me to wash my clothes here . I've only washed my clothes here a couple times . Why don't you wash clothes at home ? I would , if my washing machine wasn't broken . Why don't you just get it fixed ? I can't afford it . So you plan on washing your clothes here from now on ? That's my only option right now . Don't worry . Besides , it's a lot cheaper to wash clothes this way . Francis , you have done an outstanding work in the past six months . In view of your achievement , I trust you ’ re now indispensable part of our company and you deserve an officer director title . I am so happy to know that I could make some contribution to our company . This title does not only give you a raising pay-check , but also increase responsibilities . Congratulations , and hope the best for you . Thank you , I will be doing my best . I've brought this dress back to exchange it . That's not a problem . Leave it with me , and find something that you like . I was hoping you'd have something on sale today . We have nothing on sale today . But we're having a big sale next weekend . Is the sale going to include dresses ? Everything you can see will be on sale . I like the sound of that . I'll just come back next weekend . The savings will be worth the short wait . See you next weekend . Good afternoon , sir.What Can I do for you ? Well . I can't find my key now . I think I have lost it . Really ? Have you left it in your room ? I don't think so . I took it with me when I went out this morning . Well , in that case , you have to pay for it . Please fill out the form first . How are you today ? Very well . Do you need help with something ? I need to make a transfer . What account would you like to transfer the money from ? I want to transfer money from my savings account . Where do you want the money to go to ? I want the money to be transferred into my checking account . How much money are you going to transfer today ? $ 200 will be fine . Is that all I can do for you today ? I won ’ t be needing anything else . Do you like the room ? Yes . What is the rent ? $ 300 per month . Then what's the rent due date ? At the beginning of the month . Besides , you should pay me $ 1000 as deposit . I'd like to talk to Mr . White please ? He stepped out of the office for a little while . When is a good time to catch him ? In about twenty minutes . Give me a book please , Jane . Which book ? This one ? No , not that one . The red one . This one ? Yes , please . Here you are . Thank you . Do you want a shampoo ? Yes . What brand do you prefer ? An ordinary one will do.Would you put me under a hot dryer after that ? I'm in a hurry . All right , miss.This one is very hot . I'll come to turn it off in fifteen minutes.Will that be alright ? OK . Come on . Don ’ t cheat on me . It ’ s a long shot . It ’ s true . You should be happy about that . I can ’ t make out anything , the words are too light . I thought they have already changed the toner cartridge this month . It seems not or somebody has recently received a large fax . Ok , no problem . We do it ourselves . Do you know how to do it ? I am not so good at machine things . I will have somebody do it as soon as possible . Check with somebody from the IT department . They are anyway in charge of the office electronic equipment . What should I do to prepare for a job interview ? An understanding of the basic workings of a company and the services or goods it provides is essential . Do you have that ? Sort of , but I could know more , I guess . With that understanding , you can figure out what your company is looking for in terms of basic attitude . Right ? I think that they are a very formal company . What you wear is important . So keep in mind what is suitable for the company and type of work you will be doing . Need help ? I need a lot of help in this area . In addition to clothes we need to think about other basics , OK ? Yes , what else should we think of ? Be prompt . Don't forget to be friendly and interested . Listen carefully and listen to what they are really asking you . You'll be a hit ! What are your responsibilities as a secretary ? I did only simple things in the office , such as tidying up the office , serving tea , typing and filing , and so on . What courses did you take in English secretarial studies ? I took such courses as Secretarial Principles , Office Administration , Business English , and Public Relations . Hello . Where are you headed today ? I'm off to Barcelona for a week . Do you have your passport with you ? Yes , here you go . I don't need a visa to go to Spain , do I ? Fortunately for you , you don't . Next time , if you have any questions about visas , you should try to find out before you get to the airport . That's good advice . Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat ? Are there any seats available by the emergency exits ? Let me see here ... yes , there's one left . Ok . I'll take that one then . Alright . How many pieces of luggage are you checking in ? I like to travel light so I just have this one . If that's your only piece of luggage , it is small enough to carry on with you . Would you like to do that so you don't have to wait in luggage reclaim once you arrive ? Yes , please . That's a fantastic idea . Which gate do I need to go to ? You're here a bit early , so check the departure screens in the waiting area in about a half hour . Here's your boarding pass . Enjoy your flight ! All right . I want to bring everybody in on this project . When can we start working on this ? Well , we could probably get started with a strategy meeting tomorrow morning at 8 I tell you what , 800 is no good for me , but why don ’ t you guys get started and I ’ ll come by at around 8 That ’ s fine with me . How much time are we going to have to work on this ? I need a pan . Okay . Do you have a particular size in mind ? Well , the bigger the better , I think . Look at this one . It's our biggest pan . Yes , that is big enough , but it's too heavy for me . Okay , we have the same thing in aluminum . Oh , this is nice and light . But it has an aluminum handle . Try this one . Same aluminum pan , but with a heat-resistant bamboo handle . Oh , yes . This is very nice . I'll take this one . That's a good choice . How do you want to pay for it ? Cash . Oh , I almost forgot . I need a lid , too . I'm so sorry . A lid comes with the pan . Here it is . Well , Mr . Smith . That ’ s a nasty infection you have . Yes . Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it , Doctor ? I ’ m going to prescribe some antibiotics , and some cream to ease the itching and burning . OK . Thank you . Where should I buy them ? The pharmacy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic . Great . What floor is the pharmacy on ? The fourth . I ’ ll send the prescription down there , so you can just pick it up on your way out . Thank you . Our factory locates at a village in the east of the city . The area of it is 3,600 square meters . We'd like to visit the factory . Can you show me the way ? That's OK ! We'll take you to have a tour . Please follow me . How many shifts are there in your factory ? There are two shifts now in total . What about your company's QC management ? We established the strict QC standards and we have followed it for about five years with good results . Where are the workers from ? From the villages nearby ? Most of them live in the city . We provide free commuter buses for the workers . Besides , we built the dormitory building for the workers on night shift . It sounds nice . We can't wait to visiting the factory . My toothache started nearly a month ago . The pain's been keeping me awake . Would you please have a look ? Open your mouth , please . Which one ? The one right at the back . I'm afraid we can ’ t save that one . It will have to come out . Will it hurt much ? I'll give you an injection , then you won't feel pain . ( 5 minutes later ) OK , it's all over . Spit there and bite the cotton ball tightly in place for half an hour . It's raining heavily . We have to find a shelter . All right . Let's go under the tree . No , we can't . It's thundering . Then let's go to that store . Hi , I want to check out . Here is my room key . One second , sir , while I print out your receipt . Here you are . Thanks . May I ask , sir , if you enjoyed your stay ? Well , except for one night , I enjoyed the hotel . And I loved New York , of course . Thank you for your honesty . I assure you there will be no cockroaches next time . Have you attended school today ? I attended school today . Did you ? I wasn't able to attend school because I was feeling ill . I'm sorry to hear that . Would you like the assignments from English class ? I would really appreciate that , thanks . It's no trouble at all . If you get sick , I'll return the favor . Thanks . See you at school tomorrow if you feel better . Well , if you have no further questions , then we have done . Thank you , Mr . Owens , for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me . You ’ re welcome . I appreciate your coming . When can I contact you about your final decision ? We need to consider several other applicants and we hope to make a decision by the end of this month . We will call you regardless of whether you are hired or not . Thanks a lot ! I will look forward to the good news . Please call me at this number between nine and eleven in the morning . Well , I really appreciate your coming today . The pleasure is mine . It ’ s nice talking with you . Good-bye , Mr . Owens . Good-bye . Tom . Please do not disturb me for the next hour . Are you having a meeting ? Yes , and I don't want to be interrupted . I understand . Well , Mr . Smith . That's a nasty infection you have . Yes . Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it , doctor ? I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics and some cream to ease the itching and burning . Ok , thank you ! Where should I buy them ? The pharmacy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic . Great ! What floor is pharmacy on ? The fourth . I'll send the prescription down there so you can just pick it up on your way out . Thank you ! How can I help you ? well , I'm looking for some summer clothes . Oh , it is the right time for you purchasing in our clothes shop . We are now having a low price on all our summer apparel . Really ? What's that ? Everything for summer is 20 % off . I like this T-shirt . Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with it ? Sure . We have both skirts and trousers that would look well with the T-shirt . Look at this section . This one is good . You have good taste . It is very much in style this year . I'll take this one . How much are they ? 160 yuan . Here you are . What are you having for lunch ? I got a sandwich , some chips , and a soda . Did you bring that from home ? I got it from the cafeteria . What kind of sandwich did you get ? They messed up my order and gave me a bologna sandwich . How was it ? Considering it wasn't what I ordered , it was still pretty good . I think I got a sandwich there once before . Really ? Yes , and they didn't get my order right either . Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now ? As I have some administrative experience from my last job , I may use my organizational and planning skills in the future . How do you plan to accomplish this ? By doing everything necessary and for further study . How long would you like to stay with this company ? How long I will stay with the company depends on whether the company and I are satisfied with each other . What do you think of this industry's outlook in five years ? I do believe this industry will be developed rapidly in 5 years time . Hello ? This is John Smith.Can I speak to Mr.White , please ? This is Mr.White speaking . Hi . I understand that you have a house for sale , haven ’ t you ? Yes . I ’ d like to know more about it . Can you come to my office this afternoon at 3 o ’ clock ? OK . I will be there . Thank you for calling.Goodbye . Bye . Hey , Jim , you're 15 minutes late . What's up ? I got stuck in a traffic jam . Hurry up , the show is about to start . It looks like you're very interested in the circus . Yes , I love to see the animal show . I have never seen those before , but since you're so excited it should be good . I'm sure you'll love it . Okay , I will go and get some popcorn first . May I have a cookie ? Help yourself . What's the matter ? Checking out , please . Can I have your keys , please ? Thank you . Here's your statement . Excuse me . What are these charges ? Oh , these are the phone charges and these are for something from the bar . Wait a minute . I made a phone call , but I never made a connection . I know , sir . Those aren't telephone company charges . Those are hotel charges . Isn't that a bit excessive ? I'm sorry , sir . It's our policy . OK . Here is the money . Thank you . Welcome to our hotel again . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I'd like to look at some suits . Oh , this way please . What size do you wear ? Size 41 . I want something in dark flannel . How about this one ? It feels all right . But if it were a darker color , I'd like it better . This seems too light for winter . Do you think you could get me one ? All right . I'll show you something darker . Do you like this one ? It looks good . But can I try it on ? Of course . Let me help you . Thanks . It's comfortable . Well , how much is it , please ? $ 280 . Ok . I'll take it . Here's the money . Mike , you're seventeen years old , right ? Yeah , Why ? You look quite mature beside your cousin who is eighteen . You can bet on that . Come in and sit down . Thanks , Mr . Liang . Among all the assistants , I think you're on top of it . Based on the annual evaluation , the board of directors decided to give you a bonus . Really ? I am too happy . I've been reviewing your work over the past few months . Thanks to your excellent work , we benefit much from your project . And you should get the perfect attendance award too . Thanks for your trust . Owing to my colleagues ' help , I've successfully completed my task . You are very modest and diligent . The distribution of bonus derived from the performance evaluation . You deserve it . Thank you very much . I will redouble my efforts in the future . Donna ! How are you ? It's good to hear your voice . Thank you . Jack , it's always a pleasure doing business with you . So how are things in the land of the free and the home of brave ? Great ! And , how are things in your neck of the woods ? Things are so great here . I almost smiled myself to death last week . One of my coworkers had to give me CPR . Oh.Jack , I have missed your sense of humor.Ha ha ha ! Nobody else sees things quite like you do.It ' s your gift . Or a curse . Nope , it's a gift.Anyway , we need some more of those mid-range speakers you tricked me into buying last time . That , my dear , was classic sales technique delivered by a professional . Are you still gouging your customers the same price per unit ? Heck no , we doubled the price , but because it's you , I'll let you have'em at 50 off . You silver-tongued devil . Can't you ever just answer a question with a simple yes or no ? I could , but where's the fun in that ? Hi . I ’ m here for flight 514 returning to Beijing but the board shows there is a delay.How long of a delay is expected ? So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late , but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case . Do you think it ’ s safe to leave to get a quick bite ? I think you should stay in the airport . Even though the delay is expected to be two hours , the flight departure could be announced any minute . Who knows ? What seems to be the problem ? It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings . It happens all the time . No need to worry . Umm ... You know ... Actually I was thinking of trying another airline . No need to hold my seat . I need to go to the ATM . So , why don ’ t you ? I have no idea how to use the ATM . What do you mean ? This will be my first time using an ATM . I can help you with that . Explain to me how to use it . Just put your card into the machine . Now what do I do ? Then you need to type in your PIN . Now what ? Just click on one of the choices they give you , and that ’ s it . Would you like something to drink ? Yes please . Do you have any teas ? Of course we have lots of teas ? What do you recommend ? What about a green tea or perhaps a jasmine tea ? What ’ s this one ? That ’ s Oolong tea – it ’ s a Cantonese tea . Ok , I ’ ll try that . May , is this the Hall of Ancient China ? Yes . Look at these historical relics here , amazing ! Why are they all in glass boxes ? For protection . Some relics will turn to dust if exposed to air . So there isn't air in the glass boxes ? No , there isn't . They are all vacuumed . I wonder how old these things are , thousands of years ? Yeah , they all come from a very ancient time . Hey , look at the three-leg cup . I've seen it on TV . The bronze cup was made 4,000 years ago . It's priceless ! Yeah , it has no value at all . Who will use this cup today ? Danny , priceless means so valuable that you can't put a price on it . Oh , it does ? I am so worried about this English contest . I have butterflies in my stomach now ! I have confidence in you . Believe in yourself . What would you like on your pizzas ? We want one vegetarian supreme and one double pepperoni . Would you like anything to drink with that ? For $ 1.50 , you can get a two-liter bottle of Coke . No , thanks . All right . That'll be $ 12.50 . Your pizzas will be there in 30 minutes . Thanks . We are redecorating and I'm going to add some things . Well , I'll be glad to help you out . We can deliver what you need to your office . Shall we meet at 1:15 this Thursday ? We definitely need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit . Fine , I'll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogs on Thursday . Can you tell me the way to library ? Sure , turn left at the next crossing . Is it on Xinhua street ? Yes . You can't miss it . Comfort Inn , may I help you ? I ’ m looking for a hotel near the convention center . You ’ re in luck ! We ’ re just a two-minute drive from there . Would you like to make a reservation ? Not just yet . I have one or two questions . How much for a single ? During the peak season , a single room goes for 50 dollars on a night . But we ’ Ve got a Single Super Saver Special going on right now – only $ 30 a night . And we ’ Ve also extended our checkout time 00 in That ’ s a good deal . Since this is a working trip , I wonder if you have meeting rooms where I can get together with some clients . Yes , we have five meeting rooms , of various sizes . We can accommodate large meetings and small , informal gatherings as well . Of course , if you have many small meeting , you might consider checking That sounds great . Do you accept checks ? I ’ m sorry , sir , we don ’ t . But we do accept all major credit cards . I am sorry to trouble you , but there's a lot of noise in the next room . Oh , is there ? Which room is it ? It's . I think , neighbours on the right . You mean the room thirteen-thirteen ? I'm not sure , but I think so . I'm very exhausted , but I can't sleep . All right , ma'am . I'll check and tell them to be quiet . If next room is still noisy , could you give me a different room , please ? Have you ever been to Xi ’ an ? Yes , I ’ Ve been there several times on business trips . But I have never really seen the terra-cotta warriors as it is outside the city . I ’ Ve heard many people saying that it is a place worth touring . I really want to see the old walls and terra-cotta warriors one day . Of course I won ’ t miss the local food either . You know , the sites interests a food in scenery , food is a key factor when visiting a place . I agree . As long as the food is not too bizarre once I saw some people eating insects . That is frightening . Sure it is . Is it convenient to get there by plane ? Well , the airport is quite far from the downtown area , but it is still more convenient than taking the train . A ticket to London , please . A cheap day return ticket ? Yes , including London Tube . That'll be twelve pounds . Doctor , what is the best way to stay healthy ? Having a good diet is probably the most important thing . It is very confusing to know what to eat . You need plenty of fruits and vegetables , small amounts of protein , and whole grains . Are there certain things that I should avoid ? You shouldn ’ t consume too much sugar or caffeine . Also , watch your intake of fatty food . After watching my diet , what else should I do ? You need to stop smoking , and make sure that you get 30 minutes of exercise every day . Can I have a glass of wine now and then ? As long as you don ’ t overdo it , a glass of wine a day should be OK . Darling , I am back . What are you doing ? I am washing clothes . Are you hungry now ? Wait for a moment , I'll cook dinner for you . ( Steven bends his brows ) B , should we get a maid ? I can do all the housework . We don't need a maid . You have worked very hard in the office . If we can get someone to help you , you can have more rest . We really don't need to . You are a good wife , Julia . But you must take care of yourself . Give me some time to think about it . Can I reserve a room from the 13th to the 18th ? Certainly . How do you like your room ? I'd like a suite . What's the rate ? $ 40 per night . Is there anything I can do for you ? Excuse me , can I change my order ? I am afraid I don't have so much time to enjoy my dinner . I am sorry , sir . Your fish will be ready in five minutes so you can't change it . That's all right . Have you graduated now ? Yes . I graduated this past June . Which university did you graduate from ? Guangzhou University . What degree did you receive ? I received a bachelor's degree in Economics . What courses did you take in college ? My major courses were Microeconomics , Macroeconomics , International Trade , International Finance , World Economy , Psychology and Business English Why did you choose to study Economics ? Because I was quite interested in Economics then . Can you speak other languages except English ? I can also speak a little Japanese . I am very satisfied with your answers . Thank you very much . Once you arrive at the American airport , please call me . OK , don ’ t worry about it . I will . Take care of yourself . Sorry , Mary , I can't make it in time for dinner . Okay , Bob , when will I see you ? Maybe I will be around later . Okay , I'll see you later . I am sorry , sir . I have broken the reading lamp in my room . Well , sir . May I have your room number ? 503 . I would like to pay for it . Please fill out the form first . OK , can you bring me a new one ? Of course . Excuse me . I need to refill this prescription . It says on the bottle here that you can have two refills . Yes , I need to refill it today . Alright . I'm sorry , Miss . According to our file , this prescription has already been refilled twice . I was worried about that . I couldn't remember if I had it refilled twice yet or not . Well , it looks like you have.You will need to see your doctor to get a new prescription . Listen . This is an emergency . I tried to call my doctor , but he is out of town . So I can't see him in time . I need this medicine . It is for skin condition . I've run out.Can you just refill it once more ? I'm sorry , Miss . We can't do it . We must follow the prescription.And this prescription has run out . But I need it . Please . Refill it for me just this once . I can go to the doctor around ten days from now . Then I'll have another prescription . Miss , I understand your problem.But it is against the law for us to sell certain medicines without a prescription.It ' s the law . I can't do anything about it.We never sell medicine unless we have a proper prescription . Never . But I have a prescription . I just need more of it . A prescription must be valid . It cannot be an expired prescription . I'm sorry , Miss . It's the law.You will have to find another doctor who will prescribe this for you . Oh , it will be so expensive ! I have a special medical plan , and I can only see one doctor.It will cost me a lot of money to see another doctor . Miss , I just can't help you on this . I'm a pharmacist , not a doctor . And there are other customers I need to help now . I know it is frustrating when this happens.But there is nothing I can do about it . I'm sorry . This is ridiculous ! In Taiwan , it is much easier to get medicine when I need it . Maybe that's true . I don't know.But I'm sure in Taiwan you have prescriptions too . What are you doing ? I ’ m trying to put the vase on the shelf . Let regive you a hand . No , thank you . I can manage it , I think . There are so many record players here . That is hard to choose . Look at this one . It has a radio and cassette player and built in speakers . I'd rather get one with separated speakers.They give a clear sound . Yes , but we shouldn't get any thing too big . Remember it has to fit in with our living room furniture . That's right . Now this one looks alright ? It's a detached or do you prefer this one ? It's Sony . Let's ask the salesmen for a demonstration . Ahhchooo ! You've been sneezing a lot lately . Are you sick or something ? No . Every spring time around April , I'm stricken with allergies . I never have seasonal allergies . Consider yourself lucky . What are all the symptoms ? Well , as you just saw , I sneeze a lot . Also , my nose becomes very runny , my throat sometimes itches , and my eyes start to water . That doesn't sound good . No , it's not . So you don't have any type of allergies ? Well , I have a severe allergic reaction to alcohol . It runs in the family . Everyone to some extent is allergic to alcohol . I get it pretty bad . My whole face turns red , including my ears . My eyes become bloodshot , and I start to itch all over my body . That's pretty bad . But that doesn't stop me from drinking . Ahahah . Let's have a look at the map first . All right . Wukesong stop is quite a few stops from here . Let's buy some tickets . The train is coming . There are a lot of people waiting here . let's stand in a better position to get on the train Well , it's not as crowded as we expected , is it ? No , but it will be soon . Look , there're two empty seats over there . Let's get them . What do you do ? I'm an apprentice with a local engineering firm . My training lasts for two years . Two days a week I study Engineering at a local college . If I pass all my exams , I hope the company will take me on as an engineer . I want to keep a pet , but I don't know which one to buy ? Dogs are nice , but they are really energetic , and you need to make sure they get enough exercise every day . Having a dog would probably be too much work for me , then . What about cats ? They are more independent . Actually , I was thinking of something a little more exotic . I don't want a common pet like a dog or a cat . How about a lizard ? Are lizards more along the lines of what you were thinking of getting ? Yeah , are they easy to look after ? Yeah , they are pretty low-maintenance ; they eat almost anything . Can I be of any service to you ? I've been told that Chinese arts and crafts are famous for their excellent workmanship . We'd like to take some home . What would you recommend ? There are over a thousands kinds of articles in our shop.For example , there is tricolored pottery originating in the Tang Dynasty , embroidery , batik , jade carving , just to name a few.Do you have anything in mind ? No , not really.But I think it should be something distinctively Chinese . And easy to carry . I would suggest you buy paper-cuts , embroidery and batik.They are very easy to carry . So , we'd like to see some embroidery . Hey , Mary . We're back . Have you eaten yet ? I had some bread for breakfast . Let's go out for brunch . Brunch ? It is a meal that combines breakfast and lunch . On Sundays , many Americans sleep late and go out for brunch . Those who go to church without having breakfast have brunch also . Actually , many Taiwanese wake up late on Sunday mornings , too . It may be a good idea for them to eat brunch instead of eating breakfast and lunch . Hi , my name is Sovia.What ’ s your name ? My name is Jeff . What do you do ? I ’ m a podiatrist . What about you ? I ’ m a nurse.What do you do in your free time ? I like to play piano , go bowling and chat with my friends.And you ? I like to hang out with my friends , play games and go swimming . Would you like to go out some time ? Sure , that ’ d be great.Where would you like to go ? Anywhere with you . Aren ’ t you sweet . Oh , I'm starving . I'd like to try some real Chinese cuisine . What would you recommend , waiter ? Well , it depends . You see , there are eight famous Chinese for instance , the Sichuan cuisine , and the Hunan cuisine . They are both spicy hot , I've heard . That's right . If you like hot dishes , you could try some . They might be too hot for me . Then there's the Cantonese cuisine and the Kiangsu cuisine . Most southerners like them . What about any special Beijing dishes ? There's the Beijing roast duck . Oh , yes . I've heard a lot about it . I'd like very much to try it . Where can I find it ? You can find it in most restaurants , but the best place is certainly Quanjude Restaurant . Is it near here ? Not too near but not too far either . A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes , If the traffic is not too bad , I mean . Well , thank you for your information . But what is the name of that restaurant again ? Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you . You can show it to the taxi-driver . That's very kind of you . Thanks a lot . hi , Isaiah . How are you ? I ’ m well . And you ? fine . How ’ s your job going ? I don ’ t know if I told you or not , but I decided to start my own business . really ? That ’ s fantastic . What kind of business is it ? I ’ Ve started an investment banking firm with some of my old colleagues from Goldman Sachs . how ’ s it going ? it started off a bit slow , but now , business is really booming ! that ’ s such great news . I ’ m really happy for you ! Where is your office located ? our headoffice is here in Beijing , but we ’ re planning on opening up two more offices soon . where will those be located ? if all goes well , we ’ ll open one up in Hong Kong in April and another one in Singapore in October . when will you find out ? we ’ re negotiating the final details of the leasing contracts tomorrow . well , good luck . I hope it all goes well for you tomorrow ! thanks ! Ant Shirley , it's being years since we last met . How were you doing in the passing years ? Pretty well . What about you ? Fine . Where are the other guys ? It's a bit disappointing that they are all out for a movie . Bad timing . I want to see them so much . How are they ? Not bad . I heard you are going to graduate this coming summer , right ? Yes , that's why I'm here . I'm thinking about buying a second-hand apartment . Did you go to a real estate agent ? No , that will be too expensive . That's true . By the way , what kind of apartment are you looking for ? My first job's salary will be a bit low . So the cheaper the better . Just one I can afford . Sure . I'll try my best to find a satisfying one for you . I'll appreciate it so much . Good afternoon . My goodness ! It ’ s the afternoon ? Doesn ’ t the time fly ! Do come in and sit down . Thank you . What ’ s the time ? My watch has stopped . It ’ s half past twelve . When do you have lunch ? From one to two . What do you normally eat ? We usually go to the cafeteria . Oh , it ’ s time to have lunch now . let ’ s go together . Merry Christmas , Bill . Merry Christmas , Jina . What are you doing there on the computer ? Come have a look , I received many beautiful e-cards . They are from my friends , all over the world . Christmas wishes for all my friends . That's pretty interesting . Did you get one from Haven ? The reason I ask is that I am looking for her number . Sorry , I don't have it . But I do have her Email . You want me to sent it to you ? Yeah , that would be great . Thanks . No worries . I just for her card . And you can get her from Email . I would really like to talk to her again . I kind of miss her a little this days . Thanks million . My pleasure . There are so many eating utensils on the table . Which ones do I use first ? Use them from the outside in . I see . A set for appetizers and another for the main course . Right . We do the same thing at home . Don't you remember ? Oh yeah . The big napkin goes on my lap . Let's look at our menus . Cindy , help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking . Well , we order appetizers first and then entrees . It was nice talking to you . Why are you trying to rush me off the phone ? I really have to go . Why ? I still wanted to talk to you . I have things to do . Like what ? Don't be nosey . I'm not . I just want to know . Well , it's really none of your business . That's harsh . I'm sorry , but I have to go . Fine . Mom , will you have time to help me with my homework today ? Sorry , I won't . I'll be working against the clock to finish my presentation . Well , Peter , you have to do better than that next time , won ’ t you ? Have I really got to do those exams again , Dad ? Of course , you have . You must try harder this time . And must I go back to school ? No , you needn ’ t do that . You ’ d better get a part-time job somewhere and go to evening classes . But Dad , I should be working full-time at my age . I ’ m nearly 17 . You ought to have worked harder then you wouldn ’ t have failed your exams . You have to take a job and study . What else I ’ Ve got to do ? Join the army ? Who knows ! That might come to later . How do you do ? How do you do ? My name is Wang Liang , I ’ m from Beijing . Where do you come from ? I come from the city of Tangshan in Hebes Province . You're from Tangshan ? I can't believe my ears . I was also born in Tangshan , but I was brought up in Beijing . Really ? It's nice to meet you . How long have you been with this company ? Just over 4 years now . Since this is your first day here , I'm sure you don't really know too much yet . Let me show you around , so you can introduce yourself to everyone . Oh , Thank you very much ! Hello , Parker . How's everything ? Can't complain . And you ? Business is booming . I understand you want to meet up with me next week . How's your schedule look ? Let me see . I can come out and see you first thing Wednesday . Great . I like to open up a savings account please . O . K . We offer a few different kinds . I want the one with the highest interest rate . That would be our Saver's Plus account . 4.5 % , that's good . How much money do I have to keep in it to get that rate ? You have to maintain a balance of $ 10,000 in the account or the rate drops to 3 % . All right . I ’ ll open one of those . Just fill out these forms , and I ’ ll be with you in one second . Thanks . Hi , where can I find a cheap cashmere sweater ? How about an outlet ? Great idea ! Outlets give good deals . Thank you so much . You're welcome . I have difficulty with this form . Will you please explain it to me ? Actually there is a sample over there . But if you still have a problem , let me know . Oh , that's great . Thank you very much . Do you develop films here ? Yes , we shall . What size do you like ? Well , the 4 x 6 is fine . Which do you prefer , color or black and white ? The last one is black and white , all the rest should need color . OK . I hope they will come out well . When should I pick them up ? They will be ready at noon tomorrow . Each negative develops one print , right ? Yes , it is . And develop them as glossy as possible . No problem . Do you need another film ? Yes , a roll of Kodak film please . It is totally $ 20 including the deposit for films . How come it is slow as a snail today ? You mean the network connection ? Yes , I wanted to look for some information on the company page just now . It took me almost one minute to open it . Then there is no response for any click . I have the same question . I can ’ t send out mails . We ’ d better call the IT department and ask them to check it immediately . Ok . I need help . I think my arm is broken . Alright . Have you been to this hospital before ? No , I haven't . I need help quick . It hurts really badly . I understand . It's good you came to the emergency room . Let me see a doctor . I'm sorry , sir . You will need to wait at least a short time.We are very busy tonight . There was a big car accident on Highway 106 . I thought this was the emergency room . It is . But unless you are critically injured , you still need to wait.You aren't bleeding , are you ? No . Only a little . I fell off my porch . Oh , that's terrible . Is it your right arm or your left arm ? My left arm . Can you fill out this form then ? No , I can't . I'm left-handed . That's very inconvenient for you then.You ' ll probably have a cast on your left arm . Yes . But why do I have to fill out a form anyway ? This is the emergency room . Yes , it is . But even in emergency rooms there is some paperwork to be done.Have you ever been in an emergency room before ? No . Just let me see a doctor . I'm worried about my arm . Be brave , sir . It won't be long . I will fill out the form for you . What is your name ? Steve Schliessman . S C H L I E S S M A N . Alright Steve . Your social security number ? 349-95- 8821 . Do you have medical insurance ? Yes , I do . Blue Cross . Do you have your insurance card with you ? No , I don't . Well , you can call it in later . You can phone us . Can I sit down now ? First I need to get your address . Try to move your arm as little as possible . Hi ! Is that the new laptop you brought last week ? It looks very nice . Yes , it is . Thanks . I ’ m just surfing on the internet . Here ? In this cafe ? How can you do that ? This cafe offers a wireless internet connection . That means I can get on the net for free while I ’ m here . Of course , I have to buy a cup of coffee ! That ’ s great . Can you do it anywhere ? No . you can only do it when the cafe offers a wireless connection . There are only about 10 or 12 places that offer it in this city . So , what programs do you have on your laptop ? I ’ Ve got all the usual ones for word processing and then I have a few for creating and editing photographs . I know you are keen on photography . It ’ s very useful for you to be able to download photos from your digital camera . Then you attach the picture files to emails and send them to anyone , anywhere , at a It ’ s wonderful , isn ’ t it ? Would you like to see some photos that I took recently ? What shall we do today ? We'd better stay in the hotel , because the tour will begin tomorrow . Let's go out for some exercise , shall we ? What an excellent idea ! Shall we do some jogging ? OK . I feel well now . Yes , some exercise is necessary for us . Quite right . I was wondering if you need any help on your new project . Sure ! That would be great ! Are you good at writing or would you rather do the computer work ? I would like to help with the computer work . Great ! We are going to be working in teams of three . Are you OK working with others ? Yes , I like working like that . We will begin next Monday . Would you be available then ? Yes , I can be there . Well , if you could send me your basic background information before next Monday , it would be useful . OK , I will send the information to you . Well then , thanks for your help . Have a great day ! Congratulations , Francis . Your hard working finally pays off . I am so happy for your promotion . Thanks , Monica . Without support from you and other colleagues , I would not have made it . I hope I could get promoted some day . Tell me about your experience , ok ? Well , just saying that you wanted to get promoted is not enough , you need to write down your desirable position and an available plan for achieving that adjective . Don ’ t be afraid of taking challenging . They might be opportunities and failing is not fatal . You learn more from that actually . Sometimes , you need to fail to be successful . How do you think if I volunteer for some work ? I think it is a smart idea . Our boss always likes it when employees take initiatives . Taxi ! Yes , sir . Where to ? The city square , please . Are you in a hurry ? Yes , I have to be there to meet a friend at 5 thirty pm . So we're sure we can get there on time ? I'm afraid not , sir . Generally we can , but you know how it is in the rush hour now . I see . Here's the extra 5 $ for you if you can get me there on time . All right . I'll do my best . Oh.we made it . Thank you . How much do I own you ? The reading on the kilometer is 12 $ . Here's the money , keep the changes , please . Do you need a receipt ? No , thank you . Janice , I can't find the document I was working on last month . Can you help me to look for it ? Susan , I'm sorry . Did you look up those files I requested ? Yes , but I still can not find it . Maybe it is in this cabinet . I couldn't find the files you request , even though I checked all the cross-references . I don't think it's there . I am sure that document was filed . Well , let me check again under a different heading . Good idea ! It seems that I asked you to put it in Nova's files . Maybe that's why I couldn't find it . All the documents on Nova are filed under ' V ' . What would you have ? I'll try Chinese wine . What about this dry red ? It's good indeed , it never goes to the head . OK . Give me one , please . Here it is . Thank you . I'm always at your service . Are you planning on voting ? Yes . Are you ? I will be voting tomorrow . What ’ s your polling place ? My polling place is at the park up the street . Oh , yeah ? Yeah , where is yours ? I don ’ t know . How is it you don ’ t know ? The location of my polling place never came in the mail . You can always just check online . Let me go do that . I am sorry , I have broken my wine glass , and would you please bring me another ? Sure . I will clean the glasses for you . Thank you . Where is the washing room ? Walk straight and turn left . What's wrong , officer ? You do realize that you ran a red light , don't you ? I did ? You didn't see the red light ? I'm sorry for running it , but I really didn't know . Didn't you learn that red means stop ? I know that . Then tell me why you sped up on the yellow light . I'm not sure . I'm giving you a ticket for this . I'm sorry for the misunderstanding . Maybe you'll think about this before you decide to run another light . Medicine Industry , this is Peter Bush speaking , can I help you ? Good afternoon , could you connect this call with Mr Brown , please May I know who's calling ? This is Li Ping of ABC computer company limited . I'm calling on our Mr Wilson the general manager of our company . I'm sorry , Mrs Li , Mr Brown is now in a meeting.May I have your number , and ask him to call you back later ? I'm afraid Mr Wilson would like to speak to Mr Brown right now.He ' s got an urgent matter to discuss with Mr Brown without delay . Ok , then would you please hold the line ? Mr Li , the line is through , Mr Brown is ready answering the call , go ahead . Thank you for your assistance , Mr Bush . You are welcome . Mr . Li , I come to remind you of the meeting scheduled at 11 o'clock this morning . Oh , that's right . And the general manager asked me to report the company's sales for last year at the meeting . By the way , the meeting will be held in your office . OK , thank you very much . Not at all . That's what I should do . Bob , would you come and help me ? Of course . What do you want me to do , Mom ? Could you hold these packages while I look for the key ? Alright , what's in them ? They are so heavy ! Just things we need for the picnic tomorrow . Well , hurry up and open the door please . I told you these things are heavy . I'm sorry , but I just can't find the key . You must have it . Oh , yes , it's in my pocket . But how can I get the key while I'm holding all these bags ? Excuse me . My name is Dan Ford . I have an appointment with the dentist at 3:30 . Yes , Mr . Ford . The dentist will be ready to see you in a minute . Have a seat . Thank you . Isn't it past your bedtime already ? I am not sleepy . It's getting late , and you have to wake up early tomorrow . There is no way that I can fall asleep right now . Try listening to some soft music . It won't work . I'm nowhere close to being tired . I really don't care , just go to sleep . What if I stay up and do something , until I get tired ? You'll be up all night if I let you do that . I'm going to get to sleep eventually . You need to go to sleep now , so go to sleep . Good night . I want to go try on these clothes . What did you find ? I found some jeans , and a new blouse . Go and try it on . What do you think ? I love that shirt on you . What about the jeans ? They don't really fit you right . I don't think so either . That blouse is absolutely wonderful on you though . Well , I'll just buy the shirt . That would be a good idea . Now , Miss Childs passed on your resume to me and I ’ Ve had the chance to look it over and I must say I ’ m quite impressed . Thank you very much . I ’ Ve tried to keep it short and clear . If there ’ s any questions please feel free to ask me . Well yes , I do have a number of questions , but perhaps first you could give me a brief overview I ’ d like to get a little bit of an idea of your background . Yes , of course . Well as you can see from the resume I ’ m 27 and grew up in Brooklyn , New York , although our family moved to London when I was quite young , at around sixteen . Ah I see , so you were actually educated in Europe ? Yes precisely . Although I was born in the US , I would definitely call London home . But as you see I ’ Ve actually spent a lot of my life moving from country to country . My Father was in the oil business before he retired so we also spent a number of years in Saudi Arabia too . Very interesting . So it seems you had quite an adventurous childhood . Absolutely ! We were never still for too long . But now I ’ m really looking to settle down . I see . okay , well let ’ s move on to discuss your education shall we ? Can you tell me , Ms . Smith , about the training programs you initiated this year ? We ran a call center training service and language program to ensure that our customer service representatives are well trained . What ’ s the result ? We directly attribute an increase in our customer service feedback of 50 % to the increase in language skills and training that our employees have received . That seems very impressive . Good work ! Thank you , but I cannot take all the credit . Our employees have all worked very hard to increase their productivity level . Well , good morning , Tom . I haven't seen you for a long time . I'd been feeling pretty well until just a few days ago . What seems to be the trouble now ? I feel run down , tired . I've been having headaches almost every day . And I'm not getting as much sleep as usually do . Have you been eating properly ? Eating the right kind of food is important for your health , you know . Well , I haven't been eating well , I guess . I usually only have enough time to grab a sandwich and a cup of coffee for lunch . And what about dinner ? Sometimes I'm too tired to eat anything at all . That's not good . You don't have a well-balanced diet . Have you been taking vitamin pills ? I don't like to take any medicine at all without talking it over with a doctor first . Thank you for purchasing your new mattress with us . No , thank you . Would you like us to deliver the mattress for you , sir ? That would be great . When do you want it delivered ? I need it delivered tomorrow . Will that be possible ? What time exactly ? I need it delivered at 12 o'clock . We can have it to you at that time . That's not a problem ? We will deliver your mattress tomorrow at 12 o'clock . That's great ! Thank you very much . Can I help you ? Yes , I'm looking for a house . To buy or to rent ? Oh , to rent . How much do you want to pay ? About 300 a month . Well , I've got one here . It's 260 a month . How big is it ? It's got a kitchen , a bathroom , and one bedroom . Well , actually I prefer something a bit bigger if that's possible . Yes , I think so . There is also an interesting one.It ' s opposite the park . How much is it ? It's 325 a month . It's the biggest we've got in this area . What's it like ? Well , There're two bedrooms , a sitting room , a kitchen and a bathroom . It sounds interesting . Can I go and see it ? Of course , Sir . Would you please mail these letters , Lucy ? Yes , Sir . These two are urgent letters and should be sent by registered express airmail . Others are ordinary letters . All right , who should I send them to ? It ’ s sent to Mr . Charles . I believe he is in London . Ok , home or office address ? Office address , please . He might be at work when they arrive . Should I enclose this commercial paper with these two letters ? Yes , it ’ s right . What are you reading ? Oh , it ’ s the latest novel by Ray Blue . It ’ s a sic-fi thriller . I thought he usually wrote horror books . He does . He ’ s good at this genre too . It ’ s a captivating read . We ’ re going to the bookshop . Would you like to join us ? Yes , I would . I need to buy a textbook for my course and , as you know , I love browsing through the latest paperbacks . Me too . I need something to read on the flight to New York . I can never sleep on planes . Sarah wants to pick up some children ’ s books for her daughter . I want to look at nelson Mandela ’ s autobiography . This is sure to be a worthwhile read . Doctor , I have the worst toothache ! How long have you had this pain ? For about a week or so , but it ’ s gotten really bad in the last couple of days . Did you do anything that might have aggravated your tooth ? You know , I was eating jawbreakers in the movies the other day , and I accidentally bit down really hard on one . What kind of toothbrush do you use ? I just use a regular hard bristle toothbrush . Does it bother you when you eat something really cold ? Yes , it definitely bothers me more when I do that . Good evening . Good evening.My wife and I would like a room , please.Is there any room available ? We don't have a reservation . Let me see.Yes , we have one room left.You ' re lucky.It ' s the last one . Good.We ' re tired after driving all day , and we're looking forward to relaxing in a comfortable room . This room has two double beds.It ' s number 56 at the rear of the motel.It ' s quite a comfortable room . How much is it for one night ? We only need it for tonight.We ' re going to continue our trip in the morning . It's forty-five dollars a night for two.Is anyone else traveling with you ? No , it's just the two of us . Would you like to pay for the room in cash or with a credit card ? Credit card.We don't like to carry much cash with us on our trips . Please fill out this registration card.Here is your key.You can park your car in front of our room.Check - out time is noon . Thank you very much . Thank you , sir.Enjoy your stay with us . Let's go to the animal shelter . What do you want to do ? I want to get a puppy for my son . That will make him so happy . I'll get him one of those little dogs . One that won't grow up too big . And eat too much . Do you know which one he would like ? Oh , yes , I took him there yesterday . He showed me one that he really liked . I bet you had to drag him away . He wanted to take it home yesterday . I wonder what he'll name it . Hello . I want to send the computer to my sister in Shanghai by logistics transport . OK . Is it in the box ? May I see it ? Yes . This is the computer and this is the keyboard and the monitor . Is there anything else ? There are a mouse and a camera . Is that all ? Yes . How much is it to send these things to Shanghai by regular delivery ? It depends on the weight of these things . Generally speaking , we will charge you ten yuan for one kilogram . I see . Can you weigh them for me , please ? Please go over there to weigh them . OK . See you later . what happened ? Why didn't he win ? didn't you hear ? He was disqualified . how did that happen ? He's so talented ! I thought he had a great chance of winning a gold medal ! if he didn't have any drug problems , he would have won . what ? What kind of drugs was he using ? he was taking steroids to make him stronger and faster . I thought that all athletes were supposed to be regularly tested for drugs . they are . The reason why they didn't disqualify him until after the race is because the results from the text only came back afterwards . that's so disappointing . I don't know why top athletes would feel the need to take drugs . I don't think it's right , but I can understand why they might . Imagine how much pressure there would be to win for your country ! regardless of how much pressure you're under , there's never a good reason to take drugs . I agree . Hopefully with the new regulations , fewer athletes will try to cheat with drugs . let's hope so . I need to use the ATM . What ’ s stopping you ? I ’ m not sure how . I don ’ t understand . I ’ Ve never used one before . I can help you figure it out . What do I have to do ? Slide your card into the machine . Then what ? You need to type your PIN in . What do I have to do next ? Click on whichever option you want , and you ’ re done . What are you doing ? Checking the " to do " list for the wedding ? Yep . There's still so much to do ! So let's start by checking off what we've already done . Did you reconfirm the plane reservations for all the Taiwanese guests ? Not yet , I was busy getting that videographer who films stuff for the Net . Cool ! I can't believe he agreed to go all the way to Dallas with us ! Hey ! We're paying for his ticket ! It is my first time coming to China . I want to buy something unique of China to my friends as gifts . We have a great variety of Chinese antiques and porcelain . Do you like them ? Yes , I love them , but they are fragile . It is not convenient to take them . You are right . How about paintings and embroidered handkerchiefs ? Sounds good . May I have a look ? Of course . These paintings have many designs , such as animals , flowers , landscape , aquatics and so on . They are beautiful , but I can't understand the connotation in them . Let me see the handkerchiefs . All right . Chinese embroidery is one traditional art with elaborate design and high quality . Oh , I like the bamboo design . What is this ? This is a series of animals , called Chinese zodiac . Good . So I will take three series and five bamboo ones . OK , I will wrap them for you . Can you make out what he's saying ? No , it's too loud in here . Excuse me . Yes ? Can you tell me the way to the Peak Tram , please ? Certainly . Go along Queen's Road ... Along Queen's Road ... Yes , and turn right at the Hilton Hotel . Right at the Hilton . Then go up Garden Road , past the Cathedral . The Cathedral ? Yes . Then cross the road at the next traffic lights . The Peak Tram is straight ahead . You can't miss it . That's very kind of you . Thank you . Er ... have you got a pencil ? Yes . Why ? Can you repeat all that ? I think I'd better write it down . Hi , Nally , are you hungry ? I'm starving . Let's go grab a bite . Where to ? How about Karlis ? Are you kidding ? That place is too ritzy for lunch . True . ok Let's go to Grumose ? Same thing , meals there all coarsen arm and leg . I guess it is a little pricy . Let's stop it at Multicolor for a quick lunch .. That will be Ok . Come on , I can't wait to chow down . That was a great lunch , the food was good , but the service was lousy . Is that why you stiffed the waiter ? You got it . All right , Let's go back to school . Good morning , sir . Good morning . I'd like a business suit made with this material . Do you have a particular style in mind ? The kind that never goes out of fashion , I guess . I think you should realize that even the most conservative style changes . I'm sure you're right . I just dread the idea of making a new suit every year . The changes are usually not that dramatic . We just got some pictures of the latest fashion . Would you like to take a look ? Good . I think I'll choose this single breasted one . When can I get it ? Next Friday . Thank you . Oh , gosh ! I feel everything around me is against me . Don't take it too hard . There are some tips you should know in job-hunting of 2010 . Well , I am all ears . Maybe they are helpful . Firstly , you must always show your best to the interviewer . And secondly , try to avoid spamming through e-mails , because this will make the reader go crazy . The last but not the least , there is no substitute for pounding the pavement in such a digital age . I understand what you mean , and I will not upset myself . Face it . Good luck to us . Look , Mary ! There are so many people over there ! Oh , I remember , there is a job fair in the personnel market . I have never been to the personnel market . Really ? I have been there several times . Are there many employers ? Yes . The personnel market is a place specially for job-hunters and employers . So there will be many large companies in the personnel market , right ? Yes , there are many famous corporations . When will there be a job fair ? Every Saturday and Sunday Do I need to pay to go into the personnel market ? No , it's free . How about going there to have a look now ? OK , let's go . Could you show me the T-shirt on the model ? Here you are . We have three different colors , white , blue and pink . What's the price ? $ 12 . Can you make it any cheaper ? It is cheap . I'll take it if you give me a discount . $ 10 . That's the best I can do . OK . I'll take the blue one . Hello , again . Did you discuss everything with your colleagues ? Yes , yes . It seems that everything is settled . Have you decided how you would like the salaries paid ? We have discussed it and decided that at the moment we would like the salaries to be paid into the employees's accounts , whether they are currently with this bank or not . That's not a problem . Of course , if we are happy with the service after the initial period we will recommend all employees either transfer their accounts to this bank , or open new accounts with you . Thank you very much . We always welcome new customers . I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking . We should plan to move out of here before July . I'm tired of living in apartments . I know , dear . I am too . But we've just been too busy to look for a house . We need to find a good realtor . Not necessarily . If we use a realtor to find a house , it will be more expensive . What do you mean ? Realtors always get a commission.If the realtor helps us find something , we have to pay him . But doesn't a realtor help with the contract ? I thought they take care of all the legal troubles . Yes , that's often true . But you have to pay them . I still think we should have a realtor.We ' re new in this country . We don't know all the laws of buying a house.And also , the realtor will inspect the house.He can tell us if the house has Of course we need a home inspector.But we can hire an inspector on our own.And as for the legal problems , I have friends . They can help us . So how can we find a house if we don't have a realtor ? It takes a little more time . We have to check the ads in the paper.Probably also there are special real estate magazines with ads.Then we have to drive to the homes and look at them . And doesn't the person selling the house have a realtor ? Sometimes they do , sometimes they don't . It's best to find someone who is selling by themselves . Why ? Because if the seller has a realtor , their price will be higher.He will have to pay a commission to the realtor . Hmm . It all sounds very complicated . It is . But buying a house is very important . So it takes time.That ' s why we haven't done it yet . It's very troublesome . I want to look in the papers today . Maybe we can see something we like . Alright . I'll buy a newspaper when I go to the drug store . I'm calling about our appointment . I can't call on you this evening.My wife is terribly ill . Sorry to hear that . How about next week ? Fine , we'll be expecting you then . Which restaurant do you prefer ? I'd like to taste Mexican food . How about the one on Baker Street ? Oh , I've never seen a better Mexican restaurant . The numbers in this table don't seem to be in accord with reality . I know , but these are the figures that we came up with . Oh , so the zoo is over there . Thank you so much for your help . You ’ re welcome . Can I ask you what brings you to China ? I ’ m actually travelling around Asia . Oh , very nice . How long will you be in Beijing ? Probably another week . Oh , I see . Well , I ’ ll give you my phone number and if you need a guide , please call me . Thank you very much . That ’ s very kind . Could you type up this document for me , Sandra ? Sure , but I have to finish this report first . Never mind . I'll do it . Are you interested in mountaineering ? Yes , in some sense . I should say I like mountain climbing , you know , because I'm not so professional . How about you I'm the same with you , an amateur mountain climber . I went climbing in the Rocky Mountains with my friends last summer vacation . We spent two days in the mountains . How did you spend the night there ? We pitched a tent in the night , waiting for the sunrise . Wow ! It was too beautiful . I had a similar experience , but that was on the top of Tasha Mountain in my country . Tasha Mountain ? It's very famous in China , isn't ? Yes . It is one of the Five Mountains . I want to climb Tasha Mountain this summer vacation . Would you be my guide ? I'd love to . Sir , what's wrong with you ? I have a spasm of nausea and dizziness . Have you ever suffered from airsickness before ? You're probably airsick . No , this is the first time on a plane . Maybe you are right .. Please get me some pills . OK . I will get some for you . There's an airsickness bag behind the seat in front of you.Please wait me for a moment . ( Go away for a few minutes , and now she comes back . ) Here are two pills . And the water is in the glass too.Please take the pills with water . Thank you very much . ( Take the pills . ) Are you feeling better now ? Much better now . Thanks again . My pleasure . Hi Bill , it ’ s Jane . Jane , I ’ m on the other line , can you hang on for a second ? Sure . OK , I ’ ll be right back . Have you decided what you'd like ? Yes . First I'll have tomato juice . And then ? I'll have the lamb chops , well-done , please . Good morning , Madam . What can I do for you ? Can you show me some traditional Chinese arts and crafts ? Maybe sandalwood fan is good . Would you show me some ? Of course . They really smell fragrant . How much is a real sandalwood fan ? The small ones are one hundred yuan for each . And the big ones are two hundred and thirty yuan . I'll take two small ones and a big one . What else are you interested in ? I'm afraid not . OK . Here you are . Good morning.Mrs.Smith . Good morning ! Can you help me , please ? I'm looking for some books for my mother . Well , what kind of books does she like ? She's very fond of detective stories ? I see.Has she read any detective stories ? Oh , yes ! Do you know if she's read this one ? I'm not sure , but she probably won't remember if she has ! She's very forgetful ! Ah ! She has a bad memory.How old is she ? She's eighty-seven . I suggest you take this book.It ' s very exciting . Thank you.That ' s a good idea.she likes exciting books.Can you suggest another one ? Hey , Jimmy , you've been sitting in front of the TV all day . Anything interesting on TV ? Not really . Quite boring right now , actually . Mostly infomercials and public service announcements . Why don't you turn off the TV and get outside ? You need to get some fresh air . I know , I know.But my favorite show is on in a couple of minutes . It's the series finals , and I wouldn't miss it for the world ! Really ? What's the series about ? Well , it's about how an immigrant girl achieve her dream in America . It's a sitcom but really quite smart and really funny . I think you'd like it . It sounds interesting , but I am not a big fan of TV shows . They're time consuming and don't have much depth . I believe some shows are quite informative and interesting . Take this show for example , it examines American xenophobia and how it might conflict with the American dream , with hilarious results . Really ? that's interesting ! Yeah.Oh , here it comes ! why don't we watch it together ? they are going to have a court debate in this episode . It should be good . OK , I'll give it a go . Hello , hot water overflowed from the bathtub . Would you help me ? Would you turn off the tap ? I did it . Then will you put all the towels under the bathroom door . Ok , I will . I will have our housekeeper come right away . I am sorry , I was too tired to fall asleep . When you woke up , the water was coming out the tub ? Right . Can I compensate for the damage with the travel accident insurance ? Hi . I'm looking for a gift for my niece . Well , little girls seem to love Barbie dolls . That's perfect . I want to see one . Here you are — she's called Digital Barbie . Oh , I like Digital Barbie ! How much does she cost ? This Barbie is only $ 29.95 . That's perfect . Let me have her . Very good . Is there anything else you would like ? No , that'll do it for now . Including tax , your total will be $ 32.42 . Cash or charge ? Let me give you cash , please . Here's your change and receipt . Thank you . Please put your baggage on the counter and open it , let me have a look . Yes , sir . Please examine it . Anything subject to duty in your suitcase ? No , sir . Nothing except my personal belongings , such as clothes , notebooks and some gifts . Any cigarettes or liquor ? I have cigarettes for my own use . I think you'll have to pay some duty on these cigarettes because they exceed the quota . And this article is liable for duty . How much duty should I pay ? One hundred dollars . Here is the money . Just a moment . I'll make out your duty memo . ( Writing and giving the memo to Mr . Green ) Take it and pay the girl over there . Thank you . So that concludes the introduction . Now let's move to the first part of my talk , which is about 2006 fiscal year marketing plan . So first , right off the bat , When looking at the marketing plan , tell me some of the goals that we had set this year to begin with ... We wanted to appeal to a younger set of consumers and also , in line with that goal , redo our image ... That's correct . If you remember , we also set a goal to double distribution in overseas markets . Now , when looking at the data to evaluate whether or not we made our goals , there are three things to consider . First , the original condition of the market , second , our marketing numbers from the previous year , and third , our final sales figures for this year . Now I want to describe for you the second and third parts . If you look at the overhead , you'll see a graph ... The blue line represents our sales from the year 2005 , the red line is the sales in 2006 ... As you can see , our sales in 2005 were quite slow to start off with , but managed to make decent performance in the last part of the year . On the other hand , you can see this year's sales took off like a rocket . Excuse me , sir , may I talk to you ? Bill ! Sure , come on in . What can I do for you ? Well sir , as you know , I have been an employee of this prestigious firm for over ten years . Yes . I won ’ t beat around the bush . Sir , I would like a raise . I currently have three companies after me and so I decided to talk to you first . A raise ? Son , I would love to give you a raise , but this is just not the right time . I understand your position , and I know that the current economic downturn has had a negative impact on sales , but you must also take into consideration my hard work , pro-activeness and loyalty to this company for over a decade . Taking into account these factors , and considering I don ’ t want to start a brain drain , I ’ m willing to offer you a ten percent raise and an extra five days of vacation time . How does that sound ? Great ! It ’ s a deal ! Thank you , sir ! Before you go , just out of curiosity , what companies were after you ? Oh , the electric company , gas company and water company ! Are you going to vote on Tuesday ? Of course . How about you ? I ’ Ve already voted . How ’ s that ? I sent in an absentee ballot . Why ? I won ’ t be able to vote on Tuesday . Why not ? I have to work . Why don ’ t you go to work late ? I have important business to take care of that morning . I see . How would you describe your ideal job ? I think the job should make use of the professional experience I have obtained , and offer me opportunity for advancement . Why do you think you might like to work for our company ? I feel my background and experience are a good fit for this position and I am very interested.What ' s more , your company is outstanding in this field . What makes you think you would be a success in this position ? My graduate school training combined with my experience as an intern should qualify me for this particular job . I am sure I will be successful . How do you know about this company ? Your company is very reputed in this city . I heard much praise to your company . Did you see the picture of the guy on the front page of the newspaper this morning ? No . I haven't had a chance to read the paper yet . you've got to see it . It's an unbelievable picture ! What's so interesting about it ? Well , this guy fell asleep on the sofa and when he woke up , half his face had been bitten off ! What ? How did that happen ? They think his dog was trying to wake him up and couldn't , so ended up biting him in his face . Wow . What does his look like now ? It looks pretty frightening . He doesn't have any lips , so all you can see are his gums and teeth . Most of his nose and chin are missing too . What did he look like before his dog bit his face off ? He was actually quite handsome . What a shame . What's he going to do now ? It said that he's hoping to get a face transplant , but until then , he's looking forward to Halloween so he isn't the only one wearing a mask . Excuse me . We're leaving today . I'd like to pay our bills now . OK . By the way , I'd like to tell you that the check-out time is 12 I see . Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room , Mr . Green ? Yes , my friend and I just had breakfast at the dining room , but we didn't use any services . How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend ? Please add to my account . The total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan . OK . Here you are . I'm not sure about how to operate the washer and dryer . What's the problem ? I need help turning them on . You need change . The machines take change ? Yes . It costs fifty cents for the washer and a dollar for the dryer . Where do i put the money in ? You put the coins into the slot , push it in , and it will turn on . That's it ? There's nothing else to it . Thank you very much . You're welcome . Let me know if you need anything else . Dad , can you lend me some money ? What for ? I want to get a ticket for a concert tonight . All right.Here ' s the money . I suppose I'll have to drive you there . How much money do you expect in this position ? With my experience , I'd like to start at 3,000 RIB per month . Well , it is a little more than we had planned . I think you will find I am worth it . Could you help me with these books ? My hands are full . Can ’ t you see that ? Please , George . All right . Just wait a minute , OK ? I firmly believe that if we invested in funds we could earn a lot of money . All wet.You are such a fool . Good afternoon , sir . What can I do for you ? I'd like to get this prescription filled . No problem . Please wait a minute . ( She goes to the back for a few minutes . ) Here is your medicine , sir . Take two tablets after each meal and once before bed . Thanks . Do you sell aspirin here ? Yes , our over-the-counter medicine is over there on that shelf . Oh , I see it . Do you have multi-vitamins ? Yes , right over here . ( The customer gets the aspirin and vitamins . ) That'll be $ 16.00 . Here's a twenty . Here's your change . Thank you . How long do we stop over here ? 2 hours . What for ? The plane must fuel before flying to Paris . Can we get off the plane ? Surely of course . Do you have anything to declare ? I have a camera and three bottles of whisky . OK . You'll have to pay duty for the whisky . Well , where shall I pay the duty for the whisky ? Please wait a moment . I'll make out the duty memo . Here you are . Take this and pay the people over there . I've paid the duty . Here is the receipt Very well . I hope you'll enjoy your stay in China . Thank you . The skirt looks beautiful . Can I try it on ? Of course . Well , I think this one is a little too small . Would you please bring me a bigger one ? I am sorry the larger ones are out of stock now . But you might be lucky at our Branch . I want to reserve rooms for my colleagues . What kind of rooms do you want ? A single room with a bath and one double room facing the lake . No problem . Your room numbers are 201 and 204 . Thank you . Hi ! Fiona ? I almost didn't recognize you . You are much thinner since I last saw you . Yes . I have lost about ten kilos . How did you do it ? I am on a diet . And I do more exercise regularly . What's the secret then ? It lies in perseverance . Well . It's hard for me . I can't keep doing exercise . You should have a try . Excuse me . Can I open a postal savings account in your office ? Of course . What kind of postal savings account do you want to open ? Hum .. Can you recommend me one with high interest ? OK . We offer a few different kinds of postal saving services . They have different interest rates . I want the one with the highest interest rate . That would be our Savers Plus account . You must pay 10 000 yuan into your deposit account . In this way you can get 5 % dividend at the end of the year . All right . I'II open this one . Just fill out these forms , and I ’ ll be with you in one second . Thanks . What kind of cuisine do you have ? We have Sichuan food , Hangzhou food and Beijing Food . Which do you like best ? Hangzhou food . OK . How about Dongpo meat ? All right . I'll take it . Do you like to use chopsticks Yes , I like using chopsticks . Do you like some soup ? Yes , but I don't know what soup you have . We have beef soup and tomato soup . Good . I prefer beef soup . According to usual practices , we serve dishes first and then soup . If you like we'll bring you some soup first . Save it until you've served dishes . All right . I'll be back right away . Excuse me , is there a department store near here ? Yes , there ’ s a department store in Wang Fu Jing . Where ’ s Wang Fu Jing ? It ’ s to the east of Tiananmen Square . Thank you . You ’ re welcome . How much is it to rent an economy car ? $ 19 a day or $ 129 a week , unlimited mileage . Could I have one for tomorrow morning ? Could I see your driver's license ? Sure here it is . Good . Now just complete this form . Why is there water all over the bathroom floor ? I'm sorry - it's my fault . I was filling the bathtub and I left the water running too long , so it overflowed . That's OK . As long as you clean it up . Can I help you ? Yes , is there any vacant room for tomorrow ? I am sorry . We are full up for tomorrow . Well , is there any other hotel nearby ? Yes , the Sunset Hotel is three blocks away . Maybe you can ask them . Thank you . What ’ s up ? I guess there is some kind of virus seeking into my computer , I can ’ t send out this e-mail . Do you have the number of the text port ? Do you mind I have a look at your computer ? Of course not , I appreciate that . Well , it has nothing to do with virus . The problem is your attachment is a bit larger . It has exceeded the e-mail capacity . I see . What can I do now ? You can send a compressed one . Try it on in front of the mirror . Well , I think the color is a little too bright . We have darker ones . Do you like the style ? Yes . What's this made of and how to wash it ? lt's made of silk and you had better wash it by hand in cold water . Steven , you are always looking in good shape . How do you keep it ? I pay much attention to my daily diet . You know good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease . Yeah , you are right . Tell me your normal diet . I eat more fruits and vegetables and limit amounts of fatty and fried foods . And ? I drink milk every day . It's really good for building strong bones and teeth . I drink tea quite often , for it's protective against kidney cancer . Oh , no wonder you are healthy . You are what you eat , and a healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease . Thanks for sharing your experience with me . You're welcome ! Emergency road service . May I help you ? I have a flat tyre . All right . What's your membership card , please ? 489 3362 1978 . And your name ? Eve . What's the expiration date on your card ? It's July 16,2009 . Where is your car now ? It's on the west street , near Royal Hotel . And which direction were you going ? I was going west . What is the make and model of your car ? BMW 530 . What color is it ? It's red . What's your licence plate number ? SAY 201 . All right , Madam . I'll have a tow truck there within 30 minutes . How do you do , Mr . Johnson ? I'm Thomas . How do you do ? I'm coming for the job you've advertised in yesterday's newspaper . OK . What's your working experience ? I have worked for IBM for three years . How do your experiences benefit our company ? I know the marketing from top to bottom and I can develop a new market for you . Are you aware of the aspects of this position and do you feel you are qualified ? Yes , I understand my qualification and your needs by researching your company . If you enter this company , what section would you like to work in ? If possible , I'd like to be positioned in the International Trade Department . Then , what starting salary do you expect ? I'd like to start at RIB 4,000 a month . Excuse me , could you tell me where Peking University is on this map ? Let me see . Here it is . Could you tell me how to get there ? I ’ m afraid I can ’ t because I ’ m a stranger here . Oh , thanks all the same . Not at all . You can ask the policeman over there . We are interested in some precision machine tools . We have some inquires on hand . That's fine . We can supply all kinds of precision machine tools . Our products are much admired in the world market and enjoy a wide acceptance in modern industry . Can I have a look at your catalogue and the corresponding technical data ? Why , of course . Here are some that will show you our latest development . You may select which ever you need . I think our users have the impression that your prices are always much too high , compared with those of other supplies . Excuse me . It's true that our products do cost slightly more than the other makers , but It's only due to our technological superiority . Your products may have certain advantages , but your prices are too stiff . If you give us your inquiry , I shall go very carefully into the price and try my best to put you on the best of the terms . OK , I'll come back to discuss it to some details after our users have studied your catalogues and price list . Yes , surely . We hope to do some substantial business with you . Can I take your order now , Madam ? Yes , what would you recommend ? I'm happy to recommend the fish , It testes delicious , and it is today's special . Our chef is from the coast , and love seafood . Today special is actually his favorite dish . so I'm sure it is a It does sound wonderful , maybe I'll try it . Is there anything else ? Maybe I can interest you in one of fine appetizers , such as the escargot . Not today , thanks . But I'd like to know any of the vegetarian dishes . Yes , here's the menu . What would you think of your order . Maybe I don't want the fish , I think I had the greenbean dish instead . What kind of soup would you like ? I'd like the egg drop soup . Ok , is that all ? Yes . what would you like anything to drink or you wait ? Just nice water , thanks . Look , here is a very special business card from an illustrator . Every time I go through my book of business cards , I will notice it . It is an eye-catching one . Wow , fantastic . I like the font and color for his name . It is creative yet personal . Yes , it is a bold design . People will believe he can make an illustration as an impressive as a business card . It just stands out from those plain and standard ones used by government people or other big private and public organizations . I agree . Business cards are great tools for promoting personal business . It won ’ t take much time to design an amazing card , but it can make a big difference among the crowd . And you ’ ll always notice it from your collection . For they have outspoken colors , own design and the sizes are not always according the mainstream business card . I wish to have one like this . But for sure our company has its own corporate design which all employees have to follow . Excuse me . This bus goes downtown , doesn't it ? Yes . Where do you want to go ? The Workers'Stadium . This is the right bus . Will you let me know where to get off ? Certainly.Four more stop after this . I'll call out the stops . Thank you . How are you , Kim ? I haven ’ t seen you around for a few days . Oh , I was out sick most of last week . I ’ m still not completely over it . You ’ d better not get too close ! I ’ m sorry to hear about that . Why don ’ t you join me for a hot cup of tea ? It ’ ll be good for you ! Sure , why not ? I could use a rest . Hi , I need a hotel room . That's no problem at all . May I have your name , please ? Certainly . My name is John Sandals . It's a pleasure , Mr . Sandals . My name is Michelle . What days will you need a room ? Friday afternoon , April 14 through Monday morning , April 17 . One minor problem , sir . Our prices are now slightly higher . Is that acceptable , sir ? Please tell me the price , so I can make a decision . It'll be $ 308 nightly . That's a reasonable price . Good ! Now , sir , do you have a preference for smoking or nonsmoking ? I quit smoking , so nonsmoking . I hear you , sir . Nonsmoking . Now , about the bed , is a queen-size okay ? A queen sounds great . Okay , sir , let me reserve those dates , there . Now , if you'll just tell me your phone number . That would be 626-555-1739 . That's 626-555-1739 . Thank you so much for choosing our hotel , sir ! do you like animals ? yes , doesn't everyone ? what's your favorite animal ? it's hard to say . While dogs are more affectionate , cats are much easier to take care of . have you ever had a dog ? when I was little , we had a few domestic dogs at home . they always say that dogs are a man's best friends . do you think that's true ? definitely . rich or poor , dogs always love their masters . how about cats ? Have you ever had one for a pet ? i had one a few months ago , but she ended up running away . how did that happen ? she left through a window that was open one night and never returned . you must have been devastated ! i was pretty sad . i still hope that she'll return some day ! I hope she does . Do you think you'll ever get another pet ? I think I will . It's difficult to feel longly when you have a pet around . i hope your cat finds its way back home . i do , too . have you moved into your new house yet , Michael ? we just moved in yesterday , actually . so , what do you think about the place ? Are you glad that you moved in ? it's great ! Unfortunately , we're going to spend a fortune doing everything up . how old is the house then ? it's about 200 years old . It has a lot of history ! sounds fascinating . Where is your new house located ? it's just off of the ring road . do you have a big yard ? it's bigger than our last one . I've got flowers in the front , and fruits , vegetables and a fish pond in the back . is your house well-lit ? oh , yes . Our windows let plenty of natural light in . They've also got wonderful views of the park behind our house . how many rooms does your house have ? right now , there are three bedrooms , two barrooms , a kitchen , a sitting room , a dining room , and a living room . We're hoping to add on a green room and a guest bedroom . In fact , when the guest room i I'd be up for that ! We have achieved great success last year.The most important is that we realize our strength lies in after-sale service . Your achievement is obvious to all . What we will do is to strengthen it . Yes , this is also the competitive edge of our company . I ’ m hungry , let ’ s go grab a bite to eat . Yeah me too . Oh ! Can we stop at the shop really fast ? I lost my makeup bag at the airport and I want to pick up a few things . Will you take long ? No ! Five minutes I promise ! Come on ! We have been here for almost an hour ! I thought you said you were only going to get a few things ! How long does it take you to pick out a lipstick and some nail polish ! Are you crazy ? You have no idea what you are talking about ! Just for my eyes I have to get eye-liner , an eyelash curler , eye shadow , an eyebrow pencil and mascara . Then I need to get foundation , liq Whoa whoa whoa ! Are you nuts ? How much is all this going to cost ? I ’ m looking at the price at each one of these little things and it ’ s outrageous ! This is basically a crayon ! What about you ? You spend as much or more money on your razors , after shave , cologne and gel ! Not to mention how much you spend on clothes and ... Fine ! Get the stupid thirty dollar crayon ! A cup of coffee sounds good , doesn't it ? Yes , but I think I'll have orange juice first . Do you feel like having anything to eat ? Well , I think I'll try the pancakes . How about you ? Sounds great . That's just what I feel like having . They're here ! Now that's speedy service ! And they arrived within two days of each other ! What are you waiting for ? Rip ‘ em open ! Wow ... this shirt is nice , but looks big . It's nice , but how much did you end up paying ? With the shipping included--seventy dollars . Hmm ... not so hot . They sell them here for about that . What's the side dish that you're making for dinner ? I'm not sure . I was thinking of making a vegetable . What kind of vegetable are you thinking about making ? Do you know what kind of vegetable you want to eat ? Why don't you make some corn ? How would you like the corn ? I don't understand what you mean . Do you want it boiled , grilled , or microwaved ? Why don't you grill it ? That's how you want it ? Yeah , that sounds delicious . Okay , I'll grill some corn then . How slowly you drive ! I'm sorry . Something is wrong with my taxi . Where does it go wrong ? Let me stop my car for check . Oh , my god . I got a flat tyre . Can it keep going ? Sorry . You'd better get off for taking another taxi . Mom , where are you going ? I am going to buy some food to cook for supper . Good . I wanna come with you . How strange ! Our little emperor now asks to help out with shopping . We learnt about vegetables and meat at school . But I never see the real thing . Wow , that's something new . Let's go ! What's this , honey ? Er , is it cabbage ? Cabbage ? Is that what they teach at school now ? OK , honey , it's spinage . Yeah , I know , this is Popeye's favorite food . There we go . Mom , come here . I know this , it is carrot , am I right ? Bingo ! It's dark outside , Let's hurry up . These goods can be broken very easily , so we would be thankful if you would be sure to use durable packing materials . That will be no problem . We never use any kind of inferior packaging . Your goods will be safe . Good . Can we ask you to put a country of origin mark on each container ? We always do that , but I will make a point to check it for you since it is so important . Do you always put a quality mark on each container ? For this shipment it is crucial to us that you do . We don't usually do that unless we are asked to . I'lI tell my staff to take care of this for you . Thanks . This shipment is so important to us there cannot be any foul-ups . Our Afghan customers wanna buy China's tea . I am thinking of placing an order with you . Which tea do you prefer , black or jasmine tea ? I like both . Could you show me some samples ? Of course , here you are . These are Black tea from Anti , Oolong tea from Guangdong , Oolong tea from Fujisan and Longing tea from Xinu . The new products are Curls Black tea , Crushed Black tea and so on . They are the best sellers in many countries . Oh , such a variety . All of them are excellent both in color and flavour . No wonder our people like China ’ s tea better than any other kind . Could you give me some idea of the prices ? Here is our price list . All the prices on the list are subject to our final confirmation . You can see the prices are reasonable . I'd like you to quote me CIF Karachi . Right . Could you tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offer ? Yes . I want 500 kilograms of Black tea from Anti , 200 kilograms of Jasmine tea from Hangzhou and 100 kilograms of Crushed Black tea , first grade . Good . We will make the offer tomorrow afternoon . Is that all right ? Yes . See you tomorrow afternoon . Hello , how are you doing today ? I ’ Ve been having trouble breathing lately . Have you had any type of cold lately ? No , I haven ’ t had a cold . I just have a heavy feeling in my chest when I try to breathe . Do you have any allergies that you know of ? No , I don ’ t have any allergies that I know of . Does this happen all the time or mostly when you are active ? It happens a lot when I work out . I am going to send you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma . Thank you for your help , doctor . I have a reservation for a single with bath . We are sorry , but single rooms have been occupied . What's the room rate ? It is a little expensive for me , do you have any other rooms ? Then how about this room , with just shower ? May I see the room ? I ’ ll take this room . Is the rate for the room only ? No , sir . The tax is included . How many candidates do you choose for the first round ? I have chosen 15 candidates . The first round interview is tomorrow . The first round ? Right . We'll choose the 4 best candidates and have them come back for a second interview . The top one of them will be the one we will hire . What is the annual salary for this job ? The annual salary is sixty-five thousand dollars per year . What does the benefits package include ? This job pays for half of your medical , dental , and disability . Do we get paid time off ? You have a total of 21 days paid time off which can be used for vacation , personal , or sick leave . How about retirement ? We still offer a traditional retirement plan that pays out if you stay with the company for 5 years or more . Can I get company provided specialized training ? We offer full tuition reimbursement for job related classes . Where is the benefits office ? It's on the second floor in Suite 201 . Welcome to IBA Bank , how can we be of service ? I spoke to a girl named Claire on the phone ; it's about losing my card and everything . What I need you to do first is fill in these forms , with as much detail as possible . Then we can get you a new card . So , I can get my new card today ? I'm sorry , Sir , the full procedure can take up to 7 days to process everything . 7 days ! What am I supposed to do for money until then ? If you bring some ID with you , it's possible for you to make a withdrawal over the counter if you need to . But unfortunately , without your new card you cannot use the ATM , so all withdrawals must be made within working hours . Hey , young lady , get back here and have some breakfast . Dad ! I don't have time ! I'll be late for school ! You won't make it through the day without breakfast . Dad , I never eat breakfast . Breakfast is brain food . Maybe that's why your grades are Suffering . Uh ! Dad ! Don't ' Uh , Dad ' me . Sit down and have some lovely breakfast . Alright . You win . Please pass the brain food . I'm getting a tattoo tomorrow . Are you nuts ? John , I'm sorry , the air tickets for the International Day are sold out . Really ? I didn't expect that . It's possible because everyone wants to travel during the holiday weekend . I should have booked the tickets in advance . Take it easy . I'll like you know if anyone decides to cancel his reservation . Can you tell me where it hurts ? I am so glad they called you . It feels like something is really wrong with my stomach ! Does it hurt when I push here ? It ’ s mostly on my right side . Right here ! Have you been feeling this way for awhile ? I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner , but this morning the pain got really bad ! Have you eaten anything unusual lately ? No , not that I remember . We are going to take you to an emergency room right now . I will feel better when I know what the problem is . Thank you for the drugs . Good morning , sir . Can I help you ? Yes , I need to check-in for the eleven 20 flight to New York , please . O . K . Ticket , please . Here you are . Would you like a window or an aisle seat , Mr . Smith ? I want an aisle seat as close to the exit door as possible , please . Very well . Do you have any bags to check ? No , I just have this one small bag . Here you are , seat 12c . Please go to gate 23 after passing through the security checkpoint . Thank you . Have a nice day . You , too . Let's come to an agreement to salary . May I see the agreement first ? Of course . Here you are . Please read the agreement and sign it . ( Read the agreement . ) There's a three-month period of probation for new recruits . Yes . If you have any question , just ask . By the way , do you know your rights and obligations in this agreement ? I think I know it . I wonder whether the agreement has the guarantee of law or not . Of course , you can believe us . Both sides should act according to the provisions of the agreement . Please sign the agreement . ( Sign . ) OK , I signed the agreement with the signature of my name . We are done with the agreement . After a three-month probationary period , you will be confirmed in your post . I see . Thank you very much . You are welcome . What do you do besides work and watching TV ? When I have some time , I like to exercise . Do you go jogging or do you go to a health club ? I joined Samsung Health Club a couple of months ago . How do you exercise ? I usually spend 30 minutes on the bicycle for the Carpio , and then I lift weight for about 45 minutes . How often do you go ? I want to go four times a week , but I'm too lazy . Last week , I only went to workout once . Hi , Mark ! Long time no see ! Hi , Alex ! Where have you been ? I just got back from London . How was your flight ? It was OK . There was a lot of turbulence , though . That ’ s too bad . how long was the flight ? It was 10 hours . Did you have a layover ? Yes , in paris , France . Did you buy anything in the duty-free stores ? Yes . I bought two boxed of chocolate ? one for me and one for you ! Oh , you didn ’ t have to ... It was nothing . May we see the wine list please ? Sure . Our special wine today is a 1989 Chardonnay . That sounds pretty good ! How much is it ? It's $ 4.25 cents by the glass . The whole bottle is $ 22.5 . I'd like a bottle please . I'll need to see your ID please . Here you go . Sorry about the inconvenience , you look so young . I had make sure you are over 21 years old . OK , let's find somebody then . Good . I'll take care of it . Wait a second , Vince . You know what ? Why don't you let me handle it ? Are you sure ? Do you have somebody in mind ? Yeah . Let me see if he'll do it , and I'll get back to you . OK . Just keep in mind it has to be somebody who can get along with Elvin . Don't sweat it . I know just the guy . May I help you ? I needed to ask you a question . Ask away . How many hours of the behind-the-wheel course do I need to take ? Why do you need to take the course ? I want to get my license . You have to do six hours behind the wheel . How many days do I need to finish the course ? You can't finish in less than three days . Is that all ? There's nothing else to it . That sounds easy enough . Peter , go and tidy up your toys now . Wait a moment , mom . I'm mad ! I said now ! Turn off the TV , and do it now . Mom , just ten more minutes . The show is going to be over soon . Peter , if you don't do it soon , I will throw your toys in the trash can . Excuse me . Do you speak English ? Yes , I do . How can I help you ? Well , I've just arrived in my room , but there are no instructions in English about the facilities available ! Could you help me for a moment ? Of course not . What exactly would you like to know ? First , what is the number for room service ? It's 1200 . Room service is available 24 hours a day . Very good . Now , could you help me to adjust the air conditioning , please ? It's too hot in my room . Yes , the control unit is on the wall next to the bathroom . Is 24 ° C all right ? Yes , that's perfect . Another thing , if need more items for the mini-bar , which Number should I call ? You should call the Housekeeping Department on 2300 . They will replace any stock for you immediately . I see . So , is it possible to make international phone calls from my room ? That's no problem . Just dial 9 to get an outside line , and then dial the number as usual . Well , thanks a lot for your help . No problem , sir . If there's anything else you need , you can find me at the desk by the elevator , or you can call housekeeping if I'm not there . OK , goodbye . Goodbye , sir . I need some flowers for my girlfriend . No problem . Would you like some artificial carnations ? Oh , no . Carnations are not very elegant . Artificial flowers have no passion . How much did you want to spend ? Money is no object . Our most elegant flower is Golden Lily . I will take ten . Do you want to add some baby's breath for that ? They are equally popular now . Of course . Can I have it delivered to my girlfriend's house this afternoon ? Yes , but there is a five dollars delivery charge . That's ok . Here is the address . Good Morning . What can I do for you ? Good Morning , I have a bad cough , and I want to see an internist . Do you have a registration card ? No , I don ’ t . I ' m a tourist . Then you need to register as a new patient . Can I have a look at you ID card ? I need your name , age , occupation , address and contacting number . Here you are . Thanks . Which kind of medicine do you prefer , western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine ? I ’ d like to try traditional Chinese medicine . I heard it really works quite well if you know what you're doing . All right . Yes , he does . The registration fee is 7 yuan , please . Hey there Chris , what are you up to ? I'm just poring over some brochures about various car models . Oh , so you're thinking about buying a new car ? Yeah , it looks that way . My wife has been bugging me about it . I thought we could probably survive without one , but with a baby on the way , maybe it is time to get a car . So this would be your first automobile ? That's right . For quite a few years , I rode a bicycle to work . Then I got a motorbike . Yeah , I think I can understand your wife's position . Asking her to ride on a motorcycle when she's pregnant is a tall order . Oh ... I don't let her ride with me . It's just too dangerous . She takes the bus to work , but it is sometimes difficult to get a seat and it's crowded and hot . So it's time to buy your very first car ! Wow , that's exciting ! Yes , but it's also a pretty big financial responsibility . Yeah . I still remember my first car . It was an old clunker that my dad gave me when I turned 17 . I drove it around for a couple of years until I scraped together enough money to buy a better secondhand car . I'm having a hard time deciding which model is best for us . Yeah , it is a tough call . Each one has its pros and cons . Are you looking for a sedan ? Yes , I'd like a Jeep , but my wife says we have to get a comfortable sedan for long drives home to see her relatives . I'd advise you to listen to your wife . She will be sitting in the back taking care of the kids so whatever she prefers is probably the best choice . Can I help you ? I'd like to send a fax to Shenzhen . Is it a photograph or a document ? Each of both . Could I see both of them ? Here you are . You can't send this document ; it is not clear enough to send . The photograph is all right . Well , how long will it take to arrive in Shenzhen ? Couple of minutes . Great . How much ? 5 $ . You should change another much clearer photograph for fax . Thank you . I will deal with it . Good morning , can I see your passport , please ? Here you are . For business or pleasure ? Business . Thank you . Have a pleasant stay . Take care , Peter . Don't run so fast . Are you tired ? Oh , yes . May I sit on the grass ? No , you mustn't sit on the grass . Don't you see the notes ? Yes , I can see it . But what's on it ? It says ' Keep off the grass ! ' Well , there's a bench under the tree . We can sit there . Be careful . You can't smoke here . Why not ? Can't you see the notes there ? It says ' No smoking here ' . I'd like a double room . Do you have a reservation ? Yes , I called you last week from New York . My name is George Lee . Wait a second , PLS . Yes , Mr . Lee , we have a room reserved for you . How long do you plan to stay ? Probably two days . My wife will join me tomorrow . Then we will decide when to leave for Seattle . Would you sign the register , PLS ? By the way , does my room have a private bath ? Certainly , every room in this hotel has a private bath . Does my room have twin beds or a double ? I prefer a room with twin beds . Your room has twin beds , Mr.Lee . It also has a view . I am sure you will like it . This is your key . It's on the eighth floor room 801 . The elevator's over there . Thank you . One more thing , where is your restaurant ? The restaurant is on the second floor . We also have a cafeteria on the top floor . If you would like something to drink , you can either call room service or come down here . The bar is right behind the lobby . Thank you , you are very kind ! You are welcome ! I need to find a bus that'll take me to the Gold Line . Where do you live ? I live up in Altadena . The 264 will take you there . It goes all the way there ? I know for a fact that it goes to the station . What street would I catch it on ? If you go to Altadena Drive , you can catch it there . I didn't know that bus went to the Gold Line station . Yup , it does . Well , thanks for letting me know . It was my pleasure . May I help you ? I have a problem . What ’ s the problem ? Someone else is making charges on my debit card . I need to see a statement for your debit card . I have it right here . Can you show me which charges you ’ re referring to ? The last four charges . We will need to do an investigation on this . How long will that take ? We ’ ll have to freeze payment on those charges until the investigation is finished . I really appreciate your help . Do you think we can go driving right now ? Yeah , sure . Let's go . Buckle up . All right . Now what ? Now you put the key in the ignition and start the car . Which direction should I take ? Make a left on this next street . Tell me how far to go . Keep going until I tell you to stop . Okay , but let me know ahead of time . That's all for today , so park right there . That was great . Thanks for taking me driving . I'm after some chinese incense burner ? How's this one ? How's this one ? Oh , I need a small one , otherwise my luggage will be overweight . What about this one ? Oh , this is fine . Hello . This is the Holiday Inn . Can I help you ? Hi . Is there a special rate for a group reservation ? Yes . There is a 20 % to 40 % discount . It depends on the season.During the summer the discount is 20 % . During the winter it is 40 % . I need five single rooms in October . How much of a discount can I get ? Our summer season ended in September . So the discount will be 40 % . That ’ s a good deal . Would you prefer rooms with a front view or rear view ? Front view , please . What date and time will you be checking in ? October 25th around 2:00 in the afternoon . We need you to send a deposit for 1/3 of the bill . You can send the check , or you can use the credit card . Ok . I ’ ll send a check . Could you tell me your name , address and phone number , please ? Sure . My name is Anderson . My address is 109 Ferguson East , Holton . And my phone number is 309 789 1267 . Thanks . How much further do we have to walk ? It's about 3 kilometers . Shall we have a rest here ? I am tired out . Why not walk further to the tree over there ? Good idea . So we Can rest in the shadow of the tree . I need your help . Oh , what's up ? I locked myself out . What do you suggest I do ? Well , the best thing to do is to go down to the front desk and ask for a duplicate key . Ahhs ! I'm beat ! What happened to you ? You look like you got hit by a tornado ! I just got back from fighting the crowds . You mean at the mall ? Was there a sale ? Yeah . For five minutes , everything was half off . It was total chaos ... Cool ! Grabbing , pushing and shoving ... Do you have a swimming pool in this hotel ? We don't have a swimming pool , sir , but we do have swim stations in the gym . I never heard of a swim station . Is that like a train or bus station ? It's just a deep bathtub with a current of water that you swim against . Holy cow ! I never heard of such a thing . How much do they cost ? As a guest , sir , you pay nothing . This sounds better every second . Now , when can I use the stations ? If you want to swim , you can visit the gym any day between 7 a . m . and 10 p . m . Oh , boy ! This is going to be great . I'm going to the gym right now ! I'm sure you'll enjoy your workout , sir . Everyone seems to like the swim stations . Excuse me , Bill ? Hi , Christine . How ’ s it going ? Fine , thanks . Mr . Emory would like to meet with Mr . Macmillan tomorrow afternoon . Can you take a look at his book ? Sure , just a second . All right , what time ? Sir , may I help you ? Yes , I want to book a room . Sure . What kind of room do you like ? Well , could you let me see the room ? Ok . What about this one ? It's fine . What beautiful scenery outside the window ! I think this one will do . I am glad you like it . I'd like to buy a bottle of Centrum , a dozen tooth brushes , some baby's wipes , and a small bottle of aspirin . Centrum ? We have bottles of thirty and one hundred tablets . Which kind do you want ? Give me one bottle of one hundred tablets . And what kind of toothbrushes would you like ? Can I have a look at them ? Sure . This brand is supposed to be very good , but they're expensive . Those are new products . They come in several colors and sizes . There is also hard , soft , and medium . Are they cheaper ? This one is 10 % off . That one has no reduction , but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six toothbrushes . So if I buy a dozen , I'll get two free tubes of toothpaste ? That's right . Good . I ' ll take a dozen of them then . And here is your aspirin . What else did you say you want ? Baby's wipes . Johnson's . Anything else ? Well , actually I'd like to buy some vitamins for my son . He's five months old . Can you suggest any ? Sure . Here you are . This one is excellent . Just mix one drop of it with milk . Thanks . That'll be all . Excuse me , did you see a set of keys ? What kind of keys ? Five keys and a small foot ornament . What a shame ! I didn't see them . Well , can you help me look for it ? That's my first time here . Sure . It's my pleasure . I'd like to help you look for the missing keys . It's very kind of you . It's not a big deal.Hey , I found them . Oh , thank God ! I don't know how to thank you , guys . You're welcome . Good coming , sir . What can I do for you ? Good coming . I would like to open a new account . I want to deposit 500 dollars . Very good , sir . What kind would you like ? Could you tell me how many kinds there are in your bank ? Besides the checking account , there's a monthly savings account and a daily interest account . Oh , I think I'd like to take the monthly savings account then . Would you fill out this form ? OK . Here you are . All right . And here's your deposit book . Thank you . Goodbye . Goodbye . Good morning , Mr . Smith . Welcome to Wuhan . Good morning ! Mr . Smith , did you have a good journey ? I just feel a little tired . You know , it took me 16 hours to get here . You must take a rest today . That's very kind of you , but I can do without a rest . I have long wanted to have a talk with you about the possibility of business between us . We welcome good business . Anyhow , we know you must get tired by the flight , so we arrange a meeting tomorrow . Today you can have a good rest . Thank you very much . We hope your stay here a pleasant one ! I believe I will . Excuse me ! What time is it ? My watch stopped . Let me see . It's 9 Is your watch right ? I think so . I set it by the radio this morning . By the way , can you tell me what the date it is today , and what day it is , please ? Well , it's the 10th and on the Tuesday . Good afternoon . Can I help you ? I'd like to leave this bag with you . OK , sir . Is there anything valuable or breakable in it ? Well ... there is a necklace in it . Would you mind taking the necklace with you , or leaving it at the safe deposit box ? Well , don't bother . I'll take it with me . Will that be all right ? Thank you , sir . Here is your tag . This cloakroom is open till 11:00 p . m . , could you pick it up by then ? Sure . thank you . The ATM machine outside won't give me back my card . Let's go take a look at it . Do you have your ID with you ? Yes , here it is . Okay , I see the problem . You forgot your code , didn't you ? How did you know ? The machine gives you three attempts to enter the correct code and after that it assumes that you are not the real owner and confiscates it . Oh . But can I have my card back now ? Yes , I can get it for you but I need to go back inside the bank . What's the name of the girl that has just passed us ? Her name is Rose.Why ? She's so pretty . I'd like to make friends with her . Oh , shut up.She ' s already got married . Excuse me , sir . Are there only 3 programs in your hotel ? Of course not . We have 50 channels in all . Well . I am afraid it must be my fault . Can you send someone here to help me ? OK . I will send a maid to your room right now . How do you feel ? I'm getting sleepy . You've had so long a flight . Time difference also makes me feel weak . Oh , I forgot about it . It's four o'clock in the morning in Chicago now , but it's time to go to bed in Shanghai . Don't think so much . Take a good sleep and you'll feel better soon . Good afternoon , Peace restaurant , may I help you ? I'd like to reserve a table for two , my wife and I . Yes , sir . What time would you like , sir ? I'm not sure . Perhaps around 8 PM . Fine , a reserve a table for two at 8 PM , sir , may I have your name , please ? Juliet , Juliet Berman . Thank you , Mr.Berman . and you prefer smoking or non-smoking ? Non-smoking will be fine , please . But it is more important that you get a table by the window . It's our anniversary , and I'd like to be very special . I'll try my best . With a toward to having with this tonight , Mr.Berman . Thank you , goodbye . Goodbye , and have a nice day . Good morning , May . Good girl , you are reading English books again . Good morning . There is no reason to miss so beautiful a morning . Is that a new bird ? Oh , yes , my daughter bought it yesterday . We call her Lulu . It looks so cute . Is it a parrot ? Yes . Just look at her colorful feathers . What else can it be ? I see . It's interesting that there is also a parrot in my English book . His mane is Polly . Really ? A foreign parrot ! He can speak English , too . Maybe you can teach Lulu some English words . Lulu . Lulu . Say hello . hello . Oh , she is so smart . Good bird . my mp3 player is broken , so I want to change it for an mp4 player . Can you offer any advice about which brand and model to buy ? an mp4 player ? why don't you buy a new cell phone ? You can find an mp4 player inside any of the latest cell phones . Oh , that's a good idea . Perhaps I should have a try . look at my cell phone . I can listen to music , watch movies , take pictures , play games , surf the web and download documents . It's just like a PAD . that's cool . I can use the computer and the internet pretty well , but I'm a little bit slow in the latest trends of digital products . that's Ok . you know , digital devices are becoming smaller and easier to carry , and they won't cost you too much . yeah , if I buy a cell phone like this , I don't have to take a music player everywhere I go , and I can save the cost of buying an extra mp4 . that's right . what's the flash memory of your old mp3 ? 256MB . then any cell phone can meet your need because they generally have memories of over 512MB . What can I get you ? A cheeseburger and an order of french fries would be great . Would you like anything to drink ? I feel like having a Coke . That's a good idea . I think I'll join you . Mr . Bryant ? Hi , I'm Mike from Florence Incorporated . I'll glad you made it okay . How was your flight ? It was pretty bumpy , also a bit long , all together about 5 hours . That is a long flight . You had a layover too , is that right ? You must be tired . Actually I feel quite rested . I was able to sleep on the plane . Good ! Here , let me help you with your bag . Is it your first time to Seattle ? I'd be happy to take you around this city and show you the sights tonight if you're up to it . That will be very nice . You're too kind . I've already made a hotel reservation for you , let's go to the hotel first and drop off your things . Then , I'd like to have a drink so that we can get better acquainted . I've booked a table at an exclusive restaurant downtown . Afterwards , I've made arrangements to take you to see the city lights . Seattle ’ s nightlife can be really quite exciting . How does that schedule sound to you ? Sounds great . Thank you for your hospitality . Watch out ! It's dark over there . That's all right . I can manage . Be careful ! The road is muddy.You might slip . Thanks for the warning . Happy Birthday , this is for you , Brian . I'm so happy you remember , please come in and enjoy the party . Everyone's here , I'm sure you have a good time . Brian , may I have a pleasure to have a dance with you ? Ok . This is really wonderful party . Yes , you are always popular with everyone . and you look very pretty today . Thanks , that's very kind of you to say . I hope my necklace goes with my dress , and they both make me look good I feel . You look great , you are absolutely glowing . Thanks , this is a fine party . We should have a drink together to celebrate your birthday I'm going to buy a new living room set . Where are you going to buy one ? I'm really not sure . You like my living room set , don't you ? Where did you buy it ? I found mine at IKEA . Are they expensive ? Everything I got from IKEA cost me a couple thousand . Is the furniture crafted well ? The furniture isn't built cheap . I'll pay the money , as long as I'm getting what I pay for . You will feel comfortable paying the money . What do we need to get from the supermarket ? We need lots of things . I ’ ll make a list . We need a bag of sugar , a loaf of bread and a crate of beer . A crate of beer ? Why do we need that ? Just joking . I would like to get a few bottles of beer though . We also need a liter of cooking oil . we can buy a three-liter bottle . It works out cheaper per liter . We should buy a packet of butter and a few pints of milk too . I ’ d like to get a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of tomato ketchup . Do we need any meat ? I think we should get half a kilo of minced beef and a few pork chops . Ok . Let ’ s not forget fruit and vegetables . We need a bunch of bananas , a kilo of tomatoes and a bag of potatoes . We should also get a tube of toothpaste and a bar of soap . Let ’ s get a tub of ice cream too . We can treat ourselves . Ok . We should get a few tins of tuna . Anything else ? I ’ d like a few cans of coke . We also need a dozen eggs and half a dozen sausages . let ’ s get a chunk of cheese too . Is that everything . I think so . I ’ Ve got the shopping list , so let ’ s go . We want to order some of these products . Mr . Thomas , this is a standard size . Can you supply us right away ? Yes , we have plenty on hand right now . Good , we'll take 500 suits . OK , thanks for the order . What's on TV tonight ? Nothing special . What's the weather like in Britain ? It's wet and rains a lot.But right now it's the golden season to take a tour there . It is fine there almost everyday . That's great . Will I feel hot there ? I feel sensitive to heat . It's not so hot as it is here . Look ! They're going to do the first drawing ! It's for a DVD player ! Hmm . That must be the DVD player that another one of my friends donated . He owns one of the largest electronics stores in Taipei ! They're picking a name ... It's ... Darryl from marketing ! Rats ! Don't worry ! There are a lot more prizes ! I know , because the prizes are all from companies that I work with ! Hmm ... Darryl doesn't look like the red underwear type ... Any questions ? When will I know your decision ? Can we get in touch with you by e-mail ? Is this convenient for you ? It ’ s quite convenient . Thank you for your interest in our company . OK . Thank you very much . John , it ’ s time to get up . It can ’ t be time to get up yet . It is . Hurry up ! You ’ ll be late for school . What ’ s the time ? It ’ s nearly half past seven . My watch says ten past . It ’ s slow . Hurry up ! The bus goes at twenty to eight . Are you sure half past seven ? Positive . I ’ ll put the radio on . It ’ s only seven o ’ clock . Your watch is fast . No , it isn ’ t . It ’ s stopped . I forgot to wind it up last night . I could have stayed in bed for another half hour . Excuse me . When's the next bus ? The next bus will be here in four minutes . Oh , good . That'll be the number forty four ? No , it's the number fifty-eight . So when's the next forty-four ? Will it be here soon ? No , it won't . So when will it be here then ? Never . Never ? That's right . The number forty-four doesn't stop here any more . Its stop is round the corner . How much is it to rent an economy car ? ¥ 200 a day or ¥ 1200 a week , unlimited mileage . Could I have one for tomorrow morning ? Do you have your driver's license ? Sure . Here it is . Good . Now just complete this form . Is this the central park to East Market bus ? This is the East market to Central park bus . Where do you want to go ? To the ministry government hall . Take the same number bus going other direction . There ’ s stop right cross the street . Thank you . Good morning , sir . Are you checking out now ? Yes . Steven Smith , room 609 . Fine . This is your bill , Mr . Smith . Four nights at 100 dollars each , and here are the meals that you had in our hotel . That makes a total of 660 dollars . Can I pay by credit card ? Certainly . May I have your card , please ? Here you are . Please sign your name here . OK . Is it possible to leave my luggage here until I'm ready to leave this afternoon ? I'd like to say goodbye to some of my friends . Yes , we'll keep it for you . How many pieces of your luggage ? Just three . I'll be back at 3:00 p . m . That's fine . Have a nice day ! Thank you . See you later . Hello , who is speaking ? Hello , this is John . I want to speak to Linda . This is her . Hi , Linda , I'm just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening . Really ? What time and where ? 7:30 PM at London-Chinese restaurant . I \ ' ll be at your place at seven to pick you up if you need a ride . Yes , please , I'll need a ride . I'll be waiting for you then . See you tomorrow at seven . Make sure your dress a little formally . I heard the restaurant is kind of upscale . Thank you , see you then . See you . Ahh ... What a fine day ! I do feel like an outdoor exercise . How about taking a walk in the park ? OK.It ' s delightful to have a walk in the park with the air so fresh . ( After they enter the park ) Oh , it's so quiet here.We have the park to ourselves , only you and me ! Don't you see many people over there ? Just on your left . Oh , I see them.Some are doing Taijiquan , some are performing swordplay , some are practising the Chinese Wushu . A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China . I'm so sorry about your brother , Mr . Wang . Thanks , Jane . If you need any help , just let me know . Hi , Jeny.Are still working ? Hi , Nacy.Come in please . I'm just putting away on my books . So , you are leaving , aren't you ? yes , I'm going to take a holiday tomorrow . How nice ! I can see you are busying packing . I'm sorry to interrupt you . That's all right . I'm almost finished.Do you need my help ? Yes , could you please go over this for me ? and see if there is any mistake in it ? Oh . all right I'll read it soon . Excuse me for taking your time . It's nothing Navy . Welcome , sir . What can I do for you ? May I have a look at that china tea set ? It is extremely beautiful . You've made a good choice . This china tea set is unusual . It was made in Jingdezhen . Jingdezhen ? Oh , I know it . Isn't it called the capital of porcelain ? Yes , sir . Oh , it must be very precious . Is it breakable ? No , if you take some care when you use them . How much is it ? Two thousand . Oh , it is beyond my purse .